tol. Established June 23, 1862. 6._PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY I Hi: • • RILAKd J>A1LY PRESS Is* published BlTISNESg ev. Ja*. (Sunday excepted,) at No. 1 Printers CARDS. COPARTNERSHIP. REMOVAL*. lNSlTHANCfc Ev Commercial Portland. hange. Street., But besides these Direct the Taxes, "overn- has fortunately secured. From first to last he N. A. FOSTER, Pkoprietob. MERRILL ment get-s the use of the BliO’S rf- CUSHIXG, DAILY Reserve of legal ten- tlio audience a XEK.tfsEight Dollars a year in advance. Notice, PURELY MUTUAL! PRESS. ders held the upou continued volley (Late Merrill & Small,) Copartnership REMOVAL ! by banks, liy tbe latest returns THE of and anecdotes, which Importers and in reported by the these side-splitting jokes HE MAINE STATE is published at the Wholesale Dealers Portland. Comptroller, amounted PRESS* undersigned have this day lnnncd a copart- to Two Hundred and resulted in tremendous bursts of and Him. overv morning at $2.00a year, A Six Millious, which are laughter place Thursday CioodH, TICEnership under the name ol' Em lew Mutual invariably in advance. Fancy Dry WEBB, England worth to tbe Government Twelve Million applause. Closing as it did the speaking of the READ & Tl r e Hundred and Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, l'ams, GREENE, SMALL, Merchant Life Insurance Wednesday Morning, 1867. Sixty Thousand Dollars evening, it left the audience in great merri- Rates of advertising.—One inch of space,In small Tailor, Comp’y, Pthruary 20, a sum which added to the wakes, trimmings, Ac, and have taken store MASS. Direct 1'axes maltes ui"nt us 1-Qgth oi column, constitutes a “square.** Has Removed to his New OF BOSTON, Ohganized 1643. and much good feeling. Let here ex- N# 13 .... BOSTON. Rooms, a total One square daily first week: 75 cents Niurr Hi., Asset#, The Death of Twenty-One. Million, Hundred per per No. 157 Commercial S|„ corner of Cash January 1,1867, $4,700,000. Feaalty. tend the thanks of the to those who so * ck alter; three insertions, or fel9 H. I. M. Merrill, A. R. eo<13m I Union, Mo. 3 Free and Nine Thousand as the Lodge lew, $1.00; continu- Merrill, Cashing. Street Block, Cash Dividends of 1864-5, now in course of Dollars, revenue m other day after first 50 cents. where will transact a I* is a little more than the generously assisted in the audi- every week, they Wholesale Cliadhourn & Kondall. dtl a hundred which nation now derives the Na- entertaining Halt three insertions or 75 I Fvhl.1_Over payment, 673,000. years from square, less, cents; one since Bet-caria tional ence with such on and •< “What banking w k. s l.aO; ;»o cents per week alter. P. It E M Total Surplus asked, right have men system; being upwards of much-commenled-up Charles O V ]ElD~ Divided, 2,200,000. Millions more .,.1,1 L.a.I Ir Amusements,'' $2.f*n>er Mattocks, & Provision Business. to cut the throats of heir than the saving, which much-needed music and which mado square^ Flout*,Grocery Losses Fald in 1866, 314,000. fellow creatures?” theflwee singiug, pe week; three insertions or lew, $1.50. are their tho occasion so Their old friends and the S TROD T & Losses people promised by suppression. pleasant and to all.— Si ei ial Notices,*1.25 per lor public generaliv are re- GAGE, Total Paid, 2,307,000. and followed up the enquiry by another it it is agreeable square the first iu- and Counsellor at invited to which said that a considerable of the 25 C ^ man the great lit ho State! ffm'1*! <’ Portland, Feb has no to kill himself ?” In 1705 answer * interest, Good ®, IJtr square for first insertion* fohlldtf febl8dim Corner and KITPVS #C*I A I, I, & right VhTT'1®"1tbc9e notes will Templars, and she with a CCUlB Portland. 14,1867._ Exchange Federal Sts., SOI*, soon mature, points pride to per _ and be nJ Ti biuare tor each subsequent iuetr- Over l.uriug's Dru« Store. Agents at Me. Tuscany, influenced by his efforts, abolished her record, knowing tbnt her *011 O J. _fe!9dtf_General Biddoford, f.e obUrat T °ftonverted into bonds, while efforts are not in Y~HOL>Sl>OX, O" COPARTNERSHIP. S. C. STJUH T. u. W. GAGE. the punishment of death In of ten- vain, that her are not dec31 experimentally. ders will stm^holrta legal teachings without effect. d&wtt *° IIoop Skirt The Best Investment! after the re- tbe dUcus8iu!’' Manutkctnrer, undersigned have this day formed a Co- 1780, twenty-one years trial of luture tbat’in 8. BUSINESS CARDS. DEALER IN THE under the pll!le7of*tt! “ __W. partnership name and style of REMOVAL. formed code, the Grand Duke Leopold de- lie assumed, that mu^i2°,“ry* may ,air,y LISK & cie tl,e ° English, French and American WEsTON, 5-20’s creed its “Instead of payments, banks VARIGTIBS. Oorsets, &7-30’slTs. Gov’t Bonds perpetuity. increasing lawful XT,*01}e to ,l° .8^'ln C. J. SCHUMACHER, Goods Commission Merchants and Wholesale Dealers in money not bearinc* * Fancy 2?. ABB GOOD ! the number of said “it AND LACES, FLOUa- 8. H. DISK. LAKE crimes,” Leopold, has twenty i>er cent, of their HOSIERY, GLOVES, ^LITTLE, ^gregamcV “‘i ,fast —Among the odd things sent from this coun- _ N. °D kinds of TRIMMINGS and Dress Buttons. WESTON. BUT A POLICY WITH THE GREAT considerably diminished that of the inferior and deposits; (twenty-five IltLSCO PAIKT£B. ^■^•11Hand-Knit Portland, Fob. 6, 1867. febll d2w m?em in » ,e try to the French Exposition a self German Worsted Garments made ones demptlon cities, fifteen lighting to Jobbers of Goods and and rendered those of an atrocious char- per cent In’ Otlce at the Drug Store of Messrs. A. G. Schlotter- order* £3^Hoop Skirts made to order, jtl Dry Woolens, ty.) In point o( tact, tile lamp provided with a continuous match, con- tt Clapp's CONGRESS have acter rare.” Almost in moment £ beck & Black, STREET, Notice. this day removed to their new store, Mutual Life yery fifty years later, of tained inside the which it be Co., AIE. Copartnership Ins. redemption National bank notes lamp, by may f0»13_ l'OKTLAND, dtf Co., M. to the French TV,;, : folding mure than any other. is to Manutacturers ot crime from In point this whole revenue more be kept in constant Copartnership. Any one having doubts may be saiistied by calling larceny up to murder, there is a offact, of motion by the varia- Counsellor at at our Oflice. than Millions is the tion of the Law, Counsellor marked towards the Ita- Eighteen paid by banks atmospheric pressure, which FURNITURE, LOUNGES, BED-STEADS f. hammond and fessenden v. at Law, tendency goal which the will —AND— for privilege about One aot as an to Malcolm are admitted as Do not insure until do so. No other of circulating agent wind the same. Spring-Beds, Mattrofscs, Pew Cushions, CARNEY, partners Rsm this Notary Public & Commissioner of you ly has reached. In in the last four Hundred A dough- date. The Arm will he Deeds, France, and Forty Millions in notes, which can such results. kneading machine, for family use, it is No. I Clapp's Biorb- foot Chest nut Solicitor Company furnish of which the is the between the authorized cir- presum- Street, of Patents, Has removed to New years statistics are accessible, difference ed will excite NHAYV, HAMMOND & CARNEY, Clapp’s Block, The statement of Policies, taken out at and the some admiration house- Portland. following little more than one-half culation, required reserve. among No. 113 Federal Street, And we this Agency and now in show the in- of 04 death condem- wives when it I>. W. Deane. C. 1.. shall continue the W bolesale Flour COR. EXCHANGE AND FEDERAL lorce, large gets into operation. Freeman, Quinbv. febisdlw and Grocery, STREETS, crease, or dividends, over the payments in those tew ii PORTLAND, Me. Provision business, at the old stand, No. 113 Jan nations were carried into effect. Out of 127 —The researches of M. _tl 15. (Over Sawyor’s Fruit Store.) dtf cases. Many others, with references, can be tur- Dupont in the caverns Commercial Street. THOMAS SHAW. Burial ef Maiae Saldirra. nished if desired: sentences lor murder in from 1858 to and A. N. NOVES & JOHN E. now, Jr, Portland, Feb. 4,1867. im Prussia, quaternary deposits along fhe course of the SON, No of Sum Ain't of The REMO v X xTi Dividend Pres. val. ■1802, there were but thirteen execut- following correspondence has been for- ! river in Policy. Insured. Prem. Pd. persons Loire, France, havo been attended and in Copartnership Notice. Additions. of Policy. Manufacturers dealers 518 ed. In ten warded to us by Colonel Robie lor with and Counsellor at VV. H. $3500 $2252,25 $2740,22 $6240,22 Austria, during years ending with publica- considerable success. Fourteen caves Attorney Law, LEANDER W. FOBES is admitted a CLIFFORD, 636 500 partner 261,23 375.02 875,02 tion: were in our firm from this date. 4146 1000 1804, ninety-five per cent, of death sentences discovered; one of which, the Chaleux Stores, Ranges & JAUNCEY Counsellor* at 533,00 685.03 1685,93 Furnaces, COURT, BURGESS, FOBES & CO. Law, 7767 8000 Hdqrs. Dep’t of the Tennessee, t about febldlm 3609.20 4836,87 12,836,87 were commuted. From 1830 to the Cave, thirty thousand flint implements Can be in Aud Solicitor of Patents, 7862 5000 1863, Office Sup’t of National iound their ..... 2606,00 3217,84 $217.9* Cemeteries, j Wall Street, New York whole of have been with a as- City. Has Removed to 10325 1000 359,80 544.52 1544.52 number death sentences pronounced liouisvillc, Ky., Jan. 19,1s67. J exhumed,together plentiful .NEW 10793 3000 Con. of the bones of the BUILDING ON LI INK ST., m-"" Commissioner for Maine and 1066.20 1579,53 4597.53 in was of which Frederick Robik, Gorham, Maine: semblage reindeer, goat, ox, Massachusetts. N Corner of Brown and Streets, 12410 1500 410,93 Belgium 819, only fifty seven OTICE. Congress 623,24 2123,64 Dear recently returned from a horse, brown Jan. 29 dtf were or less than Sir:—Having boar, bear, fox, budget, polecat, (Opposite Llie Market.) jal6 BROWN’S NEW BLOCK. dtf aiieee cases are uiaue up ro r eo. isob. An- inflicted, two for every year. tour from i, through Georgia, Chatauooga to Sa- hare and water rat. Most of these other Dividend ib now to be added. In animals are Where they will be pleased to see all their former WILLIAM: a. subscriber having disposed ci his Stock in Portugal the last execution occurred in vannah, following the route ol “Sherman’s PEARCE, Do not fail supposed to have served as food for man. customers and receive orders as n THEstore to Messrs .A. & 8. E. SPETNG to apply at thu ol March to the 1 hasten to communicate to usual. augl7dtf Agency 1840; in a large part of Switzerland theie Sea,” a few — removed to their former place of business, you facts, in regard to the condition of Smith asked Jones .what the PLUMBER! have been no high price of CHAM & STURTEV HAVEover the Orrau InMuraice 4MBre, corner W. I>. LITTLE & executhins for the graves of Maine soldiers at Savannah. CHASE, AWT, Fobes Co, thirty-five years; butter was to. “A MAKER OF Burgess, & Co., Exchange and Milk Street. jebl4 dim These soldiers arc buried in the Laurel Grove owing considerable part of No 79 in Denmark, Sweden, and Holland, the com- GENERAL Commercial St, near the Old Cemetery. I visited their and found it is owing to my grocer,” said “for it Requests all persons indebted to liim to call at tlielr mutations have been graves Jones, Force OUT OF THE FIRE ! Custom House. ninety per cent, or more. them in condition. I have rcommended its two Commission Pumps and Water Closets, (Jouniiug Room No. SO Comiuerciid St..Thom- good months since I have paid ltiin.” as witli the of a Merchants, Block, and settle. England, the ftnost crusl of criminal establishment National Cemetery at —The Cold aad Non magnesium light has tor some time been Wldgerji’a Wburl, Warn, Shower Baths, Wash Thankful for past favors, be commends to his B. F. SMITH Ac Forfeiting, Endowment, Ten Yenr, “Thunderbolt,” live miles from to SON’S and all other codes, condemned to death in the Savannah, 51 Brass and Silrer Plated mends and former natrons their and well- Forma of Politic* are is- annually which all the dead in the applied to photographing places where the Portland, e. Cocks. lar«e aued ihia vicinity of Savannah out led It selected Stock ol by on more favor- ten with Every of Water Fixture for Company, years ending 1832, nearly 1,280 per- and the islands shall he removed. of cannot such as the inte- description Dwelling New able ad vantage* than by any other. neighboring light day penetrate, Ileuses, Hotels and Public ar- I have that the dead Buildings, Ships, etc., Photograph Rooms, This sons, out of which number the annual aver- suggested from the rior of the &c. — Co. issued the last 12 13.343 Pyramids, The director of the HOWARD A ranged and aet up in the best manner, and all orders Leads, Oils, &c. AT— during months, islands as far as Hilton Head be also CLEAVES, Colors, Policies, mor brought In town or being 1,000 than issued by any other age of sentences carried into effect was not Polytechnic School of e Iwndt has taken country faithfully executed. Co. in to the Cemetery. No action has as been just on CHARLES this country. Cash received for PREMIUMS yet Constantly hand Lead and Sheet Lead FOBES. NO. 16 MARKET this means Pipes SQUARE. for while more than 59. But in the decade with taken in the matter, and it will not be decided by some very successful sketches of & Counsellors at and Beer Pumps of all kinds. »ng20 u dtf $5,342,812. Receipts interest, $1,112,000, ending Attorneys Law, Portland, Jan. 2, 1807. <12ir. its losses the for some weeks. As soon as it I shall Tf* 1'“ Conductors and being only $772,000, showing receipts 1802, the annual number of condemnations is, take the ancient tombs in tb* cry t of the Domin- workAi90! in P"°,***> G. for INTEREST to be nearly more Ilian its in on the PORTLAND. M INK. lliat line done in the best manner. O. DOWNES, $356,000 informing you subject. I ican church iu that losses. fell to of which about 11 eave for city. UST*All kinds of Jobbing promptly at,ended to. Dissolution of 60, only were exe- tdeasure Washington this morning to endeavor -Vo. 30 Copartnership not —A letter from re s OHIcc Exchange Street, NO. ISO FORE MERCHANT %£r~Be cartful to confound the name qf this cuted. to get Congress to take some definite action in Flore vs that the ex- ST., Portland, Me. TAILOR, Co. with others similar. heretofore the matter of the National and to Graud Duke of ^Joseph Howard, jyWI n Nathan Cleaves. dan, copartnersliip existing under the HAS BEHOVED TO feblti dtf In this Cemeteries, Tuscany has claimed objects Jams_ name of CALVIN & country the spectacle of a make THE EDWARDS CO., is this public sufficient to do the work estimated at millions day dissolved mutual appropriation fifty of francs. Amongst M. W. H. WOOD & by consent. All persons liuld- No. 233 1-2 Congress Street, hanging grows more rare. In Massachusetts as it ought to be, and as it must be done. SON, ng against, the are them arc the found iu the PEARSON, firm, requested to present INSURANCE NOTICE~ I send you herewith the names of such Maine plate Pitti Palace, them tor and those indebted will CORNER OF CHESTNNT the twenty years with 18(56 show payment, please call ending only soldiers as I copied from the Headboards in the all the furniture of his various three Gold and settle at I860. n dtf residences, and Silver Plater August 30, 10 executions out of 28 convictions at BROKERS, for capital burying-ground Savannah; also the names pictures by Raphael, and an of —AND— 337 Street. of Maine soldiers from iufiuity objects No. Congress F0YE, COFFIN & offences. In Maine the law remains the reported other parts of of art. A 178-Fore Street. HOLDEN & PEABODY, SWAN, upon this special commission has beeu named Manuiacturer ol Silver '•yi tt CALVIN Drpartmeut. Ware, EDWARDS, statute book, hut the of I am to consider these demands. WILLIAM U. UNDERWRITERS, responsibility ordering very truly yours, Temple Sheet, Jirst door from Street TWOMLEY. and Counsellors at Congress J. Attorneys Law, —AND— its execution devolves upon the Governor E. B. —Alas for our illusions! One of those terri- PORTLAND, ME. B, HUDSON, JR., Whitman, The subscriber having obtained the hue sr.nre No. Bvt. & A. M. Vole. of May 19—dlv n Office, 229 1-2 Congress Street, and the result is a abolition of the Major Q. Supt. National ble Gradgriuds who are the 337 Congress Street, will coutinue the and General Insurance practical of always grubbing up business, Near the Court Agents, Cemeteries, Department the Tennessee. ARTIST. will keep constantly on hand House. Gov. Chamberlain calls green, flowery turf of history and romauce in A. WILB have returned penalty. very properly UR & A. B. HOLDEN. n. c. PEABODY. to their ohl stand, co., sepotfti List or Union Dead or Maine search of facts,” has discovered that William Studio No 301 1-2 Congress Street. upon the Legislature to settle the matter defi- Regiments 112 Tremont PIANO FORTES Ocean Insurance Co.’s Tell is a and Street, Boston, Harris & Block, either in the Department or the Tennessee. only myth, that his story is no |y Lessons in and from the BEST Waterhouse, nitely, by making it the duty of the Ex- given Painting Drawing. MANUFACTORIES, among them more than a feeblo of one Importers and Dealers in JOBBERS OF EXCHANGE STREET. Names. Hank. Co. Rut Dud. copy which has beeu February 1— dtf the ecutive to order the execution of condemned At Ala. Montgomery, men of kVEI.CH and AMERICAN Allen repeated regarding many lands, remote F. C. & S. continue to first class Com- ciiminals or the Joseph C, I rivatc, L, 2, Jpne 18,66 WRIGHT & CLARK, and Furs. represent abolishing penalty altogether. At Ga. from each other, the Celebrated Hats, Caps panics in all departments of insurance. Augusta, during past eight centu- Steinway Instrument, We trust the will the latter Hurgesss W. 66 HOOFING FRESCO Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid. Legislature accept 12,Jan’y 18, ries or more. One Mr. ‘-Baring 8. M. SLATES, PAINTERS, which he can 3d At Savannah, Ga. Gould, ail aell at the manufacturer’s Portland, Dec. 1866. ,febl3dtf alternative. The carnival of crime which colors, and Careful ap- Barnes Wm. C. A.,” undertakes to show that the same as slatingnails. attention paid III Oil and Distemper Colors. Also House and HARRIS & WATERHOUSE, Wholesale Dealers D, 12,Fali’y 13, 66 story to „ Sign LOWEST PRICES. B B Brocklebank John shipping.___ aug22 -6m Painters, Morton Block, two doors above Preble in Hats, Caps, and Furs, have removed to their New mTo V A L pears to be prevailing in this State and else- A, D, 14, May 8,66 Tell’s was current far antecedent to the date House, Portland, Me. Store, At Montgomery, Ala. ODE- where cannot be attributed to the laxi- Charles car of the popular one, and thereon rests a BRADBURY & SWEAT t£6r~We are prepared to and execute No. 12 justly Clough H, 1>,2 J unc22,63 theory design every Exchange Street, At Ga, description ol Wall and of the Another and suf- Augusta, of his own that Tell Is not a Ceiling Decorations, for F. R. HARRIS. d04tf J. E. WATERHOUSE. Sparrow’s Insurance Office ty present practice. Cole B historical charac- Churches. Public WC Orders for tuning and promptly at- Y, H, 2, May SO, 66 Counsellors at Buildings,Private ltesideuces,Halls, repairing ficient cause is to be found the Cole Isaac, ter. Another of these matter-of-l'aet «c. and on tended to. is this day removed from No. 80 Commercial in demoraliza- K, 14, June 10,63 fellows Law, Gilding Embossing Glass. Every de- oTm7a~i>Tw7na8m Street, At »•»» scription of Wood hnished in Wax and TV If*. B. TWOtIBI.Y. to the uew and commodious rooms Savannah, Ga, has a blow to CONliKbMH 8TBEET, Oil Filling, have resumed business at the head of Long tion which attends and follows war. It is not Cash just given damaging the story of and in Varnish or French Polish. Wharf, Charles E, 0, 14,April 28, f6 Jal!Kl3in November 26, 1866. dtf under J. W. M ungcr’s Insurance Office, and will be Pocahontas. What are Chadwick Mansion, opposite United States Hotel, NO. 06 EXCHANGE confined to this it should be Crabtree George, U, 14, July 3, 63 they likely to leave pleased to see their former customers and receive their STKEET, State, observe!, Cushman Portland Maine. Charles T, H, 14,Kept us? we still be allowed to orders as usual. but extends to States where the 14,C5 May believe iu Ju- Bion Bradbury. nov 9tt b. D M. Sweat. IN THE CUMBERLAND BANK BUILDING, equally gal- Child Henry O, 1>, 12, Not 8, (6 BUILDING. July 10,1866. n dtf Duv lius Caesar, the Black Prince and lows still bears its shameful James 1J, 1>, 12, Mcli 10, >2, Joan of Arc; JANUARY where he is now to in all it9 fruit *• 20, 1807. A LVHBBY. luNnrnncc prepared place insurance, Douglass J C, 1, 14, Mov 28, 66 in Sultan and Agents. forms, and for any amount, in second to Do Christopher Coluwtus, Saladin will be found at No 117 corner of companies on the point just mentioned ogle Patrick, B, 12, Milliken & Co., DOW Commercial, no on Except argu- April 17,66 Deering, St. Home others the globe, and on the most favorable Erwin John, Martin Luther? TO Exchange Office of New York; National ment on C, 4, May 2,65 BUILDERS. terms. this question has been exhausted. Ea in Hial J Office ot Boston; Narragansett Office of K, 14, Ju e 7, 6.5 —An a well au- Wholesale Providence; Parties class are res- Indianapolis dispatch says Dry wishing lor Dimension Frames Putnam Office of Hartford; Standard Office of New preferring first insurance, Commutation of the extreme of the Fos.s Dexter, K, 12, May 1,63 Goods, Sprnce pectfully invited to call. itenuity Gilman thenticated ease of combustion PERSONSlor early Spring will do well to leave SPECIAL York, And other reliable offices, are represented Elisha B, 6, 12, Mcli 17, *.! spontaneous iil business-, by November 5,1866. dtf law has been some of tbe best Go .dell D COMMERCIAL STREET, their orders at once with this agency. long urged by K, K, 14, «jir 20, 66 occurred in miles Green Columbus, forty south dtl John W. Libbey. General Insurance and ablest men of The Albion, K, 14,June 26, U. of _augM Portland, Maine. STEVEN* & Dow.Jy25dtf_F. Twambley, Broker, every country. argu- George James that city, on Friday morning. Andrew MERRILL, LS*• would inform his many friends and the C, C, 30, Aucil, 6i publ’c " CKKENOUOKI 4k €Om Furs, ments of Iiobert liantoul before the Goodrich James, 6; a at their Lumber Wharf, Commercial generally that he is prepart a t <» continue the Insur- Legisla- K, 14, !-ep 12, Nolte, German, very intemperate in his hab- Street, CLOSING SALE BYRON,Hats, Caps aud Robes, 164 Middle St„ over T. Gardiner Edward Oet 6i JOSEPH near loot of whore can ance Business as a and can Life A, H, 14, 1, was STOUT Maple Street, always he Bailey ier Slabs, Grates Frames and Window Sashes, glazed and Jul 17—dtl Office at C. M. Klee’s Paper Store, No. 183 Fore Legislature 30, Au* 13, and Chimney Tops. unglazed, St, Hoak .John, Oct 66 as it ont of Importer and dealer in Eng- at lowest prices. where orders can be left. fullGtf New York, have been spread B, 12, 24, burned, by coming his nostrils, and lish Elixir German and H. J. LIBBY & Manufacturers abroad, repeated At Haupnin Garni, near savannah, Ga., Tiles, French Flower Pots, KT Kemember—STEVENS & MERRILL. i WHITE GOODS! YJOTICE. CO., his clothes were stiil wben Jacks n burning found. No Hanging Vases, Parian, Bisque, and Bronze Statuette leb 11 d2in and Commission Merchants. Counting Room and reconsidered by tbe public press until Jarvis, corp'l, A, 2dcav, June SI, 06 j over At other and Busts. Glass similes aud Walnut Stands, Bohe- First National Bank, No. 23 Free street, second Savannah, Georgia. part of the body save the air passages there is uo man of mature years who has not Jackson 6 mian and Lava Vases and other wares. A BCOITlflCTUBli & KIVOINEKBINO. story. iyll tf P, private, D, 11, July 8, 1865. was burned. Hew •Ionian Physicians who examined the It- TKEMONT STREET Studio Building Messrs. ANDERSON. BONNELL A CO., have Laces & Store, Hew Goods. become familiar with them. The fact Lswlf s, I>, 30, Aug 11, 1865 made Embroideries! K RONE MERRILL, DeaTeTTn simple At u angag—dm n Mass. arrangements with Mr. STEAD, an Architect Angusta, Georgia, body pronounce it clear case of spontaneous BOSTON, ot • Watches, Masonic and Mili- the in a •< established reputation, and will in future on JAM Jewelry, Regalia, that experiment has been tried single Kimball OF, G, 14, June 10.1865. carry No 13 Free Portland. c unbustion. It is supposed that the fire was Architecture with their business as Par- tary Goods, street, EVANS At Savannah, Ga. Engineers. Same store with aTbATLET, o for a hundred with re- SHEPLEY & STROUT ties to build are Geyer and Caleb iyI2dtf province Italy years, communicated to intending invited 10 call at their At One Price. King John, D, 12,Apr 26, 1865. by attempting light a cigar. oliice, No. 30G and oxamine sults so satisfactory as to warrant its repeti- Kendall Horatio, C, Oct i860. Congress street, eleva- MI LLS, although burned up, the Pro- Nos. 1 & 2 Free Street Block, 12, 24, —The following exact of a business let- tions and ot tion ou a scale Lane copy plans churches, banks, stores, blocks ot EAGLEprietors, Messrs. L. J. Hill & are now larger throughout the kingdom, Milbray A, K, 12,HI ay 7, 1866. COUNSELLORS AT Co., pre- WILL Lunt A •• received a Detroit LAW, buildings, *c. j 12 pared to furnish Cream OPEN is worth a ca tload of treatises on the W, H, H, Sept 0, 1866. ter, by commercial house, Coffees, Spicos, Tartar, &c, subject. Lord OFFICE, E. T. Ac at their new place of business, No. 100 Green St. Cyrus, E, 12, Hoc 16, 1866. shows that there are ELDEN CO. MONDAY, .Tan. Let us abolish the death penalty Lord Kdson geniuses in private lifo WM. H. An Order Slate m y be found at Messrs. 