EAST JORDAN PUBLIC PO BOX G EAST JORDAN, MI, -1:-1 CHARLEVOIX COUNTY PRESS Volume 106, Number 11 May 15, 1985 25 Cents News City takes action on park water bills

Briefs Boyne City took steps to ensure received more water than what new zoning map was created in 1982. city beach that is planned in that told the commissioners that the Petitions for East that a disputed water bill between would be billed. The city had intended on purchasing area. cemetery would be groomed and Jordan offices, three the Lakeview Village Trailer Park In a meeting this spring, the park the property at that time, but has Commissioner Cass Toton was spruced up prior to the Memorial council seats and the and the city would be paid in full at management told the lot renters been unable to reach agreement with appointed to become a liason person Day weekend and that the docks in their noon meeting Tuesday. that the water bills were being the property owner as to worth. The between the commission and the the city marina that are under water mayoral position are The water bill has been in dispute contested and that because of the property is the Federal Oil property city planning board. He will be due to the high water this year being accepted until 4 by the park owners since the high usage of water, the rates for lot at the corner of Main and Front •meeting along with the planners at would be raised when the crane that p.m. Tuesday, June November billing and the city has rents would be increased. The park Streets. The city wanted to purchase their monthly Monday meetings. will be used to install machinery at 18. The election for been paid 75 percent of the total is planning on installing their own the property for use with the new City Manager Randy Frykberg the new well site is in town. amount while the dispute was being meters for each unit so that the rates those seats will be discussed. for the lots could be lower and the November 5. According to the park owners, the renters would pay according to Candidates for coun­ size of the water meter was wrong individual usage. cil seats need at least coming into the park, making the If the park does not pay the current flow rates higher. This would in­ bill, now that the dispute is 10 signatures and no crease the water bills. resolved, the city is authorized by more than 24 signa­ The city removed the meter, found the commissioners to shut off the tures. For the mayor's out that the water line serving the water to the park, just as they would spot, candidates will park is of the proper size for the with any other user. need between 25 and meter, and sent the meter back to The park owes the city $1988.14 for the Badger Meter Company in the two water bills that were in 50 signatures. Milwaukee for testing. dispute. Petitions are avail­ The test of the meter showed that In other action taken at the noon able at city hall. it was accurate within one percent meeting, the city moved to the on most flow rates and as accurate planning board a request to rezone as 91 percent on other higher flow some property that had been Residential and sin­ rates. This would mean the park rezoned as public property when the gle line customers of the Century Telephone Company, those in the BC school board And the national champions are: left to right, Nancy men; Dana Shaler, pro division winner; Darrin Huntoon, Boyne Falls area, will Weber, non-resident women; Rex Behling, resident non-resident men; and Gerry Boris, resident women. see a one dollar charge added to their monthly bills, due to a FCC approves baseball mandated charge. Mushroom champions find Designed to help the Boys baseball, girls Softball will be for a new high school principal as phone companies new spring sports for Boyne City Rick Casper asked to step down as recover a portion of the High School next season after the the principal and be assigned a costs of connecting school board approved the funding classroom position. The resignation good picking for contest customers to the nation for the sports at their Monday night request was regretfully accepted by meeting. The board also approved the board. wide telephone net­ the one-time donation of $5,000 to be Superintendent Rich Kelly praised "It was a pleasant way to spend on Sunday for the championship Her specialty at the university is work. The cost in­ given to the Boyne City Library Casper saying "He did an excellent the weekend," said one of the session. His total for the prelimin­ mycology, or the study of mush­ crease is part of the Board so that a new furnace can be job as administrator for the school 185 mushroom championship con­ ary session was only 60 as he was rooms. She was the guest speaker at deregulation of the installed and replace the old system system and we know he will be an tenders, Especially after the wea­ the last place qualifier. the mushroom seminar that the that was installed when the building excellent teacher. Casper thanked ther that this event has had in the Second place in the local men's Press sponsored at the Depot Res­ telephone industry, ac­ was constructed in 1918. the board for the last eight-years he p»st couple of years. division was taken by Aaron Boris taurant. cording to Century The request to start the new spring has been an administrator. The The weather was just one of the who had 124 mushrooms for the Second place in the non-resident officials. sports was asked by a group of resignation will take effect at the good factors that the mushroom final count. Third place went to class was taken by Laura Holmes, parents last week. The board end of this school year. hunt had. Another was the fact that Mark Hall who brought in 130 who came in with 61 mushrooms. considered the request and granted A new textbook was then approved the people in the contest found not mushrooms but was penalized 20 Third was a tie between Rebecca Friday night bus­ approval at this week's meeting. by the board for the seventh grade just the early black and cap types of mushrooms for being two minutes Holmes and Rebecca Kost with 56 iness hours at most Several discussions were started social studies classes. The book will morel, but the whites were available late. All of the men were from mushrooms each. downtown Boyne City about the new program when the replace one that has been in use also for the pickers. Boyne City. The non-resident men's class was stores is proving to be board was trying to make the since 1969 and is out of date with the With all three varieties out for the In the women's resident division, taken by Darrin Huntoon of Elsie, motion. The board considered world today. picking contest, officials thought Gerry Boris found 142 in the 90 min­ Mi., who brought in 208 mushrooms successful, according having a minimum of 15 par­ Due to a request from one of the that record pickings would be possi­ ute picking period. She was foll­ for the final. Second place was to the Chamber. Cus­ ticipants prior to the season to board members on whether or not ble. But, when the results were owed by Lisa Truitt who brought in taken by Roger Thurow of Scottv- tomer counts were up ensure that the sport would be the system should require com­ totaled, only about 4000 mushrooms 94, while Carol Hudkins had 90 for ille, with 169 mushrooms. Third from the first week. supported and whether the coaches petency testing in the area of Eng­ were picked in the two one-and-a- the third place. All three are from place went to last year's winner, should be paid or volunteer. Both lish and language skills. Math test­ half hour sessions. '.the Boyne City area. Paul Whipple of Nunica, Mi., who discussions were left out of the ing was approved previously for The most mushrooms were In the women's non-resident found 106 mushrooms. motion that approved the sports. those moving from the middle picked by Dana Shaler, contending class, first place was taken by Dr. While the weather was the big Six students will be Superintendent Rich Kelly then school level to the high school. in the pro division, who gathered Nancy Weber, Ann Arbor, Mi., who factor in the success of the contest, inducted into the Nat­ asked the board to consider the After much discussion, and the 414 for the two days. Tim Harwick found 129 mushrooms in the Sunday another was the quality of the ional Honors' Society paying of the volunteer coaches in feelings of the school administrators took the second place in the division final. Weber is a nationally known entrants. One mycology club from next Wednesday, May the Middle School programs as they telling the board that they feel the with a total of 205. mycologist from the University of Illinois, chartered a bus to bring 30 look at other aspects of the school school is doing enough testing and The resident men's division found Michigan and is the first winner in people to the contest. Two other 22, at 7 p.m., at Boyne systems sports programs. Rex Behling as the new winner the history of the mushroom contest See Mushroom/Page 5 City High School Med­ Boyne City will also start a search /_ See Schools/Page 3 when he gathered 128 mushrooms to come from the professional level. ia Center. Honored will be Amy Alger, Karen DeSchryver, Hal Leach, Kevin Shiotelis, Top ten students at Boyne City, Class of 1985 Sandy Schmoldt, and Peter Skornia.

As of Monday, May 14, 1985, the Commis­ sioner of Aging, in order to institute a cost effective program of providing meals, now says it will be neces­ sary to make reserva­ tions for the lunch meals. Please sign up or call one day in ad­ vance. The number of meals which have been reserved for that day will be ordered. This way costs may be reduced. Call 582- 6682.

All parents that will have kindergarteners in the fall of 1985-86 school year are reminded they must pre-enroll their child if they have not already done so. They may do so by calling 536-2823 or by stopping in at the Early Childhood Dev­ elopment Center and filling out the regis­ KELLY RAYMOND CHERYL CALDECOTT tration. HEIDI LEXIS MICHAEL MANSFIELD 2 CHARLEVOIX COUNTY PRESS - May 15, 1985

