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Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

9-24-1898 Eddy Current, 09-24-1898 Wm. H. Mullane

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Recommended Citation Mullane, Wm. H.. "Eddy Current, 09-24-1898." (1898).

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Utrnai;'i Mattva. OStelnl., (I.rinn in t l,aukil Aftur. Mill lnli tUnd, New York, Bept. 20, A special from Washington, Sept. 20. The officials Washington, Pept 19. Tho Ameri- Nsrrsgansott, Pier. It. I., Bept. 19-j- HOLOCAUST TERRIBLE. Washington, says: nt the state and war departments wel can pearo commlslsoners, who sailed Miss Winnie Davis, daughter of Mrs. As an Indication that Germany has comed the notice sent to tho American Raturday from Now York, bear secret Jefferson Davis, died nt noon yesterday JW been scheming to share In tho dispo people of tho falsity of tho stories de Instructions to Investigate tho stories at the Itoektngham hotel, to whteh sition of the Philippines, the authori- scribing thi friction between the Fil of allegtd foreign Interference in the place sho camo as a guest In tho early Combustion of Dust Causes an ties have learned that, acting under In ipinos nnd the American forces In Lu disposition of tho Philippines. It they part of the Pier's social season. Sho Spontaneous structions from Ilcrlln, tho German zon. While tho officials did not care find that there Is any basis for tho re- had bcon III for several woeks, and a commandor-ln-chto- f of tho Asiatic sta to discus the matter for publication. ports whloh havo been In circulation fortnight ago her ailment wad diag- Elevator to Catch Fire and Disas- tion has roado an cxhaustlvo Investi It was evident thnt tho main source for months they have been Instructed nosed as malarial gastritis. gation of the coal deposits of the Is- of tholr satltfactlon was tho internal by the president to Immediately Insist At times her condition boonmo vory trous Results Ensue. lands. Ho was assisted by a Qerman nvldencn contained In the document upon tho cession of tho entlro Philip- serious, so that the consultations ot engineer who had been temporarily as that Agulnnldo had profited by tho pine archipelago to the United States. physicians were deemed necessary, but signed lo his squadron for tho special warnings of the American command- Tho administration has grown woary frequent ralllet gavo renewed hops that ers nnd hnd gracefully receded from purpose of locating coal, and, with thnt of tho suspicious movements of Ger-mnn- y she would ultimately recover. During Hran of llarrur. I'rom All I'urlWt. end in view, ho conduoted a thorough tho arrogant attitude assumed by him nnd proposes to bring tho matter the past week especially wax her con- Gon Toledo, 0., Sept. 21. Bight peoplo Washington, Hopt. 21. The person Investigation and his report, which has Just before Merrill left Manila to a head. In speaking of tho report dition considered favorable, as it was cremated, eight more fatally burned uel of tho Spanish poaeo commission been submitted to tho Uorlln govern for Paris. that Spain and Gormany hnvo reached thought thnt her removal from Uio ho While thorn Is Mttln In the official and eight seriously Injured Is the re- has been communicated omelany by ment through Vivo Admiral Von Dlod- - n secret understanding, by whtch Ger tot would bo posslblo In a faw days, as the Madrid government to tho Froneb records that tends to contrndlct what sult of tho most disastrous Ore that ev- crlolis, shows thnt tho best lignite do- - mnny Is to bo glvon two of the Is the hotel had closed for tho season, embassy through tho Insurgent chief says, still It must er occurred in Toledo. and Ambassador posits aro located on tho Island of Co lands of tho Philippine group, a cab leaving the patient nnd nttundants to department. Th bo recalled that both Gon. Otis nnd Following are the donds Samuel Cambon the stato bit, one of tho VUeaya group. Inet oiricer said Snturdny afternoon: practically nlnuo In tho house. name as given In Admlrnl Dewey In eablo messages to Alexander, Dort Walnwrlght, Fred list is tho that tin This information has been received "I bollovo that the report Is true. It ttaturdny night, however, a retnpso press dispatches, with some additional Washington have pointed out threat Oarrett, Harold Parks, John Bmllb, from one of tho representatives of this has been tho subject of grave discus- In Miss Davis' condition was notloed, as to several members. ening complications iirlslng from tho Urace Porks, Frank Van Uousen, John Information tho government In Germany and has been sion between tho president and his and throughout the night she lost Montoro Mo, chairman of the attitude of the Insurgents. Tho latest Out. Sonor considered of sufficient Importnnco to cabinet nnd has holprd to mold somo strength. Yesterday morning tho phy- commission. Is tho presiding officer of advices received at tho war depart-- 1 The Injured: David Kemp. Darner bo presented to tho peace commission of our opinions In regnrd to tho Phil- sicians said thnt tho end was not far Spanish sonato. Benor Abarxuza mrnt from Manila wero from Gen. Welch, Charles Klofer, Frod Pargolds, tho era for their consideration. Officials ippines. Our ponco commissioners hnvo off, and at foon death camo to end tho Is a tho sonato and was Otis Friday last, and while tho officer Elliott, Charles llrookeoefer, Ever-e- tt member of who wero Interviewed regarding tho been Instructed to Investlgnto Uiaso suffering which nt time had been Spanish umbnsador at during referred to the agitation exhlbted by re Smith, Hamilton Parks, Win. J. Paris matter admit that there can be only ports nnd if they find any basis for Mrs. Davis had watched at her Spain's brief rcglmo as a republic. tho Insurgents, ho took rare to slato Parks, W. C. Jordan, Peter Haas, ono object which would lead tho Her believing that Germany during tho war daughter's bedside, and sho is now Gen. Correra has had long experience that he had troops enough, In his own Albaldlo and four othors, names un- lln government to direct such an inves has been negotiating with Spain to se- bowed with sorrow. In colonial affairs nnd i regarded as opinion, to meet any emergency. With known. tlgatlon the deslro to oxtend Gorman cure territory against which our mili- Wlnnlo Dnvls. the "Daughter ot tho an expert in that line. Sonor Vlllaur this statemont from the commanding The spontaneous combustion of dust Jurisdiction over tho Island which has tary operations might at any moment Confederacy," was horn In tho Confed- rutla is tho prcsont Spanish, mlnlstst gonernl on the scone of activity fresh Jn the grain elevator ownod by Pad- tho largest beds of conl adapted for have bvjn directed they will claim tho erate executive mansion at Richmond, at Drussels. Honor Garnlcls Is couc In mind, the war department's expla dock, Hogo ft Co. at 9 o'clock last steaming purposes. entire urrhtpelgo nt on'Co. Tho same Vs., In 1803. She was educated princi- selor of the court of cassation or su nation of the dispatch for frosh rein night caused tho terrible destruction of Such an Island Is Cobu, reports whloh course will be pursued by thorn should pally nt home, owing to tho trouble sur premo court. forcements for the army nt Manila, llfo and nono of thoso who were taken have been received showing that lig- Germuny, attempt to repeat nt Paris rounding her father and tho publlolty As a wholo the commlslon Is regard namely, that It Is but part of the out nftor tho fire started wero far nite of a good quality is found tbero any of the annoying notions. Tho Unl-te- d which attended all movomonts ot tho ed as n strong body, combining npro movement originally planned, appears onough from death's door to tell any- in largo quantities. Germany would States Is determined thnt Dnvls family. sontntlvcs of tho political elements, the to warrant a further Inquiry. The there thing of the details. Wm. J. Parks, tho find Cobu oxccodlngty valuable as a shall bo no foreign Intermeddling, Wo Miss Davis attained her maturity at army nod tho diplomatic iratornlty. navy deportment Is rushing prepara superintendent, after being blown coaling station, as It would not neces- proposo to settle our affairs with Spain Hcouvolr, Miss. Hero sho assisted her Tho names aro not, bowovnr. widely tions fur the start of tho big battle through tho window of tho lower story, tho establishment of a coal pile in our own way. mother In various ways and took her known out side of Spain, the. apparent sitate ships Oregon and Iowa to Honolulu wax conscious for a moment and raid Chou, whtch recently ob- "There are many Indications placo In tho many social functions of purpose being to sccuro n commission at Kao sho and ordors have beer, sent to tho New that hat about 8:30 a tcrrlblo explosion tained. lead to the bollof Germany tho plnro. She was her father's con- strong among nil olomcnts at homo, York navy yard to havo them slnrt that has had Mirred on the south side of tho etc- - Awnro of Germany's proceedings, the voyage some sort of an understanding with stant companion. She nsslstod him In and thus able to carry public approval on their long by the end o: Kt nvwl t... lnnu ItinrA Wfll nhnllt authorities aro taking precautions to present month and. nrrnrdlng to Spain of an unfriendly nnturo to us. all his work and much ot tho Informa- " tho twenty men at work on tho seven Honrs L. X provent the consummation of any plan tho dopartmont's calculations, they The presonco nt Manila of so many tion which was required by Mr. Davis IH canipicuuun iiuuiiu uicii, ma of the enormous building. niuw reach frui- should arrlvo nt their destination by Gcrmnn war vessols ontlrcly In his writings was secured for him by Ish commission has two senators, which will enablo them to out of JJesldes thono regularly employed at government, by tho the end of January. There Is little ef proportion to tho bona lido his daughter. Her strong charactor whereas tho American has three, and tion. The Dcrllu Interest! of tho elevator, tho three children of Su- In bay fort now made to conceal tho fart Gormany In tho Philippines, un- was marked from youth. Sho was en- It differs from tho American in having reduction of its fleet Manila tho perintendent Parks wero visiting him re- tho department will hnve tho pleasant by Ger- gaged to Mr. Wllkersou ot Syracuse. a representative of tho army, den, Cer gavo an Indication of Its doslro to that attitude assumed tho at the tlmo. Ono of theso may recover main on frlondly terms with tho gov- ships met at Honolulu by a dispatch man naval commanders toward Ad- N. Y., but shortly after hor father's a race, a rcro. boat with orders to turn tholr prows death the engagement was broken off. from his burns, but h ernment. While regretting tho main- miral Dewoy, their annoying nnd Irri- girl, Is burned almost beyond rec- Ma westward to Manila. tating disregard of reg- While no public explanation ot the imp-tur- o rationed at a. flhureU HocUl, tenance of such a largo force at Dewey's harbor ognition and Htfrold, tho third chl'd, N?arly"uno nila, no protest was made by this, gov ulations, tho Interference by German was given, it Is well known that Nllcs, Mich., Sept. 2i. . has not been found, being ellhorblown 'nn. lantnni Ordr Span-lard- s It wac for the purpose ot maintaining of tho entlro population of Plain ernment and th esctlon of Germany in ve:uls In the war botweon.tho atoms or cremated. tenth Riynolds, da,, Bept. 20. Oen. OoN her father's name. to well, a llttlo vllloge In Allegan county, reducing her naval forco was entirely and tho Insurgents, as in tho At 8:30 yesterduy evening the peo- don, commander-ln-chlo- t of tho Uni She received the name "Daughter ot are III fgrom eating canned pressed voluntary. Irene incident, and tho cscapo of the ple of Kant Toledo were startled by a ted Confederato Veterans, has Issuod the Confederacy" In 1880, when hor beet nt a church social. Tho report made by the German en Spanish captnln general from Manila terrlflo explosion, which caused a panic tho following order: father made his famous trip through Flfty-flv- o porsons woru poisoned glneer explains to tho officials why tho to on a Oorman ship all neighborhood. Houses To the Unltod Confcdernto Veter- the south. Mr. Davis bolng utinbla .o all over the 111 German vessels wore steaming among point to this direction. Theit tho re- twenty are dangerously and four are ans Tho commanding genoral with a wero shaken oh If by an earthquake is no longer secret peated warnings como appear, Miss Wlnnlo was brought be- expected to die. tho doctors having ex tho islands. It a dnprnw wtifnti tin wnrita rnn AVnriMH thnt have from and windows woru shattered tor blocks only Germany 600,- - fore thousands at the different points nressed no hopo of their recovery that Gormany is the nation from announces the death of Miss Wlnnlo that has offered around. Thoso In tho vlolnlty of tho government along the route and Introduced as tbt Those In danger aro: Mrs. Kthol Clan which tho apprehends Davis, the Idolised 'Daughter of tho mm mttrk P ' Union elevntor soon notloed flames "" Daughter of the Confedoraey. cy. Mrs. J. M. Travis, Mrs. John lllshop trouble In tho settlement of the com Confederacy." tbo ''hMpplnes for twenty years, and bursting from all sides of the building. and L. W. 8ouls, mitment of an overt act that the pros Tho boundless enthusiasm whloh that aho Proposes to got a naval base or was a fow until the tiro Hawaii Acr.pU. It but minute Tho ladlos of tho Presbyterian churoh ident determined to strengthened Hoar was evoked by her onncoranco nt our tRtlon In that archipelago, togothor of tho city began tho work Washington, Sept. 19. Mr. P. department gave a supper In tho church parlors Admiral Dowcy's command so as to Indicated the depth ot with the fact, now well known, that Itran dim-cu- lt reunions of rosculng, which was rendered guests present, all malio It tho superior of tho Gorman Gormany ondoavorcd to secure a com-- ! Howll of Atlanta, Go., who was asked nnd about 100 wero and thes nufelgncd admiration ' by tho terrific heat of tho firo. y president to servo on com-ma- of whom had supper and partook of fleet In Asiatic waters. which nil confederates felt for her. It blnatlon of tho Uuropeans powers to 'no tho n cut off oseape on one side. nftv-nv- o mission to Investigate depart-o- Tho rlvsr nnnna, Hn far cases of The battleships Oregon and Iowa Is not too much to say that tho ova- tho United Stntos quit tho war j certain hr ' uozon woo wero , ,nent o( Tho families or a men gonlnK ,,avo bcon reported And in will start for Manila via Cape Horn tions with whloh sho was everywhere Spain, shows very plainly that somo nr'y coneetlon with bo within rushed to was known to nt work j mm (t hM mn 1(,nrnot, lhat Ul0 and Honolulu next Saturday or Sunday, greeted by tho ot tho sort of an understanding oxlstod. tho war, at tho whlto houso and the scene nnd women calling for their . . t 0, th ,,eefi 8om0 by whloh tlmo It Is expected that all southern armies wero such as Havo "Gormany was not doing this, ' formally accepted tho appointment, ana as-tln- ct imprisoned husbands, brothers v0,cntJy m nmi jt was thought repairs will havo lccn mado nnd tho rarely bcon accorded any woman. placing herself In on attitude of dls-- 1 I" I'l" intervlow tho prosldsnt ranters croaicu a srono iniiwcriunuiu. nt qm tm() nt ,Cftst a dozB wouIll 8llc, fleet of colliers will bo In roadinoss. Tholr grief nt her untimely death will hostility toward tho United Stato j """red Mr. Howell thnt It was his pur-witho- ut . It was laarncu mm tne lorce oi iwmy , fc 0 Leaves of nbsenco havo bcon given to be as profound nnd poignant as their having somo recompense In j V l" a commission whloh, - men wero expected to load 80,000 busii- . . . u a makB n rBj tho officers until tho lattor part of tho lovo for her while living was univer- view. Sho wants a foothold in tho without fear or favor, would proho to Is of grain during tho night. Not ono , food, ddetors week, It being desired to get the ships nnd sincere, nnd their most Philippines, because tboy In dl- - ho hottom tho charge mado by the ,nmt,Batltm jnl0 tho the sal aro ...... of the entlro number could be scon believing either tho meat was dis- awny without delay. sympathies aro with tho rcct lino ot Undo between Asia and l!Uni)fM,Ull HUM lUHtl lllllltl IllUitlll,, was grlef-strloke- n Ju any part of the building and It eased or tho combination of tho tin mother. Tho command- Oceanlca and Australia. She will bo dls-- the Inolllolency mid Integrity ot oflhtura In any way. to I'lilinn Anillnnlilo, depart- army country intpocslblo to rouoh them and beef resulting In poison. ing general directs that tho appolntod." ot tho nnd glvo to tin Tho heat beennto so Intense Manila, Sept. 20. Tho Ilopublloa ment and division commanders select tho foots. Tho secretary ot war has that twonty curs standing on the sid- Moth.r.ln. !., Murdarail. Filipino asserts that an attempt was delegations nnd eseorts ot honor as Wron lluily. asked for an Investigation and tho Agulnnldo on Friday ings noar tho burning buildings wero alasgow, Ky.. Sept. 21 Mrs. Wm. roado to poison they deem proper to represent tho Mlddleboro, Mass., Sept. 19. Tho president thought It du to all con- night. A steward, is allsged, saw a and to added to tho loss. The lire department Holes, living severaj miles from here, it United Confederate Vetorans supposed victim ot tho Drldgoport cerned thnt tho Investigation bo made. rs Spanish prisoner who had been allow- necompany to their final How- lmJ a hard struggle to save other was foully murdered Monday night by the remains (Conn.) murder, Mis Marlon Grace Uuder theso clrcumstunoM Mr. ed his freedom make a movement resting place. Ily order of and property. Franklin, her son-in-la- Owing Perkins, arrived at her home Satur- ell assured the president that he would John whloh appeared llko tampering with JOHN II. GORDON. Tho bridge neross Ute Maumco river to tho remoteness of tho scene of the day lu perfect health to tho great Joy gladly accept the appointment ns ho re- a bowl ot soup Intended for Agulnnl- General Commanding. was on fire several times, but outside tragedy only meager details are oh- - ot tho family and tho unbounded as- garded It n duty which no oltUen whereupon tasted a MOORMAN, Adjt. General. the ' of the elevator tho damage do, tho steward 0 ROUGH tonishment of the entlro community. should ovadd. Mr. Howell thought talnnble. spoonful ot th soup and fell dsMd. is slight. appears Franklin nnd his wife. Her father was not in town, for at there would be no nesesslty for tho It that Kleven Franolsean friars are allugiftl Odd I'vlluwt. Mr. Paddock, a member of tho firm ..u the time ot tho arrival ot his daughter committee to leave Washington during wnu is .nr.. , to havo been engaged In tho oonsplr- - lloston, Mass., Sept. 20. An offloial owning the plant, said there was be- nrated. Franklin ""7 to Mrs. Doles i ho was on his way baek from Bridge- - tho Inquiry. Olnees for lu usu would nry welcome to the sovereign grand lodgo tween C00.O0O and 000,000 bushels of house to try and persuade his wife to port with tha grewsomo remain be secured lu or convenient to the war The populace, it is further said, at- of the Independent Order of Odd Fel- grain in storage at tho time. The to but his mother-in-la- w which he had identified as those ot department where the ofllttlnl reeordti return hlra. tempted to lyiuh all the Spanish pris- Y. M. O. A. hall Is doing so. low was glvon at the Grace and for whloh the funeral ar- would be at hand. Tho only purpose property and the grain an entire objeeted to her kh strongly oners, but Agulnnldo Inurveued. yesterday. The members of the sov-moI- 1110,000. The house In a rage, rangements, Including the digging of of tho president In seonrlNg, It possible. loss and will reach Franklin then left the At Saturday's session nt the nation- Krand ledge. 100 In number, and Is f 110,009 on the building and returned shortly afterward and the ladles repreatlag the Order ot the the grave, had already been osm-pleto- d. Nine member ot the esmmMw H to but al assembly' it appears that Avutwtl by mothe-ln-la- w through a win- Rebekns, were escorted to the hall Mis Parkins oame from llghteu tho labors of Individual the grain Is covered with $i8.0. shot his do was absent, but his representative have been tele- committees Provldenee, R. I., and was aoeompa-nle- d dow. Illoodhounds related tho story ot the outrage te the P. II. Appletoii of the govern- Adjaurn. assassin. dm. by her lover. Chas. Ilourne, and Odd I'.lluwi graphed for to track the members, who unanimously adopted ors staff weleomsd the grand lodge it was stated that the oouple had beon It is stated the expense ot tho peas . lloston, Mass.. SopL 21. Alfred S. the ohalrman'a proposal that thsy all and members of the Robekah branch iJMlinrjtJffiUlJiiLA)JffiL4isrjky4. IMnkerton of Worcester was unani- UubMM iwturn, In behalf of the state. Mayor Joslah married, Thl was sttecamrd go to Agulualdo's homo, express sym- oily of lloston. that Frye, Davis and Gray retelve no soy-'rei- 21.-8e- Qulrwy spoke for the by young Dourne's unole. mously elected grand sire of the . verat Merlda. Mexico. Bept pathy with him and congratulate him The members ot the sovereign grand fee, and Day and Reld get $St000 eah. grand lodge, I. O. O. P., yester- mostly" Well-to-d- o upon eseape. hundred Cubans, his lodge then marched to Copley hull, Rev. Dr. John Hall, tho well known Secretary Moore resolve 10,000. day. people, who havo been hero since tho where their secret deliberation eon-tlnu- Presbyterian olergyman ot New York, grand candi- Senator Faulkner sueeeeds Senator until 2 p. m. For deputy sira four war In the Island began, have returned Gray on the Canadian oommtsoton. died at Belfast, Ireland. Immune may stuy In tho service. dates wero named: A. C. Cable of Ohio, and more will go back shortly. Somo L. HtaL. r OommUilon.r. Otis J. Humphroy of Illinois, John 2000 Cubans havo come to this stato Indignant Npmilnrd. lit nth of MklinU Slulllni. Kurlludcn 'and W. U. Nye of woll be- Atoka. I. T., Bept. 20. Oov. Green Nolan of Tennessee during the war and are all Madrid, Sept. 20. There Is mush Knoxvlllo, Tent).. Sept. 15. News Paris, Sept. 18. Gen. Kurllnden ha ninety-thre- e MrCurtaln ot tho Choataw nation has Minnesota. Cable received haved and Industrious, and tho people indignation here at the fact that there kai reached here ot the death ot Ma-ha- la sent bis written resignation to Premier votes and was elected. J. Frank them this day officially announced to his peo- of Yueatan would llko to hnvo were 123 deaths during the voy ge Mulllns, the famous fat woman Urlsson as follows: of wos ple the appointment ot 11. S. Smlser ot "1 to beg you to re- Grant Raltlmore remain as oltlzens. among tho 1000 Spanish soldiers who and moonshiner ot Hancock county. have the honor bene-que- olOeo ot town site com- grand seoretory and Illehord Muekle aro no operations In n Atoka, tn tho Mrs. Mulllns weighed 660 pounds and ceive my resignation as minister for There hnvo Just arrived In Spain on board study ot pa- Phlladelphlo grand treasurer by the In missioner. Mr. Smlser was not an ap- top war. An exhaustive the of on noeount of tho fluctuation the Spanish transport San Ignaelo de lived on the of a mountain, whor pers In tho Dreyfus ooso has convinced The su- ot plicant for the position, but has agTeed casting of ono ballot each. prices. Plnnters aro awaiting news Loyala, from Santiago de Cuba. The she condueted a "still" In defiance of ms too fully ot hi guilt for me 15 next tn accept the trust thus tendered him. law. The oftloers were unable to ap preme lodge voted to hold Its the progress of tho big deal in New Spaniards attribute this heavy death accept, a the head ot the array, any Mlsh. The There were sixteen applicants for tho prehend her on aeeount ot her site, att,er toiutlon than that tit the taalne annual session In Detroit, York tor controlling tho market. to the "inhumanity ot the Amer- mere no way get ner rate olAee, but Gov. MsCurtaln found his being to 0,rn nanee of the Judgment in its enUreTy," convention then adjourned. In obliging tbp Spaniards to the mountain. Mrs. Mulllns was on kilt- icans stok In opersou ot Mr. Smlser, ed- Walter ltosser. tho soldier who man th ot the trio at 'Melungeons" whose or--' President McKlnley is worrlod about Oray-o- n embark and make room in tho hos- Butler Carpenter, n farmer of , of plaes. , ii-r- ed Denny Hlldsbraudt. at San Franols-co- itor ot the Indian Citizen this llln has been a mystery to ethnolog-- ioi Rleo. county, Tex., broke a leg in two pitals tot tho Amerioaru." leal students for many i has been held to answer. yttra. places. , or did she really Tins-ban- d Urta hear her say, "Yes. and I will toll you tho SPAIN'S INDUSTRIES. n (Burrent. story .of my marriage." ' Good Blood Sho did not wait to ask herself If It CHIEF MANUFACTURES AHD VM II. MUI.I.AXg, 1'uMUl.r. were mere fancy. Hlio bellovcd that MARKETS THBREFOn. sho hoard It. and tho Idea of It drove Makes Health i:nv, M. (And Mood's Hampsrlll her nlmoat mad. Thoy woro going to make rood The (Irenievt Lertraa In llrlngliiR blood. That (a nhv It an man v- watch the sun fade amongst tho flow- rurei Hi'1' Alinat are Neaotlatlom Cotton dlirasea and makes so many people teal It'H easier (0 earn Miner than It is ers, and the earl wonld meanwhile en- te mili&K (loaila Nlaml 1'lnt After ARrleullure batter than ever before. M you don't teal nut mhM It. tertain his companion with tho story of Flatting Ne.i. wall, are half sick, tired, worn out, you his marriage how he hnd to wed the may be made well by taking C'ubW putt la a mod doat of Mb) time The Usurers daughter. inonoy-lendor- 's daughter, or clso loso target tit practice. BV CHARLOTTE M.BRAtME. Itnvonsmorc, but how ho had avenged Madrid Correspondence (hefort Hood's Sarsaparilla himself by neglecting hor. 1 Mil red's peaco): A glaneo at tho Industrial nnd Amrrli-k'- s (iraatait Medicine. The nrs woman acta flrtt nd INTERNATIONAL PRESS ASSOCIATION. heart and brain woro on flro. Tho hus- oommorolal condition of Spain will give thinks It otot afterward. band she loved, dcspllo hla neglect, and somo Ideu of what hor opportuni- Hood's Pills cure all Ur HI. McanU. OHAPTHH XXXVIII. f Continued, i He turned away with a laugh, hut the rival whom alio disliked, woro go- ties In Hint direction aro, nnd to what Woman' ruling paaoloti erona ant In It waa hard to go about her dally the mlerhlef wna dene; the sight of ing to Inugh ovor hor together. extent they arc nullified by tho war. I'nitreit tllrli, lier dealrc to rule a anostasd. (Mho- - to until, to talk, to look as her gueat'a golden hand In Wj, tho amount of exports Tho poorest girls nr- those who aro bonding ovor iAn Idoa suddenly occurred to tho tin-ap- totnl though engrossed her but no sorrow her huaband'a hand had fanned the wife thoy should not do this, from Spain waa $181,088,000. nnd the not taught to work. Itlch porwnta havo very our Hlklred It. husband found Jealouay totnl 1S8.00S,200. 