The Republican Journal.


eludes K. K. of who car- i’oi.rn- Ai* Points. There is no sur- Fish anh Gami;. Mr. Fred of Ihirpee Ikmgoi, Graves Obituary. Supreme Judicial Court. Persona I 'journal. ries s in the news that has increas- put)lnan pol icies aggregating S100,000... Until' prise Europe Waterville lias returned home with a story • a ed hoi to this under the about two Sty government had warlike session, imports country youthful hunters, eleven Miss L. Blanche S. C. i;\ 1IU USI>A\ Mi *li N N< ■ BY I 11 K ! aged Sumner, daughter of the STRUCT, H STfCK RKKSIIH.;.;. Charles B. Ila/.eltiiie v. ,nt to B >n '['• i,• s- ovei the election of two new tarift law. it nine he saw Friday night, Everybody supposed years respectively, come late Francis M. was Sumner, horn Jan. In the case of Ramsey vs. on trial members of the sehoolboard and an over- and indeed it was tor that into Yanceboro. These Samson, ilay. would, purpose, boys left one night and died 1870, Oct. 2J, 1H‘*4. For a number when the Journal was last week, the seer of the poor. For several hours the apparently, that some of the measure tor Tomah stream where there was an old printed If. C. Bit* her was in k -a last of she bad not been a worked.If the authorities years well and early in i vert lift was for for and a battle waxed warm and closed in dead- treasury lumber camp, having two ilies with them. plaintiff spNi.41, week « ! says spring get pail suddenly and, illness The ease of Mary K. Kimwlton vs. Fmnm fare much are talk- ! take his > •\ot is Maine staying better_Already they with Inin. A less than two Mrs, Eleanor >rrutt nr t.. ,, only capital gun winding path weeks, died. ITer body was A. Oillispie ami John J. Shaw, for partition }* a! home but the State is invest iugof making William L. Wilson Senator, led to the water and before he had cover- inviting to Thom iston for interment the of Tlmrsday fur a visit. ease brought and eertain property y \uirt Fi« id t.k tie tr At t iv {I i! a M t ;,«• : 1 lie information that ran he Virginia. the trees two deer drinking from the very Oct. Lev. A. li to the as well as the dis- day L'Orli, C. Plummer ot'tieiat- last.summer in favor of v-s»t to ) •. 'led M us that mole toWlls ate cany legislature j spring he was hound for. Silently return- petitioner. (h*o. F. B.*sTon, Jit I rid She was dod_ :i„ h; ti- m t his ear t han last, .Whatever Mr. Cleveland may do j ing, he made for the ramp as as ing. converted, baptized and unit- Johns,.n, II. R. Farrow and R. A. I’ hard quick Cai-t. John W. denes m -a s .. ’i ri ! w in ,*, ie> not e li- to .Mi. lu- is not to vote ! ed with the Methodist in 1 M-Vl i.-i, A ; .1 aiit being help Hill, going possible and bunted his ritle and com- Church ls.y> ,,nd i wen* tie* t' art M : :,. up appointed hy {y with frien.-ls .1, B ki-t ■ for ft i. Tin low \>, even of those him. File President neglected to leg- ! The sneaked on the deer since that time lie- .1" has be.m many panion. in>v\s up consecrated i make t la- par: it a m. no! •. neve I a is!ei.Ceui. Ikuiiel E. Sickles, M IS. I f. A Be; i; Il.s sr,,| I:, h< tax. la get gallant' and killed, ,.. Tim other a »ed k morning i»nd devoted to and to the v- \ i < > ■;. \ •> I 11 r: 11, (iod, church, j hi iROI-N ims for losses "I 1 war horse that he is. refuses to be a party ot seven Mar Harbor j ■'u hi ha <’■ 11;.i in J;, e sheep spoilsmen u heir she served as tius? as as her } i .in c .-rg mg ogs.}•',-! tin il in,-, at at- mv candid for .uigiess am. wid "cut i" hug hw ;s -mb Turtle l.-iand to I itli Sin- wa> M 1. Si m V permitted. an a. t m*-mher th- i r. h, in leii.-e «.f 10 ei ire to life railin' than :••• the •da lit ei sea J.R* ursd ami Frid.:\ m h *.r VP. : \ !m/ing, private ug aw! in the ng birds, attempt I' re i.i ...; a ,. „? «*f t he worth ami r .■ >> .s :s;? ;it itive of tiia: o* ganiz ition.» >ie 'Veil- Lp League g at- j d: re, .,1 is epres Murrain! aild ab.-u’ llouii they Ir- JR F. M, s. R. 1 w mini: ne I F A. i •• ca ne. I b ! a e. .a• \ '.n !•: 1 ds. I’liis is i.\ by both. Her life was charac- M. I'm o „g \\ tt timed to b-rtzed a t" .s’, be tin- !•;■.(•>; number ever by brig] ! and cheerful dis: .osir!'m, T. :i< .- ,d,; •. no. treads in Be i. .: i;. : 1 " •; -e i: 'i tlricc 1 ».• iii• m•: o hi !. ir M arbor one ,. aey by to do the .■ Ur-n ** j»art always striving right. S'm- h a h-g of n.d Juv : r-- it.. Mis \i Bn .t i, M alii, 1. 1 ; \ O’ :. i;i" on ' 11v foi ngiess civ oil. Tam- Tie gunue-i saw! birds ,vm o rapii- :'d d:1 a ♦ \ ,i !;. _\ I photog g!; tei and a true a .a i h-v. iiit.-d to 11, a: ;■ ‘Mil of ij• i o ■ -r i■ sister, ih• (i• in Belf-stil -V: ,, < — it.ii. mi u e.• 111 it- m<-re e.• 11 .,(-•<| mi; , mb h i: inn. the ; an iapart fm cd iip'ii ihcii r.'iiMii, .Several mouse big In* ml and trie faithful Cl:; l.-thm v ;■! ,1 Fall Kiwi I F > c si, ii > b. e’i !• 11 veil '1 a 1" "ii shot inn t it u \ shland tills sea- 1- ... Vk ’• ■ ■a. N"t is a mi a v, an;. •! m Lin .., ,• ; only large game very plentiful at d, Be, k a *'• -1. I! w it it ii i...;. \va ei ma k midv r r< ’*u II s"' d;e ; “was u •* afraid as p p ’•!iat •*ee:i.u; but one h,niter is rc-jioru-d her t r st B •ail i P a! m ; c a ii 1 c ,, 11.1 o! c i o n. c *». "•■is a a loin s.-veial -ass j. p 1 as having killed on in one Ciaast A .•autifu! ofe h.ts g. m ; iy partridges no Mi ; i.i Cl. u laud IdiiiM ll said ilia; the tai So : i -li •!: dal gel- ! far ,ts he ( ,. ib-e- ••tit from T s I s Igt day. Republican US, but Silence wi:l i-.a.,a to d. n tall »1 .... ; !' m-tve.iig hy 11. ice, w: d was a Men w. (I. b. d a \ il ■ '. ,s |y ha- imai'd. :1b- ..t ;-rd in A rot>s~ vv ■r •>* d ti w |; ougli rn ur loss. >v- no; t;-y to t njada tl mr u,i: A m,. n •; t "ok.< in.m.s h.e- the v. il- nominated >' th •! h ss ;s •* ty. ,-r ,!, ;.i,d th it swm ,rt\ L for ■ vai 1 toiiov. lie-. Fdi -oid <« inn- o -i r-iens: i' 1 > i! the ji-uise. gnd ! .v o,:.s liianu d the click stiriMin, i j, e;: m.-dder ( amp- 1 1 " h no;1 a ,■ Si !ia:e. 1 U. sCl; oe >r k* « .-i, sis’ a : iirce s Hatf ie M S* ■ : i,c>\ i't- ii !»■. ; ,«i \< nsm pi rsidcllt. gs.g hell. cal: ( i;:: j, :: ■! isle Haul: broth- | !•' am- ■!' ';;•••*, s- have B* •stoIl. •, ! eilh-u one. emiid have ki!«••* 1 it. and all •> th«- s\ i: o| th.- en• i j 1'. M. 1 uidy, i >i j i, \ (; |, m ost e r mp.o in- e...,,mun:tv. | was d:\ err l J] }.’ : 1 •veie alike to hlame.President Cleve- a dc->’pai, rep«u”.> g< ».i haul of mackerel Freed- m : ast L ■[ in r- j,. j ... M E V ■. ..• a ’■ •• land ink New York wiihont saving void ! oil I 1 >i :it < •. i') -. u. Many M;ir> S. Bragg of Lincoln-, |(. her Lillie F Win..a mmi Go,, a. \\ t n. 1 > C., k'.st v * i\ fk r in ii; ni •! 1! i!F o « vvn to n-giso-i i:g made hauls, aim- : em the following j hoi,;.- iu that o w •. ties “l W tid ( 'in’, vote lor him.i’l.c no J11;. ;,t the ,uh am a d -dy a n -r id and trie: as. I X i '• l; ! -h J :i >. J M! ns. '11 at Ullii.tli) gieat anti-Tammany vessels: S»-lis. A lie,-, *.<* b:*ls. ; Nannie F. j of demons; ration at tin- Pnion indi- ig': ,2 ea;s. 1»( cased s is a mother. Cooper Waterman. Igo bids. : .h nice lb I'liillips. .1..tighter 1 a i: >: ] 1 eutes !! a Voters met a re ot A ! ! MI N A f. h the of the .ii bu bids. ; Mattie a 1. -i ie. ) i.-xauiier ami M t. of .•>[.>< ktoii K KT •• lop. bids. ; Fred- St.i|*!es last wt ek i: business t n 11,i■ J a 1: > n time a i a! a; I seconds nnparailed aroused at last. in some tiie eric k < rei bo mid the of Th" is ;.•> hr. lespeets ring, bid .. and T hbU. shad: widow W I a in Bragg of Lincoln, grand j•:: sdmml T! ; lankii t ta.-' el lain a single idci e\el c,,\ered the movement is than that of 1 >71. ll < an ;»■ F. greatei Roberts. gb bid-. These vessels ville. hour and three sons sur- ha-, iug f. ami -il .n.!i,•; aa-uts, a w! h j,.- •-’* I'- 1 daugliteis '*M.. i'l-V iV,.‘r; ’I~.‘l* i u < to fos ; he M;s i. r "ii istan-a in da >; ana -; \ seta>nds lias need he, present Tammany marketed their lish at lio>toii for 1 1-ge. vive her: Harriet < ■••.unbs and Wm. A. foi "Wiagli,i\o horn .-1-»i• c.-d ,w dm -s.-d taster tk a ,n\ tandt ai e\ei negot iated the piundnvis are more fmunidahle than the j each.The rc.-urd iasl w.-ek from (Mind- f a s 11 o !: ■. n d s \. of Rol.aa t oiuiunii tram i .%• \ » us OI- III » \\ \ I K Bragg Lmcolnvilh AMue J. Coleman of Rrownngg. s-ih-r, dis’aiie, 1st1') than da- woiid'- leoTii 1 weed ring.The meeting at Waterloo, s'.me station "ii the -i A Aroostook Bra ns w >■ {<.. Fang f -e- I J':id.i\ at Colorado, John P. of Ish-sboro. Kox- jury, guilty; k.-ping drink: ng hosts.* a running mu at made by afternoon, which Congress- ! was Ml deer, one cannon. two moose and Bragg ana and <'! a!'!.•> B Gin; Ik k Y, "a!-. ■ -a a -• 1 1 t; 1 M*>nm<-ui man Kerb *f Blaine was the at- a Blodgett of W. st Mi tippling simp, demum'r and Winder prill'ipal j be.ii. These weiv shipped from "tie Brookfield, ss., o a Nellie lilrd demurrer •' Frank d. St.n .-?• .• ,• ■ i’a: k. N '. A :st 1 i'n.s w.»n- \va> large one. train A. ,.| overruled .*x• as i :. :>..n: _s, traction, Every station and were iiea: iy shot on Fast Bragg Ko.xbury, Mass., and j• ! ■ !'< >\\ d s >1 n 1 a s i n e s s ought people into the ejty. liraneli wains, s. aru’l\ a week Ralph S of Whitciunb, Colo. Her and allowed : nuisan.-.*: three ;mii.-TnmiiTs ;• i.'a 1 "... < m,>aui; in pisses Bragg 1 "a• 0 and it is said that were ■ aek. .*.< i,k Whilam 11. I i*• j• 1:1 there that 'leer an- not killed on < for ’lard in \a- >•>! i : \-. fully by trains the death loses a long, useful and faitliful ce- singlr sale, one, ga: M 's Hat’.e A kk ;-s \\ \\ 1 *i a. A. >i, ! > >. N. si m l"":.. i> d. ten thousand visi <»rs A a o ad. aged present. ; I g a A i. Mistook road.'I'lie Charles- Reeelier K.-Iid li 1, si sair !’■ r-a-r, her life being devoted largely to doing ray. ton 1 y Sa‘ Urdu;. >; n '■ 1 ..;, Lacan: 1. liom I .i number of oveillow were ( Mi. 1 Vnil ii i- a i ciil j verp< »!, meetings town, Mass., b ub n i nir-wls ha ve ret urned Four indirtiurats w.n- for others, ami her i Imind against the •’m ait lis’ visit i. 1111e e ; h.-ld van. us good im.-umry 11 at a at 'a-, i *;* i, New Y>u I-., a J. 4 J j •. 111.. in parts of the city. li'-me wii h li: largest mount of game lung j lit the u| Mr. Heed poind the Mate be cherished wherever she was known. hoys impia-alrd n.Idling st-uvs university even taken w single party from the Fe\a \V. M S’•; n i : n !• ia-']\ .j i.. : c ■ Frank and Laval Lam aster W. d 1•'»!>’ m a \\ as >■ sew a k >a < iill* iniiiiiv 1 iai• on dinner. and ii. da.' s. mushing Mega title lish r ! win;. pieservc*. They : '• Riehards and 1 ...... n :! iim m. 1 •: ja inmates. whieh I-eats ; hr II imilii‘1 is of ot l.ei ;mu sous a the of F. Fnunl '■ paid secured he be Most bear 400 hak.-ry .:. e .-. previous (weighing Tl tries A. Walk'-r «»f Wahl .iied at las the If,. _ s >j ... -a., 01 s; rets to him. A Enited Mates 1 n thr mi mites_rap:. Robert 1 Vg- judge pounds) and the largest buck {weighing Frank Lam t>h cl .r«*i J. home in that town r, from a M r. , ■ -s 'Joth, ompli- and Mrs. \V '. a m-. A in the United Mates aim U dei-'deii hat U'piMtci s riuilli't be pun- boo in i--) ever ni dan. Frank and Sauiuri W. nil _• \ !;■• 1 ■’>' vv ,i.s p,.;i shot that region; and I) .vm w.av n- '•atioii of ■ *t \ \ uimer v', tiiseasi-s from wlmdi lie had said r- "t N t 1 lie .S :. jili i. S. : V i at u Y t.. ished Ended laws, the hist ten dc-c-i, an ea-ic and f 11 *■' any quantity >.'t l hi I >.r. al Lam ot.-r >. Jordan, L ,ua ! ed a time. He was in .i ll i o K i. x an i a';: J aged s w .m lie \ Ihuig.iss liavitig repealed statute j srn i’ 1 game, sm-li a> d a i;s. long Mr in. M;~ y< ..m.JiR partridges, La-ms, Harr and 11 -rhert M an ; •- Cui!.y ; tt i' ui to i n 1 a r<1 : a I '•*. c, m- ..: t bed tin- siii1111u. Tliis will be worked on ,t 'arm there in life. fl- pf Japan j mii'k an i ••iter, was >« eured bv tlie partv. early Mrs. i;. \\ in R: lac; is' Tli.'is ts M.-r- . ami m d tu. ; ma'i'ied : .!• \ m, a aai i; : avs uni am: A at:-rwards we nt t1 o»sr.>»r where he served arid M n Ad r.i i.l amt wm d s, .* t.. i ('.:! !•.•• il. ra r. t of he 1 ;cm uua:. nr lidate f.u 1 | ym i5-y iurahty She Maim* man moi“ than rs on V»n-I\irt \V. < i. I twenty ye the pop;,-.- f, ! * a 'v .s,; t. ■dr t a h" *’ l, i«-1i.; i.\ ra'c-‘a ( w .a r>.. oi nt (.. "l Tuat is a I mg, hr- Ugi t• w ml Id,nest, .M:>. Mar. \V«md- g gi > j l'et rug on a pmsn n f:. *i:i tin city ah ai v S K ■ W! I A N dam, S Mltei k. -1 ■ j v 1 ■ toil ears ] Ie i...- in Wa < ■■ t •• ago. dm U 11:* m' > ( k« i. nipei 11 Uni i tub Im man'! i' y >1 .a ! j W -MeMl's (’Ill’S- >. H'- i\ < s a | >v !?■< 'p-r ■! *'«»*, 1 !. v : ill i | wife and it: d m,. 1 HjP}$jMHferjff* 1' Is me ir> .Me ne.ij as ts tiiTii annual adopt, dang! !y J lil- 'iir.lll. U.-V. n I'..,: i. !■■ ,;,k : M S' k >;\ a. I i O > m> .Hid L: M , M 1. j a... , ■ Hi, o .■ s o. \i td i ! 1 i. i: g ...moo- i-:, m , .. .|;(v ..v;_ | .' e i.

