Cricket Australia Regulations and Policies 301

Regulations and Policies Australia Cricket 302 State Equipment and Apparel Policy A 2012-13 Policy and Apparel Equipment State B

1. (d) (c) (b) (a) hereunder: as be shall matches tour or class first international, in Australia representing players by equipment and apparel of wearing the Regulations, Equipment and Clothing ICC the to addition In AUSTRALIAN REPRESENTATIVE TEAMS COLOURS AND DESIGN AND COLOURS


(ii) (i) shallmatches be as hereunder: international/tour specified in participating and Australia representing players of caps/headgear, and undergarments, clothing, e.g. footwear, socks, trousers, cricket the shirts, sweaters, conditions, foregoing the Notwithstanding Australia. Cricket by issued those be shall Australia Cricket by arranged matches similar or XI” A”, “Australian “Australia in part taking players by worn sweaters and shirts Caps, discretion. absolute its in Australia Cricket by agreed otherwise unless Australia, Cricket by supplied as manufacturer, agreed the of helmet a wear must players supplier, ahelmet and Australia Cricket between met being agreement asupplier to Subject Australia. Cricket by issued those than other 12009) July predating agreement pants aTest with players for (except pants or sweaters caps, shirts, wear not shall Players • Shirts Playing Bupa Sheffield Shield Sheffield Bupa numbers and/or Names • logos specified and approved by . Cricket by approved and specified logos or motifs carry to apparel above the of items all or any and design; and colour type, advised and approved Australia Cricket of Shall Cricket Australia. Australia. Cricket be plain white/cream,

as per designs

determined by

State Equipment and Apparel Policy 303

to any or uniform be patch shall tape, shirts the adhesive of

visible design or and logos colours Number – height: between 25cm (9.75 inches) and 35cm (13.65 inches) Number – character width: 4cm inwidth (10.25 inches) Name – height: between 6cm (2.34 inches) and inches) (2.93 7.5cm Name – width: 2 cm in width (5.12 inch) visible Numbers of players must not be carried on the playing trousers. all members of the same team, as supplied by Cricket Australia or its official apparel supplier. No other material the covering Manufacturers up Logo shallbe visible without theprior written consent of Cricket Australia (which may be withheld in its absolute discretion). A player’s shirt number shall be either one or two digits. Namesand numbers must be clearly legible, positioned inthe centre back of the shirt and entirely visible when the shirt is tucked into the trousers. Namesmust be positioned above or below the number on the back of the shirt, save that the positioning of the players name must be uniform to all team members. The names and numbers may not contain any advertising elements. The numbers must be sewn on or fixed by heat transfer and not affixed by Velcro or any temporary means. The Names and/or numbers of players must be carried on theshirts, and theymust correctly reflect the identity (i.e. family name rather than nickname or other name, unless with the prior consent of Cricket Australia) of the player, and comply with the following specifications: A. B. C. D. T-Shirts and Undergarments (worn under playing shirt) • Shall be plain white.• (ii) (iii)  (iv)  (v) (vi)  (vii) • (i) b. 304 State Equipment and Apparel Policy l. Helmets Helmets k. j. i. h. e. d. c. g. f. Socks

Sweaters Sweaters Trousers • Sunhats and Caps • • • Guards Arm white. plain be Shall • Headbands and Wristlets • Gloves Batting • Boots and Shoes white/cream. plain be Shall • • grey. light or cream white, be Shall • • wicket-keeping) and (batting Pads advised by Cricket Australia. Cricket by advised The Shall Manufacturer. the of colours house uniform to all members of the same team, as supplied supplied as team, same the of members all to uniform The Australia. Cricket by determined designs per as colours registered Shall white. The only pad the of strap ankle the below permitted be shall piping Coloured Manufacturer. the of colours house Shall supplier. apparel official its or Australia Cricket by supplied as team, same the of members all to Shall Shall Australia. Cricket by writing in approved otherwise unless laces, protective colours colours

be be be be have

of plain plain plain a a and colour, and

white white predominantly white/cream, areas design design type, save save of the of design of the that that glove

caps incorporating white sweaters the the and shall and straps straps brand upper, be sunhats shall predominantly may may approved

each tongue be be be shall uniform

state’s in in and and the the be

State Equipment and Apparel Policy 305

each white, for are they design that the


determine worn will be may Australia vests Number – height: between 25cm (9.75 inches) and 35cm (13.65 inches) Number – character width: 4cm in width (10.25 inches) Name – height: between 6cm (2.34 inches) and inches) (2.93 7.5cm Name – width: 2 cm in width (5.12 inch) A bandana may only be worn as a cover to a turban or A player’s shirt number shall be either one or two digits. Names and numbers must be clearly legible, positioned state’s playing shirts, sweaters and trousers based on Pantone colours registered through Cricket Australia by state. each Names and/or numbers of players must be carried on the shirts and sweaters, and they must correctly reflect the identity (i.e. family name rather than nickname or other name, unless with the prior consent of Cricket Australia) of the player, and comply with the following specifications: Cricket display no branding or visible adhesive tape, patch or any other material covering up any branding and are worn under the shirt Ice by Cricket Australia through agreements with its official suppliers. Shall be plain black or plain white. A. B. C. D.

(ii) (iii)  • Names and/or numbers (i) RYOBI One-day Cup (Except those played during the day with a red ball. In such a case the provisions of above A1 shall apply) Playing Shirts, Sweaters and Trousers • Note: beneath helmet. a Ice Vests • Turbans and Bandanas and Turbans •

a. n. m. 2. 306 State Equipment and Apparel Policy b. c. d. by Cricket Australia. Australia. Cricket by supplied as team, same the of members all to uniform be shall trousers and sweaters shirts, the of design and colours The (vii)  (vi) (v)  (iv) • • shirt) playing under (worn T-Shirts • • shirt) playing under (Worn Undergarments • Boots and Shoes and not affixed by Velcro or any temporary means. means. temporary any or by Velcro affixed not and transfer heat by fixed or on sewn be must numbers The elements. advertising any contain not may numbers and names The members. team all to uniform be must name players the of positioning the that save shirt, the of back the on number the below or above positioned be must Names trousers. the into tucked is shirt the when visible entirely and shirt the of back centre the in No sleeves. the from protrude not do they provided worn be may T-shirts White shirt. playing the of colour Shall No sleeves. the from protrude not do they provided worn be may undergarments White Shall discretion). absolute its in withheld be may (which Australia Cricket of consent written prior the without visible be shall Logo up Manufacturers covering the material other unless otherwise approved in writing by Cricket Australia. Cricket by writing in approved otherwise unless Shall discretion). absolute its in withheld be may (which Australia Cricket of consent written prior the without visible be shall Logo up Manufacturers covering the material other trousers. playing the on carried be not must players of Numbers visible visible have be be of plain a the logos logos predominantly same white or or visible visible colour or of white as the adhesive adhesive the same upper, base colour tape, tape, colour tongue patch patch as of and the the or or laces, shirt. base any any

State Equipment and Apparel Policy 307

of as be and light base colour shall the any colour colour base or as approved predominantly same sunhats plain be white the colour brand the or and predominant shall or than and same grey the caps glove the as white of (other design light of the or of or plain type, colour design cream areas coloured white black, and same colour, a plain plain the plain white, of be be be be be be colours protective A bandana may only be worn ascover a to a turban or of the team cap. Shall uniform to all members of the same team, as supplied by Cricket Australia. advised by Cricket Australia. The Shall colour of the playing shirt and save that the straps may be in the house colours of the Manufacturer. white or of the same colour as the base colour of the playing shirt. Shall Shall Shall theplaying trousers, save that the straps may be in the house colours of the Manufacturer. The colour of the pads shall be uniform to all members of the same team. The colour of the pads must be properly maintained. permitted. will not be pads faded or Discoloured The colour which is likely to make the sighting of the white ball difficult. In this respect the decision of the Match Referee shall be final). the base colour of the trousers. Shall Note: under a helmet. Turbans and Bandanas and Turbans • Caps and Sunhats • • Headbands and wristlets and Headbands • • • Batting Gloves • Pads (batting and wicket-keeping) •

Socks Socks

Armguards l. k. j. Helmets h. e. g. i. f. 308 State Equipment and Apparel Policy D C 1. c. b. a. restrictions: following the to conform must logo State The below. C Section in identified Logo Commercial State the mirroring abrand of be shall Logo Commercial incorporated The brand. Contracts) Player State per (as Sponsor’s aMajor of Logo Commercial one of amaximum incorporate may logo A state sunhats. and helmets caps, sweaters, shirts, playing the on each once only Logo State its display may Association A State Cup One-day RYOBI and Shield Sheffield Bupa 2. STATE COMMERCIAL LOGOS COMMERCIAL STATE LOGOS STATE m. square inches (64.5cm2). inches square 10 exceeding -not front On sunhats: and helmets Caps, (64.5cm2); inches square 10 exceeding -not left) upper or (middle chest On Sweaters: (64.5cm2); inches square 10 exceeding –not left) (upper chest On Shirts: Playing • Vests Ice  (a) follows: as team its of shirts) playing the on those mirroring sweaters, (and shirts playing the on Logo Commercial one display may Association A State Sweaters) (and Shirts Playing State Association. State other and or Australia Cricket of supplier or sponsor any with conflict may Logos such whether of irrespective equipment or clothing its on Logo Commercial any display may state in contained any regulations these Subject to the limitations Matches: Cup RYOBI (b) under the shirt. the under worn are and branding any up covering material other any or patch tape, adhesive visible or branding no display Ice exceeding 10 square inches (64.5cm inches square 10 exceeding Matches: Shield Sheffield 10 square inches (64.5cm inches square 10 vests may be worn On the left arm sleeve not exceeding exceeding not sleeve arm left the On 2 provided ). ). On the right arm sleeve not not sleeve arm right the On that 2 ). they are white,

State Equipment and Apparel Policy 309 ) ) 2 2 ). 2 In two In positions, namely In two In positions, namely ). Note that as an alternative to ). ). 2 2 2 ) and the left arm sleeve not exceeding 10 2 ). Note that as an alternative to the Logo being ) and the left arm sleeve not exceeding 10 ). Note that as an alternative to the Logo being 2 2 2 and the right arm sleeve not exceeding 10 square inches (64.5cm and the right arm sleeve not exceeding 10 square inches (64.5cm Sheffield Shield Matches: the upper left chest - not exceeding 10 square inches (64.5cm the Logo being positioned in the middle of the chest, the Logo may be positioned on the upper right of the chest. In such instance however the Logo may not exceed 10 square inches (64.5cm the chest (middle) - not exceeding 32 square inches (206.45cm Sheffield Shield Matches: square inches (64.5cm positioned in the middle of the chest, the Logo may be positioned on the upper right of the chest. In such square inches (64.5cm positioned in the middle of the chest, the Logo may be positioned on the upper right of the chest, subject to paragraph F(1)(b). In such instance however the Logo may not exceed 10 square inches (64.5cm RYOBI Cup Matches: In two positions, namely the chest (middle) - not exceeding 32 square inches (206.45cm RYOBI Cup Matches: In two positions, namely the chest (middle) - not exceeding 32 square inches (206.45cm Playing Sweaters Cricket Australia may display Commercial Logos on the playing sweaters as follows: a. Playing Shirts Cricket Australia may display Commercial Logos on the playing shirts as follows: (a)  Any Commercial Logo on clothing shall be decided by each State Association and shall be common to and worn by each member of theteam concerned. No individual Commercial Logos shall be worn by any team member, save for the carrying of a Player’s Bat Logo on bats, as provided herein. b.  (b) 

2. CRICKET AUSTRALIA COMMERCIAL LOGOS 1. 3.  E 310 State Equipment and Apparel Policy F 1. Cup Competitions. RYOBI and Shield Sheffield the to apply shall Equipment Cricket and Clothing Cricket on Logos Manufacturer’s of size and positioning the to pertaining regulations following the stated otherwise where Except Clothing. Cricket or Equipment Cricket of item other any of manufacture its of reason by bats of aManufacturer as shall qualify entity no foregoing), the of generality the to prejudice without (but particular in type, other any of Equipment Cricket or Clothing Cricket of manufacture the in involvement its of virtue by Equipment Cricket or Clothing Cricket of item any of a Manufacturer as qualify shall entity No aManufacturer. as companies of group same the in company a or with, business in associated being its of reason by a as Manufacturer qualify not shall definition this within otherwise not entity An b. a. both: of business the on carrying entity any mean shall ‘Manufacturer’ Equipment, Cricket or Clothing Cricket of item any to relation In 3. MANUFACTURER’S LOGOS MANUFACTURER’S Stumps a.

of such Cricket Clothing or Cricket Equipment as its main aim. main its as Equipment Cricket or Clothing Cricket such of sale the from directly profit the with and catalogues, and lists price published of aid the with ICC, the of aMember is which acountry in public the of members to kinds several of outlets throughout sale for stock available readily from it Supplying and question; in type the of Clothing Cricket the or Equipment Cricket the of manufacture the procuring or Manufacturing • Matches) Shield Sheffield (The Shirts Playing Equipment and Clothing Players sponsors may be displayed on the stumps. the on displayed be may sponsors event/series ofthe Logos the and/or Logo Event The One inches (64.5cm inches square 10 exceed not may Logo the however instance displayed on the upper right chest - not exceeding 6 6 exceeding -not chest right upper the on displayed Cricket Australia 2 ). Manufacturer’s Logo may be

State Equipment and Apparel Policy 311

be be be and Logo written may may may material Logo prior Logo Logo Logo other ), with no single 2 the any ). 2 Manufacturer’s or without Manufacturer’s One patch ), with dimension single no the 2 Manufacturer’s Manufacturer’s Manufacturer’s of tape, ), with no single dimension smaller permitted 2 size Matches: are Australia Australia Australia and adhesive logos Shield Cricket Cricket Cricket position visible visible displayed on either the upper right chest or right sleeve - not exceeding 6 square inches (38.71cm displayed on either the back of the cap - not exceeding 6 square inches (38.71cm2), with no single dimension smaller than 1.5 inches (3.81cm). One Manufacturer’sIdentification Stripsweaters on shall mirror that of the playing shirt. One covering up the Manufacturers Logo shall be visible without the prior written consent of Cricket Australia (which may be withheld in its absolute discretion). The consent of Cricket Australia (which may be withheld in its absolute discretion). No displayed on theupper right chest - not exceeding 6 square inches (38.71cm dimension smaller than 1.5 inches (3.81cm). Sheffield may be displayed on front between waist and knee - not exceeding 2 square inches (12.9cm One smaller than 1.5 inches (3.81cm). The playing shirts may have a Manufacturer’s Identification Strip (not exceeding 8cm in width) down the outer seam of both the sleeves or down the outer seams of the shirt. No Sweaters (The Sheffield Shield Matches) • Caps (RYOBI Cup) • Sweaters (RYOBI Cup Matches) • • • square inches (38.71cm than 1.5 inches (3.81cm). Playing Shirts (RYOBI Cup Matches) • Undergarments & T-shirts (worn under playing shirt) • Trousers: f. e. d. g. b. c. 312 State Equipment and Apparel Policy j. Socks Socks i. h. k. • Pads Batting • • • Boots and Shoes • Pads Keeping Wicket (i) ii. i.  (iii) (ii) pad as follows: as pad Three One – not exceeding 2 square inches (12.9cm inches 2square exceeding – not white). than (other colours two of amaximum in be shall identity and manufacturer’s design features other stripes, and laces and tongue upper, white predominately a have shall boot or shoe the provided permitted be shall Matches Cup RYOBI inches (12.9cm inches 2square exceeding -not tongue) the on be shall which of (one shoes/boots the on elsewhere displayed be may Logos Manufacturer’s further Two size. on restriction no One the top of the pad, above the knee roll. knee the above pad, the of top the of centre the on placed be may pad each of front the on allowed Logo Manufacturer’s single the that except pads, These exceeding 4 square inches (25.81cm inches 4square exceeding -not central) not leg, the of (outside roll knee the above or central) not leg, the of (outside roll knee the or instep the either on placed pad the of front the On inches (12.9cm inches 2square exceeding -not knee and waist between front on displayed be may Logo Manufacturer’s One legs. trouser both of seam outer the down Strip Identification aManufacturer’s have may trousers The inches (25.81cm inches 4square exceeding -not straps pad the of one On restriction. size -no pad the of top inside the On Manufacturer’s Manufacturer’s Manufacturer’s must comply 2 ). Stripes identifying the manufacturer manufacturer the identifying Stripes ). 2 ). 2 Logo ). ). Logo with Logos may may the may same be be displayed displayed be rules displayed 2 2 ). ). as on on for each the on batting sole each sock -

State Equipment and Apparel Policy 313

). 2 the the each on on written on showing prior the displayed whether displayed displayed be be be ). Any visible stitching, 2 visible, without may may may ) and the other shall not 2 be ). 2 to Logos Logo Logos ). permitted 2 be permitted are shall Manufacturer’s Manufacturer’s Manufacturer’s Two on the back of the glove - not exceeding 2 square inches (12.9cm One on the inside of the wristband - not exceeding 2 square inches (12.9cm logos Logos glove as follows: as glove frame, either on the left side or on the right side, but not on the front – not exceeding 0.5 square inches (3.22cm One through clothing or otherwise. clothing or through No Logo is permitted on the lens or on the band, which must be a single colour only. No consent of Cricket Australia (which may be withheld in its absolute discretion). Two back of each glove. One such Logo shall not exceed 6 square inches (38.71cm Three ventilation, stencil effect, or other design aspect of the glove which is in the shape or form of the Manufacturer’s Logo shall be considered as one of the permitted Logos. No exceed square 2 inches (12.9cm (i) (ii) • Headbands and Wristlets and Headbands • No Logos are allowed on these items. Arm Guards • No Logos are permitted. Helmets and Sunhats • Turbans and Bandanas and Turbans • No Logos are permitted. Wicket Keeping Gloves • Batting Gloves • Thigh Pads, Shin Pads and other body protective equipment • Sunglasses

o. p. q. r. s. m. l. n. 314 State Equipment and Apparel Policy G clothing and equipment (as amended from time to time) do not apply. not do time) to time from amended (as equipment and clothing on advertising concerning regulations and rules ICC’s the that extent the to only but Association, aState or Australia Cricket of auspices the under played matches for training or in playing when bats their on logos commercial carry to wish who players to applies following The Australia. Cricket of partner commercial any or Associations State aplayer’s Australia, Cricket on impact detrimental any have to likely be or offensive or inappropriate obscene, be not must logo The (2.54cm). 1inch than smaller dimension no greater than 10 square inches (64.5cm inches square 10 than greater no being bat, the of back the on carried be may Logo Bat Player’s One PLAYER’S BAT LOGOS PLAYER’S Bats t. u.

• • exceeding 2 square inches (12.9cm inches 2square exceeding -not back the on other the and front the on one stump each on displayed be to permitted are Logos Manufacturer’s Two Stumps • • Edges provisions). to relevant statutory (subject only design discreet of be to and bat the of back the on placed be to is wording statutory any carried, be to required When bat. the of back the of area surface total the of 50% exceed not do they as long as bat the of back the on carried be may that Logos Manufacturer’s of placement Front of Cricket Australia. Australia. Cricket of partner commercial any or Associations State player’s a Australia, Cricket on impact detrimental any have to likely be or offensive or inappropriate obscene, be not Any bat. the of edge the of area the of 50% exceeding not bat, the of edges both or one either on Back face. the of top the of centre the from measured bat, the of face the of (22.86cm) 9inches top the within only but carried be may Logos Manufacturer’s of of of Bat Bat Bat - - - There One Any Manufacturer’s number is Logo no restriction displayed and 2 2 ). ) in size, with no single single no with size, ) in size Logo of in on size, Manufacturer’s may the number be bat carried must or

State Equipment and Apparel Policy 315

Players must apply to their State Associations for approval todisplay commerciala logo onthe back of their bat. Subject to the following paragraphs, theState Association must dealwith the request as if it were requesta for approval of a regular personal endorsement under clause 5.2 of the standard player contract (e.g. there must be no conflict with the protected Cricket Australia sponsors or the relevant State’s sponsors). major Subject to paragraph 3 below, the “three or more” rule continues to apply as set outin the standard player contract. This means that no more than two players from the one State will be allowed to have an arrangement with the same company in relation to commercial bat logos. State players who have pre-existing bat logo agreements with non-conflictingsponsors conflicting(i.e. not onewith of the eight Cricket Australia major sponsors) and who are selected in a Cricket Australia team may continue to display those logos even if there are two or more other members of the Cricket Australia team who have the same logo on their bats.However, suchplayers maynot renew such agreements if, at the renewal date, they are bound to a Cricket Australia contract and renewal would constitute an infringement of the “three or more” rule as set out in the standard player contract. State players who are selected in a Cricket Australia team or are upgraded to a Cricket Australia player contract will not be permitted to display commercial logos associated with companies that compete with any of Cricket Australia’s eightmajor sponsors (as they stand at the time the player enters into deal). bat logo his When negotiating bat logo deals, State players should ensure that if they are selected in a Cricket Australia team, they are able to remove the logo for the periodof the matchif it would infringe therule mentioned inthe previoussentence. CricketAustralia does notrequire the deal to be terminated; only that the promotion be limited domesticto matches. The rule mentioned in paragraph 4 above will not apply in the case of Cricket Australia sponsors that form an arrangementwith Cricket Australia after the player has obtained approval from his State Association to enter into his

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 316 State Equipment and Apparel Policy H 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. OTHER MARKS & INSIGNIA &INSIGNIA MARKS OTHER 6.

Commercial Logo or Manufacturers Logo shall not be permitted. be not shall Logo Manufacturers or Logo Commercial any incorporating or temporary) (permanent Tattoos Visible Australia. Cricket of approval prior the without clothing players the on displayed be may insignia or marks other No height. in inches) (0.78 2cm than more be not shall numbers Such Logo. State the below immediately aposition in headwear and shirts playing the on displayed be may state his for aplayer by earned caps of number the indicating Numbers won. times of number the and accomplishment this representing shirt playing respective the on symbol anon-commercial display may Competition Bash Big or Domestic One-Day Day, Four- Domestic the won have who Associations State Australia, Cricket of approval written prior the obtaining to Subject in height. inches) (0.78 2cm than more not be shall numbers such provided headwear and shirts playing the on displayed be may state his for selection of order aplayer’s indicating Numbers then-current sponsors. then-current Australia’s Cricket of identity the confirm will Association State the request the approving of time the –at deal logo bat contact the ACA in relation to the wording of such clauses. such of wording the to relation in ACA the contact should Players event. ICC aspecial in State his for or Australia for play to selected is player the case in contracts sponsorship) other (and logo bat all in included are clauses out” “carve appropriate that ensure should Players Policy. Logo ICC the see matches: international in equipment and apparel playing other and bats on logos regarding rules own its sets ICC The State Equipment and Apparel Policy 317

be sun upper, shall matches, rimmed white tour broad and headwear and hats, matches matches, predominantly a Day panama have Four One-Day ); and 2 shall ). 2 coloured Domestic Domestic Plain hats shall be considered appropriate headwear. In headwear shall be straw coloured or plain white/ cream. In unbranded straw coloured or plain white/cream. Alternatively umpires may wear the designated baseball caps as supplied by Cricket Australia, providing that both on-field umpires are similarly attired. Shoes tongue laces. and One on the back – not exceeding 32 square inches (206.45cm All umpires including 3rd and 4th officials must wear the shirts, trousers (if any) and jackets as supplied by Cricket Australia, save that in appropriateweather conditions the jackets may be discarded, and provided further that both on-field umpires shall be similarly attired. Appropriate headwear, shoes, trousers and sunglasses of the ’s choice may be worn subject to the following restrictions: One on chest (upper right) – not exceeding 12 square inches (77.42cm • • • • • Trousers shall be black. (b)  (a) (b)  CA Umpire’s Sponsor Logo ForDomestic Four Day andRYOBI Cup matches, up totwo Umpires’ Logos of one Umpire’s Sponsor as designated by Cricket Australia may be displayed on umpires’ shirts, sweaters and jackets – placed as follows: (a)  Save for the above, there shall be no other commercial logos permitted on umpires’ clothing and equipment. Clothing 1. 2. UMPIRES I 318 State Equipment and Apparel Policy J

way without the sole approval from Cricket Australia. Cricket from approval sole the without way any in degraded or covered cut, enhanced, altered, not are purposes training or playing for Australia Cricket by supplied Apparel Official or uniform that ensure to are Associations State and players All 3. UNIFORM INTEGRITY UNIFORM  (b)  (a) Logos Manufacturer’s • • regarding size and placement as are applicable to players. to applicable are as placement and size regarding restrictions same the to subject sunglasses and footwear umpires’ on permitted be shall Logos Manufacturer’s such items and subject to the following restrictions: following the to subject and items such of supplier CA official the of Logo Manufacturer’s the for save jackets or sweaters headwear, trousers, shirts, umpires’ on Logo’s Manufacturer’s no be shall There mirror those on the shirts. the on those mirror shall jackets and Sweaters on Logo Manufacturers (3.81cm inches 1.5 than smaller dimension single no with sleeve – not exceeding 6 square inches (38.71cm inches 6square exceeding –not sleeve Shirts Sweaters – 2 ). One and Manufacturer’s jackets – The position Logo on and right size or of left the 2 )

Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 319 PREAMBLE Cricket is a gamethat owes much of its unique appeal to the fact that it is to be played not only within its Laws, but also within the spirit of the game.Any action seen as abusing this spirit causes injury to the game itself. Embracing the spirit of the game means participating,either as a player or as an official, fairly and exhibiting respect for other players and officials and the game’s traditional values such as graciousness in defeat and humility in victory. Crickethas distinct a place in Australian society and history.As an element in Australia’s national identity, cricket plays a significant role. This statusbrings with it particular responsibilities for players and officials to conformto high standards of fair play and personal behaviour on and off the field. This Code of Behaviour is intended to protect and enshrine such important qualities and standards so that all may continue to enjoy the game of cricket now and in the future. Cricket AustraliaCricket Code of Behaviour 320 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION AND DEFINITIONS 1.

 (l) (k) (j) (i) (h)  (g) (f) (e) (d) (c)  (b) (a) Match ICC appointed under 2 Section of thisCode. Commissioner Code. this 2of Section by established Commission position). that in acting person any (including time to time from position that holding means the person Australia Cricket of Officer Executive Chief In thisCode: means the International Cricket Council. Cricket International the means played as part of the National Under 18 Female Female 18 Under National the of part as played Championships; Male 19 Under National the of part as played Competition; League Futures the of part as played competition; WT20 the of part as played competition; WNCL the of part as played overseas; team any against or team Twenty20 international atouring against team League Bash aBig by played overseas; team other any against or Australia in team international atouring against team Association aState by played competition; Twenty20 domestic the of part as played competition; four-day domestic the of part as played competition; one-day domestic the of part as played overseas); or Australia in (whether tour cricket Australia-approved aCricket of part as played cricket); for authority governing country’s other any or ICC the of auspices the under played not or whether and overseas or Australia in (whether series) that of part as played are matches more or one not or (whether series Twenty20 or series international day one series, atest of part as played means any cricket match: cricket any means means the Code of Behaviour Commission Commission Behaviour of Code the means means a Code of Behaviour Commissioner Commissioner Behaviour of aCode means

Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 321

meansmatcha referee appointed in that means the person appointed from time to time by means: means the following cricket teams and includes both the Australian 1st XI team; the Australian 2nd XI team(commonly referred to as “Australia A”); a State or Territory 1st XI team; a Big Bash League team; a State or Territory Futures League or 2nd XI team; themanager ora member ofthe coaching,medical or fitness staffTeam; of a the selectors of a Team; any other person acting in an official capacity for Cricket Australia or a State or Territory Association or in relation to a Team; an umpire of a Match; or the referee of a Match. Championships; played as part of the National Under 17 Male Championships; played as part of the National Under 15 Female Championships; male and female and male teams: (a) (b)  (c) (d) (e) Registrar Cricket Australia to act as the registrar of the Commission inor, default of such appointment, the Chief Executive Officer of Cricket Australia. SeniorManager Cricket- Operations of Cricket Australia means the person holding that position from time to time (including any person actingin that position). Team (a)  (b) (c) (d) (e) role(and theCA Competitions Officer appointed in respect of the National Under Age Championships). Official (m)  (n)  and includes any other matches played under the jurisdiction or auspices orwith the consentor approval of Cricket Australia or a State or Territory Association. MatchReferee 322 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour  3. 2. Team official (j) (i) (h) (g) (f) reference to, the ICC Code of Conduct. of Code ICC the to, reference with construed or by, limited way any in not is and Conduct of Code ICC the of) substitution in not (and to addition in applies it 5, Section to Subject play. of field the off and Match) any of respect (in play of field the on conduct to applies Code This (c)  (b) (a) Code: this of interpretation the In Team. touring Australian an of captain Tour Executive of “official”. definition the of inclusive (c) to (a) compete in aMatch. in compete to Association Territory or aState or Australia Cricket of auspices the under or by selected team cricket other any and Sport; of Institute Territory or aState from a team Excellence; of Centre Australia Cricket the from a team team; under-age Territory or a State team; under-age Australian an words in the singular include the plural and vice versa. vice and plural the include singular the in words and relevant; is that document or matter any to given be may consideration object; or purpose that promote not would that aconstruction to preferred be must Code the underlying object or purpose the promote would that a construction means any of the people identified in paragraphs paragraphs in identified people the of any means means the manager, coach, captain and vice- and captain coach, manager, the means Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 323

Includes actions outside the course of normal cricket actions such as hitting or kicking the wickets and actions which intentionally negligently or result damage in to the advertising boards, boundary fences, dressing room doors, mirrors, windows and other fixtures and fittings. decision by way of showing inappropriate disappointment, excessive or obvious an delay in resuming play or leaving the wicket, shaking the head, pointing or looking at the inside edge when given out lbw, pointing to the pad or rubbing the snatching behind, caught when shoulder the cap from the umpire, a bowler or fielder arguing or entering into an unduly prolonged discussion with the umpire decision. umpire’s the about This Rule does not prohibit the bowler involved in the decision or a team captain from asking an umpire to provide an explanation for a decision ora Team official from making a formal complaint. Includes showing dissentat an umpire’s Guidelines •  •  •  Rule Abuse cricket clothing,equipment or or equipment ground fixtures and fittings Show dissent at an decision umpire’s Level 1 Offences The Offences set out at Rule to 1.1 1.6 below are Level 1 Offences. The range of penalties which shall be imposed for a Level 1 Offence is set out in Section 5 of this Code. Players and, where applicable, officials must not: No. 1.1 The conduct described in Rules 1 to 12 below, if committed by a player or official, shall amount to an offence by such player or official under this Code of Behaviour. Each ofthe rules for behaviour has a guideline. The guidelines are intended as an illustrative guide only and in the case of any doubt as to theinterpretation of the Rule, the provisions of the Rule itself shall should The provisions the guidelines guidelines. the take of over precedence not be read as an exhaustive list of offences or prohibited conduct. 1. SECTION1: RULES FOR BEHAVIOUR - OFFENCES 1.2 324 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 breach of Law 42.3 Law of breach in changed not is aball of condition the that ensure to aTeam by Failure equipment or clothing regarding approved Breach any regulation batsman a of dismissal the upon an manner aggressive in pavilion the towards gesture or Point appealing excessive in Engage an obscene gesture make and/or insulting or obscene, offensive is that language Use

•  •  explanatory. • Self •  •  •  for this Rule 1.7. Rule this for guilt of afinding to irrelevant be shall ball the of condition the changing in member team each of involvement of absence or presence The 42.3. Law of breach in changed been has team that by used being ball the of condition the if 1.7 Rule this of breach in be to considered be shall man) 12th the (including team fielding relevant the of member each 2.7, Rule of breach for reported is player individual no Where or displayed. worn be may which advertising or logos logos and regarding regulations other bat regarding regulations includes This given. been has decision the before adismissal assuming or celebrating of practice the mean also may Excessive appealing. enthusiastic or loud prevent to intended not is It pressure. under umpire the placing of intention the with out not is the batsman knows bowler/fielder the when appealing repeated mean shall Excessive breach. the of seriousness the assessing when and offence an as behaviour the report to deciding when account into taken be shall offence give to likely is behaviour such which to extent The behaviour. trivial penalise to intended not is offence This fortune. or play poor own one’s at frustration in swearing as such person another at directed not are which gestures offensive and swearing includes This

Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 325

above) will be classified as serious where the conduct contains an element of anger or abuse that is directed at the umpire or the umpire’s decision or where there is excessive delay in resuming play or leaving the wicket. This Rule does not prohibit the bowler involved in the decision or a team captain from asking anumpire to provide an explanation for a decision or a Team official from making a formal complaint. Dissent (including examples given in Rule 1.2 Without limitation, players will breach this regulation if they deliberately walk or run into or shoulder another player, official or match official either during the course of play of a Match or during the periods before or after play at the relevant venue. This does not replace clauses 37 and 42 in Cricket Australia competition playing conditions. Without limitation, players will breach this rule if they deliberately attempt to distract a striker by words or gestures or deliberately shepherd a batsman while running or attempting to run between wickets. Guidelines •  •  •  • Self explanatory. •  •  Rule Show serious dissent decision umpire’s an at Engage in inappropriate and deliberate physical other with contact players or officials Charge or advance towards the umpire in aggressive manner an appealing when Deliberately and maliciously distract obstructor another player or official on the field of play The range of penalties which shall be imposed for a Level 2 Offence isset out in Section of5 this Code. Players and, where applicable, officials must not: Level 2 Offences The Offences set out at Rule 2.1 to 2.9 below are Level 2 Offences. No. 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 326 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 equipment approved or clothing regarding regulation any breach Seriously held responsible. be shall conduct such of guilty team any of captain The otherwise. or points bonus rate, run net result, the to regard in a Match to manipulate attempt 8, Rule limiting Without Law 42.3 of breach in ball the of Change thecondition spectator or official player, another to nature insulting agenerally of or obscene, offensive is that language Use manner dangerous and/or inappropriate an in official or aplayer near or at ball the Throw •  •  •  •  • •   save for perspiration andsave saliva. for perspiration ball, the to moisture of application the and up it roughening of purpose the for ground into ball the throwing deliberately or seam the picking includes behaviour Prohibited the breach. the of seriousness the assessing when account into taken be shall offence give to likely is to whichbehaviour. such extent The behaviour trivial penalise to intended not is offence This to: likely are gesture or words the whether and situation particular the of context the account into take to required be shall acharge lay to seeking umpire the standard, acceptable an below fallen has behaviour the whether to as judgement his exercising In persons. or person another at directed are which gestures or language is This above. 1.6 Rule for guideline See competing CA or State sponsor) or CA competing State of logo of display (eg consequences commercial serious has it where or faith bad in done is it if serious considered be will abreach limitation, Without run rate or quotient. quotient. or rate run net points, bonus opponent’s, its improve or own, its affect adversely either to as a way such in bats ateam where incidents include will rule this under conduct Prohibited normal fashion. the in stumps the to ball the returning from bowler or afielder prohibit not will Rule This - anotherperson. insult or offence; - give or obscene; as regarded - be

Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 327

Includes appealing in an aggressive or threateningor manner. This Rule is not intended to limit the operation of Rules 10 and 11. Guidelines •  • Self explanatory. • Self explanatory. •  Guidelines • Self explanatory. • Self explanatory. • Self explanatory.