'potted lly the constitution of nil illl Her of the young wlfo Into a flame thoy should not laugh nt her, hor love nmount of Imports them, and they have been tntight la lt own , lotu, too, by accident, that ahe -- nor Tho goods, tar mors! evil nw, tinlta did what followed extinguish .It. niiti her Jealousy should not ho ertort manufacture of cotton 10 doaplw labor, and. possibly, to look roaa early ovary morning In order which, In- - tlit The earl had laughed to himself, for them. She would follow thorn next to agriculture Is the upot, worUB woman ns bolonglnu Mn man I ever an friendly bo aha might work that dustry glvea to tho that ho on with the thinking the occurrence a pretty bit and then, when thsy began that employment lo ,owpr on) , ,)(M)n nMU. y. i on Jolly along, aba begun. the plana. 1 1 cii nnd some to him had Her latlara. of Ha waa smiting at! when, to Taugh ovor her story, she would t0,nwl ,0 "thorn for a wants of tananU, ware all at- - lms inZZrtZaZnZ Hi reVent , ,fl" "I""' tB the mi hour afterward, hla wife met bltn. confront them nnd dare them to living nnd are perfectly holploaa, Tho 1h girl who raa Itiwr sing nor tended to before the real house-hol- d "Hlltfred," years. It Is estimated that the onpl-t- ul he aald In a tone of gay amuse themselves with her anguish. most forlorn women belong to this kMwa It, l fa .day bagan. Ha waa whan he banter, Invested in machinery, In this In- Ha. sad uIha. r plena! "were you JanbTiia of tady All the pride nf her waa It noble nature aroused. dustry, Is nearly $80,000,000, and the clnsa. vorita. found out; It waa wrt of her Hamilton" She would purposes; suffer death rnthor than be cnpltat Invested In building nearly It Is the duty of parents to protect character to be true to har Then the Idea seamed so nbtmrd to laughed - at by hor husband nnd her $ 1S,000,000. tex- tholr daughters from thla doplnrnblo Thtro'a nothing now our ssna- bat he never dreamed that lave fur him liltn that he laughed aloud. To hla All kinds of cotton rival. tiles, expen- A wrong Is raotliora otton took spin on halnless drove sleep from her eyes, ns It had, surprise abe grew deadly pale; her lips from tho finest nnd most condition. great done to w She wna not heels, 'already driven poaen from her heart qulvcrwl with emotion. bewllrrod haiaelf. sive to the coarsest and cheapest, thrm If they neglect It. Olrls should Sho hnd novor been herself from Uio equaling In quality ot ho would never hnvc believed It. "Yos," ahe replied, bitterly "I acorn the same classes bo taught to earn tholr living. Tho - moment In which she recognized tho Kugllsli goods, are now produced In The wtso naa cossta the his So the- went on through the bright to apeak faleely I wns wheel of fortune rolls swiftly round; Jeoloiia of hor. fact that sho loved her husband with Hpaln. The production nro pleasure after the doctor haa aeHt In autumn dnyK, playing at croM pur- You mny think whnt you llko of mo." renters of and tho rich nro llltoly to becomo poor, - nil tho strength nnd passion of hor Onllcln, Cnstllo and tho Uasque Ida bill. poses, onch bellovlng simply nud Itn- Htlll ho would not bo serious ubotit l.eon. nnd the poor rich. Hklll added to labor mi nature. Hho was by provinces, Valencia, In bewildered tho Andalusia nnd tho India-pensnb- iplloltly the dislike of the other. It. Hn anld. Jestingly: la no dlanilvnntngo to rich nnd lo Mfe Is a quarr, wit of which we grow greater. pain of her lovo nud tho smart of hor Ilnlcnrlc Islmds. In addition to u con- with tho dnys her lovo "I nlwnya thought until now tliut to poor. Well-to-d- o parents Jealousy. only Idea quite In siderable Kuropeau market, thoso fa- are to moid and rnlsat and complete n There waa. Imleeil. something moat lov Jealousy preauppostNl Tho clear love." wna hot' brics hnve a large In South must educate tholr dnitghtora to work haractrr. tng In the onrl now. While alio ahunnod "Did you?" questioned hor mind that hor husband nnd mnrkot tho his wife, with guost should not laugh nt her. America- - republics and tho Hpnnlsh no reform Is moro Impcrntlvo thnn find nvoldod III in, nho would hnvo proud luilirfproiicp. "I nlwnya thought Ills-tnare- ks When the Idea of going out colonial possessions. Tho chief cen- thl. It la realty not true that the given tho wholo world for one kindly lovo preaiippiHHHl porfoct had first weeping trust." boon mentioned, sho had sant a ter of the cotton underwear Industry forbade the emperor's word, for 0110 loving ghuico from liltn. ou nro n good fencer. Mildred." for tint! It upon la Mntnro, which produces 40,000 dozon Is no Joy In plethoric pocket-boo- k at their funeral. Hlio watched him with dim, pnaalounto Innghwl hor scurf, lay n couch now, a Thero a husband; and ho thought articles weekly. Thoic goods nro ex- when n desk drawer Is crowded oyos. At tho HMind of hla footatopa no more glittering mass of silvery gauze. of the mntter. Hut slio did. ported to Httgla'nd, (lor-ninn- y, tiurccolptod The secret of beauty carried ny Is ho France, Italy, with bills. her hottrt throhhwl. nnd her pulno It hnd wan toil hut Hint trifling Incident "Whoso this?" nskotl; and no Holglum, many a Chicago girl you never aus-pe- Portugal, Morocco, tho iiulckenwl nt tho sound of hla voice, to fan her Jonlousy into a flnmo. one ntisworod. "It la vory protty," ho Hpanlsh Debts aro tho silent partnora ot ex- that It la there. If colonial possessions nnd the liar whole honrt want out to him. Ho How tho hours of Hint dnv tmasml added, "nnd It has no ownor. you South perience It, American stales. In the manu- waa her hualmnd, nud hIio loved him ahe novor know. One picture tilled shall hnve tady llnmllton." A man loves to tell his miseries to Those go to the aoa In her facture of prints nnd other colored who down with a wonderful love, although ahe mlnii-t- hat of tady Tho young counteaa did not stop man. aee Hnmllton'a golden for fabrics. Spain lays claim to n foremast another ships should that the ahlpe do not allowed noun of It. head bending It; alio over her husband's hand. ward to claim saw hor huslmnd placo among the countries which cultl-vnt- o porscvoraneo tto dwn with them. With her een pnaalnnato grew No ono has more than love She could not hear the thought of It. throw It over the pearly rfhouldera and this Industry, because of tho dura- the average book agent. her Jealouay. It waa not In Mdy Ham- lie might not love her, but hn should the white neck, and tady Hamilton bility of the Tou of men Join a secret aorlety be-an- colors nnd the artistic ilton's nature to pass by the admira- not love anyone else. He should not look up nt him with n coquettish laugh. doaiRns of her fabrics. The products I believe mr ttmtnttt vie of ltto's Care thev think Its emblem will ahow tion of n man Ilka the earl. laugh handaome because ahe wna Jealous, "Hvldently," ahe soli of this indiistry nro j up wall on their watrh chain. he "you arc quite exported to France, a.aCH.eT.r.rl. He muat ndmlre her. Had hi not done should not admire this fair woman Ignorant of the fashluu a which Indies Itnly. (lormnny. Hnglnnd. Austria, Mo- - - m NiwnuineoiiMly, alio would hnve won Soprano mosquitoes bite worse than overage while he wi cruelly neglected hor. She now wenr Our rocco. Slngnpore. tho South American The man Imaglnea be would H tnog t)ai"t It front him. All homage waa ncccept-nbl- worked herself Into a freiuy states and the Spanish nos- - tlmt ,I"B have been a perfect terror In the war If of Jealous drew them tightly stretched colonial to hor hla iwrtlculnrly no, dosiHtlr. yot wns outwardly onlm nnd nomas tho wo llko osslons. Corduroys and cotton velvets t.uslut--a had not kept him at home. shoulders thorn lu PtnUlitMwi A of ,,r. Mnrf.u.. hn waa n hnmlKomo man, and proud ns usual. this fashion." nro produced In Hareo ona for tho tketiiina nvrtiiin. iw,i-ra- ) m be nt n-- liwaiiKt ho hnd a lipauttfiil, dark-cyo- d Tho ditinor-part- y homo market. .ri.. i.i 1...1...... frsn, tn anr jintlierwnilMK ur. v. J. Miineii. There are but two classes of people at tho cnstlo on Knltilng her arms, sho wound the iiiij iinuiiii, iniiimir tjM1, . ' Mii irirluL' Rbi. at llruitaUt nut wife who novor looked quite comfort- Hint dny wna n has attained consldorablo proportions In this world dllltrult to convince not lnrgn ono: ninny allvory gnuzo around hor head nnd neck keepum tntm. rum in a Aia btftrstliM, able when thoy roro talking together of tho guests hnd In Spain, Franco and Itnly bolng tho ItrKumtea the linnet awl inakoa learning against thilr will men and women. loft, lord nnd Uuly nnd nrms, shading the bright fneo, and raiy. two llttlo Inrcntlvoa whl'ili lndy Darners hnd roiurnvd liouin. Hlr Itnoul making hor look so plqunntly beauti- principal foreign markets for Its prod- llnmllton profited by, nnd vthlch nf- - wns ucts. The famous merino sheep ot tang engagements tend to Illuminates and glvea Joy and In his room. Lady Cnrnvcn hnd ful that Lord Cnravon cried out In Truth fordwl nmtisetnent to her. Whnt wna droaasod Spain, wh'ch In former years gavo her young ladles cautious. It la by tho bond Joj. not of plena herstdf with unusual enro nnd of nothing but nhcor inUchlof, nhcor woolen fnbrlcs precedence over thoso re men a plrlta nr.. love attention. "That Is capital," ho sold; "ladlos Nii'Tn.lInn lnr I'lflr Onlt. that w (,(Wth , ,,, of every other country, onnblo 0weak of mlmnitmii nll,0Hl During dinner sho watched her hus- always know whnt la picturesque." her still (luarantrrd loliaceii habit cure, make to produce j men ttroug. blood pure. fine. el. AH druggl'tt proud young wlfo who counted cvory band nud tady llnmllton. Moro than Tho young couutoss saw them quit fabrics which ran enmpcto auillo IiiihIhiihI gnvc hor, onco with tho best ICngllsh manufactures. The kind oat unit Imppteat imlr will that her she sow thorn laughing nnd henrd tho room together. Hho resolved uiran A showman Is nothing It ho Is not Hlio The chief centers of tho silk Industry find to forbear, and aoniutlilng Htnllcd andly to hamulf one day, them talking merrily. Was It of her? following them. Hho hoard hor hus- occasion nro Harcclona, Valencia, Al- - ' a enylng: Wna Seville vory Uny thoy to pity and por-lmi- tho onrl tolling hor that his wlfo lmnd say laughingly to his companion: live magro, Mattress, Murcla, Cor forgtvt. "Now I know thu motiulug of the was Jonlnus? And waa sho laughing "Wo will go atrnlght to Toledo. tho lnko I dova, Haragossn and Han Sebastian. Tfordu: bocuuKo tho vory cronm of tho Just wns you to " want watch the sunset thero." Tho manufneturo ot lace, for which Do not blow your own trumpota: 'I hnvo gono mad I love him tot that her husband did not enro for her? tady ilolayed " Carnvon only n fow mo- Spain was famous lu tho fifteenth nnd nor, which Is tliosntue thing, ask other mo die.' Then sho grow nshnmod of herself. ments It was to go to hor room for sixteenth centuries, had n partial re- pconle to blow them. No tnimpeter Such nuaplrlons wcro unworthy of Inrgo CHAI'THfl XXXI.V. her. n dark shawl that should hldo vival about tho mlddlo of tho lust cen- rente a general. Hlio to ever to be 1J II nn Intolornhlo tried hnnlili them, hut thoy hor hldo tho nmbor satin nnd rloh tury, nnd has now becomo woro too strong an Impor- iiciino of cliiimo nud for her. Whenever black laco hide hor fato nud hontl, so tant branch of Industry. An Importnnt Time la often aald to be money, but tho golden dlsgrarr, It middtm-l- y head stlrrwl, whenever tho that anyone mooting hor should quite branch of this Industry, which Is cul- more- - It la life; and yet many It la occtirrred to sweet sound of niUHlcn! laughter came fall to recognize hor. 'Creeping along tivated especially In Ilarcclonn, and who would cling dseperately to lift to her, she lady Cnravon funded that ahe was the In tho dcrk, who will know mo? Or, whoso products havo not yet In- nothing wasting that been think of time. her lot In life waa subject of the Jest, until hor Jealous It they know mo, who will euro for troduced In foreign markets, Is tho quite dlfTerent twin grew Intolerable nnd alio could me?" alio anld to herself. manufacture of repousse leather, The Cuban Junta Is perfectly willing from which eel other people's. It bear It no longer. It wns it relief to When she reached hor room alio In combination with stool or other t secant civil oiUcea from the hand of her when she could give the signal feet wet and tako cold give them. seemed to pass and found n moasage thero from Sir Haoul, motals mnkes a rich nnd nrtlstlc cover- a not loot nam. a dowi or the new governor of the lalantl. Their the ladlea could She not over hw with it withdraw. wanted asking If alio would go to his apart- ing far walls and ceilings. The manu- drink, a dose of Aycr'a Cherry iwtrlotlsm Is not unlike a certain brand he a u d d it to atone to think. ments for a short time. Hho said to facture of saddles, harness, portman- Pectoral, and put them to bed. of tho sains article In this country. it terrlhlo cominotS-jn- . 8 h n Kor tho convenience of one of the herself, "No;" with hor hoarl and soul teaus, trunks, bolts ami other lonther The chances arc they wilt bo guosta who wns leaving they had illncsl Is degree per- sll right In the morning. Con- It ought had been so occupied with her efforta In a ferment sho could not talk to Hlr articles carried to a of The prise ring la dead, aa to n llttlo earlier than tinue the Cherry Pectoral a few light- na rcgardod her hiiHband, hrr pinna of usual. When the Itnoul. Sho had n dim Idoa that whnt fection which la not surpassed by the ho. The race of genuine square drawing-roo- days, until all couch lias dis- Indlt rourhed the the she wna about to waa wrong, un- products ot Kugllsli factories. The ers the Bayers, the Heanana, the flul-I- I reform, her schemea for the benefit of do appeared. room waa filled with ruilily light from manufacture of shoos Is Im- vans, from "Yankee" to John U other, that ahe hnd not glvon much dignified, iingensrous. Sho could not nnothor Old courho arc alio cured; the sun sotting In tho western sky. In portant Industry whoso products cora-pct- o we have Missed nwny. The manly nrt la thought to bw own position na n wife hnvo iiorsovorctl hor purpose had mean the courIis of bron- wIioho It would bo cruel, they anld. to spout! looked oneo In with thoso of French nnd ICngllsh chitis, weak throats and Irritable pra-tlce- boxing huslmnd innJii no prctonao of she but tho calm, noblo no longer The such u warm, lovely evening fnctorlos. In Harcclona lungs, Even the hard coughs today loving hor. The knowledge of her real Indoors. face of tho man who wanted hor to be alone thero are laatrhea of ar klneloscoite Tho gentlemen, thinking the moro than twenty largo shoo factories, of consumption sre always alleged pugilists nre utatiiH enmo to her now with n koon samo a heroine. lights. Tho thing, had hurried from their wine, provided with modorn machinery. Tho made easy snd frequently cured The flehta fiti- - smmo of Intolurnhlo pain, yet alio "Toll Hlr Itnoul that I am engaged oy or kotera. are saying It would bo a pity to lote products of this Industry nre exported mc continued use ma-- Iwrno Ita blttemoea hut that Just nt presont, but that I will see htm Blneerad for the benefit of the the last gleam of sunlight. to Cuba, I'orto Illeo, tho Philippine partnkoa for tho 'ofoar leat tho lirllllant, hoautl later on In tho evening," sho said. cblne. The wholo bualnaas of Hut before they wont' out someone Islands, Argentine, I'ruguay and somo bunko, fistic fill blonde ahoiitd hfwonie n wise na She icvt him same books nnd flow- tho nature of not real prayed tho onrl to sing one song. others ot tho South American stntcs, port, ana the enortlug public ought to horaolf. That would have bron Intol-orubl- o. ers she did not go to him. "I will sing a duet." he said, "If to Africa and to bomo Huropenu coun- Ha back on It. tTo be continued.) turn tady llnmllton will help me." tries. Tho glove Industry has an an- A trilling clrcumatniice brought 1 1 11- - " It was usoleea, ho thought, appealing nual production of about 12.000,00(1 (uttlng aside the right or wrong of i Jwlousy to n climax. Tho onrl to hla wife. The Inst time ho had WHITE LEATHEP. pairs, a part of which Is oxportod to It the wladom or folly no candid ob- - wna going out in a great jmrry one naked her to sing with re- America. Tho manufacture of lints Is Ciieppg Amer- morning when he found that the but- him she had CoiflilcU, Ciitrakln, uml Nhri'paktn. nn it Ilia aerver can fall to note that the fused. nn Important Industry, ono factory ican people have aet their teatb. and ton of his glove waa hanging by n Hunt to Wlilrll They Are Ulilr'lr fill. tady Hamilton waa only too pleased, alone lu Ilarcolonn producing over under the doctrine expresaed In thread, tady Hamilton, who was ou- White cowhide haa long liwm used that ftke went to the piano, very soon tolt bats dally. The manufurturo if 1 traged on aome and for various puriiosca. though Ita place the lie pl.raac. "The Hag where once kind of fancy work, haa recant years large the two beautiful voices seemed to (111 now beep toys of attained Pedopi-- Hooted hall never come down!" they with needle and silk In her hand, ant haa taken to a coiislderHhlo Is now an Important the room tady Hamilton's and by proportions and arc e.lmlng a bulldog determination by. He went to her at ones. dear extent other and cheaper leathera. Industry. Metal toys, espe- sweet, the miislonl branch of bold every root of con- "tady Hamilton, be kind te ma-g- ive earl'a rleh and It la used, for example. In making sus- l to territory cially, arc produced In large quantities Every doctor kno that wild while the young ecu uteas watched pender tips, Ita use In making mill-tar- y quered m honorable war and held this one ultch." She laughingly and manufacture of fans Is nil Industry cherry bark Is the best remedy thorn with longing, pitiful eyea. They la The through auperlor force. Whether It compiled; ahe would not let him belta familiar. Por this pur- cultivated exclusively In Valencia known to medical science for were singing about lore, love pose Is up shall or ahall not be better for a, the glove. that it made with too flesh aldo The sticks, ur ribs, of rarved sandal- soothing and healing inllamed out, and the belts are whitened as mother-of-pea- throats snd lungs. thla we know: Our civilisa- "Van need not take that tremble," wood, ebony, lignum vitas, rl tion will come as a bleaalng rather aha aald "I ran do It aa It Is." may require with chalk or pipe and Ivory, are alao exported In Put ono of than a a blight to the peoples upon With a pale face and darkening eyes clay. White calfskin Is too re extens-Itel- y large quantities to France. Italy and whsftt It shall be Imposed. the youNg counteaa watched the little used than white cowhide. While Austria, where they are mounted. The Dr. Ayer's seane. Why had ho gone to her for calf la used for line and costly work In manufacture of paasemsiiterle Is a book binding, It may gift It sax his that when the government thla small service? Why should ahe be for book i, growing Industry, ami Is cultivated In Cherry Pectoral grant a sick toldler a furlough It held her husband's band and look with and sometime tor prayer books. White Madrid and Oerona. makes no provision to sea that he gala laughing eyea Into bis faee? Ike could calf la also used for suspender tips. More extensively used than either Plasters baste. Aa a consequence, during the sot emlnc It. She want up to them. lUmemtier Ilia (HnHertter. Bungs sol-tile- rs white cowhide or aro your teat few weeks, alrk and huarry "I thank you, Udy Hamilton," ahe while calfskin "Ilr." said the second oOotr at a otsfr -- the white sheepskins. White sheep- cm be seen lying about the rail- sild "1 will do that for Oars-tu- b groat Spanish battleship, "a hostile Tho Motltaol lrd skin Is used also Biupender fleaf way stations of many cities. A group for tins, ship Is visible en the horizon." "Can At Woo froal and for covering truaaea ar- ami-na- .t Iowa votuataete. lck and emaciated, tady Hamilton looked up In amase-aiea-t. and nthsr you Is Am- 1 Un at tha mail ' make her out?" "She an mi ticle of trimmings tt'tlcl4ka In lha l'nlla4 SUUI. )mflMl through Chicago the other day but there waa something In the motal. and for the erican sir." "Ah. a battleship! Clear Pnuival awl of shoes. It la used for book binding, aaM mln.ollrililumlllS ISam'ltia ly nnd maay of them want their way hua-- ' young counteaa' faee which made bar ship for action! We will give her a ua4k tdrlra Vtrtla liaalj all Ut gry. That such a thing should happen yield al once. She drew aotdly. especially for the binding of medical It Is battle- baitHulart In beak stiff fight." "Ilr. not a iihut,Ui.i r AT Pitt. dona sot Imply that the people nn "tard Cam van asked mo to do It," hooka. In which use It Is first sprinkled ship. Is an auxiliary , one art coloring It generoui. but It so happesa beoHs no she aaid. with a material whlsh gives It ot those Yankee pleasure yachts has- a mauled appearance. one knew they were coming. Arrange, i "In nil probability he hail forgotten tily transformed Into n war vessel." menta are now being made to care for that I waa here," she return)!. In a The commander's fsce blanched as lie any sick awl hungry soldier that paesee high, clear voice. "WHOglt IS Till?" do the Mular I'lriiit, replied: "Then there Is no help for us through the city. The earl. Ilka a prudent man, re- - would never die. love that was Immor- Oholly "I enwn't Imaglno what Hun the ship to shore, beach her, nnd . tal. More than onee makes me so stupid up." Pittsburg mined quite alien! He looked at bis the unhappy tonight." Miss blow her atmTJaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBa7 i lOovKtort bare now been rendered wife's faee aa ahe bent over the glove, young wife saw the widow look at her Cutting "Well, I'm net surprised nt rate in eaoe of tall by means of air and he aaw something there that husband; mure than once there eame that. It would be too nitioh to expoet m csahlona. An elevator In the Umpire shrewd as be was, pusxled hint. Why to her it wild Impulse, a louglng, to you to imagine anything," Olsveluid line Una Certain. tMlHllag. Kew York, was allowcJ tlr was she so pale? What waa It that atrlke the fair faee. When the aong leader. "Your son haa opened up a general fall twenty atortee. The fall shone and gleamed In the dark eyes? was ever, It was time to go and watsb merchandise store?" "Yes; he has gone of 9W fast did not brenk eggs lying on Whv did the proud lips trseible? the sunset. Mildred saw that her hus- An Hto llarasln. Into business In a madeet way." "May a marble atab In the middle of the car What was In her face? He gfczrt In band did not leavo tady Hamilton's They got sadly left, itaeh one mar- 1 ask what line he Is handling eti SLICKER iw aoJIt water from a glass. silent wondc she had finished. side. Ho remained near her, saying: ried the other for money, and It turned blayoles?" Chicago Dispatch. WILL KEEP YOU DRY. "The button will not come oft agafn,1 "Wo will watch the sun set over the out that neither had any." "Served If Admiral Uewey will travel tron abe declared. lake. It Is one of tho prettiest sights them right. They were paid In their Uatrlilna Cold. t)on thlooliJrKliasMckiRaih Haa PranctKO to Washington by rail "I hope net." said tady llamlltctt, at Kavensmerc " own coin." Philadelphia Uulletln. Jones "WhUh travels the fastest, jtl'SSSW or. .Nf.oai If mi ktalaceal OSBBV heat or cold?" tanes "Heat, of course, efssm that IU Vfs yen JrylBthahari- - he will roofer a favor upon several In a peculiar tone of voice; "and, If It Bhs dlil not hear tady Hamilton's item, eey tha fHH Hub' you j rL ! 