Molecular Physics, Vol. 103, No. 6–8, 20 March–20 April 2005, 719–747

The GAMESS-UK electronic structure package: algorithms, developments and applications

MARTYN F. GUESTy*, IAN J. BUSHy, HUUB J. J. VAN DAMy, PAUL SHERWOODy, JENS M. H. THOMASy, JOOP H. VAN LENTHEz, REMCO W. A. HAVENITHz and JOHN KENDRICK} yComputational Science and Engineering Department, CLRC Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 4AD, UK zTheoretical Chemistry Group, Debye Institute, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands }QMolecular Ltd, 13 Castle Close, Middleton St George, Darlington DL2 1DE, UK

A description of the ab initio package GAMESS-UK is presented. The package offers a wide range of quantum mechanical wavefunctions, capable of treating systems ranging from closed-shell molecules through to the species involved in complex reaction mechanisms. The availability of a wide variety of correlation methods provides the necessary functionality to tackle a number of chemically important tasks, ranging from geometry optimization and transition-state location to the treatment of solvation effects and the prediction of excited state spectra. With the availability of relativistic ECPs and the development of ZORA, such calculations may be performed on the entire Periodic Table, including the lanthanides. Emphasis is given to the DFT module, which has been extensively developed in recent years, and a number of other, novel features of the program. The parallelization strategy used in the program is outlined, and detailed speedup results are given. Applications of the code in the areas of enzyme and zeolite catalysis and in are described.

1. Introduction quantum chemistry, as well as key contributor to the improvement of functionals for chemical problems and The UK version of GAMESS (Generalised Atomic and the techniques for its efficient implementation. His Molecular Electronic Structure System) [1] has been influence was key to the decision to set up a CCP1 under development for nearly a quarter of a century and flagship project in this area, and the results of this this volume, in celebration of the contribution of project are now maintained and distributed as part of Nicholas Handy, presents an ideal opportunity to GAMESS-UK, as well as being available for use in describe the current status of the program. The code other projects. The DFT module in GAMESS-UK has represents the principal piece of developed and been available since version 6.0 of the code, and is maintained under the auspices of Collaborative described in some detail in section 3 of this paper. Computational Project No. 1 (CCP1). Nicholas Handy The article is organized as follows. An overview of the has, over this period, played a leading role in many program is given in section 2, tracing the development of aspects of this project, and we, the GAMESS-UK the code and outlining the possible wavefunctions that developers, owe a sincere debt of thanks to Nicholas for GAMESS-UK can calculate and the types of runs that the support he has given to the concept of a freely can be performed. Section 3 describes the GAMESS- available, centrally supported UK-based quantum UK implementation of DFT. Section 4 focuses on the chemistry code. Many parts of the program, specifically implementation aspects for a number of the more in the areas of perturbation theory for electron popular, and the more novel, features available within correlation and analytic derivatives, can be traced to the code. These include the modules for (i) Geometry developments in the Cambridge group. More recently, Optimization, (ii) the treatment of Relativistic Effects Nicholas has been the leading UK proponent of Density and ZORA, (iii) Valence Bond, (iv) MRDCI, (v) RPA Functional Theory (DFT) in the field of molecular and MCLR treatments of Excited States, (vi) QM/ MM and the treatment of Large Systems and, finally, our recent work on graphical interfaces, also performed * Corresponding author. e-mail: [email protected] within the CCP1 programme. Details of the parallel

Molecular Physics ISSN 0026–8976 print/ISSN 1362–3028 online # 2005 Taylor & Francis Group Ltd DOI: 10.1080/00268970512331340592 720 M. F. Guest et al. implementation of GAMESS-UK and the associated both CCSD [17, 18] and CCSD(T) [19, 20] coupled- performance attributes are given in section 5, while cluster calculations, although the latter remain limited section 6 considers the applications of the code in a to closed-shell systems [21]. A size-consistent variant of number of areas, including enzyme and zeolite catalysis multi-reference MP2 theory, popularized in its CASPT2 and spectroscopy. form by Roos et al. [22], is also available [23]. With no restriction to CAS wavefunctions, the module also provides MR-MP3 capabilities. One of the more recent 2. Overview of the program developments includes an implementation of the semi- direct table-driven MRDCI module [24, 25], providing The program is derived from the original GAMESS for more extensive capabilities in the treatment of code, obtained from Michel Dupuis in 1981 (then at electronic spectra and related phenomena. the National Resource for , The treatment of both excited and ionized states has NRCC), and has been extensively modified and long been a major requirement from users of the code. enhanced over the past two decades. The key driver in In addition to the MRD-CI treatments above, calcula- our adopting the code lay in the availability of gradient tions of electronic transition energies and corresponding capabilities, absent in the ATMOL suite of programs [2] oscillator strengths may be performed using either the that had been the main electronic structure code Random Phase Approximation (RPA) method or the supported under CCP1. Note that these developments Multiconfigurational Linear Response (MCLR) proce- have been conducted independently of the impressive dure [26]. The RPA calculations may be performed programme of extensions to the GAMESS code itself, either within the conventional approach where the conducted under the leadership of Mark Gordon and two-electron integrals are transformed or with a ‘direct’ Mike Schmidt at Iowa State University [3]. implementation. The direct calculation of molecular When first acquired, the code was essentially limited valence ionization energies may be performed through to HF/gradient functionality allowing for basis sets Green’s function techniques, using either the outer- involving s, p and d Cartesian orbitals, with valence Green’s function (OVGF) [27] or the two- open- and closed-shell SCF treatments available within particle-hole Tamm–Dancoff method (2ph-TDA) [28]. both the RHF and UHF framework. Generalized While employing effectively the same integral and valence bond [4] treatments were also supported. The gradient technology, the program has been extended to program utilized Rotation [5] techniques to evaluate evaluate repulsion and the associated gradient integrals repulsion integrals over s and p Gaussians, and the Rys over f and g Gaussians. The original limitation to Polynomial [6] for integrals involving d Gaussians. SCF cartesian basis sets is lifted through the provision of convergence controls were provided through a hybrid spherical harmonic basis sets for all options within the scheme of level shifters and damping factors. The programme. SCF controls now use a hybrid scheme of analytic energy gradient was available for the above level shifters and the DIIS method [29, 30]. In addition, wavefunctions, with gradients for s and p Gaussians complete active space SCF [22, 31, 32] and more general evaluated using the algorithm due to Schlegel [7], MCSCF [33], and Møller Plesset (MP2 and MP3) [34, while gradients involving d Gaussians utilized the Rys 35] calculations may now be performed. Geometry Polynomial Method [8]. Force constants were evaluated optimization is conducted using a quasi-Newton rank- by numerical differentiation. Ab initio core potentials two update method, while transition state location is were provided in a semi-local [9–11] formalism for available through either a synchronous transit [36], trust performing valence-only molecular orbital treatments. region [37] or ‘hill-walking’ [38, 39] method. Force Many of the initial developments around the code constants may be evaluated analytically [40, 41], while focused on enriching the range of available post- coupled Hartree–Fock (CHF) calculations provide for a Hartree–Fock capabilities, with functionality originally range of molecular properties, including polarizabilities developed within the ATMOL suite of programmes and molecular hyperpolarizabilities [42] and, through integrated into the code. Thus conventional CI treat- the calculation of dipole moment and polarizability ments using the table-driven selection algorithms within derivatives, the computation of infra-red and Raman the framework of MR-DCI calculations [12–14] allowed intensities [43]. for the treatment of electronic spectra and related Many new ab initio core potentials have been phenomena, while large-scale CI calculations of both incorporated into the code which now includes both ground and first few excited states were provided by the semi-local and non-local [44] formalisms for Direct-CI [15] module. valence-only molecular orbital treatments. These initial correlation treatments have since been A wide variety of wavefunction analysis methods are extended through the incorporation of Full-CI [16], and available. These include population analysis, Natural GAMESS-UK electronic structure package 721

