Page 1 of 24 TOWN COUNCIL

Notice of Meeting


Monday, 9th October 2017 at 7.00 p.m. in the Mayor’s Parlour, the Town Hall, Kendal

Committee Membership (5 Members) Philip Walker (Chair) Lynne Oldham (Vice Chair) Andy Blackman Stephen Coleman Richard Sutton

Co-opted Members: Chris Rowley (SLACC) Representative from Horticare Mandy Nicholson Deborah Clarke (SLDC) Tony Rothwell (Kendal Civic Society)




Any member of the public who wishes to ask a question, make representations or present a deputation or petition at this meeting should apply to do so before the commencement of the meeting. Information on how to make the application is available on the Council’s Website - www/ Information/General/ Guidance on Public Participation at Kendal Town Council Meetings or by contacting the Town Clerk on 01539 793490.


To receive declarations by Members and/or co-optees of interests in respect of items on this Agenda [In accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, Members are required to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) or Other Registrable interests (ORIs) which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. Members are reminded that it is a criminal offence not to declare a DPI, either in the Register or at the meeting. In the interests of clarity and transparency, Members may wish to declare any DPI which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any ORI.]


5. 2018/19 BUDGET PROPOSALS REPORT (see attached)


7. IN BLOOM 2017 UPDATE (see attached)


9. COMMUNITY PROJECTS • Lakes Line User Group Initiative (see attached) • Rinkfield Planters







• Autumn Edition, publication 30th October • Spring 2018 Edition – deadline 26th January, publication 5th March

15. REVIEW OF SPEND AGAINST BUDGET 2017/18 (see attached)



Janine Holt Assistant to the Town Clerk

By e-mail/post to: Members of the Committee All other Councillors (agenda only, for information)

Please note that only Committee Members will receive the minutes and attachments, but that other Councillors may request a copy of any agenda papers. Any Councillor who is not a Committee Member may still attend the meeting, as an observer.


Members of the Press and Public are welcome to attend the meeting.


Kendal in Bloom Committee

Monday 10th July 2017 at 7.00 pm in The Mayor’s Parlour, Town Hall, Kendal

PRESENT Councillors Phil Walker (Chair), Lynne Oldham (Vice Chair), Andy Blackman, Stephen Coleman and Richard Sutton

Co-opted: Tony Rothwell (Kendal Civic Society), Diane Winder (Horticare), Chris Rowley (SLACC), Deborah Clarke (SLDC) and Mandy Nicholson.


OFFICERS Janine Holt (Assistant to the Town Clerk), John Belshaw (Town Handyperson) and Hazel Belshaw (Temporary Council Secretary)




The Chairman presented the minutes of the meeting held on 18th April, which had been approved by full Council on 8th May.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 18th April be accepted as a correct record.

MATTERS ARISING (Not on Agenda) Feedback from Britain in Bloom and Cumbria in Bloom judging (Ref minute 1050/16/17) Janine Holt confirmed she had spoken with the gardener from the Castle Green Hotel. He was happy to show the judges around but did not want any further involvement.

Longpool Planter (Ref minute 1055/16/117) Janine confirmed a planter from Shap Road had been placed on Longpool. She highlighted that the plants that had been placed on Longpool in previous years had suffered due to the high pollution levels in that area. Currently the plants do not seem to be doing well but the Town Handyperson will keep an eye on them.

Mandy Nicholson commented that it was a shame that the planters had been removed from Shap Road.

Councillor Coleman asked what the situation was with the plants at Anchorite Place. Janine confirmed the lady in charge of them was on long term sick but she had learnt that they were due to be re-planted and South Lakes Housing would arrange for someone to tend them.


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172/17/18 ORDER OF BUSINESS The Chair suggested that the order of business of the agenda be amended to bring forward item 10 (Pollinator Project Update) and this was agreed by Members.

173/17/18 POLLINATOR PROJECT UPDATE Chris Rowley updated Members on the Pollinator Project. He confirmed that all schools and community groups involved had completed their soil and plant surveys. There is a press release and images in the South Lakes News. There are to be insect surveys done on the sites. He mentioned that all the signs have been put up but unfortunately 4 had been taken but will be replaced. Horticare have supplied 3,000 plugs for September and more are being sourced and there should be approx. 10,000 plugs in total. All the plots will be strimmed in September. The project had applied for further LIP funding that unfortunately they did not get although we will apply again.

