July 15, 1898
PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. JULY * W ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1S«2—VOL. 35. PORTLAND, MAINE, FRIDAY MORNING, 15, 1898. gagggSffjmK PRICE THREE CENTS. MI SCEI.1.A>*E()MS. _ Hi YEARS ASONY ( THE FALL OF SANTIAGO. FROM ECZEMA EZCSO^cE • 1 —-----—---- CURED BY CUTICURA For ten years I suffered untold agonies from Eczema, my lower limbs being so swollen and broken out that I could hardly go about. My brother, a physician of thirty years’ practice, and other physicians of splendid ability, tried in vain to effect a cure and signally failed. I became absolutely disheartened, and had lost all hope, when a friend induced me to give Cuticura. Kemedies a trial. I used two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura (ointment), and it resulted in an absolute and permanent cure. DAVID M. SAPP, Plymouth, 111. Sfebdy Cube Treatment fob all Skix axd Blood Humors, with Loss OF Hair.—Warm baths with Cuti- CZJBA Soap, gentle anointings with Octicuka, and mild doses 01 Cuticuba Rbsolvkxt. Bold throughout the world. Potter Dbugayd Chem, Cobp., Solo Props., Boston. “How to Cure LcSTaia," tee. « THE CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK of Portland, Maine. FR«HM STOPPED- CAPITAL, $100,000.00 WITHOUT SHOT. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $25,000.00 Solicits the accounts of Banks,Mer- a cantile Firms, Corporations and Very Near To Scrap ia tinuta* Individuals, and is prepared to fur- Off Like namo nish its patrons the best facilities Santiago Dropped Daribor, and liberal accommodations. Intarsd Pair! OannsitQ Ripe Fruit. (Copyright 1893 by tha Associated Prose.) SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS.
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