tol. Established June 23, 1862. 6._PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY I Hi: • • RILAKd J>A1LY PRESS Is* published BlTISNESg ev. Ja*. (Sunday excepted,) at No. 1 Printers CARDS. COPARTNERSHIP. REMOVAL*. lNSlTHANCfc Ev Commercial Portland. hange. Street., But besides these Direct the Taxes, "overn- has fortunately secured. From first to last he N. A. FOSTER, Pkoprietob. MERRILL ment get-s the use of the BliO’S rf- CUSHIXG, DAILY Reserve of legal ten- hnrl.nl tlio audience a XEK.tfsEight Dollars a year in advance. Notice, PURELY MUTUAL! PRESS. ders held the upou continued volley (Late Merrill & Small,) Copartnership REMOVAL ! by banks, liy tbe latest returns THE of and anecdotes, which Importers and in reported by the these side-splitting jokes HE MAINE STATE is published at the Wholesale Dealers Portland. Comptroller, amounted PRESS* undersigned have this day lnnncd a copart- to Two Hundred and resulted in tremendous bursts of and Him. overv morning at $2.00a year, A Six Millious, which are laughter place Thursday CioodH, TICEnership under the name ol' Em lew Mutual invariably in advance. Fancy Dry WEBB, England worth to tbe Government Twelve Million applause. Closing as it did the speaking of the READ & Tl r e Hundred and Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, l'ams, GREENE, SMALL, Merchant Life Insurance Wednesday Morning, 1867. Sixty Thousand Dollars evening, it left the audience in great merri- Rates of advertising.—One inch of space,In small Tailor, Comp’y, Pthruary 20, a sum which added to the wakes, trimmings, Ac, and have taken store MASS. Direct 1'axes maltes ui"nt us 1-Qgth oi column, constitutes a “square.** Has Removed to his New OF BOSTON, Ohganized 1643. and much good feeling. Let here ex- N# 13 .... BOSTON. Rooms, a total One Si.no square daily first week: 75 cents Niurr Hi., Asset#, The Death of Twenty-One. Million, Hundred per per No. 157 Commercial S|„ corner of Cash January 1,1867, $4,700,000. Feaalty. tend the thanks of the to those who so * ck alter; three insertions, or fel9 H. I. M. Merrill, A. R. eo<13m I Union, Mo. 3 Free and Nine Thousand as the Lodge lew, $1.00; continu- Merrill, Cashing. Street Block, Cash Dividends of 1864-5, now in course of Dollars, revenue m other day after first 50 cents. where will transact a I* is a little more than the generously assisted in the audi- every week, they Wholesale Cliadhourn & Kondall. dtl a hundred which nation now derives the Na- entertaining Halt three insertions or 75 I Fvhl.1_Over payment, 673,000. years from square, less, cents; one since Bet-caria tional ence with such on and •< “What banking w k. s l.aO; ;»o cents per week alter. P. It E M Total Surplus asked, right have men system; being upwards of much-commenled-up Charles O V ]ElD~ Divided, 2,200,000. Millions more .,.1,1 L.a.I Ir Amusements,'' $2.f*n>er Mattocks, & Provision Business. to cut the throats of heir than the saving, which much-needed music and which mado square^ Flout*,Grocery Losses Fald in 1866, 314,000. fellow creatures?” theflwee singiug, pe week; three insertions or lew, $1.50. are their tho occasion so Their old friends and the S TROD T & Losses people promised by suppression. pleasant and to all.— Si ei ial Notices,*1.25 per lor public generaliv are re- GAGE, Total Paid, 2,307,000. and followed up the enquiry by another it it is agreeable square the first iu- and Counsellor at invited to which said that a considerable of the 25 C<mt“ pul Attorney Law, spectfully call. Iucomo for part Ligouia Lodge is yet is in its but with "IJUaie lur each subsequent 1866, 1,778,000. has never been answered: “If it is uow held infancy, erii'.'.ii11"*1 MOODY CYRUS COUNSELLOU8 AT so, how ‘‘galto.ders, by the banks as a re- HOUSE, GREENE, LAW, ^“Annual Distributions in Cash. untiring ambition and ceaseless efforts it ad- inserted in JOSEPH W. READ, ^J shall it be reconciled with the maxim ComjKJUud Interest the “Maine State have removed to Office that a whinh Sf® /h* notes,on vances to the a COR. CONGRESS AND CHESTNUT QEo* M- Local Agents should to front rauk ot the o SMALL. apply *9 Order of larKu circulation iu every par- STREETS, i> ^ man the great lit ho State! fm'1*!f <’ Portland, Feb has no to kill himself ?” In 1705 answer * interest, Good ®, IJtr square for first insertion* fohlldtf febl8dim Corner and KITPVS #C*I A I, I, & right VhTT'1®"1tbc9e notes will Templars, and she with a CCUlB Portland. 