Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Regular Council Meeting Agenda

Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Place: Video Conference Various Remote Locations (To be recorded) Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen

Time: 9:30 a.m.

Call to Order

Mayor Martin will call the meeting to order. Cell Phones

Everyone in the meeting is asked to turn off your cell phone or place it on vibrate mode.

Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof

No written Declarations of Pecuniary Interest were received prior to publication of the agenda. Minutes of Council Meetings

1. Public Meeting – April 23, 2021 2. Regular Council Meeting – May 4, 2021 Planning Reports

1. Darryl Tighe and Amanda Dougherty, Planning Consultants Re: Zoning By-law Amendment – DeMille

2. Darryl Tighe and Amanda Dougherty, Planning Consultants Re: Zoning By-law Amendment – Summers/Greenwood

3. Darryl Tighe and Amanda Dougherty, Planning Consultants Re: Application for Consent – Lot Addition – Allison/Robinson

4. Darryl Tighe and Amanda Dougherty, Planning Consultants Re: Application for Consent – Lot Addition – Sanders/Van Eindhoven

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5. Darryl Tighe and Amanda Dougherty, Planning Consultants Re: Application for Consent – New Lot Creation – Newton

6. Sonia Aaltonen, Building Administrative Assistant Re: Temporary Use Agreement – Belmont 6th Line - Russell

Delegations and Presentations

1. City of Peterborough Chris Kawalec, Community Development Program Manager Re: Community Safety and Well-Being Plan

2. David Hoyle Re: Transport Clarifications to Previously Approved Boating Safety Signage Staff Reports for Information

1. Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer Re: May 4, 2021 Closed Session Meeting Summary

Staff Reports for Follow-up Action

1. Peter Lauesen, Manager of Public Works Re: Belmont Township Concession 8 and Browns Line - Gate

2. Peter Lauesen, Manager of Public Works Re: Concession Street Sanitary Sewer Upgrades – Installation of Relocated Sanitary Sewer

3. Ryan Andrew, Manager of Parks, Recreation and Facilities Re: Winter Banners

4. Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer Re: Provincial Police (OPP) Detachment Board Proposal

5. Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer Re: Request for Quotation – Compensation Review

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Action Items


Information Items

1. Maryam Monsef, Member of Parliament (MP) for Peterborough-Kawartha Re: Government of Canada invests $2.5 million to create over 700 youth jobs in Peterborough-Kawartha

2. Maryam Monsef, Member of Parliament (MP) for Peterborough-Kawartha Re: Canada and Ontario Provide Affordable Homes in Peterborough

3. Re: County Council Special Meeting – Employment Lands

Committee Liaison Reports

1. Jim Martin, Mayor (Verbal) David Gerow, Deputy Mayor (Verbal) Re: County Council Update

2. Bob Angione, Clerk Re: Summary of Council Activities Submitted for this Council Meeting

Written or Oral Notice of Motion or Discussion

1. Hart Webb, Councillor

Whereas several ratepayers residing on private roads have indicated their support for a Made in HBM Private Road Grant Program;

Be It Resolved That staff is hereby authorized to prepare a Made in HBM Private Road Grant Program for presentation and adoption at a future Council Meeting.

2. Barry Pomeroy, Councillor

That the gates at King Street East and Mathison Street East adjacent to the Community Centre be left open all year long.

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New Business

1. Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer Re: Summary of New Business Items Submitted for this Council Meeting


1. A By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into an Agreement with Rudolph John Russell for the use of a travel trailer as temporary residency during the construction of a new single-family dwelling on property municipally known as Belmont Township 6th Line, now in the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen.

Confirming By-law

A by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen held on May 18, 2021.


Next Meeting Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 9:30 a.m.

Closed Session

(The Closed Session Meeting will be held following the conclusion of the Open Session Council Meeting and will be held in-person at the Council Chambers. This in person meeting will be subject to physical distancing and sanitization protocols)

This Closed Session Council Meeting is held under authority of Section 239(2)(c) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 for acquisition or disposition of land; and

Section 239(2)(e) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 for litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality.

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 4 of 108 Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Special Council Meeting Video Conference April 23, 2021 Minutes

The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen held a Public Meeting on April 23, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. with Mayor Martin presiding. This meeting was held via video conference in order to observe physical distancing measures and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Members in Attendance:

Council: Jim Martin, Mayor David Gerow, Deputy Mayor Larry Ellis, Councillor Barry Pomeroy, Councillor Hart Webb, Councillor

Staff: Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer Bianca Boyington, Deputy Clerk John Smallwood, Chief Building Official Laura Stone, Planner

Regrets: Pat Kemp, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)

Mayor Martin called the meeting to order and reminded Council of the requirement to disclose any pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof if the occasion arises.

Mayor Martin introduced the purpose of the meeting.

The purpose of this Public Meeting is to discuss an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment to prohibit dryland boathouses on Jack Lake and to designate Sharpe’s Bay as at-capacity.

Official Wording Proposed Official Plan Amendment

Amend Section Lake Trout (at capacity) Lakes to add item (f) as follows:

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f) At-Capacity lake trout lakes are lakes which have been determined by the province to be at capacity for development with respect to additional nutrient loadings which may adversely affect water quality. Development and/or site alterations will not be permitted on a highly sensitive lake trout lake, unless it can be demonstrated through site-specific studies that there will be no negative impacts on the lake. The following list identifies the lake trout lakes in the Township which are identified as being at-capacity for new development and site alterations:

i. At Capacity Lake Trout Lakes • Sharpe’s Bay of Jack Lake

Add Section Cold Water Lakes as follows:

Section Cold Water Lakes

a) Cold water lakes and streams are considered by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of the Environment to be critical habitat for the maintenance of a healthy cold water fishery. The Township recognizes the importance of the cold water lakes and streams and shall generally permit development to take place only in a manner that does not adversely affect habitat essential to the maintenance of a healthy cold water fishery.

b) The Ministry of Natural Resources, in conjunction with the Ministry of Environment, shall monitor fish habitat, including water quality, in selected cold water lakes in the Township, identified below. The results of the monitoring/modeling program shall determine the development capacity of each cold water lake.

c) The following is a list of the Township’s Cold Water Lakes: i. Jack Lake

Add Section Boathouses on Jack Lake as follows:

Section Boathouses on Jack Lake

a) The development of boathouses shall be prohibited on Jack Lake. Notwithstanding, existing boathouses may be rebuilt, repaired or strengthened in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning By-law.

Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment

Amend Section 2.0 “Existing” definition as follows:

“EXISTING” means lawfully existing on the date of passing of this By-law.

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i. For boathouses, “existing” means lawfully existing as of the date of passing of By-law No. 2021-XXX (______, 2021).”

Amend Section 4.22 to add the following:

Section 4.22.2 Marine Facilities On-Land

a) On-land boathouses are prohibited on Jack Lake. Notwithstanding, existing boathouses may be rebuilt, repaired or strengthened in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.10 of this By-law.

Delegations 1. Fotenn Planning + Design Montana Caletti, Planner Michael Keene, Principal, Planning and Development Re: Jack Lake Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Council received the presentation from Ms. Montana Caletti and Mr. Michael Keene, on behalf of Fotenn Planning + Design for information. Public Comments Received Verbally 1. John Laschinger

Mr. Laschinger presented comments surrounding if Council will support the residents for the prohibition of on land boathouses. Mr. Laschinger believes the Township should follow the advice of scientists in the designation of Jack Lake as a cold water lake and designating Sharpe’s Bay as at capacity.

2. Neil Lanz

Mr. Lanz commented that he supports the report and proposed amendments from Fotenn Planning + Design in its entirety.

3. Oren Steinman

Mr. Steinman experienced audio connectivity issues during the meeting. Mr. Steinman submitted a question in the Zoom chat box asking if Fotenn could define the term ‘site alteration’. Mr. Steinman also requested that the map pertaining to the perimeters of Sharpe’s Bay be more detailed.

4. Barry Rand

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Mr. Rand is speaking on behalf of the Economic Development Co-Operative of . Mr. Rand commented that the Official Plan Amendment should provide clear framework for the Zoning By-laws for ongoing development of existing properties.

Mr. Rand suggested that the wording should include responsible land management, shoreline preservation, appropriate vegetation and responsible use of land fertilizer.

Mr. Rand stated that item (f) should be placed on hold until the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks can clarify what was entailed in the 2017 email on these issues, as well as provide more detail of the at capacity determination.

5. Alexandra Kostiw

Ms. Kostiw stated she is here on behalf of the Jack Lake Association (JLA). Ms. Kostiw commented that she is in support of the statement made earlier by Mr. Lanz and that there is plenty of scientific evidence that supports the three proposals.

6. Ruth Davenport

Ms. Davenport commented that she is at this meeting in support of the Jack Lake Association (JLA).

7. Jim Whelan

Mr. Whelan commented that Mr. Rand covered most of his comments. Mr. Whelan stated that he has an issue with the way the Public Notice was given. The email from the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen containing the notice of the Public Meeting was sent to an outdated email for an employee who no longer is employed at the Township of North Kawartha. Therefore, the Township of North-Kawartha was never properly notified of this Public Meeting.

Mr. Whelan believes that item (f) should be revisited. There is concern regarding the present properties that will be impacted by these amendments, and how development would proceed. The wording in the Official Plan Amendment should be reviewed.

The three proposals will be coming before the Council of North Kawartha at a later date for further discussion.

8. Raj Kehar – Legal counsel for Mr. Scott Bagby and Mrs. Cathy Bagby

Mr. Kehar stated that there were no supporting documents posted on the Township website regarding the proposed amendments. Mr. Kehar would like all information relating to this matter sent to him and posted publicly to the Township website.