V ,,-i. k ... ., ... :7| ,• J ^ j l> M i V. 1 d. ,, .. j

s,|;>> ,i‘l Ic tin- Vi-', i, g \\ T 1 ’hs- : ^ .!! I

1 s \ = (


1 u > 'k in \ ", 'i c :V. h

■ ;S *■ on rumo i;:... -,v. ■, 'h .s W f o a :• g \ a 0-1 Ji p C V ’' I », i ... 11 ». i !' !' , \v U-W g m ,\. i Mrs. 1 iv. ir; uni tv-.r.dhe ee? a t hr ! t- n ?*I rs <• ■ * at nr pa •. .. Lie.u ion- r. .•:«••• i- ;. ve- in less w 111 E 1..• •. 1 m I. A : „■ I *- I :: ■ u In »\. ■. in a the Male.- oj tlie Eni-m T' -L •Id 11. \ !:' -tea..:, pt Maim*, i )r**g»*ti and Verm* mt. whi i! Hi girls at lt>' ,s 'a- it :;.' lea*- .M. ,v. !<.■:. 1!. a / ; a L phan a>\ ri h ive rliosen their | I already representavi\>s >- -f »• ra.iee Wo. ■-» M V A. ;i;. ^ ,• i: A ’gilt ;n mi in her. and all. as us mu. IT ; I.’< nt ;oes wen- C -: r. 11 ! •' .y advis- >i i.’ an 11i it111,i >l. \va> * t .1 K \\ .!■ : -.11. ". ■: :■ -I *tm at •>; :,n he same I he ,u ri; •; ; M '• A t i: 11 ;• wl:;,.' at w p pulilieans. day ills,’ Hi.!' I' •*• i 11 ; llllellt I.,f IP e work SofOeS. »rk faking '■ i he W ill of 'oiaieiiu.' ran. *11 A ; 1 /"na. w xh ; l'-'k modilied ... ..Th I nit- if- Ni M. ». ()k!alioin I I i: *'k I < ,od ... g l!g ,1-gat:./. |- down eoa! iied, I. :; a mi ! >ro k- i "s arm. i: Soft Ms ft.!' sevei-ai Mr: u u, > r.-: .• Inapt... h c» —ndeiii a; i Ruioi o a. a rit- t' tah ill eaeli eh et !, u Uil"-! a'l.',., t I e M. >., V> | M r. na d M a oh >1 West dr- a mt. lit* 1i <■ ! May !l> I" I i 111 of t.lo' r‘S- tig ta it natr ■? < mi. hei >t I si, ain- •mg.'vss Elections of Statu oflieers. ft... cause ,.f Ck ’ist and human t-\ Si ,' and pel in >i y. s.. i. ■ whit.- at work a ve>s, i at the dnnkiny i> t.» _■ lo \ hr in < r. Ut.t t la- t'lei t-* of a I- loading tpiarry 11>! asylum j cr v'l illieda. -;o,s Ui the R'.lll. the ron- veil be held on the same day ill Mates. : hlVorillg teaching .1 < a. •: a I. .1, n-'M as 1- ! '•-•hoi in >.-|.. Sundas to the in- I.dl in 11 hold and was ' I inn I: I:I, s r: ... ."•> a'uoui The ■ a m i : gat, s of the Ameli- Legislatures will be elected in two others j instantly j m-i ti u stria I ass»- ami | 1 i la 'ilsi■. s iif 1 >| gen--rally iiigtiig i' s i. io r ed that .1 I. if:-, illkoiy stay.. kit:., at.-1 li ti ii.* .. na : a. pn 1: v t las island 1 and a r; *■ ■ ‘! 11! i! a > s •; i. a :I- \ » ;ll. 1-u aimot I a m. 1 a in one ot hei-. a st>-m.iioat wharf tl t'i Ml !!♦•! i ':!•■(. 11 (ia!-*:.!i<‘ (>; Mi-;.-. pint!• 11i, h-s. and lumn- upon hih-.tory laws, and '-.-niui'-n-iing those who •omnig inter. 11. V ii lie tetimiS 111. 1 t .a 1 1 la,- pj a ag elect, i, m on the have heeli laitlillli to their oath olti and w:l md extend fartln-r out los ■!! M. k:ny 'asm, V. iiy!* snl-a c Washington Wiiiom-.iiing-. Amird- ; enlarge pres- 1; •• N • 1 t-.aialioUi Iri k UO'.s is I sis > ao u- ii x eit i/a-ns w ho have anted i' A. " sr'. Representatives then.; ent w w 1 a h :s on l‘>".an. m ..y ing to the estimates prepared at the ln- half, io.-.tfed the opposite >- 'i At.:; \V. I; umn ui 11.t< i dork '.rial at Tin. n-i; 11ors wi 1; seieiit.i tie nied a! tieattnent tor a! ; ail known and ni/.ng til! .1,1 'll f. terioi 1 inent g7s side of t-!ie imil'or Iron, Ito,---, •• >d-V>..V»L'. will be •• the or-sent steam- ia>- ; >: -• in.- \ rim iir int'S ran foi ! 1 lepart holism as an fa, tor ,n Wf.-i, a i .hours. its* am- ! !u- tieke* 1 epresents a important t.mperam lie to on work of that de- ,• .1 W 11 "M s, ilr : nntsan. the rk The va tie of nidus- hoat i,kiny :. *• essary carry landing. -I .i- av !• -r a w J e It fii;i •! 1» v U t i)1 egistei ed Voters recognizing great HfX i;; pa lament, including the Eu pen- trim as an ml fa, to; m ,*«Iu- is>!uim>u -.-ll, r oi. J .Im Jl. i payment tiaming import | Mrs. Jienj omit (idh-y diet! yesterday alter | sions. the fiscal The eatioi:ai work ; tin* wuuk the M t > I .•■<■-!' i! during year. appn>- indorsing pi 1 .1 "i IA ,-s mil Sa im:.- > < r- ,1 •••• 1. .ihh'l". : Vill he a a short a ». at Aidant, leading plank die de.Uhires s <•! illness, aged sixty-live years. ■ •. I platform priation for this fiscal year i> s i go. :>-V. .-hiIdren aid societies .Maine ; xtetidmg M Sat .Ii M ; a t; ia u tVw w *-eks. I lA'lurt !o :r a or. trip annexation ;•■ h. die for. '; ,st. miss;,,11 of thanks t- friends in SUow I -r «ii- Sin was railing on -an- oi her and wioayy paid. a for the next is rstimated at hegan inasp;t i Neighbors j >!•••: ks I'.kiaM w. a: oi a saving year •miser M tie wil isil l*oi t tin- ...The London Central News ities and ami To tin- radtouds tor ir- ivs's and a t«.*\v "t asi _r" •• !. iw rt party.. > 1; 4 help felt somethin in a n' head and s>.ou 1 L 7 h, a7-. The decrease in estimates t snap ’lav a at tv a.: tu;: r < a i;i iiri i"ii 11s n t'-sies .a nn faith m tie d-istineti ve ^ » umph. in Merlin sends this de.s- ng < correspondent for the for Espti is fell to the lloor. She was lilt.-ousel, s most on x>■ r|'I ions. A • pensions s]U,OOU,OU?at»• oilirials. P-\ a oant \’ou < 11 v i on principles order, ks. pateii: ■ ap resigned The decrease in it is is a of the t line until her death. Danirl O'Coh-m.'l! was ira-nyhl iid- » : i- ask.-ii < .••iitoa'; s. M.-n i pensions, stated, strengthened l.y events, and announcing tile oi. and the rot railed upon and M •"> Sa II ;•••*. ianp, a decrease from the for the their to forth a t!i«* name of the Sat ami ad-d n>>! a "1 hr ’I rst !lt at ion «.| appropriation purpose g. Mrs. Has ha (1 an is unlay pit yiriryti pi tie; j per-m id<‘d him to reconsider Ids relations. iiley, ag-d holy, very current That was Lord desus i ndntinr ul s Aon llr w «s aw a v a A •• 1!' year. appropriation ayaiiisi |>.treat.', 1 oi t:lir riaisiri Maim- t M- ■! a unis between die chancellor and si- k at her daughter's, Mrs. ,;.: oert f.. Lnr- Mrs. L. L Fos.-nd. n, Mrs. I’aul and Mrs w imll roar! A w ts ,:;r.s'n; a. made before the close of the tiseal oprlird, a cat. !.• > IV.I 'tali'. «ii.yi-i iior p »mi<>r 1 year, ail' U< ah ox more S. d M. Williams vi*\ wit h moil a. liana- i*\ I Si, a;:!' = a.i■ H- Uul-nburg grew and was for slU.eiMMMlo more than :hc were appointed a comma- pinn oil; ii'i 1. * .i'll t is> i % a in > ;n >■ : Pu hi.- tint ii an ,aed. First and then ( a- tee to confer with otin-r S ,ati.-s foi tile! Tommie >« a; ml 1 rolli tin- nil y ; •. « piny *». t: lluleiilmrg amount actually expended last year. The Staid.-v. while playing hall last ■ >ii11 u ili i.r ;i yl'.' .t 1 i iskeil to hi- and the maintenance --t tiie i-i'oird-a >r\ aw. wind*-w 1 a Aai i i*o- ■•:! w! a \ il ie. flay p retired, iiniper- estimates lor Es'"i is no decrease from the a had m-ai the with the Week, g.-t dtp eye ! ■.. w- ■ n iruisr hr 1 ■ had allowrd Inn. to >s ta r will •*r m.[• 11 v 1 iis;ai>s«*d them both. The amount last a..d ha win -h «iit Ins f ,<•, t e had 1 A,r actually expended year. Iraiisters ill Heal instate. 11, p; y. si a a-1 timr al'tvrw o->U wlam a A -a i, «i i•!11 i.-trniiiy uift. Lap • | o. U ei -hired w itdi holding the tar ■! All I h- linked ujm;u the idea that the expendi- There are traders inis t!a- train for tin- rasi. Mo;ni y w is I '"•! >; > if liiUollir i .-a a a i.i many apple ’siting ■tV \\ | •. r\ V op >c}iaration of the euaneei- innoits s' t ures will be for the lst»j, The : :n < •.: ost at.- u «*rt• on t; wo itdii for ny'.r 1 m M o. < stationary years following train-f> .- and are I i alma u o. of Lew- ov Prussia has pan they selling good wlnte'- ap- j premiership I s-'M and lsur..i !n-< ierman ambassador niri.-s 'On :-y ini' mi: .lair a! n.yid d or ro.'orel •! ;n \\ 11.t l' -;nt \ 1 d -t of 1 •.•« «i-. u ..i 11,a'. cirv. a m ry at :r- h) ha. re I. — ii i,.: ana p i- im pi-rat. ve e- pies per a-« 11. in \ A. 1d alld in .. n J!a•- km m;tl uouticii lit* ol ay -• Vt x 1 ly Ilf. .ni, < \\ W it secretary j for the- work 1 n 1 ( Jrtol.oi :n iv>l Isa.a i!:.;. h an i ie-'U. '. !'!;«- news of the ( 'hitmse i11g < )adis Mil s if Hie, Island lias sold a avia-.l a v rnd. "1 mM Id1- d.n an- state that in of the introduc- uihgs ymity. lias consequence 0 in r is sr list I. ;n was in il ;. ■ \ e-.mpany 'left at lentil of t lie d .1 n vei iias caused Mosorvo\ Horinou, fami nm M. 1’lttTuni. vai lla hie house aya. >pr \Y tion of Texas means of two lot the !io| iielti pat of tin* fever, by ship- ary and was m-; r- *ssm! Ml M '• a, "f T hr >■•■!!•1 nation a; Tim u. Tie (hin- s e \Y i lit. : lot :n \\ nt Noil a* M. A- .111 l l' ! A Ml. orp"it. To a w a ■' ments floe New V'Mk. the rport the Is,and party and A a A--- v a a >!**• k has been impoitution imports County 11 ori"-y tor olli. i.,i>. d" n -t at tie- i- m 11 t tempt deny he Now Ha:i N \ .. to danios <> Ha- f»1 .■!i11•.■ fresh f and cattle from the I'nited Jhako, Barg, tiiat they will he;, in ry soon m a h rg- \ar> drii il d r. '"If ■ •' nat HIT Ol the d is;:.-ter. The next liehtiuy is m.m k> ircimaiiy wiii sliort y he piohib- Kiwoii, IslosBoro, land and Buddings in \\ all.-r M 'on ird. t.dr Iro It <>• U in other vein ex i it I ’• wt r. eottage peer,- Vr11_•.i i ui pm ration a 1 "!•. t w :i a .. :-r- o itvd is that this marks the I W I i' o n t < C. U‘• vi % M; A ii--. was me- *i ■ iliouyiit IsIrsBo;-,.. 111, B.-ifnst, -a, aTeci in I > i•_■:»! show a remarkable oil adril ito: ■ n*: a •. warn n inciuu mm i.return!, of a of emumeiriai I ii* pn pnlicv Id, d< : and and Bandiiijs in Social Season. M !ii_t >■ ’idler. The iir>i m mi h alter on ra. li, fiir p o-1 pi : i'-taiialion ayaitist the i ailed Males m j .'s 1 !ofa to f r- on im t; m j I; !a w •> e;,T into elfeet t he tin W aldo. C li. I'.do n, d, ! \ Ida A. i) 11! .. ! \r:C a- -o ini : Jis.-nininatim: tliet.i ayainst ’> m try- o' dr .1 nimss. d -1 -A a 1 1 al '.oils", 1. >s than W lot -' ii.!., \\ a !•;< vim." )•;•« !■••»•:y. .lames I mar. < rt sityai :n t !,e m tai ill a. x ; ! k eels. a!ned .st s>. pio omm. The dun In W 1 do Stale v I Bi-. 'ii. t d ll. W 11« How ..ate epi •sonic i A. | J.rfiii 11«• s s and Savon-. < m to ami in s me* eas* > > ■ by II i. ‘as• iied iv vinie t !>e 11 .list.riel m inii i;:i! < o,;i; t »*•«. h and take r. all.. •'!, to dona s M |,:ttak. r. 1 *j|. >t y u i i; \ k ilir ! j in are fee >1' jde.1 ..j. ms|w. m-m i,:M'd. u i> Iiiond w o tempt- iudi'-vm-MM ay dim ium. viiai :jtiy a-ryi \ ia- -i!' 1 ha 11 man 1 !a vne >nd j dyi-.ogs, io Molt (ii'.Mi. do : .an.: o.,| ‘ami eiiihe/zlement, and died iemiiM’T:- t'!.., ...... \ ii ,nj 'iii '• > !, M tin M 1 **s im!ay a!: m a on, w ben lie y i: I ng* it! d: kt a S| :s. el d < :••• *' .1 ? '. 1 (•■'!- t s dial lie a ■- "■ j, | e Me:.. iv.Miin w if, fa: m. im; r i"r. id is!, to M .. ad; jin : m }11*»x. It in*U •.id imi <■ a .:ai' lit s I e. ai i al, an -d: .: mi- d aim :i• -' n ft-. ! d« .1 •! 1 n_ e: > a tii t..! M 1! e. |: Win 1). ■, .!-! Mr. i :ao,id w.m Stamm;- I!", 7! d! d in by the d. f. oe to ;-.t ike window in his home an-! Ip- wife « its>.V \ lie ease.\ttol 11.• \ 7 Catnd- o : land ", i im-mhv Ho C. \\ d a.-r, ad -• a -"ii ?ood "i -!mfni Id a, T >i tie < : > i. lets i!• ei-: -i a- v .v. do. ■ in.' •' lit v Mm. N \ 1 111 i.. i' •. i>. ! i : ! -'!>• m.l tua Ml t he in.-st inn -1 hi i Mi: Ml .-. a |.-i 1.1 (I i. -1 m a l m J> N v 1... a.. .' a \V n |.< I s w. !•• e ISO. d ids 1 iuys t he >...i?h (. a ■>; i >. 1 '■ t on. K it" is Cit j. oo.-rt \. f’uit, » ! w ;j< | i ;r r- uud. a ul Vessels i! *. i. sums ■! *a a-i.ip-s.'s !:ai i> Nl' by ! ■ van bis ra eel i;%! on,- and orlv made.. _ I'm* 1 heap p- V |U mile., W > he S I la is. Clads- .. M. to I, I! i;; 1),. >. iisj-el!.-,!; ill e.Millie: ili. iu; w as nest a- at!\ w hen W M,'.. A M. is. M,-;; md Mar F. ■ e ew ;,w, t": at N oi i.1'11>Ioi: g progressing j New.- in 11 n | Daiiy eaav-j.oiidem iti! e 1 n o 1 Ven 11e law- of tin* 1 \ii 11•. j d .and auel Bui: :ius I> >y-11. n. l.e ’> 1 lu New i,'e- all were sudden i\ start ted h\ the r\ of v v .• }• ,"•! M. ! *et« lire I'/ar's net Se at. To It II. el-..: M \Y -at. s, :sc t!i;11fa- t. asbliry sl>-" St,.,-ei ai \ ir!isie has -.i miuune Idko, ars|" Small, ia'nd iif women i*i .Maine no •- 1 e. •• have tei i is a ise to on ] >r. !!i r. i'r. Wiit'lri:, Soars port, I" ii i he men te t it Miei to r-*- I ill i'Unl last tils ir red I Bo !'< 'll s.irpi ed that lie will not yo on the sttimp in So,irsport. duty Week, l" :. I * ■ err. t. bn: lhe\ .tic iakiim /a ha in remark, I Frio a ;. • a frieia! that li. 11 Smart: larni in Soars}, t'annine- y ! New Volk State. It is believed that the spond to tin alarm, a> t lie lire was iu tl Mr )S;dnev K;i ish's si« re on Ala.;, : > a Y Coe«niBs ot al JslosBm-o. to Amarial. e iiis year in edm-aiion il tm-dieal se i e 11 ee was in in hie • this explain 1 own ami wi'iv mem- and v ill ••"iitinu. !i s Business there. i.isi \.wi., -..a. n• .. 'resilient said "No." tu>. land ami Bn do m neighborhood man> a 111 h < W < a Triium, lings islosboro. ! >] he k the W *111(11 *1 iii the ease. Snell a la- said e mtia- rally bers of t he tin* hence the \ tui a avs I ! newel f '■ depart luent, part e w a unicpn> W hirli lor live diets ail ami Tret d'oi'ii Tin- valued We h.;r received fro tin- PVasnm Vi presumption impossible j pacer .lack, < Tin* liockla n I Lime (dinBiiio. v\ • broke 11}i without the formalities and cour- Fanii W liter: I a V. T \Y. IP I i P I A >upp.*i: ed a kindei marten, and t bines 11■ w seem possible. The may at >'(),()!)(), died under suspiei ms eiivimi- Panning Po’u|uiiiy. rt, a It in tin- tesies usual on such occasions. *«. Bn T. K. I'-;-. < Me II We ;•!■• neorporated public- be aide to take part in the marriaye cere- j stances in liis stable at Somerville, Mass., Ilai'Kt.AMi, Mi:.. Oot. -7. Tim KooUIaml sample nf t heir anued sweet m. !? ap has *i tlnee \c-ar> established a to * < ,To>iah I'. S M ". \\, mony the extent of blessing the couple. Friday mommy.The (>ld heliard kite I.into Asseieaat ion is duad. It was lonm-el a llainlm Brand, and hears a line p- trait"! Allan:", Mainine' lias sewine Swanvu.i.i:. There were da at the meet- ■ wiiool, put The ( y.arina's comlirion does not cause I track, it is claimed, eleaicd about Sd.~>"U ye-ar anel a half ago. Being a emmhinatmn ,,f the late llantuBal Hamlin. Pleasant \ aw I ea" V \Y M a. m. M e 1 pnbiie seiniols: has lane lit -](» mill .\ was on the meet held_The New York all the lime- manufa.turers in Kimx e-ounty ing of the Ladies’ Aid Society, ineluding j anxiety.' dastardly outraye iuys Farm was recently written up for Tin* dour Hate!’, (’il IP;"- :. }*•■;. aet ■ art •>:’ an 1 three- e-otmerus. ami its was to dressmaking, hassup- perpetrated a mile from Fairview, Fa., at Sun of Monday says: "Althmiyh the race exempt "Bjoot three strangers—- M r. and Mrs. Mi A1 lister of t eif linn- in tin- Ne*w na! "iir Swanville eorresj" udeiii and \\a Fultz. S. .1. T I u k'-'ses in and nl- do oontreil in-supply Y and Boston markets. Tin that during are s itistied that its are J:r>t-, lass. l*V t !e- Lnilue I tej-i’.r y l;. \1 I! I. M. Evelfth. M I).,'of Ilalb.- who tried to kill or more than a week horsemen are still products fifty sixty people hy ayo the ssion of tile \ear tin- kilns Mr. Barm s, a commercial past erson'.-., traveler, > ii'-d in tin- Ma-'inic- after w hie 11 e I esliinent ■>. Will ball, August •, earns of an explosion of dynamite. The j talkiny about it. and smue of their talk is outside- In- association otild amply supply and baby: also tie- school teacher. Mr. A si"ek' "ii'paiiy -a 1 let! the I)r. !> hy. »d i\ evemiie at '.Id. need about nd motive was a r. IP ! ’ell.Pet.Ml i" at ,. la. ! undoubtedly robbery, and the not complimentary to the manayers of the tin- market, has .-aus.-el the Ianm Asseiciation Herbert Band of Lint y. ... Midi issa Me Keen, iV Soli Po. has been formed w it h a capital | f. of a in tin- bursting blood ves>el resulted in the instant death of I affair. it is now intimated to eiissol VI- ; in slieirt it lie-oil .-olisiele-roel Leroy Baehelder, ('barb s \.’ebb and others '.v infer. N S. I'-mi-I I. t. m. .1 \. •% attempt disappoint.iny stock of >10,00(1 to own and manage the 1 >ya a a ( of on 11 e had c.nne to attend om- three A la number were that no bona lide match for or impraotiealile- By tin- majority t.lit*, iii.mii- went to Boston Wednesday.... M isses d lilia Y■ M'k 1. a I w A 11 rt Hungarians. rye | s.h.ouu, any medicines of Burnham. N. F. ilays. lie havine- a mem- Bovs to to control tin- marke-t while- and Susie Baehelder visited their Murray at ! Pil ••|:ureli :.i1. i.v meeline, been injured, ciylit of wliom are in a serious other sum, was ever made by the parties atte-nijit sister, P.apt'M ■ j so emm euns outsieB*. The* Mrs. in Brooks Burnham is Hr. A. F. ol I > '■ -» and a \ ears. w t w o many re-maim-el Bowe, Sunday.... Sunday president; Kilgore l.\ lie .Mine u*.. i e t I i I -n bait' A i*iow, comliti-.n. The 11 unyarians were in a ! mntrolliny the horses in question, but | j as.-,, i-ia! ion at time did not. to uf- souool concert Nov. at 7 • ami la 1 li lt te t. a -i a any app.-ar 1st, beginning seeretarv and treasurer uni Phas. iiiiy M.unlay kteis ami >c*n survive him.In a wooden and their assailants took ! that the race was a and Brooks, ramp hippodrome, pure fe-e t the pru e-of ami in fae-t tin- p. in.... We are to hear om-e more the Ka"t v/.Min. .''ait. A... mm 1 time, price* glad The Ha.Mam, Maim- men whose lives are insured from a eliest near and yotten for the of E. Fain* of Brooks manager. par value dynamite hy placed simple, up purpose reap- has risen sine-e the assoe-iation .-art- music of the and thanks to Mr. Tl until IS at 11 1 .- w s .'S'. ! j slightly sledge anvil, 1 "t.'l'pine y •oee amounts the Portland Press in- it under t ,e a in of shares is am! have heeu issued buildiny. iny harvest yate receipts." eel to e-xist. David Kiri in of Monroe. "1,‘Joo is i.' at r.anyir. of a as 1 had never Notes of a ITip Abroad. 1 came upon an antiquated structure, said consisted such chop tasted in America. The seem to to have been built in the time of Kdward sheep I YI. It ha> always been used i'or a school, know what part they play in the domes- ON To i.i'M'oN, Every Mother ;s! as one can see it' lie will take the trouble tic of the No acts economy country. history prcnpth Ii i- alwa t, left is the r. W ! ii11 :i I' -v Toe .1 -in mil. to decipher the Kalin inscription on the of England would be complete that !.- n i-, the (.hi. * othei It is 1 wall. There were other near out the sheep. On that beautiful duly Slip. j signs by < At th< isk o! we V\ illL ’.ho l'emh r, i Weak Mothers am* ic :• mmem ;■ k f we rode miles of that showed there was a school in the day through sixty-live It has stood 11; ,i M 1 :i: f ('t iii 11 to I hat I m rt h «»1 .1 mo? n- illy < such as window the. most beautiful country that I ever CM :.. e w ;rl \ ! c eon; :i neighborhood, giating's, women are j .11 in i s! pa y. and all who derive almost incon- have Used it w all mu i;}s on saw. 1 saw machines, le i>e- nursing babies, f i'•lice sinqis. broken glass, and mowing h- w i; i ;;_ >:n, i; Jo on tin- >o.i. a spikes del down k :i. u a,;,.,-,.,. \ ! rakes, and tedders in the liehls. and ceivable benefits from the of he tep -•!' the garden walls, etc. hay nourishing properties childn it as a valuable mu.- rt ntie oivi a nd old Ki Tam! ima r at The people ot' ithaiiiptoii have only was reminded of some ot our own inrifty of extrava- oin tiling besides tlieii line city and docks New England farmers by signs for .it", ha i taken ] n t,| me. a sort to be i.aid ot. and that is tin* name ot gance and waste that always attend the Wes a!u ad. Am ; ] Isaac Waits. The poet Watts was !> to be the literary 1 was soriy when 1 \; i. ■ in \ i. in. i 1. mi 11 nee. s only ot' this aneient *i 1 1 did not and chimney-pots of London, for the j « V ’. Mike eel II ai t iehs ‘Lit ot it. pioilm-t got-' \i~it his grave, for 1 could not help Freueliman's ilog had ceased to growl at This is the most food known to v. W w h; W 1 >liomm) haw "iitiered nourishing science. Tt en- these terrible lines: ni\ shoes, his wife had gone to sleep with 1 n n .! :M sir. e t la ! have v. ; > h * i remembering her mouth open ready iu begin to talk as < riches the mother’s milk and her It also It wr,s orieia.'O d in v heel: ni to suftei. As gives strength. j i id "llark! from tlo- tombs a doleful sound, MSsai soon as she should wake, and 1 was enjoy- j John* an ol ! fashioned n j ■■ m 'eu" in siu Ii eases, all :! e arti- Mini ear attend the and more I’h\ *:• ui t a m ery." the contentment that count air and makes babies fat gives nourishment to Family j ing ry j growing w ith ! h ere wanted were at the b<»ttom, attended tnsiantm.n:.,: When a these lines gave me great a conscience W e soon ■ boy good always give. "■ than all the rest of the food eat. w ut! Trunk had to he Com- children they anxiety, for neat my home was an old rolled into the Waterloo station on the* e<>!ds. com.; n c r> ui p. 'e e-kee. \ a the \ < 1 e se n I ill ell t hiatus, colic .. ':•/.uim-. and I never it after hank of the Thames, hut so Scott’s Emulsion has been prescribed by for •• grave-yard passed ight quietly physicians fa :o hr ):• a !:• i im me \\ as the tea: oi al- j till'.at. t. dark without these words in that seemed to notice our arrival, a ringing my nobody j for back, mump- thus a la m. # | -. Rickets, Marasmus, Diseases of : ini;{'t.rn. paekiiij. 1 hadn't parked twenty years Wasting Children, wb, aids ears: and even now 1 attribute in a large A two-wheeler took me to a hotel, when | pains any -aim !■ 11 am! had no more idea of Weak Emaciation and joints, toothache, temsilibs. w ) years, degree the few white hairs on my head to to avoid a public exhibit ion of my st length, Coughs, Colds, Lungs, Consumption. hoop.:;-. j uei he 1111(1 HlV he didn't mean to. \o man who could off a geological deposit, of diluvium from j Scott & Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and $1. i:.d hail a i<>m; conversation witii write such sweet things as he did could my person. 1 sat down to think, a thing I i im :• \e \ solemn subjects, had him up. have meant t-> frighten children. Head had not done before since leaving A mer- j cad me se\eial ot Watt's most solemn I u se poems: iea. mii". and then went to the rail and Like Leather.” h;. “Now, here you arc, old man." thought “Nothin" I.*, k e 11 wii into the sea t r\ii)ii to imagine 11 usli, my dear, tie still aim slu inner -t*NEW FALL 1. “ami what do you propose to in the thou shalt Tlie ! as to do with the 1\im; rd, morning hear.' Are aware that there are live million caption nothing ■ you ; -s ieii;ni/.ed to the 1 proper degree. F! v, like :t or roe.” is as youthful halt people within a circle of live miles radius, present subject, but solely intended ON DECK we m h< h w. trunk from beneath pulled my one of whom rates a ‘continental* for do harm when least intend not a lastin'*' to the Boston Boot e h. ; it. and raxed at its con- Many they coin]dinieiit -.peiied you? It you heliave yourself as you ought, •. m the to he in. to. “Let delight to bark and bite," and Shoe Club, which entertained j then at rliitjes put dogs will from here all royally has often to me as a that you probably get away 1 as b il sup* Muons eloth- suggested boy the men at Hotel Brunswick light; but you have much to learn, and newspaper j ; i am. ,te(i warm work. Article" d**gs ought to tight. “How doth the ;}' the are that will eveiiiny. < »et. 17th. The to me piohahilities you p;p\ Wednesday ,ynests ... re a ft el allot 1 er little busy bee." has suggested that disappeared. dear foi some of the lessons. You will NEW TARIFF “live PRICES ! and ,.f tlie eveniny were \ : m. ei rv seized me. and wJien hees were very harmless insects, and was speake’s they not be imited to the Queen's banquet, 'ie i!,i; 1 nn feet led to experiment with a hive of them. leal, live edP,us of daily newspapers." eiioim!,, pm and the Lord will not bestow face well after a hut 1 Mayor upon mm u nut in oommates got while, w i my My and all wen- bo as w ell as Tlie .. you tie* freedom of the but you must witty. Our tall stuck is nn the ;iintc•' \\ am s'Mwrm w and hail brush, imi left him didn’t try the experiment again. city: not let these little inattentions s-mi discussed was "The and Let to the hotel about you. subject powol NEW GOODS. :w in 'It i.a:-.: sule. u m T place; t w t lie ship’s !ruing eight lurpains Many a better man than yu has been inllucnce of and the *■ Mi Mr! ne of the blankets. o'.-! k I found a good breakfast await- 1!io press," speakers ships wors! h’emembei a mo that e. The waited seemed versed neglected. ; .u in <: t _ei nd.Ned up wit !*. my ing deeply were Hon. < \. Boutelle of the Banyoi you are a married man and not so y.umg w u t a h was in 11i> 1 o; \ and told nie several anecdotes \ :..; in \ last H of packed. .is used to he: and so if \ .>n don't win Whiy. lien, los II. Taylor T'!io •' 1 : t ii wnv you ...mis feed .• t *»1 above till al>.mt place which undoubtcdly the smiles that the youngei men do. don't Boston < .lol>-. li.ui. t.eorye A. Maid,-not' it rut. imi wh'nli are not leonled in the I ei and cn\ions, for haw had rT ! i WAV grumpy you I o 11 <. u 11 .11 of 'To ! ha -; u .i!i de k. and eyelo] Lias. He told me that l ought to tlie I.OWtl! unis d. now others a to; your share, and ict haw- '.a '. di'.w n 'out then i s! -oil*! see t lie Isle of Wight, no man ever the Boston < ■•’!,: Iirivi.i: Bn in till. and banco. 1 >. n* t ! ry to bo too Lngiisli. died hi] i• y without seeing' that famous •' »stoii ! ia 1. ’• citlim, for i\i-ryb..dy knows you arc an Stephen Mo a. of ho 1 .loir. s. :-!o. >o t- ins-: re to an •dit nisi asm '! Mild 1 i. d ;! with Hi V niyvlf i A mei h ,i;i. and w id hate ho \. utr w It V1 Hi V\ I'M I.:'. I w i* n to east y*.,i Mu* in ot ;m men the Hi,a, i!,.i .j IH ..: : ! in- !d;m s < leaked. !»i11 I and. dow the iii-.-ks ami ]»rovcr!1 -paper assumed airs. I >• 11' t d : ink So e oh a. toss ! any ;.o!. alter •. minutes of tuimil ing g.a ees lie ^"iil hamploi; is West 'bted :: «• fa<-i ilia! H i\va t: w hiskex ins', because else dors; striking!} hy •> 1 s O >C • o s everybody • 1 1 >t -: ! i e. axi- W ate. tow 1 ] 1 ]’a !' 1? d' 11 St i U t < the host ; of the i, ;oa; ks of n. 1 your iu-ad isn’t st mug uougli hu i. i>c ji-], s'; v. as dared ar< aiml ; In. Its high ualky elit'Ss and green lields d: .11 j to if \ on w ish t t«• in- • ( ,:. >! s ]mdite all hem polite i:a11 c> H. i :i \ oU of the Boston is •.' ! ! dr d< I: Wits dill.1, look lie.ueifui tit the bright 11111 ig 11 r, an i to Vol,." :«■. ~: '!• « biissm-s, ; tin M.'vj i; from tlie found in t!„ raid. At this I fell i"d !• -st v. 1 e o a. -a. but a dis'n ii v 1-.w : id to point, asleep Is. \\ al. < .on '| a he t he now s- evei- addit: uni /ood ao h e i i; ilit 1; a \ o A: iuj; -lie of d s e:'! re !!;. d -.! ieVrll oh a < k IUV tialll Protect Your Healti d roiti\ eii. A fret so no dud- diftimilt pap. :o; t b« pa- ■oh. 1 of 5- «; d;-ks of life w it ho:.: W a! >, ,il * el 1 lid- >il alio I had to 1 *e my 1 awaking. I found my way down stairs, aiid com !mh ! w i' r a ■•riiiii o i:l to *• N o\\. said 1 and tried the mutton that I 1 s:< o Y Ain 11 run .mmoiaii k I i !m r:1 a i a: it \\ -m my up iu.-t i»et dm lining about: then i bought d d :■ d itun i what a!) as\ to, v !.h S. a-e I ga\e him a s! ijiiug. a map d tin city a i: i retired to >: m! \ ; o M'i." t \ 1 11 -• t hat I mb ! -st n:\ might ,;-t it, ogd. v; m '••!.' m m \ : day•. The Luzerne “Shield9 Under .: I a Hot lud pit t til look i.g 11(1 ix i i uai. it is .ao Id .- q-m st i i- m tun the dim ;m- w l.o stood at t o-• a a si: 1 ■ O Ling, anIrottg!i \» M,'| ; \ j | i j licit nei ot laid (i"ie a tluug lor me. w -t .m. t < .1 •>!■ I li a! s.. ! ; bull range cim will M\ oam.uii 5 O' mild Wei;. ! i> ■ h aravo: has hr. i■ absolute •• n. -due m\ d: s; ai In \ > iBosi ,,|i -U \ i.a ■ b« a 1 '• "• •, '. -I-; .in’, ami ha: i h d e'., b.i.eltd bog. tie and lawsp.ipei limit n v ! j,a\ lt a •• Lombm. •. Qual.ty ; c t ’.,••• j had eomim :e ‘.o-i ! 1 ;; ,': o o to b sur \ ai u way up, ia_\. i1 >r ill..: •; it!’.; hi,! v\ V- h tin-.' a. ! \ l; K uij in n w ddn't last more than a ]■..'( my *y bio s’ roll- 1 •! b o iim Wsp.p ..u b Prices way down, < o o; ■ ml : ■■■•’. > in- II:. \ {«j)!« -im. liS < >!>■*. !’ ;»t iOMs. c enter; Ho 1 clined o t hat : ho d iii\ m w r Ivuoj.t u <-.• iiii'ies find tea .. l:nn ink ip, \\ ::i'; I'll- Vc! if e. I! *! to o >• >.ei -;p\ of : ,i:i\ aa indep.-m 1. m a, iso it P. Palmer, o «■;: t ; Dwight AMO WORKING SUITS has oecotn i< lam to he H d. OVERCOATS, ULSTERS, BUSINESS* «bu;i n.d n;a\ .in an The dai i\ !, w spa pel Son .a eh ■». Masonic Belfast. ... do s 11: d. like tin. "i Temple. WE4- » Or'LS3. BU ai\ rain! lings a> .• 11. i. >. i-ul»- BOYS ANO CHILDREN'S SUITS pt ding h- .O' >. U >d! s'! m i r m n; 'vieTr : hey sci\e, I.m : T depend wholh of tlie u alter w hri yets into liny ’> 1 a in I have WHITE AND FANG ; d. The;, eann 'hr i heel) told tiia: < NESS AND BANTS imidm upon ••lip.-:' ruins. 'i’l m wspaper to-,; i> *s wukiny WORKING ..V in he \ d ; i• man\ •> oh p. : 1 hi- pr ilegi sci luges '"‘w bay and ri\ ei ; |!. or, whd:. was a ing in lasiii' mahie phf». i In- natives ut' a adins ,.f >< v ci »: nd:e>. No place lias i i o>r •; m 11 i m hut 1 i tit- .it a : i j. Tile i nt! uoia o -ml power of the was "i.-t* -m A’i the ».i _ w e pay v\ -h puss •] chnng< i i p, _, iK. «.. •• ,«icd, r iliifeimt h*tK s a h:11 A inn ira i; who go hrri- feel ashaim •! than « w befoi e. Tie upm < yroatci n-av-aopoi'is The as !u- :. Me a o.end .Jeilison in Stock- hunon" Pam » o il "Ilf had < > oul to ill-]' one or two vn> io a wait, y a- a i.npc not a blind, reokless animal, *i it has rs Campton '.I t ..:»»! vat tidt 11 thr nrim .•jtieiai :ra; It y Jh.;t t i * > n: ist ge: .f. -. .mod Jou. T\\ till \ T W «•! i! \ years a g n I tender, eons, iontions side, and it is ! ir_< WACKINTOS •1 to mi. «r else ..vide THE NEW STYLE :.«!• me, to examim- ;!min. doing p iliero. '.ms " cm often "iu-e a v. eck. with from id to id DOUBLE BREASTED