14th, altogether, A. H, 12, Dec 29, 1866. Post Office Building, 2d story; Entrance on Ex- Low, or if we are not to do us who ean the best efforts WALKER, Jan 28—dtf Plummer & No 83 Commercial and at Mr C. a new ready that, let abol- McFntldcu John, G, 14, Apr 18t5. surpass of Ward, Bil- change street. Co’s, St, and complete assortment of 12, 241 M. Rice’s Paper Warehouse, No. 185 Fore Street. ish the barbarous gallows, adopt the instru- Marshall Calvin E, E, 14, May 6, 1866. and at had <1. F. S IIEP LEY. jytltl A. A. STROUT. COMMERCIAL, STREET, McCrca lings Nasby, spelling: All orders promptly attended to. ment which Ur. Guillotin recommended to the Elijah, E, 12, May 23, 1866. Foot of «• the Maple Street. Goods at he lowest prices. jull6tt E, 14, sept 19, 1865, if. w. 200 Doz. Linen lldkfs. FURNITURE, French Assembly in 1789 and onr At Mu.M‘“i'on1A, Lake Port Jan 1 1866 ROBINSON, General Agent lor the State lor despatch freesboro, Ten., PACKARD, Bookseller and Stationer, may he Glass and Silver criminals Myers Henry,* " 34 V Mr-sir i doo send you Wone dollars 9 Crockery, bumhnely. H, I, Dec 30,03 twenty H W. • found at Mo. 337 corner of Oak At and Counsellor and at JOHNS This l H Congress St., Augusta, Ga., 28 sents Witch i doo think dus settle onp Attorney Law, Day Received Plated •< Juliet! Ware, OlmsteadCM, K. 14, June 10, 1806. mi a cout With you if i are rite and Pleas send St._ The Revenue front the Nalioual Hank*. At CHADWICK can Montgomery, Ala., me a re seat in a short time i HOUSE, Improved WEBSTER CO., bo tound at the store <• Will send for Hoofing, Bedding, Goods, Patch John, 2.1 cav, 65 For ol all kind,. CAE RS.• of C. K. Babb, Clapp's Block, No. 9, where we Upholstery M, July 19, some more of your Work as soon as it dus Li- 4411 buildings and STEAM- It has bee l repeatedly suggested that by At Augueta, Ga., l«ugren Street. BOAT DECKING. ROOFINO oiler a good assortment of Clothing and Furnishing and a first class stock of vele it is dull at Present CEMENT, for coat- Parks H H, B, 12, May 23. 1866. oup quite yours Jan 4—dtf lug and repairing all kind. of roots. PRESERVA- SELLING AT LOW PRICES Goods at low prices. jul 16 withdrawing the notes of the National Banks HOUSE FURNISHING Page OH, I 14, June 3. 1866. —The Schlenwischtt Ze*tuny records a curious TIVE PAINT for iron and wood ARTICLES •« work, Metal Roof's. QMITH & REED. Counsellors at Law, Morton from circulation and United States Penley J. 30, 1865. &c. COMPOUND for ° substituting i2. May accident occasioned the of frozen PEBCIVAL CEMENT, repairing leaky Block, Congress St. Same entrance as D. S. Ar- of every description. Pedale Joseph, 12, May 24, 1865. by explosion BONNEY, shingled roofs. BLACK tor Ornamen- the would in effect obtain a loan At VARNISH, my offices. iyl2dtf By a strict attention to business and the wants of notes, country Savannah, Ga., nitro-glycerine. This substance freezes at tal Iron work *c. Full descriptions, e rcular. prices, E. T. their customers, arc in to merit a fair of without sav- Page Edward P, D, 12. Mch 14, 1885. Counsellor and at Sec. furnished by mail or on at the ELDEN Sc CO’S. HE EASTERN BXPBB9H CO. are now 1 they hopes $300,1X10,000 interest, thereby about forty degrees Fahrenheit, and when in Atlorney Law, application office, share of the patronage of the public. At Memphis, Tenu., where samples and testimonials can be seen, Jan 28—-dtf permanentlv located at No. 21 Free street, and some The An inspection of our stock and is ing annually 18,000,000. suggestion Koneo.John, 26 V I, June 64 the solid state explodes rub- Morton to do Business over all the Rail- prices respect- C, 26, merely by being Bloch-, Congress Street,* eeplgdtf prepared Express lully invited. At road and Steamboat routes In the and West has been received with favor in various quar- Montgomery, Ala., bed on which account it is to State, Bi eout H S, •< 2d impossible reduce Two floor* above Preble Goods by P. S. & P., Eastern and Boston & Maine Roads A, cav, Aug 12,66 Ueiiiie, Housekeeping Warerooma Nos. 1 & 2 Free Street Block. ter's. Newspapers as far apart as the Inde- At Savannah, Ua., it to smaller pieces by crashing or striking it. to Boston, there with Expresses to all « ME. COOPER & connecting Itow° John P, PORTLAND, MORSE, parts ot the country. K NS Me OAVI.KI'. and the have treated it as a H, 14, Sept 19,1866. An unfortunate mau, one "Schachtmeister" nqvl9 tf in pendent Argus L C. Oct 1866. pleasure informing their old patrons and OF EVERY For the convenience of our customers on Commer- Ja O, 12, 27, DESCRIPTION, Portland, *2, 1807. janl4, he was in Europe on business of the great Paris without auv OHNAMKNTAL gress, by exertions to 8{«eak the French lan- G. T. to the sacred cause in the Five Cases of Linen Goods GEO. M. comincud him to the public lavor and ol temperance. guage shortest time. GAGE9 Principal. tofore, pat- and was instructed break. The part just completed is about Applications as to the Department, specially by The the interest anil eight STU000 AND MASTIO terms may be made by letter EDWARD ronage. occasion, manifested, miles in WORKERS, or at 52 BALLARD, 17.18G6. eod&wff the of the to look into length, extending from Auteuil to Otherwise, Free St, or at Messrs Bailey & CONSISTING OF September Secretary Treasury the the of other Oak and Free Novob Book of Common generous representation neighbor- are Street, between, Congress Sta., store. Exchange at Superintendent Schools. then and still under Ivry. There stations at Vaugirard, Mont- References axe kindly permitted by the Brunswick, Feb 16, I8G7. fedlHdtd questions investigation ing Lodgos. failed not to fill the boarts of all PORTLAND, ME. following: Winslow’s Machine Works rouge, La Glaciere, and the Maisou Blanohe. coIncr South and Bleached, in France, respecting banking and currency. with and satisfaction. Promiuent among and Spring Streets, Rev. E. or;.Dalt0n’Dr. pride Amongst the most remarkable Coloring, Whitening White-Wasidng prompt- Bolles; Fitch. 87 State North Yarmouth now located on Cross Street rear of our form- works is the y attended to. Orders from out ol town scHicitcd. Street ; Dr Chadwick '-SK street Academy, He was then brought into communication those were Br. Sawyer, G. W. <». T.; Congress ; Dr. Lud- Half Bleached, er Shop on Union Street, and we are prepared to present, viaduct across the Seine the du May 22—dtf wig ; C. O. Files Esq. of AT ARE between Pont Principal Portland Acade- do with some of the best authorities on these Bro. G. W. T.; Bro. Thompson, W. C. T., my. Rich, Jour and the Qttai do Gravel. The whole will S. L. January 10. dtf And Brown YARMOUTH, MAINE. Machine iu as well as in of Atlantic Lodge, Bro. Hawkcs, Bro. Chase of C'ARLETON, Work, Forging, subjects France, England.— be opened for traffic in a few other true and tried public days.” Spring Term of ten weeks, will commence Water a result of these Knightville Lodge, and 8. WINSLO W Steam, and Gas Piping, As enquiries he declares that —The skeletons of a horse and its rider and &TLXV8- D A 31 A 8 K 8 1 THEfeb. 25tli, under the same board of instruction reform. Let On the most favorable terms, and at the shortest no- friends ofthe great temperance as heretofore. the United States have now the best banking a long rust-eaten lance lying close have ATTORNEY AT Steam or low we a of era of by LAW. ISTEW For particulars address E. S. Hoyt, A. M., Princi- tice. heating by high pressure, us not pause for description the GROCERY! make one of our spe .laities. Our in system in the world, and adds that this just been discovered in the midst of a tuft of pal. or JAMES BATES, Secy. long experience opin- and which this lino ( having first class workmen, ) enables us |o good feeling, congratulation swnyetl 27 Market moved into our new next door Bleached k Brown Table Covers, Yarmouth’ Feb 8, 1867. Iel4d&w2w on is shared some of the soundest French bushes of extraordinary thickness in the forest Square, store, be- satisfaction to our customei s, by when as if of low oar old stand, and fitted it for a give good the entire collection, regardless 24—dtt HAVING and thinkers. He Mr. Ran- of Cinglais, ucar Caen, France. An examina- Sept n Franklin Pumps with plain ar Galvanized Iran English opposes monent W. C. T. Haskell called the meet- FIRST Family School, the CLASS OROCJERV, Napkins, Doy lies, Towels, Fronting pipe famished and pat up in the hest man- dall's on the that it will tion has led to the conclusion tiiat the remains bill, ground destroy to order. After the usual cere- A. E. ^ FOR BOYS, ner. ing impressive C. H. we leave to retui n our thanks to our numerous arc those of a Cossack and his steed. HASKELL, beg We have the Agency ot some ot the best manufac- the present system of banking. The contem- of had The for past favors, and inform them and the TOPSHAM, MAINE. monies dedication been passed through, DEALER8 IN- pub- Linens, Linen An. tures ot machinery in the country. Purchasers will supposition is that the animal, wounded, fell KIronsgcnerally, that while* maintain our Sheetings, plated saving of eighteen millions, Mr. Walker the W. C. T. announced as the Orator of the endeavoring_to HOME do well to call and examine price and list and cata- rider into the reputation for Helling the best of BEEF, and all kinds GOOD SCHOOL for Boys, easily acces- with its thicket, which lies low of A sible K. A P. It. twentv-tive miles Irom logues. regards as wholly illusory, since a revenue ex- evening, Prof. D. G. Harrimau, of Portland.— (iroceries, Provisions, MEATS and VEGETABLES, we have added to by K., and that they were unable to our stock a At Portland, nine miles from Barb. For D. WINSLOW & extricate them- choice variety of pure groceries, and hope One Price^S Free /St. Circular, Ac., SON, Proprietors. ceeding that sum is now derived from the To those who had the fortune to listeu to this H ulludia d.aorio, fli nt,, Ar., by selling the best of goods address the Principal, Feb lit dotawx w2m selves. Jan 28—dtl feblti dlw H. A. and would be saciificed the comments are The RANDALL. banks by change. address, unnecessary. —The At the following advertisement in a AT LOWEST C ASH PK ICES. Lowest Cash Prices! & DENNISON of this branch of his is character of the and of his ele- appears BARBOUR His treatment subject \ man, brilliant, Rouen .journal; “’A t|N4 LOWELL & European celebrity, Couiirrm SI, Portland, Itlc. Grower & SEXTER, opened in Chambers (aver the retail instructive. We copy from the gant address, made this the prominent feature dtf Baker, especially Manuel Donato, janS YY7TLL the new Store No. Nlore mf JT. A C. J. a fresh chorographic artist on one or occupy 301 Con- HAVE Barbour,) as follows: of the ovening. Sufficient is it to soy, that the Vt are** coiner of Brown about assortment of pamphlet, two legs, SO years of Hired, Street, to the conclud- age, possessing a modest anew stock of far to entire address from the opening WM. W. No' 28 Sewing* D*/e> loth,with Watches, Jewel- and We have thus attempted show, that fortune, and WHIPPLE, Spring Street Market. Macliinos, Silver mail Plated French German Calfskins. good education and a mild dispo- g Winslow. ry, Ware, and i'ancy the of their own remarks was an earnest, burning uppeal c- E'PAGE- without privilege circulating ing would to January 11. 4 Ex- Oiled Groin Leniker. Barbour Brothers famous living business, reform,and to those in power, strike, strike 21 MARKET Machine Warranted! xlreei, with a stock of Nautical dozen or bale. PHILA- of these banks would —The keeper of a at near SQUARE, Every change complete Irish SHOE THREADS, by the suppression be a strike earnest and sure, against the dead- wine-shop Pantin, mad Opta.cnI 4-ooeen silent with regard to the econo- farmer’s daughter Road and tbbiyd&w'-'m WILLIAM E. DENNISON. Bro. lvich, the genius oi -A wealthy Ship Bnilders. and of which the nation is good humor and em- out to milk a cow.— Me. Companies Lubricating Illuminating my Eighteen Millions, _ Ahi„ went ^ointinL Matching and Sawing WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. But we are bodiment of wit, was then callod ana conn y, •Enld jti promptly done'8, Notice. promised out of this movement. for. Like ^ whose aspirations her ^LAND, a lover, .. now to assert, that no such econo- the of he is She lound .... J. W. HANSON, L. I». Brown. prepared sage old, always ready, and the en- *a.tmg for her with ahorse W. W. undersigned having loosed the well known and we think we lather was opined, THOMAS. Jr., C. C. WINSLOW. Congress my can, in fact, be realized, tire audience were soon * Carriage Manufactory formerly occupied by R. convulsed in laughter. a twinkle she sat beside him, ‘Ad T«rk Head Jan28d4w* Wo. 406 Fore 61reel. THE figures, that the in It., of laaitji’i Wharf. M. Webb, at Webb's Mills, take this method to an- can establish, by indisputable The audience *"*dslei'h dollar richer lor the insisted upon the Brother taking to the residence of a magistrate and Counseller at Jan 1—d St, nounce to the public that will continue the busi- nation will not be a was driven Attorney Law.’ they the hut he [Chadwick ness of manufacturing of all descriptions banks are to be stand, quickly excused himself— line, where the twain Hooke,] Carriages change. If the National au]>- across the Pennsylvania Panins, 5-SO’s as heretofore. Also and repairing done at will, ot which the as will- 240 Congress Street. F Oli HALE. jobbing pressed the Government course, lose audience were quickly made one flesh. When she returned home short notice and in the best manner. Carriage lum- derived trom was oettf-dly Maine. all revenue now them. to to the as- was was so horizontal ber of the best and every variety constantly the’ ing allow—by exhibiting ,h« father wondering why Mary high pressure, Steam Ensinr jv g je n quality Let us see. vdth 1G inches uxv n.i on hand for sale at fair prices. What Is that revenue? tonished covered with Jl. M. PAY ONF Cylinder diameter, .4 inch stroke audience, all long milking, soy, —Iron bed and wheel. Two We also have in connection with the above a Har- taxes by the bankers are as fol- •“ heavy fly flue Boiler, The paid the mammoth boots which like was at a 40 in. with L. B. ness Shop, where the best of stock and mud, —The Turkish Ambassador public diameter,30 feet lung two flues in each 13 FOLIJETTE, workmanship lows. Except circulation, which has now a. in. diameter. The whole is in is the guarantee we ofler to ot customers tliat our ancient armor encased him. His remarks, some of the mag- STOCK BROKER. complete all its parts its maximum, the items are trom dinner, in company with and in a O shall be all wish in that line. We reached the rt”* good order, and will be sold at bargain HOSIERY AND 7-3 Harnesses they for, usual, mueff feeling. as a GLOVES, alto state that with tho best stock in tbe coun- report: produced good nates of the land. The President gave No. 30 Exchange Street, Apply to T. H. H'E.TON, would t’omptioller's of Arca- —BY— and the best workmen wo of and Thompson The Or the P.rllnnd Company. try, anywhere to be found, Circulation, 300 millions at 1 per cent., $3,000,000 Chase Kuightwell, toast, ia compliment to His Excellency, PORTLAND ME ng21dt Feb. 1887. I'eb3 HOOP feel confident we can make as as the nos millions at 1-2 »nd Portland, 2, d3tld ed BKIRTB AU D CORSETS, Carriages good Deposits, oft per cent., 2,830,000 na made interesting the Turkish Ambassador.’’ and in we intend to oe to the Ledges, Sublime Porte and WOOD & best, style fully up License on 417 millions capital, at $2 a then subm.twd to the 1‘ISKTIC, aud Connsellor W. H. SON- remarks. The floor was it down the table, “A 4 «t Attorney, DIVIDEND. times. thousand, The waiter echoed IEWImLaw. No. 8 Clapps Block. Feb 9—d2w tho establishment heretofore and 834,000 Lodge, Bro. yer, the Jul2l of 10 cent, will be the Ladies’ & To patrons of the and 3 on W. of Ligonia Ambassa- A « IIJEND per paUl Children’s Dividends surplus, per rent., say Chaplain for the Turkish Underflannels, we would say, give us a call and supply of port of the Tug Warrior at the office of DYER. can be found with a new stock the public generally 10 per oent. earning*, of the **• *K tt J* 8 Jobholders » at 2,086,000 faithful and inucb-esteemedpastor Counaellor at 15th. WHOLESALE ANl RETAIL. • Of may b« assured that it will IS KILL, Law, I ,.i°8low» January W». Sewing Machines, of various kinds: Silk you bslgr yoitttatMjjW dor," Kg. free Street, janiodtf wall as our own. DYER 4 ROBINS. whew eentae the Lodge jujM | J. S. WINSLOW, Agent. ntlTotauui Place. Twist, Cotton—au kinds and colors, Needles, Oil, Ac. HILL, Total Direct Taxes, . 18,748,000 Methodist circuit, j 7?<1867t^!uy,lig,***St‘* 166Middle street, up one Right stairs. jullZeod ftblftUwliaS **«>’> tirriiiriv. Trial f*r **a«Wer. POKTLAXD AX D VICIXITV. Navy c*t y<\ arms collected. It last, CAPITAL. ami was street $22.26. informed his own contributed, on his Bounds by clear citing about This splendid Hair is the host m tlio world. in 0 rumor, yesterday, at 12 in that Get- and perfect bye—Hariuh-sS, Ibliahh. The on the 1st of !W to charter a had the habit of leaving the store The Western (Ininn Telegraph Company, particular matchless oration at len. The show ease was found morn- Surplus day January, 1007, non,041 city intend vessel to-day and send been in the next Instantaneous. No disappointment. No ridi* uloiis munitions of and the deed lie had re- tysburg, which a writer iu the Westminster in tinls. Natural I.lack or Rrown. ill uruis, war, provisions to o’clock, and on the day of ing the river, the goods having been taken Remedies the ’Altai Amount 01 CapitalandSurplus, ...... $i,itt;,044 W men NOTE FROM MR. BEDLOW. etieets of Had the O’Connor’s ii sufficient can be than he lteview does not hesitate to set above the fa- byes. Invigorates hair, bavin; money turned in a much shorter time usually therefrom.—City Marshal Brooks succeeded in ii suit and raised in time. Tt is not believed that ltcaniiful. The genuine is signsd ll'd- ASSETS. Stephens ami to him as mous funeral oration of insisted haul A. Batchelor. All others arc mere 1 He went to spoke Feb. 1867. Pericles; out the thief and the ol the imitations, -- -- left the United did. Prager 19tli, ferreting of -- .'ill has States; and it is also said Portland, recovery ami should he Aiuiiunl t'iiHh ou haiiil uuil in Bank, $104,070 the a avoided. Sold l»v all Diuggists ami ** that Col. to some statements that Prager had made to Press : finally upon special test of greatness, His name is James Oakes. in hlniln ft? Ificfiarw ol fransininioii, 57/13 91 Kelly, formerly Stephens’s deputy, is To the Editor of the Portland Daily goods yesterday. Perlumers. Factory Kl Han-lay street, New Volk. | Agi Uffl, in of Amount of Loans on Bouds and Mortgages, being flint lien of record on unincumbered Ileal Ireland, directing the which some which statements Prager denied. has been called to perfect comprehension of the times and the —The Machias “The Col- Lif Rrwait* ol a * *on *•<« rival. movement, lady, Dear Sir:—My attention Hepublican says: Kstate (mostly dwelling houses In th* of Brooklyn) worth at least $600,000; rate of many believe is destined ere to November In. tllysn City many days some conversation was liad as to his which people in which and whom he was call- lector of Customs seized an interest 7 per ------*2$ all over After that, an article in your issue of this morning, among lor this District cont., *272,401 spread the island. Gen. for- Amount of Loans ou Bank ami other Ci Halpine, him that ed to act. The lecture was thus an exact aud demand, secured by of good rporntmn colonel of leaving, Prager telling he oould is calculated to a unfair impression English tug-boat one this week in the pledges merly the 16th Kentucky infantry, give very day Loutj L'or Stocks as collateral, the market value of wU6kl» at least $107,031, 86/23 0U U. S. 7.3U Market value, $351,4*7 50 and fraud even meu ol bis own ter of modern or Treasury Notes, by him a and had and he would all news ancient times. to tow down a dismasted no 5..iHSl do. Bonds and the statement that O’Connor fool, injured him, Exchange with the reports, gold quo- bark, having pa- Mams’ Elder Wine. 1881, 6!»,;*6 organization, Berry 4.000 do. do. 44 The Committee of the \S c take IM>7, 5,2*8) 00 is name at have liis revenge. He tired upon him with for several Army and Navy and made no motion to enter or clear. pleasure in that the above under another is tations, stocks, Sec.., free, years pre- lters, aunoum-ing 44 ... Stephens laughed named article 25,250 do. do. 5 *2t>, 27,270 *8) as a have been may be found tbr sale h\ all city good joke. Kelly quarrelled with Ste- this single barrel pistol,hut by a sudden change vious to the fire of which a Union, very fortunate in the open- The law makes it rather costly business, and 77,700 do. do. 44 77,«8H> (8» great July 4th, put Druggists ami first class Country (tracers. 10.40, phens because the latter refused to as he ran lectures of their lec- 1,200 do. Certificates of I8i0 18) fight of the body Prager evaded the shot, and to all for a time. ing course. No better these fellows have become bold As a MKPIeink Mains’ Wine is being Indebtedness, and it is not that Mr. Ste- stop operations English quite invaluable, 25.000 Teuueses State 44 16,625 44 :to,000 60 phens has changed his mind since then. The reports, paid for, pulmonary complaints, as woil as one of the most KingsCouutv Bonds, in the tbe Mr. l6,iMift Wisconsin State 44 Ih.inni ou circles in this are making the most exten- another pistol aud fired upon him street, ed to a and more. also ruaiu- by liev. Gage aud by Gen. Caldwell teach them a lesson. agreeable Hererayrs. Manufactured from the Bonds, city $34)00 year They pme 35.000 State 44 15.400 *81 sive to their in to the have been heard juicoof the berry, and unadulterated by any impute Virginia Bonds, preparations help compatriots which took eflect. Prager staggered taiued an office in the at an here this winter. General —The of a Boston 7*4I“ 74 Fenian Exchange, expense Augusta correspondent ingredient, we can heartily recommend it to* the sick K'ngs County Certilleate of Indebtedness, Ireland, and the zealous Sisterhood are mi Union on 24 he his left side. At this is announced lor the as 2,5 Brotdclyn Market value, 4,006 $613,305 to the cause. The walk, where lay upon of over a for the further accommo- Shepley next lecture, paper says the lias at length as a medicine, and to the well, a Ferry Company, subscribing their moneys $1,000 year, Sprague purchase bererage. Amount due for Fire l*retn1nnis on Policies issued at ottice. 13,658, ‘23 out lor O’Connor is Bounds fired hitting him and which will sustain tbe character •‘To the of the itnddcth plan of operations laid very place again, dation of tbo merchants and others in that vi- undoubtedly reached a which settles the whole mat- days aged length, Marine and J nland Premiums, issued at office, 50,255 81 point To the v it addeth to the statements made at and when the mau miglil strength,” ot a’ci ued _ 90 simple, according further wounding, lay help- of the course, For the sake of the ter. Gov. made a visit one interest, 14,145 O’Connor is cinity. speakers Sprague flying day *Tis a balm lor the sick, a tor the well— ol Rft‘l Kstaie owned *0 Gen. Gleeson’s office. to hold out Bounds fired his fifth joy by tile Company (otbee building,) 106,955 less and almost lifeless, On the Western Union Tele- we wish some other hall could bo obtained.— last week and the were all set- Druggists and (tracer$ buy ami sell ot other 31 in a strong position in the hilly district of Ker- July 1st, 1806, arrangements property, miscellaneous items, ‘*,617 been selected for him shot. Bounds seeing the crowd gather ran up Mr. voice was broken down MAIN4* KbDRIfUlIUKl \VINK ry, which has already by graph Company took possession of the Ameri- Gage's completely tled. The writorsays the transierof the prop- #»-, v $ 1,660,544 V8 officers, until the insurrection has the street, and when and arrested he we ob- nov 27 s n d&wtf * r m, .c, y* competent caught can and on the 4th by tbe difficulty ot speaking there, and and franchise of tho Kennebec Water the aud then Telegraph Company’s lines, erty spread all over island, emerge had a twit on whieli the hail been liIAHILITIKH. pistols hung, instant the fire a loss served that Gen. Caldwell was quite hoarso Power with the from the mountain fastnesses as a nucleus of great occurred, entailing Company, together convey- I)K. and other of a to do mis- I SWEET, an Irish in with signs premeditation to the before be closed. ance of the real estate Amount oi iiOkses iiicurred and In ot ... 00 republican army conjunction company of some $4,000. Notwithstand- contiguous thereto,pur-, NATUinr pr«xeM a*Uostment, $114/94 the other hands which will be formed in the whieli he did. died on the 7tli of to liOXH SliTTEV. oliiel, Prager this an We ought not forget the Forest City chased the will be made to the Messrs. ing loss, they immediately opened office by oity, Doctor of all ailments incident to the meantime all over the island. They are then October, of the above the did Roues, Curds, amputation right leg on Commercial street for the baud whioli furnished excellent music and This property is valued at $550,000. and Miiscles, I lip I in, and enlarged to concentrate and march on the Dub- accommodation Sprague. n'sca-cs, Joints, Phenix Insurance N. Y. capital, been on the 2d. Weak and IVrhdied Limits Paralysis, Srinal and secure the and and knee, having performed not seem to be afiected by the remotest ap- The bonds, amounting to $'250,000, have Company, Brooklyn, lin, depots arsenals, pro- of the merchants down town, paying high rent city Rheumatic an* Lain «• 1867. Bounds Alfoctions, ms-, successfully •i.vni'ary 1st, claim an Irish appears calm and self-possessed, and to hoarseness. to Boston and New where t route a ot republic. for the privilege of a window, when, under the proach been taken York, Annexed please And Statement the condition of this CoiRpanv at this time, by which it will l*e seen, The following was all round indifferent to the of the Ollloe III Rniy hind. notwit hBluudin' the year just ended has been mu* ol character, ho far as l<>**e.s are concerned, placard posted apparently proceedings the would have been their sale will be extraordinary the as an circumstances, company negotiated. I hat the Phenix Insurance of New has and city, yesterday, appeal for Dish sol- trial. Where he can be consulted daily without charge. Company Brooklyn, York, passed through the tier) watery one Exhibition or St. Dominic’s School.