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HON. EDWARD J. DERWINSKI November 11, 1971 HON. ROBERT 40808 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 11, 1971 ORDER FOR PERIOD FOR TRANSAC­ ORDER OF BUSINESS The motion was agreed to; and <at 6 TION OF ROUTINE MORNING o'clock and 30 minutes p.mJ the Senate BUSINESS TOMORROW Mr. LONG. Mr. President, I have dis­ cussed this matter with those who work adjourned unt.il tomorrow, Friday, No­ Mr. ALLEN. Mr. Pres,ident, acting for with and for the majority leader, and vember 12, 1971, at 9 a.m. the distinguished majority leader and at I understand it is his desire to convene his request, I ask unanimous consent at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. That is that tomorrow after the conclusion of in accordance with our desire. the remarks of the distinguished senior NOMINATIONS Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. HARRIS) The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Executive nominations received by the there be a period for the transaction of Senator is correct. An order has been entered to that effect. Senate November 11, 1971: routine morning· business for not to ex­ U.S. DISTRICT COURTS ceed 30 minutes with speeches by Sena­ James S. Holden, of Vermont, to be U.S. tors limited to 3 minutes at the conclu­ district judge for the district of Vermont, sion of which the Chair will lay before ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9 A.M. vice James L. Oakes, elevated. the Senate the unfinished business, H.R. 10947. Mr. LONG. So, Mr. President, I move DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without that the Senate stand in adjournment Earl Lauer Butz, of Indiana, to be Secre­ objection, it is so ordered. until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. tary of Agriculture. MAN VERSUS INSTITUTION heroine, and on the other stage the most ex­ The Air Force, unamused, is billing McCul­ pensive of the overs.bused military branches, lough for $53,575, which it figures is his pro­ the wielder of the big bomb itself, playing rated share of Air Force Academy expenses HON. EDWARD J. DERWINSKI hero. Ask who cast them in these roles, and for four years. McCullough's senator, Mark IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I will answer: Me. Hatfield, calls the billing un-American and I am qualified to, a.long with X-milllon undemocratic. I ca.11 it an admirable effort to Wednesday, November 10, 1971 other parents in this country who have sent, recover our good-faith investment in the are sending, or are saving to send their chil­ young gentleman. Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, the dren to college on their own [the parents'] Good fa.1th-sounds quaint, doesn't it? Perspective page of the Chicago Tribune, hard-earned money. which has gained nationwide attention That ls how the 20-year-old Miss Graber for the nature and variance of its com­ went to Vassar, which is a lot more dear mentary, featured a column in its Tues­ than your average county community college. FOR MANY AMERICANS, NOVEl\IBER day October 26, edition by columnist Er­ Having shelled out for tuition, room, books, 11 IS ARMISTICE DAY nest Furgurson of the Baltimore Sun, and whata.11, she found herself billeted with which highlighted two very interesting a roommate she refers to out of legal dis­ cretion merely a.s "Pamela." Pamela got her subjects which deserve our scrutiny. collegiate career off to a fast start by taking One makes the point of the right a HON. ROBERT L. F. SIKES a whiff of hemp and, in the words of the OF FLORIDA conscientious student has to receive an Graber suit, "quickly embraced all aspects education without interference from so­ of the drug culture" and "became a focal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cial malcontents. point of all the drug users on campus." Wednesday, November 10, 1971 The other ·points out the proper em­ Well, that's Pamela's business, you may phasis which the Air Force Academy is say. Perhaps so, even when it is against the Mr. SIKES. Mr. Speaker, November 11 placing and the necessary action being law. "But being a focal point meant having is an appropriate day to pay tribute again taken to prevent abuse by an individual psychedelic gatherings, playing loud music, to the gallant men and women of Amer­ and singing with abandon and all thru the ica who have worn their Nation's uni­ of his service academy training and his night, both in our suite and elsewhere in the resulting obligation. corridor," Miss Graber said. And since Nancy form with dignity and honor. For many Americans it is and always will be Arm­ MAN VS. INSTITUTION and Pamela were roomies and Nancy had this queer notion about doing her homework, they istice Day. (By Ernest Furgurson) didn't precisely groove together. Federal law notwithstanding, this is WASHINGTON.