Kane Street Hebrew School Curriculum Overview 2007-2008

Grade Hebrew Israel Holidays T’fillot Tanakh Other

Intro. To Hebrew Intro. to Israel Symbols and ritual Intro to T’fillot Shabbat: Friday night K Intro. to Alef/Bet objects Modah Ani/Sh’ma People and objects of the Brachot over food synagogue

st All letters and vowels The landscape of Practice in home and Modah Ani/Mah Tovu Stories of Bereshit as they Shabbat: Havdallah 1 Beginning writing Israel: Modern and synagogue Sh’ma/Sheheheyanu relate to the concept of Kodesh & Chol Begin to read simple words Biblical Brachot over food (Holy & everyday) Adon Olam/Oseh God Talk

Complete fluency with letters and Cities of Israel Practice in home and Modah Ani/Mah Tovu Stories of Bereshit and Derech Eretz: steps to a vowels synagogue Bracha over learning lifetime of Jewish values 2nd Writing: script Sh’ma/V’shamru Reading mono & multi syllable Adon Olam/Oseh Shalom Eyn words Keloheinu

Intensive review: Jewish history from Brachot for holidays Brachot Complete study of Bereshit Jewish history from letters & vowels Abraham to Adom Olum The Brit between God and the Abraham to Masada and Reading simple stories Masada and Dead Mi Chamocha/Barchu Jewish people rd Building vocabulary Sea Scrolls Sh’am + V’ahavta Exodus stories from Shamot 3 Pronouns & prepositions Eyn Keloheinu Gendered & plural forms of adjectives, nouns & verbs

Increasing Hebrew vocabulary Jewish calendar cycle Barchu From Sinai to the Nation of Pronouns & prepositions Deeper understanding of Mi Chamocha Israel: Study of judges, kings & 4th Gendered forms of adjectives, holidays & their Kiddush prophets of Israel nouns & verbs historical background Barchot Book of Ruth, Esther & Jonah Question words Shalom Rav/Sim Shalom Shalom Aleichem

Shel sentence structure History of Israel: Review of holiday, study Ashrei/Aleinu From Sinai to the Nation of To be sentence structure history, people, of Torah portion for each Torah Service/Troupe Israel: Study of judges, kings & 5th Complex combinations of politics and culture holiday Haftorah/Torah brachot prophets of Israel gendered verbs & nouns Eyn Keloheinu Book of Ruth, Esther & Jonah Increased Hebrew vocabulary Prayer for the state of Israel

Noun-adjective structure History of Israel: Review of holiday, study Ashrei/Aleinu From Sinai to the Nation of Prepositions: to, from history, people, of Torah portion for each Torah Service/Troupe Israel: Study of judges, kings & 6th “Yesh” and “Ain” sentence politics and culture holiday Haftorah/Torah brachot prophets of Israel structure Eyn Keloheinu Book of Ruth, Esther & Jonah “Shel” sentences Prayer for the state of Israel

th Modern Hebrew vocabulary & Jewish history How to celebrate Torah Troupe Introduction to Jewish 7 conversation, focus on modern Early Israelites to holidays as a member of Haftorah/Torah brachot Literature Israel US Jewry during the Kehillah, What is Musaf service the 1900s community