V. S. WEATHER BtJEEAU, November 12. Last 24 Hoars' Ealnfall, .00. SUGAR, 08 Degree Test Centrifugals, 3.02c Vet Ton, $78.40. Temperatarc, Max. 84. cloudy. - 76; Mln. Weather, fair to '.i, SB Analysis Beots, 10s. 3d. Per Ton, $83.20. .


WILL NOT AWAITING o lO tO 10 lO tO JO JO JC 10 tO JC JO K" 1? 0 1? lC tO tf iff ifj 0 tf 0 K ? JO t? K" tf MINES TO LEME


Anti-Saloone- rs Sec (Associated Press Cablegrams.) M the Chinese Excellency and "T-- i Finish of Local WASHINGTON, No vombor 13. President Eoosovolt yestorday issued na Prince to Arrive order douching all marines from service aboard tho vessels of tho navy. Tha marines aro to bo withdrawn and used ashoro as garrisons naval posts i(fnl Option Bill. for 1 . Tomorrow. ?- 'S and navy yards. . - - 4U 'WILLEMSTAD,' NpvombcflO. Tho Netherlands squadron' la tho Caribbean '. V t Sea is to bo increased ',.'' Members of tho Anti-Saloo- n - League Plans for tho" reception of His Excel- QUINCY, Massachusetts, Novembor 10. Tho. North Dakota, said to bo tha nro afraid pf what tho Scnato will do lency Tang Shao-y- i nnd His Highness most poworful battleship In tho world, has bocn lauuehod from tho yards of tha " bill in tho coming to tlieir local option Prince Tsai Fu on their arrival horo Foro Elver Engina Company. session. Thoy nro satisfied that tlio on tho Mongolia, havo now1 been com- PARIS, November 10. Tho Casablanca agreement, in which tho policy Houbo will bo favorable, and know that pleted. of the country generally is prodlsposed in Tho Mongolia is expected to arrive Franco and the other powers lu roferonco to Morocco Is sottlod, was signed) fcinv0r of n local option measure, but early Saturday morning. At' the wharf hero today. head-shakin- g when tho complex- to thorn there is meet and net as an escort will SAN BERNARDINO, California, Novembor 10. Thero has boon a series or .75rd tho, up. two ion of Senate is sized bo companies of tho Twentieth In- earthquakes during tho last three weeks In tho Doatli Valley district. Tha At least thero was head-shakin- yes- fantry, U. S. A., from Port" Shatter de- shocks on Wednesday last woro very violent, and minors, becoming alarmed, ora terday, Lyle Dickoy speaking sorrow-..- . tailed by Cajftaln Bxton, who is in com- ?$ Dun-ning- leaving tho region of tho tremors, fully of tho prospoct nnd having his mand of Port Shaft or in. Major 's sorrow: confirmed by his father, C. II. absenco; and by two' companies CHICAGO, Novembor 10. Tho United States Circuit Court of Appoaln In Dickey. This was just beforo the Anti-- , of tho 'National Guard bf': this city has refused tho motion of tho Federal' government for a rehearing of SaloOn Xcaguo ozocutivo committoo by Colonel Zicgler. ' tho Standard Oil coso, in which tho corporation was flnod $20,000,000 by Judge) went into executive session yesterday Secretary of tho Territory E. A. BsJJJJJikJJv Jf TlilsslElisklBsisisisHkBBIiiisifllBsH Landls In tho lower court, this Judgment being rovorscd In tho Circuit Court. Mott-Smit- Tho case now be to tho TTnltod Supremo Court' on an appcaL at' the rooms of tho Hawaii Board for h representing tho govern- will taken States "VIENNA, November 11. Tho Pan-Germa-n followers tho royal parlia ) the purpose of hearing tho annual re ment of tho Territory will meet His of port of thoir attornoy, A. L. C. Atkin .Excellency and His Highness and will mentary propaganda mixed In a street fight with tho Jewish Btudonts today. Ono Czech-Germa- n son. - accompany them in an automobile, un- hundred wero Injured, Feeling on' tbo and sopa'ratlon running high. With threo liquor-me- elected to tho der tho escort of the four companies of is 1 rt 4 11. persons wcro from this island, must troops to tho Capitol, whcro oml- BED BLUFF, California, November' Four killed in a. col Senate I say 1 tho ' am afraid for the fate- of our local op nont visitors will call on Governor GEORGE FILMER, PAST POTENTATE OFISLAM TEMPLE. WHO IS lision today between and an automobile Tho collision took place I the tion bill;" Baid Lylo Dickey. '"Tho Prear. HEBE AS THE GupST'OF ALOHA TEMPLE. on a lovel crossing, and occupants of tho automobilo wcro' thrown out aseV crashed by the locomotive. HIouso is all Tight, but tho Senate do From tho Capitol still'cscorted by the BERLIN,' 11. The Kaiser was In tho Rolchstag today. foatod it before,. and I think will do troops, tho distinguiahediforelgncrs will Ypu havo a unique city here, ".said. ipplncsp"n:,tho,1CtypI.irPeklng, "then bo November. criticized Anti-Saloo- Many Labor spoke strongly on tho on so again.' Tho work of the proceed to tho "Ohlneao ..Consulate on George Pilmer, Past JPotentnte of jtngj ns Captain and Liberal members .Kalsor'B stand tha question. ' of-- labor . League., htfclyhasbeentovvork. up a Bheridan strootThere the dttty of 'the lelain,JTemple, Sao. 'lyanclscowho jpompanpSirstj.Calif ornia - . .WASnrNOTONV aentimenfcfin- flworW'lecaUoDTioTSPwS ,h ore, ns'the. guest off,AlofiaTemplo'f 0 'Tho regimenttjfus In. todayfor-SoHetWBg.fun- ds Iiavo of with Governor .Prear nccorapanled'toy his its ceremonial 'session next Saturday. port two days nnd''Captain Pilmer' re- us, out tnnt aonatol" Then there CALCUTTA, India, November "11- .- Nativo'nbvsiJa'petare speaking strongly staff will call 'on thorn at tho Chineso "I have had some experience' with calls with" great ploasuro tho t. was further shakings of tho head. "' editorially In favor of a political uprising. wo vote Consulate . .cities in tropical countries. But- you and hospitality .extended to "If could put it to a of the PHILADELPHIA, November 11. Boar-Admir- Joseph Nobjon Millor died people, wo would carry tho bill Prince TsaiPu being of Imperial blood have a city hero within the tropics tho men of tho regiment. Tho regi- easily," hero today, bo added. will bo given a' saluto of twenty-one-" which is entirely without the features ment- took part in tho capturo of Ma "Only wo havon't got as as tho MELBOURNE, November. 11. As tho result of tho defeat .of the Federal far guns from .tho Naval Station as ,tho which are a drawback to most cities nil a and after several months' ser-vic- o referendum in this country," supple- Mongolia arrives in the harbor. Ab ho in, and around Manila was sent to Ministry, Fishor, tho Labor loader, has been summoned to form a Cabinet-b- y mented Mr. Dickey; Senior; so situated. You havo a climate that reaches the Capitol grounds a salute qccupy the Island of Ncgros, in the. tho Governor-Genera- l, you consldor supo'rb. health- - "Do Sunday Quinn a of twenty-on- e guns will bo given him Is is southern part of archipelago, liquor thoy wore asked. the CHEYENNE, Wyoming, Novembor 11. Eleven persons wero killed today in JfiA mant' there. iful and beautiful, and a city that ie where 'it remained fpr seven or eight ' ; "Well, he was elected by the liquor a collision of trains on tho Union Pacific railroad near here. Si Followlne: Governor Trear's call. His well built, well kept and well carod months. men," said Dickoy, Junior. Excellency and His Highness will be seems 'to NEW YORK, November 11. The reductions In tho price of roflned sngar "And ho's a good said for." "Hut it mo that your city jolly follow," shown about the city by tho Chinese has changed sincp ho which havo taken placo of lato havo caused a revival of tbo rumors that tha Dickey, Senior, with an air of, finality. in greatly then," Consul. They will be takon to, Mr. Filmer was Honolulu ton - Then Jack Atkinson arrived with his tho said yesterday.1- "There nro n number prlco war "between tho American Sugar Bennorics and tho Arbacklo Interests Aquarium, and perhaps to tho years ago, going through to tho Phil- - , report tho rep- Pali.. At (Continued on face 8.) will bo recommenced. in an insido pocket, and two o'clock they will bo tho guests of resentative of the press waS invited to SAN FRANCISCO, November 12. Charles M. Bchwab has purchased got tho Chinese Consul at lunchoon, at tho ths out, in a. very kindly way though; Consulate. Hunter's Point drydocks, which are to be operated In tho in connection' Mr. Atkinson was asked if a copy of future At 7:30 o'clock they will be the with the Union Ironworks. Soven million dollars aro involved In the deal Iiis roport might bo had to givo tho guests public. Thoro was at dinner of Mr. Tang Kau at BERLIN, Novembor 12. Tho Reichstag has rojocted a resolution to tha nothing doing. his rosidenco on Vinoyard street, wost Planters End Their Labor ""I am not managor of tho " of Nuuanu. effect that tho Kaiser should bo notified that danger attends his porsonal inter, League," Mr. AtKinson oxplalnod. Mongolia vontion foreign politics. relations Tho is expected to sail on in 'What I havo with tho mem- Sunday morning. The bers .is that of lawyer and client, and Hawaiian band With Banquet and Drama COPENHAGEN, November 12. Tho Danish government discredits tha will probably be at the to. my roport is confidential. I will not wharf play story In circulation that the grave of Andreo, the Arctic explorer, has been dis- Tead if there to them off. Two military men, an officer it is bo a roporter at from Twentieth covered in Northern Labrador. The report was that a grave marked with a the meeting." tho Infantry, and an With n record crop to cciobrate, a er, W. C. S. S. S. offlcor from tho First Regiment, Na Parke, Peck, J. N. cross, with tho word "Andreo" inscribed on It, had been found, and that the "Wowill probably havo n vory free record number banqueters and a Williams, ,T., H. Mackenzie, G. H. Tul-tl- o, discussion" things and, said tional Uuard of Hawaii, will bo detail- of body and .a number of documents hod boon exhumed. people," ed as aids to W. G. Gcorgo Mr. Dickey, Junior, what wo tho visitors throughout rocird menu to discuss, tho banquet Puilar, F. Dnvics, NEW YORK, Novomber 12. Harvoy Wattorson, son of Henry Watterson, "and if their stay in Honolulu. Captain Tbos. eaid Ross, II. L. Lyon, C. F. Courier-Journa- l, was published it might hurt somo Asso- Hart, tho editor of tho LouiBvlUo fell from the nineteenth story of Cummins has been detailed as aid from of tho Hawaiian' Sugar Planters' - neonlos' fcelines." B. S. Hosmcr, F.- T. Dillingham, John a building horo yesterday, receiving injuries from which ho died. Thoro wore present at meeting the National Guard by Col. J. W. Jones. ciation held last night, to wind up tho the The following is the order issued by Hind, W. L. Hopper, Oeorgo Gibb, J. HONGKONG, November 12, Tho Registrar has fined the proprietors a .Messrs. LMCKev. ann twenty-eight- h meeting tho mem- of tsonior junior, a. Col. of E. G. T. Theo-dor- o Jones for tho National Guard: II. Wall, Clark, II. Petrio, E. shops which were being displayed signs L? C. Atkinson, Dr.. Scudder nnd bers, was ltBelf a record ovent. Nine- number of here in concerning tho Chinese liichnrds. (Continued on Page 8.) W. Shingle, .A. W. T. Eottomley; J. M. boycott of Japancso goods. ty banqueters gathered about tho ton - , .Boss,- John Fnssoth, LV Lowton-Braln- - BUDAPEST, Hungary, November 12. A bill providing for universal suf- tlowcr-bedccke- d tnbles, set beneath J. F. C. Hagens, W. B. Potter, M. J. frage has been introduced into tho Hungarian Houso of Deputies, RECOLLECTIONS OF draped fern wreaths, in the lounging-Too- GOVEHHDr FBEUTS Lindsay, E. Worthington, E. II. Wodo-hous- e, LONDON, 12. believed next naval estimates will of tho Alexander Young Hotel, November It is that the E. A. Mott.mlth,-K- . S. Gjer-dru- Include at least six now Dreadnoughts. thr affair being one 'of tho most en. M. L X Waldron, Arthur Wight, HAMM, Westphalia, November 12. Three hundred miners have been en- joyablo functions ever given by tho H. M. Whitnoy, W. II. C. Campbell by an explosion in a local mine. There is no hopo saving planters. and Gcorgo Chambers. tombed of them. Tho menu enrds wcro unique, rep- NEW' YORK, November 12. Refined sugar was today reduced ten cents Tho lounging-roo- had been skil- Cnpt. John Ross was an old Civil resenting- sowed sugar bags, on tho per hundred pounds. Governor Froar is nt work on his fully transformed into a banqueting War friend of tho late Admiral Miller, front, in addition to the monogram of SPA, Belgium, November 12. A violent earthquake totfk plage, hero today. Thanksgiving Day proclamation. It hall, decorations beings, elaborato tlio being and when the Admiral was here they the4 association, the magic NASHVILLE,'' Tennessee, November 12, Former Sheriff Sharpo has been will probably bo issued today. In any cen- words, -' Record Crpp, 021,123 spent time togother. 18(13," and effective. Each table had a Tons." killing boforo Govern- much "In Tho mcnu-plac- arrested, charged with complicity in tho of Former Senator Carmack. event, it will bo issued terpiece of roses, potted ferns' were cards wero designed said Capt. Eoss yosterday, "thoU. and drawn by W. E. Potter of the Ex- Carmack was killed last Friday In a three-cornere- d street- - duel with the Cooper or Frcar leayes for tho Coast. placed around the dais. on each side of may not leave on tho Sangamon, now tho monitor periment Station staff, on suggestions boys. . The Governor palms Mongolia, His plans now nTo to leave Jason, was ordored to. proceed to James the hall, Migar cano and banana from B. D. Mead. Tho inner pagca WASHINGTON, November 12. Tho contract for tho construction of tha nn the trnnsport Crook, which Is to tho Washington Navy were worked into the docoratlvo contained .views typifying tho ad- to shipbuilding river, Va., vances made In tho sugar industry In new battleship Utah has been awarded a Now York concern, scheduled to arrive here on Monday. ammunition hoist- scheme .to good effect, while, one huge Yard to lmproyo .the Hnwaii, the old stone-crusher- s being MANILA, Novembor 02. Governor Smith today opened the city's now aback-groun- d poinsetta flared "against nine-rolle- water-suppl-y ing arrangements of tho turret. Lieut. flaming modern d plant, THE AMERICANS IN AMOV. contrasted with a Com. J. H. Miller relieved Diout-Com- . of green in the aleove. Tho plant, and hauling cane, and PEEING, Novomber 12. The Emperor is sinking, AWOY, November rVTwo "thousand and1 n show- Henry Todd on that vessel and the decorations, were planned overseen 'plantation, train in full steam BERLIN, November 13. Tho Committee on Foreign Affairs of tbo Reich- men of the second squadron of tho ing tho methods --of early nnd present command was taken over by Commo- by Mrs. Bt D. Mead, whoso skill was stag has under consideration steps re- -- On has assembled and intimated that It to American fleet were allowed to land vybo,. enjoyed transportation. the back of the dore John Itogers. I was navigator greatly praised by those menu enrd were sugar mills of the strict tbo Emperor's independence of the Reichstag in acting for Germany la today, a'nbl wero sorvod at tho recep- Mil-lor'- s and turret ofllccr, and as such made the benefit of it. then and now. the foreign relations of the country. - tion grounds with a .European luncheon B, Damon occupied ,- acquaintance. After getting President Mt the In addition to the menu, the cards 13. mon, .how-over- WASHINGTON, November The Department of Justice has decided to and a Chineso dlnnor. The also contained tlio announcement of a are showing great disappointment through at Washington tho Sangamon head scat in tho banqueting hall, with carry an appeal against tho overruling of Judge Landls' decision against tha Philadelphia problem play, "On Tongntabu," to bo because theyjro not permitted to lcavo went to the Navy Yard him at the head table being Governor given Standard OH Company to the Supreme Court. JudgcLandls found the Standard having been by tho Young Men 'a Peanut and tho grounds', restrictions and drydoek. and then went in cbnvoy Prear, S. B. Dole, P. ri. Nowell, C. C, Persimmon Boeiety. Tho menu was Oil Company guilty of accepting rebates from transportation companies on placed upon them becnuso tho authori- a' of the U, S. S. Wachusett, Capt. Napo Kennedy, A. Lidgate, Noel Deerrand in best twenty-nin- e bollovo the city yet prepared Chef Louis Distcli's large number of counts, inflicting fines to the total amount f mil- ties do not that is to Eoyal, 8. O., to style, as follows: free from cholera and. plaguo.. Admiral leon Collins, Port P. M. Swanzy, The other gliosis were lion dollars. The decision was overruled. o.l. Al ftin nnw inUdxr tynvn succeed the rflrst monitor, which had George, W. Smith, J. 'P. Hac'kfcld, Canapo Moussent SAN FRANCISCO, November 13. The proposal to issue bonds for $CQO,O0C Mission Olives Salted Pecans a luncheon in honor of Bear Admiral been lost in a storm off. Capo Haltcras. George O, "VVntt, J. A. Wilder, ,F. E. to acquire title to lands and claims for reservoir sites and water rights In tha tuo Beet commanaoro. at Eoyal we wore Celery Emory and On reporting Port Werthmueller, E. S.. Norrls, E., Pax-to- municipal yes- sent, to join, the ironclad division oil E. Blue Points, Boucicault Hotch Hetchy watershed for a water supply was voted on hero B. Larson, In- KLUEGEL TO MAUI. Charleston. After some months George T. Benton, D. Essence of Chicken a la Eoino terday and the bond Issue authorized. The acquiring of the rights and the 'Miller was rollcved. and or- Goorge O. Potter, W. P. Eoth,-.J-. D. Turban of Eoyal Kiimu a la Turquo stallation of tbo reservoir system will givo a water supply of two hundred to - . Superintendent of Publia Assistant dored to command, tho.'Paesaic. A few Kennedy, George 0. Puller, n. Castle, Pommes Itlscllcs , Sliced Cucumbers million gallons a day, Works Klucgel goes, to Haiku shortly months'later, after nearly a year's ser- Progs' Legs a ntl rttit- - naV1 flirrtiirrli n!nnfmnlA A. Ludcox, W. H. Babbitt;. Mr. Webb, j BUFFALO, New York, Novomber 13. Six Chinese wero horo yes- . lav ihn vice on 'tho .Sangamon, I was also de Flageolets Francaise, drowned by1 govern-- 1 lan.1-In- lands recently acquired the tached. Since those days 1 nave not li. Dillingham, E. D. Mead, E. Wright, 1. Grenadines of Dee' Tenderloin, terday while attempting to dodge the immigration inspectors and effect a s ment in oxenango lor ine janu ox umf been entirely out of touch' with' the late C. Kimball, Alex,' Lindsay, A. L. Itochambeau In the country from Canada. oplo. Admiral." Castle, E. D. Penney, ,Jobn Watt,1 E. Cepes Saute nux Fine Herbs WASHINGTON, Novomber 13. Fivo hundred delegates to tho Farmers' , .1- - . , Dolgorouski Punch H, Btackable, A. Kennedy, 0, B. Convention, In sesslouThere, wero received by the yestorday, Tho Knhului Itallroad is considering Dr. L. E. Cofer sailed by thaMoana J, Boast Homer Squabs, Sauce- Colbert President President-elec- t tho extension of jta lino '.to the pine-appl- e "Wednesday on Uls way to Washing- Wells, E, V. "Wilcox, 0. H. Cooke, L. Paris! enno Potatoes HOT 8PRIN0S, Virginia, November 12. Vico Jams TCgton pf Haiku. ton. Tenney Peck, F, A. Schtfc,fer, F. Web (Continued on page g.) S. Sherman has arrived here to rest after his campaign.

' " .A li ,r ZBS B vp! FpHJ J!f " tssffspmimm 1 J HARTTB. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1908, fiKm-JTRiraCL- T r . Mil f W II '' WIW UW V I OR. BINGHAM TO NO ALIMONY IF ' PLAHTERS SEE SS ON ON White Sea Sand Will 1 BE HEBE SHE REMARRIES EXPERIMENTS Rout the Melon Fly BlIED LAND LIS (Prom Wednesdays Advertiser'.) Advertiser.) Editor AdvertUcr. have heard a great deal about the ravages Details of tho death of Rev. Dr. (From Wednesdays I To get one-ha- lf tho Income of her Tho Planters' Association had an in of tho melon fly ("Dacus cucurbltao") sinco my arrival In Honolulu. Hiram Dingham, so well known In Ho- cstato as long as sho lives tcrcstlng double session yesterday. In Tho pest is well known in Now Zealand, where it appeared, as far as nolulu, who died nt Johns Hopkins and remains unmarried, is what Mrs, tho Hawaiian Su- tho forenoon visiting am awaro, in tho early eighties. Previous to tho advent of tho Oy Hospital, in Baltimore, ntrlved on tho Ren Jano Gay accepts in lieu of tho gar Planters' Association experiment I alimony T melons wero grown by tho Maoris in great quantities all over tho North steamship China yesterday. The doc- allowed by tho court. nt JunKim, nnu in wiu unci-noo- Gny di- stntion so Mrs. sued lier husband for listening to thrco papers on scien- Island. Th6 damago caused by tho melon fly became serious that, tor died on tho afternoon of Sunday, vorce, alleging habitual Intemperance tific researches hy tho experiment sta- about 1887, tho attempt to grow watermelons was practically abandoned October 23, and not tho 20th ns stntcd Judgo Lindsay found the allegation truo tion staff. by both Europeans and Maoris. before. Tho remains hnvo been cre- nnd gavo her tho dlvorco with tho cus- Tho woro shown over tho sent nero planters melon-growe- r mated and will bo for burial. tody of their two children Lowton-Urai- 'From Wednesday's Aavortlicr.) A in tho Hokianga district of Auckland then discov- Eva, aged six station grounds by Mr. Funeral services were held in Balti- years, and aged In tho The Advisory Land Law Commission ered that tho roll under around tho melon plants wero covered Beatrice, four weeks. and Mr. Perkins, and tho work if and more nn October 28 nt tho Associato Tho decree was entered yesterday. departments July 22, so It various buildings and appointed by Governor Frenr with whlto sea sand, about an Inch deep, tho fly avoided tho vines Congregational church. The pastor, provides for nlimony in accordance with Great interest was manifested 1003, yestordny, through Chairman A. protected, and tho crop was saved. Rev. Dr. Huckcl, presided, nnd the agreement tilted extensive and an with tho decree. By ly tho visitors in tho Lewis Jr., presented its report to tho This farmer sold cartloads of watermelons, whilo other growers could principal address was delivered by this agreement Llewellyn Napela Gay work being carried on there, valuablo Dr. C. O. Creegan, secretary of tho conveys to o one-hal- f being recognized tho Governor. In fact threo reports wero not ralso a single- melon undamaged by tho fly. I tried tho plan my his of alt "by men who aro Jn Conirrccatlonnl Foreign Mission Board. incomo coma to him develop-anen- t majority report wns so that shall from his world over ns experts in the presented. Tho owngardcn and found it to bo a success, in the hopo that it may Tho pailbeorcrs wero , Congregational share b sugar industry. signed by A. Lewis Jr., chnlrmnn; W. in tho cstato of his lato father, of tho provo of benefit to tho melon planters hero I givo it for what it is worth. ministers Rovs. B. B. James, Mnrk uay. trustees Ms At tho afternoon session a lengthy U. Thomas, S. M. Kanakanul nnd J. 1. .inmes tuc under lath- what In any case, tho application of tea sand will do no harm to th. Wells, A. Norris Greenfield nnd T. M. er's will are authorized to pay paper summarizing mill reports of alt Cooke. A. W. Carter presented the floral portion by Mr. n concurring report, land, and may do good. It is well known that melons flourish best in Bcakendoff. Among tributes this of tho nnnual incomo as tho plantations was presented might ho called ono the Congregational min- long ns sho of tho taking slightly ditrcrcnt view as sandy soil. O. F. MAXWELL. wns from Jives nnd remains single Noel Dccrr, nssistnnt director though of Baltimore, bearing this in- Should sbo die or marry during his connection with some matters. A report was isters lifo experiment stntion. In to third Modern this incomo reverts to him tho Cir- synopsis of results by Carl 8. Smith. Mr. Smith j scription: "In Honor of a but tho paper a printed presented Apostle nnd Heroic Soldier of tho cuit Court may provido equitable thirty-tw- o fac- his con- and obtained in Hawaiian differs quito markedly from rensonnblo maintenance of 1908, was nlso on many points. W. A. Kinney, Cross." for such of tho tories for tho crop freres wero children as aro then living to frcoly has out dur-ini- r After tho services tho rcmnins during thoir given and reference made It who been of tho Territory PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT cemetery. minority. Tho paper was technical-J- y most of tho tlmo sinco tho Com cremated In Loudon Park in tho paper. servico tho first of elaborate and of direct interest only mission wns appointed, and has not had The there was Illicit Distilling Charged. memorial services. Tho second Tho to tho plantors, nnd wns ordorod pub- opportunity to tako part in any of tho CALLS FOR THANKSGIVING three trial of Otzuka on a chargo ot lished for uso nnd reference nmong discussions hhs not joined in any of Was held in the Brooklyn church, of illicit distilling was begun yesterday them. Tho plantations In this tabulated tho reports. - which Rev. Henry Wnrd Beechcr wns before Judgo Dole. Tho following jury Teport nro not mentioned by nnmo, but "In ull, tho Commission received sixty-t- onco pastor, and the third will bo held was selected: to Union church. The Cookq, liy number, and tho managers do not hree communications in response WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 31. Pres- fill its great mission nnd to accomplish here in Central J. P. JI. F. Wichman, Benja- unir-ma- n min inow what plantations tho numbers its request for suggestions," said ident Roosevelt tonight Issued tho an- oil that wo so ardently hope and desire. Baltimore Star, in speaking of this H. Clarke, Anthony M. Oilman, II. xcprcsont. wns tho sonso of tho plan- Lowis. "This includes all com- nual Thanksgiving proclamation. Tho things lntter service, says: "Tho services (in W. Podmoro, August H. R. Vierra, Find It of tho body are good; tho B. ters that each manager bo furnished munications. Tho most of theso wero After detailing tho wonderful growth things of tho intellect hotter; best of Central Union) will bo attended by Damon, O. T. Rodgers, R. C. Soarle, with a key to tho numbers, so thai ho mcro disavowals of desiro or qualifica tho Unitod and all things many of the Bnvngcs whom Dr. Bing- Sam Kauhano, Clement Smith and Sam-uo- l of States "in strength are tho of tho soul; for in tho K. may know, at least, which number rep- tion to mako suggestions. Homo wero worldly p"owcr," tho President says: nation as in the individual, in tho long ham converted." Nninoa. resents his own plantation. more complaints of administration in growth in wealth and popula- run is counts. us, Tho following letter concerning Dr. Tho Kold Oases. - "Tho it character that Lot in this tabulated report tho averago nnrticnlnr Instances, ttomo wero peu- tion has surpassed oven tho growth in therefore, as a people, sot our faces Binglinm's death nnd funeral wns . Tho cases against Mosos Koki of Wai-ine- a, production of sugar is shown, that is tions addressed to us under a total mis- territory. Nowhoro else in tho wofln is resolutely against ovil, and with broad yesterday by Dr. Scuddor, pas- Hawaii, wero set for next Monday tho number of tons of cano to mako a nrrprcliensloa of our functions. Only tho nvcrago of individual comfort and charity, with kindliness and good will tor of Central Union church, from beforo Judgo Dolo havo all been con- 1b all construe who tinued tho ton of sugar nvcraged from tho fivo or six really contained material well-bein- as high ns in our townrd all men, but with unuiching de- MIbs Mary J. Austin, for two untiP Mondny following. plantations as 8.1H. Jur. .uecrr aisu tivo criticism. fortunate land. termination to smito down wrong, strive years was head worker at the Bald- Deputy United States Marshal Harry nijitod tlmt tho hlirh percentage of sue "Ono difficulty tho Commission has "For tho very reason that in material with all tho strength that is given us win Settlement, Lnhnlna: Holt left yesterday by tho Mauna Kea tho reports gives a better cxpbrienccd hns been to secure oppor well-bein- g prl-vat- o 023 St. Paul Street, Baltimore. to subpoena thirty witnesso3 in these, rose shown in Wo havo thus abounded, wo for righteousness in public ajid in ' averago hero than anywhoro else in tho tunity lor caretui discussion nmong mo owo to tho Almighty to show equal life. Dear Dr. Scudder: I'm enclosing cases. tho ef- novor To world, nnd speaks much for numbers themselves. There has progress in moral nnd spiritual things. "Now, therefore, I, Theodoro Rooso-volt- , tho press notices of Dr. Bingham's Savo Wynno's Neck. ficiency of the development of tho in- been a meeting at which nil woro pres "With a nation ns with tho individ President of tho United States, do death, and thought you, too, might In tho United States District Court dustry in tho Islands. This paper was ent. What discussion thoro lias been uals who