US 2011 O151052A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0151052 A1 Ajmera et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 23, 2011

(54) SYSTEMAND METHOD FOR PREPARING Publication Classification (51) Int. Cl. (75) Inventors: Sam Ajmera, Maple (CA); John A2ID 8/02 (2006.01) Gordon, Markham (CA); Dragan A2ID 8/04 (2006.01) A2ID 0/02 (2006.01) Janus, Concord (CA) A2ID 3/00 (2006.01) (73) Assignee: FGF BRANDS, INC., Concord (52) U.S. Cl...... 426/19: 426/503; 426/87: 426/549 (CA) (21) Appl. No.: 13/040,790 (57) ABSTRACT A method and system for preparing naan bread is provided. A (22) Filed: Mar. 4, 2011 conveyor is used to bake flattened and pre-shaped naan bread loaves. The conveyor oven uses high temperature gas Related U.S. Application Data heat to bake the naan, imparting traditional characteristics (62) Division of application No. 12/310,827, filed on Apr. Such as the slightly Smoky or scorched appearance. The oven 27, 2010, filed as application No. PCT/CA2006/ interior is preferably lined with stone, granite, clay or porce 0.01612 on Sep. 29, 2006. lain to enhance and provide traditional flavour.


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FIG. 1B (PRIOR ART) Patent Application Publication Jun. 23, 2011 Sheet 2 of 9 US 2011/0151052 A1

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US 2011/O151052 A1 Jun. 23, 2011

SYSTEMAND METHOD FOR PREPARING 0010. However, these traditional naanbaking processes do NAAN BREAD not lend themselves readily to larger commercial scale pro duction. Accordingly, naan is largely considered a bread for restaurant consumption, and not a food purchased to consume 0001. This application is a divisional of U.S. Ser. No. at home. Home cooks, unless they have access to a , 12/310,827 filed Apr. 27, 2010, which is a 371 of PCT/ are not likely to be able to enjoy hot naan bread with a meal. CA2006/001612 filed Sep. 29, 2006, the disclosures of which Methods of cooking naan in an electric orgas home oven have are incorporated herein by reference. been suggested, but such methods are generally considered to produce an inferior product as home are simply not hot FIELD OF THE INVENTION enough to mimic a tandoor. 0011. A need therefore exists for a method of preparing 0002. A system and method is provided for preparing naan naan that allows for commercial-scale production, using safe bread. modern equipment, without sacrificing the traditional flavour and texture of a tandoor-baked naan. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0003) Naan is a type of traditionally made in SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Central and South Asia and now enjoyed worldwide, espe 0012. According to a first aspect of the invention, a method cially as an accompaniment to Indian foods, Such as curries. of making naan bread is provided. Naan bread is prepared by: It is made from a leavened dough that is flattened and baked 0013 (a) preparing a naan bread dough; in a cylindrical or urn-shaped oven known as a tandoor. 0.014 (b) dividing and forming the dough into balls; 0004. A traditional tandoor consisted of a clay baking 0.015 (c) rising the round balls of dough; layer encased in a masonry or earth housing. An insulating 0016 (d) flattening the round balls into generally circu layer of sand was provided between the clay layer and the lar discs; housing. The tandoor was heated by charcoal or woodburned 0017 (e) stretching each disc into an irregular non in the bottom of the baking chamber. circular shaped loaf 0005 To bake naan in a traditional tandoor, pieces 0.018 (f) loading the shaped loaves onto a conveyor, and of flattened dough were slapped by hand or baking pad onto 0.019 (g) running the conveyor through a high tempera the extremely hot inside walls of the oven. A hook was used to ture gas oven for a period of time sufficient to bake the remove the baked naan after a short baking time. loaves to a crisp-chewy consistency, having a visibly 0006. The basic process for baking naan has not changed bubbled surface texture and a slightly scorched top sur for centuries. Modern tandoor ovens use different materials face. (such as steel housings and ceramic interiors) and different (0020 Preferably, the oven temperature is at least 700°F. heating options (such as electric heating elements or gas Preferably, the conveyor speed is approximately 60 feet/min burners). However, the basic shape of the tandoor, and the and the resident oven time for each loaf is between approxi Vertical wall-based baking process have not changed. mately 20-50 seconds. 