: 40 years of erriergehc^ s^t^

J?^HI?^TOtijjjpii^A_dlscoverediIO^^.W a s h in g t o n lU P n - a provisions '- of ofUio-170lnws. the •170 laws. " ...... privfiU*, ...... enlcrpriso:...... reslrict’. ^■...... poiicettm^ nowcra to deni .with ’ wars ______Iu ih twi-n ______...... speclnlspecial Senate subcommittbo,subcommittee, ’ offedorHllawglvinKpresidenlaof fj^erallawglvinKpresldenla '*^ • • Tr r , i • trnvol; nmi;Mnami;Mn o pletliorn of Uie Uie Great Great Dcpreaalon, Dcpreaalon, -'thi* -'thi* ^ • Ck)nKrt>8K-rtl»ro»iHn^ Ck)nKre8K-rtl»ro»Hl^-rin-.«lniosl - - 1Q7^ doclarationfl by Prcflldont --ntterxipt to place the United —;aftcr after n Tnlngt^ikina"palngtflking computer "an enormous-seemlniily’ex-enormous —seemlniily'ex- Underthopowersdelef;alod particular v/ays, contcol the- United United Slates Slates government government has has unnoticed unnoticed process process a f i',raduiil- Nixon. SliitesunderauthoHtarlanrulc. 5carch of tliC-JSta'iuio. IjbolJs, - pan'ilihn ami - novdr^TTdlrTK- un(lcr^— an- —neepotlntiT^^— ~ <^>:<^tQr^ 3 ■concluded SiUurdnylhc United^':'------— • .• ' — 7.7~ siild, thePrpsiUehlmay: seize Tlie study was prepared by unrelloveil stiite of emoVj’Vhcy ■ ’ ■ W d a h ’o., and Cliarles Mathias nhip. arrsini' throuijh ‘ Ici'aj Stiilea Kincc lM J |,„s. been“ property: organize and t^ontror Uje year-old Special Com m ittee^ of 40 yi?ar8-' duration." ‘ the In addition to the national H-Md., sidd In a foreword meanb'puiy seem remote to ua opcriltinp. Under emerucncy rcTOmmcnded Conijress nCT Uie means of production; seize . i^e fcrm lnatlon' of Iho commlttcesald.' , . . emerRoncy declared by H o orc- to the.G07-pa}>e document that today.-recent history t-ecords nilii. ronrirrini. nnni-.m,. promptly 16 eml four prcsiclen- commodities; assl^n^ military____fyjntlonnl Fm^rLM^nt^v. ' r . ______velt. three.othcr?LJiHve never .L_oiil>L4i_favLdglet!atcd-pQwer.s lliLlar-i^tiiinH-cQntniLUirQUKli- TorpesauroaiirInslliiiienTaTtim . ■■During ' this perltHl. an l>eenlifted.thecommltteefu»id; have been rei;ularly used, but U^e use of the eni**rncncy . _preaidcnts_-______naUonoUmorgonoy-wlneh-per - In w r ^ l7 c —and—contrpl—nll sjn7P~I93:^Tt'hcirrrc5l(lpnt jnrarmmra-bml>7of'lnw»-tle'altTi|£c^heDot--lfirl050rdeelttrHliorfby---jtddodi------^------— --- pjiwyrfrproviHloiw-oontulhedln- m!t tlie president to invoke lranst()rtatk)nandcomiTWinlcn;— -Franklin D . H q o s^ U request- with severe economic crisis and iVvsiUentl'rilman at the outset •■it- Is possible that some Uie laws o[ the' Weimar Tlic subcommittee said It powers granted him under any tion; rentildte the operhtlon ()f ed and received upprecedcnted America’s rosjwnse to thrut of the Korean cnnfllcl. and the future I’resldent could exercise Uepublic."

Gooil morning! Il^s ^unflay, Sopl. S(h 1 9

M ofiic Valley's //fi/><4- _ 2 S i —^Tt-yoarr 29th-issoo • - TWIN FAtt-SnbAHO ^---- • -

i ^ / ) v t.V ' iv 3^ Agttew-yows In brief Anroii <^iieV»liy iiinrk LtaJieejxjabL^ — ^ ~ llenry Anron of the > ^ ntii Briives hit - ~ .K-. home run N o . 7JU Saturday nlKht, movinj* liabe Ruth’s' record of 714. LOS ANCF.I.HS ( U l’l 1 ’ VltT President Spiro over.seelnR Ihe ijovernmenl uivestii'atinn of* — 'AftronVblDst^htnHOth'tHiHeasTiil'eiune withfwo-rnonon-bawv 'l':-AT^rwrchnr|'in|rhewnjrthr-innocent:tarKet— '■ARne^frrrpns.flbletnxrrxtortirmrbrihery-Tjnd--- Jfl the fifth Innlni! of tlte Braves’ 7-0 victory, over Uouston. The il— ^cintiarraKHcd ___ I . la s t ic e ___ U cnailnient— r c<>n>;piraov-vtolationK.-lCvidunce.^i«uolAunf;---- llric^lrlVe cleared UirieflTenleffiel(rren'c^^^ hbolJl"395 toci from prosecutors wjio lniMKleil Waternate. declaretl jXijnew went t(» a federal jjrand Jury in home plate; (Story. p71B.) • . _ twice bcfdi'c ('hcorint', IU'|)uhli('anK Saturday llidtimore, Md., on 'llmrsday. tlial "1 will not rrsljin il indiclod.'’ i shJill rem ain conunltte;! to the standard of In a nationally teli'visrd specch interrupted TenniMler movt* C’luivo/. eonduft and fairness which Americans fTave rept*ate(ily by ap|)lalisr. A^new said there were long L'herjshed ami winch onr leR.d system Is ‘ SAN BKHNAUDINO tUPl) who are fryinju to.-ilestroy me intendedtQ.protect," itie[iariison said. Petersen ~ Cesiir Diavez, is jubilant polilii*nUy” with trunij)fd-iip I'luiri'es, and he was 4n -rharRe' of the o.riRlnal- fjovernnient . ovyr W\(i United Fatin WocKen#. Kindled out AHKislanl Attoriu*y (Jeneral Henry InvestlRntinn-of-the W aterRate breah-in.. • t settlenicnt with the Teamsters. ■f'li'Peter.sen for wlijn he t-alli^r "uuprofcssionid^ IjiylnR aside the text of a sulxlue(| preparodr- Chavez said Siiturday his and niVihcioiLS and outruneini.s" contiuci. speech, Agnew told a convention of ‘ 2,7flO union is nluv '"fi^;l1tin^’ ottly one Hupublican women liere that the allegations - H ia n t" - Ihr f^rower.s — now tUelaU'd stories p. 6| Uiat the Tfjini.sters jire no ARuew’s charRe prompted Attorney.General. under Rrand Jury InvestiRatlon were lonRCr contostlni' the U F W ’s Elliot 17 nirhard.son to issue a- staterhent in "••imtraReous and ridiculous.” and that he would Ki^ninM of fi*rn» lab<»r, Uo kook- WaKhini'ton -*• Rreatly re.spected by hi.s colleam'ies in law duel of-Ihe chief of-'thf crunmal InvestlRation t-nfiiroi'tncnt." ______division of tluit department -is unprofesslohiiT" — ltu4uiFomtwUy—fiat(Mt«MtKtiUiHed-4«iH- ; f»Hi nfinnjm iTTaiirDroficoiifi.’' AKnc^r-^-nut— (('ontlnued un p. 2) WASH I N01\)N-tiiHf^enrAVnltcr-rrTvToninnerTrMmn rf.sporisihility fUnited States accused the Vietnamese aired at humane meet Ono hurfh ol'i973 W ASHlNG‘i;ON-(UlM) -'1110 Rovernment food stamp allot- . Communists &iturday of stallinR tlie search for Americans »md remains lo ochiovo mentfor a needy family of ftmr will jujdp 22.4 per cent next Jan. scores^f persons of otljer^natlonalities dead and mlssihR ffoni ihoie goa/s you sof 1 in iKt'onRrLssionally directed m(»vc to help the j)oor catc-h up Hy HONNHC H A IilD JO N E S compeUtion, 'Iluiy also- submitted'fiRures .to . -The-Indochinn war. ■ ‘ ■ for fhe yoor. with risinu food costs. . ; --— Tlmes-News w riter.. • .«:ho\r!oss than one per cent of the animals used No formal nnnounccnient of lhe_i£mount of the pjannejr ,___J3ic_CQmmunlat:Liiuvii_auld_Uici’_\\ilLnQUidpJn Ujc . search . - ‘I'W.IN h‘AI .1 .S -- Ncarfy 2011 {)ersonH turned -in rodcos-suffcc inuries. iin Ihen ohly lhrotiRh ■ until South Vietnam’s political prisoners are released. Tlie Increase hai> come yet from the ARrlcullure DeparUnent, which tiu- first annual l'\‘d(‘('ati(>ii of Humane. accici(.'iit«il means, -HdmlniHlers-lhe-food-Klamp-pr<»Krani..iiuUofficialii confirmia* •r—U n ite 'S tatcs-1s-iyithhn]dinfl-aid-to-HnnotnmtThsuch-help-is- i.'i> li.i* r 1/111 tj | rl.c'/.lti* I ’. I,. Dantzler. directbr.' Hunume Sociely oi. Suciclie.s um vcntion Into a public discu.ssion of that food price flijures for AuKUSt^wl>lcli will lie u.sed m settlnK . provided. tlu- trratim 'iit of nitlco livestock here Saturday the U. S. Hocky,Mountiiin Division, Salt I-ak(* due the Stamp allotment in Jarniary, pat the amount due ii family of aftcrtUKUi. ______, . City, told the larRe Ralliisfi.iR the society is not - n C l o r i c : i U n n I i U*!!! four at »H2 a month, compared with the current JllB.- _ One of lhe‘ items for “discussicih 'oh the • atteniplinR lo slop rodeo'performance and , y ' i Officials .said, however, tfley could not predU l lioiVmuch of L-onvL'iitiuii aRenda included the Humane shows in tlie country. . u _ - * NEW YORK (UPI) - Uie J2G-a-monlh incrollse would be a clear i;ain fur needy food Socit'ly of thttUoilfd State's shidy and re])ort on - He said the |K)sition of the Hunuine Society of Qirdlnal Josef Mlndszenty, fll ,stamp dlenLs. l''or at least some of the 12.5 million people — year—old—exiled—primat .m]ucy_lu_anuuaij.-ui.otun-mdeo;i.— ------— projorls ' Hungary ..Saturday, called "all Spokesmen for the Rodeo Cowboy treatniiuit of aniinals for aliotm entVm ay be cancelled by a hike In thiuirire they pay for ;Vs.soi-iatH)ii, lu j’.li Si'hooi an d co lle R e rodeo enteiiainment. BOISF. - Twin Falls, Paul and K irnlxTly are amonR 12 remember the pliRht of uTiis , llic stamps. Idahoeities recoivinR Kliuru^i o u rcliKl6ua"'’nnd • Ihlelled ual SQCtotlPS in idnhn-7in.* xinittnR u» an eflort-io • per-rent of thtrrodeo-nnimnls'uswl suffer any "— Stamp pncesi!e|\fen(i-on'fmnil>Ma«- in Idaho’s scheduled dissidents behind the Iron kiti rixleii slutw.s 111 till' state. type of injilry is not bom'out In scientific studies less than $:i0 a month In ca.sh income, for example, currently wiitei- pollution control fund pays nothlni! for $110 worth of stamp.s. At the lopol the,scale, a Curtain. . - They spoke, on t|je many ii.seful ami- because of the many injuries not imiifediately releaso(rtoday by the-state. Human rlRhts in danRer eihieatiohal fiuu-timis tif roilco.s. especuilly as visible. family earnlni? *:i!i(l a month inu'st pay $92 for Ihe same $Iiq Twin Falls will receive “ must be rescued, otherwise Uiey [)ertain to hii;h scliitol anil eiilU*j;e stuilent (Continued on p. 15) wortli. $:{(!,SHlir Tor the desinn and we all perish,". Mlndszenty, . When stamp allotments were last increasi il .Inly 1, the $t specification phase for sewaRe declared. He was sentenced to - l'^ l»)0.st from the previous $112 rale was a i lenr lialn lo r ‘all trealment facilities, Klrnberly life Imprisonment by ll»tl,v foil nil flirnilles of four with Ipcome.s under $2i)0 a montli hec.ui.se their will receive $5,20» for .desiyn HunRarian i ’ommunist.s in T F youth injured pnrchnse cojt was not raised. Uut fnrnlhe.s earnuiil oyer. $2'J0 10-ia. ■ ^ li.V divors and s[)ucification and Paul were hit Wllh hifiher purcha.se cosl.s. 'Hiat wi|H'(| oat ttio.sl of t l ^ $41,:ir)B for con structio n of miHl. ra(-y Lmry. Ifl. when the accident occurred. liain for families earninii up to $.160 a rTioIith. aa> -- murderer. .— - (HI a fo r n h a iy e s te i- h e w a s dislotlRe the corn. A.s he did, a Sept. ■ M whllo-attoniptinR t<» uiicompleled phases, will lie TW IN F A M .S - An early enabled Hie news staff to obUiin Tlie otilclal Iraqi NcWH“ ftRcncy announcetl Ule (invernment operatinR sliortly after ll'a.iikt . bhuie cauRht the lower part of wade across the river foul' forthcominR if the projects moi'iiifiR telephone call * has - a stnry'un~thp“mlshnp‘:------lifted the curfew at 1:00 a ,ni., 2f> lipurs after it was iinposni. Sul the Valley report a Wholesale dealers c u t,off some of the oil Mountain Home has had tosluitdowQ because of - wlllaeHittonnyonewllUnKlopay, Hc‘arcity of/llesel fuel usod for heatinR homed as supplies w hich'Piejier’s had been' recelvinii- Uie price bliul., , • well as runnuiR trucks. ^JJUiouRh most Becatoe of the. 8hortaj{e, Ijtrsen said, the Merry Peterson, assistant-to Uio directoi; for nts said htt had his tank?/ filled Friady ‘HIslrlTiutcu'S are ^ , i|-KcvcnuB~fler^ce-*— 'mor-nin«-vvilhJB,ffQtKaUonaiC^iaUiiL^ • customerfl, manyluive ciil ofr exlwidlnR sorvlco only bdII. the diesel ot Uio staUo.i^,_ . officea in Boise, said retail prlcett, which woro“ “ bliV6V market" oil. Tills.oil costs a couple' EdItoHlal, 4, 5 Obituaries, 2 10 new buyers. No one seems to know whether Phnse IV price reslrlcliohs, coupled with the frozen at the wholesale price level on A ur. 1 plus pennies more per, gallon and the company Sports, 17-21 ' tliere will be enouRti oil to lost Uie winter. - ' • fuel shortaHO, huvo mndc'aloylht{ in business the Jan .- 10 profit marRln, will probably be passes on the costs ^ the customer,-he said. Form, J6i' Some.oUiur forms of heatinR fuel may be in • tlifficuU.' Uiraen said. He mninUilned tliaf allowed to ri.se starting Monday. He sidd tho (Continued oil p. 15)' Uv'/ng, 29-33 .Valley^ 15 ,^iort supply na,well. • ^ wholcBule.prices .“Juafkeep golnR up" while tjie co}il of MvJn^t Council has reeonslderotl price-' ‘ a .TImM-Now5,,-'Twln Fall*, Idaho’ Sundfly.'Sopfombor 30, )9?3

• -(CohUnu^ from p. 1) Aiiiiew , sold he wos "cTeafiy ' : siaurgWernor. .. ^ftcw sntd-tlic cliftrBca and aflonymoufl nc^s_ _and_wnejiulvo?nb....._„,.^..,„fnbly^(nnoconl" ot Ui'o.-Clwrgca, ; illc-sold he• cot a .nJcssoBo '■llirouBh ,lho - Icnlu implicfltind )iim in a Maryland klck¥ack 'UfririKniadTTCVfiruBCtlTinjnJlcctlvc-efflcc-to— ---- cocktnll—circuitr-and--tho—rumor^mlHs—of- fjchcmts were "dclllMjrntelylcontrlv'cd acllonB” ' violate his public trustor "to cnrlqJj myscH-Ot____ J n s h inKton'* as early os lost, April .“in- which Qf linnnrncd officials >ili{h in 'th e Jiiflttcc. • Uiclcxpcnsc of mvJcllOMLAnericana.:’ ______thq^wncopMo^ft no doubt U»at unlcM I u s ^ my - Department who were >ylrtg to-savc facc- ’ He Bald-ho-would-oak Presliiehf Nixon to ' high offfce'to cut off the invcsUBUllon pf }licm. bcciiiutc’of a bundled Watcrijalc invefitlflatlon. •.— mseiui£go-irnyon«::lfnhr\fusticcJ>;pa^ thnt they intended ao-lmplicotc-me In their /'Individuals In the upper professional wlio had abused thcir bfficc injprcssfng the itordid misdeeds.” ochclonfl of the Department nf JiLqUco linvc i>eon criminaLcasfl VRolnst him. He mentioned no Said Agnew: " I sent word to tljem tlmt I would sovorply "Stung by thclr"ificplne5Sr-in the - nailrtoB, but ho had i ^ n reported to be angcreu^. — .nave no. piirt p i-Iuhhi IctTCVcryone^ proseculidn^of the’ WntcrKJUc'cnBc;" hc-sflldr— -by—AsBlstant—Attomoy—General_Hchry_E.-.______knoW-Uial.I.WQ3nQt.ttoInfl.to.tlQ.UiQt. ond.lt was a- "Tliey haVe been severely stung tljot Ihe PctcrsWi, chief of the Justice Deportment’s result of thnt - a statement oh my part tiiat Uioy President and Uic ottofncy gcnora) hnvc found criminal-division,• . . could not look to me to abuse the cbnstituti&nhi it necessary to appoint a.special prosecutor; and Agnew also portrayed himself as a.vittim of office that 1 held -U>at tl'ey began to seek and •tlioy-nrc-lrylng-to‘recoup-thelr-rcputntion^t" ■ unnamed persons in Maryland, where he . obtiiinYrom prosecutors In uaium or^lm lnity- ^RAYiNnnffAi^isnrrinHtffcr^ .. ------my-exponcoT4-an:Mi-bin-trophy.r!l— . -focmorly-waa-Baltimore. County executive iind and limited immunity.” ■ “ Tibout fouHnches In l^nRthund a native oI more humid reglonfl, wan found by Mrs. Doris |jidmaM58-N^l^ust-St^ln-Twln-Eallji^Shc^ -Ti^avolin- V V ------W plans to tun) it over to College of Southern Idaho t '.sw%v.SNV>v.y.v:.>>w:vP.'.v.v.v.v.-.-.v.-.-..-....r..... iiiaiidK? eitpertflfor prcBcrvotloniCSIofllelals say tfome were imported to Klml>erly to destroy hnrtnful Guerrillas reach Libya sho^iow sold IniiectH as an experiment. How this female got tb Twin Ffllls~lB^o~Kood qucBttfliT"" TUNIS (U PI). —Two Arab . encd earlier by tlie tfiTcrfiilas Tlie end of the guerrillas', SAN JO S E, Calif. (U P I) Tlii's-usually ' guerrillas w Jjo~infn'iV«l*Tiif^w lth‘^eTith^==w«i^free<(-nnd— odywibylcam al32Jiour8.-flfWPll__ sunbbund city-on the San Francisco peninsula is Austrian tk-flin, took Uireo pralfiod tho commandos for .tliey seized hostage's atoard an auctioning df'a“ flnowplo\ritTibvcr'nc5jl^ Soviet Jews host^ige but freed . treating them'.‘ctirrectly.” emigrant ,trotn bringing put ____ ...... Ttie city piircbnsedlhQ.clQgrr U'lem after forcin^'Au.sii-Ta 'to Tlie pilot was quoted as Jews from Russia and forced a operated snow plow 12 years i 'irgreT'nnilfltrnltllnF'Iarircll:— BnylnR—he—knew- n-uswl-beeouse-ll-raroly-fl B-in>San- . bound Jewish refugees, landed -guerrillas would not harm him tlje. Austrian govommont in Jose. ■ in I.ibya Sj|lurdny night in a . ‘‘because they are fighting.fp_r_ _ return for their release;— “ It melted before we could get the snowplow" " . 1- light planei the Ubyan news a iiisl cause." Tlie Austrian move stirred a on the streets," said city purchasing ageat Bob iigency reported, .. - Tbc_iiRcncy, in a dispatch storm of criticism in Austria, Jiickson. -Tlie agency said the Austrian monitored here, said the twin- Israel*, and 'otlier coimtries. term ed aid key pilot and copllol of the light engined. Cessna, landed fit the After the 'Au.^trlnnK agreed to . I plane—wh() bad been threat- Okba Ibn Nofaa base nt 0.30 stop letting Soviet Jews transit p.m. (11:30 p.m. M D T). It said through’ the country, the Gem panel sets goals TWIN FAl.l.S' - ' ‘ni)w Wilding, T U IP O l) (Toward TUn*t>U. Uie other two legs of authonzulton for . the Innding hijackers released thcir three parents can d(!lii-wtth doJif Hfhnijilit/ilinn Involvement‘by.— 11111*0 1 ) \vlll fall naturally Into was' given by the, IJbynn Jewish hostages and arvAustrl«- .. SUN VAM.RY, IdHhb I'UPl) enter t^ie governmental build­ . -chiidron .was one of the Parents of the Deaf) chair'man place and baliince. In other government “ for humanitarian an customs man they had also - — Tlie (lovernor's Planning and ings.” sub]ecls ci)MKld(*red at-the defined the goals o f . the works. TUI POD.should t'rove TF man rensons" after the two guerril­ been holding. . , Advisory Council on'Develop The. council set priorities for Idaho Opmition THII’OD (irijanization following a dinner t enhanre tlie fuiuri; iirlil, U i— ;Work»ll(i|.'s "on TWIN |.-AI.|.S - ’A.'T^rt)! Sardinia despite earljer reports cnughl jn heuivy waves for an bitfriers .fon.hnndiciipped per- grams to'hid parents In deidjng- of Uie hliiim Stali-»hfKil for • of ihv ^.-ind parents of Uu* 'I’win rallu, innocenl df Z\, Ings. ■ arenl.s about deafness Is from their cxperlencus at (lt*af. S driving wiiile intoxicated, 'Hiey expressed concern for npoi-timt. repeated offense. lioiae woman kilUul handicapped |>ersons uiuible to ' ' Heay said he Jia s aski!(l the Ill' was arrestod by Idaho' no isr: (U P D - Judy Carol treatment of possijile head in- ____stuliLleuislulurc fwutuiuliu.to_ - State Police -following an., SILVER!! Oylcr,'2B; Boise, died al fl local lurlos and rolcnsed. “ establish early childhonil. Goalitions iirged ai.ideiit IHr. 1972. He • tlLVIM ARf hospital shortly after a onc-ve-^ Police offi.cera said Mrs. Oy- education centers for dttaf atul i-ntuied a plea of not guilty Jk'icfiiii • fILVIB COINS hide accident on an off ramp' lor was tlirown 50-foot fronvUw- — hard' of hwarinn chlldrfa In - WASHINGTON (U P I) Son. . sues," he said. - Si‘pt, 17,- 'of Interstate-ao. vehicle when It rolled on a • 9 0 L p C O I N S vacious parts of the slate. f'^dward W-. Hrooke, R-Ma.ss., Hrooke. the only block U.S. Officurs te.stifii'd hi.s vuhiclt; critical curve of the off ramp Siiturday. ' t can (U^lylfni'ofaov* He' said deaf, students who. Siiturdiiy urged blacks to form .senator, said In Iht' past blai ks Her son, Shane, 0, was tjiken. ran of! ihe highway ond BKLIJ^VUf-: - Clifford Gene U«m» ol o eomp«»ltlw* have attended Uic state .srhool "free-floating coalitions'; have viewed the idea of to SI. Alphonsus liospitid for evidence followini; Ihe acciUfnt Kniipe, H-f. Twin Falls, '- m a rk « l p rle* . luive gradiuUrd from hij;h across racial lines In support coallatlohstrto narrowly. indicated he was intoxieate;^MrH-Minnie- fu^ontlng mTlp" ]'hrcari'truclrowned~ SUBSCRIPTION RATES m m D, Piitz, 92. prflneer WhrTnll.';- as strengtlr;-W. numbers, but ' tions across racial lines and -Ijy—it-'l'win- Fulls firm,' About. resident, died early Saturday dead at his home Friday, j 43B North Moln THE TIMES-NEWS restore proper perspective on Uiese coalitions nuist be based half a mile .south of Bellevue, inorniuM at a local nursing Funeral arrangements l«re Uietriu-k left U .S . M i'Jld hit a Twin Fo lli. Idoho many issues, which have been on speeifii<- and pragmatic focrot* /fom S«0f4 j --- 1VVIN lA Ilt IIIAIIO home following o sHort illness. ponding at Wlilte Mortuiiry. improperly Inbeled black is- 1.S.SUCS of comvnof'i interest. V in e o u H canal lumk. By Ca>rl»c Horn-Miiy 25, 1801. at Diivid , Month ' * City, J^eb.. shc marfled Carl - '-{OiillirljSufrHoyF- ' - JS- a t H a ile y ,P-ali irri302 in Grind luncfioh,— . Valley Briefs By M ail ' , ' Colo. . " ' • Paid in Advno(v Valley Hospi •They come to Uio Twin Falls ; •I'WIN F A L L S - Joyce Gee _____ (Qglly i Sundoyl.-^ -7 . _ . . iiM i.i^ y j.uuL's A. •reeeived KORS -sUitus - at a ______l-Monlh___ :------U-00. ..Tract in I'JOB aTKli:k‘ari'dhl‘f!d. i t i r g n * ----- < ttiMiiorinI - — HtWfnrHatleyrpleadwl guilty meeting of Idaho ‘I'OPS No; 119 3 M o n lh t 10 S O ' Ui a rinluced^ charge of one I for a fann which they worked -iMonlh* lu.Ao. . . ------Admitted______. . lliursilay. She lost 3(» pounds in AdmilU'd ---- ■■■munt of -.i.— Mike -Chaptcr-No. Order- of- ■rHIlttn—both- Uuhl,- and Mrs. • .schcdiiled f«r-0cl711.“ ~ rtJladysi DenKle; .‘l^vm^• Falls:— “ TIMtS^NEWS ■ H(ulgers, oil Burley; Generson Fasturn Star, will meet at 0 Tommie Collins, Co.stIeford, The clurues were filed in and Mrs. John (Mildredi SUBSCRIKR8-- (leorgi', Malta; Shayne Blii'k, -p.m.-Monday at the Masonic- ^ DlKmlKSVd conneclion with allej^ed CrindHtead, Kim berly; one ' Deulo; Mf.s. .Jose Nejra-, Temple. _ ____ Coll youi Caiiici Mi'rjc PJalllps, Carl Beiiey, - incidents in .Septendier, 1072. -sun. Iilldred Patzw Ueseda.. 01 Ihe lim o t N p m « Mrs. Ilomeo Villnro, Mrs. Paul: Mrs. Hhieny Martscb. In a seporate case.' Judj^e, Calif.; one sister. Mrs. Wayne Heyburn; Blair Galbraith, BuhlCoiUpfodi' •5a3 4>40 Jomes Bridgeman rtnd Sco^^^’in senteyced Steven N. Whitney, Marsing; 0 daughter. .I.orctta Hughes, Ila/eltiin. Ourloy RupeM Hasterlik. (ireat Falls. Mont,, Mrandchildren. ‘M) grea*- PET . . Uirtlis „PouliODklev:Niiikit>.Kogp>i.Null.vio< a26 sa;s Harold Pooie, - Mrs. To Mr. and Mrs. Je rry I.am*, ODORS- IHMiilenliary. then .suspended Hreat-grandchildrcn. Wvndcil Jpionip LaMar Childs. Charles Ileyburn. ti son. llw sentence nnd placed l-'unend .services for Mrs. Coodiiig Hogpcninx 536.253S jiii^l Uii/.i'l (’lawsiin, all A lliislerlik on prohtition for two Patz Will be cunducted at 2 .. --- tOMMUNlIV • 'INviii Fall.s.^ years. p in Tuesdiiy at . White PROBLEM? • COHH£SI*QNt)fNU Mrs. liarry' Fuller and V (Mianel by H ev. -CALL daughter. ‘Hiizelton; Mrs, Admlttrd I’liilty to ti reduced charge of Herbert Morris” Burml will Donald MeMurdie and son. Clari’oiv Platt, Burley, and delivery nf a controlled follow in the T w in . Falls JANITOR l-’iler; Mrs. Fred McCreary Curt Bei'nen. Hu|HTt, substance filed ifi coiuiectioil Cemetery. KREFT SUPPLIES and .son. Hiuisen; Melailee DlsmUsed witli an alleged inci86nallzod Sorvico Marjorie's., A.W. ''Olir'Madland.,Pro5. ondMQr.' ■ 545 Spprkt— 734-2063 Flowers & Gills .—4JSMaln-AvDnuo.i.JwInlFalli ^® h^ceeoKd-goaI-^

- TW IN FAI-.li}-= directors, Jnmea Sinclnlrrfund- ^ -Thr kickoff mooting will bo for.Jhose agenclo8.h.wo boon _ Fund campalf-n will .. prqsldont;:Mld. i - dircclcd by Jack Muldoon. apprpv.ed by United Fund , Inimchcd Mfintlny wilh n cohI A liinchoon nt.thc.Tiirf Club Ciimpnlun instructions by.key offlcinls. ■ ’ " of $125,000. Ut noon w ill s ln r l' the .personnel will bc'^ivcn, nnd . Tlic_pnrtjcipntinU-.eUL'nciQs those nttendln^^ w ill be __iire Jlo y Scouts, C am p 'Fire — —TlJnt-ifithe-hijihMt-Ronlinthe ----i:flinn»icnvJ¥lilc)utilUnYcljaL-:...... ------;------:— ----r Girl s'' Girl ^cyuts;' M cntiir -hiBfofi-.-of-thc -cnmnalEn,— ---

Council to. hold Que^il nalnccl

V A IJ.K Y S C H O O lJi— Cindy B hIb j Ii w a s — < . named homecoming queen FrldaV'niiiht to zoning hearing _ climax .the week lonp homecoinlnr, activities of, . _ J-Wm^iaLUi--— .Upubllc— cealdcnUaUneilluinJenslty - ^ ^ "TilitirlngTiiniyraw m inifflllcri!. ZIIIIU ■—tor----rnHlthtninHy------—— ---- inv T,nmnmi.' tc riiii. Iiv I - halftimo of tho Valley V|kln|iiind Glenns Ferry ~PirotTrt'6tUflii' Rnnrc. co^npTnin^tockj'“Hngm •Twin "Falls City Council Morningside Drive N., will also and Mark Okloberry crowned ‘‘Ihq quoon. • meetlnn-Monday nijjht.' - y ■ 5c reviewed. - — ^ ■ 7------“Attendants nnmofl Include Nonn*BaldwifvSheri The council meets at 7:30 In other business the council ' Grant and Marsla Baldwin. - p.m. In the city., hall will review plans for the I Tlie sophomore class won first place honors auditorium, Zoning matters EPCON lease of-nroa- in the ! . . for-floats during the.hulftime parade,.It was ..-coining upioLpubli^ieadng at... ntrport“ terminnl- building^ • ------highlighted by a ^iant sized skunk,-Uio-King Q p.m... include an application • review a proposal of the Twin - ’ Kongs furnished the music for the dance which by Rugene Conner for rczoning Falls Highway. District; and followed the game. • of residenCial professional authorize purchase of the property to commbrclnl-local I^lchllter properly behind the .. for|)ropertyaL540Filer Avenue. city hidl for future city building Other Issues before the • need.^. ' ^ hearing include another '!1ie council is al,so expected Hearing set on ■ application from Conner for conditional use . In • a to appoint a planning -ami commercial iocal^ono for. a ' n^tann . . . for properly at- that same for work at the airport on the terminal building and; bi.ds fpr- location. — . • TW IN FA LUS - A Tuesday sludent.s may withdraw from A conditional use requcsl.ftill • • parks departmerit equipment; evening public hearing on the fall term classe.s. disciLss rented agency leases at be discussed on location of a propoKud >-Twin; F a lU County--.-Tuesday...... SHldctil— | --motiil(rhonnrpnrlrnirRmt7a‘ne voted un...... iaydowriers in favor of an In Wtl(lerness,“ H p ni,, Fme Art.*! opiKisitibn to a proposed :iOO Audiloriuin, admi.^slon fii) . fool agricultural zone setback cents. Bids opened-for “ along tlrr suuth~ilnnkr- Hiver- — ^'nMirsdHy-rKludunt-Sonulo— Canyon run that would prevent muelitin, 1-3 p.m.. Student subdivisions i)n riu) sites. I ’onfLTum e . lljioin; Ski (,'lub ’1710 agricultural bell zone mei'litt};. -I pin., Slutlenl passenger facilities was apjiroved Sept. 11! by llie Conference Hoom; Magi -CuunLy^alHiocLtenmnaliw^EC■^eto ■ ' 'IVin—Fntls'-Coiintr PlnnninR--- Vnl!prHymph«f»K« |>;jn..-Klti( anu Zonmt^ uommission! Fimit” Auditorium reeonstruftion of passenger, opetii^ Friday afternoon and approval now rosU witli Uie Friday. Crp.ss- - c-ountry facililie.s in the T\vin Falls City-, Uiken under consideration. meet, C.Sl vs. Hicks Collej'e, __ 1’he bids will -require commissioners. CSI campus; cheerleader a|)[)roval ofbotivlji»*city council ' Other events scheduled thi.s selections. -1 p.in., gymnasium. m o d cuunt^’ commissioners week: " ------twfore—nn ' award- i.9 mfide. ' . L . -Moiidaj'T AlcphaL-Eiitcty- -Saturday.. Idtilm' -University Hanger ' Club . Apparent low bid was tluit of projiram meeting. 7-lQ p.m. in rappellin'k al Slioslumu Falls. .Arrinj^ton Brothers tlje Student C^)nference Boom set Oct. 25 10 a.m. lo 1 p.m.. -publlL’ ConstrucUon in the.amDunt of In the Multi*U.se -Building; J23.aa5. The only o lte t.W d .w ia _ . M-ndayl^s^io the I.i.sniay CSI wek'omc to participate. by 2 cliib.s from Wills Construction Co. .In' tlie amount of $32,72-1. TW IN F'STiIil - PInns were- Wendel I OK-s pi an announced during the regular tractor and a sweeper for the -K'riday uiecluiH-otJ^in.Eull5— ejty-p«flw-depai'tntent—Thobe- i.ikalULUL‘imclJJlwU'?i.. ToHslmi.stress Club :;ien\bers bidding included McVey's-, City Council approved a and tlie Gooding County . -’for.a jQirirmpl'tLng Ocl. 25 with and Lucicli Ford, $2,023. .•iubdivisioti plan presented by_ _^minij>si(tn;s approval. wasrocoiv ■ Stricklmid. city The meeting will bo held at 0 for the Sweeper from Bond meeting ’nuirsday nigiit. 'Hie superintendenl. told tlie p.m. in the- Alley He.sUiurant Martin and Co. pla^is call for land sQUthcaat of council th»jt;, II will not be wilh Virginia F.idridt’e In the city be diyided luto five- necessiiry to 'restrict sewer charge of the prOgram“ acre plots, • ’hook-ups at this time, fie said Head , toastmislress will be About 20 per cent of farm Roll said he would not reveal that the sewage lagoons-are ICIeanor Hurkharl. .Speakers injuries occur in farm buildings the total number , of acres Iwing pumped down and that Friday included Annette rather than outsldMhc JJatlon* involved in this proposed the water is beinj’ carried to Jenkins, ” l.ouise- Koontz, al Siifety Count«ll s{»yHr----- ^— —mibdivtsion—untti—he-Teceiv*?M- —eity-prorwply^— ------— KimlMTly.'and a bmik review was given by Orrietle Sinclair, 'EvwHuation ' ^i'iVhnnR' “ wns provided . by Virginia Blt7enl)erg and I/)ulse Koontz. Fa U . Fdie M cFarlin received the blue pencil for the best speed). cisniANcrsffiE 30% to 40% OFF On All Sale AAerchandise • Showex Curtains Pictures .- Trays . - ' • Rug.? . : _^oap-DLisbes •^LidJZovers & A ll Toilet Seats


- Chniiri fito qusliTo’fiucJ con- louioci lo« comlod. I'Hvo lo-. movnble l)uc'< UiQS ntt> nni.miy llaioa. t'ovo at the •tiirtflon cnnplocKs. Choice ol cojols.'



O f Miieir I atlpv \^entttevotBs~cvm s!^sh ' ■ ^ O . .. . ■. SundaV- Soplombor 30. )973 Al Wfili.Tgfen, Publnher ’, PHONE 733 0931 ■ • («) N. V. Tlmoi Sorvlce — .- - : -arms-limltation nntl from aVdralt-domlnatod. ( l l l ’l ,1- C », ,IMtt fTILin-, fj. /.-.ll.ll/i r Wt'mnrrj;fA(KJirHurp.iuf^ Cirriii^rion .inflJJf'T; WASHINGTON— XliOUBh-tho-Scnate-uotciL —'miliiary^foreo-loward-^m-nll-volunteflr-forcc.— ___ Mike e'ill,qultcXfew <1^ Ihv (Jrty oMiic on tvhicii Uio otlicr day to cut O jiiM Slfltca mlllUiry, .-Tills theme Is now producing niiw voting fut-'al'least partly because everybody“ IlliH11 r tidily. (■•Ill,I Srirufdrty, i«f 137 T»nfc3 birn-i forccii lov'crsena by 40 per '.cent, nnd Uicn ■ patterns In Congress. Mnny. S(iutliemers, who , Mike, and p(irtlculnrly the young now.&nators,! ifif I til. fOH .III n-'.iflrr Apr .1 H “^who didn't go through the long b'attle to r 'iKl'OIM.irfl.9, 1B79 ...... — -reversed itsci/ under Intense pressure from.tlie were puijnneiously internntional and 'all for -Wille^HmiBOr^uiai-olHillonsc-JtMhc-p forergn~nid a^dccadc - or^so iiBornow Tcsonl establish American power in Luropc apd.Aala, HjnlnnccUUIUIII.V UlOf powerIM W UI In III, Ihe'worldhaswntirsflin» MTV. "co mirenffon" 11*6111 l l B m ild ' uiiil ’a llylng-r tlirouBli the ndmlnislnition nnd the Uiemselves with nortliem Ubernls, who used to Peking is a reality instead of merely a hopeful ' Alllnnee: . be stnunch supporters of internationalism, but experiment. It 1.1 the parndoxl:al .innod of deflnnce nnd . who are now cnllinii for vnst trnnsfers of funds Somewherosin Ihis debate, Uicre.hns to bo n '■Y'" ■“ relrenr'fn-tlie Scrrnlc - dednnce of Hio_ from overseas to‘ tlie-problems o r poverty and cdmproniisc between tliu majority loader who President nnd -retreat from woHd urban misery at home.' wants'notlilni' less Hum a 40 per cent cut iri.Uic rosponalljlllllca V thnl -troublcs both - the ' TVlial! wo nrc scelng in-theae ConBrcMional overseas foreen .and-lho-admlnlstrntlon^, Uirit . ' president nnd tlienlllcs, nnd tlint mood perslsU, - Impulses to cut the defense budget, cut the wants to keep force levels overmens where they dwiinte the narrow rovcrauninilicvOTffr" u-oops abroad, cUt tlio foTolgn nld. Is nlsb 4 ___-Fnr ihi>'mnrnpnl It is not a fcritlcal problem, ri-ni'linn In Ihi- ilisnppointinents nnd tragedies of The administration won this lotcst bntllo wlUi for the Hou.se, (k'spite Wrneiletoellons, Is still .■Vietnam. Withdrawal symptoms In a natlon.are- tjie Senate, and cun probjjDly keep on wlnrtnTfHr^ rRusstatt^tippi with’the hiHp of tho House, at least for n while, willlnB to mnlnlnin (of a while tile 417,000 land ewn iiiore palitful than in an alcoholic or a drug based troops that the United States mnlntolns iiddlot; and tlia. war |ias tended to encourage but Uie mood, of retrenchmerit on the hill is «ottln« stfonj^talLthfilimc Jin lth e confidence - --Dictatorships live in great fear W wistcrti newsmen„on_ii brightly ^abroad, but evej^ln tlie House' mnny members ., mnny iiiembera . to withdraw not-only-from . who once ,l)iicketl thc-admlnlstratloii's force ■ - Vietnam but even from critical Iniliistrlnl areas ■ . betwqcn the Wlilte House and thT^narosa, ■^ntollBCttinL dissent. They thrive lighted stage ..at 1. Moscow's levels abroad are now wondering whether this Is like Western l3urope nnd Japan, • - -- r • after Vietnam anil Wafergutc, is-i|el{lirt{ weaker ■■ — only in an“nlmoapher(S'of- slavish— JournallBlfl-Club-tojecantLlnnt!^ ----nUll-noce.laafv^nnd H so, for how long? Tliere Is also a tendency here as a result of -nlUho tlmo. And tiils is a prob>m, pajtlcularly -vunnnimitv—-of— thouKht— .and— Soviet-propoganda-which:■they-had------Tlie-roaiion«for-thl»-Krow]nBJlceptlcrsm-arii-. -■ Wiirm!(ito"and:lt«.i)llcoiiiiiyo;'use.of.pre3idcntlal^ Blncfl -thc.rUdiTiinlslratlon7.i3,:jiwt~tl"!‘?B - rM ^ "critical nocoitatloris with Uie alJies on the future — ronformilyWUivtlioTOaKniMawtCzz^ ‘ ■ irieitr^'eTrcaldMil^lmialHttiH i^ la lmed-- Q-il»A>l!liU'inlng the worst, asking . questions tlislike .small children and have, for t/)any_ in lieu of prison, are sent to Hed The Russian “ police State" years, been deliberately-fouling tlie.Moscow.air -hospitals-on-the-|)rcioxt-that-they aetions-have-eaused-a rovulsion In - a person caught believing people pfficially . _ im p licit with hrepotteroii.q fenr — it must be the fertlfied m adTy l!i?W unslry nf TliouJ'hT?'Onii ■iiluff Uiat inurruiionTis made of. for this gray--'- ' hy biirning.old bicycle tires in'my incincrntor.' are insane. tlie United States. American attempts not to think at all, gti'ost with the lioniey pipe. 'llie ghost of Alalia is happy. Ills heirs have Evidently if they-iire of sound scientists have warned in a lengthy --Not evert to think of thhiking. 'niinking is And tiiert' - who would have behoved il after |)een to America and have left happy. /\merica’s m ind at the time of -’'-Xheir and strongly worded cable that siifest left to the Ministry of Tliought when uld KlH'uslieliev, the 20th Party Oingress, iifler tlie leaders have been to Moscow atid have commitment they soon become Stall?) walks again niuve from the-great sliowpiece tomb to the welcomed tlie (»1<1 ghost’.s men luTe, and they loo they will refuse to cooperate with ------demented through the methodical Russian scientists, in the future If •^HlliLTian?milenm tcr1hrmu?thwh»» -tTTfrrntn by t h f K i n jthn Wnliy; Anc nuich bad Ireatnicnl, he might reasonably be Hieri; to cap it nil, a "return lo the sliow-tiial Under the miislaclie, <] smile. —uso of drugs. Tho alm-seems-to be— the—hacassmentL.ot Jja k jia ro y PHPect^ to-sniileHjiirjnt^hiK-K^oUs-l^^ --- c»nfot;KiHn.-.Stalln.*s-mniilh'imist Qnen wide in to destroy a inihd 'Shlclrtoes not continuesr ...... mental wards.• laughter at tliat. iuid altliuui*h there can be no agree with them and is of sufficient House Ways 'a n d Means 'I’hey have been unable, after all, to Improve .sound, of course, nuist fill Uii.ssia \^Vh cold -irepute-to-sway tha people. Committee Chairman Wilbur Mills timchon his technique.s, altljough the subtlety of brejilh from ll\e grave. • ' In spite of' a state Inspired has foia'Russla Tie'will hot suppoi^t the mcntnl hospital is a nice limchTSijifre (md It would take'him back to Vishinsky. that Uiere In the K.CVll., no doubt, with a dangerous campaign to discredit him, monstrous old sycophant, that headsman's ax, favorable trade agreetnents while sense of irony .saw the double duly of the thing, .. Was it I3;i5? Years and years ago. H ie purge Sakharov has churned that Russian Uie suppression of intellectuals 'Hie mockini! inmllcatlon — only il niadmim-^ trials, all those I’lopeless. lo.sers confe.ssing, — psychlalrisls-methodicaUy—uae--- continues: drugs lo induce menial inbulanco. PerlLapsJhereare steps that will And the exquisite mental terror of it - so apt in fraudulent even then, but a marvelously He darea Uie aiilliorilies to send the the Uge.pf t.ridfpiihant technology, 'Hie metallic - lA*ri'ifyi!!Ujlll!slratjon of Ihe power of Ihe slate, Influence Uussia. Perhaps not. .electronic-Irhpersohul-sterile .scie'nlifichess of “ sick” patients to western its police, its pri.sons to reduce myn lo iditicy The events will remind us that the Uie piinishment. when.it cho.se, hospitals for trealiftent so that. Soviet began a s .. a. dictatorml - Tlie man who thought of this must be a clever • It would hav^ been o.isy'to-ridicule the' their illness inay be verified or communist state and so’ it remains— man indeed. Extremely tjlever.. He will need fraudulence, of .the. coafes«lons had anyone disproved. ^ today. The cheerful deportment of wiitching. So much tleverne.ss is not.good in dared, but the very obviousitess of their ---In-nnothci^insttmce-two-Soviet— UodTtlgnttaTles^siting-pbroad-iH— ----- govcmmcnt—LoynlLy^-ciiutiunv-ultenliun-lU-lht. -fr^udulencc-touk-Uie daring, out of meii.-lf the . tiiought of the Ministry nf 'I'houghl - those are intellectuaiii, .Pyutor _Yakir. .a slate could reduce men to the absiu-dlly of these by no means indicative of- ■ the virtues. Ye.s, there must be a smile under •— .broken jicnltenW, who would dnre riskoffcndlnR , hislorian-and Viktor Kraiiin, an iiberalization of freedom wilhln. the muBtnche. ‘it yith n curlcd'lip? — economist, were paradtkl before. Tills clever man, this innovatiir who.thought I And now there is the show press conference, an . of tlio mndliouse fur malcontent would it not. fcjnimoylnative vnrlen^n the show trial. He sees be fitting, and even amusing, tn have him Ih e dl§agreers Ya'f-*>lUK’k-lr«almu»tihporhaps-Of----SfiWiHrov-the-physicist-and-SoWienltayii-lhe- even bolter, five yearn In IntonKo writer, must sec the point. What the state can do "Botlof lot me out ot hpre. Charlie. If witd soos 'JwytluianaTyjns.TlijitWmld take thlJ clevernt.ss To th'e wiiall.llTariiloTloo,(o"y6u. who's in our car pool, sho won't lot mo help cut Political strategy out of him, make liliri a safer fellow. . Hie state and'ils police can obtain confessions. ___dgwn on smllulion ansi oaso trie gaxshortagel'.'___ C. SUtZBERGER- Presidential speech writer Had Cieurge McGovern been Patrick Buchanan's refusal to turn elected president; and he chose to ' over lo Ihe Senate Watergate' claim executive privilege for Comniittee subpwiiaed political subpoena^ of purely political The world and Watergate s tP , then Nixon, a defeated tliat Pre.sident Nixon is doiiiK his man, could not do so. ' tinanclal limes” reporled: 'Hie Unjltid pnnia/ily tm Ihc basi.s of donie.slic rather tlian 1972 On thei .S-urface, Nixon’s ( f ) 1973 New Yi*rk Times News Service best to keep the truth of the foreign (Hilily considerjitinns. The era of the reelectipn last fall may appear to « Therej)erciisjiionst>f Wiilergale on U .S. |M)licy has ended its military role in Cambtulia ;i campaign liidden. cannot yet be a.sses.sed but they are cjearly cripple gianl. its hands bound behind its hacit Vandenberg llesolulion, of the ^ienale’s Buchanan lokl the Senate prove the old adage that might negative. It will lake a long lime for even the for the . (’ongrcssional amendment that une(julvocally strong foreign policy investigators Wednesday WlHt{.' - ihakes right. That assuredly is not most brilliant and consistent diplomacy to hailed American optTatiims . . robbed Hit cngagenieiit, IS lonji past; li‘i»ljng foreign jxilicy '' House'” nf\(’yers told him not to-' ^the case'in courts of law. It should Improve this dismal plctnre.'— ' Nixon Admini.slralion of the onlv real power it makers in its ranks today are ex|)onents of neo- present tlie documents because they not be the case in Congressional Al first foreign novernnienls letulcd lo ever had in Indochina,'the power to imiiib,. i.sdlatuinism. • „ mlniinl7,e effects of the affair. Anmng .our "liefure il rece.ssed. Oiagrgss waa well on ils. . ' 'ihiJi state uf .affairs w.lir/:‘Ttain|y affect . were stared with presidential investigations. way to completing legishition requiring Us lMini[)e. Tlu“ bsue.s .slati-d to cor'ne to Ihe fore in --- Sen.— SttHrt— Krviiv,- -D-Noptb- MuroiM>an allic.s, Hritain, ^ ?s l (’ii-niiiin^ aiid ?H {)n p e r9 r------^ ------— France had recently suffered (or were still a|)proval of any deploymenfi/ru;S. forc<‘S savft ' WashiJtjjtTirnUleriitfiildatirjn of cnnimitment-s ift' .- Ills is siimply an extension of the Carolina; the. Watergate suffering) politicaLUuiandals of their own. in tlie case of direcl attack on American ^ ' . Indochina ore eminently Kiimpean queslions: ' • _ o l d aint-diacredited-aigumcnUhat- —Committc&-,—chaironan,---- has_ -Huf»sia7 lieking-tlst‘ho|»soyeragrieullur»iland- -lerrttoryrtroopa-or citixcns—-. . that-chislve the ■Rlflllonlnirfftr^rcduclloii' of Iroops, jhe jn.lfllit-roakes ritjhC advanced thti thCflry ttraf, •«plrit7*“ i'hr~«enae-pf-(*ongressTMh-now-.mon>— -- lll>er«ll/ali<>ii-;«)f-lt‘a«U*-- < jiw'hiding-^gl’Hf nn-xr LliwiuiiigiesiLnmucUuz^-uiaLliicx—W lm U w U L^ rr Buehniinn'S~nvgtimcnt~wns~ “ nre^nol—ctivinrd—by---cxecutive -Adihiril5tn»tionr.tcottttHiIdiinHtIi£IJundiy-4iuiti -iitronHly-oppased.lQ-U,S inliiliiri_Uilli2n_thUILill_m! any time in the past tet] years." happen to ^lliem as. they’pass through llie privilege. He clainis that the press. Chlne.sc -party • lertders apparently •^applied evenly, then. Sen. George tiiuched on 'the matter during Hieir recent ■ ThoNeue Zurclier Zeilung’s current review e.Hsiml.sllc. An IhIsI year Mike Man.sfielil,..Senate Majority 1 'Democratic candidate, could also— —govornmeht - funcllontt.- The oxtcrnnl policy. ' ' editorial in that Immen.sely-rcspected Swiss - l-eadOr and a D<‘mck.Tiilic member of the " refuse io turn ~pver stibpo^aed difference ~ is large, l^au50::ijis_L • iiublicHUun . tia y ~ 3 itO ilU lU > rlly:,Q L ..tl]!; »rtiitin_Iti:latiuiia.~ Couiuulluu. told -nrui-^T-^ the mesa us another sordid busi(teK.s fjunlliur'to ■. .lYesldent himself him been .‘jeriously Impaired "••1‘residenlsare.tlie'chlef forelgn-pollcy makers ...... ".ear irge Wallace of AlabHina, SehT^ consiitutionnl; obligation ttiat a : .:as .lhe_iUnd-of- pdwcr contest, between-lhe_*. Forgiim policy an.dovdQpnient hrllllanee:6f. Kissinger. If Nixon'hna-hmdo'-nny . -TTTon^nyone-elsc who ran for the .. As special prosecutor Archibald various Paris Hepublics and viewed it as less . aid, deCense - are on the verge of being dniwn marks In this administration ,il is in the field of president. , ;/ Cox has told a federal court, ■there' vital to Frnncc than the temporary freeze on even more deeply into the field of tension foreign jMilicy,-” , .. ' between Uie White house and Capitol Hil1,'there'<«y But it is clear that Nixon's Is no reason ta^aasume that any of Amcrlcnn soya exports. ' * ' Nevertheless; with respect' to , wftrld >n hnrnme tbn object of a Still far-from-rosolvcd. Implications llie l-’reneh analysis of Watergate _ refusal relayed by Buchanan to the-mnterlal being kept from the A. gloomy, change, has now succeeded such jn ltla l irght-hcprtp(lnoss, .'iliifl-h.hS-b^cn caused . powor struggle between, the leglslAtlve and was essenllnlly c(irrect vven If It brushed asldq turn over the pajyBrs rests on. his committee aiid the courts proves Increnaod rpallzatlcin that, at Mr, Nixon’s cxeciiUvo branchoa’of the U.S. Gpvernment, and ILs vital moral a.spects. Politically thc'-dl.spute nfsnlvrt'trttff^pn^lI'j'TUlfUPSI'ljGHV.iiCn l-'OnRVOSS "TIIere~w<)uld i bo no "UlTSTfealdiBht. power jo Influence Washington's foreign policy. ■‘Prom now on anyone-holding or receiving andlhe-Wiiiie.JIou.se,. ■ ' cxeciitive privilege to ^serve as a * ButnelUier Is thereany-rcnsonJo.J and that, because of strong •.ncorlsolnllonlsl . Washington's promise of support will have to At^ present' the legi.slalors are on top. . assume that the president la atoytj. ^ olomchtiflnitrCongreas ls IcBudlspo^cd lhan.lho____ ^ silently odd the qualification' ‘if Congress 'Hierefore It will take great .wisdom and tact for~ basis fol- refusing.the subpoenas,. - White IIouHc to support enduring commitments ' appro\reSr"or7lf"^?ohBms;fcel!i'lomolTow-Hsll- MeasrsrNlxommd Klsslngcrto kocp-thlg-shlt^ of~ Were there no executive privilege,' subpoenas ,— when--- the matter due’ dl(l Vostprdav.' or ‘nnnrfij qite cwla diirtii' -htrwoaW-hnyrtirmiiKc-publtcnha— BcruttnjnBTJOlltteBTTathcrthnirtho- 'Inltinlly this wos^ reflected In the wind-up of , • “ And ho will have to-keep.In mlnd-thar^ durable, fiimlllar 'American , reef , of polltlcnl papers. : ; ...... Icgitlinatv affalrs^ of state. U.S. Indo*Cldmi efforts.. London’a perceptive Contjrcj^ thlnk.«i and makes Its Judgmejil.>i’ Malionlsm. WILLIAM SAFIRE Sundfiy. TImos-Nowi/TwIn Pall», Id

o n coihah itd M on

_____ >Bv W IL LIAM - ...... i-oJltUft- hftcfliisfi they Vyt^nLLtoJlnunt.UicltaDphUlllcntlDn_ (Cl New York fimcfl News Scrvlcc discussion bofore being hailed, winked at or tut« .by tloullnB mornUty. nut somcllmcs thnt enters WASHINGTON — E l ^ l times as many tutted. Into It. . -couplea-nre living-togqthcrtwlnrwlUiout bclng- “ Many couples who will neUller marry nor klckT ^ConservaHycs^fintl it linrd to rcrict'toTTiis ' _injj^C£La^cohabUod-l«n-y«ar8-a8o.-- .r ,— tlKS^cohBblt-any-lhnt-thelrin-betwMti-stnlus — — -coliobll«tlon-trcndi—tliey-ore-torn-betweon----- P ju lili® fFo tu jp ii That judgment 4- it’s really my guess.' Is- : ..perfectly aultsUiclr needs. Tlieyuaunlly do hot traditlonolism, which sternly condcmna'nny - ■ Iwsed on a new study being made by Dr. Pnul C. want children (and the blrtlirato hQs been nssatilton the aucredneaa or permanence of tho ' GUck, thp Census Bureau Population Division's docllnlntt, partly bocaiuc of the ncceptnnce of.; family unit, and llbertarinnlsmr^hlclv holds ' Scnlor-Dcmograplier.-.(Census' Bureau people contr«raptlWond lh '^ f lc n “™ n t 'ln d ^ n t a ' Uial people not hurtlhB anybody by their actions Cgiiyoii riiii -ara-either-Dennfocrata-^or-^RepUbllcBRf)?^^^^^ i^rol -Kliould^ui j-parfiolmTl i-ta-do-wlVal- In' the past decade has been wolnen). Uiey want. Editor, Ttmes-News'. Commuisjon' and having a Indiv^lduaT In 1970, 143.000 unmarried persond told the Moreover, parental pressure on daughtors^to . People who want to.-lly.e together outside o f ' Tlie I-cague of Women Voters . public heading on the request. Dorothy Gclst .'Tccnsurtnkers thoym're living wllh'a partner of marry-eprly seems to have abated; tho number jhiitrioinony Cthe world's root Is “ motljerhoodir of T\vin Falls fe£*ls. that there . We_i}rgc..the. peoplc .of.Twin. .. .Annie Swope ,______^---- - UiO opposite stf'x, compared to 17,000 In 1060; of worpen In their twenties who remain single- which savs niot about the purpose of mnrrinectr _hua__ bccn-viniidi___m isuni.*_Jil‘l!a-Cmin(y-lo_curcfully-read— -...- Uaguq-of-Womon- Voters obvlou%, there are'millions moj;o who do not. .has risen by over'a third since lOfiO. , should neither b<;'stlgmatizcd..iiQr applauded. If derstanding on the ,propo.scd, the proposed' new zoning of Twln.Falls; '— volunteer lliis i’nforrhatVon to’'strangers, but a -710-childrcn are' jpt6lvc-waSf-gir-lB-would -droad-tl -business ujf-tlicy_ace_ybung^it-can-bc:^tli0i i ^ —Ulvec-Caijyon-rln^.— ------.what-eadu-zilne-iillows- and----- , Snake-River —-----^-----‘ rflscernible. when the nagging question, "Hpw come you’re' tragedy. If they are old, their liapplness. ( If they All ort|ie land on the canyon wluit It means to them as .an Canyon Strldy ------^Wli^ti^tho-rGHson-forit-f-Wlien-Uie-subJcet-of- -nol-marrled-yet^^WOUld-aubtly-chftngo-to-a- _arii_vety-|ii im-ia--nQ.vv—pceaently zoned slnglchood Is explored. U usually cenlera on the mildly curious "why is it you never m arried?" years, but this is not today's flubject.) Agriculturnl;'except for a swinging blessings of the bachelor existence, I^cal cultures differ, but tlint moment seems to- There is this weaknesa.ln the.cohabitation's siui\ll iiron on eitheiLsUlo. o f . : O h io ^ _ V buUct us nujirowiho question to thpse couples , - come later today if Ji'coriies at all. argument; If a "piece of paper" should not be Blue !j>kes Blvd. N. which is F^litor, Tlines-News: performance. Rather.'l belfovfi ' — who aro not-slnglo-but-o/ho nro not about to got-- ' • Proponents oMlving together singly aay^ with nuediul to hold puoplo-togothcr, why must that.. 7. o n e tl H,u a. I d c_n 11 a. 1 • . Ujieeiiu.approprlaK'.lu pii^s it proves, that the Idaho married. • ...... ______MJss Hutton, that it lij good for romance; that is, - mlirriage.certificate be perinitted to becbme-a Agrioultjiral, Tli'e l-eague of. on to ldahi>ans one of my first legislators /have already out- lijuren Hutton, who wears the mantel of Uio ’la c V of“ a~legnl" document enhances—n*- liceti.sc. for mature' people, to tlrlft iipart? . Women Voters of-Twih PaUs-: politifaf ,observations-i»it»ce -pcrformeri at-least one of the' reciiinmended ,to the County •■nation's most, celebrated model,” which over relationsliip, keeps both partners on their toes, The iinmarriodiilnte eniianentU'union-with ur(othcr independent' znne wliich comes up-to within- ' plus-related exponBC.q: -Thus' ~aVconipHslmients ioss''niey'* . hut I think the matter of a change in tho mating . conform to the noncomformlst 'life s ty le ,o r jwrson. :100 feel of the rim, north of when I arrived here In August, look aroiuul them to see where Twin Falls, allows mobile . Uio General As.sembly was still ' Uiey can gel more for their Iiome parks, multiple family In sessioi!..juu1 had been, since money. The Postman Rings Twite dwellings, subdivisioiis and January. They/ adjourned Cariiitn J)ickens, PETER l^lSAGdR duplexes in addition to single about mid Augvist-imd returned, Former Vice Cliairman, family dwellings, lliis zone is . a few'\i^‘ks later for a two day Ididio Hepublican Intended’to' ereato liighHlensity wrap-up. Now the Democrat State Central resldentlid.artsus. g(}vernor- has decided he will Committee .... them back in October to ___ l)»ytoiL-DliiQ.'.,_____ - • - A g n ew iutends If u properly owner lives iri a accomplish what he considers Uesidenti'al'Mediuin /one -and . urgent legislation-on calnpaign his neighlK>r wishes to^build a spending and election law M ilita r y ibiltt-ltotne-imck^he-has-nu... 'T-oforirVi—V-uUlhu-govo»iup-und rTline.'1-NcWs: legal jneans lo prevent this. It leaders lii both |)o|itical parties Wliether one jfgrees with the Is one of the permitled u.ses of praised this se.sslon as tieing a tile land In Diis zone. If u administration's foreign and inri rn-!irrr |)r(ipei.Ty owner Ifvi's iMilleve everyone will agrep WASHINGTON and William Cohen (H-Mainc) AgrlcQltural zone, his n(^i^^hb()r major accomplishments of this lhaj we should do all witbln ft\ir I'Yustrated by the Hou.^e and introiluced a measure calling may also want to j)ut in a^ eight month long session at the [)ower for those fine young left to chart his own-course by for Albert 'tn designate' a MKilale home park. liefuc£.L])i-s aforementioned rate of pay. Pr'esident Nixcuii Vice committee to determine I'uuld be approvetl t)y the Americans who are serving our President Spiro T. Agnew •’whether allegations of — rouniy rommts.sloners,'thPro“ intends-to'u.se every available “ *rm[)n)p7ietie,s itgain.st the vice mu.st he a public hearing had handled by the Idaho_ they do become exceedingly legal- maneuver to block a prusident pertain lo his tenure — allowing l^Jih sides to present legi.slature no-Inter,than 1072.' lotiely. federal grand jury inquiry into in the office he now holds." their reasons why this .should One bill pertaining to Sunday We would like to urge 'your crirninid jillegations again.enefils the ilevelo|)er - nol Ohio in I'JfiS! nie~no-fa‘idt ncouragement telling our against federal prosecutors^ lo ihe'Ju.stice Department Uje private land owner because insurancejjimumhlc i issue^suc was uuiput unoff scheduled to start presenting-'_.'njej,„t-lhul-he eouldn't-gol-a^---- r...... they are doing for America and, evidence-in Baltimore, he fair trial, He said' he wa.s which passed will increase the |-Wldeiual''”I^ir‘"''Thr the ffee wQi-ld. Many would " cot»fide(| to a group of unhappy that the Wliite House nesidential-Agricultia-al zone legislalive salaries lo over like lo correspond on a regular < Hepublican Senators yesterday had- not cracked down hard allows subdivision $17,000. basis. A letter or Christmijs as his political and personal enough on the Justice development and does not After weighing these card rcquires-Very lltUo-flffort----- fate hung in limbo. - Dep;jrtinenl. Percy told Agnew provide the protection for the' nccomplisluhents against the yet means so much to a lonely Apparently to prove- his he thought the leaks were private land' owne r Ihat the >uuv«tttllonod-faMr-om-hom»<---- - dulurniltm iluii— tu— "fu t ee ■'McplSrat^ zone Further ^ Ih'Tormotlon . jihead" on his own; Agnew ^^^gnew said he would not indlvl(Juids presently owning regarding this project can be ' appeared at a luncheon, "resign and thiit Nix»/n had not lots along the canj;on rim can ...... “ meeting of the— Wednestloj^’^^-jtsk^—hitti— —^*ver/d tmild-B-home-onHhut-property— legisintors obtained by.{{endlng-njitflmpcd___ envelope to MOM {Military Qub, tt group of moderate GO P senator's supported ills decision In Ihc-Agricultural zone, but— i would not portend this Senators Qhalred by Oregon's Overseas Mall); Box-127rt)flly ' to slay In his post. “ 5'=.*“ .'™'* to'- a comparison to bo .proof IJial , Moio^HtonWou Mark Hatfield and including "A Wlilte Hou:ie spokesman subdivision without .lioIHS hlnfc Snirler IB W t ■I^e Spencer niinoia’ Charles Percy. had said earlier that Agnew bpfcfre the County Zoning « guarantee better legifllative He .voiced his "dls- and- the President at a 75- Coordinator . oppolntmenj'' over House minute meeting Tuesday had -SpcnkccCnrtTMborf s rej«?ction dlscUBHod“ “ Tcslgnntion— os -of his request for a full House among tho optipns open to the -Inqulry-lnto—tho- chargofl of— Vice -but alleged___kkkb nck3_ from ...cmphaalred.that. Agnewv-wus. tOWlAND EVANS & ROBERT NO.VAK f^lrn li fiS a H il v e fO rm contracts during his tenure as not pressured to reslganor did a.atate and county official In he offer.totlo so: Maryland. However, a wfre service 17-member draitmg committee ( picked by.Miss reform question. He Indicated-that House reported that the two men had WASHINGTON - With the Delegate Selection Mc(!overn'refoi*ms. -MikuJ.sk! . with a decided edt»e fOr the riial speech irritated reformers on the Republican leaders-would try discussed ‘‘the po.HsibiUty’' of CommlMlon clearly controlled by the reformers . Mureuver. Sliiiussmiscalculated in hnpjng to . reformers). Commission vice chairman Alex connmsslon wlio want Strauss lo emulate ' to reverse the Albert decision, resignation, leading lo denials In lasj weekend's meeting, chances of the moderate tiiu 7ii-niember commission by Sellh, a H^year-old Chicago lawyer connected- laiwrence F. O'Brien, national1 cl^icluiirmun during ’ buf seemed'only mildly hopeful' alFaround. 'Democratic party avoldlng a repetition of the aligning‘himself closcly with Its chalrmfin, with Mayor Richard J. Daley's forces, is McGovern Commission days,, *no’ stood aloof X)f changing it. . By lat& . I-ess confusing was Nixon’s horrors of 1072 now depend primarily on the Baltiinorecily councilwoman Barbara Mikulski ho|)eful- He might conceivably succeed if froln 'the reform fight. "W hy can’t Strauss yesterday Republicans had apparent desire to stand aside toughness and dejlermlnatlon of Democratic - a numeuver that anUigonized Strauss'.s' supported in the drafting committee by Goy. finesse it hke I.arry did?" a.sked one such introduced three blll.i calling while Agnew pursues the legal hatlonal chairman Robert S. Strauss. supporters in tlie A FU C IO hierarchy. By last Jo h n G illig a n of Ohio, nol clearly aligned with commlsslbn member:' • - -—^...... for.an Inquiry into accusations ‘U)d_legisjat]ve channels open Hopes for consensus within the commission Weekend, it had failed completely. Strauss, by nature/ a compromiser who jn a d o -against .the former to’ him. even though tho Vico were rftdlcnlly dlmlnlflhed'in'ihe first hours of Mikulski and her McGovernite either'caiiip. But more likely tlie commission’s final dislikes confrontation, could be vulnerable to ~Ti1aryland governor, .. P resident's plight posed .a tlie commission meeting here. The same clique ( ‘ointuission .staff were working intimately with _ ,t|uct-wiil-nol-be-«cceplttbk-lo-lhe-coalition---- wue)i-<‘r-llieihmt-Indeedr-StwiUH&i&-alllea-wer<------'TTepTTauI'inndhiy" l R-HU ~(lilemma for tlie President -of—Teformers~thJrt\ wrote— the— Mcttovcm— -iinr 'iT^infrerjr procedural voiitig that elecled Slrau.ss national chairm an; dismayed by one compromise last weekend. introduced one calling for a H- unmatched in recent history. , Commission'guidellnes four years ago was in weekend, 11 .seemed the Mcpovern ConUnissioh 4'egulars, governors, congrossionah leaders, Strauss- had obtained' from a- prestigious memher bipartisiin select . The President finds httnself iron control. That meana the commission’s final • levisfted. The better organized reformers committee to investigate in the middle of n rare decisions probably wiU4oo closely resemble ovel'wheifnedlhelrop|M)tient.4,'dividential resurrection of 1072 horrors. Vice President” and Hi)use to-nu‘an me iTt^siiibnt-' “ TTTTtr :ipp»ihiled."Tt"TnnTlll'lfrj>lon iiin.n.iivply— --l««uali:mliun of .sLUi-iiiiikinj* atui ailviuale lail becartse it pr'e.'iented the Democratic parly His siip])i)rters lioiw he will no be swayud from recotnmend a course of action hopes he ran keep hands off, at , . uvei'baian(’ed by refoiiners *:ind nu'huling ghe proiMu liotuilrepresenUilioiral thiriowv^nnvT'tr Jiiliiinnllv with il.S IMOSt re.silfctilhlf ' ~Jliii]7esolve eillier Dy alUiclfs'TrtJTTrthC'left'or- "at the ijarllest j)racllcable least until the Issue has been cluer of refoiin: Dr. KtMUi^th Bode,-a TIu'j'e ri-maltis an oiUside chmice Unit a years. Strauss's lough Sept. 2(1 s|>ei;ch was hiy fust jmst-telethon shot, taking sides on tlie tcniptalioiis of aceonimodation. date." .Htimewhal clarified. ' li'flish political scu-nllst wlMt-rfjilhrred the - trasonabU* compromise will emerge from-the


