Page 1 of 24 KENDAL TOWN COUNCIL Notice of Meeting KENDAL IN BLOOM COMMITTEE Monday, 9th October 2017 at 7.00 p.m. in the Mayor’s Parlour, the Town Hall, Kendal Committee Membership (5 Members) Philip Walker (Chair) Lynne Oldham (Vice Chair) Andy Blackman Stephen Coleman Richard Sutton Co-opted Members: Chris Rowley (SLACC) Representative from Horticare Mandy Nicholson Deborah Clarke (SLDC) Tony Rothwell (Kendal Civic Society) AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Any member of the public who wishes to ask a question, make representations or present a deputation or petition at this meeting should apply to do so before the commencement of the meeting. Information on how to make the application is available on the Council’s Website - www/kendaltowncouncil.gov.uk/Statutory Information/General/ Guidance on Public Participation at Kendal Town Council Meetings or by contacting the Town Clerk on 01539 793490. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations by Members and/or co-optees of interests in respect of items on this Agenda [In accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, Members are required to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) or Other Registrable interests (ORIs) which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. Members are reminded that it is a criminal offence not to declare a DPI, either in the Register or at the meeting. In the interests of clarity and transparency, Members may wish to declare any DPI which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any ORI.] 4. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 10TH JULY (see attached) AND MATTERS ARISING (NOT OTHERWISE ON AGENDA) 5. 2018/19 BUDGET PROPOSALS REPORT (see attached) 6. KENDAL IN BLOOM 2017 UPDATE 7. CUMBRIA IN BLOOM 2017 UPDATE (see attached) 8. PLANTING CONTRACTOR UPDATE 9. COMMUNITY PROJECTS • Lakes Line User Group Initiative (see attached) • Rinkfield Planters 10. SLDC PROPOSED PLANTER 11. CALENDAR PROOF Page 2 of 24 KENDAL TOWN COUNCIL 12. ROYAL AIR FORCE CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS (see attached) 13. KENDAL IN BLOOM AND ENVIRONMENT AND HIGHWAYS JOINT PROJECTS 14. ITEMS FOR THE NEWSLETTER • Autumn Edition, publication 30th October • Spring 2018 Edition – deadline 26th January, publication 5th March 15. REVIEW OF SPEND AGAINST BUDGET 2017/18 (see attached) 16. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 17. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 12TH FEBRUARY 2018 Janine Holt Assistant to the Town Clerk By e-mail/post to: Members of the Committee All other Councillors (agenda only, for information) Please note that only Committee Members will receive the minutes and attachments, but that other Councillors may request a copy of any agenda papers. Any Councillor who is not a Committee Member may still attend the meeting, as an observer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Members of the Press and Public are welcome to attend the meeting. Page 3 of 24 KENDAL TOWN COUNCIL Kendal in Bloom Committee Monday 10th July 2017 at 7.00 pm in The Mayor’s Parlour, Town Hall, Kendal PRESENT Councillors Phil Walker (Chair), Lynne Oldham (Vice Chair), Andy Blackman, Stephen Coleman and Richard Sutton Co-opted: Tony Rothwell (Kendal Civic Society), Diane Winder (Horticare), Chris Rowley (SLACC), Deborah Clarke (SLDC) and Mandy Nicholson. APOLOGIES None OFFICERS Janine Holt (Assistant to the Town Clerk), John Belshaw (Town Handyperson) and Hazel Belshaw (Temporary Council Secretary) 169/17/18 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None 170/17/18 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 171/17/18 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 18TH APRIL The Chairman presented the minutes of the meeting held on 18th April, which had been approved by full Council on 8th May. RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 18th April be accepted as a correct record. MATTERS ARISING (Not on Agenda) Feedback from Britain in Bloom and Cumbria in Bloom judging (Ref minute 1050/16/17) Janine Holt confirmed she had spoken with the gardener from the Castle Green Hotel. He was happy to show the judges around but did not want any further involvement. Longpool Planter (Ref minute 1055/16/117) Janine confirmed a planter from Shap Road had been placed on Longpool. She highlighted that the plants that had been placed on Longpool in previous years had suffered due to the high pollution levels in that area. Currently the plants do not seem to be doing well but the Town Handyperson will keep an eye on them. Mandy Nicholson commented that it was a shame that the planters had been removed from Shap Road. Councillor Coleman asked what the situation was with the plants at Anchorite Place. Janine confirmed the lady in charge of them was on long term sick but she had learnt that they were due to be re-planted and South Lakes Housing would arrange for someone to tend them. 1 Page 4 of 24 10.07.2017 Kendal in Bloom Committee 172/17/18 ORDER OF BUSINESS The Chair suggested that the order of business of the agenda be amended to bring forward item 10 (Pollinator Project Update) and this was agreed by Members. 