Good moriiiu^ . . .^t"s Sinnlay. April 20, 1/9J3

M a^ic I alhy\s Home \{^wspqju*r

70th yea'r, 209ih issuo TWIN FALLS, • ; -Nixon rnnils

\ t joiiri^o.v’s cMid

SHOWING EFFK C TS of fund rqlfiluR bleyclc bug scandal trip ntid long walk arc Jnckie lllricnimck. 0, one of first flnlsliers (nhove) In TOjlCH hlkc-blke nncl I.nurlc Wilkins (bcluw), mnflsnRlnf; fcot W ,V SIim f,T()M \l)PII’rosiil'ml NIxori was MiU»nider, a fonner,White Ijouse aide and a fte r flnliihlnR siin t in VMCA-YWCA wnlknUion. itt virlu.'il Ht'cluHion Siiturd.-iy apparently deputy oanipai^n inanaf>er. resif’ned as the (Hctfitcd fltory, p ictu res p. 17.). .^K>n?lerjju’ the expluiiini’ Wiilcrnate acmidaUutie ucckijnd approftehed...... of tht? tnosl .seridiis crise s of [li.s lon^ polilical Dwight L. C’liapin. Nixon's appointments careiT. Muri' top-lcvol iiuliclinenls and secretiJry. and Charles C’olson, his sj)eciiil ^ rosif-natinns were bdievud immitii'nl, i'oiuKse|, r^ij{ned earjier Uiis year to take private jobs. Nixim c-anct‘llctl a nicotinn with liis main L't'uhoinit’ striitoj^i^s_to spuntl the weckeml iil l-'ormer Attorney (Jeneral John N. Mitchell quit as eamj)«ijjn jnanaj’er two weeks after Camp7)avi(T7M(i.. the ‘‘inoiintaintTip” whcrt* In* Waternatc.. frequently j-oe.s to wei^lj ina]6r (lecision.s. Tlu.\ ' tinio lie had only {Hit iiunai aides wiUi him —iiiid ; — All five men —and plher,s — have been linked absent were his'two top Wliite Mouse advisers in some way with the allej’ations, who itsiuilly accompany t)iin everywtierc. chief Khrlichman, free from earlier si>eculation of staff i!. ]{. Haldt'man and domestic affairs about WattfFftate,—aeknowled^^ed Mt44(UnKtr-uuUMi-n™ >r:!ivii ^wthuul Ucnsm«-anyc-pane {'as exploded M ilitary a u th u ritie s ^ a id it h<»pfil The .huie 17 bugging of llij,* Democratic describe Nixon's activities Saturday and said he one after another Siiturday in doafenuig and • phoioijriiphs taken by tfie jJanc would show national hendquaners at Mw Watergate was not aware that the President had hafl any window-shatteHnt’ blasts whicli lasted fivr wh‘'ttier (hiTi’' w ere any utu'xpli;'(i''i l)i)iiil).s in I'uiiiplt'x and the allegations of other political vi.siiors hours and were feU lOU miles away. Ujl rubble. e()i(inage and i^^ilxila/;.- irt the lJf’2 presidential llatdemiin, said to hold the second most Sjjcrainento Count Sheriff’s deputies said tlie . li(>rnb squiids frm n Army anil Navy i ani|)aij;n no”. Iia; *i i •li-(i.i> arly every ane i»f ixj'verlul jMJSt in the executive branch by virtue loudest blast:) caiiiciroiu the piopane ):a^ cars. ba.SL.s vull U- s.'iil iiitii (lu- .scftif SiHniav Mcrsons wert- inliired Nixon’s tu|i [xilitical and White House aides Jif his control over acces.s to the President, ha'l -hPtppd-n«wrmt)lcrthr-j;mffTmfMht?TnnrhtTTPry-fnr and up to 50,000 persons w ere ev acu ated from Citrus H eigliw A??T;islanf ( 'hn'T C harles I — Arring rn i nin^rmr'tr-l^nmrk-ttrny lit, ii N ixon's li)7‘J (.am paign Uieir hom es at the peak of the blasts. Tln- Jai'kson said the leveled (lie statiim just ionu-time Nixon associate, and A.ssistant i ’(itni^icrre Secretary-losiveh liavc been found iis far small, wooden Citrus Heights fire station a aw ay as th reeK ju arters tif a m ile from ^ e roflako vl|l4l^4» _ q u arter of a -milu a a a y and fwiir hom es in. the ,site. Officers warne

Newsmen, judges TWIN l''Al.I.S The chairman of a citi/eiis’ Uiem " <'tunmiUee foriiit'd lo a.ssist School District 411 Cu.sler said he \va>i a bit Mirpnse v i i i k I i i In n i i l i h f d Speaking to a IVin l-'alls mentioned no names. buMiu'ss firm s rjol ‘ifiecifically identified to sclKMd, and addilion of classrooms at Harrison Republican dinner. McClure llie freslunan senator also purchase (he [ireseat l.iru'oln and Washington and Morningside grade schoids, aiul iK)ssible WASHINGTON (UPI) — A young man anil young woman accu.ied Journalists of slopped short of critici/ing .srlmol properties ftir about $J!lKI,()(lll. elimination of portions of Lincoln and louring Uie White House'.Saturday were arrested after they Washington. ''s tealing___ records of grand Uichnril Nixoii ovrr "I think It's a good deal," Custer said. splashed a red liquid on a wall in the state dining room. They Juries and publishing them.” Watergate, .saying "I don’t lie said the plan annomu'eil i)y .Staiidaher is ' Included iiriire'plairannounced by Slaudalier w ere Identified a.s mcmbCM of th e C He aid Judges were sentencing blame the President iit all for about what the citizens’ committee liacf pro- Friday were a new elementary buildingnorth of violence. —puriidnKtolong terms in prison- not getting’^'nt the bnttnm~nf -{M»iiud except for di.spoHid of the Wa.shington and tin* -h ig li—H«‘h(Mtl t«» re p la c r W ashington; "with some rather self- -the case during the H)72 Lincoln p ru |)cr(ies^ CiLster saiI|»II4‘S 7:13-0031 TF native heads FBI briefW -ULse.lio<)l ((»r MM> our toil;f:rctLlinetL)„ ______

WASM1N(;T()N, D.c:. - For a few hours Friday, a Twin Fulls imtlve headed the FBI. zoile seat.: When-I—Fatrifk^m j-llhTKtinicrt-iinirtfni. TWIN - FALLS - Two ^eFom e^nan-killed ___dlrL'utur-oLUuLFederal-Uureuu-of-liivtiiiUHatioii,-^ candidates filed’for election to W. Mark Felt, 511, “automHllcally under law Uie Twin F a lls School B oard TWIN FALL£ — Investlgatldn continued Saturday Into an ’ UKNunu'd Uie post, according tii a NH p^eNm ^ e m an in before Friday's 5 p.m. industrial acclde/it at the Amalgmnoted Sugar Co. plant on Uie FIM'k WaslduHton offlees. ^ deadline, according to Dl.strlct Friday in.whlcM Jerome mnn died. • Thd victim w as identified on Am ncy H. C lark, 52. Ulit he held Uie Job only n fevv’houm , im tll Clerk J. T.^Andcrson. One Is a former trustee, Slieriff'fl officers said ho was working' on "n pulp pilo with o' PreKident ,Nixon appointed 'Wllllnm I), while the other made .an ioiider inside Q building at the plant when tl)o pile collaps^. _ lluckletihauR, head of llie EnvlronnirnthI unsuccessful'electlon bid for n C lark WQS b u rled and pnned on tho loader by th e m alorlol. ’ Protection Accncy, lnnlt-^cUicn, former meeting Friday aftcmniuiJiii^jldnU want llir Job t r u ^ o until he lost .~ln n Friday. Clark, operating a front lo ad er, acoopod some boet p,uId pcrmnncnlly hut will serve t^ h n pcrnnmenl rczonUig clcctlon a yeor^ ago, from a 70 (oot high pile of boet p u lp and w as buried. ____ (llrector is confirmed by the Scnatei and Kcfincth.HodigCr iv)io also' _ DcpuU^s said 11)0 pUlp can only bo loaded from the bottom uocQuaoof the height of thd stack i Moy Ifr election...... ':i\ ' ' " ‘ ------i v b i r r rBP7Hii=PnF"

.... 7—— . - -t

•J' Tlmei-Newi, Twin Falli, Idaho April 39, Wq

Lottie Bishop ' “TiTVTStipcle ~ IHibert Irw rip s j , .... •' ..— ■.)... ' gmrn^ DUHL - Lolllo Blsliop, fl7, RUPEUT - Burton Vivlrtit^-'. TW-IN KAIJ^ - Rbbci't -Huhl, dl(xl Friday ovcnlnK «l Steele, Ofi, Rupert, died Frl* Henry Irwin, 00,- Spokane, 7:{3 0‘>31 - Harral NuralnK Home nfU*r un day at Casalu ! Memorial W ash.,,former Twin--Falla for flood crest . cy (cn (ltid lllncM . HospjUil. .. . . - - *, -resident, died TImraday. at hinted Born at Cralff, Mo., on Nov. Ifiorn Spokane. ' ATUNTA (UPI) - A-pOSSl- 7i,10fl5,slie attended schools at Mll.lersvUlc, Mo., iie married Born Auft. 6,‘ 1892, «t Ucon. "’'til^bk*ak-!lll‘mirfinnTJlC-tmrt:- m vcr.wlUi the Mliislsfllppi. w as u n d er wnleV. An Craiy before moving>* to Rosa May Kerr in Holman, Idaho, he was educated in ment of sickle cell anemia has iiy United I'resn IntcniQilonal ■ estim ated 5,000 persons rem ain ed oiil o f thoir Woodruff, Kah., as a youn[; Ore. in IRdfl. Stic died in 190T>. Idaho Falls and worked in tlie been reported by'an asHociate - T))o MiiifiiKRjppi HIvor ro se tow ard ii-rocord .-liomos Ujcro. woman. She was marripd to He then married Rada Mny farm at Ucon. He tljcn [H'ofcflsor D( G m ory University. ^ e e n ... at /tt. I^ouis Saturdoy iind tlvcatcnod new, TJie riv e r wiis fiiliinf* slowly upatr?am , but R a y ‘B ishop on M liy 1, IQGQ, a t P e te rm an in M illorBvillo in m oved wIUj his. family to a Dr. Alkls J. Sophianopoujps. soutii ofiStXouisrcHldcnt^sUlluwnitcd.tliuJiiUJL- , deatru(?llon south of Uic clly...... “rancn7'al^Di1gRsr~roltowlnB . told' a s^posium In Baton Bill ghancey, grteetlim Southw ard alon/{ the mlKhlj- riv er'a Icnf'th,- World,, W ar I, Iw m oved to Rouge, La,.. Thursday tluit people at tlie Holiday Inn ... residents conlinuDd to rcinforce lovces^hopiriy B utte, M ont., w ith m em b ers of three substiinces which have ■ Bob Galley collecting tickets tiiey would hold Jis'the crest cnmtf downViver. his family. "ontl-slckling" properties ... Ken Ilodge collectlnn A lowbont crewmrtn was thrown ovcrbnnrd" He mnrried Zelda Brameron iiave been identified. niimes on petitlonis ... Mrs. nnd'fcured drowned when the tow rammed a Al i l L X X 7 «.. . >»“■ ■ wcll-inown„milh and May 2fi, 192fi. an d Uvey were Sophlnnopoulos said atndles • Dale— Hnmmond, Jerome, later divorced.‘V ' ' , done at Emory showed tluit dfrectlng traffic- . ..' Dick, =^jOnrtar«(hW «n|.to.aioM toro4ind.iins beeh adniinistoced os a lie would never g et up Jigain . resideritijd .sections, N(;nr Valley Piirk Mo., the 'Hie river was stable throuj’h -I-ouislaiia niece, Bernadine Waltman, great'grandohildren. - ^collapsed and died. drug to patients witii sickle cell . . . Mrif. Bill C annedy serving Meremec River wa.s about four feet over flood Sijturday while 200 Junk(?d cjirs and thoitsands of Boise, and otJier niec'es and He w as preceded in d ea th l)y Survivors are a duaghter, anemi<). cliili . . . Mrs. Ester Arbaugh stajje and w as observed to be flowln({ u p strcatn . torfJi of rock were (lufUfMid alnnji a levee at. nephews living ouLside Idaho. • Mrs. Bishop was preceded in two sons. Mrs. Teresa Rouleau, Seattle; Sklde cell anemia is jm picking up spooas-.. . Sheriff ----- Nearly-40-f>er-etMit-of-Slr-C)Uirlq»i. f^ounty, - Nairn,- downrivor-froin- New Orleans, vilucli Pfiul C o fd e r 'p ic k in g I'P d ea th by » soji Iri IUUIm Funeral services will be at 2 •two sisters, Mrs, Anne Norby, inherited disejise pjimarily Mi.ssouri, tieiir the Confluence of the Missouri broke earliPTin the week. ’ ~ • - stTiigglers along Y hiking route F u n eral serv ic es will l)e p.ifiV'"'Monday in Walk Siilt Lake City,. Utaii, and affecting black-peppie. With . . . John Roper finishing 20 .cohducted at the l-’irst Mortuary Ciiapel by Rev. John Melissa hVin, I-os Angeles. tlie disease, tl>e red blood cells -(:hriiilian-Church-at-2--p.jn„^niiiii£^jT^ei:tJu^^ the C!alif., iind tw o g ran d so n s. become oblong, or sickle- tnilijs In good spirits ... Sally Mollweux-explaining-why-fiho^------Tue.sday, with Rev, Harrie S. ftupert Cemetery. lie was precedwlTn dea^by “ sliap"edrdife“ to"la‘ck'o ro x y (’o n r' (lid nVt m nke tlie 20-mile hike' .Young officiating.,Final rites Friends may ciill this his parents, four brotlldl-s and As -Uie. c e lb trav el in the Kansas City flash fire ^ . . K c ^ .S te in looking to r his will be at U>e Buhl Cemetery. afternoon and pi'ior to time of Uuee sisters. ^loodj'- they congregate and h a t'. .iJWoWildmanandDick •' Friends may call at the service.s Monday. • ..Funeral services will be plug ' up vessels, cuusirig Serpii vwrfching bicyclers leave Hopkins Buhl Funeral Chapel -Monday at Idaho Falls-with problems In circulution. This for ride to Buhl ... and i^kills six elderly widows Monday from 1 p.m. until n burial in Ucon. causes .pain, nialfunglioji of overheard, -” I finished Uie hike. ]).m. and in liie Berean Sunday Laiira I’arr parts of the body and Send tlje ambulance." ' "KANSAS CITY, K^n . (U P U - A fliwli' fire .Mrs, lOlven hiid t« retreat when the fliunes School Class room at the sometimes death. TWIN KAI.I.S- Mrs IJMini 'raced throujih three Boors of im apartment sit)(;;ed he hair and smoko inhalntinn left her church on ‘I’uesday from 10 H a rry St'L U i r s Parr, 73, Westminster, Calif,, ^hQustiearlv auurday. kllilnK s|x elderly widows breathles.' until 1 [) n>. •forn^er Twtn-Falls-and -Filor— and'iTijurlni' (hrec oUier persons. Police said the ■'ftlidn. tlmik about Vnyii.sthina ■■.siKSiiia. ^-HANSFN - H urry H, Sefus, resident, died Tliursday lr\. bUizcize In,Inay htvu lieen Hcl dellliijralcly Just thou}. It about netling in there to help VO. Hansen, died Thursdiiy Westminsl«rT^ W eeidy STihedule ' TOir in H riir ot llie 19-unll biillilinc wa.s M rs. M yrtle Ijirk in , al)ouf 50 an d oiiu. of the' Ama«-y Cln»'l< 1‘Vfning at his home after a “ tdcstr»yed7^11ie~fircrTvhich-.beKaip«^»ut—2rilO----- buiUllni'H—yom>}^i*«t—rt*Hi«k*nl iipod—th e ___B n rn .O c l___ll»_lQIllL-^bu_ -fihor-l-illnukii.— =------. ia.m ., forced the iJUlUUnFs'cTtlerry residenis mio -J C T O M P; Annn.'y H. C la i k,— 1«»Iaw^Pi»Fr-<»i^M ai^ Born lUie streets in cool temperatures. Many e.scaped A “I was awaktned by the.smoke and tried to i2,’3^ro m o ,'d ied Fi r Falls,-They listed“forTSl homesteaded in the Haft River jUirough windows - ^ , gct out thc (loor," she-si^d. “1 couldn't do it result of -iin accident at InvcsU gntors fouViJ'fln’oj bulletin of-activities for the- broomstick -"nfSn-eeii'fl uhrm y^viridoW and dropped to the F alls. F ile r in m \ Haiisen-TwurFalls area isu»ai 1 ^.m .tjicrc,.^..^ ; ‘Jwhlch hiid been used ti'' coming week is announced by . ground.” - ‘ ‘ He w as born Aug. IR, 1920. at Doc. fi. 1953. worked as a carpenter. ' • •and dust mop in the hallw ny of an Jidjacent ij^iil- C!o|lege of Southern Idaho committee mectifijt, 3 p.m., I’iremen said'^all six victims died tif stTioke J ero m e antV atten d ed school M rs, P a r r ' m o v ed t( He was a member of Uie !dlng. officials. student conference room. questioned two teenage youtlis alwut Inhalation. They were identified as Hose here and in Gooding. He served Wcstmin'iti'c from Twin Falls First I'entecostjil Church in .M onday, U.S. Navy recruiter Thursday, student senate ,Uie origin of the fire, Galncy,*fl5; Pauline Kalousek. 77; Ktta Ira. 113; in the European theatre during al)oul_nifU‘ years ago. Twin Falls On April 1923, S u rv iv o rs in clu ilc (uu- will l)e on cam pus all dliy in the meeting. 1 p.m. student J "Kverybody was yelling for help.'-' said H azel V<;rnon, ,tt5; D ale C idene. H5; Jiiul Alice World War 11 with the U.S. he niarrie()j lOisie .lenkuis in building; -luncheon conference room ; Twin l^all.s [Naiicy Elven, 24. a hospital receptionist who Koontz. in her 70s. ' ■*' A rm y. ' daughter. Mis. Rul)y Speas,' .Sedtm, Kiiir, Anahciin-'C’alif.; two brothers. for new .senate officers imd High School music department ^passed Uic builtling with her liusbur)d after the - Knnsas (Uty, Knn , and the plush nei);hl)(iring On Aug. IMOIO. he married S urvivors in addition to his Floyd Hntlerltm-. acbuinistriiUoii at noon in the [lerformance. fl p.m.. Fine Arts ifire started. aren of Johnson County. Kiin., have been the FtTn'Gibson In Elko, Nev. Ameej<-an —^rifenre one son. Marvtn Sears, cafeteria, and athletic dinner Auditorium. ! ‘i could hear some people say, ‘Help. I'm on scene of several duliberately set fires m the lust 'Hiey lived In Jerome until 1055 i''alls, anil .lohii Haltfiton, KiiiikTly, lliifL' (lauKhkTS, at 7:30 p.m. nt the Turf Club, Friday and Saturday, .several months, but police Indicated Saturday’s when they mov<.d to Medford, Burley; two sisters, Mrs. Mls- Bonnie Parks and Mrs. Ifire,'".shesaid. "Two Indies werehtmging from international quartet fire probably was not connected with llif earlier Ore, ‘In 1971 Uaty roturnwl to l-'lorence MacDiniald, Henver. I.iicille Snow, boUi Burley, and ‘ their windtnvs ii ying fur lielp, I walked up two preliminary contesLs from 5 . fliglils of stairs tii get them ." ___^__ arson. J ero m e ; "Colo., and Mrs Elsie Hill. Mrs Dorothy Mc(’rejiry, Survivors" include his wife ~Shrpvepnrr;~r3i":—anri~thn?c*“ H ansen; one“ bToU/l‘"r, \Vesley' - V o l a.m. through 11 p.m. SalurtJny. .and his mother. Mrs. Hva graruii'hiitlren. S<*afs, K ansas; four sisters, (’lark, both Jerome; two l''uneral services will be at 2 Mrs Rosa Willoughliy and l*ai’k opens p,ni. Tuesday at White Sunday, auto gynikhana. brothers, Ellsworth ()lark. Mrs. Anne Lee. both YEI.U)WST()NF. PAHK„Wyo. Magic Valley Hospitals Mortuary Cluipcl, Burial in Magic; Valley SjKirts Car Club, Jeroine. and Verl Clark. Oklahoma; Mrs, Nora Kasler (UPI) - Yellowstone National Sunset Memorial Park. 11 a in through 3 p.m . in CSI one sister, Mrs. i,ind Mi,s Ruth Davis, l)i)th Park, the nation's oldest, Minidokii Meiiioriul ______K ria .d s- m ay ta ll a l llliL_ west parking lot; senior K,,,,sas; UBro?t'liildP«a^,ii(l i:!~opp„pd--|'V idaj-llirtr- >lny» 5 D ism issed He was-preceded in death by mortuary today, Monday and KiTal.BrandLlMldr.n,, alR-ad of, ^ r t ! A dm itted A dm itted p.m. in .the Fine Arts Martha Rode, Wendell; his father and one sister. until, Xutiiilay. . -lumeriii services will be ; Mary Gummerson and I^ice J,uhn Sanford, Meridian; —-- ______.. ‘Tlie. Illi:, luiclate snow liiilpack n tins Amlitorium, F u n eral serv ices will lie !^ n rs, both Rupert, and Albert John Anderst. Filer; Mrs, Marlene Bruhn and .William tTirsnTTThoth-Hngn -<*r fam ily to h n ig m o n l. Colo.. Most Appliancos sold Heard and Susan Schwartz, all Mrs, Ronald Jackson, boUi •HfVbtHttr------— i-JW JK- -Uwiao-q:utia.liIaUc-iivaan{l-and. on MonoyiBock -Guorl “Twrn'Tiills; Joyce Harral and Ho said Cooke ciiy was siHT o n to o . OlKmlKKcd, . Jo n es. ii, itoisi'^'Tdieditoi.stv: in » Boise then to— HoUifiter. S h u J John McRilU both Eden. hccessilile. however.Jiy lrav-_ ,Como |n and Drouso Mrs; Allen Rasniusseu^j-Pi'tirement center Tliurs(|ay. gradujited from Twlri F alls . ■ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Frenchie Conrad, W endel'; TWIN FALLS- 'MKs.JUith eling Uie [Kirk road from Around. Wo'ro iusi ono liiiriey; Parluy-Adaina, Malta; Born Nov. 21. llUUi. in High Scllbol in .1915. "r 7THE"TiMES-NEWS ------John'SnnfordrMcridinnrMrs V.indilder Dresbach. Chicago. (iardiner. Mont. 'Ilie Grand block oosi of thb“ Hub‘ liiuHi Fairchild. Oakley, and Ihllsville. Va,, she ciune U) She married Frank ,(Yavi‘n • ' DeVal Buttars, Burley; Mrs ■ftHiner Twin F alls resident, lx)op Road will l)c opeiu'd with City sig n , Mrs. William Christensen. Iilaho from Virginia j i l J lIU.1 - in ''1921 and they lived In I iw.N»Aiu lOAMo William Tliomason, Shoshoae; (lied April HI. Uie exception of (Yaig P ass Opsfl Mondiy Ht'ylmrn. .settling in BellevuP. Hollister until l‘H2^when they . Jionnie Jo Pace, llazelton; H er father, the l.-ite Harrv l)etweenOid Faitljfui and West Ihru SalurilaY______------—U lrtllS :.-.^ - .....-____— Slii’-m iim e d F ran k D, .loiies •moved to Sacramenttrr-HwHfr ^niHiccTlTayrie.sTTlupert TrTTiciiiiiiv . tivuM'i n -'iv m - -TTmmh. and Dumarem Pj m TBTESM (Dnlly^JuHdoy) $? 7S A son was iHirn to Mr, an d in G alax , Va., Dec.. 25,11)07 He Following his deatli in 195-1 she Green and David Hunt, both l-a'lls and between Canyon Village Phono 536-J774 . .Oy M all ' ' Mrs. Ronald Jackson, died in April liHil, Slie moved moved to Redlands. J Poid In Advonco Buhl; Ijiuren Butts, Filer; Surv'-i^fwrs in clu d e one and Tower .liinction. ili>ylmrn. to B oise In l‘JKi. She is survived by one sister, > (Doily < Sundoy) Nettie Kraus, Paul; Herbert She is survived by Uiree sons. Mrs, Fred P. Bates, Redlands; daughter and granddaughter. ' 1 Month »3.00 Savage, Gooding; Mr^. Coit ' . 3 M onlht SB 50 Albert Jones, Porthind, Ore.; one brother, Neal B Hazard. -KiUcktoii,— JtitiiuuLi— Mar.y_ '■ b M onl ht------n tTDcr Woodrow Jiines, Council, an(T 'i v i n i-'a iis ; - r r s if pn aiig h t o r r . 1 ¥9or $30.00 Holcomb, Han.sen, and Mrs, tmrghorns Mis. Judd (iardiier, Waco, Andresv .Jones. Hager man; rid M T K al Eti'llf^ldi) , Moll »uhtiri()iioC Ifgloii was"formnllyTKtnh-— Marjorie Butterfield. Twin conducted at 1 p.iii Monday, at li.shed in n o sto ii in Jfl79 It Si, nonedictH l'’alls; Mrs. Betty Winston, U)s* the Twin Falls Cemetery by no\v lia.s m o re llian 3.20(1 jiriiiiclies in -l» c o u n trie s Th ' TIMES-NEWS ' Admitted f'.alos, Calif,, iind M rs. lOlsie Rev .lohn Wallace uiuler tlie iicciirdance willi the rule of M rs D e lo res B a rr is , riirectiiin of Wliite Mortuiiry -SUBSCRIBEBI. GF park Jxivelaiul, Kirjdiind. Wa^h.; 31 till- i huri'h. H dne.s nuLpulh:__ W H irK ini. ~ I .Coll your (.o(il«r - ^ Taylor and Raymond Ward, all (ILKNNS-FERRY .iHIM) I ot Tlma»'N«wt grandchildren and one great- Wendell, and Daniel Moore, St, Three Island Sl, ,Vv*od«li tlie loan of an Idnjio P ark s Funeral services'and burial 'Coodlng-Hoo*rman S36-353S Department accountant. will be Monilay in 1 ' COMMUNITY The 0 y ear-o ld cow, —I------*1 ^COR«eSfONOtNT1 yearling heifers and a yearling • _)Muiti_ 'iieiivorf«dio thr-pnrk—t-u n e r a l-^ e rv ic e s - Miv VVoIIqco lo y 'o i , fl2J 2n2l Oiilricl Courl by '/A\y Baker, Oklahoma Stiite BURLEY Graveside Two generaiions.of ~ _ J’o ijlino Doy 543 5413 Outdoor Recreation Project iiU CtulUuiaaAllullli.DiilJ^. Icl services forJohn E, Tliompson - ■ ) (lol officer, and R. I.. ' Pyron, disfingutshed^sei^i^r wlll_be a t ip a.m . Mond ay a t the _ ------Uuiiuuu — : s»pc*rintcndent-of-Foss Stiite - p o o d in g Co>irily iUipei-t Cemetery under the H«rurc.wev Uoroi lil P ark In O klahom a, •JpeooyCi'u 934 5706 H«rgrr4«rv. L UcMr« M^rrct «iio Mvirn directloii.of Payne Mortuary. - HoQOfmon C I vvnnii* Lfniont nncl The state of Okhiliuma had FUNERAL CHAPEL WUmo-louo.*...... 037 443nil M,wc» ChriHiiU' borrowwl Orv WilliHins from ('r.uvoilrtiiU HolirrI Lrc BUHL - Services for Mrs. ADDISOVl AVENUE EAST W a n io n ' CItrk't Ollic* the Idaho Department of Parks yorolhoo 5loo|nnilh 433 S400 M,lrn*OP litcn»c» wrre iiiucd lo Della Dunlap will be nt 1:.10 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO II GI«n(IO(i. JJ, iioci Huliy «><>"' and Recreation to estiihlish a U e ro m o p.m.' Monday nt the Filer Twill M IU . Orcgory L Moor*. IV. and -surclmrge rale on projects for ____ PHONE 733-4900 'Ch o'loH ii Holl “ 334 4761- Baptist auireh’. Final rites In- Lrc Atirriik, I*. Jerom*. otU Mtry Ulrich, Uie Oklahoma dupartment. 'King Hill i;. » •irr, 0*nny W C«rnpU*ll. I). Uouldtr the Filer lOOF Cemetery 'Mri. Arthur Ornor 366>?35G C>lv. Nf«.. 4mi Uoum‘^i4iiinui. I/. -' Tljo result of Uie project has Jove. Cdlil . L. Oumn Y«rwouah, i t «nd under the direction of White Mlnl-Coiiln ' , &h«ron M c u m r .-ir, boin Twin f^alli bro u g h t an uddUiomil $100,000 M o rtu ary . ' ' ■ Mofllyn EllioH jt,-. 670 03d3 Vlivtn O M«rUv*li. 7*. Jtrom*. ano Linda Molcomti. » . Twin Falli. Jotin W Hurtl. In federal grant money to tlie J(c/*nHoielton 17, Oiciricn, and Otbra Harral, If, Loan, Oklahoma Parks Department. .[OlKlf Obion _ 035 5^15 and Glaliro Martinaf', 41. anu Eiillania PIrntc Pardoned Cuiiiv. Jl.'.boiiv Twm f^allt. The longhorn cattle will bo '[Shoihfln# . I ■uiltfino ptrmlu < Jean Laffitte, famed buc* iMclba Thorn* , D f l6 j0 7 ! ina l- .Kno«.-J3U eighin Av» L . naw nbiccd in a large pen wlUi a - lamea duc- adiMion.' Earl e Harold i r . lit) Sijn .Voll*y-Hall«)^-Wood ftivtr ' Twin Falls Cemetery Ass’n FairwayC, iivw aOilillon, t},000, 'R f. lone buffalo as part of tte In-. T«{iy Compbtll 700:4636 lm«ou(. 111 Harrikon, ntw addillon, A.W. "0*//" Alod/ond, Pros, ond M g r . -11,000. Clfitsr Ki»i»noar..3U Quincy, naw “f Orciion („r h|s niislsinnet to Gen. addliion, U,000, artu Thomai G. Hund- Trail Crosfling at Three Island Andrew Jackson In the Dot- Main AvonuO E., Twin Falls . - ComlIo,Brbn*6(i": . hauttrt. }U7KlhoaiuaIt Dr , n»w addlllon, 11.400 , ^ Stale Pnrk. tie of New Orlenns., Tlmnt-Nowi/Twin Palli, ldaho~3 Humanities iinilr T F ineet reports theme UOISR-TlieAssoclntlonfor rei'ioniil nttltudes OfuLthc.. , ,.J_ lliL' Hiunanilles in Idaho has individual '.'and frontier annoimcod its theine, "Idnlfb’s' trailltinn. • ’ • ■ pnrjUcipation in, reco{>nize<( firQwlll.L .T>U» Roio of' Humiin,___ Jhia-them e-^vijl be tht> -■------Nurses Association approved pr'ograrhs.^. Values in nirectfng.' Its voluntary corlificntioii for' Tlie. Association’ named ■ fbr a tjrnnl being applied for COUI*80." n u rse s during the fi2nd anniinl Cliarlee WittmaYi, Lupwni, the AHI to the Nationnl T h e AM! w ill view- th e convention which ended student nurse of the yeffr. Slio Kndowment lor- .....t h e ...... - influences (hnl have shape ' The association invites main concern In selecting a Nurses Association for a yearly D ie‘board of dirl*ctors in a projMisals of public programs' Iheme wiui to reflect as fee of $5. ‘ 'Hiree- continuinfj [K)st convention board meeting ,relalit»g to this Iheme to^ use faithfully as possible the public education units. 30 contact appointed new , statewide and inanagement of land, issues wlilch tlie Idaho citizens hours, are reqiiired-per year conunittoe nieinbers for the water and other nalural tfiemsflves expresjied at our for certification. Througlk following year. Anjong those resourciis, population changes, conferences.” v continuing education and appointed were Blanche Reay, aebsequejit cprtification. Gooding,''and Alice Sato, nurses will demonstratr their Pocatello, members of the desire to provide the highest state continuing education •quality niising care. conunittoe,-^ Eveiifs set 'Hie executive lx)ard will t>e dertification does not have ' * TWIN KAl.I.S ~ T \vo Twin Falls women will accepting and reviewing the means «o( assuring k ‘ honored Sunday at separate receptions. . Individual, cum 'ptitence-but t:an_ applications for the vacancv in ------KIWAN!H ANNUAL prnnul brittle irnlr-to Mrsr David-McClusky, Idaho mother-of-the— : only.certify individual efforts the position of executive , raise money for youth work In the community Ir year, will Im? honored from 2 to 5 p.m . at the T urf to continue professional director of the Idaho Nurses’ slatedfoniexlThurKdaye.veiilnf’- More than 100 H u b . . e d u c a t i o n t h r o u g h' Association, Klwaiiis Club members will take part. In charge Mary Helen Perry, principal at Washington Sale set Tliiii-sfla.y a re , fro m the leU. Cralfi F ish er, W. W. F ra n ts wild is re tlrini! a t the cnd_QLtlitLvcat^will-— nncPfiuy Helcher. Members of the tw in Falls Iu.‘ guest of honor from 2 to 4 p.m. at the school. High .School Key.C'lub and also Uie CSl C ircle K ’Hu* public is invited. E lk liivitecl Club will aid In tlie project. ‘TWIN FAI.IJj — John F. U'ineii, Twin Falls ' Rlks~!.oilge member, has been asked to. par­ ticipate--as a ritual olficlnl a t the (iraiul l.mlgi* ' convention in Chicago in .July. Probe of lie Is one of 10 memhexs from throughout the country to reccivc the invitjitlon. The Grand I.mlge rllupl competition will hr ronHurled for , fatality — ^— tliree days, ac<'«rding tv WIIIliLiD H. W haley, - chairman «if tlie (Irand UKlge rltunllsllc cMmimiltee*. ^o^ntinues- — nconHniihi (rum p. ii— other workers told officers -€lnFk^h(uUut,lM)) bring ^ -. — ♦-~-*(kiw;i sonje of the pulp al^m tshrine eircus. ------w hpnrhc”\vns w'orklriR, when It ' would not slide s<),lie continued ------^------iLt;ing inu Uii»le t^ n r ki?r.^ .‘;!in r~ coming June 5 Uiey had never seen so much trustee^antNdmitsfratlonrt(r give way at one lime. ' slieriff's officers said Ihe TWIN.I’AI.I.S -Tlie Shrine for tins year.s’ Slirine ciri'us, pulp covered an area alxiut 100 Q rcu s once.again is com ing to s;u(l tlie showint; will provide feel long when it slid, covering U)e M agic Valley. atHip|>ui tunity for cliildrea and Uiefloor at least four feet deep IV o gigantic piTforiiiiuu-es adults througliout the Magic A light inelal cover on. lhi‘ have Ix-'cn slated foe June b al Vitlley 111 see the extravagan/a cab of the loader wjis pushed tlie F iler fairgrounds. Tin- lie said, that hundreds uf down under the weight of the fairgrounds h as ain|)!nple spai children will 1k‘ entertained al -heaiiy-iilickjuualmaU-plnnUig- instHute o valuntary nt'(^()irTnrtTitrihehHgtf as.sernbly tlie circus iiu'ludi/m ornhaned. Clark on the loader. Another of circus equipment, stars and institutionali/ed and other less piece of heavy equipment had acts from around the Morld, fortiinali" children.- to be used to dig ('lark from Hit* Slirine offiwals say. This will Ik? accomplished Kindergarten program In addition to Karl Wnlienrin, with* ticket.q ; donated by Sheriff’s officers said the- Uic world renounced high wire nienilHTs of tin; Shrine, as well Amalgamated Sugar Co artist, William Kay, producer as firms, prufuwiiiuial official^ -and- Departnient-of . of the 107:i edition, has included [H'oplo. (irganizalions and oilier Ixibor . re[)resentatives were every type acke(l al .757 C o m m e rc ia l. Avi? Hospital. We hope- this can be a superior progrom, with well-trained, entertainment for the entire Additional information may be - (’lark wa!?a nali^'c'■o^ Jerom e faiiTlty— during eacii obtained by calling '7:

TWIN FAI.US Tlie ITSA In- given a tour of the high al the Twin T'alls Senior High scluml by studrnl Ixuly officers for concliK‘1 — S<‘luM»l will l».av'e its lin a l ' and iiu‘ii)b4‘rs of ih e student TWIN FAI.r-S - John M t, M tb Jim C all Mr. Mrs, PhiLGtdvor Dr. Don Pica ii»‘ctu u ; Ilf llu i .j’ear at 7 ;iO (-ouncil. S.nift-lo attend as wc‘11 iis jd l lat(‘ Fritliiy niyhl^ M l. Mt b Willinrn Huqhob Corl Fooler H o A y M e m parents of hi|ji school students, City police siiid The man luid M r.M rb . Stovo Swopo Key bloften officers for Ihi- coming year. Bill S o tto rlio ld Incoming soplKnnore students according to (iondori alleg<‘dly engaged In a fight M f, M rs, Bruce Hoidko Toro Dosmond R o b ert D. K n ig h to n M arjdHo SiftHon Mrs, Arlene Hannah _Ifom O'I.eary and Rol)crt Hecksteail. vice president of with his father, .John Sanford,' M r. M fs. M r. M fi. L eo-D ogle A n n C over Mrs, Floro Standlfry Sliuirt Jiinior High Srhonls will the r r s A - Hr , at nine U'ikes Houlevar'd M r. Mrb. Alan EvoroM Mrs. Joyce Parks Mrs, Sherry Frozior and Slioup Avenue. Officers Mrs. Morsho Gielzon M i M rs Donald Ploilurlu Mrs, Vorpon E, Smith .said they found the father lying M r. M rb, S.M, Gorier Mrs.'Shoron C. Palmer Mrs, Paul Nowto'n iM'side the curb and bleeding M l. Mrb. Don Barlow Mrs, Joon Boon M rs, Tori W o o d Mrs. Bednar wins from a cut on the back of the M r. M rb, W a rd Pock Shirley Greener' Mrs. Darolti Johnson' -h4Mui—iim l—tliu- ■Nancy Scholer ,______Mrfc»nnWflTi^rV^l[ifirn5 Ix-mling over him giving his Ml Mrb f-rod PlanUoy " MrsvMpnlyn'Pimoggio”" *-W'rs^U61iyVZiW pencil lor speech assistance. M r. M rb Dove Vanloouwon Mrs. Kristy Corinon - -Mrs! Ruth Holer Uffurrfi said tlic yuungcr M r .M r k Roborl Myeia Mrs, Carolyn Motsiioko Chorolelld Gredn TWIN FAl.US ■ .The blue |ir<-sentcd llie hexictilogy man used abusive language' M r. M rs D on G ru b b Mrs, Jeri Robbins Phylifl W ognor IM'iicil was aw arded to C lara lesson. and th reaten ed to hit offi<‘ers M r. M rs, Ernost fiownion Elaine Phillips Ella Nielson Bednar when the Magic Alda ,Slrong was named and h ad to Ih* restraiiu'd and M r. M rs Wayno Thompson G reg Soibort Kafhy Stophonson Toastmi.stress Club met toaslniisti for tlie m eeting. brought lo the [xillce stjition, M r, M fs Robert Wrighi Lorry Wooks .-M orio-ScoU ,------Thursday al~lire' Crtlonlnl -Spenkers-inrlndpd-Ruby-Hrnrr' — n ifrrntnrr\vT i‘jrii-e‘3ii'(rdTor“a~ -M r /M r s : -Jn clc8 im 5 ------" DovoHorriphroy- Sharon^Burgman • •in a Japanese.l»rlson Cam;)"; head cut and released to his M r. M rs Wm. HunTsmon Calhy Ropor —ItooriL. og*r*Abefno»hy- Alleen Mndeinood gave the Clai^- iW dhar, ‘^As ii M an himu*. , He received the cut T5.M, B rinson Maido Olson ^ M f. Mui^ Afthnf-M_flt4 _Roy_KQpot_ — Andy-Tuinirrgti" invocation. Ta\jle lojiics were Tlunketh” and Vera Young, a when he_f(‘ll to tliu_:>troot^ M r. M rs Dennis Markham,' G ladys Griffin Miss Lotus Schmuckor led by Nettie Magel on ' My' ~l)ook rev iew of "A Ciift from the officers said. Mr^ M rs, Charles Moeller Copnio Hansen Carol Postolnik . - M4)st—Kyjoyablu—Kxpt 7^r&. C o n o Ooxior Dot Miller, presient, was in M r.M rs "Diah'Tohnson ~ ~ ~Thts Year,” ’11)e liht\'eling Ilrifl^c^ %%'iiiiicr.s M r. /^Ars. D on Fox trophy was w6n


Ihfvoleil To The Cilizem O f MtifiJr yalhy ' SAIGON — Some recent What the Hungarian w«h offensive-. Fnistra'tcd tiy its Polish suggestion is bandits at even malchod by ^'the Inillacreet rcjnnrkJ) by..n Lndlscrcct enough to admit Communist members, the work. . ■ • • ! Americans. , • , llunjfsrian army offlcor - subverts Uie. foundation of the ICCS has bocome protective Kailurc to be ridicul6us is not One experienced Canadian : " • Sundax. April i9nW 3 Al W ctleracAn, Publithar PHONE 733-0931 'a.sfli|>ncd to pcacc-kccping in Paris’ agreement. U.__S. coloration to maintain- the p erm itted . Wlien tlie ' ICCS diplomat assigned to the ICC& OMIclal Cllv*nd Coonly Nfwip*p*'r • M*mb*r ol Audit tjoftauol Clfcui*llon UPl South Vietnam''only confirm officials hero believe. Soutli n ^tjon nf;a — the re al invcstlg'atcil fighting ove^r'Uic- fully expected Uio ^crippling iJ O e iU W t TO Sactlpn to 101 ltf«ho Cort«> ** ? l thnt Uio censcflrd enfbrcement' Vietnnm'''can'“survivo“ tho‘ roaaon~ manv.: Canitdluns and ■Impor'taht port of Sa lluynh/ a Communist ofastructionlsm blit* . • lioilnofl’c#! nnlirrfi u/lltwin b#pubimh> nuhll«h*d. itd. PubliUi*dPubliihad daily and SortddV;Soridiw •KC*pt•Kc*pt 5*lorolVr^i“>31^hI'’^ 5*ioro«v. ■! u / 'Pi' f'^ * * ^ * * ^ fiasco challenges tlie rationale ceasefire nei'otiatcd_for_it_by l^oJislF^loneT signed a’ report ttcvJrUfctoss tWvDcntod'jotrrtkitf~ • Twin F ill!, idihoJlW hJjv Magic Vallay N*wip«p»ri. Inc, Enl#r#d ai Mcond cla n mill niaftBr April I, .some-Jndonosians'wnnt Uielr 1*11,*11h*poiH,4ffllc* In Twin Falli. Idaho.IMO>( undar iht aciof March 1 .117^ ...of both tho P ftfls-n g rcem cn t- Dr.'Iiefrfy X 'Ki’ssin g er only if nations to quit the commission. stating it^was under Saifton's Uie.lCC&in dglcrcncc to picas . and - Nixon-Kls^ingcr Moscow restrains Hanoi, but Over three months, ICCS’s control, lie was forthwith from Canada's mbst Important diplomacy generally. Uie two Communist members Communist member's havp reliovod of his duUes and seen friem i, tlifi United S tates. Now,- It was a Hungarian national of UiD ICCS, Hungary imd oxcollud -in - thu-ridiculous. no , m orcrin. Vie^am. Ilia IwWovcr, he thinks it Is tinfie,to . . day celebration for membens Poland, arc under Soviet When Communist sappers blunder has not been repeated.' leave. This is no ccaaeflrc, he of • an . International direcUon and have' been destroyed a bridge, the Poles, Moreover, the Poles and told us. This is. war. By Commission, of Control and encrgetl^lly torpedoing __claimed the bridge had been Hungarians are in intimate participating in th6 ICCS Flag Pledge Supervision I ICCS) regional peace-keeping with cold war weakened by rransi)Ortfltion contact “with Vietnamese Canada participotes in .team, and the. Wine (loweij fervor o fth e lOtOa. ’over it of South Vietnarneae Communists — and alerted to decention. freely. 'Hie eo]onel lieading the • Accordingly, U.’ S’, officials arUllery shells. When sappers some violations before they We found no Canadian hero ... _The. U. S., .-Supreme C ourt, ha.s ' member of the Ohio General region's Hungarian dplogaUon, lioru-four-wtuit, tlUs implies'- sunk a soutl) Vititnamuso.navnl ,occur.,Com'muni8t‘'ICCS team w h o__ -...disni{r6e3,.,--.-!_ai\d —upholi-tho-righUofa.puBIic-schooi- Ith n d members departed 7hastily Indoneslan-s {ire ct>mlng to feel ‘ teacner to . emain silent during the *“ vole he'would join his colleagues in Vietnamese officer and loudly und-death international struck one of its own minbs. from Hang.’Nu near the Uiosame way. "Tho ICCSisTm. Pledge of Allegiance in her the recitation but that he rerrlained explained why .Saigon'.s, agreements, including arms Those two reports were so Cambodian border just, before absurdity," one Indonesian cla ssro o m . “ opposed to making a mockery of complaints of Communist limitiitions, negotiiited under ludicrous that the Hungarians North Vietnurnese_ troops colonel , says. ‘We must go Mrs. Susan liusso, a high school my country’s sacred documents by ceasefire violations are Uio grflnd dp.sign of P resid en t did not concur, But usually the launched a _?najor assault ho m e." ^ A feeble joke circulating in art teacher who had been continually reciting a pledge that doomed, “We are asslKned Nixon'and Dr. Kissinger. two Communist, nations tliere.- — herCr’he declared, “lo protect As we .reported earlier, cooperate in scuttling the All this has profoundly diplomaUc circles says the dismissed from her job in a suburb we continue to violate.’’ . Uie In terests of the PIU J" ~ the .North Vietnam began ICCS, Communists shell a influenced Canadian ICCS Swedes and the Indians will be Now no doubt many Americans of Hochester, N. Y., had refused to —Proviaionnl-'^Hevolutionary - systematic—violation -of- the ■hnmlctT“the-HunRnrinir-Pol4ah ixjaea-keepers. Arriving, here 'the new ICCS members . give m e pietrgJT'lJeaTuse ^she^ “ rcclte" the pledge tq^tire^flag (.Jovernment, the embryonic ceasefire from its first dijy — explanation is a provocation by genuine neutrals, many because ■M)nly-~.they arg -considered its ii.ssurance of liberty, thoughtlessly, even hypocritically. CommuniAt regime Nortli seeking land and people for the South Vietnamese artillery ladian officers have become hypocritical enough to stomach and 'justice for . all to be But its words were n e v^ meant lo Vietniun Is trying to estiiblisli PHG's bare bones and South Vietnamese outpost emotionally anti-Comnuinist in Hungarlan-Polish sophistry. In “ hypocritical.” be a statement of fact, but of intent in South Vietnam*, preparing a future general attacked; the Hungarian- reaction to Hanol.-.Warsaw- fact, the ICCS ifjoy be finished rThis was.ndt the.first time that - a prom i^* made by tlie founders Budapost 'coHusion. One if Canada and Indonesia leave, testihibny IFlTuTKrirriTlIn'^lnnr' mandatory recitation oLthe pledge of' the ' nation’ which each Tan’adian regional delegation chief now habitually refers to attitude about international has' been challenged as a m atter of succeeding generation renews. TR E MOOM aJOMPED CVER t h e COW ICCS open meetings lo the so- agree menta and a dark omen .11 may be asked when, if ever, "conscience, nor w be the lust, calKul PnC» — an insult not •for the future. though from now on one“ wi 1 l“lvavo~ -there w ill be liberty and justice for . to go to court about it. all — assuming we can even agree A few wee^cs ago, O hio Hep. on a definition of those wofds that Thomas'M. ‘Bell became the first, would satisfy all. Should we puLthe- GEORGE C. THOSTESON, M.D. legislator in that state’s history lo pledge on the shelf pending the vole i^gainst a routine-resolulion arrival of Utopia? which has House meml)ers pledge ' Mrs. Uussoand Mr. Uell, at least, The Doctor Sayi§_ allegiance to tlie flag 'on the first seem lo have found a degree of Dear Dr. Iliosteson: 1 read die rem aining tube is o|>en and day of every weekly session. liberty and justice in this im perfgcl in your, column, iilwut under- tieallhy, and if ifis, stop letting land. • . ■ - ^ w M at 2-1 is the yoimgcst - Hctire-thyroid--TlielJyinploins >^i^- ner-v4is chew you up. arelvery similar to mine. I iieein to tire 'eaaily and feel Dear Dr. Tliosteson: I read loss of energy al tiin«;s In a inagazine once that —Wiiat tvnesof mcdlcalItion are porson t»els iron from cast iron used lo treat _un(leractive skillets. Could you tell me how I'he LaugUMge. T' { will sec a doctor much? — li.l',^ medication \ji^^W'Hild like to lillle, corfsidermg the years know the lultne of the thal such skillets stay-in use living language can remain sUitic, ---- It's InlcrosDllt; liow l;ins;iiane ' ~mtrdlcalian, - l-*. K. \; without visible signs of wear. changes, almost It seems from day it still comes as a bit of a jo lt (o see You’re puUmg the carl If you’re afraid of the iron — to day, or al least between one the world liow being used to before the hoPsciJliyDur then don’t Im.*, If you think the edition of a djctionary and the describe destruction in general. 5yinpt(irns. however similar to i;-,on will l)e useful to you. don't next. For e.xample, a recent article those I ('ussetl. m ay or inay count on gelling enough lo be of not result from an underaclive , Take the word "decimate.” about thv; virtues of large cars any significance^ ' thyroid, 'n ierc are plenty of ^ tjic tly speaking, if an army is . vcTsus sn’iall cars stated that the other eause.s of tiring loo IXsir Dr, 'Hiosleson: You latlcr "would be decimated" In a decimated in battle it has lost onc- easily, of wliich an e m ia Is a wrote that Benemid and tenth of its men. Intojnm on usage, cra sh . j common one, but not Ijie only asp irin don’t got along well howcvor, tlio word has InnR inoant Surprisingly, Webster's Third, o rie ^ together, but in your Ixioklet on almost toliil nlilit.eration. whether ^piitrtisirea in iiinti, hTisTlnnyrt: ■ gcTtt) y o u fd o flo ru n d have a rth ritis you j>oint out iTTe Value of troops or of some other given its blessing to this usage, him start checking. If you want of aspirin. I’m taking Benemid aggregation of living things, and citing as a sample .si'ntence the act lo suggest that you are worried daily, Wtial's the. answer? — about your thyi oid, lell him so, D,I..H, this is one definition given in the tliat inflation has "decimated" but don’t jump to conclusions. T»king Ihe Henemid for gout. buying power. Second Edition of Webster's If tt— tesl~"J!tiows a lazy I presume, Asi>irin‘' To langiiajie piir[stsJbe_ \^(^e Internatlo.nal, piihlisheil^iii .. .thxroi(l, Uien th y ro id ,ex tract m ^ cbunleraclsthe usjiful action of ‘'TSiif c>ven“ i'ec6gniziim tTiat no Thing* Is" -- W ell.' 'declm'ating. one fonaoniujo^wp-fnay be the it. HowevefT'ir^^ fimT‘U“ answer — but let ymir doctor necessary to take aspirin, your decide on the.basi:ij)f facts and doctor could switch you to - te s ts : -jprnuTJlhunjOTiniietlicatron^" aUopurlnol being what I have Dear Dr, 'rhosteson: I in m ind — o r using an MR. SPECTATOR 1-ontracU‘d gonorrhea a year analgesic other than aspirin, and a half ago nnd'had lo have D A V ID ESPO ont''Of llic i-’allupiair lube.s DIAIIKTICS X^loiiiimiiiicalion Lag -i-fiiioved, .\Iy (ioclor lolil m e I Never take a chance on wa.s very lucky they c:mght it tliabelusV better Research in an (>ndless array o f __ com tnunication ■ see ins I o be The Other Side ik‘furc\ It spri-ad Tiny furllier. untlerstarulinM of this disease, fields has been under way al a faltering. This is a trehd'^ncir I plan on girling married^ui wrile lo Dr, 'Hiosleson in cjire ' W I N . K A L L S T h e'T . 'llie result was a smaslunu 7'J higher teacher pay increases record pace for years and it shnws ^ must hn rnvprseri if the Jruils_of _ hI)*)UI a' yeor and every time I of this (lewijpaper for a copy t»f " o rrtT iding‘mtyss:igg-y T;rn»r r gr- ‘t>er f piit‘»np p rm »nK f>t-' the->wm l - ■nr 'TTiorr e n n r hm f iit" in d h c - tniTlk uiiuur-iii ,''>''^or.iit T ptnff.luir i Tiftnnm- ra irm r ini’ tMJllhlL'l, rr -L m iiiM te— 'TOc *- ~cvidence-of-conUnuingatJi-piieaeal------uiiissivt^res;(;,iiTli are not to i-ot in 1 -fm)uv-w4Ut4*ri‘deloclionji-acruss. — >M(uo-and lliu clulnce at to curri<^u]unl or kindergartuns iny .ipcr.ntlnn'got ,Snrak}^ l)ISCasii7’^ lca so tempo and scope: ICniei gii,ig from it the laboratorv. the M agic Valley Tuesday is do soineDiing about Die al least a limited basis and pains in m y oHilt lulii’, nil from enclose a long, self-iiddressed are a number of k'nflwledgcuble that |iei)[)le still care dangerous and outdated to .sq u irre l' il aw ay in the iiL'i VL's ------' I use zip code), stamped explosions which w ill have great HKM VTll()l,()(ilZi;U'.’ their .m-hools. buildingsVlhat Itie parents cracks in Ihe nest Iht-federal .Sini'C I oMi'L* hiui thi.s (iisrase envelope n ;t() cents in coin to effect on society as siwn as tliey In case you were wondering why In Murtaugh they provml it allow .their chihiren In be government has been will U iiri!VL‘iil nu- fruMi tiavniM cover cost of printing and can Be digestey—beauty, of thal is the Sc'ICnce.------— ------“ 7iTOlTOl~wltlV 'di'ngS7 accorrting^lo If the' othor tiiliu iliiln'l Because of the tremendous District lax[)ayers are already valley areas is itne (if concern .schoTil children a re p ro tected if l)L'('t)iiii.‘ infi'clL'd nnd isn't volume of mail received (laily,. There is tremendous i-esearcb one observer it's b e c a u s e allowing Ihemselves l»i be iiful (tbvmiis w ilhngness to Ihe federal governmenl docsn’l OUksi'iI by scar tlssnf. Uieii-'s l>r, Tliosteson regrets tharhe activity invSved in the fight civilization is confronting a "crisis taxed at an overriile rale, but help, consider Ihe |iroblcins of come up with tlie money, Tlie no 1'L‘ason why yiin t an'l havt- <'amiol answer Individual against cancer. Thousands of of consciousness a l)reakdown of of course thal arrangeinenl Twin KaMs prol)lem is that if Die money (■hllilri!n, .My ailvu-e In ymi is It* lellers. but wljiiiicver possible in d iv id u a L m p c r iiiic iila h iiv.c bCL'u. the general eonsciiMUS about what m ust In* reaffirm ed eat~)i year, As of niid-wet-k, tliere wasn't continues lo flow frtnn ;omi,H>jimjlugu.U.du_a—Jie-iisC a^reail^''' nuestiona in concluded and luoi'e aie started is real and what is not.' n n d till- vo lcrs na vr, II l!:i pi-r . a suinulL'L'am lH latc ninnini; for Wa.sliinglun. it will create a lest tir two luTind t)Ut whellivr _ his L-'ofunuk daily'which regardless of ■Says Dr, .lean Houston, director cent apiiroval this lime, the expiring term on the scliool sur[)his and probably-louch off . So for Murtaugh lax|iayers a nasly little figlil aboul where whether they provide ihe Tuissing of the Foundation for Mind Ixiard. Ihvre will slill tx* a tliree null The pre.sent truslee, .lotin Ihc e x tra m oney .'^hould then Unks loa cancer euro will provide Ue.-iearch in New York, the young lax reduclion by v irtu e of Wolfe, finally broke his silence go. know led ge scie jice d id not posses. Boise, l>ut and said lie woiildn'l run for In the background, of I'oiirse, - OffseUi'ng some of the voyaging ’'inwal-d to the green laiuL It will be citupled with the ftair reeluction. so Ihe problem I out nol by much) is the advantage's of large, concentrated inside to reniythologize the reality null override, ' tM'came g ellin g sonieotie in toucliy and emotional queslion research pro|;j;ims, art'— Uui- n yvJiiologiiiid t _ ___ In Jerome a (iiiarrelhnu and ■ liun rattier llian oppose of k in d erg arten s. . ^ rta g c B 'or laTt'^m mid fficiiiiies— rftmtrtp il-wah-tiwupl— ^ u m ^ U y Ji’rii cfTnrqinnaninni r,eori;(^'S~ left for other pu'r.suits. To a large’ Now tbefe's a load of fertilizer aside atid liralid iiiiw had stepped forw ard. .Slaudaher told a briefing Iriislees will 1m‘ insUdled, 'Ilie m altt-r of. ir caiulidnlf. several tlays ago he thouglit il a extent, the U.S. governmenl for.the "greening of-America." Hial will pre.sent special Iranslati's simply.into terms of jxior idea to go around looking preeiiipts many research priorities l>roblems and special cnrinti and concern for the for church, basements for a through the sheer yolnme' of its C.IVKAVVAV l)i:l’T: res|Hinsibililies for the school future of edilcalit^n. .SoiVleliody place to pul kinderg^irten expenditures. Tax dollars Once again our cat population, administration, which now hns to care cnoiijili lo seek a classes, . ——— T —rontrollcd by M I'olallvcly'^fcw^ nurs’ literally exploded. Anyone who ‘ “fnres-the difficult tarfk of position that cu.lrantees — H t^also im plied he hiid inilHe” OPSOIl&r-most-Of-whom-mUKt-Jlt ------w nnltUlliaji-cnnl-niiln hlnrlc nr [;rey- educating the entire new u p settin g ' pn ‘one~‘’c‘~a1ls' friiiii an effort to determine how Ixmrd. JeasUconsidBr-iJolitieHl-pi'easures;------IfITOTi^raT)out nionniV old) or school parents, teachers an'd much room was available~iii^~ Hut hopofuMy that task will administralors, as well as the the Head Start .sile in Twin do not necessariy . constitute the their silver-grey part-Siamese iH' siniplltiL'd if thu trUJitffs and unkind prying of the local Falls. In fact, when ht* imrilled best way ol establishing priorities, ■mother, can call :!24-5972 at . ailniioiiitratnra i;ot_ the i^ri'ai. and- - ' - the _____ som etimes -_ Uiat he .was- exceeding.-the-_ But*illi£«^'iiay be"a stjil. gieatei' J e ro m e . ' . -. . ' niL'.s.HHjje tllL’ v o tu rs w rotu overvvhelmlng feeling - thal—JCalm of truth, twcause there is waste preventing the full They are all box trained and 'I'uu.sday. local •control is a mirage enough room at the old ?>t- utilization of research successes in really beautiful , kittep.?.' Ask Tllnl wns that they nru sick^ created in concert by the state ICdwards School for seven half Uie difficulty of communicating for Mrs. Michael M(iy. nnd tired of iicelnt: .schunl run office In Boise and ’ federal day kindergarten classrooms, tlicsc udv'a^iccs to the individuals Have five Norweign Elkho'und like public rouKlilaiuse.s, nt\d il ndminlslralors in Washington, and he Avould know th at if he w as tim e thini;!; settle nd the- "YRepubllcans ------^allV -Ujread_of_Uei;cuty;_anUl^lU -txj-jujuk out lhe.ejwcoc6 of-(;od.- •stylo- mornllty-broadenstAour-- land would be needed to build this iiro Sl'rt{fan~” \VSTniryoVrijuy a iis'etP Number ‘3: Environmental siLspectod of not only violating cj»r fro m Ud.i m an ? " justice is becominj; frayed, You elimln{ite the chance to faullii while leaving nothing to airport which wou^d involve taking ' destruction, such as noise and air . federal law s but trying to Without • -such fragile that we have complicaleil the •seek Heaven jf' Uiere is a become, ■ . * " laiiij from ^over 2U farms in the pollution ai\d wild life destruction. subvert the judicial system to cjuaiities as trust,- i-rcdll)imy sim plo, Heaven, and if , Heaven l.^i And if we accept abortion area. coikeal tJieir wronudoinn. an(i lntoj*rity, Uie ability of Mr. . It Is th e point wt)er(v 1 draw eternal then alHirllon'Is an som e [’ood people «will never Is it any wonder that Mr. rny owtj personal line - No eternal damnation. So ,how be, and Jhen what have we ■ John H, 'nioiiiii.son T essa.M . Hr^jUley Harold Ciinipbell Ni'xon to ev er he- an honest Nixon w as. and is m ore siij_ leader of the United Slates is Way! could religion jxissibly accept come to accept ourselves as Niini-y 'niomii.sori SJjaron Sears ' Uiarlie Walters becoming known v’tlfivky iiucstioned. ‘ x ■ We now seen) to b e siiyinn al)orlinn. Il cannot, a s J see It. itiify Walturs JjUi.SeJLr^._f_ Dennis Oalos having always been? 1 jdwnys^ I)(ck' . . . Hobert A. Johiison thal if we a re to rem ove an(i And A m erica }{rew ttto u reat on considered we were,dead only UutJi W alters P. V. l.ew inan CoHeen McClellan N ow T N nc News revoiiI..Ui4tween lh({ ■ Uiout^h I w ish we could. mlj^ht never bo, if then not C ourt we hav e a perio d of death Itodncy ]•:. Iloljth ( h m ilall Orville U. Clark Ilisluik-ally wat-e amTi)! government and ihflalion whijn My objection to this cjdled siivintj aj'^e, you do al Jeasl_ Jiinot ilolich . . ‘Genevieve Campbell Mark’ Walteii ' c’onlrols iiri alw ays ac we live with waj^c an d prifi> |)cfor£jifc.-Ujen-UO-on-to.dcath_ Hn^nzlm r tildes of Uie prjce-cqntrolled also choosing ^ i r r Strihe^&WMorallljnvhrch" drinkinn, druK-usc ctc., which f-oods. Chronic shortai’es are abundance, cover, A baby lx)y with ft single says ‘Live it up. man’ has Uic h allm ark of every con- Governmentyl price and is self-—Woad ; unless thoy_do have em- Ibat. will-more than trinli ■tructure of piotluctiun. When Money Needed- ffW o' price-controlled inoject, ilccent raise for Idaho leachers Juui-put-duwn-uu-papet^no- produced a ’Ji) |)crcent mllation ------lo"your' ir ------iscompleteI> illogical. It could price controls must Uiis coming year. However,TluT all example is the |‘>,000 sliiUfo. irYa decade, what do you Uiink not be a -self-contained, extended in ev er widerunM Jerome superintendent has iM'ing sot asidu fur flu shots. the addition of a $12-i billion . . . Joe Skaug recreational-resident com­ circles, until the Hovernment presnited a budget that has 'Hu* en tire cost of this will not Debt In only four years will HI. No, 1 plex” if the a re a h as to be About Schools finds itself try ini’ to fix the allowed for almost no, run over $500. produce?! J e r o m e ------iinnexed in the first place in phtce-of everyliunt*,- A^i-there citing inflation in school 'Hie reason Uiis writer quit Kditor. 'I' aslroiK ny. jut to are ])robably at least 10 millioi) Also we as order to exist. Obviously, there 0[)eralion as the reason for the teaching in the Jerome .system I am V ■ry about These separate prices in the many tax dollar Ls a need to be included in [id m o re, like token arnqunt ■ offered the was purely for financial -education tat< Am urj -Ainericiin economy.iind aiihiii. demanding that ■ TIailifyl)tx^=fusL~or~its sewor -. i’roblcwi4i,ivor-u lea elifrs.------reasons. When a person begins' Ijared lo the St of the nation, t)ffered :ny hiMlr .school in Im plies som ethint' on Uip o rd er governm ent |)ay P o o F T a & t e — plant anil schools, l-’or the "our |)re.seiil IxKird I'lbcrs, teachinu Jt*-realizes there is’no Idaho rank: ly a t Uu' 0 ^^den, of 50 Irlllion cros.s-relationships bills for • us as [X)pulation forecasted, it will as well a s m ost 'f great linancial reward nor “ Like an expansion oniVe seWer Ixittom in edi ition. i ’hts" IS' Whci m all ( itJ-pr»ee»Hhe-«t -tiovemmiinl has _ EdLtQL-IimciuNfiWi;. plant, afi elementary school ipp: illing and alarming. Iowa w e h ad k in d erg a rtt^ns like sets Itself a fanui.silcaUy im­ overhead charge-inid- -fodurai - - — .I^ould-not-lielp-notlclng-on— twice the size of Uie Hellevue Thle m ain problem a s I .see It you jA ouldn’l believt We possible task. lUil this does not money always has strings adverjlsement sponsored by .school an d -a junio high ami s that every little comiinunity learnil.(1 to read, write, a (Id and mean it cannol do immer|se alUiched, Uie Knights of Columbus In the . . , Mr. and M rs.' I^rohloin.s In Jiupert •hi^-h .school'the j ze of the ust has to have theii subtra ft We went to schlool for h arm to the econoniy-when' it April 20 l^ilc of_the Times- _ pre.sent ones. D., tl .* [K-ople of a-hi;lols Whv woirt they a full da> nine months of the undertake.') this Adrian Arp I-:. Tm ies-Ne llie remaval of these trees and News. I find 11 to be in very . Hailey and Blaine ( )unty think 'omibine to form fewer. b etter y e a r jufJt like the o ld er ta sk .” 'IVin Kalis new law enforcement parking .space is . ilecided by poor taste. Uiat they will not hHave tu help iiid really worthwhile school ehiltliiHi. .\ji4 this wa:> at. a 'Hierefore. we are not simply hi i.siruction by the councilmen ' elected to. .It should be the IJiiy faVl*ities-’ districLs. school in a tiny faifciiing to the courthouse seems to now office. One man. Bill Whitlum, I responsibility of the individual ^leCulloch City^iU -Jiot-bi- __ Hlissiuul Haguniiau.-mU.y-lO— wlucU-.AieJiad-lA_be-bussi:d_ lliiyi'--cceatud— suiiic__ ntiw. s ta nds alone to insisl Uie-peoplt*, -tO-decide.Dn-thu-abariiaaiasue— llle: apan ich hi froii •self-contained" or in- Iheir iny mile; way. Hk problems even Ixjfore being .should help decide. What he without being ^ubjectd to such high chool, school 11)used all ule.T from — it needs the .TiiijjrovecrArea flnlsho iifiKiqi; fpr. la ■Qnl,v,-WhflL-Uie. m n tR rin l. >Thl^ irinn n f - n n . . - tjixnavi^-s who, a re ' alread y tffy ■•Kumt [fPlOn Ifl'ini! -Kditor, I'imes-Ncws:------ovorhead bulching smoke il The Hupert City C( ;-il feels majority of the citizens want unborn fetus keeping a diary In here. It will also^ jnsIilinirtiniVeir fuials inlUTi When these kiiLs starledTiH f Somu |)uople would like to really sliook a p erso n up. We imist to r‘‘niove the luld agree U Uie first place is preposterous. ditional (H)lice. fire protection, school (listrii-t the'r wciluld h av t grad e they learned phoiu.-.H, .-improve” Magic Valley until would look up and ask^W hv Norway Ma|)les .so as lo make the would anyope If your fine, upstoncJlng snow removal equipment and iiiiu-U lu-tler bullling:>, afford IHMUiiansliip. cumposition and do Uiose fevv iwople ^SPInere the street wider for, more elsi newspaper can refuse to acccpt nianpowor. Tlie plan does not Ix-tter teachers arid be able to had .s|R>lling and arith m etic it is. as cru m m y as m ost get to annoy us lljousands on ciistoiner parking. These tree No City Council shuuld advertising for . X-rated t^iir' for a separate, ••'seir- offer m ore to the StlKlents. -tests, reading circles and the metropolitan areas. referred to as '.scrubs'’ by tli feel they can ■dictate to Uie movlos, how can you accept coritiiined” police force and 1 wa.S am azed t0 le arn lhat like. What a great way to start In fact M agic Valley will not the groun.l''" We woujd also ch airm an of M inidoka County |>eopl' iltempt to operate as mid print such sickenlnti ti^ash jair, ‘fire sfation and equip- -Klisif-High-vSi-liool->ijfferfH-H - c h ild f ^ n ----- ■ ih—thu- _ask,-:.‘Why do wo thousands on Commissioners have been a a clique b» cause November will as Uils, ment. or maintenance gran .l total of 10 s Ubjl•I ts. One educationary. air[)ort study if we the current Uie ground have to pay air|>orl could hardly .-all thi^ (ileasure to nuiny local and out .soon he \h re iind election time I am not condemning others .equipment and staff. How i a well- Do the good people of Idaho I'itizens do not tax ourselves to Uixes to be annoyed by those of town vtsitor.s’. We. lost .some wiUi it. for their beliefs,' only asking about an ailditional ho.spital'' nujndeil .curriculum. Since ‘ Uiliik their cliihlren don 't need provide Uie seryice.s for the few people up there?" Uiese 10 subjects must include trees in the city park a fe.w If tliosi i a re rem oved Uilit they respect m ine. We YetMr,'McCulloch.says"our Uiis t>iH- of, an education',' I larger population. Hasically, a Jetport is noisy, P. K. simp. Vo-Ag and Home years ago becuuse of l>e the ajo rity of the have all been exposed to the* impact will cost the City of lioiw not because 1 have a little •niere is mi surer way t( dirty, expen.sive, and we don’t Kr, this leaves six for biohigy, Hailey nothing,” He also'tises^ -rhilri-ofTnro- han I zoology, botany, chemistry, like her to have a good called trees are .scrubs then it Ill be an im provem ent, I Uiere is no.need for outright Uie "tiix bast‘"'!)i(i;b sub-' new t>eople need new schools, growth, stink,, crowding, foreign languages. literature, education. IS because the people who are s la lla lo Ihiil rtM nlirk, Wu more roads, moru .police, tax es, elc ^ or we ca n refuse lo should imagine Uiey^woutdn'i. propaganda. J^ ____ creative writing, Kriglish. oil ■ 1 h()|)e hy Uu- lim e she's could look many places to see bigger air[)orls, etc. 'Hie added pay for junk like the jetjwrt. paid to care for them, have not -liyslUite lo he present to have . .. Jack Hoemer ' painting, tlrawing, ceramics, school age, great im- Uie fallacy of lh at con. b u t‘we tax base jiist doesn't cover all We’ve personally seen il go the done their job. their picture taken as the first H upert lettering, commercial art, prt.vem enls will have been need nut loak~r;ii' tu a city which wrong way in San J ohu, U>k I believe the first mistake tree is to|ipled to the ground. I drafting, drama, speech, t|io nuw-expendituren, fell a time or two Kelduim is m ade in Uils alM m portanl was to build at the present wmijor how many would smile debate, typing business And what do those taxes /^ngeles, San Diego, and only i;i m iles aw ay M aybe liicalion. An dfurt shoulil have for the camera? I’m not m acliuies, aiiurlhii'nilK il.'lditor’s note: hiiiiu:. buy? We used to live about lit Phoenix. I':veryl>ody, please do extra money from the tax­ miles fro'm a jelport, Kven at every'Uiiiig you can to not let it l>een m ad e to accpiire .some against progress or the Amevuiii) and World History, verified but whitheld 'by Heartless payers of. llailey and the rest of th at distan cu the leLs"' happen here. land adjacihit lo th{-‘ city, thus .'inoVal of trees If th ere i.-i ---- i:cuULaU« alluwing liir plli'klrtg spaui- t halT algebra, iiiath, uTsance7 otT U e and Susan Kditor. Tiines-News: need, Maylx; he lias to be an­ . K r:. overcast days, Sclilucnder furthen expansion when consideration h as been given to To the heartless, con­ nexed l>ecause hi- knows lhat counting, geography, geology, Hacerniii 'When the l{*ts thundered' I^ichfield'farmers ncce.vsar.y. Most businesses providing a parking ’lot temptible person who dumped Hailey diie.s not require a fu?l today do attempt lo locate in a adjacent to the courthouse Uie little grey Poodle out on imimct study of a project of place with concern fop parking property. K^r example, why busy ICast Addison, Uiis m agnitude. To analyze “lilnceTns-irprlmTinTiroblpnrr -notxonsider-purehasing-i-purehasing-a-jot-or— — 1-Tion‘t-knowif-thcy hoped it w hal Uils would do to"' Uie Freedom Loving Wc certainly don’t have to keep two and making a pa,rking are would L“>t killed or if they health, sufiLly and wcJfurc. ul Open Letter t;j;:orythlnR wlthm*T)W city or or even consider diagonal ho|)ed it miftbtorossovorto our- llaijey, lo its economy and f;:ditor, Thnus-News: We aro _ln__ iiunt:tul_a_ envyroiiment:----- w a m — &0~" " T H 'r k e e p M alio IxMiutifui." hospitable people, hut wo do I^ditor. TimcS'N(jws: immediately discouraged by was vldened for extra parking, place. This way they would walk into a place where oUier frightening. Maybe he thjriks 'lliis country wiis developed l)y not need th^* pollution and TliLs is ah open the the pro.McCulloch local ItwouUtbqmostaccommodating provide both beauty and shade, ,dogs werp barking. Uie people of llailey cannot an imlustrious, hard working, confusion such on airport citizens Of Hailey: citizens ancl by Mr. McCulloch for businesses located- Uiere 'Hie big disappointment is I tried all day in every.-way v isu alize w h a t -2 L2.11.-ui:rt;s freedom , loving, people. • wouhi helt> lo p e rp e tu a lk We ■ Ij|3t night r nUendod n himself. —- " j» s s ib lo -lo -ro s o u o Uio -lUUo— cho^ined up into lot sizes uf (i»’ x other .lh n n “ )iist* courthousc why can‘t~the ' council *-nhd - How long will we. as a feel that we dn not need this meeting sponaort'd by^ the I ask of yoiJ now — Wliy c a n ’t Uilng, but it only had eyes and' - ‘ .100' f^of single family dwelllnga cwatotper.s. 1 don’t feel the Mayor work for Uie public cuhimunlty, have pure air, type of progress, It would not ‘'Ix)ca] Cltl'zcns In support of tills be done? l>ess thah 23D ears for the cat' which dumped will look like, taxpayers should have to instead of against one man who room to strglch. freedom From lM.>nufit us al ii\l citizens, voted In the )ast local it thert^r , , Tliat is, al a minimum, seven Uie H ailey City Council" —, a finance parking are'a'.for such has provukjigji intereiit for the confusion and . if this ■ Can’tthc promoters read and Despite al! my efforts, a big • homes per acre . , . 170(1 houses rather presumptuous title election, llie time is critical to b u slp esses.’nies^* en •public iif^U m es before? airport is UuiU'lln our valley? .understand? Tlie farmers and tru ck killed il. You can now Jamint“d together. At the cost since the mooting was alsojn let your opinions and voice be should hnvb* planned hheacl If 'Hie issue is before the people People fi-om conge.sted areas ranchers do not want an pick up the remains on the of$5.500piT lol. Mr, McCulloch support of Mr. McCullpch's heard. Please do not be additioniir parking is needed. how and although it may seem . come to this'valley and say airpor^on.U ie north sl/ie of th& souUt side ofi{ho road not for / will be getting p er acre proposed annexation, Mr. intimidated by Ihe "big Also.wl\en, and If, the new trivial to many, this doesn’t from. vvficBc you d u m p e d 'ito u t.__, . - ~ for Uie h'om esltes, We cannol "w liat a lovely pliice to live." Snake River, McCulloch was there and once money" that threatens'to wings arc added to the old see p i,to .t)0 Uit caac. Why dldn’fyou do tha decent , deny 'that tlir-gc^»r old Uuw long^wlil'tiicy bo ablo tu • Isn't It unough that tlio City again managed to skirt or literally take over Hailey. Tills building’then'm ore ti^ees antf ‘ i believe if I were some of Uie ' Uiing and bring it to my door American profit motive Is at .say that if we let outilde of Jerome hauls its stinking loaVe unanswered many vital is .'itlll a dem ocracy an d wo will s|xruces will go. meml/ors of the Cuuncil or tho and give it to m e? I would have work here, and aftei-. all. Interests anti money hungry garbage out and leaves it on questions, such as; schools have a voice in- the I have, wondered what tli^u Mayor and had aspirations of fpund a home foi* it. . . »f JJiti... peo|;>lo' c r c i ______jucatioa-ot— d£,liii^^Unati«u)f^iic_futur£u?i— -hflvo^bqon environment from whlcli they No-alrport, please!. game," right? What Is really such high densit; At a point in A local citizen *irl*support' of '• iidjacent to this bullcfing Is. Ctkn . I woidd btigfii k issin g -b ab ies sleeping well. ,r ’• i ' cam e? Wliy do the pcope of this . Mrs. Qiarley Walters., Interesting .is that "tho com­ t)io m eeting U w as asked w hy Tlailey. . • - . Uipy sue 1| as a beautiful nowl M rJ. Dlancho pany official stressed Hint particular neighborhoofl 'hovo ' Sugar liinf Valley tiie citiuns of Hitiley could not ... Sharon Porker building and 2Dlh.. century j liuily B onadlm an Skrudlai}d > • * ti) be stooges for m oneyed .gcnm il land prices wiUltn Uiu ‘ Jerom e vote on UilH controversial and - Hailey progrosfl 00 as ancient history " H upert - Routi'l.t Inlertfsls? . dtjVclopmtnt would be {^jout vit4)l isiiuc.'. T lie: Idea w a s imd the Great Wall br'Olhn? Klm borly ■ « Tlm i>i.N ow t/f^FaiU .^ldaho,^unday> April >39. 197J . i N i x o n ^ _prispiieFs: exchanged ' SAIGON' (UPI) - South \^ onders scandal . C a n i i i ^ - Vietnam nntl .Uic...Viet..ConK traded ’dvjliiin prisoners "T ~ iiiarcliei’ Sjilurday,' tlie deirdlj/iii^dnr . (Conllnucil (rom p . 1) ;■ ' Dcnn n S Mliclioll iif belnij In on th e plot. . stipulated in . the,, cense,fire A t week’s cnil.llioiiriincl Jury which Indlclcil . Milchcll went to the' Wlilte. Ilolise tliiit c o llc c t s nuruemcnt for the cxchanRC UnULrll'Innl Wntcriinte Seven — moatly lower iifternoon for u ineetlnij. The White llnuao «nld ti>at is supposed to involve \,W —_^L7iSijSi7ijii7ir:^nin!i=ihmiphti lnrfac-T — he Jiliw-rKhrllclimiin.-Mltdioll^ii^wlfc-MurUiu- ■ h'nncllni! down new indictments chnrillni! clnlnls he siiw the I'resldent. ■njc exchnn|{e took plnce at severuIJlcyjNlxon iildgs not neceslinrlly with On Sundiiy, Rjirllchmiin Is reported to have AT TIMEJi i( nppcnred Ii)c Ninh, a district oflpital In'i^vctTellffe the bu||i!ln|i hiit.wlth obatructlon Konc to Nlxorf wKti the story of how tiriiy was ------cvcryono'wnnted'jntfl-Uie net controlled by the | Communists- - ■ — of Justice by tlS^I! to cover It up. liken the Hunt documents. durhiR tlir YMCA-YWCA 75 m iles north of Sflifion. lliC : W e Jnnnafy til4*ln which the Waterijnle Kollowlni! ifWJille House worship fierviee that unlknllion Sntiirdny. Dniinn Soulli Vietnamese handed over. - _ seven elUieLplcuded BUilty fir were convicted ■ day,' Nixon suininoned^ Attorney Cienerul . Anderiiou uas nfcompnnlcd !»y lOO’prlfloners In cxclmngc for 63______- - enilecl-wllh-lhe.iuili!e-John .1. ■SIrtcii, siyilni!- -lttchurii:G.:iadnclii!iiat:niid A's.s!stijnlvUtiinioy ^ — ][gnt(nrr*FrlsMgT*"ntrjlrei!n worked out. Infortnatlon su(!l!e.s;tln(; th a t H u n t jjnd an o th er others. , Saturday’s exchanijouvas ono • WaterHiite eonsjilrator, (i. Gordon I,iddy,-had McCord's a’ctlMi prompted others to talk-to (lay Ix'hind schedule. It was (jone Into the jiffice of a psychiatrist servlnj; friends, to lawyers, to tbc^urand Jury. Their delayed h y a disaKreemenl I'entaiion Papers defendant Daniel fCllsliern lo stories poured Into print between the CommunlsLs and^ take Mlsireru's file, Sillwrt passed the Tlie weekenil of April l.'l seems to have Men —the-ihrmrational-truco-toam* ------“ infDnnntiuifiTJWTIir the next turnini; point. As pleceil tiiuelher by InmrantlDtrniui!); - — ovei' safety measures for truce reporters, this apparently Is what happened: IHese apparently were the m,.)or Nfixon signs schooF^id bill It'arn helicopters. Mliilruder was reported to have Konc to . development.s Nixon re erred to on I uesday, r r “fTdmiI3™iinJtors.on_Satiirday.-A|irll_ll and , April J j when he tersely ann.umcei tliaM|e TiTT- cmeriTcnty supplemental - dren whose-pnrents-work there------lo-have^atd-hi^was ln~on-thu-Walernate ------|lcmonully_Jieiilin_Mlm:r ^ l tpjl|re<:t ,i ffcij;. 1‘resldonl I'J^xon Snturdny^ appropriation mcasuro passed— - to $5‘):injillion-foF-tho ourrent—•- - pjannlnii -de.splte his sworn ilenlals at the . inquiry Into the Watergnti-casc after .serious RAINBOW TRAILER ^ALES signed le^ifllation that will by Conijress before the Kaster . fiscal year, 'Hie adininislratiofi , T •lanuary tria l, lie al.sii iva.s said to hove accused c h a rg e s" had com e to his atten tio n . provide an additional. recess, .had announced April Rt. 4, BuVil, Idah o , riiillionjn federal .aid belween It raises total federal s|)end- spending level of $507 m illion, now’ and July 1 for school in|{ for iii)|)act ai()V—financial fa r less th an (*onnn>.‘is w anted; NEW & USED TRAILERS dislricls witli lu-avy concentra­ lielp for school districts which ■ Under the measure, dislricls « 2- horso 4» gao&o nock • form utility tions of federal trni|)loyeS. can't lax federal ihstiillations whtrre 25 p er T en t or m ore of □ chinory troitors 'rhe'inoney was coiilained in but which miwl educate cliil- ,,lhe si-hotil children have parr T F native heads ents wlio l)oth live and work on • CALL D.l. "Sonny" Ward federal propenly will ticl all tlie • Goo.Jiikor Twin Foil*, Idoho im|)acl aid to which Uiey were I Rt. 4, Ouhl, Id o h o 233-8590 , 733-\0)2 Goveriiors von vene orij'iniilty 'enlftlod. This" 5 543-6G23 — cjiH'gory covers military •••••••••••••••••••* hrJjileriml Twrfl

