
9 April 2008

Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee Will meet on Friday 18 April 2008 at 10.00 am in House, Lonsdale Room


Councillor Barbara Cannon (Chairman)

Councillor Ron Munby Councillor John (Binky) Armstrong Councillor Carole Armstrong Councillor Trevor Fee Councillor Miriam Gainford Councillor Jeffrey Gardner Councillor John Heathcote Councillor Carni McCarron-Holmes Councillor Joe Mumberson Councillor Audrey Tinnion Councillor Martin Wood

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. If you have any questions or queries simply contact Jane Murray on 01900 702559.


1. Minutes of meeting Friday 14th March, 2008 of Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Pages 1 - 6)

2. Apologies for absence

3. Declaration of interests

Councillors/Staff to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct.

4. Questions

To answer questions from members of the public – 2 days notice of which must have been given in writing or by electronic mail.

5. Forward Plan

To consider the forward plan of key decisions to be taken by the Executive.

6. Homelessness

To receive an update briefing from the Housing Services Manager on the homelessness service, prior to the development of a Homelessness strategy.

7. Derwent Forest

To receive an update from Director of Community and Partnerships on the Derwent Forest site.

8. Work Plan (Pages 7 - 14)

To consider the Committees current workplan.

9. Executive Minutes (Pages 15 - 18)

To consider the draft minutes of the Executive held on 2nd April 2008.

10. Post Office Closures (Pages 19 - 90)

To consider the proposed closure of post offices in Allerdale.

Borough Solicitor

Date of next meeting Friday 16 May 2008 at 10.00 am Derwent Room, Allerdale House,

Agenda Item 1

At a meeting of the COMMUNITY OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE held in Derwent Room, Allerdale House, Workington on Friday 14 March 2008 at 10.00 am


Mr T M Fee (Chairman)

Mrs C M Armstrong Mr J Heathcote Ms M Gainford Mrs C C McCarron-Holmes Mr J Gardner Mr J Mumberson Mrs A Tinnion

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mr R Munby, Mr J Armstrong, Mrs B Cannon and Mr M G Wood

Also Present - Mary Bradley, Age Concern; Ross Forbes and Charles Welbourn, Primary Care Trust; Laurence Hilland, Alzheimers' Society; Cllr Lorraine Taylor, Keswick Town Council; Cllr Trevor Gear, Town Council.

Staff Present

C Johnston and J Murray


The minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2008 were agreed and signed as a correct record.


5. Closer to Home - Preliminary Consultation Results. Councillor Audrey Tinnion; Personal; due to her association with Workington Infirmary.

5. Closer to Home - Preliminary Consultation Results. Councillor Carole Armstrong; Personal; due to her sister being a Community Psychiatric Nurse.

5. Closer to Home - Preliminary Consultation Results. Councillor Joe Mumberson; Personal; due to his daughter working in the health service in .

5. Closer to Home - Preliminary Consultation Results. Councillor Trevor Fee; Personal; due to his membership of Cumbria County Council.

6. Adult Social Care Consultation. Councillor Carole Armstrong; Personal; due to being in receipt of payment from Adult Social Care.

Page 1

6. Adult Social Care Consultation. Councillor Trevor Fee; Personal; due to his membership of Cumbria County Council.


None received.


Ross Forbes, Director of Corporate Affairs, Cumbria Primary Care Trust (PCT) gave a presentation on the preliminary findings from the Closer to Home consultation. It was explained that the board had met the day before to discuss these preliminary findings.

The original proposals had 5 key components:

• To help more people keep fit and well for longer; • To strengthen the capacity of community and primary care services, including providing local beds where necessary; • To complement these services with acute hospitals providing the specialist services that they are uniquely able to provide; • Services to reflect local priorities with local doctors, nurses and other professionals playing a greater role in setting local priorities; • Services which are more responsive to the needs of patients’ and families’.

There were six criteria for assessing planned changes to health services; quality; sustainability; affordability; acceptability; accessibility; and timescale.

The recommendations put to the PCT board were to confirm the five key components and the six criteria for assessing health services. They were also recommended to develop mechanisms to ensure that future health service developments are demonstrably based upon the vision described in the consultation and are assessed against the six criteria. Finally the board were recommended to approve the proposed structure for developing health services in Cumbria based on locality teams and care stream planning. It was noted that the PCT board had agreed all of the recommendations put to them. Addressing specific areas of concern, Mr Forbes highlighted the following issues:

Acute Hospitals

With regard to the future of emergency care proposed by ‘Closer to Home, which included the introduction of an integrated, three-tier emergency care system, it was recommended and agreed by the Board that the integrated emergency care proposals be adopted subject to the revisions agreed with the consultants at the West Hospital in January.

Page 2 This included the changes to bed numbers at the West Cumberland to 220 and clinical agreement on out of hours emergency surgery (which helped alleviate concerns about patient transfers).

With respect to palliative care, maternity care and stroke rehabilitation, the development of the best way forward for West Cumbria would be delegated to the teams responsible for these services.

Community Hospitals

With regard to community hospitals, it was recommended and agreed by the Board that the community hospitals will continue to play a key role, providing step-up and step-down care and out-patient services and that the bed numbers be reduced to 140-170 beds.

However, it was also agreed by the Board that there would be no changes to bed numbers for at least two years until the community support networks were in place, providing a ‘safety net’ during the transition process. Local health teams would determine the services for each site.

Cumbria Primary Care Trust continued to be very confident that funding for the community hospitals/health villages would be secured.

Members were generally content that most of their concerns would appear to have been addressed and looked forward a more detailed response in due course.


Members asked Mary Bradley, Director of Age Concern North West, whether she was content that the proposals represent the best available option for Allerdale. Mary Bradley explained that Age Concern chaired the group as advocates for older people. The meetings were well attended and there were representatives for older people present.

Members raised the issue that they had heard that the numbers of residential care places are not to increase despite a growing elderly population, because it is felt that more people will be supported at home. Members asked whether Age Concern share that view. In response to questioning Mary Bradley noted that there was still number crunching to do and that it is difficult to predict personal choice. With an aging population there is a different sort of profile of needs and there needs to be much better options for people needing physical care such as extra care housing. We also need to make sure that there are beds for mental health patients.

With regards to mental health, Laurence Hilland, West Lakes Branch Manager for the Alzheimer’s Society told Members that there will be an increase of 154% in dementia over the next 20 to 30 years and that different models need to be considered as many people with dementia do not require the level of care given in care homes.

Page 3 Members asked Mary Bradley what the key issues facing elderly people in Allerdale specifically are. In response to questioning she explained that the key issues include not going into residential care unless it is their choice, and if they do chose to go into residential care the homes should be fit for purpose with the right equipment and residents must have the ability to get out and about and socialise still. It is important to make sure that extra care and sheltered housing is right.

Laurence Hilland explained that with dementia, the carer support element is a key issue. Children move away and leave parents with dementia which means that isolation is a key problem. Members noted that many people retire to places such as Keswick and so don’t have the support of family to act as carers.

Mary Bradley went on to explain that for extra care housing thay are trying to get a mixture of half traditional and half rental properties. A survey showed that people want to have the opportunity to sell their own house and part-buy the extra care house.

Members asked what input the Alzheimer’s Society has had into the development of the proposals so far. Laurence Hilland explained that the Alzheimer’s Society was not involved in the development of the proposals however they are responding to the consultation paper. It was noted that within residential care two thirds of residents have dementia and it would be good to see recognition of that in the consultation document. Some of the challenging behaviour shown by residents in care homes can be due to environmental factors, such as the pattern on the floor covering or the colour of the walls. This is also something that should be taken into account in the new proposals as having the appropriate environment can help to calm the residents that may display challenging behaviour.

Members questioned whether the PCT have got the £80 million that the need to proceed with the proposals for Closer to Home and the Adult Social Care changes. Ross Forbes explained that the PCT were asked to submit a strategic outcome case to the strategic health board and that they were being given a clear message that their bid for £80 million is the most imaginative and the most joined up which makes them very confident that they will get the funds.

Agreed – that a consultation response, based on the evidence given to the committee in this and the previous meeting, be recommended to the Executive making the following points:

• That poor health records, and associated complex needs, in Allerdale may give rise to the need for more residential care beds than envisaged.

• That the home care package take account of an individual’s needs for 24/7 care.

• That provision for extra care housing in Allerdale needs to be higher up the agenda.

• That there is a budgetary impact on District Councils under the proposals with respect to Disabled Facilities grants. Page 4

• That convalescent care is taken into account as well as respite care.

• That local communities should also provide an input into the provision of services at community hospital sites.

• That the replacement homes should not provide a threat to smaller, more rural homes.

• That the Alzheimers’ Society provide input into the development of the new homes.

• That provision for elderly people with learning or mental health disabilities be taken into account.

• That there is an urgent need to discuss the replacement homes with the relevant planning authorities, both with respect to the individual sites and with other developments in the pipeline which may impact on the consultation proposals.

• That, as previously said during the health consultation, there needs to be a strong and vibrant network of health, social and third-sector care if the joint health and social care proposals are to be successful.


Members proposed and

Agreed - That this item be deferred.


Members considered and noted the Executive minutes for the meeting held on 5 March 2008.


Members received and noted the current Forward Plan.


Members considered and noted the current Work Plan.

The meeting closed at 12.15 pm

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Page 6 COMMUNITY OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE WORKPLAN 2007-2008 ______Purchase of the site is progressing. A collaboration agreement is being drawn up with Cumbria County Council and Allerdale Borough Council will take responsibility for the day-to-day management of the site. NWDA are due to approve £1.5m of funding for the site holding, insurance and markets costs. It is currently expected that the purchase will take place around mid-November. There have been 30-40 expressions of interest and there will be a consultation process when a preferred bidder has been chosen. TOPIC: Derwent Forest TYPE: Monitoring (initially – subject to reassessment)

OBJECTIVES: 1) to identify the barriers to the remediation of the site 2) to monitor progress 3) to track whether developments are in tandem with local views. 4) to contribute to a successful outcome for the site. 5) to provide a contribution to corporate plan objectives

Page 7 BACKGROUND: Members want to see some progression of the remediation work at the Derwent Forest site. At the request of the NWDA, Cumbria Vision has recently taken over as lead agency for the development of the site from Westlakes Renaissance. Members want to be kept informed of progress on the site as per the above objectives. It is understood that funding is available for the site from the NWDA but that they require a developer to be on board before remediation work takes place.

METHODOLOGY: Briefing meeting to get a picture of the background to the project from the Director of Partnerships and Community, possibly with site visit to inform Members unfamiliar with the project. Subsequent initial meeting with lead agencies to hear their plans and

timescales for the site, with periodic monitoring thereafter. It would depend on the monitoring how scrutiny work would progress. Agenda Item8

RESOURCES: Support and advice from the regeneration team will be required.

RISKS: Although scrutiny has a legitimate interest in inviting the NWDA and Cumbria Vision to participate in scrutiny, they are not required to attend and some sensitivity will be required to ensure a successful scrutiny outcome.

______For further development –Monitor review being carried out by joint scrutiny into CCC parking policy. Sub-group was formed to provide initial input to early stages of development. The draft strategy will return to the full committee during the consultation phase.


OBJECTIVES: 1) to provide an input into the development of the car park strategy, part of the Corporate Improvement Plan, particularly existing work which the Community Scrutiny Committee has commissioned and undertaken. 2) to provide a third party view to the development of the car park strategy, car parks playing a key role in the economic vibrancy of the Council, and to offer a wider view than just car park management (eg other transport issues, such as on-street parking, buggy friendly buses etc).


The car park strategy is a key action in the Corporate Improvement Plan and builds on work already commissioned/undertaken by

Page 8 the Community Scrutiny Committee. In addition, recent satisfaction surveys show increasing discontent with Allerdale’s car parks.


The Committee has already asked for a survey of householders with respect to car parks to be prepared, although the timescales of undertaking a survey of each household are lengthy. The Committee has also undertaken some research into the question of charging disabled drivers for car parking which could make a useful contribution to the car park strategy.


Staff resources from the Parking Manager and the Communications Manager and financial resources for the development, distribution and analysis of the survey.


This authority does not have overall control of all parking/transport issues and therefore may not be able to progress a fully- integrated approach to parking management in the way Members might wish.

TOPIC: AUDIT AND ACTION PLAN OF GREEN SPACES TYPE: Review November? OBJECTIVES: 1) to use the planned audit of green spaces to inform a wholesale review of the management of green spaces before an action plan is developed to ensure that wider local objectives – such as health issues - are considered and make recommendations for the action plan which meets the needs of local communities, including younger and older people.


Green spaces are a valuable commodity in many different ways. A key priority for this Council is to improve the quality of life of people living in the area and to work with others to improve health. There are many different and new options the Council might consider. For example, the Scandinavians have developed play furniture which is for use by grandparents in addition to grand- children with surprising health results. Other Councils have created outdoor gyms, robust outdoor gym equipment of particular interest to the teen market. Green gyms – volunteers who carry out environmental improvements – are becoming increasingly popular particularly with older people.


Page 9 Alongside the audit of the green spaces which is already included in the Corporate Improvement Plan, it is suggested that members might like to carry out consultation within their wards (enlisting other scrutiny members as appropriate), paying particular attention to the needs of the older and younger age groups in a uniform questionnaire and consider the results alongside some of the options above to make recommendations for the future management of green spaces.


Potentially this could involve a good deal of staff support time from those involved already in the management of green spaces, potentially from sports and leisure staff (eg green gym) and possibly also support from corporate improvement team in assisting with drawing up a questionnaire.

RISKS: There may be the potential that recommendations could incur expenditure not budgeted for in the 2007-08. It is therefore, suggested that if Members should wish to pursue this option, that work is carried out and concluded in time for the 2008-09 budget- setting process. ______.

Ccfa implementation is likely to be delayed. ______TOPIC: CRIME AND DISORDER REDUCTION PARTNERSHIP TYPE: Monitoring →Review

OBJECTIVES: In preparation for new legislation to be implemented in 2008, to set up a joint scrutiny working group with Copeland Borough Council and Cumbria County Council to become familiar with the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership and their performance, to begin to pick up on items for possible further review.


The Police and Justice Act 2006 is to be implemented in April 2008. There is new legislation contained within the Act, which will impact on all Councillors and on Scrutiny. This includes the Community Call for Action where any member of the public with a concern about Crime and Disorder can initiate a community call for action with his local Councillor. If that Councillor is unable to resolve the issue and feels that there are grounds for further review, scrutiny can be asked to review the issue and make recommendations to the Crime and Disorder Partnership. There is a duty on local authorities under the Act to have a Crime and

Page 10 Disorder Committee (or a joint one) to carry out the scrutiny function.


4 Members from each of the three local authorities with two substitutes to from working .


This will be a statutory duty. When government guidance has been issued and considered, resources will be better identified.


This will be partnership working and it is suggested that the terms of reference of the joint working group are clearly set at the first meeting. The Crime and Disorder Partnership will be required to co-operate with scrutiny under the new legislation, but there may be issues around current resources of the CDRP to accommodate scrutiny. The Safer, Stronger Community block may see CDRP monitoring as their job – however it will be each authority’s duty to comply with the new legislation. Sub-group has had one evidence-gathering session and has visited two neighbourhood forums. ______TOPIC: ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES TYPE: Review

TERMS OF REFERENCE: To investigate the reasons for declining satisfaction in the quality of our environment, including potential contributory factors (for example lack of recycling opportunities and a lack of education) and make appropriate recommendations.

BACKGROUND: Performance Indicators show that public satisfaction with the cleanliness of the Borough is declining although other measures would appear to show that cleanliness is improving. Suggestions are that some people may contributing to a litter problem by failing to recycle sufficiently.

METHODOLOGY: Written evidence; oral evidence; survey analysis; best practice comparisons; site visits.

Page 11 RESOURCES: Task and finish group has been set up to report back to the full Committee, to be supported by Scrutiny Staff and Waste Management Staff.



OBJECTIVES: to consider the response of the Council and other public and social agencies to the rise in homelessness over the past 2-3 years, and make recommendations as appropriate.

BACKGROUND: Homelessness has doubled in the past 2-3 years, with many causes but including relationship break downs and affordable housing issues.


To visit and talk to homeless people, included the young person’s homeslessness project, talk to social landlordsand voluntary sector . RESOURCES:

Page 12



As previously agreed, a pilot of a visitor information point is shortly to be carried out. The evaluation will be brought back to the Committee later in the year. ______


OBJECTIVES: To put forward recommendations on the future direction for the delivery of information to tourists in the District, taking into account recent trends (eg increased internet bookings/research), community aspirations, and county-wide trends.


The Committee has taken a keen interest in tourism over a number of years, putting forward recommendations for a tourism strategy. A tourism information strategy is seen as the next step.


Page 13 Members are expected to discuss potential options with officers and a sub group will then take forward the development with officers, consulting with local communities and businesses as appropriate.


Officer time and possible resource to support community/business consultation.


That local communities have strong and differing views on the issue.

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Page 14 Agenda Item 9

At a meeting of the Executive held in Derwent Room, Allerdale House, Workington on Wednesday 2 April 2008 at 10.00 am


Mr J H Milburn (Chairman)

Mr M Davidson Mr G Scott Mr C Garrard Mr S Standage Mrs C M Jackson Mr D Wilson Mr S Moffat

Also Present - I Arnott and R Walters

Staff Present

S Beattie, G Bishop, P Bramley, H Dyke, P Hardy, D Martin, H Murphy and I Payne

660 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2008 were signed as a correct record.

661 Standing Order Number 36

Councillors T Heslop and A Smith attended under standing order number 36.

662 Declaration of Interest

5. Presentation from Etonfield regarding the Corus Site. Councillor Joe Milburn; Personal; Due to being a board member of West Lakes Renaissance.

663 Questions

None received.

664 Presentation from Etonfield regarding the Corus Site

Members received a presentation from I Arnott, Eatonfield Developments Ltd and R Walters, Knight Frank regarding their proposed development of the former Corus Rail Site in Workington.

Both companies expressed their commitment to the project and working with both the local authority and local people to ensure the development would contribute to the economic and social regeneration of Workington. Members were informed that the phased development could consist of employment, residential, public open spaces, car parking, retail, hotel, conference centre and pub, clinic and health centre, day care nursery and care village and ancilliary accommodation.

Page 15

Agreed – that the presentation be noted.

665 Quarterly finance Report to December 07

The subject of the decision:

The Head of Finance submitted a report which provided Councillors with an update on the Council’s financial position to the end of December 2007.

In summary, the revenue position for the 9 month period to the end of December was reporting an underspend of £1,135,847 or 9%. This was mainly made up of underspends identified by managers and transferred to the Reallocation Holding Account, and salary related underspends.

Alternative options considered:


The reason for the decision:

To provide Councillors with the following financial information for the period from 1 April 2007 to 31 December 2007:-

• Net revenue expenditure compared to budget for all Council services • Capital expenditure compared to budget • Treasury management operation • Risk Management Information • Sundry financial information • Debts written off

The decision:

Resolved – That the contents of the report be noted.

Recommended – That Council be requested to agree a supplementary estimate of £60,000 to meet the additional final cost of the completion of the repair to the Carnegie Theatre roof.

666 Outside Body - SPARSE Network of Local Authorities

The subject of the decision:

The Democratic Services Manager submitted a report which sought to replace Jim Musgrave as the Council’s representative on SPARSE Network of Local Authorities and to ask for nominations for a substitute.

Alternative options considered:


The reason for the decision: Page 16

To appoint a replacement and substitute on the SPARSE Network of Local Authorities.

The decision:

Resolved – That:

(a) Councillor Jackson be appointed as the Council’s representative on SPARSE (b) Councillor Garrard be nominated as a substitute.

667 Consultation Response - Replacement of Residential Care Homes

The subject of the decision:

The Scrutiny Co-ordinator submitted a report which sought the approval of a draft response to the Cumbria County Council consultation on the replacement of Cumbria Care residential homes in Allerdale, as part of the proposed development of ‘health villages’ on community hospital sites.

Alternative options considered:


The reason for the decision:

To ensure that Cumbria County Council are aware of issues arising on this subject, for the area of Allerdale.

The decision:

Resolved – That the proposed response be approved and sent, subject to the amendment of the abbreviation in point 2, ‘24/7’, to 24 hour care.

Resolved -

“That under Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they may involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of part 1 of Schedule 12 (a) of the Act.”

668 Scottish Widows Investment Partnership (SWIP) - A review of the current position

The subject of the decision:

To note the action taken by the Head of Finance in relation to the management of the Council’s surplus cash by Scottish Widows Investment Partnership (SWIP) following a request from the Executive on 5 March 2008.

Alternative options considered:

Page 17

1. Retain SWIP as fund manager on current basis 2. Retain SWIP as fund manager, but recall some of the investment funds in order to invest fixed for one year 3. Recall all funds from SWIP and invest in house

The reason for the decision:

Maximising investment income.

The decision:

Resolved – That the action taken by the Head of Finance to retain SWIP as fund manager and to recall some of the investment in order to invest fixed for one year be noted.

