ISSN: 2146-0353 ● © RIGEO ● 11(5), SPRING, 2021 Research Article Press in Hilla After World War II, Al-Tawheed Magazine January 30-June 29, 1946 as a model (Historical Study)

Maitham Abdul Kuder Jabbar Ministry of Education / Directorate of Education of Babylon/ [email protected]

Abstract World War II period (1939-1945), which is considered one of the critical stages in its contemporary history. In the field of study and analysis of Al-Tawhid magazine, it is the great impact that the magazine had on the Iraqi society in particular and the Iraqi The press, whether local or international, is a fertile field and one of the tributaries of modern and contemporary historical studies, and because of its importance in documenting historical, political and social events that it has witnessed and in a systematic way that is almost solid in terms of analysis and conclusion, many researchers and scholars have taken it and rely on it in their writings in The various magazines, and based on the foregoing, Al-Tawhid Al-Hilia magazine is one of the Iraqi magazines that chronicled with great care many of the events that Iraq went through during the post society in general for its handling of various literary, political and cultural topics. Since its establishment, it has begun to address all local events related to Iraq in general, or In the Hilla Brigade in particular, the topic of the research was divided into two sections. The first topic discussed the signs that the local press experienced after the First World War, and then we were exposed to the reasons that called Mr. Hadi Hamad Kamal al-Din to issue the Tawheed magazine in the city of Hilla on the thirtieth of January - Up to the eighteenth of February 1946, in which we stopped at the most important issues that the magazine dealt with during the first phase of its issuance. As for the second topic, it sheds light on the most important international and local events that had a great impact on the international community and the local community alike.

Keywords Al-Tawhid Magazine - Al-Hilla Brigade - Hadi Kamal Al-Din - Iraq - the royal era – culture

To cite this article: Jabbar, M, A. (2021) Press in Hilla After World War II, Al-Tawheed Magazine January 30-June 29, 1946 as a model (Historical Study). Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 11(5), 2318-2331. doi: 10.48047/rigeo.11.05.132

Submitted: 15-10-2020 ● Revised: 18-12-2020 ● Accepted: 22-02-2021 Jabbar, M, A. (2021) Press in Hilla After World War II, Al-Tawheed Magazine January 30-June 29, 1946 a..… Introduction

It is unavoidable to say that the history of the press, whether it is local or international, is still a fertile field and one of the tributaries of modern and contemporary historical studies and due to its importance in documenting historical, political and social events that it has witnessed and in a systematic way that is almost solid in terms of analysis and conclusion, many researchers and scholars took They draw on it and rely on it in their writings in various magazines, and based on the above, Al-Tawhid Al-Hilia magazine is one of the Iraqi magazines that chronicled with great care many of the events that Iraq experienced during the post-World War II period (1939-1945), which is one of the critical stages in the Its contemporary history What prompted us to delve into the field of study and analysis of Al-Tawheed magazine is the great impact that the magazine had on the Iraqi society in particular and the Iraqi society in general for dealing with various literary, political and cultural topics. It responded to the requirements of the Iraqi society, and since its establishment, it began to deal with all the local events related to Iraq in general, or the Hilla District in particular. The topic of the research was divided into two sections. The first topic discussed the signs that the local press experienced after the First World War, and then we were exposed to the reasons that prompted Mr. Hadi Hamad Kamal Al-Din to issue Al-Tawhid magazine in the city of Hilla on the thirtieth of January - all the way to the eighteenth of February 1946, and we stopped at it When the most important issues dealt with by the magazine during the first phase of its issuance, as for the second topic, it sheds light on the most important international and local events that had a great impact on the international community and the local community alike. . The first topic: Mr. Hadi Hamad Kamal Al-Din and Al-Tawhid Magazine January 30 - February 28, 1946

The intellectuals and thinkers of the city of Hilla, with their various affiliations and intellectual and cultural orientations, were not far from recording their observations and concerns in the internal and external situations and on all political, cultural and social levels. The press was not far from the local society, especially in the first half of the twentieth century, so many local newspapers appeared that shed light on various political, social, cultural, economic and other affairs. For example, Al-Fayhaa newspaper, whose first issue was launched in 1927, owned by Mr. Abdul Razzaq Al-Hasani. (Ibrahim Khalil,2007.) , who pointed to the real feasibility of publishing his newspaper by saying: “A newspaper in all its roles does not have a list unless it is based on two great things, money and material. The money that we spent on this project is a great danger that it will be wasted as long as we believe that in the souls there is Arab comfort and a tendency and love for literature, science and virtue (Ahmed and Abdul Karim,2005.) After that, the publication of the fine press continued, passing through Al-Tawhid magazine, which was issued at the beginning of 1946 for its owner and editor-in-chief Mr. Hadi Kamal Al-Din 3) , who was not far from the idea of establishing a magazine that would take upon itself to shed light on the events that the whole world was going through at the time, especially the international changes that the world witnessed after the end of World War II (1939-1945) (Bassam Al-Asali,1988.) Although the relationship of the press with power, It is the most important link in the chain of relations that govern the press with the rest of the influential parties in its discourse, but Al-Tawhid magazine was not in that framework except in a few times, required by the current political situation at the time (Gad Taha,1990.). The first issue contained an article by His Eminence Sheikh Abd al-Karim al-Zanjani (Jaafar Al-Khalili,1946.) that singled out the magazine on the occasion of the publication of the first issue. This article occupied two pages of the magazine - half of the first page and all of the second page and half of the third page. The basis of the unification of the beings and creatures of God, the Blessed and Exalted, then he went back after that to the vision of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) in the issue of monotheism, explaining his most important sayings (peace be upon him) in that, then came on the third page of the magazine the speech of the Mutasarrif of the Hilla Brigade Amin Khalis) (Hussein Ali Mahfouz,1998.) On the occasion of the visit of the guardian, Abd al-Ilah bin Sharif Hussein to the Hilla Brigade. Al- Din, in his comment on the sermon, said: “A valuable word for His Excellency, the resolute and skilled legal administrator, Mr. Amin Khalis, the general administrator. His Excellency said it at the honoring ceremony for His Highness, the Great Crown Prince, Prince Abdullah....” As for the sixth


© RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(5), SPRING, 2021 and seventh pages of the magazine, they were devoted to the poem It was organized and delivered by Mr. Hadi Kamal al-Din on the occasion of the visit of the guardian Abd al-Ilah to the Mutasarrifiya of the Hilla Brigade. Hadi Kamal El-Din, delivered at the honoring party held by the Directorate of Hilla Municipality in the Royal Hospital Building (Tariq al-Nasiri, ,1990.) The new one on Sunday, December 6, 1945, following the auspicious preface.” It was signed by the editor-in- chief. On a case in the criminal trial by (Saleh Naji Ibrahim, the lawyer), he mentioned it in minute details regarding a case of theft in one of the villages of the Hilla District. As for the second half of the tenth page, the title of “Triangles” appeared in an article that consisted of eight paragraphs, and what is remarkable is the second and third paragraphs, as it came In the second paragraph, what does it say? “Three raised the head of the Arabs in general and Iraq in particular, and they are His Majesty the late Faisal I (Abbas and Abdul Ghaffar ,1949.) His Majesty the late Ghazi I and His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Abdul-Ilah.” By reading this paragraph we note that Mr. Hadi Kamal al-Din He exaggerated the mention of this paragraph in terms of knowing or not, especially since there are leaders who have emerged on the Arab political and military arena, especially after the end of the Second World War (1939-1945) and even before it, and they had clear imprints on the Arab political map, for example. Husni al-Za’im (Abd al-Razzaq and Jaafar 1980) in Syria, Hussain al-Shafi’i in and many others. As for the second paragraph, it came with the text: “Three daily reformers are well known: Sayyid Jamal al-Din al-Afghani (Othman Amin,1945.), Sayyid Muhammad Abduh (16) and Sheikh Abdul Karim al-Zanjani.” By reading the text above, we notice that Mr. Hadi Kamal al-Din has neglected many religious scholars. The reformers and those who left a clear impact on the school of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), especially since Mr. Hadi Kamal al-Din was one of the pioneers of that school on the one hand, and on the other hand that the reform effects left by what Mr. Hadi Kamal mentioned were not at the required level on Iraqi society, especially if What we know is that Jamal al-Din al-Afghani's tendencies fluctuated between the values left by the scholars of the sect and between the Sunni scholars. Nevertheless, we note that Mr. Hadi Kamal al-Din praised these, despite the presence of many scholars who had clear imprints on the seminary schools in Najaf and other Islamic Iraqi cities and the Iraqi society in general, as for the eleventh page of the magazine In an article I dealt with the subject of one of the religious scholars who excelled in the religious schools of Hilla, and he is Ibn Al-Khalifa, and the title of the article was the item Ibn Al-Khalifa (Faris Aziz ,2011.), and Mr. Hadi Kamal Al-Din mentioned at the beginning of that article what he said: The publications of literary sheikhs and a literary heritage that is not to be underestimated, in which there is pleasure and enjoyment, and we have opened this door to list in it what we will gain from these precious relationships, and we have tried to clear a footnote from Arabic literature whose traces we fear will be erased by long generations. On page (the thirteenth) and the half of the page (the fourteenth), the magazine included a poem to Sayyid Hussein Al Kamal Al-Din in lamentation of the Master of the Martyrs (peace be upon him), which came under the title (They killed him). On the day he was a judge in it, and this poem was organized into (thirty-six) verses in which the poet explained the grievances of Imam Hussein and his family (peace be upon them) in the incident of Tuff. The questions and answers varied, but on the fifteenth page, an announcement came at the end of it, the text of which was: “The lawyer, Mr. Abdul-Wahhab Marjan (Lutfi Jaafar,1987.) receives his auditors in all cases inside and outside Hilla.” In the other half of the page, there was an entertainment paragraph, which is what looks like crossword puzzles. For example, replace the star with one of the appropriate letters (A.M. × x) Something is in the human heart, and similar to the rest of the questions. As for the sixteenth page, it came with a poem entitled (On Unity of Existence) presented to it by Mr. Hadi Kamal Al-Din, saying: “Philosophical thoughts quoted from the unpublished book of opinions and judgment. For the eminent scholar Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Al-Sheikh Ahmad Al-Jazaery (Muhammad Hadi,1964.) may his shadow last.” This poem spoke about the existential imperative of God, the Blessed. The Almighty and the rational inference on the divine and sacred unity, and this poem came in (twenty-two) lines, as for the (eighteenth) page, I wrote an article entitled (The House and the School). Sial and literary queen to be reckoned with, and this word that he singled out for the magazine indicates the length of his sale, as it is extracted from the core of reality without pretension. In addition, the article showed the important and effective role of the mother in that harmonious and educational process, and on the other hand, it shed light on the negative side in the process of parents recommending teachers to their children in academic issues. Professor, please pay attention to your servant, give him an individual who pushed him, “Here Mr. Hadi Kamal Al-Din explained that this behavior of parents may generate a kind of stupidity and dependence among students, not to mention that there is a kind of differentiation between the students themselves, and in the opinion of the author

2320 Jabbar, M, A. (2021) Press in Hilla After World War II, Al-Tawheed Magazine January 30-June 29, 1946 a..… of the article:” These and other examples do not usually serve the interest of the student, but rather lead to the deterioration of the educational and scientific process.” Al-Qazwini stated: “He accepts his reviewers in his shop located on Al-Mahkamah Street in Al-Hilla.” On page nineteen, it contained two articles, the first came under the title: “The Present War or the Second World War.” It was published under the name of one of the monotheism books, and this article is about On the twenty-first page, it dealt with a paragraph of anecdotes and jokes, and the other paragraph was entitled (The date of the death of the leader Jaafar Abu Al-Tamn) (Muhammad Hadi,1964.), and the second paragraph discussed the process of deleting (seventy-one) a paragraph from the history article, and at the bottom of the page were two advertisements for the lawyer Hussein Muhammad Kazem and Dr. Youssef Jabbour. On the last page, which is the twenty-second page, it included the sequel to the article that was written on the eleventh page, and the second half of the page bore the title of School Affairs (Student Examination) (Mahmoud andAl-Musk ,1982). As for the second issue of the magazine, which was issued on Thursday, the twenty-sixth of Rabi` al-Awwal / 1365, corresponding to the twenty-eighth of February 1946, and the number of its pages was (twenty-three) pages as well, which is the same number of pages as the first issue. The first page of the magazine contained two pictures of King Faisal II And a picture of the guardian Abd al-Ilah, under which was written a poem consisting of (eight) verses in which he praised the king and the guardian and was written in the name of the companions of Al-Tawhid magazine. As for the second page, it contained an article entitled (A healing cry from the depths of the heart, so is there a listener to answer)? Jirt in the name of the owner of Al-Tawhid magazine, Mr. Hadi Kamal Al-Din, and what is striking in this article is that he started By analyzing the Islamic religion in the Arab countries according to a rhetorical style appropriate to the time period in which the article was written, the article contained reform, ethical and educational issues, and also alerted in it to the societal diseases that afflicted the Islamic and Arab society at that stage, such as the spread of communism and other ideas that stood against the principles of Sharia. As for the third page, it contained an article by Sheikh Ayatollah Sheikh Abd al-Karim al-Zanjani, on which Sayyid Hadi Kamal al-Din commented. The following: “A valuable reform speech delivered by His Eminence the Great Reformer Sheikh Abdul Karim Al-Zanjani, may his shadow last on the occasion of the necessary revival….” As for the fourth page, it shed light on the speech delivered by the administrator of the Al-Hilla Brigade, Amin Khalis, who singled out the magazine under the title ( There is no god but God) in which the writer explained the obligation to adhere to the Islamic religion on the grounds that it is the constitution of life. As for the fifth page, it dealt with an article entitled (Immortality of the Soul) written by the scholar Sheikh Abdul Karim Abdul Reda Al-Mashata (Hadi Hamad,2018.) that occupied three and a half pages of the magazine, which Sheikh Abdul Al-Ridha Al-Mushati is a philosophical research on the soul and soul of Arab and foreign philosophers. As for the ninth page, it discussed the subject of democracy with a poem by Sayyid Hussein Al Kamal Al-Din consisting of (twenty-three). A line bearing the same title (Democracy), noting that although the poem bore the title (Democracy), it dealt with a topic far from democracy, which is the subject of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler (Youssef Karkush,1965.), and the tragedies that he caused in human history, highlighting It highlights the brutality of his party and its planes during World War II, in addition to that, the military leader Montgomeryand the defeat of General Rommel (Hassan, Abdul Wahab ,1958.) in his military battles were dealt with in this poem. As for the tenth page, it contained an article entitled Triangles, and it was The topics varied between seriousness and humor. As for the other half of the page, the continuation of the poem was written, and the eleventh page carried an article titled The Tea Problem. It is a comic poem consisting of (fifteen) lines by Sayyid Hadi Kamal Al-Din, as for the other half of the same page, a humorous article was written in it entitled (Anecdotes and Jokes), and the page (twelfth) to page (fifteenth) was a group of Literary and historical articles, as for the page (16) and half of the page (seventeen) it dealt with an article entitled (Treasures of King Solomon) by the English writer (Sir Rider Halbard), as for the other half of the page (seventeen), Mr. Hadi Kamal al-Din wrote an article on it. Entitled (Is religion necessary for society) that article continued to the middle of the nineteenth page, while the other half of the page I wrote a poem consisting of (thirty-six) verses in which the national leader, Jaafar Abu Al-Tamn, mourned Upon his death, the page (the twenty- first) was devoted to entertainment along the lines of the first issue, as for the page (the twenty- second) it discussed an article entitled (Celebrations on the Occasion of the Noble Prophet’s Birthday), and on the page (the twenty-third) Mr. Hadi Kamal Al-Din wrote an article about The new director of the Hilla Brigade, and the other half of the same page, wrote a supplement to the


© RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(5), SPRING, 2021 article that was written in the editorial on the second page of the magazine. As for the twenty- fourth page, it carried different topics.