u > -e w:':. extra ahoaii of b lie* jo im pal tiling ue hi an amount of mom-v at the ly publie. bushels of apples ar* at e the ( ip.• and RUBBER COATS OVERALLS. PANT STRETCHER '• d r- .'tail. i he gin with then tih-d tradt ns all "hidings, Tile '! !!• Mi. ’!ia A !>• > it die a!" speed: o ays sold oat'. I had a rival in the d ;d, v. ] \\ as 11d• d to :iiis 11:: ■ Sun ."i x pern-. ami ;ih.t!ly did not hi mm to ap EX J of the bang"! Whig ami ( I'liid r was di.i: ALL KINDS Of UNDERWEAR ANO HOSIERY. \ O' e > ,. u’.k mad imi t m .issui aime 'lift 1 a )•< ! ! \ td\ f it > !.. HI \ ph■ market from P.elrast the name of by >>\ : aeteristie the man. ami that i s < ■, d < tdidid t m. m ami and !m 1 the uiieoinfortahh foei'uc AND PANTS I'dcher. ! think, w ho sold a g-"M many. TRA SIZES IN SHIRTS > ! w t«> sax ii was ■' a ha-1 liai id ami a shiilinu meanness gradtiai!y ea hr lent ing that outspoken: im 1'ii: Mr. 1 *i t eh«‘ ]• i ;■< tp] »ed of! with his > si" t !t 1- a among that d i ],.. .:.!<•! ms a m- saying Kl.rop.-..ii." whetliei ;t:< '»ngr(-ss. mi tin- stump. >; i: '1 salt.-* a time e '■ .is\ w mil me. ami in- didn't ! oriy t'ooK o»,«: A merit -m> ride *iilast long ago. while ! kept on the his sam.-t im Mr. Ihmtdie noted; tor i There o\ri A id ij ■s’d1 with or A i" m,.sp« apjdes something eveiy year, ■ tin- courage «>f 1dm mind' m. ami stmt, d! l-u d,e l ead ol tin fo: met 1 M m ■: a til."I eiass ways having H making perhaps < or two flips a season. THE SELF-CONFORMING GUYER 1. \\ i: li ill( idosr at eompaitm. fit to winch m\ ket. fin nisli- lions. i le differed lmiu hi- mtenipo-a- i < ed h\ the \-i ri gal ton entitled East winter went an ml tin* ap-- wit], ('..inpany, lies in >oen- M S]., els. He thought that and me. !' t." soon vev\ »;ii that although '! he i:ia*s ol 1 lie •; e.-s ,'ouh 1 hi* I ei i.t |>e rhe-sed among th iooi,. there j been tin te a few days before with a lack eh a t. tin’ hei t,T ; a m i that u hi :«• lie in 1 h 11. !•• !dm, d ;u •'as in- tianLo of people'.-* making any tig'd load and got ahead of me, although I dd only j iidsta k. t m \ tint i.»n;i lit ); ;akes a join n.;ls ot' to-day hail vamiy imava-wi in jg 1 o h ,«t a s.-e< .mi am 1 lad to de- out. but that is not wdiat 1 was going to en ia ;on. and tin raw: -I ton:. md '« ot o! A mere an, io.wevei ma\ w well he ite aho111. It V, as tin drains that ha -■ !■ iniinitch their had. not •.d• Id. The '.lain w a> made up of expanded, power t aken place from the ime w hi the 1 Ti- Shredded .'■ Usual t o\ ... o;|e!i .iivid- d it.' ■ font ! tie | e ls**d in plopo! I ioll. A ml hurt het : bist & man sold Cottrell apple*. there, now. Ti, lb did mg 1 >di< vc iii the 1 inipe>-s.rnality Staples o. lie 'Ui ast het Ween f If small a]»plcs were a and a h-M of luxury boys a t li. new■>]ia| ei. The pu!*lie m of ••• 11" u .ii > r > ’e in wmi into his < d t} * r* then, i. .er\ in- iiot .*1 I ft mud gr :dt(\ drawing edit, win) would stand out at th« in ad of 1 I--d lit': : If, A ail d. had the ex- 11 "I Ol dir.. J as.sellgel et .aelh. ( )ul V hotly h.n; work and was prosperous. Now his with newspaper, tlmiougley burned twa. .led tin- with i" :. k-.-yine si ii. w!ii 11• i compartment me, how changed. There are tn- da 1** abate e.-n\ietions, would go light most m the a 11 .: :i | ran s ty fm namt U. .otmg Frenchman ami lii>wile. t.nm He believed ill the of tloned and some of the houses a tv continuity ■' *o 1 brim me as an American and eon- places. i’o tjm-ie an oi-i neiuh- Ih-eogni/.ifig in directness on a direct iiie. 1 expression, ■ new an«; WHY I !nu s, to the eoneius.on well tinish.ed. There A FEW REASONS het-n that nearly druuuh em-s sequent!' jumping 1’eople soon learned to believe in a news- ms- and w as til 1 cine not understand talked are live houses a ed enough to them, they in row. all vacant, paper whose editor gave the hostage of, 1 •> ■ -ej if t lie just. over ad their family affairs. Tin y had a his whole character to what hi* V- 'ii sh''uIu bu\ .i!i Some young apjde trees have come into said in his ■ mo: 'liny ; awoke niucli letresheo. little dog- with them hy the name of a for on papei. Such paper worked g tod. ■ the with n watch and was ‘•dim." named for the hearing {daces left, others, lay hnrriiied to probably lady's for progress and advancement. Honesty j : :!if father. As as i could and now are a so o'clock. l! was my intention long keep its at- apples nuisance nearly ot intent and strength of character s'ood F I K X ITT'' 1 v I- ■ j t tiny to rise md show tention fixed on my face it was saitl no early loreign- perfectly everyone with salt* and of no use, ; |oi just as miudi in ionrnalism as in every- t' i:e sccivt of mn and here quiet and would let me pat its head; hut prosperity, and with no boys ami girls to oat them. j day life. lie was not satisfied that a ;*j• ,, ■-lock' I when it looked down at russet shoes hurriedly made my my newspaper was a commercial enterprise it would howl ami and There are less than a dozen of the peo- descended the stairs, hut saw growl seemed He did not to a NEW 1 merely. propose start ; '•li are all to terrilied. The of them seem- then* now that in the 1 »dy. ••They gone the circus greatly sight pie l>ouglit. apples Sunday school in every newspaper office. -'i -miit'wherc else.” I. *Mnd 1 ed to remind it of some sad experience. thought \ past. All have moved away or died. I but the great newspaper press ought not H. COOMBS & SON, -b.i.i R. “<> nr iu'eakiast. The door was .Jacques" said the lady, “it’s too had to be t" the the number now there are Mr. simply purveyors appetites fastened ano I was a .Just that we have in with that horrid Among prisoner. then got or t the weakness of mankind. 1 1 and panderers a, 1 tWt k a 'he n yht elk awoke and asked me American, see how he frightens dim.” Mrs. Simon Pendleton, Mrs. Amos First. Our puLi? prices dun if ! The press should be a voice in the wilder- ! ■ ‘d It to break the “He is enough to frighten re- Mrs. Hubert Mr. began through anybody," j Speed, Small, anti Mrs. ness of human affairs, and a potentiality j prices in ill. Mat.. ..l that her amiable husband. “I can't special den-ir> my intelligence my watch plied say Sawvei Ellis. Miss Pliebe Ellis, Captain for all that was good in the world. It j vv.'r- New which lie m«>re resembles a German lieu- ; ... keeping York time, and I was w as not well to tenderness and Second. \\. Jo n n ask fm me lotits ! Willard and wife. Some of the ignore pur- a tenant or an Staples KnittingYarn; kvanddiny abcut in house at At tills the | strange orangoutang." ity and a high standard of public life. and sales. 1 ■ have ami I f"'n >ck in the morning. It wouldn't lady laughed, and in my embarrassment I girls grown up married, and OK ALE KIXlo profits lartfe Hon. tiro. A. Maiden of the Lowell ! d t h■ the trod on the foot. One's 1 Knglishman know that I had accidentally dog's still know the apple man. other oocu i 1 Thii d. We jI \K.W iTd: ail uc- N in.‘d •• e• a foolish and so re- seems to me Courier said lie preferred flu* old fashion- (HEAP AT mistake, I personal appearance always have the 1 pations paid settlers in the past. i ph' O '! at it was my usual time of ii>iny sacred and should only be discussed at ed newspaper to the new fashioned one, to be had I the money. the soil for is Hid 1 u:s much to circles or mothers-in-law. yet tillage first class. It is U. F. W surprised lind every- sewing by some we KLLS*. j and in respects agree with him. aie in A ik a a Hi.i; boon i-i bed so late. When we arrived in London I bade the strong land hat litdds the dressing well, ! j Fourth. We often ny The :*.(> and 40 full ot wind Belfast. Sept. '-'7. le'l. " a-a lint' and a amiable adieu in best French and ; page papers morning good time pail my and good hay farms can he made there. I can offer ■ you. d eit v. and m t be clerk let me gave them to understand how much 1 had are an abomination. Mr. Marden prophe- with privilege for rock wood, mussels and ! j ! wandered about the deserted enjoyed thcii conversation. With much sied as follows: Fifth. We will un\ i d tlats-mud that later will he duplicate spv. ua my at ail the st ra uye st ruetui es confusion tiled to make excuses, but appreciated, they Sometime there would lu* a reaction ■■ ’!' j furniture store in New 1: eland. ') ankce :ii iosit \. not fearing the “orangoutang" had struck deep and I besides, as the lots run from the shore to ami tlie coming new >papei would give the j Russ Calarrti Snuff!! v. ould ••mment couldn*t forgive them. < upon my open the centre of the 'ape there are numerous news in a nutshell. We w ant YOlak FR A! a and U: a c, Large newspaper-.. ; \ I!'!" -- -me! Sixth. ': 1 st I! !l_ < \ es. My mi'i ry mm].annuls with their cheer The F. <‘,tianii m rho lfiiti j fish and shore ami with in them, and 1 privileges, sometime everything bargain l’.TMio oil i- t'ilf!: 1 s;. m- « ! \ k is an Suit e.-tiny cit\ in mg remarks about my appearance could F A I‘ 1 *;! our cusioiitrs, bof h amilii md pi < ccinter on Sunday made money : but wa> ■ the I will boom oi' u* :. ii Is Its aye \v »uhi eornm:,ml not dcM i.>\ my njoymeut of my lirst ride ape again, bur the apple- !'. I UIh'iuit i\\ Y IN I FR’l S ! 1 i 1. y else. 1 !i«• m 1 IIS ■ f a n t ii rough M' ry England.'' man will not be in it. '!' llvtm TCP U •! I" PC the ;i!>< >v•. minus were raised a p ipi : now we had fm •:. j saw rho:uv. >i ■ * i: \ and main « t its ween tie- ehaik hills, through quiet iiam- F: i' i! 1. ! ■ !’•'■!<. A-'. Sol.t ;it .,!! r near I lie < M bis .•-alt watei, ( a .lei lisnn < urtis (iuilil. .!r of \ he |.i.-ton '..;u I ■ • w ith the ye pe ! - t'1 unudstakable signs of lets iiootied sunlight, by thatch- -m:\ F. \ Pi! sS. He 11 Me. ; O Moca th Yi, f" Eighth. ed-]' ofid farmhouses and bay-stacks, past and along >:mdy point and tin Nar- liit'i i;11 I!111 1e1111 -aid: I hi : \v >: •;11u• r ..t I towers .-t im- it nt i Re siember the Place : mined eastles. ivy- rows. .md in jo Bowden's point. U e e 70 tfC 72 Mn ill Pi.'.speei t O- i|;i\ was SlieerSS! I. a. tl S t -11 j hut 1 he has out- erov\ ned and with My abbeys g'rave-yards < > s< ■ >•!<. Fr-'in obseivai i..n> in this section I am in- the news, ail the new.-. and II a r< i ads. as a outyrows bis tdi.-ir moss-e-■ v i > / 1 II M ><■ <>> clined to think with sail water lie jnu ai i*\ lar tin ;mcs.i pari ■ ii is t lie plump suee]> gtaxiag in the fertile spraying hut the news, i he. day uad \>\ w’neii ! 1 a i; !■• >ast ;im .ss l.nmks m. a rust i i old limit*. F<»] m my ] tires, silvery lidd- will prevent the and Mark spots on a ncwspapt could uarhh the I Tie- ! The Nose and Throat. 1 '' •' ri :■•■ !] i,as b, i'll all tant ing tlirougli the meadows, beneath tail B. H. COOMBS c£ SOW imp*-l the Harvey greeting. In my rambling I newspaper of today is impartial. The! C hnnmoii w«*si 11 li Avi'., ] s k> a 1 e bony lit to be the elms and oaks with happy birds sturdy saw Mr. lot of 1 !)agp.if' big Harvevs. best he had lead , s] __ •• b 11 1: in r: i.s in tic* capacious di.cks. on. on to London! Perhaps 1 ought to j < 1SM.| — 1 yr4 peel his line trees have none lit to mar- speech was in the Boston .Journal. In I ••*»:»;«.'u*i ioini bow many inhabitants have said up to London, for everybody ket. own if to Mr. of the of the the r contains, but the most reliable calls it up wherever in England he may ! My crop. up Daggett's, spite charges sensationalism, in a estimaTcs j»ut tlie* j.o]»ul;ition at from fifty he. Emerson lias said that England would give me LK> bushels. newspaper was still a force in uplifting I 1" om b,,'ndred thousand, The few “seems to have been finished with a Carriage poo- pen- FlM'KMAV 1‘AliTKllH.I the community, always advocating the Trimming l. ihrary l'd1 whom I met leturniny home at that cil instead of a plow." Except the great A SPECIALTY. best candidates and out bra\el\ '••ho. hour were in condition to of the nobility and the absolutely Bone ami the Mink Skin. speaking St u ili'nt hardly parks The Goose & mako a cliuble statement. iimillablc parts, England is all cultivated. in tiie cause of right.. In New York the UPHOLSTERY MATTRESS ! w;hk <• ini- No wild land, few forests An We to observe Piano, t«-n minutes took out except “pro- exchange says: regret newspapers had swept away tin* Tweed WORK BY t that tin1 hone is at odds with tin-mink i lii' •!*_;}: hr old liar < hite which. .some- serves." and no open country when* one goose skin in forecasting the weather of the com- ring, and they were now leading a great body told me. was “embattled and ma- can wander at will are to he seen. Thous- The OM, V bright light. ing winter. The mink skin positively an- New Yolk's rotten mu- F. A. Robbins & :• elati d." and 1 was careful when ands of trees, some of size, border crusade against Co., very huge nounces that the season will he mild Manufactured solely * wintry ; In EDWARD HU EER A CO wa n* 1111• not to on of the the and make one think that BELFAST, MA IS E. uigli step any highways am! tractable, while tin** hone serves nicipal government.'' stni‘ t r fear it off. After he i- some i ! Jan. 11. lv.14 jjf : ('onn. o; M\l Si P*OS | n might go going wandering through great city notice that winter will he a roaring lion A newspaper built upon the lines indi- l.'ictnriys MrritJcii, j « :■ < ■'hi’oujli the gate one enters the old The on which 1 arrived in Lon- with snows ami a had I 11 ■»• 1111 ■ 1111«»11111111 n 11111»»i • m 111111 11 n 11« m »1111 *»1111111 >. •«> i»i m 11«». upon park. day early generally rep- rated above would he tlie ideal ■e 1 w publica- a I.’oad. and soon linds himself don was an exceptional one for England, utation. When these t weather author!- It should tr\ to lmild even *■' tion. up good ed by liuge elms that tell of the past for if was bright and sunshiny. The ties disagree, who shall decide? tiling in a community: have its Mender, IXTSTJHAXTCb ■i" less en ipantly than the city itself, field.- seemed to have put on their holiday Liniment removes all Hard, conscientious he “a voice in the i 1 ■ English Spavin side, Saasan if Stallion. of the the dress to receive me. A is Fall part liar (hate green drought I I in-:; ra city beyond Soft or Calloused Blemishes from wilderness of human alfaiis. and a it* ami 1 Lumpsaml j poten- )s d:rd Above and within the rarely seen in England, and in conse- 1 liar, gate, horses, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Swee- tor all that is in tlie world;" below of of the 1 tiality good C-RAY'S COLLEGE NELSON! E and HAROLOSON. bar. Now what was a traveler to the n R&3'■ quence humidity atmosphere nev, Stifles, Sprains, all swolh A King-Bone, give the news, give it in a nutshell: and think:’ j will leave it to candid man the in su etc. Save >.r*0 use of run* School, r- Short-act **d Typewriting. UTlilcni any grass grows abundance, giving Throats, Coughs, l>y Terms very Low. to Idem- maintain impartiality in its news columns. S ff*r froc I"'i''‘rne"1 (V»' deride to the best in the world. bottle. Warranted the most wonderful 1 where the bar ought to he. Ilut tinence sheep ] c\ 11 '* >r r-■ j 1 This is the coming and it has L. A. G RAY & SON POR 1L.AR D, ME. WM. 0. MARSHALL. i>. it wasn’t there. I left off and lirst of them made me long for a ish Cure ever known. Sold by A. A Howes newspaper, starching My sight »•« U 1 & Co., Belfast. already got here, to a certain extent. 3m34 Heir.)st.Dm. 10. is .4 tin Lv I Ul.l' VI W >1' returned to the hotel. On my way back mutton chop, and my first meal in London Druggists, \ l licit- Saimicl Came to Own- Though strangers an hour before, a de- Literary News and Notes. ing St. Thomas lightful attachment grows up between A made a da- Me Out them, to be relinquished with poignant j traveling photographer > Cut \; l.i.Nt ol N \ \ > I.* i: 1. \ i: \ I guerreotype ot n comparatively obscure ('ui tlii'. A West India belle dances with > i; advertisenKTit, regret. man ill Illinois in■ ni ai>\ "( \ 11;i» n> rs | in InM. The man was .a. n : it t. the maki -. <>i an andante but she never roll \ N A V A : AN I* O'AI.IM. movement; | Abraham Lincoln, and the picture is the earliest likeness of \. i'Kl.M I I V h SI i.AK MAM V-. wearies, and will keep you steadily at it j him in existence, and 1 1 I N I UK A NO! I THOM V- ! i* published t''4. Mo you! you promise of even greater achievement and Assimilated without any diges- t know how beautiful is a of rus- for the than in o w near this tiny island- a mere vast lield prosperity coming year the tive 11 past. A at the index for the effort. you want to grow the o tan among hundreds of with vor.r address and 14* tling cane*.* All those stretches of brilliant LEAVES ITS MARK glance past six months shows what an return mail immense to a in •clamps, and l>y emerald from to —every one of the tat, robust and Mnes eame being possession j shading pale yellow pea painful irregularities amount of on all is af- strong, plump, v.m'll receive their beautiful ami weaknesses that prey upon women. reading subjects Fur Store i tint, then to dark with whose forded in one Mnited states'.1 When Secretary grass-green, They f.ule the face, waste the figure, ruin volume of this live and pro- use this food. It will stop the a 1 shadows the of these the wither make gressive review. ent southward. to recover from WASHINGTON deep peculiar light temper you up, you old before your time. and add ■ islands freaks—are cane- wasting new, 1 -sin’s knife, he visited st. Thomas. play strange David Christie the healthy (let weil That’s the way to look well. Murray, English SOUVENIR SPOON. !ield>. a see it some- Cure the disorders and ailments beset novelist, opened a lecture tour in this tissue to the is greatly impressed, as all intel- j Watching held, you that emaciated form y<»u, with i)r. Pierce’s Favorite at Association Oct. times almost then as sunbeams Prescrip- country Hall, Boston, In I'ci vrrs must black, Boston. with the advan- j he, A Mic TH K I 1. WTI MAMS CO-, tion. -4th, before a select audience. IIis sub- Paskola is far to Cod < histi'■ rv. t.. catch it down it is red: and It superior :’.> harlo»r toi a naval and eoal- bending pale regulates and promotes all the proper was “The of a Novelist.” \ I'K K Mil M 1 H'I'AkTM TXT. ject making as functions, improve* digestion, enriches the a Liver Oil in Mil. lie 11 >t again yellow burnished gold. Through Mr. Murray has a consumptive cases, President Li ul rough blood, aches ami pleasant address, pi- j ii hot u- dispels pains, melancholy w u -r- a le -f th- and remarkable o rmn;j its tall stalks and leaves the quant personality powers s O 1 > r. U-M aid. the dost »f x.iiizol iuiudl«-». jJUMI drooping ami nervousness, brings refreshing without its p: j sleep, ot imitation. His relation repulsive taste. Thin, ami n stores health and It's a of striking — ever breeze of bountiful strength. •ntstrnUoi:. mraiiM' tile ihliospit al- present sings powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic personal experiences in varied dialects from five to ten Edw. to & and so is pale people gain i o 1 .•(I I ni :;n am.1 into ! harvests; the increase in a Sons, 'i>: |1 1 1 i 11 1 uiser> uni t.ia I I'cot. rolling rapid and nervine, imparting vigor and strength furnished highly pleasing and instruc- size- so the stir of life that is to the entire system. tive entertainment, lie received a ■ in- \n iiit\ -!■ 'ill -! *: soldi »all, broke- along plain going many pounds month. You can bu\ of from the 162 the onward ran almost see and hear the. Mrs. Anna of J-'.hn expressions approval audi- Tremont Street, ■ si them was a so, re- of n ■:'iir .hole a ail raged t H rina>ly among you, Cn.k, Buffalo Co.. it at store. u nit I eip •>' ence. any drug Send vour I.!.w ei I* i; The of maim tact sug- -Mi < i\\ m ::; 1 al opot ai cns. 1 h idinys. growth. process tiring Chiu health thanks to Dr. 1 *i •• l-'avor Pre- blit* maea/.ii es and the news).ape is have name to The Food We invite < A w a k thorough rho streets oi'the ar from eane is too familiar to need Pre-Digested comparison of QUALITY ano' o\ an nt 1 dirty repeti- sent,! mu and •< '.olden ippomted i vi■ 11 a .m eat deal of spare to the War in am delusions one have tion. In >i. Thomas the mills are .very.’ I to PRICE. 1 nii^-'io;1 > 1.1 visi; st.. ishi. M.. I*h. I).. famous FOR SALE GR are eovered alike with shoe: t boards iv. e,\. in of go cents a A. A. Howes ,N RENT, mills, average day * phlet, Co. hat I nld -it up in bed .Japanese scholar, who considers ••The the lia. ■ .'id sir and ;n .m* d for the im-t 12 for the women, and s for i f w nit”.!!• ::is, 1. < auses .; , also ] ,m f. -i it.'. styles, which bed to the War in the We. t V. I o mriLiir; d Belfast, ! els. 1.»\\ !, I i: lions 4IM \\ 41 MAI-'I \ 1.1 m ow the tbilM e bast" from the of his | : M.; ’i I, !.!;.;(! i■: 1 hr { S. ! U i eiii’dreu. the\ do not overtax ! standpoint nation- t tie:: t'■' sen:hit>11 and ality. In view of com- ’•are erhaiiL i tty o.d-'.mies imt riy t i lemsei \es. \m; n lie ami 1 possible buropcan sure, there j hi- 1 e V hie .1 T li-- p'd cat bins ;1, tin- out come of the coutlk 1 c A the t, ,, ; ! -v ■ •:! 1 !:1 side, hits and time ■■ -emus to he a darkev to everv scaare I ry by V. la. :i a ei >. i in. sv\ \ 1 -pp'-ite ineli. this will be read ept (I h.. I taken >:it -half doz- papet with interest, both 1 t 1 rmi' iiy ii md-iik'- tdeyw ay s. hi«uiyh e. limed IT women at work in ouetwo- fdm e :: a s I v. is up and iti the l’idled >tat- s .ino on the other si.';, 41 her* pleased, f 1' ; e h i. e k m m d and > lie Atlantic. !; h pltsll iot. besides the men, ehildren and : an have had health Mks. T'lkk'h. 4. the \ ! an i been very strong ppap-titly tiyiny to make aits. The eanelields arekegt free from The i m ev; ended the Funk is t a.nt \V!‘ tw* years :iti a: Woinar and Her literary in is of the W li lt ’’ public Kurland .uie '•A ilia at lliyi-l j a > -WILL d t in f.l a ole in yi.tss. I.einy shame Northern gardener woik Diseases «! / on of io CONTINL! A I ! HI. !■_.. port They receipt literary surprises oi tiie oust year. 1 be •-!. 11 i,-i :.d>. k.sed at all. by .la\ ; emits in f a arc. with giganth hoes of ditl'erent. sizes -the stamps po-t Address, eminent bullish novelist, ,\ ('.'.nan j Wo'ivi.D’s Ibsm-Ns \: si in 1 wide now i- ■ doors open. , -m oh si r of our lecturing in this mnirv. S- .1 'Oil •'; 111 > biggi than six hoes. 'The j tion', '/ii Main Street, buifdo. Y. recently '■ wrote ee sv s i!.. ntei bus hue from London, to the as .t.iiny n ..f j verv old publishers, !.,:>■ !m ! n \ a 11' u;> rt > ne-roes, male ami female, who WHITE pa j follows : I STORE O.XLV 0\E WEEK LOMIEK. m w i> mix- :mi\ bite p. p'datem extieineiy are t!»o for else, feed decrepit anything j I.OM.ON, 1 2 TkNNV -on >. So. \oi:w i'O. and ;l;oi:_i: i.nydsli has li.-tviiir the; A'l-uu Itli, iSllt. the huge boiling vats through the hopper. ®IlL1NE8Y Now is time to vuur nth I wr..]. .. t«» eouimecd you bu\ jim-.'-t e\. iusive iauy taye oi the edm-a- I ■ ■ di« in < > 11,111 o li > 3 T For a few weeks, when grinding is going NEW” I >"'u tjonary. but I bound m do ;<' the tieyf.- shows a 'pie.a I I .Cera loti-'ei- experience with it. |- ha- bu,.- patois <>n. all is hustle and an : ;• 1'! v- »iiini' station in | hurry, with im- 'pme a mke with us 11. i; u .-an -t : i: i > i). up >mbination -t >in<'h. .msb, Fren-di. ; V. have i»een several time- -mre that v»e would •a: i-ivii \v 111 is imwer mense amount of noise and fuss to popj. help fancy. 1 u: have always (ailed. Within ;le- Iasi week j and Fny'.isii, .iiunteliiyible to; I Winter Spanish he work the rest of the haw ha«i o'-nsion r«> Turn ii tor v s mis he id like a .kick-in-tin- along; year, ia/i- j GOODS, up v)..' ••.•..(!). and — me n >t am-us!no wonders how they to i Hni eovi'nment woftld be c'li- manage olid volume purchasable'.* I hese are to ihi.d ot the pe* 'pie are leenan < kuhoiies. Yours \.c..nan 1'oviiu goods going be sold 1 live- so of them oil this hare 1 faithtully. hi impelled ! inters me in poii* i \ many small, in h rest Lutherans, Lelormed Dwtrh. i the next tive it secret is When is a wuintin at her days. you set .• pits that let a island. the of it in the genial hot, mentally Moravians, and Lnyisii an and is a re- 1 bpis. opals. physically".* question which >. as not ral m: weather, the of nature and their In lied ! bounty ceives «• a answer at the hands of m it se, ;.a- its J,;n h Tltei is iso a MISS SOUTHWORTH adequate .. habits. darkev an fare want to m> ihat i' nrle >am m- simple Any sump- such representative women as Mrs. Juiia improve this b-wish ".i sir .:iy. The town oppor- sy!i tyoyne, t off of a a Ward Howe. >n •! ;i i> •■wii i a lie Vvh >i 1 u- iiously every da\ banana and liv- Mary b. Wilkins. Mrs. and a now nas pm-;., library reading-room, tie>sc Has returned from Boston Amelia L. ban. Mrs. Linton Harrison, tunity is time. : me a as \ n* u in oni ing l;sb, and articles cost nothing just your ly tjilinai ( i■ h-tave *< .ail e.b _e -:ij>pi n ted by the y .vevnment, and Tintnel,'' Hamilton." Mary s ii k 1 v to be ana ill in t lit n re here: in detault of that, “I draws my belt with her usual full stock of— Mapes Dodce, and others m the \ovembei mm! ■ th, < .1111• 'lies, am! a Marin ian ■ one bole ma'am." the i. > s]. ■; .> ..ii u;ts y eanic •! tighter explained Ladies* Home .journal. Hood fiction is a V hoo wi ami a inline hospitals «piai tonic, and the serial "A * .■ ii. k w id strain 1Y«1 :ni imielin- .uii negm with whom 1 was discussing t he story, Minister "1 :i a .Mo on Muhh-m'rhh point Horn of the World," by Caroline Atwater Ma- w i• ait in.iv-n:'hiCl tit. > »a.i ‘‘As fat is a in eane problem. darkey MILLINERY son." for which William i; may in b-U'd dedvei us. Heavy. ; T. .^medley has :nr ,r is time" is a ■■‘•lnncm in these U: p. are t p-O •! expression prepaicd sonic i>r"im arts. e;n ii 1 -ur charming Illustrations, ;.tilled by w islands. i Aeix colored pc soil of the lower ill prove one of the best. Mrs. A. I). T. s ; umitie the < rovvded tlirouyli contributes another interest -tint u big md little, whom you meet “in ! Whitney ini; -t! is. to : he "t limbs an.! lives. A better to < petti j MISS FRENCH ''Friendly .ill Friends," and sold at a cut of w. '• 'i i me'' is su re t ii!' ehe w ing a see- great 45 cent, w j Mis. burton Kinosjund s"- per ■! sii mi: i.y w it it ail miyiu. has writes of ihe j 1 dr: ? il.ti neat] a; liable to the i m e.f and t in -m Her dai k- '"iai ia\\s t ane-staik. : Has also a fine wliieli govern the ‘‘Introduction that can't be done other clothier. \\ e have : ins to t in w lie. lm ami a boy nils by any got "t a < «irl 1.1 >. les 'O ile literbd its*-!5 oil it. No >eiet.\ appear room lor my 1 -• t‘. y b liny th. t- o- line of g and remodel the an re. Tl-gu a a at ter lew hot it is. ..r v. iui; woik time j MO 1 Mur i/.:»if* I'i• r \■»\*»*in 1 ; w I s11:_ i. Mite. a sui m .ii eoW> FANCY GOODS m *sf .. then, i- o n •: n- t n i 1 hite i11 iieofiM i o;s; x idievv i1 ici r mi. The A N D < ft V 0‘( 'U.\ KLL. I V > j * t •! ST APT_,EJS, I... i a -f pas' !:•! p ■ >ide

* M CALL m W F: fO’IRsEiVi A

IflSf A : ’li WORTH.

M o t' it r\ t !' c*1 a

Journal \j wilding, C.'huc- n ’.fro*-!.

|, |, For aTOBT » Chewing '! THIiMK. 03?* "t In \ ! 1 it’s out ol U ! lie milt. b ii_■ lines of girls :ii *. the ane si^v.t.

■ < in bundles '*n tluMi heads to tnc crusher, ! rt | o n H W > 111 < 1 on to > A ni fm n the Just ■ inn a FANCY \p«. j'iie which look like I -1 ■' i M .in-; A !! i;, i i; k. e ■. «.; ■ ROCKER v hi Mile M't i Aniel i'MM MII1C kt- tops, wonderfully got •»I i;. nil: mn 5 h n : Inn it "ill ! 1**1 * i rails in-iim f 'run an m troop?, ; ••• »dder corn, are f« d he Utle: tie- •1"'i! rl\ ■, ai Mi>■ os a v. mi li-r ; hat the! * •• •: U y ! never In f. >i c •,! j d: : n \. s t n 111 i n k •. i •; refuse "f tin* ruin', after being crushed, pu nr iMviaioi in-1 > ap: hated tin* rough bne- *•"' 1 mj. r* V in- ail'd!.'. \one of - i.,isrci n tin er mi 1 lion d"lbt. -. goes for so tai as needed, a..c s. kindling-wood he t>-.{m uiiar to M- < •lure's lias SI.35. a1 Mini "i '! is erv. in i" ! and tiie rest i> on the lieids as a Been more all active llian < ’l IM ill.:■■ lolls Mi ! lie heads spread the •'Heal '.in- U'dalions s\ bad hitherto l.t n kind of t*> be in after roll- btiween Well-known aulhors. s.ioi is able t*> walk, gives mulch, plowed 1 h>- November number a ie- This is no am rids, in aim- almost a ing. it takes Id months to mature a supplies j»a11 sham affair, vvim11• < 1 this 1 iss the erect and crop. grare- ul,no, sprightly «»ne between Dr. I ..inn Its i a t tines a Alter he lias been in revived little m juice exaporated D'*\it and : .ii a a ic-abb* in all the is- Bober! Dan, li rives a pleas- but a large, nicely made nut until of the of mo- ant ! j of I); home ss.u. another ri nailing lands V. li- n a!: cssi-d to kill,*' their huge pans consistency | npse Doyle's life, an iieoiimt oi his methods ot i. tile removal of the it is into barrels and allowed work and of Rocker,well Uosai call c« as a.- e «M : lie most brilliant eol- lasses, put hnished.and Im travels, which iiave extended from the ■ • e s to settle. A ft*\x latei the surface is a! s s t to 0 days 111J) s. 11. i g 1: il.lx.ns l.edeek theii hair or Vail, Dole to Africa, and ii is opinion .| for solid corn fort it takes in its hair. s drained off. the residue is barrelled | das <‘hai lot te i-M \'t a rdinan "ccasions hats and veiis up the present state oi the novelist's art in the { ■ > and to in the world as nited Stales and Kurland. Portraits hr ri;’ in h t he od in.’s u every port the lead. It r-p. {>i >\ m -had iiigm.Mis and shipped is just wnat ol Dr. Doyle ami Mr. Parr, views of theii 1 i 1.1 S Nlli >U an tht 'hr-u n of commerce, and the l mi 11 then tem an shod widi sugar" dainty high-heel- ! ie>pecti\e workshops, a portrait of Mrs. want. ild 1 -bn .is and the north *• >1 drained **tf molasses is made into rum. you ed b... f wi.ite.M re.I morocco. others, | Doyie. and a portrait of ••shnloek A. m i- i. hot oi mt* When hundreds of barrels of this Holmes." the article. years tin* a j*.*-we1 :i: the social scale, clatter rough | accompany Other notewort are at to !iy articles in this number are .. sugar the wharf xvaitaug he have _ro\vn .viser ami nodireet along the ;• in. ms w :! l.eir brown lying We are Budyard Kipling's aeenun! of the writing always offering bargains at iini >tales oi to 1 lor and shipped, syrup oozes from their cracks airope feet thrust into lieclle-'s slippers, I and publieation of his first book; an illus" an -. at •. t « tini army of naked urchins scratch it t ruled xports -t M. Thon as j otlu is make no pretence of foot gear, but ; account. b\ Iluyii Pobert Mills, and cat it with a ot one ot the highest authorities in o|! isvo-tli! | ds. Jillt H. s j >: 1 e ! slap ai.o,,t m I :!\ unadorned. Most up relish, regardless I y:.,,. sand and themselves graphical science, of the parts of the •On : lino can ailei ! hr 01 the of the low- dirt, besmearing nothing skills, especially iwoihl that '.'ill remain he & to SPENCER from to toe. explored; WILSON’S, In the liner n>ii mu ■ top making | ;4ud its incomparable class U w "men, stop short just below ! the words ol a new sony by <'y Warman, of T‘ : rmains I grade sugar, such as the '‘granulated'' ! tlie autlior of Sweet Marie:" and a jit the uenrrni the knee so that at a little distance you de- and a li. ,1. \V. I) ot • nnisi ol' tin- emu nr* anii “loaf," much more j seription, hy am, some mistake them lor children. The men complicated Sit., Belfast. is j wonderful experiments by l’r ifessor De- '! rse w at ei s. a mi in- cent ral process necessary, involving the use of wear d mgaree r* Misers. alico shirts and war. of tin- Boyal Institute, in (inundated is tempera- ri u .-ir \ai ini.'- hranehlim-s 1 costly machinery, sugar broad liininol -m iw hats: and the tures of nearly four hundred decrees be *:!:*-• ! a it bn mi lilies through- I made by “tumbling" the irregular crys- low /cro. There a ie four excellent short youngs’..'!- sp.ui a skill or a shirt, for tals from tin* a "lories, all of tlnuti i ilusti a ted ; one < ■•- a Tie island i> t»n 1A puriiicr in huge revolving hy j “lull dic-s. and nothing at all for ! neg- nan one Hubert Ban. one bv the determined the Doyle, hy •’Uj Mi, ,i't w m> witii an barrel, grade being by < Fall lige.- l "i> ig!:crs :in.i mucii amusement b; tries V. Iutimnis. and on. by \nna .• si/.i "1 the of t 1: Ill’ll M :n.M i ;( 14 grain and the purity of the Bnbcson Brow n. ;••»]• in t• *s>i• g eopjM-is from the hot •! veranda •''mar. : ! 1. >ix! i 1 s .. f For ‘‘cube" sugar for '1.iH)i whom 'low.u into t lie cjow d- whbdi ic- making instantly 'Hit* '■die the American Lobster. Jin !i.u !>*m has float ■ purposes, puritied molasses is ing solves :si M in' a tangle oi arms and legs, 1 loot and a '.-Ii i ei into moulds and east in long 1 he lo! of 1 ms ks. afterwards cut. into found i. ji») lun«". 11. o! *!:•• in,-s. seal ching foi theeoii!. The up in tini” > •' i111 s 1 I'.ui'ojie. 11 Ini’ i' i i. i 11 y v ’U'm's maehin \ :;ia!'r a mom gom-ra! I v :n n k. an aninia'i I * a n i>y *ry. phi.a jiivscii claws much large! m than I !ii‘!!i:o" 1 I'he most piolitablr *»f St. tin- only mui,, tiif Lauds nines- >1 lint women ssiiii product those light 11 tin* 1 hi'ish and o|V ;|ir FALL PERFUME I’lcmas. is *-t nil these cu;is;, i inn- ... b. do i; !. s and liask. :.s mi their heads: hay oil. Norway wever, in* dif- TOB.ACCO. 1 ‘•mice in fi "in xx hid run is tie lialci.-oi ihcse <•: u.-taeea -:s 1 ho I,..-! 11 h Ml- •> ,nv ia sss 11 m ..i •idhlren buy- made. The oil Is .iod.nin.u !• do t !! \ last. !!':*• |’t 111 \ on tile lalhc. MTF.I.l A>l ■■ ; \ >i v > ( o t ■ > n ■*! mi concentrated essence amphi; alro a I" 'a- uia-ei i..»• « and highly Iron) 1 he i:is t 11> \eiyh- >dy lauy liiny "1 !e A i• ohsi. I S. like tliel r K > 1 Prim reeii o; Uw Mon on- u .-I.- 11e<*. and ne *>j 1 m ail EsM i t l.a• 1111• i.,i; hoj. •'o• ;!!•'* mi—-: : a mor t.!ui r seems -mi hay pin; ii, dilut- O! 1- !.S, ;igi ;• n-y. I V < cine Me o e*. w it e warm w at *-i. x-. i! i make -. 11) a in.-di. mi v. a ter !; m .: > lit* ,i u ■nil1: !aa''i,u.'. iiai-o.i. he neyioes of hep -Mai< h 1" 1 hai r* I *l tie.- >r* i u:i. ! >a \ re :n :■ >uud i : May and tin' in t he K< II- *' i. *• 11 -Mir: jo on mii round- depart A ": S. i i F > i> 1 i. m. .tie ie i. J j i I looking C / N FES. J bai her si-,ops and hat h louses. autumn in the >ame manner. lot *t liii.l Mi- eset M\s. trregular^ EH LF 1 Dies LM to FaN.Mk !>. \\ \KH. ISLE E(' U0UF I in 1 hi ii at i« -us ‘toil w k in tin- 'iimnim; .-inline and liiiy i: s.-Iid ph:d:.n\. ; he i Oi l A iobstei s nco 1' — Hellei in larger dong in n ni. and a.i f ii-- an.: at duur-w BOOTS, i- 'kins:, route d,»<-k nio'lu still more FLOW t KS f ! till i' fellow > lo : he leal'. ITALY, I».sir ssmg Knhc y and iP.wider diseases ingin:; up They iiis.ii "a.. A tialmai and I a re ext w MARIE STUART courtesy spiiit ii six In ai is bx the X K\V < i; KA reniely pugnacious, and lien they a i>i i.-1 S " ! H ioi in- tii.- In-iglits oi kindness juavailes t he w hole eomnum- A.MKKU'A.V l\i!>M-.Y I'l'ia.." Til's Hew ! do leu l: lit I ot hel oh iii/i ns of tl.i deep lo OLIVE ! A. reined v is a on account of its with omits, l -. y:. l i i. m a 1 i k ,S t. great surprise ! helit fight one and i.i SHOES & s, ii'. and in- ,-t ranker is diarmed svithihe they another, SWEET FtA xi•ding promptness in relieving pain in this icsemhie of E! OSSOMS. *• they many tlieiaeesof a; i..a : \ and ver\ >i i! mess la- meets e\ V > 1 | impn*d |-> mi vi hand. To madder. Kidnc \ s, ! nek. a in l e a pa rt of men. When attacked h\ a too powerful WHITE HYACINTH. .\ tiie urinarx in male or I'einale ,i!mi I .oil 11 laf f.n di ink i an invifatiou to a hall in some passages It yam plan- foe they display great a« i \ i t y in 11 11 a t relieves retention ol water and pain in par- V:OLET DE PARME. often iia> to ho ii om tei s hoti.-e is die uf ing. am! much skill in their luoiight heiyiit ever} yuium sing n. almost immediately. II you want thrusting RUBBEKS bodies JA'EQUEIVIIIMi-T ROSE. i-iand. ma t •pin k re I i el and eitre this is into holes and crevices in t he rocks. spot-hilly lie I sailor-.*, ambition ship tom ln-s at your remedy. Sold by A, A. Howes X (in Bruggists, Bel- The lobster-lishers make traps variously ii- dry mm.son. Hourishing M. Thomas. I he ladies young of creole fast,. called creels, pots and traps bait them in-now tew am! far KFST LA i l.S m il s.l / between, island aiistoeraoy appear at their best Mamina me with garbage and animal refuse, sink them For Fall Wear />, .{Ac. Bmklcn’.s Arnica Salve. My gives 1: in place tbe horde ol email* ipat- when darn because of the BROWN'S INSTANT RELIEF, deep water, and mark the spot, of each ing probably Tin-: 1 >kst Sai.xk in the xvorld for Cuts, with some sort of The are -* raise a littie fruit, a lew vege- intense it For Coughs, Colds, Colic, Cholera buoy. traps delight gives them. Then lives Bruises. Soivs. Fleers, Salt Blieum, I'Vvcr with AT— Cucumber and Almond Cream for Morbus, Dysentery, Croup, Sore provided holes like those in a rat- Soap, enough grass to > are monotonous- in Sores, Tetters, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. guinea pas- very passed indoors, Threat, Diphtheria, etc. trap. so that a lobster, having crawled its, complexion, 25 Cents. Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, ami positix e- goats, (treen groceries i and with no ernes or no REAL NICE TO cannot possibly get out. The are import- languor silence, public ly Piles, pax required It is 1 THINK IT IS TAKE. traps Cream 10 Cents. hauled into a boat Lily Soap, S. ; and and no domestic guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or every day or so, and poultry eggs, | amusements, cares, nothing Prepared by NORWAY MEDICINE CO., Norway, M<\ money refunded. Price 'Jo cents per box. the catch removed. Till there he enough W.T. Flaxseed Soap, 15 Cents. ■>t India life, rum. from to read, nothing to do. Therefore, to For sale A. ( by A. llowes & o. to make a shipment to market, the lob- COLBURN'S, I'he mansions in the them a hall is an inestimable sters are in Rosewater and Glycerine 15 Cents. high ! naturally didn’t the alarm when put. boxes and kept alive in McCLINTOCK BLOCK. Soap, D. “Why you give you salt water. When which were once the homes of j boom an awakening from insensibility- awakened and saw burglars in the room:"’ PAYERS! shipped they are put Nursery Soap, 15 Cents. Mr. Xupali. “I saxv they were entertain- in boxes in of damp sea-grass. In Hiyh Street. Helfast, iti/ens, are now in ruins, ! a liberator of repressed affections. The JO TAX layers mostly ing the habx and xvliat was a £400 this kind of will paltry 1 shall heat my office in Memorial building every packing they keepalive 'lien- one sees traces of the soft* dark eyes of the creole look compared with that girl up- i Saturda\ iron* in a m. To 1U m.. and u to 4 and vigorous for several days. When Big Line of New Toilet Articles for the on her in the dance with an undis- P. M., until -laiiuai'N 1. All persons who wish to alive it is of a inieane and earthquake, whose partner You make no mistake xvhen you buy i»ai.- beautifully clouded bluish- avail themselves of the discount of two per cent, Powilers, &c. g ToN’s SAKSAl’AKILI, A AND NKKVK TOXIC Ulltl black color. This color to an Bath, forces devastated the island guised devotion that makes him at once u then taxes must pav In .lanuarv \ ls*tf>. changes For Rent IIALTON'S family KILLS Everybody says so, II. F. MASON, Collector, almost uniform red when the lobster is Cheap. ears A tidal-wave, j her as liis sweetheart tern. A small tenement ->! tIn« rooms. ago. upheav- regard pro and “what; everybody says must 1m* true.” iielfast, Auuust US, ls.'l. -U'Jtf boiled. | j [Harper's Weekly. Iltt WM. ('. MARSHALL, llelfast. WM. 0.P00R&S0N. TW Times lias been oftried and lias dr- ; tirpubltcan Journal. elilled a irayr advcl i>eimm’ el a business eoin rin a \ town. * makiny temp-> stay in TO Vmt PEOPLE OF " BELFAST. Uhl.! nil irni'AY. NuYKMl’.KU 1, 1X'4. lids is rather an unusual stand for a news}.a per t-» take hut. in this particular We wish to tender to (he generous public for their kind our and most since.e than!;--. »-t b. N IN INI- BY UK insi ,i ee. we feel it to he forour scltish in- | ^ patronage, deepest R.e.u.i;, tetest 1e stand h\ out advcrtis. is. ot “Hard limes our business has been ahead of our rcyular way sanguine expectations, in fact, so much so that to give our run Go. The Times mis on tea e»:i- } Journal Pub. •;v■}• them \ery tiCient loom conveniences to our ep'tblicau 1 and inspect magnificent stock, we will, m addition to our take the si'i'Tihlr decree and they die]a nd nn the store, upner tloor it tor * 1 -at ren.iye i-i mtr citho-ns. Feeliny > •. ing the espeoal >t Aten s. Boys and Children s Overcoats and Ulsters, where the and l:;:est i.. display largest stivj. ever hhhhT'h,,,. 'H ha e drenird it out t<< ^: duty deelim to j Eastern Maine can be seen. Yerv a d v. !ii>» a sh-nt r. mi]-eT i t < *i in m> way respectfullv, >o wall's Mi. i- (ii l ■■ A. Sj.], i hut:I: it h. the pr- -sp. : ity •; the ky. | HIRSHEiELP, BLUE STORE CLOTHING Bath i !'>'■*. COMPANY M. >« v. all \\ a. his a atoi ioal Manager._ That is the ]m111e\ The Journal has jutr- '■ am -t \\i ok ! « lore a oiiii. ai Ji. sl.-n j sued, a 11 d n- j wira-ramm Hamsmmnmmm mm mm m a—a i. mw i.a*:!" ..a t .o iisi Maim-' s dts- t is Pleased with the ui'n let carpetinys and lu-iise fnrnisliiny Mrs. 'J. It. t’lark Everybody Splendid Showing we make, in our It \\as his tiiiul pal.lie yei»ds. di;t of consideration f-*r local deal- ! 1, Ho spokn at a mooti ly in Ideal Stock of FaH and Winter Coods its wlu» have been leyular a«l ertiser? !_ T •' ml \ nyusT and iatoi at his Loino -<■«—— ““ year alia year. We should like te have Fainting Spells ^ ■' want the Satisfaction of the Latest I it is .11.:*.* a ilitli-i ii’ or- | Caused by heart failure, sleeplessness and ih»i Having style! every busim-ss in Belfast leprcsented in If^you dreadful tired feeling, and piles, made inj O' o t! v a .a it Hi whirl, tin-. to *l.y our as that would en- ad\ertisiny columns, life misery. Captain lark urged me to taki If you want to practice the wisdom of t ie 3est for the Least an-; 1 1.1 tile uaiioiios ot Mlisie Getting ~~ Money"! us Hood's and it built ~~~ able t-. dispense with all outside adver- Sarsaparilla has up my wholf — ': < ».a ^ _Mth. The i->n system. The piles are gone and 1 am aide tc You want to ti>iny and make The .leurnal a local news- Certainly See our Seasonable Display of •' !oai t ii aiiu; dinner of tilo im- work hard and sleep soundly at night. I shall papei in its as well as in its advertisiny ever Hood's Sarsaparilla. Mrs. J. 6. 1 < h-h. ot MassaohusoUs. Tim ; praise news «jdtiinns. But while that is not like- j Clark, Ash Point. Maine. liemembei >' : ' s in. lu.iod < io\cnu.r i.ieeii- ly To hr brbuyht about, we can and do s( e knnm, 1.n a; t-t»o\rim-i Waleott. and that 11-- outside advertisiny is admitted I >,,oa "is Haul a ( onnrriioiit ami II iu 1 Hood’s^1-Cures _v unless entirely unobjectionable in harac- are do u.: : i >• .a walo : hat ;... In >n. -is ot t ho Hood’s Pills purely vegetable and ter. and out columns no‘‘dead’* ad- ! carry | lot purge, paiu or gripe. Try a box. 2Ge. <■' in borne ott, b\ the hlushinyiy, eft iSt taeuts. ,U; l'l n: Ma i no. II is >pon, h n New Dwellings in Belfast.