The meeting closed at 11.00 am

Page 18 Agenda Item 10

Post Office Ltd

Network Change Programme

Area Plan Proposal Cumbria

Page 19 Page 20 2 Contents

1. Introduction 2. Proposed Local Area Plan 3. The Role of Postwatch 4. Proposed Outreach service Points 5. List of Post Office® branches proposed for “Outreach” 6. List of Post Office® branches proposed for closure 7. List of Post Office® branches proposed to remain in the Network

x Frequently Asked Questions Leaflet x Map of the Local Area Plan x Branch Access Reports - information on proposed closing branches and details of alternative branches in the Area

Page 21 3 Page 22 4 1. Introduction

The Government has recognised that fewer people are using Post Office® branches, partly because traditional services, including benefit payments and other services are now available in other ways, such as online or directly through banks. It has concluded that the overall size and shape of the network of Post Office® branches (“the Network”) needs to change.

In May 2007, following a national public consultation, the Government announced a range of proposed measures to modernise and reshape the Network and put it on a more stable footing for the future. A copy of the Government’s response to the national public consultation (“the Response Document”) can be obtained at

Post Office Ltd has now put in place a Network Change Programme (“the Programme”) to implement the measures proposed by the Government. The Programme will involve the compulsory compensated closure of up to 2,500 Post Office® branches (out of a current Network of 14,300 branches), with the introduction of about 500 service points known as “Outreaches” to mitigate the impact of the proposed closures. Compensation will be paid to those subpostmasters whose branches are compulsorily closed under the Programme.

To support the necessary changes to the Network and put it on a more stable footing and to support the reshaped Network of the future, the Government has proposed an investment of up to £1.7bn as a funding package.

The majority of Post Office® branches - more than 80% - will not change as a result of the Programme. Post Office Ltd is seeking to implement those changes that do take place as efficiently and sensitively as possible.

One of the key ways in which Post Office Ltd will make sure that people continue to have the best possible access to Post Office® services is by applying the minimum access criteria prescribed by the Government in the Response Document:

Nationally: x 99% of the UK population to be within 3 miles and 90% of the population to be within 1 mile of their nearest Post Office® branch. x 99% of the total population in deprived urban1 areas across the UK to be within 1 mile of their nearest Post Office® branch. x 95% of the total urban2 population across the UK to be within 1 mile of their nearest Post Office® branch. x 95% of the total rural3 population across the UK to be within 3 miles of their nearest Post Office® branch.

1 Deprived urban – The most disadvantaged urban parts of the UK based on the Indices of Multiple Deprivation (top 15% Super Output Areas in , 15% of Data Zones in Scotland and 30% of Super Output Areas in Wales and Northern Ireland).

2 Urban – A community with 10,000 or more inhabitants in a continuous built up area.

3 Rural – A community not covered by the definition of Urban above. Page 23 5 In addition, for each individual postcode district: x 95% of the population of the postcode district to be within 6 miles of their nearest Post Office® branch. Changes to the Network can only take place within the prescribed access criteria.

In order to deliver the changes set out in the Response Document, Post Office Ltd has divided the UK into 47 areas (“Areas”). For each of these Areas Post Office Ltd will develop a local area plan proposal (“Area Plan Proposal”) which will set out the changes that it proposes to make within it. The Area Plan Proposal for Cumbria has been developed and in this booklet you will find information on the changes proposed for Cumbria. Full details of the Area Plan Proposal for Cumbria are available on our website or by contacting us at the address given below.

When developing the Area Plan Proposal for Cumbria, Post Office Ltd analysed a number of factors. These included the proximity of the Post Office® branches proposed for closure to other nearby branches, the number of customers currently using a particular Post Office® branch, the size and ability of nearby branches to absorb extra customers, and the commercial implications of any decision for Post Office Ltd.

Post Office Ltd has also taken into account obstacles such as rivers, mountains and valleys, motorways and sea crossings to islands in order to avoid undue hardship to customers. In addition, the availability of public transport, alternative access to key Post Office® services (such as cash withdrawals, bill payments, mail services), local demographics and the impact on local economies have all been considered. Post Office Ltd has sought information from a number of external organisations and people, including subpostmasters, local authorities and regional development agencies to assist with this process.

Postwatch, the independent consumer watchdog for postal services, has worked with us in assessing the options for change during the period leading up to the publication of the Area Plan Proposal. Post Office Ltd has also engaged with other stakeholders, including relevant MPs.

Local Public Consultation

Each Area Plan Proposal is subject to local public consultation to ensure that the views of local people are taken into account before any final decisions are made by Post Office Ltd.

The local public consultation on the Area Plan Proposal for Cumbria will commence on 18th March 2008. The local public consultation usually lasts for a period of six weeks, however Post Office Ltd will be suspending consultation activity, including participating in public meetings, and will not announce any final decisions regarding closures or replacement Outreach services, from 10 April 2008 until 2 May 2008. This coincides with the run up to the local elections taking place in England and Wales and is in line with the usual guidelines regarding such elections. Additionally in this instance we have extended public consultation by 2 working days to allow for the holiday period over Easter.

The closing date for feedback in respect of the local public consultation is therefore 27th May 2008.

Page 24 6 Please send your views and comments in writing regarding access to future Post Office® services in this Area to the address detailed below (payment of postage is not required to a Freepost address). Please note that your comments will not be kept confidential unless you expressly ask us to do so by clearly marking them ‘In Confidence’. Richard Lynds Network Development Manager C/o National Consultation Team FREEPOST CONSULTATION TEAM

Email: [email protected] Customer Helpline: 08457 22 33 44

Page 25 7 Page 26 8 2. The Area Plan Proposal for Cumbria

Post Office Ltd is acutely aware of the concerns that changes – including closures – affecting Post Office® branches in the Cumbria area will cause. In fulfilling the Government’s requirement to reduce the overall size of the Post Office® network (“the Network”) – and to do so in a way which creates similar results across the UK as a whole, and ensures that no group of inhabitants at an area level is overall significantly more adversely affected than any other – we are proposing to retain a total of 226 Post Office® branches across the area, but to close 35 existing branches. Ten outreach service points will be established and these would use innovative ways to continue to provide Post Office services in some areas where the existing branch is proposed for closure. If these proposed changes take place, Post Office Ltd will remain the largest retailer by network size in the country, and will still have more branches open than the number of branches of major banks and building societies combined. In this area, 98.5% of the population will see no change to the branch they currently use or will remain within one mile of an alternative outlet.

At present the area’s 488,000 residents are served by a total of 261 branches. Usage of Post Office® branches is falling, in line with national trends, as more customers access services at other places, make more use of the internet and have their Government benefits paid directly into bank accounts.

This Area Plan Proposal supports achievement of the national accessibility criteria set by the Government. It forms part of an overall reduction in the number of branches by up to 2,500 across the UK and does not disproportionately affect the inhabitants of the area relative to other parts of the UK.

In addition to meeting these criteria, when preparing this Area Plan Proposal, Post Office Ltd has considered factors relating to geography, the availability of local transport and alternative access to key Post Office® services, local demographics and the impact on local economies. All branches where changes are proposed have been fully assessed first hand by Post Office Ltd to ensure that local factors have been considered during the development of the Area Plan Proposal.

Cumbria communities are diverse in nature, including some densely populated urban areas around Carlisle, Workington and . The area consists of contrasting areas, which include the National Park, industrial agricultural heritage areas and traditional fishing areas on the coast. The area has a wide diversity of scenery and a large number of popular visitor attractions. 62.1% of the population live in rural communities and 37.9% live in towns and cities. In order to meet the Government's access criteria and avoid undue hardship, Post Office Ltd is proposing a future Network in the area comprising 36 branches in towns and cities and 190 branches in rural areas. The needs of those living in communities defined as deprived have been carefully considered in this Area Plan Proposal, reflecting the specific national criteria set by the Government to give greater safeguards on the accessibility of branches in these communities. Some 11.6% of the area’s total population live in deprived communities. 8.5% of the deprived population in urban areas and 3.1% of the deprived population in rural areas. This proposal for future Network provision in Cumbria provides for nine of the total number of remaining branches being located in urban deprived communities.

Page 27 9 Post Office Ltd has engaged with various stakeholders when preparing this Area Plan Proposal. We have consulted with Postwatch, the independent consumer watchdog for postal services, and we have asked all local authorities within the Cumbria area to provide information and views relevant to the factors which we are able to consider. Our aim throughout has been to minimise the impact, as far as possible, on our customers and to produce the most effective overall proposal for the future.

In our conversations with stakeholders we have been made aware of regeneration plans affecting areas within the overall proposal and have taken these into consideration when constructing the Area Plan Proposal. Information has been received from Carlisle City Council, Council and Allerdale Borough Council who have made us aware of their regeneration and development plans.

Carlisle City Council and Eden District Council have made us aware of major road schemes.

We have not received any information from local authorities relating to public transport changes in their areas.

Whilst stakeholders have advised Post Office Ltd of major road schemes, none of these would materially change the accessibility to branches for particular communities. Similarly, the absence of input regarding public transport provision does not suggest any proposed reduction in current provision which could leave branches significantly less accessible for particular communities or make it more difficult for customers to access alternative branches than at present.

In finalising the Area Plan Proposal all branches were carefully considered against the Government’s minimum access criteria, which Post Office Ltd must meet. Due regard has been given to the other factors that we must consider. As those factors were reviewed, and as information from stakeholders was considered and assessed, 17.8% of the initial Area Plan Proposal has been changed.

Future service provision:

The Area Plan Proposal envisages a Post Office® Network of 226 branches in the Cumbria area, which ensures that Post Office Ltd would comply with the minimum access criteria set by the Government. For 89.6% of customers this would mean no change to the Post Office® branch that they currently use.

The network now proposed for Cumbria continues to offer better access to services than that of any similar organisation, while accepting the Government’s decision to reduce overall branch numbers. Subject to the Government’s overriding criteria, we have considered geography, transport provision, demographics and local economic impact where appropriate. We are pleased to maintain 49 rural branches that support the only essential retailer in their community and 141 that provide the only access to cash in a particular rural community. The Area Plan Proposal includes provision of Post Office services through innovative outreach solutions at 10 locations. In each instance, the outreach solution would be located within the same community as an existing Post Office branch and would provide Post Office services for a designated number of hours per week. Possible types of outreach service in the Cumbria area could include a hosted service, operated within third party premises for restricted hours each week, or a partner service within the premises of a local business (such as a pub landlord).

Outreach services are proposed in Bewcastle, Brough, Hallbankgate, Dent, Endmoor, Greenodd, Leven Valley, Castle Carrock, Hayton Carlisle and Irthington.

Page 28 10 Post Office Ltd understands the importance of its role in both urban and rural communities and is keen to continue to provide access to services for as many customers in as many of these communities as possible. We have also considered the relative convenience of alternative branches for those customers whose closest branch is proposed for closure. Of the 10.4% of customers who use a branch that will close, 8.9% would have access to Post Office® services within one mile as measured by road distance (5.4% being within half a mile of their nearest alternative). In total, 98.5% of the population will either see no change, or will be within one mile of an alternative branch.

Next steps…. During the local public consultation, we will seek views on the proposed future service provision as outlined in this Area Plan Proposal. Subject to the conclusion of the local public consultation period and after consideration of feedback received, no changes would be implemented before July 2008. Post Office Ltd is at a crucial point. Customer numbers are falling, customer habits are changing and many of our traditional services are available elsewhere. It is essential that the changes, which include a reduction in the number of branches, be made if the Network is to have a sustainable future. We therefore welcome your views and comments regarding access to future Post Office® services in this area. In particular, we ask for your views on accessibility to the nearest Post Office® branch.

Page 29 11 Page 30 12 3.

The consumer watchdog

Postwatch is the independent watchdog for postal services, created by the Postal Services Act 2000. Postwatch is working with Post Office Ltd and local communities throughout the programme to help secure the best possible outcome for customers. What Postwatch will do

Postwatch operates through nine regional and national committees across the UK. Postwatch’s role during the programme – prescribed by government - is to scrutinise Post Office Ltd’s proposals and give feedback, ensure local consultations are meaningful, and that Post Office Ltd’s decisions are sensible and in line with government criteria.

Each Postwatch regional office investigates Post Office Ltd’s closure proposals. Postwatch receives area plans in advance of public consultation, allowing the time to examine proposals, and Post Office Ltd the chance to refine their proposals before going to public consultation.

Once public consultation is underway, Postwatch works to raise awareness of local consultations, and encourage participation. Postwatch will also work to ensure the minimum access criteria set out by the government are maintained.

Where Postwatch thinks proposals are unsatisfactory, they will work with local communities and Post Office Ltd to address these problems. There is an agreed review mechanism between Postwatch and Post Office Ltd for such instances. It is important to note that Postwatch does not have a power of veto on Post Office Ltd’s decisions.

Further information

Postwatch and Post Office Ltd have agreed a Memorandum of Understanding, which sets out in detail the role Postwatch will play in the Programme. This is available on the Postwatch website at

Page 31 13 Page 32 14 4. Proposed Outreach Service Points

Outreach service is an innovative way to continue to provide Post Office® services in some areas where we may need to close a Post Office® branch. The outreach service will be located within the same community as the current Post Office® branch and provide Post Office® services for a designated number of hours per week.

There are four possible types of outreach service:

The Mobile Service is a travelling Post Office® situated within a van operated by the core subpostmaster or his assistants that will visit small communities at set times and days each week to deliver certain Post Office® products and services to customers.

The Hosted Service is a fixed site Post Office® branch from which the core subpostmaster or his assistants transact certain Post Office® products and services during restricted hours each week. The premises are owned by a third party, for example, a shop or community centre.

The Partner Service is a fixed site Post Office® where a local partner (such as a pub landlord), appointed by the core subpostmaster, transacts certain Post Office® products and services from the partner’s own premises during the opening hours of the partner’s business.

The Home Service is a service for very small communities whereby the core subpostmaster delivers a reduced range of Post Office® products and services which are ordered over the telephone by customers. The products may either be delivered to the customer’s home or at a local drop-in session. There will not be a physical Post Office® building in the community.

For each of these services an established subpostmaster (known as the “core” subpostmaster) will travel into a nearby community to provide a local Post Office® service; in addition to running their own Post Office® branch.

Over the past 18 months, 70 Outreach access points have been trialled. These services have been provided by 28 core branches, and this also draws on our experience of successfully operating over 250 ‘satellite’ branches since 2000. Post Office Ltd is proposing to introduce a number of Outreach service points as part of this Area Plan and is actively working to develop suitable proposals for the branches proposed for replacement Outreach services detailed within this booklet.

We would therefore like to seek views from our customers and their representatives on the Hosted Services proposed for Bewcastle, Brough, Dent, Endmoor, Hayton Carlisle and Leven Valley, and the Partner Service proposed for Hallbankgate. Full details of the proposed new services are provided overleaf.

Page 33 15 Cumbria area plan – Post Office branch proposed Hosted service

Post Office® Bewcastle branch Lyne Bank, Bewcastle, Carlisle, CA6 6PW

Post Office Ltd is proposing to close Bewcastle Post Office® branch on a permanent basis and to mitigate the impact of the proposed closure we propose to put in place a Hosted Service, as detailed below from July 2008:

Proposed outreach service:

Outreach Service Point Access and facilities Roadhead Public Hall There is level access at the entrance. Roadhead Carlisle Transport CA6 6NL There is a car park outside the hall.

Opening times Route Tue 14:00 – 16:00 The proposed location is 1.5 miles away from the current Bewcastle branch along Services hilly terrain. The standard range of products and services will continue to be available, with the addition of DVLA facilities. Customers can still collect benefits in cash using our everyday banking services or Post Office® card account.

Access to services outside these times:

Kershopefoot branch Newcastleton branch Roweltown branch Kershopefoot 12A Douglas Square Roweltown Newcastleton Newcastleton Carlisle TD9 0TJ TD9 0QD CA6 6LA

Page 34 16 Cumbria area plan – Post Office branch proposed Hosted service continued:

Post Office® Brough branch Main Street, Brough, , CA17 4BL

Post Office Ltd is proposing to close Brough Post Office® branch on a permanent basis and to mitigate the impact of the proposed closure we propose to put in place a Hosted Service, as detailed below from July 2008:

Proposed outreach service:

Outreach Service Point Access and facilities Memorial Hall The Memorial Hall has level access. New Road Brough CA17 4AS Transport Roadside parking is available outside the Opening times Memorial Hall. Mon, Wed & Thur 09:00 – 13:00

Services Route The standard range of products and The proposed location is approximately services will continue to be available 120 yards from the current Brough branch with the addition of Passport checking along level terrain. and Dollar On Demand Currency facilities. Customers can still collect benefits in cash using our everyday banking services or Post Office® card account.

Access to services outside these times:

Kirkby Stephen branch Crosby Garrett branch Warcop branch Market Street Crosby Garrett Gregsons Stores Kirkby Stephen Kirkby Stephen Warcop CA17 4QW CA17 4PW Appleby-In- CA16 6PL

Page 35 17 Cumbria area plan – Post Office branch proposed Hosted service continued:

Post Office® Dent branch Main Street, Dent, , LA10 5QL

Post Office Ltd is proposing to close Dent Post Office® branch on a permanent basis and to mitigate the impact of the proposed closure we propose to put in place a Hosted Service, as detailed below from July 2008:

Proposed outreach service:

Outreach Service Point Access and facilities Dent Memorial Hall There is level access at the entrance. Laning Dent Transport Sedbergh There is a car park with designated LA10 5QL disabled parking opposite the Memorial Hall. Opening times Tue & Thur 09:00 – 13:00 Route The proposed location is 140 yards away Services from the current branch along varied The standard range of products and terrain. services will continue to be available with the addition of DLVA, passport checking and Euro On Demand Bureau de Change facilities. Customers can still collect benefits in cash using our everyday banking services or Post Office® card account.

Access to services outside these times:

Sedbergh branch branch Barbon branch 24-26 Main Street 15 New Road Barbon Stores Sedbergh Kirkby Lonsdale Barbon LA10 5AA Carnforth Carnforth LA6 2AA LA6 2LL

Page 36 18 Cumbria area plan – Post Office branch proposed Hosted service continued:

Post Office® Endmoor branch Endmoor, Kendal, LA8 0EU

Post Office Ltd is proposing to close Endmoor Post Office® branch on a permanent basis and to mitigate the impact of the proposed closure we propose to put in place a Hosted Service, as detailed below from July 2008:

Proposed outreach service:

Outreach Service Point Access and facilities Endmoor Village Hall There is level access at the entrance. Gatebeck Road Endmoor Transport Kendal There is a large car park at the Village Hall. LA8 0HL Route Opening times The proposed location is 0.3 miles from the Mon, Wed, Fri 09:00 – 13:00 current branch, along level terrain. Tue 14:30 – 17:30

Services The standard range of products and services will continue to be available with the addition of DVLA and passport checking facilities. Customers can still collect benefits in cash using our everyday banking services or Post Office® card account.

Access to services outside these times:

Oxenholme branch Natland branch Milnthorpe branch 73 Helmside Road Natland 10 Park Road Oxenholme Kendal Milnthorpe Kendal LA9 7QQ LA7 7AA LA9 7HA

Page 37 19 Cumbria area plan – Post Office branch proposed Hosted service continued:

Post Office® Hayton Carlisle branch Hayton Stores, Hayton, Carlisle, CA8 9HR

Post Office Ltd is proposing to close Hayton Carlisle Post Office® branch on a permanent basis and to mitigate the impact of the proposed closure we propose to put in place a Hosted Service, as detailed below from July 2008:

Proposed outreach service:

Outreach Service Point Access and facilities Hayton Stores There is level access at the entrance. Hayton Brampton Transport CA8 9HR There is a car park outside the store.

Opening times Route Mon 10:00 – 13:00 The proposed hosted outreach service will Thu 14:00 – 17:00 be located at the current site.

Services The standard range of products and services will continue to be available, with the addition of DVLA facilities. Customers can still collect benefits in cash using our everyday banking services or Post Office® card account.

Access to services outside these times:

Warwick Bridge branch Brampton branch branch The Post Office Front Street Tavistock House Warwick Bridge Brampton Wetheral Carlisle CA8 1NN Carlisle CA4 8RN CA4 8ES

Page 38 20 Cumbria area plan – Post Office branch proposed Hosted service continued:

Post Office® Leven Valley branch Glendale, Backbarrow, , LA12 8RB

Post Office Ltd is proposing to close Leven Valley Post Office® branch on a permanent basis and to mitigate the impact of the proposed closure we propose to put in place a Hosted Service, as detailed below from July 2008:

Proposed outreach service:

Outreach Service Point Access and facilities Whitewater Hotel and Leisure Club The Hotel and Leisure Club has level access. Cascades Lakeland Village Newby Bridge Transport LA12 8PX In addition to parking available at the Hotel car park opposite, there is roadside parking Opening times adjacent to the Leisure Club. 9 hours per week – exact opening times to be confirmed Route Services The proposed location is 0.2 miles from the The standard range of products and current Leven Valley branch along varied services will continue to be available terrain. with the addition of DVLA, Passport checking and On Demand Bureau de Change facilities. Customers can still collect benefits in cash using our everyday banking services or Post Office® card account.