Bond Orbital (NBO) [45–47] and distributed multipole In the following sections we highlight a number of the analysis [48], localized orbitals, graphical analysis and implementation aspects of the more popular, and the calculation of one-electron properties. An interface to more novel, features available within the code. the AIMPAC code of Bader is provided [49]. Particular attention is focused on the developing DFT The treatment of solvation effects is based on the capabilities (section 3). DRF (Direct Reaction Field) model [50–52], an embed- ding technique enabling the computation of the interaction between a quantum-mechanically described 3. The GAMESS-UK implementation of molecule and its classically described surroundings. The Density Functional Theory classical surroundings may be modelled in a number of ways, (i) by point charges to model the electrostatic field 3.1. Background due to the surroundings, (ii) by polarizabilities to model Since Hohenberg and Kohn [54] laid down the founda- the (electronic) response of the surroundings, (iii) by an tions for a rigorous electronic theory requiring only the enveloping dielectric to model bulk response (both static electron density, density functional theory (DFT) has and electronic) of the surroundings, and (iv) by an enjoyed a steady increase in popularity. This popularity enveloping ionic solution, characterized by its Debye increased throughout the 1990s to such an extent screening length. that DFT has become a mainstream method for The treatment of relativistic effects is provided studying electronic structure problems in chemistry. within the ZORA scheme (Zeroth Order Regular The GAMESS-UK implementation originated with the Approximation [53]), a two-component alternative to CCP1 flagship project (1994–1997) which undertook to the full four-component equation. While much construct a DFT module to be built into a Hartree– cheaper than the latter, ZORA recovers a large part of Fock host code. This initial work, by Philip Young, has the relativistic effects. The scalar (one-component) form been extended continuously since the project ended. is now available, with the full two-component imple- mentation (including spin–orbit coupling) in progress. 3.2. Functionality The current implementation will allow all usual ab initio (and DFT) methods to be performed, incorporating the Currently the module supports the evaluation of the major relativistic effects. More details are presented in Kohn–Sham energy and matrix elements, plus the section 4.2. evaluation of the gradient of the energy with respect to The program structure is effectively open-ended in the nuclear coordinates. All terms can be evaluated for direct-SCF, -DFT and direct-MP2 mode, so that direct- GGA functionals. In all cases extensive use is made SCF calculations of up to 10 000 basis functions have of screening and pruning techniques to exploit the been performed. Such calculations make use of the local character of the density functionals. Finally, the extensive parallel capabilities, which are described in evaluation of all terms is driven by the same integrator detail in section 5. In addition to the functionality routine to ensure consistency of the quadrature outlined above, the program provides for Hybrid throughout. QM/MM calculations, through an interface to the The code supports Dunlap’s approximation to the ChemShell package and the CHARMM QM/MM Coulomb repulsion energy in which the charge density code (see section 4.7). can be fitted to an auxiliary basis [55, 56]: Arguably the most important of the recent additions ! X X X X to the code, available from Version 6.0 onwards, is pq ðrÞ¼ Dpq pq DpqCu jiu ¼ dujiu , a full-featured Density Functional Theory (DFT) pq u pq u module, with access to a wide variety of functionals ð1Þ (S-VWN, B-LYP, B-P86, B3-LYP, HCTH, B97, B97-1, B97-2, PBE, EDF1, FT97, etc.). This module is subject where the fitting coefficients can be obtained from to on-going developments under the auspices of CCP1, and will be described in some detail in the sections Cpq ¼ V1bpq: ð2Þ below. As with any ab initio electronic structure code, the In this equation Vuv are the electron repulsion pq areas of application of GAMESS-UK are numerous. integrals in the charge density basis and bt are the The code is designed to be a full-featured computational three-centre electron repulsion integrals between the chemistry package serving a broad user community. wavefunction and the charge density basis. This As such, we have developed, or will be developing, a way the evaluation of four-centre two-electron integrals wide range of application modules for the package. can be circumvented using at most three-centre 722 M. F. Guest et al. two-electron integrals, clearly reducing the formal are that it is simple and can achieve high accuracy. The scaling of the computational cost from fourth order to downside is that the atom-like partitions will cover third order. We can reduce the computational cost overlapping volumes of space, so that each volume of further by implementing a mechanism to store the three- space will be integrated multiple times by the atomic centre two-electron integrals in main memory in a grid centred on different atoms, leading to higher distributed fashion on parallel computers. computational costs. Indeed, a Becke-type approach Second derivatives of the energy are computed [57] scales formally with at least the square of the number of according to the formulation given by Johnson and atoms, although this can be addressed by appropriate Frisch [58], and the coupled perturbed Kohn–Sham approximations while maintaining its advantages. (CPKS) equations can be solved for both external field For reference we briefly reiterate the important as well as geometrical perturbations. Terms in the CPKS components of the Becke quadrature. The starting equations can be evaluated either in the AO or MO basis point is the nuclear-weight function which has to satisfy dependent on what is most efficient for the size of system two main criteria. First, given a three-dimensional under consideration, and the quadrature weights are molecular integral, multiplying the integrand with the differentiated to ensure they are true derivatives of the nuclear-weight function of a particular atom has to energy expression. result in a suitably atom-like function called an atomic As GAMESS-UK is often used by non-experts some partition. Secondly, the nuclear-weight functions of all considerable effort has been invested in defining the atoms have to add up to one for all points in space, so predefined DFT quadratures and these are described in that the sum of all atomic partitions is equal to the full the next sections. molecular integrand. Each atomic partition can be integrated using straightforward polar coordinate grids which are simple Cartesian products of suitably 3.3. DFT quadrature chosen angular and radial coordinate grids. The Developing a quadrature for DFT calculations is nuclear-weight function is obtained simply by assigning challenging because of three particular features of a cell-function to every atom and calculating the molecular electronic densities. First of all there is a fraction its cell-function contributes to the total sum cusp at the position of every atom, second the density of cell-functions. Within these general principles a decays exponentially with increasing distance to the quadrature can be modified by making different atoms, and, third, in the inter-atomic region the density choices for the cell-functions, the angular grids and the is smooth but can have a number of extrema due to radial grids. contributions from various atoms. An adequate quad- To apply the above scheme to a particular molecule, a rature is one that can simultaneously address all three set of grid points needs to be generated. Ideally this features in reasonable fashion. generation would be adaptive so that any accuracy can Because quadrature development is so challenging it be obtained on demand. However the nuclear-weight has long remained an active area of research and various function makes the on-the-fly error analysis needed to general approaches have been proposed. There are two attribute a fraction of the overall error to specific grid main strategies to meet the challenge. The first is to parameters very hard. Alternatively, trying various grid devise a scheme to partition space into distinct volumes parameters for each atomic partition until a satisfactory and integrate each volume with a particular grid. result is obtained is very costly. Therefore, ‘predefined Space can either be partitioned into spheres with some grids’ which have been optimized to achieve certain special partitioning for the space remaining between accuracies on a chosen set of molecules remain the most the spheres [59, 60], or into cubes which are recursively practical way forward. partitioned in further cubes until a specific accuracy is Before describing the way we have chosen to achieved [61]. The advantage of these approaches is optimize the predefined grids for the DFT module, it that each volume element is integrated only once, is revealing to look briefly at a simple model analysis leading to favourable scaling behaviour. The disadvan- that illustrates where the errors in the integration tage is that either complex partitioning schemes or a originate. This highlights those aspects one needs to be large number of volume elements are needed to achieve wary of. þ high accuracy. Consider an H2 -like molecule, i.e. two atoms A and In contrast, Becke [62] proposed to partition the B, each of which is described exactly by a single integrand into a number of atom-like terms. Each term exponential function and the molecular wavefunction can then be integrated with an appropriately selected is simply the sum of the two atomic wavefunctions. In grid in polar coordinates. The advantages of this scheme the case under consideration here, we allow the two GAMESS-UK electronic structure package 723 exponents to differ as this highlights additional sources which would be ideally suited to polar coordinate of error that would arise in real molecules. Furthermore, quadratures. we limit our analysis to the line that connects the two In figure 1(a) we have plotted the atomic partitions of atoms and which is assumed to be the z axis. Within this the molecular density for atom A obtained with the approximation the atomic wavefunctions are chosen Becke nuclear-weight function and the Hirschfeld to be nuclear-weight function. The density of atom A and the molecular density are plotted for comparison. 3 3 At first sight the Hirschfeld partition looks more like ’ ðzÞ¼ exp jjZ z , ð3Þ A 2 4 A the exponentially decaying function expected for an atom-like function than the Becke partition, which goes ’BðzÞ¼expðjjÞZB z , ð4Þ to zero at the position of atom B. However, careful inspection reveals that there is a sudden change in ’ABðzÞ¼’AðzÞþ’BðzÞ, ð5Þ the Hirschfeld partition at the position of atom B. In figure 1(b), for each grid point of atom A, we have where ZA ¼1andZB ¼ 1. plotted the error this grid point makes in integrating the The integration of the ‘atomic density’ now boils atomic partition. down to a one-dimensional integration of an exponen- Once again this grid was chosen so as to integrate the tial function for which a grid can be defined which density of atom A exactly. In this figure there are four integrates this exactly. Each grid point accounts for a distinctive regions. First in the region for z smaller than particular section of the z axis. To obtain reference ZA we find that the error is small because the results each section can be integrated with multiple exponential decay differs slightly from that of atom A points as well. Having established these grids, we due to the presence of atom B. Secondly, for z between consider integrating the molecular density along the ZA and ZB there are significant errors due to the line using Becke-type quadratures. nuclear-weight function not being able to recover a truly First we consider the Becke nuclear-weight function, atom-like partition. Interestingly, the errors with the which is defined as Becke nuclear-weight function are actually larger than those from the Hirschfeld nuclear-weight function in jjZA z jjZB z this region. However, in the third region close to atom B ABðzÞ¼ , ð6Þ jjZA ZB the Becke partition has decayed to zero and so has the error associated with it. The Hirschfeld partition, 3 1 pðÞ¼ 3, ð7Þ however, still has a remainder of the cusp of atom B 2 2 which causes large errors in this region. In the fourth 1 and final region where z is larger than ZB the Becke w ðzÞ¼ ½1 pðpðpð ðzÞÞÞÞ: ð8Þ A 2 AB partition and its associated error remain zero. The Hirschfeld partition, however, has acquired a signi- Because the nuclear-weight function should partition ficant atom B character leading to a noticeable the integrand into atom-like partitions, the Hirschfeld systematic error for every grid point in this region. partitioning offers itself as an obvious contender to the The overall result is that using the Hirschfeld nuclear- Becke nuclear-weight function. Becke did mention weight function leads to a 50% larger error for this exponential nuclear-weight functions in his original example than using the Becke nuclear-weight function paper but did not elaborate on his reasons for rejecting despite having smaller errors per grid point in the them. The Hirschfeld nuclear-weight function [63] is inter-atomic region. This example clearly underlines defined as the importance of the nuclear-weight function for a given atom being zero at and behind all other atoms AðzÞ in the molecule. It shows also that when using a wAðzÞ¼ ð9Þ AðzÞþBðzÞ Becke-type partitioning the largest errors tend to arise in the inter-atomic region. Furthermore, using the which simply gives the fraction of the total density cell-function as proposed by Becke, the error per that a particular atom contributes assuming that grid point changes sign where the curvature of the the total density is a simple sum of atomic densities. function changes sign leading to a partial cancellation Clearly if the molecular density is little different from of errors. the sum of atomic densities this nuclear-weight function In developing a set of predefined quadratures for would be expected to give very atom-like partitions the DFT module we first need to pick the basic 724 M. F. Guest et al.

Figure 1. (a) Atomic partitions for atom A obtained from the Becke (Becke density AB) and Hirschfeld (Hirschfeld density AB) nuclear-weight functions compared to the total molecular density (density AB) and the density of atom A (density A). (b) The errors the grid that integrates atom A exactly contributes per point to the total error when attempting to integrate the Becke and Hirschfeld partitions.

components. Keeping these fixed, the grid sizes can be Table 1. Grid names and their tolerances. optimized to meet precision tolerance targets. Initially Grid Target tolerated relative error we set out to optimize four predefined grids named after the relative precision they are supposed to Low 1.0e–4 achieve. However, we found that the tolerance target Medium 1.0e–6 of the ‘very high’ grid, being a relative error of less than High 1.0e–8 1.0e–10 for the total energy and the electron count, is not generally achievable. In particular, molecules invol- ving fluorine and row 5 or row 6 elements posed 3.3.1. The nuclear-weight functions implemented in numerical problems we could not resolve. Therefore, we GAMESS-UK. In choosing the nuclear-weight function limited ourselves to optimizing the grids for targets we limited ourselves to Becke-like options as they are listed in table 1. expected to give most accurate results as concluded from GAMESS-UK electronic structure package 725 the above error analysis. In particular, we implemented m ¼ 4 and a ¼ 0.6651 gives noticeably less accurate the Becke, SSF [64] and MHL [65] nuclear weights. results but is much cheaper to use than either Testing these nuclear-weight functions demonstrated MHL8SSF or the original MHL function. However, that although the SSF function had a low computational MHL4SSF still gives more accurate results than the cost it also gave the least accurate results, due to the original SSF function. Thus we recommend using nuclear-weight function of an atom being forced to zero MHL8SSF over MHL for accurate calculations because before another atom is reached. This has the advantage of its lower cost, and we recommend using MHL4SSF that there are easily identifiable regions where the for low accuracy calculations. nuclear-weight function equals one and regions where it equals zero. This can be exploited to save work but it 3.3.2. Selection of quadrature grids. We have imple- leads to larger errors near the point where the partition mented the Euler–MacLaurin [65] and the Mura– reaches zero. The MHL function was found to give the Knowles [66] radial grids. The Mura–Knowles transfor- most accurate result but it is also relatively expensive as mation tends to have a higher density of grid points it involves an 11-term polynomial. In a bid to combine close to the nucleus, resulting in a much larger fraction the lower cost of the SSF function with the high of the grid points being positioned in locations where accuracy of the MHL function two new functions were they make significant contributions. Thus for a given designed as follows. grid size the Mura–Knowles gives more accurate results In the SSF scheme the nuclear-weight function is than the Euler–MacLaurin grid [66], and we have defined as chosen this transformation as the default. We also chose to use the scaling parameters recommended by wAðz; aÞ¼1, ABðzÞa, Mura et al. However, we extrapolated the table to cover