5l2. rallllM pea pie who are exceedingly dora, do not ask me to help you again. atrswnr; It was given with smiling lips Some people are so awfully exatuilvo Yoa cannot catsh heat, but can jafLI SH.ktf If n4fr la year Is a wide catch cold," New York Journal. SBjr towa. t lit Itf caUtoruata ssaaar amies alat crimson bud l liord CxraTtm." and laughing eyes. Was It her morbid their teeth won't uovt Id the aama sat IBP, A. J. TOW IK. Ba.taa, Hm. scroti the continent the Rnrl of Albemarle, ha r fused to mado an exception her marriage A WAR ROMANCE. nf not tired of pleasing her yet. Only Tie consent, on tho ground that they would with the prince. dlvorae THIS WOMN'S SLAVE. WHEEL OAU3B8 HER TO LEAVE. After the wits had pleased so much once, he had only pnhf'er to tho feelings of the groat grauted Oeorge to re- iir Ulrl hi-i- i MUtri-- n t Prince desired t glVMi up so mush for her sake, tlmt Units U Olijirrj JUL.BS world without doing any good. It Is turn to his alleglaneo to Mrs. Fltz- you bnb killed at Santi- 'Then won't marry me, sweet- every sense beeu curiously denoV KrrpliiB II, nee eenry to flrst present thee plain, herbert. She refused until aftor the had ago a KINO. heart?" The words were low nnd enwl to him since, and so the world's "I tried a new theory or mine on that prosaic farts In order to show matter had been passed upon by that the pleading, the voice vory tender and wear girl I hall-noe- and tear enmc and went, and bo last had." said one Warron nvtf Lieut. On) was the grenl-gr.mdo- n of popo. Upon the decision of his s, true, girl f nrilipitUtilii In Hhnir nnd the on whose dainty ears felt but little of It. nn matron to another ns they gm Ktlitftirn llirt tin tho King of Nnglnnd. Tho romantic Mrs. ntr.herUrt received tho they fell threw the beautiful bond a And hla Ideals? They were laid ilped over the bark rnco. "AfiW liriT-In- g Was llm OrMil tlramltnn nf (Icnran IV. side Is a more Interesting. prince as her husband nt a reception deal little further back, and laughed out n. - away very safely and secretly the had n dosen or an tit rapid f UntUml II" given In whoro me hair-vxH- M'niililJUteNucrratlnl It will bo remembered that Oeorgo her residence, bar l. half-defl- answer. Tbni'iiP. steps he would have climbed with so I msd no my mind thnt t fo lh llrllltli IV. was culled the "flrst gntlmnit of bers of the royal family and nobility ''When you are on the to suc- were present. road much vigor and portevernnee were must lark tnrt, was Ion Irrllnblo or Huropo." Thnekerny speak more cess, moM-grow- Oerard, I'll marry you at once, n now and gray with mold did not make suirtrlant allowance far For several years thoy lived very 1 . ftsa HHN LlouL Jules harshly of him, but he roally must have If It be soon, for enn't wait forever; Ing fS happily It ago. The days that would have the annoyance oncntintorad by every fcl1 bofore boon a most fascinating man. There and contentedly together. but ns you don't apparently wish for IiVtJw a 0nl waa osoenaen boon mi long, and so full of enthusiasm, household servant, I determined to SMI,',,K0 nK,,l,nK was no moro beautiful woman In niter rrince Oeorgo had success, thpii" with a lovely willful ay0v to tho throno Hint ho took another wake Into and dipped down quickly bo more considerate and more diplo- ll it Huropo than Mrs. Fltzherbert. and she smllo and the prettiest of petulant dlniior-tlm- o nun l Jlllini idiiii woman to his affections, a beauty of Into nnd the papors and matic." "Oh. pshaw! I know them. nrmy. thorn died was a very good woman as woll. mouths "Oood-byl- " rank. Then Mrs. Fltzherbert separat bed! Thero wns not much to work Hut go nhoad with your oxpcrlenco." tho rightful heir of Tho man listened, his taw turning ploas-nntl- y As tho Prlnco of Waleo. Ocorge foil ed from him. During tils last Illness for now so much had come to him. "I recolriHl that last one Just a a king of Hngland. re- white, as If carved In stone. madly In love with her, but she Mrs. Fltzherbert wroto to tho king, ho supposed by his own endeavors, ns ns I would have received a favor- Illii grandfather "Success you U only another pulsed his advance. Her coldness tendering him any could with woll as by good luck and ho had no ed guest. I went with her to her room, was tho non of attention sho namo for " mndo the young man frantic nnd glvn him. This letter was found un- child to leavo It tot And his wlfo? showed her wjiere to put everything, Oeorge IV. Had "Money." tho girl Interrupted, with doubled his Infatuation. der n pillow after Ms death. How tenderly sho hnd rarossml him had awnlngri put over the windows, (he law of primo lovely light laugh ngaln. "1 I.ord Onslow one day summoned Mrs. After tho death of Oeorgo IV. Mrs. that know nt tho tlmo or the sacrifice how gently because alio thought tho heat and light geniture been fol- It, Oorard, dosplso me It you Fltzherbert to the residence of tic Fltzherbert wns treated by William and for It her protly fingers hnd smoothed the a little too strong, plneed n cottplo of lowed young man might have bean will. It you had been brought up In the I'rlnco, giving his assurance that only IV. as ono of tho family. She received wny! She was so much accustomed to oxtrn shelves In tho rlosot, fixed n nloo of losing hi poverty, If you nnd wearing n crown liiHtcnd her presence could save the young ovory attention consideration. Tho had wanted frocks, It all now, and he hnd "lived It down." place ror bicycle In tho summer Tho proof and pretty shoes, pleasured her life In tho thick of hnttlo. man' life. Onslow said that tho heir nnd dances, nnd a sho once said playfully to him. kitchen, voluntarily offered hor an come member ot every kind nt of this not from the apparent had deliberately Mobbed hlm- and, oh! thousands She waa always .woet, and always extra night out each week, personalty nf tho family In country, den. things Hint you couldn't get then you, this solf becnuse of his love for Mrs. beautiful, and everyone said ho was assisted her to get a run or things In 1C. C. Onl, young man' father, too, would spell Success with an M, a 0. the Tho latter consented to go to the luckiest man In Iximton! Perhaps the kitchen and thon praised her ror scoffed story. Ords haro very big M. and call It Money I You It at tho Tho tho Prince upon tho condition that she was true! OVorvtlilne I noil 1,1 wtLhotlt won own way to distinction and sr r 'v o would, I know you would," Mho onded amimi'l their bo accompanied by a lady nf high rank. Ho got up nnd ntuntered back to the pretending to notice hor mlstnkea or honor, Knglnnd the bitterly. drawlng-rtHim-hl- B ft la from that Tho Duchess of Dovonshlro went with lovely wife to miss My Idea proof arn fortheomlng. and they are Tho man sighed heavily. Fate was tho dlahos she broke. her. ehnttlng with a young barrlatar n bo WM (0 w, her l(. Wmnoa nnd eon- - Indisputable. They show heyand ques-tlo- n Indeed ngnlnst him now .nnd his car- Thoy found tho Prince of Wolo POSffefl. IlllllMl DHtitunn,. nf iiHttriMitnf Inn 1 flm tlmt tho man who mot u hero's eer, light nnd hopeful ns It looked a My very pale nnd covered with blood. Ho Itnalwnd would have been Just BHre ngture ( wlwfl,,tu, In Culm boon king short ago, sadly dull and ,ml vry death might hnvo told Mrs. Fltxbertmrt why he had stab- time seemed like you today." be heard her my. In to not. em- now, such treatment," "Well, I'm of Great Hrltnln and Ireland nnd bed hlmsolf, and ho declared sombor and why? lleetiuse of thnt exquisite or hot 4, "If he bad away voic by a good deal. Hut how did It eomo peror of Indln. Tho amlly has been ho unions tlmt lovely fare that wns turned my , that would not live inn wast niivir lie took It. ntiu At , w)d f e nril n,ont, known In Amorlen for n century. The sho would consent to bo his wife. The from hint so petulantly, because of tho you see result. - convinced by my constant itunrmnl first to come here wr- Ord, a mocking words fell like little 1 Jriiim future klhr: placed a ring upon Mrs. that he younger man looked round. He lmU ahp ww, , plr, ,n naval constructor of groat ability, who strokes or whip across bhi loving sbom ml Pltxherberts finger which he borrow saw the Imtutirul rooms, tho brilliant Mr ,. Iuji ,, - wan accompanied by a young man cd of heart. And while ho thought, the mu- crowd, or gems. from tho Duchess Devonshire the flashing countloaa WMk nm, Uw r , t t t )flr wllM, whom ho called hi nephew, but wna When Mrs. Kltr-herhe- sic In the distance coated Its soft the DucIiom and at W."!R" wl"J 1,1 ho rroi.t ball, whore tho 'gentlft- - waa really tho non of Ocorge IV.. king to throbbing, the dance was over nnd he ..J19'? returned Devonshire house the mtiste riling meill. Um , or , wm lftVu. of Knglnnd. Thl boy, who took tho thorn was drawn up n stntcmont of had had his answer, he supported. fnUliiK In the dlstnticn and breathed name of Jnmca Ord founded tho homo of Ho would say one morn thing before Or course sho left. Don't' the)' Jdt what had occurred. Almost Immedi- the delicate wonts of rarest hlmvHims. try your tho namo In this country. Ho was tho ately ovont they parted, he determ'nod suddenly; souls out?" Detroit Fr aftor this Mrs. Fltzhorbort Agnl'i ho saw tho word "suocoes" Prom father of Judgo Parlflcos Ord, an emi- left Knglnnd, nt tho samo tlmu writing ho would havo nt nny r.te a clear un- written overywhoro succoas that ho, u nent jurist of California, who I now to Lord Southampton that she was not derstanding with tho womrrt ho lovod beginner, n novice, could never hopo to living at No. 1827 I streot. N. W.. a frco ngnnt In wbnt hud occurred. so madly. And after Mint, thon tho emulate. Suddenly the worn face or A DOLD UANK ROUOEnV Washington, and Dr. Jnmo Ord, who vonturo to tho right or t tho loft! Mrs. Fltzherbert romalned nbrand tho master mot Ills oyos. "I sco tho rxinoiii or .Hour)' tint tfreti He put to t&- - n.i I'Ure nf IIvm In Maryland, nnd whoso for moro thnn a year, hut tho prince out his hnnd tier recult." he aald quietly. 1 A. M. to tho proRont I'rlnco of was In cnnstnnt communication with sho would have risen. "I ffntr ' - ntk tlm MmiiR Art. Wales mado famous, woll you ono thing more," he said, so guntty llntween 1 nnd 2 o'clock on n recent had him as her. Ho sent courier after courier to TRADINQ as Ocn. lWwnrd O. C. Ord, who dis- hor urging to Knglnnd that hor wondering attention was fixed STAMPS ILLEQAL. Saturday afternoon a daring then wua hor return to OHOIUH5 IV tinguished hlmsolf In tho civil war. beeomo wlfo. on him once again. Nimc sinking-- committed lii the banking department and his Iiril Stourton Duke York i.r in MMrtnurti of wns her devoted friend r- - Judge Ord and Dr. Ord have always says In n manuscript which he left that "It I went Into the lmslrws, my t!.e Unlawful. of th" ,u,Ilk ut "nglatid. which Is throughout her life. She wns looked ng that thoy were nf rnyr.l blood, he saw a lettor from the prince that father's business, which, ns yon know, The recent passage or the law ' for Prey banking transao-deelart- upon as tho poacemnkor nf royal stale fr husl-log- thlrty-sovo- n tho I If I gavo up my drenmr- - of general al while tho other brother scoffed at It. was pages Inug. Tho heir- - hato the trading stamp methods . ,b". or public banking family. William IV. offered to make bar, a I lovo, n nm ,lono and llfo which should Iii.h romovetl u praaauro from n ''f'K ' (,ll,or 'lepartmon ts. Mrs. Fltzherbert n duchess, and hu llfo would bo poor, pothKps, 11,8 "wnlk- - which but Inrge iiumbor or cycle dealers In Mite- - Tlnios. Two hor to wear mourning for hoi full of promise ir I bad the prospect ?' or mtswengors. wore sent rrom htislmud, wtchuotts. The trading stamps wore eU." his brother. ot success In that btmlnos of which ,0 ,,,p ',,,,,lt was afild by a company to retail lmn; "f "B; It known that Mrs. Fltzhorbert you speak so highly, what thon?" dttni wllh.r"lu ',ler for 8'000' 0no of had a son born to hor, thoro wore In All llnoa or trade, wfcv. la turn gavo and Sho turned to him with a now light tllB t'ln, 11 "PPonrM. remnltied o grave questions them to eustomera In amounts propor- -' about the suciossluu sparkling In oyos. Had "l,ln c"'1- pro-rw- lc hor beautiful to purchnsos. Tho stomps wore a - wl,llw ,lU PltK-- to tho throno. Sho no great am- y had she conquered nt last everything, tv-er- ceo,1'H, ,0 0,,lnl" 1,10 wn bition for and position, olthor for miHt by the comimny whleh Is- - """"y. w''ll mnk hope, ovary nmbltlon at hor foot? hnntlcil to him nertwa tho enuutor lit herself or for hor son. Thoro wore stitHl thorn In vurlotis housohohl nr- - "Thnn," she said, her voice tender - lliree cn"vn" ' mrt "f wl,le1' 00"-e- d qtiostlons as to his right to succeed to tides. The promoting company reap- with reeling, nnd hor toft oyelld ",,"w, ,'00- - Tho Me,,,M ,,I,V tho throno, sho of royal n rich harvest, especially ns many rerk for wits not drooping ulxive the brilliant oyos, haA In some wny, blood. On wns pooplo gnvo up saving the stamps when ntlnnllon diverted tho other hnnd thoro "thon 1 should sny no moro," nnd her nml 1,0 1,,ft otwanoe. tho grcnt Kngllsh con- they found how slow was tho procoss lh" junior. Ills tones trembled Into silence, nnd her wns niomentnry. on science to deal with. Whorofor It wns or securing onotigh to bo or vnluo. Tho wovir. quite but white linmlrt played nervously with tho denier, roU,r" 0,10 "f Uu' ,mR8 wnB ,n,M" looked upon as tho part of wisdom or retail howover. puld Tor nil vtolstB at the bosom hor delicate 1,1K- - nu'1 Hint the secret of tho boy's birth should stnmps which ho gavo uwny whether An nmrm wn" ut omo rnM gown. ' ,no not bo known. thoy were redeemed or not. Trading l'",len of 01,1 J,nvr' woru "Iltit would you lovo mo, nnd bcllovo l Ho was placed under tho enre of stump methods proved so demoralizing Imniedlntoly communlcnted with. It In mo, my lovo?" ho urged, his volco ,',n,c,1 or James Ord. n man of family nnd dis- to huslnntm that tho legislature ruled l,lut nlmost ut tho moment strained with pnsslonnte lovo, his ,no n tinction, who und won high plnen In them out or tho state. Tho act was Hcovery or tho thort n respect-- bands clasping hers. "Will you love nble-lookl- en- roller to cycle man loft tho naval construction, who had been me, darling, will you let mo hope dealers who went Inlto gaged by tho scheme, Iwnklng tloiKirtment. cnrryliig n bag In Spain to design wnrshlps. iignln? will you, darling? toll mo, toll tho dealers admitting, ni a rule, thoy worn nnml- - m"l in nssiinwl thnt thin This place was secured for him by tho mo now." And the soft waltz music that tinnhlo to trace " Duko of York, brother of tho Prlnco nny honellt to tho into or tho stnmpi wn" 11,0 H,oll," t"'Porty. Tho thief, or roso nnd felt again, nnd tho ulr was g of Wale. A fow years later Jame nnd thnt they virtually paid tho trad- - Ihlevos. however, surceodod In esonp-In- Ord camo to A merlon, still accompanied stump people five per cent of their '" The robbery wns a particularly by the young lad, whom he called till gross recolpta without any return Hiidacloiw ono. nnd It Is bollovod that nephew. Connecticut dealers still have the trad- - enlprlt bml "shadowed" Mowra. The wny was paved for him. People Ing stamp luctihiis saddled upon them, c,mlu' meaaengom for wime tlmo In of Inliuenco were waiting to reoelve onler to ascertain the la '.tor's mnvo- - ft acting. him. Tho boy wns treated as n person meats before A Nlimln of distinction. Tho Ind camo under the Wnrr. oaro The Washington Star tolls n story at dlroot of tho Hlght Hov. John IllillngiiUliril Ilninllr4i Carroll, Catholic bishop ot Amorlea, tho oxponiu of u Mr. Htyklns, whom It Arlll4. John Ord was his u.uuilson. represent ns a msn unwise enough to ; A HolKlnit artist, ono of U'litiimn's think himself on rare auoaslons only studonts Caesar Ducornot wns bund-wis- er than USED TO KILL CRIMINALS. his wlfo. The baby whs loss, having Iwen born without nrnut, crying, aii its mother's efforts to nnd with only rudimentary legs, and LI HUT. OIID. This elephant, aftor an honortthli sootho It had been vain, nnd Dually Mr yet ho carried off all tho prizes at I.lllo, career of eighty years as chief execu- lilyklns laid down tha hook whoso won golden medals In Paris, and had tioner of llurmnh, hns been acquired reading ho had Interrupted two or pictures In tho Louvre. Ho used to Hut never havo thoy mado capital of npparcnt brought every possible nrgu-mo- m by tho llcrlln Zoo. Hitherto ho ha three times a page to cost blamofiil hold tho pnlotte with ono root stump, It, regarding It as a matter that Is In- to benr, oven deelnrlug his that trampled tho llfo out ot tuatefacton glnneos. nnd said: "Julia, are you and use tho brush with tho ntltor. A. teresting hut In nowise Importnnt. rather, Ooorge III, would connive at nnd been nn object nwo men. Now nwtirn tlmt we wy rent ror only n por- slender scnffold was built In front or Thoro Is In this country but ono rooord of to their union. Tho groatgmndmother of ho will he teased by small buys and tion or this building? Does It occur his easel, and on this he writhed and which goes to show Jnrncs Ord the American fell San- that ollloer who at pass his time In an atmosphoro ot pink to you thnt while wo have u right to twisted, climbed und crouched, loavlng was a sun of a king. Tho history of tiago struggled n yoar. for moro than till this Hat as mil ot noise ns wo trace of color wherever ho passed. Georgetown College n very shows that Jn the She had exacting Catholic choose, we are not morally traversing tho canvas with tho swift- - year 1800 James Ord, tho son of Oeorgo vory Justified in nnd groat love for the "WILL YOU LOVI5 MK. DAHLINO?" causing noise to overflow und porvnde om of n fly upon tho wall. Antwerp IV. and Mrs. Fltzherbert. his lawful prince. At Inst to mar she consented laden with tho soeut ot lilies and hollo-trop- e, thw ontlro structure?" Imhy had mi artist who copied tho mnstar- - wlfo, among ry "It's tho was enrolled the students he prlnco under certain conditions as Marguerite tho benutltul bout crying." she pleco ot lltibons, nnd had mt was Henry which that's suggested. "You jot of tho Institution. It satisfied her conscience. Thero toward hor lover. nro not adopting the All his work wns dono with tho famous Kngllsh editor, are laws regulating marriages of method IlkelliMt hand. the to quiet the child. You his toes, nnd so woll did he paint that who opened tho discussion which has tnosu who nre to sit on thrones. They have been Tho snow felt outnlde very softly, humming to It, hut wbnt the bis pictures fetched a higher prleo ror resulted In tho proof that a son was can only wed those of royal blood, uti child wrapping the sordid city In tondorMt needs Is music. Olve him to me their nrtlstlr merit than tboe of any born to Odorge IV. and Mrs. Pltzher-biir- t, les the crown consents und special and white coverings, and transforming It I'll chow you what I other artist In tha city. Knglnnd'a nnd that tho man who fell at nets nre pussed. When It became mean." Hu look Into a kingdom of crystal mid penrl. the child and proceeded lul- - h&nirlew painter. Mr. liar I ram 1 1 He, Santiago was a lineal doscanduut of known that thu prlnco of Wales was to chnut n Inside one ot tho greatest of many n'- - age 10 to marry Its laby. Tho little one stoiined crvlnu tho of had exhibited his flrst royalty. Mrs. Fltzherbert a cry was fair houses there was revelry, and the at the llrlstol academy, raised, wrote prince nnd stared nt him. "Thero," said Mr. Picture and Thero Is no scandal In this story. fox tho a let ripple of silvery voices, ring of Hlyklus, weeeedod In winning tho nntlonnl tor of protest, stiongth of anthe as he reached tho end of n Mrs, Fltzherbert doe not belong to und on the tuiuful laughter. wbolttrshlp of the value of ttOO ror n reply which was Fox terse, "what ho wanted was muslc.rcnl the group of womon whom Oeorgo IV. received. denied Ono ot the Innd's richest men enter- nitihlc. wo years. He both paints and modal on the floor of tho house of commons He wasn't to he roolod with made notorious, although the most tained his gtittstx, and feasted them w,lu ,olltl1- - ,,err A,lan Htepen that there was any In the re humming. Of courw the raet that 1 determined efforts were made to be- truth right royally, so that they spoke In- nf New York' u o"01'10' nrmleca artist, port. Not long after this there came used to sing In a glee club and hnd my smirch hor good name. There was at creasingly well af him, and of bis en- ' wno R,,I,,WI 1,18 toe, forth a pamphlet by Home Tooke, n volco cultivated may make a difference, u"1""1 w"h ono time a very grave quwtlon about tertainments, and ot the beauty of his 1110 8w,M - A,,nM celebrated religious controversialist, too." He had not got far Into the next ymin RriM- Unt,ln' peerless l. the succession of the thrnue It was wife! M0 aTm- - 'nanlpulatea crajr-bel- who spoke of Mrs. Fltzherbert as legal stanza when there camo a ring at the m her William IV. who obtained tho proofs She stood in the great drawing-roo- m on ft manner with ly, really, worthily and happily for the He gave the baby to his wife, '" wo''l''ful her of the first marriage of his brother. In purest white, with diamonds on her ttwt- - A (,ermBn country, iter lloyal HIihntNW, the while he opened the door. A girl of rlsht knwn as He secured them from Mrs, Pltzher-ber- t, NOW snowy neck, and beautiful stars In her the "fotrt (because Princess ot Wales." There Is doubt WILL AMUHIt THK SMi LL fourteen or fifteen said: ,i.a artist" armloM ofk! through the Duke of Wellington, its HOYS. golden hair, and around her a little painting feet), that the marriage took place and was people who have Just moved into tbo with hor four ysant axo the Karl of Albemarle and I .ord peanuts. ecBttwny ot the gayest and wittlett and a prareeslonnl signer. performed with sol- lemonade and It Is a Me flat above. There's a aek lady married Tho Stourton. They Included, according to all the riles and cleverest kept her court, and pleased with emnities of the Catholic church. Mrs. fall for a elephant. us, and says ir It's all tho same to you, wedding ring was placed on her rourth a memorandum retained by Iord htr with their sallies, until her clear toe. and ahc signed the register with Fltzherbert's brother, the Hon. "Jock" laugh nrng would you mind letting the baby ory Stourton, who was a relative of Mrs. r out above alt the gentle Smyth, and her cousin. Lord (jMi-e- Mail ii f Hnll.l. Instead ot singing to her foot. Fltzherbert, these papers: mort- Stourlun. badinage around. itr The were certainly present. Tooke says Marcus W. Holme, a patient in tha gage on the palaco at Ilrlghton. The the The husband heard the ripple marriage was performed by u Catholic Central Indiana ItiMiie asylum, at In- lli A Itittort of Willi. of tho marriage Mrs. KHz-Wbo- rt of laughter, and It awoke some ot the Hrriimiii Holillrr I.lli. certificate of priest. Ilnnvoord says the cele dianapolis, tore hUi bed sheet Into to the Prince of Wales, dated that old thoughts, the o(d memories that he In a private letter to a friend In Chi- Mr. M. It. W. Sherwood I olio this was 4 strips, one eiM brant the Abh.e Seehamp and thut-- fastened to tils bed- romln-iaMitet- s, IVc. 21. 178C. had striven to lay by, as lnys cago, any army chaplain, writing from anecdote in the new volume of Utter from King Mr. vox was present. subsequent post and the other round his neck, a child by The by dear old toys playing Cuba, said: "1 find this la no plaee "Hare and There nnd ltvery-where- ": Oeorge IV., signed him, relating to murrluge of tho prince to and then, by rolling over over on Its when day tho Prince and are over and done with. tor sensotlouul preaching. The boy I was present at many din- tbo marriage. Memorandum written Charlotte, It was said, was forced the Hour, managed to strangle hlmwlf by Mm. Fltzherbert and attached by uimiii And all ot a sudden he felt vary attend nervine vory generally, oven ners when Willis was tho life of tho him as a condition to tho payment to tUatli. 