Access to services outside these times:

Cartmel branch Bowland Bridge branch Flookburgh branch Cavendish Street Bowland Bridge 34 Main Street Cartmel Grange-Over-Sands Flookburgh Grange-Over-Sands LA11 6NN Grange-Over-Sands LA11 6QA LA11 7LA

Page 39 21 Cumbria area plan – Post Office branch proposed Partner service

Post Office® Hallbankgate branch Penrith Co-operative Society, Hallbankgate, Brampton, CA8 2NJ

Post Office Ltd is proposing to close Hallbankgate Post Office® branch on a permanent basis and to mitigate the impact of the proposed closure we propose to put in place a Hosted Service, as detailed below from July 2008:

Proposed outreach service:

Outreach Service Point Access and facilities The Co-operative Store There is level access at the entrance. Hallbankgate Brampton Transport CA8 2NJ There is a car park outside the store. Opening times Route Mon, Tue, Wed 08:00 – 12:30 The proposed partner outreach service will 13:30 – 17:30 be located at the current site. Thu, Fri 08:00 – 17:30 Sat 08:00 – 13:00 Sun 09:00 – 12:00

Services The Partner service would offer a range of the most commonly used Post Office products and services including collecting benefits in cash using our everyday banking services or Post Office® card account, bill payment and mail posting (with some restrictions).

Access to services outside these times:

Brampton branch Warwick Bridge branch Halton Lea Gate branch Front Street The Post Office 43 Leaside Brampton Warwick Bridge Halton Lea Gate CA8 1NN Carlisle Brampton CA4 8RN CA8 7LA

Page 40 22 In the following communities we would like to propose a Hosted Service. To date we have been unable to reach an agreement on a suitable site. We would therefore like to seek views from our customers and their representatives as to a suitable location for this service in the local community. If we are unable to identify a suitable location then our alternative proposal is to introduce a Mobile service for the total number of hours per week, as detailed below, from July 2008. Full details of the proposed Mobile services are provided overleaf.

Branch name Hours per week

Castle Carrock 3 Greenodd 11 Irthington 8

Page 41 23 Cumbria area plan – Post Office branch proposed Mobile service

Post Office® Castle Carrock branch Castle Carrock, Brampton, CA8 9LT

Proposed Mobile Service:

Outreach Service Visiting times Transport Point Mon 14:00 – 17:00 There are roadside In the vicinity of The parking facilities Watson Hall Services available nearby. Castle Carrock The standard range of products and Brampton services will continue to be Route CA8 9LT available, with the addition of DVLA The proposed Mobile facilities. Customers can still collect Service will be located benefits in cash using our everyday 500 yards from the banking services or Post Office® current Castle Carrock card account. branch along level terrain. Access and facilities There is a step into the Mobile branch, but an electronic tailgate is available to facilitate easy access for wheelchair users and those with disabilities.

Access to services outside these times:

Brampton branch Armathwaite branch Croglin branch Front Street Armathwaite The Smithy Brampton Front Street Mulcaster Place CA8 1NN Carlisle Croglin CA4 9PA Carlisle CA4 9RX

Page 42 24 Cumbria area plan – Post Office branch proposed Mobile service continued

Post Office® Greenodd branch Main Street, Greenodd, Ulverston, LA12 7RB

Proposed Mobile Service:

Outreach Service Services Transport Point The standard range of products and There are parking Outside the Village services will continue to be facilities available Hall, next to the BT available, with the addition of DVLA, nearby. phone box, UK passport checking and On LA12 7RD Demand Bureau de Change Route facilities. Customers can still collect The proposed Mobile benefits in cash using our everyday Service location will be Visiting times banking services or Post Office® sited 500 yards from the 11 hours per week – card account. current Greenodd branch exact opening times along level terrain. to be confirmed. Access and facilities There is a step into the Mobile branch, but an electronic tailgate is available to facilitate easy access for wheelchair users and those with disabilities.

Access to services outside these times:

Ulverston branch Croftlands Park branch Grizebeck branch County Square 46 Central Drive Grizebeck Filling Station Ulverston Ulverston Grizebeck LA12 7AA LA12 9JN Kirkby-In-Furness LA17 7XH

Page 43 25 Cumbria area plan – Post Office branch proposed Mobile service continued

Post Office® Irthington branch Irthington, Carlisle, CA6 4NN

Proposed Mobile Service:

Outreach Service Visiting times Transport Point Tue, Thu 09:00 – 13:00 There are roadside In the vicinity of St parking facilities Kentgern’s Church Services available nearby. Irthington The standard range of products and Carlisle services will continue to be Route CA6 4NN available, with the addition of DVLA The proposed Mobile facilities. Customers can still collect Service will be located benefits in cash using our everyday 500 yards from the banking services or Post Office® current Irthington branch card account. along level terrain.

Access and facilities There is a step into the Mobile branch, but an electronic tailgate is available to facilitate easy access for wheelchair users and those with disabilities.

Access to services outside these times:

Brampton branch Warwick Bridge branch Walton branch Front Street The Post Office Centurion Inn Brampton Warwick Bridge Walton CA8 1NN Carlisle Brampton CA4 8RN CA8 2DH

Page 44 26 Cumbria area - Post Office branches proposed for Outreach Proposed Branch Name Address Town/City Postcode Constituency Local Authority Outreach Hours Cumbria County Penrith and Council / Bewcastle Lyne Bank, Bewcastle Carlisle CA6 6PW the Border Carlisle City Council 2 Cumbria County Penrith and Council / Brough Main Street, Brough Kirkby Stephen CA17 4BL the Border Eden District Council 12 Cumbria County Penrith Co-operative Penrith and Council / Hallbankgate Society, Hallbankgate Brampton CA8 2NJ the Border Carlisle City Council 53.5 Cumbria County Penrith and Council / Castle Carrock Castle Carrock Brampton CA8 9LT the Border Carlisle City Council 3 Cumbria County Hayton Stores, Penrith and Council / Hayton Carlisle Hayton Carlisle CA8 9HR the Border Carlisle City Council 6 Cumbria County Penrith and Council / Irthington Irthington Carlisle CA6 4NN the Border Carlisle City Council 8 Cumbria County Council / Westmorland Dent Main Street, Dent Sedbergh LA10 5QL and Lonsdale District Council 8 Cumbria County Council / Westmorland South Lakeland Endmoor Endmoor Kendal LA8 0EU and Lonsdale District Council 15 Cumbria County Council / Main Street, Westmorland South Lakeland Greenodd Greenodd Ulverston LA12 7RB and Lonsdale District Council 11 Cumbria County Council / Glendale, Westmorland South Lakeland Leven Valley Backbarrow Ulverston LA12 8RB and Lonsdale District Council 9

Page 1 of 1 Page 45 Cumbria area - Post Office branches proposed for Closure Cumbria County Council / Dalton-In- Barrow and Barrow in Furness Borough Anty Cross 19 Ruskin Avenue Furness LA15 8LU Furness Council

Barrow and Cumbria County Council / Bardsea The Yews, Bardsea Ulverston LA12 9QT Furness South Lakeland District Council Cumbria County Council / 16 Douglas Street, Barrow-In- Barrow and Barrow in Furness Borough Douglas Street Walney Island Furness LA14 3QQ Furness Council Cumbria County Council / Rawlinson Barrow-In- Barrow and Barrow in Furness Borough Street 149 Rawlinson Street Furness LA14 1BB Furness Council

Barrow and Cumbria County Council / Swarthmoor 56-58 Fox Street, Swarthmoor Ulverston LA12 0HT Furness South Lakeland District Council Cumbria County Council / Botcherby 1 Wood Street, Botcherby Carlisle CA1 2SF Carlisle Carlisle City Council Cumbria County Council / Denton Holme 125 Denton Street Carlisle CA2 5EN Carlisle Carlisle City Council Cumbria County Council / Great Orton Great Orton Carlisle CA5 6NA Carlisle Carlisle City Council SPAR Convenience Store, Cumbria County Council / Upperby 36 Lamb Street Carlisle CA2 4NF Carlisle Carlisle City Council Cumbria County Council / Beckermet Newlands Beckermet CA21 2XB Copeland Copeland Borough Council Cumbria County Council / Bigrigg Springfield Road, Bigrigg Egremont CA22 2TN Copeland Copeland Borough Council Gosforth (Temporarily Cumbria County Council / Closed) The Lakeland Habit, Gosforth Seascale CA20 1EJ Copeland Copeland Borough Council Cumbria County Council / Holborn Hill 49 Holborn Hill LA18 5BJ Copeland Copeland Borough Council Cumbria County Council / Lowca Lowca CA28 6QH Copeland Copeland Borough Council Cumbria County Council / Moor Row 1 Church Street, Moor Row Carlisle CA24 3JG Copeland Copeland Borough Council Village Hall, Main Street, Cumbria County Council / Parton Parton Whitehaven CA28 6NY Copeland Copeland Borough Council Cumbria County Council / Tangier Street 12 Tangier Street Whitehaven CA28 7UX Copeland Copeland Borough Council Appleby-In- Penrith and Cumbria County Council / Bolton Bolton Westmorland CA16 6AL the Border Eden District Council Appleby-In- Penrith and Cumbria County Council / Knock Knock Westmorland CA16 6DL the Border Eden District Council Melmerby (Temporarily Melmerby and Fellside Village Penrith and Cumbria County Council / Closed) Shop, Melmerby Penrith CA10 1HN the Border Eden District Council

Page 1 of 2 Page 46 Cumbria area - Post Office branches proposed for Closure Penrith and Cumbria County Council / Penton Bessietown, Catlowdy, Penton Carlisle CA6 5QP the Border Carlisle City Council Townhead Garage, Penrith and Cumbria County Council / Scotland Road Scotland Road Penrith CA11 7NN the Border Eden District Council Yew Tree House, Westmorland Cumbria County Council / Beetham Church Road, Beetham Milnthorpe LA7 7AL and Lonsdale South Lakeland District Council 112 Station Roads, Grange-Over- Westmorland Cumbria County Council / Cark In Cartmel Cark In Cartmel Sands LA11 7NY and Lonsdale South Lakeland District Council Grange-Over- Westmorland Cumbria County Council / Grange Fell 20 Fell Cottages Sands LA11 6AH and Lonsdale South Lakeland District Council

Westmorland Cumbria County Council / Heathwaite 17 Park Road Windermere LA23 2BE and Lonsdale South Lakeland District Council Westmorland Cumbria County Council / Longpool 14 Wildman Street Kendal LA9 6EN and Lonsdale South Lakeland District Council Cumbria County Council / Brigham High Brigham CA13 0TG Workington Allerdale Borough Council Broughton Moor (Temporarily The Miners Arms, Cumbria County Council / Closed) Broughton Moor CA15 7RY Workington Allerdale Borough Council Cumbria County Council / Camerton Silver Dawn, Camerton Workington CA14 1LS Workington Allerdale Borough Council Cumbria County Council / Crosby 21 Garborough Close, Crosby Maryport CA15 6RY Workington Allerdale Borough Council Cumbria County Council / Grasslot 2 Grasslot Maryport CA15 8BU Workington Allerdale Borough Council Cumbria County Council / Hayton Hayton, Aspatria Carlisle CA7 2PD Workington Allerdale Borough Council 1 Scaw Road, Cumbria County Council / High Harrington High Harrington Workington CA14 4LU Workington Allerdale Borough Council Cumbria County Council / Vulcans Lane 3 Vulcans Lane Workington CA14 2NX Workington Allerdale Borough Council

Page 2 of 2 Page 47 Cumbria area - Post Office branches to remain in the Network Branch Name Address Town/City Postcode Abbey Town Abbey Town Carlisle CA7 4RG Allithwaite Church Road, Allithwaite Grange-Over-Sands LA11 7QH The Cornershop Newsagents, Allonby Main Street, Allonby Maryport CA15 6PJ Alston Front Street Alston CA9 3HP Post Office/Tourist Information Centre, Central Buildings, Marketplace Ambleside LA22 9BS Anthorn Anthorn Carlisle CA7 5AJ 26 Boroughgate, Appleby Appleby In Westmorland Carlisle CA16 6UZ Arlecdon 52 Arlecdon Road, Arlecdon Frizington CA26 3XA Armathwaite Armathwaite, Front Street Carlisle CA4 9PA Arnside Promenade, Arnside Carnforth LA5 0HA Askam In Furness 75 Duke Street Askam In Furness LA16 7AD Askham The Toy Works, Holly House, Askham Penrith CA10 2PG Aspatria 50-52 King Street, Aspatria Carlisle CA7 3AA Baileymill Newcastleton Hawick TD9 0TR Bampton Norbrock House, Bampton Penrith CA10 2RQ Barbon Barbon Stores, Barbon Carnforth LA6 2LL Bassenthwaite (mobile service) Opposite the Orchard, Bassenthwaite Carlisle CA12 4QR Baycliff Mylngarth, Coast Road, Baycliffe Ulverston LA12 9RJ Beacon Hill 2 Highlands Avenue Barrow-In-Furness LA13 0AU Blackford (mobile service) Opposite Church, Blackford Carlisle CA6 4ES Appleby-In- (home service) c/o Appleby SPSO, 26 Boroughgate Westmorland CA10 1TX Blennerhasset (mobile service) Village Green, Blennerhasset Carlisle CA7 3QY Bolton Lowhouse (mobile service) Opposite High Grange, Bolton Lowhouse Carlisle CA7 8PE Boltongate (mobile service) Oposite Church, Boltongate Carlisle CA7 1DA Boot (serve and store) Dale View Eskdale CA19 1TG Bootle 4 Main Street, Bootle Millom LA19 5TF Bootle Station Dale View', Bootle Station Millom LA19 5XF Telephone Kiosk next to Bothel (mobile service) Village Notice Board, Bothel CA7 2JA Bowland Bridge Bowland Bridge Grange-Over-Sands LA11 6NN Bowness on Solway Salisbury Place, Bowness On Solway Carlisle CA7 5BL 2 St Martins Parade, Bowness On Windermere Bowness On Windermere Windermere LA23 3DY Bowness Road 4 Bowness Road Barrow-In-Furness LA14 5PW Braithwaite (mobile service) Scotgate Holiday Park, Braithwaite Carlisle CA12 5SY Brampton Front Street Brampton CA8 1NN Appleby-In- Brampton (home service) c/o Appleby SPSO, 26 Boroughgate Westmorland CA16 6JS Bridgefoot (serve and store) 18 Fell View, Bridgefoot Workington CA14 1YA Broughton In Furness 11 Princes Street Broughton In Furness LA20 6HQ

Page 1 of 6 Page 48 Cumbria area - Post Office branches to remain in the Network Brunton Park 264 Warwick Road Carlisle CA1 2BX Burgh By Sands Fauld Farm, Burgh By Sands Carlisle CA5 6AN Burneside Burneside Spa, New Road, Burneside Kendal LA9 6PX Burrowgate 36-40 Burrowgate Penrith CA11 7TA Burton The Newsagents, Main Street, Burton Carnforth LA6 1NA Caldbeck Caldbeck Wigton CA7 8EA Calderbridge Calderbridge Seascale CA20 1DN Cargo (mobile service) Entrance to Four Oaks Car Park, Cargo Carlisle CA6 4AW Carlisle WHSmith, 51-53 English Street, Carlisle CA3 8JY Cartmel Cartmel, Cavendish Street, Cartmel Grange Over Sands LA11 6QA Central Avenue 34 Central Avenue Carlisle CA1 3QB Cumbrian Co-Op Store, 76 Leconfield Street Cleator Moor CA25 5PX Clifton (mobile service) Narrow Layby, Clifton Carlisle CA10 2EA Cockermouth Co-op, Station Street Cockermouth CA13 9QW Coniston 6 Yewdale Road Coniston LA21 8DU Cotehill Village Hall, Front Street, Cotehill Carlisle CA4 0DQ Croftlands Park 46 Central Drive Ulverston LA12 9JN Croglin The Smithy, Mulcaster Place, Croglin Carlisle CA4 9RX Crosby Garrett Crosby Garrett Kirkby Stephen CA17 4PW The Punch Bowl Inn & Restaurant Kendal LA8 8HR Culgaith (mobile service) Next to Kiosk, Culgaith Carlisle CA10 1QG Station Road, Cumwhinton Carlisle CA4 8DJ Currock 83 Blackwell Road Carlisle CA2 4AJ Dalston 22 The Square, Dalston Carlisle CA5 7PY Dalton In Furness 76-78 Market Street Dalton In Furness LA15 8AA Dearham Central Road, Dearham Maryport CA15 7HG Distington 54 Main Street, Distington Workington CA14 5TA Dockray (mobile service) Farm Track, Dockray Carlisle CA11 0JY Drumburgh (mobile service) Small Layby, Drumburgh Carlisle CA7 5DW Appleby-In- Dufton (home service) c/o Appleby SPSO, 26 Boroughgate Westmorland CA16 6DB Duke Street 108 Duke Street, Murray's Chemist Barrow In Furness LA14 1LU Eamont Bridge (mobile service) Layby, Eamont Bridge Carlisle CA10 2BU Egremont 52 Main Street Egremont CA22 2AA Ellenborough 95 Main Street, Ellenborough Maryport CA15 7DX Elterwater Maple Tree Corner, Elterwater Ambleside LA22 9HP Embleton (mobile service) Car Park, Embleton Carlisle CA13 9XU Ennerdale Bridge Ennerdale Cleator CA23 3AR Eskdale St Bega's Parish Church, Eskdale Green Holmrook CA19 1TX Fletchertown (mobile service) Layby, Fletchertown Carlisle CA7 1BS MS Convenience Stores, Flimby Wedgewood Road, Flimby Maryport CA15 8QU Flookburgh 34 Main Street, Flookburgh Grange-Over-Sands LA11 7LA Frizington Main Street Frizington CA26 3SA

Page 2 of 6 Page 49 Cumbria area - Post Office branches to remain in the Network Furness House 5-7 Dalton Road Barrow-In-Furness LA14 1LE Gamblesby Gamblesby Penrith CA10 1HR Garrigill Garrigill Alston CA9 3DS Gilcrux The Beeches, Gilcrux Carlisle CA7 2QX Glenridding (mobile service) Main Car Park, Glenridding Carlisle CA11 0PA Grange Over Sands Main Street Grange Over Sands LA11 6AA Grasmere Red Lion Square, Grasmere Ambleside LA22 9PZ Great Broughton 53 Main Street, Great Broughton Near Cockermouth CA13 0YJ Great Clifton Hunter Bank, Great Clifton Workington CA14 1UD Great Salkeld (mobile service) By Church & School, Great Salkeld Carlisle CA11 9LZ Great Strickland (mobile service) Private Car Park, Great Strickland Carlisle CA10 3DF Great Urswick 11 Church Road, Great Urswick Ulverston LA12 0TA Greystoke Church Road, Greystoke Penrith CA11 0TW Grizebeck Grizebeck Filling Station, Grizebeck Kirkby-In-Furness LA17 7XH Hackthorpe (mobile service) Pennine Close, Hackthorpe Carlisle CA10 2HY Hallgarth 93 Hallgarth Circle Kendal LA9 5NU Harrington 63 Church Road, Harrington Workington CA14 5PT Haverigg 96 Main Street, Haverigg Millom LA18 4EY Hawkshead Main Street, Hawkshead Ambleside LA22 0NS Heathergill (mobile service) Village Hall Car Park, Heathergill Carlisle CA6 6EJ Hesket Newmarket (serve and store) Hesket Newmarket Wigton CA7 8JG Holme Milnthorpe Road, Holme Carnforth LA6 1PS Holmacre, Tynedale Farm Services, Holmrook Farm Shop Holmrook CA19 1UH

Houghton Houghton Stores, The Green, Houghton Carlisle CA3 0LL Hutton Roof Glebe Barn, Hutton Hoof Carnforth LA6 2PG Ireby (mobile service) Outside Sun Inn, Ireby Carlisle CA7 1ES Kendal 75 Stricklandgate Kendal LA9 4AA Pumple Syke, Kentmere Kendal LA8 9JL Kents Bank Kirkhead Road Grange-Over-Sands LA11 7BG Kershopefoot Kershopefoot Newcastleton TD9 0TJ Keswick 48 Main Street Keswick CA12 5JJ Kingmoor Road Kingmoor Road, Stanwix Carlisle CA3 9PS Kings Meaburn Kings Meaburn Penrith CA10 3BU Kingstown 254 Kingstown Road, Kingstown Carlisle CA3 0BW Kirkbampton (mobile service) Layby, Kirkbampton Carlisle CA5 6HS Kirkbride Kirkbride Wigton CA7 5JH Kirkby In Furness Moorland Stores, School Road Kirkby In Furness LA17 7TF Kirkby Lonsdale 15 New Road, Kirkby Lonsdale Carnforth LA6 2AA Kirkby Stephen Market Street Kirkby Stephen CA17 4QW Kirkby Thore Kirkby Thore Penrith CA10 1UD Kirkland 30 Kirkland Kendal LA9 5AD

Page 3 of 6 Page 50 Cumbria area - Post Office branches to remain in the Network Kirkoswald Bridge Stores, Kirkoswald Penrith CA10 1DQ Langwathby Penrith CA10 1LW Penrith Co-op, Lazonby Penrith CA10 1BG Lesh Lane 124 Lesh Lane Barrow-In-Furness LA13 9EQ Levens Main Street, Levens Kendal LA8 8NB Lindale Lindale Grange-Over-Sands LA11 6LT Little Langdale School House, Little Langdale Little Langdale Ambleside LA22 9NY