a new alignment based In part on ideology and . R.epublicanuin in the mountainous. N inth. with the C;OP. . •- •* Virginians, are just beginning to wake up to a good many F.|)(sco()ahans r.egar(i their church _in pucton perfionalUy, Godwin is.{i.cQri5Qrvntivo.. .gubtnhatorial—*)ampaigii—tlml-haa—moanlng- u i- n a ji—iuuutuuH-----.gubernalor-ial—*)ampaigu—m -.T)»ey-go-to-ehiH't'h-onee-H-monlh'-nnd.iney-go-»o-enar< -in*— “ ■Di«lrlcl-rtl(nvn-in-the-^outhwcstcnremph-erthc- — nrtlnjory:-all thlB-polttlpol-uphoavfll ahould- havo ludMo-a-fourlshlng Virginia Republlcun , In the classic Virginia Image, o sound-dollor, — beyondUl\t*^bordor»-om»u-pULDQmliliQlL-In.th*»4ttfUMMin-MUl«»i3odvuinuind .Ilutiry.,, ■■ .llovu'oll^fur—hi-fur—hltu-muiU-could- Intmch- Dojnncrattr nomln.ition. even though he-- nriiiiiirv was taiitarnohnt In wlnninm the irohi'ral the vocabularyvocab of pollllca, it couldlilcl'Tie be sa^il Uuit !'TirRYtuy; 'sflari« 7nTit!'rMiTVt!rii«'tiMa*^^ -ptiiuuryjviia.liuUamoiinl.ltt-wlntilnc.lhe.gcncrid -color-nR^=coo|-glirajrt)Hvirtor; Howoll.ia In ” nimpcrtu;Qft'.fDuc>j^enrazflgo ;to“ r iiin » ^ a n 'ojiictioa,—,' ' .J . . .. - ^ t h e w t y iis ija” tnu^imvcrHDTBmm one' sent m changing times and chnnglng politics.: '— ~ diametrical coifttast, nn ebullloht extrovert who inilependenl for lieutenant governor. Thoujjii lie Notning rehialns (U the old,order yirglnla's'"* the Seriate AnUHlx of the'litato^ 10 soots In'the' Tho two-party' system, as it ordinarily Is cheerfully confuses millions and billions and — publicly, supporletl-George McGovern-In W72, Democratic parly,- which •: functioned- with- - House, But the ovldcnce-is-mlaleadlng,'and-lhc_ conceived, has Kttlo or no meahlng/ln-Vlrglnlii- campaigns with the noisy zeol of (i midway ■“ tld^ year' Godwlnrwlio- sofved from lOflfl to lloftell prudently concluded that- Democratic ruthles.s‘.efflciency In the days of the senior • vocabulary has lost ILs meaning. After all these , barker. ' ; ‘ . identification would be.more of a liability than Senator Byrd, has become a party jn disarray. years, the Hepublicana dtnl con.stltuto an 1070 as a Deipoeratlc governor, is running as the TJie race Is thqught to bo close. Tho outcome an asset In Virginia’s gtibernalorlal race this Few(jf the old Byrd .i'Jumocrats offer It even lip ■ undistinguished m inority In the General- HeiittbUcuiLnDmlnee^Huw.ell. who used to be a will depend upon which candidate more year; Thus he .Is simply' "ol' Henry,“ and he .service today; some o( them have openly As.sembl£;they hav6 won relatively few local party-line Denu)crat, is running as an , effectively gets out the .vptQ^ In Amerlenn wjilfl-thftHrtbel— -lflhertt*hHH-lobe-fl‘lHbt»l-“— •eple' the union leadurs aiul the liberal Iptellectuals I^iirty ,20-odd years ago embraced die apolitical ..Vlrigln.la Demo9rats, hnvlnfl no candidate to ~tinitennTit~govcmorr;but he-made-no-paptlatllar— -RoeanMtructlon,-Virginia. embiir.kaJLlipon_ three who havo acqiilred the bankrupt's asseta. Yet at -call tlielrownrhavo TiO'pRrtjrlncentjvorto-holp" elfori loTvIrnne Republlpan'nomtnntinti, and'htr' ...... ‘ ilio ' Htate -mul lo c a r ,levels,, m(\ny • k»yrd ’ — \^ntrwcritniUrcYlrB[n>f<"l3“ w|intn>oHtIcnI~ -Ol.VIIcnry. and the Vlrginfa nepubllcans fiavc plalnlrr3 his nl*w party afflllatlnn afl a . ahor^ .of total. I^xcept-for a few hollows of conservntlvp cannot yet Identify comfortably Sclentlsbi Increasingly areifimUnjrCtScwhenrr'a- repudlatlonoftheold party structurc.lh fnyor of yet to display a cohesive vitality oY tholr owp.

a .:A.~Tim®i*Nflw».-.Twln-Fall5,JdahQ.L.Sum}fly/-Scptomfei!L30,_i973_


JC) Chlcneo Suii-Tlracs UurinK Uio court action, the Die House of ncprcschtntlvep ' Uie offic'c of.vlce prcsldcnt> ____I BAI.TlMOnE - Spiro. T. ' ({rand Jury'could continue to > to tnke up Uj c . Invcatigntlon* -above the lo w of beyond Ita ----^Anncw's^ Inwyers- hnvc-filed— meet-find-henr-eVldeneer-Bul— iMifwd-on^tlio-eonHtltutionnl— rencbr^-'nfltherr-Uie-lnwyorfl--- " suit to block 0 Brand Jury Attorney StJinley ^Mortcnson . nrgument • that . the vice argu ed ,. lho_anly-J^wnoval-. investigation■ Into corruption filed n motion In Uf S. DlHlrlct president, like the President, possible la "Irt accordance wlUi — fcharges on grounds that Angcw Court here.HcekinK n proteetivo cnnnot-bo-forced to »ubmit to tJie constitutional pinn — 'by ■ ninj' not be Indlctdll while he is prder to prevent nnyonq.from "c r im in a l ■proceedings until ~ impcachmcnl7,TcsiBnntlon-oi*— ■ " •.vlcc:nccalUcntr.~r,ri.-.;~T7:^:- prcscntinn~tQ~thc- Brand Ji!ry-' -nftcr-thp~Hou.sc 'nnd Senate c)^rntlan~of~uis tei^:*' ^ •.... Ajgnew’a si^lt, to wlilch the any testimony, dociimonb^mi huvo rernoved him from o f f l^ Ttie nation, the brlef snld, , • Justice Department''must ...... other...... m aterial aimed...... - at Tlio 24-page brief said Agnew ... ,"must . . be be'deprived of his ____roplay-by-noxt^wook.-Included— indlcUnujVgnew :^^...... la,an,dcckdj?ai£li0,ftnd_miuit , » •ac c .t o ^ - M U c he defends _fl— charg’e -that** Justice The action underlined be. loft free tr~dl^chnrRc' hlfl-— hlm«elf against nn Indictment •'•"Departm ent, personnel had -Agnew's complaint that the '‘variety of essential duties.” voted by perhaps ^2 or 2.1 Jurors •— cng4iRcd In ' a delib crnte--Justice Department officials • Asldc'from being noxt--ln or an Informatlon-fllod at tlio— ^— cnmpnlBn-to-damnRrthe-vltc— jnvehtlgatlng -the-chargea-of- - succewion to the President, tWe~— whlm-of-o prosecutor;"-- president and drive him from political- kickbacks, extortion framers of the ConstlluUon Tlie Baltimore federal grand offlcc. ^ • . and possible lax fraud have -specified only thatJuryL,wVilch' the vice Is looking into the . ’A 'Justice Department been' leuking reporUf to th e p re s id e n t preside over the charges alleged against Agnew. --- statoment called’ the charge media,c--...... ’ Sehlltc without .aduring vote unless the time he wad “ ‘‘patenUy rldlcu!rtus!" ~ ------AgneW jr-brlcf asked-the there 1,h aBaltlmoro tie County executive Th papers were .filed In^-courl. to prohibit _Atty...Gen.._____ Ihe_brlef._hpwever, sald-he jjnd'governor of Maryland and - —I federal'.I— I coui't .here, 1 but...* ii.«Uie T’tn/.tKlllot II.. ni/>»w.r/ionnRlchsrdson, ItU. S.' “ may not, we 'STihmtt,' be posslbly.whllelie lias been vice I sptcinl JlHlRC^ presiding over Atty. G eorg e B eall In hindered or prevented from .president, haa in. renllty* 22 -the-grand-Jury-talked-to...-.Uultimoiic_iintJ.oJ|]er officials’ performing his office by the members, V. -iwerfl^for-Agnew-imd-tlio--—fFonV--i^(liH(HifiBl(»n-wllh .:Or-;-ln«tltulion~ol— a_ccTnjrnaI_~-.Tlic-bricf-4Jtlcm plcd4urlllcr-^r_| --- ” ‘ In h k — tinif^n.sinir tn linv nefsTTrr'anv nroceedlng anatnst hlm.‘* ' to. Ijblntcr Aunew*?; argument' ‘^UuJc’IrrNorroTkTViT.------‘mirresirnTfinyriliicumcnUroT^ “ Hut7lhc'brief'conltnuedrthis- byTJltlHR'the 23tlf Amendmcnt;- • U. s. District Courl Judi^e - materials,” structupe should not Im> taken to whlch spells out the procedures Walter E. Hoffnuin said tlm't Aghow’s strategy ia to force mean that “ the man holding Tor presidential" aj)d vico- p'resldentlal successions. llii.*^ amendment, proposed "by ,QonBrcsTln;10fl5 nndrntifiej in 19(17, pVincipally came aliout Agnew defense fund set ■'Gccquse of the two serious lllnb.sse.^ of fornier President Dwight D, Eisenhower, an the - Id Chlrago .Sun-TlnicH < «iid^ two years the nation was Agnew is Iwjlng investigated - CHICAGO - Mujt^ ' without a vice president for allegedly . ucceptihg millionaire W, Clement following the assassination of kickbacks' while h e was a stone has established a defense lYesident .John F. Kennedy. --- fuml-to-pny thi; legal expenses__ county executive and governor for Vice President Spiro T. of Maryland. ■ ' - Agnew’s battle against Stone said he had learned possible Indictment. . that money for the same.- Stone, a Chicago in.surancr • purpose had already l>eeh sent -- PXtrnitlvcr;— >nrtd—In— hi; -by—pr-ivi^to—individuiUj •groups to Agnew o r^ Jiis announcement I'^rldny that thu aulliori/.ed the issuance of lawyers'. fund was being set up in the pernnts for 70 women to bcllcf-ARnew-wnfr:entl(lml-H» -UitULi. ainuuut— .thfu fmanclal support in his legal inipromptii cdutributions has fig h ti- . not' l^en-determined, he said. ■ n ie costs of Agnew’s defense Nor, he said, has he might eventually run as high as determined how much he --- 1600,000. Stone saitl. ' • - 'Kominy:rwould-Rtv(no-ttu»r “He (Agnew) is a, demil, fund. “• wonderful citizen,” Slone said. Asked' if. in view of- the “ He's a family man.” Watergate scandal, lie wa.sn’t witrried lest his contribution go Ttustees of the fund r- w. r.MCMKM s r o N v : named the Agnew Dtifense iistray, he replied: Fund - will Include Sen. Barry . . . Mi*ls Af^itru iiitl vBut iny money diriH)th law and fair ifo also puuTtH'uurtliann. 1.. _one of Stone’s offices In the play. , • the case of the pre.sent fund, lie Cldcago l/)op. "It is (lue hlin to himself, his ■woul(I"t>e handling' the ' cnsh" Stone told reporters that iifflce imd the nation,Stone hiuj.self. T!ommittee discloses

N ixo n ’s secret donoFs^

(cl Chlrngo Bnlly News buggittg cjise,* contributed Herbert W, Kalmbach, WASHINGTON - jNcting $l.OOO‘t(nhe Nfxon campaign Pfesldent Nixon’s personal — undef-federal-t•ourl-orde^,-thu‘ -<»n-Keb.-2)?rl07a. -- --- • - - lawyer-, - who kept—a —large— Committee to Ue-Elect the Even at this' last date, the amount of fuiuls In cash and President has revealecnefll of formal lx)oks or W, Clompnt Stone’ conlrlbu^d' recorooks. - ChlcoRo industrialist Henry Of the 111 million received In -^-TSWWW1lJterf(irn-|2S:«»— IWs-five^cli-pcrliHlr-nonrl; bush donntlon to the Nixon I'nK I" “ ■> •!'» '»s> tund. And provided nnothcr ilnys bclore Ihc A pril 7 125,010 by chock, dcnillinc tor,disclosure. The rcporj Hied by the C nP The occountlnfi Included w ld n BUind totnl o( >bo,Z_. details of o lrvial tund run by ■ mUllon-wnB-chlsod imd 156.1 million spend to put NJxon Into — tmrW)llte~H0U8'e for another ATC-HoosTonr - (our years. LUMBER CO. 'OOTlliy m n * rio li -W hite__ House— consulUnlT— compH lttvi DrrcVi"--- convicted In' the Watergate ■30rjnil Jf; Soulh 733-J314

CHAMPS I i J M j W i t h i v i r y o n o is t t o f i I FINGER STEAKS


J - - j ! * • - State narcotics probe costs told Sundfty. Soptombor 30, 1973 Ttmos NowsrTwIn Fjiljj, Idnho 7

-(Ed ltb rsr The-followinB'rc- ■ •tion^ :- said“--- -- R--- o u m- • ■ ... clcafccl by Uie'Altornoy Gcner- ’ TnVp»yerVmont'y wna used ' ased Uix money lo ninkc thb' Tlie charf was solicited b y ' : WASI»hJOTON (U P lr~ S c n .' - dehtial candidacy^ and' sAid -r port of a drug- InvcsliBntlon ^ of - Kinp, chief-of the'Uurenu nrsofficcnftcrpasslnRnllpnrls bystnteundercoverii«entspoa- buy. , King, , , Charles Percy, R»I11., talked Nl)(ongavchlm ‘.‘i)o m ao n "tb — pcomincntJ?ocalcllQj:o3idcnta— QCNaccQllca-iand-Orgonlzod-^of-o-lle-dotoolop-he-voUmUirlly— initijR-MHfiu-oontjK'lH^lo-buy---- =^ohn-CoWeyrnow-iiecus^! — flood-of^tntc-Nhfcotic*!— -WlllUicaldenUibtoiuSaturdfly— obnndamiiia-pceflonLpolltlrnl is Ujo result of a Jengthy In- Crime in tlie Attorney Goner- .submiltedtoonrlierUiiamonth. stolen t>oods. The money was by Kln« and Park of IhcRulnri* nureaumoi^eyinto Pocatelloat- . about hla poaalble 1070 prcal- ambitions... vcatlgntion by Uwlaton Morn- nl's o/flce. kept the invcallga- On«t least one occasion, the never refovcred. .lies in thc.opernllon of the Po- tracteddrugii to the community. .:..«inaJEdbjm£LW|wctcrJa^ — tioaoUSleLMoraan,-state Dorn--- Investigfttive—report^pjtij—----- „ .....- -report:;7.ftldj:, 0 7 .^ .-“ •The'inveatlgtition-cosl-theTTTntpn^fftcerlnBrweek'pnRsed -^::KI]Tfflrei5RT5stnjontrol 0?:" ____ ^iQdy and political writer Dill ocratic Part^ troflsuror, alive statc-pnld undercoverp()cm'tor';- &iiKpAyci;6. . , an outlniated 130,000 a aecrct lie detector,tCBt on the er the -Morgan investigation. Hall.Tlie invstlBfltion.inpluded >-'^v/omonllis after othera wor^-. 0 jmothcr in salaries and expense money, integrity of his .'operation as Cobley, tiienliea'd of the Nar­ .interviews witli Pociltbllo offl- ing on the case becjime con- ator, who’ waa also\pldd by the —Tli'ere li no ‘.‘Mr. Dig" iri resident agent, However, one cotics Bureau liJ Pocatello, VftLtEY 8LASS CO. cials, narcotics Heenta.-Attor- vinccd the probe was n wpsto stjite, nhd used taxpayer mon­ Pocatello and no tiglUly organ- f .witness char|?trtR Irregularities worked mostly 9n routine Po­ Twin m is )34:2J30 ncy^eneral^W'. Anthony Park,__of time and- Inpoteritlally uh- ey to make the buy. ' ized drug >-lngrT)rtig t^.lies lt> ' a(Vaihst Cobley hffs also passed catello drug control that was .Jiobdrt^KlnB',-Mol-M6rganT— -juBl'r' ' ^rhritor>^lsiTlndii !*ocatel!o n f f "il'fra g iiu iiM ^ poi_ _ die— - and other law enforcement offi­ Reporter Ja y Shelledy and • —Morgan was not Iht^only arranged of sinjill'linie runners —Virtually the entire drug Morgan investigation. 4 FREf3E^TIW VATE cials.) political writer Bill JIall said In ■ one suspected. A Pocatello doc* bringing in small qiuuitltigH of investigation was triggered by . —Kirtg kept'the Inveatlgation * Auto-(jommorclal-Re(|dantlal -‘-I,EWISTONrWaho-(UPI-H:^ :Uj£ir::filory-th(drKin|'-denied“ toiTthrefr-P«?ateHtential injustice, , Idaho taxpayers about 130,000, foundation for the investigation falsely named as rnembera of a slate undercover agent sold causedcoiifusionamongngenfa, • whs built on information sup- lidrujj.rlng. - nuiri juailn to another agent who and*attractcd drugs to Pocatel- -plied by the former resident lo, a I /Jwiston Morning Tribune agentin Pocatello, John Cobley, InvesUgatioh report claimed to- . wiio has since boon fired, d a y .’ . . Morgan, who was the center Siib sid y end ^asked The Tribune invcstlga- of the invesU^ation, has been

TW IN F A IJ^ ' — -Tlie Idaho Victor.s!iiDoH,pn solo. reach Uieir full earning Oporolos instantly and 3C. who Ik also her business lilo'ntly. Add, sublracJ, Loathor uppers arc wdtqr pot.enliJd ioc. feat of losing manager. (D P I) mullipiy, divide,* ; rosiinant, Long wooring subsidized housing. . . Individuolly or in • rubber out solos arc combinallon. 0 digit ontry slip prool. Buy om ndw and answ er weight 3 lbs. lor hunting season and _ FOR YOUR . cgld w.OQln»r.______,. f lf l- Spacecrafr^lands safely H l A R I N G

M()S('OW lU P I) -- Tlie two-man Soyuz-12 It wiis llif first &)viet irtanned flight- siruf from- spacecridt bujii[)ed .to a safe landing on tiie three cosmonauts died June 3(1. lil7irU'lu'n their ■plnlns of Central Asia SalurdjFy, endiiigirfivor: 'TTWyuz-11 hatch starteH leaking and depressii- f f f l M A I C O day mission that prepared tlie H^y_ for a_U.S% rized during reentry. Sinct* tho/t the Soyu/. has nt'iaecU'dNimfiif lleaiiag Soviet linkup in space in 1D75, “ • been redesigned and tlie [lurjiose of the Siiyuz-l'i mission was lo test the craft in preparjitionjoi^ Cosmonauts Vasily Lazarev and OJeg die Soyuz linkup with an Am erlcaii Ajxtlio i rafl Makarov, making their first flight, floated to earth in their parachute-borne'fipacecraft el in J u l y . 1!)75, 2:31 p.m. a.m. MD'f'J, Uie Tass news A -tli-man d e le g atio n fro m tin* U .S . N a tiiin id Sunday Only aj'ency siiid. A e r o n a u lic i a.nd S p a c e A d m in is tra tio n ) NASA j Sunday Only i.s sciieduled to arrive in Moscow Monday for a The .soft landing took phice in .sparsely settled two-week y[sit and may, have an opportnnity to l«rr4lo*iy--24fr miles southwest of Karaganda in ..Worlt Suits tiilk w ith the^Snyuz-12 cruw,' U.S, officijilx s:\id.. On Sale K(»viet K»z»kh.Ht«n. -• Astronaut Tiiomas I’.Staffocd, commander of O n S a l e Space doctors pronounced tlie two crewmen tlie Apollo for the 1970 Joint mission, and •Men’s Work - Supot Klondike ISA Poni> eiuM'"> fit after thfir-47-iiours and Ifi minutcii inujartli. - astronaut Kugene CePiiauwill lit In th*‘ visiting [RNESI MICHINER pulyuslct.CO'.lP'' lackets orbit. iw r ty . ■ a "‘t )'olds II!. [xots AAon'&.work locket of . Ponn-Prest® saloon rr-ecfykc-piloi-liBod-Aydx Wo(k Paul* Slio« 29-44 lipper, broost pocket. Lotiq tlocvo WOfk ihnlv ol KIoiidiHi! ftoih fomp In n»«m,od- Orlg. $10.98 ^IcMtvu liMtgtIn ...... $ Q B 8 DEER & DUCK SEASON ■ s i i . r u ’/rrdnB, - ^ C 3 3 , N ow ...... # R «g. J 5 i 9 8 ...... N ow OPENS OCTOBER 6th !

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Sunday d e P e n n We Know what you’r« lociking for. 1 2 to. 5 Tlm«l-N0W>. Twin Fdlli, IdshO Sunday, S

ta y ^ tetoge

D O IS E (U P I)- A lc B ls ln llv e - Is pniil by companies t|»al- •leRlslatlon on these subjects:' mittee, Lnrsen reoom- ICCIVCINUtW EHN ^T^leFTnrrcvomilHinfhtaxrition-^Kpnernle-powcr-IMiifliJO-ift- — T^nit— widowed— p erso ns— mcTTded-nnd-the^ommlttee'- WEEKENDS committee Sntur~Allaf^l^I-^“ «7^'2*“ ?«^o?^- — 'riiat uniform-stimdarilK u> give persona over^Ji5-rtillof-onr-i-i.- ‘111110110 kilowatt hour tijx. S(Jmt* momutifs of the- apply to tiie availability of property taxes, tlic reconimendiitl.on ,amie exemptions for the elderly and In a final motion. Sen, Jam es - VALUESZ-^^.jr after cnnWnlttc-c members' uxpressod tlie dcairc to have. disabled: . Slo ich e fr, D-SHndpotnt, ■dlacuflaed-mQHiL-thiir> 2n sUiti; • — And thiit more flpeclfir successfully moved .... Uix conunrsHi(H..siibjccLswhiL-l. -^TW»F1)e I h l H a n ^ ^ slandanl.s__be7sMi--.MP_foc___luHiilativcr -revenue— attU- TiOTrrTTi ~ c a m V up as the result ^of-fln - (te - •asofajncs^ ’■■iiardship'cases” rej'ardinH taxation commillee study ropori [lyment of'propert>«tiixeH, ’ property taxes in an effort to _ | SPECIAL on this commission:, . - > ,• . ■ , ^ I.s o ''rn n ir^ H trt^ iib ’cBnfj-^«|\inli7o-thoyu-: Tlie kilowiilt hour lax which HUbcommittec «tudyln({ the . . . ; ■ more tlian 20 subjects, ^said. X O e K I E S ^ The (■•ommitteb said the n i M E X .CHOICE OF FOUR FLAVORS Uix bntUKhl In $m:i.000 lnl&7fT • C hocol^ '* CHTp • A T Iin ’M il Hiit liir.sen iidded the Intent ArWj^lloutrmr • Cr«icent« .• l(od Coconut of the tiix WHS “ benevolent,” WATCH and snld h«? felt he would like to see the tax collection run 1 0 0 __ ptflpcdy_bcfort*_Uic_kiiQwutt— . Reg. Reg. 39‘ hour (ax wiis eliminated. Idaho considered OInisti-iid's .sul)C'oinmillA-e‘ Value . . . to |)ull out of lioise or Itlaho . .. *T o .9 5 rc|iorl wiis jic’ce|)tird with four ny GKonr.E w iij:y Also -there are no idans lo (•xi'i‘i>tiori.s ■ Times-NewK Writer - uf— chanuu--— trj*7'"::r^'ilnit'thc"kllow?itrhnur !?tx ~! any u R h e “nnim ...... iBEOXLOO" That tlio loj^lslatlve official .st'alenicnls to tlu ..... conipnny’s • bulk plant ‘bA Yi-iJiss""--- naincil he in.stnicti'd lo dnift contrary, one Twin Falls was quoted, as saying. Ic'tii.slalion to cxuedlU! transfer Atlantic HlchfleUj service Twin ...falls . Conaco. POTATOCHIPS of tile motor fuel refund fund to station operator confirmed (Iistriluitor Ralph Siiiith said o i r n R O O M lh«- Htiih' highway . Friday lliat lllL' comp.iny is Friday he had no knowledi'e.of ,nl and (lolicy iiiakiru; of Arco service -jn Idiiho BOXED wording t that an exchan(;e. . ikcnncdy.jiHld hi. aii I’ntvrvirw . aut^iiu.nly -aiid Atlu». L'il'Lll'l rianatisky saiil he was told ajireeinenl.’ wirirt'onrTT’n" i ^ prlntiMl rrldnv...... l» a (•ollcj'r ai)piiinl a full-tirfte cJlveutive hy lhj;.Arco represeiitalue llial ~-fit^«|mpVrMii<’iarkHvllh^ArU^»i ( ’larkuvllh^T-Ark.— dlrrrtoi^ha-w4nny business Ilf Idaho pullont "Olhi-r titan ,1)1; — ilHjU-l-Uaui.-au-LuinnuLlli.____ — hO'SttnaU' tliiil year "'hut if lot thi‘ sloiT liri-n.sc tax iiiiiklnu wi'iter Vern Nrlson. the Idnlw cimht' hiipiirn in llirri- yrar.s.” Ihi- lin-nse thri-e or five-years StalesMiiin reported Fniia.s McMatin sanl.. jUlM i and ralMii); thflUvn.si- cost to that Arco had notlfietl station _4Uilch S i’ulli'ck, iiianac.er of $lf)'for thrrr years. ' o w n e rs in Hoi-se, N a m p a and Ihilili aiiil Ho>'s .Service • Si'n, iMhlh Miller Ivleui. It- (faithsi'll lhat lbr company was I'enlei-. i;mi Klliiherly ltd., whiclijil.so pumps Arco*|-as. ai Htilse. made a report from plantiinj' a closnre of ll.^ Idalm iinothin'" !7uhco)nmittev on stations ^ first said lie I'lail "no _i:iluulRinK tax cxi'tniilions for 'H ie S L a le s i n a ii -sail)ri)Ved for difficulty in I'ottinK :is thrOniV' -pnllntilr had— I'eeefved-' no N ic e 'n Inn trip to Peking Saturday study and draflmt! ol ill! exchanni’ ll^;reement with diri'ctive fi'oin Arco and had lut ■ plans lo sluil his slalion ilown _ wmLjjiianjt^ Chen, chief di­ •another majoi' oil ci)iiii)anj CREME , Mi-s.UieiLy ItiLu. iiiaiiuucr u t. plomat of the P oo|»T?k Republic' ' I.ntcr. United .Jjte.ss pf China in the United Slates. International • quoled I.os Hue’s Service CeiitiT, -SHAHPOWI^ l\<»w.s T i| lU. Miir;iti|'h anntiiiT Arco (fi‘ah‘t', 'said she had heaL’d-re|uirlS iif klsslnger and Huanj* discussed relations . officer Manny MIW -IBIR-eDt die shutdown ‘on the news” Q forthcoming trip to the (iijjienezhas dispulirif; the 8 oi. by Clairol Stiitesinan article. but had heard nothinn from the _i:hlnc?e-midnliLnd.,.bulil? 7 3 3 -0 9 3 1 ■ ■•’T’horu are-nrr-presrht plans- • w n ip itn y.— — ...... - has been set. *1729 Value Reg;:l2.25

Good Quality Interior WONDER BIKE H E m M AND REDWOOD « FITS ALL BIKES V STAIN ,. %ATT£RY INCLUDED >9L0B>-T0'___ } ^^lues to *4^95 Reg. ‘2.98 NEW HOOVEBL YOiJRCi-IOICE

I c le a n s Triple Action CIcMnini) Povvor' ■'It Beats, As It SWccps, As It A) Helmac Cii'iiiis". Gets (Ifc p chHvfi inihcd and low pllo, S A V E 5 0 * clcd dirt iiiKl.ijrit . , LINTPIC^UP

thmw .uv;iy h>ii| cleans" I'hiimn’ less ulieu' • 2 S|Xied m otor ROLLER MULTIPLE VITAMINS With 2 Rolills • Voivl onli'i |.ii'ke\ Eclye cleaning ^

W>{M!S l.llMll nil suction power SotoPrlco.: Vj _.. •• thtsty tttliii' ------— “ •TTtSTiinTrufi'' ~$T.37 V. . . . w 'co op oir^ ^ * .VITAMINS rtus IRON OFFER ... -4?.59-Rog. Volufr - EXPIRES « \/«l,,A -Solo-hrico. '10/37/3— l-Volub

^PECIAM I -EREMIER- -up^ifthrEtocfrjc H i ! m m t-.^^’rEGHi.i. 3.2 oi; -CLEANERSUji HOOVER'S ALL METAL AGITATOR. JWIth G«ri«ral Electric. 'Workmanihlp . riut tB.9S Allnchm*i\l Kll FREE,({I wnSON-RATES ;Plui I v*ar I.YNWOOD sw crpt»iw g II 41 il vattpk C6MTER

'Smofi/H, pdTTWIrt-n -jE»iK>y^ : j r.wiN f a m .s nnn.r.y 157 W. Main T25t*'nJblmr'A;>'tv Suhdtiy, Sc(>tombor 30, 1973 TImot-NowS/ 1wln Ffllls, Idaho 9 ^atiO iE i’s;^as= ManisKel^seeks m

WASHINGTON (U PI) -Sen* liearinnH short before iUs Nov, I wereschedijle^ffoFMundiiy.but tion and turn over its lindlnna ' a(c Dcmocrntic Ldndcr Mtko deadline for a windup. Sirica ordered Iheni p»st|xiiii'd . to spt'cial prosecutor Archibald . ^Misfl^U"'exprc"88ctl"' hO|fF)Y)*i^s 'nn(l_niO|V',tI;aiV'held his o.wh~' *’iuv at^counls of hren -Ear4iiuiky^(tua.oMour.lio8taBoJ^t^ki:n-by-Arab~ M0(ulay insiead^f Wednesday 7crnticTMrty^otod:??ntilrdnrto'^lE^Td7^blll7mrunna^mui^ _ iu U o a ------— 1— -gucrlllaiUu-Auett^P-toidoyy^UlciUtwvatJrcciL- ^■Mpw.modttl»^naw,battaun^awjolftfittn fomout after they had studied Uie new RmiRrnnt^ from Soviet Union, the four were ^iiminm(!;inc'wmndr-inko'-nit^,-uldetines.lha(muiub^ 100% polyotlor'Doubloknli Friday's decision by tlie Cost . ci.C guidelines. primary, the cause of a bitter to reanirnmmc of that old-v — . seized oh a (rnhi while traveillnf' to Israel. Tlicy . of-liivinH- Council (GlX^)-to— - -|tl the New York.Gily. areu.__ .-TWr convention fjgll.t ,Jast year time limraHtv.’J ______~ ~w ere freed nftcrArnhBTccclvwl plnnc-for fHgril— raise ret^uUas prices followed many '.stations Jumped their "between George's. McGovern H ie hearings Were scliedult’d iNDIirSflUAIIBUn'S- (0 Ubyn. (UP!) Chocks, plaids, and solid colors,'skillfully lollorod by .widespre/id protest shutdowns prices a |)eiiny a gallon. undllubertH.ilulnphrey. ' to resume Tuesday and.U. S. Am erica's lorgosf mokor. Of stations across Uie country In Cliicai;n, Holx>rt Jacobs of Approved by a tentative 9-1 Pislrict Judge John J. Sirica |)y operators who claimed they the Illinois and Indiana (laso- . vot& Uuit Is subject to change will hold a hearing Thursday on were being squeezed out of llne Dealers Associations, pre­ was a proposal by Gov. John the conuiiillee's suit to obtain REG. $95.00 $gJ85 husiness by rising wholesale dicted-tha.t dealers will need braelis shocked (Jilligan of Ohio to require slate five-tapes-of President Nixon's prices. another price increase before • delegations to be ‘‘allocaled In Watergate-relateil - convorsa- NOW ONLY . . ‘Hie operators’ reaction t^the tlie end of U)L' year and that "50 a flishlon Uiat Uioroughly tlons yvith fdrnier White Ibjuse price ;uiaw was mixed, but cent gas" was a' pi).ssihility for reprepenbi Uie preferences of counsel John W. Dean III. 'Hie A/ioni 100% Pplyoitor Douljloknit "Monchoftor" many indicated Uiey fell Uie, 1971. - by Austria rule ' Ui.eprimary voters" for various euurt arguuiejits orjj'inally - •CLC J^liould have given Uieni We got a very .good but , , r. , candidates. . . U\f‘. right raise pimip prices if~ trniporary yictory," .lacobs (01 Chicago Dnilv Mews nut the doaure of Schoznau ri,„„rics;' Castle 0UtiiKle Vicnnii =r lhe__u,^._3,,,'„„ „,le . would annfy to SPORT COATS wholesale prices jump again— —shid.- Hc-prcdicted that next TKI-.-AVIV — Sboeked-and Wild colors in noU handsome tonturod knit, wido place where (mnliiirants hac ' voters in a state convent on or with widespread predictions week, nnijor oil ronipyiiics disa[)[)»lntcd by ' Austria's lopelb, mqtal buflbn&.“ Novy. brown, larlan groon, such liikes were-eoming soon- wouf(i begin raiKing^wholoHalp^— under.-Uie^gtai deeiaion. -tu slop U'cn .jirocessed for U.e iwriyeauoua. - . - T^nee years - has.istSunde.l (iiiiii.un ^proi^sal Is 'tu'r'gundy, Rogs! Shorls, LongV: ...... -Indepep.dent dealers, who prices a half ccnt a gallon and pn)vi(fiiig transit facilities to comprise about nine [ijii of, Uial by l)ecemlM.T eost.s would" Slunniiig- of "th' IEGT^SOtO tion from Vienna of operators, were free to lx)osl 'I’he anticipJfted increases,lie 'r.x-vise imniigr D(yn(^»cratic I3elegate SelecUon — w ti--i a >t— jsiawoNiV prlccs"lm m e(ilatclyr nefihery'' 'Rain7\vATildrticari'tbar*^^rnre- --'.lM‘»<^\^^H’^ - - - Wi.vIwliTI’inmisi-nl' owned stations nuist wait until going to have the saiiu' battle a I’op-eelielon -staff, members decision, I;orel|;n Ministry - p„i,i .npproval. The 1!I72 Deilio- Spokesinan Oideon Satiai said. Convention or­ M ott f om cui Drond Q u ollty Short Sjoovo Monday. ^ •second time," of the Ji'wlsli Agency for Israel ^ ...... • . , • ,, ^ im ir e d tlie Jewish Sabbath disc oscd that- toncl s dered _.tli(it_.'.'proiiortloniiL and the aftermath of llosh Austria, tepresentiition" be provided In' DRESS SHIRTS Hashanah to pondei' Uieir next Y llr f .lT Putish, -was beinB Uie makeup of sUite delega­ Cluick\’ latli'i^nll^ «tti|io» tolxls ih □ lull tariqo ol willi put H ighert in jn i^ rifik ___‘‘simuiioned to-israel to repoM tions. 111 InAqri , — it saiij the-Kccond highubt riwk ■-Ciilii]ilish--il- new ruIaUSHihlp-- - .a Graol-Colort. iitfliJQ.Ie White House, vlctuully K#g. I2TJ.00 Rog. i24.00 fewer actual accldenLs. Uian landings, and the Uiird most Airport, - ruled out until November, at Step Stool N ow O nly . . Noyv Only . . with some other |>roducls, dangerous product iirea is non- Meanwhile, the acUng head Uie.earliest, any presidential l(> \vhi« li I\iiil«‘r sw»r»“s __ Folds 5'. ■ tinL f'oani-rjjsf}- .glaisjlp(y;s,jnclu'(|inii.sci:cuii . o f the -Jewish- agency;-Aryc— ti-i|> to-Burope to fonr»ally-act - lonort'snnt snaps nut tor ' children ariT* Involved,._q l Fomout Bran'droT'Woinbn ro n d:ybunn"Wom Choico , Congress last yunr alid in cidents. liius the "most hazar- governnienf.'i handling of tlic smiling and Joking from an .olcblorf,! ' '• SP O in SW EA H O IG SAVINGS!* Tj ojH»r;itionsrnetrA1ay,Tfllflaso(l7r~ Tlous" Uig for hicychtM i-.*fU*etK--iUlplL-_NiUkf_ sludy.._iirmil). 'Upt of pony o> Fdrnoui Brond Foll’1973 Faihlont Saturday accu.sed the nation’.s probkMH.~ ' ~ " ' , luJlir-long ••lnlormflfreV!eW’*nnr liStof'lhe producLs over which not only the ri.sk of injury but M aducad hearing aid dealers of being ill- •it is hard to believe Uiat a U. S.-European- relations, ll: has Ju'risdiclion, ranked who might-lx-* injured and Ikjw SWk«TERS. BLOUSES, VESTS „ -lt^iinOdr-diKhonokt--vulh their government Tike that of Brandt was in Uie United Stiitcs 4 ■numericnlly in order of-injury - -iKJtllyr customers and nioiT jntcrifstiKl Austria, which has so much to for an address to the United- :{ risk. Tlie figures were based on In all, the list contains lift!) 'GOFF in tiuiiiey than medical si'i v lcc. itv credit. could_i;ivt!_iii_lo___ Nutiona GcnecalAssmnbly-and— '] emergency room data from ll!i "TiTtTdticl categories.'Hie one at . ------oUier public appearances. Ija^jillals —about 2 per cent of the bottom, di’enied least risky, 'I'l'e investiiiators called for--li!rrunsti. ..Duhin sald - Nixon, accompanied by his thr total —all over the country. was lapidary equipment silcli iclcr state licenshiK pi oce- The ancncy which sponsors ■asrncktmnblerautidpohshers.---‘lU'V-^-,iU'd-fiid-Uie federal., iniiiiiiiralisn tii Lsrau sai'L wife Pal, went by hclitopler.,lo_ Data Is fed dally Into .tt “OimpDavid,Md..sKoniy~afU-T computer to.give the agency a 'I'lu' c(aniiiission estiiiiatcti novelrnnentslioiiUUrampalfiritu pland would be laid today for U)e midday ineoUng- -with [ fluick idea ()f what people are th it bicycles and the equip- infiiiin pel sons wiUl hearini; future operaUons in tlie wake ‘ Br?mdt, “ tjcmp-injurud-byrnnd-to-nlrrt— -ineMl^iltaelled-Ui-lhiun, aru___ liis.s exacllv wlial corrective of the reports from Vienna. st«‘ps to Uiko., Uiem to any series of related re.sponsihle for :I72,(M)0 injuries^

Don't put off- T « E B O K T MARCHE

getting that downtown TWIN FALLS new home =any=|oRgei^ EaSH IN C A P P "The Indopondonco."—Ono 0 / f2 now C.tp/J Hom v m odels this f.l//, Out F a ll H O M E S Spociiil Ctil.ilog shows .i// 34 m odals HASMaRTGAGE M O N E Y N O W !

Money is frght, biil not .it Capp Homes brand now modols- As one ol the largesl homobiiiklers m And we can. help you got that jjbme Am erica,.wc hai/j?. pur-dwiUJ-niDrlsaBC. lhis.yo.ir! “■funds' nt~competttiVL« ■ ratusr•A- am nlH ’loin the many thousands who have :±cpasit:may-hft-th^only-ca 5h7-.y0U- =fonnrt-th>reflpp- need to get started. way. Slart on the path toward owning 77Wo’ve“g o f‘llVe'!idme you want — ■ “you'r own home*Today, •M

lothing-eai)-sto|>-yoi^pwMEtetHit«rte' 1 5 J P C . O N E jlD A Send fqr your fr.of! catalog .'todayl RRbGRESSIOlibJNNERWAR AQYAk To: CAPP HOMES ' 9 IS S S W Borbur Uwd. STARTER SET- Porllaml. O r*.m ' I EKcitlng achjbvomoht in caiual dlnnorwaro. hands.omo.NQrllfllUL£lQgro.si GARM Dopt. No. 12505 'Mow Is your opporluniry jp sqvo 20%_on Onoldo 1 slon Chino. Strong, durable and hlphly chip rosUlanl. Sofoly frooto,* r6 - 190N.Mornlno> .Plonso tush us your Fitll Spocntl ailalog and. j»nco iisi.. y doluKD stainlp ss' 35-ploco stortor' sot lor four. In- •Idi Drlv* Irigorolo, cook qnd .lorvo. Guorontood ooolnil brookogo'under normol Idaho Folli, f N iin if ^ ------— x _ cludQ,s::Q-toospoony 4«knlyos, 4-forks, 4-soup spraons, u»ii for two yfeort.. Po ttcrnt: Blue Hovon, AAordi.X*>'oii-Qunnv Sfdo,- Bluti " ^ ( l i i r o s s . J ^ . ... ill..-“ . -‘<-»otcrd- forks ‘ ’0n d- tnabl0i P 0PTrr-A7 ailqbtffnfTrft?ir^ 1*1 J01/523-»7«? .Moon, Poloi Vordo, Up*Sa DoUy.' Savo lor llmitod iW o only, 45-pc. Town or RFc/ . ■'pbllqrhs sh'dvvnr'Rurjjy,'offer ends Novombor 30, lorvTco fpr olgHt. Rbgulor 1^0,00, Sovo olio'on Portpoctlvc Gloss* Stiito ______------...7,: _ , 2lp ._ , _ ,----- ,1973. Chino a G ifts .' ” • woro regular 3.50, 2.i0. t^hlno & Gift Shop. ^ ^ ^ ------cfiipp Hdr)fjes\ Phono ( .2,),- ...... 1 C o u n ty ____L — — ______^ a nm l»ltnftl>cri Cl n Wo own n lot,In Shop TWIN. FA)I.I^Sxind BOFSE d ally lO to.6','Mohdo\/| Friddy evenings to 9. Wo don't own a lot; but could net one i n _ . ■■nSim^New*, Twin F»llovint the Soviet sjjiRnlng of tlie' ■'llilagTmrtlroonliUcaranilliiiiulrtdhowhli-^:— QuUiora ■ wim puBllshrworks UnivcriwlCo^TitilConvontlonrT^RlConvcii nsfrs.fot Into the back sent. They nhmwH from nnw p’ri-iylH Innn^ loflt Mnv. Dated Sept. 4. tlip - mQat-oMheir^new-rovniti^a-toVtiocroQ Is rob-oaotiv&4bJuiy 1t-~- CaKHISIimtS William Edward! ol Gfechvllie, s. u., leld thelayrlion.. — : ■ I* ^os not immediately clcnr Good? hC didn't know what the lolvcs were A government decree pub- wl’etlier tlie government in tlje doing In hiB car, lie lalil thoy.)umpca In «rl«n l«r- • Ushcd Tliursdny In the weekly 'past taxed Soviet nutliors on opened the back door., ^ . I^ocQedinKa of ■ Uie. Supccme ’ forelRn roynltics.-Hecnuse tlie 'Soviet Imposed-Incomefaxes'' ussirwiiffliii-u m om tjsrsninr W atdd^BiM Lk ch^ircciTwcdncsday jtHb »le«ll"S the cnlvcj. He ' ranBlnR-lrom-.W-to-more-thbn— CopyrlBht-Convontlon^torolBiv also wa«“ S t H ? B S a :w r iir ilc a lin T T r c ii5 r e a r H ------(c ) WaihlliBlon 8Uir-Ncw« Ulc ttlcoUns. They viewed It us 70 per cent bn royn'iUes earned pdblislicrs w£re not'obliged to this month. NAIROBI, Kchyn - Tlie n aliinlllcnnl further slop. abroad. pjiy royalties. Puoplc'a ftepubllc ol Chinn, townrd c'ndlnu Chinn's Soviet works.published hcr(£_ & m e forelRn publishers did =^iro\™n^iB3Soulet-JJREicriifflttUiffl3jnilai!i!tmln(pianmil: ‘e^ubjectiaimicirlower rfllci* ...... 'ever, and other Communist rclntions between the —from 1,5 lo Just,over 0 per publishers of the works of ' countries, probnljly will Join , Connmunlsl and ' non- centr-indicntini; Uie apparent Nobel prlze*wlnnln(; novelist B o n ib e i’ s o n way: li^ m e the IntcrnntlonnI Monetary - (,ommunlat w o r l d s . ___ . ___ Intent of Uie decrec was to Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn, -WASHINQ'TONiUPri-Tlio-Uw-conwesslonolly.wm.d^^^^^ Fund and the ^orld nanh sboh, M „„b e r« h ip In t'he IM F boost the stiite.'s miich-needcd "whoVe~foyHllles~"Are~held“ in‘ PenUison announced Friday Ule Aug. 15 cutoll date informed sources Indlcntcd Switzerland- . • would imply nccoptancc by Die hard cqrrency income. ■-flrsl iVllhdrnwal oVb62 l»m .b.;,5 odl»n bomblne-op.erallona . .. Fridny. . y\|i|»oiH(vil to office -ForeiKn mitliorg whose workB — A s- ^ lj^ w o rld ^ fln n n c fii |- iSloW’ Von ICiiou- era from SouthoasfAsla since ^ad wlUiikaw-one group of 15 (yipltnllfltlc rules — noUibly NEW pmi50NNEirillre^lor~for-Idiilin-‘ — are-publlahed-herC'-wlll-pny- orgnniznUopft n(|journe(f their ,.^ xea:nt- the .samo rote Soviet - ^ y United P reas InternnHonal American corcombat operations ; B52a in mld-Julyr opcnnQaainiicflnQfniciLcnl*nB3. Deim rtm enl ol lllBhways l« Bale R. Tankersley^ - A - Dofenso - Dopartmcnt---- ^ rtnnuni Joint meeting here, authore’ pay in th^ specific*^ Scieritlats'are trying to get endedIIUwU Aug-15-/tUK. • f 1 Ai J , * 1,1 Trndo iTiiuu nnd Hiiu inveatmont invvaununv between u u iw v v h lormer district olllce manacer ut Shoshone. . *. ______• III. • ' . . . , . loriili’n countrv. the derrr-e more nutritional value from .™The c return to thethe' ■ unlieaUnited sspokesman said .Uie second Tnnlipmli'Y has been with the department 10 * . .>• of— 16—would—1C ...A.iI.I boRinf;hnnin years and Is li native ol .Dietrich. Ills ■:iW

■■ WASHINGTON (UPI)-The frjenils" in Congress for • his Senate voted I‘Yid«y to elevale .■ cantlor while aftlTe Bytnj- time ' 1lymanG.nickovertofour.-ai(ir creallng consid<5fable oppos­ admiral'. Conj;rcss moved on lt.s ition to him within the own IQ promoie niin tn ausunce FTVtCCT •f“ a recommendatinn by Uie

' flie action canfe fv^~days” -after tlie Senate voted, <19 ^o 47, jo allow the Navy to speecj up “ 0evelo|Jincnt of the TrUlent, latest nul’loiir' submarine de- figned by the 73-yfar-old lUckover. .who h<».‘j_,spent more (ijan n quartor century nurtur- biR tliC nuclear Navy. “■Rickovnr^has 'Tiuule many

THE I.D. STORE-DDWHTOWH f HE IDAHO DEPARTMENT ST9RE ^ POWWTOWfW ' Sunday.* S'opiombdr 30. 19?3 Tlmes-Nowt.^TwIn Falli. Idaho II F anel recoiniiiten ds Controversy expected ovi^r m arket policies

-WASUINCION-LUBU- •>:ho_'ncr5onnlli'_f(i.vi)rfl__lhQ__ UuL-pcopoai^wont-U-udQplcil— jva.?_dcm0n9tratcd-by.tho.iQcl- AgrlcuUuro Dopnrlmonl proposal,Vsaid W could not- ' &)c6use U vJould Qllow.thenvto' tliat the hoard'of directors of chftTgfl',0^ * fprni commodify’" -natioH aleottPts^ officlnls nro npnronchinK n predict when tl>o final decision do a more efficient job of ' agency’s Commodity progranis. -grain— marketing.— poUcy- IwIll!corac,.alUiDSi^UuUiopcaJtI_mark^tlng-tholr—mombor#^ '• -Crc31t— Qorp.— Uuued -tho- ZIEcIcH_sald . liB_pcrflonoUy_ WASHli^GTON ( U P I ) —A nntlonnl system or ■ nccciisiblo''to everybody. derision which will lenve n lot will be soon. However, Frick grain. Critics charge it would proposal last June. But Frick backs the idea i>ecauBO*co^ps . ,«rmll_clnlm3 courts, sltuntcd In nclghtorhoods ' The courts, the Institute snid, should be of influential people angry no said, officials may take sgvernl' give Uic cooperaUves an unfair conceded Uml. when the plan Iinvc l9n[?,hnd j hc right tii^et- QrilJ ojprrr nights and woekends, wns situated in neighborhoods nnd shopping centers, mntter'Which way it goes, monlh'Storcachaverdlclsinec- competitive advanage oVer was laid out for public support' loans on bchnlf of ' rccQmmcniled^day-to.Rivc:cQnauinemji-WflV____ should Imvc-cvcnlnfl-and^firtturdnv-lioura-vvitlu —The iaaue ls-^^hctlicr to adopt n^CplnP-jmiUUlflyoJtfl___pcoprictary-grairi-finns-anii— .CQmmcnl___IA_ ___ o!-ju)tl■' ‘tllna-complalnlsiiB-complalnls- ngninfil ^ aoilors.- ■'...... wide publicity.- ' a proposal, Initially announced ilrailuipacion crops imrvcaied’ " blevntors. months, rcpiiM were :.‘about "inptutHngTroytignT|pnit~potton.’ •...... - -Under-thc-f«commondation-byrtlio-National— r-Tlio ropor-.-Rnld Uint-a tolophcno-aurvoy-in - by. Uie agoncy-ln-Juno,-undor— ncxLyear—...... —.-----— - —Support -for-the- idea inaicie- -;bi»laneed:^‘ • :------:------He aald— he- doubtB— that— Institute for Consumer Justice, Congress woiild 'Boston foui.d Uint 75 per cent of persops which , grain marketing Frick «nUl coKips supporting the agriculture department Further, Con-gresaional extending the system to grain, provide states with funds to crentc, maintflin contacted did not know tiuit small clnims courts cooperatives would be allowed sources say not all agriculture would give cooperatives an ind'pubpublicize-t ...... -Txtmr -to-gol-prioo-fiuppoiUDan; offjcinls like Uie Idea. Among unfair advantage. .. The Institute, whicliJieBaii.opcraUng-ln-lfl71- behaU of tholr'membcr.s. _Sonip____-ctlllcfl—— JiO-ua^ Tlie Instllute also recommended that the, er~pric^8F^ irm pr iIUic-pppoiujntiM>ao^i-Qntario,-Quebee— •Wl\llo-Japflnogo-customori^will rlalmn courtii until thcv nro'•■‘nvDllable: and--- st\idv_said, and " ami pay $27 more.


SAIEI WOMEN'S PARI^AVENU LONG SLEEVE LADIES TURTLE NECK PANTYHOSE Buy sovoral pair of Iho^o.Vst quality SWEATERS SLEEPWEAR Park Avonuo ponty h6 so, Our- regular Fampu&.namo brond, worm & coty It's iho covor-up story 6) thp“-yoar!^-100 % w oo l ■ sloopwoor'-poiamos and (jovvns in NOW on Spoclal .. ribbed ....! u r 11 Q n Q ck morty siyios and colors: Siios S-M-L, swoolors In hi-foshion shades including block, ■aawy7.>Mclr-vwhtt»-oncMnaf>^ -^Reg^4,00-to^.50- m’orol Rog. $8.00 PAIR LADIES PilMPS tCilniUt tlEK 9 9 E A i m L H p S E VFtVnFFNRftSIIAI !; TTOI)(F0RIRr7,iu„«,.,mH MEN’S BOOTS ...... MEN’S 8" Many N EW Itcnis Added WORK BOOTS ...... THE I.D. SHOE DEPARTMENT 2 nd BIG WEEK!! For Second W©«k f ilin g !

THE IDAHO DEPARTMENT STORE ^ DOWNTOWN THE LD. S T O R E - DOWNTOWN TImM-NMWi, Twin F alli, Idaho Sunday, Ssptsmber 30, 1W3 Bunker Hill suit filed ffo rg ettlie ' BOTSE ( U P I ) ^ An:flmpIoyc - Uicrij. , ,of IhQ Bunker Hill Co. tn Kol- , Steve Provo snlU In his suit w h o lft thing Ims filcd-a $2 mUlton.sui^ filed Fridny In fcdernl district ______— : iiHi^nst several snfolV' equip-" court litre tliffflie was se.vcrely“ IX)S A N G EL ES (U P f) — Two holdup men mcntcompnnlesandUiemlnlng burnpd ...... Oct. 3i 1D71, whcrLtt Tiullcd-intonr-Jnclpln‘thc-ilmr-TMvHh,r<)Mgh---:::7-eomj>nriy-fpHnjuj'loft-ha-r»*--eincmoUlng|)Olexplodoircpw3 Immburecr stand early Frid ay nnd prdere'd tw o^‘' celvcdlnnn lnduatrinlntcrtrcnt ihg tlib liot metal Over him*, jolt drinhrto-go- Then, police sai(I7 one of them gol'oul oi ilic caram l walked up to Cordla-BcverIy.0bwnB,.lB,- ht ihe tnkorout window. “ Give me all your money, nnd If you tliink I ’m JdddI^r4n^bouU\i^a4nLnulciLlllUho\^i),iLlhat- ^ _ _ J*rh riot,*^ he told lie. -______• Miss Downs linndcTflilm a flBlful of |1 bills and watched ns the suspect got back In the cor. _Hc.s'tartcdJJjt-engine. |mt.when tlic-lwo-mcn_ trled to drive aw a yth e ^ m la llc d nud wouldn’t - start u^agaln.^Thedrive*^n^tnickTinirwalkei»- up-to'tli0-countcr-and-hnmlod back-^ie money;. VIC B0Z7.UT0 FURNITURE, SHOSHONE "Take you mohej hnck and .slilne tlie whole IS A SHORT DISTANCE FROM ANY ihinu on. And pleniie don’t say'anythlng about . TOWN IN MAGIC thIq"lb~anyWeV’ he'fiaTdi ^ ~ Tl)u insf Miss Dpwhs snw of tliem, the smpects were puiihlng tlielr car w'cstlMund THE MONEY YOU down Fourth Street.

