Council Meeting: 7th January 2019

You are summoned to attend a meeting of the Council to be held in the SLDC Council Chamber, the Town Hall, Kendal, commencing at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 7th January 2019, for the purpose of transacting the business specified in the following agenda.


Rollcall and Apologies


Any member of the public who wishes to ask a question, make representations or present a deputation or petition at this meeting should apply to do so before the commencement of the meeting. Information on how to make the application is available on the Council’s Website - http://www.kendaltowncouncil.gov.uk/kendal- town-council/statutory-information/guidance-on-public-participation-at-kendal-town- council-meetings/ or by contacting the Town Clerk on 01539 793490.


To receive declarations by Members and/or co-optees of interests in respect of items on this Agenda [In accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, Members are required to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) or Other Registrable interests (ORIs) which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. Members are reminded that it is a criminal offence not to declare a DPI, either in the Register or at the meeting. In the interests of clarity and transparency, Members may wish to declare any DPI which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any ORI.]

3. MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETINGS HELD ON 26TH NOVEMBER 2018 & 3RD DECEMBER & MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 3RD DECEMBER & MATTERS ARISING To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 26th November 2018 and 3rd December 2018 (see attached x 3)


5. APPROVAL OF FREEDOM OF INFORMATION SCHEDULE (Ref Minute 515/18/19) (see attached)



8. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 17th December 2018 (see attached)

9. PLANNING COMMITTEE To receive the minutes of the meetings held on 3rd and 17th December 2018 (see attached)

10. ALLOTMENTS COMMITTEE To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 10th December 2018 (see attached) 2 of 73 11. OUTSIDE BODIES – REPORTS FROM COUNCILLORS

• Councillor Sutton report on CALC Meeting (see attached) • Councillor Sutton report on Brewery Arts Centre meeting (see attached)


(a) Proposed Budget 2019/20 (to follow) (b) Bank Payments Schedule for Nov 2018 (see attached) (c) Invoices over £3,000

13. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To consider whether members of the press and public should be excluded from the next item, which contains exempt information as described in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972

Part II (Excluded Items) In accordance with Section 100(B)(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, the following report is excluded from inspection by members of the press and public as it contains exempt information as described in Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, as follows:

- Information relating to any individual [Paragraph 1]

14. STAFFING MATTERS [Paragraph 1]


Liz Richardson, Town Clerk Members of the Press and Public are welcome to attend the meeting. 31 of 7313

Minutes of the proceedings at a meeting of Kendal Town Council (Budget Meeting) held on Monday, 26th November 2018 at 7.00 p.m. in the SLDC Council Chamber, Town Hall, Kendal

PRESENT The Mayor (Councillor G Tirvengadum) in the Chair; Councillors G Cook, J Brook, G Archibald, S Coleman, S Evans, M Severn, A, R Sutton, J Owen, D Rathbone, J Cornthwaite, J Dunlop, A Edwards, P Gibson, E Hennessy, H Ladhams, S Long, D Miles, M Miles and C Rowley

APOLOGIES Councillors Blackman, Bramham, Crawford, Finch, Gibson, Hardy, C Hogg, R Hogg, and Vincent.

OFFICERS L Richardson (Town Clerk), J Lomax (Town Treasurer), J Jones (former Town Treasurer) and A Robinson (Interim Council Secretary)


There was a Public Participation item from Mr Byrom.

Mr Byrom wished to express concern in relation to two matters:

Firstly, the placement of stickers by a participant of the Comic Art Festival upon a painting in the Town Council Chamber. He felt the letter of apology received from the Comic Art Festival was insufficient. He also stated that the matter should have been dealt with in a stronger manner by KTC.

Secondly, he wished to draw attention to what he felt was the neglect of Wildman Street in creating a festive welcome in the town, including that the two strings of festoon lighting which had been hung in Wildman Street remained unlit. He had asked for a response after a discussion with Councillor Evans but had not heard further.


Councillors Hennessy and Ladhams noted an interest in the organisation Outside In, which had applied for a grant under Agenda item 7.2.

592/18/19 INVOICES OVER £3,000

The Treasurer presented one invoice over £3,000 for Council approval as follows:

Fantastic Kendal for provision of Kendal Tourist Information Services - £5,000.

It was proposed by Councillor Evans that payment of the invoice be approved. This was seconded by Councillor Coleman and carried unanimously.

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RESOLVED That payment of the invoice from Fantastic Kendal for £5,000 be approved.


The Treasurer presented the External Auditor’s Report and the completed annual return for 2017/18. She informed the Council that the External Auditor’s Report had been presented and accepted at Audit, Grants and Charities Committee on 30th October.

Councillor Archibald proposed that the report be accepted and approved. This was seconded by Councillor Cook and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the External Auditor’s Report for year ended 31st March 2018 be accepted and approved.


The Treasurer presented the Budgetary Control Statement for the six months ended 30th September 2018. She informed the Council that the statement had been presented and accepted (with the exception of a few typos that have now been corrected) at Audit, Grants and Charities Committee on 30th October.

Councillor Severn proposed that the Budgetary Control Statement for the six months ended 30th September 2018 be approved. This was seconded by Councillor Dunlop and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the Budgetary Control Statement for the six months ended 30th September 2018 be approved.


The Treasurer presented the draft Investment Policy 2019/20 and informed the Council that there were no changes proposed to the existing policy. She informed the Council that the draft Investment Policy 2019/20 had been discussed and accepted with no changes proposed at Audit, Grants and Charities Committee on 30th October.

Councillor Severn proposed that the policy be accepted and approved. This was seconded by Councillor Coleman and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the Draft Investment Policy 2019/20 be approved.


The minutes of the Audit, Grants and Charities Committee meeting held on 30th October 2018 were presented by Councillor Severn for approval as a correct record.

Councillor Severn also asked Council to consider an increased 53 of 7313

budget for the Audit, Grants and Charities Committee to enable the Committee to meet the demands of charities and organisations approaching them for grants. He noted that the budget had already been used by existing applications and they would be unable to respond to any further applications next financial year.

Members discussed the grant decision-making process and agreed that it would be helpful for Committee minutes to reflect some of the discussion relating to grant decisions (refusals and acceptances) and grant-giving amounts and requests. There was some recognition that a commitment to a level of confidentiality be maintained on behalf of organisations applying for grants but that in the future more detailed minutes would be produced.

Councillor Coleman commented that it was important to consider staff time in managing the distribution of grants, particularly if a high number of small grants were being awarded and suggested some criteria on a lower limit grant amount be set. Councillor Severn responded that small awards were rare and usually limited to a standing award and that he was not inclined to set a minimum figure.

Councillor Cornthwaite asked what percentage of applicants were repeat applicants. Councillor Severn explained that a large number are repeat applicants but that some of these are now encouraged to request a multi-year grant rather than submit repeated applications. He did not have a percentage to hand but noted that the information is available and that the Treasurer could give sight if required.

Councillor Severn proposed that the minutes of the Audit, Grants and Charities Committee meeting held on 30th October 2018 be approved as a correct record. This was seconded by Councillor Cornthwaite and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the Audit, Grants and Charities Committee meeting held on 30th October 2018 be approved as a correct record.

597/18/19 BUDGET PROPOSALS (Ref Minute 490/18/19)

Councillor Severn noted that he had already raised consideration of an increase in the Audit, Grants & Charities Committee Grants budget to £41,000 for 2019/20. It was noted that this proposal had gone forward and was being considered as part of the Budget 2019/20.

598/18/19 GRANT APPLICATIONS 2019/20 (Ref Minutes 493-517/18/19)

Council considered the following 24 grant applications as recommended by the Audit, Grants and Charities Committee meeting held on 30th October 2018.

At this point the following Councillors declared the following interests:

Councillor Brook - Ref:508/18/19 Manna House. Councillor Coleman – Ref: 495/18/19 Abbot Hall Lakeland Arts 64 of 7313

Trust. Councillor Cook – Ref:494/18/19 Kendal Brewery Arts Centre and Ref:502/18/19 Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool. Councillor Cornthwaite – Ref:516/18/19 Kendal Millennium Playing Fields. Councillor Dunlop – Ref:495/18/19 Abbot Hall Lakeland Arts Trust. Councillor Evans - Ref:502/18/19 Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool. Councillor Hennessy – Ref:507/18/19 Outside In. Councillor Ladhams – Ref:507/18/19 Outside In. Councillor Owen – Ref:511/18/19 Kendal Lads and Girls Club. Councillor Severn - Ref:508/18/19 Manna House. Councillor Sutton – Ref:494/18/19 Kendal Brewery Arts Centre, Ref:500/18/19 Kendal Community Theatre and Ref:512/18/19 Festival Chorus. Councillor Tirvengadum – Ref: 505/18/19 South Lakes Equality and Diversity Partnership.

599/18/19 Kendal Brewery Arts Centre That £9,000 be awarded to Kendal Brewery Arts Centre for two years recurrent funding.

Councillor Severn proposed that subject to an increased grants budget that an amendment be made to the recommendation of £9,000 for two years, to £10,000 for two years. This was seconded by Councillor Evans and carried with six abstentions.

RESOLVED That subject to an increased grants budget that a grant of £10,000 for two years be awarded (otherwise £9,000) to the Brewery Arts Centre.

600/18/19 Abbot Hall That a grant of three years recurrent funding at £3,000 be awarded to Abbot Hall.

Councillor Severn proposed a grant of three years recurrent funding at £3,000 be awarded to Abbot Hall. This was seconded by Councillor Ladhams and carried with one abstention.

Councillor Coleman noted some discrepancies of minute numbering between the minutes and summary table of the Audit, Grants and Charities Committee. This was noted by the Town Clerk and agreed to be amended.

RESOLVED That a grant of £3,000 for three years be awarded to Abbot Hall.

601/18/19 Kendal Air Training Corp That a grant of £1,000 be awarded.

It was proposed by Councillor Severn to award a grant of £1,000. This was seconded by Councillor Dunlop and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That a grant of £1,000 be awarded to Kendal Air Training Corp.

602/18/19 Great North Air Ambulance That a grant of £750 be awarded.

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It was proposed by Councillor Severn to award a grant of £750 to Great North Air Ambulance. This was seconded by Councillor Hennessy and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That a grant of £750 be awarded to Great North Air Ambulance.

603/18/19 One Voice, Kendal and South Lakes Centre for Independent Living That a grant of £1,500 be awarded for three recurrent years.

It was proposed by Councillor Severn that a grant of three year recurrent funding at £1,500 each year be awarded. This was seconded by Councillor Sutton and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That a grant of £1,500 for three years be awarded to One Voice.

604/18/19 Kendal Quaker Tapestry That three years recurrent funding of £2,000 per year be awarded.

It was proposed by Councillor Severn that three years recurrent funding of £2,000 per year be awarded to Kendal Quaker Tapestry. This was seconded by Councillor Long and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That a grant of £2,000 for three years be awarded to the Quaker Tapestry.

605/18/19 Kendal Community Theatre That a grant of £500 be awarded to Kendal Community Theatre.

It was proposed by Councillor Severn that a grant of £500 be awarded to Kendal Community Theatre. This was seconded by Councillor Dunlop and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That a grant of £500 be awarded to Kendal Community Theatre.

606/18/19 Kendal Citizen’s Advice Bureau That three years recurrent funding of £5,000 be awarded.

It was proposed by Councillor Severn that three years recurrent funding of £5,000 be awarded to Kendal Citizen’s Advice Bureau. This was seconded by Councillor Evans and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That a grant of £5,000 for three years be awarded to Kendal Citizen’s Advice Bureau.

607/18/19 Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool That £3,000 be awarded to Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool.

It was proposed by Councillor Severn that £3,000 be awarded to Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool. This was seconded by Councillor Edwards and carried with two abstentions.

RESOLVED That a grant of £3,000 be awarded to Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool.

608/18/19 Fairoak Housing Association That £500 be awarded to Fairoak Housing Association. 86 of 7313

It was proposed by Councillor Severn that £500 be granted to Fairoak Housing Association. This was seconded by Councillor Hennessy and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That a grant of £500 be awarded to Fairoak Housing Association.

609/18/19 Growing Well That £500 be award to Growing Well.

It was proposed by Councillor Severn that £500 be awarded to Growing Well. This was seconded by Councillor Long and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That a grant of £500 be awarded to Growing Well.

610/18/19 South Lakeland Equality and Diversity Partnership That £100 be awarded to South Lakes Equality and Diversity Partnership.

It was proposed by Councillor Severn that £100 be awarded to South Lakes Equality and Diversity Partnership. This was seconded by Councillor Cornthwaite and carried with one abstention.

RESOLVED That a grant of £100 be awarded to South Lakes Equality and Diversity Partnership.

611/18/19 North West Air Ambulance That £750 be awarded to North West Air Ambulance.

It was proposed by Councillor Severn that £750 be awarded to North West Air Ambulance. This was seconded by Councillor Edwards and carried unanimously.

Councillor Cornthwaite asked whether the amounts being awarded were the amounts requested by organisations. Councillor Severn confirmed that sometimes the requested amount in full was awarded but that in many cases it was not.

RESOLVED That a grant of £750 be awarded to North West Air Ambulance.

612/18/19 Outside In That £2,000 be awarded to Outside In.

Councillor Severn proposed that £2,000 be awarded to Outside In. This was seconded by Councillor Owen and carried with two abstentions.

RESOLVED That a grant of £2,000 be awarded to Outside In.

613/18/19 Manna House Councillor Severn declared an interest and left the room.

Councillor Cook proposed that £3,000 be awarded to Manna House.

Councillor Archibald described Manna House as a wonderful 97 of 7313

organisation with demand for its services increasing. He asked for clarity as to whether this was the full amount requested by the organisation. Councillor Cook confirmed this was the full amount that they had requested.

Councillor Coleman reiterated that it would be helpful to have more information in the minutes on discussions around grant-giving. Councillor Severn noted that the brevity of minutes produced by the Audit, Grants and Charities Committee would be addressed and that greater detail of grant-making discussions and decisions would be provided in the future.

It was proposed by Councillor Cook that £3,000 be awarded to Manna House. This was seconded by Councillor Ladhams and carried with one abstentions.

614/18/19 The Furniture Warehouse part of Right2Work That £290 be awarded to The Furniture Warehouse.

It was proposed by Councillor Severn that £290 be awarded to The Furniture Warehouse. This was seconded by Councillor Edwards and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That a grant of £290 be awarded to the Furniture Warehouse.

615/18/19 Abbot Hall Bowling Club That £50 be awarded to Abbot Hall Bowling Club.

It was proposed by Councillor Severn that £50 be awarded to Abbot Hall Bowling Club. This was seconded by Councillor Archibald and carried with one against.

RESOLVED That a grant of £50 be awarded to Abbot Hall Bowling Club

616/18/19 Kendal Lads and Girls Club That £450 be awarded to Kendal Lads and Girls Club.

It was proposed by Councillor Severn that £450 be awarded to Kendal Lads and Girls Club. This was seconded by Councillor Evans and carried with one abstention.

RESOLVED That a grant of £450 be awarded to Kendal Lads and Girls Club.

