No. 1. Message for To-Day Series Our English Bible Pacific Press
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No. 1. Message for To-Day Series Our English Bible Pacific Press Publishing Association,. Mountain View, California THE TITLE-PAGE OF THE "GREAT BIBLE IN THE ORIGINAL 9x14 INCHES The following paragraphs describe an engraving believed to be by Hans Holbein, which occupied the title-page of the so-called "Great Bible," a revision of Coverdale's Bible, which came out In 1539 ® OUND this Title, in a Border, is the fol- Priest with his square Cap on in a Pulpit, preach- We close the interesting record of the Kings lowing Representation finely cut in ing to a pretty large Auditory of Persons of all this week. After leaving the northern kingdom Wood, and designed, it's said, by Hans Ranks and Qualities, Orders, Sexes and Ages, of Samaria with its utter breaking up in the •Holben. On the Top of it is a Repre- Men, Women, Children, Nobles, Priests, Soldiers, seventeenth chapter, the record hastens to the sentation of the Almighty in the Clouds Tradesmen and Countrymen, who are represented Babylonian captivity of Judah. This record of of Heaven, with both his Hands stretched out, some standing and others sitting on Forms, and eight chapters covers the reign of seven kings, from his Mouth. On that and two Labels going expressing themselves very thankful. Out of the Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amon, Josiah, Jehoahaz, going towards his right Hand are the following Preacher's Mouth goes a Label with these Words, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin (Jeconiah, Coniah), and Words, Verbum quod egredietur de me non re- Obsecro letter prime= (minium alert obseeratlonets Zedekiah (Mattaniah). Five of these chapters vertetur ad me vacuum, Ned faciet qudcumque oratIones, postulationes, gratlarum sae-Honer" pro are given to the reign of the two good kings, volul, Esa. Iv. His left Hand points to the King, omnibus bominibus, pro realist's &c. 1 Timo. IL Hezekiah and Josiah, devoted men of God not- who is represented kneel- withstanding their mis- ing at some distance bare- takes. Hezekiah's mistake headed, and his Hands exalted man, aroused the lifted up towards Heaven, cupidity of Babylon, and with his Crown on the brought to his own seed Ground before him, and a captivity. It was after his Label going out of his mistake that the wicked M o u t h. On the Label Manasseh was born, but which comes from the even to him came the Almighty is this Text, mercy of God. Josiah was Invent vlrum jute cor a devoted, zealous re- meum, qui /owlet "manes former, but he could not voluntates mean, Ac. XIII. check the downward trend to which answers that pro- of the people, who loved ceeding from the King, the low, sensual religions Lucerne peollbus melt ver- of sun and Baal worship. hum tuum, Peal. CXVII. After the sad death of Underneath the Almighty Josiah the kingdom of is the King again repre- Judah soon fell before the sented sitting in . his mighty oncoming con- Throne, with his Arms be- queror, Nebuchadnezzar. fore him at 'his Feet. On Before repeating the his- his right Hand stand two tory of Judah and Israel Bishops bare-headed, and in Chronicles, let us read their Mitres on the ground, some of the writings and in token, as it should prophecies of the period seem, of their Acknowl- that we have covered; and egment of the King's Su- we begin with the Prov- premacy. The King gives The Byble in Englyshe, erbs of Solomon. Very to him a Book shut, with that is to say the content rich indeed in moral in- these Words on the Cover, of all the holy scripture struction, covering all bothe of the olde and news VERBUM DEI, and these testament, truly translated phases of life, are these Words on a Label going after the veryte of the wise, sententious, concise out of his Mouth, Hee pre- Hebrue and Greke textes by sayings ot Solomon; and cipe & dace, Tit. HIT. The the dylygent studye of dy- uerse excellent learned men, if they were heeded we Bishop receives it bending expert in' the f °ratty de would have a crimeless, his right Knee. On the viceless world. King's left hand stand sev- Prynted by Richard _ _— eral of the Lords Tem- Grafton and Edward Whit- cbitrch, poral, to one of which he The German Version was delivers a Book clasp'd Cum priuilegio ad int- primendum eoluon. adopted by the Kirk of with VERBUM DEI on the Scotland; and the Bishops' 1589. Cover of it, and the fol- Bible, sometimes