Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Global Open Versity e-Health Management Systems Hands-on Labs Training Manual

Step-by-Step Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx)

Kefa Rabah Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada [email protected]

Table of Contents Page No.


1.0 Introduction 3

Part 1: Install & Configure Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Desktop 4 Step 1: Getting Started & Hardware Pre-requisites 4 Step 2: Install Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 4 Step 3: Update Ubuntu 10.04 Operating Systems 4

Part 2: Installing OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server 5 Step 1: Preamble 5

Part 3: Installing the Infrastructure Packages 6 Step 1: Install OpenSSH Package 6 Step 2: Install Sun-Java6-JDK Package 7 Step 3: Install Ant Package 8 Step 4: Install MySQL Database Server Package 8 Step 5: Install 6 Package 9 Step 6: Install Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Package 9 Step 7: Install CVS 10 Step 8: Install PostgreSQL database server 10 Step 9: Install UNZIP Package 10 Step 10: Install Network Time Protocol (NTP) Service 11 Step 11: Reboot the server 11 Step 12: Configuring the Base Packages 11 Step 13: Configuring Tomcat6 12 Step 14: Secure Apache Tomcat6 using SSL 13

Part 5: Install OSCAR CMS Server 15 Step 1: Download & Install OSCAR 15 Step 2: Create OSCAR Database on MySQL 16

Part 6: Enabling New eCharts 18 Step 1: Enable eChart 18

Part 7: Drugref2/3 19 Step: 1: Install Required Packages 19 Step: 2: Create Drugref Database 19 Step: 3: Download and install Drugref2 20 1 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Part 8: Time to try OSCAR 23

Part 9: Configure OSCAR Backup 27 Step 1: Create OSCAR Backup Directory 27 Step 2: Restoring OSCAR from a Backup 30

Part 10: Getting Started With OSCAR CMS 30 Step 1: Configuring Forms 30 Step 2: Enabling Flowsheets 32

Part 11: Migrating OSCAR to a Latest Version 34 Step 1: Backup your old OSCAR EMR Data 34

Part 12: Adding a New Provider to OSCAR EMR 35 Step 1: Add a New Provider 35 Step 2: Assigning Security Role to a New Provider 38 Step 3: Unlocking the New Provider Account 40

Part 13: Adding a New Demographic Record to OSCAR EMR 41 Step 1: Add a New Demographic Record 41 Step 2: Booking Appointment 45 Step 3: Viewing Patient’s Billing History 46

Part 14: Need More Training on Linux 47 OSCAR EMR CMS e-Health Information Mgmt Solution Training 47

Part 15: Hands-on Labs Assignments 47

References 48

Troubleshooting 48

Linux Training Error! Bookmark not defined. A GOV Open Access Technical Academic Publications Enhancing education & empowering people worldwide through eLearning in the 21st Century 2 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Global Open Versity e-Health Management Systems Hands-on Labs Training Manual

Step-by-Step Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

By Kefa Rabah, [email protected] May 17 2010 GTS Institute

1.0 Introduction In this Hands-on Labs session, we’re going to use the Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) Desktop option. Canonical has high hopes that Ubuntu 10.04, Lucid Lynx, will easily become the platform of choice for anybody who intends to build and deploy large-scale infrastructure, whether you're trying to build the next Facebook, or the next Google, or the next eBay. If you want to start on [Amazon's cloud-platform] EC2 and migrate to your own managed private cloud, Ubuntu 10.04 is going to be the platform for you. Lucid Lynx will be the third long-term support (LTS) release by Ubuntu. LTS releases arrive bi-annually and are supported for three years on desktops and five years for servers of free security and maintenance updates.

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server Edition: Lean, fast and powerful – Ubuntu Server delivers services reliably, predictably and economically - and easily integrates with your existing infrastructure. It has almost 100 open-source and proprietary application providers certifying their programs on Ubuntu Server Edition. Ubuntu 10.04 includes Alfresco, Ingres, IBM, VMware, Yahoo and Zimbra. It also includes improved installation and management tools for Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC) and Amazon EC2.

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS desktop Edition: The desktop CD allows you to try Ubuntu without changing your computer at all, and have an option to install it permanently later. This type of CD is what most people will want to use. You will need at least 256MB of RAM to install from this CD for general purpose installation. While for the server, the server install CD allows you to install Ubuntu permanently on a computer for use as a server. It will not install a .

OSCAR McMaster can be installed on a Desktop for single user or on two or more servers and deployed in a redundant configuration to provide maximum resiliency in support of your practice. For the adventurous who are interested in this topic, they can build two identical OSCAR servers, and then search the internet on how to configure MySQL replication for the database, rsync for the filesystem, and cron for the automation. These utilities/tools will allow you to tie your two or more OSCAR servers together.

Solution: In this Hands-on Lab session, you’ll learn how to setup virtual network on VMware (you may also use any other virtual machines like MS VirtualPC, Linux Xen, or VirtualBox from Sun). In this lab session, we’ll concentrate on installing Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS which you can then later use to install any other applications as desired. In this lab session, you use the as installed Ubuntu 10.04 install OSCAR v9.12. You’ll learn how to update Ubuntu server, install and configure required packages and applications need to run OSCAR, e.g., Sun JDK6, Apache Tomcat application server, MySQL database server, and OpenSSH server. You’ll learn how to secure your OSCAR server using SSL connection. You will also learn how to setup OSCAR backups using Cron command on your local machine or on a remote server 3 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

off-site, and how to restore you backups. Finally, you will learn how to perform some simple configuration tasks on your as-installed OSCAR server. Upon completion of this lab session, you should have acquired a capability and skills that will allow you to plan, design implement and deploy OSCAR eHealth system on Linux Ubuntu machine.

Part 1: Install & Configure Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Desktop

Step 1: Getting Started & Hardware Pre-requisites Ubuntu runs on inexpensive, commodity hardware. To support a small practice like OSCAR, web-server etc., we recommend a minimum configuration of 200Gb Disk, 2Gb RAM, and a 2GHz Intel Dual Core CPU. For maximum subsystem compatibility, we suggest that you install the 32bit version of Ubuntu. If you are purchasing a computer to run OSCAR, one option is to order the machine with Ubuntu pre- installed.