W O R T H T H e ' d R I V E ! M

C O M P A R E P R I C E S ^ . /

H E IJC S from the pnst arc a port of every thiy EVERy CHAIR ‘ llfr In Uie.cpmmunlly of. Knlrinn, a smaJI town T--- HoutJi or Iowa City, Iowa. Tlie Amish, bulieVTni; in the ways of the papt, refuse to have nnytliing iS liiiii a iilo s to do with cars. Ilere on Amlslimnn pilots his hnrKc onirbHRoy through downiown trnflif. (IJPI)

yS energy crisis scored by Hansen SWIVEL ROCKERS Cecil D. Andrus — that Idaho . -1... HOISIC (U P I) -r Hep. Orvnl (;r northwu.stern stateii should lioh by con.sumer advocntc would l>e u poor kUiIu in which ’ $ 1 9 i ~' Hnnsei>. IMdnlio, Ktiy.’^ the ener- co-a)perntc on - conaervin'g , Ralpll Nnrte'r tluU ,r)il nuclear crisis in the United SU«les i.s cncigy. [ratrt-tJinni!lHTT-lh(r Reg.'199 ... NOW AX "interim " ba.sis of 25 to 110 1 fl reni one and the country “ Tlio general con.sensu.s Is next five years. years. • _ ; Jace.s the pcospoct of a critical Uial it (nuclear power) is...our ' "iSeveral dozen are in one $11 inainhope Iwitween now and the, \ilwrt«i5c if there Is nn iinsfn- Hl«g«-or-another," he said.- • “ Tltere-arfr .suit«ble-«iteK m Reg.‘163 ... NOW nhlycoldwintor-.- end of the century for, inectlhg- ~'*'Thprp wlll b ^ lS to 30 miclonr" (»irre(lull*6l^^*mfl;--’neTl ■ |(ll(hiy tliat nucluiir generating eleclricity in the genera'ted many yeiii^s from RECLINERS $Cl : :jv>wor I'.s one of 'He energy op- source.s. Thi.s is .one of the op- next five years. now," Han.Hcn.said,iKl(lin|! that -tinns we simply cannot fore- Reg.»99 ...... NO W U the United Sljiles “ .sitnply sufficient .safety precautions (‘lo s o ,” Hansen also disagreud with • ~ not foreclose,•' cat> by taken. : lie .saidlu* full Idaho ohdoth- T ie disagriH>d"wltfi a*TTredir- , those in Idaho - incltulmg(’tov. SOFA SLEEPERS $1Ql F r o m ...... IW SOFA and LOVESEAT Siiie Manual.” wrUten by Jean Z-* WhcUier you'ie buyer or (U,i'on,Uirs iTi iny m'eu un- U.cr Hali:, wluit In pul u|i lur and’ Jiin Young i Pr.aeger • a i / l l BoQutlful Valvvt Covering : ieller, there’s no jnoney to bo l(,i.kii,n tur .(Kid Kla.'i-'iwurL-, .siik', how much o charKo, Low rJltade in-a wiVnffe saU*. oon(Me.slii'k.s anil hardwood loadvcrlisuandhow lokoeparl I'liblishcrs, $fi.5l5). Tlie book Hoes, jHOi»f into spotting ifOw nn'ld) money you nwike furriituru u,.4i>iHMally Vlotorlan- eyo-out lor shojilllU^rs.. BOTH for ONLY ... £m vnluablo items in your home or G1 ohrCompqny In Ruhl'nooda pooplc "i'liiroiigh n garnge snle depcnd-T slylplTOn UiVollicr hand', you' ' ' Von arrtnlilr^rwitinpta, to — T h e ^irn'ithcr garage sales. lloilTe- 1o work on a tull limo or’pori iirno boiii.lof tRtTi -‘•jin one major point: How himxI niluM niight find II hard to p a y luivu a« many low-pricc IlL'mif 'as' possible because they crafted items, for example. are maindOf oi lhoir 1973 Corn Pock. — Zuri' you at pricing nffU-at and siiiiu'oni- to tak a w a y an attract crowds and sell bringing good prices. So . are For'Iu rlh or mIormatiorTt call the Groon O ionI Em- ^rljsed g(M»(ls'.' If you’ll' scUjn^ uvtuvi-rstuffed I c>iim L'li cliiiirI luiii . ---— till ploymorit OHico al 543 4322 botwoon iho hours of Aftcr clurkinK Iw al prices" qidckly. p i s cim build up a sonu' old Hci apbooks ami photo ; pilc.s of, junk- that ’ 1iave 5 a m ond B p.iti, daily. ••rnlicctedTKT m yiiUf - IIIrrmT 7mH ~V‘aniTO. you slundd-nlso— =tatgttaatHtk»-i‘buyini^?|n rtt i m uin M i77iiTn tiiQHrrii ^ ...... in ...... irTTMTTIT'IJ- --- ^/\ftur-rci»tlji»g— m u _ ' tMiseiiicnt or closets..you might rlu'c k you library lor sucli Uial wdl oncouranc caslomtrir books it's hard to resist lu-sinji some items of real l».no,h.'al.s as Thf Anli.|u., to huy Ulc more oxpcn.sivu NEXT TO THE BANK Vunnnaying through yo\ir __ i..Viilue because..yuu-lu4ve Ut'en -'TradtMs- t^>Hefloi''K - Now.s, itcnu:. .- Green Gldnt Company SHOSHONE, IDAHO 884-7774 : i^ut of toiu'ti with Uie nuij Kei, X.,lli^tlir.V _tVtckly:r‘ AIi----■YDirnro' "fltsQ ^told'thyt :t l^ _;ihomc to'see iffyou cnn-find ------BOHt7TP'ATlptB33T<^^":^ SDyn^treu,surB*'ror yourojm Somo of the wildeiiL ilunKs - -mrnknuin’h Weekly (fol- old - firstfewhours of your suU* will garage sale. ►tiire' pulling good sumfi. of bt)(>ks).'Dld Ilottles Maniizine be the most crucial; 'Hils'is Uie ^|l)uney from collectors. Such .iitxl Hobbies Maga/ine (this time wlionyou’ll make the bulk ' 'th in g s as ancient tuilot.s', one has all sorts of oddball of your sales. You should be itnlhtubs and ornate, .*ioafi collectors’ items). well prepared for the onslaught -r-^-BIabes-art^-being-annpiK'd-upby—— Whcn-n-Knrag«ale-exp»tMlH---- uLbuyiUiajmjlJiiyjM^ • Htttorajors'and some antique and becomes a permanent, ‘*“ t » ticaiers, I.ess sophisticated mtnmprcial sort of thtnc it’s should also keep a biirrjer I collectors are bidding up prices called a ' ‘flea, market.*’ Vo'S...... bclwT^Utnvhnt‘s-for - :X )r such things as old (Jene cat. find almost ....jM.u.hanyU.ing ».in ..a what is not for side. Sonjeone :3lulry shirts, old cl«>thlng of thei.. mupkcL,- but-lho-floa--~nilghL-aUirl. wfllkinil^Lwith ' i a r l y ’ inoos. Uuek Hogers' markPTs— themselves are your new gardlM^clwics^ _ ^ i a l . 0ls. Suptnuail. „’‘eacly_«,,uctinicsJm rd-.to find^^ou The .second gwd ,bo6k on

.. fola tlioriuoMieU'c's ami old kmnvn Tlwi nwrkcls, listed by — . h u ilj.iis ...... ^ stiite :ind rily or .county, .by - : - llmv can yon nul a fw r tor sondiiii; J'2 lo: Official U. S. DON BROWN'S ; prices'? O III'way is lo vi.sil JIS Market Directory; Hox SAFETY SERVICE -Olany i;ara|!c. ba.scTuciil and y;), n,..,u|. c)ri'i;on S7701 (this — ^".llll-Silliiil .1 .Interview them. al)0 Ut on i>;ii-nuii__sal«iii—Him. firjiL____ ■COralactini:your own sale, t'-irid -iiim i„ Hold a (laraiie .S:ile" . • B rp k e s ___ ;« l‘t 'vlial sells and wluit by .lames Micluiel Ullnian ■■ • Alignm ent ------• —oo iQ u c u iy ______:':.'.\nollier i:oik1 way lo spot ,, 5 5,, |,ocs into tho atop-by- ; ttl'nis of value Is lo lalk lo local ,si..p pi„cedure of where to liold '4 1 7 M ain t, 733-8113

^OTclutects, -Vou' might even ■; offer' til be a scout for Uieni. ;Rlnd out what they’reiooking ;fOr. J'or example, some Floor Fasliiont

h ^ ly ta k e lhe water-boil like crazy if you're in a hurry. 6tit II. won"t cook the egg any (aster, and II i i ' will waste energy. W iill .Andrrwrn , ‘ l-.arrv SI u i u t ■ Using more heat than is needed (or cooking is -just-o.ne-among jnany-Jittla-waya-.wa.all wasto-out the^wnnmdmplictty of -the- ---- A R B SHAGS ^ y at home in perfectly. _ener3y_r.B,40il[jCaa-£LVfilT-Clay^—:_____ ^ co..tenjporary-roonu^Nol-«o,-.‘5 !...... _j(;r'n"ns*yoinike~wllh K jis twlay’8 • docorntors und, cool ' greens • nnd happy Moru w.islotul onorciy gobblers homeowners are (hsmverint^ ’ liflUyulwMvluloji.

?== In Slfngr-CAn^b6T«nyt|ilng=^ Color^is onLivav sha ,il— w a n t'.. . and whatever you • quick shovvor wautd.do: dvorwork/ to almost any style. ( 10 Itv/ant in ti Bhflg, you’ll find it in And whni about the ogg? Your. OGG* will tjo don*> just of 1974 Lincoln range of pinks, for tnfltanee,' our hondsomo carpet - inQ !hn oir cpnditlonor; hbnting the andMorcuryi and you'ou move Into a moodmdod ..^jollcction....j^iiection. Ymi’llYqu’II act«ct yreiitgreat • • Alter’ wntcr reaches'the both soon, and you’lT havo joinod ^ ^On display suitable to the unost elcRtmt .^vnlue, too, nnd buy with j iron for ono tii>l< al'a. lime; etc;. Fr6nch'or Italian Provlnctn! confidence from carpet nf) pojnl^ It vvon'l got any.h o tter harcJ-bOilod onerQy savers.. - - roonv Or try mile bluea or speclaHats. -Iftvendar-for-flUbUe-fffecla:------— iirn to reds pml rusts\ or to ' ^ » A ■ m ^ Mi>Hcn. gno at a.timo. the. little ajflersENffll..liKwifc oT b«iwn an(]‘fiwu, qM - ^ Tflaho Power Company your .-Early American' • e n e r g y w a s te r s a r o o f sm«Vn s ig n tti- fufriiishiniis will be-right u t' -Enorgy'snvmg is to^voryone- oAifostp/qco homo. The warm th of the INC. -fn Iho w orld lo pUy'6 car ' shaggyvcarpet compl.ementlnR i:iOt) lllg k U m K T w in Fnl|> ... ’ .70) Main Avcnu* EoK ‘ iMiohe 733-5571 ' Hunt Nbw ». Twin Fallii Idaho ,13

riU E M R N .probe debris :il (hr Old FediTiil Biiildlncin SonF.ronclsc»t3arly Friday wlierc n Clues sought l)omb blew up'Ou(.slde n biiNvrntmt window,

III ilcliris $5,000 (n'$10,000. (UP|

States inganger of losing lanc^use plans

- JlB N Q ^ c v . IU P 1 )~ Stflttia . W ibon.ilie ktjyjiole ajMjakur,-- -havp-onl)- H-Bhort-tlmc-to-plnn--- snid-pcndinfr IcRtslnttorHrHlte— ojasAvludhijEillui^ _ for ninnHj'cment of-.federal ■ HouseofRcpresetilalive.s would nocrted to roordlnjito planning lunds within -Uiuir liorders be*, cruatu suriuuK pioblunw. lie uiiiuiiUpubllcunciiiiiviiUMilH'ii- fore the federal govurntnent il- siiid il woulil pliiri- toliil discii'- cii'Sw hichiiiflilcncTthiTi'Kio irs .self docs Uie planninj^, rc()re- tioil fedt;r;il land'pianniiin' ■filatl in [111; niitl(l.s 01 llio .SfcrUiry ol NPVnd were told today. UiLlniM iom iiUiuuUcfiaai iu_a _ Jin.,iu ffiiiNirhg nri:iiiii:ali!t!UiiiL- • . . State Sen. ’Dionias Wilson. .sU itf's l.'ind use plmiiiini;. ' I'Vun^Uiinijili — ^ ’cno^flddcc33Ctl:nmrL-Uiuiu^ 300 representatives of goveni- dilc their own sUde |il:innlri|i , pronicniiluLsownfiisliion.wril- -mentT-rdfltalion, businesMHid- refiwrch-fitydinfi t?rowU). prob- Ik.-ndinj' bill by Sen. Menfy leni.s facinii Uie great basin re- Jackson, D^WasIf, He said it j-ionof , California, Ore* would encouratic stiites to do j^on, and Idaho, tJieir own planning and niake “ Tlie time left in Uic atiitc.s' tlunr own decisions, and would op|)ortunities ^..pjan for tlie ri.‘{|uire federal agencies to bo manauemenl of federal lands responsive to state plans. within Uieir borders is beconi- 'Hie federal government con- -inQ-Tcritioi«Uv-Kbort.— WilKon «f:tl»e land In west--- c said. “ Iricreasinf’ly, federal of­ ern stati^RMncludlnR flfi per cent ficials are tiikinjj the view that of tlie lani|_in Nevada. __all Americans own the public 'Hie conference, which runs lapds in the West, not jusfUio Uiroiinh Sundiiy. will examnie pe(n)le,who live tliere.” Itiriil yiiL* PQllciL-b andrckoui'cea

_ f - Hells Canyon confab

WASHINGTON (UPI) ~ the Senate Parks and Sen. Frank Cliurch, D-Idaho, Hccrcation subcummittcu. . a()noimced Thursday .that field The legislation t(i protect the hearings w ill, be hold on canyon area was intnxliiced by logislnllon—lo; protect Hells— Clujreh iti-July^Blong wttlrSens. ~ Canyon on pcc, 14-15 in Janies McClure, . Hubert lijwiston, Packwood and Mark Hatfield. He said that Sen. Alan Bible, A location for the U*wiston I>Ney., hopes to attend the hearings l.s to^ be announced at henringsl BiGle is chairman of a later date.'



Hagorly Sljvorimlthi' CIovbi ...... t3.Sd ALBERTSONS EVERY DAY tO W PWICES Hagiirty Sllvor'imllhl' Dry Pollih ...... O .SO F R U i r TOMATO SOUPc»»»u»u c.. 14' WHITE'!SATIN SlKlARI.fi'“ loii. r ■/: VEtitTA VEiitTABLE STEWiwitwiii'mu w 48' 7 9 ’ THE FOOD PEOPLE W A o C a r e ’ Brtno In'V^obU Coupon!from lh« JEWEniTGO: Sund ay Tlrti4i-N«wt and Sow* Evon M o r«l -BBICES-EFFEaiVEi-'SEPJ: 30. OCT. 1-2. 1978 ° ■ - 14 Tlm«-Now», TwM 'P«IH, Idaho, Sunday,'Soplembor 30,'1973 ' ANNOUNCifHE

ftgJH Elii M EW IiirBXPAtlPPEb ■ HEM OPELID^TOBB A 6 month project; which started with the en+'fe concept in room settings, complete special prices — SAVINGS WE WILL PASS . ___ . 1 ______1 ______1______l_l J______I ■__[,____ I ______:___ _ m m X t ...... =withTwqllrdeGpr-a[t4o«5S:^^ ON—TO—YOy j—As” di^incerrtive7“w e ^ r^ Detyveilei*, of the adjoining building. Due All of u s^ Cain's Irawbeen working long _ going to give dWay 8 Valuable Door j’rizes 'to the fire, it had to be renovated and the hours, for dH of these monthsv -We are. , Vdlued at $725.00 .. . contractor. had to prdctlqaljy Start from proud of • the. final results, although, we ^ ALL YOU H A V O Q PO IS REGISIER AN D ^ scratch. It has given us fhe space needed didn't get everything completed. We are SEE 0 ,U R NEW STORE. to introduce to the state of Idaho the first anxious for~every homemaker in Magic : , "New Lbol<^' in home fuFnTsHlmeFcKand^ Valley tb see ournew-store. We want you —ising-which-has proven sQ-vwll-aecepted In {nwiTED TO A D U lTSl^ iSiidiuck.. “We“ in“the industry, call the neMrlcjok ''Vig­ -ing dll of these months.^Our -suppliers 1. Ffigldaire Trash Compactor :5rDioettB-Set— ----- — — ^ have furnished us with merchandise at- netting', where the shopper can see the 2. Zenilli Portable .TV ., 6. Early American Lamp WE HAD p l a n n e d TO HAVE A NEW LOOK TO OUR STORE FRONT 3. Carpet or Vinyl For Your ,7. Baby Higli Chair AND EXTERIOR TOO, FOR OUR GRAND OPENING, BUT OUR PLAN Kitchen DIDN'T COMPLY WITH THE NEWX)RDINANCE, SO OUR NEW EXTER­ 4. Seal^Mattress B/flrtificlalTree ' IOR WILL BE DELAYED UNTIL WE CAN GAIN APPROVAL. ) want to express my con­ -MAINFLOOR gratulations to the man- — carpet DEPT. living ROOM- ogfe'mont of Cain's for their ■ - LOWER LEVEL foresrght and leadership DINING ROOM in bfif^ging to the people of—Twin- Falls; ond Magic Valley the first home fur­ nishing store in Idaho with [the New Vignettfi. typn_nf _ displays.

Their new store Is a credit to our community ' end 'd display of faith in the future of our downtown area. JOHN CHRISTOFFERSON r now corpot dop.t. Mayor now idoa from Monawk, Tho first in the intorrppuntain oroa. W o 'h avo movod our coi'pbf rqpks and rolls^pcros5 Vou'll soo tho biggosi (hango in Ihis oroo, whoro wo tho stroot Tb-ouf^budgpf slora, giving us moro room 1o spont tho groQlost oftorl and time. Wo promiso. you For the past 4 months, display 4 x12' somploB up tho walls, oong with oil tho lodios thol you will roolly onjoy sauntering down-tho_ By moving our dinolfo dopl. to tho how oroa, wo novi^ Polly has had the re­ colors of ooch sorios spotlightod so you con soo Iho Iruo various islos. shopping tho-various room-sot-up«: com- 1howo ^ 4.-!lmos . . . -I.ih o .A p ace JD Jdisplay ; __ I ___ Jdlnina l _ l —_ room jgrn]- color &-pottornb,-4/V« howo added a big- soloctionion ofof^ plojo wifb-W,all doco.r, lamps, 'd ic^ j^ suro to shop alL3 sponsibility of decorat- —turn. A loloction you will opprocioto. Modern, Modltor- Vinyl and lllo.io our now floor covorlng dopl. ~"fanTdn7~SpgrnshrCPmoTTipprnry-qnd~£orly-AmoricnrrrBtr- — 1 ____ _f[QQrs _ y Qu ll'tjnd living rapnTfurntttjro on gvefYzHQQt.;_ ■ irtg of! of our new dreos - iu ro ft> 500 thb popuiar dislrobsed pirSo. ^EXUHEIESrCRifflDllPEiHO-SPECIALS^^ and alJ of the Vignettes. EXAMPLtS: BRANO flPENING SPECIALS W e (hlnk she has done . SAMPLES: GRAKD OPENING SPECIALS LO N G NYLON SHAG SOFA K MATCHiNCyuOVE SEAT an admirable job for Comploto Wilh Pod —which-wo a ro gr<>tafuK— REG. $9.95 .. . . . by Loonotto.Tloral 100% nylon quiltod yd. covors, REG . $899.95 ...... POLU SHURTlEfi ^aiRNLTURi. FAMOUS TWENTY^GRAMD BY MOriAWK -.bylStanloy,.__ 2-Riuc.e Sel SculpiurovJ.... BEAUTIFULLY STYLED SOFAS . SLEEPSHOP — SECOND FLOOR -REG. $979.95 ...... ----- ^ M 8 REG . $8.95 Quillod Volvel Cover. REG. $379,95 . . T ...... - f 7. PIECE SET IN SPANISH

..by, Authonlic -itE6^J419;95vT

Wo ore really proud oFthis now odditlonv— The finest sloop shop in Idaho, occording to the foclory roprosen- totives who coll on us. Ploo'so moke an effort to see this ono, Tho complofo” 5oal^'m onrbss llh’o~ond“ 6vor 30 Sleeper Sofas, You’ll bo imprdssod'wilh our brand now dlnotlo dopl., EXAMPLESrGRAND-OPENING SPECIALS displaying Iho largosi solpcllon in Idaho - Somo ol lllo -lolail^lyroijncluding many gloss lop loblos. 3 CUSHION FULL-SIZE SOFA W ith quoon moftrdijS^by Rivloro it's Colonial ond Early American, wo now have Magic EXAMPLES OF GRAND OPENING SPPCIALS: • Wo havo rocoivOd sovorol shipmonis from Dassoll. in roinforfbd vinyl. R f& r $409.95 . ’Volloy's largest dopt. and oil displayed In Vignotles, ^Droyhill/ Stanley, Word, and others, especially for our 7 PIECE SET BY CHROMECRAFT $338 tho finishing touches of our docorolor, Polly Shurt- 1 Grand Oponlng. You'll lovo fho Values and tho now Finest Quality 'ieff. YoH'll Ibvo spending on hour in (his interesting SLEEPER SOFA WITH VINYL COVERh/ER VignoHo displays. oroo — Wo Promiso Yqu. Rog. $289.95 ...... , X w O Full sizo mattress, ^ EXAMPLES: GRAND OPENING SPECIALS EMHPLES; GRAND OPENINC SPECIALS CHROMECRAFTS FINEST SPANISH SET REG. $249.95...,...... » 188 BEAUTIFUL 3 CUSHION SOFA AND SPANISH 4 PIECE SUITE Doouiifui; ' 19 PIECE KIN SIZE BEDDING PKG. . MATCHING CHAIR BY KROEHLER by Broyhin with Tripio DroSEOr REG, $519.95 .. . : ...... • ■ Sooly '‘if’O moHfoVi. Spnty box jprlnos-Vlng ilio piUowv 4 klnfl tifw Oillow co»ov, 3 king tu n ilol »hoof», 3 ItinQ ».»o Jlltod ih o o lv I king (Copo Cod) REG. $429.95 ...... H i o ocryllc hlGnl.ot. .1 king tu o aiatlroi^ |iod. !• kiOfj *l»o hcodboord REG. $ 56 9 .9 5 ...... 7 PIECE SET FLORAL CHAIRS S MARBLE 3 Iwtn »l*o <1 co»l«t tiollywood tram oi, 1 king ifo volvol quiltad bod ^ 4 7 8 •GORGEOUS 4 PIECE SUITE BY BASSETTE EFFECT TABLE " COLONIAL SOFA IN FLORAL COVER In Meditorronoon. ' One of Kroohlor s Finest' REG.,$489.95 .... ------REG. $149,95 , ...... REG. $539^95. . . . ______*98 ALL FOR « 4 5 0 LOVE SEATS BY GUILD ELEGANT 5 PIECE SUIIE BY STANLEY -CHAIRS,^: MAIN FLOOR LEXCollonl.qualily tho Ul)imdto " .— In Addition to dozohs of disployod throughout ; REG. $239.95 . REG . $995. ' 8 3 T Iho storo. wo stilt havo Idaho's largost dopt. Do sure to *168 vl^flrfor mar^y'Grand Oponlng'Sp'oclols — You'll lovo 'prnL_, ...... ' ^S% Of f en^l|^

EHIARGEOt — THIS TIME O F THE YEAF FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT OUR TWO BUSIEST DEPTS. ..iiv e d to the new addition. . . And Are Our STEREO & TV DEPTS. Ulo-CheclMili^Mnd-OpMing-JiiBcialM^ WE’VE GOT SOME REAL GRAHD OPENING JrigidaitB!sJaUona=l!rJimollon on LaundryL:^,^^^ M m liREiREfRCMMEmS SERVED DAILYI! ■ mmmsamsm My heatjh^ oi^ produces «hifls

-TtConttftucd-fronisd-fronrpr’lt-^ p . -lt~ ------^------oll-on-i«nonlh*to^(mti^basftrMMre-sntd.-'nie--— —RpBnrdtngxustomersrSwntn-iuildr^'We're-Just------ynlesr-heftvy-^nowrcimfl-rnlnjr-crime-thls— ■' faclTiltTTvhtptrnnniOTnTrnniiinlgiiifulil iiiull Hogording wheUicr.oU will Inst Uio winter central exchanRO hos indicotod it w ill be nblo to " - • holding on to tli&onga_ws.iyekifllociitlonsOffUelMtQ.the-CQ: _onJO-tlicm-throufih-Unj-wlnlcc.l^ . users.. of.. Bomicvinr *POW ~Adntfhiitrntlon^ ttxpcct-t(rtuppl>^thoTJnorAvmow-hnve, soothsayer. If you quote whot I'm snylng... opfor the winter'm onths, but it hns not mndo Its ‘■We only feel.we can serve tlie customers wo ..electricity will have to cut back.-Tho BPA i • he sjjld, but aervico wlil-npt be extended to new tomorrow some of the old people I'nfi"serving flnnl projections, ho said. now have. But Uda is n Uay to day thing, bo w o serves the Burley area. Addressing Burley customers. will coll up frightened. All I con soy is thnt we're Concoming the rise in demand for oil from tlio • renlly dorrticjQp\y/' P a u l Jones, owner of United citizens enrllef Uiis month, Hntry Garrelson, Bob Peterson, m anager of Intermountain Gas doing the best vfe can.'* V co-op, Moore said'thnt a Phillips 00'station In Oil of Idnho in Twin Fnlla, said. Jones declined assistant to thc B P A power m anager, called tlio Co. In Tw in F a is , said-Uiere is not shortage of . -Ed M oq!^ m anBger (Jt the Buhl O O p o ra tiv e Wendell, which suppiied.diesel fuel, closed down comment op the'oil outlook this winter. "I just power outlook "horrible” and said consumption natural gas here and lluil the cdmpany plans to\ . ’ supply Association saiil that 6ven Uiough m nny Inst spring ienving it3 customers oil-less until don’t care to haVe our problems discussed in tlie • of BPA energy must be volunterlly decreased • fijlly..provide the gas..both to homes an d '' popple w-e moklng inquiries'nbout fuel oil, the Uiey can flncTanothcr distributor.' hewspnpcr,” he said. five per cent from now until March In order to lndiLsU;le6 tiirouf’hout thl) winter. 1 yp-op is not expanding its service*. Other f u c r d is t i^ ^ ^ s in jh e B u lila re h ^ not .... Dcnnnn'nolK!rls; whd'moved witJi fjer family avoid ford'd cutbiicka.l' ' ' ' ...... " ^ cf^ployp of Qi)-pasj wl^ch w ------T^e-oo-op-fiaflbocn-promlsed-ip^p " For other'areas In Magic.Valley, scm d by’ Idaho witli propane fuel used for heating homes. last year's furnace oil allocritio'n by the ^ ‘ One employe of Bailey Oil Co., Burley, said trouble obtaining oil for the winter. “ It's very Ujc Idiuio ro w e r Co.. the electrlcty outlook Is aald that beginning Uiis past Friday, he is not ‘ Farmer's Union Central Exchange which'’ ,Uie company is receiving an amount of oil equal - . discouraging thnt we had to leave pur security' good, according to E a r l Hafoldson, -division mippfl,sed to take on any now euRtdmers, except — BupplloBtho-oll^Howovorrtliccontrfll-oxoharigo:— _.lo:aasU -cacJa^jles^Lth^‘ujmc.tlmc^tliere-i.a__ -in.OgdcnandJiad-tiii!cflmc-up.hcrc.lQ.bc_C£fuaeiL.. _m unai’.eniiUdahQ.nQ\ver,CQJlutQldaQn_anlilJ!i(U j.replacem eotiu I I . • I* . _____ ._ lnnpnnon>i rl/knnnn>l fni* V innllnn n il l\nnnlicn “ llin rn ' has only promlsed-47 per cent of last year's increased demand for heating oil because "tlicr'c oil," she snld,.co[pmcrttlng that United Oil of big load on the company is during the summer Fred Keefer, m anager of Cal-Cias in Jerotne allocation of stove oil, Moore'flnid;— 7 ,— arc some companies that-are pulling out." ■ " Idaho had refused to take her fam ily on as a new Irrigation months and there should be plenty of and Twin Fals, said the discontinuation of liecause of the long tlmp requfred to refine • Mike Swiiln, attendant at Dei's In HaUqy, said customer. > • power to lasl through the winter. services to now customers "Is Just a tcm[)orary • stove 611 and tlie rising demantls on refineries to tlic stntion -is having trouble obtaining oil. With the dismal outlook-on oil heating this ,"lt will be rather tight this winter," Kyle tiling.’* -Due to rapid rise in the number of ■ Cliristen.sen. mnnageruif Vangas and A |^ ia ijc e make gasoline the producllon of atove oil, used "We've been trying, to get as much os we can , winter, some pcoplcjnlght consider switching tp customers 1n the area "th ey lold ua to .slmv down .Co. in Twin Falls, said of the propane'Siipply. __ • in some older furnaces, la belnp phased out over . through the summer to try to make'It through clcctrlc’ o r ga.'i units to keep' their homes fof .awhile," ho said. the riextJour or five years, Moore said, lirtM vm terW haven’tliad a ]ot orollTor IwcTor 'Uveable7llo>^ovcr7ihcflc cnofgyHOurces-maj^ -••If thc-wtntcfhs'aR'severc^aJrlt-wns'last-yenr- KCcrer'slinnrelVcies'iiotTofesecTmysirortnKir" plso be In short supply in' p arts of the Mn;?ic Uiere is going to be a shortage," explaining the shortjige.. tliree m onths now, E ve ryb o d y wants to get hold ‘cf propane this winter However, tlie company Prop an e ga« Is n'jade frohl natural gas and So for the co-op has been able to obtain stove of It and there ju-st |sn't thnt hiuch around." V alley. might have to ration fiiel a bit toward the end of tlie cold months, he said.

mental -JUnlnc.. C n n u i H - _ C t t f i g l n Elmor health unit Gooding; Jcro niP IJn ro ln M a g ic opetos-m eet^ IHIrildoKir -Tw lnJ''nllN Valley K ETC IIU M .Tlie Mental hold a lunchi'on' and elect Siindoy, ScpJemkujr 30. 1973 Ilciilth A.ssociation of Idaho officers for the comini’ year. V. ‘began its two*dny annual Shiiron Hubler, Caldwell, is tneeting Saturday in Ketchum.. expected to bo named ----- ^— Satu rday, r)r',-Dj»vld H a rtl, a .prc.sidenl. . . ' . . ______communlLy.__ pr.giinizaUQn^ 'Hu' Idaho Mental Ileaitlt^ .specialist from the University, A-ssociatlH i}TconT^)sed of lay peo()le lhrt)uj!huul„lhe Stale • of Maryland, conducted a . . wofkshep"on organization amF“ who -arr~ concerned w it h Tciii|iorar.y hall unity-monl4d- problem of-mental ilhiess and henlth programs, Ore-Ida Foods, Inc,, plant for at le a s tlw o houf.s prtunoHni’ —tJU'tUal iu*alth • ' Hart! used materiid derived early Saturday morning. facilities, ' from a planning retreat held by According to De Nelson, Ore-lda f/ictory At)out 50 porsons are ri-’.AU OF K0ni:0 ban in Idaho bniiight the M ental Health A.s.soclHlion manager, an anonymous call was made to the attomhng the nu-eting. some 200 porsons to a lluniam* Sorlfty mcfting last month In M cC a ll -as a plant about flHI) p.m. Friday. Tlie caller .said Tn T w ill FallK Saturday. Disi'URKliig thi* m nttfr s|)ringlx>ard fur discussion of Uiere was a U inib in plant No, 1 which was set to a rc (from l<‘(t| I^obhi (ilasm aiui, presiiriMit, po.s.sible m en tal lie a lth explode at "th re e ," — neither a,m . nor p.m. was Reme€l.y stinlietl Federation of Idaho Hunuuii* SoclftifK; F. [)roi;rains in Idaho in the next specified. • - ■ — ...... I)jmt/.hT, dirrctor, Htmiani* So cirty of the U. S., five years. • ' H ie factory was shut down at 9:45 p.m. and and David Stoiil, Deuvrr. sfcrotary, Rodi-o Mentioning such problems as V e h i d e . about RO employees on the swing shift were sent Co\vl)oys AKSorialloij. cluld abu.se, emotionally home an hour early. Nelson said Siiturday ■ diKturiied cliildren, the social • ‘Managetnenl personnel searched buildings for iilignia .ugaln.st llu* m eni4dly ill a c c id e n t ~ at)out-un hour but turned up notliing-before tlic- . - and h alfw ay houses. H a rtl aaitl graveyard shift about .11 p.in. TlhQLnl^DDlPR'rnMSt jUtempt tn Empro'yee.s oh~the graveyard shift were an.swer the ‘k ey’ qUejilionS In” h i i r t s ^ “ evacuated about 1 a.m . Siiturday and tofd lo order fo lie effective. re|)ort back to work about 3::i0 a.iu. when full ■■There is nothing m o re factory operations began again. (CoatlnuL'd from p. I) .s(x-ii*tii‘sin viiriiiiis parts of Ihc state* Sjilu rday morning. Slu* said irrelevant Hum answ ers tp T W IN K A M .S ~ A Twin A search comlucted by Ca.ssia County siieriff's jiiup-ftuw-UuL --- vw.imw.--- w m J--- liuc------officcrs-nnd-plnnt-m annnemrnt-faHetHo-loettte— calf is roped by Ujo neck and thrown to Ihe 'uround caircause. indjvidunl societies is to • pre.senta united effort to gain stronglh H artl .said. pa.sseiigei' . suffered mlnoj' any signs of a bomb. Cassia County Fire - -rinJury- lo -U w -n o ck^W h iie.-U iiii- inJu ri' ia painful it i.s not in com m on I’oal.s. ihe dc-yulopment of new organizations in tlic. Today, fhv association "will injuries Saturday morning IX*partnient crews and -equipment s t(^ by ______'nfl'C5KJmiirvtBlblo. - - ____ — ~ - _____cfcntidir^wlWprQiHnT^^npJessT^^ TTVtrninthfcrcap-'tftRvniohatati— — dtif4ntHl>e-4wHK>nI^sr Of Hhe fellowa - arp^ experibnced ’wUh ", fed'eration, saiil she was ’astounded" l)j tlie niimix!i of per.sons hunianelegisljitimi.” V' pai ked tj uck,in the UK) block of ^ 5, " Nelson si>id.-"We have a procedijre we who appeared for the'meeting; some ottheni from as far .iway SlTfsjiid the prime ijoal of humanew)cielies'ia Idaho this ye.ir Heyburfi Avenue W I‘S t:- ' follow." Tlie caller ttave the jilant plenty of us Indiana, Denver and Salt Lake Oty. sJiould bc,to^-ducale the, public toward "Q uality instead of A c c irliW (M y police cited Ann li)iuse noticc.he^id , and all personnel were briefed. Special arrangements were made to accommodate the crowd (^lantity " in animol.s am i above all to stress the prevention (iunniiiK.'.!!. f|>r faihng to(li:ive Tlie company Is offering a $1,000 reward for and persons representing Uie Hodeo Cowboy Association, instead of de.stniction of excess aniinal populations. in a niarleen fired to law concernvtl. Ml* said Uie state's fair boards and rodeii prodlli-ers — -----A'-w > f—th.j— t'ae fj—mvoivcMl—tn— tn e - -UirnL U u d i. u\Viit:d.iiy-Au:3lni., ----onf4>r4;omcht—otiicials,, Nelsiin__aiild.. The as well as the.porf(ifmers wanl'lirainminliMrijlirres liranlm.lIS’ - apTrstolerHnirkr------— coHi.sioii near liere Thursday collision on U. S. 91 in According lo Idaho SUite lliiil, at $2&(1. compjirry has "good information" which could and performers. "■ injured a Kunberly nian and Bonneville (^)qnty, Police Officer ,l)ec . Uavis. A |)asseiiKer h)' the (iunniiij! lead to the arrest of the caller, he said. M rs. Glaamimn ■■iUBuesled. his uroup iianif a cornniitti'c to claimed the hfti of an Idaho ’llil* victim of the crash was Donald A. M cKee, 19. F t. Hood. .virhtcle, W ilcy„,(Jodljyi_'2fij_ worli on a Joint proiiram and call the humane soriety (or tlltliro l-’alls n\sident. . Chijrle.s O'Toole, fll, hlaho • Tex., was headed east _yn suffered cut-s a'nd brui.ses. meetinKS. Kugeno K. Malone. 49, Falls. He was riding In a c.nr Ititersliite flfl about 2:11(1 aim, Mrs. GlaEiiiniiii-wii)!;Miii!il^ji;lci!alea-e suit, filed-Tlmrxday, alleges.that Vance Miitthewfi and ...... Hospital Association convention oontinuos median when the truck hit'tlie Jean Matthews of ITiriftway I'arm s contracted with Union Seed tlirough Wednesday al Sun Valley with featured guardrail. Both were taken to in February for the sale and purchase of 22,000 bushels of wheat s|ieaker.s including Gov. Cecil D. Andrus. (!;i.ssui M enuirial Hospital for at J2 per bushel to be delivered In August. Andtus, who will a(l(hoHB the health workers treatment and released In July, the suit alleges. Vance Matthews was advanced on revenue sharing and the relation.shlp to health Siitiirday. 122,000 on prepayment for tlie wheat. The N’(atthews delivered caie in 'idjiho, will Join other (llgnitiirles After a check by slate (Kilice, only nbout 6,220^biLshels'of wheat to Union Seed, aeeording («»-ti)e including Sen. .lames McClure, R-ldaho, and tlie truck was found to have suit. --- -...... • _ ...... jlo p j. St^p'Syrnms nnd On/nl Hansen, bothJi------i«*en-stolen from Miises l.ak»>. Meanwhile, Utilon' Seed sold "the !22'000 liuslil^s- at $2‘,5fl‘ a' Idaho, on the program. W ash., on Tlmr.sday. jiound, Including 40 cents freight, which would have brought The congressmen w ill be on a panel M cKee and Kinio'ii are being $2,200profit, or about 10 cents a bushel, discussing national health insurance and held at the Minidoka County ileeause the M atUiews didn't deliver the whejil, Union ,Seetl national health sy.stem.^l. ' J.'iil, |>en(ling extr.'idituiii to (dleges, Uie eomjMmy had to buy-rwhoat In August at $4.4[> a Kphrat;i, Wash.,-on charges of bushel, nbout $2.45 more than the ciuitrnct price with f hriftway grand auto theft, Davis .said. Farmli. ' ■ . Union Seed lost $41,091 as a result, tliv suit alleges, which added to the $22,000 advance less tho.paymexU on the wheat thnt ’ delTverwlr-tolM H In addition, Ihc suit asks 13.151 from the Matthew.s on open 0 n = w a g o n r account for purchase of seed wheat, and pajinent for cosl.s and dlsburHem'entH of the suit and any other r e lie f ' ‘the court doem» Uckheed representative W/ilt llolbacll, who was in .Shoshone ’ITiey H w orHil extTplionnlly well In Uiulr ar.ia,^but tho t(i«r proper.’’ • • nyMFIJlATIfOHNK Tlmrn-Ncws writer ' ' w ith U r . mhehino, « ,ld It -.was -ono. o(-t>vo! eonslruttcU by _____ : I^SfkhemRn a trial basis Sm n Biven test use by tho ' lavnrock sllimtignandroau fsof wear an tea, on the tirfs, ctc, SHOSH o n IO — Oneof Ja st two OxlRtlng "D f/u ’on W agops" ha.s ml nn thh’ p»rM>-iiii»r Frandscnpnlntsoutallheldupverywell. ______-Zbiicn:Xcsl*;d-ottlliiyLi*Vi?ra!Hl^,rQUtfh^ ,in-Uiti^ioiil»oii )r - f lr o J ...,;fr.Trrrn;!.7,itarr-i|.p...., T h n -n itnrtM vinari.jB.tivt^iinsL'vlillir^htA rai'liiBilim tm fiU itia- r iLMiftrmctnin y gt!m fl;M ana^ iiuuTOkX: ■ ------rTmnrittoWr*r^oo buHinessuseswouhlalso'hcconaidLTed.hP’said; ------eljjhrions. [ P F L IK V U I^ — A-n>ldwell eight nules west of the junction T ills v e h ic le is e ig h t w h e e l blended on the •'apparontly good condition" Miss Sundqulst Was demfinstnik’d.Thuuday and l‘-Yiday In Shoshone area by-Hl.M -Steering ls..,Jiydraullc power boosted on front axles, spot to'fit the fire conditions. Sidurday at Blaine County eastbound wlien hijr car went, IKTsonnel from Carson City, Kev. 'Hiat district lu\d used 4he coordinated with twin hydraulic cylinder powered articulation vehicle In its fire fighting operatlonsthis past sununer.Tin n loan - ! ' R a d ia l tires are fllletUignlng b earings in y a w dnd roll articulation Joint. 'Ith the enpnclty the fiicahlno has "bend In Uie ' Hie'cSh ls tbroc-mflu; *" * " ’ ' ,Mn>f -Simpson, Linda Ann Hie car traveled about 440 iniddle.’ dloRcl cnglnb. ■ ' ' , ■“ , , iSpn"dqul3l , 22, waa Ulrown from from the point It left Uic. , He aid " I thought-they w ere Kolliti|p m e n bill of goods, until I , It will run'SSmllcaan hoiiron Uic highway anil for Uils Uie tires I*>£n the wonfion om ployes a t Uie Shoshone offfce T ILM took to her car after ‘ rolled nn roadway to where It stopped, saw It perform. That machine will go places, Inicase, that man are fljleil to 45 to SO'pountU of pressure per sqiuirt Inch. ‘ ^ ' • tlie field for-a ride on the Dragon V/«Kon 'Hiursday and cainc undetermined ' number of Slmpsonsald, can 't-w alk." • ' r Cost of manufacturo run about $05,000, according. to\Uob * times. Slmpsqh' aald the'the'- -JfllM Sundqiilst was cited for Frnpdpoh polnted’out that Jf noLpnly 'SoeA up.a'nd dowii thu _ _ Ciirroh, from tlie Carson City DLM. He and Ikb Austln^Carfion • v tmck prulslhg ^ptrformnncQ. ' ' ...... 1.1 MM...t >» T t I*. Ir. , HCeni“ “ *“ 'et.Hirrvu^iiuoMr o.tllP^naltwiUv««L M Chicken yfs^aiF

stores passed 6n the decltaes in W ASHINGTO N,(y Pi The Dcparlment'fl volatile foiled to oMwt the doclliiea In ' fnrm pr4c6a dipped to M w r: prices remained well aljcad of SA LM O N ( U P I ) - Th6 Chinese colendnr lists live cattle pric«B-registered' -rnaiiA|{^pMalW»-iBlowt^ fUn____ to fm p c lc a .lm U a ^ h ld U iu ip ftl— oUieivproduct^, . . . ccnt. fp|r_,?R fn ln Bi.,U lO ,7 6.Per,C C n t 9[.P P r1ty level 1073 na »m COW but Bd H ld R ic h a r d e o n i= " after m id-Auiaarm TOrnif- the food’ nrlcc boom, Ujc n rocoril 20 per cent lb: o new TKe dbcUnjrflliJl left nvcrago • power” parity standard. In '• of ayenr earlier.. ■ Salmon, will remember It as tho’ year of U»o contro|t)^atlon , which allow AflrlculturcDcnartfnentrciiort- olUlmo hlfili In Uie prevloiu form prices rtt Ujc sccond Augitot, prices had rcached 102 'ne.leweof the report followed 8 chickens. >, . • . • ^ the foiSjnduatry to pass on Jo, cd -Pridny Uint Ujc n c r c m month, dippeil sharply CecauM ’ hlRhest Icvel ln history, about per cenfof parity, topping the a forecast by John Dunlop, In JM uary, RIchnrdsoh lost 440 chickens ‘ consumers any hikes In raw price of raw frirmproducLi fell'-' of declines for. hogs. catUo, , 12 ptr ceht above July pnd « ' 100 pci'cenl mark forUjo first director of thQ_.Coat of Uvlng whcn/Uio Lemhi I^iver flooded tlje area and ’ farm products, also require 8 por cent In tlje. month ended soybeans and corn ■■Increases percent above a year eArllcr., •: . time since 1D52. Even after l*'®V*^®nt)istorcacfi*n poured'into his chicken house'.' prlco cuts when row products Sept. 15. *■ . for milk, cotton and wheat tI jo monthly rcpori showed September drop, however, ^ would soon Mni-ouding dogs killed 116 Leghorn laying decline. . ' hens and Richardson ojcpecta. anoUjcr 20 ■-OthcrgovemmentoconomUtii chickens will dfc from the■m’a'uHrig. ’ I ’ -havo.pccdictcd.tli&ovfiralLi( — Glj|ck€hfl*9lllIMivlnB^irthc-arcnTnt§lffbT 7i— " price average, which rose little safer In Oie future, nichardson shot Uiree sljarply to o- new record in of Ujc dogs that raided his chicken house NFIJ. Farm Biireau dodge coalifion ^cAuguataflcc moat price ceilings, wcrd-llfted,.m ay show, only a .- small gain for September. n y n E IlN A n D n n E N N E n ' new coalition, imld Ihc nbMncc Ujing ourselves." . Bureau, and Uiat coalition Association, "W e sec a real need to build Retail beef price ceilings U P I Farm E.m i«. , ot. the two ^ B (jcncrnl tnrm - Besides, the official safd, the "alren d y exisUi to speak for m utual interest.^ dlrecUy wlU) were lifted Sept. 12, but beef y | | . , WASHmCTON (UPI) - 8roups” ccrU.lnydocsnlhclp AFDF has "some concern" farmers whop Issues cgme up, about whethe the new group ' Uje N F U official said .. consum ers.' T liere could be cattle prices, which hit a record ' # f l / J , f X O Twoofthcnntlon'nblKKratnnd com e draw back to doing tliat $51.70 per-hundredweight in w a h rr g's ---- be,l-k„„wff.f„rm,or8nnlintionB— to d M d u aU llll!L& mlnht In U'je future be viewed ’ A1j}0, tlie NFU spojtesman -H5VIH61SIOWCE— publicly as a single voice for added, h)s organizalRm feels While Tvorklng— ~wlth 'AUBUStrplungcd-to-147;'*'' - have quietly dccldcd to atuv out . I'»il U'9 " i S processors,'’ Tl>e H FU official' hurtdredweightUilsmonU). ^ # £ * o f n n L la r m if ia .lBrlbu.'ilness Midsold he Ijopbd'“ 'tied “ the notlonnl hirmers. - Ujo "cu ttin g edge" of the new ' An NFU official, in a group might be weakened by_. said. ______Hog prices fell frojn the f I'd . coalition dcsl^{ncd l a ‘'clo.sc the or|{iinizntion.H w ill join us if at all possible.’’ separate Interview, adued that die fact that it includes non " Majorfarmandco-opgroups’- 'jUigUfltrccprioflM.MtoMS.BO IDAHO . FALU-.-'(UPI}. — . communlcntlon.s K »P” between •'We've been ciirrylnj} on , Uie N F U had (locldcd the now fnrm spoUesmenT Ftnanclal which" —ha VC' ^pledged ^ In —mld^ptcmber-compared v'tJppt'r’vojlcyr Twin Fjnis” ahd'* fnrmer.q and cnhaumt:r.s, oui;.selves', for yenrSj m any of group might duplicate .some_____ sponsors oT the new .contributions to the new w ljh $41 In Ju ly and $2fl.l0 a ' B u rle y dIsU-lcts, potatoes: too ■Many natiopal and regional theproJccts-th'cfnew-coallUon.)— ejdatlnn ~lo in t farm organization, which Is planning . coalition include Ujo N a tlH h l ' y ear a g o .' fcw'sales rejwrted to establish' rarnCliiaup.LhiiHUQli)aLi!!i rs*lalklngilbout;"cxplainqd-nn”...... orgnnizntiorr-workr-'lJje-NFU^...... ^ _ =NFU='-jr-dlfe?’t=nmtl==Tipiroiil=^tir=^Pni‘m er(B--O rB«nl*flllon, coalition which hopes t» raise u...w.„l—herer—^W&iro___ workB-wlUj-a-loofle^cderaUoa.— Indivjduiil___ tan n ersao o n ^ ___Earmland-lndustrics.-Nntlonol, -.l2.Q LRer ,bJishol in Augusj. to ' curtnlllng-.shlpmcnt....Moat.. LAttlED VAN IINES m llliofi for ILs Tirsl yoar bi nrg’anrzcdVrsieaklor farmers 'called the National Farm currently include the National Association of Wlje'at Growers, $2.15 in &ptember, still'"far orders booked. subject to - publicity and educational CALL YOUR LOCJ^L and our "Boar'd decided , w c ‘ '’.Coalition'iricludinirmo.'it m njnr ‘ A,s.soctalton of Food Q ialn s, A m e r Ic oil,' N {j 1 I o n n 1 above Ujc year-ago price of availability of ti'nn.'iportntjpn. campaicns. J^iiVoffjclals ofihe AOiHT, M s-rsri would'dol)CtTer(o‘do our own '('roups except the Farm -Ocddcntal- Chemlchl Co;, Cflttlomen-fl' AflBoclatlon, . $1.23. - Soybeans plummotod Westera’idaho and Malheur - National Fa n n e rs Union and International Harvester Co., l^ational Milk Producers from $0.90 a bushel in August to County,* Ore., onfons; the N a tio n ’K blKfje.sl farm Wo don't move and. the farm and Power Federation, and Mid-American $5.ai but also were far above Offerings-llghl.-demandJalE.— fjroiip, the Am erican Farm _ —fom lturfr—— Equipm ent De.a I er s Dairynncn, Inc. Uje year ago price of $3.2fi. market about steady; 50 lb. B u re au F e d u ratio n . .said in ' sacks, U .S . No. 1, yellow sweet .separate Injorview.s they were. Wo movo Spanish. 3 In. and larger, 2.50- stayinH oiji. fam llio s 2.C5: 2Vi-3 Inches. ‘ 2.50-2.75. Neither the N F U nor the Sorghum geiie offers A F B F Is publicly critical of the -- now effort...... "W e’ll work with them ' whenever Ihoir i«>sitit)n jibu.s major protein source WELLDRILUNG with what we're a|nin|{,:' 'an AFIU^spokcHmhn' .HUld. An - ARHlHO tlSlHU .MFU official, .in almost W A S H IN G T O N ( U P U ~ hofn is the principal sut^sIsV India,'as many as .80 per cent DRILIIKG CDNTRAGIOR — ldentical-lnnRunj»ullS“ wfcre’ 5.00 to 3od“nillllon' people InTAtrlca," '■ life;'cHpecially -for children;" Wonddll, idaho- ccnta lower and ewes were 1.00 7.00 lower and feeilera were Asia and Ijjtin'America, "the ‘Hhhnalj said. TIjc scientists cfecIUed w IUj get the farmer's messagg 'lower at the Idaho Uvestock 4.00 to 5.00 lower. AKcncyforlnternnlionnlDcve- ',.M o s 1 Americans ore Uje ' gone discovery, which KtmiOMRVt^- - across to consumers.” Uie Auction this week. W it h 'a n e s th iiale d 1.023 lopmcntsnld-l'Yldny, sludiea tojcarn It hiitthc tact ™Hannah """" called a “ very signifl- - C»BIEI(IDLI).IIILIIHG NFU official added. W ith an e stim ate d fl,800 cattle sold, choice g ra in , fed Dr.John*+Innnnh,oulcolnB— 0^ brenkthrounh" ore Dr. lE S I H O IES Out de.spilc the goml wishes, .Hheep-fiold, xlio icc range fat fltet{rK brought 40;00-I2.00i goownr Singh a . former has put it.self on the roster of discavored the high lysin e gon« "ic L 'd c r lainJiHr^nlO.00*31.05; steers, 3G.0O>37.00i choicc fat birthdny." thi.s, he sn ian s' . ' . UiV-Rtill-onnamed conlillqn, or ranch fat lam ^s^ 40.00-29.00; ' iicifcrs, 39.00*40.00;-good fat in two atrains of- sorghum in larKelyduetomnlnutrillon,nn(l ■'otvrnedtrom ndia. conrlbuted (o lliu-tut^il of .^ome ranch feeder laujb.s, 2fl.OO-‘ heifer.s. 30.00-37,00; Kthiopla. B y cros.s breeding the ninny children who survive are . (“ '“ 'til most 1250,000 which (he coalition 20.00; odd rough feeder lam bs, com tuurcial qow.s, ;i0.00-32.0fl; genu w ith other strain s of permanently dnmoKed phy ‘n'P«rtan cereal crop in the Hoy.s It ha.s alr.eady received li^ 27.00 andjlown; light fat ewes utility cows. 29.00-30.00; cutter. sorghli'in around the world. slcaily and'mentally due to. “'“■'W " “ o'- '■ice. wheat and ■ flrn l or tentjttlvo'pledgtiB. •11.00-12.50; canner cwe.s and cow s, -27.00-20.00; (fanners, Hannah .aaid. the amount of. insurticienl protein. ■ ' ’ corn, n somo countrlos par-. . , - Alan Paul, lin offiduL of the . •bueks-O.OO-ll.OO^- yojing-owuH— SS.OO-^T-.OOi-bullKr 35.00-41.00; - pruloln available to people in ... . . ____ Ucularly Africa, It Is Uioiiaaic:^ National Agricultural Institute up to 40.00 per head; veal calve^,-50.00-52.00; gnod, Uie developing world could be Hannah said that in I^itln food staple, larg ely due to its which Is being merged into the _Wiliuin_catlniulcd_2QiL}ioga___tceiier. steLTs.l_14.0Q-47,ofl:^tripled within tlireo to five America over half of all ability to grow on'land too dry sold extrem e top was 30.00 bulk . medium feeder steers, 40,00- year.s. ^Tldhood deaths are related to and 'in fe rlH e 't o grow otljer 210-220 lb.s., 3fi.00-^lfW»; 220-240 41.00; HoLstein .steers. 35.00- •Ly.sine is one of the amino malnutrition, and in rural cereals. lbs.. ,30.00-30.00 ; 240-200 lbs., 30.00; good, feeding heifers; Hcid.H that is an . essential Liveslock ' .35.00-27.00 ; 200-200 lbs., 33.00- 39.00-42.00; tnedium feedin 'Wjm ponent of protein in human - 3 3.00; 2nO-3f|O-m H.;-3 l 0fr 34>Q0;- ‘ h u lfer sr 3a:Ofl-37-.n o r f et-‘dhig~ Csllle I.UOO li “ nutrtUorfr" kleers l.&O i n lUticf. {it'ilcib luMr ' Kowa under 300 lbs., 33.20- 300- cows, 20.00-29.00;slock steer H annah said Ihe discovery is higlirr lOwk ^ -----prtmf-»trer»-« .330—Ibii.,- 32.0aA3.20y -330400 calvos. 5£.QQ-OO.QOi i»tQj;k heifer of p articu lar im ;k)rtjjncc to pnlyes. .; dairy -type - children, calves, 50!W-52.00. "When we recall that, sorgv' FROM THE GROUND UP . . . HALLWAYS MODEL 20 HARVESTER iS—YOURzANSWEIl!

POfoto Growers O f Idaho, Inc. In kooplng with thoir previous commltmont to ftoopybiTlriform oa^f currorif m arkotlng eondltlons IssuO sth^following statom ont:

____^ - A 4!ocontjurvny-oLnitt|ar-tn[Lproductj.on-CroP!Lr-Ovoolod the follow in g conditions:

ing-tondltlpns by-«orly spring fains opproximatoly: 600Q to 8000 acres: wero abandoned. Estim ates of yields on the balance of the crop to be harvested indi-.

L^atoTi ^Siq-aO sacli por-acre-docreosa^Qnm ondJs good and growers are bujllsh.

W IS C O N S IN } Acroago is down slightly. Quality is averago. Yields are

down J 5 to^ porconnronTTast year. ^ “ A nyw ay You LoofTAf It . . . R lf f “H lV ilt^ V A I.I.lY j AcToago here is aboufoqunl to th^it of last year. W alch County in upper North Dakota has oxcellent yields while the midsection Hall-WaY’s M odel 20 and south end of the valley are significantly down in yields. The total valley pro- duction w ill'Sb down slightly from last year. ------' Harvester Is The Answer! C 0 |,O R i|ip O t The acroago is down slightly from last year with yields l^lTH THrROGGEITAND RrADY MODEL 20 ~down 15 to 2 0 p e r c e n t . HAll-WAV^HARVESTER YOU . . . W A S H IN G T O N t The acreage horo Is up 6000 acros over last yoqr. Ylolds ore avorogo to^llghtly low o r Grower~s‘‘are bullish duo to additional processing

and doinand for raw product. |. REDUCE [iRUIE,lt^lG bctoun''of loll -yrfiicl clu,.n. lush.oned Hi.'its. r.nr.,'i ID A H O l The ocroago Is up 23,000 ocros. Prelim inary estimates Indicate a _____ substantial decline In ylold statew ide, resulting In b'n oyorqll do'croaso in total • IN C R E A S E H A R V E S T R A T t . O p .’ .'oncii 3 '% p iy a iij2ninmiqr;;--'d(-p.-nd,;ni of •'Cj'Cund 5P‘*cd peiniits po*ofo Hpw oi fosli*'-n'l'r ' ’ production from last year. Q uality foetor doclines should stim ulate processor

-.. rinm nnd.for ra w product_P.cgMlsl*l.°»V ^ : 2 L__- ---- — ------HAVE better! field, pickup Ny.nu-toui opNons cin u rc p»o|)0' dig Pototo Growers O f Idaho, inc. In its dosiro to osslst you in tho m arketing of -ger-chom spood odjuilablc 10 ib il condi^'.oni , your opon m arket potatoes has not chongod Its position. Our anolysis of Idaho

G et g l e a n e r - h a r v e s t Holl.VVpy > clip.n dov.ntM climlnoTov coi'ly.fo'cign and natlonol conditions doos-not iu?tHy o price below ,$3.50-por hundred for m fjtptipli a n d b e c o u s e jK e d evin ei .g oei oil »hp we — :;:.;^urilltvL-m ttrkotabia^toelt

Jpi^eurronHind-up-to-dotd^m arkot-lntorm otton-contqct your offlce-tn.:Blocktoot.^ “tffieal Soliss l » p T e B n t H il\ ) 1 5 Telephone 7B5-266'9. — ■■■ ^...... ; ' • Cart Today.' < Neldpn Choney


226 W. 27ih. Burley •678-9245 OF IDAHO; Inc. Camp^spnrks Sui)d.i'y, SopiotHbor..30,,1 9 7 3 , Times Nows, Twin Foils, Idaho 19 -by M tn^^Honie^2-20

===MGU1^TOrN^HDMIr^St'—th•r■;— -ihe-second qunrtcrrwound »p~ Fo r tlu' st'i’ond straight w iv k with 211 yards while Skyline- Jerome upped tliat to 30-0 Twut I-'alls noi off td.a funibiinc had. 2:iii fi)r the name. ju st2:20 into the second period ’ slui'l and iinci* ihe avalanchi'> when Kelly sneaked acorss itarti’d, tlir Uruuvdefense was edge Pilots by 8r0 from the two and it sliiyed like unable ti) cope with the quick The first conunandnient .of tliat through half luilftimu and shpotint; safely. a.stau>',ht id the — Hl)BN'--^’hrVflilcrVikinR5- — Olenn.rFerry'.'rmoat'Scrtou'j— rihe-third-periodT— ------.'M>phomore halflKick Mike "Nebraska- hunter safety pro* scored in the early ||oin|«. then bid came with about six But five secondii into the last Allison finally cam e to the fore gram , is to treat every gun ns - stopped- a Uite hid by the minutes left in the game when period, Camp scored frojjj Uip til steailv, the ‘I'w ln F 'a ilS ' if it were loaded and ready tn Glenns Frrry Pilots to collect Uieyxlrove ton first and goal at -five bijfore Mountairt Home I l l l l l l . lUCCP.IVIOU Mike H nm ilton Rnt.hiTir In offiMise III the s»’i’ond half but shoot. an B-0 !.iiilti ^’ive^ConfL•rt^ce the V a lle y three. B u t u.fuinble brdkeJlje shutout bid on a nine- a Iiiiig pass from Kon Folkingiv over (^lie out- T\un I' alls couldn't'get back. victory Friday night, struck Ju.M before the P ilot ball .yard pass from K va n s ' < » 5 - y a p < l »ilretched-hand-of_IJurley-S.Ki.‘ii n n rp vr d«rln|’_ Skyline look the lead-in the .The undefoato(l Vikings; ca rrie r ROt into tho ond zone - (irinRs;----- — .aetiiiii Krlday. idght'. Ilam ilto n legged ll In (r(un 'firsl perioij_wiu'n Gitry Mn.‘;s ‘ ■Pli:klniL'uD,Un!ir- n itli alcaiidit- NUuUlieJ/ikUirielLniLil^_„_UM im 2imLbiidLMunlixlCL‘c(L -^Uic^aO t«M!omplutu-a-65rV.anLpl»y.jluhl-wm»~21i^- _iiLam|jei:i:il_2h.yarU:i tU- score. . vlciory.' moved aliead in D7e ■lnn]ified“UuU‘“wHFinun)ickt“d‘ ' -I'i------^ ------—^h♦‘^-JH^Hl■l-afl»‘l‘-^bo^^l-^-^V‘H^^— first period wIien Kini neames ■ Valley'then nii^rcJied nearly ■ off ah Rvans pass and returned hh.ck.•d, capped a m arch by dashing in the length of the field and ate it 75 yard? foi'Jerom e’s final Then the sei-ond ipiarter blit/ from the lO yard line. H o ‘.also OfJ till' clock in Tnoving inside touchdown. — - - -slai'U'd, Tony^Arehart -sTorod ran tlif two-pdintcr across. GlenrLs F e rry 's five-yard line. After -that Itobert T aylor BtiItI uses inlTerceptions and after a pass interception at the scored oil a 20-yarw (a ic I('s^i behind interijeptions Friilay night as , ,Hi‘pwoi'th who out maneuvered - Hepwtirth screen. But Burley takinu a Iniig Tw ill I ’alls punt Hull). ' ■...... ■...... 'Si'|)l. 21 (Ill'll th'vy~dofented‘ tl|c,—Bu rlej .... two men to complete trTe 'S I- ' ’lu'ld for liiivr plays a'l the .six and I'olluiing 7il yards to score.. —DFCU) - Handy Osterhout —liny’ and . Robb Riding broke Bolx-ats 211-12. yard pla\-. • and a ftairlh-doun field goal W il Koehevar ran Uie two-point Sc(il. :!(! ■ [wssecl for two idiichdowns a nd through to salvage a safety. • The ' Indiafifr—had some ■ Oil the last play of the third w ent a w r y . over for a 2fl-0 halftim e U-ad,^: - n i K ran for another F rid a y night in Oeclo cam e right- l«ick with lioubli- ruiuung Jigainst . Uu> IH-riod. P a l Hatiulliin m adi‘ his But just tlirri' |iUi> s lati-r. 'I'win i-'alls piled up a big luadinc the Uei'lo I^ornets past Mnother drive, ' Ostprho'ut l . i M v S Ncivadu Uurley. defeniie -but.-.Hon pa:»;»____ inli:i.t;e|iliun--- a m l- -WaLSun iuadu-liis uileiXL-plioii- - hUiliwlieal-leail-in Uie He»'ond - ‘ •■Ihe CiisUeford iV oIves 2(5-0. . cUmaxirO' it 00-a three-yard Folkuiga exploded bondis of r>5 tdiifbilowII run back.' then , [() .se-t iip"thi‘ .fin;d imints half, most of it from Allison. Osterhoutr filling in for ketfper-He threw to Wobb for' yanls to Mike Hamilton and 5-1 hut l\>'ice was turned back “ rei’iilar nandy Brackcnbury Uie two-pointcr. lo p s CSI yaiils to Charlie UepworlTTlo ' itiside the t^ yard line. In the (>(oke(i 5:05 left in thi; fourth .-when 'llion r*at 1 lamiltfuu'uturnud an - -•plunged in froin theone. iiflee a - like a veteran, llu put Declo on litirrlerH Wendell overpowers H H v i )•:— Osterhout and’ Dan Kidd iiiterce[ited |)ass for. yards :tl-vard sprint byL Allison 1-\TII \ OIIIIINAIIIl. for the clihching ‘ [xlIiU.'s and (jii'ri(‘ti the bajl to- Uie 10. ' .second-r’.ai'u»»d— — \.V4>Jul4JlU I''arly ni I hy S" ‘‘en'l Huh tPEVELOPMENT IN ELECTRIC HEATING!: ^lu)TrFtil.s't'(»'regaiir thV“ Veail aepi at^jlit^l 3-6. Scoring for ,C!Sl were S’teve .slarted aiiiillier dr'ive frtuii its Bitl**rli raced 70 yards on a Fo lkiiiga firi-d tlu* first Ik u u I) ML'Calley si-vonth. 21 10 for i.uMi eiglit->ai d line and on tln' ' piint reliirn with (lough lo H a m ifto n w ith ■ M U U T A lK llI Clint D ille’s went TofourUuind .seven lu-fore four m iles; (la r y Sievers. lllh ninlii plii> Sis.siJti hit John t/ootlng t)u* — poinl-a(l«‘r. remaining in tin- sfcomt 10:i-yard Tun f o r a Louclidnwn a pass fn»ni Stanger was in 21.55; Je f f Vmi H(M)zer. 12th (IdiiiO) (or :. still went through, the air-const-ious Hansen Rob Wright, n iiin ii, . ^ 'ITion came a weird sequence Huskji's Frid iii' qight. Hansen came passjng’ rlghJ '' The cinirse was" a'tougljle, O ak ley — Hagornian gul the of [ilays Ufal leci lirB lIiTey'.s' . IxicK and then Dillc ca'iie up run mostly on sand on Uie srorolxiardiirttyrfmrrtlrprrtnTf scores. Tile Tloroafs TilTiiliTecP Uie Red Deyils .several anxiou.s wiU i hi.4jntereeplion. Rufeven beaciiu)! Iw4kt< Utwell'and iiu't when B rad (le i^ e r .scooped uj) Uie k ill away OhTieir own on f l c T o i i l s ' motnents aiul the !ted Devil in Uie hTst few .‘jeconds M a K y gruelling .stralgbT-away Hue. a Ixuincuig fumble in stride and The first play idjer U|e klckoff. : defense saved-Uie win with a JiicoUs’ pasaiiig. put Xluriiicn. , CS! will.liost Iliuki,-D)llege sailed -10 yareds. Olaiiner ran i^ s iUon (oscore but again Dille of Idaho and perhajis one’ or Buhl recovered. suslaine.|l)^ 1ill|v j4 iiy li..y - Viryirrdpllssplay !i‘oi^i H.'ihWn W III hill ho hoW-oulot Um Olid Focatello oiitduels in llutchnison and T r a c y fan Men’fl- tio lf Association w ill - • ll'n ...Mmln.'ir.l m.nw '.>.lr.,;\l' •IRIiOMK - ’ Tho JuroEiii; over llic Iwthi Dint.s for an fi-0 play for in mercliandise J il^nir.,r'an‘'iyi!i;-!'''“'‘.‘’'i ■ Tiljors plaoud fonr inon In U.e 1" halft'ime lead. prl'/.es in tile grred-oii-a-H!>-yor«l— -tbe-next phi)*: —------— - -whilo-'lVin l''!r1ls"hnd'«rWnod- playi-Juloi:- • ahead'um il” Rnd>^lTn rp -^ it' -4ncluding*^eU‘<’lion of ‘ officorji,— « ------IMiontf touchdown pass three'minutes . M arly in the fourUi periijd it lllvpr 111, Mlniro li:i and Hurley planiiod in. 1‘al C roftonw itlla touciidown pass. slated for i) a.in. The • ?'P from the end of the’gam e and a appeared Niinico wcmld scor^ 12iL__WomL ! i i w r , _ p i r a lla n il Imi blookod tho |mlnt- It sUivi‘d 12-» Ihrouiili the tournameiil will Ix-gin from a • -5»o*n— IP.3.V fiTinhle recovery made U stand on a fumble, but the luckle.ss individual winner Wilson. ' fourth (piarter with lx»lh teafns ■'sliolj'Un stjiR. J up l'’ridav night as Ihe Spart^iii fumbled the ball hack pinned the firsl jayvee loss in gambling and losing, on fourth Pocatello Indians outduelled. at the One-yard • lin e and foifr years on Jerom e down near nudfield in Uie Minico's SparUins 2amo- -Rbdrig’iez • 'made his- conUiining the fancy running of play. Twin I'alls' Doug I.arsen inlerccption “to i-lini-li - things Monroe but ill the end two The S{)iirtiins did gel into a took the individual firsl as Uie d efea ts fumbles — one fit the one-yafil tie in the periwi three minutes Bruins luid three of Uie firsl line • - proved even more lalur when Donner hit Mickey four men ■across' but' their S h osh on e S c o r e s troublesonie Hanks wiUi an eight-yarder fourth and fifth men couldn’t L o n D b n F O c Pocatello moved fit yiirds on and Uie quarlerbac‘k then match Jerome, KIM BKRLY - R(xl Reeves’ It.^i.firstpo.sses.sipnwUh Monroe swept for tlu-tying, Iwq.polnt-s. . - T1io lop 10 included l.arNun,- - -lU-yard punt return , provided swooping for-the last 41. The Pocatello came baek down - Rocky Bartholonipw, .leronio; UiP only points of . the gam e' Indians kicked the |H)int-after. Uie field on Mcuiroo’s running ,Gary.Mllli.*r. Twin Falls; Mike. F m la y night as lhi| K im ln 'rly ■ ’ In tlTP second period, Ritchie and then crnrne "U ie pas\s, ”A M urray, 'IV in l-'alls; K elly ilulldogs broke a three-game Donner hooked up with Pjit Spartan defender .stepped in I-'merson. Jeroii\e;- Mike k)sing spell by downing the Glasgow Warburton on u . play-actioa front for the interception, but Jarman, Burley;" Gerald , winles.T Shn.shnne Indians JWJ. IKiss that caught Pocntello's mi.sjudged U\e ball. It sailed Waller. Jerome; • Abrego, Reevefi’ twi.sting. run'WnS* .secondary coming up, over his hands and, Jntq Gonyon Coth Minico; Walker,. Wood River, aclually tho only threat of the Warburton took the s trik e and M cNiibb who logged Uib Ijist 10 50% Portrol® Polyoslor. and Steve Marshall. Jcl-oWe. game as ixiUi teams phiyed 50% Connbod Cotton. turned it Into a 05-yard bomb. y ards of the clinching 29-yard well defensively. * ' 'Zip oul warm or of polar pluth, The poiiit-afler play' was play, F'ollowing^ Uie punt return. ______—M in t t tj^ ,_OrJoo-pUo-aoppoci-ioLin.-;— , Pocatello j;ot a break in Uie roared down the flcld jjljt then^' -sloovo lining,• th ird ' period- w1ien L a r r y died-oa-«i-fiecond-M-New*i Twin. Falli. Idaho' Sunday, S«pl«mb«r 30. Y97J

