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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 20303 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS SPECIAL WARFARE ASSAULT Roles August 10, 1982 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 20303 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SPECIAL WARFARE ASSAULT roles. During the last decade, technology equipped with a relatively significant de­ CRAFT AND FORCES: AN has combined with geopolitical change, such structive capability in their surface-to-sur­ INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE as a new law of the sea regime, to propel a face missiles. These craft, however, are not proliferation of missile-armed fast patrol usually conceived to be employed in the craft around the globe. For the most part, rather specialized tasks associated with Spe­ HON. LARRY McDONALD these vessels are used for rountine patrol ac­ cial Warfare. ::>F GEORGIA tivities. In some cases, however, small naval The number of navies that actually design IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES craft are being developed for specialized or can adapt vessels for Special Warfare is tasks that, in some military confrontations actually quite small. Not surprisingly, they Tuesday, August 10, 1982 in the Third World especially, could spell are navies of nations with considerable e Mr. McDONALD. Mr. Speaker, spe­ the difference between naval success and naval capabilities across the board, that are cial warfare units of the United King­ failure. It is this Special Warfare and its im­ concerned with the projection of naval dom played a crucial role in the Brit­ plications for naval technology that the re­ power, and/or that have the industrial re­ ish success in the Falklands. Since mainder of this essay is addressed. sources that can be devoted to such a spe­ Special Warfare is a limited, but danger­ cialized task. Vietnam, our own special warfare ous, activity. Those trained for Naval Spe­ units have been reduced and little cial Warfare are highly motivated and pre­ THE UNITED STATES notice has been given to them, except pared for unconventional military actions in In many ways, the United States has been for a brief flare of publicity over the and near hostile waters to reconnoiter and the leader in conceptualizing the require­ ill-fated rescue attempt in Iran. David clear beaches, blow up bridges, attach mines ments for Special Warfare from the naval Fitzgerald, himself a former SEAL, by swimmer attack to docked ships in perspective. Since its experience in Vietnam, enemy areas, and generally conduct direct in particular, the U.S. Navy has explored al­ has written an article on special war­ highly sensitive missions against an unsus­ ternatives for the conduct of these special­ fare that appeared in Military Tech­ pecting enemy. Most usually they are orga­ ized tasks. nology magazine for May 1982. In my nized into underwater demolition teams as The American experience has been based view, this type of warfare needs more frogmen or, in the U.S. case at least, into in part on its use of the PBR <Patrol Boat attention from our military leaders, SEAL <Sea-Air-Land) Teams. River> that was first introduced into South­ and Mr. Fitzgerald's article provides a It is important to understand what Spe­ east Asia in 1966. Designed for high speed good forum for discussion of the naval cial Warfare is not. By Special Warfare, one patrol of rivers in hotly contested areas, the aspects of special warfare. The article is not referring to amphibious assault, the PBR was heavily armed and crew areas were capability for forcible entry into hostile given additional protection with ceramic follows: areas from the sea by large numbers of ma­ armor. Extremely maneuverable, the PBR SPECIAL WARFARE ASSAULT CRAFT AND rines. Amphibious assault remains an impor­ combined a fiberglass reinforced hull with FORCES: AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE tant naval mission and an amphibious capa­ pump jet propulsion so that it could operate <By David Fitzgerald) bility is a vital component for any navy in shallow, debris-filled waters. In order to <America's war in Vietnam has increasing­ seeking the ability to project power. It dif­ achieve maximum patrol, guidepost and in­ ly been a topic for analysis among those fers from Special Warfare, however, in that sertion capabilities the PBR was equipped scholars and analysts who are attempting to the goal of an amphibious assault is often with engine silencing and limited radar. draw some conclusion from that unfortu­ the direct defeat of enemy forces whereas They were often used to support SEAL nate experience for future U.S. military op­ the goal of Special Warfare differs signifi­ Team operations which required a craft for erations, both with respect to strategy and cantly. Special Warfare is often designed to effective insertion and extraction in enemy tactics. Most of the military analysis to date have an indirect impact by disrupting the controlled areas of interest. has focused on the large issues such as the enemy's ability to conduct military oper­ The United States built more than 500 effectiveness of the pacification programs, ations through attacks on his logistical pipe­ PBRs between 1967 and 1973, attesting to the costs and benefits of Vietnamization or line and political and military infrastruc­ its ruggedness, versatility and popularity. the utility of the bombing campaign in the ture. Amphibious assault is frequently Most of the boats were subsequently trans­ north.