0007. In spite of improvements in materials, many purists 0021. At least part of the dough may be coated with an oil believe that there is no substitute for the flavour imparted by or fat prior to baking. baking naan with a traditional Stone or clay oven. However, 0022. The stretching step in step (e) is preferred for mak the traditional tandoor design has a number of drawbacks— ing a more-authentically shaped naan bread. Preferably, the material issues and poor safety. Naan must be baked at very stretching is done by hand, for instance to form the dough into high temperatures to impart the Sultry Smoky characteristic a teardrop, or oblong shape. Preferably, each loaf may be that is its signature. Clay ovens, in particular, are known to shaped into a unique shape. At step (e), other shaping or crack under prolonged exposure to high heat. Cracks can prepping may be performed, for instance, the dough may be cause the traditional sand fill that is used to insulate the oven stretched the dough and/or pressed to impart deliberate to leak into the baking chamber, potentially getting into the unevenness over areas of the Surface. food. It is seldom possible to effectively patch a clay oven 0023 Preferably, the thickness of the round discs follow once it cracks. Accordingly, it becomes necessary at regular ing step (d) is between approximately 2-5 mm. Preferably, the intervals to replace a tandoor oven. thickness of the shaped loaves following step (e) is between 0008 Traditional baking methods are also dangerous even approximately 1.5-3 mm. for skilled operators. The inside of the tandoor oven reaches 0024. Various methods may be used to rise the dough temperatures often in excess of 700° F (370°C.). In order to before the pressing and shaping steps. A steam proofer may slap the raw naan dough onto the inside walls of the tandoor, be used. Preferably, the balls of dough may be conveyed the operator must Stick a portion of his arm into the oven. Any during the rising step on a conveyor tray proofer. slight contact with the walls of the tandoor can result in severe 0025 Depending on the humidity and temperature (an burns. The top openings of the oven are often relatively small acceptable range being within the general knowledge of those (approximately 1-2 ft across, or approximately 30-60 cm). skilled in the art), the balls of dough may be left to rise for increasing the difficulty to maneuver the bread into place between approximately 45 and approximately 60 minutes. without contacting the oven Surfaces. 0026. Prior to rising, the balls of dough may be pre 0009. In a traditional tandoor, a baker can only bake a weighed for approximately even weight. Small number of naan at a time due to the Small size of most 0027 Various dough formulations are possible. The tandoor ovens and due to the quick baking process requiring dough is preferably a leavened dough, Such as a yeast-leav constant human involvement and attention. Consequently, a ened dough or a baking powder-leavened dough. Alterna tandoor operator bakes a steady stream of tiny batches of tively, the dough may comprises a Sour dough. In any of these breads for “a la minute” serving and consumption. formulations, the dough may contain a souring ingredient. US 2011/O151052 A1 Jun. 23, 2011

0028 Preferably, the dough is baked by employing heat 0049. The system is preferably adapted for preparing up to ing sources above and below the loaves. After baking, the 8000 breads per hour. loaves may be cooled and packaged to be sold as re-heatable naan bread. The cooling step may employ a cooling spiral. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES 0029. According to a second aspect of the invention, a 0050 FIG. 1A is a diagram of a traditional tandoor oven naan bread is provided, which is made by the foregoing (prior art) showing the housing in cutaway to reveal the clay method. baking chamber. 0030. According to a third aspect of the invention, a con 0051 FIG. 1B is a diagram of a traditional tandoor oven veyor-oven baked naan bread is provided having a crisp (prior art) showing naan breads baking on the inside walls. chewy consistency, a visibly bubbled surface texture and a 0.052 FIG. 2 is a view of a rack of naan dough balls rising slightly scorched top surface. before the baking process. 0053 FIG. 3 is a view of a pressing station where round 0031. According to a fourth aspect of the invention, a naan balls of dough are pressed into circular discs. bread making system is provided, comprising: 0054 FIG. 4 is a view of a shaping station where circular 0032 a naan bread dough preparing station for: discs of dough are stretched and shaped before baking. 