Update Welcome Break
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Planning Statement: Update CORLEY MOTORWAY SERVICE AREA EXTENSION TO HGV PARKING AREA Welcome Break July 2017 Our reference: 141 Smith Jenkins Ltd 30A High Street, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes, MK11 1AF Tel: 01908 410422 Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Information Submitted Since February 2017 3 3 Response to Third Party Objections 5 4 Case for the Applicant 11 Welcome Break – Corley North MSA HGV Parking Extension 1 Introduction 1.1 This Statement has been prepared by Smith Jenkins Ltd on behalf of Welcome Break, the applicant, to set out the updated case for planning permission for a HGV park extension at Corley MSA, given the submission of new information during the course of the planning application. This Statement also addresses comments raised by the Parish Council and local residents, as requested by the Case Officer. 1.2 The description of development remains as the planning application forms: Change of use of land to HGV parking incorporating associated infrastructure and works. 1.3 The site can be identified from drawing number CMSA-BWB-GEN-XX-DR-TR-106 (site location plan). 1.4 The planning application proposes the provision of 83 HGV spaces on the field to the south of the MSA. The field is within Welcome Breaks’ ownership. Development involves the setting out of the parking area, provision of landscaping and surface water attenuation. Access is to be provided from the existing MSA spine road, with a dedicated turning lane into the application site. 1.5 Corley MSA due to its location on the motorway network suffers from specific problems in relation to the parking of HGVs both during the day and overnight. These proposals are designed specifically to address the parking need that arises at Corley. 1.6 For the benefit of planning officers, the planning application documents are: Application plans and drawings prepared by BWB; Transport Assessment, prepared by BWB; Road Safety Audit; Design Team Response to Road Safety Audit including updated plans; Flood Risk Assessment, prepared by BWB; Sustainable Drainage Statement, prepared by BWB; Lighting Design Report, prepared by BWB; Preliminary Ecological Assessment, prepared by Ecology by Design; Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment incorporating landscape design proposals and tree survey, prepared by Barry Chin Associates; and Noise Assessment; Archaeological Assessment; Bat Survey; and Biodiversity Calculator. 1.7 It is considered that the planning application submission provides sufficient information in order to allow North Warwickshire Borough Council to consider the application and now determine the application at the earliest possible opportunity. 1.8 The remainder of this report is set out as follows: Section 2, Summary of Information Submitted since February 2017: provides a discussion of information submitted since February 2017. Smith Jenkins Ltd 1 Welcome Break – Corley North MSA HGV Parking Extension Section 3, Response to Third Party Objectors: provides a detailed response to comments received from third party objectors, including the Parish Council. Section 4, Case for the Applicant: sets out the planning case for the Applicant. Smith Jenkins Ltd 2 Welcome Break – Corley North MSA HGV Parking Extension 2 Information Submitted Since February 2017 2.1 This section of the report provides an overview of the information submitted to North Warwickshire Council since the submission of the planning application in February 2017. 2.2 The applicant has submitted further information either at the request of statutory consultees or as indicated as part of the original planning submission. Because this has been submitted in parts and not as one submission, the information below can act as a check list for the LPA in determining the application. 2.3 The original planning application comprised the following documents: Application forms; Covering letter, dated 28th February 2017; Site location plan, drawing reference CMSA-BWB-GEN-XX-DR-TR-106; Blue line plan, drawing reference CMSA-BWB-GEN-XX-DR-TR-107; Parking Extension (General Arrangement Plan), drawing reference CMSA-BWB-GEN-XX- DR-TR-105 Planning Statement, prepared by Smith Jenkins Ltd; Transport Assessment, prepared by BWB; Flood Risk Assessment, prepared by BWB; Sustainable Drainage Statement, prepared by BWB; Lighting Design Report, prepared by BWB; Lighting Drawing, drawing reference CMSA-BWB-HLG-XX-CA-C-1300; Preliminary Ecological Assessment, prepared by Ecology by Design; and Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment incorporating landscape design proposals and tree survey, prepared by Barry Chin Associates. 2.4 Following receipt of comments from Warwickshire County Council in their capacity as lead flood authority, further drawings were submitted on 10th April, namely: CMSA-BWB-HGR-XX-DR-EN-201_Surface Water Strategy; and CMSA-BWB-HGR-XX-DR-202_Pond Cross Sections. 