617/18/19 Cumbria Festival Chorus That the grant application be refused due to funding restraints and due to indication from the application that this was a ticketed event that did not fulfil Council outreach components or seek to work with disadvantaged groups.

Councillor Dunlop commented that it wasn’t clear from the application whether it was a Kendal group or for people from a wider area. Councillor Sutton confirmed that it brought people from a wider area into Kendal and did encourage older people to be involved.

Councillor Cook noted that it was unfortunate that not all 108 of 7313

organisations who apply could receive a grant.

It was proposed by Councillor Severn that the grant be refused. This was seconded by Councillor Cook and carried with one abstention.

RESOLVED That a grant is not awarded to Cumbria Festival Chorus.

618/18/19 With Singing in Mind That £500 be awarded to Singing Mind.

Councillor Severn proposed that £500 be awarded to With Singing in Mind. This was seconded by Councillor Dunlop and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That a grant of £500 be awarded to With Singing in Mind.

619/18/19 Kendal Rinteln Association That this be redirected to Mayoralty and Arts Committee to be allocated out of the twinning budget.

Councillor Severn proposed that this had been incorrectly allocated to the Audit, Grants and Charities Committee and that this be redirected to Mayoralty and Arts Committee. This was seconded by Councillor Archibald and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the Kendal-Rinteln Association grant be redirected to Mayoralty and Arts Committee to be allocated out of the twinning budget.

620/18/19 Dance Ability That £100 be awarded to Dance Ability.

It was proposed by Councillor Severn that £100 be awarded to Dance Ability. This was seconded by Councillor Cornthwaite and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That a grant of £100 be awarded to Dance Ability.

621/18/19 Kendal Millennium Playing Fields That £500 be awarded to Kendal Millennium Playing Fields.

It was proposed by Councillor Severn that £500 be awarded to Kendal Millennium Playing Fields. This was seconded by Councillor Evans and carried with one abstention.

RESOLVED That a grant of £500 be awarded to Kendal Millennium Playing Fields.

622/18/19 Riversiders Trust That £750 be awarded to the Riversiders Trust.

It was proposed by Councillor Severn that £750 be awarded to the Riversiders Trust. This was seconded by Councillor Owen and carried unanimously. -

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RESOLVED That a grant of £750 be awarded to the Riversiders Trust.

623/18/19 DRAFT BUDGET 2019/20 (a) Base Budget

The Treasurer explained to Council that the Base Budget and Budget Proposals be considered in conjunction with each other. The Treasurer noted that the Base Budget is based on assumptions that Council Tax and the SLDC Council Taxbase remains unchanged.

Councillor Severn asked for confirmation of the existing surplus within the budget and how that calculation had been reached. The Treasurer confirmed that at present this was £43,500 made up of under spends across different departments. The former Treasurer noted that it was usual to have a balancing amount readily available each year for growth items.

The Budget Proposal Recommendations were then considered in turn:

624/18/19 a) consider and agree the base standstill estimates in the 2018/19 Forecast and 2019/20 Draft Budget

Councillor Coleman proposed that Council agree the base standstill estimates in the 2018/19 Forecast and 2019/20 Draft Budget. This was seconded by Councillor Cook and carried unanimously.

Councillor Severn clarified that the Audit, Grants and Charities Committee recommendation to redirect the Kendal-Rinteln Association grant request to Mayoralty and Arts Committee was not recommending that the sum from AGC Committees budget follow but that the request be for Mayoralty and Arts Committee to consider from their existing budget. The Town Clerk explained that money had followed the request because Mayoralty and Arts Committee had not yet considered this recommendation.

Councillor Cook commented that if the overall grant budget was increased, that the Kendal-Rinteln Association grant request be considered alongside the Kendal Brewery Arts Centre increase from that new allocation.

RESOLVED That the base standstill estimates in the 2018/19 Forecast and 2019/20 Draft Budget be agreed.

625/18/19 5b) agree the provisional transfers to and from reserves

It was proposed by Councillor Cook that Council agree the provisional transfers to and from reserves. This was seconded by Councillor Severn and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the provisional transfers to and from reserves be agreed.

626/18/19 5c) confirm that the General Fund working balance be set at a minimum of £40,000 for 2019/20 1012 of 1373

Councillor Cook asked the Treasurer to confirm that this was in line with last year’s balance. The Treasurer explained that last year’s working balance had been set at £30,000 and that in light of risks arising from the Parish Poll the increase to £40,000 was being recommended.

It was proposed by Councillor Sutton that the General Fund working balance be set at a minimum of £40,000 for 2019/20. This was seconded by Councillor Cook and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the General Fund working balance be set at a minimum of £40,000 for 2019/20.

627/18/19 5d) note the indicative amount of £43,500 available within the Draft Budget 2019/20, supplemented by £7,100 in the Development Fund, for allocation to growth bids

It was proposed by Councillor Coleman that the £43,500 available within the Draft Budget 2019/20, supplemented by £7,100 in the Development Fund be noted for allocation to growth bids. This was seconded by Councillor Archibald and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the indicative amount of £43,500 available within the Draft Budget 2019/20, supplemented by £7,100 in the Development Fund, for allocation to growth bids, be noted.

628/18/19 DRAFT BUDGET 2019/20 (b) Budget Proposals

The Town Clerk asked Members to consider the Budget Proposals 2019/20. She noted that a list of potential projects had been compiled taking account of discussions and recommendations from Committees. No projects had been submitted by individual Councillors.

The list had then been ranked by the Town Clerk and Project Manager, using the methodology developed last year by the former Town Council Treasurer. This accounts first for statutory requirements, followed by projects that support the Town Council’s Action Plan and then those which are supportive of community incentives.

The Town Clerk reported that available resources for 2019/20 were £50,600 which with the addition of the Community Infrastructure Levy Reserve (CIL) of £12,200 would equate to £62,800. The Town Clerk noted that this was not enough to cover all the listed projects and would only cover the first six projects on the proposed list which would include: Parish Poll contingency; an increase in staffing budget (for a part-time Deputy Clerk, which she noted had been discussed and supported by Management Committee); Kendal Community Emergency Planning; the Pollinator Project; and Kendal Futures.

The Town Clerk noted that if Council were to increase the precept, a three percent rise would enable a further four projects to be funded 1113 of 1373

with further increases above that enabling more projects to be taken forward.

Councillor Severn suggested reassessing the way in which projects had been assessed and ranked.

Councillor Archibald noted that the full Development Fund balance was unlikely to be used and suggested monies might be available for re-allocation. He also suggested using the Arts and Heritage and Environment Reserves. Councillor Archibald sought clarification on whether the allocation to Kendal Futures included work to meet the KTC Action Plan and noted that he would find it difficult to support a Council Tax increase above three percent.

A number of Members questioned the need for a reserve for a Parish Poll, which had already been accounted for in the increase to the General Fund working balance and was not that likely. The Town Clerk acknowledged comments in relation to a Parish Poll and the possible double accounting and confirmed that the joint projects carried out with Kendal Futures do link to KTC Action Plan.

Councillor Brook thanked Officers for the report but proposed that more work is required before a decision and recommendations can be made. He suggested Councillors have more involvement in discussing the list of priority projects and that as staffing on the existing list accounted for half the available budget, that this was a matter for scrutiny. These comments were echoed by Councillor Coleman while recognising the need for more officer time.

Councillor Brook stated that he supported consideration of a two or three percent increase to Council Tax. He noted however that CIL must be reserved for specific infrastructure projects with clear and stated outcomes and therefore could not be set against other projects. Councillor Brook proposed that the Budget Proposals be reviewed at Management Committee and discussed further at January Council. This was seconded by Councillor Coleman and carried unanimously.

The former Treasurer noted that Council had until their January meeting to agree the budget for 2019/20.

Councillor Sutton commented that a three percent rise in Council Tax would be in line with inflation and therefore a five percent increase would be more likely to cover what was needed.

Councillor Owen was pleased that more time would be given to the Budget Proposals 2019/20 adding that he was concerned current proposals meant losing opportunities, referencing in particular, Environment and Highways projects. He indicated that he would like to see something more symbolic actioned by the Council and had been inspired by Bristol wanting to become a carbon neutral city, suggesting Kendal could follow that example, and at the least beat UK Government targets on carbon omissions. He noted support for a 3-5 percent raise to Council Tax if this was invested back into the town and its people.

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Councillor Archibald wished to endorse comments made by Councillors Brook, Coleman, and Owen and along with Councillor Long suggested some scrutiny as to the use of funding by Kendal Futures and ensuring there is no duplication in funding objectives.

Councillor Edwards asked Members to take into consideration the implications of Universal Credit when asking for precept rises.

Councillor Severn suggested that the project to clad the tree planters should be removed as it had been suggested by an Officer and had not come via a Committee.

RESOLVED That the Budget Proposals be reviewed at Management Committee and be discussed further at January Council.

The meeting ended at 8.48 p.m.

Signature ......

Date ......

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Summary of Information, Resolutions and Recommendations to Council Min Subject Information/Resolution/Recommendation to Council 592 Invoices over £3,000 RES That payment of the invoice from Fantastic Kendal (£5,000) be approved. 593 External Auditor’ Report RES That the External Auditor’s Report for year ended 31st march 2018 be accepted and approved. 594 Budgetary Control RES That the Budgetary Control Statement Statement – six months for six months ended 30th September ended 30th September 2018 be approved. 2018 595 Draft Investment Policy RES That the draft Investment Policy 2019/20 2019/20 be approved. 596 Audit, Grants and RES That the minutes of the Audit, Grants Charities Committee - and Charities Committee meeting held minutes on 30th October 2018 be approved as a correct record. 600- Audit, Grants and RES That the recommendations made by the 622 Charities Committee – Audit, Grants and Charities Committee Grants at its meeting on 30th October 2018 for grants to be awarded to organisations in 2019/20 (Minutes 494/18/19 to 517/18/19) be approved, subject to the amendments agreed. 624 Budget Proposal RES That the base standstill estimates in the Recommendations 5a 2018/19 Forecast and 2019/20 Draft (Base standstill Budget be agreed. estimates) 625 Budget Proposal RES That the provisional transfers to and Recommendation 5b from reserves be agreed. (Provisional transfers) 626 Budget Proposal RES That the General Fund working balance Recommendation 5c be set at a minimum of £40,000 for (General Fund) 2019/20. 627 Budget Proposal RES That the indicative amount of £43,500 Recommendation 5d available within the Draft Budget (allocations to growth 2019/20, supplemented by £7,100 in bid) the Development Fund, for allocation to growth bids, be noted. 628 Budget Proposal. RES That the Budget Proposals be reviewed Proposed projects and at Management Committee and be level of precept and discussed further at January Council. Council Tax.

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Minutes of the proceedings at a meeting of Kendal Town Council held on Monday, 3rd December 2018 at 7.30 p.m. in the SLDC Council Chamber, the Town Hall, Kendal

PRESENT The Vice Mayor (Councillor A Finch) in the Chair; Councillors G Vincent, G Cook, P Bramham, J Brook, G Archibald, S Coleman, S Evans, M. Severn, C Hardy, C Hogg, R Hogg, R Sutton, J Owen, D Rathbone, J Cornthwaite, R Crawford, J Dunlop, A Edwards, P Gibson, E Hennessy, H Ladhams, S Long, D Miles, M Miles and C Rowley

APOLOGIES Councillors Tirvengadum (Mayor), Hardy and Blackman

OFFICERS J Lomax (Treasurer) and H Belshaw (Temporary Council Secretary)



Councillors Brook, C Hogg, Coleman, Vincent, Owen and Archibald all declared an interest in item 13 of the Agenda, Approval to Seal Allotment Land Lease from SLDC as they are all Members at SLDC.


Members considered the minutes of the meeting of full Council held on 5th November 2018.

Staffing Matters (Ref Minute 535/18/19)

Councillor Brook proposed an amendment to the minutes. He felt the wording was a little vague and would like the minutes to read: Members need to be aware of the lack of staff support to carry out specific projects during this period of staff shortage.

Councillor Brook proposed that the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair with the above amendment. This was seconded by Councillor Hennessy and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the Council meeting held on 5th November 2018 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Councillor Finch presented the Mayor’s engagements that had been previously circulated.

RESOLVED Members noted the Mayor’s engagements.

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03.12.2018 Council


Suzanne Scott-O’Neill presented the Quarterly Police Report from Cumbria Constabulary that had been previously circulated.

Councillor Coleman commented that it was pleasing to see anti-social behaviour had been much lower recently, especially around Halloween.

Councillor Vincent was disappointed in the increase in hate crime. Suzanne explained that South Lakes hate crime has been steady over the past year with some increase in certain areas of the county. She highlighted that there was nothing specific and it was mainly derogatory comments rather than targeted.

Councillor Brook raised a general question which had been asked of him by residents in his ward - what is the law on cycling on pavements? Suzanne explained that the recommendation to the Police was not to ticket all individuals who use pavements to cycle. Highways were making a lot of the paths dual use and the promotion of cycling rather than driving is encouraged. Police can issue tickets if the cyclists are causing a nuisance on the paths. Most issues that arise are from youths and the Police are unable to issue a ticket to anyone under 16. They can however send a letter to their parents however the problem is catching them. The Police are starting a campaign to visit schools and educate children on cycling responsibly, starting with the awareness of using lights on their bike.

Councillor Evans was pleased that a camera will be installed at Morrisons. Suzanne commented that this has become possible following a Street Safe Campaign in the area where feedback from the residents can be used to highlight problems.

Councillor Edwards thanked the Police, especially Catherine Taylor, PCSO for their help in the Sandylands area.

Councillor Rowley asked for more information regarding cybercrime/fraud. Suzanne explained the presentation lasted around 45 minutes and was extremely useful. It was suggested a date be arranged via the Town Clerk.

RESOLVED That the Town Clerk arrange a suitable date for the Cybercrime/fraud presentation to KTC Councillors.

641/18/19 PRESENTATION BY PROFESSOR NIALL HAYES: DIGITAL STRATEGIES TO ADDRESS LONELINESS AND SOCIAL ISOLATION AMONGST OLDER ADULTS IN RURAL DISTRICTS – MOBILE AGE APP Professor Niall Hayes presented work that had been undertaken by Lancaster University on loneliness and social isolation.

He explained they had worked with SLDC, Sight Advice, Age UK South Lakeland and a group of older adults to produce an app called Mobile Age. The app enables people to access information about events that are happening in the area. The information is drawn from the Compass Hub and he is looking for support to roll it out in Kendal so residents can access it.

Councillor Archibald thanked Prof Hayes for his presentation and proposed that KTC endorse the app and that Councillor Hennessey be the liaison for KTC. This was seconded by Councillor Cook and carried unanimously.

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Councillor Cook further suggested that BID and Kendal Futures be made aware and he will report to them at their next meetings.

Councillor Evans suggested speaking with CCC and Councillor C Hogg agreed and also suggested Kendal ICC and the NHS be involved. He suggested having tablets available for people to use in Tourist Information Centres and the Library.

Councillor Rowley asked if this could be cross generation. Prof Hayes advised that currently the data makes it age specific.

