DIRECTORY.] CU l\1BERLAND. ARLECDON. 33 Baine Edward, farmer, Wanwood hill Snowdon Robt. W. buildr. Town head Varty John, boot & shoe maker Bamsey John, town crier Spark John V. watch ma. Rose cot Varty Sarah L. (Mrs.), Blue Bell hotel Bechabites Independent Order of Spark H. (Mrs.),furn.aparts,Bose cot Walton & Little, wine & spirit mer- (Frederick H. ~icholson, sec) Spark 'l'hos. butcher & cattle dealer chants (wholesale) Bichardson Alice M. (Mrs.) & Sons, l::lLc:phenson Elizabeth (Mrs.),confectnr Walton Duncan, farmer, Leadgate farmers, Coatlith hill Stephenson Hannah (MIS.), grocer, & Walton Hugh, ironmonger Bichardson Geo. farmer, Low Gill ho ) wtoria temperance hotel Walton Jn. (Mrs.), aparts. Salvin ho Bichardson Herbert, saw mill owner .Stokes James J. receiver, agent & Walton John, farmer, Annat walls Bichardson Bobert, farmer, Park steward of the manor to the Lords Walton Joseph, farmer, Annat walls Bichardson Sarah (Miss), milliner of the Admiralty, Old Manor house WaltonJoseph R., J.P. civil & min- Boberts A. Limited, drug stores .Stokoe Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper ing engineer, mining, land & estate Boutledge Ellen (Miss), apartments, Storey Geo. Wm. knit hosiery manufr agent, Lowbyer Manor house 3 West view Storey Thos. Jas. dentist,Temple Crcft Walton Joseph W. boot & shoe maker Bust John, boarding ho. V all£ y Yie :l" Summers Thomas .1.\l.farmer, Fair hilt W zlton N a ::haniel, registrar of hirths, Ruth La.nca.ster James Cottage Hos- Sykes Watson, manager to the Lon- deaths & marriages, Alston district, pital (Stewart Carson M.B., C.M. don City & Midland Bank & treas. clerk & registrar to the burial medical attendant; Miss Catherine to the union & Rural District Council board, relieving, vaccination & Davidson, matron) & deputy superintendent registrar school attendance officer & sec.
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