Glosario De Términos Para La Normalización De Los Nombres Geográficos

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Glosario De Términos Para La Normalización De Los Nombres Geográficos ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/85 Department of Economic and Social Affairs Statistics Division United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names Glossary of Terms for the Standardization of Geographical Names Glossaire de termes pour la normalisation des noms géographiques Glosario de términos para la normalización de los nombres geográficos Глоссарий терминов для стандартизации географических названий 地名标准化术语汇编 ـد ا ـت ا ـ ـ اـ ء ا ـاـ United Nations New York, 2002 NOTE The designations employed and the presentation of material in the present publica- tion do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The term “country” as used in the text of this publication also refers, as appropriate, to territories or areas. The designations “more developed”, “less developed” and “least developed” as ap- plied to countries, areas or regions are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgement about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/85 UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION Sales No. M.01.XVII.7 ISBN 92-1-061192-6 Copyright © United Nations, 2002 All rights reserved Printed in United Nations, New York CONTENTS Page ENGLISH Glossary of terms for the standardization of geographical names Introduction ........................................................................................ 3 Glossary .............................................................................................. 5 FRENCH Glossaire de termes pour la normalisation des noms géographiques Introduction ........................................................................................ 31 Glossary .............................................................................................. 33 Index ................................................................................................... 67 SPANISH Glosario de términos para la normalización de los nombres geográficos Introduction ........................................................................................ 77 Glossary .............................................................................................. 79 Index ................................................................................................... 109 RUSSIAN Глоссарий терминов для стандартизации географических названий Introduction ........................................................................................ 117 Glossary .............................................................................................. 119 Index ................................................................................................... 155 CHINESE 地名标准化术语汇编 Introduction ........................................................................................ 171 Glossary .............................................................................................. 173 Index ................................................................................................... 203 ARABIC *:د ا"?<=>!ت ا":4+%* ( )'&% ا$#"!ء اا Introduction ........................................................................................ 215 Glossary .............................................................................................. 217 Index ................................................................................................... 250 iii Glossary of Terms for the Standardization of Geographical Names Edited by Naftali Kadmon Convenor, Working Group on Toponymic Terminology INTRODUCTION The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical At a number of meetings of the Working Group, the Names (UNGEGN) discussed United Nations Glossary No. Glossary was further modified and then submitted, with the 330: Technical Terminology Employed in the Standardiza- inclusion of 375 terms, as version 4 to the Seventh United tion of Geographical Names1 at its fourteenth session, held Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical in Geneva from 17 to 26 May 1989.2 It noted that updates Names, held in New York from 13 to 22 January 1998.7 had twice been prepared and in 1987 it included 175 terms. A multilingual glossary cannot ignore certain differ- Several problems that required attention were noted, ences in the usage of equivalent terms. Therefore, some among them lack of completeness on the one hand and re- discrepancies will be found between the definitions of spe- dundancy on the other. Furthermore, Glossary No. 330 did cific terms in the six languages. Examples, too, must vary not provide examples describing the terms defined, nor did to a certain degree, but basic examples, and in particular the definitions address non-Roman scripts or non-European those in non-Roman scripts, have been retained in all languages. UNGEGN accordingly set up the Working language versions of the Glossary. In some cases, the Group on Toponymic Terminology, with Professor Naftali definitions differ somewhat from those found in general Kadmon (Israel) as convenor3 and general editor of the dictionaries, having been adapted specifically to toponymic Glossary. usage. The report of the Working Group4 was presented by the The following persons, all acting in a personal capacity convenor to the United Nations Group of Experts on Geo- and on a voluntary basis, translated the Glosssary into the graphical Names at its fifteenth session, held in Geneva various languages: French: Mme Sylvie Lejeune and from 11 to 19 November 1991.5 A first version of the new Messrs Henri Dorion, Jean-Yves Dugas and Christian Bon- Glossary contained 336 terms and their definitions in Eng- nelly; Spanish: Sr. José Cruz Almeida; Chinese: Messrs Du lish, including examples from 16 languages and scripts. Xiangming and Wang Shuping; Arabic: Mr. Nasser Al- Subsequently, the members of the Working Group added Harty; Russian: Messrs V. M. Boginskiy, G. I. Donidze and numerous amendments and additions. I. P. Litvin and Ms. Z. V. Rubcova. The Sixth United Nations Conference on Standardiza- The assistance of all members of the Working Group on tion of Geographical Names, held in New York from 25 Toponymic Terminology, and in particular that of the editor August to 3 September 1992, recommended in its resolution and the translators, all of whom gave freely of their exper- 11 “that the Working Group on Toponymic Terminology be tise and time, is gratefully acknowledged. Ms. Jennifer asked to continue to function, with the aim of producing Javier of the United Nations Statistics Division, Depart- a multilingual dictionary of toponymic terminology to in- ment of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations clude the remaining five official languages of the United Secretariat, assisted in preparing the Glossary for publica- Nations”.6 In the same resolution, it also recommended that tion. It is hoped that this work will further the worldwide the Working Group “be asked to review the glossary peri- standardization of geographical names, leading towards odically and update it as necessary”. better human communications and understanding. ____________ 1 Document ST/CS/SER.F/330. 2 See the report of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names on the work of its fourteenth session (ESA/RT/C/ GN/12), paras. 23 and 94. 3 Ibid., para. 94. 4 Working Group on Toponymic Terminology: report for the period 1989-1991, submitted as working paper, No. 2, to the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names at its fifteenth session. ____________ 5 7 See the report of the United Nations Group of Experts on See “Glossary of Toponymic Terminology—Version 4”, paper Geographical Names on the work of its fifteenth session (GEGN/15), submitted by the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical paras. 33-36. 6 Names, Working Group on Toponymic Terminology (E/CONF.91/ See Sixth United Nations Conference on the Standardization of L.13); and Seventh United Nations Conference on the Standardization Geographical Names, New York, 25 August–3 September 1992, vol. I, of Geographical Names, New York, 13-22 January 1998, vol. I, Report Report of the Conference (United Nations publication, Sales No. of the Conference (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.98.I.18), E.93.I.23 and Corr.1), chap. III. paras. 158-161. 3 GLOSSARY OF TERMS FOR THE STANDARDIZATION OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES NOTES: Phonemic examples are shown between oblique slashes / /. Phonetic examples are shown in square brackets [ ]. Cross references within definitions are indicated by → and printed in bold type. Term Definition 001 acronym Word formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive or major parts of a composite term. Examples: Soweto (South West Townships); radar; UNGEGN. 002 address Computer location where a particular item is stored. 003 allograph Each of the particular graphic representations of a →grapheme. Examples: in English, ff, ph and gh are allographs of f, the grapheme for the /f/ →phoneme; in German, ss = sz = ß, ä = ae. 004 allomorph Each of two or more differing →phonological manifestations of a given →morpheme. Example: the es in boxes and the en in oxen are allomorphs of the plural morpheme. 005 allonym Each of two or more toponyms employed in reference to a single →topographic feature. Examples: Hull, Kingston
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