¼ pSSFðABðzÞ; aÞ, a <ABðzÞ < a, ð10Þ the whole periodic system of the elements, using 5.0 for ¼ 1, ðzÞa, all elements except Groups I and II, for which a scale AB factor of 7.0 was used. . 3 5 7 We have implemented both the Gauss–Legendre and pSSFð; aÞ¼ 35 35 þ 21 5 16 Lebedev–Laikov [67, 68] angular grids. The Lebedev– a a a a Laikov grids have been specifically optimized for ð11Þ integration on a sphere. Furthermore, although the Obviously different nuclear-weight functions can be original Lebedev grids were only available with limited generated by choosing a different expression to replace accuracy, the recently optimized Lebedev–Laikov grids are available in 15 digits precision and are capable of pSSF with. In particular, MHL-type expressions can be chosen which are defined by integrating 131st-order spherical harmonics exactly. This makes these grids the preferred ones. dp ðÞ Having chosen the basic form of the quadrature MHL ¼ A ð1 2Þm , d m we set out to optimize the number of angular and ð12Þ radial grid points. We choose to allow for different p ð1Þ¼1; MHL numbers of grid points per row of the Periodic pMHLð1Þ¼0; Table. First we created diatomic molecules for every pair of rows of the Periodic Table by combining where MHL recommend m ¼ 10. To use an MHL-type group one and group seventeen elements. Where expression in an SSF scheme it is important not to possible both all-electron and ECP calculations were distort the shape of the cell function too much. To this used. effect m was lowered and the corresponding factor a To optimize the radial grids the angular grid was optimized to satisfy the condition kept fixed at 5810 points, and the radial grids were varied from 20 to 600 grid points. For each predefined dpMHLmSSFð=aÞ dpMHLðÞ ¼ : ð13Þ grid and for each row the minimum radial grid size d ¼0 d ¼0 m¼m m¼10 required to meet the accuracy target was recorded. The error in the energy was computed relative to the 600 A number of functions of the above kind were radial grid points data. tested and two were found to be particularly useful. A similar approach was followed for the angular The MHL8SSF cell-function where m ¼ 8 and grids. In this case, the radial grid size was fixed at 300 a ¼ 0.902256 was found to give results of similar points as the result from the previous experiment accuracy to the original MHL function but is noticeably showed that this was accurate enough. The angular cheaper to use. The MHL4SSF cell-function where grids were varied across all available Lebedev–Laikov 726 M. F. Guest et al.

Table 2. The grid sizes for the low, medium and high accuracy grids. The ‘reference’ grid was used to obtain the reference energies against which the other grids were compared. Grid Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 Radial grid size Low 20 40 35 40 40 40 35 Medium 60 60 70 70 70 80 70 High 180 130 160 180 220 180 110 Reference 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Angular grid size Low 194 266 302 302 302 302 266 Medium 266 590 590 590 770 590 434 High 770 1202 1730 1454 1730 1454 1454

grids, ranging from 194 to 1454 grid points. The data As a consequence, re-implementation of the functional obtained in radial grid optimization with 300 radial grid is often required. points and 5810 angular grid points were used as In light of these problems, it seems useful to have a references for the energy. freely available collection of routines that implement the The resulting grid parameters were tested using various functionals; these subroutines should ideally be molecules from the G2 test set [69] as well as a set of certified by the original authors as correctly representing transition metal complexes including both all-electron the functional they proposed. In any case it should be and ECP calculations, and a few actinide systems. clear whether such certification has been obtained or Initially, some two-dozen of these calculations failed to not. This process also requires a set of reference data. achieve the target accuracy. However, as these failures This data should validate the results of porting a given were relatively minor (the errors were typically about a functional routine to the host program. In those cases factor of 2 too large) they could be addressed through where a functional is re-implemented, perhaps because experimentation. The final grid parameters obtained in of efficiency reasons or to address interfacing issues, the this fashion passed all accuracy tests. Table 2 lists the reference data should also act to validate the correctness corresponding numbers of grid points. of the implementation. With the above goals in mind, a density functional repository [70] has been designed. The functionals 3.4. A DFT functional repository supported are listed in table 3. With respect to the Although the DFT method has become very popular, it reference data, we chose to provide two different data is well know that its accuracy depends crucially on the sets. The first consists of the total energies for 10 density functional used. In practice, however, the exact spherically symmetric atoms, chosen to cover a wide functional is unknown and one has to choose an range of density and density gradient values. In approximation that balances computational cost and addition, the spherical symmetry allows for numerical accuracy. It comes as no surprise that the rise in interest integration with high accuracy, thus minimizing uncer- in the theory has been accompanied by the development tainties with respect to technicalities of the host program of a steady stream of new functionals. implementation. The disadvantage of these reference One problem given the number of functionals calculations is that the results depend on the Gaussian available is their dissemination. Ideally, new functionals basis set used. This makes the data difficult to compare should appear quickly in various programs to allow with results from programs in the physics arena which scientists to reap the benefits they offer and to uncover employ plane waves as basis functions. Therefore, a any weaknesses. In practice, building new functionals second set of data is provided which lists the results of a into a code can be quite tedious. Often the interface functional for a given set of data points. The values for between the host program and the functional is the input data have been obtained from the atomic problematic because the functional expects quantities calculations, but were truncated to two significant digits that the program does not provide, or the functional to facilitate copying. More details about the design calculates quantities that the program does not expect. considerations are stored with the repository. An example of the latter is that some functional routines Although the current collection of functionals is still compute not only the energy expression, but also the limited, we believe that the current implementation potential, whilst others compute partial derivatives. provides a framework for the dissemination of new GAMESS-UK electronic structure package 727

Table 3. Density functionals supported by the repository. Exchange functionals Correlation functionals Exchangeþcorrelation functionals Slater Perdew–Zunger ‘81 B3LYP Becke ‘88 Perdew ‘86 Filatov–Thiel ‘97 Becke-3 Vosko–Wilk–Nusair 5 Hamprecht–Cohen–Tozer–Handy (HCTH) including HCTC-120, -147 and -407 PBE Vosko–Wilk–Nusair 5 RPA Becke ‘97 Filatov–Thiel ‘97 Lee–Yang–Parr B97-1 and B97-2 PBE PBE Filatov–Thiel ‘97 EDF1 functionals, and hope to collect newly implemented the calculation of basis set superposition errors. functionals as they become available. Each numerical variable can be assigned a name which may then be included in the geometry optimization, or which may be held fixed throughout the calculation. 4. Some of the application modules of GAMESS-UK There are also options for the calculation or estimation of the variable’s second derivative, as well as options for In this section we highlight a number of the implemen- the specification of values of the variable corresponding tation aspects of the more popular, and the more novel, to minima. This latter option is useful when performing features available within the code. The Geometry transition state calculations. optimization modules are overviewed in section 4.1. Three geometry optimization algorithms are available We then focus on the treatment of relativistic effects to the user employing Z-matrix input. The default through the ZORA Hamiltonian, (section 4.2), and on algorithm begins with a calculation of the energy and its the capability for performing valence bond calculations gradient, followed by a line search using energy (section 4.3). The various treatments available for calculations only. At the minimum energy along the excited states, including MRDCI, MCLR, and the line of search an additional calculation of the gradients associated treatment of the geometric derivatives of is performed and the current estimate of the inverse excited state energies, are summarized in sections 4.4 to Hessian is updated using a rank-two BFGS update. 4.6, respectively. The variety of available hybrid QM/ A new search direction is calculated from the current MM schemes central to the treatment of large systems is gradient, position and Hessian and the process is considered in section 4.7. Finally, we consider the iterated until convergence. Convergence is dictated by variety of model building tools and a series of four thresholds, all of which must be met for techniques available to GAMESS-UK within the the optimization to complete. The four criteria are: the CCP1-developed GUI (section 0). largest predicted step in any coordinate, the average predicted step, the largest gradient term and the average gradient values. Other optimization methods include an 4.1. Geometry specification, optimization and optimization in Cartesian space and a method based on transition-state location the approach of Simons et al. [38]. The atomic coordinates of a molecule can be provided Transition state searches can be performed by several to the program as Cartesian coordinates or as a methods. The default algorithm is based on the work of Z-matrix. Optimization of the Cartesian coordinates is Cerjan and Miller [37]. The algorithm expects that some enabled through a Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno estimation of the Hessian has been performed, either (BFGS) rank-two update algorithm [71] with the option numerically using the options on the geometric variable of maintaining some of the atoms fixed in space, or of specification, or analytically by calculating the full performing some partial optimizations. The most second derivative matrix. Using the available Hessian general geometry and optimization combination is information, an estimate is made of the energy profile on provided by the Z-matrix geometry specification a sphere (in the space of the variables) defined by the which, as well as allowing the geometry to be specified trust region radius, around the current point. If the in the natural bond length, bond angle and torsion angle transition state is predicted to be outside the trust region format, also allows the user to specify the position of on the basis of a straightforward application of a atoms in Cartesian coordinates. This very flexible Newton step, then the appropriate minimum on the geometry specification allows for dummy atoms, point trust region is taken for the next point, where an energy charges and ghost atoms, the latter being useful for and a gradient calculation are performed. Various 728 M. F. Guest et al. algorithms are incorporated to ensure that the trust For practical implementation, resolutions of the region radius expands and contracts in line with the identity are inserted and ensuring that the correct non- quality of the predictions of the algorithm. The inverse relativistic limit is retained, the elements of the ZORA Hessian is updated with a rank-one Murtagh-Sargent kinetic energy operator are written as update [71], although other options are available, X 1 2 1 1 including a symmetric Powell update. Tv ¼ p v p S p v 2 2 For those cases where it is difficult to provide X sufficient Hessian information an alternative method 1 1 2 1 1 þ p S 1 ðVc=2c Þ S p v : based on the Quadratic Synchronous Transit (QST) 2 , algorithm of Bell and Crighton [36] is available. ð15Þ A quadratic search path joining two minima through The internal basis { } is generated from the the current point is defined. This line is first searched molecular basis set by approximate application of the p^ for a maximum. The Hessian is updated based on the operator [77]. The coulomb operator V ¼ V þ J is change in the gradients and a set of directions conjugate C nuc generated using a standard direct Fock-matrix operator. to the maximum search direction is defined, in which the Subsequently, the 1 ðV =2c2Þ matrix is inverted using energy is minimized. If the direction of the maximum C standard matrix inversion and transformed to the search direction changes during the minimization step, molecular basis. All basic integrals required are avail- the algorithm recalculates a maximum along the QST. able in GAMESS-UK. The result is an effective one- Although fairly robust, this algorithm can find itself in electron operator which, for example, allows for the difficulties if the directions defined by the QST and the description of core ionization. All post-Hartree–Fock eigenvector corresponding to the negative eigenvalue of techniques may be used without change [78]. the Hessian do not coincide. To address this problem the The ZORA method features a coulomb operator in method implemented has been modified to allow a more the denominator, which causes the loss of gauge general functional form for the quadratic curve. A invariance. The scaled ZORA approach [76] reduces quartic polynomial is used to interpolate between the the error by orders of magnitude. The problem can be two minima, the current point and the additional fixed exactly by using a strictly atomic scheme, where flexibility of the quartic is used to encapsulate the the ZORA corrections are calculated separately for each Hessian information which is available, so that at atom [79]. This approach has the advantage that the the current point the curve aligns itself locally with the ZORA corrections only have to be determined once and direction defined by the eigenvector of the lowest that all gradients calculated are exact, whereas the eigenvalue of the Hessian. approximation is generally negligible. Work is also underway to incorporate the two-component ZORA, 4.2. The treatment of relativistic effects and ZORA which includes spin–orbit coupling [80], at the SCF For an adequate description of molecules containing level. This involves some complex arithmetic. heavier elements, the relativistic behaviour of the inner Valence bond electrons cannot be ignored. The standard Schro¨ dinger 4.3. equation is inadequate for these compounds, which Valence Bond theory has always struck a sympathetic include the very important class of catalytic agents. The chord in chemists’ minds, because it can be linked so relativistic electron density near the nucleus may be closely to the familiar Lewis structure. A bond is simulated using a relativistic effective core potential [9]. immediately translated in the wavefunction by two Other approaches make approximations to the Dirac– non-orthogonal orbitals on neighbouring atoms that are Fock operator, as in the Douglas–Kroll–Hess method singlet coupled. An ionic structure may contain an [72,73]. that is occupied twice, or alternatively The CPD or ZORA method [74–76] is a two- two orbitals on the same atom. So it is simply possible to component approximation to the Dirac–Fock equation, translate the assumed concept of bonding in a molecule which is derived by using an expansion in E=2c2 V into a (small) set of structures. Alternatively, if the and only keeping the zeroth term. Currently, the scalar nature of the bonding is in question, the relative ZORA [77] one-component approximation is opera- importance of the different structures may provide tional within GAMESS-UK. Here the kinetic energy insight. The benzene molecule is naturally described as operator is replaced by a potential-dependent term: two resonating structures, each describing local bond- ing. Vital for an unbiased wavefunction is the ability to c2 ^ ¼ ð Þ optimize the wavefunction, both its orbitals and its T p: 2 :p 14 2c Vc structure coefficients [81]. GAMESS-UK electronic structure package 729