2.5 Following receipt of these drawings, WCC withdrew their objection to the scheme (letter dated 2nd May 2017). 2.6 The applicants made a further submission on 28th May 2017 encompassing archaeology, noise assessment and additional highways information. The document references are: Road Safety Audit, Stage 1, prepared by BWB; Road Safety Audit – Design Team Response, prepared by BWB; Noise Impact Assessment, prepared by BWB; and Archaeological geophysical survey, prepared by MOLA; 2.7 On 14th June 2017 we received further comments on noise from the Council’s Environmental Health team. A further response was submitted to the Council dated 30th June 2017. 2.8 This Statement forms part of the applicant’s submission. This is submitted at the same time as the following: Bat survey, completed by Ecology by Design; Biodiversity Calculator, completed by Ecology by Design; Smith Jenkins Ltd 3 Welcome Break – Corley North MSA HGV Parking Extension Proposed HGV Parking Extension, drawing reference CMSA-BWB-GEN-XX-DR-TR-105 rev P2; and Swept Path Analysis, 16.5m and 18.5 m Articulated Vehicles, drawing reference CMSA- BWB-GEN-XX-DR-TR-110 rev P2. 2.9 The above documents form the Planning Application for the purpose of determining the application. Smith Jenkins Ltd 4 Welcome Break – Corley North MSA HGV Parking Extension 3 Response to Third Party Objections 3.1 A number of local resident objections have been sent to the applicant by the Case Officer who has requested that the applicant respond to matters raised. Due to the way in which they have been sent (copy and paste into an email) the applicant cannot identify whether these come from immediate neighbours to the site. It is also not possible to determine the number of total objections to the scheme. 3.2 The applicant is aware that two letters of objection have been sent from the Parish Council. 3.3 The applicant’s agent attended a meeting held by the Parish Council, also attended by local residents, on 4th April 2017. Comments from the Parish Council 3.4 Two sets of comments have been received by email via the Case Officer. The Case Officer’s emails are dated 11th April 2017 and 8th June 2017. Comments received in the 11th April 2017 email can be summarised as: causing harm to the Green Belt where no ‘exceptional circumstances’ have been proven; that there is no need for the lorry park based on the figures provided by the applicant; that alternative solutions should be considered; and the impact of noise, light and diesel pollution on residents. 3.5 The comments in the second email repeat the first other than to add that the revisions required by the Road Safety Audit appear to be common sense alterations to the scheme. 3.6 We take each matter raised by the Parish Council below: Very Special Circumstances 3.7 There is no requirement under the National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012) to set out ‘exceptional’ circumstances in respect of planning applications. Paragraph 87 and 88 of the NPPF state: 87. As with previous Green Belt policy, inappropriate development is, by definition, harmful to the Green Belt and should not be approved except in very special circumstances. 88. When considering any planning application, local planning authorities should ensure that substantial weight is given to any harm to the Green Belt. ‘Very special circumstances’ will not existing unless the potential harm to the Green Belt by reason of inappropriateness, and any other harm, is clearly outweighed by other considerations. 3.8 The key consideration in respect of Green Belts is maintaining their openness. ‘Need’ is considered to be a very special circumstance. This is especially so if the need identified is best met in a specific location. 3.9 The applicants consider that the need for the development in this case is such that these form the very special circumstances sufficient to overcome the presumption against development in the Green Belt. The case for need is two-fold: first the site specific short fall of HGV parking spaces required to meet current demand alongside future growth forecasts for traffic on the motorway; and secondly in respect of the site specific circumstances that means that route choice and traffic delays result in HGVs needing to stop at Corley MSA. Smith Jenkins Ltd 5 Welcome Break – Corley North MSA HGV Parking Extension 3.10 As set out in the Transport Assessment, there is theoretical capacity for 64 HGVs within the existing HGV park, which includes 4 spaces within the long load bay. However, there are a further 54 spaces around the site that are used unofficially for parking by HGVs, in addition to the 11 coach spaces (which are also sometimes occupied when there is a need for HGV parking). 3.11 Circular 02/2013 sets out the requirement for HGV parking at MSAs. This is calculated as a percentage of the annual daily traffic flow on the mainline motorway. At Corley, the amount of traffic in total is high but the total number of HGVs is also high.