

Zur Anseinandcrsetzun!!; zwit;chen der Weberschen Theorie del" Elektrizitat

lind der emfkommenden lVIaxwelIschen Elektrodynaillik

Andf(~ Koch Torres Assis, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brasil, and Karl Heinrich \Vicdcrkehr, Hamburg

Zusamrnenfassung Die Abhandlllllg spt7:t sidl mit del' Ablos\lll!-\ der iilterPIl Ekktrodynamik vou \Vilhdill \Ve­ bef und Fran;. Npumunll durch die .\laxwf'lJschr Theoric im lebten Drittel des 19. .lahr­ h\llldf'rt~ aus!'inClIHirr. AuflliingrT fiir die Darst.ellllng der Pl'oblcl11


This a.rticle deah-; with the super~("Hsiun of \Vilhelm \Veher's and FraIl;" NeUlllann's 01- dpr tlwory of electrodynamics by :\IaxwcJr~ theory in the last Lhinl of thc 19th cenlury. St,arting-poini; and l)<-l~is for the present.ation arc th(" few quotatiolls Lhat. Gill be found ill \\-'el)('r's ~. The discu~Hi()1I was mainly p(~rforilled by C

53 1 Introduction

Two of thc~ leading figure~ of XTXth century elenrodynamk~ were James Clerk II;Iaxwl'll (18.31 1870) and \Vilhelm Eduard \Yelwr (1804 1891), 27 ye;(trs oldc'r than \laxwC'i1 ([OJ a portrait of \Yilhelm \Y,o'iwr see pal',e 8). It ic. well kllown ,hat :\1axwell quot(;d in hi~ papers on e[e~Lromagndislll of 18~3, 1864 amI 1868 the wOiks of \Veber, sl'e [II, 121. I:~] and [-'1]. In Maxwell's "Jfreatisc on and (1873), which illtwclm·{"cl to Continental Europe a new epoch of resC'areh into electricity, \Vilhdm \V<:'1)('r. !Hext ro i\.lidlael Faraday and VViliiam Thomson (Lord KelYin), is most fn"(juPIltly (l1lOt('ti, 15]. \Vhat if, airnofot unknown is that \V",iwr also quoted }laxwell a few times in his works. \Vilhelm \Ye!JPr had alrpady formulated a fullfiedl',ed theory of p[edr()(lynamics, which was acknowledged on the Conlinenl unlil lhe 1870's as one of the leading ones. logether with th(" studi("s of Fnm7. SeumanIl. It dealt with t.hp alr('atiy \wll-knO"wn pIWll()]ll('lla of mag-ndisHl ami diamapldi~IlI using a~ support the hypothp~es of (;It'ct.rical lllol('cular currents, 's law of plectrostaticC', 's study of attraction

2 First and Second Quotations

The fir~t quotation appears in a paper of 1871: "Electrodyna.mic Illea~menwllt~ relat.ing ~lH'­ cially to ,ht; principle of the conseryation ofenprgy", [7, Vol. 4, pp. 247 299. H(~(, esp. p. 2GIJ. This pappr has already been translated into Engli~h, [B, see esp. p. nl. It is only all imli­ teet citation, as he i~ quoting Tait's work and it i~ Tait that. cites \"]

In Profl'ssor Taies very instructive work, 'A Sketch of TIH'IIllOd:dtalllics· (EdinbUIgh, 1868), the following passage occurs al page 76, ill referenc(' ~o the investigations of Riemann and LOr

51 Clos(·l,. rekvant i~ tilt' f>econd quotation, which appear!; in a paper of 1878, the "eventh papl'r in thp fatuous ~l'rie;; of Elfxtr-odynamic Measll,n:mnifs, ]91, 5cr r:~p, p. 36;{ of Vol. ,j of \V('l)('r'~ vVf,r·h:. Thi;; quot(ltion deals with the ~(lllH~ t.opic and appcar;; in the first paragraph of t,hi~ papr'r, our ~ran;;latioll:

l1('lmholt7. lIIailltain(~d, and \ViIliam Thom~Oll, Tait and others agn~pd with him, that the general fundamental law of electrical adion pr('~ented ill the ~'ear 18'lG in thE:' Electrodynamic J\:le(ll'nrements1, to which waH added in Pog­ geIl(!orlI's Ann,llen 1848, VoL 73, p. 229,2 the dcriY{~d potential of the dcct.ric fOIl'e, wa~ in contradiction with principle of thc con~('rvatioll of ; ho­ w('y('r C. Neuman)] and }Iaxwell demon~tra.tf~d the opposi~(', proving thar all ,'lTOl' Wfts madl~ in the prE'SPllLation of the theorem by Helmholtz, that the prill('ipil" of the cons('rv(ltion of energy i~ valid only for [or("l~s which dE'pE'nd 801d:1f on tlj(~ distanc<' ..'l

