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Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program

500hr (300hr supplemental training)

Launches November 2016

www.dragonflyyoga.com :: 850-244-0184

1 Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program 2017-2018

Dragonfly Yoga 500YA supplemental Teacher Training Program Launch March 11, 2017

www.dragonflyyoga.com :: 850 - 244 - 0184

Application and Enrollment Instructions and Check List

Thank you for applying to the Dragonfly Yoga (300-hr supplement) 500-hour Teacher Training Program. We are excited to offer this to the community! This is a 14-month program meeting once a month.


¨ 200YA Registration or proof of certification ¨ Two Letters of Recommendation ¨ Schedule Entrance Interview (Dragonfly Yoga 200YTT graduates are exempt)

Requirement for Graduation

¨ Completion of required hours ¨ Regular home and studio practice ¨ Exit Examination

Application/Enrollment Check list:

¨ Application Form ¨ $500 application fee ¨ Headshot (to help us familiarize ourselves with you) ¨ Copy of your 200YA registration with

Application Process:

§ You will be notified by us of your acceptance status within two weeks of submittal of this application. § Additional information regarding the training will be made available after your deposit is received and you have been accepted.

Mail or drop off your application to:

Dragonfly Yoga Attn: 500-hour Teacher Training PO Box 2322 Ft Walton Beach, FL 32549

*Please also email a copy of the Application Form and headshot (if possible) to: [email protected].

No other forms need be emailed.

2 Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program 2017-2018

Dragonfly Yoga 500YA supplemental Teacher Training Program launch October 2014

www.dragonflyyoga.com :: 850 - 244 - 0184

Personal Information

Name______Today’s Date ______

Address ______

City ______State ______Zip Code ______

Home Phone ______Work Phone______

Email Address (print clearly)______Occupation______

Emergency Contact Name______Phone______Relationship______

Application Questions (please answer on a separate page)

¨ How long have you studied yoga? ¨ List styles and main teachers. ¨ Where did you receive your 200-RYT certification and when? ¨ Do you currently teach yoga? If so, how often and what level? ¨ Have you taught yoga related workshops, series classes, or yoga retreats? ¨ Do you have experience teaching in any others field(s)? ¨ List other training or experience relevant to yoga and/or teaching? ¨ What motivated you to become a yoga teacher and what keeps you motivated? ¨ Please describe your home practice. ¨ Please share 3-5 of your favorite yoga books and why they have been valuable to you. ¨ List all injuries or illnesses and how they affect your current condition. ¨ Why are you participating in this training and what do you hope to gain from it? ¨

Payment Information: If you are not accepted to our program for any reason, we will return your registration fee. If you are accepted and decide not to participate, we do retain this fee for processing your application.

$500 non-refundable registration fee is due, to enroll you in our program.

¨ I am paying by check. Please mail the check with your application to the appropriate address on the Application Instruction page. ¨ I am paying by credit card. _____MasterCard _____Visa

Credit Card # ______Expiration Date ______/______code ______

Name as it appears on the card: ______

Is your billing information the same as your mailing address? ____Yes ___No

My billing address is: Billing Address ______City ______State______Zip Code______

I hereby authorize the above payment of: $______Please initial:______

3 Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program 2017-2018

Payment information

Formal registration will be accepted after August 1, 2016. The $500 deposit is due with your application.

To qualify for the early bird special, you must send in your application and $500 deposit and pay in full by January 1st, 2017 - $3400 [$500 deposit + $2900]

_____Paying by check. Please mail the deposit check with your application. You may also include the first installment, or may pay in full. Please include the participant’s name (if other than check holder), street address, and phone number on your check.

Make your check payable to Dragonfly Yoga Inc.

_____Paying by credit card. ___ Mastercard ___Visa

CC# ______-______-______-______exp ___/____code ______

Name as it appears on card______

Billing address and zip code______

I hereby authorize the office of Dragonfly Yoga to withdraw payment or deposit of

$ ______and program installments at 8 week intervals until Paid in Full.

Initials here to verify authorization of withdrawal: ______

Payment Programs

This program offers payment options. These payments are withdrawn from your bank acct or cc only.


