Frequently asked questions

What is free-flow tolling? Free-flow tolling is an electronic tolling system that eases congestion in response to south east ’s rapidly growing population. Free-flow tolling has replaced cash toll booths and has provided a no stopping tolling system aimed at easing congestion and improving travel times and safety for motorists. Tolls are automatically calculated as motorists pass under a tolling point.

What do I need to do to travel on a toll road? To use any toll road, you will need to set up an account or buy a toll pass from a toll payment provider. Different products are available from each of the toll payment providers as listed below (note that a range of fees may apply to the products – feel free to discuss these with the provider).

Customer Account options

If you are a regular toll road user (more than twice a month), setting up an account is the way to go. Toll payment providers have three types of accounts including a tag account, a video account and a business account. All these account products are interoperable allowing the user to travel on any toll road in .

 Tag account – Once this account is set up, a tag is issued and can be fitted to the windscreen of your vehicle. When the vehicle passes under the tolling point, the tag is detected and the toll amount is automatically deducted from your tag account.

 Video account – If you prefer not to use a tag, you can opt for a video account. When your vehicle passes under the tolling point, an image is taken of your registration number plate and the toll amount plus a video matching fee is automatically deducted from your toll video account.

 Business account – This account is for business customers only. You can link all your business vehicles to one account for ease of making toll payments. Contact toll payment providers regarding their conditions for business accounts.

Toll pass options

If you don’t use the toll roads regularly, you can buy a road pass or a trip or toll pass (video pass).

• Road pass – This is a temporary short term pass (available for between 1 to 30 consecutive days) which allows you to travel on all toll roads in Queensland. Payment is by credit card only and the tolling process is similar to a video account i.e. an image is taken of your registration number plate and the toll amount plus a video matching fee is charged to your credit card.

• Trip or toll pass – If you only want to pay for a one off trip or multiple trips, you need to either pay before you travel or within three days after you first travel on a toll road. Payment is to be made to the relevant toll payment provider for the toll road used. The details of which toll payment provider to contact will be prominently displayed on roadside signage.

How much are the tolls? The cost of tolls on the toll roads varies for different types of vehicles. Please click on the link for the relevant toll payment provider in the table below for prices.

Toll roads in Toll road operator Toll payment provider Queensland (click on link to visit site) phone & business hours (including go via the Sir Leo Hielscher Bridges) Ph: 13 33 31 (7 days – 7am to 10pm)

Clem Jones (CLEM7) Tunnel RiverCity Motorways Flow Ph: (07) 3046 4191 Go Between Bridge City Council (7 days – 24 hrs)

Airport Link BrisConnections Airport Link Ph: 1300 11 33 30 (7 days – 7am to 10pm) Brisbane City Council (under construction – opening 2015)

How do I know if I have passed under a tolling point? Toll roads in Queensland are clearly identified on destination signs as well as a series of clear signs indicating that a tolling point is ahead. Tolling points are located along the motorway or at the entry to tunnels or bridges. Road users will travel through a tolling point which houses the tag readers and video tolling technology. There is no need to slow down from normal motorway speed to pass under the tolling point. The contact details of the relevant toll payment provider are also signposted before and after the tolling point.

If I don’t use the toll roads often, do I still need an electronic tag? You don’t need an electronic tag if you don’t use the toll roads often. There is a range of toll pass options for infrequent users available from toll payment providers. If you know you will be travelling on the toll road, you can buy a toll pass before leaving home or after using a toll road (within three days) from the relevant toll payment provider.

What should I do if I use a toll road without having an electronic tag or buying a pass? If you use a toll road you have up to three days after you first use the toll road to arrange payment. Motorists may be sent a notice for non-payment of the toll and relevant fees for non-payment where arrangements have not been made to pay the toll within three days after travelling on the toll road.

Is there a fine for using a toll road without having an electronic tag or pass, and if so, how much is it? You may incur additional fees and charges for using a toll road if you have not arranged payment within three days (without a tag or a pass from the relevant toll payment provider). If you do not respond to a toll notice and do not pay the toll and any administration fee, you may be fined in excess of $140.

Can I use my tag on any toll road? Yes, your tag is interoperable on any toll road in Australia. As you drive past toll points, your tag will beep and the toll will be charged to your account.

Can motorcyclists use an electronic tag or pass? A video/plate account is for motorcyclists (due to the difficulty in placing the tag on motorcycles). Motorcyclists don’t pay the video matching fee when travelling on Queensland toll roads and only pay the cost of the toll.

If I sell or trade in my vehicle, should I advise my electronic tag provider? It’s vital that your number plate and other details are correct even if you have a tag. When selling or trading your vehicle, you need to let the relevant toll payment provider know your new details. This ensures that you will be tolled correctly and will not receive any extra penalties. Similarly, if you change your address, you need to let the relevant toll payment provider know your new address.

What other information should I be aware of? If you use your credit card to make automatic top-up payments, take note of your expiry date and be sure to keep your toll amount payment details up to date.