Intimidate attempt or to intimidate an umpire or referee whether by conduct or language Rule Threaten to assault Team another player, Use language or gestures that offend, insult, humiliate, intimidate, threaten, disparage or vilify another person on the basis of that colour, religion, race, person’s descent, sexuality or national or ethnic origin official spectator or Engage in any act of violence on the field of play Rule Threaten to assault an referee or umpire assault Physically umpire,another player, referee, official or spectator The range of penalties which shall be imposed for a Level 4 Offence isset out in Section of5 this Code. Players and, where applicable, officials must not: Level 4 Offences The Offences set out at 4.1 to 4.4 below are Level 4 Offences. The range of penalties which shall be imposed for a Level 3 Offence is set out in Section 5 of this Code. Players and, where applicable, officials must not: Level 3 Offences The Offences set out at Rule 3.1 to 3.3 below are Level 3 Offences. 4.3 No. 4.1 4.2 4. 3.1 No. 3. 3.2 3.3 328 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 5 4.4 No. 5. Laws of Cricket and Spirit of the Game the of Spirit and Cricket of Laws ethnic origin ethnic or national or descent race, colour, religion, person’s that of basis the on person another disparages or vilifies threatens, intimidates, humiliates, insults, offends, seriously that gestures or language Use complies with this rule this with complies Team the of members Team and individual their that ensure to use efforts their best must Team coach and captain The game. the of spirit the within play and Cricket of Laws the obey must Players Rule operation of Rules 10 and 11. and 10 Rules of operation the limit to intended not is Rule • This explanatory. • Self • •  • •  •  Guidelines   in the preamble to the Laws of Cricket. of Laws the to preamble the in defined and stated as to adhered is Game the of Spirit the that ensure to captain the on onus the alters Code the or Rule this in Nothing in conjunction with the Laws of Cricket. Cricket. of Laws the with conjunction in published Cricket of Spirit the of explanation or statement any to made be may Reference Cricket. of Laws the of breaches unintentional punish to intended not is Rule This Cricket. of Laws the of 42 Law under play” “unfair considered is which conduct any and wasting time play, during cheating bat, illegal an using limitation, without 5includes Rule this under prohibited be will which Conduct Code. the of 1–4(inclusive) Rules in out set offences the by covered clearly or adequately not are incident alleged the of seriousness or gravity the or of facts the where situations with deal to Rule ageneral as meant is This

Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 329

participation in a Home Match or series of Home Matches from – the commencement of the day before the first day of the Match or series of Matches until the end of the day following the conclusion of the Match or series of Matches; attendance at an official cricket function or performance of obligations under a contract with Cricket Australia or a state or territory cricket association - from the time of departure from the player’s or official’s function the to prior private residence usual or performance of the obligation until return to that residence afterwards. subject to paragraph (b), paragraph to subject participation in any Match, tour or training camp in Australia or overseas – from the time of departure from the player’s or official’s usual private residence prior to the tour or camp until return to that residence after the tour or camp; participation in a home training session – from the time of arrival at the venue until departure; and the longer): This is also meant as a general Rule to 1 – 4 (inclusive) of the Code. It is intended to include (but not be limited to) serious or repeated criminal conduct, public acts of misconduct, unruly public misconduct. sexual and behaviour This Rule applies in the following is (whichever only circumstances deal with situations where the facts of or the gravity or seriousness ofthe alleged incident are not adequately or clearly covered by the offences set out in Rules Guidelines (a)  •  •  •  (b)  (c)  (d) Unbecoming Behaviour Unbecoming Rule Without limiting any other rule, players and officials must not at any time engage in unbecoming behaviour to a representative player or official that could (a) bring them or the game of cricket into disrepute or(b) be harmful tothe interests of cricket

No. 6. 6 330 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 7 No. 7.

Anti-Doping PolicyAnti-Doping from time to time) to time from amended (as Policy Anti-Doping Australia’s Cricket obey must officials and Players Rule (iii)  (iii) or conduct; criminal repeated or serious(i)  (i) in: involved being official or player the involves behaviour unbecoming the where times all at applies the foregoing, this Rule Notwithstanding •  Guidelines not under the Code of Behaviour. of Code the under not and Policy Anti-Doping the under with dealt be will Rule this by prohibited behaviour Any behaviour; public unruly or misconduct of acts public or comment to or in the media. the in or to comment or comment public 9, Rule limiting without

Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 331 a reference to an “attempt” include shall an offer or an invitation. a reference to a series or match “cricket of cricket matches” includes any cricket matches or match whatsoever played anywhere in the world and is not restricted to a cricket match or matches in which the player or official concerned, or any Team, took part; and Guidelines Forthe purpose of this Rule: (a)  (b) 

induce or encourage any other person to bet, gamble or enter into any other form of financial speculation on any cricket match or series of cricket matches or on any Event or to offer the facility for such bets to be placed; fail to attempt to perform to the best of his ability in any cricket match for any reason whatsoever (including, in particular, owing to an arrangement relating to betting on the outcome of any cricket match or series of cricket matches or on the occurrence of any Event) other than for legitimate tactical reasons in relation to that cricket match; induce or encourage any player not to attempt to perform to the best of the player’s ability in any cricket match for any reason whatsoever (including, in particular, owing to an arrangement relating to betting on the outcome of any cricket match or series of cricket matches or on the occurrence of any Event) other than for legitimate tactical reasons in relation to that cricket match; bet, gamble or enter into any other form of financial speculation on any cricket match or on any event connected with any cricket match or series of cricket matches (for the purposes of this Rule, Event);an home Board);home be a party to contriving or attempting to contrive the result of any cricket match or series of cricket matches or the occurrence of any Event in exchange for any benefit or reward (other than a benefit or reward received from his  (d)  (c)  (a)  (b) Rule (e)  Betting, Match-fixing and Corruption Players and officials must not, directly or indirectly, engage in the following conduct: 8.1 No. 8. 332 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour (i)  (i)  (h)  (g)  (f) knowledge orknowledge suspicion); such any of particulars full include and writing in be to disclosure (such above –(g) (a) paragraphs in described that as such conduct, in engage to approached been or conduct, in engaged has person other any or official or player former or current any that suspects reasonably or knows she or he that Australia Cricket of Officer Executive Chief the to disclose promptly to fail interviews and commitments; and commitments; interviews media fide bona with connection in than other Event any of occurrence possible the or matches cricket of series or match cricket any of outcome possible or status the tactics) or players individual of form the composition, likely or actual Team’s the limitation, without (including, members its aTeam or ground, the of state the weather, the concerning information any provide otherwise), or financial whether and person other any or herself or him player the for (whether reward other or benefit money, for or series of cricket matches or Event; or matches cricket of series or match cricket any to relation in conduct corrupt of form other any in engage particulars of any such approach); such any of particulars full include and writing in be to disclosure (such above –(g) (a) paragraphs in described that as such conduct in engage to person another from approach an received has she or he that Australia Cricket of Officer Executive Chief the to disclose promptly to fail

Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 333 (a) Any behaviour 8.2 Rule this prohibited by will be dealt with under the CA Player and Match Officials Minimum Area Standards and not under the Code of Behaviour

bring him or her or the game of cricket into disrepute. the game of cricket or which could engage in conduct that relates directly or indirectly to any of the conduct described in paragraphs (a) – (j) above and is prejudicial to the interests of or suspicion);or or fail to promptly disclose to the Chief Executive Officer of Cricket Australia that he or she has received, or is aware or reasonably suspects that another player or official or any other person threats implied or actual received, has of any nature in relation to past or proposed conduct such as that described in paragraphs (a) – (g) above (such disclosure to be in writing and include full particulars of any such knowledge A valid defence may be made to a charge in respect of any prohibited conduct set out in Rules 8(h), (i) and (j) if the person charged proves that the conduct was the result of an honest and reasonable belief that there was a serious threat to the life or safety of the person charged or any other person. Engage in conduct that contravenes the CA Officials Match Minimum and Area Player Standards (as amended from time to time) (k)  (j)  8.2 334 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 9 No. No. 9. Detrimental Public Comment Public Detrimental interests of the game the of interests the to detrimental is which comment media or public make not must officials and players rule, other any limiting Without Rule •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  they: comment media or public any making in if game the of interests the to detrimental comment making be to deemed be and rule this breach will officials and players limitation, Without Guidelines any of their respective commercial partners; commercial respective their of any or team League Bash Big any or Association aState Council, Cricket International the Australia Cricket criticise or denigrate the hearing of a report or any appeal. any or a report of hearing the at person any by made comment other or submission evidence, any criticise or appeal; an or report a of ahearing of outcome the criticise appeal; an or areport of hearing a of outcome likely the on comment abilities or characteristics; performance, her or his of aspect any on by commenting inappropriately official or player another criticise or denigrate officiating; be to likely are or are they which of respect in or playing be to likely are or are they which against team atouring of country home the denigrate officiating; or touring be to likely are or are they which in acountry denigrate otherwise; or amatch in occurred which incidents to relation in whether play, will or played have they which against team or referee umpire, official, an, criticise or denigrate or player another criticise or denigrate

Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 335

Any behaviour prohibited by this Rule will be dealt with under the Anti- Harassment Policy and not under the Code of Behaviour, save where a report is made under another rule of the Code of Behaviour (in which case a player or official may also lodge a complaint under the Anti-Harassment Policy). Any behaviour prohibited by this Rule will be dealt with under the Racial and Religious Vilification Code and not under the Code of Behaviour, save where a report is made underanother rule of the Codeof Behaviour (in which case a player or official may also lodge a complaint under the Racial and VilificationReligious Code). Any behaviour prohibited by this Rule will be dealt with under the Illicit Substance Rule and not under the Code of Behaviour. Guidelines •  Guidelines Guidelines •  • 

Rule Without limiting Rules 3.3 and 4.4, players and officials must obey Cricket Australia’s Racial and Religious Vilification Code (as amended from time to time) Rule Players and officials must obey Cricket Australia’s Illicit Substance Rule (as amended from time to time) Rule Players and officials must obey Cricket Australia’s Anti- Harassment Policy (as amended from time to time) Illicit Substance Rule Anti-Harassment Policy Racial andReligious Vilification Code 12 No. No. 11 12. 11. No. 10. 10 336 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour SECTION 2: THE CODE THE OF BEHAVIOUR COMMISSION 2: SECTION 5. 4. 3. Membership 2. Powers 1. Establishment

(a) Commissioner. Senior Deputy the and Commissioner Senior the appoint will Australia Cricket (c) (b) (a) being: Commissioners 18 of consist will Commission The (c) (b) (a) to: empowered is Commission The A Code of Behaviour Commission Commission Behaviour of A Code

their respective jurisdictions. A curriculum vitae of each each of vitae A curriculum jurisdictions. respective their within reside normally who Commissioners ordinary (2) two least at of Australia Cricket to nominations submit will Cricket Territory Northern and Cricket ACT of each and Association State each year, each in 1August than later no by appointment, such To facilitate Commissioners. ordinary all appoint shall Australia Cricket Cricket. Territory Northern and Cricket ACT of each from and Association State each from Commissioners Ordinary (2) two being Commissioners, ordinary 16 and Commissioner; Senior a Deputy Commissioner; a Senior Australia. Cricket by it to referred matter other any with deal and policy; respective each of terms the with accordance in breaches proven any on penalties impose and Policy Harassment Anti- the and Code Vilification Religious and Racial the under it to referred complaints decide and hear proven breaches in accordance with the terms of this Code; this of terms the with accordance in breaches proven any on penalties impose and Code this with accordance in it before brought appeals and reports decide and hear (the Commission ) is established. Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 337

Subject to paragraph (b) below, any report, complaint or othermatter brought to theCommission will be heard and determined by an ordinary Commissioner or the Deputy Senior Commissioner or any other Commissionernominated by the Chief Executive Officer of Cricket Australia. Any appeal from a decisionof a single Commissioner will be heard and determined by the Deputy Senior Commissioner or the Senior Commissioner another or Commissioner approved by the Chief Executive Officer of Cricket Australia. Any report made in relation to an alleged breach by a player or official of Rule 8 of Section 1 will only be heard and determined by the Deputy Senior Commissioner. Any appeal from the decision of the Deputy Senior Commissioner will be heard and determined by the Senior Commissioner. Subject to the provisions of this Code, the Registrar will Commissioner will determining for which responsible be hear a particular report or complaint. A Commissioner whose decision is the subject of appeal may not participate in hearing the appeal. Should Cricket Australia not approve a nomination by a state or territory cricket association, the association further must make nominationsconcerned until approved by Cricket Australia. AllCommissioners will hold office for a period of one (1) year from the date of their appointment (in the case of the Senior Commissioner and Deputy Senior Commissioner) or approval (in the case of ordinary Commissioners) by Cricket Australia. Cricket Australia may appoint or approve substitute Commissioners in the event a Commissioner is unwilling or unable to fulfil the requirements of the role at a particular time. nominatedperson shall be provided to Cricket Australia submission.with All nominations approved must be each by Cricket Australia before they can have effect.

(a) (c) (b) (b)

6. 338 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 7. Register 8. Address of Commission

a finding of guilt or innocence. or guilt of a finding of making the to prior register the to made be may reference No Policy. Harassment Anti the and Code Vilification Religious and Racial the of and Behaviour of Code this of breach a for penalty any fixing in it assisting of purpose the for Commission the to available be to is register The imposed. penalty any including appeals and hearings any of outcome the 5, Section 2of Rule under imposed penalty prescribed any record must register The Policy. Anti-Harassment the and Code Vilification Religious and Racial the under Commission the to referred complaints all of and Code this of breaches alleged of reports all of aregister maintain must Registrar The 60 Jolimont Street, Jolimont, , 3002. Victoria, Jolimont, Street, Jolimont 60 currently: is which Australia, Cricket of being time the for address the be shall Code this to pursuant documents of lodging the of purposes the for Commission the of address The

Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 339

player participating;player or umpire or Match referee officiating, manager of either Team; or the Chief Executive Officer of the state or territory cricket association represented by either or, Team inthe case of Biga Bash League Match, the Chief Executive Officer of either Big Bash LeagueTeam, manager of the Team; or Chief Executive Officer of the state or territory cricket association if or, the alleged breach is by a person who represents a Big Bash League team and occurs during the designated Big Bash League period, the Chief Executive Officer of the Big Bash League Team,

(i) (ii) in the Match in connection with which the alleged breach occurs; (i) (ii) participating in the Match in connection with which the alleged breach occurs; (i) (ii)  of the person alleged to have committed the breach where the alleged breach does not occur in connection with a Match; or the Chief Executive Officer or Senior Manager - Cricket Operations Australia. Cricket of Subject to Rule 2 of this Section 3, an alleged breach of the Code may be reported by: (a) any: (b)the: (c) the: (d) An alleged breach of Rule 8.1 of Section 1 may only be reported by the Chief Executive Officer or Senior Manager - Cricket Operations of Cricket Australia. Any such report shall be filed within10 business days of either of them becoming aware of any facts which are capable of sustaining a charge under that Rule. An alleged breach of Rules 8.2 7, or 12 of Section 1

1. 2. SECTION 3: REPORTS 340 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 6. 5. 4. 3. 7.

(currently (currently website official its on posted is Form the of copy electronic an that ensure shall Australia Cricket 3. Section this 1 of Rule under designated person any by use for auspices their under or territories respective their in played are Matches which at venue each at available are Form the of copies additional of number asufficient that ensure shall association cricket territory and state each addition, In Form. the of copies (5) five least at with provided are umpires officiating all that ensure shall Match such hosting association cricket territory or state the Match, each of start the to Prior Form. the lodging person the by dated and signed be must Forms All Form (the Australia Cricket of Operations -Cricket Manager Senior the form, such approving Commission the of lieu or, in Commission the by approved aform on writing in made be person lodging the Report. the lodging person the of attention the to brought was offence alleged the after hours 48 than later no event, any in and, practicable as soon as Commission the with Report the lodge must aMatch, with connection in than other place or time any at committed been have to alleged is that offence an to relation in areport lodge to 3 Section this of 1(c) Rule in authorised individuals the of Any Match. that of conclusion the of hours 24 within Referee Match the with Report the lodge must a Match, with connection in committed been have to alleged is that offence an to relation in aReport lodge 3 to Section this of 1(b) or 1(a) Rule in authorised individuals the of Any 3. Section this 1of Rule under designated person Any report of an alleged breach of the Code ( Code the of breach alleged an of report Any Rules. of those provisions the with accordance in with dealt and reported be only may Rules 7, 8.2 or 12), a Report to the Commission. the to aReport 12), or 7, 8.2 Rules under than (other Code this under acharge substantiating of capable are which facts any of aware becoming of days business 10 within lodge, may Australia Cricket of Operations Cricket - Manager Senior or Officer Executive Chief The the person against whom the Report is made (and the Chief Chief the (and made is Report the whom against person the received, is aReport after practicable reasonably as soon As ) for use, if necessary, by any any by necessary, if use, ) for Report ) must ) must ). ). Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 341 ). Notice of Charge neither person objects to the prescribed penalty, the prescribed penalty shall be offered to the person against whom the Report has been made. he/she mayadmit the offence charged and accede to the proposed prescribed penalty specified in the Notice of Charge(which shall be determined in accordancewith Rule 2 of Section 5 of this Code of Behaviour). In such circumstances,and provided that such acceptance has been received by the Registrar within 24 hours of receipt ofthe Noticeof Charge,a hearing before theCommission either person objects to the prescribed penalty, the alleged offence shall be referred to a hearing by the Commission in accordance with Section 4; or

Where the Notice of Charge relates to an alleged Level 1 Offence or a Level 2 Offence by a person who has not committed a prior offence under the Code in the preceding eighteen prior to the date ofthe Report and neither the SeniorManager Cricket- Operations of Cricket Australia or the individual who lodged the Report have objected to the prescribed penalty proposed in connection with the alleged offence, the Notice of Charge shall specify that the person charged has the following two options: (a) (b) Where a Report relates to an alleged Level 1 Offence or a Level Offence 2 by a player who has not committed a prior offence under the Code in the preceding eighteen months prior to the date of the Report, prior to providing a Notice of Charge to a person against whom the Report has been made the Registrar shall determine, in accordance with Rule 2 of Section 5, the prescribed penalty that will apply to that alleged offence. The Registrar will notify both the Senior Manager - Cricket Operations of Cricket Australia and the individualwho lodged the Report of the prescribed penalty. If: (a) Executive Officer of the StateTerritory or Cricket Association or Big Bash League of Team such person if the person is a playerofficial) or Team must be informed of the making of the Report, written particulars of the Rules it is alleged have been breached and a brief statement as to how they have been breached (


8. 342 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 11. 10. 12. 13.

accordance with Section 4. Section with accordance in conducted ahearing at heard be will charge the that specify shall Charge of Notice the 3, Section this of 8(a) Rule to pursuant offence alleged the with connection in proposed penalty prescribed the to objected have Report the lodged who individual the or Australia Cricket Operations -Cricket Manager Senior the or Report, the of date the to prior months eighteen preceding the in Code the under offence a prior of guilty found been has who aperson by 2Offence aLevel or Offence 1 Level alleged an to relates Charge of Notice the Where (b) with Section 4. Section with accordance in conducted ahearing at heard be will charge the that specify shall Charge of Notice the 12), and 7, 8.2 Rules under offences alleged than 1(other Section in Rules other any under offence alleged an to relates Charge of Notice the Where (c) (b) (a) example: for offence, another allege may Report the making person 1, the Section of 1–4(inclusive) Rules in out set offences the by covered clearly or adequately not are incident alleged the of seriousness or gravity the or of facts the Where Code. the of breach a alleging Form original the filing for responsible individual the by time any at withdrawn be may A Report hearing in accordance with Section 4. Section with accordance in hearing a to proceed shall matter the case which in Charge, of Notice that of receipt of hours 24 within Charge of Notice the in penalty prescribed proposed the of acceptance of notice give not or charged, offence the deny may he/she imposed; or imposed; penalty the and offence the confirming statement public a of discretion) its (in Australia Cricket by issue the (ii) and Charge of Notice the in specified sanction applicable the of imposition the (i) than other taken be shall action further no and required be not 4shall Section to pursuant breach of Rule 9 – Detrimental Public Comment. Public 9–Detrimental Rule of breach or Behaviour; 6–Unbecoming Rule of breach Game; the of Spirit and Cricket of 5–Laws Rule of breach

Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 343

the person making the Report is not present, the Commissionmay dismiss the Report or adjourn the hearing to a date and time fixed by it; or the person against whom the Report has been made is not present, the Commission may hear the Report in the absence of that person; or both persons are not present, the Commission may dismiss the Report or adjourn the hearing to a date and time fixed by it.  (a) (b)  (c)  Where there are separate incidents in the course ofmatch, a separate charges should be reported in accordance with this Section 3. The Commission will hold a hearing in relation to each Report referred to it under Section 3 of this Code. Where appropriate, the Commission may hear more than one Report simultaneously where those Reports are in respect of the related behaviour. or same The hearing of a Report will be held as soon as practicable after the Report has been lodged, having regard always to the requirements to accord procedural fairness to the playeror official concerned. The Commission may grant an adjournment of the hearing where the player or official demonstrates that an adjournment is essential in order to be given a fair opportunity to prepare a defence. Subject to the immediately succeeding Rule 4(c) of this Section 4, the person against whom a Report is made and the person who has made the Report will be required to attend a hearing before the Commission at a time and place notified to them. If within 30 minutes of the notified time for commencement of the hearing:

Procedure 1. 14. 2. 3. SECTION 4: HEARINGS 344 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 4.

(h) (g) (f) (e) (d) (c) (b) (a) Commission: The

(but not transmit) the hearing. the transmit) not (but on Report and attend to Australia Cricket by accredited or approved been have who personnel media allow may and person; other or representative alegal by assisted be to Code the breached have to alleged person the allow may it; assist to person other or representative alegal appoint may witnesses; cross-examine and examine to Report the lodged who person the and Code the breached have to alleged person the permit may and itself may pictures; video the on make to wish they as any, if comments, such make to opportunity an behalf, her or his on person any or charged, person the giving charged, person the of presence the in evidence video the considered has it if decision its making in evidence such use to entitled be only shall Commission the that provided Code, the breached has reported person the whether determining in it assist to evidence video request may facility; conference other or telephone by hearing the conduct may (ii) (i) hearing: the conduct will (ii) (i) hearing: the conduct will permits; complaint or Report the of consideration proper as as quickly, as and technicality; and formality little as with determines; Commission the as respects other in and agree otherwise; Commission the and Report the to parties all unless private in 4, Rule this of (g) paragraph to subject

Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 345

the person’s home state or territory cricket association; and Cricket Australia, the person reported; the person making the Report; dress in a manner acceptable to the Commission; behave with due decorum;and comply with the directions of the Commission as to the manner in which the hearing will be conducted.

6, the Commission’s decision shall be the full, final and complete disposition of the matters and will be binding on all. Subject only to the rights of appeal as set out in Section (d) writtena statement ofthe findings of the hearing, any penalty imposedand the person’s rights of appeal as set out in Section 6, as soon as reasonably practicable after the conclusion of the hearing. (a) (b) (c) The Commission will give: (a) (b) (c) Anyperson who fails to comply may be ejected from the hearing room and sanctioned under this Code in his or her absence. All people attending a hearing before the Commission must: Where a Report has been lodged with a Match Referee in connection with an alleged Level 1 Offence or Level 2 Offence, the Registrar shall, for the purpose of determining The Commission is entitled, if, in its absolute discretion, it is required, to seek legal advice prior to or during any hearing (for which purpose the Commission is entitled to adjourn the hearing) and/or prior to giving its decision.


Notification of Decision 7. 1. 5. Hearings at Behaviour 6. SECTION 5: PENALTIES 346 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour Rule 1.7) Rule Rule 1.7 1.7 Rule (except (except Level Level only 4 3 2 1

3. 2. 8 suspension 8 suspension 4 suspension players only) players 50% match Reprimand fee ($1,000 Minimum 10% match fee ($100 for BBL players players BBL for ($100 fee match 10% Men’s CA, State (including rookies) rookies) (including State CA, Men’s for BBL BBL for points points and BBL-Contracted Players and Players and and BBL-Contracted penalties for each level of offence set out in the table in Rule 2 of 2 of Rule in table the in out set offence of level each for penalties of range maximum and minimum the within penalty appropriate an apply will it Behaviour, of Code this 1of Section of (inclusive) 1–4 Rules of any breached has person any that aReport, of hearing the following decides, Commission the event the In 3: Section 9 of 8 and Rules with accordance in made be to required notifications the of purpose the for table following the in out set as offence alleged that for prescribed penalty applicable the shall determine he/she period, month eighteen relevant the within Code the under offence another of guilty found been not has charged person the that established has Registrar the If place. took offence an that alleging Report the of lodging the of date the to prior months eighteen of aperiod within applied) been have may that regulations predecessor any (or Code the under offence an of guilty found been previously has the charged person whether consider first alleged offence, that with connection in imposed be to sanction applicable the CA-Contracted Umpires CA-Contracted only) for each player each for only) 8 suspension 8 suspension players only) players 100% match suspension suspension 50% match fee ($2,000 fee ($1,000 Maximum only) + 2 +2 only) Life ban Life for BBL BBL for BBL for players players points points Prescribed 50% match Reprimand fee ($1,000 for BBL BBL for players players only) N/A N/A

4 suspension 4 suspension 8 suspension 8 suspension 1 suspension 1 suspension Reprimand Minimum (other than CA-Contracted Umpires) Umpires) CA-Contracted than (other points points point Women’s Players, Officials Women’s Officials Players, Reprimand for each player each for Reprimand and Under Age Players Age Under and 1 suspension 8 suspension 2 suspension Maximum Life ban Life points points point 1 suspension 1 suspension Prescribed Reprimand point N/A N/A

Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 347 A Match of at least three days in duration is given a weighting of two (2) suspension points; and A Match of one or two daysduration or which is a Twenty20 match is given a weighting of one (1) point.suspension theCommission shall have regard to the player’s orofficial’s previous participation in the various formatsof Matches in orderto determine (to thebest of itsability) which of the forthcoming Matches the player or official is most likely to participate in; where necessary, the Commission shall be entitled to consult with the Senior Manager - Cricket Operations of Cricket Australia in order to make a determination as to which of the forthcoming Matches the player or official is most likely to participate in; in so far as is reasonably possible, the Commission shall apply the suspension points to the subsequent Matches in which the player or official is most likely to participate in on a chronological basis immediately following the announcement of the decision.The exact number of suspension points shall be applied and within the shortest period (c). this paragraph under available For example, a four-day and one-day player who receives a Where the Commission imposes a period of suspension on any player or official, any such period of suspension shall be referenced by suspension points, which shall carry the following weightings: a. b. Where suspensionpoints are imposed against a player or official, then such suspension points will be applied in accordance with the following principles: a. b. c. The following rules apply to any penalty imposedunder this Rule: (a) (b) this Section and may also apply any or all of the penalties set out in Rule 5 of this Section (with the exception of Match bans and fines contemplated under Rules 5(a) and 5(c) of this Section).

4. 348 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour

(d) (c) ban is to be served. As far as appropriate, the provisions of of provisions the appropriate, as far As served. be to is ban the which in Matches or Match of type the so, if and ban, imposed ICC the of day last the and ban imposed ICC the of day first the on commencing period the during ban Match player a receive should the domestic whether determine to hearing a conduct may Australia) Cricket of Officer Executive Chief the by nominated Commissioner another (or Commissioner Senior Deputy the or Commissioner Senior the period, month atwelve within 2offence Level a of arepeat for Conduct of Code ICC the under offence 3 aLevel than other time) to time from equivalent their (or Conduct of Code ICC the 4of Level 3or Level either in out set offences the of any of abreach for ban Match international imposed ICC an receives aplayer that event the In time. of period aspecified for matches or match club any in participation from person the ban appropriate, deems it if may, Commission the 4bans), Level to respect with powers Commission’s the limiting without (and Rule this under imposed ban any to addition In d. games as quickly as possible; and possible; as quickly as games scheduled of sequence the to points 2 suspension the of application exact and full the ensure to match four-day the in participate to eligible be shall but matches in one-day the be participate to ineligible shall match, one-day another by followed match afour-day by followed match aone-day play next to scheduled is and points, 2 suspension of penalty postponement or abandonment. postponement cancellation, such of irrespective Match, that to allocated remain will points suspension the then place, take to scheduled is it which on day actual the on time any at abandoned otherwise or postponed cancelled, is aMatch Where participate. to likely most is official or player the which in Match(es) subsequent next the to reallocated be must points suspension such then place, take to scheduled is it which on day actual the to prior abandoned or otherwise cancelled, postponed subsequently is that aMatch to applied points suspension his/her has official or aplayer where Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 349 the hearing will be a hearing as to penalty only (and will not be a review of the guilt or innocence of the player under the ICC Code of Conduct or a rule of this Code); and the hearing must be convenedwithin 10 business days of the relevant decision (or an appeal from that decision) under the ICC Code of Conduct. the Commission may not impose a ban in relation to Test Matches,One Day International Matches or Twenty20 International Matches; the Commission may not impose a ban which extends beyond the last day of the ICC imposed match ban; thenumber of domestic matches in bana imposed by the Commission must not exceed the number of matches forming part of the ICC imposed match ban (for example, a player who receives a three Test Match ban may not receive a ban of more than three Sheffield Shield Matches); and the Commission may take into account any circumstance it considers relevant, including those listed in Ruleof 6 this Section 5. Section 4 ofthis Code will apply to any hearing under this paragraph (d) except that: (i) (ii) When imposing any penalty under this paragraph (d) the will apply:following principles (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) In the event that a player receives a ban from playing club/ matches as a result of a breach of any offences set out in any applicable rules of behaviour governingsuch club/grade cricket matches (“Club Ban”), the Senior Commissioner or the Deputy Senior Commissioner (or another Commissioner nominated by the Chief Executive Officer of Cricket Australia) may, solely at the request ofthe Senior Manager - Cricket Operations of Cricket Australia, conduct a hearing to determine whether the player should receive a Match (e)

350 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour

(g) (f) that second offence penalties from the range of penalties penalties of range the from penalties offence second that to apply may Commission the offence, first the than level alower at is offence second that and offence another committing of months eighteen 1within Section 1 –4of Rules of any under offence asecond commits aplayer If 3offence. aLevel committed had she or he if as offence second the with connection in penalised be will player the offence, 2.6 aLevel committed have to found is later months six and offence 2.3 aLevel committed have to found is aplayer if example, For Level. highest next the with line in apenalty impose will Commission the period, month aeighteen within 4) Level (excluding Level particular a within offence an repeats official or aplayer If (iii) (ii) (i) principlesfollowing willapply: the (e) paragraph this under penalty any imposing When (ii) (i) that: except (e) paragraph this under hearing any to apply will Code this 4 of Section of provisions the appropriate, as far As served. be to is ban the which in Matches or Match of type and number the so, if and Ban, Club the of day last the and Ban Club the of day first the on commencing period the during ban listed in Rule 6 of this Section 5. Section this 6of Rule in listed those including relevant, considers it circumstance any account into take may Commission the and Ban; Club the of day last the beyond extends which a ban impose not may Commission the Matches; International Twenty20 or Matches International Day One Matches, Test to relation in aban impose not may Commission the rules. club/grade the under decision) that from appeal an (or decision relevant the of days business 10 within convened be must hearing the and Code); this of arule or rules club the under player the of innocence or guilt the of areview be not will (and only penalty to as ahearing be will hearing the Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 351 the seriousness of the breach; theharm caused by the breach to the interests of cricket; the person’s seniority and standing in the game; remorse shown by the person and the prospect of further breaches; Ban the person from holding (or continuing to hold) any position within Cricket Australia or a State or Territory Cricket Association (including as an employee, official or officer or an employee, official or officer of a Big Bash League team); Fine the person an amount that accords with Rule of 15 this Section; Direct that the person make reparation for damage caused by that person to any property; specified a for counselling the person undergo to Require time; Require the person to perform voluntary service to cricket or the community; and/or Reprimand the person. that apply to the higher level of offence. In relation to a fine which is determined by reference to a ‘match fee’ (as referred to in the table above), the relevant match will be the match in which the offence occurred. Ban the person from participating in any Match;

Without limiting Rule 3 of this Section, when imposing anypenalty upon persona who has breached this Code ofBehaviour, the Commission may take into account any circumstance it considers relevant, including the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (a) (b) Withoutlimiting Rule of3 this Section, in the event the Commissiondecides that any person has breached any of Rules 5, 6 or 9 of Section 1 of this Code of Behaviour, it will apply one or more of the following penalties:

6. 5. 352 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour



11. 10. 9.

concurrently andconcurrently not cumulatively. of each offence. Penalties imposed in such cases should run run should cases such in imposed Penalties offence. each of (f) (e) during a match, it should impose separate penalties in respect respect in penalties separate impose should it amatch, during this Section. this 6of Rule in out set those including relevant considers it which circumstance any account into taking Section, this 5of Rule in out set penalties the of more or one impose will Commission the 2above, Rule under table the in described not is person the and Code this 1of Section 1–4of Rules of any under offence an of guilty is aperson that decides Commission the event the In relation to the same incident or set of circumstances arising arising circumstances of set or incident same the to relation should run cumulatively andshould run not cumulatively concurrently. cases such in imposed Penalties offence. each of respect in penalties separate impose should it amatch, during arising circumstances of set or incident same the to relate not do that 1 Section of 1-4 Rules of any under offences separate more or two committing of guilty person a finds Commission the If Team Match. or any in duties official or selection for ineligible official or player the render will requirement this meet to failure Any Commission. the by decided otherwise as or days (30) thirty within so do must reparation make to or fine a pay to required official or player Any code, or standard policy. relevant the with accordance in determined be 1will Section of 12 11 and 10, 7, 8.2, Rules in described policies and standards codes, the contravenes which behaviour for Penalties more separate offences under any of Rules 1-4 of Section 1 in 1in Section of 1-4 Rules of any under offences separate more If the Commission finds a person guilty of committing two or or two committing of guilty person a finds Commission the If

Bash League Team that the proposed fine represents. fine proposed the Team that League Bash aBig or Association Cricket Territory or aState Australia, Cricket from income annual person’s the of proportion the by evidenced as afine pay to capacity person’s the including person, the on penalty the of impact the and behaviour; of code similar any and Conduct of Code ICC the Code, this by abiding in person the of record prior the

Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 353

Between 2 and 5 years Between 2 and 5 years if the player or officialdirectly benefited (or intended to directly benefit) from his or her actions; otherwise, 1 of minimum a year Between 2 and 5 years if the player or officialdirectly benefited (or intended to directly benefit) from his or her actions; otherwise, a minimum of 1 year Between 2 years and life Between 1 and 5 years Between 1 and 5 years Between 1 and 5 years

may impose any or all of the penalties under Rules 5(c) to (g) inclusive of this Section; and will impose the penalties under Rules (a) 5 and (b) of thisSection, and will ban the person from (in the case of a player) being selected or in (in a Team the case of an official) being involved Teamin any or Match, for the following periods of time: Rule 8.1(a) - Rule 8.1 (b) - Rule 8.1(c)life - Rule 8.1(d) - life Rule 8.1(e) - life Rule 8.1(f) - Rule 8.1(g) - Rule 8.1(h) - Rule 8.1(i) - Rule 8.1(j) - For example, if a player is charged with serious dissent under Rule 2.1 of Section it 1, is open to the Commission to find the player guiltyof dissent under Rule 1.2 of Section 1 rather than dissent.serious In the event the Commission decides that any person has breached a provision of Rule 8 of Section the 1, Commission: (a) (b) Plea bargaining is not permitted.It is open to the Commission to find a person guilty of an offence in a level lower than that in which he or she is charged where the constituent elements of the lesser offence are substantially similar or the same.