> straightforward; Special Warfare often uses ferred to South Vietnam with a few sent to Unaddressed as yet, however, have been deception and capitalizes on unique intelli­ Thailand. The Thais continue to use them some special military issues, one of which gence, equipment, and experienced person­ for duty on the Mekong River. In Vietnam, was dramatized by Francis Ford Coppola in nel. The difference can be seen in alterna­ however, the PBRs, totaling almost 300, are "Apocalypse Now," an updated rendition of tive plans that have been put forward for listed as "non-operational." Joseph Conrad's classic Heart of Darkness, the British recapture of the Falkland Is­ A second important development by the that is riverine warfare and special oper­ lands. Some have suggested an over-the­ U.S. Navy was the PB <Patrol Boat> series, ations. While perhaps a sideshow of the beach assault by British marines to defeat the MK I version of which was constructed major conflict, the U.S. devoted significant entrenched Argentine troops. Others have by Sewart Seacraft of Beswick, Louisiana. assets to controlling the Mekong River with suggested first inserting special commando The MK III was constructed by Peterson somewhat greater success than in other squads of royal marines at night which Builders in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. areas of the war. could engage in special operations to disrupt The 65-foot PB was designed to be a high The American experience with riverine Argentine capabilities prior to a British as­ speed weapons platform for naval inshore warfare in Vietnam is not so important as sault. warfare <NIW> forces. Using a modular an aspect of that war, but it does hold some Special Warfare must also be distin­ design concept, the PB represents an ex­ significance in that it would well reflect an guished from the new tasks imposed on tremely flexible platform that could be used important dimension of naval warfare in the maritime forces as a consequence of the for a number of missions, especially in future. Although the British fleet has been changing maritime environment flowing rivers, harbors and coastal environments, al­ dispatched to the Falkland Islands in a from the establishment of 12-mile territorial though open sea performance would also naval exercise reminiscent of traditional waters, 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zones not be ruled out. Initial missions for which naval missions, the British effort in the and so on. Many countries of the world have the craft was designed included patrol, sur­ South Atlantic could well be the exception procured or are procuring a variety of small veillance, interdiction, fire support against to the rule in the future. If, as seems likely, attack craft to protect their newly found targets both ashore and afloat and insertion the majority of conflicts witnessed by the maritime resources from encroachment. extraction of NIW units. Future mission ca­ world during the next decade will be in There is also concern in some countries, es­ pabilities that were considered possible those of irregular warfare and in areas of pecially in the Third World, that they need when the craft was designed included ASW the globe defined as the Third World. Large some capability to protect themselves and mine-laying, detection of sweeping. scale naval encounters of the World War II­ against power projection by superpower The main deck of the all-aluminum craft variety, let alone Trafalgar, will not occur. navies or neighbors with relatively strong was reinforced to provide the capability for The most likely will be the use of smaller, naval capabilities. Consequently, the small these additional tasks once the appropriate unconventional naval forces in specialized craft that are being procured are often hardware systems became available. Other e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 20304 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS August 10, 1982 design features worthy of note are the low apply an IFF system developed for aircraft, are well over 100 tons displacement, demon­ silhouette, low radar cross section and low to use the latest DOD standard secure voice strating that the Soviet Union defines its acoustic noise levels to avoid detection and system and to install a new series of high re­ light forces more for the traditional role of reasonable stability in heavy seas that, to­ liability General Motors engines. coastal protection than any kind of Special gether with good communication and radar The SEAFOX represents the first major Warfare role. The widespread distribution capabilities, allows for all weather, day or development in the area of light naval of the ZHUK class patrol boats around the night operations.
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