Councillor Sutton advised the Brewery Arts Centre are working on a digital upgrade and they are looking into rural loneliness with their outreach programmes.

There was further discussion by Members on building information using other database links, other features that can be included and the management of the data. Prof Hayes advised that this would be developed going forwards.

That KTC endorse the Mobile Age app and appoint Councillor Hennessey as RESOLVED the liaison for KTC.


The minutes of the Management Committee meeting held on 19th November were presented by Councillor Coleman who proposed that they be approved as a correct record. This was seconded by Councillor Cook and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the Management Committee meeting held on 19th November be approved as a correct record of the meeting.


The minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 5th & 19th November were presented by Councillor Rathbone who asked Council to receive these minutes.

At this stage, Councillors Hennessey and Ladhams declared an interest in planning application 0869, Nether Hall, Kendal.

Councillor Cook suggested an amendment to the Planning minutes from the 19th November. The date at the top incorrectly reads: 19th December.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 5th & 19th November be received and the amendment noted.


The minutes of the Christmas Lights Committee meeting held on 22nd October were presented by Councillor Evans who proposed that they be approved as a correct record. This was seconded by Councillor Edwards and carried unanimously.

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03.12.2018 Council

Councillor Evans thanked the officers for their hard work this year, especially Janine Holt. She also advised that Christmas Plus have now been and resolved some issues and installed the outstanding lights. She highlighted that the Committee had already decided to enhance Wildman Street next year as they are really keen to work with all the businesses. Members of the public had also asked about not having the band in Abbot Hall for the switch on event. This was because they had asked for a gazebo for shelter (although it didn’t rain in the end). KTC do intend to purchase one in the future as it may also be useful for other events.

Councillor Cornthwaite asked if someone was intending to meet with a representative from Wildman Street. He also thought the addition of a gazebo would be welcome. Councillor Evans advised that there will be a survey to establish what can be installed on Wildman Street, due to the height of the buildings. Once that had taken place then the businesses would be informed.

That the minutes of the Christmas Lights Committee meeting held on 22nd RESOLVED October be approved as a correct record of the meeting.

645/18/19 Festival Grant Applications 2019/20 (Ref Minute 452/18/19)

Councillor Evans presented the following recommendations of the Committee:

646/18/19 Lakes Arts (Comic Arts Festival) To approve a grant of £7,500.

647/18/19 Mary Wakefield Festival To approve a grant of £500.

648/18/19 Kendal Windows on Art To approve a grant of £750.

649/18/19 Kendal Wool Gathering To approve a grant of £2,500.

650/18/19 Christmas Tree Festival To approve a grant of £500.

651/18/19 LDNPA (Lakes Alive) To approve a grant of £5,000.

652/18/19 Torchlight To approve a grant of £5,000 pending an application.

653/18/19 Kendal Mountain Film Festival To approve a grant of £5,000 pending an application.

654/18/19 Kendal RUFC Winter Festival To approve a grant of £1,500.

655/18/19 Artfest To allocate a sum of money pending an application.

Councillor C Hogg asked for clarification on the allocation of ‘a sum of money’ to Artfest. He suggested this not be approved.

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Councillor Brook suggested the Committee could come back to Council when an application had been received and an amount was known.

It was proposed by Councillor C Hogg to approve the grants with the exception of Artfest which would be considered when an application had been received and an amount known. This was seconded by Councillor Brook and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the above grants be approved with the exception of Artfest.


The minutes of the Environment & Highways Committee meeting held on 29th October were presented by Councillor Owen who proposed that they be approved as a correct record. This was seconded by Councillor Dunlop and carried unanimously.

657/18/19 Review of Spend Against Budget (Ref Minute 480/18/19)

Councillor Evans suggested an amendment to the minutes with reference to the purchase of wheelbarrows. She had not mentioned using them with the Sandylands group. Councillor Edwards suggested it was himself that had made the comment.

658/18/19 CCC Electrical Signage Removals (Ref Minute 474/18/19)

Councillor Brook suggested that KTC chase CCC to remove the 9 outstanding electrical signs.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the Environment & Highways Committee meeting held on 29th October be approved as a correct record of the meeting with the suggested amendment.

659/18/19 MAYORALTY & ARTS COMMITTEE The minutes of the Mayoralty & Arts Committee meeting held on 12th November were presented by Councillor Bramham who proposed that they be approved as a correct record. This was seconded by Councillor Brook and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the Mayoralty & Arts Committee meeting held on 12th November be approved as a correct record of the meeting.


Annual General Meeting of the Cumbria Association of Local Councils – Councillor Sutton

Councillor Sutton presented the report from the Annual General Meeting of the Cumbria Association of Local Councils which had been previously circulated.

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Councillor Coleman thought the dementia-friendly initiative was a great idea and suggested speaking to BID.

RESOLVED That the report from the Annual General Meeting of the Cumbria Association of Local Councils be noted.


In the absence of the Town Clerk and the documentation it was decided to defer this item until the next meeting.

RESOLVED That the approval to seal allotment land lease from SLDC be deferred.


662/18/19 (a) Bank Payments Schedule: October 2018

The Town Treasurer presented the Bank Payments Schedule for October 2018. It was proposed by Councillor Coleman that the Bank Payments Schedule for October 2018 be approved. This was seconded by Councillor Archibald and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the Bank Payments Schedule for October 2018 be approved.

663/18/19 (b) Invoices over £3,000

The Treasurer reported that there was one invoice over £3,000 which required approval as follows:

Christmas Plus Ltd: 70% of the contract value for the installation of the Christmas lights - £7,938.20 plus VAT.

It was proposed by Councillor Coleman to approve the invoice from Christmas Plus. This was seconded by Councillor Evans and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That payment of the invoice over £3,000 be approved.

664/18/19 (c) Authority to Withdraw Funds from Notice Account

The Town Treasurer was seeking approval to withdrawn £75,000 from the Cumberland Building Society 90 day notice account in order to meet cash flow requirements. It was proposed by Councillor Coleman to approval the withdrawal of funds. This was seconded by Councillor Severn and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the withdrawal of £75,000 from the Cumberland Building Society 90 day notice account be approved.


It was proposed by Councillor Brook and seconded by Councillor Severn to move into Part II. This was carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the press and public be excluded for the following items of business.

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Part II In accordance with Section 100(B)(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, the following reports were excluded from inspection by members of the public as they contain exempt information as described in Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, as follows:

- Information relating to any individual [Paragraph 1] - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) [Paragraph 3]

666/18/19 STAFFING MATTERS [Paragraph 1]

667/18/19 Project Manager

Following her annual appraisal, the Project Manager be granted an increase of one spinal point on her pay scale as per the terms of her contract. It was proposed by Councillor Coleman to approve the increase of one spinal point for the Project Manager. This was seconded by Councillor Archibald and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the Project Manager be moved up one spinal point on the pay scale.

668/18/19 Council Secretary

The recruitment of a new Council Secretary take place for 60 hours/month. There was a general discussion by Members around the structure and job roles and descriptions. It was suggested a further meeting be held to discuss in more detail.

It was proposed by Councillor Coleman to recruit a new Council Secretary for a total of 60 hours for this function (not necessarily for a single person). This was seconded by Councillor Archibald and carried unanimously

RESOLVED That KTC recruit a Council Secretary and for this to be at a total of 60 hours/month for this function.

669/18/19 Project Manager Maternity Cover

That maternity cover for the Project Manager be sought. It was proposed by Councillor Coleman to recruit a Project Manager for maternity cover. This was seconded by Councillor Severn and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That maternity cover for the Project Manager be sought.

670/18/19 Deputy Town Clerk

To consider the Town Clerk’s proposal for the addition of a part-time Deputy Town Clerk. There were various views about the current staffing structure and as a result it was decided to withdraw this for further discussion at the next Management Cmttee.

RESOLVED That the addition of a part time Deputy Town Clerk be withdrawn until further discussion at Management Cmttee. 7 23 of 73

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671/18/19 FINANCIAL OR BUSINESS AFFAIRS [Paragraph 3] TIC Grant Application Assessment Councillor Coleman proposed that the existing funding arrangement for Fantastic Kendal remains. This was seconded by Councillor Owen and carried with one abstention.

RESOLVED That the previously agreed funding arrangement for Fantastic Kendal remains.


It was proposed by Councillor Coleman to move out of Part II and re-admit the press and public. This was seconded by Councillor Brook and agreed unanimously.

RESOLVED That the press and public be re-admitted for the remainder of the meeting.

The meeting ended at 9.41 p.m.

Signature ......

Date ......

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Minutes of the proceedings at the Special Council meeting of Kendal Town Council held on Monday, 3rd December 2018 following Full Council in the SLDC Council Chamber, Town Hall, Kendal

PRESENT The Deputy Mayor (Councillor A Finch) in the Chair; Councillors G Vincent, G Cook, P Bramham, J Brook, G Archibald, S Coleman, S Evans, M Severn, C Hogg, R Hogg, R Sutton, J Owen, D Rathbone, J Cornthwaite, R Crawford, J Dunlop, A Edwards, E Hennessy, H Ladhams, S Long, D Miles, M Miles and C Rowley

APOLOGIES Councillors Tirvengadum, Blackman, Hardy and Gibson

OFFICERS J Lomax (Treasurer) and H Belshaw (Temporary Council Secretary)


Further to the paper circulated with the agenda, Councillor Bramham proposed that the Freedom of Kendal be formally awarded to the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment. Councillor Cook further recommended that a Freedom Scroll be produced with funds from the Mayoralty & Arts Committee budget to be presented at the forthcoming Freedom Parade. This was seconded by Councillor C Hogg and carried with one against.

RESOLVED That the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment be formally awarded the Freedom of Kendal and a Freedom Scroll be produced with funds from the Mayoralty & Arts Committee budget.


The next meeting of Full Council will be Monday 7th January 2019.

The meeting ended at 10.00 p.m.

Signature ......

Date ......

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Mayor or Event Date Time DM Organisation Event Venue

Opening of Christmas 29/11/18 6 days M Mayor of Rinteln Market Rinteln 18.30 - 06/12/18 21.30 M Manna House Christmas Auction St Georges Church 19.15 - Tullie House Museum, 08/12/18 10.30 M AWAZ Cumbria Freiraum Project Carlisle 18.15 - 11/12/18 20.00 M & DM Riversiders Trust Christmas Concert Unitarian Chapel

14.00 - Kendal Dementia Dementia Friendly Carol 13/12/18 15.30 M Action Alliance Service Kendal Parish Church 18.00 - 13/12/18 20.00 M Heron Hill School Christmas Production Heron Hill School 19.30 - Mayor's Christmas 14/12/18 21.00 M K Shoes Choir Concert St Thomas's Church 19.00 - 15/12/18 21.00 M Amabile Choir Performance St Thomas's Church 9.00 - 22/12/18 12.30 M KTC Mayor's Coffee Morning Town Hall 14.00 - 26/01/19 15.30 M Kendal Model Railways Exhibition Leisure Center 26 of 73 Parish/Community Council

Information available from KENDAL TOWN COUNCIL under the model publication scheme

Information to be published How the information Cost can be obtained

Class1 - Who we are and what we do (hard copy or website) (Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts)

This will be current information only.

N.B. Councils should already be publishing as much information as possible about how they can be contacted.

Who’s who on the Council and its Committees Website Contact details for Parish Clerk and Council members (named contacts Website where possible with telephone number and email address (if used)) Location of main Council office and accessibility details Website Staffing structure Website

Class 2 – What we spend and how we spend it (hard copy or website) (Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit)

Parish/Community Council template guide to information Version 2 20140612 27 of 73 Parish/Community Council

Current and previous financial year as a minimum

Annual return form and report by auditor Website current available year. Hardcopy previous years – contact Clerk Finalised budget Website current available year. Hardcopy previous years – contact Clerk Precept Website current available year. Hardcopy previous years – contact Clerk Borrowing Approval letter Financial Standing Orders and Regulations Website Grants given and received Website current available year. Hardcopy previous years – contact Clerk List of current contracts awarded and value of contract Website updated quarterly. Hardcopy previous quarters – contact Clerk Members’ allowances and expenses If applicable: Website reports for last 12 months (showing all expenditure). Hardcopy previous years – contact Clerk

Parish/Community Council template guide to information Version 2 20140612 28 of 73 Parish/Community Council Class 3 – What our priorities are and how we (hard copy or website) are doing (Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews)

Current and previous year as a minimum

Parish Plan (current and previous year as a minimum) Annual Report to Parish or Community Meeting (current and previous Website current year as a minimum) available year. Hardcopy previous years – contact Clerk Quality status Local charters drawn up in accordance with DCLG guidelines

Class 4 – How we make decisions (hard copy or website) (Decision making processes and records of decisions)

Current and previous council year as a minimum

Timetable of meetings (Council and any committee/sub-committee Current Website & Hard meetings and parish meetings) Copy on Council Noticeboard. Previous Hard Copy – contact Clerk Agendas of meetings (as above) Current Website & Hard Copy on Council Noticeboard. Previous Hard Copy – contact Clerk

Parish/Community Council template guide to information Version 2 20140612 29 of 73 Parish/Community Council Minutes of meetings (as above) – n.b. this will exclude information that is Twelve month period properly regarded as private to the meeting. Website. Previous Hard Copy – contact Clerk Reports presented to council meetings – n.b. this will exclude information Twelve month period that is properly regarded as private to the meeting. Website. Previous Hard Copy – contact Clerk Responses to consultation papers Some Website. All Hard Copy – contact Clerk Responses to planning applications Website via Planning Committee Minutes. Previous Hard Copy – contact Clerk Bye-laws

Class 5 – Our policies and procedures (hard copy or website) (Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities)

Current information only

Policies and procedures for the conduct of council business: Website

Procedural standing orders Committee and sub-committee terms of reference Delegated authority in respect of officers Code of Conduct Policy statements

Policies and procedures for the provision of services and about the Hard copy – contact employment of staff: Clerk

Parish/Community Council template guide to information Version 2 20140612 30 of 73 Parish/Community Council

Internal instructions to staff and policies relating to the delivery of services Equality and diversity policy Health and safety policy Recruitment policies (including current vacancies) Policies and procedures for handling requests for information Complaints procedures (including those covering requests for information and operating the publication scheme)

Information security policy Hard copy – contact Clerk Records management policies (records retention, destruction and Hard copy – contact archive) Clerk Data protection policies Hard copy – contact Clerk Schedule of charges (for the publication of information)

Class 6 – Lists and Registers (hard copy or website; some information may only be available by Currently maintained lists and registers only inspection)

Any publicly available register or list (if any are held this should be publicised; Inspection – contact in most circumstances existing access provisions will suffice) Clerk Assets register Website current year. Hard Copy previous years – contact Clerk Disclosure log (indicating the information that has been provided in response to requests; recommended as good practice, but may not be held by parish councils) Register of members’ interests Website (link) Register of gifts and hospitality Website (link)

Parish/Community Council template guide to information Version 2 20140612 31 of 73 Parish/Community Council Class 7 – The services we offer (hard copy or website; (Information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance some information may and newsletters produced for the public and businesses) only be available by inspection) Current information only

Allotments Website, Hard Copy and Inspection – contact Clerk Burial grounds and closed churchyards Community centres and village halls Parks, playing fields and recreational facilities Seating, litter bins, clocks, memorials and lighting Website Bus shelters Website Markets Public conveniences Agency agreements Services for which the council is entitled to recover a fee, together with those fees (e.g. burial fees)

Additional Information This will provide Councils with the opportunity to publish information that is not itemised in the lists above Christmas Lights Website and Hard Copy – contact Clerk Kendal in Bloom Website and Hard Copy – contact Clerk Pictures Exhibitions Hard Copy – contact Variable – Clerk usually Exhibition Catalogues £4-£6 Location of Public Land Hard Copy – contact Clerk Parish/Community Council template guide to information Version 2 20140612 32 of 73 Parish/Community Council Tender Documents Current Website & Hard Copy. Previous Hard Copy – contact Clerk Expenditure over £500 Website reports for last 12 months (showing all expenditure). Hardcopy previous months – contact Clerk Community Infrastructure Levy Website current available year. Hardcopy previous years – contact Clerk

Contact details:

Mrs Liz Richardson Town Clerk Kendal Town Council Town Hall Kendal Cumbria. LA9 4DL

Tel: 01539 793490 Fax: 01539 735984

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.kendaltowncouncil.gov.uk

This document is reviewed annually and updated:

Update no. 10 – 27/11/2018. Approved by Council

Parish/Community Council template guide to information Version 2 20140612 33 of 73 Parish/Community Council


This describes how the charges have been arrived at and should be published as part of the guide.