12. 13. 354 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour SECTION 6: APPEALS 6: SECTION Rule Number Rule Rule 9 Rule 8.1 Rule 6 Rule Rule 5 Rule

1. Right to Appeal 16. 14. 15.

notice of the penalty and without the need for further formality. further for need the without and penalty the of notice of Cricket Australia, in each case automatically upon receipt of of receipt upon automatically case each in Australia, Cricket of though those penalties had been imposed under the jurisdiction jurisdiction the under imposed been had penalties those though by Cricket Australia against those Players and Officials as as Officials and Players those against Australia Cricket by control and jurisdiction of any Other Cricket Bodies, enforced enforced Bodies, Cricket Other any of jurisdiction and control bans not wholly related to matches solely played under the the under played solely matches to related wholly not bans may be recognised and, with respect to any suspensions or or suspensions any to respect with and, recognised be may anti-corruption rules to those set out in Rule 8 of Section 1 1 Section 8of Rule in out set those to rules anti-corruption respective jurisdiction and based on the same or similar similar or same the on based and jurisdiction respective tribunals (“Other Cricket Bodies”) that are within their their within are that Bodies”) Cricket (“Other tribunals or any other national cricket federation or their respective respective their or federation cricket national other any or Any sanctions imposed on Players or Officials by the ICC and/ ICC the by Officials or Players on imposed sanctions Any any Report or the Chief Executive Officer or General Manager Manager General or Officer Executive Chief the or Report any of initiator the or Code the of breach in be to found person Any of their playing or officiating duties: officiating or playing their of result as a remuneration receive not do who officials or players on imposed be will fines no that provided table, following the in listed amounts the exceed not will 1, it Section 9of or 8.1 6, 5, Rules of breach a for a fine imposes Commission the When and a ban impose to ability Commission’s the limits Section this in Nothing Description of Offence Comment Detrimental Public Betting, Match Fixing Unbecoming Behaviour and Corruption Game the of Spirit Laws of Cricket and and Cricket of Laws Rule 8.1(k) - 8.1(k) Rule a fine in respect of a breach of Rule 8.1 of Section 1. Section of 8.1 Rule of breach of a respect in afine

Between 1 and 5years 1and Between

First Breach First $5750 unlimited $5750 $5750 Further Breach Further $11,500 unlimited $11,500 $11,500

Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 355 ) and the Commission will not be limited As far as appropriate, the provisions of Sections 4 and 5 of this The hearing will be a new hearing of the subject of the appeal (i.e. a hearing de novo in any way by the previous hearing or the decision under appeal. Without limitation, in determining the appropriate penalty (if any) on an appeal, it is open to the person hearing the appeal to increase or decrease or amend the penalty or otherwise substitute the penalty for another form of penalty this Code. permissible under An appeal may be withdrawn at any time, except that once the hearing of the appeal has commenced the appeal may be withdrawn only with the Commission’s approval. Theappeal must be lodged with the Commission in writing in a form approvedby the Commission within 10 business days of notification of the decision under Rule 3 of Section 4 of this Code. Any penalties imposed by the Commission will be suspended pending the outcome of any such appeal. The Commission must notify the other parties of the appeal and its details as soon as practicable after the Commission receives the notice of appeal. Cricket Operations of Cricket Australia or a person who has hadpenaltya imposed under Rule 4(d) or 4(e) of Section 5, mayappeal against the decision of the Commission (or a decisionof the Executive Tour when acting in place of the Commission under Section 8), including butnot limited to in relation to the penalty imposed, provideda $2000 appeal deposit is paid to Cricket Australia at the time such appeal is lodged with the Commission. The appeal will be heard as soon as practicable after the other parties to the appeal have been notified pursuant to Rule 4 above and will be commenced no later than 28 days after the appeal is lodged.

Applicability of Sections 4 and 5 7. 2. Time for Appeal 3. 4. 5. Re-hearing 6. 356 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour SECTION 7: MEDIA ANNOUNCEMENTS MEDIA 7: SECTION 1. 2. 8. Finality 10. Costs 9.

Cricket Australia will, as soon as practicable, notify the media media the notify practicable, as soon as will, Australia Cricket or appeal. Report that of hearing the of outcome the or appeal an Report, a of media the notify to authorised are departments) affairs media/public respective their from a(or representative (c) (b) (a) of: managers operations cricket or officers executive chief the only 2 below, Rule 4 and Section of 4(h) Rule under personnel media of attendance permitted the to Subject Code will apply to any appeal heard by the Commission. the by heard appeal any to apply will Code costs under this Rule. this under costs of award an to reference a was afine to therein reference the if as costs of award such any of non-payment the to applies 5 Section 9of Rule appeal. the with associated costs own their for responsible be shall appeal the to party each cases, all In deposit. appeal $2000 the of appellant the by forfeiture the order shall Commission the dismissed, is appeal an If such a sanction. of imposition the against appeal any to right his/her waives official or player the 3, Section 8of Rule in described procedure the with in accordance Charge of Notice the in specified sanction proposed the to accedes and charged offence the admits official or aplayer where doubt, of avoidance the For thereto. parties the on binding and final be will appeal on Commission the by made decision Any was conducted, was appeal or hearing the where Association State the or team); League Bash Big their with involvement person’s the to relates offence alleged the if team, League Bash Big (or Association State person’s reported the Australia; Cricket

Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour 357

the Executive Tour may (if so directed by the Chief ExecutiveOfficer or Senior Manager - Cricket Operations of CricketAustralia in his absolute discretion)act in place of the Commission in the initial hearing of Reports; and onlythe Chief Executive Officer or Senior Manager - Cricket Operations or media manager of Cricket Australia willbe authorised to notify the media of reporta and the outcome of that Report. of a Report, an appeal or the outcome of any such Report or appeal where such Report was made by the Chief Executive Officer or Senior Manager - Cricket Operations of Cricket Australia pursuant to Rule of 2 Section 3 or the appeal relates to such a Report. Other than in the case of a report made by the Chief Executive Operations- Cricket pursuant Officer Manager Senior or to Rule 2 of Section 3 (see Rule 3 below), where a Report concerns the behaviour ofplayer a or official involved with an Australiantouring while Team overseas, the provisions of this Code will apply except that: (a) Where a Report is made by the Chief Executive Officer or Senior Manager - Cricket Operations of Cricket Australia pursuant to Rule 2 of Section 3 concerning the behaviour of a player or official involved with an Australian touringTeam while overseas, the Report shall be heardand determined by the Commission as soon as practicable after the conclusion of the relevant tour or sooner if circumstances permit. Nothing in this clause limits Cricket Australia’s right to stand (b) Where a Report is made either by or against a member of the Executive Tour and, pursuant to Rule 1 above, the Tour Executive takes the place of the Commission for the purpose of this Code, that member will be disqualified from participating in the hearing of the Report. For the purposes of that hearing only, the disqualified person’s place on Tourthe Executive will be taken by a person nominated by the Chief Executive Officer or Senior Manager - Cricket Operations of Cricket Australia.

1. 3. 2. SECTION 8: AUSTRALIAN TOURING TEAMS 358 Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour SECTION 9:  9: SECTION SECTION 10: INTERNAL TEAM DISCIPLINE TEAM INTERNAL 10: SECTION action under thisCode. any take to right the way any in restrict not will and however, Code, this of provisions the to addition in are rules Such rules. those of breach for penalties imposing for and behaviour for rules internal own their establishing from Teams individual prevent not does Code This thereof. abreach committed have may who official or player any against action legal taking from agreement, or invitation of letter contract, such to party other any or States, member its of any Australia, Cricket limit or preclude not will Code this proceedings under Australia, Cricket from, invitation of letter or with, contract a breached has official or player a that or officiate, to or Territory or a State represent to invitation an accepting in given undertaking an breached has official or aplayer that alleged is it Where outcome of the hearing into such aReport. such into hearing the of outcome the pending duties official his from down official or a player CONDITION OF INVITATION CONDITION OR CONTRACT OF BREACH

Racial and Religious Vilification Code 359 “Cricket ) to the elimination of racial and religious Recognise the commitment of Cricket Australia ( Australia” vilification players. of Establish a framework for handling complaints made by players who believe they have been subjected to racial vilification religious anotheror player. by This Code does not restrict any other action which may be This Code does not restrict or prohibit any player from Whereplayera (“the Complainant”) believeshe has been The purpose of this Code is to: Conduct The Covered Code By A player who is participating in a match under the jurisdiction or auspices of Cricket Australia will not engage in any conduct,act towards or speak to any other player in intimidates, humiliates, insults, offends, which manner a threatens, disparages or vilifies the other player on the basis of that player’s race, religion, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin (“the conduct”). The Interrelationship Of This Code With Other Rules The Sport Governing And Regulations taken in relation to the conduct covered by this Code under the International Cricket Council (“ICC”) Code of Conduct. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Legislation pursuing all other legal rights they may have in relation to vilification. religious and racial Lodging a Complaint subjected to vilification under this Code or an officiating umpire in a match (“the Umpire”) believes another player has breached the Code, the Complainant or Umpire may lodge a complaint with the Operations Manager of Cricket Purpose of Code 1. 2.

2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Cricket Australia Racial and Religious Vilification Code 360 Racial and Religious Vilification Code 7. 6. 7.2 7.1 Manager Operations The Of Role The 6.3 6.2 6.1 Contain aComplaint Must What have occurred. to alleged is breach the which in match the of completion the following day business first the on 5pm by Australia A Complaint must: A Complaint

 7.1.3 7.1.2  7.1.1 receipt of the complaint, unless the Operations Manager, Manager, Operations the unless complaint, the of receipt of hours 48 within completed be should investigation The outline the circumstances of the allegations made; and made; allegations the of circumstances the outline writing; in be The Operations Manager shall upon receipt of acomplaint: of receipt upon shall Manager Operations The evidence. video or statements witness including documentation supporting any by accompanied be possible, if

include, but is not limited to: limited not is but include, may which fit, deems s/he as complaint the in made allegations the into investigation an conduct complaint; the of Behaviour, of Code Australia Cricket the 2of Section under Australia Cricket by appointed as Commissioner, Australia Cricket the and captains, team both Australia, Cricket of Officer Executive Chief the advise in writing; respond to opportunity an and complaint the of acopy both with person that provide and complaint the of Respondent”) (“the Code the alleged person the to haveinform contravened

obtaining video or other evidence. other or video obtaining and applicable; if referees, match and umpires officiating the from a report obtaining available witness; any from statement awritten obtaining compiling a of list witnesses;

Racial and Religious Vilification Code 361

The Complainant, the Umpire who initiated the report (if any), and the Respondent, should attend the conciliation. Both Captains Team , or Vice Captain if the Captain is a party to the complaint, and Managers Team may attend with the consent of the Conciliator. The Operations Manager must lodge with the dismiss the complaint if s/he believes it is frivolous vexatious;or arrange forthe complaint to be referred to conciliation; or refer the complaint direct to the Cricket Australia Commissioner to determine the complaint pursuant to Clause 12 of this code if the Respondent has already appeared at conciliation in relation to previous breaches of this Code. Any conciliation referred to in clause 7.3.2 of this Codewill be conductedby representativea of the Equal Opportunity Commission of Victoria, or where the Commission is unable or unwilling to conciliate, a nomineeof the Commission, provided that such nominee is not an official of or a player contracted to Cricket Australia or a State Cricket Association. The Conciliation The Conciliator The Operations Manager maydelegate to an officer of Cricket Australia any of his/her powers or functions under this Code, including the delegation of powers or functionsto the Manager Team of any Australian Team internationalon tour. When the investigation is completed, the Operations may:Manager at his/her discretion, extends the time for investigation in the interests of fairness to all parties. 8.2.2  8.2.1  7.3.2  7.3.3 7.3.1

8.2 Conciliation Procedure Conciliation 8.1 7.4  7.3 

8. 362 Racial and Religious Vilification Code

8.3  8.3.1 8.2.9  8.2.8 8.2.7 8.2.6 8.2.5 8.2.4 8.2.3 Resolution of the Complaint the of Resolution   Complainant cannot take any further action in in action further any take cannot Complainant the and withdrawn deemed be will complaint the conciliation, the at resolved is complaint the If Commissioner. Australia Cricket by determined be to apenalty to subject be shall 8.2.6 clause of breach in person other Any fee. match relevant player’s the of cent per 100 of amaximum to up Commissioner Australia Cricket by determined be to apenalty to subject be shall he 8.2.6 Clause breach aplayer Should the conciliation. after or during to, prior time any at complaint the anydisseminate concerning personal information or on comment publicly shall 8.2.6 clause in to referred person no 8.3.4, clause in stated as Except conciliation confidential. the and complaint the of particulars the keep times all at must Captains, and Team Officials ACB including Manager, the Operations Conciliator, the details or circumstances of the conciliation, of aware person other any and complaint the to parties both 8.3.4, clause in stated as Except course of redress to be pursued at any conciliation. any at pursued be to redress of course the determines who person the is Complainant The fairness. procedural and justice natural of principles the to reference with conducted is conciliation the ensure and to adhere must Conciliator The must participate in good faith. good in participate must conciliation the attending those all and parties Both Conciliator prior to conciliation: investigation. the of course the during obtained complaint the to relevant evidence any and complaint; the to response Respondents’ the complaint; the of a copy Racial and Religious Vilification Code 363 respect of the complaint under this code. Resolution of the complaint may be formalised by way of a verbalagreement or formal a written theagreement by parties. signed TheConciliator must inform the Operations Manager the complaint has resolved. Wherecomplainta is resolved, the parties may agree with the consent of Cricket Australia, to make a public statement concerning the resolution of the complaint. the Complainant, after notifying the Conciliator, may withdraw the complaint in which case no further action will be taken; or the Conciliator mustthe inform Operations the Manager that the conciliation has not been successful.

If Conciliation is Unsuccessful.If Conciliation is 8.3.2  8.3.3  8.3.4  8.4.1  8.4.2

Where the complaint has not been resolved successfully An attempt to conciliate a complaint must occur within notification Clause Upon under conciliation of failure of the In the event that a complaint is not successfully resolved 8.4 by conciliation, or where the conciliator believes that the complaint is not capable of successful resolution: The Time Limit for Conciliation 72 hours of the Conciliator receiving notification from the complaint. the of Operations Manager Referral to Hearing Commissioner 8.4.2 the Operations Manager must refer the complaint to the Cricket Australia Commissioner who will then hear the complaint in accordance with Clause 12. Conciliation the of Evidence and is referred to the Cricket Australia Commissioner, no evidence will be given to or be accepted by the Cricket Australia Commissioner in relation to anything said or done in any conciliation carried out pursuant to Clause 8.2.

9. 10. 11. 364 Racial and Religious Vilification Code 12. 12.5 12.4 12.3 12.2 12.1 Commissioner Australia Cricket The 12.5.2 12.5.1 12.1.3 12.1.2 12.1.1

Commissioner may: Commissioner Australia Cricket the evidence, the hearing After by him/her. determined be to a manner in complaint the decide and hear may Commissioner Australia Cricket The designated. place and time the at punctually attend shall hearing the at required persons All members of public. the to open be not will complaints into Commissioner Australia Cricket the by conducted Hearings The Cricket Australia Commissioner will: Commissioner Australia Cricket The if so: if and proven it of part any or complaint the find proven; not it of part any or complaint the find within 24 hours of the hearing. the of hours 24 within applicable) (if report the initiated who Umpire Manager the Operations Captains, and the Team both parties, both to decision his advise and affected; persons the of availability the considering after ahearing arrange promptly the complaint; the of referral upon Manager Operations the from investigation the from arising material all receive but which is not limited to: limited not is which but include may which apenalty determine then and cost; Respondent’s the at Commission the by conducted program education an attend to Respondent the direct and player; the by breach previous any ascertain to register conduct of code Australia Cricket the to refer the player’s relevant match fee; or fee; match relevant player’s the of cent per 100 of maximum to a a fine apology; awritten prepare to respondent the Racial and Religious Vilification Code 365 suspension. Continuous Education Cricket Australia is committed to ongoing annual training of all players by the Commission in relation to the racial and religious vilification. Partiesmay not be represented by a legal this Code.practitioner under conciliation at Where a complaint is referredto theCricket Australia Commissioner under thiscode the parties may be represented by a legal practitioner. Where an alleged breach of the Code occurs on an international tour, the same procedures as outlined in clauses 5 to 12 inclusive of this Code shall apply,except that the Manager Team shall act in place of the Operations Manager, and the ExecutiveTour (except the Manager) Team shall act in place of the Cricket Australia Commissioner. Ifthe Captain Team or Vice Captain are parties to the complaint they shall be excluded from decisions of the Executive Tour in relation to the complaint. A Conciliator will be nominated by the Commission prior to the departure of the team for the purposes of conducting conciliationspursuant to clause 8 of the Code.

16.1 13.2 Any playerfound to be in breach of theCode has the right of appeal against the decision of the Cricket Australia Commissioner to an Appeals Tribunal, consisting of three members, established by Cricket Australia for the purposes this Code.of Teams Touring Australian 15.1 15.2 15.3 16. Legal Representation 13.1


14. 15. 13. 366 Anti-Harassment Policy Anti-Harassment Policy Anti-Harassment Australia Cricket 2 1 Definitions Introduction 2.2 2.1 (c)  (b) (a) (f)  (e) (d)

   (ii)  (i) another person (the ‘person harassed’) if the person: the if harassed’) ‘person (the person another harasses sexually aperson policy this of purposes the For or offensive. malicious, humiliating, degrading intimidating, insulting, is which individuals of group or individual an toward directed gesture or conduct, comment, as defined be generally can but forms many takes Harassment law. criminal federal and state under offence an be can harassment forms serious most its In threatening. and degrading offensive, is Harassment Australia. of Commonwealth the of territories and states the in effect in legislation particular by as well as Act Discrimination Sex the and Act Opportunity Equal and Rights Human the including legislation is Commonwealth by prohibited certain Harassment discrimination. of aform is Harassment business, activities or events. or events. activities business, Australia Cricket any of course the during occurs which harassment to subjected is a person if applies Policy This Behaviour. of Code Australia Cricket the to subject persons all to applies Policy This be. may offender the who of regardless harassment, of incidents all of reporting the encourages Australia Cricket disability. and/or status family status, marital orientation, sexual sex, age, religion, colour, origin, ethnic or national race, of basis the on harassment of free environment asport providing to committed is Australia Cricket nature in relation to the person harassed, including including harassed, person the to relation in nature asexual of conduct unwelcome other in engages or harassed; person the to favours, sexual for request unwelcome an or advance, sexual unwelcome an makes

Anti-Harassment Policy 367

such conduct creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment for the person harassed, such conducthas the purpose or effect of interfering with the person harassed’s athletic performance; or submission to or rejection of this conduct is used as the basis for making decisions which affect the person harassed; without limitation when: (I) (II) (III) written, verbal or physical abuse, threats or intimidation; the display of visual material which is offensive or which one ought to know is offensive; comments, or jokes, remarks unwelcome innuendo taunting about a person’s looks, body, attire, age, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation; leering or otherleering or suggestive comments obscene or behaviour;or condescending, paternalistic patronising or condescending, esteem, self undermines diminishes which behaviour performance or adversely affects working conditions; practical jokes which cause awkwardness or embarrassment, endanger a person’s safety or negatively affect performance; unwanted physical contactincluding touching, petting, kissing; or pinching unwelcome sexual flirtations, advance requests or invitations; or  

 Types of behaviour which constitute harassment include but are not limited to:

(i)  (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)  (vii)  (viii)  in circumstances in which a reasonable person, having regard to all the circumstances, would have anticipated that the person harassed would be offended, humiliated or intimidated.In paragraph (ii), ‘conduct of sexuala nature’ includes making a statement of a sexual nature to a person, or in the presence of a person, whether the statement is made orally or in writing. 2.3 368 Anti-Harassment Policy 3

 3.2 3.1 andResponsibility Procedure will be treated as harassment and will not be tolerated. be not will and harassment as treated be will 2.5  2.4  (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) (ii) (ii) (i) (ix) involved in a complaint which is made under thisPolicy, is Commissioner Behaviour of aCode that event the In of thispolicy, implementation including: the for responsible be shall Commission Behaviour of Code the with conjunction in Australia Cricket person: a against retaliation policy this of purposes the For proscribed by thispolicy. is and males towards females by behaviour as or females between males, between occur also can harassment of behaviour however, by males females; towards sexual form the in occurs commonly most harassment Sexual

 obligations and public policy objectives. policy public and obligations legal Australia’s Cricket meet adequately they that ensure to policy this of terms the reviewing regularly and law; the under rights their of and policy this in contained procedures complainants both and ofinforming the respondents harassment; experience who persons to advice providing policy); this 4-9of clauses in out set (as offender the of authority or position the of regardless substantiated, been has harassment of acomplaint when measures corrective or disciplinary appropriate imposing and manner timely and responsible a sensitive, in harassment of complaints formal investigating this policy, under procedure any in participated or a complaint filed who aperson with associated been having for or policy; this under action any in participated having for policy; this under complaint a filed having for assault. sexual or physical Anti-Harassment Policy 369 obtaining a written statement from any available witness; and dismiss the complaint if he or she believes it is frivolous vexatious; or or inform the person alleged to have contravened the policy (“the Respondent”) of the complaint and provide that person with both a copy of the complaint opportunity an and writing; in respond to and conduct an investigationinto the allegations made in the complaint, which investigation may include, but is not limited to: witnesses; list of (I) a compiling (II) (III) obtaining other evidence. refer the complaint direct to a Cricket Australia Code of Behaviour Commissioner (the Commission) to determine the complaint pursuant to Clause 7 of  When the investigation is completed, the Chief Executive Officer of Cricket Australia may: be in writing; outline the circumstances of the allegations made; and if possible, be accompanied by supporting documentation. The Chief Executive Officer of Cricket Australia shall upon receipt ofcomplaint: a an alternative Commissioner shall be appointed for the purposes of dealing with the complaint. (i) (ii) (i) (ii)

6.2 Lodging Complaint a Where a person (“the Complainant”) believes he, she or another person has been subjected to harassment under this policy, the Complainant may lodge a complaint with the Chief Executive Officer of Cricket Australia. What Must a Complaint Contain A Complaint must: (a) (b) (c) Procedure Following Receipt of Complaint 6.1  4. 5. 6. 370 Anti-Harassment Policy 9. 8. 7. Appeal Penalty of Behaviour. Code Australia Cricket the 6of Section in out set process appeals the with accordance in conducted be will appeal The Commission. the of decision the against appeal of right the has policy this of breach in be to found person Any 8.1 7.4 7.3  7.2 7.1 Commissioner Australia Cricket The  6.3  8.2   (ii) (i) manner to be determined by it. by determined be to manner a in complaint the decide and hear will Commissioner The designated. place and time the at punctually attend shall hearing the at required persons All public. the of members to open be not will complaints into Commission the by conducted Hearings this policy, will: the Commission of 6.2(ii) clause under a complaint of referral Following under thisPolicy. functions or powers her or his of any Australia Cricket of officer an to delegate may Officer Executive Chief The following the hearing. following practicable as soon as Australia Cricket of Officer Executive Chief the and report the initiated who person the Respondent, the to findings the of statement written a provide and decision his advise will Commission The of Behaviour. Code Australia Cricket the 5of Section 5of Rule in out set penalties the of more or one any apply may it proven it of part any or complaint the finds Commission the If availability of the persons affected. affected. persons the of availability the considering after ahearing arrange promptly and Officer; Executive Chief the from investigation the from arising material all sent be this policy.

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 371



400 384 383 393 390 396 389 392 377 377 423 423 373 373 373 426 381 424 419 418 418 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 373


; and Prohibited and Prohibited accept these Anti- Player Support and Player Prohibited Substances Prohibited Prohibited Substances and Substances of Prohibited Player Support Personnel and Player of practices in cricket by: and s and detrimental to the reputation of Prohibited Substances of Prohibited . is contrary to the ethics of cricket, potentially in cricket. The Use and other Anti-Doping Organisations who commit Anti-Doping Rule Violations. Player Support Personnel and Player Members WHO DO THESE ANTI-DOPING RULES TO? APPLY ON DOPING ON CRICKET AUSTRALIA’S POSITION is under the supervision of a physician for a clinically ASADA These Anti-Doping Rules, like competition rules, set out some of the conditions under which cricket is played. Players Players; Support Personnel; Player employees and contractors of Cricket Australia and Members; educating and informing Players Anti-Doping these about Rules; supporting the drug testing programs and education initiatives of imposing effective sanctions on Players Personnel 3.1 b) c) d) These Anti-Doping Rules apply to: a) Methods justified purpose in accordance with Article 8 of these cricket as a sport. The only legitimate Use Cricket Australia condemns the Use Methods Prohibited Methods Prohibited harmful to the health of Player Anti-Doping Rules. Cricket Australia aims to stop Doping a) b) c) ARTICLE OBLIGATIONS - 3 ARTICLE 2 -  ARTICLE  - 1 374 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 3.2 h) g) f) d) c) b) a) Players –Players responsibilities and Roles not not e) bodies. adjudicating other and tribunals arbitral courts, all by respected be should and sport fair in interest an with stakeholders of spectrum the on modelled are Rules Anti-Doping these in implemented standards minimum and policies The matters. employment or proceedings criminal to applicable standards legal and requirements the by limited or to subject be to intended not are Rules Anti-Doping These Australia. Cricket of control and auspices jurisdiction, the under levels all at cricket in participate to eligible being of acondition as Rules Doping

WADA necessary for aTherapeutic for Use Exemption necessary of of Use for prior notification ensure the requirements that cricket; in interested children especially public, the of members to sport in use drug of issue the on example aresponsible set the Testing and collection Sample for procedure the of aware themselves make Doping Rules; or or they ingest, Use ingest, they Doping of context the in responsibility, full take purpose; that for Rules Doping Anti- these with accordance in information whereabouts Sample for available be them; to Prohibited the and List Rules Anti-Doping these with comply and of knowledgeable be and read received does not violate these Anti-Doping Rules; Anti-Doping these violate not does received treatment medical any that sure make to responsibility Substances Use to not obligations their of consult they whom with medicalinform practitioners Prohibited Substance must: must: Sample Prohibited Methods Use Code, which represents the consensus of a broad abroad of consensus the represents which Code, or Possess or collection and Testing and collection and and and Possess and Prohibited Methods procedures and their rights during during rights their and procedures which are Prohibited or are Methods which collection, Testing collection, any Prohibited any Substances in violation of these Anti- these of violation in ; or Possess or Prohibited process; and to take take to and as it relates relates it as are complied and provide and provide , for what

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 375

or as it relates ; ; and ASADA , nor, shall it mitigate . Failure to attendan on behalf of Cricket s’ values and behaviour to Prohibited List Prohibited in relation to the conduct of procedures and cooperate with to Cricket Australia; Cricket to must: s to Cricket Australia; in determining sanction; in and Appeals Committee and Appeals Committee ; and is found to have occurred. Anti-DopingRule Violation Anti-Doping Organisations Testing; immediately refer information about possible Anti- Doping Rule Violation immediately refer information about possible Anti- Doping Rule Violations any investigation or hearing into an alleged Anti-Doping Violation Rule comply with all sanctions whichmay be imposed under these Anti-Doping Rules in the event an Anti-Doping Violation Rule read and be knowledgeable of and comply with these Anti-DopingRules and the use their influence on Player assist, co-operate and liaise with Cricket Australia and Anti-DopingOrganisations to them; make themselves aware of the procedure for Sample collection and Testing Player ensure compliance with these Anti-Doping Rules; set an appropriate example on the issueof drug use in sport the public; of members to submit to the jurisdiction Anti- of Australia the Cricket Doping Committee with; attend all anti-doping education programs conducted by Cricket Australia, relevant Members other anti-dopingeducation session shall be noexcuse foran alleged Australia and relevant Members culpability of a Player submit to the jurisdiction Anti- of Australia the Cricket Doping Committee f) k)  m) Roles and responsibilities Personnel Support Player – Support Personnel Player a) c) l) b) d) e) i) j) 3.3 376 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 3.4 give give a) must: Australia Cricket Australia –Cricket responsibilities and Roles ensure that that ensure i)  h) g) f) d) c) b) h) g) e)

out their duties; and duties; their out carrying in personnel Testing to given be to is assistance every and a match following immediately tested be effectively; and Testing their out carry to them enable Testing to assistance reasonable give Doping Rules; Anti- these of content the with familiar are staff ancillary Player Personnel Support relevant all that ensure Use Exemption Therapeutic for necessary procedures with familiar are staff paramedical and medical relevant that ensure purpose; that for created aregister signing by Rules Anti-Doping the of Player all that and Rules Doping Player Members, to available Rules Anti-Doping these make Rules; Anti-Doping these with accordance ASADA assist and support Doping Rules; Anti- these with accordance in provided information Violation Rule Anti-Doping an event the in Rules Anti-Doping these under imposed be may which sanctions all with comply Rule Violation Anti-Doping alleged an into hearing or investigation any Organisations Anti-Doping and Australia Cricket with liaise and co-operate assist, ensure that all Player all that ensure Player Personnel Support Player for programs information and education drug ASADA, with develop in and consultation implement, ASADA ASADA s and Players and Personnel Support is found to have occurred. have to found is Team ; and timely and accurate Player accurate and timely s; s; coaches are aware that Player that aware are coaches s receive a copy of these Anti- these of acopy s receive ; in relation to the conduct of of conduct the to relation in Doping Control Doping in conduct to s acknowledge receipt receipt s acknowledge ; duties efficiently efficiently duties personnel to personnel to whereabouts whereabouts s may s may s and s and and and

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 377

, from if the s shall provided has made has . Recognised s: . or other or relevant s bya Person , to or by any Anti- at any time, whether (except for a purpose andTerritory Cricket and the substances and may be subject to investigation s shall be responsible for knowing what Player Support Personnel Player

or Out-of-Competition has referred the matter to a hearing; or s set out in Article 5.1 through Article 5.8 of Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee Anti-Doping Australia Cricket State Cricket Association Cricket State ADCO and other Persons Association or staff to attend meetings arranged by Cricket Australia to discuss any problems in relation to Testing arrangefor Cricket Australia Support Personnel Player a determination;a the information has become public knowledge. , that each of the following Anti-Doping Rule Violation and disciplined under these Anti-Doping these under Rules. Players disciplined and j) Players may be asked to provide a Sample b) the c) Doping Organisation. Cricket Australia will not disclose or use information about an alleged Anti-Doping Rule Violation permitted under these Anti-Doping Rules) until after: a) the In-Competition is defined as the occurrence of one or more of the Anti- has previously obtained Exemption Use a Therapeutic s or other Person CricketAustralia Anti-Doping MedicalAdvisor or a