with Nancy Northup 582-9174 Neighbors

The Bill Dunlops and Marie former Petoskey Nursing Center. It commented that she didn't feel any joined the AACA group and their Schmitdiel attended the graduation is now the Petoskey Geriatric older than she did the day before, families in dining out on Mother's and pinning ceremonies of Julie Village. and about how her great grand­ Day. Dunlap from Grand Valley State Mr. and Mrs. Monte Townley mother had lived to be 112! Sheri Sutliff was honored with a College in Grand Rapids over the have returned home from spending Lacey and Joyce Stevenson and bridal shower at her home on weekend. Julie, who had been in the the winter in Florida. family are now making their home in Thursday evening by her aunts, nursing program there, received a Sharon Thompson, daughter of the Lansing area, where he was Mrs. Jeanie McCarry and Mrs. Bachelor of Science degree. the Verlin Thompsons, received her recently transferred from Carter's of Leanna McCarry. About 40 guests Alan Dolwick has returned to his diploma from the Petoskey Beauty Petoskey. shared the evening of bridal shower home on Lake Street for the Academy on Wednesday and Norman and Jean Nowland of fun of games, gifts, and refresh­ summer. enjoyed a party of congratulations. Evart were here over the week end ments. Sheri will become the bride The Dan DeRoos and family of Ann Jenkins returned to her home to attend the Debra Kindy-Craig of Kevin Fitzpatrick on June 22. Grand Rapids were here over the in Boyne Falls last weekend for the Remsburg wedding on Saturday and Rob and Sue Britton and boys of Mother's Day weekend visiting the summer. Her daughter, June and Mother's Day with Mom, Dorothy Saginaw were here for the Mother's Adrian DeRoos. They were accom­ James Morey and family of Traverse Nowland. Day weekend with his mother, panied by their sister, Rachel, a City were here for the Mother's Day Mary and Paul Karl and daughter Joanne. student at the Baptist Bible College, weekend and also visited the Jack Amy of Climax were here for the Frank and Ann Shaler spent returning home for the summer. Moreys in Vanderbilt to join in the weekend visiting her mother Peg Mother's Day with his Mother, Last weekend, Virginia Heger- surprise 60th birthday celebration of Spencer. Irene. Other weekend callers were berg attended the golden anniver­ Mrs. Morey. Sarah Long and Dorothy Nowland her son George Shaler and wife LEONA K.THAYER sary celebration of former East Jor­ Kathy Rice and children Shannon attended the Rebekah Lodge District Ellen of Hazel Park. CHARLIE D. SHELDON dan residents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Jeremy of Tecumseh were here 18 meeting in Mancelona on Thurs­ Last week's news of the Boyne Hegerberg, in Jackson, MI. over the Mother's Day weekend day. City Senior Citizen Center reports 15 On Friday night, the tenants of visiting her parents, the Charles Mr. and Mrs. Greg Lutz and seniors participating in bingo last Engagement announced Litzenburger Place enjoyed being Inmans. Her niece, Sharon Thomp­ children of Grand Blanc, Lela Mac Monday. Winners of the special entertained by the children of Mr. son, made the return trip to Tecum­ Lean of Grandvue, and the Jim games was Eunice Bunnell. Split­ and Mrs. Stan Hoover. The child­ seh for a week's visit. Feltons and family spent Mother's ting as winners of the 2nd special Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thayer of A wedding date of May 31 is ren, as a Mother's Day tribute, Day at the Fay and Jean Limron game were Bea Cherne and Minnie Boyne City announce the engage­ planned. accompanied by Mom on the piano, The tables of the community room home. ment of their daughter, Leona K. Martin. Regular winners were Alice Leona is an elementary school sang several numbers, followed by a of Litzenburger Place were decora­ Connie Lingle and children of Thayer of Winona Lake, Indiana, to Wilson, Leona Griffin and Eunice teacher and Charlie is employed at a visitation time with the tenants, ted with yellow crepe paper stream­ Bridgeport were here over the Charlie D. Sheldon of Warsaw, Bunnell. Winner of the game to factory in Warsaw. which was all recorded on video. ers and vases of yellow mums on weekend. Indiana. cover the card completely was Rose Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Dough­ Saturday afternoon in honor of Daisy Mary Gove and Geraldine Kemp Reinhardt. erty and daughter Dawn of Battle Brown's 87th birthday. Several of Berkley were here over the Wednesday, the Kitchen Band Creek and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth friends shared in the party hosted by weekend to visit their 92 year old practice was held at Litzenburg with Bea Smith Pranshka of Hastings were here her daughter Evelyn Boden and son Mother, Mrs. Anna Pratt, and their Complex with 12 seniors taking part. Cooking over the weekend at the home of Gary. They enjoyed ham, icecream, sister Margaret and Al Compton. They traveled to East Jordan to their sister Helen Larson and called and a beautifully decorated cake ADAFTING SUCCESSFUL 3 eggs, slightly beaten Other weekend guests at the Comp­ perform. on their mother, Mrs. Mabel made by Juanita Burrows. Daisy RECIPES 1 cup shredded Swiss cheese ton home were their daughter Diane Speaker Rod Cortright from the Thompson of Mother's Day, at the received many cards and gifts, and USING MUSHROOMS '/2 cup white wine (optional) Moghadam of Ann Arbor, and her Cooperative Extension Office, Mushrooms are really interesting Bake pie shell for 8 to 10 minutes daughters Sue and Laura Page. showed slides and entertained the Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis returned seniors on Picking Mushrooms. and unique plants, they are so very at 375 degrees. BY BEVERLY FREEL home this week from a 10 day trip in Thurs, 30 enjoyed playing bingo rich in nearly all of the vitamins and Combine milk, cream, onion, salt, 536-2016 E.I. Highlights a good source of iron, yet they have nutmeg and pepper and wine in a Yahaha, Fla.-where they attended and the caller was Lyle Ross. Win­ the wedding of their grindson. ners were, regular, Dorothy Hay- no leaves, blossoms or fruit; and saucepan. Bring to a boil, then Forty-six mothers and daughters Marion Sherman returned from Marion and Bill Lanz of Portland den, Zada Moyer, and Barbara they are a fungus. A cup-full yields simmer 1 minute. Stir hot mixture attended a mother/daughter ban­ Florida after spending the winter in spent the Mother's Day weekend Rodd. Specials Barbara Ross and only 40 calories. What a terrific into eggs. Sprinkle Vi of the cheese quet at the East Jordan Baptist Naples. Her granddaughter, Laurie here with her parents the A.C. Elmer Crandell, Coverall won by addition to our meals. They are so into partially baked pie shell. Church Saturday evening May 11. Sherman, flew down to accompany Fineouts. Jennie Jodway. versatile and so easily adapted to Arrange mushrooms over cheese. Among these were several out-of- her grandmother home. Frank and Ann shaler have re­ our regular recipes. Pour in egg mixture. Sprinkle town guests; Gerry Alonzo from The 17th annual Mother/Daugh­ turned after having spent the past The old-timers liked to make a remaining cheese over top and bake Traverse City and Julie and Angie ter Banquet of the city of East On Friday 38 were present for a six months in Anaheim, Cal. While rich sauce or gravy for almost any at 375° for 20 to 25 minutes or until Courtade of Williamsburg, daughter Jordan was held at the East Jordan Mother's Day Party, a special Swiss there they visited their sons, Kevin vegetable or meat. I am sure that silver knife inserted 1 inch from and granddaughter of Lucy Cowles High School Saturday evening May steak dinner. Special flowers and and David Shaler and their families. mushrooms prepared the following center comes out clean. were guests of Lucy's. Also from 11 with 273 mothers and daugh­ gifts were donated by the Boyne way would be delicious, baked and To make the original Alpine Grand Rapids was Ronda Freel, ters in attendance. The mistress of Michelle Newville returned home City Greenhouse, and Country Star served with a sauce made with Asparagus Quiche use a 10 oz. pkg. daughter of Bev Freel, and Louise ceremonies was Cele Malpass. Invo­ from Ferris State College for the Market. The fruit tray was awarded of frozen asparagus cooked accord­ Boonstra the guest speaker for the cation was given by the Rev. Herbon summer, the first of the week. to Clara Jaroneski. ing to directions on the box in place evening. The men of the church and the dinner was prepared and Paul and Kathy Varnum and son A lily was presented to Ethel BAKED MUSHROOMS of the mushrooms. served the dinner and did the served by the East Jordan Lions Ryan of Sault Ste. Marie, Pam and Yenson as the mother with the most Prepare mushrooms by soaking in dreaded clean-up. Club. Toast to the daughters was Mike Smith of Westland, Penny and children. A corsage to Alta Lewis as Woody Hardy and family, and cold, salted water and let them dry. Now, this is the way I have Martin and Barbara Rebec cele­ given by Bev Joseph, and her the oldest mother, and a gift to the Judge and Mrs. Harvey Varnum Slice them if they are quite large. adapted my friend Nellie's Egg Foo brated their 23rd anniversary on daughter, Danielle, gave the toast to youngest mother, Clara Jaroneski. Place them in a baking pan in a Yung, and she approves. This is her Mother's Day by going out for the mothers. The entertainment was moderate oven. Season with salt, original recipe and it is very good. dinner at One Water Street in Boyne a spring fashion show given by the pepper, lemon juice and chopped City. Along with them on their E.J. Shop. The Mother-of-the-year. parsley. Cook in oven 15 minutes, EGG FOO YUNG celebration were their parents, Mr. award was given to Mrs. William baste with butter. Arrange on a dish 1 can bean sprouts, drained or and Mrs. Theo Jeffery and Mrs. (Murriel) Derenzy. Mrs. Derenzy is and pour the following sauce over 1 cup fresh Vene Rebec. 89 years old and a life-long res­ them. V2 cup chopped cooked ham, pork or ident of East Jordan. She has 9 SAUCE shrimp children, 56 grandchildren and 54 1 cup cream (I use Half and Half) 2 eggs great-grandchildren. We are told 1 tablespoon butter (or a non- 1 green onion (use some of the green Obituaries that she never misses a Christmas or cholesterol margarine) part) KENNETH D. TILLAPAUGH a birthday for any of the family. 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 teaspoon soy sauce Kenneth D. Tillapaugh, 71, There were 40 members of her Dash of cayenne pepper 1/8 teaspoon salt former Walloon Lake resident, died family present at the banquet. 1/8 teaspoon salt Vegetable oil May 4, 1985 in Flint. Others who received recognition 1 tablespoon flour To adapt this recipe, omit the Funeral was held in Flint and were Mrs. Anna Downing, oldest 2 tablespoons milk meat and add 1 cup sliced and burial was at Maple Hill Cemetery mother (101), Lorreine Barrow, 2 tablespoons lemon juice washed mushrooms lightly sauteed youngest mother (19), and Kan- 3 in Clarion. Heat cream butter, parsley and in a little butter. Also add A cup of Mr. Tillapaugh was born May 18, dra Carson, youngest daughter (3 seasonings in a sauce pan; make a water chestnuts, chopped which 1913, in Petoskey, the son of Edwin weeks). Kandra is the daughter of paste with the milk and flour, and gives it a crunchy texture and cook it and Ella (Vanderhoof) Tillapaugh. Kirk and Kelly Carson. add to mixture. Cook over moderate this way. He attended elementary school in At the East Jordan Senior Center heat, stirring constantly, until thick Dry sprouts well with paper towel. Walloon Lake and graduated from on Friday, May 10 there was a but do not boil. Coarsely chop them and toss with high school. special Mother's Day luncheon with Adapted from "White House Cook­ mushrooms, green onion, water Mr. Tillapaugh was a veteran of 73 seniors in attendance. Corsages book 1926" chestnuts and salt. Beat eggs and World War II, serving in the U.S. were presented to all the mothers fold in all of the other ingredients. Navy. He had been retired for many and plants were given to Mauvie My recipe for Alpine Asparagus Heat enough oil in a large skillet years. Griffen, oldest mother (92), Mary Quiche has been a terrific success, to cover the bottom. Gently spoon In April 1964 he married the Wingo, mother of most children (11) my first story published in the Char­ egg mixture into pan forming 4 former Ann Cummings in Mt. and Ruby Miller, for having the levoix County Press June 12, 1980. patties. Cook slowly 2 to 3 minutes, Morris. most grandchildren (27). There was Now, I am going to vary that recipe turn as pancakes and fry several In addition to his wife, Mr. Tilla­ a reading on Mothers by Sue Brill by using mushrooms in place of the minutes more or until ingredients paugh is survived by one son, Jon and a song by Milt Veverka ST asparagus. I hope it will be received are set. Tillapaugh of Apache Junction, "Darling I am Growing Old". Milt as well as the first one was. This makes 2 generous servings. Arizona; two stepsons, Charles was accompanied by Inez Parker. BUY 1 PAIR Do it this way. Cummings of Troy and Larry Cum­ On Wednesday, May 15, there SOY SAUCE mings of Clio; eight grandchild­ will be a Gong Show. Thursday, ND MUSHROOM QUICHE 1 tablespoon butter ren; one great-grandchild; three May 16, blood pressures will be 1 unbaked 9" pie shell 2 tablespoons corn starch sisters, Margaret Sherk of Walloon taken. Wednesday, May 22, Debbie GET 2 FRAME 1 cup mushrooms washed, sliced 1 teaspoon brown sugar or honey Lake, Elizabeth Hale of Wayne, and Brill, Country Western singer from and lightly sauteed in butter for •A cup water Jeannette Alford of Grass Lake. Petoskey will entertain. flavor 1¼ tablespoons soy sauce V< cup milk Melt butter; combine cornstarch 3 AND TINT FREE! A cup half and half and sugar and blend into butter. Vz cup finely chopped onion Add water and soy sauce. Cook, 1 teaspoon salt stirring constantly, until thick and SAVE ON CONTACTS, TOO! V* teaspoon nutmeg bubbly. Extended Dash of pepper Serve hot over the eggs foo yung. REWARD! WearSoft I^TW Tinted IOv7 WearSoft v7v7 UNCLAIMED SCHOOL SEWING MACHINES Now you can get the eyewear bargain of the century. . . Buy one pair of quality NuVision eyeglasses or contacts and get a second Necchi's Education Department placed orders in antic­ frame absolutely free with the purchase of lenses. Choose your How can a small premium ipation of previous year sales. Due to budget cuts second frame from a large selection and get a free solid, fashion or keep you fromlosin g a these sales were unclaimed. These machines must be sunglass tint when you buy your second pair of lenses! Plus, save soldi AH Machines offered are the most modern ma­ on extended wear, tinted or daily wear contacts. small business? chines in the Necchi line. These machines are MADE OF METAL and sew on all fabrics: Levi's, canvas, No problem. upholstery, nylon/stretch, vinyl, silk, EVEN SEW ON LEATHER! These machines are new with a 25 year Auto-Owners Commercial Umbrella will protect your busi­ warranty. With the new 1985 Necchi you just set the ness and its assets from a loss due to lawsuit. And, it's very color-coded diet and see maflic happen. Straight sew­ affordable protection to have. Just compare it to the others. ing, zigzag, button-holes (any size), invisible Wind- See your "no problem" Auto-Owners agent and ask him hem, monogram, satin stitch, embroidery, applique, what he can do for your complete business protection. sew on buttons and snaps, topstitch elastic stitch, professional serging stitch, straight stretch stitch ... all of this and more.