174/17/18 TERMS OF REFERENCE Councillor Walker presented the Terms of Reference which had been previously circulated.

It was proposed by Councillor Coleman to approve the Terms of Reference and this was seconded by Councillor Blackman and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the Terms of Reference be approved.

175/17/18 PROPOSED MEETING DATES FOR 2018 Councillor Walker presented the proposed dates for the Kendal in Bloom Committee dates for 2018 which had been previously circulated. It was proposed by Councillor Coleman to accept the dates and this was seconded by Councillor Blackman and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the proposed dates for the Kendal in Bloom Committee dates for 2018 be approved.

176/17/18 CIVIC PLANTING UPDATE Janine Holt confirmed a number of challenges had arisen with the new contractor they were using for the summer planting in the town. The main issues were quantity and quality of plants, storage to plants and damaged plants, inexperienced staff and the lack of a lead person or foreman, not sticking to an agreed time line or scheme of work. This had a cumulative effect on the workload of the Assistant to the Town Clerk and the Town Handyperson including increased pressure on other areas of their roles. There have been numerous meetings and discussions with the Town Clerk and other Councillors regarding the situation and it has been decided that a meeting with Councillor Walker (KiB Chair), the Town Clerk, Janine Holt and Deborah Clarke (SLDC) will meet with the contractor to discuss further action and report back at the next meeting.

Councillor Walker highlighted other issues including missing hanging baskets and the lack of plants along with late delivery and how this


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has had a knock on effect to all the other work the Town Handyperson needs to do at such a busy time of year. He thanked the Town Handyperson, the Town Clerk and Janine for their extra time and effort.

Deborah confirmed she will attend the meeting and offer technical advice and decide whether they can deliver the work going forward.

The Town Handyperson confirmed that helping the contractor with the planting has taken up a large amount of his time in the last few weeks that was not expected.

Janine confirmed she has received an invoice for the planting and asked Members to consider if Officers additional time needs to be charged back to the contractor. It was agreed to take this decision to Management Committee.

177/17/18 ENVIRONMENT & HIGHWAYS AND KENDAL IN BLOOM JOINT PROJECTS Janine updated on the joint projects with Environment & Highways Committee.

Dowker Lane Nearly complete, just the final coping stones to be placed.

Bird Cage Due to be finished by Wednesday. The Project Manager has worked really hard to get this done by Cumbria in Bloom.

Wattsfield It was decided that this was a bigger project so would be looked at again next year.

178/17/18 KIB, CIB AND BIB 2017 UPDATE There was a discussion by Member regarding the weed issue in the town. Janine Holt confirmed in the past it was contracted by SLDC but was now a CCC job. She confirmed the Town Clerk has chased the County Council up about this several times and she was aware it was a County wide problem. She has been informed that the weeds will be gone by BiB but not in time for CiB. It was suggested by Members to write a formal letter to the Chief Executive of CCC from the Chair of KiB Committee.

Mandy Nicholson commented on the area by Morrisons with the new trees. The area is so overgrown the trees can barely be seen. It was suggested that this could be included in the letter to CCC. Councillor Walker proposed a letter to CCC be sent regarding the weeds in the town and the overgrown area on the land near Morrisons and this was seconded by Councillor Oldham and carried unanimously

Kendal in Bloom Janine confirmed the Schools Challenge was complete with entries from Heron Hill, Ghyllside and Sandgate. Councillors Oldham, Blackman and Walker did the judging and reported the schools were very proud of their work.


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Allotments Competition Janine confirmed that 2 site reps will be judging this weekend and marking against the criteria. She is seeking a judge from this Committee and Allotments Committee. Tony Rothwell offered to do the judging.

Auld Grey Town Janine had received 6 entries in total and was looking for judges from this Committee. Councillors Blackman and Sutton and Mandy Nicholson offered to judge.

Janine confirmed the Award Ceremony would take place on 21st September.

Councillor Blackman commented on the floral displays in Old Shambles and asked whether these businesses could be recognised even though they have not entered. It was suggest that an open letter in the Westmorland Gazette and a personal letter from the Mayor would be a nice idea. It was proposed by Councillor Oldham to send these businesses a letter from the Mayor and an open letter in the Westmorland Gazette and this was seconded by Councillor Coleman and carried unanimously.