The second topic: Al-Tawheed Magazine’s treatments of general conditions (globally and locally) March 31 - June 29 1946

As for the third issue of the magazine, which was issued on Thursday, 27 Rabi’ al-Thani/1365 corresponding to March 31, 1946, and the number of its pages was (twenty-three) pages as well, which is the same number of pages as the second issue. The first page of the magazine contained a picture of King Faisal II. The second page was devoted to an article titled (The Origins of Arabic Poetry) and it contains some details about the types of Arabic poetry. As for the third page, it contained an article by Mr. Rashid Jawad entitled “Islam is the religion of freedom and peace.” As for the fourth page, the writer Saleh Naji Ibrahim wrote An article titled (The future of relations between Iraq and Britain).

1- She highlighted the effective and direct role of the United States of America in the first world wars (1914-1918) and the second world wars (1939-1945). 2- The writer explained the common interests between the United States of America and its allies in Western European countries in particular, and its allies in the rest of the world in general. 3- Focus in this article on the speech of Sir (Edward Crick), the prominent leader in the British Labor Party (Shaima Fadel ,2005.).

As for the fifth page, it was an article entitled (King Solomon’s Treasures) written by the scholar Sheikh Abdul-Ridha Al-Mashata, which is a continuation of the article that was written in the second issue of the magazine. As for the (seventh) page, it came with a poem by the poet (Abd Al-Rahman Rida) consisting of (thirty-five). A book entitled (Qabas al-Haqq wa al-Huda), which is a collection of sermons, rulings, and instructions that are consistent with the curriculum of Islamic law. As for half of the (ninth) page, it contained a poem entitled (My belief in women) and it is signed by the owner of the magazine Mr. Hadi Kamal al-Din It consists of (seventeen) houses, in which he praised women and raising generations, while the tenth page had two titles for two poems, the first bearing the title (The State of the Writer in Our Country by the poet Abdul-Ghani Al-Khudari) and the second titled (Hakamiyyat) bearing the signature of the owner of the magazine, while t Forensic evening sciences in Hilla, in which I discussed the conditions of the school, its formations, budget and revenue streams, while the title of the article was (The Forgotten Literature), and the page (sixteenth) and half of the page (12) dealt with a poem consisting of (forty-seven) verses, Al-Tawhid Journal. As for the rest of the page, it was devoted to the fixed section in the magazine, which is the (Triangles) section, and it carried a kind of humor and wit, as well as the fixed section (they ask me and I answer, and I ask for them to answer, but on page (14) there was a small article entitled (Salt and Anecdotes). The fifteenth page was devoted to entertainment along the lines of the second issue, and the sixteenth page discussed the third part of an article titled (The Present War or The War). The eleventh page had an article entitled (School affairs) About a school (The second world), written by the lawyer Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Kamal al-Din, and the introduction to this article states the following: “I was very eager to write about the subject of democracy, that principle that I sanctify. The subject was not fulfilling its right.” Then the author of the article went on to explain the tragedies and calamities that resulted from the Second World War, and to blame the Nazis and Fascists for the reason for the outbreak of this war. It contains the opinions that the atheists came with and their perverted ideas. As for the page (the eighteenth, nineteenth and half of the twentieth page), an article entitled (equity and its impact on Society) was given in the name of the owner of the magazine, in which Mr. Hadi Kamal al-Din explained the importance of fairness and justice in society, citing the blessed verse in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful (God commands you justice and kindness) (Ali Talib,2009.), then he went back to the saying of the Noble Messenger (may God bless him and his family): Among the saved is the word justice in contentment and discontent.” Then, in this article, the researcher stopped a sentence that was the brainchild of Sayyid Hadi Kamal al-Din, in which he said: “Religion alone was that force that was entrusted to move the procession of humanity to a place of happiness and progress.” This saying is that Sayyid Hadi Kamal al-Din has a broad horizon, complete knowledge and an enlightened vision that the Islamic religion and its tolerant

2322 Jabbar, M, A. (2021) Press in Hilla After World War II, Al-Tawheed Magazine January 30-June 29, 1946 a..… law are Which leads the society towards achieving justice and prosperity. As for the page (the twenty-first and twenty-second) it carried a set of news and news that pertained to the local society (Lama Abdel,2003). As for the fourth issue of the magazine, which was issued on Tuesday, the twenty-seventh of Jumada al-Ula / 1365 corresponding to the thirtieth of April 1946, and its pages were nineteen pages. The magazine dealt with a group of poets of Al-Hilla, such as the poet Sayyid (Jaafar Al Kamal Al-Din Al-Hilli) (Monem Abdel,2014.) author of the Diwan (The Magic of Babel and Saj’ Al-Balabil), as well as the poet Sayyid (Haider Al-Hilli), as well as the poets of the city of Najaf, such as Muhammad Saeed Al-Haboubi and others, as well as the poets of the city of , such as Abdul Ghaffar Al-Akhras (Walid Khaled,2002) and others. This article also dealt with poets from Egypt such as Ahmed Shawky whom the Egyptian media described as the pride of the Nile and the crown of the poetic emirate. In Shawqi’s saying (We are the girls of the office ---- we praise every prophet) and he said in another poem (A look, then a smile, then peace --- then talk, then a date Mr. Hadi Kamal al-Din described this house by saying: “Isn’t this the transfer of the colloquial meaning into the classical language, the meaning that everyone memorizes?” And Al-Ghawani is deceived by praise) Look at the initiation, for satire is more like spinning, for he claimed that his beloved is deceived by their saying she is beautiful, and the deception is not in reality, so she is not beautiful. As for the fourth and fifth pages, they highlighted an article that came under the title (Tawhid and its fruits) written by Al-Sayyid Muslim bin Al-Sayyid Hammoud Al-Hilli shed light on the doctrine of monotheism and its types in terms of the unification of the self, the unification of attributes, the unification of actions and other types of monotheism. The article: “The attribute of monotheism gives its adherents the strength of heroism and valor, and infuses them with the spirit of boldness, courage and bravery. Al-Mashati, the writer translated this venerable scholar, mentioning his most important works and writings, after that he shed light on the relationship that the great scholar Ibn al-Mutahhar al-Hilli had with the Alikhane Sultan (Uljaito Khadabandh) (Alaa Hussein,2018) describing the relationship between them by saying: “The aforementioned Sultan loved him so much that he became He does not leave him in travel or at home.” After that, the author of the article touched on the most important works of the scholar Ibn al-Mutahhar al-Hilli, and focused on the book (Minhaj al-Karama), about which Ibn Taymiyyah wrote a book He called it (Minhaj al-Sunnah) in which it contradicted the book Minhaj al-Karama, and the author of the article described this book by saying: “Ibn Taymiyyah did not preserve the sanctity of the etiquette of research and debate, and he attacked most Muslim scholars from the Ash’aris (Alaa Taha Yassin,2015) and the Mu’tazilah and the seventh and eighth pages They were devoted to the fixed section (The Forgotten Literature) of a poem consisting of (sixty-four) verses written in the name of Haji Mahdi Al-Falluji lamenting the hardworking scholar Sayyid (Saleh Al Kamal Al-Din) (Yamar Zaki,2000.). News concerning the School of Sharia Sciences in Hilla, which is the school of Sayyid Hadi Kamal al-Din in the Al-Ta’is neighborhood in Hilla in terms of Donations, the quality of teaching, exams and other matters and issues that pertained to the school, while the tenth page also had its fixed doors, which are triangles and a door that they ask me to answer and I ask them to answer, while the page (the eleventh) also contained fixed chapters like the previous numbers of them (salt and anecdotes) and ( The wisdoms) have many anecdotes and wit. As for the second pages (tenth, thirteenth, and fourteenth), they contain an article entitled (Treasures of King Solomon) by the English writer (Sir Rider Halbard), and it is also a supplement to a series of articles dealt with in the previous issues and carried the page (fifteenth). An article entitled (Tawhid and its readers) was published in the name of the owner of the magazine In it, he addressed a question addressed to Mr. Hadi Kamal al-Din by one of the readers from the city of Baghdad, according to which: “The owner of the magazine, Mr. Hadi Kamal al-Din, the owner of the glorious Tawhid magazine. We ask your Eminence to explain to us what you think about the Islam of the Negus, and you have served me sir.” The response of Mr. “I did not find a difference in the Negus’s Islam except what Dr. Hassan Ibrahim al-Masry went to in the first part of his book History of Political Islam on pg. 207-208. He was the only one in his opinion that the Negus did not convert to Islam.” It has an intellectual dimension in analyzing historical events and their implications. As for the page (sixteenth and seventeenth), it is devoted to an article by the scholar Sayyid Muhammad Reda Al-Isfahani. And it is complementary to what was mentioned in the previous issue of the magazine in the reference to atheistic danger and destructive atheistic ideas, indicating their danger and negative consequences for the Islamic society if they had supporters and detractors. As for page nineteen, which is also one of the established chapters, an article was written on it entitled (The


© RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(5), SPRING, 2021 Present War or the Second World War, written by lawyer Baqir Kamal al-Din. As for the fifth issue, it was only four pages long. It was issued on 3 Rajab/1365 corresponding to June 1, 1946. It was written on the first page of it and at the top and in a clear and wide font the sentence (special issue), but in the middle of it it bore the title (Al-Hilla in a Sea of Minutes). Immediately under this title, the following sentence was written: “The misbehavior of Dr. Abdul Hamid Shalash disturbed the comfort and anger of the Halalites - save Al-Hilla from tyranny in the era of democracy, have mercy on the tormented humanity by dismissing Shalash. This article was published in the name of the owner of Al-Tawhid magazine. As for the sixth and last issue, which was issued on 29 Rajab 1365 corresponding to 29 June 1946, the first page, half of the second page, and the third page of it bore the title (What is behind the rape of Palestine), signed by a (religious student) highlighting the subject. The freedom and independence that some Arab countries, such as Syria, Egypt and Iraq, have achieved. In this article, he also condemned the attempts of some Western colonial countries to occupy Palestine, and their quest to make Palestine a destination for Jews and urged them to immigrate to it despite the rejection of most Arab countries for this decision. As for half of the second page, it came With an article entitled (Najaf is the tongue of the Arabic language) signed by (the author of the signature), in which the author of the article explained the importance of the city of Najaf from the scientific, religious and cultural point of view on the grounds that it is the capital of the honorable scholarly seminary in Iraq and that hundreds of clergymen, scholars and references came out. As for page (fourth) And the fifth) I dealt with an article entitled (What is religion) signed by the scholar (Muhammad Farid Wajdi) In it, he highlighted the necessity of adhering to the morals of the true Islamic religion on the grounds that it is the correct approach to building a coherent Islamic society. In addition, the writer addressed in his article a question on the lips of the Roman philosopher (Augustin Spanier): “Why am I religious..?” And the answer was on the lips of the philosopher himself when he said: “I am religious because I cannot do otherwise, because religiosity is a moral imperative of myself….” As for the sixth page, it was devoted to the fixed section (The Forgotten Literature), including a poem by Sayyid Ahmad Al-Safi Al-Najafi (41 It consists of (eleven) verses that talked about the meanings of alienation and memories. As for the seventh page, it dealt with a poem entitled (Experience London) signed by Mr. Hadi Kamal Al- Din. This poem carried the meanings of challenge, steadfastness and the desire to resist the occupier. The foreigner and his tendencies to make Palestine a home and a residence for the Jews. As for the eighth page, it came with an article titled “Salt and Anecdotes” written in the name of monotheism. As for the other half of the page, it contained a poem entitled “Sadh Al- Hazar” by the poet Abd Al-Razzaq Al-Saeed. As for the ninth and tenth pages, they It is devoted to monotheism, which is a poem entitled (The present war or my country and the English consists of (twenty) lines. This poem shows the tragedies and pain that the world community has been exposed to from the scourge of Nazism and Fascism. In this poem, it is also presented to the false promises made by the British government to the Arabs. After the end of World War II in 1945, as for page (the eleventh) it was among the fixed chapters of the magazine, namely (the triangles). ) And a chapter: They ask me to answer and I ask to answer. As for the twelfth page, it was devoted to the chapter of entertainment, and the solution to the competition in the previous issue. As for the third, fourth and fifteenth pages, I discussed an article entitled (Shiites and their principle of origin, published in the name of Sheikh Ghani Al-Khudari, Secretary of the Cultural Liberation Association In Najaf al-Ashraf, he explained in it the importance of the principle of Shiism in relation to the Islamic religion, based on the sayings of the Noble Prophet (may God bless him and his family) regarding the Shi’ism of the believers and their adoption of the approach of the Commander of the Faithful Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) in governance, legislation and other religious and jurisprudential issues , He also explained in this article the fundamentalist and subsidiary beliefs of Shiites, indicating the importance of acquiring sciences and knowledge to show the importance of this doctrine, such as taqiyya, return, and bada, and the criticisms leveled at them by other Muslim sects. It is one of the almost fixed chapters in the previous issues of the magazine, but on the seventeenth page it contained a group of news and news that concerned a group of countries such as Egypt, India, England, Syria and other countries, while the eighteenth page was a sequel to the articles that were written in Previous pages of the same magazine issue.


Through our review of the preparation of Al-Tawhid magazine, we reached a set of conclusions, including:

2324 Jabbar, M, A. (2021) Press in Hilla After World War II, Al-Tawheed Magazine January 30-June 29, 1946 a..…

1- The media material dealt with by the magazine was not limited to a specific type and type of tributaries of knowledge, but rather included almost all human sciences. 2- Al-Tawhid magazine recorded a clear and tangible presence - undeniable - among the intellectuals and others at the level of the local society in particular or the Iraqi society in general. 3- Al-Tawhid magazine carried nationalistic tendencies, especially those related to the Palestinian cause, and we saw this clearly from a group of articles that dealt with the Palestinian cause. 4-Al-Tawhid magazine was not limited to the writings and articles of Iraqi or local writers and thinkers. Rather, we note that there is a group of foreign Arab writers who wrote in that magazine.