The TURTLE program [82] has been integrated into VB wavefunctions are constructed from structures, to GAMESS-UK taking advantage of, for example, the which one may attribute chemical meaning. One such gradient capabilities and the possibility of generating structure for CpSiH is Cp–/SiHþ. Another structure is atomic wavefunctions. Thanks to this integration all Cp–SiH in which the bond between the Cp-ring and the options available to, for example CASSCF, such as SiH-group is covalent. When the total wavefunction is effective core potentials or scalar (atomic) relativistic variationally optimized weights can be calculated from effects [79] are now also available in VB (SCF). A review the coefficients of the structures. These weights show of the algorithms used in evaluating matrix elements the relative importance of all structures to the total and in optimizing the orbitals has recently been wavefunction and thus the importance of each bonding published [83]. type. Due to the non-orthogonality of the orbitals, and therefore of the structures, a VB (SCF) calculation is 4.4. MRDCI intrinsically more time consuming than an orthogonal calculation, with a Hamiltonian matrix element between The MRDCI module as implemented in GAMESS-UK two structures taking for N electrons in the order of N4 is now the (semi-)direct version of Buenker, Engels, and operations [84]. Nevertheless, basis sets with over 160 Peyerimhoff [24, 25], which is based on the original AOs have been used for small molecules and the table-driven implementation [12–14, 25]. It is especially interpretative power of Valence Bond has already been suited for the calculation of excited states, as a multi- extended to metal–organic chemistry [85]. The calcula- root Davidson diagonalization routine is implemented tion of the matrix elements, by far the most time- which can calculate multiple solutions of the same consuming part, has been parallellized (see section 5.5). symmetry simultaneously. CI expansions of a few In summary the key features of the code are: million Configuration State Functions (CSF) can be treated using this code. using a VBSCF procedure, it is possible to The procedure starts like any other CI program with ð1Þ optimize wavefunctions of both Heitler–London an initial chosen set of reference configurations { j } and Coulson–Fischer type: indeed, it is even which is used for the generation of the second set possible to use different orbitals for different ð2Þ { k }. In the MRDCI formulation, this second set is structures (e.g., covalent or ionic); generated by performing all single and double excita- ð1Þ automatic orbital optimization using Super CI tions from the parent set { j } subject to a threshold and more approximate methods [86] offers the criterion: possibility to keep orbitals strictly local to atoms, 2 ‘optimal hybrids’; ð2Þ ð1Þ k H j all gradient-based methods that GAMESS-UK DEDE >for at least one j ½12: ð2Þ ð2Þ ð1Þ ð1Þ has to offer can be used with these wavefunctions; k jjH k j jjH j associated input routines are provided that offer extended possibilities to specify the starting ð16Þ orbitals. Here, is a preset energy criterion, typically in the range 3 6 In collaboration with in Nijmegen 10 –10 Eh to keep the calculation feasible. The CSFs (P.H.M. Budzelaar) we are attempting to apply the corresponding to all spin paths of a particular config- Valence Bond method in an area where it is always uration are selected if at least one of them satisfies the assumed to be most useful, the elucidation of chemical threshold criterion. This is required to set up calculations bonding. In contrast to transition metals, main-group that are unitarily invariant for orbital rotations that metals show a bewildering variety of bonding arrange- leave the energy of the foregoing (MC)SCF unchanged. ments to cyclo-pentadienyl (Cp) groups, including The program avoids the calculation of the complete H electron-precise, electron-deficient and electron-excess matrix in a Direct-CI like fashion [15]. It arranges the structures. Valence Bond calculations (VB) have configurations in so-called supercategories according to been performed on cyclo-pentadienyl silicon hydride their open-shell structure, thus treating the spin coupling (CpSiH), cyclo-pentadienyl silicon trihydride (CpSiH3) schemes for a whole set of configurations at the same and cyclo-pentadienyl aluminium dihydride (CpAlH2) time. to gain more insight into the number of bonds The simultaneous diagonalization of the equisym- (hapticity) of the metal atom with the ring [85]. VB metric states of interest ensures the orthogonality makes use of non-orthogonal orbitals, which means requirements, enabling easy calculation of oscillator orbitals can overlap; the overlap between two orbitals strengths. Furthermore, the code will be extended can be used as a measure of the bond strength. with MRACPF [87] and MRAQCC [88] variants. 730 M. F. Guest et al.

GAMESS-UK also provides an interface to the where r and s refer to orbitals, describes the time DIESEL-CI program [89], which is an efficient dependence of the orbitals, m refers to states in the (and parallel) direct implementation of the selected CI orthogonal complement of the MCSCF wavefunction, procedure. and describes the time dependence of the N electron states. After the derivation sketched above 4.5. Multi-configurational linear response and described in detail by Fuchs [26] the following eigenvalue problem is obtained: Response methods are a class of approaches in which properties are calculated by considering how a molecule ð!iS EÞxi ¼ 0, ð20Þ responds to an external, most often time-dependent, perturbation. In general, these methods can be used to where compute a wealth of properties depending on the time- dependent perturbation, e.g. an oscillating electric or S ¼ , ð21Þ magnetic field, and the observable for which the response is calculated. Examples are magnetic suscept- ibility, NMR chemical shifts, infrared spectra, optical AB E ¼ , ð22Þ rotation strengths, and UV/Vis spectra. The latter is the B A property of interest here. In this case the response of a molecule to a time-dependent electric field is considered The submatrices are given by and the transition energies and oscillator strengths ! p s p calculated. Thus response methods provide an alter- hj½0 Eq ,Er ji0 hj½0 Eq ,Lnji0 native to CI methods. Within the context of molecules ¼ , ð23Þ hj½ þ s ji hj½ þ ji described by a multi-configurational wavefunction, 0 Lm,Er 0 0 Lm,Ln 0 ! the Multi-Configurational Linear Response (MCLR) p r p þ hj½0 Eq ,Es ji0 hj½0 Eq ,Ln ji0 method was first proposed by Yeager and Jørgensen [90] ¼ , ð24Þ þ r þ þ and later reformulated by Fuchs [26] to allow for hj½0 Lm,Es ji0 hj½0 Lm,Ln ji0 ! expansions to arbitrary high orders of perturbation p s p h0 j½½Eq ,H0,Er ji0 h0 j½½Eq ,H0,Lnji0 theory. The latter formulation forms the basis for the A ¼ , ð25Þ implementation discussed here. þ s þ h0 j½½Lm,H0,Er ji0 h0 j½½Lm,H0,Lnji0 The general approach behind the MCLR method is to ! p r p þ derive an equation of motion for the response function h0 j½½Eq ,H0,Es ji0 h0 j½½Eq ,H0,Ln ji0 B ¼ , ð26Þ from Ehrenfest’s theorem, employing an exponential h0 j½½Lþ,H ,Erji0 h0 j½½Lþ,H ,Lþji0 parameterization, and to linearize this to obtain an m 0 s m 0 n eigenvalue problem. The time-dependent wavefunction where H0 is the MCSCF Hamiltonian.The straightfor- itself is actually only used for the purpose of derivation. ward way to solve these eigenvalue equations is to The equation of motion for the response function is assume that there is a set of vectors x that are Fourier transformed to the frequency domain to obtain eigenvectors of the matrices S and E simultaneously. a matrix equation suitable for numerical computation. In that case direct methods based on the Davidson The time-independent reference wavefunction is chosen diagonalization method can be applied. However, to be an optimized MCSCF wavefunction which there- the existence of such a set of vectors can only be fore satisfies the generalized Brillouin theorem. Based on guaranteed if the reference wavefunction corresponds to the parameterization of the MCSCF wavefunction, a ground-state MCSCF wavefunction. it is natural to parameterize the time-dependent Finally, in order to understand the electronic struc- wavefunction as ture of the system under consideration it is crucial to know the dominant configurations in the wavefunction 0ðtÞ ¼ eKðtÞeLðtÞ0i: ð17Þ of the examined mth excited state. Although this is a simple task in CI calculations, in the MCLR formalism As a result of the time dependence this wavefunction the question to answer is in which sense do the has to be complex valued and K and L are defined as X eigenvectors of the response matrices correspond to r s the wavefunctions of the excited states. It can be shown KðtÞ¼ ½rsðtÞEs þ rsðtÞEr , ð18Þ r>s [26] that X X jim ¼ ðx Þ ðK ,L ,Kþ,LþÞji0 ð27Þ LðtÞ¼ ½mðtÞjjmih0 þ mðtÞjj0ihm , ð19Þ MCLR m j j j j j m>0 j GAMESS-UK electronic structure package 731 plays a role analogous to the mth excited state and this or force, is required. These gradients were first published formula can be used to analyse the contributions of the by Ortiz [91]. More recently, a derivation based on a excitations from the reference wavefunction. slightly different formulation of the RPA equations was suggested by van Caillie et al. [92]. Following the equations by Ortiz, we found an error probably due to a 4.6. Random phase approximation and misinterpretation of the Coupled Perturbed Hartree– geometric derivatives of the excited state Fock (CPHF) equations. Traditionally, the CPHF The Random Phase Approximation (RPA) is a rela- equations are written as tively simple response method. It can be obtained from P the same formalism as the MCLR method but applied þ dl Udlf4ðijj dlÞðid jlÞðil djÞg Uij ¼ : ð32Þ to a single determinant wavefunction. In particular, for "j "i the closed-shell case the RPA method can be obtained by choosing the set of active orbitals to be empty. Clearly, this equation is singular if i ¼ j, but this does This leads to an ordinary eigenvalue problem for a not mean that Uii is undefined. Differentiating the non-Hermitian matrix: normalization condition of the orbitals, one obtains ! ! ! ! AB Z 10 Z ¼ E ; ð28Þ Upq þ Uap þ Spq ¼ 0, ð33Þ BA Y 0 1 Y from which it follows that 1 ¼ ZT Z YT Y; ð29Þ 1 Aai,bj ¼ð"a "iÞabij þ 2ðai bjÞðab ijÞ, ð30Þ U ¼ S: ð34Þ ii 2 ii Bai,bj ¼2ðai bjÞðai bjÞ, ð31Þ This result was incorporated into the original deriva- where the eigenvalues E represent the excitation energies tion and the implementation within GAMESS-UK. The of the molecule. Here, ð"a "iÞ is an orbital energy implementation was tested in two ways. First the difference from Hartree–Fock theory, and (ai bj) gradients were compared against numerical gradients denotes the Coulomb matrix element coupling occupied of the energy. Second, we used the fact that the total orbitals (ij) and orbitals in the virtual manifold (ab). energy should be conserved while the nuclei move. Any A similar formulation can be derived from the Kohn– systematic error in the gradients would result in Sham equations of density functional theory, leading to inconsistent changes of the kinetic energy of the nuclei a time-dependent DFT approach. and the potential energy. Following the molecule Neglecting the matrix B, the equations decouple through about 1000 geometry changes, any error to two identical expressions which are equivalent would be strongly amplified making this test extremely to the Single CI or Tamm–Dancoff (TDA) equations. sensitive. The implementation was found to yield Therefore, it may be said that RPA is somewhat gradients indistinguishable from the numerical results. corrected for the effect of double excitation which Also the conservation of the energy was obeyed to appears in matrix B. However, not all double excitations within 5 m Hartrees after 1000 steps. Given the accuracy are present nor are these excitations coupled to the of the various parts of a typical quantum chemistry single excitations. Therefore, if the double excitations code, one cannot expect to improve beyond this. really cannot be neglected, the RPA can only be Increasingly, these excited state dynamical processes, expected to give qualitative results. which occur on femtosecond timescales, are becoming An important implementation aspect of the RPA the subject of experimental study, as exemplified by the equations is that the expressions are simple enough to be Nobel prize-winning work of Ahmed Zewail [93]. readily coded in a direct fashion. This allows the integral However, interpreting the measured signals in terms of transformation to be avoided and the two-electron underlying chemical processes is not easy without integrals are computed in the AO-basis whenever needed simulations. In particular, in pump–probe experiments [26]. This aids in removing storage bottlenecks and in the calculation of trajectories of molecules in the excited writing a replicated data parallel implementation. state is important. The above approach can be used in The chemical behaviour of excited states within the this context [94] to produce valuable data, although the RPA formalism can be studied by considering the costs are quite high because of the large number of time Newtonian dynamics of these excited state potential steps per trajectory and the large number of trajectories energy surfaces, for which an accurate energy gradient, needed to converge the statistics of the thermodynamics. 732 M. F. Guest et al.