173/17/18 POLLINATOR PROJECT UPDATE Chris Rowley updated Members on the Pollinator Project. He confirmed that all schools and community groups involved had completed their soil and plant surveys. There is a press release and images in the South Lakes News. There are to be insect surveys done on the sites. He mentioned that all the signs have been put up but unfortunately 4 had been taken but will be replaced. Horticare have supplied 3,000 plugs for September and more are being sourced and there should be approx. 10,000 plugs in total. All the plots will be strimmed in September. The project had applied for further LIP funding that unfortunately they did not get although we will apply again. 174/17/18 TERMS OF REFERENCE Councillor Walker presented the Terms of Reference which had been previously circulated. It was proposed by Councillor Coleman to approve the Terms of Reference and this was seconded by Councillor Blackman and carried unanimously. RESOLVED That the Terms of Reference be approved. 175/17/18 PROPOSED MEETING DATES FOR 2018 Councillor Walker presented the proposed dates for the Kendal in Bloom Committee dates for 2018 which had been previously circulated. It was proposed by Councillor Coleman to accept the dates and this was seconded by Councillor Blackman and carried unanimously. RESOLVED That the proposed dates for the Kendal in Bloom Committee dates for 2018 be approved. 176/17/18 CIVIC PLANTING UPDATE Janine Holt confirmed a number of challenges had arisen with the new contractor they were using for the summer planting in the town. The main issues were quantity and quality of plants, storage to plants and damaged plants, inexperienced staff and the lack of a lead person or foreman, not sticking to an agreed time line or scheme of work. This had a cumulative effect on the workload of the Assistant to the Town Clerk and the Town Handyperson including increased pressure on other areas of their roles. There have been numerous meetings and discussions with the Town Clerk and other Councillors regarding the situation and it has been decided that a meeting with Councillor Walker (KiB Chair), the Town Clerk, Janine Holt and Deborah Clarke (SLDC) will meet with the contractor to discuss further action and report back at the next meeting. Councillor Walker highlighted other issues including missing hanging baskets and the lack of plants along with late delivery and how this 2 Page 5 of 24 10.07.2017 Kendal in Bloom Committee has had a knock on effect to all the other work the Town Handyperson needs to do at such a busy time of year. He thanked the Town Handyperson, the Town Clerk and Janine for their extra time and effort. Deborah confirmed she will attend the meeting and offer technical advice and decide whether they can deliver the work going forward. The Town Handyperson confirmed that helping the contractor with the planting has taken up a large amount of his time in the last few weeks that was not expected. Janine confirmed she has received an invoice for the planting and asked Members to consider if Officers additional time needs to be charged back to the contractor. It was agreed to take this decision to Management Committee. 177/17/18 ENVIRONMENT & HIGHWAYS AND KENDAL IN BLOOM JOINT PROJECTS Janine updated on the joint projects with Environment & Highways Committee. Dowker Lane Nearly complete, just the final coping stones to be placed. Bird Cage Due to be finished by Wednesday. The Project Manager has worked really hard to get this done by Cumbria in Bloom. Wattsfield It was decided that this was a bigger project so would be looked at again next year. 178/17/18 KIB, CIB AND BIB 2017 UPDATE There was a discussion by Member regarding the weed issue in the town. Janine Holt confirmed in the past it was contracted by SLDC but was now a CCC job. She confirmed the Town Clerk has chased the County Council up about this several times and she was aware it was a County wide problem. She has been informed that the weeds will be gone by BiB but not in time for CiB. It was suggested by Members to write a formal letter to the Chief Executive of CCC from the Chair of KiB Committee. Mandy Nicholson commented on the area by Morrisons with the new trees. The area is so overgrown the trees can barely be seen. It was suggested that this could be included in the letter to CCC. Councillor Walker proposed a letter to CCC be sent regarding the weeds in the town and the overgrown area on the land near Morrisons and this was seconded by Councillor Oldham and carried unanimously Kendal in Bloom Janine confirmed the Schools Challenge was complete with entries from Heron Hill, Ghyllside and Sandgate.
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