The ~t(lrt of til(> con[.rovers.y bd,ween \Vilhclm \Vpher and Hermann von HelIflholt~ (1821- 18(4) dates back LO 1847. In hi~ fatuous your-Mill study On the ronseTl}ation of force H('llllholtz m1un(.aiJl('d, when considering cr:ntr(ll forces, t.ha~ the law propounded by \Ve­ ber was at variance with ~he principle of the con5crv'l.tioll of energy. Illl, with English t.ran~lation in [12J. The rrH.<;on W(lH that in \Veber\ force, heyond t.hc 1/r2 Conlombiall tCllll_ t,jH'l"(' wpr<' t,erillS dependin~ on tllE' relative velocit.y amI acceleration lw,tween the intt'ract.ing electrical charge;; (or rather cledrical particie;,)4. \'Veber had ~pecified in 18,'18 a t("rm for the pot(~nti(ll of eledrical encrg:v, [16J, with English translation in llOl-" Herma.ml von Helmholtz continned to at-g-ue ahout thiH problem in spvera.l treatises [rom 1870-187.';i, trying Lo e~tahlish a distinction between the hitherto concurring eledrical theorie~, ("s,,<;ellti­ ally t)]O;;(~ of\Veber and :\Iaxwdl, [17, sep esp. pp_ 345, 636 aIUI647] atld 118, pp. 8748891_ Helmholtz tried to prove that two electrical p(lrticies, moving accoTding to \Veber's law, CaJI attain an infinitely high speed, which wonld contradict t.he principlE' of energy conser­ vat.ioll. Thl' ~o-c(llled "crit.ical dis~Hllce" (\Vpber's "mole('ular ~ize, or dimension") play~ the deciHiw role in thi~ matter. \Veber dr:fended his position wit.h hiH ~tlldy of 1871, 1191 with E))glish fr(lI1Hiatioll in 181- J'l'tr'r Gnthrie Tai~ now embraced iII his "Sketch of Thermodynamic~" (1868) thp alrca­ d,Y obsol('w point of view of Helrnholt~ of 18'17, [20J. Abo ill the work "TreatiHe un :'\aturru l'itiloHophy" (l867) by \'V. ThoIllson and P. G. T(lit this criticism of \Veber'H law was re­ peated, ]21], H. Helrnholt~ and G_ 'vV("rt.heim were responsihle for the German tr(ln~lat.ioll publi~hed in two parts (1871 and 1874), [22J and 123]. \Yeber'H law was ciesrribpd here as illter{'~li)lg t.o t.h" translation, A dOHe hiE'nd of \Vilhelrn \Yeller, Johann harl Friedrich Zollner

IS,'" public-alion for tl,,' e~1 ablishmenc of' tlw Royal Saxonian Society of Seirncc. 18,16. I\Vilbdm \Vpber'~ \\'(>rk,\ Vol. HI, p. :25. [7. Vol. .1, pp. 25-2141_1 21\\,ill1('hn \\""I)(,,-'~ \Verkc, Vol. ITT, p. 2'L~, [7, Vol. 3. pp_ 215-2"d. ~ee esp. p. 2451 with B"g,li~b transial.iolL ill 110, soe ~~p~("ially p. 5201.] :lSee al~o Ad. ]1.. Tny,'[: "Urher den allge",eiJl~ten Ausdru("k der in""ren POlentialkrafte eille~ Sy~1.(}ms bpWe!W'T malrrieller Punkle, w~lches sich all~ dem PriTicip der Glcichheit von \Virkllng und CpW'JI1NiIiulllg ('rgiebt" ll.-Iathrmat.ische Annalen, Vol. 13, p. 20 . .1\.vd)rr'~ for('e acting b~1.wpe" liJC electrical charg",~ C fl.ml e' 5Pparated b," a diAI,aIlce or is along the ~traiglol. linr. connecting them and is given by (ee ' /or 2 )(1 r2/':~I' + 2rf/C";;l'l_ Hprl''''' -= dr/dt, j' = d~'I"/dl.~ and elY is \Veber'A coIlsl.ant. In 1855-1856 \Vl'ber and Kohlrau~("h [OllIld rxpcrimentally itb w),lm:. "1'1' = 4.:394.:'0 x IOlJ rn.m/8, chat i~, e%eniinlly h Urnes the light ve1oril.y in air, [BJ, IHI aad IVil· ~\V~lwr's P()I.'~I1l.iitl energy j~ given by (eel/r)(l - f2/cfv l. (1831 1882), saw t,hest' da.im.~ &'; frivolous and irrespOlIsihl('. In lilt' introductioll to jlis hook "Oil the l\at,lIre of COIiH~t.S- (Leip;>;ig 1872). p·l], he r('proadlCd Helmholtz for !lot havi!lg Lakf'n ('Hough Cill·,' to rt' ('arliPT tllPo­ rit's of pjpctr()(iynamics, ~how('J g[('ater respect for thl' nmtrilmt,iom; oj" his prf'd('("('ssors, ('sp('ciaIl.\' tlioM' of \Vilh(,lm \Veber. The dOijc rivalry bC'l.wecn \VdH'r awl IIplmholtz had otiW[ <'au.<:.es. how('\·(>}". Tht' 1-0- called "organic ", frmll til(' school of t.he physioiogil-j, Johannes I\fiilJpr in Berlin, wpn~: Erust \Vilhelm Riller VOII BrUcb.~ (1819 1892), Emil Du Dois-Rf'YllLond (1818 1896), Hermann von Helmholt:t., and, joining them, but not (·onsi