TYPE OF CHARGE DESCRIPTION BASIS OF CHARGE Disbursement cost Photocopying @ 1p Actual cost * per sheet (black & white) Photocopying @ 5p Actual cost* per sheet (colour)

Postage Actual cost of Royal Mail standard 2nd class

Statutory Fee In accordance with the relevant legislation


* the actual cost incurred by the public authority

Parish/Community Council template guide to information Version 2 20140612 34 of 73 KENDAL TOWN COUNCIL Management Committee

Monday 17th December 2018 at 7.30 pm in The Mayor’s Parlour, Town Hall, Kendal

PRESENT Councillors Stephen Coleman (Chair), Geoff Cook (Vice Chair), Guy Tirvengadum (Mayor), Jonathan Owen, Shirley Evans, Andy Blackman, Douglas Rathbone and Susanne Long.

APOLOGIES Councillor Finch

OFFICERS Liz Richardson (Town Clerk), Amy Robinson (Interim Council Secretary)






The Chairman presented the minutes of the meeting held on 19th November 2018, which had been approved by full Council on 3rd December 2018.

Councillor Evans noted that she was disappointed that ‘Flooding’ had been removed as a standing item on the agenda commenting that flooding would become an increasingly important issue over the coming years.

The Chair noted that there had been a long period of time in which flooding had not been raised for discussion, however he assured Councillor Evans that it was an issue that could always be raised under AOB.

Councillor Coleman proposed that the minutes be accepted as a correct record. This was seconded by Councillor Tirvengadum and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 19th November be accepted as a correct record.




Dr Rob David gave a short summary of an idea to build on the recent Kendal Remembrance Trail. He described the Remembrance Trail project as transformative in bringing individuals involved in the Great War to life. He hoped to build on 1

35 of 73 17.12.2018 Management Committee this to ensure its longevity and help in making it meaningful to future generations. He noted that he had a teaching background and was interested in helping children, in particular, make sense of the numbers involved in the wars. He described an initiative in Germany and other countries occupied by Germany, where memorial plaques were placed into pavements outside the homes of victims of the German regime (known as Stumbling Stones). He noted that there were some in Rinteln.

The Committee were very supportive of the idea and asked Rob David if he had thoughts on how such a scheme might be funded. Rob David felt that there would be scope for individual donations, particularly from families who had lost someone in the wars, but also local public funds, schools - that might adopt one and community funds. He also suggested a street community might be happy to pay for one on their street.

Councillor Tirvengadum described it as a great initiative and suggested the Royal British Legion may be a possible source of funding. He also suggested the use of slate for the plaques might be in keeping with the local area. It was noted that the Civic Society would have greater access to grants than KTC and Councillor Coleman, while supportive, asked Committee to consider the Officer costs in administrating and organising such an initiative.

Councillor Cook noted a similar project with recipients of the Victoria Cross which had seen the engraving of paving stones in towns in West Cumbria.

Councillor Owen described it as a great idea, which would add to the many different ways visitors are able to discover Kendal. He suggested that impact would not need to be large scale and could be taken forward initially with modest ambitions.

Councillor Evans asked if Rob David had discussed the idea with the Civic Society and suggested this might be something they would be a more natural lead on. Councillor Owen agreed, suggesting KTC could be an enabling partner rather than lead partner and Members agreed that perhaps a steering group, involving KTC, British Legion and Civic Society could be formed. Rob David noted that it would be helpful to be able to say that KTC were behind the idea. Councillor Blackman encouraged Rob David to speak to the Civic Society making clear KTCs interest in being involved in a Steering Group.

Councillor Coleman noted that Committee were supportive, suggesting the idea could be discussed further at Environment and Highways to scope out what would be involved.

Councillor Owen proposed the endorsement of the idea. This was seconded by Councillor Coleman and carried unanimously.

Councillor Blackman suggested that KTC may be able to fund a framed copy of the Remembrance Trail map to be hung in the Mayor’s Parlour. The Mayor supported this.


36 of 73 17.12.2018 Management Committee The Chair thanked Rob David for discussing his idea and for taking a creative look at this topic.

RESOLVED That Committee endorse Dr Rob David’s idea to build on the Remembrance Trail project by placing permanent remembrance plaques across the town.


The Town Clerk had previously circulated a report on project progress for December 2018 and this was noted by Members.

Annual Report The Town Clerk reminded members to submit their submissions for the Annual Report by the 7th January 2019.

Mayor of Kendal Fund for the Aged and Infirm The Clerk provided an update on the Mayor of Kendal Fund for the Aged and Infirm, noting progress with the Charity Commission on the renaming of the charity to remove the link to the Mayor.

Events The Clerk reported that work continues on the Regimental Freedom Parade on insurance, organising First Aid cover and road closures.

The Clerk noted that the Christmas snowflake display on the façade on the Town Hall had led to a number of informal positive comments from the public. Councillor Evans asked whether the projector could be made available for other events. The Clerk confirmed that it could but that licensing would need to be sought by any event wishing to use it.

The Town Clerk reported that the Christmas Lights Switch On event went well. Councillor Blackman asked about levels of attendance and it was noted that Market Place had been full although there had been a lower than usual turn out. Councillor Evans noted that the Concert Band had not attended due to there being no access to a covered area/marquee. She reported that there had been discussion on buying a KTC marquee to use for this and other events. The Assistant to the Town Clerk was exploring costs. Councillor Evans noted that funding for a marque could be sought from the Christmas Lights and Festivals or Management budget. Councillor Coleman asked if the Concert Band would benefit from having their own marquee which might be of benefit for other events and suggested that KTC might contribute to this. Councillor Tirvengadum noted that he would be in favour of KTC purchasing one which would also be helpful for the Unity Festival. The Town Clerk noted that she would check that KTC had room to store a marquee.

Allotments The Town Clerk noted the main focus had been invoicing and the Allotment Newsletter.

Kendal in Bloom Kendal in Bloom had decided to make changes to their format, removing the competitive aspect and aiming to develop a more


37 of 73 17.12.2018 Management Committee community orientated scheme, including more involvement with schools.

Action Plan work The Town Clerk reported that the Project Manager had finished the Castle Project and written an article for the Westmorland Gazette. The Green Wall was currently with SLDC for planning permission.

RESOLVED That the Town Clerk will check that KTC has appropriate space to store a marquee.


The Town Clerk noted that this is an annual document published on the KTC website indicating where information is held and how the public can get hold of it. She noted that there had been changes to the format but no changes made to content.

Councillor Coleman asked about Officer time in responding to requests for information. The Clerk confirmed that requests were very infrequent so little time had been spent.

Councillor Coleman proposed that the FOI Publication Schedule be recommended for approval to Council. This was seconded by Councillor Tirvengadum and carried unanimously.

RECOMMENDATION That the draft annual FOI Publication Schedule be approved.


The Town Clerk reported that this had come back following December Council for further scrutiny and discussion by Management Committee. She noted that as agreed at Council, the Parish Poll and tree planter cladding had been removed from the ranking as too had the TiC funding following agreement that of the current ringfenced £10k, half would be paid now and the remainder in the 2019/20 financial year.

Committee noted the need for agreement of the ranking in order for Council to set the Budget at the January meeting.

The Town Clerk confirmed that CIL money did not come with restrictions but that there was an expectation that this fund is allocated to projects that have benefit for the whole town. She explained that the Tax Base is the number of people in Kendal expected to pay council tax and there is an expectation that this will rise each year due to house building.

Councillor Coleman noted it was unusual to see staffing as the largest budgetary request and suggested Members recognise that if it wasn’t listed in the ranking it would likely result in a reduced Development Fund ask.

Councillor Cook noted that lots of projects were worthy and interesting but without staff to carry them out they couldn’t be undertaken. Councillor Owen noted that a reduction in the staffing 4

38 of 73 17.12.2018 Management Committee increase from £30k to £20k would enable more Environment and Highways projects to be undertaken.

Councillor Coleman encouraged Committee to consider ranking in order of importance rather than focus too much on figures or budget, the finer detail of which could be discussed at a later date.

Councillors Long and Evans both noted no obvious need for changes and were positive about the Kendal Futures projects high on the ranking, noting KTC support enabled Kendal Futures to draw in wider support. Councillor Rathbone noted this also applied to other projects such as the Trim Trail and Hallgarth play area.

Councillor Evans noted that she wouldn’t like to see an end to the Newsletter. Committee noted that certain items required the support of the Project Manager and it was discussed whether to postpone certain projects due to her Maternity Leave or have the expectation that the cover person will pick these up.

Members agreed to postponing work to improve visibility and environment around Kendal Railway Station to the following year given that work was tied into other projects in the locality.

Committee discussed Yard signage and it was hoped that with Officer capacity this could go ahead. It was noted that BID might want to be involved.

Councillor Blackman asked Committee to clarify whether the reason for a request for an increase in the grants budget was because more applications were being received. This was confirmed.

Members discussed plans to place Christmas trees in holders on the external walls off premises/businesses and referenced the appeal of them in other towns, particularly on older buildings. Councillor Coleman suggested that some engagement takes place through BID in order to get necessary support from business premises. Councillor Long suggested that this be done before any funding decisions are made.

Councillor Coleman proposed that the ranking of projects be agreed as presented with the exception of postponing the Kendal Railway Station project to 2020/21. This was seconded by Councillor Tirvengadum and carried unanimously.

Councillor Blackman asked if the CIL criteria could be brought to January Council to help with clarity.

RESOLVED (a) That the ranking of projects be agreed as presented with the exception of postponing the Kendal Railway Station project to 2020/21.

(b) That the Town Clerk provide a copy of the CIL funding criteria to January Council.


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Spring 2019 Edition

Councillor Coleman asked the Town Clerk how the Newsletter would be managed in the Project Managers absence. The Clerk reported that this would be part of the cover posts’ Job Description and would start with the Summer Newsletter possibly with the help of Councillor Hennessey.

Councillor Coleman asked whether it was felt the Newsletter was being distributed at the right time. It was agreed that it was and noted that this had been reviewed previously when the Newsletter had reduced from four to three issues.

Councillor Blackman asked whether the Project Officer could pick up the Newsletter in conjunction with Councillor Hennessey. This would allow for some handover time with the Project Manager if he is happy to take this on.

RESOLVED That the Project Officer is approached about taking on the Newsletter in the Project Managers absence.


It was proposed by Councillor Evans and seconded by Councillor Blackman to move to Part II, this was carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the press and public be excluded for the following items of business.

Part II In accordance with Section 100(B)(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, the following reports were excluded from inspection by members of the public as they contain exempt information as described in Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, as follows:-

Information relating to any individual [Paragraph 1]


719/18/19 Town Council Secretary

The Town Clerk noted that the former Town Secretary will be returning to her post in January 2019. She noted that the Town Secretary would no longer cover Planning Committee and would continue to work 55 hours/month. The additional 5 hours agreed by Council would be used in the interim for a cover secretary to attend and minute Planning Committee. The Clerk noted the longer term idea was to provide an Officer to Planning Committee, noting a more progressive approach from the new Members.

720/18/19 Maternity Cover for Project Manager

Councillor Owen queried whether the terms of the maternity cover link with the Project Manager’s rights to return. The Clerk agreed to check and ensure the post was advertised without a fixed term. 6

40 of 73 17.12.2018 Management Committee

The Town Clerk reported that the Project Manager would be going on maternity leave in March and that it was hoped that her cover could begin prior to this to ensure some overlap. She noted that recruitment would be for the same number of hours (18.5 hours/week). It was agreed that salary would be in the same range as the current Project Manager. The deadline for applications would be 28th January 2019.

Councillors Cook and Evans agreed to be involved in the shortlisting and interviews. It was agreed this would take place on 28th January and 6th February respectively.

721/18/19 Review of Additional Officer Time – suggested Deputy Town Clerk Post

Councillor Coleman confirmed that a working group had been established to review the whole staffing structure of the Council. He reported that they were looking at the work of Committees to establish whether they are working effectively and the sorts of staffing needed to deliver the work of the Council. He noted that this meant discussion of a Deputy Town Clerk post would therefore need to wait until the working group is able to report back to Management Committee. He acknowledged that this would take longer but made clear that the Committee would be receptive to considering any additional support needed during this period.

He noted that a meeting with CALC had taken place and that they were looking at benchmarking and the generic roles that other Councils had. Councillor Owen asked about next steps. Councillor Coleman noted that once benchmarking information had been received from CALC, the working group would discuss what could be learnt from this and that this discussion would be fed back to Management Committee.

722/18/19 Townscape Manager

There was a discussion on recent events involving the Townscape Manager and how these could be resolved. It was noted that his annual appraisal was due and had been arranged for early January (with his line manager and Councillor Blackman) and that this would be the forum for discussion.


It was proposed by Councillor Owen to re-admit the press and public. This was seconded by Councillor Blackman and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the press and public be re-admitted for the remainder of the meeting.


724/18/19 BID

Councillor Cook reported that BID has been re-elected and suggested that this was acknowledged and welcomed by KTC. 7

41 of 73 17.12.2018 Management Committee

725/18/19 Kendal Futures

Councillor Long commented that Paula Scott from Kendal Futures would be writing to advise the Town Clerk that they are in the process of changing their structure to become a Community Interest Company rather than a partnership board.

726/18/19 Unity Festival

Councillor Tirvengadum asked where any budget for the next Kendal Unity Festival would come from. It was noted that an application would need to be submitted to the Christmas Lights & Festivals Committee. The Town Clerk agreed to ask the Assistant to the Town Clerk to provide an update to Councillor Tirvengadum.