0033 preparing a naan bread dough; 0055 FIG. 5 is a side view of the entry point of the auto matic oil spray prior to entering the oven for baking the naan 0034 dividing and forming the dough into round bread loaves. balls; and 0056 FIG. 6 is a view of the exit point of the oven for 0035 rising the round balls of dough; baking naan bread loaves before entering the spiral cooler 0.036 a loaf shaping station for: prior to packaging. 0037 flattening the round balls of dough into gener 0057 FIG. 7 is a view of a finished baked naan, showing ally circular discs; and bubbled Surface and classic scorch marks. 0038 stretching each disc into an irregular non-cir 0.058 FIG. 8 is a diagram of oven operation showing top and bottom heating elements (burners) with simulated flow cular shaped loaf, and diagram of heat waves and exhaust fumes. 0039 a conveyor oven station for: 0059 FIG. 9 is diagram of the oven construction showing 0040 baking the shaped loaves by running the layers of housing materials. shaped loaves on a conveyor through a high tempera ture gas oven for a period of time Sufficient to produce DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES baked naan breads each having a crisp-chewy consis 0060. As shown in FIGS. 1A and 1B, the traditional tan tency, a visibly bubbled surface texture and a slightly door oven (which is still widely used) consists of a cylindrical Scorched top Surface. or urn-shaped structure with fuel placed in the bottom. The 0041 Preferably, the oven's interior surface has at least a baking surfaces are actually the walls of the tandoor. Bread portion made from Stone, granite, clay or porcelain. Accord dough is slapped onto the inside walls where it bakes in this ing to the system, the bread may be allowed to contact the peculiar vertical “hanging fashion with the heat of the wall portion of the interior Surface made of stone, granite, clay or surface and where it is perfumed by the Smoky hot air from the porcelain as it bakes. burning charcoal or wood. Baked are removed by hook 0042 Preferably, the oven has top and bottom heating from the wall. The baking time is short (approximately 1-2 sources, for baking the bread from above and below, and for minutes). An operator tends to the oven producing many imparting a scorched appearance to parts of the bread. The top small batches of bread. Still, a skilled naanbaker may only be heating source may be located approximately 15 to 30 cm able to produce about 90 naan in an hour. from the conveyor. The top and bottom heating sources may 0061 Baked naan has a characteristic appearance and tex ture. A sample illustration of the naanbaked according to the comprise a gas burner. The burner does not touch the bread as present invention is shown in FIG. 7. The surface has a it is baking. The burner may be angled to indirectly bake the bubbled appearance, and the bread may have characteristic bread moving on the conveyor. Smudges or scorched areas. Traditionally, naan bread is 0043. The oven housing may be composed of: shaped by hand and an uneven, rustic appearance is consid 0044 an exterior steel shell: ered desirable. This also provides contrasts in texture as parts 0045 an interior baking cavity lined at least in part with of the baked bread may be thicker and chewier, while other stone, granite, clay or porcelain; and parts may be thin and cracker-ish. 0062. In accordance with traditional recipes, naan is pro 0046) an intermediate insulating layer between the shell duced from a soft wheat dough, which may be yeast- or and the baking cavity, comprising sand-filled panels and baking powder-leavened. It may be prepared using water or loosely packed rock wool. (or a combination). A souring ingredient may be used to 0047 Preferably, the oven housing is tunnel shaped and a promote bubbling in the dough. Flavouring and conditioning conveyor passes through the tunnel. Preferably, the tunnel is ingredients may be added (such as buttermilk, garlic and a linear tunnel, having a dough entry portion that is separate cilantro). Before or after baking, the dough may be oiled or from and located away from a baked bread exit portion. brushed with ghee (clarified butter). 0048. The system may further include a cooling and pack 0063 As an illustrative example, a naan bread dough may aging station for cooling naan breads from the oven and be made according to the following formula: packaging the breads for refrigerated or frozen storage prior 0064 flour 53 wt-% to consumption in a re-heated form. 0065 2.5 wt-% US 2011/O151052 A1 Jun. 23, 2011