After hi~ hook Oil cOlllets, ZiiliTwr wrote ~('"pral more art,klf'~ in d{'('(·ll{'(' of \VPiwr·s viewpoints, inh'ndiIlg abo to !"('ply ill part to attadcli llladt' upon hillliit'lf. Tllf' t.oue i)('nlll)(, ~ha.rJlt'r and more polemic, awl t.ook on. 11I01'POVt'1'. a Ilatiollalilitie flavour, Th('s(' W('H' til{' .\'f·ars aft.cr t.ht' frau("o-Prussiau \Var, aud r ht' COlluding of t.he (:f'rIlH\n fit'it'h h~' Bi~liIar("k. ZiilhH'r WlIS a ~llpport,er 01· spiri LualislIl, which CHIne froIn (s(';-Illc{'s with a 1l1('on. E_ DI1 Doi:>-fif'.nnolld and , find hI' ('veIl fell ont with hi:> old fricnd C_ Ludwig'. Tll11~ Ziilll\cl' dHtlwg('d himsplf. His work Lowanh; tIl(' d('\"{'iopIIIPnt of 1(,lls-photography and tlw fO\llldillg of astroJlh~'sk~ was t,h{'n~hy uooillt'd (.0 r('maill larpply unknown to post('rity, 1.31] ilnd ]:32, pp. 19·1-205]. Tlip calL';c of \Vilhpllll \Vpher wa~ silllilarl~' Hot, well sen'pd by (til t.his. Lt~T u:- !lOW look ,lt Zollner's work "Uplwr \Virkungen ill dip Fenw" - only t,lip n,!pyallt scientifk part., l:t1]. It is \.0 SOl)It' ex(pnT a reply to i\l"laxwell's Tr1'.I,Ii.lf:' ]fiJ). III Ziil!lIt'r·s work it is fcatnred t.ht' exchangp of ,·ic\\llOints thp for and agaiIl~t. of \\,'pJ)pr's plpd,rody­ naIllic~ alld I\Iaxwell's elf'(·troIllagnptic field tiH'or:-. III \VpheI·s writillgs oup nlll find olll~· ,1 few reft'r<'ncc~ to what WHS Own a 11I0sl, highly topical argUllwnt_ \Veb{,l" wa,~ shy about, such dispnLes. ZiiIlIH'l", howe"er, wa.~ difft~r{'llt. \Ve can say ht' n'presPIlt.ed \Vdll'f, and wa.~ dearly Ina,<;ter of Thc English iilllgtlag<", having a good acquain(,anc(' lll~o with t.hp Ellglis)l publkatiolls rpl('Yant to this Hnbject. PerhapH he may wpll ha\'(> sometiul0s m·C'fl-llOl hi;. intended t.arget. Of \Vilhcll1l \\'p\lCr we know t.ilar h(, had a good cOIlunarld of FrPlwh, and

;:;6 Fig. 1: Johann Karl Fri0drich ZiillIlt'f (184:3·-IRS2)

lklll.~cll('," Idll~"llm l\iiinc1",,,. IJl\ :i.")07"i'