Long Morton (mobile service) Merryvale Bakery Car Park, Long Morton Carlisle CA16 6BN Longtown 21 Swan Street, Longtown Carlisle CA6 5UY Low Hesket (mobile service) Minor Road, Low Hesket Carlisle CA4 0EX Market Place 10 Market Place Whitehaven CA28 7JD Maryport 92 High Street Maryport CA15 6AA Maulds Meaburn School House, Maulds Meaburn Penrith CA10 3HN Mikasa Street 8 Mikasa Street, Walney Barrow-In-Furness LA14 3DP Mill Lane 112 Mill Lane Barrow-In-Furness LA14 3NT Millom 9 St Georges Road Millom LA18 4JA Milnthorpe 10 Park Road Milnthorpe LA7 7AA Mirehouse 57 Meadow Road Whitehaven CA28 8ER Moorclose Estate 134 Westfield Drive Workington CA14 3RW Moresby Parks Moresby Parks Road, Moresby Parks Whitehaven CA28 8XG Morton 123 Newlaithes Avenue, Morton Park Carlisle CA2 6PP Mount Pleasant 226 Blackwell Road Carlisle CA2 4RR Natland Natland Kendal LA9 7QQ Community Shop & Post Office, Vicarage Terrace, Nenthead Alston CA9 3PL Netherton 19 Rydal Avenue, Netherton Maryport CA15 7LU Newby Newby Penrith CA10 3EX Newtown 109 Newtown Road Carlisle CA2 7JJ Ormsgill 38 Middlefield Barrow-In-Furness LA14 4BX Orton The Square, Orton Penrith CA10 3RH Oughterside Prospect Farm, Prospect, Aspatria Carlisle CA7 2LR Ousby Hamara Ghar, Ousby Penrith CA10 1QA Oxenholme 73 Helmside Road, Oxenholme Kendal LA9 7HA Oxford Street 46 Oxford Street Barrow-In-Furness LA14 5QL Patterdale Patterdale Penrith CA11 0NW Penrith Crown Square Penrith CA11 7AA Penruddock Penruddock Penrith CA11 0QU Petteril Bank 2 Petteril Bank Road Carlisle CA1 3AH

Plumbland (mobile service) In Front of Plumbland House, Plumbland Carlisle CA7 2HG Plumpton Plumpton Penrith CA11 9NS Pooley Bridge Pooley Bridge Penrith CA10 2NP Port Carlisle (mobile service) Port Carlisle Bowling Club, Port Carlisle Carlisle CA7 5BU

Page 4 of 6 Page 51 Cumbria area - Post Office branches to remain in the Network Portinscale (mobile service) Harney Peak Car Park, Portinscale Carlisle CA12 5RQ Raffles 17 Shadygrove Road Carlisle CA2 7LE Ramsden Dock Road 21 Ramsden Dock Road Barrow-In-Furness LA14 2TR Ravenglass Whitburn House, Main Street Ravenglass CA18 1SG Renwick (serve and store) Methodist Church Hall, Renwick Penrith CA10 1JT Rinkfield 41 Burton Road Kendal LA9 7LJ Rockcliffe Rockcliffe Village Hall, Rockcliffe Carlisle CA6 4AA SPAR Roose Stores, Roose 44-46 North Row, Roose Barrow-In-Furness LA13 0HE Rosthwaite Borrowdale Keswick CA12 5XG Roweltown Roweltown Carlisle CA6 6LA Salthouse 3 Risedale Road Barrow-In-Furness LA13 9QX Sandylands 65 Sandylands Road Kendal LA9 6EY Scaleby (mobile service) Village Hall Car Park, Scaleby Carlisle CA6 4LN Scotby 41 Scotby Village, Scotby Carlisle CA4 8BP Scotch Street 20-22 Scotch Street Carlisle CA3 8PX Seascale Gosforth Road Seascale CA20 1PQ Seaton 88-90 Main Road, Seaton Workington CA14 1JE Sedbergh 24-26 Main Street Sedbergh LA10 5AA Shap The Post Office Penrith CA10 3NG Silecroft 1 Main Street, Silecroft Millom LA18 5LP Winters Newsagents, 2 Eden Street, Silloth Wigton CA7 4AD Skelton Balandra, Skelton Penrith CA11 9TE Smithfield (mobile service) Layby, Smithfield Carlisle CA6 6BH Soulby (serve and store) The Firs, Soulby Kirkby Stephen CA17 4PL St Bees 122 Main Street St Bees CA27 0AA Stainton 2 St John's Road, Stainton Penrith CA11 0EY Staveley 42 - 44 Main Street, Staveley Kendal LA8 9LN Storth The Square, Storth Milnthorpe LA7 7HT Tebay Sports and Social Club, Tebay Church Street, Tebay Penrith CA10 3SP Village Hall Car Park, (mobile service) Temple Sowerby Carlisle CA10 1RW Thornhill The Crescent, Thornhill Egremont CA22 2SP Threlkeld The Briars, Threlkeld Keswick CA12 4SQ Thursby 13 School Road, Thursby Carlisle CA5 6PN Thurstonfield (mobile service) Village Green, Thurstonfield Carlisle CA5 6HH Torpenhow (mobile service) Layby, Torpenhow Carlisle CA17 1HY Troutbeck The Post Office Windermere LA23 1PF Uldale (mobile service) Opposite Phone Box, Uldale Carlisle CA7 1EZ Ulpha The Post Office Broughton-In-Furness LA20 6DX Ulverston County Square Ulverston LA12 7AA Waberthwaite Lane End, Waberthwaite Millom LA19 5YJ Walton Centurion Inn, Walton Brampton CA8 2DH

Page 5 of 6 Page 52 Cumbria area - Post Office branches to remain in the Network Appleby-In- Warcop Gregsons Stores, Warcop Westmorland CA16 6PL Warwick Bridge The Post Office, Warwick Bridge Carlisle CA4 8RN Wath Brow Stores, Wath 121-122 Ennerdale Road, Wath Brow Cleator Moor CA25 5LP Waverton (mobile service) On Road, Waverton Carlisle CA7 0AH Welton (mobile service) Village Green, Welton Carlisle CA5 7ER West Hall (serve and store) Tincastle, West Hall Brampton CA8 2EH West Newton (mobile service) Village Hall Car Park, West Newton Carlisle CA7 3NX Wetheral Tavistock House, Wetheral Carlisle CA4 8ES Whitehaven 70 Lowther Street Whitehaven CA28 7AF Wigton 5 High Street Wigton CA7 9NN Wigton Road 69 Wigton Road Carlisle CA2 7AY Windermere 21 Crescent Road Windermere LA23 1AA Winskill Low Fold, Winskill Penrith CA10 1PD Workington Co-op Store, 5-6 New Oxford Street Workington CA14 2NA

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Page 54 Page 55 Post Office Ltd Network Change Programme Appendix Branch Access Report Branch Proposed For Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Anty Cross Dalton In Furness Bowness Road Address 1 19 Ruskin Avenue 76/78 Market Street 4 Bowness Road Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Dalton-In-Furness Dalton In Furness Barrow-In-Furness Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode LA15 8LU LA15 8AA LA14 5PW Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday 08:30 12:30 09:00 12:00 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 49 46 46 Customer Serving 232 Positions

Average Number of 500 - 749 1500 - 1999 1000 - 1499 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products Euro On Demand Bureau De Change. On Demand Bureau De change, DVLA and On Line Lottery. Euro On Demand Bureau De Change. Constituency Barrow and Furness Barrow and Furness Barrow and Furness Population- 8222; Population Aged 0-15 - 22%; Population Population- 8057; Population Aged 0-15 - 22%; Population Population- 26516; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 17%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - 18%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 58%; Population Retired - 20%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 76% with 1 or more car or van - 75% with 1 or more car or van - 68% Retail Type Newsagent and Convenience Store. Cards and stationery. Newsagents, Cards and Stationery.

There is a step at the entrance to this branch. Internally, There is a step at the entrance to this branch. Internally, The Branch has access via a ramp. Internally, there is space Ease of Access to Branch there is space for a wheelchair. there is space for a wheelchair. for a wheelchair.

Fish & Chip Shop, Co-Op Convenience Store, Chinese Take Town centre location with a good choice of essential Retail Environment Shell Petrol Station and Strawberry Public House. Away and The Newton Public House. retailers.

Proximity to ATM There is an ATM within the branch. There is an ATM within the branch. There is an ATM available at the Shell petrol station.

Terrain / Geography The route between the branches is along hilly terrain. The route between the branches is along hilly terrain. between branches Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 0.61 2.26 (miles) There is a large car park on Nelson Street, 70 yards from the There is a car park available outside the branch for approx Parking at Branch branch. This includes 2 disabled spaces. There is also 3 There is road side parking available outside the branch. 12 cars. disabled spaces in lay-by outside the branch.

Bus Operating Company Stagecoach Stagecoach

Bus Route Number 6 & 6A 6

Bus Service Frequency Every 20 Minutes Every 20 minutes

Location of Bus Stop There is a bus stop within 180 yards of the branch. There is a bus stop within 250 yards of the branch. There is a bus stop within 180 yards of the branch.

Bus Journey Length 6 minutes 9 minutes

Disabled Access to Bus Cannot be guaranteed Cannot be guaranteed NOW card is available to residents who are aged 60 and NOW card is available to residents who are aged 60 and Free/Concessionary Bus those with disabilities. those with disabilities. Other Transport Links None None External Posting There is a free standing Post box available within 15 yards of There is a free standing Post box available outside the The Post box is located on the external wall of the branch. Facilities the branch. branch. Additional Branches Branch Name Beacon Hill Oxford Street Roose Address 1 2 Highlands Avenue 46 Oxford Street SPAR Roose Stores Address 2 44-46 North Row Address 3 Roose Address 4 Barrow-In-Furness Barrow-In-Furness Barrow-In-Furness Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode LA13 0AU LA14 5QL LA13 0HE

Page 56 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed For Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Bardsea Croftlands Park Ulverston Address 1 The Yews 46 Central Drive County Square Address 2 Bardsea Address 3 Address 4 Ulverston Ulverston Ulverston Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode LA12 9QT LA12 9JN LA12 7AA Branch Type SPSO SPSO Crown Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday Closed 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 13:00 08:30 17:30 09:30 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 13:00 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 09:00 13:00 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday Closed 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday Closed 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 12 48.5 45.5 Customer Serving 125 Positions

Average Number of 0 - 49 750 - 999 2500 - 2999 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products None Euro On Demand Bureau De Change. DVLA and On Demand Bureau De Change. Constituency Barrow and Furness Barrow and Furness Barrow and Furness Population - 294; Population Aged 0-15 - 11%; Population Population - 9423; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Population- 8511; Population Aged 0-15 - 19%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 50%; Population Retired - 38%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 57%; Population Retired - 23%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 57%; Population Retired - 23%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 92% with 1 or more car or van - 76% with 1 or more car or van - 74% Retail Type None Newsagents, Cards & Stationery. Crown Office The branch has access via a ramp. Internally, there is a low The branch has level access. Internally, there is space for a Ease of Access to Branch The branch has a small threshold strip at the entrance. level serving counter, a low level writing desk and space for a wheelchair. wheelchair. Retail Environment Ship Inn Public House and Braddylls Arms Public House. Spar convenience store, a laundrette and a hairdressers. Town centre location with a variety of retailers. There are ATM's available nearby including Barclays Bank, Proximity to ATM None None Halifax and HSBC.

Terrain / Geography The route between the branches is along hilly terrain. The route between the branches is along hilly terrain. between branches

Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 2.57 2.96 (miles) Pay & Display Car parks in the Town Centre within easy Parking at Branch Free on road parking available outside the branch. Free parking in lay-by outside the branch for approx 15 cars. distance of the branch. Bus Operating Company Stagecoach Stagecoach

Bus Route Number 11 11 There is a regular bus service available between the Bus Service Frequency Every 90 minutes. branches. Location of Bus Stop There is a bus stop within 35 yards of the branch. There is a bus stop within 180 yards of the branch. There is a bus stop within 120 yards of the branch. Bus Journey Length 7 minutes 7 minutes

Disabled Access to Bus Cannot be guaranteed Cannot be guaranteed NOW card is available to residents who are aged 60 and NOW card is available to residents who are aged 60 and Free/Concessionary Bus those with disabilities. those with disabilities. Other Transport Links None None External Posting Free standing Post box available outside the branch. Free standing Post box available outside the branch. The Post box is on the external wall of the branch. Facilities Additional Branches Branch Name Baycliff Great Urswick Dalton In Furness Address 1 Mylngarth 11 Church Road 76-78 Market Street Address 2 Coast Road Great Urswick Address 3 Baycliffe Address 4 Ulverston Ulverston Dalton In Furness Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode LA12 9RJ LA12 0TA LA15 8AA

Page 57 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed For Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Beckermet Thornhill Egremont Address 1 Newlands The Crescent 52 Main Street Address 2 Thornhill Address 3 Address 4 Beckermet Egremont Egremont Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA21 2XB CA22 2SP CA22 2AA Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 12:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 41 46 46 Customer Serving 1 1 4 Positions

Average Number of 100 - 199 200 - 299 1500 - 1999 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products None On Line Lottery. DVLA and Euro/Dollar On Demand Bureau De Change. Constituency Copeland Copeland Copeland Population- 709; Population Aged 0-15 - 16%; Population Population - 2448; Population Aged 0-15 - 19%; Population Population- 6351; Population Aged 0-15 - 19%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 63%; Population Retired - 20%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 58%; Population Retired - 21%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 19%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 90% with 1 or more car or van - 77% with 1 or more car or van - 68% Retail Type Newsagent, greetings cards and stationery. Newsagent, groceries, cards and stationery. Cards, stationery, toys and household goods.

Ease of Access to Branch There are steps at the entrance to this branch. There are steps at the entrance to this branch. There are steps at the entrance to this branch.

Retail Environment White Mare Public House There are no other retailers in the area. The branch is located in a multi-shopping area.

There is an internal ATM at the White Mare Public House There is an internal ATM on-site charging £1.50 per There are 3 external fee-free ATMs located within 40 yards Proximity to ATM approximately 80 yards away. withdrawal. of the branch.

Terrain / Geography The route between the branches is along varied terrain. The route between the branches is along hilly terrain. between branches Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 1.79 2.97 (miles) There is limited on-street parking available outside the There is free (1 hour restricted) off-road parking available Parking at Branch On-street parking is available outside the branch. branch. within 100 yards of the branch. There is no direct bus service available between the Bus Operating Company 3D Coaches and Stagecoach branches.

Bus Route Number None 6

There is a limited bus service available between the Bus Service Frequency None branches.

Location of Bus Stop There is a bus stop within 120 yards of the branch. None There is a bus stop within 60 yards of the branch.

Bus Journey Length None 10 minutes

Disabled Access to Bus None This route is not classed as one that uses easy access buses.

Free Senior Citizens concessionary travel is available on this Free/Concessionary Bus None service.

Other Transport Links None None External Posting There is a free-standing, pole-mounted post box available There is a free-standing, pole-mounted post box available There is a free-standing, pole-mounted post box available Facilities outside the branch. outside the branch. outside the branch. Additional Branches Branch Name Calderbridge St Bees Wath Address 1 Calderbridge 122 Main Street Wath Brow Stores Address 2 121-122 Ennerdale Road Address 3 Wath Brow Address 4 Seascale St Bees Cleator Moor Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA20 1DN CA27 0AA CA25 5LP

Page 58 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed For Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Beetham Milnthorpe Holme Address 1 Yew Tree House 10 Park Road Milnthorpe Road Address 2 Church Road Holme Address 3 Beetham Address 4 Milnthorpe Milnthorpe Carnforth Address 5 Cumbria Lancashire Postcode LA7 7AL LA7 7AA LA6 1PS Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 12:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 13:00 Thursday 09:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 Saturday 08:30 12:00 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 Sunday Total Opening Hours 30.5 46 37.5 Customer Serving 1 2 1 Positions

Average Number of 100 - 199 1000 - 1499 400 - 499 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products Euro On Demand Bureau De Change. Euro/Dollar On Demand Bureau De Change and DVLA. Euro On Demand Bureau De Change. Constituency Westmorland and Lonsdale Westmorland and Lonsdale Westmorland and Lonsdale

Population- 667; Population Aged 0-15 - 12%; Population Population- 2106; Population Aged 0-15 - 17%; Population Population- 1558; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 50%; Population Retired - 36%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 58%; Population Retired - 24%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 20%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 91% with 1 or more car or van - 85% with 1 or more car or van - 92%

Retail Type Tea Room, tobacco, news and confectionary. Gifts, toys and stationery. News, gifts, toys and stationery.

There is a small threshold strip at the entrance to this Ease of Access to Branch The branch has access via a ramp. There is a step at the entrance to this branch. branch.

The Wheatsheaf Public House and Hotel, Heron Corn Mill, Retail Environment Milnthorpe is a small town with a variety of retailers. Spar Convenience store and The Smithy Public House. Beetham Trust Arts and Education.

Milnthorpe has ATM's located at the HSBC , Nat West , And Proximity to ATM None Barclays bank all within the immediate vicinity of the None branch.

Terrain / Geography The route between the branches is along varied terrain. The route between the branches is along hilly terrain. between branches

Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 1.36 2.40 (miles)

There are pay and display parking facilities available within Parking at Branch There are parking facilities available outside the branch. There are parking facilities available outside the branch. 50 yards of the branch.

Kirkby Lonsdale Coaches , Carnforth Connect and Bus Operating Company Kirkby Lonsdale Coaches and Carnforth Connect Stagecoach

Bus Route Number 550 and L1 550, L1 and 555

The 555 service leaves at 09:07, 10:02, 10:57, 11:57, 13:01, The 550 service to Beetham is at 09:00 , 12:50 , 14:20 and 13:57 then hourly until 17:01. The 550 service leaves at Bus Service Frequency 16:42. The L1 service is at 09:17, 11:02, 12:22 , 14:22, 15:57 09:00, 12:50, 14:20 and 16:42 . The L1 service is at 09:17, and 17:42 11:02, 12:22, 14:22, 15:57 and 17:42.

Location of Bus Stop There is a bus stop within 30 yards of the branch. There is a bus stop within 50 yards of the branch. There is a bus stop within 40 yards of the branch.

Bus Journey Length 5 Minutes 7 Minutes

Disabled Access to Bus The buses are not low level, but assistance is available . The buses are not low level, but assistance is available .

Now card allows the over 60's and/or disabled to travel free Now card' allows the over 60's and/or disabled to travel free Free/Concessionary Bus after 09:30 Monday to Friday & all day Saturday with Half after 09:30 Monday to Friday & all day Saturday with Half Fares before 09:30 Monday to Friday . Fares before 09:30 Monday to Friday .

Other Transport Links None None External Posting There is a freestanding Post Box outside the Branch . There is a freestanding Post Box outside the Branch . There is a small post box in the wall of the branch . Facilities Additional Branches Branch Name Storth Arnside Burton Address 1 The Square Promenade The Newsagents Address 2 Storth Arnside Main Street Address 3 Burton Address 4 Milnthorpe Carnforth Carnforth Address 5 Cumbria Lancashire Lancashire Postcode LA7 7HT LA5 0HA LA6 1NA

Page 59 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed For Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Bigrigg Egremont Mirehouse Address 1 Springfield Road 52 Main Street 57 Meadow Road Address 2 Bigrigg Address 3 Address 4 Egremont Egremont Whitehaven Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA22 2TN CA22 2AA CA28 8ER Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 12:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 41 46 46 Customer Serving 142 Positions Average Number of 100 - 199 1500 - 1999 750 - 999 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products None Euro/Dollar On Demand Bureau De Change and DVLA. None Constituency Copeland Copeland Copeland Population - 1943; Population Aged 0-15 - 21%; Population Population- 6351; Population Aged 0-15 - 19%; Population Population - 11040; Population Aged 0-15 - 22%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 63%; Population Retired - 15%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 19%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 17%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 87% with 1 or more car or van - 68% with 1 or more car or van - 62%

Retail Type Newsagent and limited groceries. Cards, stationery, toys and household goods. Newsagent, off-licence and toys.

Ease of Access to Branch There are steps at the entrance to this branch. There are steps at the entrance to this branch. There are steps at the entrance to this branch.

Retail Environment Petrol station with convenience store and car sales. The branch is located in a multi-shopping area. Pharmacy, convenience store, hairdressers and 3 takeaways. There are 3 external ATMs located within 40 yards at the Nat There is an external ATM at the filling station which charges Proximity to ATM west Bank, the Cumberland Building Society and the Co-op There is an internal ATM located inside the Post Office. £1.99 per withdrawal. Store.

Terrain / Geography The terrain between the branches is hilly. There is a paved The terrain between the branches is hilly. There is a paved between branches footpath along the whole route. footpath along the whole route. Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 1.84 2.24 (miles) There is free (1 hour restricted) off-road parking available Parking at Branch On-street parking is available outside the branch. On-street parking is available outside the branch. within 100 yards of the branch.

Bus Operating Company 3D Coaches and Stagecoach in Cumbria Stagecoach in Cumbria

Bus Route Number 6, 30 and 30A 30 and 30A

Service no. 6 @ 10:43, 15:33 and 17:16. Bus Service Frequency Service no. 30 and 30A every 20 minutes @ 10, 30 & 50 Every 20 minutes @ 07, 27, 47 minutes past the hour. minutes past the hour.

Location of Bus Stop There is a bus stop within 120 yards of the branch. There is a bus stop within 60 yards of the branch. There is a bus stop within 880 yards of the branch.