(('ondnui'dfromp- i| ^le was assigned n'l'pni Abiinl midday Triduy, Gray otftrred his inuo »nd-l)J\er S<*utUe r-^gnciwcjt\nnRitticty^ lYcsident Nixt)n, lie ciled ' serious allej-aliiins'' headquarters on Uvo. occasions - r o ncc m iiir~I d s t lcfltrttf4ion t>f-s(>ttHMl:l»ir l)clonKint* to a ciiriHpicaUir in th e W aler^ate Angeles nffln case, ‘ , , . _ OUicr as.sinnnienls w ere in .Sjill l-*iki' City and Gray's reslf-nalion advaiit'ed Kell to IhV lop K ansas City, . • spot at Ihe I'H l during th*' hVief iiileriin. hi Septenjber. IDf.’i, lie relumed tj. KlU Du'rini- thill tim e, an Kill spokesm an. lieadquarlers as an inspeclor. In Nnveniber. Inspector.Jack llerini'lnn, sniil he 'considnred IQlil. he w as appoililfll insiM 'clor m i h an ;e of lh*‘ .-inspection division anil in Man-li, he «;is Mr. Kelt my Ik»ss," Fell was appoinled tlopiity assoi iale tliri'cUir d esig n ated assislan t diveCtor iii cluu'ite u( llic of the FB I. in July, 1971, A y ear h iler lie was divi.sion. desli;nut»*d aclini- associate tllrecior. when The Twin Kalis nalive is iiiarned in Ihe ({ray wiis nann'iiT^rttnK~dir rutuiier. Audrey ___ I'elt wiis born Au« 17. In Twin F alls and Afler his meelum with Nixon. Hiickle.slia'iis t>radiiated from Twin Falls 111^1) School Ix-fore said the lYesulenl wanled a "slronn. himesl. goinn oil lo llie Universily of Idaho, where he fair, viiiorous investif'ation" inlu the WiiinK'arr*' received a U..A. dcurci.'In bu^K»)K' He wot ked us administrative assistant tu the Asked \vhat he would do iflu' foinHlirianSlxon lale Sen. D.^W ortl^tlark, sUidyini^ law diirinti hujjself had prior knowledge of'lire allempl lo ills em|)lnymenl with Ihe lale senator. He bui* the Democratic nalional lieiiiltiuarler.s. re c e iv e d h |s law d l l ’Te e ~ T fo in GCtti'RC*- H urklrshnus-said.-“ iw o u ld h av e It) addi eSfMWal Washini’lon Universily. problem if il I'ame np^” ■ .... nfrnluiuljiu Me also said it w as " t w) e a rly ' for him lu say ^-Bue:iitdti-ll-heiWU3.cmplDy£d.ieutn;tttturiicy.zfur=^lfdi£zziLmulleiLu{..iH‘lk:yjBh»:VM!1 Ihe Federal Trade Commission, ' turn over FBI files to the White House on Felt bepan his duty with the l‘’BI in .lanaury. - retpiest of presidetiUai counsel or atiyun Syrian army on alert;

ny UNHED PHESSINTEIINATIONAI. ‘ liith the Syrian and I'nyptian fronts wtthm the Syria was reportedlo have placed i\s arm y on next few months ll .said the allack.s wtiuld Ih' special alert SiiUirday. and Israeli IVime nuued jit iKiuidalinn the Arab powers wim li the Minister (Jolda Meir snid Israel is prepared for ’ Unite,d Stales ctmsnlered a new w ar In the M iddle lOasl, l>oaceful selllemml " Syrian lYesidonl Hafez Assad pHl th e arm y on Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. in an . siH'cial alert because of fears that an Israeli interview «^n llie an n eil fnici’s i adu>. .sold Isr.iel attack may be inumnienl. said press re|K)rls in OS prepared for reMuniitioii oI lioMilities. She the U'banesc capital of Beirut, 'lliey said Assad said aiibther Mideasl war • niinlit well loiiie |)lans lo fly lo Cairo no later than Monday for about” because Siulal is • in distress ' ,n n ;iiu c»nfiUlliHiima...\viUi [■iKvptiim ivesi(jetn ‘•He IS in d istress and luslory eiiii leslify thar A nwar Sadat. Arab A rab leaderslea d ers have been in distresd istress on rnirreTTiaiT hi Damascus, the Syrian capital, the oneoccasion in the past/Hie siiiiiile.siiliiiin is >;o ■Rnvernment newspaper A1 ‘Hiawra said tliere lo war, " Mrs, Meir said in an interview marklnn —minhU-bti-^«vayv4iUHeks—by-tiio-li;ravlik7

■SAN l'’KANi:iSt:tl ailMI - Uie city's l)est ce.staurants and -ll‘’onii*r-P()W s-lroni-tlio-,'iim— ajuldiiinht_supper_elubjhmv. Tay eanip diinred into tlie A parade of Hollywood stars early hours .Saturday at a —.lohii Wayne. Rrnest lior^- “T??;rriiniioSalre'ir nine. TieirSkelton. nint Bast- party, then sal down with their wood, and the Andrews •. thwarteil liberators to swap S isters— jolne

■ I Sundny. April 39. 19/3 T|meft>N«Wi. Twin Fflllif^ldsho 7

H o tirp artics hit

Tzhy^-^tertfayte-c«s«^ . _ _W ITW Q UAUtY NURSERY STOCK ^ROM CQNNER'S - - -^.SILVEttTON, tdnho (URlli-..Coii«r*Hi8ln)iiil ehpice assailecT cnmpalRiiN for hoth jwlUlcnl pnrlies will suffor,-. l)ccjHKe'oli.lhe WnterKnlc t-asi-, says titi* I(|uho NURSERY S(n(i‘ IU‘pu!)llcnn t'linlrninii Mnr^e Miner. - 5 B lO C K S WEST O F L Y N W O O D O N FILER AVENUfe IN TW IN FAILS ------| „ , S L r i , 'o'- 'llio ■.■ :As orl8ln.illy conoclvoil. Ihc pn.|;rnm called ..‘‘We’re nlwayn biljiK .iK-nimi of bdnft M i n ■ ■ ti l ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M M M M H H . l ' ,forfludll3o[o™nll,niedlu.nandlur(!c.dlstc(cl.. . nt Nlxoji liiul DWARF FRUIT TREES 01. uic committee, rniide the comment after "It's apparent the superintenill-'nt picked a no pr{«r knowlelale monies, and how well Uielr size in Idijht^ I Uiey actually are operating. counter-probe I I SOHA SPUINOS (UI>I) - "I expect they feel inmh I REGULAR Si'ti. l-’rank anirch. D-Idalio, upset tliat- 1 should have I Friday commented on and a rt>{)orted -heaihnfjs have had a $ino cr^uiii I W e ha ve o large selection of popular varieties, ad op ted inve.stination of him by H-l’. denieif," he saiil. • • I to diis locality a n d toil S everal sljet Tile Idatio Di'inocral .said he Hut a nolhw cst executive of, I coidd nol see any reason U> |)ick HT denied he .took parl'ni any LARGE SIZE — STANDARDS I iin d ei^jstad -y- -tw e f- -inm iU giiL iuii uf_’Lhm:i:h priccH th at keep j’oitji' -up "Pmh^4^*^Pears=:zf4*^’ fViM j w h e re e ls e in the BOI.SIC(UPI) -- AletjifiJative «oin|^ through lhal I - pr4»|>oKi'd-jiru‘4‘ rttllbaek.— ^------■ Aprlcots~4’— Plums— * 4 ^ ^ “ ’I’Iw it's- not lio n r f l O K 's one monllj Friday a decision on_ Hep. K. V._ Mcnan,_H- I cont-i^d—pr«»)>r-^iin- at- a ll,.^ ’ whellfer to hire a profe.sMohal Retcluiin<»fr\‘’-th<‘“-.-n m J n lo tlie_rtiaiLD[ a.UiiialjIi;Ll.- };(‘iin-trii(’k ji.'irK^wi .'iwuitiside" nl’ '' Ih!' iH’mrTJT.'dii' M ntiw *m ■ lim e and effort involveil jn the ***cbinrnittee______WMTjTiariiTs:---- - h\(KleMot-'a...... llll-friilc'.. •'cir'of rccruiynf^ process. ' ' “ We have a m an ^iilin^i thi.s U .S. U5 iiorlh of (’oenr d’Alcni‘7 ChiVn'h'expressed hope lhal “the n \ 'c r ilii;f;iiisttn tipp/Zsed Sen, Walter Yarbrtiuf^h. f)ositi(m McHati said, Idilho State 4 ’olicr wnM - Un-" IVe.sijleul. ?end $[i,llOO to l-’ntiay ni|;iil at tlie OK Tire his political caiiipait'ii ■' available in Idaliu an Mco- why we'n:'abov'tt and l)eyond *$<1,1100 to chas" {lois'ii som e Co., 207[, Kiiiil)erlj Itoad res[Kins(^ to his Senali* Model uhicli will lielp TREES -ncw«*(rtncr t! fijihermefi,------Williams was Iasi seen FORSYTHIA (yellow) PUSSY W ILIOW(PINK) TAMEDIX sw lnunlnn in Uie area 50 miles FIOWERING QUINCE ( red] ItLACV All colert D ID fiARBGRRY souUi^of" here 7iftrr“ lpnptnR— SNOWBALL (while) ' DEAUTY BUSH (pink) ^ SPIREA ( white) from tl^^sinkinii boat. Neither he nor I^wnuin were wearini;, FIOWERING ALMONO(pink) SYRINGA^white double) HYDRANGEA (white) llfo]ncket.s. Thf* other sl\ were. 50 Units BUTTERFLY BUSHfpurpU! Williams wasi'i former-Idaho Ktnte official and Bowm an wa)^.... AMPEX -O a ly - __ piluUnK-tliu-uraft at tlie time of the mishap They were Regular $ 1 1 ^ 5 - returniiiK'' to U'wiston iifter new Ampex Micro 24 PRIVET HEDGE i HONEY SUCKLE BUSHES picking up tlu‘ other aL\ per- . SPECIAL I FOR WINDBREAKS OR SCREENS sons' at the end of a liack' Unexcelled slimline portable styling and (ull- ■ FAST GROWING A A * liiickinn trip. (ealured cnssetto play/record operalion! Renprrls NOW 1/2 PRICE 2 S ‘EA. 100 II TROUBLElK U U U L b FREE r* K t:i:...... Eq.____ .... W anywhere (rom dynamic mike orlil^e input. Powerful irnmmwLmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm That's I*roj;ress',’ solid slate amplifier, lull-lidelily speaker lor richer LARGE SUPPLY OJ? ____ Sheep flocks lolal I."!» nil 11 Inn— IttotJ-'-Ind tty^— eon i— l-Be-carVbirat— - pa;ed willi li) niillion ITi adapter. Built-in battery charger. PushtsmTon y ea rs iijjo o r -M 5i m illlim operation ... tone control .. . 3-digit counter.. . W E R T S R I X m just iifter the Civil War."" Man-»nado—ol\>th” has blaii- - automatic lovel-cpnlrol^^othor-AmRex-plus--- ^— kctod much of the wool m ’ MESURETO.SBE-ThlESBU performance features. ■ d u slry . PIDsTFREE Tape Catfily • .PEAT MOSS • OIINAMENTAX''.ReD BARK • SOIL MIXES • (»ASS SEEDS I • HANGINO BASKETS • PIANT FOODS • WHITBIIOCK • SOU AID I 'V • INSeCTtCIDES • REDWOOD RUNTERS • SEEDS. • OtD FASHIONIO BLEED­ I ING HEARTS • POTTED PEONIES • CLEMATIS VINES • TRUMPET V IN IS. • SILVER LACE VINES • HONtVSUCKLE VINES • EVEROREENIVV • OLAD I BULBS • PHLOX • MUMS • GERANIUMS • BEGONIAS • PETUNIAS I SULLiyAN'S MUSIC • VERBENIAS * MOSS ROSE • DAISES • IMPATIENS • DUSTY MILLER I • ZINNIAS ( ASTERS • MARY GOLDS • LOBELIAS • TOMATOES • PEP- ' PERS • CUCUMBER PLANTS •. WATERMELON PLANTS • CANTELOUPE PLANTS I I , • SNAPS • ALYSSUIM* SALVIA • AND OTHERS, < I Lynwood Stonjiing Center^ I -WESfERN NURSERY I p h o n e 324-4600 PHONl 734-2054 y 9PIN tUNDAVSII L A '.'0 Tlmes^'Newt. Twin F a II i . IdAho Sunday. April 39. 19^

W ENDFXI.-Aipcclnl lcvy“cicctlon for" kliulcri^arten InOio Wendell School district In . 'gchcduled'/or Tucarfny. FIRST O F ^E W IIK Tite pollH will be open from 12 noon to 7 p .m .' initho \Vcndcll lilgli ichool library. Tlie(Bpcclnl levy Is /o r 2.15 m ills or IIO.SOO.

By MARH.VN KLUOTT Falls ,. Brldf{o‘ Committee TImcfi-NcWH W riter dlscitsscd problems conneetijd SPiCIALS g with tlie_/i(}\y,.ron(l nnd da'rn Ad Effective April 29, 30 AAay 1 1 BUliLRY — Firmer cost and durlni5 U»e two-diiy .se.HHion with Jury tiral^et -tlnicJable-fiiiurca.Hnd aleppcd __Uni.Qfnciuls.— , . , up effort for an envirorunentiil Two basic deci.sion.s cjime frAli.P.v — A Sept. ii jury controlled subfltance, r - ImfiHct, h_ear^nii..Jlcad ll)c out of Uie meeting?. Irlnl in FlVui District CourJ is marilurnin, a mlsdomcanor. priority list for tlie propostkl 'Hie yroups decided thal tJie. sfliL'duled for Stcvon NowcU Durini! nrrulKnmcnt In Tour-lane bridge ' near w ater u sers should rIiI toj^tJier IlliSlcrlik: 22, Oreal Falls, district court Tliursday before •. American Falls. wiUi the engineers iind stiite . Mont:. Jtidijc ■. Cjiarlqa -Sco|iBin, highway personnel as'' well as Ueprescntjitive of interest IlaBttrllk was arresled April Ilastcrllk pleaded Innpcent to __4lcQupa-mtLJEJiuriiduiLiiiniJ ___ilic_BuciiiiiL-aLJidura(iliQn_to "lOlTrfJclleviirbjrfdaho-Hurenii— the-chftr(!e!r— —— - - Friy niafne ‘ H eclfirnatlon, Idaho Pow er (.’o. for Die p ro ject • Charges (iled against County Pros. Atty. Stcplren W. ^ • and Idaho Fish and Game. T o m . Masterlik include one count of Boiler. Ilasterjik wak,.. werw- "^Uepiirlment officials and . deliver^'oT a controlled sul>" rL'prcsenttd.'-by'’- Ki-trhum at* several construction con­ m eet to work w ith Uie ctty stance,- amphetamine, a lorney RolK-rl K.i b tractors to discuss plans and of American Falls, 'the -water felony; one count of possession JIasterlik luis l«*fn rcU‘ast*eyote. a a |2,J>0(» cash bond, which had '^‘ American Falls Dutn------orf^anizution _of_ ap___en- ft>iony.-and posse.Hsion of a -been reduccd .froin lin.OOO Till! bridf’e, designed as an vironrnental hearinj’. flQ-foot w id e, ROO-ioot long Tlie hearing Is require(T'tJy’ • st£,upm-e, wo\dd l)e built before Uh- federal government before the/new dam. according to work ca n begin on Uie lirid g e .' - -r state—Ke|>^ Vernon—H4iven- — ^Neltion-;------'IV tn ------F a lls . ------Heroft, U-Tultle, sjKlkesmarj for represenUs the - water users G irlliu rt tile group. committee '.and Allen, —Tho—bridge— could—Jielp— Ainecican - Falb,

dam^ he said. 'Uic-proposed $!i Falls Bridge C

r SPOSIIONK - Alhlelfs at Frffiniin, miisl valiwlifr Kiri's w ife, Clierj'l,* ■ the rTiriiilvt. — * ‘Mr. ..nw L^f . given recognitioh^tribule and I' Oot^Hjl lelteis weri ioberPv, Irigham, Sjunipn. achievement awards^ at li»e awardiKl Stanley tMiess, (lary u n n i -Kor-eaHtMv ~!*AUI. - Ai iuy l*vl A;ii'oii .(■' Tlmr-sday night, J ‘I'oiiy B o/zuto, ( ’alvin Webb, completing Air Force ' basic liergstrom.Tfl, son or Mr. and . 'Hie l.incolti school cafetL-rla Tun Murpliy, Winn. Hou)ei trilining, .--i ^ r s . C lair F., B erg stro m , P aul, was filled to capacity for Uie t)wen.s, Ted Fveretb;. Stephen During Ills six weeks a tlie recen tly wji's assigriinl to the, Air Training- Command's event, which featured (Jary Chatterton. Hata. Randy 0th infantry division at Ft. Swan, Mlnlco Hlgii .School Hryilnl, Dale Kerner. Lackland AFB. Tex., he Uvvil;. Wash, studied the Air Force mission, ...couch.-ua-spiiiilu;ii.:^------, I'agoiiU*'. Hi‘‘k A dam s, (’harles INI. ■ Bergstrom, .. a LINK SAUSAGE Shoshone’s iiead coach'. miter, Davui .Volt, Don Set- organisation and customs aiui, cmislruclio'n specialist wilh received special instruction in , William (’losson, udro resigned ziT. Steve Saras. Rob Hnddnck, company B of-'tire'division’s his position effective at the end Hob I’arkhurst, Andy Uslxirn, , human relations. 15th engineer buttalion. of tlie school fern\AVl*s g'ivemr- "Tfl.W ’AmluTHtmnniKFDiTylifyr — The— ntrnrnn— mis— been- entered the A rm y la.‘;l assigned to the Technical stundlng ovati(fn by the I’aul l-’reeman, Jim Jacobson. Noveinlier. ‘IVaining Center at Keesler foj .audience. Brian Hoss. Kd Tiiomason and specialized ...... trn m ln g In In pointing to tlie "serious” U‘e Williams, .‘)(I0 In a u g u ral Lb. . Basketball letters.wenl U^- commimicalions • electronics side of-iithletics, C’oach Swan Ra\ 1 larriiiiii won Ihe s y s t e m s . ----- suld 'Uime, money and effort I’agoaga, Sorensen, (jary iiu lian ap o h .s 5UU aliLu__. ------fro m y o u r com m tm tt^^hnsR onp— K tnghorn, M urphyrW ebbrT om - - -Airman—Mort, -a — IflGiU I v m p n spond nt'-T-l fiH-TTiilps into giving ypu Oils extra Dallasi Larry Mabbutt. graduate of Jerome High' nei hour in 15111 Mark Donn- lourning experience.': He Adams, Jeff Pate, Kilter and School. attencUul the College of hue, sel a record of Hi:!-iO.'j .Southern Idiiho. m |) h in H17-J _ c n lla l his t^ilk -D n rc to Bo _ ^ - ____Oodlrutod^Uisted iibi-i--.W I^lltU 4JitItax^^^ ‘ rcquiremenLs for a successful Gary - P'eteFslm, nthlcte and urged Uie youtlis to Jacobsen, llatii. Hayley, Tony sel their goals and'becdntc Bozzuto. Bryant, Homer Bacteriology meet . dedicated to those goals. Owens and Don Setzer. Elmer Terry was master of tJlrl's track letters were ccrepionles for tjie evening. received by Pal Freeman, slated at hospital Remarks of appreciation were Vicki Stimpson. 1-orna Thorne, Sivan. by.. Supi. Kenneth N ajalie W alker. Debi .Scott. . TWiN FALLS -- A Uic- laborator)

.'.Two-^good — full— ItmV— u p h o U tcr^rt,— Mo— long — lim Waijingll FRF.E tttimatti. W* bring'' tamplet to your home. Monthly payment! availabls, FOR THESE FINE LAWNMOWERS Bring tn Your Old AAowor BA RG AIN FABRie^SALE Dag, $14.«0 Nylon Prim $t.SOyd. and TRADE IT FOR A lliS.$llSOT»lur«dV»lv>t ...... I«.S0 yd. R«g. $9.90 FInt W «ava N ylo n i ...... i6.00 yd, n«a. $15.90 Col V .lv.t ...... flO.SOyd. NEWAMFK >•0. $14.90 Nylon F iU ia ...... '. 90.90 yd, D tg ^ $9.90 Nylon PrInli ...... , . . 99.90 yd, C om phie Sales tl.lWV"------p|RHi»7S4.347r 460jyialn-le>ulh ' 733.4010 — ...... ^ 7 .... S u n d n y, A p r il J9 . 1973 T ln m is -N o w j.-T w ln F iiJIs , ^drtho 9 ' New instrumeriilan^

BELLEVUB - Home nnd lot Accordlni; (o G. J. Price,. Idaho Dcpurlmcnt1 ofW HenlUC-contamlnutlnU ■ i n •— ____1____t___• I_ij - tho'‘Inkc: •• I ’ roiM'PVntpreservoir. - .The rinnrtn**dnngcr iis « »nto • ' . • "B ' • T f ^ —ownera-Of—weal—sld<^-!nke~ -project—coordlijntoi— for~tlrc^bprwnsc" ~ o( ■ IncrenHing— Contnmlnntionr-nlstr-eomesi- - m a n - f r o i n ^i;wimn>lhK—4»n*|^l{inO,Sp|gmii>the it was the first time tlie dwners inc.vltable— ------l£_Jurther. ussoclutlon or a sewuge ' afternoon. ‘'In .sorvie(il.‘ capability ■ Is Inarker's signals at that point “have got' together to dlsciisa pollution is not stoppL'd;"_____ 'listrlct." Price said. ' “ ‘/^I’tujn iesllnU df the Intricate' pInnnL'd for n)id-sunOner. - iiiui tlie pilot, following Uic possibility of a w ater nnd He siild he is now preparing Once j»>.so\vngo and w ater ^equipment —' designed to • The' antcna glide-scope I n s I r inn on t a ppr oacii sewer os.sociallon.- form s to allo^v the ort'anizatlon nsHociatlon Is fornied, I'Vito pornilt.jt't airliners Imd other to\yt*r is lociiti'd op Uu* 'soutll procedures. iK.able_to fly., said ,,th e m em W rs will h av e to Hie current sltuntlon. Price of a legally Incorporated water in.striunent equipped pljmes to sid e o f U u n w ay 25. "hlinil” t(i the enil of tlu\ and sewnge association, ' Me p ay a fluntr:probnhly about $25. Riiid, Is Hint m any /nm ilies larfd at tlie field even when the .'rransmittiT instj-iunents are runway, seeing the grojind to hifo ai). engineer to survey bring mobile home5 to the lake said the forms will be given to cloud ceiling Is only 200 feet rigged on this tower with other' when only 200 ff'ct alwve l( In ''ttie liitiintioii and make front for a few days and while resort owners on the west sUler and tho'viKibllily only une-half instrunu'nts housed In a inclemenl weather. , reoonu^onilations for .sewage Uiere merely dig a hole or -to initlHte formation of .im of-ji inlle ~ will start Monday. slrut’lnre at tin* tower's base, • i^nd.water Installiitinns. Ciovernim'nt flight cliecks of install and open to-gallon drum associntlon, After a thurougli tost by Ihi* ’llie tow er is 40 feet higii. to collect their sewage. Wlien Price said the persons Following this, funding for a liu* system is .'jclu'dnlod to be; ___they—leave—they—covcn—the__ atlcndirfg.lhe.inectinil-\^‘ni-iiU. trontin'ent 'plant and central n iade in a sm all Jet which . wngeMhiflkinB-it-wlll -not -“prelty-flmenahlo-to-gollinH. w e ll,-o r Komu oUiur suliablo. . _ciimiM:s ji coinplt:liL4icruy-iiC ConLnminatev-but—llte • water-, Uiinga done.—However, he-wtld -facility,-might.come. fromUie VlcClurje ktjock^ . flighl.inslrumenla. -- ..... level rises and* draws tlui they did not appoint V a r in u r s H o in e liislaitalion of the e(|uipnu'nt , _jn»terinl into the lake. temporary chairman to initiate AHlhinistriition, IIUD or tlie J i a s been underw ay for al«)rft Pries said the' area is ^ill- Uic p ro g ram . "Tliey all seem R PA . PricL* said, adding that newsmen, judges five monllis. Total cost was suited for septic tank use., to want to tliink alwut it a little federal funduig'i.s "all up in the aiiproxiin’ately $12-».00(l for site a ir." ■ ‘ which creates problems.' firs t.” [('oiitinucil from p. 1) district jireparatiuii i cily-ctnwiiy and “ We a re going t» give ■ Price said tliere is no As of now. l^ice .saiii, there - l.t. (’lov. Jiick M, .Murphy TIiaL district has lieen hurt goverimient cii(i|ieratioin and people fvCry chance to help measurement of how mucji tlie Is no danger to fisli or wildlife was master of ccrcmonios at ri'c c n tly liy c u tb ;|c k s in (21)1.000 for equipment. - themselves," he said. property owners are from the pollution in the. tlu' event, attended by a available lands under the installaiioa and te.syni’ costs, a luimlx'r of state legislators. h ib lic \4 iw fl71 program. • federal government I'xpense 'ite[)ublican Party state' 'offu iais and others. McCiurc also told the crowd men seek 2 Minidoka ~ i i i r ’ TTr.'iw.‘?rrrl.‘5ls‘*'fncin{n country was’”if (’ongress will c(iiiti ()l il.s ajipetite to spend." .•Mo' said iho next IB months ehool posts would be crucial in dcti'niiining an answer to the A T t A S T l RUPFRT - Six candidates are seeking the • my community.'’ • (liicstion. adding. "If it does not two trustee positions to l>e elected in tlie ■ Brown, :M, H eyburn, wa.s lK)rn in Calif()rpia, su(‘ceed, it will not. control Miniriokn County School district May Ifi: Mis [)arents m oved to tlie W endell area w hen lie spending priorities and should PLASTIC BALER Polls will l>e open froih noon to fl p.m. at tlie was 5, and later went on to lUilil. He served as ii. .n o t," Jleyburn school for voters in Zone 1 and al the paratroo[)er at F t,'(’ampl)ell. and in Korea for (‘ongressnien. McClure Ijncoln school in Hu|)ert for Z<)nc 4. i;i months. lie is employed as sales reiiiiiiiled the audience, "don't Tour men are vyihg for the Heyl)urn l>ost re[)resentative to southern and eastern Idaho l>y be reminded tliat they’re l)elng vacated t)y Nile Maricle. chairman of the the Pacific Supply Co.. I’nrtland, Ore. Mo and s[>ending money like drunken TWINE! his wife Darlcen liave a stin; 12, and two .sailors on .Saturday night," but l)()ard, wlio is not seeking re-election. AT PRICES EQUAL-TO ORtOWER Tliey Ihclu'de Miirtih E. EVftn.s," niolne ‘'daughter.^;, 10 and U. the result of Congressional THAN NATURAL FIBRE TWINES Anderson. Roger L.tBrown and Jess Esquivel. • He h as alw ay s lM>en interested in sclioql^ fiscal policies is tiiat the Ira and ”an NDH-STRFIJDI., f)r. Harold Caliniiss, Rupert, was born in per cent of the fetleral budget [leople who should have the final say of things. i’ocatello. After serving in the army, he went to that were not locked in by fixed > HARMLESS IF • n o n - r oT "If 1 am elected. I would like the people to tell the Portland Htiitid School, graduating in 1951. COS^S. m e w hat tliey w ant, and I ’ll (lo m y besl to He then l)egan his practice in Klamath EATOI BY ANIMALS • REDUCES repnyiiJM Uieir wishes. " he said. Ore, Ije and liis family inoved t(Utupert in ■nrjo T h at, in turn, he .said, would tNOFOOD______WEAR— Afiderson, Heyburn. has lived iirMlnidoKa' "where he start^Jl' praclice fh conjuiu tldn with reqairc an’ond to whnt he said- Inspecis (o%v«“r .•EXTRA County all of his ;iO yoars. A graduate of the f)i-. Neilson. w a s 40 y e a rs of " s p e c ia l VALUE TO, Heyburn schools, he has farmed since^;he interest legislation," and ^ S T R O N G . DON WATKINS, FAA facilities maintenance He has four children. Both sons are lab ATTRACT ■ completed his high school education, Gaye, his technicians, one working for him. theother f<»ra— aprndmg tnoney-fop lhe^peciul_ .technician, r\ilii Fall.s, Inspects -RODEHTS-::::==^ for shlinlo( . wife, and he have two-girlsrnged 11 and-37«nd n • tlentist-in-l--owlston^l1ie^ldest=of his (iaufihlcr*— Intofestlr. instrumentation tui the iiistruineul landing and'Hanillnt^ works'at Cassia Memorial Hsopital. and the "We're not going lo get the syslrni tower a( tlie Twla Falb> Couaty ('ity- \n)y 10. "Educiitioji is an essential part of today’s other will graduate this spring from Minidoka fiscal in order without County Airport. life." he says, "and 1 don’t claim lo have any ^^^unty High School. - - ■ — w'nie pai(iAb« .said,-lidding he magic .solutiojis to its probleiiis. I'm a •'1 don’t know if I can do a better Job than had met earlier in the day with concerned parent who wants to do the host for ..nynTu»..k..,"h ..*;nys "hnt 1 wouUl like lo try." the Mountain Home scliool COST COWVPAI^ISON Awards given by One-Bale of Heavy Duly Sisal

-B H terTw m ft- Cosfi -Jercrme^ T F iinits^ - f l i r “$BTlJpBnrw rf® ns^2BX rfeot ^ twine. That's about $1.10 per IQOO TWIN FAl.US - "Clirl of the The •girl of the year" year" awards were announced award for city council was feet. O n e bale of BALE-LOK PLUS presented lu Hose Ward. iaim iiTafiSiliu when Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Is comparable In strength (acutally —J ltuiitu— an d —I'w m - P n lljr —Wie—HtH ttth-of- Cliaplers met for Ibe'Vounder’s taken by all'new girls in each stronger) to Heavy Duty''Twine but Day dinner al the chapter and each was contalns*^ 8,000 fe e t '(guarantoed Holiday Inn.'y presented withjier pin. A'wanl wlniierS^^sere After the rttual each chap^ei.„ footage). Coct-ls -$8.35-per bale. Maxfield, Onilcron; Carolyn • introduced its retiring officers JhoL. comftft to pbout $1.04 per C a sp e r, STgmal Ca'HTJT - and nPWTifflL'ury to r i liu'L'um lnR - B u rn e ll. XI A lpha T a u ; year. Each president ftHUC_lhe 1 , 0 0 feet. M arg aret While. Xi Z<*ta. and highlights of her (.■hapter’s Cheryl-JValta.PsC^ - y e a r. EARLY DELIVERY DISCOUNT 5th WHEELH?AILER CAMPERS BRINGS COST DOWN EVEN FURTHER!!'

MEET A FRIENP. 1_ A Product Of Kit AT NEW YC5^RKTTFE“WE AAfctI -AAOTTufacturing Company- €> MOST NEW POLICY-OWNERS BALE-LOCK SUPER Also available for THROUGH-OLD ONES. 3 Models To Choose From — 2 Models Available In Stoci^ FREEMAN BALES .•Seo pago 17 In M a y 's FAMILY WEEKLY ™ C E S ^ T A R -rA T ^ 5 2 T 8 for 27 and 29 ft. models “(illglftly higher) In^BotlrBiOOO ft. 2-Ball Bales or-6,500 ft. Single- LIFE, HEALTH, CROUP INSURANCE Price includes: Hitch and wiring, ready to go, Ball Bales. }i' ^ ■ ☆ Double Insulation^ ~^hag CARP-ET throughout — ^forJURTHER DETAILS see^ For Professional B B Supply Co;, Twin Falls Service' Concerning ☆ Dual W aste Holding Tani

"youf N#w Vofk ☆- Twin or Standard Size Peds^vailable tiff Agtnf It ^ P o m a n to IcnoM'" __ - Low. Cost, . Phone G&G Mfg. & Soles Coi BqVikFinancmg tlll.734^055 A Full L7ne o f RecreoTfona^ — Avdildbl6 Wc guar.intcc tomorrow today. Paul, Idaho Phone 438-4580. A-

■ ' U ' -.-‘i ■. , 10. T Im ti Naw i. Tw In'FaH i, Idalto Sundisy. A p rin $ 7 ’f9?3 I3ra$tic changes SOI ~i6a Ssia seis-

nOlSE (UPI)'—. Lo^lsUiUve findlnus of thb audit. ^ dcpqrtmbnt'aaid.^ip'l\n^9ncy'’ nudltbrs calfcftl today for But since the audit wns coo- Kenernlly Is-pcrforming )b hs- drastic- cb» In ' nd- ' ducted he said tlie items aboii,^ sicned progromislind achlQv-_^ 'rthtilslrfttion ot State Hospital, which the auditors complained ln« It's-BOh^flpd obj^^cllvps. It' :^North-and-apokoam cn^ foi^Uic-^oktlifl-.mQ8t_parL-have-hoQn ■- ditf. j)QUflvt>Cy-|iR.t iomc. a re a s,‘ hcnrinR on tiic propaiod 12.0 Attendance and helnlli ngencyrunnlng It reported the-' eorrectecL'- v -for chiinHO., • million 107.1-74 bud«pl Monduy service expenses roi>o only chanBcs luive been made. “Tills auiJU is from'n totally Auditors fe'comi^t'ndcd . niRhr"^ •: 7^ to |5;000.------Wrltten last November,-l]ie different Jnstitlition,” Stcneck m ore sftbt ^ le c k s and pil'diii'dita.:... TqtHl fund expenditures jiirc An incrcnBG of IIR.OOO wns I’— - auditor's ^report of o perform- told tlie committee.' ’ ' for c6mpli/\^‘t wjlb'mlrjimiTimum • up sllRhlly in every cntcKSry -budfjetcd for pupil a n c e ’ a'udil 'on"Uje Oj*'oflno In- - Drive Dnehlmeier, director wage- laws7r)-ecoctincHtiop-of-...... from last y e a r's ^2.R million transportation expense. Tlio stitution'said there was an “un- of clinical services, agreed. ‘child labor, laws; m'ore safety' : biiilt{el. AlthouBh dlstricl l«x increase In the |l^fl,500 flHure teniible state of nffAirs" a f Uie' This unit now is one of ida- inspectionslri the publlcj sector; v .- 4 ;eycn!i.£/H will be IfiWcr next came mainly throuKh driver’s Institution. It said this shows h ' ho's finest,” 'Duehlmelcr said, year, state And county salariesand fuel and lubricant^. lack of administrative ■ Stcneck said tiie institution iippartlonmentK arti- Jiij’her Driv.or's snlarie.s areaip-fl total training. . . • nowservesas a regional facili- Int'reaslhj’ next year's total of $0,000 from Inst y e a r a n d fuel . Tills report covereer eent-for next yoar^ - expenses In the ppoppsed to hear it at thnt time and It The re p o rt was one of several 'Hie budget fr)r tcaclicr salaries Inidi’et. Next year's total in this was put off until today. prepared for perusal today and is up about $150,(100 from last catej'ory is $204,000 com pared Jac k Steneck, d irec to r of Uje Sjiturclay by the Joint Tinance- K R E f f year. to last y e a r's total of $?,'}2,000. Division of MenUil Ilealth'for Approprlutlons Committee of AdritiniHtration expenses I'lant maintenance expenses tlie Department of Environ- JANITOR s m s Vir|['inia left, piist |trcsiil€‘ii<, niiil Uie .legislature, for whom tlie IS1 Aultin Av«. . 739-ISa3 proposed for next year total would be up $11,000 to $55,500 luentiil and Community Serv­ audltqrfi'work. TWIN Pa h s . id a Ko :' ' $f!9.050 com pared to last yea^'fl’ m ainly due to increases in W iiiidn nim m ic'k, new li<‘uil of Swoci /\«l«>lin«>s ices agreed generally with tlie A report on tlie stiite labor - |H2,:iOO. I jiri'fs t in creases' in mainlenanco materials and V this catef'ory were for district replacement of secondary .office [)LTSonnei and schtwl* equipm ent. - - udininistratiun..- iruvel. Tliey -Increasetf la social security Sweet Adelines-install were increased. tl,7iD jij)d iillm;aUan.i brpiJi'hi jhe fixed ALBERTSON'S SPECIALS J2.000 rcsiMTl'tively. charges catej{ory up to $Tffi950, ■ -Iniaruclional oxpMnses roso which is about $7,000 m ore thatt =fmm-lnBt~ycnr^-J2.lJ&a.a(H):-tP . . - was budRetcd Jasrycan ^lew ^ffifeeFS

TWJN-.I-:ALI„S.^ New of­ • jjen plaque. "We are also affiliated with SUNDAY ONLY! WpiiHeli t( • aWow ficers of the Twin I-'alls chapter ’Mrs. Diinmick said the group the national group,” Mrs.— of the Sw eet A delines hav e has :iri members and meet^s Dimmick said. been instiilled, it ^vas an­ regularly on Tuesday nightii at The clui) whiyh has chapters neui sower hookups nounced l-’rid a y -. the United Metliodist church. . in oUier Magic Valley towns Nf-..- W anda D itninick, Twiil •She noted they are a chorus will hold its annual show Sept. Kails, has assumed the with quartets formed from tJic 22 at C.S.I., according to Mrs. BURCUWS . WlONDKl.l. - The-Wemleil installed. , jirusidency a t the first in- membership. Dimniick. cfty Council.,will allow a . The new aewaiie Kystyin.will stiillation li^mquet,—replacing limited number of sewer not be operational for almost a M rs. V irginia .l4.*e. hookups for n short period of year, councilmcn were told at Other new officers incluUyd Goading meet set “ tJOoe. -Apr il- lli m eutinR. — icrmtmic^------v ici:, Thursday evening Hugh president; .I’anchon Karns. 'i^wm>e7-^n=0;ittuc4uv,' viola evening council meeting. announced that plans }ire Chides ter, corresponding- revenue sharing budget JV^ccordini; to M ayor Kunene com plete fo r iierm an en l w^jrit ■^‘cretiiry, and Marian Nye, hearing will b^-

down and Uie city is puttlni? in a not beg.ln until state - rind 'Hie group, which wns-first - for solid-waste,-an_usUlhn(Cd __ IjjTKcr electric pum p to lower, federal funding is available. organized in K ebriiary 1JI72,’ Tlie county has received $(i5,000 for fairground the level furlber. Ai ihe Aprtr — The-^ o uncil—ttpppovod tlie - -piujl - SRnrial. Irib uU- tfi tlieir $2-tfl,000 iti revenue sharing improvement and allocations l&City Council meetini', it was necessary pipe and chlgrlnator . founder,'Andrew lUepi (ler- funds. Only a portion o f IJie ror~srdcyv'nlk.'rr“ c u r b in T T ^ d iinnounced that mi sewer hook- for the new city well. Charles — („p .1 uvklv U t>lo.i«i ' He was presented w'lth a desk- I ijitm «l p>el«(;< m i I gien *1 Isl -Mow-Abow^-A-OoUciou' -Wt_Buit!dt_l4i:_»Ukt_ad«!l_ilrry Shorlcako? r ol .r News Of Ni^w Oinicns7f)7l C u sh io ne d Vinyl ------FULL QUART 5t w i N FALLS...- Law fireaettcra.. Interviewing ehforcemont and -Ilrn flrcmetmnd witnesses, laws of Q ^ |* v iP A m A n department representatives arson and fraud ‘- 'd V lt^ C Illd l A revolutionary New Dimension --fiiOm-Twln-Fnllfl-wlll nttend an — Inveatlgotions;------^------• RUPEHT ~ U.S. Air Force oj-Bon Investigntion sem in ar in S peakers will Include, Sam in flooring •SUNDAY eMOHDAY* TUESDAY Teclinlcal Sergeant Emeterio . PorUniid. Monday to Friday.. Cobb, chief investigator for C. Guisasola. aon of Mrs. Pearl Fred Higgins, Twin Falls fire— thc-Norfolk-, V.- Fire~Bur«uUr GuJsasola Houte I, Rupert, has comfort and beauty! ninrshnl,- pollec dotectky^a William McCollum and arrived for duty at Kincholoe Jhnies Howells, and deputy William, Fettig of the Oregon AFD, Mich. sheriff Harold Jensen will State Police; Oregon medical Sergeant Guisasola, a supply aUcnd the week-long seminar examiner Dr. William Brady, specialist. Is assigned to a unit -T ^nsored by the ‘ Northwest and electrical engineer Jack of the Strategic Air Command, -Plre and Arson Seminar Downing. v /\mericiCs nuclear deterrent • • ^ -e o m m lt^ e .-,. ' — force of long range bombers i Among the topics included In Portland Community College Intercontinentar ballistic''- ' "tiie-cpurscTarc: Role of the 'wlll aw ard th ree hours of credit missiles. He previously served oyson Investigator, types of to those completing the course. at Bien Hoa AB,.Vietnam. - Tlie s e r g e a n t is“ a ida-l graduate of Bellevoie High TW orkshop at Biihl School. • IlMMV DEAN SAUSAGE ' His wife, Valora, is ilui daughter of Mrs. M. !.. King. - BUHL — Buhl eighth grade wilderness .survival, Idaho RELY ON VOUR 1 DLBEIITSON’S T A L K students ' ’ attended an history,' land management, (ind first aid. environmental workshop I'’ivo factors determine quality MAN IN GOLD Charles Humphries, Buhl o Friday at T.E. Roach scout of cultured pearls. These are m High School science Instructor, ■■Montorroy" ,js an oxciling and cJislinciivo vinyl /, look rot Albailton t Tolking Pfodue* cam p. size, shape, color, lustre and STORE DIRECTOR! I i I Iliio o o h o o t O o' P»orfuC» 0 « p a itm *n l' directed^ the workshop, with floor iMnt d p o s m o re Ihfln jijsi t>G

.CELERY,:-.... i r - . . . A sem inar in a Christian Context __ by g M pdical DQ ctQ L=^inister_Team ^ CARROTS,!.... j;, 8 8 ' -P0IREXo....„o...... -34'’- t a h d y ii: ^ ~ W Espociolly adaptod for: ' . ' n U E 8HINVLVINYL CAnPET • school-agod chlldron . GRANOLA-.o.=... • youth JftHITIII EVAPORATED MILKfi.. .20' 3’. Congoleunv 0e.Dietrich coiijmunity Is- ^ , lOfinnrM;^------" possibility, of * lefjality' to woi-king toward esUiblLshment tran sfer excess l>oat fijpds in- COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES; FUR­ of a fire protection distfict.' area counties lo such projects riNAK t’HKCK of markethiK-hiformaUoii NITURE, tAMPS, DISHES, POTS AND PANS Studflard said th^.now as this road. • ' -nunutals is f>lvun~by-meinbcrK of Twin i>UilU . have a fire truck in the — IN MULTIPLES , , , WATCH. FOR FURTHER Higlr School DI^CA chapter who will attend Harrell 'Hujme, Shoshone, Community and rejwrted a LISTING IN TIMES NEWS MAY 3RD. _natlonal lead ersh ip conference in AUaMClr'Clty, reported on liehalf of courjty rcK taurant has' lk*en“ opened' Pirepare for trip: N .J., May 6*9. Standing; is John Hartwell; seiiled commissioner' Glenn I,. there recently. SALEMANGEDBY froni left a r e Deli!)le“ Pi>or, C arl Illessln}' niul Soreiifieni Diethch. that work- M ay ^21 will' be th e 'la .s t M ike Nal). MESSERSiWITH AUCTION SERVICE will beijin on Uie road4\*ithin • meeting of.the ort^am/.ation for two weeks by Hlaine County on this season. Koll will be the .sections of their road that -program chairritan.

h u r t! I'any the j^rou[). project okayed The Twin Falls chapter placed firstlTl'thPS't niernntcsr— HOISH lUlMi - Idaho’s Ui- coinplished by May. Iii75^ if ami wa.s^ nam ed oulstandinf^ ci’munrinil'CornmlssKm atiriji'd - * funrts-nru-nvnilnblp: -ld«ho-t*hHf»tei«^ Friday to ’hire (icoffrey Kntr- fax and A.ssociates, Honolulu, lo com plete design work on restoration of the old Cataldo Mission east of Coeur d'Alene. ■ At thf snnie.tinie, :the com- 7 3 < « l B E nii-ssion voted to enter into a contracl with the bishop of the Honjan C!atholic Diocese of Jk'ise - Which hns Jurisdiction fivor the mission - to iinple- ment the re.storation with the TO OWN A CUSTOM DESIGNED, CUSTOM_BLHLj’ bishop's approval, - TJien the^'ommission voteio lia»t ho|>efully lo accomplish air the. striictural renovation of the old ■ tpission l>y thal Inne. ------l^ntrfnxxstimntedtnvtilTOSt'' H20.000 - including architi^-- tural and engineering fees - lo tio th a t p art of tlie jo b .’ 'Die commission asked l-'alr- fax. an architeci who special­ Y ou c .in allnid a new homo, today I Thu mortorn Capp izes in resto*nti»:*orhtridon charntrerSOlT Fifteen-thousarul dollars has for ^oursoH why Cajjp Hornos is Amurica's lilrgost pToducor l)oen raised toward the restor- of custom closignod. cuslotn hiidt homos Mako 1973 y o u r — u tio a-w iU ^ m o th u c-^ Ift.fllia -vaaufo»:-.unuw-Capp.Hojnu, J20,0nn foreseeable In tho'nfiar future, Kxecutive Director J.M . Nell said, conlact yout c a p p H o m e ^ rtpriiinUliva Federal majchlng funds are a v a lla b ltro n ’H 50-50 .b j^ is, the R oyal Garn.^ comm|'{5slon w«« told.' 190 North Motningildf Di. - idoiio Falli, Idaho B34d.1 Member.H voted to seek federal l*hi 30S/S33-A789 __ ‘ " matcJiinH fiind.s am ounts now and to become available In MAIL COUPON TODAV ■ 12500 e|P*lhu next f)scal year, • '3 • Poflltnrt, Of«OOn Q7J1I Fairfax told the commission ' * riM K mi dXill^an C*| ' lhatllwouldUikot290;tl0filDdo 'N»nn . . ___ . a flnl.shctl job o p the mission j_ and ttjild th at ro td d be ne- TBWABlRrD ...... ,-..1..' - t ...-CU^NCOM E ANO HAP^^NESSI ' . C hockm e VWonl Ad» lor n « ller lob • ncl limlcling uU«i. fl Dld^n'l opportunlllot oach dny.. 12 ' Tlm»i-N«wi. Twlr\ Falli; Idaho-. Surittay. ApdM^. }973