In this lab we have installed OSCAR 9.12 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Desktop edition with 1224MB RAM and 222GB disk space running on a virtual machine installed on two core CPU PC.

In this Hands-on Labs, it’s assumed that your target computer is connected to the internet. After installing the , log into your machine and ensure you perform software updates to bring your systems up-to-date.

Step 2: Install Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 1. Hope over to website and download the Linux Ubuntu 10.04 package PC (Intel x86) desktop CD, which at the time of writing this lab manual was "Ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso" 2. Once you have downloaded the Ubuntu ISO specific to your distribution, you have the option burning it into CD or just by using the ISO package to install it from your virtual machine, in our case VMware.

3. Fire-up a new virtual machine and perform the initial configuration and setup to use ISO package. 4. Start the virtual machine, and you should be able to see the first Ubuntu installation screen. 5. Select the option desired and then hit the Enter key to commence installation. In our case we have selected to Install Ubuntu. 6. The complete installation of the base operating system is beyond the scope of this document. However, in case you are having trouble with installation then hope over and check an article by same author “Install Guide Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx)”. 7. We’re done with this section

Step 3: Update Ubuntu 10.04 Operating Systems For IT best practices, it is recommended that you update your system with the latest components and system patches immediately after a fresh install. The first command below asks Ubuntu to update its database of available packages, and the second command installs the latest packages based on your

4 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

current configuration. You can run the upgrade command twice to ensure that any packages that may have post-upgrade dependencies also have an opportunity to be upgraded.

1. From the command line, enter the following commands, one at a time.

$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get -u upgrade

Note 1: The sudo command is used to run privileged operations on the Ubuntu platform. The first time you run the command, it will ask for your password. Subsequently, it will not ask for your password again for a short period of time (typically 15 minutes).

Note 2: apt-get is the program Ubuntu uses for managing the system’s packages. When used to manipulate the core packages of the operating system, it needs to be run in conjunction with the sudo command.

2. We’re done with this section

3. We are now ready to begin the instillation of the packages required for OSCAR on Linux Ubuntu.

Part 2: Installing OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server In this tutorial we’ll take you through a step-by-step installation of the OSCAR McMaster Clinical Management System (CMS), using the Ubuntu 10.04 Long Term Support (LTS) operating system (Lucid Lynx).

Note: As this is a mission machine server, we recommend utilizing the latest Ubuntu LTS version as the foundation for your OSCAR installation, as this will deliver the most trouble free and stable platform for your OSCAR.

As was mentioned earlier, OSCAR can be installed on a desktop machine for single user or on two or more servers and deployed in a redundant configuration to provide maximum resiliency in support of your practice. The instructions to install a redundant server configuration are beyond the scope of this tutorial. However, for the adventurous who are interested in this topic, build two identical OSCAR servers, and then search the internet on how to configure MySQL replication for the database, rsync for the filesystem, and cron for the automation. These utilities/tools will allow you to tie your two or more OSCAR servers together.

Note: The OSCAR McMaster project, Copyright © 2001 McMaster University, is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2).

Step 1: Preamble These instructions are written for an audience comfortable with invoking instructions from the command line and GUI option. If you are capable of installing the user friendly Ubuntu GNU/Linux operating system or any other Linux distros, then you should be able to follow along with ease.

5 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

At the time of writing this lab manual, this installation was tested with the following standard Ubuntu 10.0 LTS distro packages:

ƒ Ubuntu 10.04 i386 (32 bit, desktop or server). In our case, we have used the Desktop option. ƒ tomcat 6 ƒ 5.1.41-3Ubuntu12 (use: myql –uroot -****) ƒ java version 1.6.0_20 (Sun’s JDK6) (use: java –version) ƒ javac version 1.6.0_20 (use: javac –version) ƒ Ant version 1.7.1 (use: ant –version)

Part 3: Installing the Infrastructure Packages

Step 1: Install OpenSSH Package In order to support secure remote connections to your server, you will need to install the OpenSSH package. This package will come in handy in the future to support administrative tasks on the system. By default this package is already installed in the Ubuntu server option.

1. To install OpenSSH, issue the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server -y

2. To log into a remote computer that is running OpenSSH, you use the "ssh username@hostname" command, replacing username with a valid user name on the computer you are trying to log into, and replacing hostname with either the fully qualified host name (e.g. of your server, or it’s IP address (e.g.

3. For example, let’s login remotely to server via SSH as user Sarah Craig (scraig) with password xxxxx and IP address, run:

ssh [email protected]

Note 1: you’ll be asked to respond to yes/no and also enter scraig’s password. And as you can observe we have successfully remotely logged in as user scraig. Now you can use your usual Linux commands to remotely manage your Linux server. When done type exit command and hit enter to logout.

6 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Fig. 1

Note: for those using Windows based systems, they can install PuTTY: a free telnet/ssh client.

4. You’re done with this section.

Step 2: Install Sun-Java6-JDK Package It’s important to note that OSCAR is predominately written in the Java programming language and thus requires the Java SDK to be built from source. The Java SDK also supports the Tomcat web framework.

1. The following command install Java, plus fixes a bug in its default installation program:

$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk -y

Note: The server will need to be rebooted to catch this fix, but we will do this later.

2. Read the License agreement, and then hit the Tab key to select and then hit Enter key. 7 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

3. Next, Read the license and then select the and then hit the Enter key to accept the license and install the jdk6.

4. Finally, issue the ldconfig command

$ sudo ldconfig

Note: ldconfig creates the necessary links and cache to the most recent shared libraries found in the directories specified on the command line.

5. We’re done with this section.

Step 3: Install Ant Package

The source code compilation process for OSCAR is managed by the Ant package.

1. To install Ant package, issue the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install ant-optional

2. We’re done with this section

Step 4: Install MySQL Database Server Package Your specific OSCAR CMS data, profiles, and information will all be stored in the MySQL database. This installation sequence for MySQL will ask you for a secure password for the database server – remember this password as you will need it again later in the installation.

1. To install MySQL database server, issue the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server libmysql-java

2. When prompted, enter a new root user password, as shown in Fig. 2. Hit the Tab key to select , and then hit the Enter key. Repeat the password when prompted.

8 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Fig. 2

Warning!: Do not forget the password entered here, as it’ll be required later to login to the MySQL database server.