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Mr. Kehar states that there appears to be no cogent planning rationale and/or technical justification that has been provided that supports the proposed amendments as being necessary, appropriate, timely or in the public interest.

Mr. Kehar requested the following;

1. That further public consultation on the proposed amendments take place before any recommendation reports go to Council; 2. That all information be provided to him as well as posted publicly to the Township website; and 3. That he and his clients have an opportunity to meet with Township staff and consultants, along with any other interested stakeholders to discuss all analysis in support of the proposed amendments, and their specific concerns with the proposed amendments.

Mr. Kehar also noted that the analysis from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) has not been disclosed to the public and it is outdated. It is also unknown if this analysis was peer reviewed.

Mr. Kehar expressed further concerns such as only parts of Jack Lake may be deemed cold water and that it may not be a fishery. Any planning analysis should indicate how it would balance additional constraints it may impose. Mr. Kehar also commented that the proposed amendments related to boathouses appear to modify a policy that is under appeal by the tribunal.

9. Ambrose Moran

Mr. Moran has requested that Council address the issues of Sharpe’s Bay at-capacity and the prohibition of dryland boathouses on Jack Lake separately. Mr. Moran requested that the illustrations pertaining to Sharpe’s Bay boundary lines be included with the Official Plan Amendment (OPA) and the Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) so people can get a visual.

Mr. Moran commented that the prohibition of dryland boathouses would satisfy part of the appeal he has with the Township and he is in full support of this Zoning By-law Amendment.

Mr. Moran expressed concern with the wording of Section subsection b). He proposes that it should state something more so along the lines of; Council to update development capacity classification of lakes based on future results and modeling of fish habitats by the provincial agencies.

Mr. Moran believes that the Township should develop a definition for development related to Sharpe’s Bay at capacity and take into account a reasonable approach for dealing with an abundance of records, additions and replacement of existing buildings.

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It must be clear what constitutes development and what would then be restricted on Jack Lake because of the at capacity determination.

10. Paul Zuliani

Mr. Zuliani commented that the amendments need more clarity so that development rights and requirements are clearly laid out so there is no misinterpretation of matters in the future.

11. Donna-Marie Batty

Ms. Batty commented that she is concerned about the urbanization of northern lakes. Everyone has to take into account that there is climate crisis currently. The health of the lake depends on the healthy habitat and wildlife not just water quality. Ms. Batty is in favour of what was proposed originally.

Confirming By-Law:

R-214-21 Moved by Deputy Mayor Gerow Seconded by Councillor Ellis

That By-law 2021-023, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen held on the 23rd day of April, 2021, be read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this 23rd day of April 2021. Carried


R-215-21 Moved by Councillor Pomeroy Seconded by Deputy Mayor Gerow

That this meeting adjourns at 10:43 a.m. Carried

Jim Martin, Mayor

Robert V. Angione, Clerk

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 10 of 108 Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Regular Council Meeting Video Conference May 4, 2021 Minutes

A Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Havelock- Belmont-Methuen was held on May 4, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. with Deputy Mayor Gerow and Mayor Martin presiding. This meeting was held via video conference in order to observe physical distancing measures and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Members in Attendance

Council: Jim Martin, Mayor David Gerow, Deputy Mayor Larry Ellis, Councillor Barry Pomeroy, Councillor Hart Webb, Councillor

Staff: Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer Bianca Boyington, Deputy Clerk Wendelin Lonergan, Treasurer John Smallwood, Chief Building Official (CBO) Peter Lauesen, Manager of Public Works Ryan Andrew, Manager of Parks, Recreation and Facilities Ray Haines, Fire Chief Brad Falls, Deputy Fire Chief

Regrets: Pat Kemp, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)

Call to Order Mayor Martin called the Regular meeting to order.

Cell Phones

Mayor Martin asked everyone to turn off their cell phone or place it on vibrate mode.

Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest

Mayor Martin reminded Council of the requirement to disclose any pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof if the occasion arises.

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Introduction of New Staff Member

1. Ray Haines, Fire Chief Re: Brad Falls, Deputy Fire Chief The Fire Chief introduced Brad Falls as the newest Township employee. Mr. Falls is joining the municipal staff in the role of Deputy Fire Chief.


R-214-21 Moved by Councillor Webb Seconded by Deputy Mayor Gerow

That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on April 20, 2021 be approved and adopted as presented. Carried

Delegations and Presentations

1. Donna Nelson and Jim ‘Brud’ Watson Re: Request for Gate at 8th Concession and Brown’s Line

R-215-21 Moved by Councillor Webb Seconded by Deputy Mayor Gerow

That staff is hereby directed to proceed with investigating a solution to Ms. Nelson’s concerns which led to the request for a gate to be installed at 8th Concession and Brown’s Line. Carried

2. Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) Brad Robinson, Duty Operator Natalie Colantonio, Project Manager Amber Coupland, Operations Manager Re: Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) Recommends Hiring CIMA for the Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Havelock Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) Project and Requesting the Township Approve the Total Amount of $287,821.00 for Consulting Engineering Services

R-216-21 Moved by Deputy Mayor Gerow Seconded by Councillor Ellis

That the delegation from Brad Robinson, Natalie Colantonio and Amber Coupland on behalf of the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) recommending that CIMA be hired for the Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Havelock Waste Water Treatment Plant

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(WWTP) Project and Requesting the Township Approve the Total Amount of $287,821.00 for Consulting Engineering Services be received for information. Carried

Staff Reports for Information

1. Peter Lauesen, Manager of Public Works Re: Environment Day 2021

2. Peter Lauesen, Manager of Public Works Re: Granular Materials and Hired Equipment Quotations

3. Ryan Andrew, Manager of Parks, Recreation and Facilities Re: ICIP: Community, Culture and Recreation Stream – Rehabilitation and Renovation Intake – Successful Application R-217-21 Moved by Councillor Ellis Seconded by Councillor Webb

That Council hereby approves the Township’s portion of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) – Community Culture and Recreation Funding Stream in the amount of $1,354,102.57 to come from the Administration Reserve – Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF); and further

That the funding be placed in each annual budget as a pre-approved project for six (6) years as outlined in the report of the Manager of Parks, Recreation and Facilities. Carried.

4. Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer Re: April 20, 2021 Closed Session Meeting Summary

R-218-21 Moved by Deputy Mayor Gerow Seconded by Councillor Pomeroy

That the staff reports for information as listed on the agenda be received for information. Carried.

Staff Reports for Follow-up Action

1. Peter Lauesen, Manager of Public Works Re: Mile of Memories – Road Widening

R-219-21 Moved by Deputy Mayor Gerow Seconded by Councillor Pomeroy

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Whereas Township residents have expressed concerns regarding parking along Mile of Memories Road particularly during the summer boating season; and

Whereas it has been recommended that staff investigate possible parking options for Mile of Memories Road; and

Whereas staff is proposing that the west side of Mile of Memories Road from #332 Mile of Memories, south to #316 Mile of Memories be widened with marked parking spots;

Be It Resolved That staff is hereby directed to consult with the homeowners along the proposed portion of Mile of Memories Road to be widened prior to widening the road to better understand how this would affect them; and further

That this project be funded from Federal Gas Tax Grant allocations. Carried.

2. Peter Lauesen, Manager of Public Works Re: Bottle Return Program Options

R-220-21 Moved by Councillor Webb Seconded by Councillor Pomeroy

Whereas there has been interest from different organizations and community groups to be involved in the bottle-return program; and

Whereas there is currently no policy in place for the Township of Havelock-Belmont- Methuen for the bottle-return program to ensure equal support for local community groups and organizations;

Be It Resolved That that Bottle-Return Program shall be run at the 6th Line Transfer Station during the duration of the summer student employment contract (May 2 – September 6) as a pilot project; and

That the summer student will be responsible for the returns from the 6th Line Transfer Station including the organization and the returns to the Beer Store for refund; and

That the money collected from these returns be used to support local community groups and organizations Carried.

3. Wendelin Lonergan, Treasurer Re: Waste Water Treatment Plant – Class Environmental Assessment (EA) – Cell #3

R-221-21 Moved by Councillor Pomeroy Seconded by Councillor Ellis

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That Council hereby approves Ontario Clean Water Agency’s (OCWA) tender process for engineering services to proceed with the Waste Water Treatment Plant Class Environmental Assessment (EA) – Cell #3; and further

That the tender be awarded to CIMA, in the amount of $287,821.00 plus applicable taxes to be funded from the General Capital Reserve-Efficiencies Grant. Carried.

4. Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer Peter Lauesen, Manager of Public Works Re: Request for Proposals – Garbage Pickup

R-222-21 Moved by Deputy Mayor Gerow Seconded by Councillor Webb

Whereas the Council of the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen recognizes the need for equitable service delivery throughout the entirety of the Township which includes both the Village Ward and the Township Ward; and Whereas curbside garbage collection is currently only available in the Village Ward; Whereas curbside garbage collection will provide a value-added service to residents of the Township Ward by reducing trips to transfer stations; Be It Resolved That staff is hereby authorized to issue a Request for Proposals for the provision of curbside garbage collection throughout the entirety of the Township. Carried.

R-223-21 Moved by Councillor Ellis Seconded by Councillor Pomeroy

That staff is hereby directed to create a survey to be posted on the Township website and social media platforms prior to the issuance of a Request for Proposals, asking residents to state their preference and to comment as to whether they would like garbage pickup throughout the entire Township. Carried.


Action Items

1. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Re: Invitation of Eastern Ontario – Municipal Code of Conduct Consultation

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R-224-21 Moved by Deputy Mayor Gerow Seconded by Councillor Pomeroy

That Mayor Martin is hereby identified as the member of Council who will represent the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen at the Municipal Code of Conduct Consultation. Carried.