57 wrote letterH in French. Letters by him in £.ngli~h are not knowIl to Ub. He IIlU~t however had a cert.ain knowledge of English, for in 1838 he went. on a fairly long jOUrTlC'y t.hrough England, and met a number of scientists. In his article, Zollner reproduced ]V[axwcll's Illork largerly in German. In order to defend his theory of act.ion by contact (field thc'ory), \bx­ well offered in hiH addresH the thesi~ That I\"ewton, while desr:ribing i,>TavitatioIl a.<; ~ubj",ct to

Ziillncr also cited Imm(l.nuel Kant (II-; chief wit.neH~. The problplll ih ht.ill being dis("1lsHed today in the literature of hisTorical physicH. For Ziillner the views of I\Iaxweli and also \\-'. Thomson represenL a stcp-back of more Lhan LwO ccnLnries, which carns Lhem lhe 11iciOlame of "modcrn Cartesians".

For J\.1mcwell. Faraday is t.he initiator of a concept of continuum. Zollner, in conLras(., seeks to claim that Faraday stood for an atomistic con("C~pt of electricity. In our opinion, ,md indeed that of mo~t hi~torian~ of physicH, (l.")' rpjecU~d the pxiht.ence of a snhst.ant.ial electrical charw~, and abo the exiHt.ence of ~ and moleculps wit.h maSH. For him thprp were only force-field~, possibly bound to insub"tantial nudei, ]351. ]I;[axwell also writes in his Treatise on the subjc~ct of ekctroi~'sis: ''The electrificat.ion of a molenlle, howP\"l'r, though casily spoken of, is not so e(lsily conceived", [5, ~260, p. 3801. Thl' (Tucial point of \'Ileber's con("C~pt i~, in contra5t, the genuinc~ exi~tence of t.wo kinds of dect.rical atOltlH, Oil(' positiye charge aud the other negatiye chal"g'e. His cOIlcept was later OIl confirmed by H ..\. LorenL",'s Lheory of .

\Vhen :vlaxwell began his study of electrical phenomena, he at first imIllerHell hilll~(·lf compidrly in Faraday's rea~onings. Finall.v, however, when writing his tn'at.i~e "On phYHiral lines of forc(," (1861), [2], he occupied him~elf more inten~ively wit.h \Vdwr's ·writings. Hr' adopted the result of a nH'aSUTemc~nt. of the relation~hip between the ahsoluw elect.ro~t'l.tic and the absolute electromagnetic charge, a.''; determined by R.wlolf Kohlransch and \Vilhelm \Veber. This was in fact the . and it was one of Lhe main poinLs helping Lowards the creation of the theory of the eledromagneLic nat.ure of lighL (186·1). PJ and ]36]. In Lhe introdudion LO his LreaLise "1\ d:v"namical Lheory of Lhe eledronwgnetic field", at t.he end of which he develops his electrodynamic t.heory of light., and aiHo conHidpr~ the (iu hiH opinion) <:l.dmirable writing~ of \Vilhelm \Veber, he ouly dpdinp~ to

That. HelmholtL;, \Villiam Thomson and TaiL Ivere wrong in supposing LhaL \Vebel'~ force was incompatible with the con~eryation of l'nl'rg~' wa~ ~hown not only by \Veller in hi~ paper of 1871, but alM) by :Vlaxwell himself in the iaHt chapter of the TY'HLt-IHI:, 1'), Vol. 2, Chapt. 23], [38, Chapt. 3J and [39, Chapt. llJ. Helmholt~ in 1847 had consid(>rrd ('('nllal forces whirh depend on position ami velocity, showing that th<'y were incompa.tibk wilh the principle of the conseryation of energy. \VebE'r's force la.w, on Lhe oLher han,d, lkpelld~ not only on the dist(lnce between th(" chargeH e had Hot l)eell l"on~idel"ed by Helmholtz.

