Only $4525 For a delightful 4-Day Tour through G lacier N ational Park

The This interesting land-and-lake cruise takes you to Going-to-the-Sun Mountain, Trick Falls, the Many Glacier region, and many other beauty spots in this scenic mountain homeland of the Blackeet Clean Indians. The one low cost covers everything within the Park— motor coach and launch fares, meals and accommodations at the Cinderless Many Glacier and other fine hotels. International tour of Glacier Luxurious and Waterton Lakes National Park only $57.50. Train Takes You Low Round Trip Fares Westbound and Eastbound to Glacier Stop off at Glacier Park—all tickets reading Great Northern past Park Glacier Park permit of stop off during park season June 15 to Sept. 15. Ask the conductor for a stop-over. Send to the undersigned for With No booklets. Extra Fare A. J. Dickinson, Passenger Traffic Manager, St. Paul E. II. Wilde, General Passenger Agent, St. Paul A Dependable Railway C. W. Meldrum, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Seattle 2 Great Northern Railway General Offices Seattle, Wash., King St. Station New York, N. Y., 32 Nassau St. St. Paul, Minn., 4th and Jackson Sts. Traffic Department, Douglas Bldg. Fourth and Union Sts.

TRAFFIC DEPART MENT OFFICERS W. P. KENNEY, Vice President and Director of Traffic, ST. PAUL, MINN. Passenger Traffic Freight Traffic G. H. SMITTON. Freight Traffic Manager St. Paul, Minn. A. J. DICKINSON. Passenger Traffic Manager St. Paul, Minn. H. H. BROWN. Assistant Freight Traffic Manager St. Paul, Minn. E. H. WILDE. General Passenger Agent St. Paul, Minn, M. J. COSTELLO. Western Traffic Manager Seattle. Wash. C. W. MELDRUM, Assistant General Passenger Agent Seattle, Wash P. H. BURNHAM, General Freight Agent St. Paul, Minn. F. T. HOLMES, Assistant General Passenger Agent St. Paul, Minn. F. H. PARKER. Assistant General Freight Agent St. Paul, Mitts. W. A. WILSON, Assistant General Passenger Agent St. Paul, Minn. W. J. POWER. Assistant General Freight Agent Duluth. Minn. H. A. NOBLE. Assistant General Passenger Agent St. Paul, Minn. P. B. BEIDELMAN, Assistant General Freight Agent St. Patti. Minn. J. F. PEWTERS. Assistant General Freight and Passenger Agent Helena, Mont. JAS. ROBINSON. Assistant General Freight Agent St. Paul. Minn. W. R. MILLS. General Advertising Agent St. Paul. Minn. B. S. MERRITT. Assistant General Freight Agent Seattle. Wash. CHARLES HERRIN, Advertising Agent St. Paul, Minn. W. R. SEDIN, Asst, General Freight Agent St Paul, Minn. W. E. HUNT. Assistant General Freight Agent. Portland, Ore. A. J. GRUM METT. Assistant General Freight Agent Seattle, Wash. Agricultural Development W. R. DALE. Export and Import Agent Seattle. Wash F. G. SMITH, Export and Import Agent , Ill. E. C. LEEDY, General Agricultural Development Agent St. Paul. Minn. C. C. MORRISON. A ss't General Agricultural Development Agent St. Paul, Minn. Refrigerator Car Traffic F. W. GRAHAM. Assistant General Agricultural Development Agent....Seattle. Wash. J. J. WOULFE. General Agent, Refrigerator Service St. Paul, Minn. Express Traffic C. H. QUIRMBACH, General Agent. Express Traffic Sa* Baggage R. T. STARR Ass't General Agent, Express Traffic Seattle. 1%\/1111.

FRED A. HILLS. General Baggage Agent St. Paul. Minn. Mail Traffic ALLEN JACKSON. District Baggage Agent Seattle. Wash. A. L. ALDRICH. General Agent, Mali Traffic St. Paul. Minn..

For detailed information about Passenger or Freight service write, telegraph or telephone the nearest representative listed below. GENERAL, DISTRICT AN D TRAVELING AGENTS BELLINGHAM, Wash C D. THOMPSON, District Traffic Agent. ILWA UKEE, Wis.. 812 Majestic Bldg. E. A. FRADENBURGH, General Agent. 212 Kulsban Bldg., 1324 Cornwall Ave.R. M. SMITH. City Passenger Agent. Phone Grand 1006 BEN,. C. CULBERTsoN. Awl. I teneral Agent. Phone 2111 T.L. MCDONALD, Tray. Paver & Immig'n Agent. BILLINGS, Mont., 311 Electric Bldg...J. F. KELLY. General Agent. NEW YORK. N. Y M. M. RUBBERY', Gen. Pastern Pasit'r Agent. Phone 6871 Cable Address. "Northrall'• F. M. ScHNELL, District Paweetter Agent. BOSTON. Mass.. 294 Washington St...CHAS. H. WALKER. General Agent. 595 Fifth Ave. at 48th Street. HENRY DEissLER. City Passenger Agent. Phone Liberty 5574 Phone Murray Hill 1666-7-8-9 JOHN E. O'CONNELL. City Passenger Agent. Shop 3, Little Bldg., 80 Boylston St.J. H. KENNEY. New England Passenger Agent. S. A. DOUGAN, City Tieket Agent. Phone Liberty 1639 T. F. CARROLL. City Passenger Agent. ARTHUR WOLF. Passenger Agent. BREMERTON. Wash.. 224 Front St...A. F. LEE, Agent. 233 Broadway H. G. Dow. Assistant (kmrrui Freight Agent. BUFFALO. N. Y.. 683 Ellicott Square.. GEO. EIGHMY, JR.. District Passenger Agent. Phone Whitehall 5660 JOSEPH A. WERNE. Commercial Agent. Phone Seneca 4166 A. KNEUBUEHL. Coml. Freight Agent. NELSON. B. C.. 421 Baker St. Phone 57 E. L. BUCHANAN. City 114.1g ht and Pass. Agt. BUTTE, Mont.. 513 Metals Bank Bidg.E. 0. BOYLE, General Agent. Phone 163 OMAHA. Neb.. 720 First National Wm, BLONDER, Agr'l litre). Agent. 102 North Main St....D. E. WILDER. Agent. Bank Bldg. Phone Atlantic 5622. PITTSBURGH, Pa., 206 Oliver Bldg P. H. YORKE, General Agent. CHICAGO, Ill,. 113Phone So. ClarkRandolph St.' 6700E. S. M.H. FARRELL.MOOT. Gen. Asst, Agent, Gem Pass'r Agent, Dept. Pass. Dept. Phone Atlantic 1541-1542 J. S. MACDoNALD. cling Passenger Agent. CARL F. ELLWANGER, Traveling Passenger Agt. L. D. KIDD City Passenger Agent. W. S. WEBER. Tray. Pass'r & Immigration Agt. PHILADELPHIA Pa.,504Finance Bldg. W. F. D0ANE, General Agent. WItLiAm L. NE1L,City Passenger Agent. Phone Rittenhouse 3275-6 EDMUND H. WncrLis a. Dist t let Pass. Agt. R. F. SCHWEHM. City Ticket Agent. F. A. DIEDEL, City Passenger Agent. 105 W. Adams St. Room 620 T. J. SHEA, Assistant General Freight Agt. PORTLAND. Ore., 201 Morgan Bldg H. DicEsors, City Passenger Agent. CINCINNATI. O., 609 Traction Bldg J. H. BRINKMAN. General Agent. Phone Beacon 7276 J. H. RUNNING. Traveling Puma Agent. Phone Main 249 JOHN E. WEsTERE1ELD. Traveling Pass. Agt. 333 Morrison St.. Con Broadway. A. L. ARNOLD, Ticket Agent. CLEVELAND, O., 508-9 Hippodrome F. P. ENGEL, General Agent. ST. LOUIS. Mo..517 Boatmen's Bk.13Idg J. M. SANFORD, General Agent. Bldg. Phone Cherry 7137-7138 F. L. COBB, District Passenger Agent. Phone Garfield 0051 CHAS. 0, LAYToN. Traveling Pass'r Agent. A. E. ROHMER, City Passenger Agent. R. C.KLOSTERMEYEll. City Plum. Agent. DALLAS, Tex., 1004 S. W. Life Bldg.. .I. H. TURNER, Southwestern Frt. and Pass. Agt. ST. PAUL. MINN.. Union Ticket Office W. G. MiTsen, City Ti, ket Agent. Phone 7-5374 rtil and Jackson Sts A. L. JOHNSTON, Clip Passenger Agent. DETROIT. Mich.. Main floor lobby, H. G. SCHUETTE, General Agent. Phone Garfield 3851 Transportation Bldg., 131 La Fayette E. B. CLARE, Commercial Agent. 712 Grt, Nor. Bldg. W. C. THORN, Dist Passenger Agt. Blvd. Phone Randolph 8398-8399 W. J. RINTOUL. District Passenger Agent. 712 Gm Nor. Bldg.. A. E. HATHAwAY, Tea, Parmenger Agent. O. W. PIERCE, City Passenger Agent. 718 Ort. Nor. Bldg J. J. LANIN, Agricultural Development Agent. DES MOINES. Ia.. 305 Equitable Bldg. W. M. ROMINE, District Passenger Agent. 4th anti Jackson Sts W. D. O'BRIEN. Gen Agent. Freight Dept. Phone Market 942 A. J. CHEESEN1AN, Traveling Freight Agent. Phone Interior 45303 C. A. RAND. Tray. Pasfer and Immigration Agt SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., 1000 Hearst C. A. GERKEN. General Agent, DULUTH. Minn., 422 W. Superior St .H. R. CARL, General Agent. Bldg. TravellocPitting Douglas 3892 Pioassater Agent. Phone Passenger Melrose 611 C. M. CoRNELIUS, District Passenger Agent. F. E. HOWELL. City Pa...muter Agent. Phone Freight Melrose 118 E. E. ROECKER, City Passenger Agent. SEATTLE. Wash., 407 Douglas Bldg W. MAHONEy. Vitt rill Passenger Agent. Passenger Station Melrose 285 Phone Main 9800 A. J. ARRIVEE. Traveling Pass, Agent. EVERETT, Wash., G. N. Station .1 F. BOETTNER, General Agent. Main 840.... H. E. STEPHENs. Ticket Agent. JAMES JOHNSTONE. Traveling Passenger Agent. H. L. DODD, City Passenger Agent 414 Douglas Bldg. Phone Main 9800 H. W. COSTIGAN. Iletteral Agent. Freight Dept. FARGO. N. D., 603 First National Bank J. L. ROHAN, General Agent. 1205 4th Ave. Phone Main 9800 J. WESLEY YOUNn, ;en. Agent. Pass'r Dept. Bldg. Phone 3911 T. J. MOORE, Cit) Passenger and Ticket Agt. G. N. Station Phone 341 M. Ultirls. Ticket Agent. SIOTJX CITY. Ia.. 516 Nebraska St....P. J. DONOHUE, General Agent. GRAND FORKS. N. D., Phone 67... H. GRIFFIN. Division Freight Agent. Phone Bell 438, Auto 87581 G. R. NORTON, Cit Paw...tiger Agent, P. G. HOLMES. Ticket Agent. SIOUX FALLS, S. 0 THOS. SIMPSON, General Agent, PAUL C. C. WAGNER. Tray. Agr'l Dove'. Agt. 504 E. 8th St. Phone 91 O. D. TIBBETTS. Tray. A gr'l Devel. Agent. GREAT FALLS, Mont., Phone 6615. C. F. O'HARA.General Agent. SPOKANE, Wash.. Davenport Hotel J. S. BOCK. General Agent 802 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.. J. F. BEEKETT. Traveling Pass'r Agent. Phone Main 5141 R. C. MURPHY. Clly Pass and Ticket Agt. Great Northern Station. _CHAS. DOHERTY. District Passenger Agent. N. D. KELLER, City Pitasclliter Agent. -HELENA, Mont., Placer Hotel Bldg S. A. GARRITY, General Agent. A. ALSTROM. Traveling Passenger Agent. Phone 221 W. J. GARRITY. City Pass. and Ticket Agt. SUPERIOR. Wis.. 1227 Tower Aye., A. L. GILMORE, Contracting Freight Agent. 510 Power Bidg.C. D. GREENFIELD. Agri. Dev. Agent. l'hone Broad 945 R. F. WILLCUTS, Joint Agent. KANSAS CITY. Mo., 516 Railway V. E. JONES, Gen. Agent. Pass'r Dept. TACOMA. Wash.. 116 South Ninth St M. J. SEABROOK, t;serrni A gent. Exchange Bldg L. C. Timmons Gen't Agent. Freight Dept. l'hone Main 113 F. P. HERBERT, City Pamenger Agent, E. K. O'BittEN. Traveling Freight Agent. TORONTO, Ont., 507 Royal Bank Bidg.H. E. WAnciNs, General Agent. Phone Main 3852 F. H. REEVES. Tray. Pass'r & Immig'n Agent. Phone Elgin 3992 JOHN M. CoPELAND, ,t,vriil,g Agent. KLAMATH FALLS, Ore.. Slater Bldg C. N. CHRISTOPHERSON, General Agent. VANCOUVER. B. C., 007 Hastings St. Enw. A. DYE, General Agent. LEWISTOWN. Mont., Phone 72.... D. C. BATES, Traveling Frt. anti Pass. Agent, Seymour 3386 A. WHITNALL, City Pam anti Ticket Alt. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. 605 Central Bidg W. E. McCoRmicE. General Agent. VANCOUVER. Wash. Phone 9654 GE0. A. SEIBOLD. Tres. Frt. and Pass. Agt. Phone Vandike 8421 S. L. WILLIAMS. City Passenger Agent. H. DONALD DAY, Tray. Freight and PLU38. Agent. VICTORIA. B. C.. 910 Government St ,A. H. HEBB, Agent Phone 699 MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. 524 Second Ave. SO R. C. MIcHKILS, General Agent. Paster Dept. WENATCHEE, Wash.. 2.03 Wenatchee J. C. MAHER, General Alent. Phone Atlantic1267 Savings and Loan Bank. Phone 3765 534 Met. Life Bldg. Phone Main 4130 S. A. VOLKMAN, General Agent. Freight Dept. Great Northern Station. Phone 215 M. F. READING. Ticket Agent. MINOT, N. D., Phone 1243 R. F. MILLS. General Agent. WINNIPEG, Man 226 Portage Ave. W. T. HETHERIIOrro,t 1551. Frt. and Pass. Act, FREI) ANDERSON. Ticket Agent. Phone A 6603. A 112 '3 T. A. THOMPsON, v Passenger Agent. 3


Table Table Alt'. Table Alti- Table AitI- Table Table Alti- No. I'des No. Cries No, rdes No. Vries No. t'des No. Vries ABBOTSFORD, B. C. Baker Spur, B. C 69 939 Brauer, Minn 16 Chinook. Mont 6 2410 DABNEY, Mont 5 1981 Enterprise. Wash 91 74 83. 86 145 Balder, Wash 75 Braymill, Ore 81 4322 Chisago Dalton, Iowa 30 1203 Entiat, Wash 87 690 Aberdeen, S. D 29 1303 Ballard, Wash 8 91 54 Breckenridge. Minn .4, City, Minn. Page 27 Dalton, Minn. 1 12 1352 Ephrata, Wash 8 1276 Aberdeen Line Jct.. S D. Ball Club. Minn.._ _15 1304 20. 29. 33 966 Chisholm, Minn 14, Dalton, Wash 74 Epping, N. D 5 2224 29 978 Ball's Crossing. Mont.66 2921 Bremen. N. D 4 1549 Page27 1501 Danbury, Wis.. .Page 27 Epworth, Mont 54 2081 Absaraka, N. D 35 1079 Balsam Bremerton. Wash 91 Chiwaukum, Wash.. ..8 1838 Danvers, Minn 1033 Erdalti, Minn 20 1270 Accord. Mont 5 2073 Lake, Minn...Page 27 Brennan, Wash 91 24 Choklo, Minn 24 1124 Danville, Wash 72 1746 Erharts. Minn.. 19 1285 Acme, Mont 11 3617 Baltic, Mont 6 3886 Brevator, Minn 15 1223 Chopaka, Wash 77 1191 Darts, Wash 72 1850 Erie, N. D. 34 1132 Acropolis. Minn 14 1446 Bancroft. S. D . 28 1561 Brewster, Wash 86 862 Choteau, Mont 61 3817 Darwin, Minn 3 1135 Erie, B. C 76 2335 Acton, Mont. 10 3792 Bankson, Wash 75 Brickton. Minn 22 1000 Church's Ferry, N. 0 2. Dassel, Minn 3 1089 Erskine. Minn 15 1201 Ada, Minn 12 910 Bannerman, Man 45 1898 Bridesville, B. C 77 3395 45 1460 Davenport. N. D 33 928 Espanola, Wash 8 2392 Adams. Mont. 6 2423 Bantry. N. D 48 1469 Broadview, Mont . 10 3855 Circle, Wash 77 1459 Davidson, Wash 73 Estes, Wash 73 Addison. N. D. .33 924 Baptism Broadview Farms. Citadel, Mont 6 3158 Davis, S. D 30 1248 Ethridge. Mont 6 3539 Addy, Wash 72 1629 River, Minn. .Page 27 Wash 75 Clancy, Mont 56 2571 Dayton. Minn 22 888 Euclid. Minn 12 895 Adrian, Wash 8 1218 Barby, N. D 46 1617 Brocket. N. D 42 1516 Clara city. Minn.. 30 4240 Dean, Wash 7. 72 1836 Eugene. Ore...!...... 92 A hnberg, S. D.... .31 1782 Barger. Wash 78 Brockton, Mont 5 1955 Claremont. S. D 2 1057 Deadwood, S. D 10 4539 Eureka, Mont_ ...... 7 Aitkin, Minn... Page 27 Baring, Wash 8 765 Broken Bow, Neb. .10 2477 Clarissa, Minn 23 1304 Dedham, Win Cl 797 Evaline. Wash 90 Alieley, Minn 23 iiio Barker. Wash 86 883 Bromley, B. C 77 1890 Clatskanie, Ore 81 1331 Deep. N. D 48 1460 EvansvilleMinn.l, 12,20 1354 Alamo N. D Si 2118 Barnesville. Minn..1, 12, Bronx, Idaho 7 2153 Ciatsop, Ore 81 Deering, N. D 40 1545 Eveleth, Minn. ,Page 27 Alan, Wash. 74 Page27 1025 Brookland. N. D 29 1303 Claude. Mont 61 3954 Deer Island. Ore.. 81 Everest. N. D 33 Albany, Minn. 1 12 lam Barrows, Mont 4449 Brook Park, Minn. 13, 22, Clayton, Wash 72 2256 Deer Park, Wash 72 2118 Everett. Wash _8. 11 91 39 Albany, Ore 92 Barry, Minn 24 1108 Page27 1030 Clearmont, Wyo 10 3925 Deer River, Minn. 15 1294 Excelsior, Wash 73 Albee, S. D 28 into Barstow. Wash 72 1408 Brookston, Minn.. .15 1220 Clearwater. Minn..1 12 963 DeGraff, Minn 4 1064 Exeter. Mout 5 2266 Albertville, Minn...1, 12 963 Bartlett. N. D 2 1534 Browerville, Mien.. .23 1284 Cleiv, Mont 3794 Delano, Minn. 3 946 Alberta, Minn 24 1114 Barton, N. 13 47 1513 Browns Valley. Minn..24 981 Cliffs. Wash 7, 78 177 Del Monte, Wash 74 FAIRBANKS. Wash.73 . . Albright. Mont 58 4144 Basin. Mont 56 5339 Bruin, Win Page 27 Clifford. N. D. 34 1059 Denbigh. N. D ...... 2 1516 Fairburn, Man 45 1770 Alcester, Man. 45 1646 Bathgate. N. D. .40 828 Bruno, Minn 13 1154 Climax, Minn 37 867 Denison. Wash 72 1965 Fairmont. Nlinn.Page 27 ... Alderdale. Wash 78 . Battier low. N. D 51 2195 Brunt. Minn 14 958 Clifton, N. D 4 1639 Denver. Colo 10 5179 Fairmount. N. D 29 985 Aldergrove. B. C. -89 339 Baynes. B. C .69 26'26 Brush vale, Minn. ..4 958 Clifton, Ore 81 Derrick. N. D...... _42 1535 Alexander. N. D. 53 2146 Beardsley. Minn.- ..24 1098 Bucoda. Wash.....90. 91 255 Clontarf, Minn 4 1048 Deschutes. Ore 82 FallsFairview, City. Mont. Nob .53.1 51) 1990528 Alexandria, Minn..1, 12. Beaverton. Mont 5 2177 Buelow. Mont 6 3340 Cloquet, Minn ...... 15 1195 Desford, Man 45 1821 Fargo, N. 13.1. 4. 12, 29, Page271390 Bedford. N. 13 4 35 1174 Buffalo. Mont. .10 4305 Clover, Mont 5 1966 Des Lacs. N. D 5 1932 34, 35, 37 Page 27 907 Algoma, Ore 83 . Belle PI:L1110. N. D. .29 1270 Buhl. Minn 14 1514 Cloverdale, B. C 89 2 Detroit Farrell. Mont. 6 3380 Alhambra, Mont.- 56 4272 Belleville. Wash 91 34 Bunelody, Man 45 1396 Clyde, N. D 42 1618 Lakes, Minn..Page 27 Farrington, Wash... ..78 Alliance, Neb 10 3968 Bellingham. Minn. 28 1049 Burch, S. D 29 1298 Coburg. Mont. 5 2306 De Villo, N. D 29 •oiA Farris. Minn 15. 23 ii8i Allison, B. C. 77 2036 Bellingham. Wash °IL 91 14 Burke, Mont 11 3382 Coeur d'Alene. Ida. -.74 Devils Lake, N. D -2, Felida. ',Wash Alluvia, B. C 89 1 Belmar. N. 11 47 1483 Burlington, Iowa 10 532 Cohasset. Minn 15 1287 35, 43, 45 1472 Felton, Minn 912° 96102 Aloe. Mont 65 3287 Belmont, Mont 10 3672 Burlington, Wash-88; 91 36 Cokato, Minn 3 1055 Devon, Mont 6 3114 Fergus Falls Minn 1. Alpine, Wash 8 1787 Belt. Mont II. 58 3570 Burnaby, B. C 91 47 Cokedale Jct., Wash. 88 68 Dewey. Wis 15 821 Page271196 Aistown, Wash. 84 2150 Belton. Mont 8. II 3220 Burnham, Mont. ..6 2633 Colebrook, B. C...89, 91 a Diamond Lake, Ore 83 4651 Fernilale. Wash 91 311 Alton. N. D. I 904 Beltrami. Minn .12 905 Burwell. Minn .15. 25 922 Coleraine, Minn 14 1343 1:Beringer, Wash...90 91 Fernie. B. C Alvord, Iowa 30 1321 Bement. N. D 45 1658 Butte, Mont..11,56, 57, 64 5542 Colburn, Idaho.. 7 2175 Dike, Ore. 82 Fero, N. 13 629 312596(5) Amazon, Mont 56 5459 Bemidji. Minn. .15 23. Buxton, N. D 1 036 1095 Dodson. Mont 5 2291 Ferry. Rash 77 1894 Amber, Wash 7 78 . Cold Springs, Minn 2'2 Page27 1351 Bynum, Mont 61 3970 Colfax. N. D 33 966 Donald. Ore 92 Fidalgo. Wash 88 27 Amenia, N. D 33 956 Bena. Minn. 15 1311 CALAIS. Mont .....5 1941 Donaldson, Minn 12 831 Field. Mont ...... 11 58 3340 Ames, N. D 33 999 4324 Colfax. Wash 75 Benchintid. Mont .11 Calimus, Ore. . 83 4797 Colgate, N. D. 35 1182 Donnelly, Minn 4 1129 Amherst, S. D 29 1313 Bend. Ore 82, 83 3621 Calumet, Minn 14 1396 1095 Doon, Iowa 30 1276 Fife,Fine.kl Mont, Minn 11,4 58 36115115 Anaconda, Mont 64 5293 1345 Collegeville, Minn..1 12 Bengal. Minn 14 Calvin, N. D 42 1621 Collins, Mont 11 3514 Dore, N. D 54 1889 Finley. N. D 35 1461 Anacortes, Wash 88 11 Benge, W soh. . 7, 78 1471 Camas. Wash 7 78 46 Doran, Minn. 4, 20 29 978 Finley. Wash 78 . A ndale, Mont 11 3142 3631 Collins, Wash 78 Benham Falls. Ore. .83 Cambridge, Minn 13 964 Colton, S. D 31 166 Dort, B. C 69 2376 FR, Wash 91 15 Andover. Minn 13 889 Benoit. Minn 15. 25 1031 Camden, Wash 7 1916 Columbia Beach. Ore 81 Dorset, Minn 23 1477 Fisher, MIMI 15.37 856 Aneta. N. D 35 1505 1050 • .• Benson. Minn. .. 4. 28 Campbell. Minn.4. 20, 29 988 Columbia Falls Mont.6. Douglas. Wash. 79 84 2382 Fisher, Wash 78 Angus, Minn 12 875 Bergen. IL C 77 2397 Canby, Wash. 8 2220 3095 Dover Mont 11 4111 Flagstone B. C 6f1 2379 Anoka. Minn 22 880 Cando. N. D 45 11, 66 Bernice. Mont. 56 5544 1486 ColumblaGardens,13.C.76 1590 Dover, Idaho.. 7 2088 Flaxville, Mont 55 2786 Antelope. Mont 55 2047 Berne. Wapiti.. ..8 Cranes, Wash 87 Downer. Minn 12 968 Fleming, N. D Antler, N. D 47 1543 Columbia River, Wash.& Bertha, Nlitin 23 1406 Cape Horn Wash.. 78 82 608 Downs, Wash 8 1919 5365 34947°8 Apex, B. C 76 3031 Berthold. N. D.. .5, 50 2080 Carbury, N. 0 47 1654 1512 Floodwood. Minn.. I5 1257 Colville, Wash 72 1578 Doyon, N. D 2 Apparn. N. D 51 2011 Berwick, N. D 2 1484 Carders, Wash Dresden. N. D 41 1584 Flora, Wash. 74 A ppledaie, Wash 84 891 Bethel. Minn 13 931 Cargill. Mont II Comanche, Mont... _10 3740 949 Comstock, Nlinn 4 925 Dryden, Wash 8 Florence, Minn 3() 1724 Appleton, Minn 28 1016 Beverly. Man. 45 1462 Carlisle, Minn 1. 12 31273104 Dugdale. Minn 15 1143 e. Moult 56 3216 Archer. Mont 55 2064 Bickel. Mont., . 60 3857 Carlton, Minn 15, Concrete, Wash 88 216 698 Conrad, Most. ...11 62 3511 Dubuque, la .. I Arcola, Minn 18 952 Big Sandy. Mont 56 2703 Page27 1084 Duluth, Minn. .13, 14. Flume,Flushing. Mont N. D. 641 397876° Arden, Wash. 72 1603 Billings. Mont 10 3124 Carnahan. Ore 81 Considine. N. D 45 1514 620 22 Conway. N. D 41 988 15, 56 . Page 27 Foley, mNliontnit Ardmore, S. D 10 3557 Birdsview. Wash 87 201 Carson. Wash 78 Dulwich. Wash 72 1455 Page271133 Ardley, B. C 91 45 Bisbee. N. D 4 1595 Carter. Mont 56 3112 Coolidge. Wash . 78 1531 Cooks. Wash. 78 Dundas N. D FFoley, °wye. l.le e S. D Ardock N. D 38 830 Bison. Mont 6 4807 Cartier, Man 12 771 Dunkirk. Mont A 3304 Forbes, N. D 2391 157597' Argusville, N. D 1 889 Blabon, N. 13 35 1350 Cartwright. N. D 53 1896 Coon Creek Jct., Minn.. 1504 13. 22 873 Dunning, N. D 48 Foreston, Minn 22, Argyle, Minn 12 850 Blackberry. Minn 15 1304 Carrolls. Wash 90 21 Dunseith, N. D 46 1715 Page271090 Arlington S. D. 31 1838 Blackfoot Mont. 6 4151 Cascade, Mont 50 3378 Copeland. Idaho 70 1788 1149 Forest Corbin, Mont 56 Duquette, Minn 13 Armington, Mont-11, 58 3553 Black River, Wash. 90.91 Cascade Tunnel. Wash 8 3381 4892 5180 Lake, Mine Page27( Cordell. Wash...... 86 015 Durant, Mont. Arnedo. N. D 47 1551 Blacktail. Mont 4664 Cascades. Wash 78 Durbin, N. D 11 925 Arnegard, N. D 53 2236 Blackwell. Wash 75 • • Cashmere. Wash 8 797 Cordova, Mont 01 3685 3716 Forestville. S. D 4298 1866 Corea. Wash 8 Dutton, Mont, 11 Forfar. N. D Arthur. N. D 33 995 Blaine, Wash 91 24 Cashup, Wash 75 2387 959 Fortine, Mont Corkindale Wash 87 Dwight, N. D. 33 Arvilla. N. D..- ...Z 41 1019 Blair. Mont. 5 1028 Casselton, N. D. .33, 36 944 Fort Belknap. Mont, 6:7 623975352 Asbury. Minn.. 30 1045 Blanchard. N. 13 33 949 Cass Lake, Minn-15, 23, Corinth, N. D.. 51 2208 EAGLE BEND, Minn 23 1367 Fort Benton, Mont 56 2748 Ashby, Minn ...... 1, 12 1275 Blanchard. Wash 91 11 Page27 1331 Corson, S. D 30 1360 Early, Wash 75 FortBrowning,Mont.6-11 4466 Ashileld, Mont 5 2232 Blaisdell, N. D 5 2264 Castle Rock, Wash...90 59 Cory. B. C 77 1707 Easby. N. D 41 Fort Buford. N. D....5 1953 Coteau. N. D 50 Ashland, Wis....Page 27 Blind Slough, Oro 81 Cataract. Mont 5071 1998 EastIndependence,Ore.92 • Fort Kipp. Mont 5 1944 Asimola. B. C. 77 1444 BlueEarth,Minn.Page 27 Cavalier, N. D 38 894 Cottonwood. Minn 30 1077 East St. Cloud 22 . Fort Iswis 90 Coulee. N. D.. 50 Askov. Minn. 13 1163 Bluestem. Wash 8 2333 Cawaton, B. C 77 1323 2062 East St. John. Ore. 78 90 ... Fort Megan, Mont 6 3988 Assinniboine, Mont 56 2588 Blythe. Mont II 3789 Cayuga, N. D 29 1140 Council Blurts. Iowa. 10 984 E. G. Forks. Minn 15,37 835 Fort Shaw. Mont... _60 3502 Astoria Ore 81 .. Bock. n 22 1084 Cedar, Minn 13 904 Country Club, Wash 90 Ebro, Mine,. 15 1458 Fort Totten. N.D. .. . 35 438 Atchison, Ran 10 795 Bolasevain, Man 45 1687 Celli°, Ore. 82 673 Coutts. Alba 65 ,•th6 Edgemont, S. D 10 3453 Fort Union...... 5 1909 Athens. Mont 67 3607 Bole. Mont 61 3814 Central Ave., Wis.13 15 673 Cowallis, Ore 92 Edinburg, N. D 41 1101 FortWilliam,Ont.Page 27 .. Atlas, Wash 74 Bonners 1, errs/. Ida.7, II. Centralia, Wash 90 183 Crabtree, Wash 73 Edmore, N. D 42 1521 Atwater. Minn 3 1e:1 70 1780 Centerville. Wash, 80 Craig. Mont 56 3455 Edmonds. Wash •8, 91 9 FortFosston. Wright, Mien Wash i 5 8 1258615) Auburn, N. D 40 848 Booge. S. D 30 1461 Chillucthan. Wash.. 89 Crary, N D 2 1488 Edwall, Wash 8 2327 Four MI ttes, Mont 55 .... Auburn, Wash..8. 90, 91 100 Borttp, Minn .. 12 915 Chaffey. Wis....Page 27 • • Crater, Wash. 8 1242 Elbow Lake, Minn....20 1190 Four Range, Mont 56 3931 Augusta Mont 60 . Bossburg. Wash 76 1363 Chambers Prairie. Wash. Crawford. Nob 10 936 Eldred, Minn 37 868 Fountain. Wash 78 Aurelia, N. D 50 2078 Bottineati, N. D 47 1645 90 Crescent. B. C....83,91 10 Elizabeth, Minn. 19 1238 Fowler. Mont 11 315f Aurora, Ill 1 647 Boulder M111. B. C 76 2274 Chappell, Mont 56 2572 Crescent Hill. N. 0 29 1313 Elk Wash 7 1846 Fox. Minn 25 1091 Aurora, Minn. -Page 27 Boulder. Mont 56 5165 Charbonneau. N. D 53 2029 Crocus. N. D 43 1535 Elk Park, Mont 56 6237 Foxboro, Win 13 924 Aurora, Neb 10 1.•74 Boundary. B. C 1384 Charlesville. Minn. 4 1014 Crooks, S. D 31 1588 Elk River, Minn 22. Averill, Minn 12 921 Bovey, Minn 14 1350 Chattaroy. Wash 7 1819 Crookston.Minn.12.15 37 872 Page27895 krazee, Minn...Page 27 Avery. Wash 78 Bow, Wash 91 14 Chehalis. Wash 90 188 Crosby. Minn-Page 27 Elko, B. C 69 3116 Franklin.Frazer. Mont Mont 150 :76150 Avoca, N. D 5 1946 Bowbells. N. D. 50 1961 Chelan, Wash 86 749 Crosby, N. D 50 1962 Ellendale, N. D 29 1448 Frederic, Minn_ .Page 27 ... Avon, Minn 1. 12 1132 Bowdoln. Mont 5 2220 Chelan Falls, Wash 86 745 Crossport, Idaho 7 1796 Ellisforde, Wash 86 913 Fredonia, Wash 88 15 Avon. Wash 88 16 Box Elder, Mont 56 2682 Chelsea, Mont 5 19791 Crow Agency. Mont. AO 3041 Ellsberry, N. D 43 1571 Freeport. Minn ....I 12 124 Aylmer, N. D 4 1582 Boyd. Wash 72 1'293 Chemult, Ore. 83 47581 Crystal, N. D 38 915 Ellsworth. Wash 78 . Freeman, Wash.. 73 Ayr, N. D 35 1203 Boylston. Wis. .13, 15 707 Cherokee. Rash 86 8621 Crystal Bay. Minn. 18 958 Elmira, Idaho. 7 2151 Brady, Mont 11 3535 Chester. Mont 6 3139' Culbertson, Mont 1921 Ely, Minn Page 27 . Fresno.Fremont. Mont Ore 8,3; 243921r6 BACK00. N. D 38 019 Bradshaw, B. C • 77 1602 Chester. S. D 31 1602 Culver. Ore 82 Emerado, N. D....2, 41 907 Fridley, Minn- _13. 22 849 Badger. Minn 25 1076 Braltatn. Minn 13 956 Chewelah. Wash 72 1666, Cummings N. D. .1 934 Emerson, Man 12 791 Frieda, Ore 82 Badger. S. D 31 1727 Brainerd, Minn..Page•27 Chicago, Ill 1 5881 Curlew, Wash.....72, 77 1799 Emmert. Minn 14 1473 Frold, Mont 5 Bagley, Minn 15 1446 Brandon. Man 45 1235 Chillowist, Wash 86 8351 Cushman. Mont. 10 3343 Enfield, Minn 1. 12 1016 Frultvale, B. C...... 765 ° 2197276 Bainville Mont....5 55 1962 Brandon. Minn ....I 12 1389 Chiloquin, Ore, 83 4190. Custer. Wash 91 40 English. Wash.. . 91 125 Fuego. Ore 83 Baker, Minn 1 932 Brantford. N. D 4 1528 Chinchalo, Ore 83 4543 Cut Bank, Mont. 6, 11 3740 Enid, Mont. 54 2393 Fuller. Mont 56 5122