■ The .! ami il feels a 1 i> "U d• h S. hohn iy an.i patriot k j»ard-'liable pride in ! Three new dwelling houses built this sea- i hn; as ho yained eoniideliee. tie liieraiA 411a 1 iiy <»1 1 lie contributed I son are nearly ready for oreupat ion. They are •’ in ii: i*o G h\ tiT m.old il sets betor--its readers eaeh week. tivijin applausr. j the resiil* in <•

at -did his a lot and would call attention to tlie in- > nl- special 1 i! "-mage, and the tenement hmis*-in-bit P\ ^SHOES. 1; is iiio that "• i‘‘ ol the _FURNISHINGS, h.itor e'lyes J'leseut issue. Ml. 1 h . ( iarke s notes of his Palmer's Inh;s< lakes the ed •• bri' U ".vs; apt: ami trip ibn*;nl crow in plaee ' j : id an inteiest and 1.1 u f. "\vm*d -Old o. u hed 1". the OUR PRICES WILL m»\\,an voisi-»n Jind nmy appro. iative read- .rme'-iy SET EVERYBODY TALKING h. t! .< sj ak. r Tin spt mh ei Mi. ]•':•< man I ’a ;: dye e< -at! Huttos j b-d ol t reel T 111 i ■ -use x.-.l 1 1 T, : •.' i 1 ::: (VIEW'S SUIT DEPARTMENT. rvfl! V. ... !. r, It e; rst; y relm'Ust ne.-'., and BOYS' DEPARTMENT. iX vv., ^turies. ; .. "Ml a i. ■■n the s:o., pa ye Is in diioli.d w .. :• re | In this denar nnn.i we 1’u I .a ;.1 si !' ,■ I» »t, !**,..} m vies Ad >; 1 display p-1: ! 1 d ( b \ > 11:0 I ‘hi h II !; *nh (.*■■< W '<*«»• < « < 11 ii n < ? :» r * »*» h *•!<‘tilling is ii> a,■ iu ai mv. u v mj Ur*undo < .>n a ! ix: ian-s ; newsj ape; of t.. 1 ,y. < ; hr ; i.-ai- 1.\\A „ua t ant••*' >aus- 1: hu." a i«.\vr: nil ti SoM i West e. 1 i 1 •• j ! a 'T i > ii). T' la ii'!;:. >t V ies 1 i i> St" i- h a 1 In- J >. il i-i 1 1 M- a i >.,. Ml! t ! u- > ; |, .. n-M w hi be r< ’. ’I min. Ot tin dp i; atir par io<;n-! -In- \\eh -an-a ; { ft if *«. f, rs > u p.ii pi >. {)'(>-}! i( f> ,, !.!cast<‘*l. I..- i: ita.'ii ('ai wa\. W. iSpi t\ ! .d dn.dd. :. IT an Mrs. •; » 1‘limit Ward. and the \• *>v. < .« .<<• *• »' 1t ( * i» *. "Ml ", ami 11.l W \\ Til. ! •>. -I re Fabrics and a• y 1 p. 1 >r’:• / f M st !i:,- news. On me is •, Vr/Ps if ■>}■/, ht>, Suits. /•» )f» (- l f >tt

; > ! -I.iideni imp:--eineiii". It w h ;:• «i• 1 liusiufss Suit", *’!■■■■•(*' f oiiff /* ////•> 1 a. 1 M ’1' ’•1 !• •' ■1. '1 ay 4 this# m j, all !! >; \ \\ ,|f \ ■; Ill f. el -A 11 V.V -\ * v *' * > "Opal ejyv. |{ h;. !,. j 1 hut ami >i'!ai\! ,-di all 11 a 1 it'1! t,» «.,'•! w Miii-. I’dese u jv.v an- ftf n-. M'r ••!»<•’ 1 1 v = *■: will :: and a ! Mi- ].« ?•, If- <■; •;:«••( d : •: ? hr tl V'. I. VV |i a | ■ a !< -* L i pi j-.-,-; :. y /' /; / '/ / I,' N < // <' ;. nu .. Pros, •>] wnn en- i',el las;, > ■ > / /' O// s V' >’s / ) -V Suit s, \V, 'n> | y M /■>*/■ ti '-s t- tank nn-'icy mr Man m. -• iliion-. 'll: .»"! U !;' 11


" ■ llplOi'-'rrr’ :1 £ u n V £ R €' C ~ T &, U l $ f«i R D "PT T \: w Vojl; | 'Tp Mai Boot arid Shoe D -portnr'

— ■ !i"l; < V.-w aim ,,‘s -s j-,r ..( ■■

-1'- n •: I I- .1 o tin \ 7 it's i -■( S J t,

V/77 i ll \ rV. ; .U-! |\ >1 i < 1C-., o. Celts’ Furnishing* Depart ment..

m S P A T & E P ■a e 1 ? -e wh-' ! a re c 'ii'iai n Mat wi: 1 t S U O A R i M E & T, Vo?' it' /*.; ! ,:;r i: -1 1 I'' -' Vo; /V/ >• *, ! i: >v:i i,. bum! e.i ! h ! „r! ,n V* ?/ *> />/', >s i'ffitt-'. A h, t. i > !, •! a a?. ii sftntr i t ‘ifi/,'- oj V /‘.tuts i.•: j j a b i" •;hoi A1! •! ■ >■;: Tr-ai" i'* :i:i- Mad. iii. a tl Mi-mu n, 1 O-'U tsn.Ut; •!-,],< «• ire e. I \Vi 11 * (jlial tn ;, a:.. | T.-mis f r« ■!■ t vt i.-ili A igi;t a11g *.«a_if»fn’iMU vi ,m. £. .v nxgqg.'3g.T^,<,»:'.rTv»xi-iH,->»w£gtrr/.•fw;:a—HBaanB hi' i ;!. s me ! a a aid iTr ][, Mi |

’■ '. ! HAT DEPARTMENT. Neckwear Us {)"t' j Department. mm All iT I,i; -h:!!— :n>! >'vjrs •!. !' :i;r V .. ( ; Y- \\Y ;,?v. ■, : ,,'j i \,-w v,.|k mil ■■ ■ <• i. ]•! ices 1 a I!K i M. 11 ail >,.. An 'ni'-n.-.-t :<•*. y, s 111 \\ n in !’.> :: w, V -j j •. .; ^ Mil tlie l.ato Fad ! o M\ !«• II i;> r■ ".'ini ii. tin* in*\ws: i;i } onr ( hou j \ : ■ u of the n ia i; \ 1 ; ;

ie ..m-and M r. Wh d t! m :•>. .a 'ih.- b \ \\ «» ill 111; 11 s I v v o 11 to r^mrn ; * * 1 > < * i > f ti **» t1 ■ > ),a i-' y ailing ^' 0 : se; 11 p i; i ms, ii.d the ; j n'hirn vor.r hioikm 1 h k iia. i, '> i. ;il a ! I < nim- » i..e, r« -a, j ah law ^^vau^uM>ii»/OT»£sr***,. tin best :l" t..u j, 1 J si* !■:<'! \ L / N I //M//t>,\ ,, ;•, ... \-; U ■■•■•

!:i- ■' ■ 1 1 iiimienst* wcikr.... I n ] a < t. A\ i? M, *«- ! •■•m ton %. ,i n-i l’v.. :• of- In J.. h ,-:s or T.1 u>. it !„, ’’ ■' ■ I i. 'O' ri;:! i I1 licit ;.!'!■ o:i‘ ; ■ i’i •; : t so!; ■ \ h

v!-" 1 1’ !>' .; >.... ■' ’• ■ k' !•!. !il. i!n !>..]!,■; A I t di k -it .1 .,n. V. > ■ o y. U-.l’ > >!l to t I:, it*.: !i ,1 Ml in ,1; j. i t !o!: .111' *i i id,in1.,! ! ■ 1 ])•,;’:> two parts ni.. 1. ;.g !.. 'hi.- j S A. 1> \ A< '< N 1

o', c .. mow o. ill ..f Six V! o',is. vv ;r oj •, ■v^mw^^^wiiiiiiii |iMiiiiijHii3WBm' i: >« ': ( j j. i; i a ■ : ■ /,*. NO ! 1 MATTER HOW CRITICAL A JUDGE CF V."LUFS YOU M« .. SC

w. .> \ 10 i « ’ll xv i; speak*. i' T i'i* ill i*; i i'.1 i'' J V h']l'!> 'I NO SWATTER HOW INTENSE YOUR OESUlE TO ECONOMISE ! W ! ! ri s> t- I li-oi: 1,'tl. ! OUR STOCK MAKES YOU n s F;RV tin* Lilli* Tim ii' ;; i .-1,(1 * ,.n igln (’in o ii. u," j BY THE POWER OF HONEST QUALITY, PERFECT ASSORTMENT / ftO LOW FOIL C. an«i :> a or.v d.• eim nt Tlmre > j

I'' > if ivp..ih:ti 11J a lie i. t «q Ovir Prices are to Set 1 Going USxroryl3ocl,\ Trills.!! v i ii: A •: > t 1m r out a: d ! 7 i % Mali A mba ea-i .. La\ jA. mm btiildi: gx oparat ! ■ A i. •. i ■ ca. *'!• in > i :. I 1 ; Ills ,.e! 'mil i Op* .-il of pi poo tor i'vr igl. drainage through 11 ! < v ! 1 STORE, V\ siiin'ot'ii a.> of rs'' s ••iligi repaid pn g' IV. Isa L. W. and s ma-M: w u k- | •! *t\ m -:n«-n;. At verbial: hut uniiai. !iia] Britain m man. ! '• a’- seal, ncvi r to return. One-Price Clothiers, Hatters, Furnishers and Sheers, evidently not unmindful of tin* .service-| Bit.. lo-v. Frank S Ford. is n v ia i i 1 a ~ t '• rendered her free trade 't I >f| M ; t or jiai i y J HI i by advocates in’ J'-o-toj). He is tiie BELFAST’S BIGGEST AIMB BRIGHTEST 1 .1 w taking Harvard post STORK, imi. ];e new s < ame from this country. Chairman Wilson should! alel ui ae ten i :»]«.* di>astei. graduate course ami speaking Sundays at have been similarly ••honored" when in "1 In 1 *-i In it evoked Tiie different jdaee.- .John C. jo is** of this b •l< ■ !/••' '• era England. HIGH siii-iieed. town lias been very siek, but is n..w much STREET, BELFAST, MAIN ■' '\'-n our ships sent. 1 ask, into better... Mark 1’ease (' Jackson has har- ■ ‘ho ! •• n. i< cl-1 harbor. at A Blow at Maim* ringed the Mood Templars. vested atMI bushels of es---a firamte Interest**. 1 poTati good crop b 1'a:i■ >« asoii. where in every two m for a Waldo farmer... .lames F. V i' county Maine interests are alTerted 1- C- tin deal Is aw ai ;> t he era ft Teams for The District gnu,it*4 Lodge at Line in- ■ n Jewell has gom- to Guilford, Me., t visit A S oei i:>i ve wrselv because of MAN shelter/ W as at tin- it to vilb- to-morrow, will leave Belfast legislation hands Mn Lmlge relatives. ..Tin- entertainment of th< Har- 11 indignities'.’ They were o! tlie New York legislature t!,at hall at 7-.A0 a. in., and delegates and providing ‘■*11- to wit a tlie visiting Jubilee Imre was well Four Reasons eo-oj.esate Kerman per’s Ferry Company ail used members will granite for public purposes in New it as a go\ern theinseives according- ■}■'■ demonstration to de- received. John H. Gordon and E. ('. Hol- York must be rut, dressed ami' curved with- WHY YOU CAN NOSE 1 ! >• !man Admiral as to ly. it the limits of that State \Y. White their pur- brook entertained them while Imre.... A. ii. L, M tin .U I t!, in-. !■ ; v' *::< 1 of t" rhiis o\ejawe and restrain him'/ A new he Koeklami, manager Booth Bros, and the !«•!.. ,\\ i; % .vi ail vv Lodge was to organized “over Stantial has returned from a trip t" Kenne- ii ‘W aid this he when in his ii*■ Hurricane (iranit Company, says regard- pocket the fiver" in tin-cast side iast whi night, li bec eon where lie worked as ing t h is mat tei “Maim- nit <* is now b< a p\ "1 instructions nty general gra prae Kimberley's will te eut oil Save start str* will from the New u'' ng;and Lodges soon he agent for the Great Eastern Fertilizer Co. ally York market. "in ships arrived/ No. the The instituted in Searsnnmt law as it has been r.-centiy e< itsTrued Money H.J.LOCKE S Jewe *•' ■'! ved were and North lie will go to Gunrhei hind next I BY BUYING YOUR d he peopie of county by the New York ..ui ts also ex.-imles be nit!\\ w hose vi lie. flag tin \ bon* as tlie> week. F. A. Carpenter is at work for the j granite paving blocks. (,'iiarries all along the .111i to dest] net i- n. I coast hen- are alread\ To feei the say they Ih-ool.s Iu'dge lias been doing fine v tin same company in Aroostook county .Mr. beginning •v' ’1 111-’ met at ten" ion from the ellects of tin* law, ioth.Migh it went int oast the l> 'w has a assortment of liunimis. i only quarter, credit system having work- large •die. Ma \ 1. All < 'lit riots me. al the \\ mtched plight into I let subsequent ed vcr.\ Thc\ have a skirts, shawls and ladies underclothing. To that t i me will lie sutdeett-o the (tills'., ratio in.*i j no v had al- satislactorily. plump j provisions j II. If. of tin m-w law. Tl:i>. .> a blow * '• 11 D•<) and the Fenlasoti is st il 1 at work su tlmSv heavy loth. iin. t-' hiim! die ! Uiemhers, banner lodges in tin* thj -AND ( II I 11 M S fountry !'t\iiig cutting imimtry, as New a: ; : m t .- will •N:- Co. srnd 11. Mr*. Belle W York, j j(.| ii:o r..,, was In i:ig done nuy lutve to look to their laurels at Sibley gr id' "kix i n, Albany an liter large cities 1,1 M, s. v* 1 •!1 hi '' *■ ami s«.!t Carle Wate.wiiic have he.-u at ji;i unary .-!mi|]d ii tve ■: j annual session ol tin D >tnet J.ndge. j New \ iirk State i»;t\. a way been the prin BY THIS. Thomas Jeilisiui’s. Mis. C u 1’. w km ami eipai markets. Timm- mbs of w rkmeii w." CONQUER Wuhi.. 1 hMi-ict wi 1; h« In Id with ^ FURNISHING GOODS k Lodge he throwi; out of mein. 1 t hink tie Silver Goods of all son empho. ■ Thomas of Belfast are .* so there. l'ko AV- : ii 11 h !; t. 1 D'ddi u Ikon! '"'yu siasii tia * o o at N ••ct h ul ;:nd Lilt- next, w,i pri< a se i ii -j in i hist uw i 1 Lodg«*, ;» legislature re|M.*a! the law. or at Good mc.v numb. ,> ,iu vets AT TH -'(II I I S ; l: s "O'- Templar bodge j h-asT. it in a :. To- :c 1"' I a' ■ 1 of t Loom I*. (t •>-: w. End inodily paving block-., '! m !1111«• i'. 'V. ..! pant-, ir pelt nry .y, ■ ; ’hi hdr- d me11111.• raud 1 !: va- .-ill. i: n- ! a-’ ’he m •, y, ■, State are e '■ h.-y puarrics entire- a'1 > t1 s i! cm- at 111 a. m ik- ••.*;* s .VO i l. i It and the row | ng tlu regainr St 50. ’!'!;■• III III'. timms a w.-’-k ...Mrs. \ E. ; : o.- •!;■■• a no. ,-n- n !a>: n t ,e n* w ] nip;-; -gram g.v< *<-k : h«- :1 II * p.,h- ■* e.- ./A/. r: * .bus.- is st. idily tn of" v i tig. ami has ,,,: .. *1. oo. o get here t< at to si, ■ '0 V o:i ip'-minn !tie< tllig .11 I !n* .-veiling' n(- temp! i-i ,, \\ st:-. 1 life again Mrs Auiit’ >f | !■ .:i.;: d h\ !: \ I- S D u iff. D:-' Mary s j oo sau v I \: \\ rain lor <) i> "; 1 z, hupf on, her-. .VI1 Miss M in- g. years '1 -its We w '' in a

ae >S .. 11.T; ot bine] expel i- y 011 1 > If 1 Ve !;. ■ I :t ,-.|l )l*t i.t, ns s’ <• *'•'! k.:. i •- it Oar 1 hat i-. t ha" t he of :> in ve r \ ii.-.i !1 i lumor J J he mak : org-iui/i rig m-w Lodges o| |f man;. ITS .1 (>V KI.VOAT.S "■ lioQ am ah he eilt) list ed to he (Ah,.I in tin* State l.i o | m lor la-smis Iroiu the trip. ..Mrs,, Templars has fairly start 1st. Our expense* are -m l» -r tear- o, r j -emu lie .! u n tin- i-vu-t ». j. !-, b 1 A. K. \. Morton has ver,\ pr (lower- p.--s i p.-r- H. J, LOCH >emoei-atie party, and will ed ami (irainl Seen tar; Brackett reports six ; < ompetitor's } 1 ’■ bints at m-i me. Am* m; them is .me 1 hi ii a a'.',-a and t ! in*w hnr the ten ii.g | It M*i|s A '■'•-!» n. •. -it S ST OS nj heir votes. Lodges ng past .lays, viz: i The Chur. lies. 2d. We do a large who.'"- U husme-s National Bank Builtii I, s * tbnib;.- yellow 11: h*-'i: ’. that ha- linton, No ns, at Ciintmi No. which enable- us to buy in Brownfield, worth Sjo.iio. ST.uu.a.n n ami w— ,-n;! j larger b: it'iei view at Boston last blossoms, ami a white one that con- week i■•"•*■'. at Brownfield : M- No. single M• ’.n-s as usua 1 it i! e M JJi; quantifies direct from the manufac- Pleasant. ..7"., at v OO. I'.,, *1M i.i 111 < i w i1 — 1 j tains J In l.iiossoins.Miss Ada Wo y pant- b iV :* \ said: imlictment Simpson, n<-\t and until further m a turers, thus saving the middle man’s ''.Myyreat I >**nn:ark : Cordiality, No. *S2, at D.-xt.r; ; Sunday, who is teaching tin* lall term of school in suits, I Ml II i.i IS 50. II \v profit. i^aias: ue 1 Honor ra Hr- party is that it is East Denmark. No. 2sh; Pleasant \htiiey, j Lev. W. M. St rout. years, $5 Dist. No. drives Horn her home in Nor th 3d We for cash, all leu i!i**ii t<- wliom the No. at Brownville. rail a suit fi a' a at of tin* s< buy -pot saving the si#ht of the tla# ISM, Several more are The annual meeting of the North < h I'll} hoy a;p\ j a distane of .*> miles, and returns discounts. • Monroe, means ’a who this Week. *• 'Muy. reaih regard it as •Xpeeted Christian Endeavor Society will h, held at e,111 11^aii: -»ains as y-o 1 as this sail P r Bel fust M n • •aeli da\ during this. t!ie last week of tie- 4th. We want sour trade, and if reliable "’hat : Boston *a the vestn next at h o'clock. Herald called it. mere Belfast Lodge had a long and session i Sunday evening i'-ss than >o i/'1, we will make a busy ti'i'in, on account of the illness of her parents. ymi present goods, lowest possible prices and b'Xt:.i :''On*-. How can It such a man as Monday evening. was preceded a There wili he a business nie tine of the < by j .Willie Tavlor lias gone to Fairt'o*ld t*. ol a a t >\ et, ,.ats ami 1 isters, $:?(»() to 1 square dealing count, we should get ( from (> to 7 which was a sue- ievi-l.-.ii'i applet bite the veteran's tears supper o’clock, ill a furniture Church this, i ti- it work shop. Baptist Thursday, ev-uine, oo. cess in Tina*.- .f.’O a1 the -r_;lit oi an old batt.le-seai red .‘la#? every way. new members were ! me d i a t e h alter the confer, m e meetin-. A initiated; delegates elected t.o the District: Stockton Si-kinos. Sanford I*. (Jriftin '\ir I IK AM-; M u i; 1 .* Till-: 1*1. A OK. "'ho "-s be know of the spirit ‘hat fui! attendanee is desired. Lodge officers elected for tlm coming quar- s died :it North Adams, Mass., ()et. '..’nth In Communion service will fo!ii \v the mo ru- :• ti tiial splendid mail, (ieiieral ter, which begins next. Week : and Company i M r. loses one of her finest lb a tine entertainment in (Iriltin, Stoekt-ou in- sermon -it t he Nnri n Church next Sun- Ib;i j. ,ii iiis administration of public gave literary the Op.'Lj 14:i a I.1 \, M red it contest new <>iie whose in tie* .■ m- system. Sev.-ra! names! young men, place Several new im mhers wilt ia ov.-d •1 •1 ■' i hare no day. patience with people were ejected to A. munity it will he hard to till, ami Ins I membership. Company into t he hureii 1 t0 4 P M. v< s tie la !e ''•ho !• •'.'. t lu-mst 1 ves to be led such g entertainment next Monday even-j will be de-ply deplored by a go miv of CLARK, by cm I -t mg, and the good natured rivalrv promises; friends. Mrs. (li.tiiu is in North .Adams, Servi* at the n:v;-r>a oirrh next i>i r<>si i v,x |, 1 •■ .’Laments as are in the indulged by to draw out tie* membership and til! the leaving town for that place last Thursdav Stinda\ Topics; I'U.'.a. Cnio,,, not ool\ room. 1 w Ib iUiK ils t <» defend t heir Lodge Ofticers wib also be installed, Messrs. Martin «S: To/.ier of 'nit,\ Alt St rs. policy j of thr States of America !mt if a!! lands a ml I Martin and Miss Tozi.-r, are guests of Mr. nr Grasses aid 9isrts-r- d all Isa S. St. ,!,.l a lo. hi. S S. Firing Local merchants as wares and Mrs. Millard Merry.... M r. F.l. Shiite is people, •bin <. Blaine, soil of the late Hon. J. may keep good Tenement to ! as the Iarg< metropolitan stores, but if t.he\ 1 home for a few weeks... Master led* 11 cii- 1m Lord of t lu- Salihat h. Mark Jt-JS; <». is centre rush of ■ of is at his \ ... Blaine, the foot hall In not advertise this fact need not be borti Searsport grandmother's, ho ■; a. 3 they j 1 a. Y I*. C. C. Junior 1 e. w. Senior 83 Main St.. Belfast. ihe Eye d [ar to see their Mrs. Susan 11 for a lew davs.... Specialty. team at the of in Bicli surprised towns-people continue lehborma, me! Witter |viv it*- M|hI -i.e Iniversity Virginia f. m.. Do 1 for ail S- u s .' Acts 17: to to the for doe Lancaster was at home from hope go metropolis unusual- Hangor SK V 1:S1 *<)KT. ,M .\ I N e mond. He is also anything h. «|: 11 m tin1 jeeliil-e-. study in# law. Ink. over I Ezek. IS: 1. liest values on earth the * >1 ly good. [\s Sunday. for money i;; t f N > l miri \I\VS Ol HI I.K VSr. Pensions have lio n granted as follows: Government City meeting next Monday Parker iV Burroughs are to he in Belfast io ssiu-, l'iilis (' Fr-.-emau. !molnvi!le ; ad- I evening at 7 ‘Yioek. -'"'V. Tilth with another lot of western horses. llailmad C.uimr.ssi.un-rs n ade Ldmund Palermo. ditional, Biagg, There will he a teachers’ meeting at the Dr. Ellingwood reports a ease of V»>. til. n a sp- i 1 rail) i w r, tin* malig- >!' \V:»?i;»• e Bad. v..;j Charles Blake, of Superintendent's oiiiee Saturday forenoon nant in a on Wils.m /r T li 1! 1 >d a V aft'I'l! '.a;. diphtheria family living -iV ldake’s Point. B: ■ >1> a and killed mi 10 o’clock subject, “-Pronunciation." Hill. 'I! .s t U. .1ST \\ ,‘« k 1<1 lip h .'.self last I'! 111 .mag. No cause is Prof. .T. C. Whitten is to have a social The Piamsta Club will meet at the Cui- The Kind That Cures w i lif hand 1m itrd u 11ad know n. • lance at Grange Hall, freedom, to-morrow, versaiist vestry this. evening, at in*. flit i > and lu-all/t-d nvt‘1' si O'1. Thursda.y, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, The Maine Faani’i's Almanac for 1,N!'5 has Friday eveiPng, with a view to opening a Female Complaints, Nervous Cm 'kfi >toii Blood, is ram- d t Friday, or Skin up r^ntaim-s Augusta, ami indebt,-al t the Nerve, Kidney, Nash, Monthly nun ovation ..i Tinn>t■ well-known publication Thursday, evening ; of Pho-mx Lodge Mon- following \. 11 I lit-a saw m Tiler- will tie leet 111 eS at 1 ll. North aps ijr.iw elllir.;i |""plc if Waldo <’<»., Maine, who were The foi lowing change in the postal sei ice day evening, Nov, I2t li. .s ;<. nr, 11ni turnip at his next Monday evening on “Alcoholism and Cl RFI> 'ey DAN \‘S of the in Maine is aunoiiin ed : Kout-e 1405. Smith complaints A l‘*‘ar has been seen in the Ds stated with lh-ir nun- ,.i! .- kd it n m at Swil t \ Paul’s occasionally Effects*’ by lb v. 1! L. Wood of B ub P.rool.svilh* to Bezier. Prom Nmem- GEORGl W. B Cape woeteis neai poor's Mills for some time II 'A 11_ii• ■.i 1." 1-i past, and Hon. ‘.’has. S Hamlin of Bid.b BFFFASR MIG. t’OUA WILSON: pd. Sin- d< m : Wald.i a url An alarm of fire was caused Wednesday did pi y " 'a U from November ) to April dO is, each his apttua-. but bruin has thus far rinded BFLMOXT. MRS 111 ,FFN C. FOSS: w is mi.- a wi'v t Si..- -1 :a\ In i f. >iii morning by telephone across — m^ ear. Chang* srhedule a 'e -mP ugly. them. falling Female C< mn Dints. the tire alarm wires and —- i saw a na wa\ '.-an; <•• m* n^. ringing the alarm BROOKS, jos. G. KIMBALL: Michael Hogan escaped from Belfast ia.l Slate Constable Hears made a search and | '. at Mathews Bros.* Mill. At the same w t.-atn li.- mail sail- is time Fiver ('< 'inplaitii and Dyspepsia. ist saw oft a bar in an seizure of unlay night by tug litjiiors at the Pho-nix House there was a amount of smoke OFNIKF M< )N r\ IFFF. KAI.1'11 s if .j.*' UT and by sin ads and big issuing DRESS GOODS. 'Utside window. had served a Hogan Monday afternoon. He got 177 bottles of from Patrick kitchen M. CARTFR: BRed, k uni- in it*, n: a tin runaway Brogan's chimney and Impure '-aiming s * 111 a ■ m * for t" wreck a beer and 20 of of Blotches old days threatening lager gallons hard liquors tlie fire \u ut to the with all i’imply.-. n a sin llu-ii 1 -->k department spot Fu!l line of Dress Goods, worth train ami was th«n n jail in default of various hinds. FRAN KF< >K I’. MR. GKO. Mt C \\V 25c., for 17c. a haste. Water was not turned on. and k< nut,I sin in. t t!..- — Mimeuiar R!i uma'i-m. u.ds to keep th* pea*:*-, lie has not been A handsome tlower piece in oil. In- lb'V. \\ Field has Dress sold painted George arranged a tine 1IAFFD \I.F. J'lIoFBF A. GIL- Novelty Goods, everywhere for 37 1-2c., only 25c. captured. Mrs. A. I A. ’ieree of Boston, is (>n exhibition course of lectures for the Central CHRIST: and «■ w i; .1; i-s. ui i. i.i a lian.l Club, Ban- -Indigestion Sk k I i i 1' 1..*ii. aster of P;ttsli*d*l has a at All wool Dress Goods worth for bought City Drugstore. It is 10x28 inches, in a gor, tins season, to Nov. as fol- aches. 50c., 37 1-2c. m.u *-.i i-i Tbui sda\ win n t begin 12th, t- '»:g rest m th*- Sehastieook & heavy gilt frame, and was presented by Mrs. low Hon. W. W. Jr. of JACKSON. MR. F. F. SIM I SON: j i M I >• u.a ■ i s ha iTh-S' Thomas, Portland, -in-p — of the Liver and Weak M--oselma»l railway. Mr. y,ancaster has for Pierce to he sold for the benefit of the Gir's’ Sweden and tin Swedes; W. Fnlargomvnt j Pat 11 w a- tin ..\vn Ir.-ni his lary- Henry Clapp Kidm-vs. ••« «-11 \. ars ln.F:-- lauiinun^ iit at and lor over M_' Pittsfield, twenty At undecided ; lb | •• Belfast House Nov. l.">tli, Mr. gins. >n, subject v. linen Id- D a ,: .i a n.■ u s|.., ati-* 1 Pis riAlit Opera Bronchial : Kiilney Dm-vm- ; In- ! ars om-of he trusted and company*smost lames C. Koa< h will present, in lim ol t he lliomas of Character Fame Back. li 1’.. ! s .... ,.;u,l a y Brookline, Mass., ligestinn faithful After employes. making this in- Hill," an “.gu*■ said tRT. MR. < 1F< >. W. FIFFD: ('1 let a: unde. id. Prof. of Kngim-ei and Committee more, subject- I; Warren — The arranging lor the pre.sen- Dyspep-;in, Kidney D’i- a-e, ami Sciatic !■ 1 >epari nient h- id a trial t a m •//.!*• for Colby Cniversity, illustrated lecture on kheumati-m. t.»t a of '•The Brownies" inn Me onlay af- A it i111veto re : P 'ast 'P !rsd.i v The ai -para*ns is Dr. E. P. u-keiy The Truths 1 A'lTY. MR. F. F. SIM1SON. Rropr. t'*rnoon ami elecide 1 to notify the Director *2 Cases 1 Of Fiction. 0131 mi! *, u r< Sou,m Past man Co of Central Hum--: Fiver and ankets that was (DmpDint $1.0 liohhng copyright Decemlier fixed Kidney Dm- Last C< ui aj. N 11. The m-/./.le tried was 11 A15 Vl-'.S'l 1' KSTi V A 1-. Tin- -I'asT ! .;i>• -n as 1 he niosi favorabY t inn-. Look e.ut \V•»I!:.IT1*S will ^ WIXTFKBORT. MR. <1'. RICH, sell this week 1'. >r 75c. <-'!:» •> an T«-m Mia <• I i. w ii for iUl’ther as T.. date of n,-1 j c-la-ir — tio> Grain Merchant: I >y-:- a:.-i Indi- A'Jiui i! ffsirail ini■ it -ai. n rilling eli-el immrllt. a|• Mt nmnui | *n. i S gesti- Peat :t i 11 11■ o,,-1 lit t l.aii Till. ('« • Taking i N*»v. i.< ii ala sv. .•.•ping CART. \NsFF W \DSW< e.v- Monday was the 4m i. .nmversary of Mr. d'Tll, < a lie h drain near the si to.- 1 ‘‘HpS ;mv. .a a -• ag See that FUR .!.(•! th, .\ U Hulls*-, 1! nit w you get DANA’S. CAPES. pel Ca|-1 YY. I!, N;t ■; :' I e-all i, 1 lie were Hot able- !•• V j st'a m, was t Vo w •!,*■ to: ofA.M.' give '•* all v v. !- w a ail! cliowtlfi 1 ■" <•!•’ i1 a :' j Pi.’, the ! ;ld tended, bat dm A stock ium r. ..i made in I > la s: >\ % A :;> < : -i,..s ! magp.iti.vnt i I: Y t- AM» 1 a 'I 'm lv! 11:i sp- J ''"Ter. aka. \. T;: KJ.l :< "Ilflf ns JO \ « g r:■ 11 i at a -11 s j • ;a •> 11= I•> : rsl >i t] = «• w »•« k ami i:as j am M- !;11a i Hit MO.MtKV.

■ .-mi On ..uiiii-al '.1 \\ a - ! ^ i'... .III ’■ 1 'V,MA,Vn\': i'.T.e, Cheap a

•• a> -I t !! = Sill»i• an use. 1

— i. > v. : .list a' ■ a m- =■!

