
(No Model.) 8 Sheets-Sheet 1. R. T. WAN WALKENBUR, G, CHEMICAL ENGINE, No. 413,837. Patented Oct. 29, 1889.

Inventor: Rat1dall T. Vari Valker burd.

(No Model.) 8 sheets-Sheet 2. R. T. WAN WALKENBURG, CHEMICAL ENGINE, No. 413,837. Patented 00t, 29, 1889.

Wr1esses-62. 2-6,7- Randall T VariValkenburgTrventor

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N. PETERs, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D.C. (No Model.) - 8 sheets-sheet 3. R. T. WAN WALKENBURG CHEMICAL ENGINE, No. 413,837. Patented Oot. 29, 1889.

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Win Ess ps . Irventor: -62, 2%.7 Randall T.VariValkenburg

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N. Peters. Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D.C.


RANDALL T. WAN WALKENBURG, OF MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN, ASSIGNOR TO THE MUSKEGON CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINE COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE. CHEMICAL ENGINE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 418,837, dated October 29, 1889. Application filed June 5, 1889, Serial No. 313,221 (No model.) To all whom it may concern. generator J is supported, and two openings Beit known that I, RANDALLT. WAN WAL on the sides, in which the boxes K K are Se KENBURG, a citizen of the United States, re cured, and which serve to carry the materials siding at Muskegon, in the county of Mus for charging the generator. 55 kegon and State of Michigan, have invented The generator forms a closed tank and is certain new and useful Improvements in suitably constructed to withstand a high de Chemical-Engines, of which the following is a gree of pressure, and for this purpose it is specification, reference being had therein to preferably made of cylindrical shape with the accompanying drawings. convex heads, as shown, and is Supported 60 IO This invention relates to new and useful upon the frame by means of the lugs a, se improvements in chemical-engines, intended cured to the sides of the generator. Near the to form an improvement on Letters Patent rear end this generator is provided with a No. 383,303, granted to me May 29, 1888; and dome L, which incloses the acid-chamber, and the invention consists in the novel construc the dome is provided with a removable head 65 tion, arrangement, and combination of differ L', detachably secured thereto, preferably by ent parts, all as more fully hereinafter de means of a screw-thread engagement, Suita Scribed, and specifically setforth in the claims. ble hand-holds L being formed on said head In the drawings which accompany this for conveniently screwing it on and off when Specification and form a part thereof, Figure required to charge the dome with the acid. 1 is a side elevation of my improved chem Into this dome L is fitted a removable cylin ical-engine. Fig. 2 is a plan thereof with the drical vessel M, which is provided with one hose-reel removed to show the parts below. or more vertical ribs M', which engage into Fig. 3 is a rear elevation. Fig. 4 is a diagram corresponding grooves on the inner face of plan of the mixer, generator, and connections the dome L, for the purpose of holding the 75 25 thereof. Fig. 5 is a vertical longitudinal sec vessel Min a fixed relation within the dome tion on line XX in Figs. 2 and 4. Fig. 6 is a L and prevent it from rotating therein. On horizontal section on line Y Yin Fig. 3. Fig. the bottom of this vessel is formed a spider 7 is a vertical central section on line Z, Z in M', which may be formed integral with the Fig. 2. Fig. 8 is a horizontal section on line ribs M', and which supports on a central step WW in Fig. 3. Fig. 9 is a detached per M8 the breaker-shaft M'. This breaker-shaft spective view of one of the perforated cups is provided at its lower end with the breaker shown in Figs. 7 and 8. arms M, and passes through a stuffing-box M All the operating parts of my chemical-en in the head of the dome, and bears a handle gine are mounted upon a light and strong M" for rotating it in its bearings. To the 85 35 frame mounted on two wheels AA on a curved walls of the inner vessel are secured the open axle B, and a small wheel C (see Fig.1) in the ended pockets N, adapted to Securely hold center in front of the wheels AA serves as a the acid-containing bottles O. The bottom. front support. The frame is preferably con of the vessel M is perforated or provided with structed of the longitudinal bars D, rigidly the screenP. 9o connected near the front and rear by cross To the top of the generator are connected bars E, with the inner longitudinal bars ex two discharge-pipes Q and Q', which are con tended in front and provided with a suitable trolled by the valves Q' and extend down draft appliance, such as the handle-bar F wardly in front of the generator. They con and the rope-pulley G. The frame is sup nect into the horizontal system of discharge 95 45 ported on the axle by means of springs, such pipes Q and Q', which form two distinct outer as the C-springs Hunder the side bars of the circuits around the ends and sides of the gen frame and the cross-spring I, which connects erator and terminate at the rear end near the the rear ends of the side springs and supports center in the coupling members Q and Q', to the frame in the center of the rear cross-bar which the fire-hose is adapted to be secured. I oc So of the frame. The frame thus constructed I preferably connect the two systems of dis forms an opening in the center, in which the charge-pipes into one single structure, which