4.7. QM/MM and the treatment of large systems developments, such as those described in this paper, have led to increased interest in ab-initio QM/MM While developments in computer performance and QM schemes and interfaces to the GAMESS(US) [100] and algorithms are bringing increasingly complex systems CADPAC packages [101] have been implemented. within the scope of quantum mechanical calculations, The coupling between CHARMM and GAMESS-UK many important chemical systems remain too large for follows a similar approach to these. pure quantum simulation. This is especially true if In the CHARMM QM/MM model the standard energies for many configurations are required, as in CHARMM force-field is used for the classical partition studies. Over the last ten years or so and the QM/MM van der Waals interactions. The we have sought to extend the capabilities of the QM/MM electrostatics are handled by including, in the GAMESS-UK code by including environmental effects Hamiltonian, point charges at the MM positions. The via interfaces to other programme packages. Two energy and forces from the QM calculation, including approaches have been pursued in parallel: on one electrostatic forces acting on the classical centres, are hand, the ChemShell package [95] provides for a added to those computed by CHARMM. The QM/MM generalized coupling of QM and MM packages, while approach involves introducing additional hydrogen the GAMESS-UK/CHARMM interface specifically (link) atoms to the edges of the QM cluster to terminate addresses the requirement of providing a QM/MM the quantum mechanical calculation. The forces on the capability for users of the CHARMM package. link atoms can be handled by CHARMM using the same methods developed for treating explicit models of 4.7.1. ChemShell. ChemShell [95, 96] is a scripting lone pairs. language, based on Tcl, which provides a number of The DFT module within GAMESS-UK employs an QM/MM schemes together with a number of utility auxiliary basis fit of the charge density to provide an functions for dealing with the combined QM/MM approximation to the Coulomb energy (see above). We potential energy surface (for example, MD and geome- have used these elements of GAMESS-UK to imple- try optimization drivers). ChemShell is not specific ment an alternative model in which the charge density of to GAMESS-UK, interfaces exist to MOLPRO, the classical system is included in the QM Hamiltonian CADPAC, Turbomole and Gaussian, however a num- not as a set of point charges but as a continuous charge ber of modifications to GAMESS-UK to support distribution represented as a sum of Gaussian terms interfacing to the environment make it the most useful [102]. This allows greater overlap between the QM and code in this context. This interface is suitable for a MM charge distributions without the introduction of variety of application areas [95], but to date most major artefacts and thereby permits the exploration examples that have employed GAMESS-UK have of a number of QM/MM schemes. The CHARMM/ focussed on solid-state embedding problems such as GAMESS-UK interface supports a QM/MM imple- zeolite and metal oxide catalysis [97, 98]. mentation of the replica path algorithm, which enables simultaneous optimization of a complete reaction path 4.7.2. The CHARMM/GAMESS-UK Interface. A using an algorithm particularly well suited to parallel second approach, particularly appropriate for biomole- computing [103]. cular systems, is exemplified by the direct coupling of GAMESS-UK with the CHARMM [99] macromolecu- 4.8. Visualization and the CCP1 GUI lar modelling package. In this case all the tools for system setup and exploration of conformational space Visualization and input preparation for GAMESS-UK are those of CHARMM, with the QM contribution is supported through the CCP1 GUI project, which simply a part of the energy expression. CHARMM is has arisen as a result of demand within the UK one of the most widely used packages for the study of academic community (principally through CCP1) for a macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids and free, extensible Graphical User Interface (GUI) for lipids. It supports energy minimization and molecular community codes, particularly for teaching purposes. dynamics approaches using a classical parameterized The GUI has been built around the Python open- force-field. In order to permit studies of reacting species source programming language and the VTK visualiza- it is useful to be able to incorporate the quantum tion toolkit, both of which have been ported to all the mechanical energy of a part of the system into the force- major platforms. The GUI is therefore field, and over recent years a number of interfaces to capable of running on all of these systems. Distributions quantum mechanical programs have been developed. of the GUI have already been successfully tested on Initially, these were based on semi-empirical wavefunc- Windows, and Suse and Redhat distributions, tions. More recently, computational and hardware and packages for these distributions are freely available GAMESS-UK electronic structure package 733 from our web site [104]. The design of the GUI makes a given schema. Multiple representations of the various the most of Python’s high degree of object-orientation, molecular properties for the same or different molecules including advanced features such as multiple inheritance can be created and overlaid to extract the maximum that are not available in other object-oriented languages amount of information from the results of a calculation. such as Cþþ and Java. The strong reliance on object The GUI can also be used to view the dynamic orientation means that it is quick and easy to create properties of a calculation, by animating molecular interfaces to new computational chemistry codes as the vibrations or creating a movie from the different steps need arises. The GUI already has a highly featured in a geometry optimization. interface for the GAMESS-UK program, and there are working interfaces for the ChemShell QM/MM package e-Science developments. Work is already underway and MOPAC. [105] to enable the GUI to exploit the latest develop- ments in the field of e-Science. Initially these will allow 4.8.1. CCP1 GUI functionality. The GUI supports the GUI to download molecular structures from GAMESS-UK SCF, DFT or post-Hartree–Fock calcu- databases around the world for viewing, or to serve as lations, and geometry optimizations, including transi- the inputs for calculations. As the e-Science Data Model tion state searches. As well as options to configure matures, however, it will become possible to not only everything from the convergence criteria of SCF download and view the results of calculations carried calculations and geometry optimizations, to functionals out with different codes, but to use the GUI to import and grid settings for DFT calculations, the interface the inputs to serve as a basis for new calculations. includes a tool to configure the basis sets on individual atoms. The interface also provides access to the various 5. Parallel implementation and performance of analytical options offered by GAMESS-UK and the GAMESS-UK results of these calculations are automatically imported into the GUI for display with the visualization tools. 5.1. The replicated data MPI implementation Supported file formats. From its inception, the GUI Historically the development of the parallel version of was intended to work with a number of different codes, the code resulted in both SCF and DFT modules being so a variety of file formats are supported both for parallelized in replicated data fashion, with each node reading in molecular structures and outputting data. As maintaining a copy of all data structures present in the well as conventional formats such as Z-matrix and PDB, serial version. While this structure limits the treatment there are programme-specific formats for CHARMM, of molecular systems beyond a certain size, experience ChemShell, XMol and Gaussian, as well as support suggests that it is possible on the current generation of for XML. machines to handle systems of up to 5000 basis functions. The main source of parallelism in the SCF Editing capabilities. The GUI has a suite of easy-to-use module is the computation of the one- and two-electron editing tools that allows complex molecules to be integrals and their summation into the Fock matrix, created using simple point-and-click operations. There with the more costly two-electron quantities allocated is also a fully functional Z-matrix editor that can be dynamically using a shared global counter. The result used to edit the atomic coordinates of a molecule of parallelism implemented at this level is a code in internal or Cartesian form. Symbolic variables (and scalable to a modest number of processors (around constants) can be defined, and the editor can auto- 32), at which point the cost of other components of matically generate a Z-matrix (including the requisite the SCF procedure start to become significant. This reordering of the atoms) which can subsequently be mode of parallelization is available in the current customized. Used in conjunction with the graphical distribution and is referred to historically as the MPI tools this creates a powerful and flexible environment implementation. for building molecular structures. Improving the scalability of the code beyond this has been addressed in part by adopting a number of Visualization tools. The GUI has powerful and highly the tools developed by the High Performance customizable visualization capabilities. Scalar data can Computational Chemistry Group (HPCCG) from the be represented through volume rendering, coloured 3D- Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory at isosurfaces, 2D-slices or as a raw grid of points. Vector PNNL. The HPCCG has developed molecular model- data can be represented as hedgehog plots, glyphs or ling software to take full advantage of the parallel streamlines, and the colours and opacity of any of the computing power of MPPs. These efforts have culmi- vector or scalar representations can be easily adapted to nated in the NWChem package that includes a broad 734 M. F. Guest et al. range of electronic structure and molecular dynamics Depending on the subsequent operation, it may then functionality [106–108]. We briefly outline in the next be necessary to re-replicate the array. As an example, section the tools that have been adopted in collabora- the SCF convergence acceleration algorithm (DIIS— tion with the HPCCG. direct inversion in the iterative subspace) uses GA storage for all matrices, and parallel matrix multiply and dot-product functions. This not only reduces the time to 5.2. Global array tools and PeIGS perform the step, but the use of distributed memory The first of these is the Global Array (GA) toolkit storage (instead of disk) reduces the need for I/O. We [109–111], which provides an efficient and portable have also used the GA tools to map disk files into ‘shared-memory’ programming interface for distributed- distributed memory, an approach which proves more memory computers. The toolkit enables each process in efficient than keeping all files on node 0 and distributing a MIMD parallel program to asynchronously access to all nodes using broadcast operations. logical blocks of physically distributed matrices, without need for explicit co-operation by other processes. Unlike 5.3. Moving to distributed data other shared-memory environments, the GA model exposes the to the non-uniform memory With the increasing availability of large parallel access (NUMA) timing characteristics of the parallel architectures it is becoming more and more important computers and acknowledges that access to remote data to exploit such systems effectively. Methodologies that is slower than to local data. From the user perspective, a work well on small to medium size machines may not global array can be used as if it were stored in shared scale well to the top end, and so it is becoming necessary memory, except that explicit library calls are required to to investigate alternative strategies that make better use access it. The information on the actual data distribu- of the resources available. tion can be obtained and exploited whenever data The replication of all the data implies that the largest locality is important. Each process is assumed to have problem that can be solved is governed by the amount of fast access to some ‘local’ portion of each distributed memory available to one processor, not that available matrix, and slower access to the remaining ‘remote’ on the whole machine. So, for example, if a machine portion. Remote data can be accessed through opera- consists of 1024 processors each with 1 GByte per tions like ‘get’, ‘put’ or ‘accumulate’ (floating point sum- processor, the limit is not the terabyte of memory reduction) that involve copying the globally accessible available on the whole system, but the GByte available data to/from process-private buffer space. A number of locally. More generally, the communications overhead BLAS-like data-parallel operations have been developed can become very large because once a parallel operation on top of these primitives. has been performed it will be necessary to re-replicate all The second tool is the scalable, fully parallel the data across the whole machine so that each eigensolver, PeIGS, whose numerical properties satisfy processor has a current version. This requires a global the needs of the chemistry applications [112]. PeIGS communication, a potentially costly operation for which solves dense real symmetric standard (Ax ¼ lx) and the time taken grows with the number of processors. generalized (Ax ¼ lBx) eigenproblems. The numerical While this may not be so important for such very method used is multisection for eigenvalues and expensive operations as the Fock build, for fast, highly repeated inverse iteration and orthogonalization for efficient operations which are performed repeatedly, eigenvectors [112]. Accuracy and orthogonality are such as matrix multiplies, the communication overhead similar to LAPACK’s DSPGV and DSPEV [113]. can become large relative to the time taken in the Unlike other parallel inverse iteration eigensolvers, computation, thus inhibiting scaling. Finally, replicated PeIGS guarantees orthogonality of eigenvectors even data simply does not fit well with many algorithms. For for arbitrarily large clusters that span processors. computational chemistry the most important of these is Internally, PeIGS uses a conventional message passing diagonalization, which becomes an increasingly impor- programming model and column-distributed matrices. tant stage of the calculation as the system size increases. However, it is more commonly accessed through an The net result of these drawbacks is that a replicated interface provided by the GA toolkit, with the necessary data strategy is not an efficient methodology for data reorganization handled by the interface. exploiting large parallel computers due to both system Once the capability for GA is added to GAMESS- size and parallel scalability limitations. UK, and the PeIGS-based diagonalization module An alternative method is distributed data. Here each introduced, parallelization of the linear algebra becomes processor holds only part of each of the (major) data straightforward by forming a distributed copy of the structures. This overcomes many of the drawbacks of relevant matrices and calling the library routine. replicated data; the limit on system size is now that given GAMESS-UK electronic structure package 735 by all the memory on the computer, global communica- difficult using distributed data. Though these problems tions are largely avoided as re-replication is not can be addressed, as they are in the NWChem package required, and many of the algorithms that cannot be by use of one-sided communications, we have taken a effectively addressed by a replicated data strategy fit more pragmatic approach by implementing a partially more naturally within a distributed data one. Due to replicated version of the SCF and DFT modules, which these attractive features this method is being increas- we describe in section 5.7. ingly used both in quantum chemistry codes, and more generally in other areas. One example in quantum 5.4. The GA-based DFT and MP2 modules chemistry is NWChem [106–108], which uses this strategy throughout. The Density Functional Theory (DFT) module As noted above the standard parallel implementation within GAMESS-UK is a MPP implementation of of GAMESS-UK uses an approach between these two the Hohenberg–Kohn–Sham formalism [54, 114] of extremes. Most of the data is replicated, but when a DFT. The Gausssian basis DFT method breaks the parallel linear algebra operation is to be performed the Hamiltonian down into the same basic one- and two- data is copied into a global array; GA tools are used to electron components as traditional Hartree–Fock (HF) perform the operation, and then the data is copied back methods, with the latter component further reduced to a into a replicated object. Whilst this solves some of the Coulomb and an exchange-correlation term. The treat- problems associated with a replicated data strategy ment of the former can be accomplished in identical the majority still remain, especially the large memory fashion to that used in traditional self-consistent field requirements and the re-replication overheads. This (SCF) methods or from the commonly used Dunlap would suggest that a move to a truly distributed data charge density fit [55, 56]. model would be desirable. However, distributed data is The performance of both DFT and DFT second not a universal panacea, for as with replicated data it derivative modules on a variety of high-end parallel is difficult to implement certain algorithms efficiently hardware is shown in table 4. This includes both the in parallel using it. One is the build of the Fock matrix; IBM systems at HPCx (—the consider the form of the coulomb and exchange Phase1 p690 system with 1.3 GHz power4 CPUs and contributions to element of the Fock matrix: the Phase2 p690 þ system, with 1.7 GHz power4 þ CPUs—and the SGI Altix 3700 systems, with 1.3 GHz X 1 Itanium2 CPUs (‘newton’) at CSAR (http://www.csar. F ¼ H0 þ P ½ðvjÞ ðj vÞ: ð35Þ v v 2 and 1.5 GHz CPUs (‘ram’) at ORNL (http:// Older systems also shown include In principle, each element of the density matrix ‘teras’, the SGI Origin 3800/R14k-500 at SARA (http:// contributes to every element of the Fock matrix., and the HP/Compaq AlphaServer Within a distributed data parallelization strategy each SC ES45/1000 system, ‘TCS1’, at the Pittsburgh processor would hold a portion of both the Fock and Supercomputing Centre ( Unless density matrices. Therefore, one way to implement this stated otherwise, the DFT calculations did not exploit is for each processor to calculate all the integrals CD fitting, but evaluated the coulomb matrix explicitly. appropriate for the it currently holds, form the Note that all reported timings for the IBM contribution to the Fock matrix and then pass the part p690 þ system refer to the High Performance Switch of the density matrix that it currently holds onto the (HPS) microcode contained in Service Pack 7 (SP7), next processor, in a systolic-loop-type algorithm. This is unless stated otherwise. Considering the DFT results, repeated until the Fock matrix is fully formed. However, modest speedups ranging from 55 (IBM p690) to 78 this algorithm has a number of drawbacks, the main one (SGI Origin 3800) are obtained on 128 processors for being that of load balancing. Each communication of the larger cyclosporin calculation. Somewhat better the density matrix will require synchronization between scalability is found in both valinomycin DFT calcula- a pair of processors (assuming a standard two-sided tions where a greater proportion of time is spent in communication protocol), and, further, since the virtual integral evaluation arising from the more extended basis processor topology used in the above algorithm is a ring sets [115]. Speedups of 87 and 102 are obtained on 128 this implies a loose synchronization between all proces- processors of the IBM p690 and p690þ, the latter figure sors. Therefore, to avoid load imbalance at each stage comparable to that found on the AlphaServer (97), the all the processors must perform the same amount of SGI Origin 3800 (102) and Altix 3700/1300 (104) in work, and this is not straightforward to achieve. So the 1620 GTO calculation. The performance of both while good scalability in the Fock build can be achieved GAMESS-UK and NWChem using releases of the readily using a replicated data strategy, it is much more Global Array Tools up to and including V3.3 showed a 736 M. F. Guest et al.

