TEMPLES Daytime’ 30 Be Throttled (Kxwn for Some Murder Consisted Largely of the Fighting Windows Were Brok- 1.64 Go.” ' Ing on Campus

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TEMPLES Daytime’ 30 Be Throttled (Kxwn for Some Murder Consisted Largely of the Fighting Windows Were Brok- 1.64 Go.” ' Ing on Campus - WT r fV v - . \ ■ ■.' \ A • I 'V THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1870 ■ A, -1 PAOB TWENTY-FOUR' lTOanrl)f]f0t?r lEn^nins W^rali ATtntge Dally Net PrcM Ron The Weather r o r H m W M k D n M April 11, leie Cloudy, rain, aoattand Onaw The Mane heater Community Manchester Chess Club will Manchester WAXES will have derahowers through tonight; low About Town Y wHl sponsor a mlnl-tour on play 10-second moves at Its a goodwill meeting Sunday at 40 to 45. Tomorrow buootnlng, Wednesday starting from the Y meeting tonight at 6:30 at Iona 3 p.m. at Restland Farms, 15,94« moaUy runny, mild; Mgh in DMn Harry fi. Ckxli, and at 79 N. Main St. at 10 ajn. Hall, Regent St. Dr. Joseph Branford. Reservations may bo 60r. Sunday’! outlook — fair. oouiwdon Mtei Oall Patrick Hif tour wHI Include the CS>e- Pla'tz, at last week’s meeting, made toy, contacting Mrs. John MancheUer-—A .City of Village Charm and RiOfiald <31nton of Manchea- ney Homestead and the Cheney played 13 boards slmultaneou^y Pavelack, 33 Raddtng St. tar Oonun'unlty C3oHeg« will at- and won all games. He is plan­ mlU, followed by lunch at the VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 174 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1970 (Olaaatflrd Advertirljig on Page 85) tand tha Naw England Junior Manchester Country Club. Res- ning another such event next Miss Patricia Lessard, daugh­ V PRICE TEN CENTS OoUaga Studant Parsmuial As- ervatfons are to be In by Friday month. Those Interested In ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel J. aooiaUan workshop Monday at and may be made by calling the chess may attend any Thurs­ Lessard of 169 Lyness St., has Mt. Ida Junior College In New­ Community Y office between 9 day night meeting, or for more been re-elected to the Student ton Centra, Mass. Ih e workshop ajm. and 3 pjn. any day. InformaiUon contact Roger As- SeiMite of Central Connecticut ttaama will be “Student AcUvi- selln, 302 Main St. State College. She Is one of four tlaaOlioolanee . Reform?” Cam bodifui- B ord er An adult study hour will be representatives of the C3ase of Spriiif^linie is Play Fiiiie! New Violence Hits conducted tonight at 7:30 at Sunset Club will meet tomor­ 1973. Dr. John .SchUpss of the Uni­ row at 1:30 p.m. at the Senior versity of Hartford will lecture Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church. Citizens Center, ‘MyrUo and Lin­ by Viet Arms on “Dnigs” tomorrow from 2 den Sts, Members are reminded Junior Women Colton Polo Shirts to 4 p.m, at the Manchester to bring articles for a penny -ay THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Nation’s Colleges PUblio Health Nursing. Asso­ Full Qoapel Christian Fellow­ auction. W in? Awards ciation offices at 71 E. Center ship, Interdenominational, will ^ e South VidtiiameBe army is puttinG more artillery By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS St. The lecture is open to the have a prayer service tonight Manchester Junior Women's and troops alonG several hunched miles of the Cambodi­ at 7:30 at Orange Hall. Manchester Emblem Club will Students have demonstrated at more than a dosen public. Install officers Saturday evening Club received seven awards at an border in prepamion for more .armed forays into the annual Spring Conference • Solids & Fancie.s • Snap Shoulder colleGes across the nation to support demands varyinG at the Elks Home, Blaaell St. Cambodia in pursuit V North Vietnamese and Viet from an end to military recruitment on campus to In­ In Bridgeport