
Call to Congress to Restore Sanctions Against Rhodesia


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Alternative title Call to Congress to Restore Sanctions Against Rhodesia Author/Creator American Committee on Africa Publisher American Committee on Africa Date 1973 Resource type Policy Documents Language English Subject Coverage (spatial) , Zimbabwe Coverage (temporal) 1973 Source Africa Action Archive Rights By kind permission of Africa Action, incorporating the American Committee on Africa, The Africa Fund, and the Africa Policy Information Center. Description Rhodesia. Sanctions. U.S. Policy. Format extent 2 page(s) (length/size)


http://www.aluka.org A Call to Corgress

A Call to Corgress to Restore Sapctioirs Apair st Rfbodesia We call on Congress to restore U.S. sanctions against Rhodesia, to renew our country's adherence to international law and to the U.N. treaty obligations. We call for the restoration of sanctions because we support majority rule in Rhodesia. Since 1971, imports from Rhodesia in violation of sanctions have given economic and political aid to an illegal regime which is based on the disenfranchisement of the 95% African majority and discriminatory social and economic laws parallel to apartheid in South Africa. Advocates of imports from Rhodesia in violation of sanctions have argued that these imports contribute to national defense by lessening imports of chrome ore from the Soviet Union. However, imports of Soviet chrome have actually remained at the same level; and, the U.S. stockpile of chrome ore is in excess of projected needs. Consequently, the Administration has submitted legislation to sell off the unneeded reserves. The breaking of sanctions against Rhodesia is threatening U.S. jobs. The U.S. Ferroalloys Association announced in May that 19 ferrochrome plants in the U.S. are endangered by the surge of imports from Rhodesia and South Africa where production costs are cut because of conditions of forced labor and special subsidies. FOR THESE REASONS WE SUPPORT THE BI-PARTISAN GROUP OF 25 SENATORS AND 99 REPRESENTATIVES* CO-SPONSORING BILLS S. 1868 (SENATE) AND H.R. 8005 (HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES) TO AMEND THE UNITED NATIONS PARTICIPATION ACT OF 1945 TO RESTORE THE UNITED STATES SANCTIONS AGAINST RHODESIA. *(see listing on back) ------Please return to: Endorsements of this call to Congress will be submitted in support of the AMERICAN COMMITTEE ON AFRICA new bills when the debates start in 164 Madison Avenue the Senate and House of Representatives. New York, New York 10016 I (WE) ENDORSE THE CALL TO CONGRESS TO RESTORE U.S. SANCTIONS AGAINST RHODESIA THROUGH PASSAGE OF BILLS S. 1868 (SENATE) AND H.R. 8005 (HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES). Name or Organization Address City State Zip Please send additional copies of this statement for use by local organizations in my area. Pleasesend copiesofthebrochure"TheHighCostofBreaking Sanctions" which summarizes the issues at stake, lists the key Congressional votes needed, and gives suggestions for local action. I enclose $ as my contribution to help further the campaign to restore sanctions against Rhodesia.