(1) Abd al-Razzaq al-Hasani (1903-1997): one of the most prominent pioneers of Iraqi thought and culture. He was born in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, and received religious education there at the hands of al-Katatib. He traveled to Najaf in 1920 AD, and to the city of Hilla, and there he published Al-Fayhaa newspaper. He worked in a council The Iraqi ministers with many ministers, he has many books and research, the most prominent of which is the history of the Iraqi ministries in the royal era, which was issued in (ten) parts, died in 1997, for more details see: Alaa Taha Yassin, the methodology of the historian Abdul Razzaq Al-Hasani in blogging, Secret of Raa Magazine, Volume 11, Issue 40, Year 11, College of Education, Samarra University, February 2015, p. 2-3. (2) Al-Fayhaa newspaper, first issue, dated January 27, 1927. (3) Hadi Kamal al-Din (1908-1986): He was born in the city of Hilla. He began his career in the field of learning, when he was five years old, i.e. in 1913. He studied the principles of reading and writing, and some arithmetic, besides memorizing the Holy Qur’an in one of the books In the locality of unhappy, then he went to religious studies in the holy city of Najaf. He founded the School of Sharia Sciences in 1944. He has many literary, historical and religious books. He issued Al- Tawhid newspaper for about a year in 1959. He died in 1986. For more details, see: Hadi Hamad Al Kamal Al-Din Al-Husseini, The Fayhaa’ Jurists and the Development of the Intellectual Movement in Al-Hilla, Volume 2, Study and Investigation by Ali Abbas Aliwi, Dar Al-Kafeel for Printing, Publishing and Distribution, Holy Karbala, 2018, pp. 108-109; Muhammad Hadi al-Amini, Dictionary of Men of Thought and Literature in Najaf during a thousand years, Al-Adab Press, Najaf, 1964, p. 369 . (4) Najah Muhammad Artat al-Bakri, the Iraqi press between the past and the present - an anthropological psychological study of the reality of Iraqi society after 2003 - Dar al-Salaam Press, Baghdad, 2020, p. 21. (5) The same source, p. 34. (6) Abd al-Karim al-Zanjani (1887-1968): He was born on the eighth of Ramadan in a village in the city of Zanjan in Iran. He grew up in the care of his father, Sheikh Muhammad Reza al-Zanjani. He began studying religious sciences in his hometown and then traveled to Tehran to complete his seminary studies. Then he traveled to Najaf al-Ashraf in 1326 to complete his studies The Supreme Hawzawi was busy with teaching and writing until he attained the degree of ijtihad by the supreme reference, Sayyid Muhammad Kazem Al-Yazdi. He has many political and nationalist positions. He died in Najaf and was buried there in 1968: Al-Siyasa 1936-1968, Kufa Literature Journal, Issue 35, Volume One, 2018, pp. 60-61; Muhammad Hadi al-Amini, the previous source, p. 213. (7) Amin Khalis (1898 - 1946): He was born in the city of Baghdad in the year 1897 AD, grew up there and entered the schools, after which he graduated from the Law School, took the position of director of the Adhamiya district, and moved in many Iraqi cities. He was in charge of the Al- Hilla Brigade three times, the first time was for a period of (45) days only, and that was in September 1935, and we will quote what Jaafar Al-Khalili said: “He is pure and pure, like the sea, he gathers from every species of species, and you find it sinking.” With writers and poets on any day of the week, and filled with a class that only speaks Turkish and understands nothing of the Arabic language, and on another day you see him with a group of tribesmen and faces from different sides, when he was left in every brigade of Iraq in which he worked as a governor From friends and lovers.” He died in 1946. For more details, see: Jaafar Al-Khalili, (This is how I knew them, Thoughts about distinguished people who sometimes lived for others more than they lived for themselves, part 2, published by Al-Jawadeen Public Library, Baghdad, 1946, p. 105 (8) Abd al-Ilah (1913-1958): He is Prince Abd al-Ilah ibn al-Malik Ali ibn Sharif Hussein ibn Ali. He was 2325

© RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(5), SPRING, 2021 born in the Hijaz in 1913. He moved to Iraq with his father after he was deposed from the throne of Hijaz. He became the guardian of the throne of King Faisal II after the death of King Faisal II. His father, King Ghazi in 1939, became the crown prince after King Faisal II reached the age of majority in 1953 and was killed on July 14, 1958. , House of Cultural Affairs, 1990 (9) The Royal Hospital: The first hospital was opened in Hilla in May 1918, and its management was entrusted to Captain (Campbell), a military doctor who oversaw the organization of the hospital and its supply of medical supplies. Mahdia locality, and originally used as a warehouse for grain, and it belonged to one of the city’s notables, Hajj Hussein Rida Al-Khawaja (d. 1926), the mayor of Mahdia locality, for more details see: Lama Abdel Aziz Mustafa Abdel Karim, Public Services in Iraq 1869-1918, PhD thesis (Unpublished), , College of Arts, University of Mosul, 2003, p. 339. It should be noted that the building is still standing until now, occupied by a carpentry factory.: For more details, see: Youssef Karkush Al-Hilli, History of Al-Hilla, Section One, i 1, Al-Haidari Library, Najaf, 1965, p. Al-Janain Newspaper, No. 41, March 31, 2001 . (10) Al-Tawhid Magazine, first issue, January 30, 1946, pp. 6-7. (11) King Faisal I (1883-1933): He was born in the city of Taif on May 20, 1883, and studied in Istanbul. He entered politics at the time of the Unionist revolution in the Ottoman Empire in 1908. He participated in the Great Arab Revolt that erupted on 10/ June 1916, and in March 1921 Britain nominated Faisal as King of Iraq at the Cairo Conference, and on the 23rd of August 1921, he ascended the throne of Iraq, and did everything in his power to complete the unity and independence of Iraq until he died on the night of the seventh on the eighth of September 1933 For more details, see: Abdul Majeed Kamel Abdul Latif Al-Tikriti, Faisal I and his role in establishing the modern Iraqi state 1921-1933, Al-Wahda Press, Baghdad, 1991, pp. 10-15. (12) King Ghazi (1912-1939): He was born in Makkah Al-Mukarramah in 1912 AD, he left it for Iraq in 1924 AD and in the same year he was appointed Crown Prince. He assumed the throne of Iraq twice, the first: from June 5 to August 2 1933 AD, and the second: 1- September 8, 1933 AD, he was crowned King of Iraq after the death of his father Faisal on September 18, 1933 AD, he died in 1939 AD. For more details see: Lotfi Jaafar Faraj Abdullah, King Ghazi and his role in The politics of Iraq in the internal and external spheres, 1933-1939, Baghdad, Sumer Press, 1987, pp. 17-276. (14) Hosni Al-Zaim (1894 - 1949): He was born in Aleppo and completed his primary and secondary studies there, then graduated from the Military College in Istanbul, joined the French forces in 1921 in Syria, fought with the Vichy forces in Syria during World War II and was imprisoned by the Allied forces after Her victory, released in 1943 by order of President Shukri al-Quwatli, died in 1949... For more details. See: Shaima Fadel Mukheiber Al-Amiri, Syrian-Soviet Relations 1946-1961, unpublished doctoral thesis, College of Education for Girls, University of Baghdad, 2005, p. 44 (15) Hussein El-Shafei (1918-2005): He was born in Tanta Governorate, Egypt’s Delta, on February 8, 1918. He grew up in a middle-class family. He joined the Military College in 1936, joined the Free Officers Organization in 1951, participated in the July Revolution 1952, which overthrew the monarchy in Egypt, died in 2005. For more details, see: Moneim Abdel Wahed Ali Al-Ghazali, Hussein Al-Shafi’i and his political and military role in Egypt until 1975 AD, unpublished master’s thesis, College of Education for Human Sciences, University of Babylon, 2014 (16) Jamal al-Din al-Afghani (1839-1897): He was born in Saadabad in Iran, and grew up there. He received his first education at the hands of his father, then moved between several seminaries, starting with the Qazvin seminary, then the Tehran seminary, then Najaf. He stayed in the latter for four years and then left it. In 1856, then he moved between several countries between 1866-1892 AD, during which he resided in Kabul, Bombay, and Cairo, where he stayed for nine years, then Paris, where he founded the magazine (The Most Trustworthy Handle), London, , Munich, and then Astana, which Arrived in summer 1829 A.D. He stayed there until his death on March 9, 1897 A.D. For more details, see: Walid Khaled Ahmed Hassan, The Conflict of Intellectual Currents in the Arab World 1798-1999, Al-Mustansiriya University, Institute of the Founding Leader for Higher Socialist Studies, 2002, p. 22; Abd al-Rahman al-Rafei, Jamal al-Din Al-Afghani, the Renaissance of the East, Cairo, 1963, pp. 8-18. (17) Muhammad Abdo (1849-1905): He was born in the city of Shanra in Cairo in the year 1849 and grew up in the locality of Nasr. He studied at the Ahmadi Mosque in Tanta, then at Al-Azhar, and worked in education. He wrote in newspapers, especially on the Egyptian facts that he edited, mastered the French language, and supported Ahmed Orabi's revolution in 1881 and stood against the British occupation of Egypt. Because of that, he was exiled to the Levant, then traveled to Paris and issued with his teacher Jamal Al-Din Al-Afghani the magazine “Al-Urwah Al- Wuthqa” in Paris on March 13, 1884, then he returned to Beirut and worked in education and writing, and in 1888 he was allowed to return to Egypt and took the position The judiciary and then