Without the need of old fashioned cams or program­ mers. Your price with the ad ¢198, without this ad RUEGSEGGER-STANL E Y ,»529. Cash or Check. 102 E. Main Street INSURANCE AGENCY PUCE: HOLIDAY HUN, US 1H - KTOSKEY.MI DAY: SUNDAY, MAY It TIME: 11AMM PM. 582-6704 "" ... . • -./:. Since 1905 v .: . ' ". /"- .. •

106 Water St., Boyne City, MI 582-6251 not v*0 w*m prto. ottt»r* Not vMd for ttitoantf l^uJk,nSo^ommT^ •,""NuY*°«M«»iOlfw CHARLEVOIX COUNTY PRESS - May 15, 1985 1 Opinions National hunt only unique opportunity to attract hundreds

Another mushroom hunt is over until zines, and one major newspaper from money to them. A person who is working at living and working around the town. next year and while the success of the Sweden. Could a Fourth of July celebra­ one of the local restaurants, for example, The resident division of the contest event is weather prone, this year" the hunt tion bring those kinds of people to our that gets a good play from a festival may should have many more entrants than the enjoyed much success with both the community? need some other service which is being non-resident divisions. But it seems that is hunters and the organizers of the event. While the Fourth is listed as the biggest sold here in Boyne. While one has a good not the case. We happen to think that of all the events weekend of the year for most of the weekend, another may get some benefits Perhaps the locals would rather hunt at that concern Boyne City, the annual mush­ merchants, and those same merchants list weeks later. their leisure, without the pressures of room hunt is the only one which can draw the mushroom festival much lower as to the With the importance implied by being trying to find as many as possible within people to the community from around the worth of the event, we think that they are the National Mushroom Hunt Champion­ the time frame that the contest requires. world. Sure, we have lots of other events misdirected as to what some of the ships, our community can and is drawing Next year promises to be even larger and and festivals throughout the area, and festivals, like the mushroom festival, are entrants from around the world. It is a better as far as the hunt contest is because of the tourist populations, draw supposed to do. shame that some don't appreciate the work concerned. Many of this year's entrants many people from the local area. But how For one thing, they are not established to and the effort that such an event requires. have come back for the last several years many would we draw from New York, bring money into every^nerchant's pocket. They would rather sit back and try to reap trying to win the prize. We need the Minnesota, Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Some merchants may never see any money the wealth. support of the entire community to make Maine, and all of the other places that this directly from any of the festivals that the It is also a shame that the local entrants the event just one of the things that helps particular event draws. area holds. don't get as much support as they should. put Boyne City on the map. This year, we had visiting entrants and But, the spinoff effect sure can bring We have hundreds of mushroom hunters journalists from several national maga- Jottings Marshall Savles BY JIM SILBAR as we have never had any employee representatives that small The mushroom festival is over; bigot. There are no bigots in Boyne another 250,000 residents by the Michigan Department of Commerce able to draw on our account since we businesses, those who gross under and according to a careful search of City and I can't stand a one of year 2,000. Lansing, Michigan took ownership. one-million dollars a year and have our back forty, so are the them.) When this two-wife character That doesn't sound good to me ATTN: Mr. Doug Rosa: We also feel that the state is being fewer than 20 employees, need the mushrooms. was told that most religions forbid a because Boyne City is already be­ I am looking for a package of very unfair to many of the help, too. * * * man having more than one better coming over-crowded. When you go incentives similar to the one being businesses here in the north. signed, A gallon of milk costs more than a half, he shook his head. downtown on a busy day there isn't offered by the state to Generous You should know that the tourist Jim Silbar gallon of gas. If this keeps up I'm ' 'It's not so much a sin as it is a enough room to swing a cat. Motors, just so they would locate season is too short for all of us and P. S.-Since the state is granting going to buy a cow and a horse. And bore," he said. That's why I like living out here in thier Saturn Plant in Michigan. we would like to see you extend the all those abatements for Saturn, that will be kind of rough. I haven't Boy! Was I glad he warned me the air conditioned boondocks. I According to what I have read season by about six or seven more tell them that we need the plant milked nor saddled in years. about that. enjoy the fact that I can swing a cat about a proposed tax abatement months. up here, not downstate. Check * * * * * » anytime it pleases me to do so. And We northern businesses love being with Mr. Beagle at the Boyne it makes me quietly proud to report plan, I need exactly what is being The federal government will not The intelligent man asks: "What in business. City Hall, he has lots of tax that in the 13 years we've trod this off erred to GM. give you a doggone thing unless you in the world is wrong with Boyne All we really want is fairness. If incentives he could add to those plot of ground there hasn't been a After all, they made just a few can prove that you do not have City?" Generous Motors can get benefits of the state for locating that single recorded complaint of anyone million dollars as a corporation last anything. Most banks will not loan And the fool says: "I think I've because they are big, then we who project in Charlevoix County. Or being hit by a swung cat. year, and while we were not in the you any money unless you already got the answer." are small want the same benefits send some other businesses up 4 * * megabuck range like they were, we have some. It's stuff like this that If you think that I enjoy sweeping given to us so that we could make it here for him to work with. We almost broke even. has helped the average American to High interest rates, taxes, federal aside the tender fig of Boyne City to through a long cold winters. need both kinds of business, One reason why we lost a little become crazy like a bat. and state controls along with infla­ show things as they really are, you money last year, was because we Give us the same breaks. Tell those retail and manufacturing. tion make this a splendid time to are shooting at the wrong target. It's could not get the same type of in­ * * * start up a new business. These just that if I don't put these black centives as are being offerred the big Some people who are not in general conditions will greatly shor­ marks on white paper I won't get guys. business seem to feel that the bus­ ten that awful period of floundering paid hardly at all. And not getting inessman has pocket full of jingle Sure, we can't make any promise of Continued from Page 1 School by causing you to fail much sooner paid hardly at all makes me walk and leads the high life. If they only down the alleys to dodge my hiring at least 3,000 people, but tracking of the students, the board The feeling of the board after the than normal. maybe we could hire a couple more knew! I was in business for thirty creditors. then told the administrators to discussion was that they should years and it was one long bank note * * * to help with the work load. spend more time studying the learn more about what is being Have you read in the papers about That makes me feel creepy, But if we did hire anyone, we would of existence. crawly and shabby. Other alley program. tested before asking that more tests * * * the expected increased population of • need~ those single business tax They were asked to analyze the be put into the program. northern Michigan within ten years walkers tell me that the creepy, We were having a conversation credits, and other deductions like testing program already in place so In other action, the board granted or so? They are saying that our crawly beats the shabby all to with a bigamist in the restaurant the unemployment compensation they could give the board more tenure to Mrs. Cheryll Leach, a northern part of the state will have pieces. other day. (That's bigamist, not payments to be at a reasonable level. information as to what is being teacher in the Middle School and Especially since the state is in such tested and how it could be improved. gave recognition to retiring teacher good shape that they have paid back Mrs. Rosemary Mackowiak. a loan made by the feds earlier than Mackowiak was given a school bell committed. in honor of her 27 years of teaching If the state is in such good shape, in the Boyne system. and if they can offer such in­ They also approved the continuing ducements to get new businesses, ARE YOU of First Agency, Inc. as the carrier then I think they should provide the of student insurance for another same to us little guys. year. After all, there is more growth The board also heard about the potential of a little company than a student forum that was held last big one for providing jobs, and, week at the Boyne City High according to your states' figures, School. Over 300 students from GIVING MONEY there certainly are more little guys other schools in the Char-Em than big guys. district came to Boyne City for the Anyway, please send me complete day. Students from the high school information as to what tax told the board of the actions that abatements I can qualify for, as well were taken at the forum. as other programs that reduce the governmental load that small ROSEMARY MACKOWIAK AWAY? business has to carry. After all, if my company can Some people still insist on having an old-fashioned become extremely profitable, such Letters as one of the big guys, then we could checking account, Letting their financial institution afford to pay the taxes and the other costs that the state is enforcing on use their money while they get no interest for it. all the little guys. Look at facts, first Especially the unemployment stuff Smart First Federal of Michigan checking account Editor, ton, D.C. He fought every inch of In reply to Ira W. Breneman's the way. This same Reagan then customers know better. They earn interest on the letter to the editor on May 8, 1985 in lays a wreath in a German ceme­ the County Press. Lets take a quick tery honoring the very people that money in their checking account from the date of Letters look at some of his logic and facts. murdered millions of people and their deposit right up until the day their checks are After World War I we opened our caused so much misery in the world. Letters to the editor, hand­ hearts and pocketbooks to the Ger­ He called it symbolic. Symbolic to paid. And that can add up to a lot of money. written or typed, are a man people and their allies and what? Would you really recognize a welcome and important part helped them rebuild their countries. fact if you saw one Mr. Breneman. in 1984, the average interest earned by of this paper. They should be They repaid us with World War II. Does your logic tell that that Reagan First Federal regular checking account cus­ under 750 words in length We helped rebuild their country is headed in the right direction? To and signed by the writer, once more. Now forty years later we quote Ann Landers-I think you tomers was almost $70. And that's money they although he or she, for have a president that wants us to should wake up and smell the special reasons, may request .'orgive and forget again, and you coffee. didn't have before. Extra money for a bill, a gift or that the name not be printed. applaud . What are you trying for Everett K.Sayles The paper reserves the right Mr. Breneman - World War HI? Boyne City a great dinner out. You can even avoid monthly to edit material. To compare World War II with our service charges by maintaining a $300 balance in The Publishers Civil War is absolutely ridiculous. Reagan had to be forced to visit the Inservice your account. Viet Nam Memorial in Washing- thanks given So stop by our Boyne City office for details. CHARLEVOIX COUNTY PRESS And stop giving (USPS 394480) Idltar-Publlihar Jamat F. Silbar Editor, money away on your OHIO Managtr Pafikta 1. Illbar Production Muooor-Clmilanon mmilmmt Joyco HortMlt An inservice day for Boyne City TypoMtttr OoMcCary teachers and several staff members checking account. Roporfljrs and Ptiefographan Barbara CnidoM jarryProatt was held at Stafford's One Water Advertising Sales Harold Cowlei Street on Tuesday, May 7. Our day Cafraipandantt MantiaH Iay»M was outstanding for two reasons. Eloolie Bonier Nancy Notltaaa The speaker. Dr. T. Roger Taylor, Millie WaMan gave an exciting presentation on the Steve Oee subject of gifted and talented educa­ Published by Silbar Communications Inc., Jama* F. Silbar, tion. In reality, the presentation was Pratldant/ P.O. Box A, 101 Qroveland, Boyne City, Michi­ much broader and we all learned a gan 49712. Publlenad weekly on Wadnetday. PUBLICATION of advtrtliements or editorial commentary great deal. The other reason was the Implies neither andoreamenf nor approval by The Char location. We would like to thank the lavolx County Praia. MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Charlevoix County, $12 per owners and management of One yeerj elsewhere In the United States, SIS per year. Single Water Street and especially Mrs. G] FIRST FEDERAL OF MICHIGAN copies 23 cents. Personal mailed copies Including postage, Si. Second Class pottage paid at Boyne City, Michigan by Renate Smith for allowing us to use mitmmm Main g^. 1cj01 woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48226. Phone: (313) 965-1400. Silbar Communications, Inc. (USP3M4I0. their beautiful facilities at no cost to DEADLINES for general news, notion, display advertising, photographs and detsHled advertising Is $*» Monday. the school district. SEND ADDRESS CHAN06S to The Charlevoix County Boyne City, 120 North lake Street (616) 582-6715 Pons, P.O. Box A, 101 Omvelend St., Boyne cny, Ml Administration and itaff 497U.ThOje^1ft-5a2-676l, Boyne City Schools 4 CHABLEVOK COUNTY PRESS - May 15, 1985