tn statewide com­ Bolton Speaker ConG troops, informed Vietnamese sources said today. The event will open with dinner petition with Junior Women’s • lnlanl& Toddler Sizes creased opportunity for blacks. Some of the protests at 6:30 p.m. Members are re­ 'We have gone Into LIVE MAINE Clubs tn (towns with 40,000 or The Ladle’s Benevolent So(sl- many timer,” raid one rounce. erupted in violence. minded to bring articles to be oarer population. ety of the Bolton Congregadonid Permanent Press At the University of Kansas In used for prises. ”We expect to (XNtUnue. We are The club received first place Church will hold a potluck sup­ paying more attentton to the Lawrence, more than 50 persons lb awards for over-all participa­ per Tuesday at 6:40 for all Toddler Play Shorts wertem ride of South Vietnam. Viet Pullout have been arrested In the wake UConn Scene i LOBSTERS *1.49 Parents Without Partners, tion in Mental Health and Help, families of the church. Im­ of student (Usordera. Manchester Chapter, will hold W« are reinfondng It with more Inc.; for over-all parttolpotlwn mediately following the supper artillery. There are m<M:« air Some of those arrested were an Informal coffee and conver- in the International Club, for Davis Wlggln, Manchester’s Our Delay Seen not students and 45 of the ax- i saUon (ICC) tonight at 8 at the Director of Physical Education rtrikea along the botder. We are Of Protest beat all-around mermberiBhip Reg. M—r i < reinforcing our outportr.” rests were for vtolatton of a cur­ home of Mrs. Eleanor Plsch, 74 and for a 100 per cent honor and high school f(»tball coach to .89 64XJ m: * p air few which was Im pbs^ follow­ Ih e buildup tr heavlert In Helalne Rd. The meeting 1s Boore. It received a second will speak. • Covered Elastic Waist | For Marines ing a $2 million fire'fat the tml- open to prospective members. Wlggln received his B.S. and South Vletnam'r Srd Corpr Teu:- By Students place award for home life par­ • Back Pocket tlcal Zone, an area of 10,000 verrity’B Student Union. ticipation, and a special award M.Ed. from the University of • Sizes 2, 3, 4 • Poplin, Seersucker WASHINGTON (AP) — With­ The disorders followed stu­ BTORRS, Conn. (AP) — Uni­ The VFW Auxiliary will Maine and hla sixth year cer­ rquare miles rharlng 281 miter drawal of the remaining U.S. for participation In the science of b o i^ r with CamtxxUa. The dent demands for an increase in versity of CoEinectlcut Students sponsor a rummage sale of crtols. The (dub’s newsletter tificate fromi the University of Marine 'Division from South the number of Negro students protesting a contempt-of-oourt Wednesday, April 29, starting at Connecticut. His topic wUI bo Special Purchase! border area runr in an arc from Vietnam may be delayed be­ “The Federated Flyer” won 85 miler went of Saigon to 100 and faculty members. *CoUege sentence given one of their fel­ 9 a.m. at the Post Home. Those frat place for outstanding club “FootbaU, a Mean’s of Meeting cause of an enemy threat students also protested the fail­ lows occupied the main office wishing to have sale articles Thday’s Challenge.’’ mller norlheart of the (mpital. against the northern mart area pubUedty. Stretch Terry The rourcer ertlmsde 40,000 to ure of a local high school to building here early this morn­ picked up may contact Mrs. Representing the (dub at the All Interested people should of the country. meet demands of black pupils ing after forcing their way psuR Florence Plitt, 829 Main St. contact Mrs. Walter Custan(je, 50,000 North Vietnamese and There have been rtixxig Indl- I J M in cn qUANTITY—lAJMUVINO 'IHUIUSDAY MIGHT conference were Mrs. Rodney Vet Gong troops are in eastern that two black girls be named to two campus security otaeara and Dolin, Mrs. Donald Simmons, Hebron Rd., Mrs. Thomas John­ cationa for weeks that the 1st the five-member