B i i l f l l i o s t s c 1 ^ e g i a n s _ - ...... s m t> e r s

' puH^^TIi(LWafw..Slfl(cJay^.(Ma^wilLmcct^ lunlor-varalty at 7:30 p.ni. Oct. 22 at J- ^liro DuAnilgh school Held, event chairtnan Bill NunBcstcrnniwimccd-Pridny-nlght ^ "Wc’vcalreody.clicckcd-Uic.Monday-nlghtTV_- gnmc and lUi Onklnnd'Dcnver. It shouldn't be TSiics bow^ N Y idle much of n gnmc (to keep local fans lI>doora)/'’*'.^ NunKcslcr amlled.' • LINCOI^, Neb. (UPI) - ffeld goal by lU ch Barilo s. before tlie first half, ended to A fumble b y J avls set up-tlie stave qff another of Nebraskn’r ' — —ahead—in-^e—lo»r-coIiimnr-7-“ All proceeds of U>c«vent after cxncnscs will Tony. Davis ramtncd in from 3 ' ;anglcton‘a Iwo-run single hiKh- P ltc lilW f rookie Stove I^gora rcduclngtholr'.'maBlQnumbcr"' f»6 to Uie Buhl rccrcntion nssoclallorii Uie 14 with 2Ma left in the first godhead scoring opp6r* ..scoringthreats. -, lightedoflvcfunscconi] Inning nndrcllcvcrMlkcMaJ'ahnl!. to two. The Meta con clinch by ...... gam. e...... S a tu H a, y to push______hcQvlly_ tunlty by Wisconsin. Greg Despite the • Interceptions. ^riJlu.for-MQnlriiiil.Riitiirtlay jfl— - Tl!eSlftfgpt::tlrOpj >ed-Plttfl»-7;ffinjilf|~O^Qf:Uieir_fi^^^ favored Nebi‘a.sktt’pflStWlscon-~tewtsrccove^cdUiebobbloon— Humm-sct-two school-Tecorilsr-- -.-Iho Expflflidfied Ulc riitaburnh"~'^i^*‘Kh;|nlo 11*10 thlrdijKice, twQ |(nme8 frbm Uie ^(i^ago Cubs. — sifT2(n!rttnOTnnrwtttt1ltit8hln— tn ir w isconsm vz and tmvbrr ■He^npaed—for— 299—yanlsr- ' Mwifi.i piiiibu^ah Rnm*i behind the New York The vicb ry (or Montreal kept which the lead changcd hands plays later the T'jidgcrs moved topping n 19fl7 record estab­ ^ ^ Meta and a hnlf'ganie ahead of Uie Expos frojn being eljmlnat- four times In the final eight to Nebraska 12 to set up the lished by Frank Patrick against 1 - m in U tC S rr- - r ------i-4^;r=^.fl0ld-g0al.n--: I. Hn nlBO mmplntft/^ '-•F«tfir '» t I 0 i Oliver 1 25 passes to le tte r a alnnie Cardinals: Montreal Is 2 1-2. Uiere’s islill a longshot at a five- ’ Davis': winning -rtin came - The Cornhuskcrs scnrod first . WOMU II 10 10 SlAru'l' !• game mnrk of.23 sot by Jp^y^ SinolHon « 4 O J 7 Hrl»n»f ']ii \ back. ____ way deadlock for first place. nftei'SelvleWoahlnglonbrouglU on a {>-yard pass from Humm to .. - , . Cvlllfl el S O M /.Ik IJ Il4m| tied by Humm agoinsl roll H 4 0 10 Mdiv.ll vt Hoo*'^ p > 1 0 0 i'u rh rr (>)> COLUMBUS. Ohio.(UPI) - Grtlen, a LT-yard pass from . return which boosted tlie the second quarter after Mark Iowa Stale last year. MJirtlM li p I 0 0 p JM criinili ii A aronJiits _713th_LQ_ Tailback Archie Griffin ran Gfl G rejj^ Iare to F re d P ag ac and a Badgers to a.lQ-M le a d .___^_____ Zukula tinped a Humm pass yards for a toiicHdown on Oliio ^/-yard~flcl(l goal by B la ir • Washington's run, with 5:2a and Jim Fran z picked it off on State's second play of the game Conway. left in'the game, was the third his 23 and returned it to the Plant now, 1 II ta^ liiirk~thc— third-ranked Tlie llorncd Trogfl only acor J Aaron remained .alive . InlhiS- - team >.cv6r . to ;_havc.-thrcc"-Tlie Buckeyes' otlier-touch. Moflt-^oHhe-se^ndhnlfTJpthe-—f(fced-u^n»-n-fourih-and-sevon— pnss-on-the-WisconSln I'iust |.r«<(hid baik en (•Ichtr't inlfrltrvnct - - (.lUiilrtil « race, to break BabO Biith'a— players wit)) 40or more homprs^ • - downs came on a one-yard run gam e l>efore a record crow d of situation on the Wisconsin 2.1. — ..... — ■ k.M av 0 1 'Monlirrtl — 87,430 was-played in a-aleady^'eonneetedon-n-seoring-pafla-to- ' Wonliriil t. IMIMiur(|li Uie season end.s Sunday when with 43 home^ and parreU who was lo.st for the season -downpour and the Hare to end Frosty Anderson to put llic- \ ■.Afliiiiilinn l._ U»_ 'ItO lU r*iinn old. (!herry made it fo)^ anot^ier .score Satu rday to’ and 32 yards to Dave Bland tale, hand billi,. n®w*poper coverage (over 3 dlvlsjo/i-leadlng Met.sTwho’were. 14-0 wiUi 20 .secnnti.s left in the ATI^NTA (U P I) — Hank Aafon was assured lead the neiygia Tech Yellow cam e within three minutes in 70,000 reader* - in Magic Valley) odvonca 'bill-' •rained out again at Cliicjigo. St, jwrffKl when he passed nine of making more money from outside Jackets to a 20-21 victory over the opening period and insured • ing. All at ono tpeciol lew rate. Every tale I'tted touis closes it.H season Sunday yards to John Kelsey. endorsements than Babe Buth ever made, even lhe*(’lerilson Tigers. unU‘aten Penn State's— 15th in ihit Farm Calendar lor 10 dayi bofore tale ;• with a single game against the North (!arolina, alisorhing it.s though he ha.^ yet to become baseball's all-time T|ie victo ry was the first'in consecutive victory at Beaver ^Ph illies. second straight los.s while home rlTh' king, when he becam e a client of three gam es for Geor^^ia Tecli Stadium . SIPTIM BER M A 3a I," Gibson tired after six innings Mi.ssouri won its third, .saw _WMA Sports.InirrSatnntny::rr:^ ..:__ which hadn't lost Its first Uircc. , CappdJjjttj ran lO-ynrd^ for • AN TIQUr* MUSIUM AUCIION .. . O O M IIEJ GHOST TOWN . ••and wnsj'eplncod by Orlnndo' ilrive lifter drive stiilled with ------* --- - - • The Atlanta Braves slugger, who still needs garn,e.s siiiee lO p, •; his touchdown on Penn .SUite-s- . I*eria. , >• fumbles: T1»C Tar Heels fum­ Auctionsffr: Whn eco'nd series of the gliine and tliree home runs to break Ruth’s career record bled suven limeK, losinft three • Stevens threw an 11-yard SaU AAonagsd by Molt Ciowion - _of J14.-ioiil9-8wimmciLMai:k-SpitZ-iin(Lww)jJcr___, _ IhiiniflP hit Herd for n'12-vard Howa Vv ' i: -o f UiUIUt-^------r— O CTO BIR 4-^------horse Secretariat In Uie newly-organized WMA with 55 seconds left in the first touchdown again early in Uie UiiU'< lI. i I Tailback Totnniy lieatnon JOHN ANDfRST •• Mo«l4ni.J 11)1 (I Sports Inc., stable an'd has been practically third {iprlod t^) seal llie Nittany loiin\k. It 4 t added a~nother touchdovyn in the . lialf to enable the Yellow Adv«rlli*m«nl: Octob«r 3 lio n s ' third win of tlie season. “ HHotflViMi fl i a ^jguaranteed rniLre n)oncy in tlic next 10 months ^ third q uarter on a 17-yard run Jackets to go out at intermis- Au(llon*«rt; LyU Moit«ri t Gory Otborpa “ flooiu! ». t 0 U-U-MulmuJuj.jJ-V-t-T-O-- — “ Sihti.i.IC ii...... ■‘‘^ m rT lie has made from baseball In the last 20 -sion with a Ifi-M lead. H is one- lo w a’s'lbuchdown came with ---- -yJjjjjT,------^ and three cotiverslon.s hv Gnnr ------O C T O B C W ^ ------yard sneak w iui HiDY left in the l ! 3fi left in thi' gaine 'uii CUoliittm H ill and two H ill field goalK P E C G Y S ANTIQUES Crtrllon |J “ We will'make more money for Hank Aaron HainegaveTcch, which had led seven-yard pass from reserve U(HJ>l(M\k gave the Timers the win. . Adv*rtlt«m*nl; Oclobar S I LuiVL'l p In a yea r or a year and a half than he's m ade l a . by only two points up to that quarterbnck‘Butch Caldwell to - Auclionaar; Jo* D u lftk ...... Olotio J) his entire career' in , ^^]l^alK’'-_Mid _BerJe the margin It needed4o , fiillGack Jim Jen.sen-capping a Sal* ManoQ»d by BItli I P«Qoy CrtMHh r*t»lt )4 I I I Tal«U 41 I I) * t-news- ----d d rive in seven plays ------Philtrday..‘.‘Wc cstlrnate the figure " L CrAlM rkrw il(. Uiivrt. KowA }. Tytnn at between $1.5 and $2 million." •* DP PhiM(li-lplit.t 3. S» ,louiv 3 LOI* -‘ pnii.i(ipipn„YV. bi Lftu.v n His role as an onterlalnerrhowever,-will not falls to — — " HoliiixiOti, U iiirt. Si/cniotr lUo^k 3 M» % force him' to do any singing or dancing a la Joe tp ... K !•. #f^ .kbI «»J . - Frazier, ■ .. .. _(nrllim L H 70 nayhavvks . »c.i>u>i>w u 10 LAWhYoNGK, \im .A U P I ) ~ Kansas turned two MinnesoUi fumbles Into sliort touchdown IhirQcher riemami^ __llrLV£S._in_J Saturday and Delvin Williains Bniiilo-It'll A'n .scored three touchdowns, lead­ bent CHlontjo fan of Babe Ruth ing the unbeaten Ja yh aw k s to a T i ; m r n o v c n y “ 4 :itr“ TTOiR;omercnco~vlctnry—“3 OAKLAND (UPI) - Sal Aaron's irsiilf o f Ruth over the Gophers. -B andft4r4>VQ.in-UitwMiuiw- , AT!.ANTAtllRl.l^Unn»rn.. his 20th homer nnil Kcii - altllns in the enemy rominued £ uie_07jjenr “W — William---- s two touchdowns — put Holtimiui, wlUvrollof help over Houston duBOUt. wntchcd Honk «! Uiosc (jplden days . .t)ic (lame out of reach. Kansas of Ulo past when he played' had scored firiit on a nine-yard Uie last two inninfis, picked up Aaron ham m er his 713th home shortstop for Uie New York. rua by Williams, his first ‘ • his 21st Victory Siilurdny In run ^turday nlnht and'called .- lending the plavoff-bound Oiik- W n i "th e eroatest rlB hthandod.^ Yankees and was a te a m m ate ' " touchdown. In the flr.st quarter [oTnsbyV thrBnbe^sr-^^------;— and'on' a 38^yard flelrt"Roarby “ tiiere was- nnndo Ihe l,oll,.«t A', hitir,. only one Dabe Ruth." durineaprlnKtrninlnK one year scored on an 0-yard run by -taT h "So ?U .e« “ At-o^-^io^ Bi) the Bab e decided to uo to the •ixiuiuivtalso had two»tvu singles <11111and .IIUI.scored t'U shy any of UJ R 1«UUI u th 's'all-tim a. Uli-iliov. e record ti.vwiu » -nnnlrnnli the Bab e'■ decided I to II ko I to the yard field Boals ljy .Steve -G oldberg. — twoTuntfwhile raising his R U I ~'hDm cTUTrrecord“nnd"hn.'iijnc— ^ 'He wenL-oul_ Uicro, then • Following W illiam’s final two toUd to 07. more, game- left to get it cam e into the ciubliou.se the touchdowns. Kansas, added . S u n d a y ., ne'Kt day and sjiid ‘Damn, I had more points on a 41-yard field B o n Ho i i ilr o jiN - He connected for No. 713 off -a helluva day.' He won about goal .by Sw U t • and a 3‘yard M llwniikee-^ ---- - lefthander Jerry Retiss with eight thousand dolIaTs, t h r e w ir touchdown pas.s from quarter^^^ two men on In the fifth Inning. oh the table right there In the bjick D avid Ja y n e s to B ru c e " BOSTON (U PI) -nick Miller Ttie blow carried 300 feet over clutiliouse and said whoever Adams, Minnesota scored with drove ip t|iree runs and Carlton t)ie leftfield fence at Atlanta was short oh .Uie club could le.s.s than a minute left on a -1R- Fisknnd Cecil Cooper knocked Stadium and highlighted a five- 'Teach In and take .some of the yard pass’ from quarterback In two apiece Saturday as the ■ run ra lly for the Braves. ■ m oney." Tony Dungy to M ike Jones. Boston Red Sox defeated the Milwaukee Brewers, W .. ^ Your Pottybono'Morcury VnnkN blnnk NEW LOCATION Forkllft Doalor . Detroit 3-0 ■ NEW YORK (UPI l-Georce IMast bimonsions: ~ Medlch pitched a five-hit PETTYBONE-MERCURY FORK LIFT 144" High - 91" Loworod shutout and won hiS Hth game as the New York Yankees beat 5000 Pneumatic Tire Side ShlftAr ■ - the Detroit Tigers, 3,0. .Salur- in Stock day. « - ' . Singo O r Dual Tiro Drivo

fe l l sp ro tis-u p !

er with tlie Cleveland Indlahs Ara(TiiB is file Master Plan. H iglily^ fficient g'roup" of jD-ersnal action^ behind Mike Cucllar'sT- 7.3 qaents:thaLhelpJ

T T P T e ^ E rtg ilw rr3 :7 5 :"E:TiiipaTnlra iTave:Pagrrrf’g :T Sr CINCINNATI .(UPI) -nie ' CIncliinBlI Ro'dii banged out 11. hits, (ivi> of Uem^doubloa and caplljillud oh the.wildness of. BOIN M A RG li San 'Francisco Giant pitcherd Saturday t6..coIo lo a IM , 1874 FlororAva.. Twin FolU 734-36701 Shop TWIfij FAILS arid BQISE_ddHy-l O to 6vlMori(JayrFriddy evenings to 9, rnln-mar«dtonteiiif- Sundrty. Soplortibor 30. 19H timos-Nows, J.w ln Ffllls, Idflho 17 Southern Cal and Sooners Scorehoard Boise S<. rips

Ofldwd'v }1. Lclogh 9 ; nOllOO . M.UV-l'd 'i* MAIV I. O rlroil Portfend 64^ • U. l'*nn 11-- —' .._N*n,.Yofk.-- New MAmpthir* 10. OArlmouDi V I'riiii StAlp jr.'lown r . ClcvPUnit.- "LO S ANGEl.ES (U PI) - ' held (IcfondlnB nntionnl cliiim- scored Ihc llrst touchdown of trojnns. However, USC ulUPfi Rtcnccton U ' BOISE'lUP.n -.Tlio noise tlielr tcam*to-bent imagd in Uio Sophomore qunrlerbnck Steve plonnndNo. l»rnnked Unlvcrsi- Ujo sonson n^nlns^ llic Trojjinfl stretched its'unbcnten string to f emptr 61. Holy Cro»» 34 State DronCos galloped over niR Sky Conference. - , Vrtiiioot. H . Ilotton U 0 ■ OjiklAmi Dnvis engineered OkJiihoma to ty of Soulliem CnllforniQ to » 7- on h two-ynrd culbnck over left 20(*ames. louth City Portland ?>tate University 04-7 nSC passed and ran for 17 M*ni>r«)ld n 70.ynrd touchdown drive'In 7 tie. Hunrdtrt7:l2orthequnrteV. V.ieulfflull 0 I ao joj u Sjiturday night to keep intact . 'points in tlie ope;ilng quarter, Oklnliom a scored the first t i l l 31. CAIilOrrwA _U ie third qunrter Saturday _ DnvLs, n licensed _jn n tjst_ jnie.dend5^ Ctiicrtun k 11^ O] II -13Jn.tlic-soc o n 'd ;^ itvtl>o UUrd' -time..it_had-iiie"-ball-ln-lho. ■ji. I ------niRnt-ns the undCj*doj{jSooi^rs prcadier from Shlllshw.-Qkla.. name winnlgK-Strcflk by..ihc_„ ^ Lx o n d lu and one, in tho final nuartoFr f,rOt.|u. JI. N C bl,1tr U t*turd«V't RatulU plays., all on the-ground. Tlie 0i'0rU'>1 Ti’i li }». ficm io n 71 Clrvc'ldiMl 6 ll.illin io ir 7. Itl PorTlrtnd State's Vikings' '■ I W eber tops big plays for tho wislibone W.ityliiMcl i l ViK.inov.i ) l*all.inofr Clfvrlfliul 1, 3nd failed to penctrffte B SI's' M.n.ni iMrt > H. Monilrt M.U.' 1 nOllOII 9 MllAAukci- I S Min 0 Nrw York ) Oi'truil 0 powerful defense or to mount .U/lilinJud_il^W4kC-t;0fCiI-U— Fullerton— —Ujcir-'Own-bffenser-Th- -Inuton ]>n(l n 2lVyord.htiT7iIui^ totioiul LtaguR tlinrtingt c a lnod only Zl yards tliejH ral____ LI tliQmiddleby ftiiibnck Wayinon loulhwi half to the Br.bncds' 200. | D a rk . Ark.ti>s.is 31. low.t SI,Ml' IV by 16-14 - ..T h e ram pn u in g , H roncos______oyer winless Oregon Staters n ic k .ru lc h e r kicked Itis 43rd OkI.lliuin.i SI )0. S Illinois nmasscd 542 yards rushing;— ‘ SMU V. V.fum.A IfCh 6 MlltwiU eclipsing the former record of . J m r OGDKN.UUihiUPn-Wcber PROVO. Utah ( U P I ) ___ hall, to paco Cmicur rim ners ]ii.slbefore his l uiiclidown pass. ’i°if ,r!!!° llkj>vl'i>U IVici'ii )l. W- Mull 522. Stato^r-uRhlnjHttttaek- ' hain-yoi.nB-UnlyerEltrniiT^who“pTckciITrp"274W open the first half after tho Soonef-s SAt| I r,iru ,M» tjie giunt'“ enrly in tlie /ir'st . - lenwater to trounce winless gained 53 ya rd s in 14 cari*les on with a safety — the m argin of scoring. committed their third fumble. quarter with a twisted ankle, ‘ Oregon- State .37-14-Saturday — optlons.'includlngp toiichdowji, ’Ni'IirfliU.t 7CI Wnron»in A tlanU victory -T- to down Uje. Titijns Sophomore quarterback Pat N fl SI,.I.' U &AII Ocruii 16-14 Saturday night. bill Jim ’ M cM illa n took ovor'to night. and t05>sed four yards to Dan N0lr,>-u,.ini-’.u I'lii.l.i.- i.Cltnchfd divuion (ill lead his teammates wlth -a. ___ !]»deniiiUDd.his old.ljigh schoul..-. . .. --(alu>d«V'k Tlu‘ defensive unit also^_ — Gllienwatpr-dov6-ovor-fot\o ' ' Tnylor for hnother^^coj^e.—..... Nrw Ydi k ,il Cl'ii .1111' teammnto; Jolinny~McKay, the ■ paic of touclidowns and ground Reserve'signal callcr Gary LSU beats 'IVojan coach’s son in the left < il UOlliS I «>liilAll<-l|>Mi -back into the game with two -jQuUZZj'arda .in.ai.carrlt^a^all__ Sliicdc^nnpctcd-onjuGfl-yacd- _ .Cmi.iiiiiaL.lJ.i.iu-l-141 -aopl -Ray-Mittliedei- Corner of the end zone Tind'hit' A ll.inl,! ; MnuMon m inutes left uTthe-fQurth quar- but 10 yards of it in the first pass to Sam.Lobue in the final UOi. Ainjrli'v 3 ^,iii Oiri|i> I ^U '' m idway in the third quarter. TTiee ili~ , Jiim on a 15-yarder over tlie Sunrii,i rti M 3U|»i> H ouston t;omeba,<*k period. HO.jM.rn ,»l Allnnlrt. tempt WAS wide. - -Orogon State, which picked . iflti I r.uu is«n rtl Ctnciiln,iri. 3 h r The W eber Slate wiVi ended up only 53 ya rd s on the ground liA.TON^noufaE; iji. (u p ii ' lO iiiy u.iiiu'S irlin ii'ic iiI Monil*y‘» C«m r> f'ullertfln’s winning streak at RED'S TRADMG and went to the air 42 times in — Freshm an taiilback T erry ■ Npw Yoih fll CniCflO» 3 bullies four straight, including two desperation, got it^ scores on a Hoblskie ran for 'two second- Utes pass S.»f» DiMii) ftl PilllDuroli POST Twin Falli ' games from Iasi season. ; one-yard dive by quarterback half touclulownsSaturday night . REMINGTON • X’he Wildeal.s rode the rushing . M em pliis _ Alvin Wliitc* a fte r a fumble r e ­ to ra lly lOth-ranked Ix)ui'sian(i Modol 870 ; ofrunningbiicks Brian Gladwoll covery on the B Y U J 2 and on u Slate to a 24-9 coriie-froin- D ucks ihto 12 C u o g o , and Jim luirson lo the wjn. MEMPHIS,,Tenn. (UPI) - 2fi-yard pass to M att H anm iack behind-ivin over Rice. Ploln Borrol CSI cops twin bill Both runnors. an\assed more HoustimtanbackReggioCltorry by.halfbaek Ray Taroii. ■ j Robiskie, 6*2, lOH-pounds, put 35-17 lossj Uu>n yiirds and Uirs5n scored three touchdowns and Taroli was the entire Beaver , the heavily favored Tigers out', 00 EUGENE, 6 re.fUPI)-Utah scored one of two Weber Stale the unbeaten^ 12thTrlinkcd Cou­ running attack, picking up. 70^-^onl for the first lime early in NOW,,... quarterback Don Van Galderex- over Utah Tech - touchdowns on'« two-yard dive gars bullied Memphis State’s yards In 13 ca rrie s, iriclu'din'g a ’.the third quarter with a 12-yard new,' q u arte rb a c k S a tu rd a y ploitcd Oregon’s weak pass de­ over the line. 45-yard scam per up the middle ‘ tnucjidovyn run. _ P H O V O - ,_.OollL‘RC . “Qf- .TVcmayne yml H ick Sprigg.'i • night for an easy 35-21 victory. fense w ith scdring Iwmba of 45 Robiskie, who became the. SoutherM hlalui, behind Uie opened, with single 'and C lierry scored on runs of five first bluck to sc'orc a touchdown - lilrhing of Rciti Esto s and eventuallv scored' on Fries'. ____ nntLthrcn-yar-dJi.and-cauuli - fo r- IJiU - la fll- w c e H — put—th(---- og^r lulls, . TooTT a long hit. five-yard scdring pass from vjclory. gamo out of reach in the f(*urtli dftubleheJulor from U tah Tech l lie Eagfe.s |)icked up jjingle" quar\erbacb,\D. C^ Nobles.______1 _ '"'W ith 3:20 left in the game .qu{ir.ler_with a.oncryar.d dive. Van ■ record for rutm in the thirjl, fifth and sixth_ ' Nobles also tossed a 23-yarller * fk / fC v ilir V l/ v arid Utaji leading 2H7 llie week- lo Win the tie.cond gam e. G jOLF Vto tiKht,jciid Miller .Bnssler. Gulder connecteil with Steve Thursday, IvtilefTtlireu’ a .no- Spriggs.broijglilTn the first one — Fu llb ack J>eonard P a c k e r also Odom on the fl7-yard Iximb that hitter' in beatulg Treasure after opening with a hi(, —— fldded a short plunge. set a Ute td pass mark and heat Toch Ala bam a “ Valley 4-0 uUhouglj, the scaring two batters later on Memphis State rallied for a broke the tight game wide WEEKEND! {3ujkaia.caine l>:ick to down Velasquez’ squeeze. -Jn • t)u- • 14-14 tie early In the secorul AUSTIN, Tex. (UPI) o[»en. He had connei‘tedi*witb Joi* Hul)Tiu) and C'SI 4-3.- fifth, Velasquez lived on an, . period on a-two-yard run by Texas quarterback Marty shatters Odom in-the first period for a Af the Beautiful In Satin (liiy'.s first game. e iro r and cam y in un Fries', . fullback Clifton Taylor and a, Akinss.(hi!ited off a rarely used 45 yard toui'hdown to put the M lk f I ’rii'.s and Sio tt Becker smgle and a passed ball let on«-yard plunge by sophomore passing attack and a power Utes in front 14-7. New HOLIDAY INN V anderbilt lived (III fielder'.s i hoicL*s in the Becker bring in the decisive quarterback Joo Bruner. Uite ■sweep the Ixjnghorns have not — - Just'rjiore tiuin a minute had Hwy 93 A Saddio Road fnst intung and .scored on run in tlu’ sixlli .Beckei' got on replaceinont Mike Hobb threw run in 10 years Saturday night NAKHVIhhE.Tenn. (UPH- 7- v^l‘‘P-‘it^d when U tah’s Mike Con- Sun Volloy Aroo Shawn Jiakins' single. Joe a w a lk ." a 13-yard touchdown pass to to overpower Texas Tech. 2H-12, Kiftli-ranked Alabania-^ifored w a y jic u m i from the one to put Vela.s(|uu/. added tiie Uiird run CSI will host Trcausre Valley freshman-fl»nkcr Bobby Ward in-their Southwest Conference the first four times it got tin? the gam e out tif reaoh after, ai}. in thv thirjj ori a walk and two here Tuesday, tlieti go to ISU ^ TfniurCTflJilh^Tt^nu te. opener. - - •ball and picked a|)art Vandur-*- interception gave the Utea tlie for a twill hill Thursday. They ' ” Akins scored on a three-yard b ill’;; defense for 41(i ya rds on _ f^Uowing the game-brejik- steals and a s(|uee/e binit by retijrn the Irfp to IlVCt! dive for the l/)ni;horns. and i’roundlind.570 yanlLtutal 'lag ■ 'roin'IUilii’ook. CSI wrup|)ed'it up In iho^pvcnth“ wlien"Mik 6‘ “ Sntiirdjiy:------^ • '------W eekend- C o lo r n il olr«m i .directed- two long -touchdown offen.se to take a nu'lliodirjd 'U- Tlie wi'rl by the q uick. ancj •drives. F u llb a c k Hoo.si‘v e lt 0 victory over the hapless clevei- UlJ.sMif ilif Western Ath-' ‘ B i g Wood Golf Course o v e r l liiy lo r ! 4?aks scored'once from the 1(1 ('otnmodore.s Siitiirday night. letic ( ’onferetu'e was the fifth in BOULDER Colo (U P I)- and halfback. Tommy I juidry Vanderbilt only managed to the Itt-giune serie.s. '* BRUNSWICK ■ DELMO i^ ~ 36 Holes of Golf" Sophomore------Clyde Crutcluner ctrcled— thrpt?— ynrds” / -st(i[)-HnrrrlinHonTt[!i!-iiffcnH|vu‘ - threw for two first quarter pitchout foninother touclidown. wave twice in the entire gatJie, /Vriy.onii HOME ☆ Champagne Breakfast \ touchdowrti an(| rfin for a two- Defensive halfback Jay Ar- jince in the second'qiiorter and -.-rPoint-convBciiloiwund-fOHef*ve- —iiold,-whu-£ol-up—Toxa^fir^it— -EflOLJABlESr - ^ R a o m ___ ----David W illiam s hit a pair of ^scorc with an Intercoptlon in contest.- -• TEMPE. Ariz. (UPI) - Ari- fra a 0 «Uv*ry pnd Inttollatlon Utird i>eriodiJcdres Sitturday as opuninai)erlo

Monlnna Sliilc rip,s FrpNiio BOZEMAN-. Mont. I U P I ) - Tlie State Bobcats turned loose an overpowering ground game in trampling Fres- ' no stntc'3iw Sfltnnlnyin'^non-’ conference battle. F iv e M SU backsjjained more Uian 5(\yards eacKled by tall-, back Wayrie'Rdwards who gained 110 yards in 15 carries,

r,bAGSTAfF."Ariz. (AjPlT- T^Qtinrtorbnok-Dnve-Moi rHusky-suburbansT-The updated;bombeHbak'.’^reat-lobkirrg'Wodl’ shfri's arid iack~* flanker Hick Wilson on‘.-h-i4- yard scoring pnsa wlUi 49.sec­ ets.-Plus the all-out luxury^f choice Cairfomja shearling. W/lde choice of pat­ onds left in the game to give terns and colors.. Unmatched Woolrich Quqllty'and vqlue-In'every ititch.. (Left^, ;hern a '14-10 Bii ;y Lonter'encc vlclofy ^.ver ^o-righf)VBortr^Antique-ealHortt^ia'tshO Trling-|n^l2Br36^7$1'S5700rAliam orPure^ 'MontiinQ Soturdoy.; . wool, j^SO.OO. WildernessrPure wodi Jn sizes S', M, L, XL;- $23.50. Yours today'-: Tho horolca.by^ondcz nnd or laydway. ■ \ / a m • In Lynwood Shopplno^ Wlisdrt camo on a fourth*4ind'15 C inl*r. Op»n until 9 p.m, «Uuntlonand followed n l(H)olnt ' •v^ry Ffldoy hlght.' - Montana scorinR sproe in \hc Bonkcbrdi or*/W«lcom«, third qiinrter thnt hod fllvon Ih^ — GtiziUfi* n 10-7 load. — - M 'Trm ni-Niiwl. Twin F«lll. I'dplio Sunday, SeplnmborJO, l«?3

overpowers Vandals 51-24 PULLMAN. Wflali. (U Pl) - : j^ynrd run t{^c tiic-^UMnrs n --TwOiJ)unl-rcUirns-for-lo«eIi^ZO^Twoi^iunl rctHl^-tHo on(J-ot-lho rirBt-— M a E o = S t a ^ < — -dowiTJi^parked-Wnahlngt SUitc to n 51-24 non-confcrcncc Idalio m a d n t 20-3 on- U K N O ( U P l ) - Qunrtcrbnck- win over Icldho in the 73rd Rnt* Tannir^s 3ft-yard field gaal, but Gene Walklns scored twice on tio of tho Pnlniisc S iitu r d a y .______the Cougars[HBUt- led _27-3______at the half_ !borUplunHosamaJuiric{Uul7i_ ^ Tlio scorlnfi punt returns, for on C iiu A PecJTs |3-y«rd scor^ yard touciidown pass to-right T'0"l^afflmi^uad-Mow-lflve Sinclair opened the second • victory over Idaho'State. 20-yard run. The Bengals' finnj_ half .scorin({ with his 72-yard Id tho Gou«(‘rs a 13*0 lend. W atkins completed eb’ht of touchdown cam e in Uui fourili —pl)nt-return-nnd-Danelo'.‘M l*" J ■* ii * * i( K * «^ * * * * • Ifi passes for lllfl yards in — quartrr-orr-n-12-yard-run'1) ~ yard field j!ual (*avc Uic Cou* leading'the wplfpack to their G ary Wood. f»ar.s H 37-10 after Idaho picked^" F lI.E R - RICt’IC IV R H S have n good time C u m e film tliird win agalnsl a single loss. up ils fir.Ht td on J.C . Chadband aRoinflt Wood Ulver during action Friday. Idaho SUitc is. novv_i-3. ______of the Idaho* Above, Tony Nice mnkern dlvlngj*nteli In tlu*— -- ,S„MM ITiP"TiME-ppF^ 7-yard touchdown, hls fjr^t o f Kendricks cilU}?ht ‘ three WnHhlnj{lbn State FoolhHll" two tds. end 7.one w llh 35 liccondK left lo lift F ile r to n 14-7 Decisive catciics p;isso!J for 80 yards as did - — gnmc pl«xpd-Saturd/iy will.lie -In-Uic.(Qurtii quur.ter_UjC-two... - wln..nclow. Lon n T liaete picks off a pass thrown ___ fihown-at noon MonUny Ip tlie teams traded touchdowns with by the Wolverines. Jloundup^I Rofjeraon Coffce.shnp. one-yard plunges for Washing- . tan State and Oindband, anil N ow frtexiw* “TlilyrartnsTocKTunirniriWZrTlli Ain , FORCE- ACADRMV,'-' .Robin Sinclair then galloped for the Vandal.s. Colo. ( U P I ) =i13ave U w so n 72 yards with a third quarter Jone.s rushed for D.'J yards on kicked u 4&-yard field goal and punt for a ficori' as he almo.'ii' 15 carries before leaving the duplicated', John.son's run, gam e late in the second half. flanker Frank. Murphy scam­ breaking to the outside Tlie Cougar.s groiyid out 303 pered in fi*om Uiree yards out and- streaking down the yards rushing, butipushed U)e lo give the Air Force Academy sideline. b iill'ln to the end zone seven Falcons a ICM) win Saturday - - Two Wa.shington State run- . times, iwire oiJ.tbe lonu piint over New Mexico. ningbacka,_Andrew Jones and returns. Idalio piled up 416 "The Ixilios scored their six ' Vern Cliaml)erlain, each rushed yards in total offensc trutiost ! points in the second period on a for a pair touchdowns.on short four fumbles to kill their drives. Ujree yard run by quartcrhack plunges. ' ‘ ; Sin clair leci the Cougar de- Don Woods.' i - • “ JoncH scorDd'thirppcntnR hi • Outstnnding^iofcnscsfoKcda;. fon.sT'from rorncrbacji sppt. Ho - r f f : ^ ...... of the gam e on a 4-yard da.sh had eight tackle:^ l>esides the td sccond-luilfpuntingcompetilion . through the line to enrtTn lO-"" -oTi the pUnt hpfurn. Tlie .senior j--- lietween FnlconTim Ijingearld— -play,-fi6.yard; drivo-4iftor—the— al.so ti.ssjstpd on two othpr tat- I/ibo Doug' Fowler. Ijinge opening kickoFf. Jo e Danelo ItU'.s, punted seven times for a 35.C kicked the,extra pouil to njake ■ 'I'he ,win was Washinglon average arid Fo w ler punted 117-0.. ______States’ first aiialnst.two losses. eigiit times to average 44.0. After Johnson Id punt return, Idaho drops to 1-3 after losing Jone.s’ second tmichdown on an' it.s third .straighUiaiiie, Deluxe Vols top A uburn to Adjustable Height Stool FlfvOlvnKi, lo.iiii I. ijshiniu hike title chances SEC OUR COMPLETE soat .idjiisis lo ;'-r, -LINE OF HOME 30' riMiliirsI ifHli K N O X V ll.I.H .T o n n .lU F ’ D - low ay passocl Inr line touch- (>on{l(;rilly CfjuiltiM cofiiouio Lincbacker Hnnk Witlter rntn--down— nnrt n'— two-polnr' PATI6 COVIRS Ch.innnl»;(l siJiil .ind O.ichit)' bled 31 ynrd-fwllh n-'pnss, convcrnlnil, and nicky Town- BRING IN THIS AO* CtlOICU 1)1 ciilots AND RECEIVE A Inlorcoptlon- and ju fe ly Edcllu. send hit (icld cnnlM of :m and <1 Filer edj^es W.R. in final 35 seconds DliSCOUNT ON A NEW . Brown IntcrccptcdnnoUiiTtn^^l yiirds In llle Vul vlctorj. - I PATIO COVER. • ■ feset HP,II.TennijS.'ieiLSCiirlL.na___^Jmmessm^tunvuclcdjiJuiu^ — t'‘tt-K!t--- ttnrknrl^nmmrrK— — ririiFylOllTinTiik.s-|iei' puiy ai'^d ’ the ninth-ranked Vols ■ bent |iU> and UroWn's pass ialercep- VVt)otl H iv e r . llir e a te tu ^ ’ SEE NO\^/ AT •completed an Ittryard pasiT to* Aubllrn 21-0 .Saturday in a j tiohinto lOfrKsVhaltiloinls. Tlie - HgHUL-OIL it s next jw saessiun (living Totiy • Nice-in thi* eiui^ - Wilili als past Uie VTuiilfcaver „r, Ti^rTIual-play of the first .MAGICiVALLEY___1 _ battle or Southoustern Confer- 'first break for the Vols eanie aiul then made ils-la.sl’serfoii.s Wulvermes H-7, ipiarter. On tlie next t)i(i irrtU i’ Uurd pciidd. taking enee contenders. , .on Aliburii'.'; first offensive play AWNING MOBILE i h ' ' !m !i:!ll|o w |l .r a P lfe '.l .,i l .!!L>: . ., ie r i H i m a n e . l>a llaft-lfaH4u.fc- «inrtri‘d|'i' Hiil- wlietrniinmckO!liriMl.lnderjnan" ' yard march; by Uiu Wildcats In. -HdME-SEttVie E-C-0 7 Ijjijc rs n i|) burst off tm‘klf -r«»r the ficore .^^rr.it iu*ks.iii|i at the Tiger 2:i. iiniiiiti’s as WoiJtl U iver togk a -Tlio -Vuls,-witb -liillbnck- ( j a r 7-fi‘lead oil ilTe first pllij' ffTUlC" TOw’ii Sh. Anu It Ciune - coT)ycrslon effort that failed trouble with the Panthers' just a week after Wood U'iver — after Iowa State quarterback liii'oughoul the afternoon but tro u iio es ■pidlt'il off perhajW the biggest Wnyne SUm ley plunged in for a cam e U|i w ith three big plays to " -surpnsc—ut— U uLLyut__young-- “ l-ynrdtouchdowTnvithiT24 left- ^ v i n i t r season in downing Je fo m e In Stanley's pass to *Mikp Carey scored 1n the fl^st T*iirdiie - K iU . Slrnuchiin for the tielni; points ^ a i -a . - pt»rut(l on a o n e- ya rd |>ass f r o n r -deelmni-to piny .leruTllc-lind" waaJtisLbottcdnw)isUi»41i(Lotb ort an inr' ■ I f ^ l A ‘■ 'ru.shed for 12f» yards more and y a r d [>ass an d ru n p lijy . w illi The teams traded m arches la ------a touchdown Saturday to lead Ij a]r v e y H r a u h e r g e r open the gaiiuv Filer.took tlie ------^-----UijLNQ_7.rankod*:iMliUii((.|riiih- n ‘oiU''Oi‘TpTp: ■” “ ^ p e iu iig k'Tek'off a n d g T o ijm l~ ------;----— U uL2Q :llr4umph-tivec-Ducduti____ — The“'l'ij’prjrtnok-the lead in- down t«»a-(ouehdown by Bruce . EAST LANSING; Miclfr' • The Irish had to come from Uie third pcnOir 'wlien’ Mike Lincoln fronj two yards' uul. -(UPI) — Senior halfback behind to win aftei' Purdue’s _ H u b u m o n .b L u k e louse o n - a tiUi JI'he-bn;-biles-were taken on-a - Kermlt-JohnBOn-ran-for lhree--=-^uarTcr^bnc'k“ Bob nobrowjikT' yard sweep hut Carey Ixninced loiu; |)ass lo Dave Olson from first'half touchdowns Siiturday, passed f o r .y yards to O lym pic t);i(-k in th e fo u rth on a 33-yard Ste\'e 'I'haete wlio minutes bulldlnrfa commynding UCLA sprinter Uirry Burton for a |i;i.ss p la y fro m ( i a r y S h a ff e r to later Kot a cruetal fu st down to lead Ihilt held up for a 34-21 rhirdue touchdown and a 7-3 FLEXLINE i Mark Hansen. Ivie Uirew to til WumJ H iver Iwo un a 17-yard " V|ctory^crMiclgua5tate.- leacl, Hansen for the tWi»-poinler and rollout Till' |K)int-after kick The rfruins scored only once The Irish .rushed 62. limes th(‘ lli-H advantage that lasted never ^ot off the ground and LCEKINLINE SYSTEM In til/second half buhclaimet ★ACE tRtNTINGilt scored on a 4B-yar(l pa.ss from, ~ six completions and 91 yards in quftrtcrba^'k.John Sciarra, an. JiBimaMyiL#tima.-lnJQiijilai;tei:: -a'liu-lriulMlefeii Murk Harmon, Tl\e touchilown out Nortliwestern in its season put UC1.A aliead lS-10 and (be . opener, was alm ost iia effeetive 0 » EARtY^FOHPRlNmiVEimHl to u b w nevcl; KalrHpalleil.-- apnim t jh e noilemmkers-. THERE W ILL BE A LIM ITED SUPPLY OF SPillNKLER s y s t e m s ^AVAIIABLE-NEXT-Y-EAR, trdtBlk^lthrDTrenof-ouHrrlgtitlon-spociailstt^ t :ATTEM TlONt! sXoiu«iay^»-M ik^Riloy— BIII-Lul<irilD pre B q^ Jjpphander JiikasQiiaiLCitl^

Hm RNDOUF, lown (U PI)' -strokes nt the stnrf'of the day, rounds of H nnd 71, won the . bogey'cd Uie Iflth holo and ■ ^I)iininutivcrSnrin^lnTn5ntis" -TTnnlPitTJlRtirblWIC^mniu?— nerlUiiJT‘~Goir~Cla3alc two nlnc-urider.-par whllC' Spli-J loiie lcft*li»nili*r currently on soj*j;y Crow V olley course to weeks m’o. roeder, who set a course record three times s the-rtiA-tour. uRed-n-rod-liot * Wind up with a l3-under:|iar D a ve Stocktpn nnd Bob Wynn Friday, slipped to a 73 pnd h as w e re 'a t Itl-under -p ar ZOil afterpulToTto fireTi stJcond atrairjW 300ni is the firsTtVirte lie'hhas w e re 'a t Itl-under-par ZOil afterpulToTto was elglU-undcp-pnr.~ • • • : PARIS (U PI) -Carlos Mon-, Monzon's two knockdown bloV^ vicious rl«ht hook. sl^iggerinj' Allhough he gan'iely moved seven*under-pnr fiV Saturday led a P G A tournament. shooting 70 and 07 r-«spcclivcly. . ‘!I m ade a 25;fool pull for o ron of Argenliru* floored Jcnn- hud tflken their tb lL ...... — aidcwnyjj -nnd clutohini^' the forward after the count, it was.’as M two-stroke lend after . Dw iyht Nevil, who shared the Second round co-leaders Ker- birdie on the first holp nnd thnt Clnuile Boutller of France three - In the Inst round, desperntoly ropes as he fell to his knees, clearly Monzorl'-i fight and' tliroe rounds of the $100,000 ffrst round lead, shot a four- mit Ziirley and John Schrooder really loo,sened mo up,” sold -undcc; ^F~tlTmnPtirthirI• •••, •••“ *TV» .•••WW t^j?liTlP'r6-Have" tu AtlVU Uhe- illi; fii'hir- io-ctenf"lits“ KtnR-ltke-irmBeliin^— ipauQZiuOuiiLAdiunU)):— JiQUiialtocijdln.Uio third round- —Adnmsrn-fe'VlM'pourider-from^ — Snlurdfly-niKht-lo-onrv{h(iut-t~lhr‘-ntili1h~jn7ji7roH" Stfldium. Displaylny a shrewd blend of, agyression nnd rlni'craft, the 3I-yearf1d . Arfientine wore . down his challenKcr as the flRht ;— progroKsod.— ;------^ ^ Monzon allowed Boutticr to ca rry the fi^ht to hlrrt for the ^^mnjor p arto f tlie contest: — ----- ■ ■ TTien whon-Uio Frenchm an • bc(jan tiring, Monzon turned to • U»eoffcnsive,hnmmerinf? Bout- tier with short punches, espe- ciallv rluht hooks—the most — fenraome -weapon-in-hls-nr-— senal. " , -^V ■ t ■*" II was the Argentine’s eight > successful def,cnse of his title since he won it from Italy’s Nino Denvenutl in November, Retread 197&.-- Monzon paced the fiyht Itiilll iisine imly-(|n:i|iij ciisiill's superbly. Conserving his A PAIR , . strength, he allowed Bouttier to 600x13 Plus F.E.T. and Trade-In •-stiillc Jiim around the ring, G.UARAN I'I':!':Ii J2.()0() A ll frequently using the ropes to WClive out of trouble. Eve n when the Frenthtnan ' • did land, his blows scarcely -^PaiiPfice ~ ruffled tlie cool, tough'ArHcn» • W IiiiBw alP • line— .... ______■ Up to the l2tlT round, there— ' was enoagb sparkle out of J O O -1 3 23.98 $.38 Bouttiey to have the French 650-13' 29.98 33.98 $.43 tTiJwd roaring him on, but in . round 13 Monzon seized control 700-13 29.98 33.98 of the fighl.-With a right fast as 69504 25.96 29.98 " • O' snake, the Argentine, got Uirough Bo u ttie r’s -guard and £ ^ 8 - 7 4 27.98 31.98 stunned him tu his knees and a Our Steel Wheels^ mandatory coiint'of eiglil. It 775-14 33.98 37.98 ' took a lot of the steam out of for Snow Tires 825-14 33.98 37.98 tlie Frenchman and bis eyes glazed m om entarily. ' 8 5 5 - 1 4 ■39.98. 43.98 Tlie bunted was' now the 885-14 43.98 $.71 : hunter ‘and Monzon-moved remorselessly after his prey. .560-15 27.98 31.98, $.45 M idw ay through the 14th round, the Argentine unleashed a left • ^775-15_ ■ 33.98 37.98^ $.62 to--the- Jaw - whieh brought 8 1 ^ 2 5 - 1 5 33.^8 37.98 . $ . 6 6 . pou ttifr to his knec.s, hapjiy for 845/855-15 39.98 43.98 $.74' eight-count. Save yoiirsell Ihe twice yearly 885-15 43.98 $.79 Gamely, Uie hometown boy sIriiKEle ol nioiinti’ng and unmount- — struRRled-t)n7-sljH-wttb-enf>ugli---- energy to dance on his toes, but ing your snow tin 50% OFF Second Tire! Our“ Dvnaglass XST Snow Tires Pr<>v(B O u t ■firrf'Tire' S rc o n u T ifV 'fiisi’ Tiie ,Second Tiio ■plosF r T out pulls Blachwalt Otachwalt WhllewAll Whitewall a n d Tiaile In «0 0 -1 2 $22.90 n . 4 d $1:64— Secretarial _A-78-13 $22.99 11.49 $25.99 12.99 $1.81 C78-13 •$25.99 12.99 $28.99 14.49 $2.01 ^ NICW-VOlUCi D70-14 $26.99 13.49 $29.99 r4 .9 9 $2.14 O ut, owned by tbi* ~ n o n ^ ' $20.99 —14‘.’49" $31:99 “ 15:99— ~nnlii'iill~ Stablu 'Uliil. i)f.ir n e - M $31.99 15.99 $33.99 $2.50 Sccri'tarlat 'wltli'onlori itf Uie G70-14 $34.99 17.49. $37.99 $2.67 W hitney strikes.' hum blwf Ufe -$37:99- -$40:99- -a C M O - triple crown winner at [Jelmont -te:99- =-$2:04— P ark Saturday as bi^ ov'crtook $28.99 14.49 $31.99 15.99 $1.64 ■mvo'elianiplojrimhti’5trprchand~ f -----f78-15" $31:99 -$34:99- -17:49- pulled win tiu‘ ?ioii.;jpfl, -17.99- ).99 10.49 n c n l— : wo(M|\vnrtl stakes by lour and a - H70-15 $38.99 19.49 $41 ^9 20.99 half Ifng'fRs, Plan (There will J70 15 $45:99 22.99 $3.12 S c crrta rial. starting for the be a finance first lime since hi' .s*‘t a wtirld L70-15 $48.99 24.49 $3.31 rei’orH in winning the $250,000 • charge forIhe Marlborti’ Ciip two weeks ago,' Uefeff^ took till' lead from l^iove Out shortly after reaching Uie back period) ''W t‘li-irni‘“wa'.s'al'inx>arTlie same sjxit that Secrelariat “iniriTlotHeTrjniTiniiii aelnjonr- Slakes and went on to become tlie first triple crown winner in 25 years Oni’i* in front Secretariat Sears ^4 3 . 9 9 4 8 -month Battery Prices Effective thru October 2nd appeare(l \q have the raf'c at his m ercy He had been bel With |the powei- to start your'car qiiickly, witli Use Sears Easy Payment Plan dowti to :t to 10 and coasted extra powor to spare for accessories and air alonii m front until the field conditioninn. Most American cars. swe|)l around the .final betui 99 <111(1 inlo the luuiie strelcti. Exchange

M iv liif'a ii la/.OM

III i n I M « v > H - r t

ANNAHHOK,Micli.(UIMl - .....Uninspired Michl|;an gortmirh-- downs.from Chuck Ueater'im'd Fd Shuttlesworth Sitlurdiiy but did not enhance its No, i ■ ntilinpiil rnnkinji vvitli mi»rf> , H-0 Victory over heavy under- ____ dog Navy, •Navy gave-Miehigan*il\e ball on a fumble on its own Ifi e arlv____

u jtihfor Im lliack, w cn l-Q ver, — T^onn!tRhry]irinr(jurr , . . ;aIS?$94a9InElM:A!raJsMi: 1 ____ PiU theWolverincs'cxnlnsivn , _____ QffeiisiLwas liantucrcd by.a-wcL., toriiis m.nny engino and eloctrl- field that mude outside running MUQ5l_1unc!|ons,J«jl!!j!j!syJ^ difficult ohOiehrtlfrcird playing ’ SBarrt3'"QrMBlorOir ; 0 iii^^;2 9 Oil Filter Sears'^3;99-Timihg Light- ---- surfucu. M lc h iiik did.nul gfcLu'-, lisb color codoit motor soiilos. ■*, first down u n til'th e second Moots— .111— now— car— 021032 Heavy duly 20 an(T30 A i7 > S e a n hett 6c-powererl quarter and did not muster *a weieht Oil in quart cans. •t- warrnnly toqiiiromonls. ‘ pr» (ocijied 'listil brigtil sustained drive until Shuttles- 99 $34.99 Analyzer...... r;..'.. All-wofllhor for Iho most a jq Far iisb with todiiy's •noiigti lor dayHutil dm. WQrt)i ended a 51-yard m nrch in . so^mracontlillons. - * ? n s ______^ — thcthirdiitinrlCTi^thTrtTnfd'" $19.O0-Taohom,elor;.w.. pUinge. , , A.crpwd'of 8fl,012 saw Navy fum ble.five tim es but lose the ball only once. Quarterback Al SHOP AT SEAUS AND SAVE • SEARSBOISE s e a r s 'c a |.d w e l L ■ - Glenny threw fliree InterCep* SEARS-TWIN FAL1,S . Shti§lnction tiiinrnntfril i»r Vnur W ijnrv 0oily9;30ii,m. Iill 9p.ni. 0.iily 9r3Q .i:m. mi 9 p.m. Daily 9:30 a.m. till 9 o;m. Daily9;30a m till 6.j) W tlons.iintLsnw a first quarter . Anniwsary iTiios. .mil Sal. till B p.m. ■■ Saturday till 6 p.m. . , scoring cimnpccvnporate on nn- S e a r s ■ Tiles.. Tliurs.; S iit.lili 6 p.m. Mon. and Fri. nil 9 p.nr ColobrnliOn Suiiil.iy Noon till 5 p.m. Sunday Moon till's p.rii,' Sunday Nooatill 5 p.ni ; offensive Interference call in- SIEARS, n'oEnyC k'A N b c a - - 'SuraliiyNtionTill 5 p m, • " side tlie 15. I Tira' and Auto- Center. 24 Tlmot-Nowi, Twin F«IU, Idflho SundAy. Sopjortibor 30, W/3

Mobllff Homts Unfurnlihad Apt*- UdmciForSjIt 39 Farms A Ranchti Aer«aati> U ii' . Honifi For Salt • « - 'A Duplfxts ' L D IN G lols closo to Robort- newcorrugati ^d^ OR-SAt&7-bv-*Wrt«rT-*V«cf#(-S~ :ijr’ ’"TTCLirr-rasw-FrunT-TrDnrw •K^clroom Ju lly CArpotact lujnic, I ' Ral)liin‘> Cily wiilcr, New ttvo bedroom du'plrx, c«r[x.‘i, 'm ^i^al ^or patloi, trailer* rL-lircd cOu(ilcor •.mdii l.mntiy a? d _____ - ...... co mow ba_'n, '(sad corro rrali YOU GET MORE (ir.tpus, «,iovu- rolnovrator. Ijr o f tkirtino- 'and Itncino-' tic. Ijflkomonl. Cily tiosw In location, nyflppolnrm eot^ ,Edt>.l Ir.sti Roiil Eit.IKi iowr*r and QAraa(*> ftiorogc Jij&> ouliido Twin r.Alli cliy ■ ‘ J, All 5693. Sior.Mjt' room. AduMsohly nopcij yF5iT& N .NU R SER Y ...... jlntWiiaUv— uor JklUJAiUolU-UU&OZ. ------iinrarTWTirr~smnRirat-fr~$TH3r:— — rrmTTT:— 7~ im nrperm -T i crm rr- llrondwAv ioiiih sTT^* ' i-JWITH-A- ..^ SI3 67JA 9'.' UoDofKon, Huhl nllflchucj OAr.iun, Inyvly-y«rd. ‘MOniLt; TiOME SnA'fE"~F6ff~ |] o«lionel«irie hoi wat*r hjatar.------WtJiO ^ HI-NT, » 0 .iilti(ul l.iwn. ir c c i. BROADMORE 7 bc-droom_JVi. bfllh.-CariloJod. 733-417*:------; A n R A C l J V E H yo.ir old i.omf| on_ CnII -moUurn.tiiunir.v.^326.jZ72—ViiiiUliQ— -df <1 pi>yxi>oi!i rti ?.n I ■ V" ;*{„ ""to r/uT lo', 1 iy<- *o' OMfJonilon, A we«k. bANNER FURNITURE. C jfp o r' 3I1S0 After S 30 |) r?i ?33 U Jl. W fOkUiiyi iifHT 5.00 p m , nnd term*., 941 Do*. M ar Drwi; , ..... ond ipftng» could bo CHOICE lioiidino lot ■' 2 BEDROOM ------^------• Anyhm^ SAturllAy and Sundiiv dovolopud. (iut)l Aroa. domfjtic ,ir KatiDi SM A LL A C H E A G E . iprtCiOUb • uodroomi, liimily • room i M UFFLERS intiAlltd whllt you. V i)(y nnl_ -Strout- —Totctl 1UPPL-VrSe$-Shesh

:r=a26i5109:==i^»iH«r^mftn.->=^ --- ,i A C Iil-.K A N C H tl.lL^ lor i.ilo, lull WnlLT. ..ilUULl*. , IlLMUtilul --- flonk Ftnanclng AvoJla|)l0 r a p = M-E^i*^wAy^Mto-Qlue>>Uuby<)WnrC S.1'1 <.990 .Ron' Elifctric shompoorr $1. FOR SALE OR TRADE KRENGEL’S SOQ- hiKid co ttla .ranch in 3 bodroom homu hroplacu REALTY T ^ 4 4 M o in A vo T * ' ^ i K Man<>fn«in VoUoy. on abun. )-*< boliv butll -in oppllaneas Ciiuicr^ niock •Duildinos-fo be ■ J a u ^ j P a . L mj»ko :l'' 733 J3JJ _____ ■ ;ni) nii new .'I . I'fn^ Kimhvfi boiht loi(ju liwiriy luUMi ond ynrn, cnnvrts Crewel k lU nncT i«'(jfcjum fVc'iMl tiotnii% {fijill, stooll. Hour 10:00 A.m, lo 4:00 l«ilcliii<'wlitiinn Qton Hot a ' III-,', wilh o r Wilhoul ^ 7 3 4 4 1 9 5 • hicn'ufUiiy foom too ~ ' brt*ii(mi!fH- t}» 34,000 in Twin • I .III'., Ki/UVfl a ,» 'p!!o.n.. plioncoi intludii'O di»t»w0in0t ‘ WANTGO~Goa{J-ui«0'Oit':o'nck-

3 3 lk>

pl llcleni Lustre cflrpet t'li-itiiL'f fUn! cluctric yiampoocr . »l GWeHNAW Al,T&^-

STEEL FENCE POSTS S A V tU P T O D O ', 12-Ln, , ASlOW AS,75‘ EA. V. PAINT * CIO&EOUT-. Rof] $0 90 JUST $3 DO fi(ond.~ ' S J ' J S g a T ...... PIPE & STEEL . Alum iidmg and skutirig Square Foot K e p p ^ BfOwseville on Mon. thru Sat.