Table 4. Time in wall clock seconds for GAMESS-UK benchmark calculations on the Compaq AlphaServer SC ES45/1000, SGI Origin 3800/R14k-500, IBM p690 and p690þ, and SGI Altix 3700/1300 and 3700/1500. CPUs SGI Origin Compaq Alpha IBM p690 IBM IBM SGI Altix SGI Altix 3800/R14k-500 ES45/1000 p690þ(SP7) p690þ(SP9) 3700/1300 3700/1500 Cyclosporin (1000 GTOs) DFT/B3LYP 6-31G 32 1049 580 556 385 392 420 379 64 587 355 369 254 231 249 221 128 269 160 173 Cyclosporin (1855 GTOs) DFT/B3LYP 6-31G** 32 3846 2084 2047 1366 1319 1522 1383 64 2271 1276 1429 876 804 900 808 128 1585 896 1193 739 555 612 615 Valinomycin (882 GTOs) DFT/HCTH 32 1947 1024 1099 802 816 893 780 64 1065 577 635 463 441 487 420 128 623 369 489 309 260 390 263 Valinomycin (882 GTOs) DFT/HCTH (J-fit) 32 649 429 473 269 279 258 237 64 425 283 370 243 193 169 128 352 355 Valinomycin (1620 GTOs) DFT/HCTH 32 9636 4738 4723 3513 3502 4147 3595 64 5110 2556 2690 1966 1886 2195 1901 128 3024 1557 1777 1259 1104 1277 1190 256 2026 1013 1343 985 731

(C6H4(CF3))2 second derivatives DFT/HCTH 32 1772 922 842 457 471 567 497 64 1081 557 471 362 295 325 338 128 826 337 294 240 180 238 326