— —.The learns that C. W. ordeal iiiisii tied, ami is able to shu*r the handsome ol Assets of One Million Six: diers: justified in maintaining but office,and that Bangor "Whig Dr. !ebl5 d3w a n array Hundred and Sixty- six Thousand, Four Hundred and Sixteen Dollar* and Two Cents. “Wanted—One thousand men devoted to the The semi-annual examination and exhibition of with a ac- A Suggestion for Amcrirn Anrnl tlir Farit up-town. Thomas, Hampden, piet painful cause of Ireland, each ot whom can his the For Fold* nml ftlti,**. defray Exhibition* When the Merchants’ Exchange was re-op- of the school for females,established under cident Monday forenoon by falling through a 4'oughn, C'ouHiiaitplioia, own to the amount of expenses $100. Apply of Try the old and well known VFCiRTA RI*K as necurif v lor if* Policy holders, and the payment of Us leases. The premium receipts of this Compsuy [CorreniKindencc of tlie New York Times.] ened on the wharf, T was strongly urged to patronage Bishop Bacon, and the direction Seattle in his barn chamber to the floor below for one week only at No. 19 Chatham street. Pl’I/flO W ItV BAli*Al?l, approved and used I ho past year were for was the P. J. Downing.” Munich, Jan. 23,1807. move the office down with them, and they of Eev. E. Muller, held yesterday at —a distance of about ten feet—dislocating one by our o/tlt st mul most a I titrated Physicians lor forty Fire Pi curiums, $878,866 52 from all Fenian The Germans are years past. G«*| tlie genuiuc, Marine and I l. 46 The officers and delegates making great, preparations would give us rent and pay for their quota- substantial school house on Gray street. A of bis shoulders, breaking several ribs, and giv- eland, 152,228 to visit tlie Paris en maxse. REKD, CUTLER A CO., circles w ithin the Department of Manhattan Exposition Among of the and Druggist*. tions. 1 their moved on to the large number parents of the pupils ing his a severe The deciHsNd&wGiu Total Prein am l»7 assembled at No. 207 yesterday after- tlie various arrangements is tlie following, accepted offer, system jar. injuries, Boston, Proprietor*. tteccipfs, $2,ft30,7ii4 Bowery citizens were And it Ira* in the same |»eriod paid out lor Losars, noon and at 3 o’clock went into strictly secret which is well worthy of imitation elsewhere. wharf, and arranged for their reports and quo- prominent present, including though severe, are not. considered of a danger- Somm Folks Can’t Slki:p Nkihuh-Wo are *1,4 ON ,647 S9 session—not even officers or with On and after the 16th of a train Stevens and several members of the delegates May pleasure tations to be transmitted at the nominal rate Mayor city ous character. now to Maria*- Pri mlutus marked oA as' allied, will leave Munich lor prepared supply Hospitals, Physieimis, the credentials being admitted to the hall alter every day Paris, via The exercises trade and the *9.10.OS I f| of three dollars per week. I was assured by government. consisted of reci- great public generally, wji.ii tin* stand- that hour, Stirring speeches were made by Augsburg, Stuttgart and Strasburg, and tick- ard and invahtmrie lKmii’s lis cut ire income from ail sources for Iwfi, was tations in arith- remedy, Nnlvi^K, which Gen. Gieesou and other and the ets will he sold for the whole viz..' Hon. T. C. and J. H. that reading, spelling, definitions, article all knowu it ions s *1 gentlemen, expedition, Hersey Perley, Esq., of surpasses pre pan lor the cure thill Fall Table Rock.—The remaining por- ot all tonus of from the various circles report «i that the thither and this was metic, grammar and Nervousness. It is N. Y. dan. 1887. delegates journey return, lodgings, quar- perfectly satisfactory. geography, interspersed rapidly superseding d. .. Brooklyn, It*, tion of Table on the Clifton side of Ni- of wall-known ot On Hu* the Director* ol the Phenix Insurance a their constituents were earnest and ready in ters and admission to the Exposition build- with vocal and instrumental Rock, every preparation opium—the result day Company declared semi-annual Dividend of Five When it was found that the merchants would music, gymnastic which is to costiveness other per on demand. the and had been and the of Paris for ten fell on last. It has moul- produce and serious cent., pavable cause, sensibly encouraged ings, “sights” days. agara Falls, Friday dilliciilt it not on was exercises, and recitations of and ale- ics; allays irritation rest lessuessand by the recent news. After much discursive Tlie company, therefore, ill accordance with go down the wharf, it determined dialogues spasms, dered by piece, since 1818—the and induces action oi the bowel and secre- it was resolved to bo to this to to moral senti- away, piece regular discussion, proper pub- arrangement, agree pay every necessary take a room up on the street, and a commit- gorical pieces, inculcating high tive organs. JOHN K. HOW & mass fallen in 1850. SON, ^ lish a formal to Irishmen and all other expense during the and the ten The school is as largest having No for febflO odl w in* AgenO. appeal journey days- tee was appointed, who quietly perfected an ments. loyal, they sang our preparation Nervous Diseases ever sold so lovers of liberty in America, and after the com- tay in Paris for 160 florins ($60), which is cer- or met with such universal with the International national anthem Hail Columbia,” and other readily, approval. For mittee which was selected to make such appeal tainly cheap, considering that the usual fare arrangement Telegraph Skeplo.ssuess, Loss of Energy, Peculiar Female IMPORTS. with Review of the market had retired the propriety ot calling a mass to Paris is over $28. Might not a similar ar- Company to take a room over their office, tho patriotic songs emphasis. The school is Weaknesses and Irregularities, and all the fearful mental and that in ZITKOTS of Fenians was discussed. At be made between New York and of M. J. as di- bodily sympionis follow the train meeting length rangement International Telegraph to furnish under the o#re Miss Cavenagh THE WEEK ENDING Feb. 1867. Company FOB 19., of licryous disuses, Dodd’s vine is the best reme- (ifiASGOW Steamship St tons it was voted to hold a mass meet- Paris with profit to both Nyi CJeorjJP—110 pig unanimously parties—the sight- the with all news and Misses Annie J ennie to all ltf w 1 John seers and the The obstacle in Exchange their free, provid- rectress, Cavenagh, dy known science. Sold by druggists. Price $1. iron,'to order; halos 61 sticks, pkgs, to in Union square on Wednesday evening company? only uo ing ahd Abbie as Our market exhibits very decided improvement Gko. c. Goodwin A Co., Uarvev, lto iron tnhrn, 3 km bvn. IktaMi Pad- next at 7 and the various the would be to secure hotel room in Paris ed the Western Union Byrne, 'Norton instructors. Oriiiiin o’clock, necessary way Telegraph Company much revival of busi- augllsnlyd&w n Wholesale Boston. dock ; b boxes uni t*, Canadian K\ Co; auil goods tor lotting House, At in trade and there lias not been Agents, committees were appointed to make arrange- at this late day. should not bo allowed to put an office into the the conclusion of the exercises Bishop Canada and i hied on. Another of these excursions which ness in general as yet. It is hardly the time for our ments therefor. These committees have, thus pleasure room. Bacon addressed the and Ste- 99 children, Mayor make their the Warren’s Balsam. Federal Street, early, decided to have three tribunes, whereon the Germans are so fond of making, and so country merchants to appearance; Cough At vens called offered a few remarks. Tlie l>cst DKPAKTIIRR OP OCKAN STRAMKKS of the named fruitful in is one that the annual of the the re- being upon, first of March the time when be- Remedy evor coTniiouuded tor Fold*, several following gentleman—all inventing, goes every meeting Board, is, generally, they NAUK The school and af- Foiiuli*, Fnlnrrli nud FoiiMuitijitioii, and all KHOM FOR HAIR. PORTLIND, of whom are to lie invited—will address the year to Palestine, and for which the advertise- port of the committee was and appeared remarkably well, gin to come along. York. 2o accepted, by t _ diseases of the Throat and Australasian.New .Liverpool.Feb Lungs. < can tie found various kinds multitude: John T. Hoffman, Horace ments have tieon already issued. The ter the exercises were the Baltic.New York. .Bremen.Feb21 oAdtuntly Greeley, compa- that action the Western Union Telegraph Com- over, invited guests The taritf and financial qut ions yet occupy the HrTor sak by all Druggists. Manufactured by Richard O’Gorman, Charles G. Halpine, Rich- ny will h ave Trieste, March 29th. on one of Ocean Queen.New York. .California.Feb 21 wr was, without unceremoni- partook of a collation in one of the lower attention of Congress. If anything is done by the «I. F l.’SS A IHfl lCV, ard B. Connoly, Frederick A. Conklin",Charles the Austrian Lloyd steamers, make the voy- pany any warning, South America.... New York.. Kio Janeiro... Feb 22 Herman and American Sansaues! at the invitation of Father a present Congress it lias got to bo done speedily as, octlod&w.HNCjn Druggist, Bancor. Helvetia.New 22 S. Spencer, Michael Connolly, Sinclair Tou- age via Corfu to Cairo in six days, spending ously kicked out. Not a word wTas said about rooms, Muller, York..Liverpool.Feb the of winch is a Hermann.New York.. Bremen.Fbb 2;: James Brooks, William E. Robinson, Fer- days in the the Nile we leaving out 22d February, holiday Ijumb's sey, eight visiting pyramids, the years of favors received, not a single thank pleasant innovation, which, believe, does Nestorian.Portland... 2k Ton|fiu>H, nando John Y. James T. &c., and on the of reach Palestine at with the members, there remains but ten for JDK. S. 8. FITCH'S .Liverpool.Feb Wood, Savage, Brady 12, April in the exhibitions our days China 2. Swim Jaffa. There was offered. not obtain of common .Boston.Liverpool.Feb (■craiaa, anti Liabari I'hrm. Judge Daly, John Me Keen, John Morrisey, they will find riding animals in the 39th Congress. The 40th Congress, it is true, will Belgian.Portland ...Liverpool... March 2 John Thomas Charles O’Conor on which will All on the of the old schools. “■Family Physician,** Fox, Murphy, readiness, they proceed to Jeru- obligation part company assemble Immediately after the adjournment of the Java.New York..Liverpool...March h lUlLLAJillltill HE It Hi S and others. All circles in the are thence to the Seventy-six pages : price 25 cents. Kent to any ad- March 1h US, department salem, Jordon, through Samaria I waited until the its Asia.Boston.Liverpool... having ceased, International 39tli, but several States will be unrepresented at dress. No until tlie Imok is r< to meet to make to Mount Talior, Carmel, then home Portland Instituth and Public Libra- money required reived, IN SAUCK Oil PLAIN.' tonight preparations. £e., by was able to bill and It is a The the of Company work, when I notified opeuing. It is expected that should the taritf read, fully approved. perl cel guide to the meeting having agreed upon gener- way Smyrna, Constantinople, &c. The reference to another it will sick or Mr. ry.—By column, fail in the it will be indisposed. Address DR. K. K. FITCH, 25 Miniature 20. Best Brands of Sardines! al arrangements for a mass the com- thing thit is noticabie in this is its remarkable Rich that the existing arrangement would present Congress immediately Tremont Almanac.February meeting, be seen that a call for the first meet- Street, Boston. sn ,lan'“Jdly mittee on a rs to wi is.issued forward In the and manu- Sun I Mo<*u PM manifesto, and the offic and del- cheapness, t: $215 for the whole trip— cease on Saturday, the 16th inst. brought next, Importers rises.(J.50 raiaen. 7.r»7 Also tmut u.iality GERMAN MUSTARD which can a $30 for the both and the remain- of the corporation above for the facturers are with much to have Sun sets.Jj.38 t HHrh w ater.12.30 PM be in auitable Utica. egates unanimously adopted stirring appeal voyage ways, These are the and if ing named, waitiug anxiety' got quail to Irishman aud simple facts, there is any ANDERSON & CO.’S lovers of liberty, asking for for the overland routes, hotlils, &e. They will purpose of organization. It will be held on this question settled. men and money. arrive in Trieste about the last of thus fault on the part of the Western Union Com- all mSUES May, the of birth Gold has been since our last HOOP-SKIRT FACTORY I of time I fail anniversary Washington’s day— quite steady report ieaviug plenty to visit the Paris pany, to see it. I find no fault with the M A K I N 111 N EWB Usually lbumi In a FIKST CLASS Expo- an one on whicn left it at 137 Ths highest reached last EecleniaMtacal Krforrn i Italy. sition. American who is a Catholic— auspicious which to organize such J. point 333 above Any removal of the or with their Oongrress St, Casco. Exchange, taking week was and On After the the most none others are permitted to with this an The act of 137| the-lowest 136]. Monday, ^r ’Freuch, German and American Corsets from TFUGllPIl Otni K. promptly door. ted States service. entertainment with CHEESE—Good cheese is and ▼ T WORM LOZENGES a* the most rem- new and social order. The Minister O'Connor entered the hilarity, ing- getting scarce, j*erleci Liv« political __ have advanced 2c for those rpool, Feb 111—the Bavaria, hence for New 28th Massachusetts us Ser- which was till Indeed the prices about per th. We quote edy troublesome pests, INTESTINAL frankly declares that ^he system for Regiment Orderly kept up daylight. at York, has arrived at. Falmouth. Eng. adopted at tlie of 18 Second prime 20@22c. WORMS. Alter years of cant; fill experiment, success a model is neither that of geant, age years, and served with and Parish.—The Second Parish Church I The above is the shit* which was Vrance, Belgium or bright eyed rosy cheeked daughters of has crowned our and we now oiler to the world packet Bavaria, CHAS. B. the regiment all its arduous CEMENT—The market is well supplied and prices ettbrts, dismasted and fallen in WHITTEJIORE, England, but the extreme, and most through campaigns aud have the Barrett lot a confection without a afterwards with by skip thorough in the of tlie Erin, looked remarkably well in the Society purchased are unchanged. single limit, being sate, con- if of Amer- Department South, under Gen- lighter cllbct uni and No Resolute, Capt Freeman, who took uf Uoi passen- (Successor to «*o. T. If advanced, notnoar'y perfect system on corner of Pearl COAL—The for venient, pleasum. injurious result and burroughs Co.,) eral Burnside in his North Carolina cam- shades of hut the sombre of Congress street, street, and demand anthracite continue* can gers brought them to New York ] ica. Each church shall be a calico, aspect some, occur, let them he used in whatever quantity. religious society, and the steady and prices arc without any change that to the for Each paigns, afterward with the regiment when detracted very much from the brillian- adjoining lot owned by the Third Parish, except Not a particle of calomel enters their HALL, trusting people support. general Lehigh is now delivered at $10 per ton. coinjtnsition. DISASTERS. febOOdtf_LANCASTER with the of the Irish on They may be used without further ami congregation, of whatever form or laith, shall brigaded regiments Brig- cy, which has characterized which they will erect a church edifice. The preparation, ade under Gen. always these gath- COOPERAGE—The market remains the same a* at any time. Children will devour ail Barque Jo ephine, at Matanzus trom CITY OP be on the same level with the Meagher. O’Connor exhi nited eagerly you Mitchell, PORTLAND. rest, with no for it was It is one of the last week. of make is them, and ask for more. never lost anchor and chain on his iu the disastrous of Poco- erings. price paid $10,000. Everything city sold up give They toil in \-x- Portland, the Banks. privileges and no special gallantry tight short. Prices are firm at our Worms from their Clara M Goodrich. La riAHK Electors of the of Portland are protection. Every most on quotation*. -pelling dwelling pl ire. and they Brig ok, at Havana from City hereby taligo, when the 28th Massachusetts was near- That the eligible lots street for the X notified that the citizen may select his own form of and managing committee, perhaps, were Congress will always Ut< weak and even I‘or land. lost, anchor and chain on the and Aldermen of said City have faith, cut to CORDAGE—No change from last week. The de- strengthen emaciated, Banks, as he ly pieces. In not We understand when he is not »filleted with received some prepared Alphabetical Lists of the voters in the sev- worship chooses, without any questions personal appearance, aware that a calico dress ball means a purpose. that the purchase mand is quite light. worms. damage to sails. O'Connor is Various remedies Iroin J II of eral Wards of said and have the same being asked and without any as quite prepossessing, standing was not have time to time, been re- Ship Stetson, Damariscotta, at Boston from City, posted restraint, long about 5 feet 11 charity ball, is obvious lrom the fiict that the consummated until it was ascertained DRUGS AND DYES—Tho market is inactive in the ma n corridors of Market and as the laws are and inches in height, of slender but commended, such as calomel, oil of Worm seed, turp- Liverpool, rough weather on the pas- Hall, deposited obeyed public order is not and prices are without experienced thereof in the Clerk's hair true and of that the Third Parish would not rebuild on change. entine, Ac., and sometimes laial started lu stove had dicks car- Copies City ottice, as required disturbed. There is to be no graceful build, light and light complex- spirit meaning the appellation producing dangerous, sage, ad, boat*, swept, punishment for DUCK—The After ried main t bylaw. Persons who may have been returned in ion, with fair eves. He has an their if at demand for Portland duck is steady consequences. much reseaivh, st tidy and ex- away yard, spf galls, Ac errors of excellent given the ball was not carried out. A calico lot, they did all. Wards where are opinion. and prices remain unchanged. periments, embracing several years, the i Brig Angel a, New York from St they only temporarily residing, I f such a education, and speaks the with proprietor* Leighton,at Jogo plau is carried out any one can see English tongue dress ball is a of Fellow’s Worm have succeeded experienced weather and and who may desire t<» have their names changed to a musical accent. charity bail, The ladies arrive DRY GOODS—There is no material change to note Lozenges, in pro- rough sprung jibliooiu and what a there must in a very Col. O’Connor came We would call the attention of the this Wards claimed by them as their resident-; will make, change be, single gen- in their public to in the market. Business has ducing remedy, free from all object ions, and posi- fcrdopnitud. home in command of the 28th ballroom dress with a dry goods hut slightly lor tluit to the Board id Alder- eration, in the social condition of this Massachusetts, loosely fitting the and tively Kilo. plearint and clttxuuil. 1 la y do not kdl Ship Kale Davenport, at. Philadelphia from Liver application purpose country. as advertisement of the Phenix Insurance improved. Importers jobbers are waiting the men «»n either of ranking anl siucc that has calico worn over the worms, but. act tlieir had the three seeular next Our friends here must be felicitated upon the Captain, iieriod garment it, and at a given movement of Congress upon the tarilV. The markets by making dwelling place pool, rough Weather, Stove quarter boat. Ac. days preced- aeeu in Ireland of New York. This old and reliable to them. I ii order from ing the day of the ensiling Annual at the before them. will organizing the people, and Company in Boston and New York are aa disagreeable to assure eons timer* Brig Mausaiiflla, R«hkjMirt lor Wilmington, election, happy prosjiect Italy be- signal in the of the flat, Western pur- f'oiunioa a on noil Rooms in Maraet himself with the early part dance, every chasers do not in of tlio genuineness oi these t he si* ut put into charleston INtli insf, with lo-sof boat, Hall* between come a shining to the rest of the making acquainted topogra- Company has passed through the last year un- appear strong numbers. lozenges, aunty sails, tlie hours of 9 example removes her Dr. A. -V. State is anuc.vd : and other bad and A.M., and.i; P. M. phy of the district in which he is so lady calico garment, and appears HAVES, Asfayef, damage, having heavy gales got Catholic and to a part ol the Protestant world. fighting an FISH—There more demand tor fish and Per Order. ,1 M. in her ball scathed, although having paid unprece- js dry “I have analyzed t he Worm Lozenges, prepared blown !«• leeward. HEATH, City Clerk. With freedom of a dress. And upon snob occasions prices are sustained. Sales have been made of Eeb. Ii>. 1M57. perlect religious worship, dented amount of losses. Their fully by M«*ssrs. FELLOWS & Co., and find that they an Si-li i lhk risk. Iff illep, of Baltimore from Ckarlea- Ieb2tt ilSt adjustment of several lots ot codfish and barreled at our general system of public and a it is to fine who enters herrings free from mercury, and other metallic or mineral'mat- ton. bad heavy on the lost deck Argus please copy. instruction, customary every lady About weathert pusnige; wise A N*w York Court which amounted to over our quotations. ouo thousand of hake ter. are loaj bud ot development of the national industries, Scrnk.—On Wednes- the ball room minus losses, $100,000, by quintals l’b'*e Lozenges skilfully ei>mp.-unde.itpJc:is- part cargo lu the hold. her calico dress, a small have arrived, which have been soiu, loose lroiu the In Italy must take a when was and aut b» the taste, sale, yot sure and ctTentivc in tbch ig Aioostook, at New York trom Trinidad, had Proposal* conspicuous place among day, Snperiutendent Kennedy of New sum of great fire, extremely honorable reflect- vessel, at $1 00 ficr the most advanced natious" money, which, together with the calico quintal. action. Kespoetfrilly, A. A. MAY ES, M. 11. rough weather on the pa-sage, lost sa Is, Ac. York was ed credit on brought before at great the Company and its Agents. FLOUR—The market is rather for Assayer to the State of Mass. the first of March next. But do not think that the will Judge Downing dresses are donated to the attired dull, esjiecially YV0 n'J*riJt't’ ,r,U"lil H. ecclesiastics poor. Then, common which have shaded a Fassktth 08' |or the Tombs Police Court to Messrs. John K. How & Ron are for grades, trifle, and Price If ox s DOMESTIC PORTS. ce, clattering look on with a while these answer to a com- in their Agents favor per ; l’ire for I. (lie School House gentle spirit great brighter costumes the dance goes mer- prices purchasers. On the extra grades there Is SAN FRANCISCO—Ar J!Hh already crcti«l at Woodford's are carried out. Their of libel both the fire aud marine no change. The of GEO. W. SWJST’f, Proprietor of the Now nit,.slop King Plitliip, Corner. plans rage already plaint preferred against him by on. departments. introduction California Hour in- England Boston. Judge rily jc. Spectator. our Botanic Dc|iot, loti Uauover Boston Bicljiud, Also for knows no and it can to market, will cut ofl some of the dcruAitd for Street, Mass., finishing the same inside for I'urni- bounds, ouly be Michael was that the de- Sole lor the United Chi finh, shit"* Kingfisher, Hurtling, tor ready although Connolly,it suggested — the oxtra grades of Southern and Agent States, to whom all or- Liverj-ool ture, the lot and b manifested by written or it is Arrival of a .Steamer. The British Western flour. grading ulld,„K spoken words, fendant should liis Grand Entertainment.—Our citizens ders should be adilrcssttJ. invincible, Lesler, Philadelphia. 1 Ians and not to witness. The give personal recognizance must FRUIT—Raisins are firm at our Cit- GALVESTON—Ar suecilicatiop * „iay bo seen at Mr. F. H. pleasant Osservatore Ro- steamship St. George, Capt. Smith, of the An- quotation*. ’Sold by dealers in Medicine* everrfrbcre. wrb, brig Pomona, Broim, Ini Fassktth otHeo, for for trial. not that this is the ron has shaded. Sicily fruit is more New \ ork. new V itv Building. Portland. mans in the last number, uses such language appearance Connolly objected, forgot evening only oppor- chor coming along oct5-demvGmsN ii Line, from Glasgow Jan. arrived at freely, several cargoes arrived since our last CM Mb. schs .1. CHKNEUY. as of the Bill of Reform aud the scene occurred: will have to witness the 23d, having laelta, Eaton, Portland; Bedabedcv. this, speaking already following tunity they imperson- report. Mobile. CLEMENT introduced into this port yesterday. She Howe, PIIINNEY, Parliament: “All this “If a mere ations and listen to brought eight pas- A Conjrli, A or J. N. creature,” Judge Connolly said,“an the beautiful singing ot GRAIN—The stocks are small aud the demand Cold, NEW ORLEANS—Ar lUh, ship I’nnjanb, Meln- HEED, is nothing wore than a and a full shape- a sengers almost for _ Committee on appointee of board, could override the majes- Mrs. Howard with her cargo, entirely light. Prices are without change from last week. tire, Liverpool; brig Ballot. Box. Howe, New York. Buildiug. less mass of hypocrisy and the Paul, who, husband, A Sore CM 12th, Westbrook, Fob. 19, 1867. Ieb20 dlw ty of the people and insult and an offi- Canada. HAY—The Throat, banpie Devonshire, Hill, Liverj*ool; seh that us malign an receipts during the week have not been ludicrous, would make indeed, for the cer elected will give entertainment at Mechanics’Hall. i Sabin*>. Morrison, by their suffrage, and if that miser- large, but sufficient to meet the demand for CionfltegBfl. first time, ashamed of ourselves as ship- Requires immediate: MOBILE—Ar 18th, eh N *N£. 