■ “ ^ 5 0 00 d o w n ' ' 100*; II un^jur I'j Fmnnc)n\^ on now 3 bodfoom^ ..hnlh.nnd ■■ hnrprii^ , ;,l 1 ;l.mi. .,^{mi^lu>L!L-L6.gO-»-a^- n i 6SA7, 73J IfcSO, 7 lT ?n 9 .—334^ 'U N R N I.S H I. IJ •' T.»kf your ctioice, 19V — IAO-oi>©-J®»o*i*r-«on«-Qood- <|1T|>|... ftO», 734 7443,'733 4762 14»ft'.| G l‘nlry,'lV71,TirPtlrooni. tip ^41 42;? Slololy 3 itqry. i bodroom , caiilft tolup with hoy groin, out, ihrtrp'. U,395 Hflciendrt I A(),irttiu-niv ,n4 hoino, in ihp country 15 ,min ' 'tprr> bnd po»»u»o, ply|--new • EXC EPT iO N A U -. QUUU-l.b00.Jii;.ul .otulin(mr MU- Ko^inirii'i y»vii HomM, 733 /5A8 ' ‘ Ni‘W iintl u'.(7l f»nH< Hi-«1‘* lor s/ili- -‘-H75 •Tr-jr'wii*--«lo(Vic rowTiufftt—AU rtec#«t-rtnti-tM5til- _uTconali.ot»:'4rmt. sv/s IS t(i 30 liin'. l>''gif-. Wf'idipg .416 ja i.o o o -. n^obilo-liomg .160 000 l,inri. Irtroo corritU, wi;r^ «ood cOrr.1t?-Qooii—tonctv. u'w- comoletel>_i' ______--- -—- _ 'Itomt'b iind out bu<>. wi-ll -t — tw-n— nrrtroom — nf>rtf‘•nlVltU- -Tjicy—j-h-oUl ^I:^cTn •-*WM----nUH .tiAU - -1fyt^.l^>^jIc Oc'obiT -IM 1 n rw two •M'lirooiii '.w.iilalilo Oclolk'r IVii ■ I Hm' Elt'firif rVpcwntprrfncfory conditirfnid with .living room 1393 Acfoi of\-Pr)mo Fdrrn ■< WukF ■TV0'i)ir,iVKi.-i^fi/rttiuiP0~nirnpti*ii.- —fecondit>or*eom. lomily room lull . ground for ipud». corn, colli*, lA iKlivKiu.^l p.i'ios, C'irport, siordgir. eH ccu iive'like new, eligible lor bokomenl, ollochad goroQo ploi plui, . . .10 I is. 3 ni’droom. carpeted. I |»inlrn«’Til, Citll /33 4566 or' - r p M s e rvice p o licy can be TOO flcrci •• coro, QriVn, brty and 3 acres south ol L’COtOH, IClfrtI lor' «. 3 « ' Oronnt. Uied Planot and oroani, ' Rondd»«k((tr.....3}4-9699 Dorrtll D rake-536-36bO - MtreplAce, 3 Car -OAfage.• h'll drapes, m o n th ly CftiJ 733 1|400 ba-ipmenr t43.S00 And 3jiodroorti Moblc'hlomos, 733 J56B . / H ill t studio. 733 4400. M a rilyIivn n HHaimon. o lm a n . .•,, . . av4-3vov UV4-9V0V • . jj««ilt«» i i » Andrewi<'nui»w i...-----43f6-463fl aSAcret HA»H'on Arba:wlth 36 v 34 home lireolate, <

M a l t H»lt» II; BuiliiM«0|i|J«riuitlty- ^BuilntiiOppfirtunliv-l —33 _ M .y r ^ .o ld mdn.u&e of iott-h«nd etASSIfl£p;IW JiEX2 DIttrlbulor wanted (6 jtrvic* N IN E unit motol plus livino IMViEDIATE ' possossiunv 3 anti l«o lim ilcd from « tiroko. a reJcfcncoi.'Oucko. Duhl, S43-40HO. . It'i M iy to lind (ht iqUHlon to yo.ur WMt or n^«d In Th» TimH- "WALT>''DISNBV. PRObUCTS*’ tra ined weldor flnd vwuld llhi .. quartcrt. ^&0.000wllli i;.OOD,{k]Kn' bedroom home und 4 l>edroom. In -*CCOUftllu-*

“^ iITi i In to m w y SS}U or-3}4 44Di. 7 A-liliy year old,mrtn.hflsrtfld tiatk- wAlls. 6 conis per lau are looL aUo l id AvL'.' E a d : A^nthly rtn i ol turu»>^y' c^n nol cto h e a v y M ork. mav-«rflriirfoKiiji'irtO“ ^on«f~PiJrT- MJ5.00 Edna irlih Real Eilatp, New 3 6edroom riK lrIc , 1,344’ H srn a y OuHdloo -and ’-F a rm , — M4-3«09Tjr~uoanne narcin^i, 731 ~ -tquarr iM t. will) doubl<»gHraoB,\n --W ould— •• Itk# - —pcrmnncnt Announcomonf* ■ M orchandlso • cmplovmoot, Cer-ry <;ilnk JJ3 0845 Supply. 6' > miles 0 « sl of Twin on MAKE A RQOM TO ROOM ISOO. lull davliglil baicmenl, on S acres 3 bedroom brick homt. 1'/> highway M. Phone -<33 SS16.______-C A N V A S i___^tl»Bn_ltll___CKlr.i. - ^ i^^yrif’-Hcrjisowii-or-Jefomo.. ■ (>ati)s, liroplAce, encellent-N E- >—M<«r*th>no tll.OOO, Possible T ert.u , r e n t a l propi'i;! y, 7 iiousi*!i close roirun&lbilily lor conUruciion'of knowieooflblo in mAChinury i-Ani.quM 'l< L !iiD I:N T IA L bu|ldino lot i iicm SiQcknu'iis Re.tlty.. 600 iSoulh to down loviu/ t?^S montit income. wiHi well, undrrflround power ■ now churcli. Tw*n Falls, ohiy oper.iiion. roprtir, »ii*ncf« PUOLJC CORP. needs BUNIT MOTEL and aparlmenl, ^ RlS«l lislilfi' 7J4 J40H ■ ' P O C A T ra u O , closed swvicir . iiti Avenue Eiisl Twin Id.ihn -cauiDmoil.,.E>tccllt'nt_£lpDorLunilv__ *j»iiino L Air Cwjg.iionina ftiwcuia ; <«r»7rcff:-ijvi- ,83301: 20» 713 ingrowmo business. li.iso pav plus -nuitaiho m ovino' RC A COS' and Pitney -room noU5«; 7 sfflH o*>-.ioe. May station - on —JciliorsoP' Stroeir.' , ------...... — —= t8 C «l= _ B CccpLJioino-in-trjt(ii>.-Ptv»n».^;33- -^ciTnmnrrpinnirtnvairfAioTerc Lrtwn, Fflrnfi & Garden (tores.-If yoa are DONDARLE . .Shoe taiesnii\n'lor .leadino ihoc and can InvM t t3,300 which Is _tlow ,-Jn—Twin-PaUtv-^oxporionco— 11 - Oood Thingt lo E tI , R U N - DON T W A L K on this rolurnable call COLLECT'Mr OHCitIno new n atio n ally pretorreO-', bul noi necessury, SI'-niMtt. Trttt i iAfulit Roberts 014) 343 8001, M O N i Y M A K IN G beer tavern ‘ ifllary .• commensurate witf] IJ: F in iliiir.i TooQ Soil -Advcrtlsoii package and linistted lirst . iioor, ^ formal,WI 1 1 I III dinmukill I • •n 'wrn~fi»i|s.-pricp inclurtct— 4111—UUtiVOIWHIt-nvi 3 ■ -*rfttfkvsintl-itquin.iipni— - S E R V 1 C F - cJAftANTDEb NOT TO RUN Ti'.isp on |)u.ld>nii. only »1B0 -AUUICC-OLiJ PANTV HOSE ■ * AAANAGER >lo to llin g , d e liv er and • CHIL'DREN'r PRODUCTS POSSlti.lllll'S ,11 I' 0 3 &Alcs Held nfen. in aoricuitural featuring .SESAME STREET collcctlon only Inveslnlenf Iroin (3,750. secured by in. Ciili ' positions, opening' in TroASure equipm ent at>d D ISNEY tlemVT^Hlgti . 713 iso n .o i i:d Roal Esfftto For Sale COOK (314) 343 1981 Norltioast locallon Large l.ini.ly _ ,RQUTE,SALESAAAN; VOUR PHONE NUMrtER _r«umn_io. — . —:------>}• Itomn lor^air room. lireplACL. 3 baltis Close lo PierceCorporiJlion - For-siortdy omnloymcrtl, noal, JI Out at To»«i liouM shopping, church, and schools ...... J4ftOO.iiionOr” - ---- 74“ n*4i ciui» w*-ir», .._VVHOLCSALE . - Pricod. at tW.OOO-Chutk f’erkins- J k M IVediiceO lor quick sale dependable, willinQ lo work. Eu(|L'ne. Oregon 1V romt I Rouitrt • ’ NEED MONEY? - sn,ii;n'3-’tienroom', pari-Brlcic~ A p ply in por-fcon at Troy ' D IS T R ID U T O R S H IP ' Dluc Lakes Uriinch ol Land OIIki- 9?407 ______U- nut>n»»t nroprf*)- _fiof1tnnp.ot^full. Ilmi>._ High 01 Idaho ?1')-0M5 luimr w jli hijl biisement you r:__uN.itionnl-Laanary— — ------NOW-AVVULAnit---- ^ _.Ltin_iinisr\J-t6_suii — yI 'and ready lor -wX n-t e d - -eEEDAAILI ■^nmin.T'rv' Ho.vuntui britk'" R e n t a l s ~Tfloinl>Ty“prus~boi>*lif'sT‘No~Jr»“ I ,>11 .UJS-IHO vostmont. Pioo telling ond liiiiiir liiMl 1)1 4 bedrooms, 7 OPERATOR h.itif,,-7i.r.|)i.»fes. North oast , Rcoiilur-pd Ph,irmrni«,< Uainino kii. Walim-t^Culluj*. —-lnrororiirir“ 7n— ^ a r c .- r “ GrlndtnoT'~miTino'— ttwom - ' Obpl. • ITN3, Knapp Contro...... v :::: I l> t • opportunitiifr Good wages, rollinQ. pollolinQ M ill produc flbove .ivor.ioe employee Qrockton, Mo. 02401. Older .3 bedroopt home, benetits mclodinu urouo lion ond' machine moin I locMtion could be • 3 bedroom, brick hon»e. cArpelmo ent rental property Call insurance, viicotion, sick ton^«uty» will bo lh« Tospon except batJi, and new' kiichen, leave, el'c, In Hie heart ot •< Impwi Snwti Car • ireplace, lull basement. 3 car sibllity of oporolor, tioady • » J»«|i 4 VIAivM C .. .Part-Time Work liuniing and listnnQ rocruAtion U Au1o« f^Df S.l. oarage altachect Eictra wide lot. area. Send resume lo Poller job with growlh company , Earn Up To ne,u hint! school. »76,500 • Has DruiJ, Inc 531 E Main.Olhello, I-or rati Mriultsca toOAY A ">>POtil> HpAChffr" Ad Vitor will be '1^-4' »J5.000 iow»unUxesi m.in BETH W ICKHAM . W0M>. 9W44, tufipv to tirln you w< :ritiJuir your Ad lor itie Ixtt rvnitls at ttic $5,G0Q-Plus ORISTQ l A G EN C Y 336 56A0. 374 • 'Harnoy County . laweit coil or (All one ot iiiesr loll tri lombBfi S41 4441 in flohlof, »/u. alter hours'Jotm Toik, ;34 R f c ? M K ) R C*»tlelord,'*» 7SSJ i» Ilurlay, Buporl. C Form Supply . 733 4001 : 'MOBILE HOME PARK Wrndeil, Goodtng. Mngrrman. or JrfOm PER YEAR Qox 751 Durns, Oregon Jarkfwi, Nevnda ' ’ . wfliri ToiiAir iM.. h,.'i, ...... MLS ' 733-5476 r-or torreciions ui-i.c).l.c.iiion oilicim NO SELLING REQUIRED Home tor sale by owner, 970 MANAGER 503 57,3-2031. Mr Slotup. Vicki Dolingor 734-?7t6 Clatsilieu Drpt byVam WecaniDcno Wo nood mon lo inilruci con-, DONNA U l. INC Oeverly Circne, 3 bedroom, l.irne Nood lomi or (otirpd coupio d4vi‘ittur lot. p,>rti^l|y finished basement, JunoW fthh '029.5355 -lo monogtf and-mointoin now sumort'on propor opplication 733 7*79 ' Jorry Irish ■334‘-5771 ailowrrt'^for**? **l '* appear* at credit adJustnnfSt it of now building products ond Ralph Simmons 02 9 5 666 99 unil nofk, Cosirpd hu* 4 ' bedroom. 3, batti. home Help IM Claitiliecl Deo4rl(Tient ii open waekoayi btiwten • 00 a m and S ]0 to •ervice doaiflrs .accounts ....______-!-l l_l bon'd .anci wile combinotion P Ti - 8-OQ a ni-to It op p.m. Cloitdon Hallday^______.ThcDcadlma lor placino *d».oimg kmail lypaonly a M OO«m. the day • ; w ^ « if o M n h - Mon -irlDCtod-: to toin' 734:44 }J_ will bo thoroughly troinod m il ■ , „ l ' ‘'‘ ‘’*^^>Kn«lw W4frin««iUu*iiiO-litro»f Ivpt’u.iwodaysbacor* in*y »rn nd4iivaiLwntinuod.auid{u 10 Api)ear. eiccot.nniit lti«l «ra lo iU ri on.5undayor>Um(UvMrhi(l DAYTIME Male « Ptmale M j I» a F ^ m a i* Dvonlngs or wookonds Somo II Inilructlon Itnowlndgo of corpunlrv p( Extra individual help m MAIti or 10 Fem ale Help n shiftmen or Saleiwomen moc>)ahical ability halplul Reading by exporiencea teacher NO MONEY REQUIRED'■ -734 »0fl»:------— W AI I l< L CAN CEDRA iN cr b.ts carccr WANTED posiiion;^ iiv a iliib le - (or InvostmonI obligation con bo H IG H SCHOOL and Secrci.ui.il pVotcssional i.ilcsm en with proven (Inancod 100% lo quollliod course-^ lor study a l honie in your DRIVER FOR ESTABLISHED MOTOR ROUTE tr,ick record to operate a local qp pllcanU .'To Vo, considorod, sp.ire time Diploma Awarded. l.»dorT~outftt- lor a rap id ly Low montbly payments All book^ ap nllcanlt stiould be ostab NEWLISTING QUIET growmti prc cuLhoinu&. Excellent lijrnished Write, lor .1 tree BURLEY-OAKLEY AR6A lisnod Itoinoownors and pros 5hedrcwms, 3 balhs. recreat ion Mrn.no'-. anti advancement brbctiuri) Itiai explains Am ent,in ESTABLISHED ontly employod with good School ol Chicntto, Hox 7646, Uoise. room and den A real taTTTily npiiorliim ln-*; m on IhC ijround -nomu lor- |33,SOO...... — - GOOD PROFIT FOR TIME INVOLVED rotoTonCBC ’W tild 'o r dnco for Idaho 03707 neighborhood - l.itiii--. lull lime emfHoymenl. riioiTinihii orticinTfATTClf RayLewIn Hes 7]] 7490 INTERESTED PERSONS CALL: lrin«ii- bcnetiis. tr»p<"riitKe nol I Mr HmrHnsc. V 00 ii m tc ,porkonol iniorviow giving Red bnck home, nesHcd on a I I'titiciod Apply to M r. H,ir riion, .»1 1 III Tdjl ftAl.SOl/ Colled nomo. add'usk. pitono. and 30 ‘ A uclioni 4 Uedrooni Q nck tioine w'lh i.irge landscaped lol, IS a iroy N.i'Kin.il I. men ‘■i.pply soino gfliioio! inlormalion custom drapes and carpetinu. tomlOrJable iam ily dwellino, 3 - Times-News.Circulatioh Dept. Eiirn 1300 month, pari hme oboul youfsoll lo • fireplace in recrealion room.,1 iK-drooms, laroe livinoroom (14 M AIUlvj. Hr'.prriMtili’ wom.wi. eveninus Fuller Oruth, phone 734 Noiicf oj SAif 0 1 S IA ir !>rrpin(|, (hilU i.ir r , ixi.ird, 40 30. in Ruperl, 436 9139 /- . PRODUCTS DIVISION PROf’fRIY TObE SOlD AT iiaraye Quiei enioymeni (or IOLL FREE 678-2552 P.O Do-'7345 179.900 . »7I,000 f:;, PUHLIC A U C flO N W ayUewin He-. 733 34VU M o r n in g s lulso. O klahom a 74 105 1 iifh JV-t • ■ ---- - • “N E E O E D s.ile<,tnrti» ^ il't some Itiu &lul«>-H>l-idoliO' Ihioogh . FU'UTED POSTS kiiowled<|e ol buildings 10 C,»ll pr> ils‘Dt»pnHmenl of Hlghwoys •tTuitdino nnd p«mting contrnctors w ilt' i3lf«i*uVed’Stafo proporI'y >-hoHror>m— orv-doubl«» lot. - ln -walnoi .linish-acc'enf, th«- Nursi'Ty~Altendiinr lor~ffaiai'eno enicy m a beautilul L shaped •■irryiLft Sundoy, U 13 A M , M ' •C,ill 7J4 5077 rtlMi J 00 11 111 on gaiii(|it poilifllly fe(u«?il yonf wi-ckiliiy*, and SI l(»-A dO -t>)» ' DON'T READ. lo i solo al putjtir riurtl o.ie ne - tu arootns, 3 lul l bmT^4r-rf>&tTCl ----- WAKT-ED - ^ Cotiyolk with ■ liitpui'lAl sunken tub, SALESMAN FOR SOUTH UnWss you >Tloan business pointed Qd'orj*' lots ot s l-aitiily rooiri wiih impressive Wo oro now considering qual . 3 Ifuik.- nge lumisfu'ti 01 unfurn DRIVEfLFOR ESTABLISHED CENTRAL IDAHO ,(.aniilever fireplaclc, eleganl. Ifiod opplicanU in your oroa 3 Soli S|>ii-(ic «d S7 I 000 ' rprpetrd - kitchen. wllh > MOTOR ROUTE IN Estoblijhocf toiritocy High to bocomo o working porl of I lo i l-oi • re apphyincus All - D Q tli- I IniluoJ hirdcc n lnr<|r'1rv|i>(| iliii "c.,r ;)ly in per othiH solos .oxporiunco help- 2 CoinpKn^ t host BLISS-HAGERMAN AREA A ili'v Cate Distributor System You aru noT"a pplyin o ' (0 ( job !^o IT' — ,-l-f Oftnhor 4 Goorgo Spaars. INTERESTED PERSONS CALL IMMt'DiAirt OPrMiNd IN iqoJ d u j lUglJ*. -Llubtt Dtspu -floyrmaTT— prot*t-^ job. LcTri bo oxpondod lull lOCATION- giiod locolion 5 iiiiIks (join H.irley Matbers 733 0473 ' TOLL FREE 536-2535 ---tim v-wilb comnflrty-linoneing.- P«porlnM.’')l nl Highwop. D itlricI 3 M~ Comprehensive preparation lor 1st hovu pVor 36 variotios of hot HELP WANTED nrade, EKlensive phonics course. I U obovu locatiun.'A duiailed olfnost finisfiud 'basomant; ' B o o u t ic ig n ______Soup^ nd .Hol-Enttaus.. sudv- 11 — ^^ii¥n5r^roins‘ io bb~otio-ijnr —paiittfiid-Jaimly—«oom—with—. Opor^loi luQVJng town wolk Duof Slow. Chickon & led shog co'pot new Jiving —H ous e—W ives—o r e—y o u—1 itin g—fo r- lci< sole tnny ho Micurod hi 00 ~lnTO'ftlontolij—7y9-5060------~OumpflngTrChlfr8-6o a n irn n d fttol o to tc onft conlocting llui~DopoiImeiiT on and .on. Wo hove . oil. of m kho«l b404i*r ithon btiill-ms (encvd ■ somethlng to brepk your everyday, of MighwOy's Dlsirlcl Offlre JACK AND JILL * Nursery, Amcrico s iouOfilos All rd 3 for' gai'd(i». nicoly licensed child care. Supervised ot Sfioshonu Idoho 01 llie NORTHEAST routine'Vi/hile'the kids are off to II Saletmiin or^«lt>won)tn activities’ 1104 lOlh Avenue East. Ihoso delicious products oitr Kfscoped, oKl'oMor '|usl . ,0 . . , .UQi!_ ttnrnri— tn c a T o d 'on—quioT~ 7 139 lloise l({qhl) n:T707 =schocl?-—Hffre^szi'ifox)rz:am®ST:irrftAci: --motic--v«nding oquipmont-* —Mubloi— Lodfo rhooh—isnd— N L L D L O ■ Mobil’ Sole items wilPbi- ovoilalilo Your roulo will bo esloblishud -U^ lilHQiy Sponoi park all cleonod ond roady Donolds is looking (or two port time —t p r - y m r r r r ...... i msiattod by us Your ogo Inq ol llio // t>uu window girls that can yi/ork 11 ;30 d.m. t Is not □ Tocto(. il you quoliiy. •O N IV. • Dabysillinp in my homo, Porfoct. lor 0 nicovcoupio to -aoioflo $69 700 ‘ defiendabie care. Kellwood area, TERMS to 1:30 p.m. Monday Thtough Friday. oporato us u (am lly ousinoss A MUST TO SEF 3 slory.'3 prolessional lind Lynwood area, ruterencc. 734 The lorms oi Iho snlo are SHARP SPLIT-LEVEL ‘ CASH INVESTMENT REQUIRED bedrocun 3 bath, nicoty /esiuck handling 479J. 733.7453. cqsh iho dtjy of the sole Closo lo lynwood 3 bed * I'f ☆ A -■'I*' * iV <-(|u.pnient, AS LOW A S ...... H .557,00 rnipeled and panuled, lerences and • Porsonol fluirks diown on rooiTis, family room w 'liro e .p e i ii'iiii' ri L-required. M ail PLAN O NE .$3,366.00 Spodous yord hat sprinkler , on IdoliQ l)piik_^Diik.diofls- rr. McDonalds_ aLso_ae&dA_t.yyo_,grtllmen_ lOyslttinor -TWtroo- m oney ordeis oio. con ; SIreet. Uuhl. 03^16. all 336 403 ' 0 1 ' Lovuly vo id $4 i .500. 0 quiot strool doso lo schools who con work 5:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. P lA N THREE $7 649 00 Sidoied to be cosh All iiiiiK '.ENGLISH TUTOR oixf shopping cunlors. Pricod 1- N T R i. I 1 |( M u U ih ’ Hoiiii-s For lurthqf information or. o tball be sold on on AS IS light ol (jcily $24,000. Full or part time. Apply in person to •„ili '.01,111 iie.',l,-il Apply M «. K ^Sltuationi-WiintML. porsonol intuivlow. »end_ HOME ON 3 ACRES Nom^-'~Xdtlrosv S TRono -3B00"“sq f f i coi onr'oqu ~MOljT!L'~HanTL-!,“ Ifl]? R iiii!Ja[r V.N. RICHARDSON. I*, f "rAHfERlCAN ^' 305 Blue Lakes Boulevard North. Twin Kihivl. .Irtiil J illb. /J I.J.1JQ-...... -nutnbBi - lu North Amurcnh - a bodroom? TT)oihs ‘ loimol CAR PEN fY R 'ind’concrete workV Slnrn Hi(jt»y;nv {-n^inej-r Falls. ---- ^ ‘ ---- new or remodelinQ. call 734 3430. Dlslflbuling -Corp... Food- .t.Iivilio S ’dining rooms, loinily -REAL ESTATE & 07 . Jab&of Inlerett SorvicotOivlsion. 3443 North loom w bai rmishod hose ------APPRAISAL —^ M«lo A FcmAle WIGS wiglols, and cascades Control Avo . Suilo 4 19 mnnt-$9V-500------I) Homtt For S«li - 73-I.6650------LlL-niiwI and styled, synthetics and Phoonii,.Ar 05012. . - ONE ACRE SETT|NOL_ mimnh nnamn7TYi7r D U Vollinor, row SALE »Y '6 w n k i / two N ew 3 liedrooiii hoini> laicjn 0 17 "brtJroom —brirk homr-with third dotuHO kildton '>'bnsem(>ni Ij/okiK . . . 733 0057 BACKHOE' SERVICE 7139340. CLASSIFIED-AD (>e(lruoin m tiill timMied l)iis«'iiu-nt, double gararjo paiio - Al M ii.y o ii...... 733-3169 iwo lult battis, two ti/epinrps, Two u ory 4 Ijc-diooii) furmal 'AldoSlrnnq^ 733 0905 W ill do housekcopinOi 734 30S5, <..tr|>eled Itiruuiitioul. call 433 5367 MALE & FEMALE APPLICATIONS in Kirntierly livinp and dining roomj C ali family ruo>i> off kiiihen W ILL’DO house work," call 733 3 tjwlrooms. w»|ti 3 more ,11 Itii- Double Qofogo polio tiasenii'ol, 3 imltis laruc Iam ily NOW BEING TAKEN AT 733-0931 room. Qood location, only 0 years N E W l i s t i n g ’ Hay Slacking, automatic hay. old i>r>( ed ridhl at \3li,S0(i C a llK nritk 4rd credit H im ann, Wvnjioll . 536 3103 Jock Cuppoll 734 431b (M‘. tie.ii 13V.V00 ☆-Toys ☆ Grill ( This Is not 0 franchisir You Way Lfwcn . 'A- Men's Wear Extrem ely nice, lour bedroom, fliloGroy 73JOIOI own lO O fi of lh« business He-. 733 34VII N EED a UuUdojLT? Call 713 0174. (large miisler bedroom), recently W o frofn W h y poty tor bluo remodeled, v e r y good location, i?f Hardware ☆ Security ik y ? new carpet ihrouohout, plenty pi ☆ Ready To ' CU STO M Swalhino, Dalino, and yaril,'Iro n l and back, carport, and Sobostian s Intnl. Inc walk in Moraye shed A ll lhis,.tor QUALITY SERVICE ALWAYS ^- Home Wear ...... id Mr - only t3^.500 Call 733 7915,______1 — 7------HII-^A-AAiiiinary-11I I Iu l- y - — 3 1? bank'of Walhingion 1;i«ht tenths acrc . 3 bedroom "-^ -c o s t s -M o r e ? ^ ^ = = liome. nice yard, garden, Iruit DulldInQ "e e s 1 oulbuildintis, $13,700, call Spokono, W oit»lhoto« 99301 ...j -j OOO, reallor owned -TRUE EALSE □ " m PaQ-J7ft,l,- TTgliTli you diock folso. tn most coses, quollty to r v l^ dbot ■ ^cott-fnofwt-HQWTmirT-g^tnindfprii^ in m iift^om nrbuy'Baiianci^ ’ ------^-GoTsht&r^------• :::^ irrs .irilAAooic-Vollwy-C«ow,-ttto quolily o x lro H jrv U o i 'ol-MuU-- -☆ Automot4 C U S T L ...... " ipin iij|TTi?r'sorvffrroT:Tc:y^^^ lhituJimaJAu!Qb»fi -i!?f Shoes roto til lino, corrgoAt ing, disclnoc ...... ‘ • -‘BQutnmBQL nlly’ odvortliAcI package ciliplay...... GUARANTEED NOT TO TRANSr-EliHEO/ must sacrlticu CONTACT MRS. CQZAD "1 year old home, 3 bedroom, 3 or : CUSTOM bean combining with ttC IIUN PANTY HOSE bedrcvsms. lam ily room m partly TWIN FALLS. MLS ” OFFICES, 'Cate boan kpeclai, Magio Vallty tinished lull basement, lots 0 A m erican R«;nl Esinin 8 A ______Noi.lhwuitJliiQUy_ -•rM.iTennMioVr-Rot>lniOnit:l3^. --- e«TTH«., T34 9346 ...... 2258^ddison-Avenue-East 5584, . . . tion omty. Invoilm oni IfoiVi "fldrnos Roolly------— ^ -F.oldtmon-fioflltofv-i-A- -Mtiuhinln-$inlt 4l315inLocumd:b"variv6nm: 40^ -ROTO-if»P Rooliy Oslcondor Agoncy 733 3435. . «ncoi, A cctv will bo lurnlth- G lo b e Riiplty -4«oLblf\ln.Sprvlcft.' -8:0O^-0T9e-AWHH^0---3T3O-PAA-A^^ CollCOlLCCT; OWNER 4 or 5 bedroom Key Wuallv | show5bow Roohy,Rodliy, Klinko Ansncy' G R E E N C h o p p i n g aia-930 3033 o rw rito ;‘ brick, .3 whirlpool .. kitchen Rocky Mountoln roohy Appljancoi. dining room with Edno Irish Roolly-'^ iToyloriAodncy OET BUY HOSIERY. INC. .’i±hlna -Cablnei, Tull finished Lpnd Ottico ol Idobo . Roal oitalo onii 5235 W llihlfo Blvd., Svit#.530 . bASoment with outside entrance, John lull, Roallors- ' G ood Pay & Excellent Benefits ■water toftener, a ir fondltlonor Tjyin fajls'ftflolty' . CUVOM FARMINO Loi AnoalorColll. 90036 ’ lynw ood fioolty - Boln wlch|iam RooUori . \ * ^ '* fquol Oppprfun.lJ^ Emp/oyor ‘ ft ’ 733 6M3 , 734 aft45 large fpnced’ yard wllh pailo, INOIUDE VOUffPHONf double aar'an6 with 3 attached:' ^ Gotn Slate Rea|ty .. ■ Wbittim Roolty ‘ • - ...... - rooiTit, S54 Aliuras 733 4009, 77 TImoi-Nowi, Twin Fall*. Sijptiay. September 30, _IW3 Jo b i6f InUfMt .Milrli.Ftm «Tt— lh« M lv way. »«nt Idaha National . 'AHen-Balt -VIb/alort. - Spied . LIGHT PLASTICS -'rem|pcriitures MEART OF A M ER ICA Tdmpcralurps saoo ^ PLASTIC i 5UPPLV CO LO SE' VMloht wilH Nvw Spans' -r-Hieh'tow—I^ r 7T«WI>fI-»na Ht'dt'BiTWflTffr-PIllr- -IS-NOW-EXnANDlNG-itS^n^ r e tu rn ; MAGIC VALUEV DPUC. find erAtion into this. area. / iiiehi.bw ____ ,_ jV tla n U » -WaNDELL-ORUO.- _ WE w ill APPOIVJT A.-QUAU- IBUB. ~FI80-*ND(UJDUAt_AS:OUBlCJC^ Dufffllb c ;C3D A L A W Y E R ? II VoU‘b o n T ' CLUSIVe MANUFACTUflER- Iluhl, hdvii A lAwyer *nd«i»ect one. call COMPANV OFFERS. la r g e r D u rle ’y ■ ain rle sto n ,S.C . pC 86 the. Id a h o S t a d Dar Lav>/yer R el« rral Sorvlce (collect) 34] siSB. . • - Exclusivo Torrllorl«« Cnld\^cil - Chlcngo r . . ’ M . •Pir«t interview'. IIS.OO.- - — Controet«d Aecounli . „ CflBtleford Columbus,0, r 81 r— Immodiote Incoma .,.,_ ,S T „m U L S _ _ - . KcMwood .EnlctlcW- -D e n ve r p o ------60- ‘ J0b«4(f tn U r*tf .Con.ba.operalad fu/i or part [Tlnto from ApproMlmofoly hiis_lncr_cnseil 'im -gunrlcrly ■.Gnmlllili Des Molnes-r 73- - Squdro fool illvlilcnil to 2U cents (nmnre, Crnnncvnl -Dctrolt-jy lr0vlottt-tvp*rl«>nn wivnlilc Dcc. 4 to aluirfowncra ii,i|,,.rninn E l- P n cn r- n? N a ce tiry , iit rccoril NovrlS. ■ ■ ■ ‘ fiomodnle Houston c — No Sailing on Your Pori ^■ -^ILz-uina-lIlP wiVo Mtornnl Council <6 now- “ S e a ttle T r H3 'S?. liikmd applications for a lull lime -return.” • • T a m p a p c flfl 75 Hiluiouiil S|3BCi.Misl ,ind • .1 par| C rn if! Hie. company earned-4^-5 itrMi‘ Ci.'rli|>(.‘il. lonelier lo luach in SeptemU^ sun shines warmly_ ' W a s h in g to n c y 90 G9 . .-Qur-riuhl.la.ri;i)dxlasii:&..UIIinmJdl.. million, or 45 cen\s a share, in rWiaillTi'liy pri-ii-rri-tl The cle.idl.nf for, Ir Dookhoopor. atsisiont Uie first.Qliarter-ondcd-3uly :n, .inpiic.ition*. will DO O.clolier 13. Proliocioncy importoni and c(K)ler Monday. ni|{hs in mountain'a to' tlui low 40’s In few day^AlsolhTa'wIll'brine a 19/J ■ compjired with J million, or Twin rails, northaldc, lO k o y ‘ 1.12 trend toward cooler daytime 2 Socrolary-Rnokkooptfr niirlcy'Itup(‘rl area: the 70’s tojlay and in the fiO's southern Vjilleys. Alwut- the C.ill 733 . 34cents a share, a year eariicr. Experioncoa. bood phono Mortday, l.ows toni^{ht in tlie same . tertjperatures are temperatures over extreme ■ ’Sales rose to $79.35 million , Conllnned fair twlay turning voice expected a^ain today and north Idaho tonight and over from $74.fin million. partly cloudy—and cooler 30’s.-. • Tw in Falls 3. Olfico work • Part timo. Monday. High's near BO today Synopsis: tonight with cooling trends n!Ost of the stide M onday. P E M M A N E N T full 'fim e iflle i 4. Dookhoopor • Light work. ;~ ^ In other action by the b()ard lU-rk in r v i.iil h .ird w .ire , Roipocl ior malurit/ '* and 70 on Monday I^ w a tonlKht Sunny skies and lifiht winds Monday. i‘. Showers dL'veloping Sunday .wo Qtnorry ho.jilti .-_C9moa_HroIcic^Jlnllcy_anil___ :t(inllnuiuinu prevenlivo .nioin.tunancu pi'e.Hidenl. • and C ra ig -‘ l.. "W o are equipped lo handle .1? ■ TL'ri»*t'S--'to '"TJri fQqfgm^■ W l!l rnjpon^iblp Jht^dz .■“'.'Jncobsorniart'dircctor; ^ -publtc-relMiiona-cainpuignaon; ft>r doponmonml fiscal ond' ' Ow.Hlllr^Ulons Oiichclor The firm wjll ofjer jt • oil -l«;vels,“ Mendiol said, porsonnel roquirurr>onli dwiri’i- m fhild ili'vclfftirn'f'nl D B N V E n . Colb. - MdunRiih TTnm prph^pnsivu— -nrnge— of— -'■hH.*aliyrHt4itowid«,-ro||onuUy- —.A«signinunt____M ill____in c lu d o - p< iiH.tr y ^luc.^lion ^ !,j)ck.nii t'ilut ill loii , ri'ciZlu'V Ir iiinX'” Bell reports Improved earnings 1 advertising services, according- and nationany.'"- - Irofon and dutiyfaio.d. polatu for.both the three month and 12 p ro co stin g o p o io lio n k in icv'^n'. th.11 iirr i>!,siln).U( loni-. Uhls.,- en • - the-lwelvoTftOftUf period.,____ die • advertising business in Cookston. Minn 56716 - A n e q u a l oppo* tu n iy • rritnii.inifiS rd_uc.irrton d«' d.rt .» ' Net Income f o r thc ’ thrcj* 7 Boise, . ‘ ' di.i p/ir.i lo'. do-., I).»ful.» df oinployui n\iieilr.is y ips p.irniUvd quc nionth period was $36.4 million The firm’s .temporary Kt'I.llltl -gins Monday and 'orhployiVton>, lirni I-SMIK, 1)1,1111. Sl.irl .11 on p<-r Also, the comparw installed its IJospiliil Corp. of Ainerican showetl an 11 per cent gain nour. with p.iicl v.irn, liti- “ In this w ay the custom er can sec how the will continue'for two weeks, Cain said everyone *. -5 m niionllf phoneln Ju ly . and forii)er chairman of with 4,ff?a_floaling ^ le river, O u r s t o r e hospitrtliJ.itio item of furniture fits into an actual rwnn >M m vileil to ytlend—walk-throtigh- the-IhriH.*- ■ Tl)e quarterly dividend of 35 Forformance Systems, n fnsT^ comparedwilhH;Q72per.sonsUHT“ arraniicment and can also decide what colors floors of dis|>liiy anc^ see the new offering of • contffoTWounrain-Bell slock,* food operation, lastswison. Quhl. Idaho. will coinbino well with tlie furniture." Cam sallI7 furnishings. DtM»r prizes w ill b cg ive h during the As a result of the increase, and increase of four cents from In announcing (Jranatelll’s Wo will froin i you (or He said tin* room vignettes also give the Iwt) weeks. Uie previous level, will be paid ouster, Studebaker chairman die officials will require ad­ this outstonding caroer customers suggestions of furniture groupings Oct. 15 lo share owners of Several empUiyes have been addeil. jiicludmg IV ra ld I I Huttenl>erg praised vance reservations for float opportunity in soft and «cces.sories whicb w ill combine vvell in het record as of Sept. 20. a fulMinje decoialor. Polly Shlrfleff, to a.s^t Granatelli for ‘q^r-'- n i^to trips on bolh rive rs ne;];t sum-^ gobds rbtoiling.- NEED own liome, ■ fiirnlliilU' buyer^ .. 1100 miiliori'ii-year company m er. ' , IMMEDIATELY! Cain said thv new concept of display was •Re-jj.ly. Irnrnodiololy ' (•■ tn.Mired m illion giving particulars' of Sincitrit liard working) youn^ liiade possible by Uie flrm ’p nbjllty to yb^iin the ('ain's .scrve.H all of Magic Valley Uith ' .Lost A Found miU‘n HTP -sportod -when 01 -work oxpojrioncir and mot by 25 foot llagei'iiian. Sun Valley and Rhss, l o s t l-cmfllo Aosirflhrtn Blue biitinost Ahnvii nvu'ogu »g‘>_, Hcclof pup Area Hnjhlirio C.in.il, Lohnio •Groover. Koll- odrnin(]t^ inrlutlo bnsti willi Despite Uie ever-rising sides, hiutiwny V3 5BW wood Company, suite S>alary •nvtoHunt l)iin<>lit% in bTP’s profits have slumps! 120 - ICO Progrpss cludino^roTiromoni progroin. L O M 111 in i' .>ro.i ol A vnnm r uuu(oixi) jiokI vQfnlnn since the $ll.(i million, or $1,02 Parkwoy. Maryland itor’li, 1 monih old bi.ich Iciii.iIl' clonioiiMi oior oiul oH. «»» a .share; earned in comparison ixioill*'" W i.ii- Mwi iiitlur I chin' Hoighls, Missouri ponsn^ F-nr on iniiirviow ond Interest rates over peak H tW A H D 733 4JAA ^ lo the $fi'.n millinn. or lj.15 a 6 3 0 4 3 A iho ttofKto n'vnry'pfolitflt^lo share in lH7a, prol..s\.on niM 7 'Jl /70O 01 7 3 3 7fl9n ond nik tn« Mr (c i Ncwhoustf Ne.ws Service To bo sure., rate movements August -— andmoney makes; some'.‘ft’onder whether the. ^‘STP.said Sealciullfir^UfltlCC- " A n e q u a l 0 p p 0jTtun|.ty WASHINGIQN—— Xlioro’s ' on sueh nmrketnblp-sectjritlefl- —the economy go; Wouliln't the , reserv? systtrni was really^ - profits this year -will be " employe.r m/l. -tptfbT^DnprnfnRrcpmcnnhc.qr- nr{rvDrnt|lo7Thcynnr7oom'*fiT~ " ^ T l u I ” l5li'jiiin5^7WC'Toi;Wrrtt^5— scnctinR out n .chnrnnr’stfrrrat: '■subsliintlniryloweF'Uiarnho GERMAN SHEPHERD Spcciai Notictt djiivs among monetary experts ...slump an Investors' hopes and progressive j.inti-lnflalit}n, .Kven the'majority wln).afe $l,a m illion, or 30 cenUs a share Sp«cial Nofic«t ~ in.^he government and the ■' fe a rs.___ as -well as on .crcdit.tlghtenlnir ff it didn’t convinced have some iFoubljS earner P o g g y , t ^ L ^ N S -

-Cnn, .a n d p H p fT T T ire ^ n d d e n ly J'>en If rate.*? diin't conu> -'“ ^f2 borrowlTTB^r(T~nlrendy HitimeruaUodliLtiuit dlrecUon. 1 JunOi-1071 r-ridicut()d-U)&-wie 'r e v e r s e d ...... — a purchase of treasury bills tumbling down. Tiuiugh'. tlie mciiflurobly below the rccord “STP 'oil trealh»^‘nl ,«s .»n., groati , Un< quo The ’.initial declines ,irv in the open^ m arket which worst secMns to bg oyer. It is all jMjflks set In early August. Only aul(imotiv,e protector and siild • So/ocf interest rates ~ th P Other .Hide ■ servcdTaaild to — ruthcr thyn. iu>t impossible that even the irittrlgnRc'rates, which move itii use- could invalidate' new- / h sp frin g of the.colndly, and.bank lopn rntc,^ ALCOHOLICS^ “t*td B o l- O ift— Book - for— all— -othor-speuritiefhprlees— was - p o w e r — r ---- : T” “ bounce bnck'ttT-thclr-AiiRUSt- ftcem.to.bc. exceptions to Uie a n o n y m o u s -prompted-byilnycstora bctUrtR ^ (jgns, all occossions. ill ;• - ~ - v : ■- --i- -TI»o amounts involved .were hlgl)S. You have to assume a' ihut'ins. boranvod, oQod. . on a chWgc lii“fhc~n, odcflt—bui-ii _ .- rrrr. .MEETINGS:__ — -riniVftnorifli— 'bi^rinvs: ; th some» cacaacs ac.sr'ffie...... declines ...... hoard's tipht-mnnov llpe. „aiunnl..nni.UiiLii3oncvLiniirKcL ..- .Ivltv to ,mak(» a ease, for Vuve tj'e^ (m ^altc; The" .here were a number of took off. Slnfo Uien. Secretary sucli a rei^untr. ' 3 ) 3 6 lh SI, has been*promote()- to district lo lo now In m oil Soulhorn .W .n .V f. rc^iirn on llic Intesl Uirec*' ■plausible rensona ifor that of Uie Treasury Oeorgf^ Shultz Rather, most ' financial •TUeS.—TWIN FAllS 0:00 - l^foho lo w n ’i, Of *ond mwth TV.enaury bill, ..for conclusion. .luia added to the enthusiasm analysts prefer to look ahead io . sales managtif for southcnst iqtf 7th Avr tost . , 13.95 P.t. for inaihn{] ony- I 'o . '/ i I’-triiii:)]' V-. Idaho by Allstate Insurance exfimple. Is now more than two For .one, the, economy's ' wllli his observation on Uie hot-tob-

' M u s ic a l tM it ru m M ti G«r»ot S«lH' Hay, CralnAFttd t V l l * ? U p p llM Farm l^pltmants Travtl Trailtri 10. C y cla it Sui>pll*t^ tUflL.QUitiUJin(L£iUC- ______;alnJAuoctiUlulK_ fl fJ r-nrrt lr.^rj(i n. li6Zr/34 4745. TAnks, .All liiftt. InitAllArlon WodnosdAy oi. each monlh. 0:00 17US..SIV and drive, ncellnneoui. nnd tools sorwicc AVAllAblB. SpociftI flAOO Siiiliiu^ 10' m iles Northwest. 90 6ood condlllo'rl tUQ.**, H AM M O N D O R G A N , M 100, flnb W etlficW.iv, Octobor Ird , m iloi Qushel Ulr^ com plvttly ercciDd, montti 1:00 p.m. Reflular sate lluhl. Miiihw.iv 30 S43'4740 *— .'tunriiiiort-tws ___ pn-EdiL.rjii&.,?ay3,n4Uv.ju.6nw»- -•nciudH— souih.Cashlor tractors, loww prlcprices FoirsA rii"r97r VAmaiwr4so'*ioo"' And custom tf 1 have not movedov«d foto 7330453 • • ...... now }?00 376 5:50p m _ I I « 1 n^KiiBli..! n n A .J I A on usiHl parts Plionp 731 0791. or best offer. Good condition. 37A- Twln^ Fallft. De^ullful poodle I9MI 71 looi ROAd Runner trailer, 4379 uveninos. puppies now readv. Also tonrte Sell comainod, Utedvery little 7S3 OAMO INSTRUMENTS, rml.il ^ . OoodtlilnililiiB*! Cusiom corn slovcr slACkma, lor 40 H e rt a i slock lor sale, rtfAsonable.'Please W73 S60i.ink.boet li.irvesler. 3 tow 1408. - i)ro()fiim. rcnf Applies on leed or bvdding. Ca II 543 60^4, j>urc(i,»io p r.cc, ■ io lm e r, , phone KIm borly 473 5104..' r- With rowlmfler hosos ,vid cylinder . R E D D E U IO O U S . ntiw roAdv, Mike Thomns. • Vi'ty good cond-iion, c.>irS3' 65-17. •liunu», Conri. Ai-Iloy, Kino,' Golden fiflcr Suplom bpr'IllJh, .A rf ■ ■■ .nVrtinrthrt. ui!.*rumpntS.‘WArnlT AkI.ind Orcti,ud 7 m ilfs cflsr of ____ .-Alv, . M usk.- Cornojiiy.. Twip rgiu- s tjc kod, U P lo'n, 135 ton S43 S&94 LOCKWOOD Mark VI spud 1973 S U S U K I TC 100, oxcolleni' Uulilon 30 J m.lt-s Nortu AiU< k#S ►wLiQhl . mifl anrt ^lirimiiuiicflsccnaini------mcQIDQ.OJn - — .i. — — :------— l- :rftmyntnzexc«llenl=coridlirone _cflnddl(MuJr.cc_iiiilmi!t*_lSOO*_W3i-< TrKrcrrm— strfuir?:-?;?? ready looo lo work Call 43D 5819, 76J7 ■ , . —npTTfpr^y-Tpn—'n.ittonnt -.Ben-HA|ev^l3.40Si. — T IIA IL K W -H’(TC-HJ>&.,And brakps- Oi(5l~^nb.^5sat(or fr'ompot "and — 11 PcTpcfrsi -iUvr- tttst: wtAlOBS. cabbAQo, and corn. Irvin choppcrs iind icod boxes, wul or 7 HoiTic Ir.iiliT , covwt'fl. I.vulii todcnitab.U-milfli_w?»i_oJ-J^o- If j j o n b.ilo4 no proliltfm ' —aJWarf'CuTllFTTjasV^yilar. Vox ' Hanten Chovrolot. TSemonW^n'lidn any linjo “ Rober'r (700 00 733 0316 — JfUl_Guar.dsmdn— anipli(*«)f • ScnuJli>,-Currv-Crosw*fMJ ,-7434038- tiiicropliQiie .V)d vt.ind, rtcouSlic ilob v k*'ii(U'ls‘733 7^30 W iir^ aV 'd " ■■ l9 « T rA W A 5 A K I '7iO SttTeWmder, fji/.i.ir pickui), ,111 in f¥cellenl dogs, ,>l!,o !.,poflinH doui lor sale. ^lood C0750. 436 4133. condition W M ?tlfl 4260. ^75 ton >'d cut li.tvr billed m field. H U N T E H.'. S'S H o (j i-s t e r e d— 930 Tractor, _JS4_?5_‘__ fo rd « he, ttUMp: C.111 73J - ,DUCKS. 733 M V r_ jni;_7ja5374..,______192Q_Su{ukL.QQ .nm lorcycUi^ oood— .. . I,PI.,1 ,1.1.. -mnir.’ V yrnrsrw n rkfr- i ’hone 374 4700 '^45 Radio. TV *Sltr#o . . -...... - - r : — - j . niriis Goodwiin cmiaroii D7S'S5It " n.Khincfy tr.iller. elcclnc brakes. C a m p a r i Wfti Suiuki 750, nowly over tJAUlwJ' . nt'd_flnd_Yf!llovy_J3£llclDus, you i-ldei -A imd r w . iri.-cordch.in«er flnd l.jpe 'pick.'VQur c'onthlnor!. IS'SO'biTild-r 'U iv t . 4^‘ spr.nkTcr pjpe, • 75 TONS 3rd cullino >utv, bnled in HOMSE IM AIL'ER'. b.ilMiiU'n, P lu jh i'j, gooit t i r c i , ’ iniddli- beilion. 175 horsepower lurbme 'Slu-ll I pi.ivff AM <>na TAA rodio. 734 5174. ol Hinhw.iv 74 on Orch.ird Drivi;, tlie liold (4D per ton phone., 376 pumi>. (3.700 Inquire end oi West 1; mllL* south on Kenyon Roi^d. . 4741. CO itip.u linen »T' oooil hunlitMj Aviiuie D Jerom e Or U,irne:> tr.iiltr, JISO OrviH McLe.m, 374 0)31“ . ZHNiTli W ' oi.ick .Mid whilf .Hi;,ll!y.. H i m j ...... - 11. winlcc-Uflnrtna applufc, J7.00 per MUNIERS SPECIAL, 3 l«)fies IS'. Srhtfflrr ticrt-bpd I;mi-llrni I96H Ctievrolet. pickup, turbo _|??!3hc!.„yOU_OicK._fl!iD_Elcmlsh 6 ry - p in e ; ■IB” " lOtJQ Spli'- WN w ith •..iddles, tor rid in y .inci ' lO Kililion S4.I6S1V MolM-rt M ille r. hydr.i ni.ilic 396 enuino, with 19M l^ Jl Hond.t Cn 450. mosily choppc'd "m brnino rtnil evenif>fl, 73;3 0147. IVAV' M.HiortvoM color TV, biMuly.tio.iri, brino ranlAincrs. 3 p,K‘'ih(l. ‘>l‘'0. 7 Jiorse ir.iiler 473 • Itx iil O dvlu«ie Security camper (1,000 inei.il t|,)ke bine, needs a iitllp W,u!iN j;ajiDcJfLJorilnT»;5jLtli>r, ,33ff J33 0643 work,uktr.»w. S36 3576. '■ ^riipn; Frencn"nrovlnci«» styii?* AR-T-iriGlAU-naCCDlNCf l?00 X:m \ 543 49?0 L I G l I l you ure,ii proven s ^iiSIN Ul MAMU, «7 Patturai For Rani nil.ird Wide uiiTippr ihi'M, Hoiut.i 1970, 350 S L .,ta n c y paint aUU^iIXL_ia (175 733 31196 6102. Jerom e 374 76S7. Shobhoni', W A N II.D . f.ill p.islure. .liiywhL'fe delicious, Rome iU-iiuly;'jon.-ilJ)iin non. -to Ci*sf)ef«id, iind MAClnlQsli .ippk'S, Orr HU6 75U7. Hurley. 670 9753 -FOLDING- CHAtRS, foldmo Orch.ird,-l-tnilL' norlH''oi Buhl, on r ...... P t \ i k :iuppllas Ay.ii1,lUl«_Ovli)UL'r ,151)1, any .iinouni up to 700 low s C.ill 537 r).inqijc-l i.ibk-!., ChurChvi ClubS' Cl<-,.. I ..kei. 1^0,1(1 -543 5093 . MOUNTAINVIEW Al A S k A N le le ic 0|iin(i H luiii • Ri-it.iur.int^. overnlofit ft.SJS, or 537 6555, uMiiiier. pertecf londifioii (1700 -del.yefy ;33-305?...... ^TENTJON SMORTSMANI AKC C.III 731 70fl(l -- - ^V usla pupL..ukcelli;nI.oQinicru.dnU...... STABLES "•■rievfrt. 714 7171 -^a» liTtfinVr- 9 » 13 LINOLE.UM..RUGS, A R E N A ■ 1966 KIT KA M PER fr.iilcr, 15 1001 HARLEY. DAVIDSON tor t«le, A SS O R T E D P A T T E R N S , (7,95. bHOk 1 .lire 3 miles from Twi furniice, 3 burner stove .indl'oveti, loll dress, extra.clean, 374 44fl3;" DANNER FURNITURE. Twin PEpPERS. . tom.«foes, red Prolessioniil dog orooming All f .ill-., vi't t m te 3 hedrooin Di « C O R R A L 5 - sleeps s.« 374 7913fttfer 4.00p n» , after i ,00 p m F.ill!.. 733 143 1. pofiiiocb. ciibbnne.- and squash breeds, c.ill tor appointmoni 734 liuine, L,ind Q IIilc ol ldiilio.,73 w evkd,lys 0116- M.irold Ki.-iriitl’V.'733 7400 Irvlh Qodensiiil), 7 milet. Wesl ol 3177, Lynwopd Aquarium, • ' PAS.TURE- 1973 Combat Wombat, sfock engine I?' WeldwocKl boiti .tnd Ir.iiU'j, Ace Hiitjsen Chevrolel. S T A L L S Koni's Sell for best oHcr, note RUG.IbTERI;D imni.ituri' e.ie llen i condition, ,c.>ll l|67'3J75:' overdue 536 7791 536 5571. Polli-d Ch.irlois HulK service F.R67jnifi, . R E D . (|0 lcl .ipple'j. try 'em , you'll Sclui.iu/er |pi>-Slml. MJ-Vofa** Pup'. 75 Ch.irlois Coinmi-rcul Cows, 7 3 3 - 8 8 6 5 " like 'em. Uodi.'nsl.ibb. 7 M ile i W eif .1 SPOT CASH to show U79 5974. hreU. some wilfi c.>lves HO' 1960 HO NDA T R A IL 90,-eKceltrrf j .Qi Acc_Hjnii;ti.-Cini.ymlc.t. fnui rn.li> ruliliei i.ili, wiM> 7 ----r-^orf-urntlure— Appllnnces “ ______rnprr,- • t>n.it-or ‘ hiotiir londtttoo;- laro e ' lUQOiloc. rack, , AKC rc(jister(.'d, SIber liiiMiie.-.Inirrwiioden o.irV'tJOOr ' quuk if}.ipge triinsmisston. (195. Thinosof Value ,l/.| 11474 1 ftie sireel, d riller inii OANNEW PURNITURE A P P L E S l ()» SA X E Double red puppii'S, .iKo 3 m.il A|ipr<>»rT».iirlv:15 i-.iy Of ij.ir.tiie? Slore 733 5^79 -37 3nd Avc' WfSt 733 1471 .111U ()OlUeh delicious .You pick, puptni'S, S3A 711? r.in n in q - lro m .l*.t 1 RrCilSl I IVl (1 ,Yiii llolliei you lu -.ee Ih.ll e«|im sive'’ I SMS MiMi ^lUf.Mie, YouiMt tree'., lully lo,ided ^nit eiisy hii r>.il<' 37-1 S10I ' WC'M .vul SneRf»l|!*fl’POOD?.e PUFT now- ______b un a_acB a^ " QUEETN ^i;c TnUu ti.Cud-couch, O rch.trd oppn ‘ ’T tiu rld a y, .1) he.ut HoKle muvl sell (BOO or best ollerT 734 (75 Two lipholMcred ch.tifb, round open a I )57 Soulh M ain Poodle Seplember 7Qih 3 miles soolfi ol i-iliMrred in ur.l.li .K.uiip .1 W.ty c.»nipei .ftlr short, 5539or 733 95S4 E«ienslon 77aatU»"' ( o iUt r;ii)tc,- <10 ccich 374 4337. '• • oroomomo- 35 per cent o il to now .ill Q17 ;i419 5 p IT) /«sk tor D.irrell, MluFH-y.cornel or :i m ik 'i bo\jJh,ot :Cus1omeru lor lirfilted Hmtf. A ll. lui iiivsfpi. bed, w rih' hO'( 5«3, corner »o« (luhl . Formerly h.tnd work on patterns. 734 4777 lor couch-^ . -OiMnbuv-OLLliacd— -M Q W -SttQ W lNG_here 197.'1 l»i>ls 350XUH0ndd. see 079 ^\m Sircet . .“ iTTtiT” OrclM ril. 54} 50)9 heifers gui^rantccd Quy or trade ivid motors Sec Ihem -al D U p E»tc'iic'iii (oncJIii'Dn U7S 5019 AKC IrrMi Seller-,. e.< elleiil l)l(i(. for spnngersor beet Hap or Clyde Shaap AND M A R K ’S your Eynrud e 1967 Hond.i CL 90. less than MO ' SS HayTCrain A Faad line, re.iM)ii,M)lr, will d e ltve f ' Huqhes. Dohl. 543 5075 or 543 5969 MiTcury Dealer 1167 Olue Lakes FANTASTIC IW ijj » .iffs .ireoiils and hardwarx-. .!?!'.i|i'(l (15V 00 C.iin' FOH S A L E 500 Ions h,,y, first. ^econcl, Uiird, tu H itH j',, fie.*vy lUlb.'dOU. bhushone 1974 I Only o low'Inlt.' Sportslors ontU l),tles. 43U 5934 f'OR SAL e 100 150 Holstein Supor glides. Wubof Horloy^ . tM'iters weiohinfl Irom 1000 1300 Ddwidson" 1 737 WaslilnQlon' 47 A p p lla n c a i GOOD Cl LA N LuMic.'f ll.jriey pounds on fiarid ufltioned nd- ^(jcvic.. •lUlowSr 9 jMi.SKKier . m ust •,dh . iidummeii!. lOQlJ 4 tLail£ L _SjlU — j H E a n t o S j W Jnmrr-Hjirk-,-73T 5601 Alter 4'00— -Ljiro'Ciiyv-uijb. -___ _ , services an J supplies for your prote^fftondlTreods 1^71 GENERAL ELECTRIC FA lW riflO IDAHO Ti ll ii|er,ilc»f (rve/iT, iu->l IfkeYlUw '•764 77-in • Sl/S SJJ4/U7 BACKHOES’ BONANZA . Cot tu .i|,|)i I', i.ili- Now only (179 50 .it ...... |>.i /r HUNTERS •/. -LOADERS Relrioer.ilort., w. MOTORS M H. Y Lle»li« 441 M.iin Avenue . h e a d .q u a r t ers -j.:H o ijn o a i U j V _ -______.• J Michigan 73 A !•/) yofd - experience C.ill SHUMWAY /LISIIJ'. COLEM AN' IENT5 30*. APPLfANCL Hi;PAIM 7jj 6IA7 “~ln Burley “ OlSCOUNl » . Grdvul Top Sb»t ------, M olroo 970 I V. yard CAMr Oogs 49' up Sales & SorvicG I N ew 1 0.000 pound Mo' RE f-RlGEH ATOMS, tree/ers, LOCKWOOD bealiT scalper lo Gl M allroii covofs $2 29 rcimies, w.ishers. dry«.*rs V E R N 'S OR A V I I., til* dll I. lop Mill wilhiii 3 salv 7 years old Good 43B 7365 a ili.iiules fioiii lowii LliUiiiiiled SHEBPHrRDER Stovos Fo r chino Tfollof APPLIANCE REPAIR 733 S46A si.i.iiiv Ueiiv.'i rd /JiUJ.r. 43B 5y2H -mnnrnT —jno— frrrrmrmToT— tls r ~ -074 Pitur Au*Jnuc-WuiJ---- KTiiTlh We',I Cr.ine t/iQiiin.i nnd . Gun slnigs-&-swiviik -BILUOUGHMILLER O W A T oiiN A s-wafheffc. -p*rts. - srnvfj.in, rjjfr 714 sstirtDnnv oniy- illy. I .ili' . Gun£cobbaidk ■ • - Awning s.iles and ser-vice, M olyneux Cl Mummy boijs :733:5T6T WAiHfck AND DkYER, pair M,^chinery, 733 7547. - • Down sinopiiio hog' f ru iid .u re , Ref.ondil loned .intJ C O M I‘1 I li- iii()l>ilehoiurM'fvn.e.' Rock .ind-Geiii Stone! (19» ■ .Wolt>ip IO N D R Y L H. Wesi.iujfiouse. \ McD.in.i-l aAo t o r h o m e s 'UA< KMOi: AND dump tturW v^BrOwoevlUe C5ir678-9T86^ “USED:INDUSTI?lAtt ‘Trrr-r'.lim .»les 73.1 .1341 ( R A V I N s Si'wei Seivici'r Seplic 733 0164 i.mk i.«vvw l.iu-,liMnin.| Power Iho Furt Spot To SMop Alien EQUIPMENT M.ike otU Dla0(smith .Huilim i'iil. tli'i' |»e.(ii-. fiiili 7JJ IS 2 y,HlAvono„So H 00 -Haatino^-Alr-Condltionlno- ‘^iro'p"ffi)i'ir"i)W(TsTi»uTi\-” w ('idm (i: n"r7iTn7.n76iriieTw'i^' — C a ll— —iohn-0«t»nr-?S0-AScT0pnr----- ^ Mof'q.in Enlefprises, 734 7153 iiiul steel f.iDr ic.iliiM j ll.in l R t)f 0 R U lIl I I $20,000 Hi-iVsM'tMi. % w.ifl luMter (91 suri.ic'inu. e1« C.tll HVV SMO. Col 933 loodi.r . $12,500 1 Ur.ilhini.' lu.iin, m juliilioii, iii(il<’ie .mil in qood condifioi Livestock W.inled Spoitiiig Goods ilOO 543 AUA ■■ . . A5A Inter K JI S S'H JR III ■ ELLIOTT'S tit At) ANIMAt S pi< ked Aufo SoVvIca — 1 Qvorlond Avo. ; i L nofs..powi.-f,-v,.-rr.-T I- -iw.fi -TTin__ k gyliflui r IIUU J-t— r 25 49 Buildinf MatariaU horsfODWLT Johnsnn_l.yu.trs old, ~Parts-&-Accetiiiriat -ZZ7 ^ Carpentry , l)0 'ti in.if fnnes like new. used fwic Phono 67C 55D5---- 4.10 f ord enqine .ini) transmission. W E S T COAST number one Cedar /Ml phfises ol i.trp im lry and Merchants Police (100(1 All ql.iss lor I960 Lincoln. So b HOUSTON -&itiikA-b, eiicellent quAlliy, t40 per" cement work, driveways, i I (Kil tji'ui, .uiu,7i7.i.ii Ill'll ulus Cuinplrle iiosi trncl rear end lor Snlcrs Rcprosonlativo !«|i).ire S36 7110 1,1 k 1,11 ks (>i)(id ( 1V‘i 1/6 Ml^V sulew.ilks, palios. remoilelinii, N I(,M I W .ili hill F oril iiii ku(i 537 99114 Homo Phono 733-1490 new .mil old construction C.ill Tree Service 733 70S4. or 733 7311 1 Motor Homes* TRi:i lOl'I'iNi, <11 reniov.it Uy Cyclai & Suppliet 10 C yclai S> Suppltat ■ .4 x 8 ' f;’l.Y-WOOD -cement Work I'.liCif. f I I-.- I'Miin.iles ,111(1 .il',u ii'il P lu iK i' / n Mllltl 01 711 MIM Soiul.nl si<0 (> EXT . 13 95 Me.ils i-.- C D I Shop . - • J3 49- LXI!LlilLN CLD . .CLAALN.l KLi^lNlON s^JR.Li.. I'L l'y U ., .14NISMTNG I k ...... <|>,lli| ,m.l irm i.v.ii.i AI hums 5 M Houoh Sown S.ditifl . Concrete Work C eiitei 4 on ci.to 't .'';^.-:':-. $fi,95 n 11 .»nd .U COtKfClL' finishlnij', tree Mel^il UuildiiKis Sion.jord Sfudt . tlliO M eslini.ifi". tl.it work.' qai.uies,'’ p.il.ds ilnvi-w.iys. (.ill .mylime COME . 90 It) Rolled Rootini) ' J3 I HOl)l or 7 JJ 7S0S USED BIKE $5 95 per foil immiqit • (.•fTtr*tiTniTi~ Clodwood Shop Sidinfl. $3 95 'CAiHlele work d(»ni', iKiuSi' Sl.llis, CLEARANCE SALE! ! l>.ilio'. .mil y d concreio blocks, windows, wtieel and Resiitenli.l1 n2.00PERMONm barrow, grlrtder,' rebar rod. twino VEHICLES . tel, bicycles, tcootar, ikldoo Qnporionced Inlvrlor Palntltto - iwmohile,>, chrome rn*« wh*tU, ... '4 4 w - . ire . e l rIr a a ll lle e r r coVd, 75 tool 'Inlerlor P.ilhtlno. v.irnlstiino,' WILLS CALL 733-0931 NOWi I ,3Qii.4th Av,o. West ' TwIn'Fafls- " 733-7365 iaI truck Chains, pot batly heater, Antinueiofi, all types. CnII 733 47SII olher Items, evanlng* arVt or 7J3'757(1 - iatufdav Una'Sunday:- ■ 7i> Tim®»-^J«wSv Tyvln Falli, Idaho' Sund/iy. SoptQmbof 30. 1973 ■ I.- , ______'_____ Aulei Per l»l* HM vy Equipmtnt Im perl-’SiM rfiCiri S**p - 4 WMKTjIkIv J««|) >- 4 Wh««l D flvti 196$ Toyota 4 wheel drive Ie»p. ; 19440ievt^OM:yOUK-&WACeH-S<)u«i>*^(MCk^ ^tor.-*al>^tJ71,; Chfttf.V—PlaieC ^ "•Kail/Jrtr &530“ conattton-n;1S0— 3J4 B73S.- -K-S (pM driharlH ^yr tl4^atk tor- -* " WTo^eii. eno>n» «nd «ll running m tlM O i 2I.M0, lu id r'l a K lrh iT Carl call.atf r 4:00 p.m.. 934 SI70 (k)/fr. t4,)00, al»o ' Cut rojid condlllon. 374 4S53. Jertim c. orAdor,t7.«00. b o t h ( o r U , W 721 Qortr oKColleni, rxdlnl llrM . rj(tJlo‘ 14,500 C*ll 543 4475 rvM lq oi- ^W antA tls J4 U or 73ft 3130. , ■|1B^ 734.5918, ______.M U ST. S E l L . m i' Plymoutti -1970 Jon. with tam per- Fnr l a lf T9Vl Sfnul,'li»H top, 1450: -she»tr«o>fHi«rv-»i»i-*»nkr4 -xinJ59a____ :____ TOO S M A L L • for U rn lly , 1977 ;tm>rp:^4Sr73n?94raftgir T p .m ^ 30r V/ B. oirrollonl condition, t7,900 1947 internnllonal V 0, Travelall, . Toyotji CfflICA, vo X o w , h.OOO Of. U‘A ' olfor, call 473 4471. after ^ I I K f rnllM. 77-30 p«r OAY^^ _ -t condition. tl49S. 473 4774. iMiocI dritfi). .a ilo 1943 M ercury 19?0 PDnlj«lc .IJonoovllie. power 0 - M e"'flr. 740 V 6, 3-jpccd and over ; Autoi For Sal* &iocrino, and brakes 7 doorhard -r-lino .gd fhoi bMnpt you coth buyart lo'r io P SALE. 1961 Studcbtlkor S IE R R A Tr/iii 004i A T Y vohlcio.^ drivi).'uood condition, phone- 734 lop. Air, tl,79S. ca&n. 543 4445 ■ toll or trado for nimpcr 374 7tl|3 5565. --- ______•• cori,^ now . or utod |*;tkun 30n Chevy V» Enuino. 1971 ChovrolDt AAonte Carlo , _Doal_lJCCs_511-lZH' in a hurry. Don I — l073-CMC-u-w»»o«l driutt-Jimmy— .luiomaiic. full power, 'Doloyl Diol ^ ,• -rjlOAAlHISiAN-WHHBRIDE- -»fHlonl cnntlilipn. 733 . lop condition, oood tlr« i. ch ttp . nfroiV tio.rr rack.' front' andTtrar . . . . FO R D , 4 door, 302. 3 speed, -Boal-Mlallon-AI ------hitchoi- 4a4-i03i-afn:r_i.(H)-p.m:— -clean,- ISSOr-Pourth- houte u u llt. •Modem-T V r Oohl:------r ------^ - Oirv^ier— Now— Vorkor.^— I -lajju-DOOGt-.vayq- "vm rm risrm r r lr u c t e -FO R — SiCiLe— 1949— PlymQ^/Ht- 5 i « , « Rondrunner, cxcelleni conUthon. 4 snoi'd, 1900 324 5503.’ -II---— 4-WhMl OflVM - I CR S A L E 1969 Plym oulli waoon Wa3 ' l-oriJ.- (:cono line, pickup, __■^ih-iliti'. pucollont condition, cal' 714 551 -196V-Jccp4lcrrC0nimftf>d0r fotllo,- iir.ijfr, ,*ir condllionc-r. n^lomiitic, 1967 Olds 447. call 536 7497 GAS SAVCR' 1944 M uttano. runs Ili67 CMC fjickw , V fl. 4 vpci'd i /,V(jO iiiilcj’.. nio!.1ly ro.id fniie'... QOOd, MOO c all 478 7371. M.uiyiirtl 1740 473 Sn?0 iuM lik<> ti(,-w 5'MlilO. 733 4041). PICKUP V E R Y C L E A N 1965 Olds 4 Door, R^nfiD,-'A i r COTiattiontnq ~Ncw~ P a in t, fic Onr owni.-r 1350 T r u e h i M.igcrmAn 037 4954