2326 Jabbar, M, A. (2021) Press in Hilla After World War II, Al-Tawheed Magazine January 30-June 29, 1946 a..… the Mufti of Egypt, and continued as such until his death in Alexandria in 1905, and was buried in Cairo. For more details, see: Othman Amin, the pioneer of Egyptian thought, Imam Muhammad Abdo, the Supreme Council of Culture, Cairo, 1945, pp. 25-44; (17) Ibn al-Khalifa: He is Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Baghdadi al-Hilli, known as (Ibn al-Khalifa). Even when he grew up and grew up in a suit, he started imitating his father in The year in which Sheikh Muhammad was born is not known, but he was a contemporary of Sheikh Muhammad Reda Al-Nahawi and Sheikh Sharif bin Falah Al-Kazemi, and thus his birth is likely to have occurred in the second half of the twelfth century AH. For more details, see: Youssef Karkouch, previous source, second section, p. 150; Ali Talib Obaid Asi, Al-Hilla in the Eighteenth Century, A Historical Study in Political, Administrative and Intellectual Conditions, Unpublished Master's Thesis, College of Education, University of Babylon, 2009, pp. 131-132. (18) Abdul Wahab Marjan (1907-1964): Abdul Wahab was born in the year 1907 in the city of Hilla. He moved to Baghdad and completed his studies and obtained a law degree in 1933, and in 1948 he was appointed as a judge in the city of Essaouira, then resigned from it and devote himself to law. For Transportation and Works and undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance on the first of December 1951October 27, 1952, became Prime Minister of Iraq during the period (15/12/1957 - 3/3/1958) He died on March 15, 1964 Unpublished MA, College of Education, University of Babylon, 2007. (19) Muhammad Jawad Al-Sheikh Ahmad Al-Jazaery (1881-1959 AD): He was born in the city of Najaf Al-Ashraf. He studied principles and logic. He was also well versed in Islamic philosophy. He wanted to establish an Arab state in Iraq, and worked to awaken the nation to liberate it from foreign domination. He contributed to the Twentieth Revolution, and has many writings and poems, as well as some publications such as: Opinions and Judgment, Resolving Incantations, a footnote to the Explanation of Badr al-Din on the Millennium, the philosophy of Imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon him), and a collection of poetry. For more details see: Muhammad Hadi al-Amini, Dictionary of Men of Thought and Literature in Najaf during a Thousand Years, Najaf, Al-Adab Press, 1964 AD, p. 185; Hussein Ali Mahfouz, The Biography of Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Al- Jazaery, Al-Qada Press, Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf, 1998, p. 5. (20) Muhammad Jaafar Abu Al-Tamn (1881-1945): He was born in Baghdad in 1881 from a well- known family who was involved in commerce. He began his political activity early, and when the jihad movement against the British began in 1914, he was entrusted with the task of providing the mujahideen with supplies and funds necessary for jihad. He actively contributed In the 1920 revolution against the British, and after its suppression, he left Iraq for the Hijaz, returned to Baghdad in September 1921, and was appointed Minister of Trade on April 15, 1922. He was one of the founders of the Iraqi National Party and was chosen as its leader in August 1922. For details, see: Abd al-Razzaq Abd al-Daraji, Jaafar Abu Al-Tamn and his role in the national movement in Iraq 1908 - 1945, Dar Al-Hurriya for printing, Baghdad, 1980; Ahmed Saber Abdel Aziz, Iraqi Parliament Discussions of the Budget of the Ministry of Education (1925-1945), Journal of Scientific Research in Arts, Part 3, Issue 19, 2018, p. 15 (21) For more details, see: Al-Tawheed Magazine, first issue, January 30, 1946 (22) Faisal II (1935-1958): On May 2, 1953, King Faisal II assumed his constitutional powers and became commander-in-chief of the Iraqi army. For more details, see: Tariq Ibrahim Sharif, a biography of King Faisal II 1935-1958, the last king of Iraq, Dar Ghaida Publishing and Distribution, 2011; Long live Zaki Al-Khairu, The Establishment and Development of the Iraqi Army in the Period 1921-1958", Al-Zahf Al-Kabeer Magazine, Baghdad, No. 4, January-February 2000, p. 68. (23) Abd al-Karim Abd al-Ridha al-Mashata (1887-1959): He is Sheikh Abd al-Karim ibn Abd al- Ridha ibn Hussein from the al-Mashata family. In the (Akd Al-Rayes) mosque, he wrote in all issues of Al-Fayhaa newspaper, which was issued by Abdul Razzaq Al-Hasani in Al-Jala, and in 1938 he issued Al-Adl magazine. Iraq in 1952, died in 1959. For more details, see: Al-Janain Newspaper, Issue (89), August 2002; Ahmed Al-Naji, Abdul Karim Al-Mashata, One of the Pioneers of Enlightenment in Iraq, Al-Arabiya Printing House, Al-Hilla, 2005. (24) Adolf Hitler (1889-1945): He was born in the Austrian city of Brunau, and his father was an employee in the Austrian government customs, and in 1903, his father died and left education, and he left for Vienna in 1909, and in 1913 he moved to the German city of Munich, participated in the World War The first was in 1914, and after the war ended, he returned to Munich, and in 1920 he took over the propaganda task of the Nazi Party, and in 1923 he made a failed coup attempt to seize power in Bavaria, and was sentenced to five years in prison, but was released after eight


© RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(5), SPRING, 2021 months, during which he wrote his book “My Struggle.” He was able to reach the position of chancellor in 1933, and in 1939 World War II broke out, which ended with the defeat of Germany, and Hitler's suicide in the triple April 30, 1945. For more details, see: Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Sadaty, Adolf Hitler, the leader of National Socialism with a statement of the Jewish question, i. 1, d. Matt, Cairo, 1934, p. Gad Taha, Germany, Where is the future, Dar Al-Maaref, Cairo, 1990, pp. 96-99. (25) Montgomery (1887 - 1976): a British military leader, known for his command of the British Eighth Army during World War II, agreed to the surrender of German forces in northwestern Europe in May 1945, and became the supreme official in charge of managing the British sector in occupied Germany 1945-1946 Then he became Chief of Staff of the British Army 1946-1948. For more details, see: Baida Hanoun Obaid Al-Saeedi, United States and Britain, A Study in Political, Economic and Military Relations 1945-1952, Unpublished Master's Thesis, College of Education, Dhi Qar University, 2010, p. 15 (26) Erwin Rommel (1891-1944): He was born in the German city of Heidenheim to aProtestant family. He joined the 24th Infantry Regiment as an officer in 1910. Rommel fought in France, Romania and Italy. He was wounded three times and was awarded the Iron Cross of the second degree. To remain as a field commander in the battlefield on the position of staff of war, and he had the will and love to one day teach at the military academy. He used his military experience to teach new types of military plans and thinking that he issued in his book “Infantry Attack” published in 1937, and in 1938 the Promoted to chief officer at the Wiener Neustadt school near Vienna in 1938, he was accused of plotting to assassinate Hitler, forced to commit suicide in 1944 More details See: Bassam Al-Asali, Famous Leaders of World War II Rommel (Desert Fox), Dar Al- Nafaes for Printing and Publishing, Beirut, 1988. (27) The British Labor Party: It is one of the most important political parties in Britain. It is the second axis of the British party system after the Conservative Party. Its origins go back to the year 1900 when the trade unionists and socialists, a group made up of socialist associations, the Independent Labor Party, the Fabian Society and the Socialist Marxist Democratic Union. At a conference in London, they decided to establish a workers’ representation committee. This committee included forty-one labor unions, totaling 353 members. In 1906, this committee turned into a parliamentary party and decided to present (50) candidates of them to the parliamentary elections. Membership of the British House of Commons For more details see Henry Pelling , Ashort history of the Labour Party , London , London group , limited ,1970 , P.1. (28) Surat An-Nahl / verse (90). (29) For more details, see: Al-Tawheed Magazine, issue three, previous source, p. 21-22 (30) Jaafar Al Kamal Al-Din (1860-1896): He is Jaafar Ibn Al-Hussein bin Hamad whose lineage ends with Al-Hussain bin Ali (peace be upon them: He was born in the village of Al-Sada near Al-Hilla, studied in the Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf scholarly seminary, excelled in literature and poetry, and has poetry collections In praise of Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon them, and he is considered one of the most famous Husseini lament poets, as he follows Sayyid Haider al-Hilli (1831-1887) in this type of lament, especially the lamentation of Imam al-Husayn (peace be upon him) who died in 1896. For more details see Ali Al-Khaqani, Poets of Al-Hilla or the Babylonians, Volume 1, 2nd Edition, Dar Al-Andalus for Printing and Publishing, Beirut, 1964, p. 180; Faris Aziz Muslim, The Lamentations of Sayyid Jaafar Al-Hilli Al-Hussainiya - A Stylistic Study -, Babylon Center for Cultural and Historical Studies, University of Babylon, No. 2, 2011, p. 200. (31) Muhammad Saeed Al-Haboubi (1839-1915): He was born in the city of Najaf. 1915 AD. He has several books, most notably (a poetry collection) for more details see: Huda Jassim Muhammad al-Batihi, Sayyid Muhammad Sa`id al-Haboubi, his life and poetry, Master's thesis, University of Baghdad, College of Arts, 1996, pp. 20-60. (32) Abd al-Ghaffar al-Akhras (1805-1874): He is Abd al-Ghaffar Ibn al-Sayyid Abd al-Wahed. He was born in Mosul and grew up in Baghdad. He was close to the Ottoman governor, Daoud Pasha. , died in 1874 AD, in Basra and was buried there. For more details see: Abbas Al-Azzawi, Abdul Ghaffar Al-Akhras Group, Trading and Printing Company Ltd., Baghdad, 1949, p. 4; Abbas Al- Azzawi, History of Arabic Literature in Iraq 1534-1917 AD, Volume 2, Iraqi Scientific Academy Press, Baghdad, 1962, pp. 330-334; Mahmoud Shukri Al-Alusi, Al-Musk Al-Athfar in the Dissemination of the Advantages of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Century, achieved by: Abdullah Al-Jubouri, Dar Al- Ulum for Printing and Publishing, Riyadh, 1982, pp. 191-195. (33) Ahmed Shawky (1868 - 1932): Ahmed Shawky was born in Cairo from a family of Circassian, Arab and Kurdish origins. He received his primary and secondary education in his hometown, and continued until he obtained his license in law and translation. In 1891, Khedawi Ismail sent to France to obtain his education in law and literature. He returned to Egypt after three years. His