Table Aiti- Table Alti- Table Aid- Table Alti- Table Alt!- Table AM- No. t'des No. t'des No. Voles . No. t'des No. t'des No. t'des Ostrander. Wash 90 41 ItABEY, Mimi 16 1295 St. Joseph, Minn .1. 12 1088 South Bellingham. Tioga, Ns D. 5 2241 Warren. Ore 81 . Oswego, Mont 5 2026 Radnor. Mont 6 3211 St. Joseph. Mo 10 1080 Wash 91 11 1 obacco, Mont 7 2718 Warrenton, Ore 81 . Otter. B. C 89 298 Rainbow, Mont 56 3293 St. Louis, Mo 10 849 South Cheney. Wash..78 Todd. N. D 5 1867 Warmed. Minn 25 1073 a nxy, Ore 83 4155 Rainier, Wash 90 427 St. Norbert, Man 12 768 South Hibbing. Minn.14 1488 Tokio, N. D 35 1501 Warwick. N. D 35 1473 Oxford. Mont 10 4408 Rainier. Ore 81 St. Paul. Minn..I. 3. 12. South Jet.. Ore 82 Toledo. Mont 6 2467 Warwick. Wash 80 . Ralston. N. D 5 1842 13. 18. 19. 22. 23, South Nelson, B. C. ..76 2378 Toina. N. D 35 1461 Washburn. Minn 16 . Ramsay. Mont. 64 24, 28, 29, 30. 33, Southport, B. C 89 3 Toluca. Mont 10 3242 Washougal. Wash. 78 48 Ranchester. Wyo 10 3774 34, 35, 37. 38. 40. 41. South Shore, Ss D. _28 1863 Tomar, Wash 78 . Washtucna. Wash..7. 78 PACIFIC AVE., Wash.8 59 Rangeley, N. D 4 1571 42, 43, 45, 46. 47. 48. South Tacoma. Wash..90 Tonasket, Wash 86 908 Wassalc, N. D 51 Pacilic Jct.. Mont ..6, 58 2520 Rankin, Mont 7 2051 49, 56. 78 727 Spearfish, Wash 78 Tonga, Wash...... 8 1386 Watertown. S. D..28, 31 1722 Page. N. D 35 1180 Rauville. S. D 28 1756 St. Thomas, N. D. .40 706 Spicer. Minn 22 1170 Torboy. Wash 77 2396 Waterville, Wash 79 . Page, Wash 78 . Ravenna. Neb 10 1997 St. Vincent, Minn.. .12 846 Spion kop. Mont.. .11 4309 Torodo, Wash 77 1853 Watford City. N. D...53 2082 Painted Robe, Mont..10 3713 Rawson. N. D...... 53 2248 Sabin. Minn I 933 Spokane, Wash 7. 8. II. Touhey, Wash 84 2361 Waukon. Wash 8 2441 Paisley, Mont . 5 2102 Ray, N. D. 5 2271 Saco. Mont 5 2184 15.72. 73, 74. 75. 78 1876 Towal, Wash 78 Wauna, Ore 81 . Palermo. N. D 5 2201 Raymond, Minn 30 1082 Sage. Wash 78 2184 Spokane Bridge. Wash.74 Tower, Minn. .Page 27 • Waverly, Minn 3 1001 Palisades, Wash 84 978 Raynsford. Mont 11 4047 Salem, Ore 92 .... Spotted Robe. Mont. 6 4940 Towner, N. D 2. 48 1478 Waverly. Wash 73 . Palmers. Wash 72 1549 Rector, N. D 42 1507 Saline, Waah. .73 , Spring Brook. N. D. ..5 2068 Townsend. B. C 91 4 Wawina, Minn 15 1269 Palouse, Wash...... 73 .... Red Eagle, Mont ...... 6 3360 Salm% B. 0. 76 2178 Springdale. Wash 72 2083 Tracy, Minn .Page 27 . Wayne. Mont 11, 58 3681) Parent, Minn 22 1120 Red Lake Falls. Minn•25 1004 Salo!, Minn 25 2087 Spring Park. Islinn....18 951 Trail, B. C 76 . Wayside. Wash 72 173(3 Parkdale, Minn.. 1 1231 Redland. Minn15, 25, 37 886 Samish. Wash 91 1083 Spring Valley, Wash-75 Trask, Mont 6 6405 Wayzata, Minn....3, 18, Park River. N. D._ -41 1000 Redmond. Ore 82 . Samuels. Idaho ...... 7 2148 Sprole, Mont 5 1992 Treat, Wash 73 Page27 939 Redstone. Mont 55 2109 Sand Coulee, Mont...59 2148 Stampede, N. D 50 1939 Tregw Mont 6 3106 Weaver. N. D 42 1580 ParkPage Rapids, Minns. .23,27 1434 Reed. N. D.. .4, 34. 35 902 Sand Point. Idaho-7. 11 2131 Stand-Meld, Minn. _13 945 Trenton, N. D I 11108 Webster. N. D 41 1469 Parkview, Wash Reiter. Wash 8 323 Sandstone, Minn 11 1084 Stanford, Mont . 11 1270 Trinidad, Wash 8 972 Wells, Wash . 86 786 Parkwater. Wash 74 . Republic, Wash 72 2429 Sapperton. B. C 91 14 Stanley. N. D 5, 51 2259 Triple Divide 6 4729 Wellsburg. N. D 4 1602 Pasco, Wash 7 78 358 Reserve, Mont 55 1969 Saral. B. C 89 262 Stana ood. Wash. _91 12 Troy, Mont 7. 8, 11 1802 Wenatchee. Wash. 8, 11, Pateros. Wash 86 790 Revere, N. D 4 1459 Sarles. N. D 42 1584 Starkweather. N. D.. 43 1499 Truro, N. D 49 1628 82, 84 648 Paterson, Wash 78 . Rex, Mont 11 3572 Sauk Center, Minn.l, 12. Starr, Wash •86 778 Truman, Ore. 82 Wentworth, S. D 31 169(3 Paulson, N. D.... -50 1919 Rexford, Mont-7, 11, 69 2318 23 Page 27 1254 Startup, Wash. 8 158 Tualatin, Ore 92 West, Ore 81 . Paupore's, Minn...-IS 1240 Reynolds. N. D 1 914 Saunders. Wis .13. 15 686 Stayman. Wash 86 735 Tunbridge, N. D 2 1509 West Fairfield, Wash..73 - Paxson Wash 77 1825 Riceville, Mont 58 3953 Savanna. III 1 • Stearns. Ore 83 420 Tunis, Mont 56 2973 Westhope, N. D.._ _47 1508 .... Rich Bar. Wash 77 Savoy. Mont 5,6 2128 Stellacoom Wash 90 Tuskan Ore 82 West Tenino, Wash...90 281) Paxton,PaynesvIlle, Ore.. Minn.. -. ...._22 82 1183 Richey, Mont 54 2473 Sayre. Mont 56 2552 Steiner, Minn 25 1149 Tweed, Mont .7 2226 West Union, Minn..1. 12 1337 Pease, Minn. 22 1030 Richland. Mont 55 .... Saxony. N. D 35 953 Stephen. Minn 12 833 Two West Woodburn, Ore-92 Peerless, Mont 55 . Richmond. Minn 22 1123 Scanlon. M1nn 15 1146 Steptoa Wash 75 Harbors,Minn.Page 27 . VVIlatley. Mont 5 (n,i. ) Pekin. N. D 35 1471 Richmond Beach, Scappoose, Ore 81 Sterling. Colo 10 35 'lye. Wash 8 126 Wheatville. Minn 12 910 Pelican, Ore 83 4191 Wash 8 91 20 Scenic, Wash 8 2114 Stevenson, Wash 7 98 Tyler. S. D 31 1535 Wheelock, N. D 5 2387 Pelican Rapids, Minn.19, Ridgefield, Wash 90 60 Scott, Mont .57 3768 Stewarta, Wash 87 Whitcomb, Wash. .7. 78 26(1 Page27 1302 Riebeling, Mont. 60 3755 Schley, Minn 15 1329 Stiles, N. I) .. 29 1139 White Bear Page 27 • ... Pendroy. Mont 61 4264 Riga. N. D 2 1512 Schurmeler, N. D 38 833 Still Creek, B. C 91 90 ULM, Mont 56 3345 White Earth, N. D....5 2099 Pent), N. D 2 45 1469 Rimrock. Mont 10 3460 Scobey, Mont 55 2458 Stockett, Mont 59 1602 Underwood, Wash_ _78 .... Whitefish. Mont...6, 11 3040 Pennock, Minn 4 1126 Ringo, Wash 73 . Scotia. Wash 7 2064 Stockholm, S. D 28 1654 Union, N. D 41 1396 White Rock. B. C....9I 8 Peoria. III 10 465 Ripley. Mont 7 2098 Seaside, Ore .81 . Stoneham. Wash 75 Union Point. Man ..,.12 782 White Sahnon, Wash...7, Penrith, Wash 7 2096 Rising, N. D 49 . . Seaton. Wash 74 . Stonehill, Mont 7 2247 University, N. 13.1. 2, 41 835 78 Pequot, Minn. Page 27 .... Rising Wolf, Mont.- -8 5044 Seaver, Minn 16 2051 Stover, N. D 42 1522 Upham, N. D 48 1461 Whitney, Wash 88 9 Perelia, N. D 50 1919 Ritz, Idaho 70 1795 Seattle, Wash -8. 11. 15, Strathcona, Minn. 25 1130 Ural. Mont 7 2206 Wickes. Mont 56 5261 Perkins, Iowa 30 1458 Riverdale. Mont. 56 3346 90.91 15 Stratford, Wash 8 1281 Wildrose. N. I) 51 2239 Perley, Minn. 37 877 Riverside, Wash 86 870 Seabury, Wash 73 . Strater. Mont 5 2254 Wileys Spur, B. C....76 2973 Pershing. Mont 11 3509 Roach, N. P. 5 2202 Sebeka, Minn 23 1386 Straubville. N. D 29 1314 Wilkinson, Minn 23 1317 Perth, N. D. 45 1729 Robbinsdale. MInn.l. 12 884 Sedro-Woolley. Wash-88 56 Struble, Iowa 30 1261 Williams. Mont ...... 82 377.5 Peshastin, Wash 8 1058 Rocker. Mont. 84 5431 Selz, N. D 4 1610 Stryker. Mont. ..6 VADER, Wash. .5 1861 Petersburg. N. D 2 1524 Rock Island, Wanh.8. 84 618 Seneca Nob 10 1608 Sullivan. Wash 74 . (Ryderwood) _71. 90 143 Willmar, Minn. 3. 4. 22, Williston. N. D Pickert, N. D 35 1390 Rock Lake, N. D. .43 1546 Seton, Minn. 18 951 Sultan, Wash 8 117 Valler. Mont 62389)) 29.30 1133 Pigeon Rockport, Wash...87. 88 234 Seward. Nob 10 3982 Sumas. Wash. 89 40 Valley, Wash 72 1669 Willow City. N. D....47 147!) River, Man.. Page 27 .... Rockville. Minn 22 1077 6 5213 Valleyford Wash... -73 . Pillsbury. N. $.. ,4 1284 Rockwell. Wash 78 . Seward,Sharon, N.Wash D 853 11546016 8Suutnnmeirt.m , Mct6n11. Wash. a. 8. 50. 51 61 Vance. N. D. 4. 33. 34. 35 9'6i Willow SLparkien•gs S. WDa•s h- .27388 1.7..15 Pine City. Minn.Page 27 .... Rockwood. Minn.- -23 .... Sharon, Wash 73 . Sunburst, Mont 65 3249 Vancouver. B. C. 11. 15, _ Wilson Creek. Wash....8 1281 Pinecroft, Wash.... -74 .... Rodna. Wash 78 .... Shawnee, NT. D 2 1231 Sundance, Mont 6 1993 88 v Wilsonville, Ore. 92 . Pine Grove, Wash... •73 .... Rogers_ Minn 1 12 985 Sheffield, S. D 28 1300 Sun River, Mont 60 3415 Vancouver. Wash.-7. 78. mita', Minn 15 1391 Pine Ridge, Ore 83 4201 Rolette N. 0 46 1630 Shelby, Mont...6. 11 65 3283 Superior. Wis.13. 14. 15. 87 46 Winchester, Wash 8 1282 Pine River, Wis.Page 27 .... Rolla. N. P. 45 1817 Shelly, Minn 37 867 56 Page 27 636 Vandalla, Mont 5313)) Windham. Mont 4266 Pinnacle, Mont 8 3700 Rollins. Wash 75 . Sheridan. Wyo 10 3732 Supplee. Wash. 84 2503 Vaughn, Mont....11. 6() 3366 winesa0. Wash 1186 701) Vebar, Mont 10 3662 Pinney. Minn 30 1746 Romney, MIMI. . 4 945 Sherman, S. D. 30 1495 Surf. Ore 81 Wingate, Minn 15 1032 Plpestone, Minn.. _30 1732 Ronneby. Minn 22 1117 Sherwood. N. D 49 1647 Surrey. N. D 2. 4 1625 Verendrye, N. D... 4 1554 Winlock. Wash 90 209 Plsek. N. D. .41 1003 Rondo. Mont 7 2269 Shevlin. Minn 15 1457 Sutton, N. D 4 1475 Verona. Mont...... _56 2721 772 Pitcairn. N. D 33 956 Roosevelt. WashWh. 7. 78 230 Shirley. Minn 12 905 Svenson. Ore 81 Viborg. S. D 3() 1300 Winona. Minn Winnipeg.1 Man...12853 40 Pitt, Wash 80 Rosan a. asWash 75 . Shops, Wash 73,74 . . Swan River. Minn. .14. Victoria, B. C...... 91 :;..„ Winton. Wash 8 2086 Plana, S. D 29 1304 Rosb y. Minn 15. 23 1346 Shorey, Mont 10 3696 15. 16 1294 Vienna, S. D . . 29 lo.o %Viotti. Mont 5 2057 Pleasant Lake, N. D...2 1603 Roscoe, Minn 22 11113 Sidney, Mont 54 1932 Sweet Grass Mont...65 3471 Vila, Wash 165 278 Wishram. Wash. 7. 78, 82 Plentywood. Mont....55 2046 Roseau, Minn 25 1056 Sieben, Mont.. .56 3879 Sweetwater. N. D. .43 14. Vineland, Minn_Page 7 :... WItheY. Mont 11 3622 Viola, Wash 73 Plumb. Wash. 90 .... Roseland. Man 45 1357 Signal Point. Wash....74 .... Swift. Mont ii. 58 3519 ,,,,,.;.;, Withrow. Wash 84 2515 Plymouth, Wash.. 78 285 Roseville. N. D 34 1013 Silvana. Wash .91 35 Swinton. B. C 69 3141 iZZIU Woburn. N. D 50 1951 Vi li M Poe, Wash 73 Ross, N. 1) 5 2292 Silver Bow. Mont. .64 5395 Syakan. B. C 77 3006 • rge e. Mont• 56 Virden2576 Mont...6.Wocus. 11 65 Ore 83 Pollard, Wash. 72 2356 .... Silver City, Mont... .56 4335 Virginia, Minn 14, Wolf Creek, Mont_ _56 '3560 Poplar, Mont 5 1963 Rossfork.Ross, Wash. Mont ...... 57 - .74 3790 Sliver Lake. Minn .18, 83 1057 Page27 143 4 Wolford. N. D 46 1626 Portage, Mont 56 3385 Rossiand, B. C 74 . Silver Lake. Ore 81 4283 Vista, Mont...... 6 1073 Wolf Point, Monton 5 2004 Portage Jct., Man 12 765 Roth. N. D . 47 1509 Silver Leaf. N. D 29 1405 TABI,E ROCK, Neb.10 1023 Volcour. Mont 7 2193 Wolseth, N. n 49 Portal, Mont 56 5437 Rothsay. Minn._ _1, 12 1194 Silver Plains. Man....I'2 782 956 SVoi •rton, Minn 4 934 Tacoma. Wash 8. 11. 15, D 33 •ort Arthur, Ont.Page 27 .... Round Prairie, Minn-23 1334 Silvertip, Mont 6 3289 87,88 47 VVoollg ina,• SN.D 30o 79,, Woodburn, Ore.„. ....92 - Portland, N. D 34 987 Roy, Wash. 316 Simcoe, N. D 4 1589 Tacoma Park, S. D. 29 1292 Vulcan. Wash c• 14,0," Woodland. Wash 90 5:•3 Portland. Ore _7. 15, 78, ROYhl. S. D 31 1790 Simla. Mont. 83469 Taft, N. D 1 908 Woodlawn, Wash 74 81. 82. 90, 92 32 Rubeck, Wash 73 . Similkameen. B. C. .77 1275 Tagus, N. D 5 2179 Woodville. Mont 56 6354 Portland Jet., N. D. Ruby Mine Spur 77 1186 Simms. Mont 60 3563 Talmo, S. D 30 1209 Woolridge, Mont 5 2215 33. 34 1012 Rudyard. Mont 6 112 Sinai. S. D . 31 1785 Tampico, Mont . .52126 WADENA, Minn. 23, Wrencoe. Idaho 7 2075 ,Port Emma. N. D. _29 1316 Rugby, N. D 2, 47 1562 Singleshot. Mont 6 4396 Taylors Page27 1344 Wrights. Wash 80 Port Hifi, Idaho 70 1782 Russell. Minn 30 1517 Sioux (enter, Ia 30 1445 Falls, Minn...Page 27 . Wagner, Mont . .5 2270 Wylie. Minn 26 1020 Port Townsend, Wash.91 .... Rustad, Minn 4 916 Sioux City, Ia .30 1104 Tea S. I) 30 1483 Wagnersburg, Wash...86 689 •ost Falls, Ida _..74 Rudman', Minn 1 919 Sioux Falls, S. D..30. 31 1397 Tecumseh. Nob 10 1114 Wahannal), Ore 81 . Powell. N. D. 2. 41 848 Rutbton. Minn 30 1730 Sixth Ave. Tacoma, Telstad, Mont 6 3233 Wahkiakus. Wash....80 .... Power. Mont 11.61 3681 Rutland, N. 11 29 1225 Wash. 90 Temple, N. D 5 2349 Wahpeton. N. D. .4, 33 969 XENIA, Mont 6 2875 Powers Lake, N. 0,51 2206 Rutland, S. D 31 1665 Skamanla, Wash 78 Tenino. Wash 90 . Waite Park, Minn....22 .. _ Preston. N. D 33 950 Ryderwood. Wash. 71.90 143 Skipanon. Ore 81 Tenino Jct., Wash. .90 . Wakefield, Wash 86 820 YAKT, Mont 7 1858 Priest River. Idaho....7 2081 (Vader. Wash.) Skykomish. Wash 8 931 Terrebonne. Ore 82 . Walcott. N. D 33 964 Yale. S. D 28 1341 Priam, Minn 30 1112 Rye, Wash 75 Slayton, Mont • 10 3527 Teton. Mont 56 2631 Walden, N. D 4 1172 Yankton. S. D . 30 1184 Princeton, Minn 22 976 Siotten. N. D 33 963 Mama. Idaho .7 2082 Waldo, B. C 69 2418 Yarmouth. Minn 4 991 Princeton. B. C..... •77 2103 Smith Lake, Minn 1 1057 Thief River Falls. Minn. Wales, N. D 41 1569 Yarnell, Mont 7 2173 Prindle, Wash 78 Snake River, Wash. _78 ... 25 .. 1135 Walhalla, N. D 38 966 Yellepit, Wash 78 • Prineville. Ore 82 ST. AGATHE. Man..12 780 Snohomish. Wash 8 23 Third Ave., Wash.. .73 . Walker, Minn 23, Yelm. Wash 87 8(.) Prosper, N. 0...4. 34, 35 906 St. Augusta, Minn-1, 12 1017 Snowden. Mont.& 53, 54 1900 Thomas. S. D 31 1760 Page27 1342 Ymir, B. C 76 2386 Putney, S. D 29 1309 St. Bonifachts, Minn..18 945 Soap Lake, Wash 8 1202 Thompson, N. D. .1 872 %Valium, Mont 10 3835 York, Nob 10 1633 Puyallup, Wash • 8, 90. 91 .... St. Cloud, Minn. 1, 12, 22, Sockeye Wash 91 48 Thorne N. I) 46 1644 Walton. Mont 6 3871 York. N. D 2 46 1612 Page27 1043 Sokulk, Wash -73 Thornton. Wash 75 . Waneta. B. C 76 1351 St. Clair, Wash... _90 .... Soldiers' Home, Mont.66 3050 Thorsborg, Minn 201210 Wanoga, Ore 83 . OUAMBA, Mi5n....22 1013 St Helens, Ore 81 • Solway, Minn 15 1454 Tiber. Mont 6 3191 Warba. Minn 15 1277 ZAHL, N. D 51 2000 Quincy. S. D. 31 1507 St. Hilaire. Minn. 25, 26 1093 Somers. Mont 66 2904 Tigard, Ore. 92 . Warko, Ore 83 • Zena, Wash 87 666 Quincy, Wash 8 1305 St. ,lean. Man 12 782 Sonora, N. D 29 988 Tilden Jet.. Minn..15, 25 1120 Warland. Mont..... _7 2187 Zimmerman, Minn....22 977 Quincy, Ore 81 St. Johns. N. D 45 1944 Souris, N. D. .. 47 1520 Tlintah, Minn 4 20 1001 Warren, Minn 12 858 Zurich. Mont 6 238484 TABLE OF SLEEPING CAR RATES INCLUDING SURCHARGE For information only. Subject to change without notice Du- St. Past luth Grand Glacier Seattle *Vancouver Chicago, Minot Great Falls Spokane Portland Minneapolis Su- Fargo Forks Park Tacoma B. C. perior BETWEEN Stand- Tour- Stand- Tour- Stand- Stand- Tour- Stand- Tour- Stand- Tour- Stand- Tour- Stand- Tour- Stand- Tour- Stand- Tour- Stand- Tour- Stand- Tour- ard ist ard ist ard ard ist ard jot ard ist ard ist ard ist ard ist ard ist ard ist ard ist Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Berth Berth Berth Berth LovLowerBerthBerth Berth Berth Berth Berth Berth Berth Berth Berth Berth Berth Berth Berth Berth Berth Berth Berth Berth

Bellingham $23.63 $12.38 $19.88 $10.88 $19.88 $17.63 $ 9.00 017.63 $9.0 $15.00 $7.88 $13.13 $11.25 $ 6.38 $ 7.50 $3.75 Belton 16 50 9.00 12.75 7.50 12.75 10.50 5.63 10.13 5.2 7.88 4.13 3.75 4.13 188 $ 8.25 S4.13 8.25 4.13 $10.50 $ 6.00 Boston 10.13 12.75 17.63 17.63 19.13 24.75 25.50 28.88 32.63 32.63 32.63 Buffalo 5_63 9.00 13.13 12.75 14_63 21.00 22.13 25.50 28.88 28.88 28.88 Butte 15.75 12.38 C)9.00 9.00 9.00 8.25 03.00 0D6.00 (D10.50 000.50 (D13.13 Chicago 3.75 1.88 7.50 3.75 7.50 3.75 9.00 5.25 15.75 16.50 8.63 19.88 $10.50 23.63 12.38 23.63 12.38 23.63 12.38 Cincinnati 3.75 6.38 11.25 10.13 12.75 18.38 20.25 22.50 26.25 26.25 26.25 Cleveland 3.75 7.50 11.25 11.25 12.75 19.50 20.25 23.63 27.00 27.00 27.00 Crookston 7.50 3.75 3.75 3.75 9.00 9.75 QD5.25 13.50 C)6.75 17.63 C)9.00 17.63 C)9.00 17.63 C)9.00 Denver c11.25 c12.38 c14.63 c15.75 c15.75 c18 75 Devils Lake 8.25 4.13 4.50 3.00 4.50 7.88 8.63 4.50 12.38 6.38 16.88 8.63 16.88 863 16.88 8.63 Duluth-Superior 3.00 3.75 5.63 12.00 12.75 16.50 19.88 19.88 19.88 •••• Everett 23.63 12.38 19.88 10.88 19.88 17.63 900 16.88 9.130 15.00 7.88 10.13 8.25 4.50 4.13 2.25 3.75 3.00 Fargo 7.50 3.75 3.75 1.88 9.00 9.75 5.25 13.50 6.75 17.63 9.00 17.63 9.00 17.63 9_00 Fergus Falls 6.38 3.38 3.00 1.88 3.75 1.88 9.75 10.50 5.63 14.63 7.88 18.38 10.13 18.38 10.13 18.38 10.13 riGlamer Park 16.50 8.63 12.75 6.75 12.75 9.75 5.25 9.75 5.25 7.50 3.75 3_00 4.13 2.25 8.25 4.50 8 25 4.50 11.25 6_38 Grand Forks 7.50 3.75 3.75 1.88 3.75 8.63 9.75 5.25 13.50 6.75 17.63 9.00 17.63 9.00 17.63 9.00 Great Falls 15.75 12.00 08.63 9.00 8.63 6.38 3.00 6.00 10.50 10.50 13.13 Havre 14.25 7.50 10,50 5.63 10.50 8.25 4.13 7.50 3.75 5.25 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.38 3.38 10.50 5.63 10.50 5.63 13.13 7 50 Helena 15.75 12.38 0)9.00 9.00 9.00 7.50 00.00 (D6.00 01050 01050 (D13.13 Indianapolis 3.75 7.50 11.25 11.25 12.75 19.50 20.25 22.50 25.50 25.50 25.50 Kansas City 4.50 5.63 9.38 9.38 11_26 c12.75 c15.00 c17.25 c19.88 c19.88 c21.00 Los Angeles b27.00 b14.25 a23.63 al2.38 a26.25 a23.63 al2.38 a23.63 al2.38 a23.63 al2,38 20.63 10.88 16.88 00425 12.38 6.38 16.88 863 Louisville 3.75 6.38 11.25 10.13 12.75 18.38 20.25 22.50 26.25 26 2 26.25 Minot 9.00 5.25 5.63 3.38 5.63 6.38 7.50 3.75 10.88 5.63 15.00 7.88 15.00 7.88 15.00 788 Moorhead 7.50 3.75 3.75 1.88 9.00 9.75 5.25 13.50 6.75 17.63 9.00 17.63 9.00 17.63 9.00 New York 9.00 12.75 16.50 16.50 18.00 24.75 25.50 28.88 32.63 32.03 32.63 Philadelphia 8.25 12.00 15.75 15.75 17.25 24.00 24.75 28.13 31.50 31.50 31.50 Pittsburgh 4.50 8.25 12.00 12.00 13.50 20.25 21.00 24.38 28.13 28.13 28.13 Portland 23.63 12.38 19.88 10.88 19.88 17.63 9.00 17.63 9.00 15.00 7.88 10.50 8.25 4.50 4.50 2.25 3.75 4.50 Sacramento 027.00 b14.25 a23.63 al2.38 a26.25 a23.63 a12 38 a23.63 al2.38 a22.88 012.01 16.13 8.63 12.38 6.38 00.75 788 4.13 12.38 St. Louis 3.75 5,63 9.38 9.38 11.26 c16.50 c18.75 c19.13 c22.50 c22.50 St Paul-Minneapolis 3.75 1.88 3.00 3.75 1.88 3.75 1.88 5.63 3.38 12.00 12.75 6.75 16.50 8.63 19.88 10.88 1988 10.88 19.88 10.88 San Francisco b27.00 b14.25 a23.63 al2.38 a26.25 a23.63 al2.38 a23.63 al2.38 a23.25 al2.38 16.50 9.00 12.75 6.75 ®10.13 8 25 4.50 12.75 6.75 Seattle 23.63 12.38 19.88 10.88 19.88 17.63 9.00 17.63 9.00 15.00 7.88 10.50 8.25 4.500 4.50 2.25 3.75 3.00 Spokane 19.88 10.50 16.50 8.63 16.50 13.50 6.75 13_50 6.75 10.88 5.63 6.00 4.13 2.25 4.50 2.25 4 50 2.25 7.50 Tacoma 23.63 12.38 19.88 10.88 19 88 17.63 9.00 17.63 9.00 15,00 7.88 10.50 8.25 4.50 4.50 2.25 3 75 3.00 Vancouver, B. C 23.63 12.38 19.88 10.88 19.88 17.63 9.00 17.63 9.00 15.00 7.88 13.13 11.25 6.38 7.50 3.00 450 Washington-Baltimore... 8.25 12.00 15.75 15.75 17.25 24.00 24.75 28.13 31.50 31.50 31.50 Wenatchee 21.75 11.25 18.00 9.75 18.00 15.75 8.25 15.00 7.88 12.75 6.75 8.25 6.38 3.38 3.00 1.88 3.00 1.88 4.50 2.25 6.00 Winnipeg 40 8.25 4.50 00.00

ORDFrom Grand Forks. C)To Great Falls. a-Via Portland. 4-Lower berth Glacier Park *Canadian war tax not included in above sleep- 019From Glyndon or Crookston. C)Tacoma 75c less. b-Via S. Paul and Portland. to Billings, $4.50, ing car fares. 0To Grand Forks. ()Tacoma 38c less. c-Via 13.8ings, to Cody 6.00. e-Seat fare in Pullman between Spokane and Seattle $2.25. RATES FOR UPPER BERTH, DRAINING ROOM OR COMPARTMENT IN SLEEPING CAR S INCLUDING SURCHARGE Where Upper Where Upper Drawing Comport- Where Upper Drawing Compart- Where Upper Drawing Compart- Lower Bomb Lower Berth Room ment Lower Berth Room ment Lower Berth Room ment Berth Rate Berth Rate Rate Rate Berth Rate Rate Rate Berth Rate Rate Rate Rate Will RateWill Will Will Will Rate Will Will Will Rate Will Will Will Is Be is Be Be Be Is Be Be Be Is Be Be Be 5 1.88 $ 8.63 $ 6.90 $31.50 $24.75 $15.38 $54.00 $43.50 322.50 $18.00 $79.50 $63.00 2.25 9.00 7.20 31.50 25.50 15.75 55.50 44.25 22.88 IN a° 81.00 64.50 3.00 9.75 7.80 34.50 27.75 16.50 58.50 46.50 23 25 IN 60 82.50 65.25 28.50 17.25 61.50 48.75 23.63 IN 90 84.00 66.75 3.75 10.50 8s40 37.50 30.00 17.63 63.001410 49.50 24.00 19 20 84.00 67.50 4.13 10.88 8.70 39.00 30.75 18.00 63.00 51.00 24.38 19 50 85.50 68.25 4.50 11.25 9.00 40.50 31.50 18.75 66.00 52.50 24.75 19)40 87.00 69.75 5.25 12.00 9.60 42.00 33.75 19.13 67.50 54.00 25.50 20 40 90.00 72.00 5.63 12.38 9.90 43 50 35.25 19.50 69.00 54.75 26.25 21 00 93.00 73.50 0 36.00 19.88 70.50 56.25 27.00 21 60 94.50 75.75 6.38 13.13 10.50 46.50 36 75 20 25 72.00 57.00 28.13 22 50 99.00 78.75 63 73.50 57.75 28.88 23 10 102.00 81.00 7.50 14.25 11.40 51.00 40.50 21,00 73.50 59_25 31.50 25 20 111.00 88.50 7.88 14_63 11.70 52.50 41.25 21.38 75.00 60.00 32.63 26 10 115.50 92.25 8.25 15.00 12.00 52_50 42.00 21.75 76.50 61.50 The minimum lower standard berth rate (including surcharge is 93.00 Parlor Car Seat Rates, Including Sr rcharge: and minimum upper standard berth rate is $2.40. Between St. Par I or Minneapolis, Minn., and Duluth, Minn. $ 1.13 Between St. Paul or Minneapolis, Minn.. and Grand Forks, N. D 2.25 The minimum lower tourist berth rate is $1.88 and the minimum upper Between Duluth, Minn., and Grand Forks, N. D. 1.88 tourist berth rate is 91.50. Between Havre, Mont., and Great Falls, Mont .90 A minimum of two adult railroad tickets is required for the occupancy of Between Great Falls, Mont., and Butte, Mont 1.28 a drawing room and a minimum of 1.3i adult railroad tickets for the Between Helena Mont. and Butte Mont .75 occupancy of a compartment. Between Spokane. Wash., and Portland, Ore. 2.25 Between Spokane and Seattle 2.25 Between Everett, Wash., and Vancouver, B. C * .90 Between Seattle, Wash., and Portland, Ore. 1.50 Between Tacoma, Wash., and Portland, Ore 1.13 *Canadian war tax not included. Between Seattle. Wash.. and Vancouw,r. B. C... *1.13

It 7


THE ORIENTAL LIMITED-ALL STEEL THE GLACIER PARK LIMITED-ALL STEEL Westbound—Read Down Eastbound—Read Up Westbound—Read Down Eastbound—Read Up C. B. & Q. C.& N. W. 1 Burlington Route 2 51 510 Daily Central Time Daily Daily Central Time Daily PM PM PM AM Monday 11 30 Lv Chicago ... 7 00 Thursday Monday 12 10 Lv Chicago Ar Tuesday 11 00 Ar St. Paul Lv 11 30 Thursday 8 00 Thursday Monday 10 40 Ar St. Paul Ly 11 30 Wednesday 3 Great Northern Ry• 4 Tuesday 11 25 Lv St. P.1 Daily Great Northern Ry. Daily 7 30 Thursday Monday 11 00 Lv St. Paul Ar Tuesday 12 01 " Minneapolis 6 55 Thursday 10 30 Wednesday Tuesday 1 35 " St. Cloud Monday 11 45 " Minneapolis 10 00 Wednesday " Willmar " St. Cloud it 8 00 Wednesday 3 55 Thursday 2 30 it Tuesday 6 05 " Fargo Tuesday " Willmar 11 07 Wednesday 7 05 St Tuesday 8 15 " Grand Forks Tuesday " Fargo 3 00 Wednesday it dd " Grand Forks " New Rockford 7 52 Wednesday 12 45 Wednesday Wednesday 2 00 " Minot Tuesday 10 37 " New Rockford di 4 40 Wednesday Tuesday 1 45 " Minot Wednesday 5 25 Ar Williston 1 15 Wednesday 6 45 Wednesday Mountain Time Tuesday 5 20 Ar Williston 2 55 Wednesday Wednesday 4 30 LI, Williston Ar 12 10 Wednesday Mountain Time Wednesday 1 15 Ar Havre Lv Tuesday 4 30 Lv Williston Ar 1 45 %Ved need ay 3 30 Wednesday Wednesday 2 10 Ar Havre Wednesday 7 30 " Glacier Park 9 35 Tuesday 4 50 Tuesday tVednesday 9 50 " Belton di Wednesday 8 10 " Glacier Park Lv 11 42 Tuesday 7 02 Tuesday Wednesday 10 35 " Belton Wednesday 10 35 " Columbia Falls 44 6 30 Tuesday 9 20 Tuesday Wednesday 11 20 tt l'hursday 2 55 " Troy 2 00 Tuesday " Columbia Falls 8 40 Tuesday Pacific Time Wednesday 3 50 " Troy td 4 05 Tuesday 'i'hursday 2 00 Lv Troy Ar 12 55 Tuesday Pacific Time Thursday 6 45 Wednesday 2 55 Lv Troy Ar 3 00 Tuesday Ar Spokane Lv 8 45 Tuesday 7 25 Thursday 7 00 Lv Spokane Ar Wednesday Ar Spokane Lv 10 25 Monday 8 30 Tuesday Wednesday 7 45 Thursday 11 20 Ar Wenatchee Lv 3 25 Tuesday Lv Spokane Ar 10 10 Monday Thursday 4 53 " Everett Thursday 12 30 Ar Wenatchee Lv 4 60 Monday 10 02 Monday Thursday 6 22 •thursday 6 00 " Seattle 9 00 Monday " Everett 11 05 Monday Thursday 7 30 di Thursday 7 40 " Taeoma 7 20 Monday " Seattle 10 00 Monday Thursday e 9 05 " Tacoma di e 5 25 Monday 223 Conflicting Trains 236 eBy'connecting train Wednesday 1 35 Iv liners Ar 2 00 Wednesday 235 Connecting Trains 224 Wednesday 5 35 Ar I:rent Falls Lv " 10 25 Tuesday Wednesday 3 30 Lv Havre Ar 12 30 Tuesday 7 15 Tuesday 7 30 Ar Great Falls - Lv " Butte di Wednesday 8 30 Tuesday 4 15 Tuesday Wednesday 11 20 " Helena 249 246 Wednesday 2 30 " Butte Wednesday 10 35 Lv Columbia Falls Ar 6 15 Tuesday 243 Wednesday 11 10 Ar Kalispell, Lv 5 30 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 11 20 Lv Columbia Falls Ar 8 20 Spokane. Portland and 'Wednesday 12 01 Lv 7 35 Se little RY• kr Kalispell •I'llursday 7 20 I,v Spokane Ar 7 30 Tuesday 3 Thursday 6 10 Ar Portland .Lv 9 00 Monday Spokane, Portland and 358 355 Seattle Ry. Wednesday 7 55 I,v Spokane Ar 10 00 Thursday 6 05 Lv Everett Ar 9 03 Monday Thursday 6 10 Ar Portland Ly 10 00 Thursday 8 15 " Bellingham Lv 6 50 Monday Thursday 10 45 Ar Vancouver Lv 4 30 Monday 390 357

Westbound—ORIENTAL LIMITED. Pullman equipped. Ladies' Maid, Valet t,vSeattleAr7 00Monday Service, Barber Shop, Shower Ilittha for men and for women. Thursday 9 20 " Everett 5 47 Monday Sleepers open for occupancy in Chlettgo tit 9.30 11. m. Thursday 11 55 " Bellingham 2 50 Monday Observation Parlor Car. Chicago to Seattle and Tacoma. (Drawing Room, 2 Thursday 2 30 Ar Vancouver Lv 12 01 Monday Compartments. Lounge, Smoking Boom.) Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, Chicago to Glacier Park. Seattle, Tacoma and Westbound—GLACIER PARK LIMITED. Portland Sleepers at St. Paul are open for occupancy at 9:00 p. m. Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car, St. Paul and Minneapolis to Seattle. Pullman Observation Sleeping Car, St. Paul-Minneapolis to Glacier Park and Pullman Tourist Sleeping Car. Chicago to Seattle and Tacoma. Seattle. Pullman Tourist Sleeping Car, Spokane to Portland, via S. P. S. Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car Chicago to Portland via S. P. & S.. Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car, Chicago to Glacier Park (C. B. & Q. Spokane to Portland. (1 0 sect ions. 2 Coin part men ts, Drawing Room.) No. 59 to St. Paul). (Sleeping Cars ready for occupancy Chicago at 9.30 p. m. Central Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car, Glacier Park to Seattle. Standard Time.) Pullman Drawing Room Sleeper, Minneapolis to Fargo. Pullman Parlor Car, St. Paul and Minneapolis to Grand Forks, Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car, St. Paul-Minneapolis to Helena, Dining Car, Chicago to Seattle. on Train 235 Havre to Helena. First Class Coach and Smoking Car. Chicago to Seattle and Tacoma. Pullman Tourist Sleeping Car, St. Paul-Minneapolis to Seattle. For complete time. see Tables I to 8, inc. Pullman Tourist Sleeping Car, Spokane to Portland via S. P. & S. Eastbound—ORIENTAL LIMITED. Pullman equipped. Ladies' Maid. Valet Pullman Standard Sleeping Car, St. Paul-Minneapolis to Yankton via Willmar Service, Barber Shop, Shower Baths for men and for women. and Train 51. Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cam Portland, Tacoma and Seattle to Glacier Park Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car, Spokane to Seattle. and Chicago. Pullman Drawing Room Standard Sleeping Car, Wenatchee to Seattle (open Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car. Seattle to Wenatchee. Sleeper may be for occupancy 9:30 p. m.) Eastbound this car leaves Seattle on No. 2 at occupied until 7:30 a. m. at Wenatehee. 8:00 p. Pullman Tourist Sleeping Car, Tacoma and Seattle to Chicago. Dining Car, St. Paul-Minneapolis to Seattle. Pullman Tourist Sleeping Car. Portland to Spokane via S. P. it, S. First Class Coach and Smoking Car. Observation Parlor Car (Drawing Room. 2 Compartments, Lounge, Smoking Rooms.) For complete time, see Tables 1 to 8, inc. Tacoma-Seattle to Chicago. Eastbound—GLACIER PARK LIMITED. Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car, Portland to Chicago via S. P. & S., Portland to Spokane. (10 Sections. 2 ("ompartments, Drawing Room.) Pullman Observation Sleeping Car, Seattle and Glacier Park to Minneapolis- Dining Car. Seattle to Chicago. St. Paul (effective June 15). Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car. Helena to St. Paul. on train 236 Helena to Havre. Pullmanapolis andDrawing St. Paul. Room Sleeping Car, Seattle and Glacier park to Minne- Pullman Parlor Car, Minneapolis-St-Paul to Chicago. Pullman Tourist Sleeping Car, Seattle to Minneapolis-St. Paul. Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car. Seattle to Spokane. Pullman Parlor Car, Grand Forks to Minneapolis and St. Paul. First Class Coach and Smoking Car. Tacoma to Chicago. Dining Car, Seattle to Minneapolis-St. Paul. For complete time. see Tables I to 8, inc. First Class Coach and Smoking Car. For complete time, see Tables 1 to 8, inc.

Time from 1201 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light taco typo; time from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy face type. CONDENSED SCHEDULES AND EQUIPMENT—Continued KANSAS CITY, BILLINGS, GREAT FALLS, SPOKANE AND SEATTLE ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS. WINNIPEG Westbound—Read Down Eastbound—Read U Trains 7 and 8 43 44 Compartment Observation Sleeping Car, St. Paul-Minneapolis and Winnipeg. Burlington Route. Pullman 12 Sect. Drawing Room Sleeping Cars. St. Paul-Minneapolis and Winnipeg. Daily Central Time Daily Dining Car, St. Paul-Minneapolis and Winnipeg. 7 20 .,v St. Louis Ar 8 25 Fr. For complete time, see Table 12...... Mo. " Mo. 6 30 " Kansas City 7 25 Fr. DULUTH, SUPERIOR, CROOKSTON AND GRAND FORKS Mo. 8 45 " 5 05 Fr. " St. Joseph " Mo. 11 50 " Omaha 12 40 Fr. Trains 35 and 36 Duluth and Grand Forks Night Express Tu. 1 15 " Lincoln " 11 00 Tu. Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car between Duluth-Superior and Grand Forks. Trains 33 and 34 Mountain Time Buffet Parlor Car and Coaches between Duluth and Grand Forks. Tu. 1 55 Lv Denver ATI° 25 Th. For complete time, see Table 15. Tu. 1 35 " Alliance. " 10 50 Th. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, SIOUX FALLS, SIOUX CITY ...... We. 5 30 Ar Billings Lv 7 10 We, Trains 51 and 52 Great Northern Ry. Pullman Standard Sleeping Car, between St. Paul-Minneapolis and Yankton, handled We. 5 501.,v Billings... Ar4 40 We. on trains 3 and 10 between St. Paul and Willmar. We. 1 20 Ar Great Falls Lv 7 50 We For complete time, see Table 30. 1 We, 1 35 Lv Great Falls Ar 7 00 We. 2 Trains 191 and 192 We. 4 IA, 3 25 We. Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car, between Fargo and Aberdeen, handled on trains Daily 30 Ar Shelby Daily 9 and 10 between Fargo and Breckenridge. This car does not leave Fargo Saturday We. 4 45 We. 4 451,v Shelby Ar 3 05 Tu. 12 05 We. nights or Aberdeen Sunday nights. We. 6 35 We. 6 351,v Blackfoot AT— — 10 23 Tu. For complete time. see Table 29. We, 7 30 We. 7 30 Ar Glacier Park... 11 59 Tu. 9 35 Tu. SEATTLE AND VANCOUVER, B. C. We. 9 50 " Belton.. Ar 7 02 Tu. We. 11 10 Ar Kalispell IN 5 30 Tu. Trains 356 and 357 The Owl Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car, between Seattle and Vancouver. B. C. Sleeping Pacific Time cars may be occupied after 9:30 p. m. and until 8:00 a. tn. Th. 6 45 Ar Spokane Lv 8 45 Tu. Trains 358 and 359 International Limited Th. 6 00 " Seattle. 9 00 MO. Observation Parlor Car and Dining Car between Seattle and Vancouver, B. C. Th. 7 40 " Tacoma di 7 20 Mo. Train 360 The Canadian, and Train 355 The American 9 00 Mo. Observation Parlor Car and Dining Car between Seattle and Vancouver, B. C. Th. 6 10 " Portland(S.PAS.) . . For complete time see table 91. SEATTLE, TACOMA, PORTLAND AND CALIFORNIA Train 43 Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car, Kansas City to Glacier Park via C. B. & Q., from Tickets are interchangeable on all trains scheduled between Seattle and Portland. Billings. Passengers availing themselves of this optional route arrangement should recheck their Pullman Drawing Room Sleeper, Cody to Glacier Park (via C. B. & Q. to Billings). baggage- otherwise it will be subject to delay. Coaches, Kansas City to Glacier Park. SOUTHBOUND Dining Car. Billings to Glacier Park. No. 401—Daily Standard Sleeping Cars, Seattle to Portland, 12 Sections, Drawing ItooM. Train 44 Coaches, Seattle to Portland. No. 407—Daily Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car, Glacier Park to Kansas City via Billings and C. Observation and Parlor Cars, Seattle to Portland. B. & Q. R. R. Standard Sleeping Cars, Seattle to Los Angeles, 10 Sections, Drawing Room. Compart- Pullman Drawing Room Sleeper, Glacier Park to Cody via C. B. & Q. from Billings ments (S. P. Nos. 15-61-60 Portland to Los Angeles via CMCIIIII• line, Sacramento and Dining Car, Glacier Park to Billings. Bakersfield). Coaches, Glacier Park to Kansas City. Seattle to Los Angeles, 12 Sections, Drawing Room. (S. P. Nos. 15-61-60 Portland to For complete time, see Tables 10 and Los Angeles via Cascade Line, Sacramento and Bakersfield). Coaches, Seattle to Portland. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS AND DULUTH-SUPERIOR Dining Car, serving all meals. No. 459—Daily Observation and Parlor Cars, Seattle to Portland. G. N., N. P., and Soo Line tickets are interchangeable on any of these trains. Standard Sleeping Cars, Seattle to Oakland, 14 Sections. (S. P. No. 17 from Portland G. N. Limited, Trains Nos. 19-20; Observation, Parlor Car, Dining Car and via Cascade Line). Coaches. Seattle to Oakland, 6 Compartments, 3 Drawing Rooms (S. P. No. 17 from Portland G. N. Badger Express, Trains Nos. 23-24; Observation, Parlor Car, Dining Car and via Cascade Line). Coaches. Coaches, Seattle to Portland. Soo Line Nos. 62-63 Duluth-Superior Limited; Buffet. Library, Observation, Parlor Dining Car, serving all meals. Cars and Coaches. No. 563—Daily N. P. Twin City-Twin Ports Local, Trains Nos. 61-62-63-64; Coaches, Observation, Standard Sleeping Cars, Seattle to Portland, 16 Sections, 12 Section Drawing Room. Cafe Car. Seattle to Hoquiam, 12 Sections, Drawing Room (No. 577 Centralia to Hoquiam). N. P. Lake Superior Limited, Trains Nos. 59-60; Coaches, Parlor Car, Dining Car and Seattle to Oakland, 10 Sections, Drawing Room. Compartments; 12 Sec. D. R. (S. Observation Car. P. No. 11 Portland to Oakland via Siskiyou Line). N. P. Twin City-Twin Ports Express, Trains Nos. 65-66; Coaches and Pullman Sleep- Tacoma to Portland, 14 Sections, Drawing Room. ing Car. Hoquiam to Portland, 12 Sections, Drawing Room. (No. 578 lioquiam to Centralia For complete time, see Table 13. (open 9:30 p. Coaches, Seattle to Portland. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, NORTH DAKOTA AND MONTANA (Sleepers open at Seattle and Tacoma at 9:30 p. m. Passengers may remain in Sleepers on arrival Portland until 7:30 a. m.) Trains 29 and 30 For complete time see table 90. NORTHBOUND Sleepers ready at St. Paul for occupancy at 9:30 p. m. No. 402—Daily Pullman Drawing Room Sleeper. St. Paul-Minneapolis to Crookston (on No. 129 from Standard Sleeping Cars. Portland to Seattle, 12 Sections, Drawing Room (open 9:30 p. m.) Barnesville). Portland to Tacoma, 14 Sections, Drawing Room (open 9:30 p. m.) Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car, between St. Paul-Minneapolis and Grand Forks Coaches, Portland to Seattle. and Devils Lake. (Sleeping cars parked at Tacoma and Seattle until 8:00 a. m.) Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car, between Minneapolis, Fargo and Grand Forks. No. 408—Daily Pullman Drawing Room Sleeper, Crookston to Minneapolis and St. Paul. Train 130 Observation and Parlor Cars, Portland to Seattle. to Barnesville and Train 30 to Minneapolis and St. Paul. Standard Sleeping Cars, Los Angeles to Seattle, 10 Sections, Drawing Room. Com- Sleeper may be occupied until 7:30 a. in. at Minneapolis. partments (S. P. Nos. 59-62-16 from Los Angeles via Bakersfield. Sacramento and Sleeper ready for occupancy at 9:30 p. m. at Fargo. Cascade Line). For complete time, see Tables 1, 2 and 12. Los Angeles to Seattle, 12 Sections, Drawing Room. (S. P. Nos. 59-62-16 from Los Trains 9 and 10 Angeles via Bakersfield. Sacramento and Cascade Line). Coaches, Portland to Seattle. Pullman Drawing Room Standard Sleeping Car, Fargo and Aberdeen via Breckenridge Dimming Car, serving all meals. and trains 191 and 192. This car does not leave Fargo on Saturdays or Aberdeen on No. 458—Daily Sundays. Sleeper may be occupied at Fargo until 7.30 a. m. Observation and Parlor Cars, Portland to Seattle. Pullman Standard Sleeping Car, Yankton to Minneapolis-St. Paul on train 52 to Will- Standard Sleeping Cars, Oakland to Seattle, 14 Sections. (S. P. No. 18 from San Fran- mar, thence train 10. For complete time, see Tables 1, 3, 29-37. cisco via Cascade Line). Oakland to Seattle, 6 Compartments, 3 Drawing Rooms (S. P. No. 18 from San Fran- ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, GREAT FALLS AND HELENA cisco via Cascade Line). Coaches. Portland to Seattle. Trains 223 and 224 Dining Car, serving all meals. Parlor-Observation Car between Great Falls and Havre. No. 564—Daily Trains 235 and 236 Standard Sleeping Cars, Oakland to Seattle, 10 Sections, Drawing Room. Compart- ments: 12 Sec. D. R. (S. P. No. 12 from San Francisco via Hiskiyou Line). Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car, Havre to Helena, from St. Paul on train 3. Hoquiam to Seattle, 12 Sections, Drawing Room. (No. 578 lioquiam to Centralia) Cafe-Observation Car, Great Fails to Butte. (open 9:30 p. m.) Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, Helena to Minneapolis-St. Paul, on train 2. Havre to St. Paul. Portland to Seattle. 16 Sections. 12 Sections Drawing Room. Portland to Hoquiam. 12 Sections. Drawing Room (No. 1;77 Centralia to Hogulaml• Cafe-Observation Car, Butte to Great Falls. Coaches. Portland to Seattle. For complete time, see Table 56. (Sleepers open at Portland at 9:30 p. m. Passengers may remain in Sleepers on arrival Trains 237-238 Seattle. Tacoma or lioquiam until 8:00 a. m.) Cafe, Observation Car between Great Falls and Butte, see Table 58. For complete time see table 90. .,1••• Time from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light face type; time from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy tacit type.. 9

BuE ENR 91 Pe N Butlington TOURRoute*S Are planned summer vacation tours to the National Parks of the Rocky Mountains magic Yellowstone National Park, Glacier National Park where the Rockies surge and toss in the wildest confusion; Rocky Mountain National (Estes) Park in the heart of Colo- rado's mile-high mountain world—the Black Hills of South Dakota, Pikes Peak in the Colorado Springs- Manitou region; seven delightful and comprehensive California tours; four thrilling tours embracing the Pacific Northwest and Alaska through the famous "in- side passage." (Three of these Alaska tours include Rainier National Park —the fourth includes a new wonderland, Mt. Baker). Every detail of each tour is carefully planned in advance. Train riding is done in special Pullmans; hotel tables at stopover points are set and ready when meal time comes; a fleet of motor cars awaits us at hotel door and station platform; bags and suitcases disappear when they require carrying but turn up magically in your hotel; there are no meal checks pre- Daily to September 30. sented; no bills at all to pay in fact ; the best of every- thing is seen and done without having to ask direc- To both eastern and western tions, consult time tables, maps or guide books; no destinations chance of wasting a day doing the wrong thing and missing something more worth while. Everything is Return Limit October 31. planned in advance all the way through. An escort who is at once a guide and a business manager relieves Tickets sold at these fares are good for liberal stop- everybody of all responsibilities. A lump sum paid in overs both going or returning, including Glacier Na- advance covers all necessary expenses from start to tional Park, thereby permitting the vacationist to visit finish. You see the most, in the best way and with no waste of time. the many delightful summer resorts and cities whose The total cost is well within average means and attractions have made the Northwest and the Pacific really surprisingly low. Coast the most popular summer playgrounds in For detailed information communicate with Great America. You have your choice of routes returning. Northern representatives in principal cities listed on You'll enjoy a trip through "Northwest Adventure- page 2, or A. J. Dickinson land" on the famous New Oriental Limited, faster time, no extra fare. Passenger Traffic Manager St. Paul, Minn. Send today for free booklets.