58 3 Third and Fifth Quotations

Til(' sa1tl(' subjcct-areas arc tf(-~ated in the t,hin! (two cit.ations in tllf~ same page') ami fifLh quotatioIls, so that thcy ~hould bc di~cllssed t,ogdhel'. The third quotation comes from hi~ work of 1878, [9] and e~p. p. 395 of Vul. ,1 of Wplwr's Werke. III Scct.ion 8 of thi~ pappr Vi/cber i~ discu~~ing- t.he applicatioll to luminiferous ether all(\ to ga~ps of the theory of rcA('xion and ~c(!t.tel'illg of d("ctric raYH an:oniing t.o his theory ,md also thc works of Kr6nig- ,llld ClaU~i\lH, A dis("u~~ion of the wOl'ks of Krollig and Cl"u~ius Gill be found in I-m, Vol. 1 pp. 193-81, while eomn1(-"nts about \Vebel"s di~russioll auout n~fiexion and scattering of particles can IlP found in ]40, Vol. 2, pp. 77- 791. The third qllotation runH as follow~, our tnlJlslation:

If iH posO'ible to Lran.';cribe thc hWOi found in tllP pl'eYiou~ Section [or t,hp l'efie-­ xion and ~t;H,teriIlg of rays compo~(.'d of eiE'dric particlE's of thp same kind abo to rayH of pondel'abl(' IlIo]ccules. according to :\Io~ot,ti'~ ClHlcepUon ("OIllposed Tllol('cules. And when thps(' pondcrablp Illoleeulp~ are now g;J~ , then a state of aggregation of t.hp gas wiU be built by thi~ means, which corrcsponds pntir(>ly to t.hp stale of ap,grE'gaLion according to Krijnig-Clall~ius's l,bcory of gascs, witilOul heing neecs:-;ary to ascribe to thE'se pondel'able molecules a special f(ll"Ill and elt.ieiL,,· ;In:ording to Kriinig, or a rppuisive force inversc­ ly proportional to a higher pmwr of tlw distatlce according to ChmsillS and \!il)."",ll in particular When ll)pre is a plan', for example t.h(' ~pace, where there arp 1I0 pondenl1)1(' mole("ulp~, it is evident the possillility. th(!,t thE' panicles of one of the both component part~ of these ponderable molpcul(>s, t.hat is, (>ilhcr thE' positive or t,l](' m·gative rlpctric partidps, which an' ill this placp, that woul(l forIll in proj('("tiic lllotion likewis(' a body of special stalc of aggregation, now howev('r, as it b ('Olilposed only of electric particles of the same kind, should not b(' des­ crilwd a~ pOllderablc l)odies, but. ;Jli irnponder(!blE' dhel' for ·which it would IH' valid the law~ of Illotioll deyclop(~(l equally by l'vhn:well (Phil. Transact. lR67) for dynamic media. namdy. the bws for the propagatioll of waves agreeing with tilE' l,tw~ for t.he Prop(!,gation of light wave~. Such conception of a placp fillpd wilh (! medium, composed of mutua.ll~' n'w"lliIlg partides, appear~ to \w po~~ihk, withOl.lt rigid border", only wiLh thp assumption of an extension unbounded to infinity, neV(-~rtheless it spemli possiblp a lirnitation of SUdl a m('dium in ;J finite placc without a rigid border according to !\losotti, i[ this lHf'diUIll SUTfollIub one of :,\IosotLi\ ponderable bodies, ,vhkh would ar.tnu:t thi~ lllcdiulll and il would be held 1).v this means. Thr fifth quotation iH fi:mn the handwrilten p"lJ<'rs rrmaining afler \\leber's death, which were publiHlwd al the pnd of Vol. 4 ufhis Collected Pappr~ (l89-'I). [t is in thc rig-hth and la~(, work on thc ~eri("H of Elretrodynamic Mpasurement~, "Eledrodvnarllie mea~uremt'nLs, IMrticularly in respect t.o the ("(JIlnection of the [ulldarnelltal lawH of electricity with th(' law of gT,wit,ttioll" 17, Vol. 4, pp. 479 .'525, sec eHp. p. 48-11· In the second Spction of this paper \Ydwr i~ di~C1J~sing' the derivation of thp gravitaLional hw ba<.rd on his fund(!.lllental law of ('lectl'ieal action, following to the work of Z611ner. \Yeher i~ then ahlr to derive a law ,tnalo!!:ou~ t,o l\('wton's I(!;w of uniycrHai gravilation valid [or all distance~ r such tllat .,. » {I, whrf(' p iH a l'ypicviations from l\('wton;H law. The quotat.ion of \laxwell run~ (!s f()llow~, our translation:

Thes(' lllolpcular di~t,allce~ for pou

59 question yPloped by nH for the colJi»iol) of two electric Illolecnlps of t.he ~ame kind which me in projPctik mo­ tion, an:ording- to the 7th publication of the LlectrodYllamic ]\-f<.>asureIllPnts, ArL. 7. (! -

