University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-24-1898 Eddy Current, 09-24-1898 Wm. H. Mullane Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news Recommended Citation Mullane, Wm. H.. "Eddy Current, 09-24-1898." (1898). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news/1209 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. In tff II THE EDDY CURRENT. Pecos Valley to the Front, Croalcars to tho Raar. VOL. VI. EDDY, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1808. NO. I6. Utrnai;'i Mattva. OStelnl. ri.K.cd, (I.rinn in t l,aukil Aftur. Mill lnli tUnd, New York, Bept. 20, A special from Washington, Sept. 20. The officials Washington, Pept 19. Tho Ameri- Nsrrsgansott, Pier. It. I., Bept. 19-j- HOLOCAUST TERRIBLE. Washington, says: nt the state and war departments wel can pearo commlslsoners, who sailed Miss Winnie Davis, daughter of Mrs. As an Indication that Germany has comed the notice sent to tho American Raturday from Now York, bear secret Jefferson Davis, died nt noon yesterday JW been scheming to share In tho dispo people of tho falsity of tho stories de Instructions to Investigate tho stories at the Itoektngham hotel, to whteh sition of the Philippines, the authori- scribing thi friction between the Fil of allegtd foreign Interference in the place sho camo as a guest In tho early Combustion of Dust Causes an ties have learned that, acting under In ipinos nnd the American forces In Lu disposition of tho Philippines. It they part of the Pier's social season. Sho Spontaneous structions from Ilcrlln, tho German zon. While tho officials did not care find that there Is any basis for tho re- had bcon III for several woeks, and a commandor-ln-chto- f of tho Asiatic sta to discus the matter for publication. ports whloh havo been In circulation fortnight ago her ailment wad diag- Elevator to Catch Fire and Disas- tion has roado an cxhaustlvo Investi It was evident thnt tho main source for months they have been Instructed nosed as malarial gastritis. gation of the coal deposits of the Is- of tholr satltfactlon was tho internal by the president to Immediately Insist At times her condition boonmo vory trous Results Ensue. lands. Ho was assisted by a Qerman nvldencn contained In the document upon tho cession of tho entlro Philip- serious, so that the consultations ot engineer who had been temporarily as that Agulnnldo had profited by tho pine archipelago to the United States. physicians were deemed necessary, but signed lo his squadron for tho special warnings of the American command- Tho administration has grown woary frequent ralllet gavo renewed hops that ers nnd hnd gracefully receded from purpose of locating coal, and, with thnt of tho suspicious movements of Ger-mnn- y she would ultimately recover. During Hran of llarrur. I'rom All I'urlWt. end in view, ho conduoted a thorough tho arrogant attitude assumed by him nnd proposes to bring tho matter the past week especially wax her con- Gon Toledo, 0., Sept. 21. Bight peoplo Washington, Hopt. 21. The person Investigation and his report, which has Just before Merrill left Manila to a head. In speaking of tho report dition considered favorable, as it was cremated, eight more fatally burned uel of tho Spanish poaeo commission been submitted to tho Uorlln govern for Paris. that Spain and Gormany hnvo reached thought thnt her removal from Uio ho While thorn Is Mttln In the official and eight seriously Injured Is the re- has been communicated omelany by ment through Vivo Admiral Von Dlod- - n secret understanding, by whtch Ger tot would bo posslblo In a faw days, as the Madrid government to tho Froneb records that tends to contrndlct what sult of tho most disastrous Ore that ev- crlolis, shows thnt tho best lignite do- - mnny Is to bo glvon two of the Is the hotel had closed for tho season, embassy through tho Insurgent chief says, still It must er occurred in Toledo. and Ambassador posits aro located on tho Island of Co lands of tho Philippine group, a cab leaving the patient nnd nttundants to department. Th bo recalled that both Gon. Otis nnd Following are the donds Samuel Cambon the stato bit, one of tho VUeaya group. Inet oiricer said Snturdny afternoon: practically nlnuo In tho house. name as given In Admlrnl Dewey In eablo messages to Alexander, Dort Walnwrlght, Fred list is tho that tin This information has been received "I bollovo that the report Is true. It ttaturdny night, however, a retnpso press dispatches, with some additional Washington have pointed out threat Oarrett, Harold Parks, John