1 by of weary and tired tired of lights those who are clearly unaccustomed company, and although did not hear her to a letter written the clergy- his deuts. ixird Holland says that at the performed the ceromony. and the seent ot the great banks of to devotions, when wo have opportun-- ! the famous repartee ot the Washington man who The the time of the marriage the prince N'lulilinrliiKiil by Nrw. rotwi that hi wife had Ity. and thoy help with the singing dinner so often recorded, I will record memorandum made I.ord Btourton was so unuer the mnuenee of lltitcher "You've got six or eight ordered the stimu skillful florist to arrange with manifest enjoyment. Hut they It here. It was Mrs. Oales, I think, Is now In tho possession of the Hon. lants as to almost disqualify him from new bourdors, ain't you. Mrs. tired of the mum?" music, and the faces, and the erowd, want the old gospel. They don't care who, at one or her own dinners, wrnU Charles Langdale. lord Btourton's going through the ceremony, Sllmdlet -"- Yas. They nttrlbut eamo yesterday. and he slipped away unnoticed, ror tlmoly things." That chaplain a card to hor niece at tho other end or brother. It was given to Mrs. Fltz- Ing this condition to a deslro to re How did you know?" to his went Ilutoher "I quiet study, and sat there awhile a good way from home to plek up the table, "Don't flirt so with Nat Wil- herbert by Lord Stourton, who repre- move from bis memory his previous notleod you was buying half a pound to a dream. uggMtion. men lis." Bba waa talking vivaciously her-se- lf sented her, just after the papers were marriage with Mrs. Fltzherbert. more ot everything." New valuable To and This ork He gone women who arc In gos- to Mr. Campbell. Willis replied: deposited In the Coutts Hank, on Aug. second marriage was a very unhappy Weekly. had Into the business that earnest the "old he had heartily disliked for Margue- pel" Is the only gospel. And per- "Dear aunt, don't attempt my young U, IMS. one, as msiory snows, wiien the odd the Mr. Langdale ef- It had proved a success In his son who attenda church for any feelings to trammel, has made several cation for a divorce was made the The king of Italy, like his tamotus riteand reason hand. lees serious mat Nor strain at a Nat while you forts to have the documents with- Princess Charlotte made solemn denial father, Victor Kmmanuel, takes only that for whlsh swallow They spoke ot him for a knighthood ohurebea were founded can get all i a Campbell" drawn from the bank and made publle, of any orlmlnsj eonduot. but afterward one meal a day when he takes a holi- the this year: did him much, "Hmely things" he wanta out- probably quIoVcst-wltte- d bat the Rev. K. V. Keppel, executor of she declared that she ought to have day from court, pomps it not elate or need -' the eouplit and ceremonies. but bis wit was delighted, and be was aids tha sacred odlfl. on record. tin oicohon n ilrkei ni mentioned nbove, never pay ii eaeary to RULIJS AND RU0ULAT10NS. ' CURItSHTi tha xxhmi uud mum then ami there in the presence rue iiniii tiieni anu eirerjr uuiiai i maun of the oitlrer ut the election, yet 111 prt M II M I I. I. A N I'. Ul vata out ami vote 11, aotl I mm labor. Tim Vanderbll and Aa For Holding Democratic Primary make privately Ion for Uddy no vote uliall tie rectiiveil unleM the patty Official Paper o F,Mj Cwntj tnr with Ihhim. rented In New Vork eel Cotnty 5cpt. 24, rfertng I., vote it aball nt the time and Hie ballot fnun the THE SUGAR BOWL OF THE SOUTHWEST ot ( lint wlm rflitr m l.tiirialid are exempt At a laeetiDR of ilamoerniic mertuuo plarent vi'iin. the OArtil OrKit. TWfl IN). ollhtur iiiitkuiH 11 uui, ami It m above i uf.lcililv mtinty held lit role limn nar'as. , I hr tilled erlstocrur-- mmiiti tmwi ptnvble.1, evi'ti if llie voter dues tint care . . I of nt of I'M I. ll U) at i'l if Kiigiiitnl ha f irm and proper ami Fbl) the fTth ilny wlm es hi ballot, i h unifier in charge ..I X X ..111... . ItHltt iin ISMi, sec ii. IM .iU by poor frmn Atiuu'i a qtKtrnm nrtaltl enmiHittea of the ballm hall lhateiieh volar due Is Pecoi Yallcy of New Mexico. ly occupied UtnatiU tlmt es.-- party voting tine nut take tin net i purausnt in mi onler tnsile by the mi rt ni'4t Multi to Hllforiiiimnil noiif f tlm Hit) away from llie volliiK plnec, i held on the 80th .lay of ticket th war inx. ..inn ami that no une know hnw the voter vot- l ItC .'It ptwrtj ty wnt "t .lul Utti sal'i exacntlre mm ed; provided (lie ruter rannot inak ui - i) mull Uif ten 1 1I1.1II Wi,ikl Ken: art- ax hlfh W, hut tnlin-i-' luluplnd 11 fullowliiK fur his ticket, he then rettieat some lGS) Hi r ! li.i" rules i 3, p. mull mini'.. JmiKe or clerk tu make It out in prirate nt cxi vji it; ay all. W hen will Die Aiiicrloaii winch 1 tu qui nnt primary election, lie held In the tlmn and place of voting. Ami In Announcement. Hiila k1 tliflr Kjrra oikiiih! to thl Ih county of Rddy at the vi.rlox voting durlt way thai it H aecrecy cnnmit lie MiOtmt njrsteiti of luxation, wliloli ti ItreelHoU hsriiiafif r mi the Inst Snturtbty known 10 any one except the voter ami the T same nluniloal pnny innking it out ftirhlin. l robbery In .seMtenilxr, the beltiK the Stltti dny I iii i. I.- - niiiinHI' iu .indium. tor nothing mora than ilayllght No voter euii brtve bin tlekut iimile nut TilK SHVKNTJI IJcot Sugar fitotory In tlio United SUtos wns I una hHHH nf new, uml tlenlciiRtad lisrln lilin-nol- tin nlUi nl "lini n all prorwrly to y the for bill) uuleit he oaiiimt titako it out f. U i i Hi Why not aaaw urtiotvtl KUtly, Now iloxloo, 18W)nnd t in i oil. ' mr, i nsHied ufflrrfa in Ilia rwpeetlve vnt-in- g In maka nt in mado it llrsfoampalgn" ni prima- - nller TheJtiilKe oh true shsll r 'in 'i inner .t it the fspanaa of government Inatoail ot bt'giiinltig November HHh l&Ufl, nnd cloning 1807. rt"i J Ii ALkEH preelneu to Imhl iheeleatton, In their usli reatonnbie ruins at nto nucoMary Fobnmry 10th, ii'i hliiK entirely from labor? ami pruier to Hie that the true spirit ol I iiij ll tait'iiunw- respertlve voilna iirwitiotn: ititiioun - l i Ifli litis vertlmi carried nut 10 titti islter and Thf enntont nf "Sugar In tho boot" of thn crop grown In tlio Itdtly tin nrti ii nil 'in niul i" roll I, , IW till HlllWl l' II" The territory iismIi a reTurni aohool ri'rk iiohiuxii ui.utrrioN. 110 ballui olmll even be rtwelvett uitill the nml Hoawull sections of tlio Vnlloy Ims prnvnn to bo mnro uniformly tl--- hi- t'.n ' Aaal primary alia i I be voter compiles with the above require- II II IH4MH"'l for Hie Ixi a wluma paranla Htm lib eleetlfln. high tlmn any oilier part or the United State, l'ortiiimtely tlm held ou iUj of Sepleinlmr, I)., ment ns to revolving hln tlrket, making to bring them up pmparly. thellth A. Intid Is liluatotl with Jtiat the fertility toproduoo high grodo beets, hurc-Inal- ami the Clerk IlW, In the ewnl voting pnaliiet icr out vutliiR mine. Wliili we have IO1I1 ltneh oniiUlilHtii flinll have the nml mnro fnrtiinatolli Pooim Co. in iiitiimrii iMIIilUllfl W II normal muiied. the lrrlgntlon and liuprovoinuiit ' hiiv l ll i' lis. III. II In Uir fiillegu ami military inalitiitoa right to telnet une man who shall uml tlio Itoswoll hit nil and Wntur Co. Imvo nil IrriKiitlnii Ryntuin of . irniMili ' I' ' i I i ' 'nuiiijr uii Jtml The Imllou alinll be tipetiwl nt the right to be present wltb Ih JhiIum III III III' i. n .... an i in- In the no provitlou U uiwlu gronl iiiitgtiltiido, oovering 11 vnst body of lands .III territory, ut vutlng ntiieo'clrwk it el r kit of ills the liostsiigur bent P nun .II. earti llie prenluetn nt ml the to that nil .I'tltH'll I lioyi win nre uoitntl to Nil our on ourtli. Tlio water Ih applied to tlio crop fur he A. M., wnl ehHwl nt six o'aloek 1111 the ItileriMt nre propvtly trented. when uooded. sheriff. in life if not takfln III 1 1 tli. Uurlug the count of the ballots later same day. In preeinct number one the Tlio sun shltut more lioiirs In tho day and mora days In tho your : i i M Kihly baa a olaaa of in the renpeellve tireeiiiel, ll (hall be the We ii.iilii'i .mill mtiiT baud at prMtit, election ahull be liehl In the town nf Kdily v i i clerk elec- in imvo unttnues, now nny .ii ii hi, ii.ii i. lnlluli l.illi. .1. 1. duly of all lb Juilm and of ntitiy nnit .viexico,mun in ntiior suousit . I boy who go iiroiiml hranklMK Ihm In the court liuuiti, uml Juvorly, sin i ill hi i illl , llll)ri tu it tion lo p tlmt all nuine oil III bnlluts or tho Woat. M In ! liri-i- in mil vacant building. Theac boys ahoul'J V. Itogers ntnl I'utii Dmitlillt, nre Imroby eallMl oorrenlly nin) to see Hint the oi irliua i "Hi nto be i'liniahed ind a reform aobool la n appuinuil Jailga to bold tha electloii in neereey of the ballot U preserved. ISI nonuruttt atmlysts, ohlelly onrloatt Iota, glinwutl nn itvenige of Gaunt? Cotiutilwsliiiier. A Inty who will bruuk mure pteciuri imtnber 011 I'illi, Tliecn'mlnbtln rettvlviug n plural. 17.01 pur cunt augur In hoatj 81.1 per uoitt purity. This retiiarknlilo lieto-Imifl- i ii - nuu Ity ot vote ttnitt ulinll bpdee'.ured im At M iii.,.i 1. in, .iii. Irlciid- kIhhh with one ruck lie eoiilit uarii lu precinct iiuitibtir two, the uleetlmi result win ticootnpllilieU by row fur mors, utiutHjiinliitod wlUi U10 9fS 1 Uivi' II'. it In than piovldt'd to lie the onmllilnle of i i i.i- almll lui ut the town nf MhIhkh, and SEE l"i ...a unlet- ill iiiey to pay f ir In a year certainly bald otilturo of lwct root, on new land and tinder vory trying olrouin-stniioo- lie , ll-l- ui tit dumoarntle pnrty fur the ollle for wiMiitii-- i' .i in. l., U. .liiliii .1. . ii II. Dliliiimn, ltuklns mitt II. el lu the v. II in nun i iii f III hllil)' deaevrea punialiment Thr la too wliloh he ivnit as tlio faotory was not iiMurod until May, nnd n mujorlty.of earn L'Httwnler nre hereby itppnliittnt JuiIku lilth. The Jodgeit buldlng the eleeilnn i l much exnandiil on boya whoae parents tho naroago was planted liotween June 1st nml August lOtli. S NMMlll IH. to buhl the Mid tileothm. lu rnoh voting product Hliiill kHtip in - lhay ii ciwulldnli- lui ate able to bring them up aa I I rru nimnuii ll Tint cleat Inn lu preeliiot mmibiir llircu wrltlug two ncperMo lulu of th nnmiwt of The only thing lort to be desired tlmt tlio Poooe valIoy IiflB not on . i ui uHily niiiimii--"- ..i in irn Nil too on the othar .11 n . f ahould goaoil littla the voter voting, nbu two tally eel I eoonty. min. I... acuun bull be held nt the llenfcott calimil hoimu hand In abtindanoo la people. Wo nitutl 800 thrifty fnriiiors I liowing vole for M4&4Mretkrt1''" St. cba. If one or two of our normal V. T. Wood V. I.. the number of eAl WlU-- i mid ltn),.aclt uml KM achoola could tie !ranaforinl Into u moli untididnlu mid tor what oUlee. ThU Xo fulror terniB or oondltlona of gulo of boot and fruit iHMtli wore - Whtlsker are hereby itppointod JiulKW to I fceeeby MtUimii . h candltlnti- lor l.nll be mnda oat ou llie day of election. orur mtido. Write for partloiilurii, i reformatory for boya it would lie a ' iittnty coiiimlhii'ii' r No. I. un bulil ih snhl election. Une lUtof the Volffn and one tally iu- - pn i act to we will 1" " uart grmt bleaaing to the iople of th tor four, hnll be rutalned by tlm Judge holdinght -- ' W. l oWI'l The electiiiu ut ptwlnol number i.iarr '"l" 11 rllory. heveu Itivers, ihnll be huld ut tliu bovuir the elrotlon. and llie other tally liert ail The i i alias i In .mill .r i 'nl tu llllniilirc bnlloU ilinll be within live tiny after tlie iitMarMaacln. I Si ' II I.IM'I . tt M IHIIlll Itiver elio.i ttuute, unit .1. T. 1'iiiiiilni. . Irrigation oi-u- ii Improve- nafctor con ni i ui i' i ir l Th infernal revenuo Inwa have nl election iu the vutiiig preeluet trniimll-te-d Pecos and iii . W.i;. ilellyerund It. W. Coluitro hereby so. S, tmbH t ! ll" in. null prUnm ! by mall duly rrglntered tu the elinlr-iim- n ready arcumululiHl a aurplua of about uleo-IMi- n. siNilnted JiiiIrss to hold thu itittil of tint diitmiaintlo exeeutlve omit, 5nptrlntendeHt. tloo.uxMM) in the national irwsury mltlev nl Kiidr, New Mexico, or by one ment Company, Wa ar nniii'ir," i i" in.i.. iiiin. r uml hi III the eaparioua maw of thin num- of tha Jtnlijfii linlilliig the Thoie i ui 'Die election in voting preelnct watch a i ikHu.h' t '..i. nuii uuini two liula voter I'm two tulSttol, nii(t--( t In ll il I'luii "f llie 'I' robber ailinlulxtriitlon la not aattaUed. ber five shall bo held ut the lint rntioli, of tliu voting uml Mdy, -- - New Mexico, liual-iien- tally nlmll be lij N bite wage ure no hisjtirr and a commonly known us ..Moiiuiiieut snrlnKn, separniM fhU lnwl Wa '" niiliuuiii-- Wlllaiiii thejudge hulillliK the fleoMnn nt the al - Diok Turn Vest uud Will i'. laW a'''"aii'iinnn- lar the olii ..i laaltll puralyrd from the elTocta uml Itoinneun, itliJ by the niul they riMHRV'Ue'rtil-liil- i ul ' ' hvol. to nlo elrk, --- -- everything inuat Merchsnlnie hereby npiHiliited Judges Nlinll In 11III0I11I i ii of au unJiiKt war, oeillfy their reiiMllve Tb ( tiaakxi uuiii'H i.' in uniwiuiiri eor-res- t, l i I i t hulu ibu said eiectioii. enpaallleii that the .hiii In mm mill JaM i- CiTl ! i .iniilii.ili toll (in ,,, Milll be,ir a government aump. 1'nbi.a iittjiMwrlati'ii-jeii- i .ii run. i Knuy ikil. lu the event the imrtles ubuvo lu onu they ure ralurned In perituu ti. M. Mibleoi ll " i' '"Miu id hum rut- the AturtUan ptople are more gullible III li named to bulil the elecllons iu the rtaipec-n- u ns nbove provldwl, offloer rulurutlig ENTRAL in Niinane. thuii Ilia Niibji cU of the, Iberu voting precmcM ute not piaeuni nt tliem ulioiilil tlvr them led tip, miift 3(5. Judge. wib deenled rhaugc III certlly that Ih paekage Ik Iu tliu earn Probata ben biulne! Ha hour ui the .lay named fur the holding laa brui n ' . .UlllKlUli . i around uuxt presldi'iittai amo- ooinlllliin that it wait when enled on the aul - all after Ute nam Hlocliiiu, then If ot the Saloon. (III tu lUIMllll' Jlil HI ' i .,ii iiiuai' ii'- ul cither dny o( I'leallou by thu Judge holding ill tilt: diclliii, .ill). I,- - in .i i in ul fMt. tion. .aid parties aro preseiiif be or they luill been election, uml thrtt the hhiiiii ha not KfMp itwoBKHCH, paofi, llsmiunrt ar elect another putty to net tu Judge, lu the OUt Of lilt p'tMeMlltIL'. 'Jjl1 A Sulltir'a Letter. AaaflBCor. event thai iiunu ul Ute limited parties ure Iltli. Within live ilny after llie hold .VNII IIKAUUH IN rtn(,.l Imnnrlarl rtnri eliH-iln- - wna of iililli)ii Hlnnne la calMtldate l"f lo Ut- nm The following JiiteraaUng letter pieaeul, tliuti ut tliv hutir nf opeitliiK tlie lug the the llmt party unmeil Alnie llnonne Maeroi Hauy ootiiiiy wnan u wo rrom Liuauln Freeman now ut llie sum preoluaw, tlie vot- it otiu of the JtnlgtM to hold the eleeilnn denearac) m I he urtaMrMw. m ied nulla voiuik somc apeen aeees, otiae r. It. the different preelmil itbuve wt Topefcit by liitll Miluul iroiti iiiulltted ulcc-lo- nt sut kf. in Dinl il niiiniuainu im un u uilor on board the Ins er plwenl to-w- lt! - I forth, J, K. I.nverly for preclnet ci" win bn iiMiio- ti'iiilf adniiiilKiind. ana ulu:-Uo- M.IIWIIT I.. lltl.V.V'fl JIONOOKAW, OI.II OllttW I.BXINtlTO.V Ul.tMI. It. I', t'. TA Vtaal'M . 1 1 Mullnne. outer JuiIku shull hunt the . tbo nupfiurt m ail. buy lend llerulv "lu uuuiKer'otie, 0. II, DUIiiunti for precinct rAJJAIHAN IIVII, I.I.VC0I.W m, II. II. A. A. llOirilllO.V, .1. M. WATKIIfllTX-O- ak A. M. nl tlint vutlitK pieciitol, uml the tbrmi Hcmtun, JiUsa., 0, IbOS. iiumlier two. W. I'. Riley for preoiliBt nit.iii'xt.HHiia AJinitit'A.N MAi.r. mu tiiisiin ri.rn, iiciiosi'inxo. ICv. oi.uu W. t. lUichran uiti.irix- - in-- 1 1 nhk i to Sif jttdMU miineii lit the above volliiK pit-0- 1 niiinbor three, J. T. Fntiuliig lur jireolnot wmK'Ptinii'n, iinsB VAi.i.av, iiri.i.i; or imi'iiuoN, iti.K iiou.v, tuwoaitee hi naase r. -- uumiuauoii i Fill KM) liKKMIC: ! now eliull oil tliu ilny of uluutluu miiiiu number four uml Dink Itublttton fur pre- ihli.aARMwrai')' tu llieirolBoe ul auMnuwn I received your lattor u ml alio froi.. rdrWhlnkies In bulk! Keho Spring, Womlford t'o, llnyduu nud Vnlloy. VMf county. lrn ibedtiy bt'iuro tv luft llmriptoi tvto pat lie to ucl it cierxs. cinct number live, nlinll meet In the town Ho of Kddy wild the ulnilrmnii of tliu ileum-urntl- - itoMda. Aa you Imvu uioit likely rati it tut. No nun sunn nuiillowutl to vote un-lu- JX. JSAZ'tvro Fntvoungo Im 'i'l-xu- Yom- on-oiillt- of oUoitedt Among tlw editor of Went in the papeia iitbout tliu imvul mid committee, nt n tiny nml iiu ilntil but neeit it lumti vutur in tliu by IIih mild clinlrmnii, nml ho vialtad lb valley thin weak were purude we hail hem 1 will Hot hour mimed iretl piuiimit 111 wltii'ti be ultera lu volu on the all vote ttntt ut the very to describe lliriii to you. will unawei lliey slintl count tlie n bUttverof faithful slaves tin) ul Die next Kfliinritl oKtititiu. llie tlllUreut vntltig plnetm In the comity, uml get your iueatiou n you nskud thutii. tba profeasion. men who rarely i'hey ito not hung men up by tin ptaiiiluuiiutt ut a tuual uiur being thitt hu deelnre the pcmuii leculvltig th htcliMt LOWENBRUCK & STONE, "ray from home on account of clohe thuuiba in the navy any mure aa Unit uiu.i bn u cuituii of die United blutu uumiir of vote for the dllrstetit alllae 1 I be lb niiiiiluvu of for Hint 1 1 tin ih.h vua ubolmhci long ugo. Hut they 01U4.1 by lurib unmet letters ul iiniurutlsn to the pert' attention to btiaioea. olllse. who make up (he rank ami file of the liitve very atnvt rulea in the navy uml linn, aim uur tue age ul twuniytiiie I'l'op ri c tors TT Cj if you duu't iiIm) oidera yutrgot u In ciik nny of the bovo named Jadgea country preaa; many un triu ..I , inum nutc ivalded m the iHrruory do not net a Judge reapeeuv MEAT MARKET but J I Al.uiiiswiiin in their "f k). hi the brig ul llu .. Hi U, beln-v- - ir ui .in inuiitit, in tuuiiu then the the tin- 1 iiu,i. prreluala, Judges holdlea rd with the profeion i Hiii.ilu'i gm 1 wrk in buttle, lie y .' i.mlj iuiiu uiiiullui, anil lu the irevmwi election n. above provided for shsll editor have a good time, never p ly diiivii) X'i'xl work dwu ill Mpe, .. iiimii nv tiiluis to vuie twenty days in writing the judge who tusll oet railway or hotel bllla e Vm, t'llbu lh 4 wiy lf,iulif ul pluce. fair and ba iitt-uuiii- Him one who titil thai in ubmg me voaai. It im many tliu neutral uleclitin to im in the pins iuiatl of Fresh Meats, Sausage, nothing to do ageept enjoy Ufa and who ditty It wan to meet The niiiuII birb ih uml mime very lurgi in 111 jimvuiber, 1MSJ, nut ast, facta are tha editor pays hUrhvr for uud all ul t tic-- in I but 1 huve Neei with the other J hi! go nml tlie chnlrtnnu Game. Etc., Etc. oue, fc. 11 - Jin. lu order to every on a bun- - liri'ii uy prelly. 1 in ei s nbove provided for. In cat of failure, ride train limn any other i.iiu in .t in Uie priuiuty eleu 37xo ctxxy 3pcvxt een ightiiiK liob' ui hit. lup ' ,ie inie refutal or inability of th elmlrmmi of Dollvoi'y to ol Olty. IMnujenger i to do more and aktu for Iowa, llliiikudiiig uuty Is very lire ...11 n.Uai Uu it All) lllall Wilu the dkinoeratlo uxaautlve aumtnltiee 'o nothing :n uei-i-i u t n day the enuvasliig of the re than aiiy ther cltir.m ui hub work-it- i you do die fume thing ...... t berrmiwio democrat muy tor - . l , the nbove town. Men who never advi ri'n- r ami re the .ime old Aight duy alter .in 11 h iu iiint-ia- a iiMineil atutva 11 lie turn ur verfnrmlag tltltlr 1 mid 111 1 km wl him, then the un. ( en pay aiiuacriptioi seem day. The dullness Ih hoiuelinip brok- .1. ui I tci avtirott till party givu uii their by niuuectluii jurity of tliu 'judge who are nbore tiwir to think that the en by a chiiM' altera liiooaade runner, ..itn an tuuer iuuiivui pitnie ami tlues in utiona iit.un wliloh m ilium caught beeaiite thuy snthorlseil loannvnt tlm return hall I is ;uuU latin lu jMinilHUtftill) (Mlper only a eonvenhmt liihtltutli.ii mglil under a full lieml aantwiulu meetwithlii live dny after the expiration come in in lite ma ulUouic in iteniovrutiu the purponeof .ih blockading rtim parly, of tint live day, ami tlinll thru eotttit the lor getting much out oi sieani und the - 1 Ui- uiot-iiot- i Itiin-ne- r lllii. juugva III tliu (hull vote and ilrclnru uomlnve n nbuvn I snip cuu gel under full spead the nf a possible The ilor requukt ilr. d i in tim harbor. I do not ..Itu liillHUI ti Ut VUl HUU p.UM tlMIII IIU! provld for, cil to publish all kind ul free safe nuy noiicei liar mull)' book to rend beoaue they UUt ul an ipiKMUI lu totv. Itvty uuu In cam eanJIilat lmll oouteit hi IR-il- tu mimIi elei-tluii- , sou-t- from churcu faatlvil to murriage noil ara ticarw u board and I can't get iw le UuJct led to uliiti he lill give notioe of Mitli t .(..HU u auy tUatiliil uuivtui. It uii) nil oj-lle- e, beside a lot of pm-n- mi dt thaui- to other candidate for tlmt Illll uth, . . itu n UuMi tuv u tmuiliMiaetl aMiill 04 before tliu ilny for nmiulllltr: the bnl ffl kital la Lliitti u liini in r..uMt u...aiu I think the Moiigu Kidi-r- ue .rveq hu tut afiuli be piace.1 in itu Mrii "M''r eaten ami tlie uppliuunt ur lot a nliove pruvliled, and th purtl rival or inatitmion. nil for the "T' l.,,V1."'.'l1J.,.,r. l)'0 suiiiu itliuv uuitnirlsed to meet, eoiinl, nauvat UM itl Ull ll'lUUl Mlllll HltUI 111 ilrilMV " tn es beneSt of aome one nm ,i putmn of the ' battlvahlit Ucue their buttery is u ULtua tut; vitthtfpa aittl uui vniuiwpe auuu snd dselare the uooiltieshall pn 011 the Faiiaci-y- G-roceri- - n im uiuiauti oouteat nml deelnre per evfl though th- mast" ahould greut deal le-- than liiut or u baine-sbi- ifjeuuiu lur itw loaauti niul lite llitiumlnee, Hi I At Ii. Knoli jQk. Thi-- go far jiuuuui ttoeie ia,te lavts chuiiuk cniullilnto for olllee iniltl S&ipoictlty. make eneoiiea for the All the cannot without ull aticlt eoveluiMiK tln-- very uuh lejuuiuu uml an pny to tSeohnlrmnu of the dtuiiooriillo ,r eoailnir una ure htrd to vuwaau lij UleUI work the willing l.ivi tin. c unti uml MUiatt Up execnllve comiiilltee nt tlin time he .lib-m- il i bui.illi in it rough sea They ure iu Oe I does i kindly (Kali rtiiiiitiit iiwi pupvla Ut luu hi name lu writing a nbove pro- nM riuokt d. -l deieii-.- ami for bom uildllHmu ul iiri " HtuueilMMItalltivAvi'UUVyeutlf for, the nf $6.00, wliloh shall tottwrltiiHi colniiuis .,nu paying out barding torii.; they are very hunt to miiUcvi "U suuii ue eoHSttliired ur uUihm vided mint &c uu he ned by the ehnlrman for the purpose Ssirfield Kt4 mah for piittiug it in tyie t hit So, tin-- do noi try to ruu over ui at tue nine ute iruair jikiue uieai vu Gantry you in t lie navy but Just the oilier 4taaa ilte leiuiu aUUUeciMlvUM result, of defraying tn ueeeeaary exteHse. lioom theatritai The edi- votes an im fotlowlng ntliser whleli way; they give you a I the chuuee in luutua.ui.aeu ahaii uihw up The are the for tor la eiNMrttfcved i imggar, though he uuu uupi.cii ui ftrt by the pumas wno tioinlntMiir to be mad: the worbl to .bow whut you are. You uixtai iu meet, prices m rat it auiu uuinn irm it Une probate Judge. Baloonn three urn for a the nuv) under MXteli mf Vi.ti.p' cannot enter turu ami uuetatM iHe iceuiia, ami then Three enmity uomuiisaleners. tidvi-rtisin- g u to allow; iu the. nlmw. and you b.iM- tu hi.iinl very hunt leii iiu) attail aaven-U- I I rum wmi Iv.utHa Mllil voinuluenii of body and a greut m my lutieiualulr Une tiierllf. Then a how will be in iu' luuiluutt lui, iiui mtrftber Uii mridunt ieiy I home pir. t vuitwi-a- lui ate reaiwutiitt probate clerk. - other tbiiuti. uamintaus Ih- . 1 Une dolleetor nud Ireaiurer. IMMjnwni liiUW it .uggHl. by mi tie v tor i iiituiina the two 1ml 4i aim all tue cUaiitUlgvU vutaa i pftrue Wines, Liquors. Cigars. tJ JMpef that good bo r down u lut-- uuuut auu mujniI uaii Ue uiuueil with Uae aieeur. liny bought iu sinking tin pumvi iruii - tuUMt I ibi- ivguiar ir.'Wi tuui iukIiuiI, ai.u Oa UterlnlejideHt nf pablle neliuul. Well, thai i an for hi lime; - . chraper than ut home i I Nil'" t.tuM- iMal ait-1- by y Onletfo ml - iiw aUUll al Uae arvey or. Noxt tlaor to .Hotel Windsor, EDDY, N1SW pieuae senn uie u i i i nun- in a iMEX. the Chicago printer t fnqw ntiy iihkk I'lne UttUvdiuuu iu ute Ut tile One enroner. while when ou gl uibuiice. public. ((tloted aa a criterion by which tojudge Viiuik truly, (ias road eapermtefHlent In eaeh vol! eg Tin. So one aball be sliuaed to vote preeiuei. the ho printer No claw I.IM i.,S K AN. u III t of paopia I'et iUlal.IV null piei'MMU t'ki't-U- WbCU J. Oapeias. Ui- t in , Uo ;mu u i. - in the country are so deserving ui MUIU4 tue iUUUe I Ou. t!oui Si Robertpon- .MeeUwe 1 - . Oka ruin a mt. Brown Nolke ol tha Annual of the tuai 11 imp 'iuK- auu luiprui'iii-auM- lur aotirteaies as iba newspaper men, IN) e Atock holders of (he Pecos UUU lo ill ill. uft II Jiltk'iurl, 4Ull HlUal Angull iliielHiea will do lisitte irwv. thiHw who Valley A Northeastern. Uuw auuu uiiU uttlatat i.jij ...iiu( atUud strictly to . i. uf Um tog CrtaJly tut-ic- and ilrayiug jrromptly. BLACKSMITHS ry Co. and only take u vaealion oac-ve- KaiKay All aew ! M ' ... .lute wiiiim un pre-i.- n klndtuf workaaeeelaly & year or K'i i'i ls'.',. iiaya CtDQJ iwo. Iinllurt are gener . i nm. tu Uin.ii, Notice of Sheriff's Sate K.r.iiliia or al Nut ' : I ii ' i It I ne .Hi io.ih' :ci ur pieejui I -- Hy Petit III. nil .4 nl v.t. 1..111 .ui ream T. MtliM) kiii.U pairee, un hui 1 iiotle . m 1 rued tor eaatn egpend4 in nuai u ' ' " . ' ii. i'i'klioiiii-- i ii ii.iii.'i Xf I.. 1 MI4II KUUIItll lil ..llUiUf ttt v i i ..rtlii-4steri- i yy ofttttftaJulNf litem, heeause .liny Ka.i 1 IUM. there ar the l' .1. '! tue ui .urn .1.1. uaaSSHlVt' HMHIK fll'AKAK t agon majcorp, '. i - . or HoatNO ! I.eiil It I lift jfe i , im- hi-,.- ar virtu eaeeuiiua Who d not deaerve far better wuf ' ii '..ii.-.- .iii, ..tiiiue by eg or 'ttr?5t AT U I' ut il.l Sim M u thiol iseuaa out thu tbi:u lX?K ll eralottu ttut,!',! in ...i..ti.iii win. tiiii in aub ul ot guujr, temuu-- 1 and Livery Ueutmeni than they receive. It thouhi I - oourt ooaaiy of Corral neeiay th tilth duy n ueutwet , H,at in... in- .uuuiii itu ii.iute la the .oaUisudjiy ol UeptoaiW. tvtt. therefore be a pleasure in- - .. eMe IMM ABUVU fFo.Ml Is fefctf people the hour nf I if ukiM sof, t Hi- - .v .1 in. .1. iu r...i. iiiiii.u;ias, auu A. P. IU I'llIIIUtfi (lamuse it is pi. Atuh'ei to purpnsi- - of Miitting a boara o: .tin in uuii, auu u(,iuii ail lite obtained lifajiat!ulaad'i t'anon PL Op. Current entertain ..It iuiiu. in . Illlltl4l. Ill uueaUali Ma.1 a oraeTot sitatisfucion, tore fur the year u tor iiti-M- lb editors. ewminf ..ui ... 111 11. j Mtm 1. Ufni't'. aaay Im- - iiiauiuui., flUl or, A. 11. . wnisa uth oiher biulneas as u. Ii u ;ll uln 1. ... (BMBlatld g order ul sale wa dale - iut-nii- 1' itt- I . Ul 1. 1. - ElaStslurv. UnliCiti in- tt I'mtid lore saiu l.ttittlill l!.t.. Ueciai- U vol 1 put ...... 1 OAal. ... ' ii. ii.i.i. ni ll. ...i. . ,1 nu puke tu kit tuat ci i .mi 1. ojbww arm nave an vt u , war ft .iy ii 1 ml. ii i) I in in tain .awUUVl land tliu tyiaai - - Illy 01 iUllMMdit. Neither I In- c mill. 11 t- 1U11IJ u t4Si'. I'blllpplttv ur ol f.'io ub S aariii-ulsrlj-r - I vrti iiatray Notice. Btifviiig Uu.- nen u.gbil - (Hihau iKurjintH win vuie. 14.