Nuclear Arms Accord May Need More Funds WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Ford Another area in which Ford has a do have an obligation to stay up to that said the nuclear weapons agreement with faceoff with Congress is in the appoint­ ceiling, and the budget that I will recom­ the Soviet Union “put a cap on the arms ment of a new vice president. The mend will keep our strategic forces either race,” but the figures he released in­ nominee. Nelson A. Rockefeller, also is up to or aimed at that objective.” dicated that the must deploy scheduled to meet with the President Current spending, Ford acknowledged, more strategic weapons to reach the today. was about $15 billion and the Increase ceilings. Ford wore a brand new blue pin-striped would bring it to ’’the ball park” figure of “I can say this without hesitation or suit for his fifth news conference. It was $18 billion. “My best judgment,” he said, qualification,” Ford told Monday’s news so new that he didn’t want to pierce the “is that our strategic arms cost will hold conference. "If we had not had this agree­ fabric with a WIN button. relatively the same. It will not be substan­ ment, it would have required the United The President seemed relaxed and well tially expanded other than for any in­ States to substantially increase its prepared for the series of questions on crease resulting from inflation.” military expenditures in the strategic strategic weapons. The United States has areas. So, we put a cap on the arms race.” 838 MIRV-equipped missiles now. Pen­ The annual price tag for the 2,400 tagon sources say plans call for 1,286 of Link Gaffney delivery systems — missiles launched the hydra-headed rockets — 34 less than either from land or submarines, plus the limit. To Waterford heavy bombers — and 1,320 multiwarhead ”I intend to stay below the ceiling,” missiles will go up from $15 billion to $18 Ford said. "That is the agreement, but we billion. Ford said much of that would be Garage Lease inflation. Inflation took up the second half of HARTFORD (UPI) — A construction Ford’s two-part meeting with reporters. company vice president testified today his The President again pressured Congress Democrats Revamp cousin, Superior Court Judge J. Brian to enact his legislative proposals, Gaffney, tried to influence state officials criticizing them for spending $1 billion Major Committee to help the firm get a state lease for a more than he proposed. He predicted the million-dollar highway garage in Water­ (Herald photo by Larson) United States would be without major gas­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - House ford. oline shortages this winter, barring Democrats voted to expand the Ways and John E. Downes, vice president of New MCC President Visits Campus another Arab oil embargo. Means Committee from 25 to 37 members Downes Construction Co., New Britain, Ont of Ford’s legislative recommen­ today, continuing the major revamping of testified Gaffney, who then was GOP state the once-powerful committee that they party chairman, had said in the spring or are dations — a trade regulation bill — is Dr. Frederick Lowe Jr., right, successor. Dr. Ronald H. Denison and over on March 1. The Denisons expected to be discussed today when the began Monday. early summer of 1971 he would "see if he retiring president of Manchester Mrs. Denison to the campus on from Coon Rapids, Minn., and former­ President speaks to the American With Ways and Means Chairman Wilbur could talk with someone about getting Community College, orients his Bidwell St. which Denison will take ly lived in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Conference on Trade. Mills unable to mount any opposition, the another lease to make up for another one amendment passed by voice vote in a we .lost’’ through condemnation closed caucus of 291 re-elected and newly procedures. elected Democrats. ’There were no adible Downes, accompanied by a lawyer, was Incoming MCC President “nos.” the leadoff witness as the legislative sub­ Rep. , D-, himself a committee continued its investigation into member of the Ways and Means Com­ questionable state leases. mittee, proposed the larger committee He said his father, company president Gives Views on New Job NEWS which will allow a mass infusion of liberal Frank Downes, who is Gaffney’s uncle, Democrats on the traditionally conser­ had told him what Gaffney said. He then vative committee. proceeded to obtain options for property in By FLOYD LARSON broad areas; but he feels that decisions on CAPSULES the actual use of these funds are best left Mills meanwhile was reported in danger Waterford and contacted sympathetic Manchester Community College will get of losing his committee chairmanship in state officials to work through the deal, a new “old” student March 1. to the education administrators who have the day-to-day expertise and knowledge to January because of his appearance on a Downes said. That’s the day Dr. Ronald H. Denison, By United Press International Boston stage with a stripper. Gaffney and a lineup of other prominent now president of Anoka-Ramsey Com­ make those decisions. Dr. Lowe has had a running battle with On Monday, the DemocraU, meeting to Republicans were to testify on the lease munity College in Coon Rapids, Minn., a Many Stranded organize for the new Congress, voted to later today. suburb of St. Paul, becomes MCC’s second the state Finance Commission on such Dozens of deaths were reported and Griffin Wins Heisman expenditure decisions in the past and it remove the Ways and Means Committee’s president. ^*- more than 35,000 persons were left years-old powers to make House com­ A bipartisan legislative subcommittee was this conflict which sparked the ques­ has been investigating charges of possible Dr. Denison, who will succeed retiring stranded' today by a widespread storm NEW YORK (UPI) - Archie Griffin of mittee assignments. tion. corruption in Connecticut’s program of president Dr. Frederick Lowe Jr., visited that covered the area from the Midwest to Ohio State, the most consistent runner in leasing private property and office space, the MCC campus this morning. “We have to recognize that we are in a the East Coast with snow. Michigan of­ collegiate history, today was named a $7.4 million yearly enterprise. MeskilTs “We are delighted to come to period of hard times and it may be several ficials called the snow storm the worst winner of the Heisman Trophy as the out­ nomination to the federal court has been Manchester, and I will be a new student, years before it is over,” he said. “In the since 1886. National Guard heavy equip­ standing player in the nation and became held up until his name is cleared in the an ‘old’ one. I’ll admit, as I learn about meantime, we must do everything we can ment was mobilized in western Maryland the first junior to win ’s MCC, its students, faculty, the community to make the college as effective as we can and several communities were virtually most coveted award since 1963. WEATHER hearings. of Mimchester and the area served by the within these budgetary limitations.” isolated in Pennsylvania. ’The story was Terms of the lease require Connecticut college. Because enrollments are limited by the same in parts of Ohio, West Virginia to pay $64,500 yearly, or a total $967,500 Griffin, who becomes the first junior Cloudy with snow flurries likely, “We were pleased to be selected as limited funds. Dr. Denison feels the and Virginia. through 1988, for a 12,000-square-foot gar­ since Navy’s Roger Staubach in 1963 to becoming windy and turning colder today. president of MCC, which is a dynamic and legislature should be made aware of the age with a 1,000-square-foot salt bin. capture the Heisman Trophy, received 483 Highs in the high 30s. Tonight mostly The state has an option to buy the gar­ flexible school largely due to the fine ef­ college needs so that it can meet the Jupiter Viewed first place votes and 1,920 points in a cloudy and windy with a chance of snow age and property, whose original costs forts of Dr. Lowe and his fine staff. needs of students now turned away. “Our visits (during the selection MOUNTAIN VIEW, CaU^ - - After balloting of selected sports writers and flurries. Lows in the low 20s. Wednesday were unavailable, for $407,777 when the process) were largely responsible for our He opposed any effort to limit sweeping through Jupiter’s radiaflolTbelts sportscasters from across the nation to partly sunny. Cold and continued windy. lease expires or renew the rental option decision to come here because MCC seems enrollments by entrance tests expressing to a point only 26,000 miles from Jupiter’s beat out Anthony Davis of Southern Highs in the 30s. for another 15 years at $47,748 a year. to be a part of a dynamic educational his belief that community colleges are cloud tops Monday night. Pioneer 11 was California. system from the state board on down to in­ democratic and therefore must accept hurled away today for the first spacecraft % volvement by the community.” students on a first come, first served look at the ringed planet Saturn. Sweeping Dr. Denison gave a broad view of his basis. under the South Pole and out over the concepts of community college education North Pole, Pioneer 11 demonstrated that and the problems he sees ahead, in addi­ Dr. Denison and his wife, Lorraine, the planet can be used as a slingshot to Land Purchase Hearings Tonight tion t^ h is immediate task of learning, arrived Monday and will remain until toss bigger spacecraft of the future out for about 1^ new job and community. Thursday or Friday, meeting with faculty investigations of the outer planets. By SOL R. COHEN ’The board meets twice each month. At come from a $1,391,000 bond issue ap­ “A community college,” he said, “must members and students. They hope to find Pioneer 11 will reach Saturn September 5, its first meeting, as the one tonight, it con­ proved by referendum March 13, 1973 — a home in Manchester, and joining them work to meet the education needs of the 1979. Public hearings on two proposed proper­ ducts public hearings, accepts reports and specifically, from funds set aside for comihunity by. offering the kinds of will their youngest son, Kent, a 10th ty acquisitions head the agenda for the takes action on unfinished business. At its leachate control in the landfill area. Manchester Board of Directors’ meeting programs that are waned. It must es­ grader. Their daughter, Laura, is a career Soyuz 16 second meeting, as the one it will hold Dec. ' ’The Tolland ’Tpke. parcel Is assessed at girl and their other son, Scott, is in the ser­ tonight at 8 in the Municipal Building pecially meet the needs of the part-time MOSCOW — Russian cosmonauts Col.' 10, it takes action on the agenda items air­ $12,100. The Spencer St. parcel Is part of a wer T and so-called drop-out students as well as vice. Anatoly V. Fillpchenko and Nikolai N. Hearing Room. ed at its first meeting. 31.8-acre parcel, totally assessed at $6,200. The board will consider ordinances for Also up for public hearing tonight are ...o ff the full-time ones.” Dr. Denison was introduced by Mrs. Rukavishnikov reported everything in ’The 1039 Tolland ’Tpke. parcel would be purchasing a parcel at 1039 Tolland Tpke., two proposed allocations from revenue­ V cars! He favors the open door concept of ad­ Dorothy C. McNulty of West Hartford, a order aboard the Soyuz 16 spacecraft purchased for $32,400 from Santo and Nan­ the proposed site for a new Town of sharing funds - $6,000 for emergency dost— missions on a first come, first served member of the state Board of T ru s ty today. ’The two are participating in a cy Lombardo, with funds from the Manchester firehouse; and a 6.8-acre generators at public works facilities and basts. He expressed his conviction that the and chairman of the presidential selection shakedown flight for next summer’s joint Manchester, Town Fire District account. parcel off Spencer St., adjacent to the $5,000 for fulfilling m aintenance 8 area will grow and with it the demands for committee. She was introduced by Dr. Soviet-American space mission. News The Spencer St. parcel would be town’s landfill area and the proposed site purchased for $27,500 from Leon Podrove, requirements under the federal Oc­ an expanded community college. He cited Lowe. agency Tass said the mission, which began his major objective at MCC would be to 'Monday, would last several days and in­ for additional landfill. trustee. Funds for this purchase would cupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), continue the effort toward permanent Following the conference, the college clude a simulated docking to prepare for The board will be given cost estimates campus construction saying he believes a hosted a coffee hour for Dr. and Mrs. next July’s linkup with an American on Green Rd. sidewalks - requested by '■m petition Nov. 19. An*, it will receive a for­ facility for 5,000 students would not be un- Denision. Apollo ship. reasonaable. mal ruling on the powers of the town’s Tuition increases, he said, have a Traffic Authority (Police Chief James • depressing effect on low income student Reardon) and the board’s power (if any) enrollments, “the vfery people who need Jarvis Zone Change to revoke his action. This opinion was the community colleges most,” and hoped requested of Acting Town Counsel Victor that some alternative means of financing Moses by Director Carl Zinsser - who challenged Reardon’s ruling prohibiting would be devised. Denied by Town PZC Dr. Denison explained that he parking on both sides of Hprace St. Real estate appraiser Herbert Director Vivian Ferguson, who has recognizes the need for the various By DOUG BEVINS governmental agencies to work together. McKinney, speaking for the Jarvis firm in criticized Mayor John ’Thompson for ap­ pointing a seven-member “Blue Ribbon” He pledged that while he was committed A zone change which would have September’s hearing, said there’s a strong Sewer Study Committee composed of six to the state system’s development as a allowed construction of two-family demand in the home marketplace for two- Democrats and one unaffiliated, will offer Whole, he would be a strong advocate of housing on land off Wetherell St. was family housing, because the tight a solution tonight although she still insists MCC, which he feels is the strongest in the denM Monday night by Manchester’s mortgage money situation makes it dif­ ficult for young families to buy single- ‘"The committee wasn’t needed in the first system. Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC). In other matters, Dr. Denison said he PZC members, voting 4-1 to deny the family homes. place.” i ■ j She will recommend the committee be recognizes that the legisUture has the application by Jarvis Realty Co., said a Wetherell St. area residents attending expanded and re-formed, to permit the ad­ obligation to esUblish budgets within change from Rural Residence to the hearing didn’t like the idea. An 80- dition of at least three Republicans. Residence B Zone wouldn’t provide for the signature petition Opposed a zone change best use of the land. on the basis it would aggravate traffic The nnajorlty of PZC members also problems. cited bad traffic situations in voting Voting on the matter Monday night were against the rezonlng, which would have Sieffert and PZC members Joseph affected 15 acres of land on the south side Swensson, John Hutchinson, Ronald Gates INSIDE of Wetherell St. and Truman Crandall. Member David The lone dissenter in Monday night’s Paris disqualified himself because he lives TQQCX^ to d ay PZC voting was Chairman Alfred Sieffert, near the Wetherell St. site. who contended that Residence B Zone and In other business Monday night, the PZC the expected two-family housing would be heard an application by developer Richard the b a t use of the land. P. Hayes for permission to build a Nursing Association Has Open House Area Profile...... Pages 3, 6, 7 Jarvis Realty had planned to build 39 restaurant at 113-119 Spencer St., about 780 feet east of Hillstown Rd. Betty's Notebook...... Page 8 duplex homes on the tract if rezoning was Mrs. Barbara Blake, treasurer of the approved, Atty. Laurence Rubinow, Atty. Leon Podrove, representing Hayes Chatting during the Manchester Business news...... Page 14 at the public hearing, disclosed that Hayes Public Health Nursing Association board; Mrs. Suzanne Flocken, representing the applicant, said at a executive vice president of the Consumer Concern...... Page 14 September public h ^ u . is planning to build a restaurant for lease open house Monday afternoon at its But Town Planner J. Eric Potter, com­ to Ponderosa Systems Inc. of Dayton, new headquarters at 150 N. Main St., Manchester Area Chamber of World hunger forum iopic .. Page 18 Ohio. The firm operates Ponderosa Steak puting size requirements Monday night, are W. Sidney Harrison, left, member Commerce; and Mrs. Margaret SHOPPING DAYS Csatary murder victim...... Page 16 told the PZC a <^nge to Residence B Zone Houses across the country. Shalnin, president of the board of di­ PZC members reserved judgment on of the agency’s board of directors; Herald Angle...... Page 11 would permit up to 80 building lots, or rectors. (Herald photo by Pinto) TO CHRISTMAS |layes’ application. Mrs. Eleanor Treat, .board member; Coaches’ Comer...... Page 12 provision for 120 units of duplex housing. PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Tue«.. r w ,07i

MAIIOMAI WlAIMHI«VICIK)tlCASTl» 7A il» ltl - M 2 ^ 4 5 Ml 29,77 . 3 a 2 4 Crombie Heads Group j a o o Dec. 3, 1974 - PAGE THREE On Block Grant Study TV TONIGHT Winds, Rain 11:00 8:30 ITOM 6:00 Manchester’s recently • Draft a housing assistance News...... 3-8-18-22-30-40 M*A«S*H...... 3 News/...... 3-8^22-30 created Community Develop­ plan to submit with the applica­ I Love Lucy...... 20 Movies...... 8-20-22-3().4o Secret Agent ...... 16 Damage Plaza ment Advisory Committee, tion for the block grants, which 11:30 Learning to Live ...... Buy it unset. ,3^CHiCA«0* ^tMWVOAK Honeymooners ...... 20 meeting for the first Ume Mon­ are allocated Manchester under Movie...... 3 Evening at Symphony .!!! 24 day night, elected Peter Crom­ Electric Company...... 24 HEBRON Yule I’urly Best way to buy a diamond. the Housing and Community Wide World Mystery ... 8-40 0:00 The Women’s Republican •AT PAII bie of 170 Bush Hill Rd. chair­ Bonanza ...... 40 Anne Dalluire ip tM v tn l Development Act of 1974. Johnny Carson — 20-22-30 Hawaii Flve-0...... Correapondent Club of Hebron will be holding man and split Into four subcom­ • Provide for ongoing citizen Then buy the setting. mittees to begin work. 6:30 1:00 Vince Lombardi...... ! /ig 228-.')267 the club’s Christmas Party evaluation >ittr monitoring of News...... 3-8-20-22-30 Tomorrow...... 20- 22-30 0:30 Dec. 17, at 8 p.m. at the home of Crombie, a Democrat, Is one the program. The Plaza Shopping Center on You wouldn't buy a horse for its saddle. LOS At ILCS Black Experience ...... 24 Ski S ce n e ...... Rt. 66, Hebron Center, had Anne Luke, Bass Lake Rd. of 29 townspeople named to the After the subcommittees extensive damage done to parts Amston. 'ATL^ committee by the Board of have worked for about a month, 7:00 8:00 Witness to Yesterday..!!! 24 Or would you? Directors Nov. 19. The com­ News...... 3-fl-40 Good Times...... 3 10:00 of the interior Monday morning Members are asked to bring a the entire committee is to meet $1 grab bag gift. I^AU. AS mittee is involved in planning again and develop over-all Truth or Consequences/!. 8 Happy Days ...... 8-40 Barnaby Jones ...... 3 due to heavy winds and rain. lOWin TIMFIAATMIS disposition of 11,410,000 in plans. Dick Van Dyke...... 18 This Is the Life ...... 18 Marcus W elby...... !!!! 40 The Hebron Piaza House, Auxiliary to .Meet federal block grants the town Sounding Board ...... 20 Adam-12 ...... 20-22-30 Washington Debates ...!! ig owned and operated by Nick The Women's Auxiliary of the The committee’s Takouts received the most Amston Lake Fire Co. will NtWOAUIANS ; MIAMI anticipates over the next three Black Experience ...... 24 America...... 24 Billy Qreham ...... ! e.40 years. organizational meeting Monday To Tell the Truth...... 30 damage. After the wind blew meet at the home of Kathy The subcommittees, which night didn’t get into specifics on away a section of the roof, the McBryde, Dec. 10 a t'8 p.m. ‘IfO lN O 7:30 are to work independently for how to spend the expected block Sale of the C entury...... 3 water caused the suspended Everyone is to bring a $1 grab grants. about a month, will: Set’s Make a Deal ...... 8-22 ceiling to collapse. The owners bag gift. ^^lA IN g^SNOwl • Evaluate reports of the YOU WILL are not sure yet if the equip­ "How to spend it” was the Fourth E state...... 24 town’s Community Develop­ Masquerade Party ...... 30 ment is damaged. No estimate topic of two public meetings of damage was given. B / >jSN O W ftS N r f f t y j ment Action Plan developed Room 2 2 2 ...... 40 CHRISTMAS TREE un w fATNii rorocAST ^ several years ago. which prompted many citizen I ST0PSM 0KIN6 The Plaza Package Store next Police S to ry ...... 20-22-30 NEW YORK (UPI) - Mar­ suggestions last week. Alan I door received less damage. • Conduct public hearings Soull...... 24 I tin Luther some 400 years ago and meet with special interest Mason, the town’s director of The building is owned by Earl one clear cold Christmas eve groups to determine priorities human resources, is still ON JAN. Olh Darby of Manchester and TUESDAY MOVIES I for spending the federal money. seeking citizen input on the James Darby of Glastonbury. lifted his eyes skyward. He matter. 8:30 (8-40) “Betrayal” (1974). ____ IF YOU JOIN SMOKENDERS I MOKDKKISTKSWSIIIIIIIKCOIMETIUT^ Extends Invitation saw thousands of stars that Amanda Blake, Tisha Sterling. seemed to cling to the The First Congregational 9:00 ( 20-22-30) “The Red I jnOfTHOSISCIIIKTWTIISMIllUmiam branches of the lofty pines by Badge of Courage” (1974). Church of Hebron invites the wayside. I oiioFoiRFKimilieuaiinctiisst&imsiloiiM anyone interested in uniting Richard 'Thomas. His first thought was to LO CA TIO N n a wwoiictoiiy session with its membership on Christ­ 11:30 (3) “Asylum for a Spy” share this inspiring specta­ " NAHCNtim mas Sunday, Dec. 22, to contact (1967). Robert Stack, Felicia cle. That night a glittering the Rev. SLanley Eaton no later Farr. heavy damage in Monday’s storm when wind blew tree blazing with star-bright away a secion of the roof. (Herald photo by Dallaire) than Dec. 8, to arrange an ap­ POLICE REPORT pointment with him. e d d ie s was Luther’s gift to his loved ones —and a gift to Charlton, Mass., is the the world. That happening birthplace of Dr. William JEWELERS-SILVERSMITHS s i n c e 1900 gets him credit for cutting MANCHESTER released on |100 cash bond for 958 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER court Dec. 16. Morton, whose experiments the first Yule tree and cover­ • John R. Cable Jr., 30, of with ether made anesthesia Hartford • Wastfarms Mall • Jude T. Reidy, 19, of East ing it with lights. 3 Hartford and Rhonda M. possible during surgical THEATER SCHEDULE Hartford was arrested Monday Rideout, 19, of 237 Kennedy Rd. operations. Morton per­ Parents Argue Busing Ban at 4:25 p.m. and charged with were both arrested Monday formed his first tooth extrac­ operating a motor vehicle while Showpiece — “Day of the after surrendering at Police tion with ether in 1846. M Fna CmbmIIi hM Cinema 2 — “The Odessa license suspended. He was MiWrtr— IM •:M mi Dolphin” 7:15-9:15 Headquarters and were File” 7:00-9:15 charged on Circuit Court 12 released on a 3100 non-surety All th9 above mett/ngi an opan to tha public. Vernon Cinema 1 — “Day of UA East 1 - “Ali-Forman bond for court Dec. 16. the Dolphin” 7:10-9:00 warrants with second-degree FRESH CANDY Before State School Board Fight Film” 7:00-9:45; “Savage larceny. • Robert J. Pratt, 48, of 61 WHITMAN, SCHRAFFT I SMOK^^pNDERS® is Loose” 7)4510:30 The charges stem from the Village St., Rockville was CANDY CUPBOARD I “Tha easy way to quit amoUng" f fLM RA Tm c .g u id e UA East 2 - “Groove ’Tube” theft of a diamond Friday, Nov. arrested Monday at 3:45 p.m. VERNON For Parents and 7:30-9:00 22 from the Fairway Catalogue on a Circuit Court 12 warrant DRUG BARBARA RICHMOND 1, 1972 to Sept. 15, 1974 and one UA East 3 - “Lt. Robin charging him with failure to file — ------tu m B im H of them was a fatal. Their Children Showroom at 261 Broad St., Parents of students who will Caruso” 7:00-9:30 police said. The theft was done sales tax return. He was Burnside Theatre — “The released on a 3500 non-surety no longer be bused from the by switching stones, police As part of the presentation by O IN E M l AUCNENCU Klansman” 7:30-9:30 said. bond for court Dec. 16. Boulder Ridge area to Lake St. She Heralii AEAmAdmilM School presented their case at a th e parents, Flemming Showcase Cinema 1 — UNITED TAE KWON bu Area Profile They were released on 31,000 hearing conducted by the state presented several slides “Taking of Pelham One Two bonds for court Dec. 16. KOREAN ART OF SELF DEFENSE Three” 8:00-10:00 • Mark R. Desimone, 16, of Board of Education Monday showing the area in question M SM TM OUmANCi 66 Walnut St. was arrested afternoon. and noted that “The terrain ■uesMiEo Showcase Cinema 2 - Adult • Robert N. Tedone, 21, of 65 •GWICOIffIDEIICE physical changes to alter or in­ The parents also questioned Film — Call the threatre for ti­ Monday on a court warrant ’The parents appealed to the fluence the original decision.” within the development is not i p W K S f i a Dartmouth Rd. was arrested charging him with attempt to • LOSE WEIGHT • BUILD PATENCE state board after a request to the access school driveway conducive to safe walking.” tle and showtime In answer to this, Marcham used for measurement pur­ Monday at 11:30 p.m. and commit first-degree robbery. continue bus service for some Showing slides of the walkways Showcase Cinema 3 — ^ ★ Special Family Rates ★ ★ said the board feels no prece­ poses, noting it has rto charged with carrying a loaded He allegedly attempted to rob 26 elementary school pupils was he said they demonstrate, “Longest Yard” 7:15-9:40 dent was set other than an in­ crosswalks or guards. They rifle in a motor vehicle, the Dairy Mart Store at 361 Off first Hires denied in a 4-3 vote by the Ver­ "T here is no margin for I MtTMCno Showcase Cinema 4 — “Fan­ carrying a dangerous weapon, formal agreement to allow the said it is bypassed at the direc­ 17 r^lrn irriiinutiiiM Center St. on Nov. 24 armed Training period for nnroHmant disInB non Board of Education. safety.” Ibur Christmas tasia” 7:00-9:20 children to ride while space was tion of school guards, at the in­ I' rinmof A44-3356 dweased members of the lodge bring desserts or a hot dishes of contend this “precedent and es­ other side disallows any avenue board or the parents be Wilson also said figures ob­ “THE DAY OF Gm iEascoir. will be held by Manchester food, place settings and grab tablished property right should of escape if a vehicle should aggrieved by the state’s deci­ Lodge of Masons when it meets bag gifts. Former members of therefore not be negated since tained from the Vernon Police sion, the next stop would be to SLACKS SPORT SHIRTS lose control “on the narrow, Department show there were 17 SOLIDS...CHECKS...PLAID8... EXCELLENT SELECTION OF THE DOLPHIN” at 7:30 tonight at the Masonic the group are invited. there have been no appreciable windy, roadway.” appeal to the Court of Common inedryofikooijihm Temple. accidents in the area from Jan. Pleas. SIZES 32-42 WAIST... SOLID COLOR COTTON CORDUROYS... EVES 7:10 . a-m The Rev. Stanton Conover of Delta Chapter, Royal Arch ADM: .99 Bolton Congregational Church Masons, will have a Memorial and a member of the lodge, will Service for deceased members $690 $790M v V be the speaker. at its meeting Wednesday at Presentation of 25-year pins 7:30 p.m. in the Masonic Tem­ 41s will be made by Roger S. Ather, Valuta to $25. Valuta to $12. master of the lodge. ple. There will be a business meeting before the service.