marked deterioration on SGI Altix systems that involve far from optimal, with the measured latencies and partitioning across two or more linux64 partitions. This bandwidths significantly inferior to those measured on deficiency has been remedied in V3.4 of the GA library, corresponding POWER3-based systems. This provided so that the timings on the multi-partition CSAR Altix one of the main motivations behind a re-implementation system are now consistent (allowing for the clock speed of the SCF and DFT modules using only tools based on ratio of 1.15) with those on the 256-way single system MPI (see section 5.7). The recent release of Service Pack image characterizing the ‘ram’ system at ORNL (see 9 (SP9) on the p690 þ has done much to address these table 4). With the release of SP9, we see that the IBM shortcomings, as is evident from the timings on higher p690 þ and Altix systems exhibit comparable perfor- processor counts in figure 4 (vide infra). mance in the 128 CPU DFT calculations. The enhanced performance of the DFT 2nd Derivative module on 5.4.1. The fitted Coulomb DFT module. Following on the IBM p690 and p690 þ arises from the decreased from the discussion of section 3.2 we note that the dependency on latency exhibited by the current parallelization of the Fitted Coulomb module is implementation compared to the DFT energy module. performed trivially by distributing the evaluation of The less than impressive scalability of both integrals with the same set of wavefunction basis GAMESS-UK and NWChem on the IBM p690 and functions ðpq over the processors. Because the integrals p690 þ systems (up to and including SP7) arises to some are stored and read when needed a static load balancing extent from the dependency of both codes on a Global scheme has to be applied to avoid communication. If the Array implementation that is dependent on IBM’s LAPI amount of memory available is not sufficient to store all communication library [117]. The implementations of of the integrals then the ones that were not stored can be LAPI on POWER4-based architectures has proved recalculated. This combined in-core/direct approach can GAMESS-UK electronic structure package 737 be optimized further by storing the largest integrals generated as required during the two-electron derivative and recalculating the small ones. This way, as with integral generation from intermediates stored in direct-SCF, the Schwarz inequality can be tightened the GAs. by including the density factors, reducing the number of integrals further. The inversion of the matrix V was implemented using the PeIGS diagonalization package, 5.5. The parallel valence bond module with the matrix distributed column-wise, to maximize The VB program has now been parallellized. Extending data locality in the evaluation of the fitting coefficients. earlier implementations [117] of the separate program Timings for a number of DFT calculations on the using MPI, the integrated version now employs the valinomycin molecule, conducted on the variety of high- Global Array tools. In addition to the major time- end hardware under consideration, are shown in table 4. consuming part of the code, the calculation of the Calculations used a DZV_A2 DGausss basis of 882 matrix elements, the four-index transformation has also functions and the HCTH functional, with timings been adapted. Although this is not so efficient by itself, reported for calculations in which the Coulomb matrix it does enhance the overall efficiency of the code. was evaluated explicitly (J-explicit) and for those that The parallel efficiency is quite adequate, as is shown in used CD fitting (J-fit). The latter employed an A1_DFT figure 2. fitting basis (3012 functions). It can be seen that the Using the parallel code we have been able to perform current implementation of the fitted Coulomb module calculations on the aromaticity of benzyne [118] and provides significant benefit in terms of time to solution, benzene which, for the first time, employ a completely with all systems showing a significant reduction in time balanced description of the systems to be compared when using the fitted Coulomb matrix compared to when trying to estimate the resonance energy. This explicit treatment of the Coulomb term. These reduction is a breathing-orbital-type approach [119], where both factors on 64 CPUs range from 2.51 (SGI Origin 3800/ structures in a two-structure calculation are described R14k) to 1.72 (IBM p690) across the variety of systems with their own set of orbitals. given in table 4. A comparison with the explicit-J timings shows, not surprisingly, poorer scalability of the fitted approach given the greater dependency of this 5.6. Parallel Direct-CI approach on interconnect. In the Direct-CI method [15, 120–122] the explicit calculation of the CI Hamiltonian matrix is avoided, but 5.4.2. The parallel MP2 module. Substantial modifica- instead the matrix–vector product tions were required to enable the second-order Mo¨ ller Plesset (MP2) gradient to be computed in parallel [116]. Z ¼ HC ð36Þ The conventional integral transformation step is now omitted, with the SCF step performed in direct fashion is calculated directly from the molecular integrals. Here and the MO integrals, generated by re-computation of C is a trial vector of CI expansion coefficients and Z is the atomic orbital (AO) integrals, stored in the global the resulting matrix–vector product. The Hamiltonian memory of the parallel machine. The storage and matrix elements between two CSFs and (Hv) can be subsequent access is managed by the GA tools. The written in terms of coupling coefficients and molecular basic principle by which the subsequent steps are integrals parallelized involves each node computing a contribu- X X tion to the current term from molecular orbital (MO) v v Hv ¼ Apq ½pqþ Apqrs½pqj rs: ð37Þ integrals resident on that node. For some steps, pq pqrs however, more substantial changes to the algorithms are required. For the MP2 gradient, the construction of In the parallel implementation, the original structure the Lagrangian (the right-hand side of the coupled of the Direct-CI program as described in detail in [15] is perturbed Hartree–Fock (CPHF) equations) requires maintained. The generation of the H matrix and Z MO integrals with three virtual orbital indices. Given vector is divided in model contributions, where each the size of this class of integrals, they are not stored, the model depends on the integral indices (number of required terms of the Lagrangian being constructed indices in internal and external space). For each directly from AO integrals. A second departure from the model, a set of coupling coefficients and a sorted list serial algorithm concerns the MP2 two-particle density of integrals are stored on disk. Parallelization of the matrix. This quantity, which is required in the AO basis, generation of the Z-vector is achieved by dividing the is of a similar size to the two-electron integrals and coupling coefficients or the integrals (the latter only is stored on disk in the conventional algorithm, but the (ab|cd) and (ia|bc) integrals) among the nodes. 738 M. F. Guest et al.

Figure 2. Scaling of the GAMESS-UK VB Module for MPI with dynamic load balancing and GA with static distribution of work units. In the first case, one processor is used for distributing work units. Speed-ups are relative to the GA single CPU result.

scale to 32 processors [123]) and for the COLUMBUS system [124] shows that our program behaves similarly. The present parallel implementation of the Direct-CI Figure 3. The distribution of the global array, which holds program enables large-scale CI jobs, and it benefits the C- and Z-vectors, among six nodes. especially from the large amount of shared memory that can be allocated when multiple processors are used.

An efficient parallelization is obtained by the imple- 5.7. An MPI/ScaLAPACK implementation mentation of the Global Array tools [109] for storing the of the SCF module most current C- and Z-vectors. Each node generates a part of the total Z-vector, which is added to the Global As discussed in the overview of GAMESS-UK paralle- Array with a distributed update. For this, a global (two- lization (section 5.1) the program is still predominantly a dimensional) array is created that can hold one C-vector replicated data one. However, the replicated data SCF and one Z-vector, and it is distributed among the nodes and DFT modules were showing limited scaling, in as figure 3 shows. This arrangement of the C- and particular those based on SP7 on the HPCx system (see Z-vectors in memory has the advantage that each node figure 4). There were problems related to the largest has a part of the C-vector and its matching part of the chemical system which would fit in the available Z-vector in core for the calculation of a new C-vector. memory, and problems with the scaling of the GA- The Davidson sub-space manipulations are paralle- based linear algebra when implemented over LAPI (vide lized automatically by the layout of the global array: infra). In the light of these problems we investigated an each node operates on its own partial C-andZ-vectors alternative approach in which: to generate the partial dot-products, and the total is (i) MPI-based tools (such as ScaLAPACK) were obtained by a global sum. used in place of GA and LAPI, and A CI calculation on cyclopentapyrene was used as a (ii) all data structures except those required for the test case. The CI expansion had a length of 106 353 143 Fock matrix build were fully distributed. CSFs. The program is found to scale reasonably well, up till 32 processors, showing a speedup of 20 at this A partially distributed model was chosen because, in the processor count. It is expected that, for larger CI jobs, absence of efficient one-sided communications, it is the scaling should improve further. A comparison of our difficult to efficiently load balance a distributed Fock speedups and that with other CI programs like the matrix build. The obvious drawback of this is that selected DIESEL-CI program [89] (which is found to some large replicated data structures are required. GAMESS-UK electronic structure package 739

the size of problem that can be solved. However, the implementation of a general matrix module makes it straightforward to move these to a distributed data strategy, and work is currently in progress to address this. The performance of the MPI/ScaLAPACK SCF module has been compared with the GA implementa- tions (Service Packs 7 and 9) of GAMESS-UK on HPCx, the large IBM p690 þ cluster. The system studied was a Zeolite-Y cluster using 3752 spherical harmonic basis functions. Figure 4 shows the speed-up for the three calculations. The speed-ups have been obtained by assuming perfect scaling to 64 processors. The 1024 processor time (with a speed-up of around 400) corresponds to an elapsed time of 20 min. Figure 4. Scaling of the MPI-based SCF program. It can be seen that, at the lowest number of processors considered, the run times are comparable, with the GA implementation being slightly the quicker. However, as the number of processors is increased the MPI/ However, these are kept to a minimum. For a closed- ScaLAPACK module displays much better scaling, and shell Hartree–Fock or density functional theory calcula- by 512 processors it is over twice as fast as that based on tion only two replicated matrices are required, one Fock the GA tools (SP7). This improved scaling is due to the and one density, while for unrestricted calculations this better performance of the linear algebra, though it can is doubled. Further, the symmetry of these matrices is be seen that the scaling, while better, is far from perfect. used to cut down on the required memory. This is for two reasons: (i) some of the linear algebra operations are not 5.7.1. Implementation and current status. The MPI/ scaling well, especially the diagonalizer; ScaLAPACK SCF module is written in standard (ii) as the MPI/ScaLAPACK module uses MPI-1 conforming 95, and uses MPI for message throughout, one-sided communications cannot passing. The code is built upon a Fortran module that be used, making dynamic load balancing of the implements a derived matrix type and operations on integrals impossible. As a consequence, load such objects, the defined operations being those imbalance is becoming important at higher commonly use in quantum chemistry. The matrices processor counts. can be either replicated or distributed, this being set when they are created. After that the routines that Both of these effects are due to the system being use the module need not know how a given matrix somewhat too small to run efficiently on such large is distributed, thus simplifying the high level processor counts, but still the scalability is good up to implementation. 256 processors, and acceptable at 512. For distributed matrices the matrix operations are, in general, performed using ScaLAPACK [125, 126], while 6. Some applications of GAMESS-UK LAPACK [113, 127] is used for replicated matrices. Using multiple BLACS [128] contexts allows linear In this section we provide some examples of recent algebra operations to be performed on a subset of the application work undertaken with the GAMESS-UK processors, and this is exploited by the matrix module to program. use the extra level of parallelism available in unrestricted calculations, i.e. that over the spins. These underlying 6.1. DFT calculations on biomolecules: exploring distributed operations are transparent to the high level the charge distribution of isocitrate lyase routines. This is achieved by overloading many of the operations on the matrix type, allowing them to act on As a Dutch Challenge project, calculations on the both single matrices and arrays of them. enzyme isocitrate lyase were performed on two 64 node At present, only the MPI/ScaLAPACK SCF driver subsystems of the Dutch national supercomputer Aster, uses distributed data. As a result the memory limitations an SGI Altix 3700 system with 1.3 GHz Itanium2 imposed by the use of replicated data in other parts of processors and 2 GByte memory per node. GAMESS-UK, particularly the initial guess at the The aim of this project is to develop a model wavefunction and the analysis of the solution, limit suited for the design of a new class of inhibitors of 740 M. F. Guest et al.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TBC). In the case of chronic tuberculosis caused by persistent mycobacteria, TBC uses an alternative pathway to sustain its citric acid cycle, where it relies on the isocitrate lyase enzyme for its metabolism. In this state, the enzymes targeted by extant drugs are not used by the bacterium, rendering these drugs ineffective. However, non-drug-like chemical compounds that deactivate isocitrate lyase have been shown to kill persistent mycobacteria in vitro, indicating that this enzyme is a potential target for treatment of chronic tuberculosis. In order to design inhibitors of this enzyme, we need a reliable charge distribution of the active site of the enzyme and its surroundings. Furthermore, we will try Figure 5. The isocitrate lyase subsystem, showing the shells to use the computed electron density as a geometric used for the computational study. description of the protein binding site, analogous to the way steric grids are used in traditional mechanistic approximations. We will subsequently use the charge distribution and the geometry of the binding site to design compounds that inhibit isocitrate lyase and that have the potential to become a drug. Density Functional (B3LYP) and ab initio Hartree– Fock calculations have been performed on segments of the enzyme in spheres of up to 16 A˚around the active site, both with and without an embedded ligand. This involved up to 1800 atoms and 10 000 atomic orbitals using 62 processors in parallel. The geometry used was Figure 6. Slices through the electrostatic potential at the derived from X-ray crystallography [129]. active site of the enzyme. To assign basis functions, shells were assigned based on the distance to the centre of the enzyme, as shown in figure 5. The basis sets were designed to give the best suggest that these calculations are quite feasible even on description near the centre and slowly deteriorate going now quite affordable 64 node Itanium clusters. Some outwards. Thus two basis sets were chosen. TZVP weeks of calculation to establish a reliable charge consist of the shells TZVP, DZP, TZ, 6-31G, and distribution and molecular potential is not excessive, STO6G. SHELL4 consists of successive DZVP, 6-31G, as this provides the stage on which many STO6G, and STO3G basis sets. TZVP could only be experiments may be performed. used for a 14 A˚radius; the biggest calculation with this Preliminary results in figure 6 show the molecular basis employed 9556 orbitals for 1257 atoms. With potential from the ab initio Hartree–Fock calculations SHELL4, systems with a 16 A˚radius could be handled. (left) next to the molecular potential calculated from The biggest calculation with this basis involved 8315 force-field charges (right). These results suggest that orbitals and 1981 atoms. the now commonly used charge models may not be The results are analysed by computing point charges adequate. We now have to establish if this has serious using DMA [48], natural population analysis [130] and consequences for the docking of inhibitors and thus for by calculating molecular electrostatic potentials and computer-aided drug design. electron densities on a 12 12 12 A˚grid around the Thus we will repeat the calculations for a well- active site, totalling 22 692 points. The densities will be documented reference protein to allow comparison with used to assess the sterically accessible volume of the published docking work. To be able to make progress enzyme. on the possible new target system of the tuberculosis The timing analysis shows that the HF and DFT bacterium [129], isocitrate lyase, we will use computa- calculations scale reasonably well up to 40–50 proces- tional drug design methods [131, 132] to design actual sors on this machine. The scaling of the parallel drugs using the molecular potential calculated for an electrostatic potential calculation is excellent and empty enzyme. Given that supercomputers remain only would actually allow even denser grids. The timings a few years ahead of the mainstream, commodity GAMESS-UK electronic structure package 741

