HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, March 17,1976 the House Met at 12 O'clock Noon
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Ma1~ch 17, 1976 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 6771 people are union members and consumers. Housewright said that because o! the hard He predicted the electronic revolution will We have a very serious obligation to repre sell of the computer hardware industry and come to the entire retail industry, not just sent them on both counts." the apprehension that many supermarket op supermarkets. He also predicted, ..It will have He cited the experience of retail clerks in erators might have about falling behind, supermarkets: "Our members are particularly vast social and economic implications-many "'Some retailers may move too fast and over of them for the common good. But If we wait aware of such things as the reliability of shell extend themselves. The disastrous economic prices, the attitudes of customers, the in and see what the future holds in this area, conditions that our nation has experienced tense pressure on individual store managers we will lose the battle for a basic consumer to produce profits, and the clever manipula has already forced many retailers into bank tion and motivation of customers by refined ruptcies. We have a great stake in avoiding right-the right to know and be able to advertising and merchandising techniques:• still more bankruptcies." verify the price of our purchases:• HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, March 17,1976 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. posited with the Treasury of the United studies in Rome, Italy; was ordained a Msgr. Martin J. Flynn, St. Patrick's States by the Library of Congress TrUst Fund priest July 20, 1930; and completed post Board; and graduate work at several institutions of Roman Catholic Church, Huntington, S. 2620. An act to provide for adjusting the N.Y., offered the following prayer: amount of interest paid on funds deposited higher learning both here and abroad, with the Treasury of the United States pur including the University of Bonn, the Father-Creator, in your goodness, You University of San Fmncisco, and Univer made man a. free being; It was a unique suant to the act of August 20. 1912 (37 Stat. 319). sity of Louvain. He earned doctoral de gift, but also a heavy responsibility. The grees in both theology and philosophy Founding Fathers of this Nation recog The message also announced that the and for almost 20 years was a professor nized that gift and responsibility in the Senate agrees to the amendment of the of philosophy at the Immaculate Concep political sphere, when they dedicated House to the amendment of the Senate tion Seminary in Huntington, N.Y. this Nation to defend and to promote with an amendment to a bill of the House Monsignor Flynn later served as rector freedom. That endeavor 1s now a Bicen of the following title: of that seminary before being named tennial journey: Our people and its H.R. 12122. An act to amend section 2 of pastor of St. Patrick's Church in Hun Government are still journeying toward the act of June 30, 1954, providing for the tington in 1963. continuance of civil government for the the goal of assuring freedom through Religious and intellectual fervor 1'UllS law. Trust Territory of the Pacl1lc Islands, and for other purposes. deep in the Irish character. My longtime Father, as our Representatives strive friend, Monsignor Flynn, represents a · to carry out that mandate, give them The message also announced that the mingling of these traditions. dedication and courage, keenness of Senate had passed a bill and concurrent During his 46 years as a priest, the vision, and the wise political prudence resolution of the following titles, in Monsignor has provided spiritual and in to strike the just compromise between which the concurrence of the House 1s tellectualleadership for countless thou the competing claims of different values. requested: sands of students and parishoners. Father, grant to the honorable Mem S. 3052. An act to amend section 602 of the His life's work is testimony to the Irish bers of this Congress, the boon of the old Agricultural Act of 1954; and tradition of combining spiritual and Gaelic blessing, which prays: s. Con. Res. 103. Concurrent resolution au scholastic learning that dates back to thorizing the Joint Committee on Arrange the ..May the roads rise with you, ments for the Commemoration of the Bicen Irish monastries and the Middle Ages And the wind be always at your back, tennial of the United States of America to religious communities that served as cen And may the Lord hold you in the hol provide !acUities and services for visitors to ters of learning for all of Europe. low of His hand" the Capitol buildings and grounds. By