11 Clove Italians, able creature could with assume and For weeks past this lady and gentleman have Lecture in ping. Prices are but firm. attentwm, Gould, Chase, Iron. Anodyne. did we not know that true Italians and impunity Racoarafpa.—-Rev. George T. uuchungod, AND SUOULD PE CHECKED. BoUmhi nobly exercise and remarkable for Toothache ami its authority powers in this citv of been delighting the of and the who LEAD—Unchanged, with a fair demand for sheet It CM I8ih. It>nl*el rpIlAT specific indignantly reject such low-born New people Boston, Day, lectures this evening in this city be- allowed to continue, Inig Uetiruiau, Small, Havana; c. associated conceits, York which would not be in aud pipe. sehs M E Long, and Kate W nonralgies, prepared by ns only, can under the cover of the permitted of that with one voice—that of Kolacy, entwortli, Ad now be which, vulgarest hypoc- Russia or in the most press city speak fore the Young Men’s Christian 1 furnished to consumers or to the trade in do despotic country on tlio Association, LEATHER—There is a fair demand for immediate aius, Cuba. risy, not reveal in those who them forth admiration—of the The Vrrilaiiioii of the a ■piantilies to suit, at our establishment, put face of the earth— performances. great will deliver a lecture in to-morrow use. Prices are a little lower. lana^t, pt*r- SA\ ANNA1T—Ar Uitli, brig Allstoa, Sawyer, !>,, even the audacious courage of or the Saccarappa Bermuda. •"»»* iireligion, Here Mr. became excited and in- contrast in the characters assumed Mrs. LIME—The CONOR*:** NTRKKT, satanic. of error "—Florence Corres- Kennedy by evening, the subject “Across the Desert.” present demand is small but prices arc niaiunl T hront CM 1 greatness being I Uli, luig Jennie A- horn, Achoin. Ballij'jore J. K. terrupted Judge Connolly. the made almost unchanged. The stocks are large. | J'lbMiKtt LUNT lie CO. pondence of the N. Y. Times. Mr Paul, changes being instant- A rich intellectual repast may be CHARLESTON S.iil.d Kith, *ch Eliza Croces Connolly replied .'“This shows the expected. HIDES ANI) or Saw v imper- from to horn to SKINS—The market is dull and we foiiHiniquioa, er, Baltimore. tinence—the ly “grave gay; lively severe,’- have no to Notice. positive impertinence of the man.” change note in prices. GEORGETOWN, S« —Ar lJtli, seh lgmr.i S Italian Finances. the names of Is Wat Mr. Kennedy. “Close your mouth." show the remarkable powers of the and Personal.—Among Americans often Mu* result. son. Doriti. New York. wile, K. ha big lady, IKON—The stocks ot iron are good and there is a Mary Dyer, vine lelt my bed anti The report of the Italian Min- Mr. “1 knew at the Wm I! Sawyer MVboard, tlii-* is to rnuiierH4>n* against JWOUN’S seh Dearlmrn. nurlNtriiiv' or her on shall ister of on the condition of —you cheated your—” 24 Rue de to make concessions ami are firm in their lStn, Merrmiau, Porto Kleo trusting my account, as 1 Finance, the Na- Reserved seats can be secured at Paine’s mu- la Paix,1[Paris, for the week ending price*. pay no debts of her Mr. Nails are at $6 75ta;7 00 cask. niil.Al'KI.PIllA—Ar, contracting alter ibis dale. tional has been Kennedy (standing up, very much exeit- selling per sl,,j, Xj'Sonlhard, Treasury, just to the sic 1st we notice those of Mr. and BRONCHIAL T It O C II13 S Bishop, Li\er|MN»l. ~ ELISHA presented "And I knew store, any time to-day, provided are February, 1887, LARD—The is DTI®. od), you. too, when you sold rum they market flat aud prices have shade*! Ar 1 ah, Sam Portland, Feb. \9j 1867. Italian Parliament. It is an Mrs. John M. of a trifle. nAVINO A DIRECT iaique Sheppard, Evaim.t ieutuegos; JebSDUttt* immensely long at two cents a glass.” not all taken up. Secure them at once, or Brown this city. INFLUENCE TO TIIK PARTS, brfgs (iLarleua, you GIVE Waterhouse, Muiisauilla: EA Ber- document, aud shows a terrible balance on the Mr. “And LUMBER—Prices IMMEDIATE RELIEF. nard. Connolly. you drank it without may be too late. for lmn1>er remain about the Ctowell, Mat.-mzas. Wanted. for it. Go Prank Leslie’s same. While the tor Below, John L wrong side of the hut it is paying aud pay your sister-in-law Ladies’ Magazine of Fash- demand shipment is quit*.' Par BronrlaitiM, .tsihuin. C’oo- ship lbmmock, from PARTNER with books; courageous, Catarrh, Liverpool. a t-apirul or iron in the Urn. wf and her orphans wliat you owe them.” limited, that for home is South- Ai ki Delaware Break wtitef sch J G aud aud full of ion for has been received at the consumption large. aittl 'I’liraal IIIh l.ith, Craig, A Provision in the re suggestions for the consideration of Removal.—Messrs. King & who last March, period- ern pine is and thror Nunaptivc iimch, Craig, St tor Business, city. Good ffer- Here the Court called them to order. Dexter, plenty prices purchasers. dago Ph.ladelphia. enee given and required. with the the ical depot of Messrs. Fessenden Lan- TBOOllES ARE USED WITH YORK—Ar 17th Parliament, in view of melior- year purchased hardware establishment of Brothers, MOLASSES—The new is ALWAYS GOOD SUCCESS. v v inst, leinpie Joule Address Box object crop being taken up Nichols*.^ Nicholas, 1572, Portland.* the Narrow Ksi apk.—The Peoria Messrs. Littlefield caster Hall. about as fast as it comes along, and prices are firm Galveston; brig Aroostook, Bryant, from ating present unsatisfactory condition of Transcript re- Chase-, & Co., and who were Hingpi M an«l Public Trinidad. at our quotation*. All imlications point to a limited SprakerN Neweconomies are lates the incident ill connection burned out in the have now of Av ISrb, brigs Angelin, St things. urged, and the im- following witli great fire, return- importation retailing molasses the present sea- will find Troches useful in 4be l^ighton, Jago; Isnl>el- clearing voice when la Jewett, Walker, B the late storm in the to new Grocers, and others are in- son, ami that prices will not be lower. Providence; Y*.ung, tin Ell/a The position of new taxes spoken and the use west; ed their store on the old No. 175 housekeepers taken betote ami Advertiser of; by spot, Singingor Spiking, relieving the t*etltport tor Boon »n; whs U nn Brlle, im Snnday Morning Last formed that can Vermont NAVAL STORES—The demand is and Emery, is of such a is seen a night the train on tlio Peoria and Middle street and 118 Federal street. The they purchase prime very light throat alter an Palmas; Mabel Hall, Anx f W| the sheet of the means, way to practical re- Joliet prices are without unusual exertion of the vocal organs. Hall, ; Ontario, largest quarto kind in New Eng- when within butter the tub at cents change. Hn lit Morant da. and contains duction of Railroad, three nnles of this store is and by 36 per at the The i’roehes are and ley, Bay, land, the debt. is said ot an im- city, very light capacious, and they have pound OAKUM.—Prices are recommended prescribed by Ah** nr .slnn Nothing while a on steady and from lKth, Villafranca, London. crossing bridge the butter No. 8 Portland unchanged Dr-pihart. Minrif^MkeK News mediate return to Kiokapoo creek, stocked it with such a assortment of market, street. last week. Demand very small. Physicians, and have had testimonials front eminent Old 18th, ship Adelaide, heii, of Ihr Day, Market specie payments, although just escaped a aceidcut. The complete Cutting, I.iveipool: brig and frightful bridge men dolin Freeman, KeportM Telegraphic the looked hard OJLS—Linseed has advanced to $1 There throughout !lie country. Being an article o Baker, Bermuda; Edward Kidder” Di»patrkr« present premium on gold is not felt as a perfectly secure, but when the ware, cutlery, nails, &c., that any person 35@140. GnJveston. up to a late hour engine Maple Sugar.—C. W. at No. 364 Con ia no change in other oils. The demand continues to true and Phillips, Saturday evening. City suhserfb- was in the two of the bents Lucy, merit, proved tlieir efficacy by a lest NlfiWJDftT-Ar ers very great burden, as it is five or six middle, suddenly can be accommodated, from a paper of tacks to be light. having IWh, «*Iih Gen flrant, Orchard. Hiippliod Sunday morning, at $2.50 a year in ad- only per shot out and the gress street, has some and oi many each finds them in new laud vance. Mall cent. bridge sunk. The prime pure maple years, year locali- Port *or Baltimore; D S Siner, Hmitlv, do foi subscriber*, $2.00. fnbPMtf engineer, a Fairbanks scale. Their assortment of cut- ONIONS—Prime Silver-skin* ore with sugar. not very plenty, ties in various Philadelphia. McBride, great presence of threw _ parts of the and Ike Troches are Sig. Scialoja a warm mind, ami command $2 25@2 75 per bbl. world, 1H>LME8* pays compliment to us, the throttle-valve lery is a one. Give the a HOLE—Ar Puli. brig Kahnar, opeu of bis engine wide open superior young men universally pronounced better than other articles. (Rr) for the wonderful and PAINTS—1The present demand is limited. Prices Morris, Windsor, NS. (via Portland, where she energy and elasticity shown notwithstanding the tender ran off the call. THE put Notice. STATE. are unchanged from last week. Obtain only “Brown’s Bronchial Troches’ in with ilunage to -alls, «-n« Copartnership our track, he sneceeded in all of having oniPered.the gale by Government and in an dragging the train •Ian and blow n people meeting PLASTER—The stocks have and do not take oftlie worthless 17, got off Into the lor New except the bind coach across the become reduced ami any imitations Gulf,) copartnership heretofore existing between the unexampled crisis. He bridge. But P. Y. M. C. A. Lecture.—The ninth lecture the for hurd and soft York; sells Agnes, Carter. Jacksonville tor rpiIF! says: tor Ills coolness the —The prices have advanced. We quote that may be offered, sold kvekwiikkh Boston; 1 subscribers under the firm name of whole train would have Macliias says: “The Wm II M.ulor, I latch, Irian Portland lor If Italy had not of the course before the Men’s Christian Republican soft at $3 00 and hard at $2 50ia)2 76 per ton. Baltimore passed through years of been precipitated into the creek. While Young Indians in this Dec 4—d& w Gm ss Camilla, or New York. wars and they are large is scarce ORUEHY & revolutions. and if her industries were at work at the tender the timber Association, will be delivered this in vicinity, bringing PRODUCE—Poultry aud higher. Egg* Ar 17th, brig Eudurim, Haskell, Trinidad THORNDIKE, in of a evening are selling at for Port Were better it wI uld came quantities of deer and skins to 33@35c. Potatoes are not so plenty land; tscli is this dissolved mutual condition, be easy to bridge floating Casco Street Rev. meat, many and Zing**, Murray. for Ho-ton. day by consent. find the means to down, indicating damage Church, by George T. Day, 75@80c are asked for Choice ones are EASY TO USE! d II put the in a this town. We have an shipping. Ar 18th. bugs DilHnghain, Palermo EDWARD L. GRUBBY. Treasury state higlfyr up the stream. The bridges are washed of Providence. never yet heard of bringing $2 50 her bbl. Mu.Inert, to meet all the demands made it. His subject will be “The tor Boston ; Marine, < ’ook. < tor do. GEORGE L. THORNDIKE. upon If It- away between aud Chand so instance of ienfuegoa also had that firmness Virginia lerville, prosecution for the violation PIU>\ ISIONS—The market lor beef is ami SWJ. lings Eitdorus, d If All persons having any demands or indebted to aly of purpose, I thvt there can Light and Dark Sides of Life.” From the quiet Randolph, fMMinghani; the might be no travel between those rep- of Pork is ss sehs .1 Iren above firm are to make ini almost say that sublimity of fierceness, the law in regard to deer killing; and y°t it unchanged. buoyant as It was last week, Whitehouso, E Meserves, Zingo. requested mediate settle- which places. utation of the lecturer, we cannot doubt that and price* are The Has to 1m* to In scha Wm 11 ment. characterizes that and is violated with steady. supply of round hogs is only applied i»rt, Mailer, Camilla. young vigorous people ears were on impunity If there good and choice ones are BOSTON—Ar 13th. 1867. Twenty ditched the T. P. & W. the subject will be treated in a interest- every day. coming in from the West I8tJi, brig Gilmor Meredith, Graves. Feb’y on the other side of the Atlantic,I should R. very is the Hair or Whiskers and tlie Bonaire \ia say K., and the damage to the roads all iver any good to be attained by preserving these doily. Port'and. at ouce lei us meet the 185,000,000 of deficit this ing manner. Season for this and the Below, J H section by the floods is considerable. tickets, animals not RICE—We continue our is ship Stetson, Iroin Liverpool: barque EDWAKD~L. new taxes. why put the law in force?” quotations. Rangoon is White ORUEHY, with 185,000,000 of But such re- three can be at 10c and work done. Whig, from Bn iioe Ayres. remaining lectures, obtained at 75 selling Carolina at 12$. will continue the can be found in a —The CM 18th, soli Prank business in Phimbstreot of \i sources only country in Spring cents. Skowhegan Clarion says that over SALT—'The Herbert, Crowell. Portland. * U Elections.—The elections market is very quiet and are Natural ami Durable. Ar John II factoring and Healing in which material has continued to Spring 9000 bushels of without price* J'.Mb,ships Barbour, Brett, London; J prosperity i“ the Stat<‘s potatoes were into this change. We note the arrival of a cargo of a ***•“ with New bronght For sale by an*I Stetson, Woodard, Liverpool ; sell Mary Louisa, increase through long series ol years, and on- Hampshire, on Harper’s Inagua since our that was Druggist* Magazine.—The March number town and sold on the Second inst. last, wild on private Dealers. B«* iuson, Winterporl. Doors, Biinds, Sash, a war. After a most the second in Saturday, terms; also a Gutters, ly interrupted by single Tuesday March. Connecticut of this cargo of St. Martins, which is on the Below, d II trom Palermo; Ma- Oonductors, popular magazine is out, and has been There were three hundred and market. brigs Dillingham, Stair destructive war of five years, the United States follows on the first seventy-six rine, from Cieiiftn cos; from Galveston; Braoketts, Rail, Balusters, Monday in and received the *«* *“«■ Chc«iH*t! Randolph, found itself the of a April, at bookstores of Messrs. & teams bs actual in SOAPS—The demand for Leathe & OTSWHALL’S sell d B from Ponce. bearing weight public Rhode Island on the first Bailey count, loaded with potatoes Gore’s steam Knowles, Mouldings, &c., &c. debt of in the refined soaps is well Cld sells 15,000,000,000; the greater part furnish- Wednesday Short & cor- the streets at one maintained and orders are coni- UiAOiC? Mtli, brig Protege, W«*e*l, Cardenas; Su- same month. Noyes, Exchange street, Loring, time. in Purely vegetable; will restore N- B.—The arc Horn the Bay ed by the and to ing from aU over the country. Our quotations san II Gibson, Bartlett, Sagna; O M Petit*, Clark, Moulding Statf capitalists of the — give Hair country; ner of Free and Centre The ---* Urey to its natural it 8urroLK and Union from meet the The vote streets; Chisholm & Democrats in the House at the thetory p. ices. ww T color; Portland, to loa*l lor Georgeb*wn. HO; B S Young, Mills, Boston, season’- interest on this and the cur- in New a Augusta -Ik I 1C will make the liair soft ll Kiln-dried Li unfit. debt, pay Hampshire year ago was ami Hatch, do, to load l**r Chesapeake Bav; Cum- rent of Brother, No. 307 street; A are tired of SUGARS There is a little more in the it will Agate. expenses Government, new and heavy as follows: Congress liobinsou, getting the fun. The last but one activity glossy; not stain the skin to load tor New York. Portland, Feb’y 18tli, 1867. taxes sugar bnt no mings, do, fe!9d2wis were nno nf wliiYIi No. 325 market, alteration in it. is ililDosed: nlnaa nlnnt> Congress street, and at the periodical asked to be excused for the of the prices. ~Pnqfnyofittaor^uei*tlinen; the lust remainder STARCH—Firm XuubuUl dibi Wand cheapest Hair of Messrs. Fessenden at our quotations, with a moder- Dressing. 75 KORKItX PORTS, STEAM depot Brothers, Lancas- session last Friday. Mr. Monroe of Thomas- ate demand. cts. large bottle. For sale all .in by At JAl ter Hall and Chisholm’s at Grand Trunk de- the sole No. I* Druggists and Dealers. W. F. Leghorn ult, Guardian. Pearson, tot ton, survivor, made a Democratic re- The demand is New Republican majority. 4, C66 SHOT—Unchanged. quite light PHILLIPS & CO., Wholesale Agents, 1 is York. pot. It is a rich number. mark about tor the season. ForcSt., Altai, Pernambuco 17th Thk In Connecticut the vote “going it alone”—he’ll euchred Portland. Princi]»a) Depot and manntketorv, 17 ult, lirig Amanda Jam; ItFFINFD Western Wheat stood: get WeLb, New York. SOAPS!m Chop. A writer in i< he does and TEAS—Th" tendency is up war* I. The stocks are Hanover Street, Boston, Mass. tebl5KNWXS:im bt. said rather that “if the for At '27th the Louis Democrat makes Republican...43, 974 Western Union Telegraph Co.— This cruelly ample present wants. Kluge top, .la. ult, bug Mary Ann tor N. w some observa- were Y orli next tions on the Democratic. 43, 433 Democracy because TINS—The demand lor kinds day. LEATHE~& coming wheat company has a running away they all continues to be < crop „f 8t Louis opened branch office in the Holders Ar at aibarieii 27th ult. barque T K Wohlon.Wel- GORE, were scared, he insisted iemain- good. are very firm. MARRiEJ*. tlie county which, a* the weather Republican majority...541 block on upon their ! don, New York via solicit attention „t has been similar Lyman Moulton street for the accom- TOBACCO—The Cardenas; brigs Don Quixote, the trade 4 The House did not of market Is well supplied. Prices liassell, Havana ; Prentiss Urom.nconsumers to their Standard will In Rhode Island the vote for Governor a modation of ing.” sustain his point | remain 2yth, Hobbs, Norton, Brands fi probably apply throughout the West. year merchants and others down unchanged, with light demand. Portland; sell M C He order. Ill this City, Fell, in, l.y Rev. Mr. Fi nn, John Hail, Hart, New York. ago was aud no was made to town. In this VARNISH—We have no Ar at i emu STEAM REFINED says: 11,178, opposition office they have put up a bul- change to note. The de- Muincy Hanson, ol' Hover, N. il and Mis* Margaret egos stij iust, brig Alice Todd, ltard- 8OAP8, A young man about mand for all kinds is lair "Ig, Barhadnon; soh C K “Wheat was sown General Burnside. letin board on 17 years of age, nani- I-oiHsa, youngest daughter ol KlisliaTruliridyc, Eso., Timer, Halev. Philadelphia throughout the countv to which the price of in New Sid Now T": gold ed Charles WOOL—There is a better of this clt,v. Bill, barques \v Holbrook, Small. York; a larger extent than in any Durgin, residing near North Tur- feeling in the market, 11 EXTRA, previous year In York, every fifteen minutes is and also and are In this Feb. Jo. brig Nava; mo, Lord, do; c.tb. barque Kva Fink, moist aud warm given, prices firmer, while the demand is city, by liev. E. C. Rolleb, Francis family, till' ground it germinated and Prussian Elections.—At the elections ner, committed suicide on steady. M. of Mobile. n T!,e commercial Friday last by hang- Hunt, San Francisco, ami Miss Abbio’ M. Hmery, MO. within four or five iii u, prUKSja important and political news. Mr. ZINC—Prices unchanged, with a demand. Ar at Plain M Goodrich, Look, I, sprouted days, aud contin- fi>T t|1(J jjorfli German Parlia- himself in his father’s light Smith, ot Augusta. Havana 121 b, brigs OLKI ued until the frosts of Starr, a ing barn. He had seem- FREIGHTS—The and Portland. M K, growing the latter part Frederic Charles, a of capital operator, is employed in this engagements for the past week In North Searsport, Jan. 29, Lewis E. and VVenonah, Siurdivaut, CULM ,hnnce nephew ed in health and the are: Trumly Sid Stanley, ltemedkw; 8tB, Me- If A I. OH V R. of Noveinlier, when it showed a robust and Count were office. perfect spirits during Abbie,10 load at St. John, N. B., Emily Larrabce, both ol Frankfort. nth, lirlgk Planet, stand, annul,Bing, Bismarck, s^ooner ,i(ie Cuba Xlatanzae. CRANE’S F1T||'\T such as has not been for a and about noon he and back north of Cape ! In North Feb. 7. Geo. A. teor, Anderson, SODA, AND many fall. The’ candidates of the Cou- morning, left for a neigh- at Searsport, Young and A biff. Sagua; sell AMERICAN si*rvatiT(-"i,-.tVCCe8/^ul Hatteras, $6 per hhd for and Cuba Miss Sarah A. both ol' rid Mli brig Hiram Tibbetts, CANTli^*1^ thick coat of snow (also at as a mat- rv,,l“ return- Theatre. But three nights more remain in to cut as he molasses, Maiden, Belfast. Galveston. grumbled Bismarck was bor’s, wood, said. His father was charges paid; brig Mechanic, for with box In Feb. William Azebla A Laura, Mcliidoe, Allot in ter Cardenas, Webster, 12, Hubier and Lauretta SUPERIORQUALITIES, packages* of course) now covering the ground is au- ton districts. The which our will barque Andaman, Otm, lor New York hie for the suits have h w Liberals people have an to absent, and returned late in and hhds-30c, and empty casks A. Matthews, In port lull, trade and family use. other That snow shelters our iur opportunity the afternoon. \\ K Alexander. Bowden, fur New Orleans, blessing. wheat Af* the Triumph, for with box In Hebron. Feb. I, Abel G. P. 1,|„. S4.|, Importing direct our as Prussian visit the theatre. The of Cinderilla On his *»Jrark Matanzas, Whitman and Miss Ior and others. chemicals, and usino n„iv under a universal and uM burlesque stabling horse he a halter •hooks at terms not If uth II Baker. Knight, Sagua; host and as our liut-house, agood one, missed transpired. Elsie E. Packard. both of Bucktield. M II materials, goods ar,. / too. parties, from ?"*° Beve.ral has attracted full houses and has 1 In Ar nt Matanzas 7lh, barque Alnion, Brown, 'tici- rsonal keeping the but not allowing differing «a!d,lVlh given satis- which he was wont to leave in but Ilallowell. Feb. h, II. Lli/a supervision of our sen its plant alive, the stall, George Dingier and Hen- Sydney. CD; Mb, While, Look, Portland; !*h. who has had 'jr'i which s iole rietta Sherman. thirty years practical growth, is i best pos: condition." faction to all. It will be repeated found a which he Dulling,do; brig cxis "enc m tlm to-night.— rope afterwards Andes', Proteoiis.Maliouy,; business, we therefore assure substituted, SPECIAL I rovatore. I he w tl, con NOTICES. loth, barque Blanchard. Boston ; brig deuce we pihllc ha-a Those who have not seen it should not miss having occasion to feed his that can aud will furnish Suit.—Mr. to the horse, he climbed Meteor, Amlcrson. Havana; Uth. barque Josephine, the leabody’s gill c^rty Portland, St?'te8. for the education of their this opportunity. upon the haymow, when the dead body of his Mitch II, Best Goods at Mil. V) COLGATE & _pijgjbi ‘xkl tilth, barque Phihuia. Dav.s. I Via ware Break- the Lowest I son met him in CO.'S, Prioes Th® full the face, over the for orders; Richmond "" g’.ateful.l> The annual the dangling water, brigs Jennie Morton, Kreyhol/., U'h’ of Liquor Seizures.—Yesterday Deputy In this Felt. 1!) e W,««l- enlarged and erected other l.-odirwrDespatch Augusta Chronicle, and meeting the National mow the hitch city, Mrs. Marv E„ wi of Baltimore; A J ior North of wmR NEW Board by missing rein, from a beam F. 1 lloss, Small, IIaltera*; *' m'Klt"■ of Fire Underwriters will bo Marshals seized small quantities of liquor in WINTER SOAlE ! lmry leering, am| daughter ol the late Josel'h Mecosta, Dunbar. Cieuluego ',1"■ ImwowtueutoTWis bolden at New above. was a an,I Elizabeth » “"I'Ply of of ^,,;roft,onr?hperr,";^,‘1tutLthat thf bsrof Young Durgin promising young Thornes, ag d -si years. Ar ut Cardenas 7th his barqne Brunswick, Davis, Su Us-ll lur,,, s.Hp, the* trustees is “a \ork to-day. Messrs. John the shops Charles J. Rolie, on Con- Recommended for (Funeral on at gu’elock, lr,,m adapted to the demand, tor gratuitous insulttn«J?Tlfcy Dow, John E kept by man in his of CHAPPED HANDS and for Thurstlay allernobn, Portland* u«r!port and R*_. and neighborhood, entirely exempla- No. 55 York IU.uc.ti, t “telligence, manhood” of Dow and Prentiss are gress aud William W. on Wash- street. SM 7tli, for a th^ Luring to Street, Kent, habits and a general T.ilrl use COLD brig Nlgrella, Stowors, port North of the fund is intended to delegates rep- ry great favorite all during WEATHER. It In Bethel, Fch. 15, James \V., son ol Pmekney Hatteras. educate resent the Local Boaad of this ington street. Also at the Cumberland among 8-» in the con- House, who knew be of Burnham, aged 5 mouths. ,, Ax at 'tli as and city him. No one can reason may obtained all Druggists and Goods Sagua 1st inst, sell F A Pike, Gove, Port LEATUE «f GORE’S Vankees,” the^ecS*" on devise any Fancy In Feh. Franklin, *. n of the rite Bar- th a it is to be vention. Orecn street, E. F. Gratton, 15, land; 3d, barmie \\ K Anderson, Pierre, Havana. used for the education kept by Savory. for this deed. Dealers. rett M s.n feb20d23t Winslow, aged years. ,. Sid N the is oDiegr'JS.