Resources and Transformation Directorate Legal and Democratic Services  House  107 – 117 Botchergate  Carlisle Cumbria  CA1 1RD Tel 01228 606060  Email [email protected]

16 January 2017

To: The Chair and Members of the County Council Local Committee for Agenda


A meeting of the County Council Local Committee for South Lakeland will be held as follows:

Date: Tuesday 24 January 2017 Time: 10.00am Place: Council Chamber, County Offices,

Dawn Roberts Corporate Director – Resources and Transformation

Group Meetings:

Conservative: 9.00am Committee Room 1 Liberal Democrat: 9.00am Committee Room 2 Labour 9.00am Committee Room 4

Enquiries and requests for supporting papers to: Glynis Andrews Direct Line: 01228 606361 Email: [email protected]

This agenda is available on request in alternative formats

Serving the People of Cumbria


Conservative (4) Liberal Democrat (13)

Mr J Airey Mr SB Collins Mr RK Bingham Mr GD Cook Mr J Bland Mr N Cotton (Chair) Mr WJ Wearing Mrs S Evans Mrs C Feeney-Johnson Mr D Fletcher Mrs BC Gray Mrs H Halliday Mr S Rooke Mrs S Sanderson (Vice- Chair) Mr I Stewart Mr P Thornton Mrs J Willis

Labour (1)

Mr M Wilson

South Lakeland District Council (2)

Mr G Archibald Mr J Brook

Parish Council (2)

Mr A Muirhead Mr J Saunders


Agenda and Reports

Copies of the agenda and Part I reports are available for members of the public to inspect prior to the meeting. Copies will also be available at the meeting.

The agenda and Part I reports are also available on the County Council’s website –

Background Papers

Requests for the background papers to the Part I reports, excluding those papers that contain exempt information, can be made to Legal and Democratic Services at the address overleaf between the hours of 9.00 am and 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday.

2 A G E N D A



To receive any apologies for absence.


(1) There are no public questions, deputations or petitions relating to any items on the agenda.

(2) Mrs Gillian Saunders of Birthwaite Road, will advise of the improvements in the area since parking restrictions which were brought in 2 years ago.


To consider whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any items on the agenda.


Members are invited to disclose any disclosable pecuniary interest they have in any item on the agenda which comprises

1 Details of any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain.

2 Details of any payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than from the authority) made or provided within the relevant period in respect of any expenses incurred by you in carrying out duties as a member, or towards your election expenses. (This includes any payment or financial benefit from a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.

3 Details of any contract which is made between you (or a body in which you have a beneficial interest) and the authority

(a) Under which goods or services are to be provided or works are to be executed; and

(b) Which has not been fully discharged.

4 Details of any beneficial interest in land which is within the area of the authority.

3 5 Details of any licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy land in the area of the authority for a month or longer.

6 Details of any tenancy where (to your knowledge)

(a) The landlord is the authority; and

(b) The tenant is a body in which you have a beneficial interest.

7 Details of any beneficial interest in securities of a body where

(a) That body (to your knowledge) has a place of business or land in the area of the authority; and

(b) Either –

(i) The total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25,000 or one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that body; or

(ii) If that share capital of that body is of more than one class, the total nominal value of the shares of any one class in which the relevant person has a beneficial interest exceeds one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that class. In addition, you must also disclose other non-pecuniary interests set out in the Code of Conduct where these have not already been registered.


A “disclosable pecuniary interest” is an interest of a councillor or their partner (which means spouse or civil partner, a person with whom they are living as husband or wife, or a person with whom they are living as if they are civil partners).

5 PRESENTATIONS a Update on Connecting Cumbria

Presentation by the Catherine Weldon, Project Manager – Connecting Cumbria. b Safe and Well Proposals Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service

Presentation Justin Robinson – Group Manager Protection and Prevention.


4 To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Local Committee held on 17 November 2016 (copy enclosed). (Pages 9 - 18)



[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Health, Care and Community Services (copy enclosed).

This report provides information and offers recommendations to the Local Committee for approval from meetings of the Strategic Planning Working Group held on 6 December 2016 and the Children and Young Peoples Working Group held on 7 December 2016. It also updates the Local Committee on previously agreed activity supported with the latest financial statement. (Pages 19 - 52)


[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Economy and Highways (copy enclosed).

This report provides details of the Local Committee’s Highways Revenue and Capital and Non-Devolved Capital Budgets. (Pages 53 - 62)


To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Economy and Highways (copy enclosed).

This report presents the minutes of the meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group held on 7 December 2016. (Pages 63 - 72)


[Electoral Divisions All South Lakeland]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Economy and Highways (copy enclosed).

This report refers to the Members Highways Priority Works schemes to be funded via the devolved 2016/2017 highway budgets for South Lakeland.

(Pages 73 - 82)


[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Health, Care and Community Services (copy enclosed).

This report seeks to commit elements of the Local Revenue Scheme budget and includes members proposals that have been sufficiently worked up to enable the Local Committee to consider spending decisions. (Pages 83 - 108)


[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]

To consider a schedule by the Corporate Director – Health, Care and Community Services (copy enclosed).

This report seeks approval of nominated County Council Governors of Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools. (Pages 109 - 110)



[Electoral Divisions All South Lakeland]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Economy and Highways (copy enclosed).

This report provides an update on the enforcement of on-street parking in the South Lakeland Local Committee area. (Pages 111 - 116)


[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Health, Care and Community Services (copy enclosed).

This report highlights key Community Development and Public Health Activity undertaken by the South Lakeland Area Support Team and Locality Public Health Manager. (Pages 117 - 122)


6 To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Local Committee Chairs and Leadership held on 8 November 2016 (copy enclosed). (Pages 123 - 130)


To receive feedback from members on the outside bodies that they serve, and from the Local Member Champions. b Children's Champion

Update by the Children’s Champion.

7 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 6


Minutes of a Meeting of the County Council Local Committee for South Lakeland held on Thursday, 17 November 2016 at 10.00 am in the Council Chamber - County Offices, Kendal, LA9 4RQ


Mr N Cotton (Chair)

Mr RK Bingham Mr S Rooke Mr J Bland Mrs S Sanderson (Vice- Mr SB Collins Chair) Mr GD Cook Mr I Stewart Mrs S Evans Mr WJ Wearing Mr D Fletcher Mrs J Willis Mrs BC Gray Mr M Wilson

District Council Parish Council

Mr G Archibald Mr A Muirhead Mr J Saunders

Officers in Attendance:-

Mrs G Andrews - Senior Democratic Services Officer Mr M Conefrey - Strategic Manager - Planning and Commissioning Mr P Hosking - Highways Network Manager Mrs K Johnson - Area Manager - South Lakeland Mr N Raymond - Senior Manager Infrastructure Recovery & Major Programmes Mrs V Upton - Team Leader Traffic Management - South,


In opening the meeting the Chair welcomed Mr S Rooke and Mr J Saunders to their first meeting of the Local Committee.


Apologies for absence were received from Mr J Airey, Mr J Brook, Mrs C Feeney- Johnson, Mrs H Halliday and Mr P Thornton.


(a) There were no public questions or deputations relating to any items of business on the agenda.

(b) Ms C Williams presented a petition with over 300 signatures seeking a reduction in the speed limit on the A591 between Ings and Staveley to 40 mph, as well as a 30 mph speed limit on the approach to Staveley road end and/or a feasibility study into the provision of a roundabout in place of the current junction. Ms Williams explained that following a recent horrific accident on the A591 between Ings and Staveley in which two people had lost their lives and a further person suffered serious injuries, a campaign had been launched seeking a reduction in the speed limit along this stretch of road from 60 mph to 40 mph. A cycle/pedestrian footpath ran the full length from Ings to Staveley and was less than a metre from speeding traffic. Children, dog walkers, cyclists and horse riders all used this path on the assumption that they were safe. For the safety of children crossing this road the speed limit needed to be lowered to 40mph. In relation to planning and all other purposes the area was classed as residential with over 15 households having to exit onto the A591. As a residential area a speed limit of 60 mph, 10 miles less than a motorway, was totally inappropriate. Additionally, it was only a matter of time before a further serious accident occurred at the Staveley road end junction where traffic joining the A591 had to negotiate speeding vehicles, some even travelling in excess of the current 60mph, and this from either direction. A reduction in the speed limit on the approach to Staveley road end junction to 30 mph was sought, as well as the extension of the proposed 40 mph speed limit for Ings and Staveley to just beyond the garage at Plantation Bridge. Lastly traffic monitoring across the A591 had been suggested by the Parish Council. The local member advised Ms Williams that he would pick up on the issue of a safer crossing, and also press for speed monitoring in the area. In relation to a reduction in the speed limit from 60mph to 40mph he advised that he had spoken to highway officers in the past about introducing a temporary speed restriction of 40mph but had been advised that this was not possible. At a subsequent meeting of the Local Road Safety Partnership it had been verified that the Police would not enforce a 40mph speed restriction in the area.

10 The Chair on behalf of the Local Committee thanked Ms Williams for attending the meeting and presenting her petition which he advised would be referred to the Local Committee’s Highways and Transportation Working Group for consideration. (c) At this point in the meeting it was announced that at the Council’s Excellence Awards on 15th November the Team category had been won by the Community Development Teams for their response to the floods that had occurred in 2015. Members congratulated the Community Development Team for South Lakeland on their success and asked the Area Manager to convey their thanks and appreciation for the excellent work that they carried out.


RESOLVED that the press and public be admitted to the meeting for all items of business.


There were no disclosable pecuniary interests declared at the meeting.


The minutes of the meeting of the Local Committee held on 29th September 2016 were confirmed as a correct record and thereupon signed by the Chair.


Consideration was given to a report by the Corporate Director – Health, Care and Community Services providing details of the Local Committee’s financial position in respect of the Communities revenue budget, including the committed expenditure and the remaining unallocated resources to 30th September 2016.

The report also provided information and put forward recommendations for approval from a meeting of the Children and Young People’s Working Group held on 19th October 2016.

Appended to the report was a financial statement, together with the minutes of the Working Group meeting, and reports on the A2B Nowcard, South Lakeland Youth Council, Children in Care Council and a Monitoring report.


(a) the budget update for 2016-17 including the commitments and expenditure to the end of October 2016 set out in appendix A be noted;

Children and Young People’s Working Group

11 (b) the work of the Children & Young People’s Working Group as set out in the minutes at appendix B be noted;

(c) £40,000 be de-committed from the Young Persons Transport Budget and re-allocated to the 0-19 Services Budget;

(d) a previously agreed indicative amount of £1,000 for the Children in Care Council be de-committed and returned to the 0-19 Services Budget;

(e) a previously agreed indicative amount of £2,040 for the Lakeland Youth Council be de-committed and returned to the 0-19 Services Budget;

(f) a residual amount of £225 from the latest Blink magazine be de- committed and returned to the 0-19 Services Budget;

(g) a residual amount of £5,422 agreed in January 2014 towards Area Planning be de-committed and returned to the General Provisions budget;

(h) residual amounts of £1,623 and £8,034 agreed for the 2014/15 and 2015/16 School Crossing Patrol SLAs be de-committed and returned to the School Crossing Patrol budget.


Consideration was given to a report by the Corporate Director – Economy and Highways presenting the Highways Revenue and Devolved Capital and Non- Devolved Capital Budget finance reports to the end of September 2016.

In presenting the report the Highways Network Manager advised that a new finance system had been introduced and that the method of producing the aforementioned information in appendices to the report had changed. Members commented that some of schemes were listed in the wrong divisions and asked for this to be looked into. They also had concerns about the time lag in presenting the information to the Local Committee once it had been collated and asked for this to be raised at a meeting of the Leadership and Local Committee Chairs.

In responding to concerns raised about the condition of some of the pavements in the area, particularly in the town centres, the Highways Network Manger advised of the footway inspection process and gave details of the budget for footway improvements and also minor footway patching. In response to various other issues raised members were assured that there was sufficient funding available to deliver the highways flood recovery programme of work.

RESOLVED that the revenue and capital budget allocations for 2016/17 and the commitments and expenditure recorded to the end of September 2016, as shown in Appendices 1, 2 and 3, be noted.


A report by the Corporate Director – Economy and Highways presented the minutes of the meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group held on 19th October 2016 and put forward recommendations for consideration by the Local Committee. Appended to the report were the minutes of the meeting of the Working Group, together with a report on the Future Options for Members Highways Priority Works.

In presenting the minutes the Chair of the Working Group updated members on the Infrastructure Recovery Programme and advised of the positive feedback from the general public in relation to the work being carried out.

In updating members on the proposed cycleway schemes on Burton Road and Shap Road in Kendal the Highways Network Manager advised that, it was his understanding, work on Burton Road would begin in the current financial year but would overrun into 2017-18, and that the scheme for Shap Road had been deferred until 2018-19 (minute 43 of the last meeting refers). In response to the concerns of members that the full funding allocation had not been restored to allow the schemes to progress, the Highways Network Manager agreed to seek clarification on the availability of resources and the proposed timescales for the delivery of the schemes, and to advise them of accordingly.

During discussion it was suggested that it would be useful to invite a representative of the Environment Agency to a meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group to discuss their policy in relation to the removal of bank side trees, and the dredging of rivers. Other issues touched upon in discussion included the speed monitoring data which it was felt would be useful for members to receive and forward onto Parish Councils.

Having regard to the proposed policy for the delivery of Member Highway Priority Works there was broad support to the proposals provided that there was some degree of flexibility to allow for any urgent work that cropped up. There was also a request that the dates for the delivery of schemes be communicated to Parish/Town Councils.


(a) the Minutes of the Working Group meeting held on 19th October 2016, attached as appendix 1 to the report by the Corporate Director – Economy and Highways, be noted;

(b the issues identified in the report regarding the delivery of the Member Highway Priority Works Programme, attached as appendix 2 to the report by the Corporate Director – Economy and Highways, be noted;

(c) the proposed process for the delivery of Member Highway Priority Works going forward be approved, namely: -

13 (i) the existing scheme for Member Highway Priority Works be retained but that members be requested to identify new schemes within their division by the July meeting of the Local Committee at the latest;

(ii) a workshop involving members and the Traffic Management Team be held after the Council elections in 2017 and thereafter before the start of each new financial year to identify areas of work that are a priority;

(iii) the appropriate highways engineer visit members individually within their division early in the new year to discuss and see for themselves areas of work identified as needing to be delivered in the following financial year;

(iv) a target date wherever possible, for delivery within the financial year be agreed at the time of approval by the Local Committee;

(d) from the 2017/18 financial year onwards, any Members Highways Priority scheme budgets that remain uncommitted by the September meeting of that year be vired back to the general capital highway budget.


A report by the Corporate Director – Economy and Highways provided an update of the Members Highways Priority Works schemes to be funded via the devolved 2016/2017 highway budgets for South Lakeland, and sought approval of several new schemes. An amended version of the current programme for 2016-17 was circulated at the meeting.


(a) the current Members Highways Priorities Works Programme 2016/2017 (“the Programme”) circulated at the meeting, be approved;

(b) the following schemes, which include Traffic Regulation Orders be approved to be progressed to consultation and advertising in due course:-

(i) Cartmel – Restricted Zone in conjunction with Cartmel Townscape Initiative

(ii) Kendal Nether – Shap Road and Appleby Road, Kendal

(iii) Lakes – Greenbank Road Prohibition of Driving, Red Bank Road, Grasmere and Underloughrigg Road

(iv) Sedbergh and Kirkby Lonsdale – Binfold Croft, Horse Market and Lunefield Drive

14 (v) Kendal Highgate – Hazelwood/Underwood, Howard Street and Ford Terrace / Romney Road Junctions


A report by the Corporate Director – Health, Care and Community Services sought to commit elements of the Local Revenue Schemes budget, including Members’ proposals that had been sufficiently investigated and developed to enable the Local Committee to consider spending decisions.

RESOLVED that the following be approved:-

(a) a Revenue Grant of £1,395 from the Lakes Division LMS budget towards the costs of a defibrillator in Grasmere;

(b) a Revenue Grant of £2,468 from the Ulverston East Division LMS budget toward the cost of a lighting post being implemented on Beech Drive, Ulverston


A report by the Corporate Director – Health, Care and Community Services provided a summary of the principles of Area Planning and the local approach which had been adopted. It presented the refreshed Area Delivery Plan and asked the Local Committee to endorse this more focused version.

In considering the Plan it was suggested including identifiable Partnerships, and the cycling improvements planned for Ulverston. It was also suggested including the reference to superfast Broadband under local services.

RESOLVED that the Lakeland Area Delivery Plan 2016/17, attached at appendix A to the report by the Corporate Director – Health Care and Community Services, be endorsed.


The Local Committee considered a schedule of nominations to the Governing Body of nursery, primary and secondary schools.

RESOLVED that subject to their consent the following be nominated:-

15 School Nomination

VOLUNTARY CONTROLLED Cartmel CE Primary School Dr Jean Bell 1 Beckside Barn Beckside Cartmel Grange over Sands LA11 7SW

Lindale CE School Cllr WJ Wearing The Smithy Windermere Road Grange over Sands LA11 6EG COMMUNITY Milnthorpe Primary School Cllr R Bingham The Smithy Ackenthwaite Milnthorpe LA7 7DH


A report by the Corporate Director – Heath, Care and Community Services provided details about the key community development and public health activity undertaken by the South Lakeland Area Support Team and Locality Public Health Manager since the last Local Committee meeting.

Issues highlighted included the work continuing with communities to progress asset based approaches to community development, and the consultation events in South Lakeland to be supported by the Community Development Officers on the North West Coast Connexions. As well, at the next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Forum there was to be a thematic focus on older people.

In considering the report it was pointed out that the Resilience Grants would continue until March 2017, and a request was made for all members to be advised of events in the South Lakeland area.

RESOLVED that the report be noted;

16 63 PARTNER ORGANISATIONS a Outside Bodies

Cllr Bingham the Local Committee’ representative on the Grundy’s Charity for the Poor advised of his concerns that the majority of applicants were from the Lancashire area.

Cllr Cook updated the Committee on the challenges that had been faced by the Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal and on exciting plans for the redevelopment of the site.

Cllr Collins reported on a meeting of the Miller Riches Trust held earlier in the day where grants had been awarded to 7 applicants.

Cllr Wilson the Local Committee’s Armed Forces Champion advised of a £2m Veteran’s Gateway programme to help veterans find and access advice and support on a broad range of issues. In advising members of the programme he agreed to circulate to them the link to the website. b Children's Champion

Cllr Evans the local champion for Children Looked After circulated a presentation on Cumbria Carers for Cumbria Children that had been given at a foster carers event the previous week. She highlighted in particular the national averages in relation to fostering and comparative figures for Cumbria. Cllr Evans commented that ways of improving communication with foster carers was being looked at, and that she would provide feedback from the discussion groups at the next Children and Young People’s Working Group.

Cllr Evans also circulated a paper on meetings of the Children in Care Council and Care Leavers Forum. As well she advised of an event she had attended organised by Headstart and explained why the programme had not received further funding.

The meeting ended at 12.15 pm

17 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 7 COUNTY COUNCIL LOCAL COMMITTEE FOR SOUTH LAKELAND

Meeting date: 24th January 2017

From: Corporate Director – Health, Care and Communities



1.1 This report provides information and offers recommendations to South Lakeland Local Committee for approval from the following working groups;

 Children & Young People’s Working Group – 7th December 2016

 Strategic Planning Working Group – 6th December 2016

1.2 This report also provides Local Committee with an update on previously agreed activity supported with the latest financial statement.


2.1 The Local Committee’s 2016-17 proposed cash limited budget was agreed by County Council on 18th February 2016. The Local Committee is able to vire funding between budget lines during the course of the financial year, subject to Corporate Policy and service standards. The Local Committee is not able to vire money from capital budgets into revenue budgets.

2.2 Improved locality working is one of the ways the council is delivering on its priorities. The county council vision, included in the Council Plan, sets out that it will be ‘… an effective and efficient organisation that delivers the best possible services for the people of Cumbria within its available resources, protects the most vulnerable, and works with others in the community to shape services and help find solutions for the future.’ The approach and work of the Local Committee directly contributes to this vision.

2.3 The locally devolved funding is available for Local Committees to allocate within the area to support positive outcomes, targeted and mainstream, designed to improve outcomes for the communities of South Lakeland. This funding can be targeted to initiate new activity or to enhance/compliment existing provision according to locally determined need.

19 2.4 The South Lakeland Area Plan sets out the four targeted priorities for the area, which are Health and Well-Being, Education and Skills, Economic Development and Transport, and details how the Council is delivering its services in support of them.

2.5 A separate Equality Impact Assessment is not required as equality issues are dealt with at a project level.


3.1 Members are asked to note the budget update for 2016-17 including the commitments and expenditure to end of December 2016 (Appendix A).

Children and Young People’s Working Group

3.2 That members note the work of the Children & Young People’s Working Group as set out in the minutes at Appendix B.

3.3 That Local Committee agrees to commit £5,000 to CADAS for the drug and alcohol project from the 0-19 Services Budget 9 (Appendix D).

3.4 That Local Committee agrees to commit £634 to Brathay towards the impact evaluation study of the Kendal Schools Student Engagement Scheme from the 0-19 Services Budget (Appendix E).

3.5 That Local Committee agrees to commit £1,000 to the South Cumbria Breastfeeding Support group towards the South Cumbria Breastfeeding Support Programme from the 0-19 Services Budget (Appendix F).

3.6 That members note the work of the Strategic Planning Working Group as set out in the minutes at Appendix G.

3.7 That Local Committee agrees to commit £10,000 towards the Kirkby Lonsdale Feasibility Study from the Economic Initiatives Budget.


4.1 The discretionary 2016/17 budget delegated to Local Committee is detailed at Appendix A, which provides the latest financial position including the committed expenditure and remaining unallocated resources up to 31st July 2016. Of the total Communities revenue budget delegated to Local Committee, £211,060 has been allocated as discretionary revenue budget and £228,628 earmarked to specific activities.

4.2 The Children and Young People’s Working Group held its meeting on the 7th December which is detailed at Appendix B. The update regarding the A2B Now Transport Scheme was presented (Appendix C) which indicates that the current trajectory of spend will be no more than £30K in this financial year.

20 4.3 The Monitoring Report at Appendix I sets out previous decisions taken by the Local Committee which enables members to track progress against agreed outcomes and ensure that regular performance reporting is taking place.


5.1 The Local Committee may choose to support the recommendations to a greater or lesser extent subject to available funding and in line with corporate policy and service standards.


6.1 The financial position of Local Committee’s community budgets as at the end of December 2016 is as set out in Appendix A.

6.2 If recommendations 3.3 to 3.5 are agreed the amount in the 0-19 Services budget available for future commitment would be £71,856.

6.3 If recommendation 3.7 is agreed the amount in the Economic Initiatives budget available for future commitment would be £3,240.


7.1 The Local Committee is authorised to accept the recommendations..


8.1 This report provides the Local Committee with a comprehensive update on the functions and budgets relating to Communities and delegated to the Local Committee.

Brenda Smith Corporate Director for Health, Care and Communities

15th December 2016


Appendix A – Financial Statement to September 2016 Appendix B – Minutes of the Children & Young People’s Working Group, 7/12/16 Appendix C – A2B Now Update Report Appendix D – 0 – 19 Funding Application Appendix E – 0 – 19 Funding Application Appendix F - 0 – 19 Funding Application Appendix G – Mins of the Strategic Planning Working Group, 6/12/16 Appendix H – Kirkby Lonsdale Report Appendix I - South Lakeland Monitoring Report

21 Electoral Division(s): All in South Lakeland

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No*

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A*

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A* Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No* If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A* undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? N/A*



Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.

