, >•' STORES OPEN •/• — VoLJLXXlV- :NQ.-1&: ._ _ ._,'. -3 Sections, 24 Bages:: i CRANFDR1X,MW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY-18, 1967 TEN CENTS Await Definite Instructions «"! " •>r Cmriciilum On Busing to Private £ ^ . What effect the so-called Fair Bus Bill passed rece^ Director Legislature "will have- i'n Cranford cannot The Board of Education Tuesday instructions are received frorh the state ; • applicatio night.hired a new assistant direct- turned in by parents, G. Frank ZimjrTerr director V lss'Tepcirtefi is week. The post has,been vacantifor two Superintend' Sell00Is Clark .years. - " • . .-••• W McDer_ in a report sub- The 'new administrator is Gabriel Board of Education at 'A. .Massaro.of Mid-land Park, assist Tuesday niglTt, said-., 1 nrirw-inai nnrl nM'vna nrinPlp, "Alt.hfvixg|4_pnpir>s nt lhr»~ hill irj since. 1965 at MahWah Junior-Sen- jts final form have not been avail- ior High School. He was' previous- able, we know that its basic pro- ly head of the history department visions call for local boards of edu- ' . " Photo -by Beriton Stuuio thepe for six years and prior to. cation . which transport public POPPY DRIVE BEGINNING — Mayor Edward rC. Gill is shown that, was a teacher in Norwood^ school pupils enrolled in its regu- . purchasing first poppies from Mrs. Eugene Bora (at left), president, . A 'graduate of Trenton State Col lar classes to provide, upon request of Ladies' 'Auxiliary of Capt. N. R. Fiske Post 335; VFW, and Mrs. lege, where he receiwda B.S. de- from parents, free transportation Charles Freer, president of Cranford Unit 212, American-Lcfgion gree in 1955, and-"Columbia Uni- for non-public school pupils resid>- Auxiliary, in preparation for drive for benefit of disabled veleraiis versity, where he earned an A mg within the local school district and their families scheduled to begin this Sunday, Poppy Day, and . degree and a professional-diploma, at a -remote' distance from the he is permanently'cerjiftea as a cont.inpe'through Memorial Day. ' ' . ...''••:• school which they attend, within 20 supervisor ..and elementary and miles of their residence." secondary princi.paf. In addition, he took-graduate' courses at Tufts The. "remote" is understood to University;' Mpntclair and Pater- mean the present minimum dis- Suburban Symphony Offers sbn...State Colleges and Seton.Hall tance requirements of two jniles University. or more away for elementary pupils and two and one-half miles away SKY LABORATORY' OPENING HERE — Shown, abeg/e is the .William Miller Sperry Observatory Family Concert This Sunday He: has also taught courses in the for secondary students. This, would which will be dedicated in. ceremonies at .Union Junior '.College'this weekend. First of its ki..nd- ona The Suburban Symphony Orchestra of New Jersey will conclude use of multi-media at both Rutgers indicate that St. Michael's School two-year college campus,' the .observatory has- bee"L-described as a "sky laboratory" which will be avail- and Columbia Universities- and its current season with' a free Family Concert at,Cranford High School JOHN M. DURYEE pupils would not. be involved be- .. able for Use not only- by researchers and scientists bwt-by all interested students, teachers and members u demonstration lessons in anthro- cause of the school's central, loca- > on Sunday, at 3 p.m. An Afternoon in Vienna" wili present music by pology before the.. 'American Li ••of the general' public. •" '-"-..''- .- ' • • \ ,.- ...•-. •-'• • .'- " , tion in-town,, also secondary pri- composers whomade tftat city cm the'shores, of the' Da'nube River -thtS- brary Association" at its annual : vate schools in the &rea less than farrfoiis fnusical capital of the world in the...18th an,d 19th xentttries."' convention, Vfyo and one-half miles from a THe featured guest artists, who United Fund Mr. Massaro was. hjr.ed for the student's- hpme. Rehabilitation ' will perform excerpts from Johann 1967-68 school year ari an annual Mr. Zimmerman noted that-a "Strauss' '"Dffe- Fledermaus" salary, of $11,530. Residential are: High School Tho .post was,last held by Dr. Survey of non-public school stud- WorkshopSfetV TMa,n Canficrld, lyric -coloratura "so- ents in Cranford' rfevealed -that at ** - * t* Geraldine. Clemenson, who left be- 'Five:- a.nd a" half months' after j;' Clarissa Denton, mezzo so- cause of illness. She-"Served under Head present there are 336 attending At UJC This Weekend Vocal Concert John M. Duryee of 151 Hillcrest the defeat of its $5.3 million school prano; Rosemary Jories^ -soprano; Dr. Frank M«irtz, curriculum di- 18 different schools. 0ne of-Cran-ford's niost farriibiis. and most influential names Ave. .will be" residential chairman 'He said.it was estimated that on rehabilitation and ' expansion pro- . Bernie Barr, . tenor, and Jaints rector many years- untjl his retire will be memorialized "with the opening andI dedication of the ment last year.' He was replaced- for the 1967 Cranford. United Fund this basis it could possibly cost gram, the Board'-of .Education is 'McEvers, bass-baritone. gbiiJK to "'•begin grappling" with Willianv Miller Spefry Observatory on the Union Junior College by Mrs. Marica Lallis. '- ' campaign, it was announced.