Cumbria in Bloom Janine confirmed a decision had been made to go ahead with our entry for this year. She has spoken to the judges to let them know of the issues. Judging is happening this Wednesday and the feedback received will be used for BiB in August.

Councillor Oldham commented that there was a successful litter pick on Sunday and lots of positive comments had been received.

Councillor Blackman asked about the removal of graffiti from the bridge near the canal path. It was confirmed it would be a CCC job, Janine to email them.

Britain in Bloom Janine confirmed that judging is on 2nd August. The route is currently being finalising. The lunch after the tour is at Castle Green and all the Committee are invited to. Janine will follow up with an email. The Award Ceremony is in Llandudno on 27th October and there are 5 places available. The Chair would like to invite Janine and Councillor Oldham.

RESOLVED 1. Janine to write a letter to CCC be sent regarding the weeds in the town and the overgrown area on the land near Morrisons 2. The Mayor to write a letter to the businesses in floral displays that have not entered the competition town and Janine to send an open letter to the Westmorland Gazette

ITEMS FOR THE NEWSLETTER 179/17/18 KiB competition and open letter for Autumn Edition.


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Information on the cutting regime and a Pollinator Project update for the Spring Edition.

Results of BiB for the Spring Edition.


Members considered the Financial Statement as at the end of June 2017. Janine confirmed the funds from the Community Projects went towards the joint projects and there is £500 left in the budget.

Janine advised Members that contracted help has always been used in previous years to support the Town Handyperson during this busy period e.g. help hanging baskets and erecting planters. This hasn’t happened this year as the planting contractor should have taken on more. Therefore Janine suggests that this budget be used to help the Town Handyperson catch up with the other areas of his work that have been neglected for example strimming allotments. It was suggested that some of this cost may be passed on to Hortons.

Councillor Walker proposes to use up to £750 of the budget to pay a contractor with help through the summer and this was seconded by Councillor Coleman and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That £750 of the budget be used to pay a contractor to help the Town Handyperson.

181/17/18 Councillor Blackman would like to buy some hi-vis jackets with the KTC logo on the back to provide on litter picks. It was proposed by Councillor Coleman and seconded by Councillor Walker and carried unanimously

ANY OTHER BUSINESS 182/17/18 Councillor Oldham mentioned an article in the Westmorland Gazette about a dog fouling prevention scheme in . The scheme is funded by Oak Hill Vet Group and the Windermere Town Council.

183/17/18 Janine confirmed she had not received a mock-up of the proposed calendar of Kendal but she will chase up David Jackson, the photographer, and bring it to the next meeting for the potential of having the calendar next year. Councillor Walker proposed that Janine invites David Jackson to the next meeting and this was seconded by Councillor Oldham and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED Janine to invite David Jackson, the Photographer, to the next Committee Meeting.

184/17/18 Janine commented that the plants in one of the rings on Milnthorpe Road have died. Horticare confirmed they are aware and they are being re-planted tomorrow.

185/17/18 The Town Handyperson commented that there had been a massive increase in the amount of plants being stolen from the planters in town this year.


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Diane asked if we can we get the children involved in the planting next year. Councillor Blackman advised that Tracy Ellis from QKS may be a good person to approach.


That the next meeting will be held on 9th October at 7.00pm.

The meeting closed at 8.16pm.


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Summary of Information, Resolutions and Recommendations to Council Min Subject Information/Resolution/Recommendation to Council

178/17/18 KiB, CiB and BiB 2017 RES 1. Janine to write a letter to CCC Update be sent regarding the weeds in the town and the overgrown area on the land near Morrisons 2. The Mayor to write a letter to the businesses in floral displays that have not entered the competition town and Janine to send an open letter to the Westmorland Gazette 180/17/18 Financial statement RES That £750 of the budget be used to pay a contractor to help the Town Handyperson. 183/17/18 AOB – Calendar of RES Janine to invite David Jackson, the Kendal Photographer, to the next Committee Meeting.