418,837 forms a four-sided pipe-frame, supported by lution, is introduced into the mixing-tub U, brackets b on the four corners upon the cross and by turning the crank U' a quick solution or the side bars of the supporting-frame. At is effected. From there, by opening the valve different places in these discharge-pipes, pref V, the contents are drained into the gener erably at the corners, and in the center where ator, after which the valve V is closed. The the two systems are united, I place enlarged bottles containing the acid having been pre couplings S, S', and S. The couplings S at iously secured in the pockets N of the acid the four corners of the frame are preferably containing vessel, the lever M of the break 75 cast integral with the brackets b and are pro ing device is disengaged from the locking to vided with an opening on top, which is closed latch g. Then, by giving it a vigorous turn, by a screw-cap c, and in this opening is re the breaker-arms M at the lower end of the movably secured a cup T, made of perforated breaker-shaft will the bottles and al metal or wire screen. In the bottom of this low the liquid to escape through the perfo coupling is an opening or drip, which is closed rated bottom into the generator, all pieces of by a suitable drip-plug d. The couplings S' broken glass being retained in the vessel M. (5 S° are similarly constructed to the couplings The generator having now become charged, S, but are made twice as long and divided in a discharge may be effected by opening the center by a partition e, so as to form a either one of the valves in the discharge separate chamber for each system of dis pipes Q and Q’ or by opening both of the charge-pipes, and the coupling S is provided valves, as desired. Thus either one or two in the same manner as described for the coup streams may be obtained from the engine. lings S with the screw-cap and perforated The discharge through the discharge-pipe Q cup, and the drip at the bottom of the cham follows the system of pipes Q to the outlet Q, ber with the screw-plug. The coupling mem and the discharge through the discharge-pipe bers Q and Q are connected to or formed in Q' follows the system of pipes Q to the out tegral with the coupling S', as shown. The let Q' into the flexible hose connected thereto. coupling S is similarly constructed with the The object of the perforated cups T is to coupling S', except that the openings on top contain some dry carbonate for the purpose 95 of the coupling are connected to the dis of neutralizing all the acid which may possi charge-pipes Q and Q', respectively. bly be carried off from the generator uncon Upon the forward part of the frame is sup sumed, and thereby it not alone increases ported the mixing tub or cylinder U. This the pressure, but also prevents the waste of contains an axial shaft journaled in suitable acid and its injurious action in the discharge IOO bearings in the head of the cylinder, and is passages and hose. If the material in these 35 provided upon one end with the crank U' cups become spent, they may be readily re and within the cylinder with the stirring filled by unscrewing the cap c. wings U'. The top of the cylinder is pro The special advantages of my construction vided with the opening or hopper U8, which consist in the economical disposition of the is closed by a suitable cover U'. From the various parts, in the facility for controlling bottom of the cylinder a discharge-pipe V the generator and obtaining one or two leads into the generator, and this pipe is con streams, the formation of the circuitous sys trolled by a valve V', and its inlet-opening is tem of discharge, whereby all the acid may covered by a screen V'. This mixing tub or be eliminated from the charge, in the peculiar IId cylinder is secured above the level of the top construction of the system of discharge-pipes, of the generator, so that its contents may be which forms an element of strength in the 45 drained into the generator by opening the construction, in the novel arrangement of the valve V. It is preferably inclosed in an outer mixing-tub, whereby no time is wasted in pre frame U, by means of which it is supported paring new charges, as a solution may be read II5 upon the forward portion of the frame. ily prepared while the generator is discharg A hose-reel W is suitably supported upon ing, and in the peculiar arrangement for per the frame of the machine, and upon it are mitting the whole system to be drained and preferably secured two lines of hose, and cleaned after use. from the central support of this hose-reel an By bending the axle downwardly, as shown, arm f extends rearwardly and is provided at the generator may be hung low, and thereby 55 its free end with the hinged cap g, which is present great stability combined with light adapted to engage with the free end of the draft. lever M. What I claim as my invention is A pressure-gage Y, Fig. 1, is attached to 1. In a chemical-engine, the combination, I 25 any Suitable part of the generator, and to the with the generator, of a quadrilateral system under side of the generator is attached the of discharge-pipes divided by central parti blow-off pipe Z, which is controlled by the tions and two independent discharge-pipes blow-off cock or valve Z. connecting each half thereof with the gener In practice, the parts being constructed and ator, substantially as described. arranged as shown and described, they are 2. In a chemical-engine, the combination, intended to operate as follows: A suitable with the generator, of a quadrilateral system quantity of the carbonate, together with the of discharge-pipes divided by central parti necessary amount of water for forming a so tions, perforated cups contained in enlarged 413,83?