1 \ v ..

I a .a; .'nM 1 I II. C- .=1.

y ;;//; i ■- :i 1 i: )\ ke< V: a a = i u la- sk. a I T'. .a-. i'". I. I : t,4- ds V |\ I" a- •. ■ i a: v ;;.S .. !! ,p j ikj 1 j .. % •: !r ; 100 e A st\ie : ..As. M< I., ; ; -A ]• IS 1 a i- :. I! 1-M ; S'1!1,. 11' ne O’ s .• < :\i s.. .<>. >; ;;i tj■ i ai vr-ues, ; nt •; M * Ha..;.;'! a a, |

■ •> : •• i 'i i. .;iv. > .c i-i. vv u LA01ES mui \H\i f.MMEU!

I ■■ h :> .It I 11- W ! * ■ A t g E i a. -, ;_r.i; ti ! .1 r. tnd d mt t tU i -s -. a< J c t f.. y ; v. p 2 ? c $

! ,s, .. Si : \ ; »: V n->. W ■ w hid n y ,• n ,t SURE TO 1 M*-BK T! .Hi V ,s- EXAMINE OUR GOOISS I Ii. \Yi BEFORE VUROHASING.

H i! ! >- nn i ! ’! K. W M; 1,hi, GEORGE W. !■ •! tin V i:. BURKETT.

~....Jl"'' Odd Fellows’ Block, BeiEcst, Me, ■ < -(...It', v Sin '■l‘t.’"i '<■ ■> V *-S it; 11 v i I: T i 11 s: i \ j :• M la- i n !. A ! Soiled !:inv; \ Sum 1... looking • < : S It : .-. i; M .I U :v u j V i- A.-.- i 1- !>■ .; i. I".:_ ■ 11• ■ ”«* 11 v- ua 1 1 * yea s. m«*- 1 "I- *• 1 1 1 :; .• ■\\ past -i 1 1 v V •» ‘t

L< M ;-s. M. A: i high kitt, /(rt •/ 1 ■ 11, -s .. ( r1 ;e. >• I'll.: I- i, 'V. Mrs i; -n g idem gi l.iM ... | .rring: | H| 'if M l.:'.' .1 ii* i ii** I’a'St-rat i* -n V.'.. '• 'o v know > : mu •: d.., Ji. .1:; <1 :i 1 ;; nn t.». 'A' 1 a.: Aul.ian.. j .mil loss is Ji i Aial Mr-. A. 1.. Mi K-, Uilj ! ;,r //;ti eg,;/ •(> ck-sl j.-.t "1 Nil, !, a a. A ■ S:Hl M a II. T I I a !■ v. ,s \\ ■ n:,; ]-■ 'a -i comfortable l £■ «■ | re! la -mil a M; K \. 1> la. do made. ld:r 1 yu-nt ti nulhe a.t '1 I, \ : ■ I’:' —Mi.'.jls, Ml. i'.,i|(|.r. lias In ui hem ■■*«>/1-lent. We.-k heihlii Tf-e with ii: the : har Mm !■:. K K j ! ’, M m i « a I ■ ■ronmi. :. !' 1 .]• e i>ne cm i«|rt w enr them ii ae- orunn-, 7 r i; |,] 5 1 > M. II. ! s. a i;.1 ja-t, 1-. Alii K tin* .Mrs. il 1\ 'I I lie Inin; "1 urn of their ii,{ >.s. 11 rink !en:in li:n n-.r, « •' < \\V have t spent "i pi. l: v.-iS;i t ,iis A 1 11 elilhiT" anil iris T11;t» 1 wd « :«• she i- l'«a n >\ ‘:'; !' L •,..•! da.. : he !i: t" t ile. f h. M A. !. lam. ,1 1 ! | |; ov tt (< Tlu ‘-'live I1.1- ii iw .1 : .1 dispersed i!I!,-S a !. (Jttj innrj : -i;: ■, vr> a it!' -t-n W it. si.,- it Sill I t.sailt an et in wit!* lit* so t it!; !).■ eonyivss., hat it will ■ ]>le mg. 1 11"- succcss'jjf till.- ’• C S' ill' .UN W. b -w is ; h'e.itim-rt ke;e Inis ,■, ; ! N.-w \ rk t.- n:. < ’j 1 y <‘■ li-.-i h.; wid hr y ug l. id ;u. v This ■* foot. hoot is 1' r .a In iiiiin.. It |,. e > iff; !< 15, .si. l: »|*era j ninny lirimrs my n, i,; i r. ; ;H made from s» ieeted vies stock, 1 T I eSt a •• VeP' 'intlue ••• Hi. -‘the 1 ■!• take the M A •*- i. v, ;si, n J; ■1 ■ n M• 1 tig, N '. hi:., w il he Uni" tV property _ the >},* re u,-t Wecti ions. The ..... trarrantfd nub"' inject tieatin -n: ii.u ami c ■ ■ a C ,.N\ congress, 'its 1 •. ml 11.-. m whem t- * ! 15a: T tSi 1' : ’> ". J is 111; S; a, }< ms” ('• >mpuny. Ii A j d •!: and ) T! 1; IS 1. ,-n "lie ei cut merit- I I ( I 1: i '- •"> ,-\ a st r- a rural b‘- d l'-r e.i :• aw a ■ patent leather made ; v. take tin- Train to* ; J»V( '(•! -srd i air ,rt Wre.'i g rommy d ; aina, opening with j y t:ng ti ;•< ■)**-: time i'< *r facings, •'■ • on new .■* > ■’ I-*- !•!!' .• ! Tins .-nr ( he all in; > wheel t-. I'm-- l‘.-rt atm; ,i i: S* a t w .( i\ j a v,- sj ,\- New Kng'and life, >i>< w- development. JJ Et-w s. 1 Opera last, widt hs j | ll. SI ■••• JOHNSON, M I* will niaue t« > it. rat \* i Si- 'ii lie Tavern cam. to Camden and P ..k from A to K, and all sixes from I>Pl'.su-im, in its headqna: ins, 'll a httir ng with i'nrle Jnsh’s Wi id j bi-other, '-barge of _* !-■_> -• 7 tin- t r:iie> -any nit. I' ahr 1-ra’ “l lid I Iras. As it Will ht.; gresses. a hi.unding with interesting siiaa- j lie lands about f hree a es tin- (These rake the of both) till T a. -;iv' t w11i he a iirrr w: hr nc >t her stat.-p >■ >m*o until tilt- e, j, a s linest. shore Main<-, <-.m::•!•;>ing .P out SOi) at A,;>! "iis, \ reached in the 1 you ha\ e seen t goods. 1 i-iti * amt M r Sn ift ami mi S, in.',' of lan- of strain--!- Castinr. 1 a :■! w hen a acres of land. The r -i-’ii back to National art. human bring is In Iplesslv holdings Peoples Bank. •si n M't AC.-r V- ''tii w: i i tlu- ami one th• 'ii>t move- f t That t .-liter up«*ii tlir \vi ii- "iiml t< a t" he .ait in twain a mam- mountain, L. log hy A, OOWLTON, President, PRANK H. WIGHilN, O.tshc: 'n •• te: an i11j• rut. two ments of the owners will he tin san In a! i«- treatment m-akdid trips p.-r week m-ti: hu/./ saw, and is only saved hy the construc- 1■ «• i ■ as! tion of a boulevard .ts -••••a. ft it s .. made alhi liivcli's with turn I v arrival oi I ne e along base, l.atldaid, Josh. “Joshua parallel -UK CAliKY A FULL LINK OK- INTEREST D SPAR TM ENT. 1 > the ,.>n.o ntlr.-t lops, with the Bel last from Camden to ! u! a r. Simpkins” was written with the view of road, I/.n- colnville. A of Shijtin<; I tkmv 0)1 1- an audit-nee survey tin* property has been This bank has established ail i'ii.- Lastm's I'uion has leased the i'ia.i last there keeping thoroughly amused HATHAWAY, IXTICREST OEJPART HEW T l,.i i:,.. an pose ami earries made on the Baden-Baden sy stem. ot ■; nver Weieo'rr two hundred vessels at am i-or in iully out tin* author’s intention. receiving deposits ,if individuals, linns and s Haytn'd Bi'.ck, the (Vn SOULE mid i.-teries se, : ot i.«r> wire and most of them and hut is to the church. .Tile last ot the ipu.dn. ,„u, ■it a > enije am! tile Swanvilie road schooners, esting thrilling, said contain meeting La- loan by the depositor to the bank on DEM roasters. . md / \TER- ■ Eaton has bi-t'ii sixty many laughs there grains in a at Clias. Mc('orrison’s last, appointed post. EHT at a STIPULATE!* HA h* -a «-ii. it lias hem since Bushel of TE. Deposits mute durian n er e thirty years “heaped tip” wheat. Tuesday-John Stevens returned from his m'i ',V8 T-l>* isle, Vh S H. Hard;, of tl.cj. was mi any month draw interest from the first of ft it m V large a fleet m Portland har- X K \\ Al>\ KKTJSKMKXTS. < tour last w eek, the carcass Men's Fine day tit. -:’"is to t’ConiielFs hunting Shoes. Isle an 11,tut next great bringing bor. Mi I ten 11 i- •'' of tile re- • h e n, a Observatoiv lire salt continues one week of a dbi -Pis. one of lour shot him and .-njoy buekbnard longer, lie has doe, by LloltiiSt i member- 0|M‘»*at lousr, larger rieet m the sixties_Bark a his ...Mr. Zadoch : _!ii: !'■ !• 1 lead 11 arbor, math- rut, of 4a per cent. in fur coats, ulsters, companion McFarland '• Ben- ini- <»*‘{ **! Burnham'- at and Mrs. Silva E. (iowcn of this 1 1 .in: t railway mens, hoys ami eh ulren’s suits ..1-5. C. place were a- ed tins fall. It TUESDAY. NOV. 6. B"-t"n, < gi It 11, alte: metal... united in marriage < -t. goth by Rev T. R. a: iw is to patching Dinsmore & Son have an at.ia. tier adver- JbieksjMCt I’entee.'St. Mrs. ( "carles C. Pel-rest return- Scb. .- Hal! !;as be-u :ll M, s Cy Kie drv tisement this ali i 11 and A liny inline. | [ \\ ,»s ,.V weelc. will repay read- ed from her visit in Massachusetts last CLOTHING ]>. ill'll re. .‘iv ng a nev. brefoct *b>•'k, and ing- '1 lu*ir stork of foot wear -s week... Miss Ida dosed a suc- e-appil-s last w eel T: > W ere large and Spear v.-ry RENO 1 & FORD S part 1 a new sin and liei itoni cessful term of school in this district last i e na i a m ! : . F. Wells will sell new Saturda A disease much rest-mb| i Realistic ‘'a1 ked Messrs. C. S. (bidden ,y ng the ■ •" ., Bos •ml sh fail winter AT sal lie mst Sit ui 11a\ s.i w sty ami REDUCED PRICES. ti millinery cheap grippe is alh id i ng the in tins com- Rural t‘ people liave Sold to. dm ie.s ire t •• I", ''ash 33 > n, Xo. to close .... W i were Main _■ a ^<>od man v si alter;n^' dtmks ('apt. Magi uring ei111,cr, out. and munity id geest- seen last Week I St,, Belfast. Me. Comeriv brig 1! C. ."it', ton.-, gross, i-mli at II t'hejr southern I Mrs. Esther 1 a! s .Ti- I'lnenix Ii use >d,i.-y. ng great bargains in feathers taking ight. November i. 1X114.—41 lb win has been };,.re Islio. .(■ f. a 1 1 Eidred, stopp-ng the 1 Bellas', Me., !; Mo:-e "! ••■! !•••!: 1,1.1 t ,-d W T 1 p p tenement to iet ti U' (.'in past year, lias "i.c to s.eii !•«•: u V.-unoiit : i “JOSHUA '. : 1 b 1 F. 1 ‘el t grew .cot! ‘li. -i-> f a .A line ,,, t. ... piano \V I1! relit I'd. a S n-mde. | ! I.- I on f l«>111 o '■ rill .adel !.( Fa ien t a "'a-;- :s o’ •" j:b ••!' v OVERCOATS, :■ g"ing away -i'm-I"-* 'A .ml Enquire Pi: I K< ! 1 1; K’i Mi-i Cci :a (i i i m-me oi | SIMPKINS” M" a. In a i-t j: this Pilcher. Main street Siurr-'H's ! I’.n -Aer visited Miss Or;.mu.i Harding last P'rocliu tii »v ?■•! ‘' -ale H GUARANTEED ALL WOOL, Mag-Cfii ;' MILLINERY! w.'r, Salt!rda\ and Sun.: I-M.s Wes-a-tt is I Vpc- .! and NO itentry and ii si w SHODDY, f ROY! i\'j! r--i’fui 'v » 1'vi• \\ b-! w in- :ne having a relapse of t yj Nub {,., Arthur ! ohanicai £ ifccts ‘I Ol h< V ha. gates -it !•!'•••! illeel.. i lie 1 ill!- i A Line oi New <& h iTg Styih S^.OO S I’. !,• se s \vi hose {..i iadi s eh.a. a \t K: an- is ing and n, .'.vi j w- hi. week.... IL O. A very is rkmg at Mt. btc b re.-ts ! Ma, i.e, beaut do: ;* «.1 J ;v ;• n a to- .\ t,«ii n at Ins n si- sheds ktaiW iderWea:', slia\V:s kits a : d f--ss X\ a i■ i■ 'apt. K\ ander i i m m. n ;s at .See = s '' *■ t ■1. N Sie\s a:: is patte: reiii'a. .a- M.-ais .V HI WOOL s i' io'll.e Mile. I!.- --I t, .p to New Y. Ik MM $7 00 OP .; ;.\ a «, /,-> e ■■ id cod,-, tb n «d s ferns." Pit' 1 1 n■ rt nr .Scb. Car.. her, piano makers urn’ :-ie d« a.h >. < ■ la-,! h n .aui.rli- ■a as a hard .aie .. 1 N- ? of w:ng ga — a r Ie ie 1“ id* d IV i1 •: »d -ice at li C. are now t.< reee ncMimtet ! >11:. ■! as at r. inpie ii ;^hts. liar- pi They ready h• c us- ed.\ eight .-cks' HnnnHHBH B 'cue! s be- Ml. I >esert ast S« b. F me 1 s< ili'o! chord lie I'e ii>: i > ay, ea -a a mrthda\ t. a .-nm- Friday. rs at lieu* new stand Yh Mu m t ej. taught by j SELLING CHEAP TOR CASH. pa rty Miss Lizzie Kandeli -f Stockton. 'bur m a .The i Si;ir\ hu> .slui\vii us a -1 ra\v- gone to Camden tor a few weeks visit. ! Hragan n’y ware The was the of No- savfl Lien: Seh. Lye. uni loaded bard wood slabs from present. program very millinery during / .S' Ma i it S ■'.. fU ■. ••-•■III poked .11 the opt II !i• -i4 11 > Cnity, iiarf eraiiii stand at tin- Belfast Bark da\ wiPle taking oft e.aphoards. The hoard thing original, Mrs Kmma Luke's ! reading, the down Aiinii^Mon •*?"»<• Iv'i M i-i u.j s»- si s .“Or '• iiit Saturday ...Sell. Senator loaded hay at F. and .lames Donovtu’s : put prices within the reach at mire and tin- exhiiotnni broke, t he « hiscl t«. si from his s-u.g, “Have You eausing p N.-" K \\ ti Wime's for Ml. Insert Sell. Seen My (in i W<- are in Mr. 1 >, of all. paired. .. A party drove out t Monday hand and coming down tirst it struck la.pcs edge will liii< 1 his girl some time the win- I EXECUTORS’ SALE. Tn.-sdav Baui Scavey sailed Saturday lor New York during and had dinner at the him under the car, a gash ah ml one ter.... Miss (Jinn < all and yet our cutting Josephine is her I# prices before RSI ANT io ;t letitse from tin* with from \ Woodeoek breaking j Honorable Mi. and Mrs. Jl. B. paving Sar_eut inch Ilad the t.\\ u-\ ear-old colt, o No lii'L'r ol Thompson, long. chisel hern sharp a se- l’tp '1'ip. man in it. purchasing. We will 1)1 Probate 1'or the ('mini} o! \\ a ,I. Seb. surprise you ami vin ue of umlmrih Webster Bernard sailed from Belfast ___ _ by -..ive'i in ami ai-der the e- X Erskine have finished Tins rious wound might have resulted. ..Mrs. with our low and will of the late IP )KF.R ! F I Id IP I we -hall sell STATE NORMAL lumber figures, get you up Saturday, from for New at on SCHOOL, "t dnulde ha I u ess for E. .J. Bangor Xasm, Pendleton, who has keen in IIom's This! aaelion Saturday the lirsr dav d Decem- visiting <’ VS i I \ K. >1 \ l N K. Y* *rk .. Seb. E to ber. A. 1> ISPd. at en :oek in the Pnt .. Old (’has. T. 1 Mary Crosby is load He'fast and North re» A P*M‘l .ittlelieid of Belfast. Nearsport. timed home We offer Otic Hundred Dollars ly lisli lift! at the ofliee ol li 1 reward for .lose, Williamson, in lte la -1 the imberal lor l’eari WirKrr IVrm brains llri'cinbir II, IMM. X Baa i have reet-i .l Bangor Boston.. .Capt. t>‘ 1 lesboro r. case of Catarrh that, cannot he real estate on Moose in said tj ;i rst Tuesday.... M and Mrs any cured River, Keltn-'. owned •• hy at a Male IHpliiitlu* -t -A !..• t;*k«- t \v. W is in onniiiaiid of bis old Hall’s Catarrh Midi! !.!•>> PKICK than you h\ Ti e iale HIRAM K 1 ! I I < In an/ IP d'.FRT ! 1 i Bagley again Brock are (hire. one made pi- kies from M rs. JI. seph rejonuig over a Ft,lie hoy.' I'FIRCK. /e- leased. eMendiim "ii said riw In. ,i * ‘! *<•••'• •!< Nettie on F. J CH I’.N i:Y .X CO., O. ever one before. ’-1 .. 'Vti 1m.. i ''esse!, schooner and is Toledo, bought •• 'I fell* :.s 1 Laugdon, Our best wishes are ■. its mouth to lano of sheir. au A s>.i >u n~- nothing fetter Jl t at With them T the go«id 1 lie have I ■»•:!' i Hi «• i. .! L.- We, undersigned, known F J. iee ios way from .Ltekson v; i ie !.. New York. inr. privib re. iee houses, wharves. m il! -. st’. n e IWU* „U,| !m.; nan lo t .Maes X Pitcher I n e "I t'he 1 Atle vine. X. A, Xiekerson ami F. for the last lb and Cheney y.-ars, believe him houses and dwell in;:' house. Toaet her wii. lie rioht Scb. i bi/.ellt* tSreat in lb lai. •\ I'lltS went to \\ honorable in all business transac- Barqams Feathers. of tlowaee on ho! i -i.- v. itidow the w !"< toN'Utliport Monday Fold.ins have their eider mill perfectly sides of said r:\er a n n • ■.i. ■.; piano h pas- completed I: wav f ^. tions warn on :,>ad and able to out ol the -aid he- 1 1 1 kiln wed f«>r Bock bind. Sell. Louisa Iinaneially carry any power premises 1 11 ■ 4\\ the I- at E. Er* n. and business is will them.... One 11 mrf Caj-t. E rushing to to a lea^e to tin- Re Hast < u u\ id,iigatious ale hv their tin;:. MKS. ti. / WELLS. inr ALKMIi k .il H AUilsON, Francis arrived <). t both fn*m Portland of our men was Also, luo a reels ol meadow land Prlmipal. it attract s .nsidei able a’t elit a,. young treed the other n ig'ht Wkst iX I'm \x, Wholesale Druggists, To | j.i Mel fa st, Nov. 1. ls'dh- -14tf fast. ;;l.ov, n 11!i oats for n Mason’s Mi!!-. d, v, n ,• an '■ Swan N Seb. hv a wild w ha led,,, is ill the rage here imv. loti it :> Sibley animal, h !•• imagined 1 i.e maud ! he flow of -aid P-ose lit. K t X N A X \\ a 1 S with a «> f W.Al.lUN.i, <.N Makvix, Wholesale Fm a uli iy ii he moat It. M rs E Lu.-y Mary, cargo household goods a hear. He called loudi\ I«• and men de>-a ipi i..u -a e er.-nii o- help, I T ( ) he her imshaml with a >i‘om M'Ugg.S’S, ileihi, may had :•> the iindersiuueu. and and Piano to Swan's at Rent. presented Island heeled off Lane's ran with and axes. After Hail's mil-top nak writing desk tor !iis guns many shots, (’atarili Cure is taken internally, deed'- in ill, t; pi is-e--/ n. wharf 1 icsdav night, and tilled when the and blows troni the acting the hlo<-d and mtieous HH"d at -aid Rellast tl.i- 1i:-‘ da\ ■ V n;> A -tew is the long a\e the animal gave up Oire.-tiy upon BI.E TENEMENT HOI SE, No. UN (V4;ir stretching surfaces of ber, A. D 1 S'. >4. M \ H A |). lMPRi !.. t de came in. She the Testimonials sent > •*'*'* wire Imm \ l. i s.>4. l w41

/ ■'lit* fc veiling Time. heaven and earth, and moves all tilings to Register of Deep Water Vessels. diviuest ends. Has. lie sinned and fallen WHAT A MISTAKE! Tim evt M draws "li and, shadow s fall: from his of and 1 high place self-respect SHIPS. The g"i• i. rs tide whn-h paint the the honorable regard of bis fellowmen? It I Mrs. Wilcox Suffered Years W e*t Thinking Alun-r CVlmrn, «f 1* Butman, arrived at was through bis weakness or passion or Aim r111:>• n ! ms of glory mark the phme There Was Xo Belief. Boston (Jet Id from Manila. in into the llanies of W hen ink tin radiant orb "1 day to rest. temerity plunging A «» Ropes. David Rivers, at lliogu Aug di temptation. A ml is he staggering lip out for New York. What is t shades an- ret o’er the C»1’K< i.\l. TO OCR I.Al'Y RKAl'KRS.] The lubigi ping of the pit into which he has fallen, or Ad Fuller, Walnutt, saile l from New York land. One in ;t terrible snowstorm a man is making his way painfully and carefully night dilly for China. And m m ft mystery ai e gathering in the A along towards the solid ground of trust- walked in a circle till daylight because lameda, Chapman, arrived at New York Sept, 20 from San Francis.o. in darkness for the worthiness and self-respect? And has lie lie that Ail natun-, clothed night, tllOll.Lrllt Belle of Hath, C Curtis, sailed from New Lulls the tired earth to not learned that there are hands stretch- peacefully sleep. he was lost. ^ urk Aug Id for Shangliae. ed down from above to help him and C C from Mar- The songs of birds which made the daytime lie hail hern Chapman, Kurrowski,sailed voices of down seilles Oct, 17 for ga> encouragement calling Trapani. to him from and all H F CVIeord, sailed from An husked: the songsters to their rest high places forgiv- tramplin' Centennial, Buenos Id for Australia. has e gone. ing and restoring influences which meet nii'lit within a Ayres Sept DS Goodell, sailed from Cardiff Tlies svnli tlieir young an vpiiet ill repose: him while he is yet a great way off Charger, I stone's throw Get 15 for Montevideo. Sw < t mchain s they're dreaming for the Condition from the goal of safety and peace? These of his home. I>aniel Barnes,G C Arpe, sailed from Saigon morn. are pages—not of fiction—but out of the Sept 27 for Cehu. Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s for hook of human the uni- There is a prescription Infant* The es ruing imMs an settling o'er the hills, life, Scriptures of Gov Rome, Nichols, cleared from New

m and It 1 .r u! lies me it ass ay—are lost to sight. versal religion, the true revelation of God. woman in Phil- Vork Get (i for Hong Kong. Children. contains neither Opium, Morphine n-.r The rests vinbre stand svitli darkness Moses “O Lord, where shall 1 find Great Admiral, Koweli, arrived at New cried, adelphia who other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless r< \s n« d, thee?" And God said. “When thou seek- York Get d from London. substitute In w iiose black lis are born t he shades I^OWD^ lived for B Lhincas dept est Me. thou hast already found Me." yrars Henry Hyde, Lendleton, sailed for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor "i from San Francisco ti for Oil. night. This subject of the religious significance iti a daily circle ot sunennyr, la-cause >he Sept Liverpool. Keeps Chickens Stronc Henrietta, A M Ross, sailed from New It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is use l,v ii ■ > of thirty years’ Tl.t 'i i in,; > ! ! asu u, are lit on high ; and healthy; it gets your pullets t laying nur own life in cemmuti has its thought there was no relief. s early; thought V k dime for Rio de da miro ; spoken J u i v II., v. : -n .rs and ;• \V'.r:h its weight, in gold when la ns are moult- true life ! Millions of Mothers. is the ng- ,ymn asperf. I'.wry and useful is di- was caused female 2d., iat. do N, Ion 42 \V. Castoria Children’s I’auac. a it all disease. Cholera. Diar- Her sufl’erintr hy SS' ing- prevents Koup. reded b\ makes i Lee Weakness. Liver and thought. Thought plans lei-herg, t- L Carver, sailed hum t ale?.; —the •! ;.:e.'ns ,; i• her iiw Complaint Gapes. weakness in its worst forms. Me* ha ! Mother’s Friend. T1 pat ay of renders careful pain Buena Aug dl f..,- Huston. fl i» a Food living; thought judge- iioivitIIiI Dipstivc. r< ments in the of ex in her hack and loins, yqvat fat frmu I u> K 1) L N ii kels. arrived a; Vs- \ •; >)'- a li O.iJ.t "1: dl below t complex questions- peri- ;< Large Cans arc Most Economical Buy. lencorrlma. local tori a >*• 2S I'm Victoria. Castoria. ciut; thought tixes moral convictions; walking, inflammation, pt Castoria. : .> a He oa k and a desire to urinate. dohi. MeDonaid. T 1 (.Vleord, at Y.»ka- V. b. the management of important at-1 and frequent j guides ha mi S' 20 p N.-w \ >rk via II ■ All this time relict was cl<>v,- ,i h md. pt “Ca*foriaiss<> * !’ a1 laptop P chilfln'i-1 har <':i»torfa eurr^ ( <.!>', i-n. fairs, bight dei ision, upright plans, Inm- d. ..rr*|i|.?if t ii;> ai> 1' R at H S.-o* ; 7 A : i i.iI, dear. and to j» ■.ilte (..ike;. I r*s :n:ii*a' 1 it as i: »,u.. ;>r. iur Si.01 a. \i, 11; it- ?i. cst tiadeand conduct, site had only accept suj^Ti. hr u pure depend upon ■■ sa sa\ed 11;• •; i- make ati. u of /.. /:. ! Miit tlnmght aj»j>ii« Th- -.-f n Me wh.u liii of f*. •; eon 1 cured of all wea k m- -i > -s to of | her v. ji ii it ita:: r,'< p..w i.-i t pro lit. familial til*, the man;, al'iaiis TIi** uso <.f a. is ».i in.'■.'■■>,!! o P:i- r.i! '.viU V- it« :. p.- v eia1. and -1 i- in*-\ a differ-nt w- >m;m. "ill < Un ■ 1 ’• ■ ■ life. coillimmest t «>i its i. rit.s so v- •• so Main. ; lb: i. .■ ..t j- •. v It .-- > ri •.-• ! (i;iiiy j V kv it it T 1 Mai' I t 'Ii ->i M g, 1 V|.d it : :!. a I 1 tk a i a i.l | “Fur ■> rev .. :ii- 1 -• e;.l:!, 1 11 .- l: Tliis unman \< Mrs. Walter Wilcox, of 7d'.i y lustier towards iiiiciiiiT. our must liahit of na! ..-1 t" < j S' 20 New Y i. 11 :■ .g S'iP*TO" it. W -i >'r,,i. w ii<. advi-es all women who pi ual d«•; 11i11with me even > .t another, those Mr,. L St' ne, t < Lark, ai nvi'd at Nee, infoi’ijrom fan.ili* v ii-.» •*. not p suffer so fro':) f. male weaknesses to it T m ••* w > I m a 11 i. ! /■• S \ on iut’igrt ii ini £ ti>.. A 5'irst pi• *blein.- of our reunions l.ich try V I-. d 11 >! i; Mali:'; I. wit it in Ala K very-day easy T. 1 f and i'■ It eiire< ki«!u■ \ irmdde i s-.mi: '-I II. ii s’.-.*. Six s ■ 1 \ themselves without an\ !' R !' I-. L I it a.I ■; i at M n a i C'AliU.'S 31 Aii N. I), jr. "i":-' *' apparently ,i- c i- i-i -.'ii*’.- :' "'t: lr ". d \. e X s U TU*'• MU 'V.‘S » h*-r ( 1 10 !'•»■ Id -st Ci, l! •; I«* ■ ■ •" e -i m;ii l.-'v. ,• n. si ,.'.'i. ! gurniu u ours, ail have signiii.-ai.ce to pel .''"W Y .r k iiy '■ y. ■« '* sf I lit -1_l Uilie 1 c ! Olll’ < "IIIIUOH Life. J W 'S ■. I-t 1 I M'l.Sjg h;ieka« he. all ! im morales 1 he in. W 1111 U: \ a ■< t t ( let oil religious life. \l ust ire and mei c\ ; Raphael, Seattle \ 111 m (. n'•in .«. 2o Sail Fra < « ■ an- 5 in- in> i-i (.ini's throne." Th;: vV!'v r; v 77 .V Nr -v Y — s \i \ Ni. ;. i-.i n ; "N. 1 A >- tael but *-’ir ;u thm-s irviiv- towards > L Mo, d. *eU, Gates. irri v-d at New say> i p; av. Tin- order ami happim.'s *he a m o del. The air. t he .heat, Ii e of human relations surely are based up<>\ ■ ~: y n 1 i .. I >•! .... i It' in this 'h aider, i. tlie in gleet.a a' suffering and them. !n every tiansa. tiou, he lig! is sinner thost whose lives iii .;c' iea i. t*s. want. again-i •: ;; .say minded and considerate man icveia-nees t I >. I t.-li, An.- > i v \ ow : .an an. a I an fake a mall and are as important as Id- n: whose rights S \. 111 I v >. the rights of other, not so niueb i -y■, NSW, i, 7 l'o 1 a •.-r | ><»i > |... k. n tearing liar I’owii'ftil ?•;«, 4, m !u m a v. ii« me v. heir In. aie as sacred as his own: w hose Manifold t> lp. ay l'e.-lings to bis fellow nn n. < .o d-> wrong loving 1 A .N I | ] > ;•••. \ | < ■ m .ii a.t i.• w i: !i other aie a> sensitive as las own. Tin* eP-rnal N •; 'ins, C {*' (a: r, at. lliooo 17 i any them good. And inve, says Scripture, an* invented in man's I.-:- Now York. human !u iny. iml a not lutmh sly- laws of light being is tlie fulliiniein Disorders again, law. 1 Hasty siato .Maine. II : ■ arrived at os v. to sin Curtis, i.i' i 'nr ,i -. Hie it--. -! mankind and life, and against oncamuhei is less Aie oc':1.•-, impure and im- jmlgnieiiis, passionate acts, thought M a ,. S«-pi lion, .•xianj'hae to ad I S ai::..-’. 1 if better oi w.use. mme or To sin against d. 11:.* Absolute L’ighr. pove:: t TV lood. Slight and happy and indiffeieiit relations to others, de ’1 i i. ii K St aria 11 k K i > n Curtis, sa led Iron: Se o: IPariable Brick : it in its inipui: .• r. So d. develop into | nisei aim-. bt aviso a him. hi\ e him 1; follows that reig'ion active ■ veiop but a feeble and halting experi- serioim :i sik.Ii <■ N< w York Any PP ! Shatt^lun-. eoii-isis in and right > >ur cumaii •.!!!].ani"!,. however. .11.d his phases feeling acting etice. But think how can W and.-r; ua .1 w 1 C N i-. lio ,s, sal led f roni | you solve sc Ron LA, .ii.- at om e take- on a m w it' towards one as Jesus and the N*'W \ a k .11.: PI Kona ; meamuy. another, the problem of yoiir hatred or dislike of Jloj-.fT spoken ! Monitor Furnace, u .iof- ; n \\ 1 man A i es then mir life has EC/rt.VSA. p’:. a,, N ! 41 W p Two '■iii x or < ■% h. spynits hat kin- in- is i post taught, daily another. 01 of his towards ,y f--,r ISi'irk :i I <1 < ., enmity 1 W in H M 1 foi evi v\ one of us. aey at 17 n ■. • and i:"\N he oiid-n is liimsfh. -ft-ause his religion,s significance Think before to that > kMELMATISM Am.-si.ary, llio^o Sept No. v. I. N.,. h i, .x | you. you yield o I o New \ r k. ■ *■■ 0 'i i. "\ |X at- In our of our walk of ar Mi;..if tit hammer and ."tidin' hear upon and j range experience, or do the un- 0 •.‘th-M :• ;>>es. ocure revengeful disposition Win !1 Conner. Frank I I'end sailed ol we tlc-e is r- jiiii a '-df out leliab e rem- leton, it. is a:. Lite takes ..11 at "lire life, our small riicle associates, have ■ christian act it Think be- rk < >.-t 'i‘>:-.f x n < Ihm prompts. free Ji :i. I..!' 'ii i fr-on Ne\. Y< 1 lor Yokahama. ■ edy igredients. lit v- utii s ami m w .alien *"• not field for the cultivation of the :- a> I :,o i.uiiaior nnehody ; ample fore you utterance to that unchai n an *ble. Sue'-, is W J Fotoli, Sow all Lancaster, sailed from is lu.-nlf o: give purelv >i f< non. ( life. Our act has •• •ms knows, lmt teeis. I10W lie lives. lit genuine religious every aide or sentiment. Be no 11 e n.i v i ::n itics Now Yoik -luni 14 foi Y"k uliama. unforgiving I'lir. fin I'M Nf f if |(HV Cir:,! a m.ii: oft :10m the "t his It is be- fr6*° the >d i utterly society religious significance. important man's all men be thorough- It A U K s e:> mv m >!. i:l. ii K-U if: ■; enemy, though yours. lv v. lean so < vstem Thousands of u bow-nun and he is no longer he ; all calculation that every one of us happy, yond and have a cases of t ■■ !->t terms of blood dis Coinpassion sympathy religious Adam W v N arrived at >e act in accord with our Spn-s, .Movers, make- m j. 1 less, he cannot even berieli. \ conscientiously too to eases hav-- ... signilieanee plain he overlooked. New York < > mercy and compassion and sympathy make W'f I inr.t I. ; i. u : : 1 is not to and m "lie l" he- us the moral scales t arn. F. I.oiiyp .rived at New V- rk *"•••«» u •• -Mill' ,\ ff ; hilly buy balancing continually, lip the ot his as Any | larger part biography, —- n*-r \\ >. or rn act and IP from H.i v n,,i. fOii 1-'urn it m/c <.w yin.- Wit limit mi pani* >ns his so that we cannot freely spontane- the most tender and heron- 0 9 j they compose Carrie F11 eieared liviii i mite; w 1 not so. The right is so Heekle, emall, eakens, his heart ai Is. and his ously- nay- easily of Christian an.i are. -.- • [ parts history. Sympathy and tat. for Sir. .Juan power >r -.r >n up, animal beiny assert- itself. hive from the wrong, that a Finiatl.dplua .spokon pma. | distinguished compassion awaken gratitude, if there (>et 7. I; I P.7 Fa loll 7". am r. "lie m and of the vision nion. e.xehanye d spiritual separates; were no •. < m,] | glance occasion for their xerei^e, tin- Carrs* H Tv ier, Lam-aster, lear<*d from WOOD & BISHOP CO,, BANGOR, mm ■. ■ other. 1 do not hee.e.fS S S 1 h C 1 i S •11 of them one from the know- t -v } pa j strongest ties which bind humanity to- Maine Central R. In n-t PI ku No >rk ind. fears t usijes. aiv shar ; wrong fellow-man but for one C 1 1 >! oti. N F l ii 1 1 !• iliir.pns ingly my gether would be astogi-tliei wanting, as Ikey, ieared e ,ai." :a"i. than hkt affection is awak- I of two reasons. 1 oil her expect to make ton An z p:» for F.ueiios A v res. It want m-iio ms i tRk'. M \ y they are in undeveloped, savage rues. TIM 1 T-T.V 151,1 \ you ei.ed :m! i- a something it. to get the best end of the Ldvvard Kidder,.J H Fail-, arrive.[ uN- velnpeb. ld.viny rmnpanimi | by Med nines, gifts, mil' mg, are not ail :! at York ( PP I. -m II .-no K.e and BACON cun: with new 1 !e>. while lie gets the worst; or J get. On and utter I ^i a them esl'on-d-liil It there he h.irgain aie m-ed.-d in sickness md sc. .v-pt. 30, poverty. Tin 1 C at !'• u :1 ;■•':_?! ; a im :, ,raij 11. n, ! Kdwar.: Mi C MeC nr. i. d frot!l s. tioii of some or d;s an*. : mi one !.<■ -t ;, my and 11m ignoble satisbu. spite than we »r«- mherwise, aide to I *a 11< W !• Fort lainl a F. w i!! u II o i. y ! .i P‘.1 ! e N \P e k i>s.*. i w I.y, "tin-i we. -. :; mani\\ a eimsti.*n- like 1 hold igainst him. If 1 long him «. furnish m:rsei\ -s. hut we cannot sympa- .is i.Als; Anil -r \ 11 y 1 i. : « for it her tin ten-ons. Ii is t hat 1 ! -M ni:i.f ,\s ;. iii.; m ;!.»• am mm In- :mnail na- plain .. < •. thise witii ouis.’his. or pi;\ ourselves. [■. i. \Y i I IiLit*, hard, an.' *-d a? CiL ia -♦ M an a m Ta Nor eai. w e get pii it mil eiigt !i b\ V M. !' M ; :he : -I ai! im! •:-*n\ imscif that tv. grit v. oi ".m no] v -\, nuising am 1 I. Ida A T \Y: d. d : n ■,, n,y clasping "iir ■••••. n hands md talking t. v tig : •• 1: is w romgdping. and ia.y tlu-.r Im111;s ,,j .. n g. :. i ng i \ and hope: uil\ u>. and \ hi mg Fi i< I!.-! i lv'* .. si: (dm near. T ■ ed ; ; 1 I ■ and ■: : .. : d ■ lo *k or hi' el sp sv u.pmoy. tin- Inn, New Ada k.’ t !'• U 1- comim :

