
An individual’s unique and relatively personality consistent patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

A that attempts to describe and explain similarities and personality theory differences in people’s patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

In Jung’s theory, the hypothesized part of the that is collective unconscious inherited from previous generations and that contains universally shared ancestral experiences and ideas. The ego defense mechanism that involves unconsciously shifting the displacement target of an emotional urge to a substitute target that is less threatening or dangerous.

Latin for I; in Freud’s theory, the partly conscious rational component of personality that regulates ego thoughts and behavior, and is most in touch with the demands of the external world.

Largely unconscious distortions of ego defense mechanisms thoughts or that act to reduce anxiety. A psychoanalytic technique in which the patient spontaneously reports all thoughts, feelings, and free association mental images that arise, revealing unconscious thoughts and emotions.


In Freud’s theory, the completely unconscious, irrational component of personality that seeks immediate satisfaction of instinctual urges and drives; ruled by the pleasure principle.

In psychoanalytic theory, an ego defense mechanism that involves identification reducing anxiety by imitating the behavior and characteristics of another person. In Freud’s theory, a child’s unconscious sexual desire for the opposite-sex parent, usually accompanied by hostile feelings toward the same-sex parent.

The motive to obtain pleasure and avoid tension or discomfort; the pleasure principle most fundamental human motive and the guiding principle of the id.

Freud’s theory of personality emphasizing unconscious determinants of behavior, sexual (in personality) and aggressive instinctual drives, and the effect of childhood experiences on later personality development. In Freud’s theory, age-related developmental periods in which the child’s sexual urges are focused on psychosexual stages different body areas and are expressed through the activities associated with those areas.

The capacity to accommodate external demands by postponing reality principle gratification until the appropriate time or circumstances exist.

The unconscious exclusion of anxiety-provoking thoughts, (in psychoanalytic theory feelings, and memories from of personality and ) conscious awareness; the most fundamental ego defense mechanism.


In Freud’s theory, the partly conscious, self-evaluative, moralistic component of personality that is formed through the internalization of parental and societal rules.

In Freud’s theory, a term used to describe thoughts, feelings, wishes, unconscious and drives that are operating below the level of conscious awareness.

In Rogers’s theory, the innate drive actualizing tendency to maintain and enhance the human organism. In Rogers’s theory, the sense that you will be valued and loved only if conditional positive regard you behave in a way that is acceptable to others; conditional love or acceptance.

humanistic (theory of personality) The theoretical viewpoint on personality that generally emphasizes the inherent goodness of people, human potential, self- actualization, the self-concept, and healthy personality development.

The set of perceptions and beliefs self-concept that you hold about yourself. In Rogers’s theory, the sense that you will be valued and loved even if unconditional positive regard you don’t conform to the standards and expectations of others; unconditional love or acceptance.

reciprocal determinism

A model proposed by Bandura that explains human functioning and personality as caused by the interaction of behavioral, cognitive, and environmental factors.


The beliefs that people have about their ability to meet the demands of a specific situation; feelings of self- confidence.

Bandura’s theory of personality, which emphasizes the importance social cognitive theory of conscious cognitive processes, social experiences, self-efficacy beliefs, and reciprocal determinism.

behavioral genetics

An interdisciplinary field that studies the effects of genes and heredity on behavior.

five-factor model of personality

A trait theory of personality that identifies extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience as the fundamental building blocks of personality.

The most fundamental dimensions of personality; the broad, basic source traits traits that are hypothesized to be universal and relatively few in number.

Personality characteristics or surface traits attributes that can easily be inferred from observable behavior.

A relatively stable, enduring trait predisposition to consistently behave in a certain way. A theory of personality that focuses on identifying, describing, and trait theory measuring individual differences in behavioral predispositions.

A self-report inventory that California Psychological Inventory assesses personality characteristics (CPI) in normal populations.

A that claims to assess personality, social, and occupational attributes based on a person’s distinctive handwriting, doodles, and drawing . A self-report inventory that assesses personality characteristics Minnesota Multiphasic Personality and psychological disorders; used Inventory (MMPI) to assess both normal and disturbed populations.

The aspect of the self-concept that includes images of the selves that possible selves you hope, fear, or expect to become in the future.

A type of personality test that involves a person’s interpreting an projective test ambiguous image; used to assess

unconscious motives, conflicts,

psychological defenses, and personality traits. A test that assesses a person’s abilities, aptitudes, interests, or psychological test personality on the basis of a systematically obtained sample of behavior.

Rorschach Inkblot Test

A projective test using inkblots, developed by Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach in 1921.

self-report inventory

A type of psychological test in which a person’s responses to standardized questions are compared to established norms.

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

A projective personality test, developed by Henry Murray and colleagues, that involves creating stories about ambiguous scenes.

Warning: not all of the key ideas are on this list of key terms