* !>.. ol 1st. sell May Muuroe, lor Baltimore. veriheless, money not likely to he re' In the In West hit leu Fell. 4, Martha daughter Aral rG* Mains’ early days of Biddeford a sent 17 Nassau, Nl*, 5th inst. sch Harriet Maria STEAM REFINED jected. Not Lost.—A private letter received in Bos- Elderberry Wine is the best reme- lady David and Eliza \. Higgins, aged years. SOAPS I m to that Mrs. relict ot the Banks, Beiiast. 80LD BY ALL ton from dy the world tor a bell place from In North Hancock, Feb. 1, Sally, TIIK A Havana, says Mr. Wm. G. Piles. Buy one bottle and Biddeford, England, Faloioatta. aged «7 Cld at St John, NR, 12th inst, sch Bertha Soud»>r Mrs. kicked a Bradford, it. late Thom is McFarland, Fisa., years. Welby conductor in the of ry For sale al] which arrived in Boston where it remained for voters of Mrs. wife Wooster, Philadelphia. Wh«lfMle Grocer* m >utb at Prescott, Minn., who was reported as hav- by druggists and country Republican Falnmutb, are request- In East Somerville, 1-el,. 17, Ueoecca II., Throughout the Slate. Freeport, Pa., because he wouldn’t THEed to meet at the Town House in ol Gar al ow a long time, and was sold to its Falmouth on of ihc la e Jesse Jewett, Etui., dner, agtd herself and husband to on the ing on the 3d finally pay 28th SPOKEN* get train mysteriously disappeared inst., Thursday, lust., at 2 o'clock P. M., to select 79 years. without showing their tickets, Was was safe at his grOCer"'_janl2—W&wlv freight and storage. An effort was made sev- candidates for Officers lor lat Ion L6d«tli6 &j there ev- hotel in Havana on the 13th The Portland Mun.clpal the ensuing Jan 15, 28, 32, sch Forc.t Oak, from Boston Qor© er such a /eef, Circulating 13 Free eral to secure it for the year. I4ir Tho funeral serrlcea of the late Mr. Lorenzo ior Liberia—all well. mst., aud was about tor Library, years ago city, but it starting home, street, has all the new Pet order of Town Committee. Hamlin, will lake place Wednesday afternoon, at 2 Fell 12, lat to 10, Ion 51 No P.„s kHaiuhWh books. could M, 8hip Ultra,* Horn not then be bought The Saco Demo- Falmouth, Fob, i», 1887. febao d&w o’clock, at his late residence on Melbourne street. Savannah lor Liverpool, —i ~ -- ansM*®*®**1•**••MMMMIVMMM ■■ l, „ ■ w——— witumvm *msmly™— i ii va» ,, m miX OOIOM88-SEOOMO SESSION *Ii*< I ale, me name will be sold at the 1 resident to inform the there @ Rockl’d.cask 140 @ 1 50 11 public auction in Senate if Blue 00 50 Exchange St., trout »i the Custom lion on has been Pod.3 @3 Lumber. be at and a lair penman, wedivebday e, Mich.le Street in ti is OF MAINE. any between the De- quick figures, „ on LEGISLATURE correspondence JVo more Married Box Shooks. Clear EVENING}, City, the 22 inst., at ll o'clock A. to wit ol Aten to Pine, And is now to show to his friends and cus- MUSTaged ii; or 17. Ticket* of partment State and the Minister resident 70 75 1 ready admission will be re.,i 2 Hack Hoi Pine,. @ Nos. & 2....60 00 @65 00 tomers in own han*l and refer- be see; at or the Address, writing giving age and may had of tbe 1 Portugal with reference to his salary be Bread. No. 3.45UO 00 enceri, box -j| Comrautw “Ld?.?!,,0*h door, pair 01 Harnesses; dispatch to the phkss.I Knliwted, @50 19, Portland, P. O. febl8d3t ting a brother and mu “<*« Mmltl [special also to inform the Senate if such Pilot 100 tbt*J 00 @15 00 No. 4.20 Inf oo lady. 1 pair of Blankets; Feb. 19. compensation, |> @25 There will be a Collation at State Augusta, Minister has it k'ilot ex 100 ftlO 50@12 00 00 the Preble under the proviai m k ol Sect. 15 of the Act House, received any compensation, so, hipping-21 {(024 oo at tbe Hall Mou,e after entitled out 8 50 @ 10 00 and s the saercises are concluded. “An act further to prevent and fir senate. oi what fund he had beeu to. Feb. 18. Ship.i.... Spruce.14 00 @19 oo LARGEST tori; \\\j.YTEn smuggling other paid. Agreed Washington, 60 55 1*. 1MW. the Mr. act to for The U. S. Consul at Crackers 1»100 @ Gimension Spruce 20@25 Tickets One purposes,” approved July an act to extend Morgan called up the provide acting Sau Juan, Porto Dollar. ISRAEL Read and atiriijnfd-BiU the Balter. Hemlock.... 15 00 @18 00 for WASHBURN Jr. of on board vessels informs the oi State _ BEST Fancy and Jew- safety passengers pro- Rico, Department that ft-•• 35 38 SELECTED SUITABLE Goods, Watches, 7 o’clock. Eaerclue* ui of the Thomaston Bridge Company; by FamilyV @ Clapboards, 0,1 Door* opeaat commence at teblfoHdC„H,-out. charter pelled which was an order the Gen- 22 25 Middle, Congress or Exchange by steam, passed. lately published by Captain Store ...'.. @ SpruceEx.,27 00 @ 30 00 Streets.w? A reasonable 7} o’clock, precisely. the North Anson and Skow- Mr. are no price will be uaid lor fix- act to incorporate Williams moved that the Senate insist eral, passports longer to travel Candles. Pine none. ticket* to Collation are Important required Ex.... STOCK OF tures, and half a Store might la- Members wishing requested Sale of tiovernmeut resolve to reduce on its amendments to the House kill to estab- iu that Island. .Mould |> ft... 10 @ 17 lakeu’ff agreeable to them of the followingComntitteof lirgnu Telegraph Company; Shingles, to a goeil party .u a good loeaiiun. Addreaa procure Arrange- Vessel. lish military Governments in the rebel The President has the bill Sperm. 40 @ 4*2 Ceuar Ext. .4 50 @ 4 7* A. ment* on or beibre Tuesday, a* the Dumber i* but- the valuation of the city of Portland; act to States, supported author- URK.WMKH, Depot and to a committee of the of the Cement. CedarNo.1.,3 00 a 3 25 FIRST CLASS No 152 Eases i tod. (Ji;AuTBii»iA8TEit'.s Omen, agree conference. izing Secretary Navy to accept Street, Salem, Mass., giTing real the Maine IP brl... .2 10 2 50 Shaved Cedar 5 75 name F. P. Banks, Baltimore, Aid, ncorporate Shipbuilding Company; Mr. Oouncss opposed such action. Ho League Island, in the Delaware for naval @ and location. fewjJ. H. C. Barnes, January 30,1x07.} river, Cheese. Pme 6 75 E. P. Charles Baker, to aid in the construction of was to Oerriab, \\ auction, at I he pt'ft ol act railways and thought it too important a bill to intrust purposes, and dispense with and of Vermont 20 ¥. BaUunor"iwut D!,bUc dispose |ift @ 22 Laths, C. H. Blake, h. l’ingiee, wi,.n f.a>.r Unlliui.rH) to the shares and bonds issued in to a committee of conference. He should ob- tin' site of the existing navy ground at Phila- New York.... 20 22 50 4 00 Groceries onThuraUav exempt aid @ Spruce.3 @ Fancy Flour Barrels A. J. Cummings, 0. E. Webster, Sims-Wllfilir *‘-,'1f«tauary v*, 1.07, Hi* SI FhRB ject to any that could be delphia. Coal—(Retail |. Pine. 4 50 4 75 Wanted! J. K. Morrill. thereof from taxation for a term of re- compromise effected, (3 or .73 ton.; tIuSMOFOLITAN. years; since the House had at Fisbcr issued a Cumberland. 10 50 @1100 Molasses. lwi,u £V'-ft' arrived the conclusion Judge to-day bench warrant and alter we aliall February 18. dilt solve lor the amendment Porto and Domestic January 2d, 1S«7, resume _ of the Constitution and was in favor of this bill on for to hiui before the L<>rh'v&Diumond.lO(u)l04 Rico. Kollo Foreign laying the -Surratt, bring Criminal ON ill.: purchase ol Flour Bile, tor at the Lehigh.lo Clenfuegos.... mate CASH, by the repeal ol section tithof tlie table, and the Louisiana hill and Court for the District of Columbia. Between! @ Odkc ot tbe amendment; taking up Red Ash.i) %0 00 Trinidad. 50 ft. 52 Portland Theatre. in ,b« it to and 5 o’clock this afternoon @10, "»‘e of Ulia resolve in adapting all the otiler rebel States. Marshal 9 60 00 Cuba u!|x.!x,,‘»h !",^ol'"lc,b* 10 sympathy with the Cretans in their Hording White Ash. @10 clayed.. 45 @ 46 Portlaud Bidvrcll Ac IiriMfCi A: litst-clasB vessel. 1 urchuse a After a to the Sugiir Co., Brawor, .HaHagrr*. rosily protracted debate Mr. Williams with- proceeded navy yard, and upon Coffee. tart, none struggle for presen- Clayed FRUITS! She is of light draft. Dim independence. drew his motion. tation of bis warrant Admiral Radford deliver- 37 40 Muscovado. 47 48 Jf l-li Don forth Ml.. JavaJplb..-. @ @ Last Week of the Season. rawi excellent aic ... Mr. bill to ascertain Mr. Sherman ed Surratt to him. He was Rio. 2G 3o condition, aii.iRuiorbu“ Crosby presented HJKt moved that the Senate insist dressed in the cos- @ Nails. J. B. BROWN & SONS. Hound and strong. i.*ncctly on its tume of the Roman Cash. 6 75 7 00 Fehfrltf_ the will of the the sale of amendment, and request the concur- Zouaves, which he had on Cooperage. @ Brilliant Sneeeaa af the It in believed that lor Rize and people concerning Ilhd. Nii’ksjfc Naval Stores. Gsrgeras Fairy bum ,... rence of the House. when captured iu and haml-culfed. Hdtf, POL1TAN RurpoaneH any vchh.1 and a State Police. This Alexandria, Tar t> brl.. .5 00 50 Bnrlrtta iut^rto 1 , intoxicating liquors After further debate He was taken in a hack Mol.City...326 @ @5 Wanted! Government tor sale at this 'v‘y the Senate insisted on to the where he Pitch 'Tar —OR— port. ol jail, Sug. City.. .2 75 @ 3 00 (C. 13 25 ft) in refers to the new amendments its amendments. The Senate here took a re- was in one of the CIGARS, Partner with a capital ol from three to five thous- Terms cash, Government on particularly placed three oells tith'd up 1 Wil. Pitch .. .5 00 funds, tlay of wile Sug. C’try.. 50 @ 175 @5 50 and to Further lie cess until murderers and A Dollars, eugage in trade where there is a particulars may learned iu« n the liquor law now before the Legislature. 7 1-2 o’clock. lor desperate characters. There C’tryRiflMol. Rosin.7 00 @ 12 00 appli. line business already established and one of the best CINDERELLA, tiou to the undersigned or to the Auction^*™ is no possibility of liis and uo one will LJitd. Sh’ks. 200 @ 2 25 Turpentine p Mr. Perkins called up the bill “an act relat- EVENING SESSION. escape, locations in I he State for < ountry trade. Willi —OR— Messrs. ADKEON, THOMAS A CO., No. is be allow'cd to see him Ifhd. 88 prop- South excepting his counsel and H’d’gs, gal.. @ TOBACCO, Arc, er attention to business thousand dollars Charles street. to on his motion, the Senate The Chair laid before the Senate a commu- Soft Pine... 25 Oakum. fitly worth THE ing interest,” and, the officers of the The @ of be sold in a to LOVER, THE of the nication trom the in answer to prison. prisoner posi- Hard Pine.. 30 goods may year good advantage. LACKEY, By order Quartermaster General. insisted on its and conferees were President, the denies @ American-10} @ former vote, tively that he is John H. .Surratt. 13) T« be feaad la the Slate, Full particulars may be obtained And the A. S. KIMBALL, resolution of in to violations of HoopsJ 14(11.35 00 @10 0o Oil. , by application Little Glass inquiry regard Mr. Reward has addressed to Gen. to Woodman, True A Shaw & or Stev- Nlijtjter. and A. U, S. appointed ol'Messrs. Perkins, Hough- the civil bill and the Sulgar, R.Oak Staves50 00 @55 00 Kerosene. 65 Co., Haskell, CapUin Q. M., A., consisting rights efforts made to Minister from @ ens, Lord, A' Haskell, of Portland. FebGedistf MONDAY EVENING), F,k. fe4till Fcb27 to the United States, Columbia, Copper. Sperm.3 25 lftth, Depot Quartermaster. ton and Roliie. enforce it. Ordered to be printed; also a com- @' and EVEKY EVENING till further at Washington, a protest against the decree of Cop. Sheathing 43 @ Whale.1 45 1 65 notice. munication from the on the renew- @ The acts Senate which President, the President of Columbia in reference to the 32 Preceded each a J. H. BAILEY. following passed'the al Y.M.Sheathing @ Bank.30 00 @32 00 HAVING TV anted ! oveniug by Laughable Puree. of the reciprocity treaty. Ordered to be Y. M. Bolts... 35 Agents passed the House yesterday: jurisdiction of the Columbian authorities over @ Shore.2900 @3o 00 Rr*See Dally Programmes. fehisdu printed. and into Columbian Cordage. Porgie.18 (HI @ 20 An act to a of tlie town of Frank- The prizes captured brought usd setoff part hill abolishing and Ameriean-lplb 191 w, 20 Linseed. 1 35 @ OUT, Farragnl oar Naval lie* Auctioneer k Commission Merchant prohibiting peonage ports by cruisers of the allied Republics of the A the P. Y. M.C. A. COURSE fort and annex the same to the town of Mon- in New Mexico was Manila. 22 @ 221 Boiled do. DECIDED JUSTroes, by brilliant and impular Historian, J. LECTURES passed. Paeilic in the war with the @ 1:40 ADVANTAGE act to Spain, declaring Manila Bolt 24 T. Deadly. This is the only work on the in the NINTH roe; act to incorporate the Casco mills; Bills from the Committee were rope @ 24| Lard.1 30 @ 1 45 Navy LECTITBE, AMI) Military decree in contravention with the law of nations, -IN- War, and everybody is it. Al’PllAlSEIi, incorporate the Lockwood mills; act to incor- passed. Drugs and Dyes. Olive.2 25 @ bnying In the Casco Street and giving notice that should United Alcohol 3 50 GKOHGK H. Church, porate tlie Madawaska mills; act to Mr. Wilson called the hill for the any |i gal @ Castor.3181 @ BLAKE, Office 176 Tore at Mess, darter & Dreaeri’ incorpor- up tempor- States vessel be under it Arrow Root... 30 70 Neatsfoot_1 85 00 Wednesday Evening, Eeb. St, ate the and Acton So- captured, proceedings @ @ 2 BEING ABLE GENERAL ‘JOib, 18S7, 7—dti SUapleigh Agricultural ary increase of tile pay of army officers. will be held Bi-Garb Soda 9 lo W1J AGENT, January null and void as against the United @ Onions. Febl—3m Box 827, Me. By BEV. Ohio. T. DAY, ef ciety; act to authorize School District No. 3 in On motion of Mr. Hendricks, the last sec- Borax. 39 id. Portland, States. @ Siv’skins.)! 2 25@2 76 Subject—“The bright and dark titles of Life.” Westbrook to raise money to build a school tion, which provides for the disbandment of Camphor. ...llo@ Paints. C. By command oi Gen. Grant a circular has Season 75 W.UOLMFS, act granting certain powers to the the militia in the rebel States was Cream Tartar 35 52 PortTd LeaiL17 50 Tickets, edits; Evening Tickets, AO cent*, house; Bap- stricken been issued @ @ Wanted ! be ■ directing that hereafter none but Agents to lust at Bailey & Noyes', ii. Short A tist Society in Berwick; act for the protection out. The hill as amended was then Indigo.1 50 @ 1 85 PurcGrddo.lGoO @ Packard's, passed. unmarried men shall be enlisted into the VOR KfCUARDKON’N NEW WORK Luring’*, and at the door. Doors at ; Lecture •A.TJ id’ trout in Grand Lake act to army Logwood ex... 16 @ 17 Pure Gry do. 1 r» 00 @ Purchase all Goods open stream; change Mr. Poland called the bill supplementa- at o’clock. CTIOKEEK, up for any arm of the service. This does not ap- Madder. 18 @ 20 Am. Zinc,... 13 (Ml i leblHdat the names of certain persons; act to set off the ry to several acts tor @ BEYOND THE .369 abolishing imprisonment ply to the Veteran Reserve or musi- Naptha |*gal. 35 @ 65 Rochelle Vcl.. 4 w MISSISSIPPI. Congress Street, town of Plymouth from tlie West Penobscot which was and Corps -FOB- Ag- debt, passed, the Senate ad- cians. Opium |p ft. 9 75 @ Eng.Ven.Red. the Great River to the Great Ocean. Lite of 4)@ Cir&Ues any kind ol property in the or vi- ricultural Society and annexing the same to the journed. Rhubarb.3 25 lied Lead. 16 18 FROMand Adventure on and the EXHIBITION T City @ @ Prairies, Mountains, cinity, promptly attended to 011 the most favorable North Waldo act to in- HOUSE. Sal Soda. 5 r»‘ 15 Pacltic Coast. With and teriu'’- Agricultural Society; @ Litharge. @ 17 NET CASH ! Descriptive PhoLopapic novl&iO corporate the truteesot Passadumkeag Acade- MEXICO. Saltpetre. 12 @ 25 Plaster. Views olT the Scenery, Lilies, l.amls. Mines, People, Mr. Ranks asked leave to introduce a joint aud aet to amend an an Sulphur. Soft, p ton...3 00 Curiosities of the New States and Territories. The Simmer St. Sabbath School my ; act, entitled act, to in- resolution the of the 6$@ 71 @ authorizing Secretary Vitriol. 18 @ Hard.2 50 2 7* He trusts to hold out 1857 —lttofi. By ALBhRT D. RICHAKDSON, Au- corporate the of @ will an CITY city Calais, approved August to detail a vessel to carry to 'Che Evaluation the Frenili. D thor of Field and The work give Exhibition on NOTICES. “4rti. act to the Water Navy provisions by ok. Ground.u Oo @ 10 00 Dungeon Escape.” IftfiO; incorporate Bangor Southern for the sufferers the failure No. will be issued in one Octavo Volume —I 'I Power ports by 1,. @ 85 Produce. Inducements to the Trade large of 500 THURSDAY RVJSN’tf, Feb. 21*t, Company. of crops, but objection was raised, as it might No. 10,. @ 49 Reef, side p lb 1(1 @ 13 pages, beautifully illustrated with nearly 20U Engra- IN Snow to be Kemoved from On motion of Mr. Hobbs, the bill au act to give rise to debate. Miramou. Ravens. @ 40 Veal. 8 (Mi 10 vings. THEIR CHURCH. Foot- — This work will be sold a more Captures by e woods r Lamb. 10 12 THAT -- by subscription Sole annex the town of Danville to Auburn was The bill for efficient government of Dy @ only. Exercises to of way or Sidewalk. Bar wood. and exclusive rights of with libera) cousist Tableaus, Speaking and the rebel States was taken the 3 @ Chickens. 22 @ 25 territory given up, Speaker commissions. are Singing. taken up. He ottered an amendment that in Brazil Wood.. 13 @ Turkeys. 23 @ 25 Agents meeting with great suc- Sbot. 60.—The isiuiuit or occuisuit, and In case stating that the order for the New Feb. 18. WILL cess. All donations may be left at the Church on Thurs- pending questions Orleans, Camwood- 9 @ 10 Geese. 20 @ 22 SECURE Faithful, energetic, persevering men or wo- there should be no tenant, the owner, or person case a ma jority of the votes of both towns the motion of Mr. The men in the «lav noon. any were, 1st, Spaulding, that Frenrh gynboat Bauvet, from Vera Fustic*,..*. 3 @ 5 Eggs, doz.. 33 @ 35 will, Agency, find lucrative employ ment. having the care of any building or lot of laud border- the House concur iu the To him in the future as in the a liberal share If an is send lor Admittance 2fi cents. Doors at to com- counted together at a meeting should lie in fa- Senate amendments; Cruz, has arrived at the bar, and reports that Logwood, Potatoes, V hid 1 7U@2 50 past, Agency wanted, Circular-, giving open ftf, ing oil any street, lane, court, square or public place the of the public full particulars. or address mence at 7^ o’clock. febl8*i£t annexation said towns should be 2d, motion of Mt. Stevens, that the House the French Yama, Leona and Var Campeaehy. 3 @ Crsnb’s )> bush none patronage. Apply to, within the city where there is any footing or side- vor of the transports J. FATTEN non-concur. were at Vera Cruz, and that before the end of St. Domingo 2 @ 3 Provisions. FITCH, walk, shall, alter the ceasing to tall ot any snow, it united. The amendment of the House klnna Tlppf No. 233$ Congress St., Portland, Me. in the within three and if in me requir- The House negatived the motion for con- the month all the French will have left Nic.Wood— @ day time, hours, troops Peach Wood.. 8 .20 00 tebl5dtf&w2m MECHANICS’ HALL. night time, before ten of the clock of the ed a concurrent vote of both towns. »The ques- currence—yeas Democrats Mexico. @ Chicago,’.. @22 00 I'oronoon, 73, nays 98; mostly RedWood..., 9 Ex Mess. .24 00 cause such snow to be removal from such in the 6@ @25 00 succeeding, was and voting Mexican the French or ., tion ably eloquently discussed by negative. correspondence says SapanWood.. @ Pork, and Wanted. One tootway sidewalk; an in default thereof, shall The amendments were uon-concurred army, with Bazaine at its evacuated Mex- Lemons, Positively Night Only!! forteit and u sum uot less than two dollars, nor Messrs. Hobbs, Woodman and Perkius in favor in, head, Fish. ExtraClear @27 00 Oranges AAf i FLOUR BARRELS, at Forest pay and a committee of conference to with- ico on the 6th inst. more than ten and lor each and hour agreed Cod, |p qtl. Clear.24 00 @25 00 tlv/NUUVy City Sugar Refinery, West Com- dollars; every of the amendment of Mr. Hobbs, and was out a division. Shore GOO 7 00 00 00 —AND ALL— thereafter that the same shall remain on such foot- op- The capture of Zacatecas and Aqua Calientes Large @ Mohs.23 @24 mercial, near foot of Emery street. Wednesday Evening:. Feb’y SOth. The Bank 6 50 6 00 Prime.... 18 00 00 way or sidewalk, such tenant, occupant, owner, or Mr. The ainendmeutof the Speaker appointed Messrs. Stevens, by Miramon is confirmed, who says Juarez nar- Large @ @19 .i ll Proposals will also be received lor new Bar- posed by Crosby. Small.3 60 4 00 Hams. 15 16 Sugar other person shall forfeit aud pay a sum not less than Shellabargcr and Blaine a committee of con- rowly capture. @ @ rels, and a sample may be seen at tbe office of the House was voted down, and the amendment escaped Pollock.3 00 4 25 Bio*. MB. ASD one dollar uor more than ten dollars. ference on the part of the ou the bill @ Company, 159$ Commercial, at corner of Uidon St. MBS. House, 2 00 2 50 lb.... 10 All are notified proposed by Mr. Hobbs passed by a for the more efficient of the Haddock,new @ Rice, IP @ 12) Green Fruits in their Season. T. C. HEKSKY. persons hereby to govern them- nearly government rebel Hake.2 00 @ 2 75 Bum. feb!2d&wtt_ .Fred* Seward's Mission a Failure. selves accordingly, as the above ordinance will be en- unanimous vote. The question has created States. Herring, New England nominal Mr. New Wanted Daily !! forced. JOHN a. considerable stir iu Danville. Schcnck, from the conference commit- York, Feb. 19. Shore, |p bl.4 00 @6 00 Soleratus. PAUL HKALD, The The General HOWARD 1! tee, made a report on the tenure of office bill, Herald says the seeret of Mr. Seward's Scaled,|>bx. 35 @ 45 Salcratusir It, 12@ 13 DRIED FRUIT! Agency and Employment Office decl8dtf Otty Marshal. HOUSE. No. 1. 25 35 ATNa. 351 I-‘3 CwngrvNM Mirrct. All in the same tenor as that acted upon by the mission has been unearthed. His intention @ Halt. per- From St. James’Hall, London, and Irving Hall, New Mackerel Turk’s Is. sons wishing to secure good Girls lor any rci-pecta- Order for two sessions from Senate which was 113 to was to purchase St. Domingo lor a sta- |pbl. p York, will give, as above, their providing per day yesterday, agreed to, coaling No. 1.. 17 ble employment, will find them at this office. 49. tion. Itis said too much Bay 00@18 00 hhd. (6 bus. |4 50 @ 5 00 and after Feb. was introduced money was, required No. 2 16 00 Also please notice. We will send you men and P. A. Tuesday, 19th, for hence the failure. Bay 00@17 Liverpool.4 25 @ 4 50 and Fashionable PRESCOTT, Mr. Ward, of New Jersey, was excused it, No. 3. 13 25@14 25 lir'iei Butter. 30 boys tor any work in city or country, jree oi charge. Popular by Mr. Ilale, of Ellsworth, and passed. Bay @ (Latb or thb Internal Revenue from service on the special committee under Shore No.1.18 00 @19 00 Seeds. 15,000 lbs. want good American, Provincial, Dish Bureau, An act providing for weighing of coal pass- Mr. Wentworth’s resolution of investigation, Shore No.3. 9 00 @10 00 Hcrdsgrass bush 400 @450 and Colured Women and Girls, as well as Men and Washington.) Acquittal of Ur. Farris. Flour. clover lb.14 Boys, every day tor all orts ot situations in this Grand Concert in Costume ! ed two readings. Also an act fora adopted last Saturday. (@15 —OF— providing Feb. 19. White Winter Red 5 50 6 00 City and vicinity. Give us a call. Oounsellor-at-Law and Internal Revenue Mr. Kasson, from the Com- Louisville, Top hag @ Ah performed in London One Thouaand and State Police in certain cases; also an act to Appropriation The United choice xx 16 00@17 50 Shot. COX Sc POWARS. Nights, back under instructions irom States Court in this city yester- tor the past three month:. in New York. Philadel- mittee, reported xx 14 60 @16 00 Portland, Me., Jan. 25, *G7. jan30 dtf Solicitor, amend an act relating to also an the day Dr. C. W. who was in- Grop.piOOIbs @1150 phia, Baltimore, and Boston. pressed hay; House, Appropriation bill. acquitted Farris, x 13 00 Buck. Wanhingron the^udiau dicted lor the murder of Morrow and Baker. 00@14 @12 50 Tlie entertainment embodies No. 17, StateSt., 1 Joist on. act relating to the building of school houses in After two hours discussion on various Red Winter FIGS ! items, The river is Soap. the bill was passed. falling steadily. xx. 14 50@ 15 50 Extra St’m RelincJ Agents Wanted S plantations. 11) 'VaR. PRESCOTT'S long experience »n tiie Jnter- The Executive communi- x. 13 00@ A resolve for the and Speaker presented Family.10) Jivl nal Kevcnue Bureau, in the “Division of providing publication them one Spring xx 14 00@;14 50 No. 1. 10 Part ot the of the at lea* largest Commissions paid by the of Character!! cations; among was from the Secre- cargo Barbae Velma, Impersonations Frauds,” having charge of all cast^ of violation of distribution of 8000 of the school of THE MAKKE'I £. x.. 13 25@ 14 00 Oline. rpHE copies laws tary of State as to the States which had rati- 13) ■•ares thaa we hare heea able is make far the Revenue his with men- Superfine lo 00 @12 00 Chem Olive. Ill HARTFORD PUBLISHING CO. Laws, amiJiarity Depart the State was read and fied the Constitutional Amendment since his and Beautiful Costumes ! tal practice, and Ills acquaintance with the li < nuo assigned. St. Louis & Southern Crane’s. the past lea rears. Exclusive Picturesque last Financial. 13) territory given. For terms, &c., Ad- Officers the will enable him to Resolve to report. are Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, xx 06 Soda. throughout country, relating the Northern Pacific They Superior 1660@18 13) dress M. C. General Ag’t., be -uccessiul in a ecialitv of All Minnesota and New York. a New York. Feb. 19. RICH, peculiarly making sy Also, telegraphic Canada Spioes. ISO Maine. Railroad, our Senators and closed easier with a moderate demand. BOXES Portland, matters permitting to the Reviiiuc Laws. He will instructing Repre- the death of Samuel Money only Superior xx 16 00@16 50 pure.. 75 dispatch, announcing Cassia, @ febl4 deodlm* Selections! attend to claims lor AI ate men., hei'unu- Call loans 4 a 5 per cent, on Government & Operatic Drawback, sentatives to favor its construction was read the last soldier of the securities, Midiigan Western Cloves. 