R E D i 946Ci>i>. lonnw iila -bp* power tlDorina. long-wide box. -rodio, m.n««*-onif.()Pavy.Jl»i!y _ mi/ian and lioavy duty bump J566XH£V.ROLET-_ hiintp'” » Ton. V D ongino. 4 vnfaud lran»riiit»ion, WE STILL_HAVE A FEW ‘3895 ‘3395 raciio amt heolor . . . ECONOMICAL 1971 ' .Ford T MitviTic k. 4, iiulom alic. good IJres. 1971 D O D G E _i!5i,a_CHEy.RQLET,j. C.lll 734 4101 f ...... V, TON PICKUP—' >' ' . ION PICKUP ■ ' I f965 CHEX/ROLET Aulodiolic Irantm ittinn. V*0. 6 Lintoli V fl. 4 tpooif lio'flimittion.-t^ili. '■» Ton. V fl ongino. fdtirtT hoolof. m ifrori. ond ly, runs I fo u , oad liuowy duly bup>p0 i. auloinoiic rfonimiktioii. bouvy duly buinpii'r 7 3 s l e f t . e x a MPLE: Robuill rn(]ino fodio ond bootor , M095 1947 Foret LTD.-2 door. 390, power ‘2495 hriikL'S, iKVwer sU 'erm g. j>r, -.lUlOmjlK, r.,yt S43 4754______LTD 8 BASSEIiGJER______1970iv / u GM C aSIERRA ic n n ^ y ...... $ 2 7 9 5 1947 Plymouth IhMvederi __ Dfflpd8^’.'*_lDn^Blt|\umAit_ifiG£ij!iP'I!Iia_V 0 automatic fronim it cyhiuItT, riulomitlic , 4 door si;dan, ~iibn.-p«waf-«t*»afin|}reiifm-Uflv-—%IOH.— pfTWftT^*'*»!»» ■»* I« i»L*-IoA9 T O U R E E i 7J3.7U7 .>II

l.n iler . t'J9S IV /2 Si.tiiii). V It „ . ii i . IVftV -I4V O lllV liK ihlil-. Bill Workman FORD 14' U A LD W IN U U liT nnd gr.i SEE OUR SPECIAL ON ____ S.cr/c^ Leader In The M n Q ir V n/jp y______"im iililK in' SjiX or Uesi oiler, 7 JJ 4531. 7J3 5972 .ilU-( i 00 ,p m 1243 Oluo Lpkos Givd. Norlh Acros Qnd Acres of Froc Part« wuwi. wt Hilicrost Road T 967 DODGE coronet . .1. _.2. ,_i650- Wi'Sl. Monl(jnmi-ry 4 door tiolio n vvogon. V O ongmo. hootor radio AM TM. outom otu transm ission. OUR^USTO7\^RS~S^0rWE~ CAN REACH OUR Wot $ 7 9 S duty iiKludinH splil nms. V U I ---- -rrinmpiTiv------1968 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN . . i *975 GOAL OF 100 NEW CARS TRUCKS PER •tnd hriil s'ohon “ „on V.O onn.no, .h.oL. -dio *M FM. „o.Um.>,.oo ,.o„o, tiDlt'U ()l.iss, poM trade -*«**nnO-ond-wl»*l» w o lU _ AAONTHt^OU-NEED-NOT w a i t UNTIL NEXT * lomini'rcnl Iifov. wHlv*^^' iiiilcs on lh(/m, di’luxL- ra'sy' lo>>d 1969 FORD, Slolion wonon.wogon. V O ongi ongino t*ootot. roaio tloofing Spociololonly$79S. 1969.'; 'on fo rd Ranuor, air ndi? shocks, CKtra l.mk. power HAN- :.i<>(‘nno. can be seen al 179 Ulair 1969 FORD RANCH WAGON^-r^l , 495 Siptio/i woor>, V-0 ongino lintad g lo u . baotor. rodio A M FM. aulom alic tjansrnis 1951 D OD'QEI Kion JogrQ /v oir~p6wflf'T>o^6nha-pow e r hroKftt;ond w hito w o ljv ~ ..... SEN CHEVROLET! I ofler 543 S330 T969 CHEV. BROOKWOOD. . . . M.595 tioH on woflpa V-P <.»g.n«, im tnH glas>, hncitpf. r adiQ A M f_M.-nL>!Q!lloj!< ___ iion.'pOwtor lieorlng poworbrokoi ondwhilawolU -r- . . 1964 GMC len wtieei truck with twist V 4, 5 ar>d-r tpotd Call Qurley 478 5AS4. 1972 CHEV. BROOKWOOD-----*3,375 'I »970 GMC ‘ / iim V Slolion W/agon V B '« 0 0 lno, tinlod glots. bootor rodio AM FM oulomoiu lton»miv power i-er 1119 . air . cuMum tion tcKlory air power tlooring. power brakoi ond wlulo woHs V«ry c li>On Mcellriti conrtiiiod Bflft ■:T. 4 00 |> 111 2-ia >1 NKT 9N. A l condition, vcrv 1965 JEEP WAGONEER ...... ‘ 1,095' re.isonahle 733 0717 Sinlion wogon 6 cylinder ongino 4 wbeol drivo biioler rodio AM fM »toi'dorcl Iro iu m iitio n oil roady lo go ,1V6A I orri ' ; ton tucki.p. 6» ylm iler, ■j'tpr«fl, lonn Q0»; W ill cennnU*» lra 1966 DATSUN PATROL. . . . . ‘ 1,175 4 wbool drivo. boDtoi. lull cnb, lr<\clion niot, and lockout luibs •197-3-GHEV BLAZER.-...... $AVE THE ALL NEW “ V“ir onginoI 4-Wti«el4 w o a v i itriV»-1iniodilllVO. UlllUU nla»S(JIUX. tiontoT— ilOH.UI rodio r,...AM-f-Mr-nu»omotir-tro««*— ■ ...... - • r conditioning powor ttopring powor brokot ond bok only 9 000 milos ’.rAi — T H € H 9 7 4 -^ Bw ‘ • • - ’w?’? 1 974 CAAAARO AAONTE CARLO This a |r new restyled sports cor Is 1972 GMC SIERRA V2 TON . . . -. ‘3.975 Pickup. V D *nglr>c, 6 cylinder 4 wbool drivo, boolor radio A7^ FW, oulom otif Tile most popular in America in its one of the top ten. best cars in the rtOry-< 3isplay^riowT3t-AC&-HAN­ • big m irrort or

Autei FsrSaU ’ Aufoi For Salt Airio»PorS«lf li I ..Aufos For Saif Airtei For Sj|» - Aufet Si>

\ m CHEVY ST'ATIONWAGON 197J Dodoo Drfmon, 3IBi 3 ipeed." very clofln air, power itwrlno, irandard model, .loyv mlleAoe ' •Butomnilc tranim ltilo n . 8J74S03. — ...... fAdio And Uea^cr. Low mllonoe CALL TODAY Coll Mr. Harrison, , , Top Umpe. Ptione 733 8340.' -YEAR-END et0SE=0UT . 7 3 3 . 3 3 3 6 - C a lL M r.- B y b o o ...... -543-4719- —Goll-MrrDtown-TTi; . 7 3 4 .4 4 3 3 1969 BUICk CollMr.Godby..,. . r3 3 - 7 7 9 0 LoSabro 4 Door Coll Mr. A skow . . . 536.251 1 I ipood, runs ooofl.' 19i4 Rsnibler station Waoon, wilh Air, S49S. 403 Fillm ore. 7 3f S6I4: It's Bgr turii to discount '73 Models . . . Youc Doop bluo molollic wllh Coll Mr. Glof jon . . .7 3 3 - 7 8 9 8 V »«72 P L Y M O U T H CutJn, U S V-8. vinyl lop, foclini tifo», V-ll Call Mr. Childs. . . . 19(i^DaiCh 4 . 734-5580 ■ AutomAlIc IrAnsmlitlon. power ongino aiilo.ntolic trantm li' Call Mr. Grayb'tll '. *, ' stoerlng, clonn. good economy, F ilU o re , )34 S61 turn to save! W^'ve waited long enough — .7 3 3 - 5 9 9 9 tion pownr ttoorlnQ & brnkot Colt /Mr. Arbaugh 733 5U5. 196S Chcv. SS, runs oood, cxcelli-nl 7 3 3 - 4 4 9 7 life i, i m C.1II 324 0S43, Atlcr S .30 . 1965 Pontiac GTO, you've waited long etiougH, Nobody but no- Duo to tho tromondous acceptonco of .our 1-974 'rim s, phone 733 IVJJL;,!-' ’— «----- :bggjgjij3Feveri:^ff^ t^ ^ ^ ce s- o n newM JutornO'^ va95^ Lincoln and Morcurysr wo f}n^‘ oyir u^od carlot - lg tD _ R o ntlac _TJJ0in£5!_ bUl^mg~d! lho“ sbam'ranH'w.b'mus!“sbir'th^ mcT' »hc, ron mrnucnannnr^ biles-as-low_asJh^e rclose-out bh~ glI i 973 zlggO~^ER£UR Y _ Jg[:itvJ:of..these., Qt_.whQlosalD..Qr--tnU?Si-thom-tn 'MONTEGO? the auction. Our los is your gain. • - *' ' ;W W .Morcur-v VO, J floor, Power 1968 Plymouth ' s^iollito T floor XHryslerT Dodge cdrs, and Dodge Trucks. • Stoiioii Woooii v n ongini* t]rAkc& And' &tccrm u, grcA l hardtop 6 cylihdor, 3 tpecd, ■ condilion. W50 or best olfpr. Cflll manuAl. call 733.6S14, or 733 9436, ___ tfontmiftion _ . owoningw.------— ------powiii (Iponnn RTmlltoi. and • Jtifc r- rp .w ; 73.niv3~^------nil coiulilionino 1970 DO DGE C O RQ N ET 440, 303 4 ■ 1 - 9 7 1 1 9 7 0 >967 PL Y M O U T H Dolvedoro, & bArrol with Air conditlonino, cylinder, AutomAtic-r4--«xCiillenUcondltion___ _CnnlLi[ipn__5__Jci'J-liaidlUH— BtVA|«ilmi-4-«loof-bhJiarp o coi 1961 CAdillnc. ronovAtod, new top wc VoUnnTv-no new to on* Pflrls, « m : After S:DO p.m. J?4- you 11 tvviir »oi» tull powor qh(|_ ol oui long iinm cuitomart, ' fl107. ticloro 9:00 A m '374 S4'«A. P0NT)AC5 dif" condilroniiig ' ’ 'o»ininn«ly. II s. oqu.ppt.d wilti full ppwnr, low millooo. -aU lC K S tcuinty qrr. rondiliotiino-vinyL 19?3 VEGA. Mcolleni-cunailionr CHEVROLETS NADA AVERACE-. -*<>P rodiol tifov boaii;l(ul liflb l • low milcAoo, air condlllonina, AM .4 dooi iodnn wilti iiniiunioti ’ d o c k VALUE'j;i759 Inn witii III own vinyl op PM radio, al&o A 1973 Pord Pinto OLOSMODILES OKcelloat condition, low mileAoc liiikt linith ond w tm » lop PlADA AVERAGE LAn bo., (oon « l W a lli T onaco. LEO RICE XAOTORS- ~VlT~i'rVcjro\r aiTtoiiidlic frhiU ------l»OOt<-»‘H (ef-«5 7 5 --- ; - ^ 2 5 5 0 ^ -Jerome-:--:------— OoodtngrWoho— onditiomnfl g ^ S Q Z i 197> Pinio, eiicplli'nt— rondinon, ------■----- ^ 1 ^ 7 0 ------AUtorttAlic tran%mi&&ion, 30 milo^ per onllon. phonc-543 4W4, L'OTS' of 73 BUICKS, PLYMOUTH -197-2- - • Sotollilo tlolion wa)]on a> 19M Dodot?’ Sporlsm.in, window ^189^ PONTIACS, DODGES, van 310 CID aulom.ilic, slm I;. 0, er 1 ownor foctory on PONTIAC —733-3B83,-j(li)f-*.00 p.m,------____ AND DODGE TRUCKS ditioniiffl. bolonfloit lo o loiol »viili> 4 ((]Mi« oiitonuiluli' lirti foiliol tiroi, lull power, muM id ! tlOO bflow ^Jusi One Bxam pio: vinyl |i)p foftor oit condilioti Il00l(. 670 96BA, nurlc'v . powi>r sli'uting low inil<vi>r Ixinn’olrihu ground. 4-door hardtop, boautilul qqIH vinyl foot 4 door hordtop • powof J[973 Chrysler Newport ii * 1 1 9 5 W ILLS U Sfl) CARS - wuh Toliition {joltJ rnotallic hni&li. oqitippod MONTEGO MX- •••■\AYtBAGL Hooiing Olid bfaliH i. factory — =-flOOK ^H|CE $4125 r with 440 V-fl nnqifio with 4 barrui cnrbut 4 door todan booutllul fli«> . . *733-7365 air condihon{nn. vinyl roaf *2 door haiiJtiip 409. .^ID ^ onflino Foclory Stickof Pfico otoi. pawui ^tooling powor l>rnliok. clotli loiquoflite outarnntir (coiuiiukiion. oil__ 1969 witb whitn vinyl top very low ^ - '354 4lhAw^- miltrago. rnncbnnirnlly-pcrl«ont oniol<> to iilio l vinyl lirlp moulHinQt "tnvldft and mil tikn'now control powor dDor fo'iks A Ik L ruliiusf indoiKioliiii) v.Lityl tool nnct powor 6 way X ’ TON PICKUP NADA AVERAGE V 0 nnginn outumalic trant ..AM.FM sturcQ railiu.witli UJiuck-lnpt! duLk. bun(.h Vi nOOK VATDF J20b0 1 9 7 0 . : : ! Sov/ngs of y F400 tilt and tifl6(cApinO »ti>n: w>tb-t(nnc|-- -— 3^3-?nH“AvorND7'~“ Old tioiismiVsion oxcolloni "AFTER" ^ 1 9 7 2 DISCOUNT . liiU". vory clnoii • 733-5686 ^6057=° * 1 7 9 5 ' r M t R C U R Y ------..NADA AVCRACC Monlogo M X 4 Hpor indnn BOOK VALUE J1600 M o i q n s m . - tplil vir)yl lop fnclory Gil con r /) 0 fh r lll EXAM PLE:...... $AVE dilioning. powm' irnin'gunidii H B a c k l l 325 O verland Ave. EXAMPLE: r-r^-.y $AVE . S'. 1967 MERCURY Todd 13 inon|li^__£n 12000 1 1 0 0 1 9 7 3 boDGfePOLARA ----- 1973 D O D G E Ptt^KLlP-i^ BUKLtY, IDAHO '4 (looi ti.'iloii dtiik grDi'ii in<'tolli( willi V II ungino oul(>inuti<...ltK ,.llO NADA AVERAG[ 1 9 6 8 mnnmmmTn. w tiilc viDyl K iol a ix j i>quipp<)(i w itli V II itn iw ep lliiH ! Custm ;)Hl V II unsjiin' with nt,i4M->n. powor ttc nH rlig jig Oiul0 QOOK VALUE $?929 PH. 678-9486 \> giiio powi'i il('i;i|iig powft hrakt". on bccivy -HiiIy licinl niul '■•ni ^pllnt)) lull ladio . FORD ltl^JiiJi>_(J _^tiii1i.-d w iiu iili.i-ld ilo tli vinyl d t'p lli ■ivol (»l fiK-sM iii- ()oiiij ------1 9 7 - 1 - ...... M O N T E G O M X ■ 1 5 5 0 4 «Kx.. ^.Hjnn. dofk-groon;vjllh -Bill Workman Ford > 2195 wliriii vinyl top. onothof ) vvB lhi> brut in'economy ------L243-tiuo-Lok»6-04vd,-M7—— ------A L L USEDl-CARS ! I v iih \m "oirV ll”f»noift»,' ------1 - 9 T 2 ------7 3 3 - $ - M 0 NADA AVERAGE t'971 OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET ! BOOK VALUE $3100 1968 DODGE POL ARA 1970 CHRYSLER NEW- TORONADO MontB CaHo.-thtT corn-jint l'k*» 2 door lu»dtop-wilb pttwlor ^rand now. Iiotvotl yollow with —=^-DOQR-SEDAN - - -P©RT-#UST©AA=&EDAN“ - -nivT o— iSOnoIIic— with block"" 1 5 7 5 vinyl lop Radial liros. powor loctory on V H ciKjinr auloijiotic iiaminisiiori undjudio - 2 Dooi Hoidtop V I) nuloinolii Ir onsiiiisiiut toot, powor windowk. till ditioning,' axtr'iMtioly I om ; 1 9 7 2 [)Ow^ -CHEVROtlE-T- ^ V 8 5 0 - V fl oulonuilii trni'Mi'iiMOd powoi »tu«Miiu) pow. ’^ T O N ' (op_ LoododI ^ lnt[udmg oir Im pgin_3 dooi lio n llop ■i»i,1)(okc.i oil cTTiiHiiroiting'niid vlifyl lop ’ " ------Innq-wtdp-tiov^■-hov^ y V n--4'spPcrt-Trnn^ml!isiOr1 '^hnrp Vondilioning. pow'irr windowk- look ibik onu in on o ------ri^tt rotor-- --- & bfokciw III) bloonng like lit whito with r op now inluiior. ond in oKullunl ond ofl vinyl iiiionoi foHbi 1 9 7 2 $ c o n d itio n . ■ . . . Oif condilKinjng EORD.t-.BIRD .T “ t 9 7 3 “ P l y n n o u ' t h spoVi subu^ton hko n V w ~ - * 4 4 9 5 ■ ' NADA AVERAGE Unoiiiilul roppc.r linitb with *1890 nOOK VALUE i l 100 blofl» vnwl Inn loll oow er. * 2 3 9 5 — i<)ilioriing. and oniv 1 9 6 9 P l y m o u t h Fury III, 4 dooi hordlop * 1 0 9 ? 1966 FORD MUSTANG IVOOOniilo!. 197:0 DODGE > 6 9 0 _T_96.9..AA5X.CU£y Marciuu 4 door hotdlop . ^ 1 7 9 S 2 DOOR HARDTOP - _ J 9 7 2 $A V E 3il9 v n oiiloinolic liniibini^iic3ri._ 1 970 TOYOTA -cM O N jiG O MX^ ~T-96^tChQss'is-0ono Outmv: sbtirp , T*: > 1 - 1 9 5 COROLLA 2 Door 4 doot ^odon 11001111101 ligtil ..... 1 9 7 0 ' ...... -Groe-n in {olor low rniliMup.- bliio w lib dar.k.blun top. QUio 1966 C hevrolet» 798 motie ltot*sm*»non,•* u»tol!onl______m e r c u r y *890 * 1 9 8 5 _aiLwluiu_ihUlliJiQunili- * 1 - 4 9 5 - w«..i<7wu.i-trt"-'. V- ...... /- ono blo>•^ riow ond trodrd inoth borWi'' aoot intoriof. 1 9 7 0 B u i c k 4 door hardtop, rodiol liro t ‘ 1995 bock lot It nOO Of liiol niib-N •t spi-i-({ IronunmMOii. 351 1970 PLYMOUTH '------NAOA AVEKAOI------loal— kbafpio. 1972 INTERNATIONAL .„-HADA AVfftAGt- 1 9 6 7 V a lia n t 4 door (odan V I) automnhf ‘ 895 ----l-969-PON-TfA€— ---- —iiOOK VAlU{-i9600 ------FURY 111 H O O K B A IU E $3335 B o n n e v i l l e •I Doni Hoidiop V I), ouloinotic UcinMiiiHMo % TON 1 9 6 8 P l y m o u t h Salolito 3 door bordlop * 995 lon g widi- bo» y f) '(lulnnKilii lionvni.ssiixi (luw 2 [Jooi llotdlop Mudiiin M 9 9 0 p ^ o r sti'Kiini] pDwiii biokii^. vinyl.'top Qiid c M 5 8 0 or Moi!rinn and ■powor broko). 0 •■o” * fn m poi^ McUU---III II.,. . . t vinyl toil —Londitiuimig---- t l . --- ^------f^<|iiippiMf .w ilti (ji( concfi :W 66-W CarTrp0r^'n;p^,™^^ II 000 Mi|c» tioninq powor jiowui ht(hrokii 1 9 7 1 Chevrofef Mbnii)c‘ori6 biTnuiiiur *2995 ' $ id E. $ Shorpl EXTRA SHARP SPEGIALS 1795 3 5 9 0 (COMPLETE) 1 9 7 0 F o r d M u ilQ n g rodiol tirai nico *2295 1969 CHEVROLET LOW DOWN! PAYMENTS 1969 DODGE 1 9 9 5 Bonk Financing ■ That V''.at M okes Us The PICKUPS & 4 WHEEL DRIVES % TON long w.d.' ln). ;i‘>0 H outoinotir lionsiniiMnn 'A TON Eosfosf P/oco'fniThc Wor/d T o ’B u / A C or/‘ ■ , 1 9 6 9 Fordi'.tkup, powor & ouloinoiir ‘ 1995 ^Ici-diu) ^tclk^•s ciislom n(| tvnii- tun t, < y liiidi’i s 4 bpci'd lio'i',mis liiiw pmnl i|Oiiil .>i ond hilth niiii(ii% l969 ChLVROLET 1969 PO N T IA C TEMPEST LEMANS. . $1 595 E l C a m i n o Now f 1 9 7 1 C h e v r o l o t Coinir^o. V.fl, »harp . ond out, V I) uri(/in ‘2495 .Aotornolic trankmit»ion powni *1590 tlo o rin g pow or .brokuk. air-, *1495 conditioning tu dia UKdillunt 1969 FORD GALAX1E 500 . . - : $ 1 5 9 5 1 9 7 0 D o d Q O long wldo. V O. 4 tpaod ■ , .; . ^ 259 5 thopol 4 doOf iodon, vory lo V milwogo. bflbi yollo < white lop, lactory. f oif condilloning. now to i trodo m. yoo niu»t i u tint onu 1958 C h e vro le t ■. Ton V'd. 4 ipond ' ‘595 1972 INTERNATIONAL . 1965 6RD VAN ■1795 1 9 7 3 m e r c u r y m a r q u i s ...... $ 4 9 8 0 1 9 7 0 J e e p Wagonoor 4 whool drive, iliarp . LOOKS GOOD ^3290 4 door kgdan light q f«Min dork grnai) viny) root, 439 V Q onplna, , . '/a TON' - . -6.cylu>ilo(.v^jwbllu.iit.Mlo(-anU.Luui.giual— 1^ U,4 kpuod jfoiuniuiion. bugbl liniih '-whilbwall itool rndiol liro>, outoinoiir \pViod cohTrdr*lUniT«*(Trfjf 1 9 7 0 F O R D wboel. 6 way powor -.opt on condilioiitng, AM rodifl, bodyiido MANY M O R E T O CHOOSE F^ROmV - . 5|intp-Low.Mltpno'r- ■ mouidlngt, tintnd-«lo»»,. powor kidu wmdowk. STICKfR PRICE , COUNTRY-SQUIRE ------' ------. ------. COMElN-tODAY! I -STA'TIGN-W AGOI^ = 3 3 2 8 0 ^ V H ongino,' .o ' cbndiiionlng, IWTiAOTITEGO-MX, $AV.r HTDoo^largropFTRantJtl-flQh^ tlfOk, and roof rock, price, ii^»t'tho rigbl oqlllpmon^ ,inkt tho right economy, thp. \n}1, W 5 5 B S ^ ~ ' - tiobi-o6ko ond comlois. uquipport wilh (ibofgla^ bflllpd.titpt. outov 1 J ^ V . E L A L L m olifif Irontmjk^ion.Irontmik^ion powOr slworinqgtworinq-rynir-c(?naitionlnn, -

T o y o t a BO B REESE AAOTOR COrtgi^TgiEiT- 'Wboro Cnmpotion ii Mado Tho Eoslesi Placo In-Tho World WE RON A VERY . 254 4th 'Avonuo West The,D6b/er You Can Depend On 11 ...NolW or'' 7f2M dln Avo. So. To'BuyACar sH nplftbusinBss. — ^ . TWIN FALLS "^ PP-Blo ck :2 n ‘d Avenu^l South-Phf?nfr7-^57;76 6r-;;7-33-44T3^i • T w lii F o ils 7 3 3 9 7 3 1 7.0V;Main Avo.-B. . - >. • .733-:7.70,ft-.:, 3H| Tlm H;Ntwi^rwi^illOd»ji^Sundj|M ^im m

3 ! Xm^i. *

Bultray'i "D«llihu«" 1 Ib.Pkg, I Slgmon'i Goldl'lugaorr^ rS U c o d ""

1 lb. PUg, . \WM _Builtayj_Deliihui !l„s«codHOMESTYtr ^Everyday Low All thjs week BuHrey Food Stores^ rPric? BREAD: celebrate another annlversiBry. ^ Uh.

serving you/We feel ther«’s Im v m ^ better time to show oiir genuine appreciation.for your business...

f o . sa y “ than V ^ Buth«ys PtlUhMi.Coromtl.P.Kan ■ v j "Ti‘ ;;'— ;;v • ■ ^ 0 i0 r We invite you to have, a^ tree Coffee Cake piece of anniversary cake and a Qul(r«yf D«IUhu» T«a K a i cup of coffee. . . on us, as part of (in foil pan) K C lie-eelebr»tion;-S«-dropHn-for— I DilfitMrRolis free refreshments,^ during the week. Again, our real thanks tO: you for your loyal patronage.

m i 6 . - \ . .

Pierce's Old Fqithfuj ■'^r-PSTTl'UrP! , ":"' Community service at' work

Persons driving lilong Blue Lakes Boulavarcl- this past week may fiavo sighted Arm y Reservists digging holes and.sotting up eqUipmctit on the north side ^df JhoiTwinJFalls, EplBcopal-Gliureh^—— '■ — ---- ~N o, they were not practicing maneuvers case of attack^ but bulldlnin rp|aygrDundHorth(rMontcssori-Kindergartcn^ocatc.d~ at the church. * A dozen men of Company D ;'321. Engineer Battalion, spent Saturday putting in a swing, sandhox, boat and other playthings in me narrow corridpr on the side o( tlie cliurcli, according to Del Tuttle, a. civilian fimplciyc of the Army .Reserves. He said tills Was one~~6f a" nun,iucr~0f7pul)lle~sci'vicc~'prn]ccts the'

Twin Falls^apt. Ahab at the wheef

A nother protest m ovem ent: This tim e

football, for Instance, w riters refer to men who are 5-lOj^wciuh Uy MIKIC IlOYKO • _ aliorl people's protest «oes out. every lall liberal will begtn liud huttorud tlielr eyes apd lovhiKly sighed: ‘.‘Jle is sliJirt, liDmely and has a p allo r,” this new social problem would m l ) e '; ' ■ 210 pounds, and have a 19-inch neck as being "am nll but ^fulck.” H’f ChlciiRO Dully Nuuu walkinft iti a croilch. . ‘ creeplnR'up on ua. . . . . • ' • ^ Qq the other hand..Cook County Assessor Parky Cull6rtqn, Is C H IC A G O — I don't ktiow If Uic L’oim lry is reaily for it. but a Uu.LI can already anticipate lioinu of th e problcinti that will Posture would have to be another conslduration. There arc* referred to lncitflm ll as "a bininan,'* and hc'la not much taller protest movement may Im* tiinunorinu witliin .slill nnother iirisi> frnin siinrt lih l .:body looka duwnjm-auinebudy.clae, (ic_wanla to.. Btrecla, if they don’t fall'off the-curb. Aa our posture nuetunteBrWO:aUorniilw-bolwoun-bcinH-.ahuiiL— ::i____ In ittc t.ln .th b ic lt^ t mit^ht bb hard to convince anyone that the That is called am bition, ...... -and taU^nnil-thoraforobQtwoon-boln(^4)pprmor-und-uppru:^;uU.:^^j— shoi:tarc4imong-th^poworJoiuuMostof-lhe-inachlnol«logondiiiiy--- - -recenUy-B^letterrpbDuV-htt=Stlml^f-d rte e V a o 'T litlg lil refer lb .sonioone 5^7 as JhDtiwQuld±e.UQQd.betuiiaiLw.u_WQiikl-nUtu]alo.ii(iW!^^«-‘ ---P^ca^l3nlcy.J2iillvr,tQn.Jor[LJfeanqr Vft^Marz^ _____ 'appeared In-n-Clilcngo paper, which- Is-eUwuya -«-tip-

country. We couldn't luive people dccldlng for tliclnsijlvea wlicttinr.'ihey aafeguarda against discrimination toward the anort, ‘ Buf that's changing. U.S. Atty. Jomea Thompaori (fox, the ;^lHllfltica-ahow-Uuil tall, men make more money, tnlpm en.. are ahorl. On ji day when the vvhole country is crabby, w iiicli is F o r instiinco, 0 m an m ight suspoct that a tal| g irl is bru^hiui^ - not'tliern-diairlct of Illlnoia) is v.ery tall, ant^ho Is trying to bito “alhndo better clianco for pVpnlotlon, ta|l.nKMiUPt.butlcr-jobs:. . :.oflen, all men 0-1 and under might decide they are unhappy about '^hlm off bccauae he la .tiny; Would he ask the American Civi( t. the head.s. off the tinv_raacala^ • ” W e nre'peo'j)le as intelllge'nt or dumb, weak or strong; dull or their .iieigHt.^ W (! would . haj/e huge mobs , chasing W ilt ' . _wltty..hDracly.or-hnnd8omc, untalontod or talentedrns yourthe- • .- l.ib crtlo flW o h T o filc lfa u lt In hl'sT)eha^ The abort might aa well organize ond protest, since almost tall world Ig. ' ; ---- , — _ _ _ ...... - If so, whnt liberty will Jie say the girl la preventing him from everyone else baa. . ^tnklng ?T tsiuBtrnnhothoiiBhtrAhyTjDiilU-jHdgmrTlcrticf to-let- ~!nvlllnddTinothcrlhtorestlng-votingblDC-to'thO'nDxtTJDlltICD!~— ‘‘People like m yself iBhmilU be pcrrhlttcrtln) throw away thelf ‘ would be to determine the liverage height of Atilertcan women, Wm take Ihls'IlboctyTVVell. Judges have done th lsto defendnnta, .s'enson,'ancroffer a clmllengo jo win the big smoll-yoto. ■ elevator shoes nnd compete.on a man-{o-man basia, rogardfess Any num that height or under would be o ^ cU iU y short. of ake.'' ■______■ - , 1 gueaa, but 'never iftei^filly. I can already antlclnate some (nmlhutlyo condldale.iauch^as-Z^- " l u r l ' -.T, I nKTfCj of course, i useil.to ba sliort myself, until I pulludangry, «o it won't mnke-milch difference. They cun'work off (. ' anyone as abort, am nfl, tiny, shrimp., pee-wee, sawed-off , knee-___ . And Illinois Gov. Dan Walker will walk aeroaathostat^.on his ■ , mysdf up by my bootatraps. . _ _ “ '__y'cjr riigf. uunimellng. old men withltennla rucketa. '' lilgh-to-a-gruaahopper, and ao on.’ ' ’ • , • • kneear ' ‘ . *“ ■ ^ — liiisldea4Jiu.ontir.o problem of ahort men atomu dirouUy-from*- ---- nKit nioiri'lhrnk Uioy couUI bu enforced; In prt)fcsslonal . _ u . •; genorate duppor't, even among the tall. As soon aa word of a . • women iiaing tho phrnae: "tall,

1^ ^ W l N F A L L S th e . affiliated with . Ili7 young . iic orfionlzcffltho St. Louis Aspcrt Music Festival. He wai I Phlloclolphia ^String Qu^tot nudicnte |irogrnm. Thdso StrinR Quartol and was co- “ ftsslfltant-solo violist of the |:=^wlU|ircafihCffCimcc£tfltB.p.mrr~dcdiqlUijdJiirtista_nfltonialuaU_' rouriddE^tirmic:=I?lUIa"ddlpIilir:;:MlniiMm^arz:::9ndzz"3hr: T»ru^sdsy"lirihJrCSTTtnBrArt3— ag o ^ n u d lcn c o r^ itlr—thoir— Strlnff-QuartctnisrwcUTis'thc— PtJiUdopJila-OrdhMtraa..^------I - Center; . , tcbhnlque, musicianship, and - Coffoo Concert Scries and the Charles Bremiimd Was bom ThOTBppwi^cc^pfUiiygroup-'-magnetic-pcrsonal-cmpothyj— ContcmporaryMuslc-Soclolyof— l»^Nowflrk,'N;J;rthe-youngest-

Valley Symphony Orchcfllra o/choatra tonductor. ' years o first desk member of profesBlonfll m uilcianji.-IIU - andUtr-Idnho Cdoimisaioncn At 10 o.m. Thursday, the tlio St. Louis and Philadelphia father was a member of the , Uio-Arts^d'HumaniUfiSrTT--- i— quartat-wiU-porform—at-tho—^ehofltras;— ------tamQua-_HflllQ_L,Qfchcstra In JJlQ—flrsl. port of tholr O’Unry Junior High-School _Alan .Mltiin, vIqIIs I,. w as^ EPBlnnd. Ho studied with hta program will.’ consist, of- Auditorium for all olenientary born In I^ew/YorkNew vVoi-k City. He... father from the nge'cf 7, wei\l-^ 73’ ; ’'pelceicd^rtwoycm'cntBf of-~T and~~junior~htRh~schoi)l'— ijtudt(^l~wllh~»fo^fth'ow~nc(r:~on~to-gradunte-fronrQbcrlin"~ quartets frm Classic, orchestra 'members. At i:15 Mli'am Primrose. He received Conservatory, and obtained r

• Contcraporory pcriods.-.TM. perfornumcc-nt.thchlBh pchool Island. University and did University of Illinois. H9 second part will be- Uie Dvorak for tlie high school orchestra, graduate work at Hunter founded tlje Wayne University ‘lAmeridan Quartet In F members. College and the University 'M ajor", Opus &0, in four Tickets for the evening Minnesota.. Ha.w as founder of qMnr.tet in Cleveland, and movement^: "Allegro ma non concert w ill be available at-Uio- - the Arts Quartet'...... of founded-^^yfclllngforo trio In ■tcop|i6,-^-LentOt -.i**MoUo___ dooc_and—ln^advanca^bm^_Minooapolis-aitd'avmomb«r-of___Philadelphia. JJc_hoa^bccn_a_ Vjvnce,” '" V iv a c e ma non members-of the Magic Valley , the quartot-ln-rosidcnce at iTJember of the Detroit, troppo." Symphony, a l, the W arnor ’ Macalestcr College. For years Cleveland and Philadelphia , ‘It--wo84he.-4irjit:;quflrlcldfi:zzM«sk::C^ and Gafth'a' lrt he waTasso^tc'd wlur lire . Orchestras,. ____ ' hold Uie post' of nrtlsla -in • downtown l\vin Foils, and al : ^—r-:— •------residence nt tlie University of Sullivan's in the Lynwood Pennsylvania ' and . the Shopping Center ■ • ' ikflU Members have , taught violinist, w as born in Denver of chamber music at UiTNinfonar -mosirarprcnisTTirni-boBninhG- Music Campj^nterlochen and vlolin at age 5. She-went to b o r e d ? at thoCorigrogationof Ujo-Arts— Europe to slwjjtVand; obtained---- at Dartmouth College.' The flfftl prlz»-from tllfr-Brussels Need Extra JERRY HALt .CSl alhlollc dirocfor.-right. Philadelnhin StrinK Quartet Conservatory nt afle 11, being Is goitihg fn good volcd for Vw fdrfhcom- was the first quartet lo be the youngest ever to win. iinc 1W0WEY7 Ing "Sdlulo Id ^ounfry Music" program, later studied with Ivan rr}jjch lo fho dismoy of his holpors. £d Pr.ol- Galamian and George Enesco orTydft.'~nd rral6r' for )ho show, a_nd~Bruco~ in Paris, Carl Flesch in .announced.luter.______^ Ij'y i’ii W Im rcJ. wiili linic Thomason,.o mombor'of lho sponsoring, _.lfln(lQn,!and Efrj&m Zimballst Practice session A teanfT of modlc.^ and a' at the, Curtis Institute; O/oup., r/10 MagTc Valloy Country^ Music njckiip truck for riders wlio ^ Him fhtil liiih- inh> niniicy Upon graduation from Assoclaflon.-Tho ovoni Is sol at 8 p.m'. O cJ.” j 'njiye trouble will be furnished Curtis, she was appointed to ^ ItV am inttn ym i in he ll Society will present liiuis of musical parents, and /('lA/!', _ Cancer Society bike-g^hoh slgted certificates of appreciation to began his studies in St. l^uis. "I IVHWOOD Mllll - PHOKEJM-nn ' UIOKO wtu) participate. Jlid e fs He later attended Bnstmnn- w ill be served hot-dpgs','potato School of Music and worked '''niiscd by Uie riders w ill go to award include boy and girl a selected non-winner.. TWIN FALI.S;*^ A bike-a- chips and cokes at the end of with Dronstein in New York Niinu! ...... tl)on, sponsored by the till* Ahierican Cancer SoclL'ty. under llTj 10 speed bicycle to Tliose wanting lo participate Uie ride. City. He was invited as a Aridrcis'...... A m erican Cancer Socicty, is Ilie rider.s, oh bicycles only, each, bicycles - donated by in the bike-a-lhon are asked to In ca.se of rain, Uie ride i^vill ______SutU),-Z>P------:— ■ ^ la : postponed unli _ Uie Eastm an faculty quar.toi pledge a cerlatn “ a>nouiil for Gibson's Discount Contor[-man the above merchants and Ph.OPr ...... Age the Twin Falla area. addllional information call and this began his life-long love and woman over IB, either two Tlie bike-a-thon is a n;ilional ujich m ile completed by tiie additional places' to be M r^^llichard narberr73-l-2BOC. of cham ber mu.slc. event In October Jinti is being rider. A rider may* Ija v e as prime rib dinners donated by - -pronlotcff - by - th c_tc lc v ia iQ n , .•/nnny s p o n s o rs a s i»c_ca_n the Hli^k Whale or dinner for gerlfis, “Tho Partridge aeeure. ‘ (wbiioiuilmlbyTlM} niue Quail; F a m ily ." Sc'veral prize.s have bc-en largest family piirticipating, J. Hie local ride will begin at donated by local mcrchahLs H.'s Uig Hoy is donating dinner Cascade Park^ and go to •Ik^awjjrdod to Uiose wbo raise for Uie entire funnily; li give ■ Shoshone FQllg'Pnrk and;bilck ' thano.st money for ihelrTldes.; gnUnn aqtiartum setup donated -on-o-doaignatad route-Funds —l^iu-prizeu and-category -or' by-'l'ljfttAquarUun P e t Supply to.. i i ' i t h Welcome Wagon plans luncheon

TWIN FA LI£,^ George Oct. O-at-Ujo-humo-ot-Jconne Clubhouse _aL.y a.m. on fitAudoher, fiupcrintendcnt of. BlCfiiJW-Uorah Avo. W.i with . n»ursduyH^.More.tioformation Twin Falls schools, will speak Ruby Box co4mste.s.s. Thos(* is avmlabie from HubyStraub at the Welcome— Wagon ‘ >lntere.sted in joining tho group at 73.'Wi470. luncheon ot 1 p in . Tuesday at nuiy call Blanche Hanes,-71V Ladles bridge.and pinochle tho College of Southern Idaho. 5701, " ------w ill be at-0 p.m. Oct. 11 at Uie . Ho w ill speak on the school Tlie hobbies and <;raft group recreation center at Sunny bond eldcUon set Oct! 16. Hla ■ willm eelat 1:30p.m. Oct. IBnl View Courts. Couples pinochle •• rem arks Tvin l>c followed by’n Uie home' ofO ieryl lioFoVgec,' will be at.B p.m. Oct. 20. For quesUon and answ er period. 1779 Falls Jlye. W. Spice information- or reservations, — ^ l -rofiorvations which will boauls w ill be Vna'de and Uiose contact Joyce Cuddeback. . not be used muAt bc-canccled .attending shou)d bring a 4.102, ovonings or Ju d y Brin^rt,' before 10 a.m. Monday -by ’ stained- board. For niore 733-9593. . ___ cnlllng Donna Johnson. ?34; information, call Mr.s,- Couples bridge w ill meet Oct. ; 20-tlils TTrn __Jnift-handwork-and-knltUng- V ' group will meet at 1:30 p.m. Sund^iyr Soptombcr 30, 1973 TlmQS Ne.w&. Twin F a II s . Id n tio Concert dr-tice- PanGe uoderwav. planned

;mcinborshlp-drlvc’f6i^tho-l073-- WoIconuTWa^oirUnrn Dance soason-of—tho-»-Mlni{CRtiitin will be from 8:30 p.m. to Community /Concert midnifjht Get.' 13 at Slever’s Assoclntioh \yill begin _.lW s ' _ Uarn. ■' week. *rh(^e will be live mUsic by Mcmbcrship^hrndqunrtcnmt- Slim Dossey and tlio Ciutn Statu Wood Music. .1214. Qvcrlund. Gems,- - -Aver. Ju d cy,_w ilU b e_o p cn ___ Mondtty UiP(m|{l>-Frltlfly- this - niose Hllondiii|{ .slioiiUI brinn ■ff£fiki.Mcmbcr8lilp.juca.(Qr.nll. —4)t«ip-’«wsaj>Jjhti^iBj:aikJShil— tickets *tyUVjj?;5.5!.^"nrthedoor'r rOsldents should make noss anc/ Prb/ossiona/ A w o rk er’^ dinrter w ill kick- reservations by Oct. S wih Women's Club wi/l bo £c_r/_ J__ iILUiu-cijmpaiKn Mondoy-nii’ljt. 1... .In ck ic Ju e n i’ ol, 73n-47ac. il-? p;mrnt the Ponderoan Inn.---- - ^p.ptkao.r-_5p.Q.aAjno— o n __ TiHenTslidfild bf^lilalnQd by _■___ Ilo y __ Cooper^ Community ‘ Public RolaMons " Tho ' tlie same date froin Madeline Concert reprcscntntive’.from. group will, moot of 6.30: Tiicka, 20-rSi>ventT] A v e .'N .' Cniifornla, w ill assist w.ith p fn oMho Dopof Grill # -----qiicBtnJTre— tntd— crnnviii'RTr M-__daiailajiUliCvilininx -SinoeT OircarVt gcnifxxif^^ayin9y»V&-tefftffi leading the concert season let our ckihos do li for^you -.' SHQWJNG ' h^/rdo for Dlls y ear w ill be the duo Noflond/ '^ o u ly Solan^-W/ook‘Ocf. 1-7 ato piflnisw.'Stcchcr-i Tlie concert will be held nt fl Elo/no ...... Coll. b'oavUclan. ” -— . moc/o/ p.m.-Oct.*J(J.in.Uie-BucleyJijtjlLi “ C5ro/^fv“ Koo'f£r“ VbUoy Hair- School G ym nasium . Special d ro ssors A sso c/a flo n w/// c//rnox N ational LAWRENCE CURTIS Llordb’ ''Intcrnationar’ will DoQuty Solon Wook wi>li a bonquof and present music and m arionettes clarlnelisi "VosTifori show df I'pvn' Oct t~^ho~latosl o bservance for adults at the next concert, CounUy Sot f stylQS.In fashions and ho ird o ’s w ill bo .scheduled for Ja n u a ry . The npproac;ht*s lall in r footurod jftc p u b lic is invited and lickofs ' “(j^otnlc Opei'a Theatre" and Ir e s U n o w - w a y . ... . arc avollablo-ijt any Magic .Volloy Booufy violinist EuRvn Sarbu will fill 20th Century Club wilh a soil gray j: - out the concert season. , . • • • healher.xilflkljhillf ______so/on mnlcho'r) up per- ■ loctly in inilofod plans Tuesday fete .}aciict-aud~. cuffcKl-TrQUPO'rs.7" / T lu» sU ip o d - •.. • to riln n o c k ^ tff:in ;“ r.:Liv travelogue will be Uie program - coinplem unlary], at the College of Ib n o s for the 1 p.m. Tuesday p.m . S p.m. Tuesday in K ' *■' M .*■. ""'I U,.iviTsily ,if 7;:i(l p .m . M o n day at the Uie Coionlnl Hoont of Ute • Wilson. Mrs. MjiriorJe Hawes, n,;innm|,|______; ()'I,i>!iry ..niiiliii" Ttintr^Tmmt- Hogerson Hotel. A rORular Mrs. Koy Painter und Mrs. libriiry. The t-xecutive board meeling will follow at tlie Marietta €olner, Twvnllotll will ineel at 7 p.m.. Masonic Temple al B p.m. Century Club members who Went OU' the (ienernl TWIN FALLS . TWIN ,FALLS - Primrose Federation of Women\s Clubs Iteiiekah I/odge No. 70 will e llobbycraftors C’hib will meet African Sjifari ~u ih I (Jrerinn al H.:u) a,nTr\Vi"('lncsday at tJie m e u fiirn p,m ;Tue.‘5d ayn l the Cruise during the summer. Hiirix.B«‘rry Park to'go on a- lO D F H alf. Officers need not picaic.mui outing. wear formals. TWINFALI^-Mornlngside Kickoft TWIN FALLS - Tiiere’wlli Club w ill meet- at JZ- p.m. Ja c o b y l)f‘ a revlVnl n f Iho Church of , WedneSday'flnhC liBmc rtTMrsv Cod, corner of Second Ave. E. (Jeorge Vanllouten. Members ami Fo urtli St.. beginning at are asked lo bring an article on fete set Trump lead lets in game V::iU p.in. Monday. Hev. Buck a famous person. M ph. Gene Handicas, Uexburg, will be Stacey and Mrs. Fred XWIN FALLS, =-„■ All ..UniWd. A C t- -McWilUam^-wilUpceseni-Ult... Fu n d C am paign personnel are -M ISS~BfvflTTG~S^ N O K T H ID ly diflerenl k Iim H i’ led ilui Bastic imd the corigregatiorj program , urged to attend the campafgn ^ K 10)1 :t n iy ’s ja i'k ' ~Hair ra ils r Invite everyone lo attend tha. T W IN F A L l'ii IJJd le s of , kickoff luncheon at noon VA II iii.sj.played itiw. 303 Socond St. Eoit • -.♦.I'lTf.rj ■ week o f special sefvic4.*s. Klk.s w in hold Ihetr 're g u la r Monday at ll)e Turl’Club. 1 Suull» w o uld sUl^i lijivu- p la y i.hI • + r\g - Dr.-T|icjiii In to n H ccii) b'l' -|*nss: ------«♦-— — too-laltu-Suulh-ucaL-up^uth. —nrrnnge£[^ ^— ” L I 7 Pnss • J^ass — ’^ d u n n i»y‘»^jtct*-; - rtif k*d-i»Ttito' <‘hib \Yin-m?rl: nt P " ’- M u' Mt,i llurum n iuprrvnor mond and evenlltally dise.inlecl 1'ue.sday with CeceUd Thometz, Iiv ilf, iitiyuh.. who Wrtnu to iiiiDfOwc Opi-ninK li'iiil f!) itiiliiL' pliiyinu .viU.liiilJi ;i la PijrluipAlr Elaine Coll his losing cluhS'^in goml di.i ;ili) Sixth Ave. K...... IhrYWCA. Ull • monds, L liMl>|.|h HTVtI ~Y0u7I6 MoI )iavi' lo hnvr a Hy Oswald A Jamcx Jacoby II fNtj fii'Hir.i A'.'.n I TWIN FALLS - Slradley ’ ('hapcr- - Nil, 5, Disabled F o u r spades is a v e r y good W*CRRDSe/t^ff4f American Veteran.s, will njeel_ CQnjrnrt for_South G iv e E ast Mdndnj'-fit H p jn r at Ihe-DAV- I " '? ■!'.. TiiQbiudiiuiiiKiiisnnrr l it’ kitiR or ('lulls .ihd b? wmitrt earner of> Shoup and havunotrmibl.MiiakinKflve smich jiarri.son. All m em bers are adll; bill Llmsi' UVL’ <:arntertainment placedJusLwhere lie doesn't "^^11 t)o pre.sTnted lifter Ufe w a n l Ihei.n to ha,^ nu-eting 410 H fi :i ^ V K 7 fr 41 » > •> In spite ol Ihis unfortunate . W luil (111 yiiu ilo txiu ' silualion. South found a w av lo • nuike his contract after West A-Rld.L\tILJiC;'i1i"i ^'ltlI (lon'j want It) st'll (illl IhiN rlin iji ..-.was kind enough to.upen.il trump, rather th.m a club TODAY Sg l K.vi'iON East took his ace and led Aj-ain v i ^ i 'u n i i i l L tru n ip s hirclN South wcm in truni|) ViMi .ilr dum m y and di’ciiled to altack translei I>1(1n ,ii i(I Imlit diamonds right away. The #AV87liVK4t;H'J4ll:l ' normal play would have been to W li.il do yim tlu n»u '' lea

Aitrusons convene

TWIN FALUS - Members of "Uie Twin Falls’Altrusn Club -huaul__ a „ prmirain-—on . morpbership and Its value during a Tluirsday meeting al the -home of Mrs. Adcle •Stoddard, -- jrhe-proRriim-was-glvon-by- "M rsr— VlfRlnlii— Bflnccoft^ membership chairman and TdTS-TIYWIRBOOK- -tmmtdiatclpaat-prcaldent.--— - ^ L a r a 8-Rrlnl,BidJ ^ ^ » w as a hnouncecn iie bbtittd' " ___ Spiral Bindin(’,..BIuc-Qiily___ — -lQUlC(LtQLCQnilQLl..tiavC.ljaCll 'lineelVng i.s set for Oct. 4 nt' Uie tr>r,ir, ' upiu,lr.Hi/ecl .on UoHi $ 4 . 9 ^ ■ home 6r U ic group’s proaldenl,' jifleb Ktnq-siTe has Puniiii oiginiili'thnniifti jnd 'Mrs.-J.- H|U; dlBlrlct'officlnlfl \unlciuo PovrdTnclgh top, smiittly ptDple with visual hani1ic.i|]^ mil TOrod ionr>, spun^-iicliviiloil will attend t))e regular buslncs.s wilcomf Ihij new litgf piml *iti , C!’C*!C‘!_bL?45!9!Sl___ GAMBIT: Clo^alc doybj^lqUQj Xomfortably Ilnod-crliiKlo potont .wilh -.meeting O ct. 9 «l'the Colonlal;j '♦iM-oi-lht-l-O 5^11’fmnatHhc-— downlnoii of lolty. luo.do, Roundor too boiled .with .Qilt oi va^ip sol on . H 0U8C. u n U a ••mystery litia la'Ee' typr i^.eivy m 'tad and will) lilt ncM tpiMl bimJing ilim covorod hoor,’Dfack potonl or blue patonl w il^ suodo. -- ; d lnper" O ct. 25 nt the home of ; • Ihf hoflli $l»»iopen to'ltif (tmicit ' t^OWAD:' Steady compdriiortTT^ft^KTi5n'“<;i'tilWU "lf^'‘ 4iiltty*llnfld -'ontiqoed- ,'Normn' Ilcrzlnger, Ilrsl vlcc From dia book-nook, loothor slt1lno't)n fomlnlno.covorod hool. Dulklo adds soft touch. Drown proflldenl, and Mrs, Bancroft or\ (h» t)aIcony - serving as co-lioatesses.'— CROWLEY'S ...... -.glov/t^loathor; • ‘ ------. ‘ • — . - - Dlflcusslon WAS h o u r tih; Uie .^BALBOA: Tlo pno gn|.Sturdy loto cpmlruction, low stacked..hotyl.^roOnd- - "ftf rt hc'o*m I n gr-? 0,P .tp ,b,? t,..: .jJtHARM ACYl Children's Theatre T44 Main Avt. t, • • or too. Sopor lolt, mulfl-color loathop. ' Twln fallr Iperformttnce' and new' \ 73M 77I ftldiliXvi.W, JU-4M - yenrbooks - were olstrlbi|ed.; ___ 33-TJifl(jvNows.Jrwln-EollluJd«ho-Jun.dJiy.-Soplomb

K IN G H IL L - ^ w a d in g vowa "will beTxchonged by Tonotle promise^ Louiflo Robinson and Winfred DFSmftTO^fiTtlfiTUnltcH . D()bra Preabylorlan uoramunlty Slogol and Ulnnd D. Sm itli" Qiurch. KIng Hill. wore married In a Sept. 14 . i'.. Miss HoWnuhn is the double ring ccrcmony at Die (laughter of th6 lato "Nick CSiHaUflii - Center, Tw in. Falla. -Robinson atid. Mrs. Dettic ~ -Th c-- - ccFcnrony...... TSniliiniobirT5oiTr*Kinr~Hili .porformod-by-S)u]ldon=Slflgcl __ Smith is Ute son of Mr. and i^DchStoreyrbefore e-brnsa— ' Mrs^— iLloyd— H r — Smith ch-and-'lwo-brnBa—spiral— fltcllOii-^i*^--r------^ indclnbnr-wlth—Breerr-nnd-^— Th6 .engagement was yellpw candles; Baskets of , ^ recently ilnnounced at n dinner oronge gladioli and I at tile home of MV. and Mrs. . chrysanthemums mixed- with I Smith. ’ y 0 M 0 w Spider Miss Robinson is n 1070_ chrvanrittVemiims rnid^^mpon - i-izcaduflto of Qlenna F erry High ' chrynnnthemuma . cjompleted School . and attended Wolio (lie setting. . State University U>o past tliree i^_jnic_brldc'a.pQrcnt's.Qrfr_Mr.___ ■years: Slic' is n6w"cmpl0ydd and Mrs. Slicldon Slagel, Twin wiUi KSNN-Riidi(r.:EocatellQ. -r::Fnllflr ond-U»c^paEont»£tJf- tlio— — ^ I h ls fcm'plfiyedTv Boise bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs.' TONETTE ROBINSON CflscfldcrPocntcllo:^------jacM O ETiisi^ -MR^ND-MRSUELANDJD^MtlkL .. ..sets daf^ Calif. The wo£e Q^tleref ville. Calif., brother of the bride, and Chris "Anderson, Twin Pails, were groomsmen. ncckline.- D gewn-feoturcd a- - David SlaROly B u h l,' cousin oT Je ro me m i ss,tS ites say vows Basque bodice wlUi'Illy point ' " Uie l)fnie7 was rin g b c a re r... sleeves (\nd had an attached 3mmiinlQn_waa_ficiiY£iLby______WENDELL ___ Albcrlu__jialieEj3i_ punch’ and cake. cntliedfai train. Heinz Schulz, Jim Sommers Woodland and Jbc Sites were Mrs. Mnurine Byin«lon. Manny Shaw, U)ricai,^nd Her ballerina veil of bridal and Rori and Dick Griff. m arried In Sept. 21 rites at Uie- - Wendell, played the prelude Snm Daniels, Jei^e, _ PLANNING iJdcQrafions'Jn..on autumn ' llluslon was'heid by a Juliet and traditional weddinu music. _. entertained guesla during liie fhomo for fho annual Twin Falls Music Tlic'coupic was.honored at a Wendell L D S Ch-nrch cap of Venise lace and pearls. Tcception after the cercjuony Bishop Monty Petersen Thp couple w as honored at a reception, ...... Club scholarship boll oro. soalod, from lofl. She carried" a slnceriety at the YMCA, conducted Uie ceremony. reception after Uie cercmony. Tlie bride was graduated Scholarship Mrs Blva Knowlos and Mrs John Doorr bouquet of yellow and orange The four-tiered carrot 'llie bride l.^y Uie daughter of Lorraine Sites reyislered' from .Jerome High School in - and. standing from loft. Mrs-r-Frank Dotuca daisies and chfysantherhums wed(lin|> cake wa.s placed on a Mr.' -and Mrs. Willard . guests. Mrs. Ron Rinehart, 1973 and is e’nlployod at gn^_Mrs.^^i^ard_Rqqd. Mrs.-Know/os Is ball-set- , witli wintcrj ______d^,J.crornq, and Oie - M rs.-Pele-Jones ar\d- Bqcki Tuppej-wuce-^'Tlie. bridegroom . gonorol chairman for fho ovoni which w/// The bride wore a iavallere. W«s .filled with orange water liridet^room's pjirents a r e 'M r • Jackson-arranged-BlfLs..______is a 1973 Kra'duatc of W endell j b o Oct. 2^ ajjho Diuo Lakos Couni^y Club. __ pendant on a chain, a gift from and jjurrounded by • oran^je and M rs . K rnie Sitea.-Wendcll, M rs. Ken Rinehart, Jel-omo, ' High School and was gn^uated •“ "hcr-motHGr; iTffrmotnor'WDnrtt" nowcfs Connie Allen,' I*'ller, was rnacle. an d deco rate d flie frorti’^ W ^ E r n ^ ‘Cbireg’e'“ bT ‘ - a t her wedding-, an a .g ift from . . " ...maid4..^ of .honor,-.Bout . . . .man . .was . i.wedding , ____ cake.______Mrs._ Clarence- _AlictlonecrlnB, Biilingsr Monf! -— iwjr-moUior.— — -----i:_.iz _:*.G iftbo aro rji— w cro— C uUiy— HL'rbUtrlcklanrt,” W crtdeIl"K y!e Tom ^^'Fre lfl employed=nt=-Petcr«cn*9r ...... M rs . Douk SluRel.-siater-ln- Gano, Ann Healy-Dana^CIark,' Anderson, Twin KailJj, and Hughes and Mrs. Bob GoodinK. and is a parttimc la\v of Uie bride, was m atron of Susan Anderson and Mrs. Phil ‘(U>ne Drake. Wendell, ’ were Nancoias, Jerome, served auctioneer. honor. Bhdesmalds were Sliewmaker. Pam Storey wa.s Teresa Slaf}el,-Scotta Valley, In charg e,o f the guest book. group -Calif., cousin of the bride, Maxine Umphenoiir, Santa Terry^Jolinson, Jerome, and Cruz, Calif,, and Mrs. John w in n e rs Kathy ‘Thorne, Twin Foils'. . Sliown, SlUe.s, served cake. LLS Ttil'Monifnv Allernoon Heldl Schulz, Twin Falls, was Mrs. Hussell 'Umphenour,' irnlgr Clul) mcl At tlio f irevidr ' I ir»l F’ffM iylrrcfln CMurcli tor sets ball TWIN IALL& flnwpr j;irl.______-Ii IqIiq Falla, served., punch: ~ Uu’p’l.i'..li- llriJOr Ctuli *111 Imrj . Tate Dirty, Twin Falls, was Mrs,'' Harvey UmphenQUP. ...iTMrV V T Anoivortdry pArly tourn.imcr>l . TWIN FALI.5 ^ Tlie annual A m erica n F p llsi serv ed co ffe e.best m an. Norm Olsen, Twin A m erican F p llsi served coffee.best M L) I iliu.ilr lyK.iiiul M Tliiiriilay : STYLISTS: “ I Twin Falls Music ‘ Club' The Ofoup *nnoontefi pl.ini lor inc Falls, Doug Slagel, Watson -All jir^j aunts of the bride. I. kiiJiUI.-JliifO. iVrv coinm^ rvcnl .dur mu rruulur pldr lAvt .tlVUSdMlI *t«MUllltCJlf « Scholarship Ball will be Oct. 24 'Thurviliiy'lit inc Epikcopdl. AuililO'ium Wiimrr% w rrc Mr» lA P llu»nu t-.C. IUck. iMird. ^ ^ ‘ ’ *. Tlte aniiual benefit is held Omicron meets IW IN f ALLS T h f Twin ( rtlli ( r.dny ,|i N o w U nlporm s ¥ Ni^tJ.piipii^r Club mei ai inr t|)i\copni_ each year to false money to Churc^i lor nmrrna'nent pray 4 Coli|lion Hallo Pori* Co. # make' music scholarshtps TWIN l-’Al.US - Mrs. Sam conunitliM! rocolvcd special available to - area music M M wyieu)bvM^iid-thuir-giiuKlar^ll- -uL. lor dancing. - n U H l.K V - Citv^'ount-il meeUs._____ ' ' cominittce chalnilen yavo a ,lhf liu-flini'. Frail l-iiiibiTl ' Thoso ■'wantiriB-'trivllatlonB BURLICY — Chamber of (’ominercc meets. brief review of tliuir dutk'S. gnVcflCQfimeilcdomonstrnUnn... '■ .(uayv^^alLjJSlua.KhQKles, 733r GOODJN(! - C'ily Coundl mfeUi. _ The .. ways .~iind~ . means .Sharon StahUM’kcr sorvod ■ KKTCHUM --CityXouncil ineels.' a3B7rMrsrI^ul» Thorson, 733- refrcshnuMils. HUPlCRT'— Ciiiunber of Coinn»‘ree nicels, 2291, or Mrs. Rlch{ird Rood, T W IN K A L U S - City Council tneeUs, * 733-4482. ^ (K:Toni;ii 2. Tlie T w in F a lls M usic Club Is T W IN F A L l ^ — County Zoning Conunis^siun an affiliate of the National hinirliig* B p.m., CSI Auditorium. Federation of Mu.«ilc Clubs. 'A L B IO N — C ily Council meeUs. B U H l.— Citv-Counoil-inQi»tBi= FILKH - City Council meets, JRROMI-: - Cily Coimcli meets. Stories HUPKUT' - City Council meets. - SHOSHONIv,— Cit>^ Council ineels. ' TWIN FAl.US - Library board meets.. TWIN FALLS -.^^haiubCLoLJJoiimiercT board-of-dircrtnnrmDOtTr (K'TOBKH 3 TWJN FA LIi; -:Members of JKHOM R - Cliainber of Commerce meets, the Salmon ' Social ^ Club .OAKLEY - City Council meets, answered roll call wiU> harvest P A U L — (.’ity (Jouncll meels. stories at thoir * Thursday TWIN FALI.S - »8VP Senior Citizens itally, nieeting at Uie home of Mrs, fl:30 a.m .. C SI Auditorium. _ Dcvern Fuller, - T W ir t F A L l:^ .-'^Studonl Mo\1c ••MnnTn tlie -Mrs, W ;T . W illia m g received.' ■iwiidecnr*^^;” n p.ni rsrTVTmiTm-iim i...... the gift for the best response, O C TO nF.U i •nic club will furnish” cookies' — GbKNNSrFEIlHVT^^ity^onnrilTn.' foi^hp—Itod^Croas^bloiRl ‘C,CX)DlN(i - HospiUil board meets, draw ing in Novem ber. TWIN FALUS - Philadelphia String Quartet, It was announced that Mr. concert, fl n.m.. CSI Auditorium, and Mrs, Knmiet Bauer will O C T im K R S ceU'brati* Uielr'SOth Wetldlng. TWIN FALLS - Twin Falls High School, Anniversary Oct. 21 at Uie hoiueeomlng. home of their ^Idaho_4:lLQ }um ilinity PritH' , State meeting. ' - (K^TOBKU 6 nUHLFY — American Falls Dam hearing. Hamada Inn. ______O C T O B IillH a m lfl , ------T W IN F A L U S - M agic Valley Country miwii- concert, '‘Salute to Country Music," B p.m. CSI AiiditArlutWi O C rO B K H 7-13 NaUonal 4'H week.