727/18/19 UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report

Councillor Owen reported that himself and Councillors Archibald, Hennessey and Rowley had met to discuss KTC’s response to the UN IPCC report. He noted a wish to explore a commitment towards a carbon neutral Kendal and that discussion had taken place around finding a consultant to look at the town’s existing carbon footprint and what would be needed to reach a carbon neutral position.

728/18/19 Environment Agency Flood Defence Plans

Councillor Rathbone provided a brief summary of the Planning Committee’s earlier discussions relating to the Environment Agency’s application for Kendal flood defences. He noted that four members of the public had had an opportunity to speak, as well as two representatives of the Environment Agency. He described an open and positive dialogue. He noted that the EA had offered assurance that all three phases would be carried out and that they were looking at a substantial reduction in the number of tree removals than originally proposed. He also noted the intention to replant with some more mature trees.

Councillor Rathbone emphasised that the public should be encouraged to contribute comments and confirmed that these should be directed to SLDC Planning Department with reference SL/2018/0925. He reported that the EA would be opening a pop up shop, Unit 16 in the Westmorland Shopping Centre, on a Wednesday for the public to discuss and comment on the plans. He reported that both he and the EA would ask the Westmorland Gazette to publicise this. . Councillor Coleman asked if Councillor Rathbone could provide an email with the above update to all Councillors.

RESOLVED That Councillor Rathbone email an update to all Councillors on the Environment Agency Flood Defence Plans and ask the Westmorland Gazette to publicise public opportunities for making comments.

The meeting closed at 9.39pm. 8

42 of 73 17.12.2018 Management Committee

Summary of Information, Resolutions and Recommendations to Council

Min Subject Information/Resolution/Recommendation to Council

713/18/19 PRESENTATION BY DR RES That Committee endorse Dr Rob ROB DAVID – David’s idea to build on the STUMBLING STONES: Remembrance Trail project by placing KENDAL permanent remembrance plaques REMEMBRANCE TRAIL across the town. 714/19/19 REPORT ON WORK RES That the Town Clerk will check that PROGRAMME (Events) KTC has appropriate space to store a marquee 715/18/19 FREEDOM OF REC That the draft annual FOI Publication INFORMATION Schedule be approved. PUBLICATION SCHEDULE – DRAFT FOR APPROVAL

716/18/19 REVIEW OF RES (a) That the ranking of projects be DEVELOPMENT FUND agreed as presented with the PROJECT RANKING exception of postponing the REF MINUTE 628/18/19 Kendal Railway Station project to 2020/21.

(b) That the Town Clerk provide a copy of the CIL funding criteria to January Council. 717/18/19 ITEMS FOR THE RES That the Project Officer is approached NEWSLETTER about taking on the Newsletter in the Project Managers absence. 728/18/19 ENVIRONMENT RES That Councillor Rathbone email an AGENCY FLOOD update to all Councillors on the DEFENCE PLANS Environment Agency Flood Defence Plans and ask the Westmorland Gazette to publicise public opportunities for making comments.



Planning Committee

Monday 3rd December 2018 at 6.00 p.m. in the SLDC Chairman’s Room, the Town Hall, Kendal

PRESENT Councillors Douglas Rathbone (Chair), Alvin Finch (Vice Chair & Deputy Mayor), Dave Miles, Michele Miles, Jonathan Cornthwaite, Pat Gibson, Susanne Long and Graham Vincent.


OFFICERS Rose Tideswell, Temporary Council Secretary

Councillors Rowley and Evans & a member of the public were present.




Councillor Rathbone for Agenda item 6 – Kendal United Reform Church Councillor Gibson for planning applications 0923 and 0896. Councillor Cornthwaite for planning applications 0896, 0941, 0943, 0951 and 0925 in his ward and place of work.


Members considered the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 19th November 2018.

Councillor Finch proposed that the minutes be accepted as a correct record. This was seconded by Councillor Cornthwaite and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting held on 19th November 2018 be accepted as a correct record with the month having been altered to November from December, and signed by the Chair.




Cllr Rathbone left the room for this item. The Committee noted Kendal Civic Society’s concerns with regard to the potential re development proposals for the United Reformed Church, 106A Highgate, Kendal which is listed (Grade II).

RESOLVED That the letter from Kendal Civic Society be noted.


Councillor Rathbone requested that the next meeting start at 6pm to give the Committee more time to consider and discuss matters, particularly with 44 of 73 03/12/2018 Planning Committee

regard to Kendal Flood Risk Management Scheme.


Members considered Planning Applications submitted for consultation purposes by the local planning authority, South Lakeland District Council.

Cllr Gibson left the room for application 0923.

RESOLVED That having considered the applications outlined in the schedule, the recommendations in Appendix I attached to these minutes be made to South Lakeland District Council.

The meeting ended at 7.30pm.

Next meeting Monday 17th December 6pm SLDC’s Chairman’s room.

Signed ………………………………………………………………

Dated ……………………………………………………………… 45 of 73 03/12/2018 Planning Appendix 1

No. App No./ Address/ Comments Observations/ Type Proposed Development To SLDC Recommendations

1. FPA The Orchard adjacent to Larch How, 04.12.18 No objections Brigsteer Road, Kendal 0846 Providing that Erection of single dwelling comments from United Utilities in accordance with the National Planning policy framework regarding drainage and surface water are adhered to.

2. FPA 16 Carter Road, Kents Bank, Grange 07.12.18 Not in Kendal over Sands 0885 Town Council’s Raising roof height to provide first floor jurisdiction accommodation, installation of dormers to side and rear, single story rear extension with raised patio and glazed balustrade

3. FPA 71 Highgate, Kendal 07.12.18 No objections 0904 Conversion and alterations to upper floors to create residential accommodation 4. FPA Cherry Tree, Kentrigg, Kendal 07.12.18 No objections 0920 Two-storey extension to create ground floor utility room and second conservatory with additional bedroom over new utility room and alterations to create new canopy over external doors.

5. FPA 194 Burneside Road, Kendal 07.12.18 No objections 0923 Formation of new vehicular access and to the planned car car parking area parking area, however, as a Committee we note the serious concerns raised by CCC Highways Department with regard to safe turning. Highways require further proof of safety. This application is 46 of 73 03/12/2018 Planning Appendix 1

very dependent on the approval of Highways.

6. FPA 16 Woolpack Yard, Stricklandgate, 07.12.18 No objections Kendal 0912 However, as Erection of entrance foyer (Revised material scheme SL/2018/0351) consideration we would recommend to match the finish in slate so that it is in keeping with the surrounding area given that it is in the Kendal Conservation Area. We also note the concerns raised by a neighbour with regard to lighting and propose that the lighting is limited to the business hours.

7. FPA 70 Rinkfield, Kendal 10.12.18 No objections 0914 Siting of detached garden cabin 8. FPA 27 Kendal Green, Kendal 10.12.18 To be re- 0926 Two storey side extension, single storey submitted fully lean-to rear extension and new porch. This application does not include an application form or suitable information on proposed materials, which the Committee would like to see before being able to give an opinion.

9. FPA Detached training building at Furman 11.12.18 No objections House, Shap Road, Kendal 0896 Demolition of existing building and erection of new building utilising limestone from demolished structure, 47 of 73 03/12/2018 Planning Appendix 1

installation of 5 security lighting columns and repairs/replacement hardstanding area 10 FPA Land Adjacent to Railway 12.12.18 No further 0675 Station Electricity Sub Station, objections Oxenholme, Kendal. Please refer to Change of use of agricultural land to form previous a new private car park with footpath responses on this access to Oxenholme railway station matter regarding platform. road junction safety and the great importance attached to the direct link with the railway platform in any possible agreement. is holding the application to give themselves more time to consider.

11. FPA 38 Kirkbie Green, Kendal 14.12.18 No objections 0933 Extension to existing detached garage to However, the form single storey extension and committee is installation of decking disappointed that the windows are to be made of PVC not wood, as this is within the Kendal Conservation Area.

12. FPA 29 Garburn Road, Kendal 17.12.18 No objections 0941 Single storey front and rear extensions Providing not and installation of dormer to the rear un-neighbourly

13 FPA 2B Castle Road, Kendal 20.12.18 To be considered 0931 Demolition of garage and first floor porch at the next th and erection of replacement garage and meeting on 17 first floor porch. Dec

14 FPA Unit 16, Shap Road Industrial Estate, 20.12.18 To be considered 0943 Kendal at the next 48 of 73 03/12/2018 Planning Appendix 1

Installation of an emergency 60kVA meeting on 17th back-up generator within a fenced Dec enclosure.

15 FPA Furman House, Shap Road, Kendal 20.12.18 To be considered 0951 Installation of an internally illuminated "T" at the next sign and three internally illuminated meeting on 17th (400cd/m2) fascia signs to new building. Dec

16 FPA Land adjacent to Rivers Mint and Kent 28.12.18 To be considered th 0925 extending from adjacent to Lakeland on the 17 Dec at Distribution Centre to Helsington the next meeting Mills, Kendal. Kendal Flood Risk Management Scheme - Phase 1 Kendal Linear Defences, comprising works along the rivers Kent & Mint through Kendal including new & raised flood walls, new & raised flood embankments, ground raising, pumping station & associated changes to the public realm & landscaping.


Planning Committee

Monday 17th December 2018 at 6.00 p.m. in the Georgian Room the Town Hall, Kendal

PRESENT Councillors Douglas Rathbone (Chair), Alvin Finch (Vice Chair & Deputy Mayor), Dave Miles, Michele Miles, Jonathan Cornthwaite, Susanne Long and Graham Vincent

APOLOGIES Councillor Gibson

OFFICERS Amy Robinson (Interim Council Secretary)


Planning Item 7 – Land adjacent to Rivers Mint and Kent extending from adjacent to Lakeland Distribution Centre to Helsington Mills, Kendal Applications Mint and Kent SL/2018/0925

(No interests declared)

696/18/19 Bryan Burrow - EA flood defence plans Bryan Burrows noted that he had been flooded in 2015, spending a year out of his home. He expressed concern about the EA plans that indicate only some homes would be protected and appear to place his home more at risk, suggesting Dockray Hall is being sacrificed.

He noted that too many trees were being lost, to the loss of people, wildlife, and the integrity of the river, that the planned three phases were being approached in the wrong order, that reducing the amount of water flowing into the town should be the priority, that investigative drilling appeared to have taken place and suggested that this was premature, asking who was financing these tests.

He suggested that trees were being sacrificed and commented that this was ‘astounding’ given the work of Cumbria Flood Partnership upstream. He also felt that the narrowing of floodwalls and hard engineering would make things worse.

He noted the low number of homes that appeared to be offered flood protection with these plans in comparison to the number previously flooded. He also noted the increase risk of flooding in some areas and referenced that many homes had been flooded by ground water.

He felt that proposals would impact the townscape and green river corridor for generations.

697/18/19 Karen Lloyd Karen Lloyd drew Committee’s attention to the use of hard flood defences in Keswick which were deemed ineffective in protecting the town during Storm Desmond. She illustrated that natural flood defences had been adopted in a number of villages in the Eden Valley and in the Bannersdale Valley and that it seemed inconceivable to focus downstream rather than upstream. She suggested that sheep farming should not continue at all cost and that is unsustainable to maintain uplands without trees. She noted 50 of 73 17.12.2018 Planning Committee

that the trees due to be removed supported urban wildlife. She urged that the application be rejected in its current form.

698/2018/19 Susan Hrynkow Susan Hrynkow expressed objection to proposals and concern that few of the 2,150 affected by Storm Desmond would be protected with a number being at increased risk. She noted that flooding had been related to ground water and not river water including on Aynam Road and that the removal of 779 trees would damage the townscape and river corridor. She suggested that upstream plans should have been submitted first and that other means of flood protection should be found suggesting that experts from abroad, for example, the Netherlands should be consulted.

699/2018/19 Chris Rowley

Chris Rowley noted that he was speaking as a member of public and not as a Town Councillor. He noted he had spent considerable time on the complex task of reading the literature provided by the EA recognising that a difficult decision had to be made. He noted that there was a conflict between environmental, economic, social and cultural concerns and that he did not disagree with those members of the public who had spoken.

He suggested that economic factors and the sequence of events suggest that we may have to accept the proposal with a number of caveats. He wished to see a public explanation from the EA in relation to ground water and hoped that the EA would clarify the complex issue on the way ground water flows. He noted that proposals indicated that four trees for every one removed would be planted and asked how this would be managed. He commented that upstream planting should have come first and should be pushed for.

700/2018/19 Councillor Rathbone thanked the public for their participation commenting that it would not be the only opportunity for public participation in this application by the Environment Agency and that he strongly recommended people to use their voice to make comments which would be welcomed for the next two weeks (Ref SL/2018/0925 on the SLDC Planning applications website page). Matters on this application were constantly moving and it was therefore important that residents continued to comment and made their comments here, where they would be most influential.

701/2018/19 Stewart Mounsey, Flood Risk Manager, Cumbria.

Stewart Mounsey explained that the current proposal had been reached through working with SLDC, Cumbria County Council, and local flood action groups, looking at the cause of flooding during Storm Desmond and then public consultation around solutions. This had created a long list, short list, and then a preferred option of which the current planning application was a reflection. He reported that 87 per cent of those consulted agreed this was the right proposal for Kendal.

He explained that the scheme would be carried out in three phases (1) flood walls throughout Kendal and a pumping station on Gooseholme; (2) storage upstream - Kentrigg and Staveley; and (3) creation of a diversion channel – Stockbeck into the Mint. 51 of 73 17.12.2018 Planning Committee

He noted that carrying out all three phases would bring the maximum benefit and that costs would be in excess of £45million.

He noted that the European Regional Development Fund was integral to the plans and would be secured against Phase 1 work. Without this fund the EA would be unable to attract further funding, hence why the work proposed in Phase 1 was being proposed first. He indicated a cost benefit ratio of 13:1.

He indicated a focus would be put on amenity in Kendal including footpaths, cycle ways, and parkways and that there was an aim for net biodiversity gain.

He explained that the 779 trees identified for removal were to allow for construction work and that this was a maximum figure and that was being worked down. He noted a commitment to sit with locals who are concerned on a tree-by-tree basis. He also noted that the EA would be submitting a revised tree plan which he expected to be significantly lower. He noted that the EA had worked with Abbot Hall and had ‘saved’ trees around the Abbot Hall area.

It was reported that the EA would be available at Unit 16, on the first floor at the Westmorland Shopping Centre the afternoon of Wednesday 19th December and the first three Wednesdays in January to discuss and inform the public of their plans.

He also noted that the closing date for planning may be under review due to high interest.

702/2018/19 Discussion

Councillor Vincent declared an interest at this stage due to holding the ERDF portfolio at SLDC.

Councillor Rathbone noted Committee had received a large number of public comments from residents, Town and District Councillors, especially along the Aynam Road part of the plans and that a list of these would be submitted to SLDC Planning Department. He again encouraged members of the public to send their comments directly to SLDC Planning Department quoting Ref SL/2018/0925. He stated that he fully understood the need for work to be undertaken to protect the over 2,000 households that were affected and hoped wanted to work so that to help and facilitate that protection so that it could be undertaken in the best possible way for the people and built and natural environment of Kendal.