3. Finally, issue the ldconfig command

$ sudo ldconfig

4. We’re done with this section.

Step 5: Install Apache Tomcat 6 Package To support OSCAR’s web based user interface, the system leverages the extensive resources of the Apache Tomcat web application framework.

1. To install Apache Tomcat 6 web application framework, issue the following command:

sudo apt-get install tomcat6 tomcat6-admin sudo ln -s /usr/share/tomcat6 /usr/local/tomcat

1. Test that Apache Tomcat is successfully installed, start your browser and enter the URL: http://localhost:8080. Try port 8180 if 8080 doesn’t work. (Note: If you’re using Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS, you browser might render a blank page, its ok don’t worry, so long as it didn’t return an error, you’re good to go!)

2. We’re done with this section

Step 6: Install Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Package At times you may be interested in encrypting your data if you’re worried of data falling into the wrong hands. Luckily OSCAR backup can be configured to use the Pretty Good Privacy subsystem.

1. To install PGP package, issue the following command:

9 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

$ sudo apt-get install pgpgpg

2. We’re done with section.

Step 7: Install CVS Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is used for source code control on the OSCAR Project. You will need this package to grab the OSCAR source code.

1. To install CVS, issue the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install cvs

2. We’re done with this section

Step 8: Install PostgreSQL database server

OSCAR’s prescription drug & allergy database, DrugRef, requires the PostgreSQL database. Note: If already installed, the packages will be upgraded.

1. To install PostgreSQL database server, issue the following commands:

$ export LC_ALL=C $ sudo apt-get install python-pgsql $ unset LC_ALL

Note: Please note that the sudo command is not required for the following export and unset commands.

Note: for this hands-on lab session we have used entirely MySQL database!

2. We’re done with this section

Step 9: Install UNZIP Package If you are installing OSCAR on the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server Edition, then the default package will not include unzip. (Note: if you installed GNOME desktop on top of Ubuntu server, then you can skip this step.) It’s by default installed on the Desktop option.

1. To install UNZIP package, issue the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install unzip

2. We’re done with this section.

10 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Step 10: Install Network Time Protocol (NTP) Service To keep OSCAR’s clock synchronized with the world, we recommend you install the Network Time Protocol (NTP) service. This will require that your OSCAR maintains a link to the Internet to work.

1. To install NTP service, issue the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install ntp

2. These are all of the base packages that need to be installed. 3. We’re done with this part

Step 11: Reboot the server Now need to reboot the machine to effect some of the changes that we have made.

1. To reboot the server, issue the following command:

$ sudo shutdown - now

2. After the server restarts, log in once again, and proceed to the next section.

Step 12: Configuring the Base Packages A few environment variables need to be set to support OSCAR server.

1. To set environment variables for some of our packages, use your favorite Text editor to edit the /etc/profile file, as follows:

$ sudo vi /etc/profile

Which Text Editor to use? A note about the following command – 'vi' (for visual editor) is a classic editor (classic, in the sense of, you have to know it to really love it). Alternative editors exist. Examples of other Ubuntu editors include 'nano', if you are running in a terminal environment, and 'gedit', if you are running with a GUI. '' lovers need to install the emacs package via

apt-get before you can use it as it is not part of the base distro. If you elect to use an alternative editor, replace 'vi' in the commands that follow with your editor of choice

Note: If you are configuring OSCAR on a freshly installed Ubuntu desktop machine, then you should be safe to add these lines at the beginning of the /etc/profile file.

11 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun" CATALINA_HOME="/usr/share/tomcat6" CATALINA_BASE="/var/lib/tomcat6" ANT_HOME="/usr/share/ant" export JAVA_HOME CATALINA_HOME CATALINA_BASE ANT_HOME

2. To load the new environment variables into your existing terminal, run the following command. Please note that the sudo command is not required in this case.

$ source /etc/profile

3. The infrastructure is now in place and it is time to get the OSCAR source code.

4. Test that Apache Tomcat is successfully installed, start your browser and enter URL: http://localhost:8080, and should the browser rendered as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3: Apache Tomcat home page

5. We’re done with this section

Step 13: Configuring Tomcat6 We will now configure Tomcat6.

1. First, adjust the configuration file to allocate more resources to OSCAR.

sudo vi /etc/default/tomcat6

12 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

2. Find the following sections and configure the variables to match what is below. Once again, we’re assuming that you have at least 4GB RAM.

# Arguments to pass to the Java virtual machine (JVM). JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx2048m -Xms1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m" # Use the Java security manager? (yes/no) TOMCAT5_SECURITY=no

3. Save the configuration file and when you are back to the shell, then we next need create the SSL certificate to secure our Internet connection.

Step 14: Secure Apache Tomcat6 using SSL 4. To create the SSL certificate (localize the specific values noted in this command for your particular situation and change the default password of "changeit" to something specific for your installation) by issuing the following command:

sudo $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -validity 3650 -keyalg RSA -keystore /etc/tomcat6/.keystore -keypass changeit -storepass changeit

Note: below are the series of questions you will be prompted to answer (change as desired!):

What is your first and last name? [Unknown]: Kefa Rabah What is the name of your organizational unit? [Unknown]: GOV Labs What is the name of your organization? [Unknown]: Global Open Versity What is the name of your City or Locality? [Unknown]: Vancouver What is the name of your State or Province? [Unknown]: BC What is the two-letter country code for this unit? [Unknown]: ca Is CN=Kefa Rabah, OU=GOV Labs, O=Global Open Versity, L=Vancouver, ST=BC, C=ca correct? [no]: y

5. Now, modify Tomcat’s server config file to support secure encrypted connections via SSL.

sudo vi $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml

6. In the server.xml file, look for the SSL SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector entry and enable that block of configuration code by removing the comment tags ().

13 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Then modify the section to look like the following section.

7. With these changes now configured, we need to restart the Tomcat application server.

sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart 1. Now you need to open your web browser and enter the following

https://your-server-ip:8443/ Note: on the This Connection is Untrusted page, click I Understand the Risk link, and then click Add Exception… button. Final click Confirm Security Exception button.

