Noteworthy Records and Natural History Comments on Rare and Threatened Bird Species from Santa Cruz Province, Patagonia, Argentina
Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 22(2), 189-200 SHORTCOMMUNICATION June 2014 Noteworthy records and natural history comments on rare and threatened bird species from Santa Cruz province, Patagonia, Argentina Ignacio Roesler1,7,8,9, Santiago Imberti2,7,8, Hernán E. Casañas3,8, Pablo M. Hernández4,7, Juan M. Klavins5,7,8 and Luís G. Pagano6,7 1 IEGEBA-CONICET. Laboratorio de Ecología y Comportamiento Animal, Departamento de Ecología Genética y Evolución, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Pabellón II, Ciudad Universitaria, C1428EHA Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2 Ambiente Sur. Rivadavia 780, Río Gallegos, Argentina. 3 Aves Argentinas/AOP. Matheu 1246, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 4 Fundación Flora y Fauna Argentina. Ea. El Sauco, Provincial Road 41 s/n, Santa Cruz, Argentina. 5 Av. Fundadores Bemberg s/n, Puerto Libertad (3378), Misiones, Argentina. 6 Taller de Taxidermia. División Zoología de Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n, La Plata (1900), Buenos Aires, Argentina. 7 Grupo FALCO. 8 Proyecto Macá Tobiano / Hooded Grebe Project. 9 Corresponding author: Received on 12 November 2013. Accepted on 26 May 2014. ABSTRACT: Santa Cruz province is the second largest province in Argentina, and also the least populated. This province makes up the southern tip of continental Argentina. Althought it has low population density and is remote from big cities, in the past it received well-deserved attention from researchers. This was probably due to the presence of many interesting species, among them some threatened, with taxonomic singularities, and/or endemism.
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