-Let's hear it for Nancy Now Nancy is suing for $1 million, on the anniversary of the end of World War Graber, who has socked Vassar College with grounds that the college's laissez-faire atti­ I and a day traditionally set aside to a million-dollar suit for tolerating her school­ tude toward Pamela's partying caused her honor the veterans of the U.S. Armed mate's pot smoking to the extent that it failure and that this will stigmatize her in ruined her studies. later life. Forces. Also let's hear it for the United States Air At the Air Force Academy, they don't go in Although more and more people ap­ Force [?]. for Vassar's style of progressive education in pear to consider it fashionable to belittle In the continuing campaign of individual either classrooms or dorms. But that did not the military, it remains an unquestioned vs. institution so brashly pushed by young bother young John McCullough, from the fact that it is the military might of the Americans these last yea.rs, there is no more time he signed his contract until six months United States which has kept much of heartening intelligence than Miss Graber's after he graduated last June with a bachelor's the world free of oppression and slavery individual assertion that the young ladles' in­ degree financed by you and me. stitution a.t Poughkeepsie-on-the-Hudson His contract required McCullough to serve under communism and other alien forms has let permissiveness go a long step too far. six years, five of them on active duty after of dictatorship. Unless, perhaps, it ls the parallel action graduation. He opted to go to law school It is the very dedication of those who of the Air Force as an institution against a first and do his active duty later. The Air wore the uniform that has guaranteed 24-year-old individual who has enjoyed a Force agreed. While his time a.t law school did freedom in our Nation; even freedom to four-year education at government expense not count as active duty, it did add to his abuse our country and its institutions. and now decided with exquisite timing that service longevity, and once he had six months One need not ponder long the fate of he doesn't really like the Air Poree business of that, he was exempt from the draft. So after all. six months, two weeks, and one day after anyone who, in 1916 or 1942, strode the Each case, you see, breaks the pattern that graduation from the academy, McCullough streets of America waving the flag of our got to be so boring-that of freedom-loving notified the Air Force that he was a con­ enemies, calling for the overthrow of student or other juvenile challenging stuffy scientious objector. our form of Government, and castigating conservative institution and sometimes pre­ Pretty neat. He gets a high-class education, the men and women who wear our Na­ vailing and sometimes losing, but always he beats the draft, and the taxpayers never tion's uniform. Yet, this is exactly what drawing hosannas from the youth cultists get a day's work out of him. occurs on our streets today. This freedom and two minutes on the evening news. He breaks his contra.ct, which is something Here we have a straight-arrow student any ordinary workingman attempts at con­ to denounce has been won and kept se­ [insofar as her attitude ~oward dope is con­ siderable peril. But--stroke of brilliance !-he cure by the very men and women the rad­ cerned; I ca.re not how she feels about sex, breaks it because he disagrees with the Viet­ icals belittle. The tragic part is the fail­ booze, religion, or "Oh! Calcutta.!"] cast as namese war. ure of other Americans to speak out in November 11, 1971 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 40809 behalf of our country, its traditions, and AI.LOTT and Mr. DOMINICK, are today in­ Power ls extracted from the reactor in a con­ its veterans. troducing an identical proposal in the ventional manner. We do not today show sufficient regard other body. We all join in expressing the Benefits and Goals: Breeder reactors will have a marked Impact on the fuel situation. for our veterans and their services, Mr. hope that Congress will act to name the Fuel reserves will be greatly conserved and Speaker. True, many of them receive vet­ Commerce Department's Boulder labora­ enrichment capacity will no longer be critical erans benefits, but there is more to hav­ tories in honor of one of the Nation's as the breeder reactors will be producing fis­ ing served America than a dollar benefit. truly outstanding soldier-statesmen. sionable fuels--enough for themselves and They are entitled to the respect and ap­ another reactor of equal size approximately preciation of their countrymen.
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