Player constitutes an Anti-Doping Rule Violation methods which have been included List on the Prohibited The following constitute Anti-Doping Rule Violation however Doping Doping Rule Violation these Anti-Dopingthese Rules. 3.5 3.6  be deemed not to be Anti-Doping Rule Violation Person the Medical Authority in accordance with these Anti-Doping Rules. ARTICLE ANTI-DOPING - 5 RULE VIOLATIONS ARTICLE DEFINITION - 4 DOPING OF 378 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy the the 5.1 Rules. these Anti-Doping An Anti-Doping Rule Violation Rule Anti-Doping Prohibited Substance 5.1.3 5.1.1 Metabolites aProhibited of its Substance or presence The Note: 5.1.2

 Excepting those substances for which a a which for substances those Excepting found in the Player’s the in found Prohibited Substance the the its its Prohibited any Substance for responsible are Prohibited Substance Player’s each is It Player’s BSample the and Player the where Markers or Metabolites its a of presence following: the of either by established is 5.1 Article under Violation Rule an Anti-Doping of proof Sufficient intent. of proof of difficulty of because sanction escape could cases, many in Use, intentional likely is it Moreover, substance. enhancing performance a Used accidentally has who aPlayer against would be unfairness to other players competing there that fact the includes which principle, liability strict the for justification ample There is fault. at or the whether Player was or otherwise negligent intentional is Substance aProhibited of Use Player’s Violation occurs Rule Doping or whether not the Anti- The Sample. aPlayer’s in found is Substance Violation occurs Rule Doping whenever a Prohibited Anti- an principle, liability strict the Under principle. adopt Rules the strictThese liability Anti-Doping an Player’s Use negligence or knowing fault, intent, their Anti-Doping Rule Violation Rule Anti-Doping

Metabolites Metabolites Player’s or or Samples Markers BSample establish to order in demonstrated be part or Prohibited or Method occurs even if the Player the if even occurs BSample . Accordingly, it is not necessary that that necessary not is it . Accordingly, in aPlayer’s in Sample. or or waives analysis of the BSample the of analysis waives personal duty to ensure that no no that ensure to duty personal is analysed and the analysis of of analysis the and analysed is is not analysed; or, where the the or, where analysed; not is Markers ASample enters his or her body. body. her or his enters Metabolites Metabolites its or confirms the presence of the the of presence the confirms in the Player’s the in Prohibited Substance found to be present in in present be to found under Article 5.1. Article under . is under prohibited does not know know not does or or ASample Markers on the the on Player or or or or s

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 379

or or or s that that s part be Prohibited Prohibited was Used or Attempted Use shall constitute an on the Player’s or its Metabolites Prohibited Method or Prohibited Prohibited Substance Prohibited . enters his or her body. for an Anti-Doping Rule of a . personal duty to ensure that , the presence of any quantity may establish special criteria Use collection after collection notification as for Prohibited Method or Prohibited to be Used to be committed. Player’s Sample in a Player’s Prohibited List Prohibited Prohibited List Prohibited Prohibited Substance Prohibited Prohibited Method Prohibited quantitative threshold is specifically identified in the Prohibited Substance of a Prohibited Markers Anti-Doping Rule Violation As an exception to the general rule of Article 5.1, the for the evaluation Substance of Prohibited It is each Player’s no Attempted Violation Proof of Use does notrequire proof of intent ofthe UsePlayer. may be established by any reliable means, including admissions by the witness Player, statements, documentary evidence or other analytical information that does not otherwise “presence” establish to requirements the all satisfy of a Prohibited Substance under Article Proof 5.1.1. of Attempted Use does require proof of intent of the The fact that Player. intent is required to prove Attempted Use does not undermine the strict liability principle established elsewhere in these Anti-Doping Rules. can also be produced endogenously. Substance of a Prohibited isnot material. It is sufficient that the Substance Accordingly,it is not necessarythat intent, fault, knowing or negligence Use demonstrated in order to establish an Anti-Doping Violation Rule a The success or failure of the Use 

5.1.4 Note: Refusing or failing without compellingjustification to submit to Sample Use or Attempted Use or Substance a of a Prohibited Method. Prohibited 5.2.1 5.2.2

5.3 5.2 380 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 5.5 5.5 5.7 5.7 5.6 5.6 5.4 5.4

Tampering Violation. Rule Anti-Doping an constitute shall Player the over jurisdiction Doping Organisations with Anti- by determined as period eighteen-month an within in any Prohibited any in Trafficking Attempted or Trafficking 5.6.2 5.6.1 Methods. Missed Tests three of combination tests Possession Doping Control Article 10 ( 10 Article in forth set information to provide required whereabouts Out-of for Competition Testing availability Player regarding requirements applicable of Violation evading inauthorised applicable rules,or anti-doping otherwise

which are declared based on reasonable rules. Any Any rules. reasonable on based declared are which Sample or or the the which is Out-of-Competition prohibited any Exemption Possession the that Player Personnel Support the unless acceptableother justification. or Use) 8(Therapeutic Article with accordance in aTherapeutic to Use Exemption pursuant justification. acceptable other or Use) 8(Therapeutic Article a Playerconnection with which is Out-of-Competition prohibited Prohibited Method Support Personnel Prohibited Substance Competition Possession Prohibited Method Possession Attempted Tampering Attempted or Player of Prohibited of Substances Possession Player Prohibited Method . collection. Whereabouts Requirements) and missed Requirements) Whereabouts granted to aPlayer to granted establishes that the Possession the that establishes Player Support Personnel In- Personnel Support aPlayer by by a by of any Prohibited any of Method by aPlayer by Out-of-Competition of or any Prohibited any or Substance or any Prohibited any or Substance is pursuant to aTherapeutic to Use pursuant is Player In-Competition Out-of-Competition of any , or Possession , or or Prohibited or Substance , Competition Filing Failures Filing and/or with any part of of part any with or Prohibited or in accordance with in accordance with , including failure , failure including by aPlayer by establishes establishes or training, or training, or any any or of any granted granted unless unless in in is is ,

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 381 bearing in bearing or Prohibited administration administration Prohibited Method Prohibited Attempted Anti-Doping ofany alleged to have committed have to alleged that is prohibited Out-of- to rebut a presumption or administration to any Player has occurred. The standard of or any to the comfortable satisfaction Attempted or other Person of Method any Prohibited . , or assisting, or , encouraging, aiding, abetting, Prohibited Method. or Prohibited , or administration or Attempted Player Out-of-Competition Out-of-Competition Player This Article 5.7 shall not include Trafficking for validated therapeutic purposesin the legal exercise of of treatment professional, pharmaceutical and medical a disease process.  Anti-Doping Rule Violation Anti-Doping Rule Violation Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee Anti-Doping Australia of the Cricket mind the seriousness of the allegation which is made. This standard of proof in all cases is greater than a mere balance of probability but less than proof beyond reasonable doubt. Where these Anti-Doping Rules place the burden of proof upon the Player proof shall be whether CricketAustralia has established an Anti-Doping Rule Violation an establish specified facts or circumstances, the standard of proof is by a balance of probability. Burdens and Standards of Proof. Cricket Australia shall have the burden of establishing that an Substance Note: Substance toany Substance or any Prohibited In-Competition Competition covering up or any other type of complicity involving an Rule ViolationAnti-Doping Rule Violation Administration or 6.1 5.8 ARTICLE 6 - PROOF OF DOPING 382 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 6.2 6.2 6.2.3 6.2.2 If the the If 6.2.1 Doping in applicable be shall proof of rules following The admissions. including means, reliable any by established Violation Rule Anti-Doping to related Facts Presumptions. and Facts Establishing of Methods

the the against evidence irrebuttable be shall appeal apending of subject the not is which jurisdiction competent of tribunal disciplinary professional or a court of a decision by established facts The Violation Rule Doping Finding Analytical Adverse the cause not did departure such that establishing of burden the have shall Australia Violation Rule Anti-Doping Adverse Finding Analytical the caused have reasonably could which policy or rule doping Standard International another from Player Rule Violation an cause not did that policy or rule anti-doping other or Standard International other any from Departures pertained of those facts unless the the unless facts those of pertained Standard International the from adeparture that showing by presumption the the cause not did departure the that establish to burden Finding Analytical Adverse the caused have reasonably could which have conducted Sample conducted have WADA have caused the Adverse Finding Analytical the caused have reasonably could which occurred Laboratories for Standard International the from adeparture that Person Standard International the with accordance in procedures Adverse Finding Analytical Adverse Finding Analytical Player Player or other Person other or -accredited laboratories are presumed to are-accredited presumed to laboratories may rebut this presumption by establishing may by establishing rebut thispresumption for Laboratories. The Player The Laboratories. for or other Person other or or other Person other or will not invalidate the results. If the the If results. the invalidate not will or the factual basis for the Anti- the for basis factual the or , then Cricket Australia has the the has Australia Cricket , then . establishes that a departure adeparture that establishes for Laboratories occurred for Laboratories analysis and custodial occurred, then Cricket Cricket then occurred, to whom the decision decision the whom to rebuts the preceding preceding the rebuts Anti-Doping Anti-Doping other or . Player or other anti- other or s may be be s may or other or other or other or other or other or other cases: .

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 383

. ’s in a for the the for provided or Cricket may draw as described as or other Person or other Person to the attention of . For the avoidance have taken have reasonable and changes from time Code Prohibited Methods Prohibited

or by telephone asdirected by and shall be deemed to satisfy the based on the Player has expanded List the Prohibited Prohibited List. List. Prohibited establishes that the decision violated Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee Anti-Doping Australia Cricket s and other entities listed in Article 2 shall WADA Player Support Personnel s and Player who is asserted to have committed an Anti-Doping Violation Rule an inference adverseto the Player refusal,after requesta made in reasonablea time in advance of the hearing, to appear at the hearing (either in person the tribunal) and to answer questions from the Committee Anti-Doping Australia Cricket Person principles of natural justice. hearing on an Anti-Doping Rule Violation Australia asserting the Anti-Doping Rule Violation Person Player , these Anti-Doping Rules incorporate List the Prohibited 6.2.4 The Cricket Australia or any Members steps to bring the amended List Prohibited the of doubt, publication on Cricket Australia’s website ( preceding sentence. be bound by any changes to List the Prohibited Cricket Australia’s List. Prohibited These Anti-Doping Rules incorporate List the Prohibited All Identified the on which is published and revised by WADA by revised and published is which in Article 4.1 of the WADA as so expanded. Substances Prohibited totime. If ICC 7.1 7.1 7.2 ARTICLE 7 - THE PROHIBITED LIST 384 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy ARTICLE 8 - THERAPEUTIC USE 8-THERAPEUTIC ARTICLE 7.3 8.2 8.1 8.3 7.4

 Prohibited Methods Prohibited Substances Including for Criteria Use Player Violation Use Exemption Therapeutic current and applicable an of provisions the with Substance Attempted or Administration or Prohibited Substances Substance Markers aProhibited of Substance presence The Standard International the with accordance in Authority Medical Australia Anti-Doping Medical Advisor aTherapeuticobtain Use Exemption first upon a obtaining Therapeutic Use Exemption. Players Doping Rules. challenge by aPlayer by challenge the List Prohibited Method WADA Substance Prohibited all 15, Article of application the of purposes For Specified Substances cricket. of spirit the violate or risk ahealth represent performance, enhance to potential the have not did or agent amasking not was method or substance the that argument any including modulators so identified on the Prohibitedthe on List identified so modulators and antagonists hormone and stimulants those and hormones and agents anabolic of classes the in substances s shall not be Specified be Substances not Methods shall and the classification of substances into categories on on categories into substances of classification the and of a of Prohibited List s with a documented medical condition requiring the the requiring condition medical adocumented s with ’s determination of the Prohibited the Substance of ’s determination must inform Cricket Australia immediately in writing writing in immediately Australia Cricket inform must (Article 5.1), Use 5.1), (Article . for Therapeutic for Use Exemption Prohibited Substance or Prohibited or Method s shall be “ be s shall or aProhibitedor Method Anti-Doping Rule Rule Anti-Doping an considered be not shall shall be final and shall not be subject to to subject be not shall and final be shall s that will be included on the Prohibited the on included be will s that on the Prohibited the List. on or other Person other or and Prohibited and Methods of a Prohibited of Use Attempted or Specified Substances Administration of aProhibited of Administration or a or Possession of Possession of 5.2), (Article (Article 5.8) consistent consistent 5.8) (Article Prohibited Method based on any reason, reason, any on based Recognised aRecognised and/or Metabolites Metabolites its or s and these Anti- these s and Cricket Cricket the from .

and and (Article 5.6) . ” except ” except Prohibited s and s and must must or or Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 385

or Use Cricket medical for the tothe or the nominee of and must include: Prohibited Method or Prohibited s; . , and/or Medical a Recognised . Therapeutic Use Exemption Use Therapeutic . Prohibited Method s or Prohibited providedit is transmitted on thebasis that must bear all costs of any application for a Prohibited Substance of a Prohibited to undergoa medical examination by the Cricket to provide additional information and may also require Player Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Medical Advisor and/or a Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Medical Advisor and/or a Player consent for the transmission of all information pertaining to the application Anti- to Australia the Cricket AdvisorDoping Medical Authority it is to be used only in connection with the application andconfidentiality respected so far as reasonably practicable; and details of any prior or pending requests for a Therapeutic Exemption Use a relevant medical history; a description or diagnosis of the Player’s condition; the proposed treatment, treatment level (i.e. dose) and length of the treatment; verification that there is no alternative medication suitable for treatment that does not contain Prohibited Substance Anapplication for a Australia Anti-Doping Medical Advisor Medical Anti-Doping Australia the Authority Medical Recognised the Therapeutic Use Exemption Use Therapeutic The may Authority reasonably Medical Recognised require the Player (e)  (f) So far as is practicable, all applications must use the standard Recognised Medical Authority form (as applicable from time to time). In urgent situations application may be made to the Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Medical Advisor by telephone (themobile number forthe Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Medical Advisor can be obtained from Cricket Australia’s (03 Counsel 9653 Legal or Counsel 9999).General by a Player must be made bythe Officer Medical Australia Cricket StateCricket Association Medical Officer Australia Anti-Doping Medical Advisor Medical Anti-Doping Australia (a) (b)  (c)  (d) 


8.4 8.6 Note: 8.5 386 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 8.8 8.7 The The The The Note: Note:   (b) (d) (c) (a) Therapeutic Use Exemption a issue to whether determining when criteria following the account into aRecognisedor take Medical Authority shall aTherapeuticissue Use Exemption to whether in determining appropriate) as thought elsewhere aRecognised Medical Authority from (or advice independent (e) (g) (f) purposes of a Therapeutic Use Exemption. Use aTherapeutic of purposes the for use acceptable an considered not is hormone endogenous any of levels “low-normal” increase to Method whether the the whether whether the the whether the the Method Prohibited the Substance of use the Substance Prohibited the using not (if performance of level Player’s the above and over enhancement any whether Substance Prohibited the if health her or his to, risk or of, impairment be substituted for the the for substituted be can medication alternative apermitted whether she were not competing in the Competition the in competing not were she Prohibited Substance Prohibited Method (as the case may be) considers appropriate. considers be) may case the (as Medical Advisor Cricket Australia the Anti-Doping matters other any and cricket; of game the of interests best the may seek Advisor Medical Anti-Doping Australia Cricket and/ Advisor Medical Anti-Doping Australia Cricket The use of a Prohibited Substance Prohibited and/or International Standard International as medically prescribed; and/or Prohibited Method and/or Prohibited Method and/or Player Player and/or aRecognised Medical Authority and/or ; would be readily able to use the the use to able readily be would and/or Prohibited Method and/or would experience significant significant experience would : for Therapeutic for Use Exemption Prohibited Substance . were not used; used; not were ) would result from from result ) would and/or Prohibited and/or ; and/or and/or if he or or he if s; s;

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 387

to for for , specifies, must bear the cost of and maygive such Player s for the Use of the Prohibited . (including Cricket Australia) from a Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Medical Advisor does play after receipt Use of a Therapeutic and/or Method Prohibited in accordance with the International Standard , the act of playing is deemed to be his acceptance must in Authority be to Medical a Recognised to deny Exemption Use or granta Therapeutic A Therapeutic Use Exemption ought not, unless in the Player CricketAustralia Anti-Doping Medical Advisor and/or Player Recognised Medical Authority (asAuthority the Medical Recognised case may be) may most exceptional cases, be issued for the Use of an anabolic androgenic steroid or peptide hormone or analogue. Ifa Therapeutic Use Exemption issought for the Use of an anabolic androgenic steroid or peptide hormone or analogue, it must to be a Recognised referred Authority.Medical a in his, her or its absolute discretion issue Use a Therapeutic Exemption Exemption Use Therapeutic Substance authorisation upon such terms and conditions as he, she or it(as the case may be) deems appropriate in his, her or its (as the case may be) absolute discretion. The Therapeutic Use Exemption for may, example, specify the permitted dose, require the Prohibited Substance to be administered only bythe Cricket Australia Medical Officer or the State Cricket Association Medical Officer,require the Cricket Australia Medical Officer or the State Cricket Association Medical Officer certifyto that only the authorised dosehas been administered and specify regimea for ongoing testing. Exemption andagreement to the conditions, if any, attaching to the Exemption Use Therapeutic Any appeal by a Person determination bythe Anti-Doping Australia Cricket Medical Advisor a a regimea for ongoing testing, the testing. such and/or (as Authority the Medical a Recognised case may be), as a condition Exemption Use of a Therapeutic

Where the

If a The Note: 8.9 Note: 8.10 8.12 8.11 388 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 8.15 8.14 8.13 8.16 The The A

the outcome. the above. 8.8 Article in Committee Appeals by determination Any Committee. Appeals the to aTherapeutic grant or Use Exemption aRecognised by Medical deny Authority to determination Any appeal by aPerson by appeal Any criteria in Article 8.8 above. 8.8 Article in criteria the account into take should appeal the of Authority Medical Medical Authority aRecognised of procedures current any with accordance the the (a) Method Australia. Player Exemptions Therapeutic any Use report promptly will Australia Cricket  (c)  (b) Player the the of use therapeutic Recognised Medical the Authority for a and/or Advisor Medical Anti-Doping Australia Cricket Cricket. or or the therapeutic use of the Prohibited the Substance of use therapeutic the therapeutic use of the Prohibited the Substance of use therapeutic and/or Advisor Medical Anti-Doping Australia Cricket the by Player the and approved the with consistent Prohibited the Substance of level the Rules; Anti-Doping these with accordance Player reports the Therapeutic the Use Exemption reports Prohibited Method Player for a therapeutic purpose if: purpose atherapeutic for Prohibited Substance uses aProhibited uses Substance must bear all costs of any appeal irrespective of of irrespective appeal any of costs all bear must of the appeal should take into account the criteria criteria the account into take should appeal the of Recognised Medical Authority obtained by aPlayer by obtained had written approval prior to Testing to prior approval written had has complied with all conditions advised advised conditions all with complied has Recognised aRecognised by determination . Any (including Cricket Australia) from a a from Australia) Cricket (including is not inconsistent with the Laws of of Laws the with inconsistent not is and/or Prohibited Method and/or to ASADA to Therapeutic Use Exemption to aPlayer to and/or Prohibited and/or with respect to the the to respect with , once the relevant relevant the , once in the Sample the in ; and ; and to Cricket must be be must from the the from and/ in in is is

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 389 is by by Out- and . and Out-of- Target Testing Target s are liable to be ) by an Anti-Doping s subject to Doping . This selection may are liable to be selected (which can be viewed at . . All Player conducted by the relevant Anti- and Testing Out-of-Competition ) in force at the time of Testing (at any reasonable time or place, for Testing for Testing andTesting Out-of-Competition must be reported to Cricket Australia, . This. includes after matches, at training, at shall be conducted in conformity with the s subject to Doping Control Standards. agree to submit and to In-Competition Testing s may be randomly or specifically selected for In- Testing Anti-Doping Organisation In-Competition Testing Player Results of Testing The results of all In-Competition Testing Testing Competition which will act on the results of In-Competition Testing Testing Out-of-Competition Doping Organisation. International Standard Authority to Test. All an the relevant Anti-Doping Organisation beon any basis or without justification. completely acceptable. Testing All for Control of-Competition Testing of-Competition with notice or with No Advance Notice Organisation home or any other suitable facility. Player selected for any number of drug tests; there is no maximum number. Selection of Players Player Testing Competition 9.4 9.1 9.3 9.2 ARTICLETESTING 9 - 390 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy ARTICLE 10 – PLAYER WHEREABOUTS REQUIREMENTS WHEREABOUTS 10 –PLAYER ARTICLE 10.5 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.1 

 combination of Filing of Failures combination Filing Failures three be may three of a total commits she Violation Rule Anti-Doping an committed have to aPlayer 5.4, Article of purposes the For (d)  (c) (b)  (a) Player Player each with rests time given any at calls telephone receive to player the by used frequently most number telephone current the including information, whereabouts providing for responsibility ultimate The Player the while Testing Out-of-Competition enable to as so updated information this keep and information whereabouts up-to-date and State Cricket that to Association provide must Player otherwise). or parental (annual, leave of period Player the while details relevant all include must Out-of-Competition Testing enable to as so updated information this keep and information whereabouts up-to-date and accurate Australia Cricket to provide Player being requested to do so; do to requested being Association Cricket aState or Australia Cricket to provided previously information whereabouts the update to refuse not date; of out becoming be) may case the (as aState or Cricket Association Australia Cricket to provided previously information whereabouts the of days three within information whereabouts the update to fail not information; whereabouts incorrect provide recklessly or deliberately not season; each of beginning the at be) State Cricket Association relevant the or Australia Cricket to information whereabouts provide s designated in Articles 10.1 and 10.2 must: 10.2 and 10.1 Articles in s designated aState to Cricket Association contract under are s who must Australia Cricket to contract under are s who . This information must include all relevant details details relevant all include must information . This (as the case may be) within three days of of days three within be) may case the (as is on any period of leave. of period any on is Missed Tests Missed three , or Missed Tests Missed or Whereabouts Failures Failures Whereabouts . (as the case may may case the (as . This information . information This will be will deemed adding up to accurate is on any any on is if he or or he if , or any any , or (which (which

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 391 , if and and the , Cricket commits of the first (or . , Cricket Australia or cannotbe declared in has received written (as the case may be), Player (as thecase may be)and does Missed Test . . unless the for period a of 24 hours is not with his or her Player must complywith ASADA’s requirements (as the case may be) or respond to any message is included in ASADA’s Registered Testing Pool has not provided an explanation, which is satisfactory Player Missed will Test be declared in respect of a Player Whereabouts Failure the relevant Association Cricket State to the relevant Anti-Doping Organisation as to the circumstances of the first (or second as the case may be) Missed Test Notwithstanding anything Anti-Doping these in else Rules, if a Player notice from the relevant Anti-Doping Organisation Player Australia Association or their Cricket State second as the case may be) Missed of Test the Player that relating to athlete whereabouts. team,not at anyof the places specified in the whereabouts information previously provided to Cricket Australia or a Association Cricket State not answer the telephone whencalled on the current specified in the whereabouts number telephone information previously provided to Cricket Australia or a State Cricket Association only if the Player from the relevant Anti-Doping withOrganisation respect to Testing Out-of-Competition availability for secondA or subsequent respectof a three in total) in any 18-month period. This period is a rolling period that starts to run on each date that a Player a A

10.8 10.7 10.6 392 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy ARTICLE 11 - ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES OF 11 -ANALYSIS ARTICLE 11.2 11.5 11.4 11.3 11.1

11.2.3 11.2.1 of TestingConduct 11. Article this in out set principles the with accordance in analysed Sample 11.2.2 represented at the opening and analysis of the “B” Sample “B” the of analysis and opening the at represented Player the provide Player the of signature the request to failure Sample the which in container(s) the of sealing Sample the of custody of chain the include not do irregularities Minor results. such on effect no have will tests, valid otherwise of results the affected have to considered Testing in irregularities Minor Minor Irregularities No No Samples on Research Standard International relevant the with accordance Person any of names the include shall case no in (which Sample analyse must Laboratories Sample for Standards and and Sample Samples of Analysis and Collection of Purpose Sample Prohibited Method  

s collected under these Anti-Doping Rules must be be must Rules Anti-Doping these under s collected s shall be analysed to detect Prohibited Substance detect to analysed be s shall Player requested the Sample the requested Organisation Anti-Doping the of requests Player Standard International relevant the with accordance in Testing of out carrying the and Rules Sample  (b) (a) may be used for any purpose other than as as than other purpose any for used be may Sample the to relation in concerns any including test, drug the to relation in comments any record and taken; recently medications any disclose s will be given the opportunity to: opportunity the given be s will s are obliged to comply with all appropriate appropriate all with comply to obliged s are s collected pursuant to these Anti-Doping Anti-Doping these to pursuant s collected with an opportunity to be present or be be or present be to opportunity an with s. collection process. collection Analysis and Reporting and Reporting Analysis s identified on the the on s identified , which cannot reasonably be be reasonably cannot , which . s and report results results report s and Prohibited List or failure to to failure or is stored, is stored, , improper , improper must be be must . that ) in ) in . s . Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 393

, the if the Person written . if the may havecommitted will refer the matter to a ; or committed an Anti-Doping Rule Person may have committed an Anti-Doping . ; and s used for purposes other than Article 11.1 ; and maydecide not to refer the matter to hearinga Sample Violation what sanction will apply. Anti-Doping Rule Violation will investigate the matter. : whether the ADCO INVESTIGATION AN ANTI-DOPING OF RULE VIOLATION reasonably believes thata Person an acknowledges that he has committed an Anti-Doping Violation Rule waives the right to a hearing in relation to: receives a notice from an Anti-Doping Organisation that a Person Violation Rule (i) (ii)  Where Cricket Australia receives information that a Person may have committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation ADCO Subject to Article 12.3, the ADCO ADCO (a) writing:in (a)  (b) Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee Anti-Doping hearing Australia by the Cricket described in Article without 11.1 the Player’s consent. shall have any means of identification removed such that they cannot be tracedback to a particular Player Cricket Australia may then apply a sanction as set out in Article 14 and/or Article 15. (b) Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee Anti-Doping Australia bythe Cricket


12.1 12.2 12.3 ARTICLE  – 12 394 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 12.6 12.5 12.4 The The Where the the Where If the the If accordance with Article 14 and/or Article 15. Article and/or 14 Article with accordance in asanction apply may Australia Cricket or absentia in held be can a hearing days 14 within letter the to respond not does (d) (c) Doping Committee Doping Violation Rule Anti-Doping an committed have they that acknowledged a 12.3, Article Notwithstanding 12.3. Article Person the unless hearing an committed APerson 12.3. Article under waiver written Person the if commences hearing the until time the of members the of convenience the as (such circumstances relevant to regard having hearing the to prior time any at ADCO the by changed be may letter the in specified hearing the of place and time date, proposed The  (b) (a) the the may agree to make a joint referral to ahearing. to referral ajoint make to agree may at the absolute discretion of the ADCO the of discretion absolute the at being participation that to subject hearing, and investigation consult ASADA will notifies the the notifies  ADCO ADCO date of the letter); and letter); the of date the from days 14 than less not (being hearing the of place the practicable) (if and time date, proposed the specifies letter; the of date the from days 14 within Person the or 12.3 Article to pursuant can be located. be can Rules Anti-Doping these where address website the or Rules Anti-Doping these of acopy either encloses the either unless ADCO the that states violation(s); the of basis the and violated been have to appear(s) Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee ADCO ADCO ADCO ADCO may request a hearing by the Cricket the by Australia Anti- ahearing request may will send the Person the send will Person may withdraw the referral to a hearing at any any at ahearing to referral the withdraw may refers the matter to a hearing under Article 12.2, 12.2, Article under a hearing to matter the refers Anti-Doping Rule Violation Rule Anti-Doping Person on only. sanction NAD Scheme NAD the to subject is Person about about which of these Anti-Doping Rule(s) Rule(s) Anti-Doping these of which will refer the matter to a hearing ahearing to matter the refer will gives the the gives gives a written waiver under under waiver awritten gives ASADA’s a letter that: aletter ADCO ADCO . The ADCO ADCO participation in any in any participation in his or her discretion discretion her or his in does not respond respond not does has a right to a a to a right has a written waiver waiver a written alleged to have Person ). If the Person the If ). and and ADCO ADCO , the who has has who gives a a gives ASADA ASADA

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 395

Cricket alleged to alleged is held, and may continue may will determine: or the imposition of s to stop competing determines the than . However, in the interests and either thehearing before the has committed an Anti-Doping Rule ’s acceptance’s ofsanctions, may be Person and, if so; or other Person Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee Anti-Doping Australia Cricket Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee Anti-Doping Australia Cricket what sanction will apply; and for how long the sanction will apply. Violation whether the If that occurs, a fresh notice may be issued. irregularityis such as to give riseto genuineunfairness. (b) (c) Hearingspursuant to this Article 12 shall be completed Hearing decisions shall not be subject to further administrative reviewat the national level except as provided in Article 18 or required by applicable law. Hearing decisions, whether as the result of a hearing or the Player appealed as provided in Article 18. Subject in all circumstances to Article 14, a Person have committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation to train, compete, coach or hold office until a hearing before the pending any sanction which may be imposed by the Cricket Committee Anti-Doping Australia offair play andthe objectsof these Anti-Doping Rules, Cricket Australia encourages Player Committee Anti-Doping Australia Cricket Committee Anti-Doping Australia between the time of the allegation of the commission of an Anti-Doping Rule Violation a sanction pursuant to Article 12.3 as the case may be. Any irregularity in an infraction notice described in Article 12.5shall not invalidate that notice unless the The (a)

12.8 expeditiously and in all cases, unless there are exceptional circumstances, within threemonths of the date of the infraction notice described in Article 12.5. 12.9 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.7 396 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy ARTICLE 13 OF – HEARINGS CONDUCT ARTICLE 13.1 12.13

will be brought forward as an Adverse Finding an as Analytical forward brought be will Finding Atypical the not or whether notified be shall Australia Player the completed, is investigation the After The The International Standard International the from departure apparent any is there (b) or granted, been has Therapeutic Use applicable Exemption an (a) whether: determine to areview conduct shall management results Finding Use Exemption Therapeutic applicable an reveal not does review that If Standard  (e) (d) (c) (b)  (a) Australia Anti-Doping Committee Cricket the Rules, Anti-Doping these 6of Article to Subject Finding ASample an of Atypical receipt Upon investigation. further Findings Atypical as endogenously, produced Prohibited of Substance presence the report to directed are laboratories circumstances Standard International the in provided As Atypical Findings of Review ii) i) assist it; it; assist person other or representative alegal appoint may witnesses; cross-examine and examine may facility; conference other or telephone by hearing the conduct may hearing: the conduct will determines; manner Cricket the Australia Anti-Doping Committee the in otherwise and private in hearing the conduct will Player ADCO ADCO , the Anti-Doping Organisation Anti-Doping , the permits; matter the of consideration proper as quickly as and technicality; and formality little as with Atypical Finding Atypical the caused that Laboratories for shall be notified as provided in Article 12.5. Article in provided as notified be shall Atypical Atypical the caused that departure or shall conduct the required investigation. investigation. required the conduct shall for Testing for : s, which may also be be also may which s, responsible for for responsible International International or s, in some some in s, and Cricket Cricket and subject to subject to to to . .