Bmllb, from one of tho representatives of this has been tho subject of grave discus- In Miss Davis' condition was notloed, as to several members. ening complications iirlslng from tho Urace Porks, Frank Van Uousen, John Information tho government In Germany and has been sion between tho president and his and throughout the night she lost Montoro Mo, chairman of the attitude of the Insurgents. Tho latest Out. Sonor considered of sufficient Importnnco to cabinet nnd has holprd to mold somo strength. Yesterday morning tho phy- commission. Is tho presiding officer of advices received at tho war depart-- 1 The Injured: David Kemp. Darner bo presented to tho peace commission of our opinions In regnrd to tho Phil- sicians said thnt tho end was not far Spanish sonato. Benor Abarxuza mrnt from Manila wero from Gen. Welch, Charles Klofer, Frod Pargolds, tho era for their consideration. Officials ippines. Our ponco commissioners hnvo off, and at foon death camo to end tho Is a tho sonato and was Otis Friday last, and while tho officer Elliott, Charles llrookeoefer, Ever-e- tt member of who wero Interviewed regarding tho been Instructed to Investlgnto Uiaso suffering which nt time had been Spanish umbnsador at during referred to the agitation exhlbted by re Smith, Hamilton Parks, Win. J. Paris matter admit that there can be only ports nnd if they find any basis for Mrs. Davis had watched at her Spain's brief rcglmo as a republic. tho Insurgents, ho took rare to slato Parks, W. C. Jordan, Peter Haas, ono object which would lead tho Her believing that Germany during tho war daughter's bedside, and sho is now Gen. Correra has had long experience that he had troops enough, In his own Albaldlo and four othors, names un- lln government to direct such an inves has been negotiating with Spain to se- bowed with sorrow. In colonial affairs nnd i regarded as opinion, to meet any emergency. With known. tlgatlon the deslro to oxtend Gorman cure territory against which our mili- Wlnnlo Dnvls. the "Daughter ot tho an expert in that line. Sonor Vlllaur this statemont from the commanding The spontaneous combustion of dust Jurisdiction over tho Island which has tary operations might at any moment Confederacy," was horn In tho Confed- rutla is tho prcsont Spanish, mlnlstst gonernl on the scone of activity fresh Jn the grain elevator ownod by Pad- tho largest beds of conl adapted for have bvjn directed they will claim tho erate executive mansion at Richmond, at Drussels. Honor Garnlcls Is couc In mind, the war department's expla dock, Hogo ft Co. at 9 o'clock last steaming purposes. entire urrhtpelgo nt on'Co. Tho same Vs., In 1803. She was educated princi- selor of the court of cassation or su nation of the dispatch for frosh rein night caused tho terrible destruction of Such an Island Is Cobu, reports whloh course will be pursued by thorn should pally nt home, owing to tho trouble sur premo court. forcements for the army nt Manila, llfo and nono of thoso who were taken have been received showing that lig- Germuny, attempt to repeat nt Paris rounding her father and tho publlolty As a wholo the commlslon Is regard namely, that It Is but part of the out nftor tho fire started wero far nite of a good quality is found tbero any of the annoying notions. Tho Unl-te- d which attended all movomonts ot tho ed as n strong body, combining npro movement originally planned, appears onough from death's door to tell any- in largo quantities. Germany would States Is determined thnt Dnvls family. sontntlvcs of tho political elements, the to warrant a further Inquiry. The there thing of the details. Wm. J. Parks, tho find Cobu oxccodlngty valuable as a shall bo no foreign Intermeddling, Wo Miss Davis attained her maturity at army nod tho diplomatic iratornlty. navy deportment Is rushing prepara superintendent, after being blown coaling station, as It would not neces- proposo to settle our affairs with Spain Hcouvolr, Miss. Hero sho assisted her Tho names aro not, bowovnr. widely tions fur the start of tho big battle through tho window of tho lower story, tho establishment of a coal pile in our own way. mother In various ways and took her known out side of Spain, the. apparent sitate ships Oregon and Iowa to Honolulu wax conscious for a moment and raid Chou, whtch recently ob- "There are many Indications placo In tho many social functions of purpose being to sccuro n commission at Kao sho and ordors have beer, sent to tho New that hat about 8:30 a tcrrlblo explosion tained.
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