43 @ 15 Downing, revolution, and 6 per cent on miscellaneous collaterals. Prime iug, and for the recovery of penalties paid by way of at Sup?r xx .. 15 60@16 50 Ginger. 28 @ 30 the third and on motion to yesterday, Edinburg, Saratoga N. discounts T compromise. He will advise n* to the man- time, indefinitely County, CJ @ per cent. Gold closed rather quiet Fruit. Mace.1 40 SUPERIOR PRUNES Flour Barrels Wanted. SOSOS, BALLADS, PABODIES, parties Y. Entered on the journal. but firm at @ ner of making returns in accordance with law, ot as *»osti>one, the matter was discussed at very 138] @ 136j. Foreign Exchange more Almonds—Jordan |p lb. Nutmegs.1 25 @ 1 35 length Tho House then to the considera- active and rates closed firm at an advance of FRESH CROP. to obtaining decisions from the Department at proceeded j ® 1 Soft Shell... @ 35 Pepper. 28 @ 30 Messrs. Stevens amlPlais- tion of the bill. cent. Government securities will pay 30 cents each for first class Flour WITHUMOR AND FUN! Washington, and will defend in cas< s of alleged vio- bv Woodman, Oak, military per continued attire Shelled. @ 40 Pimento. 30 @ 33 Mr. of and firm to the close. Stocks and firm at the WEBarrels suitable for sugar. lation ot the law in regard to taxes, penalties or crim- ted. It wa“s amenoed by Harding, Illinois, explained and ad- quiet Pea Nuts.3 75 @ Starch. substituting “request” last open board, and alter call. stocks Currants, LYNCH, BARKER & CO., inal offence.' vocated the bill, which consists of steady Mining Citron, new... 37 @ 38 Pearl. At each representation will be ed a series of aild was then further discussed thirty-six firm and anti closed li)@ 12) novl3dtl 139 Commercial street. presen Mr. Prescott will practice before the various De- for instruct, by and has been generally better, strong. Currants. 1G in sections, already published. The @ Sugar. Imjiersonations, introducing elegant cos- partments at Washington, ti e Supreme Court of the in favor of the bill and new_20 Muscovado... 11 tume the Mr. Morris, of Portland, morning hour having expired, the bill went Dates, @ @ 12) following lyric pieces by U. S., aud the Court ot Claims. New If writ Market. Figs,.new 15 @ 25 Hav. Brown 14 Citron, over until to-morrow. 12)@ For the speedy transaction of business, Counsel oi finally passed to be engrossed. 18 Hav. White... none BfiAL ESTATE. The New York, Feb. 19. Prunes,.. @ high standing, residing in New York. -t. Louis, Cin- of House proceeded to the consideration of Crashed_ 154 MRS. An act the salary of the Judge Cotton—dull, heavy and sales 400 bales; Raisins, @ 15) HOWARD PAUL! cinnati and are associated with him. increasing business on the table and took the declining; 00 4 Washington, Speaker’s up Middling uplawls at 32$ (5j 33c. Bunch,|pbx4 @ 12J Granulated... 15} @ 15) ian28 WAS 3m Probate of Cumberland cou.uty» was passed to Senate’s amendments to the bill 15 4 25 Dates, House and Lol for at ■•■•It providing Flour—active and unchanged; sales 6,800 bids., Layer.4 @ Powdered_ 15} @ 15) Sale Ferry Oailn, the famous Scotch Ballad. fbe for the election a 4 00 5 00 A. bo engrossed; also an act to autborize Se- of congressional printer.-- State at 8 CO @ 11 40. Round hoop Ohio 10 60 ig> Lemons,box @ Eagle Refinery @none AND Elizabeth. The HU, Fire. The 4 75 @ 5 00 do do B none Village, Cape Tilton & the Coun- amendments were concurred in, 95 to 36. 12 86; Western at 8 65 @ 12 00. Southern sales at Oranges,|pbox @ ■warn ef McFarland, lectmen of the. town of Harpswell of Grain. Teas. TAT ILL BE SOLD at a bargain, if applied for Ac Bereller. Mr. Yau Aerman was by the 10 30 @ 16 00. to appointed Corn, Mixed.. 1 25 1 30 75 90 Raisins ! ▼ ▼ soon, a new story House. Said House is 21 The Rtnewe ef a Desire to call the attention to the ifcct tliat more than ty Commissioners of Cumberland county lay on Wheat—dull; sales 3,500 busli. @ Souchong_ @ 1£ Mpiaator. Speaker,iu place of Mr. Ward, Mr. Went- 31 teet with an L 12 22 finished Corn—lc lower; sales 78,000 bush. Mixed Western VVost’nYell’w 1 33 @ 1 35 Oolong. 90 @ 95 by by feet, through- The BaaM a road over the tide water. select committee. --- and geger Bar. worths at 180 109. White Western at 1 09. New Yellow at Rye.1 40 @ 1 45 Oolong, choice! 00 @ 1 05 out, situated within sixty rods of the Ferry 4 O @ Pa a I.adies’ An act to the Saco and Bidde- The House then went into committee of the 108 Barley.1 26 @ 1 30 Japan,.110 @ 1 25 Office. Mau, incorporate 1(10. Terms whole. Oats—rather Oats. 70 @ 75 ! Tin. One half down; the balance in one and Of their Safe* gave AMPLE PROTECTION In tlie to more active; sales 46,000, Western ford Ship Building corporation passed be Shorts ton.32 00 00 caeh.. two years. Possession given immediately. late lira. Partie* a The tax bill was temporarily laid aside and at 65 @ 67c. State at 66 66c. |> @35 Bunca, 36 @ 37 Fresli Fruit in Cans ! During the eventng'iMrs, HOW AM) PAUL will desiring Fine Feed.. 36 00 38 00 cosh.. 33 ss Apply to ASA T. or F. W1. give engrossed; also an act to legalize the doings of the army bill was considered.— Beet—steady. @ Straits, @ WEBSTER, TALBOT, appropriation 50 00 65 00 34 37 Congress Street. a most extraordiuary representation of The 2d section that tho #Pork—firmer; sales 4,366 hi.. 1«. Middlings... @ English. @ 37 FIRST RATE SAFE, the town officers of also ail act au- provides headquarters I. C... 13 00 Ferry C. Jan. febll) dtw* Cornish; Lard—more active; sales 1 >.od hbls. at 114 @ 124c Gunpowder. Char. @13 50 Village, E., 8,18C7. the First Parish in Falmouth to dis- of the General commanding the shall he 50 G 00 Among which may bo found At a thorizing army, for and 12 (a) for new. Blasting.5 @ Char. 1. X... 16 00 @16 50 Two Persons at the Same Moment! MODERATE PRICE, will please call on at that he shall not be old, 12$c pose of certain property. Washington; removed, Whiskey—quiet and steady. Sporting.G 00 @ 7 50 Tobacco. FOB SALE! EMERY A WATERHOUSE A resolve for the of a suspended or relieved Irom command, or as- Rice—dull. Hay. Fives & Tens, Me ami sing a droll Quarreling Duett, entitled “DOG providing purchase Murry’s Celebrated Baltimore House and Lot on Street for huddle Street, to without the active Pressed|)lou_2 00 @24 00 Best Brands 70 @ 80 Washington and CAT.” This double tnr|ier so nation is a won- Portland, portrait of Abraham Lincoln at a cost ot not signed duty elsewhere, previ- Sugars—less butfvery firm; sales 650 hhds. sa e very low. House new ajd ous Muscovado at Loose.22 00 @25 00 Medium_ 60 65 ONE containing derful piece of acting, and elicits of exceeding one thousand dollars, came up on its approval of the Senate; and provides for 10$ (a) 10$c. @ Seven Rooms. Price $1,100. peals Or mt 110 tadtari Street, Heeteu. the of officers who shall Cottee—firm but Straw. 12 00 @15 00 Common ... 55 @ 60 PEACHES l laughter and applause not unmixed with final passage, and was referred to the next Leg- punishment any issue, quiet. ALSO: wonder taken sales of Porto Rico at 48 60c. Hides and Skins. Half lbs. host —[New York Tribune. rWSecond-liand Safe* in exehange for sale. islature on motion of Gen. Plaisted. transmit or orders or instructions con- Molasses—steady; @ One new House and several Lois near the obey St. Croix at 60c. Buenos Ayres 29 @ 31 brands. 75 @ 80 Rolling Jan 15—sn tstw in each maxadv remainder of time. to the of this section. This ALSO, Mills will be sold the lots at trary provisions Naval Western. 18 @ 19 Nal’lLeaf, lhs.l 00 1 25 very cheap, prices rang- Stores—firmer; Spirits Turpentine at 69$ @ @ ing from $50 to $100. the evening MRS. HOWARD PAUL section provoked opposition from the Demo- 70c. Rosin at 4 9 Slaughter- 10 @ tbs. 75 85 PEAJBS, During will, 12$ (a> 00. Navy @ ALSO: um other EUROPE. cratic side of the House. Calfskins.... 30 Twine. -ng impersonations, ap|>eas as the Nottce to Land Holders. Petroleum—dull; sales of 260 bbla. crude at 18 @ @ Several Lots on Lamb Skins. .1 00 1 50 Cotton Sail... STBA Washington Street. Prices $300 The hour for the recess having arrived, tho 19c. Refiued bonded at (a) 30c. @ @80 WBERBTES, to * 28$ $6o0<. Inquired JOSEPH KEED, House without at conclusion on sales lbs at 11 Iron. Flax. @ 75 Emperor Napoleon O'DUROCHER, Builder, is prepared to take arriving any Tallow—steady; 128,000 @lt$c. PINE Real Esta e Agent, Oak St., near Congress St. III., NKWN BV THE to shade firmer. Common, i.,.. 4|@ 5 Varnish. APPLES, contracts for either JOB or CABLE. the bill, adjourned until evening. Freights Liverpool—a Cotton $d febl4 <12w* and Bing a Buffo Lyric entitled “The Life of Julius MR building, by by by sail. Corn and steamer Refined. 5 @ 54 Damar.2 75 @ 3 76 DAY WORK. Can furnish First Class workmen A message was received from the Senate, in- 6$d, per 8$d GREEN GAGE Ctesar.” ami afterward change to an Old English Gen- Swedish. 8 @ 8| Furniture .. .2 25 ft) 4 25 PLUMS, Ac., Ac. anti material of all tleman,of Three Score Yeats and ami the description. sisting on its amendments to the military bill Norway. 84@ 9 Coach.3 00 60 Valuable Hotel Property for Sale. Ten, sing Residence AMERICAN HOUSE. Chicago Market*. @6 charming ballad (by Offenbach) “When the The Cause of the Fenian for the rebel States. Cast Steel- 26 @ 28 Wood. A assortment ot rrHE Oxford situated in the vil- George India Portland. splendid House, pleasantly Third was King.” Street, A communication was presented from the Chicago, Feb. 19. German Steel. 17 @ Haru, retail. 10 50r@ll 00 L lageol Fr ye burg, Oxford county, Maine, is ol- August 17th, 1866 aug2(Xltt The Flour market is more (Outbreak. Secretary of the Treasury with regard to the active but without de- Eng.Blis.Steel 22 @ Soft. @ 7 00 fered ibr sale at a bargain, it applied lor soon. cided change. Wheat sales at. 2 19(a) 2 20 lor Steel.. 11 14 Kindi box 30 40 Jams and Jellies! The House is in with lurniture Mrs. Howard Paul will give an imitative illustration ultimate cost of the Union Pacific Kail way quiet: Spring @ lug t> @ large, good repair, No. 1, and 1 84$ @ 1 96 tor No. 2. Corn active, firm Sheet Don, Wool. anti fixtures with all of the vocal method and manner of twoeminent Ten- and branches. Referred to the Committee on throughout, together necessary Bricks and Foundation Stone One Person and 2 Banking and’Carreucy. sales of Cumberland middles at loose: short clear 14 marked vocal characters and of each 500 Perris Fsaudalisu Hlsur. to reconsider the 8$c Kegs, |* lb.... (n> Pea opposite styles A motion reference of the middlesai do. loosest Packed lard rath- Nuts, Press. 10$c; I0$c.‘ Wilmington House for singer.—[Philadelphia D. 8. bill was laid on the table, 80 to 40. er sales 12c tor steam rendered. Sale. WOOD, Bub Arrival of Ike Nir.iB.kip Bavaria. firmer; 11$ to} prime Portland Dry tiondt Market* At JOHN C. PROCTER’S OFFICE. Mr. Banks, on leave, introduced a resolution Dressed hogs quiet at 7 3 > 7 65. Live hogs quiet; Shelled and Shelled good House two stories, Stable attached, hard COTTON GOODS. Soft and MRS. HOWARD PAUL WILL Feb 8—cod2ws which was passed, authorizing the Secretary of sacs at 6 20 (g% 6 80. A soft water, good lot centrally located—con- bids, Inches. Price. venient tor two lu mi lies, if desirable. at London, Feb. 18, Evening. the Navy to detail a vessel to the con- Receipts—5,000 flour, 8,000 bush, wheat, 14,600 Inquire convey bush, bush, Sheeting,.37.19 224 13 Hanover or 1S4 V«re Ml., S IV E J3 The cause of tile Fenian outbreak in tbe tributions of clothing and food for the relief of corn, 6,700 oats, 2,200hogs. Shipments— Heavy @ Z E 4,000 bbls. bush, and bush. Fine Sheeting,.36. ID ALMONDS, J. A. FENDERSON. Oils dec. of Ireland is buried ill destitute in the South. flour, 3,000 wheat, 6,Sou HI® Paints, Varnishes, south yet obscurity, the Corn. Fine Sheeting,. 40.204® 22 Jan. 24,18fi7. dtf The celebrated French song at each periormancc, as though the telegraph lilies which run through The House then went into Committee of the Medium Sheetiug.37.14 ® 17 giveu by Theresa at the Alcazar, Paris. FICKETT & WRAY VTOTIC’B. twill sell on (avorahle terms as to tile disaffected district are again working.— end resumed the consideration of the Ciaciauti Mar Lein. Light Sheeting,.37.t4 @ 16 -AND— Whole, i.y pa\ ment, or let for a term of the lots on OFPPB FOR SALE AT THEIR Some it was caused the arrest of an bill. Shirting,.27 to 30.12 ® 14 years, STORE, say by army appropriation Cincinnati, Feb. 19. the corner ot Middle and Franklin streets, and on Miss while BLEACHED SHEETING. Lctltia Powell, American officer (Capt. Moriarty), others Without takiug action, on motion of Mr. Flour dull and unchanged; sales of trade brands at Franklin the comer o! Franklin and No. 187 Fore Good Bleached Sheeting,.36. 22 ® 271 street, including Street, say that liis prompt arrest prevented a general Blaine the committee rose. 11 50 @ 13 50; brands at 14 00 (a; 16 00; the de- Fore streets. Apply to WM. HILLIARD, Bangor, (Pupil of Jules Benedict, London,) will preside at the fancy Good Bleached Sheeting,.9-8.25® 321 Nnts of all and American Lin- of the Irish. The British Government The from the Senate mand is local and limited. Wheat urn-hanged; sales Kinds or SMITH & 11EED Portland. Grand P.ano Forte, and play Mrs. Howard Panl’s LEAD, Foreign Zinc, risiug message announcing Medium Sheeting,.36.17® 22 Attorneys, jyl2tl WHITEseed Coach, Furniture and Florence Var- on No. 1 Spring at 2 45; No. 1 Winter at 2 90. Corn Grand Entertainment Waltz. Oil, hail news of the affair the 12th. that it insists its amendment to the bill for ■--. early upon Shirting,.27 to 15 W nishes. French Yellow. dull; sales No. 1 shelled at 60c in elevator, and 74 ($£> 32.121® -lapan, spirits Turi-entinc, An upper servant in the house of the Earl of the more efficient government of the rebel DRILLINO. Venetian lied, and a full assotmeut of Paint Stock of 76c in sacks. Oats very dull ; sales at 49c for No. 1; Desirable Store Lots •Kenmore had received two notes was taken from the table. Heavy 25 Window sheet and anonymous States Speaker’s receipts In excess of the demand. Rye firm; sales Drilling,.30.22J@ Admission 50 Ots. Reserv d Seats 75 Ots. every description, Glass, Lead, stating that the rising was planned in Killar- Mr. Blaine moved that the House recede at 1 23; extra 125 for No, 1, Barley dull; sales of Medium,.30.20 ® 22J Tamarinds, Lead Pipe. Agents for Gardner's celebrated Copjlcr Corset £5 FOR IV 'Tickets for sale at Paint Ibr vessels’ bottoms. All orders for noy, and that the leader would reach Killar- from its best fall ot 1 60. Provisions inactive and un- Jeans,.15 ®* SAlLE, Paine’s Music Store, No. 'M Painting disagreement. prices COTTON FLANNELS. executed at short notice and that Constables were of moved that the House in mess for lard there N tONMERCIAL 8'fRKKT. Congress street, upfiosile Preble House, commencing satlstactorily. uey night. immediately Mr. Wilson, Ohio, changed; nothingdofing pork; Cotton 30 1.1*67. a fair at 12c. Bulk Heavy Flannels,.25 ® Pickles, Tuesday morning next. February eodlm sent to him. met a a Is demand meats—shoulders sales intercept They wagon,on concur iu the. Senate's amendment, with Medium Cotton 25 subscribers offer lor sale the of on at 12c for and 74 @ for Bacon- Flannels,.20 ® rjlHK lot land whieli they found Moriarty, whom they took that excluded from loose, 7$ packed. Bleached Cotton A the side ot Commercial ■■ V. proviso persons holding sales of shoulders at 9$; sides (Sj 11c, and clear ribs Flannels,.25® 37| southerly Street, lieadot I.OWKI.I,, manager. For Sale. into and upon liis the Constitutional shall lOj STRIPED SHIRTING. Ketchups, Dana’s 72 150 feet. For fur- custody, searching person office by Amendment and clear sides at 12 Butter sales cen- Wharf, measuring by A«—* 12$c. dull; .30 ther JONAS II. Feb. 16 ** a Schooner “Hattie Ross,” 184 tons old found letters that confirmed the assertions in lie as mciuliers of the convention to Ohio rolls at 28 30c. Cheese Heavy Striped Shirting,.30.25 ® particulars inquire PER LEY, dtd ineligible tral icy steady at 16 (a) I d/ built iu 1898 of the the notes. A courier named Heavy Striped SUrtuig,.27.221 ® 25 Meat & Fish Oct 18 t.f or W. S. DANA. measurement, very anonymous Dug- form a ((institution lor such State, nor 16$c. Hold 136$ % 131. Exchange Thore is Sauces,&c. “ any steady, Medium Striped Shirting,.27.17 ® 20 VIS l1 NIT A POKTIOK.” best material, haul wood Uittoiu ami gan was sent to Catcreiveen to warn the shall vote memhers of the uo change in the money market. I police. such persons for TICKING. House for Sale. 47ai/L^. white oak top, coppered, sails, rigging A party of the rebels caught him while on his convention. o^aHHBvaml spurs in first rate condition, and well Heavy Ticking,.371® 50 Having made arrangements with the man- ami demanded his which he New Orleans Market*. leading found and tor business way dispatches, Mr. Blaine then moved the previous ques- COTTON ADES. ufacturers of Pick oh and sealed Neal Street, upper half of the Brick front The everyway, ready to and Hermetically goods, Portland ROSS A STURDIVANT, refused give tip attempted to escape. tion. New Feb. 1C. Heavy double and twist,. 45® 55 &c., we can furnish nil articles in their line at fflaa- ONHouse—containing in all 12 Rooms; cemented Light Infantry, Orleans, fcbltdtf 73 < onimereial Mreet. They fired upon him and he was badly wound- Mr. Eldridge moved to the bill ou the Cotton—steady and unchanged; sales 13,534 bales; DENIMS. ofact«enP Price*. Cellar, hard .and soft water. A good'Stable, and lay room. convenient and WILL ed. As far as is known at present he is the table. to Mr. Stevens not receipts tor three days 13,534 bales; the exports were Heavy Denims,...35 @ 40 yard Very desirable. GIVE A Rejected—35 136, Medium Possession sometime in March. Terms only person who lias been hurt. for the same time 17.961 bales. Sugars—(air at 13Jc. Denims,.25 ® 321 given Norfolk ! voting. Molasses—lair at7Gc; prime to choice at 79 80c.— CAMBRICS AND PRINTS. easy. Apply on the premises, or to Oysters The police of Catcreiveen news of the Fink commenced a move- EXTRACTS, got Mr. filibustering atlo50. Corn stifler; sales at 112 Colored 15 WM. H. JERK IS, G RAND trouble other and from Flour—superfine Cambrics,.121® £L1 A Lar|;v Lot by messengers several ment by moving that the House take a recess (a-115. Oats at 96c. Gold closed at|l36$. Sterling Best 18 Ac. Real Estate Agent. the Fenians. Prints..16® CHOCOLATE, received at No. 4 1'ui«n Wharf, and spies among They were strength- until 1 o’clock, and calling for tellers on the Exchange 1454. New York sight Exchange ‘c dis- Medium Prints,.14 (g) 16 Feb. 6—d3w ened by a detachment from the man-of-war and count. by steamer to New York !c; to Liv- DELAINES. JUSTfor the accommodation of those in the Upper yeas nays. Freights, and Civic Ball of the can had for which was Military part City they be 40 tents per Gladiator, lying off Valeutia, and Much amusement was caused Mr. Stev- erpool by sail 7-l6ounty. It comprises llu acres, conveniently di> tlieir and in tlieir The alarm passengers ng uplands steady. 1054 persons lodgings. Capt. Cony was drowned by the capsizing of Corn 39s 3d; Wheat 13s fid for California. Provisions 2d series. ie5* AND vided into tillage, pasturage, wood laud and timber J. F Libbv, E. S. Warner. MEDICAL ELEt llUL lZ l caused these events is about and tbe firm. Lard declined to 50.-. AMULET, land; ents from 45 to 50 tons first of Nathan by over, the life boat. Engineer Calden died from over generally small. 10,,J quality bay. George Webster, Goold, is Feb. Noon. 3d The buildings consist of a two house, built iu Jsuies W. Piaisted, A. D. Reeves, excitement rapidly subsiding. work before abandoning the steamer. London, 19, series. ins* story Consols for money 91. United States 5-20s, 1862. 11 3 185m. at. an expense ol $3,000, witti barn and out- John D. Milts. DR. W. N. London, Feb. 18. The Fenian excitement in this con- DEMING, vicinity American Securities.—The following are the 1865. FANCY FIFES buildings in good repair. from Toulon auuouuces tbe tinues unabated, cable dis- ’* 1(18* A dispatch death, notwithstaildingthc current quotations for American Securities: Illinois July, 1S65. 1864 For particulars apply to C. P. KIMBALL, or 11. Tickets 0> J.OO—To be procured of the Commit- pf Lieut. of the Ameri- announce tliu outbreak in Ireland Central Kailroad Shares74. United States 5-20’s at United States W. (firm of Struct & BEN- M.edical Electrician by apoplexy, Conway, patches sup- Ten-torties. 103 of every GAGE, Gage,) Portland, tee of Arrangements. can as the Feuian leaeers shares Western description. JAMIN or to the iron-clad Miantonoinob. attach hut little 74. Erie Kailroad Railroad. _ 146 WALKER. Bridsrton. subscriber. pressed; 37|. Chandler’s 17# MIDDLE STREET'. A dispatch from Madrid states that tbe King ini ports ni'r to cable news. Eastern Railroad...107} RICHARD GAGE. Magic by Qaadrllle Band. has The hill Bridgton, Dec., I860. dec 27 eod&wt the Laired »<“■*•• Hotel Consort been exiled from Spain On tlio ..ubstantially abolishing the usury Now York block Market. 5j/- 'Dancing tocommeuceat ha f past 8 o'clock. Nearly Oppe^r of for after being debated several in the Cable Coil ! Feb 18—dlw announce charge plotting the regency of the king- laws, days New York, Feb. 19. Virginia Tobacco he woal.l respecttuliy to of was ordered LOST AND FOUND. First Class Houses for Sale. that dom. House Representatives, to be Stocks—steady. cituene ol RorLland and rl.untty, he a afternoon 120 to American offer for Hale the eight lirst class brick WHERE in this tlic Liverpool, Feb. 18. engrossed this by yeas 77 nays. Gold....:.1364 lieyond dispute the l»est Tobacco now in the houses, permanently located city. During three U.S. chewing built us, situated on Piue in tins we have cured The American Chamber of Commerce in this The same Iti111 the Senate about a week Five-Twenties, coupons, 1862.1114(g) ]1q market. WErecently by Street, years we have been city, some passed U. S. between Clark and Carlctou Streets. of disease in persons who have voted to a and it will become a law the first of Five-Twenties, cou]>oiig,18fi4.108 Lost! Sierra Morena Molasses. at the worst tonus have city present gold medal to since, day house's are with slate treat meat in U. S. coupons, the 28th of These thoroughly built, roofs, tried other lor in# ol vain, and curing W. Field. J next. Five-Twenties, 1866,.109 Jan, bctwcon Deland’s Court, that Cyrus uly U. S. new .106 brick drains, and marble so short a time the question is often Five-Twenties, coupons Issue. ONl.ree street, anil 166 Middle st, a Cold Sailor's mantelpieces#tliroughout.— ituiiHius in Berlin, Feb. 18. The on the various for a U. S. Lady's Delight, will be sold at a low and on favora- cmed ? To answer this hearing petitions Ten-Forties, coupons.102 Watch. The tinder will be rewarded Tliey price, very asked, do they stay .-uevtiot Count Bismark will soon go to for license before the com- U. S. suitably by ble terms. at our No. 271 Danforth St. 420 that al* ^at do not Suttgart law, joint special Seven-Thirties, 1st series.106 leaving it at this otllee. leblKdlw* Apply office, HHM.) we will say stay cured, we a new liquor Diadem, 45 T«». tune without the of forming Zollverein. mittee of the two branches of the Legislature, U. S. Seven-Thirties. 2d series.105i J. B. BROWN & SONS, CHOICK NKW CHOP doctor the second charge. purpose •Mt { a Fell. commenced and addresses in favor of U. S. Seven-Thirties, 3d series.105! or WM. H. JEItRlS. Real Estate Agent, opposite the BUI,, 1 Djt. !>• has been practical Electrician lor twenty* London, 19, Noon. to-day, Missouri Lost. Honeymoon, Preble House. and is also a in such u law were made Hons. Lewis Child Sixes.92 Just landed thorn for late by one years, regular graduated phvsiciai None of the armed Fenians Kerry county by New York N0TE of hluid October 1866. brig “Hyperion,” to and is Central.101 A signed by J. D. & H. STILLER Planet. 16, dtf Electricity |*er»ecuy adapted chronic di eases is but have all Emory|\Vashburn. Ex-Gov. Andrew to OUT order form ol nervous or sick have been captured, they disap Eric,.56 at any Bank in Portland, TUGS. AS EX era A CO., the headache; neuralgia it are wil- retained for the and the datedi. .lSyaWe heb. on or peart d. The Irish peasantry perfectly petitioners, hearing Erie preferred. .71 4th, 1867, Sixty days for Two Hundred Eureka, the head, neck, extremities; consumption whe* will aim Seventeen < >0-100 Dollars. fol4d3wia WHAKK «a the acute or where ling to give any intelligence, but they object to occupy several days. Hudson.1304 AH per sou art hereby BOA KB AND BOOMS. CUSTOM HOUSE stages the lungs are not tuliy cautioned against acute or chronic assist in tile arrest of their countrymen. Reading.. purchasing said note ae payment and many other well known brands of .uvolved; rheumatism scrofuiu. h.p haa been stopped. H. J. & O. B. Sole. diseases, while spinal digests, curvature Three British of war are riding at an- uulifuruin uuri Sandwich Islands. Michigan Central,.108 LANE. Schooner for swellings, ships Southern,.73. East Raymond Fob. ltith, 1867. KeblKdlw* of the spine, contracted muscles, distorted Ihnhs, in the Kenuare river to awe the Michigan To Let. chor people — "San Francisco, Feb. 19. The fine white oak and copper-laitoned stam- 1 Illinois Central,,.115; TOBACCO! palsy or paralysis, St. Vitas’ Dance, deainc*.