GLACIER PARK YELLOWSTONE PARK A. J. Dickinson, Passenger Traffic Manager, St. Paul, Minn. C. W. Meldrum, Asst. Genl. Passenger Agent, Seattle, Wash. Through Pullman Service Beginning June 2 E. G. Yocum, Pass Agt., Burlington Route, Cody, Mont. 8 30 Lv Cody (Burlington Route) Ar 7 15 10 05 Lv ....Frannie •, ,, Ar 5 10 12 Great Northern 45 Ar....Billings di di Lv 2 00 5 50 Lv Billings (Great Northern) Ar 4 40 ' 7 53 Ar. .. Glacier Park " Lv 11 59 A Dependable Railway 10 CHICAGO, TWIN CITIES AND PACIFIC NORTHWEST Westbound—Read Down Eastbound—Read up VIA ST. CLOUD, FARGO, GRAND Chien- Glacier Red Winni- Winni- Red Glacier Orien- FORKS tal tal Park River peg peg River Park Limqd Limqd Lim'td Lim'td Limqd Lim'td Lim'td Lim'td Alti- tudes 1 TABLE 1 2 4-510 30 8 12 29 51-3 1 Central Time 11 7 Daily Daily Daily Daily Ex.Sun Ex.Sun. Daily Daily Daily Daily 68 PM PM BURLINGTON ROUTE PM AM 2257 700 11 30 12 10 11 30 0 IR Chicago (Union Station) Ar 588 5 57 103 12 25 37 "Aurora " 647 2220 2110 3 21 Via For connect ions to Chicago For con nection sfromC hi eago 3 40 3 25 145 " Savanna ...... 2071 2 25 AN.W. and points e ant see page 41 66 and poi nts east seepage 41. 4 15 - - 186 " Dubuque 698 7 05 7 10 298 " LaCrosse " 658 1959 11 35 510 6 55 7 45 328 " Winona " 853 1929 10 55 •-; 1826 800 11 30 o 10 40 11 00 431 Ar St. Paul o(Union Station). Lv 727 AM AM PM c73 AM PM PM GREAT NORTHERN RY 727 1826 7 30 10 30 725 745 5 35 i E1:.t, .6 8 15 5 05 9 45 11 00 11 25 0 Lv St. Paul (State Capitol) Ar 815 1815 7 05 10 05 700 720 5 10 — a 8 45 5 35 10 15 11 30 11 55 11 AT Minneapolis °f(G. N. Station) Lv 1815 6 55 10 00 650 712 4 45 8 55 5 45 10 25 11 45 12 01 11 Lv Minneapolis (Great Flour Mills). At 884 1809 j-- j-- 4 26 no 9 12 ------17 " Robbinsdale Lv 894 1802 4 13 0- E a 9 24 ------24 " Osseo 4-- -- 4-- -- f 4 00 -C srl 0 c", 026 1798 -- 4-- f 9 31 - - - - 28 " Maple Grove 965 1793 3 53 9 41 - - - - 33 " Rogers a 963 1787 3 40 ...... 9 52 - - - - 39 " Albertville a ec; 936 1779 f 5 39 3 21 10 05 f 6 40 - - 47 " Monticello Id 1016 1771 304 T, 71 a 10 17 — — — — 55 " Enfield di 983 1769 2 59 10 20 — — — — 57 " Hasty di i -- 963 1764 4------2 48 a 10 30 — — — — 62 " Clearwater di f 2 32 1 — — 69 " St. Augusta 1017 1757 j-- j------110 42 1043 175 8 0 447 530 2 20 11 05 7 25 12 02 1 35 75 " St- Cloud,' 12,22 (Granite Quar.). 1 48 - 1088 174 j-- j-- 11 19 - -Z - 82 " St. Joseph (St. Benedict's Academy) 1095 174 1 30 °„ 11 2 4-- 4 - - -0 - 85 " Collegeville (St. John's University) 1132 1736 4-- -- 4 1 22 11 35 - - .. - - 90 " Avon a 1201 1730 -- 1 10 11 4 - - - - 96 " Albany (Two River) 4C 1240 17'24 12 581 07, 11 5 I -- 1 813 •— — — — '''' 1:, — — 102 " Freeport a 1211 1718 654 j 3 4 -- -- 12 4 E 4 12 1 - -- 12 54fzH-4 ,9 — — 108 " Melrose° (Sauk River) di 1254 1710 6 40 3 3 -- 1112 4 8 29 1 14 1,1211 563: g ''',, —- —- 116124 "" WestSauk UnionCenter ...ing 12, 23School (State for 7'rain-Girls) " 1337 1702 -- 4-- 2,/3 12 58 - - - - _., o 1345 1696 11 45 1 09 6 18 4-- citNg 8 52 - - 130 " Osakis (Osakis Lake) 1369 1690 - - - - 11 34 Pfli 1 19 - - •1-?3 - - 136 " Nelson Ci 1382 1687 - - - - I 1T - - — —H ,-4 — — 139 " Geneva Beach (Lake Geneva) . . . 1390 1685 5 58 244 345 11 24 1 30 D• 9 15 1 52 3 0 141 " Alexandria (Chain of Lakes) 1417 1678 j-- - 11 10 —61:3 1 43 j- cr4= - -- ' 0- - 14 " Garfield" a 1389 1672 _ _ - - 11 00 o 154 - - 1 50 ,-1 - - 15 " Brandon (Chippewa Lake) a 1354 1667 527 4-- -- 2 06 - - - - 159 " Evansville 12, 20 (Pioneer Town) i, 1277 1663 1 40 04,1 4'4132 15 - - - - 163 Melby (Lake Christina) I- 4------1275 1658 b 5 03 4-- -- 1 32 I 2 26 - - - - 168 " Ashby 1152 1651 1 20 2 42 4------175 " Dalton 1231 1645 j-- J-- fl 08 f 2 54 ------181 " Parkdale (Swan and Pebble Lakes). 1196 1640 4 45 1 17 2 33 1 00 3 14 10 22 3 28 4 14 186 " Fergus Falls 12, 190 (State Insane 1!11 1230 1631 37 3 29 ------195 " Carlisle iityissi) j-- 26 I 1 I 1194 1623 4------0 • •-•= g 3 46 ------203 " Rothsay dd 13 4 0 — — — — — — 210 " Lawndale 1074 1616 4------1609 3 48 12 24 -- -- 58 4 2 - - 4 35 - - 217 " Barnesville 12° 42 4 3 932 1601 J------225 ' Baker di 933 1594 -- 31 112 114 113 111 4 4 — — — — — — 232 " Sabin (South Branch Buffalo River) 26 919 159 j-- - • Motor Motor f 4 54 ------235 " Ruthruff 11 17 3 06 11 46 1 03 15 Motor Motor 5 10 007 158 Car Car 11 47 5 15 6 55 5 55 241 Ar Moorhead, Minn.° (Red River) 007 158 11 12 300 11 35 12 58 10 Car Car 5 20 All 59 5 20 7 00 6 00 242 " Fargo, N. D.° 4, 29, 34, 35, 37 . Lv Ex.Sun. Ex.Sun. Ex.Sun. Ex.Sun. (Commercial Center of North Dakota) 255 11 9 15 4 15 5 30 7 05 6 05 24 Lv Fargo . Ar 90 158 11 07 From 500 10 00 892 157 24 850 3 53 517 10 17 To f 5 47 - - 250 " Harwood 1.,v Win ni- 889 157 - - fit° 50 8 37 3 41 528 10 28 Winni- f 5 57 - - 25 " Argusville s' id 8 25 3 29 peg f 6 08 - - 26 " Gardner '4 " 891 1563 - flO 37 Peg 540 10 40 via 898 1557 fib 25 Vilt 8 13 3 17 5 52 10 52 f 6 19 - - 269 Grandin t.,.. Crooks- 902 1551 — —it- 13 Crooks. 7 59 3 05 603 11 03 f 6 30 -- 27 " Kelso. ,.. to- f 7 51 f 2 58 ton — — — — 27 "I Alton di 904 1549 - - - f 6 09 fll 09 See 1546 1 53 10 00 7 45 2 52 620 11 17 6 45 7 0 28 " Hillsboro (County Seat) ,4 007 Tables Tables a 1108 1542 f 7 34 f 2 40 f 6 27 fll 25 - - - - 284 Taft " 12 an 7 24 2 32 37 and - - 288 " Cummings • " 934 1538 - - -9 4-6 d 637 11 32 6 59 " ft -'Zl 935 37 7 10 f 2 20 12 7 10 - - 294 " Buxton , a 936 1532 649 11 42 914 15'27 924 7 00 2 10 7 00 11 54 7 20 - - 299 " Reynolds 3 di 6 52 1 58 7 32 - - 306 " Thompson ; di 872 1520 912 712 12 10 852 1515 1901 ...... f 6 44 f 1 48 f 7 21 112 21 1742- - 311" MerrifieldLZ" - - f 6 35 f 1 35 - -- - 318" University 835 1508 f 7 35 112 37 1506 12 45 840 6 30 1 30 740 12 45 8 00 8 00 320 At Grand Forks°2, 15, 38, 41. Ly 834

SEE THE TWIN CITIES Effective June 10, 1928, the Northland Transportation Co. will operate a sightseeing bus between St. Paul and Minneapolis in connection with trains Nos. 1 and 2. Westbound bus will meet the Oriental Limited (Train No. 1) upon arrival at St. Paul and take passengers through the business and residential districts of St. Paul, along the Mississippi River Drive, through the University of Minnesota Campus in Minneapolis, to the Great Northern station in Minneapolis. a distance of seventeen miles, making direct connection with the train leaving that city. Eastbound the same arrangement will be made; the bus will meet the Oriental Limited (Train No. 2) at Minneapolis Station, taking the passenger via the same route reversed to Union Station in St. Paul, making connection with the train there. SECURE TICKETS FROM DINING CAR STEWARD ON TRAIN.

Time from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light taco type; time from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy face type. — CHICAGO, TWIN CITIES AND PACIFIC NORTHWEST—Continued. Westbound—Read Down VIA ST. CLOUD, FARGO, GRAND FORKS. 201 Eastbound—Read Up 205 Motor Car 29 1 Miles Alti- 202 TABLE gy Miles 4 30 Motor Car 206 Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. Daily Daily Central Time la tud es Daily Daily Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. AM PM AM PM AM PM 8 50 3 15 8 30 8 15 320 AM PM Lv Grand Forks 01. 15, 38, 41 Ar 834 1506 12 30 8 15 11 55 6 35 (Center of the Red River Valley) 8 57 3 19 c— — — — 322 " University (State University) Lv 835 1504 — — I— — ill 49 6 29 f 9 09 f 3 29 c— — — — 327 " Powell " 848 I 9 18 f 3 37 1499 — — I— — ill 36 f 6 18 c— — — — 331 " °MO, 1495 — — 9 25 3 46 c— — I— — ill 27 f 6 10 — — 336 " Emerado " 907 1490 — — I— — 9 38 3 57 c— — — — 11 18 6 02 342 " Arvilla " 1019 1484 — — I— — • 9 51 410 9 30 — — 348 11 08 5 52 Ar Larimore 33, 41 Lv 1135 1478 11 44 7 21 10 58 5 41 9 30 — — 348 ix Larimore Ar 11 44 f 9 43 1478 7 21 To — — 355 " Shawnee Lv 1231 1471 — — Han- f 9 58 — — f 7 02 From 362 " Niagara 1443 1464 — — f 6 51 nah HO12 — — 368 ,0-, " Han- " Petersburg , -2 " 1524 1458 — — I 6 39 , See 11024 — — 374 " Michigan nab 0-4 " 1520 1452 — — f 6 25 See Table 110 33 — — 378 " Mapes 1530 Zsiii "" 1448 — — f 6 12 Table 41 1110 10 03 384 " Lakota 42 (County Seat) 1518 fit20 1442 10 45 6 02 41 — --c 388 " Bartlett 1534 1438 — — f 544 9 11131 — -4 393 ,'...... E " " Doyon 1512 1433 -- f 5 34 10 Ex.Sun. 111 42 — — 398 ,.:fk " " Crary 1488 1428 — — f 5 23 Na. Sun. ill53 — — , 404 " Keith " PM 1487 1422 — — I 511 12 10 10 49— 409 Ar Devils Lake 035,43, 45 (Sully Hill Nat'l Park) Lv 1 35 12 30 1417 10 00 5 00 PM 10 49„ 409 Lv Devils Lake (Fort Totten, established 1862). Ar 1472 1417 10 00 4 40 f 1 47 12 42 — —i-: 416 12 30 " Grand Harbor (Devils Lake) Ly 1458 1410 — — 4 19 112 18 1 59 12 55 — —S. 422 " Penn " 2 10 1469 1404 — — 4 08 12 08 1 12 — --g• 428 " Church's Ferry 45 (Lake Irvin) " 1460 f 1 26 1308 x 9 28 3 56 11 57 — —0. 435 " Niles " 1521 1391 — — 1 44 — — I 3 40 439 " Leeds (Old Buffalo Grounds) " 1514 1387 9 09 3 33 2 OS — — 445 " York 46 " 1612 To 2 20 — — 1381 x 8 59 320 451 " Knox " 1605 1375 — — 3 OS Bran- 2 32 — — 457 From don f 2 42 - - " Pleasant Lake (Last great round-up of the " 1603 1369 — — 2 54 Bran- 461 " Fero Vigilantes) " 1565 1365 — — f 2 42 don See 3 00 12 13 466 " Rugby 47 (County Seat) " 1562 1360 8 25 2 31 See Table 3 IS — — 471 " Tunbridge " 45 1509 1355 — — 2 07 Table 3 27 — — 478 " Berwick " 1484 3 44 1348 — — 1 SS 45 12 40 485 " Towner 48 (Mouse River, County Seat) " 1478 1341 7 53 1 42 3 59 — — 494 " Denbigh " — — 1516 1332 — — 1 20 f 409 ..____499 " Riga 1512 1327 — — f 109 506 4 ..... — " Granville 49 (Buffalo Lodge Lake) " 1513 1320 x 7 21 12 57 513 " Norwich " 1529 1313 12 39 4 a — — — — 520 " Surrey " 1625 1306 — — 12 25 5 1.0 1 50 527 kr Minot 04, 5 (State Normal). Lv 1560 1299 645 12 10 Continued—Table 5, Page 13 TWIN CITIES AND PACIFIC NORTHWEST Westbound—Read Down . VIA WILLMAR, FARGO, Eastbound—Read Up Glacier NEW ROCKFORD Orien- Park M M tal Limited i Alt.)- i Limited I TABLE q tildes I 2041 9 51-3 c Central Time 0 e 2 10 14-12 Ex. Sun. Daily Daily 5 a Daily Daily Ex. Sun. AM PM PM PM AM — — — — 12 10 PM Lv Chicago Ar 7 00 — — — — — — — — 10 40 B. & Q R. R.) 1 900 Ar St. Paul) • • " i Lv 8 00 — — — — 30 11 00 0 Lv St. Paul 0 (Union Station)... Ar 727 7 30 5 35 935 55 1794 7 15 11 30 11 Ar Minneapolis 4 (G. N. Sta.).. Lv 815 1783 7 05 6 50 5 10 9 45 10 11 45 11 Lv Minneapolis Ar 1783 6 55 6 40 —473— 1016 38 — — 24 " Wayzata 18 (Lake Minnetonka) Lv 939 — 1025 1770 6 13 4 28 46 — — 27 " Long Lake " 989 1767 — — 6 05 421 10 37 55 — — 31 " Maple Plain (Lake Independence) " 946 10Si) 05 1763 — — 5 52 4 10 — — 38 " Delano (Crow River) " 947 1756 — — 5 35 3 55 11 00 17 — — 45 " Montrose " 1001 1749 — 5 21 3 40 1107 22 — — 48 1000 — 1120 " Waverly (Lake Waverly) " 1746 5 15 3 35 32 — — 53 " Howard Lake " 1015 1741 — — 11 25 505 3 23 f 37 — — 56 " Smith Lake " 1057 1738 — — f 5 00 11 35 47 — — 3 15 59 " Cokato " 1055 1735 — — 4 54 3 10 11 47 00 — — 65 " Dassel (Spring Lake) " 1089 — 11 59 1729 4 42 2 55 10 — — 70 " Darwin attire Darwin) " 1135 1724 — 12 12 25 4 32 2 47 1 35 76 " Litchfield (Lake Ripley). " 1133 1718 — 4 21 2 37 12SO 40 — — 84 " Grove City " 1195 12 45 1710 — — 4 06 2 20 SO — — 89 " Atwater " 1220 1705 — — 12 58 1 02 3 58 2 12 — — 96 " Kandiyohi " 1227 1698 — — 348 201 115 1 15 215 102 Ar Willmar 04,22,29,30 . . . Lit 1133 1692 405 335 150

Figures opposite stations refer to numbers of tables showing connecting trains.

Trains 1 and 2, The Oriental Limited, carry but a limited amount of baggage. Baggage belonging to passengers on these trains may be forwarded by another train at option of railroad company 0—U. S. Postal Box on platform, k—Stops to let off passengers from points west of Minot. c—Stops to pick up passengers for points west of Church's Ferry. 1—Stops to let off passengers from points west of Devils Lake. f—Flag stop. x—Stops to discharge passengers from Minot and points west. For condensed schedules and equipment of trains, see pages 8-9-10.

me from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown In light face type; time from 12.01 noon to 12'00 midnight shown in heavy face type. CHICAGO, TWIN CITIES AND PACIFIC NORTHWEST—Continued.

Westbound—Read Down VIA WILLMAR, FARGO, NEW ROCKFORD Eastbound—Read up Glacier . al Oriental 10 14 13 9 Park 0 TABLE A Alti- :72 Limited Daily Ex. Sun. Daily Limited 7-7•* Hz. Sun. ye Central Time .1 tudes 2 Daily 3 Daily — PM PM AM AM AM PM 1133 3 55 3 15 1 25 1 55 10 35 2 30 102 Lv Willmar 3, 22, 29, 30 Ar 1692 — — 109 " Pennock Lv 1126 1685 — — f 3 00 1 05 2 10 10 46 " -- 246 12 52 10 57 — — 116 " Kerkhoven 1113 1678 2 23 " 1191 -- f 2 25 12 42 2 33 11 07 — — 121 " Murdock 1673 " 1064 1669 — — f 2 15 12 35 2 43 ill 16 — — 125 " De Graff " 11 37 3 15 133 " Benson 28 (Chippewa River; Co. Seat) 1050 1661 — — 2 01 12 25 3 05 " 1048 — — — — 11 56 3 15 ill 47 — — 138 " Ciontarf 1656 144 1650 — — — — — — " Hynes. 1 30 11 35 12 05 — — 149 " Hancock " 1152 1645 — — 3 31 1641 — — — — — — — — — — — — 153 " De Terre . 407 158 " Morris° 24 (Pomme de Terre River; Co. Seat) " 1140 1636 — — 115 11 20 355 12 38 — — — — — — — — 162 " Haig. 1632 — — _ _ 1129 1628 — — 12 55 10 53 12 55 — — 166 " Donnelly "" 4 07 1091 1623 — — — — flO 40 f 4 15 — — — — 171 " Moose Island 1 12 — — 176 " Herman (Model Town of Minnesota) . . 1074 1618 — — 12 37 10 31 4 23 " 1043 — — 11220 10 21 4 32 I 1 28 — — 181 " Norcross 1613 " 1014 1606 — — — — flO 11 f 4 41 — — — — 188 " Charlesville " — — 193 " Tintah 20 1001 1601 — — 11 58 10 03 4 50 202 — — — — — — 197 l' Yarmouth " 991 1597 — — — — — — 11 45 9 48 2 25 — — 200 " Campbell. " 988 1594 — — 5 04 " 978 — — fll 30 937 5 14 f 2 40 — — 207 " Doran 1587 3 00 5 40 215 Ar Breckenridge 20 29, 33 (Red River) . .. IA 96e 1579 12 42 11 15 925 5 30 12 37 11 05 9 20 5 40 3 15 5 45 215 Lv Breckenridge Ar 1579 1,r 969 1578 12 30 10 57 916 5 45 3 20 549 216 " Wahpeton' (N. D. School of Science) .. " — — 222 962 1572 — — — — — — f 5 57 f 3 31 " Lurgan " 38 f 3 35 — — 224 " Brushvale - 95S 1570 — — flO f 8 58 f 6 00 flO 29 f 345 — — 229 " Kent 'ZI " 947 1565 — — 849 6 10 — — f 8 40 — — — — 234 " Romney -,ii " 945 1560 — — f 6 18 l-- 934 1556 — — 8 32 6 28 f 4 00 — — 238 " Wolverton " t" 12 f 4 13 — — 245 " Comstock 925 1549 — — f 9 58 8 20 6 40 h ” 1 9 46 I 4 24 — — 250 " Rustad „•i:: 916 1544 — — 8 10 6 50 — — f 8 01 — — — — 256 Finkle 91 1538 — — f 6 59 907 11 17 9 25 7 50 7 10 4 48 6 55 • 260 " Moorhead /, 37 (Stale Normal) "ge, " 1534 4 55 700 261 l'.2. Lv 907 1533 11 12 920 745 715 Ar Fargo°1, 29, 34, 35, 37 — — — — Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. — — — — 6 20 7 05 261 Lv Fargo I AI 1533 11 07 7 3-0— — — 268 Reed Iv 902 1526 — — 715 634 906 7 05 645 — — 274 " Prosper "" 1520 — — — — 278 " Newman 920 1516' — — — — 961 1510 — — —6 —45 705 — — 284 " Vance " " 1056 1504 — — To — — 290 " Mason From — — — — DevilsLake DevilsLake — — SeeTable35 — — SeeTable35 — 200 Motor 199M7t-o-r _— Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. _ __ c— — 302 " Bedford 35 " 1174 1492 — — 455 906 4 39 9 19 d— — 309 " Walden (Maple River) " 1172 1485 — — Sample Menu of 1284 4 27 Sample Menu of 9 32 d— — 314 " Pillsbury " 1480 — — Luncheon d_ _ 322 " Luverar (Sheyenne River Drains to Hudson Bay " 1417 1472 — — 412 Table d'Hote 948 -- 3 53 Table d'Hote Dinner 10 02 d— — 328 " Karnal- " 1411 1466 Served on Served on 10 22 9 10 334 " Hannalord " 1428 1460 9 19 3 39 10 37 d— — 34 " Revere " 1459 1452 — — 3 24 Great Northern Dining Cars Great Northern Dining Cars 1060 d— — 348 " Sutton " 1475 1446 — — 3 12 at $1.00 355 " Glenfield " 1502 1439 — — 2 58 at $1.50 11 05 d— — 2 43 Consomme Frappe 11 20 d— — 361 " Juanita " 1510 1433 — — 2 28 Olives Pickled Walnuts 11 35 d— — 368 Grace City " 1516 1426 — — in Cup 11 50 d— — 374 " Brantford " 1528 1420 — — 2 13 Puree of Split Pea Orange-Pineapple Frappe " 1 59 Consomme Tomato Gumbo 12 03 d— — 380 " Dundas 1531 1414 — — in Tureen 12 15 10 32 386 Ar New Rockford IJames River Drains to( 1,v 1533 1408 8 00 1 45 Fried Spring Chicken 1408 7 52 12 45 i; ' Fresh Fish Rasher Bacon 1 30 10 37 386 1,v Now Rockford 1 Gulf of Mexico I Ar Individual Chicken Pie 1 43 d— — 393 " Munster Is 1537 1401 — — 12 33 ,g Grilled Beef Tenderloin with 12 23 ' Assorted Cold Meats— Fresh Mushrooms 1 53 d— — 398 " Bremen " 1549 1396 — — , 1550 1390 — — 12 12 o Potato Salad Hot Tea Biscuits 2 10 d— — 404 " Bamberg " 0 Tomato and Lettuce or 2 24 d— — 411 " Holmdel 1556 1383 — — 12 01 1602 137 — — 11 50 1 Salad Assorted Cold Bread 2 38 d— — 417 " Wellsburg (Sheyenne River) " • 0';', Fresh Mushroom 2 53 423 " Selo " 1610 137 — — 11 38 .e Head Lettuce— it— — U Omelet 3 08 d— — 430 " Clifton " 1639 1364 — — 11 14 Mayonnaise Dressing — — 10 56 New Potatoes Asparagus 3 23 d— — 438 " Aylmer " 1582 135 3 35 d— — 444 " Norfolk " 1600 135 — — 10 43 New Potatoes Spinach Ice Cream and Cake 10 34 Cream Cheese and 3 43 d— — 448 " Guthrie " 1589 134 — — Hot Rolls Marmalade 3 57 d— — 454 " Rangely " 1571 134 — — 10 22 or 4 11 d— — 461 " Karlsruhe " 1548 1333 — — 10 10 Toasted Saltine or 9 56 Assorted Cold Bread Water Crackers 4 25 d— — 467 " Verendrye (David Thompson, Monument) .. " 1554 1327 — — 1589 1321 — — 942 Pie with Cheese Coffee Tea Milk 4 40 d— — 473 " Simcoe " Ice Cream and Cake " Genoa " 1592 1314 — — 9 30 Eggs or Fish substituted 4 55 d— — 480 Coffee Tea Milk if desired 5 10 d— — 487 " Surrey " 1625 1307 — — 9 15 5 35 130 495 Ar Minot° 2, 5 (Lignite Mines). , .. . . . Lv 1560 1299 4 55 900 Figures opposite stations refer to numbers of tables showing connecting trains.

c—Stops to discharge passengers from east of St. Paul destined to points Bedford to Devils Lake ande—U. Devils S. LakePostal and Box Minot on platform. including branch lines. d—Stops to pick up paying passengers for points west of Williston. f—Flag Stop. Havre, Mont., June 11 to Aug. 10 The Northern Montana Agricultural and Manual Training School, s. This school is under the direction of the University of Montana and is offering a large number of college courses and teachers' training courses.

Time from 12.01 midnight to 12,00 noon shown In light face type; time from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy face type.

CHICAGO, TWIN CITIES AND PACIFIC NORTHWEST—Continued. Eastbound—Read up Westbound—Read Down TABLE g Alti- Mountain Time u tudes 2 4 230 229 3 1 Miles Daily Daily Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. Daily Daily Miles AM PM AM PM AM PM 924 9 05 870 Lv Savoy 18 54 3 OS -- --I 918 13 15 -- -- 876 " Matador (Little Rocky Al ts.10m des south) z., Lv 2332 912 8 45 3 30 12 46 882 " Harlem (Ft. Bellknap Ind. Aucy,) A .: :r 222333; 38 906 — 18 30 - -- 888 " Fort Belknap (Gros Ventres Indians. Snake -1 — 13 40 " 901 f 5 55 8 20 893 Zurich 1, " 2384 _ 3 50 c 1 05 ,*4 0 2394 897 — — 18 13 13 56 897 " North Fork Plate) 891 400 5 40 8 05 232 4 10 - 1 25 903 " Chinook (Chief Joseph defeated 1877. Co. ck. " 2410 887 — — — 17 56 Motor 907 " Adams [Seat) , .. 2423 Car ci 14 18 883 231 4 25 -- 911 " Lohman ,,: '244' 876 — — — 17 40 Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. f4 34 -- -- 918 " Toledo (Bearbato Mts. south) 2467 870 3 30 505 730 PM AM 4 45 2 10 924 Ar Havre® 6, 15, 56 (County Seat) • • Lo 2486 5 20 870 44 30 2 30 1 30 924 Lv Havre® 5,15, 56 (Ft. Assinniboine 7 miles 8. w.) Ar 866 5 10 40 43 928 " Pacific Junction Ily 22652303 860 Daily f 5 00 50 Daily 034 " Burnham 855 4 53 00 939 " Fresno " 2690 850 4 45 941 " Kremlin " 2832 f 4 36 10. 844 cc •-• 18 irs 950 " Xenia 22887305 840 •-• 4 30 28 954 " Gildford 834 4 20 960 " Hingham •••-••, 4 09 • • ..... 39 — 828 50 966 " Rudyard '''' NN 822 fr.,*41-$ 3 50 01 cr)-,4'.7,44 972 " Inverness " 3306 818 3 48 cle) 976 " Joplin 3307 3 40 10 04' — " 3340 813 .4.. a 1 15 981 " Buelow. " 808 3 25 3 25 986 " Chester (County Seel) " 3139 1 3 10 25 — 803 35 W.-441-0 091 " Tiber " 3191 795 2 59 48 ,4r4 999 " Lothair (Sweet Grass Hills North) " 3308 789 p__ CgTdi 2 48 1 00 1005 " Galaba " 309 783 P— — co 2 38 1 15 g . 1011 " Devon (Summit of Reeky Miss. 100 mi. west ) " 3114 779 f 2 30 1015 " 'Foisted. " 3233 p__ 2 24 11 25 irs — 774 1 35 1020 " Dunkirk " 3304 769 f 2 15 — — 1025 " Farrell " 338 3 25 (1 45 765 3 P-2 0-0 2 10 1 00 4 45 5 30 4 45 1029 " Shelby 411,65 (Oil fields north.) (County Seat) " 3283 762 — — 1032 " Virden " 3280 757 Note — 1037 " Simla 752 1131 Note f 5 54; —0 104 " Ethridge. " 3469 Beginning June 15 — " 53 744 Beginning June 15 — —L'1; 1050 " Baltic 338896 740 No.44runsassecond No. 43 runs as first 5 35 6 20 35, 105 .. Cut Bank " 3740 740 • 110 section of train No.2 section of train No.1 1 6 32 105 " Gunsight .4 Ar 735 112 5 Glacier Park to Shel- from Shelby to Gla- 1 640F-',' _ 1063 " Sundance Lv 3931 Or t (124 by. Passengers from 731 I. cier Park.Passengers 1 6 507 1068 " Fort Piegan •N ,, 3993 726 No. 2 destined to from No.43 destined 7 00 1073 " Meriwether (Farthest north point of Lewis •-,11 ' 3988 .0 ▪ 112 4 points served by No — — R. and Clark 1801$, Lewis Monument) 4 " 4080 721 topoints west of Gla- 10 23 1230 44 will be transform( cier Park where No 6 35 7 10-- 6 35a. 1079 Ar Blackfoot (Chief Mtn. to northwest).. -4 Lv 715 10 18 12 25 to 44 at Glacier Park 1 stops will be trans- 6 40 6 40 v10 OS 12 13 station. — — 1079 1,v Blackfoot ' Ar 41514466 707 ferred to No. 1 a 77 310511 1087 " Fort Browning (Blackfeet Indian Agency). .:.'-.4 " 702 112 02 Glacier Park station f 7 43 1092 " Triple Divide ,:ci " Ill 55 — — 697 1 7 52 1097 " Spotted Robe " 44974290 693 9 35 11 42 11 59 7 30 8 10 7 30 1101 Ar Glacier Park® 11, 15 (Glacier Perk Hole ' 30 — 690 8 18 1104 Lv Bison . : i ,21.74i 687 111 25 f 8 28 — 1107 " Rising Wolf 8 45 8 05 1113 " Summit (Continental Divide, 5213 681 111 15 Joke F. Sievens ,Statue) 4664 674 110 56 f 8 59 1121 " 13Iacktail (Tunnel) GLACIER 4396 671 110 48 9 08 1123 " Singleshot (Snowslip Min.).. NATIONAL 4000 667 110 35 9 18 112 " Nimrod (Flathead River) PARK 3871 663 10 25 9 35 1131 " Walton (Sealplock Mtn.). .... 3700 657 110 08 f 9 48 1137 " Pinnaele(Mt.St.Niehot0e9..185f1.) Season 3549 652 9 59 1142 " Hidden Lake (Double Rim.) June 15- — f 9 58 3360 647 1 9 47 42 110 10 1147 " Red Eagle Sept. 15 3289 642 — f 9 35 41 110 20 1152 " Silvertip 7 02 9 20 Motor Motor 3220 636 Car 10 35 9 50 1158 " Belton (Belton Chalets) 3286 633 — f 9 08 Car 110 43 1161 " Grizzly - — 1 8 57 Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. 3158 628 110 55 1166 " Citadel (Flathead River) 3095 621 6 30 8 40 7 40 10 35 1173 " Columbia Palls / I . 66 (Flathead firer).— L 8 30 11 20 2959 636 5 30 7 35 — -- — — 12 01 11 10 1188 Ar -Kalispell® 66, 67, 68 1,v 2959 636 7 05 9 20 8 30_ 9 45 1188 1,v Kalispell Ar 7 35 10 40 3079 618 — — — — I 7 13 1 8 35 -- -- 1176 Lv Hall Moon Ar 3040 613 6 10 8 25 7 25 8 45 11 35 10 SO 1181 Ar Whitefish® (Whitefish Lake) Lv 613 6 00 8 15 7 20 8:55 11 45 11 00 1151 Lv Whitefish Ar 3073 608 — 7 08 1 9 06 1186 " Vista Lv 3112 601 6 55 1 9 18 1193 " Lupfer 0e 3174 596 — G 45 9 30 1198 " Olney 3211 590 6 36 1 9 40 1204 " Radnor 0 583 6 25 9 55 1211 " Stryker 3106 577 f 6 10 110 05 — —) 1217 " Trego (Wolf Mountains)

F guros opposite stations refer to numbers of tables showing connecting trains. S. Postal Box on platform. 1—Flag stop. c—Stops to discharge passengers from east of Williston. •—Gt. Nor. Ity. Restaurant. i —Stops to pick up passengers for points east of Havre at which this train stops. p—Stops on Sundays to let off passengers from points west of Cut Bank. v—Stops to pick up passengers for Twin Cities and east.

Time from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light taco type; time from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy face type. 15 CHICAGO, TWIN CITIES AND PACIFIC NORTHWEST—Continued. Westbound—Read Down Eastbound—Read up TABLE .7 Alti- 41 3 1 .51 Mountain Time 8 tudes - 2 4 42 Ex. Sun. Daily Daily •,::-.1 Daily Ex. Sun. — Daily AM PM AM PM AM PM 10 15 -) 12.22 Lv Fortine (Fish Hatchery) Lv 2955572 r I— - s oo 110 26 1229 " Tobacco' " 2718 565 i- - 15 45 10 38 123 1233 " Eureka I (Montana Product. Co.Chemimi Plant) " 2571 61 v 420 840 5 35 10 50 140 1242 " Rexford 11, 69 (Kootenot River) " 2318552 v 4 02 810 5 18 [ 110 58 1247 " Rondo " 2269 547 i- 15 10 111 08 - - - - 1253 " Stonehill " 2247541 - i- , 15 00 111 17 - - 1259 " Tweed ... " 2226535 - - - - i- - a f4 50 0111 28 1264 " Ural ... " 2206530 - - i- -0 14 42 t- 111 34 1269 " Volcour " 2193 525 i- .8 14 35 179,111 44 1274 " Warland (Lumber Mills) " 2187 520 i- .,, 14 27 ›.-, 111 54 1279 " Yarnell " 2173515 i_ ..'.-; 14 18 ' 112 05 1285 " Jennings (Fisher Rtver) " 2127 509 i- 14 09 112 15 - - - - 1291 " Ripley " 2008 503 - - i- - 13 59 39 12 28 320 2 17 1297 " Libby (Placer Mining Sawmills) . " 2069497 2 35 443 3 48 40 Motor 112 35 - - - - 1302 " Rankin " 2051 392 - - i- - 13 38 Motor Car 112 47 - - - - 1308 " Kootenai Falls (Kootenai River) . " 2000486 - - i- - 13 15 Car Ex. Sun. .1 00 310 2 55 1316 Ar Troy 7, 11 (Silver Mines) tv 1892478 2 00 405 ,_ 3 00 Ex. Sun. AM Pacific 'lime PM 25111 200 1316 Lv Troy 6, ii. ) f.Ar 478 12 55 7,, 300 I 3 07F - -0 13'22 " Yakt, Mont. I Lv 1858472 a:: - - •.- 245 - -2. 1329 " 1825 465 1 3 lir; Canyon). " :2', _ _ a 12 30 i 3 311, - —g 1336 " Katkl 1807458 i - - ,.:4. f2 13 I 3 51.V 1343 " - —r, " CrossportLeonia, Ida I (Koottnai 1796451 ,-4- - - _ ft 58 730 4 00n 3 15- 1347 (Monument to First Route " 1780447 11 55 " Bonnera Ferry 11 ,70 " 'a 150 700 I 738 - -14. - -t-' 1352 " Moravia of Trade across Idaho) 1849442 d - - c., - - f 6 50 7 48 - - - -9 1358 " " Naples 2027 436 1 - - •. - - 6 40 - -7; 1362 " 2122432 •-•-g‘ " McArthur's Spur " •,-; - - -Z:,' ) - - 1802 - --' - -a.1306 " Elmira 2151428 0 - - a - - 1627 - - 1370 " Samuels " 2148424 - - - " E5 - - r-- 1815 - - 1373 " Colburn 2175421 - - - - 1617 f__ - - 1375 " Bronx " 2153419 - - - - - " 33 414 1380 " Sand Point (Lake Pend d'Oreille) 2131 414 11 02 12 50 6 OS 38 •••• - - 1383 " Dover " 2088411 - - - - 558 41 - - - - 1385 • " Hornby 409 - - - - f 49 - - 1389 " Wrencoe. " 2075405 - - - - 1 548 59 .- - - 1394 " Laclede " 2106400 - - - - 5 38 1 07 •.- - • - - 1399 " Thema " 2082395 - - - - I 5 28 " 16 I Ni - - 1403 " Priest River 2081 391 v10 28 12 11 5 02 30 I in 508 1409 " Newport, Wash " 2125385 10 18 4 48 " 12 01 I 43 -• - - - 1413 " Penrith. 2096381 - - - - I 4 36 58 •-. - - - 1417 " Scotia 1 1.. " 2064377 - - - - 4 27 1 10 -, - - - 1424 " Camden " I 1.. 1916370 - - - 4 13 1 17 - - - - 1427 " Ell- (LittleSpokane Riser) " 1846367 - - 4 08 " ill 24 1 25 - - 1431 " Milan J 1777 363 - - ill 16 4 00 1136 - - - - 1437 " Chattaroy " 1819357 - - - - f 347 1 44 - -- - - 1441 " Dean " 1836353 - - - - 3 38 1152 -- -- - 1446 " Mead " 1911348 -- - - f 328 " 1 05 7 al 8 30 1450 " Hillyard (Old Horse Prairie) 2039344 900 10 45 3 15 1 20 i n 6 45 1455 Ar Spokane #8,11, 15,73,73, 74, 75, 76, 78 Lv 1876339 , 8 45 10 25 3 00 (Spokane Falls Waterpower Developing 25,200 k. p.) Continued-Table 8, page 16. The Travelers Aid Society maintain representatives at 3 1 Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ry. 2 4 the following stations on our Dtilly-- — Daily For complete Time, see Table 78. Daily Daily Stop Off at Spokane and line: r , 7 20 1455 Lv Spokane (G. N. Sation) 78 Ar 1876 380 730 Visit Beautiful St. Paul Union Station 7 111 " Spokane (N. P. Station) 10 00 Duluth Union Station I I 45 f 8 14 1485 " Amber Lv 350 f 6 34 9 06 Minneapolis Minnesota 9 10 8 40 1499 " Lamont " 1951 Hayden Lake " 336 6 10 8 40 Grand Forks N. D. 1 9 45 9 15 1524 " Benge 1471311 1 5 31 7 53 Charmingly located in the Havre. Montana 110 15 9 50 1543 " Washtucna 292 4 57 2 22 mountains of the Coeur " Great Falls Montana 110 35 10 10 1557 " Kahlotus 889 78 1 4 35 6 54 d'Alene National Forest of Everett Washington 11 SO 11 30 1604 Ar Pasco Lv 358231 3 20 540 Western Idaho:Hayden Lake Seattle Washington 11 5$ 11 35 1604 Lv Pasco Ar 231 3 15 5 35 offers one of the most ideal Tacoma . Washington 11303 11 42 1606 " Kennewick Lv 351 229 1 3 08 528 places to spend a Summer (Y. W. C. A.) -, - ill 57 1615 " Hover 220 - - I 5 12 outing. On the shore of Hay- Vancouver B C. -•.- - f12 33 1642 " Plymouth. .ia " 285193 - - I 4 28 den Lake is Bozanta Tavern Billings Mont, - - 1 11 1664 " Whitcomb •-S t: " 260171 - - 3 52 picturesquely situated in the Portland Ore. f 1 55 1 47 1688 " Roosevelt si,-,Z. " 230 147 f 1 07 3 14 pines of the west bluffs. The Their representatives at - - I 2 28 1716 " Cliffs. ,e'' " 177 119 - - f 228 Tavern is of Swiss architec- theabovestationsareanxious f 2 38 2 37 1720 " Maryhill 1tt" 174 115 112 19 2 20 ture and is thoroughly mod- to give assistance in making 2 55 2 55 1729 " Wishram (Monument to Pathfinders 165 106 12 07 2 05 ern and operated on the - - -8, " transfers, reaching addresses f 3 15 1741 " Grand Danes...... and Pioneers) .n, ; " 121 94 - - _ _American plan. Visitors have in their cities, or in any other - - 3 30 1749 " Lyle t--.5" lot 86 — — 126 the option of staying at the way to elderly or very young I 3 48 3 47 1759 " White Salmon ...... c•' " 76 11 11 1 11 Tavern or occupying one of persons, traveling alone, to f 4 25 f 4 24 1781 " Stevenson " 98 - - the log cabins adjacent. A " 54 112 38 parties unfamiliar with the - - - - 1807 " Washougal. 48 28 - - - - beautiful 18-hole golf course English language or to any- - - 1 514 1810 " Camas " 46 - - " 25 fll 52 is kept in the finest of condi- one else to whom their ser- 6 40 5 40 1825 " Vancouver, Wash. (Ir illamette and Columbia 46 10 9 30 11 30 hon. Good saddle horses are vices would be valuable. (1 10 6 10 1835 Ar Portland (Union Station) 78, 90. .fRivers) Lv 32 0 9 00 11 00 available for guests. Figures opposite stations refer to numbers of tables showing connecting trains. f -Flag stop. i-Stops to pick up passengers for points east of Havre at which this train stops. v-Stops to pick up passengers for Twin Cities and east. 0 3—Gt. Nor. Ry. Restaurant.

