
Jason and his travels Ch 19, pp. 482-516 Main sources: (brief mention in , quoted p. 482); ' tragedy ; ' epic poem

THE pp.483-4 and escape the plot of their wicked stepmother (she bribed messengers to say that demanded that Phrixus be sacrificed) Flying Golden ram carries them to () Helle falls off en route, gives name to Hellespont Ram sacrificed, fleece given to Colchian king Aeetes

Meanwhile back in , in north-central ... usurps throne from p.484 Sends Aeson’s son (‘man with one sandal’) on impossible mission: a for the Golden Fleece pp.485-6

Argo and the (Gk. ‘-sailors’) pp.485-6 first or greatest ship ever made adds ‘speaking beam’ from of (on-board navigation system) Jason gathers greatest heroes, including

ADVENTURES OF THE ARGONAUTS Heracles breaks oar, goes missing (too ‘big’ for this story?) Women of Lemnos and the pp.488-9 The = (Gk.) ‘clashing rocks’: p. 482, 490 gateway to Black Sea GETTING THE GOLDEN FLEECE IN COLCHIS Medea, daughter of Aeetes, falls in love with Jason Aeetes defines the task: yoke bull, plow field, sow 's teeth (left over from ' ) and defeat earthborn men who spring up. Medea helps Jason get Fleece (hero and helper-maiden): magic ointment, potion to put dragon guarding the fleece to sleep Pursuit by Aeetes, killing of Medea’s brother (pp.490-3) RETURN TO GREECE p.497 worldwide journey: Po, Rhone, Italy, Greece Corcyra = Phaeacia: King Alcinous protects Jason and Medea only if they are married Libya: thirst, garden of Hesperides, near miss of Heracles Crete: Medea’s evil eye vs bronze robot Talus : Jason’s revenge on Pelias (assist from Medea) p. 497 LATER HISTORY OF JASON AND MEDEA Jason wants a new wife at Corinth. Medea's vengeance and escape to Athens

Sample questions

1. The women of Lemnos were unusual because a. They could fly b. they controlled access to the clashing rocks c. they could heal the lame d. they had killed their husbands e. they shared one tooth and one eye

2. Heracles left the company of the Argonauts because a. he wanted to search for his lost friend Hylas b. he got into an argument with Jason c. he was too heavy for the Argo to carry him safely d. he decided to carry out his own twelve labors instead of helping jason e. he decided to build a larger ship than the Argo for himself

3. The Colchians possessed the Golden Fleece because a. all the near Colchis naturally had golden fleece b. Zeus had given it to them in return for keeping his affairs secret from c. Phrixus had flown to Colchis on the ram sent by his mother so that he could escape his stepmother Ino d. Medea had spun fleece into to create the Golden Fleece e. Aeetes had brought the golden fleece back from the underwold

4. Pelias was killed when a. Medea poisoned his wine b. Jason defeated him in hand to hand combat at a crossroads c. his daughters were tricked by Medea into thinking they could restore his youth by cutting him up and cooking him d. Medea drove his daughters mad by telling them that Pelias planned to betray them and drive them out of the country. e. he tried and failed to kill the Calydonian Boar

5. One reason that it was difficult for Jason to obtain the Golden Fleece was that a. he was afraid to ask for it b. it was guarded by a monstrous snake c. it was invisible d. no one knew where it was e. it was at the top of a high mountain

6. Which of the following did not die as a result of Medea's actions a. the king of Corinth b. the princess, daughter of the king of Corinth c. Medea's brother d. Medea's children e. Jason

7. How did Medea travel to Athens after her crimes in Corinth? a. she sailed on the Argo b. she was carried there on the chariot of her grandfather c. she walked d. she swam

8. In Euripides' play Medea, Jason wrongs Medea by a. returning the Golden Fleece to Colchis b. giving her a robe soaked in deadly poison c. killing their children d. deciding to 'divorce' Medea and marry a new wife e. killing her father

9. A woman associated with both and Jason is a. Medea b. Aethra c. Glauke d. Procne e.

Scroll down for answers

1. d 2. a 3. c 4.c 5. b 6. e 7. b 8. d 9. a