Bus Journey Length 5 minutes 5 minutes

Disabled Access to Bus This route is not classed as one that uses easy access buses. This route is not classed as one that uses easy access buses.

Free Senior Citizens concessionary travel is available on this Free Senior Citizens concessionary travel is available on this Free/Concessionary Bus service. service.

Other Transport Links None None

External Posting There is free-standing post box outside the branch. There is free-standing post box outside the branch. There is free-standing post box outside the branch. Facilities Additional Branches Branch Name Wath St Bees Thornhill Address 1 Wath Brow Stores 122 Main Street The Crescent Address 2 121-122 Ennerdale Road Thornhill Address 3 Wath Brow Address 4 Cleator Moor St Bees Egremont Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA25 5LP CA27 0AA CA22 2SP

Page 60 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed For Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Bolton Kirkby Thore Appleby Address 1 Bolton Kirkby Thore 26 Boroughgate Address 2 Appleby In Westmorland Address 3 Address 4 Appleby-In-Westmorland Penrith Carlisle Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA16 6AL CA10 1UD CA16 6UZ Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 08:30 12:30 13:30 17:30 08:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 08:30 12:30 13:30 17:30 08:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday 08:30 12:30 08:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 08:30 12:30 13:30 17:30 08:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 08:30 12:30 13:30 17:30 08:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday 08:30 12:30 08:00 13:00 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 40 52.5 46 Customer Serving 1 1 2 Positions

Average Number of 100 - 199 300 - 399 1500 - 1999 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products None Euro On Demand Bureau De Change. DVLA and Euro/Dollar On Demand Bureau De Change. Constituency Penrith and the Border Penrith and the Border Penrith and the Border

Population - 416; Population Aged 0-15 - 24%; Population Population- 731; Population Aged 0-15 - 24%; Population Population- 2862; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 55%; Population Retired - 20%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 61%; Population Retired - 14%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 55%; Population Retired - 26%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 93% with 1 or more car or van - 87% with 1 or more car or van - 81% Retail Type General store General store Cards

Ease of Access to Branch The branch has level access with a threshold strip. The branch has level access. The branch has level access.

There is a variety of retailers within the area including a Spar, Retail Environment None None Co-op, banks, newsagents, bakers, butchers, pharmacy, and take aways.

Proximity to ATM None None There are ATMs available at the nearby banks.

Terrain / Geography The terrain between the branches is hilly. The terrain between the branches is hilly. between branches

Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 3.19 4.50 (miles) Parking at Branch On road parking available outside the branch. On road parking available outside the branch. There are parking facilities available nearby.

There is no direct bus service available between the There is no direct bus service available between the Bus Operating Company branches. branches.

Bus Route Number None None

Bus Service Frequency None None

The bus runs along the main street through the village and Location of Bus Stop None None is able to be flagged down.

Bus Journey Length None None

Disabled Access to Bus None None

Free/Concessionary Bus None None

Other Transport Links None None External Posting There is a post box in the wall of a house 80 yards from the There is a post box in the wall of the branch. There is a post box in the wall of the branch. Facilities branch on Cross Street. Additional Branches Branch Name Kings Meaburn Newby Maulds Meaburn Address 1 Kings Meaburn Newby School House Address 2 Maulds Meaburn Address 3 Address 4 Penrith Penrith Penrith Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA10 3BU CA10 3EX CA10 3HN

Page 61 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed For Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Botcherby Brunton Park Central Avenue Address 1 1 Wood Street 264 Warwick Road 34 Central Avenue Address 2 Botcherby Address 3 Address 4 Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA1 2SF CA1 2BX CA1 3QB Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 17:30 09:00 18:00 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 17:30 09:00 18:00 09:00 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 17:30 09:00 18:00 09:00 17:30 Thursday 09:00 17:30 09:00 18:00 09:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 17:30 09:00 18:00 09:00 17:30 Saturday 09:00 12:30 09:00 14:00 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 46 50 46 Customer Serving 2 2 3 Positions Average Number of 750 - 999 500 - 749 1500 - 1999 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products On Line Lottery. On Line Lottery. DVLA Constituency Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle

Population- 15369; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Population- 13819; Population Aged 0-15 - 17%; Population Population - 18513; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 62%; Population Retired - 18%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 65%; Population Retired - 17%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 61%; Population Retired - 18%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 62% with 1 or more car or van - 64% with 1 or more car or van - 64%

Retail Type Convenience store. Premier Convenience store. Cards, stationary, gifts and newspapers. The branch has a threshold strip with wide doors. Internally, The branch has access via a ramp with an automatic door. The branch has level access within a wide door. Internally, Ease of Access to Branch there is space for a wheelchair. Internally, there is space for a wheelchair. there is space for a wheelchair.

2 bakers, hairdressers, chip shop, newsagents, co-op, chemist, Retail Environment Off licence, pub, bakery, hair salon and a chinese takeaway. Pub, bakery, carpet shop and the Carlisle United F.C. shop. betting shop, off license and a butchers.

There is a free ATM in the co-op which is 40 yards from the Proximity to ATM There is an ATM within the branch. There is an ATM within the branch. branch.

Terrain / Geography The terrain between the branches is hilly. The terrain between the branches is varied. between branches

Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 0.53 0.99 (miles) There is limited parking outside the branch with space There is on road parking available next to the branch, free There are free parking bays outside and surrounding the Parking at Branch across the road for approx. three cars. There is free parking in for two hours. branch. the side road next to the branch.

Bus Operating Company Stagecoach There is no direct bus route to this office

Bus Route Number 76 None

Bus Service Frequency Every 15 minutes None

Location of Bus Stop There is a bus stop within 40 yards of the branch.. There is a bus stop within 110 yards of the branch.. None

Bus Journey Length 5 minutes None

Most buses have disabled access but they cannot guarantee Disabled Access to Bus None when and what routes they will be used.

NOW card is available to residents who are aged 60 and Free/Concessionary Bus None those with disabilities. Other Transport Links None None External Posting There is an external post box in the wall on the opposite side There is a free standing post box within 40 yards of the There is an external post box in the wall of the branch. Facilities of the road to the branch. branch. Additional Branches Branch Name Carlisle Petteril Bank Scotch Street Address 1 20-34 Warwick Road 2 Petteril Bank Road 20-22 Scotch Street Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA1 1AB CA1 3AH CA3 8PX

Page 62 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Brigham Great Broughtom Cockermouth Address 1 High Brigham 53 Main Street Co-op Address 2 Station Street Address 3 Great Broughton Address 4 Cockermouth Near Cockermouth Cockermouth Address 5 Postcode CA13 0TG CA13 0YJ CA13 9QW Branch Type SPSO SPSO CFPO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 16:00 09:00 16:00 08:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 14:00 09:00 16:00 08:00 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 14:00 09:00 14:00 08:00 17:30 Thursday 09:00 16:00 09:00 16:00 08:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 14:00 09:00 14:00 08:00 17:30 Saturday Closed Closed 09:00 15:00 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 29 31 53.5

Customer Serving Positions 116

Average Number of 200 - 299 200 - 299 2000 - 2499 Customer Sessions (p/w) Additional Products None Euro Currency On Demand DVLA and Currency On Demand Constituency Workington Workington Workington Population - 1065; Population Aged 0-15 - 23%; Population Population - 2426; Population Aged 0-15 - 21%; Population Population - 7596; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 64%; Population Retired - 12%; Aged 16-Retired - 63%; Population Retired - 15%; Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - 22%; (within 1 mile of branch) Households with 1 or more car or van - 92% Households with 1 or more car or van -86% Households with 1 or more car or van - 79%

Retail Type General groceries General grocers, newspapers, confectionery Co-op supermarket Ease of Access to Branch There are steps at the entrance to this branch. There are steps at the entrance to this branch. The branch has access via a ramp, with automatic doors.

There are a variety of shops in the area, including a Retail Environment None There is a general store nearby. Sainsbury's supermarket.

Proximity to ATM None There is an ATM inside the branch. There are two ATMs within 50 yards of the branch.

Terrain / Geography Terrain is hilly. Part of the route is unpaved and unlit. Terrain is hilly. between branches

Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 1.3 2.3 (miles) There are roadside parking facilities available outside the There are roadside parking facilities available outside the There are parking facilities available outside the branch. Parking at Branch branch. branch.

Bus Operating Company Rea Rea

Bus Route Number 35 & 36 No 36

Bus Service Frequency Hourly Every 2 hours

Location of Bus Stop Within 20 yards of the branch. Within 20 yards of the branch. Within 400 yards of the branch.

Bus Journey Length 40 minutes 12 minutes

Disabled Access to Bus None None

Concessionary fares are available for passengers holding Concessionary fares are available for passengers holding Free/Concessionary Bus the NoW card. the NoW card. Other Transport Links None None

External Posting Facilities There is an integral post box outside the branch. There is an integral post box outside the branch. None Additional Branches Branch Name Great Clifton Dearham Flimby Address 1 Hunter Bank Central Road MS Convenience Stores Address 2 Great Clifton Dearham Wedgewood Road Address 3 Flimby Address 4 Workington Maryport Maryport Address 5 Postcode CA14 1UD CA15 7HG CA15 8QU

Page 63 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Broughton Moor Ellenborough Netherton Address 1 The Minors Arms 95 Main Street 19 Rydal Avenue Address 2 Ellenborough Netherton Address 3 Broughton Moor Address 4 Maryport Maryport Maryport Address 5 Postcode CA15 7RY CA15 7DX CA15 7LU Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO NO (Please note that this branch is currently temporarily Branch currently open closed) Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 10:00 16:00 08:30 17:30 08:30 17:30 Tuesday 10:00 16:00 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 10:00 16:00 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 10:00 16:00 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday Closed 08:30 12:30 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 24 49 46.5 Customer Serving 122 Positions

Average Number of 50 - 99 500 - 749 750 - 999 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products None None Euro Currency On Demand Constituency Workington Workington Workington Population - 726; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Population - 8831; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population - 9352; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 62%; Population Retired - 19%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 18%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - 19%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 78% with 1 or more car or van - 66% with 1 or more car or van - 66% Retail Type Public house. General grocers, newsagents, stationery and greeting cards. Sweets, cigarrettes, stationery and groceries.

Ease of Access to Branch There are no steps at the entrance to this branch. There are steps at the entrance to this branch. There is a step at the entrance to this branch.

Mechanics garage and car sales within 100 yards of the Retail Environment There is a public house nearby. There is a hairdressers nearby. branch.

Proximity to ATM None There is an ATM inside the branch. None

Terrain / Geography Terrain is hilly. The route is unpaved and unlit. Terrain is hilly. between branches Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 1.6 2.0 (miles) There are roadside parking facilities available outside the There are roadside parking facilities available outside the Parking at Branch There are parking facilities available outside the branch. branch. branch.

Bus Operating Company Reays Coaches Reays Coaches

Bus Route Number 58 58

Bus Service Frequency Every two hours Every two hours

Location of Bus Stop Within 100 yards of the branch. Within 75 yards of the branch. Within 750 yards of the branch.

Bus Journey Length 15 minutes 20 minutes

Disabled Access to Bus None None

If passengers live in the Allerdale Borough council area, If passengers live in the Allerdale Borough council area, Free/Concessionary Bus concessionary travel is available on this service. concessionary travel is available on this service.

Other Transport Links None None

External Posting Facilities Freestanding post box outside the branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Additional Branches Branch Name Dearham Great Broughton Flimby Address 1 Central Road 53 Main Street MS Convenience Stores Address 2 Dearham Great Broughton Wedgewood Road Address 3 Flimby Address 4 Maryport Near Cockermouth Maryport Address 5 Postcode CA15 7HG CA13 0YJ CA15 8QU

Page 64 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Camerton Seaton Flimby Address 1 Silver Dawn 88-90 Main Road MS Convenience Stores Address 2 Camerton Seaton Wedgewood Road Address 3 Flimby Address 4 Workington Workington Maryport Address 5 Postcode CA14 1LS CA14 1JE CA15 8QU Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 12:00 09:00 16:00 09:00 17:30 Thursday 09:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday 09:00 12:00 09:00 13:00 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 34 48 46

Customer Serving Positions 122

Average Number of 0 - 49 750 - 999 500 - 749 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products None Euro Currency On Demand, On Line Lottery. None Constituency Workington Workington Workington Population - 1938; Population Aged 0-15 - 16%; Population Population - 4861; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population - 1636; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 61%; Population Retired - 21%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 61%; Population Retired - 18%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 58%; Population Retired - 20%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 82% with 1 or more car or van - 82% with 1 or more car or van - 72% Retail Type None General grocer General grocer

The branch has level access, with wide automatic doors. Ease of Access to Branch There is a threshold strip at the entrance to this branch. The branch has level access. Internally, there is space for a wheelchair.

There is a take-away, a pharmacy, and an Esso petrol Retail Environment Public house nearby. There is a take-away nearby. station nearby.

Proximity to ATM None There is an integral ATM in the wall of the branch. There is an ATM inside the branch. Terrain / Geography Terrain is hilly. The route is unlit and unpaved. Terrain is hilly. The route is unlit. between branches Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 1.5 2.1 (miles) Parking at Branch There are parking facilities available outside the branch. There is a car park available outside the branch. There are parking facilities available outside the branch.

Bus Operating Company Rea Rea & Stagecoach

Bus Route Number No 35 No 35 & No 30

Bus Service Frequency There is a limited bus service between the two branches. Every 20 minutes

Location of Bus Stop Within 150 yards of the branch. Within 100 yards of the branch. Within 200 yards of the branch.

Bus Journey Length 4 minutes 15 minutes

Disabled Access to Bus None. The number 30 bus has low level floors.

Free/Concessionary Bus Concessionary fares available to those holding the NoW card Concessionary fares available to those holding the NoW card

Other Transport Links None None

External Posting Facilities None Freestanding post box outside the branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Additional Branches Branch Name Great Broughton Workington Ellenborough Address 1 53 Main Street Co-op Store 95 Main Street Address 2 Great Broughton 5-6 New Oxford Street Ellenborough Address 3 Address 4 Near Cockermouth Workington Maryport Address 5 Postcode CA13 0YJ CA14 2NA CA15 7DX

Page 65 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Cark In Cartmel Flookburgh Allithwaite Address 1 112 Station Roads 34 Main Street Church Road Address 2 Cark In Cartmel Flookburgh Allithwaite Address 3 Address 4 Grange-Over-Sands Grange-Over-Sands Grange-Over-Sands Address 5 Postcode LA11 7NY LA11 7LA LA11 7QH Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 Wednesday Closed 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 Thursday 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 Friday 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 Saturday Closed 09:00 12:30 Closed Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 18 37 41

Customer Serving Positions 111

Average Number of 50 - 99 400 - 499 200 - 299 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products None Euro Currency On Demand None Constituency Westmorland and Lonsdale Westmorland and Lonsdale Westmorland and Lonsdale Population - 1562; Population Aged 0-15 - 16%; Population Population - 1562; Population Aged 0-15 - 16%; Population Population - 2072; Population Aged 0-15 - 12%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 52%; Population Retired - 30%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 52%; Population Retired - 30%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 48%; Population Retired - 39%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 84% with 1 or more car or van - 84% with 1 or more car or van - 91% Retail Type Post Office Only Gifts and stationery , General convenience store Ease of Access to Branch There is a step at the entrance to this branch. There are steps at the entrance to this branch. There are steps at the entrance to this branch.

There are several public houses , a restaurant , a newsagents, Retail Environment There are several B&Bs and a public house nearby. There is a charity shop nearby. a hairdressers , a pharmacy and a corner shop nearby .

Proximity to ATM None None None

Terrain / Geography Terrain is hilly. Terrain is hilly. between branches

Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 0.5 1.8 (miles)

Parking at Branch There are roadside parking facilities outside the branch . There are roadside parking facilities outside the branch . There are roadside parking facilities outside the branch .

Bus Operating Company Stagecoach Stagecoach

Bus Route Number 532 532

Bus Service Frequency There is a limited bus service between the two branches. Every hour

Location of Bus Stop Within 100 yards of the branch. Within 100 yards of the branch. Within 100 yards of the branch.

Bus Journey Length 3 minutes 10 minutes

Disabled Access to Bus Yes Yes

Concessionary fares available to those holding the NoW card Concessionary fares available to those holding the NoW card Free/Concessionary Bus

Other Transport Links None None

External Posting Facilities Freestanding post box within 15 yards of the branch. Integral post box in the wall of the branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Additional Branches Branch Name Cartmel Kents Bank Grange Over Sands Address 1 Cavendish Street Kirkhead Road Main Street Address 2 Cartmel Address 3 Grange-Over-Sands Grange-Over-Sands Grange-Over-Sands Address 4 Address 5 Postcode LA11 6QA LA11 7BG LA11 6AA

Page 66 Branch Access Report Closing Branch 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Crosby Dearham Maryport Address 1 21 Garborough Close Central Road 92 High Street Address 2 Crosby Dearham Address 3 Address 4 Maryport Maryport Maryport Address 5 Postcode CA15 6RY CA15 7HG CA15 6AA Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 14:45 08:45 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 14:45 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday Closed 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday Closed 08:45 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 14:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday Closed 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 17 46.5 46

Customer Serving 123 Positions

Average Number of 0 - 49 500 - 749 1500 - 1999 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products None Euro Currency On Demand, On Line Lottery Currency On Demand and DVLA Constituency Workington Workington Workington Population - 1157; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Population - 2028; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population - 8118; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - 22%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 63%; Population Retired - 16%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - 20%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 84% with 1 or more car or van - 84% with 1 or more car or van - 65% Retail Type None General grocers, stationery, sweets and news None

Ease of Access to Branch There are steps at the entrance to this branch. There is a step at the entrance to this branch. There are steps at the entrance to this branch.

There are a variety of retailers within 100 yards of the Retail Environment None Motor garage across the road. branch.

Proximity to ATM None There is an ATM inside the branch. There are several ATMs nearby.

Terrain / Geography Terrain is hilly. The route is unpaved and unlit. Terrain is hilly. The route is unpaved and unlit. between branches

Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 1.9 2.7 (miles)

There are roadside parking facilities available outside the There are roadside parking facilities available outside the There are restricted roadside parking facilities available Parking at Branch branch. branch. outside the branch, and several car parks nearby.

Bus Operating Company Stagecoach Stagecoach

Bus Route Number 58 & 300 300

Bus Service Frequency Every two hours. Every hour.

Location of Bus Stop Within 800 yards of the branch. Within 300 yards of the branch. Within 20 yards of the branch.

Bus Journey Length The 300 takes 5 minutes, the 58 takes 15 minutes. 5 minutes.

Disabled Access to Bus The 300 has a low level floor. Low level floor buses are available on this route.

Free with pass obtained from local authority, concessionary Concessionary discounts are available to passengers holding Free/Concessionary Bus fare on No 58 for eligible passengers. the NoWcard Other Transport Links None None

External Posting Facilities None Freestanding post box outside the branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Additional Branches Branch Name Netherton Gilcrux Ellenborough Address 1 19 Rydal Avenue The Beeches 95 Main Street Address 2 Netherton Gilcrux Ellenborough Address 3 Address 4 Maryport Carlisle Maryport Address 5 Postcode CA15 7LU CA7 2QX CA15 7DX

Page 67 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Denton Holme Carlisle Scotch Street Address 1 125 Denton Street 51-53 English Street 20-22 Scotch Street Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Address 5 Postcode CA2 5EN CA3 8JY CA3 8PX Branch Type SPSO Crown SPSO

Please note that Carlisle branch is currently located at 20-34 Warwick Road, Carlisle, CA1 1AB and will be transferring to WHSmith, at the above address, in May 2008. Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes

OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:00 Tuesday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:00 Wednesday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:00 Thursday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:00 Friday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:00 Saturday 09:00 12:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:00 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 46.5 51 48 Customer Serving Positions 374

Average Number of 1000 - 1499 3500 - 3999 3000 - 3499 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products Euro Currency On Demand, On Line Lottery Passport Checking, DVLA, Currency On Demand On Demand Currency Constituency Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Population - 27203; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Population - 22141; Population Aged 0-15 - 17%; Population Population - 21135; Population Aged 0-15 - 16%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 62%; Population Retired - 18%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 65%; Population Retired - 17%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 64%; Population Retired - 19%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 62% with 1 or more car or van - 64% with 1 or more car or van - 65% Retail Type Cards, stationery, confectionery and tobacco WHSmith Small gifts, cards and stationery

Access to the entrance is via a ramp and automatic doors. The branch has level access, with a wide door. Internally, Internally, there is a customer lift to the first floor, where the Ease of Access to Branch There is a step at the entrance to this branch. there is space for a wheelchair. Post Office branch is located. There is also a low-level writing desk and low-level serving counter.

There are a variety of retailers in the area, including a Spar, a The branch is in the city centre with various retailers and Retail Environment There are a variety of retailers in the area. convenience store and a building society. financial institutions nearby.

Proximity to ATM There is an ATM at the building society nearby. There are several ATMs in the surrounding area. There is an ATM in the market hall next to the branch.

Terrain / Geography Terrain is mainly level Terrain is mainly level between branches

Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 0.7 0.9 (miles)

There are restricted roadside parking facilities available There are parking facilities, with designated disabled spaces, Parking at Branch There is no car parking around the branch. around the branch. available nearby.