0.066 baking powder—1.45 wt-% tandoor oven. This contributes to better browning of the naan 0067 salt-1.4 wt-% and simulates the heat “chimney' effect in a traditional tan 0068 yeast 0.05 wt-% door. As shown in FIG. 8, an inlet exhaust 290, a combustion 0069 water 14 wt-% exhaust 300 and an outlet exhaust 310 may be provided. The 0070 liquid egg 2.5 wt-% heat generated bakes the loaves in the oven proper 230 with (0071 buttermilk 23 wt-% heat from above and below the loaves. (0072 butter ghee 0.75 wt-% I0082. The conveyor in the “traveling tandoor oven has 0073 oil 2 wt-%. specially-designed trays which in turn hold clay, granite or 0074 This is merely one possible formulation. It will be porcelaintiles, specially designed to withstand high tempera understood by persons skilled in the art that other combina tures (up to 1000 F) and vibrations caused by traveling at tions offlour, liquid and leavening (with or without additional various speeds (between approximately 2-80 ft/min.). Con fats, , and flavour additives) are possible. veyor speed is preferably controllable by external controls 0075. A commercial horizontal dough mixer may be used (not shown). to bring the ingredients together (not shown). The dough may I0083. In a preferred embodiment, the temperature of the be fermented at this stage. A preferred fermentation time is oven is set at approximately 700°F. At a conveyor speed of approximately 8 hours to develop desirable yeast activity and 20-50 feet/minute, the baking time per naan is approximately souring in the dough. The dough mass is then divided into 35-75 seconds, dependant on thickness and size of naan pro small balls (ranging from about 100-160gms each). The balls duced. The conveyor operated at this speed allows continuous may be weighed for sizing purposes. More or less even or production averaging about 4000-8000 naan per hour, depen uneven weights may be desirable for different applications. dant on baking time and size of product. One of the challenges The dough balls 100 are allowed to rise in trays on racks (for in operating a conveyor oven for this purpose has been to find about 45 minutes at about 29°C.). The rising process is shown a temperature and baking time Suitable to produce a high at FIG. 2. A steam proofer may be used with racks as shown quality, authentic naan having a desirable texture, size and in FIG. 2. Alternatively, a “traveling' or conveyortray proofer taste, while taking advantage of the process efficiencies of the may be used (not shown), retaining the same dough proofing conveyor arrangement and production improvements. ability, with improved efficiency. I0084 As particularly shown in the diagram in FIG. 8, the 0076. After rising, the dough balls are pressed or rolled tunnel of the oven may be a linear path. Alternatively, the against work surface 120 into circular discs 110. As shown in entry and exit may be positioned proximate to each other, the FIG. 3, a dough sheeting machine may be used to arrive at conveyor operating in a loop formation, or some other substantially circular/elliptical discs. The desired thickness arrangement. of each disc (depending on the type of naan) may be approxi I0085 Preferably, at the oven exit, the conveyor removes mately 2-5 mm, each disc being approximately 6-10" (15-26 the baked naans 190 onto a separate conveyor 180 for delivery cm) in diameter. to a cooling area (not shown). Naanbaked at 700°F. enters the 0077. The circular discs 110 may then be stretched in a cooling spiral at approximately 200°F., being cooled to ambi second station 160 into shaped loaves 140 ready for baking. ent temperature (approximately 70° F.) before packaging. As shown in FIG. 4, the loaves may be hand-shaped, or Post-cooling, the naan can be packaged at a packaging station mechanical shaping processes may be used (not shown). Pref and the temperature reduced still further for refrigerated or erably, the stretched thickness of each loaf of raw dough is frozen storage (not shown). approximately 1.5-3 mm. I0086. It has been found that the present method allows 0078. The shaping process may also involve embossing naans to be pre-baked for resale as a re-heatable product for the dough or impressing finger prints into the dough to make home use. The product, removed from its packaging, can be a deliberately uneven Surface. This adds to the contrasting re-heated in a conventional oven, in a pan on a conventional textures in the finished baked product. stove top or by microwave. A few drops of water may be 0079. As shown in FIG. 4, the prepping surface may be a sprinkled on the Surface of the naan prior to re-heating to conveyor leading to the oven conveyor 170. This conveyor re-hydrate the naan and improve the baking. If desired, the 170 transports the pre-shaped loaves directly into and through naan may be topped