Committee: Date:

MAYORALTY & ARTS Monday 11 September 2017

ALLOTMENTS Monday 25 September 2017

KENDAL IN BLOOM Monday 9 October 2017

ENVIRONMENT & HIGHWAYS Tuesday 10 October 2017

MANAGEMENT Monday 16 October 2017

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS & FESTIVALS Tuesday 17 October 2017

AUDIT, GRANTS & CHARITIES Monday 30 October 2017

2018/19 Budget Proposals

1. Budget Timetable

The Town Council has agreed a timetable for the preparation and approval of its 2018/19 Budget. This follows the process adopted for the current year’s budget, with one significant addition: the timetable requires Council to approve its priorities for the budget and devise a scoring system for evaluating growth proposals against those priorities. The identification of priorities is to be the first step towards developing a clear statement of corporate objectives and aligning the Council’s Action Plan, Development Fund, CIL programme and revenue budget.

Key dates in the 2018/19 budget process are as follows:

 Committees to consider proposals for: o Budget variations (additions, reductions, new items) September/October 2017 o One-off Action Plan schemes  Allotments Committee to consider recommended rent levels  Management Committee to consider: 18 September 2017 o Restated Action Plan o Budget priorities and scoring system  Council to approve priorities and scoring system 2 October 2017  Council to set up budget working group  Working Group to review budget proposals and Early November 2017 recommend prioritised bids  Special Council to set allotment rents, consider 27 November 2017 proposals, prioritise bids and agree a draft indicative budget 8 January 2018  Council to approve budget and set precept Page 11 of 24 Two Committees meet before the Action Plan and budget priorities are established by Council on 2 October. Whilst this is not ideal as it does not guide Committees fully, Councillors should be aware of the Council’s main aims when considering the formulation of budget proposals.

2. Budget Process

The budget process identifies areas of uncommitted budget proposals (“growth items/proposals”) separately from the standstill costs of maintaining existing levels of service (“commitments”). The draft standstill budget will be drawn up by Officers for submission to Council, taking into account current service levels, committed expenditure and inflationary increases.

Committees should also note that the additional resources available this year for growth items are likely to be significantly reduced in comparison to the 2017/18 Budget and so should consider whether any growth proposals can be met by a re-allocation within their existing budgets.

Growth proposals can be for one-off schemes or recurring expenditure in service budgets. Because the available monies can be used for either of these, all growth proposals will be grouped together in the prioritisation exercise.

3. Priority Areas

The September meeting of Management Committee will consider a draft Action Plan setting out the key priorities for development. The priorities established in that exercise will guide the budget process and shape the variations to resource allocation. The draft priorities are:  Sustainable Connectivity  Town Centre Vibrancy  Green Space Enhancement  Health & Wellbeing  Internal KTC Projects (eg efficiency, business needs).

These priorities will form the basis of the scoring system to assess budget proposals and, at this stage, can be used by Committees in their consideration of potential bids for resources.

4. Budget Variations

a) Reductions or Re-allocations

Committees are invited to review their current budget and to formulate proposals for budget reductions in “day to day” services, which may be available for re-allocation to higher priority expenditure. Proposals for reductions in current budgets should identify the implications for services and the community. It is suggested that Committees use the routine budgetary control and year-end accounts information to Page 12 of 24 identify budgets which regularly underspend and consider whether the current level of budget provision is appropriate. b) One-off (non-recurring) Schemes

Committees are invited to suggest bids for schemes or projects, within their remit. These should be non-recurring (ie one-off) items, which do not create a significant ongoing commitment in the form of maintenance, energy or other costs.

The main source of funding for such schemes will be the Development Fund, which is currently fully committed and requires the allocation of further monies to deliver the Council’s indicative schemes for the next two years. This does not preclude the introduction of any new projects as the availability of funds next year will depend on the overall budget set by Council.

Ideally each bid should identify: . the benefit to the Council/community . its alignment with the Council’s Action Plan and budget priorities (as outlined above) . estimated one-off cost . ongoing annual costs . contributions (if any) from other organisations . planned timing of expenditure . length of scheme (if a multi-year project) . any permissions needed to deliver the scheme . whether the scheme can be progressed with current staff resources.

Given that resources are likely to be limited for next year, Committees are also asked to review their existing schemes within the latest approved Development Fund to confirm that they are still valid and supported by the Committee. These are being included in the draft revision of the Action Plan which is being reported to Management Committee on 18 September. That Committee will be asked to adopt the five priorities outlined above, and goals to achieve them, and to consider suggested new schemes to meet those goals. An extract of the draft Action Plan giving details of the existing indicative scheme allocations and the suggested new schemes is shown at the Appendix. Committees may choose to support any of these schemes and/or propose new projects. c) Growth Proposals - Recurring Expenditure

Growth proposals can be an extension or expansion of an existing service or a new area of service. In order to enable each growth proposal to be considered objectively, Committees should consider: . its benefit to the Council and the community . its alignment with the Council’s Action Plan and budget priorities . the deliverability . the initial cost . whether it creates an ongoing commitment Page 13 of 24 . whether the proposal would promote efficiencies.