Time from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light face type; time from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy face type. 16

CHICAGO, TWIN CITIES AND PACIFIC NORTHWEST—Continued. Westbound—Read Down Eastbound—Read up Alti- 3 1 TABLE 12 2 4 40 39 Pacific Time ,•,' tudes Motor Miles Miles Motor Ex. Sun. Daily Daily Daily Daily Ex. Sun. ..; AM PM AM AM PM PM 700 030 - 10 10 115 o t=„7 r 11 45 7 45-i 1455 IfSpokah! 47, 11, 15, 72,,73, 74, 75, 78 .tr Ng _ f 110 a r o '-' a ill 50 — — l 1408 Port Wright (U.S. Army Pool) • . . " N763 u)cp,gtg 112 04 — — — — 1464 "Highland 2149 330 — — — — 112 56 112 10 — — — — 1468 "L:c ons(IndionnattleField-1,251 battle of the Spo- " 2302 326 — — — — 112 50 5P0 112 20 — — — — 1473 " Galena-tkanelndians against the Whites,1858)" 2434 321 — — — — 112 40 2 1,2,e 2•0' " (1230 ..-• e ...... 112 30 — — — — 1477 "Espanola 2392 317 — — — — " — — 112 15 0,"2•Pa.a 112 43 — — — — 1484 " Waukon. . 2441 310 — — " 2327 305 — — f 912 12 05 t a -"rn 12 55 f 844 — — 1439 "Edwall " re bec9 ,•• iti — — 1493 2220 301 — — — — 111 58 = ,- i o 0 11 02 — — "Canby " 11 12 — — — — 1498 " Bluestem 2333 296 — — — — fll 45 .2 e•-• " — — 844 11 30 gi' Wi • 2 If 127 9 10 — — 1506 "Barrington 2177 288 " 1997 281 — — — — 111 15 11 39 — — — — 1513 "Mohler. " ro — — — — 1516 "Downs 1919 278 — — — — ill 07 11 46 " • • gt.2.2' fl 55 — — — — 1521 " Lamona 1803 273 — — — — 110 58 " 1723 268 — — — — 110 48 0 4.','.1a , 12 04 — — — — 1526 " Nemo " 12 5 948 — — 1531 "Odessa 1552 263 — — 7 59 10 38 S' " — — — — flO 28 0 1224 — — — — 1536 "Seward (Tale Lake) " 1460 258 ',5'2 33 — — — — 1540 "Irby 1403 254 — — — — 110 21 2 -cse 1 om ...4 1 248 AO 13 — — 1548 "Marlin -., " 1327 246 — — e 730 240 — — . e 7 18 9 57 -43 03 0.0 24 — — 1554 "Wilson Creek ••,!:.'s." 1281 ii2 -6 a 1281 232 — — — — f9 38 i.,•.,. cZ, 0 ,: 13 15 — — — — 1562 "Stratford „to7F " 3 E-0-' 0 325 — — — — 1567 "Adrian ---'s " 1218 227 — — — — 929 3 35 10 51 — — 1572 "Soap Lake (Curative Resort) •2 " 1202 222 — — 6 44 9 20 Ti)1 ,.•-f-e RE° ' • • 346 11 00 — — 1577 "Ephrata 1276 217 d 4 53 6 34 9 10 a 0 %en":',.1 13 56 — — — — 1583 "Naylor l'i•,*:.....,. ."" 1275 211 — — — — 19 02 I rs 14 06 — — — — 1588 "Winchester c,' r-, " 1282 206 — — — — 18 53 4 18 11 25 — — 1594 '"" " 1305 200 — — 6 05 8 42 Si:4 V, Quincy - • • • • . • " 1242 195 — — — — 18 31 1.,S E f5 14 28 — — — — 1599 "Crater (Extinct re/cane. Devils BLitt) " 4 40 — — — — 1605 "Trinidad (Basalt Palisades. Horseshoe Curve) 972 189 — — — — 8 18 biaC4 2 r; ,,, " 184 — — — — 18 08 f4 50 — — — — 1610 "Vulcan Victoria Rock). • . . " 718 .i,'..5--. .2 Pi 458 — — — — 1614 "Columbia River 84 (loses Coulee). • 608 180 — — — — 758 4.. c,- „VI 176 — — — — 1748 1 4-1 0 0 15 12 — — — — 1618 "Rock Island (Rapids)... .. • !7 ", 618 38 675 171 — — — — 17 39 f5 20 — — — — 1623 "Malaga -6'4' Daily —2T,22Daily 5 35 12 30 11 20 1630 t••3 1,v 648 164 3 25 4 50 7 25j _, A 9 d ArWenatchee 'if, 84,f World Famousl 12 350 11 30 1630 LvWenatchee 861,sipple Orchards/ , Ar 164 3 20 -g4 40 7 05 9g ..1.-•-...., ", 10 30 1 6 50 " . -0 r-; 10 43 — —;,- 1637 "Monitor ztIx 707 157 -,g — — 1-.,.. — — — —,.? 9 4 17 6 40 10 53 12 572. — --F; 1641 "Cashmere •-•!•t " 797 153 .., v 2 56 gi, gr o'.. — 1490 — — 827 11 02 6-2,— —o 1 45 "Dryden 2.5" " 949 ...li — — ',1 1 E 1058 145 .4 — — ,,s,/ — — 6 17 P-,-,9E, ta 11 12 — —,-. — —P , 1649 "Peshastin " 11 25 1 35' 12 20- 1653 "Leavenworth (Cascade Mountains). . - 1167 141 230 .e-i 3 50 6 05 g 0.1 0 g • • • • " 1838 130 Ts -- — 04 — — 5 35 ...•i";,-2 .33 11 52 — ---- — — 1664 "Chiwaukum 12 01 1606 "Winton • • • • " 2086 128 11 — — f.., — — 527 0-2 2 ,. ,,, — —t-'. — —5 1517 112 10 — ---;.-; 1671 " Nason Creek • •••" 2165 12305 — — •96 — — — —5 121 d — — 5 lo '74''„, 57s st'''', 12 20 — —7.: — —FL 1673 "Merritt • • • • " 2179 s — — 12 45 1682 " Berne — — 0 — — 4 48 tvg — — " 4 35 6 c' 1 b'-c; 0 1 05 —3 —10a. 1 42 1685 "Cascade Tunnel (2% miles in length) -1 3381 109 105 2 37 1 20 3 23 1 54 1688 3126 106 — — — — 4 18 la''th' D''11 "Tye Vg4'" -- -- 3 45 cli I • ',4 1 48 — — — — 1098 "Scenic° (Hot Springs) 2114 96 •-0 -0 °A;--0 1;t, 333 f 159 — — — — 1701 "Alpine.. ji--" " 1787 93 — — — — g 0.2.-_, 1386 89 — — — — f 3 22 1 • 0 0. o f 2 10 — — — — 1705 "Tonga (Horseshoe Curve)..... • • .. • 230 430 305 1710 "Skykomish . (Foot of the 11 45 105 3 05 4 ''.'"g ° a i 9030! 8040 f— — 0 5.14 0 . — — — — 171 "Miller River • • • • Carrado) Tye and Skykom- i, 00 , ,P.C. - --•-- 1 439 -- 1714 "Grotto • • • . ph Rivers 837 80 — — 112 47 77 — — — — ''..g g o 1 .5 —— — — 171 "Baring • • • • • „ 765 . - — — — — 1719 "Belford (Eagle Falls) .• 757 75 — — — — 536 70 — — 12 22 From From 14 59 — — 1724 "Index (Mt. Index).. "" To To To Li gin From 323 65 Van- Van- Van- Van- Van- — — — — 1729 "Reiter — — — — Van- — — 1733 190 01 — — 12 05 couver, couver, couver, ceuver, couver, f 5 16 "Gold Bar .. • 1(sow Milo couver, — — — 1735 "Startup. • • • 1 158 59 — — — — B.C. B.C. B. C. ' . I B• C. 13• C. B. C. 117 55 — — 11 55 riee f 5 26 — — 1739 "Sultan (Granite Quarries) . • . • :: wee (see (8„ (se, (see "Monroe - - 74 48 10 34 11 42 Table Table g . Table Table Table 5 43 4 15 1746 Table "Snohomish (Snohomish River)...... 23 41 1%10 17 11 23 88) 88) 88) 88) 88) 5 58 x 4 28 1753 88) o 0 m.i.n, — — 1759 "Lowell " 17 35 — — 356 360 355 359 357 59 34 _ _ _ _ 358 ag — — — — 1760 "Pacific Avenue " Daily Datly Daily Daily Daily Daily 6 22 4 53 1761 ArEveretto 11, 91 (Puget Sound) Li., 39 33 10 02 11 05 r, 0,,.. 20 • • ° 903 12 43 547 6 22 4 53 1761 LvEverett Ar 39 33 10 02 11 05 605 1 20 — — w10 49 f 553 1 02 01 1 912 g12 51 558 x 6 32 — — 1766 " Mukilteo ,Lv 10 28 ig•-c--;-1 24 — — — — J 546 112 52 — — 29,- g 918 g12 56 f 604 x 6 39 — — 1770 "Mosher ... F. " 14 1609 x 645 1773 " Meadowdale ••" 15 21 — — — — J 541 f 12 47 f 46 ,0 of g 923 g 1 01 c6 „ 40 930 618 x 6 51 — — 1777 "Edmonds 9 17 -- — w10 33 535 12 41 g 1 07 — — — — f 529 112 32 31 a g 935 g 112 f 625 x 6 58 — — 1780 "Richmond Beach 11, " 20 14 o 7 10 — — 1788 "Ballard 54 6 w 9 28 w10 17 J 517 112 18 17 V.,,r, g 950 g 1 26 640 o7. '" 14 sea . o 1 954 644 x ? 14 — — 179 "Interbav ... 27 4 — — — — i 514 12 15 g 1 29 " 5 00 12 01 00 - a 0 10 10 1 45 700 7 30 6 00 1794 ArSeattle'oe 7, 15,91 (King St. Station) 15 0 9 00 10 00 t o7g . 750 6 25 0 LvSeattle Ar 15 40 w 835 ' 645 ' 8 17 a 6 52 16 "Kent " 52 24 w 8 04 ' 6 13 WO ° 8 27 x 7 02 22 "Auburn " 100 18 w 7 55 ' 6 02 ° 8 39 x 7 15 29 "Sumner 72 11 w 741 ' 5 47 " 47 8 w 7 37 ' 5 41 >J3-',71 ?al ° 8 44 a 7 20 32 Puyallup " , * 525 4Ji ' 0 be e 9 05 7 40 40 ArTacoma"ii, 15, 91 (Union Station) Lv 47 0 1. 720 Figures oppotite stations refer to numbers of tables showing connecting trains. For condensed schedules and equipment of trains, see pages 8, 9 and 10..

Time from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light face type; time from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy face type. 17

ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, OMAHA AND PACIFIC NORTHWEST VIA BILLINGS AND GREAT FALLS Read Down Read Up Read Down Read Up 41 43 44 42 Table 10 Daily Daily Mb. Cent ral Time Daily Daily 237 43 44 238 Mla. Table1 1 Burlington Route Daily Daily Mount. Time Daily Daily 1155 7 20 0 LvST.1.0111S(Vis Met.) Ar 7 40 7 35 10 00 10 40 1197 11 30 4 57 9 01 — — Lv Moccasin 57..1v 0 " ST.10111S(V)s nal.) " 420 7 19 10 12 c— — 1202 " Benchland.... " 11 14 4 44 1030 6 30 0 " Kansas City..Ar 7 25 8 45 10 25 c— — 1209 " Windham .. .." 11 00 4 32 1055 6 55 27 " Lcavciiwortli.. " — — 8 11 10 40 11 18 1216 10 40 1125 7 39 Lv Stanford Lv 4 17 48 " Atchison Ar 8 33 1 34 110 52 c— — 1221 Dover " flO 18 f 4 00 1225 8 30 62 Ar St. Joseph Lv 5 20 6 45 11 03 c— — 1226 " Merino " 110 07 3 50 1250 8 45 62 5 05 6 25 Lv St. Joseph Ar 11 16 c— — 1233 " Geyser " 9 54 3 38 2 34 10 34 116 Lv Falls City Ar 3 31 4 40 111 28 c— — 1239 " Spion kop 939 325 3 28 11 30 144 " Table Itock....Lv 240 3 50 11 40 c— — 1245 " Raynsford " 9 24 3 11 3 57 11 58 160 " Teeumseh " 2 06 3 10 111 50 c— — 1250 " Blythe " f 9 10 1 2 59 5 35 1 30 208 Ar Lincoln " 12 40 1 45 12 01 c— — 1256 " Armington 58 " 8 55 2 47 7 20 t 6 50 0 Lv Peoria Ar 6 55 1206 c— — 1258 " Belt " 8 51 2 41 t 6 25 11216 3 53 2 15 53 11 50 2 50 c— — 1263 Wayne " f 8 37 1 2 29 " Oldenburg " 112 21 c— — 520 318 96 " Burlington " 10 41 1 24 ,.. 1266 " Fife " f 8 31 1 2 24 3 20 10 52 382 " Council Bluffs " — — — — 11226 c— — 1270 " Swift " f 824 1 218 4 15 11 50 386 Omaha Ar 2 25 1238 c— — 1275 " Gerber " 8 10 2 08 2 50 11245 — — 5 45 1 15 440 Ar Lincoln Lv 12 58 1 20 1278 " Field " 1 8 02 f 1 57 1 00 1 20 1285 Ar Great Falls Lv 7 50 1 45 6 30 1 30 208 la, Lincoln. Ar 11 50 1 00 See also 61, 65 7 27 2 54 237 " Seward Lv 10 58 12 10 - Tables 56,57,58,60, 8 09 332 264 " York " 10 15 11 17 7 15 0 Lv Butte Ar 2 30 8 50 4 13 286 " Aurora " 9 36 10 22 10 10 72 " Helena " 11 20 935 456 304 " Grand Island.." 855 953 120 170 Ar Great Palls...Lv 800 Mountain Time 1035 6 10 3361w Ravenna ' Ar 8 00 7 45 269 239 Mixed 274 1150 7 52 384 " Broken Bow...Lv 6 12 6 10 Mixed 240 Daily Ex. Sun. 1 12 9 35 466 " Seneca " 2 43 3 59 Ex. Sun. Daily 4 10 110 573 Ar Alliance " 11 40 100 735 330 135 1285 Lv Great Falls. .Ar 700 11 30 700 7 15 1 55 0 liv Denver Ar 10 10 7 50 1140 7 60 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 65 122 " Sterling Lv 6 05 3 55 I 7 50 f 3 45 * — — 1293 Lv Manchester._ Ly 1— — fil 10 f 6 44 3 40 10 45 237 Ar Allianee " 2 05 12 15 4 02 800 a— — 1297 " Vaughn 60 .. .." 1 838 11 00 6 37 4 35 1 35 . .. 1,v Alliance Ar 11 15 11 55 f 8 12 1 4 17 — — 1304 " Gordon " /— — 110 46 f 6 26 828 331 631 " ( •rawford Lv 9 12 9 45 r 8 19 f 425 — — 1307 " Rex " /— — 110 38 f 620 7 13 4 19 058 " Aril ..... m " 8 13 8 45 8 28 4 35 f 2 20 1311 " Power 61 " I 605 10 30 6 44 8 00 5 05 081 Ar Eiliti,inont " 7 25 7 55 f 8 37 — — 1316 " Cargill " /— — f 6 04 850 f 239 1 540 9 55 .... 'Aillol Springs ...Lv 5 40 1322 " Dutton " 554 f 8 58 — — 1325 /— — 130 791 Ar Leed 210 To " Acme " f 5 42 905 — — 1330 /—...— From 130 791 Ag Deadwood Lv 210 _ _ " Collins Ad 5 30 t 9 13 Pendroy 1334 i_ _ Pondroy 1 520 8 25 5 20 081 7 15 " Pershing e Li, I,:dgeinont Ar 7 35 9 24 See,, I 3 05 1340 " Brady 9 47 7 OS 720 " Newcastle Lv 547 6 02 Table ot — — f 9 35 1346 " Withey .': if_4 —58 Tableee61. f 45 151 11 10 8 29 777 " bloorcroft " 4 17 4 19 9 55 3 32 1353 4 30 1201 9 21 " Conrad " 4 45 805 " Gillette . " 3 30 3 31 11006 — — 1358 " Burke " /— — 1 4 18 2 03 11 19 868 " Cleerinont.... " 1 20 1 20 110 14 — — 1364 " Ledger. " 1— — f 4 08 3 50 1 00 907 " Sheridan " 11 50 12 01 10 22 — — /— — 4 25 1368 " Fowler " 3 58 1 31 923 " Itauctienter.... " 11 21 11 12 110 35 — — 1375 " Naismith " /— — 5 42 242 958 f 3 47 " Liiiigi, Brass_ " 10 08 9 47 110 45 1 — — 1379 " Andale „ i_ _ 2 f 3 38 626 323 979 " Crow Agency.." 930 904 11 00 Daily 430 1384 323 6 53 348 A r Shelby 6, 65 . Lv Daily 330 992 " Hitrtlill " 9 05 8 42 4 45 1384 305 f 7 23 445 Lv Shelby A, 12 05 1 4 11 1006 " Tiding% " f 8 46 f 8 21 — — — — 1387 " Virden " — — 8 30 505 To 037 " Iliiiitley " 8 00 7 30 7 30 7 30 1456 Ar Glacier Park 6 " LI 59 From 9 00 5 30 050 Ar Billings " 7 35 700 Sweet 1456 9 35 Sweet Grass 7 30 Lv Glacier Park Ar 35 43 44 9 50 1513 " Belton 6 9 , Grass Groat Northern Ity. See 7 02 Daily Daily 10 35 1529 " Columbia Falls " See Table 6 30 Table 550 1050 Lv Billings' Ar 440 1050 1536 A rWhitefish ...v .L 65. ,?, t l'.1.i.1. 15 36 1 01, g ,i; 610 65. Beginning June 6 10 1062 " Moatunain Lv — — 41 00 -.,.; ;'' 0 0 Ly Whitefish ....Ar oz-..-;'''' 600 2 55 ow-10-ini 1671 15 No. 43 is a 6 18 1066 " Benner 4 04 ,,,,L, ,,, ,.• kr Troy IA' 2 00 through train, 1 6 28 1071 " ltittirock" f 352 i,' Ell° Pacific Time Kansas f 6 37 1076 " orey/M " f 3 43 t7.4•Pe', .F....zi.:E? Glacier Park—re-ark—re- to f 6 52 " Acton " 3 30 G- 0 ° 1084.1,00 : F ceived from the 1 7 04 1090 " Comanche " 3 18 Beginning June 200 il = 1671 Lv Troy. A, 12 55 315 17021702 cl,;'',...8 C. B. & Q. R. R, at 721 (0118 " Broadview. . . . " 3 02 15 No.44 through 4 ,, 4., Bonners Ferry. 11 55 _ _ 73c " ", E g.o r7, Billings, Mont. 1 732 1104 " Painted Robe.." 1 2 51 train Glacier Park g..s1 0 ct, " Sand Point.... :, v 0 11 02 Carries coaches, 7 44 III() " Belmont " 2 40 to Kansas City. 508 ,-• c71,..-. 764 " Newport vc.c 7; '.3 10 18 recliningchairear 8 00 1118 " Cushman " 2 27 PullmanDrawing 6 45 o'DO-.,,m ,.• t,0 • 810 Ar Spokane . ....Lv 6 o'-':„..9 845 See a and Pullman D. 8 03 1119 " Slityton " 2 13 room sleeping car _ a iso Tables 72,73 .75,78 z&c, od 2. f 8 12 1125 " Veber " 1 2 02 from Glacier Park c It o R. sleeping car. Z 03 ° 0 ,,, 0 2 o Dining ear or f 8 23 1131 " Franklin ii f 150 for Kansas City, 720 — -'-' .... Lv Spokane. • .. .Ar 7 30 ior.D —0 ''''. ,--,"-,.,-.' cafe car for all f 8 32 1137 " %Vellum " 1 1 41 via Billings. 610 .-. Ar Portland via Lv o ...., 0 9 00 Carries coaches, 5'.2 a oa .... S. P. (1/ S. 78 meals. 8 45 1144 " Iledgenville.... " 1 30 m , .. g41, w 0 Connects at f 900, 1151 " Niliill e f 117 reclining chair z -,... es Co Glacier Park f 9 14 1157 " Oxford " f 106 car and dining .,„2„..,-.2 , iz -,,:f 2 700 with train No. 9 30 1164 " Judith Gap.. . " 12 55 car. Delivered g.1 a ,4 1810 Lv Spokane 7....Ar .0„..„E3 ,.9 a 8 30 1 the "Orien- Z— — i iiill " C. M. & St. F.. " z_ _ to C. B. & Q. R. 11 20 Em,_, o'4,-'"•• 1985 " Wenatchee... " g.:-.• • ti 320 tat Limited" for 1 9 43 1171 " Barrows " 112 34 R. at Billings. 453 0 bl) oi 2117 " Everett Lv 10 02 6 00 Ar Seattle " .2,0 sg Spokane, Seattle, 9 55 1176 " Buffalo " 12 21 0X4" c; g. ')..do 9Z 2149 9 00 7 40 " aco ma T " . '4 =g• Tacoma, Port- 110 05 1182 " Mention " 112 08 m ,....--„. - 4 • • — MO 8 720 land and all north 110 13 1187 " Hauck " 111 56 .•815 c a" 2180 Ar Bellingham...Lv a .650 coast points. 10 26 1192 " Robson Lv 11 45 .1045 2238 "Vancouver, 13. C... " .4 30

a—Stops on flag Sundays. 1—Flag stop. t —Daily, %cent Sunday. t—Stops to let off passengers from points west of Shelby. Z—Trains Nos. 43 and 44 will stop at C. M. & St. P. platform one mile west of Judith Gap. For equipment of trains, see page 8. c—Stops t , let off passengers from east of Moccasin. . e—By connecting train.n.

Time from 12.01 midnight to12.00 noon shown in light face type; time from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy face type. is WINNIPEG SERVICE ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS, FARGO, CROOKSTON AND WINNIPEG. Read Down Read UP .66'81 c4.4,'S1 ;;607. -E;;t;e '8 'i,101..;•F-2,S3N !,,-,c4.54. 8 30 SN.-.03 8'.-.43 al°4D ....,0.9. ...z,:„C.)474.4--. „, d 29 7 ,.._.5 Table 12 ••••-•-,0 0 E, 0 • -., t-• 0 Et •-• '',.,•'$ .a. a .0 15 „., Daily Daily Central Time Daily Daily E.i.E.t:;,.. 4Wi,i,1 2.Eo .,,...!f!! 0,0,6., ,E... g ; m 945 505 0 Iv St. Paul" Ar 745 725 Z ,:4- ,,411,6' 41 • il4c...) c4v:5 ti• -, f-,T ti!, ,azi:10.? t, .50cn a .t.'...2 10 25 545 11 " Minneapolis0S " 712 650 Sil o . 73 . w ,o ts „'711'.. *, 6 .,•••-,,..2 cil'a 'eriSrt4 6 2 0 1.; .2 ''• - - - - 17 " Robbinsdale IN - - 4- - X tZgg tzig, ....,..o. - 0 Et10...:, ,•60 . ,...; ------24 " Osseo " 4- - I.t.,' tl.. 'Z'ra,.. . ..r,, vi %!;;!,,•••• ,, ... .3 z ci.'8 t•-;,12':1-!!fiod R• oto . ..g.Lt -44 _ ...., 0 Op .,4“1,..r.. t .0 2,c,Ei •., t$p,•,T,..•• to t ' t 2.2 . ------28 " Maple Grove. " 4- - ,-,1='CS 2 E.2i'O:izt,2:' ii_.41-,creD°H'-' ,t0:10,-."..-Thr3 '''° ' 40 o 0.0.- - - - - 33 " Rogers " - - I- - pa . ,n,. d • d cf. ••• 4.1 ,0 -•-• .0 ,,, '-' 8 C-.).0 d•-c 4 .4 rip a 39 " Albertville •••• .03 0 .0 ."" 0 -0 0 . ° 0- M ..] o ; ;t'..5, --••••' F. a .0-, MCC . 0, t. -- - - - Z"4a0Z00 .4'0,3013- 8 0 43 04 ,00.:,....m.orl ;r.o00.14,.9..!,., - f 640 47 " Monticello " 4- - H600 HOC.A.) 8.2.I2:1 d 04Z00 .;'''.2 03 04Z 030L.4 I 10“401.:/) - - - 55 " Enfield 44 6 6 rig •,-• H

- - - - 62 " Clearwater " - - I------69 " St. Augusta " - -I- - 630 4 47 12 02 725 75 " Et. Cloud" 1, 22. " o - - - - 82 " St. Joseph . " - - i- - Ils,>_,'• te - - - 85 " Collegeville i, _ _ ;,_ _ • otie Z ro 1 1 .,'..., Xf'-.1 I I 3 I I 13 11 1811 II I 8 29116 " Bank Center',23 " - - 330 114 64 .4 11° 11 10 11 III 11 1 1' - - -124 " West Union .. _ _ i_ _ - 8 52 130 " Osakis " - - 4------13 " Nelson " - - /- - tl', z:2 113 1111 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 4 I 3 - - -131 " Geneva Beach. " - - 1- - '42 1 5 9 15141 " Alexandria " 3 45 2 44 ir:-• /1''D 1 1' 1111111111111111111111111 NI IN -- - -148 " Garfield " - - I------154 " Brandon " - - 1-- - -..., - - - 159 " Evansville I, 20 " - - J.- - -ni St7_01 Zme 1g 1 1 1 II IIII 1 III 111 1 P, 1 -- - -163 " Alelby ,,t.: .23' 001 1101 I11 i I I II III Hi l'Iii-11 -- - -168 " Ashby Ci _ _ J.- - W ;. - - 3-- - •------17 5 " Dalton " 0 t 6 • •• 328 10 22186 " Fergus Falls° I, 19. " 2 33 117 .--• -, 0.4(4 )3'41 1 1 4 1 I11111111111 11111111111,111,s,3 - - - -195 " Carlisle ,i _ _ i_ _ f74 ' . Its • • - - - -203 " Rothsay " - - / - - ...... • - . ILI 0" Z w" I I" I I I I I I II II I I I W I in . • . .... Ili a - - -210 " Lawndale . " - - 3- - ....- .. - • ...... 9. • ›, 435 - -217 lir BarnesvilleeLd Iv - - 12 24 w.1 f•I Cs1 -.1- co 0,4- 0 ,r I I q' 1 I n - 11 47 242 " Moorhead. . " 1 03 - - cl) Z.,- Z7.4, Z4 I IN 1""ZaILI?LC."-INC°.,50"A'Niti"-°F,'1?-10 t-- ...... 12 58 - - .. 11 59 241 " Fargo.. " 64" N"' 11' 1:1=17171:-1,717-17-17-12222""D 11' It I ec -- 12 102421,v Moorhead . „A 12 48 - _ • 129 11 40 - _ 130 i - - 1 16276 " Halsted. " Daily .'t Daily - - 2 34 310 Ar Crookston. 1,v 10 25 - _ 22 . u, Xf-1 131 111111111111111111111 I L,P, 1 1i2 1 217 Iv BarneSVMO Ar 11 59 I-g°1,4,1" to 11 41 0." 1'41 1111111111111111111111 ic°IINI ..... 500 2 _., , . 225 Downer.. „ .. IA - a I-4 517 235 " Glyndon ...41 11 19 ...... -0 ' " 8 g 0.6 -2, ..:; ill 03 iD &' ...' f 531 „°,„,,-.: 241 " Averill " 0 ..,2, ..- o.-; Col .,?, 7 10 48 ....1,..4, - • 2 t • . . N• • - .- ...... 5 46 .7: 4..iiim 249 " Felton " e..1.0 m -66 o 1 10 32 0 g..il-,3 , N ,..,* • ci ° 4.i.9 600 .g,o4256 " Borup 4, . t 0 .1 .' tu ...14, 0 • 0 4.-1 .ri,,,,i-, tZ 0 14'.;•••, ..w • •ho -o .-'4" ° • f 606 " o . '260 " Wheatville " 04-0,, '-',,FIE4' ill) 24 in or'--°,,, y 10 14 ..E zi a • . t . v - • ix 'it' 0,0 . 622 1,g-,E, 265 "Ada" 4, 14E; • ,E," T tfi 2 51E:1 ....1. 44,0. 6-1. '' =,00 g,C,;,,:t2c.11.02i7. ra,t-Ai " dlerIla " do o ,,,, 4cf,...3 flO 00 f 631 .,-.. a ag•IS 0 270 . 14 ft g;:te,r/-)k•',..T...1.i:2-t'-g5-11.,,Ti,t , cl El t5,42„y,t171;:igt1 641 g E -, cn•• •,4 ,!' 275" Lockhart " •.'6''a , 44 9 51 1 e.3,T.: i-. 0 .?, -2 , 938 ,. „ i_, o. aci."?.4-..ro: g -5 -1•9: El ,,, ',?; 1, I t g 0 4 3 g.F.1.24-737:, cho-a!•••..-- 0.7-- 6 56 " Beltrami " .• , .4 , 2 f5 g, 282 , 04' 0 - f 9 27 '... 288 " Greenview , " g..7.4MS.e46.0U88,-z4c!..4c!cli.44444pUYA,I,*2,4,Pc!.,:. f 7 10 44- CID 4,0 M Ort j.31 U 4. -'' E1,2 9f 29 0 0) 0 0 2. Motor f 7 21 •K '292 " Kittson 0 E -c . D..-z I..4--.4 Cj D• -- Ex_Sun 2 34 299 Ar Crookston" 15, Lv 10 25 .••• 9 00 Ex-Suu 740 S 15 Z .2 • 915 2 39299 Iv 25 37 Ar 10 15 o .-4 mmLo-it-NNomm.tomt-m.r.-qoio.t-...mclmm o • x- . f 501 >- F. Z-_,..; ...i ,INNN,4-‘4-.0WWWWL.--WWW0.,-...--.-...... --..,,, MMTr‘f-,4-..0.0 .-.W f 928 2 - -306 " Shirley Iv 448 943 - -313 "Euclid " x--- - t., "'" ii rlj ••••• 0,, 4 33 , , • 10 00 - -321 " Angus " x- . a ,.; ,g 6 927 415 I.E 10 25 .51F-o 3 25329 "Warren "" g .5: or It 10111111 II 1111111111 111111 Itli 1?4 f 910 i9 0 i; 3 55 WE! • 11 10 47 .,..2 ,-,, %3 42 339 " Argyle 4°3111°31111111111111111111111 111'411" 11 08 0 ., f 4 00 348 " Stephen " f 855 0Z 33131.)'Zw" ,T, 3 21 •••••.z• . 11 27 - - 356 " Donaldson 41.1 a- co, , • ,,,,,t-lE x- -- '' , d 3 10 > 11 38 - -36 " Kennedy ... " cigl i:.'.0, x8 1 I,L,9 S.".:-.)E1Mc4V3'c'3)"441,24F1214r413?•41r, LI 114114 ..-'•-.cq gg,E f 4 4337 " Eallock " 819 2 50 W d 12 01 Z 2 34 14 ... 12 11 0 - -37 " Northcote .443N sla) I I co 0000oo,,,,,,,-....s...NNese4ts,s,hq 1:..!,4J.Li I N1 I IN --2-112 0 12 41 - -390 Ar St. Vincent I,v - - 1-i -2 Z z 4' 18 I I I I III 'I IIHI I IIIIrn'1181 5 27 390 Iv Noyes, Minn.-Iv 745 .... 1 45 ga),. 100 _...... 50234° 42 1911111111111111111111111 III111' 1 5 34391 " Emerson, Man. " 743 0 740 ,, w 5 38392 " Emerson Jct.... " '•)4,t; f 5 45396 " Christie...... " f 725 ...Nd >. 7 05 i, 0- 6 01401 " Letellier " .... 0 .4 ZS' IN 1 I I I II I 11111 I 114113! 6 22411 " St. Jean " 6 53 1-. °C) 1.41 I I I I III i 1141 6 37417 " Morris, Man... " 6 36 f 6 54425 " Silver Plains " f 6 18 " 1606 I 13 f 7 07430 " Union Point 4.47.,... Zri Igi 1 1 111 1 A' " 5 59 7 15434 " St. Agatha • "4.0 o, v4elI 11111 11111111111 11111 10I IN f 7 26439 " Glenlea " 1547 Z i=1 7 34 44 Cartier " 5 39 f 7 51448 " St. Norbert " f 5 27 f 8 04454 " Portage Jet.. " f 520 g r >c, ,-,•: Az3 I :1, 1 g44) 1 V* 1 1 1 1 14 1 Pi 8 1545 Ar Winnipeg Lv 510 c'-, f!i N.. iwi till l'l 1111111011111111111101 16' 151 For eon pment see page 8. I-Flag stop. j-Stops to let oft passengers from points west of Cut r: ..• ›.. _a, 1 4,?4 I I II II III I c?)I r; I Bank. x-Stops to let off passengers from Winnipeg. 0-1.J. S. Postal Box on platform. k .•::-.- to X 0 i •Ort. Nor. RY. Restaurant. %-Stops to let oft passengers front St. Paul.MInneapolla or Duluth or to pick up passengers for Winnipeg. iA° 'I I II 1111111111111111111111111t'°t I'D Fioures opposite stations refer to numbers of tables showino connecting trainsai

Time from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light taco type; time from 12 01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy face type. 19 DULUTH AND SUPERIOR SERVICE Read Down Duluth, Swan River, So. Hibbing and Virginia. Read Up 35-304 4, 34-303 DULUTH, SUPERIOR, CROOKSTON AND GRAND FORKS I Mix.ExSe. ••A' CentralTable Time 14 Mix.Ex.Su Read Down Read Up 8 00 0 Lv Duluth 13, .75.Ar 6 00 35 33 ...ti Table 1 34 36 8 15 4 " Superior 13, 15 " 5 45 . Daily_ . _ Daily ..;•!, Central Time ••"0 Daily Daily 1152 90 Ar Swan River 151,v 2 51 800 8 35 0 Lv Duluth 13, 22.Ar 6 00 800 5 10 901,v Swan River. ...Ar 2 1-5- 8 15 8 50 4 545 V. " Superior 13,22 " 7 45 o 5 25 96 " Goodland Lv 2 03 o 829 900 8 " Central Ave ...Lv - - 735 ..., I 5 35 99 Acropolis f 1 53 se - - - - 10 " Saunders " f 5 28 - - I 5 50 104 " Bengal. " I 1 42 8 40 I 9 11 13 Cum " Boylston " I 5 22 f 7 20 it I 5 57 107 " Lynwood " f 1 32 0 qo f 8 52 I 9 22 19 " Dewey " - - f 7 09 f 805 III " Leighton " I 122 1 f 8 59 I 928 22 " Loop Tank " I 507 f 703 5 6 35 115 Ar Kelly Lake.. 1.,v 110 8.•0 f 9 10 f 9 40 26 " Huson " - - I 6 54 0 " 11unn Ly •••t .1. f 919 f 9 48 30 " Wingate " f 449 I 648 at; 7 " Culeraine S VD' 9 26 9 55 33 " Carlton " 4 42 6 43 t.1.1:, 0 - - 10 03 36 " Scanlon " 8 " Hovey e A 4 34 - - 'ro a 14 " Marble. 9 43 10 12 30 " Cloquet " 4 27 6 28 P 110 07 lb " Calumet 41 5 flO 33 50 " Brevator " f 4 04 I 6 05 Eick 22 " Islashwauk 44 10 21 10 45 55 " B rookston " 3 54 5 55 ._. 0 26 " Moore 41 8" . ' flO 36 Ill 01 63 " Pamoores. ... " I 3 39 f 5 35 '7-m 27 " !Crown' in. 44 5 110 45 ill 09 68 " Mirbat. " f 3 31 f 5 27 ol 31 Ar licliv Lake . Lv Z 10 56 11 20 73 " Floodwood... " 3 22 5 17 ,6 119 Ar 13w. Hibbing. .1.a, 9 Ill 07 11 31 79 Island " f 3 11 i 504 ill 18 fll 42 64 - 6-35Il l i.v ii,iiv Lake.... Ar —1-.1-0. - t,.) 86 " Wawina. " f 2 58 - - z 7 15 I lit " South Ilibbing.IR 12 40 is. 11 52 11 53 90 " Swan River 14.16 " 2 51 4 45 - - 125 " t•Iiittliolin. " _ _ 112 05 12 03 95 " Warba •" 2 31 4 13 - - 121 " Emmert. it _ _ 112 17 12 15 102 " Blackberry " 2 20 - - - - 112 23 7 50 128 " Buhl. " 11 50 li"mSaul 106 " GUnti " f 2 12 - - To Sauk f 7 55 130 " Ltiek now" ill 05 12 35 12 37 109 " Grand Rapids 14 . " 2 06 3 50 Center. •Center. 12 45 12 47 -- 137 " Brunt_ " _ _ Table23 114 " Cohasset " 1 53 3 34 Table 23. 8 30 III At Virginia .. ...IN 10 30 1 06 1 07 124 " Deer River " 1 36 3 18 105 f 1 19 f 1 22 131 " Ball Club " f 1 22 3 03 „ --•••••,---____Ik *nto Motor 1 45 1 46 144 " Bena " 1 00 2 40 106 WiNglIPEG - ut,.% Ex.Sun. - - f 159 151 " Schley " 112 48 _ _ Ex. Si,. 2 25 2 21 163 Ar Cass Lake 23 Lv 12 24 o the 6 30 205 6 35 11. moTNI- N I TO it A ' ' Lake wobicoon 235 226 163 Lv Cass Lake Ar 12 20 200 625 er, ‘0,0‘ 3 1171' Igunee. on Jc. c 'V. 643 6 35 - - f 2 33 167 " Farris. Lv 112 10 - - 8 16 ••••14_ 4 •-• 0 2' h0 — — f 2 42 172 " Rosby " 112 01 - - 6 08 ,vincoll "•-• 111 oda „,' 6 51 700 3 10 258 178 " Bemidji 23 . . " 11 50 133 600 sitb,r.oki. • oionietto I f 3 24 3 09 184 " Wilton " 11 35 0 ./34 0 aC 4:•:/uni ------h Raiy 3 38 3 21 190 " Solway. " 11 25 112 57 /Si Mit el I, 3 52 3 33 196 " Shevlin " 11 14 112 45 4 07 3 45 ''' 41 :Nall.La Falls I o Wrnallonal %I 203 " Bagley 11 01 12 32 4.z.3, - ,rtso Tb ,.. ..• R wer i 4 19 I 3 58 210 " Ebro " 110 49 - - 4 11 P st• _SRI "Itill", Orand 4 33 216 " Lengby... " 10 37 112 09 $ ,-,-__.4- .Wyi%o ,.0-r „ v o b p„118 1.01. LI, o Verntition.i.t.., 4 50 4 28 223 " Fosston " 10 22 11 55 A... ••• -e--i-,-.A 0 • ...... 6 05 4 44 231 " McIntosh " o v4' 10 05 11 37 5 18 4 57 237 " Erskine " 9 51 • 11 22 % Sit.Y..<-tjy,...0... 4-1 .0 ,0 ..JPI'd 2,. 0"$ '' 44, 4:4 *:, .:3?- 4.,- ,,,..., ' ill. , It '. Ely 531 510 244 " Mentor. " 937 11 10 Itoor c _ tv . ' grof Irv-. •e•- ,p,,,, • .,. flf'•...-i; 0. ,.:', v . A lien lc. - - I 5 20 249 " Dugdale " f 925 - - l''.'' ' • L••• AW 71c:I''W f 645 f 5 23 250 " Tilden Jet. 25 " 922 10 55 , ,,,,,,,,4,4 , 1•14FN , ..• ?.e.p?,'• • • T •io I 5 54 1 5 3'2 255 " Benoit " f 9 11 - •- f 6 05 f 5 43 262 Burwell " 18 58 - - ''''n (1.11"w,p, k .,.:Z. . s C4i,..4;A o4• Redland ,, _ 4, \,. go o, • ,),,c) • 6 25 6 00 269 Arl Crookston0.1LN 840 10 20 00 cosu. • p3, :t. cy + V: , ,,,,,. .,,,, 6 35 6 15 269 Livl 12, 25, 37. .1Ar 8 40 10 OS • • Voty,r-4 4,..t.q...S, # ..or: . q.44:• ,. >.S\ 4I .0025 •Ji0 8)' I 6 45 1 6 26 274 " Hixon IA f 8 11 - - cAsS ,I- • -.1:1.-.* —1S------8 57 6 37 280 " Fisher ... " 802 945 WA 1/'..,, .e'' :::11%:•• **%;.. ev:::„r 1' - --st d' e• _ sts,4, P• - - f 6 50 287 " Mallory " f 7 51 - — •4o-ni",,t -1. 4 7 22 7 03 293 " E. Grand irks 7 41 9 21 •od,"e.Ism •-,•••••4%, •°A st '1•4•A• 'vetelk%frol .0 mineU ,I .o., ti 4 ' 6o344(';' IP,() ' ' • 4 7 30 7 10 294 Ar Grand Forks Lv 7 35 9 15 :AMEX, , . • , .'4r2. Zw„•"*. ..„.04 _,„---- :4e,--- tAl•P 4:1 •:' enmrbol ,01.0..°vst.- %'sit'. 1., I, c16,7141- li, 4 n,3 See 8als390 Table1 s 1, 2, • - Ioe-4., . 4•1'6tp• ' .. • 4 1 ••• 4,' • , . (. Po . 1 ily D Daily 8 15 294 Iv Grand Forks Ar ,.. , / ii',V,:,,, •••••,.• , n4,, • . : :1T01,1 • Spooner 12 30 a 1 15 931 <,,,, , Dbnnells , k .. 3,. .,.-. •,, ' .3, 3s- . Ar Havre Lv 4 50 o Be .,1 ,v, v,„ss, 13114011,111ror. ' "o ' e'l""leen C.)6 W' S . '''5 35 054 " Great Falls. . " . 8 30 l•kAtc, ,,r . e 6,,so „,,, , pg N II 0 i, vo- ., 0 B.th a ...., 7 30 107 " Glacier Park..' 11 42 ; 47-1'-' - e 0 cva,''s•o• • c' Turtle al 6 45 1462 " Spokane. 0 1025 '''' . 6 10 841 " Portland o 1100 -884'S9. • ...flAzs.A. ,,P /e'e6tVil e 600 1801 * 4••. e•J,,,,,, 6- ,,,,,,•04 lt, f, ,, l'V— c", o io, " Seattle 11 1000 7 40 841 ' 0 4 '04 4.7.:?/-Q, ''''''5' 4'1 r>l's er Nalkik 0 s•,. 1 uthm, s,Chippewu . 5 25 , • ,._o•v•k, • • # Oo'',•• leo' 1. .6 o.o. Q ..• 4Fails . 1045 1800 " TacomuverVanco ..a 44 1,v .12 01 2,,,,,) \ tna•,r---, Ai ;27-•• 4,, totrc;47,— ..,TA.%'' Eau Cl aire 014 , 4'1/•• M e oc ,•-I•'' .0 , gy, 4., o' L. Zi•.rdln + • 4/4''''"••". .100 o . SWAN RIVER AND HILL CITY Arl hgr ,s, . Pa , r, It, S• .,-•••• T.P? Trevino Hill City Railway Co. Sinai ,4, • '''''' ''''114 " MIAOW % dlo Nun& •• 'Dodge e ce 1 .4 Table 2 owalo u Center 0 ,„„ N .1o. Wd.--, • Chest° Central Time Eri. ,4 •16 M oF.rWl.d WINONA \ •IP o c.a. ,.. 'Hi.. Albort E.rth L os Ta0pi LA CROS 1245 0 Lv Swan River 14,15. Ai 10 50 c. 21'1 Ith, .._ ... 105 3 " Leipold ... Lv 10 35 • 1 20 8 " Nlississippl.... " 10 20 AitOn• f 1 35 10 " Seaver " In 05 IManlyillib,' c0,0,0 c'1% 1 50 13 " Rabey 44 9 50 roe° • T 0 K.01) c. f 2 05 17 " Washburn " f 9 30 A W'roN I to, W ,,,. mokellottigor • Oelwein f 2 20 20 " Brauer. " f 9 15 0 Clarion 2 35 24 kr Hill City Lv 9 00 Vaterloo C f -Flag stop. allaNINIZESTAIL 0MIR' 5 0 4022 I-Stops to pick up passengers for Superior or Duluth. Great Northern tines In Minnesota. See tables 13 too 26. .—Connecting Train.

