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Dictionary of Food Science and Technology DICTIONARY OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Second Edition Compiled and edited by the International Food Information Service A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication C International Food Information Service (IFIS Publishing) 2005 Second edition published 2009 C International Food Information Service (IFIS Publishing) 2009 FSTA – Food Science and Technology Abstracts® and Food Science Central® are registered trade marks within Europe and the USA. IFIS Publishing, Lane End House, Shinfield Road, Shinfield, Reading RG2 9BB, UK Telephone +44 118 988 3895, email ifis@ifis.org, or visit www.foodsciencecentral.com ISBN 978-0-86014-186-0 (IFIS Publishing e-Book) Disclaimer The information contained herein, including any expression of opinion and any projection or forecast, has been obtained from or is based upon sources believed by us to be reliable, but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. The information is supplied without obligation and on the understanding that any person who acts upon it or otherwise changes his/her position in reliance thereon does so entirely at his/her own risk. Use of general descriptions, trademarks and the like, even if not specifically identified as such, does not imply that they are not protected by relevant regulations. Blackwell Publishing was acquired by John Wiley & Sons in February 2007. Blackwell’s publishing programme has been merged with Wiley’s global Scientific, Technical, and Medical business to form Wiley-Blackwell. Registered office John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, United Kingdom Editorial offices 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, United Kingdom 2121 State Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50014-8300, USA For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book please see our website at www.wiley.com/wiley-blackwell. The right of the author to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publisher is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold on the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. ISBN: 9781405187404 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Dictionary of food science and technology / compiled and edited by the International Food Information Service. – 2nd ed. p.;cm. ISBN 978-1-4051-8740-4 (hardback : alk. paper) 1. Food industry and trade–Dictionaries. I. International Food Information Service. [DNLM: 1. Food Technology–Dictionary–English. TP 368.2 D554 2009] TP368.2.D58 2009 664.003–dc22 2008053562 Typeset by IFIS Publishing Printed in Singapore 1 2009 PREFACE AND GUIDE TO DICTIONARY USAGE The first edition of the Dictionary of Food Science and Technology was published in 2005 to complement the 2004 edition of the companion Thesaurus to the bibliographic database FSTA – Food Science and Technology Abstracts®. Since that time, not only has the Thesaurus been updated several times online and in print1, but the passing of time has also meant that many of the terms appearing in the first edition of the Dictionary have become outdated; new terms have also become apparent. In this second edition of the Dictionary, 763 completely new terms have been defined for the first time, and all 7,849 existing terms from the first edition have been checked for accuracy, resulting in over 1,500 term definitions being rewritten. This second edition of the Dictionary contains 8,612 terms in total. In keeping with the first edition, the second edition contains a large number of definitions covering food commodities of every description and also many definitions of terms which are specific to food science and technology (for example, covering sensory analysis, consumer re- search, food composition, catering and food safety). It is further augmented with definitions of terms from cognate disciplines (including biochemistry, biotechnology, chemistry, economics, engineering, microbiology, packaging, physics and public health). Whenever appropriate, local names, synonyms and Latin names also appear. New additions to this edition include over 140 nutrition and health-related terms, reflecting recent increases in the importance and emphasis placed on nutrition and health by the food industry, academia and the general public. Coverage of these topics in FSTA has also increased in recent years. Similarly, terms relevant to pet foods and pet nutrition appear for the first time, since their appearance in the FSTA database from 2006 onwards. The Dictionary has been designed to be comprehensive, clear and easy to use. Alphabetical order in the Dictionary is determined on a letter by letter basis (not word by word) as follows: Acetates Acetic acid Acetic acid bacteria Acetic fermentation Acetobacter. Characters such as numbers, hyphens, primes, subscripts and superscripts are ignored when ordering terms, as are small capitals, hyphenated modifiers and alphabetic Greek characters. For example, N-Acetylglucosamine, -Amino acids, and 2-Aminobutane all appear under the letter A. Similarly, ␣-Carotene and ␤-Carotene both appear under the letter C. The Greek alphabet is given at Appendix A. 1 FSTA Thesaurus, eighth edition, IFIS Publishing 2007; ISBN 978-0-86014-171-6 xi Preface and Guide to Dictionary Usage xii Terms in the Dictionary are shown in bold typeface. Cross-references within definitions to other terms appearing in the Dictionary are also shown in bold. For example, Ale Historically, a beer type made without hops; in modern usage, a range of British-style beers, commonly brewed with top-fermenting brewers yeasts Thus, the entry for ale given above shows that the Dictionary also contains definitions for the terms beer, hops and brewers yeasts. Similarly, the entry for bacteriocins Bacteriocins Peptides produced by specific bacteria that possess antibac- terial activity. Both purified bacteriocins and bacteriocin-producing bacteria are used in the food industry, applications including inhibition of the growth of pathogens and spoilage organisms indicates that the Dictionary also has definitions for the terms peptides, bacteria, antibacterial activity, pathogens and spoilage. The definitions in the Dictionary have been compiled and edited by specialist scientific staff at IFIS Publishing who also produce FSTA and the companion Thesaurus. IFIS is an acronym for the International Food Information Service which was founded in 1968. The IFIS mission is to provide information products and services, commission research and provide education in information science for the international food science, food technology and nutrition community. IFIS Publishing is a not-for-profit organization (Charity No. 1068176) and a company limited by guarantee (Company No. 3507902). The Dictionary has been compiled to appeal to a wide range of readers. It is hoped that this resource will be a valuable tool for people of all levels working in the fields of food science, food technology and nutrition, as well as students of these subjects and their teachers, and anyone who has a general interest in the issues facing the international food sector. We would be pleased to hear from readers of the Dictionary who may wish to comment on this edition or suggest candidate terms for future editions. Correspondence concerning the Dictionary should be addressed to the Head of Publishing, IFIS Publishing, Lane End House, Shinfield Road, Shinfield, Reading RG2 9BB, UK; e-mail: ifis@ifis.org. CONTENTS Foreword ix Preface and Guide to Dictionary Usage xi The Dictionary 1 Appendix A Greek Alphabet 465 Appendix B Scientific Societies and Organisations in the Food Sciences 467 Appendix C Web Resources in the Food Sciences 471 vii A AAS Abbreviation for atomic absorption spec- Absorbents Materials or substances that are capable troscopy. of absorption. Uses of absorbents include incorpora- Abalones Marine gastropod molluscs belonging to tion within food packaging (to absorb oxygen as a the family Haliotidae, which contains around 70 spe- preservation technique, to control humidity, and to cies; widely distributed, but found mainly in the West- manage aroma and flavour problems in packaged ern Pacific (Japan and Australia), and also off Califor- foods) and for purification of foods and beverages, nia and Southern Africa. Only the adductor muscle is such as drinking water and liquid foods. edible, having a mild sweet flavour; this muscle is Absorption Process involving
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