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 397

and other and . will give the (including any AAT or Appeals Committee, will accept the result of a or in any hearing of the Cricket to: Register in the alleged to have committed an Anti- in response to an allegation of an or in any hearing under these Anti- to the Federal Court of Australia) but has had theopportunity tochallenge ASADA . Player to act as an expert witness at the hearing; and : Register in response to an allegation of an Anti-

examine and cross-examine witnesses; and beassisted by a legal representative orother person a written statement of: Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee Anti-Doping Australia Cricket Player the findings of the hearing; what sanction (if any) will apply; and how long the sanction (if any) will apply. mayask the Anti-Doping Australia Cricket Medical Advisor mayallow the person Doping Rule Violation i) ii) Anti-Doping Rule Violation Committee Anti-Doping Australia the Doping Rules. Doping Subject to Article 13.6, in the event that there has been a hearing in the AAT an entry on the Doping Rule Violation The parties will bear their own costs of preparing for and attending the hearing. Cricket Australia will bear the costs Committee Anti-Doping Australia of the Cricket costs of an administrative nature (e.g. room hire, recording, etc) as it deems appropriate. Subject to Article 6.2 of these Anti-Doping Rules, the Cricket Committee Anti-Doping Australia test conducted by an Anti-Doping Organisation ADCO (a) (b) (c) appeal from the AAT has not done so or has done so unsuccessfully, the Player may not dispute the matters contained in theentry on the ASADA (f)  (g)


Where the 13.5 13.2 13.3 13.4 398 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 13.7 13.6

Doping Committee Doping Cricket the Australia which Anti- in circumstances the limit not does rule This circumstances. all in appropriate documents into evidence. into documents Doping Committee Doping Cricket the as Australia Anti- weight such given and document) the of maker the call to need the (without contents its of evidence as admitted be shall document the (b) (a) Where: Appeals Committee. Appeals Cricket the of Australiaa hearing Anti-Doping Committee in evidence as used be may and admissible is Court Federal AAT the in evidence into went that material All (b) (a) Committee Violation an of allegation an to response in Court, AAT the from appeal an is there event the In Australia Anti-Doping Committee Cricket the of ahearing in evidence as used be may and AAT the in evidence into went that material All (b) (a) reasonable time prior to the hearing, hearing, the to prior time reasonable a available made been has document the of a copy and capacity); Organisation Doping a by the the by Committee Cricket the of Australia Anti-Doping Committee ahearing in evidence as used be to sought is a document may not dispute any decision made by the Federal Court. Federal the by made decision any dispute not may and Court; Federal the by made findings any dispute not may AAT the by made decision any dispute not may may not dispute any findings made by the AAT the by made findings any dispute not may or an Anti- an or Officer Medical Association Cricket State or in any hearing of the the of hearing any in or or Appeals Committee, the Player the Committee, Appeals or Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Medical Advisor Medical Anti-Doping Australia Cricket and the document is of, or has been, created created been, has or of, is document the and Appeals Committee Appeals or Appeals Committee Appeals or (or a servant or agent acting in that that in acting agent or aservant (or Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Appeals Committee Appeals or may admit other mayother admit Anti-Doping Rule Rule Anti-Doping : to the Federal Federal the to is admissible considers ; and Appeals Appeals or . and the the and . or or ,

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 399

, ; or : will, shall shall be finds that that finds decides that decides is or maybe , other than a either before or on a timely , the Player Adverse Analytical Adverse

should be subject be should is given either: is Player Sample pending the outcome of the is imposedunder Article 14.1, , conduct a preliminary hearing . shall be given an opportunity for uspensions . S before imposition of the Provisional refers an alleged Anti-Doping Rule Violation or on a timely basis after imposition of the , or the Person should be subject Suspension to a Provisional wouldotherwise have been selected in matches is received Substance for a Prohibited ADCO rovisional Provisional Suspension Provisional Provisional Suspension Provisional Player Person Player an opportunity for an expedited hearing in accordance with Article 13 on a timely basis after imposition of the Suspension Provisional an opportunity for a Provisional Hearing imposition of the Suspension Provisional basis after imposition of the Suspension Provisional from the date of the infraction notice; following the 14-day submission period; or as deemed appropriate by Cricket Australia until the Provisional Hearing Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee Anti-Doping Australia and the Cricket the the subject of the Suspension Provisional (b)  Committee Anti-Doping Australia If the Cricket the (a)  may not be imposed unless the Player a Suspension Suspension Provisional Cricket Australia may apply the Suspension Provisional be stood down on full pay pending the outcome of the hearing. substantive (a) (b) (c)  Finding Specified Substance, Suspension such Provisional imposed provided, however, that Suspension a Provisional either the hearing in accordance with this Article 14 shall be advanced to a date which avoids substantial prejudice to the to a hearing under Article 12.2 but the Player selected toplay in a cricket match before the date of that Committee Anti-Doping hearing, Australia the Cricket toa to determine whether or not the substantive hearing.Where an A at the request of the ADCO If a If the 14.2 14.1 ARTICLE - P 14 400 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy ARTICLE 15 - SANCTIONS ON INDIVIDUALS 15 - SANCTIONS ARTICLE Imposition of of Imposition 15.2 15.1 14.3  If the the If 5.6 ( 5.6 Metabolites Metabolites of (presence 5.1 Article of Article 15.5, the period of Ineligibility of period the 15.5, Article Specified Substances the for cases, all in Except, Prohibited of of Use If the the If 15.1.1 15.1.1. Article in provided as except prizes, Consequences Player’s ruling body of the Event, lead to to lead Event, the of body ruling an Event connection with An Violation Rule Anti-Doping Disqualification finds that the Playerthe that finds hearing alone. hearing Anti-Doping Committee the of Chairman the require, case the of circumstances the If matches. cricket any in play to not the by ordered was he which in period the during remuneration to right his Violation Prohibited Substance outcome of the substantive hearing. substantive the of outcome , or , or Anti-Doping Rule Violation Rule Anti-Doping Possession Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee individual results obtained in that Event with all all with Event that in obtained results individual and a sanction is imposed, the Player the imposed, is asanction and Rule Violation Player’s the by affected been have to the Competitions not be Disqualified be not Competitions other the in results individual Fault Possession Methods or or Anti-Doping Rule Violation Rule Anti-Doping or Negligence or Ineligibility , including forfeiture of, all including medals, and points forfeiture Markers Player of Prohibited of Substance of Results in the Event the in Results of Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee . Anti-Doping Rule Rule Anti-Doping an committed has No No bears she or he that establishes other than the Competition the than other of of . ), Article 5.2 ( 5.2 Article ), or Prohibited or Method may conduct the preliminary preliminary the conduct may for Presence, Use for Presence, may, upon the decision of the the of decision the upon may, Occurs unless the Player’s the unless Prohibited for the violation, the Player’s the violation, the for Prohibited Substance Disqualification occurring duringor in imposed for a violation aviolation for imposed Use occurred were likely likely were occurred

During which an Attempted Use Attempted or Substances s and Prohibiteds and Cricket Australia or Attempted or ) and Article Article ) and

identified in in identified Anti-Doping Anti-Doping will forfeit forfeit will of all of the the of all of ultimately ultimately results in in results in which or its its or and and shall shall

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 401

. s will and ),the Filing

) or Article , shall result , as provided . Administration will impose all will impose ), the Ineligibility s), the period of shall be considered be shall Whereabouts Trafficking Prohibited Method Prohibited s unless the conditions the unless s for violations for otherthan Attempted or collection) or Article 5.5 for Support Personnel Player imposed shall be a minimum a be shall imposed for Anti-Doping Rule Violation s unless the conditions the unless provided ins involving a Minor involving a Two (2) years’ Ineligibility with Doping Control with shall be at a minimum one (1) year and , as providedin Article 15.7, are met: and/or Missed Test

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee Anti-Doping Australia Cricket for Other Anti-Doping Rule Violations. Prohibited Substance Prohibited Tampering For violations of Article 5.4 ( In addition,In significant violations of Articles or 5.7 5.8 which may also violate non-sporting laws and regulations, shall be reported to the competent administrative, authorities. professional judicial or impose all of the sanctions referred to in clauses (a) and (b) of the definition of of Consequences Anti-Doping Rule Violation provided for in Article 15.5 are met. An Anti-Doping Violation Rule periodof Ineligibility of four (4) years up to lifetime Ineligibility the of ( Substances those involving Specified in lifetime Ineligibility Failures Ineligibility Forviolations of Article 5.3 (refusing or failing to submit toSample period shall be two (2) years and the Cricket Committee Anti-Doping Australia a particularly serious violation and, if committed by Support Personnel Player of the sanctions referred to in clauses (a) and (b) of the definition Anti-Doping of of Consequences Violation Rule Article 15.5 or Article 15.6 are met. For violations of Article 5.7 ( 5.8(Administration or s)shall be as follows, unless the conditions for

15.3.3 The period of Ineligibility other than as provided in Article 15.2 shall be as follows: 15.3.1 15.3.2 First violation: Method eliminating or reducing the period of Ineligibility in Articles 15.5 and 15.6, or the conditionsfor increasing the period ofIneligibility Ineligibility 15.3 402 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 15.5 15.4

Where a Where Specified Substances Elimination or of Reduction the Period of Ineligibility period and/or fine the Person the fine and/or period Person the require may and of of period the substance, a performance-enhancing of Use the Player’s the enhance to intended Possession Substance any presiding Appeals presiding any First violation: First following: of Consequences definition the of (c) and (b) (a), clauses in to referred sanctions other the Violation aPerson on imposed be can that 15.3 and 15.2 Articles in outlined sanctions the to addition In Additional Sanctions. Note: assessing any reduction of the period of Ineligibility of period the of reduction any assessing Person Player’s The substance. enhancing a performance Use the mask or performance sport enhance to intent an or Cricket the to probabilities Australia Anti-Doping Committee of balance the on establishes which word her or his to Person Player the reduction, or elimination any To justify Ineligibility Appeals Committee Appeals  must produce corroborating evidence in addition addition in evidence corroborating produce must ’s degree of fault shall be the criterion considered in in considered criterion the be shall fault of ’s degree , the Cricket, the Australia Anti-Doping Committee Player circumstances of the case. the of circumstances the on year, based one to years two of range the in assessed be shall sanction the Otherwise, are Tests inexcusable. Missed and/or Failures Filing three all where years two be shall sanction The fault. of degree Player’s the on based years (2) two amaximum at entered his or her body or came into his or her her or his into came or body her or his entered and that such Specified Substance such that and found in Article 15.2 shall be replaced with the the with replaced be shall 15.2 Article in found

or other other or maximum, two (2) year’s Ineligibility year’s (2) two maximum, of period no and areprimand aminimum, At Ineligibility , as the case may be, the absence of of absence the be, may case the , as

under Specific Circumstances. under SpecificCircumstances. Committee Person to go to counselling for a specified aspecified for counselling to go to . from future Events future from

can establish how a how establish can of sport performance or mask performance sport

Anti-Doping Rule Violation Rule Anti-Doping ) may also impose any of of any impose also ) may Anti-Doping Rule Rule Anti-Doping an for , and at a a at , and was not not was . Specified or other or other or other or other . (and (and for for of s

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 403

in or and Based Sample that heor

otherwise eliminated. , then no period , theotherwise , or its Markers shall be eliminated. be shall establishes in an an establishes in may not be less than must also establish how the may be reduced, but the entered his or her system in . , then the, otherwise applicable Player shall be imposed on the Player is detected in a Player’s Anti-Doping Rule Violation No Fault or Negligence establishes in an individual case case individual an establishes in or other Person is a lifetime, the reduced period under ), the Player Player Ineligibility the conduct shall not be considered an Anti- Doping Rule Violation No Significant Fault or Negligence individual case that he or she bears No Significant Negligence or Fault period of Ineligibility reduced period of Ineligibility one-half of the period of Ineligibility applicable. If the otherwise applicable period of Ineligibility this Article may be no less than 8 years. When a of establishes No Fault or Negligence or Fault No involving an she bears No Fault or Negligence applicable period of Ineligibility When Substance a Prohibited violation ofArticle 5.1 (presence of Prohibited Substance Substance Prohibited order to have the period of Ineligibility In the event this Article is applied and the Player Metabolites If a on Exceptional Circumstances.on 15.6.1 If a Examples of the type of objective circumstances which in Anti-Doping Australia’s Cricket the lead might combination Committee or Appeals Committee, as the case may be, to be satisfied on the balance of probabilities of no performance- enhancingintent would include: the fact that the nature of the Specified Substance or the timing of its ingestion would not have been beneficial to thePlayer; thePlayer’s open Use or disclosure of his or her Use of the Specified Substance; and the substantiating file records medical contemporaneous a Substance. Specified the for prescription non-sport related Ineligibility of Period Reduction of or Elimination

15.6.2 15.6 Note: 404 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy Note:  is detected in aPlayer’s in detected is Prohibited Substance have the period of Ineligibility of period the have Substance the of (presence 5.1 Article fault under Articles 15.6.1 and 15.6.2, the evidence evidence the 15.6.2, and 15.6.1 Articles under fault Person’s other or Player’s the assessing of purposes For supplements.) nutritional other taking not care in Prohibited Substances and the Player exercised to connection no with asource from purchased was contamination in a common multiple vitamin test positive the of cause the that establishes clearly Player the if (a) illustration in appropriate be well may reduction example, (For Negligence. or Fault Significant No on based sanction reduced a in result could illustrations referenced the of any case, aparticular of facts unique the on depending However, drink). and food their to access entrust they whom to Persons those of conduct the for and ingest they what for are responsible (Players associates of circle Player’s the within Person other or coach, aspouse, by drink or food Player’s the of sabotage (c) and Substance); Prohibited any given be cannot they that personnel medical advising for and personnel medical of choice their for are responsible (Players Player the to disclosure without trainer or physician personal Player’s the the administration of a Prohibited Substance by the possibility of supplement contamination); (b) against warned been have and 5.1.1) (Article ingest they what for are responsible (Players supplement mislabelled or contaminated vitamin or nutritional a from resulting test apositive (a) circumstances: following the in Negligence or Fault No of basis the on eliminated completely be cannot A sanction violation. the of element Violations where Rule is an knowledge Anti-Doping those for a for reduction criteria the meet to difficult especially be will it though even Violation Rule Anti-Doping any to applied be may 15.6.2 Article Player must also establish how the the how establish also must entered his or her system in order to to order in system her or his entered or its Markers its or

Prohibited Substance Sample reduced. in violation of of in violation Metabolites Metabolites or Prohibited ), ), Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 405

, . may, Person to Cricket Cricket to Anti-Doping imposed in an in imposed or other or any other Anti- by another Person Player in Discovering or or Discovering in orany other discovering or establishing or discovering Anti-Doping Rule Violations , criminal, authority ora professional ASADA Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee Anti-Doping Australia Cricket Anti-Doping Rule Violation Organisation disciplinarybody which resultsin Cricket Australia Committee Anti-Doping (or Australia the Cricket as the case may be) or ASADA Doping Organisation an or which results in a criminal or disciplinary body discoveringor establishing criminala offence or breach of professional rules by another Person After a final appellate decision under Article 18 or The prior to a final appellate decision under Article 18 or the expiration of the time to appeal, suspend a part of the period ofIneligibility individualcase where the has provided Substantial Assistance Australia, considered must be specific relevantand to explain thePlayer’s or other Person’s departure fromthe expected standard of behaviour. Thus, for example, thefact that an Playerwould lose the opportunity to earn large sums of money during a period of Ineligibility or the fact that the Player only has a short time left in his or her career or the timing of the sporting calendar would not be relevant factorsto beconsidered in reducing the period of Ineligibility Article. this under While Minors not are given special treatment per se in determining the applicablesanction, certainly youth and lack of experience relevant are factors to be assessed in determining the Player’sor other Person’s fault under Article 15.6.2, as well as Articles 15.3.3, 15.5 and 15.6.1. Article 15.6.2 should not be appliedin cases where Articles 15.3.3 or 15.5 apply, as those Articles already take into consideration the Player’s or other Person’s degree of fault for purposes of establishing Ineligibility. of period applicable the Assistance Substantial Establishing

15.6.3 406 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy Note:  otherwise applicable period of Ineligibility may be the of percentage the greater the provided, is management process the Substantial Assistance results the in earlier the matter, ageneral As enjoy. still to likely be may Assistance Substantial providing the Person which benefit enhancing Violation is Rule any performance- the Anti-Doping of seriousness the with connection in considered be to factor additional An cases. exceptional very in applied be only shall period Ineligibility the of suspension maximum The Testing. in detectable readily not is which method or a substance involved violation the whether and involved is 5.8 Article under Administration or 5.7 Article under a whether scheme Trafficking involving sport, implicated, the status of those individuals in the include, for example, the number of individuals importance of the Substantial Assistance would the assessing in considered be to Factors the reinstatement pursuant to Article 18.2. Article to pursuant reinstatement the anticipated, the Player the anticipated, Assistance Substantial the provide Player the because Ineligibility of period suspended the of part any reinstates subsequently Australia Cricket If years. 8 than less no be must Article this under period of applicable period be suspended. otherwise the If Ineligibility of period applicable otherwise the of three-quarters than more No sport. in doping Player the of the Violation Rule Anti-Doping the of be suspended shall be based on seriousness the Ineligibility of period applicable otherwise the WADA of approval Ineligibility of period applicable otherwise Organisation Doping ASADA or be) may case the as Cricket the Australia(or Anti-Doping Committee Australia Cricket appeal, to time of expiration the Ineligibility Player or other Person other or Substantial Assistance Substantial or other Person other or is a lifetime, the non-suspended non-suspended the a lifetime, is and the ICC. The extent to which which to extent The ICC. the and or other Person other or may only suspend a part of the the of apart suspend only may or other Person other or to the effort to eliminate eliminate to effort the to and the significance and significance the provided by the the by provided or any other Anti- other any or committed by by committed has failed to to failed has which was was which may appeal may appeal with the may may may ,

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 407 12 on 12 the Anti-Doping Australia Rule Cricket Violation, the Anti-Doping Committee whether a shall determine suspension of a portion of the otherwise applicable periodof Ineligibilityis appropriate underthis Article at the same time the Cricket Australia Anti- or Doping Committee Player whether the decides committed Anti-Doping has an Person other Rule Violation. If a portion of the period of Ineligibility is suspended, the decision shall explain the basis for credible was provided information the concluding andwas important todiscovering or proving Anti-Dopingthe offense other Rule or Violation or breach. If the Player or other Person claims Ineligibility of period suspended a to entitlement after a final decision finding an Anti-Doping Rule Violation has been rendered and is not subject to appealunder Article18, butthe Player or other Personis still serving the period of Ineligibility, the Player or other Person may apply to the ADCO to consider a suspension in the period of Ineligibility under this Article. Any such suspension of the shall Ineligibility of period applicable otherwise requirethe approval of Cricket Australia or the Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee as the case may be. If any condition upon which the suspension ofperioda of Ineligibility is based is notfulfilled, Cricket Australia, in consultation with ASADA, shall reinstate the period of Ineligibility suspended. If the Player or other Person who is asserted to have committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation claims entitlement to a suspended periodof with connection in Article this under Ineligibility hearing a of waiver Person’s other or Player’s the underArticle 12.6 (Waiver of Hearing), the Cricket determine shall Committee Anti-Doping Australia whethersuspensiona of a portion ofthe period Article. this under appropriate is Ineligibility of claims entitlement Person other or Player the If to a suspended period of Ineligibility before the conclusion ofhearing a underArticle

408 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 15.7 Committee Cricket Australia the Anti-Doping (or Australia Cricket If Ineligibility of Period the Increase May Which Circumstances Aggravating hr a Where 15.6.5 15.6.4 More than One Provision of this Article. Article. this of Provision One than More to in Reduction Under Sanction Entitlement Absence of Other Evidence. Evidence. of Other Absence Admission of an an of Admission Ineligibility is authorised. of period applicable otherwise an of suspension the where Code the under circumstance only the is This 18. Article to pursuant appealed be may Article this under Committee Anti-Doping Australia Cricket the or Australia Cricket by rendered which would otherwise be applicable. Decisions otherwise applicable. otherwise Ineligibility of period the of one-half below not but Ineligibility of period the then admission, of time the at violation the of evidence reliable only the is admission that and 12.5) Article to pursuant violation admitted the of notice first Violation Rule Violation Anti-Doping an establish could which collection aSample of notice received having before Violation Rule Anti-Doping an of commission the then the period of of period the then 15.6.4, or 15.6.3 15.6.2, Articles of more or two Ineligibility of period the of suspension or Person Player the If 15.6. and 15.5 15.3, 15.2, Articles with accordance in determined be Ineligibility of period applicable otherwise the 15.6.4, or 15.6.3 15.6.2, Articles under any or applying reduction suspension Before Where aPlayer Where otherwise applicable period of Ineligibility of period applicable otherwise the of one-quarter below not but suspended, or as the case may be) establishes in an individual individual an in establishes be) may case the as establishes entitlement to a reduction a reduction to entitlement establishes other than Article 5.1, before receiving receiving before 5.1, Article than other Player . Anti-Doping Rule Rule Anti-Doping an of case the in (or, or other Person other or Anti-Doping Rule Violation Rule Anti-Doping or Other Person Other or Ineligibility may be reduced, may be reduced voluntarily admits admits voluntarily Establishes Establishes or other or other . under under in the the in shall shall

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 409

as . greater greater Attempted other than can prove on the ’s first’s Anti-Doping Person , as the case may be, that Trafficking or AttemptedTrafficking or other can avoid the application of this or other Person by an Anti-Doping Organisation Player Anti-DopingRule Violation Anti-Doping Rule Violation. or Appeals Committee ) and) 5.8 (Administration or For a Player’s . or other Person Second Second Player asserted promptly after being confronted with the Anti- Doping Rule Violation Examples ofaggravating circumstances whichmay justify theimposition of a period of Ineligibility greaterthan the standard sanction are: the Player or other Person committed the Anti-Doping Rule Violation as part of a doping plan or scheme, eitherindividually orinvolving a conspiracy or commit to Anti-Dopingcommon enterprise Rule Violations; the Player or other Person Used or Possessed multiple or Used or Methods Prohibited or Substances Prohibited Method Prohibited or Substance Prohibited a Possessed on multiple occasions; a normal individual would be likely to Anti-Doping the of effects performance-enhancing enjoythe Rule Violation(s) beyond the otherwise applicable period of Ineligibility;the Player orPerson engaged indeceptive or obstructing conduct to avoid the detection or adjudication of Anti-Dopingan Rule Violation. For the avoidance of doubt, these examples of aggravating circumstances not are exclusive and other aggravating factors may also justify the imposition of a longer period Ineligibility. of Multiple Violations 15.8.1 Article by admitting the Anti-Doping Rule Violation than the standardsanction, then the period of Ineligibility he or she did not knowingly commit the Anti-Doping Rule Violation A Administration) present are circumstances that aggravating that justify the imposition of a period of Ineligibility otherwise applicable shall be increased up to a maximum of fouryears unless the balance of probabilities to Anti-Doping the Australia Cricket Committee Trafficking case involving an involving an case violations Article under 5.7 (

 15.8 Note:

410 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy Violation Violation First TRA TRA AS St NSF FFMT RS

Violation Violation Second Second RS Violation Rule Anti-Doping second the of purposes the for Definitions range. applicable of a period assessing in considered 15.3.3 ( 15.3.3 Rule Violation FFMT met. were 15.5 Article under aSpecified Substance involved it because 15.5 Article under sanction areduced by sanctioned Violation Rule Anti-Doping The 15.5): first Player’s the locating by applied is table The Player’s Violation Rule the secondrepresenting Anti-Doping column the to right the to table the across moving then (Reduced sanction for Specified Substance for sanction (Reduced Anti-Doping Rule Violation Rule Anti-Doping RS RS 8-life 8-life 4-5 2-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 ( Filing Failures Filing Failures or other Person other or table are as follows: follows: as are table Anti-Doping Rule Violation Rule Anti-Doping asecond For 15.7). Article under increase an to or 15.6, or 15.5 Articles under suspension or reduction elimination, to (subject 15.3 and 15.2 Articles in Rule Violation shall be within the range set forth in the table below. below. table the in forth set range the within be shall was or should be sanctioned under Article Article under sanctioned be should or was FFMT life life 10-life 6-8 4-8 4-8 2-4 Missed Test Missed and/or Missed Test Missed and/or , the period of of period , the ’s degree of fault shall be the criterion criterion the be shall fault of ’s degree NSF NSF life life 10-life 6-8 4-8 4-8 2-4 in the left-hand column and and column left-hand the in and the other conditions and conditions the other St St life life life 8-life 6-8 6-8 4-6 the period of Ineligibility of period the Ineligibility Ineligibility was or should be be should or was s). s). Anti-Doping Anti-Doping The s): or other Person other or AS AS life life life life 10-life 10-life 8-10 under Article under Article is set forth forth set is within the TRA TRA life life life life life 10-life . The . The ’s ’s

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 411

, as, the , except , establishes will always under Article under was or should . who commits a within the range range the within . Ineligibility and Administration and Cricket Australia Anti- Australia Cricket . The remaining period The remaining . , as the case may be) AppealsCommittee . or or other Person , after applying any suspension was or should be sanctioned by the Anti-Doping Rule Violation Anti-Doping Rule Violation. or Attempted Trafficking Administration): The Anti-DopingRule Ineligibility ): The Anti-Doping Rule Violation case may be, shall first determine the otherwise applicable period of Ineligibility established in the table in Article 15.8.1, and then reduction of or appropriate the suspension apply the period of Ineligibility Where a Player second entitlement reduction a or of suspension to portion of the period of Ineligibility 15.6.3or Article 15.6.4, the DopingCommittee of or reduction under Articles 15.6.3 and 15.6.4, must be at least one-quarter of the otherwise applicable period of Ineligibility resultin lifetimea period of A third Anti-Doping Rule Violation if the third violation fulfills the condition for Application of Articles 15.6.3 and 15.6.4 to Second Third Anti-Doping Rule Violation NoSignificant Fault or NegligenceArticle under was or should be sanctioned by a sanction under Trafficking ( (Reduced sanction for No Significant Fault or Attempted (Aggravated sanction): The Anti-DopingRule Violation (Standard sanction under Article 15.2 or 15.3.1): The Anti- Violation Article 15.3.2. 15.8.2 15.8.3 or be sanctioned by a reduced sanctionunder Article 15.6.2 because Doping Rule Violation standard sanction of two years under Article 15.2 or 15.3.1. AS wasor should be sanctioned by an aggravated sanction under Article 15.7 because Cricket Australia (or the Cricket Committee Anti-Doping Australia established the conditions set forth under Article 15.7. TRA 15.6.2 was proved by the Player St NSF Negligence

412 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy

15.8.4 Violations. Multiple Potential Certain for Rules Additional ban. alife to years Ineligibility of period the cases, ( 5.4 Article of aviolation involves or 15.5 Article under Ineligibility of period the of reduction or elimination Whereabouts Failures Whereabouts

 Anti-doping Rule Rule Anti-doping earlier the to back dating in allthe same Results Competitions time. Violation Rule Anti-Doping two the if imposed been have could that sanction the on based sanction additional an impose Violation Rule Anti-Doping first the regarding which occurred prior to notification Rule Violation Anti-Doping an involving facts discovers Violation Rule Doping Anti- afirst of resolution the after If,

aggravating circumstances (Article 15.7). (Article circumstances aggravating determining in afactor as considered be occurrence may violations of multiple the however, sanction; severe more the carries that violation the on based be shall imposed sanction the and violation, first single one as together considered be shall the violations this, cannot establish Violation Rule Doping Anti- prior the of notice, give to attempt a reasonable made Australia Cricket after or 12.5, Article to pursuant notice Player the after Violation Rule Anti-Doping subsequent or Person other or Player the that establish can Australia ifCricket violation considered a further Violation Rule Anti-Doping subsequent or asecond 15.8, Article under sanctions imposing of purposes For , then Cricket Australia shall shall Australia Cricket , then s would have been adjudicated at by the Player the by or other Person other or committed the second second the committed ). In these particular particular these In ). ; if Cricket Australia Australia Cricket ; if shall be from eight eight from be shall , Cricket Australia Australia , Cricket or other Person other or will only be be only will received received

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 413

, During ofthe results Subsequent . or other Person on timelya basis with all of the resulting Anti-DopingRule Violation , the Player Disqualification Disqualification will be Disqualified as provided for which he or sheis first after the resolution of a second period, shall, unless fairness unless period, shall, must take place within the same ),or other which produced the positive Sample Anti-Doping Rule Violations Violation inArticle 15.9. avoid To the possibility of findinga of aggravating circumstances (Article 15.7) on account of the earlier- in-time but later-discovered Anti-Doping Violation Rule must voluntarily admit the earlier Anti- DopingRule Violation after notice of the Anti-Doping Rule Violation charged. The same rule shall also apply when Cricket Australia discovers facts involving another prior Anti-Doping Rule Violation Anti-Doping Rule Violation of Results in Competitions

was collected (whether In-Competition including forfeiture points and medals, including any of or Ineligibility Collection or Commission of an Anti-Doping For the purposes of Article 15.8, each Anti-Doping Violation Rule eight(8) year period in order to be considered multiple violations. Eight-Year Period. Eight-Year Sample Multiple Out-of-Competition Sample to 15.8.5 Violation.Rule Inaddition to the automatic in the Competition or all other competitive results obtained from the date a positive prizes. requires otherwise, be Disqualified Consequences occurred, through the commencement of any Provisional Suspension Disqualification 15.9

414 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 15.10 15.10 15.10.2 15.10.2 15.10.1 Ineligibility of period total the against shall accepted) be imposed credited or voluntarily (whether Provisional of Suspension period Any imposed. otherwise or Ineligibility date the on waived, is hearing the or, if Ineligibility for providing decision hearing the of date the on Ineligibility of period the below, provided as Except Ineligibility of Commencement 15.9.1

Timely Admission. Admission. Timely Person Player the to Attributable Not Delays under Article. this forfeited Violation Rule Anti-Doping an committed have to found being after eligibility regaining of acondition As from the date the Player the date the from Ineligibility of period the of one-half the applied, is Article this where however, case, each another Sample of date Ineligibility of period the with Violation the Rule Anti-Doping aPlayer for events, all in Player the Where Anti-Doping Rule Violation Rule Anti-Doping the admits Competition) any in again competes sanction is otherwise imposed. sanction is otherwise the date the or a sanction imposing decision ahearing of date the asanction, of imposition the Rule Violation Anti-Doping another which on date the or collection Sample of date the as early as commencing date Ineligibility of period the start may Rules) Anti-Doping these with accordance in ahearing without imposed is asanction if Australia Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee Player the to attributable not Control Doping of aspects other or process hearing the in delays substantial been have there Where Player . Anti-Doping Rule Violation Rule Anti-Doping , the , the or other Person other or Player last occurred. last collection or the date on which which on date the or collection or other Person other or must first repay all prize money money prize all repay first must Period. Period. or other Person other or may start as early as the the as early as start may means before the Player the before means after being confronted confronted being after imposed. imposed. shall serve at least least at serve shall or other Person other or promptly (which, last occurred. In In occurred. last going forward going forward by the ADCO the by at an earlier earlier an at is accepted accepted is (or Cricket Cricket (or shall start start shall accepted accepted or other , the , the ,

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 415

, , ) or shall shall member Events Ineligibility or activity or which may organisation. or voluntary or period in any authorised or ’s achievements’s is imposed and imposed is or Event Provisional Suspension Provisional who has been declared , then the Player regardless of whether the shall receive a credit for Competitions Person . voluntarily accepts a Provisional in writing and thereafter refrains from against any period of member organisation, or a club or other or other under these Anti-Doping these under Rules. elected not to compete or was suspended was elected not compete to or Player Player No Ineligible may, during the period of Ineligibility participate during the Ineligibility capacity in any Competition (other than authorised anti-doping education orrehabilitation programs andany prior to his or her Anti-Doping Rule Violation authorised or organised by any Signatory Signatory’s member organisation of a Signatory’s activities relating to the Person organisation,or in organised by any professional league or any international- national-level or Event Prohibition Against Participation During Ineligibility Suspension competing, the Player such period of voluntary Suspension Provisional Player by his or her team. which may ultimately be imposed. against any period of Ineligibility ultimately be imposed. A copyof the Player’s voluntary acceptance of a shall be provided promptly to each party entitled to receive notice of a potential Anti-Doping Rule Violation No credit against a periodof Ineligibility be given for any time period before the effective date of the Suspension Provisional Suspension Provisional receive a creditfor such period of Provisional Suspension Provisional SuspensionIf a Provisional respected by the Player 

If a

Status During Ineligibility 15.11.1 15.10.4 15.10.5 15.10.3 15.11 416 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 15.11.2

During Ineligibility. Ineligibility. During Participation of Prohibition the of Violation than the sport in which the Player the which in sport the than other a sport in events sport local in participate Ineligibility of period the of years (4) four completing Ineligibility A Player the whether participation, against prohibition whether a Player whether of determination The participation. against Fault or Negligence Person Player the if 15.6.2 Article under reduced Negligence or Fault No bears she or he that be, may case the Anti-Doping Committee other Player the unless violation, the of date the of as again over start shall imposed originally was Ineligibility of period 15.11.1, the Article Ineligibility during participation declared aPlayer Where Ineligibility A event. international or championship anational toward) points accumulate (or in compete to indirectly or directly Player such qualify otherwise could that alevel at not is event sport local the as long so Violation Rule Anti-Doping the committed may be appealed as provided in Article 18. Article in provided as appealed be may determinations such and 12.2, Article to pursuant Anti-Doping Committee Cricket Australia the by made be shall appropriate, is 15.6.2 Article under areduction whether and Player Player Person or or Fault No established has establishes he or she bears bears she or he establishes or other Person other or or other Person other or Ineligible longer than four (4) years may, after after may, years (4) four than longer shall remain subject to Testing to subject remain shall . The new period of Ineligibility of period new . The can establish to the Cricket Australia the to establish can or other Person other or or other Person other or violates the prohibition against against the prohibition violates for violating the prohibition the prohibition for violating ADCO ADCO the by referral upon Appeals Committee Appeals or subject to a period of of aperiod to subject subject to a period of of aperiod to subject has violated the the violated has or other Person other or who has been been has who described in described in or other Person other or No Significant Significant No Negligence . , but only only , but or other or other may be be may which which , as , as or or ,

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 417

and anyand if those or Appeals jurisdiction, ; and had retired. had by ASADA , make him or herself , organisation or body or organisation , shall not be eligible for retires from sport and later and Members having Testing must, during any period of person has notified Cricket Australia . ASC for a period of time equal to the , or the Appeals Committee or Ineligibility Ineligibility , a Player s as he or she sees fit (with or without the provides written its for reasons decision and any sanctions imposed and subsequently remaining as of the date the Player person Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee Anti-Doping Australia Cricket maynotify any other which it believes should be informed, be should it believes which shall notify ASADA Anti-Doping Organisation Cricket Australia: Committee (which it is expressly not required to do), the ADCO may, in his or her discretion, release those reasons to such omission of sensitive material that may be contained in reasons).the (ii) of the decision of Anti-Doping the Australia Cricket Committee notify the outcome of any appeal or review of sanctions by the Appeals Committee i) Reinstatement Testing. As a condition to regaining eligibility at the end of a specified period ofIneligibility Provisional Suspension Provisional Testing Out-of-Competition for available (b) If the sanctions are consistent with these Anti-Doping Rules. (a) other Enforcement Sanctions. of Cricket Australia will, and will ensure that the Members will, enforce any sanctions applied by the Australia Cricket Committee Anti-Doping and must, if requested, provide current and accurate whereabouts information pursuant to Article 10. If a Player subjectto perioda of seeks reinstatement, the Player longer of the period set forth in Article 21.7 or the period of Ineligibility Press Releases reinstatement untilthe Player (in accordance with Article 21.4) and has been subject to Testing Out-of-Competition

Notifications 15.12 15.14 15.13 15.15 418 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy DOPING RULE VIOLATION OR A SANCTION VIOLATION DOPING RULE ANTI- AN OF AFINDING OF 17 -REVIEW ARTICLE TEAMS TO 16 -CONSEQUENCES ARTICLE 16.2 16.1 17.2 17.1 17.1