,:PA RrS_,tyn)'j^-tI;S; ^and TliacJv^iftl3E4o-^c:&sm any knowlodKo of :i»[riocri«I(nicpuMliioryic^-bi'Qkc^',o Tiic. ~~ NorUi VIctnn'mc.Ho ricKoUntorft cnntoll you tluUnsofnowthwe ■ ’ohnntlorrnrr*' news'papcr^quolcil-ilit-BourcoR— I— lM5ld4Ju}lr4lMUomal-mooUnH- -l«-no-quft#tion-o(-a-i ...... 3 mt'cting:^— nff'!wiyinRr‘*Additionally,;lhc"' “ orr VIotnnm* -ecnBe^flrc between Lc.Duc/TlM) (of Nortli- -FrWny meotliKt-wMild-dlsciiis— ‘'Adcordinir-toTWoslcrnnDiCT TIk*'P jrrls’ newspaper U Wl^ite .’House should sho\v violatlonHFrl(Uiyflnda({rccd to .V(elnam) and Dr. KiaslnHcr." cciisc-tlrc violations and lay niiencles, Uic White House has Figaro quoted^ North Viet- greater concern about ccnsD- Uilk fl({nin Siindny. I3ut Hanoi • TIuich, Hpo^Q following a flvc>‘ tlic Qroundwork for a mid-May announced ttioro will be a namese sourcetTns sa>lng TUo ‘ Hre violations comniltted by m mndc ilcloiir Uicre would be no Iw ur a n d , 20-'minulo' meetinK njcetinB In., Porlfi between meetiit/; between Special Coun- would not 'make tlie journey Saigon." i m ■ Ciirly lovct Uilks with wiUi Deputy AuRlstanl Sccrc- Kissin^dr and 'llio, the two sbll{|r 'Due Tlitf and Dr. from Hanoi unless tlie United In scries of_ recent ae- - Ilonry-A. KisHipfierC.iis Uic litry-of. Stoto- Wimom -L- l ^ o n w h o nc({otiated th e Ja n . 27 Kisainijer - in mrd-Miiy. -Tlilp- Stales was prepared to resume cusutions, _ tliC-j Ujlllfd .Stnl^s_ United Sliitcs hnd hoped. -• Sullivan ip a French Commu- pencc ai'roeinent. ^ InfOrifialion' v^aa dietributod mine" sweejnhlT^poriltioiw lii siiia'fJ^lirViemamlnfiltrfltCTJ Ilimol’s Doputy Foreign Af* party'vilia in suburban However, tljcj; jw d scarcely 'unihncrally by the United Haiplipng liarlir and tijke,up 30,000 soldiers into South'! .fairs Minister, Nguyen Co GifSur-Yveltf. gotten underway when Hanoi 'States. The Einbaasv of U»c again tlie economic aid talks-it Vietnam. • » OViN MTdNHAY AND rniDAYmOHTS UNTIL 9 JP.NI-


TWIN FALLS - Terry vice president of the ndvanccd T lek n cr 7md-fc.'ntittTlt»e-Kyn!_, Jfe is fiavo beep awarded l» 2!i employed ut Firestone ‘ lire BRIEFS t BIKINIS . . . .w holarships Ijy the I'win Falls an(l Ilubljer Co. and coaches Save now on ladies 100% nylo^^ briels and bikinis “ fittltrlxngae-Basebnn:------“irr-s'ofHominin0-pCirfDlr^hadDS^S:r7or^/T-Rog:-09‘— • T Ickncr, son of Mr. and Mr.s. Lynch is tlie dau g h ter of Rol>e^t .Tickner. Twiti F alls. Mr. and Mrs. Kdwin J. Lynch, MENTSOtT T R ir - -plans^o-attond-Idalm-Stnla- _JXvinJi!aIls^d-plana'-[d-ailleDd— Unlvorsitymnjoring in nurioar- -Uio-i-JJniVer-slty— of— Idaho, chum istry. majoring in education. S)ic has tADIES HANDBAGS . . r . v He has betn a class been active in Pep Club, Girls' C om pare at 0 0 N6wost Spring fashion look . . . many styles and representative; a motiiher of licague. French Club and Ski colors to choosoJrom , Rog, $6 i_$7. Hurry., in 'symphony band, mnrtrliing- einb. She has been listed bn the $ 8 0 .0 0 ...... □nd pick up sevorol. lu)nor.roll. She is a member of « 5 6 bjmd. Munilor's Chil) and has been active in bnskctbnli, track Young Hepublicans nnd slnga imd intramural,sports. He was in hcT c h u rc h ch o ir. Two Suits In O h e Ono coot, and 2 trousers, one trouser matche&- the 5 3 2 8 coot' the other trousei;. is solid color and contrasts, (IRIS' SETS...... Rog, $5, in easy-caro ^00s“o nylon, ltfoturin*g front the coat for a swinging sport outfit'. 1 0 0 % polyester strtched crease shorts with mulli-slripe tops. Valley reports double knit in 3 fashion colors in sizes 37-46 in longs, Assorted colors in sizes 7-1 4 ^ s.horfs and-rogs. . ., honOT^tirdents THRLS' SLEEPWEAR,. r .T T ------rVTVtraVTJCTIOOir.rVairey Dean. 'Clirl.s "0'C6hor. Janet 100°BJ.wovun polyester bobydolls ond g0.w n 4 .w ith ...ilOTrOTOtarclont guard finish, Sojeci trorn a group 4iTWJs5y;T4:fir' ' otpnrrrr-S-’sayi&f ■■it y ev -j- the third grade period. . Koarby, Kevin Sorensen, Brad Seniors who received all "A" Kurtz, K^jrl Ull, Susan Uudcr. included K a th y - UUick, John Linda Volkers, Letti SAU! GIRIXPHIKY --B u rn ftT -P ijt-B u lle p th —B»»vld-— MttWmrw PANTTOPST Grant, Scott Gr^inl, Holly Steve Meyerhoff and Betty. Wotnen s sizes in sinl Ribbed McDonald. Jere Nelson. Joe Will. SCOOfER an d sclid w e a v e s iri lo n y . shot.1 Qf R itchie. Cindy Schw arz. Clirirf Juniors; Cindy Balsch, Mark f*^loevcless styles. Rug. $6 to $0, Turner- and Dglorc;», UU. ^ • Okelborry, Cathie Gates, Juniors who ruculvod all- l')ul>ra Uliu Curol G runt, Uill ••As" ai’ere Hocky Hagan. Rol)is{in. P am G rjinl, Hatnuna SETS Terry McClain, Don Schwarz, Steve Jarvis, l/)nnie -M o n tg o m e ry ,- Clint— StMUiult- Sullorii, Shocny-McClaln,.Monte J?eg. ^7 - ^8— m s u n R i S - and Phyllis Stewart. Si-llers, Becky McKif, Scott )00®o cotton shofls. Are soofsuckei c h a m b ra y & denitn wilh top stitch Intn. bell Sophomores who earned all Skeem, Bonnie Martens, Slacy loops, snap fronts and zip closing Sizes 5-16. A's" included Debbie W illiam s and Jan ice Nel.son Hammond, Frica Sorensen. 4 9 Freshmen; Karen Uourn. Patty ■ Vineyard. Wanda Karen Clirlstopherson, Janice Y am ag ata and Ju lie ZiegleV. Kllis. Susan, Grant Vickie Freshnmn with all "Ah" JAMAICA^HORIL. ---wcrc“ Nnnpy lOO^o polyeslor double knit in a wide asst of Hotner and Slacy Smead. in priiils or boUSs wilti obsorlod A forrilic summor g r < ^ p of blylisti Fitzpatfick, Carolj-n.. Metcalf solid dntj diog, crepe slitclies ond Jacquards, loco ond.bchiific otnbroidery scoolcr sots which includc a poly- • and Kim McDonald. FiKhth Fiuhth urade: .Stephmiiii, Sizes 1018 .wore $4 to $5 in groat colors. 1 r I rn 5. A ll—&-Q-ly~ro~r q— p bTHTg —co tto n ■ -Julie-Schuari. pross in sizes fo fit you. Buy wifhja ipO%_qc£yJic knit top. Tor • ■■■ ^tuc1ent.s who received ''A s” H um an, P au lin e McCli\.in. P at —iind "Rs".werp seniors Harolil Black, Susan Paul, Su.san ^buverol al ihib price rilic bolocliofi of priiil!. and solidb Brooks. Cindy Mills. Glen Bloxham.Greg Rogers, Uobhic^ in sizes 4 14 CANNON BATH TOWELS 9 9 ' Clark. Delilah Nauman. Flain GranI and Jeff Sorensen. \ . • Veluro Male iri a wide assortment of colorful pnnts. solids ond iioveliios Slight irtegulanlich will nol offset weof of oppeaio/ice. Jerome to test 100% Polyester C LI P T JECOeAIOOUGS- Area rugs witli drarnalic oppjy\[' All 27 X 45 ^^re-scliQ o lers ^ r i L I K I in o versotile nylon, polyoslcf bleti'd. Patlorns □ txd^lors galore' JER O M K - A sri-«'Ming with tlie parent imiiu’diately program for yH^ru-schutilcrs « fle r U»e. ItisUHg— ^ - - - - - will be held Tue.s'ctjiy thri)ugl» St)!iio children m ay need o be SETS 'R iursdhy from-Bt30 n,m^. -ti»“4 ' - Kppn b y then—physicim -for p.m. at the Nazarene Omrcli. vision,- hearing or other WASnSASKEIS , . 1 ^ $ ^ 8 8 Ideal for Iros'h^ reluse, laundry, etc Large size m e d ic a l p rn b lo n is . M--S. . Donald Daw, princtpid al $ 1 3 .. Feof tote & to^^ plaslic litiers to fii ore in bo«us Washington school, sjiid Mrs, C ochnauer .siiid. Short-fcotb looturing of 25‘liners at only^l .00 ■ “Ttnjinm TrTnchnniicr;' fspocial She said son\e children fnny Nassau .screen print 'l‘duca^ur from the Child require further coun.'niling wlUi polyostor lops coor- "a'^psyTiroTogisl or social )evel^pment (‘onler. Twin dinotod with fashion 'alls, will be coordin.itor for w orker. 1 1 pull-on s h o r I s . Ihe lesting. B U N K E IS . . . . -Ghooie— —3 100% polyo^itof-lloial*»n 72x90. 1 Daw said the program i.s •'{'htldren with n speech, S L E m colors si70s I 01 0 si/c. All machine washabla.-— jlesignod to delcrinine if liinguagc or licariiig problem *’ thildren Ix-ginnmg first grade mijv fcq>|ire thd* liervicfs ..., Rog.-.5,9.8^ ' - ' Uils fidl liave the necessry speech therapist with some l^kills lo d(i tTiule work. cluldren iHjinn recom ntended M rs. Cochniuier Sftid sp rirs for summer readiness bf tests wili l)e given racli child programs,” Mrs, Cochnauer Ht)YS"SPORnHIRTSv lo identify any problems the -• sjiidr; ■ Dacron and cotton in prints ond solids. All priced pre-schoolers may have. "U yexiiosing these probl^;n»s for all the family -lo *avol-SiiOb- O-IO oro .u>-llio-cul-r\-n»wn-doiign ------Rog. $3 99, Some of the li-sts are for al .an earhv-HUjgo,' many of conceptual devrUipment, djj^l them m ay Ik* corrected before Chooso now from this big soloctlon SALE!. ppun, speech, starts," she said, of bogs liy Vypnzol purchased os- screening, vocabulary and I Cliildren who will be G on or "SERENE” wide range achievemenl, before Oct. 15 are eligible for poclally for O ur Annlvorsory Solo. Mrs, Cochnaucr will confer the. screo HEN’S_ _ _ _ KNIT ... SHIRTS .. ■ ea.2fflr»7 —All—hovo—hoovy—duty—ft>ll—»lppg'i'9.------Rog, to $5.99 in mix on match designs. Short 'sfoovo,''~pU ttOV or ,5Tylos—w ith—bu tto n * —«n d —♦fiitv,------3 Lb. D ocro'n SOti'J S izes S M-L-XL in strip o s o r so lid s. lllUd'Haovy covor 99 News O f Servicemen R «g. $ 1 7 ...... *13 = p !(c t s ElArmy-Tvl.-Robcrtl -Aliuneda, Calif., ^ fier 3 lb. Dacron 8 8 ^ U, Moll, 17, iorrof Sylvester W. month deployment In the fillod'Nylon covor MEN'S TIES for 0 . ^ - JHolt. 1150*W. 200th N „ Paul, • W estern P acifit, R*g. 1^19.... ------*14” Men's fashion terrific ties, in 4-4' j incli widths, \ rpcently wiis assigned lo the He serves aboard the Fluffy polyostor fiber lillod bed pillowS Contomporary' designings or basic solids, all fullylinod. 0th Infantry division at Fl. .Jiircraft carrier U ^ Oriskariy. 4 Lb. D a cro n 8 8 ® . . . priced for savings galorQl Chooso I^wls, Wflsh. During the deployment, he- boiid«d-Duck cov«r from 3 sires, al) bncQsed in cottCh ’cover­ ; Pvt. MoU, Is, o construction visited Uie PhiU’pplnos, Japan, R » fl;$ 2 4 ...... *19s» in g . .____ Bp^claljst wilJi_compniij B of Guam and Hawaii. the dl’vlslori‘8 15lh englnw-r — . 3 Lb. D acron ^(<30 ,21 X 37 • 21X31 21 X 37 MEN’S HOSE. Pr. 6 6 ^ Nylon c'ovar D»Iuk« . .bflttalion. . ‘ Ri.g; $6.98 Reg. $6,98 Rog. $10.90 , Christopher Hall long-woaring slrotch socks in^ R«q. $ 3 5 ...... *,H1b mother, Mrs. Mnry -- • pobblo stitch dosignlpg in anklot, mid-longth,' White, liven In Wont End. Calif.' When Uic wedding gown is .a ' 9 8 ^98 9 8 ovor coif. Colors. Rog. $1 $1,50. ;-coopcd ncckllne types a.l>lb;flf.. , . TWIN PALLS.- Arthur 0. pt^nrls. falling from the base oP Youts; son 8f Mr', an d M rs. th 6 tliroar to the, top of ih^;. ArUiur W. Youta, Twin Falls; gown’s ijeckllne, makes the THE IDAHO DEPARtMENT STOtti - QN THE MALL DOWNTOWN hasroturnodtohlshom opoftqt. bride lovely as,can be. J^xoiLre^lectlonaidei^^dittt .SunHSy, ApHf‘29, 1973 Tlm«»*Now8, Twin Fallirt Idaho 13

-Offiflnb to_beIiiraonB-'‘subr^ -cirnirminot thb Youna n«i.Tiiar^bFQ ara..i:hTSSjvSl $3 ro00 wldonprojul public supjwrt for week us'hend of."Uie GGP. M S tio^eornnm iJ oxpswUiurcs" by, Utc.J cans orBanlzallnn, al Gcorao -to-W.OOO-ln-cnsI, "lo orrnnso tiicnrilnlna. , <. . * . canipfllpn to win corttrol of ■ cknow dScSTp* WnshlnBlon University Kcro;. for and Suppor. rallies and Tlie GAO Miid (t w as told C ongress in"^1074. H e wild he t7™ Incaim D alK Uie [Resident tliol were not_Jtot)Crt C. 0.110, director-of vlullsloilcifionatratesupporlof B rill. w as p a id .abolH l6 7 5 Jn ^ .W 0 3 «oinj> into b u s ln e a a .' ^'^niM r X cfttom ^t and ™'i''"‘'">^ff>lnislr«tlon for the Commit- President Nixon’s mining of May and June to acquire fn “ "'P»lBn spending law. tec tb Re^loct Uie President;, HalplionfiHarbor,".. Information «lwut U»e yoiitlr .Tlie GAO recommpnded that SnB o L lZ ns l arL toi "'j'"'’ '• W2' and Phillip Jonnou, execullvc It said Joanou told of movement,especlallyinrlKllcnl Attorney General Richard G. vrj uL a r ^ • .fourth . report of director of Uie November rccclvlnj!«,000 to J4,200 to pay Rroiips,‘iind that the money Klelndicnst consider Iciml nc- S'o^GAOl Ml, —etTiBjir^hhtrTras-MtTipHtT^orirmivspnperadvWIEemont. glven Brin wiis re lin b u f^ liy" "tiop aK«lnatlIiij{h W. Slbati Jr., n n r An GAO sold Uiat handle the re-elocllon commit- A spoke,™nn said the GAO was K ennetli S. niolz, 31, then y o -Ji fo rm er jrc a s u rc r of th e finance toe's n d v ertlsln a...... referrlnfi to a New York Jlinca_ _(ijrector__foL . tlie rcHilcctJbn___conimUliiu.. _ _ • arm of Congrc®, snicl. these mndc to Tlicodore F. Brill, TIjc GAOsnld It wns ndvised od purporting to represent commlltee. Uietz rosi^ned tliiw "i OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M.


MEN’S PANTS ...... ----- ^J®Ofv-lypo-pon'ls-<>f-sefobbed-d<}r liko, burton throughs, Mony-dbs't. slylos ond paf»orns. All famous broods. Sizos 29-36.

RECEIVING BLANKETS . . P k g . ^ 1 " -, Rogulorly $1,09 o packogo by Baby Peppgroil. Conveniently sized 30 ' X 40 ore of 60%-40‘c. polyostor in ossorlod prints.

CAR SEATS ...... , ^ Fqmous Petersons Car Sools lor inlonts ond. toddlers, Reg. $18, moot all govornmoni soioty stondards. Choose from five colors.

GIRLS’ PANJIES . vice-pre.sidcnt, is a member o£ Sizes. 2-J,4 m otsortod prints ond solids. Combed Girls' . Lcjifiue played In- tramural-Vollgyball und. waa • 50% polybsler/’50*i cotton. choson aK s ^ i o r prfnces.H for liie sW e lliw irt Ball. Site is presently employed at the TJimit of Id u ljo ^ iro u g h her INFANTS lAMAS Office Occupations class. Judy , Choose from Terry Stretch or Brushed nylon Is plannlni> to m ajo r in Dental stretchi Infants sizos S & L in ,bolid colofb both Hytjiene nt I.S.U. ■ 7ip and grlpper Rog $3 50 and $4.00 M ichael l:cel5 ‘th{TBQTnirMr“ and Mrs. Monte I,^e, Twin I*'alls. Ke has serVcd as DECA. Qub reporter tills year, la a^ inpm hpr of -WOMEN'^WEATERS Fiill.s. lie lias particip ated participated In. several all­ Button front lor light-weight Spring and Summer varsity ba.skctball and is school and drama class plays. wear. Bboutiful woven details in bright colors. ,^ re a c n tly . em ployed ^by OjSco He is planning to m ajo r in Rep- $9 value in sizos S-M L, —Dmjk. He plar.H to nin)or in drama at.ISU. —. ^ Pliannnry at I.S.O;*' -PRINT GOWNS.- 100% nylon tricot gowns in a wide ossortnnonl of styles featuring rufllo trir . split side ond keyhole or basic gQthertfiif~nocklinos . . . sloovoless or cop H earili^set 's l o p y e . S iz '^ ' K eg u lq r .$070^)^ All the colors you want-. . , oil of the patterns ypfu HAILEY — Public hearing datcs-havc wont . . . in our great now dress shirt collection. set on tlie McCulloch PropcrUcs. Inc., petition Feoturing long^otnt collars and rim -fit in o suporb for annexation of a 650-ncrc proposed . permo.ptjjfca blend of polyester o’n'd-cqTTon Sizes development site into Hailey. *SALE! ‘ Tif’T to 17',. DIAPERS...... D o i . Tlic hearing,before tlie linllcy Planning and- Guaze. stretch diapers, pro tojd and pro fold Zonlng Commission has been scheduled for May stretch. All lirsi quality in lonious names Were BEAN 8 at 7 p.m. Tito Hailey City Council henrlng'wlll $4.29. $4.49 and $4.79. Ir! conduclt'd M ay 15 a l 7:30 p.m. Accordlni' and .Zoning.. Comi... BAGS mission chairman Grant Patterson, the Com- mlKslon will take flndingH from tlielr L...... h t and will make b proposed recomiiiendatlpn to ^ 9 9 " the council.^...... - • Belle of Paris oil first quality ponly hose Papa Size Tlie cuuncirUien takes tlie findings from their In four great colors . one size will fil ell 88 $ 3 4 own hearing lind (he commission’s proposal Into .-Were rogujoHy $ 1.00 poif Reg. $40.00 . , cunsideradm In tlielr decision. - -

UPHOLSTERY FABRIC . . . Y dI.T . M am a Size Assortod tGKtures ond poltorns ,n upholblory Reg. $22.00 . . ^ 1 7 (obrics. Somo solids, prints, novolly designs. All M ottrlali Priced by Full Unlti Rog. $4.98 Yd. 54^ wido. All lirsi quolily. a ! -1 OOQ D o a rd -fo a t_ o r_ E a c h - (Lfiif Baby Size 88 thnn unit, illnhtly. higher!______Reg. $18.00 .. m

Soft as □ leather glove . . . oxparrdod Jif4-8' «urfac«d ftr p u tt .-BlfVrOflESS FLARES...... 3i|4-S 'turfocad Ur r« |« c li...... only ‘ 9 — 7 ' ooch 5J20S 61 2, Slims & regulars. Solid assorted fashion vinyl bean-bag choiri. , . Iho corhlort- 2a4-B' «ur(ac»d douglot lir aconomy I btr. . . . I f abch ■ colors, fom ous,brands you II rooHy like! obie way to relax and unwind. Groat 3 k4-6' lurlqead No. 3 cabin. . . : ...... 19' OBch 2»4 «' S4S dou g lai lir No. » ca b in ...... t« * fo ch choice of colors. - ' ■ “ 3n4.|ur(oc«d d o u g to t Ur R.L. to 3Q'.^ ...... 2i(*-iuffoc«iijf(^vfl|Q|.||r,1l.k..lo.2QL .^ .^ ... . ^ .•IT S .O tt

^ E N ’S ORESS'SHIRTS . . . . . 3 k6 .3 i 8-4i « n o a n d EM lu rlo co d fir docking...... I 1 1 S .M £.a.rjlQus_hr.and—iwowo*v-polyofrtor^0nd“ C0tT0f^~W/rih" SIDINO A PLYWOODS French cuffs ond 2 bu«on cuffs, Sizos l4'/i to l'7. ^ SALE! BLUE CHAMBRAY ALO PRICED IN FULL UNITS Rog. to $11, BELL 5 /0 '‘-4t^ i m m . ' slHchos. Many spring potldrns and colors. Reg, uucl .cotton . . . Ianlurln{} tnnp troni WOOD LATH 4.50 a 5.50 yd. \^l|l) palcti pocltotk'w illi widu Haro boll SALE I WOMEN’S For iprlnkiar Ion...... Lott of 100 bundlo*. . IS.S1 «ach botloriW Hurry in otid inoko your »oloc-' lion n o w t------; , ...... PANTSUITS 84 OZ. DECANTER W SfftNDftRDrBETTER: Bojs S li« i-1 FeotyroS ' non drip ' pouring, lip, easy-to-grip ^ 3 ^ REG. $ 1 0 8 8 handlpC^ fwist'lock- vented opening- fop. Reg. J e g .‘4" . $1^9in^corots. FIR $24 to $25 . . .N . ■ O 2 k 4-B'ONLY .. .. v:,,.,.'. Colanoso Fortrol polyester 2 piece pant suits — ; for egyiSlme.lS Coll ui 'on your quantity Coih orderi. VVe will make $ 3 6 4 - fa*hlon'’“ " n '“TTolr. A groat variety ol potyeslor We moan. vuhot bur Slogan loys . . . Reg. M«« . jacquards, all short sloouo with zip front tunics, o ipeclol. WOMEII'S (HESSES'. .... '5*' contrasllng plackot tunic, shirt stylo or the nowo&t. Evorydd.y, any occasion drosses. Our forhous smock look tunic , . In’ blooming' Spring shades. novolly (rQ<;ki In' colfon pn'd dacron blonds, prints, UiiislTiis n-3t . Sizos 10-10. ploldt, chocks, novolly doslgni. Sitos 10-30 W n BUILDMC SUPPLV and 12’ to 34’. Reg. $0.00 Ovor 300 To chooso Reg: •; .______-• - - "Wi wm II iiiu I mill iw y iH iiu II w i* - '•n." fromi * ■ , • aU Monro* t>. WetH.KIwbarly. Idaho ^h.4»-MU THI10AHO DiPARTMENT STORE - ON THE MALL - DOWNTOWN ji__Ilmei-New 8,-Twin Fall*. Jdaho Sunday. April 29, I97J iaahb= 4^alle^!^^ealiier Repart; ^tl3teH ipera]R IlrcSr -Tem peratures

m nx. m ln. |Wp., .... - ' ------. HlfilKI» w Pr. ."Atlanta 04 3 9 . . . Boise 50,/37 B ism arck 62 30 • Buhl / , I iN Dolsp 5B 37 1 Burloy 5a _ -1:1 Q ilc a g o . 56 41 ■Caldwell 35 C leveland 52 39 .30 F m m c tt 31 .■ F rtirfleld 111 4— :' . Dis Moines' 66 “ 36- Gqodint>, 50 30- T, Detroit 50 37 I Orangeville 5:1 '.’to F o rt W orth 73' 47 r Hom edale .'11 lO IndlannpoUs -61 34 ' 1 Iduho.Kulls 01 ■rji .01 saoo Jncksnnyllle “• 73 •. M J e r o m e -- :ia Kansas City - 70 40 K im berly 5fi .'16 T. ■ ■ U s V egas 00 66 ''- r ^ u n r i ^CG 32 loJs Angeles . 61 55 M alad 30 .02 , M em phis 66 44 •Mtn. Home. '3(> M iami 81 63 liowiston - 50 10 Mpls-St. Paul 50' 33 ParifTa ' , ^ ' 33 ■_ .JJew Orleans. 72 44 I'o c n tc lln ...... - y j 1-1 Now Y ork - 56 50 .. .06 i— —.Itu p ed____^__ _ n Oiiuiliit ■71 42- Sjilrnon 55 .11 Philadelphia .53 ' 50 .64 Stjdii S prings :6 ■ 37 52 ^^//^jSHOWHIS HOW Salt U ike City 60 Sim Diego G2 57 HX)CATI0 N o f new building to Iioufic offlcvH, UP! w i a t h i *» o t o c a s t €> wnrchouAo'ond tinlcs faclltile» far Swansnn Co. * San Francisco 59 49 S iU ‘ In Twin FnlU Js dcflignnU'd by Willluni Seattle 54 38 .01 Lu|tcluir(, Icft.^anil Clmrles nolclRh « (t!io Xwin Spokane 56 29 s h o w n TallH fa cility . T lic firm prmiiiccH nnd r-— rH th er-U p y^ o fu J H H -« -f« h u U -f« ir- — Winds-wilHend-lo-fiulwldt^in— . Oooler Sunday. Generally Uiwo.slerly winds 15 l^o 25 m iles skie.s p rev ailed S jiturday. southwestern Idaha tonifjht Irrigation gear Builder fa ir lodiLj:__ and Monday. p er hour. Hiiilis l)Qth day.H ISJo u> th e .south, in N evada and and a freeze warning’ is out for Westerly winds 15 to 25 miles 55. Lows tonij{ht 25 to .'J5. ' Utijh. shower.s w ere repoi'ted, the (ruit producinti areas. Twin Falls l>er h o u r.d u rih i; the .duyliuht. . S ynopsisi_._’______b_,._Gcncrally.-fair—weathc:i-is- -Somo-prot*jclion-may-become- ^irm sets new ^F^lant hours, lli^hs both (biys 55 toCO. Hif-h pressure contiimes to expeetL*d throuf’hout Idalfo nece.Hsary :i a.m. in wind Temperatures Low s to n li’h t *25 to 35. build in over the I’acifio-NorllV— toda)*—nnd—M onday.- liittle sheltered spots. Uaseasonably nigh u w *; TWIN' FALLS. - CQnslruction_of_n_n£W_ Twin Kalis at.that4imOr- PrccipiUUion probability 10 per west. Uyvyever the upiwr.levr^ cooler in (T jis te rn U kUw . cooL and d ry w eatlier will V esterdiiy 5fi 3G V$125,00Q fa c in g by the Swa'n.son Co., a nullonal T he bulldlnn will cover ab o u t (i,000 sq u are feet cent io tla y Uirou|}h Mondajf', low preiisun* systetii is riiUier.^^wiUi hi«hs mo,stlymTne low to continue, but warming trencl L'jstyeal* p 5R 27 firm . produL’ini' 'plastic 'pipe and Irrijjntion with an additiohal roofed arwi of 2-1 fee( by ttO Cnmns Prnlric, Hnllcy, reluctint to move.eiiHt of tlie mid'Sfls, while little chanKe is expected early in tlie week with lower Wo(ul Ulver valley: N orinal“ G7 :»7 —7equipmentj-was nnnounced TluirKday...... fuel to Im ufiod-for pipo lituraKc w)ien. the llockies. The ;lir likely in the west, with daytime temperatures rising. ri. William (Bill)-J.uUehart, vice prcsldent-and- i-property is fenced. —• ______-'1_____ ' head of the division in Twin Falls, Swan.son Co., with headquarters InThoenix, Hnld th e firm plan s the new building at 1773 R ast A ri/., (k ^ a n bu.sine.s,s in 1918 and established £i About half the total'-j^wl ni(*b!and Ave. Tlie property^has been purchnsed Twin Falls vyarehou.w- and office in. 10G7. N. Idaho forest area of the United StatPsHs l^.from Mr. nnd Mrs. L. W. Hyde, plorrber F*rcsentlylO persons are employed In the Twin ficial devoted to farniinf'. ^.residents. Tlie buildinj; conlracJlor i.s Arrinfjton Falls operation. • ' ' ___■Lnrothe£aj;QnstnidlQj^Twtn Falls/ ______Iht.:nnn_m ui:keta_lrrii’ution. muli.*rlul_imU- meKger-announGed ,-LEGAL-NOTICE- %r:. Tlic prc-ient oriil office of the firm pipe.s for con.struction and mis di.s1rtt)utlnn fjrom wi^locaM Ta.lOOl Tliircl Ave. W."1ire'luilc([rr}> " t^nnv?hout the tjnited States with prlcipal.salens Nofici' IS fiert-bv given ihal Orliin Ti?KloBlflft-^IU-bo-BimlIttF-to-4littUof^lho-fiHiv^fl------iiH he-w estem -stntrsr-^ ------^------r r —r •NUSiiOUItAr-Monl^ LUU)--.— uccor4ing-lt^-Uiu4on-iiliindard— Sicauii^UO A\3rfUna Ami.i.Tmin------'’Fresho, Cnllf., plant, Lukchart said. Completion ’ Jolninj{ LukehureL in^ makinji the hairk federal rcfions boInK S i/, r .’’™ ofjUic cQpatimcilon is srhMffiledXor t«riB>nnounccTnent— RulfctRh^ iecd..utiMitiUdalJutU3lL-Ute. “^ic^fTrm's'Rnnunl .sales Tncet>n>{ To bc"ff^(r(h pufcHa.'stnffngcni here:*J^' 'rrcrff-'-Tcretifr-.Natlcmnr-' ^ W fcmiU.^P^nonfrfgri>. : ■ Jow»adu^>ir-- Kinii luis been promottui to 1‘^rost hoa(lquorter.s into pne. ^ho^ £re entering the third pr^>erty officer, trusts, at the Steve—^Yurlch, rcRloiinl''phTse orlihprementatlon ofll~„ — AprtI j ,„j lilaho l-'irsl National Hank forester, said Forest Service reorganization process an- here. *• — ^ ' Chief John McGuire has nounced last January. ■ NOTICE Of SALE Kuij; has been servinji as Noticu IS hL’rebv Qiven .ItiAl JACk approved' tlie consolidation of Piirrotl, QO N To»«ino, Houle No 1. assi.stiu»< property ud- tiie supervisor’s offices of tlie . LEGAL NOTICE Ectffi. id.iho will si-ll to the hiQl'fsl muiistratur at the banks head tjiddt'f Ihv lollowino vi'hicli-s Coeur d'Alette..Kaiiiksu and St. NOTICE OF SALE •19M) Dodge Pol.trfl no office In nni.>;e since loir\!n^; the Joe national' foresis intoi Ctne Nu Iiil- is Itcrt-b^ (jivcn 1h<11 auti.)> DK41K43163370 bank in l)ecemj)er, 1!)71, He a. Hov’r SffviCf Ci-iitff. 1101 1961 C hcvrolol Imjirtlrt No office att:oeur d’Alene. Kimtirrly Hond. Twin l-nlls. tdnho MB3/NNA916 had been manager of a Yurich's statement followed will SL'II lo'ltie hujheil biililrr one 196S H .im bkf Ajiit'riccU 3. 3, *, 6, a, 6, ivn 23,J^,?5.24.?/,29,30, M.ty 1,3, & 3, 1973 IS a native of Nampa and holds a.b iich clo r’s deg ree in biLsuics.s -ndmmifltrntiTTn—from—Hn S tate I ’olleKc.

CHOSEN F(m ull-expense trips for -4bomflelvcH and (heir wtwH on baiilfc-of-*ulauiri:_ JPaymeiils A:w ar«l , mvmbora of stnff nt Theljica Motors, Twlnl'nlls. 7 ■ Leaving Saturday forXaki»Tuhoc were (from w iniKM 's left) Ijirry ArbauKh, MerllnUskew. and Merrill bysn^ar S hupc. Tliey w ere uninr>K 10 top salesm en from th

SALT LAKK CITY {UI'll TdaTioVir I l l Tlie -Idaho Sut^ar Co. has . mailed $-1.5 niillion in checks to l)Cal j’row cj.'T in UtohT Idaho G ciiK m in e iiia)i£n»i<>L. ^looses TF and Washington .as an addition­ al pay m en t on the- 1972 ■suj’ilr ai(l»i iiiiNKioii fund lx.'ct crop. for office* . The April p.iyment brings to-» WALLACIC, lituho (UIM| — Northern Idaho SDN ^NLl.KV Twin Kalis $5;i million aiuount paid by the mlnlnK mnKiuilr Henry L. Day, Wallace, says IS amonn I'liree loc«ljon.s for com pany thus far for thu li)72 he _ .will provide matchlnt; funds for \\;hicli offices of Kesort Heally, crop • rrrnmthlrtlon of the old ('alahio Mission, Inc., a re plannt'd in ldalK>. ..(Checks totaling’ '$:i.2 million Day Is general drive rhnlrmrin for the haul John S. DeLonf, president, w«Te sen t to j’ro w ers in eastern trying to ra ise 150,000 to rebuild the old nilNslon said during' a directfii^' Wasliint{ton. Idaho growers will - u c g t of Kclloag.-.------— ■ i - -rncrttnfrhprp-that ^rowth'^ovrr nHH'lv**-jBHi,ai)a iind U tjih - b e e l- - '^ ■ ■ Tlic mbtaloOrbuUUor-tlittJtimlt-li^tlmrti-ubuut— - t t!i'L'T>ast l >iis t thtlin n 'i'->T'nrs-'i'-vT'nr s - h:is~iin|-trr 1H50 by (he Coeur d'Alene hidlan tribe. Is the plans for Uiree new offices One The cojjfipany .said nm rsday '• oldesi building In Idnho Ktill stnndjug. will l)c a t SandiMkint. niie at an die checks make total pay­ Day Hnld he w ill m atch all personal gifts m ade unnamed location in eastern ments of million in Wash- by ShushuDv County residents up to.$24>0 e a e b ^ Iri.tho, and the-t!«r«l at--i’wm iniUua. $l(Ll inilliun for Idaho toward the rebuilding project. F alls and 15.5 million for Utah. DeTTonK said the firm ’s sales I) and l o p erates facto riejt in'*ift‘-^ for tlie first half of-the l!l72-7;i Idalui Falls, Garland, Utidi. mid fiscal y ea r luui ex ci‘e r l T p r ------IS iiDW lissoi lalinl w ith us siiid. Tlie firm 's bid was $3,%0. i n i K t c r i i l UUPHUT - A Cormier’s as .1 Sloi klu()lsi‘r To Know " JAniimaF.Nev.-naie A, -tntiuoBt-'Frlday inlo. thw-lwg* ------Childers; Twin Fji,irs, has: cj,ir accident which took the life ^ subm itted the low bid fdr roAd of Kugene Ijinda found U iry “ maintenance in the Jarbidge K. nigelloMT, 22, lleybtirn. 'j Area, Bureau of Land PAINEv innocenl of. gross negligence, M nnagcm ent. Tlie bid wa.s for reportii C oroner R o b ert C. $3,604.M, Mel Hughes, area WEBBER Walk. ' , . *■ mnnoger, said. JACKSON The accident, at 7 p.m. April 16 at 300 North Meridian rend, & CURTIS — ^TWIN F A U ^ — D cL C ranc, occurred when the pickup iN{ oftftmAhi) i • operator of Dcl's 66 on driven by Mrs, Ijinda, M, a • 4; StitlJu r ^|^s Nink ^4•Ik UllVUW IlK . Kimberly rood, has been slieep ronchpr from Rupert, I presented ’ on nwnrd for pulled Into the path of University Club BldR./136 East South T(*mplo St. exceptionoi customer scrylce. - DIgellow's truck, officers said. S alt L ake Cit.y by fl re p rese n ta tiv e of Blgellow was treated a.t, Gntes Rubier Cdmpony. Crnne Cnsslu MemoriaU/iospllid nnd ‘ 5 ^ : 0 f l 4 O ' ■. notlred a worn . fnn belt rolonsc(f. ' , ■. .’1

;Sun^nv< April 29, 1973 .TImq,s Nows, Twin Ffllls, Idaho 15’ ugjifcelyTyowe^gpurce^

DO^SE {UPIL— Hic USL‘ of liquid hydrogen uouUl Blve more power for the plnne. will benTceSsiiry to use ehergy m o re efficiently. _^lv e ihe onorgy-necds.; “ lorsupcrsonlclrnnsporta WMS discussed Friday He’ discounted its fenstibility, however, He nlso sflid considerntion must be given to -A block of solar cells sovernl miles long in ' _ ns n possible solution to suppying energy needs beciiusc producing Uie liquid form- of the' gns using more "novel fuels" and urged feder^d fixed orbit around the earth, windmills, nnd •' in the next century. requires so much, energy in its production. Hssistjince to work with Industry-in meeting the generation of poivcr using tlio changes In ocean V Lloyd Sliure^ from tfio Nntlonal Aeronimllcs A sponker at Uie nnlionnl interest foruni on challenge.of supplying tho energy.' teniperatures all could contriutc to‘ fulurer f c nnd Spnpe Adminlstrntlon Ix'wis Reseiiroh enei'gy a t t)ie R odbwny Irin in Boise, Stiurc Bflid . Frank Roin, chief of the NASA Research cnct^gy supplies, he saltf.______.. . ' . J ^Conlcr.:in^GlfcvebmdrGhior»nW'ti>o-4h}uld^HMfl--- - to mo^t-the^«^y-nw


. . . aHMihiinil niaiiaper. \ew aides named LIMITED QUANTITIES for bank at TF

TWIN FALUS.I.S -^ Two X o new d e|;re o in b u sin e ss officers of the Twin Falls administration. branch of tlie Bank of Idaho Bekker is a native of have been elected, Rotterdam ., Holland, who lliey are H. William Seek, s tjir fed II i>i bimk i ng c a re e r In asslstan! rnanageTrand Henk lMIIlftrd7drncTl3arnrorTdjil)T" .1, Bekker, assistant cashier in 1972, He is a member of Uie “and operations officer,-.JoRcph Qvil Air Patrol and Twin Falls JUhfUD.-PH'i’iitlcnl-uf-UiC-BoiseL-?. Lions‘'Club.-Hc-und his w ife are based hank, a n nouncied tlielr the parjent,s of a d aughter, election. . •• Seek is a native of G reat Falls, Mont., and started his banking career in lOfiB. He is a graduate of Idaho State N-shot Univi‘rsity willi a haclielor’s at gas clears M t IT-

Thursday approved Uie under- grqund _.RUcluc.^.d‘iUiiUiti3SU knott^ .RrojcclriUo-iilflndL- n ear M eekgr, Colo., an effort 1 - ^ dc^igned-ta-frce miU ral gas JCTIONINEAR PARTY Host GIRLS POLYESTER trapped in rock form at urns. mividrwr til. I.BSPelll«,ivirj[»,llll.^r^. , 8 3 ‘ pr. ‘jinirpimrdepuiy direcrofor' BABY DOLL NIGHTIEr Reg. 8 8 Hlj. I.9 9 li- lir!(...... 1 .1 9 Uie Commission, said Him ap ■ 21.99 proval was only for detonation *12 Rij, !.99 Oum s ill...... 1 . 4 7 of three 30 - kiloton deviccs ten- Short nociIm iiiU hnnkri H Tiicdecision followed by a day cri tieism from Peter M etzger of lioulder who claimed the blast would produce gas Uiree times W illiams more expensive than that MENS tvailablo-al-current-priet Metzger, a science columnist ^ t A R r a i r heads MV for The New York Times, said PEBHA-PREST. -'tfmtnntr-7\torntc"ICnorgrt:om— mission (AKCi favored the bankers blast as a m ean s of advancing JEANS teclinology stymied with Uie BIG OR L in iE GIRLS SHOSliONi': - Shelby biin of undergound testing in $ 3 9 7 Uie 19G0S. Williams. Buid, i.s the new ORESSY OR CASUAL BOYS OR GIRLS , president of tlje Magic Valley AECspokesman John Toman, Bankers Association. director of Project Plowshare, short sloovo knit shirt sjid the test was aimed at pro­ SHOES - - Williams was elected a t Ihe viding Inexpensive natural gas. waist sizes an n u a l e le ctio n d in n e r In Values Your choice 30-38 2 foria He said radiation from gas pro­ SJioshone. Lt. (iov. Jack M, Pormo-Pr6^5^7o polypstpr duced by the shot would be mini­ Murphy discussed state to 9.99 < ^ 9 7 50% cotton stripos a solids. finances and econorhy'. m al.. ■ $ 2 ^ Other offi<-ers elected to Up sidd the level of contanii- •I'Tve .wlth Williiuna include Cliuck Potterr of Kimberly, housewifeusing Uiegasfur cook­ vice-president; Carl Ginstead, ing would be exposed to less radioactiyity in a year’s lime 2 DAYS ONLY Duhl, secretary-treasurer; OUR CHAIN LINK FENCE U ianshe wQuld^*,from w earing -John Andenion, Burley, and. W ilt PROTECT YOUR HOME Rip (Jerdis, Twin Falls, two- a w rist w atch Wllh u radium year terms as directors, and dial, Boy HulK'rt, Sfuishone, hold­ iw /.V i’iSSViVfl over director,. M em bers of the nom inating cornmittuiHvere l^irry Shaffer T.opter -and-Frnnk-Stonc, Qoodtngrand- ■ Fi^l.nailmanri, Bucii; lugging 10 X 20 PATIO COVER VERTI STRIPE AWNINGS TANK TOPS b u y told Mishcs & wornops 3T097 S A V E 5 0 % W «r»$4- , ...... - Uo(j: 209.00V. 7 . . r M - 8 9 - ON FENCING FABRIC. Modort^ Stroa/nlinod design 15% OFF!! COTTON OR NYLON JEANS WHEN C O M E tS K f ENCE is covoi with curved panels, rain CUfrtom m ade Vorti-slripe or roll $ 0 9 7 INSTAUEDBVSEARSI I divuilors. W eather fighting up Typo awnings, Inslallotion avoi- ■ W o t o t S . . '...... « f in iih . a b le .

SAVE *15

-Aide Jianictl “jAHEonsEfm nnr been appointed personnel orlRlnnlly was a balloon aale.' SAVE OVER $5 ^ Rod. Whito, Dluo vpnanngcr nt the O re-Idn FooUfi The SprlnR^ Creek area, O ur 16.99 Supor-Fast "Soo- l)UR17.ffi.8mM-SPR«y-DRV plant In Hurley. He Bucceedfl because of Ita steepncHa .and JRONIhil Resists Scralchlne Physical Fitness Gym' i Phillip Toomey, who took n soil type, Is to be loi’K^d by 4 Lb. SLEEPING ■ Thro" Corn Poppor ipoRt with llte II. J. Heinz Cn. hellcQptcr . prevent Ron. 12.99 , S A V e $ l *34” lii'atHi^bHnce r’csuUrn’g Jp BAGS * 1 3 ” ) $ ] 2 ® ® Dosignod for hours of oxorclso ;Pa. Bcnion wa«, pcrwunet ^^npriT>aI, logging oporotlons. .. M a d o to.tool out cold-oir I’olyoUor Thit' 46-vont slalntosC^ffQ.Hrolvpl^o -fun.-Sturdy 2 *in tu b u la r f r a iro . ' ;iui»tBtoDt at H; Slmplot Crupper noted that the '^olycron" llbor boHlng. Dluo witi) Orook-resl&tont clpor plastic . rosiitk.iccatchlno ' . . ovon by zlppors xjncludos hand rings' climblng- |Co. plant iD-PocatcUo.^^ Industry haa proposed auch*a Vod flonnol Intorlinino. 2 bogs tan bo lid. Tollon.® co 6 to d b a s e . and buttons..No. 6242. ropo, swing scat, trppozo-bar, m ethod for lof{Rln({1})o tim b er, ilppod together. Duttor-moltor, . ioddorcllmbor. • . / Tl)e firm, tho only Jiiddcr, I Silver offered the advertisod prl6o of ‘ !'■ NKW Y0IIK(UPI)-Hnn(1y' 13 per th(^usand bonrdireet for ,,’'8H 0P AT SKAllS AND SAVE ‘iindllurmnn Friday quoted sil­ •tlie PondcroBa pine and |2 per ♦Solu/M»uJn Ouonntffdor Vour hfnnry Rack ISears, '•403^;*:^."’' FREEPARKmC ver a t 21C.6 centa p e r fine ounce tliouaand for tiiC’Douglas fir In . ISiRI. SORIUCa A»iO to, IMioiic 733-0821 up l.B cents. th e hdIc. V

slated at Burley

< By MARILYN ELLIOTT .Elliott, protested at th at time'* the Iniililing wpul^.not pri?Mnt . TlmcK-NvviH W rllcr ' ihnl niLvbuildlhB,.which would such an ojjBlruellon. BURLEY - T J i o City Council oxtond beyond the -tw6 ^ ElHott, who is a member of' will hold imother special present structures to within 27 tlie commission, cast the sole meetinH with Ihe county feet of tlie sidewalk, would be nennlive vote on tlie resolution. -comjnlsiiiDner,3 at 9 a.m. _imsightly and Injpractical. .. -BurJcy.-Pollcc Clilof Kcn- •Mflndny te tr y n n d d«>cidr *~-W hen—thfr-Tctty-TilnnTTtnir h a rry HaUi.vye(ineg{iay n l ^ jf h c r sot out from sc*liool lot iDeaUon—for the new law ■ commission meti-^Wednesdnv iippiioved_QL_Uic_pIjin, but eniorcement bulldlnj>. nikh^. •..mtfit»1)er^ ’ volt^d Countii JJheriff Ray Mitchell The cpuncll met prlvntelv unanimously to recommend a' (Uaagrocii dnjrlng trnnaporl of TliursdaV hfternoon-to UIscubs ^le^V site on the northeast - and from court tlie m atter but came up with no corner of Hth Street pnd Albion \VP)>ld be a problem . final, decisions, .acconh'hp to Avenue, Tlje site, they ..said, The newly proposed site Is Ri>l>i;rlsor>T------'W O U hrprdyrde nu)Fe“ rnom for - utwut one _blo ck from the • - - DispiitPs o v e r tht^ bu!!dlh'n'’s Rrowth nnd'for parklni;. and county huildlnR which houses proposed location betw een tfie would not disrupt the present ■the district court, r.ooin’s. , -landscaplntt-ot-UitM’lty^unuily------MnyurGTniyltobort.Kon. whh arose Monday nij-l^ when the com plex. > favors the pro|>osal, said the City C’ounVil held a public In another re.sohiiinn. the City Council was '‘leaninf' hi*ann(i U) alhiw public commission recommended toward" the new site proposal comment ot» the cily's that if the alternate' site was during the meetini* llmrsday blisters aMreeinetU lo (jive two city lots wiaeceplable, the (irlnituil site afterniinn. to the county ftir ctinstruction t)e usecl with the provision thal llu* new law enforcement of the bulldinjj. Uie buildinf> be set back across buildin}{, a Joint effort of the ■ Two Burley resiilents, the alley l>ehi!ul th e complex. city of Burley and Cassia ...... - Truman Brjidlev arnf Fd Tills way, Jhe conunission said. Comity, would house new jail it facilities with a 35 person capacity, communications By DONNIK RAIUn JONKS A ~ equil^ent, recprd rooms, and offices for botli clty^nd county Timcs-Nfws Writer forces. **” ■ TWIN KAIjI-S - There are probHbty-iijore-blifiluruil fuuUinU-. B ln in o Tire~Dp'eh meetifiK” M o ?fd a^ other unmentionable parts of the uniitoniy per capita in Twin niornini: will be held in Uie - - - Falls today than nny other aimilnrstze city in the nation. t'nninN Burley City Council chambcrB. reasons are good — two funci rnisinj; marathons which • ~ C n N N i n saw sevef^nl hijndred'bicycle riders and hiliers Itirn out early i ' ^ l m o r p Sattirdfjy-m ornlnf’ to help ra is e fu n d s.______. _ Tlie march'erB walked to the Hansen Bridf^e and back, a G o o ilin ^ distance of 20,1 miles on behnlf pf the YMCA-YWp\ sum m ing “ JTornmo ■ Rupent-inan— . pool project. Bicycle riders and a few hikersTefl (he higii scluml IJn co ln M agic ■ Qt 8;30a.m,to cover n 50 mile course to Buhl and back on tehalf of retarded children. Itir. lYIfiSifirs. sniiuinvrs M in ltlo k n placed on -The f]lke Hike was sponsored by TORCH. Teens Or-t^atiized for »■> lo u iiril lliinsoii T w in Falls V a lle y Hetarded Children. By -It.lO p.m. more than :H)0 cyclists had- probation completed tRe^ip. They ran^-ed in af^e from adults-to 9 year Sunday, April 39, 1973 olds. ^ ■ BUm.EY - Fitth District, ; Hikers included adults, lecnaj-ers and two 10 year olds anionf’ Jud|{c . Shcrnuvi Bcllwood those wh.0 completed the-trek -withlmld-JudHmont,-but-nlacfld-~ Toulon IlaTl, 20,--R upert, on three yeac&.--^^nbatlQa..- ■ . Wednesdny?*-:^ • • _ Tl/nirchuruecr orr'irfd’-coim tr'^: of grand larceny for stealing iuul selling livostoclj^was also equired tp pay half of th e cost hurt in crash [ the livestock. Combining Identity, Smith the ajjreemeiit was he complete the eiiUre 20 -butiueount^.^nr total chorgc ITtTmTK'S'------A------r u r ^ - f h ie h tr vinTl'JrHnrini- i miles at 1100 a mile or «et nothinn for his efforts. He is a form« r motorcycle accident early driver of the car, told police he w as $:ifi4, president of the Y board, Friday., morning sent a had stopped at the stop sign, ^'Ilall wiis Lhargtd with Chris Molyneux, walking; for $:i5 a mile, nmsl of it frurn steallnR, on two different lleyburn youtii lo Cassia lookeil l«)lh ways and l>egun his sponsors each providing per mile, was the hlRhest paid Memorial He Dredge.RoberLn farm norUi . condition is "fair." re|K)rt.s, '.lones s^^id he didn't ■■■ First to complete the Y course were I’al (liarllcJiwind Dave • of- Burley and ;i calT from Michael .1, Hotlge. lO, was see the motorcycle rruni thii wcsr;— -Kgank-Sontscn,-Rupftrt whnsn . were in at 10:49 a,m. two hours apd 24 minujes after'leavinp apparently headed east'oil'hi's, ’ 'M ile .lones vehicle sustained fa rm is in Ca.ssia County. ■pie first walkers Lp complete Hit route were Sieve (Ireen and inolorcycle on Fasl Main $250 d am a g e and there was A similar charge Qgoinst Dave Skinner, ninth f^raders, who finished at ll::iy a.m., in 4 Street in Burley al)oul fl;:iO a jn . vvhen a c a r i^iade a lefl damage to the motorcycle. Hall in Minidoka County is hours and 37 minutes, \rn-e _Vi‘nesmi Pt;Karett -uml her sister turn off Pomerelle Hoad west Jones was cited for failure to being held in Qbeynncc, yield the right of way by tlie according lo Minidoka County Cindy D ey arrett,-also Junior hijjh .students. 'Hieir tim e wa'iTS’ onlo M ain S treet. Hodge rAn_ m 'l^ U i(rcw “lfs“i! lu rn rrt -H u rley Police-DepHrtmeiU-:------proKecutor-Robert-Nlelsen:------hours and 56 minutes, ■ " ...... One-hlUer, Donnrt Andorxon, iiponsuo!d-b>i4>el:.p a rea ta u t l mile doubled her money when ! ‘.t dt)^, Kriskie, dectxled lo fjo alojiy at {he same rale. 'Iliey earned $20 by makinj; the first 10 ' m iles. IF firm-lew Many earned'only part of their j'onl by ending their walk after- 5, lOor ISmiles, Herbert Morris, First United Metho(^[st Climxh gave out a t Kust F ive Points, a m ile or two short of hihTttfTrt: ■ TORCH officials said the bike hike participants raised funds Tfailey’s guard armory for national, state and local p ro jects with m ost of tlu^rn averaein^i $20 per card but funds will be collected during the Eiy Tfc-UKY CAM PHKl.L Ixr analyzed and sent to ,the into an,indoor rifle range, LIC coihlnft weeR from siwnsors. TImi's'-News Writer 'National ■ Cluard liureau, OflorTsaid: ' ‘ TliC first lo finish th e bike hike w ere four cVLeary Junior Hii^h____ HAILF.Y — Ormond___^Wasliinf^lon, D.C, for allocallon _ If lh_e co n strictio n co n tract -— ^SchoblTroj'i-llmSchmidtrBwme-WHrdrFtHH^^Uy^dBrlun \ Construction Co., Idaho Falls. of fuiuls and possible awarding’ is awarded! he sutie4uiltlihg is Sweet- They were back by I p.m-.taklnt* four and one lialf hours ' ~7'nplrar'r expected to be lnltint(?d within to cover 50 m iles. biifder for the new National Tlie director of facilill5.ssay about 30days. Completiojrdate One of the youngest bike hikers was Jncicic Hirtenback, t), who .Guard Armony, Hailey. the planned armory will be IS"antiQipaled within eight pedaled back to the high school shortly be(o^e^ p.m ., Five bids for construction of located between Third. and months after the contract is Penhy'Stuvens, TOHCH advi.sor,viuid local revenue from the ' t)u‘ [>lanned facility, w hich will Fourth Avenues, Hailey, off iiwarded. ^ bike hike will be u.sed to pifrchase equipment for the Special serve Bhiine County, were Maple Street on land deeded to LTC Orton .said the. new Education, Happy Day'Kl^fiol, Adult licvclopmcnl Cenler and oponix) 'I'hiirsday afternoon In the guard by the cily of Hailey armory will serve the ______otlier facilities helping re ta rd e d children and a d u l t s . ______Ilailey, jind nimne County, . iridividunl.ti)resenily:xissiai»ul—.. . In allendance at the bid J)ie majority -of— Ihe—1«—Detaehmenl -1, Troop F ,-- r i V opening, in addition to construction cosL‘i*will be Second Squadron, MR Armored contractors and Iheir funded by the federal Qilvalry. R f u U o t u re|)resenlalives, were LTC government, LTC Orton .said, The armory will jdso be A«illian»-J.- .Ortm.^_a»djutanL. wiUi parlicipaUun by. the-atiile..._y,vulluliJc__ for__ to in m u n lty ______T»cnorar??- office,' Boise, and the city. acllvllies if they do not on roiitv^ dircfctor of facilities for the Tlie proposed facility will interfere with the Idaho Idaho Natloiuil Guard; Keith contain 14 rooms and. have National Guard training .SundlKTg, of Siuulberg and al)out 9,200 square feel of floor . requirements, ho wild, Associates, Idaho Falls, the .space, he. said. ' The local unit previously />r 7?rii».s V _ - ! ij'X architectural firm for the___ Planned are an assembly rented Uie oTd National Guard building, and h)cal unit AST hall, a classroom, fwo~^ff Afrnorx Unll headquart^ TWIN FALLS Communlciilions along the 20,1 Lyle Brenetnan, Hailey. rooms, a kitchen, a library and lu-e temporarily located In the , m ile route of the YMCA-YWCA LTC Orton saiti the bids will u rooul which cun l>e developed Blaint,County Courthouse. . walkathon • werr - furnished Rjttiirday l)v ’iiinflteUL rtldiQ operators from Magic Valley. n i e operators, niPJUberfi of Vew^poo^lnexpected“fOT^ Uie M agiq Valley Cluipler of the Idaho Society of Hadi<» Amateurs Inc., furnished radio Filer by Fourth of July equipped vehicles kept track of marchers and assisted with -irftffie-ooulFol- Jacuet (laUi-CoiLtiQmpklioiuQmm-pQoLtfULbC l^ick up -TlnieA-NewH-Wrt(ei>- ). F a id . an d Ju ly 4, BraKe said. e x h a u s te d services for f FILFH - Filer should have Its new swim­ The pool will have dimensions of 44 by 75 feet walkers who to end their ming iwol by July 4. ' > <»id will include djvlng boards, showci^, lo^ei* hike nlong-the-roulo-woro-alKO. 'T^lll'Tnike, pool commlilee~ch7nrhTan7“iaid" facility and re^room ^ .^well on fli^llcr City prpvided byjhe organT/ntlOTr Satnrdav. ”One year ago Uie~bool,was a dream . P ^rk ciitfr-whpt'fv th p pnnlTPilt-t -Tire group's purpose was now It h«s becomo. a reality.” 'temperate of li:i degrees; however, Q heaUng delivery of me.ssages from Ihe Tlie co m m ittee Mias acceptt'd a T c v r z iM of .sy#tcm will be Installed In Uie pool construction ■•Y” building where the base Ullman ConsU-uction Co. fpr $73,7ffraju|2^^*^ to insure even water temperature. was established through contrrtet will be signed Ti)esday evening riuclng To diitu 417 different orgnnlintlons nnti In- .mobile alop^ the route. Uie Filer city council meeUpg, Brake said. divi^huds Imvc contributed or pledged money to Dan Worsencroft furnl.'ihed Arcliltecl-fees. and otlier_costa_wilLbi:inuJQ ___Um|)ool Uic chulrm nruald-A boutO O por-cent of ’ equipment and' manned the ■ tolal pool to $7fl,2:io. F ile r m u st raise half'of Uie pledges are alread y In Uio F ile r bonk and ba^e 8tati<)n. W orking in the Uiecost.s.and matching Hmd^ will be paid by the Uioso wlUi pledges still to be puld are roquoatcd . mobile . units were Ken state Parks board. , , . to got Uicm Into the bank os soon as possible. .. 'Rlncliari, Rex McOaln, Jnn At the p re sen t tim e Uio F iler fund lacks about D rnko said. *' V Smttli.^Eycrctt Rornh,. Dick la.fioq, Brake, said. After a public meoUiig Anyone wishing to donato toward the pool . ShotweU, nnil Gene Tyner. Friday evening In life Filer blomonUiry school . fund m ay loavo. th e m oney a t th e bank o r con* OthcrB holplng includeorfl. McCloln, Jodp ShotweU and KiiMiiilii wUli :i iiilli>.4i«,lUko - miUee Juis decldcii to go niicod-wlth con-, Membora are Drake, Uwrcnco Klnfigc, Dob. U rry ’Moore. nr»‘ llev. SinKli structlon of^.tlw pool and try to rdlso tlw Bloatoekf Dill Iloaps or Harold Hustonr