2. Figure 4 shows that we can now access our server via secure SSL connection (i.e., https)

Fig. 4: SSL Secured connection (https)

14 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Note: Those who are interested in learning more about configuring SSL/TLS on Tomcat can check these articles: Secure Connection Tomcat Webserver on Windows and HowTo Generate & Setup Secure Connection on Tomcat AS on Linux.

3. We are done with this section

Part 5: Install OSCAR CMS Server

Step 1: Download & Install OSCAR

1. The first cvs command below will ask you for a password – please respond by hitting the Enter key, without adding a password (i.e., a null password).

2. By specifying a specific date/time on the checkout command, you ensure that you get a specific, dated version that you can track from. The command, run without the datestamp verb "-D "2010- 05-05 23:59:59" will retrieve the most recent version that works for both BC and ON.

3. By specifying a particular release, you will get the code from that branch of the code. The command, run without the release flags, will get you the code from the development branch. If the development stream code is what you want, run the command without -r and also without "-r RELEASE_9_12".

4. It’s important to note that this tutorial is specific to the commands in the following section. mkdir -p $HOME/src/oscar_source cd $HOME/src/oscar_source cvs - d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/oscarmcmaster login cvs -z3 -r - d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/oscarmcmaster co -r RELEASE_9_12 -D "2010-05-05 23:59:59" oscar_mcmaster cvs - d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/oscarmcmaster logout

Note: It will take a few minutes for the source code to download.

5. Next, to compile OSCAR, change its Build directory and run the ant command.

cd $HOME/src/oscar_source/oscar_mcmaster/build


6. You may ignore the warnings from the compiler, however you should expect to receive the message: BUILD SUCCESSFUL, as shown in Fig. 5. 15 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Fig. 5

7. Next, copy the resulting WAR files to the web server.

sudo cp $HOME/src/oscar_source/oscar_mcmaster/build/tmp/*.war $CATALINA_BASE/webapps

8. We’re done with this section

Step 2: Create OSCAR Database on MySQL OSCAR includes scripts to populate the MySQL database.

1. Change to the OSCAR MySQL Database

cd $HOME/src/oscar_source/oscar_mcmaster/database/mysql

Note: For the following set of commands, you need to replace ****** with a secure password. Remember this password as it will be required to administer the database.

Note: Only run one of the following two database creation commands!

ƒ Option 1: Users that wish to use Ontario’s billing subsystem should run the following command (Note: we have used Ontario’s billing system):

./ root ****** oscar_mcmaster

ƒ Option 2: Whereas users who wish to use British Columbia’s billing subsystem should run this command

./ root ****** oscar_mcmaster

Note: OSCAR users that are from neither Ontario nor BC can run either of the above commands (you must run one of them), then you will need to adjust the billing system according to your own location.

2. Next, we will need to move the "oscar_*.properties" files to $CATALINA_HOME as describe below.

sudo cp $HOME/src/oscar_source/oscar_mcmaster/install/ $CATALINA_HOME

16 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5


3. Next, the file needs to be localized for your specific configuration.


Note: Specific configuration variables to consider for modification may include the following (but please review all properties for your own situation):

i) First make these general changes, as follows:

db_password = oscar2003 ### change to your mysql database password project_home = oscar ## replace with "oscar_master" backup_path = /usr/local/backups/ ### change to a place for your backup files SHOW_APPT_REASON=yes ### uncomment by removing the ‘#’ ENABLE_EDIT_APPT_STATUS=yes ### uncomment by removing the ‘#’ #ticklerplus=on ### disable by adding the ‘#’ #clientdropbox=off ### disable by adding the ‘#’ CASEMANAGEMENT=all ### turn on the new echart CMESort=UP ### add this to make make the echart sort nicely TESTING=yes ### enables the Invoice Report feature FILTER_ON_FACILITY=false

And also verify that the "drugref_URL" reads as follows:

drugref_url = http://localhost:8080/drugref2/DrugrefService ## points locally

ii) Now make one of this special changes according to your region, either Ontario or BC, as follows:

• Ontario users will probably want to adjust the following (Warning do not put any blank spaces at the end of any line!). In our case we have used Ontario.

db_password = ******* ### change to your mysql database password isNewONbilling=true billregion=ON billcenter = R ### change to your local OHIP office code phoneprefix = 705-

• BC users will probably want to adjust the following to match their environment db_password = ******* ### change to your mysql database password visitlocation = P1|PEMBERTON dataCenterId = 00000 msp_error_codes = # supply the file location of msp error codes 17 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

billregion=BC NEW_BC_TELEPLAN=yes CDM_ALERTS=250,428,4280 COUNSELING_CODES=18220,18120,17220,17120,16220,16120,13220,12220,12120,00120 phoneprefix = 613- pathnet_url= # supply the Location of Pathnet DLL pathnet_username= # supply User to access the system pathnet_password= # supply User?s Password

4. If you didn’t change the default location for the documentation directories in the properties file, you will need to create the appropriate directories.

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/OscarDocument/oscar_mcmaster/form/record

and in one line:

sudo chown tomcat6:nogroup -R /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/OscarDocument/oscar_mcmaster/form

5. We’re done with this section

Part 6: Enabling New eCharts

Step 1: Enable eChart Now we’ll need to enable the new eChart interface.

1. To do this, issue the following command:

cd $HOME/src/oscar_source/oscar_mcmaster/database/mysql

java -cp .:$CATALINA_BASE/webapps/oscar/WEB-INF/lib/mysql-connector-java- 3.0.11-stable-bin.jar importCasemgmt $CATALINA_HOME/

and adjust some tables

mysql -uroot -p****** oscar_mcmaster ### will bring you to the mysql database prompt

mysql> insert into issue (code,description,role,update_date) select icd9.icd9, icd9.description, "doctor", now() from icd9;

mysql> quit; ### gets you out of mysql

6. We’re done with this section

18 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Part 7: Drugref2/3 In this section, I’ll show how to download and install Drugref2 from Google code site. To do this, perform the following procedure:

Step: 1: Install Required Packages 1. Here, we are going to install the necessary tools to help us with downloading and installing Drugref. These are Mercurial and Maven packages.

i) First, we’re going to install Mercurial package: Mercurial is a free, distributed source control management tool. It efficiently handles projects of any size and offers ease of use.