cheerieodlng a university dean. Manchester Barracks, World son, Hebron Rd. or Mro. George Infant Coveralls Oamhodla, One source said Miarlne Division was ticketed to Mrs. Charles C ar^y, Mrs. PhU- Camixxtlan trooiw had wlth- squad. The students, about 100 of War I Veterams, and its Auxilia­ llp Pineo, Mrs. Stephen Harvey, Smith, Notch Rd., all In Bcdtnn. oome out of Vietnam as port of them, vacated the buUSlng, Gul­ HIGHLAND PARK MARKET drawn from all their outposts the next stage of U.rf. tro^ cut- Students demanding ihcreased 3 ry will meet Sunday at 2 p.m. Mrs. Paul Dougan, Mrs. Ray­ Caldor black and Puerto Rican studies ley Hall, a few hours later sit 817 Hlgidand SL, Mancheatei^-Phone M6-4277 at the VFW Home. Refresh­ seph Sabateila and Mrs. Gerald akxig the border because they backs. 2:80 a.m. Gulley Hall contains mond Bonat, Mrs. John Htlbley, Priced! ea. were “afraid of the Viet Cong John Turner, a Black Panther leader, urG:es Yale University students to shun programs held the dean of Wag­ ments wlU be served after the Mrs. Raymond Lydon, Mrs. Jo- Brines. 1.99 Pentagon sources say objec- ner College, on Staten IslEUid, the offices of President Homer meeting. and North Vietnamese.” tl(xi8 have been raised by some violence, stop usinG druGs and ‘Get political’. The Yale faculty voted to sus­ Sheriff Had Babbldge and other admlntstra- • Novelties, Prints, Solids This source said there is no mUttary leaders <xt grounds that N.Y., c a ^ v e in his office pend classes so students can discuss the Panther trial. (AP Photofax) Thuraday for seven hours. tors. • Machine Wash & Dry official agreement between eariy pullout of Uio Marine divl- The takeover cUnuuiied a dem-, Do If Yourself or Lef Us Db If For You •Sizes: Newborn to 12 Mos. South Vietnamese and Cambo­ sfon would seriously weaken de­ In Terre Haute, Ind., police Friends On broke up clashes between white onstration of nearly 500 students dian authoriUes for South Viet­ fenses in the northern ICorps.
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    Unique All Blacks tours touchdown in South America Viva Expeditions, New Zealand’s leading Latin America and Polar specialist, has become an official sales agent for All Blacks Tours in Argentina. A deal signed between Viva, All Blacks Tours & NZ Rugby on the 14/02/19. As an authorised reseller of All Blacks match tickets Viva can create holidays featuring All Blacks vs Argentina games, kicking off a new range of unique holidays in South America. Travellers can now enjoy a bloody good game of rugby alongside experiences like wandering the ancient corridors of Machu Picchu, canoeing through the Amazon rainforest, riding horses with Gaucho’s and hiking across suspended walkways above the mighty Iguazu Falls. Rachel Williams from Viva Expeditions says, “It is very exciting to be partnering with All Blacks Tours, increase the profile of the All Blacks matches in Argentina. As an All Blacks fan and a lover of Latin America I’m very excited to be able to combine these two great passions and I look forward to sending more kiwis over to support our boys in black”. The All Blacks play Argentina in Buenos Aires on the 20th July 2019. Viva Expeditions, drawing on its 10 years’ experience operating tours in South America, has created four new South America holiday packages to complement the game. These tours range from a five-day Buenos Aires city break to a 22-day adventure across South America. All tour packages can be combined with pre and post tour arrangements to create a customised tour. All Black Basics – 5 days https://vivaexpeditions.com/tours/south-america/argentina/all-blacks-basics From NZD$1350.00 pp twin share Witness an epic battle between the All Blacks & Argentina and discover the wonderful culture of Buenos Aires.
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