In the treati~e of the third quotation \:Vilhdm \Vebel· look issup with [("newed obj('rtioll~ by Helmholtz to his basic law of electricity, dra,Ying support ±i-om arguments exprp~~cd by Carl :'-l'eumaiin. In addition to o~hcr matter~, \Vp!wr w

p=2 -+-1 j ) ( E 0;/

Gl\Vilhelm \'\Ieber's Werke, Vol. IV, p. ;31:\91. [7, \'01. 4, pp. :\61-4J2, Ree "~p. Pl'. :):-l!) :)~Hl-

GO / .I

Fi~_ 2: Carl NC'UIn;uul ("LS:32 102,)) 61 Iklll~d]('~ \lllH'II111 \lii"d,,'jJ, UN 1.-17,~<-)_ In this, rand (" arc Lhe charges, 0; and c' tlw associaLed inE'rtial lIIa.<;HeH awl ('w the \Veher conHtallt. Th(" ahsolutc value of p is very smntical ba~ic particlc~ closely enclosed in thp molecular distance. [7, Vol. 4, p. 383]. To tn~at mat.hemat.ically the rf'puiHion of etlwr parUcles in prujectilt' lIlotion. \,V('b(~r introduced the term "elpctric ra.v~". and hp pointe(l out that when ~ueh a -'ray" r:ollided wi~h a single particlp, refipction and scaUering would occur, \VhPIl exarnining the principle", of motion of electrical partiries carrying charges of opposite polarity, \\feLl')' found lhat Iwn~ a rotational 1Il0tion of panicl("s around one anOlher call abo occur. Thus he can anually explain the exislence of Ampere'H lllolenllar currl'n~~. Such IIlolf'cular carrents may gcnerate to some t'xtent rnagndic dipoles, which imp<-lrt magnptic prop('rtics lo AubstmH:ec" [7. Vol. 4, p. 28l] and [8, p. 132]_ 'The participation of a jl

62 hmall-~i/ed ('rl1('r pal'tides rotat.ed, \\-'. C. Ilankd wanted to Lransfer tllt~ plectrical pheno­ mena t.o the ether. ,md Erik Edlund dPyploped in 1872 an ptht'T theory of dpctricity. In COlltra~t. to ill! this, \Yilhf'hn \!I,leber stood firm on lhe acceptance of Lwo kindh of electrical ('ntiti("~ with atomic HtrnctUfe, and (Ill chemical atom~ and moleeules wen" to be based on t.ht'~(, (for rderenceh about t.IH" ether theor.v of (,!('ctricity, see 118, p. 921]). J. K_ F_ Ziillner had sLakp. -12·1 and 429], 140J and [47]. \Vilhclm \Veeber r",fer 00 thiH in the third quot(l,tion WP had comm("nted OIl, Whe)l dealing with t.he f(Jl"(:es of repuiHion bet,wcen ga~ particles. These forceH arisp when t,he (nellual) ga~ panide~ iJl th("ir projel'lile motion draw ncar to molecular diskulCes_ ZiilhH'r cOilHide("ed two Hilllple ponderable IIlolecules which an" formed from thp hasic ('lpctri("al pankkH, rphlH'ctivcly +('1 (l,nd -ej. and +('2 and -f:~. Aceording to Coulumb's law, Ihcre are rhe l''''pltlsive forc,,~ (+f'l)(+C~) and (-el)(-e2). and thp fOl'ces of a~~ritction (+f'J)(-r2) and (-f'1)(+('2) Previously iL lJad bepn accepted that tlH~ repul~ive force IWt'\-vc'l'll t.wo equal basic particips is equal to the forcp of al~ranion l)etwpen oppositdy eharg(-'(l ba.~ie parUcks. Ziillner now maint(lined that lhere was a tiny diiTen'l1C(' hetwePII tlu'H(' forcp~: lhe forC(" of attraction was ver.Y hlightly greater than thp force of H"puiHion. The diff"t>rcllce b HO kmall that il cannor IH' detected experimentally. In ~hi~ diff'erencf', however, Ziillner saw t.hp SOlll'Ce of gravitation between the two pOllderablc' panicles. Cravitation, tlif'n, is a n'~ultant. a residue of electrostalic for('Ps. AH the basic d("ctri(:al pa.rticles also p(lSH("~H a mechanically inprtia.1 mass, this rehidual force is also propurtional to th" product of thp lllasse~, and illver~ely proportioIl molecule would be compoHed of these two chargeH t.ogether \'V('b('r f('prpsents ~he ilwrtial mass of +e hy e ami the inertial maSh of -e by ae, ",Iwre a is ,nl llUlllPrical cOl'fficient (\Vpl)er doce; not. impose Lhat both elementary chargeH lllllht have th(, Hiecuomagnclic forn'. ltili?:iilg these ~wo ~upp()Hitions he cairulOlteh till' elE'cLromagm'tic force bdwpell t.wo