BACKGROUND PAPERS No background papers.

REPORT AUTHOR Contact: Karen Johnson, 01539 713157, [email protected]


Budget Sector Original Balance Virement Virement Revised Spending Committed Actual Projected Unallocated Budget B/Fwd In Out Budget Limit Expenditure Expenditure Outturn Resources 2016/17 2016/17 2016/17 to Date 2016/17 or Variance Discretionary Budgets General Provision 29,315 30,422 0 0 59,737 59,737 14,100 31,643 45,743 13,994 Community Grants 48,000 18,194 0 0 66,194 66,194 7,714 14,240 21,954 44,240 Economic Initiatives 35,000 8,940 0 0 43,940 43,940 200 30,500 30,700 13,240 School Crossing Patrols 28,745 22,221 0 0 50,966 50,966 29,953 11,356 41,309 9,657 0-19 Services 30,000 57,177 40,050 0 127,227 127,227 37,417 11,320 48,737 78,490 Young Persons Transport 40,000 37,139 0 (40,050) 37,089 37,089 32,593 4,496 37,089 0 211,060 174,093 40,050 (40,050) 385,153 385,153 121,977 103,555 225,532 159,621

23 Local Revenue Schemes 0 125,532 0 0 125,532 125,532 29,889 25,455 55,344 70,188

Other Revenue Budgets Neighbourhood Development Team 128,778 0 0 0 128,778 128,778 32,186 96,592 128,778 0 Money Advice Contract - CAB 47,550 0 0 0 47,550 47,550 11,883 35,667 47,550 0 Community Waste Prevention Fund 8,300 8,300 0 0 16,600 16,600 0 8,300 8,300 8,300 Sandgate Pool 44,000 2,246 0 0 46,246 46,246 28,617 15,383 44,000 2,246 Sandgate Pool-Grant If Transfer to Trust 0 50,000 0 0 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 228,628 60,546 0 0 289,174 289,174 72,686 155,942 228,628 60,546

REVENUE TOTAL 439,688 360,171 40,050 (40,050) 799,859 799,859 224,552 284,952 509,504 290,355

Local Member Capital Schemes 0 1,311 0 0 1,311 1,311 1,311 0 1,311 0

CAPITAL TOTAL 0 1,311 0 0 1,311 1,311 1,311 0 1,311 0 LOCAL COMMITTEE TOTAL 439,688 361,482 40,050 (40,050) 801,170 801,170 225,863 284,952 510,815 290,355 APPENDIX B


Minutes of a Meeting of the South Lakeland Local Committee Children and Young People's Working Group held on Wednesday 07th December 2016 at 2.00 pm in Committee Room 1, County Offices, Kendal.


Mrs S Evans (Chair)

Mrs Annie Rawlinson (SLDC) Cllr Bill Wearing Cllr Claire Feeney Johnson

Also in Attendance:- Cllr Jim Bland Cllr I Stewart Cllr G Cook Mr M Conefrey Public Health Locality Manager Miss Gill Holmes Community Development Officer Ms Caroline Jolley Community Development Assistant Mr Cameron Yazdi South Lakeland District Council Mr G Bassett Targeted Youth Support Team Leader Ms J Gawne Children’s Rights Worker Ms L Bush Targeted Youth Support


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr James Airey and Karen Johnson


The minutes of the meeting of the Working Group held on 19th October 2016 were presented to Local Committee on 17 November 2016 and were confirmed as a correct record.

SLDC’s Draft Children & Young People’s Plan had been circulated by Cameron Yadzi and is still being worked on.

Youth Club funding for Flookburgh and Milnthorpe is being progressed with Leigh Williams of Young Cumbria. There is a good possibility that the training for quality standards can be provided free of charge. Gill Holmes to report back at the next working group.

It was agreed that future meetings will start at 2pm.

24 3 BUDGET UPDATE AND PERFORMANCE MONITORING REPORT Since the Inspira contract ended in September 2015 the CYPWG has supported 13 youth groups with training for quality standards, advice and youth work.

100 mile challenge - 17 schools in South Lakeland have so far signed up for the challenge, delivered by Active Cumbria. This equates to 2534 pupils and 35% of the total 49 schools signed up countywide. Schools in South Lakeland that haven’t yet signed up are to be encouraged by councillors/governor’s to take part. It was noted that some schools may be accessing other projects of a similar nature and may be reluctant to take on too many schemes. Action: GH to email all members with details of which schools are taking part plus information on excess weight and obesity figures relating to each ward. Also to check OFSTED status of schools signed up for challenge.

Following the re-distribution of £40,000 from Young Person’s Transport funding, a balance of £78,490 remains. After a discussion on how this can be spent, officers were asked to find out where the gaps are in our targeted youth work and other areas of Children’s Services. That amount of money can make a big difference if spent strategically.

We need to ensure any funded project has sustainability and will not require further funding further down the line. Suggestions were made which included: Inspira working with children and young people with disabilities on the Citizen Charter, excluded from school young people, support for targeted groups, the Red Shed scheme which, following over two years’ funding, was a great success and showed improvement in children’s wellbeing, Youth Council Peer Mentoring.

It was suggested that 2 sizeable projects are chosen - perhaps 1 on Poverty and 1 Social, linked with other projects to maintain longevity and successful outcomes. We will aim to make recommendations for any such projects by mid- January 2017.

4. SOUTH LAKELAND CHILDREN IN CARE COUNCIL UPDATE The new forum structure has been well received by the young people who are eager to engage and get others involved. The idea is to run forums where larger groups get together and for the young people to highlight areas they want to work on and then work in smaller groups to deliver these changes. The current plan is to book an activity with young people from both South Lakeland and Barrow on the 21st January 2017. This will be at Zero gravity in Barrow in Furness and transport will be arranged for those young people from South Lakeland. This will be closely followed by a hub meeting at the Brewery Arts Centre in Kendal, held the week beginning 6th February 2017, with a similar hub meeting the following week in Barrow in Furness. Joanne Gawne presented feedback on work she is undertaking at the moment. There is a committed, core group of young people that have been nurtured through the CiCC and they want to continue having their views and opinions sought and heard, enabling positive change in their care to happen

25 and support to be given in areas identified by them. The plan is to have an activity booked for the juniors by early January giving enough time to advertise and promote before it takes place during February half term. Some early ideas for this at the moment are the Steam train at Haverthwaite, the Aquarium or Water Park. There will be a consultation element to the junior events where the voice of the children will be heard and recorded in a fun and engaging way.

5. CADAS Hilary Southward from CADAS (Cumbria Alcohol and Drug Advisory Service) gave a short presentation to support a programme to work with young people and their families who are at risk or who have problematic alcohol or substance abuse issues. This programme has been developed following a large increase in the number of referrals to the service by various agencies and would be substantially different to the work done by the Council’s Targeted Youth Support team who have only one worker dedicated to risk awareness around these issues.

Members were minded in principle to support the request but asked if there would be sustainability. Hilary explained that CADAS had applied for corporate funding from other North West establishments and that applying for funds was a continuous process within the team. £5000 will help establish demand and how CADAS will work with that demand. Referrals are received via Impact Housing, Drop Zone, Unity, parents, College. CADAS allocate a worker for 22 paid hours to work with young people in crisis, helping them develop coping strategies. They provide workshops in schools and colleges, work with partners and young people who have parents with drug alcohol/substances problems. They also meet on a 1-2-1 basis if more time is needed for additional support. It was felt that there was a need for this project but that there should be a coordinated approach with our Targeted Youth Support Team who should be informed of young people accessing the project. Recommendation that Local Committee agree to award £5000 to the project with the proviso that CADAS meet with Graham Bassett’s team to plan a strategy to achieve optimum results from both resources

6 BRATHAY – Student Engagement Scheme Cllr Clare Feeney-Johnson had learned from numerous sources of a recent and troubling rise in the availability and use of illegal drugs amongst young people in Kendal of around Key Stage 3 (KS3) age confirming that there is an increase in the availability and ‘normalisation’ of class B drugs use. There is a small cohort of Y8 and Y9 students of particular concern, but whose behaviour and attitudes are judged to be still receptive to change; As a result, Brathay ran a programme for 6 consecutive weeks in June and July 2016 to support a number of KS3 students in Kendal’s secondary schools. There has been positive feedback but we now need to evaluate the impact of the scheme to ensure longer term benefits. Claire Feeney-Johnson has committed £566 of her LMR and is asking this working group to fund the deficit of £634 required to carry out this evaluation.

26 ACTION: meeting to be scheduled with John Owen, Brathay, Graham Bassett, CS Targeted Youth Support and Claire Feeney-Johnson to develop this further. Recommendation that Local Committee agree to award £634 to the project

7 A2B Now Update Stagecoach reimbursement figure during November is £1,627.12 for a total of 350 passengers. This suggests an estimated annual forecast of around £28,000. Promotional literature has already been sent out to all Libraries in South Lakeland and further work is needed to distribute across all schools in the area. Members who are also school governors have been asked to help promote the scheme.

8 South Lakeland Youth Council Update On Friday, 11th November 2016, at the Annual UK Youth Parliament, House of Commons Sitting in London, members of the UK Youth Parliament debated a range of topical issues, including the need for cheap, accessible public transport and tackling racist and religious discrimination. Our three UK Youth Parliament Members, Jacob Reid (Carlisle & Eden), Lucia Harrington (Barrow & South Lakes) and Matthew Suddart (Allerdale and Copeland) represented the Young People of Cumbria. Lucia was the first Member of the Youth Parliament to be chosen to speak which was a real honour. In the afternoon, Jacob was chosen to speak on Tackling Racism and Religious Discrimination. To have one Member of the Youth Parliament from Cumbria chosen to address the House of Commons was great; to have two chosen was fantastic.

Eight young people from Furness and South Lakes travelled to Penrith to the LSCB Youth Forum. The event was called ‘The good, the bad and the ugly’ (growing up in Cumbria) and there were three workshops designed and run by young people. These were First Aid, Disco and Patchwork Quilt Art activities. The underlying theme was around the dangers of alcohol.

We are delighted to announce that a panel of young people, on behalf of the British Youth Council, chose the Blink Magazine Mental Health issue, published by Lakeland Youth Council as the winner in the “Inspiring” category. These Youth on Board Awards celebrate organisations and projects that support youth participation in innovative and exciting ways, and mark the fantastic achievements that can happen because young people are supported to get involved. The awards are special because all of the selection and judging is done by young people, and we hope that flagging up these projects will encourage other organisations to follow their example. Congratulations to all involved.

27 ACTION: Youth Council members to be invited to attend the next Local Committee so that Members can congratulate in person

9 Targeted Youth Support Early Help 11-19 A short update on Targeted Youth Support Early Help 11-19 was given by Laura Bush. There are 12 members in the team, 3 for South Lakes and 4.5 for Barrow plus a lead person for each school and they are receiving numerous referrals. The service started last year, Targeted Youth Support can be 1-1 or group dealing with drugs & alcohol, anger management, risk taking behaviour, CSE. Referrals can be made by police, social care, CAHMS. Laura presented 2 case studies that she was involved in that resulted in positive outcomes such as young people now attending school regularly. Autistic young people are actively being encouraged to attend College by the team. They have now started working closely with Barnardo’s with young people under 12. They hope that their future remit will involve working with whole families. There are 152 cases open at the moment in Barrow and South Lakeland with the split roughly 50-50 with numbers increasing weekly. The numbers stepping down from social care to this service, considering where we were last year service is wonderful. Action: GB - Laura to be invited back in 12 months to review. Jonathan Taylor, Senior Manager of Early Help 11 – 19 and Targeted Youth Support is to be invited to a future meeting

10 South Cumbria Breast Feeding Support South Cumbria Breastfeeding Support offers skilled help for mothers in South Cumbria (and their families) who breastfeed or wish to. Whilst breastfeeding is natural, it isn’t always easy. Members were asked to consider funding the group to support a new project, in which they will support young mums in particular. They will research how best to support young mums and formulate a strategy – this will include meetings as well as desk-based research e.g. visiting the Children’s Centre staff, working with a young mum contact, identifying other similar groups – regionally and/or nationally and speaking with them about what they do. Her sessional fees are £35 per hour which would amount to £560 in total. If it was felt that there was a strong need, they would then look for further funding to put that support in place. Currently, funding runs out at the end of February 2017 so if they can secure further funding, the research would begin in March 2017. They are reluctant to charge attendees in order to make it accessible to all mothers. While the promotion of breastfeeding is a National and County Public Health priority it has not been identified by the Health and Wellbeing Forum as a local South Lakeland priority. Initiation rates in South Lakeland are 78.9%, significantly higher than the national rate of 74.3% and the Cumbria rate of 64.9%, they are the highest of any district in Cumbria. The Public Health Locality grant has been provided to address local priorities identified by the Health and Wellbeing forum thus it would be inappropriate to support this proposal, therefore the funding is being sought through the 0- 19 stream Recommendation that Local Committee agrees to the award of £1000 to the project

28 11 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Apprenticeships – experience of local employers alerts us to the fact that young people are not ready for work, they are lacking in basic skills. Inspira are working on this issue and would like to give a short presentation to the CYPWG. Action: Annie to email info to Gill Holmes - Gill to contact college

12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 21st February at 2.00pm


A2B NoWcard Progress Report to 31 October 2016

Card Statistics

A2B NoWcards issued per month Total Issued Total in circulation Renewed New U16 O16 Total April 2016 93 15 42 62 104 May 2016 43 11 67 95 162 June 2016 14 17 78 118 196 July 2016 9 9 84 124 208 August 2016 6 14 87 137 224 September 2016 2 7 90 140 230 October 2016 4 8 95 142 237 Totals *171 81 *60 renewed on-line

Distribution of cardholders

Number Postcode Town / Village of cards LA5 Arnside 1 LA6 Burton, Holme, Kirkby Lonsdale, Casterton 53 LA7 Milnthorpe, Hincaster, Storth, , Woodhouse, 51 Slackhead, Hale LA8 Staveley, Endmoor, Stainton, Barrrows Green, Levens 36 LA9 Kendal 26 LA10 Sedbergh 0 LA11 Grange over Sands, Witherslack, Allithwaite 7 LA12 Ulverston, Swarthmoor, Bardsea, Newby Bridge, 4 Haverthwaite, Penny Bridge LA17 Kirkby in Furness 0 LA20 Broughton in Furness 0 LA21 Coniston 2 LA22 Ambleside, Langdale, Grasmere, Elterwater 31 LA23 Windermere, Troutbeck 26

Passenger Journeys

The graph shows the difference in passenger numbers since April 2013.

30 Passenger numbers by service number for the months from April to October 2016

Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16

Service Operator Route Description Full Fare Full Fare Full Fare Full Fare Full Fare Full Fare Full Fare Trips Trips Trips Trips Trips Trips Trips Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent

6 Stagecoach Barrow-Windermere 1 £4.20 1 £2.90 1 £4.50 0 0 0 £0.00 0 £0.00 X6 Stagecoach Barrow-Ulverston 54 £239.20 55 £228.60 65 £268.50 69 £268.60 52 £222.50 51 £192.10 45 £174.90 502 Stagecoach Kendal-Brough 0 0 0 0 1 £7.10 0 0 0 0 0 £0.00 0 £0.00 505 Stagecoach Ambleside-Coniston 13 £77.90 7 £39.60 20 £129.90 24 £154.70 31 £208.30 11 £66.20 22 £142.50 506 Stagecoach Kendal-Shap 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 £21.00 0 £0.00 0 £0.00

31 516 Stagecoach Ambleside-Langdale 6 £25.20 5 £19.80 2 £7.20 8 £34.00 3 £17.10 3 £17.10 3 £12.80 530 Stagecoach Kendal-Cartmel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 £3.20 0 £0.00 0 £0.00 551 Stagecoach Kendal-Arnside 0 0 0 0 2 £7.90 4 29.2 1 £9.30 2 £11.60 0 £0.00 Arnside-M’thorpe- 552 Stagecoach 2 £10.10 0 0 5 £24.40 6 £33.40 1 £3.70 0 £0.00 2 £7.80 Kendal 555 Stagecoach Kendal-Keswick 117 £764.80 120 £829.00 107 £717.10 206 £1,515.30 188 £1,410.60 121 £815.50 109 £671.00 555 Stagecoach Kendal-Lancaster 147 £1,070.40 126 £911.20 219 £1,548.70 259 £1,913.80 284 £2,241.10 175 £1,264.60 214 £1,564.60 561 Stagecoach Kendal Town Centre 0 0 0 0 1 £2.40 0 0 1 £1.60 0 £0.00 1 £1.60 Kendal-Kirkby 567 Stagecoach 0 0 0 0 26 £141.30 27 £148.50 46 £244.30 17 £85.40 9 £46.30 Lonsdale Grasmere- 599 Stagecoach 36 £204.80 37 £229.00 68 £377.00 86 £502.20 113 £674.50 56 £295.80 51 £297.80 Windermere Carnforth- 755 Stagecoach 10 £55.60 9 £72.10 17 £147.30 14 £124.10 20 £162.40 11 £89.70 20 £129.90 Windermere Kirkby Lonsdale- 81 Stagecoach 12 £89.50 16 £109.20 9 £51.70 34 £252.30 51 £328.50 39 £301.80 16 £128.80 Lancaster Total 422 £2,680.90 393 £2,531.90 543 £3,433.40 738 £4,980.60 795 £5,548.10 486 £3,139.80 492 £3,178.00 Budget and Expenditure

Breakdown of reimbursement and journeys per month 2016/17 Reimbursement No. of journeys (across all services) April 2016 (actual) £1,743.43 422 May 2016 (actual) £1,816.28 393 June 2016 (actual) £2,395.80 543 July 2016 (actual) £3,534.23 738 August 2016 (actual) £3,877.26 795 September 2016 (actual) £2,209.25 486 October 2016 (actual) £2,273.58 492 November 2016 (forecast) £2,014.37 479 December 2016 (forecast) £1,899.38 423 January 2017 (forecast) £1,997.83 480 February 2017 (forecast) £2,267.59 542 March 2017 (forecast) £2,279.42 560 Total £28,308.42 6,353

Reimbursement to date totals £17,850. The figures above for November 2016 to March 2017 are based on 2015-16 reimbursement and usage, based on those figures the projected reimbursement for 2016-17 will be approximately £28,300.

Income and Expenditure Cards Produced Card Card Surplus to production Income Local costs Committee 252 £756 £1,890 £1,134

Olive Ashbridge 20 November 2016

32 APPENDIX D South Lakeland Local Committee Children & Young People’s Working Group 0 - 19 Funding

Meeting Date 19 October 2016

Name of Organisation CADAS

Project description and benefit to the community

CADAS is a well-respected and registered charity who has helped thousands of people and their families over the last 35 years offering holistic and strengths based approaches supporting individuals in recovery. Their approach is underpinned by the Asset-Based Community Development Model (ABCD). Their core service comprises of individual and group support, volunteering, peer mentoring and mutual aid via peer led support groups, programmes and workshops of educative and preventative initiatives. Cadas offers a range of support primarily delivered by trained volunteers to enable people in recovery to improve their emotional, physical and mental health. Cadas Workers have all been through the organisation’s award winning ‘Understanding and Working with Addictive Behaviour Course’; This covers a range of therapeutic models and how to use them whilst working with people to help them develop healthy coping strategies. Most also have other qualifications such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Counselling, Mindfulness and have been trained in Black Box use and Tapping. All Workers are subject to an Enhanced DBS check, mandatory monthly clinical supervision, as well as separate monthly Line Management appraisals.

CADAS has received requests for services for young people from a number of agencies and parents to deliver a programme to work with young people and their families who are at risk or who have problematic alcohol and substance use issues. They are overwhelmed with the level of linked carer, community and school referrals that they are unable to meet. Cumbria Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016 confirm that the rate of hospital admissions for substance misuse for 15 to 24 year olds is higher than the English average. Alcohol misuse is an area of significant concern: hospital admissions for those under 18 related to alcohol is almost 70% higher. The need for the service has been developed with local agencies across Barrow and South Lakes. These include Youth Offending, Children's Services, CAMHS, South Cumbria schools, local colleges, the police and South Cumbria alcohol strategic partners. There is currently only 1 Alcohol and outreach worker based in Children services in Barrow covering South lakes. This service supports their bid to strengthen the services to educate and raise awareness with young people and for those young people with alcohol and substance use issues.

The organisation is applying to Children & Young People’s Working group for funding towards the programme. They will offer young people aged 10-18 years a combination of structured group workshops (over 6 sessions) and 1 to 1 support (over 8 sessions) in which they can learn about emotional resilience and how it relates to themselves. There will be outreach workers who will deliver the service where it is most accessible and safe for the young person (eg Schools, youth clubs, carers homes). The programme aims to improve coping stratgies and/or an ability to make positive decisions to improve self-esteem and confidence. The project will

33 enable the group to identify those at greatest risk of developing substance use problems and offer them and their families targeted preventative support.

This project aims to improve the health and emotional wellbeing of the increasing numbers of young people and their families within the community who are at risk or who have problematic alcohol and substance use issues. High levels of poverty and social disadvantage in this area creates risk factors to using drugs and alcohol.

Cadas has extensive experience of working with young people and has learnt what works well. They use creative tools (such as drawing, collage making and play-doh) to help engage young people so they can safely express what is happening in their lives and develop understanding of their internal and external responses to these experiences. They also teach simple concepts to help understand how feelings, thoughts and behaviours work together. Through this work they gain new coping strategies & effective communication skills, improving their relationships with themselves and others. We aim to support those who are vulnerable to developing mental health issues due to their present circumstances.

Two unique interventions we use are:

1. Black Box (Acu-Stimulation) Treatment – this involves having small electrical impulses delivered to various points around the ear using a proffesional tens machine. This helps the body to produce natural endorphins and serotonin that reduces stress, anxiety, cravings and helps with relaxation.

2. Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) – This involves gentle tapping on Meridian Points and is done by the person themselves. We will teach them the process so they are able to use it outside of the sessions. Tapping is well used globally, backed by scientific research and produces excellent (and quick) results for reducing anxiety, stress, depression, physical pain, cravings and negative thought processes. This technique will empower young people to actively and quickly reduce their own levels of stress and anxiety in a variety of settings e.g. at home or in the school toilets.

It is important to us that our work helps to reduce stigma around mental ill health and break down barriers that prevent access to support, to challenge myths and judgemental attitudes and provide correct information. This is a key part to the group and 1-1 sessions. All young people will be worked with safely and their individual physical needs, cultural beliefs and sexual orientation are taken into account and respected.

Total Cost of Project £23659.10 Grant requested £5000

Date the project commences Wards: October 2016 South Lakeland Source(s) of other funding

Funding of £5000 has been agreed by the Barrow CYPWG £8,659 to Walney Windfarms applied for £5000 to Freemasons applied for

Does the project meet any of the following priorities?

