Carotenoid Concentration and Composition in Winter Squash

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Carotenoid Concentration and Composition in Winter Squash HORTSCIENCE 51(5):472–480. 2016. which has a significant role in vision, in maintaining a healthy immune system, and in regulation of gene expression during growth Carotenoid Concentration and and development (Britton, 2009). Two xan- thophylls, lutein and zeaxanthin, are present in Composition in Winter Squash: the retina of humans and subhuman primates, and necessary for visual acuity and as a filter Variability Associated with Different for short wave light (Schalch et al., 2009). They are also two of the six most prominent carotenoids in human blood plasma and tis- Cultigens, Harvest Maturities, and sues (Canene-Adams and Erdman, 2009). Other carotenoids found in plants, such as Storage Times violaxanthin and neoxanthin, have an impor- 1 2 tant function in photosynthesis and plant Jennifer Bonina-Noseworthy and J. Brent Loy hormone physiology, but are largely absent Department of Biological Sciences, University of New Hampshire, Durham, in human plasma and organs, and have yet to NH 03824 be linked to a role in human health (Barua and Olson, 2001; Canene-Adams and Erdman, Joanne Curran-Celentano 2009; Khachik, 2009; Milborrow, 2001). Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences, University of Mesocarp tissue of immature winter squash New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824 fruit is low in carotenoids, but carotenoid concentrations begin to progressively increase Rebecca Sideman beginning 15 to 20 d after fruit set (Boiteux Department of Biological Sciences, University of New Hampshire, Durham, et al., 2007; Kon and Shimba, 1988). Variation NH 03824 in total carotenoid concentrations in mature squash among cultivars in the three major Dean A. Kopsell species of winter squash, Cucurbita pepo, C. Plant Sciences Department, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 maxima,andC. moschata, have been reported (Azevedo-Meleiro and Rodriguez-Amaya, Additional index words. Cucurbita species, human health, a-carotene, b-carotene, lutein, 2007; Boiteux et al., 2007; Jacobo-Valenzuela zeaxanthin et al., 2011; Schaffer et al., 1986), as well as variation associated with harvest and storage Abstract . In the present study, carotenoid concentrations and profiles of carotenoids times (Arima and Rodriguez-Amaya, 1988; were determined at harvest and during storage in fruit of several cultigens of winter Arvayo-Ortiz et al., 1994; Bycroft et al., squash, including several New Hampshire (NH) breeding lines, the cultivars Waltham 1999; Hopp et al., 1960). However, the di- Cucurbita moschata Butternut and Puritan Butternut in (Duch.), and the hybrid versity of germplasm analyzed is low, and in Cucurbita maxima cultivars Sunshine, Eclipse, Space Station, and Thunder in (Duch.). most reports, not representative of cultivars Cultigens were grown at research farms in either Madbury or Durham, NH, in 2007, currently used in North America. 2008, and 2009, and fruit were harvested at either 40 or 60 days after pollination Since the late 1980s, with the advance- 8 (DAP), and stored for 0, 30, or 60 days at 14 C before sampling. Total carotenoid ment of HPLC, the major carotenoids in the concentrations were determined spectrophotometrically and carotenoid profiles were three major species of winter squash have determined using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Carotenoid been identified (Azevedo-Meleiro and C. maxima concentrations in fruit samples of cultigens harvested at 60 DAP ranged Rodriguez-Amaya, 2007; Gonzalez et al., m L1 from 146 to 320 g·g fresh weight (FW), compared with concentrations of 274 to 2001; Jacobo-Valenzuela et al., 2011; m L1 623 g·g FW after storage for 60 days. Carotenoid concentrations were lower among Khachik and Beecher, 1988), including C. moschata m L1 cultigens, ranging from 42 to 145 g·g FW at 60 DAP, and from 84 to nutritionally important carotenes, a-carotene m L1 239 g·g FW after 60-day storage. The nutritionally important carotenoids, lutein, and b-carotene, and the xanthophyll lutein. b zeaxanthin, and -carotene, comprised 41% to 63% of the total carotenoid profile in In two of the most recent studies involving C. maxima the kabocha hybrids; whereas, the carotenoids neoxanthin and flavoxanthin North American cultivars, the complete b comprised 37% to 59%. -Carotene and lutein were the major nutritionally beneficial carotenoid profiles were not analyzed (Itle C. moschata carotenoids identified in ‘Waltham Butternut’ and three inbred lines of , and Kabelka, 2009; Murkovic et al., 2002), a along with much smaller concentrations of -carotene. Neoxanthin and violaxanthin and in the latter study, samples were not comprised between 14% and 29% of the total carotenoid profiles among the four saponified. In squash, saponification is b cultigens analyzed. In the popular cultivar Waltham Butternut, the -carotene considered an important analytical proce- m L1 concentration was 17.3 g·g FW at 60 DAP, but increased to a maximum of dure for HPLC analysis to allow for sepa- m L1 57.8 g·g FW after storage for 30 days; whereas, lutein concentrations increased ration and quantification of xanthophylls, m L1 m L1 from 27.3 g·g FW at 60 DAP to 44.6 g·g FW after 60-day storage. In Sunshine, which are often esterified with fatty b m L1 a popular kabocha cultivar, -carotene increased from 26.0 g·g FW at 60 DAP to acids (Khachik, 2009; Khachik and m L1 + 104 g·g FW after 60-day storage. Lutein zeaxanthin concentrations in ‘Sunshine’ Beecher, 1988; Rodriguez-Amaya, 2001). m L1 m L1 were 58.8 g·g FW at 60 DAP, but increased only to 71.8 g·g FW after 60-day Carotenoids such as neoxanthin and viola- storage. Total carotenoid concentrations and carotenoid profiles in ‘Sunshine’ over xanthin may be abundant in winter squash three growing seasons, and in ‘Waltham Butternut’, ‘NH.Mo421’, and ‘NH.Mo851’ (Azevedo-Meleiro and Rodriguez-Amaya, over two growing seasons, were similar. 