P orfcfaciliti€S 5i l a i s l £

NEW YOHK (UP!) - iF’flrm/cjjrM crttfltivos' UrlgRS snid the Bltuatlon’musHmprovc now liopper car can be unloaded nt. destination In cor flltortnge.» unless they hod Immediate need for tliom, so . from I2-firnln growing statea-onrllor Uils mbnUi Uint spring Is really'here. Ilusslan and other about ono-flfth tlio time It takes to unload an old The Midwest (Sovornors Confcroricc' ln ' tlicre is very little surplus. _ ‘ pioailed with Congress for help In moving to foreign ships cnn'snll up Oic St. liiwrencp and fashloncd'^X-Cor carrylngi-less graln.\ Clilcago in June Is hear complaints ' .....B u t the railroads ore 'ordering an d building m arket millions of ton^jof groin piled In clovntor • load grain at lake'porta. Barge trnlns on the T ne ruU Is tliot Um covereil hopper car about Uie tronsportatibn snarl. It InevlUibly will ■' new cors ond buying new, locomotives at n an d &toni({c fields. ^ . '^Mississippi con handle more grain nnd the port requires specjnl unloading machinery and since couse many farmers end grain merchonts to foster clip. ' ’ , -r xijyira^gpoi'iaiion’piiJii'rifl so iifld the Moy "of New OrloonV mortf fully utilized, whlla' our fec'unl grain exports have bebn ahyUiinj^ but “lo s e p ro flts'frd m U U syear’s bl{( com arid \vhcnt ‘ ,• • -Bnrge lines ulsohnvfr-becn;buyingHrj6re*ncw— dciKlljno for Bhlpplng Uib lo st of tlio biff-RUMlnn^^ roljways will linve no more snow and Ice to exciting until tills year, the port cities haven't exports. V #fc-.bnrges,and toivbonts. Wlien groin or oUier b'lifk ' grnin orders muHl be extended. And tjier^s t^lk 'fight. i ■ Instnllod enough such mochinery. Briggs insisted Uiat rnilroods actuallyJmd - freight can be n.isombled for movement by about nnoUicr big «nlc to Russia- Gluts of groin in tljc elevators and,on farm Tljere ore port problems. Rep. J.J. Pickle, D* done ri good job-conslderlng'^rm ’ous slie'of borge, a dollar will move a ton of cargo 330 ■ 1110 farni representative^ were deeply upset, 'fltoragc fields ore on old story In the .United Tex., pointed out recently Uint the big Texas tlie grain crops ond tlio handicopa Involved.- miles as Against 15 miles by roll. A barge train Qver-f-4)rownttvll^uifi-«tot4MMu>>u&oa-bMi)0vo- ijnzthc^rttolssipDfeniRKziQnaiat^ifnipzttn:^^ ______grnln. . ’ • -- ______Iwuntifiil hfifvtfflls. In fo rm er yea r s , m uch of the groin. An archaic freight tarlTf hod forced in the first quarter tills year Umn last, and the barges, each cqunl to:o oipdium lengtlt rallwoy KlchnrdK. Briggs, public rclnUonsdlrectortJf g rain tlint coulda l bo mloved nulckly aliVipIy shippers to pay 14 cents a hundredWl'ight more 1972 quarter was a record,” ho sold. “Our groin U-olh. — —_ • - ...... Uie Assoclntlon of American Rallronds, while ‘spilled in the fields. v , . to move groin from the midwest to Drownsvllle • tonnage for-.the quarter wn«'Up"40~pcr“ cent. . Not only areTlRT'WnnjL^'ltncs buying new— . - ■ .ndmittinR the carriers need more ears, told ' H nllronds dp m uch' iw tlcrn o w , thanks In pai‘t Uum to other Texas gulf ports. - Piggyback container freight volume wos up 20 vessels but n $1.75 billion construction program . ' United Internfltlonah'/'We.couldn'l hiive ta tlie electronic computer. It enoblps them,to Pickle olso UiouRht'the port of Iloustonia • per cent, and we hauled more ores, steel and is nearing c(ym plcllon''tinjt|ulirthe-0hio Rivet- ^moveti the fjraln any faster If we'd hud the. keep muMi bette;;. trock of rolling stock and public grain elevator, .should be working, around autOmoblle.s tium a lyeor ogo. la spite of all the wlUi bigger locks nnd higher lift dams olong-tho ------ca rsJ. _Ulrcctj]mpty_corjjQj«imj:cg|on.s. The modern niLumliLfrflnLthLniiiMtiys-lQ^ difficultle.s the rnilronda moved more Uum -75 Ofll miles between Pittsburgh and the Junction______nripgfi snld .the^rcnl^cniwo— of—thc- ■coi^fcduopi^oroarrwhlch cnrrloH-3;2(»bushc‘ls- “ Bhlpsrll iHri’l7IIe"s«ld"» FrendrfirmTDruyfifH’iT'' "per'cVnt of Uie exporl"corBo“ offercdrincludlng“ -w ith the MlsSlsslppl:at-.Oili:Q,:Ill:r trunsportotlon,snarl Is the lack of m(3blom^T railrooding, nguravated by heavy lote spring 1972-7:i moved in new cars; Tlje covered czar," should be appointed to handle the freight enough to pay on loans to buy them insisted the rallrdnds' Briggs, Is tlie real villain. the grain bolt, Gem feetUot Idaho pinto bean market dtfll DEN VER, Colo. - Idaho lo 75 cents higher, with grower 13.25; Wy^fliln^ northern, 12.00, 12,00, nom inal; Idaho reports indicated a dull pinto prices for reds steady at 10.00 nom inal, 9.00-9.20; ^;00-9.20, pinks, 12.00-12.25, 12.00-12.25, TTTnrl •~nnd-pinlcs-stondyut‘10;00^0:50“ 17:251 WBhTamT soulirern -lorzsnoiDirwa.shiniiTOirfnnRs;------April 10, according to Bean Dealer selling prices for U.S nom inal,, 13.00; North 12.00, 12.00, 10.75, cattle^own Market News; USDA No. i’s cleaned and bagged in Dakota. 0,00-9.00, 8.a0»1,00; _. Other Cla.sses, California.______A g r i c ul t u r a I M a r kl* l u i g 100 pound bags for the week oP W ashington, nom inal, 9.00-9.15, b a b y lim a s . 17.fl5-lfl.00, 18.00, BOISB “ T h e -n u m b e r of * were below the Aiiylce publication. A pril n ; 1973, April 10 ,1073 and 12.RO-12.75, 10.90-11.00; large lim as, 33.00^— ^ fecdlot cottlo In Idaho dpstinecl previous year, in mjml)cr with In Idolia great riortiicrn A pril 18, 19.72 arc : Great nortlierns.-NobraBka, 33.00., 19,ft5-20.00s-black6yoH,-^------* for .slaughter wa.s' 15 p er cent Uin exception of the under 500 Catlle sale case «iles were too few to provide a Pintos, , northern, we.stern, 17.00-17.15, lfi.75-17.00, 15.25-15.50. 15.25t15.50, 19.75- lDfl.s on April 1 than a year ago, pound groups, which increa.sed real test of the market. 3.00-9.50, 9.25-9..15, 13.25; 11.30-11.40; , eastern. 20.00; pinks, 12,75-13.00, 12.75- /"^cording to the Statistlcoi 2.000 bead from th e, 10.000 on Ijleportlng -dealers estimated .southeastern, nom inal. .9.25, 17.00-17.15, lG.75-17.00, 11.30- '13;00, 11.35-11.50. , Reporting Scrvice, feed 0 year ago. ,vaJuM ot a nom inal ^ 16.50- n om inal; w estern slope. 9.50- 11.40: Idaho..''southem , 16.50- liie number of suclf cattle fs" Steerf accounfed for 72 per "‘-adjim tm ^n4^ue Ki.75. There were virtually no"; ‘ 9:50-97737- nom inalr "1G;757*~1C.50-10,l)5nr2yn':351~ . p laced------a t 102,000------head.- cent of the tool on feed, heifers . , .siilespfri^« and plriks In Idaho southwest corner, 9.50-9,75, Wyoming, northern, nomihal, Liyi^stock DurlngtheJan.ItoMarchni -25 percent and.cows-anoUien' -l^NrC. Wyo, (UPI) - .fur alleged -breach,of a-^iaca- with trade demand' nil. 9.50-9.75, 1.1.00-13.25;- Id a h o , nom inal, 11.10-11.20; M ontana, 'Ilic Wyoming Supreme Court period, plocem ents. at 00,000 Uiree per cent. cohtriiL’l .for the purchase lioth varieties figure to -bo. southfrn. 9.50-9,GO, 9.50-9,GO; southern, horriinal, nominal, niur.sday remanded a disIllltc•^ head were up t l per centTroih Cattle and calves on feed for of som e ca ttle . A .second worth $12.00-12.25 according to 13.00-13.15; 11.10-11.20. lattle sale case to tiie l-’reniotil Uio previous year. Marketings slau g h ter in 23. s ta te s are up ' alleged -the contract should reporting dealers. N ebraska, w estern, 9.00-9.20; Sm all reds and pink.‘j,‘'ydalifi i^iuity I)i.4trIct.C(Vilrt. of fed cuttle, tojalinii 10.1,000 five per cent from last year. In luive no force. Grower prices for Idaho 9.00-9.20, 13.25; Wyoming, re d s , 12.00-12.25. 12.00-12,25', M ^r 0(1 u c e r s M vo.s lo c k head during the period were Uie no rth cen tral st^ites, Uie Judge R. M.‘ l-'orruster Issued great n ortherns w ere 50 cents eastern 9.00-9.20;. 9.00-9.20;. nominal; Washington reds. eight per cent below a year- number of cattle and calves on Marketing A.ssociation, a Utah a judgment allowlnt’ the cattle —m(0T -Ti I I I fee€r cent fiofTTa bFouigfil- . . . n iO T T ., ■ ‘Of Iho '102,000 coitlc on feed, year earlier; In the 10 western ' 'Tiiomas L. P ark er. to be reUilned 0*31 of the $7^ :'^l,000 wolgUod 900 'pounds.or—M uli^V e number of cutU»./ us |^ o r Umd down payment, with ' the Jnore-com pared with''fiO,000 «nd calves on feed Increased nnd Cattle-GoT—— remainder rehirned lo its "iiciTd 'lri.W ■ y» T 'T n r^li;h t-W e 'jw f ceni;------llle plulnlKfaJImKsofieW 're- -plninliffsr^*htr-Utah company , • * 1 turn pf a ilnivn payinenl of tJien ap p ealed the case. r . $7,non and punitivL' dam ane.s Burley mart steady Potatoes MACHINERY -'I'B U H L E Y - .\ g o o d ,ru n of head; older slock cows 345.00- Pea, lentil And Onions cattle WAS reported at the 410.00 p er head; feed er cows Burley Commission Yards sale 31.50-33.75; canncrs and IDAHO I-'ALliJ (UPl) - jU iursday, wlUi all classes of cu tters 2a.50-32.00v utility and prices told i*otgtiK‘s: Upper VaUcy..'^^vin •feeder collie ond colves com m ercial cows 32.50-37.10; Kalis and Burley . districLs, SPOKANI'2, Wash. — offerings moderate, demand SALE! steady. w h ite fa c e h e lfe re tte s 30,50- Killer cows were steady and 40,50; feeder bulls 3fl,50-:}9.50; A verage prices to r the week of Ko«7.25;-UTSr _ jfnt_hog^l5{b37.1Q;-aQwa.27.00-_, uHO-liR.|ucle-eroi!lia-(H)Or6S6^— No.rnono|.50lbr0 calves 51.50-S4.75; light white iiturtiilCf n iOH3 IS Itiruil,.t k.i

    iock^ *o w hiteface h eife r calv es 57.00- (Jinilr A BV VI u<'»l>' 1' «' yi l«l 67.50; w hiteface feed er calves NEW CKUAClO fUr’II VVtioirvjIi- i:.' r s r r n r " — — ^SLMjCO.OO; co m m o n fe e d e r u rittk d t rcpoi ltd Dr U&DA steers 42.00*43.50; common (tultrr I'n c rs clt'livft» lo Clm.iuc >vv,lkof VJ ,^air 40'. «/ M ^rr ^P>. 6-ROW ..... fcgdcr heifers 39.00-41.50; w hitefoce feed er s teers 45.00- t r t - r - - — 50.00; Holstein feeder steers POTATO .4l.e0^5.00; Holstein MiUl cows Udli JJ 44, vliiWnr , f'ncrv lo leldilrrt lurocie . and -heifers. 475.00-507.50 per nr(lium% 44 4A -PLANTERS ARE HERE!! 1USE4 INNES® teconditioneihJoiirOeerc-2-Rflw------— C f l f m m r Hi^li, Quality Hay! POTATO PLANTER W { W IN FM.t.S - \ niiirliei-.I.M'U, ovn; ti |iilr oM il- 1 1971 Hdng-on type 4-Row Acme PLANTER fiiKii tni\ ««lili-h lni» jii«l, Im‘1‘11 eiil fruiii ii xiiirli uhit-li ■ l»«Tti ill ilir «niilnT for liir |iii«l ««‘\crnl

    i Ih - H v h I i u i l''.«|iii|»ni<-iil ( t-nii'r Ini-nii-ii on KiinlM-rl> riM u l. |\.iM l ‘iilU . fOOD 2-ROW PLANTERS h'iiuincingIrrlgiilion lieveUipnuMit iiixl other im- \i'riirclin)i lu liith |tliiiikiii>>lii|K iif lli^ firiii. provenii'iUs in an iiupiirtant uki' oI I.iiiui liatik tlir kft to lilt- Ht'xkdMi one-tiiiiM hitting H\Hh‘iii Ih i Ih - c.rcjlit. We live here, know your agriculluro, llt-HKiatti IlinS ditl. UI m'M i Ii c i m i - loiitli-«i froin iIm- Siiiklliinil. ii Iiiim hIxmm IiiiII iIk- from ^300 to ^800 C^uint (111 us for long-lerm finanoing at lo\v(*st ■kilx of liiili-«l liii>, 'I'liii. 41H 0 WM (III- mIiii-I. lo ’'hrritllic." poHsiiiir cost. Money lor every worthwliile uibli:-i(U|uiUiimJui.>-itl-it-Mli^hlly4iighi;i:-iuiti>.*— .,iilil£|u.l||Cii,itL SEE-US~TODAY-POR-ALL-Y-OUR ru n n in g . |ihur ill llic Hliit-U. 'riii», MiruMN liti) ru n Itr pill u p Koonrr. vtllli Iohh of irmi'ilioii lo the uliidrnu . tiiid FARMING NiEUST -lIu' rM rn >011 run IhmiI iIm- u » ^ i IiTt . Itr»iiiiiNC ilir inn" ii. ftrcriirr. lM-ilic .khifk »lifilill\ iiiiil II Miiiiinil ihiilrli fori()M iliiii |i r o \ i i l t ‘H |in » li’t'lio n fr«>iii l l i r u i-fiih iT . 'I'lit* . NiiH-U U h iiili liltc II In ir n . 1 0 Hlu'd niiii iiiiil snow, m id ii WE THli rOil'IIE SOMETHING SPECIA O rT: liiiH it«> i-rr tir i'H 10 riilrli w iiiit iiiiiI •■tiiou ii», «iin>|,r(j liiili-» d o . 'I 'lir «T«»MH-uii\<‘ii p iitic r n o f i l i r lin y in n itiH ■ III' «-t»iiipri'M M iiiirfouM 'IuTjT iind lli^^^ iuiliiriiniiiilvM proUM ti. Vo w rtl ' A*,McCombi David Burgoii iliiil ii'H Mill iitiiiHitiil fur ti xtrll-foniinl hIik-U lo reiniiin 131 idiAvA.W . 534.4931 3 4 t l.d A v«. I. griMMi Innldr for n-yriir f»r loiiprr. Th<*«r iirlf««ioriiiK hIiii Ia rtliiiiiiiilr llii' for iiii t'xpriiHivr. Iuklllii«‘ I m rii o r u i Iu t itioriig«‘ -iriuiiirr. riitiiM^, ilir ||il3 •iHn>iiumdoii» Hiivlitf! In liilMir, lH*iii',r qiiM lii\:h(iy. itnfl ii Iriu*. onr*niiiii nyHirni from firlij ii> f

    Ron Ptncck and Chuck Poeiitello duo of Mike Mooney Spehce and Tom Cahoon progressively colder Sjpturday. llnrdesty of Nanipa . bittUed and Jeff Cartmill wlio citrhe in biittlei) to a deadlock at With 15 places in cach — through biting cold nnd wind in' about 90 mlnutca earlier with Ji division betting merchnndisc 'Uie enrly evening liour.s for solid five-under par C3 — and llie toiirnHment will con*,' P*ii7.v)ii.—. f l o f ; a'ction slx-undor pnr fi2 Snturdny und missed an I8*inch putt on'Uie ciutle-Sunday with U>e reader remained. In addition,. tAv.;> Uio m idpoint lend in Uic second final liole to do UMit. tecing-off from 2 p.m. first-day also-ran.s iinve a shol annual Twin Fnll.'? ..tjvo-man Moimwhller tho not dtvlcion Tlie entire field, however, was a t tlie ilOO lap m oney, u liit’h ------beflt-lw»ll-»;olf''toiirnamenl^------^pr-ovidod-fiparkj^-aK-Biirt-and— JupingJoc-beltec-iveutlier yiun_ wj}| I’ojo tlK^low urosn and net ' -llie Nampa pjjir edged a Stan Myers, rbroUier ucfTind tJ7e-bliislery day Ujal gre^^r^corrrrynTin'rt-Simrtnj':— ' . ' In tlie gros^i division, Doyle > M orrill anund in the sem i-finals of Newton's Sports Cchlt'f, drew 'I'rout ami SherwotKi shared night. marching through two nudches owner • Anton Hulman Jr., Bl^enhau.sen when his engine pii.s.sed by USAC. officials for the su b -200 pound cla ss w here another good crowd. It was wiiilf Stark and Bill Herr Two Magic Valley men to claim tlie title and Cochrane following morning rereiri(Triies. “ (lled jusl after prn’cfico opened, ■ praclR'e for the 57th running of Watts and Dave Hollinger met announced the Idaho Easter and Kecjdy and L ivingston grablH’d titles, Alma Morrlscin,. seemed to win about as easily. Tom Bigelow of Wliilywater, tJie race M ay 2flth, -for a second t(me in the meet. Seals SocieljL.was considering were tied at 511. of Buhl defeafing John I-eonetti" Morrison always had the edge Gary Bellen1iau.sen~orrinley Wis-, )olui M artjn of I^ n g Watts defeated Hollinger In a .sp9nsoring the event statewide Deadlocked al j ' were of Twin Falls for the 50 ytrars *on Ix'itnelli but it took a little 30-.secolid gut-wrencher in the next year, sUirting with local Tom and Kent Chiaeli, Hurloy; and older divisiifn, anil Jerome Iciriger fcir him to put the Twin . open clnlis semi-finals:' H^won competition, and aendftig Vin Falco anil NL Hoot, Sun finalisLs to stale in Twin Follfl, . V ii|!vy i ( jjii-y n rnl _W ii,Y nc_ — Slieek^jpHG^reenie-W^ins-Stiepprirrg- Bailinglnim: Mooney and Cartmill: itento iinii BeelHv Anaya stays bantam clTampit)n and D r M ack M cNtn‘5>'and D r DON BROWN'S Stoneydoubtfii] Depby starter I’iii Alii.*,on, Twin K iills.’ ^SAFEIY-iERVlCL. on split decision over Lara " ^ LOUISVILLI-; lUPl) - finished with a strong run te, the 11)72 2-yearH)Ul filly .Sljecky (Ireene, dis[)laying tlie Uirougli the hoine steteh to-take cham pion, lasted to win by Iriiflo viclorio.s IN(;iJ-:W(>OI), Calif. (DPI) ixiwor .‘iiUiriliiy iu«lil Ui earn a ',i,ere were no kiiockduwn.s speed the carried him to three second place, a head overtlie fast-c'losing Old Kugi^ed Honieo Anaya yf .spill (leiisioii lH*ire a I’orunK uUhoufih Aiiayii slipped lo llie stakes victories in Florida, ('ari County took third, . Goldie Coraggioso was third Md.SCOW, lilahn iX lPIl - 'Mexico, making his first Worla UiroiiK of iil,552, canvas in the^ lllh round. o u tran six riv als in the $10,000 Hestless Jet. winner of tiie IH* Prevoyante, eligibje for Soplioniiire Haoul Allen hit a Hoxitig Bantamweight title Anaya, who won the \VBA's Anaya had hi.s biggest round in Idaho Slate Iflspedioa SlatlBn No. 1 Steppihp-Htnne Purse on Uie lOvurglado Slakes al Hialeah Uiu D erby b u t sheduled lo 'ru n grand-slanihonienitiin the first di-fense, wore down country­ lH(-IK)und title witli a 'U u rd - tlRMltlr, landing a tremendous -> ' • Orako« opening of Churchill Downs P ark , iM^iU^ued on iifter tiie die day Iwfore in the Kentucky inning Saturday and sp ark ed iin m an Hogfho- l-;ir:i w ith his rouhd knockout over Panama's rigbljiand lo the head of I jirli. • Aiignmenl • Balancing Siiturday, but the flashy colt finish to com plete a m ile in 'Oaks, was an even stri)nger^~H-l'ld;jiu) victory over Goiizaga sujh-riurstrengUi and punching Knrique Pender last Jan. 20, 117 ' 4, an d a stiuining left hool<. 417 M ain E. 733-Q213 remained a doubtful starter for in preparalion for the favorite than Shecky Greene In a Big Sky liaseljjill dout)le- ■ was die winner H-(i on Uie, the Doth K entucky DerU>' in a Kentucky Dert^y, Pvt . Smiles' w ith « crow d of 22.-120, jin all- lieader. (ion/.aga IhniS thf> V an­ scorecard of judges' Hudy week’s time. was (ourtli. followed by tiiii^e o(>erimg dity reccail. She dals i:f-12 in th e g a m e ,' Jordan and Dick',Young. Going to the front at the start Idaho State Knightly Dawn. Twice A -lilM tU !L J 2.2li ill aiUmmUagliL Hderet-jJolin Thomas had it 7-^ of the seven furlong race, the lYince and Tri|) Stop, the only hits in [licking up the Idaho for U ira, a No, 'J WBA con- three-ye'ir-ald, colt stayed starter,who was not-ni>minated win. He slruik out eight and splits with lender. Uiere the rest of the way to win for the Kentucky Derby, walked one UP! scored tlie fight ft-.t for by five lengths, Hestless Jet, a Walter Blum rode Shecky Itaiitfors J-.'t. Inthefirslganie.neithermne. - |\ . A ••iv f k |i y \ UtCr 2(i-year-old Anaya. HH. more likely .garter in tlie first 'Greeni:, who cuf out a .scored until the Ziijis pu.shed ^ luufL'r (.’alifo rn ia 's sim plified , of the_triple ctuwn races,. AKl.INGTON^ Tex.I UI>1) - blistering-paui—XUe cult did acr(i*f-ll.i^imuinmnB.Jtawas_Ken-Mondonhalll,urlea3.Jaur^,|,;iu,|;:,,H,he-»ixlhH,HmiK7 IIo ih Ik III! lolN »|iL-e,ly chu.slriv'it .streukod th e Mllwnukf... B rew ers to a-4-:) ..... "L'Kiiine I,liter in leadiiiB Idaho .Stale lo ,s„.ve llay.s had a three-run lO-l-viiOoty-jueiLMatUimu homer for-Ihc-Bcncals the - ^ F iiipnem-ils ------April n w ith the score 12-12. half mile In -H:45 and six Hongera. ST. I/DUIS lu ’p i) - Bobby B rew er p itch er J e r ry Bell, 3- Idaho is -l-lt in conference furlongs in a sparkling I; 09 2:5. play jiow; while G o n /ag a is 5-2, Bonds hit Heggie Cleveland's He finished the coiuplete 2, survived bases-loaded situa­ second pitch of the game for a tions in two innings but gave up Both teaiTW a re slated for journey in l:2;j, another douhleheader in Spok­ home run Saturday night and a three-run homer by Hanger Shecky Green wjis a strong ane Sunday. Jim Willoughby pitched a four- favorite and paid $:i,00, $2,110^ lOlliott-Maddox in the eighlli. hitter to give tiie Siin Francisco and' $2.-lU across the board. n»e Hangers lagged Bell for Giants a ’1-0 victory over the Hestless Jet, wlio was next to nine hits while Milwaukee slumping St. I^uis Cardinjds. last for the first half mile and managed only six but turned Bonds’h em er w as one ol fi\^e m ade up aliout six lengths in them into four runs, Mllw

    to give the Giants Uieir sixth straight win and llUi in Iheir 'lnat-!3 game^^^teanv^le, the Qirdlnyls have lost 15 of tHelr 17 games this season. U n franrt\co j r |.ouii 4l>f h |» liu'uiv r t j I ; I

    Expos Tlie tr iumph w as the ninth in U iclnsni gahie.s Tor ITouslon"" W ynn’s hom er,'hts spvcnth of — — tho-yoar-4vhicli-gavc. him . Uic major lenRue lean, cai . , hardJuclf^losHr Steve Renko and wipV\^ul a-fl^BxtxHeit*— ^cn^o'TJrwTO sailing along with a 6n(]-^lt ifiiutout, leading .IM) with Iwo out in the seventh when Doug Rader ignited thJ rally wllh a trome run. Johnny '.^IwardH grounded ii slnKle up the middle Uien shprtslop T^m Foli fumbled Totrmiy Helms' ' g ro u n d er t(\ put runners on first and flccond.' V.

    * V ’30>'Tim«i*Newi, Twin Falls, ld*ho SUhtU/, April 29, IWJ > j- © livjares co llects^^T^^^ ! # i k e s d i e s 8f?(^^dH t^uiid T K Q t ---- ■ - ■------■ ' ' -- ^--- , - ' l ' " ■ •' -

    IN^.PWOOD, railrMUPI) InthoMconUromKl.-Ollvnren - Populnr nubon Ollvarils, tlio-ilajcJ Swlpy wLUi nnotlioriiollil^ former world bantnmwelBht hand and followed tluit up lead in N elsoii champion from Mexico City, -witli a left hook Umt caused ■stopped W alter. Seeley of him to drop his hands. At that t- DALLAS(UPJ)r-.DanSikca; :;_l«fore.:fnll.lnij._viptlm'_.to_,ilie Wodkjns,Jlod ^rI-m id,T om ^ Slkcfi, for ycnra one of tlie _ .Hcmpatcad, N .Y u nl.l.i2lQf_Uie_PoiilLJ)^R_sl®PR9.J. | .{*ho 8uVr«rod through o ' w ind. ‘ Weiskopf. ' ' • fliendlesrpTriycrron iKc tour, second round of a scheduled...... 10< tWitween "Die two. * im iscrflb lcy cn r In 1072 anf^Ui' -wiU)-birdlvH-on (he two par«5.-b-Ko-wi^on^IIo-bbHoy^d^thaU I Sikes wns th e (inly-ono of-thow» - -An.olHhl'miy-Jamiip ca'mo a t- 'round wiUiTe”rie s pTlinfd f i g h t ' holes.- • j hole when he pushed hi;S drive‘ 110 who oo»)d put toKother »' even-par nnd a hot ro u n d by , DOWN TO THP: MAT, Doug Irish, Hill Air liancLs Uial had Uie New Yocker Isubpitr round. any.of them cquldbrlnK them ' --"I missed' some I'ood pints into - the rifjht roujjh, boj'eyed . ^i.orcc IlnHe, tries to Meok away from Stevc. groggy at Uie bell. to W ANT ADS I tlis G8 left him witli « 54*holu the, 1.10,000 fl^rul prize oa for birdies,” he naid. “But I thc touRti par-’fl£jRhllvwhen he Aoki, Corrlne, Utfih, during early action In the [total of 20C and knotted with Sunday. In.nt par were Ijirry . .Hiived Home p ars-w ith puttij In ^ misKcd the -4 tit?rmoii»t«ln-judo-touniamenl-licId_al_CSl ; Dickson, tljo forrutr amntuur Min.son, IJriice Cj*iunpton,- Uie ran^e of six-feet. Thai’s tlie Uie lonR ,par-4 10th to fall into'a Saturday, jleiiults were not maile available. {Mnsatlon who on Sjiturday led I.ebft«rd 'I'hompson, '.Hert tlJinu I haven't ‘.been doinj;-r tie witirSikes. ‘ ’ ns m an y a.s three strokes (treeniv-Hob I'), ^^nith, l.anny' «avinK pars.” D ickson boReyed t h e . Kith iiole as well to fall a. stroke ■behind, hut not bacT< Into th e tie BLUE CROSS® wilh a b ird ie on t^ie piir-t 17th. - Feuerbach hits 70-9 : Idaho Staiijrs rijn away with Amonf» those Vwlio* fouril(l‘ BANK DEPOSnORS PROGRAM disastbr Saturday were Bies, • WAI.Nim’, Calif. (UPI I — -In a warm-up, hurled Uje shot a Julius Boros iind Austrtvlian Jovial ArFeir(irbnch of tlie measured • 71-H, which is 7)avid (trahain. —— r ~Hrtcifi^~t^onst~tihib~imlen7ihcd almost'fivc.s incheirbottcrlhan laiM dirlro coile^g€Ttt*a^^ Jkiros boi-eyed the first hole Uie Uiird io/Tgest .shotput by an Hand^' Matson's world record and double bof’eyed tiie .seCond am ateu r, on reco rd . 70 feet. 1) of 71-5 He had anoUier Tlie Answer for the Self-Einpioyeii I ' BOISK (U I‘I) -'I d a h o S late In third ph ice wa.s Boise S tate first places and tiiu.urt^ersH-y arid wound up sljoolinn a 71). ii)ches, Saturday for the out- warmup loss of an ap- And Persons not eligible lo rJrw n - —* BonHttlu-oupturod-tliu—tiiain- -wiULiiUollowv,lby4Ut:ks,\villi. -(■Irehnnr-dettble—bogeye ihindmrt-puj:foi:«uiiujtt-of-4i»«— proximata-71-'' To Meet Today's Hospital and^Surglcal . I championship and 12 first 21, Nnrlhwesl Naza'rene- A tut;il of 13 iiiuut record.** Udrd hole and faded to a 77. 15th annual. Mt. San Antonio . Matson is Uie only amateur . ! places S atu rd ay in lliu Idaho Collcf-e, ?. an d tlitv C ollege of were shattered at the track and “Tlie wind cotning up had. a I te h jy s .______I, . ' ___tojiave better throws Ulan _ ■ Expensei } collegiate m eet hosted l)y IJoise Idaho nnd Uie C ollege of field competition. lot to. do with the‘scores being 'Hie fi-1, 250-pound allilete's F^uerbiJch’s effort here. In Southern Idaho with one pol/il ; State Collette. - ._USCi4uJ 4jr4*ld-ftell-tiel-H -new - -Ro h i g h ^ n i d M oodyi'^'B uH he- -terrifie-tosa-<.‘aiiHHlet»*»4han 3 1 addition—1-<>—iils - g lo b al- best; ‘ ‘~F 4 h - \l~ r ilv TTr 1 Tlje Ben«als racked iip'liJfi each. ColleRos anirunTversities '*mark in Uie long jump going 23 .scores always go up the last. liours aft^r he had suffered.his Mal.sonal.sohadapulof71-4 ‘4. 2 point.s in Uio m eet in Brunco in Uie .state. competed in tlie feet IP.: inches. He cap- tw(f -rounds. I t ’7*ets a little first defeat in liine outings tliis FeuerbJich's*throw broke the DAN i(AUFFMAN, Box A.. Filer,. lda.-32Er4e3fl • stadiuh> followed l>y tlie m eet- tiirenl th e trip le Jum p wiUi a til^hter the last few days arid yejir. loJiing to teammate meetrecordof(iy-10‘.j Uiiil'Was 'university of Idn|m with 72 Hoise Slate received four record-brenkinH'leap of 50 feel Uie fellows tnaybe'play a little ■(Jeorgc W oods', fi»-0 '2 to «fl-5. set by M atson in incht-:^ inoix^n»;or-w.t»velyri^------tlie-Drake Uclays in Des •Fverylhing-was-po-ftscl,” ... .. ^.. .for,m Nunih&f 1005 . ___ “^HftTm~!\tJrirs“ raTI"T;a\V,son * ■•'TIiegQlf cour.«:e iscleflnltoly Moinesrtowa:------" _ . sa id , the- 25-yi*Hr-old -Feuen*-- was also a double 'winner playing tougher,” .said Paiihej^ A -Tow m m u les before the Iwich. - i w as m ore relax ed jiVillanoVa regains taking the lAO-yard with a who h as mn^le ofily; four b in lies rotnpelTlioii bei^an. Feuerbach, today than I was yesterdiiy,” tim e of 9.5 and th e 22(f (n 21.4. in 'th re e itldijL it. doesn't ------' ” 4tuglv- irelay supiiTBiTra^, . t^raigQtyington of Idalui inakinu it.' Stale picked up medals In tlie ' I PHILADELPHIA (UPI) ivnn trailed. shot put and'us events. .'.I'l Frigidaire .-<-'nie_yillunOi'n Wildcats, re- • f^hlf,’ Mcr>«naUI of Bowlini! »gnlned their dominance of the (ireen made up some distjince ] Penn Relays &iturday‘ when on Uie Uiird leg, but it was not iM iiiiic's J they achieved Uieir '‘triple” by enough as - Ken Sc-happert t„^nninB the two-mile relay (4:'U.0> g av e anchorm an John 'C'iii«‘innii(i l>0 S;cham pionshlpIn 7:25.7. >; H artn elt n V&^yard lead , which CINCINNATI (U Fn-W llllo Ettrllor in tlie day.yilluhova he increased at the finish. Montanez’ single with the • won tlie four-mtle relay tltlt H...... a rtn.. elt...... w as tim ed,...... in 4:03.'?. bases-lpaded in the eighth from Home Economics Depts. at 10 Magic Valley Schools - j and on-Prtdny'thc-W lldcnts-ntowliiil’ Green VinrmiTcnn" j-Jnning gave the Pl{lladclphla I cflpturodthedlstflnccm cdley. ifi:45.n. ------l^iinies a i-0 victory over Uie ! in the two-mile, Villanpva Bowlin[j Greep. anchored by CinclnnaU Beds Saturday night ! was pitted against defending Olympian Dave’'AVottle. l)cjil t)ehind the two-hit pitching of ,Ranges - Refrigerators - Washers , I champion Tennes.sce, anchored penn by iiioro than 50-yards as Dick UuUiven, Billy Wilson and } by NCAA outdoor BflO cham pion W nttle w as lim ed. In ^:Qfi.a- ■Max iScarce------:------I Wlllle Thoma^ Ilowover, a Tunnessee was ftiurlh and Navy Buthven, the rookie starter, Dryers— Freezers— Dishwcishers^ I matchup t>ctween Tlionuis and fifth. worked seven innings 'an(i j Vllljinuva’s NCAA Indoor MO Bowling G reen was try in g for allowed one hit while Wilson in all the pupular colors. Used in the Home Ec. Depts. - I champion Ken Schapperl never back-to-back victories in the and Scarce each work«J one for only 9 months & Yoocan't tell them from new { materialized. four-mile championship after inning imd Montanez gave I Brian-McFlroy took the load sctUnH-a-moot-racord-nUlho— ihcm nll lhe-help thcynM iicd T f i l r l r o / p r6 o ra m ” ipbnsore(J“ by 'lh‘o“ FrTgTdoire Kacib'ry' I halfw ay through tRe .’third ,le g . IjrakL- noliiy.s Kriilay with a wlUl his run^icorlnu sini;Ii!,o(f The diicounts arc charged to advortising- We ^re . “ »^Ind'Rnye■Schnppcr^n 20-ynnl • clticklni! l)nc:in:(r ^...... i-ullcver, Pedro llorlwh. I lead over Thomas. Schappert Vlllaaova won the runners on • Peoples came from behind to out UiCrfinal 300 yard.^? to win first and second. .-^nlp V N orfolk S tate in 40.7. o ver Drm.’c F isc h er of S>Tacuse ! Behind Norfolk was Texa.s El in a tim e of F isch er ‘ * Paso, Memphis Stale and Fisk. w a stim e d in 13:43.(5a n d Hobcrt^). Ho«v^v ^ ^ . ; Memphis State and Fisk later U'os of Central*'Connecticut"’ \Jn\ct I (1 0 0 0 T(il.iiV I ’ " were disqualified, finishetl Ihirtl in 13:44.2. Paul i V.J-?;? ,V - - — Kannon—or^MeniphiH—^ i Innovn lumped to a 50-,vard tini.slied (ourth aitd' lUi-hard ! lend |n the . Jkst lee and Mull ot CieorKetowa wa.s fiftli. I outdistanced Bowllni! firccn by Ken McHrHle of Manhattan ; I20ynrd,.\to win in 1B:31,7. leaped 50 fe el B inche.s to win - i - f e ------Cou«hlin-MTW.71 - tlu;tri|.lc J«n,p_oh.«npionshin. ____JJedJ)y.W y»Ciis.whpn he |i j off to B rian'M pK lroy UtOfi.S) jum p of 40 feel 10 "j inches. • ! '“■^"'■'1 • ITf-l ^js Rdwar.1 Nennox of --- -rleml «9- BowlinK Orfea-nnd—j, ^3 fe,et one Inch, followed by Jim idLand-Dav( — rM vlim rtlytn— W att of the Univerfjity • (op Ilrnvos 1-2 Toronto.

    J ATLAnTA” {rPn“ Kd J Kronepool'B two-run, biises- ; loaded single highlighted a Canadiens open quest for 6tli ; three-run rally In the eighth ; InnUiR S aturday night and gav e There are over 100 items -to choose from, But ■ the weok-liltting Ncav York Titl^ against Black Hawks _____yppr thqy wprft gll 10 doVS. r M eis A 6ome*npom-Dcriinci ______: These-like--nevsw3pplt(inces won't last long. r-victory over the Atlanta Bra* ' MONTnKMMUrn - 'llie ■off.Uie“Nuw YorVTlangernn’ play." , ' *; VC8. Montreal CAnadiens begin. Uk* semifinals, it’ll work oul Laperrier-' has b een • T h c^ M c ts, who had been Uieir qu(*.st of a Ifilh NationiU weU for us." he said. "We’li —sidelined for the pafit 10 days blanked or scored less than two Hockey U'ague Stanley Cup play Montreal the .same way vvitlL»a severe groin injury Come In And Select Yours Now & • runs In five o( their last eight . .Sunday when they open their tjecaiLse it’s the only way we received in Uie Canadiens' NEW FACTORY WARRANTY I games, fell behind 2*1 in the, best>ofseven scries' against Ute can win. opening round against the Just in tim e For M others Day , |-Aov«nlh—w hon-tho—Oravott— QUoufla-Ulack-UawkaH»-Uiroo^ — uW4iL’i%'‘iU)l-uiuoj(plasivu.aii— Uu£(aUUkaUi:< Tho New Appliliance Wotranly______; erupted for two runs on Dave • time Cup winner. Montreal but we beal them this "Our four days' did us itarit with indallatlon I Johnson's homer and a run* Once again, U\u.C^nadiens seascin and.v^e cun again," the good.” Ilowman said. '‘We’ve We Need the space ___ ^in your homo. (-Aoorlng-«lnBl»-by-Sonny-Jaok^— UdlM)uii«.|oavoFFy-ab»uUt4iull -loftwingouitUdeiL hiui ton miii-h hnrkov, * * But this time. instead oj Canadions coach' Scotty -th«y-All-Mu&t-Be^one-T4iis-Week— superstar Bobby Hull, the Bowman refused to disclose ~niiTck~nftwiffrTmTPh~miir" Qmadiens will see his younger which player he will use to pn Iteay, who brought his team Sold on a First Come FirSt Served Basis ;broUier Dennis ns the menace. Hull. into Montreal from Chicago ■Siltui:day.^i;uu!liinfi(l his tfffinl;, [ KmniPOi It) 4t) I t liv«n» lu ■Ihe Canadieh.*) nnvu TTiiire I 0 «fr«ll lu . . } 0 0 0 drown ;l ‘NHI. for'thc World Hockey how to check Cliicago and * Orol* : , « 0 M G*rf i( > Association, Dennis has taken you'll find out about them at 3 ^depth Ulan the Hangers, proba­ JQelay Payments I H«rr«IMn »»4 0 I 0 Jckioo i bly ‘ the most In professional I AAjllack p } 0 )) 0 Di«i( ph o ver ns one o ( Uie lea d ers of Uie p.m. Simday when the game t B«iw*ll Ph ...1 0 0 0 KceU p 1 0 0 0 hockey." . I M'.Ortw'p 0 0 0 0 Harraon . Hawki. After tho first two begins.' 'til August i r«tiii i}4,n4i*uii II)«) iidicnfl h ad a tough ►•HWVWlC------/ ----- prtl

    I':- - \ r ---- -Sunday. April », ^ 3 „ Tlm«« Nawi, Twin F.lli, Idjho 3. 8 re p e a t O u t d o o r s

    Salmon Foils Crook ^ tont snnppod with the wind. We Reservoir will probably be at / finally -couldn't at^jnd it any I}0.>drtl 111 its best fishing during ^lie next ' longer, ami got up at 3 a.m, an d , JEROM E- Tlie T v/ii\ Fnlls runoffs iff Twin Falla May 12. ' J. M:Oinn.» girls- 'flhowcd suaprialng 31*'W w ecks..,B obB eU . RpglpnuL. took tlic tent dow n and m oved - - M i« VemoTt of Wood River Mil»f WR' Shiy, yvu. strcnRth Snturduy ofternoon won lief- two spccinlties; the 220 S:fienk, M. Ooeff. TK. 4.W.7 . Fisheries jIlQlofll6trttnd-M ook-^i-behimt-?rpotnrtrrb) > ^ ’• week ago and spent two day s morning, we awoke to wind nnd ngQlnst. cxpcctcd dhlcf competition was ocpected 100 ynrd Ujih . ... iti»()hefU, P Si>f#c#r, on the reservoir fishing, tough competition to win their •to com e from Twin F a lls ’ M a y . l> Tvrd». II. Ctmd»i:li. F-. beautiful day and the sounds of C iim p in g , .^aml' o b serv in g -fourth fltrnight class A district McGinnis. B ut^iss Emerson loons lnj|K|!inB_0!L th«?_ >V»ter wildlife.’ It was goo in a hu rry an-yard'dashes. Ancient t.iMlc-fom WfcuK'li I)iS gear with the identical lure di.strict girls track and field Camu;; County won the on it, sTi we switched outfits and chanipionship Saturday. quartermile and mile relays ho itmnedijjlely got fish, Title ------n u M ro u b le w ith th e m ettj in «nd Miss P a te won th e long • indicating th e difference w as in , ^- addition • to the blustery jump. But the district did a the line, "weather that precluded good better than expected job of cops win T he m ajority of th e trouT we f times, was tho-di^trict n girls pruning the Musherettes caught were hatchery fish that lN(n.KW l)00. Calif. (UIMI sliced each other up more strength in the.sprints. were pla»te«l-.'i"o iV* n.iea^'cL ..Siitm*— olds at'Hoiiywood I’ark, Ttoglop four places in each '.V'K v h.uvi> .c .t, — ^*tnTi^Tidvnnc(?^-nh«r“’lnW ii^W rr^A^^ ins?(5s_ ■ us£inj;.aiw;f.,.iuij4u;iicui ' ■ ■ and others on water flean sevL-n-furlong di.ntance. regional finalji against their^ (small anitrials al)out the si/ir AncieiU Tille hiid to 1)l* driven —th in i-flistr iet—eo iu U o rn artii-in •4i>^^pin-liuad) tiuit-givu-the----- luird—4it—liiu—ftnal—yttrdH- lu ilomedale Sjiturday. TIr* top trout Itieir pink flesh, when w ithstand the cUi.sing big bid of three survivors there will gain is’i XlTicapV) fei-ding on them. I caught one Groshawk,came from- the state finals in Twin Falls kokaiu-e on this same lure, but last place to Just l)arely miss shuts out - the kokanee fishing shoqid gel I’ontoise was third and Ix 'lter in M ay, liensadreiim finished fourth in Foreman ready for San I)ie}j;<) Hell indi{;iilfd thi:j reservoir iJie (lelcl (if eight. _ • , is uruliT liarvcKted and c(nil(l ‘Aaclenl Title raced the sprint CHICAGO l U r i ) - Hick Htiiiul niiire fishing pre.ssure. distance in 1111' excellent time Monday homered as llie leadoff fishermhit and trollers do 1:21. I .is l fall in tlie .Sunny defense of tide tiuift m tlie tx>ttiini 4>f tlu‘ first tn thi* w tusk^y .SI'miij*'- -^pe-SU kun- itt .aak-THUh-ihe- LAS VEGAS (UPI h - Heavy­ would get the first chance at inning Saturday and winner area, whicli is'locatcd in thu son of Guinmo,ran the fastost weight champiM George Fore­ tlie championship, Kick Heuschel and Jack Aker second bay on the west-side .seven fiu-longs ever recorded man said Siiturday that he Sjidler said he would stiirt combined for a 'seven-hit u[)stream fnjni the diiin anti by a 2-year-old with a lime of wanted to defend his litle in a ^tiiinking alK>ut it after a month shutout a?i the Cliicago Cubs can l>e reachen.' money is alxjut gone.-Figtiting whom he would prefer to fight. average, hit his fouctli lmmtL_i2£fJugliw.j»y J)L.\iJierc a sign At. tiie. start, of. the race,-. is my only way of making a “They are all evil. I'm just thu of llie season off loser Fred alx>ut ^ or 4 miles-north of Pleasure Castle went-to-thc .living,” Foreman told a news lucky one to have Uie title Hght Norman. .lack|>ot indicates the turnoff. front and Pontoise followed the conference prior to eight rounds now ." Mtinday opened the lliird However, we ran into muddy leader as jockey Fernando of exliibition boxing at the Foreman said he was going wilh a double to left center and water about 1';; miles Toro let Ancienl Title settle Circus Holel-Casino. into the ring in Ijis Vega.s for scored on Jim H ick m an ’s l)loo|» u p stream from G ra y 's I binding into .stride, (irosiiawk lagged ■i can't j^st sit and be eight rounds of exhibition single. and as the spring runoff far back in last place in Ul*-' champion for Uie fun pf it ond- boxing—at .^30 pounds but. occiirs, this murky water will early s'tages. in order to make sonie money cjinsiderod his ideal Weight 217 extend further down tho As the compact field readied you liave to fight someone the p()unds. That was whal he 1 (rwTtrr:iTTTT-i^ • resi^rvoir. tJie turn, Ancienl Title moved public is interested in.” said weighed when lie won the Many times the enjoyment of up to challenge-for the lead and the 24-year-old undefeated XlQW I^------a trip is not just in catciiing the easily d rew out to a two-lennth_ ciuunpion who won. me line .•iadler saul oife'rs"7or'”t|tle ” fish, bul other things such as advantage, turning into the Jan.^-in Kingston. Jamaica, fights had been -maile by photogra|)liy, a good fish or stretch.^ when he knocked out champion virtually every contender iind steak fry. and watching . Hut by then. Hill Slioemaker Joe Frazier in two-rounlN N liook color slides. There was a victory. terrific wind come up wjien'we • A ncicnt:T itle earn ed $32,550 IV rrv . luiiiiiiiN tried to hrtfil our steaks anH we for his 'vTctory lo~ nln^liifi Standiligs ANAHEIM, Gill.I UPI) — \volfcd thPm*dou'n'nnd hit the — winnings this year to • tnore- Southpaw Hudy May l)Ianked SiK’k early in .iny jnouuL yin tJuin $OG,000. He is a son of tlie (neveliind on four hits Saturday —Uuit.------If . you" ■■oaliT4»mgino-^Cumof:oUMUwuUmtutn>T-^iMl^i night for his second ron.secutive putting your head in a p ap er owned by Mrs. IClliyl Kirkland, shutout as the California Angels B atting hag and then fwpping it VQy Ancient ptle shared top weight pounced on Gaylord Perry for ■will get an idea of how loud Uiat of 122 pounds with Groshawk. -four runs in tiie first inning cn route lo a 5-0 victory o v er the leaders In d ian s." M»|ut Lt ' ' lb«ttd an ]} i l b«UI •whitewash over OakUmd on Nihaneo C ard en as and singles by Jack Brohamer and v ,° .] With your hew John Kllis - in facinu Just 30 l)atters. His controPv^s excel­ lent as he fanned four and walked none. , 1 ,1t Nr* York ) I l|iri> I Ki-lly. ClI. i1 Hovlon U|>'"1 Meanwhile the Angels, de- Mandiv't Otm it Ktrkp.ilt I’. -fipllo-Porry^fl-l-.88-RRA.-l?oing— r 60 1 }] ]|) z e q e o in, Jmnped on last year’s c i ' S 71 ]44l aw nrtlLwlnncMulcklj'- w J ii 3M -LA^WNAAOWER with five hits in the first inning. -Purr.v.miinamul Innimpln^^ h|n- —n r a m —TFw r— wtt sixth start In tr row but he gave ii.«»U«‘ii. I'l" * Artfoii mil Hiitlcr, Hon. Milnrr. NY up 11 liiLs u(s'his reco rd dipped M-Covcv. !>) i i-'p to3:3.' *■ . Aniofi-.rtt> lc,*gi.e l i ml. pci gt> Willifirnv. O.lll, Ci)<)riJA Ai , Meltnii. Clii, Viilkrt, ri> Complete Sales and Service

    Lot Attgrin (I 410 }'j Naito'iAl L ia o u t . . Allnnia . . ' I? 1*1 ' » I V«i»nlit\i kv 4 Wynn, MOu U. Con:e|i;iot>, Cin. Walkon, i4ri Oicuo ^.14 1)1 10- II ^ u g U Roulttkon II 4 i i Hou. Slflrgall, i>iil, noitctk anil M:Covvy, Monday thru Saturday 7:30 AM. to 7 'P.M, tafurdav't Rituiu UQIi;ii rl a 0 0 0 lltrrv :• 0 0 0 l ir 14 ,«•*,. l.o» Ano»lr» 5 I'lllibufOl' : } 0 0 0 bptntfr ib 4 j i . Amen;«i'. ^ Sunday! tl ATMTti^jTP™^ cnt:.»go7 san nim'ft'O" , c , Mennritk :t 1 0 0 0 siinion il~ 4 Q I I Mullon, Cix. I ^«n rr«n:ti':o I bi' louit 0 (mur> . ) 0 0 0 GallAgiier ]|>4 0 7 Hnink. I ” . Hrw Yiiik 4 A1lAiit4 1 lnlur>l) ' llruliiimr 71) } 0 I 0, Kiitnyrr 10 1 l>« ] 0 0 I HoiAlon S MontriAt-) (ntynti . . _ - _ |i 0 0 0 I tund«v'i 0 »m«i To lili . 16'« 4 y'tcU U ' 14 I n : 4 7; .' niirinoham, cin, citviiand M M e » - i 1 ‘M m REPAIR lAII Timti 101) 0 0 0 Ko(ikr»an, NY arxl tillu, ». Oi>.CI«v«iand I. Cahtornid ' ...D«rf:ina-un(anL_iL_i.i.*jkur • “ null f rAt>'.Tt;OAl St Loult l}IS(in>l LOR Clfvtland 1. CtillorrtlA So W«it?rTwln Coll*— — N*w Vprk «l AMitniA l71S|>ml 711 Carilcr>a» }l) ip»o:*r . i>MiU(iriprM« at Cm:innat< ll,lSpml Ip h r «r bb '-Tbrn ofths Wlovadck Sotlon on Tritck Lan* ' .' Perry u n I II S i 0 May WJ.1,- ♦ « 0.0 0 PICKUP I DELIVERY ' Phoji* >.M-3676 Wi' earry T I 4t A I.M7 3? T lm ei N ew ir Twin F«ll», l

    Fi^om all a ngles Ji-yJ^arxyJtio\L<^y_ — • , l^mrSVII-lJC, Ky. lUI'I) - .diHCiWfllon w i t h - cojie“ctinR 58 ■ nJHomnTfT ' •.DETnOIT "{UPI) Steve ownor-did not orrer mm a n^w , . Freddie Uwls Hcored ,.;cl«ht timer, rcfprecs Norm OruSter Indlnno, which Bliot/in anemic Busby Sntgrday described his contract or a bonus..''I’m very points In overtime Snhirday to nnd Kd , Middleton ruled ' ZV jkrccnU n Jhe third period,: Bob IJurham, tlie H-IJy jumper from IVin nppenr'on it — North Idalitf, Ricks and Treasure no-'hit gam e as " th e g reatest satisfied with my contract the lift UicIndliimj Pacerstoii IIJ- 0!IJriennottJielwjsketafter die rej'«ined iLs shootinK touch to Falls, and .Mike Sorenson. C-2 gUard from Valley. "We couldh’l get toi'etlier witli Kastem high you could possibly have." . w’ny it is,-” h e s a id . Tlio-accond- ^ - ^ d Q£yjctorKXYCctliciKcntucky:— Umc_llmlt_lmd-tixplrwJ-foj^^nfaJi-wlUuiu4C4-pcrccnU|{c. Slipshone, liaye.announced thoir_inlcntiDn^Df-_Utah.und-Mcaa didn’.t^cni-loo4nteresUiduo-wo- — nie-J.'t-year-old-rightbandor- -lyour-Vpforcssional,—w ho. had Colonels in .a fitormy conte.Ht fioltiriK o f f « shot: • K e n tu c k y ’s field Koni attending College of .Soutliern Idaho. Just went on,” Coach Male reports. pitched th^ first ij\)-hillcr in Uie made only nine stnrt.s in the " Uuit yave tiie Pacers a 1*0 iilad f Mel Dnnlels flponrtionded the perccfitaue for the Hume wns Coach Jerry Hate from a swing lie went on to Uftlversity ot Oregon, Oregon. history ol, the Kansa.s City major leaguep prior to his • in tlie 'American. Husketball I'ntliana offense fit Uic fourtli Pacers oiitscored the tlirough the ei^st afAl m idw est lust week and State, . UUih. Ut^ih SUite, HVU. Doise Hoyals Friday niglrt when he hith'fls game, said he wasn’t _j\:isuciation final playoff period whDn he collected h alf in-2 i n : i b t lust five rejjprLs things fre looking pretty good right State, Idaho Slate, University of Idaho, and of shut out Uie D etroit Tigers, 3-0. bothered to o ' m u ch by Uie series. • • • .. his ^0 polnLs. Panlols nnd, nilnutes of thoflrstquiirtcr to, now, ‘i t wouli/,appear weVe going to have a course, those three games in Hawaii announced "Mr. (Ewing) Kauffman and telephone Hngint;^ d u rin g Uje- ■*U\vis, the most valuable fJeonie McGinnis, who luid-lB, the score at 3H-jnHt lliu, ba.sketlwiirteam,” fie.said, '•but a lot of things ea rlier. ' ‘ Mrs. Kauffman ualled me this night. ___ liliiyer , in last year’s 'ABA points, tied, 'for reboiindlni^ I ^ can hiippen between now and next Septemlier.' We ciin get gooii conif>elition .ifciwn k.uii,from jayvee morning iljliinnd Cl.crtngratulated "I got about six or seven playoffs,^Hot-the^defendinH— honors for tlie-PacerH-wllh-13- ILW c-lurned-it-around-and ------Xliis-ccfenced-ta-Uju-i^cccuitinn-outlook-of-two— team(;-from OregonrOrel'on-KUite-Hnd-MonlanH— meT^Busbysnid; -==^fiotlr.'j-s!eep7^he-sftiH r“ I didn’t "chnmpions'off-tnn-Rood-stnrt— enchr“ the pre.isure is on them;*' years agg which looked like n bapnercrop witli— und the others so there'.'; no iKO tt'ying to battle a nm he addetl the'Royals' havcTo lake'lhe'phoneroff the by pouring in 2‘J points and Kentucky Ccjach .loe Mul- said Uwls.. ‘;W e've“*got the Uiree boys in the T>-H and (i-!) ar«*a givilig early . schedule with the otlier junior c;olleges.” Coach hook and I wouldn't have. handing out I.'i assisLs after tlie lanby announced the Colopels advantage now." ' commitnient, but winding up in other spots. 'ilale c(jntinued. "The|lraveLreniains about the Orifli oiirrios "It didn’t bother me at nil. I ColonolK exploded for 17 were phiylng the game under Coach Male is about !Jfi j>er (fyn^t certain-Uuit—^saino.— lUH-tibout-as-fai-to-Mesa as i^is to wish I could-vvorry about this straig h t points a t the .Vijirt of official protest in the third Arnold Dugger, a Cl-} New York guard, will be Oregon." Oi'iolo.s b.v A's more often," Busby said. tlie second half to wipe out a I15* |er after a dl.snute_ovi.-iLJi_ here and Dugger retK>rtedlv will 1m» .-is fine tis______' O A K I,A N ri" iU P ir- HolJby Bu.sby's T^'o-hltter w as Uie "TlTiuinuu^ leair' ' / ■” three-second lane violation bainiandler^lis the .school has.had. In addition. Hick Sobers was impressed with his visit to Grich singled and scored first in which the'^uthor of it Ix-wis (irove tJ»! lane for a .called againyt Artis. Glhnore. Don Ilurley, j)e.>) Moines prodifcl, is saying University of- at l.a.s Vegas, which hiin niiltijiiore'.s^ first ru tith en did not , have to face his fiv<‘-fobt jjunp-shot to give tlie After the t^tme, some »n- .'he'll be here. The troublo with Ihirley is Oiat he new coach Jerry‘-Tarkanian, Tarkanian. who hoin.ered in tlTe third for the opposlrig pltclier. because of , Prs a 10!H07 lead , and raged (.‘oldnel fans'got-into ji is ects, "W o’re tidkiug to five boy.s in the (i-(l re[)ortedly was plated in Hutch by VVicliiUi walked one and gave up seven carotiiH. • area, two from the east coast aVd three from the S ta te ,...... ■ hits in recording his first Thu sucoml game of the best- west coast. I’m pretty .sure •we'll get one of Hit* trium ph u/ l!)7:t> MAGIC VALIEY ‘of-.sfven final .series is sche- two from New York hut a lot- of peofile arc ll^llimorc Oahljnil duU'd here Monday night Tliree marks fall ticking to all five of them," he reports, A good le.sson. in dedication am j work is AW NING CO...... n"!"! b<'fore it jnoves to Indianapolis •'We'r«> really plwi.seil to get D urliam and avjiilable tliis spring in.Tivin Falls’Tony Kev.'ui 563 Addison Avo, W. forgnme Ujrec Tljursdaynight; ■ Horensiin. Mhuik Durhatii will move in right who h as Uiru-st him self into Uio sUit6 A-1 pielure ; ■ 734-4900 ‘i'he score was tieira! 1(10-100 in Drake Belays away and hel(> us. .Sorenson may t;ike a little in the shotput. Of Kevan has grown and • RESIDENIIAL ' at Uu- end df regijlation play • htiie g ettin g u.scd to this type of bull bu l WiLtllillk , has worked weights. Imt he hiis iiei si’verfH fmto • • CO.MMERCfXl • MOBl'tfHOME wlnTi the o fficlalK nullifiiid ii UKS MOINIi^S. Iow a lU P li. Alcorn A and M in the.l tU-yard lic':> a guod sophmorc prosjicct and may. eumu .a PQiflt.uf.pLiidiLilUyjiu^vvhereJu.geLwhet'eJie-^p;; biisket by Jim O'Brien lluit ► • Hei'ords w ere set in two college relay wilh a Inno of along pretty well liy the end of this si^ason," is tiKiay: ' •• I ■ -nwuUr iiave put tlie Colonels relfiVs plus the triple Jump nnd Coach Hale coiUinued 'Tlie one thiiijj signing Not even his coac h/Denny Almquist, was loi ahead. 102-100. AfU-r m uch tied' in two other events 'Hie .Sjilurday performance Dui'haiii did for us was tiike awa> the need,of aware of his great inipi'uvemeiit until one day, o^l SjUiirday in' the-windup of the closed the two-day Drake t^ilking tahoy.s in the (i-1 ai'ea. You Ifiiv'e tojMive white trying to encournTse soine'of -the Uotxil- HrlnViii windy day before lfl,l)00 fans. four reairds tied, used Kevan's bard work as an exaTiiple. ■ and now Durliani,- we liave Iwit vyho can VV.- Do Ol./ O^n Ifntclloiion ______wns stunned-by Oie-answenvhen-hp ______(NrrThirrf Pnrty-i<-/Dflfli w u n r relay lei^n lit the UriiViTsity college s|ir(nt inedU^’ in ;i: IH 4 {•nni’en tra tc 'o iir re cn iitn ig efftirts-on Uie tagger asked Kevan -'w hat was tlie you th re w " [FINANCING AVAttABtE . DICTHOrr. •(JifPl) la>u John Washinyton, for._a* -oi.^Vhri)e- Ti‘lay Imiv.s " ' . as a sophiiiiiore'.’" • l^niella drove in three nuis • . . I'V.ed M errill, I>an F ie’ds and victories in the c^’ent to “/frtif f/tc way re(:ruilinj; goes, sou really h.'ive '■ 1 lurty-nuie fi-et," Kevaii r«‘()lu’d and almost Wim„iti.s was docki-d nt. lx.'con'u' thj; .winm ngesl c(illege to cuncciitratc tin gettiii); (th^o(Hj_hig men blushed. CQliiiHImi Bii' U™1 tlnii- lir r in D n i^ e nlsiory wiUnT"\vitY>!7” lMU’au s e 'i‘\'erylm(l|; ivanii,"ttiem ■ .:;3yT'"li'iTve .siUin yeiii^niTTT.’igH' Siiiurday'to fjive the Kansas ^ H O S iT O N E INI3TAT1 T . M iln rd av 'to n lv o h„. Kimsiis jSjf. ..JenV )n Ihi' Sliitus In the university sprint Meanw hile, Coach Hale about hasju-x! vcar’s feet wouhln't have placed in ,i frosli meet. \e t City Ituyala a 7-1 victory over tnis yeur to break the li)7() medley. OkUilioiiiii State won fjch.fliiii- htnvl t»ot and only thrrr-liiTTtnrTntlFJ’es Kevan slll^k-1t-o^^n^d.-w^^ked twici.' as hard,' llie Detroit Tigers. Draku rOciird set at •»).(» by with the fifth fastest icrcionrs i li)se r .John Hiller, 0-1, who Texa.s A and M. The ever by a Big Kight team “ : ON HIGHWAY 93 NORTH i had choked off a four-run rally slumiehiirdle relay -team of .Other relay winners were in the sixth, gave up a walk to Delar^ Hobinson. B(ib I'^astern New Mexico willt Fran Healy. it ilouble to l-'red Itorakessel, Terry I.’orter and and Mis.souri with ii; H i! Russians to find out about OPEN DAILY Palek anti a walk-ti»-Cookio (Ircg g V nndaveer Iriu m p h fd in in Uie rollege an d-niuversU ) Hojas bi'foi'o leaving with the &li.l .secrond.s, Iw iler than the dwiSKiiis of the distance • April 29th to Oct. 1 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. bjist‘s loaded and none out. listed NCAA rehir FREE MUSEUM

    ,fifL ,b v ,K a n a iih in lillill am i - J . w i .w m w i____ i t BW t equalled by Michigan State in I.A'n S iillo n When tlie inai-li of the Dlyni|)ic team winch losi the - t n i r r m R— I m s Tjn— ^1 m u > n; i r rnntimTrsnil-til^ti-dpnrnnn-tn— Harry McClure of Midtile s«t»|iN Piirativs tiasl^etliall learii \\.is asked the U.SSH at M unich laM Tennessee won the tri[ile juni[) su m m er. PirrSBUHCrll (U i'll - Don aiiout Bill. Waltun. ali«‘r ‘.the with 5;t feet, 7 inches to break want revenge," t)e de- Sutton fired a six-hitter in si|uad’s arrival at New York the HtliH record of._ri^! 1 by claretl. "I w ant to win badl> -fur -ThilhnR-IS-dcgrce temperatiire- ,_W.i:iiat::idai..nmlit. he sa id Ji 1-ennox B urgher of N ebraska, ihy own peace of mind and I and Joe l-'ernuiion singled' in had nev’er heard nf U('l.,As Records were tied by Hod thiilk we caii win. We're al w hat proved to In; tlie wi'iiliiiig two-tmie All-.'\niei ica. M ilburn with :i:i5 to wun Uie Tot^U • • » J » 7 ToUll'''"' j/V 'lO run in the- sixth inning - "'Is III' black ur while'.’" home now. nut in Uennany." Kdnm Cily OM D04 )0S 120-yard high hurdles for the I n ^ Its f irs . O lv m jiic ■ oeirBTr" ooo oo< oso- Sjiturday as the h.os-ATn!eles* ..Vla'iliUU—liiiiiilraihui I OO itly I. Orlruil 1 Uiird straight yeiir and by reporters. Itaskettiall defeat ev er, the U,S, 711011% - M .iv n r rr /■ " p;n;i-it, Dodgers defeated the W. ftuliOf so (His. Hoi,»\ 5 siiuail was the victim'nf t\vii httsburgli Pirates, .'l-'J. :Kan(lrasliin and ilie Soviets, .a> bb I three-second time extensions. ^’iiiik c rs' |in « (>r Sutton,- who struck out nine V2-li;i wihiicrs oVfT ;»^leaiii of 'Ilie Amirican.s' called them lio’iils TwillK and walked one, event'd his Utah afl-.stars at .Satft,ake City record at 2-2. Wednesday nigljl. I'lnd out first illegal and refused to ai-<'e[)t NKW YOUK-llllMI -nu' Wilh the score tied 1-1 in the lianii.jjlNnit Walton Siitiday. the^r^silver medals. IS.OW York'Yankees unlojided fifth, lion ('ey and Dave liojieh- The Ku.ssiaiih aiul ii. ..Hob -'iVVilh'.'dt W alton, we wiiuld Cousy-coaclieil U.S. four two-run homers Saturday, singled—and both runners have had a haril time heating - lnidudiug--a |mir- by Bobby- advanced on'is lit ton's sarTifice licaU al— b\_.ltio- ii-11. -ilic__liuii:iians"_:jiiid N'*- M urcer.’to overpower the. bunt. Billy Hussetl tht‘n singled W altiin, open a six-gai.ue series al the______Kolly-l(>il So.\ -lMnne -0 > y bHt-iTt’ (o|ipl(>.llo.sfoii • UiITMx-hll pitching of (ieorge down al the plate on :i strong I'D'l'.'The teams im'ct'' again immcasurealilv^stronger. The M edich. Uirow ffom Maiiny Sangiiillen. Siimlas iiight at San l*Mef!al Kully M atty Ahni anil (Iraig N ett­ Fergiisrtn then singled home Tliere is a revenge nuitU'c for and experienced We have a hammered out tffree doubles les. n [lair of off-season Willie D avis tti m ake it H-l in the .Amenran plasel's. accord­ tendency to underestimate and scored both Hiicago runs acquisitions, also connected for Uie sixth ing til Hawaii's Tom lleiiiler- them but thu\'re verv good" Sjitiirday tii^ 'i' the White .Sox two-f un blasts as the Yankees Lbv Angrirt PMItDuiQh a 2-1 victory over the Boston hit four liomiTs in tlie game for ~ »bi U ill 4b • t> b< Bed Sox. Uie first tiin^ since last Jiily 21 III! »ni-( ll> I tTn (1 I Cl I “ Kelly opened the first and' ' ...... ' ...... ,1 -lUiul.iniun^ii-w((|>-tloubletM(^ ff < ii i-u-(j.i«nTiin pr D-3-n'j’ left and*Scored both time? MQRGRP Ooubled to right in the .fifth iuilim: —aud-^valked in_thu- seventlTTfir7i |)erfect 3 for ;i day that lifted his batting average • to ,4(l('i oh l7 hits in .15 trips to the plate. KILLS! Ct».c*QO flouon ANTS • EARWIGS • SNAILS • SLUGS MORGRO

    1.AKAMII':, Wyi>. Chicago >. W y o m in g ’s ne,w biiR kviball PELLETS •otion 001 MO 009 I I .11 coach, <.eorf-,e "Moe" V llt.ston lA . AIIRACTS GABOfN PESTS Jh Kl'lly ' ) I ' l o f k s Badovich, w’ill bring one of his kllli ih«m No 0^4* assistants from California Quick cont/ol ol Snajit. Slogi, —I7..i...... -iiiuirl>‘r ------{wUiw-wiiion-Hii^Uiketi-oveivum —Culwo:mu^tainiUt~AnU^aK_ MISSOULA. Mont. (DIM) - Ctlwboys program next montli, Utah SlatcjcnsHlion Murk En- tt was }earned Saturdiiy. yerat zipped through the 440,'- l^d-State assi.stant Mel Sinis 7 V 2 p o u n d s Jk Siiturduy to highlight a triple sistJint iNisketball coach IlickN clnlnis 'dual track meet’ held In Wyoming’s history. diviNi«>ii blustery, cold w eath er a l Uie It was also learned ihiit Gyr- ynlver.\tI>|ny Wie 4IM for. now ijtadium«iadium and rctplnccd H-yenr veteruh C t O B E i-thp~tripl(r~~B^*^~fit^ft»»

    I - • ■ Sun(jfly> April 3ff, IW jj iT i£ . •Nowt. Twin FttMi.-Idaho-J3 ^ICagHefSrd

    --track-epowii MUin'AUGH - Three MurtnuKh. Running reco rd s •fell an d /molftcr w as preliinlnarie.s will be held n t l, quar^inile title last year, but ,ino U, _ his speciijlty in 51.5, anchored t l i^ winning -flBO-yard re lay • t6'»n and«tq>l< Mio hljih jum p Me paced tlio Wolves to 84'-j points wlllle Declo had G2, ^ Mur(au«h 57'j. Oakley .IS'*.-, WlJi.uui M.<|J IDH Ilijft niver n , Haf>ertnan 15 MJilJMl,., r,i'.ll..|ur,); MlCOy. and Hanson 5*-j. «(....rl 0,