Club elects

T W IN F A L L S - MT{i. Dewayne !de has been named president of the PineU ee Club according to organlzntlon officials. Othcr'ncwufflcors-finiirgmu ___oro-Mrfl^, Stovc-Parri«li,-vico— . ^^•presldent i^omF-MrsFxT ^ a » ipson;-sfi'i'vuii;y:U'i'n u _____ 7 Members'of U'o club nre_ vWlveffof'm en em ployed by the U. S. Fowlst.Scrvice. MeeUngs*' - are -oonduttod:-thc:r4Wrd ^Thursday of^4bo— month — September Uiroiigh^ny. ■ 1116 Oct. fl meeUng will be a ____8how»mc trip wlUi yialts to Mt. Httrrlaon, Pomerelle ski area ’ _ and the City of Rocks. Burley “ tMstrlct Pinetree members and ' _ .Mrs. Ed Fournier, •will be hoates'^ea. > Members and Uiolr fnmlllca a rc. urged to attend Uie Uiird ^ n iu il field trip. ■ ,rl , ’ ■ ■; 7 ' ^ ; " - . -7 — ■ Poetry published Sur^dayi Scpicm bor 30. 1973 Tlmos'-Nowft. Twin Falls. Idaho 33' MagicVdlley Favorites W EN D EU r—-PRm KlUrt'esr— Rresbyterinn Y«uth Group; Wondoll, and Kathy Longford,— Sh« was' a--Girls' St^ato -W.ooi^-RGdpcUV/nnorl.- ■KlinbGrly7~tnivp hnd poctrj” altrnmU*.' Slrr Is • sorilur puljini]ieil“ ln U jc :"Nallonat- - - ■ jirlncess 01 Job 's iD au g lU e rs., nt^yisrffYW A-reR:- 'Anthology of : High School and a past presi'dont of Tlieta 2135 Crosfwood Df/vo, Tw/n F a lls

S P IC Y P E A K C A K E , — ■pfinrs. Abigail Von Bur.on MlssKlmos is the daughter o f' . M[ss Ijingford, daughter of and—Mrs.— Joe*-KliiiH>H,— M r. nnc-UilnfisJic_wonia:ithc. iPtivft=:dn 3 :^ th e --- U h ite d — t::outa‘il-ni>d-lfl-t‘laHa-tiresUlent kinkier ho gels.- Now ho wdnta to got Into group sex. Ho kcop« bringing these people over who nre into thnt sort of tiling,‘and tlioy’ro trying to got me involved tn It. Abby, I would do.prnctlcnlly anythlnp-to ploosc-my .husband, but this_ group thing luma m o 'o ff. H o is very peralslcnl, ohd- naya I shouldn't knock-anythlng-fl-hnvoo't; ^ ^ ' - ______Iloiv-do-you feel about-thls?-No namo or-town,-pleasc. , , _____ . , . OLD-FASnrONKD GIRL

—S^o^group^ ^motiorhrer^ (%l=OR&E ANDERSON . . . honored

OKAll Gim .: to me. the aexuni cxprcBslon of love Is a beautiriitl, p'rlvatc t!iln(( between two people. Using nei lo TF 10 0 F m em be r achieve llie ijHlmntc In a "Ihrin,” which could conceivably ‘ Include the whole nelghboHKMWl, In for animals. I 'l l not only knock group «e*v I'll knock wood ngnlpst receives “ Ili becdliUng n popura>lu»tlonaLpa8tlnic^ rnado ' -A Iho- presentation, DEAR AnnV: You recently chided Hoy Rosenberg for Anderson, Twin Falls, received re poT‘HnB 'thBt-y et>fH-ogo~«MO*y^fl»M>ltUal>flophor-dttr-UuWya.^ Jila-imiiDonil.iiicrlHiriuii-ltwel. .lanie.s A. Ilollaway. was at a meeting, of the Tw in Fall given tliem ialory degree at Hie mlng m arried n lO-yenr-old girl, saying: "A w ,.co m e on, 10- Chapter No. 0 , Independent mooting by Oddfellows from year-olds aren’t pcrmilted to marry In the U.S.A.” • Filer, Wendell and Twin Falls. I nm enclosing n newspaper clipping, dated February 1. Q rile p - ^ 9f Odd Fellows T lm rsd ijy’ ' ' Brig, G^n. (H) Robert P. 1037, showing a vbiishful” briile.-nge 9. and her 22-year-old Bryan,, 'fipnding, pa.st Tennessee .mountJiiriBcr husband! “ The - bride'ji parentfl . ;‘_Tlic award wus. jilven' for outst^indlng lo the service, departifient • commander were all for It. and in those days H was apparently legal. Patriarchs Militants of Idalia SPAUTAJLL., KKADER ■ especially in the food canmng_ program, Frank Eastman, vtWT'if special guest. nKAR HKAI)i:U: ! nm Informed by PorlB. Sen. How- sroroi.-irv of the Twin Falls . Brd-Dakcr’fi sectary. Tiini in to obtain a Tennesfiee marriage license today. Ihi? applicants must Im* 18 (witlioul parentol conKentl and Ifi with! Hut In cases where the' Judy Lindstrom, appllcants-iie. abHul thoir agi>a; If J h f parents «lo not contest It. the couple arr conslilpred .married. F o r andllffi- drfendpr of iXoyT w ad on;______‘ “ Hanson recite vows DEAR ABBY; In 1901, wiien I was six years old, wc livod ln'thq.umo-coal-mlnlng town-jif.^fiflrd. Kentucky. PAUL — Judy IJndstrom M y B-yeatM)id sister's favorite playm ate was a jO-yen^-old. iuid Robert S. ilanson were m arrie d in a A p.m. ceremony - girl who had to'go home nt 5 o’clock to fix supper for h e r' Aug, 11 conducted by Rev. Allc -year-old 4»usband! 22 Maye Wollcy, Paul, Methodist Furthermore, in lH7f>, nly mother’s sister married at 13. Church, at the Rupert' I also had a cousin who marrier. nt "o T SY T ” '------• ^------Mr. and Mrs. ~ Russell .:_____ ' So ,im y- D ar-Ab y. lyau U bettor-write'.Mr^i-Jlpapuberfi- 9 6 “ l.lndslrwi7'Poul7”and“ lTTe~ -nnothor lottor. _____; EL PASOAN bridgeroom's pnrentTare Drr- and Mrs. Charles ‘Hanson,- . DEAR ABUY; 1 nm boiling! Mr. Boss asked you to Nam pa, , publish-an "open le tte r" to hlfi secretary in which bo tolla Kathy Llrfdstrom; Paul, was her that he wishes ishe-would please keep her personal maid of honor.-Bridesmaids problems lo herself. He says ho Is nol a financial advisor,.. were Joan Toevs and Blllle neither Is he n mnrrlnge counselor, and he doesn’t wont her 'Mculcman, both Huport, and to waste his time (or hers] crying on his shoulder at the Jufly Cooper, Boise. o ffic e . Well, I have a letter for HIM: Rich Ueclmer, Kellogg,'was i ------Dcariloss;---'-ijcarxjosB**^--.. test man. Ushers werc Kregg- - In the six months I have worked for you. I know just Harisop, Boise, brother of'the about everything thdre is Jo know aliout your fam ily situa- bridegroom, ' Russell M. lion. I really don't care If your wife IS cold, and, that you’d IJn d stro m , Pau l, brother of the — di^'orwh->rfiT^n=aimtnnrn-V-it-wcren H -fo r:yo u r-ch lltlro nr rtiUdc;::^c(lr:WhcclcrrzKunfi,-:- Also 1 don’t care if you do think I -imve beauTifurhalr, Courtney Hanson, Nampa, — -W>v«^lv-eves.-gre0t-l0^K.-AUo.-i-DQ.JjQTwQnt-t0-j0in_yitu_la -brotl)or-of Uio-bridoHroom, and - =^^‘*rclax"“after officThours with a eocKlan. ' Frank^ Beale, New Plymouth. I don’t wish lo discuss my private life with you, and - After a honeymoon trip to the Bomo of the questions you ask nre pretty embarrassing. Oregon coast, the^couple 1 am no“ " D 6ar Abby,’"so donH tell me your problems -resides at 3400*‘No rth 9flth,- becausc I have no desire to become pari of them. And by the way, when I find another job that pays me “ 'hat tliiy two wetiks' notice. - Meanwhik, aincTryiiir'tlilnlr rn. _____ t{|ry..how.nl)OUl .aTnisc? . .YOU R S E C R n T A R Y

DEAR ABBY: Yovraskeil to hear from senior citizens: Would that some compassionate, benevolent God would lake this body and accept the soul of man on the day he volun- ,„rlly retlrpi or is arbltrnrlly retired from his ^ -amn bworacir^.-:------usBbbRS-BfcVBNTY -

Pnblcm it VoB'U (eel betler II you (et II etf y«ir ckeit. For ■ pcnonil reply, wr(te lo AIIBV: Boi No. •MM, L. A„ ~Cilir. I«M«. Enfloie i»l(-iililreiM»l e«y«lop«. pIciaM.

Dlscontinueil Styles Women's SHOES

-DcrTOim jthln^TTfc^^ tummy with Olga Wunder- gants®. stretch__^ Ip f _ thot givo;, smooth no seom support. Sizos S, M, L. Whito -omJ-nuHn.. $5.S0.-i.

.’On-The^AAall- I3Q.W ntimn_og_tha-Ma 11 y Twin Falls Rog. ‘ 59.95 , . ', or:6-Pc.

;R tog^;39.95

loin onamol on door linof.and rnovablo o\/of\ botlom—ond - lo p6nols Tliol oxidizos food iHor-and'gronst.* IT, CLEANS CHOICE OF COLORS - ---- WhitprOTDPnT~Gplri~<:PtTp-prtonu, A\ regular tomporoturos. Only cado. TItl lop, Infiriilo confrorsv/ilchos. •, / spillovors should bo Lih off ovon doot.. HoovyjPorcolain .{in. - ...... _ l _ i s h . — ______t , ' . .

Wiodel 3ABA- ^ ,_ i 5 N L Y

PH ILCO 8 ^ -draauiiiiL- New 100% Solid State Personal SIKWOMS'SlAtfrrREST - frsncli triivlticia|-.--ilaiiarPrmlni:tj|-- Spanlsli ^ tarly-A| TABLE 'AND 6 qHAIRS l^ortable-TV^ S lilM O IiS BOX-SP-RING$-&-MAnRESS:$E[$^ fM lco^lorrTV^nssle^ Heavy duty fram e included with BOX SPRING AND King or Queen Beauty Rest , ' ^ -^ortwo years after delivery^ AAATTRESS SETS —sola-dorirrg'this ^ l e ! ------...... we’ll fix anything that’s our fault.” ALL SIZES FROM DINETrESErS

KITCHENAID P[SH_WASHERS DUILT-INS: ...... litn • - SIMMONr^lCN-A-BED" I Modol D3T1DWH ...... iMi!...... ,.i,. ‘I >i|i|>l’r l.n k . Includes: Box Spring & »Solid alalc-chassis is lully-transislorjzcd. exQPPt lQL T6n.l£AD*NG POnTADLES: f. -'rri —• - - Mattress, Sturdy frame $ 5 P high-voltage recUlior •instanl sound— picture lollows n„M,.A i lyr” ...... in soconds •Front-inounlod VHF/UHF channel , and Headhq^fl^d . . . . . soloctors • Full range front s p e a k e r •C arrying hftndlo FRONT-LOADING PORTADLES: H.„ *TplcscopicVHF;ioop.UHFflntennQ9-*6hoioeo( ...... _u.L.kk-*ua^u iiiu .u,jy.iiuU uuc4ivt-iuaaau»------thC JM H U H lU h C n flk l Liiii.i'jiitiii' iii.uiri-, c .in lie tunii iii.dpyiH'n'. Tro/h Compo^tOT qabinet colors— Dove White. Modol B3H BW H . — ---- -Tai^nrlnorMiyHfel B3t1BTCb ------■d SPINDLE BUNK ' HcUvestGold.ModclBdllBHQ. BED _ _ _fc9 5 W r a - BATES IS ALSO YOUR ONLY I4il;c:hen/% i< i m A M B S • Hardily ' ' rit0 • 4 vpood i 2 Step End Tables^ ailtoiiuitic iTioDual IWAYTAG NYLON SHAG LOVE SEAT 1 Coffee Table Automatic M AX 50 •Tii«t(t(l Miu thru Rubberback ...... • Adopts ot»y Plulco console (luvt covot loi Set of 3 (In box) . . . Washers lurntohio storoo or coniponont sysloin Downs Happy'Days AAonsanto & SOFA ^ T S . FROM ...... lo i>ow quodfophonic bound.- • Two mDlchiiil Sound HALO-ORfHEAT" Cubo spookor . . Ea riy ^merJcan- - sdlf^oiUaliiod .Viltfroo .0* onrtosuroi ACRYLIC YARN CARPET BIG SELEGTION DRYERS trock lopo ployor cornplol'o ‘ Comploto with rubber pod ...... N Q W ONLY wilh aniplfficr” onri spookor —•■Cuciom"fol}fll>oui“ vtond Ctni(j:.in<| y chnosino ~ IhC; lodliirn'i Contiol panol 50 Reg. ‘429,45 lifilils. |]iishlJijllori C(it)lrol. ’ 4 Chanriol Quadraphonic Dock/ 9 5 itilm inr ilriim iKitils. bi.-loclion M37 1 3 9 ()l '.1)111 s[iiM!fls. t»)inp(!r,iluros ■ Storoo Tape CarfjJdge Playfir SOFA NOW ONLY ☆ SOFAS ☆ LOVE SEATS arxl (;ycl, all lh(.' <.‘xlra5i llia l oTtiko yo iirw a sh f/ a y n ' ALL Iiflli! IjiI on y(ju plus SLttPERS IN OUR STOCK Ihi; lli'x ih ihly so rti.'C.rtssary PHILCO Y D U S A V E lo jauruloi yoijt lahrics arid LAMPS ■Mo p iu p u ily SO LID STATE^STEREO - EVERY DAY Reduced from TO CHOOSE FROM!! W ith FM Storoo, FM -AM Rndio . HIDE- — • wdlia'pcitk-ituiMc-puwt'f------.....— - LOOK!! YOU OWN • 4 !>piMkl“» -.lOfOl) ^iDlltuJ syitl'lll A-BEDS iLMluriii)'. ci|u>ni'riti.il horns . . . with purchase of • Auloin.ilK'/ni.inu.il 4 spiri'd llirnl.thlt* A PHILCO! Assorted colon, and • Ho.itin)’ U>ucr> lone ,itni. di.iinond Philco Console. . . fabrics. Full Ouoon Sizo inaltrosb I I ...... M idlttii«n*an Slyllng So oconomical “ ------— It runs loss than half tho timo.

. t iil. -

733>6146 ,fr7-«.2382 ^ 2 4 - 2 ^ 0 2 ^


THt iWlAGiC VALLEY SINCE 1935" U Tlmo» Newi, Twin FbIU. Sunday. Soplsmber 30. 1973 OASOLlNe ALLCV

L. M. Boy,dl :

' Amona Iho ancKinl G rooki, il ’w«« not uncommon for i : —huibnntl-to-fi>«l-l«»-wii«cbfd« m«ko nolo ql _M C ulnir-pracTico Tlioory w a i « parMn'i-pulnrl»nd«(l=l|>-pie»------^ --: t : . £ua""pJtty“prBvlincat*d7-A»-you------

Amoriq olhor lluhgi.' For Iho u m o io«ion ' ProlH(>»vnll, lho«i GrooltB. L , * . . I • Q r ”-W® can"Arw*y*^ll whoQ *-tlorm-u coming u^bocdUBiT“ r do

ongm al Gutonborg book, bearing lohann’i name ImpriiU oc _th? fly loal. Somothtng'a wiong with.lhal conlonlion, It i a lad ’th«\t.Glilonborq ihM Glifonhoro novornovoTDrinlod prinlod hi»his namo on any ol hia worln Puil--___ - H o r o s c o p e boolrW-bogrrrcomplolo jmpnnt ol tho nariid ol a prinlor. ptaco And dflto. wan the U tm Poallor ol 1457. Gutonh«xg'i *on-in-Uw ^ Potor Schootlor and hia lormor partnor lohann Fuat turned th at'. oul ■ '

Sir, il you Bponl low than b u days m bod last year becauDO ■ C a i n t l l 6( illnoBB or. injury, you laired bottor than average ; .11 Uan»- planted, tho groat W a ll ol CRina could Btrotch lrom New York '• City lo OmflhH,“ it-« M id - ’ rTho bguro 620 lollowod by .27 wroB,-J- -KQKKC-AS^l-H«lt-Sl+NI>AV7^1iP'l‘H M IIIil« 071373; J haVs how many poaTible cornbinaiiona there arp ol tho 26 letters - cl tho alpnabot ^ ^ .v7~ ’’ ^

^ (JliN i;iUiriT:NI)i;Slf’ir:S:'A'dayirrmiil(eliUr^" ----- . ----- lU R O R S ------^------Thja imtior moment occurrod m a North Carolina court - ’ • . yo u ’fp kiml iind Bcnllc w iih cvuryonu with _____yoaiB b4ck-.^JUdttQrnoV-dJikod.thQ.puan«CiPUfl_olcrcpdgm _ _ ------Z h ilin yd ij“ c6'tnc‘ u rc o n la c t R e fu s e to fee! ym i-nro heina— -on Ihc wUne^B, aland, "A rc you acquainted v/ith any o( the ! lliwdrled in nainlnit your aims ami uinliilions hcciiusi: others jurymun’ ’ W itrieuB‘mullorod, "M ore than hall ol them Atlornoy nskad;-'•'Are you vnlhng t g w a i - you know mom than - Sunilay pursuila can turn this uit«> a really woiulcrful Uay, hrtll ol them’ " Tho old boy dragged a Jong g a w over Iho jury- i AUIGS (Mar. i \ to ADr.lfl'J) Use mlujtive faculfles lo A L L E Y 00^» boi/andoaid, ‘ComoBto that. I'd awear l.know moik> than all.ol, , ^ J i o m l l J (luties‘ lo(l;«y for riehl teKull.s‘. Shbw assocliUcs liow inuch you like them, npiirccifito tlicir loyalty (Irow. • • ' them put toqblhor " • ' • ' . -.-•TAURUS (Apr. iO to May 20) Do whatever will help you 1 II yOu'ro a roaBor»ably talMollow, you can BOO your honxon pain furOicr BUpport of a parliier you value highly l''‘>rBct that .It 5o<> lovol aboul throo miles away on a cloar day Bu M I you — -^blie-work^owHli«HH.uUt-tiiaHiHhti-*l|aiA-uU-Rum Lauaul- -loak-fioni w btnid’incl fueiul in p.ni nV lo 25,000 loot to 500 180 mdes And at 40.(»0 that's almoBl-. . M O O N C im .l)IU ;N ' (iu n e 22 to Ju ly 21) After sma|I almoDl oighi miloa luqh. sir you can make oul landmarks moro . Jju m liiy .ilu lie s and services, jo in witli conK^nials for iliijn 2iU)milosaway J 'nnuiscmeniB lhai are nnituaily cnjfjyuhle l-lxercisc before retiring and then gel a good nipln’s sleep. • LliO (July 22 to Aug 21) (ief your homo in fine order : today und ouiubhKh lu o r o liarmony itith kui by kind, ___c0u r|c (m s ,lrc a tjn ^ t H i t on new plan, for more huppinoss, juccess. A memorable dttv, p iii. ' ... ’ . VIRCIO (Aug. 22 m Sepi*22) Oiil to places that intbue you with highly insplrmg philoM)phy. Study yimr.newspaper to gel hiorc from it. I'lnd opportunities thal-are uleal fi>r y*m. I LIW IA (Sept 2 .M o O ct, 22) Study yovir assets und decide ---- how~tD~ndU~tn~thcTTr~f>on-t-nci;lreHwrviw»-tlhiHift<-uthi>irinfl.— -Use good comnmn kcnic-jn budgeting. - — — { - S C O R P IO (Oot._2.< (o Nov. 2 1) D o nothing H ut can alienate ^-—4hC7*o<>d-«U»W ^Mwukw-huvur-U4>-uiiU»-^iuod-fricnds.jnd.enjoy... yourself Gct'more out of yinu socjjI life • • SA(;rrrAHUJS-(Nov. 22 to l>ec 2 I ) Do some intelligent Ihink^ng about your fuHire early s«i you can make il nu>rc Ideal. Mcditatuig »» helpfql. l-'inc for the romaivtic- bappincKS you want with mate ; C A P R IC O R N iDiic. 11 to Jan- 20) (liv e niori- aliention lo Ihose you want as friends in the future Make better plans to laiapeUonal aims thaliiiioanmuch jo you Uj^.morc logic — J ^ O n A T n U S l T r n '“ T r O T t ^ 1 r ;6 o irin iri^ rirfrin .ir exrra-* - work lo gain more favors from higher-ups later on, Som e favor you may do for another can bring fine returns. ^----V-PI8Gli&-(Pebr-30~lo-Mtit-2(»-Mnke-aCTt«aintnpctrtif-pcr5m ir -“ --whcrhavciTiformattnTi-npednt fo-ncwTiuilor'nifwhten you arc Interested. Make up your mmd fo net things done ;lnd yi)u - l u o x e d . — .—______II* YOUR CmU),US.4U)RN lODAY . .. he or she will be 6ne of those delightful young peopel who wiH ktu)w definitely y/hat he or she desires ami wdl go after aims with ■Ui iiol^.oiiii'yl " W lul you iiuki.- of ' |o u r life is largely Up t o Y O U ! , '


MAR«se,IFI=ElI ViiS>HT HAUeA6g^tg^ffi96LB/1. Question t ,Wo bred our • ___ . »JUMUSunday, oSoplomber 30, 1973 Timos-Nows, Twin F a lls ,.Id a h o .-37 Hospital minlatiyo poodle with another I- . . ■ the way oiws looks when h6.’a mipintiiro. Qie—had iltree - • shai'iiy, bul.don^ puppies (nil nice and healUiy) ...... Imn'-lf-thoroV ;n rontwn for but on6- lljt^o ftfmulo iB^ottlly— ^sets film ■ X t i n l o n c tlttl(r-Mrqiicstto^l9-cnn“w c7 ' Answer: - Pitodlos orlginntpd advertise h q ro s,trtoy or Is she TWIN' FAlilS- a.s wnter retrievers, in fact, ■ niatur4>—a n yw a y ? ■ ■ 1 'd- Acupunchtre.__ Leurrgn tiy j — -tuTclipi'tcti-thL'y lontc n lu i'liW ^ rl'Tniy1 (pproclntcTmyhelp7 m r enjoying wlilcsprcnd Interest .the 70ld^nmiRmiimrtd" Woler~“ and conlrovcny In mcdlcnl...... can give our “misplaced Linda M cn v. DM I i*Vi|5 of Knglnnd. Wlien they person,” . ______- . ______- ciiWofl, will bo tlw topic of - bOoami* 'W idely popular as . Answer: iiie American, • ' , current week’s educ«tlonnK-i.;,: retrievers, sportsmen tio^an - film program at Mngic Volley , Kennel Club neatly solves toi:tl*i-mile fenmle-and ralap- -rngnl«r sized tov.vhavc-laiW*' ” shearing portlonfTor tliocOat I * ’ Mcmorinl Hoapltiil. Misplaced 8 problem by .^miepup.s but don't know if we toy brothers and sistm. anil faciiitatG progress in TIjo Acupuncture filnis ore ' reg istering , a ll p o o d le s .- . ^ouUlfind oncn.s snjall a s h c is. . ju:e,in pliiin term s, "the runt of .swimming. Tliat .started Ujo port-of nn ont{o|n|» aeries of r e g a r d ^ M of ^ ,vo',|,l U j ^ pa be . the. Ittto r,- M m - . p r f t t y ...... cUKtom of olippini;n,.iziuiuuuMu»cuia>. In pnttftm^;- medical films rcgulaHy shown l« d 7 ::iA Jrp o ^ m e j^ r« r- j^ U N u ;iip s.;;to (> ,.T ^ - oonvepient for unKcrupulouVor; - \vlUi:h..(’iiptiv/Ue(l"nu;n..ciipuv/ue(i utethe fVcnch*i-rcnch* ■*'* *' ...... • —-1-1»*. „ A M W M.J--—^*-1 = fo tp h y a ic io n » of-tJioBtoff at th r ~»inkfjowlcdgabU'” broeders^tn—-nnd-imfi-stnyod-wllltr-llio*^^-: ^LO Api-LoI.— ddJLa.pllQ I. _Jmviuuuexoliii:lltlo,Jor4ln)n 'iKrench-libodlo " isc:hGlR: m i n-i »4-r-a^tor=J^:m 0 ;o-d(i('.s'' =-SiMfcyottUl^k» {wodle from problems. Many are frail. poodle Is adult, her m aster can •, Addrcaalng.ltaelLtoiwhcl tlio uroutul tip (o 10 inches U a . Iiiig llv u im L m iu lL ___licm a lcii- If you have a queBlion about ffiZtoClnio-tiiiomtiKsry-tint- acupuncture will' become a toy - nn.mofp.mrless. bred to-a dog one iota larger • ‘i'lJur'pel'Tsend'jt to Uie Merry moasures up to! - •“— widely used, enslly-lcarncd-and-— j Soi’onhl — tc s e a rc lrln b o ra to rle sr'» ~ " _____, . . ;- to - b e — c t> n th ifm lio n .-o n c > -h ijn n m 7 7 iT T T t^ Produced by the Network for price wed like to know more' recogniV.edasa.soparatC'Class. • an emergency caesarean Continuing M cdlcal EducoUoni Htoiit "leacup,s.'' ^ - Ttiird,- inimy "loacup.H" (J.iMlimi: l.s there any linnn 7.33-0931 .z ^ e :fH m Jg _ o ne of-69 televiflion---- _^W e thouflht mayl^» w g JLhKe .c u u itL _ fr.o iu _ b rc c d in « Ji- .o f - in nol'clipping-a-|>oodli^-i-ii|{p- • programs provided each year to' hospitals under the sppnsorsliip of Roche Ijiboratories. • Some upcoming topics • pf film programs ht MVMH include mnnngemcnt of the hyperactive chlld^ antiotlc therapy, diagnosis, on^ — treatment— of pillmonnry embolism and a demonstration - of coranafy-artcfiogrnphy:— ■ ' Tlie p^ogroms are avnllnblC ^ f o r — Bpoolal-T-BhowingB^' for^ phyaicinns unnble to utten'd the regular fl a’.in. meetings on •*^Monday^— W iitn e s d n y ' ~ o r W e j i i o i M i Friday, Rosenbaum said. ’

aide to visit TF

TWIN FA'M.S - Skilled Thoni.son also noted tliat workers, experienced farmers, collbgc graduates and and college graduates in over professionals with ii wide “ TJiOi) skill categories will be • variety of degrees iirli neeilo(! Rougiit-by-ACTlON recruiting ‘ for boHt - Peace-C ori)H and representatives in Twin Fnlls- VKSTA ..volunteer * progriims. Thursday nnd F rid a y as the Iji'w yers. nurses. archiUM-ts, federal volunteer agency urban planners, businessmen, conductsa recruiting drive here and social sciences graduates in . ' Hie first recn iitii . Cor^ajUJil.VISTA.programs In, priorilira fur VISTAJ il' nolud, 62 overseas countries and' witli the l*tace Corps iilso __ thrnnphnnt thP U S. • drnwinu on those and nther^ Eric Thomson,. 211, former Peacc Corps vfilunteer in Upper Voltri;-Africa, and now tJje oflsistant area m anager for ACTION'S Seatlle recruiting - officorwiUbo4it.thoJdaljb-State- Em ploym ent O ffice, 260 4th St. . N., from,8ibothThursday and. — P rid n y rH e ca n b rcn lle a T Jt^ H - — U»al-VlfiT-A-voJunleerstraiihfoi 48flO. hIx weeks, four of Dieni actual' ____ Ih O m son -stalod -lh al- over— on-lho-job Irain in g — Hiid-litett— 2,000 volunteer openings in- serve for one-yenr somewhere

-flklll^are<»a-wlll-be-filled-by- November. Volunteers with ~sCTls os mechanics, plumbers, electricians, machinists, welder, draftsmen, carpenters and heavy equipment operators ore especially needed for vocational training programs in 62 developing -.naOons-lh Africa, .Asia,Latln A m erica, nnd‘the P ac ific, he stated, wlUi, an equally heavy ■ dern¥ii(l 'Tor expcriencei!’ farmers and ranchers. r Baldwin Piano 1

M ay III’ ,

Claude t^llSietoRlvllTURE 143 Mdih-Avii*-Eflit__Twf

■ ! . PUotoon yoOr^plano tond mo rental moro |)lan Information Nam e .

^ ^ r o i a Zip

— "rpPhone-r-. Tlmei-Nowa^.TwIn Falli, Idaho Sunday, SapJombor 30, 1973


CO EUn D ’A I£ N E ^ ,(.U P I), proposms. ' . — .Stato, Rop. . Vornon "Ttic governor's proposals M ixon tu ln eraBle ----Rovonacroft, D-Tuttli, said— ore deceptive,’' -jald Thursdnjr night Uijil Gov. Cecil Ravenscrott. "H e lallu about D. Andrus'tax roller proposals giving |g million In relief to (c) WnBhlnfltonStnr-NcwB cnses fire cxpoctcd to wind up even if he does not defy n arc deceptive; property taxpayers, but I .WASHINGTON A.lendinK In tho Suprom o Court. Supreme Court order. , navenacro(t . told a would remind you that he also cxpertnpn linpenchtnenl wiya Tltc President hns -nnid thnt Crlmlpa! activity~ia. _____ ctmysnUfln--- -OtI— ciuinty— propoMis-le-iiMvldc-WTnllllon— ^ — comprfT— wrttti— ir n ly iir W d “lor impend____ ^ commissioners and clerks UiM of that M. million by canecling —ImpoflOhod-lf—ho (loHofl-a—.~doflnltlvc^~rulln« of tho theprofe.wor5nidrnildinfrtl)nl— :| ---- Andrus rocontly orltloliod-Uio— the— Inventory-^hani!— urn----- —Su p re m e ----C o u rt— ^ruUna— hlBliPflt-.:COiirl—o n ^ th trJa p c jr ' ‘hlgli-----crimen ----last session o fU ie Icglalnturc.... pnyments^to local cn tltlcro f'— “ — Inotfuctini^J ilm-tQ-rclcasc-Um— ls3ue,..but Jii». hna-Jccllncd to •mJBdj^oanoffl^^indudaraQme -r. -| for not approving his ta;y:o|lef government. . ------tape recorclincs -of his WHTlc Bpcclfy whnt he meonfi by misconduct which would not HouscconvcraAtionsrclntinR to "definitive.", lead to criminal Indictment. the WnlerKnte affftir. .. Vce Prealdent Aftncw, Jnmes Madison, one of Uie Rnoul Derger, ii law Herf»er snld, wns not framers of tiie Constitution, prpfcasor nt Hurvflrd- . viilnernble IplmpcHclimenl for' commented that a president , University, snld 'nuirsday Oiat any wroni'doinB that may have was Impeachable if ho did not _ J Nxlori’s refusal to 'obey, a (M.“ciirreu before ho was sworn "^upervrse’the excesses of Ills Supreme Court order would In as vice pre.sldcnt; Accordini* jflulwrdinates," Berger noted, . preclpHate “ almo.it an earth- to Peri'or, there would.be no “ I'm notgolnii to spell out all " — ahnkliiH-crists. .-,way_fQr_Conj;r.es3.:tQ rc m a v p .: .llic..lmpllcaUQnfl iif-M adlson'a...... Per^jer also said durlni; a 00- Ai'new from offjce In the event remark.” he said. "I ’threw it. minute talk on'Capitol Hill, that he was Indicted and out for vou to chew on it.” . thnt the doctrine exocutlve cotivictcd of m isconduct l)orore _ 1 _ .v. (v lvilc f'c, which the Pte.sident 1%9'-- when he f)ecanrie Vice —Ho(ht>peBcnt«al Coast liranch in Washin('ton, . 05 somn have claimed. hl.slorlaiLs-ha.ve looked into the I). C. - -• '“ “ Nixon hns refiused to Rive the ’ subject. Mo Is the author of thc_ Tho Institute provides tapes to the specalai Waterf’ale recently published book,’ tralnlnf* in Kn(^!ish and G5 pro.qccuto'r, Archibald Cox, and ''^Impeachment: “ Tire f(ircij;n lanj'uaj'es for more~~ Idaho guarckmen may the special Senate WiiterHate Constitutional Problem." Uum 200,000 studentfi annually. ODmmittee. Both ' have -filed nerj«er said that Nixon'may , Capt. Miller earned a II. A. ■ THE SUNNY FLOOR ' suit to ^aln the tapes and both still be open to itnpeachment decree in lOO-l from the Colloge -of IdnhorHls wlfe.-Mirrfiarctrls ' train on-Moj ave-Desert -TblAT.SMINES4A^IT-H0U-T-\A/A-XING- the daufihter of Dr, and Mrs. -Gorald-Graves, Caldwell. News Gf Servicemen ■ noisK (U PI) - Pfiins tii'r" necisiiin's ofi where the camp "Wq aro belnf' ’encouraged . larije _^scale maneuver.^ will be hdd will hot b(;,made, iin(l pushed to have training involving ' Idaho and Nevada until early Noytmiber. activities ’ .of ' ' fireater' -national guard.smen could Hrnoks saitTtba tf?imjnf’‘:iroa. pnmplexlty and.scopc. It is the A l- U -S . •OKt^ndrlhe- -io^-(A)sr»st-ron< to-l7 days and .send troops lo sm ail for the type of Irainitij^ reqiiirem ents that-caused Ufi Jo train near I'ksath V alley. Uur arm y, wants' perfer thO' from Idaho and 000 guardsmen a«o. WITHIN ONE WEEK . . . Mohavo Dcspfr tratnlnir slto; •from Nevada in th e - 'llflth ------Thc-Reneral snld Gam p !r%vin • Arm ored Cijvalr-y-,— ------woaIonu‘ lu A m l S p I p c I He ,sai(l lher_e_- a re no ? need to do belter than the estimat'e.s yet on the additional Gowen Field area." Ecdnoinic speclaIist costa, of KiJllinu tlie troop.s to 'I’hc Idaho site "has been ' Tour PaltrrnU and from Ihe Qtlifornia sile.~ adequate for all t^e training we ‘The Lowest Price In To w n" prtividinM facilitU's or pay for have had to do until n o w " but ftpeaks iii SIio sIk h io 11h‘ adilititinal lw») tlHy« if the would be restriclive for the -cam p"is'‘ uxteiul^fl-boyond“ tlie- —.sfiuadron-.lovel-artivitie.s,-— — F4)RNITURE- u.siial 15 d a y ^ ,"" 'I'lie Idaho area considered ■ SirOSHONF . -.“ aiiines . bank.H. 'M Store financing -Murphi'.j. Hoisc:— pronomic' . "one of tlie'bcHer-lruinlnujiilea__ - A vaifahle'— *--- -weat-of—the-TRockies^Vtft-niil^ development specia|i.sl with Ijirge enough to accommodate AlUMAIN <>Mi:i.l\ the- • S m a ll ■Busir\ess constmiclion of a \varehi»use In 127 2nd Avo. West \ 733-1W . to obtain hinh'or det'ree.'i of l)oth the Idaho, and NeVafla - ; Administration, spent all day ShosliotleT, The Unlon^ -Pacific . . . l|HMl}ri)r(i corjibat readiness. groups at the same time. H iu rs d a y In Sho.shune and was R a i l r o a d P r'o d u c e . fea^tiired speaker at a meetin^ Transportation. Service, he TWIN KAI.U^ - Airman llUHl.KY ^ Airman Daryl TliurislJay nif{ht. Uandl S. Ohtelia, son of Mrs. Dv Dille. son of Mr. and-Mrs. siiid, would lend it.self well for Murphy told members of the such construction, Muriel W. Mutlu Twm Fall.Si Unvis K. Dille, Hurley, has has'Ueen“ assl«ned'l6~Keesler~“ been“ Hs^^ to~SHeppard Uncoln County- Doyo|opmont Corp. that‘smalLbuiiincs,s loans 'njere were ftil'eeilndiviilH^ls XFB, Miss., after conipletlhn AFB, Tex., after completlnf’ im iilfl h] tn tih /ibliilncd \vho' srjiM'irii-jilIv_4i^v4*sti^«^l— --- Alr-Forw^-lwfllo-timiplnf^r------r-Air-Foreo-bafiitMwdninf^------through private financing means of financing, new ; Durinj* his six wec^s at the The alrftian has . been aUtinclt's^ Ue aaliLfiUAJifl? no . husineiisea. in . the... Sho.shpne ■t-pmpLanrt*sr;n?sjcnrri-to-thp-Tcchiittnr present dlrPt't.fundlnK and can area find had met with the C n ckland A F B , T ex ., Ite Tj’ainitjf* Center at-Sljeppard only guarantee loans made by group lo determine whelher or ~^or specialized training as a pt*ivHte !ending in.stilutions, H e ^ not financing ctaild Iki obtaiaud- - - OT(;unizution-und cu^itoniK and medical -services specialiiil. .•yjid 90 to 95 per cent of all S B A ' ■jiiid' whTiT'route I n ’fiillow fo ’ received special instruction in A irm a n D llle , a Iflfifi loans now are made through .secure funduig. hu^an relations. graduate of Burley High Tile ‘airman has . been •School, attended Brigham ■ BBSlknod .jto" the 'Technical VounR University: ■ TVainint' Center at Keesler for specialized training in J T i n m t K - A lfre d W . Anyone (Considering A COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY - obnuiuinications — electronics Gardner, son of Mr, anrgeant'ii) theUvK.-Air-Foi 6 fichool. H is futher. W allace .1. Sgt, Gardner is a Jet aircraft ‘^ h o ulil’+ tilceTid'oxintoge'ofl'hlsir A h e f t y ' 5 p e r c e n t i n t e r e s t a n d e v e n llk'Mclia.,resides at Plarenlia, mechanic al Castle AFB, MORE WITH QUARTERLY COMPOUNDING C«l,if, ('alif,, with a unit of ^he • Strategic A|r fonunand. FLY TO, AND ■' Inpnl to a gas a|)pliance Is He attended .lerome High c6ntrolled throuKh the use of a S c h 0o l; the U n iv e r «H y of HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: „ gas appliance’ pressure regula­ Maryland Fitr Fast Division at tor and by the use of orifices of O.san AH, Hepublic of K orea, cmnsE-fHE ■ Effective October 1, 1973, interest on passbook accounts with a minimum me proper size, 'nu ll's a rea.son Heber Stjrte College, Ogden. balonce of IIO.'OO will be paid quarterly resulting in quarterly compounding to call a qualified serviceman Utah, and Merced (Calif,! 'for a higher effective yield. ■ ‘ - , / when-changing from one type ('ollege. WEST INDIES ' ^ gas to another, 1-el bun His wife^ Virginia, is the - handle the installation, for turv l « w k

iENILfJ!ynAlltlLf0l0EILAKILB01IK.U8Wll:: D o w n to w n, lynwoad-^^ - riy ,.. z a y . 7 2 2 : - „.Z33-65'3B ■ ; ■ 423-552122 ■ — 34t.W(iih:ii tliMflrniMDiid* D/.LTwin.fftiic:: xM < \ c \ ic Cart)cT ‘Travcis - ,901 I, 16.'iuf(»v TtA/lM FALLS . 6URLEV B0KMM7n-166fl V33BOv«rland67S«2Y51 .Mombor Fodoral DepoilV Iniurj^^o Corparijion Mombor Fedaral Reiervs Board jL & H --I • a-s- a WE HAVe CXCITIN&-TltAVEl IDEAS POft YOU 11^7v

I-- Twin Faiisridijho^^;^ JD cpartmeMt seeks, “B o l f l i i e ’s T r e la t iv e s ■' '

—T^=^rT^pOISE^iUPIp==thC3::Idaho^IllBhwnyz:^::::^ Department Is'seeking relativesVof a child ~ W h o s e 1B82 e m ve was found nbar T oll Qpte on stale iiighwoy 68 (lurliijJrlghM-woyBurviyUig — : operotlonB. The grave morkcr rendB: "Bobble, son of J. ___ A. onil C. A. Porter, died Ju n e 25,1882 - ngc 10______yenr8._2Ldoyji>!l- •iThe Rraic Is located l/ome 100 ynrdii Routheaql of tliiTolI Gnte Cafe Along the road north from Mqunlnlh Home, — “ v ■ Highway ileparlm ciOfflcInls said It wlH be“ ncccEsnry-to-i«l(>oat«4ho grnvD booaiuo of road- Improvements. Infarmntlon should be forwarded to Hlonte Flaln, aaslfltniit district engineer, highway department district offlec, P. 0. Box .7120. noise. 8.1707.

Lida access ram p decisian^spught

BOISE (UPrn^u'lIdTiTg permnnenli;nmpcomfTKccmr Maintenance Chief John Bell slruclecl. iwlll • make ilio-fliml declsl^ . • ^Bell lold-Suiler Ihe.conmilflT '.whether Ada County will con- gioncrs were opposed to Uie jatrucLQn..lncllnc-.inJhe..wcsl. idea on the f^vlce of County entrance of the county court- Prosecuting" Attorney Jahi'e^ ■ Ihousetoallowhandlcappedper- Rlsch. B e ll told Suitor it wouli) I ;sons’ in'w hcclehntrs access lo bedangerousfor walking pedea- ^ *tlie building. • trians. - County Coramissi\]rti;r-Gene_ Crawfonl said such jin incline : ',(>nwford said Tliursdny the would be a courthou.se expendi­ ! Icommifisionera were '.not ture and would be up lo build* ^ ^(^poscd to tlic ramp earlier Ing m alntenantq pefSonriel. He i ;propoaed. by Chief Deputy sjild llie com inljaion would not : 'Attorney General Clarence tiikt action on the proposal. . Presently, Suiter carries a ^''Ailter'. - - wooden ranip on his c a rl ’rind , • Suitor, who suffers from inul- places it a l the entrance of-tho "'U plc scl^sl.s’ and Is confined building so his wheelchair can to a motorized wheejchnir, said “i He-wimcr-osliedBcinrTiik-ini— mnkrttTivcr the (Ivc-lnclrslcp. SAVE *2.50 Electric Tank Type ■i n ■ Regular $8^49 JSamuelsoil dffered EnglneHeaters - Semi-Gloss Paint Check Sears low Price SEARS SPECIAL VALUE ______Essy-lnHnslall______Automatic Garage Dodr Onenei'

BO ISE (U P I) - Former Gov. niy wanted him to allow a pro­ Don Samuelson says three per­ gambling bill lo become law for conilort, convenience'’and sons, whose munes he cannot willum l his slgnjitut‘e once he ’ 9 9 security! Don't light it again this ; recall,-offered him $J.nillll6n became governoT — providing winier! This iM-HP automatic rfqor ' back in I960 lo help bring legal­ Uiey could get such a measure opener also locks door electroni- ized gam bling to Idaho, Uirough theiiljite legi.slature. 8 cally when'closed.. //6501 " » 7 » « l Washable, colorlast and spot- ; Sftmuelsonrepor'fedreeeivlng But he said he turned Ujem . l u l bnlcts. wtet c m k c U .|o i |i>w« surci. down flat — right on the spol. resistant . ... ideal (or hard use : Uie offer during Ihe eleclion kills Ml tlftilili H |l» cHlul Ui[{W|>liogl Ihi •campalgn and that those mak* “ 1 justsaid,absolutely, under Use Sears Easy Payment Plan - ilititi- iijlu 'lt |i»( ) u lasut^suils-m-c0ll»i«lti- areas — walls and trim. #7700 ‘ Ihg.Uie offer Indicateil. they no’clrcum.'stanco.swonld 1 \ x In- • ^would also' COnlribule 'lo -h ls leresteil init..” &ijrnue|.son .said. ■MtlKS. lastiicllois iicliidiil. tcom paign. "1 sijid iny.nam e is worU» more ' Samuelson said the three sim- Uian a million dtillars to m e.”

^ If y o u r f am i ly^^- is ro u ^ on floon and what fam ily isn't

LOW PRICE SAVE^SO LOAD UP NOW _____0ur_9ac_Perma-Er.estL.Etints_ Our $399.99 Regulation Pool Table Duck anil PheasantTaatrSliells Perma-Prest smooth Features extra apollo prints lot lall smooth, double sup­ 12 gauge only. //4 schoo] clothes, wo­ c ported bed, finely and 7/6 shot. Hi-brass 9 7 men's' and children's woven green cloth. Ted Williams brand (ashions. Easy towofk y o u n e e d — //25336. shells. 2 with. S 7 yd- N EW ERA "=TFiFTOUCHTLOair from ^AVm strong

Floors dnn'l kwd .t soil life— osjicci.tlly i( there’s an aclivo -l.unilv around your houic. Everyd.iy, j.( fiULhmg^ scriiping, / iciifling. and gouging c.in do in .iny flopr a(U*r .1 w l iik v Thjl's why Arnislronn crc.iied New Cr.i .• . llie Joiigh floor, r'_-rT7TN cw *£rfljl.m iidc;Q f:vinvl,7t!ko;m ar^qiiij?rftbnr^huni'5~ m .inuf.iciurcd differently ld*giv(.' it enlr.t slrengtlt . ; . strength ...... ^ -ieJ-rtlone'ord^nflfy■ ~‘ scrapes .ind’sTrAlChcT ’ i-' Rut don't take our w or^ (or il. Como in loday, and we'U '■ show you |ust how lough (.md good looking) KJewrrArt?allyns!' ' m Charge It SAVE 50% D.iMorV ChnrEpr h-SjW E-^— -1-0W-PRI6E-" Sears $6.99' Sears Regular 99c Plastic Jet Kits Regular $6.99 ' ^ un 2-Piece Cug Swifl Mmrtli,------[

criac.TWIN FAILS \ SURS‘CAL6WELL ... 8H 0I’ AT .SEAnS A N I; .SAVIO Daily 0 :30 a.m.iill.O'p.tn. O i 3 0 | ^ (ill 0 p.m. FLOdRS OF IDAHO ■ Thufi.. U l till 0 p.m. _ M o n , aw l rrl. II}] 0 p.m._, Sa(i#/oc(ion Onnron/c‘'!rf Of Vciur A/nnn /larf; : .Qna . w m m i ■ 8A:Mrto-Miilnlght: Lynwood Store OPEN^URST

Pricti Thuricioy. Sflpltmbtr 37lh Thiu W .dn«iday. Octabir 3fil. 1979

Lucurnc G u la lfn 15-01. 3 6 y _ 4 liV ^ Margarine In.QwtlcO pko. 3 4 ‘ Bfef^Salads - R u l s s e t Yellow — Chiquita Crugtnoril 32'OZ.V Bu sy Dokor ~ 'T - lb . -0-Cracker-s-lO r a lta m i S e o . 6V»-ox, P o l d t o e s Onions Bananas Liquid Bleach ^ Chunk Turia TracJor can P a rly ... U.S.No.-1's . U.S. No. Vs Or Dole Cleanser 14/ © Corn Chips Priclo

Whitp Magic 64-01. Town Ift-oz. 1 0 Softener Fcibfic boltlo 8T/ 0 Fancy Spinach House can i

WMic Magic 10-4 .•Town 23-OX. ^ Detergent Powdwred. lb. I ^ Fancy Yams Hou«ic can

Whitu Magic 32-oz. C Town 16.0*. j§^J)etergent liquid -boltlir*^P%#^ J^_6r£enPeas>—Hou«e— ——«on Saltlwe Crackers 4 8 , 7 S ^ B ag lb . 1 7 . Metro«"Crl5p ------; # -Eggs-. Med. Siio

16-oz. ^ P k g u laLaniJjjlce^::X.’”;:n38/ ■.0^Xream'CheeMsroX%°D.’ i-Cooki(K:^;^;J!:!:u,' nJS;-43y - Band Box Ice Milk T o w n 30-oz. Pooch Dog Food House con Frozen Dessert 0 Mild Cheese ib. 1J 2 Fruit Cocktail 5 0 / Regular, Chicken or Liver Tovyn H ouse 11-ox. ^ic Half- 0 Oranges Mandarin can 0 Fruit Cocktail H o r e 31 / ~ G allon { 5 6 ^ Can l a 0 Grapefruit l l Z ' '^an 32>' 0 Nectaf ]::^';!:^^ ' 4 9 / ■^'i!anned'IVHIk^a'::^^ia^O>' M eat-Pies- ^ 0 Pear^Halm: ?,,”,", ^''^^53/ ■0. Apricots-ls^-sr. .=’‘’r;„_59/ M anor House Frozen Beef, Turkey,.Chicken, Tuna - l O - l b . Milk Solids pkg. ‘‘0^pplrSaiiceiSu."^^‘‘toV42/“ lucerne 6 i 9 9 8-oz. Pio 2 1 ^ lucerne ' 1.71 © Pineapple Hav/oiian can 3 9 / 0 Prunp Juice ho:,"„ lom. 6 3 /

ly 13-ox. T^^J/^egetjibleOil 7 4 / f t HaJr Spray JFino- •

Tr4»ly Fine 4-rott So fo w rty 200-Ct; Kllchon ’— C r a fl— b #-^Iissue — p a c k —I55^ 1“—5-G rotn— - boHlo—43 3 / _0__6:FruitJuice-r:J‘-«.-48/^ _0-Flour J25_ ^ ^ J[5 _

Nii- 32-01. ia n 46*oz. 0 Salad Dressing M a d e la r 0 ialani Juice PIineopptu can 3 4 / 6' Fruit Juice Hor„’‘ "„ 3 5 / 0 Deodorant Soapi ’Vorll/

Tow n O-oi. W h ilo 4-ct. , 0 Tomato Sauce' -H ouio can- 0 Cello SpongesI—M agic-pkg.-lW JT ^ 0 Deluxe Fudgesicles'X99/ 0 Air Freshner Aoroaol 4?/^

Nu- 20-01. # | C j . 0 P'nut Butter Made |ar jr Dishwasher mII'^ 7 8 / © Assorted Popsicles'p^' 9 0 / 0 Coffee Tone “ .r '‘To; 7 4 / The Times-News Sunday Home Magazine

Com plofo TV'sehorfulos Oct."1r6 ------


."1 ' ......

Appaloosa Quoon Marshall to participate Pictures by Bonnlo Boird Jonos

Diamond Field Jack's f a m e d ride retraced -Vyhat _do__y'6u think of the recent U.S. Supreme Court s decision

V: nllriwinq censorshiD of pornography on the local l^ e l? X/Omiii^iiiw : _ ------"—

...... n 1 TyW -N ew i; Twin Fa/li. Idaho SJiSday, Sb[illimb»r 30, ICZ}' Siinday Television Schedule

7b - A R C N e w s , S — Utah FootbiUI Ri|[hUf(hts - - Sunday, September 30 - 3 — Old-Time Gospel Hour 5:3 0 ^ 10:15 10:45 V 11. — M a k e q W lali Fo r you non*(ootbnU fans, “ 'riio _ g) — Perry Mn.soh - H — R cBft '-Repbrt- ---r.ritrtMUnm-'Mw "tel^ABCTJews------|h O O - at lioori oh .cBoAncl 4sl. "nils 8 — Jetsons 3 - F B I 7b — N e w s 2sl — M ovie; "The Happening'*, — ’l9G5r^ovi^sn sm ed- -^sl-^Room 2M ----- 16736" 2b — M o v ie : " T h e S i e ^ e r d O f’ the events leading up to 2sl - M e d ic a l H otiine 8 ~ Ozzlo’8 Gljrla> 2 the H ills ” Custer’s loat stand tit little Big 2b ^ It Is W ritten 7b — W ild Kirtgdom Zsl ^Take ______2b — Face the Notion — 8 — M^>vie : ’’G o r iin ^ lt f r iV e f c r • Horn. Phli^p Caroy, Joseph 4al, 7b — O ra l'R o b e rts “ EvenlnR- 4sl — M o v ie :' "U n d e rw o rld Blondes" , - V o ttcn .and-, Darren- M c G d v in 5 — F a c e to F a c e 6:00 - U S A il U;10- are Uie stars, t'ooltjalrtnns can B — Viewpoint -2sr=^itrKinBdonr ------: 7b — M o v ie : “ S u l l i v a n ’s- 5 —.Fooc tjie Nation w a tch the G ia n ts vs. B ro w n s at 11 — Faith for Today 4sl T- nooldes E m p ir e " IITIS- il ajn. on channels 3, and 10:30 5 — Perry Mason 8 — Good News'. 11 — Movic< "The Qruel Sea" 11, and Raiders vs. Chiefs at 2 2sl, 7b. 0 — M eet the P re s s 7b -r National Gcogr'nphic 10:40 11:40 p .m . on 2sl. 7b and 8. 2b, '3; 11 - P ro Fo o lb n ll 6:30 .V=-JVlovicj -"TroR" - ’ 5 - Movie: "Wall-of Nols^^' M orning Patriots vs. Dolphins il A u d ub o n W ild life -----^ jJO ----- ,-----^— -2br-3r-ll— — Pro-F-ootbalV loatro- 2sl — Sc ie n ce in A g ricu ltu re Giants vs. Browns '2b, 11 — M o v ie : “ Fu z z ” 7b — Aiir(culture USA 4sl — D irectio n s 3 _ M-A-S-H ^------^— l i W - — ----- ■— -Ui30_ 8 - M c M illa n an d W ife , — 3," 7b — 'ijabcmncle-Choir 4si-'-^Issuei and'Anawers ------^ 7:00 5 — Laimp Unto My Feel Afternoon •7b - World of Dlliney 8 ^UdsvillQ ______12:00______— ______3 .- .A U ln thc F a m i l y . 11 — Hair Bear Bunch 7:30 : • - M a s s a c re ” 5 — Sonny and Cher "2al — Tills is the Answer 2^00 7:30 2b — Old-Time Gospel Hour. 231, 7b. 8 —‘ P ro Fo o tb a ll — 3 — Barnaby Jones 3 — -Pay*of-Discovery - - Raider? vs. Chiefs 4b, 7sl — Encnch Chef lal, 7b — •Fnilh for Today i 2b, 4sl — C e le b rity T ennis 8:00 W i i s L > — liook Up iind Live. 5 — To :Be Annnunccd- ___ ,2 sl, 7b — M c M illa n and w ife S — Inch tlich Private FyC ^ ■> - -3 -1 Insight * ---- Movie: “ Fuzz" 11 — Amazing Quin and the 11 — Consullntioo; “ 4b7^sl “‘•^^Amorlcan"Visionr T jia n C la n ~ ^ 5ccnn~ 8 :0 0 • 3 — Face the Nation . 8:30- south of the border 2sl — Sa cre d H eart jl ^ To Be Announced 2b. 11 - F B I ■

bargains); tlio autograph manuflcripl 6 P B y V A N A L L E N B R A D L E Y Sljelley’s poem "Prince Athanase,” $30,000; the ____ (c 1 Chlci^o Dally News H u(o i;rn ph p in n userln t nf Tl>omas Har

- 3-=7Haw alH r-PO“ -OtOO- T u e sd a y, C c to b e i 2 ------TOTTO- ...... ,2b..- A ll In.tho. F jm iily ^2sl."7b7e^‘Todoy ~ — 4sl,' 117=TNcwlywed Gome— ------. -4:45 . - • 8 — Marcua Welby, M. D. 3 — Mannlx 2b — N e w s 7b. 8 — T o d a y ift Idaho 7sl,_ Wgurlng It Out 5 - Hawaii Five-O - 3. 6-H“— Gaptoin-Kahgaroo j 1 :5 5 __ 7:30 .2sl. 7b. fl — Doctors 2b — 'Hieatre Billboard 11 — G lff Robertson at Squaw Valley. Special 5 — Match Game 73 2b. 3. 5sl. 11 — Edge of Night 5:00 9:10 8:00 4sl — Girl in my Life 2sl. 2b. 3, 11 — N ews 4b — Cabbages and Kings 2bt i — Joker’s Wild - 1:00 7b. 7sl — M lstero g e rs 3 - N e w s 2sl, 7b — R e tu rn to Pe yto n 5sl — D rag n et -.7b -n---Today— ^ ----- P laO O " - ^ B u o h o 8:30 2b. 3 - M a tc h G a m e '73 5:30 2b. 5 — $10,000 P y ra m id fel. 11 — One Life to live 2sl,2b.'3, 4sl. - News HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - 8:45 ^ — Secret Storm 4b, 7sl —“ E le c t r ic C om oanv Academy Award-winnor Victor Is l — N e w s 0 _ D a ys of oui L ive s E ve n in g Bunno will star In the'"Mpncy 9:00 ' . 2:00 , BsOO to B u r n " ' episode of G re a t id , 7b. 11 — Dinah Sliore 2sl, 7b — Som erset 2sl. 5 — N ew s Mysteries hosted by Orson 2b. 3 — G a m b it aj.^ . *11 — Secret Storm 2b. 3, 4sl - T r u th or W elles for the tube. ■Ul — I l/)ve Lucy ______•Kil49) — Love. UUVV. American Style ttnsequencos ------c a s t A i u ------5 — Romper Room ~5sl -■Mo^e‘‘'Once'Be!6re I —1b, Vsl — sosurnc-strcnt---- HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Doug 9:30 D ie " 7^ - To Tell the Truth- McClure, veteran of several STEAMWAY 7b. U — Hollywood 8 - Another W orld fl — Q ia s e Squares ... 2:30 U — Temperatures Rising . lelevi:iion series, will co-star - BILL - DOUG - ED , 6:30 wiUi B ill B ix b y in '•‘Shirts- 3b. 3. 5 — L o v e of L ife 2sl. 8» 11' — Wizard of Odds — 2sl— OVorld of S u rv iva l Skin.s." an A B C M pvie of the. -I4n=-Brad>’ Bunchs— 9:5*“^ ^ -2b~— _ Virginian 7 3 3 -6 0 3 6 a>. 3 ,.^— Np\^ ...... 3, 4sl - M c r v Griffon . . ,; ,2b - Dick Van Dyke Week airing next fall. • ' 4 Twt/ln F*IU. Iilaho "5u»rdftyrSCPtcml»r30r»«73*- WedoeHdoy, October 3 S — Romper Room 5 — Secret S^rm 2sl, 2b. 3. 11/- N e w s 9 :M •'Letters froiil ThrcoJLovcrs” ^ 9;S0 __ 0 ■— Days of our Lives 2b. 7sl - W o m e n . D ebut .... "rE v c n in g - - ll--^-Sanford'flRd:Son‘-*-^— -U^;mother--^p-oii«rfl^lyi>«r—TT2slr"7b7^^ii— H'oUjw ------■ 6:00 movtc thot nirs on channel U - Squares S o m erset 10:00 ^ 2sl; 5 - News 2sl.2b.3.5.7b..8.11--New8^ — 4sl^- -4sl7-^Mod'Squad- TV before but la worth Consequertbes 7sf — Vo* Camporum, Debut — watchinft—th^flccoml- time. ^4b, 751-^ Sesom e'Street n;~30 — ,.Thcec lcttcra,.writtc?i by.Dfioi)le 7b - To ‘r a r the T ru th ------_7b. 8, n — Jo h n n y C arso n ^ ... who later changed thclcm inds 2»l, 7b — Jo o p 5 r3 y 8 — AnothcrrWorld“r - 8T_ Adnm-12 - - - — ■— m — 1 1 P ;K - about- w h at tlioy had written,- ' - I 0 r ! » ' ------2:30— ^------r. --- ll"= “tJnlamed‘World ---- . 2b — M o vie : "iS o r M a d r id ’' nre delayed for a ' yeor“ in 2al; 7b. 0 - Who, What or" 2sl,'8; il'- W lia rd of Odds — 8:30 ■ ' 1 10:40 transit. When tlieydo arrive Ip W here 2b — V irg in ian •' 2sl — P o lic e Surgeon 3 - Movie; •■jailer by Night" their respective towns, os can a ); 3,5 — S e arch for T o m o rro w 3, 4sl — M e rv G riffin f"2b — Dragnet • 5'— Movie: “Party Girl" ‘ be inrtaRincd, th e y cau se hn\/oc. 4sl. 11- Split Second 7b —“Cove, American Style .3 — Maude l l : 0 a Morning -. . 10:55. - ' Jeopardy. 4sl - To Toll the Trut^i 4al — N ew s ------:----:----- 5i26J_____ 2sl-Carolyn,Dinm-. . . Dollars n — L e t ’s M fiKe 0 D e a l " 5 - Price is Right •-- ___ • 11:30 5 i-T Farm Report anti Sense . 3j 30„ ---- Vb — O iz le 's Girls'-- • . - 4sl — Dick Cavett 5 ;M 7b, 8 ~ N e w s 7b — B r a d y Bu nch “B — Owen Marshall. , -^J-22:00 5 — Summer Semester - 1 11:00 8 — niroe on a Match_ . )1 ':— .M q v IQ'' 'Letters . from 2sl — Movic:-"How to M arry a’ — 231,.7b, 0 ^ B n ffle . _ _ , n - Girl in my Life tliree Lovqrs’* Millionalrfr^ * ------. - 5, 11 — News 2b - Guiding UgHl . • 3:55 .7 :0 0 • 8:15 " 3. 4al*. 11-^ All My-Ghildren • 2b — nbfitloBS G u n . ___ 2sl, 7b - ,A aiim - 1 2 2sl-— A m e ric a n StoV-y 5 — 'M id day' " ' " - - .4:00 •...... • - 2b -r-The W nltons ■ • ^______6M 5j______2sl — 1 D re a m of Jc a n n ie 3 — Cnnnnn 2sl-»-News- . 2sl, 7b — T h re e on a M atch . ~3 - j5E5prwna~ 4b — P B S F a i r P re v ie w •isl — Hotel Balderdaap •2b. 3. 5, tJlr- As the World 4sl — D an ieU Bo on e 5 — Movie: ‘Talhom " 7:00 • ' T u rns ;____ 4b — Sesam e Street 7sl — M o re W A te x Jo r U U ih^ -TsTTTb. 0 - T d aa y------4sl, '8 —' iJePs’ MaUe a' Deal, " "5“^Bonanza ^ 7:30- 2b — N ews Afternoon * - . 7b - A n d y G riffith 2sl, 7b, 8 —■ B an acelt 3, &, II — CapUiin Kangaroo 12:00 8 — Love, American Style 4b, 7sl — F re n c h C hef .7 : 3 0 : - 2sl — D a y s of O u r L iv e s 11 — Our Changing Community 8:00 ----M tttcKU[ L C a m f lL i^ ' ■ab '" " . Mgw c I " - -- g b j r T Sonny a nd Cher— ■. . . \ 8:00 3b. 5 ~ G u id ing Light 2b"— I^cTs Make a Deal 3 — Movie: "A Very Special ' 2b . _ Joker’s Wild f 4sl, 11 — Newlywed Game 4:30 _ • Favor^--- • - 3 ^ e w s 7b, 8 — T o d ay in Idaho 2sl — H og an’s H eroes 4b', 7al — B a s ic T rain in g , 11 — Today 12:30 , . .3,— $10,000 P y ra m id Documentary Special ■ • - 8:30 2sl. 7b, 8 — Doctprs 7b — H p g an ’s H eroes i 11 — O wen M a rs h a ll 2b. 5 - JIO.OOO R y rm n id 2b. 3.-5sl, IT - E d g e of Night_ 8 — Brndy Bunch 9:00 8:45 ' 4sl — G ir l In m y L ife 11 — News 2sl, 7b. 8 — l>ove Story,- - 4sl ~ N ews 1:00 4:45 * Rqmance Debut - 9:00 ■ ' - 2sl, 7b ---R eturn to P e y to n 7sl - rig u rln g It Out 2b — Hooray for-Hollywood, • 2iil, 7b, U — D in ah Sifore 4:55 - Place - ' ^ e c l n L ■2b, 3 — G a m b it ‘ ‘ ~ ■ 2b, 3 - M a tc h G a m e *73------2b^i=mTcmrtf*BUXbourd— Ciinnon 5:00 4sl — I Lo ve L u c y 4sl, 11 — One life to Live 11 — Bob.-Carol. Ted and Alice