mako up a nation, matorinl sot apart Thursday, tho 20th day of want to hear about tho funeral ser- yesterday Frank Thompson, attorney on varieties two or well-bein- followed by another paper has been mainly between thrco g is nn indispcnsnblo founda- November noxt, as a day-o- f general vice, which wns held this afternoon, for John Wynne, gavo notico that on of sugar cano being experimented on, nt a time. Tho time within which wo tion. But tho foundation would bo Thanksgiving and prayer, and on that iind from which I havo just returned. Friday ho would movo in arrest of judg- which was very interesting. wero obliged to report was very limited. nothine bv itself. That lifo is wasted day I recommend Jhnt tho pooplo shall As his Honolulu friends, pcrhnps, know ment. In support of this motion ho Dr. II. L. Lyon of tho oxperiment Wo havo not reported any radical and worso thnn wasted, which is spent ceaso from their daily work, and" in by now, Dr. Bingham had nn attack will again raiso tho question of juris- station staff mado un address on "Tho changes in tho present law. Wo think in piling, heap upon heap, those things their homes or in thoir churches meet of pneumonia in Bennington, Vt., diction, s Flower of tho Sugar Cane," and de- wo havo reported somo' tuat nre oi which minister merely to tho plcasuro dovoutly to thank tho Almighty for tho and from there went to St. Luko's Thompson nlso nnnounced that he had stops by which tho majority report brief- called tailed tho dovious value. Tho after of tho body nnd to tho power that rests many and great blessings thoy hav-- i re- Hospital in Ifew York, in order that for a transcript of tho ovidenco and tho now seed appointment of tho Com- on which pollen is distributed ly reciting the only on wealth. Upon material well ceived in tho past and to pray that ho might bo in that city lor tho meet- to base an appeal. Tho ap born, in a manner so clear that a lay- mission and tho. conditions under which being ns n foundation must bo raised thoy may bo given tho strength to order ing tho American Board. Ho was peal it taken will bo to the Circuit Ho made done, tho general of man could easily understand. its work was outlines tho structure of tho lofty lifo of tho their lives so as to descrvo a continua- hardly able to, but did, as you know, Court of Appeals for tho Ninth Circuit. moro to point by tho Hawaiian topography, ful-ltlo- Jiis address tho characteristics of spirit, if this nation is properly to n of theso blessings in the future." mako some stirring appeals for his Hatch Resigns. illustrations show- small nrca of first-clas- s uso of largo colored tho comparatively From ho Tho resignation of Frank L. Ifnte.h. tho various stages passed concludes work in his addresses. thero ing minutely agricultural land nnd seo his rela- clerk of the United States moots lifo or. went to Now Haven to District ly the pollen until It tho that tho lanil laws ino unucu oiaieu saw him New Court for tho District of Hawaii, was sack. Ho said this wholo an clastic system tives. Dr. Crcegnn in in Jho seed nro inapplicable, that AND London nnd nrranged the details, for rccoived by Judgo Dole yesterday. was handled by tho experts In mo conui-tion- LN MITERS MURDER It process is required to meet varying his Baltimore stay. The operation for is to tako effect on Monday. A. E. a way that might bo called "juggling nnd thnt tho area of homesteads Murphy, tho present efficient deputy Ho nsked if those largo. order to got which he camo to the Hopkins was with lifo itself." should not bo In must havo uiuric, woo nas neon conducting tho or jprcscnt ever asked what part of tho nctunl sottlors on tho public domain Imccessfnl, but the shock SUICIDE weakened tho heart, for on Sunday af- flco during the months of Mr. Hatch's enno stalk was really allvo. whothor it tho law should bo so framed and ad- absence, will be appointed. Could terms . ternoon, ns ho was taking nourish Ho will bo was tho fiber, tho leaf, or what. ministered as to provide liberal sworn in on Monday. Ho will give a one place his finger on tho lifo in nny and sympathetic treatment to tho bona ment, he passed awnyquictly nnd, tho P physicinns say, painlessly. did not bond of $10,000. J. P. Deas, at present part of the canol Ho said this living fido settler. Thoro should bo a low I court stonogrnpher exchnngo of lands on Fee him before his death, as thought willtfb appointed iiart is not in tho rieid section of tho price and liberal terms of payment but The proposed Evidence produced at tho coroner's I deputy clerk. talk"but in tho somt-flui- portion. It title to tho lnnd should bo withheld for Mnui between tho government and tho inquest last night over tho body of it perhaps better to wait for a day or through tho cano and time to tost tho Dnldwin interests, whereby tho gov- two nftcr tho operation, when ho Action Approved. is distributed all a sufficient length of Yoshino Nnkamoto, tho Japanese wo- United theso senarato sections aro known as fides tho ernment parts with tho land of Omao- - might bo more in a condition to havo States District Attornoy bona of settlor. man found with her cut in tho Breckons cells. This lifo absorbs fluid food. Tho As to prosent methods tho Com pio nnd gets in return ptneapplo lands throat visitors. Dr. Huckel nnd the other yesterday rccoived a letter our-.voy- - J from' Washington address waB heartily applauded. mission recommends tho rotontloa ot in Makawao, is to bo carried out. bathroom of Dr. Sanford's houso Mon- Cnncrecational ministers certainly did npproving of his ac- 099-yea- tion in appealing .from When questioned about "sports" ot tho r leasehold as subserving a Kanaknnui has just returned day evoning, was such that Deputy everything that could have been dono the decision was a danger- caBh freehold and by his friends, and Honolulu and tho of Judgo Ddlo in tho Augusta Walsh cano, Dr. Lyon said this useful purpose. Tbo from mnking a survey of these lands, Sheriff Jarrett held for polico investi- cnse. to discuss, especially if one lcaso Bystein by re- Department of Public Works Hnwniian Board will bo most grateful In this case Judgo Dolo held that ous subject right of purchase nnd tho gation, Imuichi Nakamoto, tho woman's a trial in attempted to give an opinion upon its quiring largo initial payments, lax pro- is to proceed with tho plans for mak- to them for this, I'm sure. Tho open- tho Territorial court ion o Such an opinion should nnd early at- husband, as the jury has about ccmo ing hymn nt the service this afternoon chargo of adultery barred a prosecution .peculiarities. visions as to cultivation ing roads through tho pineapple lands for tho samo .not be offered until scientists havo a tainment of patent, havo led to many in order to mnko them available to to the conclusion that tho woman may wns Dr. Binglinm's favorite hymn, offenso in tho United eclcntific basis to work on. Tho sport, nnd whilo thoy should bo retain- "Tho morning light is breaking," and States courts. Breckons took an appeal abusos, homesteaders. have been murdered and was not there- from this decision. ho oxplalnod, is n bud from the cano ed should bo grcaUy amondcd.N Tho Lnnd Commissioner Pratt will go to a tho closing one, "Jerusalem tho inde- fore suicide. His Btcm nnd when it grows into an Settlement Association plan shouldbo Knpaa noxt week to concludo arrange- Tho statements Captain Spillncr golden." The organ nt tho Associate Failing Fortunes. different of Hoffschlaeger & Co. pendent plant, hns characters repealed. ments thoro for disposing of n num- and his daughter contradicted 'an alibi Congregational church is a beautiful havo levied nn 999-yea- attachment from tho parent cano. Ho said that "Tho Commission believes that with ber of homesteads on the r sot one, iind tho casket was carried up on tho property of H. F. on up by Nakamoto; and it was for Prof. Koebele was experimenting tho exception of a fow amendments tho lease plan. Thero aro a lot of natives this reason ho tho nislo to tho measures ot a funeral lu "x" " payment or a claim that was held at tho "i"" for sold sports in Java. great land law problems of tho Terri- thoro who havo been renting taro station. Nakamoto stated that he did march. A huge cluster of white flow- - 2f .35.0 ""ur tho defendant. Todav's subiccts will bo as follows: tory aro ones of ndminlstration rather lands tho rato of about $20 por seo ers, the gut ot tho congregational v" V v a peiuion nnd at not his wife aftor 0:30 o'clock in bankruptcy"" giving 10 a. m.: Report on Manufacture than of much needed legislation." acre per annum. These havo applied Monday morning, whon both the ministers of the city, covered it. The his liabilities as Dy J., jn. o. a homo- - left $2990.84, and his assets Utilization of Tho Commission recommends for homesteads and about forty home- Japaneso camp on iCing street opposito pallbearers wero six Congregational as $1384.97. Machinery, by W, bo dis- -- -- "Williams; Iteport on stoad agreement. Lands should steads havo been laid out, of about an Alapai stroot, sho going to tho home ministers. Dr. Huckcl has promised J. Dvcr. 2 n. in.: Report on Cultlva. posed of by lot of drawings, giving all of taro land with house of me' a copy of his address, and am A. Tho area ncro each a tho Sanfords, nnd the husband to I tion on Unirrigated Plantations, by applicants nn equal chance. on Knpna near do as no to hnvo that tomorrow. on for, re- lot, cither the flat tho daily labor, said. Ij. Litigate; Report Warehouses Bhould bo tho amount reasonably nearer tho tnro Both Captain Spillncr and daugh Dr. Creegan spoke of his day in Ho- Storngo Raw Sugar, by John family. Tho price bench or landc his and of, quired to support a Governor Frenr yesterday had along ter said that about 8 o'clock they saw nolulu spent with Dr. Bingham in go- Report on Forestry, by L. K should not be less than tea por cent, Hind; conference with James B. Castle and a Japaneso go to tho uanfords. Cap- ing over with him his birthplaco nnd by Government For- twonty-fiv- o per eont. of FEELS Thurston; Bcport nor moro than applica- tain Spillncr homo tlmo, tho scenes of his early life. Ho also HGGBOED S. amount of, L. A. Thurston regarding an left about that ester by R. Hosmer. tho appraised value. Tho Miss Spillncr saw samo told of his impressive addresses tho morning tfio labor report not bo tion for a stumpage license in Punn. the Japaneso at On Thursday cultivation required should loss hurry away from tho Sanford homo American Board meeting; of his Christian Andrews, lato Democratic; nnd at 2 o'clock an arablb land. This is on timbpr lands which were last will bo presented, than hnlf tho area of tho about fivo or six minutes later. Ho remarkable personality and his spirit candidate for Senator from address will bo mndo by Frederick Titlo should not bo given before ten recently explored by Forester Hosmor. Hawaii, In tho courso of this exploration, appeared to bo excited. Thoy know of of consecration. His concluding has written nn nggrioved letter to Ncwoll, director of tho United States years, nnd nt least fivo years resldenco Mott-Smit- nothing bad transpirod in tho a plea Secretary lat-tc- Reclamation Service, a placo to bo nothing loss than woro visited which, it is that prayer was for such men as accusing tho r nt should bo required, houso until tho Sanfords returned homo Dr. Bingham himself was. Two tho of intentionally announced later. That evening tho an-au- to count. wero never visited by n whlto of and mnliciously six months at a tlmo in the evening and discovered tho body present, nt Balti- leaving his banquet will bo given. Commission recommends nn man before. nephows wore tho native name, "Analu," off Tho . of tho woman in Choir bathroom, death more sorvico. Creegan is arrang- tho official of least $30,000 for a Dr. ballot, thereby defeating appropriation nt having rosultod from wounds inflicted ing for memorial service nt him for election. On looking complete kurvoynnd classification of a tho mat- on her throat by a razor which 'was Plymouth church, Brooklyn. ter up, Secretary Mott-Smit- Ayer's tho public lands of tho Territory nnd found' Sarsaparilla lying near the body. Then they recall been a- - miserable rainy that tho request to setting nsido of receipts from pub- Tho day has havo tho nntivo tho ed tho visitor, one, many people, no appellation put on Makes Good Blood tho creation of roads. and doubt, wero 'the official ballot lic lands for Nakamoto stated that ho had gono prevented from attending tho servico iliad, in fact, been duly Prick your skin Commission proposes tho cstob-lisluno- received, but Tho s. to work for W. J. Dyer of tho Hono- on that account. Very few of thoso by some oversight in tho detail with ii nuodlo. of n government commission of h 35kma lulu Iron Works on Lunalilo street, to present knew Dr. Bingham perhaps handlingthe hundred nnd moro nomi- Yuu will seo llil ngency In Honolulu for the purpose of I Ssil clean tho yard. had seen him moro frequently than nations, it hnd not gono on tho IS handling Island-grow- products. ballot. that It is Tho coroner had several Japaneso nnyono .else who wns present but I Ho wrote Mr. Andrews regretting tho k Tho Commission does not wholly Tho finnl rites ovor tho remains of brought into tho room whoro the jury full of Awim the lute Mrs. Samuel woro held nm sure that Baltimore's tribute to orror, but assuring him that it had ngreo with Mr. Newell ns to cano land Parker was holding its session and Captain been blood. : pur- Inst night nt 8 o'clock at tho Paty ono of the veterans of tho missionary left off purely by accident and l& being too valuablo for homostcad Spillncr was asked to identify tho man not intentionally But what . v. ,""is-:i-mk( , t; Nujanu cemetery, and tho body army, tho "hero of Micronesia," was or maliciously. ' tt poses, nnd whilo belioving thnt tho vnult, ho saw going into the houso. Ho at n sincero and heartfelt ono. Dr. Cree- can said Mott-Smit- kind of development of undeveloped lands wns placed in a grave whilo simple onco pointed Spill- "I understand,'' Mr. to Nakamoto. Miss gan mo to say to you the a man ag- II fli1 should bo a mnjor purpose in tho religious services wero held by the ncr was asked that "how would feel blood? then called in and was asked Amerlcnn Board had dono everything grieved at such an oversight. Nat- and homestead system, believes thnt Rov. Henry II, Parker, pastor of to identify, if possible, tho man sho Rich i powor to honor ono of its most urally nny candidate i rcr:lni "lands nlroady highly developed, bucIi church. Only members of saw both enter and leave the Sanford in its would feel that Or best-love- d present cultivation the family and intimnto friends were honored nnd workers. His if it had not been for that ho might ns lnnd at under place. She promptly pointed her finger ahvo tlii:i and sugar cane, should bo gradually present. The Bcrvices woro held last Nakamoto. death was so unexpected that thoro been elected. As a matter of for at so arrange- fact, Andrews was to iuipuro? U - KTT for evening, following tbo nrrivnl from The evidence of tho was little timo to mako noxt tho last in opened settlement." doctorshowcd n Inrger tho polling. I in p u r o v Mm. In conclusion tho Commission does San Francisco on tho steamship China that four wounds had been inflicted, on ments for service. Ho was three hundred Dr. Huckcl 's address will send votes behind two candidates who them-Bclv- blood cov not favor the guarantee by tho Ter- of the Misses Muriel nnd Beatrice tbo throat of Yoshino, and that she-- " I under separate cover. I have written fniled of election, and fivo hun- ers tho skin ritory of the bonds of privnto rail- Campbell, Others present wero Coh had not immediately' died, but bled to SWHMWfl& a Samuel daughters, death probably ten or so fully of Dr. Binghnm's death dred votes behind the two that wero. cczoma, nil 'in rm s& roads, which is directly opposito to Parker nnd Prin fifteen minutes with Tn cess Knwananakoa and Mrs. Walter after being wounded. I know his Honolulu friends will Nevertheless, I regret ns much as Jo rashes, pimplos, tho rccommendntlon of Carl Smith, want to hear everything there is to can that tho mlstako who urges this ns n measure to en- MacfaTlano. The vordlct of tho jury was ns fob occurred." pustulos, salt-rhou- bolls, carbun- lows: tell. sCordlnlly yours, courage transportation facilities, which x A. and other sores. Theso simply AY. tho deceased came to her death JULTA MURPHY. cles, In his opinion is ono of the prime es Mpjor Samuel Dunning, Twcn' "That mm Chinese toll o( something bad down doop in sentials to successful homesteading eleth Infantry, Fort Shnftcr, II. T is from wounds inflicted with a razor in mm tho blood itself. Olntmonts, washes, and settlement. designated to mako tho annual inspec: tho hands of a person unknown to this DO IT NOW. powders and cosmetics will not reach Mr. Smith urges ns prime essentials, tion of tho organized militia of Ha' jury." get rid your This indefinite vordlct leaves a loop- Now is tho timo to of im- rnilroadB, roads nnd marketing facili- wnli Territory, first consulting with so by apply the evil. Tou must tako out all Adjutant Torritnrv, hole open to the poico to determine rheumatism. You can do ties, nnd that government loans should the General of tho ing Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Nino purities from tho systom with Im- 15 3UC K 5 H 51 K 5 H K 35 55 55 '55 definitely whether tho case was one of Governor Frenr and Secretary Mott-Smit- h bo pinde to homesteaders who havo K a cases out of ten aro simply muscular ex- murder or suicide. are planning proved their holdings to such nn ment ngencies for the sale of home. rheumatism duo to cold or chronic for tho entertain- ment of Eminence Sbao-yi- , tent that tho improvements are fair Btend products, and specifically does yield-- vigorous nis Tang rheumatism, and to tho Special Embassador AYER'S Beeurity for tho money advanced. not ngreo with Mr. Newell s expressed HAWAIIAN LEGISLATOR J3EAD. application of this liniment. Try it. to tbo United He urges thnt the Torritory should nj'inlon that cano lands nre top vnltu delighted States, and His Highness Prince Tsat Luther W.P. Kancalil died Monday You are certain to be with who aro nt once tnko over nil unappropriated nblo for homesteads. Ho says: - For Fu, expected to pass through "I at tbo homo of his daughter, Mrs. Pa- tho quick relief which It affords. , water fights, and from tinio to time do not believe in nny declared policy hukoa dealers. Benson, Smjth & hero on tho Mongolia. Sarsaparilla Kamana, Kalibi. Mr. Kanealil sale at all Thoir mission herenftor condemn and tako over on tho part of tho United States or formerly lived on Maul. Ho was Co., ngents for Hawaii. is to express to tho a Ltd., President of then sea how quickly the skin and water rights already ap- the olncers thereof, exempting all member of the House of Representa the United States tho and ns 'I thanks and appreciation of China troubles will disappear. propriated, until such time thoio land cultivated in sugar cane from tho tives for that Island in 1890, having NEW REFEREE IN BANKRUPTCY'. for shall ceaso to bo any private owner- effect of the the Tetnrn to tha country of the homestead law. By far been elected on the National Reform Judgo Dole yesterday appointed As now made, Ayer'a Sarsa- ship of water rights in this Territory. the greater part of the best lnnd in party ticket. For two years ho filled Unitod States' share of the Boxer in- parilla contains no alcohol. Cnrl Smith, bIbo, Is not afraid of the Territory is in sugar cultivation, the pulpit of Waiheo church. In the Harold Spencer referee in bankruptcy demnity, China has decided to use money, There aro many imitation opening up cano lands to settlement, nnd while I hnvo not much faith in late campaign ho presided at a Repub- for tho United States District Court, this but believes thnt it could be dono in tho success of homesteading in connec- lican meeting at ICallhl and two ot Thoro are now two referees in bank- to 6end a large number of Chinese Sarsaparillas. many places to tho great advantago of tion with sugar plantations, it may be thrco days later was in town circulat- ruptcy, Spencer and Wade Warren youth to America to bey educated each Bo sure you get "Ayer's." all concerned. brought about, or, as time advances, ing 'a subscription list for tho Hawaiian Thayer, so that if either is dfequallfied year. Both His Eminence and tho A. Jv, Carter opposes government other crops may bo successfully grown Board amonz candidates of different i tho other can act Prineo are of very high rank and their Ttutrti br Or, ). C. Aytr 1 C., Lo.tH Mm., U.CA. guarantees of railroad bonds; favors nn parts of tho land now occupied parties, Somo days beforo election ho I Mr. Speneer was appointed and Eworn entertainment here will befit that I . rank. HOLLI8TEB DRUG CO.. AOENTa Jargc appropriations lor roads, govern- with sugar cane." was taken with his last illness.- In in open court. ,, . rM, .


A meeting of tho winning Outrigger WASHINGTON, October 29. An (From Wednesday's Advertiser.) Moro than forty million dollars' (Prom Thursday's Advertiser.) Moro of tho candidates for Congress crows In tho la3t floet regatta was held important assignment of troops was 8ocrotary Mott-Smit- yesterdny re- worth of mcrchandiso originating in John Marcallino, as mastor, has mado nnd tho Legislature filed their cxpenso Sunday ternopn to dlBcuss whothcr Hawaiian ceived following Oor-ha- United States territory crossed tho on af mado today to the Islands tho lotter from a rather interesting report on tho final accounts with Socrotary Mott-Smit- Kona should bo isthmuses of Panama nnd Tehuantepeo a new canoo from tho in pursuanco of a plan dotcrmlncd D. Oilman. . Is in rcsponso to g It accounts of Alexandrian Amorin, ad- yesterday. accepted prize, or tho now famous rac-"ln- in 1907, most of it being interchanged Charlos K. Notloy ssya it soveral Mr. Mott-Smit- h 's enclosing Illumi- canoo of A. C. Wall, "Whito upon by tho department tho between tho Eastern and Wcstorn ports ministratrix of tho cstato of Manuel cost him $253 to bo dofcatod, and months ngo substantially to increasa nated letter signed by thoso who joined ot tho United States, including Horse." presentation tho Ha Jobo Amorin. Tho cstnto nmountod to Goorgo Kaca spent $70.00 to bo among A. Ii. O. Atkinson met with tho mem tho garrison thero. Tho headquarters in tho to Mr. Oilman of waiian islands this term. sont as in This total $409.60, of which $100 enmo from tho tho. nlso rnn. Notloys cxponscs as of thdljSpining crows present, of band and tho first and third squad tho handsome koa tablo a token of moro than forty millions of trnns- - bers of appreciation his loyal Harrison Burial Association. nddi itemized by whom thero wcro present Curtis litis-tac- rons of tho Fifth cavalry wcro today Hawaii's of mnmian orig In himself are ns follows: aro service to her. The tablo was sent by trniiie in merchandise Kenneth Atkinson. Kenneth ordered to tho Islands. Thero inating under tho American flag is Hon thoro was n deposit of $400 at Nomination pnpor, Delegate to Roth-vrol- l. now only companies of infantry tho Texan, tho bill of lading being sent Brown, Honry Ilustaco and Ouy four moro than three times ns much as that Bishop & Co. to the credit of tho do Congress $ 25 00 thero number lias long been with tho letter of presentation: Threo members, Davo Center, and that of any earlier year. ceased or his wifo or the suvivor of Passag6to Kauai and back... 12 00 Henry Stclncr and Vincent Genovcs inadequate, in view of tho plan to Boston, Oct. 2D, 1008. This sudden nnd largo incrcaso in thorn, so that this amount was not in- carriage hlro, Kauai 33 00 wcro absent. build up a hotter naval station. It is Honorablo E. A. Mott-Smit- Secretary tho 'interchanges between Atlantic and Hotel, Kauai a 00 Atkinson spoko feelingly of tho possi- understood that with tho improve- of Hawaii. Pacific ports vin tho narrow strip of cluded in tho cstato. Thoro was appar- Passngo to Maui, Molokal and De- Mott-Smith- ently a struggle tho bilities of developing paddling on scien- ment' of Tcarl Harbor tho War Dear Mr. ; Your lottor ot land which separates thoso oceans is betwoon widow Hawaii 18 50 and tho nnd brothers of tho de- tific principles, and declared that glvon partment considered it necessary to Oct. 8 was duly recoived; and I am chiofly due to tho opening, early in father Hotel, Lalmina 3 00 Somo ceased ns to tho estate, tho latter want plans would produce a swift racing havo a substantial guard there. advised that tho Texan arrived in New 1007, If tho Tchunntcpoc "Railway. Hotel, Wailuku 2 CO canoe. His earnest enthusiasm in their time ago a company of engineers was York via Tehuantepeo routo tho 87th which connects tho waters of thoso two ing to get as much of it ns possibio. carriage hiro to Tho willow seems tb havo gotton tho 'Honokohnn, chosen snort so Impressed tho young ordered io the Islands and .will sail inst. ocenns by n land haul of but 190 miles, Knnnapali, Olownlu nnd Wai- host it, however, tho mastor sup- champion paddlcrs. that thoy oppolcted from San Francisco November 4. havo sent tho bill of lading on to its termini being Contzacoalcos on tho of and luku . (VI I ports her claims in tho main. Tho cash lit Atkinson a committoo of ono to wrlto Thero is a splendid military reser- ngonts thero who will reship tho tablo Atlantic or Gulf of Mexico sido nnd Cnrringe hiro Wathco Ka- - in bnnk, tho father and brothers wanted and to Kona canoo builders and.sccuro full vation now on tho Islands, furnishing to Boston. Snlinn Cruz on tho Pacific side. This hulni 7 00 information. amplo quarters for tho additional And now. my dear sir, find it dif cntorprlso of connecting (ho two included in tho cstnto. Also somo Carriage hire round I chickens, which tho widow proved wero Hawaii... 100 uJ Tho matter of tho purihaso of either troops. is understood mac tno ficult to find words to express my deop oceans was planned boforo the con- Carriage hiro from to It hor own. Somo of tho household fur Paauilo canoo was loft in aboyanco to bo de plans also call for batteries of artil- senso of gratitude to bo thus rcmom-bore- d struction on tho earliest transconti- and back nishings woro proved to hnvo given llllo 30 00 cided upon on receipt of word from lery. by my friends in Hawaii. Tho nental railway in tho United.. States, boen nor by nor others sho ICona. Tho band nnd Iirst squadron ol tno testimonial brings back to mo many as- the first concession for tho road hav husbnml, and $ 252 00 Hun-cbuc- bought liorsolf with her own money. A Tho building of tho club, lanalft is Fifth cavnlry aro now at Fort sociations of tho past, and of my life ing been granted by tho Mexican Gov- gold nnd sllvor watch which hor hus- Goorgo II. Fairchlld, Senntor-cloc- t likely to be commenced at once. Tho Arizona, and tho third squad- As you also write, Hawaii has been ernment in 1857. This and subsequent band had sho bought tho cs- proceeds of tho dances Saturday form ron of tho Fifth cavalry is nt Fort closely interwoven with my life, not concessions having failed to produce owned of from Kauai, got off onsy on tho scorn tnto. Whilo tho master doos not ap- the ncstegg, to which is added a check Wingate, Arizona. only there, but slncfl" left thero. For results, tho Mexican Government in of election expenses. Ho spent $25 for not prove of an administratrix buying from :from Georgo Carter of fifty dollars, and Companies E, F nnd G, Tifth cav- there has been a little of public 1882 itself took up tho work, making his nomination fee, $25 for porsonal ex- hundred dollars moro promised Arizona, matter published hero in which 1 havo tho cstato Bho is administering, still ho about a alry, now at Fort Apache, a series of contracts under which a thinks Is penses as such candldnto and $25 other club members. tried to see that Hawaii was truly rep- that it only natural sho should, from aro ordord to tho Yellowstone Park, road was complotcd from .ocean to for sentimental own of public meetings and travoling To build the clubhouse and retaining resented. reasons, want to to Troop II remaining at Fort Duchesne, ocean in 1894, but owing to defectlvo her husband's watchos, and ho is satis- - thorn. wall will cost about ono thousand dol- cav- Of tho names appended to the beauti- reconstruction S. Utah. Troops F and G, Eighth conditions its partial nod sno paid lull value for them. He, P. Corrca snent 425 for Tinmlnn. lars. A fourth of this sum has already nlry, nbw at Fort Yellowstone, are or- fully illuminated testimonial, I nmyery bocamo necessary, and this reconstruc- tion foe; $3 for advertising; and $4.25 is intention of rccognizo whom was rather spoils tho sentimental fcaturo of lioen raised, and it tho dered to Fort Huachuca, Arizona, happy to thoso it tion was accomplished through n part- tho ho for transportation; a total of $32.25. officers tlfo club to raise tho lifo long ploasuro to trcasuro transaction, howovcr, by saying tho of with the headquartors Of tho squad- and is a nership arrangement entered into by is Informed sho is willing to soil tho Goorgo H. Huddy of Kauai, spont int balance during tho present month. ron, and Troops E and II of the in memory. tho Mexican Government with a Brit- nddition to tho $25 nomination foo; tho regat- most ondoared n llfo watches if sho can got what she paid If possibio tho luau after Eighth cavalry, now nt Fort Yellow- Among thoso by ish firm, tho road having been actual- for Ho bo only ten cents. This was for station- early in December, will uo long friendship is of your them. rccommonds that sho ta, given stone, are ordered to Fort Apache, that father, ly opened for business ifJ January, surcharged with threo items aggregat- ery and postago. floor of now which from time of his through on the tho lanal Arizona. Squadron headquartors and tho arrival 1907. Modern steel docks nt tho ing $29.15, improperly M. A. Miknolo of Kauai snont ".'