Time from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light faze type; time from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy taco type. MINNESOTA BRANCH LINES

ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS AND HUTCHINSON SANDSTONE, MILACA, ST. PAUL, ST. CLOUD AND WILLMAR Read Down Read Up Read Down Read Up 849 815 ., 816 850 31 32 Mixed Ex. Sun. •'-'-.- Mixed Ex. Sun. - 16 .13- Table 15 CentralTable Time 18 Ex. Sun. r.s. Sun. ,-, uentral'-' - I ime 22 Es. sun. Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. Motor Car Motor Car Ex. Sun. Motor Car .4 Motor Car z 4 30 0 Lv St. Paul Ar z 8 30 7 50 0 Lv Sandstone ..Ar 8 55 z 5 20 11 kr Minneapolis La z 7 50 808 9 " Hinckley 13 ..1,v 8 37 640 5 30 11 IR Minneapolis Ar 746 5 20 8 25 17 " Brook Park 13. " 8 19 f 7 20 f 5 55 23 " Holdridge Lv f 7 19 — — 8 36 22 " Quamba 8 04 7 40 5 58 21 " Wayzata 3. " 7 17 4 35 8 50 28 " Mora 14 7 49 — — 6 02 26 " Orono " 7 12 — — 9 05 33 " Ogilvie ,, 7 31 7 55 6 06 27 " Crystal Bay " 7 09 4 08 9 18 42 " Bock 11 7 15 — — 6 08 28 " Arcola " 7 05 — — 9 25 47 Ar Milaca Lv 7 00 8 05 6 12 29 " Wtonka Beach " 7 03 3 58 — — 614 30 " Navarre " 6 59 — — 935 111 LI, Milaca Ar 6 45 825 617 31 "Spring Park " 657 350 947 116 Pease Lv 631. — — 6 20 32 " Seton " 6 53 — — 9 59 121 " Long's Siding " I 6 19 8 40 6 25 32 " Mound " 6 50 3 40 • HO 03 122 " Brickton " f 6 1.6 8 54 6 36 37 " St. Bonifacius " 6 34 3 15 1015 125 " Princeton " 6 10 9 14 f 6 44 41 " Maple " I 6 23 2 57 1033 134 " Zimmerman " 5 45 9 29 6 54 45 " Mayer " 6 15 2 45 1058 144 " Elk River " 5 20 9 56 7 04 49 " New Germany " 6 07 2 29 1107 149 " Dayton 5 10 1033 7 13 52 " Lester Prairie " 5 59 2 13 1120 156 " Anoka " 4 57 1112 7 29 60 " Silver Lake " 5 45 1 35 1131 16 " Coon Creek Jet. " 4 47 1150 745 68 Ar Hutchinson. Lv 530 1 00 111 40 16 " Fridley " f 4 38 .... 1207 174 4 05 z—Via auto-bus between Minneapolis and St. Paul. Ar Minneapolis " 1240 184 "St. Paul Lv 3 30 FERGUS FALLS AND PELICAN RAPIDS 9 40 0 Lv Milaca Ar 6 15 . 302 9 48 3 " Foreston Lv 6 08 11 301 Table 12 Mixed -1''.... Mixed 1000 9 " Oak Park 5 55 " Central Time 19 Ex. Sun. 11 Ex Sun Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. 1006 12 " Ronneby 5 47 1017 14 " Foley ,, 5 40 8 15 0 Lv St. Paul Ar 535 1026 18 " Parent " 5 27 8 55 11 " Minneapolis . " 4 45 flO42 29 Ar East St. Cloud Lv f 5 08 3 14 186 Ar Fergus Falls Ix 10 00 1112 29 Lv St. Cloudet,i2Ar 4 50 1, 12 fll17 31 " Waite Park .... " 1 4 37 3 45 0 LN Fergus Falls ..Ar 940 1134 39 " Rockville 4 20 3 SO 1 " N. P. Junction Lv 9 22 1145 44 " Cold Springs " 4 09 4 15 9 " Elizabeth " 9 02 1155 49 " Richmond 3 57 4 40 16 " Erharts " 844 1207 55 " Roscoe 44 3 40 5 00 22 ArPelican RapidslA 830 1222 60 " Paynesville. " 3 28 1233 66 " Hawick 3 09 EVANSVILLE, TINTAH AND BRECKENRIDGE 1248 72 " New London.. " 2 52 339 340 1 02 77 " Spicer 2 38 13 Mixed Mixed 14 I 1 10 81 " Grue ... " f 2 26 . 125 87 Az Willmar 3, 4, 30.1.1, 2 10 Daily Tues. ' 0 l,entral.-, Table Time 20 Tues., Daily Ex. Sun. 'Thurs.& !7.4 Thurs. & Ex. Sun. Sat. Sat. 3 10 0 Lv Evansville1,12Ar 1 30 WALKER, CASS LAKE AND BEMIDJI 3 25 7 " Erdahl Lv 1 00 11-105 ,-. Table q 106-12 ...... 3 40 11 " Thorsborg " 12 25 Es. Sun. Central Time 2,P Ex. Sun 355 16 " Elbow Lake " 11 50 4 20 24 " Hereford " 11 10 8 15 0 Lv St. Paul Ar 5 35 4 50 4 45 33 " Tintah 4 " 10 30 10 03 8 55 10 " Minneapolis " 4 45 12 23 116 12 30 5 04 40 " Campbell 9 48 Ar Sauk Center 1.12 Lv 514 47 " Doran ,, 937.. 1 1 25 01,v Sauk Center..Ar 11 25 5 30 55 ArBreckenridge Lv 9 25 I 1 36 8 " Kandota Lv Ill 06 See also Tables 1, 29,33 1 41 10 " Little Sauk " 11 01 1 47 14 " Round Prairie " 10 55 1 58 19 " Long Prairie " 10 45 2 13 26 " Browerville " 10 30 2 23 32 " Clarissa " 10 19 Plan to Attend This Summer 2 33 37 " Eagle Bend " 10 09 2 53 44 " Bertha " 9 54 3 02 48 " Hewitt " 9 44 3 20 56 " Wadena " 9 27 A C•Amens • 9 Military• • •Training •ng Camp ,.,•-• 3 30 61 " Leaf River " •-$' 9 13 6'i 341 65 " Rockwood .. . " 0 I 903 „ 3 52 70 " Sebeka " , 8 52 Camps will be held August 1st to 30th at: 0 4 10 79 " Menahga " 0 8 33 0 I 4 19 83 " Horton " 15 f 8 24 4,.----'4 45 91 " Park Rapids " :.-r, 8 08 Fort Snelling, Minnesota - - - (near Minneapolis & St. Paul) 4 58 98 " Dorset " 7 54 5 10 103 " Nevis " 746 Fort Lincoln, North Dakota - - (near Bismarck) 5 22 109 " Akeley " 734 Fort Des Moines, Iowa - - - (near Des Moines) 5 37 119 " Walker " 7 15 Fort Cook, Nebraska - - - - (near Omaha) 5 48 124 " Leech Lake " 705 ...... 6 00 131 " Wilkinson " 6 53 6 25 Ar Cass Lake 15 Lv 635 For Detailed Information Write 140 6 35 140 Lv Cass Lake Ar 625 6 43 145 " Farris Lv 6 16 C. M. T. C. Officer, Headquarters 88th Division 6 51 150 Rosby " 608 7 00 156Ar Bemidji 15 Lv 600 835 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.

I—Flag Stop. Figures opposite stations refer to numbers of tables showing connecting trains.

Time from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light face type; time from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy lace type. 21 SAILING SCHEDULES The following sailing schedules are compiled from Information given to tbe Great North- ern Railway by steamship lines and are not guaranteed—they are subject to change without notice and the Railway Company will not be responsible for failure of steamship line to carry out its advertised sailing schedule.


AMERICAN MAIL LINE "The American Line." The short route to the Orient—Losve Seattle.

S. S. President Lincoln June itt S. S. President Jackson July 28 S. S. President Madison ...... July 14 S. S. President McKinley Aug. 11 and every Second Tuesday thereafter.

NIPPON YUSEN KAISIIA—Leave Seattle. S. S. Kaga Maru July 26 S. S. Shidzuoka Maru Sept. 4 From Seattle to S. S. Iyo Maru Aug II S. S. Yokohama Maru Sept. 21

BLUE FUNNEL LINE. From Seattle, Tacoma. Wash.. Vancouver, Victoria, B. C. the Orient To China, Japan, Straits Tatting cargo under through bills "r ls.iin I all points in connection with all American and Canadian Transcontinental Ballots)s to all Far Eastern ports. Sailings every 21 days.

LARGE AND PAST STEAMERS NIPPONpassenger Yusen and freightKaisha service has maintained out of Seattle its to the Orient since 1896 and has achieved "Tyndareus" "Philoeteles" "Protestlaus" "Talthyblua" Vessels espevially equipped for Asiatic steerage. an enviable reputation for the excellence of its liners, for the efficiency of the ship crews and OSAKA SIIOSEN KA ISIIA—Leave Seattle. Leave Toroms our days earlier. servants, for the ability of the chefs and the S. S. Africa Maru July 5 S. S. Arabia Maru Aug. 7 attention given each passenger. Anyone con- S. S. Arizona Maru July It S. S. Alabama Maru Aug. 14 templating a journey to Japan, China or any Far

CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICIS. LIMITED—From Vancouver, B. C. Eastern port will profit by inquiry concerning Empress of Canada July 12 Empress of Asia Aug. 16 rates for passage via the Seattle route, the direct Empress of Russia Aug 2 Empress of Canada Sept. 6 route to the Orient. Or by the N. Y. K. Line, HONOLULU, NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA. California-Orient Service via Honolulu, operat- CANADIAN AUSTRALASIAN ta. S. LINE—Leave Vancouver, B. C. ing large and fast vessels. Sailing fortnightly. S. S. Niagara July 25, Sept. la S. S. Aorangi Aug 2, Oct 17 NEXT SAILINGS • PUGET SOUND TO HAWAII. From Seattle-Victoria MATSON NAVIGATION CO. S. S. LURLINE S. S. Kaga Maru July 26 Is Seattle at lionoiniu Pr ilonoluits AR San Francisco S. S. Iyo Maru Aug. 11 Aug. II Aug 20 Aug. 30 Sept. 7 Sept. 22 (St I ((rt. 11 Oct. 19 S. S. Shidzuoka Maru - - - Sept. 4 Other direct saltines Seattio to Honolulu and return to San Francisco. S. S. Yokohama Maru - - Sept. 21 PACIFIC STEAMSIIIP CO. (The Admiral Line)—Leave Seattle. From San Francisco Alaska Summer Excursions May to Sept inclusive. See page 42. S. S. Tenyo Maru July 18 ALASKA sTEAmsnir COMPANY—Leave Seattle. S. S. Korea Maru Aug. 1 Southeastern and Southwestern and tiering Sea Route. See page 42. S. S. Shiny° Maru Aug.15 S. S. Siberia Maru CANADIAN NATIONAL S. S. Aug. 29 Alaska Service June 9 until Sept. 3. Information concerning rates and reservations, passenger Leave Vancouver for Prince Rupert, Ketchikan, Wrangle, Juneau, Skagway. Steamships "Prince Rupert," " Pt ince Grorge,'• Mondays at 8:00 P. M. or freight, can be obtained from any Great Northern Railway agent or at the following N. Y. K. Line offices: PUGET SOUND PORTS—Leave Seattle.


PORT ANGELES Port Townsend (Only Sir. Comanehe calls at Dungeness Port Williams) SOL DUO—Colman Dock-12,00 midnight—Arrive 7:00 pm. COMANCHE—Colman Dock—Mon. Fri. 10:30 pm. Arrives Wed. Sun. 8:00 am. Tacoma,9:00 P. 7:00 M. A. M. 9:00 A. M., 11 :00 A. M., I :00 P. NI.. 3 00 P. M., 500 P. M.. 700 P. M., Victoria, B. C Except Saturdays 12:00 Midnight, Daily

U. S. NAVY YARD—Bremerton Charleston Port Orchard Veterans Home Retsil 801 First Avenue Seattle Auto Ferries SEATTLE—CHIPPEWA—Colman Dock-6:30 8:30 (9:00 Freight only) 10:30am x)215 1:45 3:15 3:30 910 II:30 pm. Bus to Charleston connects with the 551 Market Street San Francisco Bremerton Ferries. (xDon't call Port Orchard.) 10 Bridge Street New York 100 West Monroe Street - - - Chicago CANADIAN PACIFIC S. S. CO.—Leave Seattle. 10 Biltmore Hotel Arcade - Vancouver. B. C. direct 11:30 P. M. Daily - Los Angeles Victoria and Vancouver 900 A. M. Dally 8 s' 8 t-- L-,Iii ,; ,.c•'CD 0 SO . 0 F, . _ 0 c.""t''',,so 'rs ,-, °, /''T ter 0 co, LL__r_ fs, _,,_z :-; o_it-%,...,!c' ; ; s CV Z - 0 , C.073 z > 11.'-t;1 rt : I-ka LIJ CVW CV ! 02 =LT Allio.'.,4 0 :: = coCV w •E„,„ CV Cr)'ip CO en 0 tu • .. r' x x 0

  • 1 x Z0 '' - .< 0 ' IE Z 0 0,, . _ • °Ifni: a51,50 umei 401es000ffteheet 1— 0 ce • , cs- SEATIL N- g 0- _ oA, 1 ...... 2 00 \I , II 11510 1\t‘l . • 11 , I Calgary • u Arrowheid NI sc'n K I e• - ,117;i0 , amoons Arrow K e Regi U B I 1 Swift Current Chap' B R T ISnH C '1:) L Medi 'Inc Hat Lake Kootenay ,s4

    1"4:4411je tinting c 1, 6•'• ,,,•••••••!,:w110 B 10d A .0•=•• CO 'runner "171 Wait41,',1a"1"' 0 T .•• ca s5'4 \ B su NORTHPORT Cusn esi.F11130'1;'1 .tha:rikas,LE CopOand 1) itfstta•, ..ostE,INNes‘o Tonasket Bossimr•tr. , acql4S"Za4'P0IcP e Ayg ,,, 0, „00k.,06•14_,•'- ev' Riverside sauna 4 11110, -0,1•7f141 Mgt,' „q 4 ;$11,1„ e :Hey., gain ? 'S$1;:nneve&yasrart:si.e Ho ge land , 01cl1u Vieto,•\1' cs..SCma?-5! s tOr \ 1/;?k21'i ..... Fe it.tery°"'tfa rega\ 10k• sa.,N Chelan, no_ 6 1,npBpocisBig Saindy 6,0 0M .e d 1 gill .ne ,PemlijcoVni o Carter• Ben missourz n aPeA'Cft' • Poison Ploweree Richmor3-41:1:' 4t,„ • Portage SI4 S E Arittql • GREAT FALLS Lambert wing Valley 4/en„s„ DisonAnGuerro .0, ftiCney,001 V Nisei (3eill.rot1V.V'ora 4.4"• - 490ettyC'et%1 A co Sumner co 'NS\ s lia 1I•A to\ filissoula 4fi, co v.. - „rcvc,40 Oaksdale ive 4'41'0'4" *,,y11 Cr... ,••• " a Palouse Drut aNtond Bay W A A N AGland/ South Bend ,-to MOSCOWArrow MOaccison) 0 Lew istoi •!!) •gacAhil psDb.urrgo. by 474, e4'.; ,624;„ Columbia B.P.e.:PA Dayton Stites a Anaconda 4 ,a‘ ../c1 4: Rook • •40•• FortWarrenton Stevens •0e• In Walla 14'144, "Pei v,s\tv•sv-,,0 Orangeville Logan Gearhart 7.-A\s Silver Bow 0 • Diurtilla u•2 Seaside 0". Pendleton ny vingsto 131i1-1;17., Silesia na0,5 ii&aa ives, Regimen AC. ldvrf • 0,10‘.•, GC w ad 0 JoseA 1"Lou'Red LodgeFrotauerg Crow Agency q Salmon N'rjr, Tillamook .0Ylot ,I3, WELAND Bear Ereet Homestead New Meadow, •Wp , nody • La Grange •herar don H""er A rmstead x§1. Era SKER1;AN CZ) conq 11;oodborn Maupin Baker Yellowstone I y,:pArsto Clmoot E*. •Ue Salem 11 leak ALBANY Madras Cody' Metolius rairle Centerville Dubol Gillette Idanha Huntington Culver Weiser Mackay CO M-L 0 Ternebonnebt Brogan o, 'Newborn C. Harrisburg .A %%It Vale •-• Basin •P a. I.' pit unction Cy.• t Foster Lasen BRedmond' END Burns Boise Victor' 4' Thermo/wits 0 < UGENE Harriman a 0,„,,eade Mountain IdahoFalls I New Cald:o ran -Z- Mansfield G'• 4:Pine Matheur •6',• Ito.° Shoshone 14„,10,01,0, Blackfoot w Crater Lake CP;;Z'af'ke y 0 IN ( oseburg & Nat. PartE Ee.to nit „s00 • Jordan Valle31 Bald Burley Pocatello I Lunde C k •r. on--- Powers P Pine Ridge DB1 ,a'n • Chilon rrz!evie,rr Grants Pass Klamath \CasperO n JC• Medford Lake City Cokeville Ashland Malec!•Dairy er,a' Lakes Bogerson Oakley c\ ATV TALI - •1••• Holv.• ••=•.• 61. Tole L. Goose L. - 6,0 C. II PO4 Trinidad Black Butte ,• Staggers \:44.114* •-e Creek N,I Granger 0:11opci.0. •• I ran Mt. Shasta •• OGDEN Ceye ne I Lake Eureka _ L - .ett t - -Encampment — - — L.- • Lassen Pk. Matieline _.,•0•••••sro—o-l•-•-•-- Shatter Salt Lake City •11/Ilnagton Pitt tle Garfield Lehi Westwood Bedding )1'0"thre ROCKY MTN Carson coolrnont o I ne,17 taa.,/ Sink )K e Parran Thistio 'Tehama Hazen Eureka Burns Jo. • A Su nystde -Willits V A Ft. Bragg • Au ha Ephraim ra C. rson City Veteran Churchill Mounds Ramsey .riP o 400• 0 < I 050,111c Takp ca 'aelrPAoodland Cottons od Ole.' • Baldwin Lgdpv e Santa sa D\av's $11C%111: Thome Sloths Martell e • niann Galt Tonopah Jr. Marysvato Sausalito oaten 4. SAN FRANCISCO 't• YOSEMITE • Tonopak El P*oltal SAN JOSE :NAT, Goldfield Rico Santa Cruz creed TL--2PARK Moans Durango ,0. 2 , 0 en 0, . rA• to , ,,, Cu = , ,,, 0 0 ,, — FA Cu co M •- co 1-o 2 ' l'• >- /0 w , De w Z /7, M —, Z. 2 2 w . ' g . Z DJ 0 W 8 n r,-,-, 2 . R < • .-„•-' Z •- '1' . r- . -I , Ld >•• m 1••• M. t L/-') W0 ..9 Dr< 3 0_ . a,CO . ik/ •LU O'0 Ze-s•- ,Z to w-Iw Ld , . § 0 F- Ut cc :,, ,...Z0 LcfjL„— x z0 en0 0. w : w 0 ED LU — < 0 M -5: 1-• Z . :: 3:2_ ,0 7 . , ,_ , 0A Cu ,, = .v)0 .. . 00 CIA Zx Z. 0 . . . < w . ,> .

    Two Flarbort

    I. ghtOn

    Lidandan CASSELta Vial,. A Addi,on New England 0 DavenportWalcott Marsnarth Da ight NAa, WAMPETON • ".0 BRECKENRIDGE, Dem bet OIL Win Spooner Lem.mora roY1...1 Bit inelander P nsbin Mc Laughlin Nobs idle Faith • 'Belle-• Fourche s 0

    Spa fis Redfield Dead Green a Orlent May I ngle,!vood Piedmon Dlt.ni • Lake Norden olse La a " I Wa dd C At moon n e Mystic k 'erre A Sinai a rtI Dpalaga Interior Mitchell leoTorn

    tO Crawfor Niobrara Missouri c 13?d01ph Q

    Aflurwell Ericson nuR Sargent Sch uyier Co/urn Keota Muer Sterling Wallace

    Greeley / Minden Imperial Colon 11 Holder/re a Sall Oxford MBAR • Bray Brush Clabe.Kt.SOn ,002.:aritt,,,, Denver Norton Belleville Colby ft; Limon Concordia !'"nh."10 Leak mvorth 1 COLORADO SPRS. Oakley Abilene W Bon 1 RD ARLOADO

    Scott City La Jun Card. City Bucklin JAN.1923 24


    MORRIS AND BROWNS VALLEY BENSON, WATERTOWN AND HURON Read Down Read Up Read Down Read Up 335 336 13 185 22 " 14 13-169 3-189 ii 170-10 190-14 Table 28 Mixed Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun ='• CentralTable Time 24 Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. Mixed Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. '•-' Central Time E 1x. Sun. Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun 7 15 5 35 900 0 Lv St. Paul Ar ,,,,, , 5 35 900 11 00 0 Lv St. Paul Ar 9 45 Motor Motor 4 55 11 45 840 455 11 " Minneapolis.." t ar 945 11 " Minneapolis.." 3 OS Car 132 Ar Benson 4 .Lv 12 25 3 SS 4 07 158 Ar Morris 24 Lv 1 15 11 20 11 40 ( 4 00 i 830 0 Lv Morris Ar I 8 55 (10 55 10 15 3 05 0 Lv Benson Ar 11 55 11 45 4 02 , 6 33 1 " Brown's V.L.JcLv , 8 50 10 50 10 10 3 07 1 " Junction Lv 11 51 , 12 05 i 4 20 • 6 50 8 " Alberta " os 8 32 c'ri 10 32 9 50 3 21 8 " Danvers " 11 35 12 30 0 4 40 0 705 14 " Chokio. " 0 8 17 010 17 9 10 3 37 16 " Holloway " 11 23 1 00 ts 5 00 t., 7 21 20 " Johnson t 8 00 t 10 00 8 15 3 52 22 " Appleton " 11 10 413 10 51 1 40 t 5 20 •.' 738 27 " Graceville... " -.-' 740 -' 940 738 31 " Louisburg " 2 10 --, 5 35 ..;... 751 33 27 37 " Bellingham " 10 37 2 40 '' 5 54 , - 8 09 40 " BeardsleyBarry " i 14; i; g'346 7 S18 4 47 46 " Nassau " 10 17 3 10 1 6 10 ( 8 30 47 Ar Browns•ValFyLv ( 6 45 ( 8 45 600 5 03 52 " Albee " 10 05 5 18 58 " La Bolt " 9 52 CROOKSTON AND WARROAD 5 38 66 " Stockholm. " 9 37 558 73 " South Shore " 923 I 6 07 79 " Forestville. " f 9 09 135 A' Table c1C 136 1 6 17 86 " Rauville " f 8 53 Ex. Sun. ':"1 Central Time "•-0 Ex. Sun. 6 55 02 " Watertown 31 " 840 7 16 102 " Grover. " 8 10 8 10 01,v Crookston. . Ar 7 40 7 32 108 " Hazel. " 7 56 — — 1 " Redland Lv — — 7 51 115 " Vienna " 7 39 1 8 28 7 " Burwell " _ _ 8 10 124 " Willow Lake. " 7 21 I 8 41 13 " Benoit " — — 8 24 130 " Melham " 7 08 8 52 18 " Tilden Jct. 15 " 7 05 8 38 136 " Bancroft " 6 56 927 31 " Red Lake Falls " 6 30 8 48 141 " Osceola " 646 9 55 41 " St. Hilaire 26 . " 6 03 9 05 149 " Yale. " 6 27 1017 49 " Thief River Fails. " 5 46 9 16 153 " Sheffield " 8 17 11042 56 " Steiner. " 15 17 9 40 162 Ar Huron Lv 800 1055 61 " Holt " 506 1114 71 " Middle River.." 4 47 11 33 70 " Stratheona. " 4 28 WAHPETON, RUTLAND, FORBES AND ABERDEEN 1158 90 " Greenbush.. " 4 OS 1218 99 " Badger. " 3 45 9 10-191 .9 Table 9fa 192-9 10 1233 100 " Fox " 3 31 Daily Ex. Sun. •'-' Central Time gdio Ex. Sun. Daily 1246 112 " Roseau " 319 630 0 Ar St. Paul . Ar 715 11258 117 " Mandus " f 3 08 " 710 11 Minneapolis.." 840 1 06 121 " Salol " 3 00 10 35 102 Lv Willmar. 335 1 30 134 kr Warroad Lv 2 35 2 25 .. Ar Campbell.....Lv 11 45 ST. H LAIRE AND WYLIE n 920 Lv Fargo 4 Ar 455 1105 215 Ar Breckenridge . Lv 3 15 557 558 n1201 01.v 11 59 2 Loc. FL Wahpeton.. .A1 Loc. Ft. Table. qic 1 45 1 " Breckenridge. " 11 50 Tues. 7,1_. Central Time A" Tues. f 2 00 9 " Doran Lv ill 35 " and Sat. and Sat. 2 25 16 " Campbell. " 11 20 935 0 Lv St. Hilaire 25.Ar 10 44 230 19 " Aberdeen 1,..Ict. " 11 00 1007 8 Ar Wylie Lv 10 12 f 2 45 26 " Kutzer " 110 40 2 53 30 " Fairmount . " 10 30 I 2 58 32 " De Vino " 110 27 • i 3 06 36 " Sonora " 110 17 3 25 44 " Hankinson. " 10 00 Northwest Conventions 1928-29f 3 40 51 " Stiles " I 9 40 3 52 56 " Lidgerwood. " 9 30 National Education Association Minneapolis, Minn., July 1-6 337 4 07 62 " Geneseo " 9 16 338 9 05 American Naturopathic Association Portland, Ore., July 11-14 Mixed 4 20 67 " Cayuga " Mixed Ex.Sun. 4 40 73 Ar Rutland Lv 8 50 Ex. Sun. National Conference Commissioners Uniform State Laws ------Seattle, Wash., July 17-23 830 73 Lv Rutland Ai 400 855 80 " Belle Plaine. Lv 342 Phi Delta Delta Fraternity Seattle, Wash., July 20-23 9 10 85 " Brookland..... " 3 30 American Bar Association Seattle, July 23-28 930 92 " Straubville.... " 3 00 Fleet Week Seattle, Wash., Aug. 6-14 9 50 98 " Crescent Hill .. " 2 40 1006 103 " Newton 2 25 American Veterinary Medical Assn - - - - Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 7-10 1015 105 " Port Emma. " 2 15 Pi Tau Pi Fraternity Seattle, Wash., Aug. 15-18 1025 108 " Guelph 2 05 American Dental Assn Minneapolis, Minn., August 20 24 1045 115 " Silver Leaf .. " 145 11 10 123 " Ellendale 1 25 Kappa Alpha Pi Fraternity Portland, Ore., Aug. 21-25 1150 136 kr Forbes Lv 12 45 Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity Seattle, Wash., August 22-24 4 40 73 Lv Rutland Ar 8 SO International Assn. Fish 8, Game Commissioners 5 08 83 " Havana Lv 8 30 and American Fisheries Society - - - - - Seattle, Wash., Aug. 27-31 5 24 89 " Kidder. " 8 17 8 02 American Assn. of Railroad Ticket Agents - - - - Seattle, Sept. 13-14-15 5 44 96 " Burch . " 6 02 103 " Amherst " 7 47 Pacific International Livestock Exposition 8 17 110 " Claremont . " 7 32 and Portland Horse Show ------Portland, Ore., Nov. 3-10 630 115 " Huffton " 7 20 Amalgamated Assn. Street 8s Electric Employees of 6 45 121 " Putney " 7 Oa America ------Seattle, Wash., 1929 f 8 57 124 " Tacoma Park.." 16 58 American Medical Assn Portland, Ore., June, 1929 7 05 128 " Plana. " 6 SO n 7 30 137 Ar Aberdeen.. . ..Lv 6 30 National Assn. Retail Grocers Portland, Ore., June, 1929 Swedish Baptist Church Portland, Ore., June, 1929 1—Flag stop. Disciples of Christ Seattle, Wash., August, 1929 n—No. 10 carries a sleeping car from Fargo to Wahpeton for Aberdeen each night except Saturday. No. 191 handles this car and operates from Wahpeton to Aber- Scandinavian Fraternity of America - Seattle, Wash., August 12.15, 1929 deen daily except Sunday. For further equipment see page 8.

    Time from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light face typo; time from 12.01 noon to 12.09 midnight shown in heavy face type. 25


    WILLMAR, SIOUX CITY, SIOUX FALLS AND YANKTON SIOUX FALLS AND WATERTOWN Read Down Read Up Read Down Read Up 3-51 13-31 Table i'an 32-14 52-10 Ex. Sun. 54 53 Daily Central Time 'II" Ex. Sun Daily Tables 11 11 00 9 00 0 Ly St. Paul°. .Ar 5 35 7 15 Motor Car Central Time •-• . Motor Car 11 45 9 45 11 " Minneapolis. " 4 SS 6 40 Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. 2 15 1 15 102 Ar Willmir 3,4,22. 1 50 3 35 2 SO 0 Ls Sioux Falls 30Ar 12 50 3 20 2 00 1021,y Willmar Ar 130 3 20 1254 2 Level Siding." 112 45 f 3 33 f 2 14 108 " Priam I,y f 1 16 f 3 05 f 3 03 6 Quincy Lv 112 35 3 47 2 28 114 " Raymond . 1 04 2 52 3 13 9 Crooks 12 22 4 02 2 42 122 " Clara City " 12 48 2 37 f 3 20 13 Tyler 112 11 4 14 2 55 12 " Maynard 12 33 2 25 3 26 15 Lyons 12 06 4 21 f 3 02 131 " Asbury 112 20 f 2 16 3 39 21 Colton 11 53 4 32 3 15 137 " Granite Falls 12 10 2 05 f 3 46 24 Huntimer fll 45 f 4 42 1 3 26 112 " Iwo,.. . . . " 111 56 f 154 3 56 28 ti Chesterit 11 34 4 52 3 37 146 " Hanley lulls " 11 48 1 46 f 3 58 30 0 Brant Lake fil 29 5 05 5'• 3 51 152 " Cottonwood.. t's 11 35 1 27 4 12 36 Wentworth. 11 16 5 19 4 OS 1111 " 11r•en %•alley. C-) 11 21 1 1 11 4 25 42 44 Rutland 11 03 5 34 4 19 " Marshall... 11 10 1 00 4 38 48 Nunda 10 50 5 50 4 33 172 ml 10 50 12 39 4 50 54 di Sinai44 10 39 8 04 4 48 178 " Hassell 10 40 12 27 f 4 58 58 id Ahnbergti flO 27 44 46 6 20 5 OS 186 " 11•41,110t) ", 10 26 12 13 5 10 64 Arlington 10 15 6 32 5 18 " itutbton 10 18 12 03 f 5 18 68 Royhl HO 03 47 5 33 100 10 03 11 48 5 31 73 dd Badger 9 52 7 10 5 55 207 " Flpestone. " 9 45 11 30 5 46 80 id Lake Norden. 9 37 7 25 07 214 Ar Wen, 9 23 11 10 6 00 85 di Hayti 9 25 7 30 6 17 2141,0 iblen Ar 9 20 11 05 6 15 92 id Thomas 44 9 10 7 40 6 28 210 " Jasper 9 13 10 57 f 6 30 99 Foley 44. 8 55 7 55 , 6 42 226 " Sht•rman 8 58 10 42 6 45 lob Ar Watertown 28 ly 8 4545 8 00 700 230 Ar Oarr•tion. 860 10 35 165 163 164 166 Motor Car Motor Car Motor Car Motor Car Express Service Via Ex. Sun Ex. Sun Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun 9 05 8 25 7 10 231 1.v Oarretson Ar 8 25 10 15 6 30 9 22 8 42 7 27 23/4 " tartiom 8. 8 06 9 53 6 10 9 45 9 12 7 55 " Sioux Solia031 7 45 9 30 5 50 The Great Northern Railway 9 35 8 21 259 " Tea 7 09 8 55 9 48 8 40 2111 " 1.conos 6 54 8 40 From all stations along this railroad, shipments by express may be sent over 10 06 8 58 274 " Davis 6 34 8 19 the shortest and most direct route to any of the 26,700 points in the United 10 22 9 15 2442 " llama 6 17 8 00 States, and Canada, served by the American Railway Express. 10 38 9 31 289 Irene 6 01 7 43 This coordinated railway express is useful to manufacturers, merchants and 110 48 f 9 41 29:1 " Talmo f 5 51 1 7 33 farmers, particularly where time and careful handling are essential factors. 10 59 9 53 29 " Volio 5 41 7 22 The American Railway Express Company pick up and deliver shipments 11 10 10 05 304 " Mission 11111." 5 30 7 10 within its designated limits at no extra cost. 11 30 10 25 311 Ar 5 10 6 SO A duplicate system of receipts to the shipper and from the consignee in- 161 Motor 31 32 Moto 162 sures safety. Daily Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun Daily Shipments are accepted either prepaid or with charges collect and C. O. 6 17 2141ifi1fin Ar 9 20 D. Remittances promptly returned. _ 6 28 219 " Jasper 9 13 — — 6 42 226 " Sherman 8 58 Free liability for full value up to $50.00 for 100 lbs. or less and at same — 7 00 230 Ar Clarretson " 8 50 — ratio for heavier shipments. 8 45 7 00 230 I,r Oarreteon .A1 8 40 10 00 Prompt notification if shipments cannot be delivered. 8 56 f 7 12 2:91 la• 8 27 f 9 48 f 9 04 f 7 20 24( "Idlir 8 19 f 9 40 For details of rates, advice in regard to packing and marking or for vehicle 9 18 7 33 247 "11111., Nlinn " 8 05 9 26 call, telephone the American Railway Express Agent nearest you. 7 46 9 31 '253 " loVider• Iowa." 7 51 9 13 9 45 7 59 " Alvord 7 38 9 00 10 00 8 12 2tit " tham 7 28 8 48 10 20 8 31 27 " Perkin' 64 7 11 8 31 10 35 8 50 2442 " Sioux Center. " 6 58 8 15 10 49 9 05 291 " Maurice 6 42 7 57 THE THINGS YOU BUY 10 59 9 1.6 29t Struble 6 32 7 47 ... 11 12 9 30 " I tall 'in 6 19 7 33 11 23 9 41 1011 " Merrill 6 10 7 23 11 37 9 54 t!r, " Hinton 5 57 7 10 fll 51 fill 07 {22 " Leeds. f 5 43 f 6 58 It UNION- 12 OS 10 25 127 At Sioux 5 30 6 45 •—G rent Norther n It ail way Restaurant. I-1 ag Stop. S. Postal box on sta ion plat form. -GREAT NORTHERN TRA For equipment see page 8. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY SENDINGIt takes care a telegram, of your need like forbuying quick a communicationrailroad ticket, betweenis a simple the transaction.point where RESTAURANT SERVICE you are and where you would like to be. Urgent business in Seattle, an appointment at Spokane, a fishing trip with a friend at Glacier Park, or a greet- RESTAURANTS ing to the family at home. Each at first thought presents a problem which a telegram will solve for you so capably and dependably that you take the solution Great Northern Station Great Northern Station as a matter of course. Minneapolis Spokane We of the GREAT NORTHERN take keen pride in the thought that we King Street Station are able to contribute our share in providing this service. Seattle 750 GREAT NORTHERN offices from which telegrams may be sent. Ihlen, Minn. Shelby, Mont. WESTERN UNION blanks in all cars.

    Figures opposite stations refer to nand, qf tables showing connecting trains.

    Tint IN. 1101 iludnittit 101700 noes shown in light lace type; time from 17.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy face type. 26

    r 1r r , Alf i' ,r,L. Ai ' 11177 17./ ti ' N flit' IA' 7r11-7370 -.: EZi 8 Caldwell / 11 • Greve 11-e1C:II •Meharry 5._ 37 13 l ' • e, ,-, coar'ivin -,-, a l' 6z,,, E:3 t, K...k • 4- ,---- 4. 0 m'- - — , 3 - ..„1„. ..,.howrane • • -- A Sty ow -•' 1' -, 36 ss s' . Cos-cm — 0 * C:I0 1 0 5 , WA V IV w Z • IL ER • o c' n . ,v. BO . ell- t5 11 --''''5 al k ss* Cit t _ ' '4 I 1 q- pop . ,6= 0---rre. . .. n • -- . r 1Prl 0le 11 11, 45, -:-•,weld tilfle .3E7 --c, ,=1 cp—.. i EWATEP tat v _ ._ 16 •,' • ity a I 1 61J o 11:6-1 , •••••111m O (den', ' 0 • n 0 r e ger eznevieve 1:3 'woo imp --1,, G Yalleytown __ • to • • a n 1111 :bi- Ai,hk IJ "IIII1 caz ti 5, s • E H OLS 33s ',,,, 32 of e 35 22 111 IlAr24 . I Lotruk,.26 27 30 —to Wales,on [ qinIttlireMih %, 4? i i B- 5 El /r . $ .• ROI' Mil••• Otl%•- d'' ml cb•\ ! 1 t _19 Ashfol P „______. S'ACO Mogra• L,. a' 31 N teaverion BO OI LUIS (otrid ,,,i--‘_k . i C."1. e, _ illlimpon– 7 WISIWAII AW e k..' IPPir WAW11111-1.1 IFF /4/1 Jr • NoR HERN .4, GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY - NEW BRANCH LINE- For the protection of settlers, options have been taken on about 150,000 IN acres, located as indicated on the map, at prices ranging from $5 to $25 NOTE- an acre. Most of the options run until January. 1929, but many of them The lienils of area which wil PHILLIPS z**,',• BLAINE COUNTIES expire before that time. Those who come first will have choice of the be served by New Branch Line best locations and lowest prices. SCALEShown I hos //////////////// MONTANA HILES MARCH 1928 Jo _ The New Saco-Turner Line opens a million acres of good farming country. A large part of the land is undeveloped and offers good opportunities for farmers. Low Homeseekers Excursions

    A Pubcl• sale of busi- Every Tuesday—To Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana. ness and residential First and Third Tuesdays of each month—To Western Montana, lots in the new town- sites of Turner and Idaho, Washington and Oregon points east of and including Wenatchee, Hogelandon the new Wishram and Bend. One fare plus $2 .00 for the round-trip. Tickets SacoTurner line, will be held at the town- good for 21 days. Stop-overs allowed in both directions. sites--At Turner Write for FREE BOOKS on the NEW LINE or books on Min- on July 10 a nd a t Hogeland on July H. nesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington or Oregon.