A the the of discretion absolute the at action disciplinary other or Period Event Violation Rule Anti-Doping an committed have to Rule Violation Player individual the upon any decisions. any or Negligence establishes a Player where violations alleged those for Save Committee Cricket Australia the Anti-Doping of decisions any regarding release a press issue to right the has Australia Cricket Testing an Event connection with Violation Rule Anti-Doping apossible of 12 Article under one than more Where (b) (a) application The must: (b) (a) was: which available becomes information relevant and new Violation Rule an Anti-Doping of a finding Person set out the new and relevant information. relevant and new the out set and writing; in be Person the to available not Committee not considered by the the by considered not Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee Provisional Hearing Provisional Consequences of Anti-Doping Rule Violation Rule Consequences of Anti-Doping Event Period Event the during ADCO ADCO the to application an make may Appeals Committee Appeals and or or Fault No , the team may be subject to Disqualification to subject be may team , the . at the hearing; and and hearing; the at , if more than two Player two than more , if ) and to publish any reasons for such such for reasons any publish to ) and Player Negligence , the Team , the Anti-Doping Anti-Doping the s committing Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Cricket Australia Anti-Doping at the time of the hearing. the of time the at in a in . (including with respect to to respect with (including Target Target to subject be shall Team No Significant Fault Fault Significant No or s in aTeam s in or a sanction where where asanction or has been notified notified been has in addition to to addition in for review of s imposed are found during an during in in

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 419 s or to: decides otherwise. decides committed the Anti- . Such decisions shall will refer the application deems appropriate.deems ; and ; may then informmay other Person ; ; will consider the application and if the ADCO ; and must inform: or the sanction, the ADCO Person ASC ADCO review the finding that the Person decide whether to reduce, suspend or withdraw the sanction. Doping Rule Violation the relevant Member Cricket Australia, ASADA

considers it more probable than not that the new information would have altered either the finding of an Anti-Doping Rule Violation Committee Anti-Doping Australia to the Cricket (a)  (b)  Any review conducted pursuant to Article 17.3 will apply Articles 4, 5, 8 and 6, 15 of 7, these Anti-Doping Rules. A sanction will remain in force during the review unless the Committee Anti-Doping Australia Cricket The ADCO (a) the (c) the (b) remain in effect while under appeal unless the appellate body orders otherwise. Before an appeal is commenced, any post-decision review authorised in Article 12.9 must Decisions Subject to Appeal. Appeal. to Subject Decisions Decisions made under these Anti-Doping Rules may be appealed as set forth below in Article 18.2 through 18.4 or as otherwise provided in the Code (d) (e) of any change to the original determination as a result of the review. The ADCO organisations as the ADCO


17.4 17.5 17.6 18.1 18.1 17.3 ARTICLE - APPEALS 18 420 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 18.2 Ineligibility during participation of (prohibition 15.11.2 Article under a decision reasons for (including, example, prescription); Violation Rule Anti-Doping an that adecision committed; was Violation Consequences imposing a decision an that A decision and Consequences, ProvisionalViolations, Suspensions. Appeals Decisions from Regarding Rule Anti-Doping Violation Rule Anti-Doping alleged an on rule to jurisdiction lacks Finding Organisation 18.2.2 18.2.1 18.2. Article this in provided as exclusively appealed be may 14.1 Article of violation in Suspension Use Exemption Therapeutic grant Recognised or Medical deny Authority to a by or Officer Medical Anti-Doping Australia Cricket the by Violation Rule Anti-Doping an with forward go to not adecision or

or an an or Anti-Doping Rule Violation Rule Anti-Doping no that adecision , or proceeding cannot go forward for procedural procedural for forward go cannot proceeding or its Consequences its or after an investigation under Article 12.1; a decision adecision 12.1; Article under investigation an after following principles: principles: following Committee Appeals the to be shall appeal the 18.2.1, Article under appeal to In cases Player involving Players Appeals Involving International-Level body; hearing independent and impartial afair, • hearing; atimely • Rules. Anti-Doping these of 19 and 18 7, 6, 8, 5, Articles apply will appeal Committee Appeals the to or court such before applicable provisions the with accordance Player Event International an in participation from arising cases In Anti-Doping Organisation Anti-Doping an that adecision ); or otherwise or otherwise Hearing aProvisional of aresult as Adverse Analytical Adverse an Analytical forward bring to not Atypical Finding Atypical or in cases International-Level involving Provisional aProvisional impose to adecision and s; s, the decision may be appealed to CAS to appealed be may decision the s, Anti-Doping Rule Violation Rule Anti-Doping as an an as

Anti-Doping Anti-Doping an by ; adecision Anti-Doping Rule Violation Rule Anti-Doping s who do not have a right aright have not do s who Anti-Doping Rule Rule Anti-Doping an for , and shall respect the the respect shall , and was committed, committed, was . Any such such . Any in in


Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 421

the at

: counsel a by who is the subject of who is the subject of body will be final and represented be or other Person or other Person to ; and ; ’s expense;’s and . . Entitled to Appeal ICC Player Player right the decision being appealed; being the decision the other party to the case in which the decision was rendered; the Person ASADA appealed; being the decision the other partyto the case in which the decision was rendered; Cricket Australia; the ICC; ASADA; and WADA


Any such appeal will apply Articles 5, 8, 6, 7, 18 and 19 of these Anti-Doping Rules. The determination of the Appeals Committee binding on the parties to the appeal and no Person may institute or maintain proceedings in any court tribunal.or In cases under Article 18.2.1, the following parties shall have the right to appeal to CAS (a) the • timely, a written, reasoned decision. (e) If there is more than one party seeking to appeal, all appeals must be heard together and the outcome of that appeal binds all parties who had the right to appeal. In cases under Article 18.2.2, the parties having the right to appeal to the Appeals Committee shall be as provided in the NAD Scheme but, at a following the parties: include shall minimum, (a) the (b)  (c) the (d) • (b)  (c) (d) (e) (f) If there is more than one party seeking to appeal, Persons 18.2.3 422 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 18.4 18.3 decision may be appealed to CAS to appealed be may decision aTUE deny to decision the reverses Committee Appeals When When may be appealed by Player by appealed be may Decisions denying the be appealed toexclusively Decisions by WADA Therapeutic Use Exemption. a Denying or Granting Decisions from Appeals no the WADA by set Rule Violation Anti-Doping an whether to respect with adecision render to Organisation Anti-Doping an case, aparticular in Where, Organisation Anti-Doping an by Decision aTimely Render to Failure denial for purposes of the appeal rights provided in this Article. this in provided rights appeal the of purposes for denial a considered be may decide to failure the time, reasonable TUE submitted aproperly on action Anti-Doping Rule Violation Rule Anti-Doping Anti-Doping Organisation Anti-Doping Anti-Doping Organisation Anti-Doping ASDMAC Suspension only the herein, provision other any Notwithstanding CAS if provided be shall information the Organisation Anti-Doping the from information relevant all obtain CAS from assistance to entitled be shall appeal an filing party Any together. heard be must appeals ASADA both If Committee Appeals the of decision the to respect CAS to appeal to right the have also shall ASADA 18.2.2, Article under cases For appeal. to right the had who parties all binds appeal that of outcome the and together heard be must appeals all whom the Provisional Suspension the whom , was committed within a reasonable deadline deadline areasonable within committed was WADA Person Anti-Doping Organisation Anti-Doping an or TUEs reversing the grant or denial of aTUE of denial or grant the reversing may elect to appeal directly to CAS to directly appeal to elect may is the Athlete the is who may appeal from a from appeal may who whose decision is being appealed and and appealed being is decision whose which are not reversed by by reversed not are which and WADA seek to so appeal, these these appeal, so to seek WADA and Appeals Committee. Appeals the s to CAS had rendered a decision finding finding a decision rendered had whose decision whose was reversed. . by the the by by WADA by or other Person other or application within a a within application Player is imposed. . or or fails to take take to fails ASDMAC so directs. so and and Provisional Provisional WADA WADA upon upon If the the If with , that fails fails may may as if if as or or to to . ,

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 423

if the Code Anti-Doping at the time the requested or on authority, shall be retires before any by notifying Cricket retires while a results which are consistent with the or other Person committed an anti-doping rule for an Anti-DopingRule Violation from giving a Sample or other Person to the Code Person and hearing results or other final adjudications retirement date will be the date Cricket conducting the results management process results the conducting management which would have had results management or other Person may retire from Competition or other Person TUEs , Player Player’s andare within thatSignatory’s . On beingadvised of such determination,Cricket Player Subject to the right to appeal provided in Article 18, the Testing of any Signatory Code Australia in writing. recognised and respected by Cricket Australia. Cricket Australia may recognise the same determinations ofother bodies which have not accepted the rulesof those bodiesare otherwise consistent with the Code Australia shall take all necessary actionto render the determination effective. Australia receives the notice. managementprocess isunderway, the Organisation retains jurisdiction to complete its results management process. If a Player Athlete or other Person resultsviolation,jurisdiction conduct to has management. Retirement not: does (a) excuse the results management process has begun, the Anti-Doping Organisation jurisdiction over the Player

The If a A

unless such action iscommenced within eight years from thedate the violation is asserted to have occurred. No action may be commenced under these Anti-Doping Rules against a Player 21.1 19.1 21.2 19.2 21.3 ARTICLE 21 – RETIREMENTS AND COMEBACKS ARTICLE 20 - STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ARTICLE - MUTUAL 19 RECOGNITION 424 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy ARTICLE 22 - 22 ARTICLE 22.1 21.7 21.6 21.5 21.4


conducted up to and immediately prior to 1 January 2009 2009 1January to prior immediately and to up conducted tests any and apply to continue will 2005 1November from and on applicable Policy Anti-Doping Australia Cricket the currently website, Australia Cricket the on posted be will Rules Anti-Doping these date which on 2009, 1January from and on out) carried tests to apply (and force into come will and 2009 1January at as current are Rules Anti-Doping These Australia. Cricket by time to time from amended generally or updated modified, be may Rules Anti-Doping These Reinstatement will be at the discretion of Cricket Australia. Cricket of discretion the at be will Reinstatement request. the receives Australia Cricket date the on made be to taken is request The retirement. their after reinstatement (e)  (d) (c) (b) (b) (a) person the request reinstatement the following period month six the During request. reinstatement his of date Person the to apply will Rules Anti-Doping These Person excuse the the excuse pursuant to these Anti-Doping Rules; or Rules; Anti-Doping these to pursuant proceedings disciplinary any of undertaking the affect Testing of results the affect his orbefore her retirement; a Sample of analysis the prevent date; retirement their to prior commenced investigation an of part as aSample or date, retirement her or his before at the discretion of ASADA. of discretion the at and Australia; Cricket by required as Violation Rule Anti-Doping alleged an into hearing or investigation Organisation Doping Anti- any and Australia Cricket with liaising and OF ANTI-DOPING RULES OF ANTI-DOPING INTERPRETATION AND AMENDMENT may make a written request to Cricket Australia for for Australia Cricket to request awritten make may . may be tested: be may Person . For the period up to 1 January 2009, 2009, 1January to up period the . For in relation to the conduct of any any of conduct the to relation in from assisting, cooperating cooperating assisting, from under (a) or (b) above; above; (b) or (a) under given by the Person the by given requested requested from the the from

on or or on Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 425

s or Appeals which shall be used, as s under these Anti-Doping Rules. , including the comments annotating , as the case may be, determines the principle of includes a body corporate. body a includes Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Committee Anti-Doping Australia Cricket Person of limitation.of A word denoting any gender includes all genders. Words in the singular include the plural and vice versa. that occurred prior to 1 January 2009 pursuant to previous Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policies continue to count as “first violations” purposes of“second for the violations”or determiningsanctions under Article 15.8 for subsequent Anti-Doping Rule Violation Reference to “including” and similar words are not words appropriate, to interpret these Anti-Doping Rules. will be dealt with under that Anti-Doping Policy, unless the Committee lex mitior appropriately applies under the circumstances of the case. Exceptas provided inArticle 22.6, theseAnti-Doping Rules shall be interpreted as an independent and autonomous text and not by reference to existing law or statutes. The headings used for the various Parts and Articles of theseAnti-Doping Rulesare for convenience only and shall not be deemed part of the substance of these Anti-Doping Rules or to affect in any way the language of the provisions to which they refer. Article 1 and the Appendix 1 DEFINITIONS shall be considered integral parts of these Anti-Doping Rules. In applying these Anti-Doping Rules, Cricket Australia must have regard to the Code provisions Code the of various These Anti-Doping Rules shall not apply retrospectively to matters pending before the datethese Anti-Doping Rules came into effect. However, Anti-Doping Rule Violation


22.10 22.7 22.8 22.9 22.6 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 426 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy APPENDIX 1 - DEFINITIONS APPENDIX Committee ASDMAC 1989. Act Commission Sports Australian ASC 2006. Act Authority Anti-Doping Sports Australian the by established ASADA Australia. Cricket of request the at time to time from Ltd Pty Centre Dispute Sports National the Committee Appeals 5.1-5.8. Articles to pursuant Rules Violation Rule Anti-Doping Organisations and NationalAnti-Doping Federations, International Testing Major Event other Organisations conduct that Committee, Paralympic International the Committee, Olympic ControlDoping the of part any enforcing or implementing initiating, for rules adopting Organisation Anti-Doping Australia. Person no if and, Rules Anti-Doping these to effect give to time to time from Australia ADCO Use the of evidence or substances) Metabolites in aSample identifies Standard International the with consistent that, entity WADA-approved other Adverse Finding Analytical (Cth). 1975 Act, Tribunal Appeals Administrative AAT means the Administrative Appeals Tribunal established by the the by established Tribunal Appeals Administrative the means means the Australian the Sports Commission means

Anti-Doping Control Officer Anti-Doping the means

for Laboratories and related Technical Documents, Documents, Technical related and Laboratories for means the the means means the Australian the Sportsmeans Anti-Doping Authority or its successor bodies. successor its or or or process. This includes, for example, the International International the example, for includes, This process. Markers means the appeals committee appointed by by appointed committee appeals the means the presence of aProhibited of Substance presence the (including elevated quantities of endogenous of endogenous quantities elevated (including is appointed, the Chief Executive of Cricket Cricket of Executive Chief the appointed, is Australian Sports Drug Medical Advisory Advisory Medical Drug Sports Australian means aSignatory means means the report from a laboratory or or alaboratory from report the means means a breach of these Anti-Doping Anti-Doping these of a breach means of aProhibited of Method that is responsible for for responsible is that at their Events their at appointed by Cricket established by the the by established . , WADA or its its or . , Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 427

. , . - ’s or ; is barred barred is Territory or Territory or a Premier means the means al services;al or Event or other Person , provided, however, provided, however, , based solely onan or Person or any Signatories renounces the Attempt or as an official of any Team PremierGrade Club (including as ; and/or or a for Laboratories or related Technical Laboratories for related Technical or or other activity or funding as provided in Territory Cricket Association Cricket or Territory ’ member Organisations and governments; Organisations and member ’ in respect of his/her person Event , , which means that Player or an official in any Competition means a report from a laboratory or other WADA Territory Cricket Association Cricket Territory means any cricket match conducted under the any member of a Team attending any practice or training session with a Team Team actingas coacha of any a consultant, a coach, an officer or employee); receiving payment from Cricket Australia, a State Cricket Association Club Grade Cricket Association Cricket holding (or continuing to hold) any position with Cricket Australia Association or Cricket any State Signatories or receiving direct or indirect fundingor assistance from Cricket Australia, Association Cricket any State (ii) (v) (iv)  (iii)  Ineligibility for a specified period of time from participating in any Competition Article 15.10 including, without limitation, (i)  means purposely engaging in conduct that constitutes a to commit a violation if the Person means the World Anti-Doping Code. International Standard approved entity that requires further investigation as provided by the Documents prior to the determination of Analytical an Finding Adverse Code Competition jurisdiction, auspices or control of Cricket Australia. Anti-Doping of Consequences Rule Violations consequences that may arise from a Player’s violation of these Anti-Doping Rules which may result in one or more of the following: (a)  Atypical Finding Attempt substantial step in a course of conduct planned to culminate in the commission of an Anti-Doping Rule Violation there shall be noAnti-Doping Rule Violation Attempt prior to it being discovered by a third party not involved in the Attempt 428 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy  (b) control of or conducted, authorised or recognised by, Cricket Australia. Cricket by, recognised or authorised conducted, or of control Event appeals. and hearings management, results handling, analysis, Therapeutic laboratory Use Exemption Sample information, of whereabouts provision as such between in processes and steps all including appeal any of disposition ultimate to through planning, distribution ControlDoping Doping Rules. Doping above. Disqualification Rules. Anti-Doping these to pursuant matters relevant for responsible be to time to time from Australia Cricket by appointed practitioners, or practitioner, Cricket Australia Medical Officer Rules. Anti-Doping these of requirements the of, implementation Doping Medical include Advisor to, amendments and suggesting Anti- Australia Cricket the of duties The time. to time from Australia Australia Anti-Doping Medical Advisor Cricket the means Advisor Medical Anti-Doping Australia Cricket time. to time from Australia Cricket by appointed Committee Anti-Doping Australia Cricket the means Committee Anti-Doping Australia Cricket  (c) means any official function or event organised by or under the the under or by organised event or function official any means has the meaning given to it by Article 4 of these Anti- these 4of Article by it to given meaning the has (vi) Disqualification under Article 13. Article under conducted hearing at a decision final the to prior Competition Person Provisional Suspension or records; and placings awards, of any individual consequences includingresulting forfeiture particular particular Cricket Association aState Cricket Association Australia, Cricket by controlled or owned equipment or facilities using is barred temporarily from participating in any any in participating from temporarily barred is Consequences of Anti-Doping Rules Violations Rules Consequences of Anti-Doping : See means all steps and processes from test test from processes and steps all means Competition , which means the Player’s the means , which or a Premier Grade Club; Grade aPremier or or Event or , which means the Player the means , which means the registered medical medical registered the means are invalidated, with all all with invalidated, are appointed by Cricket collection and and collection results in a a in results or Territory or or other or other s, s,

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 429

, in or (as WADA International , or a Person in connection in , an In-Competition s) or is affiliated with RegisteredTesting Pool Prohibited Substance Prohibited InternationalStandard s designated by one or more to file current and accurate of a Use is selected for Testing and the testis conducted on the day who, or body which, ismember a of wereperformed properly. means Player means . means standarda adopted by means a tournament/event a means where the . Compliance. with an Player . . For the purpose of differentiating between Code andTesting Out-of-Competition means the time between the beginning and end of an means a failure by a Player See Consequences of Anti-Doping Rules Violations s shalls include any Technical Documents issued pursuant to means a Person means a compound, group of compounds or biological or compounds of group compound, a means , as established byCricket Australia. InternationalStandard International Standard for thatfor International Federation. International Standard InternationalFederations as being within the or another international sport organisation is the ruling body for such tournament/event. International-Level above. International Event InternationalOlympic Committee, the International Paralympic Committee, an International Federation, Organisation Event a Major supportof the opposedto another alternative standard, practice or procedure) shall be sufficient to conclude that the procedures addressed by the the with a specific Competition of the Competition Ineligibility. Standard Cricket Australia Association (ie Cricket State parameter(s) thatindicates the Method Prohibited Member Cricket Australia Associations) Cricket (ie Territory who is a member of a body which is a member of or affiliated with Cricket Australia. Marker In-Competition test is a test where a Player whereaboutsinformation in accordance with theseAnti-Doping Rules. In-Competition. Event Period Event Failure Filing 430 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy means a means Notice Advance No countries. such for Organisation Anti-Doping regional as serve to countries multiple by designated be may which entity an includes This level. national the at all hearings, of conduct the and results, test of management the Samples, of collection the direct rules, anti-doping implement and adopt to responsibility and authority primary the possessing as country each by designated National Organisation Anti-Doping time. to time from amended as 2006 Act Authority Anti-Doping Sports Australian the under defined as Scheme Anti-Doping National the means Scheme NAD Rules. Anti-Doping these of 10 Article with accordance In-Competition. In-Competition. Out-of-Competition Rule Violation or Negligence Fault No for criteria the account into taking and circumstances the of totality the in viewed when negligence, or fault her or his that aPlayer means Negligence or Fault Significant No Method had she or he that caution, utmost of exercise the with even suspected or known have reasonably not could and suspect, or know not did aPlayer means Negligence or Fault No Sample through notification of moment the from chaperoned continuously Player the to warning advance no with Minor process. Metabolite Missed TestMissed residence. of country her or his of laws applicable the by established as majority Used means a natural Person anatural means provision. . or been administered the Prohibited the Substance administered been or means any substance produced by a biotransformation means any produced substance by a biotransformation

means a failure by aPlayer by afailure means . Anti-Doping Anti-Doping the to relationship in significant not , was Doping Control Doping any means who has not reached the age of of age the reached not has who Doping ControlDoping means the entity(ies) means entity(ies) the to be available for Testing in in Testing for available be to establishing that he or she she or he that establishing and where the Player the where and which takes place place takes which that is not not is that establishing establishing or Prohibited or is is

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 431

s or or Anti- . , or the nel (where nel constitutes Prohibited or Prohibited Anti-DopingRule who administers, who s participating in or Prohibited Substance Prohibited andMember a if, prior to receiving notification receiving to prior if, Prohibited Method or Prohibited and intended to exercise control exercise to intended and . has committed an or any other Person means any trainer, coach, manager, who makes the purchase. Possession who participates (whether In-Competition s a currents a version of which is attached as knew about the presence of the Prohibited exists, constructive only possession shall Person ) in) the sport of cricket under the jurisdiction or has taken concrete action demonstrating that . Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in exists); provided, however, that if the Person or the premises in which Substance a Prohibited Player Support Personnel Player , means the list identifying the nelare employeesor agents ofCricket Australia or means the actual, physical possession never intended to have possession and has renounced Prohibited Method or Prohibited based solely on , the Person or the premises in which Substance a Prohibited means a natural person or an organisation or other entity, means a Person person ) workingMember with or treating Player Prohibited Method Prohibited Person Prohibited Method Prohibited Out of Competition of ­Out constructive possession (which shall be found only if the Person Method Prohibited Violation the possessionby explicitly declaring it to Cricket Australia or an Doping Organisation possession by the Person List Prohibited auspices of Cricket Australia or uses the facilities ofCricket Australia. Support Personnel Player be found ifthe Person Substance ofany kind that the thisdefinition, the purchase (including by any electronic or other means) Substance of a Prohibited or agent,team staff, official, paramedical medical or person such any preparing for a Competition manages,assists or is otherwise involved in or associated with any sporting activity Cricket by recognised authorised or conducted, Australia other than as a Player Possession has exclusive control over Substance the Prohibited Method does not have exclusive control over Substance the Prohibited or over it. Provided, however, there shall be no Anti-Doping Rule Violation Annexure A to these Anti-Doping Rules. Prohibited Method Prohibited and Player Person Player a including 432 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy (f) (e) of pool the means Pool Testing Registered Substance (d) (c) (b) (a) State Cricket Association Organisation Doping National and Federation International each by separately recognised by ASDMAC Recognised Medical Authority Violation Provisional Suspension form. oral or written either in heard be Player the provides that 12 Article under ahearing to prior occurring hearing abbreviated expedited Hearing Provisional Prohibited List Prohibited Substance Prohibited List substances Specified Substance Control Doping of purposes Sample/Specimen National of-Competition Testing Prohibited Method

Western Australian Cricket Association. Cricket Australian Western ; and Tasmanian Association; Cricket South Australian Cricket Association; Cricket Australian South Cricket; Wales; South New Cricket

s above. s above. Anti-Doping Organisation Anti-Doping and/or Prohibited Method and/or in the Prohibited the in List . . means any biological material collected for the the for collected material biological any means who are subject to both In-Competition both to subject are who means any method so described on the the on described so method any means means, for the purposes of Article 14, an an 14, Article of purposes the for means, specified as specified identified substances means means any substance so described on the the on described so substance any means as part of that International Federation’s or or Federation’s International that of part as , which may authorise the Use the authorise may , which See Consequences See means each of the following: the of each means . .

means ’s test distribution plan. plan. distribution ’s test with notice and an opportunity to to opportunity an and notice with for a therapeutic purpose. atherapeutic for ASDMAC Anti-Doping Rule Rule Anti-Doping of Player or an authority authority an or of aProhibited of s established s established and Out- and


Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 433

or to Territory or Territory handling, and handling, where specific for Therapeutic process involving process means the registeredmeans Testing

s fors . or Cricket Australia. Further, collection, Sample Player Therapeutic Use Exemption Use Therapeutic means must: (a) fully disclose in a signed s, and (b) fully cooperate with the means each of . s are selected on a non-random basis for For the purpose of Article 15.6.3, a Person during a Competition s. means selection of means from time to time to be responsible for relevant matters means altering for an improper purpose or in an improper Substantial Assistance transport the to laboratory. means the parts of the Doping Control at a specified time. s or groups of Player means the team from time to time officially selected to Anti-Doping Rule Violation in accordance with the International Standard Exemption Use Sample (TUE) Exemption Use Therapeutic Territory Cricket Association Cricket Territory Cricket and ACT Cricket. Testing test distribution planning, Sample written statement all informationhe or she possesses inrelation to Cricket Association Cricket Team represent Australia Association or Cricket any State the information provided must be credible and must comprise an importantpart of any case which is initiated if or, no case is initiated, musthave provided sufficienta basis on which a case could have brought.been Tampering way;bringing improper influence to bear; interfering improperly; obstructing, misleading or engaging in any fraudulent conduct to alter results orprevent normal procedures from occurring; or providing fraudulent information to an Anti-Doping Organisation Cricket Australia or a Member Testing investigation and adjudication of any case related to that information, including,for example, presentingtestimony at hearinga if requested to do so by an Anti-Doping Organisation Testing Target providing Player State Cricket Association Medical Officer Medical Association Cricket State medical practitioner, or practitioners, appointed by a State Cricket Association pursuant to these Anti-Doping Rules. Substantial Assistance: 434 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy Support Personnel physically or by any electronic or other means) by aPlayer by means) other or electronic any by or physically aProhibited Substance distributing or Trafficking or or Prohibited any Substance of whatsoever means any by consumption Use purposes. genuine and legal therapeutic Prohibited such Substance demonstrate a whole inprohibited Out-of-Competition Testing Prohibited Substance involving actions include not shall and justification, acceptable other or purposes therapeutic legal person medical fide bona of actions the include not shall definition this an Whereabouts Failure Whereabouts WADA Prohibited Method Anti-Doping Organisation Anti-Doping means the utilisation, application, ingestion, injection or or injection application, ingestion, means the utilisation, World Anti-Doping Agency World Anti-Doping the means nel involving aProhibited Substance involving nel means selling, giving, transporting, sending, delivering sending, delivering means selling, transporting, giving, or any other Person other any or . or Testor aMissed means to any third party; provided, however, however, provided, party; third any to or Prohibited or Method subject to the jurisdiction of of jurisdiction the to subject unless the circumstances as . used for genuine and and genuine for used Filing Failure s are not intended for for intended not s are s which are not not are s which . , (either (either Player

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 435



danazol ; bolandiol boldione ; -hydroxy-17 β clostebol ;

-diol );

β ,17 boldenone β ; desoxymethyltestosterone (4-chloro-17 calusterone bolasterone -androst-1-ene-3,17-dione); -androst-1-ene-3 s shall be considered as “Specified Substances” α (5 -hydroxyandrost-4-eno[2,3-d]isoxazole); α (5 β -ethynyl-17 α Anabolic Androgenic SteroidsAnabolic (AAS) (19-norandrostenediol); methylandrosta-1,4-dien-3-one); (androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione); (17 dehydrochlormethyltestosterone 1-androstendione S1. ANABOLIC AGENTS prohibited. agents are Anabolic 1. including: AAS, Exogenous* a. 1-androstendiol S0. NON-APPROVED SUBSTANCES Any pharmacological substance which is not addressed by any of the subsequent sections of the List and with no current approval by any governmental regulatory health authority for human therapeutic use (i.e. drugs under pre-clinical or clinical times. discontinued) prohibited all at or is development Prohibited Substance Prohibited PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES (IN- AND OUT-OF-COMPETITION) SUBSTANCES AND METHODS PROHIBITED ALL AT TIMES Valid 1 January 2011 All THE 2011 PROHIBITED LIST WORLD AnnexureA – Prohibited List ANTI-DOPING CODE except Substancesin classes S1,S2.1 to S2.5,S.4.4 and S6.a, and Prohibited s M1,Method M2 and M3. 436 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 17-one; 3 17-one; dihydrotestosterone; epitestosterone; 3 3 androst-5-ene-3 tibolone,zeranol, zilpaterol. tibolone,zeranol, Clenbuterol to: limited not but including Agents, Anabolic Other 2. 19-noretiocholanolone. 3 (17 4-ene-3 5 5 testosterone ; androstan-3-one) (androst-4-ene-3,17-dione); androstenediol b. Endogenous** AAS when administered exogenously: effect(s). biological similar or structure chemical 17 1-en-3-one); stanozolol (17 oxandrolone gestrinone furazabol (19-nor-17 (17 3-one); 3-one); 3-one); 3-one); methyl-1-testosterone methyldienolone methasterone 17 en-3-one); norboletone nandrolone β β α α β β ,17 ,17 androstane-3 -androstane-3 β β α -ol-3-one); -hydroxy-17 -hydroxy-17 -hydroxy-5 -methyl-5 β β -diol); -diol); -diol; androst-5-ene-3 -diol; mestanolone methylnortestosterone α β ,17 (17 α -hydroxy-5 ; methyltestosterone ; -pregn-4-en-17-ol); -pregn-4-en-17-ol); stenbolone ; α , 4-hydroxytestosterone 5-androstenedione ; 19-norandrostenedione selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), (SARMs), modulators androgenselective receptor tetrahydrogestrinone ; and metabolites the following β -diol;androst-4-ene-3 norclostebol oxymesterone -hydroxy-17 α (2 trenbolone α α -androst-2-en-17 (androst-5-ene-3 α β -androstano[3,2-c] pyrazole); quinbolone pyrazole); -androstano[3,2-c] -methylestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one); -methylestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one); α β -methylandrosta-1,4-dien-3-one); -methylandrosta-1,4-dien-3-one); α (17 ,17 ,17 , 17 ,17 prasterone α α β α ; α -diol; 5 -diol; α -hydroxy-17 -diol;4-androstenediol mesterolone -diol; 5 -diol; -dimethyl-5 (17 -androstan-17-one; 19-norandrosterone; 19-norandrosterone; -androstan-17-one; ; 1-testosterone and other substances with a similar asimilar with substances other and α β ; -methyl-5 -hydroxy-17 norethandrolone dihydrotestosterone α ; α α -androstane-3 oxymetholone (dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA); DHEA); (dehydroepiandrosterone, ,17 -androstane-3 fluoxymesterone (17 ; (androst-5-ene-3,17-dione); epi- (androst-5-ene-3,17-dione); metribolone β α β α -ol); -ol); α -diol; androst-5-ene-3 -diol; ,17 -methylestra-4,9-dien-3-one); -methylestra-4,9-dien-3-one); β (18a-homo-pregna-4,9,11-trien- ; -androstane-3-one-17 α (4,17 -hydroxy-17 metenolone (estr-4-ene-3,17-dione); (estr-4-ene-3,17-dione); ,17 α β -diol); -diol); -androstano[2,3-c]-furazan); -androstano[2,3-c]-furazan); drostanolone α (17 β -methyl-5 -diol; androst-4-ene- -diol; α β -dihydroxyandrost-4-en- -hydroxy-5 β

and isomers: -hydroxy-5 β androstenedione ; (methyltrienolone, (methyltrienolone, ; (androst-4-ene- α ,17 prostanozol oxabolone ,17 α β ; ; -methylestr-4- (17 -diol; androst- -diol; methandienone β formebolone mibolerone α -diol; -diol; methandriol -androst-1-en- ; β α ethylestrenol -hydroxy-5- -androstan- α -androst- ; α β

; ,17 -ol); -ol); β ; -diol; -diol;

; ;

Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 437

PEPTIDE HORMONES, GROWTH FACTORS AND RELATED SUBSTANCES “endogenous” to refers a substance which is capable of being Chorionic Gonadotrophin (CG)Chorionic Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and in males; Growth Hormone (GH), Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF- 1), Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGFs), Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF), Mechano Growth Factors (MGFs), Platelet- GrowthDerived Factor (PDGF), Growth Vascular-Endothelial Factor (VEGF) as well as any other growth factor affecting ligament protein tendon or muscle, synthesis/degradation, vascularisation, energy utilization, regenerative capacity or fibre type switching; Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents [e.g. erythropoietin (EPO), darbepoetin (dEPO), hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) stabilizers, methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta (CERA), peginesatide (Hematide)]; “exogenous” to refers a substance which is not ordinarily capable of being produced by the body naturally. For purposes of this section: *  **  S2.  The following substances and theirreleasing factors are prohibited:  1. 2.  3. Insulins;3. 4. Corticotrophins; 5.  and other substances with similar chemical structure or similar biological effect(s). S3. BETA-2 AGONISTS All beta-2 agonists (including both optical isomers where relevant) are prohibited except salbutamol (maximum 1600 micrograms over 24hours) and salmeterol when taken by inhalation in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommended therapeutic regime. The presence of salbutamol in urine in excess of 1000 ng/mL is presumed not to be an intended therapeutic use of the substance 438 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy cathine, and ephedrine, methylephedrine pseudoephedrine) in morphine, salbutamol, (i.e. limits threshold to subject a substance In- use The and brinzolamide, which are not prohibited). dorzolamide topical and pamabrom drosperinone, (except effect(s) biological similar or structure chemical asimilar with substances chlorothiazide metolazone chlorthalidone Acetazolamide include: Diuretics similar biological effect(s). starch , of albumin administration intravenous plasma expanders desmopressin, Diuretics, include: They prohibited. are agents Masking AGENTS MASKING OTHER AND DIURETICS S5. 4.  4.  3. 2.  1.  classes following The are prohibited: MODULATORS AND ANTAGONISTS HORMONE S4. salbutamol. inhaled of hours) 24 over micrograms 1600 (maximum dose atherapeutic of use the of consequence the was result abnormal the that study, pharmacokinetic acontrolled through proves, Athlete the unless Finding Analytical Adverse an as considered be will and exemestane, formestane, letrozole, testolactone. letrozole, formestane, exemestane, trione (6-oxo), 4-androstene-3,6,17 dione (androstatrienedione), androsta-1,4,6-triene-3,17- anastrozole, aminoglutethimide, to: limited not but including, inhibitors Aromatase clomiphene, cyclofenil, fulvestrant. to: limited not but including, substances anti-estrogenic Other to: to: limited not but including function(s) myostatin modifying Agents raloxifene, tamoxifen, toremifene. raloxifene, tamoxifen, to: limited not Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) myostatin inhibitors. myostatin and mannitol and and Out-of-Competition and , spironolactone , , , hydrochlorothiazide etacrynic amiloride ), ), probenecid