63 pondcrable mulf'cule"" that. i~, t.he sum of twu aTtr<-l(:Tion~ and l,\iO wpuiHion~ hetwp(~n lhe

dlargek +(' and -e of one molecule, and t.he charges +e and _(0 of t.hc other IlJoh"cnle. The net re~l.1lt (assuming his fimdarnent.alla.w t.o be at work here) ie; given by, ]48, p. 48:11:

-20'--;;-" ( 1- -,-I (eJ")"- + -,---,2,· d'c) r- cIV dt elY dt

Thi~ would be the equivalent to a gravitational attractioll bClwccn the nlOle("uleH, derived only frum cicelromagnetic f(Jr(:('~. \.\'hcl\ Llw powlf'rable parridp~ come into \'ery close proximiTy, repllbi\"c forces arise, which carl be formally estimated in a.ccordancc with the laws a.irf'ady developed for (,he two ba..,;ic partich.. ~, [7, Vol. '1, pp. :385 and 3891, giving t.he ree;uliant. valuf' p for the molecular siLeo The forrnul

{i4 t ig. 3: .lallH'S Clc'rk J\TaxwdJ (lR:H 1879)

('alllplwll, I. ~JLd \'V (;,mwH: Thl' I.ir(' or .Le1. :-'!a...<:well wil"il ~d\'Cl.iOIl~ [rom hi~ ('orr('~puTl(k"rr and ()end,iomol WliliTll',s. :-lpw editioll. l.()"dn" ISPA,

65 number'll there will be several po~~ib1c ways of constructing a pondere: For'll, = 2, th!:,H' are four possibilities, namely:

[ ~: 1 [~; 1 [~: 1 [~11

for greater Il let us seled just one of the many po~~ibilit.ie~, namel:-" with Lite 'Ii positive unitips togdher and n s8paratE' negatiye unities:

-i-Il -1

-1 Here one is reminded of the atomic model of Bohr and Soullllt'rfeld, If we ,lH(Tilw a very large inerUal mass to a positive" ha..,ic p

4 Fourth Quotation

The fourth quotation appear~ in a joint paper by \V. \Veher and F Zollner, 17, Vol. /1. pp. 420 476]. It wa~ published in 1880 and is the la~t pappr publi~lwd by \\-'eber during hiH life. The motivarion to cooperar.e was lo establish a practical value for t1w ab~olute unit of re~i~t.an('e, the . Tllt'y distusH rhe ahsolnte ~y~r,em for magnetic- and ('lectroma.gnetic unitip.~ int.roduced by and \Veber, concentrilting on the absolu~e unit for elN·trical resi~tance. \Veber had presented four different practical methods for reducing the unit of rt'sistance to <:tL~oJutc~ measures. Due to the pnu:tic

AbouL UlC mcmber~ of the Committee reported the Repo'rt, p. Ill, literally: "Thp ComIllitt(~e con~i~ts of - Professor \Vhearstoue, Prof(·~sor \Villialll~on, l\lr. C. F. Varley, Professor Thomson, Mr. Balf(mr Sklvart, I\-fr. C. W. Siem811s, Dr. A. :\fatthipssen, Professor 11axwdl, Professor Miller, Dr. .}ouh·, J\.lr. Fleeming Jenkin, Dr. EsselLach, Sir C. Bright."

A general discussion of tIlt' formatioIl ilud re~ult~ obtained by lhis COIllIllitt(' Ull plectrical ~tandard~ can be found in ]50, pp. 687 698]. Some information about. I·he IIleml)(>r~ of thi~ Committee: Charles \Vheatston(' (liW2 1875), for il, short time profC'ssor of (·X'[WrilIH'ntal at King'H College" in LondOll, was a distinguished invemor of apparatus ,mo nW,,$lJ­ ring ins~ruments for U{~tollsticH, optic~ and electrichy_ He constructed ~eyt'ral inHtrumentH

66 for tdl'gr

of ot.her phy~icists to crcate' (I f'r,andar-d for H,,,istarlce. \Vith t.h(" installaUon of t.elE'graphic condu("fors ami submarine cables arose ;lIl urgent necessiTy to create '-s~eJl1 of . OUf modern Internation(ll S.ystem of 'Cnit" :\IKSA is deriwd lllt,imatdy from thesc unit". Th(~ Commission of the British ;\S50ciation adopted, however, as a basis, not only t.he electromagnetic sysrE'Ill of UlC'