- UWU aoaiii'in, in tae Iowa SANTA FE ROUTED .iii.tu a. 11. iiii-ui'O- i - (i; Taken up ui tin. i ty Aug umii in in,, mw li..:i- i ;lt. of u. oiuxary uniuiiig iiuir gdme to i -- . . U Ueeebv TirHEL IMMnoehttrte denTibed as uitt i m u4i. i'tjiiu.1 .i , 1.1m wiulii eiii SHORT lolNE TO I roilow: , . taw Mm day 01 iietouer, rub uud plund. r he ... ..i..-,- Iir. v 1. ill W11, lku ia Sday, - calied revo ,IM. uImhiI abueu A. v. lava, tat- uuur. vum .'igi.t y.uh 11. 1, , ,1 oeiween lution u -- i u-- eigin ni .in. in aii t)i a. m. Slid io'c-l- p. m. ul gainst palu only an old brand. U o on Hugh on left - 8ft. eieuae ut-..!'.'" ii.i.i hi un, their IkjuI ul lite vuurt huua dnur ia the wwu Ohicmgo, Louis to plunder uud I neb miu will have a shoulder 11. It iIaKi: uaui'- - i'i annua Ut Hi.- - ui km couaTy 01 I will, luabutQ , .mm IM IUd. M. UllVl-tlxnr- i ! Job ui ' i nand - V4dy, S. t t. euuiiuiitee, niiii fur saa writ ana order ul mu iu to kill them a 1. Oity , 11 I'lai-e- mueu ibsfl Kansas ,a', b.- 1 .. and 11 prupiriy. cuu iipi ii ..mi every iiscribtd i.ri f they will earn Fttu i A h .uu-o- . . aiajr be rn'oeMary pi n4 mt and rtffbt Hn neat four ruua i.atwaii i me I vuuierilu with aii't TnuKfort ft El Ym - iaiWeiii ETCSsifieT-M- ir lu tu.- oprn . ,, h.pnn tarda, yive Main t Aiviy at this ..i.i.ii. r. o) iiiMisa.1. !l M. . un ! in-- - in. .iul iu 11.'. aeUvefed ladaauuii it u'l.x lila win- ki-- In the autouult is ask for hat Card ami Alaps of Tear Mearset A cent, or write Fine AMaiia MsHsey. a 1.. ul tuv i.pulliK 1. puila, Ul sum uleus sTdauiaue wiiumtwm Uuesoa I'liilippniea the wteg; i.'i.'-- i uuiuiii-- , ,. aasottJtug Ut tit uin u aud 111 eoei V 8. HOUailTMK W, be.bin thin !it- - lit.' luupei viaateeu Jf IIUUK, At tin "iiiy Suet per. uuart - hIi ittv-- e tickt'ta las sad taewwi ol taittate n i'iit.,i ,nd .tI wa hd KtatUd lueri- a. ..initu HMg I). lf. and A., Uen l. Ilais, to UUnr. u iu ii, honey Ibcts iluued. K ii .i) at tlie nm ,mi phiee I. Agent, vur ttiimrll Bl liewty ibese hi and will per aeettun. :u ui l.i4utii. el vultag niuai piuvuie Iruiu 11. ludjei til Mr K H. Arsjstroaa, neputy lto, 'I'exaa. TJiifka, Kansas, The Hdltorlal Hxiurslon. barroom. Theyrdiould bo permitted W. II. Woods aid family left for ' . Pocos Valley Railway Co. LOCAL The editors and ladles of tho West r Up to DatoatUambTe's. Toxas 1'rcM Association, thirty eight arched with groves ond carpeted with Agents wanted for tho best selling sxxxdL 4IMP0RTAHT 0ATEWAYS4 tho richest graM and most i i Vf. II. Woodi roturned Monday from lu number, nrrlved Thursday on the nutritious potent machine in tho world. Terrl n special, coaoh having been cereals; tho transformation having tory Pecos River Railroad Go. Alamogordo. train, taken place In ths last seven years lights will be exchanged for real placed disposal by Manager estate. Miss Surah Doiitliltt, witao down at their inrnugn too magic toucn or irrigation, A fortuno for somo onergctio Time Tabic No, the V. K. Ity. 1 Invite you to come to tho 1'ecos Val- e from itoiwoU. Snturdoy, to visit hor Faulkner of l. AN. man. are anxious to oloso out l a business and ley. New Mexico, erstwhtlo the Imme In effect Wednesday, Deconibec 1st, rents. Tho party hud held Now Mexico and Arizona. IKi Wednesday, oi tho festive coyutnnnd theemiiire of law?, nt 0 o oiook u. tn soolnl meeting In l'coos, Hilly tho wo H. KitToitUM, Kddy, N. M. . and A. h. Dotialaiw Kid. Thero will show Standard Central Time ,1.0. Cnmoron when Mr. Smith of tho reoos News you great recos, went un to lion? this week, Isnvlnir the Jim whose bottom uarus are out announcing tho mar woh elected prealdolit, und (', N. liar is not on toil, and in whoso body the Wodniiday. riage of Itev. Jno. h. Kell and Miss .1 rls of the Ulg Sprlng,l,untagraph sec- fructifying waters never h umber. lUiURt.l There wo will show you the largest Altneo Ileatrico Hilton Uot. 12 at tho siariTs I'u r a Uniuula Sap at (lamblo'8. retory. Tho pdrty was escorted from Mill .1-- 1 i.-- anu most rangntticent artificial body or rresbytorlan church. i itai Mva Mllr u. The breaking of rIom by boys In the train by a committee appointed by water on tho continent -- eight miles iy Ke.t stooped. one la the men's club of liddy and long and four wide, covering When sloksond and got a bottlo of ill 2-F- Kdtlv should be If bushiest miles . ast Tralns-- 2 caught In thin Infernal tnlsohluf lot nn wore token to Hotel Windsor where n nearly 1 1.000 acres, nnd capable of Ir- Albert h. Dunn's Monogram whisky rigating land enough to feed the wholo tliobostlu the west fbrsalo at Kemp cxdlnplo be inauo. good dinner awaited them. After population DAILY of Wyoming. Including & Woorners, f fL IS Tho coiivciition to nontlnnto a oan dinner tho party was shown over the Finns mid Indians not taxed. We mffr KddjmaRordo Is whntpeoplo call tho dldatu for ruprosonttitlvo In tho lew' fruit exhibit and tho town, continuing will show you a distributing dam ten For St. LOUIS, GlllGQUO on to Itoswell. Friday tho purty re miloR bolow this reservoir, which feeds new town on tho Kl l'aso Si Nortli- - la, tiro will moat nt Itoswoll next nn I2.-- Irrigation canal forty miles in oastorn, beciuso so many of Its citi- htirmlay Ulitli. turned nt and were ugatu shown li 1 and the EAST. f tin length, not Including laterals, and fiS aver Ilugermuti Jloigiils, mo ueei Is zens nro old time Kddyitos. Tho ladlos of tho llupttit Aid society which capable of lloatlng tho Span- sugar factory, and taken In carriages ish navy. We will show you vine- Tho headquarters and shops nro will Borvodlnnor anil sunncr In tho Superb Nw Pullman Veitlkaled around town. Tho regulur truiu was yards which produce grapes, tho n fi- not looated at Itoswell yet. Itospcct-ful- ly old I'leroo & Wnlkor stand In tho Tan of was never Duffol Sleepers. , lar which slnnod br fab i Ilsndssms held until three p. in looal time. The , dedicated to the estcumcd Itos- Bill block to-da- (Saturday). All nro party wus as follows: led god or modern gold-bug- nnd I New Chslr Cars. iSesU frss I personnel of the orchards which yield peaches, apples well press. I W Invited. F. Ilarher. D. C. Iiimbuugh.T. .lim and plums In ftiantity unequaled nnd Machinery to develop the sulphur ii ill $ Mr. ond Mrs. John I'leinliifr woro In Tom Story und wile, J. Scldlllngs, in duality Wo will -- unexcelled. tnko mines at UMudalupo Is dally. M Si Only Line Runnln Thrcuh hud oomo lid C. lluker, ah ot Mineral wells; Alt you through the pioneer sugar factory arriving & town Tuwiday. They Just Hinks und wife, liarstow. J. T. w. Gch c and Sltepors lo New ltddy. N. M., and wuro tiiukltij: J. of arid Amorlca, the slto of which n J. It.iMoLennthon Isft lust Saturday from hoe, Dallas: Miss M. JJriiry. Ul rusoj few years ago was tho homo tho Orlsana Without Chance, , Toxns.-Su- of for Itllzubethtown N, Y. in response preparation to jro to Sonora, ii s. 1. wiilard. Kastluudi Miss Jennie frolicsome prairie dog and the tryetlng to a telegram announcing the serious & CAMERON, Suba (Tox.l Nowb. Christian, Miss Itoxlo Taylor, Miss iiticc oi nroniwio uiu. fREEMAN Ada .Massif, .miss joiiu rrueii. wii- - "Wo will show you the finost valley Illness of his wife who is there on a WRrrr i.ihb to Ituv. .Inn. Kell loft for Itoswull thin K. I., M. ilum Adams, (.killings, h. In tho west, the most complete Irrlga visit. Al LAW, morning to conduct ttio funeral Rorvl liully, Virgte Massle, L. M. Merrlman. Hon In world, AIIORffl Arizona, syntfm the nnd nt thi w, w. Ogle town con of Ohu. H. SpurkB. Oonseitnontly F. J. Kraus.all of l'etvw; A. W. Itaw samo time exhibit to you ono of the of Itoswell wtis in KDDY, NBVt'M there will be no preaching snrvlctw in llm, Jr., Miss Huwling. Mrs. It. Qum, lluest and largirt orchards In tho land, Monday and Tuesday. New Mexico Virtrii Aloriuen, .miss iiriuin, oi .miu blooming and nourishing upon ground hear Hmery FRANKLIN the I'rosbyttirliui ohuroh to.morrow. laud; C. w. Simpson, Colorado Cltyi which source a ago Turn out and Judgu JOHrt decade was a broad opera Calffornlo. W. It. Owon and Dlok Wicker re- rang jirniiuy .mux ii. aihiiows, Jirnco and arid waste. Wo can take you to lecture Mondny night at Uio H. Oliver and J. L. Stephenson, of Aid two sprltiffs whose Joint How Is ovoi house onjfarm ant! 'irrigation topics. ATOSffl? AT turned Monday noon from Dog Cunon, - leue: C. N. Hums and wile, C. u- - Ai- 100 cubic feet of water per second-wa- ter Admission free. ut t. , TMOrtNl, C. P. TURNCR, whoro they klllod llvo duor una rt bear - doruiau nud wife, Ulg Springs; Jack sulllolent to Irrigate over 10,000 BDDY, - - NMW MflX V TfcM viM.rite'1 oMiaj wagon In town yester- 1 1 iu.r bilmjliiK home tho polls and u Biuall Loo. Fort btocton. acres of tho richest boII between sous An apple wtis mm ft . iai fin. Xit., quuntlty of inout, It belnir too warm J. T, W. Loe, of Dallas, tho represen We oan take you to another spring day from Itoswell. QIUHI.SM H. WUirillE, N 0 I IIAIX.VH. TltX.Vt). where wnters beneficial to Buve much of it. tative of tho Western Newspaper Un tho are more Try ltoso Valley whisky for salo at than those of Carlsbad, and which, if IHshop W. W. Dutiotiti, of North ion, will desorlbo the wholo trip for tho taken In broken doses, will restore Kemp & Woerner. Met Itewat. ant. X 51 linnd S lletsl W'tiidMr Carolina, pawed through town yester- Western Now simper Union, which In youth to old ago and health to tho In- OflMe llMtt, 0 te ts m, aaS 4 te i . m, to I to well, whoro ho stitution supplies hundreds of papers valid, and which If taken In largo tins day es Cov5 Wanted, Sunday, lllihop Dun- In Toxus with ready prints, so tho will quicken your movomonts while will remain over Increasing your nppotlto. You will l'artlos wishing to dl8ioo of Cows Cii. wiiintrT, m. ii. 00 YEAHS can will prosido over tho Methodist I'eoos Valley will he heard from breathe tho purest nnd most oxhllernt for fowlers can find a buyer by apply- EXPERIENCE oonferonco of New Mexico and through him to a greater oxtont than log atmosphere, and enioy during your I). annual ing to J. Walker. OttkeNil Wont Toxns, to be held at Kl I'uso any other of tho members. Two of stay the grandest and most perfect IMbm, lleHHl astT.Mlll pllihnieon It, II. I'lerce came down from the 0lb ,w4 faMHhr f at Rlhl jioxt week. tho editors, Mr Simpson of tho Colo earth. "Come to !tho l'ecos Vullov. Now mountains last night. Will II. Locke, tho getitleiniiiily rado Spokesman, and Mr. Harbor of Mexloo, with rour Irrigation congress, the Mineral Wells Success, wcro com enmo to Kddy, Its corns Mr. nnd Mrs. Curl Itolwrta havu a AUgflll & BilQS theatrical autor who hu rosltlod In metropolis, iIbSHsbSbSbSbSbSbK to-da- y un Tnsoc Msnaa de- polled to remuln until on uc- - where Irrigation can bo studied und now boy at Iholr homo who put In 1 JSddy for ti oouplu of months Dcbionb whro Its wonderful results are tho uppwirauco lust Sunday. COPVniQHTB Ao. parted Thursday Tor Kort Worth. Mr, oouul of missing thu train. marvel City Livery woro of tho uko.'1 Anrrmo trnAlnt a ikotHi and i1,rflwion m.y Locke painted till (ho scenery for tho good number of .tho editors Yco Ho, a ('hlnumun who has been qiii.klr ureruln uri.iuni.-- fro. whrtli.r an aggre Inr.ntlnn It pMb.bff iMtvnlaMe (Ntmmunlfiu opera house and put ott two plays to not editors ut uli, especially tho Church Notice. proprietor of the It. K. restaurant, will Stables. iiiiniainci mnail.ntl.l. Il.nUbnnkon I'.tonU nt froo. I'I'lo-- t .nrr fur .pmrina i i.nit. crowded houses while here. gatlon from I'eoos, and such Imposi- Nov. Fattior Jouchlmo Krookn will leave for China shortly with about r.tvNl. Ukeii ihfoiifh Mann A (.o. tee.iTe should not bo tolerated by the 8lo,000oi good money. 4i mnut, wunnui cnirtv in lun Carlisle Dlslimuii, the llvo year old tions nrrlve lu Kddy Tuesday, Sept. 27, and ussoalutlun. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Dlslitimn, will remain two or three days to at- Leopold llertrund, a graduate of tho Scientific Jitnericatn all Chicago, A lllnitrll wMklf. of Malaga, was brought Into town on tend the spiritual necessities of Northwestern Uental School, Nobby Rigs on of tnj ncniioo lonrn.l. frMtTerm., IJ a . L. Douglass, for the past two Bolil . tiur mnnlln, IL bjll newtilMl.r. to have :i fracture .... . - faithful christians of tho Catholic recently arrived from Louisiana and tun t Jktruln yesterday years una until lust spring a tioiuck Short Notico MUNN&Co.30,B'Md"" Hew York thigh reduced ouused by being church. will practice dentistry in Kddy, onho smith in Kddy, returned lust Monday HUcSLcly. Ik.ucb uiUco. & r tU WMhlnmun, II. U mornlug. Too, a Chinaman working In kicked by a horse yesterday from Montatik 1'olnt, where lie wus White Squadron nt (lamble's. (long Dr. Whluhor s,it the Injured member Hotel Windsor laundry, and Kstuila mustered out of service us a Hough The year 18US bids fulr to go down and the little follow Is now doing well. Urlggs.n colored girl, chamberm ml in ItldorJuBt week. Douglass says his to history as tho ralnest known for of the hotel, were married by Hoy. Kell, The wugon stolen ;rom the rear company, or wnicii ucorgo uurry was years in the l'ecos Valley and stock FRESH shop Sunday. Ilobertson & Ilrown'R blacksmith cuptuln, did not get to go to Cuba, ranged adjoining- The pant week litis last woek was found by Sheriff Stew- some wcro compelled to slay been ,(iilto showery, Monday's rain frank Kcklos, of Chatnnooga, i'enu,, art - ho tall .weeds In .Dark Canon, nud the decision on his compuny wus wotting thu ground considerably. Tho Is stopping with K. A. 1'opp at Lake health, Groceries. Thu. .ay of last week, but he allowed reached by Curry throwing up u ulcklu stock ranges will bo in good condition Avalou for It to remain wiftchlug It In tho intmn-tliu- o Mux und Luna won. Ho with Luna for winter If the showers continue. "A. Swindler'' is the name that onto I for the thief who It uppcarH wui that the troop ho wuh lu over the olllee a desire to inform tho miblic fclint J lutvo onoiied un in further states Mules for flares. appeared door of too cute to remuvo It. never failed to drill three times each struggling lawyer in a city in Ca ida. tho building recently ns Bon fnrlcut. T To I rodo: Two learns of woll broke A friend of the unfortunate genu man known Ton am Col. It. W. TniiBill returned Tliurs-da- y day from tho lime they btruok San ouu mules for good brood mares. suggested tho advisability of his writ- constantly ruooivinir now and frosh irrocorios. keen on to escort tho editors from l'eoos. Antonio until they were tuiistereu W. F. Dauohkutt, ing out his first inline in full, thl '.ting Ills trip over the country has been ox Douglass looks well and says ho feels Kddy, N. M. that Arthur or Andrew Swlndh-r- . as hand all kinds of confections, cigars and tobaccoH. heralding well, though many of tho boys were tho cuso might would sound better coedlugly proline In the Tom Johnson nnd family loft yester- h. J3. 11. (Jamhlk. valley. while regiment wusut Tampa. than the slgnlllcant "A Swin ller," liwiutlos and advantagtM of the slek the day for Ahimogordo. when tho lawyer, with tears it. his Nearly every big daily in the cities has When Douglass started for the war eyes, whispered to him that his immo jiud him Interviewed and you bet he his sympathies woro with the "down- Send your ordors to Croslor & Mur- was Adam I'lnltsuioiilh Journal. i ouus molting a handicap was name In 0) fluve them good Interviews all rlghtj trodden Cubuns." Now he soys ths ray for fruit and self So great his Spunlurds uro good people compared wax strings tho law business that the man was Father II. Kompker writes that ho is compelled to abandon the prote ion, spending a very enjoyable vacation with the grave robbing set of outlaws so to Omuha and opened ,t de- Notice of Mortgage Sale. he catnn $25.00 Aero with old frlrudH and relatives nt St. called insurgents. partment store nnd has ever mco Per Nollpe l lutreby Klrmi, Hint, wliertns on nourished In huslnoss.- - I'enny 1'ross. i'oul, la., his childhood home. From Mr. Will II. Locke is loud In his tenilMiny ouuiKi a. u. im, it. n. nron-ii- i Old Cultivated Laud. millostloiia Hither Kompker mill (Iraoti . llroiiMiii. hla wllu. nutria. present praise of the courteelos received in lUieouteU nilit aullvud loone I'. Dummo. SUAU-WHHKL- Y iIikhI, TUG NHWS will nln-ti- t October 8. Though their eertnlii Mortgage lienniitf Ulc 80 acres, all fencod and houao, fully paid rctdrn Itoswell by the Kddy Drumutic Co. lust of Mid Inn niHutuiiii-i- i any, vonveylnK In and small his health Is not the best, it is to bo week, Thursday and Frlduy. Ho says inortimK (lie iierelnnlter iletcrlbeO uroii-nrl- y, THU CUURHNT water right, one-four- th milo from station. ctit-tal- Torms: imped to Micuro the wtniaiit oi n ho will ho spared to Ills many tho citizens hud ourrluges awaiting ut prumUiuiry iuIp nmUa ly lUrni In Invor ol A.t tx Voi'y IjOw Pi'too 800.(X) cash, balance mortgngo for fchroo yours (or Wnl-ih- ll Eddy friends for many years to come. Eddy people Milil Liomliily't), dm prlnuliial iiim ot The Soml-Wcck- ly News (Onlvsaton or thu train tor tho und that ii.uw.w, togiibctwltn tlieron nt Is tmbll.heii 'ru'etMlnra mill fridnet. with G of juir Wfiroin ourlinretannum (ruin the intorost at per cent. Mine Finnic Digger entertained all woro shown over tho sights around rate ten lincu iMue cotuuu ol t itb . ! Thtrs UhIooI nui'ii note, tlietfiltilAV ol Keliruary are apeotal dwrlinentt lo.r t w fanner, ths friends Thursday evening, Sept. 2i!tid, Itoswell. Tliv II rut evening's perform A. 1). until il(l, wliU'h lintel due milt Indloennd tiia boys nnd i,Vli,11W'l " (Niyntile three your Irdni l' date, which world ot utniornl newa I,l,,&t24?S In honor of lior eighteenth birthday. anco was woll atteudrd. tho receipts mid nurniage li recorded fa bouk A o( tbe eUj. uwttei; & o( iirilcloa. We oner Set,'1y McLcnathcn Traoy, The parly was n most enjoyable one footing up to about 8U.OO. The play- iiiuri.aMe reronU till enmity, Territory Newa and the Cuhiiiivt ior 11 mnnlii Inr tile ol New Mexico ut III to JIb Inolunvei ' KIV&S hio low clubblnc nrlce ol M.7S enth tills Opn, Hotel VIlldior, and everybody hud a good time. Thoeo ers are said to have dons oven better And whorea It ni pnivldwl by Mid you inree (Niimra a ween or isa imtHirir Real Ejtatc and jnpuranoc. Htta lilnkeley, the given Mortgift deiHl Hint uliould defnult lu Hie lorn rldlouloutly low price, liknu In .'ir present were Misses than in either of renditions tmiuent ol Mich note. rmiy iKirt tlirrvof. utibarriptlon nt 'mnr. Agues Illakeley and following firlucliMtl or liilenxl, he nistle itist then li Luoy Itohcrtson, lu Kddy, The night tho hould Ihi Hie duty ol Mild liumlnlee, or fVhu Nymbyeri Mossrs. Will Mount, 'stuudlug room only" sign wus out ut iiitnuucaMMjroreuiMitiiiiuiu melt mort KHge mo jilace IjLWOIIK (lUAltA.S't'UItU. Elflutt Jlendrluks, John llsrvoy and eight o'clock und the itoswell people iitHKi. uimr uuvuriimiiK iuie, ana isriu ui inn urn A ATTIIC thu as greut u success ml iroHtrty lu n iiuwipaiier imblMied In Ed Urr. voted minstrels istiay n, i. iur a my unyi to tmy inui iriur F. bluyolo 1b up a as Kathleen. Tho surprise of Itoswell tlie ol uuh wle. lor at rant (Itree hliee J. Tho club getting dunuR Mien tunc, i mii tin hereinafter MATHESON, tournament to ur Saturday, Oct 1, people It said to have been something MruiHl iinMrly In Hworilnmo with hicIi Kddy should have so odvertlM'inenf nt public auction in O. wonder! ul that K. at the hail grounds, where the race Iruut ol lite turt Iiuumi nl Kdilv uuunlv. Is now being flits!. excellent u dramatic company. The Turrliory oi Now Mvslco lo iim hlaliest bid- - course The main dr lor cwli, miIIIiik nil ol nucli nrunariy Blacksmith onmmission rau will 1)0 u fl.e uillo hundluap. Sev. oampaiiy returned Saturday about 0SU An onlln ly mid lo iiMke due cuiivoyano" to the purchai or urvluiet, with rlli-ni-l onil good riders, among them II K. flhoud bostdsedssd loads of fun. wnrnniy hiilndhii the Mid li. n. liruiiwu Cakhugkhhop. sou timet- - v llruueon nnd their Uelpn ami And Gonornl Dates, Crozlcr & Murray's Lloyds and Everybody culls for Itoso Valley iwelgiM. And wuerwti Mid inurtBSHB deed JTomnrdliifr W laliiMl lurlhur nruvialon thai. In avHiil gun rejMiiror, and llert I.sok, A. It whisky at Kemp & earner's. Flrstflnaj hlseftswlttiliig, imlHt-lu- g ol toe KUMmue ui wia , IMminice. a mm-a- ht Oarrinne Teeple and sovoral others have sgrevtl OMipr ur uoouiuui tui be aptwIfltMt by ami wosrt work of all kinds. (be buidur ul Mid , uikiii who til liioilia Hay, Grain, Seed, In up I'ostuin CsrtHil (lamble's. ut. Feed, Blacksmith to usslst making a rsos. at doeeend nil the sowi-i-h- ncludliui tae do w- - etflng msehlne and Coal er to ell uch ph,prty under thu tcrni ol all kind, uf repair. ",'E and itiilt-rre- Ice Hob Wllllngliem was kicked li his following Is a Col. Micb iiiortiMgv, by euvli inortasge delivered iu tho City. The syuopsls of aoau unuu . uu wnereaa roiiiid-i- ii win t uoiinuicei saddle horse while on u nmr Tiinstlls speeli before ths Irrigation I. I. 1 . Hiulth U now ttw leaal owner ul Kddy. X. M. lKBI) ("ol-ur- Mid uot.' und the ludul)tednt. whluh It the lint ranch Thursdsy. an " - ilTAULB eougrsss at chsysnns: evident-- and where) Mid I'. IhiuiIiiU-- be- FOR cowman, was en! town a ng I row I he v nitua . Amur- - LITTLE MOHK THAN TflB other to for Mr. , ladle nd gsntlsiuen iibeenl stale I'rsiilut m aud una uw ui ftt'i uuurr ui-- iuoi lajauu 5B0TH PH1GE OF docior, UtsviiiK at one and arriving ul of lbs Irrigation congress: m U. T Smith h lu willina ONU. ... eight, Williams slsrUNl "Uelors Mriectitig u phtee for ths next itnolBted the underlBUHl lu the tilacr ol FOfC5ALOre lloraiw al i did r noniinifM, iviuiiiii. fit hint nil ii.m TRAP. p. in. nine, meeting oi imoungiusH permii ins, oowr by Mid uVortiMRe slveii to Tills It the best offer arer maile b My three and arrived about f - u modest wy. to iirsut tits claims lev i lo Mire tkie HOflei. SMke the Mle oro- uw.iBH,r. We Mttil tn Ik mtkasttt-- f notifying the doctor not to coin but vlilt'd lor br It, the cuuvuaucu (o bo inadu 'THU five h town which is S4laptei , of TVlCfl.A.VmiK - tu- - or iturchaM-ra- to dl ut HradM, tm- to wad some medicine as Hob was lin HHd most aptly sltuuUHt for such it to urvluioer and near a triiroii'iDe luuaor raiiiHU ir.nn UCIl ale iio.vfdl. call on or uiiuio, it Mial (Hduaement, Mm I IIII uiui-liian- d.-t,- h proving. Ths dial nice to the nineU U mestlng. The town refer to is yet as MIU mmjBBBBMMBJBBW ailvlmw nud uitb unknown to In me, but less so tliar. I, And wlivroae Mid nom m now ttuc-- ami uu seventy utile mid with uoi I w t'.i.- - MlLUUt, about ths rids was Dululh before i'rootor Knott guvs paid, and tnare in u uuu on Mine tlx' Only one ulisiiRe t horn nt ( 'Isytoii priiiciuai puiii oi ,iiw.w. tuajt'inur Willi the well, N. M. It worm renown, nor mas so than wws-- 1 um ol ss a portion oi iuti-rv- i due .ii 4 Weils in six hour- - was very good Hint beautiful city before the night Mid nom un to and Includlna the Slot ot (k tuber A U. thu day uu .ntli thu ri'i ooinplete uumher.. 18 Will Williiiguuni toft at ten with tlmt i'at Mallatly was killed and J elf in ts Mie I to uu (lie naiw of the wus marshal. rtiuanor mrn.iout'a tutdi nholoMt illuttratlnui nnd niedlelns. Carr insta'lvdas eity Iwlancc oi aaid luUiruet Uavlnii bean iMtld mlB4lniiioat t here is and should be an eternal ne'w 1 hurtlure, the uudanlfnod. ntreby readlnc tlmt uiotiejr oan buy. S. ivt notice thai on the But day uf October Lumber Yarl Judge J. Kiitsry, of Liiwrtiiieo, fitness to ail tilings A convention of s ii. ltd' at tit hour ol clvvuu o' t lot' K msas. is in tho Pity, the guest of Col. brewers or distillers would scarcely thu inoi iiiiis, lu trouit ot the eouth Iruut ' oourt oUMoliiddy county, lu The Regular Price ofjliis one Paper is It. W. Tanslll. The Judge la one of wlvet a temperance town like tills us A. N. l'ltATi1, I'rop'r. S1.25 aYear. u nluue or meet intr Tim gold wing of , J3 Khiixhb' HttltUtrs and one old of the the democrat pferty would soursely go the nigMfli Dww iur osmi, um tromtny We offer both publications in irrigation movements, be- hold cpuf& br astir ismignfs aatd, UtFUk Luuibor, pl Jiieers to Denver to its lutionul couveii vrmss" TWIOK-A-WKK- KtlUatiiiuu id lb aJui&Ild f t TI1H Hun to u und ex ladlilaBM ItRl'UIIUO. I A Y 12 A II ing the national lectuior of the nomlnatu candidate it 00 now. and the cost ol MICU Miu. la 1 I U A A Auti-Lyuchti- ig is mUtt slime 8lM) s year hoi) fl U' (eoagrew. Judge Kuiery irol Cleveluud. The fuauoe i wim ua in wnihm Of irrintttton society would steer clear of Texas. A murutuw oaeu, awwi T HH SUNDAY MAOASSIHB, UNLl lh I wld deliver an uddrsss at Tuiislll opera Mtfd I, Uffi which sloue It 81.23 a year, for l fill loiullst gutlisrintr would scarcely must JSu ntu QrSi Alv V lOlt UOTHi bouse Monday night t formers and on Rxohaugo liuew lu New York City. n mmSft MwikUli Wlito you reus your iibinrlptlou do others interested utid us ohurgo what--, not loss tlKht tbls IpUudld offer.' where Its meufbers ouu see Irrigation of ever will be m alt qre expected . ins riHKis snu nimiinRuss ts mm nwdj, in full inouiure and rounded jiyrfey-Uo- MianinHB or aDUWiainitiiT tn , j H-- OSl L0UI8' to turn out. y , without going Into a osnveuleut SSB JN0. lIUKSytt. Sfi8 ti lata. A.drisIJord.rlorjriJJJ2 BBPUBLIC &' LS DOQS USED IN THE KLONDIKE. LIMP IN FASHION. GYPSIJ5S OF SPAIN. that have been made by Chrlitlan peo- IN THIS ODD COltNEH. mule, oarh carrying three hundred (Ivlil Keeker I'lnil "Hloa'ti" Omiliifi le ple In their behalf. pou n lie ot cUver, a prize which ho to upon TO II nf Ureal Vain. In Bpaln the gypsy Is In hi glory. teema have looked at a baga- AdfllOSNT WAL89 HBOALLB telle, for ho If yon are going to proapett In JMOVRMBNT TO TUB NORTH His gifts nnd grace run In tho dilu QUEtin ANIi OUHIOUB THINOS loft It behind! Morgan MI8PORTUNH TO PRINQIS8. won quite Alaska and expert to a lORTND HBVOLUTION. tion of horse trading and training: AND BVENT8. enough to enable him to trnrol muah bribe government pair of good "glwMh" dflgg are very tenting, lying, smuggling, with an the Including, thoro Aped hj the Whale tHnn-!