Benefits Young People in South Lakeland Demonstrates community support & evidence of need

34 Demonstrates a range of funding support Provides Young People with a voice Supports Young People’s attainment Enables young people to access services in the District Officer’s comments / recommended conditions if grant approved

This grant recommendation is to help fund a 3 year programme to work with young people and their families who are at risk or who have problematic alcohol and substance use issues. The project’s target is to support 250 children and young people aged 10 to 18 (40 aged10 -11 and 210 aged 12 to 18) in South Lakeland


South Lakeland Local Committee Children & Young People’s Working Group 0 - 19 Funding

Meeting Date 7 December 2016

Name of Organisation Brathay Trust

Project details: Impact evaluation on the Kendal Schools Student Engagement Scheme delivered up to the summer of 2016.


Cllr Clare Feeney-Johnson had learned from numerous sources of a recent and troubling rise in the availability and use of illegal drugs amongst young people in Kendal of around Key Stage 3 (KS3) age. Meetings with QKS’s Assistant Headteacher/Head of KS3 and KKS’s Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral/behaviour for Learning) confirmed that:

 The Cllr’s picture of an increase in the availability and ‘normalisation’ of Class B drug use is accurate;  There is a small cohort - predominantly of Y8 & Y9 students - in both schools of particular concern, but whose behaviour and attitudes are judged to be still receptive to change;  There is a receptiveness to work in partnership / accept support (e.g. from Brathay Trust), and to release identified students from lessons etc in order to get these students back onto positive trajectories;  Additionally, both schools identified a staff training need in relation to drugs education which if met would initiate a ‘cascade’ of training within each school;  Both colleagues also remarked upon the scope for the proposed activity to be a catalyst for greater levels of inter-school co-operation around pastoral/behavioural issues, with a range of associated benefits (intelligence sharing, economies of scale e.g. in joint commissioning etc).

As a result, Brathay ran a programme for 6 consecutive weeks in June and July 2016 to support a number of KS3 students in Kendal’s secondary schools to make positive decisions in relation to how they spend their time and to help reduce the likelihood of them misusing substances/illegal drugs.

Proposed Impact Evaluation This research aims to understand and evidence the impact of the Kendal Schools Student Engagement Scheme delivered by Brathay Trust, ending July 2016. Research Questions:

1. What is the impact of the programme on young people’s school engagement? 2. What outcomes have had most impact?

36 3. What in particular attributed to this impact?

This will involve a triangulation of data collection from the following:

 Young people o Quantitative self-scores against each outcome, in order to compare to end of course scores. o Qualitative interviews, using photo elicitation (or other creative method, to elicit memories, application, etc.) to gather richer understanding and any attribution of any change to the Brathay intervention.  Teacher or significant adult o Quantitative score of the above outcomes o Qualitative pen portraits of young people (or interviewing) to gather richer understanding and attribution of any change to the Brathay programme  School data o Attitude, attendance and attainment o Pupil Premium or other relevant data o Compare pre and post programme data

Total Cost of Project £2400 Grant requested £634

Date the project commences End of January 2016 Wards: South Lakeland

Source(s) of other funding

Clare Feeney-Johnson LMR £566 Brathay fund raising £1200

Does the project meet any of the following priorities?

Benefits Young People in South Lakeland Demonstrates community support/evidence of need Demonstrates a range of funding support Provides Young People with a voice

Supports Young People’s attainment Enables young people to access services in the District

Officer’s comments / recommended conditions if grant approved

It is important to measure the success of the programme by following up how the young people who were targeted are managing to put their experiences from the course into their everyday lives and how their behaviour and attitude at school has changed. If Brathay are successful with their funding application, they will set up the meetings for the end of January and look to producing the final report by the end of February 2016. Perhaps this is something that we could look at extending to other schools in South Lakeland. 37 APPENDIX F

South Lakeland Local Committee Children & Young People’s Working Group 0 - 19 Funding

Meeting Date 7 December 2016

Name of Organisation South Cumbria Breastfeeding Support

South Cumbria Breastfeeding Support offers skilled help for mothers in South Cumbria (and their families) who breastfeed or wish to. Whilst breastfeeding is natural, it isn’t always easy. We want to:

1) Continue running free weekly drop-in groups at Windermere & Kendal for women who experience breastfeeding problems, want to build their confidence in breastfeeding in an understanding environment and who want to meet like-minded mothers. It is an important network for new mums who can often feel isolated and vulnerable (which coupled with wanting but being unable to breastfeed can be a high risk for postnatal depression). Some of the mums we support don’t have the confidence to breastfeed in public, which can have the effect of isolating them in their own homes and some are the only mum in their circle of friends who is breastfeeding. By linking mums with each other, we enhance their social network and reduce their isolation. We also help mums to continue breastfeeding after they return to work. By providing free help, we aim to ensure that all mums who want our support can access it. 2) Continue training mums to become ‘Well Informed Friends’ who offer voluntary mum-to-mum breastfeeding support within their own community and at our weekly drop-in sessions, which frees up our breastfeeding counsellor’s time to focus on more complicated feeding cases. Our training began in 2016 with 25 mothers taking part and more wishing to do so. 3) Research how best to offer support to young mothers (under 19 years). They tend not to go to playgroups and can find it hard to start breastfeeding, especially if there is no recent family history of it or if they are the only one in their peer group.

The World Health Organisation advises exclusive breastfeeding for the 1st 6 months but only 25% of UK babies are receiving any breastmilk at 6 months, and Cumbria is below the national average for breastfeeding initiation and continuation. A midwife or health visitor who has had the standard breastfeeding training (the Baby Friendly course) will have had 2 days training in breastfeeding. Our specialist support is provided by a dual qualified Breastfeeding Counsellor and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. This entails several hundred hours of training and clinical practice over numerous years and our groups are available for mothers to attend for as long as they wish.

38 Population Group Impact Drop in groups: There are approximately 500 attendances each year by mothers and family members (including some return visits).

Training: In 2016 we had 8 training sessions for 25 people in total and we hope to do the same in 2017. The aim is that they can support other mums locally, spreading the support net wider.It also acts as a springboard for those wishing to undertake further training by the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers.

Young Mums support is a new project. We have estimated that our Breastfeeding Counsellor (Ann Bruce) will spend 4 hours a week for 1 month researching how best to support young mums and formulating a strategy – this will include meetings as well as desk-based research e.g. visiting the Children’s Centre staff, working with a young mum contact, identifying other similar groups – regionally and/or nationally and speaking with them about what they do. Her sessional fees are £35/hour, this would amount to £560 in total. If it was felt that there was a strong need, we would then look for further funding to put that support in place. Our funding runs out at the end of February 2017. If we can secure further funding, Ann would begin her research in March 2017. We would love to receive at least £560 from your grant to help cover this piece of work.

Research There are breastfeeding support groups but this is the only one in Kendal, Windermere and environs. The groups in Kendal (Ghyllside Neighbourhood Centre) & Windermere (Manor Hotel) have been run since 2010 on a voluntary basis, but this became unsustainable as significant ongoing commitment was required from the Breastfeeding Counsellor, and so in 2016 we became a charity and developed the Well-Informed Friends scheme to relieve some of the work of the counsellor. In October 2015 we conducted an online survey to explore where and when people found out about the groups. We had 95 responses which helped us to develop how we make our group more visible and the comments showed the impact e.g. ‘Thank you so much for helping me breastfeed. I couldn’t have done it without your support.’ ‘The only way I fed my baby for so long, and even went back to work whilst feeding him, was because of the group.’ ‘The groups are invaluable. So supportive. Couldn’t have managed without them.’ We are currently conducting a similar survey which is also asking for qualitative feedback and so far the results are very positive; 80% of mums said that the group increased their confidence in breastfeeding, and 75% said that they got help or support that was not available elsewhere. We are involved in the local Maternity Services Liaison Committee which gathers feedback from parents about local services and we liaise with local Health Visitors and Midwives and we are a member of Cumbria County Council's Breastfeeding Strategy Group and get feedback from these. We can also see the results at our drop-in groups as mothers become increasingly able to feed their babies and more confident about getting out and about with their babies.

Anticipated outcomes  More mothers able to breastfeed their babies and offer support to other mothers  A strategy on how best to support younger mothers wanting to breastfeed  Continued involvement with local health trusts and health care professionals to encourage better training and practices.  Healthier, happier mothers and babies, a greater understanding, appreciation and acceptance of breastfeeding in general.

39 Sustainability We anticipate the project being a long-term venture since difficulties in breastfeeding won’t miraculously disappear. We recognise that charging attendees would help to finance our work however we are keen to make it accessible to all mothers, especially when new mothers’ finances can be particularly pinched following or during maternity leave. We hope that the Well Informed Friends training will help to spread the support further, and that continued and greater working relations with the healthcare professionals and their improved training may help some of the problems we see but there will still be the need for somewhere for mums to go where breastfeeding is normal.

Proposed evaluation methods: By repeating our 2015 survey & asking people how and when they found out about the group and what impact it has made to their breastfeeding experiences and then analysing the differences between the 2 surveys to see what has changed and why. £11,000 Minimum of £560 Total Cost of Project Grant requested

We are looking for approximately £11,000 in total for our charity for March 2017-Feb 2018. This is broken down into the following: Breastfeeding counsellor sessional fees £7840 Ann is paid £35 per training session and drop-in group; the rest of her time e.g. meetings, research etc. is currently voluntary. Rent & rates £1700 Insurance £ 200 Promotional material (including design & production of leaflets, flyers, £ 500 banner) Volunteer expenses e.g. DBS checks £ 180 Website hosting & maintenance £ 70 Reference books (we lend these to mothers) and some fundraising £ 350 equipment e.g. hook-a-duck (so that we can do more fundraising events)

Date the project commences March 2017 Wards: South Lakeland

Source(s) of other funding

After March 2017 we will not have any funding left for the project (we received Awards for All funding last year). We have recently applied to several grant-giving bodies including:  The Frieda Scott Charitable Trust £9340, should we receive offers of support from the other potential funders, I shall inform the FSCT so that this can be taken into account in their assessment of our application.  Windermere Taverners £680 - we received £250 last year and expect a similar or lesser amount if we are successful.  Lakeland Ltd and Kendal Rotary Club for any support they can give.  we have approached Asda about their token scheme We attend various events to raise funds and raise our profile e.g. we raised £200 at Ambleside Winter Lights last weekend and we will have a tree at Kendal Parish Church Christmas Tree Festival this December, and we will continue to do more of these events in the future in order to raise funds ourselves and increase our profile, so some of the donations we are asking from funders will help us to buy equipment to do this

Does the project meet any of the following priorities?

40 Benefits Young People in South Lakeland Demonstrates community support/evidence of need Demonstrates a range of funding support Provides Young People with a voice Supports Young People’s attainment Enables young people to access services in the District

Officer’s comments / recommended conditions if grant approved


Notes of the meeting of South Lakeland Local Committee Strategic Planning Working Group held on 6th December 2016.

Attended by: Cllrs N Cotton, S Sanderson, I Stewart, M Wilson Also attending: Cllr B Gray Karen Johnson, Area Manager Gae Hicks, Community Development Assistant Richard Johnston, Senior Manager Active Cumbria Colin Renshaw, Chairman Sandgate Hydrotherapy Trust Gretl Cook, Manager, Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool Jenny Wain, Project Officer, Morecambe Bay Partnership

1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest No apologies were received. Cllr Stewart declared an interest in the discussion around the funding request from the Morecambe Bay Partnership and left the meeting at that point.

2. Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool – Annual Report and Update Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool is a well-established and well-used facility which is run by Cumbria County Council with support from the South Lakes Hydrotherapy Trust. Colin Renshaw, Chairman of the Trust reported that since 2012/13 the Trust has raised £190k which has been put towards refurbishment work at the pool, including, among other things, a new chlorine dosage system, new boilers (which have significantly reduced heating costs) and upgrades to the changing rooms. The County Council and the Trust have well defined roles in relation to the pool and this makes it easier for the Trust when fundraising and promoting the pool. There is also a Friends group which raise funds through producing craft items to sell and holding quizzes and coffee mornings. The Pool is a “jewel in the crown” for Kendal but is also very well-known and appreciated outside the local area for the work it does. The Pool team and the Trust have an ambition to have the facility recognised as a Centre of Excellence and have already hosted a specialist training event for physiotherapists. A short video of the pool in use is available at: This link was circulated to all members after the meeting. Over the coming year the main focus will be work based on recommendations in an energy survey, carried out by Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAFS) which will help to reduce costs even further, and make the facility more energy efficient.

42 The pool receives the support of all tiers of local authority as well as the local CCG but with changes in how services are commissioned and funded likely to be introduced from 2018 the Trustees and CCC realise there is a need to steer away from grant funding towards becoming a commissioned service, across the whole of the Morecambe Bay Health area. To help build a case for this CCC and the Pool staff have introduced a system to capture evidence of the overall improvement and benefits the pool brings to its users. Using the MYOP (Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Programme) system, an academically recognised survey method, pool users are encouraged to complete 2 questionnaires with the help of pool staff. The questions track the difference people feel in the severity of their symptoms when they first come to use the pool and the second is a repeat of the same questions when they have been using the pool for some time. The first batch of data registered an average of 2.2 points of improvement for users most severe symptoms – an improvement of more than 1 point is considered to be statistically significant. Staff will continue to capture this data on a regular basis to form part of ongoing monitoring and result will be included in future Annual Reports. Correspondingly there are also potential savings to be realised in other areas of NHS care and treatment by users not having to visit their GP or hospital so frequently. Members asked that the Annual Report be shared as widely as possible, especially through GP surgeries, maybe in an A5 booklet format as this was felt to be better than the leaflets which are currently circulated to advertise the pool. They were also pleased to note the active and positive involvement of the SLHT which has led to such a transformation of the pool over the last four years or so. Members asked that as much as possible is done to explore the idea of the pool gaining savings for the wider health system and to widen the sources for referrals – at present the majority come from the physiotherapy team at Westmorland General and the James Cochrane GP practice. Members were advised that regular visits are made to GP practices to try to raise awareness and promote the importance of the pool and its facilities but it is not always possible to speak directly to the GPs themselves. The pool is open 7 days per week and from Monday – Friday is open 12 hours each day.

3. Kendal Strategic Transport Infrastructure Study Cllr Cotton asked for this item to remain on the agenda but there was no further update as the next joint meeting is being held on 7th December to present the interim report.

43 4. 2016/17 Monitoring Report and Budget Update The Area Manager presented her monitoring report which includes current budget balances and advised members to seek to commit remaining balances before the end of the financial year in March. As always there is a risk that any unallocated funds may be clawed back. Members asked about Item 5 on the report regarding the South Lakes Credit Union and the latest report that it is to join forces with the Eden Credit Union. The Area Manager advised that £10k was still being held in reserve to support the Credit Union but they had not yet drawn on this. A suggestion was made that some funding could be committed to a Community Transport Study. The Area Manager also advised that she had been contacted by Kendal Rugby Club which is looking to a second phase of development involving a new building on its new site offering facilities to bring in between 7 and 9 other sports clubs and a community gym. They are currently £250k short of the estimated funding required and a formal request for Local Committee funding needs to be worked up. Members agreed to this request for funding being brought to the next working group and asked that a detailed plan and a site map also be presented to the next meeting. Members were provided with a breakdown by area of spending year to date on Community Grants. A total of £42,154 remains unallocated across seven of the eight areas (Grange and Cartmel has allocated its funds) and members were asked to promote the availability of these grants for capital spend to any interested community groups in their divisions.

5. Funding requests: Morecambe Bay Partnership Jenny Wain, Project Officer for Morecambe Bay Partnership, presented members with a request for funding to commission a feasibility study on the potential of opening up a shared cycle and walking route around the Bay using the railway viaducts across the River Kent at Arnside and across the River Leven estuary. There is a need to understand more fully what economic benefits such a project could bring to the surrounding areas and the study would have to be carried out to an appropriate level of detail. There would be a requirement for a business case which meets standards and ensure they were able to commit to their infrastructure becoming the core link in the project. However, whilst the use of the viaducts is central to the planned route the study would need to have a broader view in ascertaining if additional economic value could be added to facilities and communities along and near to the route. This could cost an additional amount. £30.5k of funding for the £45k study has already been secured and alongside the request for £10k from Local Committee the Partnership is also in discussion with landowners including the Dallam Estate and Holker regarding contributions to the shortfall in funding.

44 It was confirmed that this new route would be an addition to the Morecambe Bay Cycle Route launched in June 2015 and might join up with the proposed route for the English Coastal Path. Members were generally not convinced about the need for another route and in Ulverston they are already having separate discussions firstly with Highways about improving options for cycling along and adjacent to the A590 and secondly about bringing more cyclists and walkers through the town centre rather than using routes which bypass it completely. Other communities and landowners have strong feelings about the intrusion of the English Coastal Path in particular and might be unhappy about yet another new route. In general it was felt that missing links on existing routes should be addressed before any additional route was developed and members decided not to make any recommendation for funding.

Kirkby Lonsdale Institute Kirkby Lonsdale is one of the 8 key service centres in South Lakeland as identified in the Local Area Plan and Local Committee has adopted an asset based approach to community development to enable communities to realise their aspirations and develop their assets The Area Manager reported that Kirkby Lonsdale Town Council had recently held a well-attended meeting to discuss its Community Pan and a recurring point was the need to update the Lunesdale Hall. A feasibility study would identify the most effective means of carrying out modernisation to utilise the building to its full capacity and ensuring its long term viability as a community asset. Whilst no formal request for funding has been received such a study would enable the Town Council to assess the future benefits of upgrading this essential community facility and enable it to support bids for other funding to carry out the work. Members were pleased to agree their support for a feasibility study.

Recommendation That Local committee agrees to award £10k to Kirkby Lonsdale Town council towards the costs of a feasibility study on the modernisation and future use of the Lunesdale Hall.

6. Date for next meeting Members agreed that the next meeting will take place on Tuesday 7th February 2017, at 3.00 pm in Committee Room 2 at County Offices, Kendal


Project Name: Kirkby Lonsdale, Community Hub Development

Author(s): Karen Johnson Unit/Directorate: Health, Care and Communities Audience: Strategic Planning Working Group Date: 6th December 2016


Members will recall that some time ago, as part of its area planning activity, this Local Committee recognised the 8 main towns across South Lakeland. These towns continue to serve as important centres for the surrounding communities who travel to access health services, banking, shopping and a wide range of services not available in the surrounding rural areas.

At the same time this Local Committee has adopted an asset based approach to community development which will enable and support communities to build on their assets. Working with town and parish councils to help them realise their aspirations for their area is a key priority of this Local Committee.


The Kirkby Lonsdale Town Council is presently developing a Community Plan which will explore a number of opportunities in the local area, including economic development, community cohesion, infrastructure development etc. In 2015 the town council held a community consultation meeting to learn how local people viewed the town at present and how they see it growing and developing in the future. Over 80 people took part in that exercise which provided a number of areas for further exploration.

One of those opportunities focuses on Lunesdale Hall, which is a centrally located community hub, which provides the setting for public meetings and is also as a venue for a range of community run clubs. The building itself has not been modernised for many years and due to changing needs/interests of the community, not all of the space is used to maximum benefit.

46 Now that the town is expanding and drawing in greater numbers of residents, there is an opportunity to look again at the space at the Lunesdale Hall. Re-imagining the space to maximise use and provide a vibrant area for community and business use will not only serve the local community well but will also ensure the long term viability of the building.

Should a reconfigured Lunesdale Hall be able to offer the space required, it will create an opportunity for other complementary community services to be placed within it, for example the Library and Community Learning.

At present the Library is a few yards away, set back from the road in a detached building owned by SLDC. It has been broken into on a number of occasions with the computers stolen each time. Co-location with other services would, through self-serve, enable the Library to be ‘open’ more than the 17 hours it is presently, including weekends potentially. Community Learning opportunities could also be developed with computer tablets being on offer through the library.

Small/medium sized businesses which need a space in the town centre but don’t want a full building may be attracted to this hub if modernised to a professional standard, again drawing in annual revenue.

3. Next Steps

Before this can proceed any further it is necessary for a full feasibility study to be carried out on the building, identifying opportunities, highlighting barriers and providing an analysis of the viability of a re- configured community and business space.

As this is a speculative approach, should the feasibility study prove that this is a viable proposition, the Town Council will have the evidence to support capital grant bids to large funders.

4. Recommendation

The cost of a study will be no more than £15K and therefore a contribution of £10K from Local Committee, along with a request to SLDC for the remaining £5K, is being proposed.

47 Appendix I South Lakeland Local Committee - Monitoring Report to December 2016


Priority: Promoting sustainable economic growth and creating jobs

1 Kendal January Business Improvement Businesses within On-going interest from Local £5K Karen Johnson Divisions 2014 District Kendal BID reporting Committee re. the Economic increased revenue and development of the BID and its Initiatives footfall impact on the economic plus growth of the town. £4,882 per annum

48 £5K contributed in 2012 to (2015/16 to support the creation of a 2019/20) Kendal BID. 1st year of BID Economic charge (2014/15) paid Initiatives centrally.

Last update - June ’16

2 Ulverston 28th Business Improvement Businesses within Decision from LC (28/01/15) to £5K Karen Johnson East & January District Ulverston BID reporting vote in favour of an Ulverston Economic Ulverston 2015 increased revenue and wide BID. Voting took place Initiatives West footfall by post between 26/02/15 and plus 26/03/15. Yes vote received. £861 per annum Last update – August ‘16 (2015/16 to 2020/21 COST/ ELECTORAL DATE OUTCOMES/ CURRENT BUDGET (£) RESPONSIBLE ITEM ISSUE/DESCRIPTION DIVISION AGREED OUTPUTS STATUS/INFORMATION TO LOCAL OFFICER COMMITTEE

3 Kendal 18th May Kendal Strategic In support of the Local £60K cost of study to be £30K Karen Johnson / Divisions 2016 Transport Infrastructure Plan refresh, identify shared between Local Economic Michael Barry Study options to deliver Committee, SLDC (£20K) and Initiatives i) Strategic growth of Kendal Town Council (£10K). and General the town Provisions ii) Reduce congestion Consultants, Mott McDonald, (50/50) iii) Improve resilience commissioned and started & accessibility to August ’16. existing employment areas Steering Group meeting and 49 iv) Consider resilience Member Workshop help in of M6 corridor in September and October ‘16. Kendal area Interim report to Steering Group on 7/12/16.

Priority: Improving Health and Well-being and Tackling Poverty

4 All April 2016 Money Management People able to get out Delivered through Citizens £47,550 Julie Batsford Advice & Support and stay out of debt Advice Bureau. Annual Money Tel: 07824 updates on progress to LC Advice 821450 (last report July 2015; next Contract September ‘16)

5 South 24th March South Lakeland Credit South Lakeland Liaison with Credit Union £10K Karen Johnson Lakeland 2014 Union residents able to Steering Group and key ring-fenced COST/ ELECTORAL DATE OUTCOMES/ CURRENT BUDGET (£) RESPONSIBLE ITEM ISSUE/DESCRIPTION DIVISION AGREED OUTPUTS STATUS/INFORMATION TO LOCAL OFFICER COMMITTEE access affordable credit stakeholders to propel this Area Plan and savings forward. Funding gap filled by Budget Local Committee and SLDC to enable group to submit application to the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) September 2014. Approval received from PRA August 2015. Launched November ’15.

CCC supporting to find suitable collection points in

50 communities and through libraries. Last update July ‘16

Latest announcement: SL CU to merge with Eden CU. Details to be confirmed.