Figure 7. The methyl shift reaction for the propenium species at a Bronsted acid site.

Figure 8. The methyl shift transition state under construction in the CCP1 GUI.

marketplace, the techniques explored may soon find internal (Z-matrix coordinates) for the propenium acceptance within the pharmaceutical industry. group. Using a gas-phase model, the reaction is symmetrical as the two propenium end-points are equivalent. In the 6.2. Zeolite catalysis embedded case, the end-points and therefore the We have used the QM/MM capabilities of ChemShell forward and reverse barriers are no longer equivalent, to couple GAMESS-UK HF and DFT functionality and we find that the barriers are significantly lower in to the CFF zeolite force-field as implemented in the the embedded case. We have analysed the QM/MM DL_POLY [133, 134] code. This approach has been energies in table 5. The energy in the mechanical applied to a number of zeolite reactions [95, 97, 135], embedding case is easy to decompose into QM and one of which, the methyl shift of the adsorbed MM terms, and this is performed in the first section of propenium ion, is shown here [97] (see figure 7). table 5. Figure 8 shows how the model for this reaction In the electrostatic embedding case, the classical appears while being constructed, using a mixture of atoms contribute to the Hamiltonian as point charges. Cartesian coordinates for the zeolite fragment and For the purpose of the analysis the QM–MM 742 M. F. Guest et al.

Table 5. The decomposition of QM/MM energies for the propenium system. Z-(C,H) nb is the zeolitehydrocarbon non-bonded energy. Model Energy Propoxide I TS Propoxide 2 Barrier Barrier I Gas phase Total 0 316 0 316 316 Mechanical Total 0 247 55 247 192 QM 0 261 38 261 223 MM 0 696 15 Z-(C,H) nb 12 20 4 8 16 Electrostatic Total 0 253 68 253 185 QM–MMElec 93 103 100 10 3 Polarized QM–MM Pol 30 45 33 15 12

electrostatic interaction is estimated by calculating beamline 3.1. We here summarize the approach and the interaction of a classical representation of the QM findings in a number of such studies. region (Dipole Preserving Charges, DPC) with the MM Early calculations [136, 137] involved somewhat point charges. The role of polarization of the classical modest basis sets, with two different basis sets typically partition is estimated using single-point calculation of employed in these studies. A DZP basis set augmented the interaction of the DPC representation of the QM by centre-of-mass-based Rydberg (3s,2p,2d) functions region with local polarizabilities at Si and O sites, (DZPR) was used for the Rydberg state studies. This implemented using the DRF module in GAMESS-UK basis set permits a wide study of both valence and (last row of table 5). These analyses provide some Rydberg states, enabling a focus on the lowest two insight into the way the zeolite lowers the barrier for the Rydberg series from each of the six lowest IPs with some reaction. Mechanical (steric and strain) factors and confidence. A more extended triple-zeta valence basis electrostatic factors are both found to play an important with polarization functions (TZVP) was usually used for role in this process. The mechanical effect arises because the ground state molecular electronic properties, typi- the transition state fits better into the zeolite framework cally evaluated at the MP2 level. While these early structure than the propoxide minima do, lowering the calculations were limited to ca. 104 selected CSFs, the barrier. The electrostatic embedding model reveals recent incorporation of the semi-direct Table-driven CI that all the QM clusters are stabilized by electrostatic module has significantly increased these limits (to ca. interactions, but this has smaller effects on relative 5 105 CSFs), enabling the use of far more extensive energies (in fact, the barrier in one direction increases, basis sets. and the other one decreases). MM polarization, how- ever, is found to contribute significantly to the lowering 6.3.1. The electronic states and molecular properties of of the barrier this is because the transition state has a the azines. A series of studies have considered all the larger dipole moment than the minima (11 vs 6 Debye). known azines to date,including C6–nH6–nNn with n ¼ 0 Polarization of the zeolite framework stabilizes the (benzene) [138], n ¼ 1 (pyridine) [139], each of the charge separation, lowering both barriers [97]. diazines (n ¼ 2) [140, 141], and the 1,3,5-isomers [142] and 1,2,4-isomers [143] of the triazines (n ¼ 3), and 1,2,4,5-tetrazine [144]. The final species studied in this 6.3. Computational studies of electronic spectra series was 1,2,3-triazine [145]. In each case, a combina- Multi-reference, multi-root CI studies of low-lying tion of optical and low-energy electron energy-loss electronically excited states provide a stringent test of spectroscopy with CI calculations led to the assignment the ability of CI methods to interpret experimental of the singlet and triplet states in an energy range up to absorption spectra. GAMESS-UK has been extensively ca. 10 eV, and a reconsideration of the cationic states used in a number of combined experimental and produced by photoelectron spectroscopy. theoretical studies, with the excited state calculations Considering the valence states of 1,2,3-triazine [146], using the selection-based, multi-reference multi-root the VUV spectrum shows an intense absorption band MRD-CI module due originally to Buenker et al. around 7.4 eV, involving excitation of 1pp* type states 1 These studies have been greatly assisted by access to related to the E1u state of benzene. A broad band the Synchrotron Source at Daresbury, with the Vacuum maximum around 4.7 eV and absorption intensity ultraviolet (VUV) spectra recorded using the Daresbury between 5 and 6 eV are attributed to excitations of the Molecular Sciences Absorption Apparatus coupled to low-lying p* states. In the electron impact spectrum, GAMESS-UK electronic structure package 743 the most intense energy-loss band is around 3.6 eV, states below 10 eV are likely to be of pp* and p* which must relate to the excitation of p* states that are character with both valence and Rydberg types. not developed in optical absorption and hence is likely However, a number of * and p* states including to include a triplet component. The two lowest Rydberg those derived from the lone pair electrons were obtained states, 11a1 3s and 7b2 3s are assigned to weak maxima from the CI study, which give predictive values for the in the spectrum around 6.4 and 6.7 eV; suggested onset of such excitations. The highest pair of occupied energies for the p- and d-type Rydberg states are given orbitals (p3 and p2) both interact strongly with the in [145]. lowest pair of valence VMOs (p4 and p5), leading to a For valence states of type pp*, theory suggests that wide variety of valence states, and as such the molecule the two 1pp* states which relate to the (doubly behaves much more like a system with degenerate pairs 1 degenerate) benzene E1u state lie within the 7.4 eV of p-MOs. band, although as for other compounds of this type, The VUV absorption spectrum of isoxazole the computed energies are too high by about 1 eV. (5–10.8 eV, 250–115 nm) has been recorded for the first The assumption, from comparison of the experimental time [147]. The molecule has also been probed using spectrum with that of benzene, that the two lower lying electron impact with electrons of different incident 1pp* states contribute to absorption intensity around 6.5 energies and the He(I) photoelectron spectrum has and 5.0 eV, is supported by both computed energies been re-measured. Calculated energies for Rydberg (6.83 and 5.5 eV, respectively) and intensities. In states are close to those expected. More than 30 valence comparing theory with experiment for p* states, three excited states having finite oscillator strengths are optically allowed p* states in the low-energy region are computed to lie between 6 and 12 eV, but most of the computed to lie between 4 and 5.6 eV, the first two at 4.1 intensity in the VUV absorption spectrum is from and 5.1 eV being the most intense. The second of these is excitation of states of 1pp* character. The calculations related to the 4.7 eV absorption and the former to the suggest that the first two states lie at about 6 and 7 eV, leading edge of the UV band (which shows the hint of a respectively, and are separated by a state of type 1p* shoulder at s3.8 eV). The lowest-lying excited state where is nitrogen lone pair. The lowest-lying triplet detected in this series of experiments is seen in electron states, located by experiment at about 4.1 eV (290 nm) energy-loss at 3.6 eV, which is the computed energy of and 5.3 eV (225 nm), are 3pp*. Short-lived anionic states 3 the lowest triplet state, B1 (p*). Given this accord, we (electron–molecule resonances) have been detected in are confident that the 1p* states are well represented in both inelastic scattering and dissociative electron the theory and hence that another is excited around attachment channels. 5.6 eV in the VUV spectrum. Satisfactory agreement is found between the experimental assignments for Rydberg states (made using the Rydberg formula) and 7. Conclusions and outlook the computed energies. The GAMESS-UK package offers a wide range of 6.3.2. Assignment of the electronic states of pyrazole and quantum mechanical wavefunctions, capable of treating isoxazole. The gas-phase VUV absorption spectrum of systems ranging from closed-shell molecules through to pyrazole [146] and isoxazole [147] have been assigned in the species involved in complex reaction mechanisms. the light of multi-reference multi-root CI calculations The availability of a wide variety of correlation methods using basis sets up to quadruple zeta quality and provides the necessary functionality to tackle a number containing both valence and Rydberg-type functions. of chemically important tasks, ranging from geometry A very intense band centred near 7.8 eV in the spectrum optimization and transition-state location to the treat- of pyrazole appears to arise from the summation of ment of solvation effects and the prediction of excited three calculated bands of pp* character, of which the state spectrum. With the availability of relativistic ECPs first and third are the most intense. The window and the development of ZORA, such calculations may resonance near the band maximum is ascribed to mutual be performed on the entire Periodic Table, including the annihilation of a Rydberg state and valence state. The lanthanides. Future developments look in particular to electron energy loss (EEL) spectrum obtained previously enhance the existing DFT functionality, with both the showed low-lying triplet states at about 3.9 and 5.1 eV, treatment of excited states through time-dependent respectively; the computations suggest that two triplet methods and the computation of a broader variety of (3pp*) states lie within the 3.9 eV band. The UV- molecular properties, e.g. NMR chemical shifts. photoelectron spectrum confirms the identity of the Energy, gradient and frequency calculations have first three IPs as p3

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