SELECT GROUP FAMOUS NAME SELECT GROUP FAMOUS NAME BEVERLY BOLUNO BURTON / DANCE STUDIO 22 OAK STRUT, MANCHI8TRR SWEATERS SHOES DIRECTORS: LEE 4 BEVERLY BURTON / MANY, MANY COLORS TO SELECT FROM... MANY USUAL AND UNUSUAL \ 4'* : J;- ^ S-M-L-XL SIZES TO CHOOSE FROM 3 Lsarn To Danes, Enjoy Dancing Tegothor The First Federal Eagle opens his $090 $1090 And a chance to win a new color TV, CHRISTMAS BAZAAR newest nest by the Parkade this Satur­ Social Ballroom Dance Claaaes a Christmas turkey, fruit basket or MISSES’ KNIT and day. Which gives all of Manchester a Valuta to $13. Valuta lo $32. Now Being Formed For one of our many other prizes. Just for PANT TOPS convenient new place to earn the high­ **•*•#» » > • , Adults and Teens dropping in and Oiling out a coupon BAKE SALE est interest rates around. I f for our drawing at 10:00 AM, Mon­ FREE ALTERATIONS ON ALL MERCHANDISE! H M At LEARN: Foxtrot • twing a Cho-Ciw • Woltx it takes a little more than high day, December 28. interest to make you smile, join our SENIOR CITIZEN’S CENTER • Morgonguo a PoNn a fiook-Olsoo a Ihmbt Come join us on Saturday. Make ' ■■ “ j ...... i ...... Mlebration. Free gifts for everyone. some new friends. Take a look around 03 Umltii It , NRanolMstsr Spaclal Rataa For Sanlor CItimni Balloons for the kids. Refreshments. our handsome new office. And start i / $ i e Extra special gifts for any deposit • 1 t , A;'" REGULARLY 7.00 Thursday, Dec. 5th a beautiful new relationship with the FOR INFORMATION CALL of $25 or more here in our new office. friendliest eagle in town. 5.59 EACH Long sleeve button 2 ” 8 P M D 4 7 - 1 0 8 3 fronts or turtlenecks. Prints, REGAL MEN'G GHDP checks, dots and florals of CONNiCTICUrS LAPGBST and MOST COMPLETE MEN'S STORE" Mr. a ^ Mrs. Burton ara mambara of Danoa Educatora of MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER TRI-CITY PLAZA, VERNON America; N.Y.C. Chapter. Mre. Burton la alao a m sm bsr of washable nylon. Sizes S,M,L,XL. ConTinc***™ ^ America and Danoa Taaohara Club of Fiist Ibderal Savings e West, Manchester^ tasf Hartlord, QIaatonbury, Rockville, Vernon, South Windsor OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. NOW THROUGH DEC. 23rd OIfU muit bt picked up In p trM n ind are llmllad lo ona par family. Forbes eWallace NO MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS, PLEASE. FORBES MANCHESTER PARKADE OPEN DAILY 10-10 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Tues.. Dec. 3, 1974 - PAGE FIVE

PAGE FOUR-^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 3, 1974 Radios - WatetMS Tape Recontort ABOUT TOWN Walkto Talklos ittaurlu'iiti'r tmniiua ARTHUR DRUG '^ 9m The arts and home life and cans of fruit for a kitchen Manchester Grange will meet youth committees of the social, which will be conducted Wednesday at 8 p.m. at Grange Are you an armdiair: OPINION Manchester Junior Women’s after the meeting. A catered Hall. Club will meet Wednesday at Christmas dinner will be served Dwell out the bart*i °*i I)** Herald (Aaitlfied Pa|e$ 9:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. at 5. Fred Newman, 14 Hamlin St., .vyi V for Christmas play rehearsals. AT&T Suit Ill-Timed The Illing Junior High School For the Decoupage Buff Li PTO will sponsor a discussion The Department of Justice suit company divest itself of Western on. the social studies and seeking to break up American Electric Co., its equipment manufac­ 'X language arts curriculum Wednesday Special Wednesday at 1 p.m. in the turing division, the Long Lines divi­ 8 5 3 3 Telephone and Telegraph Co., is school library. Interested I'M I H against the world’s largest private sion and possibly the Bell parents and the public are in­ Reg. 75S ."rtAiti.. vited. ™ 39‘ each corporation, surpassing in size the laboratories. 4* Justice says that a breakup of the 1911 suit, which resulted in the d J The Manchester Women’s 5V2x7 " s t a i n e d breakup of Standard Oil Co. company will result in lower Republican Club will have a V. Christmas Holly Bowl Dec. 13 PINE PLAQUES with hanging ring telephone cost to its millions of sub­ . i f i / 'i It has more than the usual interest from 8 to 10 p.m. at the home of to the public since 80 per cent of the scribers. The company contests this Mrs. Harriet Haslett, 78 Blue Ridge Dr., for all members and telephone users in the country are saying that on the contrary it will their husbands. Reservations subscribers to the services of an result in higher cost, through loss of must be made by Friday. They AT&T subsidiary, and the company efficiency. may be made by calling Mrs. 9 ^oht6/m Haslett, 646-2257; Mrs. Saunda The telephone monopoly originally Camp Kennedy Volunteers Honored makes 90 per cent of the long distance F Taylor, 649-9443, or Mrs. John­ COLONIAL GIFT SHOP calls in the United States. sprung from the fact that with com­ finishing his second year as the camp’s director, gave ny Conrad, 649-6381. David C. Moyer, right, congratulates five of the volunteer 254 BROAD STREET MANCHESTER The Justice suit is also of more than peting telephone companies, it often workers for Carnp Kennedy for their “outstanding” work special praise to these five volunteers as he presented pins to them. They are, left to right, David Duff, Lynn The Lions Club will meet ordinary interest to a greaft many in­ was necessary for business firms to this summer during ceremonies Friday night at the Army- tonight at The Colony in Phone: 649-7818 Alemany, StUart Flavell, Marina Moyer, and Cindy Tim- dividuals in the country. AT&T is subscribe to as many as three Navy Club dinner for the volunteers. The club’s dinner is Talcottville. A social hour at For the hard to an annual event for the many camp volunteers. Moyer, brell. (Herald photo by Dunn) 6:30 p.m. will precede dinner at buv — We have HOURS: telephone companies in order to probably the most widely held public 7. A representative from the I Gift Certificates Sunday 12-5 P.M. •Tues., Wed., Sat. 10 - 5:301 investment, with almost 3 millioi receive calls. -CHRISTMAS IN AFRICA- Connecticut Petroleum Council Thurs., FrI. 10 - 9 •C losed Mondays will talk on “ Energy—What shareholders. 7 ' Competing firms would not connect NEW YORK (UPI) - In A local department store 'About Oil?” a call to a subscriber who took Pins, Patches Awarded Freetown, Sierra Leone. Santa is led through the It is also undoubtedly in the stock Africa, a city just eight winding streets by a high (J^ndijandt^da ^indbc/ig, Center Park with Winter’s Mantle (Photo by Steve Dunn) Sunset Club will meet portfolios of a great many pension another company’s services. degrees north of the equator, school marching band and Personal Service & Attention Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at the proprietor At 11th Annual Party the Christmas season begins cheered by hundreds of chil- u. Quality for Less funds, since it has long been con­ The language of the suit is rather in­ Senior Citizens Center. in early December with a dren who race alongside, definite and it will not be known fully Members are reminded to bring sidered a real “blue chip” invest­ The 11th annual Camp Crandall, David Duff, Stuart community parade. ment. what the Justice Department intends Kennedy Awards Banquet was Flavell, Claire Garman, Toni Hite, Gary LeBrec. While the impact of the announce­ until it finally comes to court. ANDREW TULLY held Friday at the Army-Navy Club with about 75 camp per­ Also, Maia Magadini, Marina ment by the Justice Department While we have no protest against sonnel and friends in atten­ Moyer, Laura Nadeau, Alida caused temporary suspension of the government filing suit to clarify OPEN dance. It was sponsored, as in Ostrinsky, Donna Pryor, Cindy SPEGIALSALEI..1HI8WEEK the 10 previous years, by the Timbrell, Robert Weiss, Diane trading in AT&T stock, the final out­ the status of the telephone giant, it is Mondale Should Have Stayed In The Race Army-Navy Club. White and Jane Zamaitis. come of the suit may not be seen for unfortunate that it came at this par­ FORUM Camp Kennedy pins were In addition to a full-course meal and the awards, the years. ticular time. The stock market had presented to Lynn Alemany, David Duff, Stuart Flavell, program included two films. just undergone several days of losses secure in the knowledge that becoming An anti-trust suit filed against Inter­ Thanks WASHINGTON — I am not sure I agree Not to disparage other Presidential Marina Moyer and Cindy Tim- The first, in color and with ac­ president was not the end-all of his national Business Machines in 1969 at the time of the announcement. with Sen. Walter Mondale’s reason for hopefuls, but the Republic could use a can­ brell. The criteria for the pin companying sound, depicted a To the editor: political career. The Women’s Auxiliary of Manchester withdrawing from the 1976 Presidential didate with that quality. I rather like the awards were six weeks of ser­ typical Camp Kennedy Day and has still not come to trial. The AT &T Uncertainty about the future of AT &T idea of a man who cherishes values other was made in 1966 by Dr. Win­ Midget Football Association, Inc., would race, to wit, that he does not “have the Mondale has said that he believes he can vice as volunteer counselors action could stretch on as long as a will have less than a stabilizing effect overwhelming desire to be President than those that repose in the power and the field T. Moyer. The second, like to take this opportunity to publicly best serve his country and his state in the and extraordinary ability and which is essential for the kind of campaign glory of the presidency. Perhaps such a made by Miss Julie Comins, a decade. on that economic barometer. thank The Manchester Evening Herald, Senate. It is sad he has concluded that he enthusiasm. RUeOED OUTERWEAR! that is required.” man knows more about what should make camp volunteer, contained Rancher coats, walking coats, hooded coats, ski parkas Mr. Nathan Agostinelli, parents, coaches. is disqualifed as a presidential candidate Camp Kennedy patches were Zip and button fronts • Pile and quilted linings The government seeks to have the By withdrawing. Mondale has deprived a President tick than those with “an Camp Kennedy scenes of the Board of Directors and guests who so because of a determination to do the work presented to volunteer the American people of an opportunity to overwhelming desire” to move into the 1974 session. Plus many other styles to choose from. generously donated or purchased tickets he was elected and is paid by the counselors Lynn Alemany, Jan Corduroys, wool blends, nylons consider the Presidential qualifications of White House. to the Auxiliary’s ‘‘Annual Football taxpayers to do. Dance” recently at the Manchester State a unique candidate. It would have been Thinking as he does, a Walter Mondale Security Bill High Armory. refreshing, interesting, and perhaps even could continue to apply himself to the It is a circumstance that has never I personally would like to thank the decisive had the Minnesota Democrat an­ duties and responsibilities of a United deterred other members of Congress from PZC Ready to Adopt women of the auxiliary who contributed nounced that although he had no con­ States senator. He could display his devoting virtually their full time to run­ FOR BOYS! While the visit of Palestine Libera­ Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to their time and efforts to work with the suming passion for the Presidency he was qualifications through his labors in the ning for president. These days, when a Horse Keeping Rules FOR MEN! going to stay in the race anyway. Senate instead of inundating the electorate senator or congressman decides to try for Rugged and warm! Save on tion Organization chief, Yasser ask for a special federal fund allot­ dance committee and Mrs. Edward White, 4S Tracy Drive, for doing'’such an out­ That probably would not have insured with a flood of political rhetoric. He could top banana it means he’ll spend about two Tremendous selection of Seven months after a public The regulations will restrict Our Regular *23 to *25 coats! Arafat, seems to have contributed ment to meet this and, other police standing job as dance chairman. Her un­ his election or even nomination, but it issue periodic position papers. years neglecting the duties of his office. hearing dominated by opposi­ keeping of horses to rear yards our regular ^33 to ^37 coats! tiring cooperation helped make this dance would have given his candidacy a rare He would campaign outside Washington Maybe the voters who elected him to that nothing but new problems to the ques­ expenses which the city incurs tion, the Manchester Planning of lots which are substantially a huge success. quality. And perhaps the voters would only when his Senate duties permitted. He office understand but they are still being because of United Nations activities. and Zoning Commission (PZC) larger than most single-family tion of peace in the Middle East, it has Mrs. Norman A. Bjarkman have cottoned to a man who addressed could speak up, from Washington, for shortchanged by their hero. appears ready to adopt new home lots. For each horse, resulted in a whopping bill to the city The Tower of Babel on the East 28 Franklin St, them in words something like these: other candidates of his party and thus Well I suppose I propose the impossible regulations about keeping of there must be one-half acre of Manchester “Look, I think I’d make a good Presi­ preserve and nourish his image as a good of New York. River presents New York City with a in arguing that a candidate who would like space in the rear yard. ticket chairman dent. I’d like to be President. But I am not Democrat. horses. New York’s hard working but un­ continuing policing problem, which going to ruin my health, drive my family Moreover, he could save his supporters to be PresideiU without being consumed In a lengthy work session The original regulation to distraction and try to stir the voters into a lot of money and avoid the perils of by the ambitio^ could seek the office part Monday night, PZC members proposed by Potter earlier this spectacular Mayor Abraham Beame costs money. Scene of frequent Our Column a frenzy in persuit of the office. I am simp­ overexposure and of peaking too soon. He time while still minding the store. But I changed several provisions of a year would have required a has estimated that the four-day visit demonstrations by national groups, it ly going to run for President as a sideline would not be plagued by thoughts that he wish Fritz Mondale had decided to give it proposed regulation to meet minimum of one acre for To the editor: to my job as a United States senator. I’ll should trim a position here, change an a try. He just might be the working stiff’s objections of local horse keeping one or two horses, and of Arafat pnd his cohorts cost the city has a potential for grave international Thank you. Burl Lyons, for the privilege neither die nor go crazy if I lose.” honest belief there. After all, he would be kind of politician. owners. an additional half-acre for each $750,000 because of the special securi­ incidents which must be prevented. of sharing my thoughts regularly with Town Planner J. Eric Potter additional horse. your readers in my weekly column, ty measures which it adopted to A Jewish group had publicly is now preparing a final draft of Local horse owners opposing “Wings of Evening.” the rules for adoption later this the restrictions — which they protect their lives. threatened to assassinate Arafat It really isn’t my column as much as our month or in January. considered too severe and The largest part of the money went during his stay in the city. Such an in­ column. The “our” refers to my wife and probably unnecessary — me. Each week, after I make the first suggested a half-acre for the to pay overtime and regular salaries cident would have upset the Arab draft, we discuss it and it is rewritten. In­ MAX LERNER AARP Will Hear first horse and one-quarter acre to the police officers who were world and our chances of working variably she makes wise suggestions for for each additional horse. omissions and additions. It is literally our marshalled to protect the Arab toward peace in that unsettled area. The Sunshiners The acreage requirement was column, but it is her preference to have it a compromise, as were many leaders. Additional money was spent Mayor Beame is right in that the appear under my name alone. Connecticut Northeast other restrictions concerning on police helicopters, fuel, a launch city should not bear the extra cost, All through the years, since our The Cap On The Bottle Chapter, American Association horses. Among the other rules marriage in 1935, in our service in of Retired Persons, will meet and other transportation expenses. since the UN is a national problem to be adopted are provisions for Arlington Heights, Mass.; Springfield, Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at the storage of feed, location of Beame is asking President Ford and rather than a municipal one. Vt., and then in our nearly 3io years in this Russians who shouted for equality. After both sides, and especially those that can KofC Home, 138 Main St. stables, adequate fencing, and community, Betty has been a real partner. NEW YORK—In the race with time over The Sunshiners, under the the control of nuclear weapons, the the SALT I agreement an important sector be equipped with multiple warheads. horse trailers. She, too, earned a B.D. degree at Union of congressional and public opinion in There was a political advantage for both direction of Mrs. Henry As with other zoning Theological Seminary in New York City pessimist says we can’t win, while the op­ mier, will present a program of “More Light!” timist says we can get a number of America took up the equality cry, although Mr. Ford and Soviet Communist Party regulations, there’ll be a grand­ where we met, fell in love, and were a few American critics now say that Chairman Leonid Brezhnev in reaching it. songs and carols after the father clause about keeping of married. Any congregation knows now breathing spells before the next lap starts. American weapons are more Brezhnev’s standing in the Politburo chapter’s business session. horses. Those who are now valuable it is for a church to have a The Vladivostok nuclear understanding is sophisticated than those of the Russians depends on the success of detente, since The chapter’s final trip of the keepers of horses, will not be dedicated, able person in the parsonage. such a breathing spell. It would be and, therefore, superior in warheads and Russia needs American technology and season will be to The Inn on affected by new regulations. Not only did she bring up our children but niggardly and foolish for the critics to strike power, if not in number of missiles. credit desperately. Lake Waramaug in New was always active in various branches of withhold recognition of that fact. But the It is a manic situation. We have eaten of Mr. Ford needs stature at home as a Preston Sunday. Busses will the church life. We have both felt that we administration spokesmen should be wary the tree of nuclear destructive and self­ global statesman. His press secretary's leave the KofC Home at 9:30 are a team working together for the about distorted claims for the historic im­ a m. Members are reminded to portance of what may yet fail. destructive power, and it has driven boast that Mr. Ford accomplished in three r WHY Noniiv $ j Kingdom. everyone mad who has even marginally bring grab bag gifts. As this is Thanksgiving time, let me also There are three grand areas of danger months what Nixon failed to do in five The annual Christmas party I NEWBMWt I still ahead. One is continued weapons touched the fruit. years is an obvious political ploy. If say how thankful I am to you readers who Hence, Secretary of State Henry will be Dec. 18 at 1 p.m. at I FRESH AIR have written letters and commented aoubt manufacture. The military general staffs Vladivostok lays an egg Mr. Ford will be Willie’s Steak House. After the Kissinger’s post-Vladivostok remark that splashed by it. If the agreement has real > 1 “Wings of Evening.” You are most kind are bound to push to the extreme limits of roast beef dinner, the I SMOK^^NDBR!■« I the way has been cleared "to put the cap results he will be a 1976 candidate to be and your suggestions are always welcome. any control agreement. With enough "Homespuns” from East Hart­ nuclear arms on both sides to destroy on the bottle for the next 10 years.” It was reckoned with. I ■ Soa Us Cliff Simpson a vivid metaphor, but he may have ford will entertain with country 637 Spring St. humanity, there is a built-in fatal arms I On Pags 2 forgotten that the bottle figure has been and western music. Reser­ Manchester spiral. vations close Dec. 11. Members 450 Pearl Street, Box 312 Fortunately, there is also an economic u s ^ by nuclear historians to describe the wishing to serve as hostesses Stoughton, Mass. 02072 limit to it, in its sheer expense, America self-destructive combat between taran­ tulas and other lethal creatures inside. If may call Mrs. Evelyn Gregan, (017) 344-6600 TODAY’S and Russia, both economically vulnerable 643-4850. today, cannot afford it. you cap that bottle without trying for THOUGHT The second area is deterrence theory. At further steps toward mutual trust, they llrralb one point Robert McNamara as defense will fight each other to the death. secretary got the idea that both great The Vladivostok understanding seems to FOUNDED OCT. 1, 18B1 limit the overall number of missiles on Publlthed by lha Publlehad avary “ Timolliy, U h, and Money” powers would be safer if they targeted Minchatlar avaning axcapt Sun­ For the rest of the days of this first week each other’s cities, and he grandiosely an­ Publishing Co., Herald days and holidays. nounced this plan of world starvation. The . I l l Squara, Mqnchaalar, Entarad al lha in Advent, let us look honestly at what 4 S t 1 I I It Conn. 06040, Manchastar, Conn., money does to us. deterrence experts called it Mutual 11 U II U II IS II Talaphona 643-2711 Post Ollica as Second u H » II n n M (Araa Coda 203). Year after year we bemoan the fact that Assured Destruction, and someone a»v ntt» ALMANAC Class Mall Maltar. Christmas is getting increasingly com­ promptly saw that its first letters spelled BURL L. LYONS, PUBLISHER mercialized, To change this pattern, out the acronym MAD. By Uniled Prrti Inlernulioiiul SUGGESTED CARRIER RATES maybe we need to start with our own Defense Secretary James Schleslnger Today is Tuesday, Dec. 3, the 337th day PAYABLE IN ADVANCE hearts. Do we know that Paul’s words to has taken pains to say that U.S. deterrence of 1974 with 28 to follow. Timothy (1 Timothy 6:10) are true: policy has moved away from MAD tt a Single Copy ISt 3 Monihs $9.75 The moon is approaching its last Weekly...... 