6 All April 2016 Sandgate Hydrotherapy Improve the health and Trustees and Active Cumbria £33K K Johnson Pool mobility of people with manager working together to (Revenue) Tel: 713157 / disabilities consider continual £11K Richard improvement and greater (Capital) Johnston sustainability of the pool. Sandgate Pool Request to CCG for continued financial support to the pool. COST/ ELECTORAL DATE OUTCOMES/ CURRENT BUDGET (£) RESPONSIBLE ITEM ISSUE/DESCRIPTION DIVISION AGREED OUTPUTS STATUS/INFORMATION TO LOCAL OFFICER COMMITTEE

7 All July 2016 School Crossing Site Improved road safety Highways identified schools £10,664 K Johnson / Assessments around local schools across South Lakeland which allocated Victoria Upton currently have flashing safely 28/01/15 lights. Agreed that they are in the right places. Speed awareness signs outside schools require attention - some are in a poor state of repair. Members to identify which signs require attention 51 and if possible send in photographic evidence to Highways for action.

8 South 19th Flood Recovery The Local Committee is Red Cross co-ordinator for £10K Karen Johnson Lakeland January able to respond quickly South Lakeland – John Milburn (Economic 2016 to emerging need and - in place and working closely Initiatives support local initiatives with Area Team. Supporting and General which will help affected Flood recovery work, ensuring Provision) people to return to all flood affected individuals normality. and families are registered and receiving support. Total of 150 homes remaining unoccupied as at Nov ’16.

Ambleside Group supported in immediate aftermath of floods to produce film for widespread COST/ ELECTORAL DATE OUTCOMES/ CURRENT BUDGET (£) RESPONSIBLE ITEM ISSUE/DESCRIPTION DIVISION AGREED OUTPUTS STATUS/INFORMATION TO LOCAL OFFICER COMMITTEE use demonstrating the area is open for business. 52 Agenda Item 8


Meeting date: 24th January 2017

From: Corporate Director – Economy and Highways



1.1 This report presents the Highways Revenue and Devolved Capital and Non-Devolved Capital Budget finance reports and updates members as to current progress on these budget lines as detailed in the attached appendices.


2.1 The County Council met in February 2016 to agree the capital and revenue budget allocations to all Local Committees for the devolved highway maintenance budget.

2.2 Effective and efficient maintenance of the highway network underpins all of the County Council’s corporate strategies.

2.3 There are no equality implications arising out of this report.


3.1 That Local Committee note the revenue and capital budget allocations for 2016/17 and the commitments and expenditure recorded to the end of November 2016 and shown in Appendices 1, 2 and 3.


4.1 The attached appendices give details of budget allocations by project and expenditure to date. This is a new format which is still being finalised. 4.2 The Highways Revenue budget is showing, at the end of November 2016, expenditure for the year to date of £506,011 against an annual budget of

53 £1,116,725. Members are asked to note the budget line “Not Specified” with a negative budget of £35,287. This represents the brought forward revenue overspend from 2015/16. It is intended that the Better Highways Budget line will be underspent to the tune of £85,081 at the end of the financial year to balance out this brought forward overspend and the predicted overspend of £50,000 within the gulley cleansing operation. Currently the forecast is showing a predicted overspend of £1,006 at the end of the year. Appendix 1 to this report details spend against revenue lines at the end of November 2016.

4.3 The Highways Devolved Capital Budget is showing, at end of November 2016, expenditure for the year to date of £4,093,225 against an annual budget of £5,576,000. Again, Members are asked to note “Budget Holding/Unallocated” which represents the brought forward underspend of £515,000 from 2015/16. This funding has been used to deliver the additional surfacing and patching required to host the Tour of Britain stage within South Lakeland Additional surfacing schemes from the list of schemes already approved by Members at the May Local Committee meeting will also be delivered against this budget. Currently the forecast is showing a predicted overspend of £102,598 at the end of the year. The Minor Drainage Works and Minor Carriageway Patching budget lines are forecast to be overspent by the end of the year, reflecting the local importance attributed to these workstreams since the winter storms of 2015/16. Footway schemes have been delivered (or are expected to be delivered) at values less than the original estimates and some named drainage schemes are being deferred into 2017/18. Appendix 2 to this report details spend against individual budget lines at the end of November 2016.

4.4 The Highways Non-Devolved Capital Budget is showing, at end of November 2016, expenditure for the year to date of £2,509,773 against a revised annual budget of £3,114,498. This increase in budget from the original budget allocation of £2,778,332. is due to the additional “Pot Hole” funding of £336,166 received from DfT. Currently the forecast is showing a predicted overspend of £99,547 mainly due to additional works undertaken as part of the Kendal resurfacing works and works undertaken at the end of last financial year as part of the flood recovery. The Capital programme team are managing this overspend as part of the overall Countywide budget. Appendix 3 to this report details spend against individual budget lines at the end of November 2016.


5.1 This Committee may decide to vire money between budget headings. The Committee is not able to vire money from capital budgets into revenue budgets.


6.1 Appendices 1 to 3 show the position as at end of November 2016 for the devolved revenue, devolved capital and non devolved capital budgets. It is

54 for Local Committee to allocate resources within the devolved revenue and devolved capital budgets to specified programmes of Highways work.

6.2 The devolved capital budget is forecast to be overspent by a net £102,598. The Highways Network Manager has set out in paragraph 4.3 the reasons for the forecast devolved capital overspend and the actions which have partially mitigated it. (NG 13/01/17)


7.1 The recommendation in this report does not contain any legal implications. However, Local Committee could take decisions that have future legal implications. When allocating and moving money between budgets, Local Committee must follow the rules set by the Council following its consideration of the ‘Revenue Budget 2016/17 and Medium Term Financial Plan (2016-19) and Draft Capital Programme (2016/2021)’ report on 18 February 2016 and any such additional restrictions set by Cabinet and/or Council regulating the use of such funds. (ILA 5.1.2017)


8.1 At this stage, both the devolved Highways Revenue and Capital budgets are forecast to be close to budget at the financial year end.

Dominic Donnini Corporate Director – Economy and Highways

January 2017

Please ensure that every part of this section where there is an asterisk* is completed in accordance with the instructions before sending the report to Democratic Services, following which please delete this sentence.


Appendix 1 – Devolved Highways Revenue Budget to the end of November 2016 Appendix 2 – Devolved Highways Capital Budget to the end of November 2016 Appendix 3 – Non-Devolved Highways Capital Budget to the end of November 2016

Electoral Division(s): All South Lakeland

* Please remove whichever option is not applicable

Yes* Executive Decision

55 Key Decision No*

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A*

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No*

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A* Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No* If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No* undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No*

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and necessary approvals have been obtained.


No previous relevant decisions.


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.


No background papers.


Contact: Peter Hosking, [email protected]

Tel – 0300 303 2992

56 Local Committees Highways Revenue Budget 2016/17 Totals to the end of November South Lakeland Block Category Revised Actual Forecast Variance Budget 1. Better Highways BH - Teams 651,012 212,565 565,931 (85,081) 1. Better Highways Total 651,012 212,565 565,931 (85,081) 2. Programmed Maintenance Cleansing 140,000 41,655 190,042 50,042 2. Programmed Maintenance Verge Maintenance 155,000 127,192 155,000 0 2. Programmed Maintenance Total 295,000 168,847 345,042 50,042 3. Lighting Lighting and Signs 170,000 103,307 170,758 758 3. Lighting Traffic Signal Maintenance 36,000 16,619 36,000 0 3. Lighting Total 206,000 119,926 206,758 758 4. Flooding Floods - Recovery 0 (1,450) 0 0 4. Flooding Floods - Response 0 596 0 0 4. Flooding Total 0 (854) 0 0 57 5. Other Other (35,287) 5,526 35,287 5. Other Total (35,287) 5,526 0 35,287 Grand Total 1,116,725 506,011 1,117,731 1,006 This page is intentionally left blank Local Committee Highways Capital 2016/17 Totals to the end of November South Lakeland Cost Centre + Description Project Code + Description Electoral Division Annual Budget YTD Payments Forecast (£) Variance (£) RAG Status Comment (£) QSLADDL Dev to LC addl 15/16 Sth Lk QSLADDL00 Budget Holding / unallocated 625,000 0 625,000 0 QSLADDL Dev to LC addl 15/16 Sth Lk QSLADDL01 BH Permanent Repairs 0 649,141 0 0 QSLADDL Dev to LC addl 15/16 Sth Lk Total 625,000 649,141 625,000 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes 0 NOT SPECIFIED 0 0 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes FL0116002 NON BELLWIN EXPENSE(CAPITAL) 0 0 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QFLOOD2AC SOUTH IRP TEMP CODE 0 0 44,413 44,413 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN00 Budget Holding / unallocated 195,766 0 0 (195,766) QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN01 Pre Surface Treatment Patching Various 650,000 465,534 650,000 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN02 Surface Dressing Various 855,000 779,183 800,000 (55,000) a bed not delivered QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN04 Minor Drainage Works Various 450,000 539,306 650,000 200,000 Many minor works to prevent property flooding QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN05 Minor Footway Patching Various 233,000 73,061 233,000 0 59 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN06 Column replacement Various 204,000 147,358 210,000 6,000 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN07 Review of Traffic Regs 0 0 0 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN08 Minor Carriageway Patching Various 325,000 579,861 664,000 339,000 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN20 Members - Cartmel Cartmel 6,000 3,630 6,000 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN21 Members Works - Grange Grange 6,000 11,824 14,824 8,824 15/16 schemes paid for in 16/17 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN22 Members Works HighFurness High Furness 6,000 7,254 10,000 4,000 15/16 schemes paid for in 16/17 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN23 Members Works KendalCastle Kendal Castle 6,000 283 4,000 (2,000) 15/16 schemes paid for in 16/17 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN24 Members Kendal Highgate Kendal Highgate 6,000 16 1,000 (5,000) QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN25 Members - Kendal Nether Kendal Nether 6,000 296 1,000 (5,000) Traffic order on hold - flood area QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN26 Members Works Kendal Sth Kendal South 6,000 6,045 6,045 45 Endmoor to Kendal 50 MPH scheme QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN27 Members Kendal Strickland Kendal Strickland 6,000 396 2,000 (4,000) QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN28 Members Works KentEstuary Kent Estuary 6,000 5,277 5,277 (723) Milnthorpe Traffic order from 15/16 implimented QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN29 Members Works - Lakes Lakes 6,000 1,778 6,000 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN30 Members Works Low Furness Low Furness 6,000 4,405 7,500 1,500 15/16 schemes delivered in 16/17 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN31 MembersWorks LowerKentdale Lower Kentdale 6,000 471 3,000 (3,000) QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN32 Members Works Lyth Valley Lyth Valley 6,000 1,421 1,500 (4,500) QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN33 Members Sedbergh-Kirkby L Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale 6,000 6,553 8,500 2,500 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN34 Members Works Ulverston E Ulverston E 6,000 2,378 4,500 (1,500) QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN35 Members Works Ulverston W Ulverston W 6,000 4,527 5,000 (1,000) 15/16 schemes undertaken in 16/17 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN36 Members Works Upper Kent Upper Kent 6,000 2,943 7,500 1,500 15/16 schemes delivered in 16/17 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRN37 Members Works Windermere Windermere 6,000 2,671 6,000 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAA C5058 Carus Green, Kendal Upper Kent 0 (178) 58,500 58,500 15/16 scheme. QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAB Churchill Ct, Burneside Drain Upper Kent 15,000 19,314 19,314 4,314 Complete - easement costs increased scheme cost. QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAF NPRN Surf dressingPatching1516 Various 0 0 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAG Canal Hd Sth.Bridge St to End Kendal Nether 30,000 0 43,000 13,000 Night enhancements QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAH TramLn KirkbyLonsdale45mminlay Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale 9,679 9,679 9,679 0 To be funded from Brought Foward Underspend QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAI U5766 Ash Street Bowness Recon Windermere & Bowness 98,000 2,463 70,000 (28,000) Tender now awarded QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAJ Minor C/way Patching 15/16 Various 0 0 0 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAL Minor Drainage Works 15/16 Various 0 (216) 0 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAM Minor Footway Patching 15/16 Various 0 (1,856) 0 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAN Roadlightingcolumn replace1516 Various 0 (6,614) 0 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAO A6Blue Bell Heversham Drainage Lower Kentdale 25,000 9,242 25,000 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAP U676BolefootOxenholme Drainage Kendal South 16,000 8,378 8,378 (7,622) Complete -Delivered under budget QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAQ A6Milnthorpe ChurchSt Drainage Kent Estuary 67,100 1,568 67,100 0 potential overspend due to land issues QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAS A593 BroughtonTwr-Hwaite Drain Kent Estuary 0 0 0 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAT Brookfield Cl, Holme F/W Lower Kentdale 15,000 160 9,000 (6,000) complete QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAV Burneside Rd, Kendal F/W Upper Kent 0 46 0 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAW RydalRd 1-21 see 61/1205109 FW Kendal Nether 10,000 135 4,000 (6,000) complete QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAX Hallbarrow to S of Heversham Lower Kentdale 40,000 77 24,500 (15,500) complete QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAY Seedfield, Staveley F/W Upper Kent 55,000 198 40,900 (14,100) complete QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNAZ NPRN Road Markings Various 100,000 26,550 95,000 (5,000) QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNBA Speed Monitoring Various 10,000 2,476 5,000 (5,000) QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNBB B5281 The Ellers Fr Quebec St Ulverston E 23,100 0 35,000 11,900 still to be ordered QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNBC B6254 Rd fr Burton R Kendal Castle 40,500 62,505 62,505 22,005 Complete - Additional works undertaken. QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNBD B5285 Ferry Approach Lyth Valley 47,000 50,329 50,329 3,329 Complete - additional Night enhancement costs QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNBE B6254 K Lonsdale to Boundary Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale 50,000 45,959 45,959 (4,041) Complete - Delivered under budget QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNBF U937 Sawmill Close Kendal Kendal Nether 0 733 0 0 To be journalled QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNBG C5048 Greenside Kendal Jct Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale 0 0 0 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNBJ U5785 Meadow Road Windermere Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale 0 24 0 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNBK U5724 Kennedy St Rr Ulverston Ulverston East 9,608 9,608 9,608 0 Complete QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNBL U5398 School Ln Church to Wand Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale 44,200 2,042 36,000 (8,200) Mitchelgate resurfaced in place of this. This was Surface dressed. QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNBM U5670 Spring Bank Road Grange Grange 26,000 23,934 24,105 (1,895) Complete QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNBO U5745 Broad St Windermere Windermere & Bowness 16,200 16,070 30,000 13,800 Complete - Additional works. Resufaced all the road rather than half QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNBP U5627 Longmeadow Lane Kendal South 32,200 0 32,200 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNBS U5356 Waith Sutton towd M6 Bdg Lower Kentdale 42,650 57,455 57,455 14,805 Complete - Additional Works undertaken QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNBW U5451 Carr Bank Rd Jct Sandsd Kent Estuary 0 757 0 0 To be journalled QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNBZ U923 Kendal Parks Road Kendal Kendal Nether 45,500 20,598 20,598 (24,902) Complete - Kendal Parkside Road Drainage QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCC U5818 Fairgarth Dr Fairview KL Kendal Nether 0 0 0 0 Complete - £12500 Funded through Minor Carriageway Patching QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCF U5724 Kennedy St Rear Ulverstn Ulverston East 9,947 9,947 9,947 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCH U5789 Back Belsfield Rd Bownss Ulverston East 0 24 0 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCJ A65 Biggins Lane/A65 Junction Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale 25,000 4,024 15,000 (10,000) Design under budget. Still to be delivered QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCK A684 Sedbergh Rd, Kendal Drge Kendal Nether 20,000 0 0 (20,000) Deferred to 17/18 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCL A6 Princess Way, Heversham Drg Kent Estuary 10,000 1,450 7,500 (2,500) Complete QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCM A65 Millness Drainage Lower Kentdale 15,000 0 0 (15,000) Deferred 17/18 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCN A65 Kirby Lonsdale Drainage Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale 50,000 32 500 (49,500) QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCO A592 Newby Bridge to Bowness Lyth Valley 19,900 0 0 (19,900) UU are doing this work QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCP A591 Bannerigg Drainage Windermere & Bowness 15,000 0 3,431 (11,569) Works substantially complete QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCQ A593 Ashley Green Drainage Lakes 15,000 0 15,000 0 Works ongoing QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCS The Hermitage, Chappels Drg Low Furness 14,000 6,745 14,000 0 Additional works undertaken and required in immediate location QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCT Between Burneside/Bowston Drg Upper Kent 20,000 0 0 (20,000) QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCU Riggmaden Drainage Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale 20,000 0 20,000 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCV Jubilee Lane, Lupton Drainage Lower Kentdale 15,000 0 0 (15,000) Defer 17/18 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCW C5071 Natland Road - Soakaway Kendal South 10,000 0 0 (10,000) Sorted by new development QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNCX C5034 Red Lane - Drainage Low Furness 20,000 0 0 (20,000) Defer to 17/28 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDB C5036 Pennington School Low Furness 15,000 0 15,000 0 Design complete. Programmed for Feb half term QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDD U5626 Lowfield, Oxenholme Lane Kendal South 15,000 0 0 (15,000) Defer 17/18 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDF Underley Estate, Kendal F/W Kendal Strickland 40,000 92 30,000 (10,000) Complete QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDG Hawkeshead Sqs & Fountain St High Furness 70,000 1,967 50,000 (20,000) Tender awarded QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDH B5278 f/w Cark towards Holker Cartmel 25,000 137 12,000 (13,000) complete QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDI Langdale Cres, Kendal F/W Kendal Nether 30,000 32 25,500 (4,500) ordered QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDJ U5699 Hest View Rd nr 33 F/W Kendal Nether 5,500 73 16,000 10,500 ordered. Including Additional Works QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDK C5056 Church Vw, Staveley F/W Upper Kent 15,000 0 0 (15,000) No Scheme Required. Minor works only

60 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDL B6254 Main St K Lonsdale F/W Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale 20,000 65 15,000 (5,000) ordered QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDM U5582 Kingsley Ave Swarthmoor Low Furness 6,500 65 14,000 7,500 ordered. Additional works QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDN U5162 Moorside F/W Cartmel 17,000 73 13,000 (4,000) ordered QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDU C5031 Church Rd,Urswick Surf Low Furness 113,500 116,908 117,000 3,500 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDV C5096 Silverdale Rd, Arnside S Kent Estuary 31,000 42,381 42,381 11,381 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDW U687 Canal Head North Kendal Nether 62,000 896 62,000 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDX U687 Bridge Street, Kendal Kendal Nether 28,150 182 28,150 0 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDY S Lakes Tour of Britain Patchi Various 252,000 251,086 252,000 0 to be funded from Brought forward underspend QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes QSLNPRNDZ Storth Road, Quarry Ln - Langd Various 38,000 0 42,000 4,000 QSLNPRN Devolved to LC NPRN Sth Lakes Total 4,951,000 3,444,084 5,053,598 102,598 Grand Total 5,576,000 4,093,225 5,678,598 102,598 Non Devolved Highways Capital 2016/17 Totals to the end of November South Lakeland Cost Centre + Description Project Code + Description Electoral Division Annual Budget YTD Payments Forecast (£) Variance (£) RAG Status Comment (£) QSLAESS ITB ESS South Lakes QSLAESSAB A5087 Ulverston study/measure Low Furness 0 (58,507) 63,500 63,500 QSLAESS ITB ESS South Lakes QSLAESSAC A591 Windermere study Windermere & Bowness 0 367 367 367 QSLAESS ITB ESS South Lakes QSLAESSAD A683 Sedbergh Study Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale 0 442 442 442 Done last year QSLAESS ITB ESS South Lakes QSLAESSAE A595 High Cross Brow Duddon Br Low Furness 0 1,530 1,530 1,530 Works Complete QSLAESS ITB ESS South Lakes QSLAESSAF Bowness on Windermere Study Windermere & Bowness 0 36 100 100 Done last year QSLAESS ITB ESS South Lakes QSLAESSAH A684 Kendal - New Hutton Study Upper Kent 0 201 201 201 Done last year QSLAESS ITB ESS South Lakes QSLAESSAI A591 Natland Study Kendal South 0 72 72 72 Done last year QSLAESS ITB ESS South Lakes QSLAESSAJ A6 Selside Kendal Upper Kent 4,459 5,085 5,085 626 works complete QSLAESS ITB ESS South Lakes QSLAESSAK A6070 Burton in Kendal Lower Kentdale 4,459 4,941 4,941 482 Works complete QSLAESS ITB ESS South Lakes QSLAESSAL A65 Endmoor Lower Kentdale 4,459 4,865 4,865 406 Works complete QSLAESS ITB ESS South Lakes QSLAESSAM C5067 Paddy Lane Kendal Upper Kent 4,459 4,796 4,796 337 Works complete QSLAESS ITB ESS South Lakes QSLAESSAO A684 Kendal - New Hutton Upper Kent 43,400 43,400 43,400 0 Works complete QSLAESS ITB ESS South Lakes QSLAESSAP A591 Natland Kendal South 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 Works Complete 61 QSLAESS ITB ESS South Lakes QSLAESSAQ 15/16 ESS S Lakes outstanding Kendal South 2,200 790 790 (1,410) QSLAESS ITB ESS South Lakes QSLAESSAR A6 / B5282 Milnthorpe Study Kendal South 5,000 175 5,000 0 capita doing study QSLAESS ITB ESS South Lakes Total 83,436 23,193 150,089 66,653 QSLAPOT Addl Pothole Reps Sth Lakes QSLAPOTAA Add'l Potholes - South Lakelan 336,166 140,054 336,166 0 QSLAPOT Addl Pothole Reps Sth Lakes Total 336,166 140,054 336,166 0 QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAA Kendal Kendal South 100,000 0 100,000 0 QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAB Sedbergh Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale 189,000 189,422 189,422 422 Works completed QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAC B5281 to Buckhorn Lane High Furness 219,000 276,631 276,631 57,631 Additional Works completed QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAD A683 Middleton Hall, Treasonfi Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale 294,000 226,429 226,429 (67,571) Works completed under budget QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAE Wildman Street Kendal Highgate 35,000 51,073 51,073 16,073 New Road also done as part of this scheme. Journal req QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAF West of M6 Upper Kent 65,000 92,024 92,024 27,024 Additional Works completed QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAG A6 Gillingate to Town Hall, Ke Kendal Highgate 187,000 245,004 245,004 58,004 Additional works completed. Night work QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAH A595 Shenstone Interchange, Ke Lyth Valley 448,000 488,028 460,000 12,000 Complete. Additional works undertaken by Hadwins. Last years retention also paid from this budget line QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAI A683 Hodge Bridge to North of 45,169 0 0 (45,169) QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAJ County Boundary to Whittington 22,448 0 0 (22,448) Surface Dressing scheme not delivered QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAK Booths Roundabout to Long Bar 63,510 492 0 (63,510) Surface Dressing scheme not delivered QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAP Holbeck Lane to Waterhead 49,001 0 0 (49,001) QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAQ A685 Ghyll Bank to Brow Head v 20,918 0 0 (20,918) QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAR A5087 Ulverston to Barrow Boun 109,500 456,786 456,786 347,286 This line is for all surface dressing costs QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAS A595 Barrow Boundary to Four L 87,053 1,545 0 (87,053) QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAT A684 Railway Bridge to Low But 55,426 7,256 0 (55,426) QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAU A590 to Fell Foot Garden Place 54,750 0 0 (54,750) QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAV A65 New Rd, Kendal resurfacing 100,000 110,883 110,883 10,883 QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAY A684 Thwaites Hall to Badgerdu 0 12,921 12,921 12,921 Done last year. Actual cost greater than accruel QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNAZ A684 Black Horse 0 7,419 7,419 7,419 Done last year. Actual cost greater than accruel QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNBA A593Torver Straight Torver Inl 0 5,076 5,076 5,076 Done last year. Actual cost greater than accruel QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNBC Route Management Rolling Prog 62,294 6,697 6,697 (55,597) QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNBD Damson Dene 0 75,774 75,774 75,774 Done last year. No Accruel QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNBF Pre Surface dressing Patching 142,827 0 142,827 0 QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNBG A684 Dandra Garth - Surfacing 0 820 820 820 Done last year. Actual cost greater than accruel QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes QSLAPRNBH A685 Jct Paddy Lane to Stocks 0 (4,996) (4,996) (4,996) Done last year. Costs less than accruel QSLAPRN H&T PRN Schemes South Lakes Total 2,349,896 2,249,284 2,454,790 104,894 QSLHTBS H&T Bridges & Struct South Lks QSLHTBS00 Budget Holding / unallocated 0 0 273,000 273,000 QSLHTBS H&T Bridges & Struct South Lks QSLHTBSAT Retaining Walls Various 140,000 76,992 0 (140,000) QSLHTBS H&T Bridges & Struct South Lks QSLHTBSAU Marsh Side Retaining Wall Low Furness 35,000 342 0 (35,000) QSLHTBS H&T Bridges & Struct South Lks QSLHTBSAV Sealford Bridge Lower Kentdale 40,000 0 0 (40,000) QSLHTBS H&T Bridges & Struct South Lks QSLHTBSAW South Lakes Sea Walls Various 15,000 5,351 0 (15,000) QSLHTBS H&T Bridges & Struct South Lks QSLHTBSAX Ewegales Bridge Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale 25,000 37 0 (25,000) QSLHTBS H&T Bridges & Struct South Lks QSLHTBSAY Satterthwaite Bridge High Furness 20,000 435 0 (20,000) QSLHTBS H&T Bridges & Struct South Lks QSLHTBSAZ Cattle Grid Repairs Various 30,000 13,277 0 (30,000) QSLHTBS H&T Bridges & Struct South Lks QSLHTBSBA Barth Bridge, Flood Spans Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale 20,000 0 0 (20,000) QSLHTBS H&T Bridges & Struct South Lks QSLHTBSBB Millons Bridge slab extension Lower Kentdale 10,000 806 0 (10,000) QSLHTBS H&T Bridges & Struct South Lks QSLHTBSBC Seathwaite Bridge High Furness 10,000 0 0 (10,000) QSLHTBS H&T Bridges & Struct South Lks Total 345,000 97,241 273,000 (72,000) Grand Total 3,114,498 2,509,773 3,214,045 99,547 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 9


Meeting date: 24th January 2017

From: Corporate Director – Economy and Highways



1.1 This report provides the notes of the meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group (the Working Group) held on 7th December 2016 and recommends that the Local Committee notes the content of the Minutes.