2. Peterborough Trails All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Club Re: Parking Lot Maintenance

R-225-21 Moved by Councillor Ellis Seconded by Councillor Pomeroy

That the request from the Peterborough Trails All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Club to continue the maintenance of the trail parking lot and to have their own contractor complete the maintenance is hereby approved; and further

That staff is directed to ensure that the proper insurance is in place for the private contractor and the Peterborough ATV Club. Carried.

3. Rae McCutcheon Realty Re: Mary Street – Driveway Enquiry

R-226-21 Moved by Councillor Webb Seconded by Councillor Ellis

That staff is hereby directed to work with Rae McCutcheon to determine if the Township can open the unopened road allowance. Carried.

Information Items

1. Peterborough Public Health (PPH) Re: Extension of Amendment to Medical Officer of Health Recommendations Related to Municipal Facilities Owned and Operated by Local Municipalities

R-227-21 Moved by Councillor Webb Seconded by Deputy Mayor Gerow

That the balance of the correspondence items be received for information. Carried.

Committee Liaison Reports:

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1. Jim Martin, Mayor (Verbal) David Gerow, Deputy Mayor (Verbal) Re: County Council Update

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor provided an update regarding recent County Council activities.

2. Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer Re: Summary of Council Activities Submitted for this Council Meeting

R-228-21 Moved by Deputy Mayor Gerow Seconded by Councillor Pomeroy

That the minutes of the Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance (EOTA) held on March 11, 2021 be received for information. Carried.

R-229-21 Moved by Deputy Mayor Gerow Seconded by Councillor Pomeroy

That the minutes of the Police Services Board Meeting held on February 1, 2021 be received for information; and

That the verbal report from the Mayor and Deputy Mayor be received for information; and

That the report of the Clerk providing a summary of Council activities, including Committee Liaison meetings, as submitted by Members of Council be received for information; and further

That the verbal Committee Reports as presented by Members of Council be received for information Carried.

Written or Oral Notice of Motion or Discussion:

Deputy Mayor Gerow: R-230-21 Moved by Deputy Mayor Gerow Seconded by Councillor Pomeroy Whereas providing residents with the opportunity to purchase construction material at Township pricing may jeopardize the preferred pricing that the Township currently receives from vendors on the approved supplier list; and

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Whereas regulating such a program will provide for undue administrative challenges in maintaining a fair and transparent system; Be It Resolved That Resolution R-196-21 as stated below and passed at the Open Session Council Meeting held on April 20, 2021 be reconsidered.

R-196-21 Moved by Councillor Webb Seconded by Councillor Pomeroy That staff is hereby directed to bring forward a policy that allows the Road Associations the opportunity to purchase construction material at Township pricing. Carried. Carried.

R-231-21 Moved by Councillor Pomeroy Seconded by Deputy Mayor Gerow

That Resolution R-196-21 from the Open Session Council Meeting held on April 20, 2021 is hereby rescinded. Carried.

New Business:

1. Bob Angione, Clerk Re: Summary of New Business Items Submitted for this Council Meeting

The following items were discussed under New/Other Business: 1. Fish Hatchery Road. 2. Airbnb – Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development (PKED) Delegation. 3. Storage of Railway Ties. 4. Contract for maintenance of traffic lights. 5. Gates at park. Councillor Pomeroy would like to bring a Notice of Motion to the next Council Meeting requesting that the gates at King Street East and Mathison Street East adjacent to the Community Centre be left open all year long. 6. Long-Term Care Home Update. 7. County of Peterborough Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Detachment Board. 8. Public Works Office should be closed to the public. 9. Deputy Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). 10. Councillor Webb would like to bring an Notice of Motion to the next Council meeting to establish a Private Roads Grant Program. 11. Councillor Ellis would like to bring a Notice of Motion to the next Council meeting regarding Round Lake Road.

R-232-21 Moved by Deputy Mayor Gerow

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Seconded by Councillor Pomeroy

That staff is hereby directed to send a letter to the Member of Parliament for Peterborough-Kawartha as well as the Risk Management Official at the Otonabee Region Conservation Authority regarding Council’s concern regarding the storage of railway ties from the Canadian Pacific Railway within the Township. Carried.



Confirming By-Law:

R-233-21 Moved by Deputy Mayor Gerow Seconded by Councillor Webb

That By-law 2021-034, being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen held on the 4th day of May, 2021, be read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this 4th day of May 2021. Carried.


R-234-21 Moved by Councillor Pomeroy Seconded by Councillor Ellis

That this meeting adjourn at 12:05 p.m. Carried.

Jim Martin, Mayor

Robert V. Angione, Clerk

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 19 of 108 TOWNSHIP OF HAVELOCK-BELMONT-METHUEN

To: Mayor and Members of Council

Prepared By: Darryl Tighe, Township Planning Consultant

Meeting Date: May 18, 2021

Subject: Application to Amend Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Comprehensive Zoning By-law 1995-42 (AS AMENDED) for lands located in Part Lot 17, Concession 5, Roll Number 1531-010-007- 24100, North Shore/Peninsula Road (DeMille) in the Methuen Ward PURPOSE:

The purpose and effect of this report is to provide updated information to Council; and otherwise request the consideration and requisite approval of Council, of an application to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 1995-42 (as amended) in order to rezone a portion of the subject property from Open Space (OS), to Rural (RU) and Seasonal Residential (SR) Zones.


• That Council proceed with passage of the requisite by-law, as presented at the statutory public meeting of April 20, 2021.

• That Staff be directed to bring forward a report regarding the North Shore Road. to a future Council meeting.

• That the balance of this report be received.


The Township received an application to rezone the subject property, dated February 24, 2021; which was then deemed “complete” by Township Staff.

Following due process, the application was then presented at a statutory public meeting of Council on April 20, 2021

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 20 of 108 A copy of the corresponding report is attached hereto, which provides a planning review of this application within the context of prevailing land use policies and corresponding zoning provisions.


In summary, the application is seeking to re-zone a portion of the shoreline area (approximately 2.0 acres) to ‘Seasonal Residential (SR)’ for the purpose of constructing a cottage on the site.

The application also proposes that the balance of the property be zoned to ‘Rural (RU)’.

The total area of the subject property is 100 acres; according to the submitted application.

Access to and through the subject lands is provided via North Shore Road.

Presently, the property remains vacant.

North Shore Road, is historically a Township maintained road; however it has been realized that it is not technically owned by the Municipality nor has it been assumed into the Township road system by by-law.

At the conclusion of the statutory public meeting, Council passed resolution R-177-21; thereby deferring the proposed amendment.

North Shore Road

Incidental to the status of the road; the Township has since received correspondence from the applicant’s legal counsel which is attached to this report. Said correspondence, has since been circulated to the Township Solicitor for review and comment; which is expected to be received as of the May 18th scheduled meeting of Council.

However, through dialogue with property owner as confirmed by the attached correspondence; the property owner is prepared to transfer title of the lands occupied by the road for nominal consideration on the condition that:

• All legal fees and out of pocket costs be the responsibility of the Township • Commissioning of a survey (Reference Plan) be completed by the Township; together with depositing the plan.

With respect to the latter, Staff has since proceeded to solicit a cost for the requisite survey.

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Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 21 of 108 CONCLUSIONS:

Although two matters have been brought to the attention of Council; they are to be considered under separate pieces of legislation.

More specifically, the zoning by-law amendment is governed under the Planning Act; while the road matter is dealt with under the Municipal Act.

The two processes are therefore to be considered separate and distinct.

All of which is respectfully submitted for the consideration and hopeful assistance of Council.

Darryl J. Tighe, M.Sc., RPP, Township Planning Consultant


• April 20, 2021 Staff Report • Correspondence – Lerners Lawyers (applicant’s legal counsel) • By-law No. 2021-25

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TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Havelock-Belmont­ Methuen passed By-law No. 2021-025 on the day of 2021 under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990.

AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal in respect of the By-law by filing with the Municipal Clerk of the Township of Havelock­ Belmont-Methuen not later than the 10th day of May 2021 a notice of appeal setting out the reasons for the objection to the By-law and reasons in support of the objection to the By-law. The notice of appeal must be accompanied by a cheque or money order for $1,100.00 made payable to the Minister of Finance. Prior to the passing of the By-law Council received one oral and/or written submissions which resulted in revisions to the By-law. Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a Zoning By-law to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf. No person or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the By-law was passed, the person or public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the Council or, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. Our records, at this time, indicate that the land which is subject of this Application for Rezoning is not the subject of any other application under The Planning Act. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law, describing the lands to which the By-law applies, and a Key Map showing the location of the lands to which the By-law applies are attached. The complete By-law is available for inspection in the municipal office during regular office hours.

Dated at the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen this day of , 2021.

Mr. Robert Angione, M.P.A., B.Admin Municipal Clerk/Acting CAO Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen P.O. Box 10, 1 Ottawa Street East Havelock, ON KOL 1ZO (705) 778-2308 (705) 778-5248 (fax)

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BY-LAW NO. 2021-025


WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen is in receipt of an application to amend By-law No. 1995-42, as amended.

AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen reviewed the rezoning application and now deems it advisable to further amend By-law No. 1995-42, as amended.

NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Havelock-Belmont­ Methuen hereby enacts as follows:

"1. That Schedule 'A2' of By-law No. 1995-42, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone category of certain lands located in Part Lot 17, Concession 5, in the Methuen Ward in the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen from 'Open Space (OS) Zone' to 'Rural Zone' and two acres of 'Seasonal Residential Zone' as illustrated on Schedule 'A 1' attached hereto and forming part of this by-law.

If no notice of objection is filed with the Clerk within the time provided, this By-law shall become effective on the date of passing.

If a notice of objection is filed with the Clerk, this By-law shall become effective on the date of passing hereof subject to the disposition of any appeals.