, acid bumetanide , thiazides , furosemide ; and other substances with with substances other ; and , as applicable, of any quantity of of quantity any of applicable, , as ), ), triamterene (e.g. bendroflumethiazide (e.g. dextran , canrenone , indapamide (e.g. glycerol (e.g. , hydroxyethyl , and other other , and , including, but including, but , ; , Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 439


s collected during Doping Control , or attempting to tamper, in order to alter the integrity clinical investigations.clinical legitimately received in the course of hospital admissions or Artificially enhancing the uptake, transport or of oxygen, but not limitedincluding perfluorochemicals, to efaproxiral (RSR13)products haemoglobin- (e.g. modifiedhaemoglobin and substitutes, blood based haemoglobin microencapsulated products), supplemental excluding oxygen. Intravenous infusions prohibited those for are except Sequential withdrawal, manipulation and reinfusion of whole into circulatory the blood system prohibited. is Tampering and validity of Sample prohibited. These include but are not limited to catheterisation, substitutionurine and/or adulteration (e.g. proteases). Blood doping, including the use of autologous, homologous or heterologous blood or red blood cell products of any origin. 3.  M3. GENE DOPING The following, with the potential to enhance sport performance, are prohibited:are The1. transfer of nucleic acids or nucleic acid sequences; 2. The use of normal or genetically modified cells; 2. MANIPULATION PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL M2. The prohibited: following is 1.  2.  M1. ENHANCEMENT OF OXYGEN TRANSFER prohibited:The following are 1. conjunction with a diuretic or other masking agent requires the deliverance of a specific Therapeutic Use Exemption for that substance in addition to the one granted for the diuretic or other masking agent. PROHIBITED METHODS 440 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES PROHIBITED IN-COMPETITION PROHIBITED METHODS AND SUBSTANCES 3.  3. fenbutrazate; fencamfamin; heptaminol; isometheptene; isometheptene; heptaminol; fencamfamin; fenbutrazate; etilefrine; etamivan; ephedrine****; cathine***; Adrenaline**; (examples): Stimulants Specified b: Substance. aSpecified is section this in listed expressly not A stimulant prolintane. prenylamine; (carphedon); 4-phenylpiracetam phentermine; phenmetrazine; phendimetrazine; norfenfluramine; modafinil; methylenedioxymethamphetamine; methylenedioxyamphetamine; p-methylamphetamine; methamphetamine( mesocarb; mephentermine; mefenorex; furfenorex; fenproporex; fenfluramine; fenetylline; fencamine; famprofazone; etilamphetamine; dimethylamphetamine; crotetamide; cropropamide; cocaine; clobenzorex; bromantan; benzylpiperazine; benzphetamine; benfluorex; amphetaminil; amiphenazole; amphetamine; amfepramone; Adrafinil; Non-Specifieda: Stimulants: include: Stimulants Program*. Monitoring 2010 the in included stimulants those and use topical for derivatives imidazole except prohibited, are relevant) where isomers optical both (including stimulants All S6. STIMULANTS In-Competition: prohibited are categories following the above, defined M3 to M1 and S5 to S1 categories the to addition In protein kinase (AMPK) axis agonists (e.g. AICAR) are prohibited. AICAR) (e.g. agonists axis kinaseprotein (AMPK) (PPAR Receptorδ Activated Proliferator example,For Peroxisome expression. gene altering by performance influence to known functions affect indirectly or directly that agents of use The δ ) agonists (e.g. GW 1516) and PPAR and 1516) GW (e.g. ) agonists δ -AMP-activated -AMP-activated

d -); -); Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy 441 s.

and other and is prohibited when is is prohibited when its concentration in and methylephedrine associated with local anaesthetic agents or by local is prohibited when its concentration in urine is greater Pseudoephedrine Cathine Adrenaline levmetamphetamine; meclofenoxate; methylephedrine****; methylhexaneamine (dimethylpentylamine); methylphenidate; nikethamide; norfenefrine; octopamine; oxilofrine; parahydroxyamphetamine; pemoline; pentetrazol; phenpromethamine; propylhexedrine; pseudoephedrine*****; sibutramine; selegiline; strychnine; tuaminoheptane; substances with a similar chemical structure or similar biological effect(s). The* followingsubstances included inthe 2011 Monitoring Program (bupropion,caffeine, phenylephrine, phenylpropanolamine, pipradol, synephrine) are not considered Substance as Prohibited ** administration prohibited. not ophthalmologic) (e.g. is nasal, *** milliliter. per micrograms 5 than **** Each of ephedrine its concentration in urine is greater than 10 micrograms per milliliter. ***** urine is greater than 150 micrograms per milliliter. NARCOTICS S7. prohibited:The following are dextromoramide,Buprenorphine, (heroin), diamorphine fentanyl its derivatives,and hydromorphone, methadone, morphine, oxymorphone,oxycodone, pentazocine, pethidine. S8. CANNABINOIDS Natural (e.g. cannabis, hashish, marijuana) or synthetic delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabimimetics [e.g. “Spice” (containing JWH018, JWH073), HU-210] prohibited. are S9. GLUCOCORTICOSTEROIDS All glucocorticosteroids prohibited oral, administered when by are intravenous, rectal routes. intramuscular or 442 Cricket Australia Anti-Doping Policy SUBSTANCES PROHIBITED IN PARTICULAR SPORTS PARTICULAR IN PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES propranolol, sotalol, timolol. sotalol, propranolol, pindolol, nadolol, oxprenolol, metoprolol, metipranolol, levobunolol, labetalol, esmolol, celiprolol, carvedilol, carteolol, bunolol, bisoprolol, betaxolol, atenolol, alprenolol, Acebutolol, following: the to, limited not are but include, Beta-blockers (WCF) • Curling (FMB) • Bridge (CMSB) • Boules • •  (FIA) • Automobile •  (FAI) • Aeronautic In-Competition areprohibited beta-blockers specified, otherwise Unless BETA-BLOCKERSP2. (WKF) • Karate (FIA) • Automobile (FITA) • Archery (FAI) • Aeronautic g/L. 0.10 is values) (haematological threshold violation doping The blood. and/or breath of analysis by conducted be will Detection sports. is In-Competition prohibited Alcohol (ethanol) P1. ALCOHOL

(FIBT) Skeleton and Bobsleigh (WCBS) Snooker and Billiards of-Competition Out- prohibited (also (FITA) Archery only, in sports. the following


•  •  (UIM) • Powerboating •  •  prohibited prohibited (also IPC) (ISSF, Shooting helms only race match for (ISAF) Sailing (FIQ) Bowling Tenpin and Ninepin disciplines shooting involving for (UIPM) Pentathlon Modern (FIM) • Motorcycling (IGF) • Golf (WDF) • Darts only, in the following only, in the following Out-of-Competition


Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 443 ) ) are acutely aware of ) to) ensure the fundamental right of ) has adopted a WADA-compliant Anti- Code CA Cricket Australia ( DopingCode (the havethe ability to significantly influence the lives of others including, in particular, young athletes, supporters of the Rule Competitions and supporters of cricket worldwide. Consistent with the philosophy of CA in adopting the CA Anti-Doping Stakeholders the prohibit wish the to Policy, use of Illicit Substances Out-of-Competition by the adoption of a policy that embraces and promotes the following values: Playersto participate in Dopinga free sport and to promote health, fairness and equality for Players by adopting an effective anti-doping program with regard to detection, deterrence and prevention of Doping. Under the Code, mandated by the Australian Government, certain illicit and illegal substancesare not prohibited forthe purposes of Out- testing. Competition of CA,State and Territory Cricket Associations, the Australian Cricketers’ Association and Players participating in Rule Competitions (the Stakeholders the challenges faced by society in terms of illicit and illegal substances and CA and State and Territory Cricket Associations wish to take a stand to deter against their use in cricket and by cricketers. In accepting that such substances represent a widespread community problem and a serious health issue for individuals, this IS Rule seeks to address those issues in a balanced and appropriate manner to provide an effective deterrent to the use of those substances. CA,State and Territory Cricket Associations understand that players competing in Rule Competitions (the Cricketers Overview – Principles and Objectives of the IS Rule 1.1 CODE OF BEHAVIOUR RULE 12 ILLICIT SUBSTANCES 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.4 1. 444 Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 Cricketers; of rehabilitation for • use; Substance Illicit to deterrence • use; Substance Illicit on programs education • provide: that procedures of set consistent a apply to therefore are Rule IS this of objectives The for rehabilitation. ensuring opportunities appropriate aimedat subjectoutcomes, of to obligations confidentiality and procedures both in transparency and accountability feature to needs model the that accepts and advised is CA response. effective an not is treatment and counselling education, that satisfied is it where cases in and severe strict by sanctions administering repeat offenders from general in cricket and Competitions Rule Cricketers, protect to need the to only subject Cricketers, by Substances Illicit of use the eradicating and deterring of manner appropriate most the is penalties, appropriate and treatment management, including education, counselling, monitoring of model arehabilitative that accepts and advised is CA Cricketers. by Substances Illicit of use the of eradication appropriate and effective the ensure to Cricketers of rehabilitation and education deterrence, of acombination on focusing testing, that with dealing in and, (ASC) Commission Sports Australian the and Government Australian the (WADA), Agency Anti-Doping World the by required that above and over testing additional conducting by Substances Illicit of use the of problem the addresses Rule IS the advice, professional extensive on Based Policy. Anti-Doping CA the from respects important some in differs Rule IS This solidarity. and community and • participants; other and self for respect • laws; and rules for respect • commitment; and dedication • education; and character • performance; in excellence • welfare; and health • honesty; and play fair ethics, • Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 445

Illicit those ’ means means ’ ) match. match. ) and WNCL cricket of ) shall be deemed to be MultiDay Match means Rule Competition image the of protection ). Forthe avoidance of doubt, publication on the for associated with cricket; and One Day Match means a match of one days’ scheduled • a match of more than one days’ scheduled duration and a duration (whether 50-over a match, Twenty20 match or some other limited overs match of no more than one day’s duration).scheduled Forthe purposes ofthis IS Rule,a Substances • for the administration of sanctions where appropriate. ThisIS Rule governs the detected presence in Cricketer’sa body of Illicit Substances. Any Cricketer involved in the trafficking of Illicit Substances will be liable to whatever consequences are prescribed or available under the CA Anti-Doping Policy, the CA Code of Behaviour or pursuant to the Cricketer’s Player Contract. Application of IS Rule This IS Rule shall apply to all Cricketers. Schedule which 1, may be amended from time to time by notice from CA to Stakeholders, details the substances and classes of substances prohibited under this IS Rule ( CA’s website ( sufficient notice for the purposes of this clause 2.2, provided that any amendments will be notified in writing to the ACA. All In-Competition Testing and Out-of-Competition Testing Prohibited Prohibitedfor Methods Substances shall and continue to be dealt with under the CA Anti-Doping Policy. This ISRule will only apply to Out-of-Competition testing for Illicit Substances. For the purposes of this IS Rule, a ‘ any cricket match or competition conducted under the jurisdiction or auspices of Cricket Australia, including any RYOBI One-Day Cup match, KFC Twenty20 BigBash match and any successor competitions, as well as any CA Cup match or Women’s National Cricket League (

2.5 1.10 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 446 Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 2.7 2.6 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.

connection with a Rule Competition. connection with in or during Association Territory or Association State any or Australia represent to selected officially time to time from aTeam Rule, IS this of purposes the For Doping Policy. Anti- CA the in them to given meaning the have Rule IS indicated, capitalised in terms this Unless otherwise Markers in a Cricketer’s Sample shall constitute aViolation. constitute shall Sample aCricketer’s in Markers or Metabolites its or Substance Illicit an of quantity any of presence detected the established, is threshold reporting a quantitative which for substances those Excepting be). may case the as Violation, further or third (or Violation asecond be to deemed be shall Violation Subsequent the and Rule IS this of purposes the for be) may case the as Violation, further or third second, (or Violation afirst be to deemed be shall Markers, or Metabolites its or Substances Illicit any to Violation Subsequent (the Rule IS this under aViolation commits thereafter Cricketer the where but Code, the under solely with dealt be shall it Code, the under Violation Rule Doping Anti an committed has aCricketer if (i.e., Rule IS this under Violation aprevious be to deemed be shall Violation Rule Doping Anti such Markers, or Metabolites its or Substances Illicit any with connection in Code the under Violation Rule Doping Violation (a Markers or Metabolites its or Substances Illicit any Specimen, bodily Cricketer’s that in present, is there where Rule IS this contravene shall aCricketer 3.3, clause to Subject Rule. IS this observe and with comply must Cricketers All Illicit Prohibited Substances ), the previous Anti Doping Rule Violation, if relating relating if Violation, Rule Doping Anti previous the ), Anti an committed has aCricketer if Furthermore, ). means the team team the means

Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 447

an that enhance not belief did mistaken, question but in reasonable, Substance ). and Illicit the honest Testing Agent Testing Illicit Substance is not prohibited under this IS Rule; that the performance of the Cricketer concerned or was otherwise not performance enhancing. an • lack of intention to use an Illicit Substance;• inadvertent use of an Illicit Substance;• or A person who refuses or fails to submit a Sample for collection asauthorised under this IS Rule or otherwise evades a sample collection (including pursuant to any monitoring test program imposed pursuant to this IS Rule) shall be deemed to have returned a positive test for Illicit Substances and shall be deemed to have committed a Violation. A person who deliberately attempts to substitute, dilute or adulterate a Specimen shall be deemed to have returned a positive test for Illicit Substances and shall be deemed to have committed a Violation. At all times the CA Anti-Doping Officer shall have the absolute discretion to determine that testing irregularities that could reasonably be considered to have affected the results of an otherwise valid test shall invalidate the results of such test. Appointment Agent of Until any contrary determination of the CA General Manager – Cricket Operations in his or her absolute discretion, Symbion Pathology Pty Ltd and its authorized nominees shall be the CA testing agency for the purpose of this IS Rule (the Subject to clauses 6.8 and 8.3, a Violation occurs whether ornot the Cricketer’s Use of Prohibiteda Substance is intentionalwhether or the Cricketer negligent or was otherwise at fault. It is notdefence a to anyclaim that a Cricketer hasbreached this IS Rule for that Cricketer to contend: • ignorance that an Illicit Substance is prohibited;•

3.5 3.6 3.7 4 3.4 448 Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 6.3 6.2 6.1 6. 5.3 5.2 5.1 5. Testing

irregularities: a break in the chain of custody of the sample, sample, the of custody of chain the in abreak irregularities: following the include not do Irregularities Minor results. ( tests valid otherwise of results the affected have to considered be reasonably cannot that irregularities testing and Sampling 2. Schedule in out set procedure the and 4308 AS/NZ Standard Australian the in accordance with conducted be shall procedures custodial and analysis Sample 2. Schedule in out set procedure the and 4308 AS/NZ Standard Australian the with conformity in substantially conducted be must Cricketers of testing and Sampling justification. without or basis any on be may selection This random. or targeted be may testing and number maximum no is there tests; drug of number any for selected be to liable are Cricketers Agent. Testing the by place) or time any at and notice advance (without testing Out-of-Competition to submit to agree Control Doping to subject Cricketers All Agent. Testing the by Rule IS this under testing for selected be to liable are Control Doping to subject Cricketers All Substances. Illicit all and Rule IS this understand, fully and of, herself or himself inform to applies Rule IS this whom to person each of obligation the is It program. alternative an in part take will asession such in participating not Cricketers such any that ensure will and Substances Illicit with dealing programs education CA in part take it to contracted are otherwise who or Competition aRule in it represent either who Cricketers that ensure will Competition Rule any in participating Association Territory and State Each program. alternative an in part take will asession such in participated not has who Cricketer such any that ensure will and Substances Illicit with dealing programs education CA in part take Cricketers contracted its that ensure will CA Education andEducation Obligations Minor Irregularities ) will not invalidate such such invalidate not ) will Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 449

). has notused the Illicit Substance other than in a Cricketer holds a Therapeutic Use Exemption in respect of a particular Illicit Substance; and the Player establishes to the reasonable satisfaction of the CA Anti-Doping Officer Advisor that the Cricketer impropersealing ofthe container(s) inwhich the sample isstored, failure torequest the signatureof the Player or failure to provide the Player withan opportunity to be present or be represented at the opening and analysis of the ‘B’ sample if analysis of the ‘B’ sample is requested (each of which shall be Irregularity a Major The CA Anti-Doping Officer has the responsibility of sourcing rehabilitationprograms referred to in this IS Rule. CA,or any State Association or Territory Association competing in a Rule Competition may request the CA Anti- Doping Officer to refer a Cricketer for testing, education, counselling and/or treatment. The Cricketer will be required to undertake education, counselling and/or treatment only if the CA Anti-Doping Officer is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the Cricketer’s mental or physical ability to satisfactorily perform his services to CA, the State Association or Territory Association is impaired as a result of an association with Illicit Substances and the Cricketer agrees to such education,counselling and/or treatment.A Cricketer may refer himself to the CA Anti-Doping Officer for testing, education,counselling or treatment at any time. The CA Anti-Doping Officer shall be responsible for the supervisionand administrationof this IS Rule and more specifically to receive from Testingthe Agent, the results of Violation for Illicit Substances. Upon the occurrence of any Violation, the Cricketer may elect to involve CA or his State or Territory Association (as the case may be) or the Australian Cricketers Association’ in any education, counselling and treatment of that Cricketer. TheCA Anti-Doping Officer will determine, in circumstances where: (i)  (ii) 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 450 Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 7.1 7. Sanctions (b)  (a) Cricketer: that to apply shall following the and Cricketer such inform shall Officer Anti-Doping CA the Violation, a first commits Cricketer the - where Violation First Exemption. Use Therapeutic the of subject the method or substance the include to not deemed be shall Cricketer that to applies it as far so in Substance Illicit the that confidence in respect of that first Violation so that the the that so Violation first that of respect in confidence maintains Doctor CA Team the that requiring Officer Anti-Doping CA the to acceptable aform in undertaking signed a obtain and request shall Officer Anti-Doping CA The Violation. the of circumstances the and Violation the of informed be shall Team Doctor CA the Contract, Player aCA to aparty then is Cricketer the Where Employer). her or his of identity the and Player the of name the (including facts of disclosure further any without issue, in Substance Illicit the and occurred has aViolation that fact the persons other to disclose circumstances all in may CA (ii) and Cricketer) the about details any disclosing (without occurred has Violation a that fact the of CA inform will Officer Doping Anti- CA the (i) Rule, IS 7.12 this of clause to subject that, however, provided, Officer, Anti-Doping CA the of writing in consent the without person other any to Violation first that of facts the report not shall Officer Medical the that so Violation first that of respect in confidence maintains Officer Medical the that requiring Officer Anti-Doping CA the to acceptable aform in undertaking a signed obtain and request shall Officer Anti-Doping CA The Cricketer. the of treatment and counselling education, further the in Association Territory or Association State Cricketer’s the involving to a view with Violation the of circumstances and Violation the of informed be shall Association Territory or Association State Cricketer’s the of Officer Medical the Association, Territory or State a represents or by employed is Cricketer the Where Use Exemption, Therapeutic the of any) (if conditions the with accordance Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 451 ), provided, ), provided, however, that the ban shall CA Doctor Team shall not report the fact of that first Violationto any other person without the consent in writing of the CA Anti-Doping Officer, provided, however, that, subject to clause of this 7.12 IS Rule, (i) theCA Anti-Doping Officer will inform CA of the fact that a Violation has occurred (without disclosing any details about the Cricketer) and (ii) CA may in all circumstances disclose to other persons the fact that a Violation has occurred and the Illicit Substance in issue, without any further disclosure of facts (including the name of the Player andthe identity of his or her Employer). theTo extent the Cricketer is a party to Player a Contract withCA, Statea Association or Territorya Association, theCricketer shall be fined an amount equal to five percent (5%) of his or her nett retainer, if any, payable by CA, the State Association or the Territory Association (as the case may be and, in circumstances where the Cricketer is at that stage a party to a Player Contract with CA, the relevant retainer shall be the one payable by CA) in that contract year pursuant to clause 3 of the Player Contract (the Fine Suspended however, that the fine shall be suspended subject to the Cricketer’s compliance with paragraph (e) below andthe Cricketer notcommitting second a Violation,it being understood that failure to comply with paragraph (e) below willbe communicated to CA in order for CA to levy the Suspended Fine on the Cricketer. The Cricketer shall be prohibited from being selected in any Multi Day Matches and One Day Matches fora period of twenty (20) days, whether those matches are partof Rulea Competition or else Test a Match, One Day InternationalTwenty20 or Match International Match or a women’s international match, and shall further be prohibited from being selected in any grade or district cricket match during that 20-day period (together, the Suspended Ban be suspended subject to the Cricketer’s compliance with paragraph (e) below and the Cricketer not committing a second Violation (it being understood that failure to comply with paragraph (e) below will be communicated to CA in order for CA to levy the Suspended Ban on the (c) (d)  452 Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 7.2 (b) (a) Cricketer: that to apply shall following the and Cricketer such inform shall Officer Anti-Doping CA the Violation, asecond commits Cricketer the 7.11, clause where to –subject Violation Second  (f)  (e) CA and the CEO of the Australian Cricketers’ Association Association Cricketers’ Australian the of CEO the and CA of Affairs Business and Legal of Manager General and Manager General Operations Cricket CEO, the Contract, Player aCA to aparty then is Cricketer the Where and circumstancesViolation of the Violation. the of Officer Anti-Doping CA the by informed be shall Association Territory or Association State Cricketer’s the of Officer Medical and Manager Operations Cricket CEO, the with together Association Cricketers’ Australian the of CEO the and CA of Affairs Business and Legal of General Manager andOperations General Manager Cricket CEO, the Association, Territory or a State represents or by employed is Cricketer the Where discretion. absolute her or his in Officer Anti-Doping CA the by determined time of aperiod for program test amonitoring on placed be shall Cricketer the below, 7.9 clause to Subject Substances. Illicit of education,involving counselling in and respect treatment program rehabilitation adesignated of purpose the for Officer Anti-Doping CA the by specified person other any or Officer Anti-Doping CA the before attendance Cricketer’s the require shall Officer Anti-Doping CA The be). may case the as tour, following the on or season following that in (whether in participate to Team scheduled is Cricketer’s the which in Match Day One or Match Day Multi first the of day first the on begin to tour) international following the in cricket, international of case the in (or season following the in resume shall and day final that after immediately suspended be shall period that in), participate to scheduled Team was Cricketer’s the which in Match Day One or Match Day Multi final the of day final the to reference by (measured season regular the outside fall otherwise would Ban Suspended the of period any where that provided further and Cricketer) Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 453 ), the Cricketer shall be fined a further ). The Cricketer shall be required to pay Second Fine Second shall be informed by the CA Anti-DopingOfficer of the Violation and the circumstances of the Violation. The Cricketer shall berequired to pay to CA the Suspended Fine within thirty (30) days of notice of the second Violation from the CA Anti-Doping Officer. theTo extent the Cricketer is a party to a Player Contract with CA, a State Association or a Territory Association (each, an Employer amount equal to ten percent (10%) of his or her nett retainer, if any, payable by the Employer (provided that in circumstances where the Cricketer is at that stage a party to a Player Contract with CA, the relevant retainer shall be the one payable by CA) in that contract year pursuant to clause 3 of the Cricketer’s Player Contract (the the Second Fine to CA within thirty (30) days of notice of the second Violation from the CA Anti-Doping Officer. The Cricketer shall be prohibited from being selected in any Multi Day Matches and One Day Matches for a period of forty (40) days (which shall include the Suspended Ban), whether those matches are part of a Rule Competition or else a Test Match, One Day International Match or Twenty20 International Match or a women’s international match, and shall further be prohibited from beingselected in any gradeor district cricket match during that 40-day period, provided, however, that where any period of the 40-day suspension would otherwise falloutside the regular season (measured by reference to the final day of the final Multi Day Match or One Day Match in which the Cricketer’s was Team scheduled to participate in), that period shall be suspended immediately after that final day and shall resume in the following season (or in the case of international cricket, in the following international tour) to begin on the first day of the first Multi Day Match or One Day Match in whichthe Cricketer’s is scheduled Team to participate in(whether in that following season or on the following tour, as the case may be). (c)  (d) (e) 454 Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 7.3  (b)  (a) Cricketer: that to apply shall following the and Association Territory and Association State each and Association Cricketers Australian the CA, Cricketer, such inform shall Officer Anti-Doping CA the Violation, athird commits Cricketer the -where Violation Third (g) (f) Anti-Doping Officer. Anti-Doping CA the by satisfactory reasonably deemed amanner in Substances Illicit of respect in treatment and counselling education, program involving designated rehabilitation a completes Cricketer the until and unless above (b) paragraph in listed ban month (12) twelve the of expiry the after team) cricket district or grade any Team (including a in selected be to permitted be not shall Cricketer The is banned). Cricketer the which on date the from payable otherwise retainer the of portion any include not shall doubt, of avoidance the for (which, Contract Player relevant the under any, if obligations, accrued of payment the than other period) 12-month the to respect with payable and due be longer no shall amounts which Cricketer, the to payable amount other any or Contract Player the 3 of clause under amount retainer the (including Contract Player under any then-current any to payments right the forfeit shall and months (12) twelve of aperiod for match) cricket district or grade any for team any in selected being from prohibited be further shall Team (and any in selected being from prohibited be shall Cricketer The absolute discretion. absolute her or his in Officer Anti-Doping CA the by determined time of aperiod for program test amonitoring on placed be shall Cricketer the below, 7.9 clause to Subject Substances. Illicit of education,involving counselling in and respect treatment program rehabilitation adesignated of purpose the for Officer Anti-Doping CA the by specified person other any or Officer Anti-Doping CA the before attendance Cricketer’s the require shall Officer Anti-Doping CA The Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 455 The Cricketer shall beplaced on a monitoring test program upon his or her resumption of participation in any Rule Competition for a period of time determined by the CA Anti-Doping Officer in his or her absolute discretion.  (c) FurtherViolation where - the Cricketer commits further a Violation, the CA Anti-Doping Officer shall inform such Cricketer, CA, theAustralian Cricketers Association and each State Association and Territory Association, the Employer,if any, shall have the option of immediately terminating the Cricketer s Player Contract without notice or any compensation other than the payment of accrued obligations, if any, under the Player Contract andthe Cricketer shall be shall be prohibited from being selected in any (and Team shall further be prohibited from beingselected in any team for any grade ordistrict cricket match)and from representing CA or any State or Territory Association in any coaching capacity for a period of three (3) years.The Cricketer shall not be permitted to be selected in (includinga Team any grade or district cricket team) after the expiry of the three (3) year ban unless and until the Cricketer completes a designated rehabilitation program involving education, counselling and treatment in respect of Illicit Substances in a manner deemed reasonably satisfactory by the CA Anti-Doping Officer. The Cricketer shall further be placed on a monitoring test program upon his or her resumption of participation inany Rule Competition for a period of time determined by the CA Anti-Doping Officer in his or her absolute discretion. Notwithstanding anything else in this IS Rule, a failure by a Cricketer to comply with any sanctions listed inthis clause 7 (other than clause 7.1(c)) shall be deemed to be a separate and additional Violation for the purposes of this IS Rule. 7.4 7.5 456 Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule Association or Territory Association and CA will be deemed to be the New Employer. New the be to deemed be will CA and Association State the Territory that or with Association employment of course the during occurred has circumstances in aViolation where Employer Original an be to deemed be or will Association Association State the Territory Contract, aPlayer under CA by immediately and employed is Contract a Player afterwards under Association Territory or by employed is Association aplayer a State where Rule, IS this of 7.6 clause of Employer. New the purposes be to the for deemed be will Similarly, Association and CA Territory or with Association employment of State course that the during occurred has in aViolation where Employer Original an be to circumstances deemed be will CA Territory or Contract, aPlayer Association under aState by Association employed is afterwards immediately and Contract Player 1

For the purposes of clause 7.6 of this IS Rule, where a player is employed by CA under a a under CA by employed is aplayer where Rule, IS this of 7.6 clause of purposes the For 7.8 7.7 7.6 once the CA Anti-Doping Officer, in conjunction with the the with conjunction in Officer, Anti-Doping CA the once conclude only will It discretion. absolute her or his in Officer Anti-Doping CA the by determined time of aperiod for be shall Rule IS this under program rehabilitation designated Any in any Rulea of participation Competition. condition as Rule IS this with in accordance solely Officer Anti-Doping CA the by information of provision the to consents Cricketer Each Policy. IS this to subject Cricketers of treatment and in involved those the education, counselling limitation, without including, persons third various to Policy IS this to subject Cricketers to relation in information disclose to Officer Anti-Doping CA the on obligations imposes Policy IS This Violation. the of circumstances the about Employer Original the of Team Doctor(s) the with consult to entitled be shall Employer(s) New the of Team Doctor(s) the and Violation(s), such of circumstances the and Cricketer that by Violation earlier the of Employer New the of Doctor(s) the Team inform shall Officer Anti-Doping CA the Employer, aNew with, Contract aPlayer to agrees or by, selected is Violation that after time some at and aViolation committed has aCricketer 7.1, where clause Notwithstanding represents. or employed is Cricketer the which for Employer of change the notwithstanding Policy, IS this of purposes the for be, may case the as Violation, further or third asecond, be to deemed Employer New (the Employer adifferent by, Contract aPlayer to pursuant employed being (a Employer Original (the Employer adifferent by Contract aPlayer to pursuant employed being or representing of course the during Violation earlier an committing after aCricketer, Where New Violation New ) 1 , thereafter commits a second or further Violation Violation further or asecond commits , thereafter ) during the course of representing, or or representing, of course the ) during ) the New Violation shall be be shall Violation New ) the

Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 457 relevant counsellor or other appropriate professional or counsellor relevant advisor, determines that the Cricketer has completed the education. and necessary counselling No monitoring test program shall commence until the CA Anti-Doping Officer determines that the Illicit Substance(s)used by the Cricketer in issue in connection with the specific Violation is no longer likely to present in the Cricketer s bodily specimen assuming no furtheruse. All monies from fines levied pursuant to this IS Rule shall be paid to CA and used by CA to fund rehabilitation, education and testing programs under this IS Rule. Notwithstanding clause 7.2 of this IS Rule, in the event a Cricketer commits a second Violation (but not a third Violation or further Violation) more than five (5) years after committing a first Violation, that second Violation (the Sunset Violation) shall be deemed to be a first Violation for the purposes of clause of this 7.1 IS Rule and clause shall 7.1 apply to such Cricketer with respect to the Sunset Violation. Notwithstanding any clause of this IS Rule (including clause 7.1), in the event that a Cricketer publicly discloses to the media any circumstances relating to his or her first Violation,CA shall be permitted to request from the CA Anti- Doping Officer and the CA Anti-Doping Officer shall provide to CA(and the CricketerState s orTerritory Association,if any), all details of thatViolation, including details about the Cricketer andthe Illicit Substance in issue. A person who commits a Violation under this IS Rule may appeal that finding or the imposition of any sanction under clause 7 of this IS Rule by application to the Appeals Committee in accordance with Article 15.2 of the CA Anti- Doping Policy. All parties acknowledge that this process may risk any confidentiality safeguards within this IS Rule and that a Cricketer embarks on this procedure in full knowledge of that risk. For clarification and the avoidance of doubt, a Violation Appeals 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 8. 8.1 8.2 458 Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 8.5 8.4 8.3 sanctions in all the circumstances of the case. the of circumstances the all in sanctions those apply to unreasonable and harsh it make would which circumstances compelling and exceptional are there that satisfied is it where only 7.4 clause under suspension year (3) three the and 7.3(b) clause under suspension month (12) twelve the reduce may Committee Appeals The Rule. IS this in provided expressly as than other appeal of right further no have shall A person such. declare shall Committee Appeals the probabilities, of balance the on matters those prove to fails Cricketer the Where 8.5. clause in out set circumstances the in unreasonable and harsh is 7.4 clause under suspension year (3) three the or 7.3(b) clause under suspension month (12) twelve the that (iii) or party, athird by administered been have would Substance Illicit the that believed reasonably have not could Cricketer the where circumstances in and Cricketer the of knowledge the without party athird by administered being issue in Substance Illicit the of aresult as solely occurring Violation the of aresult as Rule IS this to pursuant disregarded be should Violation the (ii) or Irregularity aMajor is that Irregularity an of aresult as Rule IS this under a Violation committed have to found been have not will Cricketer the that such Rule IS this to pursuant disregarded be should Violation the (i) either that probabilities, of balance the on proving of onus the bear shall 8.1 clause with accordance in appeal an lodges who A Cricketer apply to any appeal under this IS Rule. IS this under appeal any to apply shall 15.2.5) Article of sentence second the than (other Rules Anti-Doping the of 15.2 Article in out set matters procedural other and limits time All Rule. IS this under Violation any of result the to areference be to deemed be will Policy Doping Anti- CA the of 15.2 Article in reference any and Rules Doping Anti- the under Committee Anti-Doping Australia Cricket the of adetermination be to deemed be 8.2, clause this under appeal of right the of purposes the for shall Rule IS this under Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 459