2.1 The policy position, links to corporate strategy, and the budgetary implications are set out in the individual Working Group reports previously circulated to Members.


3.1 that Local Committee note the Minutes of the Working Group meeting of 7th December 2016 attached as Appendix 1.


4.1 The Minutes of the Working Group held on 7th December 2016 are attached to this report at Appendix 1.

4.2 The Working Group discussed the petition received at the Local Committee meeting on 17th November 2016 seeking a reduction in the speed limit on the A591 between Ings and Staveley to 40mph, as well as a 30mph speed limit on the approach to Staveley road end and/or a feasibility study into the provision of a roundabout in place of the current junction.

63 It was agreed that details of the speed monitoring data to be collected in February between Ings and Staveley be presented to the April 2017 meeting of the Working Group.

4.3 The Working Group received a briefing paper from the Highway Network Manager informing of progress made in delivering the 2016-17 Devolved Capital Programme since its last meeting. In presenting the report the Highways Network Manager advised of the constant requests made during the year for additional drainage works to be undertaken, and of the significant amount of time and resource that had been diverted into dealing with them. It was therefore planned to look carefully at the drainage schemes listed in the programme of work to identify the ones it would not be possible to deliver in 2016-17 and to use the funding instead to deal with the additional requests for minor drainage works. Once an assessment had been made it was planned to Email members to make them aware of the situation.

The need to work closely with SLDC on street cleansing matters was discussed at length and closer operational ties between the two authorities were agreed to be important.

It was agreed that the briefing paper be noted, and that a further update be presented at the next Working Group meeting.

4.4 The Working Group also received a briefing paper from the Highway Network Manager informing Members of the progress made to date on the identification of NPRN carriageway schemes for the capital programme that was devolved to the Local Committee for 2017/18 and beyond. It was agreed that the briefing paper be received and that a further report be presented to the next meeting of the Working Group with details of the identified footways and drainage schemes, together with the estimated costs of the carriageway resurfacing schemes.

4.5 The Working Group also received a verbal update from the Highways Network Manager regarding the work taking place with Parkeon on improving the new ticketing system for the Windermere Ferry. The company had been asked to review the software, as well as the membrane on the front of the ticketing machines that customers had to press to activate it. It was agreed that that a written report be provided to the next meeting of the Working Group informing of progress to improve the ticketing system for the Windermere Ferry.

4.6 Items for future meetings of the Working Group are set out in Paragraph 45 of the minutes which are attached as Appendix 1.


5.1 The Local Committee may accept, amend or reject the recommendations.

64 6 RESOURCE AND VALUE FOR MONEY IMPLICATIONS 6.1.1 There are no direct legal implications to this report as it is for information purposes only.

7 LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 7.1 There are no direct legal implications to this report as it is for information purposes only.

8 CONCLUSION The Local Committee is asked to note or approve (where applicable) the recommendations set out in paragraphs 3.1

Dominic Donnini – Corporate Director – Economy and Highways

24th January 2017

APPENDICES Appendix 1 Minutes of the Highways and Transportation Working Group 7th December 2016. IMPLICATIONS

Staffing: None Financial: As set out in the relevant reports to the Highways and Transportation Working Group. Electoral Division(s): All South Lakeland

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No PREVIOUS RELEVANT COUNCIL OR EXECUTIVE DECISIONS

None. Contact: Peter Hosking Tel. No.: 0300 303 2992 E-mail: [email protected]


Minutes of a Meeting of the South Lakeland Local Committee Highways and Transportation Working Group held on Wednesday, 7 December 2016 at 10.00 am in Committee Room 1 - County Offices, Kendal, LA9 4RQ


Mr SB Collins (Chair)

Mr J Bland (Vice-Chair) Mr WJ Wearing Mr N Cotton Mr M Wilson Mrs BC Gray

Also in Attendance:-

Mrs GE Andrews - Senior Democratic Services Officer Mr G Archibald - District Councillor Mrs S Evans - County Councillor Mr D Fletcher - County Councillor Mr P Hosking - Highways Network Manager Mrs V Upton - Traffic Management Team Leader


An apology for absence was received from Mr D Sykes.


The minutes of the meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group held on 19 October 2016 were confirmed as circulated.

On minute 28 – Update on Proposed Cycleway Schemes in Kendal – the Highways Network Manager reported that funding had been secured for the A65 Burton Road Cycleway which it was aimed to start in February 2017. In relation to the Shap Road Cycleway Scheme this was profiled to take place in the 2018/19 financial year.

On minute 30 – Highways Flood Recovery Programme – Year 1 – it was agreed to provide contact details in relation to the Canals and Rivers Trust.

On minute 33 – Road Safety – it was agreed to ask the Road Safety Co-ordinator to supply the local member for Ulvertson East with details of the Bikeability training provided to primary schools.

67 On minute 32 - Speed Monitoring - the local member for Ulverston East referred to his request for the setting up of a Community Speed Watch Group in his division. The Chair of the Working Group asked for details to be provided on the arrangements in place for dealing with such requests at the next meeting of the local Casualty Reduction and Safer Highways (CRASH) Group.

On minute 36 – Items For Future Meetings – it was noted that Jayne Kendall would be attending the next meeting of the Working Group to talk about a scheme being pursued by Ulvertson Town Council for a cycleway along the disused railway line north of the Canal. The local Member for Ulverston East advised of a scheme being looked at to provide a link along the line of the disused railway line between the picnic site near Greenodd (A590) and Ulverston which would tie in with the route being proposed by the Town Council.


A petition had been presented to the Local Committee at its meeting on 17 November 2016 seeking a reduction in the speed limit on the A591 between Ings and Staveley to 40mph, as well as a 30mph speed limit on the approach to Staveley road end and/or a feasibility study into the provision of a roundabout in place of the current junction.

The Traffic Management Team Leader advised that arrangements were in place for speed monitoring data to be collected in February on the A591 between Ings and Staveley which was a neutral month for traffic collection data, and that the outcome would be reported to the April meeting of the Working Group.

During discussion the local member suggested that it might be helpful for speed monitoring data to be collected in the high season as well.

AGREED, that details of the speed monitoring data to be collected in February between Ings and Staveley be presented to the April meeting of the Working Group


The Working Group had before it a briefing paper by the Highways Network Manager informing of progress made in delivering the 2016-17 devolved Capital Programme since its last meeting.

In presenting the report the Highways Network Manager advised of the constant requests made during the year for additional drainage works to be undertaken, and of the significant amount of time and resource that had been diverted into dealing with them. It was therefore planned to look carefully at the drainage schemes listed in the programme of work to identify the ones it would not be possible to deliver in 2016-17 and to use the funding instead to deal with the additional requests for minor

68 drainage works. Once an assessment had been made it was planned to Email members to make them aware of the situation.

During the discussion the Highways Network Manager explained that the routine programme of drainage work had been suspended in an effort to clear as much of the additional work as possible. As part of the blitz on blocked drains he advised of the additional support being provided by the highway crews, and of the tankers operating in the South Lakeland area supplied by Sapphire Utility Solutions Ltd.,

The District Council was responsible for road sweeping, including leaves in certain areas. Their representative stressed that they were keen to work with the County Council to co-ordinate the leaf clearing and gully cleansing work, and had acquired an additional sweeper. As well they were prepared to provide assistance with the distribution of leaflets regarding the removal of vehicles when the work was scheduled to take place. The Highways Network Manager agreed to share with the District Council the letter advising of the work to be carried out, as well as the schedule of gully cleansing work.

During the discussion Members were keen to involve the Parish Councils, and they stressed the need for a co-ordinated approach with the District Council.

In responding to various other issues raised the Highways Network Manager agreed to provide a list of the footway resurfacing schemes to be progressed in the next quarter. He also agreed to advise the local member for Kendal Nether of the timescales for work at Canal Head North/Bridge Street in Kendal.

The local member for Ulverston East advised of essential repair work taking place by the Environment Agency on the Brewery Street Car Park and Fountain Street Car Park in Ulverston. He asked that a close eye be kept on the road maintained by the Council which would be heavily affected.

The local member for Upper Kent expressed his thanks and appreciation for the repair work that had been carried out in his area at Holbeck Bridge, Sprint Bridge, and at Garnett Bridge. He commented that local residents had complimented all those involved. The District Council representative also conveyed his thanks on behalf of residents for the work carried out on Broad Street in Windermere.

During the course of the discussion it was suggested that as part of the induction programme for new members after the Council elections information should be provided on those budgets held centrally and those held locally.

AGREED that a further briefing note be presented to the Working Group at its next meeting.


A briefing paper by the Highways Network Manager informed Members of the progress made to date on the identification of NPRN schemes for the capital programme that was devolved to the Local Committee for 2017/18 and beyond.

69 During discussion the local member for Kendal Nether advised that before any work was carried out at Mintsfeet, Kendal it should be established what was beneath the road. There was also a suggestion made about the Council printing its own temporary advisory signs, and for a storage area to be identified for the safekeeping of road signs. The Team Leader also agreed to make enquiries about a request for two grit bins at Greenside.

In considering the report the Highways Network Manager advised that South Lakeland would receive a share of the £2.053m provided by the Department of Transport in 2017-18 for pothole repairs.

AGREED that the briefing paper be received and that a further report be presented to the next meeting of the Working Group with details of the identified footways and drainage schemes, together with the estimated costs of the carriageway resurfacing schemes.


The Highways Network Manager reported that work was taking place with Parkeon on improving the new ticketing system for the Windermere Ferry. The company had been asked to review the software, as well as the membrane on the front of the ticketing machines that customers had to press to activate it.

AGREED, that a written report be provided to the next meeting of the Working Group informing of progress to improve the ticketing system for the Windermere Ferry.


The Working Group had before it the Better Highways Monitoring report for the period 1 October to 31 October 2016. In presenting the report the Highways Network Manager explained that because the Team had been focusing on safety inspections of the network reported defects had not been attended to. The safety inspections were now complete and the focus was now on dealing with the defects.

AGREED, that the report be noted.


- Extending Disc Parking Across the South Lakeland area - Environment Agency - Cycleway Schemes Proposed in Ulverston - Update on New Ticketing System for the Windermere Ferry - Full list of Footway Resurfacing Schemes and Drainage Works


The next meeting of the Working Group was scheduled to take place on Tuesday 21st February 2017 at County Offices, Kendal starting at 10.00am

The meeting ended at 12.30 pm

71 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 10


Meeting date: 24 January 2017

From: Corporate Director – Economy and Highways



1.1 This report updates the South Lakeland Local Committee of the Members Highways Priority Works schemes to be funded via devolved 2016/2017 highway budgets for South Lakeland.

1.2 Members have in previous reports been asked to identify possible schemes for funding allocation to be made before the September Local Committee to allow for planning and programming and to enable delivery. Therefore all new requests although added to the appendix for approval of funding in 2016/2017 will not be deliverable on the ground in this financial year. Work can begin on them however they will only be deliverable subject to budget carry over.

1.3 Members are asked to recall and note that going forward identification of schemes in 2017/2018 has been agreed to be approved by July Local Committee to enable necessary and planning and programming.


2.1 The allocation of funding to Member Division allows for consideration of divisional priorities enabling funding to meet local aspirations and relates directly to supporting delivery of Community Strategy and the following Council Plan priorities;

 To enable communities to live safely and shape services locally

 To protect and enhance Cumbria’s world class environment

 To provide safe and well maintained roads and an effective transport network

 To promote sustainable economic growth, and create jobs

73  To be a modern and efficient council

2.2 The Local Committee is able to vire funding between budget lines during the course of the financial year, subject to Corporate Policy and Service Standards. The Committee is not able to vire money from capital budgets into revenue budgets.

2.3 There are no equality implications contained in this report.


3.1 That the Working Group recommends that Local Committee approves the current Members Highways Priority Works Programme 2016/2017 (“the Programme”) set out in Appendix 1.

3.2 That the Working Group recommends that Local Committee agree that the following schemes which include Traffic Regulation Orders are approved to be progressed to statutory consultation and advertising in due course;

3.2.1 Cartmel – Restricted Zone in conjunction with Cartmel Townscape Initiative

3.2.2 Kendal Nether – Shap Road and Appleby Road Kendal

3.2.3 Lakes – Greenbank Road Prohibition of Driving, Red Bank Road, Grasmere and Underloughrigg Road

3.2.4 Sedbergh and Kirkby Lonsdale – Binfold Croft, Horse Market and Lunefield Drive

3.2.5 Kendal Highgate – Hazelwood/Underwood Junction, Greenside, Romney Road and various junctions off Romney Road.


4.1 At its meeting on 18 May 2016, the Local Committee approved a budget for Members Highway Priority Works. The Programme allows £6,000 for each Division which is to be spent on capital highway related works enabling members to have a greater influence on small highway improvement priorities within their Division. 4.2 Appendix 1 to this report shows Members Highway Priorities with outstanding schemes at the top and new requests for allocation for 2016/2017 schemes highlighted below for each division. All outstanding schemes are being progressed to completion as quickly as possible and all enquiries should be directed to the Team Leader for Traffic Management in the first instance. 4.3 Members are asked to note that Traffic Regulation Orders generally take a minimum of 6-9 months to deliver depending on whether initial consultation is required. Any new requests for Traffic Regulation Orders may be subject

74 to design and consultation but may well need to be considered for delivery on the ground in the next financial year 2017/2018 subject to future funding being available. 4.4 Members are asked to note that where a Traffic Regulation Order forms a request for approval in Appendix 1 that there is agreement in principle of any such scheme and that there will be subsequent progression to statutory consultation and advertising of the relevant Order. The outcome of any traffic regulation Order following statutory consultation and advertising will be reported to the Local Committee for the required approval to implement the Traffic Regulation Order in line with the County Council constitution.


5.1 Approve the recommendations in paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2 above.

5.2 Not approve the recommendations in paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2.


6.1 Funding of £6,000 per division (18 in number) for the Divisional Highways Priority Works Programme has been allocated in the Local Committee’s devolved highways capital programme for 2016/2017 giving a total allocation of £108,000. A number of new schemes identified are shown as highlighted in appendix 1 for approval and commitment. Approval of the scheme in Appendix 1 would result in the budget remaining for commitment being £23,400 with a total of £84,600 having been approved for the listed schemes. 6.2 Appendix 1 also shows progress on approvals from previous years where appropriate. These are not allowed for in the balance remaining totals as they were to be met from the 2015/16 devolved highways capital budget. Approval to carry forward of underspent devolved highways capital budget from 2015/16, including Divisional Highways Priority Works was agreed by Council on 16 June. 6.3 If Local Committee decides to amend or not to approve the current Members Highways Priority Works Programme 2016/2017 (recommendation 3.1) any expenditure already incurred or contracts already entered into as a result of previous decisions by Local Committee cannot be de-committed.


7.1 There are no direct legal implications to this report, other than procedures for either Permanent or Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders to be put in place (where applicable), in relation to the Programme of works detailed in Appendix 1 in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and where necessary these will be included in separate reports to the Working Group and Local Committee, which will then detail the relevant legal implications. (KB –11.1.2017)


8.1 Members are asked to note the requirement for early identification of scheme allocations, particularly for any future budget allocations, to allow effective programming and delivery of schemes.

Dominic Donnini Corporate Director for Economy and Highways

January 2017


Appendix 1 Members Highway Priority Works 2016/2017

Electoral Division(s): All South Lakeland

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? N/A


Local Committee for South Lakeland - 18 May 2016.


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.


No background papers.


Contact: Victoria Upton Tel: 01539 713028 Email: [email protected]

77 This page is intentionally left blank SOUTH LAKELAND LOCAL COMMITTEE

Members Highways Priority Works Programme 2016/17 January 2017 Update

Funding Split Divisional Local Total for Committee Status new works Estimate Remaining Approval Division Project Code Description (£) Cost (£) Divisional (£) LMS (£) Balance (£) Date

Advisory sign to indicate for vehicles to turn left only at Newby Bridge near £1,000 £1,000 £0 09/09/2014 Design drafted the Swan Inn onto the A590 - Signs Works mostly Refreshment of markings within the division according to Parish priorities £3,000 £3,000 £0 30/09/2015 from Member complete

SL Consol items - DYLs for Cark, Flookburgh £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete Grit bins replacement (2 no. in Backbarrow) £500 £500 £0 22/03/2016 New items Doctors space at Haverthwaite (Detail to be finalised) £1,000 £1,000 £0 22/03/2016 New items Cartmel QSLNPRN20 Contribution to Cartmel Townscape Initiative project towards implementation £3,000 £3,000 £0 22/03/2016 TRO to progress of schemes including TRO to follow Horse Warning signs for Moor Lane Flookburgh -privately funded £250 £250 £0 22/03/2016 Designed

Dropped Kerb at Flookburgh near The Salon £1,000 £1,000 £0 29/09/2016 New request

Allithwaite pedestrian improvement scheme initial staff time £6,000£2,250 £2,250 £0 £0 29/09/2016 New request Cark improvement schemes - amendments to signing over railway £2,500 £2,500 £0 New request bridge and new bollard

Signing review to be undertaken with the intention of replacing faded £1,500 £1,500 £0 30/09/2015 Complete signage & some de cluttering

Grange Consol Order £3,500 £3,500 £0 30/09/2015 Complete

Unsuitable for HGV's sign on Birks Road near Great Tower campsite £500 £500 £0 30/09/2015 Ordered £3,500 £3,500 £0 30/09/2015 Complete Berridale Terrace and Lindale Road markings

Allithwaite Road traffic calming - new post for SID and road markings £3,500 £1,000 £2,500 30/09/2015 Complete (requires £2,500 LMS allocation) QSLNPRN21 Grange Main Street Zebra Crossing - Simmonsigns Belisha Beacons £0 £0 £0 19/11/2015 Complete

Assessment of Main Street raised platform for a crossing upgrade £1,000 £1,000 £0 19/07/2016 To be programmed Main Street Handrail £2,700 £2,700 £0 19/07/2016 Order placed £500 £500 £0 29/09/2016 New request Lindale HGV ban scheme Staff time for design) £6,000 £0 Pedestrian sign for path from The Crescent to Meadowbank Lane (detail to £1,000 £1,000 £0 29/09/2016 New request be determined) Lining imporvements for Allithwiate Road, Risedale and Windermere £800 £800 £0 New request Road

Ruskin Avenue and Old Furness Road, Coniston - advisory residents only £750 £750 £0 30/09/2015 Complete parking sign. High Wray Village signs - include "please drive carefully message" £750 £750 £0 30/09/2015 Ordered Hawkshead Traffic Calming Scheme £5,000 £5,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete

Water Yeat, Old Vicarage - meet with PC and resident to look at possible £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Ordered improvements; studs and lining QSLNPRN22 High Furness Replacement of wooden finger post with standard direction sign at Rusland £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Ordered Cross Church. Simplify destinations.