5. Next Steps

After Committees have considered this report during the current cycle of meetings, all proposals will be collated for consideration by the budget working group in early November. This will prioritise budget proposals, using the identified priorities, and make recommendations to the Budget meeting of Council on 27 November. Before that date, individual Councillors will be contacted to ensure that all budget proposals have been identified.

6. Recommendations

Each Committee is recommended to accept this report and:

a) identify proposals for reductions or re-allocations in service budgets;

b) identify proposals for one-off schemes, including any suggested projects shown in the Appendix;

c) confirm whether it continues to support its existing indicative Development Fund schemes (as set out in the Appendix); and

d) identify proposals for recurring growth in service budgets. Page 14 of 24 Kendal Town Council Appendix DRAFT Action Plan for Kendal

Development In Progress KTC's Required PRIORITY Lead Estimated Support (KTC funding provisionally allocated) GOAL Identified/Suggested Project Sponsoring (no KTC AREA Partner costs Partners Committee funding As at 1 April 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 allocated) 2017 £ £ £ £

Yard Signage KTC Low E&H KF, SLDC 5,000

From and Kendal Station KTC Low E&H KF, CCC ✓ Improve Signage Simplify directional signage KTC Low E&H KTC, KF 2,055 3,500 Utilise Kendal Brand where possible including KTC ✓ banners KTC Low E&H n/a Improve Kendal Street name signage KTC Low E&H CCC, SLDA 3,000

Link Kendal to Oxenholme more strongly KTC Low E&H ✓

Improve visibility of Kendal Railway Station KTC Low E&H all 5,000 Positively utilise Kendal's railway connections Lakes Line Feasibility Study LLCRP Low E&H Various 2,000

Improve gateway to Kendal Railway Station SLDC Med n/a all ✓

Support creation of Towpath Trail LCRP Low n/a all 10,000

Regenerate Lancaster Canal Continued membership of LCRP LCRP Low n/a n/a 250 250 250

Sustainable Utilise as a linear park SLDC Med n/a all ✓ Connectivity Support Kendal Walking Trails leaflet KTC Low E&H n/a ✓ Promote Walking Create wheel friendly trail leaflet KTC Low E&H n/a ✓

Kendal Walking Festival KTC Low n/a 1,000

Support Kendal X Concept (Burton Road Project etc) CCC Low n/a all ✓

Promote & create dedicated cycling routes Provide cycle facilities where required CCC Low n/a all ✓ Create continuous Riverside Cycling by removing SLDC Low n/a all 2,000 restrictions and improving signage

Research 20mph in residential areas KTC Low Mgmt 10,000

Install radar speed gun KTC Low E&H 1,500 Northern Development Route - support strategic study Support Air Quality Improvement Actions CCC Med n/a All 10,000 10,000 10,000 phase 2 Parking deals BID Low n/a n/a ✓

Address Taxi parking issues SLDC Low n/a n/a ✓

Page 1 of 3 Page 15 of 24 Development In Progress KTC's Required PRIORITY Lead Estimated Support (KTC funding provisionally allocated) GOAL Identified/Suggested Project Sponsoring (no KTC AREA Partner costs Partners Committee funding As at 1 April 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 allocated) 2017 £ £ £ £

Introduce uniformed stalls SLDC Med n/a all ✓

Create an improved Kendal Market Increase the variety and quality of stall produce SLDC Med n/a all ✓ Support Market Place Improvements (inclusive of grant SLDC High n/a all 4,371 32,629 income) Continue Kendal Leaflet Series KTC Low mgmt KF 12,241 4,000 2,500 2,500

Promote Kendal to potential visitors and Visit Kendal Website (utilising Brand and integrating all KF/KTC/ Low mgmt KF 6,000 - - 3,000 arrivals festivals and events) BID

Support Kendal TIC KTC Low mgmt BID, SLDC? 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000