Staffel featured at McCune EJ's past gets Historical Society care Charlevoix potter BY ELOU1SE ROSSLER Bonnie Staffel will be featured in a solo Step into the Lodge at Elm Point that looks like an upright piano. treasures and visit the East Jordan M-66 north of East Jordan. You'll be showcase at the Art and you have gone back 100 years! Other exhibits include the kitchen Historical Museum at Elm Pointe on glad you did! ... s Tree, a sales gallery in The East Jordan Historical Museum collection which reminds modern Petoskey's McCune Society has created an authentic and women how much easier laundry Arts Center, through purely delightful ' 'corner of his­ and cooking are today. There are the end of May. tory" of East Jordan in a building artifacts from both World War I and EJ ministerial assn. to A professional potter once used as a 7 or 8 car garage. The n. Memorabilia from the Loveday for over three decades, displays are getting their annual Opera House is displayed as well as Staffel has created a dusting and updating this month in a dress of Miss Louisa Loveday, host blood drive anticipation of a busy summer be­ new collection of aunt of local artist Peggy Midener. or Rev. Robert Herbon, ginning in June. The East Jordan ing to be collected in designs in porcelain Miss Loveday was a well known pastor of the Evangel­ According to Cyg Riley, about 20 elocution teacher, lecturer and Ministerial Ass'n. an­ the Wolverine Region inspired by her 1984 nounced the spring this year. The East Jor- ical Lutheran Church, tour of China and or so years ago the Bridge Tourn­ poetry reader, often performing in at 536-7331 or 7566. ament Society saw the need for a the Loveday Opera House, when not Red Cross Blood Drive day May drive goal is Japan. to be held May 16, 70 donors and pints of New donors are en­ "For me, it's a local museum. A committee of touring the country. couraged to walk in the Elaine Savory, Jane Jackson and The East Jordan Iron Works has a Thursday, at the Evan- blood. In this last year, return to simplicity," gelical Lutheran 270 pints were collec­ day of the event or Staffel said. She added Cyg Riley worked on the idea, pictorial display of their 100 years in contact Ometa Goebel, keeping it alive. The Bridge Tourn­ business in East Jordan. A beauti­ Church in East Jordan. ted from the people of that the shapes, while Located at the corner of East Jordan of the total 536-7084, for an ap­ free-formed, are rem­ ament Society agreed to set aside ful collection of leather tools and pointment in the day. money for three years, but the woodworking tools was donated by Nicholls and Third, of 1050 pints collected iniscent of the lotus, a donors are requested in Charlevoix County. Regular donors will be powerful symbol in the committee was unable to find a Russell Barnett. to come to the church Persons involved contacted by phone oriental culture. suitable location, so the Society Family histories are available for between noon and 6 with this effort, in prior to the event and Sales gallery coord­ donated the money to other worthy perusal as is the register of the p.m. in order to give addition to the Minis­ encouraged to sched­ inator Audrey Collins causes. Commercial House Hotel, listing blood. terial Association, are ule an appointment. called Staffel's new The original committee continued guests from 1884, including Charles Co-ordinated by the Volunteer Coordinator All who can give blood work clean, liquid, to work toward their goal, joined by Strang in 1887 (son of "King Ministerial Association Delores Goebel; Donor are surely encouraged soaring. Doris Huckle who had a "museum Strang" of Beaver Island) and Dave for the first time this Contact, Ometa Goe­ to do so for only 5 of "Bonnie has devel­ jug" for donations in her antique Parrish who knew Amos Williams every 100 adults in this Staffel, a professional potter from Charle­ business and display shop. Money (the man who is reputed to have May, the East Jordan bel; Publicity, Rev. oped some delicious, drives have been very Brian W. Secor-, and country donate blood, soft glazes for this col­ voix is completing another piece of art. From her and artifacts were collected for 11 named the Jordan River). something that can studio south of Charlevoix she creates and sells her years. In the Society's possession, but successful in the past. Canteen, the East Jor­ lection, and uses them Red Cross personnel dan Lioness Club. Any only be shared, never in an unexpected work, and is one of the original artists In July, 1972, Dr. George and without ample display room they are made. Betty (Allen) Westgate donated are highly dependent person wishing to help way," Collins said. responsible for the establishment of the Art Tree stored, are the early business rec­ The Wolverine Reg­ their summer home, Elm Pointe, to upon volunteers and with any of these items "It's a privilege for Sales Gallery at the Virginia McCune Center in ords of local farms, of the East ional Red Cross Blood the city of East Jordan. The His­ local support in order is encouraged to con­ the Art Tree to be able Petoskey. Jordan Lumber Co., the East Jordan Services supply blood torical Society finally had a possible to provide the estima­ tact the person noted to unveil this new body in the Virginia McCune and potter have earned and Southern Railroad (dating from and blood products to place for a museum. A grant from ted 58,000 pints need­ of work," Collins said. Community Arts Cen­ her juror status for the 1880's), and the East Jordan Can­ 37 hospitals through­ the Michigan Council for the Arts "The Staffel name is ter. Charlevoix Waterfront ning Co. Other donations of early out the 27 county area for site planning at Elm Pointe got highly respected for Staffel, who also Art Fair, the Traverse business artifacts are in early BC Middle School of Northern Michigan things rolling nicely. The planning producing work that is sells her work from her City Art Show, the stages of development. including the entire architect was Victor Hogg, the same consistently excellent. studio south of Char­ Sault Ste. Marie Art A beautifully original, handmade thumb area and por­ planner who worked on Mackinac to hold concert She has long been a levoix, began her ar­ Fair, and the Michigan quilt is on display depicting events tions of the Upper Pen­ Island Fort Michilimackinac. The The Boyne City Festival, Songs of the mainstay in our sales tistic instruction at Potters' Association and families dating from early East insula. It is the newest Lodge, a 7 to 8 car garage with a Middle Schoold bands Sea, Bad Bad Leroy gallery, and our repu­ Feather Art School in annual exhibition. She Jordan. The quilt was made by of 57 Red Cross reg­ huge recreation room in its second will present their an­ Brown, and other sel­ tation has been en­ Houston, Texas, in has taught seminars at ladies of the Society in 1976 to nual spring concert on ions, being formed in hanced by her affilia­ story was the building used. The commemorate the nation's Bicen­ ections. 1943. She also studied Oakland Community Tuesday, May 21, 1985 The Eighth grade July of 1968. tion with us." at the American Acad­ College, the Upper Pen Lodge was constructed in 1947 by tennial. The Society is already well known builder Ben Ellis of at 7:00 p.m. on the band will perform The The sponsoring or­ "Since she moved to emy of Artun'Chicago, insula Crafts Council, beginning plans for special events Elementary stage. Fea­ Walloon Lake. and programs in 1987 to celebrate Lone Eagle March, ganization for the Charlevoix in 1966, and the TosBjlp Mus­ and the William Boni­ tured will be the 6th, blood drive is the East In 1976, America's Bicentennial, the Sesquicentennial of the State of Astro Overture, Suffolk Bonnie has been one of eum of Art asHgeltes at face Art Center in Es- 7th, and 8th grade Jordan Ministerial the East Jordan Historical Museum Michigan. Celebration, Russian the stellar influences in Cranbrook. canaba. bands. Folk Rhapsody, Flash- Ass'n. and is currently opened its doors and a long pursued Present officers involved in May's the artistic commun­ Her work has been Staffel has amassed The 6th grade band dance, She Works composed of the fol­ dream became a reality. For several dusting and 1987s plans are George ity," Collins said. featured in such nat­ an impressive array of will perform Bandroom Hard for the Money, lowing pastors repre- years the upstairs was used as a Secord, President; Florence Stuck- "She is supportive, in­ ionally known publica­ award and exhibition Blast, Lightly Row and and other selections. senting these novative, and ener­ studio for art and ballet classes. er, Vice President; Kathy Sewell, tions as "Ceramics honors beginning in Hopscotch. churches: Rev. Robert getic. Many successful Portside Art Fair held each August Secretary; Betty Boswell, Treasurer. The bands are con­ Monthly," "House 1950 when her work The 7th grade band Herbon, Evangelical potters in this area is an integral part of the Society. In addition to maintaining and oper­ ducted by James Beautiful," "Craft was featured in the will perform Royal Lutheran Church; Dr. started as her appren­ (The Art Fair is a story in itself!) ating the museum, members answer Bogetto. Horizon," and "Cer­ craft show at the Tole­ March, Triumphant Donald Ferguson, tice, and she continues Displays are varied and interest­ the many letters requesting family The Director's amic Decoration." do Museum of Art. Presbyterian; Rev. to act as mentor and ingly done, though space is at a information for personal family Award will be presen­ As an artist-busin­ After a string of one- James Duncan, Mis­ friend both to students premium. The clothing display is trees. Kruzel graduates ted to the most out­ ess woman, Staffel has man shows and invi­ sionary; Rev. Wesley and to her fellow pro­ extensive and varies from under-, standing 8th grade held, offices in the tational exhibitions in Mrs. Riley and Mr. Secord said first in class Norton, Church «f the fessionals." garments to shoes to hats and that local elementary school children band student. Toledo Potters' Guild, the midwest, she had There will be no ad­ Everlasting God; and An instructor of pot­ dresses. Mrs. Esther Dye donated are given tours of the museum each Kerry C. Kruzel, son the Toledo Federation work accepted in the mission charge for this Rev. Brian W. Secor, tery for the Crooked some clothes of her mother's dating year. Cassette tapes made by senior of Mrs. Sandra A. of Art Societies, Art­ International Japan concert. United Methodist. Tree Arts Council ist's North, Michigan Pottery Design Compe­ back to the early to middle 1800's. citizens in adult education about the Kruzel and Mike J.C. Penney's of Petoskey recently Community School for Potter's Association, tition in Nagoya-shi. early days of East Jordan will soon Kruzel of Boyne City, "Building a New Home' the Arts, Staffel is also Business and Profes­ Most recently, her donated some bust mannequins be used more frequently. will graduate May 18 among a number of sional Women of Char­ work has expanded to which can be used to exhibit more of The museum is open weekends from Lake Superior Check our double-Wall the clothes. Northern Michigan levoix, American Can­ include photography, a only June and September, 1:00-4:30 State College with super-insulated homes, potters organizing a One wall has a display of agri­ p.m. and is open daily from 1:00- "highest honors," cer Society, and Char­ medium in which she with heating bills guild for the region. levoix Garden and has received awards cultural tools of early East Jordan 4:30 p.m. in July and August. umma cum laude. She is one of the or­ Camera clubs. for juried work by the days. A State Fair Committee mem­ Anyone wishing to be a member Kruzel, who is receiv­ under $200 a yeor iginal artists who Her expertise and Traverse City and ber commented it is "one of the of the Society or to donate local ing a bachelor of Call or write for FREE brochure worked to establish the background as a Crooked Tree arts finest agricultural displays in the artifacts is invited to monthly meet­ science degree in Art Tree Sales Gallery painter, printmaker, councils. state./' ings held at 7:30 p.m. on the second mechanical engineer­ 158a Dlcherson Road Staffel's new design Musical instruments of interest Thursday of June through October. ing technology, will be PO Box 152 are a melodeon from the 1860's A $5.00 membership fee is charged graduating first in his & Gayiord. Michigan 49735 GAS & DIESEL in porcelain was fea­ 1-517-752-1135 tured in the Michigan "bought with bounty money," a per family. class of 642 candidates m l-BOO-5214856 FUEL pump organ and a Victorian organ Take a peek at yesteryear's for graduation. LOCATED AROUND Potter's Association THE CORNER FROM 1985 perspective at BOYNE AAT Delta College. The in­ Lowest gas prices vitational exhibition East Jordan Boncftpetit was on display at the in the area! college during April. NQX^EtF-SEHVICE • Council Minutes WE PUT IT IN! PROCEEDINGS OF were eliminated for the contract with Superior Area's Local Pup Depot. Dems to hold fish fry EASTJORDAN unlighted little league Sanitation for the oper- CITY COUNCIL fields of Murphy and tion of the City's land­ 549-2780 If no answer Fresh-from-Lake- The East Jordan City Watson. fill. Joseph and Beck then 549-2826 or 549-2979 Michigan fish will be children. There is no Council met in regular Several requests opposed. 2822 E. Boyne Rd. (M-75) Boyne Falls, Mich. featured Sunday at a charge for children session, May 7, 1985, were granted to the Nomination petitions Fish Fry sponsored by under 5 years old. at 7:30 p.m., Mayor Jordan Valley Freedom for the offices of 1st, the Charlevoix County Door prizes and a Sweet presiding, all Festival for their 4th of 2nd and 3rd ward ch Quide to DininglM Knights of Columbus Democratic Party from cash drawiqg also will members present ex­ July Celebration. Four alderman, as well as 1\{prthwest Michigan BINGO EVERY WEDNESDAY. 1-3 p.m. at Whiting be available. cept for Councilman requests are being held the Mayoral seat, are Breakfast every other Sunday- Not serving Park. In addition to fish, Hoffman. Minutes and in abeyance until fur­ available at the Clerk's Lena's Wine Cellar 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. this Sunday Advance tickets are two vegetables, des­ the investment report ther information is re­ Office. All petitions May 19 were accepted. Author­ ceived . must be filed no later Ham, eggs, Polish sausage, available at a special sert and a beverage American & Northern Italian Cuisine. Open 5 50 ization was given to Council supported than 4:00 p.m., June potatoes, coffee or juice, •2 price of $3.50 for adults will be served. Beer p.m.-12 p.m., 7 days a week. Cocktails, fine and $1.75 for children. will be on tap. pay $97,713.76 in bills. the East Jordan Family 18, 1985. pancakes or toast Adults wines. Boyne City. 582-9543. Children under 12-'l1 Tickets purchased the Advance ticket sales Council approved Health Center's idea to A copy of the official At the K of C Hall on Boyne Rd. day of the event are $4 are being handled by Elm Pointe rental re­ apply for a grant to minutes of the above for adults and $2 for Ruth Crawford, 536- quests from Northwes­ provide supervised rec­ meeting is posted in 7452; Marty Paul, 582- tern State Bank and the reational activities for City Hall for perusal Thinking of Building This Year? 7769; Bruce Sanderson Russ Bolt family. Both children after school during normal bus­ 582-7592; Lance John­ parties received a wai­ hours whose parents iness hours. are at work. son, 582-7353; Phyllis ver of the no alcoholic Kathy O'Rear seven days a" week for the winter season. Dinner ^ Maple Leaf Marchinkewitz, 549- beverage rule. Council voted 4 to 2 City Clerk served Friday and Saturdays 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., 2273 and Barbara Mac- The $25.00 team fees to pursue a one year breakfast served Saturday and Sunday 8 to 10 Homes & Cottages Arthur, 547-6960. a.m. Sunday brunch from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. 347-2771. You can build rt yourself with easy-to-read Lakefront Property for Sale plans supplied and delivery to your Michi­ Have you ever wanted a Lake Charlevoix lakefront setting? With a gan site. BAPTIST 1* babbling brook, sandy beach and 10 acres of land to go with it? How Our packages are of the highest quality available, and now w CHURCH about building your own home just the way you'd like it? This is one of only a few undeveloped homesites left on the north side East Jordan, Ml of the lake in a protected bay. Present owner has % completed septic 1 SAVE ON THE CANADIAN DOLLAR Scrvm iho north * most imaginative Sunday 636-2155 system, and will help getting all approvals so that your dream can come 8 ; true. Call 616-582-6761 for telephone call back by owner with more brunch. 10 am-2 pm. Adults $9.50, children 7-11 EXCHANGE RATE!! Walter Freel, Pastor $4.50, under 6 $2.56. Serving breakfast 8am-10 . CaB our to*) free package MIM line: details. ...''••'. ..'•.. . -'.' • " - '•'..-'-. Sunday School.-...';. 10:00 am am, lunch noon-2 pm, dinner 5-9 347-2,771 1-800-461-0809 Momlno Worship... 11:00 am Or writ* for our ful^eolof cnalogu*eonuWngam100 mod«tt. Evening wonMp... .6:00 pm r Hwy. 17 E4WI, Echo Bay, Ontario, Cwwte P081CO. PIMM «nelOa* »B.0O for W»d. Pr»yer Meet 7:00 pm '^mjm W»d. Youth Meet 7:15 pm GROUP AIR CHARTER ,L___^__^_^ pofflatndhtxMng. .•••.-. .. _:.. __1^ Phillip's Mill, located on the Boyne City- Seats Available For Weekend Flights Charlevoix Road just west of Horton Bay, is EAST JORDAN FAAAILY HEALTH CENTERl TO Gaylord, Bellaire and Charlevoix reminescent of a New England Inn. The setting is a totally refurbished farmhouse, features Medical Services 53^¾¾^ Departing From Pontiae Friday p.m. foods of the north, specializing in whitefish. Be Returning To Pontiae Monday a.m. sursi to catch the earlybird dinners where you have a choice of seasonal specialties for only Counseling 536-2249 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: •9.86. Reservations are appreciated. Open CUSTOM AIR SERVICE/INC Thursday, Friday and Saturday for dinner in the Optical Services 536-2240 off season, Sunday brunch and dinner. On-call for emergencies 24 hours k. 1-313-229-2510 Call 647-5111.