Skelwith - refreshment of road markings £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Ongoing

Broughton school traffic calming scheme £2,500 £2,500 £0 29/09/2016 Partially complete £6,000 £0 £3,500 £3,500 £0 New request Broughton signing and lining imporvmenets to follow a walkaround

TRO SL Consol £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete Aynam Road Zebra crossing improvement - Simmonsigns beacons £0 £0 £0 19/11/2015 Complete QSLNPRN23 Kendal Castle Highlight the informal crossing from Oxenholme Road to Asda (detail to be £6000 £4,000 £4,000 £0 29/09/2016 New request agreed) (+ £8,500 £0 Raised zebra crossing on Aynam Road to highlight crossing and slow from 15/16) £10,500 £10,500 £0 29/09/2016 New request approach of vehicles

2no footway bollards on Gillingate £1,500 £1,500 £0 30/09/2015 Complete TRO SL Consol - DYLs Glebe Road junction £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete

£1,000 £1,000 £0 29/09/2016 New request Kirkbarrow Bus Stop - allocation to markings £1,000 £1,000 £0 29/09/2016 New request Junction improvements - road markings Kendal QSLNPRN24 TRO contribution to undertake with K.L. Hazelwood / Underwood and £2,500 £2,500 £0 29/09/2016 New request Highgate Howard Street & Ford Terrace / Romney Road £6,000 £0 Consideration of improvements on Greenside at Sunny Brow Nursery acess - £500 £500 £0 29/09/2016 New request initially staff time

Dowkers Lane - consideration of existing restricitons following SLDC £500 £500 £0 New request works. Consideration of possible measures with regard to speed issues on £500 £500 £0 New request Captain French Lane

TRO SL Consol - DYL's on 5 Shap Road junctions £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete

Sedbergh Road Zebra Crossing - Simmonsigns belisha beacons £0 £0 £0 19/11/2015 Complete Shap Road Parking Assessments & TRO contribution £3,500 £3,500 £0 30/09/2015 On hold Calder Drive / Sandylands Road - investigation into junction improvements £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Design ongoing for visibility Kendal QSLNPRN25 Contribution to a TRO for Appelby Road, Kendal in conjunction with Shap £1,000 £1,000 £0 22/03/2016 On hold Nether Road item above. Additional contribution needed) Improvements to pavements / dropped kerbs, Appleby Road between £3,000 £3,000 £0 22/03/2016 New request Sandgate and QKS

Improvements on Little Aynam near Gilkes - signs and road markings £200 £200 £0 New request £6,000 £3,000 Assessment / consultation of existing barrier on Sandgate £2,000 £2,000 £0 New request Keep Clear marking on Gandy Street £800 £800 £0 New request 79 Local Committee Status Divisional Estimate Remaining Approval Division Project Code Description Total (£) Cost (£) Divisional (£) LMS (£) Balance (£) Date

£500 £500 £0 09/09/2014 Sign ordered Bus Stop Clearway (daytime restriction) - No. 51 Rinkfield - Signs £650 £0 £650 28/01/2015 Complete Advisory residents parking sign at Thornleigh Road, Kendal £4,500 £4,500 £0 30/09/2015 Ordered Implementation of 50mph speed limit signs QSLNPRN26 Kendal South Works to improve crossing area on Helmside Road - signs, hardened area £2,000 £2,000 £0 30/09/2015 On hold opposite Oxenholme Lane £2,000 £2,000 £0 30/09/2015 Ongoing Sedgwick Viaduct pedestrian / cyclist improvements

Pedestrian in the road signs between Force Bridge up to A590 £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 On hold

Helmside Road Oxenholme Pedestrian Crossing Improvements £6,000 £9,000 £9,000 £0 £0

TRO SL Consol £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Marking ongoing

Improved 'Give Way' signange for Garth Brow / Hallgarth circle £750 £750 £0 30/09/2015 Ordered

Windermere Road Roundels - road markings at 30mph speed signs £750 £750 £0 30/09/2015 Design ongoing

Grit bins on Greenside and The Green on Underbarrow Road £500 £500 £0 30/09/2015 Complete Kendal QSLNPRN27 Contribution to Footpath Erosion FP 536013 - with PROW Team £2,500 £2,500 £0 30/09/2015 Strickland and Fell Bus Shelter on Hallgarth - contribution to Community £4,500 £4,500 £0 30/09/2015

Windermere Road bus stop markings £300 £300 £0 29/09/2016 New request

Windermere Road gateway after reloaction of 30mph limit - coloured £2,000 £2,000 £0 29/09/2016 New request surfacing and road markings only £6,000 £2,200

3 Bollards on High Tenterfell near a raised table £1,500 £1,500 £0 New request

Yellow Line priorities for Milnthorpe - TRO £3,500 £3,500 £0 04/06/2014 Complete

SL TRO Consol - Red Hills Road and Market Area Milnthorpe £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete

Beetham Parish Council for Lengthsman £2,000 £2,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete QSLNPRN28 Kent Estuary Milnthorpe Parish Council for Lengthsman £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete

Grit Bin at junction of Carr Bank Road and Nuns Avenue £250 £250 £0 22/03/2016 New request Improvement to entry of cemetary at Milnthorpe, match funded from £2,000 £2,000 £0 22/03/2016 New request Milnthorpe PC

New schemes to be identified £6,000 £6,000

Langdale CE Primary School - install new school flashing lights. £7,000 £7,000 £0 30/09/2015 Ordered

Amend Westmorland Posts - Troutbeck £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete £250 £250 £0 19/11/2015 Complete Bar marking on Red Bank Road, Grasmere Possible measures for Greenbank Road (further allocation from LMS or QSLNPRN29 £1,750 £1,750 £0 22/03/2016 Lakes future year requried if TRO agreed) Guy Lane Troutbeck - Unsuitable for vehicles after 1/4 mile sign £900 £900 £0 19/07/2016 New request

TRO to include Greenbank Road, Red Bank Road, Grasmere, Under £4,100 £4,100 £0 29/09/2016 Loughrigg Road nr Ambleside £6,000 £0

Road markings scheme within Langdale Valley including Keep Clear £1,000 £1,000 £0 29/09/2016 New request markings to reduce obstructive parking

VC Paving Stones Project - to be placed in front of war memorial in £300 £300 £0 30/09/2015 Complete Pennington TRO SL Consol - Greenodd and Penny Bridge Sch keep Clear £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete U5120 Low Mansrigg - Unsuitable for HGV's signs. £700 £700 £0 30/09/2015 Ordered Gamswell farm Grit Bin £250 £250 £0 30/09/2015 Complete £1,500 £1,500 £0 30/09/2015 Complete QSLNPRN30 New and refreshment of road markings Low Furness Gleaston schemes for Ulverston Rd and Mill Lane £3,000 £3,000 £0 22/03/2016 Designed

Stainton Quarry (Lindal, Candle Factory Sign) To be paid for by Quarry £0 £0 £0 22/03/2016 New scheme Little Urswick Traffic Data Monitoring £500 £500 £0 19/07/2016 Complete

Contribution to Cross-a-Moor capital improvement study £2,000 £2,000 £0 New request £6,000 £1,500 Ghost footway markings and warning signs - Leece £2,500 £2,500 £0 New request

Contribution to parish lengthsmen - Burton, Holme and £3,000 £3,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete £1000 each

New Westmorland Finger Post - B6254 Barkin House at junction with U5365 £2,000 £2,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete Far Audlands - replace worn finger post. Footway Extention Endmoor to Crooklands - Feasibility Study and £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Design ongoing preliminary designs. Lower QSLNPRN31 £3,500 £3,500 £0 30/09/2015 Ongoing Kentdale Burton-in-Kendal Priority Giveway outside the Kings Arms Contribution to purchase of a SID by Preston Richard PC £500 £500 £0 30/09/2015 Complete

Unsuitable for Large vehicles' sign Deepthwaite to Woodhouse Lane £900 £900 £0 29/09/2016 New request Crooklands £6,000 £1,600 Village name plate signs for Holme Mills, Dalton, Woodhouse and £3,500 £3,500 £0 New request Rigmaden

Levens Primary School - Flashing Lights £6,000 £6,000 £0 09/09/2014 On hold QSLNPRN32 Lyth Valley Crosthwaite School - Extend School Keep Clear Marking - Road markings £250 £250 £0 19/11/2015 Completed

New schemes to be identified £6,000 £6,000

80 Local Committee Divisional Estimate Remaining Approval Status Division Project Code Description Total (£) Cost (£) Divisional (£) LMS (£) Balance (£) Date TRO SL Consol - Kendal Road, Lunefield Drive £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete Preliminary design and feasibility for Kendal Road improvements £2,000 £2,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete £6,000 £6,000 £0 30/09/2015 Amended request Various drainage priorities - detail to be determined. Low Biggins scheme - marker posts and road markings £1,000 £1,000 £0 22/03/2016 Complete Sedbergh & QSLNPRN33 Initial consultaton Kirkby £3,500 £3,500 £0 29/09/2016 Lonsdale Kirkby Lonsdale TRO - Binfold Croft, Horse Market and Lunefield complete Consultaton and possible implementation of white line driveway markings - £1,000 £1,000 £0 29/09/2016 Ongoing Sedbergh £6,000 £0 £500 £500 £0 29/09/2016 New request Dent - Dragons Croft signing improvements scheme for Parish Council £1,000 £1,000 £0 New request Contribution to modustar zebra crossing beacons

Contribution towards a TRO for Swan Street near the Golden Swan to make short stay parking bays and stop all day parking / cars for sale (to be £2,000 £2,000 £0 09/09/2014 Complete completed in conjunction with Ulverston West TRO)

Lightburn Road, King Road, Alexander Road & the surrounding area - £1,500 £1,500 £0 30/09/2015 Complete Parking Assessment looking into residents and obstructive parking.

Carvendish Street Bollards - erect 2 No. bollards outside recruitment office £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete opposite World Peace Café Awaiting Courtesy Parking Signs - temporary signs on A-frames with parking info, £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 assessment Ulverston QSLNPRN34 "don’t park on DYL's and f/ways" East Speed Monitoring Report - Ulverston Town Centre (incl. tube for North £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Ordered Lonsdale Road) Contribution to £3,500 £3,500 £0 30/09/2015 Patching Kennedy Street back lane at the rear of No's 1 to 15 works in 16/17

£1,000 £1,000 £0 29/09/2016 New request Bus Stop Clearway / Bus Stand Victoria Road, Ulverston Consultation letters for possible future restrictions for Consihead £6,000 £1,500 £1,500 £0 £0 New request Road, Edmondson Street and Cox Street Surface improvement (Back Lane of Victoria Road behind Ambulance £2,500 £2,500 £0 New request Station)

£2,000 £2,000 £0 09/09/2014 Complete Daltongate One-way consultation

Measures for Lynhurst Road - Advisory sign 'Parking for residents please £1,000 £1,000 £0 19/11/2015 Ordered park elsewhere' and driveway markings Assessment £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Garden Terrace - assessment of parking options / consultation ongoing Assessment Prioriy Road / Oakwood Drive - Assessment of options to assist crossing £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 pedestrians (Leisure Centre) ongoing

Springfield Road 20mph when lights flash signs to be done in conjunction £750 £750 £0 19/11/2015 Complete with replacement of flashing lights from lighting maintenance Ulverston QSLNPRN35 £5,000 £5,000 £0 19/11/2015 Completed West Victoria High School No Entry Signs on Bus Bay

Awaiting locations Contribution to Speed montioring across Ulverston in conjunction with £1,000 £1,000 £0 29/09/2016 from ULTC Ulverston Town Council

£1,000 £1,000 £0 29/09/2016 New request New Keep Clear road markings - Rakehead Close & Church Walk £6,000 £0 £1,000 £1,000 £0 New request Improvements to Old Hall Road cross roads

Parking assessment and consultation for possible parking schemes on £3,000 £3,000 £0 New request Garden Terrace and for Church Walk and surrounding area

Selside School sign £750 £750 £0 30/09/2015 Complete

TRO SL Consol - contribution for Brow Lane, Staveley £1,000 £1,000 £0 22/03/2016 Complete

QSLNPRN36 Skelsmergh - Unsuitable for HGV's sign (PC request) £900 £900 £0 19/07/2016 Met with Parish Upper Kent Burneside and Bowston signing and lining schemes £3,250 £3,250 £0 12/09/2016 Ordered

Bonninggate Traffic Management Improvements £2,400 £2,400 £0 New request £6,000 £2,100 Rock removal - Crook Road £1,500 £1,500 £0 New request

£1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete Goodley Dale Primary School - Bus Stop Clearway

£3,000 £3,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete Windermere / Bowness Car Park Signing Improvement Scheme.

Lake Road, Windermere - assessment of zebra crossing to see if approriate £1,000 £1,000 £0 30/09/2015 Complete to convert to a puffin crossing

£250 £250 £0 30/09/2015 Complete Grit Bin. Windermere Park, junction of Meadow Road £500 £500 £0 30/09/2015 Ordered Lickbarrow Road Unsuitable for HGV sign on new post. QSLNPRN37 Windermere £500 £500 £0 19/11/2015 Complete Park Road No Waiting At Any Time in SL Consol Order £0 £0 £0 19/11/2015 Completed Lake Road / Goodly Dale Zebra Crossing - Simmonsigns belisha beacons Pheonix Way No Waiting Restriction Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm - TRO and Works (contribution from next year may be required) £3,750 £3,750 £0 22/03/2016 Complete TRO completed Pheonix Way - road markings and signs following completion of TRO £3,000 £3,000 £0 29/09/2016 road markings ordered £6,000 £1,000 Assessment of concerns and options regarding pedestrians crossing £1,000 £1,000 £0 New request New Road, Windermere St Mary's Bus Stop improvements £1,000 £1,000 £0 New request

Remaining Budget Total to commit £108,000 £23,400 81 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 11


Meeting date: 24th January 2017

From: Corporate Director – Health, Care and Community Services



1.1 This report, seeking to commit elements of the Local Revenue Scheme and Capital Scheme budget, includes Members’ proposals that have been sufficiently investigated and developed, to enable Local Committee to consider spending decisions.


2.1 Proposals coming forward under the Local Revenue and Capital Schemes should be projects which offer benefits to communities in the Electoral Division concerned and help resolve local issues already identified through local community engagement. Projects should be in line with the priorities contained within both the Council Plan and specific local priorities within the Local Committee’s Area Plan.

2.2 If these proposals are developed as a result of effective community engagement they will also contribute to increasing community perceptions of their ability to influence the delivery of public services.


3.1 Members approve the following;

3.2 A Revenue Grant of £1,000 from the Kendal Strickland Fell Division LMS budget towards the refurbishment of the area by Stramongate Bridge.

3.3 A Revenue Grant of £566 from Kendal Castle Division LMS budget towards the Brathay Project.

83 3.4 A Revenue Grant of £1,501 from Kendal South Division LMS budget towards the cost of renovating Stainton Institute.

3.5 A Revenue Grant of £2,000 from Cartmel Division LMS budget towards refurbishment costs of Flookburgh Village Hall.

3.6 A Revenue Grant of £3,000 from Cartmel Division LMS budget towards the playground in Flookburgh.

3.7 A Revenue Grant of £500 from Low Furness Division LMS budget towards a contribution to a defibrillator in Broughton Beck.

3.8 A Revenue Grant of £1,000 from the Lakes Division LMS budget towards a direction sign to aid drivers accessing Grasmere village.

3.9 A Revenue Grant of £685 from the Lakes Division LMS budget towards a bench for the Rydal Rd bus stop at Ambleside.

3.10 A Revenue Grant of £5,000 from Upper Kent Division LMS budget towards the Lakes Line Study.


4.1 The 2013/14 budget included a Local Member Schemes budget. County Councillors can, through the Area Support Team, propose one or more local schemes for each division. These schemes are intended to help resolve local issues already identified through community engagement which are in line with the priorities within the Council Plan and specific local priorities within the Area Plan for South Lakeland. These proposals should be submitted to the Local Committee for approval. This budget is for one year only, but the resource may be spent over the two years – 2015/16 to 2016/17. Subject to carry forward approval.


5.1 Members may reject any or all of the recommendations; however this could potentially impede community projects which have been identified as local priorities


6.1 The amount of the Local Member Revenue Scheme budget uncommitted is currently £70,188. If recommendations 3.2 to 3.10 to award a grants totalling £15,252 are agreed then the remaining uncommitted Local Members Revenue Scheme budget would be £54,936.

6.1.1 The application report for the proposed Lakes Line Study suggests that the County Council act as account holder for the finances of this project. To ensure that Local Committees contribution to the study did not exceed any contribution it decides to agree, contributions from all subscribers would

84 need to be confirmed in advanced of commissioning the study. (NG 06/01/17)*


7.1 The Local Committee is authorised to accept the recommendations.


8.1 The use of the Electoral Division Local Member Scheme budgets, when linked to the council’s well-being powers, enables a flexible response to perceived local needs and is capable of resolving some long standing issues and concerns for local people, having regard to wider community benefit as a key outcome.

Brenda Smith Corporate Director for Health, Care and Community Services 20th January 2017

Please ensure that every part of this section where there is an asterisk* is completed in accordance with the instructions before sending the report to Democratic Services, following which please delete this sentence.


*List here any appendices, and delete the next line. *If none, state “No appendices” and delete the line above.

Electoral Division(s): *

* Please remove whichever option is not applicable

Executive Decision Yes*

Key Decision No*

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A*

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No*

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A* Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No* If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No* undertaken?

85 Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No*

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and necessary approvals have been obtained.



“Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny”.


“No background papers”


Contact: Carol Last, Area Engagement Officer, 01539 713180, [email protected]

86 Available Summary of Funds allocated to Date to Local Electoral Division Category Decision uncommitted Proposals Proposal Committee funds Community CARTMEL Flookburgh Playground £3,000 24th January 2017 £5,000 Infrastructure Contribution towards a Community new kitchen in Infrastructure £2,000 24th January 2017 Flookburgh Village Hall E-readers/tablets Community GRANGE Project - Friends of £1,652 6th May 2015 Agreed £3,520 Infrastructure Grange Primary School Towards Traffic 30th September Calming measure on Cumbria Highways £2,500 Agreed 2015 Allithwaite Road Improvements to Park 87 Community Road Gardens in £500 22nd March 2016 Agreed Infrastructure Grange.

Lindale School – Tablet Community £2,000 21st March 2017 Project Infrastructure

Towards the cost of an Economic Impact Community HIGH FURNESS £4,000 22nd March 2016 Agreed £0 assessment in Infrastructure Hawkshead Contribution towards Community the a land drain at £2,200 22nd March 2016 Agreed Infrastructure Backside Defibrillator and Community KENDAL CASTLE Cabinet - Beck £316 24th March 2015 Agreed £566 Infrastructure Community Centre 2 sets of goal post for Community Kendal United Football £850 16th July 2015 Agreed Infrastructure Club Towards the set up of a Community £1,820 16th July 2015 Agreed youth club Infrastructure Towards Kendal Community Schools Engagement £3,000 18th May 2016 Agreed Infrastructure Programme Towards the Brathay Community £566 24th January 2017 Project Infrastructure Contribution towards a signage project on the Community 20th November KENDAL HIGHGATE £7,148 Agreed £0 New Shambles in Infrastructure 2014 Kendal. Towards a new football Community 20th November kit for Vicarage Park £300 Agreed Infrastructure 2014 School

Towards the new Community shambles signage £1,500 22nd March 2016 Agreed Infrastructure project

88 Towards the the Market Community £3,100 22nd March 2016 Agreed Place project Infrastructure Contribution towards the installation of a Community £400 22nd March 2016 Agreed defibrillator on Cross Infrastructure Lane. Contribution towards Community 30th September flowerbeds on Shap £300 Agreed Infrastructure 2014 Road Contribution towards £0 traffic calming 20th November Cumbria Highways £9,700 Agreed KENDAL NETHER measures on Sedbergh 2014 Road. Contribution towards Kendal Lads and Girls Community £1,000 16th July 2015 Agreed Club towards a new Infrastructure floor Contribution towards Community an accessible picnic £1,100 18th May 2016 Agreed Infrastructure table Contribution towards Community South Lakes Edge of £2,900 14th July 2016 Agreed Infrastructure Care Project Stainton Institute Community 30th September £5,000 Agreed Committee Infrastructure 2015 KENDAL SOUTH Contribution towards £1,501 Heversham Swimming Community £1,000 28th January 2015 Agreed Pool for a disabled Infrastructure hoist. Project Underspend. Community -£1,000 16th July 2015 Agreed Decommitment. Infrastructure Contribution towards Community 89 noticeboards in £1,000 19th January 2016 Agreed Infrastructure Hincaster Contribution towards Community new chairs in Sedgwick £600 19th January 2016 Agreed Infrastructure Village Hall Project Underspend. Community De-commitment - -£200 22nd March 2016 Agreed Infrastructure Sedgwick Village Hall Project Underspend. Community De-commitment - -£600 22nd March 2016 Agreed Infrastructure Hincaster

Re-commit project Community underspend – £600 18th May 2016 Agreed Infrastructure Hincaster Noticeboards Contribution towards Community refurbishment works at £1,501 24th January 2017 Infrastructure Stainton Institute Handrail improvements Community KENDAL STRICKLAND to the footpath: High £5,000 28th January 2015 Agreed Infrastructure £8,986 Ridge to Hallgarth Circle

Decommitment project Community -£426 28thJuanuary 2015 Agreed underspend Infrastructure Handrail Project Community Underspend. -£4,010 16thJuly 2015 Agreed Infrastructure Decommitment Contribution towards Community Kentrigg bus shelter in £500 16th July 2015 Agreed Infrastructure Kendal. Contribution towards Community refurbishment works by £1,000 24th January 2017 Infrastructure Stramongate Bridge Milnthorpe Play Area Community £1,000 28th January 2015 Agreed Development Infrastructure

90 KENT ESTUARY Arnside Footpath £500 20th November Improvements Highways £1,000 Agreed 2014 Contribution Arnside WI -repair to Community the committee room £1,500 16th July 2015 Agreed Infrastructure roof Cabinet and Installation Community works for a defibrillator £1,000 16th July 2015 Agreed Infrastructure at Storth Arnside Parish Community £1,000 19th January 2016 Agreed Lengthsman Scheme Infrastructure Community Milnthorpe Corinthians £1,000 22nd March 2016 Agreed Infrastructure Contribution towards Community Traffic Calming £500 21st March 2016 Infrastructure consultation in Arnside Defibrillator & First Aid Training - Project Community -£426 28th January 2015 Agreed Underspend. Infrastructure Decommitment £4,005 Waterhead Footpath Improvement Scheme, Highways £3,593 28th January, 2015 Agreed Ambleside LAKES Repainting and Community maintenance of £300 6th May 2015 Agreed Infrastructure Ambleside Guide Hut. Start up costs and running for one year of Community £300 16th July 2015 Agreed dementia Café in Infrastructure Ambleside Contribution towards a 91 Community 17th November defibrillator in £1,395 Agreed Infrastructure 2016 Grasemere Direction sign in Highways £1,000 24th January 2017 Grasmere Contribution towards a Community bench for the Rydal Rd £685 24th January 2017 Infrastructure bus stop in Ambleside Contribution towards the upgrade of the Community 20th November youth Agreed Infrastructure £1,000 2014 shelter/community LOW FURNESS garden in Swarthmoor £3,460 Signage and bollards at 20th November Barn End, Main St, Cumbria Highways Agreed £700 2014 Bardsea Contribution towards the Public Access Community 30th September Agreed Defibrillator in Infrastructure £550 2015 Greenodd Contribution towards Community 30th September the Pennington Victoria Agreed Infrastructure £500 2015 Cross Ceremony Contribution towards the cost of a new Community 19th November pavilion at Lindale Infrastructure £2,500 2015 Agreed Moor Cricket Club Contribution towards Community Loppergarth 19th January 2016 Infrastructure £1,300 Agreed Playground Contribution towards a Community tbc speed gun Infrastructure £2,000 Contribution towards a Community defibrillator in 24th January 2017 Infrastructure £500 Broughton Beck Millness Flood 20th November Highways Agreed Remedial Works £309 2014