Please include a non-refundable $500 deposit with your application.

Tuition paid in 4 installments including deposit is $3700. [$500 deposit + $3200] No penalty for early payment.

Installment one $800 Due Launch Day (start date)

Installment two $800 Due 8 weeks from start date

Installment three $800 Due 16 weeks from start date

Installment three $800 Due 24 weeks from start date

Monthly Payments

Please include a non-refundable $500 deposit with your application.

Tuition paid in monthly installments is $3400 [Total tuition is $500 deposit + $3400 = 2700]. No penalty for early payment.

Installment on Launch Day is $800

13 Monthly installments beginning November 2014 $200

We have a modified payment plan available for up to two trainers each year. Please call the office for more details. 4 Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program 2017-2018

The reading material cost is not a part of tuition. Plan the purchase of one (occasionally two) books per month. These are standard yoga texts that you may already own and will serve as reference guides for the training. You will need to bring your and manual for each training. You will be required to practice weekly at Dragonfly or a studio in your community. A special rate will be provided for monthly unlimited classes ($55 monthly withdrawal). This will be a fun and intense training! Adequate rest and methodical study throughout the month prove to be the best practices for internalizing the information.

Program Agreement: It is my understanding that I must fulfill all the requirements set forth by Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program. I must complete all required contact hours, public classes, homework, volunteer time, quizzes, and the practical and written final evaluations in order to receive my letter of completion of the program. The certificate of completion may then be submitted to Yoga Alliance for registration, or for any use to provide proof of completed training hours.

It is my understanding that Dragonfly Yoga and its teaching staff reserves the right to ask me to leave the program at anytime if I behave in any inappropriate way, am unethical, or in violation of the ethical guidelines set forth by Yoga Alliance. In the event of any of these situations, I will not be refunded my tuition.

It is my understanding that my deposit is non-refundable, and should I cancel my participation, it must be 14 days prior to the start date, in order to receive a refund of my remaining balance after the deposit is removed. Once the program begins, tuition is non-refundable and also non-transferable, unless under special circumstances, and agreed upon by all parties.

It is my understanding that all materials are under copyright protection and cannot be reproduced by me without permission from the author.

I have read and accept the above terms and requirements: ____Yes ____No

Sign here to verify your review and acceptance of the terms and requirements of the program:______

5 Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program 2017-2018

Program Dates and Schedule


March 11-12 April 18-20 Doug Keller (Tues – Thurs, daytime) April 21-23 Doug Keller (Fri pm – Sun) May 13-14 June 10-11 July 15-16 August 19-20 September 16-17 October 20-22 November 11-12 Doug Keller Philosophy December Holiday


January 13-14 February 17-18 March 17-18 April 14-15 May 12-13

PROGRAM FEE: * ** Non-refundable deposit with application - $500 Early Bird - $3400 After Jan 1st - $3900

Payment plans are available

*Program fee includes manual and contact hours ** READING LIST books required for the program are additional costs

***ADDITIONAL costs include 30 hours for workshop credits for YA requirements

6 Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program 2017-2018

There will be 10 trainings with guest teachers. The weekend schedule will be based on the specialty of the teacher.

The three additional trainings will be similar to the sample schedule below.

Saturday 8a – 9a and 9a – 10:30 group practice 10:30 – 12n review previous skills and Q and A 12n lunch lecture - Philosophy 1-2:30p asana teaching techniques 2:30-4p Anatomy/Physiology power point 4p – 5p practice teaching


8a - 9a Pranayama and Mudra 9 -10:30a The student learning process and managing your time 10:30 – 12n Asana group practice 12n – 1p lunch lecture You Can Take It – receiving feedback and verbal teaching techniques 1p – 2p demonstrating, and how to advanced assist in classes 2p – 4p practice teaching

Primary Trainers

Prudence Farrow Bruns Doug Keller Laura Tyree

Special Guest:

Swami Jaya Devi Bhagavati


Moira Anderson Andrea Hartsog Ashley Hunt Carrie Anne Kennedy Felicia McQuaid Stacey Vann

7 Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program 2017-2018

Primary Teachers - Doug Keller ERYT500


I came to teach by way of the yoga of meditation and years of academic study of philosophy, both eastern and western. In my studies of philosophy at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown and in my graduate work at Fordham University, I gravitated toward the senior Jesuit scholars whose excellence, open minded intellectual zeal, spiritual fervor and personal integrity inspired me to dig deeply into my own studies, particularly of the classical philosophers and Christian mystics, and treat them as a personal journey of discovery.