*. for service if need lie. esterday the rooms Schooner IPA MORION, into obedience,and Panama steamer carried a bar Cleveland & Suit ot suitable lor Gent and Wife in, last nailing mering or hesitancy ol speech, dyspepsia, in *iges- of valued at Pittsburg.80; neiv mcueureluenl, well Earl the first Lord of the gold over for & ------A witli board at 68 Clark Street. U 49 12-IIKJ toll* and liver cure Derby, Treasury, *20(»,C00 Valparaiso, Cleveland Toledo.118! TO LEtT~ Febiitt Mf the Cooaling or tion, eonstipaiion complain*, piles—we “The alarm has the on account of the & 97 Mill found and adapted case that can be a•■ima, bronchi- says officially: passed. All Chilian Government. It Chicago Rock Island,. ■» now offered lor »ale every presented; the The ot tiuhiurre, female arc The Government will treat was a partot proceeds of a Pacific Mail.152 largest assortment To be Let. JailHB^Fiahing stricture* ol the chest, aud aU iormsof peasants loyal. loan oi two Eastern Packet Co. For parthularaen<|uire o tis, if need million and a quarter by the complaints. tin1 prisoners justly, and, lie, severely.” recently raised in Ene- TO LET! unfurnished rooms without Imard Lord Steels Last. 3 WliMI. The Irish Secretary, Naas, says that no land. Parllawd Daily Press PLEASANTsuitable lor gentlemen and their wives. En- l-mg By Electricity ot Fenians is apprehended. There were Rear Admiral Thatcher, United BY WS. H. WOOD & Tlie 1M and and quire at No. 6 South street, between » and II A. jan.'ttdft_No. »"** rising States Navy COBHECTED SOM, 2d, 4th Floors Imported Domestic Cigars M. The th# the lam* one hundred and in the and Turner of the British e;*h liay- Notice. Rheumatic, gouty, a«* 'I?'"**«1“ only twenty engaged Capt. Navy, have’ Slock ami Exchange Broker, 178 Fore St.. Portland. or STORK NO. Stt janSdtT will, joy, ami move with the a*>lR} '1. these with the cross order of UNION DIRECT, leap lute revolt. Notwithstanding denials the been decorated King For the week ending Feb. 19, 1807. to be found in the city. aNPKEW J. CHASE retire* from onr firm »yv to first for courtesies suitable lor most tin* date. jib? Government is still sending troops Ireland. Kamchaincha, the extended Descriptions. Par Value, tigered. Asked any business. to Mil.from YRATtjN tSl HAI.K. biueu Hull* restored,"rs.1•^outr&u.'hie'rr*': ,u"‘ WCakne». it, Apply For Sale Feb. 1867. “L>r, The Lancers and Guards have received orders to Queen Emma on board their respective Government 0’», 1881.108. 109 ('heap. Portland, 18, d3w moved: laiiilne- deal to hear and FRANCIS O. «*>“»"£*£made ,be to depart ships. Government 5-20, 1802,.110.Ill TnOHKS, CLEAlt TINE PICKETS. strength ; the blind the blemishes ot immediately. on the or The above were for 0>"U in uungbt; a Government 108 premises, UEO. H. at Wo«d- goods bought For Sale lorui u> of mar ore Honolulu advices of Jan. 30th state that full 6-20,1801.11/7 SMARUON, H. T. MACH1N, the palsied '.“ the aogidUTB Hi. Liverpool, Feb. 19, Noon, Government 1*7.10S man, I'm & Co's. feb!9U Wliarf- flic court has decision 5-20.1806,. fobl4—dlw Head Galt youth are oWMe«*-*> , „ia age obviated and an steamship Bavaria, which left Hamburg rendered an important Government 5-20, July.100.107 T N Saco, a Stock ol Dry Caad.i, with lease of ® against the Rein- e* c a s h 1 in one ot B’th of January for New York, and captain of the whale ship Government 7-30, 1st series.105.100 To Let. a More, tile beat locationa In the place. was deer, for the a 7-30 Westbrook Seminary. Business established. which at sea disabled non-return of seamen from voy- 2d and 3d series.105.106 long subsequently spoken Government in, hours in the new Bt0re 54 commences Eebruary has arrived at age to New Bedford. 10-40 ino under the recent in and in SPUING TKKM «• M- JAMES, safely Falmoutli, England. Slie State ol TE,EA 55 Middle Street 50 feet in depression prices, persons f«ibl3*hfcwjw feM,‘r»£ua\T weak tara- Maine Bomls.. on ,ne width, 115 feet want ol goods in this well to examine THE27th. Me. .1.1 i,ano» and wet; stomachs, heavy weather her rud- Port mug. tor terms to the line woula do and «tck experienced whereby land City Komis. apply subscriber at 143 Oxford our stock. du___Saco, Who headache; dUsi- broken and .Sr 'os ■Street. haveeohih*i.rvou* der was other entailed. The Hilliard Bath City Bonds,.. ..£.£ helMisdti ALFRED WOODMAN. of Cortland. aiol in the head, with indigestion and damages C'hinapioiiftliip of €«l>cc* First National Bunk an*1w*f*Jmmii’ng » all well. Bonds, 20 of noaa ti„ uowela; pain in the aide and back: Passengers Bangor City years.ur..Zl TTFTts nf the First Series Seven-Thirty Portland Institute & tieal. To Public Library ooaatd*' of the woiub with In- Calais City Bonds,!.. ,y.j*.J* Let EVERY same exchanged for (fold lorwhUe»i; railing National DESCRIPTION HOInotes rati have the and aU that ion* _ Feb. 10. Cumberland Bank., 'so. .i? at this Bank at the usual cancers; tuiuora, nolvnua, miM-ellaneaua Hartford, Ct., .. three storied Brick Store 204 cent bond, named In the !e?.7,d Oi.pattkra, H. of Canal National fpHE Fore footot he.uing six per undersigned, as corfcff&tora will find hi Electricity a aura mean Matt Hewins, Hartford, won the cham- Bank,-.’.. X Plum Street. of —OP— Act the of diseases Enquire THE entitled “An Act to incorporate too ,-..misa Topeka, K»n., Feb. 19. billiard cue of Connecticut First National Bank,.loo. mature in August next, and tho re. For paiulul menstruation, from M. Wal- ins.!,« E- M' patten, C°ThI!1Firs? Series ,'0*111 line ol trouble, A on the »Santa Fe Casco National and Scries can slid aU 01 thoae long messenger line, who of Hartlord, this evening, 203 in Bank.loo... ins.}„5 febUdtl Plum Street. ^f the* Second Thfrd also Portland Imitate a ad Public UbtWT»” men.trnation, fiiouan, by points conversion 1 reached Junction City Wednesday states carom. Merchants’National Bank,.75. 77.* ! fi,V°ra with young adieu, Electricity tka last, a game of 1,000 (points The winner's CONFECTIONERY efl-cted hereby restore18-C*TiSJ'r."rPt^ the sufferer to the as Fort the National Traders Bank,...100.i,B, T“i!. Cashier approved the Govemer Jan. 22d, would and in a short time, that he came through Dodge com- was aud lus run 05. To Let. GOULD, by will, average 7, highest Second National at give nt of naid officer forbade his on as there Bank,.100.9of. for sale at the lowest notice that the hi meeting '•orj"ir*PMAOFFTicKi ■ Mairfide of un Army Officer* Stock,... JOU'1 B- gnp«*i h*r instruction*. Maine Central R.R. Bonds.80.83 Go to A W«f. P. FpseBNU.., tiioroueli money. Adams Puriutoii’s . few patient, with boart Richmond, Feb. 18. The Weather. Leeds ft Karm’gion R. R. St’k, 100.60.70 •“d? D4rir^om®.-late Lieut. J. H. Newberg. of the 12th infantry, Ken. * Portland R. R. Bonds,. 100.85 90 Worn and WE ALLEN, Jr., TX)R your House-furnishing Goods of all kinds; .r„AaEN^rB",‘N' ur.u2.nVki8w.AT, Cincinnati, Feb. 19. Portland ft Forest Torn Currency and Greenbacks c spiiiBUBOi, H.K.Y r nun, “ “•: ,T~1 committed suicide this morning. He was It Av’n’eR.R., 100.75 gtl a Carpetings, and all kinds of Crockery, Glass, \ to. jo™ is raining steadily; barog^ter rap- Portland Glass at the Hang- John Band, Samo.i, E. Spbi.o, under military arrest at the time. falling Company,.too.100.101 Bonght Borne R. R. Office, by Ao. 11 Street. Stone. Eartbem and Wooden Ware, Paper Richardson’s Wbarl Exchange Window of Federal and Enwi. C. Bulls*. idly, Co.,.100.95 iqq ings. shades, &c, &c., cornel febUWM ja29dtl BI. ®. MUtlR, table dlv Exchange streets, wti&XSm Portland, Peb’j 14,1W. __ _MM— MEDICAt. UtERCHAVmiir. MfS€ELI,A1fF.OVS. JUVMmVjAWtiorn pooU'y. __ ROTBtS.

Post -Meridian. The Eye, Ear, Catarrh New Trinidad Molasses! VINELANE. POBTL A.U JD and FRUIT --- AM) LAN’D»,inamil NEW adelphia, by in New Jersey, on the same SACO & PORTSMOUTH R. R. And the Ills of life TB^IDAD Railroad, magnify THROAT, ">'«*• line ol latitude as lkilUmoro, Md. At least a hundred-fold. SjriSSt a A RRA N (i EM 12 SSHE?*- I The soil is rich and productive, varying from clay HOTEL, WINTER EXT, Recau-e 'he florid artist, Time, a For*“eby to sandy loam. suitable mr Wheal, Grass, Corn, Nov. Ha* flecked our locks with gray, GEO. S. HUNT, WOOD & Fruit CoiuiHt'iu'iiiu Maudny, 1'Jih, MOULDING PLANING Tobacco, ami vegetables. This is a great fruit POJtTJ MAINE, have us as ANIt, They’d lugubrious SlreC. Five —- ■ llMon.mer.,.1 MILLS, Country. hundred Vineyards and Orchards -;a' Passenger Trains leave Portland for And as they. feb2d3w woe-begone have been planted oct by experienced fruit growers. Proprietor of the COM- (iypM«tii!*H<»ton at S.40 A. M.. and 2.20 P. M. Grapes. Peaches, Pears immense wu» destroyed in tor Portland at 7.J0 A. 2.3# hand of time For &c., produce prol- iiTothe eroit'ViM'^ lo Leave Boston M.,and Eiut no.—the gentile and ix Vineland Is one Iik,) liegs announce TAMAMAfllS. Planing, Matching Jointing Boards and s. already of tlio mos. beautiful lo his old natrons P. M. Falls with so light a touch, JYEW Plank, 1‘" 19 frf n placesiu the United States. The entire !““?*■•*» «« above hotel and A Mtft'HANte’s aid Laiiokfr's Train will leave He seems like Some Mrs. territory, “'■‘nKill open itor l ie .leeommodailon benignant Manchester consisting of fitly square miles of land, is laid out the public eencr- Sundays excepted, at # A.M., and Who loves us overmuch. Saturday 11. Biddeiord daily, 35 KEGS upon a general ui The land ally,on August in Purl land at ti.4n. more ami more, THE system improvements. to old Saeo at U.U*. arriving We grow to love him INDEPENDENT MOULDINGS OF ALL is sold to flianktitl his customers f.,r only actual settlers with provision thr public fast patronage* Returning, will leave Portland mi Saco and bid- Ami as the yeais go by, DESCRIPTIONS, lie would solicit a continuance oi the same f adornment. The s U t TAMARINDS! place on account of 11 great beauty, doi.itd and inuiiuicdiiitc stations at P. i\l. The ol NEW » as thought partingJfj?®,, well as other has become the resort wdli c ar else would sign. —AT— advantages, TERMS FAVORABLE. A freight train, |>a>.-etiger attach- That seldom CLAIRVOYANT! ot last*. It has increased live special VI. people qt thousand ed, will leave Portland at 7.1» A. lor Saco and OWEN & Sweep & Circular Wood people within ths past three Churches. Stores. aiigjy-tini N.J.DAVIS. leave biddeiord at s.dtl us still AND BARBER’S, Sawing, &c. years. Uiddewid. and retnruiug, He leads by Turning, Schools, Academies. Societies ol Art and And now l»v pastures' green, Learning and Saco at H 40 A. M. Feb 7—d2w 1Y© 13 Exchange Hi. and other elements of refinement and culture have Card. Until the men .w, westering light Eclectic been FRANCIS CHASE, Supt. the scene. Physician! mlroduced. Hundreds ol are Iu beauty bathes STAIR BUILDING PROMPTLY people constantly MKlKuPoUTAN Washington. 1*. C. Portland, Oct 29, ISCd. to Lumber. EXECUTED, settling. Hundreds of new houses are con- HOTEL, __fetilldtt The along the sunset side lias returned being slope Front C. 18 Broadway, New York, I structed. Irice of Farm on ueeonnt of the educed of the rate shadow a AA AAA [due for use Land, twenty acre lots and price provision*, No gloomy throws, at ber rooms Dry immediately upwards $25 has rosier clouds and can be consulted -1 ”V/* V/ v>f v>Jalso hemlock and per acre. Five and ten acre and Vil- ot honnl at this Hotel will lie Four DOLLAR* Ami evoutide Portland, spruce, pine lots lor per dimension on lage sale. Than morning ever knows. Preble House. hand or sawed to order at HI Cow Corner of York and from date. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Ntaple Streets, Fruits and Vegetables earlier in day of Cures. mcrciwl Hi.Felndtt L. TAYLOR. ripen this district Ot Canada. Certificates than in any other north of POTTS 4 SHELLEY. Life is a sort of eager raee locality, Norfolk, Va.lin- is to that I proved places tor sale January 1, 1867. For wealth or power, or This certify “"“i Uve bSn jaSdlm lame, aem. MB. •h* «• Lumber Where he who gains the golden prize, out large sums of LUMBER, ield’] PORTLAND, ■mSKS!1!?* a,i.kin« tubes Unoat and A One luveaae waTa on hand. CARD. THE Subscriber °u backward look,—ah, there arc, of the limes had become very much af- BOARDS,constantly RE-OPElUiti ! baving leatasl the above aufl 4ft**r Nov. LL180 they material sawed to .House tor a term ITWTffTliTr The “Aborts order, of \ is will — boys axe close behind! all of which i knew was the case. 1 com- Building the ears, preimred to ae- run a* follow*: ieUiat ISAAC DYER, H U rommodate aud the her medicine in June, and can parlies public generally for South Pari* and weS&l taking truly No. Union Whart. riYHE undersigned having REMOVED iroui Ware’s laud from Ids 'lYaio Lewiston, at 7.40 A. M So lot us cherish ,loW a weU man* 1 a and in auglltf y$ The MiibNcriber purchased the Stock Letters longex[ieri, nee in Hotel cheery thoughts, sav tbM 1am trailer, having I will answered, and the Vineland a keep Mail Train tor Waterville, litlan And Hall, Rural papei to receive a liberal of Bangor, Uorhaiu, with unbated hor e the habit of talking a great deal, and her curing me Store giving full Information. and [log hopes share the Polo Montreal and at I. io and lately occupied by containing reports1 ol So- I, ynebe. P. M. Give all tbe jtowers that manhood brings l»e the means ol hundreds of dollars in lon Lob sent to public patronage, having kept a Hotel fm ^£ifl my i»oek- nson, applicants. more This train connect* with train for Toron- can talk LUMBER ! than twenty years. reasonable. Kxpres* Their very broadest scojr. ots, as now 1 without hurting me. llo and Address CH.\S K. LAN Charges J>etroit hii« 1 OPEN THIS DAY 1>1S, Vinelanda P U»O JaulSilSm to, Chicago. Sleeping cars attached iroiu As for myself, 1 frankly own, consult her, and you will be perfectly aatisued. JOHlf CROCKETT & Landis Township, New Jersey. S. B. BROWN. Ulaml PuiAil to Quebec ami Moulreul. 1 like Game Nature's S. H. CO., From ol Solon plan, Stephen a, Belfort, Me. All kinds of Report Robinson, Agrieultural Edi- Train lor Soul it Paris at 5.00 1\ M. Who me her infant school, TIIEIR NEW STORE the * passed through tor oi tribune; It is oneol the most extensive No baggage can Lie received or checked aller t And turned me out a man! NO. 11 PREBLE man almost Bangob, May 15, 186G. STREET, tortile tracts, level position and suitable MEDICAL. time al>ove stated. condition for —Xorthern Lights. Mrs. Manchester—Dear Madam:—When you SPRUCE pleasant farming that we know ol this Trains will arrive as follows*— LUMBER, Will re-open (Or business side of tl.e Western Prairies.’” were in Bangor last fcuinuicr, I called tp see you with Ho. 3 Free St. Block, From So. Paris, Lewiston and Anbtim, at 8.10 A. V a child of mine that had for four 1 sepil.Jd«tewCm 37 From Moulreul, Ac., 1.15 i*. been sick years. WHOLESALE AND DETAIL. »B.I. B. HUGHES Quebec, hail taken to a none Jan. ‘J!>, Mr*. r»*’, Iah‘*iI -SupermttHtlcht. rain-water cistern. You that wo’ild not Clapboards, Shingles and Laths. ning to low water mark in Back Cove; and whereas House, 1800. ACTED said you can In* Portland, Noi. .iti MB. CAULDLE HAH NOT “l.IKE A HUS- sai l ion was referred the Cit consulted privately, and with warrant a cure, but would an/l do the best you petit by y Council, July the THE try WilKliKbeutmost contidonee the BAND” AT WEDDING-DINNEB. could for her. She commenced medicine PERKINS, JACKSON A- CO , Large and well Assorted New Stock 2, 1806, to the undersigned, for them to consider an 1 by uitlicted.*** at taking your hours daily, aud iroiu # A. M. to u P. M in and from time until act upon, therefore me! It's no use August last, that December, Dr. 11. addresses those are PURTLAND& RUCHESTER R.R. ‘•All wishing—none at all; High Street Wbarl, 302 Commercial, OF Notice is to all who in tiering nnder the the child has passed off large quantities of what we hereby given parties interest'd, atilt, lion ot male but I do wish that yesterday fourteen years ami Glass that the Joint Committee of (he Coun- , iliseases, wiietlier arising from call Tadpoles, from rain-water, and I think, and am Jan4dtf foot of High street. Crockery Ware, Standing City impure connection ortlie terrible vice WINTER ARRANGEMENT. could come back Little I cil on out new will meet to hear the of selt-abnsc again. did think, certain that the child must have died had it uot been laying streets, Devoting his entire rime to that Dec. and view the on the particular branch oi un anil alter Monday, 17, 1*66, when for And X advise to see Mrs. Man- & Domestic parties proposed way twenty- ac uyumn Jlr. Candle, you brought me home from you. Carpeting, Woolens, the dual be teels warrant,-,! in run as everybody ! Foreign fifth day of February, 1*67, at three o’clock in the prolession, Guab- itrains will follows: lawful chester, for I know that she lias the power of know- COAL ! COAL ANTKEI.VI A CUKE IK church, your wedded wile—little, 1 say, afternoon, at the end ot Cedar Street, and ALL CASKS, whether of long Passenger train* leave Saco River for Portland al. the condition of a iierson diseased better than any Paper Hangings, northerly or did I think that I should ing Tailors* Trimmings, will then and there todetei mine and standing recently contracted, entirely removing the 5..'J0 and ‘J.00 A. M., and 3.40 I*. M. Leave Portland keep my wedding- thot I have ever beard of. child is now proceed adjudge oi disease from peysician My 1c dregs tlu- system, and making a per- lor Saco River 7.15 A. M., 2.0 and 5.45 P. M. dinner in the manner I have done IMease have this and Window Shades, whether the pub convenience requires said street to-day. perfectly healthy. published, —AND— fect anil rKRMANENT CtJBF. Freight train* with car attached will Coal for Furnaces, or way to be lai i out. lassenger Fourteen years ago! Yes, I see now in let the world know that there is one who practises Ranges He would will the attention of the afttfeted to the leuve Saco River tor Portland. 6.30 A. M. Ixtave you —AND— together with a assortment of Given under our hands on this eighteenth day ol blue coat with what they profess to. general fact of Ilia long-standing and well-carn.Ml reputation Portland lor Saco River 12.1ft P. M. your bright buttons, and your and Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods! February, A. D. 1867. very truly grateftillv yours, tarnishing smUeieut asHurance of Iris skill and suc- K>Jr'Stagesconnect at Gorham tor West Gorham, white watered satin waistcoat, and a iuoss George E. Martin. PARLOR STOVES, HOCSE-ECRNISHINO CSOODS. AUG. E. STEVENS, I Purchased the cess. Blandish, Steep Fall/, Baldwin, Doumark, rose-bud in M ARY JL. MARTIN. past week for Cash, which will bo EDMUND ntlNNEV, I Committee bubago, your button-hole, whioh you said Icb5dtl At Law Rate* for Camh. Bridgtou, Lovell, Hiram, MR. LiEVI P. HOYT offered to the trade at the lawest market prices. AMBROSE on Brownfield, Fryoburg, was like me. What? You never GIDDINGS, { Caution to the Public. Conway, Bartlett, Jacksou. talked such JOS. Out Limiugtou, Cornish,Por- A small lot of Solicitiog patronage, we remain BRADFORD, j Laying ter, and 11. nonsense? Ha! Mr. Caudle, don’t know I.O O It IN is connected with this establishment, anil will be your Every intelligent and thinking I>crson must know Freedom, Madison. Eaton, N. you Yours Very Truly, ELIAS CHASE, New Streets. At Buxton Center for Wed what talked to wait, on any of his customers and friends that remedies handed out for use should have Buxton, BoRoy-Kaylr, yon that day—but I do. Yes; —AT— NIC13 BLACKSMITH’S COAL. happy w. p. files, i general South who may favor us with a call* their eiiicacv established well tested in Limington Limington, Limerick, Newflslu. aud theu sat at the table as if febl9 dlw by experience Parsouslield and you your lace, ■ OO TONS LUMP the hands of a educated vbote U*sipee i LEHIRH. Jan29dlm WILLIAM LOWELL. regularly physieiau, At as may say, was buttered with happiness, CHADBOURN & KENDALL. preparatory studies lit hint for all the duties he must Saocarappa tor South Windham, Windham Hill Also a lot of DRY SLAB WOOD, sawed in stove l ily of Portland. and North aud—W hat ? No, Mr. Caudle, don’t say that; ROLLINS & January 15, 1867. fulfil; yet the country is Hooded with poor nostrums Windham, daily. GrILKEY’S, delivered in of the at cord. Portable Steam the I not length, any part city, $8 per Engines, TI7HEBEAS, City Council, by their order and cure-alls, to be tlie last in the w By order of the President. have wiped the butter oil—not I. If you, purjtorting orld, Dec. Cor. Couffress and Preble Streets, vv passed February 18, 1867, directed the Com- which are not but Portland. 14, 1366—dti above all are not to JACKSON A 1 the Maximum of elUekmey. dura Cleansed and only useless, always injurious. men, happy,you ought be, PERKINS, O., Clothing ltepaired mittee on Laying out and Widening Streets, to The unfortunate should be In FOR PURE CHOMBlN|NGJ bility and economy with the minimum of weight PARTICULAR selecting knows! Street Wharf, 302 Congress street from Pearl to Franklin his as a gracious High Commercial, and price. They are widely and lavorably known, WILLIAM BROWN, lormerly at !>1 Federal straighten physician, it is Immutable yet incontroverti- I talk ol fourteen street; ble PORTLAND “Yes, will years ago. Ha! jantdtf Foot of High street. more than OOO being in use. All warranted satis- BYstreet, is now legated at his new store No 64 Fed- therefore, fact, that many syphilitic patient* aro made mis- R. R. Notice is hereby given to all parties interested, that erable with ruined £_KtItNEB£C you sat lieside me then, and picked out all Drugs and Medicines, factory, or no salo. Descriptive circulars sent on eral st, a lew doors below Lime street, will attend constitutions by maltreatment the Joint Standing Committee of tine Council from in WINTER sorts of nice for me. application. Address to his usual business ot Cleansing and Repairing City inexperienced physicians general practice; lor ARRANGEMENT, things Y’ou’d have and the best for the Hair. CHEAP COAL! on out new streets, will moot to hear the given preparation, Aim all $8. $8. Clothing of all kinds with his usual promptness. laying )iar- itisa point generally conceded by tlie best syplulogra- me aud diamonds to eat if I could J. C. HOADLEV & CO. ties aiid view the proposed wa\ on the that Commencing Monday, Nov. l’iih, 1866. pearls have laj^’Second-hand Clothing for sale at fair prices. twenty-tilth phers, tlie study aud management of these come ed 'em. of at four o’clock in the after- swallow Yes, 1 say, you sat beside me, TOILET ARTICLES ! .'ail now offer nice CHESTNUT COAL Lawbenpk. Mass. Jan 8—dtf day February, 1867, plaints should engross the whole time of those who at the corner ot Pearl and Trains leave Por tluud do talk about? at 8-8.00 delivered at of the Feb 8. 1867—<13m noon, Congress streets, would be competent and successful in their treat- Passenger daily and—What you You couldn't N. B.—We also have the WE per ton, any part and will then and there at LOO P. Also lor sale at the lowest market proceed to determine and ment and cure. Tlie inexperienced general practi- M.jlbr Bath, Augusta, Wal- sit beside me That’s at all to city. price, crviile, Kendall's and to-day? nothing SHORT & adjudge whether the public convenience requires said tioner, having neither op|»ortuiiity nor time to mak- Mi!l*-,Sl:owh»gfin, intermediate do with it. But it s E KP i S TORINO, at Brunswick with so like you. I can tspeak BESS Old Co. Oysters, Oysters street or wav to be laid out. liimseli acquainted witli their pathology, commonly Stations,(countering Androscog- Lehij^li, R. R.. for Lewiston and and hut you oil' to else. Ha! and ftiblG Given under our hands on this eighteenth day of pui sues one system of treatment, in most cases mak- gin Farmington, ut fly something By the Gallon or Quart. Kendall's Mills with Maine Central R.KA lor when the health Barrel, Bushel, Booksellers & February, A. D., 1867. ing an indiscriminate useol that and dan- Bangor of the voung was SUGAR LOAF Stationers, antiquated uud intermediate stations. Farts as low tkij r< couple LEHIGH, Aug. K. Stevens, gerous weapon, the by Hie what a Mercury. as drunk, s|>eech you made then! It was M. For Furnace*. /*vk Put up in tags ami cans of all sizes for 31 Fr*r, Corner Crater Streets* Edmund any other. Phinney, Leave delicious! How made V T-V the trade or family use. Ambrose Have ( •atlrfcare. Portland lor Baiti, Lewiston, Augusta and you everybody cry, as For Cook John’* While 5 Have on hand a lull of Giddings, Rungc* and Stoves, near ^K‘ and supply All who liave committed au excess of station*on col) al 7.46 t. \. it their hearts were / BeinS Telegraph Jos. Bradford, any kind, SMuiday breaking; and 1 recolleet Ash, Diamond, Red Anh, which are free of all C Express whether it lie the vice Mixed Train leaves Brunsw Offices, I am prepared to put up all or- Elias chase, solitary of youth, or the sting- PortlundJ'or ick and in- it as if it was how the tears run impurities and very nice. Also Cumberland ! A rebuke termediate stations yesterday, mitigator, ders to the latest moment. All in want of Oysters Law, School, Miscellaneous au. 1867.