Read a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD TIME and FINALLY passed this day of 2021 and given By-law No. 2021-025

MAYOR MUNICIPAL CLERK *******************************************

I, Robert Angione, Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 2021-025 passed by Council of the said Corporation on the day of 2021.


Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 33 of 108 Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 34 of 108 THE CORPORATION of the TOWNSHIP OF HAVELOCK-BELMONT-METHUEN

P.O. Box 10, 1 Ottawa Street East Havelock, ON KOL 120

Tel: (705) 778-2308 Fax: (705) 778-5248

Affidavit of Service under

Section 34(22) of the Planning Act, R.S.0.1 1990, as amended

I, Robert Angione hereby declare that the Notice for By-law No. 2021-025 the Corporation of the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen, passed by the Council of the Corporation on the day of , 2021 was given in the manner and form and to the persons and agencies prescribed by regulation under subsection 18 of Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, as amended. I also certify that the appeal period expired on May 10th, 2021 and to this date, no notice of appeal has been filed by any person or agency in the office of the Clerk.

DATED this day of 2021.

Mr. Robert Angione, M.P.A., B.Admin, Municipal Clerk

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 35 of 108 TOWNSHIP OF HAVELOCK-BELMONT-METHUEN

To: Mayor and Members of Council

Prepared By: Darryl Tighe, Township Planning Consultant

Meeting Date: May 18, 2021

Subject: Zoning By-law No. 2021-020 (Greenwood/Summers) for lands located in Part Lot 10, Concession 7, having municipal address 233, Roll Number 1531-010-009-01400


The purpose and effect of this report is to provide an update for Council; regarding progress made incidental to the property owner acknowledging the status of Fire Route 75Q as a private road not maintained by the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen.


• That Staff be directed to bring forward a report regarding a Road Agreement, to a future Council meeting

• That the balance of this report be received.


On April 6, 2021 following a statutory public meeting; Council proceeded to pass By-law No. 2021-20 having the effect of rezoning the subject property to ‘Special District 239 (S..O. 239) in order to permit a permanent (year-round) dwelling, while also recognizing existing and proposed deficiencies.

A copy of the April 6, 2021 Staff report is attached for ease of reference.

Given due process, the period for filing appeals (April 26, 2021) has since expired; and the S.D. 239 zoning is now in full force and effect.

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 36 of 108


Together with the processing and ultimate passage of By-law No. 2021-020, it was noted that the subject property is accessed via FR 75Q; being a private road; which is neither owned nor maintained by the Township.

Therefore, the property owners have been notified of the need to execute an agreement between the parties which will acknowledge the road status.

Additionally, the agreement will also absolve the Township from any obligation to assume the private road into the Municipal Road System.

At the time of preparation of this report, the Township Solicitor is proceeding to prepare the requisite agreement.

All of which is respectfully submitted for the consideration and hopeful assistance of Council.

Darryl J. Tighe, M.Sc., RPP, Township Planning Consultant


• April 6, 2021 Staff Report • Notice of Passing • Correspondence to Property Owner

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From: Darryl Tighe Sent: May 10, 2021 9:16 AM To: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' Cc: Amanda Dougherty; 'Bob Angione'; John Smallwood; 'Sonia Aaltonen' Subject: Re: Zoning By-law Amendment - 233 FR 75 Q (Methuen Ward)

Good Morning Ms. Greenwood and Gentlemen:

As Planning Consultants for the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen, we’ve been requested to proceed with your file.

Insofar as Council in regular session on April 6, 2021 proceeded to approve of your rezoning; the Township’s Official Plan does require that you as the property owner acknowledge that the subject land is located on a private road.

In that regard, you will be requested to enter into a standard agreement confirming that FR-75Q is not a municipal road; and that maintenance of said road is not the responsibility of nor is it provided by the Township.

Following this email, I’ll send through the agreement for your review and execution.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

We look forward to successfully bringing closure to your file.

Thanks again, Darryl

Darryl Tighe M.Sc.,RPP Senior Land Use Planner

D.M. Wills Associates Limited 150 Jameson Drive · Peterborough, ON · K9J 0B9 Tel: (705) 742-2297 ext. 315 · Fax: (705) 748-9944

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This email contains privileged and confidential information only for the use of the intended recipient(s) and should not be redistributed without first receiving permission from the sender. If you are not the intended recipient of this email or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify me immediately by telephone.

1 Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 47 of 108 TOWNSHIP OF HAVELOCK-BELMONT-METHUEN

To: Mayor and Members of Council

Prepared By: Laura Stone, Planner

Revised by: Darryl Tighe, Township Planning Consultant

Meeting Date: May 18, 2021

Subject: Addition to Lot – Application B-23-21 (Allison & Robinson)


The purpose of this Report is to provide background information regarding a proposed lot addition; and to seek the direction of Council.


• That Council advise Peterborough County Land Division that the Township would endorse an application for consent for lot addition that is referenced in application B-23-21 for Assessment Roll Number (ARN) 1531-010-007-45900, being submitted by Douglas Allison and Kristi-Jo Robinson, property owners; and that • That the balance of this report be received.


Ms. Robinson and Mr. Allison own the property that is being severed for a lot addition (ARN 1531-010-007-459000); while the property receiving the lot addition (ARN 1531-010-007-45700 is owned by Mr. Anthony Haines and Ms. Lea Haines. The parcel of land being severed for the purpose of the lot addition comprises 0.11 acres. The retained parcel is 2.25 acres in size, which exceeds the minimum required lot area of the Shoreline Residential zone. The lot receiving the addition is currently 0.73 acres in area and will benefit with the increased 0.11 acres. The addition will bring it into compliance with the requirements of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Section 11, (Seasonal Residential), being a minimum lot size of 0.74 acres.

Refer to attachments.

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 48 of 108 This proposal for a lot addition does not impede access; and rather brings the receiving property into compliance with the Comprehensive Zoning By-law.

The subject property is located on Jack Lake, having civic address 88 Fire Route 85E. Both properties are currently developed in the form of seasonal residential. The retained lot also features a garage, septic system, outbuilding and well. The retained parcel also has an outbuilding and septic and well.

This application conforms with the intent of the Township’s Official Plan; as well as the Township’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Laura Stone Laura Stone, Planner Darryl J. Tighe, MSc., RPP Township Planning Consultant


• Consent Sketches

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Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 49 of 108 N Service Ontario



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Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 51 of 108 TOWNSHIP OF HAVELOCK-BELMONT-METHUEN

To: Mayor and Members of Council

Prepared By: Laura Stone, Planner

Revised By: Darryl Tighe, Township Planning Consultant

Meeting Date: May 18, 2021

Subject: Addition to Lot – Application B-33-21 (Van Eindhoven/Sanders)


The purpose of this Report is to provide background information regarding a proposed lot addition; and to seek the direction of Council.


• That Council advise Peterborough County Land Division that the Township would endorse an application for consent for lot addition that is referenced in PSR report date April 6, 2021 for Assessment Roll Number (ARN) 1531-020-001-16200, being submitted by Bernard Van Eindhoven and Francisca Sanders, property owners; • That should a property survey of the retained lot confirm any yard setback deficiencies; then a minor variance will be required; and • That the balance of this report be received.


Ms. Sanders and Mr. Van Eindhoven own both the property that is being severed for a lot addition (ARN 1531-020-001-16200) and the property receiving the lot addition (ARN 1531-020-001-20701). The parcel of land to be severed for the purpose of a lot addition is 800 square metres and it is to be added to ARN 1531-020-001-20701. At present, there are no structures on the parcel to be severed. A garage is located approximately 3 metres to the rear property line of the lot to be retained, therefore should the requisite survey show that the location of the garage is closer than 3 metres; a Minor Variance will be required to legally recognize the deficient rear yard setback. The subject property is zoned R1 – Residential and the area of the retained parcel is proposed to be 0.225 acres,

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 52 of 108 which complies with the regulations of the R1 zone. See below for a diagram describing the lot addition:

Refer to attachments.

The proposal for a lot addition does not impede access but rather will provide for a uniform configuration for the receiving property. The parcel of land to receive the lot addition is 6.5 acres and is also zoned R1. The property is located at 77 George Street East; and has frontage onto Mary Street.

This property falls within the Source Water Protection area of the Municipality and as such, the property owners have consulted with Otonabee Region Conservation Authority, the jurisdictional authority for source water protection for the Township of Havelock- Belmont-Methuen; which has confirmed that no issues with this application were identified.

Through the Preliminary Severance Reivew, the County of Peterborough determined that this application conforms with the intent of the Township’s Official Plan; however due to the location of the existing garage, may not comply to the zoning by-law requirements.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Laura Stone Darryl J. Tighe, M.Sc., RPP Laura Stone, Planner Township Planning Consultant


• Consent Sketches

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Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 53 of 108 Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 54 of 108 Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 55 of 108 TOWNSHIP OF HAVELOCK-BELMONT-METHUEN

To: Mayor and Members of Council

From: Laura Stone, Planner

Revised By: Darryl Tighe, Township Planning Consultant

Meeting Date: May 18, 2021

Subject: Creation of a New Lot – Application B-19-21 (Newton)


The purpose of this Report is to provide background information regarding the creation of a new lot; and to seek the direction of Council.


• That Council advise Peterborough County Land Division that the Township would endorse an application for consent for new lot creation that is referenced in application B-19-21 for Assessment Roll Number (ARN) 1531-010-001-08207, being submitted by Tom Newton, property owner; • That a cash-in-lieu of parkland payment of $1000 be provided to the municipality; • That a Minor Variance or Zoning By-law Amendment is successfully applied for in regards to the severed portion; and that • That confirmation be provided that the severed lot would be eligible for a septic permit. • That the balance of this report be received.