! occupy space to bo filled in all tho upward steps of upward paid out. will the twotroops or tno tuira squauron, , 4his l'astern nnd Western termini permit In tho final disposition of tho cstato nnd $7, tho latter for "carriage fair.'- - lagoon. Third cavalry, to bo designated by tho career. Wo wore friends and may I add tho transier by steam nnd electric ai. i". watwaioio of Alaui tolls thof par- of $499.00, tho sum of $85 was paid A. squadron commander, nro transferred to you, when ho clioso the bright power of mcrchandiso from tho hold G. Socrotary that ho was a candidato for ticular star of Honolulu society "tn bo M. Roobrtson; tho sum of $312 for from Fort Sam Houston Texas, to of tho vessel direct to tho car standing tho funornl, this -- including $40 for the tho House, was elected and that all ho Wingate, tho garrison post. his wifo tho union was most happily on tho dock nlongsldo tho .vessel and Concordin paid wbb his nomination foo of $25, ASSISTANT DEAN CASTLE Fort recognized with tho best wishes thoso band; and $40 was paid for The following transfers and assign- of the retransfer from enr to vessel by a monument. Tho mastor justifies tho "and that oil othor oxpcnBcs incident ments wcro made incident to these who know them best. tho samo manner. Tho timo occupied expondituro for tho band on tho ground nnd paid on behalf of his campaign: Pleaso thank Mr. W. O. Smith for his loss wero paid for by Com- TD VISIT HONOLULU movements of troops: in shipment across tho isthmus is that tho doceasod wanted it that is, tho Exocutivo cavalry, from Interest in arranging tho testimonial. twenty-fou- r hours, and tho entire mittco of tho Republican party and tho Captain NiBson, Fifth my than boforo he died ho wanted it aftor ho Troop H to Troop L; Captain Hall, His name recalls lifo at Koloa, when timo occupied in the transfer from tho died; the widow wnntod it, and tho amount of which dopouont avers ho from Troop F to Troop I was privileged to know his parents. hold of ono vessel to that of tho other and brothers doos not know." same regimont, L shall make personal acknowledge- father of tho docensed W. R. Castle, Jr., '00, Assistant Dean Captain Connell, Fifth cavalry, vessel less than forty-eigh- t hours. Reg- it. Tho master docs not ndd Robert J. K. Nawnhino of Mniii Htienfc II; ments to tho subscribers also. $53. of Harvard College, leaves on Novem-tie- r assigned to Troop G; Major ularly established steamship lines now .that tho band needed tho monoy. Of this tho nomination foo was Aeain would express my sincero $25; horso 15th for a visit to Honolulu, his Benson of tho Fourteenth cavalry, I run between Coatzacoalcos nt tho Gulf Divorco Granted. hiro around Maui, $15; On way to Ban Fran-Cisco- , thanks to thoso friends that thoy havo Philadelphia nnd New York, steamer faro, Maul to Molokal and ro- native place. his transferred to tho Fifth cavalry and my ond and Judgo he will stop at a number cities thus signified their approval of ef nnd between Snlina Cruz at the Pacific Lindsay yestorday granted n turn, $5; board and lodging while) of directed to report to tho Secretary of such as they havo boen in tho divorco to Georgo J. Browi from his meet tho local Harvard clubs and as su- forts end to tho Wcstorn ports of tho United traveling, $2; writing paper, stamps and to the Interior for appointment interests of Hawaii. Though always an wifo Mary Brown on tho ground of to see Harvard mon whero thero is no perintendent of tho Yellowstone Na- States nnd tho Hawnilan Islands, whilo envelopes, ifu.ou; messenger, clone and American, a goodly portion of my heart connecting forolgn ndultery. Tho libel in ho aso charges watcher on election day, $3; hack Tegular organization. On the ovening tional Park; Major Bishop, Fifth cav- various lines with tho libclco two faro bo haB been with Hawaii. Tho lifo ot touch the and that for jenrs has been on election day, $2.50. of November 17th ho will entertain- alry, transferred to tho Fourteenth countries also at Eastern living in open Georgo Club Louis young manhood, tho many friendships adultery with Joseph Keahilihau spont $38.39 ot ed by tho Hnrvard of St. cavalry. Western termini. Kohalawai, thoro ono a smoker; on Novomber 19th ho will of all classes, national nnd foreign, Meantime tho Panama routo mate and that is child, which $10 was for board and lodging in at tho offspring thoso rela- nf flin TTTiivnrsit.v nf TTnnRnR whnrn havo been strong ties to bind my af rially Increased business over that of adulterous traveling and 25 cents notary foo for ln SAN" FRANCISCO, November 3. to mo. its tions. lio will address Iho students and sea tho fections to tho land so dear of the preceding year, despite, tho fact oath to tho expenso statomont. Tho War Department is contemplating Thanking you, my dear sir, person Registered Titlo Wanted. u. dozen or moro Harvard men who aro now Army post in vicinity of that largo demands nro mado upon it it. llowahcwn spont $31,25; J. H. a tho ally for your kind nnd appreciative MVs. Ethol Abrams filod a Conoy, $20.20: teaching at that institution; on tho officers in tho transportation of material for K. has J. 8. Kahoohalahala. Honolulu, and a board of has words of your lettor, J. remain, potition for a registered titlo to a lot $35; Charles ovening of Novomber 20th ho 'dines been named to select a Bite. Among use in the construction of tho iBthmlan Kaulakekcu, $53. very truly yours, orig- on Borctania avonuo, near Punahou. uoorgo with tho Harvard Club or .Kansas (Jity, them will bo Major Samuel W. Dun-ning- , canal. The Value of merchandise It ivaea, tno excommunicated GOItHAM D. OILMAN. -- contains an area of 0950 square fcot. and tho next day goes to Omaha to Twentieth infantry, and Major inating in United States ports ond candidato for tho House spent S. Tho Lako Mohonk Conference $70.90. Of this $18 ex- meet at dinner tho Harvard Club ot W. Foster, Fifth cavalry. P. shipped over that lino to other partB To Bell Claims. was porsonal Fred was moro satisfactory to us that woro coun- penses; $15 advertising; JTcbraslca. Colonel Walter S. Schuyler recently of 'tho United States or foreign In tho matter, of tho cstato of L. $8.50 printing thoro than somo others havo been. Gov. be- and $4.40 expenses of public On tho 22nd ho proceeds westward, received orders to proceed to Hono- tries amounted during tho year to Ahlo, Judgo Lindsay has authorized tho meetings. Novem-lio- r Carter was a good representative on dol- Edgar Honriques piled up stopping at Colorado Springs on lulu in command of headquarters, tween twelve nnd fifteen million administrator, Armin Hanoborg, to sell an expenso 23rd and at Salt Lalco City on Nov-emb- tho "Bureau Committco" which is tho lars. Of this, about four million do- two claims to tno account Df $187.75. Of this $62.75 was band and the first and third squadronB controlling power of tho conference His boionging estate, for printing 25th. Ho is duo to nrrlvi at cavalry. Ho will locate llars' worth was mcrchandiso sent which aro of problematical value, nnd advertising; $00 for on Novomber of tho Fifth help on tho platfrom was vory favor- stationery and postage, San Francisco 27th, and a cantonment about twenty miles from New York to Central and South yrillis Allowed a Fee. and $15 for will havo a chance before sailing for able. Mr. Athorton and Mr. Bryan Amorican countries fronting on the clerks. from Honolulu, which may ultimately Judgo Lindsay yesterday allowed C. Honolulu to sec soma mombers of tho made a good impression on tho audience. Pacific, whilo between two and threo t become a cavalry post. X J. Willis a foo of $200 as commissioner JInrvard Club of San Francisco. Ho would liko to recommend tnat Ha- million dollars' worth was merchan- will return to San Francisco from On tho other hand, thero aro fea- waii might havo special representatives in partition in the suit of Lylo A. which may establish ' a post dise sent from San Trancisco to tho about January 2nd, and will tures at these conferences. I believe thorn States. Dickey vs. William C. Cummings nnd within four miles of Honolulu nnd Eastern ports of tho United others. s ENATOR -- ELECT probably roturn to Boston by way ot to bo influential for tho benefit of tho Tlnnhipmcnts via Panama from Now Xios Angeles, where ho will enter- nearer the transport docks. Tho islands. They want thoso from tho bo troops will York to tho west coast ports of the tained by tho Harvard Club of South- ground which tho cavalry present membership of your community, occupy has many advantages for a present United States were distributed to San LILIIlOKnUNl' ern California; Phoenix, where ho will familiar with conditions. Diego, Santa Barbara, Los Angclos, IS INDICTED meet some members of tho Harvard post. Thero aro thousands of acres Gov. Frear (aloha to him) will 1 CIS well adapted for maneuvers, besides Oakland, San Francisco, Portland, Club of Arizona; New Orleans, and think second this. Yours, G. D. G. 8po"kano, nnd those to .for- which there is an amplo water supply. ..4--. and Sowanoe, Tonn. In tho last named eign countries by this routo include Tho orders for the movemont of tho STRAIGHT-TICKE- T jilaco he will havo a chanco tho THE DOCTBINE Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colom- S7MJJLIDRTGIICE "University of the South, an Institution cyvalry troops Tcquiro that horses, all Dnvid K. Raker, deputy shorilf of. e 1b bia, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, impedimenta nnd equip- Editor Advertiser. The election senator-elec- t which is constantly Bonding students to a A mortgago $70,000 given by Kona, nnd on tho Homo thiB Janu-nr- y Nicaragua,, Guatemala, Mexico and tho for Harvard. The Harvard Bulletin. ment sail from port about over, but they aro still telling each Quoon Liiiuokalani tp Glaus Rule ticket, has been indicted 15. British Columbia ports of Canada. Sprcckols for other how happened, therefore, uo., oanKcrs, was yos The equipment for a permanent it and, Those include practically all classus of mod lor record by tho West Hawaii grand instead of being a dead subject it ap- merchandise, but more especially terdny morning with Registrar Mor jury. YOU NOT ctmp will leave here orl tho transport rlam. WILL pears meats, flour, cotton goods, mineral oil, of December 5. very much alive. The politicians, " As deputy sheriff of that bo deceived. That thero aro cheata mining machinery, manufactures of Tho mortgago is given to secure tho district it tho ones who go into tho business for payment of a note $70,000 dated was Baker's duty, under .and fraudB in plonty everybody iron and steel, and miscellaneous man- for the law, to "tho party's Bake,'' or who liko the San Novomber 10, 1908, duo in four years collect tho mcrchandiso Tjuowa; seldom or nover ufactures. Tho movements from nnd tobacco but.it is WAY long-haire- d with interest payable quarterly at tho NEW OF BETTING young men who feel them- Francisco via Panama to tho Eastern Jicenses duo the Territory, in his dis- that any largo business house is to Tampa, Philadel- rate or six per cent, per annum not selves called to, go into tho four cor- portB wcro sent trict. Lust J ear ho was in ; .guilty of them, no matter what phia, Now York, Now Haven and Bos- ahovo all taxes. trouble ners, one corner at a time, to spread Tho proporty included In tho mort- with tho of trado follows. Thero ASHORE EFFICIENT ton, and include wines, pig lead, quick- Territorial Treasurer on tho lino it tho Holy Wtord go into politics, be- gago includes; tho Hi of Hamohamo, can bo no permanent success of silver, hides nnd skins, and miscel- same (.core. He collected $88 which lieving that thoy must mako martyrs nt Waikiki, together with tho taro ho did not any kind based on dishonesty or . laneous merchandise. patches, fishing ponds and cocoanut turn over, und llnnlly Treas- once two sailors who New York and decoption. Thero never and There were of themselves to servo tho electorate, Tho distanco between groves to tho same belonging; tho land urer Campbell wns obliged to send wis, sworo have told us we should havo voted San Francisco is, direct by land, 3191 novor will bo. Tho mon who try that at ICapalama known ns Muolaulani; Gus Roto over there, nnd Roso succeed- That, somehow, thoy would got ashore. miles; vin Tehuantepcc, 4415 miles; anothor piece land Kapalama; aro simply fools soon the straight ticket straight. Ma- of at ed in collecting the monoy from that and So thcjy slipped down a rope, via Panama, 5305 miles, and via proporty nt tho cornor of Young nnd Bakor. thoy hopo I've nevor gone Into politics in tho 13,089 miles. From New Treasurer como to griof, as they doservo. And now both gellan Strait, Piikol streets; tho nhupuaa of KcaliU' Campbell only knows of 9, same way tho politicians havo. JJow many persons aro, novortho-3.03- Tin', for them, there is nothing in that I York to Port Townsond direct tho dis ula in North Kona; tho nhupuaa of Ho ono llccnso fee of $25 which Bakor has afraid to buy cortain adver--ti3c- d store. recognize tho great Tight given me un tanco is 31D9 miles; via Tchunntepec, noliina in HUo, and tho land of Kama' collected nnd C080 fulled to turn over this hum-"bugg- 5190 miles; via Pnnifma, miles, articles lest thoy bo der tho Constitution and tho Declara- 4.U.JW, 1UU UVIUD It, X.U1IUI, year, but Gus Roso wont over with Horo is how somo of tho Bailors get and via Magcllen Strait, 13,848 miles. Tho mortgago is signed; Liiiuokalani, Deputy and deluded; especially when they feel cnll of old tion of Independence, that I havo a direct Attornoy General Sutton somo nthorc the Trom Now York to Honolulu and was acknowledged boforo John M, days ngo to investigate aro they slow to place confidence Barloycorn. Two sailors aboard right to say who shall lako part in the distance is 5288 matters, and Jihn vin San FranciBco the Ken of tho Attorney General's office, ho may havo found othor in publishod statements of tho the Charleston, both of them oldtimors administration of tho affairs of my miles; vin Tort Townsond, 5509 miles; shortngos. a notary public. Baker has retained C. W. Ashfonl offec-iiv- o and not rookies, were refused permis country. via Tehunntepcc, 5800 miles; via Pa- merits of modicines. The I realize that party organi- to defend him, and Acting Attornoy known as sion to co ashoro. They said: "Wo nama, G080 miles, and via Magellan modern remedy way." They did zation was necessary at the commence- General Whitnoy has sent a wireless will net there somo Strait, 13,209 miles. message WAAIPOLB'S PREPARATION Ono of them climbed out on a gun and ment of our great American republic SGHUM1 SUED FOR Sutton to remain thero and M prosecute tho case. as safo nnd genuine an articlo dropped tho fall of a watch tackle to start tho whcelB of administration, OROTJP QUICKLY CURED. is Baker led all other candidates for to purchaao as flour, silk or cot-io- n over tho port, or wharf, sido of the and that with differences of opinion doBes Chamberlain's Cough A few of T. senator in West Hawaii. If ho is con- goods from tho mills of vessel among men then, at least two organiza- Remedy brings surprising results when TIVEBTY on Ho called to his mato, who was in victed any of tho indictments world-wid- o n child shows Bymptotns of croup, found manufacturers with a job, and when thero was no tions had to be formed, and that the against him, it will bo sufficient with tho Thero is no cause for alarm when this cause for his reputation. Wo could not afford officer man nor marlno watching, thoy Whigs and Federalists of that day have expulsion by tho senate, medicine is in the house, as it rarely Maude Herrick Giesccke haB brought and in enso tho offico to cxaggerato its qualitios or nt both slipped over the sido into the wa given way to tho Democrats and Re- thai will bs takes moro than threo or four doses to suit against G. Schuman for $20,507.50 vacant and a now election to fill th it in tho least; and it tcr. Onco in tho water thoy had no publicans of tho precsont day. It was bring about a comploto cure. It has damages. Mfrs. Giesccke, whilo waiting chanco to get ashoro in the immediate vncuiicy can bo called. is not necossaryr is palatable those which caused S W V W V w w W 0 W V V w ta tako a King street car at tho station It neighborhood without being scon. So early .diffeerencos v9 " as honey and contains all tho tho electorato to align themselves In freo voter, that tho Republican party, just beyond Thomas Square, tm Juno thoy dived under tho wharf nnd swam 22 was knocked down and run over curative properties of pure Cod I or tho Democratic party, lias selected last, around tho piles until they again found favor of Adams or of Jefferson, and and very soriouBly injured by an auto- A GREEK EMIGRIT Liver Oil, oxtraoted by us from clear water on tho othor side. Then tho differences as to men and policies candidates for office and I must vote for mobile oporated by Schuman, and was irosli cod livers, combined with they swam gently over to tho next have kept tbom aligned to the present tho entiro Republican list, if I am a In tho hospital from that timo until wharf nnd climbed out whero there the Compound Syrup of day in at least two organizations. Republican, or the entiro Democratic August 30. The hospital, nurses' and LOST HIS SAVIN6S were no marines. doctors' bins nmouniod to ou7.ou, nnu and tho Extracts I considered the managers of tho list, if I am a Democrat. If tho bal- of Malt and Wild Chorry; nnd In their dripping clothes they went If sho asks $20,000 for tho suffering and up town and began to spend the money parties, whether in national or local af- lots wero arranged with tho Republican in- valuable such a blending injuries sho received. Somo of tho iow that they had stowed away in the fairs, infallible, I should accept their candidates in one column and the Dem' juries sho alleges nre permanent. A Greek emigrant passenger on tho of thoso important medicinal The sailor police want lazarette. solection of candidates without com- oerntje candidates in another, nnd all Moana, who stopped over for tho night y. it' be is plain overy-"bod- them, but they slipped away and SAVID-LOOMI- agents must to after one to to vote tho straight MARRIAGE. at tho Immigrant statiou, reported yes- is prico changed their clothes. Both of them ment or criticism; but infallibility is had lo beyond in y torday It wero sailors and not in any technical not accepted altogether as a basis of ticket wss to affix an X opposite the Word was received by cable yostcr-da- foronoon that ho had boon Debility, Lung Troubles and robbed of his purse containing S100. department, but thoy were not rookies Republican or an X opposito Iho of tho marriage ot Miss Margaret Blood Impurities. Science can eliminating personal analysis of mat- title, Ho states that he loft tho big room and they know how to get oacK what would bo tho use Loomls of Lincoln, Nobraska, to Lieu- ters political or religious. Even the Democratic title, whero ho was dotalned and wont to 1 iurnish nothing bettor perhaps aboard. They climbed up tho rope tenant O, W. DavldTU. 8. R. O. S. a o, of knowing who wore candidate? lavatory, and on his roturn II.-Dalf- Roman ideal of tho infallibility of the my Both are well known in Honolulu, tho tho money nothing bo good. Dr. W. nnd went swiftly down to ono of the was gone, Holy Father in the Vatican is not so at all, or even scanning tho list when brido being a sister of Mrs. G. H. Gore, uo wns neipco out oy local 'A of Canada, says: "I havo where they had friends, GreokB nnd then continued on tho Ma my practico The last that was heard of them mouornly accepted in toto as it was in I went into the voting booth to mark with whom sho visited ia Hawaii for nna to 1 used it in and tako two David was for- Canada. .' was that they were sound asleep and past decades. T,herefore,wby should tho ticket! Why, then, liayo nightly years. Lieutenant pleasure in recommending it as not I merly stationed horo aboard tho reve- wero missed. As one of them cocainize myself thu idea meetings been held beforo election a ynluablo tonio and reconstruc- nnd my mato we keep into .of the nue cutter Manning, Tho ceremony PILES CURED IN TO 14 z said: "Mo that Republicans, night night, 6 DAYS. tive. " It is a remedy that can eleventh commandment, 'Thou Bball't infallibility of tho party managers in dayf after took place at the homo of tho brido 'a PAZO OINTMENT is to believe guaranteed afford to appeal to its record not be found out, obi' " their selection of men, or that I, as a endeavor to get Democrats parents. to cure any case of ' 1 1 ' Itching, Blind, and represents tho eeionco and member of the rank and file, should that thoy should not vote their straight Queen Liiiuokalani is booked to Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to knowlodgo of bright and aggres- According to thef Ban Francisco Jn of every or else they would not try to votellindly favor name of ticket, on Mongolia, is reported 4 days or money refunded. Made by sive medical investigation. papers, Major and Mrs. Dunning will versa, liave the It "One not roturn to Fort Sbafter until De my party on the ballot f In other convert them, and viee sho is t,'oing to wasmngton to press PARIS MEDICINE CO,, Saint Louis. bottle convinces," At chemists. comber. words, tho party managers tell me, a PETER PAN, her claims for tlio Crown lands, U.S. of A. w .

If f?r 'is. i W'3A 'Wfejf ffr . rLggfete MiAl ffffo y.t" Fv0W. i nfcppqqnmpnw m mummBms-- O n HT :s HAWAIIAN GAfcETTK, IttlfrAY, TOgTCMBEll "13,; irjdfc HKMlWticit; T mw iuiiiiiiiiiuuiiih Ill Hill Ill llMBMWpliiiillllpit)liiBiapjpwBlHWWWBWWW'"Wi'WWIWl II i. E7VT' P tux xmanmsL coHwmraoK, THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE Tho sweeping chnraqfbr of tkejncVr Turkish constitution Js almost as much MEMORlU SERMQNJ0R: of a surprise as. was tho revolution tEat produced it.- - Someof the' cardinal of Honolulu. H. T., Sccotid-clp- si Matter Entered at the Postoffice features of tho organic law aro manhood snffrago for every Ottoman citizen - LAI E KEY UK. 'BINUHAIVl Semi-Weekl- HIE y- Fridays. Iss.ed Tuesdays and over twonty years of age, religious freedom, free, schools and- land for tho f ' ft Z . K ' WALTER G. SMITH, Editor. landless peasantry a program hardly to bo oxpeetcd of Turks "but ono which fcS3 shows how slight is tho resisting pbwor to modern political civilization of evon At tho memorial services held at the on earth. 'Horo at tho Johns Hopkins Subscription Rates: Hospital where camo for? spccisL. iho stillest bureaucracy. - .. Assoeiato Congregational Church in Bal- - ho a Foreign J j tl. operation, ho wns Patient and heroic." I .J5,PerHMonlh. Tho salient characteristics of tho new organic law are as follows! Itev, Dr. Months 00 'timoro on October 28 for The operation was successful antT ho ia . WOO pr Tear. Foreign Tho cabinet is to bo responsible teethe ehnmber, and if ministers fail to - T.tr... I. Hiram Bingham, "who tlitd at tho Johns seemed bo doing well.- But a jtyoflio Payable Invariably in Advance,' to obtain majorities in jtbp houBe they wjU bo hound to resign their portfolios. heart was involved nnd suddenly; fca , Hopkins Hospital on October 5, Rev. Sunday ho: Manager. 2. The number of senators shall not exceed ono-tbir- of tho .total number when was sitting up, taking CHARLES 8. OBAHE. Olivet Huckcl, D.D., pastor of the nourishment ho was and!invn deputies. stricken, of church mado the folfowing address: moment was gone. Tho end, when it 13 3. Every Ottoman citizen over twenty years of ago shall have a right to was instantaneous OTRtDAY NOVEMBER came, and painless a vote irrespective of any property "qualification. Dear I'rcinds: We have met hero to a real translation, f'in a moment, in pay honor and respect 4. An nrticlo will ho added to tho constitution recognizing tho right to our tributes of tho twinkling of an cyel" It was such and love to this veteran missionary. Dr. a departure as ELECTION EXPENSE ACCQUNT8. form political clubs, provided that their objects are of a constitutional nature. ho had often expressed Hiram Bingham, tho "hero of Micro- the wish might bo his, and for that wo tliq oloction aro ono by ono filing thelrclcction ex- C. The necessary laws' nnd decrees will bo passcd-t- o facilitate; tho nppll fifty-si- x years ho has bced Tho candidates at Into nesia." For nro thankful to God. I with tho Secretary of tho Territory or tho County Clerk, lloth cation of tho system of decentralization ns set forth in articlo 108 of tho in act(vo sorvico ns a missionary, doing 8trango and pathetic, he wns strick- pense accounts hefolc work. candidal and tho public socm to look on this as a perfunctory proceeding, constitution. en and passed away on tho very Ban. It is only fitting that this soldier of 25, amusing features, being a sort of test of elas- 8. Tho boundaries and administrative divisions the provinces will bo day; October when throughout tho which has Interesting and cvon of the Cross should bo burled with all nation in tho Congregational Sunday' public to seo - ' ticity of conscience, the amusement In each caso to tho blng maintained unless tho chamber decides otherwise. tho honors of war, tho divine warfare; schools tho chlldron woro engaged in sanc- easily each individual's consclcnco will let him off. No ono Booms to 7. Turkish will bo tho official language of tho empire and tho medium of that he should bo honored in tho a missionary exercise in his honor ands just how tho church organ all tho money they expend, to put down each all official discussion and correspondence. tuary; that great to further tho work in tho island iwirld expect candidates to account for sould play-t-he final march for him; is mado on thorn; or by subscription for stock in tho new "touch" for fifty cents, or a dollar, or tw6 dollars, that 8. The chambor will bo asked to vote an additional article of tho consti- that the hyms of tho church should bo missionary families they vessel, tho second. "Hiram nch subscription for repairing churches or for tho relief of needy tution sanctioning tho proposal of private bills on the part of not fewer than sung over him, and tho words of prayor Bingham" successor, to so thanksgiving many on to mako simply because thoy aro candidates. tori deputies. bo heard in for his noble ' Morning Stars. ' This special program aro called life and work, We doslro toSxprcsa in the purpose of the law was to show thoso very things, to mnko public 9. All Ottoman subjects jposscss tho samo rights and duties without dls contained two pictures of tho vessels, Yet y this servjeo our gratitdde to Cod for th6 old and tho new spont in furtherance of his candidacy. tlnction raeo or religion. Military service is incumbont on aB ''Hiram Bing- just what ocry candidate of the splendid lnitu, tho dauntless spirit ham," and his own portrait. Surely whllo the law calls an nccount to bo Moslems. ' - , There sooms to ho an idea that for woll as and tho Untiring and wonderful service the new boat will bo a constant memo- wo to filed, it provides no penalty if tho account is not a true ono. Hut thisis far 10. Itcligtous freedom is recdgnlzcd"and tha.r.cltgious privileges granted to of this man of Uod; desiro honor rial to this heroic soul, with the Amorican Board and all the heroic tender irom being tho fact. In. truth, our election law on tho subject of oxponscB is tho various millets nnd communities will bo maintained intact. " nnd pathetic momories of his life and both to candidates and to company of, thoso who have served at noblo death. .quiUj astnct "corrupt practices act." It applies II. Tho military nnd naval forces of tho empiro will bo disposed In accord- homo and abroad in all its' long years opinion cnlls for its strict enforcement He still wantod to live to completa Tolitical commit tecs, and whenever public ance with Its political and geographical position. A Bhorler term of military of apostolic labors for tho spread of his Blblo In probability will work in the Gilbertese. But at will show up election expenses as they really arc, nnd nil sorvico will bo introduced. tho Kingdom; wo desiro to express our God had other work for him, "Go of tho community. sympathy in this great sorrow with tho down ory mntorially to tho mnnifest advanlngo 13. 