Bus Operating Company Stagecoach Stagecoach

Bus Route Number 75 62

Bus Service Frequency 20 minutes 20 minutes

Location of Bus Stop Within 75 yards of the branch. Within 80 yards of the branch. Within 20 yards of the branch.

Bus Journey Length 5 minutes 11 minutes

Disabled Access to Bus Most buses have disabled access but it is not guaranteed. Most buses have disabled access but it is not guaranteed.

Free/Concessionary Bus People over the age of 60 can travel free using a Nowcard. People over the age of 60 can travel free using a Nowcard.

Other Transport Links None None

External Posting Facilities Freestanding post box within 15 yards of the branch. Posting facilities will be available inside WHSmith. Freestanding post box outside the branch.

Additional Branches Branch Name Wigton Road Newtown Currock Address 1 69 Wigton Road 109 Newtown Road 83 Blackwell Road Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Address 5 Postcode CA2 7AY CA2 7JJ CA2 4AJ

Page 68 Branch Access Report Closing Branch 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Douglas Street Mikasa Street Mill Lane Address 1 16 Douglas Street 8 Mikasa Street 112 Mill Lane Address 2 Walney Island Walney Address 3 Address 4 Barrow-In-Furness Barrow-In-Furness Barrow-In-Furness Address 5 Postcode LA14 3QQ LA14 3DP LA14 3NT Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO

Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 Thursday 09:00 13:00 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 Friday 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 Saturday 09:00 13:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 38 46 48.5

Customer Serving Positions 232

Average Number of 500 - 749 1000 - 1499 750 - 999 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products Euro Currency On Demand Euro Currency On Demand, DVLA Euro Currency On Demand Constituency Barrow In Furness Barrow In Furness Barrow In Furness Population - 15634; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population - 11207; Population Aged 0-15 - 19%; Population Population - 10208; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 18%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 19%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 19%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 63% with 1 or more car or van - 65% with 1 or more car or van - 69% Retail Type Cards and stationery Cards and sweets Hardware store The branch has level access. Internally, there is space for a Ease of Access to Branch There are steps at the entrance to this branch. There is a threshold strip at the entrance to this branch. wheelchair. Convenience store, upholstery shop, business management Retail Environment Hairdressers and barbers Café, newsagents, Spar supermarket, fish & chip shop. shop. Proximity to ATM None None There is an ATM inside the branch.

Terrain / Geography Terrain is hilly. Terrain is hilly. between branches

Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 0.7 0.8 (miles) There is a car park, with a designated disabled space, Parking at Branch There are parking facilities available nearby. There are roadside parking facilities available nearby. available outside the branch.

Bus Operating Company There is no direct bus route between the two branches. There is no direct bus route between the two branches.

Bus Route Number Not applicable Not applicable

Bus Service Frequency Not applicable Not applicable

Location of Bus Stop Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

Bus Journey Length Not applicable Not applicable

Disabled Access to Bus Not applicable Not applicable

Free/Concessionary Bus Not applicable Not applicable

Other Transport Links None None

External Posting Facilities Freestanding post box outside the branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Additional Branches Branch Name Ramsden Dock Road Duke Street Furness House Address 1 21 Ramsden Dock Road 108 Duke Street 5-7 Dalton Road Address 2 Murray's Chemist Address 3 Address 4 Barrow-In-Furness Barrow In Furness Barrow-In-Furness Address 5 Postcode LA14 2TR LA14 1LU LA14 1LE

Page 69 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Gosforth Seascale Holmrook Address 1 The Lakeland Habit Gosforth Road Holmacre Address 2 Tynedale Farm Services Address 3 Gosforth Farm Shop Address 4 Seascale Seascale Holmrook Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA20 1EJ CA20 1PQ CA19 1UH Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO NO (Please note that this branch is currently temporarily Branch currently open Yes Yes closed) OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:00 Tuesday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:00 Wednesday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 13:00 Thursday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:00 Friday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:00 Saturday 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:00 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 46 46 35 Customer Serving 121 Positions Average Number of 300 - 399 500 - 749 100 - 199 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products Euro On Demand Currency & On Line Loottery DVLA & Euro On Demand Currency. None Constituency Copeland Copeland Copeland

Population - 957; Population Aged 0-15 - 11%; Population Population - 1747; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Population - 373; Population Aged 0-15 - 16%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 55%; Population Retired - 32%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 55%; Population Retired - 26%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 58%; Population Retired - 25%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 87% with 1 or more car or van - 89% with 1 or more car or van - 91%

Retail Type General store, cafe Cards, stationery, confectionery, cigarettes. Agricultural shop

There are steps at the entrance with a handrail and a wide Ease of Access to Branch There are 2 steps up into the branch There are steps at the entrance to this branch. door.

Bank, bakery, hobby shop & pet shop, floor coverings, Greengrocer, florist, pharmacy, hardware shop, bank, three Retail Environment outdoor leisure shop, pottery shop, café, pubs, chartered takeaways, Mace Convenience store, hairdressers, beauty Hotel, service station accountant with a building society agency. salon, butcher.

There is a fee-free, external ATM at HSBC bank within 60 There is an internal ATM in the MACE convenience store There is an internal fee-paying ATM at Holmrook Service Proximity to ATM yards of the branch. within 500 yards of the branch. Station approximately 700 yards away.

Terrain / Geography Varied terrain between branches. Varied terrain between branches. between branches

Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 2.4 2.7 (miles) There is a free public car park immediately opposite the There are limited parking facilities available in front of the Parking at Branch There is roadside parking available outside the branch. branch. branch.

Bus Operating Company 3D Coaches There is no direct bus service between the 2 villages.

Bus Route Number No. 6 Not Applicable

There are 2 services which would allow a return journey to be Bus Service Frequency Not Applicable made from Seascale to Gosforth. These are at 10:17 & 15:07

Location of Bus Stop Within 100 yards of the branch. Outside the branch. Not Applicable

Bus Journey Length 7 minutes Not Applicable

Disabled Access to Bus No Not Applicable

Free Senior Citizens concessionary travel is available on this Free/Concessionary Bus Not Applicable service.

Other Transport Links None None External Posting Free standing post box 200 yards from the branch in the Free standing post box opposite the branch. Free standing post box outside the branch. Facilities centre of village. Additional Branches Branch Name Calderbridge Thornhill Ravenglass Address 1 Calderbridge The Crescent Whitburn House Address 2 Thornhill Main Street Address 3 Address 4 Seascale Egremont Ravenglass Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA20 1DN CA22 2SP CA18 1SG

Page 70 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Grange Fell Grange Over Sands Allithwaite Address 1 20 Fell Cottages Main Street Church Road Address 2 Allithwaite Address 3 Address 4 Grange-Over-Sands Grange Over Sands Grange-Over-Sands Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode LA11 6AH LA11 6AA LA11 7QH Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:30 00:00 00:00 12:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 Tuesday 09:30 00:00 00:00 12:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 Wednesday Closed 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 Thursday Closed 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 Friday Closed 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 Saturday Closed 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 64641 Customer Serving 121 Positions Average Number of 0 - 49 1500 - 1999 200 - 299 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products None DVLA & On Demand Currency None Constituency Westmorland and Lonsdale Westmorland and Lonsdale Westmorland and Lonsdale

Population - 3168; Population Aged 0-15 - 10%; Population Population - 3092; Population Aged 0-15 - 10%; Population Population - 2072; Population Aged 0-15 - 12%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 46%; Population Retired - 43%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 45%; Population Retired - 44%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 48%; Population Retired - 39%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 81% with 1 or more car or van - 80% with 1 or more car or van - 91%

Retail Type Antiques Cards & stationery General convenience store

Ease of Access to Branch There are steps at the entrance to this branch. The branch has access via a ramp and steps with handrails. There are steps at the entrance to this branch.

Grange Over Sands has all the small town retailers in the Retail Environment Bed and breakfast adjacent to the branch . There is a charity shop 10 yards from the branch . local vicinity. There are ATMs at HSBC, Natwest and Barclays nearby on There are ATMs at HSBC, Natwest and Barclays within 300 Proximity to ATM There is an ATM at Co-op, 600 yards from the branch. Main Street yards.

Terrain / Geography Hilly terrain between branches. Hilly terrain between branches. between branches

Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 0.4 1.8 (miles)

Parking at Branch There is roadside parking available outside the branch. There is a car park available within 50 yards of the branch. There is roadside parking available outside the branch.

Bus Operating Company Kirkby Lonsdale Coaches Kirkby Lonsdale Coaches

Bus Route Number 532 532

Bus Service Frequency The bus service is 2 hourly . The bus service is 2 hourly .

Location of Bus Stop Within 75 yards of the branch. Directly opposite the branch. Within 100 yards of the branch.

Bus Journey Length 1 minute 20 minutes

Disabled Access to Bus No Yes

Now card allows the over 60's and/or disabled to travel free Now card allows the over 60's and/or disabled to travel free Free/Concessionary Bus after 09:30 Monday to Friday & all day Saturday with half after 09:30 Monday to Friday & all day Saturday with half fares before 09:30 Monday to Friday . fares before 09:30 Monday to Friday .

Other Transport Links None None External Posting There are 2 large free standing posting boxes outside the There is a large free standing post box outside the branch . There is a small free standing post box outside the branch . Facilities branch. . Additional Branches Branch Name Kents Bank Cartmel Lindale Address 1 Kirkhead Road Cartmel Lindale Address 2 Cavendish Street Address 3 Cartmel Address 4 Grange-Over-Sands Grange Over Sands Grange-Over-Sands Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode LA11 7BG LA11 6QA LA11 6LT

Page 71 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Grasslot Maryport Ellenborough Address 1 2 Grasslot 92 High Street 95 Main Street Address 2 Grasslot Ellenborough Address 3 Address 4 Maryport Maryport Maryport Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA15 8BU CA15 6AA CA15 7DX Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 Thursday 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 Friday 09:00 12:30 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 Saturday 09:00 12:00 09:00 12:30 08:30 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 36.5 46 49 Customer Serving 132 Positions

Average Number of 500 - 749 1500 - 1999 500 - 749 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products None DVLA & On Demand Currency. None Constituency Workington Workington Workington

Population - 9039; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population - 8118; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population - 8831; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - 20%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - 20%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 18%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 65% with 1 or more car or van - 65% with 1 or more car or van - 66%

Retail Type None None Sweets, general groceries, stationery

Ease of Access to Branch There is a step at the entrance to this branch. There are steps at the entrance to this branch. There are steps at the entrance to this branch.

There are several retailers within close proximity to the Retail Environment Newsagents, chip shop. Public house branch.

There are ATMs at M&S Convenience store and Co-Op There are several ATMs in the town centre at HSBC, Lloyds, Proximity to ATM There is a fee paying ATM in the branch. supermarket within 600 yards of the branch. away Cumberland BS & RBS

Terrain / Geography Hilly terrain between branches. Hilly terrain between branches. between branches

Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 0.7 0.8 (miles)

Parking at Branch There is roadside parking available outside the branch. There is parking available outside the branch. There is parking available outside the branch.

Bus Operating Company Stagecoach Stage coach

Bus Route Number Nos. 30 & 57 No. 300

Bus Service Frequency 13, 24, 33, 44 & 53 minutes past the hour 5,13, 31, 33, 51,& 53 minutes past the hour

Location of Bus Stop Within 150 yards of the branch. On Senhouse Street within 300 yards of the branch. On Ellenborough Road within 200 yards of the branch.

Bus Journey Length 5 minutes 6 minutes

Disabled Access to Bus Low level floor buses operate on this route Low level floor buses operate on this route

Now card allows the over 60's and/or disabled to travel free Now card allows the over 60's and/or disabled to travel free Free/Concessionary Bus after 09:30 Monday to Friday & all day Saturday with half after 09:30 Monday to Friday & all day Saturday with half fares before 09:30 Monday to Friday . fares before 09:30 Monday to Friday .

Other Transport Links None None

External Posting Large free standing post box immediately outside the Large free standing post box immediately outside the Wall mounted post box in wall of newsagents. Facilities branch. branch. Additional Branches Branch Name Netherton Flimby Dearham Address 1 19 Rydal Avenue MS Convenience Stores Central Road Address 2 Netherton Wedgewood Road Dearham Address 3 Flimby Address 4 Maryport Maryport Maryport Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA15 7LU CA15 8QU CA15 7HG

Page 72 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Great Orton Thursby Raffles Address 1 Great Orton 13 School Road 17 Shadygrove Road Address 2 Thursby Address 3 Address 4 Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA5 6NA CA5 6PN CA2 7LE Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 17:30 08:30 12:15 13:30 17:30 08:30 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 12:30 08:30 12:15 13:30 17:30 08:30 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 17:30 08:30 12:15 13:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 09:00 17:30 Closed 09:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 17:30 08:30 12:15 13:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday 09:00 12:30 Closed 09:00 19:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed

Total Opening Hours 41 31 54 Customer Serving 112 Positions

Average Number of 50 - 99 200 - 299 750 - 999 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products None None None Constituency Carlisle Penrith and the Border Carlisle

Population - 383; Population Aged 0-15 - 19%; Population Population - 805; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population - 23697; Population Aged 0-15 - 19%; Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - 21%; Households Population Aged 16-Retired - 56%; Population Retired - Population Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 87% 22%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 89% 20%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 68%

Retail Type Small convenience store, fresh food and butchers. Small convenience store Newagents, food and off licence. The branch has level access but there is a steep slope to Ease of Access to Branch There are steps with a handrail at the entrance. There is a step at the entrance to this branch. the entrance.

Retail Environment Public house. None Off licence

Proximity to ATM None None None

Terrain / Geography Hilly terrain between branches. Hilly terrain between branches. between branches

Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 3.2 4.2 (miles) There is limited roadside parking available outside the Parking at Branch There are parking facilities available outside the branch. There is roadside parking available outside the branch. branch.

Bus Operating Company There is no bus service from this village There is no bus service to this village.

Bus Route Number Not applicable Not applicable

Bus Service Frequency Not applicable Not applicable

Location of Bus Stop Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

Bus Journey Length Not applicable Not applicable

Disabled Access to Bus Not applicable Not applicable

Free/Concessionary Bus Not applicable Not applicable Other Transport Links None None External Posting There is an external post box in the wall of the branch There is a free standing post box outside the branch. There is a free standing post box outside the branch. Facilities Additional Branches Branch Name Burgh By Sands Dalston Morton Address 1 Fauld Farm 22 The Square 123 Newlaithes Avenue Address 2 Burgh By Sands Dalston Morton Park Address 3 Address 4 Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA5 6AN CA5 7PY CA2 6PP

Page 73 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Hayton Oughterside Allonby Address 1 Hayton Prospect Farm The Cornershop Newsagents Address 2 Aspatria Prospect Main Street Address 3 Aspatria Allonby Address 4 Carlisle Carlisle Maryport Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA7 2PD CA7 2LR CA15 6PJ Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:00 13:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:00 13:00 17:30 09:00 12:30 Wednesday 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:00 09:00 17:30 Thursday 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:00 13:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:00 13:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:00 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 46 36 41

Customer Serving 111 Positions

Average Number of 0 - 49 100 - 199 100 - 199 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products None Euro On Demand Currency. None

Constituency Workington Workington Workington

Population - 839; Population Aged 0-15 - 19%; Population Population - 610; Population Aged 0-15 - 19%; Population Population - 462; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - 20%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - 21%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 20%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 85% with 1 or more car or van - 83% with 1 or more car or van - 86%

Retail Type Small conveninece store None Small convenince store, newsagent, food, café.

Ease of Access to Branch There is a step at the entrance to this branch. There is a step at the entrance to this branch. There is a step at the entrance to this branch.

Retail Environment None Pub next door. There is a pub, a café, a hotel and a gift shop in the village.

Proximity to ATM There is an ATM in the branch. There is an ATM in the branch. There is an ATM in the pub.

Terrain / Geography Hilly terrain between branches. Hilly terrain between branches. between branches Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 0.9 2.9 (miles) Parking at Branch There is roadside parking available outside the branch. There is roadside parking available outside the branch. There are parking facilities available outside the branch.

Bus Operating Company There is no bus service to the village. There is no bus service to the village.

Bus Route Number Not applicable Not applicable

Bus Service Frequency Not applicable Not applicable

Location of Bus Stop Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

Bus Journey Length Not applicable Not applicable

Disabled Access to Bus Not applicable Not applicable

Free/Concessionary Bus Not applicable Not applicable

Other Transport Links None None External Posting There is a free standing post box outside the branch. There is a free standing post box outside the branch. There is a free standing post box outside the branch. Facilities Additional Branches Branch Name Gilcrux Aspatria Dearham Address 1 The Beeches 50-52 King Street Central Road Address 2 Gilcrux Aspatria Dearham Address 3 Address 4 Carlisle Carlisle Maryport Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA7 2QX CA7 3AA CA15 7HG

Page 74 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Heathwaite Windermere Bowness On Windermere Address 1 17 Park Road 21 Crescent Road 2 St Martins Parade Address 2 Bowness On Windermere Address 3 Address 4 Windermere Windermere Windermere Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode LA23 2BE LA23 1AA LA23 3DY Branch Type SPSO MSPO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 07:30 20:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 07:30 20:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday 07:30 20:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 07:30 20:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 07:30 20:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday 07:30 20:00 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 77.3 46 46 Customer Serving 142 Positions Average Number of Customer Sessions 300 - 399 2000 - 2499 500 - 749 (p/w) Additional Products On Line Lottery. DVLA & On Demand Currency. DVLA & Euro On Demand Currency

Constituency Westmorland and Lonsdale Westmorland and Lonsdale Westmorland and Lonsdale Population - 4039; Population Aged 0-15 - 13%; Population Age Profile Population - 6158; Population Aged 0-15 - 15%; Population - 5858; Population Aged 0-15 - 15%; Population Aged 16-Retired - 58%; Population (within 1 mile of Population Aged 16-Retired - 58%; Population Retired - Population Aged 16-Retired - 58%; Population Retired - Retired - 27%; Households with 1 or more car or van - branch) 25%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 81% 25%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 80% 85% Retail Type Off licence and convenience store None None

Ease of Access to There are steps at the entrance to this branch. The branch has level access at the entrance. The branch can be accessed via a ramp or steps. Branch

Retail Environment None There are numerous retailers in the town centre. There are numerous retailers in the town centre.

There are ATM facilities nearby at Abbey National , There are ATM facilities nearby at Abbey National , Proximity to ATM There is a fee charging ATM in the branch. HSBC and Barclays. HSBC and Barclays.

Terrain / Geography Hilly terrain between branches. Hilly terrain between branches. between branches

Road Distance from Proposed Closing 0.5 1.0 Branch (miles)

There is time restricted parking available in the street There is limited parking available near the branch Parking at Branch There is roadside parking available outside the branch. opposite the branch and a pay & display car park can and a pay & display car park can be found within 500 be found within 500 yards. yards.

Bus Operating No bus service Stagecoach Company

Bus Route Number Not applicable 618

Bus Service Frequency Not applicable Buses operate at 08:28 , 11:18 , 14:38 , 17:08

The bus stop is located on Glebe Road 75 yards from Location of Bus Stop Not applicable Not applicable the branch.

Bus Journey Length Not applicable 6 minutes

Disabled Access to Bus Not applicable Yes

Now card allows the over 60's and/or disabled to travel free after 09:30 Monday to Friday & all day Free/Concessionary Bus Not applicable Saturday with half fares before 09:30 Monday to Friday . Other Transport Links No No External Posting There is a free standing post box outside the branch. There is a free standing post box outside the branch. There is large post box in the wall of the branch. Facilities Additional Branches Branch Name Troutbeck Staveley Ambleside Address 1 The Post Office 42 - 44 Main Street Post Office/Tourist Information Ctre Address 2 Staveley Central Buildings Address 3 Marketplace Address 4 Windermere Kendal Ambleside Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode LA23 1PF LA8 9LN LA22 9BS Page 75 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name High Harrington Harrington Distington Address 1 1 Scaw Road 63 Church Road 54 Main Street Address 2 High Harrington Harrington Distington Address 3 Address 4 Workington Workington Workington Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA14 4LU CA14 5PT CA14 5TA Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 12:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 09:00 13:00 14:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday Closed 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 31 46 46 Customer Serving 123 Positions

Average Number of 100 - 199 1000 - 1499 750 - 999 Customer Sessions (p/w)

Additional Products None Euro On Demand Currency & On Line Lottery. DVLA

Constituency Workington Workington Copeland

Population - 6297; Population Aged 0-15 - 19%; Population Population - 5745; Population Aged 0-15 - 19%; Population Population - 2039; Population Aged 0-15 - 17%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 61%; Population Retired - 19%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 61%; Population Retired - 19%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 58%; Population Retired - 23%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 70% with 1 or more car or van - 68% with 1 or more car or van - 70%

Retail Type Basic groceries, stationery and sweets McColls newsagents, sweets, cigaretts Sweets, stationery

Ease of Access to Branch The branch has level access. There is a step at the entrance to this branch. The branch has access via a steep ramp.

Retail Environment Grey Horse pub Boozbusters, freezer shop, youth club, pharmacy, Co-op supermarket.

Proximity to ATM The branch has a free to use ATM machine. There is a fee paying ATM in the branch. None within close proximity.

Terrain / Geography Hilly terrain between branches. Hilly terrain between branches. between branches Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 0.8 1.6 (miles)

Parking at Branch There is roadside parking available outside the branch. There are parking facilities available outside the branch. There is a car park and roadside parking available nearby.

