John Braithwaite, Hilary Charles- Worth & Adérito Soares
2013 Book Reviews 241 The United States is considerably better John Braithwaite, Hilary Charles- equipped than Europe, Nussbaum says, worth & Adérito Soares, Net- to meet these three challenges, thanks in worked Governance of Freedom large part to its understanding of national identity as deriving from adherence to and Tyranny: Peace in Timor-Leste political principles and ideals rather (Australian National University E than from membership in a racial or Press 2012), xxi + 365 pages, ISBN ethnic group. This is a conclusion with 9781921862762. which Bowen might or might not agree, but for which his book provides con- This is a very ambitious work from the siderable evidence. Fortunately, neither Australian National University’s Centre presidents Bush nor Obama have entered for International Governance and Justice, into anything that could be construed as Regulatory Institutions Network, where Muslim-bashing, unlike European leaders John Braithwaite (a noted criminologist) Merkel, Cameron, and Sarkozy. and Hilary Charlesworth (a noted inter- But this ought to provide us only national lawyer) are faculty and Adérito momentary comfort, for paranoia about Soares is a doctoral student. Soares, an in- threats to the “American way of life” dependence activist and former Timorese have a long and ignominious history in politician, also currently fills the role of the United States, a country which was, Anti-Corruption Commissioner for Timor- after all, far more hysterical about Com- Leste. The ANU group is engaged in an munism than Europe generally was. The ambitious two decade project entitled treatment for such exaggerated anxiety “Peacekeeping Compared.”1 is the steady thinking that Bowen and The work proceeds on two levels as a Nussbaum provide.
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