7St 6 Monihs . . $19.50 THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT targeting of the other camp’s nuclear quarter. ONE Monlh $3 25 One Year. . . . $39.00 SPENCER ST. (Silver Lane) PATHMARK PLAZA OF ALL EVIL THINGS... strike force. But there is some evidence The morning stars are Mercury. Mars Mail Rales Upon Requesl Today, long before we reach that (as witness an article in the September, and Saturn. Subscribers who p m should lelsphone swirling vortex of tinsel paper and that 1974, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists) that The evening stars are Venus and tail to receive Iheir ihe circulalion depart- HUNDREDS OF Herald belora 5 30 manl. 647 9946 passing of objects back and forth in a kind the deterrence labels are mythical, that Jupiter. of “tit for tat” which often obscures the there was never any exclusive reliance on FRAMES IN. STOCK Those bom on this date are under the Member Audit Bureau of Circulations whole message of gift-giving, let us stop the countercity strategy, that counter- sign of Sagittarius. and took at ourselves. force and first-strike capabilities have NEW HOURS: ' Mmfwson-iittle American portrait painter Gilbert The Manchasler Display adverllsing 0/1 Qreat(^meinT‘ine Chtbing Are we measuring life and its worth in always been included in the "Single Stuart was born Dec. 3, 1755. Publishing Co. closing hours Three lull days prior lo Mon., Wed., Set. 10-6 Manchester Parkade terms of things? Think of this — that God Integrated Operations Plan” and. the On this day In history: assumes no linanclal publlcalion MANCHESTER in His love for us intends that we receive a “General Strike Plan” of the Pentagon, In 1818, Illinois was admitted to the rssponsiblllty lor Deadline lor Herald typographical errors clusailled adverllsing Tues., Thun., FrI. 10-8 GIFT more wonderful than all the things and are still included, In them. That goes Union as the 21st state. appearing In adver- 12 noon prior loday ol in this world. The gift is life — shared life, for the Russians, too.. In 1833, Oberlln College in Ohio opened tlsemsnls and olher publicslion; 12 noon ROIEkT TILDEN RONALD R. HAUQH forgiven life, unending life. The third area, in weapons control, is reading maltar in Tha Friday lor publlcalion with an enrollment of 29 men and 15 Manchasler Evening Sslurday and Mon­ Submitted by the desperately hard problem of deciding women ... the nation’s first truly co­ Herald. day. 6 4 6 - 7 4 9 4 ______“More Light!" Win Nelson, what is weapons equality and what is educational school. Center Church superiority. Originally. It was the MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 3, 1974- PAGE SEVEN PAGE SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 3, 1974 WHO SAYS YOU 0 ROCKVILLE HOSPITAL NOTES STOP SMOKINGr \ Students Spend Week EASILY? Vernon; Marilyn Mansfield, St., Rockville; Tillie Goldstein, Just received! spray art Recreation' Area Admitted Sunday; William Dayville; Bernard Hutchings, Council Halts Excavation At Constantino, New York; Fred Meadow Rd., ^uth Windsor; South St., Rockville; Ella St. I S E E In Business Offi^s Faust, Evergreen Rd., Vernon; Concetta Martinez, decorator Instead Sills proposed the Numerous residents took the excavation work done thus Germain, Rockville. a surprise — it had been "raping its own land." resolution is only a temporary, James Hahn, Vernwood Dr., Somersville, David Panciera, SOUTH WINDSOR town take fills from the Pudim issue with the excavation and far. I P A G E 2 Births Sunday; A son to Mr, beiieved the matter would be stop-gap measure. Vernon; Clara Jalbert, Old Grant St., Rockville; Jane property, off Barber Hill Rd,, charged that Rye St. area During last night's meeting VERNON sponsored annually by the The Grange will hold its and Mrs. Francis Miller, spray paint Judy Kuehnel tabled Monday night — and Republican minority leader Fitts said that the "public I SMOK^^NOBna^ Phinney, Staffordville. which he said the town "has not residents have been Atty. Sills passed around The Rockville Area Chamber Jaycees. regular meeting Friday at 8 Town Rd., Rockville; Glennon Somers; a daughter to Mr. and (;«>rrr(tpondt‘nl followed almost three hours of Howard "Happ" Fitts, while in will think we did something for Lay, Oxbow Dr., Vernon; Discharged Sunday; Linda taken a shovel to.” overlooked; that the park has photographs of the excavation, I 450 Pearl Street, Box 312 of Commerce has approved p.m. in the hall with the theme Mrs. Joseph Popovitch, gold, silver, rod, and grton. tho 6t4.i:»64 controversy over the town's ac­ favor of the halt to excavation, them tonight; we didn’t. The Donald Leonard, Patricia Dr., D’Amato, Prospect St., never been developed and in an attempt to show how the I Stoughton, Maes. 02072 plana for senior members of the of th e program to be Rockville. Ideal apray paint lor atyrofoam, pIna The South Windsor Town tions to remove fill from the voted against the resolution, council’s Capital Im­ Tri-Town Players Rockville; Rosario Daigle, Elm OOIA should not now be used in the town is stripping itself of (617) 344-6600 Ellington High School Future “Preparing for Christmas.” conaa, wreatha, picture framaa and Council, in a 5-2 vote, passed a recreation area and use it at the read by Deputy Mayor Sandra provements Committee will Earlier this year Abe, town The Tri-Town Players will manner in which it has been. valuable property. I Business Leaders of America to The Junior Grange will meet |uat about any decorating projactl resolution which directs the sanitary landfiil on Strong Rd. Bender, a Democrat, on the meet between now and Dec. 16 took out a permit to excavate meet Dec. 10 at 8 p.m. in the large 9-oz. catyragularly $1.29 town manager not to authorize — the next council meeting — from the Rye St. recreation The Capital Improvements work in local business offices Lottie Fisk Building, Henry Saturday at 2 p.m. when the HAVE YOU AN Democratic Councilman grounds that "this resolution Committee Will go to the park program will be a craft Superb the removai of any additional Robert Myette, a strong oppo­ does not stop the removal of and is expected to present the area. Myette charged that "this this week. Park, to organize crews for the EVENT SCHEDULED either this Sunday or the next, This is the fourth year that workshop. fill from Rye St, Recreation nent of the excavation ac­ fill; it is not a format policy." council with a definite policy council never knew a thing The next presentation of the group. Cutting Can Help THAT CALLS FOR according to officials, and view Ellington students have par­ fairway’s"^ Area. tivities, accused the town of Fitt's contention was that the pertaining to the controversial about Town Manager Terry Muffler That’s To augment the previously VFW Auxiliary SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - FOOD? The council’s actions came as both the park in its entirety and ticipated in this Chamber- Rye St. activities. Sprenkel going before the Town announced two-play season, the The Laies Auxiliary to Ver­ Don’t feel guilty about hurting price Plan and Zone Commission for Guaranteed for approved program which is It may be a wedding, players are planning a third non VFW Post 10121 will meet the forest by cutting down a Atty. Robert Sills, a resident designed to provide experience banquet or just an informal an extension of that permit to as long as you evening of thedter with Samuel Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Willie’s Christmas tree this year. 'The and former council member, in the business world for get-together of a society, we have every take more fill.” HALL FOR RENT own the car... B eck ett’s ‘‘K rapp’s Last Steak House in Manchester for Western Timber Association j i a J It sit took the floor before the council students who are preparing to lodge or some friendly group. little thingl Kor parties, showers, receptions, Tape.” its annual Christmas party. says cutting of wild trees can for the majority of the time "There’s indication to us we nu'plings Complete kitchen facilities work in an office situation. It will be presented Jan. 9,10 All membes are reminded to get your weekly help the forest to grow better. We Are Prepared to spent on Rye St. and its have not been abiding with the lAir^e enclosed parking lot. Inquire: 8 7 5 - 2 5 1 7 Patricia Carpenter will work and 11 at the Vernon Center bring a $2 grab bag gift. .A i r M i lottery tickets , removal of fill. at Tri-Town Travel, Globe Serve You to Your t)l$ ndroeU sf makitnS H PZC regulations ... this is Middle School, Rt. 30. Further Church Bazaar “ In order to improve the at fairway! serious,” said Myette. "I Lithuanian Hail Travel and Barcome Tours and Complete Satinfartion <)owTNi| otaN* t aag l A N K AAAERIC ARD or ,1 1.1 M I'- f (lit Ml ,M I I' ' '.'I I : MartInaA/linay FREE SERVICE ChrlitlnLWalnar ICandy. We honor Master! NEXT TO STOP & SHOP REEDS INC MASTEi CHARGE CARD Paul WIHrmutr Charge Cards. r;- MANCHESTER PARKADE i: Arlene Yaiee Brio Young MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 3, 1974— PAGE NINE MANCHESTER Pnnn Tueg., Dec. 3, 1974 72S E. Middle Turnpike - MANCHESTER EV EN IN G H M A LD jtogg^ "We’re giving a little so you PAGE Mon. A Tues. 8 tU 9 P.M. Open House, Sale Wed thru Set. 8 til 10 P.M. i^'^TOWN GneCN can give a little more." Emblem Club STAMPS GLASTONBURY 2333 Main Street *‘Thlf Is the time of year you’re looking for oxtra value, ways to make your food «» dollare stretch a little farther so that you’ll have a little extra for holiday gifting. With our Manchester Emblem Club Club. Proceeds will benefit the Mon. St Tues. 8 111 9 P.M. i will have an open house and club’s ways and means com­ Wad. thru Sat. 8 111 10 P.M. continuing 8&H Qroon Stamp program we help you to make gift giving a little easier Mayfair Y Oub will meet Christmas sale Saturday and mittee. Coffeis, tea, sandvrtches and leas axpanalva. You can find a gift for everyone on your list at your nearest S&H BETTY’S NOTEBOOK Wednesday at 10 a.m. in Cronin Sunday from 2 to 8:30 p.m. at and dessert will be served. Hall of Mayfair Gardens. All Mrs. George Meixell and Supermarkets WEST HARTFORD redemption contor and you doni have to spend a cent. By BETTY RYDER the home of Mr. and Mrs. We Reserve Mayfair residents are invited. Alfred Ritter, 45 Chester Dr. Mrs. Stanley Baldwin are co- 150 South Main St. While lees merchante are identifying the grade of their beef end trimming less, we chairman. They will be assisted The Right The event is open to members To Limit are still maintaining the beat cute of U8DA Choice beef at a tremendous savings. Our YWCA Drop-In will meet and friends of the Emblem by Mrs. Charles Lathrop and Mon. thru Sat. 8 111 9 P.M. We heard of some rather unique Christmas gifts for the Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:30 Mrs. John Callahan, prizes; S i r , . ' 7 Quantities boneless roiled chuck roast In today’s ad Is unequalled in man or woman who has everything. a.m. at the Community Y. All Mrs. John Zlemak, Mrs. Alfrd quality and trim, Our bonalate extra lean Pork Roaet it alto a If the person on your list has champagne tastes, the women are invited for Ponticelli, Mrs. Joseph fellowship, volleyball and a U.S.D.A. Choice tremendous buy this week. We give a little eo you can give a nerfect gift is a 14-karat gold champagne swizzle stick Reynolds, Mrs. Samuel Vacan- DOUBLE S&H GREEN little more and we challenge the comparieon of our meat from Tiffany’s. You could probably buy a few extras just coffee break. Child care is Scandia Lodge to, and Mrs. David Lyon, available at at hourly rate. refreshments. department with that of any othare.” ~ Frank as stocking stuffers. . ,. Plans Potluck Also, Mrs. John Carson, Mrs. For the traveling gourmet, you can put some STAMPS WEDNESDAY A ladies Bible study is Scandia Lodge, Vasa Order of Gertrude Hawthorne, Mrs. life with a pocket-pepper mill that is a mere 2% inches Eldward Bayless, Mrs. Anthony BONELES planned for Wednesday at 9:30 America will have a Christmas high and encased in black leather. Available in better a.m. at the Church of the potluck Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Berube, Miss Julia Dulka, Mrs. iewelrv stores or gourmet shops. __ Nazarene, 236 Main St. in Luther Hall at Emanuel Mary Mohr, and Mrs. Paul Buettner, Christmas A set of plant quenchers keeps things green on the h°"J® Lutheran Church. front while the plant lover is on the move. The bulb-like Thre will be a business decorations sale. 5-lb. unit automatically waters plants according to their needs An adult Bible study will be meeting after the supper at 7:30 The Christmas scenes conducted Wednesday at 10 throughout the Ritter home BONELESS Average p.m. ROLLED a.m. at Zion Evangelical in in nend of a robot in the kitohen, F. Laurence Lindblad, dis­ have been created by Mrs. Lutheran Church. Pauline Hagan, Mrs. Ritter's there’s a device called an automatic pan. The battery- trict master of Connecticut mother. operated pan stirs sauces, soups, whatever, giving rnom District No. 1, will make his of­ PORK less time in the kitchen and more time with the guests. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church ficial visit. For the sports-minded men (or women) in your family will have a service of Holy Ronald Erickson, tenor, will “Thero’s very few present a musical program CHUCK Communion Wednesday at 10 \ k 2 PACK k DAY SMOKnJ how about TV tennis. An electronic game simulator which after the meeting. He will ^ ROAST attaches to your television set (17 inches or larger) and a.m. I PUFFS AlOUT 1 MILLION I that put out a accompanied by Melvin I TIMES EVESY 7 YEAKSI j enables you to play 12 different games right on your screen Lumpkin. Extra Lean boneloss rolled ranging from tennis and football to ski and hockey. I IF YOU’Ra TIRED.. “Don1 Forget...Plck up your Christmas And to see you through the cold winter without putting The stewardship committee SEE US like this one.” of Center Congregational ROAST ‘Bonus Sticker’ Card at our store and too much of a pinch on your budget, how a^ut a It’s dangerous to stuff raw Church will meet tonight at 7:30 I On Pago 2 j U.8.D.A. Cholcoohuck) newspaper log roller. This enamel coated poultry long before you roast ONUS BUYS Save!" Get 500 Extra S&H Stamps. In the church office. it. Bacteria that can cause |BM0K^1MDER8» I SLspaper (preferably after you’ve read it) into a LONDON BROIL .lb. ’ 1 '* BEEF LIVERS lb. fireplace log. That’s one way to solve the heating problem food poisoning multiply * 450 Pearl Street, Box 312 | BONUS BUYS rapidly in mixtures such as I U.S.D.A. CholCD Lean (Chuck) . _ Colonlol Tasty Ten and use up your leftover newspapers. The executive board of Stoughton, Mass. 02072 _ 3 stuffings and ground meat or Manchester Junior Women’s I (617) 344-6600 | .lb. ’ 1®’ FRANKS poultry. BEEF STEW Sugarless Recipes Club will meet Wednesday at 8 U.S.D.A. Choice (Round) ^ — Swift's Premium (Water Added) A couple of our readers responded to our plea for p.m. at the home of Mrs. * Open 6 Day. KSSmSUxOpen Tknri. 'Ill 9 iSS«»j Stanley Trask, 86 Doane St. Co­ “sugarless” recipes; one is for Pumpkin Pie, the other for SWISS STEAK .lb. ’ 1*® DAISY ROLLS hostesses are Mrs. Fred New­ Pudding Oatmeal Cookies. We’ll pass them along so you man and Mrs. Diane Schaller. /»’« Gift Giving Time Again — and for that U.S.DJ(. Choice Loan (Round) can give them a try before the Christmas holidays. Committee chairman unable to very special person, we would like to CUBE STEAK .lb. ’1 ” KIELBASA .lb. Pumpkin Pie attend this meeting should con­ 1-1/3 cup condensed milk tact Mrs. Donald Tarca, 646- suggest one of our sweaters — /. Garman, U.S.DJt Choice Bonom 2 ■ /ag% Imported FROAl THE DELf! Clothier, has the largest assortment of CENTCR Add one can plus two tablespoons water (Herald photo by Pinto) 6812. ROUND ROAST ..CUT.. .lb. 1% cups pumpkin or one No. 2 can : Ladies and Gentlemen*s Sweaters we have 1 SWISS CHEESE . .. Squares Graduate .S.D.A. CholGO Back . _ . A Muchoe’e Largo — Vz teaspoon salt Reynolds Circle of South I ever had! I Imported from Scotland, Ireland, Italy, and 5 eggs beaten With a “grand right and left” Manchester and area senior citizens dance at the gradation United Methodist Church will RUMP ROAST .lb. 1®® BOLOGNA 2 teaspoons cinnamon i England—we offer for your selection a magnificent of 26 members of the Linden Squares Friday afternoon at Center Congregational Church. have a Christmas dinner party U.S.DJL. CholGO 1 tsp. ginger or 1 teaspoon cloves . „ „ ^ .cn Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. n S assortment of Cashmeres, Lambswools, Shetlands, Mix well all the ingredients. Pour in shell. Bake 4M Cooper Hall of the church. Mrs. I Hand KniU, Merino Wools, etc. We’d be delighted to EYE ROUND ROAST .lb. ; 1 89 LyxuRY lo a f 5 9 * degrees for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 and bake for 35 William McGoohan is hostess. ^ help you make your selection, and beautifully gift Colonial Capital Farms Tender Casing ^ ^ minutes. This makes one large pie and one small one. I wrap it at no extra cost to you... Senior .lb. .lb. United Methodist Women of BACON...... FRANKS Pudding Oatmeal Cookies Dancers North United Methodist Church GROCERY SPECIALS will meet tonight at 8 at the iarm an, Muellar’s Thin or Reg. Applan W ay Vz cup shortening THE BABY church. Graduate .16-oz. .1 2 V Z -O Z . 1 pkg. (3Vi oz.) of butterscotch, vanilla or chocolate pud­ SPAGHETTI PIZZAMIX ^ l o t / u e r ^ Chase and Sanborn ding More than 100 senior citizens IS NAMED The diaconate of Center Congregational Church will 1 cup flour from Hartford, East Hartford, . % gal. 1-lb. can meet tonight at 7:30 in the Rob­ DIET SODA COFFEE Vz teaspoon baking soda Windsor, Bloomfield and New ioyJU ittmlnJCSMO 400 Ft Roll Duncan Hines Britain attended the graduation bins Room of the church. V* teaspoon salt Horling, Bryan Chrisiopher, son of Stephen A. and ^ ^ r a dance of the Linden Squares Where Fitting You is OUR PLEASURE, .2 3 V Z -O Z . Vz teaspoon cream of tartar Chapin Horling of Orange. He was bom Nov. 2 at Yale-New HANDIWRAP BROWNIE MIX Vz teaspoon vanilla square dance club Friday after­ The Witness Workshop of and YOUR SATISFACTION 0 Lives (All navors) Campbell's noon at Center Congregational Haven Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. •Vz teaspoon almond extract Stanley Chapin of 20 Clyde Rd. His paternal grandparents are Mr. South United Methodist Church 1 cup rolled oats or quick cooking oats Church. will meet Wednesday at 6:M Free Main Street and Purnell SQUARE MEALS . 6-oz. VEGETABLE SOUP .10-oz. Woodruff Hall at Center and Mrs. Albert Horling of Old Greenwich. Vz cup chopped nuts • p.m. at the church. M etre Whole or Sliced E Church was too small at times Cream shortening, add pudding, a little at a time. Add Lent, Kimberly Anne, daughter of David H. and Susan for the 96 square dancers, and Macauley Lent of 67 Berkley Dr., Vernon. Her maternal p ^ d - APPLESAUCE .25-oz. MR. MUSHROOM . 2Va-oz. egg and beat well. Add flavoring. Sift together flour, soda, some had to join the spectators parents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Macauley of M Andor Rd. Her salt and cream or tartar. Add rolled oats and nuts. on the sidelines. Log Cabin Tip Top Buttermald Drop by teaspoon on greased cookie sheet. Press down Members of Manchester’s maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Aimie Lewis of She has three brothers, Scott, 12%; Jeffrey, 11, and Christopher, MAPLE SYRUP . 24-oz. &READ .20-oz. with a fork. Bake at 375 degrees, 12-15 minutes. Makes senior citizens square dance ONCE-A-YEAR OFFERING about 2*A dozen. . club graduating at Friday’s 5. ____ Vanity Fair Scope (12c Oft) Sorry, but the authors of these recipes did not include dance are: Millie Burden, Irene .134’s .12-oz. and Ted Bourez, Marion Skellinger, Michael Lee, son of Bruce T. Sr. a n d ^ * w r^ A FACIAL TISSUE MOUTHWASH their names and addresses so we could acknowledge them. Thomas Skellinger of Maple St., Ellington. He was tom Nov. 24 C Chelman, Robert Doggart, BandM Gleem (15c Off) at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal ^andparenta are Helen Flavell, Caroline and Hans Fredrickson, Andrew Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Savage of Maple St., Ellington. His patemal BEANS .16-oz. TOOTHPASTE . 5-oz. A Happy Man grandparents are Steve Skellinger and Mrs. Elsie Gibson, both of “Happy the man, who, innocent, grieves not at ills he Glidie, Marjorie Hall, Helen Lincoln Prell (20C Off) Hardman, Blandine Millett, Jacksonville, Conn. He has a brother, Bmce T. Jr. can’t prevent; APPLE JUICE .64-oz. SHAMPOO 3-oz. lube Lilliam Mott. son of Paul and Joan-Itorie His skiff does with the current glide, not puffing pulled Also, Lucille O’Brien, Tom Permlson, Matthew Paul, Halloran Permison of. Union, N.J. He was tom Nov. 17 at THE FRESHEST PRODUCE SOLD against the tide.” Matthew Green (1696-1737) O’Neill, Harriet and Jack Overlook Hospital, SumiUlt, N.J. His maternal (jandparenta are Owen, Alice Pitkin, Adeline and James Rizza, Lena Speed, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Halloran of Delmont St. His pat*™* grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. Michael Permison of Short Hills, George Vallone, Eve Warner, Cecile Ellis, and Josephine N.J. Kuczynski. "Ripe Yellow" 'M IN THE SERVICE After you visN us, keep up lb. New Crop recmlt training at the Naval YELLOW ONIONS .lb. CELERY .bunch Army Pvt. Larry S. Training Center, Great Lakes, the woodwork at home- Bourbeau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Calltorala Delicious III. Phillip 0. Bourbeau of 21 .ea. Beverly Rd., Vernon, recently NAVEL ORANGES CUCUMBERS completed a radio operator Coast Guard Subsistance In our salon we use scientifically Emperor Green course at the U.S. Army Spec. 3.C. Emeat P. Eybel, son formulated Redken products. We believe Training Center, Infantry, Ft. of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eybel of Redken's acid-balanced, protein RED GRAPES lb. PEPPERS lb. polypeptide enriched products offer the Dix, N.L 30 Strant St., has been awarded FROZEN FOODS DAIRY d e p t : the Coast Guard Commendation best care we can give your hair. And now ■c o o p m b m h Medal while serving aboard the we invite you to try kedken hair and skin Snow Crop Dalite Coast Guard Cutter Sassafras, care products yourself atliome. Marine Sgt. Douglas M. homeported at Cape May, N.J. . 6-oz. Stop by our Redken Retail Center for all 25< OFF I ORANGE JUICE MARGARINE Norris, son of Mrs. Charlotte A. He was cited for heroism in . s^ ss s s ■ Real OoW Sliced Sojka of Nutmeg Village, the rescue of a shipmate who your home hair care needs including Rockville, has re-enlisted In the was in danger of falling to his Amino Pon Shampoo, the conditioning Diamonds, precious gemstones QUARTERS 16-oz. shampoo used by our hair stylists; ^UTCH I STRAWBERRIES Marine Corps for three years death over a dropoff on Akutan while serving with Island, Alaska. Eybel was a Climatress Moisturizing Creme Protein Gold, platinum l I P c e v e r e n t r e e s Donald Duck Conditioner, Amino Pon Firm Hold Headquarters and Maintenance member of a group carrying .16-oz. 3 ^ ^ ^ Hairspray and other fine acid-balanced, I ^ITATERTOTS . 64-OZ. ^uadron 32 at Marine Corps supplies to a remote navigation Collected from far and wide W Chicken Pie Chicken Croquettes ■ ORANGE JUICE Air Station, Beaufort, S.C. station when the man behind protein polypeptide enriched Redken him lost his footing and began products. and offered for sale I Chicken Au Gratin Chicken Turnovers I BONUS STICKER ITEMS sliding down a steep Incline. In our Retail Center you'll also find a • 2 or More lbs. Ground Chuck • 20 lb. Bag Potatoes Disregarding his own safety, complete selection of Redken complexion at substantial reductions ^^ONB COUPON PER BOX Oflar Expiraa Pec. 7, 1974 Navy Seaman Ret. Carl A. Eybel grabbto hold of his ship­ • 32-oz. Palmolive Liquid • 4-10 oz. cans Sweet Life Vegetables Hovey, son of Mr. and Mrs. aids including pH Plus, a complete mate and pinned him down with collection of acid-balanced skin treat­ from replacement prices ^ ■ i p i l C L I P N’ SAVE H i H i W • 200 ft. Roll Sweet Life Aluminum Foil • 20-lb. Bag owlld Bird Seed Carroll L. Hovey of 26 Jarvis his own body until help arrived. Rd., recently graduated from ments formulated with collagen protein derivatives, vitamins, minerals and other TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3rd THROUGH TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24th 5ox: 35X beneficial ingredients; Amino Pon Beauty m rW , WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUrOH WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON Bar, the acid-balanced, protein-enriched A SS.OO PUROHASE t SS.OO PURCHASE mi i L t IS 00 PUSCHXSt 1 tS.OO PUHCHASl X SS 00 PURCHASl t SS.OO PURCHASl wheat-based non-soap; and other hard­ Manchester Herdwm working beauty essentials. 877 Mahi t t Maneheslar eeAS-AAAB WITH Visit our Redken Retail Center today. EASY PAYMENTS INVITED Sil79 WITH COUPON We'll be happy to help you select the COUPON DELUXE SKATE Redken products that will do your hair 12* OFF * * OFF 10< OFF Km 16-oz. redken 1 Qalhm (w/ollvo ell) 12*PX, 1030 ot. QIad 3 Pkga. 16 OZ. L / ( X Sy B w r and skin the most good. KEEBLER’S Made from full grain CARUSO TOTAL STORAGE LIPTON’S EASY OFF n V eoeMda laalhar. Quaran* CLUB CRACKERS, CEREAL CUP-A-SOUPS OVEN CLEANER flood Thru Dm . 7 land untaraakaMa mniddad Otood Thru Dm . 7 BAGS flood Thru Dm . 7 flood Thru Dm . 7 flood Thru Dm . 7 Ono Coupon Por Family low. miggad Nauar SNvar JIWELEM-IILVeXiMITHl ilNOE 1900 Om Coupon N r Ptmlly Ono Coupon Por Family Ono Coupon Por Family Ono Coupon Por Fomlly Arrow IM a . Salon of Beauty "Ths Star m MAIM iT N llT , OOWMTOWM MANCHUTNR ^ E«t OmUt tt, ItaicfcittirTSi- w g u la r ti 6 4 8 » m 9 ______1

PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Tuea., Dec. 3. 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Tues., Dec. 3, 1974- PAGE ELEVEN

If you a re planning a family OPEN A U m annual report, a little SUNDAY OBITUARIES YotUh Hurt, Power Out newsletter on the year, with FREE PARKINS the HERALD Dolphins Turn in Top Performance the Christmas card, send only In Ferguson Rd, Crash COURT CASES to friends to whom it will be lyrmuRDRUG meaningful. Mrs. Catherine Brenifan John J. Chaia t Mrs. Catherine A. Tobin A one-car accident on John Joseph Chaia, 58, of It is the second power outage WU*'” By E a r/ Y o s t Brennan, 83, of 4 Stony Brook Wethersfield died Monday at Ferguson Rd. Monday at 9:31 in the area caused by auto ac­ CIRCUIT COURT 12 registered motor vehicle, mis­ Sports Editor With Convincing Win over Bengals Rd., Enfield died Monday at Rocky Hill Veterans Hospital. p.m. caused a long power out­ cidents within two weeks. Manchaater Saatlon use of license plates, and Manchester Memorial He was the brother of Mrs. age for 120 residents and sent Dispositions in court Monday altering motor vehicle registra­ Hospital. She was the mother of David Turner and Miss an 18-year-old youth to the included: tion plates were all nolled. Thomas D. Brennan Jr. of Catherine Mather, both of hospital with serious injuries, • Edward E. Boyle, 38, of • Kenneth Kowalyshyn, 23, of MIAMI (UPI) — The confidence that comes with two opening kickoff, marching 87 yards in 14 plays on a drive down to the final minute of play for the win, Miami Sassi derAprahamian, 19, of South Windsor. Manchester. police report. Manchester (no street address Willlmantlc, operating while Bill Irwin Unsung Hero With Race straight Super Bowl championships showed itself Monday that look 8:39 minutes. reverted to its style of last year, grinding it out and taking West Hartford was taken to She was bom in Northamp­ He is also surviv^ by his . Philip C. Lisk, 22, of 94 known), operating a motor license suspended, failure to When unsung hero awards are passed out for con­ night. The Miami Dolphins believe that when they have to control early. Manchester Memorial Hospital ton, Mass., and lived in Enfield wife, his mother, four brothers, Coleman Rd. was driving a car vehicle while license show. A rearrest warrant was tributions to the success of the annual Five Mile Road produce they will. Mercury Morris finally scored on a four-yard pass from Defensively, the Dolphins never let Cincinnati out of the for 40 years. and three other sisters. north on Ferguson Rd. south of with minor injuries following a suspended, $100. Issued with a surety bond of Bob Griese. Garo Yepremian added a 43-yard field goal in three-car collision Monday at Race, one must not overlook Bill Irwin. Treasurer of the That’s the reason they played their best game of the year hole. Shula said the game ball went to cornerback Curtis Other survivors are another ’The funeral is Wednesday at Garth Rd. and told police he • Jules Redey Jr., 19, of $200. the second quarter to make it 10-0, but at the end of the half 9:51 p.m. on W. Middle l^ke. sponsoring Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Irwin Monday night, a convincing 24-3 victory over the Cincin­ Johnson for playing an “exceptional game.” son, two daughters, a sister, 8:15 a.m. from the Richard W. braked to avoid an oncoming Springfield, Mass., third-degree • Dennis P. Letendre, 17, of Seiko makes it Horst Muhlmann a 29-yard field goal for Cincinnati near Exit 92 of 1-88, police said. East Hartford, reckless has yet to see a race in his 24 ye^s on the committee. The nati Bengals. The win kept Miami in a tie with Buffalo for Johnson recovered a fumble and made key plays on eight grandchildren and eight Sheehan Funeral Home, 1084 vehicle, lost control of his car, burglary in connection with a after Bernard Jackson recovered a Morris fumble on the She was treated for a neck in­ driving, $35. reason is simple. He’s in charge of displaying the awards the Conference’s Eastern Division lead three Ken Anderson passes. great-grandchildren. New Britain Ave., Hartford, struck and severed a utility Willington May 1 incident, 90 Dolphin 