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Thurrock Council Appendix 1.14.14 Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development (as amended) Adopted January 2015 Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development (as amended) Adopted January 2015 By a decision of Thurrock Council dated 28 January 2015 the policies and supporting text of the Thurrock Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development 2011 are amended as follows:- Following publication of the NPPF, the Council have identified a number of policies in the Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development DPD (adopted in December 2011) that require amendment in order to remain consistent with the NPPF. This Focused Review amends certain policies to which amendments could be taken forward without the need to prepare additional evidence. These policies are: CSSP5, CSTP8, CSTP23, CSTP25, CSTP26, CSTP27, CSTP28, CSTP31, CSTP32, PMD1, PMD2, PMD4, PMD6, PMD7, PMD10, PMD12, PMD15, PMD16. On adoption of the Focused Review, the previous adopted versions of these policies are replaced by the amended versions. New Policy OSPD1 is also added. All other policies of the Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development DPD remain unchanged. The Examination of the Focused Review: Consistency with National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) did not endorse any of the unchanged policies as being consistent with the NPPF. The Council intend to prepare a Local Plan for the Borough which will include a full review of all of the policies in the Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development DPD. Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development (as amended) Adopted January 2015 FOREWORD Dear reader, This document is the Adopted Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development, Development Plan Document for Thurrock; the “Core Strategy” for short. The Adopted Core Strategy addresses many issues affecting local people. The policies cover spatial development issues in relation to education, health, community safety, energy management, sustainable development, climate change and flood management. It also contains policies on more traditional but important planning activity such as housing, employment, leisure and sport, natural and historic environment and community facilities. In light of the challenge of climate change we have strengthened our environmental policies and standards to ensure that future generations will not pay a heavy price for our increased prosperity. We have strengthened the Core Strategy to reflect the changed economic conditions in Thurrock and set out our new vision for the future. The Core Strategy’s vision re-emphasises the need for the regeneration and renewal of Thurrock’s communities to be on a truly sustainable basis whilst protecting the Green Belt and conserving environmental assets within the Borough. The Core Strategy is the most important step to date towards the creation of Thurrock’s long-term Spatial Development Plan. Thurrock is going through a period of significant change, which will see growth in jobs, homes, and infrastructure to support the needs of local people now, and for generations to come. The Core Strategy is the foundation for future work on developing detailed policies for all types of development sites and areas of change such as Purfleet, the proposed Lakeside Regional Town Centre and London Gateway Port. Councillor Andy Smith Portfolio Holder for Housing and Regeneration Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development (as amended) Adopted January 2015 THURROCK BOROUGH COUNCIL THURROCK LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Thurrock Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development Development Plan Document Consistent with National Planning Policy Framework Framework Local Plan (as amended) ADOPTED January 2015 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 The Town and County Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2012 Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development (as amended) Adopted January 2015 Contents Page Chapter Page Number Foreword Contents Page i 1 INTRODUCTION 1 A Spatial Strategy for Thurrock: The “Core Strategy” 1 The New System – Thurrock’s Local Development Framework 1 The Core Strategy – Structure of the Document 3 Monitoring and Implementation Framework 4 Sustainability Appraisal and Appropriate Assessment 4 2 POLICY CONTEXT 5 National Strategies, Policies and Guidance 5 Regional Strategies, Policies and Guidance 6 Sub Regional Strategies, Policies and Guidance 7 Cross-Boundary Issues 7 Local Strategies 8 3 THE FUTURE OF THURROCK 13 Characteristics of Thurrock 14 Key Drivers of Change 15 Thurrock Spatial Vision for 2026 19 Strategic Spatial Objectives 24 Core Strategy Policies 27 4 SPATIAL POLICIES 29 Introduction 29 - CSSP1: Sustainable Housing