As I completed my coursework for my PhD and taught at several colleges, I was increasingly aware that I was looking for more than philosophical ideas and systems -- I was looking for the experience itself that the mystics were talking about.

At the time I was finishing my coursework, I met the meditation master Swami Muktananda during his last tour of the west, and he gave me the connection, the practice, the awakening and the understanding I was seeking. With that, it was up to me to step through the door he had opened, not through concepts and theories, but through yoga.

I halted my academic career just short of writing my thesis, and went to in 1986 to practice yoga at his ashram and to offer my service. I spent a total of 7 years in the Ganeshpuri ashram, Gurudev Siddha Peeth, and 14 years of service overall in Siddha Yoga ashrams in the US and abroad, studying and practicing yoga, working in the kitchen and gardens, and teaching hatha yoga.

It was during my time in Ganeshpuri that I met while he was yet an Iyengar teacher who had come to study in Pune. We struck up a friendship and I was able to practice with him when I came back to 8 Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program 2017-2018 the states, study further with him, and assist in his classes, workshops and trainings for the next few years.


The time of my growth in the practice of hatha yoga was divided between individual practice at the ashram in India, and opportunities to study with teachers and expand during time spent at the ashram in New York state. There I was able to study with other teachers and in a number of styles — but principally with Kevin Gardiner, who is a certified senior level Iyengar teacher.

Kevin was the most influential to me in my growth, because of his deep insight into anatomy and physiology, his facility with precise instruction and demonstration, and the integrity with which he stays true to his chosen tradition, exploring its depth while exercising his own very individual and discriminating intellect, manifesting the heart of a yogi in his practice and teaching.

Yet because my own path was more closely tied to Siddha Yoga at the time, I was more deeply involved in the development of the Anusara system. John Friend shared with me the evolution of his thinking based principally upon the alignment teachings of the Iyengar system, and his synthesis of those teachings eventually manifested as the Anusara style of yoga he founded in 1997.

I was one of the first teachers certified as an Anusara teacher by John Friend, and taught in the Anusara style for over 7 years. At his suggestion, early on I wrote Anusara Yoga: Hatha Yoga in the Anusara Style, and continued to develop that book until Mr. Friend chose to consolidate his authority over the system and discouraged its further use among teachers seeking certification in his style.

Eventually I was forced to give up my certification in that style, which freed me to further deepen my study and understanding of the therapeutic aspects of yoga as well as well as explore the yoga tradition as a whole outside of the confines of the Anusara system.


In addition to teaching the postural practice of hatha yoga as well as pranayama and meditation, I have chosen as my focus the realm of , which is an evolving field that promises to be a vital part of the future of yoga.

The expansion of yoga beyond the practices taught in more ancient times is, to me, an expression of the freedom at the heart of yoga and of consciousness itself. This freedom was described in tantric philosophy as not simply 'liberation' or 'moksha,' but 'Swatantrya' — the freedom of Consciousness to expand and create through its own inspiration. Yoga as an expression of this is not bound to antiquity, but inherently contains the inspiration to evolve for the sake of the good.

I found the essence of this inspiration to be expressed by Swami Muktananda, who first initiated my journey into yoga: 'God dwells within you, as you, for you. See God in yourself and in each other.' All knowledge and experience is illuminated by that presence and source of inspiration.

I choose the word 'Swatantrya,' the yoga of one's own inner expansion and awakening, not to establish yet another 'style' of yoga, but to express the essence and character of what yoga promises to be.

Yoga concerns our own relationship to the Self from whom we came. It is deeply personal, experiential, and ultimately unmediated by any system of conceptual thought. The teachings of yoga simply provide us with the introduction to our own Self.