'P'XWIJV-V. .api'-*'/ •»»-"•»>• - <' '4V***Vf • " ?>•»•>• »v.>iV;:* j'-'^mss^-wfr^h wmmm^^mj^m ^MUiimlM CHARLEVOIX COUNTY PRESS - May 15, 1985 Ej approves landfill Morel hunters from the world over hauling contract came to compete.. .then eat East Jordan city council approved Dionne remarked, "the water may entering into a one-year contract go a foot higher." There has been a with Superior Sanitation Company loss of sand, he said, and the city is to operate the city's landfill al­ currently looking for sand to re­ though councilman Cliff Gibbard establish the beach. urged the council to pursue other - Dionne introduced Richard options. However, the "Council voted Beagle, coordinator of the Charle­ otherwise. voix County Business and Industry Additionally, council approved Tast Force, who reported to council the elimination of fees on the un- concerning the joint effort of Antrim lighted Murphy and Watson fields and Charlevoix Counties to promote which are used for Little League the growth of industry in this area. baseball. For the past two years, a Beagle urged local businesses to fee of $25 per team was charged for participate in the Manufacturers' use of the fields. Councilman Al Fair to be held in October. Joseph remarked that the little Signs for garage sales are,to be revenue generated by the fees was posted only for 24 hours prior to a more than offset by the hard garage sale and to be removed' feelings created. within 24 hours after a garage sale, Several requests for the Jordan councilman Ellen Cihak reminded Valley Freedom Festival, including the council. Because of several restricting traffic on Spring Street to violations, Cihak urged stronger accommodate a flea market on July enforcement of the ordinance. Upon 5, were presented by Cele Malpass. the motion of councilman Al Joseph, Contestants for last weekend's mushroom hunt signed up early Saturday Mushrooms could be found all over. These two were growing in Veterans Other ideas under consideration for this matter was referred to the morning to get their bags for the contest. Park just a few feet away from the registration desk. the Festival, scheduled for July 4 Public Safety Committee. through July 7, are two parades, a Mayor Pat Sweet announced that dance, helicopter rides, and water the Day of the Eagle Powwow is events. scheduled for June 8 and 9. Supervisor Mike Dionne reported Treasurer Glendora Murphy re­ that the city was in the third year of ported that nominating petitions for tree planting on city streets. "The the positions of mayor and aldermen city loses a large percentage (of in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd districts are planted trees) through vandalism," available. Petitions must be Dionne stated, and urged citizen returned by June 18 at 4 p.m. cooperation in deterring vandals. Among the incumbent aldermen, The high water of the South Arm only Gibbard announced that he will of Lake Charlevoix has devastated not run again. Mayor Sweet and the the city's beach and swim area. others will announce their decisions