| Beauty you power superi- Outre Hie. Presses, Pen Backs, &o. ami M. to connect with trains tor Boston. have used me! over all medicines now known in St., Portland, Panama, 1st Feb., 1867. Complexion. you ority America, for for Rockland connect at ami the class of diseases Yellow Fever is almost on the Isthmus. now Many Thousniada t an to This Stages Bath; for i5«l- \V that the same that it is calculated to cure. HARD AND SOFT WOOD 1. <12m Wc have just received trom New York a lull epidemic Testify ell, townie could make a February supiil) ol that are lastat Augusta, leaving daily oi: arrival oi train from Delivered at, short notice. The deaths trom disease numerous, and Pa- by Unhappy Rxpcrieuce! like any part of the city at Boston, at 7.30 A. and tor speech that, and then talk os it did to-day! Manapeld ’a Vegetable PAPER nama is full of pestilence and tilth. The season is the Young men troubled with emissions in leaving AL; Solon, Aii.sob, Mitigator HANGINGS, sleep,—a Norridgewock, Athens aud Moose Head Lake at How did you talk? Whv. Wlial Kantlall, McAllister & Co., sickliest known for >eai». The leyer is rag- j complaint generally the result of a bad habit in sbametully! Is different and GREAT DISCOVERY! yellow and lor East and North entirely unlike any other preparation HT* New Patterns ami Choice at ing on board the Jamestown, (United States IVfau of ami cure war- Skowbegan, China, Yuswal- did you say about your vo-dde 1 ?— in No. CO COMMERCIAL ST., Styles. youth,—treated scientifically ^perfect boro* at happiness existence, and ouly requires a trial In it wor- ami the deaths one or two diem. ranted or no V&>salboro'; for Unity at Kendall's prove Oc25dtf n Head of Maine Wharf. War,) average per charge made. Mill’s, W by, What d»d s,„, of the recommendation w<) claim tor ROGERS’ and tbr Canaan at Pishon's nothing. about your thy high it. Pre- DRAWING The Commodore will put to sea fri order to disinfect Hardly a day passes but we are consulted o*e or Ferry. wife? Worse pared PAPER OP AAA SIZES. by than nothin*< just as if she only by the Ship. mure young men with the above disease, some of \V» HATCH, Superintendent. W’< re a were Southern Pine. “Dr. Little, American Consul, died of yellow fe- whom are as weak and emaciated as had bargain you sorry tor, but were ■K.W, P. 1HANNFIEI.D, me. Excelsior Pain Curer. tS-’G ve us a caH. i though they Augusta, LH t. 27, 1866. novlAlti Porllnad, rer, on the 29th January. From the fUct that the the and their friends are to obliged to make the best Ac consumption, by supposed What do you Short lioring. of the men have it. PRICE 25 AND ot) 140 M very superior Flooring and Step majority on board the Jamestown are All such cases yield to the proper and only say ? And bad's the bestf If that CENTS, Tl»e Host Prepnration Ever Made jy30iltt 31 F/ee, Comer of Center Street. you sav ABOUTBoards now landing at Custom House Wharf, prostrated with disease, the usual guard of Marines correct course of treatment, and in a short time are MAINE CENTRAL R. R. again, Caudle, I’ll rise from General Again;y"jud ManuiacthavNo. 27 Green St. For the following Complaints: at his funeral could not be formed. made to in health. my bed. Tow * and tor sale in lots to suit purchasers. Apply to rtyoice perfect didn’t it? Portland, Me. J. & C. J. say What. theu. did you say?— C. M. DAVIS & CO., ALL NERVOUS and NEURALGIC PAINS, BARBOUR, [From the New York Tribune, 11th Feb., 1867.] WINTER ARRANGEMENT, like it. I 117 Commercial street. Panama, 31st 1867. Men. [something very know, l'es, a pretty MANSFIELD’S VEGETABLE MITIGATOR PLEURISY PAINS, Manufacturers and Retailers of Jau., MiMIc-Atfid Nov. 1866. nov22dtf The health of our is not There are men speech ot tiiauks lor a liiuuMuidl And MANSFIELD’S Portland, 21, RHEUMATISM, city, (Panama,) by any many of the age of thirty who are CMHBjflSEJ On and alter Alomlay,November every- VEGETABLE MITIGATOR means what it there have been troubled witli too 12th, TOOTHACHE, usually "is; many frequent evacuations from the blad- tiains will Poillamt tor could see that didn’t care a lor MANSFIELD’S leave body you pin VEGETABLE MITIGATOR deaths. Cholera is said to have entirely disappeared der, often accompanied by a or burn- and all and Coal. HEADACHE, EARACHE, Boots, Shoes and slight smartiug Bangor intermediate station on this line, at me; that's you invited to insult MANSFIELD’S Coal, Rubbers, on the Kica route.” and the in a man- why ’em, VEGETABLE MITIGATOR Coal, STIFF NECK, agua ing sensation, weakening system Liu P. At. daily. For Lewiston aud Auburn only, at me to their laces. What? I made invite NO. 8 NOTICE TO CALIFORNIANS. ner the patient cannot account for. On examining 7.40A.M. you Cures Diphtheria, or Throat DIPHTHERIA, EXCHANGE STREET, the ’em? _> what an Disease; Bronchitis; RECEIVED and lor sale by the undersigned SORE THROAT and AGUE. urinary deposits a ropy sediment will Often l>e BF"Freight trains for WaterviB©and all interme- Caudle, aggravating man Rheumatism; farm; Pain. ami There has not been epidemic disease of any kind tom and Paiasrnatiy Swelling JCJSTat their Wharf, Also invaluable in all cases of Sprains and Bruises. id, sometimes small particles of semen or al- diate leave Port laud at 8.25 A. you are! Stiffness of the Pain or Lameness in the PORT A ME. bumen htutioiis, Al, Joints; it and will be satisfied. Manufactured and AND, on the route, and it is quite healthy. The will appear, or the color will be ot a thin milk- Train irom is Breast or Side. Sc. Try you Nicaragua Bangor due at Porthind at 1.45 P. Al, •‘1 next I Back, Sc., Cor. Franklin Wharf & Commercial ish hue. to a dark and suppose you’ll say made you invite In Fevers, St. sol'd wholesale and retail by W. W. Rogers,Hampden next steamer by way oi Nicaragua will be the “San- again changing turbid appear- in season to quietly in other man. I have resumed business Importer, and Manufacturers of Manufactured by l.oudo.xlrrrr and and be called a again. CHEROKEE lied, hedgehog—do you, Mr Me. S. Plants. CURE. ganger, §. NASON. Englr, P. B. A Caudle ? Wellcome h Liver FROST, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, LKA PERRINS, Worcester. «ed«rrdo,.i„,;v.,,,r“ Regulator has been worth more Brilliant &c., Tn« oar vt ( I than £50 to mv for Live. XXX, Of the latest styles. Store Pendents and Brackets of Nkstomaw, will "Well, only Miss had a wile, Complaint. sailJu‘f.''*>teT*htf Capt. Dutton, hope Prettyman Me. of made l*on, tins port tor tJ\i all. Richmond, C. WRITE. Dictator, Merchant every variety pattern to suit any sized room John Duncan’s INDIAN 11.i. SATURDAY, good dinner, that’s 1 bud none! You Wellcome’s Liver Tailor, or hall. The attention of Sons, MEDICINE, Regulate has bee .. more than Architects aud Builders is in.. immediately alter tlie arrival of know 1 had none—how was I one to get hundred dollars’ benefit to for Liver com- Tropical, rest>ectfully solicited. Prices to suit the times. NEW Cures all ^Seases caused by "! ‘V previous day Iron, Montreal, to be lol- any?_ me, 3321-2 Couyress YORK, Agents for the United States. lowcd’7V the You know the ot the plaint long S. Street, Kefert by permission to Messrs. Poor & self-abuse, viz.c*’ by Belgian ou the 2d of .March. only part turkey 1 care standing. LURING Amman to, Marrett, odTdly to lor is the A®. 1 armour h, Me, Co., febUdlm Passage Londonderry ami Uveipool, cabin, (ac- merry-thought. And ihat,ol course Has just received a tine lot ot Portland._ C' lte ulator is all sold. Send us Lotte fit to went, to Miss I t„'r°ur Ljvtr more, Wliiunore, Steen g7o eso. Prettyman. Oli, saw you the people speak highly of it. FOB SALE BY For Sale. Memory, Vn ire real lM*et- f^^^mmodation) when it C iioice Soul hern and or laugh you put on her plate! And Camden, Ate. YOUNG & CUTLER. SUIT of and Western tude, Paine in the liarl. Dim- R» equivalent. V. P. FALL GOODS Sails, Pigging Blocks, nearly new, Ur c or p you don t alter C. I regard Wellcome’s Chur Hr owns from a ties* of tiMon, Premature reight or passage to suppose such an insult as that Vegetable Pain Cur- chill, & Munson A fishing Schooner of 100 tons; also Top- apply 1 er, the best thing I ever saw for Old Aye, Weak Xerre/t, * A- No. .1 India St d taste anottier the internal pain and augldtf Suitable tor the which will l>c made in sails, Fore anil Mainsails, second hand. FLOUR AND Diffi- Pn,,i»„ w ‘.n ALLAN, thing upon table? No sore throat and season, up CORN ! Pale t'< uvte- t nrtland, Nov. 2n, lstai. lung r WIGHT the most manner SAMPSON & Dreat/tiny, feblUdld I should 1 have more thorough hep 110—cod ,, CONANT, cult hope spirit than that._ Augusta, Me. declatf No. J9 & 20 for sale niince. Insanity, C\avnrmp- ami Commercial Wharf. by Yes, you took wine with her lou>- times. ,»To •lock. evening, (except Sunday)at daily, powerful and beautiful Ma- Leave Boston the game no wonder. I never Labor-saving ®r.W. B. HER 37 Walker N. T. day* at 5 1*. hi. never, say anything Crossman’8 Polish. and THISchine will mould 35.000 bricks per dav. It re- WIN, 8t., about but week Parlor, To Rent, it, every my gowns are taken Clothing Cleansed ! ceives the clay in its natural state, tempers it in work ...*/:SS in. All ing, and makes the finest PRESSED as £gkv>- * tickets AND Kinds of Clocks. on Custom House Wharf. En- BRICK, well to be had of lire Agent* at re- REPAIRED, Union as the lower grades : all of and of a dimed ral^s "I ve lived to learn to be sure' Grossman’s Furniture Polish! WAREHOUSEquire of LYNCH, BARKER & CO., equal size, quali- something Cannot find a where novldtf ty unsurpassed in and It will al- Cherokee Freight taken as usual. Miss turned her place it can be done more to 64 EXCHANGE 139 Commercial street. beauty durability. Remedy, Prettyman up nose at my their best in the worM for Polishing Mahogany, STREET, so make superior FIRE BlUCK. custards. satisfaation than at Cures all Com- ®LLLINfl8, Agent. It isn't sufficient that THEWalnut, Stair-PoAtH, Rails, Counters, or any The value of the machine l>e ascertained from Urinary May 22nd, 1S66—dtf you’re always Wo. LOWELL ,V A may viz: Grorel, InfUttn- lauit 20 Temple kind of Furniture. This'- Polish has been used Mr SENTER. GOOD STOCK OF the large profits nuule by those now plaints, finding yourself, but you must brin" Street, by running. nation of the Bladder and Second Crossman tor the last twenty years, giving sat- For and women uorne to sneer at me at Door from Congress st. perfect Portland Jan. 17th, 1867. dOm Rights Machines, address, my own table” isfaction to all. It is war,ranted to st&nd a Exccl»i«r Uric It Pre«N \ Kidney*, Retention qf Garment will tempera- Co., International Oo. What do you say ? Sl.e didn’t Every receive prompt and faith- ture of two hundred of and is not other- and Goods 221 Urine, Strictures of the Steamship turn up her ful attention. degs. heat, Clothing Furnishing ja29dlm Office Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa nose} 1 know she did not wise easily defaced. Furniture polished with it will FAIRBANKS' [Urethra, Drojusical Stcdl- East but what it’s need- FOR SALE, Brick Dust port, Calms and St. John. Lodies’ dry and ready f*>r use in live minutes al- H. W. SIMONTON & Hug*, Deposit*, less—Providence has turned it Sacques t bejierfectly CO~ and ail diseases that up quite ter the Polish is put on. Rgfee Seventy-Five and Kit- WITH STORE TO LET. require tor her a diuretic, and when enough already. And she must CLEANSED IN FIRST CLASS Cts. per bottle; anyone ran use it at used in WINTER give STVLEI ty by following STANDARD Inquire 349 # ARRANGEMENT. berseil airs over custards! the Directions on the bottle. Congress Stairs. conjunction with the my Oh, I saw her W Dive nie a trial and I will endeavor to St., Up with the please. Reference—Messrs C. A; L. 317 CONGRESS STREET. uiincing spoon as il she was chewing Frost,Capt Inman,USA. FaHcy limn Collar. 15c. Tucked do. lOr. CHEROKEE ONE TRIP PER sand. CHARI.Est H. Messrs. Breed & Stevens* Wm. INJECTION, WEEK. What do ? She MAHONEY. Ttikev, flSenj Jr., d2w HIc. ’you say praised my Allen, N. M. Woodman. febU_ Cloud., does not fail to cure Gleet and all llu- \V ho prioe paid tor *"'1 plum-pudding? asked her to praise itV cast-oil'Clothing. For said by Fobos A W. F. Pebbled Cloud. cous Pischtirgee in Male or recent aftl>r Monday, December ^H/^Cash Burgess, Co, Phillips SC AXES ! 384 91.45. Female, curing 'i" h* Like her I think? & H. H. & Samuel CONGRESS STREET. canes in one to three is Sv 8teulner N tw LI la) N S- impudence, Co., Hay Co, Rolf, H. W. & A. Mhctlnnd Veit. 50 nnd 15 cl.. from days, and especially 17v,.h’'} “Yes, a I’ve REDDY, Deering. recommended in those cases of Fluor Albus or *'■ 11 "INCHES pretty day passed. I shall not • Patent Drawers l ty Worsted Ooftds at Reduced Price*. ILL, willJ.V- leave Lull Mil. MERCHANT TAILOR, Manuiactory 376 Congress st, up stairs, Money A. E. ja24dtf Whiten in Females. The two medicines used in Road Milan forget this 1 think! opposite HASKELL & CO., ioolol Stale And as I AND iiealek in head .. S.„ even weuding-day, of Green st. S. 0. RIG US, conjunction will not fail to remove this disagreeable ,, MONDAY a GENTS' Agent, Bubbir ar c! at Bo clock P. M tor say, pretty speech you made in the FURNISHING GOODS, Maine. Ivory Handled Table Cutlery, Healers in A. G. SCHLOTTEItBECK <1 CO. complaint, and iu^those-easea where other medicines Eastport and St.John. way^if No- 107 iCH AT LOWEST UASII & Injection, $3, $&. you hah that time—it I was CLOTHS, CASSiMERES, Acc., that can lie ibnnd hi PRICES. Apothecaries Chemists, chA^«*P..» to live a 101 tinnd. These The Cherokee "Cure," and t*l,> A' hundred years I should never goodB have been selected with great GENERAL HARDWARE, foblSdlm Me. 303 “Remedy" "Injec- *tailw:iy will connect forget care and OWEN PORTLAND, Congresii St, one door above Brown, tion" are to be found in oil well it. Never! You .didn’t especially adapted to the thshionable trade. & regulated drug ibr'shcdiac,n even so much as ami at that BARBER, AtKING & stores, and are recommended and received on prices cannot fail to please, anrl all goods DEXTER’S, by physicians Mr-Freight days of sailing until 4 o'clk bring one of children PORTLAND, IRK. all over the for their intrinsic worth your into your speech. thoroughly shrunk and satisliictiun guaranteed. Wholesale Dealers In 175 middle and 11$ federal Street*. druggists world, And—dear A call is FT HAITI1 It E ! and merit Some unprincipled dealers, however, creatures!—what have done respeetlhlly solicited. Thankful u> friends d3m to offend they lor try to deceive their customers, by selling cheap and you? I shall not past patronage, hoping to merit a continuance of Compounding Physioians Prescriptions ttecgbdff_Agent. No, drive you mad. the same. worthless compounds,—in order to make money— & Domestic FRANK Is one (ll our in of Be not If PORTLAND AND NEW ”*•*«» — M. H. Foreign Fruit, ABORN, Specialities. Usin g Preparations of our place these. deceived. the drug- YORK REDDY, Proprietor. own not SWSViST'' janSdtf__ inautinfuctnre, we are able to vouch lor their gists will buy them for you, write to us, and wo STEAMSHIP COMPANY. And you I purity. will send them to you by-expresa^ securely packed suppose didn’t see how it was PRACTICAL that A Safe Fancy Groceries, WATCHMAKER! Bronzed Store We also keep on hand a full supply of LTJBIN’8 and free from observation. W«* treat all dix-OM-a to managed, you and that Miss Investment! Stools, EXTRA! POWDER and which the human is and will -SEMI-WEEKLY were Prettyman 'TS, SOAP. FANCY system subject, ^o LINE. always partners at Dried and NO. 1 FREE STREET BLOCK. OOi Toilet Reed’s pleased to receive hill and statements from whist? llouj was it OF WESTBROOK Semi-Annual Green, Canned Fruits, IDS, Articles, I.bjuid Dve Colors. explicit managedt rpoWNBonds. Condon Wil oil’s Herbs, Marsh’s Celebrated Trusses and those who have failed to receivo relief heretofore. The Why, plain Of One, two, three and four to A assort ment of Upholstered as Splendid and test Steam- enough. years ran; largo Desired, Patent Hair Ladies or gentleman can address ua in con- you packed the cm-ds, and could interest a„d principal payable at Canal Supporters, Medicines, Restorers, Ci- perfect 's slops DIRKio, Capt. II. Sheb- cut NalWnai gars Jidcnce. We desire to bend our liked. You d settled wh^u Pickles, C Tobacco, tinny-two page and l'KAXtuM \, t up.. that between Confectionery, LOCKS May be found at the free to and man you Yes- A tew thousand dollars of the Artists’ Materials, Ac. pamphlet every lady geutb in tho Slllliwoon. uniil antfwhen she took a above Stock new bu Ac., land. Address all letters for 'ill, trick. Instead of leadin- liad by immediately to of all kinds, Jan 12—d2in pamphlets, medicines, ’InrthiT notice, run a* follow •*: off a applying or a trump—she play whist, WM.'M. Tobacco, Citfors, Nuts, proprietor, Wliart, Fort land, every WEDNKS- indeed!—what CLARK, Watches, Spectacle* and Thermometer* DAY and at did you say to her when she No 78 FURNITURE Dr. W. E. MEKWIN. 37 Walker SATURDAY, 4 P. M„ and leave Pier found it was Commercial Street. St, B. T. :« East Kivor, New York, Oh—it was Portland, Feb llth, 1887.—d2w* on New Store—Just very WEDNESDAY and wrong? impossible that her heart DATES, &c., coaatantly hand. Open. SATURDAY, at 4 o’clock P. M. should in all its These vessels mistake! And this, Mr. Caudle be- Repairing branches pnnctually Attended WABEBOOMS are titled up with Hue aoooimuoda- CHANGE to, and work guaranteed to be BLUNT \ FOH8, tlons for fore people—with own wife HUT ONCE A YEAH. Jams and faithfully performed. passengers, making tills the niosi speedv your in ’the Jellies, I All articles sold warranted IMPORTANT to sale and comlonable room ! to be ns represented. Of the undersigned. DEALERS IN LUMBERMEN roti'c lor travellers between flUngON’B patent A fair share of the patronage of the public is re- ttnve they eanuSVa"?1 in Furs ! tanning purposes. J. r. av\i?u MLS, Pier 38 somebody,’in- toned or blow from JNo. hi can now East River. « aMm,81"8’ ittiaredhya the hand s e™ Exchange St., FOB THE yon buy real French CALF SKINS extensively used among Tanners, and tlie de- "ot k"°w who which a*» made of sa^otlotheis May 20.-.HOB. bv was meant Elcctrotvi eg. WHEREand Philippe and Canaud’s SARDINES, just FROM AN mand for it rapiilly increasing, Itcoiiiniamls a j,, that‘somBhli The annexed cut is a received ready and al1 t,ie room correct representatinn nfu l from Faria, now in and lor sale in lots sale m the Boston, New York and of course knew it, °* PORTLAND, MR. HAIR ! bond, Philadelphia mar- sncTt/ and the method of chong ng the *** to suit customers at cents The Was was dates. ! Feb by ASSIGNEE’S kets, sixty per gallon. nppllnnees for ‘*THH PEN If* illlOimEB done for’ 7—d2w SALE are THAI** —nothing’ 3£that KF~Free from Poison- manufacturing simple and not expensive, mating PE but little more than tlio ordinary leaches ous Minerals or Injuri- U YBET, of new and Furs in used l.yTan- tiiic anoBO." NOTICE. olegant Boston, ners. this U cords of np, ous Ofllce By process, Bark maybe re IshalUafno following lists ot Taxes on Real estate ot non- ! Drugs. over the Fink market dueed an as to concentrate the but morn'lCn^then,adeth raatter’t0" entire strength into night, try to go to TIIEresident owner*, in the Town of North Yarmouth BDUGHT FOR forty gallons of extract, without in aud sleep for the IT I* NOT A DIE Jaii'-M2m» FHDKBAI, RTBEK1. CASH, the slightest de The Sold Pen-Beat Cheapest of Pend year 1865, in bills committed to John <1. Pierce, gr. .- injuring its Collector of tanning qualities, and all cost not said town, on the first day of June, 1865. ! Ami can be sold .'loHar have por cord. The saving in been returned by him to me,as remaining unpaid For Sale alone, between tlie IVci' Morton’s Gold traBspei laiion of the Extra,* .. Pens on the. olst of his certificate of that wr* Cheap. t day May, 1866, by the hair! Is #, tits hark, will range Horn six to date, and now remain is gum frtje from the smell right “dlar J,V » « unpaid; and notice hereby disagreeable 40 M feet extra Southern thick CHEAPER so that one who of It relieves the of and un- Pine, Inch and flom any may get out hut three given that if the said taxes and interest and charges sulphur! scalp dandruff 5 to 8 inches wide. Cndre i Tlie Best Pens in the World ! are not pleasant. Irritation! Prevents the hair paid into the of said town within from tailing off, 10 M Inch 12 than at any other store. t&'uid treasury even after fevers! 1J do, to 14 in width. LTt'wentvTmhoio^l^'" hundred T?idollars .toVe Poor twenty months from the date of of Causes the new hair to grow on in tho difference in Marrett, & the commitment when fteV'ht Fur sale at his Headquarters, No 25 Maiden Co., the said bills, so much of the bald heads fallen off from diseases. It will K. Lane, real estate* taxed as will DEKRIIVG, New aud taken be sumcicnt to Gray hair to its natural or the money Hudson and American Salde ! O'lipaiiy does not to sell Territorial York, by every duly -appointed Agent at the Having the Chamber! pay tne amount due therefor, includ- Restore color, .jan.TOtt llobson a Wliarf. Commercial street. Bay JJf® but propose ing interest and will be retunded in evefy instance. JJKrf* will Kraut exclusive privilege b» in an u far- same prices. charges, will, without further notice, i'KOSMAn & turc in certain be sold at public at Sold by CO, and inhal- chaiKioK a small royalty per auction, the Town House, in said l>ruggista To JLet for a Term of 1Vice localities, A on the 1st ers in Fancy Goods, 4 doors from Years. Ore)/ Squirrel Setts, manufactured, Catalogue, with ibll description of Sizes an 311 CONGRESS town, day of March, 1867, at 10 o’clock.A. &e.,305 Congress, um g1!11i4Ulbunt ly* J Brown Portland, Me. he will men to superin- Prices, sent on receipt ot letter postage. STREET, •w. St, felld.Sw STOKE recently occupied by E. E. 113.00, former price $16*00. Company send competent TTpham tend tlie construction of tlie works, w here parties dc- ADJOINING MECHANICS’ Val’n. Tax. THEA. Son, at the head ltichanlsoii’B Wharf. uoJOdi wtlm A. VI OK TO V. HALT-, Htre to enter into the business, and to Instruct In the Are Benjamin house and $150 00 75 MISS also FOIt sale. Silk Velvet Hoods.Beaver trimmed, now to offer their friends and Warrq#, lot, $3 SEWALL, ,, manufacture of the Extract. prepared the pub- Albion Blackstoue, house, barn and One Hard Wood lic a and selected Counting-Room Desk. FOK As a guarantee of success b> parties entering into large well stock ol WILT. o.VE LESSONS IN bushels $4.00, BLANO H ARI>’S lot. 540 00 1 18 ;<50 Canada West Barley, ou the this the will contract to take all For premises. business, Company R. P. M. Greely, house, barn and particulars enquire of and other Goods in proiKirtion. the Extract manufactured under their process at flity thirty-fiveacres land, 1,325 00 33 13 Pencil and UPHAM & ADAMS, cents gallon. delivered in Boston or New York. on Steam house Lead ieoin>w per improvement Boilers! Horace P. Kimball, and lot, 150 00 3 60 Crayon Drawing Street. iu Mftluo desiring further information as lo CARPmWGS! _ _Commercial SHAW Parties Mrs. two and one-lialf acres BROTHERS, may Hill upon or address York, And also instruct classes so terms, &c„ CHARLES 50 00 1 25 desiring, in tlie Elements Four OPPOSITE General A cent tor 24 land, of after Dr. Stores for Rent PHEBLE UOI $E. HALE, Maine, Mninc street, two and onc-half Design, Runnier’, method, at 331 Union size J5 " here models oi the **»pei* William Wagg, Street, six doers above Wliarf, x 50, suitable for Graiii Bangor, apiMnitiis may Is? seen. Hangings 60 00 144 Congress Casco, up stairs.— or other to S. H. acres land, Entrance the store. ON goods. Apply -dec--_Utf_ uov!3d3m KENNEDY, Pres’t. one-half 2cres through JOSEPH CURTAIR Raclu-I True, one and Mr-Apply H. WHITE, A FULL GOODS, &C., & land, 50 00 1 20 every-day butSaturday. juSOdtf febodtt No. 6J Union Wharf. SUPPLY I3r~ Purchasers of the al.ov« Bailey Noyes, Manufacturers’ Agents George True, nine acres land, 350 00 8 40 Grist l*fi otofftaph at fully invited to examine are *e*P®«t- felM2w Heirs and Mill—Dcerliip’s Bridge, —i—OF-- JP/iotof/rnphal our sioxKn*0?1* New Block of Jacob Favor, house which is Exchange St, 1 Potted. lot, 60 00 44 SALE containing 3 Run of Stones—one for EASTERN EXPRESS CO. A. S. Treasurer. Room. DAVIS, WILLIAM B. F'OilSalt, with Dry Corn • VT SKILLIN, Also, Elevators for North and Salt. All in Hoy’s Olotliiugr AUGUST Yarmouth, Jan. 24th, 1867. good running order and now in N O TIC E T respectfully inform his fanner customers 7-30% Jan 28d3t teod3w us‘'. EDW. \\TOULDr H. BLIRGIN, ▲T IBB r Olei the public that he is n.-w locnt- feblS dtt Government have deckled that they will pay generally, exchanged for eil at No. 27 MARKET where he wouhl inrown imin which will a«l«i much THEthe express charges both wavs upon 7 3-10 Bonds square, engine**, value tu For Sale. be happy to receive all those wishing for Photographs, this Besides the 1-3 the o Y » Tide sent to Washington tor exchange. The Eastern Ex- New England Clothing Com., invention, saving tuel. TEK S ] JULY Saf« of Tables, press will receive and forward Ambrotypes, etc. For particulars inquire ol A -John E. Wilder’s manufacture, Comimny such Bt*nds N. FIVE-TWENTIES. *,£53! r safe and draw- States, have published by the United States them carriage Jaull—3 in* Feb 21—dlv ers K,r _ ^Congrcs.Street,near H. M. a- Coast Survey Office, and are on sale at the laid._feblgdtf A^w^vBotMie281,* PAY80N, state principal A bbitioival pa* fob servants Nautical Stores. They can also bo obtained ap- Store to Let. by Something Worth can now bo obtained for all Officers in service To Let, Bliwt, to the Coast Survey Office in Washington Knowing! xtL Enhigt To plication between 1. 1864, and March 3, 1866, on applica- **&• Rhi6.l2w»_33 Let. Price Cents. feblS dim May lu the new blnek over City. Twenty-Five 209 0 at tion in or bv letter to the Claim of story Shaw’s Tea threo ingress St, Inventor’B person Agency MlditloStreet. ot January 8,1897. dtp your order* for Bto^lc,' No- r'°0nlon Exohange. Z. K. HABWON, at the old stand in Jose TI11RI>Store, Enqatrc P^TSond Job Wort to Dally pr* 200 M. Imported aim domestic Cigar, JACOB _ Wanted. Block. No. 88 Portland. Me. McLEI.I.AN, lor sale by C. C. MITCHELL & SON, Agents Exchange Street, Ocean ST. ,TOSN SMITH. CIGARS Feb 19—dlw» febl8dAWlw Insurance OUice, Exchange Street. Juimt 178 For, Street. l dMF* February Jan I deutf gj UukitB^x