witli a:. ■. > da: ;!Ma.;ia a a :

ea id 1 i; ■. S ; e

k > >.i .. .. r,UHs* I.• N -. A ! :.. i

M~ 1 ’■ V' a M- .- d r; & '■- s I it. ■## o *?n JLit.,*

( di Id -r \', a A i,. .Ad, 'a ;• w \ !;, ,s ;« ,j |i

e 44

L A ■• <• Vva.-a.. F'M -,.11 CL- ..» 3UR >; w m .. •! fid :«• 1 hr ti u>is on u< led j: ,iii in isi, ,tiu- am her. and moral i ,-n. nf r. a ids em- | It'll' 1. S a*;<: ities ;U'f evolved. him, he was secretly detr.i tding ia ai ;iv.*. !'■ >]"•!.>: • mi Id la i; I’la d * •.; ! i< •>! • I or W he', in' was .,11 had Jet P S W itli '1 !d> i ;il nut. the chief meani iil I if- i jdt ye I ia._ stilt ion. I Scraui' L m W at.-i •: s,\ ed at S. no. i1' I! 1 i and 1dm v wa\ I >]' c, 1-1 Us is i ill mu' 1 LI T.O- Ids mughboi annoyed lpoi'e A Id P al, 1 L a P K aid 1' I s; ■ las’ i,u a i a inn- "ii F.i m-ii. _'■ ii■ i. '"iu-i one mot > ho could, were ihe hardest. that in A resi;»],• !»v F. V. Crowley. Japan, '• 1 danger of unhappiness for wife ehil- Cough t a>t. FA \ S< Ft KKK. tlc-n, but as he paid tor q he said he t< »U Viet* Fres. ami < omi'I Manairer. (let JO \• \\ Ada k. n one uiotlu i's keei'inf. Kadi n us pro- | dren in sobriety ami industry. it. is pi.’V.ntion and k * p t tin- in--, it :.u- F. K. In >otm I(V. Gen'l 1 ’as>. ami Ticket A'.rent. I ..anas Alioddard, \V S I i i;rd ii. arri\ad duee> W Iildi foes To ot hers. hardei to balance accounts lull of false keep* somethin*;' j t ! l'.Sed. For* mini. S«-j.t. 1 s'.*4. at N w A ■ a'i- O. t I :'r* an La lie. A. our vaiious commodities enti les than those that are You j genuine. \Y!, 1 ar I .M udd'Tt, A L (’• *!(•, a d n: r ’.'••i• t 1-4 from i’<>rt Tainon. To < uni tics come. a tailor. \\ n all they need, is a button d.- ii Is a matt.ei of "lent import- your neighbor good. >p port Kim is. Mrs. Maiueieni “We I.tlu- tart isms hus- A GRAND OFFEfi w het i e: e e« : or do not fet mil If he needs a lift it does you good to give band married *<• young that lie never learn- David I’.a, i I !! Hat horn, sailed! fro in rights. whether we render or (hi not len- it to him. If he is sick y«»u ean visit him rnrc mme. a. ruppert ed how to sew on buttons.’’ Boston l 11 Co. 1 >.>stim Li t Id for Ikuhadors and Trinidad. as a de: to others tlteir dues. Kadi or watch with him. There are both en- Light person II I»liussr 11 ottjnh ai, sailed li an Host a Fairy, rnCb FACE £3LEA' we benefit in social intercourse A Household Treasure. Bangor ( as 'owaids whom stand related in and >et is fur L Mi W hite any joyment irkpe. inis sacred claim us that we with him. It is easier to to him D. W. of il L \Y Ik. 1 l m arrised at Sweet as a kiss upon j speak Fuller, Canajoharie, N. Y suss CHANGE liV TIME. Slid.-;, >iii, Dosti-n Jl fron Turk's tl-.'.t till !*’> ..'I- P him no i a an hut on he contrary as I than not to, when you meet him. People that he always keeps Dr. King's NVw Ih*- Sept Island. Neath mistletoe. in tin* house and his has al- miie.. food as we can. I >eep significance ; prefer to hear you speak well of him than eovery family 8< HOO.NKKS. I is nature's best m •;; 'n ways found the very best results follow its III v W ■! Ill-Ill a ia. '11 very relation and transaction call him hard names and enlarge upon his ! Replenishment, us«*: that he would mu he w ithout :! Three a Week to Boston. lid ward Johnson, Warren. ieared from Bll lu;! U ; of roses it, pro- ejj >ut* man and another. it is very meanness. The 1'ragranee does Trips < >. t The staff of life, kri h u curable. G. A. Dykemau, Druggist, Catskill, Ne\v A <>rk tor lialua. i:i- considered, that ! "d me more than the prick of their (iei:ivi;i Lillies W L cimm "i prii'i .i' h m]-naut. rally good N Y says that Dr. King * New Discovery liilkcy, sailedfn:.- Magnificent.’’ me mon -w what I for. and for wiiat. i thorns. A wise friend Kusario Se-.t 7 fur N Adak L M. pa\ pay net. enlarges is undoubted, v tin* best Cough remedy : that THE GENUINE 15 ALWAYS BRANDED !' !=. a flattie INI < •< i Lank. 11 F S h-an n Kveii \ e ryt hinf were common and free than spiteful enemy. In* has used it in his family for years, prow 1, eight N iiii i.|" *rluri;t our and it m*ver from lLme.a o.t 10 I'-a- N ss A-irk. to ai wit!; nit and without The better side of is has failed to do all that is *• money price, experience t« V «. r> Oil ;i Ill-Mi Ldiasi-n. Jr, arrived it our moral towards one made of giving, not receiving, of our claimed for it. Why not try a remedy App'eliy, i'rvi- v responsihiiities up < >. tried and tested. Trial five at LaA esti n t Id from jkdtii.nav r-i111 ipIi't t. u | > amd"U wa i' i not he removed u lessen- ami actions. We have hmg bottles / ... << manly womanly '*■ 4ZJ.. A. Howes Co.'s store. i 11 >ra (i,, rleare«: ed. l"i do not see that tin- avaricious I •been in making others Drug Regular or •. it -an you happiest happy. size ode. and >1 OO. New York «)• 17 for 1 d oui.-a-IV iv nr s. > .!!»••' ptvjuiitl. 2.> and .dis 11 and fettiiif more ! There is no profit or happiness in evil dis- John ( K in arris ed at Nd-sv unscrupulous Suntfi, .-land, ‘Of It i‘H, )«•« than t heir siiar*-, the weak and timid must towards others. A tit of anger “Some men," sa d I'ne'e Kben. "is Ad, k m: iu 111e e.iiiimu!! relations of Site our sins that we ha\e to of. It is 1' ■« ..mdeu. Rockland amt I’.sa.ii, A' ll o Hau^or. proceeds repent Mondays, I A < It Hi.! II ?•'!!.• t1-^. ! a refieetion on «b* iinibreH's quality. W at ..about, e. m. Lund: ( Kamiiisl,,. S Wood ours irr II "in a .sentiment ; its law is written in t lie our follies that despoil us. ednesday-and Fridays !•' B w k a W i lit >n Han (>. s Sear-J.oit, p erp< p at I ‘a !en t from N esv A a'k M \ l> \ M I id 1*IM 1C ’I is ;i half-understood rever- Ii is our relations to one an- men Cases. lea;!. There through Sin-cl den and 1 km nor, Tu*-dav Tli u rsdav- and Satur- Lin ia Idu ter. . 6 East !4th St« NEW YORt ence "i tiie rieiits of others which inliu- other that our life lias its mani- days at about sm., a arrival ot religious S. H. C'lilVonl, New Cassel, Wis., was upon ()• dO from Lip,- ai (d >ve. -ieai,i• -r delploa a s w A man ma\ from Boston. n miu dea'diiies iill them. The uolden festation and development. be troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, Mars A Hall. M \ ra/m. no d-d : r. m id-

to s was BETCRNINC ■ ne. while it is an incomparable law of agnostic, atheistic when it comes a !i1 Stomach disordered, his Liv* was drill I- (). t 1 i tor Hi u11sss k ( i a eth-es. conveys m its terms, d)" unto ipiestion of a definition of belief in affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell Loan Boston. Mondays. Wednesdays and Fn M 1! Mi !;■•<.. fee,-, sailed fm ,, N. w A o; THE BEST FLOUR ON EARTH Stevens & Erski and lie w as reduced in liesli • let Is lor !'' ad an Liam e ot lie: s as Would that should d" (Aid; but he cannot lie in the dark away, terribly ye they ! o n Roelvliind toitehine- at Camden, Tnosdax-. I tt* in at itl it of (iroLer and strength. Three bottles ,,f Eh*.-trie 11it- i: L L.-tt jr- w M- rs o n ed at Sahas. your ill.t" you." die exon Ssion nf a feiiuine respecting goodness, and the demand Tloiv-da; ami Saturd i\ at '• id M t. r* cured him. Oei fron. L111!a11 11ia. tm imitation >r substitute at \\ !7 eIp Accept HARNESSES lei low -lei We do w hat see ins rif lit in made him bis fellow-men From Itaiiaof. roiiehiim Hampden. inter- iiuj.. upon by Edward O' Shepherd, ll.iiTi-burg, I;!., had:, :. Sad L 0 W }{ W >t. od-i !. n 1... n 1 p' a m! Sea Mom iav■>. W n nr- ot.: i* hit i"!:- -a i11. anm :u»t 1\ that he be himself an incarnation of i‘nick-por: rsport. V *■ n if in It ,t r, ■ < her. >ini| sore on his of " / A (h / l, running leg ;ght years stami- d a a. n d Fridav -at 1 1 < a. m. Or! LJ foi New A ia'k. H,B.Goodwin & Co iiee.i 1-0 Ml t lie ie'llIllCsS of t he 1 h'.UL: we goodness, goodness made manifest in the fsed three bottles of ing. Electric Hitters Flu:I > W. la 111., A:o*nr.Belfast Tota, \ S Wi -oh. ,11 a: 1 Mi d i, 1 ». ! io 1 >e o ami I--. m we cannot wtoul. tin in flesh, and 11ml he be to 1 hem an actio -\"ii bo.\e* of ihiekleii's Arm Salve, CALVIN Aid !' | X, ion Sun- .Boston. ld'oiu Nd -W Ad 11 1.. Ml: h'* is wit:,, it i"i.111nj. ii ow n bolt* milun agent of iho principles of ighteoiisness. !"g S..lUldand Well. .'"i.ll Se.iker. WILLIA M It. llli.i.. Bre-nh w .,mi Cen Wi'h.n 1 del- 1,. 1;; 111 ii 11 .m\ed Manager ••• Bo, t. 'O wit ic 11 e h a 11 e i i. s will ii- i.. and \ men ma\ be a as tile N. W Add Sa d 1; skeptic regards W ! > I! I % < « 4 >< n his eg, doctors said ae was :'I.! ralih* On. As a ! Ne A fd I.inii- -. d ,t teeline in :m isure as t iu-\ feel. hcneiit' of hut lie cannot piayer. .piestion "■ i, i. Eleefri. Elite is and on.* box Ruckle ids L. or or m, 1 \. i. f1 'Dp W Bar ;:: ! 1; !rii ! i ward loo]; •!' soul to Dior;:1 and Deer Isle v~-- i as mm his sjiijil- BelfasS, \ cry V aid iii;i ami « nv to Ail. __ REDtiC [ n f' R! -, ! S IN } V : h \ ) A t ist's friend e< -u i t. -t. h. ; >!.' ill'll In! ill lilt- <■< 'll) ’ll! ill o nal idea’ about him. an* ne< e>sar\ .111.e 1 1> '.P ! i the l1 ua lib; e ■!' ;• ?e.i a' life. triD yon ii*'*A :• I- w *11• i sn im. P W. i. it's ,i ,». s ti .ng : • 1 .’. ;i A !"U LIVE Oi ! i! 1. 11 a ■ i 11 i I i'- a 11 < -i •. r s 11 Mid pt I'll etiol, o! lit Ii and goodl'K >s ai g < UUlllkll 01 Oliu! 4 It urcd Mother and Three Trips Per Week. ! a !■ a ,\f„> w •• ■ ■■■' •• ihuu'hter, of Tt I‘, P -Mi,, h and link ■! n l.-si ; ■ he and li ve i v‘- ■’ !«• v * i?~ tV * U a- in r-.i m a man that 1 In- ■ b -ins in ny with e ii am- go,• i !■••>>. a; l! I TIIA.W. N. V., .I'll,. ... II,-.- ?i V v,. t, BUI!.D[ 1 ■ w It,- ill St !• •»•«■*■• i Mm us*- 11. steamer CASTS WiE a /. s u t ain o sn h in a < i! r< *s Worn v •! 1; I i i: r. i] arts a, ml Lis lecii lite bamm and liAM. >L\ M v \ j ! 2S M.c !■ A •> f»i sin- st ,-ad:'\ ui'lM ijnw 1,. ;■ is 11!ai• s. 1; a man n : a stunted. impnw.-(I, i'••••'It'Ji is r« st ,»:•«-,! Sin- says slm minimf keen Leave- Belfast eve, •, fue- ..: Tli n u. v a i S..t a u 111: -1 Ids I* w nia I: «>l idl I if, in: '!•" s riir<»iiLih living, lint | merely existing. liUUSf With..lit this w ; 1 .. h fUl-fft 11. i:i i- Inra \. m 1-d am. Bmi-e- l’.am j ,.i nr j. ai I. "v .•!•» ,,u im Hu si tit s.s i I: m-t M-ri s S r_ain>! (»•.■!. As ::e «*;n a«11a 11 y !i\ i 11, we \i 11 <: < b >»i: I> ami makes 77/r On’; limp inay da up liter, who was trophic! with suppres- ^ a a "e. ii 'm-d n m Ai a- .!■•: ••!!•• that hnvtli not sion of tin- limiiSi-s. run v< ten v’iiie.' | -ays; Sim h:nl r 1 ml a ni ve- at. Bar I la a in m •*.*»«» M. 11 a Ilk I !’ I S e i> | s 1 I I 1, e i | ■ ihr sm aiii all.! y ;.!> broth. man whom lie ha:ii is. | weeks, tookiUliy <-!mhot,th* before sllf ( o,meets at i-ie-li uo rverv tiip wit1, steamel nr.ik-s a .4 treat i no was < specialty patients not I- o ( Aviioin in- !iai li mo semi." No erate. Ie«liims. striving to aet r'miit, fiired J‘h i !.p i. l’.nrks. A. A flow ,-s I for V. heel Isle. Co..-, bul, 1VI li ST I \ Cove, Ba—ll.n > •• t iii 11_i11 iei I e> ori •miejire ami is lia\ iiitT '■ N Ho. sell < iilmorc's Aromatic Wine at si.oo ho!. S. l*, r.H|M ’!'!.« 11 1. it a.- lie said; lie that hateth a el W. Ilarin.r, N. L. Hai r. Sea! Harbor ami may truly mercifully. justly, wisely, helpfully, W.aalertil. sm- ess. i !. is the disc ,4’ ■: VrUiul Hiislnrss Pearl per 1 h >t tie. B.a Hart.or •‘Kills Sjsieni in not ids brother-man whom he hath -ecu, towards one another. The t ha I \\'i ■rhl-ivm .\v !,<■.! me. I a am-. I h (i l. ie-'s tin- Marl :! unseltishly, Benmiinu. M nida Wedne-day- and Fridav s. man sets his :s eama,i hate ««od, whom he hath not atn, who fare steadfastly to “Why d«» you always tarry yanir peek t r"* l'lie In,,;! m v le- ehartered ihe eveniny- -he Nevvura »•:1 ami nerve remedy, wlm-li Aril him lie. I V*nin in.Mi I.!! i;il \S lie that sins not against his fellow-man. j do these things soon tinds out that it. book in your hand, Slam?" “Beeause, 1 i- in port, alter M or •» n. m. App 1 v to the < upturn constantly <•*:riiif* tinaisands <4 people. An\- ... have no other To it." on board. I'.hf < aie not in t lie cities will ap- tnm>t sin Hod. Look at the eata- is not in himself that walketh to direct place keep “Nonsense! living largest against S,\ M 1. II. BA Bid >1 K. Manager j Voii have of this unit t >. on room it ■■' t l plenty for in your ; preciate splendid «*p port y suit, Sen. in uni in- .1 1 l'phofsti if Mm//, a <,'l logue of sins ami notice that man is the | his steps, that the power and mare of F. W 1 ‘1 ) I F. \ jrilt Beltast. miif, sleeves, !K>\V-a-da VS.” entirely free, the highest medical autliorit\ hills will; o and of them all. Of niiir- an earnest life enter into him lrom above. 1 WARKKN. \eenr. Croons' Landini!. NjMeill. /{(/> firing. subject objeet without, lea vino their homes, thus saving the leading 'm. at-ws Adoiv>< dm in all its mankind furnishes Does he feel an almost irresistible ineli- i. \il line of iMi i'inz' u degrees, time ami expense .4 a trip to the eity, ami K. H III I.Lls Secretar), : nation have n ■ the victims. In theft., in its every form, to revenue upon one who lias I also the iaroe fee .'liiiri’e.l by other ami less Hanuor, Maine. EUGENE W. WILLIS and in dishonesty of every kind, public wronged him? That leeline- is of him- skilful physicians. Write him at once, ami the are will he made \v< !1 Real Estate at Auction. U P H ULSTER E R, and private, men. either directly or indi- 1 self, of his natural passion. And does he RockiaiiQ and probabilities you When was Lite Baby sick, wo pave her ’astoria. Banpr ami < \ and falsi- hear a at his strong. •. .1, rectly. art* the sutlerers. Lying persistent spirit knocking- W I a li m.-e I I.. tin H dll I'liompsoii \Vh,-n she was a she cried e. > ty of every kind have no point to them heart's dour and savin**-- There is a bet- J Child, Cast. ria. r'UsrPro!, .ni- |. In* < ..uni ..I \\ .... ! -haii -HI 39 MAIN ST KM- T Hi ! I- A- ter at public ami mm on he 2St h da> ■ \. •.i •, and are senseless as the fictions ot Tom I way! Overcome evil with <£ood? That I When she became Miss, she clung tc «_ast,»ria. TIM IMli Ktltl. M> \ I KM I I KE M As \\ arin-l»looi in lm ‘oienooii. a: K \\ lirimlle’- unless involve human char- is from above. Is lie inclined t VIKING Sawyer, they spirit hroimh W hen she had Children, she gave them Cast«.ria starr at I'ii'. hVrn all t!*»* m'r ;!*!• m1 i. acter and interests. Abuse is | indolence or distaste to or ienuie Fish are not as as some ten -i u in.)'. .1 \ Ml's K11 >1 d. \ nr. ■ *t in -i always neglect Leave- Belfast, Lewis wharf, about 2 f M on cold-blooded people in -aid I'ad in and 11 11 or his some to serve a fcllowmau? ! rf.iiuty. deeea-n id ami ! Loaves Belfast, Lewis about 11 a. m. on land ..I (,for_o K, I’.navn on tin- west l>\ land is aimed at the rights of otlieis. aroused and enforced to *;«> and do the At the Blowouts 1‘eeeption. Benshaws, wharf, j City Point, formerly occupied In practice j j klK»\vn a- M. V lleamn: an n t in- -oiitl: to be Tt ksdavs. Tm kspavs and Sati ki>a \ s for Cam “What is the so 1 the entire list | the firm shake of an or waiting patiently “All liystamler, matter with ■ And might go through duty, by oujj'ht helped. tilings cast liy land nt \\ C 1 *• -a d• i». -aid contain & Co. to collie to him who waits." Sherman. “So ! and him?" Ambulance Driver. Otis Apply and secret, and show that ! which he cannot resist? The 1 den Roekland. Well, you see, 1 "i1 acrc>. more or less. of sins, open must, power j A BO’ hut the devil of it is to when the twelve o’clock whistle blow rd his ■ what and call sins, are in which enforces him is that which tills observe, get any- Hated this 2olli da\ oi »»m -her. is;.* theology society I was \ thing from the waiter.” j If. C. PITCHER, Agent. pick in the air, and lie jist left it there." j :uv4d ai.1 i;i:i» <;i\\ 235 Upper Hiph St,. B hf*------Now Summary. II KH Dl TV TO TKMi. New and Projected Railroads. One of the Founders of Belfast.

»» of tile a mi The now tariff bill One Loveliest of Ladies Writes Our Headers a ladder Will Never A They WlSl/ASSET I/I KIJLC. A Journal reader sends ns the following It is a to our fresh tisli Forget. t.rand Letter and Well Worth Heading. ditferenee At a stock holder's meeting of the Wis- Hipping from the Notes and Queries depart- ■nu las ooast. and just now c asset. and (Quebec Railroad, held at Wis- ment of the Boston Transcript of Oct. Idth: casset. <>et. 17 the braid of direc- !. >ays t lie Portland Press. following John Tuffs, one of the founders of Belfast, tors was elected: R. T. Ruudlett, Henry Me. -there 1775, . escaping Brainard, lives, the others perished. Beached the is;; di and t lie ship oh.millers China. R. I \Y. B. Rundlelt, president; mainland after much sintering and their on j■!a a of small bu>i lies-, I'. Fogg, general manager; William 1>. distillation, Londonderry, N. II. This ma\ To those who have suffered long and hopelessly, and who have lost faith in medicines i- !ia\ o u «t ...o' tin money Batteisoii, 11 ensurer. 'The acts and have occurred about no plans 171", date* ml very doctors and all I b 1 tew things human, I.ivura to the sufferer with a l.-rce never bet. re : ho uks his ra.r s.» muo'li of the management were unanimously ap- particulars are with their descendants appeals hr were realized in the of i lailinu oil is at ioast :,0 proved. It was shown that the operations 1''-day. There several other families history medicine ; and every expectation awakene ! bv it more tam. on ! 1 « new ii iff oft ho the same vessel and it takes t he of the company havt been thus far con- thinking possible fulfilled. It is and t * the taste, that date and pleasant refre.diiiip acting promptly and effectiveiv u;><: n loo particulars of this disaster may poiiim> oj fros'n tisli and ducted with great prudence and economy the and be in possession of some one, I ask for the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys blood, cleansing tiie system «.f everv it\', 0 is s«• mm h less itnpui regulating ju*n pi'.-lit and that the road is being well built at a date of embarkation, with the name of the the bowels, and tire most s< ientiiie treatment of modern men dins faet ami t he sea re- low cost mile. constituting medicine, i'hvsicians remarkably pel The stock- vessel, the captain and the island, i.. r. t endorse and and of we xt iel aeeounts for the larye holders unanimously voted to authorize prescribe it, hundreds tin.: best people in the lamb their health to it. 1 n t lie number I bank lisliei an issue for Democrats I-or at a of SjUU.OOO of bonds the pur- Taking Otf Coats. sale, Si bottle, by druggists. Testimonials furnished >n applicat.- --nsm(tinier dinimution of the pose of completing and extending the road THE 1 s business Idle \mei lean to a connection with the Canadian Pacitie. Somebody lias stolen the SUM) oven-oat of LIV/URA MFG, CO., Nashville, Tenn the candidate for of w as in a \ at \ a i. | The road will be to Burnham Tammany mayor New b«.r J'M tsydimy, linished the l'*?" Eczema, Pimples, l.'leers. Itch, ami at' n- h. i;., ( m I is,--. I >. p.js York, and it was stolen in his own political ic., n. rot liav; n- lie follow present season. use LLVURA OINTMEX P. cents. ently, headquarters, too. The. other side will Price, 35 11 is an >. Froiwdi, barrels ; use the lUMlOli .V A KOOKIDOK. probably occurrence as an awful ox- COOK, EVERETT A PENNELL, Portland, Me.. Selling Agents. nix \\ eeks: .bmn M. Plum- \ IL rald. At the annual meeting in Oct. ample. [Boston .it's maekerel for six w eeks •!. Bangor ltitli of tiie stockholders of tlie Bangor and iiae'i. ; 0.000 pound' ootl. Six Mr. Michael J. Aroostook Kailroad, the following officers Dwyer, who for the past 11. I ’ark hurst. .'si» bin r< a four years has been a reporter and were elected: President, A. A. Burleigh; special ;ylo weeks; NorumboLTa ari;\- writer for tile Boston Herald, lias accepted COAL! Vice ( COAL! President, F. Bragg; Directors, the offer of the •mo with J<1 barrols rn ukoi » i. editorshipof Donahue's A. A. < Mag- Burleigh, V. Bragg, «J. P Bass, azine, tendered him after the of >. I Maine ravioli t so barrels resignation PurchiiKc Your <>| Edward Stetson, B. B. Thatcher, C. A. Mr. Thomas C. Quinn. C'osil ’••ml six miles off low Poini ; (iihson. F. L. Stewart. At a t1 l‘a; cis ni tokr subsequent d nl no II. 1 meeting of the directors, F. Appleton i h .i w To. ono JM ii nd s (• i( j, was elected clerk and lalward Stetson, \ .• hi ill '' mu. do.Of Hi treasurer. The reports of the president SWAN e:: J i! nti'k- 1 )■ u a }•'.. I .aw & SIBLEY COMPANY. and treasurer were submitted ami accept- ]>■'■ nds o.-d. w rt-ks. ed. The tracks are now laid to the town i i'"» sa\ > ; hat i..• rerent j tie offer to the citizens and of Blaine and everything is progressing of Helfast vicinity tfte a : <• 0 deal of dam rue to the satisfactorily. Two steam shovels are u i*• 1 ', < la* man at Pit li- used in the gravel pits. President Bur- ma i. m mai m •; c ami puts leigh is coniident that the tracks will he Celebrated Haddock's Vein. laid to Pre Fort Fairfield and ( aribou by the > -ALSO- u u as a ta\ < >’ abh* one ery middle of December. The extension be- •'•' i ; !;sb,-rmeii t he m kt ba> _ built this will add 7b miles to the 1 Mi>s l.. in i:ke. ing year I i.i' ■ .. n THE ONLY PERFECT a of the road. Celebrated Sugar Loaf Coal “• ■ mileage Lehigh li! VI v few t. a1 inte the for Mother’s Mi!k. jLinderman’s -T. KOI x a o r. (Substitute tali. N a any have into 9 Newton Upper Falls, Muss. W< have Vf. t this r i\; 1111 y i: t. ■ r- | m several, who have tried it and been eured. Hear Furs* I have used your Media's Food ill the follou-iuy : ■ i i as \ ei. The direct >is ot the St. Croix A Penob- /trices laud li:s two years ran highly recommend it to he srii:_r l-nt.'r. with tin* a- niimn !m- niti- Here is the ..dietary testimony nl a most •! « eitrse. t}ia 1 t h«* scot Kailroa 1 met at P. Wescott's pel hr. It is surely the host food in the ina-- :*iv. *u|»* t > ^ ’■ — ! r. !■ u l' J s > I i.• ■'• iafanfsauil youm? children ; our little .- .! has office iu Portlands >ct. 17th. to consider the " •-.isina x♦ :j. N H and \v<- ;• rr Them h.-t'oiv "in i ceii r' Nervura 1 tit.. h i I it over two ami nerve remedy. pirlused years. < •' : '• 11 a <, ■ v extension of the Princeton to ( j ia mad .-rs h is a wt■mlerfu! t r.lnitc t.. t value road from I Mrs. M. ,T. Hi ntkk. .*5 Ao sr,s he’^reat '* ■ (ireen vide, Maine. :lid i: v ai f; > have e. me to S- "ii aft• ixrndii d '.Mr n; s.-m«*d, I was •I' this medic tie ill fiinne disease. Tin e.- is i Iu .Maine < cut ral. 11 w as dei i led to make 5 40 5 pi ">i rain n, an.! l.ii'J a-> “I while not the and build .be extension, if T" >1 a at 5 15 5 00 j a a! i y o t people wh(*, ex- surrey th-ai. and I find it is I lie* hot Hurimiico me ( "■■{ kn s v at I -iU'fiWi- i let |\ ek fi’e'ii 9 f" 1 used IFr inlunts. Vours ... ,5-jo ,5 4.5 ,5 i.o >■ '.Je' 11. a;i i I ! : suffer extreme nervousness. Calais would claim vespectfully. < ■ give up omortgage M rs. < )s m I IS S 1 h «1 ; m- lit! h- t h ni ei weak tin I u i\ i-. n i. v. 'lie- ^ and -i, lark their old-time of ( m k Ca i vr ac- ! VT, a Ml- ''v... t. It will reqt.lro islut SKNF) for n«ir f v-. lid .u-' ii.\ ... r: ; :i ■' bonk, “The fare and iHi-r and |•:»ij relict !i ami amh.t on They do not e,tt m ZJTtoir is the lime to onh rs ir,, Ur' F Feeding; of Infants," mailed < /tlaio- your for Too/. ..*..'i fee Well, wake lie a' 1! ejs ! i re« 1, with dllll- iiiii...... ~ ^ f ree to any address* ■ leanl ami no mi- -'.math n to ike hold A ! < a >T A 1 < I Nr a their work. ;i A iiM ust a Co., Boston, Moss,, SWAN & SIBLEY COMPANY. rtf n nn- m .: h"’ t •, > >_C',:i'.er-Goodale vv:ite ii, finds, h- .-I in.- '! it'i si;, | \\ a. id re. aiuaem! hi IVii i: 1 a'.-,;. Ill a lella ot, Ano.o: r. lxM. > « Nervura I.', .. nti'i n ■ t-. tin* KciiiiYr, .m a; M. Km;. e st r• v. S!a;-!.-s. a' ... tie! JIM** "1 idiem yt ami Ml SO. 1 '•1 -ill ! let W ill ilia ki jO ■