22. The funeral will be Thursday with a Mass at Corpus Christi pole, and continued another 78 jury and was released. days in jail. The sentence was • Gary J. Martin, 19, of 146 lis most in the gymnasium at the East Side Rec ^fore the race, with a 9-3 record. "He made three plays right in a row that were really at 8; 15 a.m. from the Somers Church, Wethersfield, at 9. feet sideways and backwards Drivers of the other two suspend^ and he was placed on Center St., disorderly conduct, and then keeps a close watch while the race is carried out. “1 think the Miami Dolphins play their best ball with The first time Miami got the ball in the second half, the Funeral Home, 354 Main St., Burial will be in St. James across sidewalks and lawns, vehicles are Richard A. Cioto, probation for one year. 60 days in jail. The sentence ...Rico Petrocelli, veteran third baseman, their backs to the wall, and we certainly have our backs to crucial,” said safety Dick Anderson. "He plays that way 33, of 108 West St., Rockville Dolphins launched another long drive with Griese hitting Somers, with a Mass at 9 at St. Cemetery, Manchester. police said. •Gary M. Hopkins, 18, of 215 was suspended and he was colorful has informed Dick O’Connell, general manager, that he the wall, don’t we?” said a battered Larry Csonka after he all the time, but he's so quiet he doesn’t get much atten­ and Mary T. Gallant, 34, of 31 tight end Jim Mandich for a score from four yards out. Bernard’s Church' in Enfield. Friends may call at the Disk's passenger, Christopher Center St., disorderly conduct, placed on probation for one will not retire as he has threatened several times...Joe tion,” Stone St. Only the Cioto car left had gained 123 yards on 13 carries against the Bengals. Miami added a meaningless touchdown in the last minute Burial will be in St. Mary’s funeral home tonight from 7 to Page, 18, of Rachel Rd., was $40. The charges of escape from year on condition he get a job. Whelton broke in impressively with the UConn varsity “I feel it was our best performance of the year,” said a Cemetery, Northampton, Mass. taken unconscious by am­ the scene on its own power, custody and being found in­ The charges of being found in­ Christmas. when Bennie Malonb pranced over from the two-yard line. The loss gives Cincinnati a 7-5 record and drojis them a 9. against Yale on the basketball court and is bound to get in pleased Coach Don Shula. “Our defense played really well Friends may call at the The family suggests that any bulance to Manchester police said. The others were toxicated were nolled (not toxicated and possession of Griese, who had signed a new multi-year contract with IVz games behind AFC Central leader Pittsburgh, whom plenty of playing time tonight at Storrs against California and offensively we got after them. funeral home Wednesday from memorial contributions may be Memorial Hospital with head towed. prosecuted). marijuana were nolled. the Dolphins earlier in the day, was at his best, hitting II of the Bengals play in the regular season finale. If Miami and 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. made to the Memorial Fund of injuries and a fractured leg. He Written warnings for • Paul F. Jennings, 18, of • Ross J. McAlpine, 18, of 26 of Fullerton. Whelton hit five times from the floor against "We haven’t played consistently for a long time, but we 13 passes for 114 yards and two touchdowns. Buffalo end up tied for the Eastern Division lead, the nod following too closely were Corpus Christi Church or to the was admitted and was listed Cobalt, operating a motor vehi­ Marion Dr., reckless driving, the Elis but his ball handling and play-setting drew raves finally put four good quarters together,” Shula said. (iriese said the Dolphins “won the way we have in the would go to the Dolphins because they have won both Wethersfield Volunteer Am­ late this morning in serious con­ issued to both Gallant and cle while license suspended, $60. of praise from Coach Dee Rowe. The Dolphins took control immediately after taking the past.” Instead of depending on the air game and going derAprahamian. games with the Bills this year. Mrs. Bertha S. Viele bulance Fund. dition, a hospital spokesman $ 200. • Armand C. Ouellette, 29, of HEBRON - Mrs. Bertha said. • James A. Koehler, 21, of 77 Laurel St., operating while ISotes Off the Cuff Schultz Viele, 69, of Glaston­ Lisk was also taken to MMH The cars driven by Richard C. South Rd., Rockville, operating license suspended, $150. Reports have trickled in that the Manchester Midget bury died Monday at Hartford where he was examined and Stevens, 19, of 167 Merline Dr., while license suspend^, $125. • Alexander ^ y Jr., 18, Hospital. She was the mother of In Memoriam released. Vernon and Alexander C. No­ The charges of operating an un- and his nephew, James Football League held its annual banquet recently. One Richard J. Viele of Hebron. Lisk was charged with ble, 71, of 14B McGuire Lane Roy, 16, both of 116 W. Main St., reason nothing was carried, including those cited by the Temple In loving memory of Michael Capello. She is also survived by two who passM away December 3. reckless driving. Court is Dec. collided in front of Supreme Rockville, both charged with organization, was the fact no one forwarded the informa­ other sons, a brother, a sister Foods on Hartford Rd. Monday This day do we remember, 16. first-degree burglary, cases tion or even alerted this department of the program. Thus, and four grandchildren. A loving thought we give The severed utility pole at 12:55 p.m., police said. bound over to the next criminal those in charge fall into the same category of the Little For one no longer with us, Both cars were towed from Headlines All-East Funeral services are caused power to fail in the session of the Tolland County League heads, at least for the 1974 season...Birdie But in our hearts still lives. the scene although neither Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the neighborhood for 120 customers Superior Court. They were Tebbetts, former major league manager, has joined the Lowe-Robacker Funeral Home, Daughter, Diane driver was seriously injured, NEW YORK (UPI) - Temple Only one other sophomore was for two hours and 36 minutes, Conservation arrested by Vernon Police in New York Yankees as a scout. The Yanks have announced 2534 Main St., Glastonbury. police said. connection with a burglary at quarterback Steve Joachim, the selected besides Dorsett, who’s according to a HELCO their farm system has been cut from five to four teams. Burial will be in Green spokesman. Noble was charged with Arthur’s Drug Store in national leader in total offense, heads already the career rushing leader at To Require West Haven in the Eastern League will be retained as well Cemetery, Glastonbury. In loving m em on of Harry L. Hoar, Power was restored to about failure to grant the right of Rockville Nov. 16. Related the UPI All-East college football Pitt. He was Joe Klecko, a 255-pound who passed away December 3, 1970. way. Court is Dec. 16. as Syracuse in the International, Fort Lauderdale iii the Friends may call at the 40 customers about midnight. ‘Trade-offs’ charges of a less serious nature team that also includes three 1,000- defensive tackle from Temple. funeral home tonight from 7 to The flowers we lay upon his grave. Another 40 got their power after were all nolled. Florida State and Oneonta in the New York-Penn League. May wither and decay. HARTFORD (UPI) - An Seiko makes so many colored yard rushers and the nation’s leading The rest of the offensive team in­ 9. Two youths badly injured in a • Charles Turkowski, 17, of But love for him who sleeps beneath. 1 a.m.^snd the rest after 3 a.m., energy consultant says there dials we’re sure to have his scorer. cluded wide receiver Pat Mclnally of The family suggests that any Will never fade away. one-car accident Sunday, Nov. 360 Pleasant Valley Rd., South lavorite. Pick a Seiko color that he said. are a number of means by Leo Diana Elevated memorial contributions may be 24 at 7:25 p.m. on Burnham St. Windsor, fourth-degree larceny matches his new suit or sports Joachim, who transferred to Tem­ Harvard, who caught 46 passes for 655 Son, Clarence which Connecticut can con­ Leo Diana of Manchester has been elected president of made to the American Cancer are reported in satisfactory in connection with a shoplifting jacket. 17 jewels, sell-winding, ple from Penn State after his yards and eight touchdowns, tackles serve costly oil products, but water tested to 98.2 ft., instant- Society of Hartford. condition today in MMH, accor­ incident at the King’s store in the Central Connecticut Soccer Officials Association. He sophomore year, passed for 20 Neil Begley of Army and A1 Krevis of some of them will mean "trade­ set day/dale calendar, luminous ding to a hospital spokesman. Manchester Oct. 5, $75. had served four years as a vice president, two each as first touchdowns, ran for nine more and Boston College and guard Ray offs” in the environment and markers. Top: AC046M—yellow The car’s driver, Glenn • Lawrence R. Updyke, 20, of top with wine red dial. $115.00. and second previously two two-year terms as second and averaged 222.7 yards a gam e in Sweeney of Delaware. other areas. Patten, 19, of 59 Cooper St., is 58 Mountain St., fourth-degree Center: AC037M—stainless steel, first vice president. He succeeds Charlie Wrinn, former offense this year to earn honors as Named on defense were lineman Peter G. Bos, a consultant blue dial with while minute track. being treated for multiple larceny, $35. Trinity athlete who still plays basketball with the Army & UPI’s Eastern Player of the Year. Rich Feryok of Yale, middle guard lacerations and fractures. with Resource Planning $85.00. Bottom: AC047M— stainless steel, green dial with Navy Gub entry in the Businessmen’s League. Diana is He was joined in the backfield by Gary Burley of Pitt, linebackers Ray His passenger, Gary Stanley, Associates Inc. of Joseph Csatary Dies blue minute track, faceted, mar- also a member of the New^ England Intercollegiate, sophomore Tony Dorsett of Pitt (1,004 Preston of Syracuse and Kelcy 17, also of 59 Cooper St., is Massachussetts, Monday said resistant Hardlex crystal. $105.00. FIRE CALLS being treated for a frac­ for example the state could Eastern Conference Athletic Conference and the National yards, 11 TDs) and juniors Artie Daviston of Pitt and backs John In Hartford Shooting tured pelvis. allow utilities to burn high sul­ EnsIatA Soccer Officials’ Assocation...Turk Moore is recuperating Owens of West Virginia (1,130 yards) Provost of Holy Cross, whose 10 in­ Due to their hospitalization, phur coal, which is cheaper litaBurr after being stricken recently while playing golf at the and Keith Barnette of Boston College terceptions are the most in the nation, MANCHESTER the police report is not yet com­ than low sulphur coal and high Country Club...Joe Druzalowski, former East Catholic (22 touchdowns, the most in the coun­ Chet Moeller of Navy and Glenn Manchester, Town Fire plete. However, it is known the grade oil. 1076 BURN8IDI AVE. High running back, has been presented the Tufts Universi­ Hodge of Pitt. Joseph L. Csatary of Hartford Police said Csatary EAST HARTFORD, CONN. try, and 1,096 yards). Department calls: Patten-driven vehicle struck The trade-off, he said, would ty Loyalty Award. The fullback compiled a 4.9 yards per Joachim backed up John Hufnagel Manchester, an employe of a was found in a stock aisle by a be that high sulphur oil pollutes No SilouTwn Roprownl Uo. Penn State, the Eastern champion Monday, 4:42 p.m. — House two trees at 527 Burnham St. FloMnco Botlotv OwMf carry average...Bud Leavitt in the Bangor News reports at Penn State in 1971 and threw seven Hartford heating and plumbing fellow employe after the victim fire at 307 Gardner St. (See the air more than better-grade for the seventh time in eight years, supply business, was shot and had gone to the service counter and the car was demolished. nearly 14,000 deer were killed in Maine woods during the touchdown passes in limited playing story elsewhere) fuels. did not have a back selected but hard­ killed Monday afternoon after to fill out an order. 1974 hunting season. Non-resident fee this fall was a appearances. Following that season, Monday, 8:20 p.m. — Brush ly was shut out. The Lions, 9-2, and he apparently surprised Two claw hammers were healthy $46.50, which should scare off a few hunters who Joachim transferred to Temple, fire off Glen Rd. headed for a Cotton Bowl game someone prying open a vending found next to a nearby soft are counting their pennies...Coming up this weekend at the feeling he would get a better chance to Monday, 10:55 p.m. — Car against Southwest Conference cham­ machine at the firm. drink machine, police said, Holiday Lanes will be the seventh annual Hip Corrento play—and to throw more—in Wayne fire at 36 Porter St. pion Baylor, were represented by six Csatary, 56, of 31 Irving St. leading investigators to believe Open Classic with $500 earmarked for the winner. Eight- Hardin’s building program. After sit­ had been employed by the Csatary surprised someone who TOLLAND COUNTY players, more than any other team. Today, 12:08 a.m. — Apart­ INFLATION-FIGHTING NEWS game total pinfall will decide. Shifts Saturday are at noon, ting out the required year, Joachim firm—the Plimpton and Hills (UPI photo I Corp. of 151 Earle St., Hart­ had pried open the machine. ment fire on Loveland Hill Rd., 3:15, 6:30 and 9:30 and Sunday at 2. All six were linemen—tight end Dan accounted for 20 TDs—11 passing and Police said they weren’t sure Sandwiched After Catching Ball ford—for 27 years. He was a Vernon. (Vernon Fire Depart­ FOR FAMILIES LIKE YOURS: Natale, offensive guarjd Tom Raffer­ nine rushing—in the Owls’ 9-1 season, counter clerk. that discovery of the ment responded; Tolland and End of the Line Itvngnts' Kvn Avery (51) Goes Flying. Tackle by Ron Prichard ty, center Jack Baiorunos, defensive their best ever, in 1973. This year perpetrator was the motive for Rockville firemen on standby). “Our guards are the best, but if Tom Roy doesn’t do the linemen Greg Murphy and Mike Temple finished 8-2. the shooting. ‘Tm absolutely delighted with the Csatary was taken to job, we won’t have a good team,” Coach Lefty Driesell Hartenstine and linebacker Greg But­ University-McCook Hospital in claims at the University of Maryland. Roy, now a senior, tle. All are seniors except Rafferty way things worked out,” Joachim Hartford after the 3 p.m. inci­ has yet to have the big year predicted when he went to and Buttle, who are juniors. said. dent, and he was pronounced GERMAN CHRISTMAS Maryland out of South Windsor High...Don Davis of Police Reported NEW YORK (UPI) - In Decision Awaited dead on arrival. Manchester was one of nine successful candidates for Questioning Man Police said a post-mortem 16th Century Germany, a quartet of brass players $ membership in the Central Connecticut Board of Approved On Wine Murders examination performed this 1,000 Football Officials. morning disclosed that Csatary would climb to church towers On WFL Walkout Buckeyes’ Griffin NEW HAVEN (UPI) - A died from wounds from a small- and play carols while facing published report today dis­ caliber weapon. Police weren’t in the four directions of the BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (UPI) - TV closed that Connecticut State Allen Miller, WFL Players Associa­ AND sure if a pistol or a rifle was compass. Irish Fall Three Notches Team owners anticipated a decision Heisman Favorite Police are in Georgia The Moravians of tion counselor in Detroit, said a deci­ used, but they found small- today from Birmingham Americans questioning Paul John Knowles, caliber cartridges at the scene. Bethlehem, Pa., and Winston- sion by the players not to take part in football players on whether they RADK a suspect in six murders, Police said three in­ Salem, N.C., have kept the the World Bowl “would be the last NEW YORK (UPI) - Tailback Archie Griffin of Ohio would participate in the World Foot­ possibly in connection with the vestigating teams were tradition alive. They can still straw for the league. It would certain­ State, the most consistent runner in collegiate football Oct. 16 slaying of a CERnnCATES ball League championship game checking out several leads in be heard playing trombones Alabama Maintains ly kill attendance.” history, is the favorite today to win the 40th annual Marlborough woman and her Thursday after staging a surprise the cdse, including a "lot of to usher in Christmas, reports Miller said he thought the walkout, TONIGHT Heisman Trophy and thus become the first junior since daughter. walkout Monday. 7:30 Knicks vg, Lakrrg, names’’ of possible suspects, the American Music Con­ described as a “power move” by one 1963 to collect* the treasured prize which symbolizes the The New Haven register said today. ference. Lead in Grid Poll The Americans’ players, scheduled WINK Det. Capt. Thomas McDonnell of the players, was “stupid, ill- best player in the nation. to meet the Florida Blazers in the 7:50 UConn vg. California, would only confirm his men NEW YORK (UPI) — Alabama maintained a secure advised and improper.” Griffin, who led the Davis, also 5-9, was not as first World Bowl Dec. 5, refused to WTIC were sent to question Knowles, hold on the No. 1 position in the penultimate ratings of the Coach Jack Gotta was called into Buckeyes to the Big Ten consistent as Griffin but in practice Monday and said they would 10:00 Whalerg vg. 28, a Florida paroloee being United Press International Board of Major College Foot­ the player meeting prior to Monday’s Michigan, WTIC Conference title and a berth terms of all-purpose running VBXTJSOX, ball Coaches, with the top four teams remaining in the not work out again until they were held in a county jail at Macon, practice and informed of their deci­ in the Rose Bowl, will h is totals compare Police Recover paid for five previous games. Ga. on four murder charges. same places. sion. probably get some strong favorably. Davis averaged However, in a story by However, for the first When the walkout took place the Michigan completed its ‘Tve had some low days, but this is competition from senior 123.1 yards per game, the Register reporter John \time, the American Football players had not reached a decision one of the lowest,” Gotta said. “What seventh best average in the Mongillo, the newspaper said it Diesel Engine season last week, while USC WFL Storm tailback Anthony Davis of Coaches Association has about participating in the World Bowl, they are trying to do is crucify foot­ nation, and 4.7 yards per learned through other sources made a serious bid for the Southern California, who agreed to vote again—after but met late Monday night to discuss the questioning concerned the 1,000-pound engine at a sawmill national title with its whip­ ball.” Sued by City scored four touchdowns and carry but those figures don’t COVENTRY the bowl games — so the it. strangulation deaths of Mrs. site on Beaver Hill Rd., North YIELD Z90% ping of Notre Dame, which rushed for 234 yards against include kickoff returns, an PORTLAND, Ore. (UPI) Leonard Clauson, 30, of West Crimson Tide cannot claim area in which the Trojan Karen Wine and her 15-year-old Willington was charged Monday Windham. fell from f i^ to eighth. — The City of Portland Mon­ Notre Dame on national the national cham­ star excelled. daughter. Dawn. Their bodies with first-degree larceny in Armed with a search and With Ohio State and day filed suit for $11,275 television last Saturday. were found in their rural home seizure warrant, the two pionship—yet. While most teams wisely connection with the investiga­ Southern Cal matcheinn the against Oregon Professional But the late rash of votes by another daughter, 17-year- policemen and men from the A win over Notre Dame chose not to kick the ball to tion of the theft of a diesel Rose Bowl, a Trojan victory Football, Inc., for use of probably will not be enough old Cheryl Wine. engine valued at $8,000. Coventry Highway Depart­ should clinch the top spot for to swing the decision in Davis, he managed to return ment, dismantled the engine and a Crimson Tide defeat Civic Stadium and bleachers ’The investigation was con­ Bear Bryant’s gridders, who Davis’ favor. The Downtown 11 kicks for a devastating and returned it to Coventry. would upset the picture con­ for two games of the ducted by the Coventry Police AT own the only perfect record Athletic Club, sponsors of 467 yards, including a 100- Police Chief Robert siderably and could mean Portland Storm of the World Department after a local con­ among the nation’s major yard kickoff return against Kjellquist said that the engine the title for Southern Cal. A Football League. the Heisman Trophy, had tractor reported the engine had college teams, in the final Notre Dame Saturday which was the largest single item, Buckeye win and a Tide loss The suit claims that an already tabulated the been taken from his backhoe ratings to be released Jan. 3. sparked the Trojans to a 55- other than an automobile, that would likely give Woody agreement was signed by majority of the votes before equipment which was left on The two m eet in the Orange 24 triumph. Sra^aves Rd. in Coventry, last he has seen recovered in nearly Hayes’ men the top spot Bruce Gelker, then owner of D avis’ thrilling perfor­ ABOUT 18 years of police work. Bowl at 8 p.m. New Y ear’s Davis totaled 1,917 yards May. they held for so long this the Storm, on Aug. 19, mance last Saturday. Day in a rem atch of the 1973 from rushing, returns, pass TOWN Police said Lt. Joseph Clauson was released on a $2,- federal season. Technically, voters have un­ providing that the club 000 non-surety bond for nRST : Sugar Bowl and the Tide, 11- receptions (87 yards) and Deslauries and Patrolman Auburn, though losing to would pay the city no later til noon today to get their appearance in Circuit Court 12, 0 after a close 17-13 win over passing (nine yards) and Donald Rouillard located the Alabama, put up a tremen­ than 10 days after billing, ballots in but the DAC an­ Manchester, Dec. 30. Auburn, will be seeking scored 18 touchdowns—13 dous show in a game they any and all costs incurred nounced it would accept only Manchester Emblem Club '______\ revenge for their 24-23 loss rushing, three on returns could have won and climbed with WFL games and a ren- mailed ballots and will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. These days you need all the money-building power you can get and First to the Irish last New Year’s and two on passes—and a at the Elks Home. Mrs. David one notch to fifth. Penn telegrams, not phone calls. Federal —- the largest federally-insured savings and loan east of the river — Eve. tfll f6G two-point conversion for 110 Lyon is in charge of the Fitzgerald Funeral Home State, a 31-10 winner over The suit asks $4,583.40 for Griffin, a starter since his But Notre Dame will have program and refreshments. delivers with maximum interest, day of deposit to day of withdrawal Pittsburgh, jumped three freshman year, established points. its Irish up for the match as the Oct. 16 game against If Griffin wins he will be earning and daily compounding. places to sixth and idle Hawaii, $4,913.31 for the an NCAA record this year by well. Leading 24-6 at the half the first junior to collect the Nebraska edged up one spot O ct. 24 g am e against rushing for over 100 yards in Eta diapter, Beta Sigma Phi, Dignified It’s savings like these that flow right back into your community for against Southern Cal, the Heisman since Roger to seventh. Memphis, and $1,778.70 for 22 consecutive games-a will meet tonight at 8 at the Irish let down their guard Staubach of Navy in 1963. Family Service mortgages, home-building, more and better jobs for you and your neighbors. In an extremely close bat­ streak that dates back to the home of Mrs. Donald Noblett, and were run off the field, installation, at the Storm’s Only three other un­ tle for the remaining two second game of last season. 50 H ighview A ve., Personal Care Don’t wait. There’s a First Federal office near you and soon there’ll be a new 55-24. They’ll be looking to request, of three sets of derclassmen — juniors Doc Wethersfield. The theme of the positions in the top 10, idle The 5-foot9 native of Colum­ office on Middle Turnpike West at the Parkade, Manchester. Watch for it. come back from the bleachers. Blanchard of Army in 1945, meeting is "Happiness Is a /■ 'j. North Carolina State moved bus, Ohio, also finished se­ * i-year certificates humiliating loss—and what Doak Walker of SMU in 1948 Good Book,’’ and the book up one spot to ninth at 48 cond in the nation in rushing better way than to beat No, and Vic Janowicz of Ohio "Sybil’’ will be discussed. points, Texas jumped from a to Utah State’s Louis Giam- 1? New Award State in 195(^ver captured tie for 18th to 10th with 46 mona. Griffin gained 1,620 Behind the leader, Ohio the award. points on the strength of its PASADENA, Calif. (UPI) - yards rushing for an average State, Michigan and Lathron K. "Lay” Leishman, Other players who figure 32-3 rout over Texas A&M, of 147.3 per game and his .9 Southern Cal held Nos. 2 chairman emeritus of the Tour­ to do well in the Heisman idle Maryland was again yards per carry was the best Edward M. Fitzgerald through 4, but the Trojans nament of Roses’ Football’ voting are senior quarter­ 11th at 45 points and Baylor, average in the country. made a rush at the Committee, was selected Mon­ backs Tom Clements of 225 Main Street a 24-3 winner over Rice en Overall, Griffin gained 1,- nm iM eral Savings Wolverines, finishing only day as the first recipient of ihe Notre Dame and David route to capturing the (UPI photo) National Football Foundation; 743 yards, including 52 yards KrADQUARTERS Manchester, Connecticut three points behind in the Humm of Nebraska and Where the eagle flies higher. Southwest Conference title, and Hall of Fame’s Outstanding receiving and 71 on kickoff jiattle for third. The junior running back Joe Phone 643-9940 moved up one spot to 12th at AI Beauchamp of Bengals Grabs for Football^ Contribution to Amateur Foot­ returns, and scored 12 Buckeyes were idle and Federal regulations require a substantial interest penalty if withdrawn prior to maturity 45 points. lyiiaini End Jim Iniandich Jnaiinaged to Hang on to Pass ball Award. touchdowns. Washington of Oklahoma.

•> PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 3, 1974 EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 3, 1974 — PAGE THIRTEEN Orioles After Ken Singleton, Kuhn^s Decision on Yankee Owner Mets Offer Staub in Trade Sure to Have Many Repercussions BASKETBALL NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - Orioles, with pitching to The Mets, who’ve been the Phillies with more punch the Red Sox picked second dissatisfied with their CYO opened up its 1974-75 The Baltimore Orioles spare, were ready to deal behind the plate than Boone. baseman Kim Andrews By MILTON KIGHMAN tributions made through his American Ship Building Com­ One thing I notice is that Bowie Kuhn hasn’t actually centerfield situation since basketball season at East closed in on slugger Ken southpaw Dave McNally and Only his arm is suspect. from the Orioles’ Asheville NEW ORLEANS (UPI) — Bowie Kuhn enjoys pany located in . spelled out all the details of the suspension. the departure of Tommie Catholic. Winning initial Singleton, the New York outfielder A1 Bumbry to Unser, 29, hit .264 for the farm. everything connected with the baseball commissioner’s of­ “ If the public does not believe that a sport is honest, it Agee a few years back, were Again, as a lawyer, he aLso knows the less he spells out, games were St. Rose over Mets, offering Rusty Staub, Montreal in an effort to add Phillies with 11 homers and fice, the prestige, the money and the publicity. would be impossible for the sport to succeed,” Kuhn said. making overtures to the Dick Williams, the the less he’ll have to defend against if George Steinbrenner St. F rancis, 40-37, St. went in two different direc­ the 6-4, 210-pound 34 RBI. That last item is never lost on him. His logic escapes me completely. Phillies for Del Unser in a Angels’ manager, likes decides to go to court, and I have to bet he certainly will. Margaret-Mary over St. tions in pursuit of a center- Singleton’s potential “big “We’re still talking,” said He doesn’t mind seeing his picture in the newspapers at If'he’s saying George Steinbrenner broke the law, then complicated interleague speed, and in obtaining Palters Donated Bridget, 54-19, defending fielder and the Philadelphia stick” to their 1975 lineup. a Detroit spokesman. all and that’s why he’s always happy, even eager, to pose he’s right. But Bowie Kuhn, as a lawyer must realize the Bowie Kuhn has been a lawyer more than 20 years, so trade that could involve as Harper from the Red Sox champ St. Christoper over Phillies seemed hopeful of The Expos, completely “Maybe we’ll be able to put CHICAGO (UPI) - Avery standing there in his best Sunday judicial posture Yankee owner already has been penalized once by the I’m sure he can give someone like me lessons, but anytime many as nine players, in­ thats what he’s getting even Brundage, longtime Inter­ Sacred Heart, 46-29, and Our adding All-Star catcher Bill devoid of lefthanded the whole thing together alongside maybe the state governor, maybe some courts, and for Kuhn to do so again now in the name of he chooses I wish he would explain to me how baseball is so cluding Freehan. though the 34-year old two- national Olympic Committee Lady of Peace won by forfeit Freehan in a three-wav pitching, would kick in today.” celebrated Hall of Famer like Joe DiMaggio, or somebody, baseball or anything else makes no sense at all. righteous when the very core of its structure, the free The way the deal is time AL stolen base leader chairman, Monday announced over St. Mary’s, the first nine-player swap. righty Mike Torrez. In between their say, like Frank Robinson, baseball’s first black manager. agent draft, runs contrary to the law of the land. At the end of the first day packaged, the Mets would negotiations for Unser, the isn’t as fast as he once was. he is giving his athletic forfeit in five years. It was “We’re looking for a p y archives to the University of Bowie Kuhn knows the right people with whom-to have - ^ If Bowie Kuhn, furthermore, is saying George Stein­ Similarly, I wish he’d tell me how “laws” made up by a in baseball’s winter meeting send Staub, a disappointing Mets also talked to the Red “He fits in well with our caused by a misunderstan­ who can hit 20-30 homers for Illinois, from which he his picture taken, and from all I can gather, ne feels he brenner is dishonest, why is he permitting him back in group of baseball men can possibly supersede the law of “swap and shop” sessions, .258 hitter with 19 homers' Sox about centerfielder Juan ding of the schedule. us next year,” acknowleged pattern” explained Angels’ graduated in 1909. knows the right time to get his name in the (^pers also. baseball after an arbitrary period of two years? Besides, the land. however, nobody got and 78 RBIs this season, to Beniquez. But the asking He knows better than that. Next week s games ; 11:45 Orioles’ manager Earl general manger Harry Last thursday looked like an excellent tirfie. Why not? Steinbrenner voluntarily divorced himself from the day-to- anybody of major impor­ Philadelphia for Unser and price from Boston would Dalton. “Now we’ve got Brundage, 87, was president day operation of the Yankees last August simply to save I happen to like Bowie Kuhn personally, but I think I’d — Sacred Heart vs. St. Fran­ Weaver, “and we feel He was fresh back from a triumphant tdur of the Orient cis, 1:00 — St. Christopher tance. fellow outfielder Mike likely include shortstop Bud Harper, Mickey Rivers and of the U.S. Olympic Committee baseball from any embarrassment, so what can possibly charge him with an error in the action he has taken against Singleton’s the p y .” for 25 years beginning in 1929 (he never lost a single game in Japan)with the winter vs. St. Bridget, 2:15 — St. In the only trade made Anderson. The Phillies Harrelson, a commodity the Morris Nettles all of whom be the reason for Kuhn’s measure other than a mere show George Steinbrenner, who strikes me basically as a decent would get Freehan, center- and was president of the Inter­ baseball meetings about to begin in aTew more days, what Rose vs. Our Lady of Peace, Monday, the opening day of Singleton, a switch-hitter, Mets are not that eager to can go real good.” that he is equal to the law of the land, which he isn’t by any man. fielder Mickey Stanley, national Olympic Committee better time was there than^is^ne to announce some 3:30 — St. Margaret-Mary the week-long meetings, batted .276 this year with exchange. means. Some are going around saying the commissioner showed relief pitcher Jim Ray and In one other even more from 1952 through the 1972 earth-shaking decision? vs. St. James. former nine homers and 74 runs The Mets were one of the Munich games. He served Accordingly, Bowie Kuhn broke the news he was barring a lot of guts in his call against the Yankee boss. perhaps pitcher Bill minor transaction, the The inconsistency of all this does have its humorous side. stolen base king Tommy batted in. But the Orioles only three teams to shell out seven terms as president of the I think all he showed was that he likes to flex his muscle Slayback from Detroit for Brewers and Braves closed owner George Stenbrenner from operating the New York Cesar Cedeno, the Houston outfielder, is found guilty of Harper went from the like his 1973 totals $25,000 in the major league Amateur Athletic Union and at what he considers an opportune time and get his name in catcher Bob Boone and the books on the Nov. 2 deal Yankees the next two years. killing a girl in a Dominican motel room, and he oesn’t get Boston Red Sox to the better-.302,23 HR, 103 RBI. draft and that went for founded the Pan-American Presumably, Kuhn’s action . was “for the good of the paper. Teams Needed California Angels in another player. (what else?) a center- they made for Hank Aaron Games. so much as a public scolding from the baseball com­ Ultimately, this could cost him dearly. McNally, a four-time by sending righthanded baseball” inasmuch §s^Steinbrenner pleaded guilty and missioner. George Steinbrenner makes an illegal contribu­ Teams are still needed for the exchange for infielder Bob 20-game winner over the Freehan, 33, the Tigers’ fielder—Jorge Roque from Maybe even his job. perennial AL A ll-S ta r pitcher Roger Alexander was fined $15,000 this past summer for illegal political con­ tion and he’s drummed out of the barracks for two years. Intermediate Basketball Heise. past seven seasons was 16-10 Pueblo of the Mexican League at the Y. Any team in­ That one didn’t occasion in 1974, while Torrez com­ catcher, batted .297 with 18 League, Similarly, the Cubs from Milwaukee to Atlanta. terested may register at the Y He constitutes the “player any ground rumblings. piled a 15-8 mark for the homers and 60 runs batted in drafted catcher Tim Hosley now. The deadline for entering this year and would provide But the light-hitting Expos. from the Oakland chain and to be named later.” Reach Agreement Sorties Hold on to Win is Thursday. LINCOLN, R.I. (UPI) - Whalers Lose Al Smith 3 Horsemen reached agreement Ready to Go College Basketball Roundup Monday with Lincoln Downs OMAHA, Neb. (UPI) - It The Sonics hit 69.6 per cent (Herald photo by Dunn) operator B. A. Dario on a purse HARTFORD (UPI) - New remainder of the game. He severely bruised collar bone looked like an easy Seattle win from the field in the second with the SuperSonics leading by plan, averting a threatened England Whalers’ goalie Al returned to Hartford Monday and left wing Al Karlander with B O S TO N (I IM) — (;»n l.r quarter and gained a 57-53 lead. ^Family NighV Smith was to undergo an night. a twisted ankle were 15 points late in the third Spencer Haywood, who led winter shutdown of the track. Dave G o w c i i h i h reportedly quarter. Set for Home Opener Tonight “Town Family Night” for Manchester basketball examination by the team’s New England’s leading goal questionable for tonight’s game ready to go the full 48 Seattle with 26 points, opened Louisville Wins Opener, Gus Del Farno, president of physician today after suffering scorer, Tom Webster, who re­ at Michigan, a team spokesman the third quarter with a basket fans has been designated on Saturday, Feb.l at the iiiiiiuteH Wednesday night the New England division of the Tri-captains Mike Pressamarita, against Granby High at 8. Also on University of Hartford. a possible shoulder separation injured his right shoulder in the said. when the Boston (deities But Kansas City-Omaha kept off the tip. He then sprained his Horsemen’s Benevolent and in Sunday night’s 8-4 loss at Ed- fighting and the Kings threw a Tom Foran and Tom LeCourt, left tap tonight is a hoop jamboree at On this date, Manchester families will be admitted game, also was scheduled to un­ General Manager Jack Kelly entertain the Los Angeles ankle and had to sit out nearly Freshmen Lead Friars Protective Association, said the scare at Seattle before the East Catholic and Manchester Com­ mondton. dergo examination today by has flown to Detroit from San Lakers in the first meeting four minutes, but during that to right, listen to Cheney Tech to the Hartford-City College of New York basketball agreement called for horsemen munity College engages the Trinity Smith injured his left team doctor Vincent Turco. Diego to meet with coach Ron between the two teams this Sonics finally captured a 110-106 time his teammates opened a Coach Gerry Blanchard while prep- NEW YORK (UPI) - Louisville Alabama’s chief SEC rival, Ken­ game for one dollar. to get at least $24,000 daily and Webster has scored 15 goals in Ryan to discuss what to do National Basketball Associa­ 69-57 lead behind the outside ping for tonight's home opener College Jayvees in Hartford. shoulder in a scramble in front year. Coach Denny Crum’s fourth-ranked tucky, was forced to switch to a zone Tickets will be on sale one week before the game at 50 per cent of daily track profits of the goal early in the first 19 games this season. about the injuries, the tion decision Monday night. shooting of Jim Fox. Cardinals opened their 1974-75 basket­ defense in the second half before sub­ Nassiff Arms. exceeding $500,000. period but played the Defenseman Rick Ley with a spokesman said. ball season with a last-minute 91-87 duing Miami of Ohio, 80-73. Miami The “Family Night” plan will be observed at 10 m victory over the 18th-ranked Houston held a 44-39 halftime lead, but the Hartford home games with communities in Hartford Cougars in their own den, Hofheinz Wildcats limited their foes to only 29 area designated for one of the nights. Pavilion. It was only the Cougars’ points in the second half. Bob Gayette In these days of inflation, the dollar (for the entire Cozza and Miller Honored third loss since they began playing led the Kentucky scoring with 17 family) is a real good buy to see top-notch small college there in 1969. points and Kevin Grevey added 16. basketball. Junior Bridgeman, last season’s A trio of freshmen, Bruce "PICK THE PRO'S’’ FOOTBALL CONTEST For Fine Coaching Records Missouri Valley Conference Player of Campbell, Bill Eason and Bob the Year, completed a three-point Misevicus, brought Providence a BOSTON (UPI) - Even a Gilmour Academy. He came through an undefeated play with 21 seconds remaining for hard-fought 79-69 victory over the for ALL of Your loss to Harvard failed to dim to Yale, and, after suffering season thereafter. Louisville’s winning points after the University of California at Fullerton. NICHOLS-MANCHESTER Yale coach Carmen Cozza’s through a 3-6 and 4-5 record, For his work. Miller was lead changed hands eight times in the The Friars trailed, 21-18, in the first HUNTING NEEDS image around New England. went on to win 55 of his next selected by his fellow New frantic final three minutes. half when Coach Dave Gavitt inserted COACHES’ TIRE, INC. Cozza, who led the Elis 72 g a m e s d u rin g th e England coaches as the 1974 Bridgeman got credit for the go- his three frosh and they gained a 39-35 through eight undefeated following seven seasons. In UPI Coach of the Year in the ahead basket on a |6al-tending call halftime edge for Providence. CORNER games this season before a 1974, he directed the Elis to college division for the se­ and also sank the ensuing free throw SAFETY CHECK final-game heartbreaker at a share of the Ivy League cond time in four seasons. after being fouled on the play. Bill But Fullerton closed the gap to 57-54 Harvard, has been honored crown. The form er Little All Bunton converted two last-second foul against Providence’s older hands. By Larry Olsen they can achieve from the In between coaching shots for the final margin. Gavitt again turned to his freshmen game but rather because by New England coaches for America quarterback, who MANCHESTER HIGH the second time as UPI duties, Cozza squeezed in a led Delaware to a win in the Seventh-ranked Alabama and No. 8 and they combined to score 14 of they truly enjoy the game We Check Providence’s last 22 points. Campbell and for the enjoyment they E Major College Coach of the Master of Education degree 1954 Refrigerator Bowl over South Carolina struggled some in Our season finale was far • SHOCKS Year. from Miami in 1959. Kent State, compiled a 31-2 their season openers before scoring finished with 10 points, while Eason from satisfying in many derive out of giving 100 per HUNTING mark i-n his first head expected victories against lightly and Misevicus added eight each. aspects. But one thing I am cent to an effort. These peo­ • FRONT END The 1952 graduate of Through the years, Cozza Until You Have Sean Ual coaching job from 1955-58 at regarded opponents. The Crimson sure of — our kids tried. ple I speak of are Bill Cun­ Miami of Ohio, “the cradle has sent a number of players In other major games Monday, • DISC BRAKES “THE FAMILY SPORTS SHOP" Newark High School, Tide trailed early in the second half They came up short on this ningham and Dan White. of coaches,” put together to the pro ranks, including Aubun^efeated South Florida ,^77-52; Newark Delaware. He was before reeling off 12 straight points day as on others but they ’They each have a heart as • BALL JOINTS i-or Over 30 Yearal the “most balanced Yale quarterback Brian Dowling Oklahoma blasted NW Missouri, 89- named Delaware’s outstan­ for a 62-52 lead and coasted from tried. big as their body. Thanks team in my 10 years.” The and Calvin Hill from his 8-0- 71; Oral Roberts beat Wisconsin- • WHEEL BEARINGS ding athlete in 1955 and two there to a 74-67 victory over Oklahoma It’s been a pleasure Bill, thanks Dan — you make COME SEE WHAT’S NEW Elis led the nation in scoring 1 1968 team, and All Milwaukee, 85-70; Michigan State • COMPLETE EXHAUST SYSTEMS defense for much of the years later received a State. Leon Douglas had 18 points to working with this group of coaching enjoyable. C edged Central Michigan, 82-78; Ohio America Dick Jauron from lead the Alabama scoring, while Although our next game is and of course, Your Tires season with a 5.8 points- Masters of Education from State clobbered Butler, 96-69; Vander­ young men this season. We IN HUNTING the 1972 squad. Ricky Brown added 17 and Charles not this Saturday but rather against average, before the school. bilt routed St. John’s', 73-53; Utah started in August with some Cleveland 15. nine months away, we are dropping to third with 7.4 Cozza lives in Orange, In 1959, he moved to squeezed by Rutgers, 92-89; California obvious deficiencies, a lack FREE TIRE MOUNTING EQUIPMENT Mike Dunleavy scored 28 points and looking forward to it. For points. Conn., with his wife and Amherst College as super­ edged Seattle, 73-71; Washington of returning veterans, and See Ua for New, Ueed, and Tradea on Guns. South Carolina rolled over Bucknell, this next game however we ^ three daughters. visor of and State dumped San Diego State, 76-67, small numbers, but the Fast, Courteous Service We alao Sell Huntlnp Llceneea. I Cozza, who also won UPI 88-74, despite an extremely erratic don’t have an injury report, the offensive and defensive and Missouri defeated Rice, 92-67. group that stayeid with us OPEN MON., TUES., WED., ESI. 8 - 5:30 New England Coach of the but instead a graduation list. W I HONOH lines. He went to Trinity in nerformance. started to work with very THUS8. 8 • 8; SAT. 8 • 1 Year in 1967, has compiled a BOSTON (UPI) - Don We will miss the services of P . S . FALL FISHING Miller has a seven-game 1965 as assistant to Dan evident eagerness. And even 62-27-1 record in 10 seasons quite a few seniors, and not 11. Plttiburgh (■) at N«w England (b) winning streak and his honor Jessee and in 1967 became as the season progressed IS GREAT TOO! at New Haven. only as players but also as to defend next season when the Bantams’ 25th head and we began to lose a few the type of young men we he begins his ninth year at coach. games, each week was ap­ NICHOL’S- “THE HOUSE OF SPORTS" The 44-y.ear-old Cozza Four Games Mark like to have on the team. I began his coaching career as the helm of the Trinity Miller, who also was proached in a manner that T I R E f „ For Over 30 YoarsI have mentioned the names MANCHESTER a freshman backfield assis­ College football team. named UPI Coach of the this opponent was going to 25.00 of most of these before, so Miller, rebounding from a Year in 1970, is a native of be* the one to break our TIRE, INC. tant at Miami, after starring Business Openers will not repeat them now, 4-4 season in 1973, saw his Prospect Park, Pa. He now losing skein. There are NASSIFF ARMS for three years as a quarter­ bqt instead simply wish 250 BROAD 8T., MANCHESTER A R C O 0 back and defensive back and team lose a tough opening lives in Wethersfield, Conn, Opening action in the Businessmen’s League last night BOWLING many reasons why we didn’t (Oppoalta Saar'a AutomoUva) WEEKLY them well. pitcher and outfielder at the game this year to Williams, with his wife and three saw Sportmart nip the B.A. Club, 58-51, and Army & Navy win more than we did, but 643-1161 • MANCHESTER children. I’m sure that it would be a Ohio school. then paced the Bantams down the Buzzards, 85-58, at the Y. Games at Illing Junior one of them was not because wish of all these boys that a High saw Honda Civics outdistance Second Congo, 90-52, TEE-TOTALERS- Fran these young men didn’t care. He signed a major league few more able bodied boys and U.A.C. Barons outpoint Westown Pharmacy, 118-87. Misseri 188-526, Karen Riordan Each of the members of PRIZE baseball contract with the walking the halls and com­ Mike Daley (16), Norm Davidson (14) and Dick Grant 179-467, Donna Terragna 189, this squad I think of very Cleveland Indians upon Ethel Tedford 452, Nancy ing to school next year for (12) hit double figures for Sportmart in its victory. AI Wyle highly, but there are two graduation and played in the Washburn 452, Carol Lavalle the first time would try the 10 Weekly Contests! Canadiens in Shutout hit a game-high 21 points for B.A. Club with Mark that I would like to single minor leagues for Cleveland 177-179, Judy Sabella 491, Donna game. This also would be Kravontka and Killer Kilby netting 12 and 10 markers out at this time. 'They have and the . Magowan 175-468. my wish. IT’S A GREAT MONTREAL (UPI) - Mon­ "I was really concentrating respectively. never had the opportunity to — R U L E S - GAME. TIm obitet of ttw conteit it to pick iho aost comet ainnort of On His first head coaching job treal defensemen Larry Robin­ on goals against, not on goals Tom Malin pumped in 22 points for Army St Navy with gain notice through their ef­ {mwt lisM in Iho advorOunontt by Insortini Oio propor Mtor of On came in 1955 at Cleveland’s son scored the only goals in the for. We’ve cut down on our teammates Norm Burke (13), Bob Carlson (12) and MOUNTAIN DEW- Betty forts on the game field. My congratuations to John Canadiens’ 2-0 victory over the Hinnini tom on yoor onity blonk. In Ow ipoco liboM H e broibor” godls against. It makes a Charley Wrinn (12) also contributing well. Jim Katin with Richardson 176-465, Lois These two have been very LaFontana and his Eagles Atlanta Flames Monday night, difference when the forwards for their season. And finally pUco Om i M ^ of eoioN yon O M b * j u ^ 22 and Bill Kelly and Ron Sirois with 11 and 10 respectively Hanlon 178, Grace Kaufman loyal over these past three flio leant b b t One onOy per ponoa HI onftfoi or rootoniMn fio- but was more interested in dis­ come back and check.” my thanks to The Herald for led the Buzzards. 175^76, Lee Bean 179-490, Don­ years and have given the ut­ tknDot aitt bo dapoiiM It porOdpiOni tforot by 3 P JL Friday. Tko J M v r i d i a n cussing defense. their support shown weekly Joe Palamblzio (22), Merill Myer (14) and Bruce na Strattman 191-464, Bee most of their ability. They Herald « i bo Ow tolo N il of cinlott odriot The shutout was goalie Bunny Moquin 182-488, Lou Toutain d o i W ©1*72 I "The shutout’s just as good McLean (14) topped Honda’s output while Jim Potlak (14), have played football and for allowing me my shot for me as scoring two goals. We Larocque’s first of the season. 187-475, Peg Craig 454. faithfully not for the glory at journalism. have enough goal-scorers on Larocque was playing in his Bud Banda (10) and Mike Geoffry (8) high for Second 3 this team so we don’t have to third straight Canadiens’ vic­ Congo. wori7 about scoring goals,” tory since taking over the star­ Pumping in a game-high 39 points was Pete Brunune for ...... OFfrCIAL ENTRY ' Robinson said. ting job from Ken Dryden. U.A.C. Teanitnates Joe Demarco and Vic Laptik canned 29 Reynolds Leaving Manchettor Evening Herald and 18 markers respectively. For Westown, Paul Quey ANAHEIM (UPI) - Bob Harry Agganis Award The victory boosted the netted 37, Craig Philips 27 and Paul Bushnell 19. SiSSt, Canadiens into a first-place tie Reynolds, who co-founded the A B A B with the Los Angeles Kings In California Angels with Gene To Harvard’s Mclnally 1...... □ □ 8 ...... □ □ BOLAND the NHL’s Division 3. AtUnta Autry in 1960, has stepped down 9...... □ □ as president and a member of 2...... □ □ continued to trail Philadelphia Closed-Door Meeting CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (UPI) major college mentor. Running 10 OIL CO. by two points in Division 1. the American League team’s — Wide receiver Pat Mclnally back Peter Gomiewicz of Colby 3...... □ □ ...... □ □ boar of directors. of Harvard Monday was named Ten Qamei contract which expires at the copped the Jerry Nason Award 4...... □ □ EST. 1935 LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) - Reynolds, 60, resigned Mon­ winner of the Harry Agganis for overcoming obstacles to Only The executive board of the end of the next season. day after a “great deal of Award, symbolic of the top 5...... □ □ .WTFoifflr— !mKw5TfiMTiS! “The three-year basic agree­ become a top collegiate player. This WeekI ■YOUR LIFE WHEN YOUl Players thought” in order “to devote football player in New England. 6...... □ □ 203-549-1200 FUEL OIL Association begins a closed- ment has one year to run and more time to other business and Mclnally, named to the The award was newly named TIeBreaker N iW IM O TO N 7. • C-] □ ! DIDNT NEED OR | door conference today with that’s true also of the pension to my family.” Coaches All America and the this year for the retired sports Numbtr _M3-067-2201 ■w a n t a CIOARETn representatives from all 24 contract,” said Marvin Miller, An Angel spokesman said his UPI All East team, caught 46 editor of the Boston Globe. 5SiiiSii ^>>>>>>>>)^^<<<^^^ venture as a vehicle for in­ partnership isn’t a new idea: a net lossV ^1,000 for the nine a J vestors to pool their money to There are already a few others months ended Aug. 31, accor­ get a better return. in Manchester. Ro Mar Co. is ding to Pioneer President Formation of the group — primarily local — just two or David Abrams interim report which consists of 30 persons, three partners are from out of to stockholders. tjO O K H E K B A town, he said. T h a t B rin g mostly Realtors and For the same period of 1973, businessmen — began several Other partners in the compny Pioneer showed net income of months ago, Golas said. The are Joseph and Ruth Maori, $520,000. GIFT SPECIALI formation became official last John E. Hilditch, Richard H. Abrams said net sales for the week with the filing of a trade Barry, Nicholas and Phyllis nine months of 1974 totaled $31,- name, Ro Mar Co., with the Jackston, Daniel F. Reale, John 519,000, compared to $32,261,000 _ Gift for 7 3 9 M IN I­ Manchester town clerk. DiDonato, Robert F. 