Creatively connect art spaces at Abbot Hall, Factory, KTC Low mgmt all 2,000 Become the best rural arts & cultural town in Brewery & Wildman Street

the North West Festivals & Christmas Lights & Festivals Committee Actively support all Kendal festivals KTC Low Various Grants Revenue Budget

Longpool Traffic Island (replace crazy pave with bonded Environment & Highways Committee KTC Low E&H all ✓ gravel to prevent weeds, poor KTC 'advert') Revenue Budget CCC, Allan Building Entrance (prevent weed growth at cobbles) KTC Low E&H ✓ Kendal College Station Road Advertisement Board (Create gravel surface ✓ to prevent weeds) KTC Low E&H CCC Riverside paving improvement (Waterside to Abbott Hall CCC High E&H all ✓ Deliver high quality Public Realm park) Town Centre Enhancement Projects to improve first Green Wall at Longpool KTC Low E&H all - 8,000 3,000 1,000 impression & encourage investment Vibrancy Repaint Railings KTC Low E&H various 1,540 3,040

Urban Tree Planting (Reduce planter clutter) SLDC? High E&H all ✓

Birdcage Improvement Project SLDC? Med n/a all ✓

Completion Finkle Street Heritage Street Lighting (continuation from SLDC High n/a all expected Dec Kirkland & Market Place) 2017

Funding support towards Kendal Future role KF/KTC Low Mgmt SLDC 15,000 7,500 7,500 7,500

Support Kendal organisations with similar Funding towards Kendal Futures Projects KF/KTC Low Mgmt all 8,800 10,000 10,000 Town Centre Vibrancy goals (in line with action plan) Funding towards Kendal Futures Projects (previous allocation) To be confirmed KF/KTC Low Mgmt all 4,786 8,214

Kendal Community Emergency Planning support KECPG Low Mgmt Various 5,000 5,000 Improve Kendal's Flood Resilience Support EA recommendations tbc tbc tbc all ✓

Excellent Christmas Light Display Additional Christmas Lights at Market Place KTC Low CL all 2,000

Install mini Christmas trees (maintain and replace flag and KTC tree holders)

Support Kendal BID to install additional lights KF Low CL BID 2,000

Page 2 of 3 Page 16 of 24 Development In Progress KTC's Required PRIORITY Lead Estimated Support (KTC funding provisionally allocated) GOAL Identified/Suggested Project Sponsoring (no KTC AREA Partner costs Partners Committee funding As at 1 April 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 allocated) 2017 £ £ £ £

Improve Wattsfield Roundabout Remove crazy pave and improve planting KTC Med E&H all ✓

Improve Rinkfield Play Area Support resident association with improvements RRA Low E&H SLDC 5,000

Improve Maudes Meadow Path improvements SLDC Med E&H SLDC 15,000

Create linear park along former Canal Create park landscaping on former canal SLDC? High E&H all ✓

Upgrade Riverside Interpretation 2,000

Improve fencing and overgrown area between Dockray Hall Riverside Improvements 2,000 Road and Dockray Bridge

Improve Chantry Step area near Stramongate Bridge KTC Low E&H Various 4,000

Low (4000 Green Phase one improvements (inclusive of grant income) KTC E&H all 12,680 9,320 Space contributed) Enhancement Improve Beacon Area SLDC Low n/a KTC ✓

Improve Kendal Castle Creatively link Kendal Castle to Bowling Fell KTC Low E&H SLDC 4,000

Support further path improvements SLDC Low E&H CCC ✓

Support Park Run plans SLDC Low E&H SLDC ✓

Improve Nobles Rest Support improvement project SLDC Low E&H SLDC ✓

Improve New Road Area Support initiative to utilise as green space SLDC Med E&H SLDC ✓

Improve Abbot Hall Park Support Improvements SLDC Low E&H n/a ✓

Support Woodland Trails Heron Hill School Woodland Walk HHS Low E&H n/a 596 1,404

Support footpath improvements KTC Low E&H various - 500 Footpath, Birk Hagg to Parkside Road

KTC Low E&H tbc ✓ Footpath near Romney Bridge Support Pollinator Project Continue support SLACC Low E&H 1,800 8,822 1,300 1,900

Support low income households Eden & South Lakeland Credit Union ? Low Mgmt ? 3,000 3,000 3,000