    Caslloford tiirnodv the HBQ- ^ jmi i.ii^U iUMi (iiilmu IJ il.iffci”., M yard relay in 1:;J7.7 and Lynn Heesc. after liiree f-reat year's =ilLllnLleaKue^id:Koodbyo-to-it= ,by i^stinj; a new 21.1 lime'in the low hurdles. He also won the furlong. Slanyor of . M urlauf'li i;ot t h f oilier onu. a niodest 37*10 in the triple jump, IlnliM nil Mcl the- first time the event has ■boen included. - >

    . . Brown of,Ji{ii|cr;nan. u -- ilrtio. Cn^tlPlnrrt tnyn'’ --* double winner in the two disUmcus—lied-.Uie. .twurniile. - • 4.S0 } ^ .rc c Q td in in:55.9. : ...... M'O^rHno ^rvrrr C-; — t r K l W O - "Till of (he lea in s will m eet S',imp), u IKUM HH H.-lH'>i-r V Thursday and Friday in the 22.99 •13.49: district A-3 runoffs at 33,,99 •20.07^ '►I'i i 2{.M ♦ 1 5 . 4 9 ^

    jji.i 11- . Sim iiiiif siitni'Ciyf w i*— *-


    l » i IS J§Jjt5UiJUoii*risoii_ *17,10 lU I IS (iifduRiii R^oa W ’ m .T o "1551 15

    - T x r \ i HiWjt Spiclil W m i u . ' HiWlf Sptcl}! W be feted Monday I» tl5 HiWirSpitiii I Stan Morrik.son, headV oach (SpainI {European runner-uj) ISSi 16 a f Unlvo'rslly of Pacific ancl team s. * ------fliWjySp«cliI I jvf^arded as one of tlie topi .H e h e « a n c o a c h in g a.s a 15 sp eak ers in ath lctic circles, firadu.-ile assi.stant wiltiT^L'nc ■ • HtWi, Sp^ciil I will hiKhllnht the annual -Herrerias at Herkley irr l» i U College of SoulfVorn Idaho 7ind for the nexl three, seasons 4 0 ^ - 4 5 3 - - athletic banqiiet Monday nii'lit was head coach a t FJ C^imino Ul I lb OiitiCIjsi IJ5| N -a t the-Turf-Glub...... - • hif^h-whool-itiJwieramenlo—Ht* Sileni Ctvd W 5 6.99 »33»62 2.B1 HiWaiSpiciii I 17.99 Morrison, aii-C former star was named coach of the year in \n I IS Q'riiCius I l)asketbal! player at University HH)5 and ’ SilMl ClVd W 5 4.99 >32.44 ii)i' fliWirSpicKi w 20.99 of California, brinies a Innj’ KruiTi IflfJ? („ i!)70 he was record of .successes for assistant coach at Sim .lose ,^l)acknroutul, into his , intense S late and spent 197r-7'2 as WO TRADE REQUIRED . und cntliusiastic ^puuchuK. lk> as*siHtnnr'Conch .-it Universily was a menilKT of the Calif. of Southern California. NCAA *t;)ia>iini»nshi{) tcacn in -1059 and was b ack the next ■ C'Sl^c(;rtche.slelTy Hale, .hm _ j’ejir, ivhe^i Hit* Golden B ears Blaisdcil and Uub Banfield.will w ere ' riithiers-up. Ht^ -iwtsL, present their teams and make named to the Pacific Coast all­ awards [o individuals for. SAVE% start team and in \% 2 was a outslandinn efforl. memlxT of Ihf Real Madrid 'llie pul)lid is invited. Russians lop Utah


    SALT l.AKI':(:iTY.(Ul'li S tale tallied':I1 in llie .second Hu.ssla's national basketball ludf as the All-SUus Irieil to • team o[i(;ni‘d jtji U.S. lour m ake up for a ;i!l-:tl halftim e Friday, nlulit wilh a deficit.- viclory ovi',r llie Utjdi Colle^^e The Americans mananed l» All Stiics In II Kiinie innrrcil by ,.iii„l) lii willijn ono iioliil, M-rii flO-pprsnnnl'fonlsT w ifinT T 5riefl irTlhe fTame. iUit The Soviets pushed in. 1!0 tliey fell apart a.s three stjirters jw inls from tho fr**e Ihrow-llnt*- -anti two-othprs'bPKnrr"fou1lnR" Sr;nrB^<^oiniiti»tuii?^ . W I )Crriiiiin<; I^ it , wltilo-Uia-loker-fi-nmn put. -^rtitrnino. Tiicuum ns'comimr F(jeshko and Ivan Dvprnll Works froiii your battery power and ted 40 foiil.s whilb Uie H ussians each hit two ffeld Koals to (>lve This deluxe unit has coolins powerlo w ere j{uilty of 34. Kl^ht playors Uie lUisslnns a com fortable handle, even fhe largest cars. Travel gives brilliant (lash (or seeing your w ere s(*nl, to the bench for five lead 'which they helfLJn_Jh.^ m _in-cnmloit-and-atr4V8-fe(reshe z . “ ftTTnJ-tm: even in me nottesiwealher. Low cost accurate and easy to use,, with USSR im ^ UTAH («}) . The visitors were led by Installation avallable..#922B Instruction (or 4, 6 and 8 cylinder; Alek.s«nd(jr Belov, who snnir ii.», ? .5- 1} .^mhroicii I * aaiotr^cv I 4 4 I 1“ 1} Moil M c u Citi. ' #2115 . Uie final bnolcct In Rus.sla's !}• lAie conlroverslnl Olympic Cliinos' •J >mmi---r 77 i — VSK fSK,\HS K.VHY PAN MKN'P l'l„\N 1 1r«ii 7 DO 4 one^polnt chnnyilonshiD win i not>vTa*ii 4 0 1 I K«v«leut 1 OQ - over- tho -Unllod-Stotea- inal oor^Bfnrv‘1'1 > • nunMf ' a'.w . Shukttimf) }J 7 TnomptonO 0 0 0 ycnr, and Ivnn Edoshko. Doth i WImhcrly 4 0 O' I Shdntr 0 00 0 Lovt I 0 > ) , SEAnS-BOJSE 8EABS-!DAHOFAUa SEAnS-IVWEALLS . SEAHS-CALDWELL - Recounted for l2 pointf.------. - -- T MiWiI--0 O'O ”"0 Tollli U1M4 ?> TeUli >7 t-ll 4) s h o p ;AT SEARS AND SAVE . Dillv0i30a.m. (Ill 0 p.m. Dally 0:30 a.m. till 0 p.m. Oiily 0;30 a.m.TlI H p.m. Oilly 0i30 a.m. till 6 p.m. - Robort- Uuriskl lod tho }». U)«r< )l - - ”...... Tuii.and Sit. tlllO p.m. SalurdiydllBp.m.^ - Titti. Thun., Sat.lltlOn.m, r Mon.andFrKillOp.m, ' Foulfo oul.'U«B-a*lov, noi^iniv, ' SaiUtaction Quaranlttd Vr Y m r S to n ^ ’Bqi'li Sunday Npbn (ill S p.m. Amorlcon club with. points. KOft.lvir'UHh - >mtjfpnch, t#urHKt.' . Sunday Noon (III 8 p.m. , SuiiclayNoondllSp.m.x I , ' Cloiad Sundiy Tho 0*fool-7 forw ard from Utflh , . f . SEARS, ROEBUCK ^ N D C O ,. . Tlr. and Aul«j C .n I.r i-' U Tlm*'i-.N»wi, Twin F«Mi. Idn'lio SundJiy, A pril 3«,' IW 3

    i l l

    ' I60 v«rd AKitoii, rf . Va'^io o. . POCATKLLO*T1 r‘ ,T.vvin .filif?,lput.,K(?ttinfi 'lt out 53.7 to ^ b a ttlc .o U c u n ln i; to cdiic B riilrl" J f , TIioniiiiAn. TF. Y(Uim, M K) _ 1 l^np-ltnr* r r 10 0 (lie* recDfdi ^ F h Us Briiirw Rnibbcd 12 first break Uie third mark. Bruift firidh Thompson. Enrllor Milf t placcs, inclixlini; till four rW y lenin.r ^ot the other ,'niornpson luid troul)le in tlie G.iltirdi 4 II } rcliiyR, uct five rt-rords Jind .records, the mile quartet lonK Jump, m akin({ it ir)to 4<0 y4'(l relay Twin iScoH Olmvlmd, Thompton. Wooi q ualified 25 individiiiils for t(u: turnlna In :r:27.f» and ti>e aflo- tlje finals arid llien running into HioMiiinu. eoldiciiQ. lUdiic/ “liwifercnce finiils -y a rrfo n rn o m e in -b a *:? :------m .uh- v fyarctuaiti Cooiier, Tf^. Cook, if. tlioy won Uio K astcrh d iv isio n , 'I'wo oUjer rccord.s fell with one ri(|ht, and won it witli u 22- Sturuill. T r. Poilcr. JFi CArniwtt. S. 4M IniKv record. old record M I. HuUtmilh, Southern Idalio Conf^ronto, another tied. Carl I^air of 7'v effort. •Minico, iv n i •• Lowliuruiet Millar. TF, tltnilria, TF , (flick ui^d field tillu. Minico Kot off n fine .lfi.'M ' Junior D(hi|' Uiraop cam e on KAfiQ*. r'ok y , Murpny, H , M4VV0n, i Jl J HOynriJrun Slovor«, Tr . Cook, ir, Coacli Jerry Klcinkopf's di.scas effort and furce of stronii in the: distances,, Miiritoil. Ti'.'I'lltlc, M, Mcdluy, .){ I SM Pocatello won tJie tMple Jump Invw record, old record },01, Swiv«r». Uruins will f»ce a Hlern se(;ondln»{ I'nt ClutritOn In the 19/JI , ■ ehallenhe frotli the Borah a t l2-n'-v — tlio first tim e th at 'mile and tiien winnln({ tlie twcv Medify • Iwm t-Alli iMOIyneui. J Miller. Olmilf(*d, ChiirllonI, Pocrtlcllo. I.ions next- Friday in their e v e n t wa.s incK ided in th e r^SIC mile when ailing. senior HiuMlnnij, {.fcyimt^ ] } yiiriHMVi Aihloo, IF . Tlibmpionr qiif»^t:-fnr a fou rttrstru iu h t..S lC -. mi?el^ As!Ltf)n_p/Jdaho Ji'alls,.. teununatc_ Davo Scars.,^Uia _ championsliip at Uruin. field... -nippmii-BiH Woodson of Twin W orile, dropped to fitu F ..._ Two Miir r«» Lrtrven. T r. Alien, ir TJie nmiiuH pllecUji) 11« poinl.s -J'allH . eq u jilled Uie lO^flat 100- Pole vuultc»c. John Blake, Lp«. i: Se«rt. IF 10 H 4 AAhland Tuesday, sailed H-9 for his best rrtofil, old rciord ) 39. Iwui I ircilon\rti. II. llulilrr..M be.sLs. D efending s la te .qiiar-. were warm, a wind hampered ililTman surprised with a Ia: i ‘nrw rccofd oli terinile champion Uruce Uie runners.’ liml-.s. The top six secopd in the shutput and broke M.riuo 1»ni - • Cooper a|{ain eunlur-i)uifiiiilerl |n:iiIiiiuiuideii__ut-_Il:JQ"p.iJi.._ :oyEILllIEJLAS3LiIURDLE._Burky:fi_KoiL ——trnnnil,ii Conference championships Friday. Jerome won continued Ui Improve in tin* dash whVre Ashton wr»ri a the tea m title . i' Woodt"Rivei* g^rabs ------Jerome dominates distances to win Cr6»s State title

    B ig Six coiSfereiice-ci^ow -n -.IKKOMK ------inie-Jeriim e- • iDo-vsrn~o.itn~- ilio1(iul Wrtlg-’motl. J WrtUon. U V Tif;ers dominated the distance i ’he^tJKhtest r a c e .c a m e in the co-.nranc. J . Muiio. Mi« SH>4 events and-practically the lov^ hurdles where heavily SBO y/ird rvn Hiller. J. Camp n n n t i m c . - W nmli;ll I!H| fir s ts ) ...... I WiiiMl Hiv(T alnick hnnl in iinil (iiiwlim'. will niii in the. i.riiin- [■>i.i;iv ntiprnnnn ■favorf.d-Kcn.Hacnec-fif Bude^ most of the firsLs but' Wowl m ver's auxiliary poinU” three events. 'Hie Wolverinfjs SCK; meet in Jerome Friday. as" they swept to the annual .third in.stale A-1 last year, liad River scored niore points Tlie BiK.“Six Conference voted w en t l-2-3“in th e jx)! v a u lt, took C' Stale Conference track to^ome from well behind and Friday afternoon as . the to disband earlier Uiis spring Jhrec places w ftod Ward in ?ind field c h a m |)io n sh ip s. then Just outhrst Thackeray of '^11. x^Wolverines officially laid the since all its mernt)ers are in the tw o-rnile and w ent 1-2-4 in Coach Karl’ Kleinkopf's Jerome^'in the final 20-yard^ 'o' ~BlB-SI>t ConfujemVto-r^yt-by- TiMurh lo(»k7Uii'et*-plaeeafjut of Vin UiklnK its last track and field. D en n is w a s th e top |K>inl- winninn. Those three event.s the mill?, Uie-nao-yard run ahd iieconds. Harper also figured to championship. f^eller of the m eet, takinj* the accounted for 37 of the Wood •I the two-mile to account for' be stroiit* in the furlonj- but was I'he Wolverines, headed by hi^ih h u rd les in 15.1, the lo w s in U iv er iM)ints, U ieir biK b ulne In runniiiH u p fl7 tiippod quite .decisively there d ou b le w inner R ick W ard in the a ^ood 19.R, the 100-yard in 10,ii The teams now s»?parate to and one-third points. Mountaii] by 'I’aylor in an unimjire.ssive distances, scored 00“i points and windinn up,second in the continue the season. M/endell, Home was a distant .second a( z ia . h igh Jum p, S tev en so n toOk the (Jlenns l-'erry and ShOshone and one-third, followed by All but Hurley will und picked up six first places. - B.irnr^ -rr»- V Wendell, with Kip Dennis lonn Jum|) and the furhwii; jnid movinj; to Murlauj^h ‘niursday • H\irli'y_ al Ufl and one-third participute in the South Central geltlnH three and Alan anchored the winnlnj; and l-’rid ay for ihe-< llslrict A-:i [Miints and B uhl a l 2.1 Idaho Ciinference meet in Filer Stevenson two, scored nine quarleriiiile rehiy team. m rel while Wood HivtTi Filer Mountain Home took care of Friday aflernoot). m o st of the 1)1^ s[>ruil p u m ts. ui Hrabbinj'' the runner-up slol. i.ijh nurnu>? Robert Taylor took l>oth the shorter, sprints and was tin* Boise State cops two over Eagles RPCGED . Boise.ijtulc scltletf acttuinis - w H B on^ , Jw iul^ J ihT w al'koiL wltti'ColloRn of Southem ldaho momont.s before, then came Slowpitoh Saturday afternoon by around when Jim Dunsmore doubled off the wall. ^ N 'R E A D Y sweeping a baseball doubleheader. Boise scored in the thiril and schedule The Broncos won the ojjened fifth innings and then iced jt in Mandav (hO. th an k s to a six-run .'iixtli the nintli when, witii one away. lOiamend Onr ...A p-.ij.i .s r. inning; against loser Curt Jerry McConnell sinf^led, Barron and carried on against iiio v fd to seco n d on_ a w ild reliever iloe Rubino. Tlie pitcii, to third oh an infield out Broncos took the secon

    TRIH.V: WINNKH Kip nejmis »f.Wendell xtlpR u iltily over .th c'fiiiiil h u rd le e iip iu te to ii ‘ .15.1 eloekloK In th e HIr Six t'«nfereiu-e triiek

    “fftlP T aiio hurdles and UW-yard (hish and wa.s second in thr hl(;h .ju m p ..

    Diincan-led A r v s

    Bruins^fop (Jranl Hendrix and Don Mains scored holes-in-one at Uic mill. Uiko County Club this golf imilclL _WLLk. “ Ilenrtrix u.sed a wedfie to convert o]i the ICO-yard. per -IDAHO-FAUA- “U irM -^N oTTJIiol^^rR rcir Gnry Duncan fired n one-over Watksin. Oz Nelson and Jerry par Vl Fridav to lend the Twin -flhim r-wntchtncr ------Pnlls Bruins to nnother eastern Mains, practicing for a 'division, SIC, golf match business tournament, |?ot his '^ v ic to r y . ace on No. 15 which Is 155-ynrd. Duticnn and the Bruins long and also par Uirce. Ho p o sted a 310 wiUi .Idaho F a lls ajpjpe iron. Witne^ea BGcond .nt H29, Mlnlco 312, were Ralph Pickett, Bill Black . ^ Hlglilnrid 347, Pocniejlo 353nnd‘ and Ciene Bult. Skyline-361. Medalist Duncan waii Joined In s c o r in g by B ru ce M c N e e 78, ; Moyle Wilson Bpond BraOJWlila. 87. Junior kovin Packard M ln lco ‘3 scoring ran' Dt'uco — b c c o m e UI.WU m? fo u rth , h ole Nclbour 83, Alan Gojwlmnn and bnd'Vind'tawlthdrow for the Brad Coll Bfi and Jerry Coll 87. Sundflf. A p ril 39, 1973 ■ Timos Nows, Ty/ln Falls,-.ItJrttio ’ 33 ‘

    TO RID YOUR HOUSE OF THO^SE UNWANTED[ i iITEMS !■ 1,1 ; 11IN '73 WITH W I rri"^.: X-:: B E S U tf S -■ S ouy-r^iw oi^-P titiy ■Phono 7 3 3 -0 9 3 I _ ■' Ads Only, Some Or Consult Your Phorjt lierns Exciuded! OR YOURMONEYiGLADtY REFUHDED! Direclorits Ror Toll Froc Numbers,

    07 J o b » o t ln t t r » it ov MaltHtip Memorial N otice n - . SJtuJtlonl w « n l^ 18 . M alcli F tm ilt BuilntiijDpporlunllV )> Homti Fei'Uli WANfl;D MAN I 6li irnuAlmir PAiNTlNCr w.»ll ami winflow 'r t t A l gnuui r<'M,u(V.tnt m lUitii CIASSIFIe B INDEX' w e WOULD hko to fHonk nil o» our E X P E 'n Q N C E D d .ir TenOiT. c.^ll M ust III' C itu T .il wnshitui srri-.-ns, etc OOlV' 73J ? HE Uf^OQM, lull basrmont. corner O'si) U .ip .irittu iit!. iiu lu d in l Votj lo l. ilA oh lr Q itrao r (16.000. Call relaliOrt, friends. .inU-nciulttwri, 02SSV7 f l t | i f 6 ’O 0 pfn • w ir k ijS l^ ru i.'o l yo^K, 934 lin o ,,. II * '6 lifia »hi' solutio»vfo vour W(VU or ncpd ir> The T%mcs wtio M crc so kin d iincl Ih o u o h tlu l cil tan't wo wrono opit.‘ Ri-rtctuT W iint Atj columns Lis(ea below is ih c Key (ieno HQpk.ns Aih , Ihc loss of our. dear hubtjiind. W ll LP<\INT HOOl 5, l.n ifi'il Oil CoopM 733 <940 LA N D OF I-IC E ' 10 AAnoic V .ii|i-vb moM (JivtT^.iietJ \^ jrk « n p iflc i' Dc Sure lo Hcod GEM STATE MUTUAL luvtis bALliSMAN lU-itli'it Ij)/ OMil i' oI Ui.Uio /J 3 0 /I6 0 1 IU^ft-#)W )ni. . ____ •nthof. son .iind broiler, Their man o r w o'nion lo r lu ll o r n .irf tim i’ cotnp.iiiy. c.ill tolirCl-.A?0 076H for grA n lvte or ttu ' coU>' ot yuut ftnd Use ih c io coiU(Tins r fg u u ir iv ' - Yqu'II p ro fil m « m anv O»oico T tii-in .in w itli Ui-lU-i iiU’.)V w a y i! pfftyofs c.irds, llowfrs. ftnd toAd SciltfS i»nd s p rv lc i' in W .igi(TVntlf*y intiT vn *w , Couin w ork lu ll or p.>rl l-U W N (T U H i;*lU )V n H S sttnp 'ih P brougni to thclioiiies, nnd oonatloh tinM ' • . _ j . tv* roo ts J74 •M74 ALl.' NEW Phiko (om , Cl,»NMticct p.nn's clay m, day nut. W rite W .rirtrd L Allen, O [io« laundry avoilAblc ih Kekiumi to the Cflpcer fund will rtlwrtys be 1707, P o c iiltfllo . Id.Wio II370I Wnlo l uryis, 242.S Hnjlil.^nd Di tof (ir.t'al hiiy. T.iin l|,uknowt rfifi’embcrod ' ‘AnnOunCLMnL'Mtb MLrchdncliiCT - — - ROLLTfc^SALESMAN - M il liih i; C ity. U tiUi, j/i7^4a6.-SU2- Thrt.imirv6lMflrvio J. (nt>ll) JVIIU______;__ ^ y d e r -POR- ,^nn r r ~ i -o n ir— 7 7 M3 7041 nn n o n i. 7 nm rp Apply flt IS4? Junipi'r Norll LINEhJJpUTE 5 APAU'tMENTS. 2 Lornmei».'il Iji'tw i'i’i^'^ 00 .mcl 7 00 |> tn •triMTioo r WILL DO (ranino m my iion>u 734 rentals, «J per ceni oicupanty Mr and Mrs Carson Peterson and JP.oukkeepiiMi tor small lusi fninK iclfti,' iic-w c,uopls thouohllul in nttendino the open ReaTlor, U) J791 paint, eic . 2 brrtrooitis, i.iii house held in honor ol Mr and TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Iivisiiu-ss or ra n ch o iX -r.ilio ns 374 SlIO. basenicnl, oil lurnare. l.irtje Mrs. Peterson's GolOen Weddino 7 3 3 . 6 7 1 6 ' QON'T R E A D THIS AD toi.ier lol RiiV Kni.ihl H?S SHS Anniversary. We'd also like lo say L.»..n, Form & G d f'd c n ' thank you lo' everyoot for all the NEED A UAKEH lor Potulrros.i Unless wu mo’ah business . W IhouQhtful lelephpne calls, W HERE W ILL are nowr considering Qualified beaulilul cards, floral Inn,. Qurlcy C.ill 4/1)9003 lor KlU-rvK-w NIGMI can- tor eUliTly in home applicants m your area la become M .TM ,.,r. > Tf.lT.'C'' • iirrjnycdients and . other, lovtily Y O U B E I N f> workiDu uArl dt our National Oltt^, Thank you everyoi^i' Mr and !;t'U iT l -COMMUNM y. ST ANDING NO S E LLIN G IN V O L V E D Thifc Jor'_ persons _ wj|h -05------^------,LQiiJSAaNAakAftliNJ______.,,aVliti'(j~wr*0f‘5 ri'HO prr ,/Oh SFfURHY -P»rm -W o^^o|td no nMd lo quit your job. ConlacI Mr Allinan ■' 'JOn SAIlSI ACTION Adcln II u:.t onpflndort lull JIme with company We w ish to thatTk ou tn en ds tor t Avi'Ltali/iii(i . in (luir ki’liniA . 3>4 snss Je Hot Enlrecs, such as Dcef Stew. Mrs. Harley Hann mspetlurs Many ollitT pnsOions l}u'>it)fss. pi'iiM on, group I 1I 1; >intl .»re opi'ti W rite »o« sy7, Goodmu Chicken & Dumplings, Chill & lii'a lth insu ra nce In Itn- lop 10 per CirSTOM FARMING, precisiot Doans, and on and on. We h a v t all (cni income il.iss Sugar Perl pl.intm ij, fairly slraioh of AjnerlcA's lavorKvt. All Ihcsc - 6 t ------EmpleymMf A0«nel«i- U tQ fil — ra w s .—El4Jc;iro<>ic—Uuei—tiunnm o -di»llclowt-productt-4f#-iol(l-VQ. ______-ahB-l*lMl-m-automJMC^U4ndIng' • J • K o»|iloyer equipmeni Your roufp will' b» ..'■ v lc e --A ll pTld«ittiif-iJ’ Hone jSTER w llfi lh(TT»erSdh’nrf CUSTOM PLOWING, rolofillm q. esiabllshed and inst'alled by ut. 733 6431 -^n lO h t'733 5773.S ^ e o l M ag ic V a lle y, 634 Blue F » m a U H e lp ,ilinQ.. dilcJuno- Your aoD is n o l A fa c to r, it you Lakes N o rth . Tw in Falls. 733-5567, nrw equiiiitienl 126 46JI Detiver q u a lify . Per le d lo r a nice couple lo lor that better position operate as a lamMy business SCLI HYf'NOSIS l.)u()hl t>y lota, O p E H A T O H b lo r cki the |0l, pfoii'ssioi .illy—U ^iiieti hviiwi IroMvnsi A|i(>l> .it tr o y N atiun,jl CASH IN V tS T M iN I REQUIRED leirl m itti WHAT AUQ YOU WAITING FOR? mu;,ic Sunday fljyhis 'I you've Peon meaning lo sell your b a c k g ro u n d h e lp tu i tnW iu>t r i ' l . y " ‘ln.' For turltier Informaflor^ or a _LpO |<;iNGFORA. nucustdry-lo pvrion wMlmu- lo (jorionai interview lenO Name, vwrk and 1<^irn. Siato aoo and Address, i Phone number to: WAIlRE&t, NfEDrO HOME W ITH PLENTY ejfpeneru-e or bacVtirouiul In hand Nortti American Dislribullng • - ,ii pe_rson K n iQ 'V C a (e.______QE-EXTCAS-7 ------— N ew v - CAR[; 01 rUlrny (oopli------M A N U R F ^ ------85013 , ^ ____ WE HAVE IT! N E E D E D CA R P C N T E n b . h o u s rfe i'p im i C.ill Slflfl anil roujh Pny . SPREADING 3 bedroom , la n n ly rooT7i.~bulI1’ i n ^ ' ' aimlimaiion tmi'Ji appliancos, • m tertom -•lyslerTtr**-* rtCLortliiu) to expi' nence, c.ill 734, IIO S CUSTOM FARMING 4;>0 . - - - • RECi; 1*1 lOfTlSl SECRE T 'touch plote light switches wilh jn>riitt)iiil (• opi'iicin} lor 4>o:i -■ ’ “ a i t i S w , U — .^f^aytoLoan master panel Electric heat • ■ MornmtjsiUe rtistncl...... Roofit ■-n^5¥'-^lilDIlUilt ■ ‘-'voVf P^rltT £dfr"W »l?''^KrSffy=tDan$; phonv - thK eMteprfannhy nie«>-tmmir-^ust----- rf lawyer and.need ___ . C la rk nennell al 734-4700 128,600 ihL- Id ah o S ta le Bar L a w v e r 96Uti 1*0 •„ R efe rra l (colleci I 342 BvSa WE H A v (i III) iiM(l re t ir i-oii.ti1 MANURE HAULING Tirsl ir.Vrv.ew, *1500 (• 10 M r', M ' UIUHRIOGE ColltijrtJt'ijri'i ., llo< S4H. tw in CUSTOM fAHMING I'-pericnce ' 7:143045 R E A L S IL K A pp.irels ’ M.i U.S. c iy iL m p liy t.-r NEWCOMI- R bltRV LOBE- and Kiicipp Shoes. »• W N ri U'n<-his 112,000 lirs l 733 ______;____ I.1CIX-S to l.lll oil fll IS . SERVICETESTSr Mr Rerd ol Hor.i (■ M an n Tw.i. .(,.lii Work B u t i n a i t O p p q r tv n lty REALTY ^ EduiTijlors ,»1 the Holidi , in n ?:n prPSTiHP. OASO lor mteiv i.iiils Ni) .•Prep, ira io rv Iro in m g as long as — XERClSE tne easy way I llT / Wt'M A P A R T M f: N T relci yn\c-nl lo r n g lil p c rs broadwtiY. Pekin, Illinois 61554 W rn e -O o ii' E ID.- T Im e '/N .'w '; ' .you nerd. Oii:ch..nQw! LONELY? -H o m a a For-& aia- K.ihbc-dy Call 423 58/7 i- O l I; P O I N T 7n “iresi( ot)l«- p o 'fT u ^s* l)y I ■YEAR“ R0aNT5' TARV 'A/( -Ntrtrfr-MnTURE—womTtTT— W tiir lU- A d i'In id i' S u /(l''n i' large larin r.tismu potaiors, „ would enioy keeping house and I E sia te 733 5519 hay. catlie, sheep, oilers fucellenl cookifio lor one lady, no nursing, 3 BEDROOM home, family room. :i I loki.,,suCj(l Colli 907 I . opporlunily .iiid wor musi be a responsible pleasant 1 '} balhs. Iirep la ce Gooct'locatiorv tions lory upern iceil IXTion wtio would'like to liv*-arnd earn lop Own yonf.own grocery business. appointment LCOHfcLlCb ANI^A*O Ub dependable FARM WORKER REWARD. lo->l in ' '‘i’' cq;;;prr;tr,^ opli-.i Iui A l So ( ARM sa l.u y W rite Rox 466. K etctium Minimum cnpilal mvoslmonl tpmnip m t ■■’A'lm—n iir* . ^ Mon. l-.lLCflWTDO./K-. • M ecnANIC TO TPpair-Titi ryprs- -f e»|o.retl -WANTED MEN .TO tfC lH K IhivESTbttS: ■ Wull O6ta tJ tl» h 0tf OutitanOlng oHecutlvo type home, Tues R U P E R T.'B tiO' ' IM M T O lA T r openi lor lull finished basomcnr with extra r e w a r d 734 3J03 3a 4461 l/.iv i-lin g meet m(i processing p la n t uno ('lond i r ■ Idaho Corporation now ollering tx.'.-iutifully carpeted and draped, Call Thousand Springs Tr tx.'droom and la rg e fa m ily rooVn. guaranteeci 10 percent interest on double giirarie. Eunice Cooper 733 sunken living xoom, marblt 543 4311 ' in spori i.'.ir I eadimi l»i .1 invcsimeni per annum. This oiler lormalTfeiljning room •••••••••••••••••••• •avaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa iirel uullel in Twii 4960 LandOlfiCeot Id.iho 733 0716 1: . iUI I1I.I, ...... iil.iry toiiimt'nsuriili limifod by oMering corporation kitchen with dirtwg. and may be ceased at any lime oppliances.ip p lia n c e s built ''stereo.i'- ’- Illy and ~ Siili- BY OWNEH. exclusive'residenlial deluxe Wed TWIN I AL.L!^» 00 Inveslm ent- m u ltip le s a re 17,000, -..w.ivphone lacks and , Cabl^B TV ( r tnge lienet ils . ek S5.000 and ilO.OOO, R ep ly 01 6 . area, near high school and Ihrougtioul, Thermopano windows, Courl House Brtserri(»it I. pie. • " Ihrougiiuvi, ...... HTKls upon enpi.’ r Tir>ies News shopping center OeaUtifuHy double garage 169.500 Al Anon 3rd flo o r ■, N i'^ ‘, landSc.ipL'd, 3 bedroom s, 7 b.ilhs. £ourl House Iirc p lo c c , lu lly <.f»rpete<1, Ctrapery, Three bedrooiT) b ric k . Has a SUNIT MOTEL and apartment, 5 large covered pafio, attached Tnurs TWIN I-ALLSH 00 NCEDEU mature l.iily attondent, room house, 3 stall garage. May bascmeni apartment with outside Nor(|r Cii.-(inmit Village. Lynwood garage wiin shop area, shade 733 0531 accept home in Irfldo. Phono 733- trees, lenced m back yjrd and entrance fo r rental *26,700 1630 East Hir-ivr.-^ — IN F IL E P ' L.ri,'ire“ i)u7ruin«“ W ith "" DISORDERS? tfv Toco • CARPENTERS WANTED, work nice 3 lii-division -2 ba ih ). 3 , EsialJlishcd nation.II r eslnuf(ii Branch ol Land OllifP of*-td.iho iK’drooms, afiatiied Tiaraiie All leisure lime lavern ihain iln’.'in lie r^iss Irom Town , and Country drap^enc-s. incl«|dea 120,500 No matter, a fast acting Want Ad will lUi outlet in your aie.i Youfeceiv D rive Inn 733 071S - . W ANTED: TINY 101 NURSERY liv e room evi'rylhinii neeer 374 ifll6 1509103a 4>61 BRICK G o o d IciC.Slioi r.ijiK Profil for lime Involved. WIGS, wiglels, and cascade? |*)ssess 3.T 57W SOMETHING new lor Jeiome friendly Ad-Visor will help you with cleaned and s tyled , sy n lh e lic s anc Momat for Sala Heautiti.l spilt entry duple. Jusi' CALL: TIMES-NEWS®! hum an h ln p fp h o n e 473 5394 finishmg For appomhuent, 324 your ad, she is waiting tor you at • POWER lence post hole c/rilllng 7' CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT and9", no rock V 40 per hole Cali 734 33H2 FarfT^i t Ranchai ' this number. ' “ — ___ ,67-8.2552 — LQLUFREE___ , TWIN FALLS T»owpR"nrT^cirposi hole driiiif^n nirATRTrr'r^rTwTiroTTi-wriTorr and V", no r^)tk i 40 per hole r-'AAtS'-OFFrCES” altalfa, corp and pasture Liirge RPFORP 1 r nn a aa -----tlorrwRwolty ------FolcilrriQri-Pooltort b.irn lUid lui/d cor.raU. WusI Eiul . g a r d e n R O T O T,J.L L IN G Realty, 130 Broadway South, Buhl, Homlolt Roaliy G arden*, flo w e r tH'ds. e tc. A \jsl 543 4409, -IS.00, KOy.Uflr.ciiQii.Rfia!iv. 7 3 3 -0 m GIdbu Hoolly 160 ACRES - Good small slock sol Up. All hay and pasturi. Fair WANTED. Lawntnowina, hrtvl* Gom Stofo Rually . calchor, caU afier 6, Phone Mi Ooy Hoolly------iniprQvnmi:nl&. f-ARM DUPPAU WANTED: — Ktm trrwpji'fy" 733 7614 DAN SUHM , “ W hof 0 le lie l' I ifietiVellinQ my ho'fie my | Edna Irish Roolty AAAN OR W O M AN toll . . but never aoQ>n' I hod colls all | land Ollice of Idaho ___ili| n in h f, pff'pl* o v tr-iiinnini-j my I______lohn Lulu Rnflllors H inliw a y 93. Just TO TAKE OVER ESTABLISHED ImmMIwmo, i / "loles \nlflk& tholiKnl foldeil InI.lA.I up ii ond people I Lynwood ftoolly ■ , je r a iTff *»' OELOY QINGttAM rotollllInQ wontinn me lo orjongo fmoncmg Anti no j Mciglc VoHoy Rooily Falls. High produclivo ground. Easy farming wilh I.|ioad oata TIMES-NEWS ROUTE llv) HAILEY made wrk.^^^aiture corruoatino solo Then I colled in on ML Reallor oncl ij Mounloln Sfofo* Rcoitu "PivDne 733 2439. It Kin r,. I n i . and 'cumeni difclios. naulllul ro« smom smeme... OR KETCHUAA AREA. found Out how i.n •Kp«rt do«a hop- j 0 Real Etlole Sorvlco larger larm, Call Fiank Dowen al lAIAMT ^^kC Good Profit for Time Involved. p ie if day ol m y life . , . the day I called my | H a m le lf H ea lty; •713 4079, . Rocky M oun?& n R oa liy w w r t i i I X A ir O R WRITE-’TIMEs^KiEWS' Let You r Favorite MLS • Toylor Agoncy " . _ BuiiM it Praptrty L A D Y wanU * lob In th e fiom e- Twin Folli Roolty CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 4aklno caro.ot oldorly.poopio, No -REALTOR Do Thb Delh'Wickhom Raallori. SELL MOST EVERYTHING callt atler 6 p.mi UJ JSSP. WatfarA Raolty 'FwT I* bedrMm*^a*pa?^ • u p ara it antraricai. Rartia for I34i / 733-0931 Worfc For You! ...... tenth. Priced lor fa il tala.

    ''U. ■ J , . T------1-—'•

    Sunday,Apriny, I9;3_

    M6bll« Hom n 13 ^Urrtlthtd i W jM ic h w A ^ r « a o « *

    FOH SAtG hy ownor. Imm«c»l»lt 7i n A R E a c re t ,helii/e«n FilA); and ll'-j ACRES. New well, tepllc / 97I OROADM ORE 1 3 ' X 60. 3 3 ROOMS and bjjltl-.orivile ' DO RIAN O R IV C . 3[>oriro6(D D ricit Hagorman Valley. »I05,000/0 tank, garage, corrals and lOAllno bedroom. Iront llvingroom trance. ulllltl*«re^Ji)t 'M ^wor, w er. . homeon Mro*-lo»-wilh (onctMJ __phueiilon-' bodwomv *"■“ ™ n iin m-ig oT rgiTTnr o m v«rp-T«~: d ,l t3 mllet:tfom->owiwtyi,tOO------induionincu------_adutijU2L2in-NQ£llL- -= = ^tr-:o « kj*v - siono-fincnuiai —Coodloo-HUnorWionc.. 93031)^1^__ _ -w im h«HUt[JW0OO turniihed er.-vnfUMiUtMtpXlocUKU iiDAm Cftlllno. fAmily. room. 7 7 « uTupnear f op near UuhlUl with He/ringbono A L T.Y # 3 3 « ? » t-o r 733 0473 J R O O M /ln Jerom e. All, uTllltlet UTIIItlDt (». C A rp n l.lo lto f ilo rA g o . S74.000 Ca II'. cuuble QSi'Aae, I4 0 'iq 0 « r« c o r n if 7 M W n . . 'ra n g e , QHt h e a l. Assumable loiv> .lo1j,c«H-S«63l7. ^ barrt and 3 bedroom brick home. Will ’ conslfler tr'flflc tor small p a id . 334 B74V — ‘Naomt : Mosctey— rai JO**- Gene Hopkins $43'AA33, Land MOUNTAIN STATfIS RlfALTY loa ACRGS, 1)7 ih rtr e i Qf w n ic fj i l:J i'flY e L trflllc ri Set.up-'n R'ue WflkM bidroom* hou»o,"IOir V'* -0»ie*.0»-»dnho-»1307»fr------^------A n *og « to» •liJild rn g ' T td iZ -IN -L A U R C L P A R K -n ew dolu>i*-'37 ?33J9N - ; TrAllcr-PArk. Call 733 3613. iwlmmtng pool For 3 from lowf). Thli form h»» on* ol Soulh o l Jerome. 00 Acrt w im 4 bccJroof' . Ihe betl production record* ori'Wie longer. 1760. 734 37B7. W ANT OUT 01 U>p,'Cllv?‘’r»'Cn 160 lArgo living ttro *., carpeted. no improvemenU. IhliJw w er ,3 Wedroom homo wUh n o rth tid e tIOO.OOO. W o n d e ll 60 A cre s, 3 bedroom homo', 4 c n a ■OVERSTOCKED! bcAUlilul llreplACC.')«mllv room. R gflirv. S3* 3374 ______tide herringbone '({airy barn. DELU.XE apartment Stove, — H a q e rm iw ------• —A n y House In Stock garbtgediipovii furnished. Adul A p proxim A to ly 3.3W io u n re r B U Y IN G OR S E L L IN G A F A R M ? only No pels. Call Irorti 5 10 9 p.n - V 3 0 ( K ) P f - . WHEK END SPPCIAL room :(or horjo «nd gflrdon. ^ "J jh n 037-4443 > Any toji.contoinod. trovoj Jlirdroom homf.'locrtli'd w«»r ilde Yoo'rlf in' “ Good Hartdf' wllh t44,OOQ.>Cnll ^ w r ll. D lC k u in 733 <3.000 Head c a tlie r*r>ch. OSO per (V)b037 4AAl Dill 837 643) tiailoi in slock. W A N T E D 0 Qirl lo shartf.;., rif M.>Oic. tiSOO » H. » KLALTV, fi?4J 'WOUNTAIfJ STATES Frank IJowpn «t HAAALETT R E A L T Y PIcAse c«i) 731 4079 or iinlmal unit. |-Kcetl#nf year .•t IJo Tnckr- . ApArtmcnf. Ulilitius • paid., }7* m 4 Jcrotni- ____ REALTY. ;33 SV74 arountJ or«*lno. Abundance ol Av.f«lflbll’ M .iy 1. CAM 733 375». 734 4000. B u tlitm Properly Vacation P,r^p«rtv. No Hidden Cotls w a te r, 1 la m lly o w n o rl^’ ‘ P I‘>^‘?^®/ 34 •nOSSKSSION NOW ,. I M i c ir w ' SEE TO APPRECIATE; 3 Wdroom iS ye«r». AAuil be told by April 10, .. A ll Regular Pricu» P o tte d . LAUREL PARK APARTMENTS I,—cArMlwd-4-bodroorp tiomC-nCCP^, - home noftr- m»ool% «ntJ Ujopping I9U. -nrokor cooperAtion invilpa .. iOUnitUnSlotkOnDoth- 3 ^»•flroom furnishi«d apArlmonf . nicr lnmily. iw L.vhv ''^pl^cc. , 177 ACRE-5 In Hngorm*n W alley'lr WILL T»ADO top commprclfll E X C E P T IO N A L L Y goo(<. C araoe CWHW4, firop lA co, gn rfloO ' pmture and lr«e's. no properly in Las V/egAt, located and Service Strtlion, Low down '.» .lo ti tor irn l. All Appliancn including —/.OWrt'Cf- iinxlouv KLINKL . fcnciHJ b flC k v flrd ,'« rr co n d ttjo n w , r m n ro v e m o n tt tBQ.OOO. OIH 100 H8»d dflryl Wnlk llirouon bclWMh Cfliino and new bAnk, lor ' payment,. very-good iinc ol .. No Tfoclos ' ’ ’ 1 disiiw.nhiT, disposAl.'C'nrpci and ' AGHNCV*733 fllVl of ;33fl734 ne w ty pAlniecI ou i&ldo (31.500 00 lw>rn. 103 lroe »lflll*. 3 bedroom Polori. Feidlman Realtors ,• 733 Soulhorn. Idaho fa ro or ranch or equipment included FAR.M OtIor-'Good Tliru ApriLOrt drrtpcs Air condilioncd and walk • f. - J - - ...... — ------— . ; j 4 4}34 r . / )90fl and 733 B21I. • ‘ .m o d e rn Home. I^rice ta0,000. Cow* •DUR j i E A L J Y 374 437H_ DON in Closet 714 419S. mflicr equity In. lArm or ranch. Doth Dutloy ond Twin ^oUt O W N IiR . 4 Dodi'ooms, 1‘-'v avnilnblo aC^nflrkel price. • W rlto DoK E 17.Times, N ew s. • , tiniShKJ bn»cmc*nl, onrAgo 1/ X 27 llvlrto room, toljil SIk lei'O® lo u nnd • /, 159 f'o lk 73J4flO? • roomd, brlc\, cnrpatod, good 130 ACr,ps. 95 ih n r p i ol w n lo r. live ')] iMfvmlthtd ApU. lo rrttio n . 734 JOSO.’ This ad mutt qctAmpohy cus hodroon^ ■ home All c«n be W A'REHOUSE F O R 'R 'E N T . 3,300 . . 4 O u lp lM M ' rO N SALE iiy aiJt o( s lfllc ownor, sprinkled wlin side roll llnc^. Only Rccrcatlon-enjoymonl, A part .‘of lomor lo ol)ipn« discount > , horrx- on I’j lot properly. In iqunro loel. 3 doors tor loncjino- 3 BEDROOMS.- cflrpDf, lAfnllV too,000. - DvVlls OLKtitcAd Ranch, can be Jtromtv 7 Ijl'drooms -with .oofn, inroo col In kitchifn LlQhl^ lurnl&liDd, not hciilod Calt B R O C K M A N S HrtuerfTiAn R oiilty Consolidrttt.'d Frelohlw nvi. 733 youri with All Iho irlm m lnai Froo ' iM^Cm onl, Ircfih ly pAinli.-d, A&king Oflsirmcnl. lenccd tjnck yard with Jotin 037 44A3 rooms, camping, ti^iino. huniing. — «ob 837-4883------,------U ill a3r-A635 -3615.______:______-p.iek-tpjps—tennis 'courtsvTiorses. TRAILER-SALES .... -nit-tuppi'o olfDV troirTinwD and' 1 DEDFJOOi^ CArnet. drapes, -&TATOt REALTY 733 597«.~ FOR .R EN T: 10,000 squ are tool pilot to and from the r.inch. Own Twin^ollt - " 734*3 *67 ca rp o rt, deposit ri;qu ire d 734-36iO. warehouse spdcc with rAiiro>>d your ow n w ith oOl the w o rry ol up Qlh ond O vtrlond. Ou/l»y utilul 3 b«>droom. al r' lo 6' p f.iirp<>ted h n c k home .1370.350 7ea 4431 A lliT 6 00 .in d . o r iM'Autilut <’*ll t.irpc'led kitclWn with BETHWICKHAM ^ wcckc-nd!. All the lununes Sp.tcloui 3 DRYDgNAGENCY NEW 3 betJroom duple*, carpct, Ix.'droom. p.irl 'brick, so t.lcan it R E A L T O R , W E TELL ALL arApcs. and air condiiionmg, <140 FOH SALE new 3 bedroom tiorn'- ‘ •ip.irkl«>4 '' >4 bath o il jn a ile f 733 40B1 731 4316 J 450 cow rrinch. .7 . ijood ' m R ichliiH il on l.iru o lo l. lOO^pl-r fx.-droom, no IrnllK. hVmy room, " M L S " 733 5476 C|3nt linAiicing itvculAhU' low -huiie double (jijr.iuc, Almbst oew. • homes. corrAls, shop, tiarn, 190 ACRES lliree bedroom hotiiif ViCki Hohngw 734 37l( w e ll,<),Tols ol w a le r. good COMMERCIAL PROPERTY NICE RObM 1 bedroom range inlcre?.! and smAll p.iyinont'. Just 137,1100 qu'ck possession with Crops .ire all m JuneWclJh B25M7. ^ 7 5 0 Do.wn y r oar.i(|e. sloraoe, 78fl 4SnO in nclle vue or 4R/ 7I!.II in . clim .jle MuM sell or le.*se due lo P ^ r J e rry Iris h 324 577 a d u lli, no oCls. Phonu 733-0471. . ht'.UIh *70,000 R icn iii'ld DUPIX'X . New'hslino or Jllul; R.ilph Sinui'ons H29 566i r.tke*. C o/y cluple*^ «jiV. tu rn a ti:. III Acre b.tri' ijround lii'ijhly protJOt liv e ’..oil r.*II|)osM ''.sion N EW 2 rdroom duple* luliy" ^ prn/7*te Da UiS, piirl h.isemenl. ( o r s.lie or lr,id(r 160 Acres wtll» R C D U C r-0 11,000, n r u k 3 V C Ihis W llh Ihe crop on. Ihree bedrooiii home., full squJtre leel, with li»turi . . carpcled. ..ove. re lrig e ra lo r No i«droom. cnrpi'i'., Hrr)|ii"., lull huiie '•.tirnost n e w " 74' by 34’ sm okirifl. b pets 734 4352 .double tjnriHie. lurn.sbings tM sem ent ElevAleU SIAIIS. bulk t-quipment. Large metal stor,»«e > Mobil* Homtt nniyifO prtni'li'il t,.iM'»iic«l. pcitio. M ^l/,VOQ r,200 he,111 C.OW oul lit 7 (joml Link p ip e lin e , covered h o ldin o pen b u rld in ti, priced ,»l 175,000 1 4 ' X 7 0 . ' _ — iHlOM'^rCOrrOlS, kliop axitj- Ihirtyfour towv -,mtJ--(ull-hno -IJlAftAUACtC-li x--i^ J-OuUfOom...... ’ -9AV, 57SA • lots ol wAler^' owner _liJciuiai;U..aii_Lundilj£ininu-Si;i^ IQ. _ 2 lQ " r _ 3 ^ ...-l-titlUUQOAA __loni! ..dnwiU__ 11.^. .'ippn-i 7117410 or 711 0477. ^;m;onpaTVN'o"pets ' ^100^7T~ located .ind near new (33.500 K n lti FARM 5UHEAU ( o r b.ile 400 -Utc*?!, w ilh five BEDROOM hon)c ...... IV;3 l-LRQTWOOD 14 > 70 UcSlhs. III.' focii. .i.v.r.ii R E A L T Y 324 43/0 bedroom home, \-levJted milk 3 lieOrooin Drick, with lull 'linlshed I.UEOnOOM. 415 Aoilison, 105 b,isernenl, I '; balhs, larnily room, E.p.indo Living Rooai. dotiblf (iK.tge. l?47 Aiil.-f I)n' OonW.illACU 7J3 76U Uirn, pipeline bulk • tank Five .iHonlh, water, SiUiilation. I.iwn D.ihSuhr • 124 2019 wheel And five hand lines, artusinn im m e d ia le possession 436,000 Electric, 3 tx'arooms V"-;U.itli 714 t.ire and relriofrjjljir, 713 2^46 134.500 .i,ipo .n tm . tiin c o d 'y o rd , nice spol for Ma_» G n iln y 433 41fl9 home', w ell houie', cinder shop and giirdvn. near stiopping Souft>- J >r.|rni- buildmcj with ^.450 Jorui Smodlov 7 3 3 4109 Oarauo with concede llbors. liar'n. till Ralpht 733 1033 I -•r*i r.AVyffiis* ------11 7 1 P.irh Johnston Hi-Ally, 734 46*\ hay shed, near new loalm o sherice r>fluu>d 733 9307 flrout Ihese >.■ 45 NEW SHAG ; 1 ond 3 b«droomi “ ~«7 linnc«j .tnrouuhouJ.. Npww.'tur. : noo "A rR n uhdp.-sprihkWi Donald T.rylhr, Broker 423 53Q9 • • OPEN 7 DAYS 9 TO-9" IncludinQ diihws«K»«—«* » ^ iip i> ta 1 - Nearly new 7 bedroom Duples. .11500.00 541.47B2______NORTH rWIN FALLS 3 punips uikiulloni poialo M .ison Sm ith 714 J906 -• -torpei—cm*-ilropwi •* laundry 3 J>edrogm, 1 'j b a lh , 16*34 In m ily tio se lo L-ynwobd t 3 1.000 Can ViMjil Wns«ri , 423 : “ lin# londvc m o u n d . ___ 4 1 3 - 1 r rouiii. Twrporf-. dithwaUter^ Assuiuu.Ml^OOtt «. .. - ■ ■cllspoial,, ■ comjjaclqr, T'alr condllionino Only 3. months old. A crtaga A l>ott 4500 and .issonu' W.S 00 p.ivm enls •, .ANGLE KITCHEN BETH.W ICKHAM . Call 541 636V iwerMfigs 4 bedrobfn, 3 balh.'fdm ll'y room, 7 BY B ELM O N t R E A L T O R . HARE UO acres Also U ,e.i«- Welsi> llreplaces> tull bssemenl, 7 car' ixjnv 32J 4255______40flt SPACIOUS f U R N) 0|.ii->,i«- loned.Commcrcial , . "M L S ' 733 5476 ^ 5 00 Cftli ' 733 5D crr''” 2 c irc u la rs G ood lo rrn (|roun 436-T173 EAbY TENMb • Uy owner.ri A c 1Y/2 24>64 Du'luiki Soulh of Jerome 374 (5006 of city Vory qulul 'oioo RUBY ID M O N S 67Q -3464 O N DISPLAY SPACES lor M ob.lL »lomi iQ W E ll WILLS 733-6562 re n t Close lo stores .iiu l S( PrifoJ17 900 U U IL D IN G LOT Joned lo r cUnJii 3?4 4J55 .itle r 6 p rn GoocJ location 733 AflW AT -HAGKNEY-nA,GENCV- JOHNSTONE REALTY :------1 1 3 - 5 h fis h c m iL iU ifl.------?33-4569 n Scpien^ber 19^0 I “~“T W I N 'P A ttS ^ I C. kfARLEY W IU IA M S m o b il e h o m e SAIES_ 326 5 1 0 9 .. 1 A N D ' i acre ,ind a 7' ; e le L fr a . .»,f c oru lilio n m ij. DutintM eicept.ible lor \V»bile nom 7 3 4 & 4 3 3 6 714 2050 Reclwuad (1t u 1.1 l lawn, g.inin FOUR rentals on 1 acre Indusinal lot Monlhl'v incom e V4S0 Close m. _GE/UV5JAIE_ .5UQ1. M Q iiinu,.niusl.ii;ll-Q UJUh* « il . . WlN-f-ALLS ...... ■'73.^7050------■ 30 a ii pru I) div sell equity for i4,000 .ind t.iku over REALT-Y 160 ACRES south ot Wen. Canyon Rim RoaO 'n Twirv pa.iiieni on SU.OQO nel baUinie dandy combination livestock ancJ Call 423 J076 Suncl.iy or week da> HEAUTIFUL new ollice space on F.IMS. w ith sewer A v.til.iU le 734 Ji Fuml»had A IMIurn Houw 7 3 3 -5 3 3 6 row c roo r.m rh, pnc ed rifjht .il 3476 '.iMer A 30 p it, Qluc Lakes North AvailabU- tB7.500 im m e d la le ly 733 07 16 rbodroom,heat, waier, sanllAlion q q OQOq IiSSES BAR AND LOUNGE Oar and ioungo Includot liquor 3 O E DR O O M 2 DEDROOM MOOiLE HOME lurnished. single garage 470 per BO ACREJ ciosc t'o .Joromc, C.1II 376 5467 ■ fn o rin r- p lU i^ r tr ■noptrstt— O ir rr u p - ' J j i i w iM'''f< CQ'>iik-,>.af m U i iic o r n B - ^ B o ltr fin g '^ T o c tf o 'n r t fliT" ‘ sm,ill chiUl n i 116V ' 7 >Jt*W1V H)l.'t LUf~ iUUma priv n **— • MOft at 70nra^venUe-W c3l;.£flUT -nturof-AU6“Ihcluaiinr*Otf5r:st\op' b o th .- U filT tic s p a id E.-*.«*Moni 733 5336 or 733 9069 ‘T*iotTr“in-a'droTnrnij.-0ftiV'18:30D location « 5 733 580? ond olhor butinosv Pncod right w.ih Icrins Nadine Koepmck 733 , 7 HEDHOOM housi' All cle.mucl COMMERCIAL Large siiop plus- ort53'500.00 7797 L .in d O M iceol Idaho 7110716 FOH SALE OH R b N T ?M loot >337 Biri-Avenue Hulnger.irnr siorage. Highway 30. noiiu' and A DIG ONE 9 0 0 acre d lv u rs ifio c f and Slove ^ MOW HENT 0(-HCE SPACE 17 ' acreage included in price 40 A C H E S Sou' leel liy 15 ti'fl In Oowntown otirte «9,500 00 ronch pioporly - (oiso bpud« 3 .Ueoroom hou^p tor rorii. niittriinq Tc>iephonr -nn^wnrmn boots all crop» and . Iivoitocl* Turnis Ijy owrur I 174 tl006 BUTLER REALTY OEAUT IF UL double 7U 5f budd> L»iturniUied. in FiIi t . tor 1174 jii-r M'l-viCr and r e fj'p lifiti room C.ill SPRrNG Two woHs ' compiolo sprmhlor Mobile Home 7 bedroom. / finths m onth CnM 32»5I03 733 4961 lysiurn Sou to opprorlotD 120 1AM Mom j,„ o n ... I.loh 40 AC R E S w ilti 40 s»>.u.'s lorye IronI room dmmg .tri'.i (350 000.00. Turms. • lliis ;i^4.*ll6fr . Hi's :I24 tl046 W iiler'l!! Gooil oul builUnuis ai Lovply cfirpc!. aropo. ponding - UNtURNlStteO 3 bedroom 3 1 — ------W*nt»dta-P#«t SPECIALS ti'n cin o 7 bedroom ti6 m (' p.Vn-l carpeted liv in g room. nOoMs only 364 Aero Ronch 280 shoros ol ctiuck .124 H.167 Corxrue .1?4,SH60 lhroii<)hout Wllh alunimuni Si0oi»u. (6ruk) AAobili^-Homw- Call-.bclorc 9 Oti cuidtoomi.- aai a m ancJ a lte r 6'OQ p m 543 566> -carpcfing, no pets 1377 5m Avenui in pASIuroArfd orchard. 3 bedroom .0 1 Ihis low pnc CARL 1 5 6 A C R E S ir ilic,n V _Ejrj1)l-Eor4Ul)l_ pilling larflo hoclroom* onil BUTl-ER-REALTY — -De-¥©W --W OftH<— FOR- ORACIOIAS L IV IN G fiiiy ila c t)' Spf’ Ciol lo a lu ro t 1 2 0 E o itM o in Jotom o Icfoho 'SOMEONE ELSE? 50 UOACHES Nrwijruund. fl.isl ol Large split level home on beautiiyi intludo o full bo»oniunt ond Du» 324.U166 Ros 324-0046 Jerome Spr.riVli-r ,rr ig.Ucd, lot. Sbedroonv, hreplace. paiio doublo Qoio^e Sou thu Chufk 324 6367 Connio 324 5060' Why not won r»i«.i' .urL'.Kje *r\ H 0 1inq 'o t i)a 4 ,i uHNism -1^ Mousr^_4_ f A n n W lln io re 473 5715 R E A tr.y R316 H.inv Wood.MI • 733 5B31 Iho n lh o r i fe o li'iic it you o> 1Si/7re|>osvsswl 17 » ^6 3 beilfc NATIONAL sn\.ill down. I.ike over pctyii lu .u ^ y - hq ._ROUIEU. 170. Uunu. C.r.iiai,i. • l o c n to .r .C nrrK l^ w l-- F R A N C H l S b ------D K 7 V F 734734.4637.463 _ ^ Srocknian HealtV'fcOO S Im to ln . R A N C H tR S INN RESTAURANT .Jerom e 374 4U45, 174 5/35. 374 IV6V IIR O O K W O O D 17«64, 3 U ' . Ml Rnivir)^ cnttib dousn t ’^ovii 4175. 374 7?34 tx-droniti. parli.*lly lurmshed. .ill AWiLETT lo ‘ b«» ‘ tvrfio u s . N o l.o n i lh,L4,, lt> fiv iriu Jwjuiii Cl ■ mr , — . i-lec I r ii 7JJ 7511'. 17 9^ijtre mmlfanrh I*', ticy, (A bse nt (OH SALE \ Duple* Lol Choice 4 Rooms'and b.ith Relireii persoi O w ner) 196V MARLETJl-' '7 • *0 ''I' nxili)\'iro>n Iw in Two ortoMon lo. ..Hon 713 7446 • oul 1 bectrnoin Set up West ol pre.lerred NO smokirm i ( OpD SIOHAC.L'- yeoi orounil sp.irnjs ono ol . I 1I1T S600 down .incl lake over IV 4 d rin k m ii No pHs 733 54fl0 n u lr ilio n : \ lly ' l>.il. R EALTY w hich i> In ihu luod y n id GOING COMMUHITY i)U)t>l)ily |}'ents 376 4701 # H UN'rUnNrSMED 7bedro N l'A l 3 Oe'lfoom tu ll D.iseni OFFICE 733-.4079 n>(lk(!s wnliHiiiQ o »nop Iho l.vgelol lor yarU iii, ikiuDIe <| o initM fo n ch w ilh oa»«i WHY NOT GET THE 4106 pet m o iiin ius.irx Sh.iw '. FI^NK DOWEN 0473 ol operoliotf and Ihu pncti 7 LO TS FOR SA LE 50 « 175 tce l • c o M m e h c i a i . I aror. snop piu% KIDS • Foims A Rni.thos .734 400fl i» riflh l $ 3 5 0 0 0 J Good location City of Wendell 536 UNIURNISHLD 7 liedrt storage Hii)Jiw.>v 30, hom e And 7767 1 acrcage in c liid rd in p rice -• DAVE HAMLETT OROKEH mlo thi; wholesome life ol a small house, ( (cirpeled. v MYOVVWCfflS cO|timuniiy, encollenf namburuer cleanino ilepoSil C.»ll .iller '■ ^ 39.SP0 00 Coniultont S . _ 5 . CAJMf’LH ■ si/rd .'lucIrM ANXIOUS driVein, owner says 70 per coni COUNTRY ESTATE acreaoi; with p Ml A va ila lue M .iy 1st. Call ■ T^pprol»«r 733 4079 proloctive covDnonts in relr'me'Mof i^S 5 luv sr power COMMERCIAL . )\cres, home spendable suhieit lo audit >^ci/c vAuey.. _37f7 7‘ Cornu in and too ino lo Qp ‘cslabli&hcd sub division Close to rid in{|,m ow er SlUl) A M .ind t M and laroe buildniu wiih rAilroad proclolo .thu warm charm Located on US hiohw.ty, downtown m Siding near schools Twin Palls GEM STATE REALTY OBILE HdM £S Console With t)l,»yi-r WO iU 3735 I .. Oulef Town Houttt my ownurt iisa lu ducorniu 733 5336 Lou Tlwrnson Realtor 711.3291 ______„. *'^S IN C ir^“DOUBtf’W fOfS' U L T R A M O D E R N 1973 M o b il wilh appliances 2 bolhraom WE ARE IN NEED 0 ^ ho m e. 14 » 7(r tm m fr iiftlo 40 ACp.CS HaroltcTrr , ve ry J‘. m iliiW tU O ^ Wesl 5 PanH (ocrwolton-ioom-occomudoiok —GeOB-eOMMERetAb placv to oet stnrted or to rotiro. Chevy 409, U 5 Call J37 4alc,-..j o In'QO pool loblo, thu con>oi LISTINGS. MOTELS A recently remodeled home Joan lot I tit on' is londscapod Schwar* 835 5600 or piue Lflkos -SPECIALTY-! ------1971,OFFICE UNIT... -.•\V8eD»»ooM—oii-it;m »rF7 beoulifult^D riJi“tjy“Qnd“soV BUy S tll OR TftAD£ yaftt^4«on, reasonable lor yourfoM ol 1440 9lh 6 0 x ' l 2 W endell 536 3647 Raliruorolod An NORTH CA. MPyS AT tHi GRAND Ol'tNING ttnun-EQst—Reduced-ItQin BEAUTiaul^- 4.300-: iJoiL APARTMGNTS. one. lwo..ancl - o r MAGIC VAllEYS FIRST — svrnf-MTn ------R t « i W M t t « lire p ln ce s, 3’ jb a lh s , to ta l oloctric*, A Rc^af Buy flnd ulllltiDS paid. Pn'onu 734 <467 N E A T 3 has 5,000 square loot Shop plus 7B At bnl/. . , M 8 5 9 o r 734 3060. WANTED to buy J or 4 bedroom BEDROOM HOME - - licres,. oHcellent lor hon^o and H you hovo- any unwontsci ' home. p>rden space, prefer business combination, truckino or itomi or nood a liiilo aniro be»emenf{nd,brick. Call 733 0016. I'l botht. llrtfploco. garaga mechanical repair, located near brsotowoy ond polio, all R upert,' Idaho. cash, cloon oul-lhai .{)o(oo» ____ - ABC MOBILE HOME ottic c>r botomonl, ond bring corp«t, Prict't36,000, Dffolor lor ih^ lanlostic NEW LISTINGS! IS ', _^Farmi A Rtnchtt .,500 square'IOol warehoute In •verylhlnfl ond.onylhlng lo wntohvn arva,'load .factor 3S0 ' Fal^viow ft Academy LYNWOOD REAlTV th« Molorvlow 'Orivo-ln ------I Cit«nl Clean t Hat nice ' I &10'0Iua'Lol<*i North ... .Ion, owner ‘Di s c o u n t EBic,ES! I TWIN FALLS WEST acroii'from 'Sunday, Moy 6lh 8 avory , ihubberv, fruil lr«»l, .f baihi, -M Acrn — fhrtf, Mdrpom brick Mlk«Oray 7330101 ' KSOOi/arland D rivt •' ' — 1 acrt — UQQ iqiiara ltal s n j07t«r load tovtty family rootn witn fir«pract, h ill* - _____ - - r - - - . ____ h o m t. 7} trM itiili, loi.of cemint R.J. S c h w in d lm o n ,'733 -7;1 00 D urlay •nd fuU baiarrttnf. All tha nica f Cir n is h e d a p a r t m 'e n tTV iso* SallarkrS3.90 /^ipoc* doi^bit ov-agi, 139,900.^ 301 «7I U U - 30I-43I.JSU4 ADblSON-a'BLAKE In.corrali. Co>n can b f bought a i HarlayMolhtrt ''733 0^73 thlna». U7.S00. Virginia ElUtigf, tier m onlhrall.ulllintll paid. Call For luTihar In^oKholion mark«t valua. 30l>«7|.?]63 3M'4]6 4S17 713 4W0, Ray LfWin, 7M-34»r,x_>- TWINFAH5 734 3161 •flayLtwIn >33 0361. V A . .. coll 7 3 3 .7 9 3 7 ■

    l i t : : ' A M K O W M E A D , 16', c iic c llc n ^ condition, alovi*. oven. wAlcr tAtiK, MtiK. icch o *. whocl.