92 Hutton Roof Village Community 20th November Agreed Hall - New Boiler Infrastructure £309 2014 £1,400 LOWER KENTDALE Endmoor Playground Community 24th March 2015 Agreed Improvements Infrastructure £309 Community Holme Festival of Sport 16th July 2015 Agreed Infrastructure £250 Restoration works to Community 29th September the milestone in Infrastructure £640 2016 Agreed Heversham Preston Richard Community Plan Group Community 30th September Agreed - contribution towards Infrastructure £500 2015 SID Burton Library Group - Community 19th November Agreed new book trolley Infrastructure £500 2015 Mansergh Village Hall - Community 22nd March 2016 Agreed refurbishment costs Infrastructure £500 Home Library Group - Community 22nd March 2016 Agreed new book trolley Infrastructure £500 Lupton Church - fitting Community 22nd March 2016 Agreed of new light to car park Infrastructure £500 Heversham Parish Community Council - registration of 22nd March 2016 Agreed Infrastructure £500 common land Burton Book Drop - Community towards new book 18th May 2016 Agreed Infrastructure £210 trolley Levens Playing Fields - Community £700 24th March 2015 new equipment Infrastructure Agreed Community Lupton Village TBC TBC Infrastructure Speed Indicator Device Community 93 LYTH VALLEY -£65 28th January 2015 £12,234 - de-commitment Infrastructure Agreed Decommitment: underspend from Cumbria Highways -£4,679 6th May 2015 highways works across Agreed the division Witherslack Youth Club Community - Youth and Community £600 6th May 2015 Infrastructure Agreed Worker Community allotments Community £500 22nd March 2016 in Levens Infrastructure Agreed

Community £1,000 18th May 2016 Levens Playing Fields - Infrastructure Agreed new equipment SID posts in Community £200 18th May 2016 Underbarrow infrastructure Agreed A683 Roadside verge Community £1,420 28-Jan-15 Agreed SEDBERGH & KIRKBY track Infrastructure £3,706 LONSDALE Sedbergh Walking & Community £447 28-Jan-15 Cycling group Infrastructure Agreed Willow work on Community Riverside Path at £527 24th March 2015 Infrastructure Agreed Kirkby Lonsdale Eradication of Community £1,000 16th July 2015 Japanese Knott weed Infrastructure Agreed Change to brown 19th November Highways £1,000 tourism signs on M6 2015 Agreed Eradication of Community £1,000 22nd March 2016 Japanese Knott weed Infrastructure Agreed Community Dent Memorial Hall £1,000 TBC Infrastructure Economic Study in Community £250 18th May 2016 Sedbergh Infrastructure Agreed Ulverston Town Council Community £1,000 6th May 2015 £2,073 ULVERSTON EAST - Permissive footpath Infrastructure Agreed Contribution towards 2 Community 30th September new bus shelters in £595 Agreed 94 Infrastructure 2015 Ulverston Sir John Barrow new Community 19th November £2,000 window shutters Infrastructure 2015 Agreed Contribution towards Community 29th September Tablet project in £2,000 Infrastructure 2016 Agreed Ulverston Library New lighting on Beech Community 17th November £2,468 Avenue Infrastructure 2016 Agreed Contribution towards a Community new build for Church £5,000 28th January 2015 £8,333 ULVERSTON WEST Infrastructure Agreed Walk Pre-School Ulverston Junior Community £1,000 24th March 2015 Rangers Football Club Infrastructure Agreed Decommitment: monies Community 30th September for 2 new bus shelters -£595 Infrastructure 2015 Agreed in Ulverston. Contribution towards a Community handrail on Oakwood £433 22nd March 2016 Infrastructure Agreed Crescent Additional Gully Clearing and Jetting Works - Highways -£454 24th March 2015 Agreed Decommittment of underspend UPPER KENT £11,404 Contribution to Grayrigg Young Community Farmers Club towards £250 24th March 2015 Infrastructure Agreed the cost of hosting Field Day event Project Underspend Community Staveley Footpath £700 16th July 2015 Infrastructure Agreed design decommitment. 95 To purchase and install Community £4,500 18th May 2016 river level management Infrastructure equipment on the river Gowan and Kent Agreed

Contribution towards Community the Lakes Line Study Infrastructure £5,000 24th January 2017 Defibrillator & First Aid Community Training - The Lakes £1,024 28th January, 2015 Infrastructure Agreed School WINDERMERE Grit Bin - Springfield £3,500 Highways £250 28th January, 2015 Road Agreed Millerground Community £6,956 28th January 2015 Restoration Project Infrastructure Agreed 96 LMS Report & Recommendation

Forum Area or Division Lakes Ref No. Group Name Cumbria Highways Community Development Gill Holmes Officer Community Development Gae Hicks Assistant Amount Requested £1000 Total Project £1000 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary

This application is for the erection of a sign to aid drivers accessing Grasmere Village. The intention is to install a sign just before Pye Lane to encourage drivers to continue along the A591 to access the village by Swan Lane.

Currently, south bound drivers using sat nav, are being directed to turn right down Pye Lane which is an unsuitable lane for access into the village. it is a narrow carriageway with no footpath which pedestrians use to walk to the cemetery and therefore it is a safety issue for the community. Also drivers tend to break sharply when they first spot that turning (which is not signed and does not need to be), causing a hazard to the drivers following.

Strategic Fit / Evidence of Community Support

This application supports the following strategic priorities:

County Council Plan

• To enable communities to live safely and shape services locally • To provide a safe and well managed highways network, secure infrastructure improvements and support local economic growth

97 South Lakeland Area Plan

 Providing safe and well maintained roads and an effective transport network.

Match with Criteria The application fits well with strategic priorities and has the potential to support a large number of people

Number of people benefiting 1 - 10  10 - 50  50 - 100  100  Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates)

All break down of costs have been received. Details of Match Funding (where necessary)

Previous CCC Funding Grant Amount Recommended: £1000

Officer Signature: Gill Holmes Date: 19/12/2016 Comments from Elected Member(s) / Neighbourhood Forum / Grant Panel:

Cllr Heidi Halliday’s highways divisional money has all been committed and she therefore wishes to use her LMR to fund this sign for which CCC Highways are in agreement

LMS Report & Recommendation

Forum Area or Division Lakes Ref No. Group Name Lakes Parish Council Community Development Gill Holmes Officer Community Development Gae Hicks Assistant Amount Requested £687.50 Total Project £687.50 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary

Residents approached Cllr Heidi Halliday some time ago to ask whether it might be possible to install a seat at a bus stop at Rydal Road in Ambleside which would assist the elderly members of the community and those with slight disabilities.

98 CCC Highways department is happy with this proposal to fit a perch seat at Rydal Road in Ambleside .as is the Bus Infrastructure Officer for CCC.

The Lakes Parish Council has confirmed that they will be responsible for the maintenance of the seat.

Strategic Fit / Evidence of Community Support

This application supports the following strategic priorities:

County Council Plan

• To enable communities to live safely and shape services locally • To support older and vulnerable people to live independent and healthy lives

South Lakeland Area Plan

 Improving health and wellbeing and tackling poverty  Providing safe and well maintained roads and an effective transport network.

Match with Criteria The application fits well with strategic priorities and has the potential to support a large number of people

Number of people 1 - 10  10 - 50  50 - 100  100 + benefiting Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates)

Full purchase cost including fitting £687.50

Details of Match Funding (where necessary)

Previous CCC Funding Grant Amount £687.50 Recommended:

Officer Signature: Gill Holmes Date: 19 December 2016

LMS Report & Recommendation

Forum Area or Division Kendal Castle Ref No. Group Name Brathay Trust – Impact evaluation of the Kendal Schools Student Engagement Scheme delivered up to Summer 2016 Community Development Cherrie Trelogan Officer Community Development Gae Hicks Assistant

99 Amount Requested £566 Total Project £2400 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary

Enabled by previous funding from Cllr Clare Feeney-Johnson, Brathay Trust has recently delivered a project with both Kendal secondary schools during June and July 2016 to support KS3 students to make positive decisions in relation to how they spend their time and help reduce the likelihood of them misusing substances/illegal drugs.

It is important to measure the success of the programme by following up how young people who were targeted are managing to put their experiences from the course into their everyday lives and how their behaviour and attitude at school has changed. If Brathay are successful with their funding application to the Children and Young People’s Fund, impact assessment meetings will be planned from the end of January and a final report will be produced by the end of February, 2017. It is hoped that the format of this project might be extended to other schools in the future.

The intention is now to assess the impact of the 2016 programme on young people’s school engagement, the outcomes that have had most impact and what in particular attributed to this impact.

The activity will involve quantitive self-scores against each outcome and qualitative interviews with the young people, teachers or significant adult and the comparison of school data pre and post programme.

Strategic Fit / Evidence of Community Support

County Council Council Plan

 To safeguard children and ensure that Cumbria is a great place to be a child and grow up  To promote health and wellbeing

South Lakeland Area Plan

 Supporting Young People to be the best they can  Improving health and wellbeing

Match with Criteria

The application meets the required criteria

Number of people 1 - 10  10 – 50 X 50 - 100  100 + benefiting Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates)

Evaluation and production of report - £2,400 Details of Match Funding (where necessary)

Children and Young People’s Fund - £634 Brathay Fundraising -£1200

100 Previous CCC Funding Yes Grant Amount £566 Recommended: Officer Signature: Cherrie Trelogan Date: 14/12/2016

LMS Report & Recommendation

Forum Area or Division Cartmel Ref No. Group Name Flookburgh Village Hall Community Development Carol Last Officer Community Development Gae Hicks Assistant Amount Requested £2,000 Total Project £7,000 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary Flookburgh Village Hall is the community centre for and surrounding areas of Lower Holker and is widely used by Flookburgh Silver Band, Women’s Institute, Mothers Union, Tai Chi, Youth Group, Scout Group, Mothers and Toddlers and Library Club held every Friday for the community. The Committee are currently undertaking a renovation project to the hall to replace the chimney’s and make the roof good to stop damp entering the building. These works will be completed by the end of December 2016. There next stage of their business plan is to refurbish the kitchen area, as feedback from the community groups that use the kitchen area have suggested that it need updating.

Funding is being sought from the Local Members Revenue Funds to contribute towards the refurbishment of the Kitchen area in Flookburgh Village Hall.

Strategic Fit / Evidence of Community Support The village hall is a viable asset to the community, as it provides facilities for a wide range of people.

Cumbria County Council - Council Plan

 To enable communities to live safely and shape services locally  To promote health and wellbeing

South Lakeland Area Plan

 Improving health and wellbeing

Match with Criteria

This application meets the necessary requirements

101 Number of people 1 - 10  10 - 50  50 - 100  100 + benefiting Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates) We have received a list of project costs but awaiting up to date cost which this funding will support. Payment will not be made until this is received.

Details of Match Funding (where necessary)

SLDC Members funding Own fund raising from coffee mornings and community events

Previous CCC Funding Yes but not recently £2,000 Officer Signature: Carol Last Date: 21/12/2016

LMS Report & Recommendation

Forum Area or Division Cartmel Ref No. Group Name Flookburgh and District Recreational Trust Community Development Carol Last Officer Community Development Assistant Amount Requested £3,000 Total Project £17,294 Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary The Flookburgh & District Recreational Trust was set up by Lower Holker Parish Council to manage a plot of land on Moor Lane, Flookburgh with the intention of providing a recreational/ activity area for members of the local community.

Funding is being sought from the Local Members Revenue funds to contribute towards the provision of play equipment aimed at children aged between 0-14 years approximately. The project has been split into four phases aimed at installing a number of key pieces of equipment for all ages in the long term. In addition to equipment for young children an outdoor exercise area for all also forms part of the trusts plans. This will enable greater social interaction between children and their parents and combat rural isolation

Strategic Fit / Evidence of Community Support

Council Plan This project would fit with the key aspirations for Cumbria as identified through the Council Plan under the following headings:  To enjoy an independent and healthy life

102  A great place to be a child and grow up – providing access to play, recreational, leisure and outdoor activities South Lakeland Area Plan This project would also contribute towards the Health & Wellbeing priority identified in the South Lakeland Area Plan 2012-14.

What evidence is there of community support or need? The trust has had a long standing ambition to create a recreational area for all members of the community and this has been supported over the years through a number of consultations. The project would provide opportunities for the young people to socialise outside of school hours in a safe environment. It will provide local options which will assist with combating rural isolation.

Number of people 1 - 10  10 - 50  50 - 100  100  benefiting Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates) We have received a list of project costs but awaiting up to date cost, which this funding will support. Payment will not be made until this is received.

Details of Match Funding (where necessary) Playdale

Various items of play equipment - £ 19,685.79 Terram Surfacing - £316.00 Delivery & Installation - £3,516.00 Container for onsite storage - £380.00

Discount – (-£6,602.90) Total Project Costs - £17,294.89

Previous CCC Funding Yes Grant Amount £3,000 Recommended: Officer Signature: Carol Last Date: 21/12/2016

LMS Report & Recommendation

Forum Area or Division Kendal Strickland Fell Ref No. Group Name SLDC Community Development Cherrie Trelogan Officer Community Development Gae Hicks Assistant Amount Requested £1,000 Total Project £3,440 Cost

103 APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary

Improvements are required to the area close to Stramongate Bridge in Kendal, in order to improve safety and the visual appearance of the area as people walk into Kendal from Kendal Railway Station. This work will be undertaken by SLDC.

This is in Cllr Shirley Evan’s area but as she has not more CCC LMS funding remaining, Cllr Peter Thornton has agreed to allocate £1,000 to the scheme, as he feels it will help improve a key route into Kendal and benefit the town as a whole.

To date,( if this application is approved), there is £3,440 available for top coating part of the area with tarmac, resetting or replacing cobbles and paving slabs, through funding from SLDC, and through Cllrs David and Shirley Evans’ SLDC members funding to enhance the area. Kendal Civic Society has also expressed an interest in supporting this work. Additional funding will enable the surfacing and landscaping will be done to a higher standard.

Strategic Fit / Evidence of Community Support

This application supports the following priorities:

Cumbria County Council – Council Plan

 To provide safe and well maintained roads and an effective transport network  To enable communities to live safely  To promote health and wellbeing

South Lakeland Area Plan

 Providing safe and well maintained roads and an effective transport network  Promoting sustainable economic growth  Improving health and wellbeing

Match with Criteria

The application meets the required criteria

Number of people 1 - 10  10 - 50  50 - 100  100 +X benefiting Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates)

The current budget is £3,440 but a decision is being awaited from Kendal Civic Society

Details of Match Funding (where necessary)

If additional funding is approved by Kendal Civic Society, additional elements will be added to the scheme.

104 LMS Report & Recommendation

Forum Area or Division Upper Kent Ref No. Group Name Lakes Line Community Rail Partnership Community Development Gill Holmes Officer Engagement Support Gae Hicks Officer Amount Requested £5000 Total Project £30,000 + Cost

APPLICATION REPORT Application Summary

Lakes Line Study

Use of the Windermere – Kendal railway line has been growing and the passenger numbers on the line have doubled during the 10 years of the TransPennine Express franchise. However, access to the stations at Burneside and Staveley remains a problem. At Staveley, the only access to the platform is by 41 steep steps and Burneside can only be accessed along a private road. Neither has parking provision.

The future electrification of the line will give the line more direct trains from Manchester Airport and a vital boost to tourism in the area. With this in prospect, now is a good time to study and recommend improvements at the intermediate stations and to the capacity of the line.

A number of organisations have recognised the importance of this and pledged funding towards a feasibility study.

Part of the scope of the study will be 1) to identify and evaluate the suppressed demand due to accessibility and parking problems at Burneside and Staveley stations; and 2) assess the potential for a relocated Staveley platform or station to act as a park and ride

105 facility for Central Lakes and for local residents using the Lakes Line

Strategic Fit / Evidence of Community Support County Council Plan

 To support older, disabled and vulnerable people to live independent and healthy lives  To provide a safe and well managed highways network, secure infrastructure improvements and support local economic growth  To be a modern and efficient council

South Lakeland Area Plan

 Promoting sustainable economic growth, and creating jobs.  Supporting young people to achieve the best that they can.  Providing safe and well maintained roads and an effective transport network.

Match with Criteria

The application fits well with strategic priorities and has the potential to support a large number of people

Number of people 1 - 10  10 - 50  50 - 100  100 + benefiting Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates)

Consultants to submit proposals for carrying out the study on behalf of the LLCRP. Anticipated cost for the study is £30,000, Breakdown not available until consultant appointed. Details of Match Funding (where necessary) Funding being sought from 12 organisations – to date, the following have confirmed financial support: LDNPA; Cumbria Tourism; ; Staveley and Ings Parish Council; Lakes Line Rail User Group.

Cumbria County council will act as the account holder of the finances for this project

Previous CCC Funding Grant Amount £5000 Recommended:

Officer Signature: Gill Holmes Date: 4 January 2017


Electoral Division Low Furness Ref No.

Group / Organisation Name Egton Parish Council

Area Engagement Officer Carol Last

Engagement Support Officer Gae Hicks

106 Date Approved by Local Committee

Total Project Cost £1,600

LMS Contribution £550

PROJECT SUMMARY Egton Parish Council

Funding is being sought to contribute towards the purchase of a Public access defibrillator for the community of Broughton Beck to purchase a public access defibrillator package.

Evidence of Community Support & Strategic Fit This project is highly beneficial to Egton and the wider community and will assist with raising awareness regarding cardiac arrest in adults and young people and the important roles that defibrillators have to play. Council Plan This project would fit with the key aspirations for Cumbria as identified through the Council Plan under the following headings:

 To enable communities to live safely and shape services locally  To promote health and well-being

South Lakeland Area Plan This project would also contribute towards the Improving Health and Wellbeing priority identified in the South Lakeland Area Plan 2014-17.

Number of people benefiting 1 - 10  10 - 50  50 - 100  100 + Breakdown of Project Costs (supported by estimates)

All breakdown of costs have been rec Statement of Match Funding (where necessary) N/A Estimated date of completion As soon as funding permits Officer Evaluation The project contributes towards the achievement of the County Council and South Lakeland Local Area Plan priorities as outlined above. The scheme would be highly beneficial to the whole community.

107 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 12





St Mark’s CE Primary School, 1 No nomination received Natland

Crosscrake CE Primary 1 No nomination received School, Stainton, Kendal


Settlebeck School, Sedbergh 1 No nomination received

Ulverston Victoria High School 1 Position still vacant

109 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 13


Meeting date: 24 January 2017

From: Corporate Director – Economy and Highways



1.1 This report provides an update to Members on the enforcement of on- street parking in the South Lakeland Local Committee area.


2.1 The management of on-street parking contributes to achieving the aims of the Moving Cumbria Forward: Cumbria Transport Plan Strategy 2011 – 2016 and specifically supports delivery of the Cumbria Community Strategy 2008 – 2028 and the Council Plan priorities:

 To protect and enhance Cumbria’s world class environment

 To provide safe and well maintained roads and an effective transport network

 To promote sustainable economic growth, and create jobs

 To be a modern and efficient council

2.2 There are no equality implications arising out of this report and parking management policies and procedures take account of the needs of people with impaired mobility.


3.1 It is recommended that Members note this report as an update on the performance of the on-street parking enforcement service in the South Lakeland locality.

3.2 It is also recommended that Members identify any ongoing issues with enforcement and parking management in their divisions so that these can be considered in making improvements to the service.


4.1 On-street parking enforcement in the South Lakeland locality (the Service) transferred from South Lakeland District Council to Cumbria County Council on 01 July 2012. On transfer the Service was located within Highways, Transport and Fleet but on 01 June 2015 the Service transferred to Regulatory Services. This latest transfer is enabling the regulatory experience from other parts of the Council to be utilised to ensure that the on-street parking function follows best practice and is carried out in a consistent manner.

4.2 The Service’s key aims and objectives are to:

 Manage on-street parking to improve road safety and traffic movement.

 Issue residents and visitors parking permits to approximately 2650 properties in the South Lakeland District Council area in addition to contractor’s waivers and carer’s permits.

 Manage available on-street parking to the benefit of the local economy and community.

 Cover the costs of enforcement, including parking restriction signs and lines, from Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) income.

 Provide a better understood service and improved public facing role for Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) who will act as ambassadors on behalf of the Council.

4.3 In 2014 Cabinet made the decision to return on-street parking enforcement duties to the County Council for the remainder of Cumbria. Off-street parking enforcement still rests with the district councils and appropriate land owners. The decision to bring the on-street service back in-house was made to ensure the delivery of a cost effective and consistent parking enforcement service across the county. CEOs enforce on-street parking restrictions where Traffic Regulation Orders are in force. Elsewhere, where parking causes and obstruction of the highway, the police are responsible for enforcement as with moving traffic offences.

4.4 A total of 1663 Penalty Charge Notices were issued for on-street parking contraventions in the South Lakeland locality between 01 April 2016 and 30

112 September 2016 and the table below provides a monthly breakdown of this total. Between 01 April 2015 and 30 September 2015 a total of 1466 Penalty Charge Notices were issued for on-street parking contraventions in the South Lakeland locality.

Month Penalty Charge Notices issued

April 2016 214

May 2016 124

June 2016 169

July 2016 304

August 2016 487

September 2016 365

4.5 In the South Lakeland locality the Parking Services team (the Team) consists of 5 full-time CEOs however 2 of these posts are currently vacant. The Service is in the process of recruiting to both positions and it is anticipated that the new staff will join the Team in early January 2017. . In addition a mainly operational Parking Team Leader covers both the South Lakeland and Barrow localities and is tasked to liaise with local communities to address parking concerns and provide a first point of contact for Member queries.

4.6 The Team deals with a number of requests for service and complaints from residents, businesses, visitors and other stakeholders concerning parking related issues which are dealt with according to the Service’s On-street Parking Enforcement Policy. Queries are also received from Councillors, Members of Parliament, the media and other partners which are promptly actioned.

4.7 The Team regularly receives reports regarding inconsiderate parking outside schools which creates potential safety issues for children and other road users. CEOs have visited a number of areas across the locality to carry out enforcement and educational patrols which have been well received by schools, parents and the wider community. The Team aims to carry our regular visits to schools across the area, both proactively and reactively, and the initiative will be repeated throughout the academic year at both the start and finish of the school day. The Parking Manager has also met with a member of staff from Orian, the Council’s arms-length facilities management company, to discuss information sharing between their school crossing patrol staff and Parking Services with respect to parking concerns in the vicinity of schools and similar educational establishments.

4.8 The Team continues to issue PCNs relating to the misuse of Blue Badges and report instances of abuse of the process to the Blue Badge Team which sits in the Council’s Service Centre. The Parking Team Leader has been

113 tasked with organising a number of multi-agency initiatives across the locality to deal with Blue Badge abuse.

4.9 Following the floods in December 2015 the Service implemented a more flexible approach to issuing parking permits in order to assist individuals displaced from their home address. The floods resulted in a number of householders moving from one parking permit zone to another and the Service assisted these individuals by issuing temporary parking permits to cover the time away from their permanent address. In addition the Service relaxed the application process for contractor’s waivers by removing the usual charge levied for these permits which assisted those businesses working on flood affected properties. The Service received significant, positive feedback regarding the above initiatives which are still in place as the flood recovery phase continues.

4.10 On 05 September 2016 CEOs assisted colleagues in the Council’s Highways, Transport and Fleet team with the Tour of Britain stage which travelled through South Lakeland prior to finishing in Kendal town centre. Officers patrolled various towns and villages along the route to assist in ensuring that spectators parked safely and responsibly.


5.1 Members note the content of this report and make any comments on the report.

5.2 Members provide comments and feedback on parking enforcement issues in their area.


6.1 There are no direct financial implications for Local Committee arising from this report. The staffing budget for the South Lakeland area is £179,578 and income is expected to cover this cost.


7.1 There are no direct legal implications to this report as it is for information purposes only.


8.1 Members’ comments and feedback on the Service are invited.

Dominic Donnini Corporate Director – Economy and Highways

21 December 2016


No appendices.