Councillor Vincent asked EA representatives whether priority consideration was being given to those who had been repeat victims of flooding. Stewart Mounsey noted that a review of how flooding happens in Kendal took place following Storm Desmond and that was now used as a base document to build options to resolve those issues. His EA colleague, Craig Cowperthwaite, noted that areas of high risk were to be addressed first, noting that the pumping station on Gooseholme would help to address the area around Ann Street. He acknowledged that the scheme would not 52 of 73 17.12.2018 Planning Committee

address ground water flooding which was a complex problem that had not been the remit of this scheme.

Councillor Vincent asked whether the reason the local water table was high was because of a lack of abstraction. Craig Cowperthwaite said that it wasn’t and that this was because of total saturation, in part due to it being a limestone area and related to drainage issues. He said that work would be undertaken in partnership with other organisations to unpick these problems and an action plan would be produced to address them. He also noted that overland flood routing that takes water away from properties and into rivers, for example, raising curbs could help with this.

It was noted that the original 48 households placed at increased risk by the plans had been reduced to 20. He stated that the EA would be contacting those property owners directly and that these areas would not be identified publically.

Councillor Finch noted his respect for the work the EA undertakes but asks for them to reassure the community on the justification for tree removal and how they will minimise the visual and environmental impact of those removals. Stewart Mounsey explained that they had contracted consultants with an environmental focus and tried to design tree removal out of the proposal and were looking at the planting of larger trees. However, he noted the number of tight places in Kendal, for example, along Aynam Road made this difficult.

A member of the public asked for clarification on planting bigger trees.

Stewart Mounsey responded that there was a commitment to plant bigger trees.

Councillor Rathbone asked for public clarification as to why trees needed to be uprooted. This was explained by Craig Cowperthwaite that building work would need to stay outside of the tree canopy as building too close to major arteries on tree system would cause the tree to gradually die.

Councillor Rathbone asked why the phases were being carried out in the order described rather than upstream work being undertaken first. Stewart Mounsey stated that this was purely financial and that Phase 1 would help them to secure funding and that £5.3million partnership money was linked to funding for protection of businesses on Mintsfeet.

Councillor Rathbone asked for confirmation that all three phases of work will be carried out. Stewart Mounsey stated that the internal commitment was for the full three phases. Councillor Finch asked whether there was a chance the EA would run out of funding and not be able to undertake the further stages. Stewart Mounsey indicated that the EA wouldn’t sign off the proposal without the funding.

Councillor Long noted that the beauty of the town was important to many people and that she was pleased saving trees was being considered. She also asked whether the wall needed to be built and was concerned about the public realm and the view. Noting its controversial implications she also 53 of 73 17.12.2018 Planning Committee

asked whether a certain percentage of homes could continue to flood in order to preserve trees.

Stewart Mounsey explained that a wall on both sides of the river was essential to ensure water was directed downstream rather than across the river. He noted that there would be worse flooding along Aynam Road if a wall were only placed on the other side.

Councillor Cornthwaite asked how much of Phase 1 would need to be achieved until Phase 2 could be begun. Stewart Mounsey noted that 2021 was the deadline for the bulk of the project to be complete. He reported that Phase 2 and 3 planning applications would be expected shortly.

Councillor Cornthwaite noted that slowing down or reducing the bulk of water entering Kendal was the primary concern of the people of Kendal. Querying why recent alterations on Jubilee Field had been undertaken and this area not being used as a flooding field.

Councillor Cornthwaite asked the EA about their relationship with local authorities. Stewart Mounsey reported that there is a Strategic Board which meets on a 6-weekly basis and includes: SLDC, United Utilities, and Network Rail and included considerations relating to drainage, rivers, surface water, and sewers.

Stewart Mounsey continued that the scheme will continue to work around drainage issues in Kendal and recognising the impact of climate change and need for natural flood management suggested that the scheme would allow for some time to consider a longer term plan.

Councillor Vincent noted that Dockray Hall seems to be treated as sacrificial and sought assurance that this was not the case. Craig Cowperthwaite repeated that this was not related to river flooding but to drainage problems and that this scheme would not address this. He reported that the EA would be working with others to ‘fix it’.

Phase 1 - 1:20 – 1:50 years

Phase 2 and 3 - 1:100 years

Stewart Mounsey commented that the scheme does not address issues relating to Storm Desmond.

Councillor Cornthwaite asked whether any areas had been earmarked and landowners approached for the work needed upstream. Stewart Mounsey noted that Kentmere and Burneside areas were integral to the scheme.

Councillor Rathbone thanked Stewart Mounsey and Craig Cowperthwaite for attending – and noted that Committee would gather a mixture of Committee comments and public submissions and add to SLDC planning comments.

After a short break, the Committee discussed a consistent approach of responding to public comments and emails. The Committee and/or members will respond to public comments / emails Not full answers to everyone – our job to be an active conduit up to SLDC. Replies to 54 of 73 17.12.2018 Planning Committee

individuals will not therefore be in great depth as we are not the statutory decision making authority.

703/2018/19 The Committee resolved as follows:

This item is an application from the Environment Agency for flood relief measures for Kendal; phase 1 encompassing work along the Mint and Kent rivers encompassing flood walls throughout Kendal and a pumping station on Gooseholme. There have been a large number of submissions to the Committee from residents along the route of phases 1 and 2, interested other residents, District and Kendal Town Councillors especially those representing Aynam Road. All these details will be forwarded to SLDC Development Services under a separate cover.

As stated, the Chair and Committee fully understands the need for work to be undertaken to protect the 2,150 households that were affected by Storm Desmond, its flooding and future events. This is crucial to the residents of Kendal Town and the wider surrounding area. The Committees aim is to be able to help and facilitate that protection in the best possible way and does not wish to delay that. The Committee therefore accepts the application with caveats.

There have been productive discussions with the EA since the original application and the Committee positively view the movement that has already been made and indicated. However it strongly calls on SLDC Officers and Planning Committee to confirm the reality and practicality of the statements as made by the EA and that these promises will be carried out:

We view positively the fact that the, initially, large number of trees that were due to be removed is to be concertedly looked at on an ongoing basis with the aim of reducing that number; that the EA would be submitting a revised tree plan which it expected to involve a significantly lower number of trees, a comment we expect SLDC to be suitably satisfied has been “significantly” achieved.

We acknowledge the commitment of the EA to “sit with locals” who are concerned on a tree-by-tree basis.

In addition to the EA’s existing promise to re-plant on a 4-for-1 basis, the commitment in the meeting, and in meetings previous to this, to re-plant more mature trees was noted. We ask SLDC to ensure that this occurs and to firm up quite what “more mature” actually means. We also ask for a commitment as to the amount of protection and ongoing care these replacement trees will be afforded.

The Committee noted with pleasure, as an indication of the way forward, that the EA had worked with Abbot Hall and had ‘saved’ trees around the Abbot Hall area.

It also positively noted that the original 48 households placed at increased risk by the plans had been reduced to 20 and the EA’s continued efforts in this respect. 55 of 73 17.12.2018 Planning Committee

The Committee was reassured that the EA’s internal commitment was for the full three phases and that the EA wouldn’t sign off the proposal without the funding for all those three phases.

A Committee member wished to register strong dismay at the EA taking both the Jubilee and Millennium playing fields and a United Utilities plot out of the picture as an over spill flood area, as they are now and have been flood plains for centuries and have taken flood waters. The planned new works can work with and alongside the existing banking and it was asked that continued use of this option was looked at again as part of the whole application and justified publicly.

The Committee wished to underline and ensure publicity surrounding the EA pop-up shop front at Unit 16, on the first floor at the Westmorland Shopping Centre the afternoon of Wednesday 19th December and the first three Wednesdays in January to discuss and inform the public of their plans and encourage all residents with an interest to use this opportunity, especially as current facts are changing on an ongoing basis.

The Committee also noted the EA representative’s comment that the closing date for planning may be under review due to high interest and strongly recommend that this is the case. This is owing to public interest and how the practicalities of the application are being improved. However this should not be of any length to undermine the application for ERDF funding.

The Committee also felt that it could not emphasise enough that all interested parties should make their comments and submission using the SLDC Planning Applications with application reference SL/2018/0925. Comments received by committee members would be forwarded. This direct method of making Comments to the statutory authority was to be strongly recommended, rather than alternatives such as petitions.

This Committee will be looking to make a further comment on this application if matters continue to change to any substantive degree.

704/18/19 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Cornthwaite declared an interest in planning items 2 and 3 due to his working on the site & item 14 as in his ward.

Councillor Rathbone declared an interest in item 9, being in his ward and having talked to various residents about the plans.

Councillor Finch declared that the property owner of item 6 was known to him and he removed himself from that discussion.


Members considered the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 3rd December 2018.

56 of 73 17.12.2018 Planning Committee

Councillor Cornthwaite proposed that the minutes be accepted as a correct record. This was seconded by Councillor Long and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd December 2018 be accepted as a correct record, and signed by the Chair.





708/18/19 PLANNING APPLICATIONS The KTC Planning Committee note their general approval of the modification made to the Development Plan Document and sees them as being in line with both recommendations and practicalities. They also seek to address out-of-date discrepancies. The Committee notes with approval the specifics of the controls put in place.

Members considered Planning Applications submitted for consultation purposes by the local planning authority, South Lakeland District Council.

RESOLVED That having considered the applications outlined in the schedule, the recommendations in Appendix I attached to these minutes be made to South Lakeland District Council.

The meeting ended at 8:30pm

Signed ………………………………………………………………

Dated ……………………………………………………………… 57 of 73 17/12/2018 Planning Appendix 1

No. App No./ Address/ Comments Observations/

Type Proposed Development To SLDC Recommendations

1. FPA 2B Castle Road, Kendal 20.12.18 No objections

0931 Demolition of garage and first floor porch and erection As long as appropriate materials of replacement garage and first floor porch. used for property within the Conservation Area for window frames and garage doors. 2. FPA Unit 16, Shap Road Industrial Estate, Kendal 20.12.18 No objections 0943 Installation of an emergency 60kVA back-up generator within a fenced enclosure.

3. FPA Furman House, Shap Road, Kendal Installation of an 20.12.18 No objections with caveat

internally illuminated "T" sign and three internally 0951 No objections to the installation illuminated (400cd/m2) fascia signs to new building. of the signs. However the Committee strongly call for no lighting under the current application, on the basis of its appearance and dominance when lit, being next to a residential area. 4. FPA 10 Market Place / 22 - 24 Westmorland Shopping 24.12.18 No objections Centre, Kendal 0939 The Committee see this as a Change of use and alterations of first and second floors sympathetic use of the premises from vacant retail storage to 3 self-contained given the current state of the apartments (Use Class C3) including formation of 3 building, returning it to a former window openings on the side and rear elevations and use. We were also pleased to see its potential as being able to bring internal alterations. back more of a full mix of local life to the area. 5. FPA 9 Thorny Hills, Kendal 28.12.18 No objections

0964 Internal alterations Agreed as being sympathetic.

6. FPA 8 Stonecross Road, Kendal 28.12.18 No objections

0954 Two storey rear extension and porch No real objections given that the gap in the site plans with the neighbours property is stated as being 5m as a footprint. Any less of a gap and the Committee would raise various objections with regard to scale, dominance and loss of privacy. 7. FPA Land adjacent to Rivers Mint and Kent extending 28.12.18 See below 0925 from adjacent to Lakeland Distribution Centre to Helsington Mills, Kendal. Kendal Flood Risk Management Scheme - Phase 1 Kendal Linear Defences, comprising works along the rivers Kent & Mint through Kendal including new & raised flood walls, new & raised flood embankments, ground raising, pumping station & associated changes to the public realm & landscaping. 58 of 73 17/12/2018 Planning Appendix 1

8. FPA 7 Horncop Lane, Kendal 28.12.18 Objection

0832 Two storey extension and alterations to driveway. The Committee refers back to our previous objections which we do not feel have been adequately addressed in the current amended application and plans. 9. FPA Land off Kendal Parks Road, Kendal 02.01.19 See below 0959 Erection of 30 dwellings and associated infrastructure Paper copy including landscaping, open space, access with bridge, provided highways and parking arrangements, sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and land re-profiling works.

10. 1FPA Bridge Inn, Stramongate, Kendal 03.01.19 No objections

0960 Alterations and single storey extension to form hotel. We are pleased as a Committee at the planned changes to this property.

11. FPA Glen Wood, Romney Road, Kendal 03.01.19 No objections

0932 Demolition of two storey rear extension and erection As long as not unneighbourly of replacement two storey rear extension

12. FPA Land opposite Tenterfield, Brigsteer Road, Kendal 05.01.19 No objections

0970 Staff car parking and formation of wild garden in association with Sunny Brow Nursery

13. FPA 5 Camden Buildings, Yard 23, Stramongate, Kendal 05.01.19 No objections

0985 Change of use from chiropody & reflexology consulting rooms (use class D1) to dwelling house (use class C3)

14. FPA Unit 8 Shap Road Industrial Estate, Kendal 07.01.19 No objections

0753 Change of unit to gym (Retrospective)

Item 7 Comments Land adjacent to Rivers Mint and Kent extending from adjacent to Lakeland Distribution Centre to Helsington Mills, Kendal This item is an application from the Environment Agency for flood relief measures for Kendal; phase 1 encompassing work along the Mint and Kent rivers encompassing flood walls throughout Kendal and a pumping station on Gooseholme. There have been a large number of submissions to the Committee from residents along the route of phases 1 and 2, interested other residents, District and Kendal Town Councillors especially those representing Aynam Road. All these details will be forwarded to SLDC Development Services under a separate cover.

As stated, the Chair and Committee fully understands the need for work to be undertaken to protect the 2,150 households that were affected by Storm Desmond, its flooding and future events. This is crucial to the residents of Kendal Town and the wider surrounding area. The Committees aim is to be able to help and facilitate that protection in the best possible way and does not wish to delay that. The Committee therefore accepts the application with caveats.

There have been productive discussions with the EA since the original application and the Committee positively view the movement that has already been made and indicated. However it strongly calls on SLDC Officers and Planning Committee to confirm the reality and practicality of the statements as made by the EA and that these promises will be carried out:

We view positively the fact that the, initially, large number of trees that were due to be removed is to be concertedly looked at on an ongoing basis with the aim of reducing that number; that the EA would be submitting a revised tree plan which it 59 of 73 17/12/2018 Planning Appendix 1 expected to involve a significantly lower number of trees, a comment we expect SLDC to be suitably satisfied has been “significantly” achieved.

We acknowledge the commitment of the EA to “sit with locals” who are concerned on a tree-by-tree basis.

In addition to the EA’s existing promise to re-plant on a 4-for-1 basis, the commitment in the meeting, and in meetings previous to this, to re-plant more mature trees was noted. We ask SLDC to ensure that this occurs and to firm up quite what “more mature” actually means. We also ask for a commitment as to the amount of protection and ongoing care these replacement trees will be afforded.

