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.._,I t-- -- - ____. HERITAG~ROMISE W~c#~o/~~,-~~~ ~ Vol. 3 7 No. 4 April 1991 This special issue of Wake Forest University Magazine is dedicated with appreciation to Jeanne P. Whitman. Contributing writers: Kerry M. King, Adele LaBrecque, Cherin C. Poovey, Bernie Quigley, and Jeanne P. Whitman. Contributing photographers: Susan Mullally Clark, Julie Knight, and Grigg Studio. Typography: Rachel Lowry. Mechanical design: Lisa Kennedy. Production supervision: Teresa B. Grogan. Printing: Fisher-Harrison Corp. WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY MAGA ZINE (USPS 664-520, ISSN 0279-3946) is published five times a year in Sep tember, November, February, April and July by Wake Forese Universiry. Second class postage paid ac Winscon-Salem, C, and additional mailing offices. Please send letters co the edicor and alumni news co WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE, 7205 Rey nolda Station, Winston-Salem, C 27109. POSTMASTER: Send address changes co the WAKE FOREST MAGA ZINE, 7227 Re ynolda Station, Winscon- alem, C 27109. ~ ¥~ ~ te~ ~to- aff~ ~ fYde iJ%teM. @if .MJZ.W o/~ and ~~ ta /te4£' i?v de edt - od/ and~/ /te4,-f and n&f/. ~ ~ ~ o/rf)f/de iff~~~~ 7/Ubt& de ~yo/~ and~~.· ~ ~~ pt fYde @%;-~ tudfjv~ o/ ~ o/cwt tejueae~ ~. ~t eduw-~ ~ ~de~t?vaffo/~. ~~~aff~ ~ ~ ~ cldicaM tfei,t ~ to- de .iju;td o/~ ~. 1 These remarks were delivered informally He looks back at them, and, think and without a 'text. They were meant ing partly about himself, he says about to be listened to rather than read. So these boys , " I hope that when they please do not expect a formal essay. It grow up, when they become men, they is really just a talk to friends who think will receive an education.
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