113 the, constitution will object-o- f ob- buries His workman, but tho tut thoni Articlo of be modified with tho Dr. Bingham's work, boroaved family, witli goes - Tho law as to he statement of oxponscs, what expenses aro allowed, and taining, greater security individual liberty: on." Others will bo raised up- ., for sister, Mrs. Coan, Wife of the famous to continue his non compliance with tho law is as follows: work in his memory the penalty for 13. Tho relations of employers and workmen will be Iho subject of new missionary, Dr. ; with Dr. and namo. God grant "Within twonty days following Bingham's Prof, Bingham that this heroic Section 34. Election Uxponscs, Statement. legislation with a view to obviating strikes and labor disputes. son, Hiram life, now ondod horo in Baltimore, mitj''" on f of Yale, now on tho ocean 'going to' any election, each candidate and oaoh agont or committco acting for or 14. Tho peasantry bo give to us now I41 landless wJl assisted to becomo proprietors not, com- interest the wofk.' Territory an itemized South Amorlca oh a government tho- - Island of any candidate, shall filo with the Secretory of tho tho cxponso of present land owners. his of world. howovcr, at r mission and knowing nothing of May "a" baptism- missionary or their expenses by, for, r on behalf of such candidate for Bing- of zeal statement .of his Improvements will bo adopted in the Bystcm of the collection of tho to venue, fathor's illness nnd'death'; to Dr. be felt by us hero in Baltimore purposq or object for which each two nephews, 1.0 are present whero election, showing each amount oxpendod, tho 10. Education will bo irce. ham's thk great missionary breathed his last expenditure was made, and tho person or persons to whom made; which state- with Mi, and to allDr. Bingham's and in church 17. All schools will be subject to inspection by tho ministry of education. "of friends in America, Ha- prajer, this nheta hls such expenditures, and shall bo host nnd in now rests be- ment shall be sworn to by each person making Government schools will bo established, which shnll bo open to nil without dis- islands the South Seas. hcroicfrnmo for n while waii, and tho of fore it goes on its Inst iournov to tho open to public inspection. pri- Wo Tojolco in tho heritage of noble - tinction of religion pr race, Turkish, will bo a compulsory subject in all South Seas. of- ngent or s I feel in tho midst No Statement. a enndidato or any nnd tho benediction of a grac.-iou- Section 35. Expenses, If mary schools. memories tho sadness today Hint it is a great acting on his behalf has, or have, incurred wToxpenscs on account life and service which he has left xoramittco 18 and 10. Those deal with measures which are to "be proposed in tho en- to honor which is ours, to bo able to piy shall tile witiiin twonty days aftor tho election, them nnd to us all. this of rcsoect of such election, he nnd thoy couragement of agriculture and commerce. 't - Tho words that St. Paul "tho aged tnbuto todav to Dr n sworn stntemont setting forth such fact. Bingham. Wherever Dr. Bingham ' with tho Secretary of tho Territory, 20. Ottoman subjects possessing tho necessary qualifications may bo olected spoke of himself as he ncarcd his death and no other, uust rests is a sacred spot. Section 30. AVhat Expenses Legal. Tho following expenses, may be applied with perfect appropri- . deputies for any division of tho ompiro instead of being only cllgiblo nsrepre-sentative- s remember tho-- as Senator or ateness to aged God I how people, of As may bo legally incurred by or for a candidate for election this servant of siBsi, in cherished tho of the districts in which they reside. about whom we are to meditate at this Italy memory of viz.: their beloved Saint --who e, -- timo: have fought a good fight, I Francis, diod t. "I among was a 1. His personal expenses as a candidate; bnvo them. It a glory to have-- LAND LAW EEPOET. finished my course, I have kept dlo of printing and advertising; tho there is up saint oven in thoir midst. This, 2. Expenses faith. Henceforth laid saint God has postage; Tho reports submitted by tho (Advisory Land Law Commission "to tho for me a crown of righteousness which of died among us. May 3. Cost of stationery nnd his doath bo the consecration of our of public meetings; Governor show considerable study of the subject, an earnest purposo to accom- the Lord, tho righteous Judge, shall 4. Expenses mo lives anew to his great work in Gqd'a rooms not ono, for each poll- plish something, give to mo at that day; and not to 5. Pent and supplies of committco to exceed and a number of rocommendations which will command much them sorvico. only, but unto all also who love This ing placo; assent. While there is nothing iconoclastic in oither tho recommendations or His appearing." Less than two weeks memorial meeting was arranged , at such brief notico tlint wo could 6. Salaries of not more than one clork and two messengers for each poll liiu uriiuuiuiii iu tsuiiuuib ui luuui, luuru bicuuv rucuumuun ux iuu nuueBaity ago it was my privilege to hear Dr. not i.a Binuhnm make a stirrini? address at summon our whole congregation. But ing place; , for diversified industries and of tho American farmer. The ono thing on which this tho American Board meeting in Brook company who has gathered for 7. of not more than ono watcher, on election day only, at each tho Commission is' unanimous is that thero is"nothing sacrosanct in cano culti this children God Salaries lyn, lie was ono of tlio old men tuore sorvico, of and lover nollintr olacc: vated land to keep it out of the operation of homestead laws whenovcr thero is need seventy sovon but tho of tho great missionary work, aro here- years 'ono of to pay 110. Misdemeanors. The following" persons shall bo guilty of a of it for that purpose. Another proposal on which thq Commission is unanimous, youngest in spirit and hope. their sincorcst tribute of respect Section and affection to Dr. Bingham on as an not hero on a furlough; I'm for hi misdemeanor: though tho majority looks it merely expcnmentwortii trying, is tho ''I'm service and work. Thero are no vacant or an agont of any such set- hero far orders." he said in his rincinir. C. Every person who, being a candidatofor election, creation of government marketing agencies as a means of assisting in tho pews at this service. For 1 scom o any such heroic way. Ho scarcely realized what candidate, or a moiubcr pf any committco aeting for or on bohalf of tlement of the public domain. To the orders would bo in a fow days. Ho hero hundreds and thousands otj tandidato, shall fall to Mo the statement of expenses or of lack of oxpenses, as The reports mnko interesting roading, and will furnish valuablo material received his orders' from his "Heavenly dusky faces men, women, and childroi. -- three Uilbertoso-who- law. for study. t Father me up higher for a long' generations of tho .required by ho has known and worked with, Section 111. Tenuity. Any person convicted of a misdemeanor under tho i- - . furlough of Test there, and also, as 1 bolievo, for further glorious ministries and convorted to God, his spiritual chil- provisions of this chapter shall bo punished by a fine of not more than five The engineers who come yesterday are the ones called for by Major llaan, dren many of them now on earth, in that immortal world, many hundred dollars, or by imprisonment at hard labor for not more than six months, who found, at tho tiirio of his visit' Iajt summer, that our island maps were not Ho was a horoic figure as ho stood more in heaven, They come y bringing their" lovq and their gratitude. or by both Buck fino and impriBOumcnt, in tho discretion of tho court. Buitoble for military use. They; weraorroct as to tho cultivated and inhabited thero at that meeting-ver- tall. for ho ; sixf-fee- And I s6ohi to seo also 'this great , ; . "but moujitain was t four iinchcisspnne, with - parts, of Oahp, wcro deficlqntas.to localities. What Major Haan white hair and white beard. Ho looked auditorium 'filled with angel forms, for THE BOYAL CLAIMANT. , desired wore, maps.wlnch would snowball pqints of access to fortified Honolulu liko one of the apostles just walked out tbcangels 6f God-Jar- e interested in this rojoico to mort- from tho windward, mountain trails over the various palis in particular. Theso frdm tho pages o,tho New Testament, man, and in" tho heroic work, The assumption that iormor Quoen Liliuokalani has addod her has-don- e. - new that ho Congress, may have maps tho engineers now in the city aro expected to mako. is unfortunate lie did write a new chapter- in tho gage indebtedness for the sake of prosecuting hor claim in It Acts of by He This service today is only n prelimi- them coincide season tho Apostles his work. nothing behind it but tho guess of a reporter. At any rate, her best friends for that the beginning of their work will with the of told the story of his life in. a Dimple nary ono, before tho remains start 6n bo the long journey to Honolulu. A will hope so, for a claim of this nature is, as a rulo, loss profltablo to tho rains, but that it will thoroughly clone in spite of tho weather goeswithout and touching way. Ab most of you special of'"possibiIitiefi he was son the memorial sorvico wiu bo held in Brook- - holder than the purchase of lottery tickets or wildcat mining stock would bo. tho saving. It is within tho range that the engineers will bulid know, tho of missionary, trans-.'J'- 0 coming Sunday at Plymouth now in tho mountains over whick,field artillery may be carried, Hiram Bipgham, who helped to " To tho private claimant the United States is not a good debtor. Ono can trails - church, where he mado his last address -- " form Hawaii, lie was born ,m Hono- tot suo it without permission of tho Court'of Claims, and if suit is brought : : ., K'. lulu, educated Ihefo and at 'Yale. Ho Ho was better known there, and it wilt and, after appeals ba o been exhausted by tho government, finally won, there is Tho situation in India, referenca-t- which appears' in late Calcutta dis- consecrated 'himself torOhrist fI'Te-u- o " 'c"' bumiu"u! unu mo njaa appropriate tho fuhdB is the 'press telegrams momber tno joy with which he spoko and his work. The flnnl services w;ll so certainty, if tho sum is large, that Congress will patches, probably worse than relate. Privato letters bo at Honolulu, his birthplace and to tako iho short rulo thoso words at tho meeting of tho awarded. Usually it does so; but very many claimants profer bear out special correspondence by mail in saying that hatred of British Amorican Board, and they represented and there the intermont will iaWo cut and appeal to Congress directly, leaving committees to examine into tlio is widespread and that an uprising may bo looked for at almost any timo. his whole life). Ho sailed in 1852 in place justice of tho claim rather than courts. This courso was taken by tlio Queen Much of tho unrest dates from'the Japanese ,war; but somo of it, observers the first "Morning Star,-- " tho first Ves- Our congregational ministers in Bal- timore are pallboarurs at this service. ago, but without result; and much as wo wish Hor Majesty could get tho say, is due to tho direct intrigues of Itussin, n power which, Bince Great Britain sel built by the contributions from tho years They icol it a great privilege and hon-- s went into alliance is oago? to so embroil her with tho In- Sunday school children of America, for money sho wants, wo seo no signs of better luck in future. with Japan, King's work among tho islands of tho South or to boar tho body of this herois mis One reason for this Is that there is no acknowledged validity in tho claim dian subjocis that she can not do much in other parts of Asia. Beas. His work was with the Gilbert sionary to his grave. Thoy havo also- - tf personal title tq land csted in tho crown, pnd Congress never grants monoy H- -. Islands, and there ho spent his whole sent a floral tnbuto with palms of vic- fifty-si- x mis- tory and tho inscription, loving is, all appropriations nro re- life vears of seryico as a "In tinder such circumstances. Another reason that, when is good to seo thd planters at work to safeguard tho trees. Thoir hcroio-soldic- It memory of a modern apostle and r to- sionary, scholar, and statesman. Ho mado, they so exceed tho estimates, that, in joint conforonco of committees quest for legislative action is to tho point and is justified by tho relation forests translated the Biblo into Gilbertese; ho of' the Cross, Prom tho Con- ward tho end of tho session, privato relief bills are thrown out to bring totals bear to tho water supply. Afforestation is badly needed on Oahu whero tho treo wroto a Commentary of tho Biblo gregational ministers of Baltimore." down. McGarrahan, a just claimant, grow old and died under conditions like line, which onco enmo down to Pearl Harbor and sent out long arms to tho nearly completed and mado a Gilbert- Wbnta thoy say in this Inscription is. nobly" trup. This man was in very and if wo misfako not, tho former Queen of Hawaii, in relation to tho has for over eighty years. Thero aro thousands of acres ese dictionary, just finished. Ho really lheso; sea, been retreating provided that peoplo with a literature. truth a modern apostlo and' a heroic sol- Crown Lands relief bill, has had a full decado of disappointment, during which of bare upland, good for little but cattlo or trees on which trees aro to bo As he came upon tho platform to dier of Christy Bho has spent much monoy in satisfying' claim agents. proforrcd, especially thoe which nro nativo to tho soil and least susceptible mako that address at tho last American Docs this service seom a lonely one,, Theso chevaliers of industry nro nlwnje on tho nlcrt. Thoy are over on tho of disease, Board nicotine, tho whole assembly roso here in Baltimore whore Dr. Bingham and greeted with the Chautauqua never wns before, horo whero only1 a brink of somo imaginary treasure trovo; thoy win any number of supposedly . him salutei It showod in what affection tho few porsonnlly Knew mm, noro wnero-non- influential friends nnd they collect largo fees. Tho help of Heaven is needed John Fleming Wilson, formerly of the Advertiser, and now in magazine faithful vctorah was held. HiB address, of his loved ones could bo with upon him lono- - hy anyone who falls into their bands; and if thoy havo got another hold work, hns published a story in McClures,'' tho sceno of which is laid in this office all the way through, was ono of the at tho last! I remember a most interesting, pathetic and vigorous licr death and funeral than this, ana the vencrablo ex sovereign of Hawaii it will prove not tho least among her Tho central figure of tho talo is Supervisor Logan, for somo years a writer for - of too session, tno yet that was tho grandest on earth. , , . ... . i'-- i . i . fi xi. x all ile pleaded for It misfortunes. the Auvortiscr, Tlio Story, is iiiusirn.icu,,unu jwuue mo piciuru ui iur.ir jjuguu,t churches to help the missionaries who was tho doath-a- nd funeral of Moses. "the oldest journalist in tho Pncific,";is not a speaking likeness, that of Dr. wero giving their lives for tho work. Do yon remember tho pathetic, circnm-- . . qn moun TATTING NATIONAL BILLS. Itodgers, formerly this paper's librarian; has, recognizable feati-res- Mr, Wilson's Ho told' of tho hardships in tho work stances! Moses alono tho homo gave so little, tain of Nobo, not a single soul with 'Washington that His Excelloncy renppcar next Sunday's because the church Governor, Trcar has been notified from tulo will in Advertiser, and ho told of the wonderful opportun- him, but God. Yet see what it really Bhaoyi and Princo Tsal Fu, with dignitaries and students in train, will arrive H ities for doing good of tho open doors meant. how majestic in ts loneliness. on Mongolia ca routo to Washington; and a request is made that a that God is showing to us today. hero tho The lato Mrs. Astor fixed tho Ncw'York smart sot at 400 by confining her "That was tho grandest funeral cordial welcome and every courtesy bo oxtended to tho part)'. As before, on to number, mako an cxcIubivq nis lifo is another wonderful and calling list that Bnrbour Lathrop once tried to one like G, Paton That over passed on earth, on occasion of tho two visits of Prince heroic that of John the arrival of Princo Pu Lun and tho Bet of 1G0 in Honolulu, but that was so.much out of proportion with tbo one in sistor islands, the New Heb-jide- But no man heard tho tramping of those go Fnshimi, tho Territory will spare no reasonable cxponso to make tho Chineso New York that nothing camo of it. Later in, lifo Mrs. ABtor raised hor limit They are men of the samo spirit, Or saw the train forth. And no man dug that sepulchro officials feel that tho United States is glad to seo and to cntortaln them to 1200, but the appellation Four Hundred is likely to last as long as did tho of the samo heroic quality, of tho samo Lord. And no man saw it o'er; Hawaii will receive tho party for the nation with fitting ceremony. earlier ono Upper abundant labors for tho Ilia of the Ten. work wna the successful task of brine For the angels of God upturned tho sod And Hawaii alone will foot tho bill. As proxy for forty-si- x States and r1- And tho dead man tnerc. ? T-t- ; ing to civilization and Christianization laid spend own monoy upon tho national guests. will yonrs three Territories, it will its It It is fair to suppose that peoples' will try tho New Zealand plan of heading a whole nconio. in bis nicy 01 And had ho not high honort not shirk too responsibility, but common justice suggests that Congress cither labor ho has scon the whole race of the pall; off tho melon fly, as described by Mr, Maxwell in these columns. A quick way and The hillsido for hig dofinlto such purposes or tho bills for international Gilbertese from florce warriors To Ho in state whilo nngels wait provide a fund for that to test it would bo to plant cucumbprsj,as they aro subject to thq samo pest superstitious heathen transformed into hospitality here be audited at Washington and paid out of tho entertainment Wih stars for tapers tall : thnt makes tho culture of melons unprofitable. The Adyertiser woulq bo glad a devout, thrifty and Christian people. pines,-lik-o tossing; allotted rato Hawaii not to And tho dark Tock fund the President. At any ought bo expected, to report tho result of experiments thatmay bo mado, as tho matter is one of I have been told by one who knew him plumes his wero v out of its' small means, to shoulder tho burden. But it is. K well that chief characteristics Over his bier to wave: importance to the food supply. courage. He braved all One of the pleasant duties of tho Delegate at the next session of Congress, gentleness and And Gqd'a own hand,ln that lonely - --; tho dangers of those savage islands in ought to be to get an allowance for tho Governor to coor tho expenses of all lana Mr. Leckenby's letter from Fiji speaks of a bat which preys on the Japjineso tho early days without a weapon his him his grave. local receptions of foreign onvoys which may be ordered from Washington. If supreme trust in 1o lay in boctle. Why not import this bntt Why not fight garden peats as well as thoso onlv weanoli beintr a that can not bo done, a bill to increaso the Govornor's salary, so St will ap God. His adventures with tho native Oh lonely tomb in Moab'a land, of canot With all our agricultural boards, experiment stations and farmers' to with Or, uetnpeor'8 11111, ( proximate that of a plantation manager, would, bo quite in order tho more so chief, Bushy Head, ho used tell dark u institutes, more practical work .for the small grower ought to be dono. llo flashes humor, and tho story of the Speak to these curious hearts of ours, tho Territorial auditor should no longer see his way clear to pass of because, if doesn't want talk; ho wants relief. burning of his homo and tho scattering And teach tnem to 00 sun. the oxeputlve expense account, tho whole cost of entertainiug tho guests of of the bones of his firstborn by the sav Gpd hath His mysteries of grace state would come out of the Governor's privato purse and that of tho Secretary. ages was full of pathos. His whole lifo Ways that wo cannot toll; It begins to look as If all new battleships hereafter would bo Dread discouraged He bides them deep, liko tho secret ! M-- was trust in God. Nothing And noughts "find that thoy will keep on growing in tonnago until the limitations' him. sleep If the Emperor of China dies, somo princo may succeed to tho throne who herole quality of the man is him He loved so well." of harbors fir" tho maximum draught. Already tho term "obsolete" looms up Tho Of ,. can make headway against the Empress Dowager, though it is not known abroad shown he camo to , . t before such ships as constitute the great'bulk of the fighting navies of the world. by the fact that that that any man in tho imperial circle equals her in charactor and ambition. The meeting ot tno American, iioaru irom SAVE THE DOOTOB'S FEE, Empress is a woman of tho type of Catharine the Great and, in her old age, has .4 a hospital. Ho had been sick a ..month e pneumonia, in Benning you ore man of moderate means to Tho failure of organized labor to do touch for Mr, Bryan may be accounted from stricken It a shown herself receptive, as Catharine did not, the modern spirit, A woman ton. Vt. Ho asked to bo, conveyed to and can not, afford to employ a physi- reports thd American Foderatipn, that tho dlar-riioe- a, born under the limitations which bind even royal persqnages in China, who for by tho fact revealed in tho ot New Yorlt so that ho could bo near cian when you havo an attack of an undisputed old tho combined unions only contain four percent, df the industrial population. meeting. His son .brought him you will be pjeasod to know could assume and maintain almost power in her ago over : ' that -- nos-- i Chamberlain's empire and, in her latter days, could perceive tho strength of modern ideas rA tjrrf by train and Httor to 6t, Luke 'a that ono or two doses of Ho camo. out of hospital in Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Itomedy was prono to reject, to them to of noteworthy ono looks campaign lha,l 0 pital. Jho which her race and proceed apply tho needs It is when baclt'ovejr the national.. time to bo present at the meeting and will cure it For Bale at Jill dealers. her country such a woman deserves a high place in history. Not tho least man who aspires to thq Presidency should, have dona yery Jlttlo, else than go to mako thoso tno splendid 'addresses Benson, Snilth & Co, Ltd., agents for of her titles to respect is her anti-opiu- policy. about publicly reading letters which were" admittedly stolen. which were his last public utterances Hawaii.

f JiW. i!Kit'S mWipHk u.mmmmMMkimmim&id i fl . V. f. 1 JgA,WAftAIT , QAMrTTHj WDAY NQVtMBER 13, 1908. mi W W iiliiti,"iii Lstftsshi mm j li in mm 1 i WflllWM'W.HW! wlii bo sont out to localities "on tho Vv 1" . , ' y ! other islands where from situation, ' Hi 1 Hfe. MHfe. flfet k elevation ttnd aspect they mny bo ex- NERVOUS , .IsW H MHi FORESTRY IN HAWAII pected to do well. In addition to tho V experimental garden nt Mnklkl, it it Wft hoped to establish regular sub gardens DYSPEPISA v5 is on tho other Islands, which shall cvont iially become centers of distribution. Vj PAPES BEAD AT TBS ANNUAL MKETINO Or-TK- B HAWAIIAN One such station is nbout to bo mado A Chicago Woman Tells How the Teste spur Itaiahco on Kauai whore Mr. Walter SUaAB, PLANTERS' ASSOCIATION, NOVEMBER 11, 1808, rI . - Troatmont 'with Dr. Williams' rs i i D. McBrydo has to cooperato consented A - By Salpb. a. Hosmar, Superintendent -- of Forestry. Tvitu the Division of Forestry by over- Pink Pills Cured Hor. tt.jLtltM.J4.JUL JS.MLJ. seeing tho work. Tho great interest in 'The processes of digestion aro con- Vj-- tree planting that Mr. McBrydo has al tho forest reserve limits, making Kauai trolled by tho blood and nerves. That PUNAHOU KIDS Sport Notes Ouco again it Is my privilege to ad- ready sljown, both by his own planting I dress tho members of this association the first island on which tho and by what ho has got his neighbors is why tho tonic treatment, by which t ne vi nv e t subject Hawaii, system has been brought to com- to do, nrgues well for the success of tho blood is up, has cured s . w if irww on the of forestry in pletion. built Good old Fete Baron has been heard Tho topic is by no means a now ono , this undertaking. Eventually I hope many cases of stubborn BtomacU to. Beln-cck- e, Bofcronco lo tho forest reserves similar gardens DOWN HIGHS from. In n letter "Pretzel" on tho 'program of your annual meet- that for the syrtematis troublo. lo states that they aro now ings and to somo it may perhaps seem brings up a matter in which this asso- trial and propagation of valnablo exo- I. settled fn Bcattlo and that Dr. Boiler that everything necessary to a cowoct ciation by its Influence nnd support may tic plants mar bo established on each Many pcoplo aro suffering daily from is going strong. Peto says the weather understanding of tho subject al- be of material asslstanco in strength- island. stomach troublo becauso thoy cling U has tho Tbo kiillct mombcrs of the High. is very cold and ho longs for tho warm, ready beon said. But there aro good ening forest policy cf tho Terri- Somewhat in lino with this work is mothods, cat prcdigested 1 air Honolulu. Ho also states that tory. As has been frequently pointed Bchool and Oahn College played a gamo of reasons why forestry should continue tho exporimontal treo plnnting on the foods nnd othor & ho training big out, tho primary in ways aggravate the of intercollegiate football yesterday af-- is thrco ones as welt yenr after year to hold n place in yonr value of tho Hawaiian high slopes of Mnuna Kea and Hnlca-kal- a disorder thoy proju-dlc- o . tnrnoon on Alexander field, and did as tho doctor and tho lattor has soma deliberations. Forestry is Very decid- .forost lies in tho protective influonco it nbout to bo undertaken with tho seek to cure. But tholr best to" put up a Rood game. In good matches in view1. edly a livo issuo in tho Territory of exons on tno watercneds of tno streams cooperation of tho Federal Forest Ser- must givo way before proof such needed for irrigation. Consequently spito of criticisms handed round by J J J Hawaii. is a part of tho gcnoraV vice. Tho object of these experiments as thts statement by Miss 8. A. Me-Cart- .It practically all tho forest reserves aro Is which criticisms would A very reasonable roar about Aula to try somo of tho conifers pi nos, Chi-cug- their ciders, land question, than which thero is no of 0028 South Green streot, o, Ynlo-Harva- essentially protection which liavo been apt if applied to a Park corned from an old fan. Ho says moro important local problem. Ha- foroitc, it spruces and firs of tho tomperato zono In is dosirable should bo held strictly in- 111., who nays; .irame. the kids made n that tho first baso bench is in. tho way waii the relation between forestry and nt elovntlons obovo tho natiVo Hawai- tact, This means, that tho rccorves ob- for in- mighty good -- showing and tho hcavior of peoplo who liavo paid a dimo for ian forests, with tho expectation of suffered four years with 1. irrigation is peculiarly Intimate. The must lie protected from fire, from cat- "I Lf team won by four scores to nothing. their seat. Also, that many besides continued success of main Industry taining data that will lead eventually digestion which I think was brought Crpwd the tle nnd from othor forms of trespass, to tho clothing those now on Tho Punahou boys woroUcavior and players round tho bench. This of thp Territory Tests on tho wise uso. of barren by overwork and nervousness. My is immedi- and must bo rid of wild goats and othot mountain slopes with n vnlu-abl- o very true and it should bo fifty-od- d forest of btomneh was in such bad shapo that as had better team work and they had not of water. Over half of the, poKiibla ately put a stop tqly placing the bench destructive animals. So far as trees. An allotment of Forest soon as I ate anything would bo dis- very much trouble in defeating tho sugar plantations aro dependent on ir- tho boundaries of the reserves aro mado I High School. At lhat tho McKinloy on a. lino with tho chairs. Mr Vicrra, rigation. Tho majority of Service funds mado last yoar for this tressed, liavo pains and my Btomneh wo look to you to seo this is dono the to, follow natural barriors. But it often work was later withdrawn. This year boys--di- somo very good work, nota-- 1 that use largo would becomo sour. No kind of food during tho winter scries of tho best plantations also "happens that thoro aro stretches whoro tho money ($2000) was again secured. bly in tho second half and tho end of -- (turning cano seemed to agree with mc. Kalanl-anaolo- quantities of water far fencing is required. many cases a half. Tho whistlo blew for mannged leaguo in town, tho In As soon as tho necessary formalities went to a specialist for sovora'l thofirst or for the doyolopracnt of powers short stretch of fened, ai, for cxamplo, are complied with tho work of aotual "I half-tim- e with tho High scholars mak- of tho characteristic features of two months, but Jio did not help mo, so t J J" Jt between gulches, will proteet a planting will bo begun. tried ing n series of bucked gaina that woro Hawaiian cllmnto and topography largo area. Often such Dr. Williams' Pink Pills upon them Thero is a possibility of a soccer strotches of I said a fow moments ago that there tho ndvico my sister. rapidly carrying jo the Punahou gamo tho .Sheridan tho tho heavy precipitation in the wind- fenco should bo on government land of They boob goal. between and wero four main obj6cts in treo plant- helped mo nnd 1 took them .steadily Aliiolani boys this afternoon. A yexy ward districts add tho steep, Bhort where it is imnrncticablo to make fenco ing in Hawaii nnd proeocded to outline From first to Inst it was football of kcon player the transport has Watersheds It is essential that a for- Intilding a condition of a government for quito n while My indigestion very mass plays and aboard what might bo dono under ono of them, gradually disappeared, in tho simplest, and been working assiduously to get up a est cover be maintained permanently icaso. 