sis couplings or sections of said system, and two the dome on the generator, the perforated 35 independent discharge-pipes connecting said bottom, the breaker and the pockets in said System with the generator, substantially as dome, the stirring-tub communicating. With described. the generator, and the stirrer in Said tub, the 3. The combination, with the generator, of parts being adapted to serve substantially as a quadrilateral system of discharge-pipes pro and for the purpose described. 4.O vided with the couplings S, S', and S, the di 7. In a chemical-engine, the combination of Viding-partitions e in the couplings S' S, the the frame, the generator supported therein, hose-connections Q and Q on the coupling S', the quadrilateral system of pipes having the IO and the two independent discharge-connec couplings and hose-connections, the stirring tions Q and Q from the generator to the tubhaving the stirrer, the pipe leading from 45 coupling S, substantially as described. said tub to the generator and having a Valve, 4. The combination, with the generator, of the dome on the generator, the detachable the quadrilateral system of discharge-pipes Q acid-containing vessel in said tub having the and Q, the couplings S and S in said sys pockets and perforated bottom, the breaker in tem, the dividing-partitions e in said coup said vessel, and the catch for retaining the lings, the hose-connections Q and Q on the breaker, all arranged and adapted to operate coupling S', the corner-couplings S, and the substantially as and for the purpose described. perforated cups T, removably secured in the 8. In a chemical engine, the combination of couplings S and S', substantially as described. the frame, the generator supported therein, 5. In a chemical-engine, the combination of . the quadrilateral system of discharge-pipes 55 the generator, the dome L, provided With the divided by central partitions, two independ removable head L', the acid-containing vessel ent discharge - pipes connecting each half M, detachably fitting therein and provided thereof with the generator, the couplings for with the ribs M', engaging into grooves in the the said pipes, and the hose-connections, all cylindrical wall of the dome, the acid-holding substantially as described. pocket secured to the walls of the vessel M, Intestimony whereofIaffix my signature, in the breaker-shaft M', provided with the presence of two witnesses, this 13th day of breaker-arms M, and the lever M, substan March, 1889. tially as described. 3o 6. In a chemical-engine, the combination of RANDALI, T, WAN WATKENBURG, the frame, a generator supported therein, the Witnesses: quadrilateral system of discharge-pipes, the J. W. BUELL, couplings and hose-connections for said pipes, ED. MCBREARY,