called lowing Words on one Parker's Bible, was de- Label, A me comitttutuno signed to supplant it. In est & deeretum ut In uni- a way it was the bishop verso Imperlo & regno meo against the presbyter. But tremeseant & paveant it failed in this. This is deum viventem, Daniel VI. why King James demanded and on another Label this that the Bishops' Bible Text, quod luatum est should be taken as the Indica, Itaparvum andletts basis of the 1911 revision. ut magnum, Deut. prim°. The Nobleman receives the There is a note In the Book bending his left Bishops' Bible on Ps. 45: 9, K n e e. Underneath t h e on the gold of Ophir, Bishops stands Archbishop which will be of interest Crannies', with his Mitre to Americans and espe- on his Head, and habited cially to Californians: in his (c) Rochet or Stole "Ophir is thought to be over it. Before him is one the Ilande in the West kneeling with a shaven coast of late 'found by Crown, and habited in a Christopher Colombo: fro Surplice, to whom the whence at this day is Archbishop delivers a Book brought most fine golds." clasp'd, with the Words VERBUM DEI on the Cover The first year of the of it, and saying to him British and Foreign Bible these Words as they are Society, 1804, it issued in a Label coming out of about 5,000 Bibles. When his Mouth, Pascite quod in vobls est gregem On the right side of the Pulpit are the Words it was 100 years old it issued nearly 6,000,000 chriati, 1 Pet. V. Behind the Archbishop seems VIVAT REX, and in Labels coming from the volumes. Last year it exceeded 6,000,000 volumes. to stand one of his Chaplains, and at his Feet Peoples and Childrens Mouth. VIVAT REX, God Its issues in the hundredth year alone were an are placed his (d) Coat of Arms within a Gar- SAVE THE KING, to express the great and uni- average of nearly 60,000 volumes a year for its land, the same with those before his Life by versal Joy and Satisfaction which all the King's entire existence. Archbishop Parker, only here distinguished by Subjects, high and low, great and little, had, and the Crescent as the Arms of a younger Family. their Thankfulness to the King, for his granting The first Bible printed from movable types — Under the Lords Temporal stands Lord Cromwel them this Privilege of having and reading the said also to be the first book — was the Guten- the King's Vicegerent, as appears by his Arms holy Scriptures in their Mother-tongue. On the berg Bible, 1450 to 1455, less than 200 copies, plac'd at his Feet as the Archbishop's are, tho' left side are represented Prisoners looking out sold at $75.00 a copy. They are worth now from both they and the Archbishop's are omitted by of the Prison Grates, and partaking of this great $15,000 to $20,000 each. the Engraver I employ'd to take the Copy here and common Joy. inserted. His Lordship is represented standing The British and Foreign Bible Society was or- with his Cap on and a Roll of Paper in his right ganized March 4, 1804; the American Bible Soci- Hand, and in his left a Book clasp'd, with VER- EI OUR BIBLE BAND C) ety, in 1816; the National Bible Society of Scot- BUM DEI on the Cover of it, which he delivers land, in 1861. The three societies have issued Schedule for Week Ending May 20, 1911 to a Nobleman, who receives it of him bare- 341,000,000 volumes. headed, with these Words on a Label going out Sunday May 14 2 Kings 18-20 Monday 15 " 21-23 of his Mouth, Divert. a nab & fee bonum, In- Tuesday id 16 " 24, 25 All of the various Bible omelette's and com- Psalms XXXIII. At panies great and small publish annually about quire pacem & sequere eam, Proverbsdi 1 the Bottom on the right Hand is represented a Wednesday 17 2-4 15,000,000 volumes, and yet we are told that there Thursday " 18 5-7 44 19 4d not a few families In America who have not Friday 8-10 are • Spelled "Holbein" nowadays. Sabbath " 20 " 11-13 a Bible. S I GNSoF THFII " Even as we have been approved of God to he entrusted with the Gospel, so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, who proveth our hearts." For Terms, See Page 15 Weekly, $1.75 per year Vol. 38, Number 18 Mountain View, California, May 9, 1911 Single Copies, Five Cents Let us now, in the light of these general statements, trace The Annals of the English Bible the history of the Bible in England. We shall have to go back By Prof. M. E. Olsen, M.A., Ph.jJ. a long way. IIE annals of the English Bible may almost be said Earlier Fragments to be those of the English race.