67 Fig. ,1: William Th()lII~(lil (Lord Kl,h'in) (l80-l 19(1)

TI,()ml'~'"'' :-;ilv".",,~: ·I·h,· I.il",· "I \Villiil,lrL l'hoJJl",''', 11,1)0[[ I("]"il] of 1.,tI).',N. :] \'ob. 1.olHioll i!IIO. \'01. 1, 1', ,"):\,"), of \Vilhdm \V(,ber'H, Wllich Thomsoll improY('("i. Thi~ method, or pro('etlurC', \

The llndertaking of [.lw British A~~ociation to (Teate definilion~ for the ntage, acconling to \Villwlm YVeiwr awl f'ripdl'ich Kohlrau;,("h (son of [{udolf Kohlrau~ch.

i\-J()fit~ Hermann von .hwobi (1801 1874), who developed (>lectro~'yping - he was bro­ tlwr t.o a well-knO'wII Ilw(.])('mat.ician. K,u'l Gustrial, nanwly. the ;,p(>dflc re~istanc" of copper. Thus it became eyi(kn(, (,har an alreraLioll in the iIlIJ('r s~ruct.Uf(· of the wire would ("hange its resist,ancp. An ,trbitrary ("ons~ant would also alTl'ct the definition of Ohm'"- law. \Veher ddined resi­ Hta!l(,C a~ tU(" qllotien~ of d('(;t.rOIllotive force and ('llTren~, [551, [56[ awl 1,12. pp. 91 92J. Thi~ dpIlHllIded, howeV(~r, that pred~e unitH of IlIea~urelllent, be eHtahli~hcd for electl'omo­ t.iH' force and cunent. For the emit of (>leClromagnetic cunen(, thi~ h

Ullfort.unatel~' iL enWfgt"d that in ~hc' pl,u:e chosen for setting up thE' l\\'O mils (at. t.he 1'1('iskenbnrg in i.-eip7.ig), the tempPfaturp did not. remain HufficiE'ntly constaIlt, Thus tlw pn~ci~(' IIl"a~uring th'lt Wing Llw sa.me appara~us. ,tlld readwd a satisf,l{:tory conclusion. lIe illlpnwed part~ or the equipment aM] alHo found a more suitablp location, [59[.

Th(' (Tf'ation of a more eXi\('t yaiue for ~tandarcl resi~t<:lnre held thl' att.ention or nu­ llWf()llS ph}'sids~~ from various countri("s, eyen anc)' thl' P. From \Veher the anion at a distance, forces which depend also OIl ,celocity and accC'ieration of thc intE'factillg bodics, as well a.'> the acceptance of two kinds of basic electrical aloillic particles. Con};iderable parts and features of \Yeber'k collected writing"}; are to be found eyen t.oday ill Lhe btudies of elecLricity and its applications. To khow tha~ his point.s of yiew were nOT the las~ word in this area of knowledge, one might rememhpr VVebu's conclusion of his treatise on 1846. lIe writes that should new revplations follow from further s~t\(\y of Faraday's discovery of ~he influence of clecLric currents on the oscillations of ligill. then hi~ force law which had been expresked withou~ relation t.o an intervening medium (ether) might be expressed in a new form depending on lhis intermediar.y medium, [7, Vol. 4, p. 214J. And :\laxwell says in the Preface of hiH "Trr~atise" ~hat he wouk! take lhe part of an advocate (pre~enting and defending his views and those of Faraday), in~tl'ad of that of a judge. That i~, hc exemplified one mdhod inHtead of at.tempting to givp an impartial dekcriptioJl of both, I,'), p. xiI. These art' snrely thc hallmarks of ppnuine scientific re.~('a.rch.


OIl(-~ of tIle authun, (AKTA) \\iishes to thank the Foullriation or Gprmany for a resemch fellov.rship during whid, this work wa~ accomplished. The a.uth()r~ thank Dr.B. Golyba.'ih for calling their at.tention to the third quotation discussed IIPre.


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An~chrift. der Verfas~cr:

Andre Koch Torres Assis Instituto de Fisica 'Gleb Wataghin', Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UnicaIllp, 13083-970 CampinaH, Sao Pa.ulo, 1:lra~il e--mail: assis©ifi.unicamp.br Karl Heimieh vViederkehr Birkcnau 24 D-22087 Hamburg, Germany