Independent Final Programme Evaluation Report DFID-funded programme “to improve maternal health and infant survival rates through supporting women and children in Badin District, Pakistan” March 2017 DFID * Cover Picture: A participant from Health Literacy class demonstrating her newly acquired skills to write and fill in a basic form in Village Shevo Kolhi, Badin District. (Photo Credit: GLOW Consultants) AUTHORS This independent final programme evaluation report was commissioned by Feed the Minds and was supported by its partner National Rural Development Programme. It was produced by GLOW Consultants Pvt Limited Pakistan. For further information, please contact Mr. Saeed Ullah Khan (
[email protected]). The contact point for Feed the Minds is Ms. Albha Bowe (
[email protected]). GLOW CONSULTANTS (PRIVATE) LIMITED SECP Registration No: 0088603 Address: GLOW Consultants Private Limited, 4th Floor, Software Technology Park-1, F 5/1, Islamabad, Pakistan / Phone: +92-51-2828 948 / +92 345 85 75 974 Email us:
[email protected] i | P a g e Final Programme Evaluation DFID Figure 1: Discussions with Health Literacy Facilitator belonging to Hindu minority engaged in FTM programme in Badin District, (Photo Credit: GLOW Consultants) PREFACE The evaluation team would like to thank everyone who participated in and supported the undertaking of this evaluation. This includes the communities the team visited as well as the management and field staff of National Rural Development Programme. EVALUATION TEAM Mr. Saeed Ullah Khan (Lead Consultant) Dr. Ejaz Ahmed (Consultant) Mr. Zaki Ullah Khan (Consultant) Dr. Ms. Salma Khalil (Technical Expert) Ms. Sobia Sattar (Consultant); Ms. Qurat Ul Ain Nawaz (Consultant) ii | P a g e Final Programme Evaluation DFID CONTENTS Authors ........................................................................................................................................................