and Locations 31 - CSSP2: Sustainable Employment Growth 35 - CSSP3: Sustainable Infrastructure 39 - CSSP4: Sustainable Green Belt 45 - CSSP5: Sustainable Greengrid 50 Key Diagram 55 5 THEMATIC POLICIES 57 Introduction 57 Core Strategic Housing Policies 58 - CSTP1: Strategic Housing Provision 59 - CSTP2: The Provision Of Affordable Housing 66 - CSTP3: Gypsies And Travellers 69 - CSTP4: Travelling Showpeople 72 - CSTP5: Neighbourhood Renewal 75 Core Strategic Employment and Retail Policies 78 - CSTP6: Strategic Employment Provision 79 - CSTP7: Network of Centres 86 i Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development (as amended) Adopted January 2015 - CSTP8: Viability and Vitality of Existing Centres 89 Core Strategic Socially Inclusive Communities Policies 91 - CSTP9: Well-being: Leisure and Sports 92 - CSTP10: Community Facilities 95 - CSTP11: Health Provision 97 - CSTP12: Education and Learning 102 - CSTP13: Emergency Services and Utilities 107 Core Strategic Transport and Access Policies 109 Introduction: Thurrock Transport Strategy 113 - CSTP14: Transport in the Thurrock Urban Area: Purfleet to 113 Tilbury - CSTP15: Transport in Greater Thurrock 115 - CSTP16: National and Regional Transport Networks 117 - CSTP17: Strategic Freight Movement and Access to Ports 119 Core Strategic Environment Policies 121 - CSTP18: Green Infrastructure 122 - CSTP19: Biodiversity 126 - CSTP20: Open Space 129 - CSTP21: Productive Land 131 - CSTP22: Thurrock Design 133 - CSTP23: Thurrock Character and Distinctiveness 135 - CSTP24: Heritage Assets and the Historic Environment 137 Core Strategy Climate Change Policies 140 - CSTP25: Addressing Climate Change 141 - CSTP26: Renewable or Low-Carbon Energy Generation 145 Core Strategic Water. Riverside and Coastal Policies 147 - CSTP27: Management and Reduction of Flood Risk 148 - CSTP28: River Thames 152 Core Strategic Minerals and Waste Policies 155 - CSTP29: Waste Strategy 156 - CSTP30: Regional Waste Apportionment 168 - CSTP31: Provision Of Minerals 171 - CSTP32: Safeguarding Mineral Resources 175 Core Strategic Infrastructure 178 - CSTP33: Strategic Infrastructure Provision 179 6 POLICIES FOR MANAGEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT 181 Introduction 181 Built Environment - PMD1: Minimising Pollution and Impacts on Amenity 182 - PMD2: Design and Layout 184 - PMD3: Tall Buildings 187 - PMD4: Historic Environment 189 Natural Environment - PMD5: Open Spaces, Outdoor Sports and Recreational 191 Facilities - PMD6: Development in the Green Belt 195 - PMD7: Biodiversity, Geological Conservation and Development 203 ii Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development (as amended) Adopted January 2015 Transport and Access - PMD8: Parking Standards 205 - PMD9: Road Network Hierarchy 208 - PMD10: Transport Assessments and Travel Plans 211 - PMD11: Freight Movement 213 Climate Change - PMD12: Sustainable Buildings 215 - PMD13: Decentralised, Renewable and Low Carbon Energy 218 Generation - PMD 14: Carbon Neutral Development 221 Flood Risk - PMD15: Flood Risk Assessment 227 Developers Contribution - PMD16: Developer Contributions 227 7 MONITORING AND IMPLEMENTATION 231 Introduction 231 Implementation Framework 231 Monitoring Framework 263 APPENDICES A1 Appendix 1 – List of Strategies, Plans and Technical Evidence A3 Appendix 2 – Relationship Matrix between SSO’s and the A9 Thematic Policies Appendix 3 – Housing Trajectory A11 Appendix 4 – Infrastructure Trajectory A13 Appendix 5 – Open Space Standards A23 Appendix 6 – Relevant Maps A27 Map 1: Indicative Proposals Map Map 2: Road Network Hierarchy Map 3: Location of Greengrid Map 4: Location of Landscape Character Areas Map 5: Location of Strategic Biodiversity Sites Map 6: Location of Listed Buildings, Scheduled Ancient Monuments and Conservation Areas Appendix 7 – Superseded Policies A35 GLOSSARY OF TERMS A41 iii Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development (as amended) Adopted January 2015 iv Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development. (as amended) Chapter 1 – Introduction and Overview Adopted January 2015 A SPATIAL STRATEGY FOR THURROCK: THE “CORE STRATEGY” 1.1 This Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development, Development Plan Document (Core Strategy) is a strategic document providing broad guidance on the scale and distribution of development and the provision of supporting infrastructure. It sets out the spatial vision, spatial objectives, the spatial development strategy and policies for Thurrock to 2026 and beyond together with a monitoring and implementation framework. 1.2 The Strategic Policies set out in the Core Strategy relate to housing, employment, communities, transport, the natural and built environment, climate change, water, waste and minerals. 1.3 The Thurrock Core Strategy also contains the policies and standards for the Management
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