The Committee noted with pleasure, as an indication of the way forward, that the EA had worked with Abbot Hall and had ‘saved’ trees around the Abbot Hall area.

It also positively noted that the original 48 households placed at increased risk by the plans had been reduced to 20 and the EA’s continued efforts in this respect.

The Committee was reassured that the EA’s internal commitment was for the full three phases and that the EA wouldn’t sign off the proposal without the funding for all those three phases.

A Committee member wished to register strong dismay at the EA taking both the Jubilee and Millennium playing fields and a United Utilities plot out of the picture as an over spill flood area, as they are now and have been flood plains for centuries and have taken flood waters. The planned new works can work with and alongside the existing banking and it was asked that continued use of this option was looked at again as part of the whole application and justified publicly.

The Committee wished to underline and ensure publicity surrounding the EA pop-up shop front at Unit 16, on the first floor at the Westmorland Shopping Centre the afternoon of Wednesday 19th December and the first three Wednesdays in January to discuss and inform the public of their plans and encourage all residents with an interest to use this opportunity, especially as current facts are changing on an ongoing basis.

The Committee also noted the EA representative’s comment that the closing date for planning may be under review due to high interest and strongly recommend that this is the case. This is owing to public interest and how the practicalities of the application are being improved. However this should not be of any length to undermine the application for ERDF funding.

The Committee also felt that it could not emphasise enough that all interested parties should make their comments and submission using the SLDC Planning Applications with application reference SL/2018/0925. Comments received by committee members would be forwarded. This direct method of making Comments to the statutory authority was to be strongly recommended, rather than alternatives such as petitions.

This Committee will be looking to make a further comment on this application if matters continue to change to any substantive degree.

Item 9 Comments Land off Kendal Parks Road, Kendal

Committee have a number of comments, questions and concerns relating to these plans:

Committee note the positive decision to include 35% affordable housing however wish to seek confirmation that this affordable housing will be interspersed within the estate.

Concerns about Natland Mill Beck SSSI and the flood risk, and would like assurances from the Environment Agency and Local Lead Flood Authority that this has been considered. In addition confirmation from SLDC of their acceptance of the SuDS.

Some concern relating to the travel plan: including traffic problems and access between the town and the development in which we would have preferred to see a different or additional route of access; the availability of parking; and alternative transport considerations. Committee would recommend a cycle network be developed in conjunction with the existing Kendal cycle plan. 60 of 73 17/12/2018 Planning Appendix 1

Committee would like confirmation as to when the public right of way that has been closed for two years will be reopened.

Committee express concern of disruption to residents during building and would ask for restrictions to be placed on working hours to ensure this remains between a maximum of 8am and 6pm.

Reserve the right to make subsequent comments subject to receiving further neighbourhood comments. 61 of 73 KENDAL TOWN COUNCIL

Allotments Committee

Monday 10th December 2018 at 7.00 pm in The Mayor’s Parlour, Town Hall, Kendal

PRESENT Councillors Alvin Finch (Chair), Dave Miles (Vice Chair), Giles Archibald, Michele Miles, and Stephen Coleman.

Also in attendance was Brian Williams (Site Rep for Underley Hill Allotment)

APOLOGIES Councillor Hardy

OFFICERS Janine Holt (Assistant to the Town Clerk), Pierre Labat (Townscape Manager) and Amy Robinson (Interim Council Secretary)




None declared.

677/18/19 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 24th September 2018

The Chairman presented the minutes of the meeting held on 24th September 2018, which had been approved by full Council on 5th November 2018.

RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 24th September 2018 be accepted as a correct record.


678/18/19 Ref minute 352/1819 – Addition of clause to tenancy agreement re verbal abuse

Janine Holt confirmed that proposed changes to the tenancy agreement would not require Council approval.

RESOLVED That Committee make proposed changes to the tenancy agreement.

679/18/19 Ref minute 355/18/19 – Abnormal water consumption

Janine Holt confirmed that details had been passed to the police. The police had advised of the difficulties pursuing this sort of matter and that evidence of monetary loss to the council would need to be produced (Janine Holt confirmed that KTC has this evidence) as well as witness evidence. Janine confirmed that the original witness was now reluctant to share the photographic evidence and that further evidence would need to be sought. The police had suggested that the council approach the individual seen taking water to discuss the matter.

Pierre Labat noted that water consumption on Greenside remained high (97 cubic metres for July 2018, in comparison to an average 17-30 cubic metres for other sites).


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Janine Holt confirmed that details of the matter would be included in the Allotment Newsletter and that she would be asking for vigilance from Greenside tenants who would be advised of the introduction of push taps should the problem not decease.

Members discussed various approaches in addressing the situation. It was agreed that Councillors Archibald (Ward Councillor) and Finch (Committee Chair) would visit the individual in question to discuss the matter.

RESOLVED That Councillors Archibald and Finch would approach the individual to discuss the personal consumption of site water.

That Janine Holt will include details in the Allotment Newsletter and advise Greenside tenants of push tap introduction should the matter not be resolved and ask for vigilance.


The Townscape Manager asked members if they had any questions on the report. Members discussed the issue of lone working and restrictions on working with a chainsaw and recognised the benefit in increased knowledge for the Townscape Manager having undertaken the course.

Pierre Labat noted that on some sites, trees and overgrowth were putting pressure on boundary walls and fences and that this was causing walls to fall and the need for additional maintenance. He explained that a plan to manage overgrowth issues would be helpful and that some of the work would require a chainsaw.

Councillor Coleman proposed that an assessment of all tree work should be undertaken. He also asked whether there was money in the budget for tree maintenance. Janine Holt noted that tree felling was very expensive and that she would need to look at the figures.

Councillor Archibald suggested, Graham Nicholson from SLDC be approached for his view on tree management.

Councillor Miles declared an interest at this point, as a gardener with a chainsaw license.

Councillor Coleman suggested that trees be considered as part of the planned baseline assessment of each site and that consideration be given to whether some trees were appropriate for an allotment site.

Councillor Finch noted his interest in joining the next allotment visit (9th January 2019).

RESOLVED That tree management is included in the baseline assessment of each allotment site.

That Councillor Finch will join the Townscape Manager and Assistant to the Town Clerk on their next allotment visit (9th January 2019).


Pierre Labat reported that the main interest at the Site Representatives meeting had been composing with Reps interested in supporting allotment holders to compost onsite and in promoting the composting of food waste.


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There was discussion amongst Committee Members around different approaches to encouraging composting and composting techniques. There was general agreement that sharing knowledge and empowering people to compost and minimising green waste going to Canal Head was the right approach.

Pierre Labat noted he had given a presentation on composting to children at Queen Katherine School and that this was one way of sharing knowledge and reaching and empowering households.

Pierre Labat reported that he had undertaken a Cumbria County Council composting course which had been very informative on different composters and the composting process. He noted that a number of composters go beyond the usual green matter and compost other food waste such as meat and bones. Some of these composters were available through a County Council Scheme at discounted rates.

Brian Williams suggested that Site Reps could begin by promoting compost on a small number of sites, and if successful, this could go on to include other sites, however he stressed that Reps would need help in managing how that is done.

There was some discussion about the risk of theft on site of expensive equipment and focussing on encouraging allotment holders to compost their allotment waste at the very least.

Councillor Archibald suggested efforts to disseminate information should go beyond allotment holders and be shared with all councillors in the hope it would be picked up by other organisations and the public.

Janine Holt agreed to share information from the course on the Town Council website including links to Gardening Organic information on organic growing. She would also share information relating to composting with full council. It was agreed that an article on composting could be included in the Town Council Newsletter.

RESOLVED That Janine Holt will put information on composting and organic gardening on the Town Council website. That this information will also be shared with full council and included in an article for the KTC Spring Newsletter.

682/18/19 Noticeboards

As discussed last meeting, the installation of noticeboards is widely supported. Members discussed whether this should be rolled out everywhere or just one or two sites. Janine Holt indicated the cost of noticeboards to be £424-485 and recommended avoiding certain sites, with problems of vandalism, at this time.

Councillor Coleman asked how much of the Townscape Manager’s time would be taken to install the boards. It was thought this would be about half a day, per board. It was noted that funds for such work would come from the site maintenance budget.

Underley Hill and Wattsfield sites were proposed as appropriate sites for trialling the boards, and would make for good comparisons given one site has restricted, gated access and the other is an open site.

It was noted that noticeboards would need to be well-managed and kept up-to-date and that an allotment site map would be a helpful addition.


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-Councillor Coleman proposed that a recommendation be made to purchase two noticeboards. This was seconded by Councillor Finch and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED That two noticeboards are purchased and sited on Underley Hill and Wattsfield sites.

683/18/19 Allotment baseline standards

It was noted that Site Reps were interested in being involved in the baseline standard for allotments but did not wish to be in a position of managing tenant’s plots. Janine Holt agreed that she and Pierre Labat would produce a proposal on minimum standards for next meeting.

684/18/19 Communication

Janine Holt reported that the new allotment database was up and running and that improving communication was a priority for 2019. The hope is that the database will help Site Reps and the Townscape Manager to be more aware of new allotment holders and also facilitate Site Reps sharing their contact details with tenants to aide communication.

Councillor Coleman asked officers to ensure any sharing of information is in line with GDPR guidance. Janine Holt agreed to check this before sending the newsletter.

RESOLVED That Janine Holt ensure GDPR guidance is followed in the sharing of personal data.

685/18/19 Underley Hill and Underley Road Allotments

Brian Williams and Janine Holt reported to Members on a lack of suitable ground at Underley Hill and Underley Road allotments for SLDC to leave leaf mould and wood chip for use by allotment holders. It was agreed that Chris Rowley and Brian Williams (respective site reps) would develop a plan for managing this and report back to Committee.

RESOLVED That Chris Rowley and Brian Williams would develop a plan for managing space for SLDC deliveries on Underley Hill and Underley Road allotments.

Pierre Labat noted a further meeting would take place with Site Reps next year but that this had yet to be arranged.


Pierre Labat reported that site maintenance is underway with a recent focus on Canal Head site where a number of gates (10) had been vandalised on bonfire night. He noted that the matter had been reported to police but that Canal Head had a particular problem with vandalism. Janine Holt noted that they were looking at community initiatives to improve issues.

Shaws Brow fencing

Janine Holt reported that walling work and rabbit-proof fencing had been undertaken on Shaws Brow – noting that Chris Kelly, the contractor involved, had done an excellent job.


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The Committee expressed a wish to pass on thanks to the individual responsible.


Janine Holt reported that she was awaiting a quote from a tree surgeon for the felling of four trees obstructing the erecting of fencing on the site.

Councillor Archibald commented that he could not support the taking down of trees unless new trees would be planted. Janine Holt agreed that any tree removal proposal would factor in the replacement of trees.

Janine Holt agreed to update the Site Rep on what is being considered and to provide a further update at next meeting.

Baseline Assessment

Janine Holt reported that the baseline assessment would be undertaken in January and work would include an action plan with priorities and timescales in bringing all sites to a baseline standard.

Janine Holt reported that the water had now been turned off for the winter.

RESOLVE A note of thanks to be passed to Chris Kelly regards his good work on Shaws Brow.

That Janine Holt update the Rinkfield Site Rep regards trees and fencing.


Janine Holt provided a copy of the tenancy agreement highlighting areas that could be considered for updating. Members were asked to provide their comments.

687/18/19 Clause about verbal abuse to KTC staff

It was acknowledged that the following statement, discussed at the previous meeting, could be added to the tenancy agreement without full council approval - ‘Verbal or physical abuse to Kendal Town Council staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances. This will result in immediate termination of your tenancy’.

RESOLVE That the above clause be added to the allotment tenancy agreement.

688/18/19 4.9 The Tenant is only permitted to burn non-compostable garden waste from their allotment. Bonfires must be kept to a minimum and not cause a nuisance to other plot holders, neighbouring residents or neighbouring businesses

It was noted that traditionally bonfires have been promoted for managing green waste. Councillor Archibald commented that this was no longer seen as the best approach and suggested that this is no longer encouraged. Members agreed to amend the agreement stating ‘Bonfires are no longer permitted’.

RESOLVE To amend the tenancy agreement to state that bonfires are no longer permitted.

689/18/19 4.8 The Tenant must not practise unattended watering using sprinklers or any form of irrigation system connected to a site tap.


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Hoses must not be connected to site taps at the inconvenience of other tenants.

It was agreed that existing wording was confusing and that the need for use of hoses was inevitable although this should not be at the inconvenience of other tenants. In light of the excess water consumption on Greenside, Councillor Coleman suggested the use of strong language was reasonable, such as, ‘irrigation for use on allotments only, anyone using water for other purposes will be reported to the police’. He also suggested the highlighting of this part of the text.

RESOLVED That Janine Holt will draw up preferred wording to be agreed at the next Committee meeting.

690/18/19 4.12 Prior written consent by the Council must be given to keep livestock or poultry upon the allotment. Cockerels are not permitted at any time.

Members discussed the use of terms such as ‘livestock’ and ‘poultry’ and the keeping of livestock on allotments. Only hens and in exceptional circumstances cockerels are currently permitted although it was noted that one goat is kept on the Coolley Barn site and some allotment holders keep ducks.

It was noted that cockerels and ducks were a particular nuisance and that cockerels should only be allowed on an exceptional basis and must be managed in an appropriate manner.

Janine Holt suggested a change of wording from ‘poultry’ to ‘hens’ and that the keeping of hens should only be with express permission of the Committee. Pierre Labat cautioned against being too authoritative with tenants.

Janine Holt commented that the Allotments Act 1950 states that rabbits and poultry are permitted to which Councillor Archibald queried whether KTC policy would be in contravention of the Act.

Committee suggested wording along the lines of ‘most sites are free from hens, however with permission from Allotments Committee the keeping of hens on the following sites [to be agreed] is permitted’

It was agreed that Janine Holt will return to the next meeting with officers preferred changes and for agreement by Committee.

RESOLVED That Janine Holt will draw up preferred wording to be agreed at the next Committee meeting.


It was agreed that the following would be included in the Spring 2019 Newsletter: • Composting • Details of the Baseline Project – to let people know about the project and to welcome ideas from the public, including neighbours of allotments and residential areas.

Bees (to be included in Summer edition)

RESOLVED That contributions relating to composting and to the Baseline Allotment Project will be included in the Spring 2019 Newsletter.


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692/18/19 Janine Holt provided a summary of current spend against budget. Of note there had been a high spend on pest control on the Sandylands site and costs relating to green waste, although it was noted that some green waste costs were in relation to Kendal in Bloom.

Janine Holt commented that green waste costs had historically be absorbed by Canal Head recycling centre, at no cost to KTC however a number of challenges, described by Pierre Labat (relating to difficulties transporting waste and emptying this into green waste bins) meant that he has been utilising a green waste skip at Horticare. Horticare have sent an invoice for a contribution to the cost of the green waste skip. The annual cost of using this skip would be quite significant and is currently not included in the budget. Pierre Labat recognised that a long-term objective would be to enable green waste to be composted on each site.