Mercurial package is required to download drugref2. To install it issues the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install mercurial -y

ii) Next, we need to install and learn Maven which for Ubuntu or Debian is a simple:

$ sudo apt-get install maven2 -y

2. We’re done with this section.

Step: 2: Create Drugref Database Here, we are going to make this real simple, and just use MySQL database instead of PostgreSQL to hold our drugref database.

To do this, perform the following procedure:

1. Now using your own username and password for mysql, create drugref database as follows:

mysql -uusername -ppassword mysql>create database drugref; mysql>quit;

2. Next, change or adjust memory settings for Java to allow for the increased load, if you haven’t done so. Not so surprising if you follow this howto and install on the same machine that is serving Oscar your JVM will be sucking back 800 MB of memory, 500 of it Heap.

JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx2048m -Xms1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"

which could be a line in /etc/default/tomcat6 file but this is variable

19 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

3. Next, create a unencrypted http connector in Tomcat if you don't already have one typically port 8080 or 8180

4. We’re done with this section.

Step: 3: Download and install Drugref2

Here, you have two options to download Drugref file, these are as follows:

5. Download the Drugref2 code from a separate repository:

Alternatively, you can get a local copy of the drugref2 repository with this command:

hg clone drugref2

this is the option we have used.

6. To build Drugref2: navigate to the drugref2 directory that you just downloaded and issue the command:

$ cd drugref2 $ mvn clean install

when down you should see a result as follows:

[INFO] [install:install {execution: default-install}] [INFO] Installing /home/krabah/drugref2/target/drugref2.war to /home/krabah/.m2/repository/org/drugref/drugref2/1.0-SNAPSHOT/drugref2-1.0- SNAPSHOT.war [INFO] ------[INFO] BUILD SUCCESSFUL [INFO] ------[INFO] Total time: 3 minutes 18 seconds [INFO] Finished at: Sun May 16 15:45:26 PDT 2010 [INFO] Final Memory: 12M/47M [INFO] ------

7. Now navigate to $HOME/drugref2/target/ directory and copy the "drugref2.war" to where Tomcat will find it (i.e., in the webapps folder) and it auto decompresses the war, i.e.,

cd $HOME/drugref2/target/

sudo cp drugref.war $CATALINA_BASE/webapps

8. Now that Tomcat has extracted it navigate to

20 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

cd $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/drugref2/WEB-INF/classes/

and use your favorite Text editor: vi or nano , as follows:


and then adjust the "db_user" and "db_password" to match what you used in Part 6 above to create the drugref schema for MySQL, as follows:

db_user=root db_password=****** db_url=jdbc:mysql:// db_driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

9. Restart Tomcat6 for the changes to take effect:

sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart

10. Next, vi or nano your "" i.e.,


and comment out your current "drugref_url" by placing a # mark ahead of the line;

#drugref_url = http://localhost:8001

And add these two lines:

RX3=yes drugref_url = http://yourtomcatip:port/drugref2/DrugrefService

it should look something like:

drugref_url = http://localhost:8080/drugref2/DrugrefService

11. Restart tomcat6

sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart

12. To populate the database with the drug data, open your browser and navigate to the server. If you installed on a local desktop version of Ubuntu it is as follows:

• Launch your browser and open http(s)://yourtomcatip:port/drugref2 to check that the JSP loads, as shown in Fig. 6.

21 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Fig. 6

• Next, open http(s)://yourtomcatip:port/drugref2/Update.jsp to allow the schema to populate with tables and data. (If you installed via a SSH tunnel open firewall access for port 8080 on the server and change localhost to its URL)

Note: It will take awfully long time to render the data to the browser!

13. If you get tired you can check the progress from MySQL server:

mysql -uusername -ppassword drugref mysql>show tables;

Note: if you get 15 rows of table names you are still on the right track.

Note: Time to head for that overdue coffee break NOTHING will seem to happen (except for the page loading symbol) for almost an hour so get a coffee. When you get back you should get the results rendered to the browser as shown in Fig. 7.

22 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Table 1: Update Drugref Database!

Fig. 7

14. We’re done with this section.

Part 8: Time to try OSCAR We are now ready to log into OSCAR for the first time.

1. To test the connection, open your favorite web browser and go to the web address of your server as shown below. You should see the OSCAR login page, see Fig. 8. http://localhost:8080/oscar or login using secure connection: https://localhost:8443/oscar or

23 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Fig. 8: Oscar CMS Home page

Note: Your connection to the OSCAR server is encrypted.

Note: Your browser may complain about your unofficial or uncertified certificate self-signed certificate. You can ignore these warnings and avoid them in the future by accepting and installing the certificate on your workstation. The instruction for doing this is browser specific and beyond the scope of this document, however, for Firefox 3, below is a simple howto:

Note: on the This Connection is Untrusted page, click I Understand the Risk link, and then click Add Exception… button. Final click Get Certificate button, followed by Confirm Security Exception button

2. The default login parameters for OSCAR is as follows:

User Name: oscardoc Password: mac2002 2nd Level Passcode: 1117

Note: If you can login, as shown in Fig. 9, then you have successfully installed a plain OSCAR and you can start playing with it.

24 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Fig. 9: OSCAR McMaster CMS home page: Doctor Appointment Access Warning! The first thing you will need to do once you login is to change your primary passwords from the defaults, i.e. "mac2002". This expires exactly one month from the installation date.

3. To change your primary password, click Pref -> Change Your Password, see Fig. 10.

Fig. 10 25 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Note: you need to enter a good password complexity for your password, see Fig. 11.

Fig. 11

4. Next, we need to activate Rx3, when logged into Oscar. Again from Fig. 10, click Set To Use Rx3 link and then click the check box "Use Rx3" and hit the Submit button, see Fig. 12.

Fig. 12

Note: When done, click the icon to close the window, and then click the Update button when you get back to Fig. 10

5. For added security for your production environment you will need to secure your installation further and apply proper firewall/router configuration. For securing your network, please check our Firewall/Router article using IPCop: Install Guide IPCop Firewall/Router for Network Security with Spam and Virus Protection

6. We’re done with this section.

26 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Part 9: Configure OSCAR Backup

Step 1: Create OSCAR Backup Directory There are a number of ways to automate your backup of your data on the OSCAR server. A few areas will need to be considered are as follows:

ƒ the database ƒ the properties file ƒ the document upload directory ƒ the eforms directory

1. Our recommendation is to automatically backup the database nightly, then use rsync to move all the files, including the database dump to a remote machine for the sake of safety and risk management.

