
Clifford James Stratton published several articles for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Introduction: The Church's Ensign, New Era, and Friend magazines began publication for English speaking countries in 1971 and continue today, 2014. The official international magazine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was Tambuli from 1977 until the April 1995 edition. It then had different titles until 1999, when it became the Liahona, and was published in 51 languages, and continues today, 2014. It consists of articles for youth, teens, and adults. The Church News is the official newspaper of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was published with the Newspaper from 1931 until 1951, when it became a separate publication. BYU Studies is not an official Church publication. It began publication in 1951. It is an academic journal covering a broad array of topics related to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is published by the Church-owned . Wikipedia. For personal insight about these publications, see “Xanthines,” and individual titles, on .org, Clifford James Stratton, PID KWH7-HQY, Person Page.

Some of the contributions of Clifford James Stratton in Church publications:

Wayne L. Troutner and Clifford J. Stratton. “Fellowshipping” Is Answer, Elders Believe. Church News, Jan. 17, 1970. Clifford J. Stratton. Dealing with Death and Dying: Providing Emotional Support for the Bereaved or Terminally Ill. Ensign. Feb. 1976. Clifford J. Stratton. I know that tea and coffee contain substances that are harmful to us, but what exactly do they do? Ensign. December, 1979. Liahona, Aug. 1980. Clifford J. Stratton. Dealing with Death and Dying. Chapter in: Brent A. Barlow, Understanding Death, Deseret Book Co., 105-112. (This complete article was also included in two other popular books.) Clifford J. Stratton. Do herb drinks fall into the classification of “hot drinks” forbidden by the Word of Wisdom or are they “herbs to be used with prudence and thanksgiving”? Ensign. Aug, 1979. Tambuli. Feb. 1980. C. J. Stratton. The Xanthines: Coffee, Cola, Cocoa, and Tea, BYU Studies, 1980, 20 (4):371–88. Clifford J. Stratton and Marsha Romney Stratton. Catherine’s Faith: Vignettes from the Life of Catherine Jane Cottam Romney. Ensign. Sept. 1981. Liahona. June, 1982. Clifford J. Stratton. Caffeine – The Subtle Addiction. Ensign, June 1988. Published in the Liahona and Tambuli, in March, 1990, in 51 different languages.

Clifford J. Stratton. Sports and the Gospel: A Purpose Higher Than Victory. Ensign. Feb. 1992. (Marsha Romney Stratton was one of the Photographers. Clifford Lee Stratton are seen in the pictures.) Clifford James Stratton. The Facsimiles in the Pearl of Great Price: ’s “Explanations.” In English and Spanish. Amazon.com. 2011.