    1966 RANCHO El H.iy I5 'i foot CAiiiper IrAllor, dual stove, ^cc-DDx^^^rTDaIIDrT-wnTc^r??! ‘ ANTIQUIICOLILCTOHS chftk Itu- — Wflnl_Aaw_dailv-lof— Twrn brtch no w l W70 2S toot NomAd, si'll conlAinod, twin buds. CArpi'tcd. Very good condition. Ca II 713 7010 or 726 42SS.

    WILL PAY CASH lor'li&cil indcJlr, npcd IS " kcrti. V io r Ic ii. Cnll ?U IJ32. 733 05SJ. or 734 3070 SPKING INTRODUCTORY OFFERv Co«f pJ^iJpVv:^ P6g|nn|nfl.°’ ...... W 'LL nujc_iJlr-fiCL0C -A ua i0a .v o u r ■fliii'.noclol 17(T[rr7‘Tt.“oocl jTTopi IfTaMWiflpty-wtttrthrlollow ’ lurnHur# — •p p lltn c tt — octd* and I n f i l l Plvar. jkuctlori. ^ } ...... I|um COfl'»ru<'tn« . » rWiul.Uw«»llton»1-«Hlon W A N TE D : to pAv CA&h or IrACiLS Tluavbuox' (ongi with ov«r>{o«|col Icir concreto miKjir and riectric Air WASHf-R A. DHYF.H Copper # |l»cl(ic xoiiijH/mp • pomp, cull 433 4494. MnytAO Set ttOfl.llB with 90 dAV WArranty aI M ft y tlo c lr lc . 44t ■TlAnln Avenue E a iI. .WANT, t'o ^ U Y ' •from' ownor.* - , OStLEIliRAiLER SALES prolcr 3 bedroom iiouso to move. b}9 5090. H o n ry S tcin n :io tz, Urttolton.- — — BDO.Soulh Lincoln " J0ROME . :,38“-T I|r'o i N«wi;VwlnsiindaV. A p rll’5P;T1W3 ' ' ^ , W eHPlRIM C aBOUT4»UB CUARANIEEP RiSULTrPROCRAM ? CqII :To'day_ C , i They Wi If ex pjd i n tRe^ -^rogrom you And Show-You Hovv You Gan AdvertFse Ytrtir Merchdndiise For Ten Days And If; Not Sold We'll Gladly Retund Your Money!.

    Travel Trailer* 74 C «m p«ri Cyclai^'Supplitt n Cvclii&SupplUi 13 Trucl<*

    19&6 rORO CAMPER SpecinI,' I960 C hevrolet pickup .mrt p e r SELL OR-TRADE 1963 fo rd frutk rtu io n )A lir, o ve r toiid&. 7 OMirA qas 1595. cflll 734 3395 C 700. tiitc, Cdl), 10- K vcjto ck bcd- trtn hi.; V' SecurilV CflmpLT ; THIS WEEKS SPQCIAL lru(k on(]ine low milcAgc, vx (urniui.', jdcki, rclndiirotor. like 1972 CUSTOM TON pickup 3J0 ci'llcnt rubber, oood sh.ipe Trndt'. n rw , c,.in tw / n t u n it H J 7J36. . m i FORD >4 ton. 300cut>ic mch 6 V 11, rtutomntic. low nnle.toe, very for d^iry livc&lock or oood ir^ctor cylinder, oood rutjlx-'r, 4 spoed, Cflll 324 S766 1(W5, 733 1372 , clea n. 324 44J«i, W o4loin Ii Motor KoniM S S - 3 5 0 t964 SCOUT, 4 « 4, lop cond.tion. FOH SAUU OH TRADE 1972 Ford (T200 1951 '; Ion Ford, V Q, r»ii^ 19/2CHEVY cuvtom 'jlon, 350 V p K - »-,3Sb'cc-QH\/------t - 250 J i ton - Pow»)f-mwif-u«, p e r W .iy Shell.ic ll, I0« - ' w .u it >1 frtliulou;> "!>wlnocr" WolK -■ . 4 il'tl'. . Il''r>' 19A7 CMC 10 WtiCL'k'f. 351 vn u in c , i cxtratiL'iivv duty &pnno&.iind tireb. ‘.r9Z2 f O ^ d ^ . c k u p 1500 733 6700. m iicnQc, V3.495, v e ry cio.>n , c.Hi nioiori.omi- more ever II • o lo c tfic flnd 3 spc.-(l,' 6 'm Hum riialo-iW ill l.ike dider pickup lor 543 6257 , _1 Ik /!■ iJ, [in< r j l , vow’ll Wrtnl to Duy !.0 f my oqutiy ond you I,ike over POU SALE 1962 Crtevroli'l piiKup. It ■ Ifiifii 'INTL’HMOUNTAIN • 5-ripood noHfbox 1971 -DODGfe 4 c.impOf WlOTOHMOMti, W«ndcll. 536 5023. Prtymenli-Phone 543 475^ very oood condition 1500, coil J0B 1957 CHEVROLET PICKUP-.with ^ c c iiil p flkkip . J03 enomL-, [Mwer «» 1966 Oio 6 Ef>(ilnr^ Short n a rro w ; ' M A D R O N • 5-way nfJiuoloblo 45HH ■■ cTinn <>nd ijr.iW fi. iiuloni.itr FOR SA LE OR IH A O E 19/1 bon. new lle/i, new paint, new i (■AWi'IR&TMAkfRSAU'j roar shocks In le rio r, /ind a home m ad e wooden pickup w'llh ovffhe.iu t.ifnp«|r on -F-0I1--SALE lool.t^ok lo r Wide t>o> “ i------^^7o-i‘ri'i...... lit, '— mobile tiorne or situill tioiiiv 543’ covOr. Oflll 733 D069bven[nosor see ’ Acitniiol V Aiiiuritciii u tiil /33 56U • oany-roafijny ta(?h'and 04^0 pickup f'liclory lioili nL- . MOTOR^OMES. >. 310 spetifll. chronu- reverse 4340, NEyV PLYMOUTH jjEigedoinjM aclvines n i nfoo . •. ______-/rRAVEL-TpAIL-ElRSr^ CAMPERS'., tv&Jl '/ton Ford pickup ExcelltfU '.nndition. low mileiioei 4 ipoed, GOLD DUSTER! Jerome Implement and Marina ‘ iddk- k . 6 vvtioeh iin d loiue ny U!oTrn?reT=^ rear lirL*. 4~AcettMri#i“ -pnonc-T3r73 Ln Hue

    1W63 I O R D .M o lo r, I. OH b A L t, -SPORT KING Originnlor of fiickup conipor\. whdjo ypu^pl mofQ.lot litjj. . • 2 C V C L t- T R A IL E R MADRGN-€AMPER- -iilQ-.P.ulb atfiii'ihl

    a TRAILER SALES 2VJ I o r d ______f o il & n it riOKf lo ,.Ml5cp|l«incQuupflrU tor 350.Hondn. A/lmi/nl\ Airntrirn'n 969 175 CC HondA SL Sol- .il 611

    . Wilts MOTOR - RecreoFranerH«‘w lw te^€eFrt® p^

    Bought From Our Lo| During April or May , 2 Models Available - Fully Sell Contained ☆ Dodge Poweretf ☆_J^ull Range of Power Options ^ h a g tfp e t Throughout _ ☆ Exterior Walls, Roof, antf Floor of Bonded Sandwitch Construction WVANY^MORI TREMENDOUSTEATURES PAYt10%-D0WN . . -UP TO 7 YEARS TO PAY on approved credit! G. & C. Mfg. & Sales Co. A FULL LINE OF RECREATIONAL V E H IC lK

    Paul, Idaho Phonp <3'$-4!l8p l!>s Chl'Vnoi.KT VAN. equipneu lor cAmpinor'- oood co n d lllo n 324 5047 -SuhdAv,:Aprll.«nW3.— Tlmo«^owi7nrwm-Fall«rldaho" w ~

    - T r u e k i iMPort^inrttCwi ti ■Jm * - < W m h IIW v m -Auto* Ferbil*' - Aufoi For Sal#- A rto t Kor S»l#^' A m oiForftii “ iwrt CHEVY"'-'/lartTJYTfwrrwiai -1973 DLA7llR C^T-ovorymino buf -W3-P5N.T-IAC c»rand Prt», li>!L _r-toK -w Wufv ih#in=.Povwt .W wnuiCXRIVEHA^^NtrAcloanr aCM£EOKIl*crESKSSi^»ow#f- - - -itc^rmor- uowar brake*,- ■ntf • l r . m ll* ir « t( lr A th » r p .- n 4 er-.-«lr cfthdlHonUinrnow llrc i. Qood irre*rPun»-uDoti.-wir-c< M40 aMor SiOO. - - - ;• ------K l co n d itio n , »J9M. 336 3154. UiMoned. Jorom p 3J45OJ0. —itflcrJno--—powor— fflr~ •u>om A llc. 13.Q00.'Cult. 314-SA84 i4'S 7U • P iriv now llret and maHy condiflcnino, tteroo. Anien maot. _ ;m 9 . f'lAT-OUNe-BUGGM Fleetw ood/ ■:aiO------m o h Jh ------—TTOTomArlc jeEP, '.Wioonotfr. 'G o o d .197} Oievv m ater, ilko now C S t. ow n e r: J43 520S. IrflnS m ilS lo n. 3J4 ------.condllion; Cflit alter S;M. 543 44aO, FOR S A tC Dune BuQQle, good' con ditio n, CAll, B1j '596Q. V Air conditlonlno<' Automatic ', power iteerino. power brake*, l9Sa FO R D p ic k u p >}S 5198. rr^Anv OKlrAS, t4.4Sd. CaJI 934 505). 19A8 Fiat, 174 Spv'dor C’ndltlon, low nrtlieage. (500 alter l ilc f v , e n lrA

    W/J AUDI 100 LS. tiflwicsi wilh <970 T o vo la C o ro n a , In good DATSUN M ichcJIn llfc s »4,300. 733 6700 Autot For S«1t HURRYM condllion. 3?4 Sni. FROM N IS S A N W ITH PRIDE. . B»o/ /nWolJon AH-r-;------"1970 OPEL R flll/. 1.9 cnginf, low VliLLOW 1571 Volkiwagcn,' AM 1971 FO R D TO R IN O 500, VTO. mlleAge, rAdiAl tirc&. cxcollcni FAA radio. Micholint. ckcoiIm iI : DEAWMOTORCO. Aulonitillc tr An&ml&bion., powt-T' co n d llio n . $1,195 Nrccl El CAmero, condllion And o as mileAoc. 733 4(W 3ndAv». s. • - 733-2023 Kfllth W ilkin s. 934 40)6 6J93. Autof For S«lff U: Autba For Sit* STILL

    5 i a o r 6 1 0


    Stock N o. C t3 3 6 Torino 4-^door Pillared "hardtop,

    medium blue"" m etallic, 302 V-8

    engine. 5-F78 x 14 belted white- ___ bi'cii-<4ux'..Uh <-(1. Alll-I-its |Kl\V(Mful l(iOn-HC OVOrlKNuICtini w all tires, power steering, power H i i il \‘()ti ;icl li.ulil iHiw \i)M c;in i is .sllll (‘c o n o in y m inclnd (fnoiiKli front disc brakes^ front bumper •S.iV (■vhi.i’ n i i a nalsiiii ^ lu . |-'ur ,i. liauiliMl. hi I'iM! vuii u p to 2ri niilits’in Ihounlloti.' “ t i m n .gL^Ml&T—ioar bum per guards. AM ~ T m r n (TI7I h ) w ()t.hi!r ti^alurc'.s it hIhm'i'.s wilh inon; ox- p l ' K . radio, vinyl insert bodysidc'. m ould­ 1 1h‘I'(!VncviM' hiM'ii ,i l)(!lt(‘r limi- ' piMisivfv .niiichiniss iiicl'iulcf I'lilly indi!- l u J - i m it /il)(uil D i’s liif>h piMTtirni- ings. accent group, wheel coers. 1(1 piMidi'n! sus]M;tisi(in. .«>cHnlv Iront.disc: - i l l i C L 'IV d J lZ -Viio&rSS^e^TO *, ------f r H 'li;.sl i h iv t r t iHJ’ • i.i;.!in li.iS IM M lrii-1 h i‘ iiin i'i DiUsint r)10 w ith .tl-spdiM] sficli fir r‘\pi^ii,sivit iiiip oris to nplidiial ;{-spiMul iuitoriHitii; s(|on.- ' w in ils .SIM unci ■riH.'ic's ni-\;rr Immmv a IxiUni- tim o .r:~> 'I’l'IJc^^-Am , i_jxa.iv. - w o t l N H ARPV GU ST0r/Wt1«~ i.l).unpi(inshi[ • lii .siiv'c. BECAUSE WE LISTEN BETTER! rnoMDATSUN NissXrTwiTTpRiDE BILL WORKMAN FORD DEAN M OTOR CO. -1-22r3-BlTJ-e-l:al<-e5 R lv d rN r J^ 3 a = 2 0 2 2 o r G R E K T NEW CAR VALUES I


    1973 CHEVROLET . 1973 CHEVROLET Impola 4 door Sedon -tTni3otn-0]ito m~CgnBii . -lUacliicli. wilii bfandord opiic r iluorino biakot ^llad ti 1 9 7 - 2 1 9 7 3 factory7 QQlf l', condiiioninn 350 V O tnnn whaijl— TT6nd~AAngcrzinE~~~~~ ^l~97^&(~lndependent M ochonics' - ”Surve)r)^'Easies^Sub&rompact-- -aziaei-(Readers Xhoice-Eoll) ‘’Carpf~TtTtrYeor*^ _ t9 7 1 & C a r — Driver '"Mo'gfi. to Servicey------^'Bofrt-Econorav-Sedaci:------1973&Motor Trend Magazine azines (readers Choice Poll) 1972&Car — Driver M'ogS, 1973‘CHEVROLET acclaim ed V e g q G T as 1973 CHEVy.LE Malibu Colongde Cbupe "Best Econotny Se‘dan" azii»»4.^Readers Choice Poll) "Economy Car of The Year" 4 door totlotj aulomolic Ironinm V ,i 350 V i) Aulomolic lron»inuvioi "Best Economy Sedan" tion power »tuofing linlod glo»s p Vinyl Top TintiitlGlqM An bolted tircit . CondilioninQ Rollud lino.

    Wai CO 1 0"7 y'- W q i t 3 . m . I O r —

    .-xcJ9 7 3 BUICK loSatiie 4 clooi koilan Cuttoin nVaulift p p tlo n i! W o i ■ U J S . i i w u z

    i a u i u Jjm Parsons Clarance Fallon I Dick Rice Ed Churchman >) ACE HANSEN CHEVROLET Ric e Chevrolet inc. 1654 Blue Lakes Blvd. N orth 7 3 3 & 3 0 3 3 "/Wogi'c Valley's trgding D ealer"^ Building A Bett^r^WayJo bee ih^ Ui>A ~ 140 West MdIn, JeFomer ^ . ------= '':"'‘PKon0“i)24-4318; - ’I;'.,:. , ' ■ -J 'V , ■ .30' .Tlmiii.Niiui»,jrw(n.F«IU, ldaho:jfen

    1064 TORD WAodn', m Crulteo- — m at Hr— Povwr~nTff«niTTtfT— w v i* r “ — * _ • — JJ)fHkos.nnU!alr.-Dofln.-7!l3 MM. . •T M rV u V M O U T H OflrrAcUffS,’ 7 .ttoor h«rrttop. « -0OQd'ClrmlCtil. ijnit In. vary good 19tORAAAnLGR 4 p lo t ? ‘ ij> o w t j r « - Rofll Pfiono 543-4754. : U iirp, welh Cflrad lor. 1945 PO NTIA C Tom pe i M 4)oel('N hd fnpo ; »9n.iMPAUA-4:ttoor li<*rrtiop. «i»;T pnck, t loowtf ie«U ,*nd wlndowi., VIrtVI ,{op, n ev lv new lire* nntJ m*nv. 197J FO R D OnlnTilo* SOO, L T D icxirai. evira oood conaition. »v rontwos. f=ull power (owmlleAUo, owner; 5 « S^cS. 126M. ■> 400 m o to r. lEKCOllenl condition. Crtll H3 9554 rttfor -5 o'clock, \ I96S fO R O F rtilb .irk Mu5tnn<». cKtennon ,7fJ, Lorry Wublj ?Rt. 3 supcd^^noiirt c o n riitin n . DnH And Lasts ^ FulhWeeks 1970 P L V M O V t r t H rtrrrtcuc 194? wnoCiJHY Atoniofoy. Very Tully egulpod witti AC Vinyl lop. ( A p f H 30: - M a y 12) • «x)Od co n d itio n n j 353/ b r /3< 3^*5 o x c i'lle n t'c o n d itio n C.1II S43 59BI •itln r 6 p.m .

    " 154n P d n tin c S tn iio n W rtdon. ■ Iflctory .vr; oood rutiticr, J 1,094 or b f'ji o ffr r. c/>ll,n3; 4(llft ALL 1973 flUiinUm - :iVif'HOMP M.inthifO, Mflndflrd irflnsnuisiort, (|00d fondillon. cnil --733 /AiA— - .1 . . PONTIAC CATALINAS — IVRSTljnTtTH-eA-T AL-t A -w it 'A b v u n to —pdvnii:nl:>.._B6ZjSZA_ - cnndllloninQ;-7d(V»r Ji.ifd lop. %S?i. hctwccn H anil 3. 05K. !0f . Wf C nll'/l4 4637 Crrtylhorn-, Oiikliiv SERIES IN STOCK

    1970 0L'0!iM 0niLr’ 474. 1965 Imp»ci.'plioniilly ,i7,100 733 7693. clenn, now pnint 679 Wtrticttinu rtllc r A 00 /33 9?a3 AS OF APRIL 30. 1973 : m i M C H C U H V AAooti-oo 390 V 0. 3 •ifMMrrt, t» 2 i^ runs onod, 6>B 37/4 N EW 19/3 Doduo CMoroer 51;, iiutomnlic. tjijckol K.'.its, power AND ALL ARE EQUIPPED AS FOLLOWS: » 0» SALE M odi'l'l rorO louriny ^iL'i.'rmo, power window*, AM FM I ofi«*nrtl condition -43.400 Phono rrtd'O, v e ry low rnile 6 T .S tL L 197} AAonlJiOO M X . 4. IV/7 VtC>A C*I W rtgon. '4 ditioning vV Performance Axle v\ White -wa)l Tires” •door iiflrd top. low fnilcrtdi'. rdiim, I.K I), niagv. luuunji: rtllK i . AT THE LOW PRICE OF \flfr.ili.c . cnll 733 773(1 \(>otlcr,s S rrv ic e re co rd nviiil;u) ooTT.ifrrn 19/7 Ol t) i- C lJTLAbS S. 6, 000 — mi-s^'lon— fi— Power—Di»c-&rakes— it— Power-^S+ee-ring— miles Cirtcirent 196> J (ifxir of»- o (orulilion Will coM'jider good itsrd w AND MANY, MA1MY-MQRE FEATURES — SOME HAVE i;«fi-lli-nl con«lilion. -S7,CX)0-i ( ,ir lo r.e ^ u ily /33 1060doy&or 734 ' 11,000 Itru ) 733 )Ol(l VINYL ROOFS AND SOME ARE 2 TONED. 5/96 Iilli-r 5 A-ik lo r M iirin n T t S

    Mi.'i-nno, ()owiT ijr.iki-., .lu to m iilic - tmcKol v n y l top. I condilion. t(tli SIA i/JHS COME CHOOSE YOURS FROAA THE LARGEST , ' " ' 1970CHEWiOLjrT ItMp.if;! t69S.QQ_l-iioiu^21 . _ - 940 H igtilo iK i A v a iu L . Q.iI.Il).' , 1(1 S p n i ■

    ■1971 -Toyota Coiica st , •.-,.'$2395

    _ f^ 70 Plymouth Barocuda. . . ,.$ 1 9 9 5 -I£72 AMC Gremlin X ~. . .,'$2180 USED '1971 Volks ...... ^ 2 195 CARS CM C TRUCKS 1967 Ply. S p od l lu ty, 3.l)otK,tlUMillJ|) 1095 1972 MERCURY >l>i«9O--AA^It=4:^0OT=:iulty=l0adDdr-inctudin9-0U>—loVv o u lito y o -1 9 7 G ^ e ire v irc rte f Impiilu Ji>o' li(iiilli)|) -$ -2 9 9 -5 -

    $ = 1 ^ 9 5 -! * 2 6 8 8

    1-962-Chevfjp^let^ - $ - 1 ^ 5 - dWOveWE-VROLEnkCaprJce 4 dooi liardtnp /ully luado il iiic.ltj({iii(] on cpiuliliunnuj me 1965 Chevrolet .... ■■$495 ■ s T & 8 8 ,1963 i;ord ...... $595 . 1969 GKEj^LET Impala 4

    19(J)5^Ford 7 llooi I>c)l(ll6(> $595 * 1 4 8 8 V2 Tons & 196 9 J o y o ta $_UL9_5_ 1967 POlMTiAC Catalina % Tons _1564Jeep^o, -^u(ian_m i-,-iIim lilianino_aniJ—iull—pawui__ A_iaaL:oacui-cai_ > : O V E R 30 to CHOOSE FROM

    -n-ll^-S-RAM BtER W??tGON— Very Qooct tran»partnl

    ( f - I ■/i

    *Aotoi l»or S*t»— U ' Awlisi F6rSs|«- r*itotT ir s iirir ji— — '' iu)M>Dr siu ±=3sifc:3mcicTHreiraTrM rcHina»: ^Vn#^RBk>^M»fAtA-4-dAttrrvT ■ - ooed-C6ndlHen77powwr-ite*rlnfl'; le s u . iwlB o r « « it. UOO. Jdalw Sircel, Filer, TIRED!!. . Cqii't^ffbrd a New p ' FOR SALE lOAS Oiovello, nsA> iret/braket; Intorlor^iso «t Oluo PDR SALE, In y tr y oood But Wartt AjGood Used Qne!! ABBIE'S VALUE RATED ,KI:«kei Amwican or T sir'Tji 9845. c o n d lllo n j 1W4 Fw 'd C oonfry Sedan. 9 pdiienoer, tnctory «lr. TRY’HUNTING' FOR SALt: Giihor « »971 G T 390 V i Cfioln#.- i79J. 734 4940. COAAE IN TODAY, M wciiry Comol 303 V autortiAtlc O N d U R Trdntmitilon. radliil tiros wilh • only 14,000' o r '■ Thunriorbird; wtih - Air nnd ■ all power, exc«jm«i-fondiiton.' Alio I9 7 3 G R A N D V II.L E PontlAc. FUHV e ittrn nood, I9&7 Dodgu ing, oir cqndilioniny. n>own jti color V-fl onQin*. automatic frorum iition. powor itoor- r^yCtX)SIVE~^ brakw and• air. Clean. n, ;33 1193. .«7fl 3071 flfjc r.6 ;3 0 p.n ^2295 inQ. olr l?7n FORnjiualang,. -caiuIiH oj FOR SALE; l973^POa G.TCstilT^ 303 V O tnoina, oulontolic 30 DAY O R -I-;Q90-M IL-E w flrrfln iv , Uesi o ffe r. Call 025,5)03. lra.nimiuion,,powpr iteonno ~m 9 5 - brakes. 400cul>jc inch ^Q lric with TO R u mOsfann ffc r. Ci>ll 733 73no to sco. M a ck I, 430 e n g in o . ou lom oD c 2 door' V G T972 JAVELIN SSf M oroorv V n_ onQlno,_ oulomcitlc" IrnnnnUijhn^ itDUlJpo — )p70CHEVg.LE MALIOU. 307 VO PONTTCCS A1995 aulomatic irar^smisslgn w a r r a n t y - *1700 1968 MUSTANG. _____ / condihoninO-_____ - ■t»l{jsw;book '73r0935 ■■ 7 CRS/iclL.Vrs, -1 5^|lnJf_r etigin^ 3 ipeixl trclRbniurW^ M l 9 5 winyl lop . . O L D S M O d lL E fi. ' ~ ; AftUST S E LL 197? MOnlPQO W X, 4 1 9 6 B C H E V R o’ l ET Coprim’ . r". door hard, fop, low nnlL'ntj?, "T e O-RIC6 M tJTORS- •— ^ d o o r.-3 9 6 V fl Bngtr»B, autom artc. - • .— .ia c rilk o ’ Cflll 731 7738 Goodlr)Q, idaho Irantmiiiiott, oir condiliotiino, WAS SI69b, . ^ 1 ^ 9 5 - 1972-MUSTANG CJ 3 5 ) V '8 ongino, nulomoNic tra n im lttio n . pOMpowor tlnonng. IMS PtYMOLrtH. V II OPEN SUNDAY •rtQine, \iulom ali( tiu n in io iio n . ciit coiulclio i'\0 '6 9 5 . GHEVYORGMC J9<58-PLYMOUTH, ? dooi., v -t~ t . *3095 PICKUP OWNERS ongino, oolomotiC'oii, power »lcni'tdti pim Olid ovon lliu sporK pluQSn 1955'CHEVROLET 1/2 TON 4 wl)(«l drfvo. V'O ongino, oulomatic tronsniissior> powor ttnui OVER $900.00 WORTH OF PARTS ALONE Pickup M95 1970 DATSUN^ 1 1 -0 C ONE DAY SERVICE ... READY TO G O ! ! * Door, equipped 10 t a v o 1 I ~ L _ _ _ ^2895; -yoiLgP-gfflHllQ.mQnotf .,.■■■ . . ' 1 ' — B x c h a n g e -Instaliod.'.'. Including' tabor_____ •GLEN JENKINS J9-6.7-AMC. n il ri/ynrnf* i ^ o u r G © - A A G t o r - € o r DSlE^ORERrON-

    I tize aulomobils. AncJ boiler yet thit cor li lolly oquippod and not iho usual stripped down-model,.Look ol Iheta fqalureti AM radio, foclbry air (30 for immediate delivery) conditioning, automatic trontmiision, power iteering, power disc brakes, 1968 BUICK tintocT gloss complete, fiberglass belled whitewall tires, deluxe wheel covers, W I L p C A l 2 Door Hardtop or ■\ door all'whlto wilfi'rnoroon in V-8 engine, power (low thru ventilation, cigar lighter, inside-operated hood lirTior V’Q. Q uloiiiblic tran k in iS ’ Suduii, povvvr tioitrinci.onii brpkos 1 9 5 belts from and rear, rocer-panel ond wheel opening mouldings, chrome accented pedals, hidden windshield radio ontenno, deluxe steering whoel, and lots lots more. See thii today ond you'll agree’it's just what you'ro ^ 19^S-BULCk- looking for. Ihe kind, of cor you'll enjoy being seen in ond alt the equipmoni hcAdfap l»i4/i»-,V(olDt 1 I lo moke driving a pleasure. . Oii[noi>jlic. Ucin»fA i/.i^A »j>o.v4j ;rir\y,ilW jVr(ft1i' a i ^ ^ n r i i $

    sp'oo'cf liu 'u n iii

    1 9 6 8 FORD t-i— carjvtH'ilun— ^ T

    1969 AAERCURY ^ MOMTFREY' . dj^ C ustom 4 d o o '. V'JI onglr>o, oi> ttD ’ ___ lamotlc.ixjDnimiiiio(L^L.i:Qndi__ Honing, powor tlooring vinyl lop

    -1967^ERGUR-Y- CAPRI 7 door hnrdlop. thli car hoi had oxiremoly good coro, dork blue . will) w hite vinyl lop, V Q ongino,, autorr^QlIc tranim iition. $ finH p/iiim r «»n«fltlQ .... 1 SABBIE UR! GUE ABBIE - : f - : > -OLDS — BUICK — O PEt'— AM ERICAN M OTORB URIGUEN "Wherie Compeiition Is Made . . . N ot Met". ^ . 733-8721. OLDS-BUICK-OPEL-AMERICAN MOTORS 712 MAIN AVE: S., TWU;) FALLS 733-8721 "Where Cpnjpi9|/f/on Is Mai^e, Not Met" 'VrWl H ■ / "' ■■

    '■■>' ■'M-iW % 5iSw5^W I- r ''£l D1@S I 13 , ¥ , .SJuitI -O


    Sunclijy • s - W r i

    -f\|OW • S u n d a y Only- . . . ■ O N L Y . O t\\y ......

    Elvin Brown wiH be on duty tor 5 ,k::_...... EVERYLUSEJtCARJN hours today to answer all your STOCK DRASTICALLY questions about leasing and to -REDUCED! All Vacation Ready- inq- g- car^from Theisen Motors.

    1967 LINCOLN 1968 CHRYSLER 1969 MERCURY . ______' ' Lib.: —300 2 door-hoPcJlop, no Montorov 4 ddar kodon. wb sold bolongod lo local busino's* cor trodo in, full power and this one brond now and traded $mon. boQutlfol bluo with olr conditioning, rool b a c k for it. r e g u la r fucfl V -0 whlto to p. fully loodod.______shorpio, all vinyl intorior. engine, automatic fronsmission, TIoon^irTsIdo^anH outT" “ power sloorln-g^ limb~'groort With white top. .mta iiifH . ViTrfnl*^ Mn un wk IWUB S — 5UNDAVONLY - . ------SUNOA^V ONLY SUNDAV-ONtrY- ^ith^yofirHnew CCM AEX!- -T 968 CHEVROLET 1967 MERCURY 1972 MERCURY Pork ■ lane 4 door Hardtop. d o o r —bootuUiill— boigo-^4A4th— w h ito — top. ,lull powor, factory air conditioning, runs oxconont. looks good, you must soo this.

    Floor Mounfod Tfaribmlttion • Spoclgl doluKo 5«oi Oolit Hi Dock Ducltot SoaU • • Spofly Sryllng For Ttio Now Gonorotlon ■ / • lOOl. Nyton.MalchinD Nylon . • Eoch car*quipp*d wUh M* ewn dulincttv^tporly • 103 inch Whoolbato • ' i S u i p o i ' dig arid poworlul 6 cyliiulut ongm u liml dolivi • Ouill Eipoclolly For ThoUon M'6 lor» 1970 MERtURY lolt ol nupbut uxcellonl goi ntilooQu • Amo4Mbh Mado Throughout 1967 PONTIAC 1968 MERCURY Pacidod Doih H Vi»ort • FREE Oil Cliango* For ok lotig o you own orio o( Monterey 4 door sedan, locol Cotallna sjjitana whilo oil M uiit'’'‘oy 4 door *inHnn. light lho»o bi)auti«»i __1 o w n e r, w o sold it n o w a n d <^nyl inlorior V Q' onqino, 3 roon insido ond o ^/f Irodod back for it. conpor~tTr- trtVoln.oric T r on 5 m i s i i o n , ooksf good ^autornatic,_traris• color with while top. factory air .1 - pow e r stOOfTnQ. ftnd ^btoJ*.ei^J^n; pow er steering, V-'' conditioning, powor stooring, runs bnd l6^»’ oxcollbi>tj t f n g i n o . power brakes, excellent con­ ‘•(95 Oflwn per Montli dition, . I f'riri’ in 'l! .ftriirn Mclor'.'furr'V.'t't;! Ai.; X.llf ^.'11 I ' n ’ . iii.i'ii )j ,!ii r?rr?i'l i/c ;jif J II fli.i'Tc n! ~ ....


    0 " C 0 r

    701 Main Ave. Ecfst Kitchen cupboard robbed of sink, cabinets ruined Vandals rip apart

    _home-inJT-win~Edl Is-oreg - V a l l e y — peoplie Scenic view of canyon -IlyJ()SKUVN-UU)VWKD- ^W L‘iison_sai

    " to rn ’ilouriT"jjiece by [)ie'('0 ~Tniiny'tiTnoK."r\’e even losl Iwo siiiriVrrffHihi! pro[)erty. “ I All the windows broken watchdoi^s," (jiin'l know why Ihrs h a s lo k eep and suju«)rts Uirn ^.■^/Yinon^ —(hi* — tpjuin^nn.'' ^ -Wails kicked *'r e c « n iin ' 1 is le i(' ;i j) u f 'n ^ ( ’k s '( in Ih e rrtad^Ww." h t-;iiiid . "1 71iiln‘t Appliancea unOixUitBi- rillini; liiw n 'mmvL'r'- torn from llitHr-cabineVs nTul yelhiw over ils original blue, a llimk*lhey would be able to'net stolen or rieslroyect. green double sink rip])ed from past, hut there just do(?sirt - |)«»orfl lorn off h innes nrul - Uie k itflie n <-Jtbifielr* !?Trnt- overlooks Ijje cany»n «ind the fireplace anti wall is beinn tlif n).‘<.d,'' he sa id , "and T w in fa ils. removeil "rinhl tuiw" piece by I'aiis ('it\' has a [>olii’i‘ officer ____ T \\{} years ai;o. Swenson niece, Swenson said, "lo be diiwii Ihci e d iin n g th e evenm K •iH'nan reminleliftir^’nrk^nn the 'tOTd orr^nme nfhrrfireplnrrrl' “hntini—all—sutnfttri', Inil ’ wo house.which he hntl tiiovfil lo iinanine.." haven't come up wilh anylluii}^ tlie site.-A buyer contuuied the "People don't seem to accept )i't," renovation until a properly the fact that this is (xivate "Aas'lliinn that's movable, ___ iM)undarv di.spute lialjed work, pi'o[HTty," he said. Ihi’v'll ^leal." he said. Sw en son sa id . It w as Ihu^i that "I'm offennuir^^rcw iiTT ' "I'duii'i'know what to do,” vandals ' and thieves benun fur information leadini’ to an Swenson said. “I would like to th eir w ork on the [)ropert^y. lie arresl aiid conviction."- prosrcule Just once,“

    ^ew iy-decorated4iving-r«om -turned-tO Ti-ulihK ^

    :,Closet vondallze'd for 'thrills' ; Oakley rock now being ripped from walls ■ :* ■ . __ i Q u g P t e f

    c o n t e s f ‘p l a n n ^ •

    TWIN .FALLS - An e s ir m n le d . -100 b 'n rb ersh o p qu/irlct cntliU3insts will be in T w in F n lls M ny 4 nnd & for tiic^ Inlernrfiionnl Preliminnry Quartet Contest of ' the

    The two^ny event wifi fenturfe, com pelitlon Simon|{ UNDA GOOGrt. MARIL-YN-WAITE— \SANDRACALLEN KAY BUTTRAM qunrteta- . from Idaho, W n s h inKtQi i.t>i ■ ^ontaiuw- :-Seleclod honored^ .graduales^-^ salutaiorlan------nritiiih-coiumbio (imraiscrUi, 'ITCKFTS tiro nhw' ffvalfabfo for fh o Nftflhwnnf Hi^iricl ilpnis of iho"' tnlorna- ~ttonal'~Bvrbor'ihop"Quariot--coni'esls- ihis — Contest 7f^n iA/Jf/ h n lH In ' ’ . q u a r te ts In Fino A rfi building Dr Charioi Lohrmdp. tlie ,(listritt, with winners to loft, and Loo Campoou. mombors of'iho compote In the international slated .‘j* ^ Tlin-o JiTotiic May l^oaiui graduation is Mity ■ Little Sisters Club, is pep club sponsoring Mo'gichords quorloi. discuss vjirsity Kolf tenrn, Hiolojiy Ciuh finajs in Portland, Ore. in July. ■Klrls '•^vllI ' slm r e - Ihe 21. Holh evetil.s w ill l)e a t fl p.m . _«t^ SUident Council tickot solos. - . . mid i.s honored queen of Tlie semi-jmnual convention of valL‘(liet(irljin hdii'irs for the rpresentative, secretary* Jub's Dau^hlers. Miss CJcJoeh district barberalmppers will MiN.‘:(;iKH'h is U jedauH hter of treasurer of vareity band and l{l7a HrfldiiJilinf!, attended (iirlsStj.Ue in l[)72nnd also be held. Jerry Diehl, prlncipM> of Mr. and Mrs. l-iV(?re (looch. f)ep l)and, FrencK Club. Office Hansen PTA ------— ------— a Science Humanities 1^ 9 Campeau, meml)er of .Jerotiif Hif-h Sj IuiiiI, .siiifM hc Shi; liii^ Imm'M a' ijiernher <»f Kdneatipn Assoc|ati.on and* Symposium in Sidt Uike City, Uie spohsorinR MaKichords. of i!irls, Mtxhi (JoocJi. Stu(i«.'[it (Vinn<'ii. antiiial staff .loroine Chapter of National Utah. Durinf' Fehnmry .shf. IV in Falls, said the northwest officers M iiriivn __\V.iiilL‘. . and Honor Sdciety diirint; her Honor Society. -Klkrt-^IV - o f - t h t -p rclin -contofil—Is—hold- (■'jillen, w ith a 4.11 f’radc U m i^eyci in liiRli school. y jo-a lwmervcHl-aH-«t‘e r^ try -^ MW'MJL- M on th ,” flnntmily”^ somewhero in the [Htint Hvcrii^e anti will shiic»! Miss (Inoch was iissistant treasurer of .lerome ChaptV of Installed She is active in First northwest stiUes. or Canada. TIIE VERY vnk’dictorian hoROfs-for 1071 uidtortu ncU - JiiaQ:a3.% ..aavino8l. Tmditnriunr— bjdlot, polls will Im? o p q j from Jacoby • TWIN l-’AI.I.S - Tliey May 'eprescqtittive and a member .Tickets for any of the noon until 8 at the .scIiqoI. W i'h'om c W-itinlM » ______h ()t h a s f ’s ’ \ iTa iiTi > i h I* s j t; Idaho Harl)er Shop. )x)th NOKTII (III yuar-in an open house following nu[ and's ,hmm aLtlve^irl- nuu_ -HWHnl»-4t \ t’.iss r. V spadi' lead /\s.sociation. ‘ > se r v ic e . u r-as-. Pii^s.K v.nil.- at the home of Susan Carter, I \ l v . I'.ISS Al llie oilier laiiie .Soiitli 52ti M onie V ista al 1 p .m . M ay -plrryrd-in nnri m arie-n-snte- ♦ A ami sane ii\«' lieaiis so a The Couple's progressive se\ iMM-liili call would iiave A compliment to nny homo, SL'londia Diinish hollowaro My Oswald \ James Jacobs p r o d II c e li a nice prolit din n er w ill l>e iClay 1‘). 'Hie 15 madu o| lop-quiili(y Ifl/O !.l.nnl(jsa stool. c o c k ta il bouc w ill l>etiui at 7 __ Some—yi:arji-i»^j-t4»*»-laJ iainst eveii^^he b e s-L dc Albert Mon-head; one of the te n se . j).m, al the Harvey (;ook home. iirealcsl'' bridui' analysis tif 1NIWSI'AI‘(H IN U lfl'K lit ASiN t Itcsorvations must be niade by all litne, pointod out iliat -in calling Ixiis Hansort or Shirley total point anil IMP team Cluthrie no later than Mi^ M mati-hes it^ie\ei- paid to risk ' a iMi: swim ; li.v J l I L u i u „ m u l -----^rht*“hiHrlinjT“Hn^~hrrn‘ ------■ o|)]M>nen(smake a vrdoutilcd. W i's l N o illi Fii»C S d iiiIi . dlal-ur |niduublcU n *- • :iN ■ slam contract. ^ I ’.i-.-. I N T I ’.iNs . llerit-is-^, hand troni an- Vuu. Si.iilti, hi.tcl .important inatc'h in the Sunday, April 39, 1973. Tlmes-N«w|. Twin Fall*, Idaho 3S Women Jerome pair s e l^ Fel lowship pay set Jriday ,T W IN FALLS — , May montn).health; Mrs. Don in partndr^hlp with .their FoUowship Day will bo %CftnncU, lUrbor Houw, and. neighbors, rites celebrated by qmrch W o ® Hoger Abernatli on HotHne, ‘ United, Twin Falls, Friday Protestpnt, Catholic nhd Mrs. Dale Vilen la In charge concern JEROME - Mr. nnd Mrs. '* I wlUi a potluck junchoon at ' Ortliodpx women froiig over of orrangoments (or _ Jerry- Callen, Jerome, an* I noon at the Salvation Army. 2,000 local church units, will luncheon and a nufsery will be - WASHINGTON, — nounccUic engagement ofUioir—I Theme....of” thlfl' :y 6ar’s” MdedrcalL* lhemselves"lo'work ‘ ' provided: - "TIid women of Amcricn are daughter, *&mdra Uuise, (o I observance will be''‘As Hand' . ‘ ' ' ' olcrt to the noccssity for Dennis Glen Gapps. Touches Hand." . combatting rIslijBprlccs," said . . Miss • Callen will We - Tlie first May Fellowship . - - — - „ ^ - Mrs. 'Kcrmit V. Hnugan, graduate^l-from Jerome Hlgli Day was observed In H)33 nnd -"’proflldeni “ of“ 't)ie~t;encrnI School in May as co- ' “ since that Mlm'e It has been F ed eration of W om en’s Cliit^s. valedictorian of her class. Site traditional for women.across “This conccrn 'is being js presently employed at tlie ; Uie country . to._use>7the- flT-st expressed in the many )cttcra I Jerome Chamber of Com* i Frldny In May to salute the r c c e lv c ir o p i ‘ W dhicif - vnlu'ntorg— ------oaolu. Pick d pair Uiroughout lhe:counlry.' CjjppJTTOTirtif Mr,, nnd M r s.- commiirtlty— of plciques Speaking at n meeting of tlie Glcn Capps, Jerome, is a. IDGO SANDRA CALLEN Presentations: wHl be given — etltcnHor-ConlroI-oF-Foderfll 4(FAUuato>-or— I4is)^ ~by*Mnrch~Hoop3TJTmlcoholl5m ------ovsiylhingUrom-tlowois— rSpendlng'in Washinglon— of ------S ch o o l- and ’ w a s -g r a d u a te d rehnbilltntlon; l.lz Johnson. to Poqnuts chataplafs — vlco I chairm an from Ricks College and College Pick a couple soon. MffiTRflUBmrcmplinsized-hei — belh?f-thgt- onFT)fnhfe-mgji presenily employeu at United • causes of the notion's, rising, Oil Compimy, Twin Falls. prices is runaway'federnl The couple plans a July spending, . . •>' wedding at the Idah^uljs l.DS pizzas suspicious “Wlfat I fear is that in T en lp le. ,Op«n. addition to rising prices, the M I N E O U . N.Y-. ( U P l) - and three wometj and saicl they .M o n d a y m a ssiv e in c r e a se s in federnl Detectives decided sometliing /smashed a $10.000-a-day A spending thnt, are currently suspicious was going- on when betting ring which took wagers • F rld o y 13 to 5 • proposed in Congress-will- TF 4-H club they hoticcd thnt Uie proprie­ on all kinds of sporting events, ''N ig h t* require significantly rising tors of «■ pizza parlor they taxps,” said Mrs. Hnugan. to order striked out constjintly ordered Cahn identified. Ihe ring ------^*Then7t>Uf^poekelbooks-will •ourforfDod^iwiirdmrrinw^ -imrnerrsn^rTciFrttnr^Tin' really feel the pincli. Prices MR. A N D MRS. N O RM AN WEN^ERT ^ As a r e su lt, Na.s.sau D istr ic t Freddie” De Gregorio, a ;il- must be held down, and the white hats ~ Attorney William Cahn's office yearJold associate of the CARD and PARTY SHOP only way this can be done is to Tliursday arrested five /non Jose[)h Colombo ctim e family. On Th» Mall « ' Downtown, Twin Falli limit spending. Otherwise we ■ TWIN FALI^ - The shall see increased taxes in April rites unite Caballeros 4-H Club was called proportion to incrensed federnl f/r to order at its meotiAg sp ending," 'Hmrsday by David Seaman. Mrs, Haugan concluded,- couple in Twin Falls d a ’DenTi led t h c p lc d g c - o f - ‘'C oncerned"clli2ons'mufit"joln“ allcgiancc and Pam Mason toget|ier to demand a fiscoliy lead tlje^4-ll pledge, TWIN FALfis — Mitry Dawn " with a silver glow. She rosp6nfiible federal budget. S y lv ia Trmi------M jT in i High became the bride of tarried a Iwuquet of red roses lIuddle.ston \Vere welcomed as NornmtT'Wcrif|erl‘Tn April 14 iuid white carnations sprmkled new metnljers. 4*1108 at the home of tlie with baby's breath. •• Members of the club P accm ak er •brldoyroom’.s mother. Mrs, Barbara \Vengert Nelson. discu.Hsed project pictures H elen W engorl, 'I'win F a lls, Seattle, Wash., was maid of which must be turned in to i*ccliarjiS«fl 1’he bride is the duii^hter of honor, Mrs. Seaman by May 3. . DALTIMOHE (DPI) - Doc- M r. and Mr.s, K obert G. HiMh, fJary F. Wengert, .Twin _ b e club-U4UwUHv4Htc— — Qt— J o h n a H npV ine . A.s h tn n . T h e— b f F alls . tJl’St llim i, ' ■'hals. University have developed’ a father ifj] the late Norman K. Mrs, Irene Kellogg played H orse r hejirtpacenuiker that a patient Wengerl,’ . . • wedding music can recharge e«cl> week apil The* dmibli* ring ceremony llie couple were honored at a ! ■■-WqH:piAri«r^ui^b^,U i/^.liet^d rec.cp|Lqnaatiirday.atthuhqtiu; • Dr~Hicnfrrth- H . cp.-~^r^nu>»)»m.- a*close fneiief ut of lYie^brnfe's parents 7n developer of Hit* new^devicr. tlie family, in the pre.sence ' * ‘ • siiid the new pacemaker can Ije about 30 relalivi's. piiinlessly recharged through 'H)e bride, given m marriage I’ollnwmg a .shorl wedding Uie skin. by her father. wor(‘ a fltior,' the couple will Tlie p a cem a k er. whi,fii wii.s length gown of wwhite liitc ini.sluiin'ini.sluiiie •*!><' '\ve„ F.,. '1 unplauledilor the fitaUim tJn it B altim ore w om an Insl Fel>- ruary. runs ilown in about six Glass of wine poured iu«k*i-bul-tmiv-lM»-r-«*iU)r-tHl-l>y- • placing anotlJfcr deyuMJii-UiC. skin ovef the imbedded pace­ maker for about 90 minutes ea ch w eek. Pedal Into Summer

    Printei Pattern


    ' - NYLON JERSEY $ioo • Permanent Press Cyde r Limited omouni 45 w ido ...... I y d ^ • Changes Aic.Evory-3'Seconds • d ia n t 1 8 5 /0 '’^Fan PF.DAL OFF on .sunny :bridal hats JusI In limo for Spring W odfiings. , , . • Large Lint Filter Avt'okends. vacjltion in this ' T newly nonchalniit trio! Sfw t Con Bo Vented 3 Ways ' tasual. huttonod \valst jjjcket, ATTENTION BRIDES i b t 1B40A (olocfi/' • Safety Door .blouse, pedal pushers In Icnlts.. Onu froo Tioro of youf Choic# will bo silTM SJgainlodol) • Tin-irnn~ott;nrt!rNi?wr -HQURfiu • Mny one) Ji,no Rogiklu' Now A lio wilh MON.rFRL: 10 a.Ri. to 7 p.m. Printed P«ttern 9203: ovofy p.itrltovo nT o Tiora Ono Fro^i ' — MisKOK^JiljoK 8,10,-13,-14, _JAT.: JILll!liJl);__ Yardages in pattern, ’ ’ Conu. .n^otuUVi»ll our ComplolQ SUN.: Noon lo 5 p.m. - Hcvcnly*fivc-crnta for-e«eh- B^NNEr F URNITURE^ jiattec^i — o d d 25 c en ts for ea c h - 127 2nd Avo. w ist Twin Falls * 733-1421 , pu^rtet'n for A ir M a il and ' Spucinl Himdlhut' .Snnd tn Marian Martin, Tlme.s*News P attern D e p t.. .232 W est IBth SEW -C IETY S t.. N ew Y ork, N . Y . 10011. GAMBLES Print nam», address wiUi «lp, 1011 Main St. ' Buhl 543-4464 sin catalog!'We love to design for you — over 100,town, vacation, t n glamor style's. Choose d m M E S FURltURE & APPLIANCE pattern fr e e ! S e n d - 76 ccnta.' 678-8524 now. Instimt Fashion liookr |1. J1g4.SrJOTIn~ jBurley— ;__ Instimt'Sowlng Book — sew It today, wciiV It tomorrow. |1. lK)Uf>Iil-hlft-Bon- an- insulntor nt an n'nllqiic show. The Inillnl purclinHC ln.sllt(Hicci iheir h o b b y , >ond th e ir in s u ln to r is'h(iV(Lflul [flken-fnlhcr-fln-onpfiol( trlp.sinthodcscrtflofld^Hbnnd . Ncvjidn (ind cxcurHionfUVflluRa— nuctlons 'nil over the Immcdintc vicinity, Most of the older, nrnrer,. more varied nnd numerous . types of insulators ore found in those stnlcs which were . - strinRinfj leieKrnph’ ilnes across their borders" long ______Itffore Jdnho w ns m uch m ore , Uilin fl fn io n tie r . C onsequently, T Jh erl's m o st pHTetJ insDlfilors ’ come from more en.stdrn • ‘ locatiQna. Nevertheless, l)cinf; Idaho ' borp has endowed Libert with a nntive pride to represent his ___ -Own:ata^e!a_conldf) IIhk .. incblfltor industry beside tlie i — — r-more—speelACUlnCr but - less-< local ejchii)i^ ofjjlher stales. In.suliitor>houndlng has led hlnrefTmnny a Journey along M o u n ta in B e ll nnd Idahc^ Powef lines in hopes of"picking; up items to add from Idaho. Insulators in Ubert'ti home ------nre made of‘ f>1i asbestos*elay, plastic, wood — * nnd rubber. Most of those insulators produced today are made only of porcehiin. : ______a - K c r r Co..lB'the source of glass insulattJrs.'THe current insulator tends, ns n ______result, to be f»reatly sUndardizcd and, fur-Lbe-uigiit part, not us rare as its predecessors. The older lnsulat OQ^ety- to ■ nin\iv^wltJi^fl-:,Nftw^iiflhtwoighl , Sometimes-'di^^erences iii Long Stylos • Gowns. color are accounted for by the conto^r and bar! S-M-L-XL ______cUccta_Df_Uie-.sun_on_Kluss.__ • Whit* • LI. elu« Sho.-t Stylos • Pajamas ~*“ Nowy“ *“ir»cl...... Often scrap Rlass is used to Romombor TKo ^hrlstmos- Group? B e M s I of many years of trouble free - The— qreoteat- atyle- ef"oll—^ o r^ olf- Uiat arc colon‘rt~nRurpRrccn"' =tawrBoyT»jlt=CT^oPlesrpei-^yi UIIU UUIIVO apv/tia, .UWU.IWWI. w.w.w- - o M a n irond flngorlo. All of dacron n cofton, Washable with are tlie true color of glasB. stylos fit sizes 6-810, Bosf Soloc- ooso. of coyrso. T li n p n r r e i n i n in g iiln tn r q nr<» up tills spring Ihat are over 15 years old. Willi Proper care Your Lawn Boy li o n s N o w l I nfton jiict pntntnH A n i -caivstill-liwnowing-i5years-jroni-now. rubber or plastic Insulatorsj}rc of ten. loft the dank"lm#1Hl!7' nttlurall y possess, AnAindtftorim nftd-num bor-of— collectors nre consistently m i A L - VALUED huntinii for new insulators. Tfteir zeal rangci}*from the r J ^ j M K p s £ y t Pushaplos or.self propelled As ...... w u Unman who .casually picks up WOMEN'S BLOUSES.. . . SAMPLE SALE! ______an in su la lQ C -^ iiln a t w ock-lQ ____ Just Rocoivodi If you con woar aizo 34. yoij the wealthy collectors who bid is-t>r-tlectri6-v^h-e^^w♦hot^r*^ClSs catchers aro in rool luck. Boouliful shirts and blouses- competively for them nt in whites, solici colors, prints, novelty patterns. a u ctio n s. Each Year we buy Lovely fabrics. W ear size 34? They ore Hero! . Uliert's collection Is the result of both buying nnd lawn Boy directly from himtlnfi. His hobby has town lo BOVS’ KNIT SHIRTS consist of a visually WOMEN’S KNIT TOPS impressive, highly historical, the factory in carload shipments All long slooved Long oh'd'shQTt sleeves, very grn*'tifying fomous boys' brand. « * $goo turife ond crow^iecks. ^nglomeration of functional - S o we can take trades and Sizes 4 to 2 0 '. _____I T O r ill tictCa iiKidu cullCuturs ilUIIl,^. HOLa S e L ^ r b o b e l l e c l Save YouHVloney SMDCKT" TrClearancft— - _Hai.aiLtho:faaturos.Qf.Uiwn-Bov.-PUilv_ n B i i •bloi ‘'oxcopt itwfo'i no pMihingl All you A LS O , M / {n Y 1R0OD aSED^ ^ tdPS d o ii Quljo . Safety guordod poar driven JAOWEIU/ALUESr- Mmm friction dilve applioi powor To hiar whooli -2^of— $ l|9 0 Fomout brond In dallphlful for lurer traction. .tpring colon and faorlii. 'N u f soldi Most all Co­ S i i e t l U , Nico .aisortmont of lors. stylos In fino.' Our Servlco porionoll ar'iir < factipry ' sovoral ttylos ■ In Rocpntly a menjbor of. childron's sfiirts. SJzos thp' Zurich Canton Parlin- ♦rnln«d -to. tOKo caro pf your Lawn prints and solid co­ 2 -1 4 . mont Jn Switzerland an­ Bby. W» corry all parts to w * c a n - t lo rs, S ico i S, M . L. nounced that every minute aly> you 1 doy«^iyvic». How much -o f—34-5678 _notofl that tho member of RUMMAGE 6arllnmcnt dolivecod n Use AH u r i n a a ^ “ WlnOte/ appeal Temphnsixine th> eomptete line of lAWN-BOY UOWBUS tl ■You won't th li coBt and then closod' B » I |( 8 v ^ I ^ Banic Cards wlth nn npology for i); — ^S.rvle« Coy 1031 Blu* lol«M lllvil. N. ' co«V Swl»»' tnxpayi^rii; M 8! i SundnyrAprir'a?, 1»73 ~ Tlm n» Niiw»7-Twln Fnllli-ldjiho-J?- -Mag ieA/d IIey FavoTiti&S"~7 T, f:im£l=G^U:Ee W ook’s Roc/po^Winnor ■ y - A

    H _ B c x _ 5 1 6 , _ E i J o r _ - ^ ______KASV FILI.KD .2 x u p 3 brow n suRai* - ...... DA.Tt:COOKIRS ; Add: ‘ , Abigail Van Buren two'third.s cup chopped dnte.s l-ONDON'(UPI)-Atenm of cu p .HuJjar ' doctors siiidtodiiy Uicy bcilcvo Ml Clip w ater DEAR ADBY: Tt hftvc been mnrricd to this mnn foi^32 ^4 cup Uator' U»ey h ^ ve fou n d 'a c u r e forJ lio 1 teaspoon vanilla ycnrsj We have four grown children, nnd lot me toll you t- CdoU \ »1)iive in(i're(iienlM depression arid loss of sexual 'Mix -all ingredicnta' exccpl "flrtltl hUKbuna has no fomlnlritt'londoncio? • togeth er for fivo minute.*}. TJjcn whdli|oev<}r. IIo'ls man. bill he likes to wear my llngo- appetite that tro'iibtes »unie . ... , . date mixture., 0rop one rlo. ( . ------•\soinen takinn birth control .add one-half cup chopped nut.s, teaspoon dough, one-hoU and >nix sei'ond m ixtureixtu re, leii.sp oon datj* m ixtu re and one- ihrsl he nsked if lie could borrow my pantyiwse. I . "pills: S ift tOjU'tlUM-: coulo urtdcrstoncl that because it wns wintertime and pnnty- ' A' team frpin St. Mary'sl' lu(lf teaspoon dough on lightly cups flour " ' hos^ do liclp fo keep the Jens nnci-body-wnrm; Then ho Hospital reported in Uie medi-" J..t5';‘^iLspAxf»Lkl?_shect_tQ_fonn_ tonsptnin salf * starfed wearing my nylon nighties, and it 'wns still winter.' cal journal Umcet tha( they ea ch cook ie. Bnko nt 350 or 375- Measpoon cinnaiinin . _ Tlmjl puzzled m e, found a dofiL'iency of vitamin degree;} for 10 to 12 m in u tes. {'ream : .. fTwlce when I was hospitalized, I lodVed for my long, nr> in one-lialf the'women in a Let cool slightly before l_cup shDrtenini* satin.£'al-«ml-(ound-it~in41IS^lotlMiM)l .Kroup-lhat~rupui:lod-4iufforinK ronwvlnH-from uhoflt— - — he. laa.bcon wearif^g that, too...... syinptomK whilo taking; _____DOM-hfl h n v o problem?.> ■ PONT USE MY NAME U if p ill. (living them extra vitauiin- Hfi, thp d o ctg rs sa itl. en d ed th e Jlroubie, . Tliulr re|wr.l sjiid depresslDn (^harfcnc^'huLroij^ Husband RUBV CROSOV, RN. Vivinon chairman was a common reason women give wlu?n they stop taking the Sf C o n o d ic l's Hospital Foundation pill. It said the depre.ssion often from Sun Valley ‘Projoct r employes Jurqs p/ocfgo cords transvesiite Funds for was characterized by pes­ ifi oKCoss $7,000 to Dr RC M o ls o n simism, anxiety, lethargy and hospital — r)ie-p(edgoa-orer fa holp 'Hnonc^-hoTpitol- “ to.q.q of .WxWildrive. improvi&monis that o re p r o s e n tly t>ndef H avin g fuiuid th e vitam in B(i w a y , '.solves the problem for sumo D E A p B O N T : Y 6iir IiiiRlifind m ay b r n lronR vestll«, womerf; th e d o cto rs .said they which m»ans hf is Just like any otiior male luil he llkM lo wrar woKien'ii clothfH. And he won't have a problem unless now are tryingio. cxplHlnJbi*. X^lie i^eaut^ ^pot you f{lvc him onr at homt', or hr Irlrs to maHquerade In depre.ssion of women on the pili Employ^s^piedge^TrOOO —whoh»ve-noH(rt]efjeienn*T-r —

    DEAR ABBY: My husl)atifj,,q|id 1 have been married 52. years, but the last year, sinc^ my husband’s 77th birthday, r- be. has been acting funny. For one thing, he thinks every for hospital project lady .who .looks at liim is trying to vamp him. [Not only . elderly widows, j)ut yOung married women.] . .IKjtOME - SC. Ilenc'illcl'.s _..lIC--iilsQ'jMU-bccp-glving things away. -For-lnfitarico, I - .iiml jnodernizL' the -Tht. second alep in fhl- , lio.spital;, enipioyL's hfive looked high and lowl for tiie 4>otlom to my'double boiler, hospital emergency room. X- project involves ’moving the and then he told me he gavo'U away. AJko, 1 modo 23 I}lccC.^ TPrrm rtPtprt'Tijrtn'nfftrpfnrthP • r \ - m s WIFE rN I»HIIJ\.DKLPHIA expn-ss'ed \)y the employes of H r said it w ill he n e c e ssa r y <'red;l manager. .S t . H e n e d ic l’s Ho.spital i.s very for full .su|)p(ii't of the 1 NJEANIOUS! • Dft)All WIFK: jVour hUNband Ik obviously not well. YNm, The pre.scnt administrator's fnhT>Tro‘ir6rfioh»W je“iiiiF'iiTusi“wotciiniim zrtn rafim rayf -lu uffiee will, be uscd as an extra It's d e a r that hr should not b«> |(*ft alonr. exceeds llie employes gunl of m a k e '‘P r o ie c t 1" a emergency- room. "At the Till* ca m p a ig n go a l is A 1io:^pjtal fund raising present liriie we only iiave one P AN TS PLUS rampjugn’is exprctrd to get- DEAR ABllY; I wanl-to thank you for an^idej I got pmorKenwTnom and when two Undei' the leadership of unlhe first w eek in ‘from reaUmg your column .some time.ago, It was lo sand nr nutre peo[)le are^brouglit in 'John N (Jarrnbrnndt "lYojt' flowers li^ y motlwr on my own birthday. Ma\ to raise the funds needed orr^in em ergeiicjj, Jkiicli a s a car I" calls fiir raisiiiK fllfiO.lHHl On "y 18th birlljday I sent my mom "a dozon rosos lo pijy f(ir the iin|)riivements ari-ulent, wuhave to treat them FASHIONINGS expressing my love and appreciation for putting up with me in tlie h iill," J;^eldtT .Sidd. all these years. Dud said when shij’got the flowers she was . Aihnissioiis jnjd the 80 touched she broke right down and cried. (iffice will reinain the same Please mention it again, Abby. Some of your readers localKin that they are in oow. FROM/ might have missed It, TItlED IT AND LIKED IT euLeuL A s tite i)rojL'ct c o n tin u e s the OB nurses st^ition will be DEAIl TRIED: K'b m e n t i o n e d . N ot to' piU down eliminated and enlarged for flower power, but a letter of •Move and appreclallon" to rty ANNIK-(.(\}j|tri: HIIUTON Breakfast," Miss Beckwrtli use as htcker and lounge space -botlLparcntii_aayUmc.WQuld-be.-sufndeDt-lo_mDve, - J ’MJiJ.ra{l>il*jtlLli;iciam _!I3ie_QB—, tean i. TWfN FALLS When inte -moves into her - own nurses will he combined with Ijlhan Beckwith, a middle- cotta*'c'. Here she learns how to the pre:?enl medical nurses pEA^TAtiBY; While 1. .was ..lielng examjncd by my agwl teacher in a smoky north LUt' peat nir'^r'Tire, lo plant station. The area' will be -doctgr, J)tL.rj,*ccived.a phone call which he.said-he. woyld of Englantl town, was ordered potatoes and to take rare of ii jJ ily a i£ i)_ U !_ )u m ille .. Iht; l\w _ takcdn tho next room. by her; doctor to Uilce~"a" fjepartmenlH by reducing the, ^ He left the phone off the hook which enabled me to com plt^ rest, she advertised ' ‘Her range of charming size of the nursery. hear the entire conversation. It was of a very personal in a suitable juaga/.ine. a c(|iia in ta n ('es t.;r()w fro m the Foliowint? the remodeling nqture. Ain'bng many tempting helpful MoVag to tiie nol-quile: program. an approvecf'”^ Should I have replaced the phone on the ljQol(_as soon offers came a letter from a n |’hl-in-the-liei»

    =PoFiee-book—trtfile- iM'en en tir e ly d isreg a rd ed and -she h as jo in ed in the w ork of _ U ie croft mm

    IX)NIX)N (UPl) - Male , striptease artjst."Ang<;|''U lUiL peeled down to a black G- string, handculfed himself to tile fen ce oul^iiide the B ig Ben clocktower and Unfurleil. a banner reading ’"Tlielio(5^ lovely male stripper. Book h im ,”

    Tliough the latter plea was meant for theatrical agents, police took Ijme at his word Tlmr.Hday. T liey iMioked 'lilh i and hau led h im aw ay In a paddy wagon. Jerome couple celebrdtes 5 0 t h

    be held Mny 0 nt Iho homo of • years. [luhtcr lms alwiiys b«cn Mr. nnc] Mrs. Guy Hunter, intcroatod in conservntion and commcmornting tholr Golden wna Bupervlsorrof-thi North Weddlhtf-Annlvenmry. Side Soil Co»]9cnfrotron Dislriet' ' “ Mi‘,':iin(livif9.'^imuftr vvcrfi: ‘for aix:yciira...... t " marrUd May in Twin Mr. nnd ^Irs. Hunter's home Foils,

    N O m AN TARJBR. holding plaque, was n a m o d Doss of iho Yoar by Crodif Wbmon IrMornalional o( Twin Falls al iho I4lh - a n n u a l bo&sos b r o a k f o il— a t -7 -3 0 - o m . - Boss honored Thursday al Iho Depot Crill Rose M a r io W iilto, conlor right, and Floyd M illor Jr . right. rocOivad cor/i/icofos ol opprociotion ft A/tend ay Graco Carroft. loll, proiidonf ai Iho or- 'ganiiofio~n.~rhado iho awards

    TF women select Vehgeonce LICICKSTFU, Juigland |UI»1) - The Men's & Women's 'ppss of the Year' computer that wrdiifjed Mrs. Sylvia luigan t(V m iilte ’ K < W ~ = ~ W lth ~ in — Babjf-Week at Penneys Timex Watches 7 v e n g e a n c e ______- ______.. , t._ , TWIN FAI.US - Nortnan ------Ccrtlflciltos-of-apprtclnli»n - • f^lociric & c q lo n d o r Seven weckw « ko, Mr«. Iu)gnn purchased two Tarter.owfUif of Ihe OK Tire were awarded lo Floyd'MiHer '-'X .-',.# many high fashion stylos drenscijnntla pair of carpet shears from am nll Store, was named l)oss of the Jr., first vi^presldent of 0K_ Save 1 5 % tin infants wear. nrderflnir------— ■ - • ' — ^;\V • --Idoal'fo^^yMom&-doy•&-|--- y e a r at th e 14th annual T ire Stor<^ a n d Huso M arie Hut the firm's computer made a nilstnke and __ breiikfjist of Credit Womcn._ White, oredil and. .office sent her three dresses midn cnCpel Hhompooer International of _T\vin Falls manager at OK Tire Store, Mrs. i^igiiii returned (he Hems nnd evctUiinily ' Tluirfiday.' . Grace Garrett, president of reeelvd the c«»rrect order. But since then, the Tlie 7:30 a.m. was • Credit Women International of computer has been showfring her with gilts. Sale F - 3 F at the Depot Grill. IVin Falls served as master of Rog. 1.29 Toddio time ceremonies for the evi-nt. The -, a. incnibcr of tile student instruction availaljlc at ,CS1. tin* Kili‘1' Ihi'li St'luiitl havf coiuidl. Draina (!lul), Spirit Tlie conunillelvlo select lht\ lH*en n am ed . (.iliih , . a n d w jfs n a m e d —U»HH-of-tliy-yt‘«MneUMkHi-Nini------K iw H it-K k i {♦«l_4w*ikuawll-SpiaU .M o o n , c h a irm a n , Gra'i^e H anoi M is s T a le n t .Shr i.s tlir and l/)Uela liccker. (Jeneral daimlitrr of M i. anil Mrs. Jack “ c lia in n a n for lHo ev en t w a s ' S k lm » ? 7 1 ” a “ iu'‘inliF r’T)r Hfo Mrs. Nellie Hartley. Shi* Nalional Hotnif ' .Sticu-ty. assisted by Hose Marie White |)rcsiiient of Dedoiilmiiai., is in and Nan Moon. Ihc pop linnd and (lie iiiarciiint; 'Hie L’aboose room qf Uie ‘IliUlll •De|x>t Grill was decorated witii ('(inmr Alien, daui;lUcr of y e llo w an d w liite .s^)rin(^ Mr.and Mrs .1 (' Aileti. was

    . . . engaged -Jufie-rites [M e G o t planned by couple

    GOODINC; -.M r.-and Mrs. A. I.. Barton, Gooding, announc'e the cnj^aRenjerU and forthcoming marriaj^e of thejr dnughter, Cherri Anne, to Ritndy Suter, Jerome.______Sujcr is the son of Max Suter, Jerome, and Joan Suter, T\vin • FaliSrHd is a-1971-gradunte of- -Jor^mo—I4iKii-J%ehoo^n(i—is- presenliy a soplH)more at CSI J m i j o r i n f,------in_____ bu.sine.s.s mnnaRemenl. He* is^ a menilK‘r of the (\SI track team, ___ I !I7X g/'aduatc of (toodin^; High Sciiool and aljcntlwl ISU' last T^'ar. She; is presently employed. l>y Mt>untaln Bell. rU'IM Tlink T \iv couple plans a Jmu‘ 1 wtMldine_^t the .Chri.stlan ■'rtuii'cli, IJoodjiit

    Jerome church sets guests for crusade

    JFHOMF - Feat^ired guests for the Spring Ousade* for Clirist of the Bible Baptist Cliurch will be Ouano^ and ' Blanche Alton. Services will In? each nijjw lit L fr9in.Wi‘to d a y .ln i^ fi with the exception of | Siiturday. Altoii will be | speaking )n the Sunday J morning Service May fi at 11 f

    Alton is a Spokane! Wash,, businessmnri, the owner and '■prcpldenl; . o f ' “Alton’s Automotive Inc. ' The Altpiui began their evangelistic work ns a team in 1072 nnd hnve traveled to> 20 Men's, Women's, Boys', Girls' schools giving 25 p>ograms to' ovor 0,000 students In the past

    . In: th o lr p rogram A lton presents tho gospel from God'a Sunday Mon, &,Frl. wqi^ while W s. Alton ponveys D0.wniown o n the JCPehney , the ' moss/rge in *12 to 5, WeRiiow wR^yotiVe lobkihg for.. '♦It 9i . di^ftwings w lti\, colored chalk. . Twin Falls f n d sy , April 39, 197r~TrmBiFNowt7^^ Altrusg gives scholnrship ~"JEIlOME~^Thir^oromL'------“:SHOSHON SIIOSHON -■■■iqniniflpflt:- ^nlor-G iUM niurw H l-hosl- ■ehnrcir^0Tncn“ \viirn.nrp«r7r potluck dinner n t 0 .p .m . rumnuii;e sale from'D a.nK.tuJ— TWIN KAI.LS-- . TtieLXM-in. _ji.w3 |-d r6r-nn essay flubmltrird" nJ^Bcr,-W icnflonnl /icrvii-u liny no^jlron.mMfiiicr of till! .. —'Rjefklny-fit-HerUflR»-4lom ofr —Snt)irt^-Scout- JEidliUllr.ii.Hii.Chit. ------_ iijp ■dtt^-rJu^top—Aohioyfftnwnt-- n y H E U K N W A L K E R -'' - - the ■ 8witch7n~few ^ttln(iie's -r|rnlnndnpntmiucci1 -illt .Twiii pills iO BJim liSr'— House in Shoslione. recipient was announced con t e s t .___ _ • TW IN F A U £ ~ W e nre a before serving. _ lonortU-J^HUoslt, ------^TIiP-eom m crccrs|Xikirto . V A L L E Y - t h e V a lle y P l’A “'nilirsdflyeVetllnOuring tHe "Slie^has also served as . soclcty Uint (s, cxtrovnoant If you nre using n’unit that ^noiUcllon wns Kivcn by Tiiu' siuiwi,,,, sliilcs of -flio/Twiii will meet at B p.m.' Ci(X)DINC. - 'llie Arrow of unit's .Founders I^iy Banquet ■ president of her company wlUi Its cnofgy...... •l^nrfter thnn tlie^pan, Ui^hent Hill, pre.'iklent-elect. - - jtlil award-wlU-bc-preiientcd- ..ut the Tiirf Oub...... a.H-fiocrol4iry for-Twin - FallB.- ~ " We hiust make" wise (ind from Uie "exposed ' area ‘is Officers will be installed. \^day*to Danny Garner, soli , Tliis year’s scholarsliip will . Slie Represented Tvvin Fall at n prudent u s e of a ll Uie cnci>{{y 'wasted.. Match Uie pan. size-Co or Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gnrner, go to Harbara Carlton, Junior Achievem ent tlint sclcncc nnd industry h ilsi -the surface unit size. JEROME — Tlie American GoodinUJ’^O ahny, a g e W, Is daughter of Mrs. Jeane . I'onvehtion In San Jose. Slie has harne.ssed for us, yet not — Meals cooked at a lowei*’ AssoclntJon of Hetlreil Person-s^ from Cub Scout Pack No. 07.- Djrlton, 'nvin Kails. She liiis been acUve in Girls’ Uague dlscournae Rrotfth or curtail 'temperature "linve less v^l hoU^w card party at 2— 'X\v: awaAl is the hiijhest Kiven m aintaine<] a il.dlifi g ra d e iKiint , iuid' Spjinish Club and is ------ImlHstpy,------■>4)hVlnkH({^inU—will— -HVtedhc^iry— at^— Herl^^^^i— ------»tverHgt*-atjd-rnnk!H7(h in her employed ns a'telephone Ench of uJi must do our pnrt tender. Try a temperature of Hom^Cfi'.^liepiiblielsirivited to g rad u atin g c la ss. Shi* h a s fcegn openitor.' She plans to attend lo’wfiate losis onerRy wlille sliU ^5 dcRrces to 300 dcRrees F. - f>. - - r * — -w-TW lM.TrAl.l.S— :ni4) !»iilni(M). -acUvo in.Junior-Ap,hiowinent, —lliiiBOn'itiite-ColleRtrTwnJorinfnn- ■ ’erijoylny Its^’inuny ber®il^ ^ for. roasting. This changes Social. Club will • meet .serving as .secretary of her tiusiness administration or“ . flow wisely do, you use your cooklii/} tim e slightly. Uely on n SAl^MON - Tlie 20th Idaho Wedne.sday at the >noy R. comp'any and receiving an secondary educjitlon. npplinnl;os? — Tlie kitchcn^ meat thermometer. Since m eat, state convention of the Smith residence. Mrs. Smith yiehi Sweeriey •was named ------Pttnn

    “^^-^^p>lngMuntfhcon-oHhn-nft«rn6(mH‘iii>-oMcenslftivwlll«ifrnm onH-foilur«&^r- .S-O May Dfly-tnblo ScUlna Show Tiicsany.