BID Health & Make Kendal Dementia Friendly To be identified Low Mgmt tbc ✓ Wellbeing aspiration Support excellent sports & activities provision Contribute to Kendal Rugby Club, Community Sports Hub ? Low AGC tbc 5,000

Create modern office facilities Refurbish downstairs office KTC Med Mgmt SLDC ✓ Internal KTC Projects Provide excellent allotment and planting Purchase new van KTC Med Mgmt n/a 15,000 services

Totals 79,069 180,479 69,550 45,150

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To: Kendal in Bloom Committee 9th October 2017

From: Janine Holt Agenda Item No. 9

Lakes Line User Group The Lakes Line Rail User Group in conjunction with Northern Rail is looking to improve Kendal railway stations bushes and grass area at the back of the platform. The bushes have got too big and need replacing .We want to improve the area so it looks nice for visitors to the town. We would like to replace them with easy to maintain flowering and evergreen shrubs as well as some flowers. We are still getting costings but hope it will be in the region of £500. Northern Rail have a sum of money but that covers their whole area. So we are asking for about £100 from the Kendal Town Council in Bloom fund .We may also need the use of the water bouser to water them in at the start and sometimes when the weather is very hot /dry. For more info please contact Ian Conway

Page 23 of 24 Royal Air Force Spadeadam Officer Commanding Base Support Squadron Station Headquarters GILSLAND CA8 7AT Telephone: 016977 49230 Email: [email protected]

28 September 2017


My name is Jeremy Lawton and I am the Officer Commanding Base Support Squadron at Royal Air Force Spadeadam in Cumbria. I am writing as a member of, not only the only Royal Air Force unit in the North West of England, but also as (we believe) the only permanent military unit in the North West of England.

You may be aware that, on 1 April 2018, the Royal Air Force will celebrate one hundred years since its formation. The Royal Air Force was formed during World War 1 when it was decided to amalgamate the Royal Flying Corps and The Royal Naval Air Service to form the world’s first independent Air Arm.

The Royal Air Force is proud of its rich history and achievements. From battle-winning performances high above the skies of Britain in the nation’s hour of need to more recent activities that include:

- tackling terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan; - securing and protecting the skies above the UK; - disaster relief around the World; - supporting the Civil Authorities in times of national emergency.

Things will really ramp up as we prepare for the Centenary itself, which will be marked by special events, activities and other initiatives at local, regional and national level running from 1 April to the end of September 2018. Each Royal Air Force Station has been tasked with looking at ways to make the Centenary a truly national celebration which is why I am writing to all local councils in Cumbria, Lancashire and South West Scotland to ask if you would be willing to mark the Centenary.

Whilst we would be delighted and grateful for any initiative you may have, an idea we would like to promote is ‘Royal Air Force In Bloom’ where one of the flower beds in your towns and villages could be used to display the Royal Air Force colours or celebrate the RAF in some way. We would visit all of the places with these displays to take a photograph which we would then promote on our Facebook site and to the RAF100 team.

As stated, this is only an idea, and if it is not possible we would still be hugely appreciative of any initiative, large or small, which promotes our Centenary year. The only thing that we respectfully ask is that you inform us about what you are doing.

If you need any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me using the contact details above or the Media and Communications Officer, Mrs Heidi Garstang.[1]

Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Jeremy Lawton C2

[1] 016977 49232 [email protected] Page 24 of 24



2017/18 Actual Total Budget Approved Heading Commitments to date to date Remaining Budget £ £ £ £ £ Expenses: 17,960 Staffing 8,980 8,980 8,980 9,350 Floral Displays - summer planting 7,444 7,444 1,906 4,000 Floral Displays - winter planting 0 4,000 3,000 Community Projects 2,275 2,275 725 (including £1,000 additional budget approved by Council in June) 2,500 Installation & Maintenance 660 660 1,840 1,200 Vehicle Running Costs 491 491 709 3,500 Kendal in Bloom Competitions 1,506 1,506 1,994

41,510 Sub-Total 21,356 0 21,356 20,154

Receipts: (1,000) Sponsors (500) (500) (500)

40,510 Total: 20,856 0 20,856 19,654

Development Fund Items:

SLACC Pollinator Project: 4,000 Programmed expenditure 0 4,000 4,822 Reserved allocation 0 4,822

8,822 Total: 0 0 0 8,822