2. First, create a database backup directory, and change the permissions so that only the root user can read the contents.

sudo mkdir /usr/local/backups sudo chown tomcat6:nogroup /usr/local/backups sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/backups

3. Now we will create a script that we can use to backup the database and create an archive of all the dynamic files on the system. As the archive file of the uploaded files will become quite large over time, we’ll only keep two copies on hand at any given time. You can, of course, configure your system to keep more if you like.

4. First, we will create the file:

sudo vi /usr/local/backups/

5. In this file, put the following lines (replacing the ****** with your actual MySQL database password):

#!/bin/sh -e # /usr/bin/mysqldump –add-drop-table -uroot -p****** oscar_mcmaster > /usr/local/backups/backupOSCAR-`date +%F`.sql /bin/ -f /usr/local/backups/backupOSCAR-`date +%F`.sql /bin/mv /usr/local/backups/backupOscarFiles.tar.gz /usr/local/backups/backupOscarFiles.older.tar.gz /bin/tar cfz /usr/local/backups/backupOscarFiles.tar.gz /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/OscarDocument/oscar_mcmaster /usr/local/tomcat/

6. Make this file executable.

27 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

sudo chmod 700 /usr/local/backups/

7. We’ll configure Ubuntu to run the command every day. This is done by creating a cron job for the script we just made. Run the following command:

sudo crontab –e

8. And add to the existing file an entry so that the command looks like below:

# m h dom mon dow command 05 04 * * * /usr/local/backups/

Note: You’ve now configured a daily backup of the MySQL OSCAR database. This backup will run at 5 minutes after 4 am, each morning. Each backup file will be created in the /usr/local/backups directory and will be time stamped based on the day it was created.

9. You will be able to see the contents of the backup directory with the command:

sudo ls /usr/local/backups

The complete sequence of configuring OSCAR backup is shown in Fig. 13.

Fig. 13

10. These backup files are also viewable/downloadable via the AdminÆAdministrative page as shown in Fig. 14.

28 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Fig. 14

Scroll down and under the oscarBackup heading click oscarDatabase/Document Download link, to access the page shown in Fig. 15.

Fig. 15

29 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Step 2: Restoring OSCAR from a Backup 11. To restore OSCAR from a backup file, you run this command (once again, inserting your own password in lieu of the asterisks, and also adjusting the timestamp for the appropriate backup file from your own directory):

sudo zcat /usr/local/backups/backupOSCAR-2010-04-16.sql | mysql -uroot - p****** oscar_mcmaster

12. Finally, for safety and disaster recovery sake; let’s move the backup files, and the backup database to a remote machine. This is accomplished by running the following command, and replacing username with a valid username for the remote machine, and replacing domainname with the FQDN or IP of the remote host:

sudo rsync -azvv -e ssh /usr/local/backups username@domainname:backups

13. We’re done with configuring OSCAR backup and restore tasks.

Part 10: Getting Started With OSCAR CMS Now that OSCAR is installed, there are a number of activities that you will need to perform to get the most out of your new CMS. Some of these tasks may include:

• add users and configure their security and optionally their schedules • configure your clinic information • import your patient demographic records • localize your billing templates and update the system to the latest fees schedule • configure electronic access to your labs • configure your prescription pad • add some forms and eforms

Many of these activities are intuitive to configure and most are described in the user guide which is available on the OSCAR Canada web site. In the next two sections, we will go through a couple simple tasks to get you started.

Step 1: Configuring Forms

1. Log into the OSCAR server as oscardoc.

2. Select from the menu Admin Æ Select Forms., under oscarEncounter heading. This will open a window which allows you to add and remove the forms that are available via the patient’s Encounter window, as shown in Fig. 16.

30 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Fig. 16

3. Highlight Discharge Summary from the Selected Forms list, and click <

• Annual • Annual V2 • CHF • Growth 0-36m • Growth Charts • ImmunAllergies • Lab Req 2007 • Mental Health • MMSE • PeriMenopausal • Risk Assessment • Rourke • Rourke2006 • Self Efficacy • T2Diabetes • Vascular Tracker

Note: to make your task easier, hold down the Ctrl key and click each selection desired and then finally, click the Add>> button.

4. When done with your selection(s), click the Close button to exit the Select Forms window.

5. These forms will now be viewable via the Encounter page of each patient.

31 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Step 2: Enabling Flowsheets

OSCAR supports a number of flowsheets, including:

• INR • Hypertension • HIV • Diabetes

These flowsheets are enabled by configuring the disease registry. To do this, perform the following procedure:

1. First, login to OSCAR if you haven’t done so, and then select Admin Æ then under oscarEncounter heading click Customize Disease Registry Quick List, see Fig. 17.

Fig. 17

Next, click Edit Quick List Æ default, and then click the Continue button, see Fig. 18.

Fig. 18

32 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

2. Now enter each of the icd9 codes for the following items and select Add (select Close when you are finished), see Fig. 19:

• Atrial Fibrillation (code: 42731) • Diabetes Mellitus (code: 250) • Essential Hypertension (code: 401) • Human Immuno Virus Dis (code: 042) • HX-VEN Thrombosis/Embols (code: V1251) • Long-Term Use Anticoagul (code: V5861)

Fig. 19

Note: when done click the Close button twice to exit the oscarDXResaerch window.

3. And now, to enable a flowsheet for a specific patient, you will select from the patient’s Encounter Æ Dx Registry Æ Quick List window the appropriate condition.

Note: The appropriate flowsheet will now be enabled on the Encounter page (you will need to refresh/reload the Encounter page to see the Flowsheet under the Measurements heading.

4. We’re done with this section

5. We’re done with this lab session for time being – however, do come around to check updates on this install guide.

Note: This is a work in progress; please do come back and check on the status of the lab manual.

33 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

14. You have now completed the lab session on installation of OSCAR CMS on Ubuntu 10.04 LST Desktop.

15. Stay tuned and, keep checking this site and article for more updates as we’ll be updating this lab manual with more goodies.