Mr. Newton owns the property that is subject to the consent application for a new lot creation with ARN 1531-010-001-08207. The intention of the application is to sever a property that became merged as a consequence of inadvertence and misadventure. The parcel of land proposed to be severed is 0.64 acres in size, with 100 feet of frontage onto South Belmont Township Concession 10. The resulting parcel of land to be retained would be 153 acres with 3,289 feet of frontage onto County Road 42. The proposed severed lot is deficient in both area and frontage for a lot in the Rural Zone. The

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 56 of 108 Comprehensive Zoning By-law, Section 6 – Rural Zone requires a minimum lot area of 0.75 acres and lot frontage of 150 feet. The retained parcel is compliant with the minimum standards of the Rural Zone.

Refer to attached illustrations showing the lot to be severed.

The proposal for a lot to be severed does not impede access to any other properties and the intention is to reverse the inadvertent merger that occurred on the property.

The subject property is located at 2606 County Road 42 and has a house, barn, outbuilding, garage, septic and well. The site to be severed is currently vacant and does not have a municipal address.

This application conforms to the intent of the Township’s Official Plan; however due to the severed parcel being deficient, it does not conply to the zoning by-law requirements.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Laura Stone Laura Stone, Planner Township Planning Consultant


• Consent Sketches

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Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 57 of 108

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Regular 4 Council Meeting - May 18, 2021


To: Mayor Martin and Members of Council From: Sonia Aaltonen, Building Administrative Assistant Meeting Date: May 18, 2021 Subject: Temporary Use Agreement – Belmont 6th Line - Russell

PURPOSE: The purpose of this report is to present for Council’s consideration a request for a Temporary Use Agreement pertaining to the construction of a new single-family dwelling. RECOMMENDATION: That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into an Agreement with Rudolph John Russell, for the use of a travel trailer, for the purpose of temporary residency, during the construction of the new single-family dwelling, on the property located on Belmont 6th Line, identified by Roll No. 1531-010-002-25410 having legal address of Con 7 Lot 5, RP 45R-8967 Part 1, and that the requisite by-law be passed in the by-law section of today’s meeting. BACKGROUND: The Township has received a request from the owner of the property at Belmont 6th Line, requesting permission to use their travel trailer while a new single-family dwelling is constructed at the same location. The travel trailer will cease to be used for living accommodations at the conclusion of the construction period (within twelve months). Temporary Use Agreements are permitted by the Municipal Act and the Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The applicants have paid a $1,200.00 deposit to cover the expense of having the agreement registered on title and then removing the agreement from title upon completion of the construction. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None.

Respectfully Submitted:

Sonia Aaltonen Sonia Aaltonen Building Administrative Assistant

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 61 of 108 Township of Havelock-Belmont Methuen Council Presentation May 18, 2021

Community Safety & Well-being Plan

Chris Kawalec Community Development Program Manager

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 62 of 108 Bill 175 Safe Ontario Act 2018 • Every municipal Council shall prepare and adopt a Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Plan before July 1, 2021. • Establish a representative Advisory Committee. • Engage in broad community consultations.

“CSWB planning involves taking an integrated approach to service delivery by working across a wide range of sectors, agencies and organizations (including, but not limited to, local government, police services, health/mental health, education, social services, and community and custodial services for children and youth) to proactively develop and implement evidence- based strategies and programs to address local priorities (i.e., risk factors, vulnerable groups, protective factors) related to crime and complex social issues on a sustainable basis.”

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 63 of 108 The Community Safety & Well-being Approach

It is a long-term strategy to make safety and well-being a reality for vulnerable individuals, families, groups, and locations. The Plan will include strategies at four levels of intervention: social development, prevention, risk intervention, and emergency response.

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 64 of 108 CSWB Plan A CSWB plan must include: • Local priority risk factors that have been identified based on community consultations and multiple sources of data; • Evidence-based programs and strategies to address those priority risk factors; and • Measurable outcomes with associated performance measures.

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 65 of 108 Sample CSWB Plan Priorities

Region of Halton • Reduce hospital readmissions for individuals with mental health issues. • Enhance access to mental health supports for adolescents and youth. • Establish a proactive response to opioid misuse. • Coordinate efforts to reduce homelessness and prevent eviction. • Improve responses to sexual assault and support survivors.

City of Thunder Bay • Smart on Crime • Strong Neighbourhoods • Safe Women & Children • Empowered Youth

Region of Niagara • Addictions\Substance Misuse • Affordable Housing • Mental health • Poverty and Income • Homelessness

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 66 of 108 Sample CSWB Plan Priorities

Region of Peel • Family violence • Mental health and additions • Systemic discrimination

Prince Edward County • Assist emergency responders in reaching their destinations in a quicker and safer manner. • Reduce the incidents of seniors becoming targets of fraudulent behaviour. • Encourage and support seniors’ mobility and independence. • Support for seniors to maintain their independence and social connections. • Increase awareness by low-income individuals of, and access to available federal, provincial, municipal and charitable funds, credits and services to support increased personal and family income. • As a community collaborative, develop and actionable strategy that: • Improves the outcomes and experiences of people living with mental health and/or addiction issues. • Reduces police involvement in mental health related incidents.

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 67 of 108 City Council December 14, 2020

• Hire a Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Officer for two years. • Develop a City\County Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Plan. • Develop a City\County Community Safety and Wellbeing Plan.

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 68 of 108 CSWB Plan

Meeting in Norwood, February 7, 2020

• Representative from: • City of Peterborough • County of Peterborough • Townships • Peterborough Public Health • City Police • OPP • EMS

• Discuss collaborative approach to developing Plan.

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 69 of 108 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan

• Identify and address forms of discrimination that create barriers to service access and community engagement, and inhibit flexibility, participation and equity in the workplace; • Work with marginalized groups to counter historical, attitudinal, structural, and institutional practices that inhibit inclusivity; and • Implement programs and initiatives and provide services that recognize the full range of human difference and realize the goals of fairness, justice and nondiscrimination.

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 70 of 108 Community Safety & Well-being Plan

Chris Kawalec Community Development Program Manager [email protected] 705.748.8830 x.3834 Questions?

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 71 of 108 From: David Hoyle To: Bob Angione Subject: Fwd: Fw: Signage and VORR Information Date: May 4, 2021 4:41:32 PM Attachments: image003.png image004.png image005.png

I have added all of the details to the motion that Transport Canada requested today and they have approved the wording below. Now we just need Council to approve and pass the motion and I think all sides will be happy. I would suggest that in the description we call it "Transport Canada clarifications to previously approved Boating Safety Signage" or words to that effect (as there seem to be many an online audience who are totally unaware of the details).

"That David Hoyle of 211 FR85F and Island #5 and the property owners along the channel adjacent his property, namely 812 Island #27, and 209 FR85F be hereby granted permission to purchase, post and maintain all at their own expense the Transport Canada approved regulatory/informational signage, on their own properties located on Jack Lake in order to promote safe boating."

If you want me to submit this as a letter I can do so however I think the trail via email is more telling. Let me know if you need me to submit a letter. Thanks Dave Hoyle

------Forwarded message ------From: MacMillan, Nicole Date: Tue, May 4, 2021 at 2:50 PM Subject: RE: Fw: Signage and VORR Information To: David Hoyle

Good Afternoon Dave

We are officially approving the wording of this motion. Thank you for taking the time to include our requests. Good luck with presenting all your material to the Township and I look forward to seeing your official approval document and signatures from council. If I can be of assistance in any other way please let me know.


Nicole MacMillan

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 72 of 108 "That David Hoyle of 211 FR85F and Island #5 and the property owners along the channel adjacent his property, namely 812 Island #27, and 209 FR85F be hereby granted permission to purchase, post and maintain all at their own expense Transport Canada approved regulatory/informational signage, on their own properties located on Jack Lake in order to promote safe boating."

Please let me know if you see any other issues.


Dave Hoyle


On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 11:45 AM MacMillan, Nicole wrote:

Good Morning Dave

I really do think we are almost there as well! There is just some minor changes to the wording that my manager has requested. The signs are perfect and look great. Those have our approval. We would like the following items added to your motion to read:

1. We require precise information with these regulatory/informational signs. So could you please add in addresses? It might include the wording, “That David Hoyle of (insert address here) and the property owners of the channel adjacent to his property of (again address’s here). We require this information so that if there are any complaints or issues regarding the sign we know exactly where to investigate, not roaming around Jake Lake looking for them.

2. We also require that you add in the wording that you will also maintain the signage.

An example of the Motion to read but feel free to adjust the way you feel is appropriate.

"That David Hoyle of (address) and property owners of the channel adjacent to his property (address’s) be hereby granted permission to post and maintain regulatory/informational signage, purchased at their own expense, on their own property located on Jack Lake in order to promote safe boating."

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 73 of 108 Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 74 of 108 TOWNSHIP OF HAVELOCK-BELMONT-METHUEN

To: Mayor Martin and Members of Council

From: Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting CAO

Meeting Date: May 18, 2021

Subject: Closed Session Meeting Summary – May 4, 2021


The purpose of this report is to present to Council a summary of the items discussed at the Closed Session Council Meeting held on May 4, 2021.


That the report of the Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer providing a summary of the items discussed at the Closed Session Council Meeting held May 4, 2021 be received for information.


This report is presented further to the report of the Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer regarding Closed Session Meetings which was received for information at the Open Session Regular Council Meeting held on October 5, 2020.

Council has continued to meet in both Open and Closed Session throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. During this pandemic period, virtual Open Session meetings have been held using the Zoom platform. In-person meetings are being held for Closed Session, when required, following the adjournment of the Open Session Meeting. As a result, “Business Arising from Closed Session” has not been captured in the Open Session Meeting minutes. This report corrects that situation, maintains transparency, and provides a summary of the most recent Closed Session Council Meetings.