QUEEN SIZE $ A s Low KING SIZE A s Low EVERTON SETS A s ^ Nice to get M home to. 326 2nd Ave. Sou»h, Twin Falls ' $ 00 yotir Oi tho?ofiic n)rtllrcs» liif Reifomc' 189 Open 'til 8 P.M. Monday ft W ednesday b unday. boptopober JO, 1973 TJnf>ei Now*, T w in F a lli, ld « h a * ’s^deathr aids summer arid in'1972 dispatched” knowing thot as I do so, . I we'd hpve to do It in 150 otlier By BRIAN KELLY According to the boy’s father, places.'-’ In_addllloni.._son?e H* another two- jjnlllion. general. no sign', no nark ranger and no torture myself ... > W n«Hngtnn Htflr-NfcWg - o ffio ia U - ~ pnmnhlcts to' other *irarU~Ui'0dminr“ Bnv0~cioar~ -Perk-6^..- -...... - WASTIIhroTON - h'o. reluctant to' put up signs, or parks. Next y^ r, the ^stem Warning of the dangers poaed an effort to give a little more Jomos nnd^^y Hccht, the • fences on grounds that would will be flood(^ by 20 million mcmortn! to. Uioir-^yeor-old b y Y c H d w a to n e ’fl thertn/^U moaning t6 Andy.’s JUe. We safety brochures. . ■ lin-vn tl^nt his 'traRic deoth mar the beautiful iwjoncry. -— Thc-Hecht-coui>lo-tumed^tO. ■^In the meantime the Park fa m ll; ______^.is caused by inadei.. — ^TVieB~m iniinI^O"‘fail-itnie ■ m e m b e r s of Congress, other tourists woilHng'the safety precautions by the pai publicity and Uie presmire bf safety officers to assist Safety — and a dodlnlns fotallty rate distance fronr Old FoitWul to • service.*' , — Chief John H. Hast; J Unplminedanf^ rTitten under two law suits f ile d here a n d M n In noQTly 300 luitioruil parks. created . pbojr*r_ the At'.Hecht’s suggestion, loo, the stress of strong emotion, Richmond, one a Jl-mllHon Bcattorod across the United atompsphere was. peoceful, Ihe ParV Service authorized a U»e le tte r becom e the opening liability actiQ n._ln their StatosJ— deceptive: ------' $50,000 survey of its parks by gun In a wearying, month*long- cam paign fqr greater safety in There oro new fences, too. “ Ypu don't-Uiink death Ih ~""the Natibnal'Snfet Cortncll. At rCCHaatle, that eyeatuolly the p a r k s . . New safety brochures. Ton new lurking/^Hocht rocalls; T. Yellowatone and elsewhore, [IctsundCil both the Park . Another near tragedy at Park Scrvice safety offlcd^^. A A cloud , of steam Ijlew Into- ^-^slgns-^ying “stay on walk” Service and Congress to-devote- Yellowstone later In the, __special study by the National .Andy’s f'ace .aQ he and'his wcre‘’posted. "Guardrails wont more attention.and-moriey to _ summer pf 1970 strengthened Safety Council, A doubled family reached- a ring-anglc up at Yellowstone and In'other the Increasing accident rate Jn _ . ;:U i0ir hand. A H-yearrold boy safely budget fqr the Park turn In Uie bonrdwolk-by-tho - parks. th e 'n a tio n ’s parks. dipped into anoUier thermal ■ -.Servlc^o.,, And new— signs.. .. pool.- T h e re w e re .^ o guard - At CroBled pool Itself, the - nfe\<^’s reply, sympathetic, pool, He"was rescued, but not .‘ warning li^rk visitors -of ra ils. • I circular boardwalk with rlng- and promising “a complete before he suffered scalding nature's possible dangers. 'Apparentiy“ bnrtUcd by the angie approaches was changed review of safety procedures in burns over 70 per cent of his ------nf n CnmpUlston steam and u n aw are of the turn, Into a semicircle, eliminating “TGTdy lilU n tie d ^ trm ^ trT ih c ird ;-----forctHiruml-around- wltii us,” explains Amy Hecht, . Wlth.-Uic added pubhcity ine snarp lurns^ imo^ne~ ’off, the w o o d e n 'w a lk and intp b asin s of Yellowstone,” failed a 42>year-old Instructor In generated^y that Incident, the walHway was moved back to.convince tlie H e c h ts . public health nursing. the scalding pool; from the hot.w/atery edge,. Almo.st.,200 people a year Park Service and_CongLess "We keep thinking If H ech t 46, a iienior ch em ical ilow many dt the changes ■ were, being killed, 4,000 were began to respond to Uie ever- . somebody had ever done It •en«lneer with the Dupont .stemmed from the Hecht being, seriously Injured and Increaslng dangers as more before, we.-jnight alill havo- Co.. wrote a grief stricken couple’s p ersonal cru sad e in luuM(o utside iuu uii;tlie natio nal ca|»iti>l-'■"I...... -million^] •• ••• visited , tlie nation’s — Andy. letter the next dnv to Interior — memory-’of-v^mly^- Secretary Wolter, J. HTckel. m 'orihcyFoii only one aalciy---- nrartnrm rtlnrafr — Eig h t- o th er persQits. m oat of o ffic e r lo -hiindlo all lhls,i^_JnJS71.^ngnm s^nvc Uie According to Safety Chief them _ children., died in. “ I jxm'aware you recclye • ~ n a st7 ^tliere!B-no doubt about many letters,” Hecht wrote. "I Hccht sniii here the'oUier day. Park, Service nearly »250;SM Yellowrtone 'National parka’ for an expanded safely — it, it had sortie effect. They liot therm al poolfl before young do not think, however, that you , W h en they told a p ark ranger division. The Park Service helped us quite ' a bit, Andy Hecht stumbled Into the. will ever revive one like this." p t Y ello w sto n e the cresa^d pool rushed two million safety particularly ,ln getting us As I write it. the tears stream Should h ave guard ra ils, he ■■ p a rk 's scaldin g crested pool on brochures tg Yellowatone that adcllllonal safely officers.” Ju n e 2a, 1970. and perished. from my eyea,., P-wrlte it compalined, “ if we did it Uiere,

I)r(iC M lu k e e p s cQ njuiig bcick . in to cird^u^

*■ ’ ■ _ ...... I-V_...... , ,nrn» ^.Vi'fhlV•T*Yiday N igll'h h t M o vlevie s ” onO O cl. “ Uracula’s Daughter” D ru c u la ” i 19C0).^‘R tss of Uie lONDON — Like llhe Palance in the titulor role, will 12 is far from the end of tne line ••Uetuui.of the Vampire” V a m p ire ” (19G3), “ D racu la, supernatural undying figureiie have j^orid Pr«mlcre on Prince of Darkness” ( 19G5) and - -=^iflhcnTevcr Is an'cnd of the (1944) _qnd ■ "Abbott and hn<» for Bram Stoker's ^uppoaraalo-liLs^Gouni-Driicula.. , £ » u b y _ keeps coming back into, Movles'-Trlday Oct 12 In "deathless Prince of DarknessrT- 11046). w ith Lugosi reprising G r a v e ” (19(30). cifiulaUon. color on the. CBS Jpleviaion his original Dracula poftrayar. HoUywoodln i957priKlucod.n • The ficHonal vampire was Network. • Lon Chaney starred in “ Son lady vampire (Sandra immortalized, in Irlahman Besides Polance, great a\ars Hackett cast of Dracula” {104D, and Jolm Harrison) in “ Blood ’ of Brom Stoker’s novel publlshed_wllQjiiLVfl.nlajed Dracu'?. on Carradlne took over^in-^Houao- .-Dracula;’ and. more recently. , , _HULLyWOqD.(UPI)-r^oan. originally In 1097. ,The legend screen Include Chrlatopher pf Frankenstein” In 1945 and thare was a black*themed H a c k e tl has been added to the Lee, Lon Chaney, John transferred lo the legitimate again In ‘‘Houae of Dracula” a version called ‘‘Blacula.” .They cast of “The Terminal Man” Carradlne and Peter Cushing., stage In 1013. a year after year lator^Krancia-Ledercr,_ even came up with a Western which stars George Segal at Perhaps the most definitive - Stoker's death, and the first also tlu n g a ria n ,h n d a go a t the motif with 1965’a ” Bllly the Kid W a rn e r B ro s. Dracula was the 1031 film bosed on the character role -in- “ The Return . oi M eeta D ra c u la .'’ And. of cou^e, Hollywood releasQwltMhe late there was Roman Polanski's was a 1923 ailenUby the great 'D rac^ a” (-1958). and In that ^lu^ ^ugosl ~ who Just —Note for busketball-nut#; p n _ GcrmanVdlrcctor :Erledrleh same year came a British satirt! of 1067,. "Fearloaft- Dec,-15 at_5;15 p,m, ABC wiU Murnau.lurnau. called ‘‘Nosferatu.'’ ■iNosicratu. happened to be « of^ - remake of tho orlglnaLDracuUu "an^s te;lecTfirngly,' Uierc- — Hnngnryrthc country;;Tvlt»ilru telecast from St. Louis Uie tale. It was the now” seml- Ferdy Mayne as a character have been scores of remakes . whose ^“'•‘lors the- game between collegiate cham­ classlc ” Horror of Dracula” called Von Krolock, who was pion UC LA and NorUi CarollnJ^ and varia tio n s on th s e t . ^ ' w ith >€iu'lstophor L e e . ], ‘ I>racula in all but name. ^ SUite, both of which finished n>e latest ■•Dracula,".a two- The varlaUons - Md sm d^, The chronology thereafter It has lo figure that the new hour movie, based ^on the corrupUons - of the legend Uie 1972-73-seaaon w ith perfect- encompasBCS .“ QHdes _5f , version to be seen on “ T h e C B S classic horror” tale with Jack ' Include such films - os records. But North' Carolina State was barred fron^ Uie championship U i^ e y because of a re cru itin g vio la tio n . Thyrfltlav.October 4 ....2^,_7b, ir^D jhnirSlidre’ :2br.T, 5sm ~ E aBc"orNiKhT ■ ______ITaO" 11 — TKunj* F u ^ At pre ss tim e, C B S w a s trying 2|j,-3 — G a m b it •Isl — Girl in'myLife ’ 2sl — Hogan's Heroes ...... ■ r : 3 0 ^ . to ed it flomc of ttic ^norc brutal ).4sr — 1 Love Lucy. * , 1:00 1. 3 - $fo,QOO..pyrnmlU.--.:______Waho. WlldUft.. -BcenBB from-^^Tho'Wild Bu n q h ^ -5 — -Rompor-Room- >si,^7b^— iiRetUFn-ti>-Bcy-lon-;— —7b =r.llo ^ a n ^ - U u r o e s ______^8tQ 0_ to m a k e it'm o re p alatab le ifor , 9:30 P la c e • 0 — Bi^ftdy Bu nc h IsI. 7b. 8'—' NBC Follies . _ X - V ----- v lo w e ra .- — rF-ine— 2al, -Tbi B, ' i r — H ollyw ood 2b, 3 — M atch G a m e ‘73. U — N ews •lb, 7sl — A d vo cates ' performances by Wiltiam Squares 4.sl, 11 —,6ne Life to Live 4;15 M dvler"ThP Wild Bunch;------Uoldan.l-Erncsti-^ocKnUic, .2b^^5^L=_U)vo-of>^yfe^------6--- Soeret-Storm ------7«l^FiRurlrTR^irOiit n ~ — " Mdvicr'^’The" KlnR*s- Robert Ryan ' and EJupiond •Isl — BradyBuficfTT “ n: -TJays-oroiir-ovw ------4t55- — P t r a t e ' - ' ----- 0 ’Brl^n-«re-euuHbt by* the • -2br3."5--^-Nc^s— ! 2:00 2b — T lieatro B illb o ard 9:00 ■ ' : camera as Uie story unfolds. , 10:00.- 2.sl, 7b — So m erset 5:00 2.S1, 71), 8 — Ironside . ' SUpwn on channels 2b a n d 'i a t 7 2sl, 7b — Jeopijrdy .. 2b. 3. 11 — Se cret St(irrn • 2sl. 2b. 3. 11 - Ne^vs 4sl - Streets of San Francisco p.m. and at 8 on 5. 10:30 •Isl — Ix>ve, A m e rica n Sly lo . 7b. 7sl — M i.sterojiers , •lb, 7sl-- AJl-Amerlcan Indian' M o rn in g 2sl. 7b,'8 - Wlio. What .oc 5)il — M o vie "O n e o - B e fo re I 5sl — D rag n et •< Days, Specjjfl' ’ . . 5:25.. • Wliere • i . D i e “ 7b — N ew ^ . -9:30 ' 5 — Farm Report • - - — - ’ 2b, 3,5 57- Search for Tomorrow n — Another World 5:30 2b — B a rn n b y Jone.s ,...... 5:30 ■ -431.-11- r-Split Second 2:30 lsl.2b.3.- tsl,5. 7,8, 1 1 Nows 3 — Sonny and Cher — • 5 — Summer Semester 10:55 . 2sl. 0, 11 - W iz ard o fO tld s •lbV7sl.~ Electric Comoanv ' 10:00...... - B i M - ---- — - 2 al— C a ro lyn D u n n . ;-.-DollarH 2b— Virginian -r...... * E v e n in g --- - > 1 . 7b. U. n — N e w s 5, -41 — ^lews • and Sense ' 3, 4sl — M e rv G riffin ii:00 "^.sl — Mod Squad 2sl. 5 New:. t ------io;ao------L i l t U — - : .-7b, a - . N e w s - . '.7b jrpXjQVcDutiTlficunuSty 2b,- -3,‘'1 s i T ru th or — American Story ■ 11:00 ■ 8 ^*/Oeopacdy— .. b, 8, n Johnny Carson 0:45 • 2al. 7b. B ^ B a fn e 11 — I^ t’s Make a Deal Con.sequences . - - fc. 3. 5 - N e w s ^sl’ N c\ya 2b — Guidint^t-iuiuttiK il-i^jht 3:30 4b. 7 a l S e s a m e Street 1 1:00 4sl — Hotel Balderdash 3, Isl,” 11 — A J V M y ^ i i l 3 " r ^ '7b r- W aily Bunch 7ii"-v T o' Toii-tm rTrtittr ■^.sl —’ rJew s 11:05 7:00 5 — M idd ay 8 — 'rhree qn a Match 8 — l/ )lsa I'.i'.ck 2.^1. 7b, 8 - To d ay 11:30 11 — Girl In my Life 11 — Tomii. Crime Drama 2b — Movie: “ Boys' Night ' 2b - News 2sl, 7b — T lire e on a M atch 3:55 C:30 Out” " . , . - ' 5, I I — C ap tain K an g aroo 2b. 3. 5, 11 - A s the W o rld 2b — Restless Gun 2.sl — Untamed World 11:10- •“ 7:30 Turns ' i : 0 0 2b, 3 - D ra g n e t . 3 — l/)cker'Room . - I — M atch. G a m e ' iVIoviet-^ni^RialnjtHjf-tlto— i) — Hollywood Squares M o o n " 8;00 ___ A fternopii i -.Joker's Wild 2b'. 5 - JSlter'slVnd" 12FOO. : v ~ ' ' JsT '^ Dtihiel 'Boorie - ' ' -_-""7b‘. 8 ^ j *rnniis nifjht ------1T:25---- 3 — News • ■ 2,sl — Days of Our Lives ^ — Sesiune Street 7 : M ' 3 — Movie': "Tlie Spy wiUi Ten' II — Today < 2b - N ews 5 — Bon^inza ___ 2sl, 7b, 8 - F lip W ilson F a c e s " 8:30 3b. 5 — G u id in j’ IJg h t 7b - Andy G riffiU ) 2b, 3 - M o v ie : •The ' 11:30 . 2b. 5 - $10,000 P y r a m id 4sl. n — Newlywed Game 8 — I^ve, American Style J iu n c h ” 4sl — D ick C avett 8:45 7b. fl - T o d ay iQ .’Idaho 11 — Our Changing Community lb — Executive Reporl 12:00 - 4al - N ews - ■ ------1 2 :3 0 ------4:25 ----- ^ — Tl)o-WaItons 2sl — M o vie ; "T h e U*gend o n ; ------' ...... t):00---- . , 2b I; 7b, U — 'D o c to rs ^ " -2b ^-IjjtVMn'kc B.Deol ---Vsl— avie Dillloijuo - -Custep-' ■ - ---- ■----- — Friday Televisi6ii Schedule

Tridny, Octobers 2sl, 7b — Je o p a rd y 3, 431 — Merv Griffin 2sL 7b. 8 — G ir l W ith ^ m e U iin g 11:10 . A gct-ricli-qiiick scheme is tlie 10:30 7b — I./Ove, A m e ric a n Style txtra, Comedy 3 — Movie:' ‘'Mississippi” '' theme of “&uiford and Son” 2sl, 7b. 8 — W ho, W h a t or •0 — Jeopardy ------3, 11 - Odd Couple ^ - IJ:3 0 tonixihl at 7 p.m. on channels W lje re 11 — U*t's Make a Deal •isl - To Tell the Truth 4sl — M o vie : ■‘C allin g D r. 2sl, 7b and 8. La m e n t .im d. 2b, 3,5 — Se arch , for T o m o rro w 3:30 .' 5 r- New Treasure Hunt ■ D e a th ” friend Rollo hope for a payoff 4sl^ U — S p lit Second ■ 7b — Brady Bunch 7:00 12:00 . by managing an ull-glr) singing 10:55 fl — T h re e on ti M u tch ?a \, 7b, 8 — Sanford and Son 2sl. 7b, 8 — M idn ig h t S p e c ia l,. group. Members of the Tliree 2sl — Carolyn Dunn . . . Dollars 1 1 -^ G lr l in m y L ife ■ ; 2b. 3, .5 — M o vie : “ T lie Rock Concert- Degrees .soul group appear as and Sense •’ • ' -3:55 ■ ‘ Wrecking Crew” 12t45 themselvcK. 7b, B •— Ne^ys 2b R estless G u n • 4b — Idalio Farm News. 4sl — M o vie : " 'n ie 'W n n -Who —;^0cnine—^ -1 -IltOO-: . 7xL^^OyuuEsdrWay ____ . Cdcd-WolfT ______- 5;25 2al, 7b, 8 — B a f n e • 2sl — I D ream of Je a n n ie - 11 - Roo m 222 • 5 — I-Jarm Rep o rt 2b — G uiding L ig h t' 3 - Joker’s Wild 7:30 4sl — D an iel Boone 2sl, 7b. 8 ■- B ria n K e ith , 5:31) , ' 3, 4sl, n — A ll M y Children R O C K ’S D E B U T —5— Sununer-Semester . . _ .„5 ■— Alidday • ...... - _4b ::ri.Sesame Street ^ _____ C Q in e d y ...... 6:00 11:30 5 — Bonanza •isl — Movie: “ Night Slaves” HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - 5. 11 - Nows 2sl, 7b —. T lire e on a M atch 7b — A n d y G riffith 4b, 7sl - W a ll Street W eek Ruck Hudson makes bis . - G tlS 3b,-3. 5, -11---- A«-tho-World- 8 — I-• 2sl — American Story T u r n a ‘ ^ " 11 — OurChanglnj; Community ,^:00 Burnett in *i Do! I Do!” at 6:45 4sl, 8 — U*t;s Make a Deal . 4:25 2gl — M o vie : "D u ffy '* Hollywood’s Huntington 2b — U t’s Make a Deal 4b, 7sl - W ashington W eek 2 sl.— News Afternoon Hartford theater. ■4sl — Hotel Balderdash • 12:(rt) 4:30 7b — M o vie : “ Bo o m ” 7:00 2sl — D a ys of O u r L iv e s 2sl — H o g aii’s H ero e s a — Dean Martin •231, 7 b r 0 — T o d a y ----- . 2b--- N o w b 3 — $10,000 P y r a m id ------11— Love Ajntxinn Style . . 2b — News 3b,,5.-;Guldln8 U p t 7b — Hoaan’s Heroes .. 8:30:: 3, 5, Vi — C ap tain Kangaroo 4al. 11 Newlywed Game 8 — Brady Bunch 4b, 7sl i — A rtliu r P r y s o c k ,- - 7:30 7b, 8 — T o d ay in Ida!»» I L — N ew s M usic _ 5 --- M u tch -Garae_i73-----— _ - ______12i3Q______^ ______4 il5 ______ShOO— _____ 8:00 2sl, 7b. 8 — Doctors 7sl — F ig u rin g It O ut 2b — H a w a ii Five-O 2b, 5 - Joker's Wild 2b. 3. 5sl, U - Edg e of N ight 4:55 3 — Kung Fu 3 — News , . 4sl — G ir l in m y Life 2b — Theatre Billboard 4b, 7sl ~ M asterp ie ce 'H ieatre 11 — Today 1:00 L. 5:00 5 — M annlx 8i30 2nl, 7b — R o tu rn to - P o y to n -2sL-2b,- 3,- a i — News- - a _ Streets o f.^ Francisco— , .2b, & — $10,000-Pyrumid------; -Plaoo-- ...... 7b, 7sl — M lstero g e ra 11 — Hawaii Flve-O The ------8:45------^2bt^J-—-M «teh-C am e--73---- 5sl — D ra g n e t---- ^------10:00------4sl — News Aa\. 11 — One Life to Live 71) - News ,2.‘5l,2b, 3. 5, 7 b ,'0,11 - N e w s 9:00 5 — Sccret Storm ‘ 5:30 Isl — Mod Squad great 2sl. 7b,^11 — D in ah Short* 8 — Days of our IJvcs 2sl,2b,3,4Kl,5, 7,0, 11-N ew s 4b — M o vie : “ 'H ie.G o ld R u s h ” ib. 3 ~ Gambit 2:00 4b, 7sl — E le c tr ic Co m pany (1925 silen t) refresher! .4sl — 1 Love Lucy 2sl. 7b — Sd m erset E ve n in g 10:30 5 — Romper Room 2b, 3. 11 — S e cre t Sto rm G:00 7b, 8, 11 — Johnny Carson 9:30 4.sl — Ixjve, American Style 2sl, 5 — N e w s / 10:35 P^-Mnglc-eircu5rSpetflBl— — 2b^^ov1o!-‘*etrl-Hnppy*^“ Sq u ares D ie ” 3.4sl — Truth or Con.sequences 10>40 ; ---- 2b,- 3, 6 — U v e of U f e 8 — Another World 4b‘, 7sl — Sesam e Stre e t 3 — C a lu c c l's b e p a rtm e n t - A 4sl — Brady BUnch; . 2:30 7b - To Tdll the Truth . 5 —.Movie: “ Dear HeaRt*' Bolllad undar Jh».-ou«horlly 2b. 3. 5 - N ews 2sl. 8. U - Wizard of Odds 8, 11 — B ra d y Bu nch 11:00 .. 10:00 2b - V irg in ian ' 6i30 - 4sl 7^ N e w s ol Pap il Co.. N.V. SundflVrSo0fDmbdr 30; 1973 TImot-NoWA, Twin Fall*/Idaho' 7 F i ^ d

UJ— ------—------T W IN F A L L S — R id o rs from , —=and-i „ TeccIvIKe^Cflslr-TOi^ing-fcom--^-^ several utatcs will assemble at decide- if Uio horse or rider oncphiaoutwin msoDcviEiDii: »75 to *250. „ dayllRht Saturday for the firat“ : should drop out. ■aonf’B lho,55 n)>lo tr,UL whid^^ .._JUPaiUUI llui:io w.._ ^ annual Dlamondfield Jock All horses entered in the ride monogrammed. horseblankela then leads to the Boar's Nesl liiidurnnce Ride. will -be examined by a and- x)ther merchandise ’ R a n c h in N e va d a and ends at [ Appnlobsa Hofsc.- Club veterinarian on Friday awards. A special awafd will afternoon, with exam inations _Jackpot, Nev. with a biinquet members sponsorinB the event jilso be given Uie first rider to and presentation of awards. hope it will-becbme an annual bcf>inDinK at I p.m . com plete the 55 m ile s b y m ule. The ride is open to riders of ■Jail a ttractio n for this p art of Riders will, assernbJp. at Co-chairmen of the event'are the stutti itnd will continue to Q-ockett Meadows', south o f. a ll ages w ith a special trophy to be_p_rcsented the qutstandin}<- • -L.' W. Moore. Hansen, and Krow-in thq cominfj few years.*- Hansen andjuat beyond tha-QW Robert Harney, Twin .Falls,- Tlje first such.^vcnt .ever town of Rock Creek, and will junior rider 17 years of age or . directors if. ibe Appoloosa _^Xlde to ln d i^ SprinRs Junction undpr^ T o -qujdify.-for any of — held in thislifg^Tlt Is patterned - Horae-Club of Am erica. for Ihe firsVrestslop. 'Ili'ey will •.Uie'awardsrrldcrs'must finish - after ■ endurance ride They say the historical rcj'ulotions established, in continue alont* Deadline RidKC, d ie 55m iles in the m axim um U hours, bul most riders are s.isninciinccsiunificance a»ty.cheduno.cnca to o the , ___ itretis wh'et^e th6y h o ve been the historic^line which divided. hours, but most riders are fTefirif^ a number o T ^ a ra .'" "Uie cattle ahT~afiee0*'ranf{es'‘ eiipcctiSirw-Tii-'iirmiruiiiagg:— ^ fiv e hour ride of Dtnn^ondfield m iereat, and hopeTully keep Ih t *-'Conirary to what many during the rttnge war days. Jack and a cainpahionr - - ride iin annual event in Ihi - persons unfamiliar with The trail will take Uie riders- . Both prof.3S5ional and part of Id;iho. enduranc6 riding m ay think, it past the Deep Creek site where amateur riders wllFbc eligible Persons wishmK lo watch is not a contest to see if rider two sheepl»erders wcro found to eompete iU,d the winnin,; finish of the are mviled «md horse can "S u r v iv e ." murdered' Feb. IB, lauii, ...... ft n tf>no I h-‘ at Jackpot Saturday durtn — >—N »—ht)i^je-wiiHje-uH«we

Saturday's euduraiicc ride in the liuuth hills^ Here Betny Hnm cy, 12, left, and Kobbic DePew,- 7, check (he trail they will ride daring the event.

Diam ond FieltlJa**k-plio«ofirapHed in Oakley - 5 h o u r s ?

the ca m p w e re n e a r s tarvatio n . witnesses testified during the minuies, but cdntradicUng t w i n FALlii - Although open range in what is now evidence brought out l^tcrJ-'in' ------manyTJcrsons said it could not- - refe rre d to~ a s "th e South- — It appears little investitiation -trial such a ride in-midwinter 1 a n . appeal fo r _a new t r ial___ Jic-dono,-u-4i&-milo-hor.seh; -Hill.s." ___ was made other tlian a limited _wfluldjakcjjiuhl-to_10-hours.. Despite ''sketchy— ovidencc,- — iiwircate.d -Uioy 4iad-not m ade— ride in about five hours in As-a-result, Deadline ridge survey of the murder scene Uie full ritlo. ‘•winter conditions allegedly which sep arated -the Goose befor« - a hunt began for Diamondfield Jack was found guilty by-j*-)ury-conslsting Diamondfield languished -ia ...... made by '’Diamondfield Jack**" Cr'ffCk ‘ drolnoge on the • Diamondfield Jaok*» whom the Cassia County Jail hoping Davis was used to i;onvicl the nortlieasWind Deep Creek and everyone assumed .hiid killed mostly of ‘ sheepmen, and .for n new •«nd-wafl stUJti* fronUer cowlwj' gunslinger of*- Sfllmon Falla River flowing ,. tlie m en. Th eir* cam p was sentenced to hang. An attorney trial located on Deep Creek on tlie named William - Hr. Boroli —there proclaiming . nifl..’ m u r d e r ...... northwest^ ■’became the cattlemen’s side of Deadline served as chief prosecutor of innocence whep two men, Tlie question Is still being dividing line. The sheepmen the tria l and many^ said it James F. Bower and Jeff • asked if he actually made Uie were allowed to use the eastern Ridge. served, as a means of Gray, confessed to .the murder ride as reported by witnesses portion and the cattlemen the It look some seven years to complete-Uut trialan d appoals.- -estiibliHhing-him-politically-for— ___ As. e a rly __ ^weatccn...juflUce during his long and dranmtic , area west of tlie ridge as a fSviclence in Uie trial'indicated his election as Idaho senator. y w ould h a ve it, they w e re murder trial, and if so, can re s u lt of a- g e n tle m e n ’s Uie two sheepherders had been . Davis was first sentenced to ’ acquitted and during an horses and horsemen of today agreem ent. — hang^June-47-lfl97...... -onsumingT,,«orios-ot-hearlngs,— - match the-onduranco of Uiose— - aicepjil^ii-increasTng in IKC — shot--- w ith ----- c a lib e r Appeals kept the colorful Davis p^ccived aovoral of the late 1090’s whcr?riding area 'a'h(i’' cattlemen' hod ammunition and testimony cowboy from hanging on Uie reprieves but was again was a way ctuwor the lllvldln e line o the ease and the trial. Cummings, were foi\nd Uie Door-«- N o s l- ra n c h , tliey — Tlio-proseeution also made a • m et lUs dooth when In 1040 ho ei^tablish him politically aniFcoltlc rnnges a n d ripinid In the Iri~aielnra~TnPO’s th e re w n g o nmrderod in thelr~ cajnp e lig ib le would havb trovoled obout M “ sccrct rido" ntnting - It- wna____ ^stepped in front of a taxicab suppbscdly made Uy ttie fronller M»b»r«nd growing feud .between sheep wdgoin.^Tliey had been dead a miles in five hoiirs. Defense - completed in four hours and 45 ana was [atally Injured. SunHlinger. and cattle ranchers over Uie num ber of d a y s a s dogs tied In Sundoyi. September 30, lW3.-TlmBa-Now».JCv^rln_Eill»i_ldohQ_s[ Appliatiees _

m o re troiiMe=^

iitrin^^'of complnints to* Ujc B y J A N E G R E G O R Y CliicaKoSuarTini«ar —Bettcc-Bualneaal-Buccau^ - Oh,. Ihe joy of our work- AJwaya asK it a serviceman saving, ejisy-UvinKrWorry-frcc gives; estimjUes, what Jhe modem conveniences -f- until .service charges are,-what'the - Ujoy go out-of-whucki ------— co.st per h o u r for labo r is and if A good cry or a few words of thb work is guarahtced.' InvectlvG ■ may provide Don't pay your bill until momentnry relief, but you you’re sure ITie appliance need more effective action, in really . works properly. And most cflscs. if it has to-come in donH sign anything yoif dort’t understand. Hopefully, you've , for rcpyir service' 1 Y08, 'flppUancc^-do^roquire . not only kept your wiirranty'on inoro'service Ihtin they used to. file but’ are familiar, with Us - "Consumer nctivitics scream . -provimons. Double check to see buill ’in obsolesconpo^-Tlic., _ if anj/ coverage remains. .. . ‘ finally, if the appliance is iippliante Industry counters i. “ruial-io before trouble ‘ a blown fuse, a malfunctioning develops. outlet, or breaks in the cord. ______conncqtiqns in_ found reliable .servicemen. Ihp plug or the appliance Itself. Thnt’H big money that guest Htar Lola Folana T h i .s w (»r <1 - 0 f - m o u t h ____ If hll. .else fails 'iinil y<>*>r Ill th e liS wearing In elaborate production number on recommendation-.’ ;'is no ■^,probleni,can't bo resolved' ••NBC F o llie s " T h u rs d a y . O ct. 4 (10-11 p .m . P T , gUHrantec, but it‘s-beUw than lobally. write or call the m o n v i y in folorrorTNBC'Ty. - calling soinqbody whose manufacturer giving all the reputation m av consist oj^^ • details of the trouble. Travelers should avoid some port; rooms.

piece of tape or - by ca relessn ess ” a n d .SVIggt'fitVtl U you're, carrying rogues'imd rascals. They’re flights, has started a drive to each air line to handle that pii.ssengers \vilh baggage Kopit'thing fragile. perha[)s an ■^^'ClI~f\vaye"T)T^h6niiffrc^ire^ -socnhnr-thcTrRhrbaga mnd m oltipltiinUi—«bAul-mi*xtng—or— —^onghf~Tn~blo\r~thc —nrroBlPcr^ntTrabroadrrtnni I he right contalne r^ dhmnued'luggngr.------whl.«;ttc ~nnd—nsk—ttr—see—the— — send U—with your-luggfige, . 'and costs of handling-sa.much baggage and constantly are 'Ricfie offices are frustratini’ carrier's station master/' ('arry, il Ignderly. . - strivin g to. im prove. I hey make you waste time But there are some other - ihjt an identifying mark (a "you'd"rather mil Wiifiifr — things'yoSicnn’dn to stny'out of- they make you do paperwork those baggage c^aUA offices, ^ SERVICE^ - j you’d rather not do. niese include: PARTS - SUPPLIES, — TTiDjp'Ye— a lso —7i“ h eadnche------"Watrh>'nurstntrnscciosely UTflOR/ZroSER VICF“ because when you must visit a when you're at the ticket A w ards fe te s e t c e n t e r .- ) baggage-claims office it I'ounter. I'Viuble riu'ck make Your ONE STOP FOB i usually-mean»;-you’re going to Kure the dork puls the right I.OS - AN(lKl.f-\S - On (Parley Prldo, Perforitilng, SERVICE WORK, NEW I l>e without your clothes and di'stinatiptt lag on it. If-you Monilay. tVt. 15 on the (*HS only, will be the Statler Il USED TRAVEL TRAIL, t toilet articles for a while. have doubts, ask Television Network, the Brothers. Tanya Tucker, £RS £ MOBILE HOMES ' , A llj»lpl»-N4»iler-Hroup.-lho— — Make sure vour nuipe and country music industry will Barbara Fairchild, Barbara ' Aviation Consumer Action addre.ss are bt>th inside and honor its own wUh.Tlie Seventh Mandrell and Jcannie Pruitt - MARLETTB. SHELTER X. “ P m je c t - f A {’A P » —has *t»ur-bHg- —Annual----- C oim trs------— In a production numbertitled-^ ~ COlUMBIA.TAMARAC»T" ' to ra g the governm ent and air If a sm lca^ l)ecomes old .A s s c i a 1 n .A w a r d s . 0 10 "N e w G ir l in T o w n ," Mis.s ■ ROADRUNNER. TERRY. SllVtR carriers aljout the subject . and worn, discard it. The oUl originating ip the Grand Ole Tucker. Miss Mandrell. Miss I STREAK. TRAVELETE ^ ACAP says the ll. S. jurlines ones a re l)ie one.s n u 'st often , Opry.H ouse in Na.*thvllle, Tenn Fiiirchild and Miss Pruitt will I Tece\ved 375.000 com plnints in \lroken optjn in handling. .J (M Yi i n g p r e i 0 u s I >• do a m ed ley of their recent 1972 and th at 2fi0.000 w ere 1( you have a clothing bag announced host-performer hits. Muss Tucker will sing i^^^^ATEWAY . j It. don't ^Vhal-ti '■ ----Mamo-^B- — ^TRAIIER-I- misplaced baggage. on lru sl ’It - lo the baggage of the in d u stry's .top nam es Naine'’;” Miss Mandrell. The group 'contends the lu m p artm e H l. Carr.y it on w ho will serve as performers. •'Burning the Midnight Oil; ' ' « ■ CENTER. Inc.) figure of baggflge beefs Is on board. presenters_or both,______Tw.nFolU A ..Miss.IfmrcliihL:TeiUb',Beflr Id o h o - f ' thd rise. — Because^ airlines, under Featured as presenters arid and Miss Pruitt. "Satin I , 733 3410 I The Civil Aeronnutlcs Board law. can'I pa>‘ more than 1500 perforniers will be Roy Clark. SJie e ts." (C A B ) says it. too. has noUccd liability for a lost or daningcd lorelfa LiTin.-EddjUtnnld and^ —• n « "^ “ *16 YimeV-fJew*. ^wV?TFa'irsria»ho— SUndAv? W h irip o o I« fiS 3iJ*^VVTnrlpool

Schedule ... WE NEED TEN I Snturday. October 6 r 7sl — Mistcrogers _ ', A t 6:30 p .m . on chonncl 5 o 3:00 - -n

9:00 2b, 5 — Mtu-y M oore 2sl, 4sl, 7b — Sigm und 4b — An American Family ' ■ 2b. 3, . ' — Speed Bu g g y 7:30 0. 11 — B ra d y K id s 2b, 3^, 5 — Bob Newhart 9:30 8:00 2sl. 4sl, 7b, 0 — Pink Pantlier 2sl. 7b, 8 — M o v ie :. ^Support 2|), 3, 5 — Jo sie , Y o u r Lo ca l S h e riff” _____ i-ll MaglC' ____2b. 3, 5 — Carol Burnett . 10:00 4 b 7 7 s l^ S o c i a l of the W eek 2sl, 4sl, 7b — Jetsons - 11 - Griff ...... 2b - Archie. - . 8:30 _ 3,J^ — LDS Conference 4b — Special of the Week 0, 11 — M ovie --- ^ -- 7sl — Electric Company 2b — Gunsm oke 10:30 — 3 , 5 — Dan August 2sl — Inquiring Editor 11 - Tlie Waltons ' 7b - Go - 10:00 2b — Fat Albert — 2sl,-2b, 3, 5, 7b, 11 ^ N e w s 7sl — Se sam e Street 4sl — B la c k w e ll’s People _'_8— Good Ole Nashville 7b. 0. 11 — Major Uague M u sic , .Dlyialona! Playoffs. 10:15_^______2b — Flintsto nes 2b — M annlx 2sl, 4sl — American 10:30 ■ Bn n dstond --- - . • 2sl,.7b = Dean M arlin _____ 1 7 .2 .C U . It. No-Frost retrlgerator-freezer- - 0 - - Viewpoint •• 8 Police :Story~r~:------IU 3 0 ___ 4gl _ N e w s ■ . wllliT:arililever shelves -asl, ab,4-Bl-~-NCAA_EQQtbalL _ l i ^ 0 _ . Ja c k of pJL, -Adjustable-steel-shelves-to-fil-your-needs-*—jet Gold- .7sl • - Electric Company 3 — Movie: Afternoon D ia m o n d s" 0 meat keeper • twin porcelain-enamel crispers • super •12:00 ■ 5 T- Barnaby Jones A storage doors • removable ice server • textured steel 3 — Flintstones '•( 10:45-- 5 — Young Americans 4sl — News 3 'hat don t PRICE WILL VARY 7sl -^Zoom 11 — V iew s 12:30 11:00 r : S T ' " e ' i ; ^ -according to your :i — Bailey's ComeLs 4sl — R o ck Concert 1 -5--- To-Be-Annoiinoed c le a n t n g r —— —TRADEi------— ----- 7hI — Electric Company • .. 5 — Movlo: ‘‘Tonight We • 1:00 S in g " 3 — Hair Hear Bunch ' 11:15 5 - Garner Ted; Armstrong 2b — M o vie ; “ Q )n ip an y of f Y E L E C T R I C 7sl — Sesam e Street K ille r s " S ______annliiiiiro sliirr siiK'i' I U ia n Clan ^ OPEN FRI.'Til 9^ CLO^E AT 5 P.M. ON SAT. --- 5-=-NFI“ Ga»M»-or-aio-Weok- ___ 2iil — M o vie ; VDead H eat on 2:00 - - a Morry*Go Round” 'Whirlpool Whirlpool' 'Whirlpool :i, 5 L D S Conference n —Movie To lie Announced fieptombcf 30, 1971 ‘ • --- -— ------.-J--- -— • . -kininft -the graaa botwoon Incomo-no id ytor. Grow aomo piBCo or groon- bolwoon ca ch -jzByXlEORGEADIlAHAM climb a trcUig or-wirfr;---- atones. luffa,-or vegetable flpongeal Vflowcr acts them;off. HOME GUpWN GOURDS: Growing tH bm li' easy; but i; Saturate the space ^ I n ARRANGING FLOWERS: It's a fact that a few Howers . Each ycnr wo roiso gourdsDurdsbiil bul knowing when to harvest the ARRANG NG KLOWi^i^^ JX X r e s h o w ^ ---- gosollnirDr kerosene. 2. P o u r on* ' this year we tried„ a dlHorcnl luftobnlHcdu».ToRotUlotoal Sto a vnio; \ r Tx,iu„g pi.rioilipBUy.--3, type-—-we-|^re ■ ing< m u n L ______. . . _____ n-fcw—hints—on-uslng-youi goura is allow od.to ripe n on the Luffa cylindrica, haUcd aa ^ ' n ORF o L k ’i S ^ P I N E : . Personally, I like graps vine'nnd‘ harvcst^sd-when the flo o rs for beat rirrangcments: the-wonder gourd of the orient This Item likes a oool room, not between stones. It!s pretty and .grows on vines similar to a akin has tu rn ed ytollow. helps hold the stones or bricks — ni Select a suitable over 70 degrees.* F. Poor oucumber. b\it ih^ fruit To prepare, we picked the in place. Does any one have container. (2) Go oiit and snip, drainage and hot tm perature produces.a sponge, green and gourd-and poured boiling-hot better suggestions for poping off some evergreen boughs w ill cause the b ran cn es to s tart amoothrlO, to }fi-lnchoB long.— As bath sponges, the luffs pieces ni»u vun.«« v m o i*/ . " •«„ ..... gourd has beqn widely popular. Grow In a light, seml-sunny thenT along. In the British Isles, for a 1 ^ removed. Also remove seeds at. -^foam hold theJlowor stems in to semi-flhady window, out of _ QUESTION BOX tim e. this time. Elofc- Many sUll use a shallow d ire ct flUn. N o rfolk Island pine QUESTION OF ' THE Its resUleney makes the The cleaned sponges^ are— dlaVnnd-to hold; flowers-they . {WaUcaria excelsa) has stiff . W EEK: F. R: of Twin Falls: vegetable snongtr useful for exposed to sun and air unUl resort.'to a needle point bolder ^d-nWo-r-olBod—some Chiocflg ______: lllle ra , .sllppcVs soles, labio rtjw^WjrTli*lirdnmd-blttichcd!n^i:icn,lled-n-“ fMgT^^ capable of producing cones:, lanterns for the first time this mats, pillow'stuffings and The sponges are dipped in n' (3) Use lowers tha^ ore u n its n a U ve habitat this-plne --year,-but know nothing about liners for tropical helmets. weak solution Of household “hardened, off. This ttienns cutting the stems and plnceing • r & c h o s iji height of 200 feet, but how to prepare it for winter Young fruit la delicious when bleach to make them nice and them In cool w a te r overnight In In your home o f gree^ouse it's decorations. Please help. Also, used like okra In soups or white. a b asem ent. These "ha rd en ed ” not likely to grow .over 4 or 5 please give us some stews. Each husky luffa plant qan flo w e rs'ta k e up h lot-of w ater feet. This.item makes a good Information on the sllyerjlollar Wo started dur luffa seeds In produce up to 25 or more and won’t wilt after you house plant especially, around tlie grcenhoiLse and trnlnod the sponges which will retail from p lan t.” . ------— Qirlstmas-timc.______1 ----- The sp-callod— Chinese vines to grow up Dh the' sash irio~n:25-in-Ktfrshiip5:------—arran g e-th em (4) Stairtv placing flowers in the vase. It lakes quite a bit of abuse. lan tern ( P h y s a lis a lk c k e n g i) is b ars. H o w e ve r; th ey can t?c ~ MAyb

.-Cockscomb; cut as — cnn'ln pint Jnrs.------KILLING G-RASS soon as mature or they may BETWEEN BRICKS: Some shatter. Cut crested types Uts'grnabfliveeh'stonca nnd - when thoyrcach U,e^a«e-you -• ■ ■ Itko but before OiuyhCBinlo set bricks, some don’t. Here pre some good suggestions .for s e e d s. New comedy starts

HOLLYWOOD - Mol Friday, Oct. 5 on the CBS StuuarLhad-no-burjiing-desire— Tulovision-Network--- - - ■ into Sihnw _l_li:i.Qne.QLmany.SQlldj:rcdUa__ business. of a career encompassing the STANDING up tall on a Rool'i mnngy bnck. He seemed to be rather New York stage and motion trying to «tay upon IhfrlBhltrm -V.lhIjSfUHinn aimless. In fact, until a wise pictures, in addition to rrealurr who'* cnlUd Snm I Am hn» the pivotal imcli* ca n ie along and helped television. role In "Green EBg« nnd llnm ." one ol three him find a sense of direction. /\nd it a ll started whenTht Uie _„o-of_l7 ^ tam irt ..rccplvu'd... n G Ji*e C n ?p” ^iTo'SThe Loose,- Tbli new onlrauted n successful career as an aclor. both a typewriter and a ipeelnl In the aeelnlmeil »erle« bnied on SU'wart will be seen this saxophone as felftfe from his a n d h a m . - Theod|ilLint.-SfmiU X'ieLf!'.* rhymed ^ord- season a s h ard -n o sed , no- uncle, who believed that till teaehlnl book, will be broadcnil Monday, Ort. nonson.se A rm y F ir s t Sg t. B . J.' young men should hdve a 15 (8;30—9iOO P M , E D T l on the C B S Television Bryant on "Roll Out:.*' neu;' direction-in-.hte — m ooin *Ne«work.-™.j------— ^^— . arts. l i ' -Tjm W -NW t, T iiln ^ P slb i.ld a h i Supdw.' Seplember. 30,- H73 -. ■ J^rodueers

N l-:w Y O U K...... — I f s not...... as if ' i i i a L i^i'anic show s -d b iri •nou«h pi ob lcuis . prt'i-’lutly O ivursily and quuU ly. ''iTmmprnm?----- it— imjiht;— with-t^nsidcroble- iU'coss ru le ." u hii’h look a h alf f^all. luHir away from notworlc- . .If the atiiljsticb don’t put u pro^raininK oaolt-ovcnin^ and deni iiv-Uio rUlei however, the );avi' It to tlif lotMl .stiiUous. . ■ statio n s-seem deterxnjn c d to . X>i.K‘-imiiur j-oal u u ii.la in u im iu - .uuike . their ow7P*curioua — lI^rtvcraUy.-und-j»Kl-|>oiiBibly— -:cuuLdbiiUmia.,Cunaitkc-IwQ . tlu* q u ality, of T V faro. • current access half hours on lVoIT»7TlTyriHi^^xnT~sovt?ritl— — Kchedulo^-Uoth - - inilojioiuiunt prbducfist that , hap|)en to nature-unlinai oppose the rule, includinii programs. If the footai’e is Warner Hrothers. Twentieth. ^ooU, tlie program cai) be ({ood.

Piclures, iinalyzed the schedule-for tl\t* current’ Seimon Dne of tlie b e lle r is* ‘W ild , and filed th e ir daUi with tl»e Wild World of Animals, l-’ederal Conuuunications* which. with William Commission. Amonj* the (••Cannon*’) Conrad us findings; narrator, comus by way of the IV io r I d the. ru le ,'in Uie lD7tt* British B r 0 a d 0 a s t i n 71' seaaoivr-W-pei'-oenl-ol-Uio-^— cuipim iUoiL-Urul-Xim CEtltC. annroximatelv 2.100 half Iwur^ ‘ FHms. lire'flrst installmenl. us involved were occupied by seen at a~studlo screenihK. network entertainm ent [M'ovided a fascinutint< ciosoup prot*: .jn u n ii. T h is , sc>»son. (‘limpse of u pride of lions in N O R M A N F E L lT pVoraptly lalln lo love with nearly G7 per cent lire feuturinj4 'I'anzuniu. ----- I .alter "•fcallnB" her nway syndicated entertainment Kine, except when the (roili. the competltlan. In “ tlic Silent Spring pi'oi^rarii w as stu w n on Uie a ir ■ Love in Une” on NBC-tV'l “NecdlM and Pins" proj^ruminK. And. of Uitit total,, just under 55 per eent ure liunio^j on Tuesday evening of last colorcast Friday, Oct. 5. Ml<» FleralnB'B»e»t-‘ ' weeU.Hic print was cut and bloom ? stars as a high foshlon designer In the episode. shows, up from about 23.pac. cent in the 1971-72 sejiaori and . clipped in h^im crous spqLa. H ie fro m l r pcrcunt:irrthc::l970t7iz. — roault7-y/h|le—not—dish^troufir- ;iCUSon. . - _ ------wa.s.choppy_jenough tO/«annoy _ Eight heart transplant Of coursci it mijiht be ariiuod ruiher Uian f^scin^b.

medlcaUenter research team, same o[fcra^na^-JLhey B y B O B R O S E headed-by Dr. Norman E. were more co-operative with (c ) Chicago Dally News A fter You've Sh u m w ny had-hird“annbunred'— Uio media. —PALO ALTO. Calif, - One 7 Scores' of surgical teams . hundred fifty putienta were that animal research “ had around the wortd got into the Shopped The Sales- operated on in tho heart demonstrated transplantation act. Surgeons in 29 nations — transplunt bodm of 196& and of the human heart would be feasible and tfiorthe first Such Ar’^entlna, Huaaia, Peru,. , 1969. Only eight-of them are Switzerland. Chile. allye today. ,j . ‘ operation was .. beinu contemplated. .Shumway and Czechaslovaltia, Poland, and But the . 65. who have _____• ' t.i.wi_tried_lhein_lucKi_ IVijiIr liu'lr undergone the same surgery Jil9^ .colleagues— had— been— ^mor the reuction began since then, 27 are still uround, reporting on their laboratory Theh After You've Been work in scientific journals for setting in. People who were moat of them living full, oncrated on almost assuredly productive, vigorous lives — 15 tlie preceding eight years. aed in hours, days or, maybe, Quoted the Discount of them from pne to nenrly four u few months. The heudlines years. Without the operution, But Barnard grubbed the ubout the “ miracle surgery’' . scalpel fist -and became an _ all would hove been dead — were matched by headlines of most within 30 days and the overnight surgical superhiiro. 'itaticnt deaths. rest within 90.. The statistics are improving in the.patient’s

Now, instead of facing certain, almost immedlato ^Boon"Boforc“ tho Stanford Then Com e to - team b" Ban : lla w o rK v-lth.. ns P « rfo rh iln B the s u rg e ry after H-doath, a pationt-has a -SO^O. T U T lly .tWQ“ Qf.“ l h ______"chancc ofaurvlvlng at-lonst a- >Uttle-ffinfflre.ua-po3Biblo. survived In a dozen tries. Claude Brow n's After the first operation, ye h r and a one-out-of-three Cooley explained to — chanco4oc-lwo-or-three years.. ___ Shumw

..... ‘!Cut glass first made In the By BART QUESNELL ^ Somo dcnlcni nro classllylng “ mode by nnyoijc, According to b o tto m ry — :------— Wnrbergr--- — : ; • Cttnpetition can be tough at 1880s Is ono ot tho beat Item s TlBiM -Newi W riter objects from 18M to lOlD and you'can have," hbo said. Warberg has mode sure that ouctions. W a rb e rg s iy s ho has -TWIN ITAT.I.S — There are older as antlquca. PaOl She also deflla in old Bavaian — hifl-nom© U o n - cvcty- p Icc c_p l_ _Mcn_dcaler^walk through the probably more collectors Itrans W srberg, owner with hla-wlfe China but says she docs carry fumUure that ho finishes now. items ^ n « sold and place a _than___ KDnulno___ anlLqoeA.:. oLthelHCjUBam,MjUaiio sIb Pl 'nartieular4tom-with-a-bundle -itoms-that she docsA’t-llkO-biit_ scattered throughrtut Magic said many people^! Ihings “ Somo’coUecton. .m.,------taantiqueaoc.nciULaiitlaucafor_ ho tlilnks w ill bo sold together. ^whiehvmen tmis« ll . g6kpuu o d. ~ -‘Van5yZSnnqu53Mlffr:«tiotir’--- imUqi)«»:»hen4hey-a»-«fly M M rs.— Hazel— Ofltrmid«>n----- eertain-^limltod—odltiona— — Tho-criterlB-whloh-'many--- to-0()-yeaiju)ld_----- — ;— investment purposes rflgsoning: Mrs. Hazel Ofltnnidt d iat the v a lu e o f lh ^ ^ J e t T w U I- r^n7>f]^f~rtnn^Br:-tnugfaa~at^the--- rincfading-pqlntcd platos-aro-- antique dealers in the E- a s t use “ People w ill drive )00 miles idea of Avon and Jim Beam, hot items rIgHfnow. u m attos— ' Is Uiat the object bc 'lW years- to Ret a bargain whet) It's t Im : with age. — Fiim tture, plates and clocks bottles 08 collectors items. little if an item is a genuine _ old before U ,ta. claflsWled an advertised as antTquo,’' he “ They're just zilch to me,” antique she said if the pwpie laughed. are probably selling faster ' antlqae. •Somb dealers in the she said. want it. West say the age U purely There are cer.^ln ceUoctws right now than other ilcrfis ding to Mrs. W arberfi. Her Interest is In glass. Ju st like, anything else she items howovcri,: . -.gubjoctiyo^ epple-espcdaily-likfr-gowF^ ------^fiald7^WhonTthQ.-auppljt:j:anH:- equal demand the price goes up few w e re nnndo oi: fe w n ro left. workmanship," al^said. “ You UoeordtiTB to Chic Huycs, and-up on'STupT.’ ' . - " " i ‘ r ' An Item Is vnlunblp for four Just can’t got tables and chairs Hayes Furniture, came out on Mrs. Ostrander sold tiwt basic reasons: the like these anymore." lmmily*ant cars, or on the each dealers shop in town vrorkmnnahip, the age, inc Peolera will occasionally get trnin. ^>o Eastern part of the Good contained som e antique piecos. identtflcotiori or becnuac Uiero “Sneakers” at auctions _United States hos been ----ii.Vou-oan-t-roaIly. p u t.a .a e t wQsn llrnllsmmiininTinnleT-Air Warberg— snidr“ bnt‘-oftcn* responsible for the greot share age on on, antique,alieT------said. item identified os being mode dealers Just take a chanco at ot antiques in this area he said. Many of the early 1000 itcn)s- by a porticulnc-llicjividunl Is c- several-things being aold‘fn one "Ho mided, “ Tirc’West is not nre listed in ontlque books.” gcnernlly m orevoliinble than a biindlo" libpln'g there Is old enough to contain a great ,C6n*nlen p lay on the antique piece that could have been something valuable In the many nntlquea." -- f d e a le r h q a v ily sh e ,3jri.(S. K cce n tly , $3,00Q_Wii{i Iflken out Tliere is a lot of good and of B o ise V a lle y and a t leoat one -dlvorjjo—re a d in g —am ong - .the -•dcnlei^ln=^Twtn— PalU —was— : booksjoks coming In for foil. fall. conned for some cash. -FftUhful— magaalnc------Pinrtcrs- snkl— they— got--- renders should like W. A. professionals throufih all the Swnnberg’s "Luce and His Uim e during Uie year and liave Em pire” (D ell, »1.05). The to, w atch for the fakes. biography of Henry Luce Antique, dealing is a wanders in narrative, omits competitive business, the founding of Life and Sports ••They're all Scroungers.'’ lUustrated and is intent on 'M rs , • O stran de r said of Uie |M>rlraying tha-publisher-aa.a - dealers she-knows.-...... Il’s-an.. ■pielogbh^flnic who' shaped t 'interestitf« 'hobby - iind“ a •JUBtoc^jour-nallaticaUy^fiut if- . :t.hallengc-to-fin(r’ a kittle " i s ‘good reading because ireusure Uiat is really wortlu Swanberg has inimy insights to something.” Lucc’y personality. If you’re contemplating a ------■trJp"tO'Chlnn-yoirshould-rcHd— -Edgal-Snow^-lasL-hQQk.JrlThlLi- nonfr^RcvoUitlon":- ( vintage, - $1.95). It Is his account of a six- Q l month visit in China between 1970 and 1971. - -1-ike a -trayei editor, Snow is • Uiorouiih ■ ='^rrbm uses of ■ GIVE ;—acupuncture to-teen-age sex to y... . long interviews with M ao Tse- — GllVI H ------Tung and Chou En-I^l. TERRARIUM ... -— Pauline Kael’s fourth collection—of movie rijvlews THINGS AUR POPPlNrr"as TclTBaxtcr (Ted Tw neitnr way In liclng int'Otif- ~ if ^ n ^ i7 -rlRhtrintrod»oc 8-hlS drid, played by from the New Y o rk e r Is ■nppppr Into- M o vie s " g IhsI «hul in Ihsn wllh the Unm Dunn (center), to Mii^r*5^oughter^ t77Sln.tooT-pUnll—m eiim - ( Atlantlc-Uttle, Brown, I3.D5). S u rp ris e (Gavin MacLeod) on the occasion of a surprise •Tlie r e v ip w s ‘ a re on m ovies visit from his long-lost father, on ‘‘Tlie Mary v is it Tyler Moore Show" Saturday. Oct. 20 (9:0(V9:30 that cam e out between 19G9 and p.m. ED T ) on the CBS Television Network. 1973. __ It-may,secm-ailly to re.-rcnd movie reviews, but Kael's w riting is superb. If th at’s not a good enough reason, som e of 647 Mqin Avr. W«lt tlie^movies shc reviows will bo Twin FalU, 733-2674 -on TV-this-seasnni------loccil program yardstiek IRISH TAPE Rv KAV M ILLS S u b c 0 m i t t e e o n influence. Bills under (c) NewHouse News Service Communications and powyr consideration have scores of WASHINGTON - In a Tuesday he doesn't think the congressional sponsors. 8 TRACK CASSETTES tu rn a b o u t. !•' e d e r a 1 . program performance In opposition are public • Communications—Gommisaion- —Btnmtnrds need to be written Interest group* .which, have. New Cromlum Dioxide often used (he license-renevsal J 2 .4 0 .6 4 (FCC) Qtairnian Doan Burch _tnta-licenscjentamUegisl{Uia.n, treated ForHmproveil says he now favors telling the subcommittee is process as a tin.e lo negotiate & 80 MINUTE television stations how much considering. But Rep: .Torbert • for changes m local Reproductive local or public affairs MacDonald i D-Mass.t. broadcasting or • hiring RECORDING TIME progromminK they must carry subcommittee—chairman. practices. They oppose any Performance to keep their broadcast h4Ulpd Burch's move to his side m e a s u r e I h e v fia.\l w o u ld licenses; on the tssue and said he may rwluce their leverage That means tlial as long as a try to put the standards in the T h e K C t ’ c h i i i r m a n GUARANTEED QUALITY PERFORMANCE locpl T V station cUH-sn't have ~law “so broatk-asters will have mentioned no specific- About Qtir Roducod Pricos “ oO»crwi'6UU - aofirn^nrnw-^ ••fion>elhin>: to shoot”al. pi'rcen la gVs~ ^rprn-Rrnm ^im i- such ns failure to act to end AUiiough not a - headline- in tns testimony. He said while On Quantity l^urchasosi employment discrimination - m a k in g issu e , the^ lic e n s e they mighi disagree on A JS O #1 A 3” ***"< it'coiild keep on broodcnstin^ if renewal legislation has numbers. most .of the it met a percentage yardstick generated a major lobbying I'ommtsstoners -generally set up by thc FCC. T. effort-by broadcasters seeking regarded such )i standard iis CONSUMEn ELECTRONICS SUPPLY COMPANY ^m iiVch;;'aoId~th

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nd»y7-6«|>««mb«r 30r1W-TtM»s-Nnil«7-Tv/ln-F«Mt^W*(i» >»— _1.953 BCBCSC^'©ii-F ■ - . - .. — :■■- ^ ■ -^rrS-FiSie.g *------The greatest event of the year with the Qrea+est amount of promise for the citizen^i lwin Falls ^e our -yniteB Fund kick-off luncheon. Th^e luncheon ' ----- j ^ D A V ; bcir. l~^t V2:00 noon' at-the Turt dub.. Your luncheon committee promises fun for all and prizes galore during the nneeting. u All campaign workers and officials are to attend t e -kick-off meeting.TiWorker kits will .be„handed out to the - -vr -workers pt thp luncheion. YOUR UNITED fUND GONTRIBUTIGN SUPPORTS . t h e FOLLOWING ORGANIZATIONS: • Amorlcan Rod Cross •CatnpFii;e Girls •YM CA

• 'YWCA # A r t h r i t i s Foundotion • Montal Health Association - - i Bov :>couts of Amorlcd .G irls Scouts.of USA • Salvation Army ' . • Unitog^^icenOrgoriigatlon v ' .

*THIS LUNCHEON IS BEING PAID f o r b y t h e FOLLOWING: ~»~ldoho~pir»t-Notlonol-Bonl< . ' — I Sierra Lifa Insuronc* • Twin Fall* Bank A Trust —FIRST :U t jpadoro^ Savin g s 4T.oon A s ilK . • First Security Bonk ot Idoho FEDERAL • The Bonk of Idaho • Equltabld So\>ingt ft Lban Aicsoc. SAVINGS F E B E F tA U

- 1» TlniM-N«v«.-Tvuin Iltaho. Sunday, Seplemlwr 30, 19>3_