2328 Jabbar, M, A. (2021) Press in Hilla After World War II, Al-Tawheed Magazine January 30-June 29, 1946 a..… poetry was distinguished by enthusiasm and patriotism against the British occupation, so he was exiled to Spain in 1914 and returned from exile in 1920. He died in 1932: For more details see: Ibrahim Khalil, Introduction to the Study of Modern Arabic Poetry, 2nd Edition, Dar Al-Maysara for Publishing, Distribution and Printing, , 2007, pp. 64-66. (34) Jamal al-Din ibn Yusuf ibn al-Mutahar al-Hilli: He is Sadid al-Din Yusuf ibn Ali ibn al-Mutahar al- Hilli (he was alive in 662 AH / 1225 AD) was a scholar of the prominent figures of al-Hilla in the seventh century AH, a virtuous jurist, and a modernist fundamentalist. Religion, described by Ibn Dawood, saying: He was a “faqih, scholar, and teacher of great stature.” It was narrated on the authority of Muhdhab al-Din Hasan bin Radda al-Surawi and Sayyid Fakhar bin Maad al-Mousawi, and his son al-Hasan bin Yusuf al-Hilli and Radhi al-Din Ali bin Tawoos narrated from him, and among his works on jurisprudence A collection of fatwas. See: Radhi al-Din Ali bin Musa bin Tawus, Kashf al-Muhaja for the Fruit of the Mahja, Part 5, Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf, Al-Haidari Press, 1950. p.213; Al-Hasan bin Yusuf bin Ali bin Al-Mutahhar, the Allama Al-Hilli: Guiding the Minds to the Rulings of Faith, investigated by Faris Al-Hassoun, Volume 1, Press of the Islamic Publishing Corporation, Qom, 1410 AH, p. (35) Uljaitu Khadabandeh, he is Ghiath al-Din Muhammad Ibn Orgun Ibn Abaqa Ibn Hulaku Ibn Tawli Ibn Genghis Khan, known as Khedabandah, Kharbandeh, and Uljaitu, the eighth king of the Ilkhanate of Persia. He ruled during the period (703 _ 716 AH / 1304 _ 1317 AD). With his reconciliation with the tribes of Aruq Genghis Khan, the Crown Prince of Iraq at the age of twenty- four, his mother baptized him in the name of Khoda Banda, but he converted to Islam later and was called Muhammad and called himself (Ghiath al-Dunya wa al-Din) and he was on the Imam Shiite school, and in the year 705 AH he was taken from the city of A sultaniya is present for his kingdom. He was a virtuous man of free opinion and a supporter of the literary and scientific movement. He died in Ramadan in the year 716 AH. For more details, see: Abdullah Effendi Al- Isfahani, Riyadh Al-Ulama and Hayyad Al-Fadla, Investigated by Ahmad Al-Husseini, Arab History Foundation, Beirut, 2010, p. 104; Aqil Jamad Al-Karaawi, Dhul-Kifl (peace be upon him), Encyclopedia of Shiite shrines in Iraq - Babil Province -, Volume Two, Dar Al-Kafeel for Printing and Publishing, Holy Karbala, 2018, p. 145. (36) Al-Ash’ari: an Islamic theological group that appeared in the third century AH. It is attributed to Abu Al-Hasan Al-Ash’ari, who was born in Basra in the year 270 AH and came out against the Mu’tazilah. The Ash’aris used the rational and theological proofs and evidence as a means in arguing against their opponents from the Mu’tazila, the philosophers, the Sunnah and others, to prove the facts of the Islamic religion and belief on the kalamic method of Abdullah bin Kilab. And then entering into philosophy and making it a part of the Ash’ari belief: For more details, see: Salah al-Din Ziyad al-Astal, The doctrine of habit according to the Ash’aris in the light of the approach of the righteous predecessors, an unpublished master’s thesis, the Islamic University, College of Fundamentals of Religion, 2019, pp. (37) The Mu’tazila: A group of the most important religious sects that arose in Basra in the first half of the second century AH at the hands of Wasil bin Ata’. On the abstract mind in understanding the Islamic faith because it was affected by some imported philosophies, which led to its deviation from the doctrine of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah. Beirut, 1903, p. 192; (38) Salih Kamal al-Din (1864-1927): His full name is Salih bin Hamad bin Muhammad Hassan bin Issa Kamal al-Din al-Husayni, al-Hilli, al-Najafi. He was born in the village of al-Sada (one of the villages of al-Hilla), and moved to Najaf al-Ashraf, and settled there. He studied the introductions to the sciences, and then attended high lessons in jurisprudence and the principles of jurisprudence on the media: Hussein bin Khalil al-Khalili al-Tahrani al-Najafi, and Muhammad Taha Najaf, and a group attended him, including his nephew, Sayyid Hamad bin Fadel. He compiled a footnote on “Al-Makasib” in Fiqh by Sheikh Murtadha Al-Ansari in two volumes, and a book on Usul al-Fiqh in two volumes. He died in Najaf in 1927. For more details see: Razak Nayef Al-Wataifi, A visit to the kindergartens of scholars and jurists of Najaf Al-Ashraf, Al-Ghari Press, Najaf Al-Ashraf, 2020, p. 219. (39) Abdul Hamid Shalash (1908 - 1953): He was born in the city of Najaf and completed his primary and secondary studies there, then joined the Royal Medical College in 1927 and graduated in 1933. He obtained a certificate of specialization in surgery from the United Kingdom. He held several positions, including an assistant Head of Health of the Hilla Brigade, then became head of health. He died in 1953 as a result of a car accident. (40) Augustine (354 AD - 412): He was born in the city of Pataghest in the province of Numidia,


© RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(5), SPRING, 2021 which was part of the Roman Empire at the time, from a pagan father and a Christian mother. He completed his primary studies in his city, then moved to Carthage to complete his secondary studies. The Gregorian, then was influenced by Platonic ideas. For more details, see: Yaqoot Qaraouni, The Epistemology of Saint Augustine, an unpublished master's thesis, Higher School of Masters in Arts and Humanities, 2006, pp. 25-30. (41) Ahmad al-Safi al-Najafi (1897-1977): Sayyid Ahmad al-Safi al-Najafi al-Mousawi was born in the southern city of Najaf. His life prevented him, Ahmed Al-Safi participated in the movement resisting British colonialism in 1919 AD, and the occupation authorities sought to arrest him, but he managed to escape to and lived there for nearly eight years. Accompanying that long journey was a peerless alienation. and no longer To Iraq, except after he was hit by stray bullets during the internal war in Beirut in 1976, he died in 1977. . Karim Murra, Ahmad Al-Safi Al-Najafi 1896-1977, Al- Mada newspaper supplement, Issue (3685), 30/June/2016


First: the Holy Quran.Second: foreign books

Henry Pelling , Ashort history of the Labour Party , London , London group , limited ,1970 Third: Arabic and Arabized books

1. Ibrahim Khalil, Introduction to the Study of Modern Arabic Poetry, 2nd Edition, Dar Al-Maysara for Publishing, Distribution and Printing, Amman, 2007. 2. Ahmed Al-Naji, Abdul Karim Al-Mashata, One of the Pioneers of Enlightenment in Iraq, Al- Arabiya Printing House, Al-Hilla, 2005 3. Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Sadaty, Adolf Hitler, the leader of National Socialism, with a statement of the Jewish question, 1st edition, d. Matt, Cairo, 1934. 4. Bassam Al-Asali, Famous Leaders of World War II Rommel (Desert Fox), Dar Al-Nafaes for Printing and Publishing, Beirut, 1988. 5. Gad Taha, Germany, Where is the future, Dar Al Maaref, Cairo, 1990. 6. Jaafar Al-Khalili, (This is how I knew them, thoughts about distinguished people who sometimes lived for others more than they lived for themselves, part 2, published by Al-Jawadeen Public Library, Baghdad, 1946. 7. Hussein Ali Mahfouz, The Biography of Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Al-Jazaery, Al-Qada Press, Najaf Al-Ashraf, 1998. 8. Tariq Ibrahim Sharif, a biography of King Faisal II 1935-1958, the last king of Iraq, Dar Ghaida Publishing and Distribution, 2011 9. Tariq al-Nasiri, Abd al-Ilah, the Guardian of the Throne of Iraq (1939 - 1958), part 1, Baghdad, House of Cultural Affairs, 1990. 10. Abbas Al-Azzawi, History of Arabic Literature in Iraq 1534-1917 AD, Volume 2, Iraqi Scientific Academy Press, Baghdad, 1962. 11. Abbas Al-Azzawi, Abdul Ghaffar Al-Akhras Group, Trading and Printing Company Ltd., Baghdad, 1949. 12. Abd al-Rahman al-Rafei, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, the founder of the Renaissance of the East, Cairo, 1963. 13. Abd al-Razzaq Abd al-Daraji, Jaafar Abu al-Tamn and his role in the national movement in Iraq 1908 - 1945, Freedom House for Printing, Baghdad, 1980; 14. Abdul Majeed Kamel Abdul Latif Al-Tikriti, Faisal I and his role in establishing the modern Iraqi state 1921-1933, Al-Wahda Press, Baghdad, 1991. 15. Othman Amin, the pioneer of Egyptian thought, Imam Muhammad Abdo, the Supreme Council of Culture, Cairo, 1945. 16. Ali Al-Khaqani, Poets of Al-Hilla or the Babylonians, Volume 1, 2nd Edition, Dar Al-Andalus for Printing and Publishing, Beirut, 1964, 17. Faris Aziz Muslim, Lamentations of Sayyid Jaafar Al-Hilli Al-Hussainiya - A Stylistic Study-, Babylon Center for Cultural and Historical Studies, University of Babylon, No. 2, 2011. 18- Lutfi Jaafar Faraj Abdullah, King Ghazi and his role in Iraq's politics in the internal and external spheres 1933-1939, Baghdad, Sumer Press, 1987. 19. Muhammad Hadi al-Amini, Dictionary of Men of Thought and Literature in Najaf during a thousand years, Al-Adab Press, Najaf, 1964. 20. Muhammad Hadi Al-Amini, Dictionary of Men of Thought and Literature in Najaf during a

2330 Jabbar, M, A. (2021) Press in Hilla After World War II, Al-Tawheed Magazine January 30-June 29, 1946 a..… Thousand Years, Najaf, Al-Adab Press, 1964 AD. 21. Mahmoud Shukri Al-Alusi, Al-Musk Al-Affar in the Dissemination of the Advantages of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Century, achieved by: Abdullah Al-Jubouri, Dar Al-Uloom for Printing and Publishing, Riyadh, 1982. 22- Najah Muhammad Artat al-Bakri, The Iraqi press between the past and the present - an anthropological psychological study of the reality of Iraqi society after 2003 - Dar al- Salaam Press, Baghdad, 2020, p. 21. 23. Hadi Hamad Al-Kamal Al-Din Al-Husseini, The Fayhaa’ Jurists and the Development of the Intellectual Movement in Hilla, Volume 2, Study and Investigation by Ali Abbas Aliwi, Al- Kafeel House for Printing, Publishing and Distribution, Holy Karbala, 2018. 24. Youssef Karkush Al-Hilli, History of Al-Hilla, Section One, I 1, Al-Haidariya Library, Najaf, 1965.

Fourth: letters and theses

25. Baida Hanoun Obaid Al-Saeedi, the United States and Britain, a study in political, economic and military relations 1945-1952, an unpublished MA thesis, College of Education, University of Dhi Qar, 2010 26. Hassan Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Mamouri, Abdul Wahab Marjan and his political role in Iraq until 1958 AD, unpublished MA thesis, College of Education, University of Babylon, 2007. 27. Shaima Fadel Mukheiber Al-Amiri, Syrian-Soviet Relations 1946-1961, unpublished doctoral thesis, College of Education for Girls, University of Baghdad, 2005. 28. Ali Talib Obaid Asi, Al-Hilla in the Eighteenth Century, A Historical Study in Political, Administrative and Intellectual Conditions, Unpublished Master's Thesis, College of Education, University of Babylon, 2009. 29. Lama Abdel Aziz Mustafa Abdel Karim, Public Services in Iraq 1869-1918, PhD thesis (unpublished), College of Arts, University of Mosul, 2003. 30. Monem Abdel Wahed Ali Al-Ghazali, Hussein Al-Shafei and his political and military role in Egypt until 1975 AD, unpublished MA thesis, College of Education for Human Sciences, University of Babylon, 2014. 31. Huda Jassim Muhammad Al-Butaihi, Mr. Muhammad Saeed Al-Haboubi his life and poetry, Master's thesis, University of Baghdad, College of Arts, 1996. 32. Walid Khaled Ahmed Hassan, The Conflict of Intellectual Currents in the Arab World 1798-1999,

Fifthly: periodicals.

33. Ahmed Saber Abdel Aziz, Iraqi Parliament’s discussions of the budget of the Ministry of Education (1925-1945), Journal of Scientific Research in Arts, Part 3, Issue 19, 2018. 34. Alaa Hussein Al-Rahimi and Muhammad Jawad Al-Jazaery, Sheikh Abdul Karim Al-Zanjani’s Political Positions 1936-1968, Kufa Adab Journal, Issue 35, Volume One, 2018. 35. Alaa Taha Yassin, The Historian Abdul Razzaq Al-Hasani’s Blogging Methodology, Secret of Ra’a Magazine, Volume 11, Number 40, Year 11, College of Education, Samarra University, February 2015. 36. Yamar Zaki Al-Khairo, “The Establishment and Development of the Iraqi Army in the Period 1921-1958,” Al-Zahf Al-Kabeer Magazine, Baghdad, No. 4, January-February 2000

Basically: newspapers.

37. Al-Fayhaa newspaper, first issue, dated January 27, 1927. 38. Al-Janain Newspaper, No. 41, March 31, 2001. 39. Al-Janain Newspaper, Issue (89), August/2002.