Philosophy provides the contemplation and focus that help us to aim more deeply into the experience.

9 Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program 2017-2018

In the end, the 'breakthrough' we experience is what the Christian mystic Meister Eckhart described as the breakthrough into our own heart, where the Divine most fully dwells. This is the teaching I want to share, along with the practices and means offered by yoga to support that inward journey.

I travel nationally and internationally offering workshops and teacher trainings. I've traveled from one end of the United States to the other, and my international travels have included teacher trainings in Europe as well as Asia. My home base is at the Health Advantage Yoga Center in Herndon, Virginia, near Dulles outside of Washington D.C., where I teach upper level classes.

Primary Teacher – Prudence Farrow Bruns ERYT500, Director of Dear Prudence

Prudence followed an early interest in meditation and yoga in 1966 at the age of 18 when she started Transcendental Meditation®. In 1966-67, she studied with Swami Satchidananda to be a yoga instructor, eventually opening and running the Integral Yoga Institute in Boston.

In 1968, she went to India to study with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and was made a teacher of Transcendental Meditation®. It was at this course that she met the Beatles and they wrote the song “Dear Prudence” about her. After marrying and while raising a family, she began working in film as Art Department Coordinator for Woody Allen, and as a producer with artists such as Andy Kaufman, Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Paula Vogel, award winning directors Bruce Beresford and Alan Bridges and Tony award winning writer Hugh Leonard.

She is best known for originating and developing the feature film Widow’s Peak, starring her sister, Mia Farrow, Joan Plowright and Natasha Richardson. She received co-producing credit. While continuing to teach Transcendental Meditation® over the many years, Prudence’s interest in yoga never wavered. After raising 3 children, she returned to school receiving her PhD in South Asian Studies, , from the University of , Berkeley, in 2007.

She has published her memoir, Dear Prudence: The Story Behind the Song, a book on Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis along with articles on South Asian studies, world religion, Ayurvedic medicine and healthy living for academic journals and magazines. She has presented at numerous conferences such as at Harvard University, University of Texas at Austin, University of Hawaii, University of California at Berkeley and taught courses at UC Berkeley and Rutgers University. She and her husband live in Seagrove Beach and have three children and four grandchildren.

Primary Teacher – Laura Tyree ERYT500, MA 68035, Director Dragonfly Yoga Studies

How might one describe Laura Tyree? Sincere introspection infused with warm humor, dynamic energy, and tenacious perseverance are all trademarks of Laura and her teaching style.

10 Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program 2017-2018

Laura encourages her students to utilize their yoga practice in a multitude of ways. Many deepen their awareness of self and open fully to their unique beauty and strength, both inner and outer. Her teachings grow and blossom as her life transforms. Blend these cherished traits with her unique approach to the eight-limb path, mantra meditation, anatomy, and psychology and then one can grasp the full, organic richness of her yogic style. On this journey, she combines hand mudras with asana, linking the breath, mantra, energetic clarity, and spiritual concepts to flow richly into a timeless experience of yoga and the self.

Laura Tyree first trained with Jan Campbell and the rigorous Method in 1986, while recovering from a sports related injury from college. She began teaching in 1990 after meeting teachers and . Internal awareness, breath, and compassionate purpose lead her to deepen her practice and her studies.

Co-founder of Yoga Source in Nashville TN (1996), she began to teach in earnest and found an even deeper love in the continued sharing of the yoga knowledge. After many years of practice and study with Rodney, Erich and other dedicated and renowned teachers, she continues to hone her teaching skills and explore her personal growth.

Laura opened the Florida doors of Dragonfly Yoga Studies January of 2001, consolidating her training programs into one, 10 month long teacher’s course. With her love of adventure and nature, she now travels to facilitate yoga asana workshops and teacher trainings throughout the Southeast, and enjoys teaching public classes and her teacher training programs in Florida, Mississippi and Tennessee. Laura's love of music and chanting lead to the release of several music and instructional CD available on iTunes.

Her favorite teachers include: Erich Schiffmann, Rodney Yee, Colleen Yee, Jan Campbell, Janet Gormley, Doug Keller, Prudence Bruns, and Swami Jaya Devi Bhagavati.