    E. C. LEEDY, General Agricultural Development Agent, Saint Paul, Minn. 27 NORTHLAND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY A Subsidiary of the Great Northern Railway General Office: 509 Gth Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Officers: C. E. Wickman, President W. P. Kenney, Vice President F. L. Paetzold, Sec'y and Treas. W. J. Kay, Assistant to the President C. O. Jenks, Vice Pres. C. E. Croze, Passenger Agent G. H. Hess Jr., Comptroller The Northland Transportation Co., a subsidiary of the Great Northern Railway, operates 150 buses over 3000 miles of Minnesota and Wis- consin Highways. The following lines of passenger service are maintained by the Northland Transportation Co. in the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin. The famous fishing and outing sections of the Ten Thousand Lakes Region of Minnesota and Northern Wisconsin are effectively served by these modern bus lines. (The numeral in parentheses opposite each , ity designates number of Buses per day.) Twin Cities-Duluth Twin Cities-Madison Twin Cities- Bemidji Duluth to Iron Range Twin Cities to Fargo Via—(Minnesota) Via— Via—St. C1.,ad (14) Via—Hibbing (7) Via— White Bear (9) Wayzata (31) Sauk Center (6) Virginia (10) Elk River (17) Forest Lake (9) I loward Lake (5) Wadena (3) Tower (3) St. Cloud (14)• Pine City (5) Litchfield (5) Park Rapids (1) Ely (3) Osakis (3) Moose Lake (5) Madison (2) Itasca State Park (I) Chisholm (10) Alexandria (3) Duluth (5) Via Little Falls (6) Eveleth (10) Fergus Falls (2) Via—(Wisconsin) Dolts t 11 - Port Arthur (Can.) Brainerd (6) Gilbert (10) Pelican Rapids (2) Barnesville (1) Chisago (5) Via— PequotWalker (I) Duluth-BemidjiAurora (16) Moorhead (1) Taylors Falls (5) Two Harbors (5) Cass Lake (1) Floonwood (2) Via—(Brainerd) Frederic (3) Baptism River (2) Indian Mission (1) Swan River (2) Frazee (1) Grantsburg (1) Lutsen (2) Bemidji (2) Grand Rapids (2) Danbury (1) Grand Marais (2) Detroit Lakes (1) Chaff ey (1) Pigeon River (I) St. Cloud-Hinckley Deer River (2) Fargo (1) Duluth (1) Fort William (1) Foley (1) Cass Lake (2) Port Arthur (1) Foreston (I) Bemidji (2) (fly steamer to Isle Royale) Milaca (1) Twin Cities-Fairmont Duluth-Fargo Ogilvie (1) Via— Mankato (7) Carlton (1) Mora (1) Blue Earth (2) Aitkin (1) Twin Cities-Hibbing Duluth-Ashland Brook Park (1) Fairmont (2) Crosby (1) Via Milaca (3) Superior (4) Hinckley (1) Grand Forks-Devils Lake Brainerd (1) Vineland (2) Brule (4) Twin Cities-Marshall Grand Forks (1) Wadena (1) Aitkin (3) Pine River (4) Via—Glers oe (2) Larimore (1) Detroit Lakes (1) Grand Rapids (2) Moquah Corner (4) Tracy (I) Lakota (1) Moorhead (1) Hibbing (2) Ashland (0 Marshall (2) Devils Lake (1) Fargo (1)

    Norden •,,t)t,4 bake of Northland St Vincent -----,---- WooaS CANADA *arr.% Northland Transpor- Graft011 Palay bake Port Arthur tation Fort William Depots in Thief Riv Falls — Pigeon Diver Rea Lake Company Grano Forks Principal Ely Lines in /Crlookston tower Cities Marais the Aurora tinsel Bemidji Eyelets States / r itt 90° Bedford StItt:st:rt, / 511 of DAKo TA Vance Minneapolis Minnesota (swan – --- Barnesville Astesna Union Bus • and Chaffer 0 \ toop Depot Forgo Falls Wahpe ton C haffey• 29 N. 7th St. Wisconsin Breckenridge Forbes I n Kley Danbury reaching Tintah EibOW Traverse Sauk Center Sr ntsburg W I S. many of Morris • Frederic St. Paul Browns Valley.-- City Benson Union Bus the Big Slone L Taylors Falls Forest Lake Depot White Bear NORTHLAND 6th & St. Peter principal SOUTH Maoljson Dawson ST•PAUL Sts. Montiverho Cities, MIN 'APOUS BUS LINES /01 ivi shako,. Towns Redwood falls Jordan Marshall Le Sueur Duluth and St. Pete Tracy ( Mankato Pipestone 507 W. Superior Lake WiNON A St. MINN ES OTA IA COOSSE Resorts arretson Fairmont CleanD Blue Earth stout Fans treat Northern Py. I OWA shown 28


    BRECKENRIDGE, CASSELTON AND LARIMORE. FARGO, VIA VANCE, CASSELTON AND BEDFORD, TO DEVILS LAKE. Read Down Read Up Read Down Read Up 197 rn 198 29 9 10 3 Table 'z'z 10 Table qM 30 Ex. Sun. 1;1 Central Time •-"-' Ex. Sun. Doily Daily 7-1 Central Time •-'0 Daily Daily Daily Motor Car Motor Car Daily 945 630 0 Lv St. Paul. . Ar 7 15 7 25 11 00 0 Lv St. Paul Ar 7 15 10 25 710 11 Lv Minneapolis Ar 6 40 6 50 11 45 11 Lo Minneapolis.. Ar 6 40 520 455 242 Ar Fargo 9 20 11 35 5 40 214 Ar Breckenridge.Lv 11 15 9 See also 'fables 7, 4, 10 See also Tables 4,20, 29 Ex. Sun. 29,34,37 Ex. Sun. 5 45 4 35 215 Lv Breckenridge.Ar 9 10 11 05 620 0 Lo Fargo / 7 30 5 49 4 39 216 " Wahpeton....lw 9 07 10 57 634 6 " Reed. it 7 15 —— — — 219 " Slotten. 6 45 12 " Prosper di 7 05 4 57 223 " Dwight 8 53 7 05 23 Ar Vance LIP 6 45 5 09 229 " Galchutt it 8 40 7 10 23 Lv Vance Ar 6 40 5 15 233 " Pitcairn 44 f 8 32 7 15 24 " Amenia 6 28 5 22 236 " Colfax 8 24 7 32 0 Ar Casselton Lv 6 10 5 35 242 it Walcott. 8 11 7 35 3 Lv Casselton Ar 6 10 5 51 250 ti Kindredti 7 56 f 7 44 5 " Fleming 5 57 6 01 255 td Davenportit 7 44 755 11 " Absaraka. 5 47 6 10 259 it Addisonit 7 34 808 17 " Ayr 5 35 6 19 263 " Durbin 7 25 8 21 41 " Bedford 5 20 6 27 268 " Everest f 7 15 833 42 "Page 5 10 6 40 271 " Casselton 3 " 7 05 8 48 49 " Colgate 4 50 6 54 278 " Amenia, 35...... 6 49 905 56 " Hope 4 39 7 10 280 " Vance 4,34,35 6 45 9 20 62 " Illabon 4 23 7 20 284 " Arthur. 6 23 f 9 28 65 " Pickert 4 16 7 32 290 " Hunter 6 12 9 44 70 " Finley 4 06 7 44 296 " Greenfield id 6 01 1001 76 " Sharon 3 52 7 50 299 " Preston f 5 56 1018 83 " Aneta it 3 37 7 55 301 " Blanchard it 5 51 1029 88 " Kloten id 3 22 8 01 305 " Volga it 5 45 1043 94 " MoVille 3 10 8 06 307 " Murray It f 5 40 1059 102 " Pekin 2 54 8 16 313 " Mayville. 5 28 1112 107 " Tolna. ti 2 42 8 23 316 " Ames f 5 19 1126 114 " Hamar 0 2 29 8 25 318 " Portland Jet.34 f5 15 1141 120 " Warwick it 2 16 8 37 324 " Hatton 5 02 1156 128 " Tokio it 2 01 8 57 333 " Northwood...... 4 44 1215 137 " Fort Totten 1 43 9 10 339 " Kempton. 4 30 1230 142 Ar Devils Lake 2" 1 30 9 25 346 Ar Larimore 2,41 Lv 4 15 FARGO, CROOKSTON-WINNIPEG. FARGO AND PORTLAND 131 132 Ex. Sun. .1T3. Table q7 Ex. Sun. 8 9 29 341 342 Daily entral Time '0 Mixed Table tzA 10 Motor Motor Daily Central Time Mixed Daily Daily Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. Daily 630 945 0 Lo St. Paul Ar 7 15 5 05 0 Lv St. Paul 1, 3 Ar 7 45 545 710 10 25 11 Lv Minneapolis .Ar 6 40 11 lw Minneapolis.. Ar 7 12 455 520 242 9 20 11 59 261 Ar Fargo /, 4. 12 58 Ar Fargo 12 05 6 15 /, 4, 29, 25, 37 0 lw Fargo Ar 1 40 12 53 12 10 6 20 1 " Moorhead 1,4 " 1 35 12 48 7 40 0 Lv Fargo Ar 3 45 6 40 10 " Kragnes 1 13 7 58 6 " Reed Lv 3 25 8 58 16 57 8 10 " Georgetown. 12 " Prosper 3 07 7 11 2:1 " Perley 43 8 20 17 " Newman 2 30 " 7 28 29 " Hendrum 28 8 35 23 " Vance 33, 35 2 10 1 18 7 40 35 " Halstad di 13 11 40 9 00 29 " Mason 1 45 7 57 43 " Shelly it 55 9 25 34 " Erie 1 30 8 09 47 " Nielsville. 45 it f 9 40 39 " Mortimer f 1 10 8 21 53 " Climax it 34 10 00 44 " Galesburg it 12 55 8 32 59 " Eldred di 23 10 25 50 " Clifford 12 35 f 8 42 65 " Girard 11 10 40 56 " Roseville 12 20 " — — 68 " Redland — — 10 55 60 " Portland 33. 11 59 2 34 9 00 69 Ar Crookston 12 •Le 7 55 10 25 11 10 65 Ar land Jet....IN 11 20 2 39 9 15 69 Lv Crookston. •Ar 5 15 10 15 3 25 10 25 99 " Warren. 4 15 9 27 4 43 12 01 130 " Hallock " 2 50 8 19 5 27 1 00 150 " Noyes.... 1 45_ 7 45 5 34 • •151 " Emerson 7 43 You are invited to try 5 38 152 " Emerson Jct. " 7 40 6 37 177 " Morris. • .... • • 6 38 8 15 217 Ar Winnipeg •Lv 5 10 a Meal on the diner See also Tables 1-12

    The Great Northern dining car service has won for itself a reputation of being second to none. The meals are prepared Suggestions to Travelers by expert chefs and from the best of food products obtainable, and are served at surprisingly low cost. Passengers aboard Hand baggage in Pullman Sleeping Cars is restricted to what can be conveniently placed in the berth, seat or other accommodations purchased trains are invited to step into the dining car and ask the by the passengers. In the interest of safety no baggage is permitted in the steward in charge for a copy of "to-day's" menu. aisles. A suitcase to go under a Pullman seat cannot exceed 93/2 inches in height by 30 inches in length. You will see for yourself that our prices are reasonable, and after trying a meal you will be convinced that our service Similarity of baggage sometimes leads to mistakes and annoyance. Baggage should be marked ON TOP with initials or distinctive design. compares favorably with leading hotels and restaurants.

    I—Flag Stop. , Figures opposite stations refer is numbers of tables showing connecting trains.

    Time from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light face type; time from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy face typo. 29 NORTH DAKOTA BRANCHES


    29 137 Table leo 138 30 29 205 Table Al 206 30 Daily Ex. Sun. Cent ral Time 00 Ex. Sun. Daily Daily Ex. Sun. MIs Central Time -r Ex. Sun. Daily 9 45 Lv St. Paul A 7 25 9 45 0 Lv St. Paul Ar 7 25 1025 11 " Minneapolis.. 650 1025 11 " Minneapolis. " 6 50 8 00 320 Ar Grand Forks..L 8 40 800 320 Ar Grand Forks..Lv 8 40 Set ea Tables 1.2,15,4 850 0 Lv Grand Forks kt 6 35 9 00 320 I.vGrand Forks, A 6 45 SeealsoTables 1,2,15,0 f 9 05 322 " University_ " f 6 40 8 57 2 " University. .Lv 6 29 f 9 20 328 " Schurilicier .1, f 6 24 f 9 09 7 " Powell f 6 18 9 16 9 34 334 " 11115d 6 08 11 " Ojata f 6 10 f 9 47 340 " IA' V II Ik I f 5 53 9 25 16 " Emerado 6 00 9 36 22 " Arvilla 1017 347 " Ardoch di 5 40 5 52 1030 153 " Mint. gd 5 25 9 51 28 Ar Lartmore 2, 33Lv 5 41 9 51 28 5 41 flO39357 " Herriott 44 f 5 13 Lv Larimore.. Ar 1100 161 " Grafton'. 40 5 05 9 58 30 " Hannah Jet.. Ly 5 31 1120 tt " Ninth 44 4 26 1009 36 " MeCanna di 5 19 1137 17( " 11.09le 44 4 11 1020 43 " Orr. dd 5 05 1030 47 1148 38( " Crystal 4 00 " Inkster...... " 4 54 flO35 50 1201 8( " Hensel 3 47 " Flushing f 4 46 12 20 104 " Cavalier 3 32 1044 53 " Conway 44 4 39 1231 1110 Barite° di 3 19 1058 58 " Pisek 4 27 f1243 " Leyden 3 07 1113 64 " Park River 4 13 1 03 " Walhalla 2 55 fll24 70 " Kerry f 3 56 1 23 17 " Ilaskett. Man " 2 35 1135 74 " Edinburg 3 48 1 39 424 " Cli. neross, M an 2 19 1150 SO " Union di 3 34 1 53 43) Ar Moeden,Man L 2 05 1205 86 " Milton e 3 20 1220 92 " Osnabrock. " 3 07 GRAFTON, NECHE. WINN 'PEG. 1233 98 " Easby. 2 54 1253 104 " Langdon 2 42 1 08 " Dresden. 2 22 111 " 29-137 139 Table A 140 138-30 1 23 it 2 07 Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun •entral 'Dine -r Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. 1 38 1211 5 8Ar Hannahah 1,v 1 53 9 45 011.v It. Paul Ar 7 25 LAKOTA AND SARLES. 10 25 10 "MInneapolIs " 650 8 00 21)AtGrandForks.Lv 8 40 29-207 1%11s. Table 4-208 9 00 "0 I Grand Forks Ar 45 Ex. Sun. Central Time 42 Ex. Sun. 11 00 61,8rGrafton38 5 05 11 20 fit Li -Grafton Ar 4 40 9 45 01,v St. Paul 10 30 11 38 fig " Auburn 4 17 10 25 11 " Minneapolis 1000 12 01 " MI. Thomas 3 53 11 03 384 Ar Lakota 2 Lv 10 45 12 19 352di" Glaisaion 3 32 11 25 Lv Lakota Ar 1000 12 42 89 " nonillion di 3 10 11 26 " Sarles Jet 9 58 12 58 1)1 " ilathsate. 2 52 11 41 7 " Rector Lv 9 39 1 19 401 " EtSche.N.D.39 2 29 11 5212 " Brocket 9 25 1 30 4018, Geoltia,Man 2 20 12 05 19 " Lawton 9 11 Via 1 35 403 ix tia Ar 10 15 Via 12 15 23 " Stover 9 00 C. P. 3 05 4301" Morris, Man C. P. 12 25 27 " Edmore 8 50 By. 14 30 7 05 472/Ar Winnipeg I,v 18 35 1 Ry. 12 43 34 " Derrick 44 8 30 1 00 40 " Hampden...... 8 15 1 12 45 " Weaver 8 02 1 30 52 " Munich 44 7 45 1 52 60 " Clyde 7 29 2 10 66 " Calvin 44 7 15 2 25 73 kr Series Lv 7 00 Safety irst DEVILS LAKE AND HANSBORO. 1 Mxd 1 30 2 Mxd ''I's-„ , Table A q Ex. Sun. Daily Central Time ..” Daily Ex. Sun. 1125 0 Lv St. Paul Ar 725 1201 10 " Minneapolis..' 8 50 1049 409 Ar Devils Lake...Lv 5 00 See also Tables 2,35,45 Do not leave your grips and pnekages in the car aisle. Farmers Grain and Shipping Co mpang Place your suit cases or grips in the racks so they will be secure. 7 30 0 Lv Devils Lake . Ai 4 30 Beep your arms and head inside the cat windows. 7 57 7 Lv Sweetwater.. .Lv 3 55 Never board or leave a tanning train. 8 15 12 " Webster. 3 35 8 36 17 " Garske e 3 10 Look where you step. Take no chances. 907 24 " Starkweathe . " 2 50 Do not allow children to run about while ear is in motion. 9 32 33 " Newville 2 10 Do not cross the tracks without looking both ways. 9 57 40 " Olmstead " 1 50 1018 46 " Crocus 1 30 Do not stand on platform of coaches while they are in motion. 1044 53 " Rock Lake. . " 1 10 Do not stand on or too near the track. 1104 59 " Ellsberry 1245 1130 66 Ar Hansboro . IN 12 30 f—Flag Stop. h igures opposite stations refer to numbers of tables showing connecting trains. 0-13. S. Postal Box on platform Minnesota Arrowhead Country In the Northeastern corner of Minnesota is a wonderful unspoiled playground where Mother Nature bestowed many varieties of beauty and recreative wealth. This alluring playground has been named the Minnesota Arrowhead Country. Here was the Red Man's treasure count& and battle ground. Here first was the Mandan, then the Assiniboine. then the Cree, then the Sioux, who was finally driven out by the Chippewa. Each change of possession was won by conquest. Here early explorers set up trailing posts or sought the Northwest passage. Today it is a natural playground, a land of adventure, a refuge from heat— Nature's beauty spot. You can reach the Arrowhead Country conveniently via the Great Northern to Duluth, thence via a great variety of means of transportation: Rail. boat, autobus or auto.

    Time from 12.01 midnight to IMO noon shown in light face type; time from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy lace type. 30


    CHURCH'S FERRY AND BRANDON. TOWNER AND MAXBASS. Read Down Read Up Read Down Read Up t 29-9 = Table A 10-30 29 351 352 30 Ex. Sun. Central Time -2.0 Ex. Sun. Daily Mixed Mls CentralTable Time 48 Mixed Daily 9 45 0 I, St. Paul Ar 7 25 Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. 1025 11 " Minneapolis..' 6 50 9 45 0 Lv St. Paul Ar 726 12 10 409 Ar Devils Lake. . Lv 500 .... : ... 10 25 11 " Minneapolis.." 850 2, 35, 43 3 44 485 Ar Towner 2 .1,v 1 42 1 35 409 Lv Devils Lake . . Ar 12 30 3 50 0 Lv Towner Ar 1 40 f 147 416 " Grand Harbor. Lv 112 18 I 410 9 f 1 01 12 08 " Milroy Lv 1 59 422 " Penn " 4 40 14 " Bantry " 12 45 2 10 428 Ar Church's rryLv 11 57 5 10 22 " Upham " 12 15 2 15 0 1.,v Church's rryAr 11 55 5 35 3 " Deep " 11 40 2 30 7 " Maza Lv 11 38 6 05 3' " Newburg " 11 20 2 50 15 " Cando " 11 21 I 6 25 41 " Dunning " flO 55 3 05 22 " Considine " 11 05 6 45 46 kr Maxbass Iv 10 40 .. 3 23 28 " Bisbee " 10 53 I 3 31 31 " Bement " flO 45 3 40 35 "Perth " 10 36 GRANVILLE, AND SHERWOOD. 3 53 41 " Gronna " 10 23 4 07 47 " Rolla " 10 09 217 218 4 35 55 " St. John " 9 55 29 Motor Car Moto Car 30 Daily Nils. CentralTable Time 49 Daily , 4 54 63 " Bannerman. " 9 23 Ex. sm.,. Ex.rSun. 513 71 " Desford " 903 945 0 Lv St. Paul Ar 726 1 5 22 75 " Fairburn " f 8 53 1025 11 " Minneapolis " 6 50 5 32 80 " Boissevain.... " 8 42 4 26 506 Ar Granville Lv 12 57 I 5 45 87 " Aleester " f 8 26 559 93 " Minto " 8 11 435 0 Lv Granville 2.. .Ar 12 59 I 4 50 ' 6 12 98 " Heaslip " f 7 59 8 " Rising. .. . Lv 11.2 36 I 6 26 102 i 749 5 05 13 " Deering " 12 23 " Bunelody " I 5 15 " Wolseth " 112 12 f 6 40 106 " Beverly " f 7 38 18 f 6 51 110 " Hebron " f 7 30 5 30 24 " Glenburn " 11 58 542 30 " Forfar " 11 44 7 02 114 " Hayfield " 7 21 f 7 12 118 " McKelvie " f 7 11 5 54 35 " Lansford " 11 34 f 7 22 122 " Roseland " I 703 6 06 41 " Truro " 11 20 7 40 128 Ar Brandon Lv 6 45 6 21 46 " Mohall " 11 05 6 37 54 " Lorain " 10 45 7 00 61 Ar Sherwood. 1,v 10 30 YORK AND DUNSEITH. BERTHOLD, CROSBY AND NORTHGATE. 29 353 Table 30 Daily Mixed Slip. Central Time 46 Mixed Daily 219 Table 1 220 Ex. Sun Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun Silo. Central Time .-PV Ex. Sun. 9 45 i 1,v St. Paul Ar 7 25 430 0 Lv Berthold 5 .Ar 10 25 1025 11 " Minneapolis.." 6 50 445 7 " Hartland Lv 9 59 2 05 445 Ar York 2 Lv 3 20 5 01 13 " Aurelia " 9 42 3 50 0 Lv York Ar 1 35 5 20 21 " Coulee " 9 24 f 4 15 7 " Hong Lv f 1 05 5 37 28 " Kenaston 9 08 4 40 14 " Wolford. " 12 35 5 55 34 " Niobe " 8 52 ...... 5 05 21 " Nansen " 12 OS 6 10 41 " Coteau 8 37 f 5 15 25 " Barby " ill 50 625 48 " Woburn " 8 23 5 35 27 " Bolette " 11 40 6 45 55 " Lignite " 808 6 01 31 " Thorne ' 11 15 f 7 01 63 " Stampede " f 7 49 6 20 42 Ar Dunseith Lv 10 50 7 07 65 " Kincaid " 7 44 7 16 60 " Larson " 7 37 7 35 76 " Noonan " 7 22 RUGBY, BOTT1NEAU AND ANTLER. f 7 50 81 " Paulson " f 7 07 I 7 59 84 " Juno " f 7 00 810 89 8 50 29 213 Table A i 214 30 ___ __ Ar Crosby Lv Daily Ex. Sun. Slip. Central Time -21 Ex. Sun. Daily 0 Lv Niobe Ar 8 " Bowbells Lv 945 01,v St. Paul Ar 725 15 " Perella 1025 11 " Minneapolis.." 6 50 21 Ar Northgate ..Lv 300 466 Ar Rugby 2 Lv 231 325 0 Iv Rugby Ar 225 STANLEY AND GRENORA. I 3 38 6 " Leverich ...... Lv f 1 59 3 54 13 " Barton " 1 48 412 21 " Willow City.." 130 177 178 I 422 25 " Belmar " I 1 15 Ex. Sun. Mb. CentralTable Time 51 L Ex. Sun. 4 30 20 " Omemee " 1 06 f 438 32 " Arnedo " 112 54 4 00 01..v Stanley 5 Ar 205 4 56 38 " Bottineau. " 12 42 4 05 2 " Third S. D. Jet.Lv 1 59 5 12 45 " Carbury " 12 24 I 4 18 8 " Wassale " 1 44 5 30 51 " Souris 12 12 4 32 13 " Lostwood " 131 5 43 57 " Roth " 11 58 4 46 19 " Lunds Valley.." 1 14 5 56 62 " Landa " 11 45 5 03 26 " Powers Lake.. " 12 56 6 13 68 " Westhope " 11 31 . 5 20 33 " Battleview. " 12 36 6 28 74 " Kuroki " 11 17 5 35 40 " McGregor " 12 20 6 45 80 Ar Antler Lv 11 05 5 50 46 " Hamlet " 12 03 I—Flag S op 6 07 52 " Wildrose " 11 47 6 22 59 " Corinth " 11 30 6 38 66 " Alamo " 11 13 6 51 71 " Appam " 10 59 7 04 76 " Zahl " 10 47 7 17 82 " Hanks " 10 31 7 30 88 Ar Grenora Lv 10 15

    Time from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light face typo; tir ne from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy face type. 31


    ft RNIE \WATER-TON-LAKES L B E 1\1\-T A S A SK\AT CHEW AN EltonCOL. mo.A of aies Bnyoeo 1, ..1r4lvw Sweearrass -- 414 Sr. P. \ GLACIER— Sunburst 41..' 01, llogeland Caar230_,Os y,O-V ,,V,I, .Ss• f 1,4 k NA Kevin " 1.,.,1 a -v !ca 4' 4;4 4, 4, LaAl M 4 1 i•-••' e P ..."'1.1 ''''''' „„„e..,;\ :1, 1.., ,o''''''i ll;•'<',0 ,,,, ee • ; ',Vp'.,' "s•.:t§".t.'b:4.1::;' ,' 4' , rtpiS4'. i •‘;-,,,,-'4,-, d 'N 'o'Z '' ', At p„,h1 ,F, ,.,,, pw„,9t, :t , ov.• 0 pewter „c Marion ,p tyorna• At • a Laredo c, o ' Box Elder qs Somers ,tA • r, find Big Sandy'\•• •4••• sd, -Flathead fOr:ille Lake • tr.'" t*,01-„ tet ire ton hAV,4' Ne e , aro t ‘i ve.1 1 vo Saltese Paradise Poi sorn so40 4 Flower,. ost e

    • I' l.IltII*o*CC I Stiles City Stites Deall Anaconda Forsyth Siner.bow Onangevillb P. i• –A Livingston Pony P. Laurel Slicrin 0 b5 River Kauis Aldo Red Lodge • vl Froulberg C ow Agency Salmon Arantesit Winos Gardiner, _ _ _ Bear Creek , — - — — ITii•LLQ;1/F7A.L. I— • --- Frannie Sheridan NATPAt'iK I W 0 st,att,wsnsits CO., SAINT PA•I. o 670 1022 11

    Great Northern Lines in Montana See Tables 53 to 70

    SNOWDEN AND WATFORD CITY BAINVILLE, SCOBEY AND OPHEIM Read Down Read Up Read Down Read Up 332 371 377 378 372 331 225 Table 226 Mls• Mixed Mixed Mixed MIN Table Mixed Mixed Mixed Ex. Sun Mountain Timc5,1 Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. M %%%%% dein Time 53 Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun — . Ex. Sun. 8 25 ()IA Anowden 5. Ar 3 30 7 45 0 li.v Bainville 5.. .Ar 5 00 9 20 I At tairvieer 64., lw 2 00 8 10 11 " McCabe Lv 4 30 12 05 141A Fairview A 9 50 f 8 20 " Moen " f 420 12 35 10 " tat IV/light Lv 9 30 8 33 19 " Froid " 4 08 1 10 " l•liarbotineau. 9 00 8 51 26 " Homestead. " 3 51 1 40 33 " Alexander 8 30 9 05 32 " Medicine Lake. " 3 36 2 10 " Ito waoll it 8 05 9 26 39 " Reserve " 3 16 2 50 43 " I 7 40 941 45 " Antelope " 2 58 3 30 I'd At Watford Olt I,v 7 00 10 14 53 " Plentywood.... " 2 36 10 32 60 " Midby " 2 17 10 50 67 " Archer " 2 00 11 07 73 " Redstone " 1 44 SNOWDEN, FAIRVIEW AND RICHEY 11 27 80 " Navajo 128 11 44 85 " Flaxville " 1 14 377 378 12 01 91 " Madoc. " 1 00 Table k.4_ Mixed 100 12 20 98 Ar Seobey " 12 40 11 30 Mixed Mts. – Ex. Sun. Mould OhIO Ti Ex. Sun. 1 45 106 tiv Four Buttes... " — — 10 50 215 112 " Gluten " — — 10 10 3 00 118 " Peerless " — — 9 50 0 3 30 • ON 8 25 I,t Snowdon 5. .Ar 4 10 — -• 129 " Richland " — — 8 35 8 40 " Noble 3 00 — — 7 45 2 35 5 15 — — 139 " Glentana " 9 00 " 1%ore C fin - - 1 A7 0.. OrAv al vvv T. — — 7(11) 9 20 Ar Vain/ow 53 Lv 2 00 11 10 Le Fairview Ar 11 10 11 40 25 At 81(iiiey 10 40 1 00 1.v Blaney Ar 9 00 For Vacations Without a Care—Join an All-Expense Tour to 120 20 " Newlon 8 40 130 " Jenkti 8 25 150 3it " Epwortli it 8 10 Glacier National Park or Alaska 2 20 43 " ,eit " 7 tO 3 00 III " Lambert 7 30 3 35 58 " Ftild gt 7 00 For details call on any Great Northern Representative 3 50 63 " lame it 6 40 or write to 4 05 67 " Mrinroek 6 25 4 30 74 Ar Richey Lv 6 00 A. J. Dickinson, Passenger Traffic Manager Figures opposite .lath es refer to numbers of fables showing connecting trains. St. Paul, Minn.

    Time from 12.01 midnight In 12.00 noon shown in light face type; time it ,m 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy lace type. 32 MONTANA LINES

    HAVRE, GREAT FALLS, HELENA AND BUTTE. BUTTE, HELENA, Read Down Read Up Read Down 368 44-282 281 367 238 Table mt7 237 Mixed • 1-33 3 2 4 Mixed Motor Car Ills. Table 56 Daily Mountain Time Daily Daily Ex. Sun. Daily Daily Mis. Daily Daily Ex. Sun Daily 7 15 IN Butte 46 Ar 8 05 11 25 11 00 0 Lv St. Paul Ar 7 30 10 30 6 55 10 00 10 10 72 " Helena 56 " 5 05 12 01 11 45 11 " Minneapolis 1 20 170 Ar Great Falls Lv 1 40 8 35 0 Lv Duluth At See also Tables 11, 56, 8 50 4 " Superior 60, 61, 65 See also Tables 13.14,15 7 50 1 45 170 Lv Great Falls Ar 1 00 8 15 294 Lv Grand Forks Lv 12 45 11 55 11 35 4 57 258 " Moccasin // 9 59 11 25 8 35 See also 'fables 1, 2, 15 112 15 ill 54 5 15 265 " Kohn Lv 9 39 fll 05 7 50 1 15 2 10 931 Ar Havre Lv 3 30 5 05 112 35 112 08 5 28 272 " Rossfork 9 26 flO 50 7 25 223 235 236 224 112 53 1220 5 39 278 " Kingston f 9 14 GO 37 f 6 57 Mountain Time 10 31 6 50 Daily Daily Daily Daily 1 OS 112 27 5 45 280 " Hanover f 9 09 di f 6 30 12 30 f 1 10 112 32 5 50 283 " Scott f 9 03 GO 24 1 35 3 30 0 Lv Havre° 5, 6,15 Ar 200 1 25 6 00 287 r Lewistown .1.v 8 55 10 15 6 15 1 45 3 40 4 " Pacific Jet Lv 1 50 12 20 12 45 1 51 — — 8 " Assinniboine " — — f 12 12 GREAT FALLS, ARMINGTON AND NEIHART. 2 03 f 3 58 15 " Laredo. di —•• — fll 58 11 40 2116 Tables ca 215 2 20 f 4 15 25 " Box Elder ':, f 1 17 MI& 2 40 4 35 36 " Big Sandy 1 01 11 20 Ex. Sun. Mountain l'ime,'"J Ex. Sun. f 2 48 — — 41 " Verona o — — Ill 06 4 20 10 50 6 35 0 IN Great Falls Ar 3 02 f 4 57 49 " Virgelle — — See also Tables 11, 56, f 3 12 — 55 " Sayre flO 39 — flO 30 60, 61, 65 I. 3 21 60 " Lippard f 6 47 7 Lv Field 4 07 3 32 f 5 27 66 " Chappell 10 20 4 00 — 7 50 11 "Gerber id 3 40 71 " Teton. ,, — — flO 10 f 2 42 — 1'10 05 f 8 04 16 "Swift id 3 46 74 " Liseum di I 8 11 19 " Fife...... " 2 36 3 57 5 52 79 " Fort Benton " 11 39 9 57 — f 943 f 8 17 22 "Wayne f 2 29 f 4 08 From 84 " Kershaw " To 2 10 — Lewis- f 9 35 8 31 27 "Belt 4 18 Lewis- 89 " Tunis.. " 8 35 29 Ar Armington. Ar 2 05 4 30 town I 6 25 94 " Carter " fll 13 town 9 25 9 16 9 00 29 Ly Armington Lv 2 00 4 40 See f 6 35 99 " Floweree " Ill 06 See 1 35 Table 9 03 f 9 25 40 " Riceville 4 58 T able f 6 53 107 " Portage " 11.0 55 f 9 50 45 " Albright .. " 1 15 — 113 " Goodale No. 57. f 8 52 5 10 No. 57. flO 00 46 " Logging Creek. 112 55 f 5 22 - — 117 " Rainbow 0 f 8 42 8 30 10 25 54 " Monarch 12 35 5 35 7 30 123 Ar Great Falls Lv 10 25 11 15 67 Ar Neihart 12 01 237 See also Tables 11,15, 238 Daily 57, 58. 60,61,65 Daily GERBER SAND COULEE AND STOCK ETT 123 Lv Great Falls' Ar 10 10 1 20 1 40 8 00 153 155 f 1 53 — — 128 " Flood Lv — — f 1 07 156 154 ml,• Table Ma 2 06 f 8 25 137 " Ulm id — — 12 50 Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. Mountain Time•-P-./ Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. - — 2 17 144 " Riverdale 0 — — 112 38 ...-3-00 6 55 0 Lv Gerber 11, 58. Ar 748 3 55 2 33 8 52 152 " Cascade " 9 21 12 25 3 07 7 01 3 " Lewis Jet Ly 742 3 47 2 48 9 09 160 " Hardy (Gate to " f 9 06 112 07 7 04 5 Ar Sand Coulee... " 3 43 the Mountains 7 06 5 IA, Sand Coulee .Ar 3 41 elevation 3,358 ft.) 3 47 7 11 3 " Lewis Jet Lo 742 3 45 f 3 04 f 9 25 168 " Mid Canon.... " f 8 52 fll 54 a in 719 g Ar Stockett " 7 20 3 3333 3 18 9 42 175 " Craig " f 8 38 11 41 3 36 10 00 183 " Wolf Creek.. — " 8 24 11 28 VAUGHN AND AUGUSTA. POWER AND PENDROY. f 3 43 — — 186 " Manila. 0 — — fll 20 365 366 373 374 f 3 55 110 22 192 " Sieben " f 8 05 fll 11 M I sod Table Mixed Mixed Table Mixed f 4 09 — — 198 " Johns de — — flO 59 Ex. Mla Mountain Table60 Ex. Ex. MIs Mountain Time Ex. 4 22 10 48 204 " Silver City.. " f 7 45 10 48 Sun. Sun. Sun. Sun. — f 4 29 208 " Gearing 0 -- — flO 35 0 Ly Great Falls Ar 11 30 - — flO 25 3 30 Lv Great Falls Ar 11 30 330 f 4 37 213 " Iron 0 -- — See also Tables //, 56, See also Tables //, 56, 4 55 11 20 221 Ar Helena IA 7 15 10 10 10 00 57. 58 57,58 5 05 11 30 221 Lv Helena Ar 7 00 4 10 12 Vaughn it. Ar 10 50 4 40 26 " Power ii Ar 10 20 f 5 18 — — 226 " Four Range Lv — — f 9 48 f 5 00 32 " Cordova 1,v flO 05 9 40 4 40 21 Sun 'liver Lv 110 15 f 5 25 230 " Montana City " — — 1500 25 Fort Shaw_ " f 9 55 f 5 20 37 " Clei v f 9 40 5 37 12 01 236 " Clancy " 6 28 9 29 f 9 25 5 25 31 Si1111118 GREAT9 40 FALLS5 35 AND43 " LEWISTOWN.BoleRead MotorUp Car 5 44 920 0 12 08 237 " Alhambra Hot Springs ' 6 19 5 45 35 Lowry f 9 25 5 45 47 " Flume_ " f 9 10 f 5 57 — — 241 " Jefferson " — — 9 12 6 20 8 50 9 09 6 10 42 Riebeling f 9 00 55 " Chateau 6 05 112 28 243 " Corbin ..... % " 6 05 di 8 29 — 6 25 46 Biekel f 8 45 f 6 33 59 " Claude 6 15 247 " Wickes. " I 5 58 9 03 " f 6 45 63 f 8 18 — — — 6 45 52 f 8 30 " Koyl 20 248 " Portal 44 — — 7 05 69 0 8 00 8 55 650 54 Ar Augusta Lv 8 25 " Bynum 6 25 249 " Amazon ei — — 7 30 77 Ar Pendroy. 1,v 7 30 6 40 255 " Boulder Hot Spgs " 5 38 8 43 6 45 258 " Hyndman id •— — — — MONTANA WESTERN If R. f 6 49 260 " Fuller. di •-- — f 8 34 6 58 263 " Basin 5 22 8 28 1 Table 2 f 7 06 267 " Bernice " — — f 8 17 Ex. Sun. Mountain Time62 Es. Sun. f 7 28 275 " Elk Park " I 4 58 8 01 f 7 54 Lv Conrad H. Ar 9 15 7 37 280 " Trask " — — 11 00 " 7 43 284 " Woodville (Con- " — — f 7 48 11 25 7 Manson 8 45 tinental Divide 11 50 14 " Williams di 8 15 elevation 6,358 ft.) 12 15 20 Ar Valler Lv 7 45 f 7 53 289 " Mountain Jet " 8 05 2 30 293 Ar Butte° 64 IR 4 15 7 15 Read Dow BUTTE, ANACONDA AND PACIFIC RY Read Up Mb Table4 For equipment trains 223-224 235-236-237-238, see page S. Daily aily Mountain Time 64 Daily Daile 4 459 400 imButte56Ar 45 2 30 BOULDER HOT SPRINGS 4 509 494 " RockerLv 35 221 These Hot Springs are located at Boulder, Mont., on the Great Northern 4 559 557 " SilverBowa 29 214 Ry. between Helena and Butte. Open the entire year. 4 589 588 " Ramsay0 26 211 ALHAMBRA HOT SPRINGS 5 11101114" Durant 14 158 These Hot Springs are located at Alhambra, Mont., on the Great Northern . 516 10 16 16 " Gregson o 10 153 •. 55 135 Ry. between Helena and Butte. Open the entire year. ... 5 35 10 35 26 Ar Anaconda. Lv The rugged mountain scenery, exhilarating air and invigorating climate -----41iis Stop. '-11. S. postal box on platform. make both ideal places for those in search of health, rest or recreation. F— Storm to let off pas.engers from regular stops

    Tinto tram 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light lots type; time from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy face type. 33 MONTANA LINES Great Northern Lines in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Okanogan 0,,a Kootenay Lake '1+ L SHELBY, SWEET GRASS AND LETHBRIDGE 6 "'er spe ez,-„ Arrow NELSON Lake • , Lake 239 MIs Table C4 240 Daily Mountain Time%F,' '64 "k• Nos. 239 and 240 Daily run daily between 735 0 1,v Great Falls 11,56. Ar 7 00 Great Falls an d 11 00 99 Ar Shelby 6,11 _LIP 3 30 Parlor Clionak• Bounder Sweet Grass. 11 15 99 1,v Shelby Ar 3 20 car OROViLL C. P. R. connec- 11 20 10'2 Virden. 1,v 3 15 between Cordell .Northport tion from Sweet 111 45 113 " Aloe 12 SO Great ionsaket Roseburg 9 Janis Grass to Let h- 12 05 119 " Kevin 61 2 30 Falls Barker MARCUS • bridge is daily ex- 12 35 130 " Sunburst .1 2 05 and Riverside Meyers Falls cept Sundays. 12 55 139 Ar Sweet Grass 1,v 1 40 Sweet Omak 130 138 I.v ham Outs ,counstAr Colville f Grass OKAN OSA N NddI 201 AT Lethbridge 1,v 0 {11.2930 30 Chillowis Wakefield COLUMBIA FALLS. KALISPELL AND SOMERS Lake rewster Motor t'ar Service Chela Table 0.-rifle Lake 249 247 245 243 241 242 244 246 248 250 ayden Lake Daily Ex. Su. Daily Daily Daily "14 M"unini"g6'rime ,,, Daily Daily Daily Ex. Su. Daily trio 10 35 7 55 6 30 11 20 8 40 0 lot Col Iralin .Ar 8 20 11 15 6 15 7 50 10 30 ze„ Logird' A lent. 110 40 18 00 16 35 25 18 45 2 " Soldiot• Hams 18 08 ill 10 16 011 7 40 f3.0 16 150EU a D• ALE 110 SO flt 10 16 45 30 18 55 5 " " 17 56111 00 f5 511 7 30 flO 06 IlarriAm ill 00 f8 20 16 SS Ill 48 19 05 10 " erotwiag 17 48110 50 15 411 7 20 f 956 lurtmer 11 10 8 30 7 OS 12 01 9 20 14 Ar Kalispell 1.0; 7 35 10 40 5 30 7 10 9 45 iN VA LEV A • is. 19 35 70 1,v Noe cetataniaAr N St. Marie, 990 2e1 Ar Somers. • 1,v 10 00 Betel°

    SOMERS—POLSON Garfield Bovill Via Boat—across Flat brad Lake during season of navigation. Palouse 8-13 Ls Kalispell ,a. N. ?rain) .Ar 10 05 se. ‘• . Elk River 8 45 At Bowers .. Lv 8 55 MOSCOW 9 00 Ly Bolsters Steamer) .Ar Yakima 11 30 At POlsoll .Lv ArroW Sunk KALI SPELL—MARION Pleasant• View Lewiston 375 Table 376 Mixed Mixed 4i. Prosser Dayton Wi asbestos Fri Mitt,i; hintontainTinto 4-1 c7 Fri. Stites 1 10 • Kalispell 66,68Ar 4 30 -T> W ails Walls r 1 40 1,, " Ella Lv f 4 00 ts4, Orangeville r 2 10 , " f 3 30 •••• 4•a. 8 2 40 MiktiOn Lv 3 00 Athens 141:X1 ottO AND FERN1E SeadietOn o- Rtver 228 227 €SILL.WARNCR en Motor Mla Table go Motor Ex. Su. Atiostalltm Time 4-w Ex. Su. Read Down SPOKANE, MARCUS AND REPUBLIC Read Up 8 2(1 1.v *Word 6, H. .Ar 1? SO 6 40 is " Gateway. Mont.. 12 25 256 Table ryry 255 650 S " Nsvorsts. D. C. " 12 09 Ex. Sun. Nils Pacific Time a " Ex. Sun f 7 05 15 flagstunn. B. C.. fll 56 1 50 0 Lv Spokane Ar 5 50 1 7 17 IS Dort fll 43 " See also Tables 7, 11 7 27 25 11 32 15, 73, 76,77 1— — " halter Spur 16 9 05 5 • Hillyard 1..,, 5 35 7 35 1915 9 • Mead 5 25 " hat nes 11 17 925 14 • Dean 5 15 80(1 47 " Elko. 10 52 1933 18 Wayside f 5 02 8 30 112 " $11,1111,,11 110 23 ILE 945 23 • Denison 4 51 850 " Fertile 10 00 956 26 • Deer Park 4 43 10 08 32 • Clayton. 4 30 10 26 38 Loon Lake 4 16 HONNERS FERRY AND PORT HILL 10 46 47 Springdale61 3 53 1 3 37 110 58 51 •8 Grays. 379 380 11 12 56 ValleY 3 24 Mixed Mixed II 27 64 Chewelah8 3 09 Miles Table lo, 7n 8 We. So,. b Ttnie • ,•• We. Sa. II 52 73 Addy.... " 2 49 12 06 81 Arden8 64 1 2 34 11 35 17e Donner* Ferry 7, 71 Ar 3 20 112 II 83 Orin.8 " 2 28 12 05 8 " lilts Lv 2 50 12 23 87 Colville8 64 2 20 ... 12 40 17 " Copeland 2 10 112 31 90 Palmers 44 1 2 07 1 20 211 Ar Pori Dili Lv 1 35 12 45 96 Meyers Falls. " 1 57 1 00 101 ArMarcus 76 Lv 1 35 LONGVIEW, PORTLAND AND NORTHERN BY. 257 Ex. Sun. 258 Ex. Sun. Motor Motor 145 101 Lv Marcus Ar 1 00 3 5 7 Sun. Table 71 2 4 6 Sun. Pact& Tint, • "." 1157 106 " Boyd, Lv 112 47 Dail, Ex Su. Ex.Su. Only Daily Ex.Su. Ex. So. Only 1208 111 " Barstow 112 35 10 50 411 6 15 10 45 Ia Rylierwond Ar 10 20 1 35 --g-TIS 10 30 1220 116 " Dulwich 112 24 11 05 2 55 6 30111 00 " Varier 10 05 1 20 5 0010 15 22 118 " Orient 11 12 19 3 OS 1 2 3a 122 " Hughes 112 07 11 15 6 40 ,11 10 " Oletpia 9 58 1 08 4 5810 05 250 128 " Laurier 11 55 11 33 3 21 6 58111 25 " Castle look " 9 40 12 50 4 32 9 50 330 143 " Grand Forks. " 11 22 11 53 3 42 7 18 11 45 AT Longview Lv 9 2012 30 4 10 9 30 345 146 " Danville, Wash . " 11 05 onnec tions at IA novsvo, with trains to mud from m Po Hand. 1355 150 " Huriburt 110 52 410 156 " Curlew 77 10 40 Passengers for Longview eliould be ticketed to Kelso. Passengers for Ryder- ..... 1425 163 " Maio Lv 110 17 1440 169 " Pollard. 1 9 57 wood should be ticketed to Olernia. No through ticket arrangements. Stopovers 1458 173 " Torboy 1 9 45 are allowed at these point, nii mummer tourist ti.,1,ct 5 05 in Ar Republic 9 30 1—Flag stop. Figures opposite stations refer to Mon, ett of tables showing connecting trams.