    Cjiiirdi G uild,iho Jihbw wlll lie held from 2 to 0 pTm".TirU»TEtil3COpnl'Churclnof-ther-Aflcenaion— -2I0 Dluo Lnkes Dlvd. Ni , — IhlEiaona oLthcJlria aliowa orthi».typ.e |n_tl\o... " area nnd wilt fcnuiro tnblc.flcttlng idens from.N aliT\plp breakfnat or. brunch to 0 formal dinner. - - Proapoctlvc brldofl mny 'bc especially ,;interested, aaymQmbers of the women's Kroup, • ' m sg\;prnl_hrltle.'q-tiibic{i-wilL-0 ls0 -b e-aii0 w n ------•• . About 25 tubloH will be set for the display with everything (rom formal-to cnsual arid ultra , . m ^ow u^o—ttottquc— Mnnv— puraoni ■ pQ3He?3lopu of- area fjunlllea will bi/ hiyh'llghl tile tables. * . KplsCopal Guild members .decid'ed, on the il3 onu at .ipuL'lii l irilin uut a n a a u w e thinrr ____Jdif^crontilianiUic-iiaual.bpcinuJQSliion.flhQiy_9r- ^ ' J " ■ ' • ■ ’ -H’lcket.s for Uie show mny Ikj. obtained at the df)or and the J1 fee Wfll be used toward the ■ -ii‘,lVld> Raisingthe Jo o f" projett. one of • ■ . remoilej^H ond/cpaln of the.churcl^ roof. - • RO VAl Oo(ipn. chino on q gioi^-’Amcheop for four in whicli Mrs, - '• ' > :r h e s t ,J»l/iM w ill u s e H oyal D alton p la te s w ith f • ,"| ' pictnro In 'lho liollom picfuro, 'M ri B'E’.. •; laven cliK 'iiiid ’Jila c k divslKri on a |{la.s3 topped l O r S n O .^ / • Os/rqnVioe, /a/1,.and floHy No/r|V, p/ospoc-' table.^Wlih lavch'ilcr floVera and «rL‘cn .leaves. ------*• • >tve-jnlerplccc“lrr-blaclc‘-wrojJKhf7 Os/r-Qfu/or i paronli ijroughi. Jrom Sdn ^.Mroa't:ontVUr\er ca r r ie s o u t th e color d e sig n alon(» rcjoc/sco in 1d90''on thoir whddmg Irip .'■wi^fi la v c r i(|i!r m jp jc in s r ^ ip le s s ste o l s e r v ic e ir\ • p pt ^ p r f ) ' » |>nlii je n f turtle . dinn’or,Tjell Jrom^Efiypl'Corhplete' thc setUnf-. Mrs! Ildtti.W alker'wll.'display a luncheon '*’ ■ .TCtlvJi* fqc .fbur-featurihg chinii un wooden .. -.serving plate.i, orange^napkUw^ln wooden rinK.*i ' . and^yellyw.tujJSr.and §aucers/-.' • ^ 'a centerpiece oHreah-daffbdils in an q1(1 b ean ,M Lp!n£8iLBo;m ,iijtn.iiir.YiiiiiAi)YU^^ place mats are used undor the wood. Sprinf’ -liih th eoh - f o r /f o u r by- Mr.s..^ p . K. ().slr.ahder whi(^‘ VVed^Wvbod.on Venetian lacu placement^, lliiy daltodil centerfjlece'will. be dlsplayed/tlira crystal-bQwl. Antique salt di.shes compTetu lhe^iietttn}».. . . . " a china tea- set purchased by -Mrs. ftstrander’s- pai^yits in IBM in San Franc|syo •will be di.Hplayed on a Mexic'iin linen tlrawn clo th . Tickets fortlie show will be available aftbe

    V . -- ' BETTY Norris mspocfs d sprif\0 /u n c h o o n , ' c o w W Hilling using whifo Wodgowood on VO- y a v f i 'Luncheon •notian loco placomali .roblo soffings'for every occoM on will bo ihown during Iho . M nf.. Dn^/ Tnlflp ^othnq Show Tuoidov . S ^ T i n g Z6TT sponsbred fho Ep/scopo/ Church Golld. r r r ■ JC-



    a f

    OPEM 'TIL IHIDNIGHT Wpnclerful Discount Prices llow Availqbl^v Until 12:00 «ti-Salowciy^Discoiuit= Every Night .Of The .Week

    Fight Against Inflation EVERY DAY IS SATURDAY AT SAFEWAY DISCOUNT Sunitoy, ApHI Tlmw-N.wi, Twin F«lli, Idaho ^1

    ROYAIE JUUHBfL .ci^m:scHWARr DAVIDGRANT— valedictorian les- TSWE1£ , Salulalorlan Reg. 45c Vinyl Folding FOLDING VaHey school MASIE SLIPPERS 3 for BASKETS M .98 Value selects 2 leaders C V A M -E V SCHOOL — Cindy Slit; lias b een iictlv e in pep bnnd

    .ffa'med v n lc d ic lo r ia n for Uic was ..sophomore class ' isyayraduatint^ class at Vnlk-y secrelijry, nieniber of debate, lli^h School. CJAA, Honor S o ciety , P ep Q u b ,. Lined Di^vid Grant, Eden, i.s Student Council. Vikintjettcs,' *Lntex JAIMB S T O P Ugly Mailsi ■siilUlaltimrt, staff, trac|<7(.>irls State Dr. Tom Utterbijck, Vnlley and volleybaU. -' ^schooLs superintendent, said • Grant is the son of Mr. ond L O N G m a s \ graUuiiilon 'will be May 23 iif M rs, H^irold g7 uiTi he has been HOUSE­ - B u M d y ------i i - til? V alley H igh School wilh a c tiv e In pep band and is sen ior NEW TESTAMENTS b o q u tifu l biifcalmireate services beinj; class president. loiiQor noils ^ M iiy 20, both e v e n ts are to be «t Orant is also a member of. HOLD i In m lnutQ S KING JAMES 8 p.m. . ' Honor Society and has been VERSION M iss S ch w arz is th e dau'i’htcr .xK'tive in basebiill, football, BEAUTIFUL of Mr. and Mrs. Payl Schwarz, basitelball and ^olf. GLOVES WHITE PAPER. ••LONG N m S -^ 89* t-l«nqth»n« shorf nBlI*. itr^noth^n* or y n l n o — — -■»■■■ -— Auausfwedc m>nd» broken n«ll«. m • cpvar* rldQ«d nails. set by Rupert girl lOO ~^PFntT*5^TW TlTnT'Rf?.” o^d.! thucli:. . .Rupert, iulnounce the ent’afienient of Uieir daufihlcr, Caroline Apn, to Iceland F, Sn/der. RUBBER Snyder is the son of Mr. and 4MASKIN Mrs.*Frank E. *Snyder, t*aul. SHOWER H— r * ('radiiate of Minico Hi^h School S X)irBA1 — TAPE a nd Is o m p lo y M as a p ra ctica l .nu££e-al_Minulolta .MtintiriuJ_ Hoiipital. Sn yd er, a llMi5 j>raduatt* of Minico Hlyh School, is V 4 " x l 8 0 '

    a ^ ^ - V o I p e ^ Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, where he will be graduated in May. H*-‘ is enipoyed by Agri- Science 'Cunsultinj;, Twin I — PniljT------'ITio co u p le p la n s an Auj^ust THERMAL weddinj*. m m the SUPER A car

    ^WASHfrfQTON ( UPI) — YhcN . nilsrepreJsented a gain of l.B $ 3 »» Census Deparlment e.stimates million, or 0.8 per cent, over ^he— Wtti:— p&pnfttttvn— wwi— 209,911,000 o n M arch 1. gain was estimated at 89,000. MEIAL

    — tW or-.‘lvo— 24'/.x29'/,x4" "i)iiiiii'i:i)i:.s' L\ Reg. *19' | N il ■ m aicara . Ocitli /l^ li i«m*(Mno •I m I Dark f yi» I* th*wtrp««af, «««p tmudg* preel,’ UfhttrawK. -— •m*«f(uaal..

    Yherels Nothing like a Fixtd Your EragranGe \f}ay! - Featuring FRAGRANT #

    f I P e n . . . - w r i t e s u i n e r FURHliyilt a ) i d S c e r f t e d ^ , AT... witli __

    in ovary pocknae of . - H L 9 Cologne or DESERT l'lgTM!WI H m iic Claude Brown’s • t t x w ' Cologne Mist ' FLOW ER... an oasis of foliage and flowers j'URNlTURE - CARPET ■ COLOGNE MISTiSRUSH-ON COLQfiNE, DUSTING POWDER • Ol'iEH9!»Jll.to9l».H.WEEK»4y$ AUOAVAILAOlEINFRimDSIIIPOAROrN, ON THE MALL ONLY.. ■ ...... i A C H _ l _ :9iJli!h»7PJi.SU^YSv^^ ^ X i

    ..S' .. I’ . I" switch. , - - AUSTIN, TSnOTr)—jSTl5™*iiUii o t^ yetr; lUite Rep. Hllardy B . Doran Jr. of Del Rio Uvei ilU Nour behind m o it tih ir Te&aui. ^ Doran. ■ diehnrd. QD!rtWriL-6LJ)flyiJght- Savlngi Time, reftuei ivery iprlug. aft the rcBt of the ita tc b a i done ilnce 1687. lie plana tb< remain on Central Standard Time when the iu te and the nation iwltcfi to DiryllBht time at 2 o .ih . Sunday. “It‘i my own porional form of civil dliobedlence," Doran lald. 'if-the-federal Bovemment tends, somebody down to cIianKo< - my watchrth«y:tnn dtf:lt-4>ut I'woh’t.’-'.” ',....-

    FEGI.TEASLEY KARLA ROBERTS MISS LARSON DEB! ENGELBRECHT . SUZANNE HUNT GAIL GOLDMAN . . . engaged . ' ■ • date . . V plans rifes . names dale ' • ■ ■ /sels . . . engaged

    :AAagl(^^JteysgiJds=xiBnpMffls©-enga^^ „on every piec§ TW IN .V A U ^ - Mr,..und JI•:^^OM^: - M r. and M rs. ~ BUW-EY - Mr. nnd Mrs, TWIN FALI^ - Mr. and Mrs.H.L.dhuDTfa.sley.TiVln Kolinetli a. Roberta. Jerome; Mrs. CoM Engellirccht, TwIn Col Hunt,, BlUlnss, Mont.,- Mrs, Isidore Goldhian, Fjill.H, nnnouncL' th e announce tlie t;n«af{ement of active ' ■' Fallsi announce the announce the cngauemcnt of Jericho, N. Y.,"'announce Uie of jfieir djtujjhter,. their .djuij{htur.-Knr!a, to resident. announce the jr;hc.on.lI,’B Uicir dougbtcrP Suzanne, toi engagement and fortlicoming- lU 'gl. Ui K cnnetli Kovv S cott. • D anial W. W ilson. ensneement nnd (ortteom nj _ J „ l 8o-ot-U,.lr-dauBht« “ -D avldjf^V^ting — mairlngb-of—Uioir-^aughtcrr- ■j.LunLStadiQg.4 Scott if) the .son of Mr. and Wil.son is the son b/'Mr.’am! mnrrlsBc of (belr dmighter. Pebi, d« 1,L to LeonI.„nn Kllrr,..,Klimes, .Inrnm.Jerome. . Young is tlie son of. Mr. ontf Qail, to Chris Jensen. Mrs. f.loyd Scott. Orofino. Vrs. Williain Wilson.. Twfn Jacqucllncrtb Eldward Thomas M iss E n g e lb r c c h t is a 1072 Mrs. J. W. Young, Burley. Jensenfis tlie son of.Mr. and MiSfi Tciisley is u 1970 Kiills,‘■'"'Is, (Tom) Laata. patterns graduate of Twin Falls High Miss Hunt was graduated Mrs. Mac. Jensen, Twin_Falls. . .^raduiitt; of Twin Fiills Hi«li Mis-s Roberts is a 1072 Ljjats is the son of Mr. and School and is a student at tlie from Billings W^t,.,.Yorlc University^ " de^reo In soi’iolof'V’ 'hvin'‘FnJl.s, from Highland High School in -employed by Blue Lakes Trout Young Is a 1070 graduate of School'of jjiw. - ^ , .is, »— Scott is a 10(>!l f’raduate of- W ilson -wajj gra d im ted from 1070 and attended Idafio Stiite J*'Hrm. Burley High School. , Ho JcnS«n/was graduated tfbm ' t I I)\^R |N Jr“ . j^ jflno Hinii St'liool.’ He will 'IVin Falls High S(.’hool in 1960 University for'two years. She The couple plans a June 22 ' attended Ricks College 1ind':CoTunibia University and w ill,.ji-S-''*-^*^ '^* lL /ll:N L -.y • graduate-in May from Idaho and from-^the College of w ill b e g r a d u a te d fro m th e fiSU wedding at the First Pnitecl Idaho State ■University, graduate from the New Yorii State Univeryity wit)i^ liigh Southern Id a h o In 1(H39. H e is vocational technical school In Presbyterian Church. Twin The coiipk'^ns on August University School of&-GOLDEN- Law in lijnors In May, receiving a li. prq.scntly employed ut 1073 a s 0 medical secretary. F n lls ._____ • - ' wedding'.’ -FMlowinB; their . June. He.will be employed by . S. (icg reo in bu.'Jlness ad- Ncwton'fl Sport C enter------“ She-scrved"KS'treasurer o f. ■ GOIUMBINE. ------* marMag® they'wlU reside In tlie Suburlwin Action Institute. .. miniptratior)/* : ; A J u ly 21 w eddingM s p lan n ed her high school pep club and If a picce of glassware Mississippi where Young will' T.he couple plans a May 27 ' t i i e co u n ie'p ia n s a latt* Junft at the First Presbyterian wns'nmertiberofriirl.s' CounpIL becomesnickedismoothitwltl. be stationed while serving with- .wedding. Botli ,will practice wedding/ Both will attend Church. Jerome. ‘ • while in high school, She a piece of fine sandpaper. tlie Air Force. law* in New York. - graduate school at Michigan recoived a homo econorfifts Stale Unlver.sity.,^,^ aWfrrd when .she was graduated Midi., beginning llii.s fall, ...... , ' from high school: She wa.s a recipient of a Newmarv Guild ul^)ol< around y'pu~ 6n U ic' W inl./e,ev iew i scholarship while In college. li:venlng olotJu's for ..spring street, on the bu.s, in the office,’ Sl\e is employed as secretiiry- are bare_j»iid clinj-y. 'Hie best One, thing imtntuUiUety recentlonftt at the YMCA. _ ALLS - QfficWs of 40.000 rubles at the gaming , together. ■; rilJinifliLmiucJor' m s. looK: . a .: liiats was -graduatqd-from ~^® “Tw‘f'-*"«"B-»'u‘ill‘^ Ubrary tflbles, how- does tluT tUletl “Sturgeon's . West** by . sn in li, retn in in e l)nigh.»School in 1068 and have released pilnl-reviews for. family copfc wjth the prospect Tlieodore Sturgeon. An unusual from a slmuider-chau^ [Ktlliilied look fall apart. from Idaho State University In £ome of the new books recently of ruin? collection of tales of the Old 1072, H(rearned avar.sity letter received at the llbri/ry. ‘^Boundaries of the Soul” by W est. ' -in 'U ’nniH-from “ Irtnho ' ‘All-Crcflturott,- Great-und— June—fiingerr- Drv - Singer- ‘ ••ThcrGrcat C anndlan N o v el" University and is'a member of Small” by James Herrlott, A believes that while psychology ;.by Harry J. Boyle. At the age of the American Nuclear Society country animal doctor with a ns a subject surely has Its. 50, silane Donnvan has risen to and Sigma Xi. Honor Society, love of life writes his memoirs. scientific ospocts, essentially It tlie tbji in his field and yet Is He is a graduate assistant for Tlie book shines with humor IS beyond science,-This book. losinB, How he restores Wb self ' V a iie ij and pathos. There is a miracle (lives the reader an InslRht Into respect an.r fiains a new ^le .puclearsci'ence and Vngineerlng department, between the covers. : the profound ways In which i.ientllv i.s llie_Uienjo-ot-tliis ----Thi>-wuplu-plv»k-*-J*i»tM >- •'Soni’.s of the Saili xeaL 4 non-^m

    BUHL — Chamber of Commerce meet.s. Gerity, who attended unusual coiulK inns--lower —. " BUHLfOY — Ciuunber of Commerce Jiieets. Stiushone elementary school s e a te m p e r a t u r e s In th e Atlantic, a stationary inter ■J ___ TWIN F A I.I aS — Plarvjing and Zoning and hi.s fresh m a n y e a r in tropical corivui'gence /.om Shoshone, is active in football, Commission, uu.*etsr^ ami widely varied wiiiil cur BUHLICY ~ lx?ader training meeting, drug track an(i wrestling at Kuna rents, Tlu' World Ahnana( 1:30 p.m. -High vSi'liool, H e is p resid en t of m ito s O fficinl.H fit th e lu ir M A Y l ricaiie center could not ex- ALBION — City Council meets. olain what faclors croaled BUHL — City Council meets. I'I I .K11 — City Council m eets.

    M AY 2 JKHOMK - C’hamber of Cymrnerco meet.s. O a KLKY City Council meets. P A U i/ - n t y r o u n c ll m o m r , - /*• ------M A Y 3 TWIN FAI.l.S - Twin Kails High School ^ rnu.sic department . perforinancj!,’ CSl. ' au d ilo riu n i, 8', Gl.KNNS l-'KUHY — City Council nieeLs, ^ M A Y 4 anil 5 ' TWIN FALLS — International Barbershop Qiiartet preliminary contests, CSI auditorium. M AY 4 TWIN FAL1.S — Highway district m rels. MAYS TWIN FALUS - District No. \ PTA Council -tncots; T\^^lnTminilRn"SfHWl. ’ JHHOMR — St. B en ^ ct’s benefit dinner and diince, St, Jerome’s PWlsh Hall. TWIN FALI5 - Mualc W'celi parade. ::>eQQDlMO-.^QaHpn= 8 ^

    Johnny Hori^op Clean Up Day.

    '• ' ^ ~ * * ^ ' ' W a Y 5 I:: TWIN FALI^ - Mexican Fiesta, clt^ park; M A Y S • V* ■ I Senior Cltlicn’s TaWnt Show. M p.m. CSI Flhe Arta Auditorium. , MAVSondfl " GLENNS FERnV —Opening of Three latand Stnto Park. . Keith’s Interiors ■“* M A Y M - . FILER American Konnol Club Dog Show, OpposHt-Rpgorson Mqiqr Inn — Twln-l*'8llrCotm trF’airgnJuntl^ , - ..Open AITDd^aturday Sunday, April W. i W j Tlmoi-H^wi, Twin BiiIU, Idaho « N J W hat*s W liat^ )tefot-'now,V n ... -I. -N'Auntil.' X Cl L, M. Boyd

    Mlghty.ilroag •full, that hard liquor Iht irontiarimsa o*v« . lU Auly ladltni, y — LndMd. So ttrong. ln lad, Mid ladiani r*qu«Qt)y tip^doratvd thair ilrtl moulKhila o.i um a, usually _ Into-thajr catnptlrM. !t haa alwaya joy ol tha campar to T - 'tp ir in t a t h r l r e r y o i r T m o ^ T h r i r AnyhDW riQnIl*d UV« lhal,' lh« booM producad'a blua Qanu. And our tanouagt man taya*. liiAt'i why Indiana callad II lirawatar. ______

    That woman who ajtandi 5'{M t-8'lnch«i .laU ii juat-75 yaara Aheadoi har tlnia, that> all. Such la aip^ctAd io b« tha avaraga h«ight oi hUly grown girla by (h« middla ol (ha naxt cai^tury.

    ‘Waa h6n«_olKar than Ambrbaa Biarca wKtTdafinad marriiga '

    la moa!-placai, lha poor familial hava iar rtora c h ild ra D than tha rich Utniliaa. Bui not In Yugoilavaa. Thara, il'a vlca varitt, ■

    A n told blackayed peai can ba found nowhare in tha world in a nativa liata.

    ______npiABgiAgii ______L H o f ^ s e o p e Q. "U A divoicad man and wiia remarry ssch other, which anmvartary ahould thay calabrata, tha lirtt or tha-aacond?" A. Tha (irtt, contanda our Love and War man '

    Q. "Which !■ a baby mora liVoly to aay tiral, 'daddy' or m a m a ’?'* -— ^A-Didd^r ------(iarroiri{Jf;hU “r Sorry, ooly notaworthy matter about Lucon o( G reece that I l-ORHt AST |.()U .SUNDAY, Al’lUL 2>), l')73 can tall you la ho wrote the Iirtt atory oi a flight to lha moon lnA.D.160.. Cl'N liK A L II?NI11;N(T1.;,S: A ilay Jm l ./w nm e A nother p la ce w h erq tlie b a ch elo /a Iar outnum ber tHa aingle lo llunk.ovcr exiictly Ilow you wonfil lilvc your life lo go in Ihe fiiliite M.ikc sure you iluuhlc-chack in girla ia San Franciaco .Exactly 18 pounda. ia how much tha average wdmao gama when aha qulta imoking, it'a now aaid. . . tibrnrics, with cxpcrLs, otlu 7 sources of inforniniion, so you ■ w ill-bo-ahle-to pur such a pl;tn- 1 n to“TtpHon“ imrnKlin(ely- That.naiion with Ihe moit laverni per capita, one pub lor evary t o m o f r o w ^ 2S5'padp1e,u Ireland. ; ARIliS (*Mur.'2l to Apr. I‘J) line tiny ami p ni lo bnrnc'li' Ii all the ice on the polar capi wore to melt, the weight . out in new aycniics ol expression tliiii cmild prove very •hiit ol the water wOuld make the earth rotate a Utile mora itowly, I succcssful, provideil you prepare yonrsell well for lliem, Mcci Ihua leogtheoing your day and mine by juit about one aecond, : interesting persons soci.illy ^\voiil one w ho hi'ckerM loo nuiLh Alao, |ura enough, thia would groatly enhance lha faal eatata rAUKUS (Apr .’() lo.May JO) You luivc lo yei iiilo sonic value ol your cabin on the Nevada coaat. sccrctive work for ymir plan.s lo siiLxeed He sure not to confidc in oihcrs. One you know necils help, Make sure you Egga, they're Ihe comoatiblo moat likely, lo tarniah your' O AND I Akl-. ,.,W E W ANT YOU TO ' give it to this deserving person -• O S C A R if WMA'r HE WAG HEADCr.') MAN, M ill GUK’ tT lilvdhvara, experta aay. Thia axplaina why the ladiea who HELLO,A a RE y o u d o in g 1’ K^OO, r o , .’'nckep V lL -k E P A A DllLV WHAT'ti j INTO A Ni:W c ATt-'H A O lfslO SA U R promptly waah Iheir breaklaat djahea toad to hava theoahiniaat GliMIN] {May 21 to June 21) Look to that vc.ry clever ) WAV o u r HEREi’ j IRV ANC^ FIN D ) O F A I KA Ut>-' PROJECI, AILLV,,. FOR US / - ' i ' aixMOi, knivei and lorka. And the ladioi whodon't, donM. •' friend for the ideas ihiit AviH help you get ahead at a faster rnle J F O L L O W ' '‘ inutile aays aiieau ilroup aciivmes can t>e niosl"Tielightlul V- .Soma male aex ouondera in Auilraiia^a Melbourne are today. Dress well but nol fancy iniectad by court order with lomale hormonoa to cut down thaiii ^lOOM Cl III. DK IN (June 22 lo luly 2 I) Know what yo dangeroua compulaiona A aeniitivo iaauo. I'm told. Exceedingly " " ” triie position is w ith associates, kiii and llie pul»lic in f{cneral; ■' then you understand wtiut should be dnrie t’ui llibse good ■ civic ideas to work and help improve com litlons I'lunk wisely Exactly 18 out oi oTory ibo huibanda met their wivea in LI:0 (July 22 to Aug 21) Making new arrangements al reatauranta which you arc so adtpl is gt)od now and fine results come from Ihls. i’ersons w ith a different background frtim yours ate ^ best riow Make this 5 veiy conslruclive dav^ P m.______I VIRGO (Aug. 22 to Sept 22) Play your intuitive luincheV now so you can oulwii others and make hig strides forwanl . N’our closest tie underslanils you bctlcr ruiw. (]ood ihings come of this, also Dgn'l gel loo emotional. . . ; , LlilKA (Sept 23 to Oct '22) lliindlc all iisst>cititioJi nuittors ------wtady-todn>-and-mak<- new-T^ffTT3-thTit arc- most wojrhwhil^- . Tut whatever you nuetUiono m the Imnih o( ii fust worker and Watch the results Avoid one who is unfriendly M tu Nov. 21 iu 4 hy-thingt-t*>-*l- if you want to relain llie gooilwill of [hose wlio arc vital la your welfare lake Ihe Ircalms-'nts thiit make you jiiorc/ dynam ic and charming Make'a good impression socially SAOITTAIUUS (Nov 22 lo Dcc 'l) (lei into ihe amusements that please you now and make you jcel ------hnppicr-fln«l-tnore-vtHlHy-iiliver.'h»lk-thiH--now-pliin-uvtfr-*^ith— - tnatc, who can l>c very ct)operative. Avoid .uni: who' is a h y p o c r i t e . C’Ai’iUC'UUN (Dec 22 to Jan. 20) (let into a tlifferenl kind of activity at home if you waot contlitions lo improve th'ere Bring more'life anti happiness into your Ijonie Make a good impression on those you mvite inlo home in AQllARIUS (Jan. 21 lo l eb l‘J) You arc thinking very clearly now anil can luulcrsMnd new philosophies of life Jhat can he most helpful lo ytiu in the future You ... communicatu very well wiih others ilu " “ '■ '' ‘ ‘ this fine day IMSCliS (I'cb. 2(1 to Mar.-2U) You iire thinking about finances today and can e.isily liiul the right ways and means lo better your lot in lile He sure lo converse with t)ne who has lofly lhoughts,-t;ol the advice you lU'tKl, ------YOUR-rnri:n~I?rnnRN t o d a y . he nr she Will h ^ one ol Ihose clever youiig petiple .who will have many Very bright ideas. Inil you slioiilil teach early lo started. lincouriige him oi tier wiih llie expression of ideus and ' the activity connected wiih Ihem Send to finest schtiols you “■ Cft'n~rrmJ 7 iTi>tI’ pTe^aii_Mow for such“ Cive"a gtMHl'yrli'iTTulTivg'* _ in music, too. " The Stars I'nipel. they do not com pel.” What you make of your life is largely up It) YOU!

    FUNNV BUSmSS Hagermdri dass completes t o construction

    B y WILM A L A R SO N of a new Industrial arts class at'', ond Is hold, durfng, three notes on tHe i^rlous'staHea of Informnllon ,.on wiring, Tlmei-Newy writer Hflgorman High'School tl>U.. ^ Hbds of the schopLday .wltii constructloh -from the - routth - -0lQ0tr} -ond -ctfon MrtHrU ■ IH HHt'H f «l. ^ ffl. a.h.k.. H A O E R M A N - “ T h is la ' Actually the house was built Tlioconsti'uctlonolthoBbyB tlie ,f(n^nl-field trips Inclutlcd switches. Clnrk assisted thft tha^roof thnt covera Uio noor, by the 30 Induatrlal ibrtfl- Joot house was the second nine- vlsltlh^ri completed house and slutlents with thp plumbing.. holds ujhUio wall, ^ ■stiia6ft‘ti--u n d d M jtriili-K troirb r' —WMk ■' |>wyjeet-tulm lnotlng- n— obscI*vlnpth^^t^5 1 rT{^o^cn^pet:— rW n lle-th e houije-wos-noWnrBfl^*^^^ iJ ______l i . L .•Martta. ’ .jvpvlous ninC'Vt'oeks'of study. _ Some of the by-producta of crtough to nccommodnto all the / While new to thd school '!book learning," ^nnd tlie course Included receiving plumbing, tills dlcl'nol stop Die 'ntailfghta up tho house system this^ear, the lnclui}trial mechartlcal drawings .which valuable-Information on the “learningprocess," a.ssonrie of Thai Jack built. .. " . arts class, has crenlcd nouch were compiled by each student lumber situation an d th o . .Ujc plumbing was hooked up, And Jack's house wos biilU btterest and has boon very well along with tliolr notes Into, a* sovornl 'typea.-of.lumibcr .and but on the outside walls. ., williln a house — the school received by Uie students In tho portfolio. Prom Uie material in building,' materials orfd Seir While the atudehls nroy not ■■ house. high school. Tlie class ivas th eir p o rtfo lio s, tJjo h o u se w as uses. ’ ' “ be ready to go out on their own instigated by'Martin with'Die conhructed complete with ■’C^struction of the house and construct 1helr “dream ..approval.of-.tlie school l^ard - .w(rlng_nnd .plum bing, .’and waumudopossible tlirough-the hoiisc," ^veral of Uiem are-- except f6c painting, was made cooperation of Volcb, Inc., plannmg/to construct shops . •readyfor occupancy. Jerome, who furnished .the* ami. ii&!ds, and one student &me of the 'preliminary. materials in the equiuabinUo^ tofcrecl amillng barn If ,work Included\grade , “ ...... liners, WOO. Tliey also helped arrange plans go^^ waj^iia summer. footings, forrps for concrete, .some of tho fiold trip.s, one . has ' been foundations,nr^atiijy of joists andj.;wliiclum-conductcd-by-Lfion— UismaaUcd • to moke^ioom for ...... -tvUlginglTi^ oTUjOsJerbme store. days of the scho^olyoiu', but installntiaruOiT windows _and. — Al«

    T h e ^ f a l T e y ^STUDYING flQor layout, foisf o n d b n d g peppliri^ ing^doring on^induitnol arti c/oss' o/ you H o p o fm h n . Hi'^h Sc/ioo/ D ro .’ fro m le ft. k n b v r House Bddio Clark.- Curtis. Honson. Dalo Jonk% Living and Doug Hqmon. un'dor Iho dirocHo'n of Sunday. A pril 29, 1973 ' .. • -construction Jack Marlin. Ilw conilrucllon of an 3 by 8 fool houio hoi boon complet^dr by Iho c / o i 5 „ ...... 'J:- ' . . . '

    Learning process

    THE R O O F c o m lr u c tio n shows f/io use of hand %plil cador shakoi ond tho cornico : ond /wall' framing conslrucl)on~al fofj -JUu lion woro all pari of Iho now Hagormon class Shown ol righi aro. from loft. Tom Bonnqlt, Erie Uppiano ond Doug Hanson T ho h o u s e b y Ih o class w a s noJ la r g o enough to accommodalo all Iho plumb- bu> it_ d id l i o j sjop^ t jt o lo a r n i n g ^ - p ro c o s s

    J r jju ia TIioTfrsl night the DrUma Club must pay 150" “llgliting and set design," Mrs. {?lwrpinan .said. /\Juepii-« th ey (ti'clart* \\hv onViV- U nited STates, ^rlass will pri‘‘>i.‘nl jls first major stage in royalties an(^30 the second night. We have to She explained that the sets will cofislst of a expectinj! lo he viin(|iiislii‘ii-anO-their country hM q j or Br'ti rm— -rfliB ft‘tlf f money-ffM>»H>dmift9ionfr4o-ih&^)lay«tifl • =thP0neT0DT!irrt‘6SUletH^0ll{taUlhdTnTepW()Vlh~ClniI>'“ ni-tftnrttt^U;'' nil«^eiv :~ 7 '‘' drama class has put on a designed for draina and'Uie sLagb in thc.ibigh Grun’d F en w jck w h ich h a s b e e n forced to ne.'tr "Wallin, Suzanne Van Ia'C, N b iicin e C uff, ;l,^e major [jnuluclion In wliicli royalties inuHt be ‘ school gym lias been boarded up Tor an athletic bankruptcy bccause of unethical businesmen in Martin, Bob !\lcrrilt;S0otrlT>1I(',r I)a|n IX^.ucia^^i-^:^ paid to the nuhlishi’t-l, ■ _.r ■ area. Also the students are doing their owtl Uie United States, To gjln foreign-aid frpiii and Hoger ShevWnaktr,'’ _ "V . . x

    ...... f?£H^ARS/NG-a_par/ /n //le forf/icom/ng p(oy,. “Alouso. Thor Roarod." arb, from loU, Don H arroll. tofjio 'flonow/fx ond TWO M^^B^RS of' Iho Joromo High John N o a l. Tho produc^on Is iol Moy 10 School drama :\class, fDlano Soxton, loff, Ptodu ct ipn-slqted and 11 at fho Jorpmo High School Oymna- Big pj - o n d Choryl Hopworlh, work an posltfrs slum and yvlU'bS undor tho djroefloi} nf A^r$.; Ko/h/oon Chopm'&ft. schoo/ h la J i f/ rs f^ m a | o r“ $/br^Q pro'ducl/on proVonto'd dfomo ruockfir, 'C • by fho Jororfiff group: / . • .

    _ 4 — ------t- The Tirnes^News Sunday Horneo q ^ Magazine

    -tihii'hvii hill /iiirroi

    ;Lairdnrfnthe~Yucatan U aiifl *>

    i-il 2V, Miiv 5

    ■ A __

    qUICSTION; Are you fpr or oRolnst the proposcil McCulIoch Properties Inc. W hat you’re saying . . . ilcvelopincttli. southeast faf Hniley.

    Pat OlKon. Ilallcy: an d ,. ,11. E . nranilon, HoJley: definitely for it. I tliink it i.’j ‘i am oomplctely against It. what Hailey needs, M c C u IIocIt^ . How are we unipu to take carc is Moin),' lo brlnf? more of ihal many people In.. the eihployment to the area plus valley? We can't iJVovldo provide recreaWon for the recreation for them. How are people, The .development, is tljey KoinK to cat? 'n»cre’n no Hfluiii to be employing Blaine work here.” County people in constructinf* “ the ifiotel,- condominium s and b o u s e s ."

    Ix'ta linrlun.llailey: •‘I am in W t of a_qunndrnv unrd JohnKon. Hailey about it. It's - unrcali.stic to •'Trn it. All it’s Uiink m ore people’ won’t come to du is brin^ in a lot of people. -into4h4M ipoftr<*n(tr it-wor tt wutl My-Uimkiflit J.S-UiaLthe county. . planned'comhuinity ta better - iK-overi>opnlofed-7ilrcnrtyn’tipy"" Uian one hot planned at- all ^ tiilk a b o u t 7,000 p e o p le In a UiH.' on the other hand, ‘bij{ narrow valley. You all « ciiy' housing development.s are UuKse c a r s in h e r o , it .'u-st Is unde.sirable too." j’oinM lo be a'm ess."

    Lnrryllnskln, ilaliey: M ary M iller, Ilalley: nrfe wuyHTSTnnds now rin n ,. ■'IL-thihk^-Vou- -can ^ h old —off. in favor, of il.'*^ far I haven’t progress. It might as well be setn anytlilnK to make mq feel now as later. I think McCulloch th(^re is any valid reason why they 8houldn''t com e. I bfslieve is going to do it with a set nUm. It .will help contain the growth It would be better than the haphazard way it has boon ..-thot- la„co^ning. -in jnoTj? done in other parts’ of the escalatc it." ' • | _ v a lle y .

    Kathic Chase. llaUey: ^ K a n n e T s •‘I am againsUt. 1 just don’t . w a n t m o r e p e o p le In th e v a lle y . ZsI.Sall Lnke a iy ..KUTV-TV It w ill b r ln « a lo t o f p e o p le , jo b s Isl.Snlt Uike Clly..KCPX-TV- •• f e g

    J . ,Tlmo»:Ncws, Twin FaH«, Idaho Sund»v,’April M, 1973 Jack Pfitir S u n d a y , A p r il 28 11 — Consultntion 7:3 0 4sl - ABC Mews Movie: helcn Hayeii plays a 5:00 3 — Barnaby Jones 7b — MoVIe: ‘'Intermezza” • shows m o U ie r vvho f iu s p e c ls lie r so n of 2sl — A Wq^Mlflfful Bird Was 4b, 7st — Bolero (special) 1 1 :0 0 : deallny with llie communlsta in The Pellcarf' ’ ), 8:00 2sl — Movie: "The Nun's _ Thu Smothers Brolhors, - ‘‘My Son John". Aira on 2b - Mod Squad 2sl - McCloud • S to r y " Stiller and M ear», formur-Scn. channel 4sl at 0:00. (2 hrs. '30 3 — U iB sio 4sl —^ovie; ”My Son John” , 2b — Buck Owens______Euyem! McCurthy, Clare min ) and on chonrioiR 2b and U 4b — TTiirty M inutes With -H b . 7sl — Ort U a n F r o m isl — Movie "U fe at the-Top" UooUic Luce and Joo Garayiola a l 7:00. 5 — Talent Showcase ‘ Russia: 41 French 8 — News hiyhlitjhl tlie “ M o rn in g 7b, B, 11 — W ild K in g d o m Masterpieces (special) II — Movie: ‘‘Assignment K" ToniU;'' Uneup the week of 6:30 5:30 5 — All In Tlie Family 11:10 7b — AijricuUur.e U.S.A. _ApEiLJll-ttLMtiyJ-on M A lK i 7b. a; 11 — W orld o f D isn e y 8 :3 0 — Movie: ' “The Television Network’s ‘AliC T w r 3, i_i=J)i'ck-Viin-X)ykc ..... a — -All In Tho-j‘aiiin^ ICxlraordinary selim an" Wide World of En­ 5 — Old-Time Gospel Hoiir Isl — Uoom 222 4b, 7sl — Joan “Sutherland: '■ 11:30 tertainment.'' • ------3 — ITiis is the Life 4b — A m e r ic a ‘73 ■ Wild’s iTOiUtTof-Opera? 2b — M ovicy'‘Gajivi-tO-Town"^ Jack Paar begins the week Tb^ — Taljernacle Choir E v e n in g 5-M-A-S-H 7'" — Vlowpolnt-^ I'.. o n M o m ja y , A p r il iiO, w itli a 0 — Jetsons 6:00 7b — Movje:. “Dead Itun” visit frotii the Snipthers 11 — Archie's Fun House 2sl - Wild Kingdom fl — M ovie.;. " M y Son J o h n " I------n Brotliers comei)y-and-MnKin« 7:30 2b - F B I ; 0:00 team , who will be nuiking' their 2sl — Science in Agriculture 3 - M./yS-H , 3 — C annon -SERVICE- t first national TV appcarance 2b — Old-Time. Gospel Hour ■ •isl ~ W a it'T ill Y o u r i‘’a U ier 4b, ~ M a s te r p ie c e 'I lie a tr e PARTS-SUPPLIES I 3 — Tabernacle Clioir . since winning a five-year-old Gets HtJhie 5 — Bonanza A U TH O R lleO SERVICE | c(m ^act suit against CBS. Also 4sl, 7b Faith for Today 5 — Hee hlaw 9 :3 0 ' CENTER. ______J_ 0 — UndorddjT 6:30 2b — Mannix appainnf* tliat nigiil' will be Vour^NC STOP FO r 7 T U — Harlem Globetrotters can! expert Jylui Scarne, back 2sl — Audubor>"5 tViUlljfe 11 - i m ; SERVICE WORK, NEW | ' 8:0 0 by [Kjpular demand. • T h e a tr e ‘ • 9 :5 0 • ' & USED TRAVEL TfeAIL- V V 7b, 11 — nex Huinbard On Tuesday, May 1, lOugone 3 — National Geographic 4b.’- 4T ell, ^ ERS ANiyMOBILE HOMES I 4sl. 0 — Curiosity Sliop M cCarthy, cin'.rently senior ' 4sl — P a r e n t G a m e 10:00 . » :30 . ; editor at .'^imon & Schu,ster and 4b Idaho Wildlife 2sl,3. 5-News ^ 2sl — 'Iliis is the Answer > M^RLETTE, SHELTER X. teaching a course on Literature 7si*— Critique ’ 4b. ,7sl — Firing IJne - a i> - -©H>H»W)iHeov€ rn i HMfUA^TAMABACK^ and Polifics at the New ticnoof —7br8-=-M rtflm id ------7 - 9 :0 0 R O ADRUNNE R. TERRY. S lIV E R A _ Tn New York, will chat with old ■ 11 — Brady Bunch 2sl ~ Sacr^yd Hcar^ STREAK, T R A V a tZ E friend and suppttrier Jack . « *7i00 - 2b — R e v iv a l F fr e s I'aar. Paar and daugliter Isl - World of 15isney ' 3. II — Herald of Truth Randy worked on behalf ,of • 2b. 11 — Movie: “My Son ^ i m n w r m McCarlliy for a jM.*rii)d during 5 — D a y o f D is c o v e r y U ic nxUi P resu U 'n tia l c a m - •Isl - F B I 7b - Oral Roberts ' - l o j m ,,iM u U L llU , Z u u iu - “ i r n r Maim Ginott. .uithor of 5 — Forbidden Desert of thv 2sl — From the Cathedral Between Pareiii anti CliiUP' Danakil (special) ^ S):30 ^ ^ -I ’ ■ and ; Iietween J’urent and ail - Herald (if Tr'aUr' ’ SUNftAV, APRIL 23 Teenager,” making a return 2b — H e r a ld ,o f T ru th ,-12—12il5 tAHO - Court v is it. ^ 3 -- Oid-Timu Gt)S[)el Hour action continues with an N44A Another ^ongtinie . Paar 7b, 11 - M a k e u PLAVOI'F GAMIC. v Teams fr ie n d j>vho w ill b e a p p e d r m g 5 — Tabernacle, Clioir and site lo he cieternunod.) again is playwright Jean Kerr. (J — Barklej^s l ;10- 3;aO(CBS) -T h e first auUior of the current. Broad* 1 0 :0 0 . rematch game between Uie -w ay >:i>m<;ily' lut. -Finishing 2S1 --M cairtirrTotuno------• nu.^!.man • o iyim tlr hask^rtUnlt- . Touclurs.” Mr.s. K cit will be on . 2b It Is Written leam and the United SUites the show Wednesday May .2: 4sl — Oral Roberts natlonal'teain is covered live Washington socialiu.* Bar- 5 — For Your Information today on CBS SPORTS . bara Howar, a close friend'of 7b — Jiickson Five SPian'AWULAR. Brent the Johnsons and other a — Viewpoint Musijurger and i'at Sumiuerall political figures,'^'ho hns put U —Fai_Ui,for Today follo’w the~7i’ction froni Tlie her menroirs in tlie recently • 10:30 : ‘ ' Forum .in Los Angeles. publi.shed'book •‘Laughing All 7b, 8, 2sl — Meet the I^ess . , ' 2:30-4:30 (ABC) - TIIK the Way,“\iom es b?ftk for n 2b, 11 — Face the Nation BYHOM NFLSON GOLF — viKit_oi>-4UuiE4;dtiyA-M aV- “ 4sl' — ^S|n!7rkT)ut Wlih Sandy C-T.a S m u winds up~ toda^ with — JointnR 'hcr :resently play Uie- A fle m n n n of a yoiing boy and tlie peddlar WE'RE COMI^ETELY COMMITTED parents of :Howie on the'ABC • 12 :0 0 who stole ills horse, continyes Te{(ivision Network's '‘The _ a ^ j ------NBA-jaUijuaf------_4,„------r iiju , ; ------W ON4JICRl>iUl^ ~W 57rratfT t r g u r‘bxretnoim u BtnBi»r t to know o u r^ lo rn b n d i.— " ■ Paul Lynde Show.'l-wlll appear 1:00 WORLD OF DISNICY. sUtrring ! And that’s Qood buslnosB. Wo soloQt avory oh the'prograin; 2sl. 7b - SUmley Cup Play-Off ^rroll O’Connor, Michael f diamond with'oxtremo caro. Ohock oach sto;no In addition, liie Paar show 1:30 .Slieji, a n d lie n J o h n s o n . 'Ilie | for quality of cut, clarity and color. And wo'll will have a visit froip 'I’V-radio 2h. 3. 5 -• U.S, USSR concluding segnr>enL fip.ds J ol-7 (ABC) - Christine Tli'e ’ music is the Charles 2b. 3. 5 — CBS Sports M inton 1 D in a M e r r ill) h ^ “IlluStiiilcd’ ' stiL'Uful— Uiotnttm;— ntio iit— lTPT— sliow is a production of Jack 4?00 forgery attempt against Dan P a a r ^wnlF^])^TM"sT^nl^^~^i^l^P isl — ICl l^ieblo De Ml Casa •Wheaton (Richard Anderson) \lor\lill RnterUiinment Corp. 2b, 3, 5 — 60 Minute.s when she finds herself in love 7b — Fitness Motivation with him on tonight's episode of SUPPORTING ROLF In stitu te TMK FBI, ln.spector Frskine HOLLYWOOIX. 'UPl) - 4:30 I K fron i /iin b a l i s t , J r . ) suti> o u t Sheree North liinded a support­ 2sl — American Adventure lo trap con’artist Christine and • TWIN FAILS • BURLEY ^ AVAftABUONCONVENffNrCREOir TCAMSM ing role in "The Outfit" 4sl -- 'Hie l^jvil's Triangle her pjlrtner, Harry Cando (Dan starring Robert Duvall, Karen 7b. B - NBC News Travanty). -RICPICAT- Black and Joe Don Baker. Sunday* ApNI 29, 1973 TlniSi^NQws, Tw/ln Falls.; Idaho J . ■1'^;. \ ^ ,u\d . •, < ' . t ' . , 1 . r - t . . ____. • ...... ■ . 10:35 Mo^ntlay, April 30 11 - T o d n y ri -Midday ' 1 6:3 0 2b — Movie: ••Bedeviled" Flip yWlson: FUpH guests . 8 :3 0 11:30 2s1 — Bobby.Cojdstwro in c \m c Durt Reynolds, Tim 5 — Price ifl^niRht 2al' 5r, 7h — Three on a Match, 10:40 2b — Dragnet 5 - Bill Cosby Co/way nnd Roberta Flack. 3 — Jack LaLnnne • Gotne . , 3 —^Bridget I.oves Bernie Buift in in u flkctch about 8^45 2b. 3; 11 - A s th e W orld T u rn s 10:15 , ^ •ISl - I f » ^ o m U 3 e t _ 3 ------M q w «>: “ ICid RoflPin". Gcruldinc’a m ovie dehutUKililiL v ^tol--^N ew s-^— ------4 s l ,- 0 ------1 ^ t V M a k c t - D o a l- > - Ut's'M akt” AT)Fa1 Tim plays a drunken ^ 1 1 :0 0 ' 8 :5 5 " » A f t o r n o ^ ■ 7:0 0 bullfighter nnd reprises his •Isl ^ N e w s • . 4sl — There’s a D6ctor in'the - ...... ' 12W 0' • 2sl. .7b. 8 - Movit*; -Tlie prettj’vpink plrfltu character. H o u se < 2sl, 4fil>i Days ot Our Llve*i - 11:30 Ceremony” ▼. Airs on channel 11 at .9:00. — J a c k P a a r T.onite . 9 :0 0 -; ' "ZlJ-r'l^bws ■- 2b, 3, 5 — Here’s l^ucy U:'40 ft.Ml — Sale of tlie Century. ' G u id in tf IJK ht -%\ ------R o o k ie s ------^ ------~ G a m e ^^^ow^lywed Game 5 — M o v ie ; “ U n d e r th e G u n ” 5 — Farm Report 4b — Hatliayoga 2b. 3 — Gambit,,Game'' _ ‘ ’.;7b,:0 — Todby in-r^iho 12 :0 0 7sl — Carrascolcnd^s • 2sl,’4sr— Petticoat Junction' - - 12:30 2sl “ Movie; ‘‘Trooper Hook” ‘ 5 — Sunrise Jjcmester 11 — M o v io : '‘M u n -T ra p " 5 — Romper Room v - ■2sl.,5, 7b. fl - Doctors 7 :3 0 . fliOO 7sl — Figuring It Out • 2 b .'3, U-- Kdge of Night 5 — . C B S N e w s . 2b. 3. 5'— Doris Day . ^ . 0 U 5 4sl — DaVri'g Game 4b — Across the Fence „ ' fi:05 7sl — I'Clectfl’C'Comprtny • ••• ., Isl — Guidepost^i ■“^*1— Seven Scene ^ ’ For mQthier . - ^fl;:|0 & l,;4sl, 7b —^nrilher World 8 : 0 0 - _ C ;|0 7b. fl; 11 — Hollywood-Squares ’ 2h, 3 , .5 — ,I .o v e is a TVlany' w i f h ' l o v e 4s1 — V ie w e r s D ln e s t 2b - Lovo-of-Mf<>— 4iil — Mnvie: '•Mah-Trap*' - 8 n s “ 12sl, Isl ~ Bewitched - .,..a,.U ^-XlenerakHospital- - - 2sl — Ecology Report' ^4b; 7sl — M ollywoocrrclcvision 4b ^UJulbliXOgu 1:30 ' 6 :3 0 :nieatre (.special) ••••' lOrOO '• ■ 2sl. 4sl. 7b Rpturn to Peyton 3,‘n — CBS News S'-^’-Bollevue (special) 2 sl. 4 s l. 71) — .Jeop ard y ■ Place . • ' 6:3 5 9 ;00 3b. n. 11 - Password ‘ 2b. 3. 5 — Secret Storm 4sl — Farm !tc^>rt isl — Howan and Martin's •3. 5 — Wliere the Hearl Is- 11 — One Ijfe to Live i-nigh'-ln ... -- •6:45 4b, 7sl ~ Se.same Street ' S’— Days-of Our Lives 2sl — N e w s 2b —- Cannon ■■ 10:25. 2;(M). —4fll-^ Hntrl Rnlflprdimh 3*> Gun.smoke ‘ -5 «^M 6digfllX0nt«r 7 :0 0 10:30 V in S ch u lly U V a r ie ty 7b, fl — H o o k ie s - 2sl, 7b, .1^ — Torcli ftf Tomorrow 11 — Another World ' , -twy— 5— r-VinTj^'utlyH ^firicty ,..7k1— Book-B«ttt— — - n — SoereTSJorin . 1 0 :0 0 . 7 :3 0 11 — Split Second, (iam e , .'2«30 2b— ■ N e w s 2b, 3, 7b. fl, 11 - N e w s ■iSi, ’is i — I'c r r y M a so n r ■» . 5 — Gambit, Ciame I s l — C a r o ly n D u n n . , n<»llar5^* 71) General Hosnital ^ Str;UegT7------A r m s 8 :0 0 ' _und-StinK» ------~ Craf t^i witb Katy 64 7 Mom Ave Wt'vl ,2b, 5 ^ Jokers Wild;-noiiTt~ U m ita tip n ,7b. 0 - NBC .Ne\vs . • ___ _ 3 :0 0 4 - ___ 1- - 10;30 ------•- Iw.« fallv 733-3674 3 — CBS News . 1 1 : 0 0 2si What's My Line’i 7b. 8. 11 — ULAKIC CO-STAKS 2sl, 4sl. 7h, a — Goncentration. 2b — Virginian . HOLLYWDOl) (-UIM) G a m e ' ^ • 71) — l^Tve, A m e r ic a n S ty le 2b — Guiding Light fl — J e o p a r d y > Robert (In (kiUI IU cmuI) lilalce will co-star with Mlliott (lould 11 - All My: Children 1 1 - U-fs Make a Deal " • in “Bustirm.” —‘4b — Klcrtrir Company . , 3 :3 0 2sl — Miinv Griffin 3 —"Vin Sm hy. Variety : -Wl —-tiul^s Runny ^ 71) ,- Daniel fioone ' QUALITY Rock Concert / 11_— Bewitched ' T lir e e on a M atch’ ______1 ______J i l 5 5 ______DOESN’T HAVE TO series gets 5 — Spotlight Five ’ 4 :00 3 - J o k e r ’s W ild BE EXPENSIVE!! .jhI — Beverly liillbilliea , producer— 5 — Bonanza fl — l> o v e. A m e r ic a n S ty le 11 — Death Valley Days i‘>ight upcoming editions of stereophonic .sound. 4 :25 Jhe ••ABC Wide World of i>avid Sontag pnylucecl the 2b — l^t's Make a lX*al 1'Tntei‘t iiin m e n t ’s '' in n o v a tiv e two March '•ifrTt^ncert” 4 :3 0 YOU CAN PROVE THIS rock series. •‘In Concert.” will progranus which featured, a 3 _ $10,000 iVraniid be produced Ijy ABC with mong others. Al Green. Taj _ 4sl — Andy Griffith navld“S0TlliiB^5*pr0dUCerril------Mnhnh-Drr-Hookr-the-Ktephen— 7b — 1 bream of Jeannie STATEMENT BY was announced today by Stills and Manassas. fl ~ B e w itc h e d ^ M ichnei Rt.snnr. . v» iii.t. p p RrusiriRnt______In Htlilltion.ln iSnntni;. thii,” In i r — “ATJClr K c w s ^ of Program D^elopmenf~ind -Goncort^prml^iction stiiff will SHOPPING f(!R ------5 :55- Children's Programs, ABC include Joshua Wlilte;'“who-. 2b T h eatre Billboard Entertainment. Don Kirshner created the famous Joshua •' r S 'm \vill continue as criiatlve Ught Show at New York's 2 s l , — N o w s 'cynsultant and executive Fillmore East as ^ociate LIVING ROOM 2b, 3, 11 — CBS New.s producer of 'in Conc^ert.” producer; Sunny Schnier, who 4b, 7sl — Mister Rogers has been the publicity and ------I n - a d d itio n , M i. K is n e i s n id adverdsirig mrectdr oT” 7 b - NBC News that the series would be Vanguard Records and headpd FURNITURE 5:30 traveling more extensively publicity for the Woodstock around the country. He also Festival, as tiilent coordinator; .2sl — NBC News 2 b , 3 . 7h . »■ 11 ^ .N e w s ^ ^ -anil Marcia Lusliu d u c t io n tlie rock nnd contemporary Leslie is a formi^r a.ssociate 5 — C B S N e w s E v e n lD g ------m usic-apectrum ,- may be ‘ producer or WCBS- t V s -6rO O — ^------•. dgvptptfpnttrclytironp-musicnh "W omen” show and of Public • 2sl, 5 — Nows* •. - nr'wi au ch ‘ns--country>and- Television's series, ”Tlio Great 2b, 3, 4sl — Truth or western or, blues. - The /Vintricah Dream. Machine.” Claude Brown’s Consequences >t programs will continue to be ■’•In Coacert” is seen on the 4b, 7sl -- Sesame Street' 'i)Tiyndl?#isl-ftimullimeously by ABC Television Network' every FURNITURE - CARPET 7b, fl — Rowan and Martin’s ABC FM radio stiitions across second Friday as part of the tin* country and by other FM' ••ABC Wide World of Ijjugh-ln- • 11 - R o o l^ e s ON THE MALL stations to provide the best in lOntertidnntent" si*ries.-' ,4 Tlmes-Nows. tw in FiiU4*_ldflho Sundfly, April 29, 1973 '- : 1 |

    " t ' ■ I It's ci'"Dirty Shamel^’ If you aren't really holds j using i. ^ M p o o l Dishwasher j a shocker .