'tv-' in the first nine months of 1973. eople Going Places! Yiiietide Qheer CALCULATOR Other officers of the company Luurtsema. After provision for federal in­ For Cruising or Flying — Marlow's Has Just Tho Luggage come tax ($980,000), a minority Memor, 8 digit capacity. are Anthony F. Pietrantonio, Also, Elmer and Patricia You NoodI Choose from those Famous Brands; Samsonite interest in subsidiaries AC/DC with batteries chairman, and Roger M. Negro, Frechette, Roderick and (wo carry a comploto lino), Atlantic, Vantura, Airway and treasurer. Pietrantonio, a Theresa Frechette, Arthur H. ($260,000), and a $282,000 loss on and adapter. Not as Il­ Seward. a lustrated. a former town director, runs a Roveti, Lucille H. Sinon, a discontinued manufacturing Every CHECK THE HERALD Regular 79.96 printing business. Negro is Jerome I. Baskin, Robert B. operation, Pionner chalked up Thing C h ristm as town treasurer. Golas is an at­ Price, Robert W. ’Taylor, Den­ the $31,000 loss. Since torney. nis J. Mozzer. The nine-month loss amounts CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE MARLOW; 1911! Begins a t Golas said the group is Also, Robert J. Tyszka, to about one cent per share. DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER - S4«-S221 private and is not soliciting for William Mozzer, Barbara Average number of shares out­ FREE PARKINQ FRONT A REAR OF STORE • MASTER CHARGE CARDS DAILY UNTIL Davidson, Stephen Cavagnaro standing in 1974 was 2,882,803. ACCEPTED Jr., Joan Weiss, Francis J. In 1973, the none-month income Adam’s DECEMBER 23rd! “ iinjm5rTisri Spilecki, and Joseph H. Tully. amounted to 18 cents per share, ABOUT I on an average 2,878,003 shares Manager oustanding. Apple 239 Spencer Street • Manchester The discontinued operations, SMOKENDERS■ Howard A. Griffen of Wind­ BRAY’S Abrams said, involved the com­ I WILTON’S JEWELRY STORE sor, formerly of East Hartford, IS BOIEVIW HOW EASY ■ pany’s Duo-Set Processing sub­ G i/t Shop 737 Main St, Manchester has been named district sidiary in Connecticut, which 964 Main St. In FREE LOTTERY TICKET manager of Suburban stopped operation in Downtown Manchostar with 110 or more purchesol PANASONIC Propane’s Windsor sales- September. Headquartera for Msnchsstsr’s O ldnt EsUbllshsd service center. Griffen, who 10,000 P.S.I. Jswsiry StonI "This small plant had COLLECTOR FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT HEADQUARTERS has been with the New Jersey- Technician at Western Gold and Platinum, a GTE Sylvania operated unprofitably for a PLATES e BOTTLES WE SUGGEST: OPEN DAILY RADIOS — TAPE RECORDERS based firm for 28 years, comes number of months and con­ e ZOO ANIMALS • CHARMS (PINS subsidiary in Belmont, Calif., sets controls on a new • WATCHES • CLOCKS 10-ID to the position from a similar ditions throughout the related e HUMMEL FIGURINES COMPONENT SYSTEMS post at Niantic. isostatic press. The press can compress ceramic powders, • BRACELETS auM.SUN. 12-B i«-o textile processing industry did You owe it to younelf to • GLASSWARE at pressures up to 10,000 pounds per square inch, in molds not warrant further efforts or • mAMOND ENOAOEME^NT [vifit thU fascinating shop! 130 CENTER S t E L C A M IN O up to 36 inches in diameter. Among the products made by expenditures in this area,” r i n g s ond WEDDING BANDS ■ 'P L A Z A ooooooo »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< t MANCHESTER Potteitoh’s the press are nuclear particle accelerator housings and Abrams said. 6 49 -4 53 7 1931 RTE. 30, VERNON cam's A pple since ""f' S9 757S -2 -2323 32 3 valves for chemical processing equipment. (UPI Photo) Abrams said an inordinate tax burns which has adversly MANCHESTER PARKADE - M ANCHESTK' affected Pioneer’s profit per­ formance this year has been Of Consumer Concern partially alleviated due to revi­ sion of corporate procedures. State Offers Adults PUT HAPPINESS IN YOUR SKIING Christmas Toy Safety Booklet B&M Railroad BEA H h e Shopping Hours ^^e i^e .WWMW* K Just in time ^ By State Department safety in connection with toys Shows a Profit CHRISTMAS Of Consumer Protection and contains a 15-point toy safe­ BOSTON (UPI) - The Boston SMART one-stop 2 for Christmas! 3 p r e s e n t “ What You Should Know ty checklist. and Maine Corp. reported a net FOR YOUR About Toys,’’ a handbook for The booklet gives guidelines income —before extraordinary MANCHESTER concerned adults, is available SANTA for choosing holiday gifts for credits — of $158,689 for Oc­ M on.-Fri. 9:30 - 9 ' REGAL * DOG without charge and may be ob­ children. If you are buying for tober, the fourth consecutive GIVE A shop tained from the State Consumer an infant or small child, make month the railroad has showed Sat. 9:30 - 5:30 17 Protection Department. sure the toy you buy does not a profit, according to The free booklet, written in have detachable small parts reorganization trustees. KitchenAld. for the through December 23rd , 1 MUFFLER, both English and Spanish, than can lodge in the windpipe, Robert W. Meserve and I ^ Corner of Broad V describes federal and state ears or nostrils and does not Benjamin H. Lacy said the net 1C and Center SIreeta J! £ government efforts to promote have sharp edges or points or income after credits of extraor­ parts that can pinch fingers or dinary items, such as outstan­ selective toes or catch hair. Toys with ding local taxes, amounted to VERNON Complete grooming parts that break easily or that $3,194,546. dishuicisher have been put together with shier for all types of dogs M o n . - S a t . 10-9 Call Early For straight pins, sharp wires or RENTALS • REPAIRS nails should also be rejected. SALES through December 23rd Christmas Appointment Types of toys recommended AND SPECIAL OF THE WEEK by age groupings are listed un­ SUDS « der “Normally Safe, Sensible PUBLIC SON Selections’’ and hints are given B.D. PEARL SKI TUNE UP SCISSORS for protecting children from RECORDS 649 Main St., Manchester Post Road Plaza BL 80 other hazards in the home. The Sharpen • Ri VBBNON 878-7024 pamphlet includes notes about Base a Het 00 Tel. 643-2171 r $ 8 Reg. ‘12.00 REGAL MEN*G 6I baby furniture, child car seats Warranty Deeds MANCHISTIIL^"* VERNON and a warning about lead Anthony D. and Sheila M. wT ^ o J ^ I N STREET TRl-CITY P LA Z A | •72-0531 poisoning from paint. DiNardo to The Heritage Group THE 643-2471 A sufficient supply of the Inc., property on Blue Ridge booklets is on hand for in­ Dr., $71,000. dividuals, organizations, clubs Fannie P. Fish to Ralph H. ALPINE and libraries, upon request. Johnson, property at 22 Address requests to “Toys,” Brookfield St., $45,000. Department of Consumer Quitclaim Deed GIFT IDEALS from ‘flAUS Protection, State Office Building, Hartford 06115. Morris Henry Kay to Vincent Rt. 30 Post Rd. Plaza • Vernon, Conn. Questions concerning toy John Liscomb, one-half interest NASSIFF of Course... Open Dally 10 to 9 • Sat. 10-5:30 • 872-6547 safety may be directed to the in property at 169-171 Hilliard U.S. Consumer Product Safety St., $5,500. Gancia Commission, Washington, D.C. Judgment Lien 20207 via mail or by using their The Joseph J. Mottes Co. ver­ BELL Safety Hot Line 1-800-638-2666 sus Joseph C. Naumec, proper­ (toll-free). ty at 170 Homestead St., $811.72. Italy’s Finest Consumer information may Lis Pendens & be obtained from the state by OUR LAYAWAY PLAN Rita L. Albom and Estelle is now in effect $ 2 0 * « dialing toll-free 1-800-842-2649. Schpero, trustees, versus HOWELL 4SK ABOUT IT James C. and Hermlne E. Joy, Slide 6.SS1 foreclosure at 54 Greenwo^ uaaoeiHXiaao 7.09 Dr. GENUME SLATE g NICHOL'S MANCHESTER TIRE. INC. g Marriage Licenses No 986A Projector ICYCLE^ LARGKST SCLCCTtON OF ' Frederick Williams Popple, POOL TABLES 295 Broad Street ^ Nuclear Cost Less NCW OICYCLKt IN THE 30E Ambassador Dr., and Manchester, Conn. 4) VCFVNOF8 AHEA VEST NEW YORK (UPI) - A sur­ Joanne D. Muming, 217 Wood- Professionally Assembled vey by the Atomic Industrial bridge St., Dec. 7. Hours: Mon. thru Wed. 8:00 - 5:30 ^ NASSIFF CAMERA TOYS & NOVELTIES Forum shows that nuclear Patrick William Letoumeau, 4 } 629 MAIN ST. e il9 99en ACCESSORIES St G IF T S power plant" are producing 133 Brookfield St., and Patricia Thurs. & FrI. 8:00 ■ 8:00 Sat. 8 -1 4f PACKAGE MANCHESTER electricity at 40 per cent of the Ann Smith, 15 French Rd., Dec. MANCHESTER D 4 0 - 7 3 6 9 SNOW SHOVELS cost of power plants using coal 6, St. James Church. Steel & Aluminum S TO R E PARKADE and oil. JUVENILE SNOW VEHICLES A ll Pr/cei Subfecl To Ctiinge 3 -COOdA e AK ARCO 0 wvBwvvvwnmvvn vannvm Mawu TIRES DfUVDn V iR N O N ^ CIVE A CIMSTIUS ' HTUPt You cortalnly can... ACaSSOMCS TENNIS CIFT FOR TK ALSO FOBUM WHOIE FAMILY PINO PONG AND g For A Practical Gift Think S 9 M P P Control Your GAME TABLES MEMBERSHIP A U9mb9nhlp to S Of Us For Tires g T h t :POST ROAD STOPPING PLAZA WATER WEIGHT ^ SHOCKS • FRONT END a DISC BRAKES S MAIN STREET, ROUTE 30 RIZZO BALL JOINTS • COMPLETE EXHAUST g VERNON. CONN 872-3159 PROBLEM B W4 Champlonahip Courts TENNIS FORUMS FOOL CO. 047-1420 FAMILY MEMBERSHIP « VERNON CIRCll AND OF COURSE OUR TIRES AND 3 MON. thru SAT. USE B ♦ 2 Outdoor Courtfl VERNON MADISON 9:30AM to 6:30PM * WOpon ovary day 7 a.m. -1 1 p.m. ONLY •55.00 » NEWINOTON ^ FREE MOUNTING ^ OPEN * ★ Showor and lockar room INDIVIDUAL ONLY *38.60 S _ T h u ii. 8i. f r i . Iv e n in o i 'lil E-LIM * WCompllmontary towol aorvleo P h O IIB • Excess water in the body can be Z * Profooslonol Inotruotlon 8 7 5 7 0 9 4 uncomfortable. E-LIM will help you e ★'FRiYeVbyemino • lose excess water weight. V\fe at .. 872-8400 i 4 recommend it, ( I W PrM parking ' w -rv /w ------a In Rain or Snow — Dillon’s There to Tow II LOCATIO ON FOOP ROAD • iXIT 17 OP WILSURCRONHWV. T “I !N T “ ^ O N L Y S 8 . 0 0 Phone■ w a w a w w 643-2145 w w w m ■ w w a i o Smain rOirODI . . 2 4 Mi HRSERVICt«SI ■■■ vh ■« W ■ ^es = ^ 1 Uoottt imifl PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 3, 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 3, 1974 - PAGE SEVENTEEN NewP&W Contract ^ Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 World Hunger Topic Surging Electrical Powet Of Thursday Forum AREA Evaluated by I AM i K l * BRAND NEW - $44,900 [ Q EAST HARTFORD (UPI) - He said that included the 16,- dim«l I. rMl« BiA^oj POLICE REPORT Fire at Keish Home A new contract approv^ Satur­ 500 employes at plants In East NILS some positive action taken day with Pratt & Whitney Air­ Hartford, Southington, All persons concerned with Aluminum sided 6 room Raised Ranches eltuated on the problem of world hunger within Manchester to moderate craft Corp. will give the ^.Middletown and Rocky Hill and VERNON A heavy surge of electrical A junction fuse was replaced The home w4s declared tem­ three acre lot. Large master bedroom, Bnlshed family the present worldwide crisis Police said the boy ran into average worker an additional those at the firm's North Haven are invited to a meeting spon­ James F. Roy, 16, of West and the power turned back on at porarily Uninhabitable mainly room, 2 car garage. Take a look - - - you won’t be sorry. causing starvation to millions power caused a fire at the home and Windsor Locks Hamilton She ncraUi sored by the Manchester Area the road and into the path of a 111,000 over the next three Willington was arrested Mon­ of William Keish of 307 Gardner 4 p.m., Hoffman said. due to the lack of power, Strat­ are asked to attend this car driven by Donna Curtis of years, according to the Inter­ Standard plants, who will vote Conference of Churches day by Vernon Police on a St. Monday afternoon, accor­ The Keish home had been out ton said. Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at St. meeting. Organizations whose Broad Brook. The incident is national Association of on the same contract later this CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING warrant issued by Circuit Court ding to firemen and police. altogether since 8:40 a.m., ac­ About 30 firemen including Mary's Episcopal Church. membership is concerned with still under investigation. Machinists. month. 12 charging him with fourth- The fire began in the base­ cording to the electric clocks. volunteers fought the blaze REALE’S CORNER The Rev. Dr. Clifford 0. the crisis are asked to send at James Popick, 64, of 54 Ward Justin Ostrow, chief union Ostrow said the breakdown is 175 MAIN STREET______PHONE 646-4525 degree larceny. ment behind the circuit breaker Mrs. Keish had pulled out all using the hydrant almost across Simpson, minister emeritus of least one representative. St., Rockville was charged negotiator, said Monday each as follows; wages and cost of Police said the arrest was box. It was reported at 4:42 plugs to appliances in the home the street from the house under Monday with intoxication and worker will make an average of living benefits of $204 million; Center Congregational Church, made in connection with the in­ p.m. and was under full control only recently completely lights powered with portable VMRMnii who was instrumental in calling MACC hopes through this breach of the peace in connec­ $7,860 in extra wages and cost dental plan, $19.5 million; pen­ EAST HARTFORD - Spec­ vestigation of the theft of a within an hour, firemen remodelled. Then she went to generators. the forum meeting, will be meeting to form an ad hoc com­ tion with the investigation of a of living increases and $3,100 in sions, HI.7 million; group in­ PH6NE 643-2711 tacular 4-bedroom LafJava EXCEPTIONAL VALUEI hand gun from Albert's Cafe in reported. work about 11 a.m., police said. The Keish home is now the Colonial. First-floor family mittee to implement ways in complaint from the Shopping benefits during the three-year surance, $6.7 million, and See this immaculate 8-room moderator. Rockville. Damage was extensive in the No one was home at 4 p.m. only home in the area without room, carpeting throughout, 2- Those who would like to see which community residents and Bag Supermarket, Rockville. life of the contract. vacations, $1.6 million. Swiss Chalet that offers three Police said the gun was living room area and smoke Stratton figured that the fire power, Hoffman said. FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD car garage, huge rear deck groups can do something about He was released on a $50 non- Ostrow said the contract Another $36.4 million is in the or four bedrooms, large recovered Nov. 16 when Roy damage was done throughout had been started by the arcing facing private woods. world hunger by donations, surtey bond for appearance in brings 22,500 workers an extra ‘‘rollup,’’ which means kitchen, beamed ceiling living and his brother were ap­ the large, two-and-a-half-story wires by the fuse box shortly Help Wanted 13 Immediate occupancy. Cul-de- having a meatless day a week, Circuit Court 12, Rockville, ABOUT SANTA $280 million in wages and everything else in the contract, sac. 50’s. Warren E. Howland, room, formal dining room, BERNARD A. LOZIER, prehended inside Arthur Drug house built over 100 years ago. after 4 p.m. and the fire built up INDEX skipping a meal a week, by Dec. 17. NEW YORK (UPI) - Cle­ benefits. he said. Realtors, 643-1108. large barn board paneled rec INC. Store. Both were charged with Deputy Chief Roy Stratton steadily until a neighbor saw NOTICES ADVERTISING ADVERTISING MAINTENANCE Technician - writing letters to politicians, or Michael Williams, 23, of 82 ment Moore, who lived in the Full-time person experienced in room, 2 full wall fireplaces, burglary. was in charge of the fire the smoke and called firemen 1 — Loit and Found 22 REGENT 6T. by utilizing service groups into Union St., Rockvill was charged Chelsea section of New York - 2 — Partontli DEADLINE all phases of maintenance, sun deck, patio, 2Vi baths, 2- In connection with Monday's fighting effort. He said the area at 4:42 p.m. 3 — AnnouncamanU RATES carpentry, electrical, painting, SOUTH WINDSOR c a r garage. Park-like Celling RepaIn productive action. early today with intoxication City, is credited with creat­ New London Child 12 00> noon the day before arrest, Roy was released on a lost power apparently due to The flames badly charred a 4 — Enlertainment publication t day-...... 94 word per day desired to work at Meadows SPLIT LEVEL and disorderly conduct in con­ ing our conception of Santa 5 — Auctions grounds. Occupancy for A Replacements^ $500 non-surety bond for Monday morning’s storm at beam in the cellar and floor 3 days ..... 84 word per day Those unable to attend nection with the investigation Claus in his poem - “The Deadline lor Saturday afid Convalescent Home, 333 Large treed lot goes with this Christmas. Financing appearance in Circuit Court 12, about 8:40 a.m. joists. It travelled up partitions Dies in Home Fire FINANCIAL Monday is 12:00 ^Joon Friday 6 days ..... 74 word per day Bidwell Street, Manchester, QuQlity Carpentry Wort, Thursday's meeting but wishing of a disturbance at his apart­ Night Before Christmas." It desirable 6'A room Split Level available. $55,900. Rockville, Dec. 17. A tree limb had fallen on the in the southwest area of the 8 — Bonds-Slocka-Mortgagas 26 days ..... 64 word per day apply 9-3 p.m. or call 647-9191. PaUos • Additions to indicate their interest may ment, police said. was written in 1822. stairs to warn his parents, Mr. 9 — Personal Loans 15 WORD MINIMUM that offers three bedrooms, U & R R E A L H CO., INC. Timothy Geisinger, 7, of 611 wires near the intersection of home. ■ NEW LONDON (U P I)-A 7- 10 Insurance A Rafflodoling contact Mrs. Nancy Carr, Box He was released on a $500 Moore’s Santa had “a and Mrs. James Hornburg. PLEASE READ Happy A d a ...... $2.00 Inch living room, kitchen and' 643-2692 Dart Hill Rd., Vernon was Gardner St. and Carriage Dr., Firemen were forced to use year-old boy died in the base­ NURSE’S AIDES - 7-3, and 11-7, dining area. Also paneled den Free Estimates 773, M anchester; or the non-surety bond for appearance broad face and a little round Homburg and Duane tried to EMPLOYMENT full and part-time positions Robert D. Murdock. Realtor taken to Rockville General according to Charles Hoffman, care in fighting the fire near the ment of his burning home 13 — Help Wanted YOUR AD and finished rec room, Manchester Area Conference of in Circuit Court 12, Rockville, belly” that shook when he return to the basement to available for experienced aides. Hospital Monday for treatment area director of the Hartford arcing wires until a HELCO despite several attempts by his 14 — Business Opporlunllles Classified ads are taken over fireplace, V k baths, city Phone 649-4464 Churches, 649-2093. Dr. Clifford O. Simpson Dec. 17. laughed. It shook “like a rescue Dean but were driven off 15 — SItuallon Wanted Contact our Director of Nursing of a head and leg injury. Electric Light Co. (HELCO). crew could disconnect the wires parents and firemen to rescue the phone as a convenience utilities. Realistically priced by the flames, said firemen, The Herald is responsrble for between 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. 647-9191, CIRCA 1760 - Classic center The repair crew turned the to the home. , bowlful of jelly.” him, firemen said. EDUCATION who also failed in several 18 — Private Instructions only one incorrect insertion and Meadows Convalescent Home, at $43,500. Ample financing chimney Colonial, original pan­ power back on at 10:15 a.m. Authorities said firemen attempts to enter the base­ 19 — Schools-Classas then only to the size of the 333 Bidwell Street, Manchester. available. eling, sheathing, stairway, However, an isolated area, fought the blaze for more than 1 20 — Instructions Wanted original insertion Errors which hardware and floors. Four Vi ment. do not lessen the value of the MANCHESTER HARDWARE including the Keish home, did hours early Monday before REAL ESTATE CASHIER - part-time. East fireplaces, new heating system Duane and his 8-year-oId advertisement will-.not be cor­ U & R REALTY CO., INC. 877 Main StrMt In Downtown Manchester Ahearn Resigns Bolton Post not receive power. A resident they could enter the basement, 23 — Homes for Sale Hartford, training provided, and bath. Large barn, attached Park’s Yule Lights sister Diane were treated for 24 — Lots-Land for Sale rected by an additional inser­ 643-2692 notified HELCO at 2:55 p.m. where they found the body of tion days or evenings. Jobseekers, shed and garages, $44,500. second-degree burns at 25 — Investment Properly 368-1070. Robert D. Murdock, Realtor Philbrick Agency, Realtors, and a crew went back, Hoffman Dean Homburg near the stairs. 26 — Business Property WE ARE YOUR Donna Holland his association with dedicated surplus which indicates better Lawrence and Memorial 6464200. members who always had the said. They said Dean and his 12- 27 — Resort Property Correspondent budget planning, complete Go On Tonight year-old brother Duane were Hospital. Their mother, 26 - Real Estate Wanted JOBS - Interested in a job that best interest of the town at detailed breakdown of the town Bonda-Stocka-Mortgagea 8 Help Wanted 13 requires no experience and MANCHESTER - Six-room MANCHESTER - 8-room, 2 1/2 646-0375 sleeping in the basement when (Jharlotte, was admitted suf­ MISC. SERVICES heart. proper budget, separate public 31 — Services pifered offers free training, security, custom built Ranch, fireplace, bath Colonial built in 1973 by U Aloysius Ahearn, chairman of Duane was awakened about fering from smoke inhalation 3 Ahearn noted that when he hearings for the town proper fixtures' have been installed 32 — Painting-Papering MORTGAGES — 1st, and 2nd ELECTRONIC Technician - travel, education and good pay? carpeting, garage, west side & R. Fireplaced family room. the Board of Finance, sub­ VERNON 2;20 a.m. by the fire and ran up­ and burns in the throat area and 33 — Building-Contracting Firepto was elected to the board in 1969 Road Closed around the park, each with a mortgages — interim financing Must be skilled in trouble Contact your Air Force location, near school, enclosed Exquisitely appointed mitted his resignation as chair­ budget and the board of educa­ The Christmas lights in Cen­ was in satisfactory condition. 34 — RoolIng-SIdIng — expeditious and confidential the mill rate was 74.5 mills. He two-foot snowflake inside. The 35 — Heating-Plumbing shooting, complex linear cir­ representative at 221 Asylum porch, excellent condition. 30’s. throughout. Choice lot in Forest man and board member Mon­ tion budget. tral Park, Rockville, will be service, J.D. Real Estate Hayes Corporation, 646-0131. said after reevaluation the tax Northbound 36 — Flooring cuits. ^ a l l company. Musical Street, Hartford or call 244- Hills. $73,500. Call Suzanne or Headquarters day. Ahearn's resignation is Also the preparation of a turned on today to signal the nativity scene on the green will 37 — MovIng-TruckIng-Storage Assoc. 646-1980. ability useful. Electronic Music 2347. Arthur Shorts, 646-3233. J. Wat­ effective Jan. 20, 1975. rate was lowered to 54 mills. He regular agenda with copies to start of the holiday season. also be lighted. 36 — Services Wanted Labs, 875-0751. MANCHESTER - McKinley son Beach Co., Realtors, Oakland St. (Rt. 83) from Substitute Mailman Ahearn was recently elected said this year the rate is 55.5 the press, improvement of the Mayor Frank McCoy, Santa will be in his “candy MISC. FOR SALE NEED MONEY - Write RoMar Street. Lovely custom six-room Manchester Office 647-9139. as state representative in the mills. annual town report which Sheldon Rd. north almost to assisted by his son Frank, will cottage" week days from 1 to 41 — Articles lor Sale Co, P.O. Box 1155, Manchester, BABYSITTER wanted while AVON Split, 11 years old, 11/2 baths, 3 Equal Housing Opportunity. Ahearn cited the steps the makes it more readable and Rachel Rd. will be closed to 4:30 p.m. until D ^. 23. Each Faces Federal Charges 42 — Building Supplies Conn. 06040. mother works nights. Call 646- bedrooms, sliding glass doors 55th district. throw the switch at 4:30 p.m. 43 — Oogs-BIrds-Pets 9 OUT OF 10 AMERICAN Ahearn, whose six-year term finance board has taken over more available to citizens. northbound traffic beginning Santa Claus will be on hand for child visiting Santa will be 44 — Livestock 1640 before 2 p.m. from living room to patio, gar­ TOLLAND- New listing. Seven NEWINGTON (UPI) - A ly Sunday by firemen trying to 45 — Boats 6 Accessories WOMEN have seen our TV age. Professionally landscaped. OSTRINSKY on the finance board runs fo the past 5'/2 years. They include Ahearn said any attempt to today (Dec. 3), according to the the ceremony and then will take given a lollipop furnished by the room Raised Ranch, 2%-batbs, state Department of Transpor­ substitute mailman in whose extinguish a blaze at his New 46 — Sporting Qoods BARTENDER- Earn $3. hour­ commercials for “Timeless,” Priced below replacement fireplace, 30 mile view. Only la still buying scrap newspapers from his regular June 1975, said it would be un­ the development of a category weaken the category system by up residence in his house on the Recreation Department. 47 — Garden Products tation. burning house firemen found Britain Ave. home. □ EMPLOYMENT ly, full-time, six evenings. Start our newest, most luxurious value. Only $37,9do. Arruda $45,500 . Pasek Realtors, MLS, custom ers. fair to the board members to system that requires each allowing transfers would not be green. Children wishing to write to 48 — Antiques Work will be done on the nearly three tons of undelivered Postal officials said most of 49 — Wanted to Buy now. Jobseekers, 568-1070. fragrance. What a terrific Realty, 644-1539. 289-7475, 742-8243. Metals and Iron, while lower In price, Is still In remain on the board because board chairman to detail all in the best interest of the town Arrangements for the Santa may leave their letters in drainage system along Rt. 83. mail has been charged with the mail had no monetary RENTALS time for you to sell Avon budget preparations and expenditures and that does not and would herald a return to lighting are made by the the slot in front of Santa’s house Help Wanted 13 CUSTODIANS - Part-time, six $28,500 WILL buy this four- MANCHESTER- Expandable demand. Northbound traffic can take detaining, secreting and value. As a substitute letter 52 — Rooms lor Rent Interested? Call 523-9401. hearings occur the same time allow transfers without permis­ confusion and fiscal laxness. Recreation Department. and the letters will be answered 53 — Apartments lor Rent days, Monday through Satur­ bedroom Cape. Country-size duplex, 6-6, 2-car garage, Sheldon Rd. to Parker St. and embezzling mail. carrier, Santangelo filled in on TOOL MAKERS - All-around that the general assembly is in sion of the finance board. Ahearn said it has been a Recreation Director Donald by Santa with the help of the 54 — Homes lor Rent day, 7-11 a.m. Must be steady kitchen, garage, residential, porches, patio, good condition, OSTRINSKY Other steps are the elimina­ great experience to serve on the rejoin Rt. 83. Jaycee Wives Club. Robert Santangelo, 23, of routes in the Greater Hartford 55 — Business lor Rent machinists and Bridgeport and dependable. Apply at within walking distance to quiet location. Financing session. Berger said 12 lantern-shaped 56 — Resort Property lor Rent tion of budgeting a surplus and Newington, was arrested Mon­ area, they said. operators. Top wages, fringe Forbes & Wallace, Manchester PART-TIME - If you have 10-15 school and shopping. Jackston available. Mid 40’s. Northeast 731 PARKER STREET • MANCHESTER He said he leaves the board finance board and be its chair­ 57 — Wanted to Rent benefits and overtime. hours available each week, use the gradual reduction of the day and released shortly U.S. Attorney Albert 58 — MIsC. for Rent Parkade, Tuesday through Agency, 646-1316. Realty, 568-7907. with regret. He said he enjoyed man for the past three years. Experience preferred. Apply at them profitably presenting our afterwards on a $1,000 nonsure­ Dabrowski said the case AUTOMOTIVE Friday, 7-11 a.m., ask for Mr. ty bond, police said. Authorities probably will go to a grand jury Paragon Tool Company, 121 John Tobin. quality diaper service to expw- BOLTON - Seven-room Ranch 61 — Autos lor Sale Adams Street. tant mothers. Guaranteed in­ said he resigned from the postal in a week or two. 62 — Trucks (or Sale plus rec room, with one-car 63 — Heavy Equipment lor Sale come from our established MANCHESTER Water Firm Purchase service, where he had worked The postal service has begun garage set on %-acre lot on 64 — Motorcycles-Bicyclaa PART-TIME janitorial work, customers, plus new business ROCKLEDGE AREA dead-end street. Zinsser Agen­ for 18 months. the task of delivering the mail 65 — Campers-Trallers-Moblle early morning, three-hour shift, income makes this an attrac­ Homes Custom built 8-room Ranch, 3- cy, 646-1511. The small mountain of un­ found in Santangelo’s house, but Manchester area. Call 649-5334. STOCK CLERKS tive part-time employment op­ 66 — Automotive Service bedrooms, sunken living delivered mail, mostly adver­ officials said some was burned 67 — Autos lor Rent-Lease portunity. Work from home, room, cathedral ceiling, Voted by Council tisements and magazines, was or damaged by water. FILE CLERK - Relief Part-time mornings. car necessary. Call Miss Baker, TWO FAMILY - duplex, 5-5, granite fireplace, large pan­ found in Santangelo’s attic ear­ Switchboard Operator - Will Apply General Diaper Service, 278- three years old, 1 1/2 baths, hydrant charges even after the train. Pleasant personality a 6170. eled ground level rec room VERNON Any surplus from the bond Store Manager aluminum siding, good invest­ initial debt is paid off. proceeds, over the cost of es­ must. Contact Dick Tischofer, with fireplace, 2’>^ baths, ment at $53,900. Philbrick BARBARA RICHMOND FIRST NATIONAL Town Attorney Abbot tablishing the system, will be Citizen Group To Stress Rourke-Eno Paper Company, MODEL - part-time, Avon area. built-ins, lovely landscaped Agency Realtors, 646-4200. The town of Vernon will Schwebel explained that the paid into the sinking fund. □ N O T IC E S 261 Weston Street, Hartford, STORES, INC. Over 18. will train, salary ac­ yard. Quality throughout. purchase the privately-owned Environmental Issues 522-8211. An equal opportunity K-Mart Shopping Center cordingly, Jobseekers, 568-1070. town must pay the same as any The company now has about Owner will finance. Asking IN-LAW APARTMENT con­ Vernon Water Co. at a cost of employer. sisting of three rooms. Plus six- .other customer. He also 832 customers, mostly private HARTFORD (UPI) - The the outcomes of elections in 205 Spencer Street $62,000. $175,000 and pay for it through chairman of the Connecticut such states as California and Lost and Found Mancheeter, Conn. ANALYST - Experienced room home, living room with emphasized that only the users homes but a few commercial IS YOUR JOB secure? Does chemical analyst, full-time, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, revenue bonds. will pay off the debt. It has been Citizens Research Group today Colorado,” only a few can­ U & R REALTY CO., INC. E establishments are included. LOST - Black and white salary weekly. Jobseekers, 568- The Town Council, following didates here “did more than lip your income meet the demands bedroom on first floor with two determined that the debt can be Several months ago Rockville said he was dismayed by the lit­ Springer Spaniel and Border of your expenditures? Call for 1070. 