University of Wollongong Research Online University of Wollongong Thesis Collection University of Wollongong Thesis Collections 2010 Secure exchange of information in electronic health records Alejandro Flores University of Wollongong Recommended Citation Flores, Alejandro, Secure exchange of information in electronic health records, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, School of Information Systems & Technology, University of Wollongong, 2010. Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact Manager Repository Services:
[email protected]. Secure Exchange of Information in Electronic Health Records A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the awards of the degree Doctor of Philosophy from UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG By Alejandro Flores School of Information Systems & Technology 2010 Dedicated to Paulina ii Declaration This is to certify that the work reported in this thesis was done by the author, unless specified otherwise, and that no part of it has been submitted in a thesis to any other university or similar institution. Alejandro Flores December, 2010 iii iv Abstract Information technology is expected to become an essential tool in providing reliable information for supporting the delivery of health care services. Nevertheless, incorporating such technologies to support the provision of healthcare raises concerns over the protection of patient‟s information. The technological, social and legal implications regarding the access and release of medical data have to be considered carefully during the implementation of interconnected health information systems. Secure and effective data exchange along with the protection of patient‟s confidentiality are two issues that electronic health records need to address to make them reliable and secure in a shared care environment.