Bus Operating Company Stagecoach Stagecoach

Bus Route Number No. 30 No. 30A

Bus Service Frequency Every 20 minutes Every 20 minutes

Location of Bus Stop Within 150 yards of the branch. Within 300 yards of the branch at 32 Beckstone Bridge. Within 50 yards of the branch.

Bus Journey Length 2 minutes 7 minutes

Stagecoach buses have low level floors and can Stagecoach buses have low level floors and can Disabled Access to Bus accommodate disabled users. accommodate disabled users.

Concessionary fares are accepted with the NoWcard Concessionary fares are accepted with the NoWcard Free/Concessionary Bus obtained from Cumbria County Council obtained from Cumbria County Council

Other Transport Links None None External Posting Wall mounted post box in external wall of the branch. Free standing post box availbale outside the branch. Free standing post box availbale outside the branch. Facilities Additional Branches Branch Name Moorclose Estate Workington Seaton Address 1 134 Westfield Drive Co-op Store 88-90 Main Road Address 2 5-6 New Oxford Street Seaton Address 3 Address 4 Workington Workington Workington Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA14 3RW CA14 2NA CA14 1JE

Page 76 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Holborn Hill Millom Haverigg Address 1 49 Holborn Hill 9 St Georges Road 96 Main Street Address 2 Haverigg Address 3 Address 4 Millom Millom Millom Address 5 Postcode LA18 5BJ LA18 4JA LA18 4EY Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:45 13:45 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:45 13:45 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 12:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 13:00 Thursday 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:45 13:45 17:30 Friday 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:45 13:45 17:30 Saturday Closed 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:00 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 31 46 37 Customer Serving 131 Positions Average Number of 300 - 399 1500 - 1999 200 - 299 Customer Sessions (p/w) Additional Products None DVLA, On Line Lottery and On Demand Currency On Line Lottery Constituency Copeland Copeland Copeland Population - 6071; Population Aged 0-15 - 21%; Population Population - 6071; Population Aged 0-15 - 21%; Population Population - 1382; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - 19%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - 19%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 61%; Population Retired - 19%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 70% with 1 or more car or van - 70% with 1 or more car or van - 75% Retail Type Cards, stationery, confectionery and household goods. Greetings cards, gifts and stationery. Newsagents, cycle spares and fishing tackle. There are steps with a handrail at the entrance to this Ease of Access to Branch The branch has level access, with a wide door. There is a step at the entrance to this branch. branch. Fish and chip shop, 3 public houses and an electrical repair There are a number of retailers nearby including a café, a Retail Environment None shop. convenience store, a supermarket, and a hairdressers. There is an ATM within the branch, with several additional Proximity to ATM None There is an ATM within the branch. ATMs within 50 yards of the branch. Terrain between the branches is varied. The initial part of the route is over level terrain as far as the bridge over the Terrain between the branches is varied. Street lighting and Terrain / Geography railway, then an incline for the rest of the journey. Paved paved footpaths are present along the route, except for two between branches footpaths and street lighting are present along the whole short stretches where there are no footpaths. route. Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 0.3 1.4 (miles) There is a car park with designated disabled parking Parking at Branch There are roadside parking facilities outside the branch. There is roadside parking available outside the branch. opposite the branch. Bus Operating Company Stagecoach Stagecoach Bus Route Number M2 & M3 M1 & M3 Bus Service Frequency Every 30 minutes. Every 30 minutes. Location of Bus Stop The nearest bus stop is 80 yards away. The nearest bus stop is opposite the branch. The nearest bus stop is 40 yards away. Bus Journey Length 5 minutes. 7 minutes. Disabled Access to Bus None None

Free/Concessionary Bus Concessionary travel is available on this service. Concessionary travel is available on this service. Other Transport Links None None External Posting Integral post box sited in exterior wall of branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Integral post box sited in exterior wall of branch. Facilities Additional Branches Branch Name Silecroft Broughton In Furness Bootle Address 1 1 Main Street 11 Princes Street 4 Main Street Address 2 Silecroft Bootle Address 3 Address 4 Millom Broughton In Furness Millom Address 5 Postcode LA18 5LP LA20 6HQ LA19 5TF

Page 77 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Knock Kirkby Thore Appleby Address 1 Knock Kirkby Thore 26 Boroughgate Address 2 Appleby In Westmorland Address 3 Address 4 Appleby-In-Westmorland Penrith Carlisle Address 5 Postcode CA16 6DL CA10 1UD CA16 6UZ Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 17:30 08:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 17:30 08:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 12:30 08:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 09:00 17:30 08:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 17:30 08:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday 09:00 12:30 08:00 13:00 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 41 52.5 46 Customer Serving 112 Positions Average Number of 0 - 49 300 - 399 1500 - 1999 Customer Sessions (p/w) Additional Products None Euro On Demand Currency DVLA & Euro/Dollar On Demand Currency Constituency Penrith and the Border Penrith and the Border Penrith and the Border Population - 335; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population - 731; Population Aged 0-15 - 24%; Population Population - 2862; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 61%; Population Retired - 18%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 61%; Population Retired - 14%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 55%; Population Retired - 26%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 87% with 1 or more car or van - 87% with 1 or more car or van - 81% Retail Type Small petrol station and general store. General store. Cards. Ease of Access to Branch The branch has access via a ramp. The branch has level access. The branch has level access.

There are a number of retailers nearby including a Spar, a Co- Retail Environment None None op, a newsagents, a bakers, a butchers, an indoor market, a pharmacy, cafes and take aways. Proximity to ATM None None There are several ATMs located nearby.

Terrain between the branches is hilly. The route is along rural Terrain / Geography Terrain between the branches is hilly. There are no roads for the majority of the journey, with no pavements or between branches pavements or street lighting for the majority of the journey. lighting, in places the road becomes quite narrow.

Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 3.1 5.9 (miles) There is roadside parking available directly outside the Parking at Branch There are parking facilities available outside the branch There are restricted parking facilities available nearby. branch. Bus Operating Company There is no direct bus service available. Robinsons coaches Bus Route Number Not Applicable 573 The Appleby Shopping bus service only operates one day a Bus Service Frequency Not Applicable week, on a Friday. Location of Bus Stop The nearest bus stop is 900 yards away. Not Applicable The nearest bus stop is 250 yards away. Bus Journey Length Not Applicable 15 minutes Disabled Access to Bus Not Applicable None A concessionary Now Card can be obtained allowing free Free/Concessionary Bus Not Applicable travel throughout Cumbria at any time. Other Transport Links None None External Posting Posting facilities available within the branch. Freestanding post box within 80 yards. Integral post box sited in exterior wall of branch. Facilities Additional Branches Branch Name Ousby Kings Meaburn Winskill Address 1 Hamara Ghar Kings Meaburn Low Fold Address 2 Ousby Winskill Address 3 Address 4 Penrith Penrith Penrith Address 5 Postcode CA10 1QA CA10 3BU CA10 1PD

Page 78 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Longpool Kendal Sandylands Address 1 14 Wildman Street 75 Stricklandgate 65 Sandylands Road Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Kendal Kendal Kendal Address 5 Postcode LA9 6EN LA9 4AA LA9 6EY Branch Type SPSO Crown SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 17:30 09:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 46 45.5 46 Customer Serving 273 Positions Average Number of 750 - 999 3000 - 3499 1000 - 1499 Customer Sessions (p/w)

DVLA, Euro On Demand Currency and external ATM Additional Products DVLA, Passport Checking and On Demand Currency. DVLA and Euro On Demand Currency facilities. Constituency Westmorland and Lonsdale Westmorland and Lonsdale Westmorland and Lonsdale Population - 17050; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Population - 16487; Population Aged 0-15 - 19%; Population Population - 13401; Population Aged 0-15 - 17%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 21%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 20%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 21%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 73% with 1 or more car or van - 73% with 1 or more car or van - 73% Retail Type Greetings cards and stationery Crown Office Newsagents The branch has access via steps and a ramp with a handrail, The branch has level access, with wide a door. Internally, Ease of Access to Branch There are steps at the entrance to this branch. leading to an automatic door. Internally, there is a low-level there is space for a wheelchair. writing desk. There are a number of retailers nearby including a The branch is in a multi-shopping area. The Westmorland Retail Environment newsagents, an antique shop, a hairdresser, a furniture shop, A Spar shop 150 yards from the branch. Shopping Centre is 50 yards away. and a cycle shop. There are several ATMs in the area, the nearest is in within There are several ATMs in the area, the nearest is outside the Proximity to ATM External ATM at the branch. 100 yards. branch. Terrain / Geography Terrain between the branches is level. The route is along Terrain between the branches is level. The route is along between branches paved streets with lighting and pedestrian crossings. level paved streets with lighting and pedestrian crossings. Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 0.4 0.5 (miles) There is a car park available directly behind the branch. There are parking facilities available outside the branch, with Parking at Branch There are restricted parking facilities available nearby. There is also a disabled parking bay nearby. additional roadside parking nearby. Bus Operating Company Stagecoach/Princess Coaches/Apollo 8 Travel. Stagecoach/Princess Coaches/Apollo 8 Travel. Bus Route Number 43a 43a Bus Service Frequency Hourly Varies throughout the day between 5 minutes and an hour. Location of Bus Stop The nearest bus stop is 100 yards away. The nearest bus stop is opposite the branch. The nearest bus stop is 40 yards away. Bus Journey Length 3 minutes 5 Minutes Disabled Access to Bus Not guaranteed on all buses. Not guaranteed on all buses. Free travel/concessionary fares available to holders of Eden Free travel/concessionary fares available to holders of Eden Free/Concessionary Bus District and South Lakeland travel passes. District and South Lakeland travel passes. Other Transport Links None None External Posting Freestanding post box outside the branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Facilities Additional Branches Branch Name Kirkland Hallgarth Rinkfield Address 1 30 Kirkland 93 Hallgarth Circle 41 Burton Road Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Kendal Kendal Kendal Address 5 Postcode LA9 5AD LA9 5NU LA9 7LJ

Page 79 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Lowca Moresby Parks Market Place Address 1 Lowca Moresby Parks Road 10 Market Place Address 2 Moresby Parks Address 3 Address 4 Whitehaven Whitehaven Whitehaven Address 5 Postcode CA28 6QH CA28 8XG CA28 7JD Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:30 Thursday 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday 09:00 12:00 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 40.5 46 41 Customer Serving 112 Positions Average Number of 100 - 199 300 - 399 1500 - 1999 Customer Sessions (p/w) Additional Products None On Line Lottery None Constituency Copeland Copeland Copeland Population - 1719; Population Aged 0-15 - 21%; Population Population - 2868; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population - 12295; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 62%; Population Retired - 15%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 64%; Population Retired - 14%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 62%; Population Retired - 19%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 76% with 1 or more car or van - 88% with 1 or more car or van - 70% Retail Type Newsagents, groceries and household goods. Mace Convenience store. Newsagents and stationery. The branch has level access, with a wide door. Internally, There is a step at the entrance to this branch, with a buzzer Ease of Access to Branch There are steps at the entrance to this branch. there is space for a wheelchair. at the entrance to call for assistance. Retail Environment None None The branch is in a multi-shopping area. Proximity to ATM None There is an ATM within the branch. There are several ATMs in the area, within 150 yards. Terrain / Geography Terrain between the branches is hilly. Paved footpaths with Terrain between the branches is hilly. Paved footpaths with between branches street lighting are only present along part of the route. street lighting are only present along part of the route. Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 2.1 2.7 (miles) There are limited roadside parking facilities with designated There are roadside parking facilities available outside the Parking at Branch There is roadside parking available outside the branch. disabled parking bays, and a car park within 100 yards of the branch. branch. Bus Operating Company Stagecoach Stagecoach Bus Route Number There is no direct bus service available. 1 Bus Service Frequency Not Applicable Every 30 minutes Location of Bus Stop The nearest bus stop is 40 yards away. Not Applicable The nearest bus stop is 300 yards away. Bus Journey Length Not Applicable 19 minutes Disabled Access to Bus Not Applicable None Free Senior Citizens concessionary travel is available on this Free/Concessionary Bus Not Applicable service. Other Transport Links Not Applicable None External Posting Freestanding post box outside the branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Facilities Additional Branches Branch Name Whitehaven Distington Harrington Address 1 70 Lowther Street 54 Main Street 63 Church Road Address 2 Distington Harrington Address 3 Address 4 Whitehaven Workington Workington Address 5 Postcode CA28 7AF CA14 5TA CA14 5PT

Page 80 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Melmerby Langwathby Lazonby Address 1 Melmerby and Fellside Village Shop Langwathby Penrith Co-op Address 2 Melmerby Lazonby Address 3 Address 4 Penrith Penrith Penrith Address 5 Postcode CA10 1HN CA10 1LW CA10 1BG Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO NO (Please note that this branch is currently temporarily Branch currently open Yes Yes closed) OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 12:30 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 12:30 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 Wednesday 00:00 00:00 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 Thursday 09:00 12:30 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 Friday 09:00 11:30 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 Saturday Closed 09:00 12:30 08:30 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 13 46 49 Customer Serving 111 Positions Average Number of 0 - 49 400 - 499 400 - 499 Customer Sessions (p/w) Additional Products None None None Constituency Penrith and the Border Penrith and the Border Penrith and the Border Population - 362; Population Aged 0-15 - 16%; Population Population - 544; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population - 781; Population Aged 0-15 - 22%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 64%; Population Retired - 19%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 57%; Population Retired - 21%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 55%; Population Retired - 21%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 93% with 1 or more car or van - 87% with 1 or more car or van - 88%

Retail Type General convenience store. General store and newsagents. Co-op supermarket.

The branch has access via a ramp, with an automatic door. Ease of Access to Branch The branch has access via a step. The branch has access via a step. Internally, there is space for a wheelchair. Retail Environment Public house and a bakery / café. Public house and a tea room at Ostrich World. Two public houses and a petrol station. Proximity to ATM None None External ATM at the branch.

Terrain / Geography Terrain between the branches is hilly. There are no Terrain between the branches is hilly. There are no between branches pavements or street lighting for the majority of the route. pavements or street lighting for the majority of the route.

Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 4.4 7.4 (miles) Parking at Branch There is roadside parking available outside the branch. There is roadside parking available outside the branch. There is roadside parking available outside the branch.

Bus Operating Company There is no direct bus service available. There is no direct bus service available. Bus Route Number Not Applicable Not Applicable Bus Service Frequency Not Applicable Not Applicable Location of Bus Stop None Not Applicable Not Applicable Bus Journey Length Not Applicable Not Applicable Disabled Access to Bus Not Applicable Not Applicable

Free/Concessionary Bus Not Applicable Not Applicable Other Transport Links Not Applicable Not Applicable External Posting Wall mounted post box within 150 yards. Integral post box sited in exterior wall of branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Facilities Additional Branches Branch Name Kirkoswald Ousby Gamblesby Address 1 Bridge Stores Hamara Ghar Gamblesby Address 2 Kirkoswald Ousby Address 3 Address 4 Penrith Penrith Penrith Address 5 Postcode CA10 1DQ CA10 1QA CA10 1HR

Page 81 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Moor Row Cleator Moor Mirehouse Address 1 1 Church Street Cumbrian Co-op Store 57 Meadow Road Address 2 Moor Row 76 Leconfield Street Address 3 Address 4 Carlisle Cleator Moor Whitehaven Address 5 Postcode CA24 3JG CA25 5PX CA28 8ER Branch Type SPSO CFPO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 12:30 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 12:30 13:30 17:30 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday 09:00 12:30 08:30 13:00 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 37 49.5 46 Customer Serving 142 Positions Average Number of 100 - 199 1000 - 1499 750 - 999 Customer Sessions (p/w) Additional Products None DVLA, On Line Lottery and Euro On Demand Currency None Constituency Copeland Copeland Copeland 3 Population - 4599; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population - 6444; Population Aged 0-15 - 21%; Population Population - 11040; Population Aged 0-15 - 22%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 18%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 17%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - 17%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 75% with 1 or more car or van - 66% with 1 or more car or van - 62% Retail Type Newsagents and groceries. Supermarket Newsagents, off-licence and toys. The branch has level access, with wide automatic doors. Ease of Access to Branch There are steps at the entrance to this branch. There is a step at the entrance to this branch. Internally, there is space for a wheelchair. Builder's merchant / DIY store, filling station and NISA A pharmacy, convenience store, hairdressers and 3 Retail Environment None superstore. takeaways. Proximity to ATM None There is an internal ATM within the supermarket. There is an internal ATM located within the branch.

Terrain / Geography Terrain between the branches is varied. Paved footpaths and Terrain between the branches is hilly. between branches street lighting are only present along parts of the route.

Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 1.9 2.2 (miles) There is a car park with designated disabled parking bays Parking at Branch There is roadside parking available outside the branch. There is roadside parking available outside the branch. next to the branch. Bus Operating Company There is no direct bus service available. There is no direct bus service available. Bus Route Number Not Applicable Not Applicable Bus Service Frequency Not Applicable Not Applicable Location of Bus Stop Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Bus Journey Length Not Applicable Not Applicable Disabled Access to Bus Not Applicable Not Applicable

Free/Concessionary Bus Not Applicable Not Applicable Other Transport Links Not Applicable Not Applicable External Posting Integral post box sited in exterior wall of branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Facilities Additional Branches Branch Name Wath Egremont St Bees Address 1 Wath Brow Stores 52 Main Street 122 Main Street Address 2 121-122 Ennerdale Road Address 3 Wath Brow Address 4 Cleator Moor Egremont St Bees Address 5 Postcode CA25 5LP CA22 2AA CA27 0AA

Page 82 Branch Access Report Branch Proposed for Closure 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Parton Moresby Parks Market Place Address 1 Village Hall Moresby Parks Road 10 Market Place Address 2 Main Street Moresby Parks Address 3 Parton Address 4 Whitehaven Whitehaven Whitehaven Address 5 Postcode CA28 6NY CA28 8XG CA28 7JD Branch Type SAT SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday Closed 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 12:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday Closed 09:00 17:30 09:00 12:30 Thursday 09:00 12:00 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday Closed 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday Closed 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 64641 Customer Serving 012 Positions Average Number of 0 - 49 300 - 399 1500 - 1999 Customer Sessions (p/w) Additional Products None On Line Lottery None Constituency Copeland Copeland Copeland Population - 4218; Population Aged 0-15 - 21%; Population Population - 2868; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Population - 12295; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Population Age Profile Aged 16-Retired - 61%; Population Retired - 17%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 64%; Population Retired - 14%; Households Aged 16-Retired - 62%; Population Retired - 19%; Households (within 1 mile of branch) with 1 or more car or van - 76% with 1 or more car or van - 88% with 1 or more car or van - 70% Retail Type None MACE convenience store. Newsagents and stationery. The branch has access via a small threshold strip, with a wide The branch has level access, with a threshold strip and a wide There is a step at the entrance to this branch, with a buzzer Ease of Access to Branch door. door. Internally, there is space for a wheelchair. at the entrance to call for assistance. Retail Environment Public house and convenience store. None This branch is located within a multi-shopping area. Proximity to ATM None There is an ATM within the branch. There are several ATMs within 150 yards. Terrain between the branches is hilly. External street lighting Terrain between the branches is hilly. External street lighting Terrain / Geography and paved footpaths are only present along part of the and paved footpaths are only present along part of the between branches route. route. Road Distance from Proposed Closing Branch 1.7 2.6 (miles) There are limited roadside parking facilities with designated There is roadside parking available directly outside the Parking at Branch There are parking facilities within 20 yards. disabled parking bays, and a car park within 100 yards of the branch. branch. Bus Operating Company There is no direct bus service available. Stagecoach Bus Route Number Not Applicable 1 Bus Service Frequency Not Applicable Every 30 minutes. Location of Bus Stop The nearest bus stop is 40 yards away. Not Applicable The nearest bus stop is 300 yards away. Bus Journey Length Not Applicable 19 minutes. Disabled Access to Bus Not Applicable None Free Senior Citizens concessionary travel is available on this Free/Concessionary Bus Not Applicable service. Other Transport Links Not Applicable None External Posting Freestanding post box within 70 yards. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Facilities Additional Branches Branch Name Whitehaven Distington Mirehouse Address 1 70 Lowther Street 54 Main Street 57 Meadow Road Address 2 Distington Address 3 Address 4 Whitehaven Workington Whitehaven Address 5 Postcode CA28 7AF CA14 5TA CA28 8ER

Page 83 Branch Access Report

Closing Branch 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Penton Rowanburn Kershopefoot Address 1 Bessietown The Post Office Kershopefoot Address 2 Catlowdy Address 3 Penton Address 4 Carlisle Canonbie Newcastleton Address 5 Postcode CA6 5QP DG14 0RQ TD9 0TJ Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 13:00 09:00 12:00 13:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 13:00 09:00 12:00 13:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday 00:00 00:00 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 Thursday 09:30 15:30 09:00 12:00 13:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 13:00 09:00 12:00 13:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday Closed 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 18 37 41 Customer Serving Positions 111

Average Number of Customer 0 - 49 50 - 99 0 - 49 Sessions (p/w) Additional Products None None None Constituency Penrith and the Border Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale Penrith and the Border Population - 386; Population Aged 0-15 - 16%; Population Population - 237; Population Aged 0-15 - 13%; Population Population - 386; Population Aged 0-15 - 16%; Population Population Age Profile (within 1 Aged 16-Retired - 63%; Population Retired - 20%; Aged 16-Retired - 62%; Population Retired - 23%; Aged 16-Retired - 63%; Population Retired - 20%; mile of branch) Households with 1 or more car or van - 94% Households with 1 or more car or van - 87% Households with 1 or more car or van - 94% Retail Type None - Farm Office None - residential property None - residential property Ease of Access to Branch The branch has level access. There are two steps at the entrance of the branch. There is a step at the entrance of the branch. Retail Environment None - Farm Office None in Rowanburn None - residential property Proximity to ATM None visible None visible None visible Terrain / Geography between The route between the two branches is along hilly terrain. The route between the two branches is along hilly terrain. branches The journey is along all country lanes & roads. The journey is along all country lanes & roads.