with various toppings such as roasted the oven. FIG. 5 shows an entry point to the oven. The entry garlic, butter ghee, parmesan cheese, grilled roasted veg is quite Small (only 4" (10 cm)) to provide just enough clear etables, or ingredients may be added by the consumer ance for the conveyor bearing the thin loaves to enter the oven and/or the surface brushed with olive oil. proper, while preventing heat escape. I0087. The tandoor oven construction is particularly shown 0080. The structure of the oven 150 is best shown in the in FIG. 9. The oven cavity 230 is surrounded by stone clad diagrams in FIGS. 8 and 9. ding 240 (e.g. granite or another food-approved Stone mate 0081. A special “traveling” (conveyor) tandoor gas oven rial). This is in turn supported by a carbon steel layer 250. A 150 is preferably used. Gas is preferred for efficiency and the layer of sand 260 follows, which is a traditional insulator in ability to generate very high temperature heating. A standard tandoor ovens. Next, loosely-packed (12 lb/ft) rock wool blower system is used to circulate heated air and exhaust 270 is used to further insulate. Finally, the structure is encased fumes and Smoke (not shown). Other oven arrangements may in stainless steel 280. This multi-layer structure of granite be possible. It may be possible, for instance, to use electric (clay, Stone orporcelain) in combination with sand is believed heating elements, or to combine gas and some other combus to be unique among high-temperature conveyor ovens. The tible heat source (e.g. wood chip or charcoal). Of critical oven structure allows baking at 800°F. while containing the importance is the ability to generate a heated oven environ internal heat. Preferably, the exterior steel housing is main ment in excess of 700° F (370° C.). For naan baking, it is tained at a low temperature (less than 100°F.). preferred that the arrangement of burners provide heat from I0088 Preferably, the height of the baking cavity 230 is below and above, simulating the heat pattern of the traditional approximately 18" from the surface of the conveyor 170. The US 2011/O151052 A1 Jun. 23, 2011

width of the tunnel is preferably approximately 56". The 13. The method of claim 1, wherein step (b) further com tunnel's length may vary, but a length around 20-30 ft has prises rising the balls of dough using a conveyor tray proofer. been found useful. The entry and exit portions may have 14. The method of claim 1, wherein step (b) further com reduced height to prevent heat escape (either part of the hous prises rising the balls of dough for between approximately 45 ing may be lowered downward to partially cover the entry and and approximately 60 minutes. exit, or a separate heat shield may be provided in the form of 15. The method of claim 1, wherein the balls of dough are inlet and exit hoods with Teflon(R) curtains (not shown). pre-weighed for approximately even weight prior to step (b). 0089. The oven preferably further includes an exhaust fan 16. The method of claim 1, wherein the dough comprises a fitted with oil separators to condense any airborne oil particles yeast-leavened dough. from the baking process (not shown). 17. The method of claim 1, wherein the dough comprises a 0090 The foregoing description illustrates only certain baking powder-leavened dough. preferred embodiments of the invention. The invention is not 18. The method of claim 1, wherein the dough comprises a limited to the foregoing examples. That is, persons skilled in Sour dough. the art will appreciate and understand that modifications and 19. The method of claim 1, wherein the dough contains a variations are, or will be, possible to utilize and carry out the souring ingredient. teachings of the invention described herein. Accordingly, all 20. The method of claim 1, wherein step (g) further com Suitable modifications, variations and equivalents may be prises baking the dough by employing heating Sources above resorted to, and Such modifications, variations and equiva and below the loaves to be baked. lents are intended to fall within the scope of the invention as 21. The method of claim 1, wherein the method further described and within the scope of the claims. comprises: What is claimed is: (h) cooling and packaging the loaves for sale as re-heatable 1. A method of making naan bread, comprising the steps of naan bread. (a) preparing a naan bread dough; 22. The method of claim 21, wherein the cooling step (b) dividing and forming the dough into balls; employs a cooling spiral. (c) rising the round balls of dough; 23. A method of making naan bread comprising the steps (d) flattening the round balls