There was some discussion about what could be done at Canal Head to make it easier to dispose of green waste. It was agreed that Janine Holt would approach Tony Jamieson at Canal Head to look at the challenges and whether any improvements could be made.

Councillor Archibald noted the advantages of producing compost for allotment sites and the reduction in fuel-use transporting green waste off- site by retaining compostable waste onsite.

Councillor Coleman suggested that costing be undertaken to set up composting on each of the 17 sites with approval for green skip use with Horticare in the short term.

Pierre Labat agreed to produce a report looking at what could be done to establish onsite composting, including the officer time and costs involved.

Some concern was noted that allotment holders may use a site composter for their own waste and that a trial approach would be sensible. Janine Holt noted there were a number of plots that are difficult to let which may be appropriate spaces to accommodate composting.

RESOLVED Janine Holt would approach Tony Jamieson at Canal Head to discuss the challenges and whether any improvements could be made.


693/18/19 Electronic Maps

Janine Holt reported that she had been working with SLDC’s Tom Dugdale to produce electronic maps of all allotment sites. She noted that Tom Dugdale had done a great job and Councillors noted a wish to pass on their thanks. It was agreed a laminated copy of each site map would be helpful for Committee meetings.

RESOLVED Janine Holt will bring a copy of the site map to each meeting in the future.

694/18/19 Underley Hill Site Flooding

Janine Holt reported that Councillor Rowley, in his capacity as Ward Councillor, had been in discussion with South Lakes Housing and SLDC regarding the flooding of plots and parking area on Underley Hill site. Following investigation of drains it had been established that the roots of


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a number of large Willow trees had caused damage to, and were restricting, drains, causing the flooding. SLDC have accepted responsibility and will carry out works to address the problem.

Committee wished to pass on thanks to Councillor Rowley for pursuing the issue.

RESOLVED Thanks to be extended to Councillor Rowley for pursuing the issue of flooding on Underley Hill.

The Townscape Manager gave a brief presentation showing images of some of the work carried out on allotments.


Agenda item – Rinkfield Fencing to be added to the next meeting.

The meeting closed at 8.38pm.


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Summary of Information, Resolutions and Recommendations to Council Min Subject Information/Resolution/Recommendation to Council 678 Ref minute 352/1819 – RES That Committee make proposed changes to Addition of clause to the tenancy agreement. tenancy agreement re verbal abuse 679 Ref minute 355/18/19 – RES That Councillors Archibald and Finch would Abnormal water approach the individual to discuss the consumption personal consumption of site water.

That Janine Holt will include details in the Allotment Newsletter and advise Greenside tenants of push tap introduction should the matter not be resolved and ask for vigilance. 680 Report on Chainsaw RES That tree management is included in the Course baseline assessment of each allotment site.

That Councillor Finch will join the Townscape Manager and Assistant to the Town Clerk on their next allotment visit (9th January 2019). 681 Site Representative RES That Janine Holt will put information on Meeting 4th December composting and organic gardening on the Feedback Town Council website. That this information will also be shared with full council and included in an article for the KTC Spring Newsletter. 682 Noticeboards RES That two noticeboards are purchased and sited on Underley Hill and Wattsfield sites 684 Communication RES That Janine Holt ensure GDPR guidance is followed in the sharing of personal data. 685 Underley Hill and Underley RES That Chris Rowley and Brian Williams would Road allotments develop a plan for managing space for SLDC deliveries on Underley Hill and Underley Road allotments.

686 Site Maintenance Quarterly RES A note of thanks to be passed to Chris Kelly Report regards his good work on Shaws Brow.

That Janine Holt update the Rinkfield Site Rep regards trees and fencing.

687 Clause about verbal abuse RES That the drafted clause be added to the to KTC staff allotment tenancy agreement. 688 Tenancy Agreement RES To amend the tenancy agreement to state that bonfires are no longer permitted. 4.9 The Tenant is only permitted to burn non- compostable garden waste from their allotment. Bonfires must be kept to a minimum and not cause a nuisance to other plot


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holders, neighbouring residents or neighbouring businesses

689 4.8 The Tenant must not RES That Janine Holt will draw up preferred practise unattended wording to be agreed at the next Committee watering using sprinklers meeting. or any form of irrigation system connected to a site tap. Hoses must not be connected to site taps at the inconvenience of other tenants.

690 4.12 Prior written consent RES That Janine Holt will draw up preferred by the Council must be wording to be agreed at the next Committee given to keep livestock or meeting. poultry upon the allotment. Cockerels are not permitted at any time. 691 Items for the Newsletter RES That contributions relating to composting and to the Baseline Allotment Project will be included in the Spring 2019 Newsletter 692 Review of Spend Against RES Janine Holt would approach Tony Jamieson Budget at Canal Head to discuss the challenges and whether any improvements could be made.

693 Electronic Maps RES Janine Holt will bring a copy of the site map to each meeting in the future. 694 Underley Hill Site Flooding RES Thanks to be extended to Councillor Rowley for pursuing the issue of flooding on Underley Hill. 695 Agenda item RES Agenda item – Rinkfield Fencing to be added to the next meeting.



To: Council 7th January 2019 From: Councillor Sutton Agenda Item No. 10?

Report of CALC meeting at Gilpin Bridge Inn, Thursday 29th November at 7:00pm

The meeting began with a brief overview of the Working Together Programme which is designed to help the County Council and local parishes to work together more effectively on local projects. This is also to make it clearer what services will be provided by the Council, and to help with safety and protective management on projects connected with Highways.

Kendal Integrated Care Community - This presentation was by Mike Comfrey, Public Health Manager and Dr Amy Lee.

The I.C.C. brings together local organisations connected with healthcare, third sector, education, statutory agencies like the police, councils, churches, leisure centres, and the local community to improve health and well-being in the Kendal area.

The delivery group of the ICC meets every 2 months. The team consists of a GP, a Care Home nurse, a lead nurse, a case manager, a Care Navigator, who helps to organise care plans, community care, a development leader-someone with managerial experience, and an administrator.

Recent successes have included

• the reduction of medication, through better care advice, life-style choices • a series of integrated nurse events to celebrate 695 years of nursing experience • providing over 300 care plans for the frail elderly • providing primary care events on mental health and end of life care • promoting health at the Westmorland Show and the Unity Festival • encouraging the widespread take-up of the I Matter training in schools, GP surgeries and for other professionals

The IMatter Project.

This is to help parents who feel they need help with children’s emotional and behavioural difficulties. The aim is to build up skills and understanding in adults about child development, stress states, attachment issues and providing a trusted adult role and keeping calm.

Getting involved in the Integrated Care Community can be done by signing up to their web-site, or by getting involved with a focus group.

Richard Sutton


To: Council 7th January 2019 From: Councillor Sutton Agenda Item No. 10?

Funding boost to bring Brewery Arts Centre into the digital age The Kendal Brewery Arts Centre has recently received a £500,000 funding pledge from Arts Centre England (ACE). Called the Brewery Digital Upgrade Project the funding will radically improve the way the Brewery presents its huge range of screenings, live-streamed performances and exhibitions and result in a step change in the variety and ways the centre delivers its range of Creative Learning Classes. The funding will improve the quality of experience in the main theatre and cinema screen with new sound and projection equipment for film and live streamed performances. The project will also allow the centre to present digital visual arts for the first time on the Brewery site, introduce green screen and digital play back facilities into the studio classroom to improve the quality of classes, workshops and performances and offer a regular programme of specialist film in a new screening space. The investment in technology will result in the creation of a new digital learning hub and open studio where residents of all ages can use state of the art equipment and learn to create new and innovative film and art. The Brewery is also exploring ways in which digital technology can reach isolated residents unable to travel to Kendal, and also to improve the experience of customers with special needs when they come to enjoy events. The Brewery already generates over 75% of its turnover by itself. Arts Council funding will allow the organisation to become more efficient and route more of its income into the programme of performances, events and learning opportunities already on offer. The Brewery now needs to find match funding from a variety of trusts, foundations, donors and will be launching a public appeal so the project can go ahead in spring 2019. Eleven organisations across the North have been given grants to achieve their ambitions to improve how they deliver arts and culture to their communities Richard Sutton

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November 2018 - Bank Payments

Date Ref Details Net VAT Total £ £ £

02/11/2018 OL 12809 SLACC - Management of Pollinator Project 1,300.00 0.00 1,300.00 02/11/2018 OL 12810 JT Atkinson - Wood Screw 9.69 1.94 11.63 02/11/2018 OL 12811 JT Atkinson - BWAD231 Roll 25x4m Black 78.00 15.60 93.60 02/11/2018 OL 12812 Christmas Plus - hire of Cross St Motif and Spherer 500.00 100.00 600.00 02/11/2018 OL 12813 PL - Beacon Museum - Car Park 5.10 0.00 5.10 05/11/2018 DD/STO Barclays Bank charges (net) 4.55 0.00 4.55 05/11/2018 DD/STO Ryman via Barclaycard - Posture Kneeling Chair 64.16 12.83 76.99 08/11/2018 OL 12814 Continentail Landscapes - Spring bedding plants 5,213.10 1,042.62 6,255.72 08/11/2018 OL 12815 SLDC - Kendal Futures Heritage related projects 11,300.00 0.00 11,300.00 08/11/2018 OL 12816 SLDC - Refreshments for Planning Meetings Aug-Oct 2018 100.00 20.00 120.00 08/11/2018 OL 12817 SLDC - Hire of Assembly Room for KiB Awards Evening 20.09.18 152.09 30.41 182.50 08/11/2018 OL 12818 St John Ambulance - First Aid at work training FMcM and SU 270.00 54.00 324.00 08/11/2018 OL 12819 Designworks - Domain renewal for 2 years 118.00 23.60 141.60 08/11/2018 OL 12820 Christmas Plus - 7 Led BC Lamp, White, x 49 134.75 26.95 161.70 08/11/2018 OL 12821 Royal British Legion - Remembrance Day Wreaths (x 4) 2018 100.00 0.00 100.00 15/11/2018 DD/STO Vanguarder - Monthly van tracking fee 3.50 0.70 4.20 15/11/2018 DD/STO Vanguarder - Monthly van tracking fee 3.50 0.70 4.20 15/11/2018 OL 12845 HMRC - PAYE & NI for October 2018 1,329.66 0.00 1,329.66 15/11/2018 OL 12846 Cumbria LG Pension - October 2018 1,752.15 0.00 1,752.15 17/11/2018 DD/STO Moorepay - Insurance premium adjustment 4.84 0.00 4.84 17/11/2018 DD/STO Moorepay - Insurance premium 27.75 0.00 27.75 17/11/2018 DD/STO Moorepay - HR & Health & Safety advice 38.25 7.65 45.90 19/11/2018 OL 12822 JT Atkinson - Fence posts and concrete 38.97 7.79 46.76 19/11/2018 OL 12823 CT Hayton Ltd - 5LT Sprayer 28.68 5.74 34.42 19/11/2018 OL 12824 CT Hayton Ltd - Tomorite and Padlock 50.21 10.04 60.25 19/11/2018 OL 12825 CT Hayton Ltd - FG-BF5 Head, FG-110987E Line 45.00 9.00 54.00 19/11/2018 OL 12826 CT Hayton Ltd - Cable Ties 15.00 3.00 18.00 19/11/2018 OL 12827 CT Hayton Ltd - Boilersuit, creosote, paint brush 28.80 5.76 34.56 19/11/2018 OL 12828 CT Hayton Ltd - Posts and padlock 39.79 7.96 47.75 19/11/2018 OL 12829 CT Hayton Ltd - Washers, bolts, woodscrew 5.40 1.08 6.48 19/11/2018 OL 12830 We Love Logos - 4 x umbrellas - green/white 103.80 20.76 124.56 19/11/2018 OL 12831 Jack Ellerby Landscapes - Hedging stakes Town View Allotment 148.00 0.00 148.00 19/11/2018 OL 12832 Jack Ellerby - walling repairs, shrub removal, Greenside 230.00 0.00 230.00 19/11/2018 OL 12833 Itek - USB Keyboard 14.99 3.00 17.99 19/11/2018 OL 12834 Lound Road Garage - fuel for van 68.37 13.67 82.04 19/11/2018 OL 12835 Wade Group - Blackhall Wall removal, path surface 1,857.00 371.40 2,228.40 19/11/2018 OL 12836 Water Plus - water charges Castle Haggs 79.15 0.00 79.15 19/11/2018 OL 12837 Water Plus - water charges Castle Drive 29.58 0.00 29.58 19/11/2018 OL 12838 Water Plus - water charges Greenside 218.66 0.00 218.66 19/11/2018 OL 12839 Water Plus - Water charges Road 73.64 0.00 73.64 19/11/2018 OL 12840 Kendal Office Equipment - stationery 23.54 4.70 28.24 19/11/2018 OL 12841A R Mathews, C Mason, C Nicholson, J Nicholson - Remembrance Sunday Civic Duties 175.00 0.00 175.00 19/11/2018 OL 12842 Adecco - fee for Town Treasurrer post 1,500.00 300.00 1,800.00 19/11/2018 OL 12843 Designworks - Annual fee for web hosting Nov 18 - Oct 19 99.00 19.80 118.80 19/11/2018 OL 12844 E-on - electricity for Garage, Highgate 121.40 6.07 127.47 20/11/2018 DD/STO Busy Bees - Charges for Childcare Vouchers 8.51 1.70 10.21 20/11/2018 DD/STO Busy Bees - Childcare Vouchers 243.00 0.00 243.00 20/11/2018 OL 12847 Net pay - November 2018 10,671.39 0.00 10,671.39 26/11/2018 OL 12848 Photocopier charges 91.06 18.21 109.27 26/11/2018 OL 12849 Itek - Set up VPN remote access and test 31.50 6.30 37.80 26/11/2018 OL 12850 Itek - Annual hosted Cloud E-mail Service x 9 a/c's 702.00 140.40 842.40 26/11/2018 OL 12851 Itek - IBM Lenovo Laptop PSU - PL 50.15 10.03 60.18 26/11/2018 OL 12852 Itek - Resolve issues with Wi-Fi connection & network drive 31.50 6.30 37.80 26/11/2018 OL 12853 Christmas Plus - 16 x light string white + installation 1,192.00 238.40 1,430.40 26/11/2018 OL 12854 Adecco - temp secretary w/e 09/11/18 104.94 20.99 125.93 26/11/2018 OL 12855 FM - Winchester Garden Machinery - First Aid Kit 15.00 3.00 18.00 26/11/2018 OL 12856A M Wilding - VIP - Switch on event 50.00 0.00 50.00 26/11/2018 OL 12856B R Mathews - Town Crier - Switch on event 45.00 0.00 45.00 26/11/2018 OL 12856C Rotary Club - Marshalls - Switch on event 50.00 0.00 50.00 26/11/2018 OL 12856D Kirkbie Kendal School - Parade - Switch on event 30.00 0.00 30.00 26/11/2018 OL 12857 SK - Tesco Express - milk for Remembrance Sunday catering 34.24 1.91 36.15

40,853.36 2,574.01 43,427.37