Jet Crash Probe Continues Chamber Office
'■‘;: ■*;-"v*'.'^®^ V-A /■ * - > ,y J s i - r r - - I Dii'Mct-Court ; ,•'&•'•!>.-) •/• ••••-:,•. •^v*f^vi*fl , „ 1 ‘x 1 1 «•' EstatesITdataa Dial)filed MnvNov. 29Q~_ 8 - VeronaVppiiim ' ‘ • ‘ j| 1 1 Rebich with Frank Paul Eebidh named administrator; Dec. 7— Rickie Dean Alley with Shirley m mI , Dickerson named administrator; , Dec. 8— Nellie Murphy with Agnea Gran&bury as adm inistrator’; 4 Patrick Desmond Barrett with:, James G. Barrett as adsMj minlstrator. - , Termination of joint tenancy' filed Dec. 5— Luejla Aihleeqi; Waldemar (deceased) and Trevor1 Hiram Waldemar. ; ^ Fifth District Court judge, Frank E. Blair was busy in the counties of his district during the last week of * i p ^ November with probate, civil, criminal and juvenile matters. BEAVERHEAD COUNTY An order was made approving ihe report of Avis Hoeming, public fe administrator , for summary Vital Statistics disiribulion of the estate of Daniel H. Phillips. The sole heir, a son Darwin H. Phillips, inherited the of Southwestern Montana oniire estate of his father. In the estate of Lelah Stewart, deceased, the court approved the • Marriage Licenses • What's Doing? report of Mrs. Hoerning, as public administrator, respecting her sale Dec. .8— Robert Lee Cole, 24, MONDAY DECEMBER 11 of real property, a house and lot at Pablo, Mont., and Sharon Ann Rotary, 6:30 p.m., State Dining 461 Kentucky, which sold for $3,600 Alsburg, 20, Missoula; Willard Room. i he only bidder. :f ; 10 Greyson Phipps, 39, Lima and BCHS Board of Trustees, 8 p.m., A final discharge was entered in Marguerite Kay Murphy, 34, High School.
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