- nr at th highway robbery or murder; It very little doubt, the Merry Monarch j eaaentlnl- - alnwat IndlapetMnhte. Theae I'ntltlml I'mrer mi Ihe t'enliitalN (lltli Old Time Hm-llnte- rt .Veiled I'renrh f hlmeelf). nnd lleeeiitrle tftje HHIliry d dancing inualc. and In direc- die a wealthy and ro llil doga greatly differ from our domeati-rate- mihI Urneea Tlwl IIhii In Ihe lllrrellim and one anil Kiilrli (liirtalrt nf the Heventeeiith Tlielr Hrltlu In mom I'afurltimtte tion he la about aa proficient aa In an- peeled man. The cargo of one of dnga, taking m the liarne Ilk ..f tutielnf, Slntlliig, unil MtirfUtg Oriiliirjr unit the Itleat that Happening other. Iberian peninsula the U"r Captain Kldd's prltee. the Queda Mor-- 1 Id lltiralljr. a dflek to water. They do not bark at Wurk In In the Them, A Hir llnietlli Tliem, l'letalled Aniiina chant, taken hy the French, was bo-- trangara. They ar kind and nff ac- women do moat of the fortune telling 7 men In llevpd hy the authorities to be worth Many rargms thlMk tha prior of tional, showing the wolf lu them only and aetlHt the the vnrlon I (Hpoclnl Letter.) BWlndllng good I In 70,000. hut ho mieeoMfiilly hid Wale, will Mover recover from hi In- among their kind. It aeema to he scheme that pramlia A ailll tut Autumn. tho ziggR M an I I lev through weodlnmli treaiure, myttnry It jury m a le Im able to walk without agalnat their principle to get off the element of results, hut It Mated, a a regular te wander lb and the at to ipanish In tlermnny tell- lieary whoronbotitfl. nnd ot al- n limp. 1 the of that trail to let another tenm pga. Thla painilatlan fact, that th fortune duy, that hit other liiilUlort gypay In the toft light ef nn autumnnl leged piratical tlfinuH in oth?r m)imU adopt on mean a right, an exalting eplnode If Hie Ir by no ing nnd palmistry dotlxaa are mar When flHmnwr gathers up Iter relte of hauls remains unsolved limp, It will be precedent. means unimpor- frequently worked hy the older men Klery. to tho pretonl day. After tilt exooti arrordlog to th team tin inker five or tlx doga beauty slide away. tant. Of the 8M.-oo- n of the tribes, nnd tee nee, such a ropre-nente- And like a dream et Hon tho government gnvo all lilt prop- H In recalled by the Ntw York Harold each. In an Inalatit Hip wildest con-fnal- gypaloa who In the accompanying llliiatrn-Ho- erty thoy could lay handt on, to the ttintjii I8TI lb wife of tn prlnc hurt takes place. Doga, hitrnwa and Hew through man tamlllor path 11ml or women lsvt. amount of 0,000, to Greenwich litr knot. Only a allibt Hasp was the each driver with a club In hla hand wander to fro of three four credulous li lingers, the wa might up and over Hi rope, mor eaerly lletenlng t the promleea and smnmg Ibroogh the gekien HoKpltnl. rmlt. but tills limp form one grand Jumble, from which gfnlrIHhlt, by . than one-elKh- th prophesies of an old roc no who I nn Imitated lh ladles 'if the mirt, and order ran only lie restored hy some of nnilng Hi wild Rinpa with hv Mug-Jaii- l. make themselves the alert for a chance to swindle or then by nil nf thr foul women of the doga being knocked icneeleM. The fliiKer ""' I.alrtt Ueniu Hclieme, Ati-rlc- a heme within teal Biti more common than edlfylnit. nttiethyati Not n tow of the women of doga are trained to "go" and "haw" at Till the coel tnernld lu rim to A lahotno It now on toot In Knrope aped Hi it t the lltnlla of HKiln. gypey Bpaln fnahlon History full like an ox. atop the word Thn Women in when to make n car nf 11 1 of the eattro nod at and time even were they otherwise or Kindling th fulnt lnr ef th hnxel. centus of elmllar anecdote Alxndar th "whoa!" "Mush" the word need gen- young take naturally to music and population or tho oarly In tho is 110 hitting oarth their numerical meld-erln- x Omul had a twlat in tiu neck li wa. erally by the whiten to Indicate go eatiexiueiire. dancing and when old to fortune tail- To ttght the gleem ef AHtutun' year 1000. It It the Intention of tho therefore, every IM atrongth would render them objects of ing. Some on fashionable fur on ahead, a perversion I ml Inn word of the cleverest dancers hnlli people agitating plan to have an of the Intoreit to the government. With hoary ptnnie the ehmwil entwln the that uuman-h'- ourt ii carry hi neck "Huerh." The doga prefer their mas- the gpanbih Mac are of gyey extrac- log army or ceutiialnkort ttnrt out on a I Tho smart, gayly draseed gyMy. of nwr Due any Fraiul of Franc ter, but If uee they work tion and frequently when the season Wlier the reek her withered gar- particular day lu every quarter ot tho loaned for the stage, In- n'r wai s.nn'k mi the rhlti with a pi" ol aa with his cleverness of Is over they rejoin their tribe for a land falls. faithfully a for their master. atoek-lug- globe and complete tho work In a ftw til l hide th resultant car 'h trigue, hla blue breechea, while a few months vacation and n renewal of Warm light nr on th upland hour. The return are to he tent Into hin heard to w mur-tle- and red einhrnldnred Jacket, with th wandering life which poMeeeee an lpy alkwl ki Hit i waning 11 central Hint Ion at Homo. Hwltmr-lan- d. nil foi low liM ability to solve th problem which f( hi Thu I'AITHFUL I'LUBH. Indefinable yet perceptible charm tor Iinaih ft olowi aleng th hertsen Tho government of tovornl beard- - i ,iiii- - liiirk Ihin fuahloii ptmle nil the reet or the comiNuiy and all who become to tt. Th relbkl ufr nccuatomed aiflm countries are reported to hnvo already hating l Few faithful peti have received so untangle the knotty plan tho young gypsy women Till th unbam through their mil for .1 are often strik- frlng raining expressed their willingness to alii the i Ik- - charming a tribute as Mm. drowning a dif- ay Washington Time dramatist ha contrived. la a vary ingly beautiful, hut their mode of Ufa Ilath all th httla In melancboly gold. paid to III work In every possible way. Climb VII if Franc hud n pair or her devoted little iigiiel ferent character from the wanderer causes them to fade early, and at the the well-know- n poem. my Th crisped leave The Inker ot thl great census wilt li'KH p w.irr .1 lull to "To Muah, whose advent Into n nelRliboid nod Is time when an Itnglteh or American tnolt wind brvath ef mat Dog." and uOwer of to ronmil iliitn llntili wryhody elee it la plaaaant. In her published usually regarded with npprahena'on by woman U In her prime the gypay la a course have much Important data letters, In th damp bellow ef th woodland guide won- Ioiik mit. Th peruke U ld to to trare the career of the much every farmer and hrtuseholdar In tlie hag without a trace of her former own, them In their work. Tho molt 1 loved loving aliew-er- a Important tu nro lip in the mlafuiiiiiii- - .if Philip, and Hueli. who was the vicinity. good looka. Mhtgltna th fthn ef autumnal reaulu this direction link- - nf Km companion of his mlatress during nil The gpanlah gypay or real lite la a As dancers, however, they u thoae obtained by John Bartholomew, hnlr fell ou, -- alley the moat episodes lior life. toas With ptrr i.ra from cedarn F. It. (I. 8.. or ifidlnhurgh. According and lux physician him to 'vv-o- r liiiwrtaut nf dirty, lasv vagabond, who, hy prefer- fascination; they have an abandon, a blown. advlil Cllveu hi- - head with artllli lal Imlr, wotcu to Urn. drowning when aha won ence, make hla living by Moallttg. and suggeallveueaa of manner, of look, that to hit figure tho present population of h tliil. mid nut yat Mlaa Itorrett hy her friend Mlaa when the times are not favorable for rarely fall to mlecelmna-011- s lleatile the break and on the umbered tho outlro glnbo la In round lnimbora iliiu tlw fa'hlon At take with ti uiMidew, Mltford. Hiiah became and long hie thievish oitarntloiiri, In, when crowd, when gypey 1,440.0110,001). Tills It divided up at fol- the battle of Xtetnkirk which took that and a dancer Where yellow frn-tu- fi tteek tit faded the 1 GIG, lilac on the morning of 3, 1901. portlier nf her eecluded life there nothing to atoai he Vlll makes a Hiireoe nt all It I complete. ground. lows: or Arynn. Auk. as an the FreiiPh noble surprleed In Invalid confined to hor room. to do a little work which ran There are aome writer who lake the With fejitMl lid hntilh thlr tnilmy 000.000: Mongolian or TttrnnUn. wr ? li P H tV tlmlr sleeps, mid liaatlly rushing hardly ho dignified with the name of IHMltlon that what are known aa the 0 negro nnd Hani. K.0.000,000; out He waa Th gentian nod In dewy slumber of their tanta limy arranged their lac a bentttifel Utile creature, lieuml. Hottentot anil iluih. 160,000; Malay cravats In th moat careless manner. long-eare- allky-halre- d, Inrge-oyei- l, and Polynesian. 36.000.000, nnd Amer- golden-hrow- ii lu color with a white t'liofl those aeft. frlnued lkl thn lie slta ican 15.000.000. It It oxpoeted The French war victorious ami to I Indian. breast, and full Intelligence breed iik, un- commemorate victory of and feiMl say fare-- , that the most dllllctilt part ot the their It became aplrlt. Uk a lever loath te the fashion thla to wear Keverthcleae It was affection In well. dertaking will he to count accurately aftr thn which he refualiig, nock cloth In n neglige manner. Ilann excelled from the ifr with hut wing, throiiKh ellken fekl the population ot China nnd tho van llrat. any Invitation to aport or exer- IlltrihllHK. th origin of th flteluktrk cravat. drowaj- - hordes of central Atrlcn. Thoeo who cise beyond the bounds of the CrM Hour Iter heart hla tale During the reign of neoraw III. hla amall. to tll. propoeo to undertako thl work claim half-darken- chamber, allowing an of thorn royal nighties tho duke of York ha I to have such Influence back almost human sympathy with the auf- - Tte iitit bird upon th hllkgde letielr - a dual with Col. I and th that the tchemo I ante to be attccaaa- fornix, ferer, and innklug tlreleaa efTnrta lu Pllt noUelMsly alsoK from eiray te worthy pnlitl ucr-d- In shooting epray, rm. all pretty doggish ways to or 11 away on of tb duke's curia. Ilauca divert Hllrnt a wet wandtrlng thought that U became the correct thing comfort her. only to wenr Hhow n brlft it wing ami softly glide Hhlelil of Water fur rlremen. a curl on on aid of th tempi only. awny. He slept with hla head agalnat her From tho Philadelphia itccord: A Whan Fox, th iirat of Quaker, wm patent tiro cheek at night, and In the daytime Th neenilefl llowem la Ihe warm eon-Unl- it roally vnluahlo and unique tilting in eiiurch ami th prenotmr aald when ah waa rending Hresk, hi long dwamtiig, Iiobu nozzlo has been brought out by a niiylllllig whlrh ha didn't Ilk ha Forget tu de- toot ear drooped iihiii one iwge of th big breath their fullness of largo firm ot Hngllth tiro cnglno uunu d eolemuly. put on hi hat and kapt It light. folio while her eyea traveled down the Ami through wood era. Thlt nozz 0 la so constructed SJJW on until the duugreeable ion-elude- th traneed eaft air rnmarks bet- are elreainlng, ..1 .. ...r..,i..Mi' oni other. Whan aha win aomewliat Ml. II ,1. ,. tmilrn thn fireman liftoff arose tho Quaker HUH a tli ter, he would accompany her wheeled dewfall of the miiunier Hhleld hlmaelf from tho boat hohlna a of wearing hati In churrh. A tilslii. chair, or leap Into It. tprny. Very oft- curious ItiataiiF of how a faalilon wm continuous circle of Ho. In my heart a ewcet, unwonteil feel-Ini- f. Inrgo conllagrntlont tho heat la nipped In th hud took plac.. in ,sw en In Twice he w.ia atolen-uu- oo lu Italy, make It Itnpostlblo for York during th aarly con-tur- ro IntoiiHo at tu jian nf tU once In HiiKluml nml there wax great Htlr llkb thn wind In oeean'e hollow A imrty of young po elul- l- tho llromun to ndvnnco to tho position awa, turmoil and trouble until ho was re- TlirmiKli all It eetret ehatnber iwdty most alldy th advance guanlg f th pres- whoro tholr hoo would bo covered. The llrst time hit pour, frail alealliiK. Hiich case ent army of Anglomuiilaai an day Yet lludu no word It charm to and It Ih In Just that mlatrees was sick with nintlc ndvanta-genu- a. rigged np a little dUtrcaa tell. tho nozzlo would bo niott coach ami nix and drov until he was restored- - hy the payment around town In Tho thlold of water can ho atyl. Thla lucltad an-oth- guhieHK of six and a half to the thieve, d, clliii oC largo lu clrcumi. onco ns young mn, wn0i UU who explained complacently that they (Hit Time mado at to be outdone or can bo dlrcotcd nt nny nnglo at thla aort of thing had lieen looking out for a chance to Franco, nutnhly under Louln the immediately fitted out a hy n almple movement of tho milled coach and teal hi 111 for two years; and that, Fourteenth, has proiluued somo aplnn-dl- d eight and appeared upon bond near tho extremity of tho nozzlo. the principal moreover, they should steal him again a, Jean Hart Duguiiy Mtreeta In great aplendor and required to shut off tho So iiinualiig If they rauld, and that another tlfue Trunin proving In tholr particular linos When it It waa thla to the tprny tho view may not bo workman of the town they would not give hint up under ten as great aa any of tho 00 realm we to that a party dtr-minin- g ot fh't that of txteii carmmi. guineas! sent forth In their day, says obscured tho revorto motion m a writer accomplishes purposo. Imrlcwiun th whon affair, in London Society. Moth those milled head tho horoes. bo con- dmated thnialva in ilean whit "I tell poor I'liuhle," he wrote, In an age when In Tho entire stream of wator can rank tho army or or frwka and appeared In the moat raah "(while he looks earnestly lu my face), navy was the oxcluslve prlvllego ot the verted Into tnray or a aolld column lonabl paria uf I tho tprny th town In a new that he and ehall be ruined ut last, aristocracy, won their coinmlloiiH lu water can bo thrown with oarh, which waa driven by no fewer and I shall have no more mousy to buy the king's navy by dint of hard knock shield for inotoctlon at described than alxtti horaaa titudem. Itach him cukes; but the worst Is tin anxie- with tho KiiKlUh, and right well did above. Whou tho spray It bunched to man had hi hair powdered Thlrtn ty! Whether I am particularly silly they deserve Louis' grateful apprecia- tho front In tho form of a torront It acted aa imatlllan. and th estntordl-nar- y or not I don't know; they say here that tion, nt many ntniulng can bo used far oxtlngulhlng lire appeuranc etorlos about of thla aliigulur I am; but It seems to me Impossible hurt, one or the best I thnt which ro- among light goods and materials which iwt a loud guffaw from one end for anybody who really care for a dog tates, how lie was onirtiHted by the king would be scattered by a solid stream. of the town to the other rio rldlciilou to think iiuletly of his being lu the the duty or It Is occful on board thlp for donn- THIS I'AMIISTICn. with convoying the Prince did th carman make thla alMtird dia- bawls of tlioe Infamous men; and or Contl to Donmark. On tho voyago ing decks, etc., and It also forms an tom of emulation appear that no fur- then I know how Klimhle miiat feel It. they were attacked by an Kugllsli Ideal tproadcr for fountains, or It oau ther tteni wua uiMle mi i he Mrt u sprinkler. of employment, for hi Industry seldom country c squadron, which tho gallant old Dun- bo used at tree the fount; ewflla. wbn hnwever. "When h was brought home ha be of Italy and 8pa. ,1B took rlnos above tinkering iwte and pane, tarantella,d.the kirk sen dag bout off. The Prlnco con- the thing In muh gonl part that on gan to cry In hi manner-whi- ne, aa aetttildlllu. the funduiiEo mondlng waah tubs and water bucket, and are gratulated Hurt on tho fart that they Nnr (Jure fur DriiiiUennoM. of Hi) wrote an ode ( jim n If hla heart waa full. It was Juat what othtr. neither Sim.UU, r .aim grinding sclMors and knives. Italian, gypay bud escaped cnptlvlty whereupon the From tho Cleveland Plain Dealor: TrluMphl." I wga to do myself, we hut duueea. Whether Inclined but He In certainly n very curloua speci- Ha latter wild. "Oil! thoro was never any There are gold euros galoro for tho are now, you. J be true or not. it both recovered thank - contain that My men of humanity and not lee so lu hit tin- gypsies are fear on that score. sou waa ready victim of the habit ot drunkonnets, but l.lllln 1'olU mill and Intend to be very prudent for the extremely adept In thla down by the powder magazine, NeMinn (mat than In hi present, for whr be form of amiwement sir." If one wants to see tho latest ouro ho I future." and entertainment It linticeahl them- - .lnyn how tt came from, what was hla origin under and the gypay Aftor this It Is acarcoly surprlRlng to must go to New Zealand. Nothing lu daneer. poaturlng be- did ilren reail If cm i what circumstance he iHtcame a wan- fore a hear that the Prloee tint breathe UJurope or America nppronchus tho nwipar When Mlaa Uarrett married Itobert select company to the music of more this friiiu their rottv-ii..itlo- ii. (J (,aVi. derer, ha knowa 110 mor than other a freely tint!! he once set foot on phut ot curing drunkenness. Hrownlng, Kluah accompanied the po- guitar and caatnnel. la th nearest illl plainer proof of ii in people. The gypay lack of history term flrma. Dugtiay Trouln was never or new euro de- the dut tluit approach to rtti-rop- The virtue thlt la Its etic pair to Italy, and hla happy H the uautch girl that e Mi a lie was con- dn timny children ar to li" reud-lu- g has paused many theories to be ad- happy whan trying lightful tlmpllclty. Tho c:i greatly Improved In health poHaesaea. offender it iieHpapera. YnniigaterH who vanced a to their origin, but the most clusion!) with John Hull. neither hauled to nor wrote gaily that Itobert spoiled lilm The liwnlah gypay luis not been In Jail aoakod with forimil) hiii then time upon satisfactory regards them aa the de- Nor were the plucky Hollander toltiuoiiM or gold. ot U ilu quite aa much as abe did. white flush the least misrepresented by the dra- First all ho drei'i i itra anbiirUan scendant of low-el- s Hindoos, who, backward In the matter or - irm ,ui'l ferrlen evidently considered Itobert created for matists In hit ablllt) to Intrlgu. conducted to a studio and photograph-oi- l cen-turl- and ing, ns witness thn enreur of In iIi.iiik nothing, are now inie 4 mi In the Fourteenth and Fifteenth th brave In all hi inebriate glory. Then uu his especial convenience, to open doors, from thla reason he hetomea a polltl-ca- l De Ituyter, to tlleli .11 In 1 were their native to quote only one example. !HM(.., JA nr heir and would nearly hla off If driven from factor of no mean It taken home. There It no trial lu eldeiK The wur hark head Importance la Horn at Flushing. In 1807, he went to la. of ourae. rnapioi taak were not always linns of social the puttee court next morning, ami no - thla promptly disorder and revolution. sea when only eleven and gpeedlly s lbl r.r In both uiing and old U The gypey account ot hi lapse In the newapaper. irformed. bands throughout Mftaln a to Imi captain of it privateer. Itaa tui ki ne.i an Iniercat lu life a:ni everywhere Alter a Hit punishment Iiikoh n more polite In communication with pretty stirring career against Alge- In all that relate to life, and both baby' ach form. Copies ot lilt likeness nro young Later, when th was born.l'luek other and are able to spread rian and Dona, he took to the mora iiinl old are nager for new of stricken off and tent to alt the ptiblle-hous- e waa at first extremely Jvalous: but In in aome mysterloiu way peaceful and, as It proved, more It. It Ir a curloua thing to aer a little year lay- keepers In the district, a or two the tables wore turned, with Inconceivable rapidity. How ing business of trading between with fellow In knickerbockers spelling out It was boy they Ireland strict orders that tho person and the little who roared communicate with onrh other llai and Holland. On one of his trips, portray! woriU which he barely knowa the If shall either not ho with Jealous wrath hla mother took not been discovered, but in more than however, he had a very narrow escape. served for a certain meaning nf. hut which for all that, or y Hush up Instead of hlmaelf; while one Anguish revolution the gyiwla period time or that he shall lie care-full- have a new and vital algulHimnie In De Ituyter waa bringing borne n car- Plunk bad learned to regard the child have been utlllaed by conspirators watched at the bar and he pre- that they have aosiethlng to do With the lo, which sounds very like taking coals with a kind of lofty toleration, very to spread Intelligence of a proposed up- to Newcastle, for It vented from taking any more drink war Juat bearlaic the new read consisted of but- good ' amusing to behold. rising. For the wanderer every- than it for him. aloud or being loll aUiiit li i:,Vt have ter. Itelng hard preeeed by Doukh thing to gale and nothing to lose by lo: to get tt thetn-lv- e privateer, be resorted to a comical, oonaaiera want for riunh died, after a long life, in Italy, revolution at first hand, li used In and social disorder, and ar but aiiccaeaful atraUgem; graualiig the A Nitlntllule fur Nail. to that and wag burled in th vault or Oaaa consequently alwayo when a family party boarded a ferry- on the aide of th woodwork and rigging of hla craft o The fuel thai skeleton remnants of lluldl, the dwelling made famous by retoliitlonlNt. Hinting, the looting of elaborately with butler boat one paper was ample hla poem, now that the elephant are to rarely round In any .tilirei mistress' and bearing a ahopa. the plundering of house, are Frenchmen were effectually or for the crowd Today every t hick gad tablet In her honor. foiled In portion Africa la explained by an htld of them demands hla Individual occuiiatlona which very pleasantly their attempts to board, and the Hol- esploror, who stale that aa noon aa paper, and what's be tary the monotony of gypay country lander got away In a slippery a fnah- the bttMt become mar, all and life, brittle from cllmatta reads It With all the interest of the I.lked the lliellniiknl. and wherever disorder Is present lon tu their native eela. Ha had al- limnetic, they are eaten In lien ot sail QM grown-u- p. Uty" Don't you And thla work there Ihe gyy la atno. It I. there- ready retired from a seafaring lite to by various ruminant fore, animals. rather monotonoua" Utile Hoy with some degree if apprehen-aio- n settle down comfnrtobly on his meant, "No, Meed, ma'am. It's very exalt that the government contemplate when our llrat war with the Dutch Ilseert Ail lre, A Ink. Only yesterday man started to TYPICAL SPANISH ClYIW OIIIU th mysterloiu movements recently re- again summoned hire to nativity, and Peculiar lltmeily. UmUbhmn imaaiiKg uW wg Hegro. Ht oHt too soon, and gag hla head land by the military roniiueats of hos- ported of the Spanish gypy baud to- he ended his adventurous career. Ilk A peculiar Industry of Korn county. t MHaii lwitaNM)--"Wli- f, fellow-countryma- ship-mo- wbafa le craeketl, anil last week the machine tile king. ward the north. The north I for lit the heroic Van California, It the collection and twUaT, MHdsir "0, HHilin. taaa. but brake crippled Tho gypsy haa no rallKlon of hla Bpuln a dangerous dlrectlun for the Tromp, by a glorious death In battle. of toad. They are sold to the ytt1 and everybody oxaapt of eJw gaH t'tHng u gay I hoiih'Iwii me. That there rope 00x1 sort 0' own; If lie ever had one he has lost It wanderers to take. The north the The wild life of enterprise and ex- Clilnwa, who me thorn for inedlelnal nhaHt eh mule, gay y' wnut tar dam weak- - Hope ane'll last till we're up, In bis wandering. The fact, however, Carllit country, and the movement of citement which privateering involved, purpoaaa. Thoy are eoutlderod espe- ter hea taaa." gyimy such career IrreiUt-Ihl- y Trath. Tho engine driver u III today, loo, arid doe not worry him in the least, for the bands toward the Pyrenees, made a almost cially valuable In tho treatment ot that tuakoa thing Internetlng." when he feel the need or uplrltuul It In feared, forbodes a revolution. tempting to reckless splrlta rheumatism. whether In Frnnee or Hngland. Katan la Hard liuck. eomfort he somewhat reluctantly Tho that of the people by whom Killed In hope of rleh booty was a yet itronger 1Mb iatgg wna ivrtrHta4 Uy the Iniluttrle. A Teuipeere he Is surrounded: whether Christian, During 1897 attraction, and that the tradition of tw, bent in New JatMr tu Uir day. AUsr oiiiert, Too. the number of employe The New Zealand -- Pagan or Mohammedan, does mat- hidden traaaure which abound along loeal option bill Hit wpirlegw In Kgw Ho not In the faatorlea, mines, quarries, fish-erlf- a prba4y Jfgtk ym like that pawnbrek. the Amerlaan Meats and In the West provide that evory man eonvlsted of ej ter In the least. Generally, huwarer, and tan liyntafarih "willJrruevar aatu tu Tutn-"N- bu have to pu railways of Great Jlrltaln being err be makes little pretense of any who were Indies are not 4togethor fairy tale, a habitual drunkard shall Be wandej (rm his own ufeildeV3a1 tg wjjfi Elm Mtwitlmei." Ntw Yofif kilted while at work were hy photographed I It proved what haa aetually hap- at hit own oxpenie, and cago TlBiei.llernhl, World, ' and moat of the gyp en renrd SBgf, The number or Injured were pened. on one tingle every puiilioan In tup-pile- olth apparent Indifference the effort 68,118. Drake ooaatlon the district la d captured una hundred and seventy with a copy. A Modern fnlrte. the nusH gold. future, he would come to doubt Mrant From th Timti, Jilui, ill. Crxe upon n tlmo rt tramp was sore FOR OLD SAKE'S SAKE. t)fk Iluilnt.t. horror of tho present moment. Hut it Mrs. Daahlelgh I seo here. ISthcl. The ruth of gold troVcr to the Klondike If In need of Bomethlng to rat, nnd. ftp eatight bring thrilling memorial to the "forty him nnd held hint then with a that every name has a meaning. Tittle pronrhlng a farmhouse, ho apake unto Is a mighty ninara" atlll alive, of ttio time when tlivr It commonplace of speech that ptrength. The prlmltlvo crea- Harold means "brave," Charles means clrdltd tlienmllnent or fseed ths terror the former, saying: "If you will give thero Is no changing Uie leopard's ture lomee out It Is of tho great American on when lashed with "gay." lllehar- d- de.rrt tlir jnuinsr me the wherein lllial to satisfy the spots. The keen obnervor of his kind, tho whip of pain; to ths land of gold. Tliea plonearc tell real all tho bars of MIm Dnihlelgh (liitorrtiptlugly) 0, obi experlencea which ahould o heeded cravings of tho Inner man. I will kill who has not twolve axioms wherewith cutlnm nnd convention cannot restrain I know what Dick ma. He by geld leaker today t'nuntont expomr Rll the rats about tho place." to work tho theorems of life, but It. Ho forgot the honor of his sane meant, lnrr-.niinii- f., - end illat IiIIImI gunnel-nnymnn- faultr ttblls "Agreed,- said tho of tho soil, twelre hundred, arcrpts It as momenta. n0 snntehed away the meant business. Ha told me so last ntarty nlf the itirvWor were nflllpted with tiller night. many and ho ordered his wlfo to jjlvc tho who was not a keon observ- hnnds end dragged her to him, nnd oioae, er, .tbjl of them with tramp n square meal. After the tram? but a man with faith In his honrt, turned her faco up again to his. rhoumatUm. did not accept o - Tti (Irnwlli (tnrlnll.iii, fWI. had dorotircd everything In sight he It. In the faco of "Why did you do It, Cicely?