into generally circular discs; of: (e) stretching each disc into an irregular non-circular (a) preparing a naan bread dough; shaped loaf (b) dividing and forming the dough into balls; (f) loading the shaped loaves onto a conveyor and spraying (c) rising the round balls of dough: the loaves with oil immediately prior to baking; and (d) flattening the round balls into generally circular discs; (g) running the conveyor through a gas oven at a tempera (e) stretching each disc into an irregular non-circular ture of at least 700°F. for a period of time sufficient to shaped loaf bake the loaves to a crisp-chewy consistency, having a (f) loading the shaped loaves onto a conveyor and spraying visibly bubbled surface texture and a slightly scorched the loaves with oil immediately prior to baking; and top surface. (g) carrying the loaves on the conveyor through a gas oven at 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the resident oven time a temperature of at least 700°F. for a period of between for each loafis between approximately 20 and approximately approximately 20 seconds and approximately 50 seconds. 50 seconds. 24. A high temperature conveyor-oven baked naan bread 3. The method of claim 1, wherein step (a) further com having a crisp-chewy consistency, a visibly bubbled Surface prises fermenting the dough for approximately 8 hours. texture and an oiled, slightly scorched top surface, the bread 4. The method of claim 1, wherein step (d) further com being packaged cooled or frozen, with instructions for re prises using a dough sheeting machine to arrive at Substan heating when made in accordance with the method of claims tially circular or elliptical discs. 1-23. 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the stretching in step (e) 25. A high temperature conveyor-oven baked naan bread is done by hand. having a visibly bubbled surface texture and an oiled, slightly 6. The method of claim 1, wherein step (e) further com Scorched top Surface, the bread being packaged cooled or prises forming the dough into a teardrop shape. frozen, with instructions for reheating, when made in accor 7. The method of claim 1, wherein step (e) further com dance with a system comprising: prises forming the dough into an oblong shape. a naan bread dough preparing station for: 8. The method of claim 1, wherein step (e) further com preparing a naan bread dough; prises hand-shaping each loaf to produce a loaf of irregular dividing and forming the dough into round balls; and shape. rising the round balls of dough; 9. The method of claim 1, wherein step (e) further com a loaf shaping station for: prises imparting a deliberately uneven thickness to the dough flattening the round balls of dough into generally circu by stretching the dough and pressing on areas of the Surface. lar discs; and 10. The method of claim 1, wherein the thickness of the stretching each disc into an irregular non-circular round discs following step (d) is between approximately 2 shaped loaf and approximately 5 mm. a conveyor oven station for; 11. The method of claim 1, wherein the thickness of the spraying the loaves with oil immediately prior to baking; shaped loaves following step (e) is between approximately and baking the shaped loaves by running the shaped 1.5- and approximately 3 mm. loaves on a conveyor through a high temperature gas 12. The method of claim 1, wherein step (b) further com oven at a temperature of at least 700°F. for a period of prises rising the balls of dough using a steam proofer. time sufficient to produce baked naan breads each hav US 2011/O151052 A1 Jun. 23, 2011

ing a crisp chewy consistency, a visibly bubbled Surface conveyor running each loaf through the gas oven for a texture and a slightly scorched top surface. period of between approximately 20 seconds and 26. The high temperature conveyer-oven baked naan bread approximately 50 seconds. of claim 25, wherein the oven comprises an interior surface at 38. The high temperature conveyor-ovenbaked naan bread least a portion of which is stone, granite, clay or porcelain. of claim37, wherein the naan bread loaves contact the portion 27. The high temperature conveyer-oven baked naan bread of the interior Surface made of Stone, granite or porcelain as they bake. of claim 26, wherein the system allows the bread to contact 39. A high temperature conveyor-ovenbaked naan bread of the portion of the interior Surface made of stone, granite, clay claim 37, wherein said oven comprises top and bottom heat or porcelain as it bakes. ing sources for banking the loaves from above and below, and 28. The high temperature conveyer-oven baked naan bread for imparting a