CO-SPONSORS OF BILLS S. 1868 (SENATE) AND H.R. 8005 (HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES) TO RESTORE U.S. SANCTIONS AGAINST RHODESIA SENATE (Minn.) Gale W. McGee (Wy.) Edward M. Kennedy (Mass.) Clifford P. Case (N.J.) Jacob K. Javits (N.Y.) Edward W. Brooke (Mass.) James Abourezk (S.D.) (Ind.) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Donald M. Fraser (Minn.) Charles C. Diggs,Jr.(Mich.) William S. Mailliard (Calif.) Peter H.B. Frelinghuysen (N.J.) Augustus F. Hawkins (Calif.) Richardson Preyer (N.C.) Charles A. Mosher () James G. O'Hara (Mich.) Sidney R. Yates (Ill.) Spark M. Matsunaga (Hawaii) Peter W. Rodino,Jr. (N.J.) Edwin B. Forsythe (N.J.) James A. Burke (Mass.) Julia Butler Hansen (Wash.) John B. Anderson (Ill.) William L. Hungate (Mo.) Dante B. Fascell (Fla.) Robert N.C. Nix (Pa.) (1ll.) Benjamin S. Rosenthal (N.Y.) John C. Culver (Iowa) Lee H. Hamilton (Ind.) Lester L. Wolff (N.Y.) Charles W. Whalen,Jr. (Ohio) Ogden R. Reid (N.Y.) Michael Harrington (Mass.) Leo J. Ryan (Calif.) Donald W. Riegle,Jr. (Mich.) Herman Badillo (N.Y.) Walter E. Fauntroy (D.C.) Alphonzo Bell (Calif.) Frank J. Brasco (N.Y.) William J. Green (Pa.) Alan Cranston (Calif.) Thomas F. Eagleton (Mo.) Philip A. Hart (Mich.) Harold E. Hughes (Iowa) Daniel K. Inouye (Hawaii) Henry M. Jackson (Wash.) Charles McC. Mathias (Md.) George McGovern (S.D.) Walter F. Mondale (Minn.) Frank E. Moss (Utah) Edmund S. Muskie (Me.) Gaylord Nelson (Wis.) Claiborne Pell (R.I.) Adlai E. Stevenson (Ill.) John V. Tunney (Calif.) Harrison A. Williams,Jr.(N.J.) Bob Packwood (Ore.) Ralph H. Metcalfe (Ill.) Bob Bergland (Minn.) Ronald V. Dellums (Calif.) Phillip Burton (Calif.) Patsy T. Mink (Hawaii) James C. Corman (Calif.) Frank Horton (N.Y.) Joseph P. Addabbo (N.Y.) Bella S. Abzug (N.Y.) Joe Moakley (Mass.) Thaddeus J. Dulski (N.Y.) Henry S. Reuss (Wis.) Claude Pepper (Fla.) Gerry E. Studds (Mass.) William Lehman (Fla.) Edward I. Koch (N.Y.) Parren J. Mitchell (Md.) John E. Moss (Calif.) Lloyd Meeds (Wash.) Joshua Eilberg (Pa.) Antonio Borja Won Pat (Guam) Bertram L. Podell (N.Y.) (N.Y.) Floyd V. Hicks (Wash.) Fortney H. Stark (Calif.) Edward-R. Roybal (Calif.) Don Edwards (Calif.) Edward P. Boland (Mass.) Edward G. Biester, Jr. (Pa.) Ron de Lugo (V.I.) Robert W. Kastenmeier (Wis.) Henry Heistoski (N.J.) Gilbert Gude (Md.) Patricia Schroeder (Col.) Robert F. Drinan (Mass.) George E. Danielson (Calif.) William Clay (Mo.) Edward J. Patten (N.J.) John Conyers,Jr. (Mich.) David R. Obey (Wis.) Charles B. Rangel (N.Y.) James J. Howard (N.J.) Lee Aspin (Wis.) Bob Eckhardt (Tex.) John F. Seiberling (Ohio) Paul Sarbanes (Md.) Robert 0. Tiernan (R.I.) (Ill.) Paul N. McCloskey,Jr.(Calif.) (Ohio) William S. Cohen (Me.) Thomas Ashley (Ohio) (Ohio) Thomas Rees (Calif.) John Dellenback (Ore.) Joseph Gaydos (Pa.) Bill Frenzel (Minn.) John Brademas (Ind.) ,Jr.(N.J.) Glenn Anderson (Calif.) (Tex.) Jonathan Bingham (N.Y.) Andrew Young (Ga.) George E. Brown,Jr. (Calif.) (Calif.)Howard Robison (N.Y.) IF YOUR SENATOR OR REPRESENTATIVE IS ONE OF THE KEY SWING VOTES LISTED BELOW PLEASE ACT NOW TO URGE THEIR SUPPORT FOR BILLS S. 1868 AND H.R. 8005. CONTACT THE AMERICAN COMMITTEE ON AFRICA ABOUT LOCAL CONSTITUENCY CAMPAIGNS. SENATORS: William Saxbe and Robert Taft (Ohio); Lowell Weicker (Conn.); William Roth (Del.); Richard Schweiker (Pa.); Ernest Hollings (S.C.); Walter Huddleston and Marlow Cook (Ky.); Lawton Chiles (Fla.); James Pearson (Kans.); Joseph Montoya (N.M.); Lee Metcalf (Mont.). REPRESENTATIVES: , Charles Carney (Ohio); , Edward Derwinski, , John Kluczynski, Robert McClory, , Samuel Young (Ill.); Ray Madden (Ind.); Guy Vander Jagt, Martha Griffiths (Mich.); Leonor Sullivan (Mo.); John Dent, Thomas Morgan, Gus Yatron, Joseph Vigorito, Lawrence Coughlin (Pa.)z Jack Kemp. Mario Biaggi, Peter Peyser (N.Y.); Silvio Conte (Mass.); Robert Giaimo (Conn.); Dominick Daniels (N.J.); Clarence Long (Md.); Robert Mollohan (W.Va.); Frank Stubblefield(Ky.); Ike Andrews (N.C.); Richard Fulton (Tenn.); Charles Bennett, William Chappell, Sam Gibbons (Fla.); Charles Wilson (Calif.); Morgan Murphy (Ill.).