Mushroom Continued from Page 1 mycology clubs were in attendance, were up as much as 50 percent. Res­ but not as a club function. Next taurants in the area said that they year, plans are to invite all the had a great weekend with many mycology clubs in the nation to meals being served to mushroomers come to the event. and to Mother's Day eaters. Weber said that she is going to While this year's unusual wea­ send out in the mycology journals, a ther brought out all three varieties challenge to other professors to of mushrooms for the pickers, the come and enter the contest. early caps and the blacks are expec­ Merchants also said that they had ted to be past their prime by this a good weekend. Combined with the weekend and only the whites will be Mother's Day events, some stores available to the pickers coming up reported that sales for the weekend from the south. Although he isn't trained as a mushroom dog, his owner told everybody that he had a sure lock on After the Saturday hunt this crew of Lions counted every bag to determine the finalists in Sunday's event. ORV reminded to use the first place with the dog's help- only designated trails Department of Nat­ roads within State minded that they must ural Resources (DNR) Parks, they must be renew their registra­ State Park managers street legal, have a tion before hitting the are reporting an in­ vehicle license, and the trails this Spring. In- crease in illegal use of operator must have a State ORV registration Off-the-Road-Vehicles valid driver's license. is handled at any Sec­ fORV) on State Park, Over 1,400 miles of retary of State Office; Recreation and Wild- trails throughout Mich­ out-State registration life.Area Lands. ORV igan are designated is through DNR's In­ users are reminded specifically for ORV formation Services that these areas are off Center in Lansing, at limits to ORV use, with use. These trails are Silver Lake State Park, the exception of the listed in the Michigan and many DNR District Silver Lake State Park Cross Country Cycle Offices. ORV area in Oceana Trails guide published County, where special annually by the DNR. Urban parks rules apply. The guides are avail­ losing city funds Driving ORVs in able at all DNR Upper Peninsula and northern Urban parks, many non-designated areas Malfred Ferndock, Minnesota mushroom hunter brought his morelabilia to in Michigan is a misde­ Lower Peninsula Reg­ designed 50 to 100 The mushroom club from Illinois chartered a bus for their 30 contestants. meanor punishable by ional, District and years ago, are among the event for many sales. up to 90 days in jail Field Offices or DNR's the decade's big losers and/or a $100 fine. Information Services in the heated compe­ Center, P.O. Box 30028 DNR State Park tition for city funds, Lansing 48909, (517) reports National. Wild­ managers also point 373-1220. out that in order for life magazine. any vehicle to travel on ORV users are re­


WHEREAS, Two Public Hearings were held on (616) (616) (616) March 5, 1985 and March 22, 1985 for 547-4062 5J6-3304 582 6061 Public Input and Charlevoix East Jordan Boyne City Port-Air Plan 124 Main St. 120 E. Water St. WHEREAS, No Public Comments were heard and; DRENTH BROTHERS, INC WHEREAS, The intent of the City was to Since 1948 appropriate Federal Revenue Funds in Ellsworth, Michigan 49729 Public Safety and

ROAD BUILDING THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City . EXCAVATING . will appropriate Federal Revenue Funds to LAND LEVELING ft CLEARING the Police Department Payroll $45,000 SAND-GRAVEL-STONE TOPSOIL- FILL DIRT and to the Fire Department Payroll WASHED STONE - LARGE STONE RIP RAP $5,000. BALLDIAMONDDUST . Roll Call Vote 616-588-2345 Ayes: Cihak, Yettaw, Gibbard, Joseph, Beck, Mayor Sweet

Nayes: None NOTICE

Absent: Hoffman HUDSON TOWNSHIP Resolution declared adopted March 22, 1985. Hudson Township is accepting bids for a 50 ft. 2, inch well with a removable handpump and a 6 I hereby certify that the above ton true copy of ft. cement slab around the casing. Send bid to Karen Sevenski, R#l Elmira, MI, by May 17th. Special meeting held March 22, Igj^^^ Karen Sevneskl Hudson Township Clerk They're off-and running at the sound of the siren for the finale of mushrooms in the two-day event. Many are going to be City Clerk may 16 the national mushroom hunt. The hunters collected over 4,000 returning next year. may 15 6 CHARLEVOIX COUNTY PRESS - Ma, 16, 1985 County Extension service hosts a day at the farm for area 5th graders

Heidi Lillis and Derek Smith of Boyne City were in Lansing recently as participants in the Youth in Government Program. Shown here in the Rotunda of the State Capitol are Derek and Heidi discussing the legislative process with their State Senator, Mitch Irwin. Surber to speak^ in EJ