J i; t i- 'll Si fie- i ; ■ iri Mile i. >; 11a > a iii* •• "'imis' i' !■ \\ h;ttan Mi!1 : ■ •: rs Y ii. ■. Ida : | y a-.aUe a statistiaal reao:d nrt.only.k , D 1 1 11; i;, t -: n t n a •. a t 1 I K!. •a: ee>j h = will an- i yetf k.1:; :' 'k 1 !;*• t ■; 11. .mi !; I ;••• \ art, I 1:: vt i ii i rvr ! Ill’ 1 I n ,.;i. ,s In* (iolii.i \ : in! Mo > 1 i; mu ::w; m1; w i.;' r !c in S! o 'i'-a 1 e.i Mr, now free !' 1 1 am: nit -1 u •. '• >i.. :-7 a-, in snj.- in-, -■ e. |•• '-.iin u-y y:\ es to- -a la rod in ! m j: j d. would Mi,M: a !!m o;m;!| 'a }'_ \ Si l'tOM! ’T an 1 n- >v i'. i nave >nnn -nd.-d it *• >. i.-n-in h- 1: -.-I i.'i.M '!ii ■ Mil's t<> I nil mi Iteliferril unit in. I ■ ii put fth s*t \ lilt o i ic i• a ! M : < Obit t;a I- x i t: m* 1*.!« >_■ IMICU'11. — ry. |>ei >( an A in lit ns I >etect i ve. ill I hi, Cur'S, > .... e.i in i .■ ansi- p f. j and vvould ic!; alii 11rt* la>ad, Ye J J 'M*' i a la i s To 1‘rices „t lliuirj, ;• tsMiiu: i:‘i. i._ a \V •-.! a ,.m.. Ii \e town r,. tti ;p li. Mi-: *1'' j them West.. • < with 'j: iwa t %\: o mm :, i' i i1 s, a i: Mi! y in od- -■ ;-e »£RS S' ].. ham h 'l ie Cumberland •• Goal. Wood V- at-s. : tie ni hs. Ji I a -. Mr. i. ,:n !■ ;< of all Kinds. ili lot In > i«11 m ", r.n Ml o j ■. i1 M lid-- tow li. IS QFTFNi VERY i .carnal an*, w hi !-• fm boa., 'A DESIRABLE. in ,111k ii la i. a l- .-t i- ale! al > 1 •1 I 'in. VI- lit ti.>? 11 »t. d i I n willing dni An (_, n.’.l. .:i 'Aim T .l"ir d till m ,1 -m. sali-shiooir\ in wci.cAt, m J. jp,-, ..I'l'i.'] pithi in in- (•• mis*, la ti Mi i-i load h mm A u- quaiM* ! ie '< in i 11 a I ••aisla ■ II list a I-- Idni. 1 j. We Guarantee it -■& V' attention deliver 'hi'* I'M sea given g outside th e\t>i 'mt •'<, J liaii'i iia.Mv iiim i .* carry ! "Maine Kailr o.eis. a r,g e; «•; l.-. lm Ms ! e a> sleeihi he. p, PH08ATE NOTICES im,. !( ••• w lie mi tin- -re ,11,1 T:.- Kansas 11 :•!'!•< ! a. | N h J i' s |: 1, u.M '> j ;■ ,V..[ Or her. A. 1*. It ■ \v a ■ 'i ■>.< ; 1.1 m m a i, n.-,- of -> \\ s s teW v•, < j'e ,; 1 i ,, !! -.’.el Char M i: !. 11, \ 1 :. c .see I VA1 il.Wll.i. W. I A I IRKS- IN. m M the !H ;'lt:cht in i •>ii.j\ i! w•: \|;y ! M'i' I V w t m. \v no had ih.-.' llM? 1 Kansas, a O 1*A ITLRSi iN tie •>[ \\ ! .... grown 'i ll- annual it |■«.. t .Maim- Kailroads > a-: jh .Mai. owned h. r. A. 1 I S'. 14. by for t lie «•;»]• .1 une M<>. i *0!. iiav.- > ending 1 1 •’ 5 '• let p in- v.-il! diliu i i.-t ra I i, >M oi till- e-t a ;*• ■!' -.mi < S. Him tie n H i *i II W \ | i. ed ! d.a .me a o.-ic, Says In T -111- ; lien completed and -how a mark*. d tailing' ! e i-eii i„- r.mieu to hit;. 1’- I la- A 1:. mm -.r .1. -i !'. "I ■ <‘It as a w i. a •Hina W.,, ,-ased. !ia\- ! ('i-uered. Thai t lie Mini iw; eh 1 nithiciojn. N v .11 the 0! C: m -inn at i tin-H is a in earnings mm. it rcdm-Unn petit iouer ;uive i.-«- t«. '• •lj! pet's,in- intetvHcd hx nu .i >| r'.ii- ei a !'m K < >e*. 1st ■a an lU'.t i-'li ■ d b-nieU t .4 ropy a, ge);T hinl-takel'S. Their expenses. 1 .• " operating b'hmvd. notn !>■• u'iven t-« a I as l’1' !1"H alii. i. advertisements persons i. st rainh’ ;mat s : : may be found ,11 almost am .M A I N i: • r > 1 I: A i. 1 ai>' iis. 1. ~ |,V a 'hr cai!' nu ot »hi' maler to be Kepit:' at: Journal. |. i u .->! at I• ? i-r t' | Sf\ > fa 11.a- an. I h ,:,sM .e .mm and liv s.-t I \ ‘i*1 r-Uir'iUMot' < d newspaper, genera forth •••• 1 Pat l !. •! e i> I in ,n. au-l -!,■ w a a -r. j; j a v t !■•■ V. ;•••! 1 the rt s. 1 m 1 it V.;;;:',T,:!-:74r,:v4:w..::. 444; --.-.r 1 i‘»u. <:>•1'j .1 cb-ll'l'e of -; {of !••.••» -ais Tiios, V i, \\ 1 ite 1 .4 K< '. I.. JOHNS* »N. .); \ < '• l*.i—.•!._«•£ -4 r MC.asu I-Il\ iii' r>. 111 ! 71 h. j A rm An, -o i-o-ialit niv('iiiir ■-1 7. ■. ;. | A 1 rue <•“ >v Vires; 1 a- ui < an Tin* s', a So pays for a shield *i *: 1 i*. Pauki Register. 1 h-it teiis in letters that a b'-nd man might .Maintenance 4 j.;11>n :.*. L.7 14:1 •••“.<.'*7 1 hr < '<,iiat r»-.,d that tIt.- owner is a It i A I a IV '.U?« Co -a I Wahl!,!ihr'sr, 1 i-:;! 'Vimm ! detective. The liumbci of a: ied lias ii.-i.l , j, ( o: !• pas.-engeis 1 e 11, A. I>., a s! 1 n■ id and n- «t nan- Is, am-. 'he Co at v Waldo. Cm .... < ml Taesdax of '• ■: V «- n.' »r r r. been and amount of t ■ 'hr i.a i i; I rt j da m- t wk* r. bat 2.147.04:; the might < »• •" A. !>. a \. I I i •; 1:1 i.. VOn, o* e ill,-' ,1, M saw t these ad vert isenients aim W'KSl’ON ■’ hauled 2,170, .‘M> tons. TOerc haw-been " i: AN !'a i;i> •ill*- a 'atr detect .ve. Ill till- S11 i .’ i es. iM in \\ :, pilUled three loromoth 17 passenger ears ami! A U ■: I .. o| '< \if\ A SI'! BBS, KljOh. j’p.-j.ert. ? is st uinh t ids at and t<. iai- ol in said ( -u \\ de- !i i i a e > >i anoin went K.m- 1 2 freight ears added during the year and WiaTerport. tuty ahm, 1*7,0 iV u .•> >■- mu »> 3 i airy :i in sas There In- stnmk his first i-as<-. A i.uis of new me laid. "1 lie j •'•_:o h y met him in the street anil ;n\:t. d total amount of fuel consumed was .12-1,ie;4 j tons (4 coal and dig e.uds of and ; tom gamhh* with dice. Mott wa.-.d, 1 declined, pute j MM d an I. I!, printed .: IF!!.-:. 1 ha! < <»'• u i- -U ,i; M l.a'a* a Ve- the miles run w ele 44. m.OPT. hey and a! a Probate » oun. > be held at P.d- threw las coat d.s- may appe <■ uaiiy open and :!.'*• 11 .1, ,i; n ar't: II. Hie v. TMl'ii Ml : I One passeng'oi was killed and two in- pi111!ira11 Iprint',!'I c-scd the shie d. The darkey only laughed. Six were Tm-dax ot \. ,.• 111i•• 1 in r. a; t.ui o| hr clock bc- aa jured. killed and 1T, i duUgllfei a 1S trepassers This tlie "detective." and !1 rc noon, ami mow ratm. i! any they haw. why exasperated grab- nine injured. Two not s: •sspa-sing were I lies, ;ay \ Oeiui,rf -M. at tr'll 1 t;r r; •M mu t. a ,-.-1 Kelu aarv. T tlie d;trke\ •'A has 1!a iastest rr.-.-rd i !•;ug lie marched him to a e killed and two injured. Tie- total milt- iow.-d. C 1m >. 1. .loll s polh Vm Iim!|.-v H.,• _ a i! s i a 1111 e 1,: t; i. •, wily J,raxes oi .-an. petition. id be ai N'-.-ol). i'iir station. The Times tints relates the subse- age is 107)4 J-2 against 10441 -1 in 1*0:;. ! ranted. 1 1: n 1). P \i;ki;u. Register. •! esse.I hr Tlu* from during the <. IP >. r.. JOH NS< >\, A 111, \pi hy 'v'1 '-m:« went proceedings: surplus operations a. -a;.a; ahd the A t rue \ te-t seems t.u hr that this is *M0.*M7» total >407.d..p copy. » .- ae.t' a, I. ... "liere's a year surplus A; .. Probate Co irt lieUi at Belfast. within and for She, with idle man. 'said the detective, “who dvvJB .1 i:k ii 1 |'a i; k K1;. Il-uir,,,-. be C- 1:1 d 111 i m I. is a Me hmr as Wa ldo, on the '.01 id v of !:p.( pa pa j grand.d.iaba-n. d ; sy n\ of i been violating the law s of the and l'.AMloi: A A liOOS'l'i 'OK aipal State, (• >l>er. A. D. 1st.4. J. a x. niu. a * >t.(i .! .. li\ St The a I »t 1 i e t i < n. M r. 1 arrested him." SS. In Court oi I -bate In I l ft \u | The of the A Aroostook MANN VII O IM.F.TIII N. la'. S. showing Uangoi 1». ow 1 ;n a i 4 at l’n»\ 'hems ;tI»e Aas -ti mg i 1 iv.T-.a!isr and said he "And wlit) are asked Fla- UI>A\ i’KRK I NS, wit of RKI BKN P. WALDOlast. ,,n t he second Tnesdax of >rt.,i„,r ’:g you?" Captain in is a one and is O 1T.KK INS. late ot Frankfort. in said of ih:' r.-aiiiv \\ iM, ... v dr.-ad.-d le ill blit n I- tfu r death. As ( id ve. splendid very satisfactory County 1SP4. MATILDA P. NICIlols. \ intini-i ra: ix as thr greatest \ ea oh! bid a' law Waldo, deceased, a ion'for '■n tin- esrate of \ f I \ A II \ tin* .lir.Tl> !:•• .-ivi, i. e a red for in a her "I'm .1 to its friends. The were having preset.Ted petit VDKIi i(IH d.S. !a'e would rare for deleetive," and open came the coat gross earnings '•■•ns *' *1 air a ■. -• m Maine I !;e Mana m- an allowance out oi the personal Estate of said of Searsport, in said deceased, having- V11 i:11 <.|;.; i,‘ h 1 hel > alt e; in a “Let's see $24.*).00:J and the were Count), El jab. as. lie w as that said the operating expenses tieeeased. f" inako hnineiiiata- pavmeii:. ami ilm-,,. \h ! r. hi hrs l- lamina Westland, \ badge," Captain. presented her lirst are,unit ■' adtu ini.-t rat ,ou ,,| by foe »n\ The detective ailed, Was aiwavs true to his stepped up to the desk. *187,412 leaving an income from operation Ordered. That the said petitioner give notice to said estate for allowance. any Ji-*i !•■ .•v.lpiar t: •; : i for 1 rai Kldu- *' > olds. j Se' all st'THpiiUMit t.. Ill', -r in Tl II .< a et'tni.i n. a in an;, other respon- “No; take it off." of persons interested by causing a copy ot this or- Ordered. That notice there ,! he uixen. three VIM M. a e. J.bin Blood- d'd $7)8,200. der fo he weeks lias hi- aaioiiT. V., by j piaee m t. wn .i is* ri*. t. and will be Off came the badge, and it was passed The deficit for the after in- published three suecessively in the weeks sin-eessivelx. in the Republican Journal, ai'|M.ime«| year paying Journal, at HI 11H II. Mi i-.TIIKN. i a. and the champion rotter j '• ‘-r\ niiii h missed in [he town of across the desk to the Republican printed Belfast, that, they printed in Belfast, in said Count), that all per Prospect. Captain. rental for a terest, etc., and other may appear at Probate Court. 1- be held at Bel- sons interested, attend at a < k. which bolds the cn I h* Pune! t! was at I.;.- ate resident “Now tell said the charges, may l’robare ourt, to K subseriber uereb\ '• mty j Ifev. your story," Captain. fast, within and for said. on 'PH mve- .is>»i• a roads, $44,07)0, is but $4M,M7>7. After the County, the second he belli at Belfast, m the second Tuesday of N>>\ a; ted .ast with a record Myra Kingsbury spoke words of comfort to Detective Mott told all about the of 1 ctin-rnuMl iiat she ha- he.-- Jiih -o'e- 1 spring darkey’s Tuesday November next, at ten of the clock be- ember next, and show cause, it any thex have, | theatHieted ones, and a vain to road in full this will soon and taken upon h< rse!l the tm>t .d •. ■ >iu had been in nine races, large number was attempt entice him into a gambling gets operation fore noon, and show cause, if any they have, the said account slioiild not he allowed. j why why he last will aim te*>rti man,'’ the Captain. There was for maintenance of re»j expended VITAUM) SS.--In Court of Probate, held at 14**1- son.- who are indebted -aid. ..-.,-e.iV die fastest animal driven a at Keiinelnuik. Oct. 14. 1 s ami was “But I’m a Mott. hy Me., 10, detective,’’ protested At a Probate Court held at within and for ?T fast, on the second Tuesday ways and structures, *70,410; maintenance Belfast, of October. t.o make immediate mem and h >-.• a i h i\ .and woman. She is owm-d lift!: in direct descent from Rev. “Detective said the j►.*\ Thomas nothing,'’ the >f Waldo, on the second of 1S1U. NKWKLL H Executor An es- -• by Captain: of trans- County Tuesday ANNAN, the any demands thereon. •-x 'mbit t!t** a 1 harlc r. the tils; of “search him.'’ equipment, $14,224: conducting' A. 1*. tate Horn o! Water\ i! !e.Nelson pastor Old South ehurrh, October, 1«S‘J4. of PKFDENCE PARSONS, late of Palermo, t lenient to her. KM M A L ! !; \ Boston. Timelier took a Mott amt to no avail. portation, $70,M20. The total number of in said having- his lit" winter quarters with three Judge collegiate objected protested certain instrument, purporting to be the last County, deceased, presented toil rse at was first and final aecount of administration of Rowdoin college and Finally lm said lie was sorry he had misun- passengers carried 100.142, and the! A will and testament of JONATHAN H. said K snbseriber herein .’ee. in tin- 2.JO list, and all owned graduated estate for allowance. rpit \\itl; the mass < r ]x:;i. He was a lawyer of derstood the law regarding the impersona- grand total of train was M41,240. WRKiHT, late of Jackson, in said County of 1 eolieerned. that lie ha.- '. meed rhese are Silver Street, 2. lb mileage j Ordered, Thar notice thereof be ejven. three lienee. H- leav.-s a tion of an He Waldo, deceased, hem for and taken upon himsel! tin- rust Lv .: I'tom widow/ five officer. believed in good faith The stock outstanding is: Com- having presented pro- weeks in IS 4. and 2. It* :,-4. capital j bate. successively, the Republican .Journal, the Iasi will ami restamen! d <,dieen, daughters and f'-ur sons, me of his that lie had a to arrest one daugh- perfect right any mon total That printed in Bel fast.” in said count). that all persons defeated at ters married Co $1,07)0,000; preferred, $.>*4,200; Ordered, notice he given to all persons in- ISAAC M BKCk KTT. late Dirretum, easily, Thomas Wentworth who violated the law. “I’ve got a commis- interested attend at a Probate Conn t«< be p,,-l t Hig- funded debt. amount of accru- terested hv causing a copy of this order to he j ul>- may and another is the wife $1,7)88,000: on uk Nti. jotli. Directum ginson of Dr. Edward sion.’’ he said. lished Three weeks in lteld at Belfast the second Tuesday ol No. ;, in t he Coijni Wald- de- a -e.l. h\ i: p, ed interest on the funded dune sueecssively the Republican assistant of and debt, M0, her next, and show have, as tile law iitvet- he r 11. r. -1 -re r. a u n after hr se< -• Harvaid Dm- into was *M0,700. at a the said account should not he allowed. '••ns who are indebted I -a ierea-e i' e |,- a 2 h college married Rev. Her- trouble," replied the "if you Probate Court, to be held at Belfast, within last mile in ‘*7 -4. the re- Captain, OKI >. E. JOHNS! make immediate bert \V. for some time in and for said on the second of )\. .Indue. payment. and h- -e apave •w Lathe, settled at persist, wearing that shield. You are OKOIOJKS v a i.i.i.a County, Tuesday I*.riiihind. Time foi the liist A true copy. Attest: an\ -a-maml.- h.-re- u.. ;,, e h ihr. he .- and late of Col. liable to fine and I don’t November next, at ten of the clock efore noon, M.-j Northampton, Shverton. already, know hut d ritr.'u I). P tlemei.i to of to a is. j.O'.y 2. ! 4 I. ami show if w vriv»:ti, Kcu'ister. him .IA.MKS S lixKICMvN, ’hi"- .-on.- at.- < what oil to he filled The gross earnings of the tleorges Val- cause, any they have, ty the same Stepuen Timelier. «e«»rge \V > ought anyway." wh- 'in I■«- ha- hi- men; 1 should not; be proved, approved and allowed. pointed 'f tin- iiriii f W & Mott said he would not wear the Kaiirond were and the ods, Loring Co., hankers, star or ley $4,044 operat- CKO. K. JOHNSON, .Indue. U’Al.ho SS. in ourt ot Probate, held Bel- A NSIT. I IV: •!' id -on If it- W L c it make more li1 I'a > on sc a or ton broker ill St. any arrests in Kansas City, and ing expenses $4,7)0 1. After making de- A. true copy. Attest: t. in- 11 Tne-dav iictihi'r. "N\a,s. William M. ami was lS'.M AI.ONZt ► A. BROWN, Lou'-, lb v. P ramus Timelier, a released. He put the shield in his ductions lrmn the income there remains .1 KKK'lI D. P vUK k t, Register. tluardian d l.Af’RA « TWIT<11 HI.!, oi tn said < > ear.- a clerk in t ie 1’rras- : n ;tanan h-rgy man. troiis.-rs' pocket and warned out of Freedom, Nuintv silently a delicit of $1,428. The earn- ha-, passenger A ! a l't'iiha te < ourt held a! l’i. Hast. it 1; m mu present.-d his first ami final a.-couri- aient .iied Nit. 17th Helms Cc- m n mi j |. had t In appearance i>f a and foi were lsg ■■! -aid ward for a I Iowa c»-. (» ings si, and the freight earnings die (' Mint ot Waldo, on tin- sm.. Tuesday •*!' •uuardianship i.iidied more monc\ Ilian atn Lsaai Dim row w j,,. died at ti -■ res hem man \\ im v, as thinking. can -1. o.-iola-r. A. I'. 1*5)4 ordered. Hi at notice tlicrc-.: be ■_ cn. ! ii ret e 424; id. 120. | 1 Ins soil. Wli lain ( ». In ;■(• w a, ( a m 111 $M, passengers -- '•"ti, "Mr handliim '"M,oom 11, weeks > n rcr i >. c I y. in the R.-pu b! i--,i .1 -u trial, day « »• 5 I IDA W. PKUUY, of ISAAC 11. 1S'.»L a is b.-m in i.iin daughter HATCH. in in t :aii- 11 -i con i oiuville. piiuted Belfast. said Conn; v. liat d! cr- a is j i' -ns of 1 lie t f»e- : Among the Fanners. II lat*. *! Nh-sboro. in said Countv ol Waldo. 4 ,.at Mao ... .Ian. J7. IMo. H. Ai’I'I.kton. Jason ami Elmer Peabody a i-Ma>i-d. havin':- a it ion t hut adinin- '"'■■mic laws of the I'nitcd ■' "A e presented pet held at Hi In--', on -'lav i tin Ml-' 11 V the second Tin \o» .-m g i'..| III'I r.y irs as are Odd Fellows in eolors. i-t rm i- "i oftin- estate of sain h < A Non11 III. !i farmer a net- painting binMieg deceased man ted bi r uc\:. h a> ■»'j ua y law 1 bun !:o;a ? recently dug and show cause, iI am- : P.-v h:i\a- w tu dispeli-ai ! •! Lang n ]-, unlli j,s|g to Isaac M. HAH 11 I Brew-r. m :he Counts ri !ied |'-iiati; njw.i; land that lias l.eeu tilled M Mar\ !'Imer's insist :s tin- said iccoi nr <1 .>uId im he iihuo'l. and See •; ai \ lisle has 'a hen be !>. a larin in H •-mion in 1V- nearly ready aighi < id ). i; .)( Hi t\ .i nearly lop years. * \y. '<» 1 «riiei al ( >lne\ a ]r tel of : he n" b.SeoT eoulltA He lived her- iibeeil for Occupancy. Geo. Pda to is p.untllig the n d.-red Tiiai tin- said pel itioner mse te.tioet'd' year.-, It is -A me eopv. Attest t lemeai to -O i; W i .s. r< 'N \. I*! h :• p that Baldwin es ma seli- ad o isons i n t e re <-d a .a ■ b'-; not .- reported app eausim: -Ids •: d ! • * -1 u a 1 exam a being -1. i ■u-i farm, ami i nte vi s ( ieo. A. P* asi :s /. pa11 and by copy dhKi.di I h !' >; I-, i: i;. i;. asking t •''(i cents a m -11u• mg In be t 1 ug barret of order J.nhlisl.od lii-ee Weeks sneees>ive!\ ill i'r v i., | .. a | ; ini' West parts •'■■on mu 11-e points invMlved. Bnnubsi ot the house I)r. Strick- the doiirnal. I ai I'-elbisi. inai 1 enlillty. painting occupied hy J.epuldioun prime I. Stales Mb a ev, i« sen | ng in. the M’ tin great town land... G. tie-;, mas appear at a Probate < 'ourt to !,- held W lie d a < uacmiT.1i, apple growing H. Page is rebuilding Ids stable dd f’d. ,:d: dd\d .::;d ; est, .leeid, buy ia nil "i umleil a: !•■-!!.: ,s iddn a-ul tor -aid t -Mini m ; he see- "i Maine, wiil sell lb,oho barrels this \ear, 1 di \ 1 * \ !•;. BARR \ Bid:. V. min -: a: near !us ocl home. 1 )ec.-mber MO, fs.'lg, be arc pulling an entile mw ti nisi, on the mid Tuo-ei.i ot No\ oniher nex l. a t ten the dock Mr i>;; .1 k*«.n a Al- j wiiieh is an dT one. •le .-’Ale •. Kid/ \ 1 A. B b » \V ,\ la a Lj•!.r- ••• as II,a n'ieil f o ( ; r-c" 11. i Mbicr of Lilieoln- bni ^ are ding. .J G. Wentworth is t' An ■•••lit vis Ins <•< 'lis- Sheepo ating dogs considerable putting up ; lie of said should not be I; ting ; le, w!c died a bout "V\ eii \. ars ago. Mr. doing why prayer petitioner m Warren now. One farmer a m w of si/e to he mam e d. Id- i'o\\ m damage just building good used as a o' le i- -" 11. .Mrs. Il.-st. M"i-t ! had a p.o-a l.vt'ie sin k J urn- gbth from a or a I Iowa nee. has lost lb and <; Id >. lb A sheep, several others .JOHNSON, .Indue. e e iiieh be never iV' nearly .Mrs. Foss of Auburn was the Ode.'-' I. riiat .. ! i l'CO [ if _ VI U. ! mvimviI, IP* was an in- hennery... rue eonv. a t I."Well I -• 1 nt i as A Ai test visiting v«-s, 1 1’isfrioiis and many. Weeks successive!) in RcpuJ'lii -»n .»<*:; luiaf. -ons'iention- eiti/nm and a of her Dr. I i-1: i11 D. Park mt, A man raised boo guest recently sou, .Strickland. Uegisier. ! anted in last sam '• Farmington barrels of pi Bel .’in ... that ail Hi t. Aitli.Mrs. Lillian bie-.Miig Democrat.. Two sons, William 0. persons choice apples tins year from an orchard that ..Mrs. Elijah liipley ami Mrs. Fred Hart I interested, mav attend at a 1 To!>,ai,■ <.iir:. ho BELOW i, laiwrein ter ami Charles H. survive him. GOST! g'me e, Mass., a I Deerow, but one IITA l.l X) SS. In Court of Probate, held at Bel- j held at P.ella-i. on the second'id:c-c.a) o| N-.v.-e, produced bushel in lsT’J. Fertilizing went to Clinton, Mass., to at tie ml the wed- L.lgar Clark is in Last Belfast, did it. li last, on ; he second Tuesday ol October, 1 St>4. ber next, and show auv the) have, why I Il'e l>() XOT A .!u hi lee Celeb ration. ding Del. 10th of Miss Ada P. Skinmiens of WILLIAM M WOODS, l-'x celt tor on t he estate id t he said aceoimt should me he allowed. ndrertise to sell a tv.-, Mass Marriner One Knox county has a Hock Sibyl poultryman CLOUCL WOODS, hue ot in .-aid Coun- (TO. F .1* HINSON, .Indue of liens Clinton to Mr. Albert W. Colburn of Belfast, 1,000 which net him over >1,000 a Suni- has A rue Attest Pianos and below Leftist visiting friends and Messrs. I >avis A' Son of ty, deceased, m.£ presented his first and final c.>py. Oryans cost. He 1’erry Providence, lie has to his satisfaction .1 year. proven that ersworth, N. II. Miss Skimmens is a •'meounr of administration of said estate for al- tit; in 1». P.\kk ha. Rcuisicr. Mr. lb I ., the of are cel- .Joseph Cooley is repairing proprietors Pain-Killer, there is profit in this even when low ance. can't afford to and yon don't ex- tlie of business, of Frank and Olive Skim- ebrating jubilee that old house- one daughter liipley That ri III-; to putting on new clapboards and good is not m-ar a large city. Ordered, notice thereof be given, three subscriber hereto inves publie notiee .ill hold ami have the weeks n; i>iu c as to. remedy, doubled capacity Owen B. Chadbourne of Buxton has three mens, former residents of A pplet nn. Mr. successively. tin- Uepubiican .iournal I rtieil. Ii.i lie has been dull a pj •.ir11.-1 pert Hut HP HO lit} P R- v windows Mr. Ldwaial of their without the printed in Belfast, in -aid that all atul taken himself the trust of Vdministra- bottles, increasing price. cow s from which he has marketed 010 and will Coiiniy. persons upon pounds Mrs. Colburn reside in Som- interest ml. attend at a lion is of tin* front of bis This will a! course make Pain-Killer more of may Probate Court, to In- t'" tic non. the estate of TISP to sett Pianos, and tapbnanled butter since the first of and lie held at Oryans January, ers worth. Mrs. Belfast, on the second Tuesday of No-.em- popular than ever. For tifty years it has when is Georgie liipley and LUSHA < A K L V, late oi \\ nterport, experts the year up to have'a veraged ber next, and show cause, it any base, I.Y1 Till \ (I in the been the medicine chest in countless they why in t lie Count v of Waldo. de<.-ed, >,, r. i„,n,j music line as family a a for each cow. little daughter, Emma M.. who have the said account should not be pound day allowed. as the law he 1 homes in every on the Once directs; herefore requests all per- 1 Comic country globe. 1 i.Lm. Id JOHNSON. Iow can t>e hompson’s Opera, been spending the summer with Mrs. .Judge. sons who are indebted to said deceased's estate to asth-y jairrhased I V i'- Pip- A t rue copy. A t est BlIKIMATISM Cl IN A I — make immediate payment, and those who havode HKI) >A V. Mystic Mr. and. Mrs. G. H. have J KltK'll 1). PARKKH, ll it' i•< a• leys parents, Page, Uegister. mauds toexhihit same ii i:hi:, ii an *pera, a an opera Cure" for Bheimiatism and radi- thereon, the for settlement Neuralgia, returned to their heme in to him. 1 *!;!•:I» ATW < n )I>. rein ked Lay Thompson, t he cures m 1 to b Its action Bath, accompan- 51_ cally days. upon L subs, fibers hereby m\ e public notice to nil Me., j-am.ainst, now of Boston. the is rea arkable and It ied her husband, Mr. C. F. win. system mysterious. by liipley, TWI concerned, that they lia\e been duly appoint- Till-; subset iber In relo -ives Mil-lie umiec to iTl e "It has never been ed After live years of with the li can satisfy you in to produ labor, help removes at once the cause and the disease cd and taken t hernse! es the trust of u i eoiieerned. that -he has been reyitrd was here on a two weeks’ vacation. ... Miss upon Jxxe tini. appointed 1 a>iir is not of 247 the enormous quite finished, but I editors, expenditure immediately disappears. The first dose tors of the last will and testament of and taken upon hcr-elf the •rust -d A• 111111«:si:;i_ and d"n< uteri mi o| Linda Aunts of Massachusatts has taken fix o| t lie estate .1 (futility /trice. pri copyrighted, | nearly one million dollars, the Funk A greatly benefits. 7b its. Sold by A. A. ALBLUT I). .M AT!ILW'S. late of Liberty, ■ d ..j- a JJoii- I looms ut J. C. Sherman’s house. Miss BKTSY late of ‘Mignonette. May i Waguall.s ompany announce that the last llowes A Co., Druggists, Bedfast. in the c..un«\ of Waldo, deceased, bv bond YK1IB1IX, Wiritcrp. i; iiusic giving is by L. B. Hail, the Wa- as in the ( \\ j page of the second, the vo]- Ilawkes of Massachusetts will board with the law directs; they therefore request all per- otin!> a;do. «leeeaW KLL. .MATHLWS. 15 Main Street, Belfast, Searsport Locals. COUNTY COKIiHISUONDKNCK. j Initv. Mrs. «T. K. Taber and daughters South The post otliee was disagreeable weather. From Oct. 11 to Get. started for Boston Monday. Mr. Taber will broken into last Wednesday night and -0 had three N. W. gales, during which had mainsail badly torn and several other sails Miss Ida West will spend the winter in Bki.mont. Elder Charles B. of Bel- later_Mrs. K. I?. Cook son lias been vis- about S'5 in stamps and change taken.... Piper go split. Was lb days north of Bermuda. Mass. j 3.owell, fast was in town Sunday visiting friends.... iting her mother in Bangor.... Mrs. J. C. Col- Anna Knowles and her son Ralph are visit- Dikastkks, Etc. Sell. Win Butman of Admits has been vis- Thomaston.beh>re Monthly contribution at Congl. church Mrs. Helen A. Jordan and her son Frank burn of Auburn lias been visiting at Mr. A. ing in Unity....J. Q. reported at Provineetown, -'-"LIGHTNING-*- C. Mass., with cargo of lime on fire, was open- next and is now her iting in Camden and Rockland....Mrs. S. S'Uiiday morning. were at Duck Trap, Lineolnville, Sunday vis- R. Myriek’s, visiting aged ed Get. 22. Her deck fiames and sides, and 1 aim Mrs. D. C. Adams is Mrs. O. R. Fuller in Cam- Miss C. F. lioulston has returned to her iting her daughter, Mrs. A. 1*. Carver... .Mr. parents in Troy, Mr. Myriek. visiting cabin, are almost entirely horned out, She 1 I are for a den.... Mamie Bartlett has returned from will return home for and the cargo home at Fort Fairfield. and Mrs. Fred Churchill, who have been in Cookson’s Orchestra rehearsing repairs j she had been for will he taken forward by another vessel. St. George and Camden visiting relatives, grand concert and ball to be given next Rockland, where visiting Seh. (b o. C: sailed j The owners of the Thomaston sell. James Curney, pt. Closseii, the week....Mrs. Lttcv Suke-forth has have ve,turned home....Mrs. Mary Wyman, month.Mr. Evans from Augusta has past A. Young are a little The vessel Tuesday for New York. uneasy. who has been in Lineolnville visiting rela- bought the farm called the Scribner farm, gone to Rockland to stop for a few weeks. is overdue a number of days. She sailed A. .3. Nickerson has received a of from Jacksonville, Fla., with a cargo of lum- cargo has returned home... .Miss Lillian owned Mrs. G. A. Hunt.... War- of the water tives, recently by Rittsfield. The pipe-laying ber for St. Thomas, W. I. She is commanded < < n. b\ Sell. Brunette from Portland. Ac horn of 1'nion is in town visiting her ren Jones is quite sick with heart trouble. system has come to a stand-still several by (.'apt. John Cookson of Thomaston...Bark