his presence here today-a day Amen. commonly marked by festivities and The message also announced that the merrymaking-Monsignor Flynn re Vice President, pursuant to the provi minds all of us of the genuine contribu THE JOURNAL sions of Senate Concurrent Resolution tions of the Irish people to our own his 90, 94th Congress, appointed the major The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam tory and culture. I am proud to call him ity leader or his designee, the minority ined the Journal of the last day's pro friend and spiritual adviser. ceedings and announces to the House leader or his designee, and the chairman his approval thereof. of the Committee on Rules and Admin Without objection, the Journal stands istration to be members, on the part of SPECIAL ORDER ON MONDAY, approved. the Senate, of a joint committee to make MARCH 22, 1976, IN MEMORY There was no objection. the necessary arrangements for the in OF THE HONORABLE WRIGHT auguration of the President-elect and PATMAN the Vice President-elect of the United MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT States on the 20th day of January 1977. <Mr. MAHON asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 A message in writing from the Presi minute and to revise and extend his dent of the United States was communi INTR.ODUCTION OF MSGR. MARTIN remarks.) cated to the House by Mr. Heiting, one J. FLYNN Mr. MAHON. Mr. Speaker, I wish to of his secretaries. tMr. AMBRO asked and was given announce that on Monday, March 22, permission to address the House for 1 at the close of legislative business, a spe MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE minute and to revise and extend his cial order has been granted at which remarks.) time Members will have an opportunity A message from the Senate by Mr. Mr. AMBRO. Mr. Speaker, it is my to pay tribute to the memory of the late Sparrow, one of its clerks, announced privilege to introduce to the House of dean of the House, Wright Patman of that the Senate had passed without Representatives Msgr. Martin J. Flynn, Texas. I know that many of my col amendment a bill of the House of the pastor of St. Patrick's Roman Catholic leagues will want to join me in com following title: Church in Huntington, N.Y. memorating the life and career of this H.R. 9570. An act to authorize the sale and It is eminently appropriate that former distinguished of the shipment incident to such sale of the chem Monsignor Flynn, an accomplished stu House. ical substance carbonyl chloride by the During the special order, I will ask Department of Defense. dent, devoted teacher, and spiritual leader, should offer the opening prayer unanimous consent that all Members The message also announced that the in the House of Representatives on this may have 5 legislative days in which to Senate agrees to the amendments of the Saint Patrick's Day when so many of us insert remarks about Mr. Patman. House with amendments to bills of the recall the debt this country owes to the Senate of the following titles: "Isle of Saints and Scholars." S. 2619. An act to provide for adjusting A product of my own native Brooklyn, CALL OF THE HOUSE the amount of interest paid on funds de- Monsignor Flynn began his theological Mr. HANLEY. Mr. Speaker, I make 6772 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE IV! arch 11, 1976 the point of order that a quorum is not The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Pur America. In the su:rn:ner of 1775 Ben present. suant to the order of the Senate, the jamin Franklin went so far as to propose The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum is Chair appoints as members of the com to the Continental Congress an elaborate not present. mittee on the part of the Senate to ac scheme for a kind of legislative union Mr. O'NEn.L. Mr. Speaker, I move a company the Prime Minister of Ireland between Ireland and the American call of the House. into the Chamber the Senator from Mon Colonies. The Congress did not act on A call of the House was ordered. tana <Mr. MANSFIELD); the Senator from that proposal. Even then it sometimes The call was taken by electronic de West Virginia (Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD) ; rejected a proposal. But on July 28, 1775, vice, and the following Members failed the Senator from Utah <Mr. Moss); the it adopted "An Address to the People to respond: Senator from Alabama <Mr. SPARKMAN) ; of Ireland" in which it expressed its [Roll No. 110] the Senator from Massachusetts <Mr. "most grateful acknowledgment for the Abzug Ford,Tenn. O 'Hara KENNEDY) ; the Senator from California friendly disposition you have always Allen Forsythe Pike <Mr. TUNNEY) ; the Senator from New shown us." Andrews, N.C. Fountain Pressler The news of the Declaration of In Annunzio Fraser Rees Hampshire (Mr.