Public Transcript of the Hearing Held on 20 November 2014 in the Case
20141120_STL-11-01_T_T96_OFF_PUB_EN 1/46 PUBLIC Official Transcript Procedural Matters (Open Session) Page 1 1 Special Tribunal for Lebanon 2 In the case of The Prosecutor v. Ayyash, Badreddine, Merhi, 3 Oneissi, and Sabra 4 STL-11-01 5 Presiding Judge David Re, Judge Janet Nosworthy, Judge Walid Akoum, and 6 Judge Nicola Lettieri - [Trial Chamber] 7 Thursday, 20 November 2014 - [Trial Hearing] 8 [Open Session] 9 --- Upon commencing at 10.09 a.m. 10 [The witness takes the stand] 11 THE REGISTRAR: The Special Tribunal for Lebanon is sitting in an 12 open session case of the Prosecutor versus Ayyash, Badreddine, Merhi, 13 Oneissi, and Sabra, case number STL-11-01. 14 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: Good morning. We are sitting to continue 15 with the evidence of Mr. Hamade. 16 Good morning to you -- 17 THE WITNESS: Good morning, Your Honour. 18 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: -- Mr. Hamade. I trust that you are well 19 refreshed and ready to continue with your evidence. 20 THE WITNESS: Yes, thank you, Your Honour. 21 PRESIDING JUDGE RE: All right. Before we get to your evidence, 22 I'll just note the appearances for the day. 23 And for the Prosecution we have Mr. Cameron and Ms. Bari. For 24 the Legal Representatives of the Victims, Mr. Haynes and 25 Ms. Abdelsater-Abusamra. For Mr. Ayyash Mr. Hannis is here, Mr. Edwards Thursday, 20 November 2014 STL-11-01 Interpretation serves to facilitate communication. Only the original speech is authentic. 20141120_STL-11-01_T_T96_OFF_PUB_EN 2/46 PUBLIC Official Transcript Witness: Marwan Hamade –PRH038 (Resumed) (Open Session) Page 2 Examination by Mr.
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