.. with an E. from Cardiff for And be sure Mrs P H. Bruce of Palermo has been is- sister, Mrs. A. C. Morse-Masters Lester .Mr. A. R. Myriek is suffering times on account of the non-arrival of pipe. Mary Bussell, Imbetiba, you may you won’t returned Get. 2d, with loss of sails and iting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clement H. and Bertie Carver of Duck Trap, Lineoln- abscess in bis throat.... The Portland Pack- But the work has find progressed rapidly, though other damage. any such bargains again as at Stevens. ville, are in town visiting their grand- ing Co. still have a large crew labeling corn quietly, and we hardly realize that such a Chaktkrs. Ship Abner Coburn, To,WO | 1 1 mother, Mrs. Helen A. Jordan. arc from one to two carloads a number of men arc at work on our eases, New York to IS 1-2 cents one The first Congl. sociable of the season will shipping large Japan, port, 20 cents, two ports. Bk. Vilora II. Skaksmont. The olibers of day.... Mrs. Chandler Stevens, an aged lady, streets_Several looms have been into meet with Mrs. J C. Nickels on Friday Quantabacook put Hopkins, Portland to Buenos Ayres, fell down stairs from to bottom. ! two more e F. A. were installed Wednes- recently top the mill recently, and sT. Bk. Carrie E. York to e\ n11g Lodge, M., Waverly ber, Tyler, New A. no bones were broken she was d2 bbi. H. Oct. D. I). G. I)r. Although j sots of are to he added Bahia, general cargo, 1-2 cents per STARRETTS!' C P. A arriv- day evening, 24th, by M., complete machinery Ilar\aid. .ot. Cohort!, Sell John Smith, New York to Havana, E. A. assisted Dr. A. Millett as badly shaken up and requires a physician, in the near future.... M r J. M Sawyer of ■ Porter, by 'd : PiM-r.i'S A;. (Ht. 1. '<1 days from j W. p. I/umher, 'b’> bO. .sehr. Charloit** T. Grand Marshal W. M.; I N. S. Dr. Thomas attends her... .Tin- Misses Susie j liangor was in tin- .*li*. tri«- rails and lor Sehr. B»»i '• Hid. Dyer; I)., patting Sibley, Penobscot,) Jacksonville to to Wiseas- House 1 >* ; L. T. N.-ss; J. D.. Jas. Fuller; Sec., L. C. and Helen Pendleton have gone enuneiator at, tin* Fan,tv last week. imu an, Lumber, S. hr. Alfarettu S.!. P’mneas ! ’•" :<; 'et< < ks; Marshal, A. sett to \ isit friends. '1 lit* house lias 1.. painted, tin* furnace put hack, p. 19c. Dress Goods Sale. Sehr. L. L »; •• !... C. 11. Burgess; J. D.. L. IP j l'i: i:i:i>i m Mr. and Mrs. 11 orbert Turner i■«;*!lar, nearing wick, stee! rads >1 2b. Sell. Sarah G. J. h\ V 1 to > i l"i e o 'W I. t-o A 11 • and is a tint* T! us; S. S., E. P lveen; Chap., C. S. i returned t<> tlieir bone* in Massachusetts •ompletion Ib'-king building, Bu\\ son, New \ rk tn Key West, am! Tampa. And remember it closes next Ni. !:<::: > Saturday rvght H lias a t• r a g- ’•••ra. cargo lion; ,pt im, ,,f \i .!.: i.• 11>G A.T\; r. It T.iotli:iki-r. .Miss I lust it is sail That Mr. '!’. did capar:ty rutrrtainitig large Monday. Mi Bark I.• C b> to i'line and see wn.u we -.. < ■1 oiler vmi at l I O 1 S g liT Pi ■»I 11 1 number of .1. S. I’avis is to i!• Su i’H i> is;t in Nat-irk Mass’ guests. going A ,.;iul ug smile line shooting while in Freedom GaL.esbei. >s and \. P French as. Mrs. l.'-nuett is spending a lew days at .-.-ms, uni bridge money. vai"i' M :;>!<■ file i’it tsi'n I A d W. A 1 bag K ite u! a, Pb;. uie ■ ■ 'ni., tore, oc-upb by pa;,, .spil'd II g \\ da\S in Boston, Mass. !*•» avet Hill l.ei a-e ■.•nirning t»> her hon in Newport, 1 :,.n. M,f' i. as a- V,rskme_'I’ln residents ot Ins iliage have P P ;waoi K .d-’.er, Cap1 1-’ Mis A Mi.-'-G gone to Massaei !>• -• \\ .- iearu that Mr. and Mrs Bou- > tin ir b eases a a >• been lmnih, genera!- Ah A sett-; if r t la ter. rn. are to take a long trip in the W« in quite HAVE NOW BRAND NW t. NE OF M •. >F a U: IU. rrpr. sent 11 Vr f t!,e 1* I’.e interest of the paper lit* edits.... Mr. o ! 5 to*i \ 111; .1 a be, II tile H.mei Clark and ha\* mov. d i:11• ■ doing •• ■ family i a• •-ni-l la hr «!>.*. -light a new w ! 1 i a. n!.-■ .* i,.> brother >- •' t■ (I add 1:. •;. Mrs. Fanim- c irter i*. a'k-«/, I? ...' r\ :.N 0*^7 n ! J!I. .in \\ !•!!.(• h si■ nave b,- jilt ,.!|, I. lilt »Y \V... »d- ha\ 1 rig .Mi excel lent trade in f; 1! mii.nicry la t-u ...s a and. a.iTiod to 1 Sc! hingor. r■ a gi si, ut Main st, a-t, and the Ozonize-t^!** £ h <•-. y •- h t .•< f i i/.-'. .ml and ('inn goods. Her hats and ar,. / } I-.! -a Sin !:• i.- 11 it is Cnpt .’lungs, new f Via is uvn ’IS l*,e [••eU 1 '! s A ■- >-> r ■.. s Ni t -■ d- \. M-.n- not; ..ole in all our public g...m:un_- and I fi. .! i\n ity tlf ;saml pa\ ng at Bis- by many it is said ln r taste is Ian it'css sm ■. aini wi 1! s.ti! t hr li rst win 1 ... Week'at tin ('} v. i. 1: *. _'Ida- Lad n-A Ciuh was ailertaim tst S. d.\ :• !• f B.n.doii is ’a :th .mite leading gr g i alien : r- I). r n : a this i- 'i e lav Mrs. I'. \V. Ayer and dang! >r. Ci*«s*i iiiiii. tor lb-rk 'and A n: ob'Hvs>0 oung m, rpintuug hun retired w- k ir Iasi from the prin- of UK lio-S WiP 0 idle presence of Mrs. Win. li. Say ward c-t C a. BesnstilaS'y!::' iu'ng a I’d; !'■ >r a swidiowt «i a s'.n li Wit:: .a, dr:nk, ot'tie,. ,a Mu-m i'uti i tr.-hm t)dd >w. Colorado added much t" tic* itit» re-: d die cipal !ii 11 ii■ .>i' an,!: it to hr Jaiuaieu a. supposing .r’s si session.... Tin* Ladies’ Circle m.-t ad C. A. ship with a nr-st creditable y* iwnug '•* ),< 0 ■>< v. 'ii! ,ig" <1 T < I a e. t !:, Tl o Lri nge i‘. A s’-it an'h pump am! a sUiill'ul dor- sday under bis n be i,-; r., a The .adies ,j 1; Ha on Thursday last.. .Tim Veterans’ »< < e\. m ,. S;ij in :.. to n. '1 \.-'s 1 ..*• t• ■. sa\'rd Ids ;r. T1 at man thinks p. young the Fniveis.i ,o rbarei: b. Id a Association of hold the next very pleas- -* Waldneotniiy 1 e. 'il.r ’. < W C ..'lse is hr will t watm ,«rxt for a ■ ; •■>>•iv:s lias d VW »-LiO \J *J \J .1 V- « 1 Cos' on this Thursday. A hirgeattendanee a ;i lint: .::i .•siahii-diment murk .f blue yi arts in t he ti eld ♦ > t-. 1-Vh. .O'1 !’f. is .... M iss Maver Danfort h return- Some-:: a ‘'. ; r at ■■ expected C< n «• ami .■ d t < :. Mokkii.i.. The funeral of Mrs. 1>. \V Mrs (*• a’ its-, a grad, an, from M. ed I .... Mar;, to Providence, B. last Monday Mr. is r. t. the ,sc ;■ •. •! •. a ;■ + 1 '1 i 1 i: t,. A >, in,.: (j Engine 1 several v- ars ago, has been y , M ify t"ok place at the church Oct. *Jbd, Henry L. Kilgoi- of Belfast was in town visiting Cadies' wool hose at is gts. phb i i; 'J and • \. d a new friends *n w :t!i her two hit;,- daugh- msiia;. evening I Revs. M. F. Undgham ami T. li. Rente. si last Saturday, the guest of Hon. ,1. D. Luni- : r< « ii \ t< run Cm- nlil l’enob- ters. Her I: i-d-aud is dead... Mr. ami Mrs. ]•;.: ngin.-, < tiiciatmg. Mrs. Morey was a loved mem- son....Mr A. B. Sparrow returned from > N 1. "1 i rv. are the .-rs: Nelson \'; celebrated tl'ie liftietb anni- ing her •■! the «>1 •:• 1 Patrons «if Husbandry, Boston Saturday evening.Miss Fannie 1 -a i l...e k. F<'lt-iii:in Fred M. F.liis, 1st ami the local lu to which she be- versary ef tie a marriage a few weeks ago. Grange re, Fiy e, one of our most estimable and popular A Line of Children's Wool Hose. F. Stinson of h *n esaa a.’r 1 lx air-. A i assistant Marsl.aii 1'. Meyers, 2d assistant: sat as mourners the church .Capt. F Seattle, formerly healthy longed, during young ladies, was given a surprise party last ! :i !* married. /•'• ];■ i:: service, grave Saturday evening. About -in young ladies Sizes 7 t<1 7 1-2, and can now vou anv si/a- It- ••n are to be tie s.-mud iti e'ive held Thursday each funeral service from their 1 t ml.... Elisha and gentlemen were present. Flays of mouth. i for Rrow u went to Law'fm Mies.. last week C'-:ahi:ir 1. Tint answer--. tl-.o :• .: 18c, per pair, pairs 50c. olden time" were indulged m, and all voted >mi* m us. The b ..hi <| A. i* ( ••l.ietlt <’U Steatn- where In will the w inter. : ;■ a. i|» probably spend it a very pleasant time....We are having a qties' a. in., wa re d.-stroved lire Mrs. widow of the late Charles a t-daily by Urown, very profitable term of High School under [’OUT OK BKLKAST. Sr 1 1 .r ]’.< •••’: on (>ne, inn:'---: :*••• e. early ssi Thursday n < auurg. The lire him to Uoston on her Urown, accompanied the able instruction of Mr. L. A. Pat-tec and ARK IV KI >. T. A, Slocum New York. sta; t. .! !*. C;. at d bei re the alarm tii New where she will Prepared by Co., way llaven, (’t.. Miss Mae Fuller. ... Postmaster had Bryant o.-t. j. S ('.'ii"1 B.At Kt-ri' iM, M •. v. as g ,a it a ..- .a.,-; s,. n;:u .. the winter with her Mr. Ira U. OUR eadway sp»-nd son, a severe attack of that dread complaint, I KlWfil. !, .s -ri i. \\'« An. r EXTRA HEAVY UNDDRWEAR FOR LA IMS That '.1 was t< s hettse. ('handler.... Miss Emma Muivh at home rheumatism, last week.. ..Sorialm* at (L A. Burn ini. M ; I.\ j I ,p> '■ S. n .MM Tii .> n< Mr. < e la > .a Loin -■.<• was sa kins, i*r«11, i'ln-r. 1;. R 1. ;;a. t.-gether lc ifa.'T, where taken k. 1L Hall Nov. dd. Deane’s Friday 'cuing, < >*• i. ■■>". S. I.,,n s;i Kr.up-is, I'li' ;• 11• 1 km. at I’lee hi 2 I'm b ■. 29c. v\ a i; is iris, au, a -1 !:.s 1 >e 11.. id She is <•<• at this Mrs. Li//ie pal: 5Cc., | riy writing... jd.oio room opens for business Nov. 1st.. Jk'i'f iinl M Siti:i !\, S\vmi's 1> *;nl in ihe market. W e liar still n,,m >! Ite. rs. hi-. >! a -l,;a. c. H. y„ il:j_ns returned last week ir on a three .sit" *i* i j>■ At-arsjm .ri. tninp Lihfuvv. Tii offices at this *■ post pine- and J 'i'. I t ; n ;. -w u we. k‘> isit to I’. Cist M r. U o ak Hatch S V11. K1 •, and at South Mat', entered by •• i: i- trued i m a v.s t-• his hihire n :n 1 ><■ T. M.: v But ('tin!..«i B ■>. REBUM H R WIIA .st In Loth iMv-s R burglars Friday m.giit. B'll !'• .SW It... .Rev T. !!. IN ntecost no ,. bed ti;e entrance was nm le n\ iking a pane >' b St A l An) BA a, i ’.. \\ *. A rery la. ,s • i.-.k Taurs- ! ••re .ast Sumi y Dfsiv in >me> at ; : : •if gins'-, i he\ g t hut ilu!.- ’•.• \ .n cpl,er } small SOc, R men Oil. _'7 ,H. i'.i ; I S- ■, \j N, Tee, M An s .,1^-. Arnold, who h cits' —.« ! it t le nioiita ;ti Hid a fe>v dol- ! rii.Mig' r «’ WI'AK MACKAO all wii >1 im ia K v ad at si 2n !- 1 \\ B ini.i M-n At .. -i. s'iiim-. 1 a|r N a .. o- !, y A, igj.i- a Hetiri- a t* M is. Addh dangi lars w h"i stamp A ng- was seen I"-., !A-.vt N B. M. j;. Bnn I! a K C ;• H .1. 1 !':'i ♦ iv, u d 1 oi-l * Id i, b. it is s' -• V.;,.; ;i !B ■; :: v p *['A:, :rking By. \ I at t 5 bat ’a '• a ..i V m M. 1'. R. rs AND!!! u F.!" s,.pp. Sed la •!.. ol V L C 11 w ;i t!: i i: h o v k;> a % I'. 'iM s. * .A BJ 11 i. IB you Mi Si)! i;i> A--v'o.'- HEAVY B. A. :.■». > HIMALAYA AT $ i-. ai i>. ! + SHAWLS ; •; it a. :■!ter ; in,. Has s Wfl:, t\

* ■ " cm;. V.i'v’:.-- c Naum b a e a 1 m M, ■. HeaLmd 1 - I ban >■ Bli.. H A-;,: II. M a n...... a .... n He 1 ho -I F' d ,\ A

•’ •! •' ,\s B V A A.! > *«' i ! 1 MM ;« .a..', 1 ... K ; ,. w ,. c H. A. UAAa ; a 2k Dkl 1.- ; ; rv •..■ } s’ \ y Ul-.-.-.... 1 : 3; \;:.i !,; !-■ ( il -. M.t A ill V .-I, : A ... i'l k :: I, VY ;

1 ,1 1 » “fs :j ’c. iwo in i)i> ai ■' kw •. si :3 ,;h 1:. io ..Ml ... s ( a ..Ml. i y,, .... uCl AA-j Vi,k« 5 IT L Aa, -:,K. I, \ ;:. ; A. f B .M A. SRAM : .1 :!•••!. s* ! i .-i .! -. I..;:. IB i.ud Mrs. I; F. i!aiding am v,... M ;•>. L'USvJ > > J ! i ; \'

A ;i i'' v N« A a ’• : C ii.y l..| >l,:p I..1 .;1.11u :;y I.... At:-, 1:. J.« A IS, IVrtti disease v' inch om.i iw mipht b c,. a w ! ■ '■ o-r Ill- M Ala V. 1 c, •O'.’1 s •! 1 hen* hi 111 •' -k T i: ,]|.| Removal. ... 1 1 -i ; K '!!. \\ r;., V \!.h A\ K.\. -.1 or it theie Sew.i.i ’•!«■ s ■ (Aapinat!, J-'.verett Roberts Mrs. ; vy kit til ■ Augusta id Ntaiiu ; ill! < *t t 1511. k. Stt! t; i, it.

> s iv.;. -oi <>.:.• M. 1 i,a- >,t S 11 a.i, o k on the steamer (bo, ];, ([w ', nephew Churl, Ma.hleeks ..Mrs I.v\ l; THE REMOVAL I >‘i: tin r.akrili \\ ,tS seel, ri •!. -• Bo>t..n; ei.-ar- is ler ot Nh'Vth C 11 i,»ll. :111 W of I lie *- }.It*ittM, Y.-a/.m, 1 his vacation in with the N u e i l.t l.g 1 >!• .i !: n s|'t nding Minneapoiis -< * OF OCR STOCK OF and Nerve Tor I'-I'. gn !.:-f dl| lig I Ilf' i.s < .urn. ( .• --.m N.-w \ ak Sarsaparilla | iia- than Bow let < I was huiied ,i-i '• •!!, Thomi Hall. During his absence Libert;., i n• ;, 1 >o< l^e, «j ;iri\.s« -ii v11!i• 17;.- Bm- •Vr S. t 111 (; ling Use numb. r.\\ < es 1 j uded F M i Ii is act Hig as clerk.... The week nt North Lima .Mrs. C.-ige 1... -.\ "2* liarsimi, I’ii. I a u •; j i. a a -eared, sen, WHICH IS A HIGH NERVE. FO'JO ADDED TO A Go 1 young «:!• Ml, ;.s:gu, V. !: fi. a her str. K ( Mi-on, > i T it,. ,/ in, to load ugtii- ler has seal her farm to Lrsi.e Beiima- ami Taj.;. ■ of the ace have formed a rhetorical BLOOD PURIFIER AND **».e.| ur < i• t Thai it wa.« t!i« *\Mai" poople p IONIC, k?i> si lee! no h 1; holds it Mon- hi at Bram h Mills in iV.'-.nm Pianos, -wing T: rr .wde.l society,w meetings every ught plan Ort. 2d s-m Sarah -y Norfolk, Arrived, W« Organs eruo IMSM\< I 111 III IM S IS OM •»-* '"ss;li|< in-t allowing i;>i Pi u day evening at. the High School building... .Mr. amt Mrs. Charles K. Sherman f Taw ret.. | {ask.-ll, 1a tstin ait liSf .* -s !o .-, — AND- f-!alea\ ;t]>e Iron. !:s. I at We A tsh; n^t.on, |). t Or:. ".a. tami, -eh : Rev. VV. E. GasVbi will deliver a course of Burnham were in town last week continued on visaing we gaming tin in Finally we set. 1 ,:i.v I: el:T, \ i.-kers. -ii, 11 n 27. arrived haw armed as n.-ar pwiewiwi as we w ai.e ■ ti;. win ). v. as ie : lectures at the Fuion his relatives Mr. and Mrs. ■ !mi-gee sooia-; up and tile Sunday evening Alfred Berry >' 'l aitMJ Brothers. K e n lie hee ai read \\ !e-n do\\ n ••nine the art ol m,dk a.s we wa .-id, an;, .tin, nut "I church. Subject of the first lecture, “Is Man ot Troy wen- in town last, week visiting rel- Portsmouth, N. IT, (M 24. Sided, sell compoundiue ine, he’ >ai s all in a nionieiit. People were seen Anna M. J Cekinsou, 1‘oeUland. Musical Mdse, more than Matter-.’'’-Glias. (J. atives. ... Mrs. Belief Brier of Belfast, visited medicine ol .>m and dw. '* an at a Vaught's capable rootittp jumping 'tlliti great rate. We hruuswiik, (i t., <> •*. 2d. Arrived, sell dispelling '■v'■'' '' an and 11ow both dramatic company played at the town hall her Mrs. Saturday, Mu! A. ngside, p.eased sister, Copp, returning ilail, (.'uoinh.-. Providence: 2*1, sail- rOT'ir 'ioin: >«'• ! m:i» by the biw si pure, but we luw ! auuiti 1 '• e t< See rendering each ollu rail 1 )t* im- j several evenings last week. after- home Sunday. ed, s. h. Susan N Pickering, Husked, I?.>s- Saturday •• agila d Viter talking togetiier a few niin- 1 t o n edv which siXithes tile irritated ner\es md u noon they entertained the children ai a 1. W > at. ;.g ala; answering the stereotyped iNTKiu** »kt. Mr. John Law ry, an old i n .--’on, S. ('., ()••! ,:d. rn -red. H. H W.C MARSHALL & CO. w NbRVt which is an esserip lau e ie M11' st.• ns us'iad'. asked and answered, on matinee. .The gold atch contest in the I i I'ORtib, pwe. resilient ot the town, died suddenly at the uss.-y, Hodgdon, Poston; sell. Fdward S Slteli e<• Us out that the\ Were Vinalhaven Review Id Tr» >1 si in —Midi],g closed last Tuesday of his Stearns, Heal, rkpoit. Me all vital on in th w '' home daughter, Mrs J. (I. Walker, operations pomp bod-, ipou i ami days from the lliver Plate Ft Oct- 2d. sclis ■yi. noon. Miss Edith M. McIntosh won maudlin., Sailed, Belie 1 ! the v s. separated, hut came « h-ser at Thursday morning, at the advamed age of P.u T ht* nourishment and vw-1! Ii«.-oper, Hall, Spain; Carrie Woid- VyiT'-W'- slulll pl.-as^l to 1 proper lump depend-*. 1; uoe.. ,mi e, .-d ! watch by votes over t he second contest- mp longitudes. They dif- 1,11S St; years. The l’linerai services were con- hnry, Bryant, (Jura.-on Kdward Stewart, "!‘l <,us,Miii«Ts, a11• 1 l>Mif- to wi 1. mil.- mail', to le. «i sonicu i. it, compared at fonr ant. Mrs. F. S. Walls added Fali Miv.-r. be again very kindly a ducted Be.-. J. lh Simonton af- Kent., prosed 1 1 J den the "Mabri" steered by Saturday \\ (i. 2d. Sai in vs’ ones at our now stainl A away pretty gol.i chain as a to Miss Meln- K-y est, t. ed, sell, Moraney, SOVEREIGN REMEDY i n Ih-Ton present ternoon.... Mr. James is ill. and -ti two hours was out of Haley wry Saw\e-. Tucea. d a., for F.-rnandina. sight. Put all 1 nun •> tosh....The class of the * day a. m. to i n. m. | graduating High W. H. Atwood, steward of steamer Lewis- Oan.-n, () t. 2d. d-ared, sell. Tinali (‘. ";1 '‘d a -a .ie tor .Venous Kxh. ‘listed w,dc. w g by siile, neither School gave aii entertainment at the vestry K New \ *rk 27. el eared, sell. Prostiutiun, gaining I ton, who is sick with a is to iimnski, Tofa, Mears & ni a e)i the am! we have no fever, reported Pitcher, other, doll lit i to raise toward de- Math. Wen t Friday e\cuing, money he well enc>, Ner\ousness. and kindred do v They glad .end the rare by steer- doing .Mrs. M. J. Simpson fed (ia; Oct. 2*1. seh. Sleeplessness : the of the vest,on, Sailed, Henry as; fraying expenses coining gradna- Makers, Mu sir I ug If, they not. heat us, despite and broke both hones of her left wrist last (' iuiiscn, .1 r., Pensacola. halers, well as I he Prince >1 all Blood I'eews we 1 utmost endear is. it The w.niid have Im cii tion. program consisted of San Ort. ... HHJast. \.»\ I 1 S04 | mailings .M rs. Wiil Bolan and Mrs. Kin- Francis.-o, Cleared, ship a Thursday.... vai in pretty m eouhi it have o \ ,i a ■ costs no 'ie than tn..- ordiiwrv > n sight been and music which were well rendered to an I Ji»-wa -! ly n .1. M rse, n a Pen ■ — e ma w :' i: s 11 w \esseis sailing side side Danielson are both ipiite ill ..Mrs Fred darksonvi 1 O'-i 2d. from Fort by audience. le, Sailed, b at. e.\a< t appreciative A handsome sum HUM 10>1 It i- "tig y the same rate of srod Cole is .suffering from a earbuncle. Mrs. (if >i-ii. Nettie Tanedou, Perth BOKJU. liEH. „. '1 Ka^h-y, •" at knots. We ij.*d it a m;r. was cleared.... The hail at the house •'If it a > lt> It til... «. ... ■ utnre opera N. If. JIuhhard and Miss Amli.>\, '1'ttlJI 11 >, j ... I) I ■ •laughter, Mary, V in- and iant rare. Part what ,uv Vigi hv ladies on the > ritln ijvst-class. Ti., i given eight young evening 1J1 A NCil \ K I >. in n. /. ! 3, :■ M, t- thro,ill) I.'oil a n r; n i, —tv vessels 'eft, for Boston Thursday. They will FoUKItl.N Col. is, coming from such spend Mis S. Y l; at tli.' saint* ,s, of Oct. loth was a success. The tint,- Main t ,, .< j ,-rr no m/i:, d' '! el lit I't s ‘a < < complete a World a ! n i 11: t 1 few weeks ther- and then go sour 1 for the < AsTN 1 ;i:. in \\ a!.-. ■■ Ig i’arhar. a lecture in my a-: a ■,:: !i; ,• 1 Christianey gav■•. II i. r, W 11 i i New Y n ]• t V. 1 1 '.ms, >C< I r !' I*,.. !'!, ,, : ... 1; nmg r,'lneinbe, ,-d by aii ,>U dowers and evergreens. Music hv .Meser- m y», the interests of tin* W. F. M. S. at tin* .Me; h- Biu-i.o.s Ayres, S.-nt. 2:Arrived. hark U 13,.,!,, I., a >,,11. of dockland <. ra- e N»-v\ \ m ,. { > t. iM ill.'' 1 a vey's quartette l.\nwoid, 22, arri M K.U it. ! Mad! >,•; ]S l. Ira o r, .a ns 1 i s. -11 win. w n ■dist eiiureh Monday evening. which was ved, -Mi. an-1 K: ■ hark Harvard, it*-st Mi'. ,ni \\ a, j,...... a; its' i n Sa:d in sin aid I eat us, Waldo I'kntuk. licit Mary Adams, well attended and very .The >:i SAMPLES ! interesting.. I Ml.!. 1 i A lM k d -- but v. ie Sept. 1, Monrovia. Belfast, Deer sha do ..u: St Isle&Ba: p and omy Pork and smell Paiph Kddy, sport from Terrs Jubilee a c n K le-. N< W V.'I'K. "iP < ry wii ds -a ot her mi- Pe mms nan Harper's Singers gave Flank have lieeii in i‘oM S: (>-.• t !». S:, irk I!* k A RRIE1) in, Mass., town f. ,r tin-* cert Friday. Kve iwhodv who heard t was ail,, i!-d. .trie.- NO\l >!i:i i; If Washington. l >. < -i s.-i. 5 V, ,.v V 1; iwo w eeks i:i• for .sued! r.-em-r, ;--d, past tiling game In U-!; pa s. d n !th :! < )M1* desk .s ,.rn \\ i N 5. .L Sen,it. Panta (Jor-h. a ml R A Rfc -v i\ti ±. Sullivan,1 roekett, : M 1\ 'IF. were \ ei\ fort.u11at■ i’! i. i.I;i;i I»(V. I;. 1u;.( ,. NOli '! Si: \ | hringin.lowa a m ntedilns with a hum f n K iimi'mug large I Wit I vl|»s r, v M J rk, The\ return'd, 'e ue- Yoii.ili Se 2 i S;; a M a large O.f. pa. 1 is es ire-di from 1 ;, g lid- 11 ol \J t>. i B-w ■ UiiM, I. d ! \ A v = < (i: IS h 111 m New \ or .. ... I\ il'il.i U.MiV. m -A i; n, 21 ,\ >i h K!: sma; i. >r -- ifc-’cJfll i.” 5 ami a of nasturtiums and h.-i -• •■^aiiiiSU boinjimt. -M. .»••! .1. ;n ( Md lo, S- pt. 21 ri d. hark K\ am i;,,i ,, 11,1 V I- •• I K :i a ers ! mii ihe gardi n M s. if. i’. S.i: j>- P. mini. in •, d ’• i-i- VA ; LAM n \ \. m \\ a.Li, an. 2 l. (d ii hh:; :e j., w o >: go d jPS rk in s .... ! k | as !'■* -S': -is tlcoeji ;t w !'■' wi„. -■ 1 < > .1 Mi n l.a- ! 'r Boston !. V •••*< Jo,- \\ (... :;r- dliose-i, M,S> (.), t gu!. >1 L. ’* l» v .r n. s 1.. h, K v Ladies’ 'i la Fine M OM1 Ml,. .■ H ; Poller’S lira '<*11 spelel.: g a v, eew with iner Weatlle: for t lie last Wa-eK Mr. ( ie--. Sang!

n l! '> -1 •>> e> 1 !• •!is 1 reiat 11 M roe .... \ g "Mil lias heell Babcock ot Newhliru 'A as Ml to-.vil Mo lCo da,.. ro, Oef. ... Sa. d ■•■!'.. 1 turns. LA Of. AND BUTTON. I-A ■ L 1.1. in ’~ Ii -..e i: ilc:!.,-. 1st over 1C. 1 i. a i.M -• V.-. ••• .-a.,,, tills !;\ Midden deal i; of after sheriff to irar-- a mail ■ M •!- j A' 1.. I P day morning L. L ! I,. \ < s a ■ \ « e! ■*:»•!t It r: s I• Mr. 'hard Albert WaiUer. lie who na-i stolen M of tioni him. < i 1-0 IM i *W ?-C J > Nov. J* passed 'hai-niMi..’ Ma; -- !h-s. 1 ’r. r P irt H' A land! i. :;i v \ ! i'; V; .. ! j.n a va\ a las? 'l'; rsdav after P-w ie-ur ol The mar. who Ins mom- as M t b •... 15 >-T- •.•••■ .si e! < !!••! ! ■ gave i,. .; La An;, 1 M ya v; M 1! F 1; and -i: Nil- j, ,. r... \ej;., g■ eat suffering. He We.S Iniried from eaiiie alar ah. nt a we.-k ago and want'-.; in -WHILE THEY i ASTI- Tuned from u visit, to it,• MA !; 1 \ F, M is, ; i.j AW. Ii V, his e resilience Sunday. Per. It. T. H ud, of- hua Olit, ami as ill- Set II'.-d er- t, M". 3 I .N N A« k Nil iv C-t oil [ So >!.- -I Ch.oo. ■»!••;'. from I .1 In Aril ; •_ Api' Ship ( iiciaung. in- large gathering at the min r- Babcock hired him to out wood. Sumia.v Car hi;' for M. nievnl.-o o. '. lat r> S. ...n I v Ma a at M -. Na-oii 1 ml !< t.on a no s o IIr:w if ia K N ir lie!.- sen t da ughi s ai showed that, la* was 11 W highly esteemed by Mr. Bahcoek and his wife Went leav- Nor., I- s, |,| F o-si.oro \\ away, port. «•». U.l^ .. ere 11! town recently isit.i l:g M< \ «-rs .-f hark.- nt Mab.-I l. ! aii. IP was (apt M.-yos Lais’ Larta man and Wai-1 .. (!••• very the man and when returned ill I go's. social, pleasant ing there, they (of a! I.oSl-Ml fl'oltl PuelloS Sis, r Sotrsimi'l., .Mel, he 1" 1 •' \ I will greatly m:ssed. His family have the the man had taking with him a Y vi Was dtl on the Kjc., **><.. ! Alfred Nickerson of the linn of A. K. departed, es, reports days passage. DIED. of tie- entire suit ol rlothes, overcoat, valise ami other Ha 1 Mood S. K. trade winds o> the '■ ( i' Ni- k'- o'i. &!'<>. of Swanvi'ie is the 'sympathy community.... Dr. K.piator. }‘"l< buying to Ins to tilings belonging employer. Was 17 lat. d N. Then.a- had KA 1{ I 1.1,1 I Or'. 1 '.i In. -aa sii11 ins ha\ in this vicinity. P. K. l.uec visited his parents last just days i<»j>o, I Ka rt Monday. In :. a.n«Ml S| wars a in I 2 months Miss Bertha C. Luce returned with him to IMtA'.t,. in l.inlav Mr. Wellman Moulton of this phu e has \\ ilie.Oct. 24. .Man a. Krn a: ,2 wa s tinned from a short to the w Camden.. .The of ft*. ... 7 trip Ids of evening Oct. 20th Honesty » HItl i: In West Somerville. 2S Mass. tint. I' rr Man bringing home a mre deer. Jie thinks of all in Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Lin imla. | Hrange, Morrill, was well represente.l at Highest Leavening Report. wil.- .,1 Hollis Klin .4 \\ ,.s! < ■'' of t r\ 1 it n later. formerly I• It. ng aga: m ip.tri'|>«»)■ i. an.-,| 72 I'nncral from i the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Luce. Hi },ma. her late resident1, LI Lrove street, Oet. 3"t h Tiie HM-et ing at the dm nd: at this last |i!;nr the latter 'AIK I'-l; In M 11 i«' 11!, y | a > m part of the afternoon teams Or-. 23.. M Men’s i' II. Smula\.mdin teil Mrs. .1. W. J began M Sewed l,y M Carver, aLr-1 o \ear- .11i«i Inr\re. 2 m o l, 11 >. Kemains Shoes, I‘ \\ v. laden with earli with a sm !i ait, iifled and nun h interest.mani- ; arriving (Hangers, hroiin'in io I;,,( kkw for interment. ^Tl'" fested Cl 1-1.1*; V In Oe!. ,1 CONGRESS AND 00. f’.V thus.- from Monroe, Frankfort, i little box in hand which meant refresh- ._ Kostoii, I it. onnthan K. ( i;|e\ LACE, $1 <;• >, iMt 3 Prospect,, Swanville, and Belfast., a^eil 2“» years. 1 1 m..n: hs ami I 7 na\>. Searsport i incuts. But the host and hostess, not in- ('OLSON. In I> l.'ome again next Sunday. iinai i.-roua .Mills. or t. ] «>, Wil liam Coi'on. '■ tending to get left, had furnished beans, ayed N4 wars ami I I months. " r it-. I.m,.-, j !\ wo J) IC !: V In Kel la st. Oet. < ladies from this while on their brown bread and coffee. Later in the even- 31 Aiiee L. idrkev. M, ... place nne,! L* j years ami 11 months. 4 > f t■ i-i 7" »!.:•••:- way to Belfast recently a ! ing confectionary, and pop-corn wen* Q| narrowly escaped apples aI’Ka K In < >rt I 3. Ai ra A w ifp ol I’alf lined 11 ••. m,i | f I"' '"Hi serious accident. near and lioekport, W(<1 j | lM.. When the resilience ; passed., with vocal and instrumental 1 hoiu.ts stoma 1 Sjear ot Lock port. aired .v.t war-, s uv.iiluM. $2.50, uoVil, >;{ on. 11 i' '"••• !'1,1 of I>r- Brown in Swanville the seat music a was ..Ills and ; !' wagon very pleasant evening spent. da vs. h<*c>.*, |f,. I r.Tk. i- I? tii W ped backward and over went. But 1 at a late AI.KKK. In W i < "ii,,, >. ,1 they | hey separated hour, deciding tins aid,,. Oet. 24. Clam. A Walker, i. i w i. | !•!:> ■ for the do and 10 ■ timely assistance of two young men j meeting should occur twice instead ot once a.yed years months. t/i. pi art-, lli'li. 11 C it, ... !;v.' Mr. Monroe MI13.IA.MS. in Oet. :*•- 1 from they might have g t a severe ! a year as has been their custom... .Mrs. Koston, 23. Sarah Jane, F i’ 11 f wit ww of ( John 1 baking up. Fortunately there was no seri- (diaries Barnes has returned from Tliorn- apt. Williams, aued so y,.;,:>j ,i Sc-,!. |mi ■/ : : i !• j si.-u of Mrs. I. s .lohnson Flour. on ous result. dike, where she has been friends. ami Kiien lilimt of Francis’ Shoe |> MM. ;; 7-0 r i. j visiting ABSOLUTELY PURE Kan 2or. Store, If. See I. 1,11. :* s:. ,,,1 MAIN !' STREET. BELFAST. o j'f. F It- l,1'/ I W V