'io meet sucu contingencies and Let us now briefly consider planting for until timo bucks were the of tho catchment-basin- s im- nblo to cat nnd digest straight features team and he stated yesterday that ho on tho of tho also to provido for tho fencing jointly Commercial returns, which Is far and any kind game,. The Oahu lids wero stronger thought ho would bo ablo to get cloven portant streams. The conservation of by tho government and a given corpora- away most of food, gnincd in flosh and strength tho important form of tree hnvo than tliclr opponents and .managed to liVo ones to try conclusions with ths tho native forest has consequently n tion of certain forest linos, thoro planting in Hnwali. Every sugar plan- and not been troublod with fool them iu their plays so that tho littlo sportsmon of Kaimnki. Tho very direct bearing on tho continued should bo nvailnblo an nnnronrlation tation in tho Islands needs a constant since." tnckjes and' guards edged thrpugh and game, will be playod commercial prosperity of the Islands. Division of Forestry couldl supply of wood and timber, Many Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nro guaran- away without being tackled teed to bo snfo and harmless to broo, in j M S But tho benefits of forestry do not draw. Tno amount need not be large. must provide for n supply of fuel as tho many cases. Cricket players will help out tho club cease with forest protection. Tho Five thousand dollars would go a long well. Tho price of all kinds of lumber, rr.cst delicate constitution. Thoy con- Tho first score was mado by Punahou very greatly If thoy will mako a point question of meeting tho demand for way in sucu work, nut como money oen of tho ordinnry roiigh grades, has tain no morphine, opinto, narcotic, nor after eight minutes of play. They of ringing up Mr. McQill this morning wood nnd timber of tho various classes certainly should bo available for Borne years beon golng'stcndily up. nn thing to cnuso n drug habit. Thoy bucked down tho field, making gain to say whether thoy can go to Mnui required for local uso, not to speak of Two further matters of similar tonor From tho outlook on tho mainland it do not net on tho bowels, but they ly after gain and losing rarely, until or not, His business, tolcphono number the need for fuel in certain districts, should also be mentioned in this con- is evident thnt n further rise is tn bo mnko now blood and strengthen they wero within a few yards of tho is 207. becomes each year moro nnd moro nection tho inauguration of a definite expected. With tho Increasing demand the nerves. If yon want good hcnlth Punahou line. Then they simply con jt j jt pressing. It Is tho provinco of for- system of administration of tho forost for all forms of wood and tho steadily you must liavo good blood. Bad Moot tinued to buck and went over tho lino Here ia tho best suggestion yet: estry to meet this demand through the reserves by forest rangers, paid out of diminishing supply the outlook cannot is tho Toot of nil common dlsoasos, like in tbo natural courso of ovents. "Why not get vup a Chinese Bugby introduction and establishment of Territorial funds and responsible only bo otherwise. In his address beforo thts nnnomin, rheumatism, sciatica, neural- Tho try was not converted and tho team?" says somo enthusiast. Thero trees thaf will in timo Bupply tho re- to tho Territorial forest officials; ami, nssocintlon at its annual meeting last gia, St. Vitus' dance, nervousness, in- ecoro stood 5 to 0 for tho Punahous. is plenty of good material hero that quired products, bo the need for posts, socond, tho appropriation of n fund, to year, Mr. Thurston brought forward digestion, dobility, goueral wcaknoss, The winners scored twice ngnin in that could bo licked into shape vory easily. railroad tics, construction timber, or bo used only in caso of emorgoncy, fnets and figures- - that cannot bo dis- paralysis, locomotor ataxia and Vks lialf, both touchdowns resulting from Goodness what a hit a Chineso Bugby fuel. Then, too, on the Bido of wind- from which could be paid expenses puted. Tho situation today is thnt we special ailments' thnt only women-fol- a Bcrics of bucks nnd an end run just team would mako in England! break, shelter-bel- t and, incidentally, of in lighting forest Pros. Not are one year nearer th timo when tho know. before the center buck that scored. Ono J M J roadsido nnd ornamentnl until tho Hawaiian forest reserves nro pressure of a wood famlno will begin A helpful booklot, "Whnt to Eat of these was converted, and the scoro Stanford was beaton by Vancouver forestry touches the lifo of this properly protected by tho necessary keenly to be felt, Tho only rcmody is and How to Eat," containing informa- stood 1C to 0 when the whistlo blow 11 to 3. California was beaten by on- many points. fences, and ndequntely guarded against to plant trees and to begin nt onco. tion regnrding diet, frco on request. half-tim- ly one ponalty goal to nil. looks as every sugnr plantation In for It altogether, problem of fire nnd trespass by n forest rnnger Practically Eery dyspeptic should liavo a copy . the first half tho High School though tho bluo and gold might bo ablo Taken tho backed by an appropriation for tho jslnnds has areas of wasto land our After using the wisely and of mak- forcet of froo diet book. Dr. Williams "took a new leaso of life and wont to do somethjng tomorrow. forests fighting fire, can tbo resoncs do their that is good for no othor purpose, but Pink Pills oro sold by nil druggists, ing tbom do their full part constitutes g ofter their opponents liko veritable full duty or bo mado of tho greatest which will servo excollontly for produs-In- or mail, postpaid, nt GO conts por one. tho issues in tho Terri- by young demons. They made two gains of vital benefit" to tho Territory. wood of the kinds specially adapt- Wil- tory of nnwnii. And becauso forestry box, six boxes $2.50, by tho Dr. nnd thon tried a .forward pass which WASHINGTON ed for the needs of that particular plan- liams Medicino Co., Schoncctady, N. Y- is a vital, a living issue, it necessarily In saying this I do not forget tin - Iwiccocded. Had it not been for tho excellent work that has for ninny years tation. inoxoTablo call of tho timekeeper, they follows that not only do now problems Tho Division of Forestry his tho nec- TEAM RETURNS constantly appear, also that tho been done by a number of tho largo might well have scored. . but plantation companies in carofully pro- essary information ns to what kinds of ' Neither sido was subject to 'tho old problems frequently take on new trees to plant to obtain certain results DPI phaces or develop relations not tecting their own forest lands, nor do 'coach in entirety. Both officials had SEATTLE, Oct. 23. The University before underestimate tho strong centimont in under vnrying conditions of exposure, appreciated. I nspect and elevation. This information ueen loo nuy wiwi ur&t unu bkcuuh of Washington baseball team, which has favor of forestry thnt has mado nossi- - teams to givo much attention to tho As a body, the members of this as- ble what has already been accomplished is frpe and to bo had for tho asking. DELAYED been on a tour of tho Orient, returned sociation brought into more cost SiW .third elevens, so tho youngsters Went are direct by tho Territorial omcials. But look- Further, at tho bare of his today on tho Japanese steamer Tosa relations with forest problems than is traveling"oxpcnsos, Mr, DaUd Haughs, in on their own hook and did tho best Maru. players splendid ing to tho future, bb it is essentially could. Mr. Blanchard was on tho Tho report" a any other class of citizens in HawaiU the the forest nurseryman of tho Division thoy trip, and cannot say pnoughain. praise of business of tho Forester to do, I am surprised Bido however, taking tho gamo It is therefore .pertinent thnt at your, can not" but- of Forestry, nn experienced tir:o plant- "I that Mr. Browa i Jines, Japanese rap- uTgo most etronftly that to handed his boys a hospitality. Baseball is meetings the underlying principles of er, long familiar with island conditions, should Btato to tho Supervisors that j n heart, and ho idly" becoming gamo Ja- the members of this association, both t half-tim- the national of "bo will any locality nnd n at e that showed them forestry should stated often enough colloetlvelv nnd ns individuals, exert visit prepare promised .to pay any part of tho salary talk pan, and thorp4iar.ai(,fiew Japancso who roculnr planting plnn, showing In whore they word faljlng. Ho tqld,(them, to bo kept .clearly in mind, and that jwhatqWr influence thoy may have .to detail of a regular Japancso Interpreter aro ihtorostediflqsa'bykind of. sport who the aims, objects andtprcsent condition just what to plant and whoro and how for to stay low and play ventre n do say oeiuio A. uiu mo iuiuiui; jjulioiuiuiu im the police court said Sheriff tho second not understand tho game, the of current work should bo made known propriations to go nbout tho work. work," itorro," which they did in Washington players. Balph and Leo 'sufficient for theso puri cost holding through frequent reports of progress. poses, i Tho of planting per aero vnrlos loukoa jostcrday. mado no such 'half and came very near tho Teats of Tacoma were members of tbo "I Oahu kidlcts down to a no score. It is for theso reasons thnt forestry The second main lino of forest work of courso with tho locality, But thoro prqmiso nt any timo, tho only sugges- team which made the long trip. holds place on your program and is probably not a plantation in tho Ter- , Tho final scoro of tho Punahous was its in Hawaii is It was in tion I mado jiioing somo months ago, through magnificent run by comes up yearly ns a subject for dis- this way that both the government and ritory whero tho planting of certain mado j gulch sides or patches waste whon I said that I would try to assist Donald Ross and then a grand cross cussion and report. tho private owner bocan to prnctico other of d Innd with trocs would not bo a good in tho payment of nn Interpreter until buck by Ballentyne, who crossed tho REWINDS FOR During the year of 1908 tho many-side- .forestry in this Territory. T do not was one round, red. IRE importance of forests-ha- s como need to remind you of the cood work investment. either I could get a sultuble man to line, That run A on Some- to be recognized ns never before in done with increasing in- - word the personal side. servo on tho forco and or an. rosy pippin and showed what great that hnsbecn mny object act until la the younger players. the history of the nation. X'hst May one tbst is stuff thero in DESERTING SOLDIERS. n thnnkies job the man who appropriation could bo got through the To criticize the. youngsters would bel the President called together at tho do want to bring home to you all tho for does tho work, in someone else enjoys County Attorney's office for ono. I only out ofiall sensa of proportion, lor tney White House the goernors of all tho uesirauinty nay, tne necessity or do- that of Union to meet with him ing more of it. tho returns. Here in Hawaii this Is contemplated such asslstanco for a woek ojl trjed their leVc.1 best nnd strove Foliowlng np its policy of pursuing States the to TJgnt inmg, ana to discuss' the conservation of the nat- In Hawaii thero nro four main ob- lees true than it is elsewhere, for our or two, and that was understood by Mr. earnestly do tho doserters grow enu ono thero was no suspicion of flunking at until they are found, tho War ural .resources of the nation. This jects in Tirst, commer- trees mpiaiy u'uony Brown. can not pay any regular - nd ventage to I my stage of tho "game. ILgocs with- Department has sent another largo meeting was an event of cial return,' be the need for nostfc, rail- has tho of being able reap what he himself has sown. amount voted for police work; to an out sajing that they did not play up number of circulars giving names, de- importance, for it marks tho starting road,ies, construction timber or fuel) But to supposing he does not. The members not on the forco, besides, I to first eleven form, but tney made up scriptions and photographs of deserters point of many moyemonts, that have to socond,, provido sholter boltB or wind for that by keenness and energy, and do with tho wiser use, not only of tho breaks; third, rondsido or ornamental of this associrtion arc brond gauge enn not seo why this department should from tho Tnrious branches of tho army, iomo-thin- g tho shape "of their winds and general forosts, but als"o of the other great nat- planting; and, fourth, to extend and mm who shoti'd bo glad to do bo called on to supply intorprotors for Wjth- - would compare ravorawy to United States Marshal Hendry. ural Bources of wealth lands, minerals supplement tho natlvo forcct in sections for the future welfare of tho a Territorial court. condition where the forest covor is unquestion- properties in which they aro now with those of many a star player on in the past few months tho Marshal and wators. At' tho Governors' Coll. "It appears to mo vory strango that he older teams. has thus received notification of more ferencet Hawaii was represented by ably of value Us a means of controlling If rot for the good of tho ' run-of- this Tonnsend demand salary an open ono was tho Govornor of the Territory and by tho and making available for use country. And again, what bttc for The gamo was and than two hundred deserters. Thero Is larger porcentago ft eery good to "watcfy in that ono could thrco "advisors," ono of whom was a of the precipitation csn n man leave than a grove should como up for tho first timo now. a Toward of fifty dollars offered for the ouuor on or as well-grow- tco the plajs and observe just how the secretary of your association. tne suratco an under of thrifty, valuab'o tieesf No mention of any salary for him has capture of each ono of thoso. Marshal cronnd supply. Think a moment of the g ho kids expected to make their coins. Following the conforenco of tho , beon mado to mo Binco tho end of Au- gains Hendry has his bulletin board outside of Let mo speak of tho last-name-d caso that has been dono in your dlBb-'ct- Mien they did make their they covornors. nnd as a direct result first. As typical gust last, and nt that timo I mado tbo grace accordingly and tho Judiciary building pretty well cov- moetjng, governors of many a oxamnle I have in nrd ten to ono you will find that porno ook heart ol at- that the mind tho Bwn basin on statement that I could not seo any way wt nnAfl.A sln Tlin TTIrrTi firtlinnl ered with these pictures and thoy Of local con- this island. oro man's name is nsrociitcd with it. tho States haveappointcd Practically all tho water the whereby" the police department coulU ,'ads to congratulated on tho tract a good deal of attention. to tindortako an for nlaa A'O'dlrg to n list that I rmdo out aro bo servation commissions tations about Pearl Harbor comes from pay any of it. At that time I supposed .ray they stayed together in tho face Every once in a while somo one is inventory local resources and to ns lust spring, the following p'sntnt'ons seen to look very carefully over them of streams draining tho Koolau Mountains it understood that tho County Attor- and tne i'unanou Bist in outlining plan whereby tho nro now ncthely engaged in ofllco seo to it certain defeat, notes descriptions a or from artesian wells supplied by un- ney's would tho salary, ads have all tho praise in tho world nnd then tako of tho matorlal resources of the nation ns a on a larger or smaller sculo: Townsond hlmsolf voluntcored to act as as though they might have some ono in derground water from the samo source, Kauai MeBryde Sugar Company, 'online to them for their clever and whole can be used wisely, without Tho interpreter in court without salary un- mind that they thought-- the description rain that falls on the Waianae Koloa Sugar Company, d victory. wasto or unnecessary loss. Governor Eleele; Koloa; til someone could bo had to do the or likeness would fit and wanted to Mountains is important bb far as it Li V The lineup was: Trenr has appointed such a commis G'ovo Farm Pnlntatlon, Lihue; lino work. mako furthor investigations. goes, but it is and always must bo only Company, iigu ucnooi. i'osmon. sion for this Territory and data nro fraction what Plantation Lihue; Makco "Just as Boon as Townsond was lot These desertions bayo taken placo a of results from tho pre- Hugar Company, Jiealln. Jap ..."..,.. ...Ii.R.'...; Dodge now being collected ns tho basis for cipitation on the Koolau range. As it out of tho polico 'forco ho wont right from almost every army post in tho Oahu-Wnian- ao ."....-. . O. Hind rec- Company, Wrtlonoe; into court. .viins ..L.T United States, It is not thought prob- a report that will contain specific is now much of the rainfall on theso I think ho was acting as rntt ...,f,,....L,Gr Murray ommendations. Many of tho problems mountains gots away as flood wator, Kabiiku Plantation Company, Knhuku. a lawyer's runner. At least I told able that any considerable .number of nnd Maul Wniluku Sugar Company, 'asu ,..U..,. xi, von Holt these deserters nro in thoso Islands, as of conservation nro essentially local in escapes the duly it; might be mado to Chief Kalaklola to tell him not to bang AVailuku; Hawaiian Commercial nnd in Valker , 1UJ .... Young thoy would have to como hero after character and can only bo solved by perform, cither by holplng to fill tho around tho dotoctivos' ofllco any- v.Tando ...... ,.K.T. ., . Heen thoy desertod, and tho distance and plans resulting from the detailed nnd high level irrigation ditches or ns Sugar Company, Pnuncnc; Maul Agri- more I didn't want him to know all )yer 1U2..., ' Cyril Hoogs wpuld bo coming. comprehensive study of individual lo- water to cultural Company, Pala. thut was going on to roport to tho against their assist in keeping In Tonsarrnt ,Q...... 'Bollentyno At the same timo somo of them may calities. Others are shared in common up tho' water table for n longor timo nawall Kohnln Sugar Company, some of tho cases, forks It JI.. D. Boss (capt.) have como here. by this Torritory and by the States in succeeding periods of drought. Thero Kohala; Halawn Plantation Company, "Tho County Attorney's department arkor (capt.) ,.,L.H. .. Jakins , and Territories on tho mainlnnd in a U n belt above tho cane fields nnd other Kohala) Pnauhnu Sugar Plantation seems to vant him very much, I don't Harimkun; Mill know why, but It is up to depart- Anaresen WAED-WILLIA- understanding of agricultural Company, Hnmskua that lauaulu ...... f.u MS WEDDING. way that a better land in tho Ewa baein that making wou,IJ to Company, Pnnuilo; Hnknhu Plantation ment to pay him, I can not," tho whole subject is more and it pay get back under forest - The marriage of Miss. Annie Ward clear. so as Hawaii has for the good would do Company, Hnkalau; Popcekco Sugar "- ALL-STAR- S moro In far it in holding HE to Hohry II. Williams took placo yes- taken part irf this general movement some of tho water that now escapes. Company, Pcpeekco; Honomu Sugar ilononiu; Agricul- I ' terday1 evening at tho Boman Catholic at is unquestionably tno most notams The planting up of this belt u a case Company, Hnwalinn ROBBER GROWERS cathedral. Father Stephen officiating. event in tho history of forestry in the where all three plantations could well tural Company, Pahala, 4 PASSJHROUGH Thq brido was given away by hor Territbry during tho past year. get together and cooperate. Needless TMrf is a good list nnd means that .A 'V3? All players, UCUV B'W Atpf With tho widening in scopo of tho to say, the Division of Forestry would tho men who fo; the MEETING Tho Star baseball direction !V level-heade- IUIIUIV, Ward, being tho be glad to assist in work nro and d j f Miquo Tishor, passed through Ho-olu- bridesmaidond general outlook, the work of tho Ter any way possible TJ. A. K. Williams, brother of tlio in this or any othof similar g individuals But tho list should bo llL on tholr way to Yokohama ritorial Forest Borneo has gone stead- groom, tho best man. .project. much longor. It ought to-b- e mado a board tho China yesterday. With them ily forward. Pursuing tho policy Tho Hawaiian Bubbcr Growers' As- as The church was beautifully' dec- adopted at organization Ave years I hopo that in time tho Division of sort of roll of honor on which the II. li. liaggerly, sporting editor or its sociation will hold its annual meeting 10 San Francisco Bulletin whose story orated and lighted. ago, there have beea set apart during Forestry may have nt its command names of all tbo plantations should ipears on this page. Aftor the ceremony, which took tho paBt year additional forest re- sufficient funds to begin g appear. Why should this not happen in tho Chamber of Commerce rooms tnlf-pns- t again on JUlquo is very entnusiastlc about the place r seven, a reception serves amounting in area to 40,420 government land. But at pres-ou- t before the next Planters' Association noxt Thursday .morning, Tho session Hp and states that he oxpects tn go wis held at tbo homo of the groom, acres, of which 21,094 acres, or 45 per I bcliovo more good can be accom- mcetingf If you gentlemen will tnko should bo interesting from tbo plished1 fact that lp against nara game ucre on tneir where refreshments were served, cent., is government, land. This brings by expending what money is the matter to heart, it can bo done. Mr! Wnterhouse will read from his re- iturn if Pat Donhhuo comes down and lusic was furnished by-tb- o Kalakana the total area of the Hawaiian forest available in assisting private ownors Wo are all interested in the continued port of his visit to tho rubber estates Glee Club, Until and iiij-th- o way laches the Honolulu team. Everybody and was enjoyed, reserves, now sixteen in number, up to of plant introduction. prosperity of Hawaii nei. Will you in Malaya nnd Dr. Wilcox, director ot v"- - half-pas- t During tho past year as looking well and seemed in excel-n- t eleven, when tho happy 444,110 acres, of which 273.912 acres, systematic rela- not in this way help tho Territory tho U. S. Experiment Station, nnd tions of seed exchange es- spirits especially good xld "Bed-g- " couple left for their honeymoon trip or 01 per cent., belongs to the govern- have been while you help yourselves by provid- Bnlph Hosraor, Forestor, will tell xjf on windward Bldo tablished with over one hundred botanic f Devereaux who mado himself tho of the Island. ment. ForeBt roserve projects amount- ing for a wood supply in futuro yonrsf their experiments in growing rubber i J1?, gardens and other similar --- -- ard early In the game, "t" ing to a total of 02.180 acres now onlv institutions . Hawaii. It is expected, also, that til arlous parts By-'th- is . Those who were in tho narty wero SAVE MONET BY BUYINa CHAM- - action in of tho world. Bill of Exceptions. managers of tho different rubber es- &m await ,formaI by tho Board of means there have, been received tho Jr. and Mrs. Fiiber, Mrs. Wright, H, BEHLAIN'S COUGH EEMEDY. Agriculture and Forestry and tho Gov' at tates in the islands will tell of the Government Nursery tho soed nnmor-ou- s Tho bill of exceptions of William . xsaggcriy, jur. ana Airs, uenrgo You will pay as bot- of work during thp past year. just much for a ornor befpro being set apart. The Tern-tpry- , Wnterhouse and Washing-n- , trocs and shrubs now to tho Albert Waterhouse, The association was ildeVrand, Jim Delehanty, tle of Chamberlain's Cough Bcmedy as most important forest reserve projects executors, In "W. formed after D. O.. 2b; Heine Phil-- some of which nro sure to prove etc., tho suit of W. of rubber growers on Heltmuller. for any of the other cough medicines, how pending are tbo proposed Kohala' vory Bioreo Company vs. 0. J, Hutchlns and Maui a" lelphia, ; Danzig, Bpston, Burns, Tint of considerable economic value. year ago. Anyone who takes an in- rf lb; you save money by buying it. The Mountain Tores't Beserve,-o- Hnwnli,' To this work others was filed yesterday, contains BBiilngton, U.( uraney, Uleve-nd- , facilitate an experimental It terest in rubber culturo Is oligibli re i. pj saving'Is in what you get, not what you and proposed iluue-Kolo- a 273 typewritten pages. Mc-rdl- o, the and garden Tins been mado in upper Jfakikl p; Pat 'Flaherty, Boston, pj pay. The quality Is in forest reserves, membership upon payment of one dtth San Francisco, es; San ion Valley where the plants started la the lar a year. Thero will be n Curtis, every bottle of this romedy, and you Katini. With the apart" of, tho dinner a ancuco; Jaeic c; setting specially constructed germination houses Itain to the amount of ono end a tho Commercial Club tbo meeting ct; imtt, bt, louls, get good results "whenyou tako it. For last-name- d after tyo proposed resoryes, tjio at tho nursery can bo propagated for quarter inches has fallen at Pahala, all 7' ick Williams, San Francisco, cj Bill 'sale at all 'dealers, Benson,-Smit- h & and members who wish to "enjoy the entire imlnud region in the central feubse.quent'T'distributlon. 'As soon as Hawaii, according to a wireless mes- avoreanx, uatuana, 3D, Co:, Ltd, agents for Hawaii. oz feast should advise Mr. Wnterhouso be- part Kauai wiir be included within practicablo the new trees 'and jhruba sage received by 0, Browcr & Co, forehand.

- r )h fr' MMiMA iiMMi-- k - 'vmiffSy9rrir--'- w? SrVtih'i-VViHtV- " EEEjjjjEvWJSSfflSSfitaSBEESffiSiSSkn ' 7iirzi fTPfWWyMwwcr ! H&w s ajwnjyT T"tk11 y ? "