643-2692 bedrooms on second floor, a public hearing Monday night service” to consumer and en­ paid off in 10 years. Water & Aqueduct petitioned tle attention that consumer and Collie male dog, vicinity appointment. We will show you Robert D. Murdock, Roaltor screened porch, 2-car garage, on an ordinance authorizing the environmental issues vironmental problems. PHONE FROM home to ser­ Atty. Schwebel said it is the PUC to purchase the Ver­ Bolton, $25. reward. Bolton how to increase your income vice our customers for super AN OHIO Oil Company offers $38,000. Philbrick Agency, The$200000 purchase, voted in favor of the expected that new rates will be appearently received in the He said Rep.-elect Anthony license. 643-8880. and secure your future. 646-1370 plenty of money plus cash Realtors, 646-4200. non Company, but because it earnings. Choose own hours. ordinance. set in January. The town does was also petitioning the PUC state’s recent elections. Moffett, D-Conn.', “who cam­ between 3 and 6. Call 647-1810. bonuses, fringe benefits to The vote was unanimous with LOST - Six month old black mature individual in not have to go to the Public for a rate increase, it had to Gilbert Kelman said the paigned hard on consumer and MANCHESTER - Seven room the exception of Councilman kitten with white stomach and Manchester area. Regardless MANCHESTER $42,600 Utilities Commission but a drop the petition to purchase at CCRG will devote a major part environmental issues, was BARMAID- East Hartford, full, LAB TECHNICIANS - Required Cape on large lot with oversized Donald Sadrozinski who was in paws, flea collar and blue part-time, flexible hours. Will of experience, airmail C. F. FULL COURSE public hearing will be con­ that time. of its effort in the next couple of elected at the same time that to have a minimum CLA cer­ 2-car garage, screened in favor of the purchase but years to providing Connecticut Robert Giamo, who has a collar. Vicinity Marshall Road train, over 18. Jobseekers, 568- tification with one year Read, Pres., American porch, knotty pine family room, 2 fireplaces highlight this un­ ducted before any changes are If the Vernon (Company were and Walker Street. Call 643- 1070. Lubricants Co., Box 696, C abstained from voting because experience in a hospitalipital rticed to move at $32,9(}0. F. J. made in the rates. purchased by Rockville Water, residents with more informa­ lackluster environmental 5981. Dayton, Ohio. 45401. usual Ranch that has as many he is a customer of the com­ laboratory. Will be expected to Spilecki, Realtor, M3-2121. The Town Council must also any rate increases granted tion on government actions on record, won a sweeping vic­ fixin’s as your holiday turkey. pany. MECHANIC- or apprentice, occasionally rotate weekends Carpeting, rec room, den, gar­ provide for the establishment would apply to the Vernon Com­ such matters. tory,” for re-election as LOST- set of wedding rings, able to work on cars and trucks, ACCOUNTANT - Experienced Christmas gift Two persons, John Linder- Democratic congressman in the as scheduled. These are full MANCHESTER area - age, beautifully landscaped from net revenues of the com pany. Kelman said while the issues white gold, vicinity Ve Vernon- full benefits, uniforms, in­ time, permanent positions with to comptroller. Must Reduced, clean, aluminum­ man and Jack Gore, spoke in yard, much more. Call Tony pany, of a sinking fund for pay The town has 68 fire hydrants were “crucial in determining Third District. Manchester. Please call 646- surance, pension plan, etc. App­ excellent salary and above have degree. Jobseekers, 568- sided, 51/2 room Ranch. Large, favor of the ordinance at the 1353. 1070. Wasilefsky at 649-5306. ment of the bond issue, interest serviced by the Vernon Com­ ly M & M Shell Service Station, average fringe benefits. Only modern kitchen with hearing, and no one spoke EQUAL HOUSINQ OPPORTUNITY and any other related charges pany at a cost of $42 a year. If Route 6, Bolton or for appoint- those with acceptable appliances, 3 bedrooms, full against it. Ambulance Operator Personals 2 mentiM9-2871 talk to Harley. references need apply. Please FULL-TIME maintenance cellar, acre plus treed lot. Only BARROWS GWALIjiCE plus 10 per cent of the amount proposed rate increases went man. Apply Laurel Manor, 91 Linderman questioned if the required for the payment, as a contact: Personnel Employ­ $32,900. Keith Real Estate, 64^ MandiHtar HwifHiwa HmJ ws through and Rockville Water Challenging Authority RIDERS WANTED - ABC ^ervice man for Chestnut Street, 11-4 weekdays. 649-0306 3S7-181B 72I-SS18 town would continue paying fire safety margin. ment Office. W.W. Backus 4126, 649-1922. owned the company, the town Manchester - Vernon area to typewri^rs, full-time, strong Hospital, 326 Washington would be charged $100 a year Of Health Department Pratt & Whitney, East Hart­ electrical background. Street, Norwich, Conn. 889-8331 CAPE COD - 7 rooms, 3 ford. All shifts. 872-2201 after 6. for each hydrant. Assistant Attorney General Jobseekers, 568-1070. ext. 357. EOE. bedrooms, formal dining room, BUY OF the week!! Am­ Robert I^e, a certified public NEWINGTON (UPI) - eat-in kitchen, carpeted living bassador Drive, seven room Harvey L. Kagan, an am­ Frederick D. Neusner an­ REDUCE cholesterol! Fieht DESK CLERK Lutheran Church accountant, who has been DIETICIAN full-timb for a Exporlenc* preferred room with fireplace, family condominium, three bedrooms, bulance operator accused of nounced he won’t proceed with fat! GoBese Lecithin capsules large convalescent home. To room. Merritt Agency, 646-1180. four baths, recreation room, handling the Vernon Company’s five of the complaints, the now available. Liggett Parkade CONTACT SALESMAN 3 p.m.-11 p.m. financial business for the defrauding the state Welfare work with an experienced food carpeting, central air, only $32,- Times said. Pharmacy. Monday-Friday 900. Goodchild-Bartlett, owners, the family of the late Department, is challenging the Nationwide Credit Corp. service manager and kitchen RAISED RANCH - Rockledge. To Start School HOWARD JOHNSON’S MOTOR LODGE Seven rooms, 3 bedrooms, Realtors 569-1744, 646-1852. Barney Moses, has said that the state Health Department’s wants hard-hitting salesman. staff. Liberal fringe benefits. authority to prosecute him. Good closer. Age no handicap. Salary commensurate with 490 Main 8L Eaat Hartford dining room with sundeck, SOUTH WINDSOR Gurgel. "We’re flexible on that ultimate potential of the com­ Call Mra. Schultz tor Kagan, charged with filing TOWN OF MANCHESTER Profit-sharing-bonus plan. experience. East Hartford Con­ family room, aluminum siding, MOVING to Florida Messiah Lutheran Church, matter right now.” pany would be another 500 or CONNECTICUT Intorvlaw appolnimant 2-car garage. Merritt Agency, rooms, one-car phony claims for ambulance □ FINANCIAL Repeat business. Write Mr. valescent Home, 745 Main 509-1100 Buckland Rd., South Windsor, Beginning in January, 600 customers. Street, East Hartford. 646-1180. neighborhood. Write No numbers to check. service to welfare clients, was Mitchell, P.O. Box 4095, Now, you can give has received official approval Messiah Lutheran will be in the The company cwns five wells, Manchester Herald. to appear at a Health Depart­ NOTICE Cleveland, Ohio, 44123 or to begin its parochial school process of selecting one teacher four gravel pack shallow wells OF Bonda-Stocka-Mortgagea 8 LICENSED Electrician and DUTCH COLONIAL - Forest someone the most No claims to make. It’s ment hearing today at Cedar phone 216-255-5050. from Wisconsin Evangelical to instruct Grades 1 through 5. and one artesian well. ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT plumber - Excellent hourly Hills. Spacious 8-rooms, 4 ELLINGTON - Two family. Crest Hospital. MORTGAGES, loans first, se­ Own your own home with this unique Christmas gift the easiest way ever to Lutheran Synod, according to The teacher, in addition to TO ORDINANCE rate.- Manchester area. Reply bedrooms, formal dining room, Pue said, Monday night, that Kagan has prepared a brief cond, third. All kinds. Realty Box “S” Manchester Herald. n REAL ESTATE family room with fireplace, additional income property. A the Rev. Karl Gurgel, pastor of having a degree in education, In accordance with the of all. A chance to be­ win the Lottery. the system, to his knowledge, is saying revisions in state law ap­ statewide. Credit rating un­ MANAGEMENT TRAINEE- aluminum siding, 2-car | well constructed home with the church. must also be certified by the provisions of Chapter 3, Sec­ necessary. Reasonable. Con­ for one of New England’s come instantly rich. You can play your synod for the teaching of in good operating condition and prove by the 1974 legislature COOK’S ASSISTANT - Full­ Homes For Sale 23 Merritt Agency, 646-118 spacious rooms, modernized The application approval is tions 1 and 9 of the Town fidential, quick arrangements. fastest growing food chains. baths, hardwood floors, religion. has more than an adequate bar the department from taking time, mature person, good star­ Give a gift subscrip­ numbers for 12,24,26 or the culmination of many Charter, notice Is hereby given Alvin Lundy Agency. 527-7971. Restaurant experience helpful ting salary, liberal fringe excellent condition. $39,900. “This is essential since our water supply. up the charges. but not neccessary. Apply in MANCHESTER - Owner MANCHESTER months of planning by South of the adoption by the Board of 1(K) Constitution Plaza, Hart­ benefits, on bus line. Apply In anxious for quick sale, 5 1/2 Rockville - Older home, seven tion to Connecticut’s even 52 weeks. They’re Windsor’s smallest congrega­ approach to Christian education Gore, who is a customer, Some charges have been Directors of the Town of ford. Evenings, 233-6879. person, to Mr. Sully Hansen, 501 person; ” East — Hartford ■ rd (5on- SKYLINE VIEW rooms in great condition, new dropped, according to one West Middle Turnpike. Grand­ room Cape, 11/2 baths, garage, 8 rooms, 2W bath USR qusllty built tion to open a multi-grade is that, in all subject areas, complimented the late Mr. Manchester, Connecticut, valescent Home, 745 Main eat-in kitchen, Waddell School home. Fireplaced living room end furnace easy to heat. City water new $200,000 Lottery. registered at the Lottery published report. ma’s Pies. school in the fall of 1975. religion must provide the Moses, on the operation of the November 19, 1974, of Amend­ Street, East Hartford. area. LaPenta Agency, (amlly room. 4 bedrooms. Choice and sewers, large barn with The remaining charges in­ residential area with t fabulous vlaw loft, yearly taxes $299. Only Player's Choice. and entered in every The school, which will be guiding principle,” said the company. He said, “Mr. Moses ment to Chapter 122 (Pension) Realtor, 646-2440. clude complaints about Kagan’s JOBSEEKERS- Open 8-8, PART-TIME telephone work, ol Hartford. $74,500. Ctll Suzanne or $25,900. Bruce Agency, 872-6600 limited to an enrollment of 25 Rev. Mr. Gurgel. was a good servant to his peo­ of the Ordinances of the Town Legal Notice Arthur Shorts. 646-3233. Player’s Choice lets weekly drawing for the use of unlicensed personnel, Monday-Friday, servicing calling on businesses. Hourly or 875-4331. students, will be temporarily The Wisconsin Synod, the ple. I hope we can expect the of Manchester by the addition greater Hartford, surrounding TOLLAND - A warm home J. W ATSON BEACH CO. life of the subscription. parent body of Messiah fraudulent training certificates, rate. 1-469-2513. trimmed in sunshine. Six-room you pick any numbers located in the area now used for same when the town takes of the following: LIQUOR PERMIT towns. Immediate employ­ Raaltors-MLS MANCHESTER - Seven room Lutheran Church, operates 300 failure to carry required equip­ NOTICE OF APPLICATION Country Cape, acre lot. Low you want. Play your license plate or Sunday school classes. over.” Sec. 122-7 (f)-5 In addition, ment, 568-1070. RNS-LPNS, 3-11 shift, full and MmchMter Offk» 847-9139 older home, central location, 1 3 schools across the country. The ment, delayed access to com­ This li to give notice that Dennis 30’s. m-%323. Equal Housing Opportunity "Depending on how the effective July 1, 1974, the Richard Sherman ol 37 Main Street, part-time positions available, 1/2 baths, needs work. Han­ Make somebody rich synod assists the local school in Mayor McCoy said the town pany records, stacking REAL ESTATE Career. Earn address. Your birthday or anniversary. school progresses, we intend to monthly pension benefits being Coventry, Conn, has filed an appileated excellent working conditions EAST HARTFORD - Im­ dyman special, $25,900. Paul W. ■ curriculum development, intends to absorb the employes emergency calls and harrassing placarded November 27, 1974 with the $12,000 yearly plus. If you have Dougan Realtor, 643-4535. Or any other numbers you like. this year. either add on to this building or paid to retired members or Liquor Control Commission for a and benefit program. Stop in at maculate 6 room Split, three MANCHESTER - Newer 3- provides professional of the company and they will be other ambulance companies. your license, or in the process, the Meadows Convalescent build a new structure in the beneficiaries as of such date ffOTEL LfQ, type of permit lor the sale please call fora confidential in­ bedrooms, paneled family bedroom Ranch. Fireplace, Applications are available wherever future,” said the Rev. Mr. assistance, and conducts responsible for maintaining the The state Ambulance Com­ shall be increased by 3%. of alcoholic liquor on the premises of Home and see our Director of room. 1 l/2baths, basement. possible 4th bedroom, con­ seminars for the teachers. same service there has been. mission brought the charges Bolton l,akc Hotel, Rt, 44A, Bolton, terview. Pasek Realtors, Nursing or call 647-9191. EXCELLENT BUYI This Ordinance shall take Conn, The business will be owned by poo1, trees, $35,900. Warren E. venient location. $35,900. Paul Automatic payoff. you buy Lottery tickets.. against Kagan earlier this year. JMLS, 289-7475, 742-8243. effect ten (10) days after this l4ike House tnc., of Rt. 44A, Bolton and Hovowland. Realtors, 643-1108. W. Dougan Realtor, 643-4535. RI6HT HERE IN TOWN But the legislature disbanded will be conducted by Dennis Richard When you win, you don’t have to tell Player’s Choice. Thd gift that says publication In this newspaper APARTMENT complex, full JOBSEEKERS open 8-8, Immaculate 6-room Cape that the commission and Sherman as permittee. LAND, BARN - 3 bedroom provided that within ten (10) time superintendant, $200. Monday-Friday. Imniedlate MANCHESTER - 8-room offers 4 finished rooms down us, we’ll tell you. And we’ll do it with a "Merry Christmas and A Lucky New transferred its functions to the Contemporary, 4 large house, baseboard heat, days after this publication of weekly, live-in. Jobseekers, employment, hundreds of fields and 2 large rooms up, with a Office of Emergency Medical bedrooms, 2Vt baths, magnifi­ excellent barn, large brook. check. Each and every time you win. Year." this Ordinance a petition signed 568-1070, to choose from. 568-1070. full shed dormef, b$tlyi, Services. WORDS OF CAUTION cent view. In the 60’s. Warren Hutchins Agency, Realtors, 646- by not less than five (5) per fireplace, carpeting, large But Morton W. Appleton of NEW YORK (UPI) - Don’t E. Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. 3166. cent of the electors of the Town, paneled rec room, aluminum West Hartford, Kagan’s at­ spoil your holidays by using MANCHESTER - Nice custom $32,900 - 5Va-room Ranch, brick siding, detached garage and HERALD YESTERDAYS ( torney, argues the powers of as determined from the latest HOUSEWIVES! official lists of the Registrars of the overnight method of Cape. Formal dining room, front, natural trim, cellar, gar­ even a prime garten space. the defunct commission were Voters, has not been filed with roasting turkey. You’ll risk DO YOU WANT TO EARN good size living room with age, trees. Hutchins Agency, Move right In with nothing (g not transferred to the medical food poisoning. fireplace, dinelte kitchen. Realtors, 646-3166. do - in this cream puff! office and the office can’t act the Town Clerk requesting Its EXTRA MONEY? ment as manager of State Theater after 60 When a bird is cooked one Convenient east-side area. Situated In a quiet against Kagan. reference to a special Town ^ We have an Immediate opening for women who want to MANCHESTER - New family 25 Years Ago years in theater. election. hour or longer at 450 to 500 Priced to sell at $35,900. Paul neighborhood with citv Sherwood Robb is elected as president A report published by the ''' work only part time. Afternoons, approximately 3-7 p.m., 6 W. Dougan, Realtor, 643-4535. Colonial, aluminum siding, 3 utilities. Priced for quick Connecticut’s Subscription Lottery. Officer and advisors of Manchester's Plyllls V. Jackston, degrees, then left overnight I bedrooms, bath and lavatory, of Little Baseball League. Hartford Times said state of­ In a closed oven with heat off, days a week. Must have car. sale, $35,800. lOH meet in Hartford with State Health Secretary LARGE 6-6 Duplex in desirable oversized modern kitchen, This wMk’t driwlng will b« htid at tha Downtown Mall, ficials won't take action on five the temperature drops even­ Phone Todeyl Commisssloner Franklin M. Foote, to Board of Directors Don Hetek (Circulation Dopt.) area. Immaculate condition. bullt-ins, 24’ combination dining 77 Stata Straat, Maridan, Dacambar S, 1974 at 10:00 A.M. of the original IS charges tually to a level that en­ and play room, garage, lust 10 Years Ago brief him on their proposed use of 2«-acre Manchester, Conn. Manohoator Evening Herald , Two-car gafSbs..^ Truly a fine UAR R E A L H CO.. INC. abandoned Nike Site off line St. against Kagan. courages bacterial develop­ right lot, conveniently located. John J. (Jack) Sanson announces retire­ Dated at Manchester, 647-9040 I home to live in. "PYechette & 6 4 S -2 6 i2 At a meeting Nov. 18 with ment which can cause food Martin, Inc., Realtors, 263 Main Donald S. Gale, Realty Co., Appelton and hearing examiner Connecticut this 27th day of 0. November, 1974. poisoning. Street, 6464144. * .« Realtors, MLS, 289-7939. Robert H. Hall of Waterbury, PAGE EIGHTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Tues.. Dec. 3, 1974 BY JIM BERRY Artichi for Solo Apartmanta For Rant BENJY Gordon Produeta {TO V o U SEASONED EIREWOOD : $5. LOOKIN^ for anything in real FURNISHED APARTMENT - POOK! THAT trunk load, $25. pick-up truck SWEET APPLE Cider made estate rental — apartments, three rooms and private bath, e u F F o e ^ fresh on the farm, no preser­ split level, immaculately clean, M A M H A $ load. 66 Birch Mountain Road, homes, multiple dwellings, no A HOI.FUF? 6»c .o f i M'AMT Bolton. 643-5564 after 2:30. vatives, not pasteurized. A pure fees. Call J.D. Real Estate and TV, professional person H l ^ TOUCH natural product. Also orcnard Associates, Inc. 646-1980. preferred, no one under 30 need fresh Macintosh, Courtland, apply. Plenty of parking space. <*•5 h a Mp <$ uf /KPOUfip HPfze! FIREWOOD - Seasoned, split I and delivered. Pickup load, 8’ Delicious, Baldwin and VERNON - One-bedroom Call 643-1879^______box, $30. Call 6434911 Winesap apples. Ferrando townhouses available for im­ Orchards, Birch Mountain mediate occupancy. Designed BURNSIDE AVENUE - One h a il Road, Glastonbury. (Three room, furnished, with garage FIREWOOD for sale, $50 a cor- for comfort, convenience and Roalty d. Phone 742-9046. m ile s b e y o n d V ito ’s pleasure. Features include and all utilities. (32-01) Rentex, Restaurant.) private entrances, slate foyer, 728-9423. $30 fee. WOOD seasoned oak, sawed total convenience kitchen, for­ any length,‘ , split, $50.|50. loftrd r ■ . John Antlquoa mal dining room and living MANCHESTER - Second floor, Hutchinson, 742-6M9. two family. Seven rooms, tile room area, open balcony C 1IM If »n« tm M . I U - ^ WANTED Antique furniture, bedroom, 11/2 baths, entertain­ bath. All redecorated. Garage 4. /«-3 BARBY DOLL dresses, 50 glass, pewter, oil paintings, or ment room, patio and deck and storage. No pets. Available after Cfecember 20th. $220 per Homoa For Sola 23 Servicos Oftorod 31 Bullding-Coniraeting 33 Hoating-Plumbing 38 cents; wedding outfit $2.25; other antique items. R. area, individual washer and MICKEY FINN BY HANK LEONARD bridesmaids dresses $1. 643- Harrison, 643^09. dryer, storage area, air- month. Call 649-1677. M m chMtw MILLAR TREE Service, Inc. CARPENTRY - Repairs, NO JOB too small, toilet 6452. conditioning, master TV anten­ EAST HARTFORD ■ One- THEN THE ROCCO BUY NOWI Removal, pruning, lot clearing, remodeiing, additions, roofing. repairs, plugged drains, kitchen na. $245 per month including THE BRASS NUT KID'S DEATH WAS spraying. Fully insured. Call David Patria, South Wind­ faucets replaced, repaired, rec PRE:CHRISTMAS Tag Sale- heat and hot water. Please call bedroom, carpeted, modern apartment. Every appliance, WE HAD A MECHANIC OF THE BRAKE NO ACCIDENT/ Two-family. Excellent (or investment Licensed. Free estimates. sor, 644-1796. rooms, bathroom remodeling, Antiques, odds and ends, □ RENTALS 872-0528 Monday through GO OVER THE CAR — LINE WAS LOOSENED HIS BROTHER or owner occupied. First -floor com­ Phone 633-5345. heat modernization, etc. Free household items. “ Buy Friday, 8-5 p.m. nice yard. $180. (32-07) Re THAT IS, WHAT’S LEFT -WHICH CAUSED pletely redecorated. Convenient loca­ 728-9423. $30 fee. O F IT/ IT TO LO SE THE WES ROBBINS carpentry estimates gladly given. M & M something Old for Christmas.’’ OfAETwme tion. Only $32,500. TREE SERVICE (Soucier) remodeling specialist. Ad­ Plumbing & Heating, 649-2871. Bargains gaiore. Twin Hills Rooma for Rant 52 VERNON - Town House FIVE cozy and large two T O WORRY Trees cut, trimmed or topped, ditions, rec rooms, dormers, Drive, Coventry, Conn. Gardens, one-bedroom Ranch _ _ A B O U T- KEY’S stumps removed, fullv insured. TOWNE Plumbing Service, December 6th and 7th, 10 a.m.-3 and duplex style apartment im­ bedroom apartment, garage, buiit-ins, bathrooms, kitchens, THOMPSON HOUSE, fur­ HEROES ARE MADE -NOT BORN » wmrWAw m SI N se If NtA. twC , T M N| m 0" lZ-3 528-9081 Got a tree problem? Well worth repairs, aiterations, vanity p.m. mediately available. An apart­ basement and walk-in pantry, 649-3446. < nished rooms, centrally 4M u a phone call. 742-8252. cabinets a specialty. Call to located. Kitchen privileges. ment community of unique full attic, private back yard, range and refrigerator, LEON Cieszynski buiider - new 8:30 a.m., 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. 649- YOU can steam clean carpets Parking. Reasonable rates. architectural design and CAIM’AIN EASY BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE ODD JOBS - Carpentry, pan­ homes custom built, 4056. professionally clean with new Phone 649-2358. beautiful landscaping. Features available immediately. Call MANCHESTER - Charming six eling, rec rooms, offices, remodeled, additions, rec portable steam cleaner. Rent private entrances, patio door to 646-5863. you THINK I'D PISPLAV ’ THEREI.,.1 ALVAKEPO etOCK.GLAPLy ' / SORRY, MAC- IT'LL HAFTA STAY room rustic Cape, city water household repairs. Phone 649- rooms, garages, kitchens BOTTI Heating and Piumbing - RINSE-N-VAC at Manchester GENTLEMAN only, central private patio area, wall-to-wall THAT NAUSeATINO RELINQUISH ALL CLAIM TO THI^ > RlflHT HERE-TILL I GETOKPER’? 4594. Prompt, courteous service. Call Wallpaper and Paint Company, carpeting, range, refrigerator VERNON - One-bedroom apart- e y e s o f t B in mv FROM VER LAWYER WHERE TO j and sewer, low taxes and remodeled, bath tile, cement location, kitchen privileges, FRONT YARD? T A K E i t : maintenance. Located on a work. Steps, dormers. Residen­ 643-1496. 185 West Middle Turnpike, 646- free parking. References and garbage disposal, master ment, carpeted, stove, refrigerator, disposal and large lot in a quiet UGHT TRUCKING - Odd jobs, tial or commercial. Call 649- 0143. / require, 643-^3 for appoint­ TV antenna, storage and laun­ neighborhood. Price, $30,900. cellars and attics cleaned, 4291. LYNN’S PLUMBING - ment only. dry facilities in basement, total washing machine. Just $160. Equal housing opportunity. lawns mowed, small tree work. Repairs, remodeling, new con­ electric. No pets. Rental star­ (32-05) Rentex, 728-9423. $30 LOAM fee. Colli-Wagner Realtors, 289- Free estimates. Phone 643-6000. TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY struction. Water pumps. Slx-yird load, ISO plus tax, LIGHT housekeeping room, ting at $150 per month. For ap­ PR ISC ILLA ’S P O P BY AL VERMEER 0241. Carpentry and general contrac­ French spoken also. 875-7263. dallvarsd completely furnished, older pointment call 872-0528, Mon­ SIX-ROOM downstairs apart­ CUSTOM MADE Draperies, ting. Residential and commer­ person preferred. Inquire 272 day through Friday, 8-5 p.m. BULLDOZER-BACKHdE ment and garage. Central. MANCHESTER - Authentic very reasonable work cial. Whether it be a small FRANK SCOTELLA Plumbing FOR HIRE CALL Main Street. Coloniai reproduction. Four guaranteed, call anytime. 