Laura is also a Reiki Master and Massage Therapist, Her chief modality is Myo-fascial Release Training from Master instructor John Barnes, a gentle, therapeutic form for healing fascia and the nervous system.

Laura’s clinic bio

Laura's first introduction to massage therapy was in 1986. She had just begun practicing yoga when she suffered an automobile accident. Her yoga teacher suggested her recovery included massage therapy and chiropractic care. She dove into the study of anatomy to understand the trauma to her body, both from the accident, and the multiple injuries she experienced as an amateur athlete.

Laura believes that health and wholeness are activated from within; that healing comes through the release of stress from the body, and the mind. You can feel her many years of spiritual practice and yogic knowledge in her hands and her work. That knowledge, along with grace, clarity, presence, intuition, and client participation, create the path to health and healing we all seek to attain.

Laura is the owner of Dragonfly Yoga, and has been teaching since 1990.

1986: Yoga begins. Introduction to massage therapy. 1988: Introduction to healing energy modalities 1996: Opens first yoga studio in Nashville, Tennessee 2000: Young Living Essential Oils distributor 2001: Opens Dragonfly Yoga in Florida 2006: Begins Reiki Training 2010: Urban Zen Integrative Therapy Training 2012: Begins training in Jin Shin Jyutsu healing art 2013: Completes Master Level Reiki Training 2014: Myo-fascial Release, John Barnes Method 2015: Theta Healing and Advanced Theta Healing Certifications

Laura is certified as a 500 CYT/RYT and is registered with Yoga Alliance at the E-RYT 500 level. 11 Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program 2017-2018

Faculty of Teachers

Faculty – Swami Jaya Devi Bhagavati CYT, ERYT 500, Director KashiAtlanta Ashram

Swami Jaya Devi Bhagavati is the executive director of Kashi Atlanta. She has been voted the Best Yoga Instructor in Atlanta annually since 2006 in the Creative Loafing survey. Swami Jaya Devi has taught yoga and meditation all over the world. Since 2003, Swami Jaya Devi has developed and conducted Kashi Atlanta’s Classical Yoga Teacher Training, which has graduated over 150 Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teachers at the 200-hour level.

Swami Jaya Devi has studied yoga, meditation and healing in depth since 1985. The focus of Jaya Devi’s training has been in Hatha, Kundalini and Kali Natha . She is a Registered Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance at the 500-hour level, a Certified Yoga Teacher through The Kundalini Research Institute, 3HO International Teachers Association, Amrit Yoga Institute, as well as a Senior Teacher of Kali Natha Yoga. Swami Jaya Devi is a member of the Dattatreya Saraswati Kali order of Sanyas in the lineage of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati and the Kashi Foundation, and a close student of Ma Jaya at Kashi Ashram in Sebastian, Florida. She was given the title Yoga Acharya which means “master teacher of yoga” in 2007.

Since 1992, Swami Jaya Devi has taught yoga extensively and to a wide range of audiences – from international interfaith conferences, corporations and hospitals to meditation centers and yoga studios. The author of the Classical Yoga Teachers Training Manual, Swami Jaya Devi initiated the first Immune Yoga for AIDS and HIV in the Southeast, and founded Kashi Atlanta’s Street Meals program.Her well- rounded classical style is approachable while still maintaining the great depth of an authentic practice. Throughout her teachings, Swami Jaya Devi emphasizes personal depth, compassion, awareness and open-heartedness.

Faculty – Moira Anderson CYT, ERYT 500, Certified Pilates Teacher, Director of River Rock Yoga

Moira is a Certified, Professional Level Kripalu Yoga Teacher & Teacher Trainer, registered with Yoga Alliance at the E-500 hour Level. Sharing her love of yoga with students, directing programs and workshops at River Rock Yoga, and teaching workshops regionally, is her joy and her passion. Moira's classes offer students compassionate self-observation, gentle alignment cues and empowering vinyasa flow. Breath awareness and exploratory, joint freeing movement are also emphasized. The nurturing environment she creates in her sessions, as well as her understanding of anatomy and physiology, inspire a healthy, open body and a focused, relaxed mind.