The following items were dealt with at the May 4, 2021 Closed Session Council Meeting.

1. The minutes of the Closed Session Council Meeting held on April 20, 2021 were approved and adopted as presented.

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 75 of 108 Report – Closed Session Summary Page 2 of 2

2. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal employees (4 items).

3. Proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality (2 items).

4. Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality (1 item).

5. Security of the property of the municipality (2 items).

6. Labour relations or employee negotiations (2 items).


There is no financial impact to the report of the Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer providing a summary of the Closed Session Council Meeting held on May 4, 2021.

Respectfully Submitted:

Bob Angione

Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting CAO

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 76 of 108 TOWNSHIP OF HAVELOCK-BELMONT-METHUEN

To: Mayor Martin and Members of Council

From: Peter Lauesen, Manager of Public Works

Meeting Date: May 18, 2021

Subject: Belmont Township Concession 8 and Browns Line – Gate

PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to seek Council’s approval to install a gate on the unopened road allowance located on Browns Line and Belmont Township Concession 8. RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the installation of a gate on the unopened road allowance located at Belmont Township Concession 8 and Browns Line. BACKGROUND At the May 4, 2021 Regular Council Meeting Council received a delegation from Ms. Donna Nelson for a gate to be installed at Belmont Township Concession 8 and Browns Line. The following resolutions was passed; R-183-21 Moved by Councillor Webb Seconded by Deputy Mayor Gerow

That staff is hereby directed to proceed with investigating a solution to Ms. Nelson’s concerns. Carried

Staff is recommending that a gate be installed at this location for safety reasons as well as to potentially decrease the unloading of garbage and debris at this location. The gate will be paid for by Ms. Nelson.

FINANCIAL IMPACT There will be no financial impact.

Respectfully submitted by:

Peter Lauesen

Peter Lauesen Manager of Public Works

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 77 of 108 TOWNSHIP OF HAVELOCK-BELMONT-METHUEN

To: Mayor Martin and Members of Council

From: Peter Lauesen, Manager of Public Works

Meeting Date: May 18, 2021

Subject: Concession Street Sanitary Sewer Upgrades Installation of Relocated Sanitary Sewer


The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an update on the Concession Street Sanitary Upgrades Project.


That Council approve the quotation for Change Order #1 Re-design dated May 10, 2021 from Engage Engineering Ltd.


As Council may recall, the tender for the Concession Street Sanitary Sewer Upgrades was awarded to QBT Excavating Services Ltd at the February 2, 2021 Council Meeting.

On April 7, 2021 the Public Works Department, Engage Engineering and QBT Excavating Services Ltd met on site regarding the startup meeting for the Concession Street Sanitary Sewer Upgrades. After the site meeting QBT Excavating Services Ltd contacted Engage Engineering Ltd regarding a safety concern for the depth of excavation at the Hydro pole located in the original design. On May 5, 2021 the Public Works Department along with QBT Excavating Services Ltd met on site with Hydro One regarding the location of the Hydro pole. There was mutual agreement that for safety reasons a redesign should be completed. Attached is a copy of the proposed re-design dated May 10, 2021 from Engage Engineering Ltd. The total lump sum cost for the entire project following the re-design will be $120,975.00 plus HST which is less then the original tender price of $121,422.25 plus HST.

One large benefit of the re-design is the by-pass pumps are not required anymore, which would have required 24-hour alarm monitoring for the duration of two weeks.


Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 78 of 108


The total lump sum cost for the entire project following the re-design will be $120,975.00 plus HST which is less then the original tender price of $121,422.25 plus HST.

Respectfully submitted by:

Peter Lauesen

Peter Lauesen Manager of Public Works


Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 79 of 108 Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 80 of 108 TOWNSHIP OF HAVELOCK-BELMONT-METHUEN

To: Mayor Martin and Members of Council From: Ryan Andrew, Manager of Parks, Recreation & Facilities

Meeting Date: May 18th ,2021

Subject: Winter Banners

PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to provide Council options for consideration of the replacement of winter banners.

RECOMMENDATION That Council provide direction to staff which banner design they wish to purchase for the 2021 – 2022 season.

BACKGROUND As Council may recall, the winter banner replacement was approved during the budget meeting held March 2nd, 2021. The total budget amount approved for this work is $2,700.00 and will be taken from the Parks and Recreation Reserve.

Staff have since received available designs from our banner supplier and have provided options for Council to decide which two (2) they would like to purchase. There are twenty-four (24) banners in total. Attached are the available designs for Council’s review.

The winter banners will be installed following Remembrance Day, and will remain up until the first week of March, unless directed otherwise.

FINANCIAL IMPACT There is no financial impact as a result of this report, the funds have been previously approved by Council and will come from the Parks and Recreation Reserve.

ATTACHMENTS: Attached are the available banner designs.

Submitted by:

Ryan Andrew Ryan Andrew, Manager of Parks, Recreation and Facilities


Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 81 of 108 Winter Scene #1 Winter Scene #2

Christmas Carollers Christmas Stockings

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 82 of 108 Christmas Truck Santa Sleigh

Ornaments Banner #1 Ornaments Banner #2

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 83 of 108 Ornaments Banner #3 Present Stack

Presents #1 Presents #2

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Leaping Reindeer Renideer

Snowflake #1 Snowflake #2

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Snowflake #3 Snowflake #4

Snowman #1 Snowman #2

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 86 of 108 Snowman #3 Santa

Christmas Tree #1 Christmas Tree #2

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 87 of 108 Christmas Tree #3

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 88 of 108 TOWNSHIP OF HAVELOCK-BELMONT-METHUEN

To: Mayor Martin and Members of Council From: Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer Meeting Date: May 18, 2021 Subject: Police Services Board Detachment-Wide Proposal

PURPOSE: The purpose of this report is to provide a recommendation to Council supporting the proposed Detachment-wide Police Services Board. RECOMMENDATION: That the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen endorses the establishment of one Police Services Board for the Peterborough County OPP Detachment area, consisting of 15 members, with one representative from each of the municipalities and served along with 3 community representatives, to be chosen based on complimentary skill set, and the required 3 Provincial representatives as chosen by the provincial government; and

That the Ministry of the Solicitor General be requested to provide a formal extension to the due date for the proposals to be received to September 1, 2021. BACKGROUND: The Ministry of the Solicitor General sent notice to all municipal governments and First Nations stating that the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) detachment board proposals under the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (CSPA) are to be developed and submitted by June 7, 2021 to the Ministry of the Solicitor General.

Municipal governments and First Nations receiving services from an OPP detachment are being asked to work in collaboration to submit one proposal (per detachment) regarding their selected composition of their board. If more then one board is requested, there must be rationale provided for the need of multiple boards and also outline the composition of each additional board.

The CAO group representing the 7 Peterborough County municipalities with OPP contracted services, and were tasked with developing a proposed board composition for consideration by the Police Service Boards (PSBs) within Peterborough County and ultimately by the Councils of each community. The proposal was discussed by the PSBs at their April meetings and is

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 89 of 108 Report – (OPP) Detachment Board Proposal Page 2 of 2 being reviewed by the Municipal Councils in May in order to have the required proposal form submitted to the Province by the deadline of June 7, 2021.

In order to provide representation from each of the communities served, and to meet the Provincial criteria, the board will need to be comprised of 15 members. The recommended composition is as follows:

Municipal/First Nation 1 per Municipality/First Nation – elected or non-elected 9 Representatives appointee at discretion of each Council Community Must be 20% of total board. To be appointed based on 3 Representatives complimentary knowledge and/or experience not geographic area, e.g., mental health, youth services, education, etc. Provincial Appointees Must be 20% of total board. 3 Total 15

This recommendation was circulated to all Police Service Boards (PSBs) and First Nations for consideration.



Respectfully Submitted: Bob Angione

Bob Angione Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 90 of 108 TOWNSHIP OF HAVELOCK-BELMONT-METHUEN

To: Mayor Martin and Members of Council

From: Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer

Meeting Date: May 18, 2021

Subject: Request for Proposals – Compensation Review


The purpose of this report is to recommend that Gallagher Benefit Services Group Inc., a subsidiary of Arthur J. Gallagher and Company, be retained for the provision of providing a Compensation Review for Council and Staff and developing a Pay Equity Plan for the Township.


That the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the provision of providing a Compensation Review for Council and Staff and a Pay Equity Plan for the Township be awarded to Gallagher Benefit Services Group Inc., a subsidiary of Arthur J. Gallagher and Company as the lowest bid received which satisfied all of the criteria of the RFP.


Staff advertised a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the provision of providing a Compensation Review for Council and Staff with a closing date of Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. noon. The Compensation Review is intended to provide a thorough review of the compensation grid with an aim to achieving the 50th percentile in all positions as directed by Council. A key component of the Compensation Review is to develop a current Pay Equity Plan for the Township. As per the Pay Equity Act, the Township is required to have a Pay Equity Plan.

Three (3) submissions were received in accordance with the RFP specifications. One submission was received following the deadline and was not opened. Staff have reviewed all three (3) proposals and are recommending that the Township proceed with awarding the tender to Gallagher Benefit Services Group Inc., a subsidiary of Arthur J. Gallagher and Company.

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 91 of 108 Report – Compensation Review Page 2 of 2 The submitted proposals were opened in public in the Council Chamber on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 3:30 p.m. Present for the opening were Jim Martin - Mayor, Bob Angione– Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer, Bryanna Genesse – Finance and Human Resources Assistant, and Leah Hutton–Administrative Assistant – Fire and Public Works.

The following bids were received.

Company Name Amounts

Gallagher Benefit Services $21,925.00 plus HST Group Inc., a subsidiary of Arthur J. Gallagher and Company.