Students for area fifth grades were invited to the Korthase Farm by the County Extension Agent Rod Cortright explains what plants are grown for at U-M church County Extension service in Boyne City to learn all about how food gets to food to the children from Boyne City and Boyne Falls. Miss Suzanne Sur­ elementary education have been many, the table. Here, the students just arrived and are getting into groups for the ber, missionary with and guidance counsel­ though her title was tour throughout the farm. World Gospel Mission ing. guidance counselor. to Japan, will speak at Suzanne went to She gave both per­ the United Methodist Japan in 1976 as a sonal and career coun­ Church located at the missionary specifically sel to students, corner of 4th and Es- to work at the Chris­ planned curriculum, terly in East Jordan on tian Academy in Japan made class schedules, May 23 at 7:30 p.m. at located in Tokyo. The administered entrance Family Night. A pot- Academy is an English exams, registered stu­ luck supper will pre­ speaking school with dents, and recommen- cede Miss Surber's approximately three ed special programs for presentation and will hundred students in children with learning be at 6:30 p.m. kindergarten through disabilities. Suzanne was born in the twelfth grade. The World Gospel Mis­ Marion, Indiana, grad­ school is attended sion is an interdenom­ uated from Taylor Un­ mostly by mission­ inational missionary iversity in Upland, and aries' children, though organization with 335 secured a master's de­ about 15 percent of the missionaries and gree from Ball State student body are Jap­ homeland staff work­ University in Muncie. anese and international ing in 15 areas around She also has obtained a children desiring the world. Internation­ teacher's certificate. schooling in English. al headquarters is in Her areas of study in Suzanne's responsi­ Marion, Lnd. One of the biologists from the University of Michigan Biological station was graduate school were bilities at the Academy Bill Korthase tells the students about the cows and how they are cared for on on hand to tell the children about farm ponds and what they do on a farm. a real working farm. Other stations on the tour told about soils, wetlands, and woodlands. 2 area restaurants out 3% of 5, picked for Michigan dinner finals The ' 'All-Michigan Michigan products as Polycn of the Lark in Meal" Contest judges pheasant, morel mush­ West Bloomfield. have named five top rooms, fiddlehead Entries in the first chefs as finalists with ferns and maple syrup. "All-Michigan Meal" the announcement of The menu will be contest were judged on the winner Friday, served at the winning the most innovative May 17, helping to kick chef's restaurant dur­ use of Michigan agri­ off Michigan Week fes­ ing Michigan Week cultural products, orig­ tivities. (May 18-25, and will be inality, simplicity, Each finalist, chosen unveiled at the com­ taste and eye appeal. from over 40 entrants mencement of Michi­ Recipes include only in the contest —spon­ gan Week celebrations Michigan ingredients sored by the Michigan at 10 a.m. May 17 at for four servings of Restaurant Ass'n., the the Detroit Press Club. soup , vegetable , Greater Michigan The finalists are entree and dessert. Then the representative from the Michigan Milk Producers' Ass'n. showed And, of course, the best part of the field trip for the students was the cookie Foundation and AAA Harlan W. Peterson, The initial judging the students where the milk is contained after the milking of the cows. and milk break they had at the end of the tour. Michigan—has created chef at the Tapawingo, was coordinated by An- a unique, four-course and Jim Milliman of gelos Vlahakis, intern menu of such diverse the Rowe Inn, both in program coordinator at Ellsworth; Leopold K. Michigan State Univer­ Schaeli of The Machus sity's School of Hotel, VACUUM Red Fox in Birming­ Restaurant and Institu­ ham; Charles Rachwitz tional Management. CLEANER divisional kitchen spec­ The final judging In service County Dems attend confab ialist for the C.A. Muer will be done by Detroit Corp., and Brian Eighteen counties ers from Charlevoix for finding and help­ food and dining writ­ Airman Lena A. Community College of 1-3 p.m. at Whiting SALE were represented at County who attended ing more local candi­ ers, including Molly Weber, daughter of the Air Force. Park on Ferry Road. MAY SPECIAL Abraham and Jeremy the 11th Congressional this working session dates run for township, Advance sale tickets Herbert D. and Gail A. The airman will now met representatives WAS NOW, Iggers of the Detroit District Democratic city and county pos­ are discounted. Call 12 Ft. Conifer Weber of Charlevoix, receive specialized in­ from Governor Blan- Hoover $60 $26 MESH DISH Free Press; Sandra Committee meeting in itions. 582-7592. has been assigned the struction in the com­ chard, Sen. Riegle, Eureka $55 $23 Silfven and Andrea Sheppard Air Force Manistique May 5th The Charlevoix The next committee SATELLITE munications-electron­ Sen. Levin and Sen. County committee is Filter Wojack of the Detroit Base, Texas, after ics field. reported Ruth Craw­ meeting is Tuesday, SYSTEM News; Evelyn Cairns of Mitch Irwin. hoping for sunny Queen $190 completing Air Force She is a 1984 grad­ ford, Chairperson, to June 4th. Call the 80 Degree LNA the Melius News­ At our local meeting weather for their public Kirby $95 $49 basic training. uate of Charlevoix the Charlevoix County above number for papers; Nancy Ken­ ideas were discussed fish dinner May 19th, Sears $2895°° During the six weeks High School. Democratic meeting location. Cannister $36 nedy of Ford Times; at Lackland Air Force May 7th. Several mem- Electrolux $90 $45 Ethel Simmons of the Base, Texas, the air­ installed Observer and Eccentric All merchandise guar­ (Normal Installation) man studied the Air Ingalls on dean's list Newspapers, and Len Force mission, organi­ anteed - Over 100 to Barnes of Michigan 13 credits (at least 8 of select from. Others $10 zation and customs and Delbert Ingalls of Boyne Satellite Living. Ellsworth is among the which are evaluative We Don't Give You and up. received special train­ grades >, are named to Systems and The winning chef ing in human relations. 210 Alma College stu­ THE SWEEP dents named to the the Dean's List. Boyne will receive either a In addition, airmen Time To Miss weekend for two at a Dean's List for out­ Ingalls, a 1981 grad­ SHOP Appliance who complete basic uate of East Jordan Michigan resort or training earn credits standing academic per­ 221 W. Mitchell HIS. Lake St. High School, is the son $500 in cash. toward an associate formance during the Your Car!' Boyne City 582-9722 of Allen and Colleen 347-1320 degree through the 1985 Winter Term end­ ing April 19. Ingalls, Rirl, Ells­ Students who worth. An April honors NOTICE graduate, he received a gflBJGitf CITY OF EAST JORDAN achieve a 3.6 or better "^ luba grade point average Bachelor of Arts de­ oilfiller PUBLIC NOTICE gree cum laude with a Includes STREET VACATION during a term, while INTRODUCING: carrying a minimum of major in physics from Alma College. • New Pennzoil Filter • Gear Oil Check/fill The following resolution was offered for • Up To 5 Qts. Pennzoil Motor • Grease Fitttngs/check A New Improved Ho Oil • Tire Pressure Check/intlate adoption by Joseph, supported by Beck: Appolntmattt »Complete Lube Service • Air Filler Check WHEREAS, the City of East Jordan deems it • Transmission Fluid • Windshield Washer Fluid PREMIUM Voceuaryf Check/fill Refill advisable to vacate a portion of James Street; PUBLIC NOTICE • Brake Fluid Check/fill • Battery Check » Power Steering Fluid • Belt & Hoses/visual check THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City DIESEL FUEL Check/fill of East Jordan porposes to vacate that portion of CITY OF EAST JORDAN LUBE»OIL»rTLTER James Street, in the Martin and Keats Addition, Marathon now has a new •1S.9S 95 to the Village of South Arm, now City of East diesel fuel designed to provide Nominating Petitions for four (4) expiring City Only* 15 Jordan, which lies adjacent to lots 1 & 2, Block complete protection for Council seats are available at the City Clerk's H of Martin and Keats Addition to the Village of office at 201 Main Street, East Jordan, MI, South Arm, now City of East Jordan, but your diesel engine and give it Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 reserving an easement there on for City utilities improved performance! p.m. easement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a public Call 582-7755 Expiring terms are: hearing thereon shall be held at 7:00 P.M., oh Mayor/1 year term May 21, 1985, to hear objections thereto. or 582-7021 1st Ward Alderman/2 year term Roll Call Vote for delivery 2nd Ward Alderman/2 year term Ayes: Cihak» Hoffman, Yettaw, Gibbard, 3rd Ward Alderman/2 year term Joseph, Beck uiekway Service 1071US31N. (Across From Golf Course) Nays: None All petitions must be filed with the City Clerk HOWARD OIL Petoskey • 348-2914 Absent: None no later than 4:00 p.m., June 18th, 1986. Mon. - Fri. 8am to 6pm; Sat. 9am • 3pm Resolution declared adopted April 16, 1986. ^COMPANY KathyO'Rear KathyO'Rear City Clerk ffi CJtyClerk '™^ Boyne City May 16,22 Apr. 24, May 1,8, 16 CHARLEVOIX COUNTY PRESS - May 15, 1985 Classified ads What's Happening SERVICE 275Miscellaneous ' 330 Houses for DIRECTORY 130 Personals Legal Notices forSflle __ sale HISTORICAL tify people and events munity Hall in Elk 3 In. BUSINESS CARD NEWSPRINT PAPER FOR SALE - In Boyne PUBLICATION AND SOCIETY in old-time photo­ Rapids, serving from ONLY So PER WEEK TO* City. Small, 2 bedroom NOTICEOF HEARING Tuesday, May 21, 7 graphs. 11 until 3:30 p.m. Unused roll ends, 34 STATEOF/UICHIGAN General Services inches wide, varying house with view of PROBATE COURT p.m., regular monthly RLDS Plans for the Annual MOM ANNE COUNTY OF CHARLEVOIX meeting at City Hall. sizes, $2.50-$5. Good Lake Charlevoix, FILEN0.85-8524-SE All are welcome to Smorgasbord, sponsor­ for table covers, paint­ $20,000. Please call In the matter of PREDA Randy Frykberg, city attend the Wednesday ed by the Antrim PIANO TONBW-Gordon Wheeler, 43 years Thanks for HANSEMANN. Deceased, ing coyer, school art 616-582-9096 after 5 manager will be guest evening fellowship County Unit of the experience. 12 years factory experience. 36510-488«. Phone 548-5592. projects, tombstone p.m. TAKE NOTICE: On May speaker. service May 15, 7 p.m., American Cancer Soc­ everything! 29, 1985 at 1:30 p.m.. In the Wednesday, May rubbing, etc. Charle­ probate courtroom, Charle­ at the Reorganized iety are underway, dir­ voix County Press of­ 340 Mobile voix, Michigan, before Hon. 22, 3-6 p.m., benefit Church of Jesus Christ ected by general chair­ VACUUM CLEANERS complete sales and JOHN T. MURPHY, Judge of service, new, used, reconditioned, $10 and fice, 108 Groveland, Homes for sale tea at Beckenhauer's in of the Latter Day Saints woman Betty Matusky. Much love, Probate, a hearing will be up. Sewing machines, new, used and Boyne City. 582-6761. held on the Petition of Robert Horton Bay. Bea in Boyne City. Theme: Some of the area's 1977 FAIRMONT G. Hansemann for probate of serviced. The Sweep Shop 347-1320. Smith, Boyne City's finest cooks are pre­ [The Four Jays Mobile Home, 14x60, 2 a purported Last Will and "What Special Hopes Testament of the deceased favorite cook, will pres­ 285 Pets & bdrm., furnished, do you Have for Next paring their specialties dated September 23, 1977, ent her Heritage Cook­ Building Services Livestock washer and dryer, fire­ for granting of administration Week-Month-Year,?" to be served with tur­ to Robert G. Prebble. or book, which contains NO CREDIT CHECK! place, patio, large with leader High Priest key and dressing, ham, FOR SALE - 12 year some other suitable person, humor, folklore and "LIMITED OFFER - deck, storage shed. and for a determination of Ron Fuller and speaker mashed potatoes and JORDAN VALLEY CONCRETE old mare. Bay with heirs. gossip along with her MC-VISA" $13,000 negotiable. Elder Raymond Ecker. gravy and rolls. dark dorsal stripe, Creditors of the deceased treasured recipes. CONCRETE Receive a Master­ Call 582-7400. May 18, adult To top off a fine meal $500. Call 536-7772 are notified that all claims EAST JORDAN Card or Visa credit against the Estate must be Sales from the cook­ teachers all day meet­ will be a great variety evenings. 360 Real Estate presented said Robert G. books will benefit the of cakes, pies and other CALL 536-7701 card regardless of your Prebble at 215 South Lake ing, beginning at 9 past credit history, or Services Street, Boyne City, Ml 49712 Historical Society. a.m. at the Gaylord desserts. Make plans 268 Things to eat and. proof thereof with copies Friends interested in now to meet your ReadY-MI> Concrete present marital BY OWNERS - For of the claims filed with the branch. Re Rod-Wire Mesh status... WANTED Sale - Houses, house- Court on or before July 19, attending the tea or May 19, RLDS "Ex­ friends, enjoy a won­ Serving Charlevoix 1985'. purchasing a cookbook derful dinner and sup­ Scplic Tanks and Antrim Countv (NO SAVINGS FRESH trailers, mobile homes, Notice is further given that change Sunday," at ACCOUNT MORELS land bought—sold— the Estate will be thereupon may call Billie Beck- the Boyne City branch, port a worthy cause. assigned to persons appear­ enhauer at 582-9536. B.A.W.O. REQUIRED!!) American Spoon Foods traded—rented—fin­ ing of record entitled thereto. with High Priest Bill GUARANTEED! is buying fresh morel anced. East Jordan May 8,1985 Each Tuesday, free Anderson of Alpena as The Boyne Area SEALS & ROBERTS Robert G. Hansemann coffee and rolls at The Women's Organization For application call mushrooms at our Auto Parts, Inc. 1301 8th St. Court guest speaker. The Hampton, Illinois61256 Depot Restaurant, 8-10 will meet at The Coun­ CONSTRUCTION CREDIT store in PETOSKEY service will be follow­ 309 496-9721 a.m. Native sons and try Star Restaurant on COMPANY 1-800-637-6680 411 East Lake Street '500 Help Wanted Robert C. Klevom (P16051) ed by a potluck dinner. (Gaslight District KLEVORN, DUBOIS & daughters and long­ SMORGASBORD Tuesday, May 28 at 1 (toll free) • . , ' Complete Building K LEVO RN time area residents are p.m. c down the street from Sunday, May 26, MILLRIGHT 2)5 South Lake Street and Remodeling the Park Garden) Boyne City, Ml 49712 invited to help iden­ Sacred Heart Com­ 205 Appliances Gulf & Western Monday - Saturday 616-582-7911 Stamping Division, May 15 Boyne Cilv 582-6535 8:30-5:30 m FOR SALE - Gibson East Jordan plant has refrigerator side by Call 347-9030 for buy­ MORTGAGE SALE Default an immediate opening having been made in the Free colorectal cancer ing price. Please call side, $85. GE refriger­ for a journeyman mill- terms and conditions of a ROOFING COMPANY ator, $60. 582-2424, for picking and handl­ right. Qualified appli­ certain mortgage made by ing instruction if you Luigi G. Cervi and Mona Sleel Roof Decks keep trying. cants must possess a Cervi, his wife of Livonia, tests offered at CAH Waterproofing haven't picked for us millright's journey­ Michigan, Mortgagors, to before. Michigan National Bank- The Charlevo-ix "Blood in the stool for colorectal cancer. 225 Building man's card or be able West Metro, a National ' Bonded Bulll-up Roofs Banking Association, Mort­ County unit of the Am­ may have several Currently, colorectal Materials to document 8 years' Insulated Roof Decks ASPARAGUS, fresh gagee, dated the 5th day of erican Cancer Society causes but it does cancer is the number experience in areas of April, 1984, and recorded in Insured Workmen Camp DaRK