Road Distance from Proposed 4.7 5.9 Closing Branch (miles) Parking is very limited. Space for 1 or 2 cars approx 40 The branch is in a small circular group of properties with Parking at Branch There are parking facilities outside the nearby. yards from the branch parking for approx 6 cars outside Bus Operating Company There are no direct bus services available There are no direct bus services available Bus Route Number No Applicable No Applicable Bus Service Frequency No Applicable No Applicable Location of Bus Stop No Applicable No Applicable No Applicable Bus Journey Length No Applicable No Applicable Disabled Access to Bus No Applicable No Applicable Free/Concessionary Bus No Applicable No Applicable Other Transport Links None None External Posting Facilities Post box within 150 yards of the branch. Post box outside the branch. Additional Branches Branch Name Roweltown Baileymill Canonbie Address 1 Roweltown Newcastleton Canonbie Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Carlisle Hawick Canonbie Address 5 Postcode CA6 6LA TD9 0TR DG14 0UX

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Closing Branch 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Rawlinson Street Furness House Duke Street Address 1 149 Rawlinson Street 5-7 Dalton Road 108 Duke Street Address 2 Murray's Chemist Address 3 Address 4 Barrow-In-Furness Barrow-In-Furness Barrow In Furness Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode LA14 1BB LA14 1LE LA14 1LU Branch Type SPSO Crown CFPO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 17:30 09:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 09:00 17:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 46 45.5 51 Customer Serving Positions 363

Average Number of Customer 1000 - 1499 3000 - 3499 2000 - 2499 Sessions (p/w) Additional Products None On Demand Currency & DVLA. Euro On Demand Currency. Constituency Barrow and Furness Barrow and Furness Barrow and Furness Population - 29468; Population Aged 0-15 - 22%; Population - 27470; Population Aged 0-15 - 21%; Population - 27710; Population Aged 0-15 - 21%; Population Age Profile (within 1 Population Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - Population Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - Population Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - mile of branch) 18%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 57% 18%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 57% 18%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 58% Retail Type Cards & Stationary Cards & Stationary Chemists The branch has level access, with wide doors. Internally, The branch has access via a ramp. Internally, there is The branch has level access. Internally, there is a low-level Ease of Access to Branch there is a low-level serving counter and a low-level writing space for a wheelchair. writing desk, and space for a wheelchair. desk. There is a newsagents, public house, Polish grocery shop & Town centre location with a wide choice of retailers and Town centre location which a good choice of retailers and Retail Environment a butchers. Banks. Banks. There are several ATMs in Barrow town centre which are There a number of ATM's with in the local area at the There a number of ATM's with in the local area at the Proximity to ATM within easy walking distance. various banks near to the branch. various banks near to the branch. The route between the two branches is along hilly terrain, The route between the two branches is along hilly terrain, Terrain / Geography between it is uphill then downhill on Greengate Street until you it is level up to Greengate Street then it is uphill then branches reach Rawlinson street branch. downhill until you reach Rawlinson street branch..

Road Distance from Proposed 0.2 0.5 Closing Branch (miles) There is restricted roadside parking available outside the Parking at Branch There is roadside parking available nearby. There are fee paying car parks available nearby. branch. Bus Operating Company Stagecoach Stagecoach Bus Route Number 4, 4A & 4B 4, 4A & 4B Bus Service Frequency Every 20 minutes Every 20 minutes The nearest bus stop is 20 yards fat Greengate Junior Location of Bus Stop The nearest bus stop is 180 yards on Schneider Square. The nearest bus stop is opposite the branch. School. Bus Journey Length 2 minutes 5 minutes Disabled Access to Bus Cannot be guaranteed Cannot be guaranteed NOW card is available to residents who are aged 60 and NOW card is available to residents who are aged 60 and Free/Concessionary Bus over or suffer from disabilities. over or suffer from disabilities. Other Transport Links None None External Posting Facilities Freestanding post box directly outside the branch. Wall mounted post box on the external wall of the branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Additional Branches Branch Name Lesh Lane Salthouse Oxford Street Address 1 124 Lesh Lane 3 Risedale Road 46 Oxford Street Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Barrow-In-Furness Barrow-In-Furness Barrow-In-Furness Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode LA13 9EQ LA13 9QX LA14 5QL

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Closing Branch 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Scotland Road Burrowgate Penrith Address 1 Townhead Garage 36/40 Burrowgate Crown Square Address 2 Scotland Road Address 3 Address 4 Penrith Penrith Penrith Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA11 7NN CA11 7TA CA11 7AA Branch Type SPSO CFPO Crown Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 08:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 08:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 09:30 17:30 Wednesday 08:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 08:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 08:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday 09:00 12:30 08:30 13:00 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 52 49.5 45.5 Customer Serving Positions 247 ( includes bureau de change position )

Average Number of Customer 750 - 999 1500 - 1999 3000 - 3499 Sessions (p/w) Euro/Dollar On Demand Currency, DVLA & On Line Additional Products Euro On Demand Currency & On Line National Lottery. DVLA & On Demand Currency National Lottery. Constituency Penrith and the Border Penrith and the Border Penrith and the Border Population - 12208; Population Aged 0-15 - 17%; Population - 14156; Population Aged 0-15 - 17%; Population - 13802; Population Aged 0-15 - 17%; Population Age Profile (within 1 Population Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - Population Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - Population Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - mile of branch) 21%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 74% 22%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 75% 22%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 75% Retail Type Petrol Station / general store Spar convenience store Crown Office Ease of Access to Branch The branch has access via a ramp. The branch has level access. The branch has level access. There is another petrol station/shop and several public The branch is in a multi shopping area, with a supermarket Retail Environment The branch is in a multi shopping area. houses in the local area. opposite the branch. There is an internal ATM at the branch. An additional ATM Proximity to ATM can be found at the petrol station on the other side of the There is an external ATM is located at the branch. There are several ATMs with in 170 yards. road.

The route between the two branches is along hilly terrain. The route between the two branches is along hilly terrain. It is mainly downhill from Scotland Road to the Terrain / Geography between It is mainly downhill from Scotland Road to the area Burrowgate area, there are then a number of gentle branches around Burrowgate. Footpaths on route and street lighting inclines and declines to Penrith branch through the main is present. shopping area of the town. Footpaths on route and street lighting is present.

Road Distance from Proposed 0.5 0.6 Closing Branch (miles) There is disc zone parking available within 20 yards of the There are parking facilities outside the branch. Additional There is disc zone parking available outside the branch. A Parking at Branch branch. A pay and display car park can be found within 115 roadside parking can be found with in 55 yards. pay and display car park can be found within 55 yards. yards.

Bus Operating Company Stagecoach Stagecoach runs the 104, NBM runs the 646

104 from Scotland Road to Penrith bus station then a 400 metre walk to Penrith branch. Alternatively the 646 runs 104 Bus Route Number from the bus station to King Street which is located about 100 metres from the branch. The 104 runs hourly, at about 40 minutes past each hour. Hourly, about 15 minutes past each hour from the Bus Bus Service Frequency The 646 runs hourly leaving the bus station at 15 minutes Station to Scotland road past the hour. Location of Bus Stop The nearest bus stop is outside the branch. The nearest bus stop is 55 yards away. The nearest bus stop is 110 yards away Bus Journey Length 5 minutes 5 minutes on the 104, 10 minutes on the 646 Disabled Access to Bus None None A concessionary Now Card can be obtained allowing free A concessionary Now Card can be obtained allowing free Free/Concessionary Bus travel throughout Cumbria at any time. travel throughout Cumbria at any time. Other Transport Links None None External Posting Facilities Free standing outside the branch Free standing outside the branch In wall of the branch. Additional Branches Branch Name Stainton Plumpton Askham Address 1 2 St John's Road Plumpton The Toy Works Address 2 Stainton Holly House Address 3 Askham Address 4 Penrith Penrith Penrith Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA11 0EY CA11 9NS CA10 2PG

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Closing Branch 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Swarthmoor Croftlands Park Ulverston Address 1 56-58 Fox Street 46 Central Drive County Square Address 2 Swarthmoor Address 3 Address 4 Ulverston Ulverston Ulverston Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode LA12 0HT LA12 9JN LA12 7AA Branch Type SPSO SPSO Crown Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 07:30 15:30 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 07:30 14:30 08:30 17:30 09:30 17:30 Wednesday 00:00 00:00 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 07:30 15:30 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 07:30 15:30 08:30 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday Closed 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 31 48.5 45.5 Customer Serving Positions 125

Average Number of Customer 100 - 199 750 - 999 2500 - 2999 Sessions (p/w) Additional Products None Euro On Demand Currency. DVLA & On Demand Currency Constituency Barrow and Furness Barrow and Furness Barrow and Furness Population - 5758; Population Aged 0-15 - 17%; Population Population - 9423; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Population - 8511; Population Aged 0-15 - 19%; Population Population Age Profile (within 1 Aged 16-Retired - 56%; Population Retired - 26%; Aged 16-Retired - 57%; Population Retired - 23%; Aged 16-Retired - 57%; Population Retired - 23%; mile of branch) Households with 1 or more car or van - 84% Households with 1 or more car or van - 76% Households with 1 or more car or van - 74% Retail Type Newsagent & General Store & Off licence. Newsagents, Cards & Stationery. Cards & Stationery The branch has access via a ramp. Internally, there is a low- The branch has level access. Internally, there is a space for The branch has level access. Internally, there is a space for Ease of Access to Branch level serving counter, a low-level writing desk and space for a wheelchair. a wheelchair. a wheelchair. Town centre location with a good choice of all essential Retail Environment There is a public house in the local area. A convenience store, a laundrette and a hairdressers. retailers. There are a number of ATMs in the local area at the Proximity to ATM None None nearby banks and building societies. The route between the two branches is along mainly level The route between the two branches is along varied Terrain / Geography between terrain until reaching Mountbarrow Road which is a terrain. There is a slight incline out of Ulverston Town branches winding country road. Centre

Road Distance from Proposed 1.1 3.0 Closing Branch (miles) Pay & Display Car parks in the Town Centre within easy Parking at Branch Roadside parking availible nearby. There are parking facilities available outside the branch. distance of the branch. Bus Operating Company Stagecoach Stagecoach Bus Route Number 6A 6 Bus Service Frequency Every 20 minutes. Every 20 minutes The nearest bus stop is180 yards from the branch on The nearest bus stop is 120 yards from the branch at the Location of Bus Stop Bus stop directly outside the branch. Ulverston Road. Victoria Road bus stop. Bus Journey Length 11 minutes 3 minutes Disabled Access to Bus Cannot be guaranteed Cannot be guaranteed NOW card is available to residents who are aged 60 and NOW card is available to residents who are aged 60 and Free/Concessionary Bus those with disabilities. those with disabilities. Other Transport Links None None External Posting Facilities Freestanding post box directly outside the branch. Freestanding post box directly outside the branch. Wall mounted post box outside the branch. Additional Branches Branch Name Great Urswick Dalton In Furness Baycliff Address 1 11 Church Road 76-78 Market Street Mylngarth Address 2 Great Urswick Coast Road Address 3 Baycliffe Address 4 Ulverston Dalton In Furness Ulverston Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode LA12 0TA LA15 8AA LA12 9RJ

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Closing Branch 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Tangier Street Market Place Whitehaven Address 1 12 Tangier Street 10 Market Place 70 Lowther Street Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Whitehaven Whitehaven Whitehaven Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA28 7UX CA28 7JD CA28 7AF Branch Type SPSO SPSO Crown Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:30 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 41 41 45.5 Customer Serving Positions 226

Average Number of Customer 750 - 999 1500 - 1999 3000 - 3499 Sessions (p/w) Additional Products None On Line National Lottery. DVLA & On Demand Currency Constituency Copeland Copeland Copeland Population - 11575; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population - 12295; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population - 12597; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population Age Profile (within 1 Population Aged 16-Retired - 62%; Population Retired - Population Aged 16-Retired - 62%; Population Retired - Population Aged 16-Retired - 62%; Population Retired - mile of branch) 19%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 71% 19%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 70% 19%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 71% Retail Type Newsagent / Cards / Stationery Newsagent / stationery Crown Office with Postshop Ease of Access to Branch The branch has level access, with a wide door. There is a step at the entrance of the branch. There are two steps at the entrance of the branch. Retail Environment This branch is located within a multi-shoppoing area. This branch is located within a multi-shoppoing area. The branch is located in a multi-shopping area. There are a number of both internal and external ATMs in There are a number of both internal and external ATMs in There are a number of both internal and external ATMs in Proximity to ATM the local area. the local area. the local area. The terrain between the branches is along level terrain, The terrain between the branches is along level terrain, Terrain / Geography between with external streetlighting and paved footpaths along the with external streetlighting and paved footpaths along the branches whole route. Pelican crossings are available and part of whole route. Pelican crossings are available and part of the route is along a pedestrianised thoroughfare. the route is along a pedestrianised thoroughfare.

Road Distance from Proposed 0.3 0.3 Closing Branch (miles) There is a pay & display car park and limited roadside There is a pay & display car park on the opposite side of There is roadside parking available outside the branch. A Parking at Branch parking with dedicated disabled bays available within 100 the road to the branch. pay and display car park can be found within 200 yards. yards of the branch. Bus Operating Company There is no direct bus service between the branches. Stagecoach in Cumbria (01900 604589) Bus Route Number Not Applicable 1 Bus Service Frequency Not Applicable Every 30 minutes @ 14 & 44 minutes past the hour The nearest bus stop is located at the old bus station Location of Bus Stop Not Applicable The nearest bus stop is 100 yards away opposite Tesco. Bus Journey Length Not Applicable 4 minutes This route is not classed as one that uses easy access Disabled Access to Bus Not Applicable buses. Free Senior Citizens concessionary travel is available on this service. For details on the local scheme and how to Not Applicable Free/Concessionary Bus obtain concessionary travel, contact the local District Council. Other Transport Links None None Freestanding post box immediately outside the branch for External Posting Facilities Integral post box sited in exterior wall of branch. Freestanding post box immediately outside the branch. franked mail, and a integral post box sited in exterior wall of branch for ordinary mail. Additional Branches Branch Name Mirehouse Moresby Parks Cleator Moor Address 1 57 Meadow Road Moresby Parks Road Cumbrian Co-Op Store Address 2 Moresby Parks 76 Leconfield Street Address 3 Address 4 Whitehaven Whitehaven Cleator Moor Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA28 8ER CA28 8XG CA25 5PX

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Closing Branch 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Upperby Petteril Bank Mount Pleasant Address 1 SPAR Convenience Store 2 Petteril Bank Road 226 Blackwell Road Address 2 36 Lamb Street Address 3 Address 4 Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA2 4NF CA1 3AH CA2 4RR Branch Type SPSO SPSO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Thursday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 09:00 17:30 Saturday 09:00 12:30 09:00 12:30 09:00 16:00 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 46 46 49.5 Customer Serving Positions 2 23

Average Number of Customer 500 - 749 1000 - 1499 1000 - 1499 Sessions (p/w) Additional Products On Line National Lottery. On Line National Lottery. DVLA Constituency Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Population - 15843; Population Aged 0-15 - 21%; Population - 18751; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population - 17777; Population Aged 0-15 - 20%; Population Age Profile (within 1 Population Aged 16-Retired - 58%; Population Retired - Population Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - Population Aged 16-Retired - 60%; Population Retired - mile of branch) 20%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 65% 19%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 63% 18%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 65% Retail Type Convenience Store Newsagents Newsagent / Convenience store Ease of Access to Branch The branch has access via a ramp. The branch has access via a ramp. The branch has level access. Pharmacy, convenience store, bakers and a couple of take Retail Environment Hairdressers and hydro therapist. Newsagents and hairdressers away outlets. There is an external ATM at the convenience store, located Proximity to ATM None in the local area. there is an external ATM in wall of premises. a 30 metres away on the same parade of shops. The route between the two branches is along hilly terrain. Terrain / Geography between The journey starts off level at Upperby then goes down a The route between the two branches is along hilly terrain, branches hill, under a railway bridge and then it is up hill until through well lit residential area. reaching Petteril Bank. Road Distance from Proposed 0.7 0.7 Closing Branch (miles) Parking at Branch There is roadside parking available outside the branch. There is roadside parking available outside the branch. There is roadside parking available outside the branch. Bus Operating Company No direct bus. Stagecoach Bus Route Number Not Applicable 68 Bus Service Frequency Not Applicable Every 15 minutes Location of Bus Stop The nearest bus stop is 80 yards away. Not Applicable The nearest bus stop is 265 yards away. Bus Journey Length Not Applicable 4 minutes Disabled Access to Bus Not Applicable Most busses have disabled access A concessionary Now Card can be obtained allowing free Free/Concessionary Bus Not Applicable travel within the Carlisle area at any time. Other Transport Links None None External Posting Facilities Freestanding post box outside the branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Freestanding post box outside the branch. Additional Branches Branch Name Currock Central Avenue Carlisle Address 1 83 Blackwell Road 34 Central Avenue 20-34 Warwick Road Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA2 4AJ CA1 3QB CA1 1AB

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Closing Branch 1st Alternative Branch 2nd Alternative Branch Branch Name Vulcans Lane Workington Moorclose Estate Address 1 3 Vulcans Lane Oxford Street 134 Westfield Drive Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Workington Workington Workington Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA14 2NX CA14 2NA CA14 3RW Branch Type SPSO CFPO SPSO Branch currently open Yes Yes Yes OPENING HOURS Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Open Lunch Start Lunch Finish Close Monday 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 08:45 12:00 13:00 17:30 Tuesday 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 08:45 12:00 13:00 17:30 Wednesday 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 08:45 12:30 Thursday 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 08:45 12:00 13:00 17:30 Friday 09:00 17:30 08:30 17:30 08:45 12:00 13:00 17:30 Saturday 09:00 12:30 08:30 17:30 08:45 12:00 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Total Opening Hours 46 54 38 Customer Serving Positions 273

Average Number of Customer 1000 - 1499 2000 - 2499 1000 - 1499 Sessions (p/w) Additional Products None On Demand Currency, DVLA & On Line National Lottery. Euro On Demand Currency Constituency Workington Workington Workington Population - 16585; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population - 14867; Population Aged 0-15 - 18%; Population - 17287; Population Aged 0-15 - 19%; Population Age Profile (within 1 Population Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - Population Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - Population Aged 16-Retired - 59%; Population Retired - mile of branch) 21%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 64% 21%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 64% 20%; Households with 1 or more car or van - 65% Retail Type Greeting cards & Stationary None None The branch has level access. Internally, there is space for a The branch has level access. Internally, there is space for a Ease of Access to Branch There is a step at the entrance of the branch. wheelchair. wheelchair. Busy town centre location, several retailers offering whole There is an alarm shop, hairdressers, florist, off licence on Several retailers including, fish and chip shop, newsagents, Retail Environment range of goods and services in the area including several Vulcans Lane. bakers, wine shop, hairdressers and a convenience store. high street banks Proximity to ATM There is an ATM within 50 yards of the branch. There are several ATM's in the local area. There is an ATM at the nearby convenience store.

Terrain / Geography between The route between the two branches is along hilly terrain. The route between the two branches is along hilly terrain. branches

Road Distance from Proposed 0.4 1.0 Closing Branch (miles) There is roadside parking available within 50 yards of the Parking at Branch There is roadside parking available outside the branch branch. A pay & display car park can be found within 100 There is a car park available outside the branch. yards. Bus Operating Company Stagecoach Stagecoach Bus Route Number No 30 No 46a Bus Service Frequency 14 & 34mins past the hour 41mins past the hour Location of Bus Stop The nearest bus stop is 250 yards away. The nearest bus stop is opposite the branch. The nearest bus stop is 50 yards away. Bus Journey Length 9 minutes 17 minutes Stagecoach have low level floor buses operating on this Stagecoach have low level floor buses operating on this Disabled Access to Bus route however advisable to check before travelling route however advisable to check before travelling Stagecoach accept the NOWcard obtained from local Stagecoach accept the NOWcard obtained from local Free/Concessionary Bus authority authority Other Transport Links None None External Posting Facilities Freestanding postbox outside the branch None Freestanding postbox outside the branch Additional Branches Branch Name Seaton Harrington Great Clifton Address 1 88-90 Main Road 63 Church Road Hunter Bank Address 2 Seaton Harrington Great Clifton Address 3 Address 4 Workington Workington Workington Address 5 Cumbria Cumbria Cumbria Postcode CA14 1JE CA14 5PT CA14 1UD

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