16. Search the web with Google search and keep reading for hints on what to do next.

Part 11: Migrating OSCAR to a Latest Version In this section we’ll assume you have installed new server Ubuntu 10.04 LTS running OCAR 9.12, and would like to migrate your old that migrating from OSCAR 9.06 data.

For those in the process of moving OSCAR EMR to the latest version – perform the following procedure:

Step 1: Backup your old OSCAR EMR Data 1. Login to your old machine via terminal server as admin

2. Change to you’re your backup folder, e.g.,:

cd /usr/local/backups

3. Now, let’s create a backup script to backup our entire OSCAR installation. Using your favorite Text editor, create a new "" file


4. Copy and paste the following text

#!/bin/sh -e

#set the backup directory name installation=oscar backup=/usr/local/backups mysql_root_password=*******

oscarname=extended.$installation.backup backupdir=$backup/$oscarname-`date +%F`

#create the backup directory mkdir $backupdir

#dump the mysql data into the backup sqlname=$oscarname.sqldump.`date +%F` 34 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

/usr/bin/mysqldump --add-drop-table -uroot -p$mysql_root_password oscar_mcmaster > $backupdir/$sqlname.sql gzip $backupdir/$sqlname.sql

#tar the oscar server tarname=$oscarname.webapps.`date +%F` tar -cf $backupdir/$tarname.tar /usr/share/tomcat5.5/webapps gzip $backupdir/$tarname.tar

5. Run the backup script:

sudo ./

Warning! if the update goes horribly wrong, it is essential that you can roll back your server to what you had before.

6. You’re done with this section.

Part 12: Adding a New Provider to OSCAR EMR It’s important to note that each provider’s ID must be unique because of the database relationship it builds. It is, therefore, necessary to check first to see what is your last number assigned to a provider before assigning a number to a new provider.

Therefore, before you can add a new provider, you must look through the existing providers to see what your last provider ID number was.

Step 1: Add a New Provider To do this, perform the following procedures:

1. Login to your OSCAR EMR web admin console with Admin user credentials.

2. Next, click on the Admin tab and then from the following ADMINISTRATIVE PAGE, under Provider heading,

3. Click the ‘Search / Edit / Delete Provider Records’ link to access a” Search a Provider” window

4. Now, click on the "Search" button without typing any name in the box, to get the full list of providers in the database, as shown in Fig. 20. As can be observed, we have two providers listed.

35 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Fig. 20

5. From Fig. 20, click on the ‘ID’ heading to put the ID numbers in numerical order – if you not yet done so (each heading allows you to sort the database by each of the heading titles when clicked)

6. After noting your last provider ID number, decide what the ID number will be for the new provider and write it down, in this case let use '000001'

7. Click on the Back link

8. Click on Add a Provider Record link, to access Add a Provider page shown in Fig. 21. Complete all the required fields and then click on the Add Provider Record button.

Username: szulu Password: mac2002#1 Login Pin: 1001

36 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Fig. 21

37 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

9. When done, and no error encountered, you should be presented with “Successful Addition of a Provider Record”. Click on the Back link.

10. Now, click again on the ‘Search / Edit / Delete Provider Records’ link to access a “Search a Provider” window. Click on the Search button again to verify that our newly added provider record is indeed added, and as can be observed, it is, see Fig. 22.

Fig. 22

11. Click on the Back arrow.

12. You’re done with this section.

Step 2: Assigning Security Role to a New Provider To do this, perform the following procedures:

13. Login to your OSCAR EMR web admin console with Admin user credentials, if you haven’t done so.

14. Next, click on the Admin tab and then from the following ADMINISTRATIVE PAGE, under Security heading,

15. Click the ‘Search / Edit / Delete Security Records’ link to access a “SEARCH SECURITY RECORDS” window

38 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

16. Now, click on the "Search" button without typing any name in the box, to get the full list of Security in the database, and verity that the user has not been added to the Security. Click on the Back arrow when done.

17. Still under the Security heading, click on the Add a Login Record link, to access Add a Login User page shown in Fig. 23. From under Provider No.:, click on the drop-down menu and select Shaka Zulu, and the complete all the required fields and then click on the Add Record button.

Username: szulu Password: mac2002#1 Login Pin: 1001

Fig. 23

Note: you should see a confirmation “Successful Addition of a Login User Record”.

18. Click on the Back arrow.

19. Still under the Security heading, click on the Assign a Role to Provider link, to access Provider- Role List page shown in Fig. 24. From the row containing provider Shaka Zulu, under the Role column, click on the drop-down menu and select "doctor". Click on the Add button to assign this role to Dr. Zulu.

39 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Fig. 24

Note: you should see a confirmation “Role doctor is added. (000001)”.

20. Click on the icon to close the window.

21. You’re done with this section.

Step 3: Unlocking the New Provider Account 22. St times you may nee to unlock a provider login account. 23. For example, o unlock the new provider szulu’s account to allow him to login to Oscar EMR console: http://ip-address:8080/oscar/ 24. From under the Security heading, click on the Unlock Account link, to access Unlock screen shown in Fig. 23. From under Role name, click on the drop-down menu and select Dr. Zulue’s, ID number, and then click on the Unlock button.

Fig. 25 40 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

25. Now logout and login as provider Dr. Shaka Zulu with following credentials:

Username: szulu Password: mac2002#1 Login Pin: 1001

• If all is OK, you should be logged in as Dr. Zulu as shown in Fig. 26.

Fig. 26

26. To complete this section add the following providers: Receptionist, and a Nurse, and repeat all the steps to allow them to login to the OSCAR EMR web console

27. You may add as many providers as desired.

28. You’re done with this section.

Part 13: Adding a New Demographic Record to OSCAR EMR Occasionally one may need to a new patient to OSCAR EMR.

Step 1: Add a New Demographic Record To do this, perform the following procedure:

1. Login to your OSCAR EMR web admin console with Admin user credentials. 41 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

2. Next click on the Search tab at the top, as shown in Fig. 27.

Fig. 27

3. From the Fig. 28, you have the option to search for the patient from the system or create one; however, it’s always a good idea to search the patient record first. Once done with search and confirming that the patient is not on the list, then you can go ahead him/her.