    Time from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light fags type; time from 12.01 noon to 17.00 midnight shown in heavy face type. 34


    SPOKANE, COEUR D'ALENE AND PALOUSE RI'. Read Down SPOKANE, MARCUS AND NELSON Read Up SPOKANE AND MOSCOW 256-260 MIs Table 7g 259-255 Ex. Sun. Pacific Time 11-1 Ex. Sun, 62 66 64 Table •7•2 65 67 63 Ex. Miles Pacific Time 16-1 Ex. 8 50 0 Lv Spokane Ar 5 50 Sun. Daily Daily Daily Daily Sun. See also Tables 7, 11, 6 05 5 20 8 05 0 Lv Spokane 7, 74, 75 Ar 11 30 700 7 40 15, 72, 78 •f 6 14 5 25 8 08 .80 Shops Ill 19 f 6 47 f 7 28 1 00 101 Ar Marcus 72 Ly 1 35 6 17 f 5 28 8 11 2 Third Ave di 11 16 644 7 25 1 25 101 Lv Marcus Ar t 6 24 5 38 8 20 66 Pine Grove 0 Ill 1151 6 34 f 7 16 f 6 27 f 5 41 8 23 7 44 Moran 6 32 1 48 110 " Bossburg 11 59 Trail and 111 021 7 13 it t 6 30 f 5 44 f 8 26 9 Park View 110 59 1 6 29 t 7 10 f 2 13 121 Marble fll 34 Rowland, t 6 32 5 47 f 8 29 10 Willow Springs If 110 56 1 6 27 7 07 2 45 130 Northport,Wn " 1211 25115 B. C., are r 6 38 f 5 53 f 8 33 12 Keisling it DO 52 I 6 23 7 04 f 2 53 132 Hanleys 110 6 41 f 5 55 8 35 13 Sharon fill 50 1 6 21 7 02 reached by 3 10 138 Boundary 66 10 33" stage from 6 44 f 6 00 8 39 15 Excelsior 110 45 I 6 17 6 58 3 30 140 t 6 47 6 03 8 42 16 Valley Ford • di 10 41 6 14 6 55 Waneta, B. C 10 27C Columbia 8 5 f 6 06 8 45 18 Rubeck 110 38 1 6 11 6 52 3 40 144 Columbia Gds 10 15.3 Gardens. f 6 09 8 47 19 44 Freeman 110 35 1 6 09 6 50 3 55 150 Fruitvale 10 02 C Fares: it f 6 14 8 52 21 Ochlare 110 30 1 6 04 4 23 159 Meadows f 9 45mi Trail $1.50 6 20 8 59 24 Mt. Hope 10 23 557 .. 4 30 162 Erie 44 9 38 Rowland 6 23 9 02 26 0 Treat DO 20 1 5 54 f 6 28 f 9 06 27 Lenox DO 15 f 5 50 4 40 165 Salm°. . " 9 31C) $2.50 f 6 31 9 09 30 West Fairfield 0 DO lit 5 47 f 4 48 168 " Boulder " f 9 22a... f 6 34 9 12 31 0 Saline 0 HO 08 f 5 44 5 00 173 " Ymir 9 11...r, 6 39 9 17 34 Waverly di 10 04 540 5 20 180 " Hall CC f 6 42 9 23 36 CC Jefferson 9 59 1 5 36 f 5 30 183 f 8 41 .. 6 50 9 30 40 CC de 951 Apex 11 Spring Valley 530 5 50 190 Ar South Nelson.Lv f 7 00 9 40 45 CC Fairbanks f 9 40 f 5 17 .. 8 10 f 7 05 I 9 45 47 Seabury 11 9 35 f 5 12 — — (Nelson B. C.) —8 51]— f 7 09 9 49 49 0 Geary 11 f 9 311 5 08 7 16 9 5( 53 44 Oaksdale 925 502 The crater of the city of Nelson is but one mile by auto from G. N. S ation South Nelson. 7 20 flO 00 54 id Davidson f 9 211 4 56 .. f 7 24 110 04 57 CC Sokulk, 11 f 9 16 f 4 52 .. f 7 31 DO 11 60 Crabtree f 9 09 f 4 45 SPOKANE, CURLEW, OROV1LLE AND PRINCETON 7 39 10 19 64 11 Garfield 901 437 .. f 7 47 110 27 69 41 Ladow 0 f 8 53 f 4 29 397 256-391 7 11 11 392-255 396 51 110 31 71 Grinnell f 8 49 f 4 25 Mo. We. Th 8 01 10 40 76 41 Palouse (W.I.& M.Jet•) 840 413 Table 77 Tu. Th. Mo. We. 8 07 110 47 78 et Ringo 8 341 4 10 Fr. MIs Pacific Time 1 1 Sat. Fr. 8 14 DO 56 81 11 Viola 8 26 1 4 02 Mixed Mixed Mixed Mixed f 8 17 10 59 83 11 Poe 8 23 f 3 58 8 23 11 06 86 41 Estes 8 17 1 3 52 8 50 0 Lv Spokane .... . Ar 5 50 8 30 11 15 89 Ar Moscow Lv 810 345 See also Tables 7, 15, 72, 73, 76 SPOKANE, COEUR D'ALENE AND HAYDEN LAKE 4 10 156 Ar Curlew72.. Ly 10 40 10 6 Table 7A 7 1111 11 00 Lv Curlew Ar 10 35 Mlles fll 15 6 " Paxson Daily Daily Pacific Time 1 Daily Daily flO 20 fll 27 16 Torodo flO 10 10 7 05 0 Lv Spokane 7, 74, 75. Ar 10 15 6 10 11 40 14 9 50 19 f 7 11 .80 " Shops DO 05 6 02 Ferry 28 / 7 20 4 " Parkwater t 9 56 5 54 11 50 15 Midway, B. C. 9 45 30 T 7 22 5 " Del Monte f 9 54 5 51 112 20 23 Bergen 44 f 9 25 31 It 7 24 " Orchard Ave 9 52 5 49 12 50 29 M y master " 9 05 33 7 27 7 " Millwood ... f 9 50 5 47 1 05 34 Syackan f 8 50 34 f 7 28 7.15 " N. P. Subway 9 48 5 44 1 35 40 Bridesville. " 8 30 36 7 30 8 " Sullivan 9 46 5 42 38 f 7 32 9 " Pinecroft f 9 45 5 41 2 05 45 " Molson, Wash 8 05 41 f 7 36 11 " Carders f 9 42 5 38 f 2 25 52 " Nine Mile f 7 25 43 11 7 38 12 Flora. 9 40 5 36 2 55 56 " Circle f 7 00 44 7 41 13 " Greenaeres 9 39 5 35 f 3 25 63 " Mount Hull. " f 6 30 49 7 47 15 " Liberty Lake Jet 0 11 9 35 5 31 4 00 71 Ar Oroville 86. 1.,v 52 f 7 50 17 " Seaton 9 32 5 27 6 00 55 f 7 53 18 " Spokane Bridge 9 30 525 700 71 Lv Oroville 86. Ar 6 20 59 7 57 21 " Signal Point t 9 26 5 21 I 7 35 82 " Nighthawk Ls, 5 42 01 f 7 59 22 " McGuire 9 24 5 19 8 25 03 8 02 23 " Post Falls 9 22 5 17 92 " Chopaka,Wash. 5 06 06 8 06 25 " Alan ... " f 9 19 5 14 850 101 " Similkarneen,B.C 4 21 07 I 8 07 26 " Ros 0 9 18 5 13 f 9 00 105 " Cawston f 4 05 10 8 11 27 " McClellan 1 9 15 5 10 9 20 109 " Keremeos. " 3 51 11 t 8 12 28 " limitter. 9 13 5 08 f 9 45 116 " Ashnola f 3 21 13 f 8 14 29 " Atlas f 9 11 5 06 HO 05 11 16 f 8 16 30 " Gibbs 9 09 122 " Bradshaw f 3 01 5 04 0 20 8 20 32 Ar Coeur d'Alene • Lv 9 05 5 00 10 20 126 " Hedley 2 46 8 25 32 Lv Coeur d'Alene Ar HO 35 131 " Cory 44 f 2 21 11 8 33 34 %Vomilawn f 8 57 HO 55 138 " Bromley CC f 2 06 t 8 38 37 " Dalton t 8 51 111 10 145 " Norman f 1 52 8 41 38 " lioneysuckle Farms 8 48 111 20 148 " Allison 44 8 45 40 Ar Hayden Lake Lv 8 45 I 1 37 11 35 150 Ar Princeton ....Lv 1 30 SPOKANE AND COLFAX (—Flag Stop. 6—Gt. Nor, fly. Restaurant. 66-82 64-80 Miles Table / 81-65 83-67 Pacific Time • '-' Figures opposite at aliens refer to numbers of tables showing connecting trains. .... 5 20 8 05 Spokane /, 74,75 Ar 11 30 ...... 6 50 9 30 40 Ar Spring Valley 9 51 5 30 6 51 9 51 40 Lv Spring Valley 9 27 5 25 f 6 56 f 9 56 42 " Rollins A‘f f 9 21 r 5 is 7 03 10 03 45 " Rosalie 9 15 5 I) 7 05 DO 05 46 44 9 13 5 10 The Red Collar Steamboat Co. " Broadview Farms .... 7 08 fill 08 47 Early 9 li) r 5 07 f 7 11 110 11 50 " Balder f 9 05 5 f 7 12 fill 12 50 " Harris 9 04 f 5 Hi f 7 16 DO 16 51 " Stoneham f 9 01 1490 Steamers leave Coeur d'Alene 8:00 a. tn. daily, arriving 7 22 10 22 54 Thornton. 8 55 t 52 f 7 32 DO 32 59 " Cashilp f 8 46 1442 7 37 110 37 61 " Bankson f 8 41 r 4 371 St. Manes 12:00 noon, leave St. Manes 12:30 p. in., 7 43 10 43 64 " Steptoe 8 36 4 32 f 7 47 DO 47 65 " Blackwell f 8 32 4 214 / 7 54 fill 54 69 " Rye fdi 8 25 f 4 20 arrive Coeur d'Alene 5:00 p. m. 7 58 DO 58 70 " Manning f 8 22 f 4 17 8 05 fl 1 05 74 " Lincoln f 8 14 4 09 8 10 11 10 76 Ar Colfax Lv 8 4 055

    Time from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light late type; t from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy fate type. 35


    SPOKANE TO PORTLAND GOLDENDALE BRANCH Read Down Read Up Read Down Read Up 3 2 4 6 Table 7 Daily Daily MI5. Table 78 Daily Daily Daily Pacific Time 80 Daily 11 00 11 25 0 Lv St. Paul Ar 7 30 10 30 11 10 0 1,v Lyle 78 Ar 3 25 11 45 12 01 11 " Minneapolis. " 6 55 10 00 111 30 6 " Wrights.. Lv f 3 09 Pacific Tinto 40 10 "Pitt 1 2 56 7 25 6 45 1455 Ar Spokane I,v 8 45 10 25 11 50 13 " Klickitat 2 46 7,11,15.72,73,74,75 111 58 17 " Wahkiakus 1 2 35 12 38 30 " Warwick f 1 55 — 720 0 Lv Spokane O. N. Sta.Ar 730 — 7 55 12 52 35 " Centerville 1 41 Spokane N. P " s 10 00 1 10 42 1 25 f 7 41 11 Mtn-shall Lv f 9 39 Ar Goldendale " s— 1 7 56 19 " South Cheney " a— — f 9 25 845 814 30 " Amber PORTLAND ASTORIA AND SEASIDE 8 f 8 25 II abut "" a—6 34— 19 8 5506 31 32 910 840 44 " Lamont 6 10 8 40 Sat. 23 29 21 Mkt Table 21 22' 24 30 Sun. s— — 1 8 48 " Hoek well " a— — f 8 26 Daily Daily Daily Pacific Time u Daily Daily Daily s— — 1 8 5'? 59 " Mayn't " a— — 1 8 15 Only Only s— — f 9 0 t12 " Lantz " a— — 8 04 2 00 6 00 8 50 7 35 0 Ly Portland Au' 11 45 7 00 10 15 9 20 — 7 55 7 Linnton 11 25 — 1945 9 I 11t4 " !lenge. " f 5 31 7 53 — — a— — 933 Sit " 11•,01wr a__ 7 33 f 8 03 13 Holbrook. 111 17 110 15 050 " Wasitturna 4 57 7 17 f 6 41 8 17 20 Seappoose 11 03 f 6 16 — -- s— 1 9 59 95 "lebuAlam " a— — 1 7 05 f 8 24 24 Warren 110 57 110 35 10 " f 4 35 6 54 6 58 1 941 8 32 28 St.Helens.. 10 50 6 03 923 102 " K ahlot tier — s— — 110 20, " a— — I 6 39 — — f 8 45 34 Deer Island 110 38 f 5 54 Ill)" Farrington - — s— — 10 47 123 " Stiske River. " s— 6 19 718 8 57 39 _Goble 10 27 544 — s— — 110 58 " Diabt " a— — 1 6 12 3 19 7 28 10 09 9 08 46 Az-. Rainier Lv 10 13 5 34 8 55 07 135 " " s f 6 02 • • • Longview by Ferry 11 50 113 140 At Paseo di 3 20 5 40 7 52 1155 113 — — 9 32 Mayger 9 48 5 11 140 1.v ps.00 Ar 315 535 8 00 -- 9 40 9 40 5 02 112 02 11 42 150 " onnewlek 1,v 1 3 08 5 28 59 Quincy 8 07 f 10 38 9 48 62 Clatskanie. 9 32 4 55 s— — 111 51 155 " 9iiI.y a— — 1519 1 9 18 110 00 67 Marshland 1 9 22 1445 s— — 111 57 Igo " 1 ovi,r " s-- — 5 12 — • 112 07 8 25 10 08 Kerry.. 9 14 4 38 " yelleplI " a 5 02 8 28 HO 13 434 s— — 112 1 171 " omit' " s— — 1 4 53 Westport 9 11 112 23 8 33 10 20 74 Watina 9 05 4 28 177 " Not linger " a 1 4 44 8 45 10 32 Clifton 4 17 a— 112 31 187 " Plymouth " s— — f 4 28 79 8 53 — — 110 50 85 f 8 37 4 02 — a— — 112 43 101 " !larger " a— f 422 .....Blind Slough._ I 9 03 10 55 87 KnapPa 8 33 3 58 a— — 112 5 - — — s— — 112 541 109194 " CoolidgePaterson _ ff 4 1045 f 9 12 II 05 90 Svenson 8 24 3 49 — — a— — 1 1 02 5 00 9 35 50 113), 100 ArAstorla (A storia Lv 8 00 3 25 7 15 6 20 203 " sop, " s f 402 9 40 7 10 6 15 •5-Do s— — 111 CD 5 0 11 55 11 40 100 LvAstoria Column) Ar 7 50 3 15 2o4 " Whlterunb " a— — 3 52 — 11 59 a— — 1 1 23 217 " Alilerdale f 3 38 -God 110 00 11215 106 Ar. Warrenton. .Lv 7 30 2 55 f 6 50 5 55 ,•• — — — 112 03 107 Skipanon. f 7 26 — — — — — 0 0 s— 1 3 222 " Met Wale f 3 32 — — s— f 1 38 227 " Moons% " a— 1 3 23 110 06 112 06 108 .Camp Clatsop.. f 7 23 f 2 48 -0 7, 110 10 112 11 110 0 CI 1155 1 47 0 Carnahan f 7 18 f 2 43 110 13 112 14 112 ..West.. f 7 14 1 239 s— 2 03 233244 " Noose veil Isl. 07f 3 26 14 " Fountain CEO — - — — s— — f 2 17 HO 17 112 17 113 Dellmeor. f 7 12 2 36 21.4 " TioWni " a— f 240 8 ow 5 s— — 1 2 2S 261 " OIlS f 2 28 5 4 110 22 12 3 12 22 115 Gearhart (Gear.P'It.) 7 06 2 31 6 26 5 31 111 Ex.Sun Daily E2w — — 112 24 116 ....Wahannah f 7 03 f 2 28 — 1238 2 37 " Mars bill " 112 19 2 20 - — — — — 600 255 255 273 " Wishram 113 " 12 07 2 05 1 40 112 26 117 Surf 1 7 02 f 2 27 5 5 10 30 12 45 1 6 07 s— — — 277 " Avery 11 30 1230 118 Ar ....Seaside _Iv 7 00 225 620 525 7 11 20 6 6 17 s— — — — 14,,eallIsh • • " a— — — — Daily 6 26 s— — 1 3 15 286 (a moldallea " a— — — — 1 09 Daily WISHRAM, MADRAS, METOL1US AND BEND 3 45 6 44 s— — 33 294 " Lyla AO " a— — 1 26 48 1065 OREGON TRUNK RY. 3 56 6 55 s— — — — " % its " I— — — — f 35 f 10 44 4 05 7 05 1 3 48 347 404 " White Salmon. " 11 11 111 24 10 37 4 11 7 11 s— — -- 1)7 " lInder wood " a— — — — 17 10 31 2-102 103-3 _ Table 82 f 4 14 f 7 14 a— — — — " liond 1 13 110 27 Daily Mls. Pacific Time Daily 4 24 7 25 a-- — — 114 " Cooks " a— — — — 01 10 17 4 32 7 33 a-- — — II t4 " " s— — — — 50 110 08 9 00 Lv Portland 76,88A 6 10 4 40 7 42 a-- — — 122 " Carson s_ _ 40 10 01 11 59 106 Ar Wishram 76 2 55 4 43 7 51 f 4 25 f 4 24 (28 Stovenson S— 112 38 31 952 1 4 58 f 8 01 s— — — — 131 " I aaratles 9— 1 18 1942 12 25 0 Ly Wishram Ar 2 30 f 5 09 8 14 s— — — — 137 " Skartimtia " a- 03 f 9 31 112 41 6 " Moody ti 1 2 10 f 5 20 f 8 25 s— — — — 4' " Ptholle " s- f 52 1920 1 07 18 " Lockit it 1 1 44 f 1 25 44 f 5 24 t 8 29 s— — 44 • Cape Horn " 8- 1 46 9 15 26 " Dike 1 1 25 f 5 31 1837 s— — — 47 " ?doom Pleasant. " s— — — — 37 1908 1 2 23 51 " Tuskan ti 112 12 40 8 46 a— — — — " Washougal " s— 27 900 2 33 55 aupin 44 11 56 5 46 8 53 s— — 1 5 14 " Camas " s— 111 5 19 853 f 2 55 64 " Nona 27 f 5 56 1905 a— — — " Fisher " s— f 07 1843 f 3 05 68 " Frieda CS 111 15 f 6 02 9 10 s— — — it: " Ellsworth " s— 1 00 f 8 38 1 3 20 74 " Nathan Ci 110 55 it f 6 04 9 12 a— — — — III " Image " a— — — — 1 58 f 8 36 3 25 75 " North Jet 10 50 6 1 9 25 540 540 Vsamestr Wadi 91 " 9 30 11 30 45 825 f 3 38 80 " Kaskela dd 110 39 — 1935 a— — — — 71 " No Portland " — — — — f 29 f 3 45 84 " Jersey 44 110 29 — 9 40 s— — I- 73 " East St. John,. " 25 3 50 86 " South Jet 44 10 25 6 4 9 55 810 610 $4tt %, Portland 91 1,v 9 00, 11 00 05 755 f 4 00 194 " Truman. 110 12 f 4 15 200 " Gateway 10 05 f 4 35 206 " Paxton 1 9 50 W ATER litLE RAILWAY 5 00 107 " Madras 9 35 Mo. We. We. Tu. We. 1\10. We. 5 20 110 " Metolius 9 20 Fri. Sat. Pee.Table 'rime 791 Sat. Fri. 5 30 115 " Culver 4i 9 08 f 5 46 122 " Opal City 1 8 50 6 30 7 30 1,v Wit.rville . Ar 9 00 7 50 1 6 01 129 " Terrebonne " 8 30 6 50 8 20 %r Douglas 84 8 00 7 30 6 11 132 " Prineville Jet. " 8 22 6 32 135 " Redmond 44 1 8 15 f—F ng stop. f 7 00 144 " Deschutes 44 f 7 50 7 30 151 Ar Bend Lv 7 30 Ftcores opposite stations refer to nowt. • tables showing connecting trains. Ex. Saturday.

    Time from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light face type; time from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy face typo. 3 6

    * BEND, OREGON, to KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I. Read Down Read Up 61,l'az BR TISHs 4:3. ' COLUMBIA 387 386 \'6. 4, \N'' 6 Mixed Mixed ,....14, Squamish • + d4'84! Daily Miles Table 83 Daily c.Q. ,s'' e• v Ex. Sun. STATIONS Ex. Sun. 1,k. '''',,t4Ir7sf.d:to.....4z, 4-42 ••• • N.. „a •tv'' __....c8,,b * •';'.', '',9_ •,.9-__•,..••••,, ,f, •°46 ,ii' ... Lv Bend An 2 7 45 0 + '''''-o'', 1?8e ee f 8 32 12 " Katalo " t 2 01 t. ,.... Fraaer,R. 'Wel, S , * d' VP Vc'' a,' " Benham Falls " f- - t-- 14 \ Ste'vue=nr • • • • " • •ti'' •i'' lb• „„eos t 8 52 17 " Lava " 11 41 ... • f 1 24 •• •••-• • • 1 9 20 23 " Wanoga " VANCOD V ER • \ ,,A„,,,E„ 0 0 • • ontingdol. SesF.- 9 24 24 " Shevlin Hixon • \ „guitelmke • . • El.MAS Spur No. 4 " 1 21 9 29 25 " Sheviin Hixon + \• i2t5ndde• C. A& • Glacier Spur No. 5 " 1 17 t 9 34 27 " Stearns " f 1 12 ISLAND Dune. ' , a ,, tkz. c' .ELLINGSAM , t 9 50 34 " La Pine " 112 54 •,.. • Sid• Blanc irtrd A ceN,.,,,,o ,,,, oe, flO07 41 " Silver Lake " f12 36 ' '• ' •Y \ G• • •• a.' • VS'' BOW .•' ft,' ',V \\ •1V V flO23 48 " Fremont " 11219 ..•,, 15.a . atoVei C .,_ n c rt, ••.• '. V; '',' CP' sO cf. of,••_,....!.! c' (1040 55 " Crescent " (1201 0_ '''acf; .e.vmou• !II 18 71 " Chemult ill 18 ' 0,./ --•:..'. ai, • 11 20 72 " Chemult Jot 11 05 6,,• ,....l2M , 4,14 Skaolt B " Loneroth 10 43 Cave ---, ,o 4e, ,, Darrington 11 57 76 Fluttery ••••-- ...... zem2 ‘ito • Lake 12 10 82 " Diamond Lake... " 10 32 12 20 86 " Mazama• • • " 10 22 Twin Rivers ,, -•"-',.s. a. Chelan 12 30 01 " Lenz " 10 12 - • . ii. 12 40 95 " Chinchalo " 10 02 130ttAngel• es . E . E Tr' ''' N''''';': c • • i;) -94*' 12 50 100 " Fuego " 9 52 1 00 106 " Kirk " 9 42 . • • . , \ .$1,,'Z' '''''%,e4 o' si• ,t•• .11 , licat'Co''. 1) 0•,.,-, •,i ••.,'' ..P' .p,a 1 12 109 " Calimus 9 32 ... Rich o ac 0.g&S'001P •• 1 22 113 " Braymill 922 • .. B..,• 1 29 116 " Pine Ridge " 9 15 • .. no0 , 4. ati•ai. 032 118 " Chiloguin " 9 11 • .. SErAf L. s,,, ' sOC'• SC.' 'o• 142 122 " Lobert " 902 r•gl e. -.tic, 0--„,.0 4, 88,0 .., to 152 127 " Modoc Point 853 i 4'•,•.',8?','bb e 202 132 " Ouxy 844 2 11 135 " Algoma " 8 37 P•T • V: CV •V!' e ..i.i.. 2 19 140 " Wocus " 8 27 (;) ort /...;•,- °NMI., 4+ 2 24 145 " Chelsea " 8 21 ' ' • Labevlem• 2 35 147 Ar Klamath Falls Lv 8 10 /twill,. OIYMB10*-ef ••• 1. 4 Gate / 1 R Grays Harbor. p. • Rai isc , WENATCHEE AND MANSFIELD WestnToo le , NA.T CZ) Bay City aberdeen'Jc. ,, s Ikon's ---0 i,\N' • ' 382 A 381 ia AshioAd"1" Table QA•• Mixed i; Pacific Time ,•,- Mixed Willapa W A ••• -Central Chehalis I /ST 40 TON Mo•We•Fr. ''' Mo.Werr. Bay s• 0. • Napavine South Bend • VI Bilock• a, 6 15 7 10 0 Lv Wenatchee 8, 86.. .Ar ,, o4 Nader Carta... .1 730 7 " Malaga Lv 555 um bia . 745 11 " Rock Island. . .. . " 5 40 Col Rb-.-A 'A • ' n d''' Castle Rock 41 805 16 " Columbia River 8 . " 525 Fort Stevens „.t7.?,',2:•••g,. ()wander ay" • f 8 20 21 " Moses Coulee " t 5 00' • 13,Mf.,.•,, Icel,0 , Tacolla ,St t 8 35 27 " Appledale " f 4 45 C-.) 'Warrenton .... seas ‘oi,, . "4.cr ' 430 550 32 " Palisades " Chump 6.. p. A S• , ,z,000 t.oN• 1.55, .4.1" •1•• -t 9 10 37 " McCue 1 350 950 47 " Alstown 3 10 Oestrhar 4- 1,,q0bs,. ss:sVcp s1.4 „e" 0>', ?0. '-• •I' - z? 4' I 10 45 52 " Douglas 79 " 2 45 i•-.., rir'o, 'oli 1-Vi.V•i% 4 I 215 Sea•ide •'' 1..+ 42/.b8,0 o *4 .z,•.? . ,, 4' :e.:•.;• III 10 59 " Suppiee " ":11ke.40 , Ielfr,g• C8'1,•••.%9' ..i, ,e ?,, ‘4'•i, A: . • . 11 40 65 ' Withrow I 55 I12 01 71 " TottheY " f I 25 e.,00,7 ''' i avs°. 0, ::' • c 12 20 76 Ar Mansfield Lv I 15 ... • li 1.• ABBOTSFORD AND KILGARD 14,,, .LCikIni,., ...._ „ ; •It;' V. oiillee047-. .14-WIft tr••oZe ••Nrs . Lino Itiver Drills* o-sv.Tho •,• GG,Ill \o 398 399 Mixed M le Mixed ''' ,P':. ir'il,'14.7; ... - • l' • Sher" . Table QC IMO' .• " Mo. & Fri. Pacific Time ••••,' Mo. dr Fri. $•Zsl'-c,(vie• :,,,,b.r , „Blirkti '1 .m., • • • Friens. maupi, Condon n .W00aba._ 9 00 0 tv Abbotsford 86 Ar 9 40 s•••, ,III• wi.W libla.„,,,\c Vio° e, scoad,Z 1-• North 2,211'C-flan 9 20 5 Ar Kilgard Lv 9 20 . ,. Salem WENATCHEE, CHELAN AND ORM/ LLE Blackfici•I' ‘Na, Orville ., 1). .. enver • rdanha • idadras 254 253 Table 86 Cz) nein 1 n a. L ANY S• '• d; Ex. Sun. MIS Pacific Time Ex. Sun. COSVALLis •is. m• bletollus 0 Lv Wenatchee 8. 84. . Ar 10 55 , re3t,..... g•5.1 f 5 08 3 " Olds Lv HO 47 :,•'., ayetteTsa os kS'' C'• Culver •ru-Stic'ei 8 flO 32 I 5 18 " Zena 0 R E viliv es.l 0 4•, G n,• Terrebonne , .r=1 to 1 529 14 HO 21 / '' ''. Redmo d N " Wagnersburg " .1 •• 7- Bri risburg . 04.0 5 43 19 " Entiat " 10 10 • i T Deschutes 26 f 9 53 - unction City 6 .> f 5 59 " Winesap " t 6 09 32 " Stayman f 9 40 no1Lm Wend r•-•) '4;;til 6 20 38 " Chelan Falls "" 9 28 Ic BEND•ling .no 7, 4•'2 6 29 39 " Chelan " 9 25 0.4 s • - P. 0 Brinyfield •.1, Benham Falls EUGENE al C >:,,4 1 6 40 44 " Hugo " f 9 09 lKo ,, ..1•• 0 ° - O: I 6 51 50 " Wells " f 8 57 4• Steams t 6 59 53 " Starr I " f 8 47 , Cottage Grove Bakridge ds.• co .5 -8-4 7 15 59 " Pateros " 8 35 "9•cs,, Ru •, • La Pine Z 2 • ei 7 30 65 " Brewster " 8 17 Drain •jada ,...,,e Silver Lake I 7 45 72 " Monse " f 8 01 North Mend 1) •• .*- Fremont 71;:s; ci z•cl • f 755 76 " Wakefield " f 750 t.. Dissten Crescent• I 8 08 83 " Malott " 1 7 36 Marshfield Correll x .., c -.4 .-cs ,,,,> " Chillowist " f 7 26 U 4, osrn •-ci In ,:::. . . Z t g 173 172 " Okanogan 7 16 Roseburg Chemult 8 48 7 01 ... •ci) 96 ' Omak " .-X 1) z 0. t 858 101 " Cherokee " t 647 8 CRATER LA KEI-71 •Diamond Lake 638 c al 0 n 0. . 9 10 105 " Riverside " I V 1 .• Leas ,-1 ° -,-,c2 0 a' t 9 21 110 " Barker " f 6 27 • Powers • n I 931 115 f 6 17 " Janis " • NAT. PARKL_I 7„''' Kirk""••prag , RiSue ver 0i t' xozCL 0 945 120 " Tonasket " 608 'S f 957 126 " Ellisforde " f 553 • „,, %VA- • •• *MD Bly HO 08 132 I 5 43 ,-4 ” Cordell " ,,,,,0 Mow' Grants Pass UP P" o 00" 10 30 117 Ar Oroville Lv 5 30 Kktmath , • ROCKPORT-NEWHALEM RAILWAY Waters Creek • Medford Lake a. ,' • Dairy Lakeview 4 2 Table ivy I I Jacksonville a KLAMATH FALLS °Bonanza Daily Daily Mis Pacific Time u•• DallY [SallyD - - - - . -Ashland - - - .

    930 1 20 0 Lv Rockport Ar 830 4 14— —1:111.1.•W . i•loi7 •AUL .,•••AtitikLower khanath Goose L. Lake0 1 9 52 1 40 6 " Corkindale " 8 13 3 53 10 13 1 57 10 " Stewarts " 7 56 3 41 10 31 2 13 12 " Jennings " 7 49 3 25 10 48 229 23 " Cranes " 724 309 Great Northern Lines in Western Washington, II 00 2 40 Ar Newhalem Lv 7 15 .I 00

    Time from 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light taco typo. t I m from 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy face type. 37

    ROCKPORT, BURLINGTON AND ANACORTES SUMAS, CLOVERDALE AND LADNER Read Lawn Read UP Read Down Read Up 383 384 I 279Daily 277Daily TableMls• Pacific Time 88 280Daily 278Daily Mixed Table Qa Mixed § An arrangement 500 8 50 0 Lv Rockport Ar 945 12 50 Mo.We.Fr. Pacific Time "." Mo.Wc.Fr. has been made with f 515 1905 6 " Ncstos " f 9 251 12 35 5 30 9 20 9 " Concrete 10 15 0 Ls, Sumas , Ar 9 15 the stage line operat- 9 15 12 25 1 I 533 f 923 I " Grammer° " f 9 10f 12 20 " Huntingdon Lv 9 14 ing between Mount 10 30 4 " Abbotsford 85 " 9 00 Vernon and Anacortes 5 45 9 35 15 " Birdsview " 8 57 12 07 10 45 8 " Sarel 8 35 558 948 21 " Hamilton " 8 45 11 55 to honor Great 11 05 13 " Aldergrove " 8 20 Northern tickets be- 6 07 9 5:- 24 " Lyman " 8 35 11 45 11 40 620 110 11 21 " Coketiale Jet 17 " Otter 7 55 tween these points " f 8 20f 11 II) 12 OS 21 " Lincoln di 7 25 held by passengers 630 1020 32 Se•fro-110011ey " 810 11 20 12 SS 29 " Cloverdale. " 6 55 from points south of 6 45 It) 35 37 " Burlington 91 " 7 55 11 05 1 15 33 " Alluvia 6 40 Mt. Vernon. From 371,v Burlington Ar § f 1 25 35 " Southport f 6 35 points north of Mt. 4t " Avon Lv § f 1 30 " Colebrook Jet f 6 31 Vernon tickets will be 41 1 35 4:4 § § 35 Ar Colebrook 91 6 30 sold locally to Mt. 3 56 35 IN Colebrook. Ar 5 55 Vernon. 501" Fidalgo § f 4 25 43 " Inverholm Lv f 5 15 911 *worts, Lv § f 4 45 45 " Challuethan f 5 05 I—Flag stop. §l'asse wens *11,1 'Gilman*. from points south of Mount Vernon 5 00 46 Ar Ladner. Lv 5 00 destined Anaeortes will Ing handhst by A uto-bus from Mount Vernon to Anagortes.

    SEATTLE—TACOMA—PORTLAND Rta noon Read Up 40 al— 143 402 408 562 564 458 G. N. U P N. N. P. TABLE GA N. P. N P. U. P. U. P. G. N. Daily Doily (Pacific Time) Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily —P-Nr _12ALItiy_ —Pr—\ 1 AM PM 430 — PM AM PM 900 11 45 6 45 3 25 — — — — 9 45 — IGO — — LvSeattle (King St. St a.) 8-11-15-91 4f — Union Station) — — 7 15 6 30 — — — — — — 11 "Black River di — f — _ — — — — 11)— 0—, t12 12 – 16 "Kent o 6 13 v 2 55 — w— — — 9 40 t12 22 22 "Auburn 41 6 02 2 43 ,v- w- — — 26 " Dieringer — — - - — — — — — — 112 38 29 "Sumner 5 47 v 2 27 w- w— — 10 00 12 48 32 "Puyallup 5 41 2 22 - _ — - 5 40 230 10 20 1 15 40 ArTacoma 8-11-15-90 IR 5 25 2 OS 5 SO 5 00 — 8 35 - ---1 II —10 20 • LvTacoma Ar 5 05 1 55 5 45 4 50 — 48 "Sixth Ave — — — — f 5 27 f 4 17 ----I 2 02 1-10 58— 54 " Steilacoom — — — — _ — 4 25 f 1 25 f 5 17 f 4 00 56 "Ketron u— — — — — — — — - — 1307 11 13 60 ArNisquallv Lv 4 07 1 10 f 5 04 f 3 35 — — — — - 12 40 —1 30 40 — _ — — — — — 8 30 — — LvTacoma 8-1145-90 Al nra• Vuo Pio Via 45 "South Tacoma — — — • Via Via Via Via egont /•*,•,t hunt Point 48 "Lakeview id Es'f9 51 Paint Point Point Point — — Dehant• ftejlaow,, Dojtanc, Defiance "Country Club di — gr,z 53 "Murray o )efiance Defiance Defiance Defiance ocean tE:p 10 00 56 "Port Lewis 0 t 2 20 1307 s I go 10 08 2 18 60 ArNisqually Lv — — f 5 04 — 48 LvLake View .k- Ar A Er.-2 53 f-,gt "Hillhurst I — _ 59 "Roy di af,3, sg.F0'4 65 " Yelm di somel 70 "Rainier id 6"532-ni 75 "McIntosh — id 7342R ArWest Tenino Ix 1113 2 18 60 '5'01; — LvNisqually Ar 4 07 1 10 f 5 04 I 3 35 'g-Tt 1 36 64 "St. Clair u---- — — Pia -- 1 1 30 65 "Kyro u-- — — Via qt4; Prairie 327 1 414 0 so 111 30 70 "Chambers Prairie f12 52 4 47 f 3 10 Prairie Line f 1 52 73 "Plumb U-- — — — — — — Line 3 42 202 44 78 ArTenino Ly 14,-„i"a • -- - — 12 39 4 34 2 48 f„..2§1 • • • " Tenino Jet — — — — — — 3 41 7111% 82 " Bucoda d— — 4 27 f 2 35 — — -4c73 4 00 2 80 12 01 3 10 89 ArCentralia 3 00 12 20 4 15 2 20 7 17 '1'5'6 4 OS 140 22 01 3 15 89 LvCentralia Ar 2 50 12 15 4 10 2 00 712 *g. 4 IS 25() 12 18 3 25 93 "Chehalis 2 40 12 05 4 00 1 50 7 02 e„,'at-€1 4 10 p 3 07 12 32 3 43 101 " Napavine di 2 25 11 50 3 45 — f 4 IS p 3 13 f 3 48 104 "Evaline di -- fn. 44 f 3 37 — 49,a 2t2 4 43 p 3 19 12 42 3 55 107 " Winlock ti f 2 10 11 37 3 29 4 53 1, 3 12 12 113 4 07 114 " Vader f 1 55 11 24 3 14 f 4 SS p 3 37 112 58 f 4 12 116 "Olequa (Ryderwood). -- -- fn. 19 f 3 07 5 10 p 3 50 1 10 4 25 123 "Castle Rock t 1 37 11 05 2 55 f S 20 1 20 f 4 37 130 p 4 02 "Ostrander di f 1 25 10 53 2 43 Ci klfs' 5 28 I, 4 10 1 211 4 44 133 "Kelso (Longview) nn 1 18 10 46 2 35 5 58 1 4 21 f 1 3$ 139 "Carrolls di -- -- flO 34 f 2 23 • 411 p 4 30 I 48 5 08 143 "Kalama di 01 - -- 12 58 10 25 2 17 — — o 4 38 f 1 55 148 "Martin's Bluff di -- -- — — f 2 08 sog 6 00 p 4 48 2 OS 5 25 152 "Woodland 12 40 10 10 2 00 f 6 12 5 00 2 15 5 38 158 "Ridgefield •nn 12 30 10 00 1 SO I, 5 12 r 2 25 f 5 50 163 -- - — - -- "Knapp f 9 50 f 1 40 5 IO r 2 10 166 " Felida -- -- f 9 45 f 1 35 s 40 5 35 2 45 6 15 172 "Vancouver, Wash 12 05 9 35 1 25 11 45 00 Rqi§ f 6 44 1 5 41 2 50 6 20 174 "No. Portland, Ore -- f 9 25 f 1 21 ---- 2.7•4..- — — — — 2 54 8 24 175 "East St. Johns di fll 51 f 9 22 — — -- -- 7 15 0 le 3 15 6 45 183 ArPortland 7-15-78-81.-90-92 11 30 9 00 1 00 11 16 4 30 figures opposite stations refer to numb, .17 tables showing connecting trains. For equipment page 8. Tickets are interchangeable on all train* Neheduled between Seattle and Portian. Passengers availing themselves of this optional route arrangement should recheck I heir baggage; otherwone it wdl Inn •ntilnjeet to delay. 38 PACIFIC COAST LINES SERVICE

    VANCOUVER, BELLINGHAM, EVERETT. SEATTLE AND TACOMA Read Down Read Up OWL OWL 360 358 355 359 357 TABLE 01 356 Daily Daily Miles Pacific Time ,0 A Daily Daily- Mount Baker National Daily Daily • Playground Mount Baker Recreation area of ...... 4 30 8 30 12 01 0 Lv Vancouver, B. C. Ar 2 30 10 45 7 40 ... f 7 26 75,000acres was recently establish- 112 11 3 " Still Creel . Lv f 2 18 112 15 5 " Ardley 2 14 f 7 22 ed by the U. S. Government in the -- -- f 2 09 1 7 17 heart of the scenic Mount Baker ...... 112 21 7 " Burnaby 12 f 2 00 1 7 08 National Forest. The Mountain ------— — " Sappert on 4 58 8 56 12 38 13 " New Westminster 1 57 10 08 7 05 itself is an outstanding feature ris- - -- — — 112 52 19 Townsend 1 38 -- -- 6 40 ing 10.750 feet above sea level, f 5 17 9 18 1 02 24 " Colebrook 89 44 1 30 9 43 6 27 with Mt. Shuksan eleven miles ...... 5 23 f 9 25 f 1 10 28 " Crescent I 1 20 f 9 36 f 6 15 east and between the two famous ...... 29 " Ocean Park — f— — peaks at an elevation of 4,200 feet ...... 5 40 9 40 1 35 33 " White Rock 1 00 9 20 5 55 is Heather Meadow. here Mt. 6 05 9 55 1 55 36 Blaine 12 40 9 00 5 15 Baker Lodge has been built above P — 10 08 f 2 10 43 Custer 414 12 25 f 8 42 4 44 the shores of Sunrise Lake. The — — — — — — 46 44 Enterprise it — — b— — — — Lodge has accommodations for 6 28 10 18 2 23 49 44 Ferndale 4,4 12 15 8 32 4 30 340 guests. Season June 15 to 6 50 10 45 2 50 58 Bellingham 44 11 55 8 15 4 10 September 15, Auxiliary camps 7 02 10 55 3 03 61 South Bellnigharm. 11 35 8 00 3 48 with adequate service in connec- — — — 1 3 13 85 44 Sockeye ill 22 3 38 tion with the Lodge. Recreation 1 7 25 f 3 25 71 Sami,h — — — — features to suit all are employed, f 7 28 f 3 30 72 Blanchard fll OS f 3 21 boating. horseback riding, trail — f 3 37 75 Of Bow fll 02 b— — 1 3 16 trips, etc. Mt. Baker Lodge is .— — f 3 48 79 44 Bellevilh (10 54 1 3 06 reached by auto 55 miles from 7 5 11 28 4 00 82 61 Burlington 88 10 50 7 15 3 00 Bellingham, Washington, on the 8 0 11 38 4 13 86 Mount Vernon 10 35 7 04 2 45 Great Northern Railway. A 8 0 111 45 f 4 25 91 " Fir 10 23 1 2 30 b-- -- 1 2 25 splendid hard surface road all the — — — — 1 4 28 94 " Mint OWII 10 19 way. f 8 19 11 57 4 43 98 " Stanwood 10 10 ab — 2 15 f 8 26 112 05 1 4 55 104 " Silvana 9 58 1 2 00 — — f 5 03 108 1950 f 1 52 " English 4 3 1 — — — — 112 " Krug,. -- -- b— — — — • 2 Daily Daily 8 42 112 22 5 20 115" Marysville dd 9 38 1 38 Daily Daily 622 453 9 03 12 43 5 47 12:2 Ar Everetto 8„ 9 20 6 0 1 20 10 02 11 05 x 8 32 — — f 9 12 g12 51 5 58 1,v Mukilteo Ar 9 01 5 5 1 02 w10 49 f 6 04 129 " Mosher J 5 4 112 52 x 6 39 — — b 9 18 g12 56 -- x 6 45 b 9 23 g 1 01 1 6 09 132 " Meadowdide f 46 J 5 4 112 47 x 661 — f 9 30- g 1 07 6 18 136 " Edmonds 40 5 3 112 41 w10 33 x 8 56 — — b 9 35 g 1 12 f 6 2 139 " Richmond Beach 31 f 5 2 112 32 o 7 10 b 9 50 g 1 26 6 40 147 " Ballard 17 J 5 1 112 18 a 9 28 w10 17 x 7 14 — -- 9 54 g 1 29 6 44 140 " Interbay 14 J 5 1 12 15 7 30 600 10 10 1 45 7 0 155 Ar Seattle, 8, I/. 1,i 00 5 00 12 01 9 00 10 00 422 662 424 564 401 423 561 407 563 459 421 458 408 402 King King King King King King king King King King Union Union St. St. St. St. St. St. Union St. St. St. Union St. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. Sta. 11 15 4 30 50 0 Lv Seattle° Ai 9 45 8 35 3 25 6 45 3 00 7 15 8 15 8 30 11 45 415 100 900 625 6 13 2 30 k 6 31 f 7 43 k— — ni1212 4 4211 1 33 6 52 — 17 16 " Kent 1,v w 8 04 d 2 55 27 22 " Auburn') s 7 55 2 43 6 02 2 18 6 22 7 34 n11222 4 5211 1 42 9 40 7 02 g_ _ — — I 2 OS _ — — f 5 00 — — -- f 33 26 " Dieringer — — — — 5 47 2 04 k 6 11 7 21 112 38 5 08 B I 55 715 g_ _ 39 20 " Sumner w 7 41 d 2 27 — 44 32 " Puyallup° w 7 37 2 22 5 41 1 58 6 07 7 16 12 48 5 14 1 59 10 00 7 20 5 25 1 40 5 50 7 00 00 1 15 5 35 2 20 10 20 7 40 12 25 5 40 05 40 Ar Tacoma,' 8,11 —IR 8 35 7 20 2 05

    0—U. S. Postal Box on p atform. f—Stops on flag. 4—Gt. Nor. By. Restaurant. rn—Stops for paying passengers for Tacoma and south. a—Stops on flag Sundays. 13-Stops to let oft passenger from Everett or points south or east thereof. c—Stops on flag for passengers for Grays Harbor points west of Lakeview. o—Stops to let off passengers from points east of Skykomish. P—Stops to pick up passengers for Seattle and points east and south. IA.—Stops to pick up passengers for Spokane and east. k—Stops to discharge passengers from points south of Tacoma or take on cl—Stops to let off passengers from points south of St. Clair. passengers for points north of Seattle. B—Stops to discharge passengers from points north and east of Everett and a- Hu stop Saturday only. to pick up passengers for points south of Tacoma. g—Stops to discharge paying passengers only from Everett or points north g—Stops to dincliarge passengers from Spokane or east thereof. or east. For equipment see page 8. J—Stops to discharge paying passengers from Seattle or points south or east.