repeatedly Tcsaid on this subject is to- TO E day more vital to tho. agricultural In- SUPERVISORS APPROPRIATION terests of Hawaii tlinn over, and ln ro GOJITRACTORS IN caso moro so thnn to tho irrigated su- gar plantations. "On every island forestry reserves TAKE LESSONS TOUCHED havo been set apart on paper but scarce TO WASHINGTON IS FOR FORESTRY nnywhero has tlicrd been anything but the most limited attempt at reforest- ing. Advertiser,) (From Thursday's Aflverttscr.) protec- From Thursday's "Under normnl conditions, Thero Is a movement towa"rd Wash- Cnrcful observers of tlio legislative Yesterday ICalunh, a Hawaiian, found WORK WANTED tion from live stock would be suff- ington just now of local men interested icient, as forests would resccd them- t.A T)-- ..i actions of the Board of Supervisors himself at tho stntlon bouso bccuso the In obtnlnlnrr rnntrnft fn selves. Harbor dreiirrltMr Wnrb tn Iai at their regulnr meeting last night ho nnd his wlfo had bad a quarrel about U t.....i property party over "For several reasons this does not December 1, George 1 eu- - n stolen and a third Dcnlson, Jim Qulnn, W. II. i were Messrs. heard it. Tho stolen property Is re take place in most locatioas in Hawaii. I'ui'uii-nuen- oi tne uanu itaiiroad and and W. A. K ac, supervisors in covered, the nllcgcd thief is in jail, tho Tho multitudinous insects which Land Cnmnnnv. lnft fm 1,n .niMiM wanted to watch the owner of tho property, a tourist) Is hap- (From tho forests nnd n root fungus yesterday on the Moana and will co rnbryo, who Thursday's Advertiser.) ... ,, . .. p py onco more, and tho police nro ablo which Is killing tho woods by n Mr...!.! l me wheels go round in preparation for natural iu ouauiiujiua via northern route. to traco a red line through ono of tho - thousands of acres in a number of Walter F. Dillinrrlmm fnllnnr. r. tk. F will ? io jo jo jc to tr tc jo jf ? jc nr k- so jo r K" jc j? c t? jo tc o the timo when they themselves mysterious itoms on their records. k localities nnd the heavy growth of tho Mongolia next Sunday and both will "With Cox and H'ln a..,..!... B . .... 1)0 at tho throttle. On October 15, nn aged man named UhMwm j.i t iuf. i1.uio upuiiuu ui wic jiawauanl. ougar .Planters' " Hllo grass and othcr coarse grasses look after tho interests of tho Hawaii Tern present as members of tho BonTd, John Gray, who is something of n Association tho work which so cover tho ground Dredging company. E. J. Lord is of of forest protection and extension is of tho highest that seeds nlso five out of tho eight tho "closc-to-naturo- " interested nnd will tin n ti.,. atii gave man, camo here. Ho importance to tho agricultural interests of this Territory; cannot germinate,, nro mpidly destroy- .i-- tnoxt Board on hand last night at tho wanted to live In the open, so ho pitch- ing forests in regions "whero wntor con- innd nt tho samo time. Besidos theso Ay-lc- In tho opinion opening of business, whilo 'William ed a small tent on tho rid go back of "That of this Association tho timo has arrived when servation is most needed, local men, it is understood that thoy business liberal appropriations have rpnrpRf-ntnflvi- a nn . 1 also drifted in before the Punchbowl, nnd there ho cached a lot should bo mado for such protection and extension, or not tho entomologists tl.a had developed very "Whether laying, tho preliminary f the evening of canned provisions and other edibles. and wo hcroby petition tho Legislature to mako liberal specific appro- can introduce parasites which will neu- plans. ' vain-nble- xor fully. His fow possessions, books and priations fencing; "for rangors to tralize mo coatract tho Pearl Harbor o for forest inspect and protect tho tho deadly effect on forests of The meeting proceeded slowly, rou-tin- were also kopt in the tent. Ono dredging Is to bd one of tho most im- insects nnd fungus growths is now friv-n- n accounts county he camo to to forests from flres, depredation and trespass and for replanting with trees, portant pror mf fn..n1..1HM 11.. matters of and day town and went tho boing made a subject of reports taking up a dull hour, postofllco and was absent Bovcral hours. aroas which havo been heretofore denuded of forest." study by tho deeping, widening and efflofrs' Planters' experiment station. will straightening of although the 'soon-to-b- members of On his return ho found his font ran It v ,..M.i. .iuu I juigu uinounE or a & j jt & jt & jx & & j jt jx & jt jt jt ji ,ji t v jf ,jt ,$ Ji probably be far moro difficult to ob- the .Board listened to tho accounts nnd sacked, provisions scattered over tho j j j j jt jt j j: jt Work Within tlio hnrlinr. Knmn iiiL -- tain results than it hns been to meet Tcports with rapt atteniion nnd tho ground, ond everything rummaged, iio This resolution was passed unani 1007, I measured points and reefs will havo to bo taken. tlio ravages of Insects directly attack- uuuiL-ij-- , tild members preserved a bored atti- reported his loss to tho police.. Among mously at tho afternoon session yesror- - off n rcctnngualr pieco of land contain- ""' unu ul0 approach to tho ing tho cane; but tho incidental effect proposed tude calculated to impress. tho itoms was a small black caso for day of ing oxactly four acres. Ono aero fur- dry dock mado perfectly safo holding bills, tho kind issued by Thos. the Planters' Association, after rowed I upon the sugar plantations is so great and given plenty Beport. out, and "kipikuaed" holes six of maneuvering Treasurer's Cook & Sons, tho tqurist agents. Ttfo a discussion of tho subject of forestry feet each way. Tho other three acres that no effort should bo spared to ob- space. Tho report of Treasurer Trent for $50 chocks issued by Cook & Sons, wcra Pirong the members and the presen- I plowed and harrowedtwieb, and as tain results in this direction. When tho Pacific fleet was hero and October wns: In this book. A largo book was another tation of two papers on tho subject, tho manienio sod was very heavy I had Artificial Reforesting. the officers worn i.n..u item nn tho loss to hand-wor- k Pearl Harbor on tho - Receipts. list. by Ii. A. Thurston, tho tho' whole piece, going Iroquois a well- Occasionally tho old man visited tho on! other by over it with "Irrespective of tho arrest of the nuuivu spoKc Cash on hand Oct. 1, 10 OS.. $73,87 COO "kipiknas" and packing uuvui ouiccr 01 tho rcor polico station but was met with tho K. S, Ilcsmer, Territorial Forester, out what decay of the forests, reforesting shoulil which- OYtnnrla ...... mnnlrn fmm T- - From Election expense .... C00.00 wouldn't burn; as the weather ..ui,. T.lAuiu .is- Bamo response, "JJothln' doln'." On Tho session yesterday afternoon was was qulto vut I couId,not get a flro on bo nctively token up at nn early date, land, opposite Aiea, a point woll known From Ewa Road District .. 10.00 tho on a largo scalp, both by govern- to yachtsmen. Ho 152.00 Tuesday Mr. Gray went there again hort but of decided Interest. It was grass prior to plowing; this, of the said thnt ho hoped Trom Excavator Department tho detectives to get busy. ment nnd by privnto Interests, or tho somo day tho United govern- 1,100.05 nnd implored opened with tho presentation of tne course, mado tho preparation of tho States "From OarbnL'o Department. . sent up three acres flow of wntcr on n number of tho wa- ment would dredgo out that - Then Chiof Kalakicla n man following report by Mr. Thurston: very expensive. I selected reef. With Trom Huntine- Licenso fees. 70.00 on Punchbowl to look over tho slto of the spot especially, as it tersheds is liable to bo seriously dimin- this gone that end of tho harbor would Trom Polico realizations .. 23.00 tho tont. Tho officer met nn old nativo Beport on Forestry. would bo a good plnco to determine the ished. uv juagniuccnr, mooring basin. Trom Bound receipts 12.75 thcro and asked'if ho remembered tho "To F. A. Schncfcr, President, Ha- maximum cost of preparing land for "Tho watershed most urgently in If Successful in flinlr 11, 1I.... Trom Road Department .... 2,423.55 tent and its occupant. Iio did. Ho had waiian Sugar Planters' 'Associa- planting trees in this stylo. need of rescue nnd reforesting is that Dillingham and Dcnison will nlaeo nr. ?! boon tho nearest neighbor. Ho also re- tion. " 'The seedling trees 1 selected wcro of tho Kohala mountain, on Hawaii. "l" '" i"o cast ior auditions to their Total receipts $78,274.34 membered somo Hawaiians passing tho "Sir. Thcro has been no radical Eucalyptus amygdalina, E. botryoides, A largo portion of this, under private dredging equipment. Disbursements. place ono morning when tho old man chaugo or development in forestry con- E. corymbosa, E. eorynocalyx, E. ownorship, is still being overrun by Attorney's Offico $ 052.25 was absent. Upon being further ques- ditions in the Hawaiian Islands during E. panlculata, and E. rudis, cattle, resulting in tho continued re- Office- - 309.10 tioned and told that tho haolc had lost tho past year. which were recommended to mo by tho cession of the woods. A considerable Auditor's most rierk's" Office 515.55 somo money in bills nnd soma books, "The notnblc event hns been Australian forestry servico as being area of private lands should be secured DQ visit- - the beginning of operations by tho Ha- Commission Collection Road tho old man said lie remembered considered by them to bo among tho by exchnngo or purchaso and replanted III k IPS .10 inc recently a house nn Punchbowl and waiian Mahogany Lumber Company", best of thoir trees for railroad tics and nt tho earliest possible date, or diminu- Tnx, Diet, of Honolulu .. in District 1,092.70 having overheard a Hawaiian nnd his Limited, the production and export fenccposts. The cost of tho two pieces tion of the water flow will certainly Ewn Road over something ana of ohia tics, in filling tho order for is ns Electric Light Department.. 1,885.45 wifo quarrelling follows: follow. Their Unceasing 2,500,000 tics to be 'One-aer- o work Keeps Ua 091.91 thoy had mentioned monoy in bills and contracted delivered " lot Furrowing, $2.00; "Xcxt to Kohala, the watershed Engineer's Department .... n book. Ho remembered they said some to the Santa Fc railroad. 3trong and Healthy. 4,540.57 holing, $3.00; planting, $2.00; weed- area vhich, in my opiaion, most seri- Tiro Department thing two Ho had gono largo sawmill has been erected to Department 1,010.90 nbout checks. "A ing ditto (twice), $9.00. Total, $18.40. ously needs attention is that of Garbage ...... Into the houso nnd remembered thcro at Pillion, in the district of Puna nnd "'Three-acr- the All 1,592.00 lot Plowing, $10,09; Ewa bnBin and tho district of Wnialun the blood in tho body passen Hawaiian Band was a largo book which looked llko a Island of Hawaii, and operations were harrowing, ami Kapiolani Park 090.50 $3.15; kipikua work on tho Island of Oahu. through the kidneys onco every Bible. begun thcro late in Scptembor last. Tho $17.-14- ; thro. 215.00 weeding twice, $102.70; holing, Keepers of Parks Tho result of this interview was re- nrst Hiupmcnt, of approximately 2U,UUU "The amount of water flowing or uuuutes. ine Kidnoys filter tho blood. District 1,579.85 planting, ,!f(.OL'. xotal, $H5.yO; or boing Koolauloa Road .. ported at headquarters and detective ties, is now being loaded on tho Emily $48.97 per acre.' pumped from tho supply furnish- Thoy woric night ana aay. When Koolaupoko Bond District . . 4,391.29 ed by small some- healthy Lunhiwa was detailod to look up the F. 'Whitney at llilo, " 'The holing of tho tbrco-acr- this watershed is they remove about 500 grains 7,715.73 pleco thing of impure Police Department quarrelling husband nnd wife. The old Utilizing Wastt. cost moro than it should havo done, as enormous, amounting to several matter daily, when unr & 208.12 healthy somo Police Fire Alarm System man from Punchbowl was requisitioned owing to running out of seedling treos, hundreds of millions of gallons per part of this impure mati "Thero is a very large wasto in mak- tor TM,I Poundmastcr 87,30 nnd tho bouso located. Alter consid- planting of about half this had to day. Droughts affect tho ouantitv of IS left in thn hlnnrl !,.: 20,078.31 ing tics, which the lumber company is lot on many Bond Department erable investigation tho missing Thos. ondcavoring to utilize in bo postpopod, and tho holes dug over tho artesian supply, and no possible diseases and symptomB-4- 1 400.00 . w Sheriff and Deputies Cook caso with tho two $50 chocks in- again. step suouiu o.e jcic untaKen to protect, t UUvn, uauuue, nervous- -' " Hardwood bonrds and to a con- 1 . , battens llPRfl , --linf .1... BM. -- v . Treasurer's Odico 525.00 tact was brought to light together with siderable amount have been incidental- '"To offset to a certain extent the conserve and incrcaso the product of , u.j diuu, ruoumausm, gout. District 02.95 thrcc-acr- gravel, disorders R'ninnao Road .... tho book which looked llko a Bible, ly produced, and n shipment 15,000 cost of the lot. 1 thoueht it this watershed. of the eyesight and of henrine. dizziness, irrprmln-- , h.- -. i TVnialua Road District 2,457.08 but which in reality was "Dr. Chase's to Francisco would bo as well to try somo quick "A paper lino of forestry reserva ' 70.00 feet wns sent Saa on tho bility, Coroners Fees Receipts and Information for Every- Entcrpriso is believed a rowing crop that would not tako up tion has been located and partially drowsiness, dropsy, doposits in 150.00 last It that ? . en, ojui, County Ofllco Rent body." Thoy wcro in tho possession market for a considerable amount of oo much room, and would to as small fenced, but systematic tree planting u..uu, n you Keep the ni- "Election Expenses 321.80 of a woman nnmed Knlua, to whom an extent as possible tho to further conserve tho water flow and ters right you will havo no trouble with lumber of this naturo can retard growth your kidneys. Inspection of Supervisors... 120.00 Kaluna and his wlfo had given them of tho trees. I selected California po- provent its Tunning off in storms, be found, both here and at tho Const. w- J- Investigating Supervisors ro for safekeeping. tatoes, nnd treated tho seed to a bath should bo systematically taken hold of - - Maxwell, of Honolulu, writes 35.00 The polico learned an effort had "Tho chief drawback to this lumbor tuuo; suuoroa .7. N. Gere that is tendency to warp: bo of sulphato of copper, to see if that by tho plantations whicli depend upon i with a horrible pain 125.00 been mado to pass tho checks with its but it is oac Xeahi Homo but lioved that by piling and curing tho wouiu provent tno rot that Is so preva this supply for their irrigation. Tho r, "'"" ul mJ tan almost inJ Outstanding Wnrrants .50 out success, and that was ono of tho lent in Kula. government owns but littlo land in variablo svmntnm nf V!,lr, reasons Kaluna nnd his wlfo quarrelled tamo under proper conditions tills Uiui for a number of years. advised! Supervisors Salary of 337.50 cultv can bo obviated. " 'Last July notwithstanding the rot the district nnd cannot bo expected I was Witness Fees 20.00 and thnt incident led to Kaluna 's ar- that did attack thorn, and tho excep- to do much. So far the only troe ii wb some or uoan's uackache Kid- rest. Tho ohia lumber is so hard and touch ney Pills, and following is believed can bo used tionally dry,wcather that wo havo had planting has beea done by the company the suggestion that it that it I Went to the Hnlltntor T)ri, Pn '- - .,- - Total disbursements $00,119.03 tjj J jji tjm j j .j J qjS j jj( J& Jt to L'ood all this year, I took off a crop of pota- which is the least 'interested in tho advantaco as floorinc and sid toes Fort street, nnd' got these'. for the courtesy paid tho British nation ing cano cars which, when made Of that'nottcd mo $09.19. This amount direct conservation of water flow, viz., some of for .uv.uS tnem tney BaTanco Cash on Hand Oct. in permitting the Hnwniian band to Douglas fir, wear out com- deducted from tho cost, $140.90, loft iuu a: uana company. lawn relieved m rapidly. The w.iuu n.iuruau. -- uuu n, 1008 $18,154.71 play at the consulate on Monday last, pany will soon havo stock enough on 077.71 or say $23.00 per ncro for tho It has, at a limited oxpensc, made such ..Si..on.,l uro, a may. say, thi threo-ocr- best and in fact the onlv nrn v,nv Special Road Tax. the occasion of the birthday of King hand to furnish this lumber to thpso piece, as against $18.40 for n fino showing upon the top of the fnr tno uncultivated acre. acho. I havo mentioned tho virtue of The nmounts on hand to tho credit Edwnrd "VTT. desiring to try it. Wnianao mountains that its example Is company is also taking steps to or mis nunueriui remedy to several per. of the various districts in the spceial t Coal Hopper Menaces. "The Besuits. worthy emulation on a larger scale, sons, among whom, is a produce tolephono pins and brackets by the sugar plantations interested. friend, who ttixS tnx fund nre: A communication from Fred W. " 'Ono year from planting tho trees '""uu iciiw, ui:u is now n arm bellove irom ouier portions of tlio wasto lum- s Honolulu $ 0,801.00 of the County Attorney's de- tho following measurements wero mado: Government Forestry. in uoan-- liackacho Kidney Pills." partment, bor, thero being n largo demand for this Tho Doan's "Ewa nnd Waianae 3,202.99 relative to the possibility of on tho mainland. tallest trees in tho uncultivated Backacho Kidney Pills ar Wainrtm , 2,307.81 accident from the operations of the lot was 5 feet 3 inches, a Eucalyptus "So far, tho appropriations for sold by all chemists and Ties storekeeper Ki.omnloa 1,318.48 now coal hopper on tho for Island Uso. botryoide's, and tho averago boight of forestry havo been insufficient at 50 Cents per linr elr ImvAa Q Kn to do anything TToohiupoko . 581.33 street, at the Bishop slip, stated that "Incidental to tho manufacture of tho wholo of that pieco wns 3 fiit. Tn moro than create forest will bo mailed on receipt of price' bv reserves and a u liutsfnndiiig 'Warrants .1.10 the municipality would bo liable for tlos for tho Santa F6 contract, tho com- tho cultivated lot tho tallest treo meas- - skeleton of administra- v ...Bur v;n.. upnoiulu, whole damages in case of such accident. Ho pany is also producing from the smaller ured 1C foot, Euc. rudis, tho other tall tion of tho same. No appropriation sale agents for tho nnwaiinn Islnnrts. suggestod timber ties for local use, at prices which ones has beon providod for forest TaTanco Road Tnx Funds.. $14,333.01 that tho company give nn being:' Euc. botryoidos, 15 feet; rangers, JS Jit Jt jt j jt .S os St vJJ : ,jt indemnity compcto with being forest fencing & jt St To Widen Nuuanu Avcnuo. bond to protect tho countv. redwood ties, whilo Euc. eorynocalyx, 12 feet; Euc. or replanting, or for The matter was him much better nnd moro lasting in qual- 12 fighting fires. A skeleton is as essen- "Wo must plant trees," said th referred back to feet; Euc. panlculata, 12 roport, James L. McLean wrote asking thnt to nrrango with tho company, Supervi- ity than tho redwood tics. feet, nnd Euc. corymbosa, 0 feet. tial to nn advanced forest policy as it "because every year wo ar Ihe work nf widening Xuunuii avcnuo sor Harvey scouting tho possibility of "Tics havo been furnished by tho " 'Tho best averago height, and tho is to n man; but in the one caso ns urn.- jcar nearer mat period when Tictwccn Chaplain and I'nuahi streets an necident. company to the llilo railroad, the West ovenest grown lot or trees was the Euo. in the other, it is of no practical value, wood lamino In theso islands will b having lo done, tho necessary land Townscnd's Salary. Hawaii railroad, the Koolnu railroad, botryoidjes;, the poorest being tho Euc. except for show purposes, without tlio kccily felt.'; leen deeded tn tho Territory tby tho tho Oahu railroad aud to tho Ewa, Wai-nlin- corymbosa. communication The averago height of tho conjunction with flesh and blood. Tho Resolution Passed, writer. Supervisor Dwight said .A from tho County Makco Sugnr Company, Mnka- - threc-acr- this Attorney, whole lot was over ton foot. flesh nnd blood necessary to mako our The resolution suggested work would bo ilnno in its turn, ho enclosing others from A. M. well, Lihuo and Koloa sugar plantations. Ono by Mr, stray (Blue Gum) Euc: globulus, forest administration a living organi- Thurston was nf-- Brown nuil Judge Andrado, called at- uro to then ?nnvl Uv loped beforo the end of tho year. lies nlso Doing lurnislicd that was accidentally planted in tho zation, nre appropriations to go ahead Schaefcr, anrii tention to the fact that of- Lewors & Cooke, who intend to keep seconded by Mr. Tennoy Boad Work Dono. ficer cultivated lot ;ncasured 12 fcot in nnd do something with the efficient Townscml, Iwiloi Isol's friend, them in stock. height. This treo j.udh, in;i wfucii mere wns nn in Road Supervisor Cummins presented had been ncting ns had oxactly tho samo frnmowork already created, formal discussion foresfrv r,rnllmi, B Japaneso interpre- Cultivatod vs. Uncultivated treatment tho others of x detached report of work done on ter in tho polico court sinco Forests. had, which goes "I think It would be eminently W. O. Smith President August 15, to show protty well, both Rudis and Damon esti-mnt- c but had not "Tho fnct that tics can bo manufac- that sound for this Association to formally pert. JJiicfiii street, showing thnt tho been paid. By agreement and Botryoldes, aro growers luiiinf butweon the Sheriff nnd tho tured and cxportod from here to tho faster than paps resolutions, recommending tho had been exceeded by .$1918.21. County tlio Globulus; and as both theso species Tho Morning Session. The totnli cost of tho work had been Attorney, Townscml wns supposed to Coast, and manufactured and sold lo coming Legislature, to make appro- to tho are ranked ycry highly in Australia for A report on fhn lltilirntlnn nf i. $15,729.55. The appropriation had draw $00 a month, half from each de- cally successfully compote with priations for theso subjects, and for horotoforo railroad ties, and fence posts; this la byproducts of sugar mills was $12,303.09 tho of tho partment. Tho Sheriff now refused to cheap lumber of the Pacific tho members hereof to individually In- read by. Icon nnd share ... vm-in- pay anything C'onht again brings to tho front tho well to bo known, especially as tho terview their soveral Senators ii. 3. tvjiiiumH. inn rflmrf Xapid Transit "had been $2003,05. becnuso Townsend is no Globulus, or nnd longer n commissioned officer. subject which has been so frequently Bine Gum, is tho Eucalyp- Representatives, urging thoir support jng what had been accomplished nnt The material excavated had been urged upon tho sugar plantntions tus most commonly crown nt tho Is poiming our ased to fill Tho matter was referred to the police that to such appropriations." possiuie utilization moth in on Mnunnkea street, ono of tho greatest economics which lands, nnd, oxcept for firewood, is tho oun, tno paper Smith street nnd Hnlckauwila. committee. concluding with tho r thoy can practico is to plant trocs for poorest for any purpose. Forester Hoamer Asks Assistance. grct that not much, liml luxm ,inr, t wns com-jifal- Brown Asked for Vacation. In view of this there no railroad ties, fence posts nnd firewood. uonsiaenng tlio unusually dry any now way during estl-.mat- Beforo taking notion on Mr, Thurs- tho year just made for overrunning tho A request for leavo of absence from nro weather wo havo had "Thcro but few plantations left for tho last ton's suggestlop, nnother report on for- puuavu. A. M. Brown from tho 14th Instnnt un- so located twelve months, c'onsidor that natural forest Bupply I the growth estry wns read by Mr. Hosincr, who Milling Machinery. Pipe Lino Permission. til December 23 was road, tho Deputy can bo relied upon for theso purposes. of tho trees in tho cultivated lot pclntcd out tho immediate benefit tho W. .T. Authority wns given tho Hawaiian County Attorney stating that ho want- Evou where natural forest is still avail- Dyer, superintendent of th sugar industry received from nfforesta-tii'i- i Electric company to a pipo lino ed to mako n trip to tho Coast. Aftor able therefor, tho supply is so limited " 'Undor normnl conditions, that Is, iiuuuiiuu iron tvnrits, reaa a carefulh lay somo work. Over half tho plantations prepared along Queen and Prison street to con- discussion tho leavo of nbsenco that a very fow years will ond tho sup- whero there is not a hcavv crrowth report compiled by tho com with wns in the Territory now depend upon irri- - nect tho present plpo lino with tho pay granted, a proviso being ply. of mnnionio to contond with, tho cut- - milieu oa mnciunery, stating amoni mado (gatlon for their success, while others other thlncrs t,i-- , Pacific Oil Transportation company's that tho department should keep "Moro nnd moro tho sucnr planta uruuuu ui iuu trues suouiu cost very thnt tlm tmn .mi up tho wntcr cano Uuining and mills Ewn linlnn- - tanks at Iwilel. The Department of work without extra cxponso to tion managers nro recognizing this fact, much less than tho amount above rehire lor nt Wnrn .MtMUUBU .(;J tho county. shown. power development. It is absolutely (VIVA tllAn, Afn.nv.b lt. fll Public Works had already given its and tho last year has scon n constantly necessary, V yivKu roller capacity! increasing ad- " 'The difference in favor of tho then, that tho prosorvntion while the necessary power to assent to tho laying and maintaining Didn't Want to be Bluffed. number who aro taking of to operate! vantage of tho offer of tho Fqrcatry as against the uncultivated tho forest retain the rainfall art them would bo lessened by tho xej f tho pipe line. Chairman Hustaco instructed tho . troes is so great in favor tho watersheds be maintained and iho uiiiiugi-uiuui- County Attornoy to no- Dcpartmont of tho local government to of tho former, Mosquitoes and Catch Basins," take immediate forest areas extended. Hawaii was, pnvn munrm, tion to enforco tho guttor iuruisn rorcstiug plans ana recommen- that I shall favor tlio cultivation of all Mr. Dver also bin ti,... Tho petition of tho ordinance dations trees hereafter on howover, doing much aloug tho lines the Wicks Mnkiki residents "1 don't want to go out of ofllco nnd aud sond an expert on to tho planted tho ranch, cane unlnader was the begfl rent to the Board of Health relative ground to lay out and advlso concern- wherever the location is such to advocated by President Roosovelt at ...in tIDA..., Ita.A nl..I 1 . . .1 leavo nnyono in n position to say that as ..vie, giving lUBlUIlM'B WllOrO 111 to catch basins ln the sewer noting ns ing tho location and character nur- mako it possible. tho convention of Governors, and the nm. pruveu c they havo been nblo to bluff mo on this of unu superior to others, I' breeding grounds for mosquitoes, wns series, kinds of trees to bo planted and " 'As showing what tho possibilities forest reserves now set aside have a r matter," ho explained. Storing Sugars. read, having been forwarded by tho locntion of planting grounds. arc-o-f fenco post production, I would 'total acreago of 440,000 acres, of November e Tho report President of Exttmatcs. this connection tho was. call attention to figures heretofore re- which sixty-on- por cent is govorn-men- t of tho committee orf the Board of Health. The "In writer warehouses and question was referred to the commit- Estimates for tho first two weeks of many years ago, greatly impressed with ported, viz: That last year I cut 244 land. Tho forest reserve policy methods of storing tee on sanitation tho present month wcro passed as fol- tho results obtained on tho Lihuo plan- good fence posts, fivo to twelve inches was being furthor extendod and soon "b...a am uy uonn iiind, an and health, nlthough importantfeoturoitu beinpl Tommy Cummins announced that his lows: Kapiolani park, $179.25; flro de- tation by plowing up land nnd cultivat- in dlamoter, from 38 second growth it will have been carried qut to its of tho report men pumped tho catch basins overy partment, $1833.75; keepors of parks, ing a planted forest area ns compared Eucalyptus rostrata trees, twelve years completion on ono of the islands, that r -- .. wumi. mi DUKHQ $100; electric lights, warehouses bn Vmllf win, ,,.,....,. .1 week nnd that no mosquitoes bred $428.23; police ana with tho simple holing nnd planting old. Somo of theso posts havo been of Kauai. fire alarm system, $02.50; put na-ru- lloors. Such floors preserve there so far as he know. County Clerk, of trees nnd leaving them to thoir fate. in tho ground plnin and the balance Mr. Hosmer suggested that an the Buga m. $170; County Attorney, $410; County subjected to from swnntino, Arrests jknd Convictions; too rapidity or growtu nnd tno Creosote treatment by the appropriation of $5000 could do Engineer, $212.50; road department, thrift of the cultivated trees as com- Kahulul BailrnaTl Company. All of much, whilo ho nlso suggested In the transnnrtnttnn nf ,nmH . Sheriff Tauken $000; police, that report presented n report, $3300.50: Hawaiian hand. pared to the others wns most striking. theso posts will have the date stamped thero should bo emergency pro- reeominemlixl ihn kininJ showing nn fund that in October the police had $078; election expenses, $320.00. and "A couplo of years ngo tho writor on thorn, and tho plnco of use recorded vided for the uso of the. forestry down of the ship hatches throughout 30(1 persons coroner's fees, $24. In tho til n !. arrested as against 318 in suggested to Mr. Louis von Tompsky, the ranch forestry book; so that to be drawn on to fight for-c- t Vovsce. nirintr nt l,ll .X October, 1907, Tho convictions had October Accounts. mnnngor or tno Jlalcakala ranch, to try thoir respectlvo life in the ground can flies. the sugar ships having a detorioratlnjl been 282 as compared with 249 in 1907. the experiment there. Mr. von Temn- - bo ascertained accurately.' vu--- uu cargoes, 'X The accounts of tho last hnlf of Octo- Tho reader callod attention to what niiur who Thore were mnnv nimnflnna Now Oas Main. ber, as ordered paid, were Lenbl Home, sky, is nn enthusiastie Results Warrant Work. might bo done, for instance, towards followed tho suggestion, nnd has ncbiov-c- d concerning this last portion thJ Wanton Campbell informed tho $125; county ofllco rent, $150; Auditor, foregoing results, reforesting a strip on tho wutorshed of rcmnrknblo results, which are best "The I. submit, aro report, mo opinion or taoso Board that tho Honolulu Gas Company such as to more than warrant all plan- of the' Koolnu mountains, from which qualified set forth in his own language Tup fol iu Kivo ono ueing tunc lind been granted permission to lay a tations, especially thoso which uso rail- shed much 'of the Bupply of tho Pearl tne contention lowing is ms report or tno results! inuuu in tuo report wns main from Nuuanu nvcnuo along Rob- roads and havo largo nmonnts fenc- Harbor pjnntntions-l- s drawn. He re- correct. , Report, L. von Tcmpsky,. of inson lane, Tho communication was re- Koolauloa road, $501.41; flro depart-- of ing to experimenting minded the planters that his depart Labor Beport This Morning. ment, do, with cultivat- ferred to the. roads cdmmittcc. $599.85; Ewa roads, $701.51; XTa- - " Mt was suggested to mo that I try ed forestry. ment was experimenting with trees Tbo association will meet in execu waiinn band, $75; County Attorney, nn experiment in tree planting on the from imported seeds, having experi- Official Thanks, Reforesting for Conservation Purposes. tivc session at ten o'clock this morn vri.iuj ugnts, uia.juj police nbovo lines, to find out tho differenco mental patches at the Makiki pall, ing to hear tho reading of the repar Ralph O. E. Fbrstor, H. n- - M. Con nnd - fire alarm systems, $51.84; Waia- in tue cost and results 4f Iho two raeth "This subject, llko the poor, is al- from which trees those who desired sal, wrote- - thankingUbe Board officially !lu of the committee on labor and to dls rouds, $555.81, aud police, $122.83, ods. ways with us. What has been said and tp reforest could obtain, seedlings. cuss the labor situation.