"I encourage students to make peace with their bodies and to recognize their innate wisdom, and wholeness in class, and in their lives." Moira is continually inspired by the transformational, healing power, strength and peace generated by the practice of yoga. She sees the connection of mind, body and breath as means to be present in the here and now. Awareness of the present moment brings stillness and the ability to experience deep joy and contentment.

Moira is honored to have taken over 200 hours of alignment based yoga & philosophy workshops with Doug Keller. She has also studied with Erich Schiffman, and finds his freedom based yoga inspirational. Moira completed Rea's Vinyasa Flow Teacher training in 2004. It continues to be a major influence 12 Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program 2017-2018 on her teaching style, as do her studies of with & David Life. Moira teaches the energetic, body balancing core work of pilates, and is a Certified Pilates Instructor in the style of Balance Point Pilates.

Moira is a member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists. She spends two days a week teaching therapeutic yoga at a psychiatric center, using yoga to assist adults and adolescents dealing with PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, OCD, ADHD and Substance Abuse.

An English literature graduate of The Colorado College in Colorado Springs, CO, she minored in Performing Arts/Dance as well as Elementary Education, receiving an Elementary Teaching Certification.

Moira is a Certified Children's Yoga Teacher through The Asheville Yoga Center in Ashevile, North Carolina. She is co-director of the 200 hr Teacher Training Program at River Rock Yoga with Laura Tyree of Dragonfly Yoga, Fort Walton Beach, Fl., and co-teacher of the 500 hr program with J. J. Gormley of Surya Chandra Healing Yoga School.

Faculty – Stacey Vann ERYT500, Director Breathe Yoga Studio, and Mahabhuta Yoga Festival

Stacey Vann, Ravi Taj Kaur, is a Chicago Land native and certified E-RYT 500 yoga teacher. Stacey moved to Pensacola in 2004, and began teaching at the Avery Center in 2006. When the Avery center closed, Stacey began teaching at Abhaya Yoga Center, where she remained for 6 years before becoming an owner/director and teacher at Breathe Yoga and Wellness Center. Stacey is founder of the Mahabhuta Yoga Festival, the Gulf Coast's annual regional yoga festival, which took place for the first time in 2012 at Sanders Beach Community Center in Pensacola, and is also co-founder of Galactic Child, a kid’s yoga teacher training program along with her partner Christa Parent.

Stacey has been curiously exploring yoga since she was a child, and has dedicated her life to sharing this transformative and healing path. She believes that each of us is a reflection of the Divine, and that our bodies, our breath, and the practice are gifts to be appreciated.

For Stacey, yoga means celebrating presence, community, kindness, spirituality, and love for the purpose of elevating individual and collective consciousness and experiencing the freedom of knowing one’s purpose. In her classes, Stacey teaching style is infused with joy and laughter. She encourages her students to go with the flow, breathe deeply, move freely, live joyfully and shine radiantly.

Stacey completed her first yoga teacher training in 1997 and was the owner of Universal Spirit Yoga in Naperville, IL, for over 15 years. Stacey's yogic roots are steeped in 7 years of study in the Iyenger tradition. She was certified in the Iyengar tradition with Richard Schachtel and later earned her Kundalini Yoga certification in 2001 with Shiva Singh Khalsa and Shabd Kaur Khalsa. Stacey has also studied Spontaneous Yoga with Satyanand and completed a 100 hour immersion with Cat McCarthy. Stacey's inspiration comes as a blessing from each and every teacher she has had the pleasure of studying with including Yogi Bhajan, Dr. Geeta S. Iyengar, Ramanand Patel, Rodney Yee, Kaur Khalsa, Chris Saudek, Doug Keller, Kim Schwartz, and many others who still influence her teaching style.