    Executive centers and points of commercial importance contiguous to Seattle and .facorna and how most easily reached from these cities (I.J. S. Navy Yard) Rraoh- BREMERTON, WASH.: ed from Seattle by boat. PORT TOWNSEND, WASH. Reachedboat. from Seattle by Frequent daily service. a (State Capitol) Reach. • Reached from Seattle by OLYMPIA, WASH. from Seattle or Tacoula VICTORIA, B. C. • boat. by rail or stage. 39

    CONNECTIONS AT SPOKANE OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY. "The Shortest Route to the Orient" 19 13 9 7 MIs 10 14 16 22 PacificTable Time 02 no • , •10 30 6 05 •2 05 •10 SO * 8 00 Is Portland Hoyt St AR *10 45 2 25 *5 55 • 9 40 10 45 6 20 1 20 11 05 8 15 1 " Portland Jefferson " 10 30 2 10 5 40 9 25 11 05 637 235 11 25 8 32 8 " Garden Home 10 13 1 55 5 22 9 05 tIl 11 645 241 11 32 — — 12 " Tigard — 1 48 — 8 59 11 19 7652 248 11 39 844 16 " Tualatin 01 1 41 — 8 52 las ill 43 17 17 12 02 f 9 07 29 " Donald 9 40 1 15 14 48 f 8 28 a'A .••,, .,•--, 53 7 26 3 23 12 11 9 15 34 " W. Woodburn 9 32 1 04 4 40 f 8 19 tzt e i •••• _ 624 334 12 22 9 43 36 At Woodburn . 9 02 12 51 4 27 ,-, 12 25 7 57 3 58 12 42 9 46 51 AR Salem 9 02 12 30 4 11 7 45 845 449 1 31 10 35 78 " A tbany ...... 8 14 111 40 3 23 6 53 8 54 4 58 1 42 10 47 83 803 11 28 3 13 6 43 " Gray ...... " • • • " 9 10 5 14 • I 58 11 03 88 At Corvallis.... 7 46 11 10 2 55 6 25 9 27 5 31 2 18 11 21 104 es Ilarrisburg 730 1055 243 6 10 9 33 5 37 2 25 11 28 108 " Junction City 723 10 48 237 6 02 9 55 6 00 2 50 11 50 122 " Rosana • 7 00*I0 25*2 15 • 5 40 Yokohama Additional trains for Salem leave Portland at 4:45 P. M. *—Daily. f—Flag stop. Kobe

    SPOKANE. COEUR D'ALENE & PALOUSE RAILWAY CO. (Electric) Formerly the Inland Empire Railroad Co. See Table 73 Shanghai CONNECTIONS AT PORTLAND SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. VIA MDMIYOU LINE (Through Ashland): Hong Kong 12 II 2 8 30 2 IS . v otemll.7.7 7 30 10 13 11 N " Salons .. — — — and 10 54 12 10 " Albany o -- 12 OS 1 40 " Engem. ,, _ _ — 2 35 4 25 " i(ormburs o _ _ 4 10 8 05 12 11 " Ashland " 5 50 10 35 Manila — — 4 41 " Mark Butte._ " 1 30 — — — — 3 55 " Sacramento_ " 1 15 10 37 11 30 730 Arlan 'suasion* Ly 940 7 40 AVOYAGE of discovery VIA CIFICATW. 1-1N1?, (Thous amath Falls): to these and other 7 17 15 OWE 16 18 8 magic cities of the Orient 10 00 1015 5 00 I 00 IA, Portland— — Ar 8 35 4 15 8 15 is now more than ever at- — — — — 700 390 " 1411110,fil " 645 — — — — — — 7 50 4 16 " Albany " 6 00 — — tractive and inexpensive. 1 50 1 40 9 20 6 30 " Voisin% ... • . " 4 50 12 45 9 40 825 745 3 55 I 46 " 1% Ismaili Falls. " 10 32 6 50 731 — — — — — — 4 18 " Ilia. I. Witte e 7 es — — 10 30 — — — — — — Ar Sacramento Lk 945 — — 820 $ 6on"L. forYokohama Yokohama, and returning return. via SailHonolulu from toSeattle San — — 815 8 35 730 A r Ban Francisco IA 740 620 — — Francisco. Or return direct from Yokohama to Seattle.

    (13)— Connects— — — with830 No. — ill... --- kr• Los['ordain Auras 0 30 1,kATM. 605and carries— — through — — Standard — — Sleeper Portland San I , , •, o • N•• 13 from Slack Butte.) $69,9 Shanghaifor Yokohama, and Kobe return. and Shanghai, Sail from returning Seattle EQ11 I P M E NT BISEITOO LINE from Japan to San Francisco via Honolulu. Or return direct No. 7. from Yokohama to Seattle. Coach Special. No. 8. Coach Special. $75r1 ManilaYokohama, and Kobe, return. Shanghai, Sail Hong from KongSeattle and for Nos. 11 and 12. Manila, returning through the same ports and via Honolulu to Coach Portland-San Fran, is, Standard Car Seattle-San Iran San Francisco. Or return from Japan to Seattle. Standard Cars Portland-San I , Go in comfort aboard these spacious, oil-burning President Liners. Diner and Composite Oimeryni • at Portland-San Francisco. They are especially equipped for the Orient run with broad, sunny decks No. 13. for rest or play. Coaches, Diner, Tourist and Strunlar•I Sleepers Portland-Oakland. All accommodations are first class with beds instead of berths. All Standard Car Portland-Ito...bum rooms are outside, commodious and well ventilated. The dining service is Standard Car Portland-Ashland, unsurpassed. Standard Car Portland-Engem,. antoutAt Maralifield. Standard Car Black Butt* to cahland Ploy. Sailings every two weeks from Seattle— No. 14. Steamship President Madison July 14 Coaches, Tourist, Standard, Disk In sal Plat-Portland. Standard Car, Roseburg-holism!. Steamship President Jackson July 28 Standard Car Ashland-Portland, Steamship President McKinley - - - Aug. 11 Standard Car Eugene-Portland from Iklarslilleld. Diner Oakland Pier to Ronchurs. —over the Short Route to the Orient. Tickets are interchangeable with the Standard Car Marshfield- Por t in le I Dollar Steamship Line, either the trans-Pacific or Round the World service. EQUIPMENT CASCADE LINE Complete information from any Great Northern Railway Nos. 16 and 16- ticket agent or write to D. J. HANSCOM, Coaches Portland-Los A1110.114, Dining Car Portland-Fresno. General Passenger Agent, 1519 Railroad Avenue South, Seattle Lunch Coach Portland-San Franeisco. Tourist Car Portland-Los Aar**. Standard Car Seattle-Los Ampler'. Standard Portland-San Fritneind, American Mail Line Standard Observation Car I'm !land-1.00 A tig•tlea. 32 Broadway, New York 177 State Street. Boston Nos. 17 and 18—Extra fare 63.00 Portland-San Francisco. 101 Bourse Bldg.. Philadelphia 1105. Dearbom St.. Chicago Club Car, Diner, Pullman I ilmervailim Cat and Standard Cars containing Dime Bard, Building. Detroit Sections, Compartments and Drawing !looms Portland and Seattle-San Union Trust Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio Frandsen. 40 CONNECTIONS AT DULUTH CONNECTIONS AT MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL DULUTH, SOUTH SHORE & ATLANTIC R. R. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY R. R. • Ex.Sun. Daily Miles Daily Ex.Sun. 806 6 05 0.0 Ly Duluth. Ar 10 30 6 00 58 50 52 48 51 47 49 57 8 30 6 35 7.0 " Superior ' 10 00 5 26 6 20 8 30 700 8 10 Lv MinneapolisAr 11 35 735 11 55 8 55 1013 8 30 51.9 Ar Iron River Lv 8 15 3 35 7 00 9 30 800 8 45 " St. Paul.... " 10 40 700 11 00 8 15 1103 9 25 74.0 " Bibon " 7 25 2 47 1 05 11 35 12 20 " La Crosse... " 7 05 3 01 7 10 4 22 450 253 218.4 " Nestoria " 2 10 905 334 150 240 " Dubuque... " 415 12 12 405 12 55 7 05 4 10 235.4 " L'Anse " 12 30 8 55 900 7 00 8 40 Ar Chicago . . ..Lv 12 10 6 30 11 30 8 45 8 00 6 30 8 20 Ar Houghton. Lv 1.1 10 " Rock Island. " 11 30 8 45 1-5 40 5 19 6 51 " St. Louis . " 8 10 7 30 9 10 - 16 35 " Calumet " 10 15 520 3 23 225.1 Ar Michigamme g 142 825 CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN LINE (C. St. P. M. & D.) 5 40 3 37 232.7 Ar Champion Lv 1 30 8 07 517 6 15 4 10 248.5 Ar Ishpeming Lv 12 55 7 30 1 402 404 406 510 7 401 405 403 507 7 20 625 4 20 251.5 " Negaunee " 12 45 75.0 6 40 800 10 45 12 05 8 30 Lv MinneapolisAr 10 55 9 35 735 10 05 5 25 7 00 4 45 263 3 " Marquette " 830 7 15 840 11 30 " St. Paul.... " 10 20 S 00 700 " Sault Ste. Marie_ " 930 4 50 11.0 30 417.9 •t 4 15 7 20 Ar Madison. ..Lv 1 00 .. 7 30 DULUTH & IRON RANGE R. R.--"Vermillion Route" 5 15 4 10 5 50 10 10 " Milwaukee.." 10 20 12 30 9 00 12 25 61 62 6 50 835 11 30 " Chicago ...... 8 15 10 30 635. 10 00 2 00 1 2 730 Mixed mis Mixed 1 n 55 935 735 9 30 Daily Daily Lv MinneapolisAr 8 00 740 8 05 5 40 Daily Daily 7 35 10 10 815 10 15 " St. Paul. " 7 25 700 7 25 5 00 845 8 45 0 Lv Duluth Ar —2-44— 10 50 5 SO 6 55 4 25 7 35 Ar Sioux City..Lv 11 05 915 1125 t 7 15 9 45 27 " Two Harbors " 145 855 740 10 30 . 10 15 11 45 " Omaha " 7 35 3 55 820 ..-..-- 11 00 1210 80 Lv Aurora Ar tExcept Sundays. 1230 82 Ar Biwabik Lv 10 45 ...... 121 100 Ar Eveleth Lv 955 . CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC It. K. 1 55 105 " Virginia " 9 30 6 1$ 56 4 16 12 17 5 1 101 15 225 11 54 77 Ar Alesaba... Ar 11 34 520 12 35 981w Tower " 10 48 3 50 7 35 8 104 3 800 8 50 10 45 Lv Minneapolis.. Ar Ill 05 -F11 -SS755 905 11 50 3 50 8 10 800 7 05 840 9 30 111 30 530 120 117 10 05 230 " St. Paul Ar 10 20 810 710 8 30 11 00 " Ely " 10 5411 45 9 5511 3212 17 2 10 " Winona .. " 7 07 521 130 120 Ar Winton Lv 9 51 •'• 4 04 523 8 13 11 5012 4510 5012 37 1 22 3 07 " La Crosse_ ... " 6 18 4 13 3 00 4 25 7 13 DULUTH, MISSABE & NORTHERN R. R. 545 635 500 626 7 17 9 10 Ar Milwaukee .. Lv 12 45 10 20 9 00 11 10 1 10 3 1 Mts. All Trains Daily 2 4 7 55 8 45 7 00 8 35 9 25 11 25 " Chicago " 10 30 815 630 9 00 11 00 3 50 800 0 Lv Duluth Ar 10 57 3 45 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RY •t11.48 . Ar Biwabils. Lv 12 10 64- 61 6 50 11 05 74 " Virginia " 8 15 12 54 1645 32-31 28-6 62-22 16-20 1-19 11-13 63-9 58-5918-17 6 40 10 55 71 Eve eth " 8 30 12 55 4 20 714 11 42 83 " Chisholm. " 8 00 1219 10 20 *8 30 635 4 20 IN Minneapolis Ar 9 20* 9 20 700 400 800 7 17 11 27 .... 8 00 12 31 5 nun 9 10 7 15 5 00 " St. Paul " 8 35 8 35 6 10 3 15 7 15 " So. Hibbing " 859 130 824 330 5 3312 50 7 33 11 43 84 " Hibbing " 7 45 12 15 Ar Chicago Ix 7 12 1 45 . " St. Louis " 2 15 7 30 12 30 7 06 11 32 88 Ar Coleraine.....Lv 730 7 '20 1 45 ...... " Kansas City It 11 40 5'20 CANADIAN NATIONAL RYS. CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN R. R. 5 19 20 6 Daily Daily Mk. Daily. Daily 10 11 14-55 52-1 8-3 2 All Trains Daily 1 4-7 51-2 16-1712-13 540 0 Lv ChicagoCAN.W.Ar 11 30 7 55 800 940 3 30 745 LvMinneapolls...... Ar 7 50 5 00 8 35 8 05 8 15 845 700 0 " DuluthC.N.Rys. " 10 25 845 830 8 35 110 15 400 820 " St. Paul " 710 425 755 725 735 1120 10 00 78 Ar Virginia IA, 745 6 15 3 28 Ar Dubuque. liS' 11 50 ...... 2 35 1 30 172 " Ft. Frances " 4 00 3 20 ,.... . 8 15 " Chicago _ 7 00 9 30 . "a. ,i6ii. io Des Moines 7 ol.i. ii 8 50 9 55 3 80 " Winnipeg " ... 1.10 WiNNIPEG WEST ..• • . 11 25 5 10 " St. Joseph " 1 35 6 55 .. 1 40 7 35 " Kansas City . 11 30 5 00 15 9 5 1 2 6 10 16 7 50 8 40 . " Omaha 8 00 *ilia Mo. D. Ex Stations D. Ex ' h. 9 15 520 We. Fr Sat. Daily Daily Nils Daily Daily Mo. Th. Ss 11 20 .... Lv Minneapolis...... Ar .....11 15 6 5011 15 550 945 550 .... " St. Paul ...... " 10 45 6 2010 45 a10001 9 45 9 30*10 00 0 Iv Winnipeg (c. t.) Ar * 9 05* 8 10 5 7 50 340 I 1512 OS 815 . Ar Rochester . . . LI, .... 810 400 810 1151 11 52 11 14 11 38 54 ArPortage Is Prairie.b, 7 32 6 32 6 00 1 47 2 15 134 Ar Brandon Iv 3 50 MINNEAPOLIS & ST. LOUIS R. R. * 9 55 356 Ar Begins lM. T.).. Iv * 6 40 t 2 00 436 k Wilburn Iv t 2 45 15 13 4 6 2 3 1 5 14 16 7 00 -279 'Ar Melville Iv 12 20 I 4 t8 15*-b-ki*6 3 -1•7 30 Lv St. Paul Ar *7 50 t7 45 *9 00 t5 55 *8 10 11 20 408 " Watrous • " 835 925 90f 945 715] 815 " Minneapolis " 705 700 820 510 720 5 201 4 15 477 " Dauphin 1 45 8 10 • • • 2 12 5 15 Ar Marshalltown Lv 9 50 1 03 ...... 9 24 302 " Canon id 8 38 .. 1 458 02 " St. Louis 7 30 2 00 ...... t 4 15 4 40 12 30 471 Ar Saskatoon Iv * 5 30 12 00 t12 (X) . .. 5 35 4 05 " Ft. Dodge " 11 15 11 30 § 1 25 115 333 Ar Yorkton Iv § 1 40 a 1 25 . AO 20 7 25 " Des Moines 725 745 ...... 1 ea " Watertown " ...... t.8 zidlo i I 1 45 425 k Humboldt .. .‘ Iv 4 15 10 6 15 ...... _. : .. .. " Aberdeen. di ...... 7 20 *1000 629 " Kindersley 2 20 7 30 " Kansas City " ..... 1 30 .... 3 30 766 " Hanna 44 t12 50 * 9 30 902 Ar Calgary 1v 1 8 15 MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL & SAULT STE. MARIE RY. (Soo Line. § 8 00 483 k The Pas Iv a 6 0 .... 2 4 3 1 § 8 00 t 9 ' 555 " Prince Albert " t 8 35 a 3 45 * 9 05 612 " North Battleford." * 7 55 • • 145 * 7 05 Lv MinneapolisAr * 8 55 * 4 40 12 35 697 " Lloydminster... " 4 40 8 25 7 45 " St. Paul.... " 8 05 4 00 2 05 737 " Vermilion 3 05 1 43 1 00 " Marshfield... " 3 12 10 11 4 28 794 Ar Vegreville Iv 12 50 Auto B usihron 1. Car an I Train Auto Bus, St reet Ca r and 245 530 Ar Biggar Iv* 305 Conn actions to Wit asha " Menasha.... " Train(' onnecti ons to Neenah 6 50 670 " Wainwright " 11 00 . 4 28 3 42 " Neenah " 12 28 7 02 * 7 35 10 50 797 Ar Edmonton Iv 7 10 9 40 4 47 4 05 " Oshkosh " 12 02 6 38 1130 797 Is Edmonton Ar 6 40 . 5 30 4 47 " Fond du Lac " 11 20 5 52 8 40 1032 kr Jasper Park M.T.Iv 9 50 7 05 Ar Milwaukee Lv 7 35 8 20 1032 Iv Jasper Park P.T.Ar 8 20 . 10 15 9 15 " Chicago " 6 35 12 30 • 8 15 1307 Ar Kamloops tv 8 25 . • • '1-inily. tflaily es,01,1 Sunday.5Dally except Monday. t Daily except Saturday. * 7 25 1567 "Vancouver " * 9 50 • • • *Tuesday, Thursday, ha urdaV. aMoni ay, Wednesday, Friday. ( 9 30 797 tv Edmonton x 800 bMondaY, Wednesday, leaturdaV. cSuuday, Tuesday, Thursday. 8 10 1032 Ar Jasper Park lv 110 30 • xDatly exeept Tuesday. dSunday, Tuesday, Friday. 'I7 25 1286 " Prince George. " ill 8 30 sArrives Ana departs from Endion station 15th Ave., East Duluth. * 3 30 1753 Ar Prince Rupert Iv ill 30 e—Stops on flag to take on or let off passengers to or from Twin Cities and beyond. (Connect with C. N. Steamships for Vancouver, Alaska. An •ox Rtewqrt)

    iTime from_ 12.01 midnight to 12.00 noon shown in light face typo, time om 12.01 noon to 12.00 midnight shown in heavy face type. 41 CONNECTIONS AT CHICAGO PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD—Union Station 2 8 58 28 22 34 1 140 I 118 Central Time 59 33 29 23 9 1 19 25 5 107 115 11241 30 5 30 3 15 1 1012 4010 3010 40 8 30 1 30 Lv Chicago kr 9 00 5 00 9 55 2 OS 9 101 7 40 7 00 7 55 4 55 7 20 12 30 8 30 6 15 6 5512 0511 5610 15 2 401 9 SS 4 10 Ar Pittsburgh.. .Eastern Time. Lvil 56 3 3512 38 4 18 8 051 9 30 8 3010 15 4 45 7 35 9 18 $ 38 3 20 5 38 8 03 7 45 3 161 8 45 2 35 " Baltimore. t4 4 06 318 802 8 2311 33 857 747 8 57 10 16 6 40 4 20 6 40 9 00 8 50 4 15 7 55 3 55 " Washington. " id 3 10 215 705 7 2010 30 7 55 630 7 55 9 35 11 554'5 00 3 00 5 55 ®7 54 06 40 1 26.6 35 2 20 " Philadelphia. " " 03 40°4 40°8 05 8 5510 3610 25 2 10 7 30 8 27 12 10 30 6 SO 5 30 8 2 9 40 8 35 3 35 8 30 4 55Ar New York.... " " Ly 1 50 2 55 6 15 6 20 8 30 8 0512 05 5 00 1100 10 00 Li, Chicago Ar 5 15 7 30 Lv Chicago Ar 515 705 7 35 3 50 3 12 Ar Indianapolis Lv 11 55 2 25 5 20 3 30 3 43 kr Richmond Lv 11 00 11 55 1 40 7 30 630 Ar Louisville Lv 8 40 11 15 I 1.18 35 1 79 20 I 710 00 kr Cincinnati Lv 950 10 00 12 35 CHICAGO & ALTON R.-IL—Union Station 77 79 3 1 4 2 6 78 8 23 9 15-19 10 11 59 11 30 9 30 3 0 0 8 1511 30 AFtiiicago Ar 3 55 6 3510 30 6 45 745 3 00 8 00 12 15 Lv Chicago Ar 815 3 45 720 2 25 3 3 Ar $pringfield Lv 11 35 2 30 6 05 2 20 ... 600 10 40 455 Ar Bloomington Lv 530 43 6 55 6 55 9 58 1 6 191 6 00 At Si Louis. Lv 8 5512 05 3 30 11 4511 59 7 10 8 15 8 40 Ar Kansas City IcV 800 N11('IlltiAN CENTRAL R. R.—Central Station MICHIGAN CENT—CANADIAN PAC. 36 16 40 20 14 26 4 10 8 22 Central Time 45 39 1 4 9 13 17 15 23 25 7 12 05 11 15 9 00 5 40 3 003 3011— 10 30 10 00 9 00 Iv Chicago..CT. Ar 6 30 8 0012 152 502 152 007 309 05 9 30 65 5 40 9 00 Lir Chicago. .CT.Ar 7 40 9 05 7 25 8 45 1210 10 359 30 111 $ $5 4 14 3 15 Ar Detroit.. " Lif 9 45 4 458 00 .... 6 5512 351 55 3 30 1.13 8 25 10 25 Ar Toronto. .ET.Lv 6 25 735 2 20 9 00 7 0, 1 0010 10 9 27 " Buffalo.. ET " 1 40 9 5011 55 3 353 008 30 7 30 5 10 8 00 " Montreal. 9 45 11 00 11 45 6 50 630 335 900 7 58 " New York " " 11 2012 10 100 3 035 108 356 10 7 00 2 00 " Quebec " 11 30 12 30 6 40 10 50 4% 3 1012 0010 55 Ar Boston... " Iv 10 00 930 . 6 10.... • 6 40 8 00 Ar Boston... ' .Lv 900 8 00 ILLINOIS CENTRAL -Central S scion 17 7 1-501 25 8 4 2 110-10 20 18 524-24 11 55 12 SO ti 00 12 01 Ly Chicago Ar 9 30 9 20 9 28 8 00 6 45 7 30 4 35 7 28 • 03 Ar St. Louis Lv 12 15 11 57 9 00 12 II ILI 25 6 40 " Memphis 44 9 05 7 35 6 50 4 35 It I , 10 30 7 45 kr New Orleans Lv 12 30 8 30 7 45 C. C. C. Sr ST. L. 'BIG FOUR ROUTE"—Central Station 4 30 is 16 15 19 43 31 35 1 4 00 720 II 40 It II — 0 IS 100 10 10 Lv Chicago Ar 455 7 45 t 5 55 7 05 7 35 6 40 9 45 9 45 210 449 309 2 55 1 IS 3 20 " Indianapolis Lv 12 00 2 45 11 35 12 40 2 15 12 15 5 05 540 729 018 900 I 511 6 15 Ar Cincinnati .Central Time Lv 900 12 00 8 30 9 45 11 30 7 00 2 00 640 829 710 0 55 0 SS 7 15 Ar Cincinnati.Eastern Time Ix 10 00 9 30 10 45 12 30 8 00 3 00 PPRE MARQUETTE RY.—Grand Central Station GRAND TRUNK—LEHIGH VALLEY RY On % 11 1'2 f4 *6 I 8 I 7 15 7 10 10 00 *12 45 Lv Chicago G. T....Ar *2 50 10 10 II980 411 1 4U 550 —0III 45 Ariv GrandChicago Rapids. Ar Lv 6551 15 114 4540 11 55 5 00 8 15 Ar Buffalo L. V Ix 11 50 5 03 6 00 II ,, , 0 II Ar Det roit IN 11 54 750 4 40 fl2 40 Ar Philadelphia.. Lv 12 (10 5 45 Ar New York L. V Lk 11 50 SALIThil IRE iifillIO R. R.—Grand Central Station • MICHIGAN CENTRAL—LEHIGH VALLEY R. R. 26 16 II Central Time 15 25 5 7 9 --- 8 14 39 I 23 8 30 9 45 6 40 100 10 99 Le Chicago Ar 7 50 800 900 2 40 7 25 10 00 300 LI, Chicago M. C....Ar 800 905 8 45 12 35 8 00 7 42 9 30 7 30 10 10 7 15 Ar Buffalo Lv 9 00 7 30 IS Be %I Pit t slough Eastern" Time- Lv 10 12 4 35 8 DO 8 35 11 20 300 735 10 10 9 25 8 08 Ar Philadelphia L. V I,v 9 20 615 11 15 5 48 980 800 Ar Baltimore " " Lv 10 18 147 619 904 10 30 8 47 Ar New York L. V Lv 8 50 5 30 NEW YORK CENTRAL It IL—LaSalle Station 28 90 22 64 14 1 111 If 10 I 150 52 Central 1 one 3 41 7 25 19 23 29 49 151 73-43 11 3711 30 5 30 5 00 2001 33110 30 8 25 2 20 Lv Chicago Ar 7 40 8 00 1 00 4 58 9 45 3 30 9 15 9 15 7 30 7 30 1 00 500 510 11 52 1 40 4 20 2 40 9 50 kr Toledo Eastern Time .Ly 2 55 3 55 7 2511 10 11 10 3 40 3 40 3 05 3 05 8 30 9 03 40 243 2 4 • 40 5 2312 38 " Cleveland. " 12 07 I 30 4 30 8 00 8 3011 5911 5912 2712 27 5 45 2 151 35 710 7 I•1 4 9 305 25" Buffalo..CC" 7 279 15120211597 207 208 308 301 15 830 145 3 3711 802 " Albany di CS " 12 20 4 17 6 30 5 49 9 0510 0511 5812 12 505 525 6508 8 30 8 04 " New York. CC CS 1 00 2 00 2 45 5 30 6 10 8 35 44 CC " 8 45 7 25 10 55 Ar Boston 1000:12301230 6 10li40 0455 WABASH RY.—Dearborn Station 12 6 11 5 17 13 21-1 11 4-24 10 12 18 1125 10 30 Lv Ar3 507 151.1OY9 303 001130IvChicagoAr3 456 507057 35 655 5 45 Ar Detroit, Lv8 30II45I 352 456 503 12ArDecaturIR11402 551 303 00 5 30 2 50 " Buffalo. " 12457417 0310006 00ArSt.LouisIR8 4712209 301205 6 45 3 30 Ar New Y or . Lv 200 --CTITCAGO, INDIANAPOLIS & LOUNVILLE BY—Dearborn Station 35 3 ; 6 4 38 36 30 32 31 I II 17 12 01 500 PSI 0 10 0 05- tv Chicago kr 5 20 4 55 7 10 9 10 12 45 7 30 7 20 Ar Louisville Ly 8 20 9 25 6 00 9 45 % 00 1 230 " Indianapolis 12 00 1 00 4 30 7 45 10 40 7 10 krCincinnati.EasternTimeLv 9 10 10 00 CHICAGO & EASTERN MUNI& RY.— )earborn Station 91 .25 12 05 10 10 130- 1.1 Iiii 10 00 -us- 12-2-5- 11 25 725 Lv Chicago. . 6 57 7 21 555 Ar St. Louis Lv. 22 11 40 2412 00 26945 10 94 6 92 8 90 7 30 — — 8 00 23 ru5 46 1 2 i 20 1 893 40 21 15 SS Ar Evansville IN m'dn'tAr 610 740 108 4-5- 70030 1074550 11055 358 4251011 850407 34050 ERIE R R.—Dearborn Station GRANli'I!OINKRY.--DearbornStation 4 3 7 6 16 8 14 4 — 83 15 17 7 10 20 11 00 1,v Chicago Central Time Ar 5 10 7 20 *10 05 *12 45 * 5 30 r 0 05 TA, Micas° Ar * 6 40 * 7 25 * 8 45 * 2 50 rETM 10 55 " Cleveland Ar 9 55 9 30 * 7 40 9 30 t 6 20%tDetroit 1.% 8 30 10 15 Ar Buffalo Ly 8 00 5 55 6 15 11 50 " Iluffslo " 12 01 945 124 3515 1.11 530 SO 7 14 352 Ar New York ..Eastern Stand. Time ..Lv 2 45 12 30 5 03 " Philadelphia. " 8 40 6 15 12 40 N. Y. C 8 20 * 5 45 " New York._ " 8 10 9 15 6 20 *11 50 & S. L.--"NICKEL-PLATE" R. R.—LaSalle Station. 4 10 Via 8 32.110 45 " Toronto " M*2 00 6 00 8 00 Via 11. 2 55 4 2 1 3 5 7 30 Lehigh * 5 00 • 7 30 " Montreal . " 10 00 11 00 Lehigh 112 30 11 20 8 00 10 40 Lv Chicago Ar 4 50 9 50 730 * 8 OS Valley 8 10• 1 OS " Boston 800 11 30 Valley 835 800 850 kr Cleveland IR 905 12 40 11 30 t 2 30 Buffalo to 9 55 f 2 30 " giletiec " *10 45 * 1 30 NewYork 210 2 10 " Buffalo. " 405 740 600 t 5 35 NewYork *10 sot S 35 5. Halifax • Le t 8 10 t 3 30 toButislo 645 3 30 kr New York D. L. & W.Lv 6 00 6 00 *Daily I I hilly except Sunday. •Arrives North Philadelphia. On Sunday leaves at 1.45 p. m. H Arrives 10.50 p. m. on Sundays. 42 Canadian Australasian Royal Mail Line Alaska Steamship Company Up-to-date passenger liners. The "Aorangi" is a motor driven ship. Steamers sail at 9:00 a. m. from Seattle every Saturday. Southwestern Alaska Route for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Cordova, SAILINGS (Subject to Change) Valdez, Latouche and Seward and return. Making close connection with Government Railroad at Seward, Alaska. Van- Hono- Suva Auck- Sydney, couver lulu Fiji land Australia S. S. Yukon July 7, July 28, Aug. 18, Sept. 8, 29 Depart Arrive Arrive N. Z. Arrive S. S. Alaska July 14, Aug. 4, Aug. 25, Sept. 15 S. S. Aleutian July 21, Aug. 11, Sept. 22 R. M. M. S. Southeastern Alaska Route steamers sail each Tuesday at 9:00 p. m. from R. M. S. Niagara July 25 Aug. 1 Aug. 10 Aug. 13 Aug. 18 Seattle for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg, Juneau, Haines and Skagway and return. Service discontinued during winter. Aorangi. Aug. 22 Aug. 29 Sept. 7 Sept. 10 Sept. 15 Bering Sea Route Union Steam- DEnart Depart Depart Arrive Arrive S. S. Victoria 10:00 A. M. July 6, Aug. 14, Sept. 7 Papeete Rarotonga Wellington ship Company Francisco Sydney For information, apply to any Great Northern Agent or R. M. S. Mausgansi _ July 11 July 21 July 24 July 30 Aug. 4 Traffic Manager, Alaska Steamship Co., Seattle, Wash. RM. S. Makura Aug. 8 Aug. 18 Aug. 21 Aug. 27 Sept. 1 For information apply to any Great Northern Agent, or The Alaska Railroad James C. Irons, Manager, 999 Hastings St.W.,Vancouver, B.C. SEWARD—McKINLEY PARK—FAIRBANKS 8 4 2 5 7 Malolo-4 Days to Hawaii Tu We Mo., We., To Th Sun. Sat. Fri. Thr. Sat. Fri. Sun. Fri. The Pacific's Finest and Fastest Ship 8 00 10 00 — 7 30 0 Lv Seward ... Ar 7 00 — 3 30 9 45 1 30 2 45 12 45 114 1 45 10 00 Malolo (Flying Fish), makes the run from San Francisco to Hono- — Ar. ..Anchorage. ...Lv 5 00 — - — 7 00 248 Ar Curry Lv 7 30 — — lulu in four days, sailing every other Sarurday. From Seattle (the — 7 45 — 248 Li, Curry Ar — 6 15 — Lurline) sails every 42 days. From San Francisco there are one or more 12 05 348 ,tr McKinley Park Lv 2 00 — — 600 - — 470 Ar • Fairbanks I, — — sailings a week to Hawaii, and every 21 days for Hawaii, Samoa, Fiji x 00 and Australia. WHITE PASS & YUKON ROUTE SEATTLE-HONOLULU SAILINGS Connecting with all ocean lines to Skagway, Alaska, during the summer Lurline June 30, Aug. 11 season, daily train service is operated between Skagway and Whitehorse. Dawson steamers leave Whitehorse Sunday and Wednesday p. m. Atlin SAN FRANCISCO-HONOLULU SAILINGS steamers leave Carcross Monday, Thursday and Saturday noon. Matsonia July 3, Aug. 1 Bi•weekly train service maintained during the balance of the year. Manoa July 11, Aug. 8 For information address J. G. Blanchard, G. P. A., 508 Alaska Bldg., *Sierra July 5 Seattle, Wash., or any Great Northern Railway Agent. *Sonoma July 26 *For Australia via Hawaii. Samoa and Fiji. For imformation, apply to any Great Northern Agent, or DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE MATSON LINE, 1319 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, Wash. California to Japan, China, the Philippines and return LUXURIOUS PRESIDENT LINERS Pacific Steamship Co. From From From (The Admiral Line.) Los Angeles San Francisco Seattle To California PRESIDENT HARRISON - - July 9 July 13 PRESIDENT MADISON - - - July 14 From Seattle; to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. PRESIDENT PIERCE - - - July 16 July 20 S. S. H. F. ALEXANDER every Tuesday 5 p. tn. S. S. RUTH ALEXANDER or S. S. EMMA ALEXANDER every Saturday PRESIDENT MONROE - - - - July 23 July 27 at midnight. PRESIDENT JACKSON - - - - July 28 From Portland; to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. PRESIDENT TAFT July 30 Aug. 5 S. S. ADMIRAL BENSON or S. S. ADMIRAL PEOPLES every Tuesday at 5. p. m. For information, apply to any Great Northern Agent, or S. S. ADMIRAL DEWEY or S. S. ADMIRAL SCHLEY every Saturday at 5 p. m. Hugh MacKenzie, General Passenger Agent S.S. ADMIRAL FARRAGUT every Wednesday, 5 p.m., for San Francisco only. Robert Dollar Bldg. San Francisco, Cal. To Alaska Southeastern Alaska Service CARIBBEAN CRUISES Seattle to Skagway, Sitka and return, including intermediate cities. Next Sailings: "Great White Fleet" steamers sail every Wednesday and Saturday S. S. Admiral Rogers, Thursdays, 10 a. m. July 12, 26 front New York and New Orleans on De Luxe Cruises calling at S. S. Queen ------July 5, 19, Aug. 2 HAVANA, JAMAICA, PANAMA CANAL, COSTA RICA, Southwestern Alaska Service GUATEMALA, COLOMBIA, etc. Seattle to Seward, Kodiak and return, including intermediate cities. Shore excursions INCLUDED in your ticket. All cabins are Next Sailings: OUTSIDE, a la carte or table d'hote meals without additional cost. S. S. Admiral Evans, Wednesdays, 10 a. m. - - - July 11, Aug. I Information, apply to any Great Northern Agent, or S. S. Admiral Watson ------July 18, Aug. 8 For information, any Great Northern Agent, or UNITED FRUIT COMPANY E. G. McMICKEN, Passenger Traffic Manager, 321 St. Charles St., New Orleam, La. Pacific Steamship Terminals, Seattle, Wash. 203 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, The Alaska Guides Association, Inc., with headquarters at Anchorage, Alaska, are equipped to handle big game hunting expeditions into all •arts of Central and Southwestern Alaska. 43 General Information Not Responsible. The Great Northern Railway is not responsible for er- be honored at option of passengers via the Great Northern Railway to Spokane, rors in tone tables, inconvenience or damage resulting from delayed trains or thence via Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway to Portland. failure to make connections; schedules herein are subject to change without "All The Year" and Summer Tourist tickets from Bonners Ferry, Ida., or east, notice. except points in Colorado, New Mexico. Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming, and Buy Tickets before boarding trains and avoid payment of extra charge. certain points in Kansas, Montana, Nebraska and South Dakota reading via Children under 5 years of age, free, when accompanied by parent or guardian; Great Northern Railway to Spokane, thence via Spokane, Portland and Seattle 5-years •f age and under 12, one-half fare; 12 years of age or over, full fare. Railway to Portland, or via Portland to points south thereof or to points on Adjustment of Fares. In cases of dispute with Conductors or Agents, pay Astoria Division, S. P. & S. Ry. will be honored at option of passengers via the fare required, take receipt and communicate with A. J. Dickinson, Pas- Great Northern Railway through Seattle or Tacoma to Portland, as the case senger Traffic Manager, St. Paul, Minn. may be; and vice versa. All Year and Summer Tourist tickets reading between Fort Buford, No. Dalc., Redemption of Tickets. Tickets unused, or partly used, will be redeemed and points east, and Glacier Park, Mont., and points west, will be honored west- under tariff regulations at proper value. bound into Great Falls, Mont., and from Shelby. Mont., and eastbound into Baggage Maximums. NO single piece of baggage exceeding 250 pounds in weight, or 72 inches in greatest diniensiom or single riiiipment exceeding $2500.00 Shelby and from Great Falls upon payment of $3.59 the local fare between in value will be checked. Free allowances subject to tariff stipulations as to con- Great Falls and Shelby. All Year and Summer Tourist tickets reading between Billings, Mont., and tents, weight, value and size. Baggage Insurance. A charge of ten cents only is made for each hundred points east, and Glacier Park, Mont., and points west, will be honored west- dollars value declared above $100 for baggage checked for each adult passenger bound into Great Falls, Mont., and from Havre, Mont., and eastbound into and above $50 for each child traveling on half fare ticket. The limit of Havre and from Great Falls upon payment of $4.44 the local fare between Great Falls and Havre. baggage which may be insured on a single ticket is $2500. • The minimum dimension of Intiol-baggage carried in Pullman sleeping cars Tickets reading via S. P. & S. Ry. from Spokane, Wash., to Pasco, Wash., or is 93/i inches in height by 30 inelien in length. beyond, or vice versa, will be honored at option of passengers via Northern Liability Limited. EV.011. Veilliti to be declared and paid for at time of l'acific Railway between Spokane and Pasco. checking. Tickets reading via Great Northern Railway, Oregon-Washington Railway & Bicycles (not Motorcycles), Baby Carriages, Dogs and Guns are trans- Navigation Company, or to any point on the joint line, Seattle to Portland inclusive or on any branch line diverging therefrom, ported in baggage ears subjetit to regulations. Lost Articles should be inquired for through General Baggage Agent, St. Paul, will be honored on trains of any of these railways on the joint line. Minn., or nearest represent il l ye Tickets reading between Havre, Mont., and points east and Glacier Park and No Responsibility is Assumed for iineheeked articles left in stations or cars. points west will be honored westbound via Great Falls and Shelby, and east- bound via Shelby and Great Falls without additional collection. HONORINO OF TICKETS BETWEEN ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS and Free side trip from Havre or Shelby to Great Falls and return may be in- HULUTH-5UPBRIOK.—Tiekete reading via Great Northern-Northern Pacific eluded in tickets reading between Minot and points east thereof and Glacier or Minneapolis, 'it Paul and Sault Ste Marie (Soo Line) between these points Park and points west thereof. „will be honored on trains of either line PULLMAN RESERVATION.—Pullman reservations may be made for pas- Hand Baggage ot sleeping ears is restricted to what can conveniently be sengers aboard trains, who intend extending their journey beyond any terminal, by applying to the Pullman conductor who will wire ahead to the Great plueedSTOP-OVERIS in I lie A T le-rth, oLunza ilt other neermunosietionsNATIONAL PARK—Stop-overs purchased by the are passenger. allowed Northern agent at the terminal. An answer giving space reserved will be given at either Glaeier Park Station or Helton long epough to permit passengers to if desired—time permitting. make the trip through the park Dining Car Meals. Combination Breakfast 50c to $1.00 and a la carte. It is not neeeseery to deposit tickets with Agent, but passengers should Luncheon. $1.00 and a la carte. Table d'Hote Dinner $1.50 and a la carte. pr,-slit tickets to the Agent when they are ready to resume their journey NATIONAL TRAVELERS AID SOCIETY.—Representatives of National satisfactory evidence that they have made a trip in the Park. Agent will Travelers Aid Society are at many of the larger stations for purpose of relief of then attaeh a stop-over pester Wending the limit the length of time that distress and assistance of unprotected. Those in need of such service should this have stopped at these palliate inquire of the station force for a National Travelers Aid Society representative. STOP -017Bas on01,2-WAlt OR ROUND TRIP TICKETS.— STANDARD TIME.—All lines east of Williston, N. D., use Central time, Ston-0,cre of not to eiirersi ten dave will Ire allowed on all one-way and on same as in Chicago and St. Paul; between Williston and Troy, Mont., Mountain motel trip tickets exeept all year and buttoner excursion tickets as follows: time is used, one hour Blower than in St. Paul; west of Troy trains run on Pacific At Stitikatte, Wenateboo, Lverett, Seattle, Tacoma, and Portland (on all in- time, two hours slower than In St. Paul. terstate tickete except on helots between points in Washington and points in Oregon Certain Freight Trains are Permitted to Carry Passengers Under At St, Paul. Minneapolis. Duluth. Superior, Havre, Shelby, Great Falls, the Following Conditions: Adult male passengers must hold regular passage Helens, Butte, and Bilhoes on tickets naphnir through these points. ticket. This COrnpatir is not a common carrier of passengers by its freight trains and does not stop Buell trains at stations or station platforms except when the stop-oyi.re can hy application to conductor and deposit of tickets with agent at point where otop-over la desired. freight business of the road makes it necessary to do so. Persons using such trains for passage assume all risk of injury or loss of time while riding on or get- '41,01)-0Vri Is on all , or end Mummer excursion tickets will be allowed at all ting to and from said trains. Women and children will not be carried on freight point. within final limn of twig Oriole. OPTIONAL ROUTIII. (Applying in either direction.)—"All The trains. Persons desirous of having their baggage accompany them on freight Year" mut Slimmer Tnitriot tiekets reading via threat Northern Railway from trains should deliver it at station and have it way-billed. Stock drovers, when 14,1' ry, Isla., or pant, to Fortlrund. Oregon, or via Portland, Oregon, to in charge of stock and provided with proper transportation, will be carried on points south thereof, or to points on the Astoria Division, S. P. & S. Ry., -will train with such stock. Helpful and constructive criticisms or suggestions for improvement invited, address A. J. DICKINSON, Passenger Traffic Manager, St. Paul. Minn.

    send for our travel publications, they wil I help you in planning your vacation THE SCENIC NORTHWEST—Free. ADVENTURES IN ALASKA—$5.00 A tedium booklet picturing the scenic I ;rest Northern route. every page contains a fly Wendell Endicott roupthora ogroupof scenes silt, lutist Myer:lotions. The center double page a relief map An interesting volume of 344 pages, 158 illustrations, bound in Buckram. Si tit. western hair of the United States BLAZED TRAILS OF THE OLD FRONTIER—MOO • By Agnes C. Lola THE CALL or THE MOUNTAINS—Free. Being the log of the Upper Missouri Historical Expedition under the auspices of the Anew test. 32 pages awl cover Must ruled in color. This book contains Governors and Historical Societies of Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Montana. information regarding Glacier Nsitensui Park end Waterton Lakes National Park. Their Illustrated by Charles M. Russell. points al most Interest. Scenery. hoods. chalets. tours by horseback, afoot, or by auto. ?Lairs Of oils to seven days. nest. ow, SIGNPOSTS OF ADVENTURE-53.00 By James Willard Schultz The beautiful wilderness that is now Glacier National Park but once the hunting and HISTORICAL BOOKLETS—Free. lighting ground of the Blacklect. The author has recorded the picturesque Indian names "Chief hweeh's Own Story." "hot Unien anti It. Neighbors on the Upper Missouri," of mountains, rivers, etc., with their English versions, illustrated. ot Siena. Pass," "A gleam, al the Lewis end Clark Expedition," "The VerendrYe ),01.11•1 V111•m1. of the Psciihr." "Frontier Doty* Along the Upper Missouri,“ "Historic GLACIER PARK INDIAN PORTFOLIO—$1.00 Noithwe•t Ariventureland," •• Red It Trails Contains twelve reproductions in color of portraits of Blackfeet Indians painted by Winold Reiss and W. L. KIWI. New York artists—suitable for framing. ELROD'S GUIDE TO GLACIER NATIONAL PARK—$1.00 WILD FLOWERS OF GLACIER NATIONAL PARK-50 Cents ' lig Morton I. Elrod. If. A.. Ph. D. A Government issued publication. Published by the Department of National Purl Illustrated book of 200 pages etunialning information concerning the attractions of i.iseter leark. lieutrails, camp, glaciers flowers, animals, birds, ash and fishing. a Parks. Department of the Interior. 120 pages and cover beautifully illustrated. I ...tip. ”II the Biology of tlie Park, PLAYING CARDS-45 Cents. A high grade quality playing card, secure from ticket agent or send 45 cents to the THROUGH GLACIER NATIONAL PARK-51.00 undersigned. When sold on trains. 50 cents. By Mary Mobert• litnrhart MONTANA MOUNTAIN RESORTS—Free. ho=n71111=gtITIgi .t rv itt• Te.tulti,tfoh,l,,iym,k.ittrip.1(Ittuinreesbaaurte wiliorissit),enretgiwoneesksof ii°tnaeForty-two pages illustrated with halftone cuts and maps. A directory of Dude toiletry itound in Buckram. Ranches. Hotels and Camps in the territory served by the Great Northern Ry A. J. DICKINSON, Passenger Tr ffic Manager, St. Paul, Minn.