- this the local board in the neighbor- '• "While the young people of our . The Cranford High Schoi>l_yocal hood of $48,000 extractor busing to the problem ' again, Board Presi- campus this weekend. .. music-department will'present its' - -Dr. Clark W. McDermith, super • community, are most welcome oh week by Earl'Shea, general chair- private schools. The exact figure, dent Robert P. Biunno said at The observatory will be New Jersey's second major instal-- annual 'spring .concert, ^tomorrow inte.ndent of schools, explained that this occasion, this musical enter= man for. the drive. howevei1, woiil.d depend oh which :/ "night at 8:15 in the school, audi- the post of assistant director re- Tuesday night's meeting in UncQln — -—-— - — • - •- —-- •- lation in the field of astronomy . tainm'ent is designed for the en .'.. "Cranford is.a.fine community to schools- were found eligible under torium. A ^total of 14.7 students will mained unfilled for.-two years be> School.. • . - -~ • •—-the other is. on the Prince- tire family," Henry Bloch, conduc- cause of the* absence, of qualified live- in," Mr. Duryee'said, in ac-provisions pf. the; bill .and how He said, the board has sched- ton University campus '— and ' tor and .musical director, said. participate under the direction of James R. Lenney." Tiekets may beapplicants. .. cepting the appointment, "and themany parents filed the necessary uled a public workshop tor 7:30 the nation's first on a two-year "Everyone • of the yo'ung concert-' Several otheT administrative applications: ' ' ; purchased' at the'-dodr. growing success of our United- p.m. ju.rte 6 to present the first college campus.,. • ' • godrs should be accompanied by posts alsoremain vacant. Raymond- Groups taking part are the Choir, "If. maximum advantage of thesjep in a new rehabilitation pro-. Dr Harlow Shapley of Harvard at least one of his--, parents, .al- Parituso resigned several months Fund in receBt years is a real, sign ram Girls' Chorus,- Boys.1 Gle.e Club, law is taken by all eligible -families, S - University Will be \ the featured though we would, like the entire ago as science' coordinator; Charles of good community spirit." Girls' Ensemble and Boys' Double the cost will have a heavy tmpaetL 'The earlier -pl<m, which called, speaker-at the forrnal.- dedication . family to attend. .. .- Margolin has announced his inten- : Quartet. Soloists will" be ,Betty "Our planning for this year's. on our budget, 'which has made np If or the replacement of Cleveland eeremonies at 4 p.m. on\Sunday in "Since: the music on this pro- tion to resign at the end of the Hubbard, George Roden,. Bruce campaign*began last year, and «'oprovjsioi for t|ie law's, support*" and Sherman Schools, the rehabili- the theatre of the Campus Center. gram is 6f a lighter, gayer char- current term as social studies co- Kent and Cynthia . Fhelan, • and Dr. Mct'ermith said in his repo»i. t; •.ion, renovatioji and- expansion of The program will open with an acter, it will appeal "to everyone," ordinator, and William Koellrier, have a strong carryover in.trained Rosemary GencareLli . will. benthe The board would b«. reimbursed Cranford High School, and tthe re- open house from 2 to 4 p.m.-^t the Mr. Bloch-" said. ' ' . .'...• mathematics coordinator," tendered leadership.- But Cranford is-'far accompanist for, ,th,C' Girls'/Chorus. forTS percent of the cost, but, not I hnbilitation of Lincoln and Roose- observatory, ^nd a, reception spon- Mozart's sparkling overture to his resignation Tuesday night, ef- • Among the selections are the from" the top- of the list in Union two years after the expen-'yelt Schools,, was,, defeated -by a sored by.the Friends of the Col- the comic -opera, "*The Abduction fective June 30. ' following: "Cantate Domino," by County in giving per .family. We ! 6',388:502 vote in a public referen- lege will follow the dedicatioiV from "the Seraglio," will ope.n the diture. Giuseppe Pi.toni; "Yjea. Though I Mr: Koellner, who held the posi- The board's present bill for. pupil 'dum' December 8. ceremonies at 5.p.m. concert. Beethoven will be repre- can .do better, this year than ever Wander," by Gerog Schumann; tion three years,, resigned to '.accept transportation is approximately] ' The defeat was attributed to the Amateur Astronomers, Inc., who sented by two minuets'(from a set before, and we are getting started '.'Danny Boy,": Irish Folk Song; an appointment as associate profes; $14,000, mostly . for handicapped j cost and to the location -of'the will operate the observatory jointJy of 12) composed for dancing at a '•Red River Valley," American folk sor of mathematics at Mpntclair early to prove it."' students.
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