2007), and for squash improvement through breeding, data on the proportion of these in the total carotenoid profile are Carotenoids are ubiquitous fat-soluble, groups, hydrocarbons (carotenes) and the more important. There have been few studies on yellow-, orange-, and red-pigmented com- polar xanthophylls or hydroxy-containing postharvest changes in carotenoid compo- pounds found in leaves as part of the chloro- carotenoids, the latter often esterified to sition (Kon and Shimba, 1988; Zhang et al., plast structure and in the chromoplasts of many fatty acids. Carotenes, chiefly a-carotene 2014), but such changes could be important root and fruit crops (Britton and Khachik, and b-carotene, and the xanthophyll, for assessing the nutritional status of win- 2009). They are typically subdivided into two b-cryptoxanthin, are precursors to vitamin A, ter squash. 472 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 51(5) MAY 2016 The objectives of this study were to de- cultivar, but with small blossom scars and more Samples of C. maxima kabocha and C. termine the effects of year, differences in rounded shoulders. The parents of ‘Eclipse’ are moschata with round to oblate fruits were taken maturity at harvest, and storage time on total a bush inbred line, NH.Max6331, with a com- from the shoulder of the squash, about midway carotenoid concentrations and carotenoid pro- plex pedigree, and NH.Max5273, a vining in- between the peduncle and equatorial region of files in fruit mesocarp tissue of several culti- bred line derived from the F1 hybrid Kurijiman the fruit opposite to the ground spot. The gens of C. maxima and C. moschata winter (Kyowa Seed Company, Japan). The parents fibrous inner tissue was removed from the squash. In the present work, we included both of ‘Thunder’ are NH.Max5273 and a bush interior of the cross section. Two 10 g sections a few popular commercial cultivars and also line, NH.Max2-12-11, developed before 1995. of squash were cut transversely into 20 rectan- some NH breeding lines with diverse genetic NH.Max6331 is one of the parents of ‘Space gular cuboidal sections (lengthwise from outer parentage, most of which had been selected Station’, the other being a semibush line, to inner) and stored in poly bags and frozen visually for intense orange pigmentation in NH.81110-2, developed from a complex pedi- immediately (–80 °C). Preliminary analyses fruit. gree. Three of the cultigens, NH.Max33-12 determined that samples prepared in this man- (F7), NH.Max264 (F5), and ‘Sunshine’, have ner were uniform and representative of the Materials and Methods orange rinds and carry the Bmax gene (Paris and carotenoid concentration in fruit mesocarp Brown, 2005) for precocious orange pigmen- tissue (Bonina-Noseworthy, 2012). Plant material. In C. moschata, fruits tation of the fruit. Quantitative determination of total from four F5 (2007) and F6 (2008 and 2009) Plant culture. Plots were established at carotenoids. Because light can degrade ca- breeding lines and three related, open- the Woodman Research Farm in Durham, rotenoids, ultraviolet-blocking film (Gila pollinated cultivars of butternut squash were NH (lat. 43°N), or at the nearby Kingman Film Products, Martinsville, VA) was used used in this study. The open-pollinated cul- Research Farm in Madbury, NH, in 2007, to cover laboratory windows and ultraviolet- tivars were Waltham Butternut (WBN), Pu- 2008, and 2009, using randomized complete blocking, clear plastic tubes were used to ritan Butternut (PBN), and New Hampshire block designs with three (2007 and 2009) or cover the fluorescent lights. Either amber Baby Butternut (NHBBN). Seed of these four (2008) replications and eight plants per glassware or glassware covered in aluminum cultivars were obtained from two generations plot. In 2008, the C. moschata cultigens and foil was used during analyses to block light. of self-pollinations to improve uniformity. C. maxima breeding lines were grown in Carotenoids were extracted from frozen NHBBN was derived from the original But- adjacent plots, and the C. maxima hybrids (–80 °C) squash, using 1.0 g samples homog- ternut cultivar crossed to Tsurukubi, a Korean were grown in a separate field, and included enized with 40 mL of HPLC grade acetone cultivar, to eliminate the problem of crook- additional hybrids not used in the present (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA) for 4 min necking in butternut squash (Mutschler and study.
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