scorched appearance to parts of the loaves. of claim 25, wherein the oven comprises top and bottom 40. A high temperature conveyor-oven baked naan bread heating sources, for baking the bread from above and below, having a visibly bubbled surface texture and an oiled, slightly and for imparting a scorched appearance to parts of the bread. Scorched top Surface, the bread being packaged cooled or 29. The high temperature conveyer-oven baked naan bread frozen, with instructions for re-heating, when made in an of claim 28, wherein the top heating source is located oven comprising: approximately 15 to 30 cm from the conveyor. a high temperature gas oven having an interior Surface at 30. The high temperature conveyer-oven baked naan bread least a portion of which is stone, granite, clay or porce of claim 28, wherein the top and bottom hearing sources lain, the oven having top and bottom heating Sources; comprise a gas burner, and wherein the burner does not touch a baking conveyor for receiving naan bread loaves to be the bread as it is baking. baked and running them through the oven at a tempera ture of at least 700°F., wherein the baking conveyor is 31. The high temperature conveyer-oven baked naan bread less than 30 cm from the top heating Source. of claim 30, wherein the burner is angled to indirectly bake 41. The high temperature conveyor-ovenbaked naan bread the bread moving on the conveyor. of claim 40, wherein the top and bottom heating sources 32. The high temperature conveyer-oven baked naan bread comprises a gas burner, and wherein the burner does not touch of claim 25, wherein the oven comprises a housing having: the loaves as they are baking. an exterior steel shell; 42. The high temperature conveyor-ovenbaked naan bread an interior baking cavity lined at least in part with Stone, of claim 41, wherein the burner is angled to indirectly bake granite, clay or porcelain; and the loaves moving on the baking conveyor. an intermediate insulating layer between the shell and the 43. A high temperature conveyor-oven baked naan bread baking cavity, comprising sand-filled panels and loosely having a visibly bubbled surface texture and an oiled, slightly packed rock wool. Scorched top Surface, the bread being packaged cooled or 33. The high temperature conveyer-oven baked naan bread frozen, with instructions for re-heating, when made in an of claim32, wherein the ovenhousing is tunnel shaped having oven comprising: a tunnel through which the conveyor passes. a high temperature gas oven having an interior Surface at 34. The high temperature conveyer-oven baked naan bread least a portion of which is stone, granite, clay or porce of claim 33, wherein the tunnel is a linear tunnel, having a lain; dough entry portion that is separate from and located away a baking conveyor for receiving naan bread loaves to be baked at a temperature of at least 700°F., the baking from a baked bread exit portion. conveyor running each loaf through the gas oven for a 35. The high temperature conveyer-oven baked naan bread period of between approximately 20 seconds and of claim 25, wherein the system further comprises a cooling approximately 50 seconds; and packaging station for cooling naan breads from the oven wherein the oven further comprises a housing having: and packaging the breads for refrigerated or frozen storage an exterior steel shell; prior to consumption in a re-heated form. an interior baking cavity lined at least in part with stone, 36. The high temperature conveyer-oven baked naan bread granite, clay of porcelain; and of claim 25, wherein the conveyor is operable at a speed to an intermediate insulating layer between the shell and the permit up to 8000 breads to be put though the oven per hour. baking cavity, comprising sand-filled panels and loosely 37. A high temperature conveyor-oven baked naan bread packed rock wool. having a visibly bubbled surface texture and an oiled, slightly 44. The high temperature conveyor-ovenbaked naan bread Scorched top surface, the bread being packaged cooled or of claim 43, wherein the housing is tunnel shaped, having a frozen, with instructions for re-heating, when made in an tunnel through which the conveyor passes. oven comprising: 45. The high temperature conveyor-ovenbaked naan bread a high temperature gas oven having an interior Surface at of claim 44, wherein the tunnel is a linear tunnel, having a least a portion of which is stone, granite, clay or porce dough entry portion that is separate from and located away lain; from a baked bread exit portion. a baking conveyor for receiving naan bread loaves to be baked at a temperature of at least 700°F., the baking c c c c c