    , Tht AUCtchudulefor 197a-7-l wr«|)|>ini! up iLT-thlrd seiison. Holds u shocker: Thfy iirc^ maklni! millions on records, n io v in ii ■•Thi!T I 'iir lr id ij e m iiK n zin es; T -slilrL s a n d l'\imily" lo ii spot wllicll could biib\)lc|!um. Yot, w m c S ep - • four cycles . km .iUII-pm m tii:nllyJ ____ , AliC wtU move Uie — ,-^-i^^tho»dQ6c-&ilvQrwa- series to Satui day arld.plm' W hy? • reversible maple top opposite the number one sliow , This SLTios is a Scrccii CJemii • 2-speed washing .pro|H.‘r ly , and, w e 'r e m e m b e r in tlie nation — ••All In 'Hie self cleaning filter ' ^ whiit Jtjlin Milc’l\ell told i ls in K a n tlly ” ! 1^(17 when he’i^jive us u loiir of W h y’,' • rihse conditioner llis ■ Screen Cleins dffiees. Kur tliree reasons. First, . • two revolving spray arms .^loppinj’ ouLsiUe whal looks ■ The.UraUy Uuhcli." a sim ilar.' • porcelain Uner ^ like a cUillereU five und ten- less-potent *pro^ratn, has not • one year parts & labor warranty txnt store. Mitchell poked*his Fared' too badly a^Jnnbt Uie [)cefv'fini!er at the window and natio|):s nuinbor ~Uvo siiow r a .said/'“lJon\ever let anybofy ■ And_bon.” ' lud you. tills Is whei‘e wt* m a k e ^ Sijc-ond. there are lndlciition.s ■ our real1 profit —- Uie countryeounlry "AH In The i''amily" may ^ ^ U ir e .’ ‘ be weakening. 0'Con‘nor's lie was Uilkin^ about mer- constiinl threats to, quit have chandisinji — money from not holpctl^ and som e viewers Mames and which spin off say they are tiring U)e from shows like ‘The unending yell-level of the Monkees” and ‘ilewitched.” |)roj?ram . N ^e has ever l>cen a DCjier -— T h i r d . numuy-maker in this area Ihiin ' '■•'•unily" has inner problems. The Purtidne Pam ily;” So , - ll'e y caM'l keep a chest V'I.y fln.yiyillirijl f)i|.;iinlin-____Strap OH Susan^Dey forever."___ J on killing off the ^ow7 ‘ s an ABC exec. ‘She. • ^ I.e fs Uike-a look' at -niu •' >^^bance to spread her -Aiiil-Uiinnv I l J ir f{>rt>niV‘ . 'Vl->epP i iTruT up. II he t-eis i^aiier lhan Dav; Durability). Took o u t! K r ie n d s o f S h ir le y ' LDiffcrences: Mother filU in keep ^*llint> lier slie ouf^ht lo do _ ftir a missinn vocalist, and somethinj’ worthy of her suddenly tlie world hiis a new talenbi. And David wants a |)o p -r o c k i*roiip. T h ey {'I't a n better chance to..prove he c^m aj-enl, m ake records and travel a c t . ” around the country in a If “The Partridge Family” repalrittul school bus filling could be Uie show which fi­ H n ti'K nally cuts Archie down to size, , This show is a conference- all those personnel problems room creation, so tliere is mi|>ht disappear in a wave of somethint' for every viewer of ijroader bows and bitii*er every type. "Vhere are two l>onusl‘S from Screen Gem litt!e”kiisrohe“middIe Hid" and ’ Country store. two older kids. There Is an ~nttrnctive— tnan-lcss • m o lK o f, - an unmarried m an I Uie a^’enti and even a do(', SInlone. In _case the oldjolks feo|^i)ihte(l. _ t h e 'pr-0*ducers occas'ionally drop in a set of f'randpiirenUs, It Is tlie musical format which Hives' tlii.s sericcs^ Ita ' uniqueness. Unfortunately, howevxM\ the 'form al also makes meiinin^ful. believable storie.s almost Impossible. There simply, isn’t time. 2. Deptii; By depth, we-moan- ■Liltuii^ind-on—the technical side, producers 'Clavcr and Rosen turn out n- smooth, slick pro{luct each w eek. Tlioir job is simi)llfled soniewliat because all the inusic for the sliow is pre-recorded i Bull Hecords).

    fron.1 of the cam er*»is limited" lo lip iind hand synclny. As for members of the cast. - chief applause m ust ^o to two who arorim orm « of Uileniv -mnsr'UTiiJ " t o ' thuir—:?eneM- , InuiMO. S h ir le y J o n e s h a s a beautiful v««'M she- san^ ihe lead in 'Oklahoha'" i atui4^an excen tif> n a i ftc-trosM ( H hew on a n Osc'ir for ' lOliner (lantry''! i David Cassidy, acting .since he waf> th r e e , h a s j^uested op a loti^ list uf top TV -shows, and is a firsl-rale musical performer. :j. Durability: Thtf show is Sunday. April 29, tW3 llmos*News. Twih Falls, Idflho :> Zinnias hnvjs til^n' callQd n Delicious row or cooked wlUi or baby dills, the water iippilcd to u plant in ii geLs too tall cut top out and he-mon’a flower. Maybe it's an orange glnic sauce. A reader purchased o B foot p e a l p o t, 13 !,lo.^t...‘due to induce branching. Start new bccnusc of thQ w ay our present- Mlnl-tomntoeft: Vellpw Tiny tall podocnrpus 'fotlngL‘"plant evaporation.* ■ V plants by cuttings of tips, day xinniaa-'cnme-into being. ’ Tim and Red Tiny Tim ore from his florist. Aftei' 3 weeks Keep the t^qdocnrpus out of rooted in water; Back in 1757 a long good ones. Also yed and yelUw Uic $25 tree started turning direct ,sunlfg|it-. One of the largest groups of . . Hflptut . ‘=yftlln lv ...a n r i-J c a v t!s dr.QPpeili. folini’c vines vou can choosfr: overtaken by a rugged bunch of tomatoes. Preatt^ makes o good \yhijt coused this? Another fltje foliage plant is- from is Hedcra, or En(»llsh Ivy. Uio Schefflcrs, flist. growing ------b an d itfl o n ^ liills id M n • -onafor-the pntio, as does Pixie. Chances are the tree was ~ Look for red spider mites bn M exico. He hod a bag ovjS^ia overwatered. Some follngtis pla^t with large lepflets y o u r le a v e s . , ' • ' shoulder ond they ^ou;id It Try golden midget hybrid canno|l take heavy waterings, arranged like fingers on the ' contained nothing but corn. Cara. ,4 Inches long and 1 not 2 or .1 lim es a week. I’loripts palm of you hand. Often called* They may be stippled, m agenta-pui^le iiower ncacls^ niTCh ntrdss with’ B.i‘6wa'-or are "finding mm fuj^y Heipjr; nipped, covered wiui cob-weB“ Disgustedly, they rode off in yellow kernels. How about o such as Ihls one does best if not like bright or direct sun, growth or yellowetj. Wash a cloud of duat, leaving the mini cucumber? Ripens in 55^ wotored every day. Just a little. prefers^tr'soll mixture of one * under a faucet in bathtub. Root nian with the bag in hia hand. dayaV with mature cukes 4 Glazed, pldsXic or.metjU pita, part each sand, peat and loam. English ivy in plain tap water. The m an was Johann Gottfried Inches long on plants Uiat are m a k e a d iffe r e n c e , too. Tlies^ft ^ Do not overwatflr,. jWoter it Rooted plants like a mixture of Zlnn, botanist and professor of only 24 Inohes across. Perfect do not dry out as quickly as thoroughly and lei It get dry iiT .Hiind, p e a t a n d lo a m , e q u a l ' medicine nt the University of for miniature candied pickles olay or ^ a t pols.-4n fact, hajf between waterings. If yours , parLs. ^ Gottingen, Germany. Those undttractive, weedy flowers Jin the bag-wcFC—w ild_j. zinnias, tlie ^forerunner of~“ today's rnofetv -m iseries o f theblg clty-life-«nd j- -• ------9:15- ...... ------Z in n ia s - n r e f a s t p r o w in f r n n d — 2b - Crafts with Kijty 8:00 r y tl^ ' aimpk—tife - -cnn=1}«FStnptefH« ‘ ' - J z M - -4 b - ^-ttcrok-Bnrt- deserted island. Airs at 0:30 oii 9 :30 directly in the soil outdeors. 2.SI Wliat’s My IJne'' 7k1 - As 'We See channel 11 iuid7:.10on channels 71). fl, 11 - H < illyw ood S q u a r e s Or tJiey can be started indoors 2b - Virginian ; *'■ 11 - M a r c n s W elb y i M . - n .'’ 4 s l. ' ~ 2b — U)ve of IJfe In peat pots and planted out . ,7h^,q^\a^i\inerietm Style - 2 s l , - 4 s ! ------R ew iteh e< l------nftof ftirdanger o f Is over. ™ ...... II - .Jeopardy 4b. 7sl — Hill M oyers’ Journal 4b -- Halhayugii Hybridizers have given us a 5 - Farm Ilep - C l if i N mviL ]•) - 4 h . vfil sc.^nmo strcpt :■— Troubles: Our present day , 6:ns-'\ - paniel Boone 3 - l-4)ve, American Slyle 10:2.') zinnia does have two trouble.^: ■\h\ GiiidejxisLs’ iunvilrlied lb, 7sl - Behind the Linos 5 I ’HS N e w s fl mildew and Altemarla leaf 6 : 10' • T lir n e (in a M a tch 5 - Hawaii Five><) 10:;{0 j \ blight. The variety State Fair ^■::yiewers Digest .1:.W . II*-- Kniergency 2sl, Isl, 7b. 0 --' Who, JVhal is quite reslst^int to Alternala SiH)tlinht Five 9:30 W here. (Jaine jmd we suggest Vou try It.It's a 2jil ^„-^c(i!()gyJ Iteporl 2b - Bridget I-oves Hernie 2b. :i. 5 .Search for Tomorrow 4:00 giant zinnia with six inch -ih . 'nticty Minutcii-With— ■ flowers in gay colors. f :\. 11 CBS N e w s '7sl - Black .lournal 11 .Split .Second, Gatiie •Lsl - Andy (iriffith As for mildew. Just about all 6:35 1 0 :0 0 ' 10:55 7l> - I Drcatn of .leantiie zinnias get so io t^ it. A v o id -Lsl l-'aniT He[M>rt 2b, :J, 7b. H, n - News 2sl - (Carolyn Dunn . . . [dollars 8 Bewitched splashing >fotiyge. and trj^ 6:45 4sl, 2sl •— Perry Mason a n d S e tis e 11 - A B C N e w s _ provideV^od^^circulaticin so -2iil- . News- , . 7sl — Movie; "Intolerance'' 71), 0 - N B C N e w s 4:55 breeze cim ylry off Ihe- fq/lijge. Isl Hotel Balderdash 10:30 11:(H) 2b - 'meatre BilUx)ani - ■ KverJry.kccM ng lelhiffin u ^ 7; 00 5:00 7b. 8, 11 - Johnny-Carson 2sl, 4sl, 7b, H - Concentration. lx)x, tub or coRHciitn/? It’s a 2 s l, 71), H ^ To - C B S N e w s 2b - Movie: "'Ilie Arl of l-ove’ 2b - Ciuidint^ ^ 4sl. « - ABC News - g tir.------^ ------can be on-lhe-porol)-<»r-pHtif>r-^- :r 11 - A ll M v Cl^iltlre.n------~!T --'VrTr?g'iniv. VIir-iely~ -& — Dragnet" J - -M ovie: ••Wake l.slami” -^G ood-varioUos to grow'include ' 7 4b— Electric Company 7:ao'"-' • “ - 7b - N B C N e w s • ...... 1 1 :0 0 ' ^ Buttorcrunch and Summer 5 M id d a y . 21) - N e w s 5:30^ 4sl — N e w s B ib b . ' ^ Il::i0> 5 - (iambi t. Game ^ isl NBC News" 11:30 Butter<;rnnch stands up 2sl. 5, 7b - Three on a Match, 8:00 2b. :i. 71), 8. 11 ..• N e w s 4sl - Jack Paar Tonite lo n g e r w ith o u t lK)ltin'g ( g o in g to G a m e 2b. 5 - .lokers Wild, Game •lb, 7sl - I'llcx'iric CoM ipiiny 12:00 seed) and-keeps its'quality ' t*hj3. n - As the World 'IXirns :i - CHS News f) CBS News. 2sl Movie; "Kiss Me - - a long-tifne, without beconiing, a U'Cs Make a Deal .41.-Today. . K v r n in g .. Deadl>i:^------■ I bitteiir. Summer' Bibb’', is an Aftef-noon « :ao fi;UU_____ IrrtproveiYicnt over the famous 1 2 :0 0 - 5 • I V ic e is R ig h t ^ 2sl, 5 - N e w s Bibb lettuce, and will even 2sl, 4si — Days of Our Lives .lack IxiUmne -stflna~up~ntT(tRr~tTot~wpnttipr7 8:45 ('orisecpiences Wa-liko_boUj types-of'leliucc n. 5 • ^luiding Light ,-lsl — N ew fr ------■11), 7sf - Sesam e Sln-i't 1 CROWUY's] beciiuse they are easy, to wash ^ 11 — Newlywed Game ...... - 7b It T a k e s a •I’b ie f and Iwth are crunchy. » 71), » T o d iiy in Id ah o I HEALTHCARE J 4sl '^’here’s a Doctor iti the i2:;m fl F B I For you sauerkraut lovers, H o u se I CENTER S •isl, 5. 7b. H I>octors ■ 11 il>iniUTatiirf.s Hisiii)' vve'd like to send" you a free iiiOO • 2b, :i, 11 E d g e o f N ig h t fi:30 I ! copy of our Uookl,et, 34 Selected 7b, H, 11 Side of the (‘enturv. -K rnttt-Redpgsr^H- evun tulls- —4 h 1— Dtitinti-Gtim o ------jkil__:nuLlluw4^uu.iaJUiiliU 21) Cotnpassinn's (lluldi-cn how 'to make a chocolate 1:0 0 :i Hawaii,Five^) .sauerkraut cake. Just send me 2sl. 4sl. 7b Another World Ti:i:SI)AY. MAY 1 -|,sl_. ICs Yt)ur Bet a self-addressed, stamped •2b. :i. 5 - lx )v e IS a M a n y S|)londored Thing 5 - "nns Is Your Life -envelope frir^your copy. ... (j-.:G;;iU._.iAUCi . -- Shuuld- — iiospitar ~ M*— Move- ••v”' 2b — Sonny and QnH" Comedy 9:15 Splendored Thing 7sl — iilectrx^om pa a bucket. I’am ily'’ was knocked onr"Of“ 7b. 8 - N B C N e w s 10:30 \ first place in the ratings by tlie 8 — Jeopardy GAME BOX: Earlier this 11:00 7b. U. U — Jolmny c}»rson Academy Awards ceremonies - 11 - I^t’b Make a Deal year during-Celebrity Week", 2sl, 4sl, 7b, 8 - Concentration, 10:35 \ • — and ~ boy. oh boy — was 3 :30 when NUC had nighttime'stiirs 2b — , Movie: "Night Into jVrcblc m ad! Of course, it could WEDNESDAY, MAY. 2 2sl — M e r v G r iffin appearing as contestxmts on M o r n in g " liitve been.worse. Imagine if 3 — Vin Scully, Variety game shows, tlie ratings took 0 :3 0 — a (N B C ) — J e ffe r s o n ^ - 10:40 Oscar had been black instead Keyes (James Farcntlno) 4sl — Bugs Bunny such a big leap upward; that 5 — Movie: ‘•Prescription of g o ld ! boards KartnaklS’ (Nehemiah 7b — D a n ie l J3dudc’ NBC will repeat Mny 7;to 117 M u rd er" JURY BOX: So after montlis 11 - Bewitched But tliis time; only Celebrity Persgff) yacht to confl.scate 10:45 sIretclie(1 into years, they oalntmM for a client when Uie fl - niree on a Match M olhprs are eligible. You'd _ ;t------M ovie-i-^m >t^gep-M ako^ finally finished l>ar vd Weeks**" “ N B C - lv r Y S T E R Y - - M O V T E : ------— ------think that would exclude all OuT" men. buf NBC may sneak in a trial where CBS was suing Uie' -COOIs-M U.LlON-proKonts- 5~.Sjiqlhght.Fivc ------, , . 0 0 - - — — SmoUiers BroUiers and Uie few former bachelor fatliers "Assault on Gavalnnl." Keyes' 4sU-— N e w s Brothers were suing CBS. each 4 )00 like Bill, Bixby ( •Courtship of Jisslgnment is made easier by 11:30 claiming the otiier caused Uie' hisTClaUonshlp wiUi Karinakis /Isl - ABC Aftcrschool Special Eddie’s Father"). 4sl — Jaok Paar Tonlte (s[M.‘c ia l) OPEN BOX: M asters winner cancellation of "The SinoUiers daughter (J*auiela Franklin). 12:00 H ro U iers C o m e d y H ou r" . 'l*he Wilfred HydJTWhite costars. - 3 - J o k e r ’s W ild Tomrny Aaron is tlie first ’ia l — Movltu- "Dead Ringer" —player set for _Uus__-yi:ar’s. SinQthers lawyer showed that llE P IiA T - 5 — Boaanzii 8 ~ liove, A^nerican Syle "World Series Of G oif’ on NBC tile cancellation had caused Uje 8 - ‘J ( A B C ) — > , 0 ^ e h -11— LassiC^^^— — in September. His opponents • Brothers’ weekly nightclub^ iw arshntr-.and-' S' 7 T ii{ro c iH le 1 :25 will be winners of Uie U.S. tiike to drop from $70,000 to .less Brandon i ^ M a jo r s) BRING YOUR RAINCOAT |N FOR uMakii-a.Dual 4 :3 0 > ■ • Do you think you couid predict “Here is a situation-whuro- on tonight's episode, of OWEN 3 — $10,000 Pyramid • even one of Uie tliree? How everyUiing posiiible was^done MARSHALL. COUNSELOR 7b — 1 Dream of Jeannie a b o u t J N ? by 4iui^molhers to cooperate AT LAW. Wayne Newton 8 — Bewitt;hed INSIDE THE BOX WORKS: wliilc standiHg up lo Uieir guests as Sam Stenheus, 11 - A lic N e w s For quiuj awhile now, we've convictions,"------But^ the C'BS accused of killing his abndrmal 4 :55 lieen Uilllpg you that MASH — iaAt-ywi^—*howiim ' that llPe infant son. —REPEAT— ^* NBO-)------^HB-TIMEX • 22b — Tliyatre lAllboard AJ.L-STAB ;>WIItf>^ S:OQ CBS exec because it was network more Ui; n one m illion W I I t FESTIVAL.^l-^News^' •_ , amtinuously receiving more bucks, blamed Uie split 0^1 Scverin.sCTi. is a m ust Vui^'raii 1 ^b,'.3r >l -r- CBS^NW S Uian its fair share*of jmblicity -To^nmy SmoUier "Yoft m usf ♦ fans and membbirs' ^ f ,.tl\e ■.H.Hfcf (U*-:ABC Ne-wsi. JinO.: was then given eai:|y considt;r." CBS Uie ju c y . "SWlim"' l}‘-‘neralion. 'nierb'll ,.*/4bj 7sl — MlBtorouorii _.rcnewal_aasurancc_ evuH, . ■ w h u•c./ t n ^ .J ------.A ^ . e r *‘p - 5 - , D r a g n e t Uiough its ratings wore novel* iiniOUxers 'iS more Uiun bordcrhritr There ...... r^^iOiKjrativd and ms^ls on'his: . !•Fii'.gcrai*,- il/.g

    - 'n\^,s|>toiri is hiiililiijlUca b y ,. -.lli.Val —‘'Q ljU rl; Company • TWO lOCAfIONS .c la im in g n t r l b i l i e n o l h l ; . ^ a l e , I-oiiEs' 5 — C B S N e w T .. 705 BlUEtAKBS BIVD. N. .he .says. "Bod Wood is a ver^' Well, they Ji^arded '.the Armslroni!. -UEPtOAT- , Evcnini! 347 WASHINOT0|I< ST. N. ‘ big fan of MASH. And I’m sure Smothers Brothers ‘three-, iThis .spectal preempts ■ 6:00 TWIN FAUS Uiat's had a.lpW o do with Uie quarters of a million dollars. ■■•Search") ' 2sl, 5-_New!v treatment l)ie show has And CliS got zero'. Sunday, April 29. 1^73 TimestNovMs, Twin'Fflll&, ld«ho 7 iout^ts?W lil^std^be \

    Travel could ’ be the effort of 850 A.-D. and'migrated to the . alphabetr-tliey could predict the going from here to there — or It Peninsula of the Yucatan. Though , • eclipse Of the moon and the sun and could be the goirtg from here to the_total known Mayan sites are ttiey had a nQmbering system. there to lenrn whnt Ihprp' • o v e r'2 .00(1 only a relative few have .^...When the ,Spnninr,da-cnme.. nnd W h y tV-avel ju s t f o r e going? .W hy been uncovered, wrested from the overran their descendents, all this not to learft-and enjoyM f you are of jungle-type gfQMjth which covers ciyihzation in the Yucatan ended. such a frame of mind then look to • them. And most of these — in fact Iheir great structures received our friendly neighbocj)n the south the more interesting oiies r- arc in Spanish names. The purpose^of — Old MClilco. U r better yet, a part “the Yucatan. •------many of the structures' — in fact of Old Mexico that is not thoroughly In the .Yucatan you will find nearly all of them — jis unknown. overrun by tourists but is easy to Chichen Ilz’iT.'" Uxmal, Labna,-. But there they are. The Mexican reach, reasonable in charges and Dzibilchaltun, Mayapan, Kabah government is at work restoring deep in things archaeological. and Sayil Storied cities all, but the them and tlje North Americail That has to be the Yucatan, that tw,o m ost in (e rc s tin g and most tourists are finding the place much storied section of Old Mexico which*' easily accessable are LIxmal and I- their liking. ' lies to the oast of MBxico,City and . Chichen-Itza...... ,The people- are friendly,. the- J^hich.j:onti£^at ai MPraised' . ■ Keaehed from the Yucatan'' price.s are reasonable, tlie -armr-Juts-out-into-the-waVm^blue— -capital-O t-M enda^a -ueatinodei^i ’ -accoinmodatiins-'cverywhere -are^TT and clear waters of the Gulf of city with a new jet airport, the entirely adequate So why not a M e xico . • ■ journey is easy and the hotels journey to learn rather .than just a Hundreds of years ago the modern and interesting al all the journey to go somc^place’^, mysterious Mayans lived in the principal sites, Mke we .said, it's not too area, worshiped their, gods,, built A week there is a, minimum. crowded. Autumn is a wonderful ' •"their great temp|cs. Today the lieached hv air from Twin Kails i |me to UiL-l'hC-Weatiicr-ia tropical.____ ruins of their rities - nMnain -Ureei;ea-wamT:--- mysterious, quiet and beautiful. Cfty, or through Guadalajara It was around GOO B. C. that the . through New Orleans if going the And al|jirounf*TrnTrr#vl org<^.;.------large area of Southern Mexico and rapid. A di|y, iii^a day-mid ij:, half, the- explOreriT^from Eurojae Guatemala, facing the Pacific and you are there. ' , dreaniecniu'i-e was anything over M>m«>=nnlcn(nvn=Feacon^ =Liille=O it^iuuiU itt==4il=lU e==M iiJwui= =U«it w cp«ril=H lB qprii»F=nfe;thrF=-T-»,j^— Mill. ..I.litw— did— h«vf - K a iT H "

    't V -A!

    The Ball Court

    .JPyr«fmldl of the Mqaictan ______Tompio - Tho Costlo .'Tim es News, Twin FtiMs. Idaho ; Sunday, AtinT.ZSi. 1973 Sunday, A p ril 29. 1973 J im o s .N u w t. T w in f-,iUs. Idaho 9 3:30 ■ Tburtnlay, May 3 B:55 2 b , 3 ,1 1 — A s UiO W orld Turt)a. M o c k tn g b ir d ’' ------2sl — Merv Griffin It Tflko A Lot Of Love (ppccial) 4al — There’s o Doctor in the 431, 8 — Let’s Moke a Deol 10:45 3 Vin Scully, Variety .Qiud Evorclt is the Iwat and U b u se A fte r n o o n 3 — Movio: "I Met Him In 4al — Bugs Bunny naccutor to this dcliehtful hour . 9:0 0 ' 1 2 :0 0 P a r is ’.’ ■ 7b — Daniel Boone U.’a all about tho love people' 7b, 8,11 — Sale of Uie Century, 2sl, 4al - Days of Our Uvea 11:00 rvcrfar*flninnit!rrbuffnlo " to G o m e —------^------■^ewQ~ -4sl-=-Newa ------8 — Three on o Match ^klttona. Airaot G:00 on channel. 2b. 3 — Gambit, Game 3. 5 - Guiding Ught 11:30 3:55 ’ 11 and flt 7:00 on channel 5. 2sl,'4sl — Petticoat Junction -11 — Newlywed Game 4sl — Jack Paar Tonite 5 — Romper Room 7b, 0 — Today in Idaho 5 - Spotlil-ht Five 12:00 5 :2 5 '7sl — FlgurlriK It Out 12:30 2Sil — M ovie: “PT 109” ^EarnuRflpoEt 4 :00______------9 r \ 5 r ~ . ------— 2a'h-&r7bi-fl------D ootow i 5 :3 0 3 — Joker’s WiRT 7sl — Electric Company 2 b , 3 , 11 - E d g e o f NiK»‘l 5 — Sunrise S45mcstor 4sl — Bcvoply-IIlllbilUos ------9 :3 0 4sl — Dating Game 6:00 C ovevage set 7 b , fl, 11 — H o lly w o o d S q u a r e s 1 :0 0 ' , 5 — Bonanza 5 — CBS News 8 — U ve, American Style 2b — Ix)vc of Life. ' 2sl, 4sl, 7b ^ AnoUier World . < fi:05 ^ ^ - U — Cameo . f o r S k y l a b 2sl, 4sl -^BeWil&hv'ii^ 2b. 3, 5 — Love Is a Many ia \ — Guldepostrf^ » 4 :25 4b — Hathayoga Splendored Thing . •6:10 lajiinqhings 10:00 8, 11 — General Hospital 2b — Let's Make a De^U 4sl — Viewers Digest 4 :3 0 ■ .c .------\ . 231, 4al, 7b — Jeopordy . 1:30 ' " 6 7 1 5 3 — ■>10.000 P y r a m id 3b, 0, 11— Password '2sl, 4sl, 7b — Return to Peyton tsl------Ecology -noport— 4sl Andy Griffitli ;• 3. 5 - WherenheHenrt Is P la c c ______' CBS News will provide live - - • ------^ « r 3 0 ------^ ■ 7b‘ — 1 preafiy of.Jcannle 4b, 7sl — & sam e Street '^2b, 3, 5 — Secret Storm s' ^ '' coverage of Uie twin launching 3, 11 — C B S N o w s 10:25 11 — O n e L ife t o L iv e (h—JJewitofjfaK. . for Skylab, America’s first - 6 :3 5 3, 5 - CBS News ... ------B------Days-4j£-0ut - X.' SToW.^' •, - ~ ..m anned-space ..stali.on>-Wittl-fl-...... 4al — Farm Rywrl 4 : 5 ^ ' " i 10:30, 2 ;6 o --- series of Special Reports 6 :4 5 2b — Theatre Billboard 2sl. 4al. 7b, 8 - Who, Whut or 2sl, 7b, — Somerset M o n d a y , M a y 14 an d I 'u e s d a y , 2 sl — N e w s 5 :0 0 Where, Game 2b'— Vin Schully, Variety Moy 15 oh the CBS Television 4sl — Hotel Balderdash 2 sl — N e w s 2b,-3,5 — Search for Tomorrow 3 , 4i^l — M ik e D o u g la s NetworkRecovery of the 7:0 0 2b, 3. 11 - C B S N e w s Uircg-mnn- crew ^w ilL-bp-,.. - — 0 — . i o u u y 11 ■— SpJil Second, Game '8'— Another World — 1sl7"8‘— ABC Nutvs' covered live Tuesday, June 12. 2b — CBS News 4b, 7sl — Misterogcrs' — ^ 10:55 ^ . 11 — S e c r e t S lo n n Correspbndent W alter Ci onkita •*3. 11— taplaln. Kangaroo ------2:30 - - — D r a g n e t ^w ill ’ .inohor tljcj:H«unch ------5 — ^VUv-ficuUy, VuET 2sl -^Cai^U.yn Duna^ Dollar ^ uB im V V m _ covergKo-.Ji 5 - 3 B - . - % 7 fi'^' NBCTNow^^ -7b— Genopal-Htopital...... 2b — N e w s -Ob— • O m fL i if ith - l C m y- Kennedy, Fla. ft — r;n m n _ ^ 2b. 3. 7h. a. 11 - N uwh ■ffTur- •lb, 7sl — Electric Conjtjany ■ G a u je 2sl - What’s My line? cover the launching-ujrM ny~11- 2b, 5 — Jokers Wild. Gjimc . 5 - CBS Newb 2l> - Guidinf- Ught 2b — V ir g in ia n ^ ■ , oj. the unmanned space ' 3 — CBS News E v e n in f’ 3. 11 — All Mv Oiildron 71) — Ivove. A m e r ic a n S ty le laboratory into an orbit 270, !1 — T o d a y ------ffrOtf- 4b — KlecCric Company 8 — Jeopardy.' iriilc's above tlie earth. 'Hie 8:3 0 Isi, 5 - News 5 — M id d a y n - 1-el’s MaTte a I>eal launch of the three cTewmen 5 _ Prnre is Right. 2b. 3, 4si - Trijlh or — ■ 11:30 wlu) will work in Skylab during 3 — Jutik UilJinfie' • • — Consequc'nce.s , 2sl, 5, 7b — 'I’hree bn a Match. Uie 28-dity mission will' be «:4 5 4b, 7sl — Sesame Stroot G a m e covered on another Special 4.hI ~ N e w s ' 7b - Hee Haw ' R e p o r t M a y 15. C lia r ie s C on rad U — M od S t^ a d J r .. P im I ,1. W n itii a n d D r. 11 - TI TakgR. J I.AI 6f li)7P~ Joseph P. Kerwin, all Naval (S|>ccial) Preview s officers, will ride Uie second 6 :30 Saturju V rocket' to a ■2ii[ - 2sl - Wacky World of rendezvous with the Jonathan'W itiiers laboratory, where, they will 2b - Dragnet conduct scientific^ TilUIUSUAY, MAY 3 3 ~ D r a j’n e t experiments. launch is (>--fllPBS) - "riie Ballad of •Jsl - I t's Y our B el • scheduled at 11:00 a.m. M.T. rSoldipr“-exam inea-lhe-tr»gie— ------Hollywtwd-Squares -7— e B H ------w i l l a l s o ara*cts of World War II on the 7 :0 0 • provide live, coverage of Uie H tvett-of-ihe—fiuHHian—ooiiijutHi------islr-7l>7-8— ------sptash^wn and rLTuvury -people tonight on 2b. 3 Movie:” llb i Missions.* Um crewTfen—wi. a Specialt HUMANITIKS FILM FOHUM. •Jsl.— M o d S (iuad Report to be broadcast Vladimir Ivasiiov and Shanna 5 -• 11 Takes a l-ol of U)ve ■IXjesday. June 12 (11:00 ■ 12:30 Prokhorenko star i h i s I.sp e cia l) MT) on Uie Network. OUier touching pfutest against 7sl - Civic Dialouger coverage of the pioneer Dr. Jam es H. Billingloa hiuiU.;------iC d u c a lio u ______• mls.slonnvlir be presented on oditurs; please check local U — Kung Ku regularly scheduled CBS Nows stations as times may vary.),- .-.7:30 ' broadcasts. l>-7 iCBS) — Animal lovers 4b - Idaho Wildlife I will appreciate-the special IT 8:00 L S ^ \ . . U n ’ ,1>F 1,<1V1\ - S i v - a , - !ilt^oted to the relationship (S(>ecial) Ik-'twoen pet and maJiter. Host 4sl — Kuny I’u Cliad I’N'erett visits a hotel for 4b. 7sl — Movie: Ballad of a dojjs, Zookee|>ers Ted and Pal S o ld ie r "

    ■'-^iichards aod veterir^riun Diw* , 9 :00 R ic h a r d CUiiisb*.*fifTTPTW-‘arr“ ^ ■ 7h;- 1-lip W iI.sna H F P K A T - ^ 2b — liiirnaby \Ione.s^ 8 -{) t NHl' 1 - A laJ'ge cast of •Isl -- S tr e e t s o f S a n F r a n c is c o IW id-uiiktm —Uoii— - a Adams hosts the special THE 11 •' Slartune ispeCijtl) SA(IA OF SONOHA. a musical 10:00

    ' Uu'M«od guys agaiiist llie ta d 2sl. -is^ - T'orrj Mjison ^ BatuMing winner t^tjys as Vince Fdwards plays 7si - World l»iess_„. ______the slieriff in conflict witii town 10:3ir — t.kto M o stu t'_ .T tii" S r ." Vb, rt, 11 .lonhny Carson recipe, Mrs. Sue Joluisun (left),..beiirnii with Jolui, Lesley Warroii. (leorgo 7sl 'nurts Minulc.s Wjjh pride over her winning “C hlt^’ri Corry Without I llobol. and Carl Ballantine star 10:35 ' "* Worry” recipe during NBC-TV’h "Utnah's with cameo appearances by 2b* Mo\ic; "CJround.s for Place" colorcast on'TucBdvy morning. May IS. ^Cass lOlliot. Dale Fvans and Miirnage" ■ The winner is a resldenf'of Columbia, Mo;‘ * Uoy Kogers and man\ olher>. 10:40 - R K P f C A T - 5 — Movie;—-To Kill a . 1 . TlmoK-News, Twin Fall». tdaho Sunday. April 29, 1973 ; ‘ i! fV IT-

    3, 5 — Guidinn l.ight rrldpy, Mny4 l! — I^ve. American Style ‘ I s l - N e w s 7sl — TurnlnM Pbinls 11 — Newlywed CiAme . Weird Harold |special) — This’ 11 - rX'ath Valley D j ^ i n l i U ,7b • - NH(^ News ,3-^=JVliaaion.: linpoasiblu ------•LSI — u a U n « (Janu* I Great Go-Cart Rnce. Airs on - ^^il — Andy Griffilh 5:30 4b — ^ n e r i c a '73 1:0 0 channel 8 at 6:30 and at 7;3l)on 7b — I Dream of .leannie Isl - NBC Nows . 5 — M a n n ix 2sl. ‘Isl, 7b — Another World channel 2sl. ^,fi*=>_IlowtU'hed . 2b. 3. 7b, fl. 11 - N e w s ~ 7sl — M asterpiece 'nieatre 2b. .1. 5 — lx )v e .is^ a M any^ 11 - ABC News •n/. 7sl - l-:ieclric Company 7b, — Bold OncK Splen^Jored Tiling 5 • C'BS News • — ' »:3 0 4J53 11 -- Hawaii Five-<) General Hospital______- 1 0 : ( ^ !ollywood‘Sqnnr(;s^ -tib ------4%calre:^Bi!!bonrrl . 1^30 « !00 2b. 3. 7b, B. 11 N e w s - -2b - I j o v v u f L ift* ■ 5:W> Isl. 461, 7b — Return to Peyton ,islt‘ 5‘'-.Ni>WK 4sl. Isl — Perry Mason 2sl, 4sl — Bewitched Isl — N e w s P la c e ’ , 2b. 3. Isl - Tlnjlh 4b - Soul _ '1 4b -- Hathayoya . '*• ’ ‘>b,-3, \\ — CBS News — 2trr':rr5^=^^i*orstonn Consequences 1 0 :0 0 •Jsl, O ' - A B C N e \w 7sl — Strategic Armn 11 — One Life to Live 4b. 7sl —'Sesam e Street lim it a t io n . 2sl', 4sl, 7b — Jeopardy •lb. 7sl — MisJteroj’ors n — Days of Our Lives 7b, fl — Brady Bunch .1b, 8 , 11 — P a s s w o r d , 5 — D r ftg n e t 10:30 . — • • _ ,2:00 • . ir » - Sm>for-H-^— 3. 5 ~ Where'the Hcart-I y-71> rj^ —l - ^ - ~ ^ o h n r t y G a rs o T i------. 2sl, 7b, — Somertol ------a :30 10:35 4b. 7sl — Sesame itreet T . '5:30 2b - Vin SchuUy. Variety ^sl — (!lrcus ...... 10:’25 ------9h T 4nl « IT — NfWK . 3r^Jsr-r“ M rke D ou f’la’s 2b - l)r?>i!n e t 1 0 : 5 0 - ■ 3, 6 — CBS News . •Ab. 7al — ElectrjOiJ^mpany ■’ S t- M ove 3 -- To Be Announced ^ 5 — Mission: Impossible J0:30 —:T 8 — A n o th er W orld 4sl Ifs Your Bet 10:45 .'Ml 5.— Wlio, Wliat 0^ On the television schedule alsu - IL - ScLTct atorm .. [>.. WjniH.TH C ir c le i«l»*hut.).. i*. Movie; “Tiie:. LasL- '.Wliere, Game - note ehant>C-for Tuesds^y-anil- 2:30^ 7b American Adventure O iitp o sl" 2b>l, 5 — Search for Tomorrow lliursdays at 4:00. instead of fl. 11 - D in a h S h o r e \ IX'ath Valley Days change it lo H Weird Harold (special) 11 :0 0 7b r- General Ilospitjil 11 Partrid|4e F a m ily •Isl - N e w s 11 — Split Second, GanfG •‘C h m eQ .” 2b — Crufts with Katy 7:0 0 "■ 11:30 - 1 0 : 5 5 . ------t f f t f t — — “ n?»lmiFf=thfr= 2sl — Carolyn t)unn . . , Dollars miBf '1V nfiroo on" Isl — Wliat’s My Une'' 2b, 3, 5 Movie; •‘tliuba.soj. I'lyinj' Monster" a n d S e n s e Fridays “Call of U\e_West’t> --? lw ViVislnian.- -4til-—- itrady-lt>iwBU~ - W t 4 0 - -NtJL' W ew s ------■vim nn wPMn PSftnyc;_- l . n ,KsnT^^ ^^^Idri="-tUu£U~AlUCLiLiltie&l^IOU*»- - l b — 4THtlmyftna.=iSL. _• - M M *Jrr^Tira«e-'’. fl — JoHnarrl ■ - r t r m r - 11 — Ix't’s* Make a D eal; '3 - J o k e r 's Wi^d H tm m 222 ______2sl. Tbro MidniHht'Spwial ■urnir “4sr— lieverly linibinies " ' ■ 7 :30

    3. 11 — All My Cliildren 3 — Vin Scully, Variety !x)ve, American Style 4 sl M o u ic ; 4b — Electric Compiuiy •Lsl — B u r s -B un n y C all Of th e W est F a r m ” •— . 5 —♦■Midday \ -Tli.,;^. Daniul.Rmme ___^____ d;25 _.Jb, 7sl — W all .^ r ije l IVook...... ■ 11:^0 , 11 — Bewitched 2b I ajI's M a k f a D(»a4 '7b, K Movie: •‘(Jetliji}’ Away Isl, 5. 7b — Three on a Match. fl — T lir e e on a fVIatch . 4:30 from It A ll" G a m tr— ;r;6r>: •3 $10,000 I^ jn iin id 11 Odd Coupir '• 2b, 3 , 11 — A s U ie W orld TU rns 5 — S p o llifjh t F iv e •lsl ~ 'A ndy G riffith ^ . 8 :0 0 , n - U *t’s M a k e a D e a l 4 :00 7b - 1 Dream »f Jeannie •iiT Byld Ones A ftern o itn 3 -- Jokers Wild H • Bewitched 4b, 7sl ■*- WashinKtofi Week in R:00 ■lsl — Rcvterly Hillbilliu^ n - ABC News .H<‘.uicui. ^ ______isl, lsl - Day's of Our Lives •lb — S e s a fn e S tr e e t 4:55 11 Mod Sni d • «:30 5:00 4b World Press NEW DIETfEPSi Jackie GItiaHoii TastefsolreS.:: you’ll do a comedy hour Double T a k e . - seT f<>FTalT

    Jackie Gleasoh returns to Hustler" to Cii^ot in the film of Dottled undoi tno authority Pepii Co.. N.V. television after a three year the .same name. absencc in a one-hour comedy- Guests and production staff VHriety_ spee^nl lo l>e preseritfld'^ w ill \w annouficx'd;, ^ - during* the 1073-74 season on the CBS Television Network. The Peekskil] Enterprises Production, lo be taped in M iami, Fia., tlii.'T spring', will be .H|K)nsored by the Home • Entertainment Business __ Division oT General, ER'ctric [•^ m » p n n > *r« ? p rt*s e n trd -b y < ln 7 y ------A d v c r lis ln g .. — .. - Althouf’h Gleason ha» been MODEL re-746 reijresentetTori the Network by his t'olf tournament — The :nir k tr ^ n i r Ti!Tinr- Ttin r r a ry Deluxe autd4apeHPlayei^ (’lassie - this siu’ciaf marks the enterlaituiient return (if the ■ 8 T rack’Supei* M ini prntlin.iiiiiU i; lalenlrM . - P x l t l v B o r N g«ti»lvh-fc-v wl»-<»>-10-w«U, t 'li t i it-' d i n t i ,.------J ------• I'r'rogfarx o g fi Indicolor Boauty and host ’ (tleason's immortal comedy ^ olid^Sotu Storiio _ Malu^rv of choractorl7«'irtnn?fr Fi>llv Aulon'ntic |9S- AME:IUCA'S JUNIOU m iss 1972, L y d ia Ann ranging froin Ralph Kramden • 12 Month Wan Hiidscm of U ‘\lii|'tnn, KV., will serve ys hoKtess through Reggie Van Gleason to and leleviNloii perKoiinlily I'^ii McMahon as the Poor Soul, is matched only ] ] | MAIH AVE E TWIN FAUS,/ IDA B])0| (lOB) n i I9SS maiHer of ceremonies for tin* 16th annual by the astodishing variety (>f “AniVrlea'N Junhir MIkn ' serioUM drnmntlc rolrs that he' from Mobile, Ah»., Friday. May 11. has i)layed in motion pictures, CONSUMER ELECTRONICS SUPPLY COMPANY from Mjruiesota !‘'ats in "'Hie

    Sunday, AprM 29, 1W3 Jwlo Falls, ^ld

    • By KUCK ItlTiCiKltS 15. Was^ D in a h S h o re s a g e an iim ieritrrsT ovK ii asset in attracting Burt Heynolds? ' We interrupt for this important message — a game of question and -answ er Iruin uui' M ailbox-rBtrfryou- -IT-YlCS'r-Scotr-tirtclcetl-imlT can't get ten riglit( ^ s t answer yes 2. NO. Says MTM, "1 can't o r no. identify with...... most" , Vof their 1. What happened to that CBS , problems. In the business I m ni, a Special with George C. Scott wonian gets just as good d break as playing George Washington? Is it” a man^’maybe better.” T _ d e a £ t^ 3; YES. Margaret O'Brien has ' 2, Is M ary Tyler Moore active ill been to more than one specialist _lh

    ■' periods of inactivity," says Peter. 4. How does Peter Graves feel • 5. NO. Hagman starred in “The abouttlw cancellation of “ Missitnr:------Good-L,ife” ;in lil71. - IifipoiisiBre?’’ Ts he sad? 6. NO. Their kids kept ‘the 5.. Is ‘‘Here We- Go Again" the ~HartTha‘ tbteth'crT.or a luitg-time. ______S: first m-ries for Latrv lla gnianjiincii 'Once Uean and Jeannie found — i'n **T n r nf .J[pannitr^V ■ ■ ■■ ■■• - - 'H rem seha^,iiTst*:iD olcin|;-at^‘aflh 1;. - Was bettrt—^M^>r^ilw^HHl- iiicr^^ttltF% ia rriage JJIIP Jeannie’s nvarriage doing okay . 7. YES. Don sings and h a s ” - Triple crown ^ n tiLjeatbyirfcliiA vi^am p-ttlnm !^' -diwoloped-iwrtiUlOciub^et. - 4HF=tliu-CUM-~taleviriott= 7. D o e s D oji Stewart, Michael - -network. -Ttn-«-Kwitucky-I^;rhy-''o‘J'''J Kim Hmtter speaks tlie country? • tlie thing he enjoys_ doing m ost in — tfr— liiflil— rt— uiuu— lU;ft— XiL-. -'■berl i.s r e a r iin i;. As f o r m a r r ia g e : "1 commercials inainly concern never met a woman so interesting OTit-€mnstate-o^f-=— - - themselves willi unpleasant that'r wanted to spend my life with subjects like underarm odor, h e r . " American theater constipation, upset stomachs and 11, YES. Cloris made her (V singing debut in that CBS Caryoll bad breath? Kim Muntor looLs j’rowini; up who may never n ot. U). Is K o b e rl V a u g h n ( ‘ ‘T h e O'Connor bomb, “ Of Three I S iiig" Uiure is u j’ro'vini’ riuL*d for to see a niaiijr theater Protectors” ) a typical male animal 12. YliS. But the ^ Ha^es- iiioru anti better Ihentef productionunless we brlnR the - iUl percent anin\al, ten percent Seaforth romance is on-atfain. ofl'- productions on Uroatlwuy, jis Uieatur to them . Not^everyone w f ll ;& ih\ across the nation, can net lo New yoi4t .o-salacXuii_ is absuiu lciv UM-nlic_^ • A Streetcar Naiiu-d Desire." Randall and Klugn)an as'tlu* stars We return >nu to jlie 1U)\. I.ook an d la le r \v*)ii a n O sc a r for B e st S^)porlint; .'\clross m the MEANS MORE ■ for’“ Thc Odd ------• -happy. - - ...... - -jjr M'reeii version in l!)[)l- WITH Unaffectoc;! _nnd enorRctlc iilti-i' iiwire (han itU \ears in the CARPET t)usinef?S, Hie hriiwn-haired -siisr lakes ^;real pruU' in her O N THE aulhlll•^ uhich bej-iin lu Cl nnR”

    iiiu>l taki' plai‘<' II pi'opli' are to I'l'Uiain iiileiT^lvil m all'i FLOORS ol the dramatic arts.. ; 1 minute eait of Shelby't ■ VS'lial W iMici'il in W iile n c ji'ls • on Addlton A v q . E. Minpl\ iiiiii'e i !h-i \ u i(^ tlu'alei' ci)iuj)atiif.>., ■^a\.'' Miss Hunter. 7 3 3 - 5 4 2 4 We ha\e a wliule Keneration 12 TImes-NoWS, Twin Falls, IdaJ^ Sanctfty, April 39. W73 BSpiTSaves B i^ h n e ss For M aude

    -II(Jl.r.YWOOD - ‘ (loesfi't appear to be (UmiK s o . machine, nnd tilled it. M au ilo, th e bit* C B S c o m e d y Slie is virtually unflHppable For the rest of the scene, she , hit. was rehear.sinji. Biit it was atul j-oes alorifi l’almly/th^ou^'^l d ra n k c o f f e e w h e n s h e wn'S' 'more like a party tlian worK' all Uu' famera-bloi'j/itif’ and stipposed to drink ^offijo. Tliey liiiil prop clieese arnl the other work, Bill M acy,im provised a bit of I'rackiT.s set out on thercoffee J -'TUv p u l)llc jiL^t d o e s n 't / business with an icc bucket. It ■UMif iim n w irx rtira r - M .m tr- know Hea. says /iiiii M acy,/ was funny .b u t, some of; the - k ep t n ibl)lin^ a w a y at tlK*m who [)lays hur / on-^c-ree/i crew accusl'd him of beinf^ a as'the day progressed. luisband Walter, .'‘'niey thi^k metluKi actor. She seemed very relaxed. Of of her as arronan^t. m os/ly/iuil ■‘fvvery actor has a m ethod.” all' the actors on sta^e' slie 'sh e’s such a, pro. In al|''these he said. ‘n)ere>i that famou.s In llie b'oftt'fet v o te e . YotT“ “ nuinths she’s never /lone' Ti story of when Sidney Kin^.sley c'ould barely hear her. She ^ays tn u n b e r . It s fa n ta s tic , " was directinji his “Detective she savf*s the bij;. loucl. wall- 'I’here seem.s lo/bt' nil e^o .Story,'^An actor was supposed ' hustinj* vojee for the’ shtiw around. On iy»ist/TV, sets you . to throw up in a closct. itse lf. fitui that /ittle thinns are ■•The actor siiid ho didn’t She and a couple of other important -/eyerylw dylias his hav;' any motivation. Kin[>sley aetnrs were sittiniT'' on the ' own chair/ f^r exanjple. with siiid, "I’ll jiive you motivation* eouc’h. Bea lit up n cijjaret. his nanuy on it. On iius set. - put your left hand on your 'I’he voice of the ilirectof. Hal howevcr/W 'a was usin^ an old mouth and your ri^ht hand on CoopiT, Ixioined down froin the chair t^a( had the name of ypur stoiTu^li and retch. If sky'. like.God's, over the Vicki /^m rence^of 'ilu*,Carol ihat'f!' not unoui*h m otiynlion, reliearsal liall P.’a . s y s te m . nurti/iyShow . .steju’illed Ofi U ip you’re firertr' " ' ^ •‘B e a h as a -c i|» a r e t f the’ season arm. lifel)oat. in which everybody sliow she will not have tti lean Adrtcnne liarbeay, who plays pidls an oar. ‘ forward fur the ashtray anjl Maudi*Maudi*'.< tlaujthler. wiisiwiisti't in it___ “'rhere are no underdoes or thus bloclf the other actors as . very nnich,"'Slie canip to th e upperdons." he says? “W^‘ all -^luUio-aiiyhuw and kissod-all work io>»einerr- TW m wortc^^ B e a sm ile d a little an d J^nve Uie crew j’ood-bye. All y/^ry Kverylxidy in the cast played ■ loud speaker a dirty "look. •ozy. more like ti .club than a around w ith the lint;s.^Lo m ake i'/iiri'jin mmirrr -fhf* iiin y TelevTsTuTTpmwT” " _ m . nasransflt them ' sound smooth, easy, iavordvT0Ttii»*rtHlnW nKHrr4ht ‘ *' Tht^g^wrirTrup|M)s^^ in*' ~1IFvlike.JVlacy, accordm n to the drinkiii{^ ctiffi;,e in the kitchen script,, was supposed to .say. r-^^The-thinasTthaU^enlinned ------“I.rt's ■niiakc that, 'The —Tieci-dtH‘TnrHniuil "sImT whnfi*d ~ ^nFtTTRS'thntl paid,’ ” he said. Uikes its tone from the star. r e a l c n ff«;c.. S h e lo o k h tr. cu n j . ’.T I it _ ..o lliu r . w iiy_ _Ja_ ,_tQQ _ Miss Attfiur works hard l)ut out to the hail, to the coffee lite r a r y ,"




    OF FA M O U S Restonic" MATTBESSES

    Two Only — V.l.P. DELUXE QUEEN SIZE SETS ..... EVERTON PRICL116«« One Only — V.l.P. DELUXE EXTRA-LONG TWIN,SET FVFRTnN PRIRF $ 1 EVERTQN. CAMPER MATTRESSES ^ O n o O n ly — EXTRA LONG V.l.P. MATTRESS _ y R - f u l l s i z o Ragglor $S0,50. .. . _ EVERTON I > R I I ; L . ! 4 5 ~ 4" thict Polyfoam One Only — FULL SIZE EXTRA LONG HOTEL-MOTEL MATTRESS ...... f o r l o w p r i c e o f ^ 3 9 * * Mattresses as low as One Only — KING SIZED MIS.MATCHED SET QUALITY SLEEPIKG ...... “ 7-^7.... ^179’*

    n e w STORE HOURS EVERT01SI ^ Nicetoeet M homefb. Tups. thru. Thursr 0am-6pm MATTRESS COMPANY , your Orthofwik mnttrcss by R^Jfonic' 32^ 2nd Ave. South, TwirLPaJIsl Sat 8 am — 12 Noon '

    Sunday. A p ril 29, 1973 TIm os Nows, T w in F«ills, idnhd l3 ^ a fiird a y on tf^leyisitijiT

    7b — Analysis Seven S a tu r d a y ,'M o y 5 1 0 :M 7b, 8,11 -W IdcW orld ^^Sporta n ~ All/In/n»e Family 10:3 0 ^ liirol Burnett — CoroU gucsta 2U, 3, n — DIG (Special) Zsl — Houston Open Golf M : 3 0 8 — Bold Ones tonight are Petuln Clnrk and — A r o u n d U ic W o rld In 4 :00 / 2b, 3, 5 — Bob Newhart 2sl — Survival John Byner. Togotticr with the 80 D a y s 2sl — I Dream qr Jeajinie n — Maude ^ - - 1 1 -^ Movie: To Bo Announced regular's they react some- of 4al. 8 -^Funky Phantom- 2b - Lloyd fridges 4sl — Tl;e StWwSff'Pomlly ------7b - Strange and Terrible telAvlslon's moat famous 10:15 5 — I^ssio' . 8 :0 0 " 'T im e s — c o m in e rrials—featuring—sucli------7«l------PIgup,lhK-lUOut- _3____ ICUXaCLMlnutiia______-ii.-7 b ,.a .— -MDvlR:...‘*opcrutlon subjects as hamburtjers, 1 0 :3 0 4:30 Kid Brother” 5 _ Advtmturer stewardfssea and dclergenta. 2 b . 3,’ 11 - i V t A lb ert 2b,/3, 5 — CBS News ' 5, 5b, 3 — Carol Burnett 10:45 Airs nt 8:00 on channels .5, Zb 7b, 4sl, a UdsvlUe ll/_ Rcasoner Report 4b — Special of the Week 9 :00 3 — Moyle: "Extraordinary a n d 3. 7sl — Sesame Street 7b - NBC News -Hs!-— ^Aaaignmeni-Vlenpa— - S c a m a n l l - M o iH f r t R ------J T T " -281— Talkhig-With-irGlantr— ^i---S urvlvul ------— 1 1 :0 0 6 :30 1 1 ;0 6 0 — Viewpoint ■ 5 — Cannon 2sl —'Movie: “Hud” 5 — Sunri,se Sem ester 8, 3, 1^,1, — Childrens ^ Film . 5:00 2b — Gunsmoke 4sl — N e w s 6 ;0 0 / F e s tlv a lv 2b — 'rhe Waltons 3 — Sonny and Cher Comfidy ^ 1 :1 0 Isl - H. R. Pufnatuf / 2al - watch Your Child 11 — T h e S e v e n tie s H o u r 5’^ -- Movie: “Night 2al — Houndcats 4al, 7b, 8 — The Mohkees 2sl — N B C N e w s 9 :30 M o r n in g ” 5 — Buga Bunny 1 1 :3 0 _3 - H e e H a w 4b —'Book Beat 11:15 6:30 . i 7sl — Electric Company ^ >, 4sl — Partridge Family 10 :0 0 ’ ■W - M o v i e 2sl, 7b -^Rom an Holidays ^ 8 — Pink Panther 5 — Barnaby 2 al, 7bT 'ib" 5 , 3 — N e w s " & ven Hoods" 5 — S a b r in a th e T e e n jig e W itch 4sl,.7b — American Bandstand 7b — Viewpoint U — N e w s . '4sl - ABC News 4sl -a-Jackaon Five 2sl - Inquirlne Editor ‘ ^ 5 :1 5 4sl — Sandy Gllmour 11:30 .. 7 :00 A fte r n o o n 11 — Fish and Game Report 4b — Movie: "I^ave Her To' 7b — Movie: ••Cossasks” 7 sl — S e s a m e S tr e e t 1 2 :0 0 ^ 5 :30 H e a v e n ” 8 — M o v ie ; " G a m b it” 2b, S| 3 ■— Amazing Chan arid 7i>. fl. .11 - a b a B a s e b a ll: 2sl - Adam-12 10:15 •Isl -* J a c k P a a r T o n lte th e C h in CTan Houstort vs. New York Mets 4sl, 0 — Tlie Odd Coupjfi 2b — Mission Impossible 2b, 3. 5 - ABA Basketball 7sl, 4b — Zoom 7b, 2sl — Jetsons by Gill Fox 11 - T h e O s m o n d s 4sl' ~ Brain Gome 7b — Junior Varsity Quiz SmE GLANCES - - - 7:30 ' 7sl — Zoom ' 11 — Tliat Good Ole Mashville 2b , 3, 11 — S c o o b y -D o o M o v ie I 12:30 M u sic 2al.-7b^^nk-Eim tJ\er_ •Lsli — F lip s id e E v e n in g H ;00 C t ilc ^ O i ii p u i i y ’* 7b. 2sl — Underdog 1 :0 0 2sl - Protectors 7sl — Electric Cornpany" - T 5 T - Outdoor AdventuresT^ 2b -^ f Dick-Vaii t i c k - V j Dyke------8 T 3 0 - “ T s h ^Sesfl!jlg:S tre " 7 b r 8 — M ------JiHwrenoe-Well 3. 2b, 5 — Josle and the 1:30 4b — Movie: "Ballad of u -PuyiVcata-lnJDuteLSpactL- _4,sl — Adventure Movie S o ld ie r ” 7b, 2al — Tlie BarWeys ~ . Z jO p ______.11 - T h e B r a i|y K id s 3 — CBS Golf Classic T — M ovan t Takes a I^t of 7sl fl Vocational Electronics 5 ------Garner—Te

    MaHon Brando 10 years too late

    TIjo 7:J-year-«l(l Indian CTlief Dan George, who was justice.” he. said before squatted humbly on the »n Oscar nominee several returning to his pluce in the ^ — W csteciLslreet of a Hollywood years ago for his performance dusty street to again endure ,stu_dio|s back lot. enduring tlie in "Little Big Man" with *-what his ancestors had. taunts of a Uirong of rowilies Diistm Hoffman, plays a role of Uirowing dirt and flour al him. great tiignity in the "Kung Fu" MOIIK TEimOIt ___It.wjisJhe inorning of Matn’h . ep[sioile,.__..______. HOLLYWOOD lUPI) - 2B and. during breaks in •'Ancient Warrior is* 'a Aiiierican International will filmihg of "The Ancient venerable old man who want.s produce a psychological terror .WarriorV episode of ihe ABC to be buried in the beautiful film titled "Thu.Day the Dogs Television Network's "Kung valley where he was l^>rn'and Fu” (airing 'Hmrsday. Ma> :il, brtujghi up." he’ exi)lained. everyone was talking about the "Djivid Carriidine, who plays L>adui)»y>A.wi«rUH^FVJJuyiy-.uf= —tnine-m -Uu^~l*ul:il»*-lu4|M i-n^o--- Jhe night before. tl^crc an .1 His role in "LUtle Big Man" - a'role of sinnlar digmtr — CLEANER & b ro u g h t C h ief D a il Gedt‘gCc, iiiipyrn ygrift tflfl intu.— sntn irOtirTOcitahS' in' ‘ Tin^^TnntFcr Inijian. Clnef Dan George of States and Canada. ‘They tlie Squuinish lrib<‘ of Brittsh were delighted wUh tlie^.wity M idnight tfpoclcil : Columbia. "For suine litne the conflict between lhjj> how. writers, producers and Indians and tlie whites^wJis r.lJVUYS KNir.IIT and thVM |is will gui'Sl nn directors luivo been showing depicted. I don't think we'll NIU-TV h "The- MldnlKhl Spi'clal" early realistically how the west was ever .again be .shown' as STEAMWAY . Saliirilay, May 5. 11 lollowH tho pri-si'ntatlun of won. Except for reruns of old .siivages," he said. BILL-DOUC-ED “Thf Toalglit Show'' with Jiilillay Carson. movies on television, which "As in 'LitlleBigM an' ;)nd in

    14 . Tlmw-Novi/s, Twin Falls, Idaho Surtday, A p ril 29, 1973 • .ii , .■ 1 . I • 'tV OinI Wtilker in Hnrdcaae

    Al Uie turn of Uic century, n I^jdro 'A^ondnriz Jr. and soldier of fortune returns to Alex Ka^rns. , Texas to find his ronoh sold nnd lit ‘‘Hardcflse" RuU^erfocu - his-\vife KonP in •‘Hnrdcase;” » crosses the border Into 'Mexit'o stmpenso W csttrn nirinn on Uie In search of Simon Fuego>s ABC Toleyision Network's, lAemcndnriz), the Mexican ^niesdiiy Movie of the Week” rev’oluttonary leader his wife M ay a . , . Up-/. (M is s l\) w e r s ) le f t w ith . C 0 n f r o n t i n j; F u e s , ('lint \V;ilker stiirs as .lark Uulherfurd learivs the Mexiwin , l<,utherforcl, the war veteran an d Ho7. a r e n o w n n ir r le d , u V . I lU'tiTnUiiedriip'ri’Rnin what' ix ' ^splains she left”with Ins. Also stijrrinK in the i)(K 'only when she was convince' inimite feiUure fiUned entirely liutherford had been killed U) Mi'Mc'o are Stofanie Powers. fi^•htin^» in th e P h ilip p in e s .

    _ . M . ' ' ^ '—-High Up thwndorcloud Sj>acecraft And W eather

    Interplanetiiry spacecraft th i^ -will iidd to our ha.H a contimiDUS thii'U houd are t'ivinf' us a butter und TsUin

    JUnd—tuui^ttieratud on fore.see^.tiifferenl-trenda iii-Uuf ZH3£BB^BnSIG: fneteorol\ij>isl'-s concepts of Veni and Mars and an* I'jiirth’s •clim ate. heat tran.sfer proce.sses m a there fore much easier to study, ""ScienlfsLs already kmnv that TT-UfllTplanelaryjilnto.sphL're and i-’or xample, Venus roUite.s il_ would lake only a seven- A P i l i i . 3 0 slnwty'has no ocean arjd- deijree' rahrenheit drop“tn the a v e r a u e a t m o s p h e r ^ temperature on .F.arth to - t b n M i g h p trin>;er another disastroits ice Pat Sumrrierall nf’o'. T h e a lso k n o w (h a t "until A uu. 1W)7. w h e n th e into the atmosphere to drop Television SfKjrtii. SUition ’ assumed an all-news temperatures worldwide over Summor^ill—will—coucr—a -fnrmat, hn also was i host of -tt-perwMl-t»f-u»H«yHnoirtht*, variety of sports, including . WCBS’ morning show, a four- they didn't have many football, which he has been hour, filx-day-a-week broad- • monitoring instruments in bro'adcastirii:' on' the' Network cast. His assignments-on the those days.. Now a wealtli of since P.Ki2 as an amilyst, and. CBS Badio Network have also pertinent new daUi has been baskotbuU, ^olf,' tennis and included “Sports Time” and returned from Mars by -poat-uuuKon- football broad»— In addition to his Network -casta. He also did Uie sports completely shrouded Mara • tolovision nsstgnments, he will • Monday througli Frldi.ty, op U»e— when thff“Marine spacecraft continue to host the. “World early news show on WCUS^TV, a r r iv e d In N o v e m b e . 15)71. As Wide Sporbi” profiram Monday CBS owned television station in the dust settled and the UirouKh I-'rlday on the CBS ;g e w Y o r k . atmosphere gradually cleared Hadio Network, ami a dally During a 10-year career as over a period of several The KMBERLy’S si>orLH fe a tu r e o n W C B S U y d lo . an NFL fyo player (Uirough' months., instruments on the The versitile Kimberly's can sing . • ■ lOfii), Sum.nierall'com |illed one spacecraft continued to report •'We feel.Sim jm ondl l.s'one of of^ Ihe' finest records ever c h a n g e s In th e te m p e r a tu r e BnllotkrCountrv Western or any other the finest announcers' in tjdlk‘d by ii kicker. He scored a profile down to the surface. p O ^ lo r song, _qnd give them that broadcasting." MacPhail totjil of5C7 ppinLs, wltli 101 field T h e d u st a b s o r b s m u c h of th e special ’Kimberly Sparkle. T.V. and stilted. ••Since he startet** a.s goals and 258 extra points, 'phis Sun's heat.i»nd blocks it from analys\ wWi the Network m 'Tfl(i<;ngflwn, ai tuo onti of - . th e s u r f a c e . “nnrr ' recording slora ... oil elven ot th^er l!Hi2, he has sieadily expimded tlie 1961 sejHion, he had chalked atmo.spheric temperatures al — parents and children you won't his field.-of broiidcastiiig to up 129 consecutive con-’_ -the Kurfaco arc reduced by 1&- want to rniS them ! many sports. This year, he co- v e r s io n s . degrees Kelvin (27 degrees hoKted "'llio NFI.Todny*^^ w ith ------The 43-yeur-o)d -broadcaKtor daUi are Jack W hltiike^ worked a game was a football stiir' at the now belng*^ Imiily^ed In broadcast every week, did University of Arkiinsas. before computers and should largely college and profesHional jolnln^f the play-for-pay ranks. resolve the question of what b asketbal.1 a n d f:folf. H e Is al,so He played with tlw Chicagcj increase In particulate you C«n Bd On A ! Uii> (jxim njw Jtator fo r th e u|>- C a n lin y ls , fr o m 1H52 tlir o u g h pollution ■ would drop j coming CBS Tennis Cla.ssic' lilS?, and the New York GianLs,- temperatures enough to stijrt and some tennis specials as from 195J1 Uirough 1%1. another great ice a>{e. 1- Sunday. April 29, 1973 Tlmos News. Twin Fall!.. Idaho 15 SUNDAY Lm AY 13 th

    X5IVEWR A NEW CHATR Selecf F:rpm Well Over 200! Every Styl6 dnd^Decor

    Priced From

    Dinneyfor Two dt the Rogerson ■ Twin Falls - or fhi~R<^t^um nt~ in any town in the Magic Valley

    about that?^pive somothing sho wonts ond will opproci- the most a. beautiful new chair (her own chair) — and LpJaJ^ her out to dijiner on Mother's Day on us.

    She'll Love You For It!

    NOTE: If you want to surprise her, come in and make a selec- tion. We will exchange it for her after Mother's Day. _____

    Trirde1ii"’that7>lc!THdir. We need it! Shop our Big Stocks for ' other Mother's Day Ideas

    ieJay-Payineiits-tffl-fcipsf 0 ^^ilelivery anywhere ir Magic Valley Use oiir FREE Parking ItA

    14 Timos-Nows, Twin Fcills, Idoho Sundciy, April 29, 1973