649- repair job, a custom built home - Repairs and remodeling, MANCHESTER - Newer 3- Security deposit. Call 649-3616. bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, double 4266. or anything in between, call 646- sewer iines cleaned electricm- PLEASANT light housekeeping bedroom Duplex, 1 1/2 baths, garage. Lookout Mountain ly. Prompt service on emergen­ all appliances, carpeting, MANCHESTER - Two- 1379. J. A. M c Ca r t h y , in c . room for lady, on first floor, area. Must see to appreciate. CHIMNEY SWEEPS - Make cies. 643-7024. I private. $265 monthly. Swurity. bedroom, heated, carpeted, call 647-1193. Hayes Corporation, 64^131. sure your fireplace and STEPS sidewalks, stone walls, Immediate. Frechette & Mar­ Townhouse with every chimney are clean for this fireplaces, flagstone terraces, ROOMMATE wanted, mature tin, Inc., Realtors, 646-4144. appliance. $280. (32-11 )JRentex, 89 WELLS STREET - "Price year’s tough heating season concrete repairs, inside and Flooring 36 TWO TIRE rims, 775x14; 7^9423. $30 fee. female, $120 a month includes BY M ILTON CANIFF Reduced” for quick sale. Now ahead. Reasonable rates. Call outside. Reasonabiy priced. shower door and tub enclosure, utilities. Mail all replies to P.O. PLEASANT four room apart­ STEVE CANYON 54 $25,000. Hagler Real Estate, 872-0930, 872-0635. , 643-0851. FLOOR Sanding-Refinishing, safety glass with swans. Call Box 804, Manchester, Conn. ment, second floor, centrally Homaa for Rant 643-6624. (specializing in older floors). after 4, 646-5120. located, large kitchen, no ALTERATIONS - Dresses, TOLLAND - Rent or buy, 3- ANY TYPE Carpentry and Ceilings and inside painting. Pl' appliances, $1M. plus heat. Call MANCHESTER - Porter Street coats, suits. Dressmaking, too. masonry work, additions and John Verfaille, 646-5750, 872- BASEMENT TAG SALE- An­ room - Central,Cfer quiet, im­ 9-3978, 6464780. bedroom Ranch, large family area, six-room Cape, three Quality workmanship. Call 649- remodeling. Free estimates. A. 2222. tique furniture, miscellaneous maculate, parking, mature room, sundeck and pool, $325 bedrooms, dining room, living 7554. Squillacote, 6494811. items, old and new. Wednesday, gentleman, hot water shower. monthly plus utilities. Security. room with fireplace, oversized 10-3, 67 South Alton Street, Call 4^29-2454 after 5 and Call 569-2525. BY ART SANSOM detached garage with patio, full SNOW PLOWING - south and BUILDING - Remodeling, Manchester. PRESIDENTIAL weekends. shed dormer, large l^room s, east areas of Manchester. Free roofing, rec rooms, additions, □ MISC. FOR SALE FURNISHED room for rivate yard. Only $36,900. estimates. Reasonable. Call garages. All kinds, carpentry TWO radial snow tires, 165 SR gentleman - Near all con­ VILLAGE APTS. WANTED - One or two female EaPenta Agency, 64^2440. mornings, 646-5489. work. For estimates call 649- 15 (Veith) made in Germany. veniences, bus line. Call 649- roommates to live in a three- 1142. Articlea for Sale 41 Excelient condition. $20. Call 6914. MANCHESTER bedroom house, fullyly furfurnished, SAVE MONEY - We repair 649-2164. rent very Phone One and two bedrooms IT S CLEARANCE TIME your small appliances, vacs, MASON CONTRACTOR - ALUMINUM sheets used as MANCHESTER- Male, fur­ after 5 p.m., 289-3229. AT PLAZA shavers, typewriters, "lY and Plastering, custom built stone printing plates, .007 thick, WINDSOR arm chair, two new nished room, kitchen and living Near schools, churches am New 12' Early American, Stereo. Appliance Servicenter, or brick fireplaces, chimney 23x32” . 25 cents each or 5 for $1. red wagons for children. Call room facilities, utilities paid, shopping center, on bus Bualnaaa tor Rant 55 2 Bedroom $7,995 707 Main, m nchester, 643-7577. repair, block and cement work. Phone 643-2711. after 1 p.m. 875-6692. 649-3015 after 4. line. Call anytime. MANCHESTER - East Center 14’ Super Ng 2 Bedroom $9,999 New and repairs. E. Richard­ SNOW PLOWING - Residential son, 643-0889, 649-0608. READY MADE Handcrafts - 646-2623 Street. Modern air-conditioned Used Oean 2 Bedroom $2,999 NEWSPRINT end rolls. 25 or commercial. Call Tim Ryder cents each. Inquire side door. Also materials for most all Apartmanta For Rant office space, from 100 to 2,000 10 Mnutes from Hartford • Used 3 at 643-5575. R. E. GOWER Remodeling, ad­ Manchester Evening Herald. handcrafts. Classes after New square feet, $4.50 per foot. Bedroom 12' llf^ baths with ditions, garages, porches, Year. The For-Get-Me-Not, WE HAVE customers waitingng Hayes Corporation, 646-0131. appliances $3,999 TRUCKING - Odd jobs, moving kitchen and formica work, WE BUY and sell used fur­ 2800 Main, Glastonbury, 633- for the rental of your apartmentapa VERNON - Willowbrook large appliances, cleaning 8544. or home. J.D. Real EstateF TWO-ROOM office with private SKIING CAMP SPECIAL repairs. 646-2087 after 4 p.m. niture. Cash on the line. One Apartments, one bedrooms cellars and attics. Free es­ piece or an entire housefull. Associates, Inc. 646-1980. available. $180 includes heat, lavatory. Near Manchester Iff WIDE, SUN BURNER timates. 644-1775. GUMBALL MACHINES - Hospital. Call 643-1186. GUARANTEED DELIVERY TOBIAS CARPENTRY Service 646-6432. Furniture Bam, 345 and hot water. Security Unique Christmas gift and con­ ALLEY O O P BY V.T. HAMLIN IN NEW ENGLAND - remodeling, repairs, counter Main Street Rear, behind MANCHESTER - Modem two- required, superintenda'nt, 872- DRESSMAKING and and cabinet work, free es- Douglas Motor Sales. versation piece, $15-$30 for bedroom apartments, 4400. •1,195 Alterations - Let a professional timtes. Call 643-5769. anitques. Pays for itself in carpeting, no pets. Available I WANTVOUTO ALL NEW HOMES SOLD do it for you. Call evenings, 875- CLEAN USED refrigerators, savings. 644-0033 after 4:30. immediately. Security FURNISHED apartment, 2 1/2 □ AUTOMOTIVE MAKE A >3i36-54 5 Friendly 35 Mokes 65 By lorn.) T~r~ Excellent references. Pete, 742- 6 Word! 36 Reach 66 Inspiring 35 River barriers family, fully carpeted, 6:30 p.m., 649-7074. OIMINI fT" 13 14 IMMEDIATE cash for your 6117 (toll free) 910 p.m. ROCKVILLE - Four-room, 7 En|oy 37 Day 67 Profit SAOITTARIUS 38 Biblical city appliances, convenienl loca- I MAV Jl 68 New 37 Make ready property. Let us explain our J e BY ROY CRANE 8 Spice 38 In HOY. 17 tion, $245 per month, securitv heated, fully carpeted, flat with 9Be 39 Life 69 Recreotlon 39 Tuber IF It V Trucba for Sala 52 huNi to Die. fair proposal. Call Mr. Belfiore, WALLPAPERING AND and references required. 643- appliances and yard. Just $175. lOWhot 40 Post 70 Change 40 Building addition 1$ II it 647-1413. Removal - Neat work and ■ (XT-Ol) Rentex, 728-9423. $30 , 2- 5-22-35 11 Pertorxil 41 Appears 71 Active 42-43-55-59, 5836. JE E P 1963 pick-up, 6 cylinder, X /SO-52-66 12 You 42 Don't 72 Or 61-70«-90' 41 Tasi dependable service. Choose fee. 73 By 42 Medicinal plant z r ••••••••«****»**k*§**«»*t**« 4-wheel drive, $375. Call 643- CANCIR l3A n d 43 Torment CAPRICORN wallcoverings at home. Pain­ 14 Tty 44 Write 74 Letter (pD FIVE ROOMS with heat, stove, 9708. 428 Lake Street, Bolton. Die. IT B Sarvicaa Otfarad 31 ting also. 6^94474. refrigerator, garage. Central to k JUNf 21 15 Love 45 Which 75 Hormony 44 Aromatic plant War 16 To 46 For 76 Constructive JAH.N. " IP A 47 Jump 33 everything. References. $175 I7 0 n 47 A 77 Hidden 46 Sack 3T SHARPENING Service - APARTM EN T 7- 8-38-3949 ^ 60 Civil wrong monthly. Mr. Belfiore, 647-1413. Motorcyclaa-Bleyolaa 54 18 Your 48 Cause 78 Pressures Saws, knives, axes, shears, NAME 19 Avoid 49 Against 79 A 64-68-81-861 52 Satd covering JF RENTAL OFFICE 53 Ere skates, rotary blades, (^ick Bullding-Contraeling 20 Remember 50 This 80 Short AQUARIUS 33 ADDRESS FOUR ROOMS - Heat, hot We have a large variety of EXPERT bicycle repairs, all 21 Detirei 51 Mistakes 81 Shows 64 Operellc lolo ST service. Capitol Equipment JAN. 20 66 Mores — Glie Herat^i water, stove, refrigerator and makes, models ana speeds. 22 Atmosphere 52 Day 82 Free IE CITY deluxe one and two-bedroom 23 Stimulating 53 Be 83 Your fU. t l . 66 Dower « r Co., 38 Main St., Manchester. MASONRY - All types, properly parKlng. Call 649-5'»l. partments and townhouiea Peugeot, Raleigh dealers, 24 Con 54 You 84 Yourself Hours daily 7:30-5, Thursday fieldstone, brick, concrete. Manchester Bicycle Shop, 649- 4-21-3(L44| 67 Raannoit if IT H i t It 41 STATE Jiroughout Manchester. Ren- 25 Guard 55 Yourself 85 Unpleosont [47-62-74 7:304, Saturday, 7:304. 643- Free estimates, after 5 p.m., 2096. 26 Overall 56 Waste 86 Socialise P.O. Box 591 MANCHESTER - Brand new 1 office open daily from 9-i, DOWN if IT U II . 7958. 643-1870 or 644-2975. ZIP three bedroom Duplex In quiet 27 Contact! 57 Sofeguoiluorded 87 Friend Monchootor, Conn. 0S040 Dther times by appointment. 28Actlont S 8 ^ td b o r 88 Eaperlences 1 Jelllly neighborhood. Includes HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1975 29 Should 59 About 89 Trips 2 Mouthward U S4 REWEAVING bums, holes. NEWTON H. Smith & Sons - PHONE appliances and is fully models on display. 1200cc Blec- 30 To M Restore 90 Scenes 3 Continent Zippers, umbrellas repaired. Remodeling, repairing, ad­ 4 Final 5T u 17 carpeted. $280 monthly. Heat FMMTO ENTERFNSEl NC. traalldes and superalldes Good ) Adverse 6 Lubrioetor Window shades, Venetian ditions, rec rooms, porches and Or phone 643-2711 for friendly assistance not included. No pets. Secuiity Ma M a M, tkaaatlar l.OOOcc S portsters Harley blinds. Keys. TV (or rent. roofing. No job too small. Call ______In placing your ad.______and references required. CaD $4$-I$» Davidson Sales, 49 Park Street. Marlows, m Main St. 649-5221. 649-3144. 647-9936, 649-2003. Hartford. 247-9m. PAGE TWENTY — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn.. Tues., Dec. 3, 1974 Can Be Harmful MANCHESTER HOSPITAL NOTES SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - that either or both leaves and Hang the mistletoe high, out of berries can be harmful if eaten the reach of children and pets, in quantity, according to doctors at the University of medical experts. The parasitic Center Rd., Andover; Wendy East Hartford; Sally Wheeler, Cooke, Glastonbury; Etta Discharged Wednesday; Lawson, 129 Rachel Rd.; John 154^4 Oak St.; William Dam- California warned Sunday. mistletoe Is found on a number Kearney, 39 Russell St.; Elaine Glastonbury, Breneman, 25 Snipslc Village, Geraldine Chandler^ Coventry; Mortensen, Windsor Locks; sits, Taylor St., Talcottville; The traditional holiday of trees. Including oak, elm, Leslie King, 33 Marion Dr.; Hembree, 43 Vineta Dr., Ver­ Discharged Sunday: Alfred Ellington; Barbara Guilmette, Alfred Wright, 55 Oak St., South Elizabeth Lombardi, Glaston­ decoration has many medicinal hickory, apple, pear and iianrl|r0trr HrralJi non; William Ricard, Glaston­ Hunter, 11 Hunter Rd.; 126 Brandy St., Bolton. Windsor; Albert Prior, East Gabriel Liutvinas, Windsor- bury; Matthew AJpert, 22 Philip qualities, but there is evidence beeches. Hartford; Lorraine Gochee, ville; Joan Minor, 9 Cross St.; Rd. bury; Diana Merisotis, 156 Veronica Cannarella, Hartford; Also, Mary Meyers, 20A Daniel Ostien Jr ., Windsor Discharged Friday; Hilary Broad St.; Elaine Klimas, 470 Charles Burgess, Llynwood Amato Dr., South Windsor; MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1 9 7 4 - VOL. XCIV, No. 55 Manchester—A City of Village Charm East Hartford; Anthony An- THIRTY-.SIX PAGES — TWO SECTIONS PRICE: ITEI EEN CENTS saldi, 14 Williams Rd., Bolton; Locks. Russel, 46C Sycamore Lane; Woodbridge St.; Jennifer Pflug, Dr., Bolton; Elsie Main, Martha Londergan, 561B Christine LeVae, 150 Bryan Discharged Thursday; Helen Ruth Peralli, 51 Dobson Rd., Mansfield Depot; Jennifer Crystal Lake Rd., Rockville; Hilliard St.; Florence Johnson, HOLIDAY SHOPPERS Mary Laskey, 28 Jan Dr., Ver­ Dr.; Catherine Brennan, 1060 Sorensen, 353 Hilliard St. Vernon; Mary Carroll, Lowell, Craugh, 24 Kenneth Dr., Ver­ 25 Mills St.; Ann Loalbo, 122 SHOP AT . Main St., South Windsor; Richard Moore, 357 Spring St. Mass.; Gary Baskerville, 20 non. non; Albert Gustafson Sr., 272 Hebron Rd., Bolton; Armand l o Anthony Gugnoni, Windsor;. Albert Peiser, East Hartford Maple St.; Sylvester McCann, 2 Also, Deborah Costes, 47 Charter Oak St.; .Harriet Chenelle, Stafford Springs. Naomi Hallenbeck, Lakewood Locust St., South Windsor; John Server St.; Richard Mount, THE COVENTRY SHOPPE John Gorman, 1 Franklin St. DEPOT ROAD COVENTRY Also, Barbara Dow, East Dr., Coventry; Sarah Albert, Lamb, 6 Sterling PI.; Beverly Congress Overrides Hartford; Richard Smiley, 428 W. Middle Tpke.; Ann Denser, Enfield; Laura WHERE Huntington Dr., Vernon; Dickman, East Hartford; Celia Bentley, 153 Highland St.; Pipczenski, 42 Dougherty St.; James MacDonald, East Hart­ PUUDEPT. STOffi Sharon Miller, East Hartford; Prices era RIGHT XMAS IN AUSTRALIA (Wa Hava A NoUon To Plaata) Maureen Bjorkman, 12 Oxford Linda Aylward, 187 Wadsworth ford; Suzanne Hogan, 116 Naxt to Frank’a Supormarti^ Selection is GREAT St. Orchard St., Rockville. NEW YORK (UPI) - The Veterans Bill Veto St.; Shirley Smith, 93 Ferguson Sunday night before Eaal Middio Tpko., Manctwatar Rd.; Annie Leggett, 44 Also, Herbert Skoglund, 23 Also, Darlene Rickis, 166N Sizes to flf ALL WASHINGTON (UPI) - As even Presi­ Charges were traded, meanwhile, dards for household drinking water. It Christmas, Yule candles are Washington St.; Margaret Hoffman Rd., Ellington; Doris Homestead Park; Nicole Open Every NIte ’Nl Chrlstmesl Childrens - Petite - Missy - Half Blies - Super Sites dent Ford had anticipated. Congress has between the White House and Congress on would give the Environmental Protection held in the hands of nearly Bollino, 34 Allison Rd., Talcott- Griswold, 30 Ridge S t.; Virginia Savard, 145 Lakewood Circle; Juit Arrlvdl QOWNS — Long skirts - pa|ama suits enacted over his veto a bill increasing who is guilty of inaction. On Monday Sen. Agency power to assure compliance with 100,000 persons in Sydney, ville; Marie Mehl, 11 Foxcroft Dawkins, Middletown; Laurie August Kivimae, 256 Autumn DRESSES — slack suits - sweaters Vietnam era veterans' educational Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz., said Ford the standards if state and local Australia -a ll of whom sing Dr.; Mary Doll, 720 Spring St. McKay, 5 Fox Hill Dr., St.; Keith Deragon, East Hart­ COBBLER APRONS BLOUSE - slacks - skirts benefits by nearly 23 per cent. should leave Air Force One in its hangar governments fail to act. The House the fam iliar old carols of Also, Kathryn Pelkey, East Rockville; Martha Hopkins, 19 ford. COATS - pant coats robes Ford's veto was overriden Tuesday by and spend more time on domestic accepted a Senate amendment to allow peace on earth, good will Pretty Prints, plus Perms Press Hartford; Raymond Gworek, 30 Nike Circle; Louise Norris, 684 Discharged Saturday: com* (nd browM ckiMd mondsy overwhelming margins — 294-10 in the problems. Presidential Press Secretary private citizens to file court suits against toward men. Need Something? A$k Plazel French Rd.; Joan Hogan, 58 E. Middle T^ke.; Lynn Wilson, Margaret Balboni, 152 Green OPEN DAILY t;30 to S • WED. 9dO to S P.M. House and 90-1 in the Senate — despite his Ron Nessen replied Tuesday that local water utilities. Watrous Rd., Bolton; April 78 Linden St.; Daniel Addabbo, Manor Rd.; Elizabeth Hall, complaint the increase would be in­ members of Congress should "put their Expand Committee flationary. He said he would have sup­ air travel card in mothballs" and enact —House Democrats, meeting in caucus ported an 18 1/2 per cent boost in Ford's economic program. to organize for the 94th Congress, voted to educational grants. In other congressional actions; expand the Ways and Means Committee - 7 Adds to Deficit —House and Senate negotiators broke a from 25 to 37 members — assuring liberals In vetoing the measure before deadlock that threatened to kill a bill a bigger voice on tax, trade, welfare, Thanksgiving, Ford realistically regulating strip mining. The measure had Social Security matters. acknowledged that Congress would been sought by environmentalists for four The veterans' education bill which now override him, but rejected the measure years, but a coal industry spokesman becomes law increased benefits for an un­ anyway to underscore his opposition to in­ predicted the compromise would increase married veteran from |220 to $270 a flationary government spending. He said electric utility fuel costs by 55 per cent. month, for a married veteran with no -I r the bill would add more than half a billion —The House gave final legislative ap­ children from $261 to $321 and propor­ > to the federal deficit. proval to a bill to set federal safety stan­ tionately for those with children. Kott Lack of Operating Funds 4 (Burkamp photo)

This was the scene at the rear of the police surprised two men trying to Manchester forces, aided by State Scuffy Pet Center at the Manchester steal a safe (foreground) and Police, mounted a three-hour search HM’a ecticut May Close Hope Manor Shopping Parkade Tuesday night after exchanged gunfire with the burglars. but the men escaped.

By ALICE EVANS Robert Berman, director of the rehabilita­ to operate to say nothing of expanding, and tion center, said. there is no agreement from the state that New Hope Manor, which has received an The December check from the state funds will be provided if New Hope Police Exchange Fire "overwhelming", response from the public insurance compaitj department has not arrived, and New expands or goes co-ed," she said. since its financial problems were first Hope has about $4,000 in back bills to pay reported on Oct. 17 in The Herald, may Licensing Paper Work as well as meet its current operating still be forced to close because oL lack of . New Hope has ask ^ for educational expenses, which have been cut to the bone, operating expenses. support from the state, but the application Berman said. for a state license is bogged down in paper With Burglary Suspects As of today. New Hope can meet its payroll Friday, but has no operating funds, Discrimination Alleged work, and we have not had a site visit by and unless the state comes through with The state Department of Children and the state to see our program in action. By DOUG BEVINS don said today his men are following up Robertson returned the fire and the more money or some miracle happens. Youth Services says that New Hope dis­ “To receive funds from the Welfare several leads in the incident and are black man fell, but then got up and ran. without New Hope may be forced to close, accor­ criminates, and will not allocate funds for Department, we need to lease a fire alarm Two men attempting a burglary at the seeking a black male and a white male in ding to Mrs. Mary Patterson, president of the rehabilitation center unless it expands system which is connected directly to the Manchester Shopping Parkade 'Tuesday connection with the shooting. Three other shots were fired at Robert­ night exchanged gunfire with police but son by small firearms. Robertson again its board of directors. from its present 15 residents to 25, and fire department. This costs $900 plus a Windshield Shattered wants it to go co-educational such as the maintenance fee of $35, which we don’t managed to escape on foot despite a returned the fire. Budget Explained The windshield of a police cruiser was Adolescent Drug Rehabilitation Unit in have. We have applied to the Hartford lengthy search by local and State Police. All available police personnel were sent New Hope, with a budget of $10,000 a shattered by a shotgun blast and Meriden. (See Page Eighteen) Manchester Police Chief James Rear- to the scene upon headquarters’ receipt of month, will receive about $4,300 a month Patrolman Phillip Rotertson was the “We have a very successful program for Robertson’s message. State Police were from the state Department of Mental target of other handgun fire in the 11 p.m. girls, and the Meriden unit has had up to notified via a police hotline, and they Health, but will have to raise the incident, police said. Robertson was not even knowing tt. eight runaways in one day," Mrs. Patter­ responded with manpower and dogs to remaining $5,700 by fees, and private an' injured in the shooting; he later reported son said.“We can’t expand or go co-ed in More Stale Aid Needed search the area. business donations, which is impossible, a nicked finger. our present building. We don't have money The search continued until about 2 a.m. Reardon described the incident as today, without apprehension of either To Hold Down Tax follows: man. Robertson was on routine patrol at the Police recovered the shotgun and a safe shopping center at about 11 p.m. and was By SOL R. COHEN from the pet shop which the two men were Six Youths Charged It now has one of the top facilities in the checking the rear of stores in the Broad St. apparently trying to remove. It wasn’t E community college system, and priorities Town Manager Robert Weiss is predic­ Parkade section. known whether anything was stolen from probably lie elsewhere.” ting a 7- to 9-mill hike in Manchester’s As Robertson drove around the corner of the store. General Fund tax rate for 1975-76, “unless the buildings, he saw a black male bending In Csatary Slaying No False P rom ises down near the back door of the Scuffy Pet the town gets a fairly substantial increase Center, 330 Broad St., who was apparently in state aid — ADM (Average Daily school Hannon, a four-term state represen­ Hartford Police have arrested six Hartford — have been referred to juvenile Membership) or otherwise.” tative until his election as state senator, carrying something. youths in connection with the Monday authorities. Names of the four, all under He made his prediction Tuesday night at said, " I ’d like to sit here and promise Object Dropped afternoon slaying of a Manchester man at age 16, were not disclosed. an informal meeting of the Board of things for MCC and otherwise, but I can’t The black man dropped the object, came a city heating and plumbing supply com­ All six are charged with murder, first- Directors and Manchester’s state senators lie about it. The surpluses which were held up with a shotgun, and fired at Robert­ WEATHER C pany. degree robbery, and conspiracy. The and state representatives.The session was hostage to balance the last two budgets son’s cruiser, shattering the windshield. Michael Bailey, 16, and Edward charges stem from a 3 p.m. incident Mon­ for discussing recommendations for the aren’t available any more.” Robertson got out of his car, dropped to Haugabook, 17, both of Hartford, are being day in which Joseph Csatary, 56, of 1975 legislative session. He predicted a tax increase for 1975-76, the ground, and saw a white male held on $1(X),000 bonds each in the case. Manchester, was shot and killed. Partly sunny today with highs in the Weiss estimated the Oct. 1, 1974 Grand “probably in the state sales tax” emerge from the pet shop. Both men then Four other males — all juveniles from The sixth youths were taken into custody high 20s and low 30s. Northwesterly winds ran across a brook toward St. James by Hartford Police Tuesday afternoon and List (the basis for the tax levy) will in­ Hannon said, “We never seem to effect 15 to 20 mph. Clear and cold tonight with Cemetery. evening. Bailey and Haugabook were crease about $6 million or 2 per cent above economies on the state level, but we’ve lows 5 to 10 and northwesterly winds 10 Robertson alerted Police Headquarters, arraigned in court this morning. last year’s Grand List. He projected the just got to tighten our belts next fiscal mph. Thursday fair followed by increasing by radio and then gave chase. As the of­ Hartford Police said they were able to 1975-76 General Fund budget at $22,200,000 year and do it. We can’t expect to pass on cloudiness and continued cold with highs or about 10 per cent above the current ficer followed, the black man turned and make arrests in the case rapidly because tax increases to the people of Connecticut in the upper 20s to 30s. Chance of rain near budget. He didn’t estimate a budget or tax attempted to fire his shotgun at Robert­ INSIDE of considerable overtime work and tough unless we work at effecting economies.” zero through Thursday. . rate for the Town Fire District for 1975-76. son. interrogation of several suspects. "We got TODAY right on it,” one officer said, “so the leads Weiss’ estimates for 1975-76 come five months into the 1974-75 fiscal year, which didn’t get cold.” ends June 30, 1975. Stamps and co in s...... Page 2 Csatary, a 27-year employe of Plimpton Grand List Increase Spirit of '7 6 ...... Page 3 and Hills Corp. at 151 Earle St. in Hart- ford,was shot and killed as he apparently The town's Grand List has been in­ Hi Neighbor ...... Page 4 surprised one of the youths trying to pry creasing in past years at a 5 per cent rate. Area Profile ...... Pages 6, 7 open a vending machine at the business. The current General Fund budget is about On Second Thought...... Page 16 Csatary was found in a stock aisle by a 10 per cent above 1973-74 and the tax rate fellow employe and was dead on arrival at 2.64 mills above 1973-74. Senior Citizens...... Page 36 University-McCook Hospital. Police said Attending the Tuesday night session Cheney Tech w in s...... Page 19 he died from wounds from a small caliber were State Sen.-elect George Hannon; Coaches’ Corner...... Page 21 weapon. State Reps. Francis Mahoney and Muriel Police said the slaying came as part of a Yacavone; and State Reps.-elect Ted conspiracy to rob the firm. The shooting Cummings and Abe Glassman. State Sen.- With Today*s Herald incident apparently ended the robbery elect David Barry was unable to attend. attempt and nothing was taken. Little Hope Seen First Federal Savings Tab (See Page Eighteen) Hannon held out little hope for any sub­ stantial Increased aid in 1975-76 to the municipalities. Calling attention to "the massive $200- Miss Graves Promoted million shortfall facing the state,” he Apart from the 47,500 Cormecticut people bnnecticut's Insurance Companies are responsible remarked, "Before we can figure on any Miss Patricia Graves, youth services of­ increased spending, we have to face this whose paychecks are being signed by an insurance iqp four out of every ten salaries. It all adds up to the ficer for the Manchester Police Department real tough problem. That’s what you’re company, tens of thousands of other people owe at since July 1972, today was reclassified a sending your legislators to the State Fact that about 115,000 people—roughly 10% of the sergeant in charge of both youth services and Capitol to do.” police-community relations. Asked by Director Carl Zinsser about 4 least part of their salaries to the fact that Connecticut's State's working force—are being supported by jobs Police Chief James Reardon, making the prospects for capital expenditures for insurance industry spends so much money on goo3s linked, one way or another, to the insurance industry. announcement this morning, said Miss Manchester Community College, "with a Graves will continue to work within the capacity now for 2,500 students and an an­ and services throughout the State. This very significant stabilizing influence we department’s detective bureau. She has been ticipated enrollment of 5,000,” Hannon receiving sergeant's pay since 1972 and no in­ replied, "I doubt whether financial com­ crease was made. For instance, our purchases in just one business, bring to our State's employment picture is proof, mitments for MCC are possible at present. Miss Graves, 37, of 119 N. Elm St., joined Connecticut's printing industry, account for one out of once again, that the Insurance Companies of the department as its first policewoman in every ten jobs in that business. And, when it comes to Connecticut doing a lot more for the May 1966. A native of Dresden, Ohio, she are came to Manchester in 1962. services like banking, real estate, and the professions. people of our State, than just selling insurance. She Is a graduate of Connecticut's Municipal Police Training Academy, the law enforcement school at Manchester Com­ munity College, and the federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs training school. INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OFCONNECTICUT Miss Graves la past president of the Policewoman’s Association of Connecticut. 60 VVtehingtcxi street HartinttOxriedlc^ She has been active in local drug counseling and child guidance service programs. Reclassification of Miss Graves as head of Connectkiit^s Insnm iice Companies! a combined youth services and community relations division Is expected to be the start was on routine patrol in the car when Manchester Police Detective Robert in Tuesday night’s Incident at of police expansion of both programs, SHOPPING DAYS Manchester Shopping Parkade. he spotted suspicious activity, wasn t alUwugh Reardon said today he wasn't sure Hennequin examines police cruiser Patrolman Phillip Robertson, who hurt. (Burkamp photo) of future programs. Patricia Gruvcn TO CHRISTMAS windshield shattered by shotgun blast