Krecklo and Associates $18,590.00 plus HST. Does not include a Pay Equity Review. Pesce and Associates Human $22,400.00 plus HST Resources Consultants SHRP – Savino Human Submission received on March 19, 2021 and was Resources Partners not opened.


The financial impact will be the amount of $21,925.00 plus HST and will be paid from the Administration Reserve.

Respectfully Submitted:

Bob Angione

Bob Angione Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 92 of 108


Maryam Monsef Member of Parliament Peterborough-Kawartha For Immediate Release May 5, 2021

Government of Canada invests $2.5 million to create over 700 youth jobs in Peterborough-Kawartha

Peterborough-Kawartha – Today, Maryam Monsef, Member of Parliament for Peterborough-Kawartha, announced that the Government of Canada is investing $2,503,845 through the Canada Summer Jobs Program to create 711 jobs for youth between the ages of 15-30 in Peterborough—Kawartha.

This year’s commitment represents more than a doubling of the annual funding support offered and number of jobs created, and more flexible terms for employers in the region. For the first time, positions can be part-time and extend beyond the traditional summer season, and in recognition of the financial difficulties some employers continue to face due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the maximum wage subsidy for employees will be 75% instead of the normal 50%, with charities and not-for-profits receiving a 100% subsidy.

Since 2016, the program has supported over 2200 youth summer jobs in Peterborough-Kawartha and approved funding to more than 125 local employers annually.

Canada Summer Jobs is an initiative of the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy, which aims to provide flexible and holistic services to help young Canadians develop skills and gain paid work experience to successfully transition into the labour market.

The 2021 Canada Summer Jobs program has an important role to play in supporting employers and young people during these difficult times. The program strives to give young Canadians between the ages of 15 and 30 paid work opportunities so that they can grow professionally and improve their skills in the not-for-profit, small business and public sectors. It also supports the delivery of key community services to Canadians.

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 93 of 108 Youth who are interested in available employment opportunities are encouraged to check Canada’s Job Bank website regularly for available employment opportunities.


“Creating opportunities for young people to earn money, grow professionally and succeed in the workforce has always been a hallmark of the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment and Skills Strategy. Young Canadians today face unparalleled challenges finding good-quality jobs that they are passionate about. The Canada Summer Jobs program provides a pathway for youth who want to help in our community, get involved, and get valuable real-world work experience while also providing financial support to businesses during these difficult times.”

Maryam Monsef, Member of Parliament for Peterborough—Kawartha

Quick Facts:

• The Canada Summer Jobs program objectives align with the redesigned Youth Employment and Skills Strategy and are as follows:

o provide quality work experiences for youth

o respond to national and local priorities to improve access to the labour market for youth who face unique barriers

o provide opportunities for youth to develop and improve their skills

• For CSJ 2020, the department introduced temporary flexibilities to respond to the needs of employers and youth in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The program will continue to offer these temporary flexibilities for 2021 in order to continue to support employers and youth. The following temporary flexibilities will be in place for CSJ 2021:

o Wage subsidies: Funded public and private sector employers will be eligible to receive a wage subsidy reimbursement of up to 75% of the provincial or territorial minimum hourly wage. Under regular rules, private and public sector employers are only eligible to receive up to 50% of the provincial or territorial minimum wage.

o Part-time employment: All funded employers may offer part-time placements (for example, fewer than 30 hours per week). Under regular rules, all CSJ-funded employment has to be full time (a minimum of 30 hours per week).

o Employment period: All funded employers may offer job placements between April 26, 2021 and February 26, 2022. Under regular rules, all CSJ-funded positions have to be completed during the summer months.

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 94 of 108 o Changes to project and job activities: All funded employers may amend project and job activities if the proposed project is impacted by COVID-19 restrictions after an agreement is signed. In such cases, the employer should contact Service Canada to discuss potential amendments. All changes must be approved by Service Canada.

Budget 2021 Support for Youth:

• Budget 2021 proposes to invest $721 million in the next two years to provide young people with quality employment opportunities in local communities across the country.

o Canada Summer Jobs: An historic investment of $371.8 million in new funding for Canada Summer Jobs in 2022-23 to support approximately 75,000 new job placements in the summer of 2022. This means a total of 100,000 CSJ placements will be created in summer 2022, and that our government will have created more placements than ever before with 220,000 jobs over 2 years through CSJ.

o Youth Employment and Skills Strategy: $109.3 million in 2022-23 for the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy to support vulnerable youth facing multiple barriers to employment. This funding will create over 7,000 additional job placements for youth, in addition to the 30,600 placements created through the Fall Economic Statement in 2020.

o Student Work Placements Program: $239.8 million in the Student Work Placement Program in 2021-22 to support work-integrated learning opportunities for post- secondary students. 20,000 more students will access this work experience, for a total of 50,000 placements this year.

Associated Links:

Canada’s Job Bank: Summer Jobs Positions

Budget 2021: Job Creation

Budget 2021: Young Canadians


For more information: Peter Mitchell Chief of Staff to the Hon. Maryam Monsef Member of Parliament for Peterborough-Kawartha Cell: 705-750-8548 [email protected]

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 95 of 108

News Release

For immediate release May 6, 2021

Canada and Ontario Provide Affordable Homes in Peterborough

Peterborough, Ontario – Everyone deserves a safe and affordable place to call home. The COVID- 19 crisis has made it clear that affordable housing is key to Canada and Ontario’s recovery, as communities across the country and province are dealing with the devastating impacts of rising levels of homelessness and housing need.

Today, the Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development and Member of Parliament for Peterborough—Kawartha, on behalf of the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, and Dave Smith, Member of Provincial Parliament for Peterborough—Kawartha, on behalf of the Honourable Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, announced $3.5 million in funding that helped create two new affordable housing complexes in the Peterborough area.

Of the total investment, $2.5 million helped fund a 34-unit complex for individuals and women-led families in Peterborough which also includes a daycare. Some of the residents are supported by Homeward Bound Peterborough, a program which provides independent affordable housing for single mothers along with services and supports including childcare, life skills, assistance in obtaining a post- secondary education, employment mentoring through an industry council and transition to independence.

$1 million of the total investment helped build a 24-unit complex in Havelock that provides affordable housing for seniors and serves as a community hub, with health services and supports located on-site.

Funding for these projects was delivered through the Investment in Affordable Housing (IAH) program and the Social Infrastructure Fund (SIF), joint programs by the federal and provincial governments that gave local communities the flexibility to address their local housing needs by funding new rental construction, home repairs, housing allowances, rent supplements or home ownership.


“Our Government is investing in affordable housing here in Peterborough and across Canada to help create jobs and improve the quality of life for those who need it most. With our investments, we are providing a helping hand for individuals and families in need, and contributing to the economic and social well-being of all Canadians. This is the National Housing Strategy at work.” – The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development and the Minister Responsible for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

“Supporting those in housing need is how we build equitable prosperity for all Canadians. These two projects will provide affordable homes to those who need them most, including seniors, those with disabilities, women-led households, and working-class Canadians. This is what can be achieved when all levels of government work together.” – The Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister for Women


Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 96 of 108

and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development, and Member of Parliament for Peterborough—Kawartha.

“Our government knows how important it is to create affordable housing in communities across Ontario so that everyone can have a place to call home. Working together with our federal partners, we are investing in much-needed affordable housing that will make a real difference in the lives of so many people, including right here in Peterborough.” – The Honourable Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

“All Ontarians deserve a place to call home, and it is great to see the provincial government investing in affordable housing projects like these in Peterborough. These two exciting projects are helping ensure more people in our community have access to safe affordable housing.” – Dave Smith, Member of Provincial Parliament for Peterborough—Kawartha

"People in the County and City of Peterborough need safe, stable housing that they can afford. The homes created by Peterborough Housing Corporation are a great example of what’s possible with support from all levels of government. These new homes will help families to thrive and seniors to live and age in their own community.” –Keith Riel, Councillor and Co-Chair Housing, City of Peterborough

“Peterborough Housing Corporation is proud to have built these two housing complexes to serve our communities, with the support of our government funding partners, during the pandemic. They are fully tenanted and are a place our residents are proud to call home.” – Bonnie Clark, Chair of Peterborough Housing Corporation Board of Directors

Quick Facts

• The Government of Canada is currently rolling out its National Housing Strategy, an ambitious 10- year, $70+ billion plan that will create 160,000 new housing units and lift 530,000 families out of housing need, as well as repair and renew more than 300,000 housing units.

• To help Canadians find affordable housing, the federal government’s Budget 2021 proposes to provide an additional $2.5 billion over seven years in new funding and a reallocation of $1.3 billion in previously announced funding to speed up the construction, repair, and support over 35,000 additional housing units.

• Ontario is investing $765 million through the Social Services Relief Fund to help municipalities and Indigenous program administrators protect the health of shelter staff and residents by providing PPE and measures to ensure physical distancing, create longer-term housing solutions and help vulnerable Ontarians affected by COVID-19, including those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The City of Peterborough has been allocated over $5.7 million through this fund.

• Ontario allocated approximately $1.75 billion in 2020-21 as part of its Community Housing Renewal Strategy and response to COVID-19, to help sustain, repair and grow community housing and help end homelessness. This includes the Social Services Relief Fund.

Associated Links


Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 97 of 108

• As Canada’s authority on housing, CMHC contributes to the stability of the housing market and financial system, provides support for Canadians in housing need, and offers unbiased housing research and advice to all levels of Canadian government, consumers and the housing industry. For more information, visit our website or follow us on Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook. • Ontario is committed to increasing housing supply across the province, while getting the best value for taxpayers. Cutting red tape will bring housing to market faster – leading to lower housing costs and helping people keep more of their hard-earned dollars. For more information on affordable housing in Ontario, visit or follow us on Twitter.