KS4CW i , . , . ;. ,jI, !wRHP WB


REAL,' ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Ltd ,4 OM Castle it Cook Co., Ltd Ellen A Murry nnd hsb to Ctcorgo Entered of Record October 29, 1803. HHolt D J Nohua to Solomonn , D Elizabeth Snhlln and hsb to Celia Life and Fire D T Nakafugl to A Yamada h EKGny FOR BABY'S SKIN William It Castle to James It Lovo Snrcptn A Oullck to Colin E K Ony D W Cclfa Jr , Ret R K Oay nnd hsb to William Insurance Mary E Clark and hsb to S N Cas' O Smith. Tr M tlo Est Ltd , M Entered of Record Nov 10, 1908. A 0 M Robertson nnd wf tu Tr of Henry Mainloha to Chang Hit ot nl. D HAIR Agents J N Knnlloho to Tr of Maul Loan SCALP f.NO .- D Ahahui Kaahumnnu . R Love to Annlo D Co .....AM representing Jus K Hart...... M A Tavarcs nl to Puknlani General Insurance Accnts. Annlo K and hsb to B Ban- - ct Hart It Dairy & Pineapple Co Ltd D New England Mutual Life Insurance uing , D Company Hawaii to James R Kalani Kamakinl to Mrs Jane Pa EARTH of Boston. Territory of pnla D Something for About HELP THE Flro Insurance Co. Lovo ct nl Mothers to Think Aetna 1. ...Ext) Y Takakuwa ot nl to Y Ansat B B f ATTENTION James R Lovo ct al to J Alfred AND THE A Lewis nnd wf to Mary O X Wo just accepted tho Agency , Magoon . 1) Swift. hnv Lono Mocksing and hsb ct al EARTH WILL HELP YOU for the B R Banning to J Alfred Mngoon. . D I by Citizens Insuranco Co. (Hartford Flro.) William R Castlo Tr to J Alfred atty to Kalci E Wniau D EVERY CHILD born into the world with an nnd .ungoon S Ah Ml to Chlng Chow ...PA DrOdUCt ' .....Hcl inherited early developed tendency distress-in- g, Wo rankn forllllzor for CVCrV Tho Protoctor Underwriters of tbe Raymond Reyes by High Slier to Geo A Martin to Bank of Hawaii or to J and put on the mnrket only what has Phoenix of Hartford. Jlcnry smith Tr D Ltd M disfiguring humours of the skin, scalp, and been proven or real vaiue. w. " Tbcso wore nlso among tho Boll or Knliiilui Itailroad Co to Willinm G Chin Ngoo Shlng to Lai Ping Hoon.BB you Au Your & CoPD know the purposo lor wmcn wuu. Honor in San Francisco. Scott v f. D C0....T blood, becomes an object of the most tendia Boll helps and wo will supply you. Fanny Strauch nnd bsb to Knlau- - Nancy K Malono to James B Cns- - Address us" kua Maul nnd wf, ,..,... ,. J) tlo .' AM solicitude, not only because of its suffering but A Lewis nnd wf to William Roso D Isidore Rubcnstcln to Chas W Jr Booth because the dreadful fear the disfiguration Co J Knbapula to Wniluku Sugar Cj ...f.PnrRot of that and Fertilizer o h Pacific Guano Mystical Elizabctli K Booth and hsb to Char-lott- H. T. Mique: ExtnL 1) is to be lifelong and future happiness Honolulu. to Wniluku Sugar D I Stcoro mar its Joaquin Santos to Co L Charlotto D I Stcoro nnd lisb Hence becomes the & vat Co Ltd.--. . M and prosperity. it duty of or, Kahulul Railroad Co to Kllcn K Western Hawn In 4 INSURANCE Robinson and hsb Rcl mothers of such afflicted children to acquaint The Bewifjfjed Buster of Octobo? 20, 100S. Kaluilui Rnllrond Co to Wm T Rob- Recorded themselves with-- the best, the purest, and most Baseball Bunds. inson ltd Ana Momona Tr to Charles R JhRQ. H Davies & Co., Hawaii Lnnd Co Ltd to Charles Rel; lots 11, 12, 13 nnd IL effective treatment available. Copp an wlfo O Tract, Honolulu, Oahu. $1000. B 307, p 185. Dated 17, Soap cleanse and .. An unmusical ono net. " Entered of Record Oct 30, 100S. Oct That warm baths with CtmcunA to tho skin scalp of crusts h lAmneaj comedy in 1908. and scales and gontlo applications o( CimcimA Ointment to Instantly allay D Kapahu et nl to M Matuga.. L y itchlnc ' Life ana Scene, tho Elks' club rooms. Drnmatis (k) Maria E Rodrigucs nnd hsb (J Sr) Irritation, andlnllamiuation, and sooiho and heal, to bo followod in tho soTorost Agents for allo-viati- fire, porsonnc: Mythical Mique, Miquo T Matuga to Sasagawa AL to Joao Rodrigucs Jr, M; lot 15, blk 4, casos by mild doses of Cuticuka Rksolycnt are all that can bo desired for tho Marine insurance. Fislior nnd Miquo. Also some inforior Aliahui Kaahumanu by Tr to A O bldg, etc, Kcwalo lots, Honolulu, Oa of tho suffering of lntauts and children and tho comfortot worn-ou- t worried mothers has bom domoustratod In countless homos In ovory land. parts, including that of tho jmglcr. M ltobertson JU. hu. $250. B 307, p 18S. Dated Oct 24, 1003. Their absolute satoty, purity, andsweotnoss, Instantaneous and gratoful rcliof, spoody yesterday afternoon. (Alexander McKibbln by ntty to euro, nnd groat economy Assurance Company, Time, Margaret K Schmidt and T) loavo nothing moro to bo desired by anxious parents. .Northern ono Charles Copp Rel hsb.tw Miquo is discovered seated in Jr to Bank of Hawaii Ltd, M; lot 3 and Complete Extornnl nnd Intornol Troatmont for Evory Humour, OF LONDON, FOR FIRE AND chair and overflowing sideways on to Chnrles Copp Jr and wf to First jior lot 2, rents, etc, College Hills Tract, Conslrtlnu of CUTirunA SoAr. to clcnnno Uio sklnaml nilp r cruxtii and unties, anil noflci 1836. Honolulu, $4uuu. u v ibu. tho thlrkcned cmtrle, CUTirriu Ointment, to Inttantlr nllay ttrhlnir and IrrltnUun. and LIFE. Established two other scats. Am Sav & Trust Co of II Ltd... M unliu. Mi. pouionnillicnl.finilCUTIi UK NT. Dated Oct 20, 1908. lit !'. to cool and ilcnn.e tho Mood. 8oM throiiRliout Funds 8,75,000 Charles Copp and wf to First the world. Aunt. Dctiot : It. Tow s Co , Rvilncr, N. fl. W. 8o. African IHivot: I.knnoh Accumulated Miquo: Jr J.Tr., Cape Town. How to Cute llnli) Humours." l'OCTKU DttUO AMU UUKM. Meaai Kekuewa (widow) to waianao A n, froo. CVtHl' . IT ft Rnl. r!!TtriTKjt REMKIUF-S- . To mnko this thing a big success Am Sav Trust Co of II Ltd... Co. D: It P 307,. kul 3000, rents, etc, Ho.lon. Co Wo havo to stand in with tho press, '. Assnt Rents Lchunnul, Wnianno, Oahu. $500. B HfliM. and Foiel on Ins. ' inn And, by my toupee top of hair, James B Lovo cl ai sucr o by 310, p 200. Uated Uct 'M, 1UUS. 2570 nnd ints in grs 2729 and 2002, R P 5350, kul 4405 M M, Wnihco val- hand bunch somo good hot air. i . . M Monmoto to X TaKnKuwa. u m; ICnhinaiio, etc, N Hilo, Hawaii. B ley, Whlhee, Maui. $500. 310, 221. OF LIVERPOOL, FOR MARINE I'll the ' 0HC0 B p (Entbr mero mortnls nmLinforior parts, tcef .,' leasehold, bldgs, etc. $400. B 307, p 313, p 81. Dated July 1, 1903. Dated Octobor 10, 1908. I i.ww.w C ot Capital including jinglcr.) i Thcophilus Davies by atty nl 193. Dated Oct 15, 1U08. Recorded Octobor 23, 1008. C. Browor & Co, Ltd, to C D Lufkin, Miquc: I to Trancis M Swanzy.. D Makaleka K Lo and hsb (J W K) to W M Mintim and wf to Eliza Y. Ex pors kuls 2 rates, D; 1742, ap and 501, Redtiction of Good morning, gents. What's that William E B W Taylor ct nl by Manuel Violra Jr, M; por R P 40S7, nnd Mackenzie, D; por lots 13 nnd 14, blk High st, Wailuku, Maui; por kul 4452, Immediate Payment of Claims. III-l- 71, Waialno I Ng L gr 4809, Hnmakua and Amauhi rds, Trnct, Honolulu, Oahu. Puhlawawa, Wniluku, Mnui. B 310, p A newCroX? Sir, good day. J Yow...... Hawaii. $200. B 307, p 180. Da- - $550. B 311, p 103. Dated Octobor 10, 229. Dntcd Octobor 21, 1908. - Co to Antono Fer- - Ltd, n?ises in fnrtv.fno labored move- Kahului Railroad ted Oct 10, 1U0S. 1908. C D Lufkin nnd wf to O. Browor b fflioo. H. Davies & Co., incuts and extends a hand sim nandcz Jr D Hie Pipi and hsb (T K) to II Ako-n- a. Q II Borrey to A N Campboll, Tr, A Co, Ltd, Ex D; nps 1 and 2, R P 5286; AGENTS. ply loaded with uladncss) Western & Hawn Invst Co Ltd to D: iut in por R P C910, kul 3915, M; mtg M. Haupu nnij hsbtrn 2-- int np 2, R P 5304; R P 5350 and np 3, It Moro to meet can in R 1' 3023, proud you than I Georgo W Pahu D bldgs, rents, etc, Wniinea, S Kona, Ha cor Peusucoln nnd Piikoi P 3219, wator rts, otc, Mhkaaka, otcT tlunK; li p auo. uct sts, Honolulu, Oahu. $1. B 309, p 380. Wnihco, etc, Maui. $150, etc. B 310, 1008. waii. $50. 3iu, uatcu Say, ono of jou members buy a drink. Entered of Record October 31, 15, 1903. Dated August 15, 1900. p 229. Dated October 21, 1008. EfflDUH pwaire rum (innocent lllk orders refreshment) M Tnnnka to P Sekido CM Manuel G Pedro and wf to Frank A N Campbell, Tr, to Mary Haupu A O K East Knhulualil to Pioneer Bank of HnwaliLtd to Lam Wo li Pcu-saco- I much regret jou were not at tho G Pedro, D; lot 5, blk P, Kaiulnni Tract, ct al, Rel; 2 int in R P 3023, cor Mill Co, Ltd, L; int in por R P 1853, of the I Sing Rel u- The Famous Tourist Route boat to meet me, Honolulu, uanu. ."uu. u tiv, p -. and Pilkni sts, Honolulu, Oahu. kul 4878, ap 1, Piiohuoliiinui, Lnhaina, World. And that Cap Burger did not como. Entered of Record November 2, 1003. Dated Sept 17, 1903. $250. B 309, p 3S7. Dated Octobor 21, Mnui. 5 yrs nt $20 por yr. B 313, p to greet me; Palmer P Woods and wf to May Henry Luka to Kaliko Luka (Mrs) 1908. 93. Datod Octobor 23, 1908. Jian-Au- You should havo had a and uno ,. Mnrion C Crook and hsb to Jnmes In Connection With the Cana band K Kibling ct al, D; ints in grs 1C47 aud 1048 and II Recorded Oct 24, 1908. t: - TSnr...... Tickers parad-e- 1401 and 147S 9 and bldg, Kama-nanu- i, Raymond. Tr, Tr D; pes land aud R iraiian livMinaitti-omeliin Nancy L Mahelona and hsb to Kau R Ps Oahu College by Trs to Fannio tt Say, waiter, put some hair oil in my etc. WaialuA, Oahu; 2 int in W, Knlihi, etc. Honolulu, Oahu, 17'j are issuta Jrazior, D; lot 10, blk Hills, . nniMTC IM THE UNITED Icmonado. f Acricultural Co. Ltd U pc lnnd, Hanakchau, Ewa, Oahu. $1. a land, Knmaolc, Kula, Maul. $1. B tt Got out your noto-boo- sir, and kind- - 311, p105. Dated November 5, 1907. Honolulu, Oahu. $1500. B 310, p,23. I'l ji M'Swanzy to Hamakua Mill Cor. L B 310, p 204. Dated May 1, 1007. STATES AND CANADA. VIA ly writo James II Raymond, Tr, to Henry Dated Oct 21, 1908. Joao do Souza to M G Correa.. ..Rel Recorded. October zs, anus. Webb VICTORIA and vakluuvi Tho dopo I hand you which, of course, I to Antonio do Souza, B Watorhouse Trust Co, Ltd, Tr D; pc M H and wf to Jane Mintoa Ct ot al, to Louis Morel (Mrs), lot 10, blk 04, Walalao is right. M Correa and wf, San bldgs. $300. B 304, land, Honolulu, Oahu; stock, fixtures, Tract, S; leasehold and Honolulu, Oahu. $200. B 307, p 201. Mnimtian Resorts: Wo hnc tho greatest bunch of stars Antonio Port. Ben. Soc of II.. M 1007. etc, of Hawaii Photo and Art Co., Ho- p 432. Dated Aug 9, Dated Aug 3, 1908. "BANFF. GLACIER. MT. STEPHENS that ever walked, Joseph "Puamana to Sun Lin Yet Co L to Anto- nolulu, Oahu; 450 shs in Dowse tt Co, y Antonio do Souza nnd wf O -- vsc go-m- pes land, Knmiiolc, Frederick Miller by Regr, Notlee;. AND FKASkK. .. And everywhero manage- nio Lopes, O M; leasehold nnd bldgs. Ltd; Kula, Maui. ArJ is J Alfred Magoon nnd wf to Ethel p 1U7. , nf decroo of tiilo in Land Rog Court EMPRESS LINE OF STEAMERS ment talked $330. B 309, p 378. Dated Sopt 29, $1. is ail, Dated November As so . K Abrams 1) 1007. ICasoNolll. B 304, p 430. Dated Oct KROM VANCOUVER. being supreme, I stnto with 1903. to 22, 1908. i in Japan, China, modest pride .William R Castle and wf to Honolu M Iscnberg by atty to Henry Wntcrhousc Tr Co,Ltd,et al 'Tickets to All Points Riohard Marlon C pes , Simon Hodrigues and wf to O K Ai, ,:- - HJ LmwnA Tii Wnrlrl. Chorus: lu Gas Co, Ltd D M blk Crook, D; land, Honolulu; t Oh rinnn fnr irnnilnpfla' ftnlrn flint Helen von Damm, Rel; lot 3, Oahu; stock, fixtures, etc, of Hawaii ,D; lot 7, kuls 0150, ap 7; 803, an 14, lt College Oahu. $3,-00- For Tickets and general information outside. iyEntcred of Record November 4, 1908. 13, Hills, Honolulu, Photo and Art Co, Honolulu, Oahu; 450 ,nnd 3237, ap 7, Kallhl Valloy, Hono- St, B 309, p 380. Dated Oct 20, Apply to (Miquo looks deeply offended and glow-- Pioneer Bldg L Assn of Haw to slis in Dow-set- t Co, lit a; pea land, lulu, Oahu. $1050. B 310, p 238. Da- crs on the chorus of inforior parts.) Maria Niau Ret 1008. Kula, Maui, $1. D 311, p 110. tod Oct 17, 1908. LTD. S Castle to Mary Clark, i N.E0.H. DAVIES & CO., You see, how jealous are those fol- - Hilo Sugar Co to Hookano and wf. .Ret N Est Ltd E Dated December 0, 1007. J Christina Lalllg by ntty to Sin a, Cof-A- s 4035, Manoa lows sitting there; . Hooknno nnd wf to Ponnkawni D; por lot 4, land patent Angela M Mann to Marlon C Crook, L; 2 pes land, Knauhuhu, N Ko- Canadian-Australia- n S. S. Line. Agents soon as I begin to talk thoy say fco Co Ltd: O Rd, Honolulu, Oahu. $750. B 310, p Rel; pes land aud R W Dowsctt Lane hala, Hawaii. 0 yrs at $50 por yr. B Canadian Pacific Kailway. "Hot air." Seizo Yoshizaki to Atsushl Hisa-Ou- r 219. Dated Aug 14, 1908. and King st, Honolulu, Onhu; lots A .313. p 95. Datod Juno 1. 1008. Hawaii to C Win-sto- aggregation is superb, divine, su- -' yuM B Bank of Ltd E and E, R P 3400 and R W, Kapalama, II A Gerlach td Lin Sang, B Bore-tani- 8; bldgs, - Tents, etc, a preine; Mary E Foster to Honpa Hong- Rcl; pc land, Honolulu, Oahu; pes land Knlihi, Ho- .furniture, fixtures, water Vol- B tank, ete, In fact, of all tho players they're wanji Mission D Ave, Honolulu, Oahu. $2500. nolulu, Oahu; 500 shs in Hawaii Photo cano road, Puna, Hawaii. $200. B 3Vi, of Hawaii the real cream. - Jacinto Furtado nnd wf to Maria 309, p 381. Dated Oct 21, 1908. aud Art Co, Ltd. $4009. B 309, p 383. p 435. Datod Oct 22, 1908. Bank Bill Dovereux, Bed Dog, they call Jesus and hsb ExD E C Winston to Bishop Trust Co Dated Soptcmbor 14, 1008. I Namaha Kalill (Mrs) to Kaiowo him, when ho barks, A R Texeira to Jacinto Furtador. ..Rel Ltd. M: pc land, bldgs, etc, Bcrotania Marion C Crook to F 11 Thompson, R LIMITED. (w), D; P 7485, kul 8494, aps Tho great third baseman, always up C Brower & Co Ltd to M da Costa Ave, Honolulu Oahu. $2500. B 309, P A; genernl powers. B 304, p 433. .1 nnd 3, Waipio, Hamakua, Hawaii. -, to larks; C Rodrigucs and hsb ExD p .331. Jjaii'ci uci -- ivva. Dated December 27. 1907. $330. B 311, p 124. Datod Juno 20. S'Bcorporated Lews of the Min-to- Under the And Delchanty, too, his hitting.bcats Wniluku Sugar Co to C Brower & Bank of Hawaii Ltd to W M Marion C Crook by Atty to Wcstorn ,1008. . . Territory of Hawaii. them Co D Tar Rcl; lot 12, blk 04, nnd lots & Hnwn Co, all, Ltd r Invst Ltd, M; various pes . Knioilnwca (w) to Akioka, L; R P laam.Trp n&PTTAI. t600.000.00 Tor when he strikes, a fact, they Minnie K Kini to WailuVu Sugar 13 and 14, blk 71, Wnialao Tract, Ho- land nnd Rts W, rcntB, otc, King st, etc, 5243, kul 10900, Waipio, Hamakua, ntt- - lTTOTT TTH 200.000.00 nover find tho ball, Co ExtnL nolulu, Oahu. $1. B 309, p 384. Dat- Honolulu, Oahu; gr 395, rents, otc, "Kn- waii. 10 yrs nt $00 por yr. B 313, p UNDIVIDED riiUiUTU.... iuuk.ou MfcArdle, shortstop, and you bet your J II Knla to Walluku Sugar Co.. ExtnL ed Oct 22, 1908. maolc, Kula, Maul. $3000. B 309, p 98. Dated Oct 17, 1908. n life he stops, Pohinlii Kealaula to Walluku Loo Chan by tr ct al to Loo Chuck, 388. Dated October 20, 1008. Rod-rlgue- W O Aiken nnd wf to .Toe A s, hot ones como his gar Co A int por M B Silveira OFFICERS: way, why ExtnL L; in R P 1282, kul 1014B, da and wf to James L D; a land, Hnlku-uka- , Hit (sharles something drops. Achi to Wniluku Sugar Co ExtnL and pes lnnd, Wnikcle, Ewa, Oahu. $1. McLean, D; por gr 104, cor Paunhi st makualon, Maui. $125. M Cooke President Then-Danzi- B 311, p 125. .Vice-Preside- bo's tho player W F and to Tront B 313, p 87. Dated 13, 3908. and Nuuanu avo, $1275. r .Tninn nt tallest Frear wf Trust Oct Honolulu, Oahu. Datod Oct 21, 1008. in the world, t Co Ltd D Loo Chuck to Ah Kni, A L; 2 int B 311, p 111. Dated Soptcmbor 24, 1008. ' ft. v,'. i&ofarlane..2nd nt Hu Lung to .Too II Sylva, D; Ho don 't stand up. Oh, no, Bimply O Al R 1282,' William R to Mary cashier ho S II Salto to Y Takakuwa in por P kul 1014B, and pes Castle,'.Tr, and wf land and bldg, Mnkaaka, Waihee, Maul. H. Cooke - a i M Silvn, D; lot 51 Kaliu Hono- Cashier uuiuneu w jintorea or iiecoru xsov. o, jdoo. land, Waikele, Ewa, Oahu. $1. B Trnct, $190. B 311, p 120. Dated Oct 22, Hustace, Jr ..Assistant Tho greatest bunch of playors, as 313, p 88. Dated 22, 1903. lulu, Oahu. $750. B 311, p 119. Datod I Damon Cashier Virginia Hcaly and hsb to A N Oct 1908. n Assistant a September 24, 1003. Helen E Carpenter by tr to Annsta-si- I Pomaikni Wniholkaoa to r. B. Damon Secretary Chorus: Haysoldon M Pulolo Land and Imprvmt Co, to Pioneer Mill McDowall, Rel; 4002 s,q ft land, Ltd, Co Ltd, L; nps 1 and 2, R P 1775, kul M. Cooke. C. Oh, cut it, Miquo; pray stop thoso Joso v Maeiel and wf to Charles Emma Silvn (Mrs), D; lot 3, block 104, nmir.nTnnil! Chaa P. renti, etc, Nuunnu Ave, Honolulu, 4878CJ, Puohuehulki, Lalinlna, Maul. 10 Im.s u Mnefarlnne. E. F. Bishop. wheels in your head. I D Lufkin 1) Oahu. $850. B 309, p 38C. Dated R P 5007, kul 5931, Palolo valley, Ho- w' ...f " yrs pd $105. B 313, p 97. Dated Oct H. ' " nolulu, Oahu. $500. B 311, p 120. Dated l D. Tennoy, J. A. McCandless, C. 'Ml3ue: . 'Dear, Lansing &. Co by Trs to F O Oct 22, 1908. ii, jyus. itherton, a. uooice. Now, there you go again; why can't Cloud Haupu and hsb (C) ot al to Scptembor 9, 1908. ' c I v os Recorded October I speak Albert N Campbell, D; int in R P Henry Wutorhouso Trust Co, Ltd, to 201008. - C Gustav Ricdel and wf to William IMMEEOIAX SAVINaB OK A word or two without your shoot- Wm Cummings et al by Comr to 3022, Makiki, Honolulu, Oahu. $300. Jnmes E Thompson, Rel; lot 229, gr H 4 Am RIedcI, D; lot 35 of Gullck ICa- - mg pll your cheek? B Kainai D B 310, p 221. Dated Aug 14, 1908. 3333, Young st, Honolulu, Oahu; int in Tract, fABTUENXB. uanu. 1. we Set Yokohama thoy (O to artesian woil, otc, Bcrotania st. Hono nui, iionoiuiu, il 310 p let attention given to all branches wm''ien io ManuoJ 'K Cook to S Kamai...... ltcl Alico K Kunano and hsb K) 240. Dated Sept 29, bring a tug and band to, meet D 8 Bowman, D; int in 5a land, rents, lulu, Oahu. $2500. B 309, p 394. Datod 1908. of Bankms. ' Samuel Kamai to Mrs. Irono Hoi-An- Willie RIedcl to Mary Ds us on tho bay Ii etc, Wnilen, S Hilo, Hawaii. $25. B October 22, 1008. Rledel, ' 1) to 'lot 35 of Gulick Tract, Ho- - IrjDD say, the decorations put thoro 'oway 310, p 218. Dated 1008. I Yanngi O Nakashimn, A M; Knlihi, BUILUINQ. FORT STREET. Oct, , J mtg nolulu, Onhu. $1. B 310, p 241. Dat-- for the fleet Chong Jack Kun by mtgeo and attv Kcala Kamakhukilani nnd hsb to S Shimamoto on leasehold, bldgs, Will be left up for us. That 's how otc, Waialun, Oahu. $030. B 307, p 201. ,cd Sept 29, 1908. s to C Bosso ' D Ceorgo F Dnvios, D; int in gr R W Holt to they'll meet ,' 2840, Dated October 23, 1908. II Armitage, tr, M; M,randa nna - Ilonopuco, Kobnla, Hawaii. $300. a - Us in tho not.Mary h& to K Matsu- Punolm to ji a- oti-- i, Kin Ho- kastle & Cooke Co. Ltd land of rising sun, and B 310, p 222. Dated May 25, 1908. Muir by Atty S Nnkn, L; zijiu, wauclKI, like moto , , pc nolulu, Onhu. $450. B 314, 10. Honolulu, T. H. here, u 1908. lnnd, Wnipaliu, Ewa, Oahu. 10 yrs p Where not a singlo Recorded October 21, $150 B Dated Oct 24, 1008. mnn camo down Eat Frank Lucwclko by ndmr to K D Young to William at por yr. 313, p 88. Dated J Jones. D: Soptomjior 29, 1908. William Charman to O ' Matsumoto ; U lot 7, blk C, kul 85, Dow St, Honolulu, II Jonrilngt, wish you'd nut in the papor .rl ' Daniel T Houghtailing to special powors. B 304, Commission Merchants I that I'tt Oahu. $150. B 310, 207. nnd wf PA; p 433. think .Henry Wharton to Gdn of Lemon p Dated Olivia Houghtailing, In 5 pes Dated Sept 1, 1008. Sept 0, 1900. D; int I wasn't treated richt. Hov. somo' K Wharton ct al M land, ronts, etc, Kapalama, Honolulu, I W M Minton and wf to Jninea Mutl Bldg & Loan Socy of Haw Ltd one buy a drinkl Maria Hoomanawanui (w) to Peter Oahu. $400. B 311, p 122. Dated Guild, D; lot 12, blk Ot, Waialao Chorus (Joining hands to William Jones, Rcl; lot 24, blk B, Octobor 23, 1008. Sugar Factors nnd dancing in Stanloy M kul Nuunnu Tract, Honolulu, Onhu. $500. B 310, a circle round Mique, who tries to 85, Vnlley, Honolulu, Oahu. P A Schnofor to rrahpes Dickey, p 212. Aug 28, 1008. $300. B K Dated 3Jr clnsp hands in front of him, but Entered of Record Nov 7, 1008. 307, p 195. Dated July 18, Par Rel; pc land, Hates st, Honolulu, Wm Pnikull nnd wf ct al to James .Ewa Plantation Co. 1908. juns ior oovious reasons.) Elisabeta Pahia to oung Men's Oahu. $5. B 307, p 202. Dated Octobor B rustle, D; 1 2 shares in grant 401, Waialua Agricultural Co., K Uramoto to II Hackfcld & Co Ltd. We'll give threo cheers for toupco Sav Socty Ltd M 22, 1008. hul land, Wnikano, Koolnupoko, Oahn. lioliala fciugar uo. Miaue. Ltd, C M; leasehold, livestock, bldgs, Mary Oaetano and hsb to S W $1700, B Carl Smith Tr to Mrs Elsa Richard- - 310, p 241. Dated Mar 25L Waimca Sugar Mill Co. hot-ai- r milso, wagon, nccts, etc. $2000. B D; Land 4812, Kaau-huh- The great old slinger. - Patent 1007. Apokaa Sucar Co., Ltd. Whoro o'er he goos ho makes a strike, son '. d 307, p 105. Dated July 9, 1908. N Kohala, Hawaii. $159. B 311, Win E Pnikull ot al to James Iron Works of St. Louis. Bank' of Hawaii Ltd to Mrs Louisa p 118. It Fulton Though nevor as a singor. Emma L Loebensteln and hsb to Dated May 7, 1008. Castlo, Confrmtn D; 1 2 shares in Harbottlc, D; 12, 11 75, kul 275B, tt Blake Steam Pumps. He warms tho atmosphere around; Henry Blschoff ., lot P O T Shipman toW J Slono ot al, L; P (gr) 404, hul land, Waikano, Koo- D ap 3, rents, etc, Kapalama, 'Weston's Centrifugals. He does it, oh, so neatly; Honolulu, por of Ahup, Knhaualca, Puna, Hawaii. lnupoko, Oahu. $1. B 310, p 210. & Kalani Manuahi and wf to T Awa- - Oahu. $255. B 310, p 209. Haheock Wilcox Boilers. But, Miquo, when you come back Datod 10 yrs ot $100 per yr. B 313, p 01. Dated Oct 21, 1008. na Aug 20, 1908. Green's Fuel Economizer. again, d Dated August 1, 1908. Maria O Andrade (widow) to Trent i Hcrrick Evangcll-ca-l Marsh Steam Pumps. We'll surely treat jou swootly. Emilia S ICane and hsb to Edgar E Brown to Hawn Est of James Campbell by Trs to O Co M; 10,000 uo. C Trust Ltd, sq ft land, M Alatson Navigation " (Everybody leaves stage except jinglor, Morton , D Aesn, M; stock, books, furnituro, T Shipman, Consent; to sub L of por Kinnu St, Honolulu, Oahu. $1200. B Planters' Lino Shipping Co. who subsides Into a chair fixture, etc. $2005. B 307, p 198. of Ahup, Kahaualca, Puna, Hawaii. B and weeps.) Julia A Brown and hsb to Mrs Min- - 314. p 20. Dated Oct 24, 1008. Jingler (sobbing): Dated Sept 17, 1908. 313, p 03. Dated October 1, 1908. Mary D Vivas and hsb M) to Boo nio Morton (D IC) (J n boo, boo hoo, seo what I'vo D Emalla Nui and hsb to P E Wniluku Sugar'Co to C Browor & Co, 3 Ltd, Antonio 8 Marques, D; lots nnd 4, missed. n N Landford to Ncau (w). D R Strauch, tr, D; por R P 1813, kul D; pors kills 1742, ap 2 and 504 blk 4, Kalmuki Trnct, 811, rents, High st, Honolulu, Oahu. If I the Blarney stone had kissed, ridelity Insuranco Co Ltd to Hono- etc, Judd St, Honolulu, Wniluku, Maul; por kul 4432 $5, nnd mtg $5000. B 310, p 247. Oahu. $82. 310, 210. Puklawuwo, Wailuku, B And, being bald,, wore a toupco, lulu Co B p Dated July Maui. $1800. Dated Aug 10, 1007. Gas Ltd , . . , d 11, 1908. 311, p 113. Datod Octobor 22, 1908. I wouldn't havo to work today; Chow Chong Wal Co, 'Co-- T); rlco W R Castlo to Notico .Notice A P N Kahula nnd wf to O D I'd raise a baseball team for fair; Sara Makeo by tr to Mary Winne, Lufkin, planting, etc, Heola, Koolaupoko, Oa- laugh, Alfred Magoon Rel; lot 3A, gr 1C39, Dj ap 3 R P 3219, kul 3439, Waioh I'd gTow fat, and sling hot air. J to Notico.... Notlte rents, etc, near i, hu. Cap $9000. B 304, p 440. Datd :i Curtain. Est of Haalclea by to cor Wyllio and Liliha Sts, Honolulu, Maui. $100. B 310, p 223, Dated Sep- Tra Sophie tember 25, Sept 17, 1908. Oahu. $500. B 307, p 200. Dated 1908. Loo Apong to Ovcrend . . .. d Paemoku and wf to O D Lufkin. D: Chew Chong Wni Co," MUSCULAR FAINS. Oct 20, 1008. B S; int In Kwong Entered of Bccord Novembor Jnt in aps 1 und 2, kul 4282, and an 2, Yick Wni Co, ote, ig&ttiK&n 9, 1008. Queen's Hospltnl to Trs of Est of Hecia, Koolaupoko, $8000. Hundreds of testimonials could bo K Panui to Kanani Alakai. D kui 44uaut, AlalcunKa, etc, Wailice, Oahu. B ...... James Wight, Can L; kul 6515, 304, p 442. Dated Sept 17, 1008. furnished showing the great pain TO' Trent Trust Co, Ltd, to Elizabeth 2, Kohaln, Hawaii. B 313, p Maul. $550. B 310, p 224. Dated Oc nuujiu Laea Kamoku and hsb (8) to Ann liovine powor of Chamberlain 'a Pnln .., J(J 79. Dated July 21, 1908. tober 5, 1908. M Stangcnwald (widow), Add Chge; m ' m csiroutl ana wf to to Balm in ...... of rnuBcular u Bank of Henry W Aki Koshlyama, A L; David Mahoo nnd wf to C D Lufkin, por R P 4402, kul 5097, and kul 11215 rheumatism, Hawaii Hu-wai- M Ltd M pc land, bldgs, etc, Honuapo, Knu, l. in nps 1 2, lameness or soreness of the muscles Vo" Pa'ui D; int and kul 4282, nnd np 2,. 'Port St, Honolulu, Oahu. $8S. f3 n Hnekfeld &'bo,"tdV 10. B 313, 81. Wni-hee- , from any cause. is sale nil Dated Oct np 2, kill 4405, 0 O. Mnkaaka, otc, B 314, p 34. Dated Oct-fi- O. 1908. It for at T,ti. Rel 1908. j C-- 7, Maul. $550. p 220. r BmUU & B310, Dated Leong Che to Chow Ah Hip, TJ B; :-- ' Lta' Sh.r!S" w Booth BeKr Notice - 'i w.?f ,, r T Clive Davies by ntty et nl to October 9, 1908, 1 sharo In Hop Sing Co. $1000. B ,. ... u ueun t0 von jiamm-Youn- g Co, Sugar Co, Can L; R P (gr) Chlng Ahu and nf to O D Lufkin, D; 304, p 443. Datod Aug 10, 1908.