.Boyne City's boys' failed to follow through ly and vaulters from in. by Angela Reich Reich, and Tami Mc- ran the 400 meter leg, fourths in the shot put_ DeSchryver, Glen La- the 440 relay, while the and girls' track teams with the lower body for many schools had diffi­ and Tammy Winters. Pherson. and J. Montgomery and discus relays, and Croix, Redman, and Montgomery girls com­ attended the Gaylord a scratch. culty clearing the bar. The same girls also Running the 800 ran the 200 meter leg. a fifth in the 800 meter Pat Weeks. bined with DeSchryver Herald Times Invita­ Another bright spot The Ramblers took a took fifth place in the meter relay were Monday at Rudyard, relay. Competing in the and Smith for a fourth tional and the Rudyard on Friday was a third fifth in the long jump discus relay with tosses Karen DeSchryver, Parsons won a special The long jump re- distance medley were in the 880 relay. Boyne Lions Relays this week place run in the mile relay with Terry Dell totaling 148 ft. 9 in. Katie Vickers, and the award for winning the layers for Boyne were Travis Hartman, Roy City's girls also placed and performed well, run by Steve Parsons. and Todd Fanning The girls' team plac­ Montgomery girls. two mile run with a Redman, Fanning, and Kltson, Parsons, and fourth in the sprint- bringing home a few Parsons led the race for teaming up in the pit. ed fifth in four other The 1600 meter relay time of 10:03. Hal DeSchryver. Leach. medley running awards and ribbons. two laps, but drifted Tony Napont and relay events including was run by Michelle Leach was not far be­ The Rambler shot In the Rudyard girls' Vroman, Smith, West, At Gaylord, Nick back to third in the Keoki Kuheana placed 400 meters, 800 Vroman, Vickers, J. hind Parsons and earn­ put competitors were competition Vroman, and Force. . Redman highlighted final two laps. sixth in the shot put meters, 1600 meters, Montgomery, and De­ ed third place in the Napont, Kuheana, and Reich, and Winters The girls had an ex­ the day for Boyne City Another third place relay with their and the Herald Times Schryver. same event. Dale Sutton. The dis­ placed third in both the ceptional run in the two with a first place in the finish came from fresh­ combined efforts. Medley. In the Herald Times The rest of the boys' cus relayers were Na­ shot put and discus mile relay for a second high jump at 5 ft. 10 in. man pole vaulter Mike In the girls' compe­ Running in the 400 Medley, Kelly Smith team collected a sec­ pont, Kuheana, and relays. place finish running K. Redman went on to at­ DeSchryver with a tition, Boyne City took meter relay were Kelly ran a 100 meter leg, K. ond in the Distance Greg Webb. J . Montgomery, Montgomery, tempt at six feet, but vault of 10 ft. 6 in. The first place in the shot Montgomery, Julie Montgomery ran the Medley, a third in the The 800 meter re- Reich, and K. Mont­ DeSchryver, Vickers, after clearing the bar vaulting pit at the meet put relay with 58 ft. 5¼ Montgomery, Angela 300 meter leg, Vickers long jump relay, two layers included gomery placed 5th in and J. Montgomery. was not set up proper­ with the upper body, Loggers win two by default, scrimmage The Boyne Palls The Loggers scored and beat out a bunt Loggers baseball team seven times in both the down the sideline for hosted the Mackinac first and second in­ an R.B.I. Chuck Skop Island Lakers Monday nings, five times in the singled, Wayne afternoon in a double third, and once in the Reynolds got an R.B.I, header and posted two fourth. The Lakers' on his single, J. Crego wins 6-0 by means of runs were scored in the doubled, and Chad forfeit. The Lakers second and third in­ Robinson drove in two were one player short nings with Logger runs with his double. for a sanctioned game, Brian Walker scoring In game two, Top- but the two teams once while he filled in olinski and Walker fil­ played a scrimmage for absent Lakers. led in for the Lakers style game to fill the Collecting hits for and posted a single afternoon. In game the Loggers were Neil each. For the regular one, the Loggers won Wasylewski with an Logger team Reynolds 20-2 and in the follow- R.B.I, double, Haus­ singled in a run, Haus­ up game outscored the ler went three of five ler drove in two runs on Lakers 16-7. with a bunt single and a-double, Payton singl­ In the first game two singles and two ed, Skop doubled for Norm Hausler took the R.B.I.s. Scott Winhu- an R.B.I., Robinson mound for the first sen hit a double and singled twice to get two time ever and went R.B.I.s on one hit. .H^»W»*«" two singles for two three innings with R.B.I.s, Kelly Har­ Adrian Churchill out­ three hits, two walks, mon got an R.B.I, on ran a bunt for an and fanned five. James his first inning triple, R.B.I., Matt Crego Crego pitched the re­ drove a run in on his It is easy to see that Nick Redman is over the bar in the high jump pit. The Ross Payton singled, single, and Neil Wasy­ bar is set at six feet, but Redman hit the bar with his legs. Redman did win mainder of the game David Gillespie tripled These Boyne City relayers placed fifth in the Herald Times Invitational 400 the event with a leap of five feet ten inches, and hopes to clear six feet and struck out five bat­ for an R.B.I., Pat Top- lewski singled. meter relay. Taking the hand-off is Rambler speedster Angela Reich. eventually. ters. olinski singled twice $10,000 Trout tourney on tap for this weekend on lake

$10,000 in cash and May 18 in the early lake including the The first place in the An additional bonus If any angler catches Park at Charlevoix so a fish for checking, a chance to check all the many other prizes will morning hours for Charlevoix, Boyne City brown trout division for that division will a specially tagged that officials from the ticket for each fish on a results. The prize be going to some lucky those who have signed and East Jordan areas. will be $1,000 in cash include another $2,000 brown trout, they will DNR can check on the chance to win a $750.00 ceremony will include a anglers this weekend up for the fishing. The fishermen will be and a 15 horsepower if the brown trout was be awarded $5,000. entire fish catch for a Si-tex fish graph fish boil in the park when the first Lake The tourney, which is going after honors in Yamaha outboard caught on one of the That fish will be cross section and donated by Fairport with all interested Charlevoix Area Trout the first one ever on the four divisions, brown motor for the largest locally made "Stinger" released in the middle analysis on how the Marina of Charlevoix. people invited to meet Tournament gets lake, will start from trout, lake trout, brown trout caught in lures by the Advance of the lake and will be fish are growing and The tournament ends the contestants and underway Saturday, many spots around the steelhead and salmon. the two day tourney. Tackle Company. caught previous to the living within the lake. at 3:00 p.m. on other dignitaries such tourney by officials To encourage that, Sunday. Prizes will be as Ronald Skoog, the from the DNR. They the officials are giving awarded shortly after director of the DNR. will be marking the fish each person bringing in the officials have a with a special DNR tag and re-releasing it into the lake. T0R0© SALE Anglers can also register a boat into a mini-' 'Tournament Restaurant INSTANT CREDIT within the tour­ C*r- nament" and pool up And Lounge 582-6162 NO MONEY DOWN. INSTANT to five fish in weight of TORO CREDIT AVAILABLE TO any of the four QUALIFIED BUYERS. ASK FOR divisions for even more NOW OPEN DETAILS. 20.4% ANNUAL prizes. The fish will be PERCENTAGE RATE with our .famous -REVOLVING CHARGE. weighed each day of the tourney and the ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT winner will be determined by the total weight caught. The SHRIMP winnings will be divided up by 95 tounament officials to *o**** $9 sLIMITEDm cover the first three IWARRANTYg places. Boat FROG LEGS — PERCH MODEL registrations and the 16575 number of anglers on OPEN AT 5 PM DAILY each boat, will determine the amount BOYNE CITY NO RUST HOUSING of cash to be given 6 Main St.. corner of Front ELECTRONIC IGNITION away. EASY STARTING While most of the FINGERTIP HEIGHT OR CUT ADJ. prizes in the contest 2 YEAR WARRANTY are set for the brown trout division, other prizes will be given for MODEL the first three places in all divisons. $2,000 will 20588 be split and awarded DELUXE REAR BAGGER for the other divisons of the tournament. The sponsors will be paying MODEL • Eojy Starting the first three places in Primer System each of those divisons. TORO • Automatic Lin* Feed •EASY EMPTY BAGGING SYSTEM TCI000 Anglers wishing to enter the tournament • CAST ALUMINUM-NO RUST-HOUSING GAS POWERED • Adjuster Lower handle •EASY STARTING • Contrifical Clutch must be preregistered •ELECTRONIC IGNITION TRIMMER NOW ONLY at area tackle stores • FINGERTIF HEIGHT Of CUT ADJUSTABLE and at area Chambers of Commerce. The •2 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY WEEDER 139« entry fee for the • AVAILABLE IN REAR WHEEL DRIVE $389.95 contest is $15.00 per 21'Crest Pontoon Boats 2 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY angler and those who 35 H.P. Mercury Outboard foUTBOARDS wish to be in the Compass-Fun Rear Bench Seat-Table-Flip Sear Deluxe Console-Running Lights '' Tournament within Adlustable Transom the tournament" will BOYNE CITY EAST JORDAN i be an additional $15.00 Reg. Price »7,995 ;per boat. NOW '6, 195 Only "95 a Month Included in the entry 11.}% Financing STARK'S fee will be a com­ GALMORE'S, plimentary "Stinger" lure and a special- TOTAL souvenir Lake Charlevoix Area Trout there Station SERVICE INC. Tournament hat. Hah* * Dock DMlir The officials are Low«t Prlcas • BMt $«rvlc« asking that all fish 437 Boyne Ave 105 2ndSt. caught, even those that might not be eligible Burt Lake Marina 536-7582 for a prize in the Showroom «79 S.Strath Hwy 582-6812 tournament be brought tndionRlv.r, Ml m.3J».73il to the official weigh-in .Opon 9 to 6 — Su ndoy ) 2 to 4 station in the East Cloud Tuttdiy

i ^ Hi -|BM mtmm mmmm