Electoral Division(s): All South Lakeland

Executive Decision No

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? N/A


Cabinet 12 January 2012 - Decision to bring parking enforcement back in- house.

Cabinet 15 May 2014 – Decision to bring parking enforcement in-house.


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.


No background papers.


Contact: Austin Shields, Parking Manager Tel: 01228 221388 and 07974 327131 E-mail: [email protected]

115 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 14


Meeting date: 24th January 2017

From: Corporate Director – Health, Care and Community Services



1.1 This report draws attention to key Community Development and Public Health Activity undertaken by the South Lakeland Area Support Team and Locality Public Health Manager.


2.1 Community Development and Public Health Activity supports the aims of the Council Plan 2014-2017 with respect to the priorities;

 To safeguard children, and ensure that Cumbria is a great place to be a child and grow up

 To enable communities to live safely and shape services locally

 To promote health and wellbeing and tackle poverty

 To support older and vulnerable people to live independent and healthy lives

2.2 All activities undertaken are assessed to ensure that the equality and diversity impacts are understood and appropriately addressed.


3.1 Members are asked to note the content of this report.


4.1 This report draws attention to key Community Development, Waste Reduction and Public Health Activity undertaken by the South Lakeland Area Support Team and the Public Health Locality Manager to progress the Council’s Strategic aims and the Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2016-19 in South Lakeland.

4.2 Additionally the Community Development Team continues to work alongside local members supporting them in their community leadership role and engaging with local communities to help shape council services. The team continues to work towards the objectives set which include Community Grant Panels, providing bespoke engagement around local issues, supporting the Community Grants process, supporting the Children & Young People’s Working group and assisting with the development of the Local Area Partnerships

Key Activities

4.3. Flood Recovery: The Area Manager and the Locality Public Health Manager are providing on-going support to the Community Flood Recovery Group which continues to meet monthly. Of approximately 2,000 households that were flooded in December 2015 554 have registered with the Gateway support programme (circa 25%), of these 433 are in Kendal; the households registered account for 1,198 individuals. Members should note that earlier reporting of some 700 households registered included a significant number of multiple registrations, this has now been addressed hence the reduction in the figure.

Households claiming Council Tax relief are the best proxy measure available to determine the number of properties where physical recovery remains incomplete. At the Community Recovery Group meeting on the 13th December 2016 it was reported that 77 households were continuing to claim Council Tax relief. The impact on less affluent households has been considered and the distribution of Council Tax relief claimants across bands has been considered. Claimants by band are as follows; Band a (10), Band B (29), Band C (21), Band d (6), Band E (4), band f (3) and Band G (2), this distribution across bands is not significantly different to the distribution of banding across the south Lakeland housing stock and therefore there is some evidence to suggest that less affluent households have not been slower to achieve physical recovery that the more affluent.

The Area Manager, Public Health Manager and Area Team continue to help helping facilitate a transition from focus on recovery to focus on resilience planning. Local Community Emergency Response/Flood Action groups are being supported to help communities become more effective and thus more resilient in the event of future flooding.

In partnership with South Lakeland District Council and other members of the Community Flood Recovery group much effort is being put into promoting uptake of the £5k ‘resilience’ grant available to households. The Community Recovery Group meeting on the 13th December 2016 ‘was advised that some 834 applications for grant had been received (160 of

118 these from businesses), of these 586 had received whole or part payment and a total of £1.45m had been committed.

The timeframe to take final section 19 reports back to communities remains to be determined by the Environment Agency.

4.3 Asset Based Community Development:

Pennington - Support is being provided by the Community Development Officer and the Public Health Manager to implement a Health and Wellbeing strand into Pennington’s Community Led Plan. The Pennington Community Led Planning Group have developed a short questionnaire which has been distributed to the communities in Pennington and Swarthmoor asking local residents what they like, don’t like and would change about the area where they live. The responses were largely positive however concerns were raised with regard to over development in the area, poor air quality, A590, lack of parking facilities, flooding, gas supply, no shops, road verges, lack of public transport and public footpaths. The group is currently looking at the development of a full questionnaire which will be distributed in the New Year. Ulverston Healthy Town:

Ulverston Multi-agency Health and Wellbeing Group – Terms of Reference for group have been drafted, these detail the purpose and role of the group as it works towards the construction of a Health and Wellbeing Plan which will inform the future requirements to progress Ulverston to Healthy Town Status. The Community Development Officer and Public Health Manager will continue to provide support in the development of a Health and Wellbeing Plan which reflects a whole system approach.

Hawkshead Delivery Group - Support is being provided by the Community Development Officer to the group on the delivery of a feasibility study. The group has commissioned Mott McDonald to undertake a feasibility study to improve the economic base of the village. Various engagement activity will has taken place through November/December with local residents, businesses, community groups and parish councils to gain more understanding of the economic climate and road infrastructure in Hawkshead Village. Report will be finalised in January 2017.

Cartmel Township Initiative - Support is being provided by the Community Development Officer to the group working on development of a Cartmel Traffic Management Plan which includes proposals for residents parking, signage scheme and loading bays. After the consultation event which was held in September, Cumbria Highways carried out a detailed site appraisal which was needed to draft the formal Traffic Management Order. It was clear after the site appraisal that there were problems with the scale and large size of the mandatory signs, as well as positioning at key entry points into the proposed zone. Alongside this the group are also working on a Riverside and Footbridge enhancement scheme to complement the traffic management plan. The proposals have now been refined including the extensions along Haggs Lane and Park View to the main Racecourse entrance and Aynsome Road. In effect this will mean changing the former scheme to a Traffic Regulation Order incorporating, narrow, primrose

119 coloured double yellow lines. The group held an advisory drop in event on 16th December, to inform the local community on the above changes.

4.4 Health and Wellbeing Forum: The South Lakeland Health and wellbeing forum met on the 13th of December. At this meeting Cllr Mark Wilson was elected chair of the forum and Cllr Chris Hogg vice-chair. Dr Jim Hacking provided an update on Integrated Care Communities, The group was advised that South Lakeland District Council has committed to provide the Gateway group with £88,500 per annum for 5 years for grant giving processes, the scope to grant funds to new initiatives will increase as current commitments taper down in coming years.

The forum meeting was completed with a discussion including invited 3rd sector guests where how collectively agencies were addressing the forum’s priorities for older people in South Lakeland, namely loneliness, maintaining independence and access.

4.5 Children & Young People: South Lakeland’s Youth Council magazine on Mental Health issues (BLINK) won the British Youth Council (BYC) ‘Inspiring Project’ award, chosen by a panel of young people. All award holders will be celebrated through BYC's website and communication.

Our three UK Youth Parliament Members (one from South Lakeland) represented the Young People of Cumbria at the Annual UK Youth Parliament House of Commons Sitting in London on Friday, 11th November 2016 where they debated a range of topical issues, including the need for cheap, accessible public transport and tackling racist and religious discrimination.

4.6 Older People: The Community Development Team and Public Health Manager have been liaising with Kendal Dementia Action Alliance to explore the potential for Dementia Hubs in Kendal and Windermere. Additionally the team are working with the Community Services Manager and the Library staff in Ulverston to run a ‘Living Well into Later Life’ day, this will be aimed at the promotion of health and wellbeing and if successful the intention will be to roll out to suitable Libraries across South Lakeland.

4.7 Integrated Care Communities: The Community Development Officers and Public Health manager continue to work closely with the developing ICCs across South Lakeland. Ulverston and Dalton ICC are linked into the Health Town project in Ulverston, the team joined NHS colleagues supporting the Grange and Central Lakes ICC at a meeting of the Grange and Cartmel LAP, the Kendal ICC has held a further public meeting where local government and third sector organisations were well represented, and the team has worked with the East ICC to hold a public event and subsequently on a community engagement/mobilisation plan.

4.8 Waste Reduction: The Waste Prevention Officer working in partnership with Kendal Freegle arranged a very successful ‘Give & Take’ event on Saturday 12 November at Castle Street Community Centre, Kendal. Over 100 people attended the event and a wide variety of items were given & taken away, including a perfect condition junior cricket kit, child safety gates, lots of children’s toys, books, clothes, and kitchen items. Feedback on the day

120 asked when the next event might be thus a second event is being planned for Spring 2017 to be combined with a seed swap.

The waste Prevention Officer is continuing work with SLDC planning the ‘Waste Less’ project in Staveley. This will include trialling collection of new materials collected at the kerbside along with waste prevention initiatives and event.

4.9 Old Gowan Bridge: Two main issues were identified in the feedback following a drop-in event in October (location of the footpath and aesthetics) these are being addressed and the Community Team are keeping the community regularly updated regarding the design and build of the new bridge.

4.10 Local Members Revenue: The Community Development Officers continue to support members in the development of Local Member Scheme projects for Local Committee. The officers have worked closely with local groups and organisations to assess the viability of the projects and undertake specific engagement as and where necessary.


5.1 Members are asked to note the content of the Community Development & Public Health Activity Report


6.1 There are no direct financial implications arising from this report for information. Should the activity described in this report lead to future proposals to Local Committee, any resource implications would be considered alongside those proposals.


7.1 The Local Committee is authorised to accept the recommendations..


8.1 Realising the council’s strategic aims and public health objectives is dependent upon robust community engagement and community development. With the support of officers members are ideally placed to ensure effective community development promotes public health and contributes to the achieving these aims and objectives in South Lakeland, and. As a consequence engaged and empowered residents will benefit from healthier, happier communities.

121 Brenda Smith Corporate Director – Health Care and Care Services



No appendices

Executive Decision No*

Key Decision No*

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? No* N/A*

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No*

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant No* N/A* Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No* If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No* N/A* undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No* N/A*

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and necessary approvals have been obtained.



Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.


No background papers


Contact: Mike Conefrey, Tel: 07974 446131, e-mail: [email protected]

122 Agenda Item 15


Minutes of a Meeting of the Local Committee Chairs and Leadership held on Tuesday, 8 November 2016 at Old Court Room, The Courts, Carlisle, CA3 8NAat 2.00 pm


Mr SF Young (Chair)

Mrs PA Bell Mr FI Morgan Mr N Cotton Mr EW Nicholson Miss HJ Fearon Mrs W Skillicorn Mr KR Hamilton Mr M Stephenson Mr G Humes Mr SF Young Mr J Mallinson

Also in Attendance:-

Mr C Cox - Assistant Director - Public Health and Communities Mrs J Currie - Senior Democratic Services Officer Ms G Elliott - Area Manager - Copeland Mr P Greenup - Senior Manager - Regulatory Services Ms T Ingham - Area Manager - Barrow Mrs K Johnson - Area Manager - South Lakeland Ms A Jones - Assistant Director - Economy and Environment Ms L Shaw - Area Manager - Allerdale Mr T Thwaites - Area Manager - Carlisle Mrs D Wood - Chief Executive Mr N Wright - Area Manager - Eden


Apologies for absence were received from Mr W McEwan, Mrs S Sanderson, Mr I Stewart and Mr C Weber.

The Chair welcomed the Assistant Director – Public Health and Communities to his first meeting of the Local Committee Chairs and Leadership since he took over responsibility for Community Services.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 27 July 2016 be agreed with the following amendments:-

Minute No 5 – Area Planning Allerdale change the words registration service relocating to Cockermouth to read ‘ceremonies room relocating within Cockermouth’.

123 South Lakeland – change the opening paragraph to read ‘the Chair said SLLC had been working together with Kendal Town Council and South Lakeland District Council to consider where monies from these organisations might align with the Kendal Strategic Transport Infrastructure Study. This had come about.... etc'


This report provides an overview of the principles of Area Planning and the very local approach that has been adopted. It provides a progress update on the activity and achievements within each Local Committee area. This report covers the period of June to September 2016 and is shared by the Chairs and Vice Chairs.

Each of the Chairs/Vice Chairs presented the updates on progress for their own areas, for the period June to September 2016, which included the following:-


With effect from October, the Ceremonies Room in Cockermouth, a shared space with the Coroner, moved to the town hall in Cockermouth. The Coroner Service required additional space and were able to move into the former Ceremony Room. Rather than cease this service in the town, there was no legal requirement to provide one, the Communities Team worked with the town council to ensure that a low cost venue was still available in the town. This also supported the businesses in the town that were linked to both weddings and the associated hospitality industry and raised the profile of the town council. This initial piece of work had strengthened the relationship with the town council which would be essential in reshaping local services going forward, specifically the future use of the library.

A range of events were planned in the libraries for children through the school holidays including Summer Reading Challenge and events to celebrate the birth of Roald Dahl. The Community Services Manager was the County Lead on Children’s events in libraries and was currently organising the Poetry by Heart event with schools which ran annually.


One of the Local Committee’s three Area Plan Priorities focused on promoting sustainable economic growth and creating jobs. As such Members had continued to have a strong focus on the impacts and potential opportunities for local communities resulting from the significant developments in the area. Recent sessions and work included:

 Meetings to look at the BAE development and associated impacts  Partnership meeting with the FSB and future close working with the Barrow BID to support the town centre development  A site visit and briefing regarding the development of the Barrow Waterfront.  Reviewing the Barrow Infrastructure Plan which would support the Borough Council’s Local Plan

124 The Libraries and Archive Service continued to develop in Barrow and was working closely with Local Members on a range of projects including:

 Dalton Library – the transfer of the library to the nearby community centre had now been completed, helping to support this developing community hub.  Barrow Island Community Hub - at a previous Area Planning meeting Members explored the potential to develop a community hub on Barrow Island in the CDC/Library space. Discussions had been held with all partners and following some minor work it was hoped that the hub would be fully developed and incorporating all partners by late-Autumn  Barrow Main Library - Members had previously asked that this building was reviewed to identify how the whole property could be brought back into full use with a view to making this key service centre even more of a community hub. A full feasibility study of the property and a business case was being developed.


Councillors recognised the need to plan and address the current and anticipated future economic needs of the city, and had been closely briefed on commissioned work to deal with projects that will have an impact in both the short and long term future, such as:

 Carlisle South developments  The future of the council’s current HQ complex at The Courts  Railway Station/Court Square plans  Portland Square design and development brief  Virgin Media project to install cable provision across the city  United Utilities water main developments

Councillors had been keen to ensure that positive developments received the widest recognition, and where progress from outside bodies appeared inadequate, had used their community champion role to press for changes.


The Copeland Community Development Centre was now operating out of the library and archive buildings. This was facilitated by revised opening hours at the Archive centres so the Copeland Community learning team could establish a fixed base within the Archive building on a Monday and Tuesday. This was the start of bringing all the community services together in Whitehaven ready for the Daniel Hay redevelopment.

As part of bringing all the community services together on one site 3 meeting rooms were being created on the ground floor of the Whitehaven Library to allow Registrars to vacate College House and host the Weddings and Citizen ceremonies in the library building.

The Area Delivery Plan was currently being refreshed with member workshops informing a more targeted focus on deliverable projects and programmes.

125 Whitehaven Campus The preferred developer of Campus Whitehaven was Wates who had substantial knowledge and expertise in building schools within time and within budget. Wates were working well with both schools and proposals going forward for planning in November.

An approach had been made from Give us a Break 2010 charity for early discussions on the potential to use the Mayfield school site once Campus Whitehaven opens for the creation of a respite care centre.


An area plan priority session was held with Members to discuss and reaffirm local priorities. The session generated good discussion around areas of focus and future areas for consideration. The Eden Area Plan Delivery Plan was refreshed as a result allowing for a strategic focus for committee resources and a performance measurement tool for the work of the community service team.

Members had continued to be engaged with flood recovery works. Colleagues from the council’s community development team and development management team continued to work with the EA to deliver flood forums across the district where draft flood investigation reports had been presented to local residents. Sessions had been well attended and generated some good discussion.

Members in Eden had now received two engagement sessions around the service review of day opportunities in the district, and Eden Community Development Team were working hard to develop a map of local community services, clubs and events to aid future discussions over community based day services. The team would continue work with colleagues in health and social care to look at individual options and highlight opportunities in preparation for a further engagement session with the local committee.

In relation to the library service, following a three week consultation exercise, Eden Local Committee recently approved a slight change and reduction in Penrith Library opening hours from 52 to 46 hours per week. The changes included closure on a Sunday and slight changes to the evening opening hours.

The proposed changes would ensure that the library would continue to open on Saturdays and some evenings, avoid closures at short notice, keep collections up to date and attractive for borrowers, support a home delivery service, offer a varied programme of events, fun activities and learning opportunities for all ages.

South Lakeland

South Lakeland Local Committee recognised that Kendal’s infrastructure presented constraints on being able to easily get around the town. The recent floods highlighted the significant challenge the River Kent and its 8 bridges places on the town. To facilitate future inward investment it was essential that links in and around the town enabled businesses and residents to move from one side to the other with ease.

126 Local Committee held a workshop (inviting SLDC and Kendal Town Council) to consider the future role of the town within South Lakeland, within Cumbria and the wider region. Local Committee, SLDC and Kendal Town Council agreed to commission a study which would explore the strategic infrastructure opportunities in and around the town. A small working group had been set up to take this forward. Consultants, Mott McDonald, had been appointed and had met with the group to set out the approach. Workshops had also been held with members and officers to explore the issues and opportunities. The interim report would be presented to the steering group in November.

The Chair said he found the new format of this report very informative and useful. He asked all local committee chairs to feedback comments to the Assistant Director, if required.

The Chair thanked the local committee chairs for the updates.


The Chief Executive updated members on the recently held strategic planning sessions, which had been well attended by members.

There were no proposals to reduce the local committee budgets for 2017/18. An announcement was awaited following publication of the Autumn Statement.

The Chief Executive reminded members that Tony Travers, an eminent and nationally renowned academic who spoke regularly on Local Government related issues, in particular finance, would be in Cumbria House on 2 December.

He has a long standing relationship with Cumbria and visits us annually after the Autumn Statement to share his analysis of what it might mean for the sector. His commentary is always well received and Cumbria always looks forward to his visit.

The Chair thanked the Chief Executive for the update.


The Assistant Director – Economy and Environment and the Senior Manager – Regulatory Services gave members a presentation to update them on Parking Services in Cumbria. The presentation covered the following:-

Purpose Member Engagement Service Update Proposals for the Future

A briefing note had also been circulated which provide Local Committee Chairs and Leadership with an update on the performance of the Council’s Parking Services

127 team and to discuss how the service engaged with Local Committee’s and the opportunities for the potential recruitment of additional Civil Enforcement Officers.

The future intention was to present a written report and verbal update to each of the local committees on a half yearly basis. These reports would include an update on enforcement activity, initiatives and service developments.

The first report of each financial year would cover activities from April to September inclusive and would be presented in late autumn or early winter. The second report would cover the activities for the full financial year, including the Parking Services Annual Report, and would be delivered in late spring or early summer.

To provide more regular information updates for each Local Committee Monthly Updates were proposed.

The service aimed to undertake intelligence led targeted, enforcement to make the most effective use of its staff resources. Members could assist by providing intelligence on parking problems to the Parking Team Leader for their locality with details of parking related issues in their division.

The Senior Manager explained that the reshaping of the Council’s Parking Services enforcement team was nearly complete. The next phase of the reshaping would concentrate on the office based staff that dealt with Penalty Charge Notice challenges and queries and administer the parking permit schemes. Various options were currently being explored including transferring the staff into the Council’s Service Centre. It was envisaged that this would take place as part of a wider project to review the numerous parking permit schemes across Cumbria along with the issuing process.

The service intended to streamline its processing activity to maximise the benefits of technology, digital first and adopt a consistent approach to processing payments and issuing permits in addition to dealing with and handling complaints. The service was exploring options for a secure, on-line parking permits application portal to reduce the volume of paperwork submitted by applicants and explore the feasibility of virtual permits, thus reducing stationery and postage costs. The service would also explore opportunities to extend to additional localities the front facing services which existed in Barrow Library with the Council’s Library Service to provide internet access and assistance for residents without on-line connectivity.

There was currently significant variation in the range of parking permits available across Cumbria including different rules regarding the number of permits each user was entitled too. Members would be consulted on options to harmonise possible permit schemes. As there would potentially be a requirement to amend TROs, it was anticipated that this process would take approximately 2 years to conclude.

Concerns had been raised by some local committees over the staff levels within the Service and the ability to provide adequate coverage to their communities. The Service aimed to be at least self-funding covering all costs including front-line enforcement, back-office processing and administering the parking permit schemes from Penalty Charge Notice income.

128 The initial proposal would be to consider the cost of recruiting four additional Civil Enforcement Officers, one based in each of the following Localities, Allerdale, Barrow, Copeland and South Lakeland. It was considered that the Carlisle and Eden teams were better placed to satisfy demands with the existing establishment than the remaining four locality areas. It could however be beneficial to recruit an additional full-time Civil Enforcement Officer to each of these areas as a second option.

Financially it was feasibly possible on a cost neutral basis to recruit four additional Civil Enforcement Officers, however to provide flexibility and cover countywide it would be proposed not to formally allocate the additional Civil Enforcement Officers to a locality but to keep the costs centralised and then allocated to local cost codes based on the Civil Enforcement Officers work locations. This would enable the Service to quickly respond to emerging trends, priorities or significant sickness issues.

The Chair of Eden Local Committee commented that she had had concerns when parking originally transferred back to the County Council, but these had proved to be completely unfounded. The Parking Services team had provided an excellent service to the members. However, she still had a number of concerns about some of the zones in and around Penrith but hoped that these issues would be resolved once the ‘chip track’ service was introduced.

The Chair of Copeland was disappointed with the service in Copeland. The streets in Whitehaven were gridlocked most days whilst the car parks were standing empty. Members of the public continued to park illegally on the streets and no effective parking enforcement was being carried out.

Officers said there had been problems with recruitment and staff sickness in Copeland but the team was now back up to full strength so it was hoped the issues would be resolved quickly.

The Chair of Barrow Local Committee felt that one of the issues in his area was the replacing of double yellow lines. There were a number of areas where yellow lines had disappeared and parking restrictions in these areas were being ignored. Barrow members wished to purchase a second hand trailer to replace yellow lines in the area.

The Assistant Director – Economy and Environment said she was working with the Assistant Director – Highways, Transport and Fleet to take this forward.

Members had concerns about the parking permit systems currently operating across the districts and the number of different schemes in place. The Senior Manager said the countywide issue of parking permits was currently being looked at by officers, and he would share the details with members once this was available.

Members commented that they hoped the wish was not to introduce a countywide system, as they did not feel that a ‘one size fits all’ scheme would be the answer.

The Chair thanked the members for their comments.


The Assistant Director – Transformation presented members with the Transformation Programme Dash Board, for discussion.

The dash board was not intended to replace the Council Plan it was a tool to be used to give oversight of the significant change programme, allowed issues to be raised early and allowed remedial action to be taken.

The dash board had 4 ‘wheels’:-

 Delivery Change Projects  Reshaping Service Plan  Corporate Projects  Capital Programme

The Assistant Director – Transformation took members through the first three elements, and the Assistant Director – Capital Programme and Property dealt with the Capital Programme.

The Assistant Director – Transformation said the dash board could be adapted to suit the needs of the local committees, and he asked chairs to contact him if they wanted to discuss this in more detail.

Members noted the Transformation Programme Dash Board.


The following items were noted for future meetings:-

Apprenticeship Levy Health and Social Care

The Chair asked that any other possible items be fed through the Area Managers.


The next meeting will be held on 26 January 2017 in Cumbria House, Carlisle at 10am.

The meeting ended at 4pm