- ho re of mien niurrarer and caution Rood counsel ho peatod. Tho growth nt Hielnllam Is went to the woadpllo and nelcctcd a nnd duo to who decided to reduce It to tho absurd and She clinched her teeth and ilcndled tho stniidliiir armies of tho world In now stout nlub, then, seating himself an ths reilde nt marry Uleoly ninnvlllc. Siiocom her voice, which nr to nultit, j porch, ho and then she told him. moil ofton made llluffi, III., Mid to the farmer: "Now crowned him, us who warn- you and bcauuitt where ho haa even thoto "Hut woro utterly wrong," ho thui dUuonteuteil. Tho brine on the rats." I Voen Jetties of ed him know now, but It was n des- enld. He wns dated lo have been so growth ot a atrontfer race Is due to perate THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS the peace and risk. mlRtinderstond. ho offered no ex- Hoatetter's Sluimieli Ultteri. whluh Inilur Nlerp, and ' km the flrat Par bnok In tho days which It wore planation. Hut she did not noed ono la the best medicine for eogllvanw, la duo not only lo the originality sod. iirealdontof line tar Is excellent burned In n heresy the lioard of to doubt were as good as they now. 8 he bad seen the full moaiuro dyapetwltt, fever, ague ami ull nervous klmnllelty of tho combination, but also j.inmeei. in a sickroom us a dUlnfectant; It Induces wero old, when Alan wan Just tbe stolid of her folly. tumbles. Try one bottle. to the euro ami skill with which It lo sleep. A eup of hut milk flavored wllh small son of Captain ltaymond nnd "I know," she nnsweretl. "I was manufacture! by helcntlllo processes ;VleW lie Mill) angel-faee- Whose duty Is It to win nrnnxo flower water, or ono of betf let, Cleely was but tho d little wrong. aud- let down the known to tho Camfoiinia Fio Svr.ui "I litnl been -I am punished." She dows whon It rains? Is exeellont for nn Invalid just beforo ilaughtor of Captain Itnymond's first threw her arms about his neck and Co. only, nml we uUh to impress upon ".t -- nil tho linMirlnnuti rhnu HiKtlmii retiring. Meef ten, as onllimrlly pre-It- s lieutenant. Marlltt, the boy and girl sobbed, and he held her close. It was t'linti .villi Mnlli.r.. of purchasing tho for a number of year and ti c pain nt Mine hnd been fond of one another. They only CUIIBH (11'AHAXTKKt). I true ami original remedy. As tho waa Intenat, 1 red. Is of little nutritive value, but for a little time. Then she drew look mailed very tried nil the proprie- free Sinthera genuine Syrup of Is tary medicine I 0011M think or lienr of. If the white of nn eg lie mixed with n had made mud pies and hunted the away and her arms fell at her sides. iimn re.iewt. remedv, enay Hps mnntifsotured i-- 1 by but no relief. first wild flowers of the plains, nnd hnd "It cannot be helped." she said, t0.5fkl llent. Kuhooioafmrn the t'Ai.iroiiNiA Kin Hvnur Co. "1rtvedflnnlljr placed with aeverat iiipful of beef tea and heated to about and without It Troup, roughs. I'oWs, I'erors, only, hnowltHlgo hit oae ridden burros and bronchos together. she turned and went away. Qulnay. Cntarrh, whether it of that foot will phytlrlana ntid dortured with them for ICO degree the value of the beef teu Is iioo, throat or iiseist one In time, They had wintered and summered In was no change In ltaymond. attHoneli, lllptberU nnd Wore Tkroeta. nil amkllng tlio wnrthleiw aotne but they foiled to do mo nny ftioatly enhanced. Thr by ImltntliUM by Rood, Finally, with my hope of relief onch other's company, tho mountains either then or ns tho years went on. He evrreonie nlng Mtieu Bnlvent. t'oMa muuiifiietured other par- nearly exhausted. I rend nn ?Pi)'.,l:U ft01'"'' wel''1 UidlnmoHda. ties. Tlio high standing of tho Cam-rniiKJ- A nrtlelo reran!' nnd prnlrles of tho southwest, while wns good Mueo-Bolrej- a ofTleor and a good man and ua. mm agent. tt IrtcUr. Wllllnmo' I'lnk l'llli for l'nle I'eo. li I'iiIIkmo. tho land was Co., III. Kvhvi1 Co. wllh the medi- pie, which Induced me to try them. I wn yet given over to the tinomblttered. Hut Cleely Olanvllle rblengo, lo Rwlne Alplno nover-ondln- g hos-Hie- cal profession, nml tho satisfaction, snxlntia In get rid of thn terrIMn dUente. The Club stated that, dlaturbnnces of tho chnnged. Tho world loves nothing bet. 1 Fashionable cnlls might bo tinned a which the gcuulno Hyrup of I'lga he And bought two boxea of thepllK began According lo the perxomtl oxperlonro They had loomed whnt It was .tor than to find nu explanation far utlng them about Mnrch, 1HT. I game uf eards. given to millions of families, mnket After of tho membors, and mituy neeountH of to have only one another for plnymatos whnt I ns mystified bad tnkeu two boxca 1 wni rnmpletely It. It does not tho nnmo of tho Company n guaranty and thn pnln I high mountain climbing In other coun- far months at a time. And bccatiso of troublo to verify Its belief. ts Mra. Uliulnw'iiH)tlilriRSyroi. cured, hna nover returned. "It tn- - i of tho excellence the hardship rrb)Wtrn liatbtar . MlfSt la- - a3r.,r-il- a of Its remedy. It it think It li tlio beet tnedlrlne I hnre over tries, "mountain slaknose" Is duo to ex- of long marches and tho plain," It wild now, "why Cleely Mar- siMMiiTiia.ili.rt pita. rail. 9ahitll. far in mlvnuce of nil other laxatives. tak"". and nm willing nt any time to tdgn Joys of a half-savag- e freedom shnred ft.ll my traordinary phyaknl oxorUon under lltt married Olnnvllle. ltaymond was as It nets on tho kidneys, liver uatno to nny tcntlmony netting forth lit together, they camo to think them- The prettiest frock is damaged most and good mcrlU." very tiutnunl eondltlons, talhor than net the man to have allowed her ta In- by botvols without Irritating or weaken- (Signed) selves Inseparable. And then they dulge the rain. Ainu VAsnrxnr. to rarefied air. The unnnlmous opin- her prnpenaltles." ing them, nml it does not grlpo nor Htihacritad and iworn to beforo uie, thli wero topurnted. Cicely was to be civ- Tho propenMtlo woro flirta- Tn t!nr L'utilltnllnn tiutiKento. 1MIT. ion of toward Kurartr In order to get Its beneficial tth dar of Heptember. tho climbers Is thnt their ex ilized. Hho wn Mcnt pent Take Caieareta or PniNKi.KC, .Vntorp nnd nbroad tions that senndnllzed that conserva- landr Cattiartic. lo effects, pleiiKe remember the name Ki nk, PuiUt. cundons am beneficial lo their health, Itt'.U U. fall in cure, tirarettik refund money ' of tfr, Vangundy' Mntfinrnt ought to be to school. Alan ltaymond went through tive and rcaprelahlo Inatltutlon, tho the Company regarded no n rrlterlon of the good merit! Wct Point nnd got his commission. army. Kven the men of the reglmont Women who lovo most uro frequently of theeeplll. nnd whnt better proof rould Npellril It Wrung. Thoreupon fate which at times does CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. n person reionted that It should be Riven fame loatt appreciated. want than the above facta. She Whnt you so what might ho SAN rilA.NCUCn, Thein pllU Hand unrlvnlled n n tonic for makes look sad? expected of her sent through Mrs. Olnnvllle. And tho wo- ".t ts g,. NKtV the blood. Ho I Imd hopod to bo able to mnlio him lo the same post where the Mar-llt- men feared nnd hated her, but they tonsmt.K. TOUR. K.T. Tim thinnest hone usually wears tlit my nnmo go ocholug down the halls of woro stationed, and he saw Clcoly also ndmlred. Popular superstition to bcit fly net. Tlmo. ngaln. Ho looked Into the plnold tho contrary nntwltlmtnudlng, most The depths of her long, gray eyes and re- womon Hit-v- y poorer Shi Vee? see tho chnrms of n rival. CONSTIPATION Tlio tho article tho harder keen-sighte- membered the past. Ho looked at the la as d love Is tome solicitors work. Up Well, nfler muny effort. I'vo ns blind. curving red lips and the thick brown fciTB roue-1- sueeeeilod In And the clever ones admit them. Cruel Knife! "I dspf at a Una wllkanl m ut getting It Into the ta lialr gtiossed Alio taavamant r Iba liawalt, not abla nnd tho future. had Helng Isolated - Mti to For every tear thore Is n laugh; every per, hut. confound them, they've from the small rlrelo raota IBtaiairi- tr utln hoi walrr Injmloia. Igh changed for the worse nnd for the bet- of feminine wit, Mrs. (Hnnvllle a (King. spelled It wrong. added It li absolutely unclcr to expect a ('broiii)UiliiiMifoMfmrfri litl Bit la ter. She had Ihhhi civilized nnd was t her stirgfonl operation tail MrilblaruadUion, durimlh.t tlai did t- - IHimiiI attraction much masculine to euro cancer, or r;ihini I heard nt hut twttr fouod Haunt? It llnnp. rss ant itllifi tuts less frnnk; she hnd learned to hlootl dlnesne. 1 blond mean No attain and wide range of uti) other Thn cruelty wa.ivrri.i. uniu 1.i.n u.itti CAhVAIIE'ra. I Cltin a elaan kia. heanty or wo- nuw 4a- -, ( Ill Idenl Work. her ends by Indirect moan, yet, ns 81m of itioli treatment is llliiatrnted In tho htrafiomofltiulhrre pmai r a and If I without It. MwrtL, t'aady ntburtlc Intorosts. was ns good to talk to m Orb I Bmilil men go, nlnrmiiiK tiiiiubur of death re- (iia IWIlUlor aatli BCf.m.oti cleani your blond and Rest It Plena, by Missionary What sort of n position aho wns honest. Hut the as to look upon. Sho spako with the which U lueb a ralUf ' A tlmim U must. sult from It. Tho illwnno IWO wlfrlmf up the laiy liver and driving all lm would you like to Iihto? saintly face wns more beautiful and tongno of n wlidom that was more li in tho lluivall si.. lHltolt, tilth. iwrlllei frotti the body. Begin to-d- to tho wns grown lilood, nnd hence enn nut bo cut out. UntOi pliti bolU, Wenry KtiiKles Well, n ploco to child to ono of those not less than womanly, and she sang ittr. blotaae. btaefehead. womon worship. Nino tiiuus out of ten the surgeon's CANDY and that alekly Irtltoun complexion by taking Iteop the sidewalks clear of snow In tho whom to lnvo Is to with the voice of n siren, nnd men fell knlfo only hniten death. drag-ClU- . And In t?atereli,Wauty fur ton cent. .All summer time, nnd tho Ihwiu mowed duo tlmo ltaymond lovod her. down before her nnd worahlpod her, Mllofocllon guaranteed, lite, Sic, lm. There nro men who toko tholr lovo Mraon had a mint malignant Canrrr. for LrfTk nnd, throwing tho cloak of In- Hi- - ?" iTTefhi through the winter, would bo it good as their which iliwtor IJ an uprratlon waa Uie rtkWt. Homo womon object to tho wny men simply ns they do the breath of their fatuation over tho clay feet of tholr oslr hone. Tli-o- one, to boiiln with. life. It In necessary to thorn, but tlmy allun waa a shako bands. Idol, oamo Dually to forget them nnd r do go one, ai It waa nrrra-ar- tbaoi uabn sisiartaio not mud with tho ecstnsy of Its bellovo It all tpotlcn nlnlmatcr. Thoy lo cut dnwn lo Ice Wilier (Iitrnr. ponscsslon. 4' Haifa (fatarrli Cure When Rnymond had told held her up to wives and daughters and the Jawbonr and To keep n pltohnr of Ire woter In the Cicely bIio icrafie It. Ilrfnrn a la n conntltutlouol cure, l'rlce, 7ra that he loved her. and when sinters whom they would hnvo dis- Rrral while Hint bod-roo- ! I'alalabii." nil night without nny percep- had laid her hend upon his shoulder owned for following lit her pnth. And anil Mntanl. I'ount, Taila OoM. nnd put pin loaniw raplillr. MTtl Slrlaa, VU.n, or Orl . tOo. tie, Thcro arc more mouths thnt talk tible melting of tho Ice, wrap In sev- hnd her slender, clinging they ruined the peace of their lives nnd Wa aay.1 him mauj thnn heads In up beau- rftnf1lf f. ... CURE COHOTIPATION. ... that think. eral thlnknossoH of newspaper with tho hnnds his, nnd, turning the of their homes hor too, with- without tiful, eyes for all. and llnally, turtlai B..; t.apwri l.k. lialrol, l tot, B) riTSl'rmtnllt!uirt, cuds tightly twisted together to ex- deep to his fare, had mild. out tho hope of even capricious thr aiUIri-- of a Nonunrnl?iun.tlt a fnncy uionil, not 1; u ol llr. Kliu ttt ll.ilwif. "I lovo you," ho was satisfied. His Ill-n- drclilril to far 1'ltKi: A4.00 UUIliitUHllo clude tho air. for reword. Bho brought them low trr - 8. S. iHwili'i CURE YQURSFLFf tto.l U II. fault, It such It were, was that ho wns KU.,Ul.,e Arvh hu,, 1'a. nnd laughed at them, but thoy still hnd rltxclllci, iqjl wlthi 'ODttKS HI unuatnut undemonstrative, nnd Clcoly's though IllPtrcnnil laTrtla hit la .yf il.fnr Don't Spit mil Smske Your Lit Awl). faith, as had her husband, though tho - lulllit dl.h.i, UaniMllpai, Nono of us can pay our full debt to Tebtcco somo count It n vlrtuo In womnn thai win to lnipro- Aller twenty Imllln had - - vi ifciimiiv nature. To null KtlHireo enilly nnd Inrnrrr. bo mas heavens should fall. Hho was known Urn lakrn. Ihn Oanrtr illiapeflarrd enllrrlj, F.r.-- netlr, full of lite, nrrre tun) visor, tuke sho was jealous. Of nil vllcs, Jealousy i ml li- - waa mirrij. The ruri waa a tMrmanriu . .V i ' I'aialm, tail uoi ailila- - to be- rn Uie Monilcr-tturlicr.ll- niaKtM wenk men tho borders of tho sorvlro, nnd oni, for he la now prr-nto- nlit, anil liai Kiturnte Yimr lliiwel Willi Cnarnret, cnrrled with " Us own swiftest pun-lihmc- mt HlhiMiBaaie. A I a. atroiifr AllilruwKliU. l. Cure cmirun-tctx- l. yond, ns n crcnttiro of no heart who netrrr had a algn of thr rr to r rwse mjeaaT(IXBf IVIJta Candy Cathartic euro contlpatln forever. llMoUIrt and npiple free. AdilreM It realizes lis unreason, bill urn, J N Mi aMrii. a. i. ft unt lii rl.ln wrpprfr. lOc.'ifiu. If C.t.t'. tail, .lrufSl leluml inniier blurllix KuHioilr Co.. China i or N'ow York. had canned dlonstcr and even death S7Bnodsra(iett)alla,Texa, and had shown neither ' roniorso nor t'lrtalar mb n rr4a.1t Womon Ih said by a writer to ho tho Marry a tmoftil nnd wlfo or Pity. Ahioltitely tho only hopo for Cancer sood do Is fclwift's Bumlny of man. not marry at all. Yet when she wns free oneo mnre, Specific, " UltlNKKV llahlla rurait nnillRIIIIIUl "I linum wlllmut alu. Jlooit Huymnud wont to hur. His old fnlttt UIllf r narlli'iiUra iwiii n, f, VN,, frr.M.I'.AlUnU.Oa. MBS. PINK HAM'S WARNING- TO WOMEN. was wns n bettor sort of faith than nny other she hnd Implrod. S.S.S.rfnoBlood nw discovery! m. V ..ii. .r-- .idrurt. wurit Years hnd gnno since sho hnd seen him. it.r.rKra2f,ki i..iiii,it. oad 10 ilara' la Hho sat once ngnln beforo tho flro this as It li tho only remedy which roc ; trratinrklvrlitiirri.I ftp. l. U.H.lKlt.'IIUkl, illMt.,W Noaloot tho JTororunnar of Misory nnd SulYerinii-- A OratofUl Hua tn the very txittaiu of tlio IiIimmI and tlsio In her fnthor's home. And Ray- forces out every trnen of the illsensv. baud Wrltoa of Hla Wifo'ii Rocovory. mond stood looking dawn E jtMouSuJSt at her. The 8. 8. 8. is uunrnntcml purely veKetnble, PhT TS tiamlnatlvnaniluplnloai"" face, above tho black dress of her ami contain no potnih, mercury, or - n. II. ad lUxIt ran. Mji: tifc Nearly nil 111 mourning, was ns lalntllko na of old, other mineral. the health of womon Is traceable to soma ilnrnntfamnnt nt llm When Answering Advertisements Kindly feminine, organs. Thoou ileruiiffumontH do not euro tliumsolvu. ami ncplcctof and scorned as young and unsenrrod. HiMik on Outieor will ho mailed free long, grny oyea lo any addret by tho Swift Specific Htntloa This Piper. tlio MMuntiontt rohultliib' from tliutn Is only puttine1 The were as placid, but more deep. Ho did not nak now Co., Atlanta. Ua. W. N. U. DAL LAB. - NCTaOraO. by thing-- . ruiiiouc stones nro constantly coming to Mrs. she hnd done thoso Per- I'lukhaill of womon nutrlmit bun rnkiillKil lii haps ho knew. Hut ho snld to'hor, as . though tho tlmo had never been: JfcJ kcrlous heart trouble nnd a wholo train of wim-s- Hero In tho story of a womun who was helped "Clcoly, do you lovo mo still?" by Mrs. l'lnlcliain nftor other trcutiuent failed: And tho sweet Hps parted to say the wor-- thoy Dkaii Miis. I'imciiax: It affords mo very s that had never framed save him: "I love you (Treat ptcaMire to bo ablo to stuto that I bellovo for still." Ho out my wife owes her health to your medicine reached his hand and took hern. 8ho to drnw It awny. and giMHi advice. For Ihree years trieil, her you not mo health failed rnpldlyt hho had trou "Hut da want now?" huurl 3t alio said. ble, often fulling down In (llzr.y and He hold her fnst and answered: fnliitlnfr spellN, sbortnoMiof breath, 1)0 VOU LOV13 MU 8TIIXT "I ' want you now." There was no doubt uliolcliitf and smothering; mh)1Ih, bliml-U- tf ts povvorloss llko a dreamer who suf- In his firm voice. of tho Btumnoh.a dry uou(fh, dys- - fers and cannot nwako, though ha "You do not know," sho symptomN, - knows, whllo, ho Is dreaming;, tried to tell iieptlu mensoN Irrov- tho that Mm. tun r, nn tin- - film knew In her linnrt that her lover's huaniy, unit of "Yes, I know." ho ealdj yet ttnttirnl color. Khu hail boon word was worth moro thnn most men's "and and yet I want tho Cleely who my treittetl by phytdcuin with but vows; she knew thnt hie purpose was was direct honest, yet honest little playmate year aitot who little lwncllt. Hlie hna taken and and she doubtel. my your treatment The tiny stone of susplctan began to was trusted love In the imat; who uooonllntr to will be my "hful wife In your illreetlous. nuii U roll. A (luestlnn which Cicely was too the tlmo letter to eomo.l'o. olu soke's sake, I In 1 proud to oak would have checked It, want every wuy. em well pIoomhI her, dear." but It rushed on and became an avu-lnneh- e - - with the result of your Ti x w burled She laid her tired head upon his treatment, anil f;lve you i that nnd crushed their shoulder and closed her tenr-fllle- d eyes. nerinlwlon to use my letter happiness under Its mass. ltaymond looked on daxed. lie eeuld not under- "And fer old take's sake," she said, for tho bcnollt of others. "you shall have hor." II. Mrs. May stand. Gwendolen Ciias. anil Uutciiuii, Overton, In the Argonaut, wm Fort Meyer, Vn. When It was too late It was made Theheallnif nudstreiiKlhenlnff power of Lvdla plain. Cicely sat before her own Are, In Opinion 1'. rinkhnm'H VeguUihle Compound for all fi- - the dusk, nnd looked quietly at the Ilia Unchanged. light tnalo Ills Is so well It newls no argument. For over twenty blaxliiR loss. The shone on her Two clt liens of Nebraska were established that fair face on Rleamlng raiight yonrs It haw been used by women with results thntnre truly wonderful. and her hair, In one of those violent funnel ltaymond stood looked nt shaped Mrs. rinkham Invites all women who are puszlsd nlmtit their health to write and down clouds, and, as they eeooted her, resting his arm on manii-pleee- . to Her at Lynn, Mniv. advlee. AH suelt eorreenoHdenee Is seea by wowea the alnntt In the midst of ruins of build for He was an honest man. He lags only, ami no uhurKo Is made. and HIng trees, one of them re- had no Intention of speaking nt even marked: "This Is the worst cyclone 1 A MHlInn Wntnrn Hn vr Brf n Benefited by Mrs. Plfiktiam'a Advkc nnd McdlclBe the love of the peat to another man's ever saw." frnorsiit man," cried the wife, but beside the blank reality rose other In tones of worn that were al- A BAR- -- "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE FOUL - up In front of him the might kave-beea most drowned by the rush nt the storm, i o tnc kcs cue. m GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES of his life, and he eric out from the "can you dUtlnRiilsh a eyelone front a depths: tornado? Are tho teachings of science "Oteely. why did you do lit" altogether lost upon youT This Is n She started bank and looked up at tornado, and, a described by Professor "BaJtleA was in clanger him. For one long minute the deep loveland nnd Meteorologist (Jee. It eyes gaxed his eyes saw Into nnd there I Juit then it ehureh steeple PLU C there would be SAPOLIO the futility of an Irretrievable mlitake. speaker transfixed the and he perished lips grew Tnli $400 Orasd risst The curved white, and parted In great agony, while ttie otuer man an army of men (who chew it) ready 0n..l0uitblua OrvKiia AUTOMATIC GRIP NECK YOKE and closed again. She turned and hid tbe III illuil drifted uIoiir fur ten miles or so and U.l bi4 her face In her tlght-elaipe- d hnndi, Aaw sawiaa Uaciiinis AN ACCIDENT AND LIFE PRESERVER. was dumped softly Into a sandbank. and bowed her head against tho bask to rescue it: large enough to shovel Ut til. Stlppea dirt. i OitalcilKxk Tuki nir la As he hruihed the sand out of his teeth ilrvneur eld .ibMu4 mill, ruinbialai airtngth of the rhalr. Thore Is tragedy of the mi I ..Lttl.. M I'Kla.u duiiirir tad fif. tuna and eara he remarked: "Well, that Spain off of fiercest sort that enters, onoe, least. the map Europe No trial WrlM, Wlllaot tiu at was the worst eyelone I ever saw." -- iuilitforUrniiaaS jodrvplf luc.t bcwa Into most lives tragedy which seems Uf H, ruimttcliu.tWi,n . Nebraska fitate Journal. Maaace; III KaiitiUfcl u. to rend the veil of one's tinlvene In other chewing tobacco in the world flila. aaaUK.Uii. IIM twain and to open up the grave) where am itJM.''uu' n4 Acora Not lo Ua Uallavrd. WAMTKU I Me ef U4 beailti thll II I H A X S olio's hopes and sorrowi have lain has ever had so many friends, will ant Until Sca4 l ta lltpaai ib.uil. tl KIckfiMaitn sleeping. Yet we "I suppose you think 1 eant tell Ou New V r f r iJiittpmuJtitu nAi ifiiltnoalaii. MlrkaiTlpi aa4 r.aiart Jeer at melodrama c.oitrt. IUat Yakt 1 wo timet" oxelalroed the man whose Wuw OiIb max when are shown bits from the play r.tu or chronology had bean questioned. Ma4 la bra tli.i. ta fit sola tlM III to IH- - Seal existence that are as nothing ta the "No," name fur ran clrralar. truth. We say was the reply; "1 don't yon the IJbtrat TarmStoilganU. Xiinu, It is overacted. It Is sy Remember MUnm Sjrup Tuiu OuJT Vca B because It hat been mercifully given to couldn't tell time, but time would be AUTOMATIC GRIP NECK YOKE GO. us to forget. In the past. Raymond. a fool to believe you, whatever yoif you buy again. I Transcript. St llardlng Btratt, ludlanapoU. lud. Int of all. would have sported; In the told him." Uoston aSSiTfcaV 1'unaral CammltUa. NulcliUit a I fori Worth. MILlTAFtV MATTERS. IHteatiad Army MslUr. Varnl Mtsrly Mabbsil. Galveston, Tex., Sept 21. The or- Ton Worth, Tex., Sept, 19. c. E. Wellington. Kept 17. Lieut. Oen. Vigo, Bpaln, Sept. 17. A crowd ot ABOUT TEXAS. der w'hloli appears below la Falrohlld, married, aged about 46 years, Qrn. Ilreoklnrldge has assumed com- J. M. Sohoflold called at the white ntraut 700 people besieged tho house Mr. Cleveland la ntrendy died suddenly yesterday at tho St. mand of tho corps nt Islington, Ky. home yostordny and the president told of Oen. Toral yeitorday, demanding In Itlehniond. Charles hotel, on Husk street, at tho In- Charles Dotiby, to Cblnn, him that It was his desire that tho that the troops which arrived hero Headquarters Texas Division United corner of Hast Seventh. Morphlno was Is In favor of holding the Philippine. quiry Into tho war department should from Santiago do Cuba bo Immediately Confederate Veteran, aalveston, Tex., given as the causa ot death. be made as thorough and rigid as pos- landed. They proceeded to tho quays, Matters Huppciiiiiu in 20. No, He was breathing very Three hundred men are to be enlist- Sept General order 4: hard at 9 sible, cheering tho troops, and wero with dif- o'clock n, and ed for the navy at Ban Francisco