14,1867._ Exchange Federal Sts., SOI*, soon mature, points pride to per _ and be nJ Ti biuare tor each subsequent iuetr- Over l.uriug's Dru« Store. Agents at Me. Tuscany, influenced by his efforts, abolished her record, knowing tbnt her *011 O J. _fe!9dtf_General Biddoford, f.e obUrat T °ftonverted into bonds, while efforts are not in Y~HOL>Sl>OX, O" COPARTNERSHIP. S. C. STJUH T. u. W. GAGE. the punishment of death In of ten- vain, that her are not dec31 experimentally. ders will stm^holrta legal teachings without effect. d&wtt *° IIoop Skirt The Best Investment! after the re- tbe dUcus8iu!’' Manutkctnrer, undersigned have this day formed a Co- 1780, twenty-one years trial of luture tbat’in 8. BUSINESS CARDS. DEALER IN THE under the pll!le7of*tt! “ __W. partnership name and style of REMOVAL. formed code, the Grand Duke Leopold de- lie assumed, that mu^i2°,“ry* may ,air,y LISK & cie tl,e ° English, French and American WEsTON, 5-20’s creed its “Instead of payments, banks VARIGTIBS. Oorsets, &7-30’slTs. Gov’t Bonds perpetuity. increasing lawful XT,*01}e to ,l° .8^'ln C. J. SCHUMACHER, Goods Commission Merchants and Wholesale Dealers in money not bearinc* * Fancy 2?. ABB GOOD ! the number of said “it AND LACES, FLOUa- 8. H. DISK. LAKE crimes,” Leopold, has twenty i>er cent, of their HOSIERY, GLOVES, ^LITTLE, ^gregamcV “‘i ,fast —Among the odd things sent from this coun- _ N. °D kinds of TRIMMINGS and Dress Buttons. WESTON. BUT A POLICY WITH THE GREAT considerably diminished that of the inferior and deposits; (twenty-five IltLSCO PAIKT£B. ^■^•11Hand-Knit Portland, Fob. 6, 1867. febll d2w m?em in » ,e try to the French Exposition a self German Worsted Garments made ones demptlon cities, fifteen lighting to Jobbers of Goods and and rendered those of an atrocious char- per cent In’ Otlce at the Drug Store of Messrs. A. G. Schlotter- order* £3^Hoop Skirts made to order, jtl Dry Woolens, ty.) In point o( tact, tile lamp provided with a continuous match, con- tt Clapp's CONGRESS have acter rare.” Almost in moment £ beck & Black, STREET, Notice. this day removed to their new store, Mutual Life yery fifty years later, of tained inside the which it be Co., AIE. Copartnership Ins. redemption National bank notes lamp, by may f0»13_ l'OKTLAND, dtf Co., M. to the French TV,;, :<O.T OoutruH Nos. 149 & 144 Middle Of 1830, Berenger reported they will have to hold a lighted by touching a thimble piece *i, Portland, Me, MORGAN has this day retired ft om the Street. New Yoi-lc, considerably iaro«r without, f linn of MORGAN. DYER in Deputies, that “the mi'duess of their sum, as they cannot trench the is a good of Yankee labor Jal2dtl fine door above Brown. WALTER AP. & CO, favor of R. Portland, Feb. 13,1807. feblldiwiw penal upon reserve specimen saving. A COREY & M. RICHARDSON, and the business hereafter will itself, without the 00, IS BETTER! legislation had so far the character suspending right to dis- selfacting coffee which blows a Bteam whis- be conducted under the firm name of improved pot Manufacturers and Dealers in count. But it we take tle H. of the Tuscans that there was a only twenty per cent, when the coffee is lor M.BRE WEB, REMOVAL. time when on their properly cooked, the deposits and circulation, and these neflt of (Successors to J. Smith & Co.) Cash Assets, Feb. the prisons of the Grand were be assumed at ignorant Bridgets, is another remark- & 1, $18,500,000 Duchy nearly only eight hundred millions a e Mtniutiaciurer of Lealkor “Richardson, Dyer Co.,” Z. K. triumph of Melting. FURNITURE! At the old IIARMOM, ^'Ooveraneal Baud* are Kimpt tram empty.” And now the Kingdom of has (sixty-six millions less than the actual genius which will set tho stand, Italy enc ien Also tor sale IVA K CLAIH Taxaliau, m with ItKaucy invested in a amount last the to No. 143 AGENT, adopted the principle of the Tuscan philoso- reported by Comptroller.) tbe laughing. Some enterprig- Belt Commercial Street, Life ! amount of lawful ng in lvidnal Leather, Backs & Sides, Lace Leather Looking Glasses, Mattresses, Has removed to bis new office, at the Old Stand in Policy who money to be held will be sends a miscellaneous collec- pher, being also a marquis was able to tion Where they will continue the General One Hundred and on of III VETS and Wholesale Jose If you have $50, $100 or to or to in- Sixty Millions, which umbrellas, parasols and canes! A BOBS, Spring Beds, <£c. Business in Block, Mo. 88 Exchange St, $1,000 spare, secure a reasonable consideration for bis the- the interest pa- vest. there in nowhere you can place it so realized by the Government will 18 sept3dtt ii .'111 f.igreu Street. (opposite the Custom securely on,tow».vto and close Clap*’.
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