) or the names the contact Association will State containing Officer CA, a envelope contact the Anti-Doping will open - hashish, marijuana, THC and other Agent will Australia - amphetamine, - benzphetamine, cocaine, - diamorphine (heroin), diamorphine - hydromorphone, Testing Cricket collector of the Cricketers to be tested, in the presence of the Territory Association Liaison Officer (the Officer Liaison on arrival at the relevant training site and identify himself or herself. These collectors will be wearing identification that clearly states they are representing Cricket Australia and the Testing Agent. If the Liaison Officer is not present then the CA, State Association Territory or Association Operations or ManagerTeam must be contacted to act in the place of the Liaison Officer, in which case he or she will be deemed to be the Liaison Officer for the purposes of this IS Rule. A Testing Agent with the names of Cricketers to be tested. The A Stimulants dimethylamphetamine,ephedrine, methamphetamine, methylamphetamineand other substances with similar biological effect(s). Narcotics methadone, morphine, oxycodone, pethidine other and substances with similar biological effects where there is no evidence of reasonable therapeutic use. Cannabinoids substances with similar biological effect(s). Classes of substances Stimulants Narcotics Cannabinoids Substances • • Illicit Substances Rule Testing Procedures Substances Testing Rule Illicit • 1. 2. Schedule 2 Schedule Schedule 1 Schedule 460 Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule • permitted. is use phone mobile No • • • • • • • • The area. toilet the outside bags and items personal all leave and pockets empty garments, A havethey all completed requirements. The cubicle. toilet the in water of source accessible other no be should there Also, coloured. remains bowl toilet the in water the so used is loo blue as such agent colouring toilet sealed for dispatch tolaboratory. the until times all at parties both of sight within remaining sample the with collector the to directly handed be will container When sample. urine the adulterate to used be may that agents cleaning or dispensers soap, taps, any to access have not and collector the of presence the in remain will Cricketer the time such after copy of the IDP testing procedure for his perusal. his for procedure testing IDP the of copy a with provided be will Cricketer The completed. is screens drug urine of collection the until wait can they where area an to them bring and Cricketers nominated the notify will Officer Liaison the practical, as soon as reason, any for training not Cricketers The kit. that to specific number specimen aunique and code bar a carrying components all with kit collection pre-packaged atamper-resistant use will Collectors paperwork. the collate At session. testing the during arise may that issues any address to available be and nominated Cricketers the verify to procedures, these facilitate to order in sessions these of each The Liaison Officer. Liaison collector the toilet Cricketer collector Liaison completion the facility Cricketer must will Officer will will observe is remain ask of be prepared has the must asked the each provided training in Cricketer be the to to collection present remove testing provide session the to urine at all wash area security as or, commencement unnecessary well sample, if at their the all as and Cricketer times hands complete/ the privacy outer urine until and of is

Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule 461

of and and tube urine test pocket the sufficient tubes is collector the evident record outside there storage the both and in that two tamper by read the placed signed is is individual determine an form form between in also immediately split will will is custody placed custody is of of tube collector collector sample chain chain the analyser tube, all of which are capped and sealed with numbered tamper-resistant seals in the presence of the Cricketer. The thebiohazard transport bag; the bag is then folded over and with evident tamper sealed numbered tape. the remaining The sealed biohazard bag is placed in the transport box and sealed with red tamper resistant seal. The collector will sign and date the final tamper resistant seal. This complete process will take place within sight of the Cricketer. bag and sealed by removing strip cover over glue strip then folding over top of bag. All three tubes are placed in the plastic biohazard bag and sealed by removing the blue seal from top of bag then seal top of bag by pushing topedges of together.bag The the Cricketer. Each temperature on the chain of custody form. The temperature readingshould occur within fourminutes of collection. The acceptable rangeis 33º - 38ºC. If the temperature strip does not register a temperature and the urine feels warm, apply a second temperature strip and read temperature from that strip. The The sample for the laboratory tests to be performed as well as inspecting theurine to determine its colour and look for any indication of adulterants or diluents. Any unusual findings will be recorded onthe chain of custody form. The • • • • • • 462 Cricket Australia Illicit Substances Rule • • • • • • specimen are collections completed. all until place asecure in stored is satchel transport The satchel. the in placed also is which Form, Advice Laboratory the on recorded is which of number the lock, plastic resistant a tamper- with closed completed, are collections all when under this IS Rule. IS this under Stakeholders all by owed obligations the and Rule IS this of aware fully is person appointed the Ensure procedures. Note: In Officer. Anti-Doping CA the to Post Express Gold sealed envelopes be normally. The will couriered or mailed by then Officer Anti-Doping CA designated the to addressed pre- be will which envelope, large the inside put be then would envelope smaller The tape. evidence the on name their date and sign then will collector the and Cricketer the Both envelope. the seal to tape evidence apply then envelopes, smaller the of one in player each for copy) (white form The logos. CA without i.e. envelope, large (1) one and CA pass urine. to able are they as time such until kit, collection opened the of view in and collector the with remain must Cricketer the opened, been has kit collection the and instance first the The Code. Bar and Number Specimen unique The the will sealed collector Laboratory The Liaison Officer plays an important role in the IDP IDP the in role important an plays Officer Liaison The case provide transport of will a a Advice sufficient Cricketer place box the Form is number placed top not will copy being in of be a of small able transport completed the chain to clean pass satchel of envelopes with custody urine and the in

Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches 463

Domestic Matches Domestic

Match Officials’ Areas At

Cricket AustraliaMinimum Standards For Players’ AndStandards For Players’ 464 Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches Domestic Matches Domestic At Areas Officials’ Match And Players’ For Standards Minimum Australia Cricket Domestic Match: Matches. Domestic relevant around, and at, ACSU CA the to services support security and anti-corruption provide to time to time from Manager ACSU CA CA Anti-Corruption Officer: Unit. ACSU: CA Bash League’. Big T20 ‘KFC the as known league cricket Twenty20 domestic the in participating players of team any means Teams: League Bash Big League’. Bash Big T20 ‘KFC the as known league cricket Twenty20 domestic the of part as Teams League Bash Big by played match any means Matches: League Bash Big below: them to ascribed definitions the take shall text theFor purposes of words these Minimum in Standards, italicised (h) played as part of the Futures League competition; League Futures the of part as played (h) competition; WT20 the of part as played (g) competition; WNCL the of part as played (f) a touring Team against League Bash aBig by played (e) a against team Association Territory or aState by played (d) competition twenty20 domestic the of part as played (c) competition; four-day domestic the of part as played (b) competition; one-day domestic the of part as played (a) means the Cricket Australia Anti-Corruption and Security Security and Anti-Corruption Australia Cricket the means overseas; team any against or team twenty20 international overseas; team other any against or Australia in team international touring League; Bash Big the as known Any cricket match: cricket Any means the individual(s) appointed by the the by appointed individual(s) the means

Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches 465

means any portable device (including a personal means any of the following individuals: Match Championships; Championships; Championships; Championships; fitness staffTeam; of a means the global communications system of computer (i) played as part of theNational Under 19 Male (j) playedas part ofthe National Under 18 Female (k)played as part of the National Under 17 Male (l)played as part of the National Under15 Female (a)the manager or a member of the coaching, medical or

Any cricketer who is selected to participate in a Domestic and includes any other matches played under the jurisdiction or auspices or with the consent or approval of CA or a State or Territory Association. Internet: networks accessible by the public whether wirelessly or through a cable feed, which interconnect, either directly or indirectly, individual computers and/or networks by accessing, among others, the world wide web and derivative URL addresses. Match Official: Referee, Umpire, Umpire Performance Manager and any technical expert appointed by CA to provide technical support to the Umpires from time to time. Match Referee: means the independent person appointed by CA (or any other relevant party) as the official match referee for a designated Domestic Match, whether such Match Referee carries out his/her functions remotely otherwise. or Mobile Device: digital assistant (PDA), blackberry or mobile phone) which is capable technology telecommunications mobile any using or to connecting of to enable or facilitate transmission of textual material, data, voice, multimedia or Player: Match. means Personnel: any Support of:Player

466 Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches ARTICLE 1 INTRODUCTION, SCOPE AND APPLICATION AND SCOPE 1 INTRODUCTION, ARTICLE 1.3 Standards. 1.2 1.1 time. to time from Umpires the to support management performance provide to CA means the individual appointed by Manager: Performance Umpire Match. Domestic in a officiate to appointed Umpire: ACT. Cricket and Cricket NT and CA of associations State or Territory Association: PMOA: Behaviour or any other CA regulations that may apply from from apply may that regulations CA other any or Behaviour of Code CA’s under Official Match or Personnel Support Player Player, Team, League Bash Big Association, Territory or State any of responsibilities the limit to intended is Standards Minimum these in nothing doubt, any of avoidance the For Minimum these enforce and monitor apply, adopt, to behalf), his/her on act to him/her by appointed individual any or (and/ Manager ACSU CA the of authority the to submit to agree (b) and Standards; Minimum these of provisions the of all with comply to required and by bound automatically are (a) Officials: Match and Personnel Support Player Players, Teams, League Bash Big Associations, Territory or State All play. day’s that of conclusion formal the until through right Match aDomestic of day the on PMOA the enter first they that moment the from parties third all with Officials Match and Personnel Support Player Players, between communication of methods all possible extent greatest the to restricting by matches, cricket on place takes and increasing in by the methods which sophistication betting technology communication mobile advancing combat to seek Standards Minimum the particular, In Behaviour. of Code CA has adopted these Minimum Standards in support of CA CA of support in Standards Minimum these adopted has CA means as defined in Article 2.1, below. 2.1,below. Article in defined as means means any umpire (including any third or other umpires) umpires) other or third any (including umpire any means (c) any other person acting in an official capacity for CA or a or CA for capacity official an in acting person other any (c) and aTeam; of selectors the (b) State or Territory Association or in relation to aTeam. to relation in or Association Territory or State Each of the six (6) member member (6) six the of Each

Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches 467

Support Personnel and Match Officials during and after the relevant Domestic Match; and all other areas that any CA Anti-Corruption Officer determines should be included, such determination to be entirely at his/her discretion. the dining area(s) used by the Players, Player (including third or other Umpires) during the course of the relevant Domestic Match; the operational room(s) used by the Match Referee during the course of the relevant Domestic Match; the operational room(s) used by any Umpire eachof the dressing rooms (including any medical or each of the dressing rooms (including any medical or other similar rooms that may be accessed from within the dressing room) that are used by the teamsparticipating inthe relevant Domestic Match; other similar rooms that may be accessed from within the dressing room) that are used by the Match Officials in the relevant Domestic Match; eachof the match viewing areas (whether internal or external, including any ‘dug-out’ area) used by the teams participating in the relevant Domestic Match;

2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.7 2.1.5 2.1.6 At each relevant Domestic Match, the PMOA shall comprise of the following areas: 2.1.3 2.1.4 time to time. The Minimum Standards shall come into full force and effect on 1 September1 2012. The Minimum Standards shall be applied in full at every Domestic Match at which the CA ACSU deems it appropriate that they should apply. should they that

2.1 1.4 1.5

ARTICLE 2 ACCESS TO THE PLAYERS’ AND MATCH OFFICIALS’ AREA (“PMOA”) 468 Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches 2.2 2.2.3 2.2.2 2.2.1 Teammust: League Bash Big and/or Association Territory or State host the Manager ACSU CA the by advance in agreed geographical its unless otherwise jurisdiction, within place taking Match Domestic relevant each to relation In 2.1.1 2.1.1

completion of a day’s play (as applicable); (as play aday’s of completion the at or completed been has Match Domestic the after stadium the left have Officials Match and Players all until through right Match Domestic a for secured been has stadium the that moment the from PMOA the to entrance each at duty on be to stewards/security adequate provide issued; been has pass such whom to individual the of name the and photograph identifiable easily and aclear bear that passes accreditation of use the aminimum, at include, must system accreditation Such purpose. such for appointed team stewarding or security the of members other such and/or Officer Anti-Corruption aCA by monitored and controlled easily and strictly be to PMOA the to access enables which and Manager ACSU CA the by advance in approved is that system accreditation an place in put Match; aDomestic of day the on PMOA the telephone communication devices within other) (or / landline static no are there that ensure Match; Domestic relevant the in participating teams the by used are that room) dressing the within from accessed be may that rooms similar other or medical any (including rooms dressing the of each

Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches 469

ensurethat each of the members of the security/ stewards team allocated to be on duty pursuant to above: 2.2.3, Article (a) has been security-vetted by the appropriate authorities and has sufficient skill and experience to control and, wherever necessary, prevent entry to the PMOA from time to time; (b) is thoroughly briefed, in advance, by an appropriate representative of the State or Territory Association and/or, Big Bash League (and, Team where considered necessary, by a CA Anti- Corruption Officer) about what they are required to do to satisfactorily perform their duties in this (c)provided with is appropriate identification as so to make him/her instantly recognisable as a member of the security or stewarding team; and (d) will ensure that the rules regarding the display of accreditation passes for the PMOA (as described in Article 3, below) are strictly adhered to at all issue, reasonably in advance of each Domestic Match, all accreditation passes permitting access to the PMOA to each of the relevant Players, Player Officials; Match Support and Personnel maintaincomprehensivea and up-to-date list of allindividuals to whom such passes have been issued and provide a copy of such list to a CA Anti- Corruption Officer at his/her request; refer any additional requests for accreditation from time to time to the CA Anti- Corruption Officer for his/her approval; consideration and provide a fixed photograph board at each entrance to the PMOA that bears a duplicate photograph of each person to whom accreditation passes for access to the PMOA have been issued pursuant to Article2.2.5 above, and copya of the type of accreditation pass(es) that allows entry to the PMOA;

regard; times. 2.2.4 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.2.8 2.2.5 470 Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches

2.2.12 2.2.12

2.2.11 2.2.11

2.2.10 2.2.10

2.2.9 2.2.9

monitored. such storage to be accurately recorded and and recorded accurately be to storage such PMOA, together with a logbook facility that allows allows that facility alogbook with together PMOA, deposit any Mobile Device prior to entering the the entering to prior Device Mobile any deposit Big Bash League Team staff) to the PMOA must must PMOA the to Team staff) League Bash Big (including CA, State or Territory Association, and and Association, Territory or State CA, (including storage facility), into which all temporary visitors visitors temporary all which into facility), storage provide a safe and secure locker (or other similar similar other (or locker secure and asafe provide and Minimum Standards; Support Personnel in accordance with these these with accordance in Personnel Support Devices can be returned to the Players and Player Player and Players the to returned be can Devices Domestic Match until such time as those Mobile Mobile those as time such until Match Domestic and (b) safely and securely stored during that that during stored securely and safely (b) and entry to the venue on the day of a Domestic Match; Match; aDomestic of day the on venue the to entry and Player Support Personnel prior to a team’s ateam’s to prior Personnel Support Player and Devices must be: (a) collected from the Players Players the from collected (a) be: must Devices implements a protocol pursuant to which all Mobile Mobile all which to pursuant aprotocol implements ensure that the relevant team manager manager team relevant the that ensure Manager; ACSU CA the by therefrom unless prior authority has been granted granted been has authority prior unless therefrom purposes of broadcasting video or audio footage footage audio or video broadcasting of purposes room used by the teams or Match Officials) for the the for Officials) Match or teams the by used room that may be accessed from within the dressing dressing the within from accessed be may that dressing room or medical or other similar rooms rooms similar other or medical or room dressing within the PMOA (including, in particular, any any particular, in (including, PMOA the within cameras or other recording equipment set up up set equipment recording other or cameras ensure that there are no fixed or temporary video video temporary or fixed no are there that ensure request; reasonable any footage as soon as reasonably practicable after after practicable reasonably as soon as footage to a CA Anti-Corruption Officer a copy of such such of copy a Officer Anti-Corruption aCA to for a minimum period of three months, and provide provide and months, three of period a minimum for the team dressing rooms, retain such footage footage such retain rooms, dressing team the install CCTV covering all access points to each of of each to points access all covering CCTV install

470 Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches 471

Asa general rule, access to the PMOA willbe certainIn circumstances, temporary ‘visitor’ restricted whose those individuals to only presence in that area is absolutely essential for operational purposes. Obviously this include would Players, Match Officials and the CA Anti- Corruption Officer or other CA ACSU staff, but italso includes certain Player Support Personnel such as members ofthe team coaching staff, medical and physiotherapy staff, team statistician, kit/baggage man, team liaison officer, team media manager and team security manager. accreditation may also need to be issued by the CA Anti-Corruption Officer to any other individuals who may need access to the PMOA from time to time for operational reasons,including, for example, CA, State or Territory Association, BigBash League staff Team and members of the venue’s security, cleaning or catering staff. Such temporary accreditation can only be provided by the CA Anti-Corruption Officer, who accreditation the conditions on such impose may (including for specific time periods or areas etc) as he/she deems appropriate in the circumstances. For the avoidance of doubt, and except as describedin Article 3.2, below, noindividual, irrespective their identity, of or role job, responsibility, will be allowed to enter, or remain within, the PMOA without displaying an officialaccreditation pass. All Players, Player Support Personnel and Match Officials must display their PMOA accreditation

3.1.1 3.2.1 General Principles: 3.1.2 3.1.3 Players, Player Support Personnel and Match Officials: 3.1 3.2 ARTICLE 3 DISPLAY OF ACCREDITATION PASSES THE PMOA INSIDE 471 472 Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches 3.3 3.3


3.3.1 PMOA: the to ‘visitors’ Temporary

3.2.3 3.2.3

3.2.2 3.2.2

times whilst they remain within the PMOA. PMOA. the within remain they whilst times temporary ‘visitor’ accreditation passes at all all at passes accreditation ‘visitor’ temporary All temporary visitors must carry their PMOA PMOA their carry must visitors temporary All PMOA. the leave or enter they temporary ‘visitor’ accreditation passes whenever passes whenever accreditation ‘visitor’ temporary All temporary visitors must display their PMOA PMOA their display must visitors temporary All PMOA. the within remain accreditation passes at all times whilst they they whilst times all at passes accreditation coaching staff) must carry their PMOA PMOA their carry must staff) coaching other than each team manager and members of the the of members and manager team each than other Article 3.2.2, above (i.e. Player Support Personnel Personnel Support Player (i.e. above 3.2.2, Article such person remained within the PMOA. PMOA. the within remained person such All Player Support Personnel not identified in in identified not Personnel Support Player All communication devices set out in Article 4 as if if 4as Article in out set devices communication all times, with all of the restrictions on use of of use on restrictions the of all with times, all (in the case of a Match Official); and (c) comply, at at comply, (c) and Official); aMatch of case the (in or Player Support Personnel) or the Match Referee Referee Match the or Personnel) Support Player or either of the team manager (in the case of a Player aPlayer of case the (in manager team the of either permission of the CA Anti-Corruption Officer or or Officer Anti-Corruption CA the of permission prior to their return to the PMOA; (b) seek the the seek (b) PMOA; the to return their to prior they leave the PMOA and must display it again again it display must and PMOA the leave they his/her PMOA accreditation pass with them when when them with pass accreditation PMOA his/her security emergency, then he/she must: (a) carry carry (a) must: he/she then emergency, security any reason other than in the case of a medical or or amedical of case the in than other reason any Should any such person need to leave this area for for area this leave to need person such any Should PMOA, the nets or practice area or field of play. play. of field or area practice or nets the PMOA, so long as they remain at all times within either the the either within times all at remain they as long so need not carry their PMOA accreditation passes passes accreditation PMOA their carry not need and all members of each team’s coaching staff staff coaching team’s each of members all and Players, Match Officials and, each team manager manager team each and, Officials Match Players, Once they have complied with Article 3.2.1, 3.2.1, Article with complied have they Once Match. aDomestic of day the passes prior to their first entry into the PMOA on on PMOA the into entry first their to prior passes

Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches 473

Notwithstandingprinciple general the no person shall be allowed to use and/or carry any Mobile Device for any reason whatsoever, whether the Internet to access otherwise, or the in PMOA; no person shall be allowed to use and/or or carry, any laptop computer (or any other similar communication device) for any reason whatsoever, whether theInternet to access or noperson shall be allowed to useany static / otherwise, PMOA; the in and landline (or similar) telephone capable of making calls from inside or receiving calls from outside the PMOA.

Subject strictly to the exceptions set out in Article 4.2, the following prohibitions shall apply from the moment that stadiuma has been secured by thevenue’s securitystaff for a Domestic Match right through until the final ball has been bowled in the day’s play: 4.1.1 NOTE: GUIDANCE that, at all times, it is each individual’s responsibility to comply withthis restriction, in order to minimise the risk of non-compliance by any Player or Player Support Personnel, eachteam manager must implement protocola pursuant towhich all Mobile Devices must be: (a) collected from the Players and Player Support Personnel prior to a team’s entry tothe venueon theday of anDomestic Match; and (b)safely andsecurely stored during that Domestic Match until such time as those Mobile Devices can be returned to the Players andPlayer Support Personnel in accordance with these Minimum Standards. The Match Referee must implement a similar protocol relating to the Mobile Devices of the Umpires (including any third or other Umpire) and/or any Umpire Manager. Performance 4.1.2

4.1.3 prohibitions are:

Officer in advance, the only exceptions to the above Unless otherwise agreed by the CA Anti-Corruption


4.2 ARTICLE COMMUNICATION DEVICES OF USE 4 THE IN PMOA 474 Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches

4.2.6 4.2.6

4.2.5 4.2.5


4.2.3 4.2.3

4.2.2 4.2.2

4.2.1 4.2.1

the PMOA, provided that: that: provided PMOA, the (or any other similar communication device) within within device) communication similar other any (or permitted to carry and use a laptop computer computer alaptop use and carry to permitted by the CA Anti-Corruption Officer, shall be be shall Officer, Anti-Corruption CA the by team, whose identity must be approved in advance advance in approved be must identity whose team, a further five other Player Support Personnel per per Personnel Support Player other five a further purposes; operations that it is used only by him/her and only for cricket cricket for only and him/her by only used is it that Internet or otherwise, within the PMOA, provided provided PMOA, the within otherwise, or Internet communication device), whether to access the the access to whether device), communication use a laptop computer (or any other similar similar other any (or computer alaptop use purpose within the PMOA; the PMOA; purpose within each team manager shall be permitted to carry and and carry to permitted be shall manager team each is in the PMOA and must not be used for any any for used be not must and PMOA the in is “silent mode” and not used when such individual individual such when used not and mode” “silent the PMOA but any such device must remain on on remain must device such any but PMOA the (or any other similar communication device) within within device) communication similar other any (or to carry a Mobile Device and/or laptop computer computer laptop and/or Device aMobile carry to each team’s media manager shall be permitted permitted be shall manager media team’s each above; 4.1.1, Referee pursuant to the Guidance Note to Article Article to Note Guidance the to pursuant Referee as part of any protocol implemented by a Match aMatch by implemented protocol any of part as other Umpire) and Umpire Performance Manager Manager Performance Umpire and Umpire) other collected from each Umpire (including any third or or third any (including Umpire each from collected all of the Mobile Devices that may have been been have may that Devices Mobile the of all each Match Referee shall be permitted to carry carry to permitted be shall Referee Match each above; 4.1.1, Article to Note Guidance protocol implemented by a team pursuant to the the to pursuant ateam by implemented protocol or Player Support Personnel as part of any any of part as Personnel Support Player or that may have been collected from each Player Player each from collected been have may that shall be permitted to carry all of the Mobile Devices Devices Mobile the of all carry to permitted be shall each team manager or team security manager manager security team or manager team each use; such before Personnel Support Player has given his express permission to the Player or or Player the to permission express his given has personal matter, provided that the team manager manager team the that provided matter, personal Player Support Personnel for any important important any for Personnel Support Player operations purposes; and/or (b) by any Player or or Player any by (b) and/or purposes; operations can only be used either: (a) by him/her for cricket cricket for him/her by (a) either: used be only can Mobile Device within the PMOA, provided that it it that provided PMOA, the within Device Mobile each team manager shall be permitted to carry a a carry to permitted be shall manager team each

Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches 475

Nothing in Articles 4.2.5 or 4.2.6 shall (a) it is used onlyby the identified individual and only for cricket operations purposes; (b) it may not be used to access the Internet at any time until the final ball in the day’s play has been delivered; and (c) theCA Anti-Corruption Officer shall have absolutediscretion to directthat the laptop computer(or any other similar communication device) be used only in a specific area or location the Match Referee shall be permitted to carry within the PMOA. the within a Mobile Device within the PMOA, provided that it is used either: (a) by him/her for cricket operations purposes only; and/or (b) by any Match Official for any important personal matter only, provided that the MatchReferee has given his express the Match Referee shall be permitted to carry and permission to the Match Official before such use; use a laptop computer (orany other similar device), whether to access the Internet or otherwise, within the PMOA, provided that it is used only by him/her and only for cricket operations purposes; and the Umpire Performance Manager shall be permitted to carry and use a laptop computer (or any other similar communication device) within the PMOA, provided that: (a) it is used only by the identified individual and only for cricket operations purposes; (b) it may not be used to access theInternet at any time until the final ball in the day’s play has been delivered; and (c)the CA Anti-CorruptionOfficer shall have

prevent a Player or Player Support Personnel being able to view the screen of a laptop computer that is being used by the team manager or other permitted Player Support Personnel, provided that his/her viewing of the laptop: (a) is carried out at all times in the company of the team manager orother permitted Player SupportPersonnel; and (b)is for operations only. purposes cricket 4.2.7 NOTE: GUIDANCE



476 Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches 4.3 4.3 4.4

For the avoidance of doubt, none of the foregoing foregoing the of none doubt, of avoidance the For

For the avoidance of any doubt, all individuals permitted permitted individuals all doubt, any of avoidance the For 4.3.3 4.3.2 4.3.1 shallprovisions to prevent: operate

to carry and use a laptop computer (or any other similar similar other any (or computer alaptop use and carry to

communication device) within the PMOA pursuant to to pursuant PMOA the within device) communication

within the PMOA. device) be used only in a specific area or location location or area aspecific in only used be device) such Big Bash League Match. Match. League Bash Big such any during broadcast such on make to permitted be not may or may Players that commentary any of nature and type the governing force in be may that regulations official any with complies it that and only broadcast television a to commentary providing of purposes the for is use such that provided Match, League Bash aBig in aPlayer by microphones of wearing the and/or vicinity; nearby the in party third any by detection avoid to encrypted suitably are devices such that provided to time, communication time from required be may as System) Review Decision any of use the to relation in example (for protocols communication other any and/or conditions playing relevant the accordance with in Officials Match off-field and on between devices communication electronic of use the vicinity; nearby the in party third any by detection avoid to encrypted suitably are only, such that provided communication devices reasons tactical and/or medical for area room dressing and pitch the between communication of purpose the for Personnel Support Player by a ‘walkie-talkie’ (i.e., distances usethat dedicated frequencies over short devices handheld two-way of use the computer (or any other similar communication communication similar other any (or computer absolute discretion to direct that the laptop laptop the that direct to discretion absolute

Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches 477

At each Domestic Match,all State orTerritory Associations, Big Bash League Teams, Players, Player Support Personnel, Match Officials and any other visitors to the PMOA agree and acknowledge thatthe CA Anti-Corruption Officer (or such other member of the CA ACSU) shall have absolute authority, without being required to provide any explanation or reason, to: be present in any part of the PMOA (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any part of the dressing room) where he/she considers appropriate at any time on the day of the Domestic Match; issue temporary ‘visitor’ accreditation passes for the PMOA where he/she considers appropriate on the day of the Domestic Match; approve or deny any request for PMOA accreditation passes, irrespective of the identity

Ateach Domestic Match, all State or Territory clause 4.2 are deemed to have: (a)consented to having such laptopor other device monitored for the purpose of establishing whether or not the Internet has been accessed in any relevant period; (b) agreed to provide such laptop or other device to the CA Anti-Corruption Officer immediately upon request for purpose; and such (c) agreed to provide such technical information about such laptop or other device to the CA Anti-Corruption Officer as may be necessary to carry out such purpose. Associations, Big Bash League Teams, Players, Player Support Personnel, Match Officials and any other visitors to the PMOA agree and acknowledge that the CA Anti-Corruption Officer (or such other member of the CA ACSU) shall have absolute authority, without being required to provide any explanation or reason, to: 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4




Any failure to comply with any request made made request any with comply to failure Any

under Articles 5.1.7 or 5.1.8 shall be deemed to be a breach abreach be to deemed be shall 5.1.8 or 5.1.7 Articles under

of these Minimum Standards and will be dealt with in in with dealt be will and Standards Minimum these of

accordance with Article 6, below. 6, Article with accordance 5.1.9

5.1.8 5.1.8

5.1.7 5.1.7

5.1.6 5.1.6

5.1.5 breach will be reported by the CA Anti-Corruption Officer Officer Anti-Corruption CA the by reported be will breach alleged such then (inclusive), –2.2.12 2.2.1 Articles of any breached have to Teamalleged is League Bash Big or Association Territory or State any Where

purpose. to leave the PMOA for an expressly approved approved expressly an for PMOA the leave to or Match Official who has been given permission permission given been has who Official Match or accompany any Player, Player Support Personnel Personnel Support Player Player, any accompany and team; /security stewarding third party who shall be a member of the venue venue the of amember be shall who party third such search is carried out in the presence of a a of presence the in out carried is search such by the CA Anti-Corruption Officer, provided that that provided Officer, Anti-Corruption CA the by or other items in their possession, to be searched searched be to possession, their in items other or submit themselves and/or any clothing, baggage baggage clothing, any and/or themselves submit require any person in the PMOA to immediately immediately to PMOA the in person any require and owner; the an agreed time and place and in the presence of of presence the in and place and time agreed an auditing purposes, such auditing to take place at at place take to auditing such purposes, auditing device) to the CA Anti-Corruption Officer for for Officer Anti-Corruption CA the to device) Device, laptop computer (or any other similar similar other any (or computer laptop Device, device) to immediately provide such Mobile Mobile such provide immediately to device) Device, laptop computer (or any other similar similar other any (or computer laptop Device, individual; require any person in possession of any Mobile Mobile any of possession in person any require immediately, irrespective of the identity of such such of identity the of irrespective immediately, valid accreditation pass to leave the PMOA PMOA the leave to pass accreditation valid require any person who is not displaying a a displaying not is who person any require accreditation; the identity of the individual with such such with individual the of identity the accreditation pass already issued, irrespective of of pass alreadyaccreditation irrespective issued, accreditation; such requesting individual the of remove, or cancel the validity of, any PMOA PMOA any of, validity the cancel or remove,

Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches 479

to the CA ACSU Manager. Thereafter, the CA ACSU Manager shall elect whether to conduct an investigation, including corresponding with the State or Territory Association or Big Bash League in Team an attempt to ascertain the explanationbehind any alleged breach and to seek the implementation of any corrective that he/shemeasures addition, appropriate. In considers theCA ACSU Manager will provide reporta on such mattersas required to theCA General Manager, Cricket Where any State or Territory Association or Big Bash League staff Team official or staff member is alleged to have breached any of Articles in these Minimum Standards such person will have their accreditation removed immediately and no longer be granted any access to the PMOA while the alleged breach is investigated. The alleged breach will then be reported by the CA Anti-Corruption Officer to the CA ACSU Manager. Thereafter, the CA ACSUManager shall correspond with the State or Territory Association or Big Bash League inanTeam attemptto ascertain the explanation behind any alleged breach and to seek the implementation of any corrective measures that he/ include, may appropriate. These considers measures she without limitation, not returning the individual’s accreditation pass and not granting further access to the individual to the PMOA for such period as the CA ACSU Manager determines acting in his/her absolute discretion. In addition, theCA ACSU Manager will provide a report on such matters as required to the CA General Manager, Cricket Operation and the BBL Where any Player, Player Support Personnel or Match Official is alleged to have breached Article 3.2, then such alleged breach will be reported by the CA Anti- Corruption Officer to the CA ACSU Manager. Thereafter, theCA ACSU Manager shallcorrespond with the Player, Player Support Personnelor Match Official in an attempt to ascertain the explanation behind any alleged breach

Operations. 6.2 Manager. 6.3 479 480 Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches Thereafter: 6.4

6.4.2 6.4.2 6.4.1 Manager. ACSU CA the to Officer Anti-Corruption CA the by reported be will breach alleged such any then 5.3, or 4.1 Articles of either breached have to alleged is Official Match or Personnel Support Player Player, any Where General Manager, CA the to Operations. Cricket matters such on a report provide will Manager ACSU CA the considers In appropriate. addition, measures he/she that corrective any of implementation the seek to and

a period of fourteen days; and days; fourteen of a period within provided be to explanation such breach, alleged the for explanation an seeking Official Match or Personnel Support Player Player, the to write will Manager ACSU CA the breach (irrespective of whether the third, or any any or third, the whether of (irrespective breach subsequent, any or athird, of case the in (c) and Manager; ACSU CA the by him against imposed $500 of fine a have will Official Match or Personnel Support Player Player, the months, (24) twenty-four of period a rolling within breached) previously that as Article same the of is breach second the whether of (irrespective breach asecond of case the in (b) Manager; ACSU CA the from warning awritten receive will Official Match or Personnel Support Player Player, the months, (24) twenty-four of period rolling a within breach a first of case the in (a) 5.3: or 4.1 Article either of abreach been has there that determines Manager ACSU CA the Where Article(s). relevant the of breach in is Official Match or Personnel Player, the Support Player whether determine shall Manager ACSU CA the earliest) the is whichever days, fourteen of expiry the upon receipt of any such explanation (or after after (or explanation such any of receipt upon

Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches 481

subsequent, breachis of the same Article as withinthose previously rolling breached) a periodof twenty-four (24) months, the Player, PlayerSupport Personnel or Match Official will have a fine of $2,000 imposed against him by the CA ACSU Manager. Any decision made by the CA ACSU Manager in relation toany of the above, shall be the full, final and complete disposition of the matter, immediately binding and non-

6.5 appealable. 482 Cricket Australia Minimum Standards for PMOA at Domestic matches