la compliance with orders issued by in., attracted attention. "If thero has been wrong-doin- I ficulty dispersed by soldiers of the gar- the Last Day U, coinmandcr-ln-chie- room waa entered hp, dis- Gen. John Oordon, f Ills asd was wnnt to know it, and I want to know rison. Afterward a crowd ot about 1500 covered to be In tho ot of the United Confcdorato Ve- throes death. Capt. Den. F. Wright of the Gover- who Is responsible for It. That there peoplo returned to the quays, and Two, lingered or teran, tho commanding goncral ot tho Ho until 10:30 yesterday morn- nor's cunrd, Is at Austin from Jackson- have been mistakes made Is apparent, wlien thoy saw tho soldiers landing ing. Texas division, United Confederate ville, Flo., on n furlough, but tho commission Is to find out barefooted and nearly naked, they be- Veteran, hereby nppolnta the follow-In- ? The deceased a short tlrao prior to whether they aro nvoldablo or not." Tho steamer Ieon XIII ban arrived came Infuriated and surrounded Gen. Cabtll't lrUmatlan. namel gentlemen representatives his death had been a railroader. Six The president told Oen. Sohoflold at Vigo with (len. Tornl nnd 2478 sol- Tornl's house, hooting and hissing and The following on or is of tho Texas division to attend the t- - months ago ho left Fort Worth, going that It was because he bolloved the diers and ollleera from Santiago do atoning the building. Hvontually the j to his old homo Marquette, Mleh. neral of MIm Wlnnlo Davis: nt He military system of tho United Statts Spanish general succeeded In escaping .Traiu-MlfMlMlp- Cuba. Headquarters Do- - returned here Friday morning reg-Uter- ed Col. It. 0. Lowe, Mr. W. D. Cleve- and wna principally to blamo for the mis- to tho Leon XIII. On learning this tho oartmont. United Confoderato Veter- land. Major Oeorge at tho hotel, whero bo breathed M. K. Unlrlwln management neod-e- Klmplemnn, lien. MaJ. of tho Sixth of the army that he d mob gathorcd on the dock and atoned ans, Dallas, Tex., Sopt 19. General ur-- lr II. H. Stoddard, Oen. W. II. Young, MaJ. his last. died the Ortho- Illinois volunteers at the servleea on the commission ot tho steamer for halt an hour, smash- No. 3 1. P. Charles Hume, Col. U A. Daffan, In April last his wlfo, In- hospital Philadelphia ot ty- ot Florence, paedic at a soldier tho goneral's experience to ing tho cabin windows The Loon It U the painful dtiyt of the lleu-4ena- nt Col. A Fuulknor and Mn). (1. A. Quin- stituted suit In the dlstrlot court horc, phoid fever. discover the weak spots suggest and XIII waa obliged to leave the placo general commanding tlio United tan. praying for n divorce. Yesterday af- remedies. Private John (Ilbblnga of company whero she was moored. Confederate Veterans, fl 2. The nbovo named gentlemen will ternoon ho went In search of hor nnd Tho meetings ot tho investigating I, fourth Tennessee, was drowned Flvo steamers nro ready to transport dopartmoat, to announeo to you tba proceed nt their earliest convenience attempted to effect u reconciliation. Tho commission will bo publlc,so that thero while attempting to awlm tho Tennes- the returning Spanish soldiers and civ- death of MIm Varlna Jefferson Davis, to Ittehmnnd, Vn., where they wilt take two met In an attorney's olllce, but the can be no oxeuso for saying that the see river near Camp Poland. il officers, with tho nrohlvos and muni- VeUer known on MIm Wlunla Davis, proper statu to show the great love and wlfo would not be reconciled, and In a administration was endeavoring to bo- rolun-toerf- c. tions ot war from Cuba, but It Is tka Dettitnter of the Confederacy, the affection which the veterans of Texas noto which ho left nddrosacd tu tho The first regiment, Mississippi shield any ono by seoreoy. Cul. (Iovhii comnndlng, Is now lloved It will take four months nnd yo sagset daughter at our Ireloved pros-Idea- t, In common with those of the whole public, he mild ho could not llvo with- A formal protest was filed with tho cost 80,000,000 pesetas to bring tho Jefferson DavlH. MIm Winnie south hail for tho lamented Daughter out her, nnd that tbo only recourse ho pleasantly located nt Camp Kliicuuuou, president against tho appointment ot Springs, MIm. troops back to Spain. died at NarragunaeU Pier. L. I . at noon of the Confederacy, and their personal had wus death. lAiiderdnlc Cen. Schofleld on the Investigating oh Mm 19th of September, surrounded grief over her untimely demise. Ily Ho loft also a note Haying that It dor Spanish otllcers, nnd tho Insur- commission, by MaJ. Qeorgo A. Armor, tlxli. llaiKall Damt. by her aged mother ami othor sorrow- order of J. II. POLLY. anything should happen to hlm to write gents demand that the American au- a retired army officer, who during Oen. Columbus, O., Sopt. 17. Drlg. Oen. ing friend. Mator General Commanding Toxns Di- Mr. K. Oorrurd nt Smith's Crossing, thorities employ no Spaniards lu any Schoflctd's career as commanding gen- Joseph T. Haskell died suddenly at hl 1 have neither tlio space nor the tlma vision United Confederate Veterans. Mich., nnd to Mrs. Haruh 12. Collier, capacity whatever at .Manila. eral ot the army claimed that bo was home nt tho Columbus post 4:30 to tell you of htir many virtues and 8. 0. YOUNG, West llruneh, In tbo sama state. Pa- being Injured by an nrmy "ring" ot about (Ion. Mnnros, discussing tho Santiago yostcrdny. Ho was ntrlokon with apo- tioblo trulU of character. She wiu the Adjutant Central nml Chief Staff. llors on his person showed thut ho wus which Con, Sohoflold was tho hoad. of surnmdsr. says; "It I had considered JUatighter of tlio Confederacy, udopted a member of tho Urothcrhood ot Hall- The day that Schofleld was placed on plexy, tho oxcltomcnt through which the eapllulntloii contrary to tho honor he passed during tho day being and christened u such by the mun who llasnl, way Trainman, with his membership In tho retired list he ordered Armcs' ar- the niliillrr of my country nud the troops who had Immediate cause ot tho followed tho Hag of tho lost cause un- Austin, Tox.. Sept. 21. The peniten- tho order nt Clnburuo. A receipt in his rest on a trivial ohargo and had him attack. Tho Hrltlsh cruiser Powerful Gen, Haskoll commanded tho seven-tcon- th til It was furled forever. Shu wna u tiary board was In star chambor ses- possession Indicated that ho was n nrrhed locked up In tho guardhouse at tho , nt recently Admiral infantry tho battlo of woman of strong charm-tor- grant Intel- sion yesterdny with tho governor pres- member In good standing of Johnson Manila nnd saluted Washington barracks. Tbo Investiga- at El Dewey. Oen. Otis responded from the Cnncy and wns twlco wounded In tbo ligence ami nohlo ImpulsoH, and iui a ent. It loaked out that the proposition lodge No. 131, I. O. O. F., nt Cleburne, tion that followed cleared Ames of battery In was tho g loft dutiful daughter did alt In bar power to tinder consideration was ono to pur- his dues having been paid up to Doc Utah tho citadel. It wrong-doin- and Oen. Sohoflold camo nhoutdcr and knee. ago was contribute to the support of herself chase n large sugar farm with money 1, im. first salute since the surrender. In for some very unpleasant comment Ho camo homo a month nnd recovering. morn- - And aged mother. accumulated from convict hire. A. II. T. Kornton of' Uloomlng bcoauso of tho appearanco ot splto In rapidly Yesterday Ing regiment Sbo was beloved by tbn old Coated-antt- o It Is understood that all those present I'ltlablirc IlnpruTXlllnlltl, drove ban received a letter from a his notion. MaJ. Armcs In his protest the seventeenth returned veteiaiis who eoustdored bar the approved the matter, and the reason a Pittsburg, Tox., Sept. 19. Tho ma- brother at Manlln, Whan ho first ar- filed calls attention to some homo and Gen. Haskell went to tho gal-jla- "uncrowned queen of tho south." Shu deal was not consummated was chinery hus arrived for tho oleatrlo rived It rained every fifteen minutes, correspondence he has recontly fur- depot In n carrlago to welcome his nt &ttanded the reunion ut Atlanta when tho financial agent was dubious about light plant, polos ure halna put up nnd an hour's Interval was considered nished tho secretary of war In regard men. Ho rode nt tho head of tho the Confederate Veterans, Sons of Vet-nu- u his tcagl right to disburse tho money and a force of men are wiring the n drouth. to Oen. Sohoflold. Thoeo letters charge iroitlmont through the city to tho post and Daughters purposo stores and residences. The ally con- nnd tho cheers ot tho Immonse crowds United of the for that and with tho board's Private J. II. Cordon of troop II died Oen. SchoPold with cowardlco and with Confederacy extended bar ova-Ua- u approval he nttoruoy gener- tracted for street llghta Saturday, anil attempting jot peoplo thut lined tho streets woro to an hill ask the nt Fort Sam Houston of lnjurlos re- to shun dangor. MaJ. never In any by Oct. 10 the entlro ally will bo light- ullrcotcd almost ns much to hlm Indi- excelled country or al for an opinion In the matter. ceived by being thrown from his horso Armes states: by any people. MIm As to probable ed by eloctrlclty. vidually as to tho rcglmont. At the Wliuilo'u tame tho site of the farm tho previous day. Ho was Interred "I think tho records will also show well Is 1800 and fame, llkn that of her nohlo father, to be purchased or nmount of money Tho artesian now feet that ha olalmod the credit for tho vic- revlowlng stand the crowd aurroundeil deep. A with military honors nt Bun Antonio. will live forever In tho heurut or thi to bo Invcstod the membors ore very rook was struck that nonius tory nt tho battle of Franklin nnd was tho cnrrlngo and flowers wero fairly to large Ho wus 36 yoars old. southern pooplo who cherish with u rctlrent, nnd all say that circumstances contain a per cent ot bright brovotod through misrepresentations. showored Into tho vehlolo from every yoltow inetul Is Issued tiexthlcw devotion, patriotism and may nrlso that might alter both of that thought to be An order hus been transferr- Tho modal ho now wears was a side. Although not as strong as for- gold, and n Ramplo ot bravery, and tho grand vlrtuoa of trut theso matters, but that a farm where was nont to the ing tho medical supplies In ohurgo distinction for Imaginary merly, Con. Haskoll appeared rugm! state geologist. purveyor Chlrkumnuga, MaJ, and noble womanhood. about 200 convicts could bo used U tho at services. Tho reeords will also bear 'and his sudden death waa a terrible The commltteo who havo In charg Comegys, uro ton Tho different camp. throughout tho wanted. One bidder has n farm ot 800 to Atlanta. Thero mo out In saying that ho has shielded shuck to his family nnd frlonds. Trans-Mlsslsslp- the handsome gift ot Androw Carne- of supplies In tho store- department are acres In Ilrazos county he Is offering curloads such officers of tho army whom ho know to gie for a public Unify nre making 500,000. as soon ax posslblo after this tho board for $10,000. house there, valued nt bo guilty ot offenses for which they Aflar t Chaplain. considerable progress with their work order U received to take ootlon In Mr. J. D. Shaw ot Wnco Is In re- would have been cashiered or Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. i" Tho war and tho city council contemplates sent to regard to the death of our belovod Kl.cUil Onicr. ceipt of a loiter from his sou, J. T. prison, In order to save his frlonds, lixpartment yesterday telegraphed to erecting a Imndsorao library nnd city In Daughter of tho Confederacy. Hy order Dallas, Tox., Sept. 21. Tho Stale (Tyro) Shaw, who has seen sorvlco In ray opinion ho Is now Chaplain G. A. Carsten.sen ot tho one hall In connection by Issuing bonds. trying to under- ot W. L. CAHKLL, National Association of Splltuallsts tho Philippines, and who gives a most mine Oen. Nolson hundred and ftfty-olght- u Indiana regi- The local telephone company It A. Miles. The time .Lieutenant general United Confederate held Its nnnunl convention here and graphic description of tho fighting at has come when ment, Just returned hern from the building a line to Mount Pleasant nnd this man Schofleld Vetera ua, Trana-Mliulsslp- depart elected the following officers to servo Mulntc. should pose houIIi, calling on him nfflrm or deny will havo It completed In ccftso to as a groat rain." ta ensuing year: Thorn-a- s ten days, meat. A. T. WATTS, for the President. Tho first Arkansas volunteer regi- Further friction botweon tho head- the text of an Intorvlow credited to president, iilvln , us connection with that town. .Adjutant general and chief of aUfr. Keats, Oalvcston: vice ment has arrived at Llttlo Hock from quarters of the army and tho adjutant Mm In an Indianapolis paper. Among Mm. Wilson, Fort Worth; secretary. Trjlnr tu Huttl Chlckamatiga nnd Is In camp at Fort genoral's ofllco was caused by the prac- other statements credited to tho chap, W. lllng. treasurer, Ntrlko. Ni Nalllaiuant. John Oalveston; J. city. tical rejection ot lain Is one that the uonoral-ln-chlc- ! ot 'i Oalvofcton, Sopt. 19 -- Logan II. Hoots, near thut All Oen. Miles' recom- trustees, Qeorgo Tex.. Tho com aalveaton, Tex., Sept. 20. Yoatorday II. I'ctcrs, Halrd; In In tho medical departmon: was a Mer-- I mlttce of merchants, which Is eudouv-orln- g of tho men appear to bo oxcollont mendations regard to tho disposition morning tho W. l.anK. Hosonbere: Allen Franklin committee ot merchants to bring about u sottlemnnt ol health and nil rejoiced to get home, of tho rogular and voluntocr troops, nary surgeon who had devotod nil his and tho eotnmittoo ot Drown, Han Antonio: It. It. Kneeshaw, - tho colored labor .1io Mallory lino slrlko, appeared (len. In of which will bo hold In readiness for sor- - life- to doctoring horses. In describ- HI U. Mlsa before Frank, who Is command union called on Trulllo Manager Denl-su- a Paso; David Hinckley, nnd tho Colored l.ubor union yesterday aft- the camp nt Annlstnn, Ala., received a vlco In Cuba. Oen. Miles on his roturn ing Camp Thomas, Chaplain Carsten-se- r oT tho Mallory Hllen T. Thomas of Dallas. Dallas wna - lino with their prop- ernoon nnd submitted tho proposition metumge asking how many soldiers be to Washington Intended that not only Is quoted as naylng- to selected ns tho place for holding tho osition have tho men returned to mndo by Manager say- ehoiild Montauk Point bo "ISxaggeratlon U not necessary. of Tralflo Denlsou, could euro for. He replied that he abandoned work immediately pro-vldo- noxt annual convention tho at tho old aoalo, d ing If tho old amployoH would return could take euro ot two divisions, or ns a military camp, but that nil other Facts aro more condemnatory than fic- the Mallory lino agree would to to work at the present scale, nnd II about 25,000 men. A number will go, camps In the country should be brokon tion. The real conditions woro bad arbitration. The comnrittaoa wero quite mil. thoy would present u grlovnnoe, It Tho Host hospital nt Waslrttgtoa up, no moro camps established and tho enough, God knows." hopeful that would bo rttti this agreed to, mer-chant- troops Hev. Is nastor Valley Mills, Tox., Sept, 21. A man would receive consideration. Tho s The contract for supplying tho navy' sent to military posts Hero Carstenson of tho St. but yesterday they reeelved a re- ' by the name of Joo Connor felt Into advised that tho proposition be department with smokeless powder baa they could be quartered In romfortablo Paul Episcopal church ot this city. ply from Mr. Denlsou In which ho said tho Jeop cut recently finished by tho accepted. It was, however, rojeeted, been awarded to the California Powder barracks nnd afforded all the conve- fiat, tho Hue could pay no more than Oklahoma Day, contractors was killed and the union agreed to n proposition company, supply SOO.OM niences and hoalthful conditions or ad- tba present scale railroad nnd each to nnd that tho Mallory j equate Omaha, Neli., Sept. 17. Mnndny night. Tho body was not that thoy will return to work at tht pounds. The contract price Is 80 cents and decent water supply and Oklahoma line would havo to bo the Judge of con-(lltla- found until tho bunds went to work old scalo at ouco, provided tho Mallory per pound, tho government to furnUu modem sewerage. held the boards nt tho exposition audi- and the conduct ot its bualnaaa. yesterdny. yesterday morning. Very llttlo Is lino will ugreo to submit tbo question alcohol iieceeetiry for the production torium Tho visitors wero lie gave the old employes of tho lino of wages headed by tho first rcglmont band ot known of him. Ho had only worked to arbitration. of powder. HpnnUli HammlMliiiiari. until Sept. M to return to work and Guthrlo nnd oseorted by n troop ot for the company halt a day. On ac- The Host hospital nt Wuslilimton Madrid, Sept, 17. Tlio Spanish peaco aaid that If they did mrt. return by that Ilrollmr MUta.l. mounted Indians In charge ot Capt. count ot rain ho quit work ut noon ,j barracks. District of Columbia, the sommlsslon has been appointed. Senor tblme other and permanent arrange- Illosaom, Tex., Sopt. 19. 1h4j. Mor Mcroor. The Indians dropped nut ot Monday and came down town. Nothing Sternberg nnd Suuger Held hospitals nt Moutoro Hlos, prosldent of the sonnte, ment would have to l made. gan, who has been ubseut from home llun when thoy reached tho grounds mora was seen ot htm until Ills body ChleknmaUKu park and the military will preside. Tho oUler names ure The union held a mooting last night about ono year, returned home about nud went on to encampment. Half wus found yesterday morning. The cut hospltnl nt Ponce, Porto ltlco, have withheld until tbo queen regent their and heard this nport. At 1U conclusion 12 has Is about fifty fret deep where ho fell. o'clock Saturday night. Hiding up given a dozen members of Col. Hoosovolt'a the oOlelal statement was been doslgnntcd ns general hospitals her approval. made that 36 weigh- to tho gate ho hallooed and asked It troop of rough rldors, who accompan- He was about years old nnd ' mid leported under oxoluslve control Duke Almodovur do union 11 da-tna- Hlo. tho foreign the would stand rm in Ita ho could get a drink of water. Hh ied the Oklahoma party, were also In- ed lit) pounds; light hair uud in ot the surgeon general of tho urmy. minister, nnd Senor Moret, former sec- and while It oounceltMl obsarv-aao- e brother told him he could. He then vited to seats on tho staso and their ' retary for the colonies, nre engaged of the law, It would not 1m hltehod his horse and went Int got the (len. S. M. II. Young of Plttsburc appearanco was followed by lgorou In drafting the Instructions for the for Individual oaU. The MuU water and went In the room wlier has been uselflnod to tho command c wol-co- AuiHr tu NuIk. commission. ppplnusb. The usual addresses of Sorr Una tvorkvd Ma ship ytttarday his brother John wus sleeping, who, tho II rat division of the second amy Hnnls, Tox., Sept. SI. On August 3S, The queon regent were spoken. Gov. Darnos re- Uie 0-b- ln has sleuwl the bill wltb orew. Vaetertlay aevan oolorad 1S93, T. J. Miles of Uarrett had a bale not kaowlug who ho was or his Inten- corps. He succeeds Ceil. J. P. S. sponded. J. C. Hoberts ot Kingfisher mea aama by lust passed by tho cortos authorizing roil from Houston to of cotton ginned ut Garrett, In whlou tions, fired on him with a shotgun, of Lebanon, who returns to tke nnd MaJ. A. 15. Woodson spoke ot tho Ihe cosslon of national territory un- work on the dook. he placed a note directed to killing hlm Instantly. The killing li brigade composed ot the eighth, resources ot Oklahoma. whomso der the terms of tho protocol. ever should use the cotton. He staled greatly regretted by nil and his re- twelfth and thirteenth Pennsylvania that It had been classed hero strict mains w4Te Inter! ed here Sunday af- regiments. Tie son ot J. I Lewis, Dallas, rtaaa An unooeuplcd Tex., Sept. middling and asked to be Informed how ternoon. John and his mother live At tho conclusion ot the review ot house, valued at living near Temple, Tex., waa thrown two $1200, was burned nt lmtoraery Knaplly, for many yean It clawed in Liverpool. Oarrett & Sens miles north ot this plaee. the troop at Camp Poland, Tonn., Oen. Temple, Tex. from a horse and his neek broken. leading ast a business man ot Dallas, Hng , get bale, on Hreeklnrldge Inspection at !ane, the and Miami mado n formal Ma-base- at (Iklfailoii, Iluitjr Hel on the rauch ot Uttorgo W. r, September 0 wroto to Mr. Miles that of tiie regimental eamns nud division lUrufnliad, All Appolalait. Dalvestan, 19. Naarl? In Coleman county, Tex.. Sept. The Lon Bridgeport. Conn., Sept, 17. As re- miles they bought It In Uverpool, paying hospitals. He pronounced the camps a Washington. 17. expecta-tla- n hvh Star steamer Miami arrived Saturday Sept The Xrsia KasiU SuHday 3D-3- mit of yosterday's development Ahho. night He 3 for It, and that It was graded In good condition, and took occasion there Is that Hon. Charles Denby, worming from Norfolk with a partial tn waa a Mason ot high standing awl law middling. t" RMHtONleli the alDeere to kvep their leeme lie almost no doubt that tiie to cargo of coat for 1C. O. Flood & Co., China, will accept the ast grand cowander ot th Kulgkta eaiiipe free ot garbage as far as possi- woman whoso dismembered body was and alio president's Invitation to beeomo a Temper of the state. ArrMtnt. when shall have been dis- found early In the In He waa made L'lilHmn ble. wk tho Yellow member of the commission which Is to charged she wilt take a cargo of eat-ti- e mill JttrlHer July 13 1&8T. was pnat ta Ill !asa, Tex., Sept. 11. A cttetems Bend waa Grace Marian Perkins to Havana. She has nut The steamer Alfonso XIII steamed Investlgf to the ootid uet ot the war de- of be-si- Just cotw Jf Mlddlebero. Masc Jlella Temple ud well Inspoeter hid himself In the hushes Into the harbor ot Santiago do Cuba a partment during the war. This with ttsMwn the eoNHtry over to the 0 ramie river two miles ot government servlae as a trans- Miss Uwae who Ills short time ago amid the booming ot Perkins left Mlddlebero three persons hare attended the annual tneetlMjp of below the etty Monday night to watch port, and Capt. MeDonald, who was wrehj ago, the other who have practical- from nnd the shore presumably with ope lam Imperial counsli ot the .MrUe for smuggle' cinnamon. lie finally In eomraand of her during war, euanmt the forts Charles llourne, a young man ly Indicated their willingness to servo the Many refugees on of the trlaj. Mr. Kneplly woa president of saw three Celestials wading aeroea the has several oxperlenee to tell. Una batteries. returned town, and since that time all traeo of mnkcfl six In all, the remaining five eke state fair one term. stream from tho Moxlean slHire and of tho things that ho Is pr.mj of Is a her, and reaeelved a warm weleome her has been lost The pel lee here are being Meters. Towell, Sexton, Keene, nabbed them. testimonial (leu. making from Wheeler. from those who remained. efforts to locate llourne. Dodge and Oilman. 4iairHr Scnilt Mumlulne. Trooper llowlatid of Demlng, N. M Austin. Tex . slept. 30. flov. Arrlil st Hutu, At Nina I.Wai Clber. ltooliurl. rough foil. ! Paris. Tex.. Sept. 21. Will Colgat". with Hnosevelt's riders, was shot T C'surlmartlaUd. sua sent the following telegram to Mrs. noottport. Tox.,Bept. 19. Oen. Iloston. Mass . Sept. 17. The steamer who enlisted In tho United States army ade before Santiago In the ribs. He was Washington, Sept 17. Tho i.ocrotary Uavls: Hampton, tho noted South Carolinian, Gloucester struek the schooner Alloe Bxeoutlve OnVw, commencement ot hostilities, has ordered to full back to the dressing of tho navy has ordered a court-marti- al Austin, Tex , Sept. at the accompanied by his daughter, O. Jordan In Vineyard Sound, cutting lAr-Mr- a. Jefter4iH ItoolUnghatn arrived room until he could be sent to Slboney ot Chaplain Davis, been granted an honorable dlseharge her In two. fiho began tor the trial Mclntyre 1 here Saturday. They will be here to fill at onee. tel, Narreisaiuwit Pier. It. I.: beg on the recommendation of Dr. John hospital. He got tired ot waiting and of the Oregon, who Is aoeused of pub- to ajufire you of the profound sympathy some days tarpon angling. Jerry Warren was killed by a falling and arrived at his home In The second Texas regiment of vol- licly dsnounalng his brother officers of the people of Texas In the death of (Irant, Over 100 members ot the Texas spar from the steamer. Three others gifted Paris. A number of other soldier boys unteers nnd seeond lxmlslana regi- who engaged In the battle of July 3. ami hoMu daughter. Hallway elub arrived on a special were killed In their bunks and Ave a great name and born to part ot the have obtained ments nre going to form a social or- The court will meet In Denver on the Jr the In this state train. There are quite a number ot went down with the sshooner. sxtorjea of Ute cavil war, alio waa greatly discharges through (he same seuree. ganization In ordor to perpetuate the 36th Instant and will consist of seven Uefoted by the southern people ladles In the party. They will be en- and memory of the time when .thoy were members htaded by Uomrundoro Mc-Oah- n, raemery will bo Usder ly auerlshed gunboat Hattler has gone tertained with oyster roasts and camped br OtfLTiBRgON, Tho Urltlih at Miami, Fla., and then wound The Philip testimonial fund up to retired, with Capt. Muehhelma f tktm. O. A. to Cebu. on the bay, up (Jovernor of TeJuu. at Jacksonville, In same stats. tbe 17th was 1754.40. aa judge advoeate.