13 Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program 2017-2018

Stacey offers yoga classes for all ages from babies to grandparents. Her specialties include: Kundalini Yoga, yoga for pregnancy, babies, tots & tykes, kids of all ages, and teens. Stacey offers in depth study into the chakras, yogic philosophy, and alignment principles. She is available for private yoga instruction to guide a student into their optimal alignment and deepen their personal practice. Stacey offers doula services with over 15 years of service. She is a Young Living essential oil educator and distributor (#861670), professional life coach, and reflexologist. She lives in Pensacola, FL with her sons, Mishael & Dakota, and her loving husband, Matthew Vann, of Sails & Tails Kayak Charters. Sat Nam

Faculty - Felicia McQuaid ERYT500 MA 61060, Director The Healing Clinic

Felicia has a been working has a Holistic Practitioner for a combined total of 13 years with Yoga, Reiki and Massage. She believes in the potential within each individual to grow, learn and heal at all levels. She brings her vast knowledge of the body through physical knowledge, energetic awareness and spiritual power to share with others inside of the THE Healing Clinic of Fort Walton Beach. Her speciality is the combination of these therapeutic practices inside massage/Reiki as a blended session. The marriage of these two modalities offers clients a chance to find relief, balance and healing.

Felicia McQuaid has been offering Reiki healing services along the Emerald Coast since 2005. She offers regular trainings in all levels of Traditional Usui Reiki Ryoho and Karuna Reiki. She has attuned close to 400 students over the years. She is known for her insight, grace and compassion while working with students and clients. She regularly speaks on the importance of spiritual healing and has the vision that Reiki and western medicine will be seen as complementary and integrative in nature.

2005: Reiki Master training in 2005 with Monica Bommarito, a Reiki Master in the Traditional Usui Reiki Ryoho lineage. She spent 2004-2005 as an apprentice in this tradition.

2009: Reiki Master Training in the Karuna Reiki system with Sarah Gibson. Certification through International Center of Reiki Training. Karuna Reiki is a system developed by William Rand that builds from the Usui Reiki System. Studying Karuna Reiki deepens the abilities of the Practioner and opens them up to a new level of compassionate, healing grace. Karuna meaning "compassionate action".

2010: Graduated Source Institute of Massage Therapy

2011: Level One Galactic Healing: Developed by Shelley Kaeher

Galactic Healing is a system that connects you with the five chakras above the crown of the head. This galactic frequency works on the energetic layers of your spirit that connects you to your source. Galactic Healing reactivates parts of your DNA and parts of the brain that have been dormant.

2012: Level One & Two ThetaHealing® Practitioner: Basic DNA: Developed by Vianna Stibal

2012: Certified Angel Therapist with Charles Virtue; Advanced "Intuitive Angel Card Reader" with Doreen Virtue

14 Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program 2017-2018

Faculty – Ashley Hunt ERYT500, Director of Yoga Home Cincinnati

Ashley has her Bachelors of Arts in Hinduism and Buddhism from Trinity College, CT. She continues her graduate studies at The Goddard College in the Individualized Masters of Arts program with a concentration in Consciousness Studies and Transpersonal Psychology.

In 2010 Ashley taught her own Yoga Philosophy curriculum to Trinity College undergraduates. A class formatted to the setting of a liberal arts New England college where the academic study of yogic ideology is coupled with the practice of yogic techniques. Ashley is also an Urban Zen Integrative Therapist and has contributed to UZIT programs over seas. Urban Zen is a movement founded by Donna Karen headed by Rodney and Colleen Yee that brings therapeutic healing modalities into medical spheres.

In 2009 Ashley completed a 1,500 hour Yoga Development Course, immersed in the teachings of Swami Sivanada Radha at Yashodhara Ashram. Ashley has also studied yoga therapy at Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram while studying with Erica Kaufman, in Chennai, India. Ashley is a Reiki practitioner and continues to deepen her own understanding through her work with essential oils.

She deeply respects the authenticity and clarity of Rodney Yee, Colleen Yee, Roshi Joan Halifax, Richard Freeman and Richard Rosen’s teachings through her work with Urban Zen Integrative Therapy, and is eternally grateful to her teacher Felix Lopez. Blessings and love to Turner Hunt, Tracy Hunt and Ducky Hunt, Ashley’s family will forever be in her heart. She opened YogaHome Cincinnati in 2012.

15 Dragonfly Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Program 2017-2018