• To find out more about the National Housing Strategy, visit


Information on this release:

Mikaela Harrison Office of the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development [email protected]

Audrey-Anne Coulombe Media Relations Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation [email protected]

Stephanie Bellotto Office of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing [email protected]

Conrad Spezowka Communications Branch Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing [email protected]


Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 98 of 108 From: Stevenson, Kari To: David Piccini; Dave Smith; Laurie Scott; Rhonda Keenan; [email protected]; [email protected]; Dan Marinigh; [email protected]; [email protected]; Township CAOs Cc: Graham, Sheridan; Weir, Bryan; Holden, Keziah; Mudd, Iain Subject: County Council Special Meeting re Employment Lands Date: May 12, 2021 2:32:29 PM

Good afternoon all:

Please be advised that a resolution was passed by Council on May 5th to schedule a Special Meeting of Council as follows:

Resolution No. 204-2021

Moved by Councillor McFadden Seconded by Councillor Senis

That staff be directed to organize a Special Council meeting as soon as possible with appropriate participants to answer questions and discuss employment lands and planning. Carried

You have been identified as a key participant and are being invited to this meeting. I will be sending out a doodle poll with four suggested dates in June.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Kari Stevenson, Dipl.M.A. Manager, Legislative Services/Clerk 705-743-0380 x 2101

Please be advised our offices are closed to the public as recommended by public health officials. Staff are still available between the hours of 8:30 and 4:30 Monday to Friday, and can be reached via phone or email. Updates regarding closure will be provided on our website at

* Individuals who submit letters and other information to Council should be aware that any personal information contained within their communications may become part of the public record and may be made available to the public through the Council Agenda process.

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 99 of 108 TOWNSHIP OF HAVELOCK-BELMONT-METHUEN

To: Mayor Martin and Members of Council

From: Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer

Meeting Date: May 18, 2021

Subject: Councillor Activity Report


The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of Council Member activities including Committee Liaison meetings.


That the report of the Clerk providing a summary of Council Member activities including Committee Liaison meetings be received for information.


The summary of Council activities including Committee Liaison meetings is as follows and reflects submissions received:

Councillor Webb and Councillor Ellis 1. Mathison Property Committee Meeting - May 5, 2021. Mayor Martin 1. Conference Calls with various organizations regarding COVID-19.


There is no financial impact associated with the summary of Council activities on this meeting’s agenda.

Respectfully Submitted:

Bob Angione Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 100 of 108 TOWNSHIP OF HAVELOCK-BELMONT-METHUEN

To: Mayor Martin and Members of Council

From: Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer

Meeting Date: May 18, 2021

Subject: New/Other Business Items


The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of New Business or Other Business items identified by Members of Council and not listed earlier on this meeting’s agenda.


That the report of the Clerk providing a summary of New Business and Other Business items identified by Members of Council be received for information; and further

That any items requiring follow-up action be considered through an appropriate resolution of Council.


The summary of New Business or Other Business items is as follows and reflects submissions received:

Councillor Ellis

1. Round Lake Road.

Councillor Webb

1. Lions Club Assistance – Hydro Relief. 2. Mile of Memories Road Widening.


There is no financial impact associated with the Summary of New Business or Other Business Items on this meeting’s agenda.

Respectfully Submitted:

Bob Angione Bob Angione, Clerk and Acting Chief Administrative Officer Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 101 of 108

Corporation of the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen

By-law Number 2021 - 035

Being a By-Law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into an Agreement with RUDOLPH JOHN RUSSELL for the use of a travel trailer as temporary residency during the construction of a new single-family dwelling on property known as Con 7 Lot 5, RP45R8967 Part 1, in the geographic Township of Belmont, Roll No. 1531 010 002 25410; municipally known as Belmont Township 6th Line, now in the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen.

WHEREAS Section 11 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, provides broad authority to a lower tier municipality to provide any service or thing that a municipality considers necessary or desirable for the public;

AND WHEREAS Section 11 (2)(6) of the Municipal Act, 2001, provides that a lower tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting the health, safety and well-being of persons;

AND WHEREAS Section 11 (3)(7) of the Municipal Act, 2001, provides that a lower tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting structures;

AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen deems it expedient to enter into an Agreement with Rudolph John Russell for the use of a travel trailer as temporary residency during the construction of a new dwelling on property located at Belmont Township 6th Line;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Havelock- Belmont-Methuen hereby enacts as follows:

1. That the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to enter into the Agreement with Rudolph John Russell for the use of a travel trailer for temporary residency during the construction of a new dwelling on property located at Belmont 6th Line.

2. That a copy of the agreement is attached hereto as Schedule ‘A’ and forms part of this by-law.

3. That this by-law shall take effect upon passing.

Read a first, second and third time and finally passed in open Council this 18th day of May, 2021.

______Jim Martin, Mayor Robert V. Angione, Clerk

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 102 of 108

Schedule ‘A’ to By-law 2021-035

Being a By-Law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into an Agreement with Rudolph John Russell for the use of a travel trailer as temporary residency during the construction of a new single-family dwelling on property known as Con 7 Lot 6, RP 45R8967 Part 1 in the geographic Township of Belmont, Roll No. 1531 010 002 25410; municipally known as Belmont Township 6th Line, in the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen.

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 103 of 108 Agreement with John Russell Page 1 of4

THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 18th day of May, 2021

BETWEEN RUDOLPHJOHN RUSSELL Hereinafter called the "OWNER(S)" of the FIRST PART -and -


Hereinafter called the "MUNICIPALITY" of the SECOND PART

WHEREAS the Owner(s) are the registered Owner(s)s of real property described as CON 7 LOT 5 RP 45R8967 PART 1 in the geographic Township of Belmont, now in the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen, in the County of Peterborough being described in schedule "A" attached hereto; Roll No. 1531 010 002 25410; municipally known as Belmont Township 6th Line, hereinafter referred to as "the lands'';

AND WHEREAS the Owner(s) has made an application to the Council of the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen for permission to allow a travel trailer to be used as temporary residency during the construction of their new single-family dwelling on the lands as described;

AND WHEREAS the Council of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen has authorized that an agreement be entered into with Rudolph John Russell to permit them to allow the travel trailer to be used as temporary residency while their new dwelling is being built for a 12- month term; with the agreement registered on title at the applicant's expense;

NOWTHEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration ofthe sum of TWO-----($2. 00)-----DOLLARS now paid by each party to the other, the receipt in sufficiency whereof is hereby by each of them respectively acknowledged and in further consideration of the mutual provisions and covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows:

1. That the Municipality agrees to relax the provisions of Section 6. 1 of the Zoning By- law in this specific case to permit the Owner(s) to use the travel trailer on site as temporary residency during the construction of their new dwelling, for a period of twelve (12) months maximum from the date of this agreement.

The Owner(s) agrees to immediately apply for a building permit for the new residential dwelling, and to provide all required documentation and structural design plans necessary to have a building permit issued. The owner/s has confirmed that

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 104 of 108 Agreementwith JohnRussell Page2 of 4

the bathroom waste and grey water in the trailer will be pumped out and taken off site on a regular basis during construction.

3. The Owner(s) agrees to have the travel trailer removed and its location cleaned up to the satisfaction of the municipality by the 18th day of May, 2022.

4. The Owner(s) agrees to protect their neighbours from disturbing noise levels by not operating a generator on the property after 11:00 p. m. or before 8:00 a. m., and to abide by all other by-laws of the Municipality.

5. The Owner(s) covenants and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality for any damages or losses to their property resulting from the permission granted in this agreement.

6. The Owner(s) acknowledges that any breach of this agreement would render the agreement null and void and may be restrained by way of a mandatory injunction. The Owner(s) specifically acknowledges that this agreement may be pleaded in a court of competent jurisdiction in support of any appiication for injunctive relief which might be brought by the Municipality.

7. This agreement shall be read with such changes of gender and number as the context may require.

8. This agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto.

9. The Owner(s) hereby consents to the registration of this agreement against those lands owned by the Owner(s) as identified in this agreement. The Owner(s) agrees to be responsible for the cost to register the agreement on title to the lands. The Owner(s) also agrees to be responsible for the cost to remove the registration from the title to the lands when the term ofthe agreement expires. The Owner(s) agrees to provide a $1, 200. 00 deposit with the township to register and remove the agreement from title.

10. Once the owner(s) hereby agrees to sign this agreement and pay the $1, 200. 00 deposit, the agreement will be presented to Council for approval. Upon approval, being granted by Council, the agreement will then be registered on title to the lands.

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 105 of 108 Agreementwith John Russell Page3 of 4






Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 106 of 108 Agreement with John Russell Page 4 of 4

Schedule "A"

Le al Descri tion

CON 7 LOT 5 RP 45R8967 PART 1, Municipally known as Belmont Township 6th Line, now part of the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 107 of 108 Corporation of the Township of Havelock-Belmont- Methuen

By-law Number 2021 – 036

Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen held on May 18, 2021.

WHEREAS the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25 as amended, Section 238 (2), provides that every municipality and local board shall pass a procedure by-law for governing the calling, place and proceedings of meetings.

NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Havelock-Belmont- Methuen hereby enacts as follows:

1. That the actions of the Council at its meeting held on the eighteenth day of May, 2021 A.D. in respect to each recommendation and action by the Council at its said meeting, except where prior approval of the Ontario Municipal Board or other statutory authority is required, is hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed.

2. That the Mayor and the Clerk of the Township of Havelock- Belmont-Methuen are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said action or to obtain approvals where required, and to execute all documents as may be necessary in that behalf and the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix the Corporate Seal to all such documents.

Read a first, second, and third time and finally passed in Open Council this 18th day of May, 2021.

______Jim Martin, Mayor

Robert V. Angione, Clerk

Regular Council Meeting - May 18, 2021 Page 108 of 108