- ,. .. Il . ..A. . , ,. . ,w t y. - ' ... - i .4s. . ,J V .1 . .it.. 'Y .H . - . , ..', 1' . .. .., . '' a kV: , tlvj. .JRx.MiWi. ikfiaBMUEMJH;Mfc.''.' JlicvJ ' ,ift'iA"Bfc,'iil'a,i.fiSSU J,!. rfi i.ki JJtiii&a5H ? ' fmifigffi&timmi 4m wwwmswhz &Ml& 'r''i 11 4 'Wrviri v" x$ '"' uv OT V It,' JtaJ-- 1 , ,. Jr 1 , . ffl li ,W A


THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. LOCAL BREVITIES. MARINE REPORT. A. B. LEGKENBY ON SCENES (Frdrn "Wednesdays Advertiser.) Henry H. Williams of the Board of & Education is to bo married 'this even- TMa tncctwful and Mibly popular ronlr, Bd (From Ban Francisco Merchants Ex- ing nt tho Catholic Cathedral to Miss h Ibe OnUnmtal llnipltala by Rjeon), Kmun, AND CUSTOMS OF FIJI Annio Wnrtl. lobert, Velpeaif, and other, combined ill inn change.) kind, W. B. Castle, .Tf., Vice Dean of Har- aeatderata to ba ftouchl In a medicine of the 10. 1008. and aarpanea erfjhlnr hitherto ernplojed. Tuesday, November vard College, is expected to arrive by 7, S. Sallna Cruz Snllcd, Novcmbor the Mongolia, and will remain hero un- No.1 Ban Francisco. THERAPIONa only, S. Columbian, for Christmas. in a rnaaiaablj ihorl line, olten lew dir Ban Francisco Arrived, November Suva, "FIJI, Nov. 3, 1908. Tho native Fijlana arc an exceptional- til after Kaimra all HitcKarjri from tbe nrinarr organi, ly fine Judge Lindsay leaves on the Mongo- (irpenedinc injertlona, the ote of which doea Irre- 10, 0 a, m., 8. S. Lnrline, hence No- Editor Advertiser. Theso islands race, with big bodies, squaro mi the foundation of Itrictnre finds lia for n vacation of several monthB. parable harm by laying vember 3; bk B. P. Rithct, henco Oc Ha- shoulders, and an eye that yours and other ftrnom diaeaiei. havo a family rcsomblanco to tho has definitely to leavo the tober 20. November 10, 1 p. in friendly recognition. They work for He decided Sailed, in., waiian; indeed, there is such' a' strik bench at' tho end of his present term. THERAPION No. 2 S. 9. Manchuria, for Honolulu. two shillings a day nnd board them- t lor Impurity ol the bluoj, nurry, plrnpln, apoU, San Francisco Hailed. Nov. 10, now ing likeness that one would tlcclaro selves. Slioes and hats nro unfaBhlon Father James Boissel returned from Uotfh, pjmt and twrlling of the Jointl, feron. gas. missionary schr, Bingham, thorn brothers nnd sisters. nblo, and a owcl is abundant clothing. a trip to Europe cstordav. Accom dary Hiram him nro iir which it haabeen too much a fuhion In for Gilbert Islands. The first dnv on shore was colder One thing strikes n stranger very forc- panying Fathers Scbasticn, tho Is aartanrilla,Sr..to detraction 1D08. than at any timo during my five months' ibly thoir strict compliance with man-mad- e John, and Hubert. Father Scbastien health. Thin Wednesday, November 11, , f KufTcmV teeth and rum of pre. law-nn- through stny in Honolulu. Think of the ther- d (hey never deviate from from Germany, the othors from taratton pnn6rt the whole lyrtera the San Francisco Sailed, November 10, wmtfi thnronrhly eliminate! all poiaonoui schr. Hiram Bingham, for Honolulu. mometer "wny down to 07," with al established customs. - Bishon Libert will nrobablv as from the body, sign them of natter Hobart Sailed, Freeh sp. Thiers, for most moisluro enough for usb to swim People seem comfortably off: no ap- to mission work on some V ' in unu no possible chanco to bnik in parent real poverty, and very little the other islands. THERAPIQNNo.3 Honolulu. A countryman POWDER irnniTiiriehatiiti(m,(miairrdita.litT,ilcrpifM Thursday, Novcmbor 12, 1D08. tho radiance from a firol or refinement in every-da- life. Japanese who shot n lbotlitrrinir i of early You are Tiero in tho nrm nbdut 3 o'lock ono morning rt,nlU In unhealthy Sailed, Nov. 11, schr. jarred on entering by Tho soil is much better than that of rrror.riCM, rwt, tlimalci, drays Harbor last week vrns committed to Circuit Absolutely Pure fcc. It potet turprinnr power in i to ring C. A. Thayer, for Honolulu. tho solomnity of tho occationj every tiio Hawaiian Islands, but they make the the debilitated. CoUrt by Judge Amlrade yesterday, bail trcnRth and viRour to Nov. 11, schr, sound and thing is in the minor key. littlo use of it. Insects nro not nearly Drays Harbor Sailed, being Bet $250. According to tho The only bxfdn& powt Honolulu. Hawaiian smiles of wclcomo do not so prcvalont here, owing to the prcsonco at llcione, lor insect-eatin- g bo THERAPIONand Merchant! throughout tho world, blossom here. Somo strange, grotesquo of some birds nnd tbo fact evidenco, there seomed. to no neces- nrnde with Royal Oevtm rricc In England 29 U 4G. In ordering, Ute scenes grcot you on the streets about that vegetation is better nourished. The sity for1 n revolver bcltig used, although which of the three numbrra required, and obaerve PORT OF HONOLULU. the man shot had broken into the room Gream of Tartar aliora Trade Mstlc, which la a of word town that ttio somber attitude, of Sol soil is a lonmv. scdimentnry clny. Somo -- 4 L lt.il - 1 Z L of man who used tho revolver. TllElArloM al it appear! on llntilh Government ABBIVED. forbids pnlntinir with camera correct vi inu iiiwu ,1oiruo yuii Biiuuiu gut ui. uny the Ho Alum, Ho Lime Phosphtf SUmp (m wh te letter! on a rrd ground affiled ness. Thli morning 1 caught a glimpse cost, as tney uo no injury, and aro only Tho enso of T, Mllnor Hnrrison, tho i every package by order of Hn Majeitjra Hon. Tuesday, November 10. attorney, Cammtmonrr!, and without bkh Hi! a forgery. of centuries ago a portly woman with beneficial. Tbo mynah bird docs not ap whosp escapades lately have Str. Mauna Lon,ifronY Kotia and two dogs by n sinewy tlft) caused himself and many other peoplo ports, fat drawn Fijian pear to interfere with littlo birds Knu n. rn. Lord in n hybrid rig that looked like You folks' had bettor got next to the cuuiuuvrituii! iruuuic, win nut. ue ineu 60 YEAfiS' P. M". 8. S. China, Frlele, from San HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE EXPERIENCE n cross between a wheelbarrow and a bird question in good earnest, nnd you in the polico court until Novcm- Francisco, n. m. enrringc. Then enmo a bull tcani with can count on my assistance. bor 17. A week nco ho raised a row at C.-- H. H. Moana, from Colonies, an empty cumbersome cart, followed by Get pretty littlo cheerful birds and "a house in Pnlama. When it came to Honolulu, Thursday, Nqv, 12, 1008. C:3l) p. m. it similar cart loaded with stone nnd you. will havo friends that will mnko admitting him to ball on his first ap- Wednesday. November 11 drawn by two Fijian Kings. pearance in polico court, Harrison could yoirglad. NAME STOCK. Valrt 0 nine-tenth- nt TJpVal. Bid. AA Str. Klnnu, Gregory, from Kauni, It looks as If s of the peo- The Japanese bectlo is here, is put up no bail, and tho judgo consider- IT2BIIB a. m, but ple wcro born with saddles on tlioir hold In check by nativo bats. ately offered him the nltcrnativo of go- Str. Claudlne, Bennett, from Hilo and backs nnd other with whip a"nd ing to prison meanwhile or stopping nt MKBCaMTlLE. TrmtJE Marks tho tenth The melon fly is absent, melons O. Drewr A CM.,,, r2.0oo.ooo, tioo 195 DcftlQNB way ports. 3:30 n. m. mill spurs to ride as soon ns tho pthers nro easily grown and excellent in tho insano asylum until his enso came Scant, CopvniaHTS Ac. Thursday, Novombcr 12. woro old enougli to carry. quality. to trinl. no chose tho nsyluiri. Howevor, Kfa.n.u.j . s.ooo,ooo' a aiar" may Haw. Agricultural .... 1 100.000 too 101 Anyone sending n r.Ve.lrh and description U, S. A. T. Sheridan, from San Fran' 1 would-b- e equip- he has bcon at liberty at various times. nlekly aacarlalit our opinion freo whether an Today snw a shllsli Tho.ro nro no steam or street cars, no Haw Corn A iCKar Co 2112,755! IOC loo tnTnUon u nrohMily patentnM, Community ctsco, 12 noon. age with an ordinary looking solemn telopliono or electric lights, no auto- 200 ,000 20 lloiiaotiicUrroTiaaeiillal. IIAKQEuU onrateni (From Thursday's Advertiser.) Honomu ...... 760000 100 entfroo. Oldest manner foraecurinirpatcnta. DEPAETED. man, lean, hungry of expression, while mobiles. Il0D0kEa....,. 2000.00M JO Slum. A Co. rocetTt well-bre- lKtenU taken tiirousb tho one driving tho team of Mosquitoes indiffer- Judge Dole yesterday appointed Haiku WO,. 00 j 100 MMctdwiMUcr. cfaanre. In tba U. S. Gaum arc few and of without S. Charleston, Knapp, for well-fe- tintchlnaon d hays was a man apparc.ntly ent quality. Judge Scldcn B. Kingsbury United Dug Flat r and Manila. 10 a. m, t)o ". 2000.000! 70 ,. proud a on pipe n fill Scientific JHttericatn S. Moana, Morisby, for Vic of black badgo a stove They havo little swallow that docs States Commissioner to the vacancy Kahulcu ...... SOOU00 VO S. work-.wit- weekly. T.ancat hat. As this outfit came along tho good h uies and mosquitoes. created by tho resignation of Eekeha Sugar Co, 800.000 100 A handaornely fllnatraled toria nnd Vancouver, 2:40 p. m. Frank Koloa ... or any aclenlino jnarnal. Ternia, II a street pcoplo took off L. 500.000 100 yeart foarnontba.IL Sold by all nenradealen. Str. Mauna Ken, Freeman, for Hilo their hats, nnd Get it. Il.itch. Mcllryilo 8ue Uo Ltd 3,SO0.ftX) So upon the query, is this part a fun-ern- lf was my intention to sqmo B, Ti. Elgin, manager uanu a.roo 000 20 28 York nnd way ports, 12 noon. of It write on of tho Hawaii Hiigarco 3H 28i; MUNN&Co.3B,BfMd"'' New 1 was told, "Nn; for iunernls important agricultural questions on tho Railroad company, nt who OiMimeaM 1,000.000 20 omoo, C2S WaihlnstOD, I). Str. Mikahula, Molokai and Maui Mahukona, Ookala...... 500 20 Brucb F BU a for they do a 'earso," and as to tho Hawaiian Islands, the birds aro tho 000; It ports, D p. m. ivo but arrived Tuesday front tho Big Island, f)laa8ugarCol.td... 5,000000 BO s badge, it was so people would not mis- - most important question that "lcnow will leavo on a. "business to Olowalu IV) OX 100 BUSINESS OAEDS. Str. W. O. Hn.ll,, Thompson, for Ka I trip tho Hug laKo linn a of, and would strongly ndviso thg en- Faauhau Plan Co 5,0.0 00! M unl ports, s p. m. lor 'is.marster." 'lis I mainland, on tho Mongolia. acino . ... , .. ... WO 000 100 queer world, and the fnbric of Blavery closing of an aero with wire notUng in Tho of evening paper Pain 150 000 Ma- P. M. S. S. China, Frlele, for Yoko statement an 10. HONOLULU mON V.'OnKS CO. seems woven in nil our lives. order to control and breed small insect- - that Judgo Kingsbury will succeed Pepeokeo . 750 000 100 141 chinery of every description made to hama. .1 p. m, Them are many charming Pioneer 2,750,0011 100 142 fe features eating birds. AY"'1 pleasant memories Judge Hardy of Kauai is not confirmed Vt alaltla Ajrl Co 4.500 0110 100 80 order. Str. Innlnnl, Self, for Hnvtali, 5:20 much room thought-nn- f bore, for a of my many friends. cither by the Judge or the Governor. Walluku... ., 1,100.000 ion rns p. m. chanco to philosophize with probable Sincerely, Walmanala. . , 252 000 100 & COOKB (Robert Lewers, Str. Likelike, Nnopalo. for Hawaii. Judge Hardy is likely to be reap WaimeaBusar Mill..., m.000 100 SEWERS prom. A. B. L.ECKEXBY, JIiscslLaneoh i'H JT. p. pointed. Inter-Inlan- &. J. Lowrey, C. M, Cooke). Import- 2:20 in. L d SSCo .. IW.OOO lis p; M. T. Lyons has- - been appointed ers and dealers In lumber anrL bulld-In- btr. Klnau, Gregory, for lnual ports, Haw Klectric Co..... 50T.00U 140 C postmastor nt Wjilluku to succeed V. II RT A Co Pfd . ... materials. OITlce, 4U Fort street p. m, l.loOtOOO A, Vctlcsen. The appointment is tO U KT A Co Com to 60 PASSENQEBS. THE TAFT GREW iliuunl Tel Co 150.000 SM&E take effect December 1: The. commis- alliku Rubber m. 60,000 Arrived. sion nrrlvcd by China. Nablku UuubcrCo. ... Mset. 32K ar - PLANTERS END tho Lyon 11. S. S. Colonics, 4000 000 Per M. Moann, from leaves shortly or "Wulluku. Hilo u nco. 1WO.O0O for 10 1 "Bart- - AND BRYAN WAS GRAVE E. Honolulu, November H. Representative TTepburrf, pf the Honolulu Hrewlnit A THEIR LABOR lctt, Mr. nnd Mrs. L, Schumacher, A. 0. Houso of Bepresentatives, in acknowl- piaittug uo i,iii(.. 4O0.000 ra Hogors, Miss Alice Burns, Aliss Daisy Haw l'lJiaiiple Co. .. 400.000 22 edging receipt of a copy of tho annual Bond? Ami. Out Taylor, Jlr. nnd .Mrs. Thomas fcjtens report Morgan of. landing se CINCINNATI, O., Nov. 3. Up" to !10' "Hearty congratulations on magnifi- of. President tho Haw Tor p o (Fire (Continued from Page One.) ant family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stcris Chamber Commerce, says, is very o'olockr tonight thcTo had been no break cent vote here." of he Cialma)...... : 815.000 Cauliflower Hollandaiso and child, Mr. and. Mrs. Christo Costa glad to havo. as is Uaw Ter 4 po(lle- - James S. Sherman followed Hitchcock it "it of interest funding 18o5 Salatl a la Dumas nnd family, Mrs. T. Stott, B. Meyer, J. in the optimistic character of the re- and contains much information ...... 600,100 King. with this message: that I HawTeMJf 100,000 1 Fror.cn Nesselrodo Pudding turns received nt the O. P. resi- lc ... 1.000,000 Taft and cordial want." HawTerfJipc. M. S. China, Ban Fran "My hearty congratula- Haw Ter 8 Boqucfort Checsq Por P. S. from dence In city, where William tions. InMcad of building; a new wharf at pc 1,041,000 cisco, November 10 R. M. Anthony, this H. Your nomination created confi- Cat Beet aug& Kef Bent's Water Crnckcrs accolor-nte- tho Ewa end tho harbor to accom- Co 6 r c ... J,ooo,ooo Father Boissel, Miss MSunic 21. Becchcr, Tntt, the Republican candidate, and dence, your mastorly campalga d of - Tifoclia en Demi Tasse It, your" modate the freight handled by tho HalkuHDe 225.000 ir- Mrs. Allen M. Boyle, Mrs. Harriet C.I Mrs. Taft wore surrounded by & heavy election clinches it; your ffamakua Ditch Co During the banquet a number of Coleman. Miss Brmlno Cross, Father administration will continue it." American-Hnwaiia- n steamships, it has upper nucUBpo.... 200,000 toasts wcro proposed and responded to party of Telntives and' close trienlls, Governor Hughes wired Judgo been decided to increase the warehouso Haw Com & sugar Couturaux, Mrs. E. S. Cunha, Miss N. Taft Co 5 p c ,.. ... 1,871,000 ha'd ho dtjfibt s wnre-li.us- e in short speeches, among those who Center, Miss B. Campbell, Miss M. At that timo Taft of at 8:30 d'clockr capacity. In order to a flaw Migar 6 p c .823.5,10 being congratulations elgh'ty UlloKlKCnRpc l.l0O,000 . iroro called upon for addresses Campbell. M. Ivan Dow, Horace Dow, his election,' ns indicated by tno con "Heartiest on your shed 'by'fpur hundred .. splendid victory.-- is" belpg HonokaaBug CoSpr 300.000 President Damon, former President Max: Eckliart, Mrs. Kills, Qcorgo Filmcr, gratulntory telegram he sent to Chair- feet moted from tho whirf Hon4tT. L. Co 6 647.000 and. ' Daniel Keefo sent messago: Kabuktte PC Sehnefer, Governor Frcar Fred Mrs. A, C. Frique, Miss Marguerite 0 J. this fni enough for another shed of the un 15 000 wrick II. Newell. man Hitchcock shortly after o'clock, "Congratulations on your splendid same slzo to bo where ono MoiirydaPugCoSpc 2.000,000 Frlquc, Miss Bentrico Holdsworth, Mrs. bnllt this 14 central timo. victory. Labor voters una Liii op c 2 000,000 101 At tho conclusion of tho function C. 11. Hopkins, W. J. Kcaly, Father nppreciato and stood. , Oabufinear Conn r ' 90OW0 the gueBtB adjourned to tho makai V. King, Mrs. G. G. Judge Taft declined to make any recognize their real friends.?' " Olna nugar Co 6 p ,J 1,250.000 Kbnzc, F. Lenard, eugar JM111 stage "- rncinu where the had been set Mrs1. G, L. Meldclie, Fnthor Joseph Nye, statement, saying ho would delay it un Taft Answers Messages.- co e . 450 000 for the melodrama of the Peanut and Dr. V. A. Norgnard, K. Parker, II. A. til Ohio hnd been heard from. RECEPTION IS Falaa pc.. 37,500 mi Persimmon Society, a delightfully Heed, Georgo Reams, George Boss, Mrs. Judgo Taft began after 10 o'clock Pioneer Mill cos pc 1.250.000 Elnborato preparations had 'been Vtalalua Ag Colpc, 1.5O0.000 . mw Tever skit from tho pen of James A. George Boss, George M. Shaw, Chas, K. answering tho telegrams and congratu- TVTlder, performed by a numbor of Stokes, Mrs. Grace Sumincrilcld, Mnstcr made by C. P. Taft for rocoivlng 'tele lations. Ho acknowledged receipt of AWAITING ENVOY Cortcl-yo-u, well-know-n young men. Tho piny Jack Sumiiicrfiold, Miss Lconn Summer-field- , graphic reports. The rear veranda of such dispatches from Secretary 23.125 paia. t38 per cent. paid. wai Postmaster General Meyer. laid in the South Seas, n number of, S. M. Stock, "B. B. Stackablo, Mrs. tho quaint but aristocratic old man Gov Session Bales. leprescntativo sugar E. ernor Curtis Guild of Massachusetts planters Innding It. Stackablo and maid, Mrs. M, J. sion on Piko street had been inclosed (Continued from Pass One.) CO Oahu Sug. Co., 28,625. itbero from a wrecked vessel, the Snedoker, Miss Mary Smith, Mrs. O, L. nluj others. hard-lUtp- up-t- telegraph- - as- to "Territory of Hawaii, Between Boards. showing the nf tho s Saunders, Miss .lose phi no Savndnn, nnd an date room 'It is delightful think of such ejjects General's 11 10 O. R. & 1 they had gone through. Tho Father Uulrich Tnube, C. C. Wilson, tablished. Ono wire was connoctcd'with support irom the old Bay State," he "The Adjutant Office," Olaa, 4.50; L. Co., 8- "Honolulu. 10.025. fines gavo tho spectntors plenty of Mrs. 0. C. Wplson. National Republican headquarter' In - str. Mauna from ', To Governor Hughes Judgo Tnft said: "November 12, 1908. to laugh at each other and Por Loa, Simorson, Now York nnd three others brought In Cfrders aft tlcporfnrmera. Kona, 5:35 a. m., Novemhor 10 Father r tlKlnk vou warm)v f0T your con. "Special No.il. , S- nows from other sources. gratulations nnd reciprocate by extend- - "1. An escort of two companies of Tlero was also somo clever sleight-f-hyi- d Colostin, Father Henry, S. Ako, T. B. ENTERTAIN , llobinson, Miss S. F. Boso, R. R. Elgin, Trom 0 o'clock on bulletins were re- - '"C congratulations to you on enrrying tho First Infantry National Guard ot SHMNEII- work by n .Tapaneso porform-t- Hawaii will form a guard at the whart tho entertainment part of the pro- J. Sakai, Miss S. Sakni, George, ccivod in increasing number, and the N.ow Yn.rlc, 8ta,to "Ralnst tremendous Rev. G. L. Kopa, Judgo L. nu"s Jy wonderful campaign in conjunction with wnatever United gram concluding with the presentation W. enthusiasm of tho party increased in Troops may detailed for G. O. Mncum-be- r, whicll you carrica on Wq aro States be it (Continued from Ono.) to tho newly-electe- d association presi- Stanley, Miss Macumber, Pago J. L. Macumber. E. L. Strout. 8. proportion. dobtcd to you also for your aid in the similar purpose, upon hd,arrival of the dent of a souvenir portrait of himself, 'nntlonnl special Embassy to the United States of splendid buildings, now that wero presented stage fol- E. Rotlgers, L. Rodgors, Dr. L. S. Taft Hears Bulletins. campaign." from the with the I with. His Highness Princo Tsal Fu, on not hero then. It seems to mo that lowing address: Tiiompson, Wl Ah Hip, Chns. Auld, J. To Representative William B. Mc-I- n the big drawing room wcro gath- - Klnley the candidate wired: or nbout the 14th day of November pretty nearly every building mora "Gentlemen of the Hawaiian Sugar K. Kekaula, J. S. Forry, J. M. Vivas, .than two stories high has been built V. L. Leslie, Father Charles, cred Mr, and Mrs. C. aml.jthclr nm delighted to know that wo 1908. TIantcrs' Association: Fathor "I A of 21 guns will bo fired since nnd porno of tho business build: Gerard, Sam Miss Mwore, daughter. AVUHam "nn" 1"v0 a Republican house, for that "2. salute "You havo hut recently elected to Liftee, Phillip Mis rnnisn: ifra. Executive building grounds. ings aro not moro than twj Coulho, Coerpor, Mrs. Mngoon, ncces,ary oT fuluro from tho that 7onr highest ofllce one who has always, J. J. A. H. Taft and her throe sisters, Mrs, ,rr,olu,e,y Captain Thomas P. Cummins stories high,- - and cortainly, unless jny. Mrs. 0. Fnlk and child, A. L. Green-wel- l, "3. in this community, stood J. will report to and as aid to His memory is grcntly at there havo for that Father Edwards, J. N. S. Williams, Maria Heron, Mrs. Professor Mooro"and ToTimothy Ij. Wooaraff was sent an act mi fault, which is right and just, nnd who pos- Miss K. Mrs, William Andorson, and expression of gratitudo the" groat Highness Princo Tsai Fu" during his been tmmenso strides in pmato resi sesses all the qualities Cornwell, M. F. Prosscr, J. T. Penor "for Hawaii. nnd attributes Shaw, Wm. Allon, Master Dcdimn, Mooro: campaign which was carried on." Taft stay within tho Territory of dences. a strong man and good citizen. ' Jr., also Miss Delin Tarroy, aunt' "4. Tho commanding qfQccr pf tho "Ten vears aco thoucht vour city ft T. Tatcn, 1C. Kojinin, Mrs. K, Kojima, - I 'AVbllo you havo honored Mr, Da- of tho candidate; Mrs. Nicholas. Long- ?l? " First Infantry Is charged with tho delightful, and nm certainly not lesa Miss Aoki, Tnthcr Munrus, G Free- - t ' I mon Ey electing li!m to Uio presidency worth, Mrs. Wnlllngford, sister of Bop 0 " execution of sections 1 ana 2 01 tnis deitgntcii wun it now. 1 unve , ocen laiui, wm. White, ,l, Nunos. Bryan Stunned.C5n hero anil; of your association, you nro to bo con Per str, Claudino, from Hilo and way resentntivo LongwOrth; Dr. J. J. "Bich- order. taken" in hand by friends gratulated that nmong your members ports, w. u. ardson of Washington, Trcd W. (;arpcu LINCOLN, Nob., Nov. 3. Brynn ae- - "By order of the Governor. haven't hnd a chance to' do anything' .November u Chilling "JOHN J. JONES, enjoy myself. tlirre nre men of such sterling ciiarne. wortu, K. Jiociulnul sccrotnryi for the but tcr and ability. Bonny, Fnthor Fran tSifa.;'.; ,or: JTur 10 o'clock. "Adjutant General, Chief of Staff." "San Francisco is being rebuilt n cCi WlllIa",s representing Chair- - 2$ffr$&rofus'ed t'0 "Wo propose tHat you drink tho Jns. Achong, J. KirkI; Mrs. A. C. jIo mako ny comment on His Excellency Tang Shao-y- i is a finer and bettor city than over. Tho acalth of Samuel Mills Damon, Pros!-- l'fortlner, W. A. Sparks, Father man Hitchcock, nnd n party of news tho returns and announced that ti special Ambassador, and "with Princo progress of its rebuilding is simply Tent of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' iiiomas, j.iitner Justin, jiov. is. ito-kip- i, papermen. Gus J. Knrger read tho bul- - would havo no statement to mako until Tsai Jb"u, aro on ms way to wasmngton wonderful, it seems to me.. My own j. electrotyping "and Association," Ant. Gomes and wife, Miss Gomes, .1 i. !.. !..,...... , tomorrow. Ho sent no telegram, of con to thank tho Fresidont and the peoplo business, that of Aug. Gpmes, B. ii!. gratulations to Mr. Taft, as evidently reran-sin- n stereotyping of books, is housed C. Wells, L. Y. Schmidt, hilarious as tho roseate huo of the re of tho United States for their OEOTJP QUICKLY CUBED. G, G. Seong, Miss Thornton, J. F. Col-bur- It wnB Mr, Brynn 's most crushing de- nf, n nart of tho Boxer Indemnity. what I bcliovo is tho finest buildin; turns deopencd. rent. When tho returns showed him iu tho country devoted to that lino of1 doses of Cbnjnbcrlain s Cough Sing l'nt, and 33 deck. announcement of their coming and A few circulated the ictory of tho Republicans mes- brings surprising results when Per str. Kiunu, from Kauai, Novem- Meanwhile Judirc Taft in that had of their mission came in a cable business." Jfemedy ber 11 G. N. ,,c, complete all along tho lino, to Secretary Filmer !b being most extensive child shows symptoms of croup. Wilcox, Hon. G. H. Bud- the operating room nnd among the Taft sage Governor Frear from Mr. s dy, Mrs. W. Miss C. running even ahead of tho Roosevelt message asked they ly and hospitably entertained during' There is no cause for alarm when P. Hannle, Wilcox, guests, exhibiting tho finest specimen Garfield. The that this Rodrigues, "Father Mas- voto iu many 8tates Bnd Cannoa belng cordially received and shown every stay Un Tuesday lie was medicine is house, as rarely Father Victor, bo bis here, tnej in tho It S. Rov. M" of that smilo which tho campaign has reelected, his face became exceedingly courtesy. guest1 of honor dinner given byi takes or four doses ter Farrcirn, j, Lydgato, at a more than thrco to Goo. R. Ewart, O. nows Judgo grave Ho was llko a man fairly darod, accompanied, by a number and A. McCandless. On bring complete cure. has Jr., Quisled. Mrs. mado famous. The first Tbov nro Mr. Mrs. J. about a It Mrs. E. Quon received was over tho long dl- - and for once in his life ho seemed nt attaches, students and Wednesday evening ho was tho gucs failed even in the most sevcro Kcllncr, E. Mnlilum, Seo, Taft of sccotarios, sever Pub On, L. Q. tnnco from his friend Judge a loss to account for the disaster. servants. The studonts are going to 1 dangerous casos. salo nil Aldrldco. II. Hucolton. telephone at a dinner given py is. v. lirown, and For at N, Kay, Clins. Vinhnr. f. .Tnmpsinwir. N. v.. and was Tho bulletins wcro received In ths to 'enter vari"18 American Tempi & J. Louuox, Daniels, Capt. America lustrious Potentate of Aloha dealers. Benson, Smith Co., Ltd., Brndley, Tom Colonel to Jamestown had given "sun parlor" nt Fairvlew, where sev universities, as It has been agents Hawaii. Lee, Miles, Cadet tho effect that colleges and nt the Commercial Club. Last ovonln. for Miles. Taft 2000 majority. , oral operators wcxo at work. When he determined by the Chinese government Dr. nnd Mrs. M. E. Grossman gave Per U. 8. A. T. Shoridan. from San Messages of Congratulation. read the first bullotin ticked oft tho to use the part of tne lioxer .naemnuy dinner for him at their residence. To TO INVESTIGATE AOHI. Francisco, Nov. 12. For Honolulu! "What has pleased mo more ihan wiros at 3:30 p. nt. Mr. Bryan realized which was returned to send fifty stu- nicht he is the truest at a rehearsal o Acting Attorney General Whitney Lieut. Dougherty, Capt. Moor N. Falls, anything else up to this time," romark- - that ho had. boon again defeated. dents each year to America to bo edu- the Shrlners in preparation foromor' Liout. Charles Hall, Mrs. W. L. How-ar- ed the candidate shortly 7 o'clock, Instantly his face grew gravo and has begun the Investigation of com- after cated. row; Tomorrow ovpnlng is tho burtno Mrs. B. A. Jacobson and 2 children, tno unuouutca inuuonco ot xaio mu curuera 01 uis iuuuiu uruupuu. Princo Teat Fu is a son of Prince banquet plaints referred to him by Chief Jus- "is nt tbo Young Hotel. Sunda; Lieut. John P. Kelly, Lieut. A. M. Par- In Connecticut; Wo got Connecticut A bulletin from Brooklyn confirmed Ghing, tho Chinese Minister of Foreign Mr. Filmer is Jo botnken' on an aut tice Hartwcll ngainst W, C. Achi. dee, Miss E. A. Perkins, Liout. Ralph by 30,000 nnd Hartford by 3CQ0." Prcs. his worst fears rogarding Now York. Affairs. . trip around tho Island, with Junehcoi Theso complaints are to tho effect thai T. Word, Samuel Ware, Major D. K. ident Roosevelt carried that city by It indicated that he was falling be. , at Haleiwn, and in the'evenlng Mr. Winslow, CoOln, 1500. ' hind the party voto and Achi In selling of Mrs. Mrs. Saml T. , that Taft " IN PEISON FOE UFE. and Mrs. F, Ij. waldrop give a dinne lots subdivisions in Dowd, Mrs. G. Gluckhnuf, Mrs. Chairman Hitchcock was hear from might win McCarren's county, which lie was sold Wyne Ap- nt tneir renege 11111a resiunnce. u interested, lots to P. Jclf, W. C. Konake, Mrs. as early ns 0:30 o'clock. Ho said; "That's bad," he remarked. ""We The California District Court of Hawaiians, took money, gavo Kennedy Monday Dr. O, B. Cooper gives their and nnd child, Mrs. W. K. Kcnncy, Mrs. peed a strong oto there to offset Tnft's peals has affirmed the conviction ot them deeds, did not secure tho KSSS&EDKSiiHKKEBiirKSlBH luncheon nt the Pucifle Club, and i' but re Clatido . ... 1. .. - nta --un- tho to lm- - E. Right, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. ,1. 1 . wo-n- i state." Mrs. Cordelia Botklns, sentenced evening lease of tho lots thus sold from tho jjergsirom, ansa aiunroo, r Mr. appeared' soon f ,. the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wm. McNally nnd three children, Mrs. s after life, murder hosts-a- t X)n loperaiion mortgage on-tir- o -- nrisanmont for lor the ot Wall aro dinner. Tuesda: of the on the anRMrp8i.lJnaMfi'atL0 - Pfit minutes talking with Goo. Noble, Albert Rosenberg, Miss OrlontNo- Mrs, John P. Dunning by sending to evening 3. McCandless is to" bi tract. Tho results of tho investi- C0W ym' James Olho Salmon, Mrs. 0, Schusatcr and 10-T- ohn " canay, mur- t gation may bo mndo tho basis of dis- vember Jackson. ner a box of poisoned 'mo tho host at a dinner at the Vonni I - ?ZSImC child, Marion H, DcGraff, Thomas F. Per str. W. O, Hall, for Kaunt. No- , der was committed in August, 1S9S, and nt which jho guests will. a; Mr barment proceedings. enlist-o- ", nntri, i Kennody, William McNally, 114 d 10 Pnul Isenberg, : v a- celebre time. Potontatpit i t vember F. II. Burch, .vrns causo at the Filmor and the' Past, ant i f men A Co. Enginoors, W. C. Bolow, 1, J ' HAD D00T0B8 AND DIED. BOBN AND DIED. J. Birch. t ' rivI tiio Patrol pf AJobn TerapH; K Hugh Strickland, Charles A. Kraus, . Mr. 'Per str. Mikahnln, for Mplokn.Jffi Randolph Beryl Derfllngcr, a sailor "pn"Wednct4ay I MiUrfoia Sar ailUNE Infant son of and Mrs. Daniel X,ogan, Wm. 0. Morse, Geo, Btig-llnsk- l; " TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY FraneisccA-l- f J'm Alive' sate Mr It E. Grune nt Mntejrqity Home. J. N. Dorsctt, R, C, Pomcroy. WaSffi ! .e nav,,died at Quarantine Island 1 4 .. - Filmer Jokinglyv Departed. and"ZVB,Vancouver, November IJ Dri U Noyeinber 1JA of. corebro- spinal mentn. Take laxative Bromo Quinine ,? J ( MARBIED. Btr, 10 Mrs-- . an or nvo aays. no Al) Per Mauna Ken, November (Vr, Ooorgo P. Dcnisonj JD. guts, uner; jjiness Tablets. druggists refund Superintendent WATSON-McINBJlN- At tho Catho- Mrs. H, C. Coleman, Rev. II. P. Judd, OninesMr, nnd "Wallace. Mr. was nttonded by Drr 0. D, Iinnghorne. the rapney if it fails to cure. Babbitt lias iusi lic chnreh, Honolulu, Nov, 10, 100S, A. F. S. TopliU, W. NBolllngor, 11.1,1 111., nriniiVia fiaa Sntiinrlnn,!. The consulting physicians were Drs. found, a. leltor ot 1850 written by thil Judd, E. "W. Grove's signature la' on I liy Bev. Stephen, P, Hay-Bolilc- Moore, Currle, James, and BrineVerhoff, then Buperintcndent of Public Instrue Father Arthur P. H. Baldwin and wlfo, Mrs, 0. Mrs Crosbv. Messrs. Wicknm. Barnes. each, body and the-- ' ashes box. tion 10 teaeuers, regarding tne opemnji Watson,, and Miss Gertrude P. A. W, Carter and family, Mrj, Vickery, Marthant, George euo,-Y- a. His was cremated, TAHIS MliUICINU CO , St. Louis, VELA, ana English scnoou. aHaV', C. A, Buchanan and child, Mrs, C. Ross, mane, Mr. and Mrs, Friuh, burled, in Nnuanu cemetery. conduct of

' .,.,. .' -- i.Jr.. , ' i ill ix"iiii2tiUi MB . lwS-- r. . Kl. vy. .a, - J ,. - mmMimmmmMm .. itJ fcl .(.U W dA.il W r. tJl IikH .il, tifr.,1. .. ,t ...lftitJ z.i- JjmutuimU.msesji.iui,.mmmSiiia