4. To create a new patient record, click on the “Create a new Demographic” link.

Fig. 28

42 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

5. From Fig. 29, ADD A DEMOGRAPHIC RECORD page, you have the option to search for the patient or add record by completing the required fields. When done click on the Add Record button.

Fig. 29

6. If all is OK and you have no error, you’ll be taken to the page shown in Fig. 30, which shows a “Successfully Addition of a Demographic Record”. You have the option to click Go To record link, Close this Window or Back to Demographic Search Page.

Note: You may add as many Demographic records as desired for this lab session.

Click Go To record link.

43 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Fig. 30

7. When you click Go To record link, you’ll be taken to the record you just created as shown in Fig. 31. Here, you have option produce PDF files of the new patient.

Fig. 31

8. Now from Fig. 31, click on the Back button to be taken to the “Successfully Addition of a Demographic Record”. From there click on the Close this Window link to close the window. 44 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

9. You’re done with this section.

Step 2: Booking Appointment In this lab session, we created have created receptionist provider with the following credentials:

Provider: Office Admin Assistant Name: Emily Jones Username: ejones Password: mac2002#2 Login Pin: 1002

1. Login to your OSCAR EMR web admin console as user Emily Jones (ejones), with above credentials, as shown in Fig. 32.

Fig. 32

To book appointment for a patient, perform the following procedure:

2. Click on the appropriate date using the CALENDAR button on the upper left corner

45 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

• OR click the month tab and select the date • OR advance a day at a time with the arrow on either side of the date in the upper left corner of the screen

3. Clicking on the desired time will open a window to enter appointment details as shown on Fig. 33.

• In the Last Name box, type part of the patients last name and click on the Search button or hit the enter key

• From the list generated, click on the grey demographic number for the desired patient • Change the length of the appointment in the Duration box, if needed, from the default of 15 min to 30, 45, 60 min etc.

• Finally, fill in the reason for the appointment and click Add Appointment button.

Fig. 33

4. You’re done with this section.

Step 3: Viewing Patient’s Billing History

5. In the Appointment screen, click the Search tab

6. Type in the patients name and click Search

7. Click on the Demographic ID for the correct patient to access the ‘Patient’s Detail Record” 46 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

Alternatively, 8. If the patient has an appointment, click on the M beside the patient’s name on the Appointment screen

9. Clicking "BILLING HISTORY" shows a list of the encounters that have been billed with date, bill type, provider and comment column

10. Clicking on the date will allow you to view what was billed for each encounter

11. Only billed encounters that have NOT been submitted to OHIP can be unbilled and re-billed

12. You’re done with this section.

Part 14: Need More Training on Linux Are you having trouble understanding or comprehending the working of Linux OS, if so, then check out some of our introductory courses on Linux at: Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada.

OSCAR EMR CMS e-Health Information Mgmt Solution Training This course is meant for owners and IT professionals who are responsible for deploying e-Health systems in medical clinics and hospitals. Students will learn how to install OSCAR v9.12 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. You’ll also learn how to update Ubuntu server, install and configure required packages and applications needed to run OSCAR e-Health, e.g., Sun JDK6, Apache Tomcat application server, MySQL database server, and OpenSSH server. You’ll learn how to secure your OSCAR server using SSL connection; how to setup OSCAR backups using Cron command on your local machine or on a remote off-site server, and how to restore your backups. Finally, you will learn how to perform some simple configuration tasks on your as-installed OSCAR server. Upon completion of this course, you should have acquired a capability and skills that will allow you to plan, design implement and deploy OSCAR e-Health information management system on a Linux Ubuntu machine

• OSCAR EMR CMS e-Health Information Mgmt Solution - CCT301

Call us today: Email: [email protected]. URL:

Part 15: Hands-on Labs Assignments 1. Install and configure Ubuntu 10.04 LS Server and then install OSCAR 9.12 on it. 2. Install and configure DNS server for your LAN 3. Install configure a messaging server using Sendmail for your network infrastructure

Other Related Articles & Hands-on Lab Manuals:

1. Step-By-Step Install Guide eHealth OpenEMR on Debian 5 Server 2. Using Webmin and Bind9 to Setup DNS Server on Linux 47 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions Global Open Versity eHealth Labs Install Guide OSCAR McMaster CMS on Linux Ubuntu 10.04 LTS v1.5

3. Step-By-Step Install Guide Debian 5 Lenny Server v1.0 4. Step-By-Step Install Guide Mandriva Enterprise Server 5 5. Install Guide Secure Postfix Messaging Server with Dovecot and ClamAV on Linux v1.2 6. Deploy Secure Messaging Solutions using Sendmail & Dovecot Servers with ClamAV on Linux 7. Build your own ISP Hosting using EHCP on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server 8. Step-By-Step Install Guide DTC on Linux CentOS5 Server v1.0 9. Build your Own Private Data Center Backup Solutions using Ubuntu Powered RESTORE Backup Server v1.0 10. Install & Setup Astaro Security Gateway to Protect Corporate Network v1.1

References This document has been modified and adapted for our internal lab use from the original instructions by David Daley by Peter Hutten-Czapski and is freely licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

Troubleshooting 1. Configuring Oscar on Ubuntu — Family Medicine I_T_ group (MySQL Database Connector) 2. 6_1 Basic Oscar 9_12 install (oscarusermanual): ubuntu-10-4ltc-lucid 3. Troubleshooting OSCAR 9.12 Drugref installation and setup on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS:

eHealth Server Administration Training You can now register and take our superb eHealth openEMR Server Training course, covering installing setup and configuring Linux Debian 5 and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Next you’ll learn how to install & maintain openEMR on Debian 5 and Ubuntu 10.04 servers.

• EIH21 – eHealth Server Administration Training

------Kefa Rabah is the Founder of Global Technology Solutions Institute. Kefa is knowledgeable in several fields of Science & Technology, Information Security Compliance and Project Management, and Renewable Energy Systems. He is also the founder of Global Open Versity, a place to enhance your educating and career goals using the latest innovations and technologies.

Fellow us on Twitter: Global Open Versity and Kefa Rabah

A GOV Open Access Technical Academic Publications Delivering Cutting-edge Technology at your Fingertips in the 21st Century 48 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada CCT301 - OSCAR EMR CMS eHealth Solutions